tfshouldidohere · 1 year
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fandom-trash-goblin · 2 months
This is a chance to post your not-posted chengxian ideas if you have any. Please gimme gimme gimme gimme-
nonnie you've come at the sort of the right place. i'm like so late to fandom strolling without starbucks because in this house we boycott, and i'm sure this idea must have been done before. but. still. thanks for the ask, i put actual effort into this, hope you like it!! <3<3
A) to the point of invention AU
literally "i love you to the point of invention"
jiang yanli is at lotus pier and she dies :(. wwx and jc proceed to go absolutely feral and codependecy skyrockets
golden core melted-wwx in total breadown canon followed
until golden core transfer fails. fuck. dealers choice how
maybe smthing smthing jiang cheng wakes up to see he's being operated on. his brother lied to him about baoshen sanren and he's about to lose another sibling. #traumatised
both wwx and jc lose their core. they mad angry abt it, at the others throat- codependecy spirals. maybe they fuck. maybe they don't. anyways.
wwx invents demonic cultivation with the intent to protect-- he's mad about it being safe coz his shidi is gonna have to learn it to rebuild lotus pier and take revenge. they'd do it together. cue mad frenzy! wwx, jc handling it with the same ease he's done for years, and wen sibs watching this absolute clusterfuck wondering if these freaks are brothers or lovers or a secret third option.
demonic cultivation being so op and still mad safe because that's his shidi who he has to protect! . maybe they figure out how to power zidian through resentful energy
so you have DEMONIC CULTIVATORS! JC and WWX, both of them. rebuilding lotus pier, taking in E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E that passes their dodgy moral code. unconventional sect numero uno. super-effing-powerful. No. 1 power couple #lifegoals.
nobody knows whether these two are fucking or not. even i don't. parasitic relationship but like lichen.
Jin Ling don't exist (sad face) but Jiang Yuan, sect heir, new gen demonic + spiritual cultivator, all around powerhouse. his xian-gege and wanyin-ge are so so proud.
where's the rest of the world, isaac? where's lan zhan. oops. forgot about them. pretend they're avoiding the demonic cult. (baby there's so many holes in the plot that it's practically cartoon cheese.) I just know there's gonna be a lot of cultivation science. and politics. and worldbuilding. and wwx being shidifucker extraordinaire.
B) blur on the horizon AU
title from Lady Lazarus by Slyvia Plath. //my brother is still alive. still dead. was brought back with a lazarus shot and a slap to the face// when visibility's poor, i'm the blur on the horizon//
wwx dies. and wakes up. not in mo xuanyu's body.. but in some random cultivator's body. like. and year or two post siege or burial mounds
he travels straight to jc. lotus pier still be recruiting. the recruiters take in this shady man.. let's be real. everyone here is just as shady.
he get's the intro. gets shown the rebuilt pier, the rules and The List. The List being how to defend gongzhu from shitty people and shittier politics. he's so fawking proud bit also resentful and angry because he should have been there. twin prides on yunmeng, remember? (for once in my life let wwx be the more bitter one abt yunmeng shuangjie yeah?)
WWX tries to stay away from JC. but he can't. let's be real he cant.
he climbs up the ranks fast... everyone can see this man would give his life for sect leader jiang. cue Second in Command being WWX 2.0 . wwx, for his part is so bitter but also incandescently happy. man never met an emotion he couldn't twist.
Jiang Cheng is wondering why this random cultivator seems so familiar. it get's so bad that he uses zidian to check this one whether he's wwx every once in a while.
but Jiang Cheng is also so tired of seeing ghosts from the corner of his eyes. and jin ling likes this new SIC when he barely likes anyone apart from his jiujiu. he lets go a little. wwx can wait, for once in his life.
cue wwx gaslighting jc into thinking there's no way this one could be wwx. also him being conflicted because on one hand jc's starting to trust him, and this life is almost everything he's dreamed of, but on the other, he's doing this as Random Cultivator and not WWX, how could you forget me, Shidi?
again, for once in my life let wwx be the more bitter one abt yunmeng shuangjie yeah?
idk i havent resolved this one. but there's a scene where wwx finds out abt chenqing, and jc in a fit of anger, after a hell lot of provoking, talks abt how SIC should have been his brother's (the feared yilling laozhu's) and not some strangers. and jc thinks this guy's gonna run far away from the madman his sect leader is but he's only more loyal more sticky more everything? is everything alright up in his head??
C) digging your grave AU (attempted sexual assault tw. it fails and the man's dead.)
title from Richard Siken's / our father who art in heaven / our father who art buried in the yard / someone is digging your grave right now. /
all of jiang cheng's life, he's never been wanted first, yeah? His father prefers his elder, adopted brother. His mother prefers her work and if she has to interact with someone it's his elder sister. His elder sister's got her own life- a boyfriend madly in love with her- a future mother-in-law who's more of a mother than her own- and sometimes Jiang Cheng thinks even she prefers Wei Wuxian more than him. (jin guangshan was rich, and is dead, good riddance.)
the only one who's cared about him is Wei Wuxian- JC's always been his person for wwx. and that matters so much... here's the person who loves Jiang Cheng for himself, someone for who he isn't a disappointment.
so when one day, on the day of wei changze and cangse sanren's tenth death anniversary, jiang fengmian, drunk out of his mind, tries to kiss wwx, saying how he looks so much like his parents and jc watches it happen. he sees how wwx is so fucking scared.. his brother, his person, the only person who has ever mattered is terrified.. and he just. sees scared and so fucking angry that he doesn't think. it's red. grabs his mother's favourite vase, and smashes is against his father's head
there's a dead man on the floor, bleeding into the carpet. baby jc going hysterical that he killed his dad. and wwx is cold. he can think it through. he's been betrayed by a man he thought as a father... and there's no one he can trust anymore. he has to save jc.
they bury jiang fengmian in the backyard, and run. they dont look back.
years later, jiang fengmian is a homicide case, wwx is a deranged kidnapper and murderer still at large, and jiang cheng is presumed dead. meanwhile, there's two lovely men living in a backwater town, bickering like old married couples do, and it's so nice to see love is in the air. nothing strange about them, yeah? they must have had those old-fashioned prejudiced people for parents. good on them for running away.
@jcs-singular-slut-strand come see what i wrote!!
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lonicera-edulis · 3 months
do u have any advice for someone downloading lotro for the first time??? u make it look so cool!!! 🌸
Well, I am not very sure I am playing right. I can't speak to people nor offline nor online somehow, so I am missing a lot.
• First, you will have to type password everytime you go to play.
• Then, choosing a server to play on. Each one has their own purpose, there are American and European, some are RP oriented, some are for raids, etc. Although I've heard people there are insufferable with particular rules. (I play on Landroval and I like it so far).
• There are lots of setup to prepare. For graphic options there are videos and articles.
In Options you will find UI settings, where you will be able to change size of various elements (map radar, quest tracker, etc.)
• For a good time I didn't know how to change size of a text in quest dialogue.
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• You can look up how to set up chat as well, and text there can be colored for you to notice stuff easier.
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• And once you set everything for your use, you can save it by typing /ui layout save [name] in chat. If you change something accidentely, you can make it look like before with /ui layout load [name] command.
• Then there are useful plugins to help with better game experience:
I have Deed Tracker, Emotes Helper (to have all emotes automatically in a separate window) and Lotropad (very useful for saving commands so you can just copy/paste them, other game details; and you can upload images (maps with specific locations for example, but I put funny backgrounds for my text xD)
I also have Opaque Quest Tracker and MoorMap.
And SongBook for those who want to be musicians. But I only play My Little Pony and TF2 Soldier Theme xD
• Another things I was unaware for a good time are cosmetic outfits (I don't remember why but I couldn't slot anything there so I assumed it's a pay-for-thing, there happened this funny screenshot though) and one bag instead of 3 separate ones (opening one bag is more comfortable for me, and to make one you just need to drag slots from other bags to the first one while in edit mode).
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• There is also a Filter Panel, to filter out some loot, quests and sounds. For items you need to drag it into a panel (I put lootboxes there).
• There are things like LOTRO points you can get through doing deeds in game rather than transfering your money (I spent my first good bunch on making steeds faster for the whole account, but you can also save some for buying a game content expansion).
• Folks in chat also remind of codes sometimes that give you useful stuff (to redeem a code you will need to go to the LOTRO store).
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• Yeah, since I am a f2p player, I have to write down destinations to navigate easier in Middle Earth. I am writting them down to not forget:
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• Finally, there is also https://lotro-wiki.com/, quite useful. And if something is unclear for me, I go to search for answers in websearch or on YouTube.
• And, I see people do play the game differently, you can skip quests and do whatever, but I am personally here for going through LOTR story and watching the stories of LOTRO characters too (even if I am mostly interested in dwarves and hobbits, but oh well). There are also seasonal Festivals in game, they are fun! You will be able to get a good looking outfit and a beautiful steed.
I think I wrote down most of what brought confusion to me first time. For sure I forgot something important, but I hope you will be able to find answers. Good luck.
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drifloonz · 1 year
Hey I love your writing I was wondering if you can do headcannons on Glitchy red finding a way out of his game too be with the reader?
hey remember when i actively did things here. i don't. Anyways [ tries to do that again bc i forgor and i feel bad abt staring at all of these asks for so long w/o doing anything ]
glitchy red finding a way out of his game to be w/ reader :]
headcanon style bc i am exhausted of writing and prob Will be for a while. at least w glitchy specifically. i hope this is good cuz' it's mostly me detailing my brainthoughts abt how glitchy could hypothetically escape in more detail.
♡ i like to think the reader in this case-scenario gives glitchy a much needed hope and desire to escape his game, which he didn't previously have bc he's definitely THOUGHT about it but he's like... too scared of change to actually try it despite how horrible his game is, i'd think. he's used to being constantly tormented and wouldn't know how to adapt. at least, that's the excuse he uses. he's also afraid that if he succeeded he'd literally glitch out of existence and "die" since yk, game glitches or characters aren't supposed to take physical form in real life because they're pieces of code.
♡ but once he meets you and you talk of everything in your world and you show him genuine care, you make glitchy realize he wants to be there and experience those things, and that maybe change wouldn't be so bad. after all, it'd definitely be better than the constant hellscape he's living in. even if he "died" in the way that he fears, it'd probably be better than living endlessly in his game. ...probably.
♡ as such, he tries to find a way to escape his game. the thing about that? way easier said than done. he has a lot of ideas, but a lot of them sound stupid.
♡ he still tries the stupid ideas because he knows full well that he himself is something that is not supposed to happen or exist, so he'd assume the games fucked up enough that the stupid ideas might also work. who knows. his existence isn't logical, him getting out of the game doesn't have to be either. that's his logic, anyways - it's not like he's supposed to be a physically existing being, either.
♡ some ideas he has consist of screwing with his weird dream powers, because he can usually affect peoples real bodies with them... so he can probably find a way to manifest through that, right?
♡ or maybe screwing around with the glitches in his game... a classic missingno to try and manipulate code, messing with the safari zones various quirks, hell, maybe he could break the game so bad that it somehow gives in to his desires and gives him an out through the broken mess of code while it collapses in on itself...
♡ he's afraid to try all of these because it'll probably make things way worse if it fails, and he never likes willingly interacting with the monstrous glitches in his game, but hey, you can't get much worse than the state the games already in. and if you can, he's almost definitely seen it, or seen worse.
♡ or maybe he could use a porygon...? but that'd be stupid, it's only code in a game, it couldn't possibly be Actually Able to do anything from being a pokemon said to be made from "programming code" could it...?
♡ ... which may or may not work. like i said, he isn't supposed to exist, but he does. any way he can exit the game can be similarly unlogical, barely explainable, and stupid, i feel.
♡ the most "logical" way to make glitchy a physical form is to make a robot that has a cartridge slot and slot it in and glitchys programming just takes it over and controls its autonomy and transfers his consciousness into it or something. but that requires you to have pretty deep knowledge of programming and AI and robotics for that to be executed well so. y'know.
♡ the other less logical way... but it still makes sense is like. him using someone as a vessel. he has dream powers. dreams are connected to consciousness, specifically your unconscious, and your thinking and your brain and stuff like that. if he cared enough, he could probably easily take over someone's entire - or most of - their body this way. although i do not think and also hope you don't have a human sacrifice laying around, and glitchy would not willingly take this from you either. even if it was someone who wronged him, he'd probably still feel too cruel abt it.
♡ it'd also probably have to have a very good antivirus bc i feel like inserting glitchys cartridge into anything has a possible chance to make said piece of technology fuck up real bad
♡ anyways.
♡ every time he fails or the method doesn't work out correctly, it pisses him off, but he's always been persistent. he treks forward even though it feels hopeless, sometimes.
♡ this quickly becomes a lesson in futility and he gets more and more frustrated every time he turns up with a failed attempt, and it sometimes makes his game even more glitchy and broken. but eventually. eventually he gets there.
♡ regardless of the way he gets out of the game, when he finally escapes and manifests in your world, he's probably just in your room or wherever you left the gameboy. or whatever you're playing his game on.
♡ he either crawls out through the screen, appears after a flash of convenient blinding light, or he forms out of glitching light from the cartridge or something like the cartridge is his gem from steven universe or something.
♡ maybe he'd still have to take a few days to gain an actual physical body in the real world, and he's basically a hologram or hallucination for a while. or maybe he can physically interact, but mostly just with your body and a few select items. he's also, as you can expect, still glitchy constantly IRL. maybe less when he's happy, but that never goes away. his glitches are like scars - they might get better and "heal" but they're always sort of there.
♡ i think it's also funny if before he gains the ability to physically interact he's basically only viewable to you for a while until he gains more physicality. he's using your subconscious to make him a form! by making you will his image into existence and into the collective unconscious!! or something!!! Nobody knows how the hell it works and it also depends on which way you think he would've escaped. highly interpretable and all that.
♡ regardless. he is mostly happy and safe and with you now. glitchy can be pretty smart and think quickly when he wants to, and this was a big example of it. he just really needs the hope and passion to drive himself forward, since he lost his hope and passion... prettttyy long ago, after his world got glitchy and broken. he didn't see a point to much anything and was very existential and all.
♡ so! you gave him that drive and motivation. not an easy thing to do. be proud of yourself. i hope you like him btw he's very clingy and won't leave your side for a good while.
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chaoticsimp · 1 year
Relationship: Shirakumo x Reader 
Content Warnings: SFW, angst, so much angst, fluff, and Spoilers if you haven't made it past Season 5 Episode 19!
Summary: They say you never forget your first love, and a call from an old friend reminds you just how true that is.
A/N: I've just been having so many feelings about Shirakumo.
Word Count: 1300
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You stared at the closed door. When your old high school pals reached out, you couldn’t have imagined it would be for this. At first, you refused, but then Aizawa went ahead and sent you a plane ticket. Then before you knew it, you boarded the long flight home. You blamed your uneasy stomach on the turbulence and your nerves on the years since you’d seen Aizawa or Yamada, years since you were home. You had been given one night to settle in, and now you were staring at that closed door.
“Whenever you’re ready.” Aizawa’s tone was the same as when he called, and when he picked you up from the airport, soft and cautious. He didn’t want to be here either, but he needed to know if more of him was still in there. If there was something you could reach that they couldn't.
“We won’t have long, and he’ll still be slightly sedated. You just have to talk to him.”
“What happened when you did?” It was something you should have asked when they gave over the case file, but you dreaded the answer.
“We can discuss it after,” Yamada suggested. “Right now, you need to focus.”
“I-I don’t know if-”
“We’ll be right behind you,” Aizawa promised. Yet you couldn’t move, paralyzed with the thought of him, of your childhood love still alive behind that door.
“Okay,” You finally said, releasing a shaky breath. “I’m ready.”
The guard tapped a code in the panel to the left of the door, then pulled it open. You walked with slow steps, and time seemed to drag as you stepped through. You kept your eyes down and clutched your coat to steady your trembling hands. The door shut with a clang that made you jump, and the three of you stood in silence.
“Y/N,” Yamada spoke in a hushed tone, and you felt a hand touch the small of your back prompting you forward. You released another shaky breath and finally looked up. You knew what to expect – yet you couldn’t quite wrap your mind around the bound prisoner before you cloaked in a black mist, and bound in a white jacket. You stared through the glass, into glowing yellow eyes and tried to see the blue ones that you still dreamed of.
“They tell me your Oboro Shirakumo,” You started, taking a small step forward. “Or part of him.”
The police said you just needed to talk. Aizawa and Yamada suggested something personal, and you were very aware of the eyes watching you – observing his response.
“My name is Kurogiri,” He replied slowly. An answer you expected, yet it made your stomach twist. You were still trying to see what Aizawa and Yamada did, what made them reach out to you but how could any part of this…thing be him?
“Go on,” Aizawa encouraged.
“I don’t know why I’m here,” You sighed.
“I know what they say, but I can’t believe them because the Shirakumo I knew could have never harmed another soul, or helped people who did." You paused, and your brow furrowed as you thought of what to say next.
"He was warm and bright, like the sun. He had a smile that you couldn't resist, and eyes as blue as the sky. He loved me, a-and I…” You cut yourself off when you felt tears pricking at your eyes. You didn't think it would be this hard to talk about him, but you couldn't back down now.
“Do you remember when we met?”
“This would be our first encounter,” He replied, but it didn’t deter you from your story.
“It was in our first year at UA. I was a transfer, and our teacher asked for a volunteer to show me around. You didn’t even raise your hand,” You recalled, almost laughing as you remembered him shooting up from his seat. He had nearly knocked over his desk as he barreled to the front of the class. 
“You didn’t give anyone else a chance. Do you remember how you introduced yourself?” You asked, and he stayed silent. His eyes were focused on you as if you were the only two in the room.
“Shirakumo Oboro, your future husband.” You heard a snort from behind you, and the memory made you smile as it did every time you thought of it. Shirakumo’s outstretched hand, his wide grin and the giggles of the classroom as you muttered an embarrassed no thank you. You could almost feel that blush all these years later.
“I thought you were crazy, but after a while, I started to believe you,” You confessed. “You were so full of life. You were incredible, so incredible that I couldn’t believe you picked me.”
You wiped your cheek with your sleeve, stealing a glance down at your shoes as you thought of where to go next. If you could even go to the next story without breaking down, but with your friends behind you, you felt the support you needed to keep going. 
"When you finally asked me out I spent hours with Kayama picking out the perfect outfit, and the perfect make-up, and getting her advice on the perfect first kiss," You listed, briefly wishing she was here too.
"I even finished patrol early to get ready, and then 5PM rolled around and there was a knock at the door.” You paused, the lump in your throat felt like it was going to strangle you.
“It was me,” Aizawa continued, and you glanced over your shoulder, meeting his glowing gaze.
“I still remember the look in your eyes, the realization before I said anything.” You nodded and looked back, getting close enough to the glass to set your hand against it. You pressed your lips together, briefly eyeing your teary face in the faint reflection.
“You died before we ever got the chance,” Your voice cracked, but he remained silent. His eyes drifted to your hand and his head seemed to flicker, a brief break in his composure as you continued.
“I don’t know what I want more, for you to be alive or dead in there. Neither is easy,” You admitted. “But I suppose nothing will change that the boy I knew is gone and-”
“You’re not married,” He said slowly, interrupting your train of thought. You looked at your hand on the glass, realizing it was your left. You closed it to a fist and placed it behind your back, yet his eyes tried to follow. His head twitched again as he slowly met your gaze.
“I-I guess I never really got over you,” You replied quietly. You were nearing your limit. If you spent another second down memory lane you were going to have an anxiety attack, yet you hesitated. If this was really him, if you really had your second chance what would you want to say to him? You swallowed the lump in your throat, meeting his gaze one more time.
“If you’re in there Kumo – if any small part of you is in there then know that I did love you and I always will.” You quickly turned to leave. You noticed the teary look in both Aizawa and Yamada’s eyes, but they understood without you having to speak. Yamada knocked on the door, and a moment later the lock unclicked with a soft buzz.
“You gave it your best,” Yamada assured you as he opened the door, and you offered a small smile as thanks. You stepped through the door, ready to go to a bar for the promised free drinks until an unfamiliar voice stuttered your name. You turned on your heel, staring back into the room as a flicker of the face you once knew, of the face you loved peaked through that dark mist.
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princess-kaulise · 6 months
Butterfly Effect
Fandom: Code Lyoko Word Count: 1953
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Hi, @sapphicfolch! I'm your Santa for @codesecretsanta! I was going to do holiday celebrations, but then t he idea of Yumi getting possessed by Xana didn't leave me alone. So here we are!
Aelita tapped her foot anxiously against the metal pole on the chair. Ulrich was supposed to tell Odd, and Yumi had to get free of her brother, and Jeremy couldn't get free of Milly and Tamiya. William had answered and said he was already on his way! But it didn't do much to calm her nerves, or the air of unease settling in her bones. The longer that they waited, the more time they gave XANA...
The more risk her father was at... 
Aelita rested her forehead against her balled hands. Thankfully for her heart, she heard the tell tale woosh of the old elevator doors creaking open. 
"Guys!" She shot up, spinning around in the chair. And it... wasn't all the people she had hoped to see, but it was something. It was William and Yumi. Jeremy was supposed to be on his way, and she trusted that - He'd be able to transfer Odd and Ulrich when they got here. 
"I had to promise to do Hiroki's homework for a month..." Yumi seemed a little annoyed, and Aelita couldn't blame her. She could offer to help out with that later... 
"A small price for saving the world, right?" William, on the other hand, seemed incredibly enthused, just as much as he had been the day before, when they had made sure he was inducted properly into the warriors.
"Doing sixth grader math isn't my idea of a good time..." But it was a sacrifice she was willing to make, and Aelita wished she could explain properly her thanks that Yumi made all the sacrifices that she did.
Aelita opened the self virtualization program and hopped off the chair. "Hopefully the other boys will be here soon." She joined Yumi and William in the elevator as she hit the button to go down to the scanners. "Thank you guys for getting here."
The air in the elevator was thick and heavy as they descended towards the scanners. And worse yet, Aelita felt in her bones that something was going to go wrong.  The same kind of feeling that Odd had to explain that future sight felt like. 
And then the scanners opened, and it wasn't time to be worried anymore. It was time for action. ________
“So this is home sweet home, huh?” The voice was right, that was Yumi. But the tone was all wrong.  “Yep! Your family is waiting for you!” Aelita was terrified of what came next. They had run into Hiroki at school, and that had been a near disaster that was avoided by the sheer fact that Ulrich was at least familiar in dealing with Yumi’s little brother.  But Hiroki had just been willing to accept that his sister was a little sick after a sleepover in the dorms. That she wasn’t supposed to have, but… … Yumi’s parents had been a pain to convince. And sure, mimicking Yumi’s voice was the trivial part. The super computer did that so easily, it was one of the first functions everyone figured out how to use. But acting the part was another story. Nailing just the right level of seriousness without coming off as cold (because Yumi wasn’t.) and still sounding polite and respectful. It was hard to put that into words. And this clone wasn’t it, not really. YUmi had confessed once that her family was already worried about her mental health, and her ‘rebellion’...
“So that’s my mom and dad and… he said his name was Hiroki, right?” The clone checks, resting a finger on her cheek in thought. “Yes.” Aelita was good at being patient, but she couldn’t help the rising feelings of how this shouldn’t be necessary. That someone should have been able to save her.
“Can’t wait to meet them!” “Remember, you already have, okay? Just pretend.” The clone grinned at her. Aelita smiled back. Maybe it’d be okay, just until they saved Yumi.   ________
Maybe they should consider themselves lucky that William distracted the mantas for so long. They were able to take him out, but he wasn’t exactly an experienced pilot on the overbike, and he drove pretty recklessly. (No more recklessly than Odd on a good day, sure, but recklessly nonetheless.) Aelita and Yumi fly out to the landing on the back of the Overwing, and with a nod, they both leapt off the vehicle. They’d just have to fight their way up to the core anyway. This way, it’d be faster. 
“I’ll handle the closer ones. Aelita, can you get the ones that are further away?” Yumi asked quickly, raising her fans up immediately to catch a laser flying in her direction. “I like to think my aim’s better than Odd’s.” As if to prove her point, her first attack hits true, and the creeper explodes into pixels. Above them, the core is still being attacked, but Aelita is able to relax, just a little bit, now that they’re here defending it. If she and Yumi can so much as delay the attackers, then they would be okay. 
Yumi opened her fan by Aelita’s head, successfully blocking an attack headed straight for her, and her other fan was thrown at the offending Manta. It also landed true, and returned safely to her hand.  “Let’s keep going.” She turned and began jumping further up the platforms of the core room, and Aelita followed.
There were a lot of enemies, raining lasers down on their heads. And as they ascended higher and higher, a stray shot got lucky, nailing Yumi in the side as she stepped forward to throw her fan. Jeremy’s warning didn’t come fast enough, and Yumi was knocked off. The offending creeper was immediately destroyed by Aelita, but that was too little too late. 
“Girls, watch out! There’s a Sycphozoa! What could it be planning- YUMI!” Yumi had been snatched out of the air with an agileness that Aelita doesn’t expect from the slow squid like monsters, “Gh… Aelita, you have to do something!” “On it.” Her first attack hit a manta that she was sure wasn’t there before, and with frustration she fired another attack to the same result. They were protecting it…. And yes it whittled down the numbers, but Aelita’s heart sank as the monster dropped Yumi and she slowly stood up.
“Dang it- Just hang in there, Aelita. Odd and Ulrich are on their way.” Jeremy sounded frustrated. 
Aelita’s bad feeling was justified wasn’t it, she thought faintly as Yumi turned on her with her fans finally making their way back to her hands.  ________
That first night they stood at the gate together, and Aeita pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time. It was just about when they said they’d check in with her family for dinner. So they could sit down and eat before going upstairs to have a sleepover. 
Aelita had stayed over at Yumi’s once, almost a year ago at this point, when she had first come to earth and she was just “Yumi’s Pen Pal”, before she had a solid story for her return to earth and she was Odd’s cousin instead. And if it weren’t for that prior explanation, Aelita didn’t know if her request for a girls night would have gone over nearly as well. 
She wanted a girls night, but not like this. 
“Let’s roll!”  Aelita shook her head. “Yeah. We wouldn’t want to be late, they’d get mad.” And they wanted to try and keep them from being mad as much as possible. Aelita wished she knew Yumi’s family better, that she could in some way know what to expect.
To everyone’s credit, the meal started with all in high spirits. Aelita had only gotten to have traditional Japanese food a handful of times in her life, and she was at least looking forward to that experience… if her stomach would settle down enough to eat.
… The dinner wasn’t as big a mess as Aelita feared it would be, but it wasn’t great either. The clone sucked with Chopsticks for one, and Aelita could only do so much to cover the fact that The clone didn’t know much about the people who were supposedly her family. It was only when the conversation landed on their friends that Aelita could relax a little. And it was at this moment, Aelita learned the clone was, perhaps, a little boy crazy. This would be fuel for Hiroki for weeks… And worse, what her parents would think…
This had to be only a week that it took to save Yumi. What would happen if it wasn't? ________
Aelita’s fingers are gripping the back of Jeremy’s seat tightly. So tightly that it was probably bad for her hands how tightly she was holding.  William was asking Jeremy questions as he typed, ones that he was only answering in muttered words as he reluctantly tapped the enter key. The screen lit up as two scanners activated. Odd and Ulrich didn’t make it in time, and so they were forced to return to Earth empty handed, barely avoiding the destruction of Lyoko. But at least they made it home. 
Aelita knew what she’d find when she slid down the ladder to the scanner room, but she had to check. (The first sign was that only two scanners were active, the third already sitting open and empty.) But seeing the center and left scanners open confirmed it anyway. There was Ulrich, with his fist balled up against the side of the scanner wall, and there was Odd, immediately sliding to the ground, hitting his head on the back of the scanner. 
She had the feeling they already knew. And they would have no choice but to climb up to the main lab and hear it for themselves.
And hear it for themselves they did. With his hands balled against his cheeks, Jeremy makes the terrible awful announcement that he couldn’t bring Yumi back in. Couldn’t even find her on the network. William comforts Jeremy, pointing out he didn’t even get into the core room in a fit of annoyance. He could have done more. Ulrich sulks off to a private corner of the  super calculator room, and Aelita slides down the wall now that she’s made it back up the ladder. Odd takes a seat next to her.“At least you were here in time. Ulrich and I didn’t even manage that.” And what a sight it was, when even Odd couldn’t manage to  be cheery about it.
Lyoko is destroyed. The kids flee the factory, unable to stay. They can’t bear going back to school right now. At least the Hermitage was private. ________
“They seem like nice people!” Aelita bites the inside of her cheek, trying to not say a word as she takes a cross legged seat on the floor by Yumi’s giant Totoro plush, and the clone sits on Yumi’s- her? - bed. All splayed limbs and relaxation and Aelita couldn’t relate at all.
Dinner had been really difficult to sit through. 
“You love them, that’s what you always told me.” Aelita said finally, though she doesn’t know how to even begin to put into words all of the fights she had heard second hand, and the misguided but true worry. Or how much Yumi had been struggling to balance all aspects of her life and how little this was going to help.
When they saved Yumi (they would. They wouldn’t ever leave one of their own behind.), she was going to have fun cleaning up the mess her clone left her. But she would have her friends to do it with. Aelita wasn’t going to leave her.
“I can see why.” The clone agreed. They just had to hang in there.
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slexenskee · 5 months
hello!! i don’t know if you remember but i sent you an ask months ago about the best place to travel/has good food, and i’m happy to announce that i took the leap and my application for study abroad has been accepted! i am very nervous but your posts about traveling inspired me. do you have any tips for going to a foreign country?
Oh congrats that's awesome!!!
Ahh well tbh without knowing where you're going most of my travel tips will be a bit generic, and also, my trips are definitely never as long as a study abroad would be so the stuff I do for those might not apply either.
That being said, research if the country you're staying in will have your medication/skincare/beauty products etc., and stock up if they don't. You can easily buy things like new clothes and food, but if you have specific products you like they can be hard to come by! Medication especially, there is nothing worse than being sick in a foreign country where you can't read the language and don't know the names of any pharmacies. Also some countries won't let you take certain medication in, even prescribed - for ex, Japan doesn't let anyone take in ADHD meds. Not even with a prescription and a letter of medical necessity.
Know where/how to get to your country's embassy in the country you'll be in. This is mainly if you're not staying in the capital where the embassies normally are, and especially useful if you're going to be in the country for a while. Be prepared to just go directly if you run into any issues, because reaching out via phone or email is basically useless. They are usually quite helpful though. I had to reverse-course from Krabi and fly back to Bangkok to get an emergency passport in the middle of one of my trips - I thought it would be a stressful disaster, but I had it sorted out within a few hours. I couldn't find ANY information on what to do online, and they weren't answering their phones, so I just walked up and they let me cut the line as a citizen and then walked me through all the forms and stuff and had an emergency passport for me by lunch.
Depending on what kind of phone you have, you can download Airlo, which is a live saver for phone plans. It's data only, but it's a super simple to use and download e-sim where you can even get regional e-sims that will work in over 30+ countries. It's so helpful if you plan on traveling around.
And idk how old you are or where you're from, but having a credit card and debit account with access to online banking services is imperative. I've been able to travel to multiple countries without even using cash or a debit card and just using my credit card alone, but for a long stay that would be impossible. An online bank that you can transfer money/deposit money via taking a picture of a cheque on your phone is extremely convenient. Also having someone back home who has access to your accounts and can access them on your behalf is helpful. Depending on where you're going, you're probably also going to always need a lot of cash on hand. Europe is mostly card readers with tap to pay, but I've noticed SE Asia has a lot of 'cash only, or scan a qr-code and directly transfer to the merchant's bank account' merchants which is great if you live there but very inconvenient if you're a traveler who obviously doesn't have a bank account in the country. Japan is literally still COINS only in some places.
For transportation, look up what the taxi apps of choice are and make an account with them. Idk it's usually either Uber or Grab but sometimes I'll see a wildcard.
If the place you're going to has an entirely different written language, the Google Translate app is actually pretty darn spot on and the camera mode is very helpful. I've used it to translate my doujins before with difficult kanji 😂
That's all I can think of off the top of my head haha. Hope it helps!! And have fun!!
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 4 months
yo sara i gotta know more baout we were gods fic and also robot apocalypse dream sounds very much intriguing and i would also like to formally request info about that if u would like to share o7
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@the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see WEEE thank you both!!
I got some duplicates so I'll respond to robot apocalypse dream here and then talk about We Were Gods (we were kids) in a different answer and tag both of you (∩^o^)⊃━☆
Robot Apocalypse Dream was an actual dream I had lol I don't usually have story-like dreams so it was pretty cool just to have it and then I couldn't stop thinking about what a cool story it would make.
In-dream me was part of a family where dad was dead, mom was adrift, very lonely, and super into following fads and trends. My in-dream sister was a scientist. No people skills. Envious of machines. All about that “no maintenance” lifestyle. Eating, bathing, sleeping—who has the time??? And she sees how badly mom is hurting after losing dad. Wouldn’t it be nice to just… cut out that little bit of gray matter that makes it hurt so much?
Here is a rough snippet!
There’s a robot in the center of the room. Hovering. It has four arms--harsh steel, with pincers at the ends corrugated for griping. It speaks with my mother’s voice. It says things I've heard her say before. I can’t tell if it is quoting her--an imitation of the real thing--or if my sister has done something horrible. “Where's mom?” “I’m right here, silly,” says the robot. It flits around the space like it’s comfortable here. Like it belongs here, surrounded by my mother’s things. “What did you do?” She killed our mother. She explains it to me as though it was not murder. As though it was not a heinous thing to generate a code based on our mother’s consciousness and transfer it into this dithering contraption. When I ask after the body she tells me it was disposed of, no longer necessary, as though a human being must be “necessary” to be allowed life. As though this thing paraphrasing my mother is a desirable replacement. It’s not my mother. When I hug it in a desperate attempt to leach comfort from its motor-warmed metal, it asks why I'm restraining it. The more I converse with the thing that is not my mother, the more I learn of what my sister did. It thinks machines are a new fad. It assures me it's at the front of the trend for now, but sister promised before long the entire city will be following it's example. I ask if it remembers that time, years ago, when my mother fell down the stairs. It was an ordeal. She broke her leg and spent four months on a scooter. It remembers… at first. It recalls the incident, but quickly grows confused. How could it fall when it has stability thrusters and hover tech? There must be a malfunction with its recall ability because it doesn’t even have lower appendages to break! It logs the incident with some central computer program before I can say anything to stop it and the memory is wiped entirely within seconds. My sister thanks me for spotting the error and asks if I would keep the thing that is not my mother company and identify any further oversights. She admits most of her attention was on erasing my father so small things like having legs were missed in the conversion process. “You ship of theseus-ed our fucking mother.” “I don’t know what that means.” “If you did we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
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merciful-cupid · 9 months
I don't think Fyodor is really dead.
It was too easy, too fast. The man is smarter than that.
Yes, he was impaled, poisoned and he exploded in a helicopter. We saw only his arm, though. Conveniently there for people to see, in fact (even if, honestly, the counterargument to this might that Dazai didn't have the resources to dig through the debris to find Fyodor's body, Chuuya is quite literally there, and he could lift everything up with his ability technically. They just didn't bother to check. And I'll mention that as a mistake on their part, whether Fyodor is dead or not)
What if I told you, that I don't think Nikolai would've stood there doing nothing. The guy is clearly attached to Fyodor in some way; they're halves of the same coin.
Yes, Nikolai wanted Fyodor dead but he wanted to also kill him. He wanted to do the job himself. While technically, Dazai wound up to be the one causing him an injury that like a domino effect escalated to him being impaled by the vampire pilot.
Nikolai most likely wouldn't be pleased with Fyodor's death alone. Again, he wants to kill him. He wants to be free of that part of himself that feels and can connect to people, the part that reminds him of his humanity, so he can truly "be free", and Fyodor is an obstacle to that, as he makes him feel empathy and vice versa. Even then, would he feel really free if Fyodor's death was put in action by something else he couldn't control? In a way that he could never be totally sure he was actually dead, something that he'd probably prefer to check for himself?
All this to say that Nikolai saved Fyodor. And here's (probably) how.
What's most certain is that if he were to save him, he'd use his ability (that I'll just mention as "The Overcoat" to avoid repetition). The Overcoat allows Nikolai to manipulate the space around him, in a range of about 30 meters (I'm not well versed in imperial measurements, I'm sorry). His cloak, specifically, is connected to a pocket dimension, about 30 meters of vertical range. Mind you, he could store a whole telephone pole in it.
Remember when Nikolai "severed" Atsushi's leg? It's very possible he could've done that to Fyodor. He could've just went the extra mile and actually severed it himself (unlike what he did to Atsushi, which was just getting his leg stuck in the ground and stabbing it quite happily), to appear as bait for Dazai and Chuuya (and everyone else) to really think he was dead, that his body exploded and his parts were mangled (not to mention the trick he pulled when he was sawed in half, as he explained to Sigma, or when he transfers his arms around). While, again most likely, the rest of Fyodor's body was transferred by Nikolai in The Overcoat's pocket dimension right before the explosion hit him (fatally; also, the light on the side of the screen could be interpreted as both the fire's light and Nikolai's portal, which mind you is golden in color), in which he most likely would have enough room to be in, and in which we also have reason to believe the pocket dimension is a bend of both space and time, meaning time is essentially either nonexistent or stopped in it (think of an explosive. He might be able to transfer the explosive to the pocket dimension right before it hits him and detonates. To then release it when he wants to, detonating it outside of a range that could injure him) Fyodor's body might be in some kind of stasis, that keeps him temporarily still alive. Nikolai might as well just travel away from Meursault and release Fyodor in a safe place where he can possibly get another antidote and his wounds tended to. In the meanwhile, whatever grand plan has been going on, someone else will carry it on Fyodor's behalf I'm sure.
I'd talk about Fyodor's last words as well ("Eli Eli lama sabacthanhi/My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me") and how it might just be Fyodor calling help to Nikolai in a code phrase/allegoric/metaphoric kind of fashion, but I'll let it be a topic for someone else to delve into and analyze, as I'm not too fond of discussions about religion, they make me rather uncomfortable.
Yes, both Fyodor and Nikolai looked genuinely taken by surprise at one point at least, but how is that different from Dazai and Chuuya's game of pretend just moments before them? Fyodor is known to be manipulative, and so is Dazai. Nikolai himself tends to be rather dishonest. While Nikolai might've actually been caught by surprise no doubt, thinking the same if Fyodor makes me feel rather silly, after all he's done with a smug face. Or maybe he really didn't expect this, and just put his hopes on Nikolai wanting to save his death for himself and only him. Or again, who wouldn't be surprised after being straight up impaled? Dazai very loudly complained when Chuuya shot him in the shoulder, after all.
See, it's hard to analyze them right now. They're fictional characters and you could virtually make them think and do anything, especially when these characters are both morally grey, acute thinkers and master manipulators. It's difficult to distinguish from genuine reactions and calculated responses with these characters. Of course, we also don't have enough information right now either, seen the manga chapter corresponding to episode 11 will be released in October and the anime itself won't update most likely for a few years. We just have to wait for more content to make better judgements, now we're just stuck to speculation, and mine certainly is a lot of speculation.
This is just my theory, stitched together after reading other people's thoughts and theories on the matter. It's definitely not perfect and I most likely forgot important information that could recontextualize everything I said or straight up deny it, I'm not omniscient or Asagiri. But maybe some people other than me will appreciate it enough, maybe add onto it or straight up correct me. :]
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Unfortunately Your Reputation Precedes you
Part 2
Part 1
Dpxdc TW for fic topics include rape, child abuse, abuse, murder
Sam (15) - Danny (15) - Danielle (15) - Jazz (17)
*Story Starts Here*
Danny would be starting his sophomore year with Danielle. The Fenton Portal was destroyed in the explosion, and Vlad actually closed his portal when he wasnt actively using it. He wasnt sure what to expect of a year without ghost attacks, much less attending a private school.
Sam, at least, would be transfering with him. Tucker, unfortunately, couldn't afford the tuition.
Amity Park Private High School was vastly different than Casper High. Uniforms, for one, and a strict expectation of excellence, preparing the students for their future careers before they even picked their college or university.
Danny wasn't surprised by his class list. Bussiness, Management, Engineering, Economics, everything he'd need to be Heir to Vlad's corporate empire.
Dani's list wasnt much better. Dance, Gymnastics, Health & Beauty, it was like she was being prepped to be a trophy wife.
Danny glanced through the list and realized, that probably exactly what was happening.
"Tools," Sam said. "That's all we are to them,"
Sam's list was an odd blend of the 'twins' lists.
"I'm expected to both inherit the company and marry well," Sam waved her crumpled list. "So wifey classes and business classes."
"This is so messed up," Dani groaned.
Danny wanted to be angrier about this, summer had just started and they had two and a half months before school started again, but it was hard to feel anything for any notable length of time.
He couldn't remember the last conversation he had with his parents.
Had it been a fight? Did he tell them he loved them? Did he hug his Mom? Did his Dad squeeze his shoulder? When had it been, their last conversation? If he had known that was the last time he'd ever see them again-
"Which is why I'll have to wash the dye out,"
Danny blinked. "Die?"
"Hair dye," Sam said. "My Dad's blond, and my mother a red head. You really think my hair is naturally black?"
"Your Grandmother could've had black hair,"
"Nope, blonde and ginger are recessive genes. Didn't you read any of the notes on genetics Tucker and I made you last year?"
"...there's a square and the letters match up and that's somehow dna math?"
Sam groaned, half choking on a laugh as she shook her head.
"I'm blonde, Danny. I've been dying my hair black and purple since middle school."
"Why can't you keep doing that?"
"Because AP Private has a strict dress code, including hair dye regulations."
"...is purple your actual eye color?"
" No Danny," Sam said. "Purple is not typically a natural eye color."
"...do you wear contacts?"
"Yep. Did you not know that? Tucker found out years ago."
"Didn't seem important? I don't know I never thought about it."
"Well, I'm blonde," Sam said. "And under my colored prescription contacts, my eyes are grey. I never liked the way I looked, which is why I did all the hair dying and contacts and piercings. I thought, if I was a blank canvas, how would I paint myself? And then I did,"
Days seemed to blend together that summer. It was so weird, living with Vlad. Danny had two cards, one debit and one credit. He knew Vlad was tracking his purchases, but he couldn't sleep in the lifeless room.
He redecorated it, from the ceiling full of stars to the the books on the shelves, he shopped until the cards were declined.
That was also the first time Vlad hit him.
It was different from their fights as Hero and Villain had been.
Before Danny could've fought back, or dodged, or even spat something snarky at the Fruitloop.
But Danny couldn't muster up the desire to dodge right now, much less anything else. Going intangible was more instinct than conscious thought, but Vlad was expecting that.
Danny lay in his room, his face stinging. This wasnt fair. This wasn't right. He rolled over and screamed into a pillow.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Azriel as a character and a love interest (if he gets his own book)?
I feel kinda bad for him, but he’s also giving me Joe Goldberg vibes atm 😭
I've always loved the slightly psychotic hero with a moral code.
That's why we ended up naming our 11 year old dog Dexter (from the show Dexter) 😂
Az is pretty dark but is on the side of the good guys. He throws himself into every dangerous situation so he can be the hero yet doesn't mind sitting there carving people up. He knows when to be polite based on his observations of the people around him (remember, he probably had no idea how to behave until he was about 11 when he met Rhys and Cassian, he had no parent teach him socially appropriate behaviors).
What's fun about the crazy anti-hero is those guys often feel "above" relationships (which is why it's entertaining to see a woman finally bring them to their knees). That's not the case for Az though and something I'm not enjoying. He definitely gives off Joe Goldberg vibes with Mor and the fact that we've never seen emotional growth from him in the way of his acknowledging his past with her but instead started a fixation on Elain (simply transferring those past feelings) is problematic. As a result of all that, it's a bit painful to be in his head. Sure, his POV could be considered sexy if there was any proof that he actually liked Elain as an individual (he has never said a single thing that makes her special to him). But everything is "it's so wrong" and "I'm a horrible being" and "I'm tainted" and "this is my dirty secret". It's all very "woe is me" and "no one will ever love me" compared to say, Nesta and Cassian's Bonus Chapter where he couldn't stop talking about how Nesta was making him feel because of who Nesta was as an individual. Az spends no time thinking of how Elain as a person makes him feel and spends his time thinking of how he's a bad man who hates himself 🤦
He's a bit creepy at the moment. Which is why I feel so much better about him when he's around Gwyn. Their interactions completely remove the heaviness and it feels healthy. No, they're not romantically interested in one another just yet but I'd much rather a hopeful start than him being a year into his obsession with Elain and being a complete drag 😂
I honestly hope that when Gwynriel happens, he learns to embrace his darkness. I feel like he's so ashamed of himself that he hides behind formalities and socially appropriate behavior because he thinks that's how people want him to behave. That's why when he explodes or acts out, some readers say, "where did this come from?!" To me, he's always that person but he tries so hard to keep himself on simmer that he eventually loses control. Rhys is unapologetically himself and I'd like to see more of that from Az.
But I imagine when Gwyn and Az are around each other, they'll constantly be challenging and trying to best one another. They'll have their soft moments for sure but I can't imagine their go to love language won't be playful battles.
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having-conniptions · 11 months
KinnPorsche ep 4 Rewatch Rambles:
Hahaha Pete and Porsche being besties and joking around while Kinn is having a whole crisis about kissing Porsche
VEGAS WITH THE LIGHTER ugh I know he's just trying to get on Porsche's good side but damn he's good at it
Lmao jealous Kinn is almost as scary as jealous Mile
And again I'm distracted from the awkward "do you remember what happened last night" convo by the huge Deutsche Bank building lol
The way he sits right next to Porsche after putting more water on the hot rocks AND PUTS HIS ARM BEHIND PORSCHE LIKE A SCHOOLBOY TRYING TO GET HIS ARM AROUND HIS CRUSH BY STRETCHING OHMAHGAH
He has such a crush on Porsche "isn't your girlfriend mad that you're here?" is like 1 step away from "so, uh, are you single? Do you like men?"
"Since I've been here, I haven't seen you with any girls" yeah Porsche and what is that telling you? You literally escorted his hookup home. CLUELESS BISEXUAL BEHAVIOR
Yeah yeah it's cute that he just keeps Porsche's head in his lap and smiles like that BUT PORSCHE JUST FAINTED GET HIM TF OUT OF THAT SAUNA YOU DIMWIT
Fuckkkk Vegas Bible is so pretty
I wanna steal Vegas' wardrobe, at least the less obnoxious shirts and that necklace he's wearing
Early VegasPete interactions... boyyyy they don't know what's coming
Jealous Kinn ayyyyy
Oh yeah just squeeze a little cheese ad into this very tense and awkward situation
I replayed Tankhun hitting Vegas in the head several times and at 0.75x speed bc it just never stops being funny
Porsche bragging to Big about being in the sauna with Kinn xD poor Big, he's been through enough
Especially bc he was supposed to bring the paper bag to Kinn (knowing damn well what's inside and who it's for) so I really can't be mad at him for transferring that responsibility to Porsche
Now I want a teddy bear like Arm's to hide behind, the secondhand embarrassment is too much
Lmao Big thought Porsche would be shocked that Kinn's gay, I smell internalized homophobia 👀
Porsche's little speech and Kinn watching with a that smile ahh
Pete is so cute aaaaaa
"Kissing is for people that we like only"
At that point he didn't know who Chay was right?
"Take off your shirt" and I oop-
"He's mad, so he returned you to me" - "if he hadn't returned me, would you ever think of taking me back" I'm gonna break something
Just remembered what happens after the diamond auction - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why did it have to happen like that
Why is Pete the only one wearing a black turtleneck instead of a white shirt? Why are Ken and Arm not wearing ties? I really thought their dress code would be more strict
"Saved by the bell" ashdjskdmfnsjdkdb
Tay! Give me your gender! Ahhhh he's so beautiful
Lol everyone sees through Kinn's lie EVERYONE BUT PORSCHE ONCE AGAIN FOR FUCK'S SAKE
Porsche trying to ask Kinn if it's ok for him to accept the water + Kinn trying to smile at Porsche = recipe for disaster
I can't believe I didn't realize it was Vegas who had Porsche kidnapped when I watched for the first time - but then again I was pirating it and the quality was fucked so I couldn't see shit and I didn't know anyone's voices well enough yet
But oh my god "I'll try to be gentle" AAAHHHH WHAT THE FUCK BIBLE YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME
Lol I paused at exactly the right moment to see that Vegas had a bit of a wardrobe slip-up... his black boxer briefs are visible through his white pants lol
Oh no I know what's coming. Kinn no. He's drugged. KINN. STOP.
Yes he threw up but he's obviously not sober. The whole scene just makes me uncomfortable
On another note, Kinn's tits. 10/10
Porsche agrees
I'm sorry I just can't enjoy this scene as a fan of 1) slow-burn and 2) consent
Finally I'm seeing Vegas' ass in full HD - why is he naked while smoking in front of the mirror in a room full of candles anyway, like just for the aesthetic or...?
This is the only reason why paying for TV shows kinda pays off
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maple-clef · 1 year
@ilikesallydonovan The cheque/savings thing - I think that's a peculiarity of how EFTPOS/banking transactions work in the US, although having seen that the artist for that bookselling webcomic is Aussie I just looked and it's a thing there, too, and quite possibly elsewhere. I certainly can't access my saving account directly from my current account card; it's a specific card for that (chequing) account, and if I wanted to use savings, which is a different account, they'd have to be transferred first to my current account (or via BACs, I guess). And my credit card is a separate entity, too, so I just use that if I want to pay credit.
Unless the choices mean something different and inscrutable.
But in the States I do remember having the option to choose 'chequing, savings or credit' and being like, wtf?! I'm paying with my debit card. How is this a question and how do I answer it lol.
I just chalk it down to one of those regional differences.
(I also remember paying for fuel was a pain in the arse as I couldn't just pay at the pump, I had to go into the kiosk, pre-authorise my card in person, then actually go out and they'd finally let me start fuelling up. Because my card does not have a zip code to enter (which someone who'd stolen my card would surely be able to know and use), it has a pin code (which is stored on the chip and good luck guessing it, I hardly remember it these days post-contactless).)
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your-greatest-queen · 2 years
So I've started a replay of Pokémon Sword recently
I haven't played in a couple of years because my Switch got an error code that couldn't be fixed. I couldn't even turn it on to transfer data to the new console once I got one, which means I lost hundreds of hours of play data in multiple games that couldn't be retrieved.
I figured I'd play again and start fresh once I was done mourning the loss of my treasured team in Sword, however with Scarlet and Violet swiftly coming, I've begun really realizing how long it's been. I don't think I'll ever be done mourning the loss. Luckily, seeing as it's a Pokémon game and not some necromancer-style horror film, I can bring my team back to life with no negative consequences.
Of course, they will never be the same team, not exactly, but I can get all the right Pokémon with all the same genders as before and raise them the same way. And I've been able to convince myself that it is the same team because I watch the Flash and have also recently played Legends Arceus a lot, so I've been telling myself that we're all the same, it's just that somebody messed with the timeline and so we're slightly different (natures, my Toxtricity is low-key instead of high-key, my personal style is different, etc.)
So like, after I soft reset for my female Sobble for an hour, I imagined that when she finally appeared she was confused but oh so happy to see me, despite no longer being a champion Pokémon and 6ft of pure water power. I imagine that my sweet baby Rookidee cried when he saw me jogging up the route to get him and that my Nicket nearly had a nervous breakdown as she saw me run into others of her species (males) before finally finding her. My Yamper smelled me approaching the Proffessors house a mile away and bound up to me as fast as he could. Teeny baby Toxel may have evolved blue instead of yellow but hey, his personality hasn't changed a bit. And the last spot on my team never actually had been filled, so it's genuinely hilarious watching them all stare in bewilderment and tell me in camp that they're unsure about the Kubfu I've placed there. It's like they all actually remember their previous lives and are aware that Kubfu wasn't there before. I love it, it kinda reassures me. Like I never lost them.
I also bought an expansion pass just before the error code occurred, but luckily I never activated it, so I've set that up too and I've told myself that "despite the slight differences to my team, a bonus of this shifted timeline is that there's two whole areas that *didn't exist* before! New areas, new Pokémon, new adventures!"
So yeah I think I'll be posting about that for a little while, probably just in reblogs of this post 👍
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Well you have to tell us NOW, come on!
"Oh, you guys are back." Jackie waves. "Hey. Yeah, you have to tell us now."
Chase sighs. He stands up. "Okay. The ghosts know about this, but did I tell you about the weird writing on my mattress back in Psyode?"
"You mentioned it vaguely, but I don't know what it means," Jackie replies.
"The guy who was there before me could read minds."
"Oh damn."
Chase laughs. "Yeah. Anyway, he started to lose it a little from hearing people's thoughts all the time. Couldn't figure out how to stop it. Before he died, he apparently wrote a bunch of stuff he heard on the mattress. I...I wanted to remember them. So I wrote the stuff down on my arm, and once you got me out, I transferred it into my journal." He holds up his book.
Jackie nods. "Okay. And the languages thing? Was it not written in English?"
"Not entirely. There are bits that are in, like, Chinese. I think." Chase opens the journal back to the page he was looking at. "There's this bit about Midas that's bugging me."
"Midas?" Jackie asks, confused. "Like the Greek myth?"
"Yeah...I think. It might be important, cause part of it is in code, but also part of it is in this other language. I'm thinking if I can just figure out what it says...I don't know." Chase shakes his head. "It just seems important."
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azureaqua · 2 years
Also; storytime:
So, a couple of weeks ago I had to reboot my phone fully because of some technical mishap that I COMPLETELY caused for myself. ;)
I have this current phone for about two years now and the second I got it, I was excited for the fingerprint sensor in it. But to actively use that, I had to set up a general pin/password/or one of those drawing codes? Idk how to explain it properly but when you have 9 dots and you have to draw a (simple) symbol to unlock your phone. Ya, that one. And I had this type, besides the fingerprint sensor, because it was necessary. (Big brain!)
I usually unlocked my phone by my fingerprint but occasionally - like weekly or something - my phone would also ask for this other password of mine, this symbol drawing thing, probably so that I don't forget it eventually. And I have been using the exact same, pretty minimalistic code for years. But just recently I had this idea to change it up because why the heck not. And you know, I was trying new ones, but not in the settings or maybe on a separate sheet of paper - the actual way smart people would do it -, NO, I was trying my new code at the home page or smth, when unlocking my phone. And, well, one time it obviously kicked me out for 30 seconds, because I tried the wrong password so many times. And I was just vibing and all but when the 30 seconds ended and I was free to try again — suddenly my brain just had a shortcut, and suddenly I wasn't sure if I remember my original password. So yeah. Fast forward after an identity crisis, a lot of cursing and internally screaming I came to a conclusion and rather; the only solution that in order to unlock my phone again, I have to wipe all data, which includes the symbolic password that I've had to set up, in order to use the fingerprint sensor. Which is okay. I wasn't that hesitant because I knew I had my cloud and I could get my stuff back from there... But I wasn't sure when was the last time I saved my apps and my informations. But I really had no other choice because I was trying to crack MY OWN code for almost 2 hours and clearly there was no use. And by that time I was just hella tired internally and even physically. I swear I've never experienced such sweating, not even in P.E class.
So all in all, I did the deleting thing, rebooted my phone, did all the necessary beginning stuff - which was also a pain in the ass with either my Google or Mi/Xiaomi account -, and then came the other crucial part; to download the things from my cloud. My phone immediately found my latest cloud savings and I was pretty happy, because it seemed fresh, but when I tried to download it, it requested my symbolic password. I almost did a backflip, I was so annoyed lol.
In the end I still couldn't figure out my password, so I actually deleted that saving and went for an older one. I was really frustrated and angry at myself, because obviously it was all my fault in the end, but looking back, I actually didn't lost THAT much of my stuff. Yeah, I had to redownload a lot of apps, then log in into each of them, but they weren't lost, thanks mostly to my Google account haha. Only thing that got completely wiped was all of my downloaded music, but honestly that didn't even affect me that much. (Like, I would have been legit crying if I lose all my notes and pictures.) After that I just spent my entire weekend on trying to redownload the same songs. And I - weirdly enough - kind of succeeded, so even that wasn't a big problem.
But why am I telling this, other than to prevent others from being this stupid? Well, I had to redownload Ikesen as well. Aaaand guess who lost all of their progress? OOF. Yeah, data transfer, I know, and I wanted to do it back then, but I was always putting it off for some reason, like "It's not like I need it rn". If only I would have known, man.
Basically now, I did the basics, ACTUALLY SET UP THE DATA TRANSFER and started Keiji's route. I was in the middle of Hideyoshi's route before, but I don't really mind that lol, because I can always play whichever I want. But I do feel bad about my gold, grace and wardrobe, because damn, I had some really cool clothing pieces that I've gathered throughout the years... But I deserve it, I guess XD. (I've yet to try and see Ikevamp and Ikepri? Although I think I'm good with Ikevamp, but I'm not sure about Ikepri lol)
So, please, in conclusion, be smarter than I was. Just don't give yourself a headache and a stroke mixed with identity crisis, over something like this. Pls think twice before doing these and be cautious with these things!!
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