trashlie · 18 days
ILY FP 258
I can't believe we're actually passed episode 250 lmao I Love Yoo is truly the never ending story (affectionate). I appreciate how much of the story we really get to dig into at this pace and while I know a lot of people have long-since dropped it, I imagine the rest of us (those reading this post because why else are you here?) also appreciate it. And that's what is even more refreshing about this episode - if refreshing is even a word we can use to describe it. Getting the extra scenes from other characters, a look at their lives and from these glimpses, what we can glean in the unsaid between the lines.
Can you believe I used to prey on Kousuke's downfall? There's so many posts of me talking about him from a different view, believing that the only way he could grow and develop and make the changes necessary to make him a better person was for him to crash and burn, to fail so significantly that he would be forced to pen his eyes to reality. But here we are, me, fervently swaddling him up like a baby and shoving him into my pocket because GOD he needs to be protected.
I don't even remember when it was, that my view on him began to shift, when I went from "he's interesting but awful" to "GOD THIS IS MY SON AND I WILL FIGHT EVERYONE YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME" but.... lol there's no going back!
That's enough rambling, let's jump in.
There is something so painfully devastating about every time ILY confirms to us something we have long-since known or suspected through nuance, foreshadowing, reading between the lines, etc: That Kousuke isn't Rand's biological son, that Shinae was at the formal for Gun Kim, that Kousuke has been manipulated his whole life. Nothing in this episode regarding Kousuke is actually new to us. We have known, and talked about, for months and months long before the confirmation reveal that Yui drugs Kousuke - that he has been manipulated by her his entire life, that she orchestrated his life to manipulate him into situations she could take advantage of. It's the way she spoke about Rand's affair around Kousuke, the way she commodified Rand's love so Kousuke became convinced he'd never earned his father's love, the way she spoke of their family vs others and convinced him from such a young age that everyone was out to get them, to destroy them, and that he couldn't let them get close, couldn't let them near - and how Nol was very much a target planted in his mind.
But it's the fact that he is speaking of this and acknowledging it! Until now, Kousuke has heavily lived in denial. Again, we know this. We talk a lot about the chasm between reality and the reality he believes in. We talk a lot about how Kousuke couldn't face reality, even though on some level he knew everything he believed and was told was not quite true not quite real, but that he was so afraid of the truth, he couldn't do it. Kousuke admitting that he's been driven by fear and envy explains everything about him, and why he could not accept the only unwavering unconditional love he was offered.
A few weeks ago I saw a video on instagram of this father talking about a conversation he had with his daughter, who was feeling a little uncomfortable with her friend group. A new girl started to play with her and her best friend and she said she wasn't exactly jealous, but that maybe it was that she was afraid that there wasn't enough love to go around. Her dad had to explain to her that love is not like a pizza - it's not finite, a limited amount that could be taken and hogged by someone else. But Kousuke never learned this. His father's love was commodified and he was made to fear this other kid who he mistakenly believed knew a version of his father he'd never been privy to. He never learned that love is finite, that Rand could have enough love for the both of them, and feared that Nol would hog it all - that he WAS hogging it all because whether or not it was good or bad, Nol received more attention that Kousuke did. And that speaks VOLUMES about how Kousuke sees Rand, what he thinks of their relationship. In his mind, he is still unworthy, that he's not noteworthy enough.
This part gets to me so badly. We, as omniscient readers, know that Rand has tried his best, but that Yui runs a spectacular interference with which he can't compete, largely because of the roles their family have placed them in - Rand the busy businessman, Yui the mommy homemaker. But no matter how hard he tries, it isn't good enough. Rand tries to reach Kousuke, but the manipulation and paranoia are so far gone that the times Rand does have the chance to convey his feelings, Kousuke can't even believe it, because he thinks he's not good enough to deserve that love, that he hasn't fully qualified for it yet. And despite that, Nol, who Kousuke feels hasn't done half of what he has to deserve Rand's love, gets the attention. It doesn't matter that it's negative attention, that Rand barks at Nol, that Nol feels Rand hates and regrets him, because ultimately, it's still more than Kousuke receives. And worse, to him, every time Rand is busy reprimanding Nol, he turns away from Kousuke to do it.
I want to make it clear that this is a deep trauma point of Kousuke's. He's never learned healthy love and the only person who gave him healthy love was someone he was set to fear and fight. Something I think about a lot is the flashback to Kousuke, in the bushes, watching Nessa and Nol's display of warm affection, before Yui appears literally looming before him. In that moment, he witnesses something he's been deprived of. "We're not like other families"'. He's told from a young age he shouldn't compare himself to those healthy families, to warm and affectionate relationships that he will not cultivate in this household. From such a young age it is normalized, that they aren't like others, that they are cold and distant. From a young age, he's made to stuff down his feelings, his tender wants and desires, in order to earn them. To be a good little boy who makes his parents proud. To make his father look his way.
There's also something about the way he says "I've been a good boy" that echoes Shinae learning she's been manipulated by Yui, devastated and angry and yelling about how she's been a good girl so why do these things keep happening to her, all she wanted to do was help her dad. Two people who, from a young age, felt they had to be so obedient, so good, to not be a burden, and despite following the rules, despite doing as they were told, despite trying to be whatever version of "good" they believed in, the world still beat them up and mistreated them. The world still punished them.
As Rin in our discord server pointed out, though, to some degree, Kousuke is very much a person who can - and does - act out, when he's emotionally high-strung. He's a volatile man, and it's largely to do with the fact that he's been drugged to placate him for so long. He never learned emotional regulation, he never learned how to deal with high-stress situations or to face conflict or to own up to things. This is something that some readers who hate Kousuke and expect him to act a certain way because of his age are missing. You don't just learn these things with age. You learn them with experience and Kousuke was deprived of the opportunity TO have those experiences. He never had to learn these behaviors, and now as an adult he cannot function when overwhelmed.
Idk this whole episode is just heartbreaking. It's devastating. I remember when I was someone praying on Kousuke's downfall and now I want to take it all back ;___; I always believed he had to crash and burn to be able to see the world for what it really was and to face his fears, but this is somehow so much worse.
And even though he's drunk, I don't think he's going to forget all of this in the morning. Rather, I think what he's voicing are things that have been plaguing him since waking up in the hospital. From that moment, we saw him wary and distrustful of his mother, we saw his concern for Nol rising above everything else, but grappling with the understanding that he doesn't deserve to stand in front of Nol anymore. These aren't epiphanies coming to him just because he's drunk; it's more like he's only voicing them because he's drunk. But even when he sobers up, he will probably still be haunted by these fears, these agonies, these truths, this understanding.
How does he face his mother after this? How does he face anyone? He may not even feel like he can trust Jayce - who while very kind to him, is still employed by his family. He may not even feel like he can trust Hansuke (though I really hope that's not the case).
He's so miserable and it genuinely hurts to have him lay it all out for us - everything we've known and suspected, like how it was so painfully clear he WANTED Nol's friendship, their brotherhood, but feared it, didn't believe that there was enough love to go around, that there could only be one of them and that even if it was for good or bad reasons, Nol cast him in the shadow. And all these years, watching as Nol, as Yeonggi, grew into this person who sounded so very much like this unknown version of their father, someone funny who makes others laugh, someone goofy, someone so boyish in the ways Kousuke was never allowed to be. Watching as he gathers friends, while Kousuke, so unlikeable, is wanted only for his money, for his status, for the clout.
He doesn't even know WHO HE IS! Questioning his own traits he's believed of himself, wondering if this is even him, if these parts of him are real or does he just act it, say it, pretend it, while trying to fulfill a role he was shoved into. That makes me feel SO deeply sad, because it's something I've been anticipating for so long: Kousuke wondering WHO he really is, how much of him is real and how much of it is the result of manipulation.
And that moment that he catches himself and says no no that's offensive and rude you can't be like that. ;AAA;
For him to admit how much he envies others, how much he craves the kind of connection others have, the kind of family others have, to feel that love and warmth that he's been deprived of, forced to endure this solitude because, as he believes, he didn't get the good parts of Rand. And what will happen when he learns that Rand isn't his father? That he never stood a chance to inherit any of those traits. Kousuke has operated on this belief that, if he tries hard enough, he can earn the things he craves, but I fear learning about his parenthood will make him think that no matter how hard he tried, he would never earn that, because none of it was ever him, could have gone to him.
I think this is where Shinae, in the future, will come in. I feel so very strongly that she will be someone who helps Kousuke to see that this isn't true, that these kinds of personality traits aren't something inherited, but rather something learned. For him to one day realize it's the paralyzing fear that holds him back, not his genetics. Of course, I acknowledge this will still take a lot of therapy but...
Something else very remarkable to me is the way Kousuke recognizes Shinae in Shinhye, because their eyes "feel the same" and he opens up to her - on some level, whether or not he is consciously aware of it, Kousuke knows, or maybe just wants to, that he can trust Shinae. That she is someone who is safe. He even knows how she feels about his mother. I don't think we'll see a lot of Kousuke and Shinae's friendship until we're passed our timeskips, but it makes me feel a little hopeful about it, that she'll be able to reach him, because she feels like someone who is safe. It's the way he sees Nol in her and wants to try to have that do over, a relationship with someone who  has unconditional love for him. It's the way he knows he mistreated Nol, that it was wrong, that he took it all out on this kid he was so afraid of because he had no other outlet, and he wants to do better but knows that there's nothing to salvage anymore.
But also, it just makes me hope more and more that in the future we WILL see a reconciliation between the brothers. As I say every time, it doesn't mean they have to become brothers or friends, but I just want them to see each other fully. Kousuke knows what he did to Nol. He doesn't deny it, even if he might not say it out loud unless he's drunk. But Nol is still so in the dark. Yujing is trying to tip him off and make him aware of it, but I hope one day when Nol realizes it, when he finds out that Kousuke, too, was Yui's victim, that he wasn't the only one, that Kousuke was made to fear Nol's love, he might.... understand. I'm saying understand here loosely because I don't want people to get the idea that I mean Nol will forgive him and Kousuke will be justified, but rather that Nol would be able to understand why Kousuke felt that way, and move on. But I can't help but hope that it will lead to an understanding, a reconciliation, where maybe they can try to be in each other's lives.
I think it's also interesting that Shinhye was somewhat honest, even if she wasn't very forthcoming, with Kousuke about her own family. It sounds like her mother has been gone for a long time, that she's been on her own the whole while, and I think it reinforces the idea that she believes both that Simhan is her father and that he rejected her, that he didn't want anything to do with her. It lines up, too, with how she feels that he wouldn't react well if he saw her (although I think she credited that to looking like their mother). In the same way that Shinae has felt abandoned and cast aside by their mother, Shinhye probably thinks their father never tried reach out, to find them, to maintain a relationship with her. Or perhaps it's that her mother fed her lies about him, made her believe him a different type of man, made her believe there would never be anything of their relationship to salvage. And given that she's the one who Kousuke opened to, it makes me think that there must be some kind of parallel there; the way she mentioned her own mother feels like maybe her mother, too, was a manipulative - or at the very least, dishonest - person.
I don't speculate a lot on Shinhye because frankly I don't think I know enough about her to really try to talk about her, but I do think that it's very likely there's some kind of connection between Shinhye and the Hirahras or Gun. To be clear, I don't believe she's working with Yui at all. I think it's more like... Alyssa isn't the only girl who has been trafficked by Gun. What's the likelihood that Shinae and Shinhye's mother was? Given her history, the gambling addiction that was so egregious her reputation haunted Shinae and chased her to a new neighborhood and school, was she seeking money somewhere else, somewhere more dangerous? Is that part of why they had to change their name? There's so many questions left about them, and I look forward to learning more about her, but, much like with Alyssa, I think it will take time and be dropped in little tidbits like this - things to read into and try to glean something from.
And maybe we'll see more of this duo in the future? It would feel a little weird to give them this one single run in, but I'm not entirely sure. Quimchee likes to keep us on our toes. After all, Minhyuk and Shinhye have also had only the one run in. Still, I think it would be interesting to watch, if Shinhye ever felt.... I want to say maybe compelled? to dig in more to Kousuke, ever feel a kind of kinship. I don't think she'll open up to him at all, but rather, maybe she'd keep going back because a. he's wealthy and there's more she can nick from him (assuming he doesn't realize she stole anything while in his apartment, if he even remembers any of this) and b. wanting to gather more intel.
Like I said though, she's hard to read so I don't want to cling too hard to any ideas and, instead, sit back and enjoy the show.
#ILY Brainrot#ILY FP#ILY Spoilers#I Love Yoo#Kousuke Hirahara#Shinhye#idk what to tag her as because we know she isn't known as Shinhye anymore#and because Simhan and their mother never married AND she was from a previous relationship Yoo isn't even her family name#so I can't really use Shinhye Yoo lol#alas#anyway this episode was DEVASTATING and quimchee said it's the beginning of the sad episodes meant to happen in March#literally said 'It's all downhill from here'#which I take to mean til the timeskip#BUCKLE UP BABIES WE'RE GOING FOR A BIG CRY SESH ;______;#i gotta say tho this episode didn't even make me cry - i guess because none of this is new and I've been bracing myself for it#Kousuke is so fucking wet cat it agonizes me ;_____;#I could write a whole essay on how Yui destroyed him and Nol in one fell swoop#i think a lot about precocious little Kousuke who tried so hard to be a good little boy and rushed through school because he wanted so badl#to hurry up and catch up to his father and join him in the workplace#all the opportunities he lost#the way he tried to fit himself into a personality a person he never picked out but just believed would get him what he wanted#he lost himself in the process#or maybe he never even got to know himself#i think too a lot about Kousuke who played piano and gave it up when he came to believe it wasn't important to his dad#that it didn't garner the attention and praise he seeked#so he dropped it to better mold himself into someone he thought Rand WOULD be proud of#FUCKING DEVASTATED#I'M GOING TO JUMP OFF THE ROOF SOBS
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Im so sorry ,in advance, its okey to ignore the request Batfam x child here this scenario:
Batfam where on a mission catching some criminals, like usual but then hearing crying noise on the dark alleyways, when Batman or anyone in the batfamily check to see,
When they looked, they saw a crying child with little bit blood on their face , they asked “why are they crying?are you hurt?” or “ are you okey? What happened?”
The child pointed at darkest corners of the alley. they looked where the child was pointing at, they saw two of the parents died
in the same manner like Batman backstory , when the child look up at them still crying , they lift their arms and said “ c-can I-i *sob*have a-a hug?*sob* p-please”
How would the batfamily react? Or what to do to calm the child reader
Oh my poor reader... Bruce would jump in immediately.
Summary: Bruce sees a child in a similar situation like he did many years ago.
Warnings: murder, corpses, Bruce sees himself in (Y/N), protective batboys.
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This is an important mission. They have been preparing for this mission for months on end. Endless intel, interrogations, surveilling, scouting the buildings, research on the important members... The entire family was on the verge of killing someone.
Even Bruce was ready to commit murder, despite the strong moral code and despite his self control. They were stretched thin and the moral of the team was down. Bruce didn't think it could ever get so low.
This a breaking low. But none the less, they have persevered and through some teamwork, they got the intel that they needed. That's why they were on the roof top, waiting for a perfect moment to strike. Bruce was ready.
Everyone was tense and waiting in the darkness of the roof top, watching and waiting. Bruce was perched over the edge, ready to go at the moment's notice.
He looked back when he heard gunshots. The others were ready to jump, but Bruce stopped them. It felt off. Bruce looked down and saw it was their target. And a small shadow running. Bruce jumped, knocking the criminal out.
The others spread out, going to the building to check the location out. According to the intel they gathered, the drugs they had been looking for should be here.
Bruce moved into the dark alley listening for any sounds. What he didn't expect to hear was crying. And it didn't sound like it's an adult crying. It sounded like a child crying.
And he was proven right when he saw a child, shaking and sobbing. Bruce could see some blood on his face.
" Hey, are you okay? " Bruce asked softly, trying to see if the child was hurt. The child pointed at the dark corner and Bruce was hesitant at first. He thought that he was going to stop breathing when he saw the dead parents.
They were shot in the chest, one each. It felt all too familiar. Bruce's breath hitched for a moment. This was just like him, all those years ago. He closed his eyes and he calmed down. There was a child that needed him.
He walked back and the child cried harder. He put his hands, flexing his little finger. " Please, I- I need a h-hug, I-I'm scared... "
Bruce picked him out without a word, putting the child's head in the crook of his neck, just to make sure he didn't see anything. He gently patted his back.
" What's your name? " Batman asked, walking towards his sons.
" (Y/N). " The child mumbled, clutching onto Bruce tightly.
Everyone stopped in their tracks when they saw Bruce holding a child. Everyone wanted to ask questions, but they saw that it wasn't the time. They saw that child was under a lot of stress and Bruce softly shook his head.
It was a clear sign of not now. Everyone understood what it meant and they understood that something happened. But it seemed like (Y/N) wasn't hurt.
At least one good thing tonight. If you exclude the drugs and the drug ring they brought down.
" We called Gordon, he is on his way. " Dick said softly, walking up to the child. (Y/N) was still crying, but not as hard as before. He was crying quietly.
Bruce was torn. Does he adopt him? Does he put him at a foster home? What does he do?
One thing was for sure. There wouldn't be any help in the foster home. Or even the orphanage. Wherever he went tonight.
The others knew that sooner or later, Bruce was going to adopt him. Emphasis on the sooner. Maybe even tonight.
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 4 months
Getting Kidnapped - BNHA/MHA
Features: Tomura Shigaraki, Shouta Aizawa and Kai Chisaki
A/n: I thought of this while I was taking a nap LMAO, let's get started and be sure to check out the rest of my writings...(there's only like 3 or 4 at this point :sob:)... it's very short but whatever, I enjoy being funny and writing this so yeah baby :))))
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You really didn't know how you got there. You were shocked but not that shocked, it was bound to happen eventually.
"Damn it's dark as a motherfucker in here. I just know they can't pay the light bill." Then the lights turn on to reveal the LOV.
"Oh...I guess you do pay the light bill. Hello." You go to wave but your hands are tied against the back of the chair.
"Greetings, L/n Y/n. Do you know why you're here?" "Nope." He pauses and just stares at you.
"You know some information that we don't, I'm going to need you to talk doll. Or else we'll torture you."
"You calling me pet names is already enough torture for me, crusty." You hear someone stifle a laugh from behind you.
"Glad to hear that someone enjoys my humor. Anyways, you got some water or something." Then your chair starts to get dragged into another room.
"That's right Dabi, take them into your room. Interrogate them." The door closes behind the two of you.
Time to work your own personal magic.
A couple of hours later, Shigaraki opens the door to Dabi's room, somber music plays in the background while you sit on the floor, untied, having a conversation with the burned man.
"Dabi! What are you doing?!" Tomura rips the hand off of his face and holds it tightly in his hands.
"Talking." He lays back on his bed, his head falling off the side of the bed.
"Why did you untie them?" He points at you and all you do is wave back with a big smile.
"They said the restraints were hurting them so I just untied them." Tomura shuts the door and lets out a scream of annoyance.
You laugh and whisper to Dabi. "Somebody's got their panties in a twist, don't they?"
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As soon as you reached for an item inside of a random home, something tied tightly around your wrist.
"What the?" One sharp tug later and you're wrapped up tight, hanging upside-down from the ceiling. "Fuck..." You draw out the word in annoyance
You go to use your quirk and it doesn't work, nothing happens. Then a man with long black hair and tired eyes steps into the brightness of the moonlight from the darkness.
"Couldn't you do this another night or something?" He rubs his eyes and stares at you.
He walks around your bounded form as you try to spin yourself to look at the powerful homeowner.
"I mean I could, if you let me go that is." You flash a smile at him as he raises his brows.
"Afraid I can't do that. You'll be coming with me to the police station...in the morning. It's too late to be doing that now." Your eyes widened.
A handsome stranger taking you to jail...in the morning. IS HE STUPID?
"What if I find a way to escape from the restraints? What then?"
He tilts his head, a small grin finding its way onto his features. "You won't. You can't break this material."
He ties the end of the fabric to a hook and walks into a different room.
"Wait what about the blood rushing to my head!"
He comes back in and with a single pull of the fabric, you're tilted sideways like sleeping on a bed.
When the morning comes, a little girl is looking at you very confused. "Who are you?"
"Your Dad's friend, I was playing around with his scarf and got stuck. Could you help me?"
The little girl, without a second thought, unties the fabric from your body. You find a pen and a piece of paper to write down your number on to then, hand it to the girl.
"Give him this when he wakes up and no peeking."
You open the balcony door and wave goodbye to the girl before jumping off the glass railing. You shoot upward and rest on the roof, holding your phone in your hand, waiting eagerly for his response.
---inside the home---
"Mr. Aizawa." She pokes his side a bit hard which wakes him up.
"What's wrong Eri?"
She hands him a folded piece of paper.
"Your friend told me to give you this. They just left a bit ago."
His eyes widened as he shot up from his spot in bed, rushing into the living area. He opened the note and smirked, shaking his head.
The note read: 'that cute little girl let me out, told you I could leave...call me! xxx-xxx-xxxx XOXO'
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"Wow...this is a beautiful place you got here? Why am I tied up?"
He rolls his amber eyes and lays the chair against the couch behind you. He almost straddles your waist but he just stands there, looking down at you.
"You're filthy, I plan on fixing you."
You look at him with confusion. "I literally showered as soon as I got home from my job, what do you mean weirdo?"
He hated that nickname, his fingertips played with the bottom of his gloves. The glove comes off and he reaches forward to touch you, nothing happens
...his hands are really warm and soft.
"You must not do a lot of hard work since your hands are soft... you either moisturize or you're just lazy and have servants."
He's in shock but then scoffs at your comments.
"I'm a doctor but I can't cure you. You're still filthy."
You just shrug and smile up at him happily. "Okay, whatever you say plague guy. You'd probably die if you had a sip of McDonald's Sprite."
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volturissideslut · 1 year
What if the Humans adopt a child just to see what’s so special about humans and why the Cullens like them so much, not knowing how troublesome a 8 year old can be?
strap in because this is going to be one hell of a ride (also I'm assuming asker meant volturi adopt a chaotic human child)
Aro, ever the curious one, cannot even fathom why dear Carlisle cares so much for these... creatures
And it's been like over 3000 years since he was human and he can't really remember much about living
It would also help if it would stop making Marcus be such a miserable slab of stone, and perhaps even Caius could do with a new toy
It just seemed like destiny when an 8 year old child strayed from the feeding group one day, too entertained by chasing a fat tabby cat that had jumped the wall to the garden
Whatever parent or guardian that came with seemingly hadn't noticed - not that they were alive long enough too
And, of course, Felix was the one to deliver the child to Master Aro considering he's the only one with a modium of decorum or respect for life in the castle
Any of the other guards would have eaten you on sight to be honest (they wouldn't in the future but you're just some random human child right now, they don't care about you yet)
Aro takes one look at you're little form, sticky fingers; muddy knees; grazed elbows; a leaf in your hair
They're keeping you
easy, right?
Why is a overexcited yet hysterical human child such a lovable inconvenience, you may ask
1) none of them can fully keep track of you're emotions,why are children so confusing???
2) they can't fully keep track of your whereabout either
3) they know nothing, and I mean nothing, about humans. Expect them to ask the secratery for help next time you're sobbing, only to find out you're hungry because they haven't fed you a proper meal in days thinking you'd forage for it yourself
I swear Marcus is the only one who is knowledgeable, despite how small it is
"the child requires sustinence again" - Jane, fed up of this shit
4) they're used to the traumatic stuff of vampire life, you are not, they don't realise that
poor kid is gonna be so traumatised, by the age of 10 killing someone over cereal seems socially acceptable
At least Caius actually has a soft spot for you, otherwise you'd be dead dead by now
Marcus reads you bedtime stories
Aro wants you to grow up appreciating everything he does, there are many 'daddy/daughter dates' where he takes you to see plays, musicals, concerts, or whatever that he deems suitable
Caius pretends to be impressed with your drawings and fakes excitement at whatever lego monstrosity you've made
Alec shows you the world, taking you around on his days off to Scotland, Brazil, India or wherever you randomly point to on a map
Felix let's you use his cloak as a blanket when he's not using it, you like to play with it and use it for dens and pillow forts (it can also be used as one of those massive fabric parachute tent bubble thingys the class played with in nursery/FS1/kindergarten and hid under (you know what I'm talking about))
Demitri let's you win at hide and seek despite his gift letting him know where you are at all times. He is also not above pretending to play to keep you out the way and quiet for a solid five minutes before you come out giggling saying you won again
Jane will capture butterflies and set them free with you because she knows you love them and you also love to chase them
The queen's are always dressing you up like a doll and doing your hair, they basically get a list from the secratery of everything humans need (food, water, socialising etc) and fulfil those needs for you
The secratery is the only one who actually knows what you want and need most times, being human herself. The kings are seriously considering turning her instead of just killing her you your sake
And God forbid anyone touches their precious baby, you've grown on them and they'd burn the world for you in an instant
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chemistryread · 2 years
she is both hellfire and holy water
- part II
you should take it as a compliment, that I’m talking to everyone here but you
jake seresin
callsign: scorcher
part I
part III
disclaimers/tags: female!aviator!reader. jake is a needy loverboy who needs to be liked so much. slowburn and angst. sooo cheesy, i know.
a/n: this is short as well, just establishing the backstory and how/why reader and jake become a little closer. there will be more parts, bear with me :)
tagging: @thedroneranger @shanimallina87 @peakascum @cherrycola27
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It's a slow Saturday, and he's just come back from the gym to find you speaking quietly on the phone.
He doesn't mean to intrude, but he can't help himself. He'll eat his yogurt while he eavesdrops.
"Just, tell me those numbers again, please."
Your back is turned to him, looking out of the window, hand scratching at the back of your neck soothingly. You're shaking.
He puts a half full cup of yogurt down and takes a step in your direction, concerned but unsure.
"Got it. Yeah, thanks for letting me know. Nonono, don't worry, you know I hate it when you do that."
There's a strain to your voice and Jake has learned which of your small laughs are forced.
After that talk with Maverick, he started observing more. You, your mannerisms, how you treated everyone from or not from base. He's hell-bent on figuring out why he's different to you.
One of the things he picked up on was how you hated concern. Anyone fussing over you made you wildly uncomfortable. Sometimes, if someone asked you one too many questions about your day, you'd have to sigh quietly and mumble out a standard, masked 'fuck off' answer.
It's funny how, with him, you would've just told him to fuck off, plain and simple. He doesn't know whether to be offended or flattered.
"I'm good, really." A pause, like the other person on the line is considering. "There we go. Talk to you soon. Okay, bye."
He waits for you to turn around and notice him.
It's awkward when you take too long, holding the phone against your chest and leaning your back unsteadily against the dinner table.
You make a move to walk, feet turning to the door, but decide to retract on it.
He doesn't really know what to do with what happens next.
Still holding onto the table, you crouch down with your knees to your chest, the other hand holding the phone covering your mouth. A controlled sob breaks through.
Jake reboots on the spot, jogging to your side. That was too much, regrettably.
You jump up, nearly losing your balance, spinning away from him presumably to hide your tears.
Trembling hands rub your eyes before an infuriated face turns to him. Smooth.
"Hangman, what the fuck?!"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" He cuts himself off. There's nothing he could say to make this any less embarrassing. Surely, he just made your day much worse. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, you scared me 's all."
He shouldn't think that you look cute right now, holding your wrist to calm yourself down, skittish.
"That's not what I meant."
That hot anger takes over your bottomless-pit eyes, closing the distance and puffing your chest out, trying to look scary.
"What do you mean, then, Seresin?"
Your eyelashes are wet, and you're sniffling at the end of every sentence. It's funny that you would even try to deny you are upset. Stubborn, like Maverick said.
His cautionless chuckle is misinterpreted by the figure in front of him, who pushes on his chest - not that it moves his body at all - and storms off.
Oh, c'mon.
He looks for you everywhere, stopping by the lockeroom to grab a hoodie and his car keys.
Eventually, he finds you sitting on the roof, watching the ocean.
"I'm knocking so I don't scare you again and you don't fall and break your neck."
Without so much as a smile, you answer him with sarcasm. "How considerate."
At least an exhale out of your nose, he expected. He was using his best sympathetic voice.
"Wouldn't you rather actually see it? Instead of looking at a distant blue line." His open hand is extended towards you, out of the window. "C'mon, I'll drive."
You leave him, ironically, hanging for a minute. But he's not giving up on you today.
Wet fingers close around his palm. You were drying new tears. His heart shrinks a little as he helps you back inside.
It was raining earlier, and you slip on a muddy spot.
Jake quickly wraps his arms around your waist and unceremoniously drags you through the window.
You take a second to regain your footing, shoes still slippery, and he steadies you with his hands on your elbows. A genuine sigh of relief passes his lips, and he shuts his eyes.
He opens them again when he feels your arm hair stand up. Your brows are furrowed, lips shaping into a pout. Adorable when upset, again. He knows he should not think like that.
"You scared me, I scared you back. We're even."
He chuckles again, but you're unrelenting. He stands there, holding you, for a beat too long before you widen your eyes towards the door.
Right, he promised to take you somewhere. Where again?
For the entire ride, your head is leaning back on the headrest, wind ruffling your hair.
Finally at the beach, you seem confused when he takes a seat next to you on the sand.
"Fucking…what now?"
"What are you doing?"
"Watching the ocean, I thought that's what you wanted to do."
"I thought you were gonna meet someone here. You said you were giving me a ride."
Ok, he never thought of you as stupid before but this is a strong contender to sway his opinion.
"No, I said I would drive. Why would I bring you along to meet someone? That makes no sense."
"Fine, then what do you want?"
He laughs in your face again. He should probably stop doing that, but this one is justifiable.
"Are you always this suspicious of everyone? Live a little, honey." As soon as he looks back at you, your lips are pursed into a thin line and he regrets the venom in his words. Maverick's revelations come back to him. You do have a hard time trusting people, and especially him, apparently. "I thought it'd make you feel better. Maybe make you want to talk about it."
"It has nothing to do with the Navy, if you think you're getting any juicy gossip."
Your hands are digging into the sand, arms leaning on them as if prepared to get up and leave any second.
He speaks quietly and slow, ignoring the way you assumed that he was only trying to get information out of you, more patient than he knew he could be.
"If you want to talk about it, I'm happy to listen. Or we can just watch the waves, but I can't guarantee I won't get bored and actually call someone to meet me here."
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, but a small tug of your lips is very much noticed by his watchful eyes, just as much as your shoulders relaxing as you get more comfortable on the fluffy ground.
"Only if you promise not to offer help or say you're sorry."
Holy shit, you are stubborn. He bites back a smile.
"What do you want to know?"
He's not Penny, but he understands this means you will talk about it but want to have control of the conversation. Not give away anything he doesn't inquire about.
"Why were you crying?"
The only times he saw tears from you were when Maverick made it back in the F-14 and at the finish line of a marathon where Phoenix got first place. Even then, they pooled around your eyes but did not dare to actually drop.
"Got surprised by something." He's glad the sun isn't too bright and you're sitting under the shade, because he can see your smile reach your eyes when you laugh at his hesitant and confused expression. The lightness in your clarification is nice to hear. "A bad something."
"Oh." Normally, he would have his sunglasses on, but maybe if you can look into his eyes you'll see that you can trust his intentions. "Don't think I've seen you that upset, ever."
Quickly, you look away, flustered. Fuck's sake, he wants you to know it's alright. But how can he possibly do that without scaring you away when he already knows you don't trust him?
A sigh, followed by a barely audible laugh. It's bitter.
"I guess I'm just tired of this."
Do you mean flying? God, he hopes you don't mean flying. You have one of the sharpest eyes and best quick-thinking - instinct - up there. He enjoyed watching you have a good time in the air, even more when you took it dead serious and kicked everyone's ass when it was just a standard training. You're fun.
"Of this?"
"Oh, no! No, not this. This is everything I am, I can't let go of it anytime soon."
"That's a relief, you have no idea." It's mumbled, but you catch it, squinting at him. He can see you swallowing, gearing up to tease him, so he brings your focus back to the matter at hand. "Then what?"
You swallow harder, looking at the horizon with a pained expression.
"I don't…have anyone, Jake." You never used his name. He takes it as a test. You look back at him and he maintains the same encouraging look. He's listening. "Family, I mean. I haven't seen or spoken to my mother since I was a teenager, my own choice. I have brothers but we never got along, there's a big age difference. And my dad is the reason I'm in a bit of a mess. It's just tiring, to have no one to fall back on."
He remembers not to say sorry and props you up to continue.
Another painful look.
"My parents were…weird. They didn't like each other, but they also did not like each other's families. It was psychological warfare, keeping each other away from the people who actually cared for them until someone broke under the pressure and finally asked to leave. By the time they divorced, I was too old to be interesting to any of them."
"That is seriously demented."
"I know."
There's the lightness again. You seem to keep a sense of humour about all this.
"Still, they're your family. Don't they want to be close to you now?"
You shrug.
"Dad has a new family. They can do the whole affection thing and holidays together from scratch. Small kids are easier to please, deal and relate with than grown adults."
Affection thing. He wants to laugh at how foreign it sounds coming from you, until he realizes that you really don't know what that's like. He thinks back to his own family. Numerous and suffocating, sometimes.
"They don't care about you? Where you are or what you're doing?"
"Sometimes they text. Usually they just ask my dad about me, but it's pretty inefficient since he doesn't know how to answer that. I've been erased from their history."
Your head might be held up high right now, but he hears the shame.
"Well, they're missing out."
You laugh again, and he is stupidly, childishly proud that he made it happen.
"I don't know, they have a lot of people around them. I think they're okay."
There's silence after that. You mean it, no bitterness that time. You think they're better off without you. It's not his place to, but he wonders what convinced you of such a thing. He doesn't know anyone who would say that their lives would be improved by not having you. Usually, it's the other way around.
Looking at you, it seems like it doesn't even bother you. You've accepted it. You deserve to be shunned from your family, to be alone. A desire to change that perspective sparks inside of him.
He coughs.
"What about your dad? You said he's the reason you're in trouble, so you keep in touch."
Sensitive spot. You readjust on the sand, biting your lip so it stops quivering, nails digging into your forearms.
"The only thing we talk about is money. From time to time, he calls to ask for some. Demanding that I pay back what he gave raising me, since I'm not grateful. That's how it works in his head, anyways."
"That's what happened? He asked for money and you don't have it?"
You're scratching yourself now and he regrets asking but you're already answering.
"Sort of. I accumulated a lot of debt after I moved out. A couple of- Actually, exactly two years ago, I payed it off. All of it. Then, three months ago my dad needed help and I had some money saved so I gave it to him. Life is full of surprises, no matter how well you plan for those, so now I'm falling behind on some bills again and I guess…I don't know I guess I had flashbacks to that desperate feeling of not knowing how you're gonna fix a problem on your own."
"Ask Maverick, or even Cyclone for some way to-"
Bile churns in his stomach at the threatening way you said his name. A warning. It's vulnerable, the waterline of your eyes glimmering. He doesn't know if this is an appropriate moment to say sorry or if the rules still apply.
"Why did you give it to him? You said he has family, people, let them help him."
You lay down on the sand, covering your eyes with your arms, crossing the wrists.
"It's not simple. If I do that, I'll start a war. I know because I've tried. And it's not worth it. In his eyes, I owe him." Your arms come down to swat a fly away and he's glad to see your face again. "I just- I want peace. I want to be left alone. Whatever it takes, because I'm fucking sick of it. If giving him the money will get him off my case for even a day, it's good with me."
You sound suffocated.
He wants to tell you he is sorry. He wants to wax poetic about how loving his own family is and how that made him into a good, or at least better than he could ever be on his own, human being. But he's afraid it'll come out dishonest, despite it being true. He finds sentimentality usually sounds forced in his voice, it's kind of a curse, not able to sound genuine no matter how hard he tries. So he doesn't try anymore.
He lays back with you. It's not the moment to think about this, but you make him nervous. Jake Seresin walking on eggshells to avoid hurting someone's feelings, to prevent a pretty girl from slipping through his fingers.
"If you didn't like me before, I can only imagine how much I disgust you now. Sorry."
It's so quiet, barely breaking through your teeth.
"Why would you disgust me?" It's not the term he would use. Stomp, maybe. "And I thought we weren't saying sorry."
"I mean, everyone who's related to me keeps their distance. Surely, something must be wrong with me. That's what you're thinking." Your eyes are closed, and he takes the opportunity to get closer, turning on his stomach. "And I make the rules, of course I can say it."
"I don't think anything's wrong with you. Not for family-issues-related reasons."
"Aha, but you think I'm weird, right? You said it once."
"Why do you rememb- Oh my God, is that why you don't like me?"
"Who said I don't like you?"
Your eyes shoot open at the accusation, widening once they notice how close you are.
"C'mon, you despise me. I feel it every time you look at me."
He's smiling, obviously teasing you, even with a spot of truth to his exaggerated statement. But you're serious, staring into his eyes a little too long. It unnerves him.
"Fine, I owe you an apology." If his mouth wasn't so dry he would choke. "I don't despise you, Seresin, you're just easy to fuck with."
He shuts up as you prove your point, embarrassed that you captured him so perfectly. Do you know it's just you, though? That the truth is, he isn't easy to fuck with, you just have an easy time fucking with him.
"But I thought…at least the thing with Rooster's dad and Maverick would've made you hate me. It worked for everyone else."
"Lucky for you, I make my own opinions on people." You're blushing? He smiles and lets his eyes fall to your lips briefly, for fun. "I was disappointed."
There you go again, killing all the good feelings inside of him in a millisecond.
"But?" He holds out hope.
Lingering on how disappointment implies expectations. He is equally pressured, annoyed and flattered that you'd expect something out of him. Most people just meet him, stick to their first impressions and expect nothing. It's freeing.
"But I wanted to see how you would handle it. That's the most important part. You fucked up, how you deal with the aftermath counts a lot. And not only did Rooster forgive you, you saved their lives. I can't hold a petty thing that barely involves me against you after all that."
"You never said anything. I expected to be yelled at, like Rooster."
"Did you want me to yell at you?"
It's a confident whisper, taking back control of the conversation at his expense. Fuck, is he blushing? You're steamrolling him. Easy.
"Why let him have all the fun?"
You roll your eyes again, rejecting his advances like a million times before, but there's a new found playfulness to it. His heart beats faster.
"Like I said, I wanted to see what you would do. If I interfered, I wouldn't be able to judge your character, would I?"
Anyone else, and he would've told them to shove judgement up their ass, he doesn't need it. But he sort of wants your judgement to fall on him, so he can know what to think of himself. That's not how it should work. Alas.
Still, one thing bugs him.
"What about Bradshaw's character?"
He cocks his head back, like he just made a great point you hadn't thought about.
"He showed it from day one." Realization probably crosses his face because you mock it. Unlike the easy-going Bradley, he did keep some walls up. A giggle (Jesus, a giggle? Do you want to kill him?) escapes your lips and you bite them to stop it. "Relax, not everyone is an open book. I know, that's why I gave you the chance to show everyone you're mostly alright."
"Someone had to tell those hard headed idiots to trust the process."
You did- Why would you?
"Wait- you just, what, told them to have a little faith in me?"
You scoff.
"No, I told them I have a tendency to be right. And I was."
That sounds more like you, cocky but for a reason. And yet, it's weird to hear it in defense of him.
Jake still doesn't fully understand, mind overflowing with questions, urging to have the blanks filled.
"So you defended me?"
Green eyes do their best to intimidate you, or he thinks that's what they are doing, hopes. You pinch the bridge of your nose.
"You're no damsel in distress, Hangman, I wasn't safekeeping your honor-" A snort this time, and he knows you're taking the piss out of him, but he's reveling in it as if it's a compliment. Maybe it is, coming from you. The relaxed expression on your face, freely teasing him like you do with the rest of the squad. He'll take it, if it's all you got. "I just said you probably weren't evil, and you'd come around when needed. Floyd was the one who stood by me the strongest, if you'd like to know."
And right you were, he stepped up when Maverick and Rooster needed him to, without hesitation.
A possibly misplaced sense of pride, the pure kind, spreads inside of him at the thought that you saw potential in him. He expected Javy to know that he would do whatever was necessary, maybe their instructor and mentor, who seemed like an optimistic man. But you, who never really gave him the time of day, who didn't seem impressed by much…that was unexpected. Almost as much as the intensity with which he is pleased to hear you don't not believe in him.
"I could get used to having you on my side."
He pours as much of his charm into the sentence. You don't look even a bit phased, and your voice stays leveled.
"That's a seriously presumptuous leap. I never even said I like you."
Stubborn fucking Lieutenant.
He shakes his head and starts getting up, doing a couple half assed push ups to annoy you (it works) before cleaning the sand from his hands on top of your body.
You swat it away with a faux scowl. He's getting real good at discerning your genuine and fake reactions.
"Wanna grab something to eat?"
You're quicker to take his hand this time, looking at the sun setting behind him.
"How about something to drink?"
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teejaystumbles · 9 months
Sandmanniversary Day 2 - "Hunt"
(fantasy human AU)
Dream falls against the weathered stone wall with a gasp and sinks to his knees. He cannot run anymore. He knows he has lost. Wherever he goes, wherever he hides, the Hound finds him. He has chased him for days and nights, through dark streets and back alleys, cellars and abandoned houses, under bridges and over rooftops, through the belfry of churches and finally here, up onto the highest tower of the cathedral.
Dream is bleeding from uncountable nicks and scrapes, his black silk and linen garments, made to hide him in the darkness and grant him swiftness, ripped and torn in several places. His mask is hanging in shreds off his face and is no longer doing its job of hiding his face. He suspects his identity hasn't been a secret for a while but he had felt safer with the mask. Now he pulls its pieces off, still panting from exertion. He looks down and sees the red and white coat of the Hound billowing in the wind. He is almost upon him.
[AO3] or under the cut
Dream looks out over the city - his city. His people. The people who don't believe in him anymore. Wherever he has tried to hide, they have shut their doors in his face, too afraid of Lord Burgess' wrath to shelter the famous "Dream", leading figure of the rebellion. Would they have let him in if they knew who he was? Or would they have called on the usurper's men that much faster? They would be handsomely rewarded for handing over the missing Crown Prince Morpheus. Dream scoffs and leans back against the rough limestone, wrapping his fingers around the claws of the gargoyle next to him for support. He watches the edge of the roof for his pursuer to pull himself up. He could try and kick him off. He could... Dream gulps. 
No. He couldn't. He can't kill anybody, that's not who he is. And he doesn't want to kill the Hound. He wants...
A hand appears on the edge and grabs onto it hard, before a man pulls himself up and over the edge with a grunt. The Hound, clad in his typical red and white ensemble, now similarly torn and dirtied as Dream's, stares back at him. His breath is fast and his brown eyes are wide. He stills and remains silent for several moments, as if afraid he might startle his prey into running again. But Dream is done. He has wrenched his ankle with the last jump from a roof and this is as far as he goes.
Dream gives a wry smile and rasps, "You got me."
The Hound stares,  panting. "I got you," he whispers. With trembling fingers he reaches out and touches Dream's jaw. Dream flinches and shivers violently. He wants to lean into the touch but instead he tries to lean back further into the wall. "Finally," the Hound says, and Dream lets out a wet sigh that sounds more like a sob and closes his eyes, feeling tears spill over his cheeks.
"Yes. I'm done. It's over. Do what you want."
He feels calloused fingers gently cradle his face and he waits for the pain of the killing blow or for these hands to choke him, but then there are lips upon his and he opens his eyes with a startled moan. He surges up but the Hound grabs his wrists and presses him back against the wall. Is this how it's going to go?
He tears himself away from the mouth on his and gasps, "What are you-" 
The Hound's eyes are wide and pleading and his grip is strong but not painful. His brown hair is falling into his face, the wind pulling at it. Dream can't help but stare at the handsome face he has seen so many times from afar and only once closer, from across a dining table. Robert Gadling, personal guard of Lord Burgess, and his most skilled assassin, called The Hound, is looking at him like he wants to-
Dream gulps and blushes, feeling his heart thunder in his ears. If this man wants to have his way with him before he kills him... he closes his eyes again and bares his neck, his heart clenching painfully. "Go on then," he whispers, but his captor pulls him into a hug and puts his nose under Dream's ear, making him shiver again. The words mouthed against his neck have Dream go rigid. 
"Please, Dream. Let me help."
He pulls back and looks Dream in the eyes again, bringing his hand to his lips, kissing it slowly, with intent. "Let me help you. Your majesty."
Dream raises an eyebrow and stares in surprise, his breath still coming fast, still feeling flushed by the proximity and the prospect of being ravished by the man he has pined over from afar for months. When he finally finds his words he pulls his hand free and pushes a strand of his hair out of his face, tracing Gadling's jaw reverently.
"Has the Hound forsaken its master?"
The man hums and gives him a smile Dream already knows he will become addicted to. 
"It has found a better one," he says, his words a vow, and Dream pulls him in for another desperate kiss.
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airi-p4 · 8 months
It should have been me!
Hi! I wrote this short Adrien salt + Lukanette endgame fic a while ago. Enjoy?
Ladybug was mad, ENRAGED. 
Yet- how come Chat Noir was the one akumatized instead, when everything was HIS FAULT? It should be her!
This was so wrong!!
She should have been akumatized instead of him!
He was the one who deceived her! 
And now Chat noir- Chat Blanc- was walking around trying to destroy her. And she, Ladybug, ran, jumping on the roofs of the Parisian buildings, and dodging destructive waves aiming for her.
So unfair!
It all started when Chat Noir finally stopped his flirting. 
"I understand you're not comfortable, so I'll stop. Besides, I'm in love with someone else now," he had said. 
Ladybug was grateful. Really grateful. He finally seemed to take his job seriously and their teamwork improved. It was nice to see that he changed.
Now, she didn't have to roll her eyes at unsolicited advances or for not going on dates she never agreed to. Everything stood professional. 
Until that night. 
All because she had let her guard down and allowed her excited Marinette self say too much. How could she have imagined that…
"You look happy tonight, Ladybug" Chat Noir hummed. "Did something good happen?"
"Yes. Very good" she smiled widely. 
"Oh? What is it?"
"I don't know if I should tell you, but I'm so excited and-"
"Oh?" He smiled and leaned his head to the side, showing curiosity. He imagined that she may have been accepted to her dream university as she mentioned before, but he was eager for her to tell him. 
Until he actually heard it. It wasn’t what he had expected.
"I have a boyfriend," she confessed. "We've been close friends for a long time and I still can't believe we feel the same! He's amazing and the most caring boy I've ever met. I’m so happy! I love him very much!" She squealed.
And that's what unleashed the storm.
"No!" Chat Noir stood up aggressively. "You can't have a boyfriend! You're supposed to be with ME! We're meant for each other! I even restrained myself from telling you how much I love you or to kiss you because I know you like gentlemen and- you were supposed to fall for me! I worked so hard to impress you and try to get your attention!"
“What…?” She couldn't register what he was saying immediately, but when she did she couldn’t help but feel betrayed. "Are you saying… That everything until now was an act…? You were just pretending? I trusted you!"
The betrayal was too much to bear. And yet- he was the one getting akumatized? Again. For his selfishness and for not listening to her, as usual.
She was enraged. Hell! She should have been the akuma, not him!
But now - She needed help. All the help she could get.
The fox, the turtle, the ox, the mouse, the dog, the dragon, the snake, the rabbit...
And after a few second chances, they finally defeated the akuma and a purified butterfly flew away. Magical ladybugs did the rest to fix the massive damage caused by Chat Blanc- Chat Noir-, Paris’ former superhero after the events. 
"No… M'lady…" he begged, but he could only watch as she walked away, leaving a trail of tears as she left Adrien Agreste sobbing on his own.
"I can't believe it!" Marinette cried, secure in her boyfriend's arms. "All this time-! I thought he was finally maturing, becoming more professional- I really trusted him!"
Luka hummed and rubbed her back. He did wonders calming her down. How many times could have she been akumatized if it wasn't for him?
"And he was Adrien all this time… I can't believe I was so blind! I thought he was sweet, innocent and caring… I even called him perfect a few times, damn it!" She yelled in Luka's chest. "But no! He is none of those things! He's just selfish, disrespectful and irresponsible! I thought we were partners! I thought he would be happy for me when I told him about you!" She groaned. "Hell- he even congratulated us when I had the mask off! You figured out my identity on your own, without magic, just because you care about me…" she took a moment to look at Luka, her hand cupping his face softly and he hummed happily at the contact. She let her hands descend to his chest level, gripping his jacket, and sighed. "Chat, on the other hand, couldn't tell us apart despite his claims of being 'in love'. Ugh, what a joke…"
"You couldn't have known. You did the best you could, melody" Luka kept caressing her back in support. 
"And he still got akumatized!" Marinette roared. "He completely betrayed my trust, Paris’ trust, our partnership! And still got offended because I have a boyfriend that makes me happy! Heck- I really should have been the one akumatized, not him!"
"Don't say that… I don't want you to get akumatized... Ever" 
"I know…" She softened a bit at that. "But I'm so mad, Luka! I want to scream, to curse, to set a freaking dumpster on fire!" He groaned. "Maybe with a bit of luck his photos that used to be in my room are still there and I can kill two birds with one stone!"  
That made Luka giggle. "Didn't you throw them out a long time ago?"
"I did! And I made sure not a single one of them remained! But now I wish there were still some so I could burn them to ashes!" She growled.
"You're funny even when you're rightfully angry," Luka laughed.
"I am rightfully angry! Very rightfully!" She pouted proudly and he chuckled. Cute. A moment later she blushed happily when he kissed her cheek.
"What are you going to do now? With the ring, I mean" he asked.
"I need to talk to Plagg first. Figure things out. And then, I think I'm going to keep the ring inside the box"
"Are you sure?"
"Well, I hope I can count on you if it ever becomes indispensable." She leaned in to give her boyfriend a kiss on his cheek.
"You can always count on me, Marinette. You know that" he smiled tenderly. "Especially if you ask me like this" 
He leaned in to kiss her cheek and she giggled. Music to his ears. 
"Thank you, Luka. I love you. You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I'm so lucky" She kissed his lips, making herself comfortable in his lap. 
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Think you can do this, since April fools is coming up I thought you should write a lady lesso x female reader on where leonora pranks on reader saying she's breaking up with her but right after she's has a gift and red-spider lily flowers but reader was already gone, now she's searching for her in a panic, maybe almost teary eyes. She asks if one of her students had seen her and tells lesso that's she saw her on the way to the roof so she's racing up there to see reader about to jump off the top of the school for evil. Ends up catching her, idk a teary, lovely hug in the rain, and go back to shared chambers reading a book together 😊
April fools sucks
*Authors note~I have bad memories of April fools day so with this fic I want to remind you all that kindness should be given to everyone and pranks are all good as long as both parties enjoy it. Please be kind and happy April my loves <3 and my dear anon, I hope you don't mind me changing the flower, after researching I found out red spider lilys tend to signify death and farewell so I thought maybe a primrose flower would be more suitable as it signifies an undying and all consuming love*
Trigger warnings~ April fools pranks slight suicidal thoughts
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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April fools has always been a day you didn't really enjoy, truthfully it was just a way people could hide behind acts that could possibly hurt someone's feelings. Truthfully, it was something you didn't want to participate in but you knew your girlfriend loved any way she could be Never like. But for you, you we're hoping she wouldn't prank you.
Leonora requested to see you in her office midday. That was slightly strange but apart of you hoped it was because she missed you, you weren't expecting what would take place here. "Hey you" you hummed hoping to see the smile she usually held just for you. But it never came. "I think you should sit" she suggested coldly gesturing to the seat in front of her desk, "I've called you here to inform you that we are no longer working out, and it's over. I no longer love you, you're way too clingy and desperate and so Ever like it's repulsive " she finished her little speech, shattering every corner of your heart as tears fell. "I Nora? I you what?" You mumbled confused. "Ugh you're really too dumb for to even realise I no longer love you" she stated and you felt the world closing in on you.
You couldn't control the tears, the thoughts or the way your chest felt impossibly tight, you stood up and fled the room immediately. If you would've turned around you would've spotted Leonora stood there with a banquet of flowers, knowing how keen you were on the meanings of flowers. And a book you'd been waiting to get your heads on for months which held a ring in the middle of the book. It was a well thought out plan to surprise you and show her love. However, when she tuned around to give them to you, you were missing. She managed to catch a glance of you fleeing round a sharp right corner and instantly followed you leaving the gifts on the table.
When she found you, you had taken yourself up to the roof tops where you stood on the edge. Rain hammering down on the earth with no mercy. Your limbs shaking, your breath struggling as you went to step forward. With her heart in her throat she reached out to catch the back of your clothing to prevent you falling. You were sharply pulled back tumbling into her embrace instantly. Your sobs wrecking through you as you balled your fists up weakly hitting her chest, "you don't love me, let me go! Let me die! Please I don't want a life without you!" You cried and only then did she see just how badly she messed up. "Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry darling. I was just trying to surprise you. You left way before I could show you love, please come off the roof let me show you baby. Your soaked sweetheart please" she murmured bringing her head to rub circles on your back.
Some how she managed to talk you down from the roof and back into her office where she had you sit with your eyes closed while she grabbed somethings. You quickly realised Leonora wanted to relocate to her chambers which truly you had no issues with. You were a mess, your brain struggling to process all this information. She loved you? She didn't hate you? It was all fake?
Once you were led to the bed you sat eyes closed as she rustled about the room. "Okay sweetheart, you can open your eyes now" she murmured to you.  There she stood with a wrapped gift and a banquet of the most beautiful flowers. You couldn't help but tear up once again. "Sweetheart, can I explain what they all mean, I know you probably already know but please?" She whispered and you nodded.
"Okay, so we have Primrose meaning eternal love, that's the purple ones, then we have white carnations meaning the pure sweet love we have, red chrysanthemums meaning I love you. I truly do sweetheart. Combined with some beautiful red and yellow tulips love and affection sweetheart." Her meanings were accurate and your heart couldn't help but beat a little harder just for the small act of love and interest, you'd never experienced anything like this before. She then gave you the book as you unwrapped it, a gasp leaving you, "Nora! How did you get this" you squealed throwing yourself into her arms. "I have my ways sweetheart. Open your book sweetheart." You did so and when your eyes fell on the small piece of jewellery you couldn't help but cry, "it's beautiful Nora I," your words cut off with a gasp as you saw her knelt down on one knee.
"Sweetheart, I know I scared you earlier and that wasn't my intention, so wanted to throw you off the scent here so I could ask you to be my wife for the rest of my life. To allow me to love you forever and cherish you with every second I breathe air. Will you marry me sweetheart?" Her voice trembled slight with emotion as she held her breath, "yes yes thousand times yes!" You explained coming to steal a kiss. Lesso finally let out her breath she was holding before slipping the ring onto your left ring finger. That night you lay cuddled up together, Lesso reading out loud to you as she knew how comforting you found her voice.
Word count~ 1143
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mediocre-stories · 10 days
The Cliffs
TW: mentions of depression, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of suicide, mentions of death, vulgar language
Authours Note: Hi everyone! Thank you for your patience with me! I am officially done school for the summer so I will have tons of time to write! I hope you enjoy this one, writing it broke my heart a little bit but there is a happy ending! Once again this story is based off of Shane's six heart event from Stardew Valley. I hope you enjoy reading and as always feel free to leave me some constructive critism!
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It was another sleepless night. You had been having a lot of those lately. The air in the farmhouse was heavy with the summer heat, your sheets clung to your body, and the mattress you laid on itched at your skin. You rolled over, peering to your wallclock.
2 am. You groaned.
You made the decision to go for a walk, you slipped on your work boots, pulled on a wool sweater, and headed out the door.
It was raining hard, the water hitting your skin with enough force to make it lightly sting. The trees lit up with the flashes of lighting, and the valley air felt crisp as it entered your lungs. You walked to your favourite place, Cindersap Forest. The quiet of the trees and the calm of the lake soothed your nerves. You walked along the edge of the lake, letting the rain cool your flushed skin.
You made your way towards the cliffs. As you walked, a flash of lightning revealed the figure of a man laying near the edge of the cliffs. You jumped. As the lightning illuminated the forest again, you realized the figure was Shane. You approached him cautiously.
He lifted his head off the ground, looking up at you. His dark hair stuck to his face due to the rain. His eyes were glazed over and he slurred his words as he spoke.
"Y/N...I-I'm sorry." He hiccuped.
You felt a pit grow in your stomach, "why?"
"My life... it's a pathetic fucking joke." Shane paused to let out a small chuckle, resting his head on the ground again. "I mean look at me." The smile disappered from Shane's face as his voice cracked with tears, "I'm too small and stupid to... to take control of my life."
As Shane spoke, you moved to sit beside him. You hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder, wanting to find some form of comfort to provide him. He seemed to flinch at your touch.
"I'm such a fucking piece of shit, Y/N. I do nothing but disappoint everyone around me. Marnie can hardly look at me, Jas is scared to talk to me. Did you know I'm her godfather? At least I'm supposed to be, but I can't even do that. Her parents were my colege friends, they died in a car accident and left her with me. They trusted me, and look what I've done."
Shane's body racked with sobs as your rubbed his back. "Shane, you're doing all you can. You were put in a difficult situation, but Jas has a roof over her head, food in her belly, and people who love her."
"But none of that is because of me, that's all Marnie Y/N, not me."
The storm seemed to get stronger as Shane talked. The thunder rumbled through your body and the lightning illuminated the rocky cliffs below.
"I've been coming here often lately...looking down. Here's my chance to finally take control of my life. I could just jump, I wouldn't hurt anyone anymore."
You sighed, looking out at the sky. You let Shane rant, knowing that nothing you could say would help, he had to want to help himself. You just prayed to Yoba that he would realize this sooner than later. He laughed again.
"I can't do it Y/N. I'm too fucking scared, just like always. It's pathetic. All I do is work, sleep, and drink just to try and forget about how much I hate myself. Why should I even go on Y/N? Tell me why I shouldn't jump."
You paused, racking your brain for the right words, "Shane, I can't tell you what to do and what not to do. You have to make your own decisons, but I am here for you. Always."
He rolled onto his back and looked up at you, gently grabbing your hand that was rubbing his back. He interlocked his fingers with yours and squeezed. "Thank you Y/N. Thank you for telling me like it is. I'm tired of the bullshit I hear from people. I'm so sorry I've been so mean to you."
"Hey, don't worry about it. It was refreshing to talk to a real person again. People in this town can be too cheery sometimes." you joked. He smiled, rolling back over to face the cliff.
"I think you should take me to the hospital now."
You stood up and helped Shane to his feet. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you stumbled to the hospital. You had to stop a few times to let him vomit, rubbing his back each time.
You were sat in the waiting room. Maru had brought you a blanket, as the rain had soaked through your clothes and chilled you to the bone. You waited anxiously for what felt like hours. You had called Marnie, who was now sitting beside you, picking at her nails to distact herself. When Dr. Harvey finally emerged from the emergency room, you both stood up.
"You can come and see him."
You and Marnie entered the emergency room. There was Shane, laying on a hospital bed. His skin was pale and sickly looking. He was hooked up to so many unfamiliar machines. He looked so small laying in that bed, you heard Marnie sob. Dr. Harvey broke the silence.
"I've pumped his stomach and rehydrated his body. He's going to be okay. It's good that you brought him in though, Y/N. " Dr. Harvey sighed, "Too much alcohol is terrible for the body, but right now I'm most worried about his mental health."
Dr. Harvey moved towards Marnie, pulling out a pamphlet from his pocket, "When he comes to, I'll have a chat with him about his treatment options. I know an excellent counselor in Zuzu City. Life can be painful sometimes, but there's always hope for a better future. You've got to believe in that."
It was the next afternoon. You left the hospital early in the morning, returning to the farm to do your chores. After everything was tended to, you fell asleep on your couch, finally catching up on the hours of sleep you had missed last night. You awoke to a knock on your door. You moved to your front door and opened it, rubbing your eyes groggily at the light from outside entering your small farmhouse. There stood Shane, looking sheepish, but much better than last night.
"Hey." you spoke.
"Hey..." he replied, looking at his shoes. "Oh man, how do I say this? I'm really sorry about what happened last night at the cliffs. That was embarrassing."
You gave him a small smile, "it's okay. I'm just glad you weren't alone."
He looked up and smiled back, "yeah, thank you for being there for me."
"I told you I always will be."
The conversation went silent, the only sound coming from the whistling of the wind. Shane spoke again.
"I've decided I want to see a therapist. Harvey got me in touch with a colleague of his. Anyways...I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me. And I want you to know that I am going to take things a little more seriously from now on."
"I'm really happy for you Shane." In the heat of the moment, you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his neck, taking in the smell of his colonge. You felt his body stiffen for a moment, then relax at your touch. He brought his arms around your waist. You stayed there for a moment before you both pulled away.
"Well uh, I should get going. Thanks again Y/N." Shane said, you noticed a small blush creep across his cheeks. "Maybe after my first counselling session I could stop by and we could talk?"
"Of course, you're always welcome on the farm."
"Thank you Y/N, I haven't had a friend in a long time."
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spiderh0rse · 22 days
freeman's mind notes part 10, e46-50
if he was hardcore... But you said TWO EPISODES AGO that you were
he doesn't mind too much that his new job seems to be killing people
mocks the xenians about earth gravity
thinks in the south, particularly florida and louisiana, you shoot at rescue helicopters to signal them. Well. i can't say anything to the contrary.
minefield >:[
tries to open ANOTHER giant metal door
haven't bombed this place enough? Well, no!
squirrel on the roof could be payback,,,
yells as he almost slips on the stairs
"this must be how old people feel about stairs..." and me! Stairs are a MENACE and a HAZARD TO SOCIETY. what is wrong with RAMPS, HUH?
we hear a sniper round impact the HEV suit
tries to pry open another large metal rolling door
not yet shot enough to take off all the orange paint
almost walks into a tripmine in plain sight. He's getting tired.
talks about snipers the way some people discuss clown husbandry
climbs on around this bullshit
figures out Xen's lower gravity
are there coyotes in new mexico? uh. probably
he thinks we'd be better at math and subsequently further along in technology if we had more fingers. I'd agree with that
MAYBE killing scared unarmed people doesn't make him the good guy
asks after a random guys finger amount
he is not going to wait in this room
thinks things are just going to get worse forever
dumbfounded that this guy is afraid of a couple tripmines
either made vaguely uneasy by clowns or expects the other scientist to be afraid of em
doesn't notice the rockets as he shoots the headcrabs
sneezes :(
yeah he's realizing what's up with the rockets now. Doesn't seem too afraid though
checks a body for money. Admits the soldiers would have taken any
thinks a platform might have spikes that come out of it. Jumps onto it, wondering if he can trigger it. Sir.
considers the spike platform may be for an abattoir
squeezes on by some bars and onto the elevator
hivehand looks awful. He shoots it. No hivehand.
surprisingly DOESN'T shoot at someone that runs towards him
"friends are like weeds that scream"
just wants a VEHICLE
always meant to learn how to hotwire a car
sobs when stuff starts shooting at him unexpectedly
the tank is NOT supposed to be here
its CLEARLY rocket launcher time
hes never joining the military
new intro! a portion of On A Rail.
sobs as the tank shoots at him
grappling hook mention
boops out entry of the gladiators
ANOTHER sniper
yells at the soldiers that there's a sniper outside
can't turn off the radio. Smashes it.
he wouldn't make a good surgeon.
he likes when people call him "sir." I'd forgotten about that I just feel like being polite when I address his more insane notions.
Eddie mention! This time to sell the contents of that giant room full of ordinance
"this might be a warzone but theres money to be made here" war profiteer
can Eddie even handle this many guns? He'll sure try. He gets a sparkle in his eye. Same one he had before going to Panama. That turned out! A way!
if he knew where he were going a few hundred people would be alive rn
he's always wanted a Crown Victoria from a police auction. Drive it around with the stripes, put some fake blood on the hood...
does seem reasonably friendly towards that one guard for a bit. Not enough to wait for him but enough to be almost nice
"hoop bup pah!"
admits he's kind of dropped the kill everyone policy he had
he wants to train a chimp on karate to attack everyone but him
man this guy just LOVES roleplaying as Respectable Professions (Meant To Be Here optional)
shoots the guard on accident. Feels a bit bad but mostly just angry
thinks soldiers are less likely to change history than any random people
...okay he can bust down large doors. Okay.
"I'M NOT ALLERGIC TO BEES, ASSHOLE" sentence you do not hear often
just taking so much electricity to the face. Yelps every time he does
wants to hook up the vortigaunts to a generator
screams when the trampoline bounces him up. does a weird little whine immediately afterwards
the last time he was juggled in the air did NOT go well
"everybody wins! :D especially me"
kills SO many snarks and avoids the nests
fucking love how he rambles when panicking
he had to deal with people shooting at him in ventilation shafts in high school
gasps multiple times when grenades are launched at him
walks right on by a battle when it doesn't affect him directly
shotgun chess! Kill them in the right order or else
doesn't really like chess because some guy can memorize board positions and guess what you'll do
DOES like memorizing chemical bonds
decides he wants the aliens to win these fights
"thank you, oh dark ones, i pay homage"
deeply panicked about the explosive-small pipe situation. Doesn't want to think that ambush is tbe only use of that pipe
just glad no puns were made
likes that being stuck in this tube more than other places because it's not immediately deadly
ghost noises
he's a ghost with a shotgun!
I'm pretty sure he believes in ghosts and thinks he owes them murder now. He likes having ghosts on his side
"in the shining they let him out to kill his family but that doesn't really apply to me"
he's getting a bit silly with the ghost thing
wonders briefly if HE'S a ghost
random guard gets to join the Freeman Fan Club because the ghosts do not order his death
as always the bouncepads don't work well
jaunty "sir yes sir" to the military radio calling in
hes got time for exploding shit. He'll make time.
less communication is the best communication
very good at aiming the airstrikes
would love an airstrike map for the whole world
glad the military is going to leave him alone now
the HEV doesn't do shit against 50 tons of rock
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kringletheelf04 · 1 year
Rescue mission
(Chapter 12 of two souls entwined in the North Pole)
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Bernard had finally gotten some time to himself. Pouring himself a cup of bubbling green liquid, he sits at the workshops chemist room. Suddenly, curtis rushes in.
"We've got a problem. Santa was at the Miller's, but he's not responding!" Curtis cries.
"What?!" Bernard jumps out of his seat, nearly shattering his mug in the process.
His soulmate was in danger! He could sense it. What it was, he did not know, but he knew it was bad. Laura had to have something to do with this!
"Do you want us to deploy the e.l.f.s., sir?" Curtis asks, bouncing on his heels.
"Absolutely! I'm coming with them!" Bernard quickly threw on his long coat.
"But sir, you're needed here!" Curtis protests.
"My soulmate is out there! In trouble! As their mate I am required to risk anything and everything to keep them safe! Need I remind you, keeper of the handbook?!" Bernard fights back and Curtis throws his hands up in defense.
"I guess I could take over for you, while you're gone." Curtis suggests.
"As much as I don't want to do that, you'll have to." Bernard rushes off, leaving a concerned Curtis behind.
Rushing to the E.L.F.S department, Bernard curses himself. If only he had gone with,none of this would have happened. If only he didn't agreed to Charlie tagging along, even if he had some good ideas. It was way too risky for him to do. But he couldn't just say no to his soulmates brother.
Making his way to the department, he slams open the door. Several elves jump and one falls out of their seat.
"Santa and the spirit of Christmas are in danger!" Bernard tells them.
"On our way sir!" The head of the department, an elf named Kenny, declares as all of them put on their jet packs.
"I'm coming with you guys." Bernard states, stepping forward slightly.
"If you say so, sir!" Kenny agrees.
Joining hands, they all disappear into a cloud of glitter. They appear on top of Charlie's roof.
As this is happening, a rather different performance is being drawn out in the holding cell with you and Scott.
"Look, I know you're Scott Calvin. You know you're Scott Calvin and (y/n) Calvin. So let's make this simple.  I say, names. You say, Scott Calvin and (y/n) Calvin. " The police officer pressures.
"Name?" He asks Scott.
"Kriss Kringle." Scott says smugly.
"Name?" He turns to you. 
"Christmas cheer." You protest.
"Name." He forces.
"Spirit of Christmas past, present, and future." You push.
"Name?" He asks for a third time, getting frustrated.
"Holiday joy. Festive cheer. Holiday blessings. Yuletide spirit. Festive joy. Joyous Noel.  Christmas spirit." You rattle off, laughing.
"Okay, Calvins. Maybe a couple of hours in the tank will change your mind." The officer growls and stomps out of the room.
Scott turns to you.
"It'll be ok honey," He smiles sadly.
You nod and blink away stray tears.
Meanwhile Bernard and the E.L.F.S. are preparing to rescue Charlie. They land on Charlie's roof where he is sitting.
"Charlie!" Bernard says to catch his attention.
Charlie turns his head and his eyes light up. Rushing over to Bernard he hugs his leg.
"Oh Bernard! They detained (y/n) and dad! They don't believe he's Santa! They think he kidnapped me!" Charlie sobs.
"Don't worry sport. We're here to rescue them." Bernard pats Charlie's head.
"We can't. The police are watching this place." Charlie looks at him.
"Yeah, they probably are. But you see, we weren't figuring on walking out the front door. We find that we can get around a lot faster if we fly. Now... grab hold of my hand. And hold on tight." Bernard presents his hand and Charlie grabs it.
"And Charlie," Bernard starts.
"Yeah?" Charlie inquires.
"Don't ever try this without elf supervision." He finishes.
I'm a split second they are flying through the air. It takes little time to end up at the police station. Landing, they walk into the station.
"We're looking for Santa Claus." Bernard steps forward.
"Go home, kids. Visiting hours are over." The security guard scoffs.
"We're not kids, and we're not visiting." Bernard presses.
"We're here to bust out my dad." Charlie chimes in.
"You're the Calvin boy. Who-- Who are these other kids?" The security guard stutters.
"We're your worst nightmare. Elves with attitude." Kenny glares.
In a split second the guard is tied to his chair with tinsel, unable to move.
"Shouldn't have had that doughnut. Oh! Untie me! I mean it! Untie—" The guard starts but they walk away.
Finding the holding cell was easy, getting them out might be a bit of a challenge though. Fiddling in his bag, Bernard pulls out an exact copy of the room key.
"Charlie!" "Bernard!" Both you and your dad cry out.
Bernard rushes over to where you are handcuffed to the table and with one touch, the handcuffs break off of you both. Throwing yourself into his arms you sniffle.
"You're really here!" You cry.
"You think I'd let you stay here snowbird?" He caresses your face.
"Never!" You pull him into a quick kiss.
"How'd you distract the guard?" Scott asks.
"Tinsel. Not just for decoration." Kenny places his hands on his hips.
"We gotta get you back sport." You tell Charlie.
He pouts, but eventually nods his head. They all clasp hands and teleport out of the holding cell. Landing at Charlie's house, Charlie opens the door. The ELFS dissipate back to the North Pole leaving Charlie, Scott, and you standing there. You look around for Bernard, but he's nowhere to be found. Sighing you stints the house after Charlie and your dad.
"Mom! Neil! I'm home!" He calls out.
Laura runs in from around the corner and Neil is close behind her. She scoops Charlie into a tight hug.
"Oh! My boy, you're home!" She cries.
"I'm fine, Mom." He says.
"Oh, Charlie. I missed you, honey." She hugs him tighter.
"Mom, I'm fine. It's okay." He reassure her.
"We were so worried about you. Look at you." She gives him a look over.
"Mom, put me down. Stop kissing me!" He pouts.
"We don't have a lot of time Charlie." You say, tapping your imaginary watch.
"Did you leave the gifts I made under the tree?" Charlie asks you.
"You bet we did sport!" You ruffle his hair.
"We better go!" Charlie gets loose from Laura.
"No, Charlie. No, no, no." Your dad stops him.
"No! No, wait, Charlie." Laura calls after him.
"It's ok Laura," You say.
"Actually I- I think its a much better idea" Your dad starts.
"That you stay here with your mom and Neil." You finish.
"But dad, (y/n)!" Charlie pouts.
"No buts, Charlie" dad shushes him.
"We can't be selfish. We can't be with you all the time." You start.
"We're a family. You, me , your mom, your sibling, and Neil." Your dad says.
"And they need to be with you too." You kneel down to him.
"I'll miss you too much." He mopes.
"Come on, listen. There's-- There's a lot of kids out there. Okay? Millions of kids. And they're-- They all-- They all believe in us. They're countin' on us, Charlie. And I-I'm not gonna let them down. We got a lot of work to do." Your dad explains.
"So I can't be selfish either." Charlie says through tears.
"You gave us a wonderful gift, Charlie. Listen, a wonderful gift. You believed in us when nobody else did. You helped make us what we are. Selfish! You're the least selfish person I know." You say, smooshing Charlie into a hug from you and your dad.
"I love you Santa Claus and Christmas spirit!" Charlie sobs out.
"I love you son." Your dad validate his emotions.
"I love you Charlie!" You confirm.
Charlie sobs and your dad gently shushes him. You turn to Laura.
"Yea what do you think? Christmas Eve you spend with Charlie?" You suggest.
"Oh my god!" She says in a hushed whisper, covering her mouth with her hands.
"It's you! It really is you!you really are... Santa Claus and the spirit of Christmas!" She smiles.
"Pretty cool, huh?" Your dad asks rhetorically.
"Oh, my God." Neil sighs.
"And you though I'd never amount to anything." You joke.
Standing up, you both ready yourselves for delivering gifts.
"Wait, don't go yet. I have something for you." Laura says, quickly running out of the room
"Scott." Neil says plainly.
"Neil." He nods back.
Neil steps forward and his eye widen.
"Santa?" He asks, childlike wonder dripping off of his voice.
"It’s ok Neil." Your dad reassures.
Neil steps away, turning around and placing his hands on his head in disbelief. Laura comes walking in with a folder in her hand.
"Here. It's... well it's... it's my Christmas present for you. It's the custody papers." She says setting the folder in the roaring fireplace.
"And I want you two to see Charlie as often as you can." She says softly while picking up Charlie.
"You can count on it," You smile.
"Thanks Laura." Your dad beams.
"Merry Christmas." You grin.
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iskdndjxos · 9 months
I was writing this on Wattpad but I think this is the home for it if I’m going to continue.
Next x first girl grader series… I have so lovingly titled “Subject: A5-2”
Chapter 1
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I woke up gasping for air. Adrenaline pumped rapidly through my bloodstream. My eyes darted around desperate to asses danger but they only stared into a void of black. Where am I? My head pounded but it didn't drown out the sound of metal screeching. My hands felt around frantically. A cage? The palm of my hand caught on what I think was a bolt. I yelped out in pain and held my hand close to my chest. What was happening? My breath became shallow as more questions set in. Who am I? The sounds of screeching metal sent my overwhelmed brain over the edge. What's my name? Why can't I remember anything? Was I in some kind of accident? "Help!" I screamed. My voice was hoarse already. "Somebody help me!"
Whatever I was in was moving up at a pace as rapid as my thoughts.
Giving in to the panic I started to sob and went to burry my face in my hands. Opening my palm caused another ripple of pain. I realized what I assume to be blood soaked my hand. "Damnit"
I rotated screaming and sobbing for what felt like hours. Till finally, the cage stopped moving. My body jerked with it. I stood quickly and felt along the fence like walls. If this was an elevator, there would surely be a door. I walked the whole perimeter and found nothing.  Just then a loud clank scared me back to a corner. Suddenly a white stripe appeared above my head. Then the roof of the box pulled open quickly. The brilliance of the sun was like daggers in my eyes. This and sheer terror, made me curl up tighter into my corner.
Words cannot explain the speed at which my mind ran. Evaluating every sound I heard. Voices. People. If I have to fight they have the upper ground. I'm at their mercy. Two faces silhouetted by the sun grew close to me.
" It's.... a girl."an accented voice said.
A brief silence left me in anticipation. Then came whistling. Cat calls. What? I was too focused on the voice I had heard though.  Something about it itched my brain. I've heard it before. My confusion grew with my fear. As my eyes finally adjusted a few of my questions were answered.
A mob of teenage boys stood above me. I scanned everyone of them. The two faces that had jumped into the cage with me came into focus. One had strange eyebrows and looked at me like a meal. The other had sharp features, yet a soft composure. Something in his honey eyes made me curious. I snapped out of it as more calls came about. Some calling dibs others exclaimed what they would like to do with me. My breath hitched in my throat and I analyzed how I would escape.
"Would you all bloody slim it!"
The crowd went silent.
The blonde boys demeanor went soft as he looked at me again.
"Gally.... go get Alby"
The boy who I guess was Gally climbed out of the box and ran off. "It's alright darling I won't hurt you."
His voice comforted me but I couldn't let my guard down.
"Could you tell me anything about yourself?"
I stayed silent.
"....your name?"
I looked away from him.
"It's alright, it'll come back to you soon."
I looked back at him as tears welled in my eyes. I felt so exposed.
Just then from a distance a brooding deep voice sounded.
"Y'all better not be shucking with me! Why the klunk would they send up a girl?"
I locked eyes with a muscular dark skinned boy as he approached. His face however quickly went pale.
"Get back to work! All of you, now!"
Several grunts were heard but the crowd cleared.
About six boys were left staring at me.
"Let's get you out of here huh?" The blonde boy said extending a hand. I didn't take it.
"Right, sorry, I'm Newt."
Common sense screamed not to trust him, but something in me overrode it. I grabbed his hand with my good one and climbed out of the box. My jaw fell to the floor when I saw that I was surrounded by giant stone walls.
"What the fuck?" Was the first sentence I spoke in my new home.
The dark skinned boy walked closer to me as did the other boy's.
"Name's Alby, I'm in charge around here."
I couldn't focus on what he was saying. My eyes scanned the walls and found an entrance. In my case, an exit.
"Hey! Are you even listening to me?" He tapped my shoulder to get my attention. My adrenaline kicked in and I knew I had to run.
I sprinted as fast as I could towards the opening in the walls. Unfortunately, a certain 6 foot something boy was a lot faster. About halfway there I was tackled to the ground. Staring down at me was Gally. A sick look of anger was plastered on his face.
"Nice try Greenie."
I squirmed under him till I resorted to kneeing him in the groin. He stumbled over in pain letting me escape. At this point two other boys were on my heels. They all screamed at me to stop. Just as I reached the doors, I collided head on with someone. I fell to the ground and he stayed standing.
"Grab her!" Someone yelled to him. He did just that hugging me to his chest. I was trapped now, that didn't stop my from struggling though.
"Damn greenie relax!" The boy holding me stated. The rest of the boys caught up with Newt still a bit behind.
"Let me go!" I yelled still struggling.
"Throw her in the pit!" Alby shouted.
Suddenly the boy holding me threw me over his shoulder. I continued to scream and scratch at his back. In a faint voice I heard Newt criticizing Alby for his choice. With all my hope lost I finally relaxed.
"Sorry about this Greenie, I'm minho by the way." He turned his beard to talk to me while walking me to whatever "the pit" was.
"Fuck off."
"Sheesh, ok I get it"
"Your really sweaty."
"Really? I hadn't noticed" his sarcasm hurt more than his tight grip.
"Where are you taking me?"
"To the pit."
I rolled my eyes so far into my head I could've seen my brain. No one wants to answer my questions.
"What's the-"I screamed as I was tossed to the ground. I looked up to see a makeshift bamboo door and Minho looking down at me.
"Ohh sorry about that greenie, you alright?"
"Terrific" I said pushing myself off the ground.
As he closed the door Newt came up behind him.
"Alby wants you for a gathering right away"
"God can't I get two seconds to relax." Minho responded.
"Not today mate." Newt said slapping him on the back.
He leaned over and locked eyes with me, an apologetic look crossed his face. Then they left me alone in the pit.
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Imagine being there for one of Kaidou's unaliving attempts
Trigger warnings: Kaidou trying to unalive himself, he doesn't succeed
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Kaidou: *drunk on the roof of skull dome* I'm gonna jump!
King: Kaidou-sama, please get down from there
you: *cups your hands over your mouth and yells* do a flip!
King: *glances over at you for having the audacity*
You: what? This is an almost weekly occurrence, plus it's not like he can actually die.
King: *rolls his eyes* Sir, please get down from there!
Kaidou: *sobs as he does a flip off the roof and lands on a small storage room caving in the roof*
King: oh god! *runs over to the storage room* Sir!
Kaidou: *groans*
You: you good, buddy?
Kaidou: *sits up and glowers* why didn't it work?
You: *shrugs*
Kaidou: did my flip look cool?
King: it was magnificent sir, now let's get you to the infirmary.
Kaidou: I'm gonna try again *tries to get to his feet*
You: uh no you're not, Onigashima can't take any more caved in rooves. You've destroyed three this week alone, our carpenters can't take it. Just go to bed.
Kaidou: I'll do that, I'll just take a nap right here *slams his head against the pile of splinters that was the roof and starts snoring.*
King: *lets out a long-suffering sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose* I'll go get Queen and Jack to help me move him.
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Author's note: I didn't really know what to d with this
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snapeslittlebean · 10 months
CG Snape and Boy Little
First person POV
Word Count: 1623
Snape has brought a student who previously had a bad home life into his home over the summer. What does he do when he regresses to a tiny age?
(TW? Implication of trauma though literally no details are mentioned just that character has had trauma)
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Professor Snape has already done so much for me. I cant have him finding me like this. A whine escapes me as I try to force the fuzzy feeling from my mind. I want to cry.
He's already taken me in, given me a roof over my head and allowed me to eat his food. He won't want to deal with me being a baby too. I can tell if I let it this will be a very young regression. My reward for fending it off for so long.
I'd managed to hide it at school, retreating to abandoned classrooms whenever this happened. Even if that often meant in small bruises from trying to get into things I probably shouldn't have or sobbing in a mess on the floor because being alone when so little is quite scary sometimes.
The stairs creak and I wince. That'll be Snape coming to tell me to come down for dinner. I hope he's not too mad I didn’t turn up on my own.
The soft knock makes me jump even though I was expecting it. "Dinner is served."
I wince, his voice holds that sarcastic edge to it that tells me he’s a more than a little annoyed at having to walk up the stairs to call me. When I don’t respond he knocks again calling my name.
I bite my lip. There’s nothing for it, if I cant force myself to be big ill just habe to pretend to be until I can get back to my room. Standing poses a little trouble, I stumble, knocking my alarm clock from the bedside table.
"Are you alright in there?" Snape sounds concerned now. I nod but then remember he can’t see me.
"I... I'm ok." I say relieved it doesn't sound too babyish. Quickly I waddle over to the door, taking a moment to practice walking like a big boy. Then I open it, peeking around the edge up at him. .
Snape peers down at me, a suspicious expression on his face. His eyebrows furrow as he takes a step back allowing me to exit the room. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
I nod, stepping into the hallway, hoping my shaking hands aren’t too noticeable. He gives me a long look then turns his head indicating I should lead. I gulp, pushing down the childish urge to just hold my arms up and ask to be carried. He'd definitely know something was up then.
The stairs are steep, I find myself gripping the banister, afraid I'll lose balance and fall. If my decent is slower than usual Snape doesn't comment, only catching my shoulder when I stumble stopping me from tumbling down the last few steps.
On unsteady legs I make my way to the kitchen, wishing I had something to hold on to like on the stairs. All the while I can feel Snape's eyes burning into the back of my skull.
My heart drops when I spot the food laid out on the table. How am I supposed to eat that when I'm so small?
I sit anyway, staring at the plate nervously. Snape sits opposite me, I know he's watching me. "Aren't you hungry?"
It would be safer to say no and leave it at that but I know that wouldn't excuse me from the meal. Snape wants me to eat three meals a day even if they're small. He’d only tell me to eat what I can.
Besides I am hungry. I try to ignore the part of my brain that reminds me I'd rather have a nice bottle and a nap. That's a babyish thing to want and I’m not a baby. My eyes burn, no no I'm not going to cry.
I pick up my knife and fork, they don't fit very well on my hands. How am i supposed to do this again? I hold the end of the knife stabbing at the meat in hopes of cutting it.
Snape is still watching, he's only taken a couple of bites from his own dinner. He frowns watching my struggle and lowers his cutlery to his plate.
Then he does something entirely unexpected. He reaches across the table, taking my knife and fork from me gently and begins cutting up my food without a word.
I sit rigidly, waiting for the scolding I'm sure will ensue. But he only gives me a raised eyebrow when I meet his eyes. I hope I don't look as close to tears as I am.
Eating is a bit easier after that. Every time I try to cut up more of my food Snape stops me, taking over for me so I don't have to. He doesn't try to make conversation and I'm glad of that, he rarely wants to talk at meal times.
By the time my plate is empty I'm feeling pleasantly full and very sleepy. My eyes are already drooping, I rub them in an attempt to keep them open.
"Looks like you need an early night."
"Mmm." I'm too tired to use big boy words. The thought of traversing the distance back to bed is exhausting.
I barely notice when Snape stands, walking around the table and crouching down in front of me. I frown wondering what he’s doing.
"What's going on with you child? Are you ill?"
I shake my head. I don't think I could tell him even if I wanted too. He cant find out about this. Surely he won't want me living with him if he knew. Tears well up in my eyes, my lip wobbles. Oh no... Oh no.
A sob escapes me. Snape's eyes widen for a moment he looked like he didn't know what to do. Then his hand comes up to rub my arm.
"What's brought this on?" He sounded genuinely confused. I shake my head again aware that my cries are sounding more and more baby like.
I wail when the comforting hand is removed but its quickly replaced with strong arms lifting me up. The next thing I know Snape is sitting in my char and settling me into his lap, a hand cradling the back of my head. "Shhh, its alright, you're alright."
He rocks from side to side slowly. Continuing to murmur soft reassurances. The way someone might do to a real baby. Embarrassingly it's working, my wails subsiding into sniffles and hiccups. My fingers find their way to my mouth.
Snape pauses, running his fingers through my hair, pulling it from my face. I avoid looking at him, instead finding my eyes drawn to the shiny, black buttons down his front. Without much thought on my part my free hand reaches for one, playing with it absent-mindedly.
"How old are you right now?" The question is asked softly and without judgement. I whine anyway because I don't want to be little right now. Surely he'll leave me if he knows.
I'm not a baby I try to tell him but it only comes out in incomprehensible babbles. I squirm in frustration babbling more nonsense up at him.
A very small smile appears on his lips. Wait, why was he smiling? "Perhaps too young to tell me hm?"
I can feel tears forming again. He quickly shushes me when I whimper, resuming the ridiculously soothing rocking movement from before.
"It's alright little one. There's nothing to be ashamed of. This is just an understandable reaction to trauma," I don't quite understand what he’s saying but the steady rhythm of his voice accompanied by the slow rocking has my cries quietening, “I have suspected this may be the case for a while, though I was hoping to avoid this situation before you’d told me yourself. Still I suppose it cannot be helped.”
"You must be thirsty after all that," Snape noted thoughtfully, he drew his wand summoning a glass of what looked like pumpkin juice. I watch it float towards his outstretched hand with interest. He then waves his wand again muttering a spell of some sort and the glass changes shape forming a lid and....
"Bud! Bud!" I reach out for the bottle making grabby hands at it. Somewhere in the back of my mind I know I shouldn't be acting like this.
"I know," Snape says putting his wand away, "lets move somewhere more comfortable then shall we?"
I whinge, was he not going to get me have the bottle. I'm being lifted again, carried somewhere new. The bottle floats next to me, just out of reach. I babble, reaching for it only to be shushed whenever my babbles turn into whines.
When Snape sits again I realise where he's taken me. The book lined walls can only mean this is the living room. I only have a moment to look around before I'm gently moved so my head is resting in his elbow. I reach for the bottle that hovers above me but Snape takes it before I can grab it.
Why was he not letting me have it? I whine, my face screwing up as I wriggle in the surprising comfortable hold.
"Hush little one there you go." The bottle is pressed against my lips and I instinctively start suckling. This is just what my dry throat needs. Slowly I open my eyes staring up at Snape who watches me with a thoughtful expression.
I'm too tired and foggy to contemplate what that might mean. My eyelids droop and this time I let them fall shut.
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antique-ann · 1 year
A One-Shot of A Dream I Had..
Chayanne and Tallulah were back at Wilbur's playing in the tree house. Chayanne was jumping around doing water bucket clutches from the patio, while Tallulah was reading the books Phil had put in the tree house. They were waiting on Phil to come back from getting some materials so they can go on an adventure today.
"Tallulah... oh Tallulah... Don't be afraid we're just here to visit!" they heard call out from below the tree. Two strangers were approaching the tree in search for them. They noticed Chayanne as he climbed up the tree house to protect Tallulah, sword in hand ready to battle. Tallulah dropped her book and hid behind Chayanne.
The strangers started climbing up the tree and Chayanne immediately urged Tallulah to the patio, and he jumped to the ground, water bucket clutching. He left the water on the ground and screamed "Tallulah! Jump! Jump!" Tallulah without hesitation, jump into the water below.
They both ran towards to waypoint as fast as their little legs could, but when they got to the waypoint, they were surround by the strangers. Chayanne body blocked Tallulah from them and whispered, "When I say go, take the waypoint back to abuelo's. Get help." Tallulah didn't want to leave her favourite tio behind, but she knew they needed help and nodded.
"There you are little Tallulah..." one of the strangers hissed, his eyes narrowed at the eggs with a hint of crazy. "Give her to us... we just wanted to see her real face... they said if we cracked her open and see her real face... we would become gods of the island..." they continued as they slowly crept their way closer to the two eggs, cornering them.
Chayanne gripped his sword tighter from fury, the whole time keeping his eyes on the strangers for sudden movements. "GO TALLULAH GO." Chayanne screamed, and Tallulah took the waypoint. The last thing she saw was Chayanne fighting off the now angry strangers with his life.
"ABUELO! ABUELO!" Tallulah called out, panic and fear running through her veins as she ran around the top of the wall looking for Phil. Phil had heard the pop of the waypoint and appeared around his stack of chest by his dirt roofed house. "Tallulah? What's wrong?" he rushed to her as she flung herself into her abuelo's arms. "Tio... danger... strangers..." she sobbed into his chest.
In a blink, she was in Chayanne's room with Phil by the door. "Stay here. I'm getting Chayanne home. I promise." He gave a little peck on her head before closing the door. The last thing Tallulah heard were the sound of crows cawing and fluttering away in unison and the pop of the waypoint.
Chayanne was fighting off the strangers with everything he had. Putting in crits and blocking hits with his shield like how Phil had taught him, but he was slowly losing his strength. "YOU SHIT EGG. WHERE HAS SHE GONE?!" the strangers demanded angrily. Chayanne placed another good hit to one of the stranger’s ribs with the hilt of his sword, a small crack sounded.
Chayanne, out of breath and huffing, was about to give in when suddenly he heard a pop from the waypoint. All of them paused in their tracks and turned to look, to find a man with pitch black wings spread open, pointed high, surrounded with a threatening and commanding aura. "LEAVE. MY CHILD. ALONE." Phil glared at the strangers with piercing blue eyes filled with rage and the promise of death.
Normally, people would have cowered in fear or run away with their tails tucked between their legs. For Chayanne, it was the first time he saw his gentle and funny dad that angry, and he stared in awe and admiration at the beauty and terror that is the Angel of Death himself. Chayanne decided in that second that he will become just like his dad.
"Chayanne. Come." Phil called out and Chayanne sprinted to his dad. Phil caught Chayanne in his arms and carried him, holding him close. Even with rage pumping through Phil's veins, his hold was gentle and full of love. Chayanne snuggled into his shoulder. Suddenly, the sky turned dark, as dark as the void. Behind Phil and Chayanne was the sound of wings fluttering, and a murder of crows cawing loudly.
Chayanne watched as Phil lifted his sword and slowly pointed it towards the two strangers. The crows dived past Phil and Chayanne towards the strangers, and all Chayanne could see was black feathers swarming and consuming the strangers into the darkness. Phil placed Chayanne down and nodded towards the waypoint. Chayanne placed his hand on the waypoint and teleported, the last sound he heard were the tortured cries of the strangers.
On the other side of the waypoint, Tallulah paced around anxiously, she tried playing her flute to calm down, but it didn't work. She was about to throw her flute onto the ground out of frustration when suddenly two pops from the waypoint reached her ears. Phil opened the door and Tallulah rushed out to greet her tio with a tight hug, let out a sigh of relief. "You're okay!" she exclaimed.
Tallulah clung to Chayanne like her life depended on it. "I wished I was stronger; I could have helped." she whispered sadly as the weight of the stressed sunk into her shell. She felt a hand giving her soothing pats. "You did Tallulah! You got abuelo to help! If you didn’t, I don't know what would have happened." Chayanne pointed out. "I helped...? Tallulah looked up at Phil and Chayanne with tears in her eyes. "You did sweet child." Phil assured as he carried both Chayanne and Tallulah into his arms.
"The strangers wanted to crack Tallulah open." Chayanne voiced out. "They said they would become gods of the island if they saw my real face." Tallulah chimed in. Phil frowned. "The fuck? That’s bullshit. Someone is probably trying to kill the surviving eggs again by spreading rumours. This island is fucked up!" he thought out loud. "Don't worry. I will protect you with my life and I'll punt the fucker who made up that rumour." Phil promised and the two eggs nodded.
He carried them into Chayanne's room and sat on the bed. "You both have been really, really brave today. I'm so proud of you." He hugged them close. Chayanne and Tallulah looked at each other, safe and sound, being smothered in love, and they cried.
They held each other as they let it all out, Phil snuggled them close and shielded them from the world with his wings. They stayed like that until they all fell asleep, which was how Wilbur found them when he came home.
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milarqui · 1 year
Scarlet Lady: Syren
Directory | Captain Hardrock
“Nadja Chamack here, flying above Paris. Animals have escaped the zoo and are flooding the streets!” the reporter said, while two large gorillas jumped between roofs behind her, before the camera turned to two people dressed in outfits that hid their identity. “But Chat Noir and the new hero, Marigold, are already on the scene! Scarlet Lady is noticeably absent.”
As the camera kept filming, the two gorillas were led into a trap and fell into a jail.
“They're doing what they can to round the animals up!” Nadja continued.
They just escaped? the three swimmers watching the news from the side of the pool, wondering how that could have happened.
One of them turned to the girl next to him.
“Hey, you think super heroes come from a mega secret training center?!” the boy asked, eager.
The girl smiled and took off her bracelet.
“Dunno. Wanna know my secret?” she said, putting a piece of paper she had already written into the bracelet's capsule.
“Yeah! I love this game!” he replied, and she threw the bracelet into the pool.
The boy dived behind it and quickly grabbed the bracelet before going back and breaking out of the surface. Opening the capsule, he read the note.
“'I'm super in love with a boy who doesn't suspect anything',” he read out loud, while the girl blushed, smiling and hoping he would get it. “Haha! That guy sounds like an idiot!”
He hadn't.
You're not wrong, Ondine thought, wishing she knew what would get through Kim's skull to get it.
“I'll be more direct,” she muttered, writing down something that even Kim would get –
“AH! Oh no, the movies!”
Shocked, Ondine turned around and saw Kim was already putting on his clothes over his swimming gear.
“I gotta go!” he exclaimed.
“But–! We didn't finish!” Ondine cried out, seeing her chance of finally confessing slipping through her fingers.
“Sorry, the whole class is going and Max bought my ticket!” Kim said as he put on his shirt. “Everyone's going, even Chloé, so I can't make them wait!”
“Kim...” she said. She wanted to say I love you! at the top of her lungs. But the words... they were stuck in her throat. Not just because of how she felt unable to confess.
But also because of who he had mentioned.
Kim turned around and began to run. She had one chance to say it.
“At least take off the swim cap!”
And she blew it.
She watched Kim leave the pool, and she turned back to the note she had wanted to use to confess. A heart, with her prince's name inside, and an 'I love you' underneath.
“I don't understand... she's so mean! But maybe she likes her assertiveness...” she said, trying to understand how Kim could like that girl. “She's vain. Or maybe just girly. And she's arrogant! But I guess that means she's confident.”
She couldn't hold them anymore. She hugged the note, as her tears began to fall off her eyes, unbidden.
“Either way, she's the opposite of me!” she sobbed, as she felt the crushing pain of rejection. Kim may not have actually said he didn't like her... but it was as if he had. “Do you really like that type of girl?!”
“I hope Chloé doesn't come, though, she's such a pain,” Kim muttered as he ran for the cinema.
He felt like he had forgot to do something, but he shook his head. Movies awaited!
“Oooo, I sense someone having a bad day,” Hawkmoth crowed, delighting in yet again taking advantage of someone's pain. “Sure would be a shame if someone made it 10 times worse.”
Conscience? What was that?
The two panthers were prowling the blacktop, looking left and right for possible prey, when the prey landed in front of them. The panthers looked curiously at the almost mouse-like prey, black with yellow stripes, as it crawled away from them, clearly having realized it was in the presence of predators.
The large felines prowled, ready to pounce on the skittering prey. It may be small prey, but it was still prey, and they were feeling quite peckish.
So concentrated they were on the prey, that they didn't notice that it was leading them somewhere like the jail they had escaped earlier that day.
It wasn't until the prey suddenly jumped up, far faster than they could react, that they realized it was not prey, but bait.
And then the doors closed behind them.
“They've done it! All the animals are safely captured!”
“Shouldn't you have helped them?”
She was going through the motions now.
“That's grunt work. Not glamerous at all.”
Not like pushing her to act would work at all.
The camera then approached the heroes, who were talking with each other.
“Chat Noir! Do you have a moment?” the reporter asked, and Chat Noir turned around, smiling.
“Uh, sure!”
“Paris has noticed that you seem much more upbeat and approachable! What do you attribute to this change?”
“Oh, that's easy!” And then he pulled a blushing Marigold closer to him. “I have an amazing partner I can rely on!”
“How dare he do an interview without me?! Spots On!”
Yeah, because that is what's important, Tikki sarcastically thought before she became absorbed into the earrings.
“Bien Joué!” they said, celebrating their success.
They looked to the side, where Scar stood, clearly angry. Not that it wasn't uncommon.
“How could you?! Going on TV without me?! You didn't even call! How could you keep this from me?!”
Both heroes sighed.
“Didn't you just say you saw us on TV?” Chat Noir pointed out.
“How many other secrets are you keeping from me?!” Scar shouted, ignoring the question. “I bet you know where the new-bee got her Miraculous!”
“I do, actually.”
Marigold and Scar turned to him.
“Really?” Marigold asked.
“But I'll never tell you, Scar!” Chat Noir replied, sticking his tongue at Scar.
“You mangy cat!” Scar shouted, throwing a temper tantrum, while he and Marigold spoke.
“Hey, was that true?” Marigold asked.
“Honestly, I only know, like, one thing that she doesn't.”
Then Chat Noir's smile turned more predatory.
“But she doesn't know that.”
Marigold felt her respect for him lower just a bit.
“You can be pretty childish when you want to,” she noted.
“S'what happens when you deal with a child.”
The silence of the pool was only broken by the sound of his mop as it slid over the tiles. Everyone was gone for the day, and all it rested was to make sure everything was in place for the next day.
Then he looked around, and realized that not everyone was gone. There, at the other side of the pool, was sitting a young girl, still wearing her swimsuit and cap. And, from what he could see... the poor girl was crying.
He swore he could even see the tears dropping down her chin.
He wished he could do something to console the child, but he didn't know her, and he wasn't certain if his intervention would be welcome. He made a note to ask someone at the office to either keep an eye on her or call someone for a relative.
But then he saw something else.
A black butterfly.
In the past months, every Parisian had learned to keep an eye on them. Thanks to Paris' heroes, it was known that they were the means Hawkmoth used to transform people into Akumas – and they always came for people that were sad, or angry, or disturbed enough to attract the villain's attention.
And the butterfly was flying to the young girl.
In the silence that had suddenly fallen in the pool, he began to run. He would be too late to shake the girl off. Given the location, he knew the most likely thing to happen was that this Akuma was going to be water-themed.
He had to run away. Warn someone. Do something.
Even as he made his way to the gates, he kept yelling out about the Akuma.
Even as he ran through the last corridor, he heard the rush of water coming for him. For everyone.
He didn't reach the door in time.
Max observed as Kim ran up to him and Alya. He noticed that he still had some gear for swimming, so he could surmise that he hadn't realized the time while he was in the pool. Checking his watch, he looked up to his friend.
“You're 3 minutes and 37 seconds late. But so are Adrien and Marinette.”
“Adrien I get, but Marinette?” Kim asked. Max also could tell that Marinette being late was a bit of an anomaly – save for first hour at collège, she was usually on time everywhere. However, he believed she might have simply lost track of time with one of her projects.
“She probably got caught up in the zoo outbreak,” Alya said, and he admitted that it was a likelier assumption. “Dad was freaking out.”
“I'M HERE!” Marinette shouted, stopping right next to Kim, and panting from exertion. “A-Am I last?”
“Besides Adrien,” Alya replied. “You know what that means.”
The four of them threw their hands into the air and cheered.
Chloé, as was usual of her, was now throwing a tantrum over some little thing or another – which she had had coming, even if she would never be willing to admit it.
“Can you believe those stupid jerks, keeping secrets from their glorious leader, who do that dumb Fools-gold and Alley Cat think they are!?” she complained.
Tikki would have pointed out that she hadn't earned the right to knowing, given how she'd only really help once in a blue moon, but as she knew Chloé wouldn't listen to anything that contradicted her world view, she didn't bother.
Then she took a glance at the clock, and realized the time.
I could remind her she's going to miss the movie, buuuuut...
Yeah, better keep her away from the others. That way only laid madness and potential akumas.
The people in front of the Pontoise Swimming Pool were suddenly shocked when water began to filter through the cracks around its gates, flooding the pavement.
That became academic when the doors opened, and a torrent of water began to cover the entire street.
Adrien opened the door, entering into Fu's masseuse shop.
“You called me, Master Fu? I can't stay for long,” he said: he was going to be a bit late for the movies, but if this was done soon, he'd be able to catch up with the others.
“Ah, yes, Adrien. I need your assistance,” Fu replied, waving him to the backroom, but he put a hand up when Wayzz and Plagg made to follow. “Kwamis can't know the power of recipes. What if you were captured like Nooroo?”
Wayzz could understand the point, so he didn't complain when Fu closed the door behind him.
Plagg... he was less understanding.
“I'm gonna break his pots,” he announced. Wayzz was quite alarmed about that.
Meanwhile, in the back, Fu was preparing two cauldrons as he spoke with Adrien.
“So, Adrien, are you getting along with Marigold?”
“Yeah, she's great!” he admitted. He wished he could have had her as a partner from the beginning. “Of course, her arrival is making Scar ask a lot of questions. She really hates being out of the loop.”
The two of them looked at each other... and Fu shrugged.
“Well, sucks for her.”
Adrien laughed.
Unfortunately, the first test of the power-up potions he had found in the Grimoire was a bust.
And a burp.
“I think it needs more salt,” Wayzz complained after letting out some extra air.
“Aw, too bad,” Adrien admitted, before giving one last look to his watch. “Gotta go!”
“Bye,” Fu replied, just as devastated as Wayzz was.
Fortunately, the cinema they were going to was close, so Adrien didn't have to run much to meet them at the gates.
“I'm coming!” he shouted, and Alya and Marinette – the others had to be inside the cinema – waved at him.
As he finally reached them, he panted in exhaustion.
“Sorry, I was–”
“You can explain yourself later!” Alya interrupted, handing him a ticket, but then Marinette saw something.
“AH! We should keep running!” she said, pointing at the water that was quickly covering the street.
“Whoa, would you look at that?” Tikki said, pointing at the growing water level, as it filled Paris' streets.
“Gross,” Chloé said.
“It's definitely an Akuma! Let's go, Chloé!”
“Nah, the extras can get their hair wet, not me.”
Tikki rolled her eyes, but then a certain sight at the other side of the room told her this was not going to go Chloé's way.
“Looks like your hair's getting wet either way,” she said, pointing at the seeping water coming from under the door.
Tikki looked at her with pity. That she would concentrate on that...
Alya wondered what was going through her classmate's mind when he jumped into the water, clothes on, without a care for the temperature. After swimming around for a while, he
“Isn't this great, guys?! C'mon in!” he shouted.
“Kim, no. It's February,” Max, ever the voice of logic, pointed out.
Kim just stuck his tongue at him.
“Bleh, you're no fun.”
Alya would have made a sarcastic comment, but when she saw the fin approaching Kim from behind, it flew out of her mind.
Before Kim could react, something grabbed him and pulled him under the water.
“Hup–!” he said in shock before his head was submerged.
For Alya and her classmates, the shock was no lesser: after all, their small class outing had suddenly turned into a 1970s blockbuster, and they didn't even have a boat!
“What grabbed him, did anyone see?!” Alya asked in panic, before she turned to Adrien...
… who wasn't there.
“Ah! Adrien's gone! Marinette, do you know–” Alya said, turning to her best friend...
… who wasn't there. Either.
“Marinette! Everyone's disappearing! What is happening?!”
This one's going to be hard to explain... they both thought as they faintly heard Alya's scream.
Kim was very thankful for his lung capacity. He was certain that he would have drowned without that.
Fortunately, the cute siren that had pulled him underwater realized that he was running out, and somehow blew a bubble that was larger than his head.
“I found you, Kim! Oh, here, this'll help you breathe!” she said (he didn't pay much attention to the fact that he could somehow understand her even though they were both underwater) and she put the bubble around his head.
“Hey there, landlubbers!”
The teens turned in the direction of the voice, and saw Juleka's mother right next to their improvised platform, standing on a very familiar boat.
“The Liberty is here to the rescue!”
“YAAAAAAY!” they all shouted, and quickly they jumped from the top of the cinema to the large boat.
“Luka, you came!” Juleka said, going after her brother.
“Of course! We headed over as soon as the Seine started overflowing,” he replied, before he began to look around. “So, uh... where's Marinette?”
“She went off on her own to get help.”
“Oh.” He sighed, disappointed.
Juleka gave Luka a half-serious glare.
“Gee, thanks for your concern.”
Having managed to find a place where she could transform, Marigold began to swim in the direction where Kim had been taken, and saw him in the company of what had to be the Akuma – and she knew this one.
“Wow! I can breathe underwater!” Kim said, from beneath a 'helmet' that was pretty much a large bubble around his head.
“I knew you'd like it!” the akumatized Ondine replied. “And I have even more surprises!”
She had heard enough (and chose not to ponder on how that was possible at all), so she threw her spinning top and hooked the string around Kim's ankle.
And then she pulled him up with her.
“Kim!” the Akuma said, before turning her glare to Marigold. “GIVE ME BACK MY PRINCE!”
Marigold felt a shudder.
Please use any other nickname! she mentally begged. She had better things to do than to deal with another Scarlet!
“Marigold!” Chat Noir exclaimed, quickly jumping between the few buildings that had yet to sink, and catching his partner mid-air.
As she coughed out some water, he smiled down at her.
“Bold strategy, but you know bees can't swim!”
“Ha, ha,” she weakly laughed, which he counted as a success.
“HELLOOOO!” It was the usual suspect, and he turned to her, waiting to see what excuse she would make now. “My room is covered in fish water because you're too slow! Would you deal with this already?!”
Chat Noir just looked at Scar for a few seconds, before turning away.
“C'mon, Goldie, I know where to get help.”
“HEY! Don't ignore me!” Scar yelled.
They ignored her.
Fu felt lucky that his shop was far enough from the Seine that it wasn't suffering from the sudden flooding, but he knew that could change at any point. Nonetheless, he remained in place: in the current circumstances, the secrets he had divined from the Grimoire would be the only way for the heroes to succeed.
“Master Fu?” Right on cue, Adrien entered the room. “We have a problem.”
“I know. You three can't fight under–”
And when he turned around he saw that not only was Adrien present as Chat Noir... but he had also brought company.
“Ad–! Chat Noir! Why did you bring Marigold?! My identity and location are of the upmost secrecy!” he berated the young man, who looked sheepish.
“Um, well...”
“WHAT?!” Marigold shouted, turning to her partner. “Chat, that's bad! You can't share other people's secrets! What were you thinking?!”
“Yeah, but...” Chat Noir grabbed one of her hands. “You're my friend.”
Marigold lost her worried expression while blushing.
“Good lord.” Fu palmed his face. In this kind of situation, he slightly regretted having given the Bee to Marinette: clearly, her love for Chat Noir was dulling her wit. He grabbed his tablet and checked the page for the potion that would most help them today. “We'll discuss this later, but for now, unless we can decipher what a 'tear of joy' is, I can't help you fight underwater.”
“But that's easy!” Marigold exclaimed, and he looked at her.
“Here: why do you go to bed at night? Because the bed won't come to you!”
It shouldn't have worked. It was a bad joke. But, somehow, that made it hilarious.
“AHAHAHA!” Fu laughed.
“Oh, I get it!” Chat Noir joined in. “Why did the gym close down? It just didn't work out!”
“HAHAHA!” he kept laughing.
“What did the snail yell on the back of a turtle? Woohoo!”
“Stahp!” he begged – and he felt something running down his cheek.
“One 'tear of joy'!” Chat Noir triumphantly exclaimed.
The two sidekicks weren't there. There was nothing she could do. And her home was still underwater.
“This is stupid, I wanna go home,” she complained.
“Not yet, Scar!”
She turned to look at the sidekicks – who were suddenly wearing something that looked like one of those fancy diving suits she had seen in movies.
“Ah–! What's with the look?!” she said, seething, before looking away and crossing her arms. “That's it! You backstabbers and your secrets can deal with the Akuma without me!”
A few seconds of silence passed, and suddenly the mangy cat grabbed her under her arms while the new-bee forced her mouth open and pushed the tip of a bottle in.
“We would if we could, now drink the Aqua Potion!” both of them yelled as she (unwillingly) drank the bottle's contents.
“Don't worry about the weird taste, it's probably nothing,” Marigold added with a smirk.
The siren brought him to the swimming pool where he and Ondine worked out, and somehow, she had assembled the chair and the noodles so they would look like some kind of throne.
“Wow, the pool looks awesome!” he told the siren, who happily swan around him.
“I knew you'd like it! That's why I tried to confess here!” she replied, showing a bracelet on her left arm. “But you didn't really get it.”
A bracelet – he knew that bracelet! He had hunted it down enough times in this very same pool!
“Wait... Ondine?!”
“Heehee,” she giggled. “Yep!”
And then he made the connection. Max always said he was kinda slow... and he had to admit his friend was right.
“But that means I'm that idiot!” he shouted, realizing belatedly that he had insulted himself earlier.
“Sure are!” Ondine said, lovingly, before she swa, to him and put her hands behind his head. “With a kiss from me, we'll be the same! You'll swim just as fast...”
“Sweet!” he said, closing his eyes as he prepared to get his first kiss –
“Not sweet, Kim!”
“Huh?!” Ondine shouted, turning to see Paris' heroes swimming in the water – and all of them sporting new looks.
“Whoa, you look like fish!” Kim exclaimed. “How'd you do that?!”
Elsewhere in Paris, a certain villain looked at the new scene with a glare.
“Not fair,” he complained. No, he was not jealous of how amazing those suits looked. That was slander, and he would sue anyone who claimed so.
Scarlet Lady summoned Lucky Charm while Chat Noir kept the Akuma distracted.
“Car keys? Such a cheap model.”
Marigold paid her no mind, going instead for Kim.
“Hey, what set your friend off?” she asked.
“I accidentally blew off her love confession when we were playing Bracelet Secrets,” he said, worried.
“'Bracelet Secrets'?”
“It's a game Ondine invented!”
Marigold looked at the girl, and saw a bracelet on her wrist.
“That must be where the Akuma is!”
“Hey, wanna hear my secret?” Kim said, and Marigold smiled at him.
“You wanna help some superheroes?”
Kim gasped.
“How'd you know?!”
Syren looked around. Those blasted heroes had taken her Kim from his throne, before she could make him like her!
“Damn you! How dare you take my Prince!” she shouted in anger.
“Hey! Little mermaid!” one of the heroes shouted back, and when she looked in that direction she saw her Kim without a bubble and shaking his arms. “Your Prince is in trouble!”
“KIM!” Syren screamed, swimming towards him as fast as she could, furious with the 'heroes' for not giving him the air he needed. “How heartless! I'll save you, my Prince!”
As she swan through a car whose doors were open, she realized too late that Chat Noir was approaching.
“AN OPENING!” he said, slamming the car with his baton.
Suddenly, the car's airbag blew, so fast that it hit her in the face and pinned her against the car seat.
“HRGH!” she let out, before losing consciousness.
The yo-yo and the baton were ready to pull out the car where the Akuma had been trapped, and now Chat Noir and Scarlet Lady were doing their best to do it.
“Alright, reel her in,” Chat Noir told Scarlet Lady.
“The Cure better dry off my hair,” she complained as she pulled from her yo-yo.
Nearby, Marigold was trying to shake off the water out of her drenched hair, after helping Kim out of the water.
“How you holding up?” she asked.
“Ha!” he laughed. “Max says I'm too dense to let the cold bother me!”
Marigold laughed. It was typical Kim, and kinda adorable as well.
“Actually, I was referring to the fact your friend confessed to you.”
Suddenly, Kim began to blush and covered his mouth.
“Righ. Ondine is in love with me. Wow.”
“Did it just hit you?” she teased, but she couldn't blame him much: all the sequence of events in a rapid succession had probably kept him from reacting to it until he had the time to actually think about it.
The moment Ondine was out of the water, Scarlet Lady cast the Miraculous Cure, which, much to her joy, did dry out her hair – along with the rest of Paris, where the Seine was restored to its normal water level, and those who had been in peril of drowning (or actually had) were returned to their places, in perfect health. Many thanks were given to the heroes for stopping the most dangerous Akuma to appear, so far.
And Ondine... well, it was February, she was in the open, and she was only wearing a swimsuit. Naturally, the poor girl began to shake from the freezing weather.
“Brr! Wha–!” She looked around. The last thing she remembered, she was at the pool, heartbroken over Kim, and now she was atop a building, somewhere close to the river.
“Here, Ondine,” Kim – Kim! - said, taking off his sweatshirt and putting it around her shoulders. “I'll take you back to the pool!”
What had just happened to her?
And the heroes were here, too!
“You know, me and Marigold can get you there faster,” Chat Noir said – impishly, she thought – while Marigold gave them a knowing smirk.
Kim proceeded to grab her in a bridal carry, and glared at the heroes.
“I said I'm taking her! I'm not sharing!” he yelled.
She blushed. She wasn't sure what was going on.
But she was in Kim's arms. She could handle not knowing... particularly if she could milk it for a little more.
With Kim and Ondine returning to the pool – so the girl could warm up in the heated water and retrieve her belongings – Scar turned to face them.
“Okay, sidekicks, fess up already!”
“Whaddya mean?” Chat Noir replied, him and Marigold the perfect picture of innocence, as Scar's earrings began to beep.
“First Bumbling Bee shows up, then you keep having secret meetings, and now the mermaid drink?! Answers! NOW!”
“The answer is it's none of your business!” Chat Noir happily fired back. “And you might want to leave before you lose the only secret you have.”
Scar's fuming face was amazing.
Back at Fu's place, the Guardian looked to be quite cross with them both, particularly the Black Cat Hero.
“That was very foolish, Chat Noir.”
“I'm sorry.”
“I should hope you show more respect for other people's trust in the future,” he warned him.
Fu sighed.
“But what's done is done. I'll begin training both of you, so long as you don't come at the same time.”
Chat Noir and Marigold happily looked at each other. They would be able to learn more to help stop Hawkmoth!
“On to good news,” Fu continued, showing several pipettes, each full of a liquid of different colors. “I've unlocked even more recipes and powers. You can change the container to suit your Kwami so long as the potion is present.”
As she looked at the potions, Marigold had a horrifying feeling.
But that means I'll be eating chili peppers!
“The dried centipedes go on the top shelf, Adrien,” Fu stated, drinking his tea.
“Yessir,” Adrien wearily replied. Reorganizing the entire pantry was a lot more tiring than he had envisoned it to be.
Marinette watched the pink chili pepper with apprehension. She really, really, didn't want to do it. But she had to – she had to train for when it was needed!
She began to put it in her mouth –
“You don't have to eat those for me, My Queen,” Pollen gently explained.
“Ah. Oh.”
In the depths of his secret lair, he had one question to make.
“Nooroo, how can I obtain more powers?”
“What do you mean, Master?” the Kwami of Transmission asked, unsure of what Gabriel meant.
“Don't take me for an idiot! The heroes had new powers, how did they do it?!”
“K-Kwamis don't know the recipes! And only Guardians can read the Grimoire,” Nooroo replied.
“I must find this guardian at all costs,” he declared. No, he wasn't imagining himself wearing a finned version of his Hawkmoth costume, that was slander.
Dark Cupid
@zoe-oneesama Gabriel's alternate costume should be green.
@msweebyness What's your opinion? You were really looking forward to this.
Alright, that's Ondine's Akumatization out of the way. Soon, it'll be Kim's turn. Don't forget that Chloé's stellar reception of what she sowed!
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