#Implied Past Child Abuse
pespillo · 1 month
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hand that takes but never feeds
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squishablesunbeam · 2 years
The Palette Pt. 14: Pizza & Twinkle Lights
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TW/CW: dehumanization, whumpee as an object, implied past child abuse
Mitchell was truly shocked. He hadn't seen Jesse awake and somewhat alert since that first day he helped pull him out of that filthy closet back at the estate.
Guilt tore at his throat every single night for allowing that boy to be tossed back into that closet in the first place. The young man that sat in front of him now though, he felt like a different person entirely. Mitchell wasn't sure if Mark even fully realized the amount of progress Jesse had already made.
The boy was incredibly still when Mitchell first arrived, only moving when Mark told him too. It clearly took effort for him to pay attention, his brows creasing and his eyes closing as he listened intently to what was happening around him. Mitchell wasn't sure if that was due to his presence in their home or the tinge of agitation that was lingering in the air from whatever had happened earlier today. Mark had said something about a man trespassing and that they'd talk about it later. It had obviously rattled them both, but Mitchell had come with pizza and gifts and the mood lightened quickly as they all got ready for dinner.
They all moved around the kitchen and dining room as they went about setting the table. Jesse right at Mark's hip. Mitchell watched as Mark would hand him a plate or a fork and he'd tap the table, almost absently as he chatted away, and Jesse would dutifully place the item exactly in that spot. This was clearly their routine and slowly, Jesse started to relax into it. His eyes started to flick up every now and again, a little smile playing at his mouth at the brothers incessant banter or when Mark included him in the conversation, not expecting a response but offering the opportunity.
Mitchell didn't miss how Jesse scooted his chair right up next to Mark's as they all sat down to eat. Mark didn't bat an eye. This certainly wasn't the first time they had eaten shoulder to shoulder like that.
Mark leaned in close to Jesse's ear and spoke quietly.
"Eat until you're full, okay. Tell me if you don't like anything and I'll get you something else." Mitchell watched him tap Jesse's hand gently with his finger as he spoke. He wondered if it was to ground him a little bit, to maybe help keep his attention. A little knot he didn't even know he had in his chest unfurled just a little bit. His brother was good at this.
Jesse nodded, reached out for his pizza and took a bite. Mitchell had never had the absolute pleasure of seeing someone taste pizza for the first time before but it was a sight to behold. Jesse's eyes damn near rolled into the back of his head at that first bite and he made a little humming sound that had the brothers bursting into laughter.
His eyes popped open and he blushed bright red, ducking his head just a little bit.
"You're okay," Mark said, still laughing and nudging the boy's shoulder with his own. Jesse licked his lips and boldly took huge bite, closing his eyes in total bliss as he savored the taste.
The boy hummed happily in response.
Something about the sheer joy in that simple act made Mitchell want to take a moment. He waited until his brother was busy with dishing up their salads into little wooden bowls and took a bite of his own.
Closing his eyes just like Jesse, he let the flavors flow over his tongue, carefully picking out the individual spices and paying attention to the different textures. He could have sworn it was the most delicious pizza he'd ever tasted.
He opened his eyes and, while his brother might not have been watching him, Jesse sure was. Mitchell found that it was his turn to blush but that damn smile of Jesse's was playing at his lips again.
Jesse just dipped his chin down in approval and took another bite.
Mark set out the bowls of salad in front of each of them, none the wiser. Mitchell felt oddly proud of their little shared moment.
Mark bumped Jesse's shoulder again, just catching his eye and smiling at him as they dove into their pizza. He seemed genuinely happy. Mitchell had never seen him so at ease in his life, despite whatever had happened earlier today. Mark had always been just a little bit unsettled, a little lost.
Rightfully so, Mitchell had always thought.
His little brother had lived through more in those first 11 years of his life than Mitchell could ever even imagine. He'd been such an angry kid when their parents first brought him home, even after they made the adoption official. But Mitchell got to watch Mark have the chance to be a kid again. He watched him learn how to feel safe and become more and more confident with each day. It reminded him so much of watching Jesse now.
"Hey," Mitchell looked up to see Mark watching him carefully, "You good?"
He drew in a breath, catching Jesse flick his eyes up to check on him as well, "Yeah," he smiled, "I just really love this little family we've got going here," he said sincerely.
Mark grinned at him, "It's not half bad is it."
Mark leaned back, resting his arm over the back of Jesse's chair. Not close enough to touch him, but close enough to be right there if Jesse needed him. It was intentional and comforting and Jesse's shoulders visibly relaxed as he took another big bite of pizza.
They all ate happily in companionable quiet.
"So," Mark stood up after everyone had finished, starting to clear plates and wrap up the few leftover slices, "How about we start setting up your room, Jesse? I think you'll like what Uncle Mitch brought you."
Mark smirked at Mitchell, knowing full well the 'Uncle Mitch' comment would get under his skin, but Jesse's eyes were shinning bright and looking right at him.
He guessed he could live with being 'Uncle Mitch'.
The palette sprawled out on the biggest bed it had ever been on! It reached its toes out to the corners, as far as they could stretch and even then, they just barely reached the edge. It turned back over onto its stomach and stretched right out again, its fingers roaming over the soft comforter and pillows. So many pillows!
Jesse sat up and pulled back the fluffy, dark blue comforter, climbing between the sheets. Mitchell, or Uncle Mitch, it wasn't entirely sure what title he was supposed to have yet. He had said that you couldn't have too many pillows.
The palette had six pillows on its new bed. It thought seven might just be too much but it would never say that to its master's brother.
It pulled the pillows down under the comforter, lining them up on either side of the palette. It made a little U shape and the palette plopped down right in the middle. It couldn't stop letting its fingers graze over the softness.
Everything was so soft. There wasn't a single thing pressing against the palette that hurt.
It looked out at its new room. It was so much bigger than the closet. A palette had no use for such a large space but Mark had insisted. He had filled all the dark corners with strings of twinkle lights that his brother had brought.
It liked that other things filled this space along with the palette. They glowed with a warm orange color that was nothing like the bright overhead light. Which was gone, now that the palette thought about it. It quirked its head, looking up at the empty socket. Instead, its room had two lamps with the same warm orange lights of their own.
The palette liked that better.
It reached down and struggled to drag that special blanket up and over its body. It was heavier than all the others but it felt amazing. The blanket pushed the palette practically into the mattress in a way that made it want to fall asleep right then and there. It didn't want to sleep yet though. It wanted to remember how wonderful it felt right in this moment.
It was full and warm and was asleep not two seconds later.
"That man is going to be back, Mark."
"I know."
Mark leaned his head back on the couch. He was exhausted. That asshole Drew's greedy, entitled face was going to haunt his every waking moment. That man wanted to take Jesse away from them and he wasn't going to stop.
That truth sat heavily in is gut.
"So, what's the plan?"
Mark looked over at his brother, concern creasing his features and sighed.
"I already ordered security cameras. And the dogs should warn me if anyone tries to get on the property. It's not like I can't hold my own but, I don't know, there's something about this guy. I feel like he doesn't take risks without setting the stakes in his favor."
Mitchell nodded and chewed at his lip, "I could stay here."
Mark rolled his head against the back of the couch and smiled at Mitchell, "I appreciate the offer, Mitch. I truly do. But who knows when, or if, this guy will show up. I don't want you getting hurt any more than I want Jesse getting hurt."
Mitchell huffed at his overprotective little brother. Mark had always looked out for him, even as kids. He was four years younger than Mitchell but had taken on more than one of his bullies, and won more often than not. Maybe it was Mitchell's turn to return the favor.
"I'd rather none of us get hurt, Mark. I'll head back into the city tonight to get my things and I'll be back tomorrow morning. We'll protect him. "
Mark pulled in a shaky breath, "I don't know what he'll do to him, Mitch."
His voice cracked and he pressed the heals of his hands against his eyes, trying to erase the image of that sweet kid, starving and hurt, strung up by his wrists.
"Jesse has people now. A family. He's not alone. We'll keep him safe."
Nodding, Mark wiped a hand across his eyes and took a breath, "We have to."
Taglist: @whumpsday, @hold-him-down, @maracujatangerine, @pigeonwhumps, @boxboysandotherwhump, @darkthingshappen, @octopus-reactivated, @whumpzone, @unicornscotty, @melancholy-in-the-morning, @keep-beach-city-werid, @whumpthisway, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump , @onlybadendings, @canislycaon24, @joeywhumpsitup, @thebirdsofgay, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @whumper-soot, @whumpworld, @haro-whumps, @whumpcereal
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howdoyoudothedew · 7 months
a/n: Implied past child abuse. also this was supposed to be shippy but turned into a character study with no ships instead
It’s hard to terraform yourself. To take something that was broken until it turned nearly uninhabitable and make it suitable for life again. Without help, it would surely be impossible.
Russel is his first reaching hand. He’s stubborn and optimistic in equal measures. The relationship he has with his parents is something Cardin envies, and somehow neither Russel nor his parents make him feel like an outsider. They give him a family when he needs it most. Russel becomes the one person in his life he feels he can tell anything to without being judged. And though he never truly tells Russel anything, that doesn’t detract from how important that is. The fact Russel never pushes for anything makes it moreso.
Velvet and Weiss are both important in different ways and he doesn’t want to put anyone on a pedestal above the others, but he knows even Russel’s persistence wouldn’t have been enough without them.
Velvet is the second reaching hand in his life. She is the sister he never knew he needed and also the soulmate he never knew he had. When he apologized, he expected that to be it, but they connect in a way he’s never quite connected before and before he knows it she is as constant a factor in his life as Russel is. Several of the traits he hates the most about himself are in her. His anger, his violence, but she doesn’t harm others in her self-destruction. She slowly teaches him how to do the same. Velvet becomes the second person in his life he feels he can tell anything to, and who doesn’t ask when she sees his scars and he says nothing.
Weiss is less of a reaching hand and more of a shoulder. It’s a complete accident, their friendship. A once-in-a-million moment of many other little moments coming together that lead to them talking. They change each other. They hold each other up when they need to be held up, and they listen, and they force each other to be a little bolder through the changes their separate friend groups inflict on them. They tell each other things they’d never tell another soul, too. Unlike the others, Weiss knows what he’s been through. Cardin never thought it could actually help to speak the traumas out loud, but it does. He knows it’s because it’s Weiss. Because she understands in a way the others can not.
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
#65 for the prompts for the Pod Squad. It sounds like something Isobel would say 😂
Sorry this took so long! But with Crash Con I didn’t get much time to think about how I wanted the conversation to go, which was difficult cause as you said it’s 100% something Izzy would say in like so many situations 😂 (send me a prompt + a character/pairing) <3
Isobel smiles softly at her brothers, watching as they all continue to crowd the kid. Michael is leaned practically into Max’s shoulder as he tickles at her feet, making the baby gurgle.
“Look at that smile,” Dallas practically coos.
Annabelle releases a small laugh, feet kicking in her excitement.
Max’s smile is almost too bright, eyes twinkling as he looks at his daughter. Isobel hadn’t seen him purely content and delighted until his daughter came into their lives.
“You wouldn’t even know she has Max’s genetics,” Michael says smugly.
Max frowns, “hey!”
“Isn’t-“ Dallas laughs “-isn’t he genetically your dad?”
“Hey!” Max and Michael say in unison.
“He’s not wrong,” Isobel says, narrowing her eyes at them. When she blurred her vision the similarities always seemed more obvious. It was genuinely a shock they’d always assumed she was the one related to Max.
Michael frowns at her before straightening up and reaching out for Annabelle. “May I?”
Max nods passing his daughter to Michael. He lifts Annabelle over his head, her laughter bubbling up immediately. “Who’s your favorite uncle?”
Dallas snorts, “I mean, I’m her uncle squared.”
Isobel rolls her eyes, “maybe in front of the baby isn’t the best place to remind everyone who’s bed you warm.”
“Ewww,” Max whines, tossing a throw pillow across the small space.
Isobel catches it, glaring at her brother. If Annabelle wasn’t on the same couch she’d chuck it right back at him.
“It’s definitely me,” Michael says cheekily. “Considering I’m designated baby sitter and bringer of new toys.”
Isobel frowns, “I’m definitely her favorite.”
“Her favorite uncle?” Max asks with a half giggle.
“Exactly,” she says turning up her nose.
Dallas frowns, “I think you spend too much time here. Should probably just get a baby of your own.”
Max’s face lights up, “we could do play dates.”
Michael frowns, face falling.
“What’s that face?” Isobel squints at him.
“Nothin’,” Michael says. Bouncing Annabelle in the air before settling her into the crook of his arm.
“I know a nothing look,” Dallas arches a brow, “and that isn’t one.”
“Spill,” Isobel says, using telekinesis to tug sharply at one of his curls.
Michael frowns, shrugging easily. “It’s just- what if I make a bad parent? I mean, it’s not like I had a stellar example growing up. Like… what if I screw up?” He chuckles darkly, “I mean I fucked up on Alex more times than I can count. And when it comes to kids- you can’t. Not once. I don’t think I’d survive doing that to another person.”
There’s a long beat of silence.
Max reaches over and squeezes his shoulder, “you wouldn’t be alone.”
“There is no way that much stupid can fit inside one person,” Isobel snorts, settling easily back into her seat.
Dallas nods, “yet- somehow he manages.”
Michael glares at her, “I’m just saying it’s a lot.”
“You’re a great uncle,” Isobel says simply. “You’re a great brother. Husband. Friend.”
This makes Michael’s cheeks tinge pink, his eyes darting down to the little girl in his arms.
“You’ve grown and learned so much,” she says with a half sappy smile. “I mean if Max can do it so can you.”
“Hey,” Max frowns, but he squeezes at Michael’s shoulder again. “She’s right, though. You’d make a good father. I mean, you’d be just selfless enough.”
Dallas nods, “and you mentioned growing up. How that shaped you.”
This makes something dark glint in all three of her brothers eyes. A similar haunted look no doubt on her own face, even if she didn’t have the same darkness lying thick over her childhood. Not till she was older of course.
“And that in a way is it’s own gift,” Dallas smiles weakly. “You’ll be more cautious, you know a lot of what not to do-“
“Like that list was hard,” Michael snorts. His humor settling over him like armor, smirk half cocky.
“You know what he means,” Max huffs exasperatedly.
“You’d be a good dad,” Isobel repeats. “Alex too.”
Michael’s armor cracks a little, something soft glinting in his eyes. “He would wouldn’t he?”
Annabelle gurgles, her little hand wrapping around Michael’s finger. As if their little niece wanted to have her opinion weighed into the conversation at hand.
“See?” Max coos, booping her little nose, “little belle agrees.”
Michael groans, “please, dear god, no. Who let this man name and nickname a child?”
Max glares, “what’s wrong with her name?”
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luxshine · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: RRR (2022) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alluri Sitarama Raju/Komaram Bheem Characters: Alluri Sitarama Raju, Komaram Bheem, Jenny (RRR 2022), Lacchu (RRR 2022), Ventakeswarulu (RRR 2022), Scott Buxton, Catherine Buxton, Malli (RRR 2022) Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Hurt/confort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary:
A child was stolen from their tribe, and taken to the British's Home. However, this is not the child you're thinking about. This happened 20 years before Malli was taken, and the Child was Alluri Rama Raju.
How did that little difference changed his life, and his fated meeting with Komuram Bheem? Well, read to find out!
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gallowswhump · 2 years
Snowy Memories Part II
After ignoring Sawyer's warning about his memories the Universe will remind him what is on the table.
AN: I am so happy with this piece I really hope you all give it a chance. LINK TO PART I
Content Warning: Star Wars OC, Begging, Beating, Implied Past Child Abuse, Blood, Choking, Emotional Abuse, Claustrophobia, Death, Gaslighting, Hypothermia, Manipulation, Hallucinations, Mentions of Drugs, Murder, PTSD/trauma, Mentions Physical Torture, Psychological Torture, Violence, Face Wounds, Anxiety, Panic Attack, Self Hate, Self Destructive Behavior, Environmental Whump, Greif, Angst, Pain
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Sawyer stumbles back quite a lot being taken out of her feeling anothers emotions like that. Fear, pain, sadness. It isn’t a moment before the officer is scrambling to get up in a panic. He’s clutching at his side in pain and is looking around trying to figure out what is going on. He breathes out a long breath that hangs in the cold air. Sawyer is trying to catch her breath, fighting back the urge to throw up. He reaches down to his side surprised to find his side arm there and thinks for a moment but as he looks over Sawyer he thinks better of it. He’s still reeling from reliving every painful memory but he lays back down staring at the rocky ceiling of the ice cave. Both their breathing eventually evens out. A simple question leaves Ash’s mouth, “Why?” 
“Why? Everything that I saw should be why enough.”  Ash grit his teeth, “My life is not some show for you to watch and comment on.”  “You’re lucky you still have a life right now.”  He sits up garing, “You had no right!”  “Oh yeah you're one to talk, imp dog.” Ash stands at that clutching his side. Sawyer stands to meet him even if he is a full head and a bit taller than her. His fingers twitch but he doesn’t move for the pistol on his side. He moves walking past the fire towards the exit but Sawyer stands between him and leaving.  “Stand aside.”  “No, you should lay back down. You have no idea what you're getting into out there.” He glances around, “If you had searched my ship enough you would have found some adverse environment gear along with a fire starter.” Sawyer grits her teeth.  “Why are you acting like this? The Empire has done nothing but use and abuse your good will. why are you still loyal to them?!”  “I don’t have to answer that Rebel Scum.” Strangely his words lack venom.  “Is it what Korry would want you to do?”  Ash’s composer breaks away into shock for a moment before anger bubbles up from deep inside of him. “You didn’t know him. You don’t get to use him like that! Now get out of my way!”  “You don’t have to go back.”  “No, you don’t get it.” Ash glowers. “I’m not stupid your rebels would not hesitate to try and get information out of me or use me as a barenging chip. Even if I did genuinely want to join and help.”  “That isn’t true.”  “What is it about you Jedi types who forget that we are at war? Both sides here. The rebels will use what they can to get the upper hand, who cares if it’s at the cost of one Imp commander.”  “But- I could protect you.” “Maybe if I believed that I would consider it but I don’t think your power goes that far.”  
The two stand and glare at each other for a long time in silence before Sawyer steps to the side.  “Thank you.” Ash smirks at winning the verbal argument but it’s not kept long turning to a tired bitter frown.  “This is going to be the last time I’m gonna let you go. If we cross paths and you’re still bent on the path of staying with the empire I will not hesitate.” Ash narrows his eyes at her.  “I’m even less convinced now.”   “Well then go out and freeze to death, go on.” Ash huffs brushing past her. He knows he can bear the ice and snow, the more time he spends with the jedi the closer he would be to treason or capture. 
He grimaces as the cold hits his face. Quickly realizing the danger he could be in if he walked with his face uncovered, he slips off the top of his uniform, glad that he found it important to dress with an under thermal near an ice planet. Luckily the recent snow hasn’t been so heavy that he can’t see the tracks of him being dragged from his ship. The perfect form of navigation, noting that also a way to track back to the cave. 
By the time he reached his downed ship he was freezing. His fingers rigid and numb even when protected by his heavy gloves, For an older woman he had no idea how Sawyer was capable of dragging him through the snow. He gets to the thermal gear first. Thermal cloak, heated gloves, and some heating pads. As he slowly regains feeling in his fingers he looks at the comms system. It’s barely damaged, it doesn’t work but it just looks like it needs a power source. He knew well enough how to rig up one to an external battery in a couple of minutes, it took him twice as long though the cold slowed his movements. He’s in a ball when he gets the comms back up and running, trying to return warmth to his hands.  “This is Ash Hawthorn Commander 7285 does anyone read?”  “Commander Hawthorn, you have been read.”  “Do you have location data? Ship down. No point of reference.” He pulls out a data pad from under the command controls, glad to see it in working order but not surprised.   “Commander sending data location.” A map of the area springs to life. 
“Extraction requested.”  “Extraction at the current location is impossible. There is an Imperial mine due north of your location. Should have limited resources. Wait for extraction there.”  “Copy. Proceeding to location will give an update when at location.”  “Read.” 
He hates the idea of having to head back into the cold but he will freeze here. The cave is closer. He knows the cave is closer. No rescue mission means that unless he can get to an extraction point on his own he’s expected to die out here. Ash gets up looking around the crash for whatever supplies he would need. Water, an energy ration, and more thermal pads to keep warm. He could leave, this could be his escape from the empire. He could go back to Sawyer and defect to the rebels. It was too dangerous though, he thought about all of the risks. A trial that ends with execution, tortured for information, sold for info or anything back to the empire. That last one was worse depending on how it turned out. He could be outed to the empire as a traitor, that alone was a death sentence. Being outed as a force sensitive though, it could end in just death like he had seen a handful of times or possibly worse sometimes he knew that force sensitives would disappear and either never come back or come back as strange dark assassins or inquisitors. No he couldn’t go with Sawyer. He didn’t even know if she had a way off this planet. So, he eats a square of his energy ration to help his body stay warm as he sets off in the direction of this old imperial mine. He could only hope that he makes it there before nightfall. If this place was frozen over during the day he would hate to know what night would bring for him. 
Mine was a strong word; it looked more like an ancient frozen over temple. The data pad told him he was in the right location though. Massive doors that looked more meant for giants than humans. He slowly approaches feeling anxiety run through his spine. This great sense of unease makes the hair on his neck stand up. He stares breathlessly up at the massive doors and he doesn’t even know how to feel. There is a relief of finally finding a place to get out of the cold and in hopes of finding his comrades. There was something deeper though something that turned his stomach in awe at the pure size and scope of the temple. Something drawing him in like this place was once familiar. He shakes off the feeling and quickly looks around. There is a large crack in one of the doors just big enough for him to squeeze through. 
After clambering through a crack far too claustrophobic for comfort, the inside was just as frozen as the outside but large cliffs, blufts, and drops were accented by glimmering crystal and ice. His brow furrowed at the thought of what the Empire could even be mining here. He wondered if he was even in the right place, there wasn’t a hint of imperial presence here. Either way with night outside about to fall he was more willing to take his chances in this strange temple then with the frigid outdoors. He hoped deeper in would be warmer or at least there would be some place of stone that would be spared the wet snow and ice. 
Heading deeper and deeper makes an anxious feeling come over him like he can see shadows out of the corner of his eye wherever he looks that retreat when he tries to focus on them. Along with that he can’t help but feel eyes on him, judging him.  It’s the same sinking feeling he gets when he crosses paths with an Inquisitor. “Ash.” The man jumps as he hears the whisper quickly looking around for the origin. He can’t see anyone though, the cavern is silent. He carefully puts his hand on his blaster continuing further in. “Ash.” Another voice, a different one this time. He feels like he can tell where it’s coming from but even more now he thinks he needs to sit down and rest. He ignores the voice pressing on. The cave system was starting to wear on him. He turns as he feels a presence behind him there is nothing there when he turns around and so he quickly turns back only to have an overwhelming feeling of being lost. Suddenly the passage he was in opens into several and he didn’t remember there being so many options before he turned around. Ash places a hand on the wall, he closes his eyes taking deep breaths. They were ice caves, nothing more, he can not be letting so much get to his head. His vision snaps to one of the tunnels when off in the distance a voice calls out, “Ash Help!” His breathing pauses for a moment as he listens intently. He knew that voice, the sweetly deep voice of Korry. It’s not his voice, it can’t be his voice, but it sounds so close.  He doubles his resolve, “Who is there!?” He demands taking a couple of forceful steps down the tunnel that he heard the voice coming from. He tries to listen but all that can be heard is the distant sound of wind and metal hitting stone…. Metal hitting stone that was the first he had heard that. Maybe he wasn’t as lost as he thought. A mining operation could be here. He turns away from the voice he heard earlier trying to suss out where the mining sounds were coming from. He closes his eyes slowly taking steps turning in place trying to get the best idea of the sound. When he opens them a face bloody and mutilated is in front of his. He gives a shout of surprise, stumbling back the pure shock knocking him off his feet. He moves away from the figure but stops clutching at the snow on either side of him when he realizes what he’s seeing. It’s Korry, he’s in his flight uniform sans helmet. The left hand side of his face is freshly burned and bloody. That eye has a white blindness to it. Skin hangs off his bone like an animal ripped into him and his hair was patchy missing chunks.  Korry smiles, it’s his bright hopeful smile, with his state though it’s  horrifying. Ash tries to control his breathing, control his heart rate but he doesn’t know what to do. What he’s seeing can’t be real. “Ash!”  “Korry?” He slides back further which turns Korry’s face to one of a confused frown.  “What’s wrong?” Ash stares in disbelief, his stomach turns into knots and it’s taking every ounce of willpower to not throw up. Korry frowns more, “Oh…I thought this is how you wanted me.”  “What?” The officer looks at him bewildered.  “You gave the order that did this.”  “No I-” Ash moves further back using the momentum to get to his feet. He had to be Hallucinating, there must be something in the air causing this.  “No?” Korry’s brows furrow. “It was an order. I made sure you gave it twice... Why did you do this Ash? We could have left, I asked you to leave.” Ash doesn’t have an answer, this wasn’t happening, this wasn’t real. He turns and starts running, not caring where he was going; he just needed to get away. 
His nightmare wasn’t over yet though as he was running he found himself sliding to a halt as another figure stood in his way. A Sathari the burn of a blaster bolt straight through her head. An image that has forever been burned into him. “Kari,” Breathlessly as a reflex before he takes a step back looking over her. 
She’s more reserved than Kari. Tears are already rolling down her face, “Ash why did you have to kill me?” 
“There wasn’t another option,” The answer is reflexive before he covers his mouth. 
“There were other options, all of them just meant leaving the Empire.” He shakes his head and turns away; he can't hear this. “Or were you just scared of what I could turn into?” He snaps his head back to look behind him. Kari had changed; she was no longer the cheery bright bird he knew her as, nore the image of her corpse that was seared into his memory. She was dressed from head to claw in black and red with clear markings of the inquisitors. A pointed mask to accommodate her beak. Ash’s eyes widened and he stumbled away from her as a flick of her wrist revealed a red lightsaber. He rushes forward into a full run. The thoughts from the rational part of his brain were lost. This felt so real he just had to get away. 
He stumbles through the snow, his muscles screaming in pain especially since he had very little rest from the crash he was just in. Even worse is the longer time ticked on the longer it had been since his last actual sleep. He doesn’t even know if he’s being chased but he doesn’t want to look back. The thought of Kari as an inquisitor was a harrowing one. Kari was so kind and full of life. There was no doubt that would have been her fate if he hadn't… the thought is lost as he slides down a slope turning and pressing his back into a side opening just to catch his breath. Cold air rakes his insides as he catches his breath. It didn’t even feel like he was taking in air, just drowning in pure ice. He coughs and sputters when he regains his senses he hears an echoing voice Korry’s again. “Were you scared of what I could become?”  “Please just stop!” He looks around and out of the shadows steps Korry again. This time he was older, just the slightest hint of stubble, dressed in the full orange uniform of the rebel pilots.  “What are you scared of Ash?” He turns away shaking his head.  “You’re not real, this isn’t real.”  “You’ve been running away from the end, but which end do you want?” Korry steps to the side of the passage welcoming Ash further as it seems the passage lightens. He hesitantly steps forward before remembering what potentially is behind him. He walks forward finding himself faced with three bodies covered in cloth. He checks behind him and the Rebel Korry is still there stepping between him and where he had just come from.  He  doesn’t want to check but he feels compelled, kneeling next to the first one on the left hand side. He turns his head in disgust as soon as he pulls the cloth back. It was himself wearing white flowing clothing. His arms crossed over his chest. He takes a look again covering his mouth. This double had gone gray at the temples. Older maybe by well hopefully twenty years. Though Ash was distinctly aware of the fact he had already started to dye his hair at the roots. He turned over the medal with the rebel symbol embossed on it. For Superior service was etched into the back and Ash scowled in disgust pulling the sheet crassly back over the corpse. He glanced back for just a moment at the figment of Korry. The man was watching with interest but those big expressive eyes didn’t hide any of the hurt that was there. This wasn’t the real Korry, there was no reason to feel bad, for his heart to sink to think he caused that. He did however step to the next one. It was him nearly as he was now fully in uniform. A myriad of blaster bolts and vibro ax wounds littered his body and tore up his uniform. Blood pooled from some of the wounds like they were still fresh. He was sprawled, like he had been left. No distinguishments, just an Imperial Officer left by both sides. Not worth the trouble to give a proper burial too. He dreaded what the last corpse would offer him. He moves kneeling. He debates for just a moment before he pulls back the cover. He’s much older, his hair gone completely gray. He reaches out and touches the rank plaque that denotes him as a Grand Admiral; the numerous metals below it turn his stomach. Distinguished medal of Imperial Honor, the Medal of Valor, and the Emperor's Fist. He doesn’t know why he feels sick looking over this. It should be what he wants, every major honor, the highest rank. He moves the sheet back over himself, turning his head away. He looks too much like his father. The thoughts of how many lives were ruined to obtain those medals and that rank. 
He places one hand firmly on the ground with the intention of getting up before his world is turned again. He feels a hand against his throat and he’s pushed back into the wall. He hisses hand moving down to his blaster before he’s faced with the reality of his father. “You wouldn’t.”  Ash growls, “Try me.”  “Why didn’t you tell anyone what you were? Think about how the empire could have used that!” A moment of fear flickers over Ash’s face the idea of his father knowing about his powers was terrifying. He knew his father was far away though that it was this stupid ice temple causing these visions.  “No.” Is simply what Ash says and his father disappears turning into a cold mist. Ash is left alone, left to breathe. The bodies were gone. Korry was gone. He can tell now that this tunnel was a dead end. He turns and slowly makes his way back the way he came.  He feels exhausted but spending time resting in this cold would bring certain death. He could only hope that this was over. However he had throught to soon cause as it crossed his mind he heard the distinct hum of a Lightsaber activating. He quickly turned, and he came face to face with himself. No longer was he in the gray-green officer uniform. He was now in an armored black uniform accented with red. A red lightsaber violently pulses and horror comes across Ash’s face as he realizes that the hilt to the lightsaber was Kari’s. Ash wants to run knowing this can only end badly for himself.  The dark eyes of his counterpart watch him, “I forgot how much of a traitor you are, traitor and coward.”  “I’m not either of those things.”  “Really? Hiding such a useful tool from the empire. Not groveling, begging to let them use it. Not to mention hiding this,” He turns over Kari’s corrupted lightsaber in his hand.  Ash matches his counterparts steps forward with steps back, “I’m loyal to the empire.”  “You waste your wealth on the poor who turn to the rebels, who turn out to be traitors.”  “Do you even hear yourself?”  “I do, anything less then full devotion to the empire is traitorism.”  “Stop, you aren’t real, you aren’t me.”  “Oh but I am. I’m you if you turned over yourself fully to the empire. If you’re anything but me you deserve everything that happens to you like the traitor you are.” Ash took the hint and he turns, running. He knows though that if this is an inquisitor he needs to be smart not fast. He keeps his vision forward as he resolves to make a sharp turn down a tunnel using the ice and momentum to help him around the corner before continuing. He needs something to break the gap between him and his other counterpart. He turns his head to check before finding them right behind and gaining. He keeps his eyes forward heading down another sharp turn and then slinking his way down another immediately after to put some potential wrong directions between him and himself. It doesn’t work though as he can hear gaining footsteps. He is finally faced with hopefully a way out. A small patch of deep looking water that seems to run under into a tunnel. He can only hope that there is an opening at the other end. He quickly breaks another one of the thermal packs in his pocket before he jumps into the water. 
The initial shock of cold makes him freeze up but he takes a moment to regain his composure and not breathe in like his body wants to. He makes his way through the narrow underwater tunnel in front of him and it is just his luck that it’s short and before long his head is above water. He takes in a deep breath before he makes his way over to the frozen edge and pulls himself out of the freezing water. He knows it’s a bad idea to stand immediately but he quickly realizes that it doesn’t matter. This was a dead end. There was no way out but back. Everything that he just went through him hits him in that moment like a brick. He pulls his knees up to his chest and sets his forehead on them. Slow long breaths is what he uses to try and focus to try and not break down. It’s no use as tears start to fall from his eyes and he lets out a ragged sob. It wasn’t real, it couldn’t be, it was so fantastical, but it felt so real. It was some kind of cruel joke at his expense. He didn’t know why it happened either, something must have laced the air here, some sort of hallucigen but it was such a vivid hallucination. He rubs over his face taking in a deep breath. He needed to get it together and find a way out of here. Eventually, he blinks his eyes free of tears and is surprised to find something glinting and glowing under the snow at his feet. He quickly brushes the snow away, his hand hitting a strange gem. He pulled it closer to himself, the gem pulsed with an unknown energy and it glowed a soft blue color with just the slightest hint of purple. He’s not sure what to do with it but like Kari’s saber he felt like it was important. Even more so, it felt like the gem was a piece of him. He runs a hand through his hair knowing that no matter where he came out from this he wasn’t going to be in an easy position. 
He stands taking in his surroundings. He notices that there does look to be a crack in one of the walls that he could probably make his way through. He glances back down at the crystal in his hand. Kyber crystal, he knew the name and its use in making weapons but he just wasn’t sure of any more of the specifics. He shakes his head and pulls off the top of his uniform from around his face. He carefully turns the outer jacket partly inside out finding the hidden pocket deceptively sown into the inner lining. It was against regulation but many officers had made such modifications with the excuse of being able to hide things if caught by the rebels. He carefully placed the Kyber crystal inside. It is now hidden away along with Kari’s lightsaber. He takes a deep breath thinking about going back to Sawyer. Maybe there was enough that he could make it but a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him it wasn’t true. 
He mulls over the idea as he carefully replaces his uniform making doubly sure that the hidden items could not easily be detected. Eventually, he makes the choice. Sawyer was still too dangerous. Knowing her trust of him though meant that at any point jumping off from the Empire would be acceptable. Sawyer was right, and he knew it. They had been using him but his station gave him heightened freedoms. If he left now all of his efforts would be towards the Rebel’s war. While they took in refugees depending on any particular commander the lives of civilians were rarely counted for. Staying with the Empire ment being able to subvert from the inside and having a better idea of where he stood. 
With that he takes his resolve to venture back out into the ice caves.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 3 months
Okay wait so dream had a vision of the future kinda like what shattered dream had and tried to change the future is that what happened?
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Dream: my eyelights Nightmare: the villagers are giving us a lot of stuff. it's nice. Dream: my eyelights. Nightmare: i like your new eyelights. Dream: please keep yours. Nightmare: …I'll try?
Villager: Dream, I need to talk to you. Dream: oh! is this about your dislike of my brother or your house burning down? i heard about it. that must've really sucked :) busy lately? Villager: uh- yeah. My sister was terribly injured in the fire, so we need apples for her recovery.
Villager: my mommy told me to give you this Dream: thank you, Charlie. tell your mom i said hi. Villager: it's a pie. Dream: thank you. Villager: she says your brother is a bad person and should be executed. i think i agree, 'cuz he's really scary. Dream: he's really nice. you should be nice to him. Villager: oh. okay! he's still really scary though.
Prophecy Nightmare: HEY. Dream: AAAAAA-
Villagers: "Are you okay?" "Dream, can I get an apple?" "Are you okay?" "Are you okay?" "Are you okay?" "Can I have an apple?" "Are you okay?" "Are you okay?"
Nightmare: are you gonna sleep tonight? Dream: no Nightmare: did i- do something wrong-? Dream: no Nightmare: are you okay? Dream: no Dream: yes
Prophecy Nightmare: LYING TO YOUR BRO? COLD. Dream: god damn it
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queermentaldisaster · 4 months
“There's a Revolution Coming”, part three of “The Devil Made Me Do It; But I Also Kinda Wanted To”.
First thing's first. If you read this on AO3, please, please, please pay attention to the tags. I will add sufficient warnings for each chapter here as well, but this is very much a Dead Dove fic. What you see is what you get. So please, proceed with caution when you see the tws/tags.
Tags: @forestshadow-wolf @axelaxolotl09 @im-here-and-im-confused @bringinsexybackk69 @rainerestored @8-rae-rae-8 (if you want to be added or removed from the taglist please inform me)
(Possible) tw: Children in captivity, mental breakdown, mentions of torture and mind control, discrimination towards demons, and implied child abuse. Proceed with caution.
Chapter 1 under the cut.
The helo landed, and Mirror grabbed Soap's bound wrists and began dragging him towards the military base. Soap's eyes trailed upwards, and his eyes narrowed. With the amount of security around this place, it reminded him of a castle. He looked back down, taking a deep breath. ‘Och, poor Si…he's probably terrified right now and masking it with anger…’ he thought. His thoughts were on Ghost, even as Mirror dragged him through the base. Then, he looked up, and saw just how many demons were here. More than a thousand. The rest must've come from all over the world, then. ‘How many demons did Meister break?’ Soap thought, as his mind drifted back to a conversation Ghost and him had while he was still recovering.
“You know, Meister tortured us to make us weak to mind control.” Ghost murmured. Soap's head snapped up from his sketchbook. “Mind control?” He asked. Ghost nodded. “Affirmative.” He brought his hand up to his neck. “He’d collar us, then attack us. He saw us as nothing more than tools.” Ghost's wings tightened around himself. Soap's eyes softened and he touched Ghost's hand. “Yer so much more than a tool to me, Simon. Yer as alive as the rest of us.” he murmured. Ghost looked back at Soap and his eyes spoke volumes. “Thanks, Johnny.”
A tear rolled down Soap's cheek. God, he hoped Ghost was looking for him. He was scared.
Mirror dragged him into a room, shoving him in and locking the door behind him. Soap fell to the floor, and knelt there, his hands clenched into fists. He let the tears begin rolling down his cheeks, as he tried not to sob. He was in the lion's den and all alone. Too weak to fight against demons and vampires and…whatever Shepard was. God, he'd never wished for anything, not even to be a monster…but now, he was cursing his human heritage. ‘Ah’m useless. Cannae even save maself, much less love Simon how he wants.’ He bit his tongue. ‘Ah’m pathetic. Fought tooth ‘n nail ta get where ah was, and now ah'm here. In an empty room, captured, unable to save maself.’ A sob escaped from the gag, and the dam broke. He curled up, sobbing.
He didn't know how long had passed, and he didn't care. He'd managed to get the gag out at some point, and he was now staring at the ceiling, counting the tiles. “Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six-” He was interrupted by the door flying open. Graves was standing there, his eyes narrowed. “Do you ever shut up!?” He snapped. Soap sat up, placing his bound wrists on his knees. “Ya ken, Graves, ye have a really bad track record with kidnapping. Twice in two months. Ghost isnae goin’ tae be happy with this.”
Graves's eyes narrowed. “I do not care what that beast thinks. He's nothing more than an animal, a tool to use as we see fit. He doesn't have feelings, he can't.” Soap's eyes narrowed. “...” He lunged at Graves, only to be tackled by one of the other demon guards. Graves's eyes narrowed. “Take him to the little room.” The demon nodded and dragged Soap off as Soap screamed his head off at Graves, in pure rage.
The demon threw Soap in another room, this one with three beds, and paper strewn around the room. He hit the ground roughly, and he let out a groan. He felt hands grab his binds and he almost struck the person…until he looked ahead…and saw a child with pale tannish skin, her right eye being a purple color, her left eye being a pink color, blonde hair, and tiny red horns. “Evelyn! He could be a threat!” came a voice. He turned his head and saw a girl, no older than fourteen, shielding a smaller boy. The girl had light grayish pinkish-purple hair, her right eye being orange and her left eye being a dark grayish magenta color. She had a burn scar by her right eye, and she had horns of a dull gold color that curved like a ram's. Soap looked around, spotting two other kids. His heart sank.
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mariamakeslemons · 1 month
I found I'm actually enjoying writing in @ghouljams fae!AU. Here's Lilac's first meeting with Price, Keegan, and the Changeling/Ainsley.
Lilac stares in terror at the man, fae, standing in her mentor’s garden. He smiles at her and she chokes, shaking as he takes a purposeful step toward her.
“Calm down, little witch,” he chuckles, dropping his heavy hand on her head, “I don’t eat children.” Lilac squeaks at his rough pats before watching with wide eyes as he walks past her, into Miss Witch’s house.
“Price! Stop scaring Lilac!” Miss Witch scolds, her hands on her hips and a frown on her face. The fae, Price, chuckles and strides up to Miss Witch. Suddenly, Lilac sprints to stand between them, her arms outstretched in an attempt to block him from hurting Miss Witch.
“Y-you can’t h-hurt h-her!” She yells, fighting to keep her fear off her face as she stares up at his blue eyes. Price raises an eyebrow at Lilac’s declaration, tilting his head curiously.
“Oh? Are you going to stop me?” he asks, not mocking, but curious. Lilac freezes, unsure of the correct answer when Miss Witch huffs behind her.
“Price,” she intones. The fae raises his hands in surrender, chuckling as he once again steps around Lilac. The girl spins, terrified for her mentor. She knows Miss Witch is heavily warded, that’s just what generational magic does, but Price feels strong. Maybe even stronger than Miss Witch, although magic does what it does, so she might be stronger?
“Lilac,” Miss Witch calls, pulling Lilac from her panicked thoughts. She’s sitting on the bench while Price still stands, looking over his shoulder in amusement, “Go put the herbs back for me please. Then, you can copy down more of those minor spells.” Lilac hesitates, but ultimately, she nods and scurries back into the house, glancing over her shoulder worriedly to the garden.
Cleaning up the herbs takes a minute of squinting at Miss Witch’s handwriting and comparing it to the notes she’s made on the spare notebook Lilac brought. It takes almost ten minutes, but she’s confident at her accuracy. Another forty minutes is taken up by carefully writing out the most basic of spells in various colored pens. Miss Witch mentioned one of her accomplices likes using multiple colors for notes and wanted to see if it would help Lilac concentrate. It worked and now, her grimoire is currently being cleansed of all the black ink that barely meant anything, and they’re waiting for a proper quill and ink set that will copy the multi-colored system that helps Lilac keep her thoughts in order. Beaming at her steady progress, Lilac stands up from her seat and scurries over to the door to the garden, opening her mouth to ask Miss Witch to look over her work, only to stop.
Price is laying on the bench, his head in Miss Witch’s lap, and a soft look on his face as he stares up at her. Miss Witch is humming a song Lilac swears she knows, her fingers combing through the fae’s hair softly, her expression just as soft.
“Y’know, Soap’ll pout when I tell ‘im how nice you are t’ the little witch. Especially when y’re so mean t’ ‘im,” the fae rumbles. Miss Witch scoffs, going so far to tap his nose as they smile at each other.
“Soap’s a grown fae, Lilac is a child. They are completely different, and you know that,” Miss Witch reminds him with a smile, teasing. Price chuckles, his eyes fluttering closed when Miss Witch bends down enough to press a kiss to his forehead.
“Doesn’t mean ‘e won’t bitch,” the fae reiterates before silence surrounds the couple once again. Lilac can’t help but stare, awe and confusion mixing together.
Witches and fae don’t mix, one of the biggest rules Granny beat into Racheal. No witch worth their salt would ever allow a fae into their home, their sanctuary, willingly. But, here they are, Miss Witch completely at ease while Price does nothing more than tease her. No threats of violence, no attempts at violence. It’s a strange thing to witness, after being told and shown reasons that they can’t interact.
Suddenly, a soft knock on the front door startles Lilac from her staring. She slowly turns to the door, blinking in confusion. She’s been here for a few days already, but Miss Witch always knows when customers are coming. Lilac’s never heard a knock at the door and she doesn’t know what to do. Another knock sounds out, low on the door but insistent. Suddenly, Miss Witch strides past Lilac, a fond smile and shake of her head while Price follows with a frown.
“Hello there,” Miss Witch says upon opening the door, “You really need to stop doing this, sweetie. Your mom is going to be worried.”
“And Russ’s gonna be a pain in the ass,” Price grumbles beside Lilac.
“Russ?” she asks, only to jump and squeak when a little changeling wraps their arms around her legs, looking up at her curiously.
“Who?” the little one asks, their voice taking on Miss Witch’s and Price’s and maybe a few other people. Lilac blinks, before slowly raising her head. Miss Witch winces at the sound of so many voices at once, but she smiles.
“She’s my trainee,” Miss Witch explains patiently, “Her name is Lilac.” The changeling hums and chitters like a chipmunk, a smile crossing their face that make’s their cheeks appear chubbier. Lilac smiles back nervously, only for her nerves to be soothed when the child lets go of her legs to grab her hand. They ramble about decay and how it affects objects differently, from leaves turning from green to black, and a squirrel’s body caved in on itself before some birds got to it. It’s interesting, how passionate the kid is about their topic.
“D-do you want t’ read a b-book?” Lilac asks, smiling when the child looks up at her excitedly. They nod and point at a book Miss Witch had told Lilac was about a dog’s life. Taking the book gently from the shelf, Lilac sits on the ground and jolts in surprise as the child climbs into her lap, forcing her to wrap her arms around the kid and rest her chin on their head to read.
They get through two chapters when a man appears with a dog. Lilac looks up and tightens her hold on the changeling fearfully. He’s a tall fae, one that makes promises and demands rewards. One that can stack any deal in his favor.
“I’d appreciate if you’d let my kid go,” he drawls, the German Shepard beside him giving Lilac a warning growl. Swallowing and shying back, she glances down at the changeling worriedly, unsure as to the older fae’s plan for the little one. The fae’s face shifts, from a fake neutral expression to something softer, almost like comfort.
“I’m not gonna hurt him. I need to take him back to his momma,” the fae explains. The changeling on Lilac’s lap beams up at her and nods. Lilac swallows again, before nodding and releasing her hold. The changeling scrambles over to the man, giggling happily as they’re scooped up.
“Alright, you monster,” the fae teases, “Say bye to your new friend.”
“Bye-bye!” the changeling chirps, birdsong weaving through their voice. Lilac relaxes a bit and waves in return, watching as the fae says something to Miss Witch, only for her to scowl at him and Price to narrow his eyes. Quickly, he, his dog, and the changeling leave the cottage, as if this is a normal occasion.
“Is th-this normal?” Lilac asks.
“About every other week,” Miss Witch sighs, rubbing at her temples, “Keegan is a pain, but he’s fairly harmless. Especially around his kid. Just be careful if you see him on the street without his kid or partner.”
“You have trouble with him?” Price asks her, his head snapping to look at her in concern and an almost righteous fury. Miss Witch waves it away.
“No, more like he enjoys getting a rise out of people,” she explains with a sigh. Lilac swears she hears Price mutter about sounding right, but she’s more concerned with her teacher’s frown.
“U-um,” Lilac stutters, “D-do you want t-to have your t-tea out in th-the garden? I-I-I can make it!” Miss Witch blinks at the offer before smiling, patting Lilac’s head.
“Yes, please,” she agrees, turning to her garden and heading out. Lilac feels warm from Miss Witch’s kindness, unable to help but touch where the woman’s hand had patted.
“You’re a pretty good kid,” Price says, startling Lilac from enjoying her warmth. Looking up, a sudden chill runs down her spine at the cold blue that stares down at her. He leans close and warns with smoke curling from his maw, “Don’t do anything too stupid. You hurt her, you can disappear. Clear?” Lilac nods, mute in terror as examples of her ‘disappearance’ form from his smoke. He leans back and suddenly, he’s Price, the strange fae who likes Miss Witch again. He pats her shoulder and saunters out to the garden.
Lilac fixes up the tea and pours out a mug of wine that Miss Witch does every time she goes into the garden, her mind spinning at the whiplash of this past few hours. Especially Price’s threat. Did she do something to upset him? Did she seem like a threat? Carrying the drinks out, Lilac notices that Price is now on the other side of the gate, almost pouting as Miss Witch scowls at him.
“U-um,” she starts, only to tense when Miss Witch snatches up the mug of wine and slams it on the wall.
“Finish that, then on your way,” she snaps.
“I only did that for your protection,” he says, like a reminder or an explanation.
“Just because it was in good intentions doesn’t excuse you for basically threatening my trainee!” she snaps. Price huffs and takes a long drink from his mug, averting his eyes. Miss Witch sighs and turns to a confused Lilac.
“Sorry about the overprotective idiot,” Miss Witch apologizes.
“O-oh, no! I-i-it’s okay!” Lilac tries to assure her, “I m-must’ve done something wrong! I-I can’t do m-m-much right, s-so it’s fine.” Miss Witch gets that pinched look on her face, the same look she gets when Lilac mentions things Granny yelled at her. From the corner of her eye, Price grimaces, putting down his mug.
“No, little witch. Keegan just riled me up and you were an easy target,” Price explains with a sigh, setting his mug down. Lilac blinks at that declaration while Miss Witch sighs. The woman gently scolds the fae while Lilac mulls his words over. Is she an easy target? She’s never been told that, so she’s not sure. Maybe it’s something that will make sense when she’s older.
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imtrashraccoon · 7 months
This one was a bit tricky to write and it's a bit rougher in places than I'd prefer, but I wanted to get it out on time. My sister helped me with the basic idea as I would've gone with a more convoluted idea instead lol.
CW: Reference to implied child abuse in the past but nothing explicit.
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day.
Day 13: First Fight
The moment Papyrus stepped inside the house after work, you instantly knew he was in a bad mood. Besides the stony look on his face, the way he harshly shut the door behind him and didn't bother to greet either you or Frisk like he usually did, proved without a shadow of a doubt that something bad had happened at work.
Frisk seemed to notice as well and when they glanced at you for reassurance, you didn't miss the anxiety that flickered through their eyes. You pulled them into your lap and hugged them tightly.
"Let's give Papyrus some space for a little while, okay?" you whispered in their ear. "He probably just had a bad day."
They nodded silently and you both returned to the book you'd been reading together.
Several minutes passed before you heard Sans come home. He teleported inside the living room like he usually did and greeted both you and Frisk. You smiled slightly and murmured a "Hello" before he went upstairs to his room.
"hey bro, did someone manage to get under your skin or somethin'...?" you heard him ask.
Papyrus slammed a door which caused you to jump slightly. "Numskull..." he growled. "Are You So Blind That You Cannot See I Am In No Mood To Deal With Your Idiocy?"
Sans scoffed, "i just asked a simple question. 's not my fault you're too dense to comprehend it..."
You glanced up at the balcony at this point, both the brother's raised voices were quickly becoming too much to continue ignoring. With a sigh, you scooped Frisk up and moved into the kitchen. Setting them at the table, you held them close and whispered soft words of affirmation.
The brothers continued to bicker, each comment becoming more bitter as they seemed to grow more irritated. You hadn't witnessed them get this frustrated with each other for the whole time you'd been staying with them - just over two months at this point. Sure, they occasionally made snide comments directed towards each other but you figured that was just how they were and that they didn't actually hate each other.
You could see their argument was stressing Frisk out quite a bit and the longer it went on, the greater the urge to do something about it grew. You were normally a pretty non-confrontational person but seeing how anxious Frisk was becoming, it was almost like something snapped deep down inside.
With a sigh, you squeezed Frisk slightly closer. "I'm going to get them to calm down, okay?" you whispered.
Frisk glanced sharply at you and with great effort, managed to sign what they were thinking. "Be careful... I don't want you to get hurt."
"They won't hurt me, Frisk," you said, trying to reassure them further. Spotting Doomfanger over by her food bowls, you got an idea. "See how relaxed Doomfanger is? Why don't you cuddle with her for a little bit? I promise this won't take long."
Frisk seemed to relax slightly as they watched the fluffy cat. They slowly nodded, "Okay..."
You set them down near Doomfanger and after making sure both Frisk and the cat were alright, took a deep breath and prepared for what would surely be a rough encounter.
Maybe this was a foolish decision, but ever since you'd become friends with Frisk, if anyone did anything to upset them, it was enough to stir up some sort of primal rage inside you. They had put up with enough already and you'd be damned if you let anyone make them upset or afraid again.
"And Another Thing, Where Do You Get The Audacity To Act Like You Care So Much? Last I Checked, I Am The Only One Who Keeps You From Getting Dusted Because You Cannot Seem To Get Off Your Coccyx And Do Things For Yourself!"
Sans said nothing and yet you could feel the tense energy in the air change. The room seemed to grow frigid and almost charged, causing the air on your neck to stand up. Glancing up at the balcony, your eyes widened as you realized why.
Sans and Papyrus were staring each other down and red magic was flickering from their eye sockets, as if they were just waiting for the other to make a move. Realizing this situation had escalated further than you'd first thought it had, you hesitated for a moment but still felt the urge to do something.
After a moment, Sans huffed and released his magic. "i don't need to put up with this," he grumbled and pulled his hood over his skull. "i'll be at grillby's if you cool down anytime soon, not that you care..." He disappeared before Papyrus could retort.
Papyrus stared at the spot Sans had been standing in for a few seconds before letting out a heavy sigh and releasing his magic as well.
Against your better judgement, you said the first thing on your mind. "How dare you? How dare you say all those hurtful things about him? He's your only brother and that is how you treat him?!" Your voice was calm at first but increased in volume slightly as you spoke.
Papyrus said nothing and only turned to look at you coldly.
You clenched your fists as the sheer apathy coming off of him only served to frustrate you further. You slowly climbed the stairs until you were standing in front of him. While you were trying to remain calm on the outside, inside you were still seething.
"Does he mean nothing to you?! He clearly was concerned, not trying to antagonize you! What gives you the right to speak like that about your own family?!"
Papyrus continued to remain silent as you scolded him. You were so angry that you didn't register how uncharacteristic it was for him to remain this deathly quiet. By the time you'd run out of words to say, it finally dawned on you how bad of a decision confronting him was. You fell silent and only then did Papyrus finally speak, although his tone was much icier than how he'd ever spoken to you before.
"Are You Done?" he asked quietly.
You took a few steps away from him, all anger dissipating as you realized how badly you'd messed this up. The plan had been to diffuse things calmly, not rake the coals and spark another argument.
Papyrus took a steadying breath and tightly clenched his fists. He made no movement towards you at least, but you could see how desperately he was trying to remain calm.
"Look, I Mind My Business So You Should Mind Yours," he stated and turned towards his bedroom door. "Just Leave Me Alone..."
His comment caused a brief spark of anger to flicker up but rather than retort, you glared at the back of his skull. As soon as he'd entered his room, you returned to the kitchen to check on Frisk.
They'd apparently picked up Doomfanger and had been cuddling them like you'd suggested. When they looked up at you with concern though, you immediately felt regret.
Sitting next to them, you pulled them into a hug. "I'm sorry..." you murmured against their fluffy hair.
< ~ - . - ~ >
You didn't see either Papyrus or Sans for the rest of the day. So instead of focusing on what had happened, you focused on comforting Frisk and helping them feel better. Whether they knew what the argument had been about or not, you weren't sure, but you couldn't let them become disheartened.
Sometime in the early morning, you woke to a light on in the kitchen and a quiet conversation going on. You couldn't seem to fall asleep again and so you laid there for a while, just holding onto Frisk and listening to what was going on.
You soon figured out that Sans and Papyrus were talking and while you couldn't hear everything they were saying, it seemed like they were talking about what happened. It made you feel some relief that things could work out.
You laid there for several hours, drifting in and out of sleep. At some point, you woke up again to find the light still on but unable to hear any more talking. In your half awake state, you assumed one of them had forgotten to turn it off and drowsily got up.
After carefully prying Frisk's arms from your body and sliding a cushion into their grasp, you stood up and wandered into the kitchen. You immediately noticed two things, one, the light by the stove was the only one on, and two, Papyrus was sitting at the kitchen table with his skull resting in his hands. He looked up when you entered and for a moment, you both just looked at each other.
You finally broke the silence. "I'm sorry for getting upset earlier...and for butting in," you murmured. You weren't sorry for what you'd said as you still believed you were right, but even you could admit that you could've gone about the conversation differently.
When Papyrus didn't respond and just continued to look at you silently, you turned to leave. He could still be upset and you'd rather leave him alone if he was.
He grabbed your shoulder and stopped you though. You turned to look at him quizzically and for a moment he seemed unsure of what to say.
"I Am Sorry For Getting So Angry and I Am Also Sorry For Scaring You Like That," he finally said.
You nodded, "I forgive you, Papyrus."
For a moment you both stood there in the kitchen but then Papyrus pulled you into a hug, which you reciprocated.
"We should probably focus on communicating better in the future, huh?"
"Definitely, I Will Also Try Working On Being More Patient," Papyrus responded.
You smiled slightly, "That's a good idea. Going forward, I'll try to be more mindful of how I say things too."
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pespillo · 10 months
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[ ID in ALT ]
I thought being nice was about staying quiet, if im a good kid am i still not enough?
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inorganicone2230 · 1 year
Purity (Finale Part 2 of 2) Yandere!Overhaul x Fem!Reader
Finale Part 1 of 2
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Summary: Overhaul meets a quirkless foreigner who holds some very interesting views on his way of thinking. The more time he spends with her, the more he wants to keep her and her purity for himself. And he has no problem with falling to the depths of obsession if it means getting what he wants.
Other Warnings: Trigger warnings, mentions of past domestic and physical abuse, blackmail, referenced kidnapping, referenced rape, referenced physical abuse/torture, emotional and mental manipulation, toxic relationship, gaslighting, forced pregnancy, VERY YANDERE!!! See tags for more…
Side Note: I do NOT and never will condone the actions committed in this and future chapters, please be mindful and respectful of the fact that all of this is purely fiction.
“Good night, Mama.” Kazue’s sleepy little voice whispered as you watched him snuggle down so far into his pillow and blankets that all you could see was his head of chestnut hair, a perfectly matched shade and cut to Kai’s.
“Good night, baby. Sweet dreams.” You replied, smiling and quietly closing the door just enough that some light from the hallway would leak in for him before moving onto Eri’s room. 
Kazue was such an easy child to raise, probably because he took after his father in so many ways. He adored Kai and wanted to be just like him when he grew up, and it was a notion that you were still slowly coming to terms with. Now that he had a better handle on it, Kai and some of the other Precepts were just beginning to teach him how to fight and use his quirk, which had developed a little over a year ago and it was giving you some major anxiety, even if, rationally, you knew it was a necessary thing to do. He was your baby boy after all, and you hated the thought of him being put in any kind of danger, regardless if it was in a controlled environment or not. But, as Kai had so logically pointed out, he needed to learn how to control his quirk early on, because if he didn’t, he could become a serious threat to himself and to others.
The question of whether or not Kazue would even develop a quirk at all was always a hot topic amongst those in yours and Kai’s ‘inner circle’, what with you being quirkless and all, and a few of them, your sister included, had even started betting on the outcome. So the day it finally happened, when Kazue had been throwing a rarely seen temper tantrum and unintentionally overhauled a small toy that had been in his hand, it came as a bit of a shock.
As expected, Kazue’s own quirk was nearly identical to Kai’s in every way, except for one, that being his didn’t work on organic material. Kai had actually breathed a sigh of relief when that particular detail had come to light.
When you asked him about it that night, as the two of you laid in bed and he rested the side of his head on your stomach while you traced idle patterns on the skin of his bare back. He told you the story of how his quirk was so late to develop, that he was actually thought to be quirkless himself. His birth parents weren’t kind people by any means, and having a supposedly quirkless son was like receiving a slap in the face to them. His mother, thankfully, ignored him most of the time, but his father was much more keen on showing his displeasure via his fists, and one day, during a particularly harsh beating, he’d lifted a hand to try and fend off a punch to the face, and the moment his father’s fist collided with it, he’d exploded in a shower of blood and gore. His mother had come in only a few seconds later, took one look at the bloody sight and fainted before she could even scream. He’d walk out of the house right after that, with nothing but the clothes he had on, and he never once bothered to look back.
He’d only been ten at the time, and he spent the next year and a half living on the streets. He practiced alone and taught himself how to use and control his quirk, learning its limits and what exactly he could do with it, scavenging for food in dumpsters or stealing what he needed from other street rats or homeless people. And that’s how he’d lived, until the old man, Pops, had found him and taken him in.
That’s why he was so relieved that Kazue wouldn’t ever have to worry about accidentally overhauling anyone. He didn’t feel guilty about how his father died, but he didn’t want his own son to have to go through the potential guilt if he unintentionally hurt a loved one. 
Kai, as a father, did have many good qualities that you could see your children picking up on, like his excellent manners and his penchant for cleanliness and organization, but there were also many you hoped they would never inherit or try to emulate, like his anger and controlling attitude. But even those traits had tempered over the years since your son’s birth, and though you still harbored a deep resentment in regards to the hand life had dealt you, you were now a big enough person to admit that Kai was a wonderful father. It didn’t erase his past sins or mean he was now an inherently better person, because you knew that his newfound gentleness and more mellow temper only extended to a select few people outside of you and the children, but it was a continued step in a better direction. And given the circumstances that brought you all to this point, you could surmise that this was better than nothing.
As you approached Eri’s bedroom a little ways down the hall, you smiled at the brightly painted purple door. It was adorned with a multitude of colorful stickers, ranging from pretty butterflies and fairies, to cartoonishly styled items of food; like a dancing hamburger and a very shiny pile of takoyaki. But what stood out the most was the chalkboard she had hung there last year. She wrote down a weekly list of everything she planned on cooking for the week and encouraged everyone who had access to it to write down suggestions. There was even a step stool left next to the door so that she and Kazue could easily reach it.
And speaking of Kazue, you noticed right away that he had jotted down, in his own messy script, a suggestion for homemade dino-nuggies, and right below that was an agreement from Rappa, though he had specified that they be manly dino-nuggies, whatever that meant. Even Kai had made a suggestion, this one for the beef stew with star anise, the very same one she’d been making the first time she called him ‘Papa’. It was a personal favorite of his, and while you weren’t sure if Eri knew the specific reason as to why, she always made it every time he asked for it.
Knocking on the door, you waited to be given permission before entering.
Eri, now eleven years old, was sitting up in her pink canopy bed, the room bathed in the twinkling of tea lights and the warm glow of the lamps she preferred to use for lighting over the brighter overhead light.
She was writing down notes in one of her many journals while she watched a cooking show on the TV and smiled when you came in. It came as quite the surprise to you when Kai got her the large flat-screen and set it up with a few streaming services for her, especially since he normally didn’t care for television in the slightest. When you asked him about it, he told you that he just wanted to do what he could to encourage her passions, and since he couldn’t hire a teacher or send her to a culinary school, for obvious reasons, this was the next best option he could think of. He even got her a tablet that she could use for when she was in the kitchen, to look things up and watch videos for more complicated steps and recipes.
Like with all things though, Kai had certainly covered all his bases where this aspect of your lives was concerned.
Any devices you all had access to were specifically designed and programmed to avoid being able to contact anyone from the outside world. Kai controlled all the passwords and had the internet usage heavily monitored at all times, and while you tried your best to ignore that detail, you wouldn’t deny that you had tried logging into some of your old social media accounts on your own tablet back when he first gifted it to you, only to find that access to such sites were totally blocked. You couldn’t even contact site moderators or IT for any of the sites and apps you were permitted to use.
“Hey there, Sweetheart!” You said cheerfully, pushing all those thoughts to the back of your mind as you closed the door behind you.
“Hey, Mama! What’s up?” She asked, scooting over to make room for you on the bed.
You took a seat beside her. “Nothing much, I just got Kazue to finally settle down for the night and I thought I’d come say good night to you.” You peeked at her notebook and then up at the television where a man in a stage kitchen was currently explaining how to make what appeared to be a somewhat complicated looking pastry dish, possibly a soufflé from the looks of it. “What new delicacy are you coming up with now?” You asked her.
“A dessert omelet!” She replied, her eyes shining like they always did when talking about food. “I have some eggs and fruit I need to use up, so I thought I’d give this recipe a try and fill them with fresh fruit and maybe some honey or whipped cream.” 
You couldn’t help but smile at the eagerness and joy that laced her tone. This beautiful young lady sitting beside you was so far removed from the lonely, isolated and abused child you had met all those years ago that they may as well have been two completely different people. She hadn’t been triggered or had a nightmare about the past in so long, and you prayed every day that they would never return and she could stay this happy forever and always.
“I look forward to trying them!” You told her. “I never would have thought about treating an omelet like a crepe, but now that you’ve mentioned it, it definitely sounds like it could be a good combination.” 
Eri smiled and nodded along happily. “I know Papa will probably want strawberries with his, and since he doesn’t care for anything super sweet, I bet I can replace the whipped cream with slightly sweetened yogurt or cream cheese.” She tapped her pencil against her chin and rattled off a list of all the items she had and what everyone would likely prefer with their omelet before turning to you. “Is there anything special that you want with yours, Mama?” 
You thought about it for a moment. “I definitely want some mandarin slices in mine, but other than that, it's the chef's choice.”
She smiled at you, as bright as the sun and quickly made a note of it in her journal and you got up to gather her dirty clothes into the hamper, intending to do some laundry tonight or tomorrow.
“Hay, Mama?” You heard her ask a few moments later, and the suddenly morose tone to her usually chipper voice had you immediately turning to give her your full attention.
Her head was downcast and you could see that whatever was on her mind, it was enough to make her feel like she couldn’t make eye contact with you.
“What is it, honey?” You asked gently, giving her plenty of time to voice what it was she wanted to say while you took up your seat beside her again.
“Well… it’s just…” She trailed off, biting her bottom lip and nervously wringing her hands in her lap before she finally got the words out.
“You’re not… upset or anything?”
You blinked at her like an owl, completely confused as to what she could be referring to. Had you done or said something to make her believe you were upset with her? Or had you made a negative looking facial expression?
“Eri, sweetheart, why would you think that?” You asked her worriedly. “What’s this about?”
She shrugged her slim shoulders and ducked her head further down. “I don’t know.” She whispered softly. “I guess I just got worried that my question from earlier today had upset you. You seemed really shocked by it and I can’t stop thinking that I did something wrong by mentioning it.”
It took your brain a second to catch up with what she was saying, but when it did, you breathed a sigh of relief and proceeded to wrap her up in a tight hug.
“Oh, my baby girl, you don’t need to worry about that.” You assured her, kissing the top of her head. “It did surprise me when you asked it, but not in a bad way, and I’d certainly never get upset with you for voicing anything like that out loud. You didn’t do anything wrong and I am so sorry if my reaction made you think that you had.” You gave her another tight squeeze. “I don’t ever want you to feel like you can’t ask me things or be open with me about your thoughts and feelings. You understand?”
You felt her relax, lean into the embrace and nod in confirmation. “Thanks, Mama.” She said, nuzzling her head under your chin and you could hear the smile in her voice. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby. Always and forever.”
You were in the midst of folding some of the laundry when Kai finally walked into the bedroom and he flashed you a tired smile as he came over to plant a small kiss on the apple of your cheek, one of the few physical touches you permitted him. You weren’t sure why you allowed it, in fact, you couldn’t even really remember when exactly you had started to allow it, but it never really seemed like a big deal, so it continued.
“How was your day?” He asked, his tone sounding exhausted, but he seemed content as he took a pile of the folded clothes from you and walked over to start depositing them in the drawers of one of the dressers.
“Same as usual.” You replied, hanging another one of his shirts on a hanger to put in his closet later and hoping he wouldn’t pick up on the strained nervousness in your voice. “How about yours, did the meeting go well?”
You saw his back go rigid for half a second before he resumed sorting the clothes into their respective drawers. “No.” He replied tightly. “Tensions were high, insults were thrown, and it ended… badly for them.”
You knew that particular phrase was code for ‘they did something to piss me off and now they’re all dead’. It was a notion you wished wholeheartedly that you weren’t so familiar with, especially not when it was an aspect of life your own son was going to have to face and deal with one day when he really started to learn the ropes from Kai, but it was undeniably a part of your life that you had, sadly, just gotten used to. And you hated yourself even more when you felt yourself biting back a small smile, because you knew exactly what it was that had put him on edge and set him off today.
You truly hadn’t meant to let his name slip out last night, but you couldn’t stop yourself from remembering the way his cock used to fill you up so perfectly, and you had been so deep in the fantasy that it had just rolled off your tongue without a second thought.
Kai had well and truly ruined you forever, you couldn’t even get off anymore without thinking of him or having him in the room with you. You knew how wrong it all was, how sick it made you, and you’d certainly berated yourself enough for it over the years. Every time you let your thoughts drift to him when you touched yourself, you hated yourself for not feeling as guilty about it as you probably should have. Every time you watched and listened to him fuck himself with his own hand, with your name on his lips, you felt yourself rising higher and higher to new forms of self loathing because you know your continued participation in, whatever this was between the two of you, was all the encouragement he needed. It was wrong on so many levels, but at some point in the last few years, you weren’t sure when exactly, you had completely given up on trying to quell those feelings and desires. It didn’t make you feel any less guilty about it after the fact, but you eventually learned that, in order to hold onto your sanity, you needed to take what comforts you could in your situation.
And physical touch had been the start of it.
You fought off that need for contact as long as you could, that urge you felt to be held in a strong embrace, and not just anyone’s arms, but his, in Kai’s specifically. And it all came to a head that night, when he’d told you about his adoptive father’s passing and you’d opened up your arms to him for the first time. You told yourself that it was mutually beneficial, that you’d get to have that itch scratched a little and you wouldn’t have to explain your reasoning too much because it could be written off as an act of compassion for the grieving father of your children. It was a win-win situation all around… or it should’ve been, if you weren’t so weak.
The familiarity of his warm body pressing against you like that had been like a balm that you hadn’t even realized you’d needed and missed until that moment.
You told yourself that you would secretly enjoy it only for as long as the night allowed and then you’d go cold turkey again, but when that next evening rolled around and the itch only grew worse, you couldn’t stop yourself from doing it again, and again, and again. Every night, for months afterward, you told yourself that it would be the last, but the last night never came, and after a while, you stopped trying to fool yourself all together.
But reacquainting yourself with the intimate feel of Kai’s body during these nightly embraces had the unfortunate side effect of slowly reawakening yet another urge you now seemed wholly incapable of controlling. 
Your libido. 
When you caught Kai in the act of getting himself off that day in his office, you suddenly realized that your memory did him a great disservice. You had forgotten just how thick he was, even when compared against the size of his own large hand, the way his face looked when he was lost in pleasure, how he would grit his teeth as he tried to hold back his orgasm for as long as possible, even the way his eyes would glaze over and grow heavy lidded when release finally washed over him, all of those details were pale and drab within the confines of your memory. You’d been so desperate to get away, not just because you were disgusted with him and knowing he was watching what could only be his own personal spank-bank material featuring you and he, but because you had a brief thought that maybe you should just put yourself out of your misery and go climb into his lap and sink down on his cock. That thought, no matter how fleeting it might have been, was too much for you to handle and made you feel so unbelievably dirty.
You’d tried to ignore it, had tried to suppress that freshly reawakened feeling for the remainder of the day, but it just got worse and worse as the day wore on. Because unlike Kai, you hadn’t taken the time to get yourself off in the years since Kazue was born, not even once.
Once you were no longer being forced to endure an overwhelming amount of sexual stimulation, you found that you just had no desire to partake in it of your own accord for quite some time. That’s not to say the urge wasn’t there, you just didn’t have the mindset to want to indulge it. Kai’s treatment of your body had left you feeling disgusted with yourself. You knew that it wasn’t true and none of it had been your fault, but all the same, you still felt used and dirty. The day you woke up after your accident and Kai informed you of his decision to end all the intimacy of your relationship, you had accused him of being a sex addict, but for a while there afterwards, you didn’t feel like you were much better.
And the weeks and months following the accident had been… difficult, to say the least.
Without Kai’s hands constantly grabbing for you in his usual touch-starved manner, you almost felt more naked than all the times before when he’d actually had you bare before him. Intimacy with him had become such a common and expected occurrence in your day to day life, and when it suddenly stopped so abruptly, you honestly hadn’t been too sure what to do or how to feel. No matter how uncomfortable and unwanted the feeling was, no matter how much you tried telling yourself that it wasn't true, you genuinely felt like you had no other value outside of what pleasures your body could offer him.
But that one night, after spending the whole day with thoughts of him clouding your mind, all you had wanted was to make him suffer just the tiniest bit alongside you. 
Your little stunt with the vibrator had been a risky gamble, and a small part of you had been understandably worried that it would backfire on you and cause him to snap. But a much larger part, that part that was now capable of silently admitting to yourself what a wonderful father he was, that was the piece of you that knew he wouldn’t do anything, that he’d likely never do anything to hurt you ever again.
If nothing else, Kai had proven himself in that regard at the very least these last few years, and…
You jerked back in surprise when you felt warm fingers brushing your cheek and came out of your engrossing thoughts to find Kai kneeling before you with a look of confused worry on handsome face.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” He asked gently. “I called out to you a few times, but you’ve just been staring blankly at that shirt you’re holding.”
You looked down to where he indicated at your hands and, sure enough, you had been wringing the fabric in your clammy hands so much that it was totally wrinkled and would need to be thrown back in the dryer for a few minutes.
Looking back up at him, you did your best to give him a reassuring smile and set the now wrinkled shirt aside and picked up another one to fold.
“I’m fine, I just have something on my mind, it’s nothing to worry about, I promise.” You told him, praying that he’d drop it and leave it alone, even as a small traitorous hope for the exact opposite bloomed in your chest when you remembered that this was Kai Chisaki you were dealing with, the man was completely incapable of dropping anything if he thought it was a hindrance on your well-being or mental state. His forceful pushiness might have mellowed out over the years, but just because his tactics had changed didn’t mean he hadn’t found other ways of getting you to talk to him about the things on your mind.
He stiffened a bit, probably not thrilled that you were keeping things from him, even if you told him they were inconsequential, but he nodded and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before slowly rising back up to his feet.
“If you’re sure, just know that I’m here if you want to talk about it.” He picked up the last little pile of clothes to put away in the drawers and walked back over to the dresser, but he continued to speak. “I know you usually talk to your sister about the things that trouble you, and what with our history together, I can’t reasonably blame you for not wanting to let me in, but I’d truly like for you to share your burdens with me, even if you think I won’t like what you have to say.”
The words he spoke rolled around in your mind at lightning speed for only a handful of seconds as you contemplated just how much what you were considering could fuck everything up for you and everyone else if it went sour, Kai included, but in the end, you found yourself unable to hold them back this time.
“Eri just asked me a question today that I wasn’t sure how to properly respond to, that’s all.”
You tried to say the sentence as nonchalantly as possible, but it still felt as if you blurted them out like utter word vomit and you cringed.
If Kai noticed or cared about that detail though, he didn’t even so much as show it, however, you could see a notable change in his posture, even with his back still turned he now had every single one of his senses trained on you, totally eager to listen to whatever it was you had to say, no matter how mundane or trivial it might be. You didn’t often talk to him about things that you found stressful or upsetting, even when those topics concerned the children, not unless you felt it was important for him to be made aware of. And you supposed this was probably one of those times, as you’d rather bring it up with him first before Eri had a chance to corner him with the same question.
“Oh?” He asked a bit breathlessly and chuckled awkwardly. “Please don’t tell me it’s time to give her ‘the talk’, because I’m not so sure I’m ready for that conversation either.” His attempt at humor to help ease you into the conversation was not lost on you and you couldn’t stop the small grateful smile that tugged at your lips as a result.
But you very quickly wiped the smile off of your face and squared your shoulders in preparation for the inevitable. There was no going back now, and this time, you didn’t let the pacing or tone of what you said next belie any of what you were truly feeling.
“She asked me if she was ever going to get another little sister?”
The entire world seemed to pause at that, waiting in stilled silence as the words you just spoke hung in the air between the two of you, and for the life of you, you couldn’t tell what his reaction was going to be. He was as tense and as rigid as a bowstring, but with his back turned towards you, you couldn’t see his facial expression to gauge how he might be feeling. So, you held your breath in anticipation and prayed with all your heart that telling him this wouldn’t prove itself to be a colossal mistake on your part.
When Kai did eventually speak, his voice sounded hoarse and breathless, the sound barely above a whisper. “What-” He cleared his throat as the words caught. “What did you tell her?”
You breathed a sigh of relief when he asked that and it was like a weight lifted off your shoulders. 
“I told her the truth.” You said softly, fiddling with the buttons on the shirt in your hands. “I told her that it was something for me and you to discuss privately with each other.”
Kai also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at this and finally turned to face you. His expression was one of the softest you’d ever seen on him and his golden eyes were filled with such hope and stark longing that, had you been standing, it may very well have brought you to your knees. His own legs seemed to be shaking enough for the both of you anyway, and you briefly worried that he might just collapse then and there.
But he quickly pressed for you to go on, urging you to rip the bandaid off and cease the torment.
“And are we… discussing it?”
Before responding, you wondered how it had come to this. How in the span of a single day, you could go from loathing him, yourself, and all the things he made you feel for him, to smiling and wanting to talk about the absurdity of having another child with him, only for those feelings of contempt to circle back around and confuse you all the more. You shouldn’t want this, not with him at least, but you did. You never would have chosen to have your children with him, but now that he was their father, you would never leave or go back and change it, even if you were given the opportunity. Eri and Kazue loved and adored him, and if anything were to happen to him or take him away, it would break their hearts and you would never be able to endure that.
A therapist or even a more rational person might tell you that you had likely developed some form of Stockholm syndrome, and they would probably be right, but you were simply past the point of caring about that anymore. You would never be able to forgive him and forget about all he had done to you, and you were willing to acknowledge that you may come to regret this decision by the time morning came, but for now, this was what you wanted.
Taking a deep breath, you let the words go free and prepared yourself for what was to come, be it either good or bad.
“I want to have another baby, Kai.”
The look of absolute wonder and happiness that overtook his face was enough to make your heart flutter and you wholeheartedly expected him to rush for you, to grab up into his arms in a fit of joy and overzealous passion before dragging you to the bed to keep you there for the rest of the night.
But that’s not at all what happened…
Instead, an almost sad smile replaced the previous exuberance of his expression and he turned his back on you to continue putting away the laundry of all things, while you were left reeling from the confusion of it.
But Kai didn’t leave you in the dark regarding his unexpected behavior for very long at least as his next words answered the unspoken question.
“We’ll go and talk to Dr.Takani tomorrow and see what can be done.” He said, his tone far too even and nonchalant for it to be anything other than forced. “Our options might be limited since we can’t go to a hospital, but I promise we’ll figure out a way to make this happen.”
Your mouth was hanging open by this point and you didn’t even try to hold back the note of alarm that made your voice sound shrill and choked.
“What options? What are you talking about, Kai?”
Kai’s chuckle wasn’t one of amusement as he responded very bitterly. “Well, how else are we going to get you pregnant without IVF or artificial insemination?”
Your answer was immediate and without any hint of hesitation as you quietly whispered. “I just assumed we’d go about it the natural way… by having sex.”
You heard him let out a soft sound that was somewhere between a moan of pleasure fueled frustration, and a groan of pain as his hands went white knuckled gripping the top of the dresser.
“I-I’m sorry (Y/N), I just… I just can’t.”
The rejection, no matter how confusing and unexpected it was, shouldn’t have bothered you in the slightest, but it did, it really did. It tore something open in your chest that you weren’t sure could ever be repaired as tears, hot and shameful, burned your vision.
“You don’t want me…”
You didn’t intend to say it out loud, but you did, and you honestly weren’t sure if you meant for it to be taken as a question or as an accusation, but either way, it most certainly got a reaction out of him as Kai whirled around to face you, his face a mask of utter shock and confusion.
“What?!” He frantically replied. “Of course I still want you, how could you ever assume anything else after you’ve laid in bed with me and watched me stroke my cock I don’t even know how many times over the years?”
Now you were the one that was confused, even as a sense of uncomfortable relief settled over you at the knowledge that he still found you desirable.
“I don’t understand.” You whispered softly.
He looked as if he didn’t want to continue having this conversation at all, but he must have known that you wouldn’t drop it so easily, because he sighed in that particular way that told you he was about to tell you something that he thought you likely wouldn’t approve of.
“I want you, sweetheart, I want you so fucking bad it hurts, but I can’t have sex with you because I don’t trust myself to have the willpower to stop once you do get pregnant.” Was his quiet confession. “I told you before that if you ever came back to me for sex that things would go right back to the way they were, but over time, I’ve found I don’t want things to go back to that.” It was like the floodgates had opened and now that he had started, he couldn’t seem to stop. “I swear, I will do whatever it takes to give us another child if that is what you really want, but not at the expense of sacrificing all the progress we have made together these last few years.”
Your jaw was practically touching the floor, because that wasn’t at all what you had been expecting him to say, not that you had any idea what you were expecting in the first place, but it certainly wasn’t this level of selflessness. 
Over time, you had come to accept and even appreciate that Kai did truly love you in his own way, and that he felt a great deal of genuine remorse for much of what he had put you through. Not all of it of course, there was only so much a person could do to grow and overcome the faults so deeply ingrained in them, but considering how things had started, this was a massive improvement. The old Kai would have taken full advantage of this situation and forced you to continue to have sex with him regardless of whether or not you only wanted it to go on just long enough for you to get pregnant. For him to turn down the opportunity to sleep with you after five years of celibacy, all because he didn’t want to risk turning back into that monster he had been, the monster you had hated so vehemently,  it somehow made you all the more confident in your decision to end this standoff between the two of you.
Sex with Kai, as well as the prospect of having another child with him had both been subjects that were on your mind for far longer than you cared to admit, and in truth, you had settled on your decision a while ago, you just hadn’t been able to find the right time or way to broach the topic with him before now. But when Eri had so casually asked you her question today as you came into the kitchen to make some tea, you had known right away that now was as good a time as any. And your sweet, perfect daughter, who always knew how to help others, even when she wasn’t aware of it, had given you, not just a reason to bring it up, but the courage to do it as well.
Now you only needed to convince Kai that you wanted this just as badly as he no doubt did.
“And if I told you that I wouldn’t want it to stop even after I got pregnant?”
Kai shook his head and squeezed his eyes closed as he leaned back against the dresser for support. “Please don’t do this, (Y/N).” He quietly begged you, his voice straining as if he were in pain. “Not unless you are absolutely certain that this is what you want.”
You watched him for a long while, taking in the way he held himself back, all because he was scared that he might ruin the progress you and he had made together, and you suddenly knew what you needed to do.
By now, you knew that words alone weren’t going to be enough to convince him that you were confident in your decision on this matter, you were going to need to show him that you wanted him. So you didn’t give yourself the opportunity to second guess your choice in action as you stood up from the loveseat and slowly began stripping away articles of your clothing, piece by piece, never once breaking eye contact with him.
You had long since stopped being nervous or ashamed of your body and the way Kai would ogle it at every opportunity he was given, so even after five years, getting naked for him was an easy task, even if it should have made your skin crawl. You had once been indifferent to it, but not anymore, now you wanted his eyes on you, and wanted his hands and mouth and cock on and inside you even more.
He watched you now, every movement you made, with an all consuming intensity that had never been stronger, not even at the very beginning of all this madness. You once felt like he looked at you as nothing more than an object, like a doll or a piece of art, but not this time, now he looked at you dumbstruck, as if he was seeing you for the very first time. And you found you rather appreciated it now.
Once you were fully naked, it only took a handful of strides to reach him and you had to bite back a small smile at the way he gripped the top of the dresser even harder, like he was needing to fight for control of his own body, or else he’d lunge at you. You really wished he would, because you wanted him just as needy and desperate as you felt. You were so wet at this point, the moisture slicking up your thighs enough that Kai could likely already see the evidence of it himself. He wouldn’t even need to bother with the foreplay, though you wouldn’t object if he ended up needing to have a taste of you beforehand, you certainly wanted to taste him just as badly. You were surprised to realize that he had never insisted on the two of you trying out a sixty-nine position, so perhaps that’s something you could convince him to try with you later, once you’d taken him inside of you a few times.
Standing less than a foot away from him now, you had to tilt your head up to look at him, but not before taking a long and obvious look at the already hard and straining bulge in his pants before dragging your eyes up to meet the molten gold of his own.
“Can you honestly tell me that you don’t believe I know what I’m saying, Kai?” You quietly asked, your voice steady and strong, though breathy and full of want.
He swallowed thickly, the sound so audible that it may as well have been a curse word for all it gave away about what his decision would ultimately be.
“(Y/N)… I-” He dragged his gaze over every bare inch of your exposed body and you felt it like a caress on your skin. “Fuck…”
“I know who it is that I want.” Reaching out, you boldly placed your hand on his chest, just over his heart and rubbed your thumb back and forth against the spot as you took that final step forward and pressed yourself flush against him, your aching breasts and tender nipples pressing into his beautifully chiseled abdomen.
“And who I want, is you, Kai.” 
Kai was going to combust into flames, he was absolutely convinced that this conversation was going to be the final death of him and very soon his soul was going to be thrown down into some burning cell deep in the blackest pits of Hell. 
He had never seen a more beautiful or seductive sight in all his life, and were it not for the way his cock positively throbbed in the confines of his pants, he might very well have thought he was dreaming this up right now. But none of his prior dreams about you, and there had been a lot of them over the years, none of them had ever been quite so vivid and true to life as this moment right here.
He had imagined this so many times before, each fantasy more beautiful and too painful to hope for than the last, and yet none of them could compare to the real thing.
The instant you’d mentioned having another baby, he’d felt his heart soar with unbridled happiness for one blinding moment, and then the fear had taken hold of him. The same fear that had plagued him every night since the first time you had been brave enough let him watch while you pleasured yourself beside him in bed, the fear that he would very soon lose control of himself and once again begin taking what he wanted from you by force. His decision to cut out all forms of intimacy with you for the last five years had been one of the hardest endeavors of his young life, but it had also been the most fulfilling. He’d never realized just how little he knew about you until he no longer had the haze of sex and carnal pleasure clouding his mind, and what he’d learned and witnessed had made him love you all the more. He still viewed you as his, he didn’t think he was capable of not feeling entitled to you, but the overwhelming sense of  territorial possessiveness had lessened considerably over time. 
He so desperately wanted to believe that he was capable of showing you the restraint and patience that you deserved, but he was truly terrified that one taste of you would be all it would take to undo the years of progress he’d made. Because if he took this step with you, and in the morning you said it was a mistake, he didn’t know what he’d do. The last time you willingly sought him out for sex had ended disastrously, not that you had any memory of what truly happened that day, but he did, and the thought that it could potentially happen again was terrifying to him.
However, he also knew you well enough to know just how stubborn you could be, and that you were always the type of person who would never willingly do or say things you didn’t mean. And the way you were looking at him right now, combined with the confidence in your tone and posture, it was cracking his already weak resolve.
So maybe, just maybe, if you, the one most harmed by all of this, were willing to set aside the past and try to move forward, perhaps he finally could as well.
“(Y/N)…” His breath hitched when your smile turned a little devious and you pressed your bare chest more firmly against him.
“Yes, Kai?” You asked sweetly.
Kai didn’t know where this teasing sensuality you were displaying had come from, but it was driving him mad. He wanted to touch you so badly, to drag his lips and hands over every single part of you and listen to you moan for him, to reacquaint himself with the familiarity of your beautiful body, and to see up close all the ways it had changed since you had first given birth. He was especially fascinated by the handful of stretch marks you had gained during and after your pregnancy. He knew you bore them on your breasts and stomach, but the ones he really wanted to see were the ones on your inner thighs. Those ones he had only ever caught brief glimpses of and he always fantasized about tracing them with his lips and tongue while he slowly made his way up to feast on your sweet and needy little cunt.
But, before he could even consider getting to any of that, he needed to make sure that this is what you truly wanted, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
“You’re sure this is what you really want?” He whispered. “I swear to you, sweetheart, I won’t hold it against you if you say ‘no’. We can find another way for you to get pregnant that doesn’t involve crossing this line, but if we do this, you need to know that I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to show this same kind of restraint again if you change your mind in the morning or even later on down the road.” He paused and took a deep steadying breath before continuing. “I don’t want to be that monster you knew me as ever again, (Y/N). So if you have any doubts about this decision, then I beg of you, please, back out now, before this situation has the chance to escalate past the point of no return.”
There, he’d said what he needed to say, and now the ball was in your court, the decision was now yours to make, the way it always should have been, and he quietly waited with baited breath, both eager and hesitant at the same time to learn what your final response was going to be, and thankfully, you weren’t cruel enough to make him wait for too long to hear what that response was.
You slid your hands up his body until one cupped his cheek and the other rested at the back of his neck, then you flashed him another soft smile as your eyes darkened with raw want and desire, desire for him. 
“Kai, my answer is still the same; I want you.” Your thumb traced lazy circles on the back of his neck while you continued to speak, and the way he practically melted into your touch sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “The fact that you are so concerned about potentially hurting me and regressing back into your old habits is enough to give me confidence that you won’t. I trust you to take care of me and to respect my limits in a way you never did before, and if I ever feel like it’s too much or that I can’t take it, I promise I’ll let you know and we’ll figure it out together.”
You watched him close his eyes and slowly exhale a few seconds later, all the tension leaving his body at once as one of his hands reached up to rest over top of your own. He gently squeezed your fingers and turned his face into your still open palm to lay a kiss there, and you could have sworn he was breathing you in while he did it. The you from five years ago would have found the display annoying and disgusting, but the you of the present couldn’t seem to adequately focus on anything past the pounding of your own heartbeat sounding in your ears and the unbearable ache pulsating between your legs as Kai turned his ravenous gaze back to yours.
Once again you were expecting him to leap upon you with five years worth of pent up passion and need, and once again he thoroughly surprised you by finding yet another way to stall what you now knew was an undeniable inevitability as he shifted to pull out his phone and scroll for a number before bring it up to his ear.
The whole while, his eyes never left yours and they all but screamed the one single word that you knew your own were echoing back…
Kai’s hyper focused attention never once left your face as he pulled out his phone and selected the first number on his speed-dial list.
It rang three times before the recipient answered, and Kai was far too preoccupied to even care as he watched the tip of your pretty little tongue slip out to wet your lips, lips he soon planned to have his own against, and possibly wrapped around his cock later, if you were willing.
Hari’s voice sounded raspy and breathless as he answered and Kai didn’t need more than one guess to know what must be causing it so late into the evening, especially with Rappa out of town at the moment.
Under normal circumstances, he might have been jealous or even envious over such a fact, but considering why he was making this call to his second in the first place, he couldn’t bring himself to give two flying shits this time. As long as his order was fallowed to the letter, Hari could still be sliding his cock between your sisters legs for all the fucks he had to give, all he cared about at the moment was passing along his message and turning his full attention back onto you.
“I need you to personally handle everything we have going on for the next week.” He quietly ordered, smirking down at you when your eyes widened and you mouthed back the words, ‘a week’. “Reschedule, shuffle things around, go to the meetings and distributions in my place; I don’t care what you have to do to make it happen, but I don’t want to hear one word about our business or dealings for the next seven days, not unless the issue is of apocalyptic proportions. Have I made myself clear, Chrono?”
Kai knew that Hari likely wanted to ask a series of questions, and he no doubt would the next time they saw each other, but for now, he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut and simply do as he was told.
“Yes, I understand.” His second in command responded obediently, but with obvious confusion. “I’ll see to it that you are left completely undisturbed for as long as you wish, and I’ll make sure everyone else is aware of it as well and the consequences that will come if they disregard the order.”
“Good.” Was all Kai said before he ended the call and tossed his phone aside with a careless flick of the wrist, and all the while his attention never strayed away from you. In fact, it only seemed to grow more intense with every passing second as he debated on whether or not he should be the one to make the first move and end this rather enticing stare down the two of you were having.
Thankfully though, and much like all of this evening so far, you took the decision right out of his hands as you smiled up at him and said the words that ripped open the floodgates.
“Well then, Kai, you have an entire week away from work to spend with me.” You said, your voice light and teasing as you pressed ever closer to him, stretching up on the tips of your toes to brush your lips against his own trembling mouth. “Whatever shall we do to pass the time?”
Hari’s confusion was near palpable as he stared down at the dark screen of his phone wondering what in the hell that was all about. It wasn’t like Kai to take that much time away from work and the organization, and if there was some kind of emergency in the compound or with you or the children, his phone would have already been blowing up about it.
So what then could it be?
“Are you so obtuse that you can’t see what this is?”
Hari looked over to the other side of the bed and frowned to see that (Name) was already in the process of getting dressed to leave and the now familiar disappointment that followed that realization was more than enough to make him temporarily forget about Kai’s mysterious order.
“You’re leaving already?” He asked, not caring if he sounded like a petulant child. 
“Yes.” Your sister responded, rolling her eyes as she wiggled herself back into her pants and proceeded to put on her bra. “I’m likely going to be responsible for the kids for the majority of the week, and I’d like to get some sleep tonight.”
Hari cocked his head, still confused. “Why do you think that?”
She raised one eyebrow and gave him an expression that just screamed, ‘Are you fucking serious right now?’. It was a look he’d grown accustomed to receiving from her over the years and somehow, it always sent a spike of pleasure zinging through him. He’d never admit it aloud, but he rather enjoyed letting her dominate him in bed and take the lead on occasion. Unlike Kai, he didn’t always feel an overwhelming urge to be in control of all things at every moment of the day, and he’d never been shy about being upfront with his bedroom partners in that regard. It just so happened that the woman standing before him now was perfectly comfortable with such things. Of course, he wasn’t at all opposed to being the one in charge either, but when he spent everyday ordering others around, it was something of a relief to not have to worry about it once in a while and be the one getting pampered.
“Because him and my sister are, in all likelihood, currently in the process of fucking each other’s brains out as we speak.” She replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Come on, you must have picked up on the way they’ve been eye-fucking one another at every opportunity they get lately, they haven’t exactly been subtle about it.”
Hari’s facial expression didn’t give it away, but as the words settled over him, he had to admit that he felt rather inept for not having thought of it himself. There were only so many things that could pull Kai away from his duties for such a long period of time, and if all was well with Eri and Kazue, then your sister was right, the only other option was you. 
“What do you think brought this on?” He asked casually, hoping that if he kept her talking long enough, he might just be able to convince her to stay for another round, or even the whole night.
“Hard to say.” She was currently in the process of looking for her socks and shoes as she went on. “But I’m betting it probably has something to do with Eri asking for a little sister and (Y/N) having baby fever.”
At the mention of pregnancy, Hari couldn’t help but imagine what (Name) would look like all round and full with his own child and he silently wondered if she herself ever had thoughts of being a mother. But he shook those thoughts away, there was no point in dwelling on them at the moment, especially since she’d gotten an IUD a few years ago and was still more than regularly sharing herself with Rappa. 
The thought of the lumbering buffoon and the following wave of jealousy was enough to soften his cock when he remembered that she never had any qualms about sharing a bed with Rappa afterwards, but never did so with him.
“Why don’t you stay here tonight instead of going back downstairs?” He quickly suggested it before he could rethink the offer. He could already see that she was opening her mouth to object, but he interjected before she could even get the words out. “Just to sleep.” He clarified, raising his hand in a peaceful gesture. “I know you prefer your room downstairs, but if you have to spend the week up here in the house anyway, why not stay here with me tonight and we can get you a room set up near the children tomorrow .”
(Name) didn’t say a word to him for a few long moments and just as he was about to rescind the offer, she finally spoke.
“I suppose that could work.” She said, eyeing him wearily.
Hari felt his face beginning to light up, only to have that joy dim just the slightest bit when she continued on.
“But I’m sleeping with my shirt and underwear on, and I am sure as fuck not going to cuddle with you. You stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine, got it?” She spat, her tone leaving no room for arguments or anything else as she stiffly began taking her clothes off again.
Despite his disappointment that he wouldn’t get to feel her in his arms tonight, Hari still couldn’t keep the small smile off his face as he watched her strip and stiffly climb back into the bed and wiggle under the covers.
Perhaps there was some hope for him after all, and he’d just need to take some baby steps to get there.
Buttery soft sunshine was what you awoke to, but it was the soft kisses being left all along your shoulders and the back of your neck that kept you from dozing back off into peaceful slumber.
You smiled in contentment and lifted your arm, reaching it behind you to tangle your fingers in the soft chestnut strands of Kai’s hair while you arched your back in a small stretch, making extra certain that your bare ass rubbed against his already straining cock in the process.
“Good morning.” You whispered, your voice still thick with sleep and a tad bit hoarse from all the moaning and screaming you’d done the night before, even as your body fully responded to his gentle ministrations.
You felt him smile in response and his grip on your hip tightened as he groaned, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck and grinding his pelvis against the plump cheeks of your ass.
“Fuck, that feels so good.” He moaned, and opened his mouth to suck on the soft skin just below your ear. His hips were already picking up a steady rhythm as he slid his cock up and down between your ass cheeks and you pushed back with equal fervor. “I’ll never be able to get enough of you, my love, never.”
You shifted to roll over onto your back and look up at him, smiling as he leaned down to press a lingering kiss to your lips. The sunlight streaming in through the windows highlighted him like a halo and made it seem as though his golden eyes were sparkling, although, from the blissfully happy smile on his face, that sparkle may not have been entirely a trick of the light.
The previous night had been wonderful and amazing, it had been everything you wanted and yet nothing like what you had expected. You had anticipated being tossed down on the bed and fucked hard and fast like a bitch in heat for the first few times, because there were definitely multiple rounds, but instead, Kai had been insistent on treating you with such tender love and care. He asked you at every opportunity throughout the night if what he was doing was to your liking, not because he wanted your enthusiasm to help inflate his ego, but because he just genuinely wanted to make sure you were comfortable with everything he did. From the way he kissed you, to every position he put you in, every new-not-new action was followed through only after he had received your verbal consent. It was very much appreciated, but after a while, you had gotten so amusingly annoyed by it that you had at point told him that if he did so one more time, you’d gag him with your underwear.
The look of shock that had overtaken his face had been purely priceless, as had been the uproarious laughter that had erupted from him a few moments afterwards.
“How are you feeling this morning?” He asked cautiously, no doubt worried you might have come to regret your decision while in the cold light of the day.
You grinned up at him fiendishly. “A little sore and stiff, but it’s in all the best ways possible, so I don’t mind.”
Kai frowned a bit, pulling back the blanket to scan your body from head to toe, as if he expected to find your body littered with bruises and other injuries. Then he turned his eyes back towards your own and you could easily see the lingering guilt that shined there. It would be some time yet before he felt relieved enough to let go of it, if ever let go of it at all.
“You’re sure you’re alright?” He repeated. “You can tell me, I promise I won’t be angry.”
“I’m sure.” Then you lifted your arms, opening them up and motioning for him to return to them. “Now would you please come back over here, I was enjoying those cuddles.”
Kai, for his part, was convinced that this all must be a dream, a very wonderful one to be sure, but still a dream. But as he slipped back into the warm cradle of your arms and felt you begin your usual habit of tracing teasing lines and patterns across his back with the tips of your fingers, he knew this was real. Somehow, you had found it in your heart to try and move past the horrible things he’d done in order to have a fresh start with him. He knew you hadn’t necessarily forgiven him, he wasn’t even sure he deserved this second chance, let alone forgiveness, not when he couldn’t entirely forgive himself, but if this is what you wanted, then he would happily accept whatever bits of yourself you wanted to bestow upon him.
The two of you laid there in peaceful silence for quite some time, occasionally running a hand over one another or laying kisses wherever your lips could reach, just to remind one another that this was indeed real and not some fantasy.
“What are you thinking about?” Kai asked softly when you had been silent for longer than usual.
The two of you had switched positions at one point and now you were the one resting your head on Kai’s broad pectoral, still idly tracing patterns on the skin of his stomach and smiling devilishly whenever his hips would jerk and his cock gave a noticeable twitch. It wouldn’t take too much effort to slip a little further down and wrap your lips around him, and had he not just asked you a question, you would have done just that without a moment's hesitation.
“Nothing really, just thinking about how much I lo-”
The words slipped out so naturally that you almost didn’t catch yourself in time.
Both of you stiffened and the room went deathly quiet as the gravity of what you almost finished saying hit you both like a freight train. Your mind was in a tizzy, trying to come up with every line in existence to excuse what it was you almost just said. You don’t even know where the words came from, they just slipped out so smoothly, like saying it was the easiest thing you’d ever done. 
As if they were true!
But they weren’t true, they couldn’t be true…
Could they?
Yes, you had grown to care for and appreciate Kai as the father of your children and even as a companion, enough so that you wanted to have more children with him, but that didn’t mean you… felt that way about him… did it?
“(Y/N)?” Kai called out your name softly, pulling you from your wild and chaotic thoughts.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I couldn’t quite make out what you were saying. Can you repeat that for me?” He asked with forced casualness.
You were so blindsided and confused that it took a moment for you to recognize what was happening, but when you did, the painful tension drained away in an instant as you realized what he was doing.
Kai was offering you an out, to chance to back away from this topic for the time being, until you were ready to face it, IF you were ever ready to face it.
You wished wholeheartedly that you weren’t such a fucking coward, but so much had happened in so short a time between the two of you, and dealing with this, on top of everything else, was just asking for too much.
So you took that out, shelving the topic to be addressed at another time… or possibly never.
You cleared your throat. “I… I was only saying that I love… love what a wonderful father you are.” You said quietly, and patted yourself on the back that at least you were able to admit this truth. “Mistakes of the past or not, you always take such good care of them, of us, and I can’t thank you enough for that.”
Kai’s arms tightened around you instantly as he laid a gentle kiss to the top of your head, breathing in your delectable scent, now mingled with his own. “I will always take care of you. The three of you, hopefully soon-to-be four, are my whole world. I love you all from the bottom of my heart, and I will spend the rest of my life proving that to you, even if it kills me in the process. I swear it, my love.”
Your answering nod was all he needed to know you understood and believed him, and soon, the two of you once again lapsed back into that easy and comfortable silence, basking in the morning sun and perfectly content to let the future play out however it saw fit to do so.
And while you might not ever be able to say those three little words back to him, that was fine, because for now, this was all either of you needed.
                                     The End
That is a wrap folks! Purity is officially completed!
3 years, 30 chapters, and nearly 200k words later and I honestly can’t believe I managed to finally finish it! It has been one hell of a ride from start to finish, and I just want to thank all of you for the absolutely amazing support you all have shown throughout the entire process. Whether you’ve been here from the very beginning or if you came in halfway through, or even if you’ve only just now found this, thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
But the one I want to thank the most is one of my best and dearest friends, @talpup​, who has been with me from the very beginning, before I even started posting. Brainstorming ideas with me and allowing me to subject them to my never-ending slew of scene and detail changes, they have been my biggest supporter by far and I can quite honestly say this blog would not be active anymore were it not for them. I probably would have given up on this story and writing post worthy content a long time ago had I not met you my friend, this story is as much yours as it is mine and I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you! ❤️
So, to conclude, if ever there was a time to let me know your thoughts on the story as a whole, now is that time. I know this kinda happy/bittersweet ending might seem very lackluster and an ill-fit for what this fic started out as, but I hope that everyone who reads it can find at least a few satisfying conclusions throughout it. But this is how I always intended for the story to end and I, as the writer, am very pleased with it, and to me, that’s really all that matters. 😊
Thank you all, enjoy!
61 notes · View notes
person-behind-books · 9 months
when shen yuan wakes in the body of the scum villain destined to die a gruesome death he is terrified.
sure he wasn't a perfect person but he never did anything so bad it would deserve this.
it's later, when he undresses himself and finds scars with horrifying implications.
cultivators don't scar so these must have happened when the scum villain was too young to cultivate.
the though makes him throw up.
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phanficlovep5 · 5 months
Rose and Rot
Title of Fic: Rose and Rot
Author Name: sixteenjuniper
Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48254281/chapters/121693708
Ao3 Rating: M
Major content warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Your rating: 14/10
Two-Sentence Summary: Goro Akechi lives, and explores a forest where he atones by learning the stories of those he killed/aided in killing accidentally, and he helps them pass on to the realm of the dead. Ren is on the search for him: Extreme slowburn. It hurts.
Submitted By: Anonymous
Approved By: Ace
Have a fanfic you'd like featured on the blog? Send us an ask to request a fanfic , or submit a review of your own!
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topgunruinedme · 1 year
Screaming in Silence
Summary: If anyone asked Jake how four words had impacted his life, he wouldn't have been able to tell them.
FebWhump Prompt - Day 12: "Can you hear me?".
No one questioned Jake about his tattoo, he knew it was weird. It was unusual, worrying for people who didn't understand it. He had been asked to see a psychologist and he had seen the odd looks people give him.
But no one knew the significance behind those four words. The four words that had changed his life forever. The four words that had been the first thing that wasn’t shouted in abuse at him.
From the cop who gently pulled him out from under his bed and wrapped him in his own jacket.
The man who saved his life, who took him away from his abusive foster home, who adopted him and gave him a life he had once thought could only happen in a fairy tale. 
It all started with four words. “Can you hear me?”.
It started when he was 7. Hiding under his bed terrified as the police raided the house, his foster parents were screaming and flailing making a fuss. 
Jake held his breath as a pair of black boots stopped In front of his bed. He pressed himself back further against the wall. The shine of the flashlight the man was holding was pointed at the floor.
He watched in bated breaths as the man knelt down carefully and sucked his head under the bed.
Jake stared at him terrified, his chest caving under the stress of breathing and his heart pounded as every instinct in his body told him to run. To fight, to escape this hell he was trapped in. 
“Can you hear me?” The man asked gently with a small smile, he seemed generous perhaps if Jake was compliment he would receive less of a beating.
With a jolty head movement he nodded in his cramped space under the bed.
The man looked around before moving back, providing him more space between them.
Ensuring he didn’t feel crowded, Jake realized in awe.
“Hey bud, can you come out for me?” He asked softly, Jake watched the man lower the flashlight to see him more clearly. It was pointed away from him but the light still made him wince.
The cop grimaced “Sorry buddy, I can’t do much about that. I have to be able to see you”.
He shifted so he was down on his stomach copying Jake's position, urging the boy out softly, both of them attempting to ignore the yelling and sound of things crashing in the other room. It was slightly muffled, as the man extended a hand out to him.
Jake flinched, yanking himself away from the man watching the man tentatively for any movement that could hint towards the man hitting him. He found none. 
The man patiently waited for Jake to examine him before Jake shook his head at him, his eyes filled with terror, no he couldn’t go with him. They would take him, it would be worse, so much worse.
“No?” The officer asked “That's alright we can stay here”. He seemed almost laid back, keeping his hand extended out as an olive branch as he rested his chin on top of his hand just watching. Waiting. “My name is David Seresin, I’m an Officer for LAPD. What’s your name?”
Jake shifted uncomfortably “Jacob” he said quietly biting down the the feeling of a car to heavy tongue and cottonmouth,
“Jacob” David tilted his head “That’s a nice name, so you like it?” 
Thinking through all the abuse and names his fosters had screamed at him, he shook his head nervously. 
David smiled calmly at him “Would you rather me call you something else?”
“Jay?” He requested hesitantly. He had always been ‘Jacob’, ‘that boy’, ‘Foster’. He had never had a nickname before.
“Alright Jay, why don’t we get you out from under there now yeah?” David smiled, wiggling his fingers enticingly.
Hesitantly Jay reached out clawing their hand together letting David lead him out from Under the bed watching the man’s slow calculated movements carefully as the man helped him stand. Shrugging off his jacket and wrapping it around him. It was heavy on his shoulders far too big, then again he was far too small for his age.
“Come on kid, let’s get you out of here” David wrapped an arm around him protectively as he led him out of the house that had housed his own personal hell.
He let David walk him out to a new leaf off his life. The better half, the half where David took him in and encouraged his love for flying. It was a slow process but he was there, every event, every graduation without fail, right up until he got shot in the line of duty. 
Jake stood in front of David’s body laying on a slab, his hand pulled back the sheet and brushed the stray lock of hair off his fathers check.
David always hated how wild his hair was, he was cold to the touch. He had gone out saving a friend, a colleague. Just as he would have wanted too, he had saved another person. 
It all started with 4 words, “Can you hear me?”.
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
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Follower Recs
I don’t know if this has already been rec’ed, but Nursery Rhymes by Maniaka hit me so hard. It’s beautifully done and I just wanted to shout from the rooftops that people should read it. Forgive me if this is not the proper rooftop. @anxiousdemonspirit
Nursery Rhymes
by manaika
(M, 96k, complete, wangxian, nielan, xuanli, songxiao)
Summary: Lan Xichen is a pediatrician who often treats child abuse cases for various foster homes, orphanages and social workers for free. He's currently looking for a second nurse because Luo Qingyang is freshly back from maternal leave and can't be expected to work full time with a baby on hand and none of her substitutes were up to the task. Enter Wei Ying with a semester worth of med school, stellar recommendations, a huge gap in his CV and a laugh bright and warm as the sun. Skeptical at first, Xichen decides to give the man a chance. He gets more than he bargained for with exactly zero regrets.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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