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gjenkatarot · 3 months
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Tarot masterlist | Exchange readings | Paid readings
I don't have Ni-ki's exact birth time, so the analysis might not be super precise because I can't determine his ascendant or which houses each planet is in. Just to be clear, I'm not a pro astrologer, so don't take this too seriously. It's just for fun!
Ni-ki's Sun in Sagittarius reflects his love for adventure and deep contemplation about life. He's always curious and eager to learn new things, driven by a strong urge to uncover the truth about the world. However, this quest for knowledge sometimes leaves him feeling restless as he searches for deeper meanings. The 17th-degree placement of his Sun hints at a potential for fame or recognition, suggesting he possesses natural talents or charms that catch people's attention.
His Moon in Pisces reveals his caring and imaginative nature, deeply connected to his emotions and sensitive to others' feelings. Ni-ki prioritizes others' well-being over his own, ensuring everyone around him is okay. Despite his love for beauty and art, represented by his Moon at the 26th degree in Taurus, he may struggle with overwhelming emotions due to his deep sensitivity.
The square aspect between his Sun and Moon indicates an inner struggle between his desire for freedom and truth, and his need for emotional connection and understanding. This conflict often leaves him feeling conflicted about his wants and needs in life.
Ni-ki's Sun in Sagittarius in a trine aspect to Saturn in Leo at 11 degrees showcases his strong sense of self-discipline and ambition. This blend of disciplined ambition and optimism allows him to pursue his goals with determination while maintaining a sense of adventure and enthusiasm, potentially leading to success and stability, especially in areas related to self-expression and creativity.
With the Sun in Sagittarius sextile Neptune in Aquarius, Ni-ki possesses a harmonious blend of idealism, creativity, and humanitarianism. He's imaginative, intuitive, and spiritually attuned, driven by a desire to make a positive impact on the world. This aspect enhances his ability to inspire others and bring his visionary ideas into reality, finding fulfillment through activities that allow him to explore spirituality, express creativity, and contribute to society's greater good.
Ni-ki's Sun in Sagittarius in conjunction with Pluto in Sagittarius signifies a deep sense of personal power and intensity, driving him to uncover hidden truths and transform his beliefs with unwavering determination. This aspect indicates resilience and the ability to undergo profound personal growth and regeneration, potentially leading to intense periods of self-examination and identity transformation.
His Mercury in Scorpio at 26 degrees suggests a sharp mind keen on discovering psychological depths. The trine aspect between his Moon in Pisces and Mercury in Scorpio enhances his communication skills, allowing him to express himself with empathy and authenticity. Ni-ki excels in artistic or literary pursuits, channeling his deep emotions, imaginative visions, and penetrating insights into meaningful forms of expression.
Ni-ki, with Mercury in Scorpio sextile Chiron in Aquarius, possesses a natural gift for communicating with profound depth and insight, particularly concerning matters of healing and personal growth. His innate understanding of his own wounds and those of others allows him to offer guidance and support through his words and insights. Ni-ki excels in connecting with others on a deep emotional level, fostering a sense of understanding and empathy in his interactions.
Ni-ki, with Mercury in Scorpio sextile Venus in Capricorn, communicates his feelings and thoughts with intensity, sincerity, and emotional authenticity. His communication style is marked by clarity, persuasiveness, and effectiveness, fostering strong connections with others. This aspect reveals his keen understanding of relationship dynamics and an intuitive grasp of others' needs and desires. Ni-ki tends to build relationships on a foundation of mutual respect, shared goals, and a sense of responsibility, creating bonds that are both meaningful and enduring.
With his Venus in Capricorn at 26 degrees, Ni-ki values security, tradition, and long-term commitments in love. He expresses affection in a practical and grounded manner, showing love through acts of service, practical gestures, or emotional support. Despite appreciating beauty and elegance, he finds pleasure in indulging his senses while maintaining a refined aesthetic sense.
Ni-ki's Venus in Capricorn conjunct Chiron points to potential deep emotional wounds in his romantic life. This aspect signifies a journey of healing, particularly related to issues of self-worth, love, and intimacy. Ni-ki is naturally drawn to those who share similar emotional struggles, displaying a strong desire to aid in their healing and fulfilment. Creatively, he finds solace through art, music, or poetry, using these mediums to process and express emotional pain. Ni-ki may be attracted to partners who embody uniqueness and eccentricity. Such relationships play a vital role in his healing journey, allowing him to embrace his individuality and seek fulfilment through non-traditional dynamics.
The square aspect between his Moon in Pisces and Pluto in Sagittarius suggests Ni-ki may experience intense emotional reactions and deep psychological insights, potentially encountering challenges related to trust, intimacy, or sharing his deepest feelings with others. This can also bring up issues with your mother, though not always. This aspect encourages him to confront and transform deep-seated emotional patterns or fears, leading to significant personal growth and empowerment.
With the Moon in Pisces sextile Chiron in Aquarius, Ni-ki possesses a natural ability to channel his emotional sensitivity and intuition into healing, connecting with others on a profound level to offer comfort and support. This aspect suggests a draw to unconventional approaches to healing and personal growth, finding solace in expressing his authentic self in unique ways.
Ni-ki's Mars in Taurus, opposite Jupiter in Scorpio, may lead to inner conflicts between stability and security, and the urge for expansion and growth. He may struggle with balancing practicality with adventurous risk-taking, potentially experiencing excessiveness or overextension in pursuit of his goals.
With Mars in Taurus squaring Saturn in Leo, Ni-ki may face frustration and obstacles in asserting himself and pursuing his ambitions. Saturn's influence may create delays or setbacks, requiring him to cultivate patience, discipline, and persistence to overcome adversity.
Ni-ki's Mars in Taurus sextile Uranus in Pisces suggests he finds creative ways to pursue his goals, embracing unexpected changes and adjusting plans accordingly. His dynamic and energetic approach to life inspires others to embrace their uniqueness and explore new possibilities.
With Jupiter in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius, Ni-ki may grapple with discerning reality from fantasy, potentially experiencing disillusionment or disappointment when expectations aren't grounded in reality. However, this aspect also inspires creativity, spiritual growth, and artistic expression, encouraging him to balance dreams with grounded action.
The North Node at 11 degrees Aries indicates Ni-ki's life purpose involves taking bold initiatives and embracing new beginnings with confidence. The trine aspect between Saturn in Leo and the North Node in Aries brings stability and discipline to his journey, aligning his efforts with his soul's evolutionary path.
With Juno in Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius, Ni-ki may face challenges in partnerships due to differences in beliefs or communication styles. However, the trine aspect between Juno in Gemini and Neptune in Aquarius facilitates open communication and a shared vision within relationships, fostering empathy, compassion, and understanding.
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the-desert-beast · 1 month
gonna throw my 2 cents in on this current Fandom Topic;
You cannot give in to resentful isolation. I'm serious.
Even if your last attempts went badly you have to keep trying. You have to make mistakes to learn from them. You have to find out who's worth your time and who you click with somehow, and you can only do that by Doing It Scared.
I fall into those mindsets, a lot. They suck. They're powerful and overwhelming and painful. I have to fight with myself and repeat over and over, No, you know your friends care about you. They've SAID that.
And I have to do this all the time. In minor and major ways.
Do It Scared. Try. If you feel like you've failed? Try again. There are ways to build self confidence but you have got to start with letting yourself feel confident any little way possible.
Don't give in to resentful isolation, that will only hurt you.
We all have bad brain days, weeks, or months.
Fandom will be waiting for you.
If you've started to treat fandom like a vending machine where lore/fanfic/art/screenshots go in and compliments come out, you should take a break.
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engene28 · 2 months
Ni-ki: Hey there demons, It's me, ya boi.
Sunghoon: Ni-ki, NO!
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piecesofchess · 4 months
How many years do you think it'll take of the community telling KI that the Bedrest/Miracle Mitch mechanic is the single most hated thing about Pirate101, before they decide to finally remove it?
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desifleabag · 1 month
Just imagine we all dancing on chaiyy chaiyya
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r0ttingsystem · 7 months
Oh boy I'm so glad that we haven't formed someone from THAT show yet haha
(hey sillies guess who -💻)
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Satyaprem ki Katha AU where they focused on Katha healing while Sattu decides to help support Katha by completing his law degree and helping her build a case against Tapan, representing Katha in court as her lawyer, and helping her get her deserved closure by putting the bastard in jail himself.
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literally-1894 · 2 months
Got possessed to make this.
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pansyprincey · 2 years
Poem of the wind and trees
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Not to be objectum, but using objects according to their intended use just, for some reason, feels so INTIMATE??? I'm the only one in the system who feels that way. And only for me certain objects like old computers or lamps just feel gender. Hmm...
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piecesofchess · 1 year
So, to get any remote chance of your fanart being featured/seen by Kingsisle, you have to post it on Twitter, which has one of the worst Pirate101 communties I've ever seen....and if you want to carry any public conversation about the game, you need to join the official Discord server, which has bigots and toxic P101 players....where the Developers don't really talk anyway...
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breadbox-draws · 1 month
Can we hear more about Malaise and Amon? They look cool!!! (and I think Malaise is more NSR based, and Amon looks realistic)
sure! and thank you!! credit where credit is due, i commissioned a friend, skull_labyrinth on instagram, for Mal's design! she (the friend) is another wonderful artist, and i highly recommend taking a look at and supporting her artistic endeavors <3
Mal and Amon actually come from an original universe — a Monster of the Week-esque modern urban fantasy dubbed Town Town (the name of which was conceived from the suggestions and blessings of another set of awesome friends)!
i don't have very much on Malaise unfortunately, because i've been too busy hyperfixating on the Main Blorbos these days, but there are some key details that i can share!
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Mal is one of KK's longest and closest friends! She's the person that introduced him to music and music production back when he and his brothers were fresh into a different housing situation. they continue to trade albums or tracks to this day, but have a harder time meeting in person because Mal lives farther away now
She mainly makes lo-fi tracks, and can also play on a drum kit! the former she does independently, but the latter skill she uses for the band she's in with KK and two other friends. the band is named Sodium Streets! (KK plays synth)
She dresses in pastel goth styles usually, though there's also a bit of punk in her wardrobe
I think I had her down as Filipino-? i'll have to dive into my notes again for that one
Amon, meanwhile, has much more information and history ... partly because her alternate universe version, Al, had been another Main Blorbo for a long time before KK and the boys moved in. speaking of "alternate universes", she and Al are alternate versions of each other that live in the same house!
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Sometimes, she reconsiders her decision to not invite bodily harm to him. Some details for her as well (and for Al, by proxy):
the transing her gender part was pretty recent. she hadn't known or even considered that to be an option until she left her hostile home universe
while Al knows more about chemistry and general physics, Amon specializes in engineering and multiverse theory! (Al also does theory work on multiverses, but she knows more)
Amon had tried to murder Al at one point. a Totally Reasonable Response to perceiving that he betrayed her and was leaving her for dead in her universe. they've made up since then, but he hasn't stopped getting on her nerves jsjfndkfjd
Amon does side work for this shady organization in Town Town, taking over a position that was initially offered to Al (which he subsequently refused ... and she accepted instead).
im not quite comfortable sharing the full breadth and depth of Town Town yet, but you can kind of glean some information from the characters (and memes) that are a part of it!
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ensohyun · 2 months
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k-profile | weekly idol self profile | pre-debut life
love life | hyuni in mixnine | hyuni in i-land | wiki
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hyuni is a fictional 8th member of k-pop group enhypen.
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clemencetaught · 3 months
LDW's newest drama really reminding me that found family + crime really is the best trope of them all :'D aka yuri ( elise ) thinking like:
sometimes a family consists of you, your adopted brother, your paranoid adoptive father, his angry boyfriend who he kisses way too often for them to be just friends, the newspaper lady, a nerd, the coffeehouse owner who suspiciously knows a lot about weapons, an origami machine, and the inspector who feeds all of the above bc they're all more likely to fall over from forgetting to eat than from anything else.
bonus points for the coffeehouse regular couple who your father tries to stab at least once a week, but he's getting older, so it's been negotiated down to once a month now.
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