rouge-the-bat · 2 years
listening to sonic frontiers music and thinking about how the games from now on are going back to lore-heavy stories and allowing there to be deep emotions and heavy stuff without brushing everything off with silly jokes and optimism and paying attention to all the little details of the characters and their development and bringing back the feeling of the old 3d sonic games and
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atinyniki · 5 months
(in no specific order i love all of you i promise)
@sona1800: literally my long lost twin 🥺 you mean everything to me bby 🫶 i love talking to you and spending time with you bc you’ve helped me so much in the past month you have no idea… so grateful for you love 💕
@skzoologist: you are actually so perfect i will cry bc it’s hard to believe someone as amazing as you actually exists 😭 (your accent actually has me in a chokehold)
@writingforstraykids: i love talking to you so much you actually make me so happy and AUGHHH I LOVE YOU NAT WEUIGFYU 💕💕💕
@jinnie-ret: you're literally so cute and tiny (even tho youre older than me) and youre so perfect and OMG i love you <3
@cinnamostar: i still remember the first time we interacted and how i literally exploded when i read your league of legends felix fic (still not over that) thank you for showing me how to use discord youre literally an angel 🥰
@arafilez: us becoming moots was actually something i didnt expect at all bc i didnt expect you to notice me BUT YOU DID bc your acc died (still mad abt that btw) AND IM LITERALLY SO HAPPY WE INTERACT NOW 😊
@oddinarylani: we dont interact much on tumblr but you have no idea how many times ive gone back to your page to read your angst... always gives me a good cry omfg. love you bby 🥺
@xpeachesncream: your drunk texting series has me on my KNEEEES lord it was so good ily sm <3 🤭
@mnwrld: i remember seeing you first following me one day and i literally binged every single one of your fics... THEY ARE ACTUALLY SO YUM I CANT (you write single parents so accurately too?!) 🤯
@hanstarrs: ive actually yet to talk with you but you are SUCH a big inspo to me. reading your works always gets me so giggly and AUGH youre amazing 😩
@slvt4felix: i recently read your little hyunjin meet-cute fic and let me tell you... its actually PHENOMENAL like i love it so much you have NO IDEA AUGHHH 🤗
@chqnverse: even tho we dont interact much on tumblr i LOVE your fics especially the angst 🤭
@michelle4eve: as im writing this it has literally been a couple of hours since we became moots and i can see you liking all my posts youre such a sweetheart ily 🥺
@gayforfelix: im actually not sure if you write bc ive never seen your fics but ive seen you interact with my blog and you are just soooo cute ily bby <3
@bangchansgirlsblog: your ANGST i cant BREATHE its actually PERFECT in EVERY WHICH WAY and reading it gets me in such a sad mood and so motivated to write angst again (thats a compliment btw) 😊
@maximumkillshot: you are actually such a cutie pie, and though i only read your kpop fics throughout your blog, they are SO SO SO good and im so glad i stumbled upon your page that one day ilysm <3
@ivyisnotokay: idk if you write fics bc ive never seen them before (sorry) BUT I LITERALLY SEE YOUR REBLOGS ALL THE TIME AND OH GOD YOU ARE SOOOOOO SWEET ILY DARLING <3
@babybreadddd: ive only ever seen one of your fics (i dont remember seeing any more on your masterlist) and let me tell you... i am already HOOKED !!! ily so much bby keep up the amazing work 🥺
@leaneverleaves2: i think ive only read your ditto fic but oh my god its so cute and comforting :((( youre such a talented writer my love <3
@skzstannie: your angst... YOUR ANGST?! HOLY FUCK NUTS ITS SO AMAZING AND IT MAKES ME WANT TO BAWL MY EYES OUT (thats such a big compliment btw dw) 😭
@noyurcapri: i think youre actually one of my first moots ever and i love you so much bc youre always interacting and supporting me <3 I LOVE YOUUU MWAH >//<
@youfoundme-not: oh my gosh... i could literally never forget you. i remember when you just sent general feedback in my inbox and i literally started SOBBING bc it was the first thing ive ever gotten there. i love you baby <3 💕
@number1jeonginstan: idk how to explain it but your fluff is SO FLUFFY and its like in the most adorable way its so sweet like candy and OMGGGGG MWAH <3 🥺
@chansdoll: your hard thoughts... ouhhh baby let me tell you... you have SUCH an amazing mind and SUCH an amazing way of writing it out I LOVE YOUR WORKS 🫣
@linocvp1d: idk if youre a writer but i literally always see you interacting with peoples posts and it has me so giggly bc youre SO SUPPORTIVE AUGHHH ILY <3
@gyustarzzi: bby i love your little ateez headcannons theyre SOOOOOOO cute and your blog is so aesthetic and adorable too?! i cant w you youre so cutie pie omg... 🫶
@cutieleeknow: OH MY GOD THE ‘how they announce your pregnancy’ SERIES WAS LITERALLY SO CUTE YOURE SO AMAZING AND ILY
@viviworkshere: i know you’re like a new writer and all but i CANNOT get over the seungmin fic you wrote… cried to it this morning and probably will continue to cry over it every time i read it 🥺
@soullostinspaceandtime: don’t know much about you (hopefully we can get to know each other) but all ik is that you ATE w those tags. as you should 😌
@vanillacupcakefrosting: i think we literally only started talking recently but im soooo glad to be moots! i can wait to start talking to you more :))) you seem so sweet and AUGH 🥺💕
lmk if i missed any of you <3 love all of you so so sooooooo much :))
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The Percy Jackson Saga
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What a saga! I´ve still yet to finish it (while writing this, but i´ll post it when I finish it), but it´s SO fun, such a light read.
My history with Percy Jackson series has MANY comes and goes and it intercepts with many characters of my life that definitely not align with the Percy Jackson books at ALL. Seriously, If by any chance you´re a pre-teen reading this and you seem to be a bully who reads percy jackson, why do you think percy has SUCH a bad time in the school?? Anyway, getting over the personal comment….
I was mainly attracted to it because the series has come out (watch it !! its definitely interesting) but the nostalgia has come back with a kick and I definitely relate to little Percy, Annabeth and Grover (none of them would love me calling them little, but they are kids!!! Give them a SECOND of peace please), a little misunderstood, a little lost, not only when I was a teenager, but now on my 20s I can def relate (in a sense) to this lost feeling.
I doubt it ever goes away, Hell (or Hades?), Its difficult even to the gods what is happening in the books!! Everyone has to make tough decisions every once in a while, sometimes is whether to have the literal sky to help the goddess Artemis to fight Atlas, sometimes is leaving a job!
And I definitely relate to the strand of white hair after going trough the stress. And yes, everyone has a difficult choice and sometimes some are tougher than others, (like cmon… my job change example its what Ive been going through but Im guessing that maybe having the sky on your back may be a lil more difficult) but difficult choices are difficult choices, and these books have helped me, at least, to get anxious over whether Percy was going to be able to save his mom, instead of me getting anxious of my life choices.
I´m sure that anybody reading this may be going through a tough time (I mean, not to wish that upon you, and if you say “nah thanks i´m good, having the best time of my life” great for you!!) and i definitely believe that these books may seem focused for children, and yes, the repetition of what happened the last books that appears in every book after the first one, it sure is annoying, but overall its a huge break for the brain! Its a nice reading, a nostalgic one, and a hug to the heart.
A good reminder that good friends are worth lifting the sky and more, that families may not be what we always expect, that blue food is DOPE, that what we see may not always be what it truly is, that friends are not always what they seem to be, and that enemies (or people who we are taught are “enemies”) may not always be enemies.
[Finally, as a last comment since I´ve finished reading now] Sometimes it is not only good but necessary to go back to your child-self. To embrace new experiences with the forgiveness of a mother, the strength of an adult, but also for the inner ability of a kid that's learning how to walk, to stand immediately back up and continue trying. Embrace your strength but also your weaknesses, continue always learning, get around people you would sacrifice yourself for. Remember that its good and also essential to rest (sometimes on a lost island surrounded by the daughter of Kronos that's actually good and leaves you with a bunch of questions), and never forget to get back home (or at give out a sign when you're well so that everyone around you knows that you´re fine, turning the light blue of the Empire State can be an example).
If you´re going through high school, read this.
If you´re a lil lost, read this.
If you´re pretty sure you may be a lost child to a Greek god, yeah sure, but also read this.
If you wanna learn more about greek myths! I mean they are not super explained sometimes, but they sure deserve a good google search afterwards, which is good brain food!
If you really like sloooooow burn romances, yeah maybe you may like this (super far from the actual trama of the story but its so TRUE how long Percy takes to realize y´know…the thing)
If you like cute Cyclops, who are NOT murder machines, read this!!
And you must definitely read this if you like the water!! -Vera
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employee052 · 3 months
ozzies long-ass TSP ramble
For context, a few days ago i was in a thinky mood when i watched this video on Valve catwalks. it mentioned death of the author, and while ive heard of it, I didnt understand what it meant until after the video explained it. So i got thinking. the following was a series of messages I sent to my friends on a discord server im in (with the exception of the last part bc i just thought of it now even tho im sick) that i compiled for yall into sections so its easier to read. these are just my thoughts and could be totally wrong, i just wanted to share aksjdh :P (plus this is my second time im posting this so there might be some inconsistencies)
(ramble under the cut so yall dont get a massive wave of text on your dash)
"smth smth death of the author smth smth reviews smth smth interpretations smth smth skip button"
like idk if this was obvious to everyone else n im just finally getting it or not, but the skip button ending being about the narrator seeing the negative reviews causing him to create the button in order to appease them, which said reviews ended up making him believe he was being preachy and obnoxious and unfunny, but as a result, he ends up believing it and trying to appease those interpretations rather than be more confident of his dialogue and what it means to him(whatever he may believe) and ending up dying at the end bc of it being a kind of literal version a death of an author of sorts
im just thinking about how timekeeper/settings person/432/whatever is really only interested in the player, but not stanley himself. and if the narrator ends up dying (or decaying at least in my interpretation) during the skip button, could the same be said about stanley as a character as well?
like we never see stanleys model as us, we dont see his feet when we look down, and the only time we see him in game is either as a hand during the bucket escape pod ending, the mariella endings, and the not stanley ending. and the last two are cutscenes. for all we know, stanley could have died at some point during the skip button after the narrator did and we would never know bc we cant see him
but since 432's desk being at the end of the epilogue which happens post skip button ending, i would have said that was the first time we ever see him interact with the game internally rather than asking for the time. but i do remember someone suggesting that the timekeeper was the one who removed the door in the skip button in order to kill the narrator off and get stanley/the player away from him in order to talk more
with that thought in mind, that would mean TK had to kill stanley and the narrator off in order to be able to lead the game, push beyond the barriers of a narrator and character and just talk to the player, one on one
it makes me wonder if what the curator said in the museum ending holds more weight
like, she talks to the player as well. both she and TK talk to the player themselves instead of stanley the character. and when she says "When every path you can walk has been created for you long in advance, death becomes meaningless, making life the same. Do you see now? Do you see that Stanley was already dead from the moment he hit start?"
stanley's function is a character in the narrators story, a literary device to propel the game forward. the narrator makes the race track, and stanley drives. without the narrator where would stanley go or do, without stanley who would move the story along?
"Can you see? Can you see how much they need one another? No, perhaps not. Sometimes these things cannot be seen."
and yet, hes dead, just like the curator said. because no matter what, he's never going to be able to truly make his own decisions. the confusion ending lays out how all the endings are scripted despite what the narrator believes and acts, its all predetermined.
and in a sense, the narrators dead too. no matter what stanley tries to do to change the story, or the narrator changes to the game in order for stanley to react to, its been planned long in advance for the eventuality. every word, every event. and with stanley's deaths, it ends up just bringing them back to the beginning again, "What exactly did the Narrator think he was going to accomplish?" if they always come back to the same preplanned paths, to the illusion of free will, it doesnt matter regardless. death doesnt become a statement, it becomes an inconvenience.
"But listen to me, you can still save these two. You can stop the program before they both fail. Push escape, and press quit. There's no other way to beat this game. As long as you move forward, you'll be walking someone else's path. Stop now, and it'll be your only true choice."
The only way to save both Stanley and The Narrator is by not letting the story play out to begin with. To beat the game, which means to let the game end after you win.
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and yet,
the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is neve-
In a game where there is no ending that stops the game in its entirety, where everything will keep on happening again and again and the end is never the end, the only way to beat it is to make a choice as yourself the player, not stanley the character.
because he doesnt get a choice, the narrator doesnt get a choice. they think they do, but they dont. the only way to beat the game is to not play it. (which makes sense given that there are achievements involving not playing the game in both the 2013 HD remaster and 2022 Ultra Deluxe)
both Stanley and The Narrator are two sides of the same coin that make up The Stanley Parable, and the only way to use the coin is to give it away.
maybe thats why the true ending of the game with credits and stuff like that, is the Not Stanley Ending.
You the player have successfully broken the fourth wall from the outside in, even though that ending was planned like all the others (ie, the game allowing you to disconect the phone), you break the illusion of being stanley the character, which the game ends up booting you out of stanley as it cant handle the "narrative contradiction".
maybe thats why the escape pod ending has the sign that reads "both the player and the narrator must be present in order to leave". its not stanley, its the player, us.
maybe thats why that ending is one of the most cruel. the only way to get there is to leave the narrator trapped in the boss' office. there's no way to get him to the escape pod. the end is never the end.
(this part was the new idea i just had today so this might not make sense i appologize)
going back to the beginning of this ramble about the death of the author and such. perhaps there is a way to get the narrator out.
with thoughts about interpretations and with he idea of the "death of the author", all of us have our own interpretations of the TSP characters. whether its design, or relationship wise, or characterization, or what have you. The Narrator in my head is different from you reading this, and that narrator is different from another persons perspective, and definitely our narrators are different to the one that lives in Davey Wreden's head, or Kevan Brighting, or anyone who has even heard of the stanley parable.
and that's not a bad thing! there can be many similarities to the characters that our interpretations share, some more common than others and some that make no sense at all, but for the most part we all have different interpretations of the characters.
I read a book called Book Simulator (The Reader's guide to not reading) by Chris Yee on stream once. The VOD is gone now. But I discovered the book because I heard the guy writing/the narrator of sorts for the book was written like the Stanley Parable Narrator.
It didnt help that Kevan brighting voiced over the commercial for it too askjdh
but back to the book. this will contain somewhat spoilers for it since it brings up a moment at the end of the book so feel free to stop here if you dont want to be spoiled
basically, in Book Simulator, Booksi (The book's instructional narrator on how to fake read at the start of the book) is arguing with The Narrator (no not ours, but the general narrator who speaks in the third person), however, its revealed by The Narrator that Booksi has a plan to take over the world by inhabiting more book simulators and distributing them across the world. But, the reader could kill off the booksi that they have in their hands that they are reading, to quote:
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"Or was he the original Booksi? Maybe not. Maybe the original Booksi had been vanquished long ago, and the reader was now facing one of the many copies roaming the world. Both Booksi and the Narrator knew the answer to this question, but neither would reveal the truth."
Taking from Book Simulator the concept of multiple iterations of one character existing in different copies of the media they originate from, maybe in a way that's how the Narrator may die in the stanley parable, forever stuck to repeat the same endings with the illusion of free will, but he lives on somewhat for everyone that has seen or heard of him in any capacity.
this may sound a bit preachy (oh the irony) but bare with me:
The Original Narrator from The Stanley Parable is dead, dead in the sense that he and Stanley are stuck within the game, given the illusion of free choice, and unable to leave nor do anything to try and escape, is also alive in the sense that we the players perception of The Narrator lives on in our minds.
The Narrator from the game might be stuck, but the Narrator i see in my head, the one i designed and draw and think of is perfectly fine and alive as ever.
and the same goes with you and anyone else who has heard of the narrator. their interpretation is still unique and different to them even if it all comes from the same media. he may not be exactly the same as the original, but hes still there. and in a way, hes free.
(man typing this last segment down makes me feel like a gd priest, and/or someone talking abt the barbie movie akjdhkjasdh so sorry if doesnt make sense at all :P)
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fic rec friday 11
welcome the the eleventh fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. Video Chats by @tomminowrites
Not long after leaving to join the Blades, Keith stops by the castleship to catch up with Voltron.
The visit was going normally, until the Red paladin lets slip that he's been video calling one of the paladins fairly regularly - unknown to rest of the team.
i LOVE this fic it makes me giggle like no other. i have this in my other collection, which is fics where lance gets teased mercilessly by the team for being a gay loser. this fic makes me laugh literally every time. fics where keith is doing his blade thing but comes back regularly to visit and theyre a family who loves each other my beloved
2.  Thinkin’ Bout You by @bleusarcelle & queerklancing
‘That was not my thought,’ Keith thinks, panic and confusion filling his chest, ‘That was not my thought, what the fu –‘
‘Dude,’ the unfamiliar voice cuts him off sharply, but Keith can hear the edge of fear lingering on its tone, ‘Dude, what the fuck –Get out!’
‘It’s my head, you get out! ’
‘No, it’s mine!’
Keith purses his lips and pokes his temple and then his cheek.
‘No, pretty sure it’s my body, my mind, and you’re a weird thing invading it.’
[Or that time Keith had a voice in his head singing and found out he had a quite unique soulmate link.]
early voltron fics my love. remembering fondly the days bleusarcelle and queerklancing dominated the klance tag lmfao. this one is sweet, fun, and it has the trope of all time in it: the phone call where someone sighs wistfully and says ‘i miss you’ and then the other person smiles and goes ‘look behind you, sweetheart’ and theyre THERE. gets me every time fr
3. so tell me darling do you wish we fall in love? by crystalklances/orphan_account
Keith is chosen to represent the Paladins for a diplomatic dinner gala. There's just one problem—he has to bring a spouse. Lucky for him, Lance is ready to play his fake fiancé.
i’ll tell you i was CRUSHED when crystalklances orphaned his account. dude i miss u every day. but thank god all his fics are still available! this one is one of my faves he ever wrote bc it has fake/pretend relationship with good communication somehow. truly art.
4. Like A Prayer by @lancesexual /orphan_account [EXLPLICIT]
"God, I'm so happy with you," Lance whispered.
Something dangerous and soft erupted in Keith's chest, threatening to consume him.
2016 FIC ELITENESS. fuck man. im so serious when i say 2016 immediately means the fic has twenty bonus points. love love love. this is soft and sweet and floundering. i love it when both of them arent sure about anything but each other
5. True Love or Something by @deerstalkerdeathfrisbee
“So that was…” “If you say painless I’m shoving you into another snowdrift.” “Okay, that’s fair. But you got a lollipop!” “That you stole from pediatrics.” “I’m a very good date.”
Lance accidentally crashes into his new neighbor in front of their mailboxes and somehow ends the night with a very attractive (and slightly concussed) date.
ive saved the best for last! i started reading this when i was a young teen (more 2016 love) and it updated steadily for years. this series redefined what love means to me. i will always have the characters in the back of my head, i will always love everything about this series and story and will hold every part of it so dear to my heart. if you have to read one series in the fandom, this one should be a top contender!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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mxngldmxdnsss · 1 year
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The Hunt - series
Chap 5. Decode - Recom Miles Quaritch
I’m literally so tired rn wtf
pairing - recom miles quaritch x omatikaya!fem!reader
cw! violence, war, guns, fire, trauma, this may be triggering to some with ed’s, death and nurses
Note : this chapter is DARK if you have problems with the content of this writing please do not read it any further. this series will have dark content. I apologize for saying this however I’m not responsible for the thoughts that come with this piece, I can only warn you and provide viewer discretions.
mature content ahead : proceed with caution!
The cries of those people replayed over and over inside your head. Their screams of horror and fear. The sounds of guns and the heat of the fire set on the villages. It reminded you of hometree.
You remembered it like it was yesterday The cries of your people, sobbing as their only home they’d known was brought down in a day. You could still picture it. Could still hear it. Your people never stopped grieving their beloved hometree. Even you found yourself crying over your home. You could never visit for too long without fearing the sky people finding you.
You believed you could find a way to change these people. But they were savages. Ripping people from their homes. Taking no mercy on them. Killing their bonds like they were nothing. It tore you apart inside. How naive you’d been to believe that you could befriend, even mate with the monster in charge of the team.
It was one village after another, you felt so weak and helpless. Unable to do anything to ease the cries and pleas of the innocents. They looked to you for help, and all you could do was hope to calm them, even as your captors brought hell onto them. As the soldiers held guns to their heads and demanded answers.
The terror you witnessed all over again. It was horrifying, and you had to play part. The thought made you shudder as another sob escaped your throat. You brought a hand to your mouth and curled in on yourself, rocking yourself to sleep. You hoped the morning would never come, that the land would be forever shrouded in darkness, punishment for the sins brought upon Eywa and her people. You prayed to Eywa, words muddled by your broken cries. Spending the days to come, wailing as you hoped to wash away your sins.
You could hardly eat or sleep, the thoughts of what had happened plaguing your mind like death. Only you knew death was paradise to anything or anyone in the metal box you were trapped in.
Eventually the caretakers began to worry when your tray returned full, and your vitals dropped. They didn’t understand, they could never understand. To grieve so deeply for life you’d never known, was a feeling foreign to their cold hearts. The sky people were no different from stone. And the demons you’d once wanted to change, were hollow, void of feeling or compassion. Like dolls made from grass and leaves, made to obey.
You sighed at this thought, finding distraction from the uncomfortable ‘iv’ attached to your arm. Looking down, you observed the blossoming bruise surrounding the needle. It stung. Everything stung. Inside and out. All you wanted was to go home to never leave camp again. You felt tears forming in your eyes at this. The dreams of home felt real sometimes. Only to find yourself waking to the walls of your cell.
The reality of everything never felt so painful. You’d that that after war and loss, that you would feel numbness to everything. But it was opposite, all you could was feel every emotion from before. You felt it all in its fullness. You felt the anguish from your warriors, who felt nothing but failure. And you lived the cries of parents who lost their mates and children. It was a hard pill to swallow, but you knew that these humans needed tastes of their own medicine.
You knew when you got home you would have to tell your clan everything, and you knew that there would be war, greater than before. This time with more than the forest Na’vi fighting. You could only hope that before your release you could stay strong, your people needed you, needed your intel and insight. You only wished the Great Mother would show you how, how to help her people.
And she did. That night you dreamed something you thought was only a desire. But she showed you the hurt and pain it would bring beforehand. You knew you had a choice, but the choices separate from Eywa’s will, were measured. You thought of them, finding ways to make them work. But you knew that go succeed for your people, you would need to present Eywa, in all of her glory, to whom who’s fate was undecided.
You would need him to see Eywa. And for Eywa, him.
Your heart cried for him, although your mind seethed. It was him, you knew deep down, who Eywa had chosen to help bring balance to the sky people. With his influence he could bring peace to the humans, and with their peace, the Na’vi would be free from war.
You swallowed your fear and asked for him, all of him. Promising good health, just for his presence.
The nurses could only give you what you wanted, their worry for you more powerful than the fear for the General. They were happy, you figured. They were happy to have you bathed and changed, to have you fed and rested. You were relieved, their will to help so powerful. Like light within the darkness.
After you were cared for, they even started to move your things. You were given a room with a window, able to look out at the forest beyond the fences. Your home. You just had to comply, to learn their ways as they learned yours. It’d seemed that Eywa’s will extended to the sky people who didn’t believe in her. It was strange but a comfort to the pain you’d pushed down.
You’d kept your gaze on the trees, even as your caretakers came in and gave you a check up, and reminded you that he would visit you. Within your silence you’d prepared the way you’d fulfill your task. Praying once more to Eywa for guidance and signs, to know you were doing this correctly.
Ignoring the sound of the door as you witnessed atokirina’. You shivered, the spirits in numbers. It was enough to bring you to tears. You believed, in everything now. You had a mission, and without fail you would complete it. ‘Eywa’s mission.’
Wiping your tears you turned, expression content as you smiled at the person before you.
Chap 6. It Will Rain
taglist - @gremlinfuck @katkat1918 @sublimedeersong
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yesimwriting · 1 year
A/n this is a product of me going with the flow to get rid of some writer’s block, i originally wanted to write a jason x reader story but this became much more background heavy and turned into something else so i’m thinking maybe mini series! some found family vibes, idk though
Summary: After an impulsive attempt to run away with your best friend ends in an accident that alters everything about you (literally--like on a genetic level), you’re pushed into the Titan’s world. 
I know it’s too early for total cynicism, but the note Jenna left out on the counter doesn’t allow for much else. A passive aggressive, vague scribbling reminding me that just because we went to bed and woke up doesn’t mean the fight is over. The note is taped to a box of cereal because she’s pointedly reminding me that there’s a reason she’s not here making me breakfast. Whatever. 
I pour myself a bowl before pulling open the door to the fridge. The nearly empty carton of milk is expired. Perfect.
My phone starts to buzz before I can get rid of souring milk. Violet’s contact name and picture takes up my screen as I pick up the device. “Hey.” 
“Do you remember yesterday? When you were talking about just getting in a car and driving anywhere and everywhere and never looking back?”
Intense way to start a before 8AM call. “Weird conversation starter... but yeah.” 
She sighs, the sound a puff of air into my receiver. “I took my step dad’s car, I’m about to pass your house, do you want to come with me?” 
Oh my god. She’s lost it. “Are you insane?” 
“Do you want to get out of here or not?” 
My eyes fall to the skirt of my uniform and then to Jenna’s note. Memories of last night’s argument hit with no warning. “Let’s go.” 
There’s light and then I’m plunged back into darkness. A nothingness that I can feel. A nothingness that aches. Get up. Get up. Get-- 
My body won’t move. I latch onto the only thing I can, the faint prickle of light from behind my eyes. It’s kind of...irritating. And I can hear a strange, flat ringing. I screw my eyes shut tighter, a touch of mobility returning. Slowly, enough of it comes back for me to open my eyes. 
Okay. I’m staring at a roof. Not at the sky...and not at Violet’s...The thought brings me back to the pain in my body. Everything is sore, but I’m resting somewhere that should be comfortable. A bed, not the side of the road...not the last place I remember. 
Wait--where am I? I sit up fully, the buzzing noise turns into a sporadic mess of beeping. Each bump of noise feels like it’s striking me in the head. My hands stretch forward to rub my face. The movement feels like mush and restrained. 
My eyes drop to my arms. There’s a tube sticking out of my arm, an object I vaguely register as an IV. A few other wires are sticking out from me, including a tube in my nose. Okay--this is getting weird. I sit up a little more before twisting my fingers around the oxygen tube. 
“I wouldn’t--” My body presses as far back into the cot as I physically can before snapping my head forward. There’s a guy standing next to one of two chairs lined neatly against a wall. “I don’t think you should touch that.” 
Has he been here the entire time? And--and what is ‘the entire time’? How long has it been since Violet? 
The question claws its way all the way to the tip of my tongue. I clamp my mouth shut to keep from asking it because I already know. After what I saw...what I felt...I know the answer. No one gets put back together after going through what happened to Violet and the last thing I want right now is to get into it with a stranger who may or may not be a danger. Speaking it into the world feels too real, too solid a vulnerability. 
All I can do is stare at the stranger. His neat brown hair and put together posture seem mature enough that he could be a doctor if I’m going with the assumption that this is a hospital, but that doesn’t feel right. He’s not wearing a lab coat and his clothing feels a little too casual. He also feels a little too young to have finished med school. 
“...You’re not a doctor.” 
He takes my analysis well, tilting his chin down quickly in some sort of nod. “No.” The stranger takes a small step forward, more of a shift in my direction. “What do--do you know where you are? Do you remember anything?” 
The question is a jab to already bruised ribs. Do I remember? Remember the car that came out of nowhere, that started chasing us at the gas station; the box Jenna pulled out from under the seats; the electric feeling of that liquid in my veins; waking up again and seeing the wreckage, seeing Jenna... 
I swallow it all down, eyeing the stranger a little more cautiously. The urgency is weird. There are only so many reasons for a stranger to be in a hospital room with me. There’s a small chance he’s just some kind of good samaritan, who found me bleeding out somehow. He could also be with the people from the car or--or something else. Something bigger. 
“Why do you care?” The words feel too raspy to have any real bite. “Actually, a better question--who even are you?” 
His eyebrows draw together briefly, almost reluctantly. “I’m Dick Grayson.” 
It’s a patient introduction, not exactly soft but politer than I expected. I don’t know what the appropriate reaction is, so I just nod. 
Something about the way he’s lingering tells me that this strange interaction hasn’t been enough for him. Dick is going to push his questions or ask something else or maybe even justify his presence, but before he gets to do any of that, the door is pushed open. 
A woman in a lab coat doesn’t even throw a curious glance in Dick’s direction. Does that indicate that he’s been in here for awhile? Or--or did he tell the hospital we’re in that I know him somehow? 
“Okay,” the doctor hums, extending the last syllable as she glances at a clipboard, “You’re looking a lot better after the scare you gave us.” Her eyes shift away from my chart and towards the heart monitor that’s now beeping steadily, “Hm. That last alert must have been some kind of system error.” 
Whatever that means. “Uh--scare?” 
She presses her lips together, briefly turning her attention back to the clip board. “You were rushed into treatment, your body has experienced significant trauma.” The doctor pauses to take a breath, “Maybe this would be better discussed later. With a parent.” 
“What happened after...the accident?” She still seems unsure. “Please.” 
The doctor lets out a hesitant sigh, “During your treatment, your heart briefly stopped.” I--I flatlined? “But after you restabilized, there were no further complications and you seem well on your way to making a full recovery.” I nod blankly. “Is there anyone we should call for you?” Ugh. Jenna’s so going to kill me. “Could you use a minute first?” 
“A minute sounds like a good idea.” Whoever Dick Grayson is, he has no issue over inserting himself. 
The doctor nods, being suspiciously unsuspicious of the random guy, “Alright, I’ll be back.” 
She leaves; Dick doesn’t. I turn my arm over, staring at the IV in my arm. Maybe if I’m quiet enough, he’ll leave. 
“You remember the accident.” Guess the assumption that he’d just leave was an optimistic one. 
My fingers twist the thin fabric of the hospital blanket. “Did you find me or something?” 
Dick pauses, thinking about the best way to answer what must feel like a fragile question. “Or something.” Weird. “That car you were in, it wasn’t yours.” 
Great, now I’m not only going to have to tell Violet’s parents what happened to her, I’m also going to get arrested for stealing a car. “No.” 
The confession has no affect on him. He seemed sure enough in his assumption, so maybe he already decided my answer wouldn’t matter. “Did you know what was in the car?” 
There’s a generalness in the question that I could use to my advantage--should use to my advantage--but the memories resurfacing make all rational thought impossible. The stuff in the car is what got me here. 
“No,” the answer is more honest than I should be, “Not until after.” 
His eyebrows pinch together, a hint of something less stoic bleeding into his expression. Maybe a touch of empathy. It’s not overbearing or much, but the shift is enough to make me feel exposed. Too exposed for some guy who I met through a hospital room and has only given me his name. A part of me wishes my phone was on me--a google search could potentially help. 
I flatten my hands on my lap. “How do you know about the car?” The last people that knew about the weird fluid rammed themselves into a car until it flipped off a bridge. He could easily be working for them--some nice enough looking guy to make sure I woke up without freaking out and alerting anyone.
“I’m not with them.” Dick provides his defense stiffly, like he’s aware of its lack of strength. 
The call button is only inches away from my hand. “Right, ‘cause the people that used a car to push my car off a bridge are for sure above lying.” 
He takes another mini-step forward. “I’m actually trying to help you.” 
Another thing he can’t prove. “Then tell me how you know about the blue stuff.” 
Dick tries to suppress a sigh. I can’t tell if he was working under the assumption that I’d just wake up and happily go along with whatever. “...Because I’ve been looking for it.” 
“That’s not sketchy at all.”
Something else tugs at his expression that’s different than before. Not pity or an apology, more like a general acknowledgement of how weird he’s being. “I saw the accident.” The words hit harder than they should considering the lack of meanness. “One of the vials was missing.” 
Right before the accident, I opened the small box to see what Violet was talking about. I took one of the vials out to examine it and then the car flipped. “So you have the other vials?”
My question isn’t appreciated. “Do you know what happened after the accident?” The first few minutes, I was still awake. Conscious enough to crawl my way out of the car, but everything after that is stuck behind a dark wall. He takes my silence as an answer. “The battery was completely fried, but the engine was still running.” 
That’s a fun fact? “Uh--cool?” I never did ask him anything that would reveal how mentally well he is. “I must have missed that while trying to crawl out of it before it exploded or something.” 
“I didn’t--” The corner of my mouth turns up a little at his slight unease. I wasn’t sarcastic with the intention of being mean or making the stranger uncomfortable, but I’m not exactly mad it happened. He seems to catch onto the fact that I’m only giving him a hard time because I can. “Cars need batteries to run.” 
Dick’s eyes stay trained on me after those words, analyzing my reaction to them. My first instinct is to dismiss it. I can’t imagine that car ever being fixed and car batteries are replaceable. That’s the least of its issues. Then it hits me--how was the engine running? “Oh.” He’s still watching. Why? “...What does a car have to do with me?” 
“The people that are looking for the vials are dangerous.” I lift an arm to gesture to my IV, a quiet way of saying no shit. “They’re going to come back.” 
My stomach knots at that. It’s not like I necessarily thought this was all over, but I hadn’t considered what could happen next. “I don’t have the missing vial.” As far as I know, he’s no one important, but the urge to get him to believe me hits hard and fast. “It probably fell and--and shattered or something.” 
His expression doesn’t give me anything to work with. “If you come with me, I can test if it had any effects on you--”
Okay, I know a kidnapping scam when I see one. “You’re kidding, right?” He keeps his blankness, his posture somehow straighter than it was before. Dick’s radiating a sense of authority that’s definitely practiced. “Are you asking or telling?” 
“I’m trying to help.”
“And if I don’t want your help because there’s no way some weird, lab goo did anything to me?” My hand shifts forward, reaching for the remote with the help button. “You seem nice enough, thank you for not leaving me to die in some underpass, but I think it’s time you go. Good luck with your goo situation.” 
Dick’s eyes drop down to my hand. In about two steps, he’s at the side of my bed. “Don’t.” 
I’ve never wanted to press a button more in my life. My thumb finds the trigger, but before I can press it, a strong grip secures itself around my wrist. He moved so quickly, I’m still registering the fact that he went to grab me. Who is this guy?
Before I can warn him that I have nothing against screaming bloody murder until someone separates us, I’m snapped out of my thoughts. My body feels disconnected, like it’s floating. 
A light flickers behind my eyes, glazing over my vision. Some strong, hard to name thing pulls at my stomach, an even stronger feeling settles in my chest. That one is easier to listen to as something flickers to the front of my mind like a hazy memory or unfinished dream. I can’t tell what it is, but my body knows to trust it. To believe it. Do I know him? 
The feeling is so close to familiarity that it feels like a physical hit. My fingers go slack, and the remote slips from my grasp and onto the cot. He lets go and moves back into place immediately. 
I know that deciding whether or not to let some random guy run some sort of test on me cannot be a choice so influenced by a vibe. But what I saw has drained most of the fight from me. Maybe it’s a side effect of the car accident. Like some type of internal bleeding? 
“Sorry, I don’t--” 
“You want to run some tests on me or--?” It’s more of a summary for me than a direct question for him. Ugh. Maybe if he had asked for anything less weird...then again, I can’t think of anything that wouldn’t be weird from a stranger that’s just in my hospital room. “How do you even know about this?” 
He hesitates, “Long story.” 
Helpful. I guess it is kind of comforting that he’s this bad at getting me to want to come with him, because no respectable kidnapper would be this openly weird. And that instinct is still at the back of my mind, urging me to trust him. “You get that you’re super sketchy, right?” If this is some kind of trap, I deserve what I’m going to get. “If I agree, can I borrow a phone to call someone?” Grabbing my phone wasn’t a priority when I crawled out of that car, and I really doubt it somehow miraculously made its way to the hospital with me. 
Jenna’s so gonna kill me. “Sort of.” I’m not in the mood to get into my living situation, so I just stare at my sheets before he can ask. “What? You’re the only that gets to be cryptic?” The attempt at humor surprises me. He’s still a stranger, but my head isn’t accepting that. 
“You can call them.” 
“Then...okay.” I’m going to end up on dateline and my episode will be so boring some girl with a true crime podcast will skip my episode. “But if you’re some kidnapping serial killer, I will fuck you up.” 
The corner of his mouth turns up a bit, like something about what I said is amusing him. Kind of rude, considering that I’m being completely serious, but I can’t decide if that makes me feel better or worse about my decision. 
This might be one of the nicest buildings I’ve ever stepped foot in. It’s not like the building Dick’s led me to is overly extravagant, but it’s definitely structured in a way that feels well off. Like it’s owned by the kind of rich person that’s so wealthy they don’t feel the need to prove it. 
“Dude,” I give myself a second to take in the space, “If you had led with how nice this place is, we could’ve skipped the whole hospital argument.” 
My presence here feels a little bit like a smudge. It’s not like I’m always put together or feel like I should be overly dressed up, but the hospital gave me back what I was wearing during the accident. Because Violet decided to runaway before school, I left the house in my uniform. It’s not the cruelest thing I’ve seen a Catholic school put someone in, but the plaid skirt and white button down don’t do much for my confidence, and they didn’t exactly hold up in the chaos of the accident...neither did my hair or face. 
I shrug, still looking around the space, “It definitely wouldn’t have hurt.” Tugging on the dirt smeared edge of my sleeve,  I turn back to him. “I’m Y/n, by the way.” It’s not information I really wanted to give, but I’m already here. It’s not like he can double kidnap me if that’s what this is, and knowing who I am won’t change anything. If he tries to use me for ransom all he’ll be able to get from Jenna is an IOU. “Felt weird that I hadn’t said that yet.” 
The car accident must have seriously damaged my self preservation abilities, or maybe it’s the fact that anything I can latch onto is a distraction from Violet, because I step further into the room, fully entering the space and seeing the full living room. 
Two heads on the side of the couch that I couldn’t see before snap towards me so quickly it almost feels like they moved in sync. The one farthest from me has a dark purple bob and the boy next to her has green hair. The stare off is a little weird and refuels my doubts. They both look a lot closer to my age than Dick’s. 
The girl breaks the silence, “Who’s this?” 
I’m not sure if that’s a question directed at me or Dick, but I answer anyway, “I--” 
“You wanted to call someone, right?” Dick steps up so that he’s next to me, handing me an unlocked cell phone. 
Weird place to jump in, but at least he isn’t being cagey and taking away my ability to contact someone. “Yeah.” I take the phone, already dreading this conversation. “Could I get some water?” 
“Kitchen’s that way, take whatever you want.” Looking through a rich guy’s fridge might take the sting out of being berated by Jenna. 
I start walking in the direction he gestured towards. “Cool.” 
After finding the kitchen, I dial Jenna’s number. She answers on the second ring. “Okay--don’t freak out.” 
“Where the fuck are you? Were you kidnapped?” 
“One, that sounds like freaking out. Two, why are you always assuming I’ve been kidnapped?” 
She sighs before getting my name out in a way that tells me to not mess with her right now. That makes me cut to the chase, summarizing majority of what happened and glossing over what I can’t get out or explain. She gets extra mad when I tell her that I followed a stranger home just because they said they found me. Jenna rightfully yells at me, and then finally asks me where I am. 
The realization that I have no clue makes me feel a lot worse about the situation. I paid extra attention on the drive here, but no part of this felt like any part of Gotham I’ve ever been to. Maybe it’s because it’s a richer area? 
I duck my head back into the living room, “Hey, Dick?” He looks up from the two in the living room, who I guess he was giving some context to. “I’m on the phone and someone wants to pick me up. Where are--” Jenna cuts me off in that way of hers, reminding me how much I suck at giving directions. “Uh--she wants to talk to you.” 
His eyebrows draw together, “Your mom?” 
Shrugging, I start walking towards him. “Uh--my Jenna,” I hold the phone out towards him, “That’s like having a mom, just...louder.” He eyes the phone oddly. “You’ll see.” He’ll have to, Jenna gets her way. 
Dick takes the phone, instantly catching on to what I meant and stepping away to talk to her. He throws out the part of stolen car, which would have been nice for him to keep to himself. Then he says...San Francisco, which makes no sense to me because Violet and I were nowhere near California. That’s where she wanted to go, but we barely made it out of Gotham before it all happened. 
I blink, sitting down on the couch in shock. My head then turns to the boy next to me, “Hi, I’m Y/n.” 
After a second, he smiles politely and says, “Gar.” 
“Nice to meet you,” a little awkward, but he’s looking at me so politely I can’t help but fall back on normal habits, “Are we not in Gotham?” 
He briefly looks confused and then a little apologetic, “No.” 
Great, I’m brain damaged. That’s the only logical explanation for how I got to San Francisco without even realizing it. “...Cool.” 
The girl sits up a little more, looking over at me, “Are you okay?” 
“Uh,” all of my potential answers make me sound insane, “I’ve been better.” 
Dick’s conversation with Jenna seems to be getting calmer, which bugs me a little. I can’t explain it, it’s just suspicious that he’s not only this super upstanding guy that helped me get to and from the hospital, he’s also capable of getting Jenna on his side. He ends the call. 
Before he can give any kind of update, I’m already up, “How am I not in Gotham?” I don’t give him the chance to answer. “You said you saw the accident, so that means you got me here.” 
“No.” I wonder how quickly I could get out of here. My body’s still sore, but pain’s something to worry about later. “I--exaggerated on how much I saw.” 
He’s not exactly helping himself, “So you've been lying this entire time.” 
“I didn’t want to scare you.” 
That sounds like something a kidnapper would be worried about. Panic rises in my chest and the room feels too hot, too charged. The lights briefly waver and that only adds to my stress. “Then how did I get here?” 
Dick’s looking at me the same way he did in the hospital. A hesitant sort of empathy. It’s restrained, but it feels so genuine that my stomach twists. If he’s not the one that dragged me here, then that means that--and how much time did I lose? 
It feels too naive to believe him just because of a look, but that would explain a lot. If he had seen the accident, he would have had more questions. He probably would have mentioned Violet. “How’d you find me? And--and why’d you say that stuff about the car battery?” 
“They had you, and the battery thing was a little different than what I said.” The confirmation is a punch to the gut. How long was I out? What did they do to me? Why did they take me when they had the vials? “Jenna’s flying out first thing tomorrow.” I must look like I’m about to snap, because he’s making a point of keeping his words even and slow. I don’t know how she’s going to fly out considering she maxed out her credit card trying to buy concert tickets. “We can get you something more comfortable to wear and something to eat before we get into anything else.”
He’s just trying to be nice, understanding, but it makes me feel too much like a little kid. Especially since there are two people around my age watching this play out. There’s still a chance this is some kind of trap, but it’s a little too late to decide if I trust him. I give in with a reluctant nod.
The shower pressure I just experienced is something that I can’t see myself forgetting. Before I walked into the bathroom the girl, who I learned is named Rachel, brought me something comfortable. Some elastic pajama pants and a black crewneck.
I don’t know how much of it is Rachel being genuine or if Dick told her to hang around a little, but she showed up a little after I got out of the shower and took me to a guest bedroom so I could put away my clothes. She then walked me to the kitchen, awkwardly admitted that they’re overdue for a grocery run before giving me some options. 
Rachel ends up making me a grilled cheese. It’s a little awkward letting a stranger do something for me, but it’d feel even weirder casually using an unfamiliar kitchen like I live here. 
My hunger felt all consuming until food was put in front of me. I keep thinking of Violet and all the hours I lost. But rationally, I know I should eat something and that it’d be kind of rude not to, so I take small bites of the edge of my sandwich. 
I’m still working on the first triangular half when Gar shows up, offering me another polite smile. I force myself to return it even though the day’s starting to catch up with me. 
“Uh-hey,” he walks into the kitchen, “I know I introduced myself earlier, but that was...” Gar brushes that train of thought away with a small breath, “Uh--are you feeling better?”  
I nod, turning to face him, “The shower helped.” I set my half of the grilled cheese down, “I picked so many twigs out of my hair.” Why would I say that? 
“Yeah, you look a little better.” He reaches the counter, tapping his fingers on the counter, “Not that you looked bad before! Just that you look like you’re feeling a little better.” 
The correction comes out like a knee-jerk reaction. Like he really thought he might have offended me. “I get it,” I can’t help but smile a little, “And absolutely no worries if you had meant it the other way, I saw myself in the mirror. I definitely looked accurate to my car accident.” I thought mentioning the car accident casually would make it feel breezy and normal, but it just feels sad. “There’s no non-weird way to say that.” 
“It’s fine.” Gar’s words come out so assured I almost believe him, “We’ve heard weirder.” 
Rachel nods, “A lot weirder.” 
I look between the two of them before taking another bite out of my grilled cheese. They’re both looking at me while trying to pretend that they’re doing something else. I guess I know how my 4th grade class guinea pig felt. 
A part of me wants to start conversation. Some of it is the awkward feel of silence and some of it is the urge to return their niceness, but I’m also tired and not sure how much of a point there is. Tomorrow, I’ll be back home and likely permanently grounded. 
“Do you feel like we’re hovering?” Rachel’s question takes me by surprise. Before I can instinctually tell them that they’re both fine, she continues, “We can give you some space if you want. I know it’s a little overwhelming.” 
What is? Showing up here? The accident? It shouldn’t matter considering that I’m leaving tomorrow. “Some quiet might be nice,” I admit, “Just because Dick’s probably going to show up and get me to--” He never did specify what he was going to check out about me. Do they know that’s why I’m here? Also--why are they here? “I don’t even know. Just something I’m not really looking forward to.”
“We get it,” Rachel hums, stepping away from the counter, “We’ll give you a minute.” 
The two actually leave, a part of me is surprised at how genuine that was. They didn’t even linger like I might at best steal something and at worse finally snap. I get two minutes of quiet before the sound of footsteps entering the kitchen puts me back into focus mode. 
I tilt my head slightly, expecting Rachel or Gar or maybe even Dick. It’s...none of them. The person I don’t know walks straight past me and towards the fridge. They open it, the small light illuminating their skin in a way that makes the sheen of sweat impossible to ignore.
He pulls out a bottle of water, shuts the door, and then looks at me. There’s no hint of surprise as his eyes briefly focus on my face before trailing downwards. Is he-- “Something happen to your face?” 
This again. Stupid car accident had to bust my lip and bruise my face. “Uh--” While Rachel and Gar were attentive and purposefully polite, trying to apply regular social standards to an abnormal situation, this guy doesn’t seem to care about that at all. The thought of just blankly stating the car accident thing again, especially to someone this forward, is so unappealing I just blurt out, “Drug deal gone wrong.” 
Oh my god, the more I interact with people, the more I realize there has to be something seriously wrong with me. Like brain damage. Like over-40-pro-football player lever of concussed. 
Before I can say anything, he tilts his head again, looking me over more openly than before, "Right, because you seem the type.” 
I can’t tell if he’s making fun of me or amused. Probably the first one. “The best drug dealers don’t seem like drug dealers.” 
“Really?” There’s a level of kind-of-there annoyance that throws me. Like irritated is his natural state and it’s miracle enough that I didn’t make it worse. But the confidence in his voice keeps it from being fully bitter. 
“No,” I tap my nails on the counter, “I just didn’t feel like getting into the car accident thing again.” 
He’s quiet for a second, “And you thought drug deals would be easier?” 
I shrug, feeling a little smaller. I can’t tell if I can’t stand him or think he’s a little funny. “Must be an early sign of brain damage.”
He tilts his water bottle in a vague gesture towards my face. “I’d believe it.” 
Rude. I know I just said it, but still. “At least I have an excuse.” 
His eyebrows draw together in offense, and it doesn’t make me feel great. He wasn’t that bad and that was sort of a jump, but I’ll probably never see him again, so... 
“What’s your--” 
Before he can get into any sort of rant, a voice cuts him off, “Jason.” Oh, it’s Dick. I turn my head enough to catch his tense look. “Leave her alone.” 
“She started it.” 
Okay, yeah, I think he annoys me more than I find him funny. “Nice come back,” I mumble, pushing away from the counter, “What are you? 12?” 
“If you want to find out--” 
Ah. I’ve been through too much today for this. "Like that line’s ever worked.” 
He isn’t swayed by my reaction, “Trust me, I don’t need--” 
“Okay,” Dick inserts himself into the conversation, and a part of me is glad for the excuse to leave. “Enough.” He then looks at me, “Are you ready?” 
At least it’ll be over soon. “As long as you don’t tell me that stuff turned me part alien or whatever.” 
He draws his eyebrows together, “Part alien?” 
“So magical science goo is real, but my thing’s unrealistic.” 
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sn0wp1anets · 2 months
been having marauders pjo thoughts and just indulge me for a second
(this is kind of long so )
ive seen dionysus/aphrodite used for sirius' godly parent alot which i can understand its just not my personal hc i think while d + a are very powerful i dont think their characteristics? fit sirius that well idk
to me sirius seems closer to either a big 3 or athena kid but im kind of in between them and i havent fully decided
reasoning for zeus:
zeus is associated with having quite a strong sense of justice and honour- which i view as kind of a big characteristic of sirius' . hes also very naturally powerful which comes with being a big 3 kid. sirius is also prideful and stubborn which also aligns with my view of zeus. this isnt very relevant but zeus' children in the pjo series tend to have something kind of ironic about them? like thalia and her fear of heights. and i think contradicting nature vs nurture is very sirius, which is another reason i kinda like zeus for his godly parent. in myth, zeus' children are often vengeful to those who have dishonoured their loved ones, and do rash things for them: (e.g perseus to polydectes) and this reminds me of how he would literally kill for james, how he risked his life for harry, the prank, etc.
however zeus' children are also associated with leadership, while i dont think sirius is incapable of being a leader (hes very competent, intelligent and certainly could be), leadership does not feel to me like something he actively seeks or takes on. also to mesirius feels less flashy, more subtle than what you'd expect of one of zeus' children. idk tho!
reasoning for poseidon:
as the god of the sea naturally most people associate poseidon's actions and power as unpredictable and reckless- which is how many perceive sirius. and this is also evident sometimes in his actions. in the riordanverse, (in my personal opinion) poseidon's demigod children are probably one of if not the most powerful (or maybe its just percy...) which makes sense for sirius too. poseidon's children are described to be 'both noble and unbelievably cruel' which to me IS sirius. he is aware of his cruelty and harshness when he purposely hurts others , yet he is also very noble in some aspects. also im hesitant to liken sirius to theseus due to his very problematic actions and treatment of women but they are similar in many ways: being extraordinarily brave, having a sense of justice, strong yet spiteful at times.
(also fun fact cygnus was one of poseidon's children!)
i actually really like poseidon for sirius' godly parent i just feel like theres something missing that im not really sure abt LMAO
hades reasoning:
one of the most interesting parts of sirius' character is his innate potential for darkness and how he actively rejects it- this would be very interesting in a hades' child context because sirius is again born into the association of darkness and evil. another interesting part is that the perception of hades as evil is just? kind of off? he is the death god except not really- he's the god of the dead he kind of just rules over that realm he doesn't actually kill people thats thanatos. which is again something that would be super interesting for sirius.
on the other hand hades feels too stern and restricted for sirius- and yes i understand that demigods dont have the same personalities as their parents its just something im kind of concerned about. sirius seems a bit more carefree- like a poseidon child would be rather than hades. also i dont love the whole black family automatically being associated with hades thing i think its a bit too surface level.
athena reasoning:
i mean obviously sirius is one of the smartest characters in the series. this is evident in many many instances throughout his childhood and adult life. its also very effortless for him and i just cant imagine a sirius who intelligence doesnt come effortlessly to. hes quick, sharp and notices details and remembers things with clarity and can easily analyse situations he and other people are in and come up with logical and successful solutions- all of which make sense for an athena kid. also him being unafraid of conflict and combat is also very athena of him- i think too often athena is reduced to just being the smart goddess but she is a war goddess too which is so sirius. sirius enjoys being smart and uses it well- animagus+map. his intelligence is also used not just in a school+grades context which is also perfect for athena kids- they are not school nerds they are intelligent in many ways.
BUT i wanna be self indulgent and just let sirius embrace his full main character energy with a big 3 god 😭😭 like i dont actually have a valid reason for not making it athena im just...
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quodekash · 8 months
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i have such a deep emotional attachment to literally every single character in this series it's insane somebody help me
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dude I literally love these wiping down scenes in bls so much, its always so tender and caring and adorable and HONEY YOU'RE GAY OML ILYSM KANG
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wait do we know what happened to his parents? is this common knowledge and im the only one who doesnt know, or do we all know?
but like. sailom and saifah's parents clearly aren't in their lives at all, so did they abandon them? did they die? how long have they been missing their parents for? does sailom remember his parents at all? what's the age gap between sailom and saifah? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS FAMILY PLS SOMEONE GIVE ME ANSWERS
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........daddy kink?
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oh hey that rhymed
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bro is deceiving left right and centre holy hell man
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"right now I can hardly breathe" "oh-oh you can do it, just know that I believe" "and that's all I really need" "then come on!" "make me strong! it's time to TURN IT UP, GAME ON"
pls tell me someone will know what im talking about and will appreciate it
I showed the scene to my sister and she knew immediately what I was about to reference so im hoping i can share the joke with someone
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pat napat jindapat knows the feeling
as do many others but hes the only example I can think of in the current moment
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that was so soundwin of them
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I will be rewatching this episode (at least the very last part) every single day until then
also lmao, 'give it to me straight' and then he asks quite literally one of the gayest things he possibly could
ive rewatched that last scene three times now. frick. someone help me.
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wienertit · 10 months
OKAY. OKAY. its been a while since ive rambled on this account so today im going to clear up how i see itapan so that no one gets confused when i say “i dont think they would ever date” and then proceed to draw them making out or whatever.
when you hear “one sided itapan” you might think italy has the stronger feelings (because he’s the one approaching and hugging and kissing japan or whatever) but i feel that it’s actually japan with the stronger feelings.
when italy’s affectionate towards japan, its not because he’s necessarily attracted to him, but that’s just how he behaves. i think that he’s kind of trying to lead him on so japan is nicer to him. italy has been coddled his entire life like he’s been taken care of by austria and hungary and spain and france and germany and literally everyone loves him. and he KNOWS that everyone loves him so he purposefully babies himself to others so he can get even more special treatment. hes an annoying little asshole who uses his good looks and weakness to get out of trouble and i love it!!!
throughout the series (both in anime, manga, and a little in hetamyu), japan actually grows a bit of a soft spot for italy because of how weak and pathetic he makes himself seem. at first he’s polite and awkward because he idolized italy to be strong and capable, but once his expectations are SHATTERED he gradually begins to want to take care of him in a way. he doesn’t get mad at him as often and sometimes even defends him when germany is upset or lecturing him (like in hetalia fantasia). he tucks him in bed and lets him sleep on his chest and share a bed and bathe together and do the gayest shit ever. i probably would’ve thought “well thats because he’s too polite to refuse” but he ACTIVELY wants to do this stuff with him. he puts a hand on his back to keep him in place when he rests on his chest. he visits italy often and loves to cook with/for him. he wants to learn how to hug and kiss him back even after italy says its fine. he writes him letters and a SONG where he asks italy to visit him and gives him a pressed flower bookmark. japan goes out of his way to return italy’s affection and spend time with him while italy just does it because he’s italy.
i dont really think it’s a “sad” one-sided crush because in the end they’re still friends! they still both care about each other and confide in one another and hang out. italy isnt just affectionate to japan because he wants to lead him on and get more special treatment, but because they’re friends and he does still like him platonically! they can act like a couple without actually BEING one and thats insane!!! i love that shit!!!!!
ive mentioned how itager/gerita was my first hetalia ship and it still stands as one of my favorites. the problem is that im PICKY with it because i dont like a lot of the fandoms’ interpretations of them. i guess i wasnt as picky with itapan and liked it simultaneously with (although much more than) itager. but when i rewatched all of hetalia over the spring i realized how much MORE i liked itapan in the context of itager, which kind of blew my mind. like i remember mentioning to some itapan friends how i think they would never date and i still stand with that today. like italy and germany are too busy trying to win eachother over and they would just get together instead. japan actually likes his friends though and wants them to be happy so he would just go “ok” and move on while still doing all that gay shit with them. i guess jt makes itapan more of a brotp but it doesnt make it any less enjoyable for me. i LIKE to see them hanging out and being friends and dont really mind fanart where they’re dating or whatever because i can just pretend that they’re not!
anyways sorry for being a little insane i hate itapan but i actually love itapan okay i love them okay yahoo!
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lavender--fairy · 1 year
hi!!! i just want a bit of clarity for myself:
so ive known/been involved with the loa community for about 3-4 (??) years now! but the thing is i still havent manifested my desires :/ AND I KNOW you most likely get these asks a lot 😭😭 but im not here to rant i just want some advice that pertains to my situation you know?
this is my first ask that ive sent in MONTHS (lowkey proud) and up till this point ive been off tumblr/stopped consuming loa content! but ive realized that as time goes on, manifesting isnt really fun to me :// like i literally forget that manifesting even exists. when this new year started i told myself i REALLY need to lock in but i just feel so lazy to even try consciously manifesting anymore :( im aware of what i do wrong (ie not keeping a mental diet, focusing on 3d circumstances, forgetting to affirm or wtv) but im here to ask you how can i change that?? should i tey different methods? it feels like no matter what i do (affirm, listen to subs, etc) i cant get myself in the wish fulfilled state, which i know is the main goal. so i just wanted to ask you how do you think i should go about manifesting in general at this point? because i really really REALLY do wanna change but i feel like im not putting in enough effort (i know you dont need "effort" to manifest) and im failing myself 🙃🙃(sorry this was long i just wanted to give you some background info first)
hey butterbean!! I feel like you have the mindset that you need to constantly think about your desire and if you let go it won't come to you (correct me if im wrong) From what i can tell is that you are thinking of your desire this whole time instead of thinking from them. Another thing i can conclude is that you lack faith and have been "trying to manifest". Now that we know your problems lets solve them together shall we??
First of all you don't have to keep thinking of your desires over and over again like sometimes people set alarms and that's unnecessary just thinking whenever it comes to you naturally is enough don't feel the need to force yourself to constantly think about it, remember whenever you feel the need to force something you are doing it wrong. And even the feeling of wish fulfilled only comes with ease, don't be so fixated on trying to feel the emotions, they happen naturally as soon as you accept what you are imagining is real and you now in fact have your desires, would you force yourself to feel happy if it happened in the 3d? no right it'd happen naturally thats what you should do in the 4d.
Through this post you can check if are thinking of or from your desire Next up i wanna ask you, after you imagine your desires fulfilled in your imagination do you feel happy that you now have your desires or do you feel like you have to work your way into it and are worried about the 3d?? If its the 2nd one, you don't believe that imagination is real, you think its something you use to get your desires in the 3d, you are too fixated on the 3d that you don't even enjoy imagining.
I can't really write everything down, it'd be too long but i'll link some really helpful material for you to check out and hopefully they help.
How i imagine
Here and now series Channel
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destinysbounty · 2 years
HELLO i am in your inbox because your post about ninjago cycles made me drop my phone, ive literally been thinking about this idea forever!
around when i watched s8, i literally started reading the entire show as one big time loop because of all the repetition and cycles in the show. i dont know if that phrasing holds true, but i think the idea itself holds up
i think what really drives the entire cycle of the show is the need for balance. i interpret ninjago the place as created by fsm to be a reflection of his worldviews: dragon vs oni; good vs evil; light vs dark. the fact that the overlord keeps coming back, and his descendants will have to keep fighting him is a part of a larger system put in place (accidentally or purposefully) by fsm. when one person is defeated, a power vaccuum appears that HAS to be filled, usually by a new villain
basically, balance is the mechanism by which all these cycles come to pass. its kind of a law of physics in ninjago, good will always win, but evil can never really lose. everyone has to keep repeating history, personal and global because the world literally will bend itself in order to achieve that balance.
(i hope this makes sense i wrote it very quickly lmao) thank you sooooo much for bringing up cycle symbolism in the show,,,, once you start looking for it its everywhere!
(Here's the cycle post in reference)
Thank you for sending this ask! I apologize for the belated response, but I wanted to wait to respond until I had the chance to get ahold of some screenshots that would be relevant to this discussion. With that out of the way, let's get into the meat of the issue!
First off, you are absolutely right! I think the circle motif represents a few key themes: balance, as you mentioned; recursion; and inheritance. And all of those things, in a way, tie back into the show's interpretation of destiny and the way fate is baked into almost every aspect of the story.
Balance is the most obvious interpretation, of course, and perhaps the most compelling. Like, not just because the circle is by design an incredibly balanced shape, simultaneously having infinite sides yet at the same time only one. But also because there are so many instances of circles appearing in the way in which the balance between light and dark is visually represented within the series - especially with regard to the creation mythology.
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(On an unrelated note, I think it's actually kind of a cool detail how the FSM is represented as a grey being - not Oni of darkness, not dragon of light, but something in between. The child of both worlds.)
The world was created by the FSM, and while I can't remember if it was ever outright stated, I think there's enough evidence to at least assume spinjitzu was used alongside the Golden Weapons to create Ninjago (I'm happy to elaborate on this if asked!)
On this note of balance, I also think it's worth noting the attention drawn to the splitting of circles. As seen above, with the creation of the Dark Island, but also with the Battle Between Brothers! Now, I'm definitely overthinking this, but bear with me for a sec.
The Monastery of Spinjitzu is, quite iconically, arguably circular in shape. Well, it's really more of a hexagon, but you get my drift. And the sons of the FSM, each representing light and dark, were friends for a long time. But when Garmadon finally succumbed to the venom's influence and was banished to the Underworld, a crevice was torn into the ground, splitting that circle - and likewise splitting the two brothers in the process.
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And again! The Lloyd v Garmadon fight in sesaon 8! Despite loving each other very deeply, they have both been forced into conflict by the forces of destiny time and again. Lloyd knows the drill at this point. "I've saved you once, I'll save you again." The fight itself takes place in a circular structure - the Kryptarium Prison panopticon. Lloyd enters this fight assuming the established cycle of fighting and redeeming his father will be reinforced. But when Lloyd is thrown through the wall, thereby breaking through the prison's circular structure, so too is this cycle broken as well (and with it like half the bones in Lloyd's body as well as his heart).
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And of course, we can't forget the most iconic example - when the FSM created the Dark Island, banishing the Overlord and his Stone Army for the protection of the world he created, the circular continent was split in two. The destruction of the circle.
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The destruction of the circle is also how the Oni are introduced in Mystake's story - the dragon creates a circle, and the Oni destroys it.
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So to recap: a circle is balance, balance is stability and unity, and the dissolution of the circle is the loss of stability.
That in itself is a cycle - creating something, destroying it, creating it again.
Kinda like the show itself, in a constant loop of the world facing ruin and building itself back up again and again. Like how the Overlord can never truly be defeated, dying and coming back like the ebb and flow of the tide. Like the snake eating its own tail, a cycle feeding itself endlessly. Like how a circle has infinite sides.
That's interesting enough as it is, right? Just wait! It goes deeper!
As mentioned before, the FSM arguably created Ninjago to some extent using spinjitzu. Spinjitzu, which is both a martial art and a lifestyle that utilizes circular motion to create a tornado around the user. The quintessential example of the circle motif. Spinjitzu is quite literally the foundation of the show's identity and worldbuilding. This show is, on both a narrative and a meta level, built on the concept of circles. And according to the Core shorts, one of its principle values includes balance.
Which, in the end, boils back to what you were saying about how cycles are a law of reality in Ninjago. I agree!
If I have my lore right and Ninjago was created through spinjitzu in some degree or another, then that means it was created through circular motion. The world was made spinning. The world was made as one big cycle. So to some extent, I do definitely think that good and evil must constantly fight. If the world isn't constantly repeating itself, if this cycle of recursion ever stops, then the world will stop spinning. And what happens when the world stops spinning?
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Chaos, as I'm sure you can imagine.
Although, we also have to consider that the Overlord said "there will be peace in the dark". Now, since he is a villain and also the embodiment of darkness itself we should take his words with a grain of salt, but it definitely raises the question of what it would look like if darkness or light truly did prevail over the other, or if such a thing is even possible in the first place. Will there be peace in the dark? Or does the Overlord have an arguably more compelling motivation - that is, as an immortal being incapable of death, locked in an eternal limbo between victory and defeat, he knows that the only way this deathless hell will end is if the balance is destroyed and the universe falls to pieces. Maybe that's what the Overlord means by 'peace in the dark'. That theory has a lot of holes in it, of course, but I'm certainly intrigued by what that would mean for the Overlord's character. This might also hint at the origins of Darkley's, but that's a weird little tinfoil-hat tangent that we're not gonna worry about right now.
Now, I mentioned earlier that there are three main themes that the circle motif draws on: balance, recursion, and inheritance. And those three themes all tie into destiny somehow. So far, we've talked about balance and recursion - how history must keep repeating itself, how the whole world must remain in eternal conflict between light and dark or else the circle will dissolve and chaos will reign. But what about inheritance?
This is the fun part, but also a bit obvious. First, inheritance comes through elemental powers - not only because powers are passed on from person to person, as well as the legacies of those powers, but also because the elements of creation all tie back to the Green Ninja. They all manifest in him, and while the other ninja are capable of wielding those powers independently they all tie back to Lloyd in the end. Like convection cells but instead of circulating wind currents it's magical powers.
And, of course, I'm not the first person to comment on how elemental powers can be seen as a metaphor for generational trauma, and how each character inherits the legacy and loss of prior generations vicariously through their powers. Other people have elaborated on this idea far more eloquently than I ever could. But it's still worth mentioning in this discussion, so here we are.
And!! Then you've got things like the Yin-Yang Eclipse (which, imo, didn't look much like the Yin-Yang symbol at all. It looked more like a funky Z if you ask me). With Yang telling Cole to "close the circle" - the curse of the Airjitzu Temple requires that someone always remain behind as the master of the house. Yang needed Cole to take his place as the temple's new prisoner. He needed Cole to complete the cycle of inheritance. He needed Cole to close the circle.
And that right there is the base essence of this show, isn't it? Closing the circle. Completing the cycle. The sins of the father laid upon the son. History repeating itself. Repetition and recursion.
This all pertains to destiny in ways I hope are quite apparent at this point. The scholars in the Cloud Kingdom write destiny. They choose what happens. They designed the Prophecy of the Green Ninja. Perhaps they're doing all this, perhaps they're putting the ninja through all this trauma and suffering, perhaps they're creating this history and this world to be endlessly recursive, in an effort to maintain the balance and protect the universe from spiraling out of control. Or maybe they're just doing it to get their sick kicks. Who knows? We've only seen the Cloud Kingdom for like one whole episode so at this point who's to say.
But a bit more blatantly to the point, according to Lloyd in 2.12 "Return of the Overlord" the below images show the symbol for destiny. And what do you see??? Circles!!!!!!!! Circles as unity! Circles as balance! And in the latter image, circles represented through colors, which denote their roles in destiny and likewise the powers they inherited from their ancestors! It's circles all the way down!!!!
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Oh and before I go, here's some food for thought. The Overlord once said that "destruction comes from the eternal struggle between light and dark." And Oni have the power of destruction. Garmadon, once he's reached his true potential, is powered by conflict. "It's the fight that fuels him." Which does seem to corroborate with what we know about the Overlord himself - as Misako said, "where there is light, there must also be darkness." Conflict creates darkness, and darkness creates conflict, just as light creates shadow.
God, I'm losing my mind over this. Balance is the struggle between light and dark. Destruction is a byproduct of this struggle. Destruction causes darkness. Darkness plays a pivotal role in the existence of the balance. The balance is creating itself. The cycle ultimately cycles back in on its own self. We've come full circle. It's the freakin' ouroboros! The snake eating its own tail! Endless consumption with infinite return! Circular motion causing its own endless perpetuity!! It's a fight you can never truly win but also can't lose, because the existence of conflict creates conflict, and without conflict there cannot be peace! You cannot escape from the cycle because you are the cycle!
So, to conclude:
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Thanks again for the ask! <3 God I sure hope this rant made at least a teensy bit of sense.
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acaciapines · 7 months
Your nanowrimo pieces are soooo goooood they hit so hard fr fr. I’m especially LOVING today’s one with the owl & the collector even tho I don’t rlly know that much abt toh bc I haven’t watched it but I can tell that u LOVE IT & I can’t wait to learn more thru osmosis once the fic is poooosteeeed✨ (i WILL read it i PROMISE i SWEAR)
Anyways give us the thoughts, the tea, tell us how you make the words do that✨ anything u wanna give in regards to today’s bit!! We’re not picky!
Hope y’all are doing okay! Gal says hi :) Remember to eat and drink something, take breaks, and look after yourselves and each other! We love you! This has been a Daily Interaction Ask <3
he he :3 im glad youre enjoying!! its been really fun to pick out my favorite bits even when usually those are the ones w/out context lol. look at my owl and weep boy. firefly <3
YOU WILL LEARN SO MUCH VIA OSMOSIS....literally now that im also doing something for s1 its like. why watch owl house we have owl house at home (the owl house at home is a 1 million word daemon au) (<- 1 mil is not a joke btw idk if it'll hit it but itll at least come very close. no idk why i did this.)
as for today! hmmm...
its truly so fun to write the collector. like im not joking about him being my favorite owl house character despite his maybe twenty total minutes of screentime, so its been such a JOY to expand his role in this series!!
bc like. god. actually i think i wrote a whole like. bit of flash fiction/prose poetry type thing for them a while ago. probably in my files somewhere. but just. youre an immortal eight year old. you are in these years where you need to interact with other people for your own mental stability and health. to figure out the whole Being A Person thing. and you are trapped for like, centuries. trapped away from everyone and everything and DUST, which, in universe, in literally connection personified. you're cut off from all of this.
and you are, let me say again, eight years old.
truly the collector is just. hes had everyone he ever cares about leave him--his siblings the other archivists left him behind not out of any sense of cruelty, really, but because caring about people just isnt really a thing they do. quite frankly they live so long they didnt even notice. theyre far-away stars. not far because they're mean. just because thats what stars do.
and then king's dad (who um. doesnt have a name <3 this is why the collector calls him 'the big bully' its literally bc i never gave him a name--) was an adult the collector actually trusted and looked up to (he meshed REALLY WELL into titan society until the archivists started Doing A Murder since titans are the only beings that match them in power and they have very very different ideas about dust). like ive said before the collector is owlbeastkin but before that they never had a super stable sense of identity--in another world where they stayed w/ the titans they wouldve ended up a titan.
and then king's dad just. trapped him in a tablet forever.
and like, to be fair to king's dad he was reacting out of fear and the best knowledge he had (he assumed the collector led the archivists to the titans, and like, he did, but its not like he knew he was doing that, and, you know, poor guy had seen a huge chuck of his fellow titans killed including babies and eggs of which he had an egg to consider), but it still TRAPPED THEM. and then he died and so did all the rest of the titans so nobody could free the collector even if they wanted to.
and then BELOS, who manipulated and lied to the collector for so long and was also literally his only friend after being alone forever, so like, of course the collector just blindly went along with whatever he said. he was gonna free them!! he listened to them when they talked about stardust which nobody else ever did! he had no idea what the fuck a witch was! he just liked being able to see the stardust sometimes, and belos brought him to places with a lot of stardust. to destroy it, but like--you know. it was THERE.
but all these people were just USING them, and they never really understand that until king comes around. and king's also a scared eight year old!! but like. king's also not wrong. the collector did aid belos in destroying the entire isles. like no joke belos SUCCEEDS here. like not long-term obvi this has a happy ending but at the point we're in at for the future? it doesnt matter that the draining spell failed. all the palistrom trees are dead. witch society Cannot come back from that even if they did end up beating the collector. theyre doomed.
anyways what was i saying. collector. right.
so like, then they meet firefly/grr-click-growl/wings-across-night/the owl beast (king of having so many names i love her <3) and shes like, the first person who cares for them and ISNT using them. even king is using them!! but firefly has seen Some Shit. she sees the collector as a hatchling who was kicked out of his nest and is doing her best to be some sort of stable figure for him, but she doesnt Not see the stuff he's done.
the collector took over the world bc he's scared--all he's ever known is being used and trapped so he doesnt exactly trust most people easily. firefly would Love to not be in this world anymore. shes also got a loyalty to eda and king and luzmari. and, like, cool motive, still trapping an entire society of people.
but like. shes the one who is here right now and nobody else is trying to help this kid.
but the collector just. hes just an eight year old. a very, very old eight year old. but he doesnt understand things like "you can make the wrong choices and still choose to do better later" and "im mad at what you did but that doesnt mean i dont care about you."
he just sees someone upset with him. just sees another person who used him and doesnt care and is going to leave bc everyone leaves him and in a world where EVERY SINGLE PERSON comes in pairs, hes the only one who stands alone.
basically tl;dr: collector my beloved <3
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chururiii · 1 day
Haikyuu!! Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump - Reaction
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Okay this past weekend I managed to go see the Haikyuu movie and god there is so much to say.
Firstly can i say how much I missed Haikyuu and didn’t realize it. Like its been SO LONG since ive watched it but this movie made me so nostalgic and happy. Like remembering when I binged the series and experiencing it all for the first time was amazing.
Now the movie itself was amazing, it was everything i loved about haikyuu and more because Kenma was everything. Like from the moment it started to the end I was literally obsessed with him every moment he was on screen. SCREAMING I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
And seeing him truly enjoy the game at the end BRO I WAS CRYING LIKE YES I LOVE THAT FOR YOU KENMA 😭❤️
Him and hinata are such a duo i never knew i needed but im so glad they exist. Anyway Love Haikyuu love kenma and will be rewatching the series soon ❤️
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red-dyed-sarumane · 10 days
you've been in the voca scene a really long while, so do you have any songs from when you first got into it that are still bangers despite your taste changing over time?
yeah!!! although for the most part what i listened to when i got into it were the popular songs at the time. or at least semi-well known.
kemu's pandora voxx songs are still up there on my fave songs list especially rokuchounen, reincarnation, and ikasama life game.
i also still have a special place in my heart for the shuuen no shiori project songs despite not being active in the fandom the past few years. sarumane isu tori game is literally how i came up with my url. d-ne my beloved. theres a part in the ia ver of the song towards the end that always sounded similar to when u blow into a straw i always thought that was neat. arikitari heroes is still my most listened to song in my life. song i listened to for like a month straight if not more (+ multiple weeks on & off. for months.) Back In The Day & still have trouble turning off if i put it on.
i also adore old mafumafu songs adagaeshi syndrome was my first & still goes hard & kakushigoto & yuugure semi nikki are still songs i listen to frequently. kuusou sekai to omocha no shinzou was also something i latched onto heavily. also as the resident aoki lapis fan im required to tell u mafu owns her & has used her exactly Once in an album only song toumei palette which thank u for reminding me i think i'll go listen to that now
now the one producer i miss SOOO much who also deleted most of their works is sekaikeiP or #n/a. their songs are. loud. to say the least u will want to turn ur volume down for all but one of them but i HIGHLY recommend sekaikei shoujo wa dennou sekai wo oyogu which is my second fave song of theirs so im super glad its still up. it gets stuck in my head frequently. there was no translation for this when i found it so i tried doing it myself & it went poorly so its a really cool feeling to go from completely not understanding to being able to understand most of it without double checking anything. but i digress. also highly recommend muhyoujou shoujo to yume miru kusuri. again volume warning. solid song tho & this one does have a translation if i remember right. the last one no longer has an official upload anywhere HOWEVER its my favorite of all their songs so i'm breaking my own rules & linking a reupload here. shounen A to mousou shoujo. this one has a normal volume btw its the one thats not super loud. absolutely devastated they didnt keep this up it was one of their more popular songs too. i drew fanart for it & they found it & followed me bc of it. good times. this producer's been missing since 2015 but i still think of them fondly.
debated leaving him off bc of the drama around szm but i. legitimately have no clue if new fans know szm's songs. the idol series of songs are iconic of course. undead enemy as well. personally i also really liked jinrui gofun mae kasetsu. there was a period of time i drew a lot of the girl in the video.
as for more one off songs i still go back to
clean tear's suki ni natteshimatta... ayatsuriningyou. what can i say i love trance songs & aoki lapis.
ken's yokkyuu fuman march.
ych's yotei chouwa quest. also ych's poker face but everyone knows poker face i want people to know this one too.
takamatt's dragon rising.
seleP's ref-rain. actually im a seleP fan in general but this has pretty solidly been my fave the whole time. they do mostly yandere theme songs. which if ur a naisho no pierce fan ur used to anyway. but seleP's more dance/trance in genre.
im sorry this is such a long post ive listened to nearly exclusively vocalo songs since 2013 i know. so many
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wjbs-aus · 4 months
Since this is having a resurgence kinda,
Reblog for a larger sample-size or something? Or not. Your call!
Context for each below.
Back in, like, 2016 or something, the Secondary School I was at did lifeguard training as part of its PE curriculum; one of the activities involved was rescuing a hollow plastic dummy. When it was my turn, I grabbed it, but it suddenly filled with water, and I was suddenly dragged to the bottom of the pool; eventually I managed to let go of it, and I was allowed to sit on one of the benches next to the pool for the rest of the session.
Last year, around Halloween, my dad randomly phoned me up and asked if I wanted him to buy me an axe or scythe from the Halloween section of Tesco. I said I wanted a scythe, and he bought it; it was very plain, and consisted of a hollow plastic tube and a simple-looking, poorly-moulded blade that slid over the top. It eventually got pretty badly-damaged, and my brother - in a fit of sleep-deprived impulsiveness - secretly bought me a cooler, much higher-quality one (the blade is actually a skull wearing a mask with a long "beak" attached to it!)
Technically, I don't have all the Skylanders figures I got when I played, since at least one is still at the flat I used to live in, but otherwise I have all of them. Also I only had Giants, Swap Force and Trap Team; I missed out on playing Spyro's Adventure, and I only had a Wii at the time so I couldn't play most of the games after it (except for Superchargers Racing, which is literally just the racing minigame from the fifth game but released on its own).
Play Hard Reset. Do it do it now. It's short, kinda frustrating at times and has questionable writing and voice-acting, but the aesthetic is really cool and it has an interesting mechanic where the player only has two weapons, but can unlock different modes for them that effectively mean the player has ten. I haven't played much of Hard Reset Redux, but it seems to be the same, but balanced a bit better and with much better dialogue.
I got into ZScript late last year, but I've got pretty good at both the inheritence system and making original stuff (which is technically jus the same as using inheritence, but you have to define everything yourself.
I can't remember exactly when this happened, but it was around either Halloween or Christmas (since Nightmare Before Christmas was on TV) and possibly in 2018; I made myself a cup of tea, but didn't notice that the kettle had limescale remover put into it (aside from the colour being a bit off). When I started drinking it, I immediately spat it out, and since then it's been known in my family as A Thing I Did Once™.
I love Sea Power! They make good music! Check out Let The Dancers Inherit The Party, it is their best album in my opinion!
Yep, done this one. Haven't finished Quake 1's second expansion and I'm only on, like, map 2 of Quake II, but I've played all of Quake IV's story campaign. Also, if it counts, Quake III's "singleplayer campaign", which is just a series of increasingly-difficult bot matches.
When I got Reaper one of the first things I recorded was a scream, which coincidentally ended up being a scarily-good impression of the headless bombers from Serious Sam.
A while ago, I tried playing the Game Boy Advance version of Bionicle Heroes with an emulator, since I wanted to check it out; when I tried playing it with VBA, it crashed on the second screen, and while another emulator (namely No$GBA) allowed to, I had to make a DS4 controller-profile specifically for use with it, since it wasn't registering my inputs properly with my regular one. Eventually I just bought a Bionicle Heroes GBA cartridge online so I could play using my DS Lite.
Anyway here's the new scythe.
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This picture physically hurt to take, like I had to lean really far back and stretch my arm really far out
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