#I'll probably write this at some point
y2ksnowglobe · 3 months
Guess who's still thinking about Birdie Oak?
In light of ep. 52, I'm struck by the parallels between Normal and Birdie.
Now Snowglobe, I hear you say, Birdie has zero canon characterization, what are you talking about? Okay, you're not wrong, but she's got a decent bit that can be inferred, so hear me out.
We start with Henry and Sparrow's perspectives on Code Purple. At it's core, it's a disagreement on whether or not protecting your family is worth sacrificing strangers (there are posts that go into this with a lot more nuance and I love those, but I don't want to get sidetracked). I don't think either Sparrow or Henry have the wrong viewpoint here, I think it's pretty much a trolley problem, but the point is we see a Henry that feels that helping those hurt by what he feels are his actions is a higher priority than his family. Heck, we even see this in Season 1 when they go back to Neverwinter and Henry wants to stand trial for what happened with the pyramid at the cost of rescuing their sons. We also know that Henry went on to build his little refugee camp Oakvale on Earth. I don't think it's too much of a jump to suggest that this wasn't a project he would have waited until Mercedes died to start.
HOWEVER, we see through Normal's teen facts that he still sees Mercedes and Henry post-code purple, Henry didn't just pack up the family and move to Earth, so we then get the scenario of Henry bouncing back and forth between the two realms, and in the process, maybe not being around a whole lot while Birdie is growing up. This , logically, gives us a Birdie who would be much closer to Mercedes than Henry, and that isn't a big problem until Mercedes dies.
Even though we don't see Birdie in Oakvale, it is the only logical place she could be, but it's pretty clear from just the description of Henry's hut that they're not close. There's zero indication that he shares that space with anyone else (my personal feeling is he gave her a different hut, since his was already constructed), and he doesn't bring her up to the rest of the teens/Lark and Sparrow while they're there, and would it be weird to the flow of the story if he went and found her to explain what was about to happen while waiting for the ten minutes to be up before the angel eats him? Yeah, but it does seem to indicate that Birdie tends to slip his mind sometimes in the face of everything else.
So where does this leave us? It leaves us with Birdie, losing the parent she was closest to, only to then have to be taken care of by her more distant parent who she has really complicated feelings about.
Okay, so let's look at Normal. It's been mentioned in Teen Talks that he's closer to his mom, and we can see their relationship pretty well in the episodes at their house. Meanwhile, even though hearing that Sparrow isn't proud of him takes him off guard, he mentions when they're in the calzone, that he never got the impression that Sparrow really liked him all that much. Add in the feelings of being left behind while Hero got to go "get ice cream"? Yeah...
So now, with the loss of Rebecca, we have Normal, losing the parent he's closet to, only to then have to be taken care of by his more distant parent who he has really complicated feelings about.
And I know it won't happen in canon, because pulling Birdie out now would be a really odd narrative choice, but...I want Normal and Birdie to talk.
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autumnalmess · 3 months
Hey man sorry I've not posted in a while, it's a funny story actually. I actually got arrested for stealing bread for my sister and her seven starving children. yeah, it was pretty bad. I tried to escape 3 times so yeah I got 19 years, yeah and then I broke my parole and now there's this slutty little man after me, yeah I think he has a crush on me or smt idk
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welcometogrouchland · 5 months
I understand that literature nerd Jason Todd is kind of overblown in fanon compared to it's actual presence in canon (a few issues during his pre (and post?)crisis Robin tenure that highlight it) BUT consider that I think it's hilarious if the unhinged gun toting criminal has strong opinions on poetry
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#Jason Todd#batfamily#it's just a fun quirk! it's a fun lil detail and I simply cannot slight ppl for enjoying and incorporating it into works#like obviously jason isn't the only one. I'm a big believer in the batfam having over lapping interests they refuse to bond over#i know dick canonically used the robin hood stories (which are pretty flowery in their language far as i can tell) as inspo for Robin#and i know babs was a librarian and even tho her area of nerddom is characterized as more computery she probably knows quite a lot-#-about literature as well#duke is a hobbyist writer i believe? i saw a fan mention that- which if so is great and I hope he's also a nerd#(i mean he is canonically. i remember him being a puzzle nerd in his introduction. but i mean specifically a lit nerd)#damian called Shakespeare boring but also took acting classes so i think he's more of a theatre kid.#Tim's a dropout and i don't think he's ever shown distinct interest in english lit and i can't remember for Steph?#I'm ngl my brain hyperfocused on musician Steph i forget some of her other interests I'm sorry (minus softball and gymnastics!)#and then Cass had her whole (non linear but it's whatevs) arc about literacy and learning to read#went from struggling to read in batgirl 00 to memorizing Shakespeare in 'tec and is now an avid read in batgirls!#she's shown reading edgar allen poe but we don't know if it's his short stories or his poems#point to all of the above being: i know Jason's not the only lit nerd in the batfam#but also i do need him to be writing poetry in his spare time and reading and reviewing it#jason at the next dead robins society meeting: evening folks today I'll be assigning all of us poems based on laika the space dog#damian and steph who have been kidnapped and brought to jasons warehouse to hangout: LET US GO BITCH#speaking of^ random poem i think jason would like: space dog by alan shapiro#wake up one morning in an unfamiliar more mature body with a profound sense of abandonment. the last four lines. mmm tasty
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
MC Looking Fabulous
This was another request from @oakley-tree1 for an MC who normally wears casual clothes showing up to a party looking fabulous. Since I usually do GN!MC, their outfit isn't described at all, just the brothers' reactions to it. I enjoyed writing this! Thank you for the request!
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Warnings: None.
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Can’t keep his eyes off of you. He wears a suit all the time, aside from the RAD uniform, so it’s pretty obvious that he appreciates fancy clothes. While he has no issue with your casual outfits, this one has caught his eye in a way the others did not.
Doesn't come to your side right away. Instead, he will watch you as you move about the room. You can feel his gaze, but it isn’t unpleasant. It makes you feel a little tingly.
Will only be able to stand it for so long, watching you chat with other people. His pride forces him to appear at your side. And he knows how stunning the two of look standing together. Comments on parts of your outfit, especially if you've worn something he gave you as a gift.
Doesn't really ask you to dance, just sort of leads you out to the dance floor. You don't resist, letting him guide you through the steps. He pulls you close to him. You've really caught his attention tonight, MC. Don't think he'll be letting you go any time soon.
Loses his mind. Manages to control it to some extent, but it’s gonna be hard for him. Especially if you’ve done something obvious like dressing in gold or wearing something he got for you.
Mammon is fashion conscious so he truly appreciates the outfit you’ve put together. Knows every brand and every piece of what you’re wearing by sight.
But he’ll only kind of babble about that stuff because what he’s really interested in is you. He’s constantly touching you all night, putting his hand on your back or shoulder, standing close enough that your bodies are just barely pressed together. Won't let you spend too much time talking to anyone else.
Wants to dance with you so bad. When he's got you close to his chest, he'll be honest. Don’t get him wrong, MC! The Great Mammon loves how ya look tonight, but know that he loves ya no matter what you’re wearin!
Oops. You broke him. His brain has shut off. You might get it to restart again if you talk to him. Distract him by saying something wrong about TSL on purpose so he’ll snap out of it to correct you.
While Levi’s clothing knowledge mostly involves cosplay, he still knows quite a bit and he’s impressed with your look. Considering how you normally dress, this was completely unexpected.
M-MC, would you consider being a cosplay model for him later? Your outfit has given him a ton of ideas for characters you could dress as. He wants to take all the pictures of you.
You might have to bully him into dancing with you. Isn't that a thing that normies do?! But he'll give in, of course. Spends most of the time in disbelief that he has someone like you dancing with him.
At first, it's hard to tell what his reaction is. Keeps his cool, unlike all of his brothers. Doesn't freak out, doesn't get weird. But when you come up to him, he tells you directly how good you look and he says it in such a poetic way, you find you're the one swooning.
Since you've likely worn a lot of things you received as gifts, he notices every detail. Remembers who gave you what and for what reason. Of course he's touched if you wear something he gave to you.
Although he is calm on the surface, his heart is pounding. He can't stop himself from saying things he probably wouldn't say normally. Like how brightly your eyes are shining. The way you look like you stepped out of a painting. Please, won't you dance with him, MC?
Of course you can't resist such a beautifully worded request. You can feel everyone watching the two of you. He knows you look spectacular together, out there on the dance floor. But he's focused on you, guiding you through the steps, keeping you close.
Swoons. Absolutely loses his balance, has to be held up by whoever is closest. Once he's regained his senses, he rushes to your side, gushing about how you look. The colors! The lines! The attention to detail! Your face! Your hair! Oh he's fallen in love with you all over again.
He recognizes every piece of clothing that he gifted you. Tells you he's so impressed with the way you've combined his gifts into the most beautiful ensemble he's ever seen! Even though you normally wear such casual clothes, he knew you could pull off a glamorous look!
Of course you look amazing standing beside him. Takes a million selfies. Gets someone else to take a ton of pictures of the two of you from afar.
After all the commotion, though, Asmo is going to insist you dance with him. He's stronger than he looks and he guides you effortlessly across the dance floor. Something changes slightly in his gaze as you move. Be careful, MC. You're looking so delicious tonight.
Hang on. Is that… MC? You look so different than you normally do. He's so surprised, he stops eating. He had been by the buffet table of course but now he's quickly moving to your side.
He doesn't know how to articulate how good you look. He really likes your casual clothes, but it's nice to see you in something so drastically different. And for some reason, he's not even thinking about food right now. He tells you all this with a soft blush.
He's more than ready to dance with you. You make quite the pair, wowing everybody present as you do some fancy moves. Beel lifting you and twirling you and never once losing his grip on you. You feel safe in his arms as you move around the dance floor.
Carries you back to the buffet table where he wants you to try all of the tasty things laid out for the party. You happily join him as you've now worked up an appetite from all that dancing. He's so happy to watch you eat, he almost forgets to eat himself. Almost.
Shocked. Quietly shocked, but shocked nonetheless. He had no idea that you, who always wears such casual comfy clothes, could put together an outfit that looked so fabulous.
Acts like he's uninterested, but actually ends up beside you pretty quickly for such a lazy demon. He doesn't need to say anything, you can tell from the way he's trying to contain himself that he's having feelings. When he does say something, it's to comment on how he's amazed you could clean up so well.
Although he's not normally the type to want to dance, he asks you. He can't resist wanting to hold you close when you're looking like this. Although his stamina isn't great, Belphie is actually a good dancer. He gracefully guides you through the moves, surprising everyone present with how stunning the two of you look.
Sneaks you away to an outside balcony where he can sit with you beneath the Devildom stars. You are the brightest star tonight, MC. You outshine everyone here.
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masterlist | part 2 with the side characters | Thank you for reading!
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odderevents · 1 year
I have had a thought. Steve secretly knowing how to play the piano bc he learned as a kid and had to stop bc his dad's an asshole is lovely. I've seen this floating around a few times and I love it. Eddie catching him playing the piano and being so fucking in love with him will never not be perfect.
Steve playing the Harp.
It's definitely a rich kid instrument. Big ass fucking impractical instrument. Absolutely beautiful to look at and listen to. Hands playing piano is great. But have you ever seen an accomplished harpist? It makes you think impure thoughts about what those fingers can do.
So. Steve secretly knowing how to play the harp
Maybe his mom used to play it, so there's a big harp (the ones with the columns and super intricate base board, not celtic) that's just gathering dust in the basement. Steve started piano lessons, loved learning how to pull music out of an inert object. But his dad decides it's to effeminate, makes him stop. And sure, a harp is a different beast to a piano. But you've still got cords, and Steve's got a pretty decent ear, and he can barely remember seeing his mom play. So one day when he has the house to himself, which isn't an unusual occurrence at this point, he tries it out. And he's admittedly pretty shit at it, but so was he at piano when he started. Only difference is he has no teacher.
So maybe Steve discreetly finds a way to acquire a beginner's practice instructional book for harp. And works on it when he needs to get his brain away from things.
He's even more careful with it than he is with any dirty mags he might later acquire. He knows that worse, much worse than piano, harp is not a masculine instrument and under no circumstances should his father find out about his affinity for it.
It's still his go to when he can't sleep even years later, pulling out the now old and battered booklet of sheet music and exercises. Especially once the upside down bullshit starts. It's soothing and mindless at this point.
The harp that was much too big when he first started with it is now just the right size, it's weight against his shoulder comforting. He can close his eyes and his fingers naturally find where to land and pluck.
Even when he becomes friends with Robbin and then Eddie, both musicians who he knows wouldn't give a damn about him playing a woman's instrument, he can't bring himself to mention it. If he did, they would want to hear him play and he's self-conscious about being self-taught. Both of them play well, they play with other people and people come to listen. He doesn't consider himself a "real" musician. It's just something he does to keep his hands and brain busy on nights where the sheets feel like they're strangling him and the dark reminds him too much of when he can't see not because it's night but because something's hit him in the head again and he can't tell apart the sound of his heartbeat from something pounding through his walls.
So he goes to the basement. Finds his stool. Removes the dust cover. Goes through the meditative motions of tuning it by ear, because that's how he's always done it. And then he plays until the tips of his fingers feel numb. Somehow, he always comes out of it peaceful enough to pass out on the couch in the basement for a couple more hours.
Steve is so used to keeping it a secret he doesn't even think about it when he starts dating Eddie. It's just a thing that's always only been his, and most importantly, it's been vital to keep it that way for so long it's the natural state of things for Steve at this point. It doesn't ever come up. When Steve gets nightmares when he's sleeping with Eddie all he has to do is curl into his boyfriend's chest and feel the warm heartbeat that's not his own to settle back into himself.
The problem arises on a night when Eddie was supposed to stay with Steve but he got held up in Indianapolis when getting a new amp for his guitar. He would come back to Steve but it would be late in the night. Steve has been keeping himself busy all day so he passes out in the early evening on the couch in front of a shitty sitcom he put on to try to distract himself from the empty house.
Nightmares find him, which isn't terribly unusual, but he doesn't have his usual method of coping so he resorts back to his previous habit.
Eddie walks in bone tired after many hours of driving to and from Indianapolis, waiting while the clerk figured out they didn't have the amp he'd been assured over the phone would be available for pickup today, waiting some more while they had the amp driven from a sister shop an hour away because no way was he driving back and forth again to Indianapolis on another day. So yeah. Eddie is beat. All he wants is to dive head first into his boyfriend's impeccable pecs.
He doesn't find Steve waiting with a welcome kiss like he usually would when he walks in. Instead he's greeted with a hauntingly beautiful rendition of the melody of Master of Puppets in a way he's never heard before.
He drops his stuff in the entry hall and goes down to the basement where the music is coming from, curious to see where Steve might have found the recording. Eddie doesn't quite know what to do with himself when he finally lays eyes on Steve, with dried tear stains on his cheeks and his eyes closed as his fingers pluck and strum without hesitation. He's rooted to the spot as he watches Steve work his favorite song in a new and completely heartrending way. He hasn't been able to listen to it since he played it in the upside down. It always brings up the bitter blood tang of the air and the hair raising shrieks of the bats. But this is somehow different, it's soft and melodious but it's still got the same bones.
Eddie feels tears on his own cheeks. He's missed this song goddammit. And he couldn't be happier that it's Steve that's given it back to him
Queue tears and fear and confessions and comfort. Somehow much later in the future there's inexplicably a harp in some of the corroded coffin tracks. And it shouldn't work but it does
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chooh2 · 2 months
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Lyman: "Seem in an awful rush, kiddo. Where're you off to in such a hurry?" Devan: "Just... need to get away from here. Find a change of scenery, someplace I can breathe." Lyman: "Okay... Back in time for dinner I hope? Gideon's cookin' your favorite tonight." Devan: "... Don't think so, not this time."
Running From Ghosts: 2070, Vegas-bound
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magdelanesingerin · 10 months
I have my reasons why
This is a companion piece to @spielzeugkaiser 's Lovechild AU which continues to grab me by the throat and shake me around by the emotions. Especially after the recent update with Vesemir taking Jaskier and Milek to Kaer Morhen while Geralt was…indisposed, I found myself last night imagining all of the worst case scenarios that must have gone through Jaskier’s mind when he considered telling Geralt about Milek, and how those fears must have evolved over time. Soooo, THIS.
Jaskier is chasing Geralt’s retreating back down an impossibly long, whitewashed hallway.
“Geralt wait!”
The Witcher stalks on without so much as turning his head.
“I’m…I’m pregnant.” 
The light seems to echo the throb of his panicked heartbeat once the words are free, pulsing brighter and brighter around him. Geralt stops and shakes his head, turning back just enough so that Jaskier can see the look of disdain on his face. 
“I know,” he growls disgustedly. “I’m a Witcher, Jaskier. You think I couldn’t smell it on you? I knew before you did.” 
“But…then why…Geralt…don’t leave me…” he stumbles forward but can’t get closer. The space between them stretches strangely. 
“You and your bastard whelp aren’t my problem.” Geralt starts moving away again, and Jaskier can’t contain the words that burst out of his chest like a flock of birds, too loud and brittle in jagged shapes he can almost see fluttering through the air.
“It’s yours. The baby. It’s yours.”
Geralt turns slowly in the too-bright hallway, his face twisted in a snarl. The shape of him looks sharp and vicious outlined against the white walls. It hurts to look at him. He seems to grow to fill the narrow space until he looms over Jaskier like a mountain. 
“Fuck,” he sneers. “I knew you were pathetic, Bard, but this is a new low. To lie to me about something like this to make me stay with you?”
“It’s not a lie. Not a lie. There was only you.” Jaskier tries to speak but his words fall out of his mouth silently and shatter on the floor without ever being heard. He wraps his hands protectively over the curve of his belly to shield it from the shards as they scatter.
“Witchers are sterile. It’s impossible.”
The white walls of the hallway fall apart and become the white sky of an open hillside, wind whipping around them as Geralt shouts at him, teeth bared, eyes wild. 
“Why would you say that to me? Are you really that cruel and selfish? Of course you are, what else would you be! Haven’t you ruined my life enough?!”
Jaskier’s feet are suddenly scrabbling on a slope of loose shale and he feels himself start to fall. 
He wakes with a sob, body curled uncomfortably into a tight space in the back of a wagon. His legs are cramped, his back twitching and screaming at him as he jerks to consciousness. He grits his teeth against the spasming muscles and tries to stretch what he can in the space allowed, cradling his rounded belly. He can feel his baby shift and kick, and rubs his palm over them soothingly. 
continue on Ao3
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breannasfluff · 9 months
What if... through time/portal shenanigans, Eldritch!Chain met Wing!Wild for a shift
Traveling through time? Check. Meeting alternate versions of a hero? Also check. Legend sits up in his bedroll and stares at Wild. Or…not-Wild. Not their creepy vibes Wild. No, this one is crouched by the fire, cooking what looks like bugs. Oh, and he’s got wings. Because yeah, that’s how this day is going to go.
Legend points, which is rude, but so is dealing with this so early in the morning. “Who are you?”
Not-Wild looks up and honest-to-Hylia chirps at him. Yeah. No. He’s not dealing with this alone. The vet leans across and whacks at Twilight’s bed roll. “Fix this!”
The rancher blinks slowly, entirely too comfortable. “Mornin’. Cub cookin?”
“He’s weird now. What did you do?”
“Me?” Twilight blinks again and sits up, turning to the fire. “Whadja–oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.”
They both stare at the not-Wild. The person? Bird? Avian? Ruffles feathers and fluffs his wings up around his ears at their stare.
Twilight cheats and slaps Time awake. “Somthin’s goin on.”
By the time the old man extracts himself from the bedding, everyone else is awake and staring as well. Time manages an impassive face pretty well, but his tells give him away. The vein next to his eye is twitching. 
“Good morning.”
Bird boy whistles again and looks at his pan. “Breakfast is almost ready.”
“Er, right.” Time shares a helpless glance with Twilight. Goddesses, they really make the vet do all the work, don’t they?
“Hey, kid. Where did you come from? Where’s our Wild?”
He cocks his head and flutters his wings. “I’m with you for now, I guess.”
“Who said?”
Well, shit. She would inflict some kind of dimensional weirdness on them. 
Wild gives the pan a shake and waves Four over. “Here. You can have half,” he stresses.
Four sidles closer, the wariness growing to confusion as, likely, he doesn’t feel the need to run for the hills. Then he glances in the pan. “Are those bugs?”
“Yeah. Got some nice crunchy bees.” The avian pops one in his mouth and crunches and oh–Legend would like his weird Wild back. Sure he eats animals whole but they aren’t…bugs. “I’ve got a nice big spider we can split, want some of the legs?”
Four blanches and skitters away to the other side of the clearing. Insane-Wild turns his attention on Warriors. “Catch!” Then he chucks something that smacks the captain in the face. Warriors shrieks and flails. The thing falls to the ground. Wild chatters in what must be disappointment. “That was good quality meat!”
“You threw it in my face!”
“I have meat juice. On my face.”
“...why didn’t you catch it?”
The captain joins Four on the other side of the clearing. Most of the others back up as well. 
Twilight makes the next move, coming to stand by Wing Boy. Wild sidles away. Twilight shuffles closer. The champion sidles away again. They continue the weird shuffle all the way around the fire as Wild’s wings get higher and higher. Finally, he gives a strange tsksksks and bites the rancher on the arm.
Now Twilight is yelping and hopping away. “What was that for!”
Wild eyes him, wings ruffled. “Too close. You know better.”
“Nah, I don’t!” He rubs his arm with a truly wounded like. Like a kicked puppy. Fitting, considering his transformation.
Sky steps into the fray, but his eyes are glued to the wings. “Is your nickname still Wild?” he asks, only he’s addressing the wingbone rather than the boy attached to it.
“Your wings are beautiful! They remind me of my loftwing.”
Wild loosens slightly, wings drooping. “Yeah, your loftwings are cool.”
The chosen hero, because he has rocks for brains, reaches out and pats some feathers. Wild shrieks and explodes off the ground. His wings kick up clouds of dust and he launches straight up, then flaps into a tree and balances on a branch, hissing down at them. Sky is left blinking in confusion, hand still outstretched. 
It takes a good ten minutes for Wild to flutter back down, during which the bugs have been moved out of sight and eggs and potatoes set to cooking in a new pan. 
Legend watches from the corner of his eye as Wild paces around the edge of the group, then zeroes in on where he sits with Hyrule. He gives a funny bird call and trots over, shoving his way between them. 
“Hey!” Hyrule moves entirely, annoyed at being ousted from his seat. Legend gets a face full of feathers which he doesn’t dare push away. 
The avian trills again, wings pulling in tighter.
“Wild,” Legend says, or tries, muffled by feathers. “We don’t know what you want.”
He chatters at them both. “Force of habit.”
“To steal seats?” Hyrule’s prickly, both because he hasn’t had his morning tea, and because his fae sensibilities have been offended.
“Not stealing.” Wild’s attention is caught by the bag at his feet and he dives for it.
“Hands off!” Time jumps for it as well and a wrestling match begins before Wild lets go of the bag. The old man falls back on his butt and masks spill everywhere. 
Everyone tenses as the fierce Deity mask lands in the dirt, but the avian ignores it to grab for a cow mask. He holds it up with a grin. “This is my favorite.”
Time is still sputtering and Hyrule grabs some of the masks, passing them over. “You can’t just–take things!”
Bird boy blinks back, the picture of innocence. On the other side of the clearing, Twilight sulks. Warriors considers his scarf with misery; must have gotten meat juice on it. Sky’s wariness fades into resignation and he sits next to Four, who’s still a little peaky. 
This Wild inspires no strange feelings, but the absence of them is…disconcerting. It’s like a small piece of Legend’s awareness is missing; like he grew an inch without realizing. 
Wind, who was out collecting wood after his watch enters the clearing with a cheery smile. “Good morning! What did I miss?”
The champion perks up and taps his slate, pulling out a crab and tossing it at the sailor. The crab is, unfortunately, still alive. And angry at being thrown before breakfast–or to be breakfast. The crab attaches itself to Wind with vengeance. 
Wind starts screaming.
Legend closes his eyes to the chaos. Hylia, please give them their old Wild back. Nothing is worth this much chaos in the morning.
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camels-pen · 5 months
For the prompt thing:
How about Sanji or Zoro being jealous of how much time the other spends with Usopp.
Zoro/Sanji being impressed by how skilled Usopp is because he saves him/them in battle or something.
(Your writing is really good btw)
thank you for the prompts 💚 and im glad you like my writing :D
There was a tremble in his arms. In his bones.
The beating of his heart drowned out everything else. Nothing but the odd bump babump bababump.
His body started to feel light. His head too.
His vision flickered a moment. Then two. Hearing was next, he thought, but he wasn’t sure.
Just as his breathing stuttered, his vision was filled with brown boots.
Someone was calling his name. Someone familiar.
He looked up.
“Zoro! Hey!” The familiar voice and distant sound of rapidly growing plants soothed his aches like a balm. “Answer me, you bastard!”
“‘ere,” he said, fighting against his fluttering eyelid. “‘m awake.”
“Good! You better stay awake until I get you to Chopper!” Usopp shouted, readying his slingshot with a quick glance backwards. Zoro went to nod, but nearly sent himself falling over.
At some point, he’d ended up on his knees, swords on the ground next to him in a loose grip. He didn’t remember that happening. Regardless, he wouldn’t leave Usopp to fight alone no matter how much blood he’d lost. He started to tighten his grip, to pick himself up, but paused when Usopp spoke again.
“Don’t, you idiot! Let me handle them!” 
He looked up again. “Not leaving you to—”
“Give me a break,” Usopp said with a laugh, letting another shot fly. Moments later, a line of bamboo shot up out of the ground followed by pained screams. He turned and jabbed a thumb in his chest. “These guys are hardly a challenge for the Great Usopp!”
“Not them…” Zoro trailed off. He gritted his teeth, the pain forcing him to stay conscious. “Big fish,” he said quickly, quietly.
Usopp squatted in front of him. He lightly patted Zoro’s arms and chest, not enough to really do an injury check, rather just brushing over the larger and more visible wounds all across his front. Usopp’s gaze stayed on Zoro’s. “I know,” he whispered. “I can feel them too.”
“Feel—?” Zoro’s eyes widened. “Usopp, when did—?”
“Later, okay?” Usopp gave him a soft grin. “For now, just let me handle this.”
And what was Zoro to say to that, except, “She turns into a bloodsucking gnat.” 
“Mosquito, I’m a mosquito!” shouted the gnat woman, her voice echoing across the clearing. “And quit flirting, it’s annoying!”
This was the moment where Usopp’s knees would start to shake, or his entire body would tremble, or he would start muttering about how he didn’t want to die from a gnat woman. 
Instead, Usopp simply held his gaze and cupped his cheeks. Zoro hardly noticed the blood on his palms, through the warmth seeping into his skin. “I’ll take you to Chopper soon, don’t pass out until then.”
There was a kiss on his forehead. Then another to his bleeding temple. A third, above his left eyebrow, at the tip of his scar. Zoro’s brows furrowed. “‘Sopp?”
Usopp shushed him lightly and continued, slow and unhurried. He pressed a kiss between Zoro’s brows and Zoro couldn’t help it. His face smoothed out and he started to relax under Usopp’s attention. “Thought… wanted me to… awake?” he said, his aim for an irritated grumble completely missed and came out more like a contented sigh. 
Still, Usopp stayed silent. Zoro’s eyelid was fluttering again, but he could recognize the determination in his eyes.
“That’s it!” the gnat woman shouted. “You’re dead!”
There was a high pitched zipping sound and Zoro stiffened. “She’s com—”
In one swift movement, Usopp turned and fired. The gnat woman made some kind of choked noise and Zoro heard a series of small thuds before she skidded close enough for him to see. There was a trickle of blood running down her face and a rather large indent in her temple. One of Usopp’s Lead Stars was rolling around, not far away.
Zoro’s eye widened. He knew Usopp was good—he never doubted his ability in sniping—but that was… wow. The woman was about the size of a Tontatta, yet Usopp knocked her out of her high speed attack like it was nothing. And with a single shot, no less.
Although, he shouldn't be surprised. He huffed in place of a laugh. What was that line Usopp used to say?
“Even a mouse’s eye,” Zoro said, sheathing his swords. “You’re amazing… you know that?”
Usopp sputtered, turning back to Zoro. “I’ll take the compliment, but please don’t bring up Sogeking. I’m strong enough to not need him anymore!” he said, practically whining. 
“You are,” Zoro said, the words easy and immediate. “Strong enough to show off, even.”
“Ah, that was—” Usopp scratched his cheek, looking away.“I-I needed to draw her out, and I thought it’d be fitting, y’know? After seeing the way she was hurting you with her tricks.” 
Liar, Zoro thought fondly. Aloud, he said, “We should kiss.”
Usopp laughed, his face splitting into a brilliant smile. “Sorry Zoro, you know the rules. Make outs are for after medical treatment.” 
Zoro grumbled. Chopper wasn’t even here and Zoro wasn’t about to kick it. “You shouldn’t listen to him as much.”
“You should listen to him more.”
Usopp hoisted Zoro into his arms with ease, one hand under his knees and one around his shoulders. Zoro rested his head against Usopp’s chest with a sigh. “S’rry,” he mumbled, the fight against unconsciousness growing harder with each step his boyfriend took. 
“Apology not accepted.” Usopp leaned down to leave a peck on his nose. “I’ll come to your rescue anytime, just like I know you’ll come to mine.”
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yardsards · 1 year
a pet headcanon of mine is that after they're done with the sigil removal, emira expands her horizons and starts studying the psychological side of healing, pulling in some resources from the human realm and combining it with boiling isles methods (i imagine the field of psychology in the boiling isles, while existent, was often pushed aside as just a lesser branch of the healing coven back when belos was in charge. i do imagine there's often magic like the memory tweezers involved)
and i imagine she ends up focusing in on like, art therapy and self-expression, because she knows how important that can be, after having her individuality stifled so hard when she was young
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Impulse is surprised to find Ren standing near the front of iBuy. He's leaning against a tree, looking up across the shopping district, to where the castle sits on the hill, and he's frowning. He's wearing a hoodie he must have borrowed from Doc - awful nice, Impulse thinks, of Doc, helping Ren out after everything despite whatever else had happened between them - and occasionally, he crosses his arms across his chest and shivers.
Impulse plays with his axe. He puts it away. He watches Ren.
"Do you think we should demolish it?" Ren asks.
Impulse jumps. "What? Oh, hey Ren, didn't see you there."
Ren sighs. "Oh, sorry dude. I just - I'm a bit out of it, you know?"
Impulse is a little surprised his panicked lie worked, but he'll take it. "Yeah, man. It's pretty late. I didn't expect you to be hanging out in front of my shop - you know, after everything, I was a little worried you were looking for diamonds!"
There's a long pause. Impulse plays with his axe. He puts it away.
"No. I'm done with that," Ren says.
"That's good," Impulse says. "That's really good."
"You didn't answer my question."
"Well, I mean," Impulse says. "I mean. It's a nice build. Bdubs worked hard on it."
"No one really lives there, though."
"You did, right?"
"No one lived there," Ren says, and there's a strange way his tongue moves across his very sharp teeth, and his eyes are dull, and Impulse plays with his axe, and he puts it away.
The silence stretches.
"I guess if you don't need it anymore," Impulse says. "Doc's putting you up, right?"
"I think so," Ren says.
"Well, why would he change his mind?"
Ren laughs hollowly. "Why would he?" he says.
Impulse swallows. He plays with his axe.
"Put your axe away," Ren says, not quite gentle.
"Yeah, okay," Impulse says. He puts it away.
"I think I want to burn it," Ren says.
"You know what? Sure. I'll help," Impulse says. "Fire tick's off anyway. I have gasoline."
"Hah! You really are selling everything, my dude."
"Can you provide the matches?"
"I have them," Ren says. "I have them."
"Bdubs is going to kill us," Impulse says.
"Oh he absolutely will. Burn the axe too," Ren says.
"I killed you with a sword," Impulse says.
"...I know," Ren says. "I know."
Impulse swallows, and throws his axe on the ground. He goes inside to get the gasoline. The air smells cold. It's late. He wonders if his eyes would look that dead, too, and he wonders exactly who's ghosts they're about to exorcise. He doesn't want to ask though. It'll break the moment.
When he steps back outside, he thinks they already smell like accelerant and mourning.
They go to burn the Crastle.
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deerabigailhobbs · 12 hours
Thinking of adamgail siblings Victorian au again...
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Abigail would 100% be in a rigged "trap" inspired by the trials of witches. Tied to a chair and thrown into a river while Hoffman monologues about how accusing women of being witches was a sure way in keeping them quiet (Hoffman would be an absolute prick in this, I'm sorry Hoffman fans).
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
man. you know, i clean forgot about it, but now that i'm thinkin about it again, i think one major reason i haven't written much queerplatonic konbart is that i did do that in sotm, but people like. don't read author's notes i guess. it wasn't a TON, but there were enough commenters that were like "omg, this kind of reads like youre going for the ot3" that it got grating on me like. hey. hey listen. hey. not every intimate and committed relationship needs to be romantic. do you understand me. ive said so many times i write bart as aroace, and his and kon's relationship is deeply committed and very affectionate without the romance. augh.
which i mean... i have nothing against romantic konbart like i do enjoy that too!! but my favorite flavor is aroace bart + queerplatonic relationship. and i kinda like,,,, idk. idk. my arospec ass is just preemptively tired of having to explain that over and over again if i ever start writing them more often. 😔😔😔
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nibeul · 1 year
“And now you on your own.” The feeling of weightlessness, sinking into Miles' bones. Water flows through the gaps of his fingers and against his legs as he propels himself forward, nothing but sea foam against bare skin and waves bringing him up and down in steady motion. Up and down, up and down with the flow of the ocean. The next wave comes; he rises with it. Or, Uncle Aaron takes Miles to the beach on Monday.
wrote a little something about Miles and Aaron.
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raiiny-bay · 3 months
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finished dhes & kel's character pages so here are the lil edits i made for both of em :-)
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yesokayiknow · 5 months
The issue with having two selves is that it can get a little confusing. For the psychic paper, that is.
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