videogametako · 3 months
indie stuff: boardland
cute dice board game. link here:
[this game is completely free]
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the music and art set the really cozy vibe of the game
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this type of tutorial is kinda great, works really well for a turn-based game. lacks a bit of flair and flavor but i like how straightforward it is
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cute sitting sprite
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oh hey, it was published on my birthday
boardland is a turn-based combat dice- board- game where you fight monsters. it's a pretty short game, i got through one run and credits rolling in 30~ minutes, but seems the monsters might be randomized for every playthrough? gonna check again just to be sure.
there's uh not really any story as far as i can tell, so let's just get to the
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combat takes place entirely on this board. you can upgrade it by using dice while on a tile, sometimes changing the base action of the tile (fire > attack, earth > defense, water > heal). it's got roguelite elements too so, it's what you'd expect, items and blessings. potions aren't too difficult to come by, and a playthrough is short enough that you can be liberal in using them
a player turn consists of you moving, then taking dice actions. you can only use multiple dice on a tile if they're in increasing order (2 > 3 > 4, for instance), otherwise, you have to move to use another action. you draw 5 dice every turn, and leftover dice are discarded. sometimes it seems you can use an action dice at the start of your turn immediately, but sometimes you can't..? i'm a bit confused but it might be dependent on whether you used an action last turn or not
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now, by using a set number of dice, you can level up a base tile to upgrade it (its 3 dice for the first level up). this gives you bonus actions, and synergizes with the elemental dice you can find sometimes. this gives you a way to customize your board depending on your playstyle and build.
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additionally, every other turn a random event occurs. you have to land on the tile to activate 'em. same goes with curses that enemies sometimes do. if something on the board only needs you to make contact with it, it'll say in the description (like enemy spawns)
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the game punishes you for taking too long by giving most (if not all) enemies a passive that increases their stats every 10 turns. this did not become an issue for me (except for that one tedious round where i got to 10 turns because i kept messing up my actions)
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you can get buffs and debuffs too. there was one where i was supposedly able to use two dice on one tile or smth, but it was either poorly worded or broken bc i could never proc it. there's a confusion debuff that sometimes makes you move backwards too. the main way to get debuffs on enemies is by using elemental dice on their corresponding tile
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OH i completely missed the reroll mechanic, you can spend gold to reroll one of your dice, kinda handy, i suppose? gold is rarely used anyway
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this game is pretty slow paced, not to say it can't get challenging, and while i'm more of a fan of faster games, i found this one to be relaxing to play. i'm gonna do one more run before finishing this up.
the music is extremely cozy. even when a bit frustrated, i couldn't find myself getting too worked up, i like it
i enjoy the artstyle as well, the monsters and the player character all have a soft and charming vibe about them (except that frog in berserk mode, pictured earlier, i like that too). very cute!
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gimmick fight, i respect it.
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another gimmick fight, the reroll mechanic is especially useful here if you wanna fight more efficiently, especially since the opponent just sits there until the tiles get locked (i died bc i didn't realize my health was too low (oh, you can load up the autosave and retry, neat))
closing thoughts
i could honestly see myself spending a lot of time on a fully fleshed out adventure mode for this game. i'm super engaged by the mechanics, and with a bit more content there's room for a lot of strategy in this kind of game. different board lengths, branching paths, character skills.
i already enjoy board-based games a ton (stuff a la mario party or 100% orange juice) and also dice as cards in games (die in the dungeon, is the most recent and only example to come to mind (i haven't played library of ruina yet) i should write about that, i enjoyed the demo and i need the full game) so this game is very much my thing
if the game sounded like fun, give it a try, it is completely free
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officecyborg · 3 months
This game I’m playing has some noticeable adventure game clunk, but the most extreme example so far is the climax of a fairly long stealth/action sequence. You have like 10 seconds to open a door before you’re shot in the head. You can’t lockpick the door or shoot the door, and kicking it doesn’t open it all the way. And btw if you fail and didn’t think to save mid-chase, the autosave takes you back to the beginning of the WHOLE sequence. Anyway it turns out what you’re supposed to do is use your companion on the door (prompting him to push it), then kick the door. In that order. And buddy, don’t even think about pushing the door yourself.
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dogshit-enchantment · 5 months
My 2023 video game year-in review (aka I'm just yelling into the void don't mind me lol)
Game Of The Year: Little Goody Two Shoes. I'm at about the halfway point but I have just been so completely and thoroughly impressed with it at every turn. The writing is exceptional, the story itself is incredible, the graphics??? Obsessed. AND THE MUSIC. AUGH THE MUSIC GOES SO HARD!!!!!!!!! And the fact that it's gay??? chefs kiss.
Honorable Mention(s): Pikmin 4 (the love of my life, I love you oatchi you are my babiest baby boy. Literally the only reason it's not my goty is just because rpg maker style games rule my heart), Vampire Survivors (switch co-op is so fucking pog), Harvestella (2022 game but I beat it in early 2023 so it counts for something), Fear & Hunger (not a 2023 game but that's when I played it. I love you, Funger)
Most Anticipated: Tears of the Kingdom which. If you've read any of my previous posts about it you'll know I did not enjoy it. TOTK now stands as the second-ever zelda game I didn't bother to finish. (First being Wind Waker but only because my fear of the sea/getting the triforce pieces in the gamecube ver was SO HARD FOR NO REASON. Love Windwaker so much, my not-finishing-it is a me problem, where as with TOTK it's a game problem)
Award Of Most Mid: Tried Fall Guys at a friends place and gotta say, it's just mid. Frustrating enough to not be fun but not frustrating or rewarding enough to warrant a feeling of real challenge/desire for mastery.
Worst Game: Didn't come out this year obvs, but Disco Elysium for switch. Controls are dogshit, text is illegible when on a tv not even 6 feet away, and the way that the stats are explained (or rather, not explained at all) is super frustrating given how shitty/infrequent the autosave is! The plot itself is probably fine, and the world building is interesting, but the game attached to it feels like something off of an early 2000s rpg, and I don't mean that in a good way. While Fear & Hunger gets an honorable mention despite being even harder, there's something about it that sets it aside from Disco. Funger is a game where you're meant to die, and often. While Disco feels like a game where you're not supposed to die, and doing so puts you back as far as the last time you saved. The game doesn't take care to set checkpoints or a reset spot because it's not meant to happen. Funger is a game where you're meant to die/retry so of course theres limited saving, thats the point. Intentional vs Unintentional difficulty/unfairness
anyway these are my personal opinions, feel free to disagree with them if i liked/disliked a game you feel opposite about.
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singedwarning · 10 months
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sorry for the lack of asks. this thing exists now. (oh goodness there goes the quality)
ID (or my attempt at one) below the cut :] my laptop restarted in the middle of it so im happy about autosaving drafts
[id : a comic of a conversation between my ocs, the iterators UWSS and FLUS. FLUS is a yellow hologram projected by a purple, orange, and yellow overseer. UWSS is a blue and light green iterator. Their conversation goes as following.]
[Page 1. Throughout this entire page, the background is an iterator chamber. It slowly fades to a light purple.]
FLUS: Waters. We need to talk. Now. [FLUS' overseer looks a little sad, and FLUS looks a little irritated. Her text is yellow, and doesn't have a background.]
[UWSS is turned away, levitating a pearl.]
FLUS: You're using too much water. You're even using some of Dawns. [Theres a projected image of two iterator cans, one labelled with a Triangle and the other is labelled with a Sun. FLUS looks more frustrated than before.]
FLUS: At this rate, you're going to cause harm to them. ... But I suppose you'd want that, wouldn't you? [FLUS is glaring, beginning to look a little tired.]
UWSS: no- [UWSS turns slightly. His text is a neon blue on a black box. He looks angry, and is crying slightly. He's still levitating the pearl.]
FLUS: Ever since they got the ro- [FLUS gets cut off by UWSS.]
UWSS: please leave
FLUS: No. Actually, you've been like this ever since you became the senior. [FLUS has one of her hands on her face, thinking.]
[UWSS has fully turned. He looks distressed, and he's no longer levitating the pearl. He's still crying.]
[Page 2].
UWSS: you... remember her? [UWSS looks both happy and a little distressed. There's a little hope in his eyes. Whoever "Her" is isn't specified.]
FLUS: Who?
UWSS: nevermind [UWSS looks away, looking sad again.]
FLUS: Anyways. Before, when the ancients were still deciding which one of us would be the senior... What made you this way back then?
UWSS: I don't want to talk about it right now- leave [UWSS begins to levitate the pearl towards himself again. A light halo is slowly starting to form behind him. He's crying more.]
FLUS: Only if you- [She once again gets cut off by UWSS.]
UWSS: no
UWSS: please- i'm busy right now- leave before i make y-please [UWSS keeps cutting himself off, turning away, and he starts to look panicked. He's once again levitating the pearl, and there is a light halo behind him.]
FLUS: Fine then. [FLUS looks a little shocked, and her overseer is sad.]
FLUS: I'll be taking my leave. Bye. Good luck with your "little" rot problem. [FLUS' hologram begins to dissapate. Her overseer looks angry.]
UWSS: ... bye [There is a single yellow "star" to signify that the overseer teleported away.]
[End of Comic]
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snakedevour · 1 year
the autosave on the beta editor is kinda nice i cannot lie. also my drafts no longer post when they're supposed to save 🤔🤨
anyway i guess i'm committed to existing here again, at least for a while, so i'm playing a bit of catch-up. i finished updating yumeko's carrd last night and will be updating blog stuff to match the verbiage and all that. maybe a new about page too who knows. maybe we'll go crazy go stupid
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drewsaturday · 5 months
played landlord of the woods
mixed feelings.
good things:
loved the aesthetic and art style
music was nice. it sooooorta felt unfitting in a way? like not what i expected, but it was pretty and i enjoyed it.
the puzzles were interesting
i did like the little world it lives in. your normal city job still being quite macabre and despite the plague doctory aesthetics going on, you still have that relatable "you're 25 and lost in life" thing going on.
the humor was mostly in-line with mine
i liked the little character creation screen. choose your plague doctor beak, cloak, and little hat :>
short game! took me like an hour
i got it for less than $1 a while ago so the bad honestly doesn't mean a ton since... you can't expect all that much. but i do have some bad thoughts too i wanted to word out.
it's a bit buggy and not very intuitive? i had to look up how to do a couple of things because i wasn't sure if it was glitching or i was just missing something. i don't think anything was glitching at least, and the creator does seem very responsive when people do report glitches.
some of the unintuitive stuff comes from like... when you find an item, you have to click it Again to add it to your inventory after it's highlighted. so i had to go back to screens i thought i was done with to grab an item again.
another part of the unintuitive i think comes from the color scheme, like it does take a minute to figure out where your attention is supposed to be drawn to so you can start figuring out what to do. but at the same time that's... probably because it's a hidden object and puzzle game. however, i do get a bit irked when it's for non-puzzle elements, like oftentimes i would miss the arrow cueing that i was done in an area.
although i did say the puzzles were cute... i can't say i had fun with them? i appreciated the game and what it was going for, but many of the features were just... reeeeally clunky or boring or confusing. some genuinely weren't coded well, but generally i don't rly like puzzles so someone else might appreciate it more.
the ending is... choice jlksdklfj. i want to appreciate it, and we hate landlords lol and it DOES fit the bizarreness of the little world we've seen. but i really did love the hook of "you're 25 and lost in life, maybe you can do a little bit of good somewhere :)" which i think would speak to a lot of sad 25-ish year olds who need some escapism, so the ending wasn't... very nice for that :( it wasn't totally out of nowhere since i mean, something had to have happened to the last landlord, and we know all these little forest fuckers are messed up and don't know you well enough to actually want you to join them. so i think other people could appreciate it. i think, although the plot twist tm of it does hinge on how the game is presented, i wish the game had been presented differently so i wouldn't have had lighter expectations for it.
anyway no save button :( and it's not clear that it won't autosave exactly where you left off so i had to redo a bit than i hadn't expected to do.
tl;dr not my cup of tea and kinda buggy but not a bad game. i think other people might enjoy it more, esp when you're paying pennies for it.
i am kinda sad bc i wanted to try the other game the creator has, birth, but i don't rly think i enjoyed this game enough to give it a go for its price point. it is pretty cool that they were able to make this little game (it kinda makes me wanna make a little game!) and i think from a marketing standpoint it is quite smart to give people a cheaper taste to try out your game-making style with to get their foot in the door. i hope they can keep developing n getting better at these things bc i would like to at least keep up with their work, even if puzzle games aren't for me.
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matthewsvoyage · 10 months
i'm so livid. i write marketing articles for a living and got a 2000 word one about a tech topic i don't know anything about. the pay rate was good so i was like eh, okay, i'll do it. well, i spent about 3 hours yesterday writing 1300 words, which makes the pay rate Bad in and of itself. this is not the norm but it was so research intensive that it happened.
anyway, this morning i wake up to write the remaining 700. i go to my computer and refresh the page. it's supposed to autosave but it didn't. i lost all but 450 words of the 1300 i wrote. so that's about 2 hours down the drain. now, i need to rewrite the remaining ~1500. my work from yesterday was not recoverable. if i work at the same speed as yesterday, i have about 3 more hours left. this means that the entire 2000 word article will have taken me 6 hours.
what should have been a ~$50/hour commission is a <$16/hour commission. it's just not worth it. i hate my life and everything in it.
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onebillionstarsff · 3 years
microsoft word just obliterated 14K words from a wip that i had going. 
it's just gone. vanished. no more.
the document (which i had been saving every ~30 minutes) has literally just been wiped from my computer. i have gone through auto recovery, i am so deep in hidden folders on my hard drive and in my caches that it isn’t even funny and there is just NOTHING
i am about to Sob that's a WEEK of work i'm-
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 2 years
can y'all imagine the fucking RIOT that is playing dreidel with la squadra
they all gotta check it for balance and make everyone turn out their pockets so no one's tryin any funny business to steal all the gelt
(maybe risotto makes a perfect dreidel out of iron idk if an iron dreidel would work but it'd be fucking sick if it did)
someone might try to up the stakes by saying they should play with real money instead of chocolate but pros is like i have been grating potatoes all day to cook latkes for you fucks im not prying you apart if you start throttling each other over dreidel
strip dreidel is also suggested (picturing formaggio but melone and gelato are also likely to offer the idea) but is probably just as swiftly shut down
ghiaccio: would we just start piling our fucking clothes? if you land on gimmel would you have to put all the fucking clothes on? that's the OPPOSITE of stripping this whole idea is STUPID AS HELL
some of them (particularly illuso and sorbet cause they seem like the type) probably still try to subtly cheat. maybe drop something on the floor to make it knock the dreidel off balance to fuck with someone's spin but it still literally has a 50/50 chance of backfiring and if risotto catches them tryna cheat they
hang on i need to interrupt to announce that i tabbed out at this point and thought i lost this post but my draft autosaved and it was a chanukah miracle
ok so anyway if risotto catches them they either have to put all but one of their pile in the pot, or if they give the person they were tryna fuck over a hay or gimmel they get to keep that spin. dumbasses need to learn that u can't effectively cheat at a game of chance 😂
melone and gelato are constantly singing SHIN SHIN PUT ONE IN when it lands on shin, which is cute at first but quickly gets annoying which is exactly why they keep doing it and ghiaccio and prosciutto want to smash their faces into the floor
formaggio does those dumb little good luck things like cupping it in your hands and blowing on it or rubbing it between ur palms before u spin
dreidel is like monopoly in that it can go on for fucking ever and you just kind of Decide when it's done so gelato's fallen asleep on the floor, prosciutto is wine drunk, and formaggio's started eating the gelt in his pile even tho ur not supposed to
pesci usually ends up winning cause of all his good luck (fish are good luck in jewish culture)
half of them hate that you're supposed to split the spoils no matter who wins and Will be petulant about it. illuso bolts into the mirror world with his pile before anyone can catch him and flips everyone off while eating his choccy in the mirror. no one tries to steal from sorbet and gelato because they like having all their fingers thank u very much
pesci is the best at sharing nicely because he is a nice jewish boy ☺️❤️
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hongnanglen-arina · 3 years
See You On Monday | SVT Interactive AU
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06: The lost wallet
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Warnings: a little angsty if you squint? Words: 1.638 A/N: Hey there! So here’s the sixth chapter of my little experiment and I’m sorry to say that but it’s the end... for now? Maybe I will continue it next year but I’m visiting family for the next couple of weeks so it’s better that way than making you wait although there aren’t many people reading it anyways hahaha. Sorry if it was boring. There are some things in queue so it won’t get quiet on this site. Anyways, here is part 6. As always, I hope you like it ♡
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Wait, maybe the game has an autosave setting. Maybe you can continue where you left the game? Isn’t it often like this?
Determined to enter again and see how the boys are, you put on the VR glasses again and start the game. In the worst case scenario, you could just restart the game and change your previous decisions. To be completely honest with yourself, you can’t shake the thought off of you what the black pills were for.
And when the screen changes, there is really the possibility to choose ‘load’ instead of ‘new game’ only.
Without a second thought, you press ‘load’ and suddenly everything around you turns black again. Silence. When some seconds pass and you still can’t hear anything, you slowly get uncomfortable. You can’t see a thing. Turning your head around doesn’t help either.
“Hello?” You dare to ask but besides your breathing, it was still silent. 
Extending your arms, you try to feel something, carefully taking small steps forward when a familiar voice hits your sensitive ears.
“Welcome back. It’s a pleasure to have you back here with us.”
The narrator.
And all of a sudden you feel your anger rising up again. “Why did the game end without me doing anything? Why am I alone here and can’t hear them anymore. More importantly, how are they??” Your questions left your mouth faster than you’ve planned but now that you said them, you impatiently wait for an answer.
“The game ended because it was the end. Your end. You can’t hear them because they aren’t here. And what do you think, how are they, hm? Any idea?”
You aren’t only angry but now annoyance is adding itself to your emotions.
“What a stupid question. They must be fine!”
“Oh, there’s is no stupid question out there.”
“Whatever. So how are they?” You stand there, looking up in hopes to see anything but your eyes are still meeting the darkness.
“It has nothing to do with you anymore. You played the game and failed.”
“But I chose ‘load’. Doesn’t it suppose to transfer myself back to the last saving point?”
“And here you are. In this dark room. You came back so I can tell you again that it’s over for you.”
“What the hell!? You are kidding me! This game was too short! Also this end sucks!”
“Different decisions, different endings,” the low voice replies coldly, making you ball your fists.
“This is really a stupid game. Who the hell would pay for it?” You scoff and try to end the game again, having enough of this bullshit, when you hear the narrator again. “You. You payed for it.”
“Hah, I didn’t!”
“You did.”
Trying to remember if you are in the right or wrong, you cock your head to the side but it didn’t help you remember so you finally turn off the game. Somehow relieved when you are back in your living room, holding the VR glasses in your hands while you are met with the cover of the game.
“I really wonder how they are.. they sounded in pain at the end…” you ask yourself out loud but without awaiting an answer. You are alone at home and this was just a game. A really bad game to begin with.
Clicking through the menu and the settings, you open the Play Station store and you see it. You actually payed for it. 5 dollars.. for what? A demo? “This was a demo? What the hell???”
You stare at the screen in disbelief. There was no way you could understand the hype at uni about this game. Even you could have planned and created a much better game.
Shaking your head, you grab your phone and unlock it on your way to the kitchen, feeling very hungry all of a sudden. You see a message from your friend.
- Wow a full day without a sign from you. I guess you are playing the game. It’s awesome, isn’t it?? Let’s talk about it tomorrow, Nighty!
Tomorrow? A full day without a sign? There are literally question marks flying above your head after reading the text on your phone screen. You read it again. Maybe you read it wrong but no. Letting your finger swipe over your screen, you check the date and time and gasp loudly. Sunday, 8:42 pm!! 
Instantly your stomach growls and you cover it with your hand. How is that possible?? You just came back from uni and played the game for maybe 2 hours max. But two full days?! No way..
Still confused, you make yourself instant noodles and after a quick shower, you decide to go to bed. When you are in bed, the tiredness hits you hard. You didn’t know how exhausting the game was. The second you close your eyes, you immediately fall asleep and into a strange dream. You see the boys from the game. All 13. You even count them. You are all playing happily at the beach. The weather is beautiful, the sky blue with only a few small clouds. Feeling the sand in your shoes, you are about to take them off when Mingyu runs over to you.
“Y/n please take a photo of us. I will take one with you in it afterwards if that’s okay?”
“Oh sure!” Taking his camera, you wait until everyone stands in line, getting ready for the picture. They make grimaces and joke around but the fifth shot is okay, everyone smiling into your direction, you giving them a thumbs up. You switch positions with Mingyu and fill his spot beside Minghao but he thinks that you should stand in the middle so you switch places with Seungcheol as well, leaving Seungcheol to be in Mingyu’s place now. 
You look to the left and Wonwoo gives you a wide smile which you give him back wholeheartedly. You feel happy and as if you’ve known them for a decade. Hoshi’s hand settles on the small of your back, making you look to the other side, facing him. 
“Thank you for being here with us… miss ghost… miss y/n.” 
Your smile falters. “W-what?”
The loud sound of your clock wakes you up the next morning. What was this dream? Even after crawling out of bed and getting ready for uni, you are still not able to shake off the thoughts about your dream last night. It feels as if they said their goodbye to you and deep inside it makes you sad. You could have done a better job in helping them and changing the story but no. You failed. You died.. or worse, they died?
When you arrive at the campus, everything was the same, despite the thoughts of the game in your head. Also the memories of the strange dream. You halfway listened to the professors and even with your friends, you can’t find the motivation to sound interested. You feel sorry but hearing about uni stuff and about the subjects for the next exams? No thanks. And hearing the people around you talk about the game? Also, no thanks. You haven’t really processed what happened over the weekend and you still feel tired. It was definitely not enough sleep you think to yourself.
Only half an hour left and you can leave uni and go back home. The nice feeling of relieve filling up your tired body knowing that you can jump right back into bed again soon. That’s when you hear a voice two rows in front of you and absentmindedly your eyes follow the sound, sighting bored.
“What is this?”
“Oh, I lost my wallet. Haven’t bought a new one yet so this one has to do for now.”
“I see. Hope you didn’t lose a lot of money?”
“Believe me, I lost a lot. Photos, money, credit cards and the cards from the coffee shops! They were already full!”
Your eyes widen at his words. From your seat, you can only see the back of their heads but you are sure that you have heard those words before. The rest of the conversation isn’t interesting anymore nor tells you more about the person in front of you but you follow it anyways in hopes for more informations. 
Finally uni was over and you quickly excuse yourself to your friends that you have something really important to do, almost running after the boy from earlier because he already left the room after you were done packing up your stuff and separating yourself from your group of friends.
While you follow the boy, you try to find the right words. How should you talk to him? How should you explain yourself without sounding like a complete idiot. The fact that you aren’t the best in starting conversations with strangers makes you fear the confrontation even more.
You reach the main gate and stop in your tracks when you recognize the person who was waiting for the boy you follow, your heartbeat increasing. It was Wonwoo. The boy from the game. You are 100% sure. He wears a long black coat but around his neck is that familiar white scarf you’ve seen before. As the boy reaches him, he pats him on his shoulder and hands over a white paper bag when he looks over his shoulder, locking eyes with you.
His brow twitches and all you can do is to stare at him in sheer confusion. The boy from your uni turns around and your mouth opens a little. It was Seungkwan. But when he sees you, he turns back to Wonwoo again. Oh yeah, he never saw you in the game.. but Wonwoo did. And his expression shows you that there is something unspoken between the two of you.
The tiredness in your body is long forgotten.
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elliot-orion · 4 years
Sparks Fly Drabble - Hyperfocus
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“Hey, Sparky. We are home.” Hall snatches my laptop off my lap. Rude. I was busy!
“Gimme it back!” I whine, reaching up for it, even though I know it will be useless because Hall is very tall, and I am very not, and also I’m sitting on the couch. Which doesn’t help matters. “I’m busy!”
“We got home a half hour ago, and you didn’t even notice.”
“I was busy! Give me it back!”
“Sparky, when was the last time you slept?” Scout sits down next to me, giving me a very stern look. I’m being ganged up on. They’re ganging up on me!
“I’m working.” I pout. I don’t even care if I look like a child, with my arms all crossed and everything, because they deserve to have a pouty child on their hands if this is the shit they are going to pull. They’ve been gone for nearly a week, and this is the coming home reunion I get? Unbelievable.
Or maybe they are just mad because I didn’t notice they came home. What did Hall say it’s been? Half hour or something? Yea, that probably pissed them off a bit. I normally have dinner and like, eight deserts ready when they come home, but the kitchen is currently desert and dinner-less. To reiterate, I’ve been busy.
“When did you last sleep? Or eat?” Hall repeats Scout’s question. Or I think he did. Things are kind of foggy right now?
When did I last sleep or eat? Excellent question now that I think about it. Thinking is very hard, and I am very dizzy, so it’s either been a while, or just like, six hours with my metabolism. I genuinely can’t remember. I got an idea for a new app and I’ve just been working on it since. Hyperfocus really is a bitch like that, huh?
“Get the protein bars,” Scout signs, giving Hall an exasperated look. At least, I think it’s exasperated and not just annoyed. Kind of hard to tell right now. Thinking is hard. This might be why my last twenty lines of code have been absolute jibberish. And why the app wouldn’t launch. I wish my rubber duck could tell me to eat rather than just give me the beady eyed stare of judgement when I realize the only thing missing from the code is a single end bracket.
“What was it this time?” Scout turns to me then, raising an eyebrow.
“App. It was supposed to… supposed to… is it bad I can’t actually remember what it was supposed to do?” I frown. That might also have been affecting my coding abilities. Eh, I’ll figure it out when I check it. Hall better have saved that shit when he took my laptop from me. I have a bad habit of not saving for hours. Probably because I don’t realize hours have passed. Maybe the next thing I figure out how to do is a better autosave.
“Yes.” Hall shoves a few of the calorie loaded bars for Supers like me, with our physically-impossible-to-maintain metabolisms. Helpful little buggers and all, but...
“These taste like shit.” I scowl. I eat them anyways. Otherwise Scout gets really upset with me, and I don’t like it when Scout’s upset with me. He cries when he gets frustrated. I don’t like seeing him cry.
“Feel a bit better?” Scout asks once I’ve finished shoving one of the bars down my throat. The quicker you eat them the less shit-like they taste. Seriously, with the number of these things they sell, they really need to invest in like, a flavor that isn’t crumbly cardboard dipped in a chemical bath.
Or maybe just a bed. I’d like a bed now. Apparently, food was needed, but sleep is also needed. I’m not really surprised. It’s probably been a day or two of sitting here. Keeping track is so very difficult.
“Mmhm.” I hum. “Tired now. Cuddles?”
“Sure, Sparky.” Hall laughs. It’s a nice laugh.
“You have a nice laugh…” I snuggle into Hall’s chest, reaching out until I grab some part of Scout and can pull him onto me, so that all three of us are piled on the couch. It is very nice.
“Go to sleep. We’ll order dinner and wake you up later.” Hall whispers. I feel someone kiss the back of my neck.
“Wait, I just figured out the problem with it!” I gasp, half jerking out of Hall’s arms to frantically look around for my computer... which is all the way over in the kitchen. Hall you ass! 
“Go. To. Sleep.” Scout and Hall wrestle me back down. 
I go to sleep. But if i forget the solution to that one pesky part of the coding that refused to work, I’m blaming their asses. I’ll make cinnamon rolls without frosting, see how Hall and his fucking sweet tooth like that. Hmph. 
At least they are home now. 
I had no idea how to end this... ugh, sorry it’s not the best but whatever....  Also, i’m adhd im allowed to hate on the curse that hyperfocusing can be, because it so is and if you’d like to argue then let me just mention i once spent an entire day writing, from 7am to 9pm, without ever drinking water, eating, or using the restroom, and the only thing that stopped me from continuing was because i couldn’t read the computer screen anymore. When i stood up i nearly blacked out, so just TRY me bitch, this is all personal experience.
anyways tag list; @albatris @shadow-maker @merigreenleaf @ageekyreader @norawritess @samplewriting @scmalarky @piscesintherain @ashesconstellation
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nonetoon · 5 years
I hear there’s a glitch with swsh’s auto save that’ll corrupt all save data :’0 im not sure how true this is but I suppose it’s better to be safe than sorry and just turn autosave off as soon as possible!
Can I ask where you’re getting this info from? I’m paranoid so I prefer to save manually anyway but I’ve tried looking it up and haven’t seen anything about it
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atalienart · 4 years
I use clip studio almost exclusively now, and I love it! I will say there's a bit of a learning curve because its a Large Program, and that it's a pretty intense to run which makes it prone to crashing, though. Luckily the autosave and autorecovery functions r top notch.
There are so many things that don't work for me in csp and I'm not sure if it's because I don't get how stuff work or because it's supposed to be like that. I have a huge problem with brushes which slow down that it's hard to use them whenever I make them even slightly bigger (100 and bigger). Idk why it happens. But anyway, I've just started to use it, hope I'll get used to it.
What do you use it for, painting, drawing, comics? I'm glad it works for you btw! Thank you for your message :)
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topazkat · 4 years
skyrim day 1
- immediately download a mod to skip the intro sequence because i remember it being boring from that one time that i played skyrim on someone else’s steam account and gave up when it crashed after the intro sequence - i’m a khajiit, obviously - realize that skipping the intro sequence was a bad idea because besides the cutscene there was also a choice between factions that i’ve now lost context for - restart and make a new, better khajiit
- plagued with decision paralysis over following hadvar or rolof and spend like 2 hours reading about which one to choose
- everyone says rolof but i feel really bad for leaving hadvar when he has such an innocent voice so i go with him anyway
- hadvar starts killing a bunch of stormcloaks even though they tried to surrender and i second guess my choice
- get to the blacksmith but he wanders off and i can’t figure out what to do so i go back a few autosaves and choose rolof
- rolof’s dialogue throughout the quest is literally the same, wtf
- rolof stops me outside to talk about stuff, which apparently havard was supposed to do as well but did not? this is my first dialogue tree
- very carefully follow the relevant npc this time so i don’t lose them - A CHICKEN
- crouch down to look at the chicken and spend the next hour trying to figure out why i can only pickpocket people and not talk to anyone (it’s because i’m crouched) 
 - start the golden claw sidequest and immediately get lost on the mountain trying to take a shortcut 
 - give up on that and spend an hour trying to find jarl for the original quest but i keep getting turned around and ending up on the other side of the map because i don’t understand how my compass works
then i went to bed and had dreams about skyrim
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scythemaster1 · 4 years
well anyway. what probably happened was my file probably got corrupted as it tried to autosave which made it so it couldn't open my file. i was probably getting a report telling me this while i was drawing, me drawing caused an interruption and the report didn't appear like it meant to. then it bugged again and idk why or what was supposed to happen at that point or anything. i dont understand why anyone enjoys working on computers for a living
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themachiavellianpig · 5 years
Close to the Sun: “Creepy ship full of scientists in the middle of the ocean. What could possibly go wrong?”
Close to the Sun, a first person horror game courtesy of Storm in a Teacup and Wired Productions, has been out on PC for a while, but it only made it to consoles this week. Protagonist Rose travels to the Helios, a floating science utopia run by Nikola Tesla in an alternate universe, in order to save her sister Ada from uncertain doom. As she points out early on, “Creepy ship full of scientists in the middle of the ocean. What could possibly go wrong?”
Well, quite a lot, given that she arrives on a seemingly-abandoned ship full of death and destruction and the situations really only gets worse from there. 
Close to the Sun is a horror game in a well-crafted atmosphere, whose slight technical hiccups don’t fully detract from the intriguing world building and quality scares along the way; full review and very slight non-specific spoilers below: 
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The Helios, the sprawling cruise-ship/scientist-utopia which you journey through has a distinct and pleasing visual style; the horror elements imposed on top of sleek labs, beautiful reception halls and maintenance tunnels are consistently creepy, with enough variation and occasional break in the horror to prevent audience fatigue. The world is covered in plenty of small world-building details, including Tesla’s plans to keep the Helios safe from Edison’s spies, and furious memos from maligned maintenance workers. 
The game also makes good use of its audio, even going so far as to change the sounds of your footsteps depending on which surface you’re currently walking on, which admittedly did make me think that there was someone creeping up behind me the first time I noticed it. 
That may also be a testimony to the excellent job Close to the Sun does of creating a spooky atmosphere; dark lighting, creepy noises and a fair few jumpscares all work well to keep the player just a little twitchy as you make your way through the ship. Some jumpscares, of course, were scripted, others happened at the edge of the screen or, occasionally, somewhere behind me when I was too busy trying to read posters on the wall. There were even a handful which were so clearly signposted that I was able to take a minute to steel my resolve before triggering them - and then jumped anyway, which is again a sign of a decent horror game (or that I am too easily spooked for many horror games, but that’s another story). 
Rose is a particularly pleasing character to play as in such an environment, largely because she quickly decides that she’s had enough of all this nonsense rather than nobly suffering in boring silence; her muttered “I really hate this place” after one particularly nasty jumpscare neatly mirrored my own feelings about the whole thing. Throughout the game, we hear and see her actually react to the horrors in front of her, making her feel far more realistic than many other horror protagonists over the years. In a small but delightful detail, the design of Rose’s hands and legs (the only parts of her we see, given the first-person perspective) are altered throughout the game, with rips appearing in clothes after fights, and bloodstains covering her next gloves after a particularly gory discovery. 
Being a journalist, Rosie is most decidedly not a fighter, and her only option when confronted with a threat is to run and hide; this leads to a few chase sequences which instant death should you mess it up, but the game is generous enough with its save points that retrying a sequence isn’t too onerous. It’s also worth mentioning that the first chase sequence in the game spooked me when I watched someone else play the demo, spooked me when I played the demo and then spooked me again when I played it again this afternoon.   
In a fun move for a horror game, there is no dedicated button for “crouching”, which made me feel weirdly vulnerable. How else was I supposed to hide from monster if I couldn’t duck behind or under convenient bits of furniture? It turns out that, should such tasks be required, the game would give me interactable button prompts - which, unfortunately, had a tendency not to work unless they were lined up just perfectly with the cursor, an annoying handicap in certain sequences. There were also some frame-rate issues in some of the tenser sequences, as well as a particularly annoying electricity puzzles that I really thought had autosaved me in an unwinnable position until I figured out just what the heck was going on. 
The game has no inventory, map or map-markers, not even a journal in which to record codes to unlock safes or doors, which took a moment to get used to and did require me to chant codes over and over while navigating Rose back to the right lock. The game does offer, however, a mini-menu with your current objective and a list of collectibles available for each level; most considerately for a horror game with only one save slot and no manual saving at all, there is the option to replay specific chapters from the opening menu, which will greatly reduce the frustration for any players who just need to collect all the things. 
However, it must be said that this is a relatively short game; I completed it in more or less a single sitting (with two quick breaks to make yet more tea) and there’s even an achievement available for completing the game in less than three hours. While I’ll happily admit that the game manages to fit a heck of a lot of world-building and quality scares into that short time-frame, the end of the game did leave me with certain questions still unanswered and a handful of plot threads which had been dangled in front of the audience and then seemingly set aside. 
Essentially, given that the main characters being openly discussing multiple realities and timelines very early on in the game, I was somewhat surprised by the very linear nature of the storyline. Hints of possible paradoxes - such as seeing ghost images of actions yet to be completed, or how the chief antagonist for much of the game referenced Rose’s behaviour at an event which she’d never attended - were overlooked in favour of yet another chase sequence, rather than the attempt at cutting the thread or breaking the circle that I had been anticipating.  
Such loose threads might be a convenient hook upon which to hang a sequel, or they might just be fun questions for me to turn over in my mind when I head back to the Helios in search of my last few collectibles. 
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