rouge-the-bat · 2 years
listening to sonic frontiers music and thinking about how the games from now on are going back to lore-heavy stories and allowing there to be deep emotions and heavy stuff without brushing everything off with silly jokes and optimism and paying attention to all the little details of the characters and their development and bringing back the feeling of the old 3d sonic games and
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shkika · 1 year
Having trouble with thinking of something to ask hrmm
What part of the rw lore do you find most interesting? Like..what are your thoughts on it? any twists you've thought up or any detail/s you just wanna rant abt?
The rainworld lore is painfully a lot and painfully little at the same time, like why are the pearls focused on garbage worms and what is noise milking oh my goddd
moon isnt lore on her own but her pearl readings are a massive source of it. so if i had to say my favorite thing would be iterators and the relationship they had with their colonies. the fact they can vary and the fact iterators have different opinions of their parents!! (one iterator talked abt havjng to sit through dark political times awkwardly like 🧍🤷 at some points. thats funny)
ahem I looove it a lot!! for example the way moon worded her existence is sad. the way she speaks about them is sad. like in short “ancients must not try very hard so we do that for them. at least i did” <- smth along the lines
she sounds bitter she dislikes them with a hidden passion even when she has 5 braincells left. Not to mention she calls them parasites with bad takes (sheesh). something people dont really ?? recognize enough or at all imo is that moon almost retired (ancients moving away from her city) and she was happy about it. Until it didnt work out and some stayed and she was pissed again.
now pebbles speaks with softness (as much as he has it in him) he liked them! he liked their art! their music! he liked witnessing their stupid arguments even when they were in his name (he found the citadel he shaded funny for being so angry)
he found a lot of things they did stupid but he also was impressed in other aspects! he liked them a lot to the point the last item that he keeps for comfort and keeps him together as a whole is a hymn of theirs. even when abandoned, he finds comfort in the company they used to bring him!!! how sad!!
Another part of the lore. Hm cycles.
I have no idea how they work. Youd believe at first that when you die. You get reborn. Pain!!! never escaping!!
But that cant be the case it has sooo many plotholes if thats the case.
1 artificers kids died! straight up GONE. theyre dead!! thats why shes so insane you cant tell me theyre just lost somewhere and also pups cant ascend (me when i reach spiritual enlightenment at 10). theyre straight up gone.
2. imagine u defeat the scav kind and he comes back an hour later.. nah. thjngs DIE
3 why did the ancients go crazy over killing themselves then idk!
4 suns was basically crying about how they dont know what theyll do if spearmaster dies. yeah no respawning then.
So then the cycle is being reborn into smth new. great. how does karma play in this. how do you raise it. time? do you have your old memories after u go into a new cycle?? i dont know!! no scug has ever been plagued with dreams of being smth else before. !!! how do you confirm its a thing!! idk!! how do you know you are in a samsara! i wish we got ancients talking about it. in pearls or smth.
i havent ascended with saint yet. (reached karma 10 and bonked the siblings) but i doubt they answer all of my questions
random kiki rw lore fact- did you know that the rot area - (riv gameplay) there is a room in it thats just called terror!!! it upsets me greatly. the place is so different because the rot literally eats his walls. it fucks me up sometimes even if it seems obvious
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