#I’m sick and tired of his controlling attitude and I personally have lost all respect for him
My father-in-law wants us to get rid of our dog because he’s a pit/boxer mix. The issue, obviously, being the pit part. We’ve had this guy for just about 3 months and he decided to call us up (and rant for thirty minutes!) to say he feels unsafe because “Ollie is a risk.” All because of his breed. And Oliver hasn’t shown any aggression, he’s literally so well behaved and we’re starting training next week to make sure everything is good to go. He does well in Petsmart, he doesn’t really ever bark at strangers, he played well at the dog park. But all because he’s a pit, he thinks we should take him back to the shelter.
I’m beyond furious because adopting this dog was one of the first huge decisions my partner and I made together. And this asshat wants to undermine everything we do. He doesn’t even think we should have a dog at all, because my partner is still in college. MEANWHILE, I’m about to start a work from home job and be in the house basically 6 days a week. So what the hell is that even about? He literally just wants to control our lives and we didn’t consult him before adopting.
Anyway, here’s a few pictures of my super threatening liability that I shouldn’t even have 🤗
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cosmicjoke · 3 years
So I just got through chapter’s 51 and 52 of Attack on Titan, and one thing that stuck out to me in 51, other than Levi’s obvious, deep anger with Erwin, which I’ll talk about in a minute, was how Levi made it a point to tell Connie that he’d done a good job after coming back with Hange from investigating his village.  Once again we see here Levi’s immense compassion for other people.  Nobody else really thought to give Connie that encouragement, despite his obvious distress in that moment.  They all were aware that Connie had lost everyone in his village, including his family, so it really demonstrates Levi’s thoughtfulness, once again, for other people and what they’re going through, that he takes the time to say just a few, kind words to Connie here.  
Then of course, there’s the big exchange in this chapter between Levi and Erwin, and there’s so much going on here.  But the first thing I noticed is the shift in Levi’s attitude, after he notices Erwin smiling upon hearing Hange’s theory about the Titan’s being humans.  At the beginning of this scene, Levi is showing Erwin a great deal of concern for his physical state, apologizing to him for him and Pixis showing up to talk, knowing how tired he must still be, saying to Erwin that he’ll understand if he would rather him and Pixis just come back later so he can keep sleeping.  Levi is giving Erwin the option here to deal with all of these new developments that they’re all dealing with later, and that offers a really insightful glimpse into the kind of respect and consideration Levi has for Erwin leading up to this point in the story.
What’s really interesting is the shift in Levi’s attitude here, after he sees Erwin smiling.  Levi starts to try and ask Erwin a question, after Hange’s revelations about the Titans, and he sees Erwin smiling to himself with a glazed, distant look in his eyes, and Levi’s horror is readily apparent.  He figures out almost immediately that Erwin is excited by this news, and Levi’s reaction is one of repulsion.  He even tells Erwin that he’s going to make him sick.  I think Levi’s reaction here is also partly fueled by his own feelings of deep dismay and horror at learning that all this time, he’s been killing other human beings.  So to see Erwin seemingly HAPPY about this revelation must seem particularly grotesque to Levi in that moment, while he’s dealing with his own feelings of guilt and despair and hopelessness.  Levi’s anger here is REALLY obvious, as he asks Erwin if this is the real reason he joined the Survey Corps.  We see Levi’s belief in Erwin starting to erode here, in real time.  Part of Levi’s anger, I think, must also stem from knowing that he’s put his faith entirely in Erwin, followed him with full belief in Erwin’s altruistic intentions, but now he has to face the possibility that his faith has been misplaced, that indeed the very REASON he joined the Corps to begin with, his faith in Erwin and his greater vision, may have been built on a lie.  This coming on the heels of realizing that Titans were actually humans, and he’s dedicated himself to killing them for years.  All of this leads you to really understand Levi’s controlled fury at Erwin in this scene.  When Erwin gets annoyed himself at Levi and tells him to lay off of him, and asks him to show him some pity, Levi says with obvious derision that, yeah, Erwin IS pitiful.  We see later in the scene Levi turn Erwin’s own words back on him, about him being mentally and physically exhausted, almost mocking Erwin with them as he reveals to him that he’s chosen to make the 104th his new squad and had Eren and Historia moved to an isolated location.  Levi’s anger here is really palpable, and it demonstrates the tension I think Levi’s probably always had with Erwin and their relationship.
Levi respects Erwin immensely, and I have no doubt he’d been ready to tell Erwin about his plans for the 104th with a lot more cordiality and willingness to involve him in that decision before Erwin’s motivations became revealed to him here.  But there’s always been that kind of conflict between them too, where Levi was willing to put his faith totally in Erwin’s vision, and in his ability to make the right choices, in order to advance the cause of humanity, but at the same time, felt deeply uncomfortable at times with Erwin’s methods towards achieving that goal, his willingness to sacrifice the lives of so many to that end, often resulting in the deaths of soldiers with no, substantial gain to be had.  He’s deeply aware of Erwin’s ruthlessness in getting the job done (we see that awareness later in chapter 52, when he asks Hange if they should run or kill their enemies before they can strike, and says it’s just like something Erwin would do when Hange says both).  It was Levi’s faith in Erwin, though, and his belief in Erwin’s purity and the righteousness of his cause, that allowed Levi to put his misgivings about Erwin’s methods aside, because he fully believed Erwin’s intentions were only to benefit humanity, and win them back their freedom someday.  So seeing Erwin smiling here, and having that faith in Erwin’s intentions thrown into question, alongside the awful revelation that Titan’s are actually humans, is obviously a pretty devastating blow to Levi’s own sense of balance and place, throwing into doubt what it is he’s been fighting for all this time, whether it was even real or not.  It’s like in one, fell swoop, Levi’s lost any amount of certainty in both what they’ve all been fighting for this whole time, and in the person he had put the most faith and trust in to guide them in the right direction.  I’m not sure how people could miss Levi’s anger towards Erwin here, or the reasons for it.  Levi is shown something in Erwin that makes him seriously doubt whether Erwin actually cares about humanity at all, or people at all.  Erwin appears happy that it turned out that Titan’s were humans, and Levi has no context, no way of knowing WHY Erwin would be happy about that.  He doesn’t know about his father, or the things his father told him, or how his father died.  So to Levi, it must just seem like Erwin is getting some sort of sick joy out of the revelation.  Again, to see something like that in the person you believed in the most, a person you admired deeply and thought of as superior to you, as holding a greater vision than you ever could, would be really, really hard.  It’s like Levi’s hero letting him down in the worst way possible.  
I think this should also be looked at in the context of Levi’s own experiences in life, and how that shaped his world view.  Levi comes from an extremely hard, deprived background, one of extreme poverty and desperation and violence.  That background, that difficult childhood, resulted in a necessary cynicism and jadedness in Levi.  He knows the way the world works, knows how hard life is, and how cruel and ruthless people can be.  He grew up in a world where there was no pretense, no civility or politeness to hide behind.  He grew up in a world where it was kill or be killed.  We see this weary understanding of how things really are later, again, in chapter 52, when Levi is explaining to Hange and the rest that they have two options, because the MP’s and those they work for aren’t going to just give up on getting their hands on Eren and Historia.  He knows they’re only going to try more forcefully and violently to get what they want, because that’s the way the world works, and that’s the way people are.  He also shows his worldly understanding of these sorts of things when he asks Hange how many of Nick’s fingernails they pulled, and knows that Nick likely didn’t talk because they pulled more than one.  It tells us about Levi’s experience and how he’s been exposed to the darker, crueler side of humanity, more than anyone else in that room.
So Levi also understands that if they just wait around, they’ll all eventually be killed.  He understands they can’t be passive here, and have to act immediately.  He impresses that reality unto Hange, who’s still reeling from Nick’s death, and forces her to make a decision as to what their next move should be.  He doesn’t allow her to wallow in her despair, and he does this for the sake of Eren and Historia, and all of them.  Once again, we see Levi being most concerned for the greater good, ready to act however is needed to help the most people.  He knows Hange is hurting, but he knows also that none of them can afford to be, as he says to her, timid.  They have to move.  Well, anyway, my point that I’m trying to make is that Levi’s life experience has forced him to be cynical about other people’s motivations and characters, about concepts of nobility and morality.  To look at other people’s true intentions with a skeptical eye, because he grew up in a cut-throat environment, exposed to deep poverty, trauma and pain, where people no doubt would turn on you, or abandon you in a moment for nothing more than a scrap of bread.  With that in mind, you have to realize that Levi’s faith in Erwin is rather remarkable.  That he’s able to BELIEVE that deeply in another person, to believe in another person’s goodness, and purity of intention, given Levi’s background and the life he’s lived, is extraordinary, and really tells us so much about who Levi really is.  Despite every experience in his life informing him  that he should be skeptical and cynical and mistrustful of people and their intentions, despite his every experience telling him that the world is a cruel, ugly, awful place filled with loss, pain and grief, Levi still wants so much to believe in something better.  To believe in purity of hearts and intentions, to believe in a higher morality and goodness.  And despite all of his life experience telling him otherwise, Levi is able to believe that’s who Erwin is.  A person with a higher, better moral standing, a person with a pure and true heart.  He believes it all the way.  So, to then have that faith, which Levi somehow held onto against all odds and reason, dashed against the rocks in a single, terrible moment of realization, would be horrible.  Levi is someone who wants so much to believe there can be a better world, with better people in it.  And I think Erwin represented that possibility to Levi, for a long time.  And so to learn that his belief in Erwin was, perhaps, too idealistic, to have that skepticism that his life’s beaten into him affirmed, rather than rejected, must have felt like the worst kind of betrayal to Levi, and just a crushing disappointment.
Of course, Erwin later is able to prove to Levi that his faith in him wasn’t misplaced, as he lives up to the ideal Levi saw in him to begin with, with Levi’s help and encouragement.  But that’s a different post altogether!  When I get to that part of the manga, I’ll be positing about it as well.
Also, Hange’s own sense of horrible guilt and remorse in these chapters, both over realizing she’d been experimenting on human’s this whole time, and over Nick’s death, was an amazing parallel to Levi’s.  I think the two of them share so many similar feelings and such a similar depth of feeling over everything.  Always trying to do the right thing, and struggling so much with whether the choices they make are the right choices, or whether any of this is worth the sacrifices they’re forced to make.
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ramblesofajester · 3 years
whispers of a witch (chap1/?
this is just a self indulgent fic for me to write when I feel like shit and yes it will have nsfw
info: they/them, curvy body, glasses, anxiety.
The cool wind sweep past your cheek as you squat down, fingers numbing and turning blue from the constant foraging across the forest floor to fine the herbs you require, its late winter and you have just run out of several herbs you use quite frequently for personal use and when healing the villagers. of course as always there is a catch when you need to get something done. one, you where delivering a baby a good portion of the day, then doing your normal round with the villagers, so soon night is to fall, two the Lycians have been testing there luck with the village borders as of resent, three the only place those herbs are left growing are near Heisenberg's land due to you harvesting all the more accessible ones previously. and just to top it all of duke wouldn't be able to gather a shipment until the next new moon, that being two weeks away so here you are right before dusk cut plants with frozen fingers outside of a missive chain-link fence in the middle of the woods. Gazing around, you are in a small clearing, the village is about a mile, mile and a half to the south west of here. the factory's smoke stacks just visible over the tree line. Sighing you focus on the task at hand, slowly griping the base of the plant you say thanks to the earth and pull it up root and all, listening to the birds as there song slowly drifted thru the trees. standing up you, make your way over to the next bushel of plants emerging from the thin coat of snow. suddenly all the brides stop singing setting off of several alarms in your brain knowing its wasn't you who disturbed them wiping around, franticly looking you hear and see movement all around you just out of sight in the brush you cant tell what it is. assuming it to be Lycians or and angry bear or even a stray ghoul from the castle grounds. garbing the dagger from your boot you crouch down to an defensive position slowly making your way toward the path you came from. as you take a step back slowly a few Lycian emerge from the tree line teeth bared eyes holding a burning hunger. a soft gasp leaves your lips if there are this many you know more are soon to follow
"well shit, I couldn't just go and have an easy day now could I?" you ask the Lycians sarcastically not really expecting a reply. a deep chuckle caught you off guard and in your shock you hear the swift shifting of metal. the feeling of cold steel on your ankle stealing your attention from the fast change of gravity as you are hoisted into the air, dangling like a prized fish. attempting to regain your bearings. you look around seeing the Lycian pack now completely surrounding you.
"well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in," standing clear in the path arm outstretched to hold the chain around you feet taking a step further with every word.
"a lost little bunny, who is hoping around where they should not be..." he says in a little tune with mirth in his step. finally stopping right in front of you raising you so your face is level with his shoulders you reach out attempting to swipe at him with you dagger, as soon as you weapon is revealed is ripped from your grasp and now spinning around you and the lord. a large gloved hand grips your face forcing you to look at lord Heisenberg.
"now I cant tell if that was stupidity, or bravery little bunny but I'm guessing you dont know who I am." he speaks with amusement as he examines your face and, forces you to look at him. you stop squirming long enough to stare at the round shades perched on his nose. this being the first time you have seen the lord this close ,its usually only in passing or from the shadows as to not be noticed, but now you have to admit the stubble and scars, the cocky smile, the smell of oil, pine, smoke, and Tabaco is actually not that bad.
"No I know who you are, just really dont care cause I'm a little busy" you immediately wiggle from his grasp and start reaching for the chain around your ankles. a boisterous laughter is released from behind you and suddenly your falling about a meter, back connecting with the ground a large "oof" emanating from you. Rushing to get the chain from around you ankles it fly from your hands. jumping to your feet you face Heisenberg head held high
"oh... you do know me, so it must be stupidity, that must explain why your on my land as well" Heisenberg ponders aloud." so you must either be lost or have a death wish" he says with a chuckle
"nope not lost, just need some of the herbs here and if you live in this village and haven't runaway or offed yourself you have a death wish" you reply flatly brushing the dirt of of yourself as you stand to gather your things. "now" you say turning back to him "my dragger if you'd please" extending you hand cautiously with and expectants look.
"wow, you've got some balls on you" puffing on his cigar "you better watch that attituded bunny" you are suddenly painfully aware of the small pack of hunger Lycian circling you both "and remember who the man in control is" hand still outstretched you snap back with
"listen hear 'lord Heisenbitch' I am sorry for trespassing on you land but I need 7 different herbs and at least 5oz of each, I need them before tomorrow evening, some of them for mother Miranda, as well as a women who just gave birth in the village. Now unless you wish to explain to Miranda why her healer is missing, and her people dead due to illnesses I would like my dagger back and you and your fine fuzzy companions to kindly fuck of." you knew your words where dangerous but at this point in the evening you really didn't give a fling fuck and the shock on Heisenberg's face when he recognizes you almost made it worth it.
"Wait your Miranda's prized witch, oh man this is great, how have you lasted so long, your so small bunny" this just pissed you off more you want your dagger back but he's just so infuriating. your dont have time for this
"Fine, just keep the dagger" you say shoving past him. Growling at the Lycians blocking the path they stay there ground and growl back, only to glance behind you whimper, and slowly back away clearing the path. A chain roughly wraps around you waist spinning you around and pulling you flush against Heisenberg before returning to his trench coat pocket. blowing his smoke in your face he drawls
"wow wow wow, slow you roll peter cotton tail I ain't being stingy, I just wanna talk a little" as he says this he wraps his arm around you waist slipping your dagger back into its sheath leaving his hand to rest on the dip of your hip, the other griping your chin forcing you to look up at him
"Let. Me. Go!" you hiss out never braking your gaze of his glasses
"now what would Miranda think of this, her pet of the leash, not respecting or listening to your lord" he teases not lessening his grip at all
"I dont give a scraggly rats ass, just let me go you bastard!" you spit at him, resaving a chuckle as a reply .
"ohhh I like you bunny, you've got fight not a lot of that left hear any more. but I need something from you darling, so we are gonna take a little walk back to your place, your gonna help me, then ill help you with your little situation how does that sound there bunny?" spinning you around arm still securely on your waist, he starts to walk still puffing on his cigar, quickly you realize you have no choice in the matter. the Lycians slow start to follow you keeping there distance at about 3 meters back this continues for a wile and it might have even been pleasant having company for once on the walk, you if you ignore the hungry Lycians and the fear Heisenberg will get angry or be done with his little game. slowly the forest edge and the village come in to the distances well as a small well worn foot path leading into a thick pine forest near the base of the Benevento valley
"so bunny, which way is it" Heisenberg ask moving his arm up to rest on your shoulders using the other to jester at the path ways.
"This way" you mumble out, gesturing to the pine foot path. now moving forward on you own accord tiered of being user around like a lost child. you dont make it very far seeing as soon as you start to move away he tightens his grip
"ohh come on bunny, no need to get cold feet. your getting something good out of this too, you just chill a little there thumper" he says smirk never leaving his face.
"well it sure as hell dont feel like it, this feels more like a kidnaping only we are headed to my own dwelling" you watch as the pine trees grow thicker with every passing second drawing closer to your burrow. soon a large moon gate covered in rosemary and lavender comes into a view just beyond it several greenhouses small and large soft light emanating from a few
"Now hold up thumper if you have all of these, what were you doing traipsing around by my factory? you weren't trying to get my attention were you?" he jabs at you obviously trying to get a rise out of you.
"What I was looking for I do not grow because it is local and I had a store of some, but it a since been exhausted, lots of sick ones this season." you replied tiredly seeing as dusk has passed a wile ago and you had been called out well before day brake. now you where just too tired to deal with his shenanigans. continuing forward you approach the door and tap the center of the door with the old iron key handing from your neck three times then you insert it into the keyhole and twist it three times to the right and it slowly creeks open. rushing forwards in an attempt to put some distance between the two of you you start to tend to the fire stroking the coals and adding a few logs. while your bussing your self Heisenberg makes himself at home pulling out a chair and throwing his feet on top of the table and popping a new cigar between his lips . Turning to grab your tea pot you see this unfold waltzing over to him and slapping his feet of the table
"That is mahogany" as you say this he goes to protest " no 'lord' Heisenberg you in my domain now no feet on the table" you snatch the cigar from between his lip and toss it into the fireplace "and no smoking in the main room."
"alright, alright," he says holding his arms in the air "one you could have just put it out and handed it back thumper, and second of all watch who your talking to darlin" to this you quickly respond with
"Still dont care" he gives you grunt as a response
"third of all I still have yet to disclose the nature of my visit I need you to look at something for me" and with that he stands up his chest now centimeters from your nose he reaches for his hat and sunglasses setting them on the table, tossing his trench coat on to the chair. your face quickly turning a shade of red dark enough to rival the radishes out in garden as you realize just what he is doing. pulling of his shirt with a wince. Holding his shirt in his hands, you try not to make your gaze obvious, he slowly turns to reveal a large, deep laceration very poorly bandages and clearly in the throes of a terrible infection. you immediately push all other thoughts aside concern taking its place, you recognized this wound, you where present when he resaved it .
"you stupid man child, you know nothing you should just leave the talking to the adults like a good little boy"
"shut your dame hole you bitch"
they have been going at it for 37 minutes and counting Alcina said something Karl disagrees and so the back and forth begins about 5 minutes ago Karl brought out his hammer and been waving it out in the open. tensions have been rising and your a little worried it is about to get violent. Anggie who had been watching the argument from you lap starts to vibrate with joy sensing the approaching violence.
"ooooooooohhh its aaboutttttt tooo get goooooodddddd!!!" she sings while hoping off your lap to sit closer on donnas lap seeing as you are perched by the back wall behind Miranda. and just as you both had predicted disaster struck.
"you insolent fool." Alcina suddenly cry's, swiping her hand forward as Karl turns his back to her slashing from shoulder to hip. you immediately rush forward, only to be stopped by mother Miranda holding her arm in your path.
"ENOUGH, stop the foolishness NOW!" Miranda's voice ringing out clear through the entire hall "Heisenberg my son, stand," she demands. he slowly makes his way to his feet now facing mother Miranda "your actions have been stupid and reckless as punishment, I shall leave you with this burden to care for. maybe it will teach you how much effort it takes heal rather than destroy. and what if feels like to live with ones mistakes." you hand covers your mouth as you bite your tongue. you may not like Karl that much but he still is not as bad as they say.
end scene
"BY THE GODS, how has this not healed yet!? have you been rubbing dirt in it? I knew this was a stupid lesson. I knew I should have gone against that two faced, false goddess, pretensive ass, bitch and marched my happy ass to that factor. THAT WAS TWO WEEKS AGO, this should have been gone ages ago!!!" you shout while carefully examining the laceration. quickly you pull out the char he was previously siting on out, so he could sit on it with his back to the fire and lean on the back of the chair. grabbing Heisenberg's shoulders you gently shove him into the chair. rushing around you grab several herbs hanging from the ceiling in bundles. then over to the counter you produce a mortar and pestle along with several oils and extracts
"woooow, thumper slow down, slow down," he chides calmly garbing your shoulders, your arms still packed full of items. slowly he starts to set the items on the table. "now I didn't rub dirt in it, but there might be some oil, its not healed because I have no idea how to treat a wound this large. and what's this about Miranda being a bitch and ignoring orders?" as he says this you realized just how bad you have fucked up.
"OH MY GODS, I didn't mean a word of it lord Heisenberg I meant no disrespect please I am so sorry dont tell mother Miran-" you franticly bow keeping your eyes to the floor hoping he would ether spare you make you death quick. while he clearly doesn't like Miranda or her family he was still a part of it.
"hay hay hay thumper calm down your alright. I'm not gonna go all psycho on you, and your secret is safe with me, your not the only one with unsavory views on that bitch Miranda." your slowly look up at him in shock it is widely know that he disagree with the other lords but this is a first. you gingerly make your way over to the table and start to mix together several herbs and flowers. "and thumper just call me Karl" he says with a flirtatious grin, you blush but grinding the herbs into a powder
"only if you stop calling me thumper." slowly adding some drops of oils to the mixture making a thick green salve.
"well I gotta have something to call you bunny" he say grin stretching across his face as you blush even more now
"well my name is (Y/N) ok, now stop" you say while puffing up you cheek in a pout. rushing behind him so he can no longer see your face and you can apply the salve" this is going to sting" not give him tome to proses any thing you said you rip off the bandages and start to carefully apply the salve. a shout bubbles up in his throat the second the salve touches his shoulder
"SON OF A Bitch..." he snarls" maybe a little more warning next time y/n" as soon as he growls out your name you short circuit you hand no simply resting next to his wound "y/n... y/n" he waits a couple of seconds before trying again. "y/n!" jumping a little you come back to reality " you all good back there" Karl questions
"almost done just need to finish this up, then I will apply bandages, and all you need to do is rest for a day or two" as you Finnish saying this you reach for he bandages and gently begin to properly wrap the wound "this is how you properly wrap a wound Karl" you make sure to say first his name. "go all the way around and over and around the shoulder" slowly and carefully placing the bandages showing him the movements and positions. you move around to the front of lightly wrapping his shoulder "dont go to tight when bandaging joints, it increases mobility but not lose enough to move" as you speak solely focused on you task at hand you dont see Karl staring at your face, a look of adoration on his face which he is quick to drop once you turn to him. gently patting his shoulder "now all you need is a lot of rest and a hot meal" smiling you slowly make your way over to the fire removing the teapot and hanging a medium sized cauldron over the fire. turning kettle in hand you see Karl putting on his hat and going to pull his coat on having already put his shirt on
"well thumper its been wonderful but I have to get back to my-" you cut him off taking his coat and hanging it by the door.
"oh no you don't, you need rest and real food, and not to make any assumptions but I doubt you'll get any of those in your factory" as you say this you put the chair back in its normal position swiftly going to a small spare room on the side. grabbing a thick blanket you walk to the table, and drape it over the back of the chair. patting it flat you open your arms and jester to the chair "now please have a seat food will be done shortly" you say with a smile as he just stand there slack jawed at you attempting to boss him around. slowly he take a seat and just watches as you prepare a cup of tea for you both "hear this should help with the pain" you say handing him a large mug that still looked too small in his hand. you turn and head back to the counter and start dicing us vegetables and some fish to put the cauldron.
"thank you" he mumbles quietly watching you dance about the kitchen a soft smile on his face. "so what's your story? you obviously dont like Miranda so why stay and be her little pet healer on her beck and call." Karl jests wanting to know more about you now that he has the chance with out his stupid family there
"well a long time ago I has someone I had to look out for, they needed help I could not provide it, Miranda could. So I made a deal, help her, and ill do as wish. So I comply to keep her safe and happy, if it went for her, I would have sent that false deity to her flaming grave decades ago." you finished cutting the veggies and meat depositing it in the pot, you make your way opposite of Karl at the table and take a seat. slowly sipping your tea. "now I just tend to the villagers for Miranda and visit my belladonna"
"wait who is belladonna" he askes a look of confusion overtaking his features
"my apologies, I mean donna, before Miranda adopted her and gave her her gift she was a sad and lonely child with parents too ill to save, so after her parents passing, I watched over her and loved her as my own" you say a soft smile on your face looking around the room I was the only one she let touch Anggie, she was such a kind child asking so many questions behind closed doors and always eager to learn new skills" you reminisce the old days setting your now empty cup on the table. "but now she's grown and well, and happy, so that is all that matters" you say curtly standing and heading over the the bubbling pot of stew and giving it a stir.
"so wait your telling me you the witch who raised Benevento," Karl spouts astonishment clear in his voice. "One how are you not dead yet? Two that's why you spend so much time in that spooky ass house, and three how come you aren't an old hag you dont look a day over 25?" even in shock this man some how still manages to throw in a flirt. you give a small chuckle.
"well when I struck my deal with Miranda," you make you way over to a tall cabinet and withdraw two wooden bowls and a large ladle ." donna was just become a young adult, so she new what excepting Miranda's gift would entitle, including the prolonged life." returning to the stew and scooping a hefty serving into Karl's bowl and only filling your half way. "after her parents suicided she couldn't handle the loss another parental figure, her words not mine, she refused the treatment unless Miranda changed me as well." hanging the ladle on the wall and carefully turning back to Karl and making your way to him. "I had already had my go at life and helped as many as I could so I agreed not expecting to come out alive," you say calmly sitting down in the seat acres from Karl. "unfortunately my will was to strong so hear I am now, a fail experiment serving out my end of the deal" you give a sarcastic smile and do a little jazz hands as your story comes to a close. Karl is still for moment then burst into a deep laughter, but still alarmed at your willingness to except death.
"I'm sorry bunny I dont mean to be insensitive," he attempts to suppress his chuckles. "you are really the one that raised donna?"
"yes I am I know its a little hard to believe, but yes." you say solemnly feeling a little weird everyone who knew you too be donnas nanny have long since passed.
"no no no, there ain't nothing wrong with that darlin! In fact you did fucking awesome, out of all of us monsters she has the best manners and turned out the best." he says in a panicked tone, afraid he has said something wrong.
"Karl none of you are monsters, and your ok you didn't say anything wrong" you say quickly adding " none of you are monsters! you and the other were forced into the experiments, unlike donna and I. your only a monster when you subject an enter village to a false religion just to slaughter them for her experiments under the name of a sick false family she has not love for!" you say venom and hate for that hag dripping from each word. a stern but caring look on your face as you look rights in his eyes as you say this "you aren't a monster. you where a kid with out a choice, and now you are a man surviving and your doing amazing in your situation." you cautiously grab his hand resting in the table " you are not a monster no mater who has told you that including your self" He pulls back lightly but does not remove your hand from his., allowing you to rub his knuckles.
"but I-" he starts but you dont let him continue
"nope you cant convince me other wise, I'm the village crazy witch I am all knowing and wise." you say in a cherry tone, garbing his hand with both of yours. using one to tap out a small tune on the back of his hand. that nice deep laughter made an appearance again you have to admit its nice to hear him laugh instead of ague with everyone.
"well dame bunny, can't argue with that logic now can I " A large toothy grin takes over his face little crinkles show at the corners of his eyes. shaking his head he gives a chuckle then picks up the bowl of stew and finishing what was left in the bowl in a few gulps. setting the bowl down he asks "shit that hit the spot, can I just take you home with me and have you cook for me every night that some dame good stew" he jokes. laughing a little you finish your bowl, garbing his you stand and bring them to a bucket at the end of the sink.
"no I cant come home with you every day" rinsing the plates before setting them in the bucket you continue. "but you can come over when ever the lantern on the porch is light, if its not I am either in the village with a patient, or visiting donna or Miranda, or foraging. I am a busy witch Karl, just a warning." he chuckles
"ill make a note of that expect me often that shits good." he says pointing at the pot hanging over the small flames.
"well in that case ill put some in jars so you can take it with you when you leave tomorrow" you say off handedly while making your way over to the pot fishing the leftovers out, and putting it in two large mason jars. out of the corner of your eye you see him deflate a little when you when you mention his departure tomorrow. moving over to a wall of cupboard you store the two jars "to night you can take my bed or the cot in the guest room, though I dont know if you'll fit" you say walking over to said door and opening it reveling a small room with a vanity in the back left corner to the left of the door was a small sink and counter with a basin next to it. opposite to that was a small cabinet and in the back right corner a small wooden cot about half the side of the man now standing directly behind you in the doorway. so close, when he took a deep breath you could feel his shirt brush your, and his warm breath fans across your neck. now with bright red face you make you hastily make you way to the cabinet to the right of the door and start to grab a large quilt and a pillow or two. Karl enters the room looking around taking in the new environment and casually making his way over to the cot and taking a seat. you head over to him staring at the blanket hoping that he would not see your face
"thank you, y/n you really could've just sent my packing I really appreciate it I do" he says with a soft smile resting on his scared face, 'it suites him,' you think to your self 'he should smile more.'
"well hear you go this should be think enough it gets pretty chilly in hear and I haven't fixed the heater yet so if you need more there are some in the cabinet you say gesturing to the cabinet with your head. holding the blanket and pillow out for him to take he reaches hands grazing against yours as he takes them from your hands pulling them closer"
"thanks bunny I re-" he is abruptly cut short by a sharp wine of wood under duress followed quickly by a loud snap of the cot braking a the loud thud of Karl's ass hitting the floor. "OH FUCK" Karl was now the one looking up at you. slapping a hand over your mouth to suppress the laughter about to burst from you.
"OH by the gods, are you ok" you say still trying to hold back the onslaught of giggles offering a hand for him to take
"so this is what the weather is like down here" he says jokingly as you hoist him off the ground carful of his shoulder and back. gently slapping his chest
"I'm only a little shorter than you, ya know" you say "but in light of me needing to purchase a new cot from duke, I guess you'll be sleeping in my bed tonight." he gives you a flirty look
"dame thumper if you wanted me in your bed that bad all you had to do was ask not buries my ass first" he says with a deep chuckle.
"I am not tying to get you in my bed" you say panicked face exploding with red. "I wont even be in it with you, and secondly it wasn't that far of a drop so the only thing damage was you ego and my cot obviously. now come follow me please." you say now attempting to lead him out of the room. Karl looks at you as if he was trying to figure something but soon trailing behind you like a lost puppy. you lead him through the main room down a hallway with three doors heading to the furthest down you push open the heavy wooden door. letting Karl enter first you make your way to the bed garbing your favorite pillow and a thick blanket off the bed spread "well she's all yours" you say jokingly waving your arm over the bed as a invitation dont lay on your back or shoulder" you say making your way back to the door arms now full "sleep well." and with at you turn to leave only to be stopped by a hand on your shoulder.
"wait if I'm sleeping here and I just demolished your spare bed where will you be sleeping" he ask concern lacing his voice a he turn you around to face him
"well ill go clean up the old cot and then ill just use some spare blankets as a mattress for the night." you say with out a second thought.
"no no no, I will not let you do that you have done enough for me. I'll just go back to my factory and be out of your hair." your face scrunches up.
"you say that as if I am annoyed by you, but I can assure you, you do not annoy me. next I wont let you leave this hut you need to rest and I need to change those bandages as soon as you wake." you say no room for argument evident in your voice. "and if you have such an issue using my bed but I apologies its the only one, and I wont let you sleep on the floor with that wound." you with finality.
"then I guess well just have too share it. cues I will just jump through a window to go back home" he say with a laugh. you have no idea if he was joking or not. still, gazing up at his face the smirk remained "so" he asks "which will it be will you join me or and I gonna have to practice my long distance sprint." you sigh growing tired with every passing second your long day finally catching up too you. no longer having any energy to argue.
"fine" you huff out walking over to the bed where Karl was I like the right side" climbing in you take a body pillow from the back of the bed putting it in the middle " you better stay on your half of the bed old man" you say climbing back down from the bed and heading a dresser under a large window. you produce a pair of sleep thin pants and a large think white long sleeved shirt. "I need to change so ether steep out or just dont look." to tired to care at this point you look over your shoulder and see him turned away from you sitting on the left side of the bed. replacing your dirty clothe with fresh sleep pants and a oversized top. garbing a spare pair of large sleep pants and shirt before making your way back to the bed, flopping onto it comically ,while tossing the change of clothing on his side of the bed "hear you go, this should fit" he looks down at the articles of clothing.
"well thank you bunny," undoing his belt and changing his pant, completely ignoring the new shirt. "but uhhh I dont think that shirt is gonna work though" he says smirk evident in his voice.
"and why would that be-" you ask confusion clear on you face as you roll over to face him without thinking. face exploding in color as you freeze up, now staring at his bare chest brain loosing any train of thought.
"my eyes are up hear now bunny," he says with a deep chuckle "but please dont let me interrupt your staring. as for why I never sleep with one its confining" smirk never leaving his face, as he lays down on his half of the mattress. quickly you roll over
"I wasn't staring, I zoned out. Just toss the shirt on to the top of the dresser" he gives another chuckle but says nothing. pulling the thick comforter up to you chin due to the chill, reaching over you turn the knob on the lantern smothering the flame. "good night Karl sleep well" you say without a second thought closing your eyes slowly, reality fading out as you hear Karl
"goodnight thumper sleep well" a gentleness to his tone that sends the rest of the way to sleep.
word count: 5884
ps: please forgive my horrid grammar
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doodles-arts · 4 years
Request: turtles reacting to crush
pairing?: All 2003 turtles x reader
Rating?: Pg
Warings?: loads of fluff
Request: 2003 turtles reaction to their crush, the turtles did the sweetest thing ever for them, talking loads of nice stuff about their crush, protecting crush or showing their nice/happy sides and crush waits until they are alone and crush says, crush has been good friends with the individual turtle, so they’ve never spoken like this before, “You know you’re really beautiful”? 
Summary: The boys all react a little differently to a super hawt crush! some boast, others turn hate into love
A/N: I did get carried away with my baby Donnie a little, if your interested in a one shot of a biker reader with a sarcastic Donnie, please reblog! I’d love to write it, but am working on other things for you guys, so if you’d like it let me know to make some time! @donatello-writes thought you might like the donatello part. Give it a heart if it were any good and read this lil note, love your work!
Met you because you were being jumped.
Classic hero saving damsel in distress
Doesn’t trust you at first for the sake of his family
But he grows on you
2 sizes...
You're absolutely the sweetest!
You bake him things for free as a thank you for saving your life
He can’t help but eAT it AlL
Master splinter actually makes him run laps around the sewers because of how lagged he is.
He asks Donnie for a diet plan and is h e a r t b r o k e n when he’s told NO SUGARS
You make him keto and protein cookies for his weekly cheat meal
You apologized when you were told he couldn’t eat anymore because he had gotten bigger.
The boys tease him about his weight when you're around.
Even after he lost all the extra weight.
His calm demeanor eases all your anxieties
He loves the way you're just so kind to all his brothers and everyone you meet.  
One day when you were baking a cake for  Mikeys birthday and all other kinds of party favors for all the boys, Leonardo kept you company. You both talked and about things you were planning, you both were very close. And Leo was very obsessed with you and your baking apron. He probably followed your back end with googly eyes all afternoon.
You didn’t mind having him keep your company and hand you any ingredients you needed but you couldn’t help but notice how much more his muscles were showing off. He was RIPPED. You blushed and looked away when he caught your wandering eyes. He didn’t seem to mind, keeping the conversation going about your next hangout.  He watched you with adoration and when you couldn’t reach for something on a high shelf he chuckled and offered to get it for you. You didn’t want to seem helpless but he was willing.
“That would be great actually!” You smiled and stepped back, “coming to my rescue as per usual~”, he blushed but you couldn’t see it as he reached up to grab the barely used baking soda. As he stretched, time slowed. His usual strap that held his katana was resting as you both cooked. Without it, it brought much more focus on the flesh on his side that wasn’t covered by his plastron or shell. It was insane how his muscles on his sides stretched and rolled. You could have drooled right there. But there was more to your private show, the little potbelly he used to harbor thanks to your baking, was long gone! His arms were round and plump. The muscles warned anyone who tried to mess with the leader. A clear reminder that you were in love with a god. A GOD. He was magnificent, his body chiseled from stone by Donatello or Michelangelo, the sculptors. You sucked in a breath, trying to make the second longer, but all good things come with an end…
You couldn’t help how your cheeks flushed as your thoughts wandered and traveled. As did your eyes, embarrassing yourself even more as he turned sharply, his glutes flexing as he took a step forward, you just couldn’t believe it-
“-You know you’re beautiful, right?” Leonardo almost dropped the bottle of baking soda that slipped from his three-fingered hands when you had commented on this. Quickly catching it and trying to grab his cool back from slipping in between his fingers as well. You giggled, laughing at your own embarrassment to lessen it. You might have been a bit flustered, but you meant it. “Uh.. thanks?” Still flustered and taken aback, Leo handed you the bottle and sat back down.
The air was thick with an awkward feeling, it might have been you, but you did mean it, you could have meant it platonically or romantically, so you weren’t that worried if he didn’t feel that way. He was clearly the source of the feeling. Refusing to talk afterward. Growing with anticipation, you put too much baking soda in the bowl and groaned in annoyance, scooping the part of the batch that had too much and throwing it out. After it was fixed you took a spoonful and handed it to Leo, “I’m sorry if I said anything out of line, peace offering?”
You had been making an eggless cookie dough batch so that you could give Mikey some cookie dough to eat without getting sick. And as Leo looked at you with that tiny sweet smile, he knew he was cracking. He wasn’t offended, not at all! He was flattered! Honored! But how could he reveal his true feelings if you might not feel the same? He took the spoon with a smile, “accepted!”
When he was finished with the spoon and set it down, you jumped into his arms for a hug, “good! Now stop being so quiet! You're my favorite person, so be my taste tester!” He felt his control falling and before you could pull away he hugged you tighter, you giggled and hugged back. But it was when he wouldn’t let go that you felt something was off. And there was, Leo was freaking out about how to approach you about this. “I’m sorry, but let’s stay like this, I have something to tell you”, he whispered into your ear huskily. You couldn’t help the goosebumps on your arm that stood when his warm breath hit the side of your neck.
“Okay-yeah, okay”, you replied shakily, you weren’t scared, not in the slightest, you could feel a spring in the bottom of your stomach start to tighten. His close proximity had your head swimming. You breathed in his scent and swooned inwardly to the smell of metal oil, peppermint body wash, and the scent of his natural skin.
“I… I know how strange it might seem, but I like ya’. Something about you has me pulling towards you. You always make me happier. I don’t know how else to tell ya, but I want-” before he could answer, your breathless voice did,
“Yes, I like you too, silly.” He hugged you closer as he silently fist pumped the air behind you, “shell yes!”
“I can feel that Leo” You giggled.
Your Casey’s sister
He hates you once he gets to know you
Your blunt, straightforward and RUDE
You’re really smart tho
And slim thicc…
Every time you come he leaves to his lab
He can’t stand you Casey, and Raph roughhousing
He can’t stand watching you on some days either tho…
He hates the way you make him feel
He’ll never admit it but he’s in la-la-la-la-loveeee
The way your arms are beefed up
You’re not picky
You don’t complain
You confront him once, asking, ”what’s your problem!” and he lashes out that your blunt, straight forward and provocative
He didn’t mean that last part
You bluntly tell him you don’t care about what he thinks, you never did anything directly to him for him to always give you attitude
You ask for a truce, instead of being problematic and resorting to violence
From that moment Donnie feels different about you
guess you weren’t so problematic and dumb as he thought
You agreed to help out with his experiments as a peace offering. They’re boring and you hate them but you try for Donnie. Lately, he has been asking many experiments from you, asking to help him with tools and taking notes. He said your handwriting was ‘prettier, surprisingly’. You told him his face was surprising. You both threw jabs at each other constantly. But you grew to like it, he was quick on his feet and always knew what to say back or when to stop. Most people were too sissy to take your comebacks or too sensitive to throw jabs. As you got to know Donnie you noticed how much fun he actually could be. You certainly didn’t have to prove your strength around him or get bruises by the end of the day. With him, it was playful and calm, sure you still liked a bit of wrestling here or there, it had been hotwired into your system by then.
Donnie respected that and you respected that he didn't enjoy the roughhousing around his equipment or in his lab. The mutual respect was a different tune than the constant hating glares you'd send each other. As you sat on the table next to the bike he was fixing up you were humming a tune to yourself, waiting for Donatello to ask for another tool. It kinda reminded you about your dad…
You blew a raspberry and laid you back on the clear table, “I’m bored”, you huffed out. You were tired of just sitting around, looking at the wall, “Well, lucky you, I just finished” he responded dryly. You rolled your eyes and hopped off the table to help him off his shell, “for the tallest slimmest turtle of the bunch, you sure are heavy.” you snickered as he faked a laugh and rolled the bike through the back entrance. “Yea, now shut up and follow me.”
You huffed and walked alongside him, “Soooo, who’s the bike for. Do I get to ride it first? Only fair since I helped!” You mused, trying to convince him to let you ride the bike. You used to own a bike, and you loved that thing to death since it was the one your dad had made for you until Casey broke it.
You were furious, it was the last thing you had of your dads, and he totally wrecked it during the night with Raph. You tried your hardest to fix it, but you didn’t have the cash for the spare parts, so you ended up scrapping the beat-up engine and the seat, hoping to still find the memory of your dad in them. You kept it in your room. Inside your closet.
After that, it took Casey months to get back on your good side, you only held out that long because he refused to tell you how he broke it. After another month of torture and burnt eggs in the morning, Casey begged the turtles to tell you the truth. And he did, promising to explain what happened to the bike, but he had to show you something first. And that’s how you met the turtles and Donnie’s stuffy ass.
“It’s yours. So you can ride it wherever you want, genius.” Donnie had to look away, feeling flustered that he was doing this. But you stopped dead in your tracks. When Donnie noticed that you had stopped, and turned to look at you. You had this dumb look on your face as you starred at the bike. Taking small steps towards the seat and opening it, “what’s wrong with you?” He asked, hoping for you to say something back. Kinda creeped out by your silence and wide eyes. As you lifted the seat, ignoring his remark and noticed the little engraved signature of you and your dad. Your heart broke into tiny pieces and fell in the pit of your stomach, you fell to your knees, feeling yourself shaking. Looking at the familiar engine.
“Where did you get this-” he felt a little nervous at the tone of your voice. Deeply unwavering, you sounded half dead. Pissed.
“I thought you’d-”
“WHERE!” He gulped, you hadn’t even looked at him. He walked around the bike to your side, “I’m sorry, but I and Casey took the liberty to rebuild a junk bike with your seat, I fixed the engine and put it in too. If I knew it would bother you so much, I wouldn’t have invaded your privacy.” He still felt your cold demeanor and didn’t dare touch you. Your silence only fueled his anxiousness. Your shoulders were slumped and you tried your best not to break, but the pieces were all falling down. Remembering the night as a little girl that you both worked on the bike and engraved your names on the underside of the seat and rode it for a test drive.
The tears flowed down your cheeks before you could stop them, it was unusual for you to cry, but your bike. His bike, our bike. It was back and fixed, you had something to feel like he was still there, waiting for you to come home after riding. Donnie’s warmth was wafting towards you and you gave him a tight hug. He still stayed after you yelled and didn’t make fun of you when you cry. he really was sweet... huh.
“Thank you, Donnie. I never knew you were so soft.” You pulled away and gave him a soft punch on the arm. He chuckled, trying not to stare at your tear-stained face, it was strange to see you that way. “Nothing wrong with being a little soft, now get outta here and tell me how well the bike does,” he smiled.
You smirked, rising and pulling the turtle behind you, swinging a leg over the bike like second nature. Pulling him on too, “you’re coming with, nerd. We’re gonna have the ride of our lives.” You rev the bike and speed out the sewers, and he yelps. He quickly holds on to your waist for dear life as you ride about the sewer. A raise in the concrete sends you in the air a few feet and you laugh as you feel him hold on tighter, the drop back down sending your sunglasses down, covering your eyes from the wind as you drive faster. His buff arms were warm on your waist. They felt good, and it almost distracted you while you were driving, what would it be like to have them wrapped around you on different circumstances?
You made swift and tight turns that made it feel like your bike would fall on its side. But you were a better driver than Casey could ever dream to be! Donnie was in good hands. As you drove back to the lair, your hair wind-whipped, and all over the place, Donnie couldn’t help but feel both scared out of his mind and adrenaline rush!
As you both hopped off you smiled at the slacked jaw turtle, “she rides good, I’ll probably change her tires though. Maybe loosening the steering gear, makes the tight turns feel less death-defying.” You refered to the bike and giggled as you helped him off, having a new feeling of adoration for Don, even with that dumb look on his face. After he wiped the surprise of his face and laughed you noticed something about Donnie, he had a tendency to stare. That much you already knew, but with you, it was like he couldn’t look away or keep staring all at the same time.
‘Hmm… Oh.. OHHH… How could I have never noticed before?’ You smiled at him and grabbed him by the sides of the plastron and forced him to look at you. “He-Hey, what’s the big idea!” You kept smirking, watching his cues, of getting angry, huffing, and pushing you off as he did with his brothers. It never came. That’s all you needed to know, you tapped him softly on the snout and smirked. “Nothing, I’ll come back for my baby tomorrow, you just make sure to be in disguise, we're going for a joy ride tomorrow night.” Waving goodbye as you walked out you felt proud. You were gonna put this boy through a ride, “By the way, Don, your really cute, ya’ know that?” His jaw slacked as you walked out, he never thought you’d ever say that to him.
He kinda liked it tho...
Met you through April
Is infatuated with you from the startttt
You are a gymnast
100% a smart ass
100% has a great ass
Casey asks, “can I ask a stupid question?” and you’d respond before you can keep quiet, “better than anyone here”
He finds your flexibility hawt
The boys hate how much he tries to show off when your around
You don’t notice, you think it’s just Raph being Raph
He’s ALWAYS inviting you to workout
LEG DAY every day
You like working on them and Raph doesn’t mind teaching you
You put his flexibility to the test every time
You tried to get along with him
The boys are shook to how well behaved he is with you
April notices how well you take his flirting, if you even notice it
You like how dorky Raph is when you’re alone
That’s when you start having feelings for him
Your gymnasium was closed by the company it was under and you had nowhere to practice
You confessed this to Raph and he noticed you were sad about it
He finished hanging up the last high bar. He knew you were missing the gym you used to practice in. He hoped his brothers wouldn’t notice how much effort it really took him to put it all up, so they wouldn’t accuse him of going soft. He wasn’t going soft, he was just trying to impress you is all. There was no shame in that, right? You were cool and sexy, you didn’t even have to try to look beautiful, you just were. Something April and Raph agreed on multiple occasions.
As you walked into the sewers with a pair of leggings and a form-fitting sweater. Perfect. You walked over to hug your friend and held on tightly to his warm, and he was glad to return it. He led you deeper into the lair and showed you, “well, I know that you miss your old gym, and you can’t find any good ones around here. So I thought you could kick it here until then!”
He pointed towards the hanging bars and gym mats on a far corner of the lair. An old mirror hung a few inches off the ground. You could tell he did his best with what he had. He had even taken the liberty to make a walking bar, the current thing you were struggling on. He listened. He cared. You walked closer to the corner that held the mini gymnasium he had created for you. No one had ever done anything like this for you, how was it possible… that you hadn’t seen it before?
“Oh, Raph… I’m at a loss of words. I can’t believe it!” You basically jumped in his arms when you had turned around. You were unusually giddy at the moment and decided to use it to your advantage. Hugging him tightly, knocking the wind out of him, pulling back in a flash and zooming back in.
His eyes were wide open as your cute face and scrunched up nose, and kissed him! He couldn’t believe it! You were kissing him right now! On the exact second that he started kissing back, you pulled away bashfully. Smiling and looking back towards your own personal little gymnasium, “thanks again, Raph.”
He nodded and replied, sorta out of it, “yeah, that was one hell of a thank you for a weird looking fella like me-”
You whipped and around and gasped offendedly, “-don’t you say that Raph, you know you’re beautiful, right?” the last part of the question was asked softly. He shrugged and you laid a hand on his cheek to force him to look at you. “You are Raph, I like you, I have for some time now, don’t turn me away, please.” He looked back up at you incredibly and starred as you smiled at his wild look.
“Alright, I won’t, on one condition. I get another kiss?”, pulling him closer with a hand on his cheek, you pulled him in for another kiss. One that he was actually prepared for, this time.
You meet him at a skatepark
He thinks your hawt in biker shorts and retro t-shirts
He obsessed with showing off his moves, just like his older brother
He has a different approach tho
You end up impressing him more tho
He makes jokes and invites you to skating contests
You win a few, but it’s obvious that he knew a lot too
You actually enjoy his company
You find it strange you only see each other at night
You don’t mind it tho because you own a skate-shop
You too love having late-night snacks
He never sits too close to you
The first time he’s afraid of taking a chance at you being afraid of how he looks
You guys take turns bringing snacks
You always buy pizza
You know there’s something weird about his body, but you don’t judge because he’s the absolute sweetest
*SmaCK* Your falling for him
One day, Mikey can’t help but want to be closer, so he has to take that chance
“Awesome, Mikey! Check this out!” You rode towards a staircase hand bar, sliding down and as you jumped off, you flipped your board, landing perfectly on the ground and riding your way back over to him. As you stomped your board back up it snapped. Mikey gasped in pity, “oh no dudette, I’m so sorry.” You shrugged and smiled, “It was a prototype anyway, I’ve got more in my shop.”
You walked towards your beat-up car as you felt Mikey’s face drop, “wicked cool! You make boards?” You chuckled as you turned around and pointed to his board, “you do too, honey.” There was that nickname that drove Mikey through the moon, had him sighing like a lovesick puppy. He followed you to the car with goo-goo eyes.
“Wanna come see my shop?” He practically jumped in excitement, “Would I!” He hopped into the car without a second thought, too sweet to take into consideration that you could see his green skin in the closer proximity. The hunch under his trench coat, the strange shape of his feet, or that his chest and stomach were irregularly flat for a guy with such buffed up arms. As you drove, you turned on the music to make up for the lack of conversation. Not trying to seem awkward, just trying to wrap your head around the fact that Mikey wasn’t human.
He never hurt you before, or ever overstepped his boundaries, he wasn’t a creep, he was funny and cared about you. He cherished the time you spent together, he sent a text every night you were together when you got home to ensure you were safe. It was safe to say that you felt something for Michelangelo but was afraid to fall for a stranger. But was he really a stranger? It wasn’t like you met him yesterday! You had been hanging out for a few months.
You had nothing to fear and so when you walked out of the car you confidently invited him and turned the lights to let him gawk at your boards. “I custom make them, all ya gotta do is put in an order, I fix ‘em up too.” You leaned over your cashier post, admiring the obvious turtle in the light of your store. He was a big sweetheart, he’d never hurt you!
“Dollface, this is amazing! I didn’t know you could make surfboards, and the designs on them are wicked cool!” You agreed, very proud of your work as you walked over. Pressing a hand to his arm, “wanna make one together?” He nodded rapidly like a kid high off of candy. And you knew that his heart was too pure for this world, you laughed and pointed at his jacket.
“Maybe you should take this off and get comfortable!” For a split second, he almost agreed and shed off the oversized coat, but he didn’t want to lose you. You were so cool… “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, dollface.” You rolled your eyes and blew a raspberry, which surprised him. “Mikey, I don’t care what you look like, not like I couldn’t tell under the store lights anyway! You’re beautiful to me, you should know that!” You placed your hand on his chest pushing the coat off his shoulders softly with a smile.
Stunned but flattered he allowed it and leaned forward, feeling a moment creeping on, the coat fell on the floor. A few inches from your face and he was already closing his eyes and puckering out his lips at you, You felt the same energy, but…
You placed a finger on his lips, “You didn’t think it was going to be that easy did you?” He shrugged and grinned, “a guy’s gotta try don’t cha’ think?” You giggled and pecked his cheek. Leading him to the backroom to work on the new board together. Mikey wasn’t going to let you focus too much for too long though. He would get that kiss!
remember! if you really enjoed the donatello scenario, reblog for a oneshot!
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thanx-idonttry · 5 years
Wolf Queen.
King!Bakugou x WareWolf!Reader.
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Neither of you two liked it, infact, you two hated it. King Enji, and both yours and his parents just saw it as an opportunity to make themselves happy. The King saw it as an opportunity to get rid of you, he saw you as a monstrous abomination. He didn't much care for Bakugou either, hoping this arrangement would be a way to keep him and his dragons out of his kingdom. Prince Todoroki was mad, he and his friends loved hanging out with. They didn't think you were a monstrous beast, but they knew you weren't completely human either. A kind, funny, beautiful, creature that has thoughts and feelings too.
Your parents saw it as an upgrade to you guys' old life, they got to live in a castle, and their daughter is a queen, it's a win win. You didn't think so, at the time you barely knew Bakugou. You knew Kirishima more than you knew Bakugou. Everytime you were around each other, he was yelling, you could hear him approaching the city from far away. He made your ears hurt, and he wasn't really a nice person to anyone, you barely saw him be nice to his best friend. You wanted this to be some kind of sick joke, but it wasn't.
His parents wanted their only son to take his place on the throne before he could get himself hurt and/or killed. They don't mind that their son wanted to be a warrior, but they wanted him to also realized he was their heir, their only heir. They know their son is fearless and he can act first, think later. They needed a queen just in case something does happen. They know that he has... Let's say he has a hard time making friends. You definitely wasn't his friend, fuck anyone who pulls your tail when you hand them a grade A insult when they deserved it.
Bakugou didn't have time for marriage, and if he did, he wouldn't have chosen your mangy ass. Your wolf ears, fangs, tail, and claws reminded him that you weren't human, why you? He wondered, and you wondered the same thing. When the wedding day came, you two mostly pouted and mumble complaints about everything. At the reception, he was sitting with his friends, and you sat with yours. It was obvious that this is not a happy couple.
After the first month of being married, you became Queen, and King. Living here wasn't as bad as you thought, during the day, you have plenty of convenient ways to ignore him. It's the sleeping part that bugs you two. In the agreement, it says you two need to truly act like a married couple. At first, it was awkward, sleeping as far as you two could from each other. It took a few weeks for the awkwardness to subside, but one night changed you two Dynamic. You had suddenly disappeared for 3 nights and 4 days because of the full moon.
You had snuck away in the middle of the, so he was confused waking up to an empty bed. When he couldn't find you, he lost his shit. "WHERE IS SHE?!" He would constantly yell around the castle, sending people to try and look around and bring you back, and looking out the window for you. Your parents had to explain how you react to the moon, it still didn't give him peace at mind. On the fourth day, you had returned. Bakugou was in you two bedroom when you, in your wolf form, elegantly jumped through the window. You landed on the bed and curled up, expecting to sleep.
Bakugou marched right over to you and snatched the sheet you were sleeping on from under you, causing you to fall with a yelp. "DON'T YOU EVER DISAPPEAR ON ME LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU MANGY MUTT!!" You shifted back into your human phase, "What the hell Katsuki?!" "THANKS TO YOU, IM SLEEP DEPRIVED! I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!" "WHAT DOES ANY OF-" You paused, sensing his worried vibe. Your ears flattened, you never intended on worrying him. Your whole demeanor changed, you hugged him. "I'm sorry, I never meant to worry you." Bakugou, who was surprised, but relieved that you were back quietly grumbled: "Don't do it again."
"I'll give a heads up next time, oh and Katsuki?"
"Get me out of bed like that again, and I'll chew your fucking arm off."
From then on, Bakugou sleeps with an arm around you. It surprised both of you how much you care about each other, neither of you don't know when you two started to care, but it's too late now. You two started to actually get to know each other, eventually forming a genuine bond.
Your parents were weary at first because of his brash attitude, but they soon realized that you two might be great for each other. Of course they felt bad for basically selling you off, but they knew that they wouldn't do this if they thought this was a terrible idea. His parents seems to like you, especially his mom. She demands her son to stop yelling at you, and you two love talking and relaxing in the garden. It didn't take long for this family of strangers to become one big family.
Eventually, he started inviting you on his adventures, one of the adventures was camping. You, him, and Kirishima needed a break from the castle and Bakugou brought them here. The camp site was deep in some woods in the mountains. Bakugou knew that you and Kirishima would like it, a lot of land and it's quiet. When night fall came, Kirishima was setting up sleeping areas, you wanted to show Bakugou something you discovered while exploring in your wolf form.
"Ta-da!" You said as you presented a medium sized hot springs. "I figured you could relax, you're always so tense. Plus no one can bother you, it's what a King deserves, right?" You looked at him to see his reaction, he wore a smirk "When you put it like that, that sounds fucking amazing. I didn't even know about this, how did you find it?" "Hey, don't worry about how, be happy that I did." Bakugou removed his cape, and you blushed as you stared at his upper body. "Like what you see?" He commented. You blushed furiously and turned away from embarrassment. "Im your fucking husband, you don't have to shy away." "But, we never actually... Did marital things..." "We never fucked is what you're saying?" "Don't be so blunt!" "Do you want to?" "W-what?!" "Do you want to fuck? I know it crossed your mind, it crossed mine." Your entire body was on fire, of course sex with Bakugou crossed your mind, but you felt that you always turned him off. "I-I well.. It did, it just that... I thought you always find me disgusting. Considering that I'm half wolf." Bakugou looked at you, he looked at you with a look you've never seen before.
He walked up to you, his hands ghosted your body for a few seconds before his hand landed on your right boob. His hand was on top of your clothing, but he could feel your nipples through it. His thumb started to lightly graze it. Then his lips came up to your ear. "You're my Queen, I find everything about you sexy. Especially your fangs, and your ears." He pinched your nipple, and bit down on your neck. A sinful sound came out your mouth, it riled him up more. "I've been watching you closely (Y.N), and I've learned a few things about you. Specifically your heating cycle." You gasped, you thought that you kept that concealed from him. You assumed that he was going to make fun of you during those moments. "It starts tonight, that's why I planned this camping trip." He pulled you closer to him, then he started to remove your clothing. "Bathe with me." "Katsuki!" "You're my wife! And believe it or not... I love you. I love everything about you, and I'm tired of acting like roommates. I want to bathe with you, and I want to make love to you. And I know you feel the same way.
You pulled away from him, you were feeling too many things, and your mind was running a million miles a minute. He wasn't wrong, you've been feeling this a month after your marriage, but you two never really kissed, or anything beyond that. So, to have him do a 360 like this was befuddling. "(Y.N)" he called out to you, he looked worried, feeling maybe he went too far. "Katsuki. Kiss me." He damn near ran to you and crashed his lips on to you. That's when you felt that meant everything he just said, the way he kissed you was like lightning. You pulled away from him and looked at him, "Okay." He pulled you into another kiss, then started to remove your clothing, you decided to do the same. He began to lead you into the water with him, without breaking the kiss. The hot water felt great, his hands on your body made it better. He made you wrap your legs around him. He kissed from your lips to your chest, feeling him grow harder. You whimpered and rubbed against him, he groaned pulling you closer onto his body, he wanted to feel you, and this wasn't enough. "You're making it hard to take things slow." He told you, you bit your lip and grinded against him. "Fuck taking it slow. I want you now."
He was surprised, but respected your decision. One of his hands left your hips and gently squeezed your neck. He then started to adjust you, anticipation on both of your faces as he rubbed his tip against your core. "Remember." He said once he got you in the desired position. "You asked for this." He slid inside you, both of you letting out breathy moans/groans. His hand never left your neck, even when your body arched from pleasure. "Fuck, I've been missing out. You feel so fucking amazing." His strokes started off deep, and hard. Losing control for a moment, but then he just sat there, feeling all of you, pushing as deep as he can. You clenched your walls around him, causing his dick to twitch inside you. "Fucking hell!" He groaned. Your moans were in different pitches, each one is more delectable than the last, "You were a virgin, weren't you." You couldn't answer verbally, you were too busy trying to catch your soul from leaving your body. He pulled out slowly then quickly slid into you roughly. Your moan was so loud, your claws left marks on his back, and you bit down on him so hard, your fangs left marks. You licked up the blood, he felt all of that, and didn't care. His adrenaline was up, and everything you were doing felt great to him.
"Answer me." He demanded, he had lost control of himself again. "Y-yes. Is that bad?" You had asked, his strokes got insane. "That means I'm the first, and only one to deflower you like this." He growled in your ear, gripping your hair, it made your body shudder from pleasure. He was getting off on everything that he was doing to you, and how you were reacting. He gripped your chin and brought you face to face with him. "Look at me." Your eyes, which you didn't even realize were closed tightly, slowly found his eyes. You nearly came when those Red irises stared into your soul, they were filled with lust, and power. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, trying to prolong this moment. "I said look at me." You shook your head 'No.' "Oh really?" He smirked. This was supposed to be a bath, a bath to clean yourselves. And here you two are, having hot, filthy, sex. Oh the irony, you two didn't care. His lips and tongue found your nipple, his hand that was gripping your hair, found your nub and started to massage it. "Look at me. I know you're close, I want you to look at me when you cum."
He was close too, he was debating impregnating you. You had a child bearing body, plus your pussy felt great to him. When your eyes found his again, you came, and you came hard. Feeling, hearing, and watching you cum helped him make up his mind. He was gonna truly make you his, right here, right now. He wrapped his arms around you, strokes getting slower, but rougher. He knew he couldn't hold his climax any longer, he bit down on your neck as he filled you with his cum. "Did-did you just cum in me?" "I hope it's a boy." He smirked as he pulled out. You were so shook from everything he did to you, but you loved it as well. "Come on, let's clean off." He said. He started to clean you off, smiling down at you. "Oh my goodness, Kirishima is probably worried!" "Don't worry about that Shitty dragon."
When you two finally got back to the camp ground, Kirishima was by the fire with a huge smirk on his face. "Had fun?" Kirishima asked. "Shut the fuck up, I know you heard!" "But I didn't want to! Dragon ears are sensitive!" Your face was mortified hearing this, "h-how much did you hear?" "Enough to know that it might be a little Bakugou is gonna be running around soon." You died from embarrassment, you went into the tent, not facing no one. "Oh my goodness, I can't! Stop talking about it!" You yelled from inside. Even though they couldn't see it, you had the biggest smile on your face and held your stomach.
"And By The Way! I Hope It's A Girl!" You shouted back.
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elliepassmore · 4 years
The Never Tilting World Review
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4/5 stars Recommended for people who like: fantasy, multiple POVs, goddesses, magic, demons, LGBTQ+ romance, strong female leads, kick-ass women, women engineers, disability representation, mental illness representation, characters of color, complex morality I will say that for the most part I really enjoyed this book. The concept is fascinating and the characters and world were splendid. I took off a star because, as nice as it is sometimes to not have every detail of a world explained, with something like magic, it does have to be explained to a certain extent. By-and-large I understand how the 'gates' work, but we're dropped right into the terminology within the first couple of pages without explanation and it was a little confusing and took me a few tries to get at it. Then, I just wasn't a huge fan of Odessa and it does take away from the book a little when you just don't like one of the MCs or narrators, but I'll explain more about Odessa when I get to her. Lan, Tianlan, is the first narrator, so I'm starting with her. She's what's called a Catseye (also something whose we had to figure out figure out ourselves), which means she can heal people or inflict sickness upon them in a form of dual magic. Two sides to every coin, right? I really, really love this idea and think it's a fantastic spin on the typical 'healer' character you see in fantasy. I suppose, theoretically, healers could always turn their magic to use by harming people, in fantasy books healers are relegated to only healing, save for here and in Leigh Bardugo's Grisha and Six of Crows trilogy, where healing and harming are seen as two sides of the same magic, though a person typically has more strength in one than the other, so it doesn't come out quite like it does here. I enjoyed being in Lan's POV because she's caught between wanting to do the right thing by the world that's been plunged into eternal night and also wanting to keep Odessa, her lover, safe. I also thought that Chupeco writing Lan has having PTSD after a pre-book incident was refreshing considering the number of books that just skip over the psychological effects events have on characters. This was also an area where Chupeco turned the 'healer' trope on its head a little, as Catseyes can work with physical illnesses and injuries, but also mental ones, taking on the role of healer and therapist (though obviously not for themselves), so not only do we get to see Lan experiencing PTSD, but we also see her coming to terms with it and seeking therapy-like treatment for it, which is pretty unusual in most novels. Despite being in the 'healer' role and having magic that can infect and destroy if she wishes, Lan is also skilled with a blade and hand-to-hand combat and has something of a quick temper. She's definitely the 'protector' type more than anything else and is striving to make sure everyone comes out alright in the end. Odessa comes next, because I'm grouping the characters based on where they're from and Lan and Odessa are both from Aranth. Odessa is one of the daughter-goddesses in the novel who is unaware her twin is alive. She has some kind of chronic illness that prevents her from being very active without tiring out and that Catseyes have been able to treat but not cure. In the beginning Odessa seems like she'll be a pretty good character, a little too doe-eyed and teary for my tastes, but has plenty of potential. Then she starts to get bratty and doesn't seem to have the ability to logically think things through. From a writing standpoint I really appreciate how complex Chupeco makes Odessa and I think within the plot it's super fascinating. It's even explained to us toward the end why Odessa made the sudden turn from teary-but-okay-princess to brat-with-little-rationale, so I appreciate the cleverness of how the reason was woven throughout Lan and Odessa's chapters for us to find but maybe not pinpoint exactly. However, the great reasoning behind it doesn't stop me from not liking Odessa. The weird power-imbalance Odessa has going on with Lan and their relationship that I'm not a huge favor of. They love each other, great, fantastic, I believe that and I actually think they make a great couple in the beginning of the novel. They certainly have a better set-up for a romance than Arjun and Haidee do, though their 'love' is only marginally slower moving, but I'm just a teeny bit uncomfortable with the power imbalance of Odessa being a goddess/princess and Lan being the person assigned to guard and protect her. It's one thing when Lan is serving the crown in some general 'technical' sense and the two of them are in a relationship and it's another thing entirely when Lan is serving Odessa and her mother directly. It would be better, I think, if Lan wasn't serving directly under Odessa or it was like Lan's previous relationship where both girls were rangers. While Lan has no issues disregarding Odessa's commands, the imbalance is still there and becomes a bit of a problem later, but is never fully addressed, so I'm not sure how I feel about that or about some of the scenes with Lan and dark!Odessa. The relationship has the potential in the beginning and it is, for the most part good, but then once the difference in rank and power becomes clearer and Odessa becomes darker I get just a little uncomfortable with it. Haidee is the other daughter-goddess and she lives in the Golden City on the always-day side of the planet. She's what's called a 'mechanika' in the world, but what we would classify as an engineer. She's quick on her feet, fiery, stubborn, and extremely empathetic. In one of her very first scenes she's crying over a days-dead whale, if that's any indication. As much as I love her determination, smarts, and stubbornness, her ignorance of the world and optimistic attitude do grate on my nerves at times. She's just a bit too happy-go-lucky in some instances, though it largely works out for her. I will be fair, Haidee is one of my favorites, but I feel like Chupeco set things up so that Haidee would always have things work out for her and it seems a bit too obvious at times. Despite my dislike of Odessa, things go wrong for her, sometimes very wrong, and while things do occasionally go wrong for Haidee and seem like they'll be bad, I don't ever really get the full-on sense of dread like I do with Odessa. Arjun and Haidee meet by the whale and their first scene involves them trying to kill each other. Naturally, he becomes her love interest. Arjun is, hands down, the funniest person in the entire book. He has a very dry sense of humor and can be extremely sarcastic. He follows along with the idea of prophecies and with Haidee's ideas a little to mellowly for what I'd been expecting given our introduction to him, which I think says more about the whole 'everything works out for Haidee' but than about him. I also enjoy that Arjun decided to go with a prosthetic magical rifle after he lost his hand (not a spoiler, it happened pre-book). I don't know how they engineer the things they do in the desert, but I just found it amusing that instead of engineering a hand or hook or knife or something they went with a rifle that could channel his fire magic. It really fits his personality, honestly. While Arjun's and Haidee's romance is definitely more power-balanced than Lan's and Odessa's, there are still some holes in it. Mainly that they meet and fall in love within the span of the book, which I'm pretty sure takes place over, like, a month. I love fantasy and dystopian, and sci-fi, but oh my god I am getting sick of the quick romances. Chupeco did a decent job of showing why they fell in love and how they respected each other and became friends before they fell in love, but it's still only been a month. Sorry, but I know 19-year-olds, being one and being in college, and I'm just really not certain that your 'month to love' romance is gonna last. There are different depths to love and you can love more than once, but the insta-true-love, will-survive-anything has just, for some reason, been getting on my nerves lately. Maybe in a couple months or years I'll be fine with it again, but right now I'm just not a fan, even if I do like the characters together. The mythology and general world-building in the book is also something I enjoyed. Chupeco keeps the ideas of duality, sacrifice, and "a demoness is what they call a goddess that men cannot control" going throughout the book. It centers around two young goddesses whose mother(s) are goddesses and a world that somehow stopped spinning and split into only-night and only-day, so there's obviously a lot of mythology and magic going into the base of this book. Since the 'Breaking,' as they call it, neither mother-goddess has really told the twins much about previous generations of goddesses. Odessa gets more of an education about it than Haidee does, but both are still largely left in the dark about their world's mythology, which allows Chupeco to reveal it to the reader in a way that feels natural without info-dumping. There's a lot to do with goddesses, prophecies, and rituals that starts to get unpacked in this one, but which mainly sets up for the sequel. I'm super interested in learning more about the goddesses and rituals in the next book and have plenty of theories regarding them. The duality piece of things is interesting, because you don't necessarily recognize it in the beginning or even halfway through the book. It was more toward the end that I began to see what Chupeco was doing with the night-day, ill-healthy, healer-'plague-giver' sort of balance. The goddesses are twins, as all goddesses before them have been, and that set-up is a fantastic literary device for setting up dualities. You can have the good twin vs. the evil twin, the knowledgeable vs. the ignorant, and so many other varieties, and Chupeco plays with a bit of each in each twin. Odessa knows more about their past from the start, but it's Haidee who learns more about it and their world on the way. Odessa starts out as the chronically-ill sister, but Haidee ends up drained and exhausted. Odessa becomes more and more morally complex and dark but still has soft spots, Haidee is blindingly optimistic but has moments of destructive rage. They're set up to mirror and foil one another, yet each still comes together in the end and finds strength in knowing their twin. The girls are quite similar even though the book sets up a lot of their differences. Without giving too many spoilers I can say that this is 100% reflected in where the plot takes us and the things that are revealed. In terms of world-building I thought Chupeco gave us very distinct settings, creatures, and peoples. The night-side of the world is described as very rainy and cold, with threats of storms, kraken, and icebergs. Though Lan and Odessa are only in the city for a short period of time, I remember the impression I got of it. Old bookstores, tall buildings, dreary because of the rain. This is set against the next setting Lan and Odessa experience, which is the borderlands near the Abyss. While these lands are still dark, there's more foliage described as well as eerie lakes, currents made of air that are strong enough to hold ships, and creatures of darkness and shadow. It is also here where the sky begins to lighten as they move closer to the Abyss and the always-day side of the world. This is even more different from the settings Arjun and Haidee encounter. The desert is vast and deadly, full of dangerous scorpions, an acid sea, and a sea of sand complete with sand-dolphins and sand-sea creatures. The desert is full of raiders and nomadic clans instead of shadow people, but the former can be just as deadly. The Golden City is more steampunk than the night city, Aranth, is described to be. It also seems to be full of snootier people than Aranth does, and all-in-all, despite it being a city run by a twin goddess with a twin goddess daughter, Haidee's city is a very different city from the one Lan and Odessa left. Then there's Inanna's Temple and the Abyss itself, which remind me of dawn and pure darkness, respectively, but still have their own distinct feelings and descriptions. It's very easy to get immersed in the world Chupeco has created here and it's one of those rare world-building experiences that makes me wish I could see it artistically rendered. The Never Tilting World is a good book with unique, distinct characters each with their own strengths and weaknesses that are explored throughout the book. Chupeco writes the characters relatively realistically, meaning they deal with physical and mental trauma as well as tough decisions they sometimes respond to poorly. The Arjun-Haidee romance felt kind of rushed and the Lan-Odessa romance felt like it had a power-imbalance I wasn't 100% comfortable with. Since there is another book, however, and since the Lan-Odessa romance had a lot more promise in the beginning than the middle and end, I'm hoping it'll get itself sorted out. I also dinged the book's score because of terminology that we're left to figure out for ourselves that really would've been better if it had just been explained outright. Definitely think it's a good read, though and would recommend picking it up if you enjoy fantasy.
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Just You
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester
Word Count: 1,965
Warnings: none
Summary: You and Dean won’t face the feelings you have for one another until the dam breaks and it’s flooding everything.
Squared Filled: Mutual Pining
Author’s Note: I know some of you have requested fics, and I promise I will get to them. I just need to finish these bingos before the deadline in June/July of this year. I am also trying to post daily again so bear with me. This is for @spngenrebingo and this is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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No matter what anyone says, not matter what they believe, you do not have a thing for Dean Winchester. Well, that’s what you made everyone believe. Truth is, you liked the guy so much that he has consumed every one of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Everything you did, you always had him in mind when you did it.
Would Dean like this new outfit? Would Dean appreciate you taking initiative on the newest hunt? Would Dean appreciate a car wash? Would Dean like this, would Dean like that? It was getting kind of exhausting trying to please him all the time, but it’s like your body willed it. It’s as if nothing would give it more pleasure than to see Dean Winchester pleased.
It makes things harder when you tried to hide these thoughts and feelings whenever he was in the room. You liked him a lot, but he always finds some way to irritate you. The way he sticks a pen in his mouth to chew while reading, how he licks his lips right before he chugs down his beer, how tight his Henleys look late at night when it’s just the two of you. It makes things a whole lot harder around here.
It’s not like you don’t irritate him as well. He can not count how many times he wanted to jump over a table and strangle you for the things you do. Like, for instance, how you scrunch your nose up right before you sneeze, or how your tongue peeks out when you’re in deep concentration, and especially your short pajama shorts because it’s just too damn hot to wear pants. You drive him absolutely nuts.
No, he doesn’t like you, or he would never admit it to you. The only person who knew of his silly little crush is Sam and that was only because he caught him staring at you from across the room. Sam had said something crazy like how he would “take Baby on a joy ride in the desert and give her a good scratching” and Dean just said “okay” because he just wasn’t listening.
For weeks, Sam was getting sick and tired of seeing you two eye fuck each other when the other one wasn’t looking. Maybe if feelings were confessed, you two would have a wild night in the sheets and things could go back to normal. Although, after hearing what Dean gets up to in the showers early in the morning has scarred him for life. He doesn’t think he could ever come back from that.
All you could do now is just sit back and pine after the man who you have no chance with. Dating and potentially sleeping with another hunter, much less one that lives with you, is treading on dangerous waters. You don’t think you’re prepared to take a swim just yet. You might end up drowning.
The morning after a really rough hunt, Sam had been the first one to get up and go on his run. He only made coffee for two and since you were the next one to be up, you figured you could take the other cup and make some more before Dean woke up. Just as you were pouring your cup, Dean walked into the room.
“God,” he scoffed, already annoyed with you.
“What is it this time, Winchester?” you sighed.
“You took the last of the coffee!” he exclaimed as if you had just murdered someone in cold blood.
“Sorry, I’ll make another one.”
“Forget it. Too late anyway,” he scoffed once more before leaving the kitchen in a huff. He had been really short with you lately and it’s starting to get on your nerves.
“Strike one, Winchester,” you muttered to yourself as you sipped the warm beverage.
One of the things you absolutely needed to do after a hunt is take a shower. Thanks to the Men of Letters shower room, all three of you were able to take showers at the same time. Stalls separated each shower head, but the brothers refused to go in when you were in there. Something about respecting your privacy or some shit.
Whatever, it means more alone time for you. This is something you had developed over the years, stemming from when you were a kid, but you always left your towels on the floor of the bathroom when you were done with it. Don’t worry, you’d pick it up when you were done getting ready for the day. However, that first instance that you’d throw your towel on the floor is when Dean quite literally lost his mind.
He was scheduled to take a shower next, but when he spotted your towel on the floor, spoke would come out of his ears if it could. He snatched the towel up before stomping to the living room where you and Sam were watching a movie. It didn’t really bother him that a towel was on the flood since he wasn’t the most tidiest person, but the fact that it was you who put it there. Everything you do drove him crazy.
“What the hell is this?” Dean snapped.
“What are you going on about now?” you sighed, pausing the movie to look at him. Whoops, you must have forgotten to put the towel on the rack when you were done. Your mother always got mad at you for that. Something about how wet towels can grow mold or whatever. You just thought Dean didn't mind all that much.
“You left your towel on the floor, again.”
“I’m sorry, Dean. I forgot to pick it up. I’ll remember next time, okay?” you asked, giving him those big doe eyes of yours. You weren't doing it on purpose, but you stirred something in him that he needed to get out.
“Sam, a word please?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, following his big brother down the hall where they can talk in privacy.
“Strike two, Winchester,” you muttered to yourself as the brothers left.
“I am going nuts here man!”
“It’s just a towel.”
“Yeah, today it’s just a towel. But tomorrow, she could be leaving her… panties everywhere,” he sighed.
“Why don’t you tell her how you feel?”
“How I feel? Oh I feel very annoyed, maybe she might like that.”
“Dean, you know what I mean.”
“Forget it,” he shook his head, throwing the towel into the bathroom before storming off to his room. Sam really hated being in the middle of all this.
“I could really use a wingman, Sammy,” Dean grinned as he put on his jacket.
“No thanks,” he chuckled, taking a look at you. Arms crossed with the attitude, lips pouted. Dean was going out yet again to see if he could get some score for the night while you sit in with Sam doing God knows what.
“Y/N, you sure you don’t want to come?” he asked, looking at you.
“No, go have fun Dean,” you said with a tight-lipped smile.
“Okay. Don’t wait up for me!” he snickered as he left. You couldn’t believe he was actually going out and having fun with single ladies looking for a hookup. Yeah, he was single too, but he was blind if he couldn’t see what he was doing to you.
“You okay, Y/N?” Sam asked.
“Fine, why wouldn’t I be?” The room was filled with silence once more, but you couldn’t control the words that were coming out of your mouth. “I don’t understand why Dean would just go out when he has two perfectly good company right in front of him. All those women are just predators marking their territory. He’s being used, that’s what’s happening and he’s fucking blind.”
“Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t… like Dean do you?” he asked with a grin.
“Psh, you’re out of your mind if you think I’ll like a man like him. No, I bet he has fun with those sluts in tight dresses with their boobs falling out. I hope he has a great time,” you put, your tone suggesting otherwise.
“Right,” Sam smirked, minding his own business, or at least, trying to.
“Okay, I’m off for the night. I won’t be back until tomorrow morning,” Sam said as he slung his laptop bag over his shoulder.
“Have fun,” you muttered, your eyes not leaving the book in front of you.
“Don’t burn down the place,” he sighed as he left. Once the metal door closed, you looked at Dean whose focus was solely on the notebook in front of him. His pen rested on his full bottom lip. The way he clicked it against his lip got you thinking of all sorts of things. He seemed to not know what he was doing, but if he looked over at you he would see it plastered all over his face.
Yes, you had a thing for him, a serious thing, but he could never know that. Normally, you would have ignored him, but this was the going to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Click. Click. Click. Click-click.
Screw this. He was doing this to you on purpose whether he realized it or not. When you got out of your chair, it scraped against the floor loudly. Dean looked up from his book as he watched you march right over to him. He thought this was going to be another fight about something stupid he was doing, but you only had one thing on your mind.
As soon as you were within touching distance from him, you slapped the pen out of his hand, grabbed his cheeks, and pulled you to him. Planting your lips firmly on his, you kissed him with every ounce of passion within you. As soon as you were going to pull away from him, he grabbed your hips and kept you there as he kissed you back.
With his hunter strength, he pulled you into his lap, fitting your legs around him. He kept you to his lips because now that he’s gotten a taste of you, he doesn’t ever want to taste anything else ever again.
Just you.
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hoseokisme-blog · 6 years
Carpe Diem
Chapter 1 :
Opening my eyes was the hardest thing to do for me. I could feel rays of light upon my face telling me that it was time to wake up.
Accepting to open my eyes would means that I have to face again an unproductive day. That was everyday struggle.
I'm not good when it comes to confrontations. All I do is run off situations that I know I'm not capable of handle.
I love being in control. Not fighting for life is my way to control it. If nothing is happening, if I'm not doing anything, if I don't stand up and live, I chose it. I decided it and accepted it because I'm the commander of my life.
I'm never going back to that time where circumstances of life controlled me and influenced my incoming days. Deception was all I gain.
I made it. I was finally awake but i felt like shit. Yesterday night I ate tons of food and quenched my thirst with some or should I say too much beer. I was still feeling guilty of my life style but I chose it. Stop blaming yourself girl.
I slowly dragged myself out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom.  I didn't even take more than 15min to clean myself. Combing my hair was just a waste of time. Make-up? Who puts on cosmetics when you stay most of the time at home? Funny how before i used to spend 30 minutes on my daily make-up routine. What could I even do outside in this fake ass world though? Besides buying some groceries. I needed to feed myself after all and lord knows how much I eat.
After making my coffee and lit a cigarette, I was finally sitting in my living room eager to inhale nicotine.
«Bless be this coffee that helps me staying awake and those cigarettes that slowly are killing my lungs. Amen»
I said with a hoarse voice echoing in my not so furnished apartment. I always had the habit of talking to myself. That's not a mental illness right?
I felt my phone vibrating.
ASSHOLE is calling
I took a deep breath and said, "The fuck you calling me?" I was already regretting that i picked up my phone. How stupid I was.
The man behind the phone spoke to me, "This is how you treat the only friend you have?"
"Get dismissed. Who said I need your friendship or whatsoever?" I retorted.
"Ya ! Move your big ass from that shitty place you live in. Where did you go? I -" He angrily responded to me but I didn't let him the time to even finish his sentence.
"Cut it YoonGi. I'm not making a damn move. You can kiss my ass" I threw my phone somewhere in the distance and took another cigarette to burn my frustration.
Your call ended
He looked at his phone with a sulky face,
"She's probably on her periods. I need to do something with her bad attitude." He whined to his friend Jungkook who was sitting next to him.
"Man, just give up. Every day is the same useless arguments. And let me inform you that she can't be every single day on her periods." Jungkook answered with annoyance.
The youngest took a pause and continued, "Who knows she still might be. I would be not surprised that midget has some one of a kind dysfunctional sickness. Oh wait, is she even human?"
Yoongi knitted one's brow at his disproportionate reaction. She sure isn't the kindest girl right now but Jungkook's words were too harsh.
Yoongi grinned and proudly told back, "Don't be so salty with her 'cause she rejected you boy. And Jungkook, call me once again 'man' and I will punch you right in your pretty face of yours that makes girls drooling over you. You both are the same. Can't fucking put some respect on my name. Damn I'm older than you ! I'm your Hyung after all."
Jungkook didn't even care and left his sit "Get lost!"
That kid really needed some education.
"I don't understand why I'm still answering his calls. I should block his number."  I told myself while reaching for my phone that i threw somewhere in the mess that is my desk. 
I feel so pissed off right now. The few things that could possibly enlighten my day are scrolling endlessly on tumblr while eating some snacks and lay on my bed. Pissed off or not, i would have done that all day long until I fall asleep though. 
"Who is that pretty boy? Oh sweet lord he got those moves though. I said with mesmerized eyes, I'm sure his mom delivered him while dancing!" Tumblr is really an eye candy place for a girl like me. I read the tag at the end of the post, "J-Hope" What an interesting name. Seemingly he's a choreographer. 
I look at my belly and sigh deeply. If only i had fifteen kilos less i could dance again. But i guess food is the only thing that can cheer me up. When I'm sad? I eat. When I'm happy? I eat. When I'm angry at the whole wide world ? You guess it, i eat.
It is said that in order to live we must eat but for me it's more like i live to eat. I have one life to eat everything i want then when I'll rest down in my grave, I'll be reduce to caloric food  for worms. 
I was a party animal before i turn my back on what people consider as life. I was all over the place dancing around. Wherever I heard a beat or something catchy here I was moving my ass. Moreover when all eyes set on me I felt alive, noticed and sometimes desired. Since I'm a human wreck I don't think I would still give the same effect on people. Dance was dead when I put underground my old me.
"You're also hungry my baby. Aww mommy is gonna give you some meat. It's time to eat right? It's 9pm you must be starving" 
 As I'm getting up from bed to feed my cat, i heard a loud knock on my door. I don't get any visit since a year and i want it to stay the same way. Furthermore i didn't give my address to a single person when i moved out. Since i don't have a peephole i kind of freaked out of who could possibly come this late. I took the first thing that I could grab in the kitchen and went to open the door. 
"Good eve-  What the heck MinRae put that knife down. For god sake are you out of your mind? »
He found me. How did he manage to? I turn my back on him and walk to the kitchen to put back the knife and make some coffee.
He didn't change for a bit, still that same pale face and outstanding colorful hair. This time he dyed it green.
"Here you are. Drink quickly this up and never come back again" I say sternly, and put a cup of coffee on the table of the living room.
"I'm not here to create a big fuss MinRae. I'm tired of all this shit. It's been a year that you hiding yourself from us. You didn't even care to tell us where you were moving out nor explain us why. I called you every day ! The only answer that I have when the sloth that you are had the courage to pick up the phone is ' fuck you'. What the hell is wrong with you? You're such a selfish girl"
I can feel all his anger while YoonGi spit out all these words at me. He didn't even blink his sharp eyes once or stopped to take back his breath.
"Are you done?" I say with a big grin as if what he just told me hasn't even moved me a bit.
"Look at you. You don't even look like yourself. Are you training to become the fattest midget in the world? Is this why you fled from us?"
He comes at me and pulls my arm to force me to face him. Cocky as I am, I look straight in his eyes. I don't want him to feel like he impresses me.
"What's up with this belly? Are you pregnant?" He sarcastically says while gazing at my stomach.
Why his words hurt me so badly? I can sense sadness and anger fill up my throat. I'm about to explode. But I need to contain myself.
Now he's going near what used to be my piano.
"I can't believe you didn't even touch your piano for it seems months. Look at all that dust. Is it a garbage dump? How can you leave food and grime on one of the thing you used to cherish the most in this world?"
He's coming back at me and I can't face him anymore. He was right and I'm so mad that he is. I feel shattered. I can't even think straight. I don't know what to do or explain. My mind is blank. I don't know where to start. No words are coming. However I can feel tears running down my cheeks.
I hate showing myself vulnerable or weak. He doesn't deserve to witness that his words still have an impact on me. Friendship was over when I told myself that I don't deserve it anymore.
He pulls me in a embrace. I try to push him back but it was worthless.
"I'm sorry Minie. But I knew that I had to be rough on you to let your guard down." He pats my head.  "I miss you and the others also do. Stop fighting with the people that cares about you."
Slowly a lot of old feelings are filling me up. Minie, that's what my friends used to call me. I can't deny that I missed the presence of YoonGi and being called by my nickname.
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
Online Krav Maga Dvd
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Online Krav Maga Dvd
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    “Already lost 5lbs”
“I’ve been very happy with the program and what I’ve learned so far. I’ve already lost 5 lbs.”
Jonathan T. Aguilar, 36
“Easy yet Effective”
“Well, there were many things that I liked about the program! I like that fact that it’s easy yet very effective. Most of what we learn in Special Forces is more defensive, and you can’t spar with it. Sifu Matt’s program gives you everything!”
Joe Dulmage, Special Forces Solider
“Program motivate me to lose weight”
“I’m 44 years old. I have been taking these classes through Matt. When I started I weighed 196. I now weigh 166. I lost it because the program motivated me. I was sick of only being able to wrestle for 30 seconds before I needed paramedic attention. I don’t have to sit around and waste time learning useless history about some Asian emperor who, 1000 years ago, authorized use of the martial arts for the select few. Really, who cares about that?”
Bob Miller, County Judge
“Extremely Satisfied”
“I would like to add that I am extremely satisfied the quality of the program… very pleased with the overall experience. You run a very good business and I am glad to be part of it.”
Steve Munerantz, 27
“Highly recommended for both men and women”
“My name is Dave Lamoso, I began with EDS in May. When I finally looked into it I decided to give it a try. For health reasons, to lose weight, and to sharpen my fighting techniques. It has been very beneficial. I feel a lot better and healthier overall. When I began this program I weighed in at 236 lbs. Because of continuing programs at EDS, I now weigh in at 198 lbs. I have stopped smoking cigarettes since I have started this program. I will be able to keep my weight under control with the exercise and workouts that I get through EDS. I feel so much better about myself now, I weigh less and I feel a lot stronger. Before I started this program I was always tired and lazy (fatigued). I now have an over abundance of energy. I feel great over all. I have made this a permanent part of my life, I fit my this program in my everyday schedule. I feel guilty if I miss one day. I would highly recommend this program to both men and women.”
Dave Lamoso, 43
“It was good to touch base with you yesterday. I was just talking with my wife yesterday at how thankful I was to have encountered certain people who have influenced me in a positive and profound way, such as my father, a few important Football coaches, and of course Sifu Master Numrich. Seriously, credit is due where credit is deserved. Thanks for all of your teachings and friendship, as it has been such a positive force in my life. Not to mention the confidence that I have IF I ever get in to a physical confrontation with someone…..let’s just say that I “Pity the fool” who messes with the “Stallion”! Seriously, I just wanted to thank you again, as I don’t forget important things, and it is all much appreciated!”
Mark, Home Inspector and MMA Competitor
“More challenging than expected”
“Awesome program! I wasn’t sure what to expect but it met and exceeded what I wished to get out of it. It was more challenging than I expected… and I expected it to be very challenging!!!”
Eric Peterson, Veterinarian Assistant
“Totally worth it”
“Hey everybody. I just wanted to say this program really works. I have only been taking this program for one month and I feel I have already learned a lot. It was one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever experienced. If I could take a test with only one month’s worth of experience, I feel like I can do anything. This has been totally worth it. Thanks for everything.”
Reinier Marfil
“The cardio and work out are killers”
“Sifu Matt…I love taking your program…the cardio and work out you give us is a killer and that is just what I am looking for each week. Do I even need to say anything about the knowledge you provide your students and staff with. Thanks to all at EDS!!!”
Brian McDougall, Manager
“A humbling experience”
“I would have to call the program a very humbling experience. The people are great and I’m really enjoying it.
Rob Lowery
“Bring pride in continuing tradition”
“Emil Bautista here, a student of Adriano D. Emperado, Kajukenbo and I wish to thank you for helping me recognize Michael McDaniel’s rank within the art he studied with you while in Chicago. This is important to me because he has shown great talent but I unsure as to where he belonged as respect to Kajukenbo and your art. I wanted the students here to respect Michael and also his rank in your art as well as his rank in Kajukenbo. I know where he fits in with respect to our art of Kajukenbo, but not what he studied with you. I knew he was very knowledgeable in your art and I felt he should have something to show for it. But I am not in the habit of going behind anyone’s back and giving rank in any other art but the one I am qualified for Kajukenbo. Michael has helped tremendously with our grappling program and has helped many of our students to win competitions and feel better about themselves with respect to grappling. This is something that was missing from our program and I am very grateful to Michael for sharing his knowledge with us. Our Kajukenbo ranking goes like this; white, purple, blue, green, brown and black and this can take about three to four years to get through the ranks. I know it’s different with your style as Michael has explained to me. I just wanted you to know how very proud I am of Michael and all he has accomplished here. The students really like him and he has a good following for his classes. Please know that Michael is carrying on your tradition very admirably, that I am proud of him and honored that he came from you.”
Grandmaster Emil Bautista, who had one of our students join his school after a move
“Feel energized”
“I had an especially good work out last night. That energized feeling you get the next day after a good hard work out is awesome. Add that to the nice end of summer weather we have today and things are shaping up to be a great day. Just thought I would share.”
Jim McCoy, Attorney
“Great team building and camaraderie”
“My best moment so far had to be this past Tuesday night. I have not had that much fun in a long time. The fun began from the beginning of program. I thought the next day I was not going to be able to work due to the intensity of the class; however, I actually felt like a million bucks the next day. It is funny how a fun evening of getting it handed to me led me to be more active and mentally focused in my professional and personal life. I feel alive again wanting to do more. I can already tell that my wife and daughter can see a change in my attitude. So far I cannot say enough positive things about my experience with this program.”
Jignesh M. Patel, Dentist
“The lesson was excellent, it helped to review, a few things I think I saw and some feedback from you. Great job and excellent program!”
Jim Kennon, 63, Financial Planner
“No regrets”
“Everything is going great. The lessons are what I was hoping for and more. So I am very pleased with my decision to buy your program.”
Jose Mata, Manager
“Felt comfortable even though I’m still very new”
“It was a great experience Matt. I felt very comfortable even though I’m still very new. I particularly enjoyed the way the info is presented.”
Mike Baldwin, Business Owner
“Worth more than people pay for it”
“The training is worth more than people pay for it, and is the most practical self defense I have seen. I would recommend it to anyone.”
Sam Louflen, student
“Tons of great information”
“Just wanted to say I had a great time. Learned a lot of great information. I wished i had known the curriculum ten years ago, when i was working as bartender at a local pool hall in the city. But that’s another story. Once again thank you for the opportunity to learn this information.”
Marc Johnson, bouncer
“Let go of frustrations go and learn”
“I would like to thank you and EDS. Recently I have felt that life has went full circle and have never felt better.. Less stress and really enjoying life.. Hey I have lost 20 pounds doing it.. Work is going good. Family and friends are great.. and found a great person to share everything, we found each other and WoW… The Lord works in really mysterious ways and I am glad he guided me thru this.”
Beny Rivera, Computer Systems Tech
“He truly cares for my best interest”
“I did a lot of research in the area martial arts programs, and after visiting and trying out various places, I enrolled with Matt Numrich and EDS about 2 years ago. I am extremely happy to report that I made a right choice then, and that even now this is the most perfect program for someone like me. Apart from childhood interest in Martial Arts, I did not have any background in it so I was a total novice. Sifu Numrich and the EDS staff have been able to patiently guide me and train me in all kinds of techniques and skills with personalized attention and guidance, so that now I am at the intermediate level. Being a professional musician and artist who draws from global musical backgrounds, I truly appreciate that Sifu Numrich has in-depth knowledge of all the self defense and fighting styles, and is able to bring the best of it all together in a true continuum of Bruce Lee’s concept and philosophy. I also feel that Sifu Numrich has taken personal interest in making me reach my goals of physical abilities and martial arts skills, as well as, he truly cares for my best interest, and that he has made a positive impact on my life.”
Kalyan Pathak
“Even after almost 8 years”
“I wanted to write you this letter to give thanks to you, because unbeknown to you, have been a mental mentor over the years. Even after almost 8 years I still think back to the training Matt has provided, not just the techniques but mainly the mental capacity. So I wanted to give you the best of luck to you for your recovery and to your good health.”
Chris A. Santi, past student
“Inspiration in a difficult time”
“I just got back from a funeral of a very old and close friend of mine. He had just committed suicide. His death made me feel lost and confused as to how we are to direct our own lives when death reaches us all, regardless of our purpose. Then I started to read your blog and realized that direction of life starts with our own health. Just wanted to say thank you for the words of inspiration in a difficult time.”
Raymond Rimocal
“Great program that it is”
“I was feeling a bit bummed about missing a whole month of training due to work and vacationing with the family, and I was about to ask Sifu Numrich about any possibility of giving me one hour of training to catch me up on the curriculum that I missed. I also want to thank everyone at EDS for making it a great program that it is.”
Kalyan Pathak (second email he wrote in)
“This guy threw 6 punches and never made contact”
“Matt, I got in an altercation with an aggressive guest last night at my restaurant. This guy had about 60lbs on me and was 6 feet tall compared to my 5′ 6″. Thanks to you, this guy threw 6 punches which never made contact. It took 15 to 20 seconds and the fight was over. I can tell you that this guy had no clue what happened to him.”
Walter G. Paiz, Restaurant Manager
“Principles come like second nature”
“Matt has given me the edge I need when comes to a confrontation. Principles are so easy to remember, they come like second nature. This is so important in my line of work. .”
Tom Stephenson, Bouncer
“End any altercation quickly”
“Sifu Matt is straight to the point for law enforcement and civilians alike, allowing anyone to end any altercation quickly.”
Jason Kohl, Police Officer
“My life has totally changed”
“My life has totally changed. You have helped me with my self-confidence & self-awareness. Thanks for being such a positive person in my life.”
Carrie Connors, Teacher
“Price is unbeatable”
“The instruction is of the highest quality, and the price is unbeatable in comparison to other programs.”
Jake Nuesser, 28, Graphic Artist
“I have lost over 15 pounds”
“I needed something other than the boring routine of a health club to get in shape. Since joining classes I have lost over 15 pounds which has made me feel incredible! As a bonus I have greatly improved my cardio and flexibility.”
George Boutsikakis, 43
“Exceeded my expectations”
“I strongly believe every woman should know how to protect herself. Training through Elite Defense Systems helped me gain the physical skills of self-defense along with the mental attributes to avoid conflict. The classes are taught in a fun, informative and non threatening environment by instructors who’s knowledge and skill level exceeded my expectations.”
Susan Mueller, Mother
“Sifu Matt has given me more confidence than I have ever had. Of course I would not have the confidence or the knowledge if it weren’t for the E.D.S. instructors, who are always willing to help and always very patient when teaching new information.”
Christine Tomczak, 26
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lokgifsandmusings · 7 years
Definitive Ranking of Book 1 Episodes, #10/12
10. 1x11 Skeletons in the Closet
Bending is ILLEGAL, Asami drops it like it’s hot, a wild fanservice appears, and Noatak and Tarrlok build a snowman.
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*Back a month later with Starbucks and more nitpicks*
Actually, real talk: can someone explain why part of the goyim gets upset with Starbucks not being Chirstmasy enough? Because I was just in one and it looks like Rudolph threw up everywhere. What ever happened to a nice autumnal display...
No, let’s get back to definitively ranking Book 1 episodes!
And let me just say: this has been a struggle. I know logically that Book 1 is fine. Obviously it engaged me enough to watch Book 2, even if I only saw the back-half in one sitting while I was drunk. But still, like I said in my first essay on this season, it just doesn’t get any deeper, unlike the other books. Instead, you notice all the hanging threads, and tugging on them leads to...well, whatever this is.
The thing is, I purposely do these definitive rankings in reverse order so that I sound increasingly more enthused. But when I saw I’d be writing about this one, I sat staring for five minutes trying to come up with a reason as to why it was better than “The One With All The Love Triangles” or “The One Where Amon Gets Caught.” It has slightly fewer contrivances?
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Okay, stepping back, this episode isn’t all that complicated, or all that bad, really. The Equalists have taken over Republic City after their carpet bombing of it (you know...for equality!), so the Krew is underground in the sewers, eatin’ street gruel and flirtin’ with the person they’re not dating 10 feet away from the person they are dating. We get a glimpse of Republic City under the Equalists, which includes the apparent outlawing of bending, coupled with a line of handcuffed and blindfolded benders being paraded before Amon to be “cleansed of their impurity.”
Iroh II sails his face into a trap, and then he, Bolin, and Asami decide to go after Hiroshi’s army of biplanes (to prevent them from doing the same to Bumi’s fleet), while Korra and Mako want to go after Amon himself. They sneak onto Air Temple Island so they can ambush him, only to find a de-bended Tarrlok locked up. He explains how he and Amon are both sons of Yakone, and they can all bloodbend any day of the year. That’s how Amon has been taking away people’s bending. Korra and Mako then decide they’re going to expose Amon as a waterbender at his Equalist rally.
Let’s leave the Noatuk truth-bomb for last, cause that’s worth digging into a bit. Character-wise, this isn’t a very strong episode for any member of the Krew. Asami finally pulls the plug on Mako, I guess, which given that he’s acting like Korra’s boyfriend anyway makes plenty of sense. So that’s something? Otherwise, the biggest moment is Korra deciding she has to go after Amon herself. Which is kind of regressive? I mean, she doesn’t really have the skills or capacity to beat the guy, and the last time she tried to seek him out to fight on her terms, she got captured and very nearly lost her bending.
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Korra: Wait, I'm sorry, but I'm not going with you tomorrow.
Mako: What?
Asami: Why not?
Korra: I'm sick and tired of hiding from Amon. It's time I face him.
Iroh: That's not a good plan. We need to stick together.
Korra: I'm not waiting for him to hunt me down. My guts tell me it's time to end this, on my terms.
Iroh: Korra, this is not a mission you should be handling alone.
Don’t get me wrong: it’s totally understandable why Korra would not want to just wait for Amon to go after her, and why she feels she’s not exactly needed in this “destroy the fleet mission.” But like, isn’t the protagonist supposed to have some kind of character growth?
I know I talked about this already in my “Endgame” piece, and yes, I think overall it’s a good thing that she had plenty of space to keep growing after Book 1. It just seems strange that her solution to the Amon situation is more “well NOW I’m going to do something about it!” despite her being no more prepared to take this on. Despite her having no strategy past “ambushing” him on Air Temple Island. And guess what, even when she has more information and tries to approach it in an inventive way, she still gets her ass kicked! She still gets de-bended!
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Again, this is a narrative. What is the message supposed to be in Korra pursuing this option? Are we supposed to be cheering with her? Are we supposed to agree with Iroh?
Really, it’s this episode where the backwards nature of the writing becomes clear. Bryke needed Korra and  Mako pursuing Amon alone. They needed them to run into Tarrlok. They needed a way for Amon to get exposed by forcing him to waterbend. They needed Korra to get de-bended but then still airbend. None of this particularly flowed from character actions, and certainly not personalities. Shit just occurred *to* our protagonists, and that’s disappointing to think about in a story as thoughtful and intriguing as LoK.
I’m not saying that plot-points shouldn’t be planned out, btw! I’m just saying that they need to be done with respect to characterization and character journeys. Book 2 was one stumbling block after another, but that finale came together spectacularly well because the focus was on Korra’s arc. She beat Unalaq by literally tapping into the core of who she was and ripping her reality into existence. Sure there were contrivances that set it up, but we’re not talking Korra just randomly going against her own self-interest. That was Civil Wars!
Really, the emotional weight of this episode was Tarrlok’s story (and I know mileage varies there), so maybe this complaint is more along the lines of a nitpick. But it’s incredibly disappointing on a revisit to realize that Korra more or less stagnated after 1x04, with a small exception being in her attitude towards Asami (the result of exposure). Which maybe is what was behind Korra being the one to put up boundaries with Mako this episode? Mildly?
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However, this also means that Korra’s most significant character development of the season was in the context of navigating the teenage dating game. And I’d be floored if that’s really what people wanted out of the Avatar franchise, or what Bryke even intended.
That’s maybe the kicker, here. This was the episode where it felt as though Bryan and Mike just had to start wrapping things up, logic-be-damned! But...wasn’t this the season where they had the most amount of time to plan?
Even a very small change could have gone a long way. A common complaint of “Endgame” is that the airbenders just showed up on stage, handcuffed. I don’t mind that it “undercut” Lin’s sacrifice (mostly because I don’t think it *did*. The point was that she was willing to do that), but I do think it felt like a total asspull when we more or less saw them get away. But what if word somehow reached the sewers (or was even intentionally delivered there) that Amon was holding the airbenders captive? Hell maybe Iroh could have brought this information. Then, that would have created a sense of urgency where it made sense for the Krew to split up, and it would have made sense for Korra and Mako to go to Air Temple Island specifically. Did they even have a way of knowing that’s where Amon was operating within this episode?
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Again, writers should generally have an endpoint in mind that they write to. But it shouldn’t require contortions in logic to get there. And if you can’t think of a compelling reason for your characters to reach it...well...it’s probably time to rethink those beats, then. “Skeletons in the Closet” is an episode where just about everything that happens felt like it needed a second thought.
A perfectly good example of that is with the Equalists. In “Turning the Tides,” they bombed the entire city and captured enough benders where in this episode, they had an incredibly long line of them just waiting to be de-bended, including more policemen and White Lotus Members. The Equalists also declared bending illegal and stuck an Amon mask on Aang’s statue.
I have just...so many questions about how all this works. Like, logistically how have The Equalists actually taken over a city? I mean first of all, the crowd to whom Hiroshi announced bending being outlawed makes Trump’s inauguration look impressive.
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Second of all, if we just talk about power dynamics of the universe, how does this work:
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These are the SUPERPOWERED people. And the ones we’re seeing in this picture are literally trained fighters. They’ve got blindfolds on so...that’s it? Game over? No seismic-sense earthbenders? I’m not trying to victim blame here, but when you’ve got such a disparity in skill, to see these proportions of the benders to nonbenders here, with the benders doing absolutely nothing but being faceless and passive, it really pushes the envelope of believability.
Wasn’t the implication of the Equalist revolution that there actually was a revolution? That the *masses* went along with this, since they were the ones abused, ignored, and/or silenced under bender rule? Except then that makes the Equalists carpet-bombing the city even weirder, because this aftermath doesn’t seem to follow. Unless the only survivors were the people at Hiroshi’s rally.
Again, it’s the backwards writing. They needed the Equalists to have taken over, so they did. I’d totally buy the Equalists just controlling Air Temple Island and camping out there, maybe with important prisoners, but no. They successfully destroyed the United Forces and it was bad enough that their general had to retreat into the sewers and communicate his orders through Gommu.
I almost don’t even want to touch Iroh. He’s fanservice, and pretty heavy-handed fanservice at that. I really don’t care about giving people *something*, but fanservice that works is like...the picture of Aang airbend-juggling sushi rolls. It’s not some rando Mary Sue (and I truly mean a textbook Mary Sue here) showing up, ordering around our main characters to get us to the next action set-piece, and then watching him literally fly around with no explanation as he grounds Hiroshi’s fleet and saves the day.
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He’s significant to us because we recognize his namesake, and because he’s voiced by Dante Basco. But just imagine if you were a viewer watching LoK without having seen ATLA. Wouldn’t this character feel incredibly odd to you? Wouldn’t you wonder why we were focusing on him at the cost of our regulars getting more time to contend with this new situation?
Like, oh I don’t know...ASAMI? I know, I know what this sounds like. At this point I’m gonna just lean into my reputation. But seriously, her FATHER just bombed the city, he’s making speeches about illegal bending, he blows up Iroh’s fleet here with inventions we didn’t know existed, they make a plan that revolves around facing head-on, and we get a single line of dialogue from her about it. Which the transcript hilariously describes as “somewhat bitterly”:
“It's time to take down my father.”
Yes, that was somewhat of a reaction. Does anyone want to check in if she’s conflicted?
Or like, Korra is apparently driven by extreme impatience now. Even though Mako says she won’t go alone, is there a reason we don’t get anyone actually challenging this or asking why she can’t help with the airfield and *then* go after Amon? Especially Mako, since he’s signing up for it, and he was the one with a slightly more cautious approach to sneaky things in 1x03?
“Hmm ... My grandfather would respect the Avatar's instinct. So will I.”
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Aaaaand finally, speaking of “who are you and why are you suddenly the focal point?”, we’ve got the infamous bloodbending brothers.
Uh, so. Confession: I actually kind of like them? I mean, they ranked halfway up my list in the Definitive Ranking of Complicated Familial Dynamics, so that’s something. But really, I think their story in and of itself is fine. It’s about the futility of revenge, I guess, and there’s the poetic tragedy of the way both brothers did become instruments of their father’s plans despite the fact that they both wanted to escape that fate. Tarrlok wanted to be the city’s savior and have influence through upstanding, noble means; a clear backlash against his crime-boss father ruling from the “underbelly” through brute force. Noatak, meanwhile, truly believed that so long as people had the potential for the fighting dominance his father displayed, there could be no justice in the world. He was a bender who hated his own power, and emulated Aang’s course of action with Yakone, which somewhat ironically led him to think that he truly needed to debend Korra.
It’s a bit of flawed logic, I guess. “I’ll never become an instrument of revenge against the Avatar! Instead, I’ll apply what the Avatar did to you to *all* benders...including the Avatar!”
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I guess he’s just an equal-opportunity debender who understands the symbolic importance of taking away Korra’s bending? Oh look, I made a pun.
But yeah, it’s a fine enough story, and I’m not sure we’re supposed to be viewing Amon as the world’s most balanced thinker anyway.
The problems with Amon are that the Equalist logistics don’t make much sense, as I noted, and the guy himself gleefully debending the sole survivors of genocide in the name of justice is a bit much to swallow, especially after Bryke tried to demonstrate how nonbenders really do have legitimate grievances with regards to their treatment by members of triads and law enforcement alike. Of course the puppy-kicker had to go down, and it’s kind of a shame that what was a nuanced issue was turned into something so black-and-white.
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The problem with the bloodbending brothers, however, is actually one that’s kind of similar to the problem with Kuvira. Their personal stakes are entirely disconnected from Korra herself. She runs into them, and has altercations with them, and as the Avatar she has a unique symbolic and political importance. Therefore she “matters” in both of their plans, which is why Tarrlok kidnapped her (what was the long term of that, exactly?), and Amon purposely didn’t take away her bending when he first captured her. It’s similar to how Kuvira understood that Korra had an importance to the people of the Earth Kingdom and for that reason, took pleasure in knocking her down a peg after her absence for three years; but she was driven by personal reasons relating to the Beifongs.
And this is fine, by the way. I’d say LoK’s most successful antagonist was Zaheer, who again, was targeting Korra for strategic reasons, but not exactly personal ones. Not every conflict is going to be Clark Kent vs. Lex Luthor, with years of history and damage between them. I do happen to think that kind of dynamic is the most effective (Zuko and Azula, anyone?), but again, villains being motivated by something entirely external to the protagonist is absolutely fine, even if it’s their own personal familial baggage.
However, given that Book 1 tripped over itself and couldn’t actually land the beats of the main plotline, nor provide Korra with any sort of growth in its telling...having the focus on the bloodbending brothers is incredibly weird. Like, why was the creative energy put here, of all things? It’s a sad story, sure, but what does it actually mean to Korra?
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Being generous, it allows her to create a plan where she exposes Amon instead of trying to brute-force the situation, but...that plan doesn’t work at all, and she wins by punching. Was this showing development in her strategic thinking? This goes back to the issue of her wanting to hunt down Amon again.
What it sort of feels like, and forgive me for saying this, is spin-off fanfic that people wrote who got interested in the villains. It’s not *bad* by any means. There’s interesting dynamics here. But it shouldn’t come at the cost of Korra’s journey, which it did. In the end, the biggest moment of the season was Tarrlok’s murder/suicide. It’s a tragic story, sure. It’s just not Korra’s. And at least with Kuvira, it was her arc that bent to suit Korra’s needs, not the other way around.
I’m pretty sure from here on out I’ll actually have some positive things to say about Book 1 episodes, don’t worry. It’s just the final chapter of the season is really where all the flaws of the storytelling came into full view, and though “Turning the Tides” arguably started that, this is the episode where the wheels came off. “Endgame” was the crash.
#12 1x12 “Endgame”
#11 1x05 “The Spirit of Competition"
1x11 photo recap found here
Book 2 ranking/essays found here
Book 4 ranking/essays found here
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The Mark - Request (Part 1)
Requested by anon: supernatural imagine where the reader is dating sam, but she has the mark of cain and she dies, so when she becomes a demon she nearly kills him and dean but after she's cured she's mortified with herself? you can tweak it for plot purposes if needed.
Pairing: MOC!Reader x Sam Winchester
Word count: 1.707
Warnings: Gore, angst, main character death.
A/N: This was suposed to be a one-shot, but I’m way too tired to write it all at once.
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A sacrifice had to be made, and only a soul strong enough to bear such evil could protect it… Only a pure soul could bear it without falling for its temptations; only a heart big enough could bear it without changing.
Sadly for them, that person was (Y/N).
It had taken less than five minutes to sign her sentence. She would be immortal, and only if she managed to not get killed, she would remain “herself”; otherwise, she would turn into a demon – except the Winchesters didn’t know that. All Cain said was that she should remain alive - It was a curse set by God himself, and so there was no turning back from there.
Hunters fail quite wonderfully at staying alive, but (Y/N) was certain that she would manage to, at least, not get killed but rather seriously injured. Sam and Dean were also willing to help at that, turning more than over protective of her.
Sam Winchester was a man that had loved many times before, and lost more times than he had loved. His heart was shattered, but he had managed to keep a few pieces in their place for (Y/N) to love. She was the best thing to ever happen to him, and so he had promised to himself not to ever let her unprotected. It was his job, his duty, and he would do it no matter if it cost his life.
It had been a whole year since (Y/N) got the Mark, and so far she hadn’t even been injured. Abaddon had been killed, and (Y/N) had managed to control her thirst of killing by hunting the triple amount of cases she was used to work in. It was the only way to be satisfied without engaging innocent’s lives.
Dean was still not over the fact that she was the one with the Mark and not him. She wasn’t even supposed to be there when he went to search for Cain, but she did and she took the Mark instead of him. Dean knew it wasn’t a good idea; he was frightened of what could be of her if things got out of her hands.
Even her style had changed. Ever since she got the Mark, she opted for rather darker colours, leather jackets and pants, bigger boots, and more sassy outfits. Sam was totally fine with that, since he found her hot either way, but Dean knew that that was just a simple reflection of the darkness growing inside of her.
“Are you sure you want to go on this hunt?” Dean inquired as he and his sister-in-law cleaned and packed the weapons.
“Yes.” She replied coldly. Ever since she had gotten the Mark, her level of sassiness/mean-ness had increased a little bit too much. She was tougher, and ruder.
“We can just go for that Wendigo in…”
“Dean,” she left out a heavy breath, “we haven’t hunted much this week because you got sick. I need to kill more than just one Wendigo, and it will be better if I have the opportunity to stab then rather than just shoot or set them on fire.”
“Yeah, I know but… We’re not even sure those are real vampires…” Dean insisted.
“Vampires or psychopaths that kidnap naïve girls, doesn’t matter.” She stated, “Being a bad guy is more than enough to fit my list.”
“Enough chit-chat.” She interrupted, “Hand me the Blade.”
“No.” Dean whispered.
“Excuse me?” She cocked an eyebrow.
“I said no.” Dean repeated, louder this time. “I will not let you kill someone just because you think being a douche means they deserve to be killed.”
(Y/N) tried to grab it by herself, but Dean took the Blade first and hid it behind his back.
“Back off.” Dean commanded.
“Give me the Blade.” She ordered, extending her hand towards him.
“No.” Dean stated.
“Give it to me, or else…” She threatened.
“Or else what?” Sam inquired, entering the room and taking the Blade from his brother’s hands. (Y/N) hid her hand behind her back and clenched her jaw. “(Y/N), you’re out of control.”
“No, I’m not.” She fumed.
“You are, and I’m sorry but if you keep acting like this I will cancel this hunt.” Sam spoke using his dad voice.
“You’re talking to me like I was some kind of child!” She cried, “I act like this because I took this freaking Mark for your brother’s sake!”
“No one asked you to!” Dean exclaimed, “You took it because you wanted.”
“No, I took it because I knew you wouldn’t stand it and Sam would freak out once you did something stupid AND I DIDN’T WANT TO DEAL WITH THAT!” She hissed.
“Is that a confession? You think I’m not strong enough to deal with such responsibility?” Dean licked his lips angrily, “Screw you, (Y/N).”
Not only had her attitude and outfit changed, but also her habits. Sam was now used to her not joining him in bed up until late that evening, IF she joined him at all. Apparently, insomnia was another baggage that came with the Mark and (Y/N) tried to make the best out of it by doing research and trying to learn new and useful things.
However, that night insomnia wasn’t keeping her awake.
Sam had cancelled the hunt, and so her thirst increased. She craved blood, she needed to rip the life out of monster’s eyes, and she wanted to walk around their corpses victoriously. The begging for mercy, the pain behind their eyes, the salty tears and the massive amounts of sweat… It was all an addicting pleasure, some kind of drug, and she was an addict.
Her whole arm ached, pleading for her to take the Blade in her hands and kill for once and for all.
The power of the Mark was too much to disobey, and so she searched for the Blade in Dean’s room. When the hunter woke up, she didn’t hesitate in knocking him with one precise left hook. Dean fell unconscious next to his bed, and she knew there would be a bruise on his face the next morning, but she didn’t care at all. She found her Blade under his bed, and once she took it she felt the power running through her veins.
It was almost as she could hear the Blade talking, begging for (Y/N) to use it, begging to be held, begging to stab… It was maybe a voice inside her head, or maybe the Blade was actually talking to her; whatever it was, (Y/N) couldn’t let herself disobey and so she took her car keys and drove the night away, all the way to the town where the so-called Vampire nest was at.
Maybe they weren’t vampires, at least not real ones, but truth was that (Y/N) was indifferent to it. She had stabbed and cut all of their heads, which rolled next to her feet after falling. Her leather outfit was now covered in blood; the smell of it was overwhelming, addicting, and it was making her crave for more.
A “miraculous man” arrived that town almost at the same time as her. The name was not important or her, she only wanted to kill him. Why? There was something off about him, and although she didn’t know what it was, she was decided to kill.
Her thirst was, in fact, slipping out of her hands.
The miracle guy was no one else but Metatron pretending to be a common peasant and using his angel powers to heal people. He wanted to make his own religion, and rule the world or something. It was a good enough reason to make (Y/N) desire to kill him.
Sam and Dean had woken up to an empty bed and a swollen bruise, respectively. (Y/N) was nowhere to be found, and neither was the Blade. The only logical explanation was that she had gone to that vampire nest to exterminate them all.
Therefore, the Winchesters began their journey and reached the town too late. (Y/N) had already done her blood-bath, causing a massive scandal among the media and the habitants of said town. However, the arrival of the “miracle man” had taken the attention off the murderers a few hours later, giving the Winchesters time enough to clean (Y/N)’s mess.
She went after the miracle guy one night, being as silent as her hunter training had taught her. Sadly, angels are more powerful than hunters, and Metatron caught her in fragrant. The fight that followed was intense and long lasting; it gave Sam and Dean time to find them.
“(Y/N)!” Sam exclaimed once he caught glimpse of his girlfriend.
The girl snapped her head towards the man, who was standing right in front of a reflecting surface. Her eyes caught the sight of her reflection, noticing the kind of monster she was slowly becoming. Sadly, Metatron took those seconds to his advantage and stabbed her.
“NO!” Sam cried and then both Winchesters ran towards the spot where (Y/N) and Metatron had been fighting on.
Metatron vanished, but Dean was decided that he would find him and so the older Winchester went out to look for the angel everywhere. Meanwhile, Sam cried the loss of the love of his life. Her lifeless body melted in his arms, as the red colour of her lips vanished and the damasked roses of her cheeks became dull.
Sam refused to burn her body, thinking that there had to be a way to bring her back to life. Cain wasn’t anywhere to be found, and nothing inside the Men of Letters’ library was useful for that particular case. The Winchesters were desperate.
“There has to be something.” Sam repeated for the millionth time in a row.
“Don’t worry, we’ll find it.” Dean promised as he opened yet another book.
The brothers were at the library, while (Y/N)’s corpse rested in her bedroom – the one she had occupied before she got together with Sam – and Crowley was with her, pronouncing the best speech a King has ever pronounced to a dead body.
Suddenly, a strange force vibrated from the Blade and to her body. Her eyes opened, showing absolute darkness. She had turned into a demon.
SUPERNATURAL TAGS: @dreamingintheimpalawithdean @roseyhxnt @thisisjessicatalking @hotwinchester @pizzarollpatrol @colorfuluniversewhispers @destiel5100
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