#I’m intrigued by the potential of this ‘darker turn’
susagnon · 3 months
and have not: Jammingwhey's darkness
Like most of 1-A, Kaminari also maintains friendships with people outside of his main friend circle. He and Ojiro are seatmates and also friends. He seems to take a lot of comfort in Ojiro’s tail, and according to BNHA’s wiki, he also confides in Ojiro himself. It isn’t known, what exactly he confides to Ojiro about. But apparently, Kaminari has some stuff to confide about.
Kaminari has been portrayed as a light-hearted character, but I think there were a lot of interesting - and unfortunately lost - opportunities to explore the darker corners of his mind, similarly to what we got with Kirishima. We know that they exist, because we were shown a bit of his feelings of inadequacy, before he got his pointer shooter, and a bit of his fears, when we got the short ship scene between him and Jirou during the PLW. I appreciated those moments, but I would have liked to see much more of that.
For example, I was fine with Aoyama being the UA traitor. To me, that plotline did feel coherent. However, I’m also intrigued by fanon’s musings about Kaminari as the traitor. Especially the idea of Kaminari injuring Kirishima while fleeing, after he's accidently discovered by the latter. Juat imagine the potential of that drama! Bakusquad being dented! Bakugou feeling enraged and hurt! Jirou feeling hurt and enraged! The fallout of demoralization and emotional pain for all of 1-A!
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Imagine a similar expression when !traitor Kaminari gets caught red-handed. And electrocutes one of his closest friends in order to escape.
I expected, then hoped for Kaminari' promotion to temporary main cast, similar to what Kirishima got during the Shie Hassaikai arc. Unfortunately, that hope remains unfulfilled.
I won’t get into the potential of his quirk because I’m not very well-versed in quirk-technicalities.
I do find this hypothesis from other fans convincing: At some point, Horikoshi noticed that the power potential of Kaminari’s quirk was too OP - which at some parts, could have broken the story. In order to prevent that, Kaminari never received any extended major screentime. In turn, we got deprived of Kaminari-focused character development.
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Everyone, say "thank you, animators!" - A rare instance of Kaminari looking badass.
At the very least, I would have liked to know Kaminari’s motivations for going through rigorous training in order to become a professional hero. As far as I remember, we never learned about them.
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blackhiil · 1 month
We Might Even Be Falling In Love
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“And it feels like
I’m gonna know you for the rest of my life
It’s safe to say that we might even be falling in love.”
We Might Even Be Falling in Love (interlude) — Victoria Monet
also on ao3
part 1 of ?
Clarissa Dovey and Leonora Lesso are two names you see together often. Whether it’s playing a couple in movies such as Mrs and Mrs Smith and Long Shot or most recently, playing a couple in the hit tv show Scandal. Their characters Savannah Washington and Victoria Theron, dubbed Therington by fans, have decided to let all those feelings blossom into something more.
However, in even bigger news, the two actresses have revealed they’re dating and have been for the past 6 years. I sat down with them to hear all about how Dovesso and Therington came to be.
It’s a breezy fall afternoon when I knock on their door. I’m greeted by Clarissa Dovey wearing a yellow long sleeve with red detailing and a brown belt around her waist matching the brown skirt she was wearing. Her normally blonde hair was now black and pulled away from her face, which had a warm smile on it.
“Hi, come in, come in.” She greets opening the door wider for me and the crew I have with me. She leads us over to the living room and makes sure to greet every crew member individually with a smile, making sure to learn their names and jobs before asking if we want anything. We’ve all heard rumors about how sweet she can be to the crew members of the projects she works on, but to see it in action is surreal. There’s a noise from upstairs followed by a thud and giggling. “You’ll have to ignore all the chaos, Nora and the girls like to play around.” She shakes her head, but there’s an endearing smile on her face.
Footsteps cause everyone's heads to turn as a newly blonde Leonora Lesso comes down the stairs in a dark blue hoodie and a darker blue silk skirt. The most surprising part of her appearance is the children, one in her arms and another on her back. “Princess, please get Aggie, Sophie refuses to be put down.” I watch as Clarissa grabs the child off of Leonora’s back. “Come here, little one.” she says softly while grabbing her.
We all get settled in the living room and prepare to begin. “I bet you have so many more questions.” Leonora says mischievously and I nod, speechless.
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CD: So, do you want to start with our relationship, Scandal, or the children?” The bluntness of her question surprises me, however I quickly recover.
RM: Let's start with your relationship. You met on the set of Mrs and Mrs Smith, what was that like?
LL: There was an instant connection. We did a chemistry read that day and just clicked. She was wearing this yellow dress and I just instantly thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.
A blush covered Clarissa’s face before speaking.
CD: Nora stop. Anyway, I had gotten there early and when I saw her walk in, I was stunned. Not only by her beauty, but also by the fact that I felt so comfortable with her and we had just met.
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2010; The Meeting; undisclosed location
Clarissa Dovey sits on set at her chemistry read waiting for her potential co-star Leonora Lesso. She had heard of the woman, but never met her in person. Many people had good things to say about her, so Clarissa hopes her reputation precedes her. The blonde turned her attention back to the script in front of her with intrigue. The movie is a lesbian action-comedy movie where she and her co-star will play a married couple who are spies, but they don’t know that. Her character is Jasmine Smith, a ‘senior accountant manager’ at an accountant firm. She takes another sip of her tea while reading the script when the door opens.
Leonora Lesso, who prefers to be called Leo, walks onto set script and coffee in hand. She had read the script front to back and she was very interested in her character of Jane Smith, a ‘tech consultant’. She was badass and had a team of women working with her which made Leo love the character more. Clarissa Dovey was a name she had heard, but never got to really know, but Leo could work with anyone…within reason.
As she walked further into the room, she made eye contact with a blonde woman and physically stopped in her tracks. She’s gorgeous. Leo thought to herself. The yellow of her sundress complimented her skin beautifully and her blonde curls framed her face nicely. Leonora watched the blonde blush under her gaze and she realized she was staring at the other woman. She had heard many things about Clarissa Dovey, but no one had told her how beautiful she was.
Clarissa’s first thought about Leonora Lesso was that she was tall, she easily towers over herself with or without heels. Her next thought was that she was stunning. The black pants fit her perfectly and the white tank accentuated her arms which Clarissa definitely wasn't staring at and her red hair was such a gorgeous color.
“Hi.” Clarissa greeted, standing up and meeting the other woman halfway. “Hi.” Leo said back, before reaching out to shake her hand. The second their hands touched, the women felt a spark. Green met brown and it felt like the entire world disappeared. The women jumped apart when they heard a door open and the director walked in.
“You two have met, great.” Doug the director said, walking closer to them. “Now, I want you to stand on the X and do one of the scenes from Jane and Jasmine’s first meeting. Remember, let the scene guide you, but make it your own. Do whatever feels natural.Focus on each other.”
They put everything down except their scripts and sat in the chairs, standing in close proximity as they’re supposed to be close to one another.
I can feel you heart racing
Clarissa places her hand on Leonora’s chest, looking deep into her eyes.
I don’t want it to slow down.
Leonora places her hand on top of Clarissa’s.
Stick with me, it’s not gonna
Leonora reached her hand to cup Clarissa’s cheek, caressing it gently.
Cross my heart.
Clarissa smiles.
(Jasmine pulls Jane closer, the two leaning in before the screen cuts to the next one)
“Good, good.” Doug says, interrupting them. Once again, Clarissa and Leonora have to snap out of their own world. “I knew you two would be perfect for the role.” He says, smiling. “The natural chemistry you two have is perfect. I’ll email you your schedules and everything else. Have a nice day ladies!’ With that, he left the room, excited about how big this movie was going to be.
Clarissa and Leo were still reeling from the scene. Never had a scene felt so natural with another person nor an attraction so intense. It was unnerving to both of them to say the least. “Um,” Clarissa started, still feeling the effects of the intense scene. “Would you like to go out to lunch with me? Get to know each other better?” The blonde’s voice was shy. The redhead was stunned, but eager to get to know the other woman better. “Of course. Meet me outside in 5?” Leonora agreed. “Yeah, I’ll be out soon.” Clarissa said before turning away.
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“So,” Clarissa started, “if you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?” Leonora’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the unusual conversation starter, but decided to indulge the blonde. “Maybe Italy or Greece. What about you?” “Costa Rica or Aruba, somewhere tropical and sunny.” Clarissa replied.
“Why the weird question?” Leonora asked curiously. “Because, I hate the small talk and getting to know you questions. They’re so boring and unoriginal, I want to know the little things; what you hate, your second favorite color, your favorite movie you watched and that you’ve been in. I wanna know the real you.” Clarissa expressed with enthusiasm and Leonora thinks she might have just fell a little in love with the woman across from her.
“I never thought of that.” the redhead said, intrigued. “If you could completely get rid of one month out of the year, which would it be and why?” The blonde tapped her index finger against her chin while she was thinking of her answer and Leonora thought it was the cutest thing she’s ever seen. I’m fuckedddddd. she thought to herself.
“July or August because they both have 31 days and mess up the flow between the months with 31 days and the months without.” Leonora faked offense, “Well, you can’t get rid of August because my birthday is in August.” Clarissa rolled her eyes playfully, “I guess August can stay.” she said with a smirk.
The two of them sat in the corner of the restaurant completely enthralled with each other for hours just talking and laughing, as if they were old friends. It was truly the start of a beautiful friendship and maybe, something more.
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I absolutely love that you write for the dark turtles! I rarely see anything for them and there’s so much potential for stories with them, other writers are missing out!
Anyway I’m rambling. I’m not a writer but have had this story idea for the dark turtles. Being clones of the turtles and a mix of their dna I’ve always personally headcanoned that the dark turtles possess deeper connections to their turtle counterparts. Ex: quirks, mannerisms, interests, skills, and even memories. With that in mind here’s the story base.
Darius creates a dark clone of reader in hope that he can use them to infiltrate the turtles group and generate mistrust after seeing his dark turtle clones fail with their head on battles (I guess readers dark clone would be more spy like? More shapeshifter like?). What Darius doesn’t anticipate is that the dna connection between the dark clones and the turtles also somehow share their interests/ mannerisms/ and memories. Since regular reader and turtle counterpart are in love, Darius now has two of his clones falling in love with no understanding why or what new emotions and foreign memories they’re both experiencing
I guess this could be angsty or fluffy depending on how you look at it. I personally like a blend of both but just have fun! This was just something I thought I’d send your way, hope it sparks some inspiration for more dark turtle fics! Love your writing!
In Light And Darkness (Angst/Fluff)
Dark Leonardo x reader
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A/N: I agree! There’s so much potential with these boys, especially when they never finished their story💚 I also agree with your headcanon. I think that they have the same characteristics as the original turtles, just with a darker twist, like how Dark Mikey isn’t just happy, but manic. But with that being said, I’ve decided to make it with Dark Leo, with focus on Dark Leo and the dark reader’s bond, and how Darius might be very oppressive to that. Hope you enjoy💙
Warnings: Punishments (withholding food, isolation, forced to sleep in cold rooms, fear of further punishment).
Darius was furious, his anger raining down on the four Kanabo clones in front of him. Once again they had failed him. Dark Leo’s plan to infiltrate Cody’s penthouse from the inside had failed, with Leonardo sensing his plans from the very start. It had ended in a surmise, sending the clones home empty handed, with no progress made. They were now even further back than square one, and Darius blamed them for it. Especially Leo.
Their punishment had been severe, with Darius withholding food from them. He did not care that Dark Leo had started sharing the small lumps of meat with his brothers, instead of fighting over it. If that was what they wanted to do, then that was their problem. But there was something Darius noticed about Dark Leo that caught his interest. Under Leo’s fingernails was something that looked like hair. And not just any hair, but your hair. The color and length matched. It had gotten there after Dark Leo accidentally pulled your hair during the squirmish, pulling you out of one of the other clone’s wild attacks, aimed at their own counterparts. But this action had caused his original counterpart to momentarily pull back on his peaceful and friendly demeanor towards the dark clone. But this hair gave Darius an idea. An idea he was sure would work out in his favor.
The clones were pushed out of the room while Darius contacted Sh’Okanabo, in order to show him the hair and tell him about his idea. Sh’Okanabo was intrigued, finding the idea interesting enough to give it a try. Especially with this dreaded planet, that refused to buckle under for his mighty rule. The Dread Lord had done many things throughout his dark life. He had taken over planets, leaving them in constant darkness. He had torn down civilizations, watching them crumble to the ground as their people turned into his own kind. But he had never made a Kanabo clone of a human. Sure, he had turned humans into Kanabos, but never had he created a lab made clone. And so, he agreed to Darius’ plan, bringing the hair to his lab.
It didn’t take long before Sh’Okanabo returned to Darius with a satisfied smile. It worked. He had created a human kanabo clone, with more of his own abilities than any of his turtle clones had gotten. He presented them with your dark clone, who for the most, looked like a normal human in shape. Your hair and hair color had not changed, but your skin was a dark Kanabo purple, and your eyes the same kind of yellow as the turtles. Your fingernails were long and claw-like and your teeth sharp. Yet somehow, it was still obvious who you were. You were a kanabo clone of (Y/N) (L/N).
The turtle clones watched in astonishment as you showed off your abilities to Darius. Like your creature, you had the ability to shapeshift. Turn your body to mud in order to move across the floor, before rebuilding your body on the other side of the room. Your strengths were heightened, making you much stronger than your counterpart. When Sh’Okanabo ordered the turtles to attack you, they were shocked to find that you could throw them about easily. Or most of them. One clone had not followed his creature's order, standing back with an unreadable expression. This had caused Darius' anger to rain down over the blue clone, telling him to do as his superiors had told him. But Leo refused. He would not attack you, and neither would he attack a clone of yours. Not with all the memories of his counterpart flowing through his head. All of his sweet memories with your counterpart.
This decision had caused Leo yet another punishment. No food, and he had to sleep in an isolated cold corner of the dark storage room. And Leo did just that, still refusing to do anything that could hurt you, even if you were capable of protecting yourself.
As Leo laid in the corner of the dark room, his arms wrapped around himself, he had not expected company. You came to him in the middle of the night, with a blanket that Darius had given you, and some of the extra food he had showered upon you, believing you to be his new big super weapon.
“Hey”, you whispered, placing a soft warm hand on his big arm. Your warm touch and your small greeting reminded him of memories that weren’t his own. How your fully human counterpart would do the same to the source of his DNA, comforting him whenever something had been bothering. And each and every time, Leonardo had felt a flutter in his heart, just like Dark Leo’s heart was doing at that exact moment. But while Leonardo would smile at your counterpart, and make his warm emotions clear for you, Leo frowned in confusion. A Kanabo was not meant to feel these kinds of emotions, and even with access to all of Leonardo’s feelings and memories up until the moment Sh’Okanabo extracted some of his DNA, Leo had never felt such a thing. Until now.
“What are you doing here?”, he asked, rubbing his tired eyes.
“Just checking up on you”, you said, scooting closer to him in order to hold up the big slab of meat for him. “I got something for you”.
The raising heart beat in Leo’s chest was new. I did not know what to think of it. His Kanabo nature fought against it, but the other half of him enjoyed it very much. Enjoyed the your presence next to him.
He took a hold of the slab, his yellow eyes fixed on the red meat, before he looked back to your face. For a moment he wondered if you always had been so stunning or if his eyes was playing tricks on him.
“You know that Darius will punish you for this if he finds out, right?”, he said.
“Then he’ll just have to punish me”, you said, before wrapping the blanket around him. Even though it didn’t cover him fully, Leo couldn’t deny how nice it was to feel at least a little bit of warmth. “Now, eat”, you said, turning to look at the big storage room. “I’ll look out for Darius”.
“You don’t want any?”, Leo asked.
“I’m already full”, you mumbled. “Darius has pretty much been showering me with food”.
Leo nodded. Of course Darius had done that. Trying his best to build up that intern competition between the brothers that Leo had been trying to tear down. And now they would have to try and compete with Darius’ new favorite.
You sat there and looked out, while Leo ate with eagerness. The meat almost melting at his tongue with the blanket warmed him. And everytime he looked at you, he couldn't help but feel something. Something he knew from Leonardo’s memories. Something that Leonardo often felt when he looked at the DNA source of you.
Once Leo had finished his meat you smiled at him, making his heart beat just a little bit faster.
“I should go now”, you said softly, slowly moving in order to stand up. “You need all the sleep you can get”.
But Leo didn’t want you to leave. It was nice to have you with him in the dark corner of the room. It brought him some sort of comfort. Comfort he had seen between your counterpart and Leonardo, both in his memories and in the penthouse. So when you leaned onto your knees, placing your hand on the floor, in order to use it to push you up from the floor, Leo panicked a bit. His big hand grabbing onto your write, before pulling down to him.
You yelped out in shock as you felt back against Leo’s plastron, but that shock was soon replaced by a smile as you felt Leo place the blanket over the two of you, his big arm wrapping around you, his face buried into the back of your shoulder.
“What happened to the fear of Darius’ punishment?”, you asked with a teasing smile, holding on to his blue arm.
“I don’t fear Darius!”, he grumbled against your shoulder. “I’m just… feeling cold”, he continued sheepishly, hiding further against you.
You turned over in his arms in order to face him, your small black claws tracing small circles on his cheek. “Do you want me to stay tonight?”
Leo sighed, his eyes staring off into the distance. “Darius will get mad”.
“I don’t care”, you whispered, resting your forehead against his plastron, your fingers moving to his chest, continuing their small circles. “Do you want me here?”
“Yes”, the Kanabo clone said, resting his beak against the top of your head, taking in your scent. You did not smell like your original counterpart. No, but to his Kanabo nose you smelled sweeter. It was almost intoxicating.
“Then I’ll stay”, you hummed, cuddling closer against him. “And Darius can’t do shit about it”.
And so you stayed with him throughout the night, comfortable in each other’s arms, as sleep took a hold of the two of you. And as Leo took in the warmth of your skin against him, he couldn't care less about what Darius would say or do in the morning. Not with you by his side.
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
↱ an unexpected addition ↰
➘ summary : a new member decides to join the league of villains but she doesn’t look villain material, twice on the other hand says otherwise
➘ twice x reader, jin bubaigawara x reader
➘ a/n : are you guys enjoying this new design take I’m doing?
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The League of Villains' hideout was shrouded in darkness, a stark contrast to the bright and bustling world outside. The group of misfits gathered around a table, each member immersed in their own thoughts and plans for chaos. But today, something unusual was about to disrupt their routine.
A knock echoed through the hideout, causing the villains to exchange glances. Toga was the first to approach the door, a sinister grin on her face. "Who could it be at this hour?"
The door creaked open, revealing a figure standing in the doorway—a young woman with vibrant (h/c) hair and an infectious smile. She seemed out of place amidst the gloom, radiating an inexplicable joy that was almost jarring in this setting.
"Hey there! Sorry for dropping by unannounced," the girl greeted cheerily, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Shigaraki raised an eyebrow, his hand hovering over his face as he regarded the newcomer with suspicion. "And who the hell are you?"
"(Y/N)," she introduced herself with a laugh, as if her very presence was a burst of sunlight in the dim room. "I heard you guys are making a name for yourselves, so I thought I'd see what all the fuss was about."
Toga's eyes gleamed with interest as she circled around (Y/N), her curiosity piqued by the girl's audacity. "Well, well, aren't you a little ball of energy?"
Before anyone else could react, Twice stepped forward, his face split into a wide grin that mirrored (Y/N)'s own expression. "Hey, hey, I vouch for her! She's got the right vibe, you know? The League could use some fresh air."
“Fuck off!”
Shigaraki crossed his arms, regarding the scene with a mixture of amusement and skepticism. "Twice, you're vouching for her just based on vibes?"
Twice nodded eagerly, his eyes bright. "Yeah, yeah! Trust me, Boss, she's got potential. We could use some positivity around here."
“No! Kick her lame ass out.”
(Y/N) chuckled, undeterred by the skeptical gazes around her. "Life's too short to be serious all the time, right?"
The League's members exchanged glances, caught between intrigue and uncertainty. It was true that their group had always leaned towards the darker side of life, but (Y/N)'s unwavering cheeriness was like a splash of paint on a blank canvas.
Shigaraki finally sighed, his fingers tapping impatiently against his arm. "Fine. Twice, if you believe in her, we'll give her a chance. But she's got to prove herself. This isn't a tea party."
Twice grinned even wider, his excitement palpable. "You won't regret it, Boss!"
“I’m already regretting agreeing.”
As the League of Villains welcomed (Y/N) into their ranks, the dynamics of the group shifted. Her presence, like a burst of color, had the potential to change the way they saw their mission. Whether she could truly find her place in this world of darkness remained to be seen, but one thing was certain—the League of Villains was in for a unique and unexpected journey with their newest, and perhaps most unconventional, member.
(Y/N)'s entry into the League of Villains marked a new chapter for the group. Her bright personality was like a constant source of energy, injecting an unusual spark into their sinister pursuits. As days turned into weeks, the members began to adjust to her presence, some more begrudgingly than others.
Toga found herself oddly drawn to (Y/N)'s infectious laughter and carefree nature. She observed her new companion's interactions with a mix of fascination and curiosity. "(Y/N), you're really something else," Toga mused one day, twirling a knife between her fingers.
(Y/N) flashed a grin in response, seemingly unfazed by the dangerous instrument Toga was wielding. "Well, life's too short to be boring, right?"
Meanwhile, Twice found himself spending more time with (Y/N), the two forming an unexpected camaraderie. He appreciated the break from the constant tension within the group. "(Y/N), you're like a breath of fresh air," he admitted, a genuine smile on his face.
“I wish you would just die!”
"I try my best," she replied, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Who knew villains could use a little sunshine?"
Even Shigaraki, who was known for his stern demeanor, couldn't help but be intrigued by (Y/N)'s unique approach to villainy. He watched her from the shadows, observing her interactions and contemplating the potential benefits and risks of her presence.
One evening, as the group gathered to discuss their next move, (Y/N) piped up with an idea that caught everyone off guard. "Why don't we organize a charity event? You know, something that shows we're not all bad."
The room fell silent, each member processing (Y/N)'s suggestion. It was a far cry from their usual activities, but there was something strangely appealing about the idea of presenting a different side of themselves.
Shigaraki leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled as he regarded (Y/N). "Explain."
(Y/N) leaned forward, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Think about it. We could use the event as a cover for something bigger. People would never suspect us, and we'd be able to gather information, or even set a trap for our enemies."
The room buzzed with a mix of curiosity and interest. The proposition was audacious, a gamble that had the potential to either backfire spectacularly or yield unexpected rewards.
Toga was the first to voice her approval, her grin bordering on maniacal. "I like the way you think!"
Twice nodded in agreement, his eyes wide with excitement. "It's like turning the tables on everyone, but with style!"
“This is a dumb idea!”
Shigaraki mulled over the idea for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, he finally cracked a small smile, a rarity for him. "Fine. We'll give it a shot. But make no mistake, (Y/N), if this goes south, you're taking full responsibility."
(Y/N) beamed, her energy practically bouncing off the walls. "Deal!"
As preparations for the charity event began, the League of Villains found themselves venturing into uncharted territory. With (Y/N)'s unconventional ideas at the helm, they were about to show the world a side they never thought they'd see. Whether their plan would succeed or crumble under the weight of their own audacity remained to be seen, but one thing was certain—the League was in for a ride they would never forget, all thanks to the girl who had brought a touch of brightness to their shadows.
The League of Villains threw themselves into planning the charity event with a newfound fervor. Their hideout, once a hub of darkness, transformed into a makeshift event planning headquarters. (Y/N)'s energy was infectious, as she rallied the members with her innovative ideas and boundless enthusiasm.
Kurogiri, the somber portal-manipulating member of the League, observed the proceedings with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "(Y/N), are you sure about this? It seems quite... unconventional."
(Y/N) flashed a reassuring smile at Kurogiri. "Trust me, Kurogiri. Unconventional is exactly what we need. We'll catch everyone off guard and achieve our objectives without them even realizing it."
As the event drew near, (Y/N) worked tirelessly, ensuring every detail was in place. The League's hideout was adorned with banners, tables, and decorations, creating an atmosphere that was eerily inviting. The other members contributed in their own ways, albeit reluctantly at times, as they prepared for roles that felt oddly unfamiliar.
On the day of the event, the hideout's transformation was complete. The villains, dressed in costumes that attempted to mimic a sense of normalcy, mingled with the attendees, many of whom were unaware of the true nature of their hosts. (Y/N) flitted about, a master of ceremonies with an infectious smile that betrayed none of the darkness lurking beneath.
Toga, her usual thirst for blood disguised by a façade of normalcy, entertained guests with her unsettling charm. Twice, donning a tuxedo, created duplicates of himself to help serve refreshments, adding a quirky touch to the proceedings.
Shigaraki, his fingers still gloved, mingled with the crowd, his cold demeanor in stark contrast to the festive ambiance. Yet, even he couldn't deny the strange allure of (Y/N)'s plan.
As the evening progressed, (Y/N) sensed an air of tension mixed with curiosity among the attendees. They were drawn to the event, even if they didn't fully understand why. The League's usual chaos was temporarily subdued, replaced by a deceptive sense of unity that (Y/N) had managed to conjure.
But amidst the laughter and music, a more sinister undercurrent simmered beneath the surface. (Y/N)'s watchful eyes were attuned to the subtle shifts in the room, the hints of conversations that hinted at something more sinister.
As the night continued, (Y/N) seized an opportunity to gather valuable information from unsuspecting guests. Her casual conversations led to secrets revealed, alliances exposed, and rivalries unveiled.
When the event came to a close, the League of Villains retreated to their hideout, exhausted but exhilarated. (Y/N)'s plan had worked, and they had achieved their objectives without raising suspicion. It was a success that had left the members, even the skeptical ones, with a sense of accomplishment.
"(Y/N), I've got to hand it to you. That was a crazy idea, but it worked," Toga said, a satisfied grin on her face.
Twice nodded enthusiastically. "You brought some much-needed chaos in the most unexpected way!"
“I hated it!”
Shigaraki leaned against a wall, a rare smile tugging at his lips. "(Y/N), I must admit, you've got a knack for this."
(Y/N) beamed, her heart swelling with a mixture of pride and relief. "Well, villains can have a little fun too, right?"
The League of Villains had experienced a night unlike any other, and it was all thanks to (Y/N)'s unorthodox approach. As they settled in, their laughter and camaraderie resonated through the hideout, an echo of the unlikely success that had unfolded under the guise of a charity event.
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sweetwolfcupcake · 2 years
Allurement: Secret Weapon
Yandere Namjoon x Reader
Allurement: The Escalation
Ara leaned against the cushioned headboard as her eyes remain stuck on the screen in front of her. The laptop screen lit up the otherwise dark room in dim light, somehow making the room appear even darker.
It was past midnight but as usual, she struggled with sleep- yet this time, she was not restless. She was alone, but thrilled.
And for a very good reason.
Choi Ara eyed the stunning interiors of the office building as she breezed past employees, ignoring their greetings and eyes. She made her way towards the canteen counter and bought herself a cup of coffee and looked around before making her way towards a table occupied by a single person.
“May I?” Ara asked the person occupying the table.
Receiving a silent nod and surprised eyes, Ara smiled and made herself comfortable on the cool plastic chair. The beverage in her hold swirled along the lines of the paper cup, a bit spilling out and scalding her fingers. But she did not mind, never even hissed- simply took out a tissue paper and wiped her fingers clean- like she had done many times before.
Her deep eyes focused on the person sitting in front of her and her lips twitched, eager to curve.
“If you don’t mind me asking, aren’t you Miss (L/N)’s assistant?” she asked, eyeing the young girl in front of her.
The girl in question nodded and ducked her head.
“Um, I’m sorry, what was your name again, child?”
The girl blinked, either surprised at being acknowledged or being called a ‘child’. Ara could not contain her amused chuckle this time- the girl was even younger than (Y/N), what else would she call her?
“Hana, Kang Hana.” she replied feebly.
Ara nodded and sighed “I had accidentally heard what had transpired in the office.” 
She paused and scrutinised the girl, who ducked her head down, focusing on her milkshake instead.
“We all have bad days at work, and please do not mind Ms (L/N), she is having a tough time dealing with the board.”
The girl nodded her head “Yes, and I let her down.” she whispered to herself, clearly guilt-rendered.
Ara sighed audibly and shook her head “I know that it’s not my place to say but…we all have hard days, not-so-pleasant or favourable moments. And (Y/N) is such an understanding woman, she would understand if you let her know that you are truly sorry.”
Hana looked up, her eyes quicker and wide “Would she? She-she is not mad at me? I mean, she did seem disappointed, but will she forgive me?”
“Of course, (Y/N) sees potential in you. She is a bit let down, yes, but she also told me that she believes that there is some grave reason behind your odd, behaviour…Is it, girl?”
Hana nodded in silence, but her eye twinkled.
“Just go and tell her the reason, explain to her why you could not be your unusual professional self,” at her words, Hana stalled, her expressions dropping to uncertainty and hopelessness as she looked away.
“What happened? (Y/N)’s not your typical boss, she is kind and empathetic.”
“I do not doubt that, Ma’am. But there are things that cannot be always revealed.” she lowered her voice and looked away.
Ara immediately knew that the matter was perhaps more grave than she had assessed earlier. “Well, then, you can tell me. If I can help you…”
“No one can help me, I did this to myself.” she shook her head as her eyes turned glassy.
“Hey, hey, no problem is too grave okay? At least let me know…If you feel free. Besides, (Y/N) is one of the most understanding people you will ever meet, girl. Trust me.”
“I was so afraid…I was terrified.I just did not want to face him.”
Ara frowned “Who?”
“Mr Lee.” Hana bit her lip, evidently trying to hold back her tears
“Lee Hyunwoo?” Ara asked, intrigued.
Hana only nodded her head, but could not hold Ara’s gaze for long. Her eyes dulled further at the mention. Ara hummed and leaned closer. “Maybe I can convince (Y/N) to not put you and Mr Lee in the same room again?”
When she did not respond, Ara sighed again.
“It's okay if you don’t want to tell, we all have difficulty opening up. But, here is my card. Please feel free to contact me whenever you need.” Ara produced her business card from her bag. Hana was hesitant but accepted it.
“Thank you.”
Ara had turned into a regular visitor at the office, missing no opportunity to greet and start a conversation with Hana. And it was a week later when she found Hana crying in the restroom.
She comforted the girl like she needed to be comforted, understanding her emotional need.
“Why don’t you take a day off? You do not look good.”
Indeed, Hana looked pale almost blotchy. The unmistakable stink of vomit did not escape her senses, and it was confirmed further when the girl began to brush her teeth.
“Did you puke?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey, don’t cry okay, It’s not your fault. Go home, I will speak to (Y/N), let her know that you are unwell.”
Hana shook her head. 
“It's me! I was so stupid and careless.”
“Hana, if you do not let me know of your problem, I cannot help you, (Y/N) cannot help you, tell me. No problem is too great, too big. But you should know when you need help.”
There was a suffocating silence, There had to be something grave.
Hana took a deep breath and gulped
“Please don’t tell anybody…I don’t know what to–or how.”
She broke down into pitiful sobs, intensifying the atmosphere.
“Ma’am…I  am pregnant.”
“With…With Lee Hyunwoo’s child?”
A nod was enough, the girl’s face stained with anguished tears of shame. Ara said nothing for a while.
“Let’s get you something to eat. Come.”
With that, she led the girl out of the restroom.
Ara tapped her fingers lightly over the keyboard. Slow but rhythmic. A sardonic smirk danced on her lips as she read through articles after articles regarding Lee Hyunwoo- the masses romanticised the young, dashing billionaire and the media fed into their silly fantasies. Of course, Hyunwoo benefitted from that image as well.
How tragic it would be if all of it were to turn into ashes?
She dialled a number- the person picked up after a few rings.
“I need information regarding Lee Hyunwoo, what he does outside his office, whom he meets, where he goes, what he likes to do- trips, people- everything. Give me through details of each day for a week.”
She jumped straight to instructing, before cutting the call.
“Ms Choi.”
“Mr Lee, thank you for taking out time for me.”
“The pleasure is mine.” he smiled as he sat on the chair in front of her.
She had sent a message for him to meet her at a restaurant far away from the locality of any of the companies they were associated with. She smiled as her steady gaze followed him.
She had waited for a whole week, a whole week to note his ways, his road- all that was left was a confirmation. And if she had that…
“How is the merger coming along?”
Mr Lee smiled and nodded “Good, I’m sure you keep tabs of that Ms Choi, you are an efficient leader.”
Ara smiled and shook her head “You are being generous Mr Lee.”
“So, how can I help you?”
Good. Straight down to business.
“You are a true businessman indeed, Mr Lee.” Ara passed him a charming smile of her own
She did not try to sugarcoat. She did not need that this time. She held all the cards after all.
“Got no choice, Madame Choi. How is it being Kim Namjoon’s wife? You both might be this year’s most photographed couple.”
“It has been interesting so far, Namjoon is a lover of dreams- the husband I always wanted.” she smiled before leaning back against her chair and assuming a relaxed posture.
“There have been a lot of talks of our companies’ partnership.”
“I do not assume there is anything you do not know regarding our business, you are handling things there as well.”
“Ulysses is my father’s company, after all.”
“And soon would be your brother’s.”
Ara responded with a sardonic smile at his attempted jab. People never learn simple lessons the easy way.
“I have a deal for you, Mr Lee.” 
He rose an eyebrow at her words. “I do not deem deals struck outside the office premises the most moral?”
“Interesting to hear about ‘morality’ from you, Mr Lee.” she paused to take a sip of her coffee. “Anyway, consider this an offer.”
“Come to the point.”
Now we are talking.
Ara did not look up from her coffee cup. “I want you to keep an eye on my father and my brother, for now. I will let you know what would follow. But I should be updated in confidentiality regarding each and every action of theirs. Use your brain, your men, women- I don’t care. I need to know what they are up to.”
Mr Lee, as expected, let out an amused laugh.
 “And what makes you think that I would act like your servant? Is the little princess so used to giving orders that she forgets to distinguish between your servers and kings?”
“You are no king, and I am no ‘little princess’. You are a simple philanderer who leaves behind pregnant young girls.”  she looked up from her cup
It was amusing to watch his face contort with confusion.
“Oh, wait, you must have forgotten already, let me remind you, Kang Hana- (Y/N)’s assistant. You ran into her recently, I believe.”
To watch the colour drain from his face was pure joy for Ara. She gave him a cynical smile and continued-
“It is difficult to even assess the revenue this news would bring to the channels. Who wouldn't grasp for it? The country’s most eligible bachelor- now that Kim Namjoon is off the market- leaves young girls pregnant?”
She leaned forward, casually putting her chin on her palm, revelling the distress evident on his face.
“You and I both know that it would be a cakewalk to prove that the child is yours. The choice is yours, take my offer, or face the consequences of your deeds. Till then, I will have my eyes on you.”
With that, she rose from her seat, her gaze remained on the seated man though. 
“This Princess will be waiting for your response Mr Lee, but I’m afraid she does not have all the time in this world.”
With that, she walked out of the cafe.
As soon as she was inside her car, she dialled a number.
“Keep a close eye on him.”
With that, she cut the call and leaned against the comfortable leather as the car drove through the road, eyes still fixed outside the window in contemplation.
A very late but (hopefully) interesting update. We are moving towards massive revelations.
Taglist(Kindly remind me later if I missed anyone)- @whatpageisthis @amoc94 @theresa-nam-nam-me @dearbambideer @casualminiaturetimemachine @njrwifey @kpopisnicee @illnevertrustmyselfagain @potterbrooke @luvaffair @bighitfics @mochimochipie @vixenwerr @minshookie @sepulcry @omgsuperladyblog @rkive-diary @nananalifeisdynamite @sumzysworld @waterdemon11 @joonswolf @control-trol-trol @zaeminz @mybabywearschanel @juviese @taeyohonic @mayla548 @creolecountrygirl69-blog @articpup @jamlesschimmy @jamlesschim-blog @monsterwoosboo @namjooningelsewhere @squishymochiuwu @dreamer95 @rubylookingaround @jinniesjoon94 @mochitaekookie @sunshyngal @agustdmwah @lazysmushi @raynom @pinkcherrybombs @nikkeeee @briqueenofthenorth @codeinebelle @irikonjaa @privateparty3 @ipuurpleyou @codeinebelle @shainingu @gcintia
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absentia-if · 2 years
i’ve been browsing a lot of the ro asks and got curious about the MC having changed for the worst morally, the things they experienced in the bunker have fundamentally altered who they are in many ways and i adore characters that take that and turn into armor or a weapon.
I find myself drawn to stories where the person originally victimized is able to regain control of their life in maybe not the best ways. Id love to play as a character more willing to embrace the darker parts of morality and perhaps the kidnapper themself, not in the way of saving grace or forgiveness but as a manner of taking control back for themselves. (Characters like Eve Polastri and Will Graham come to mind) Acknowledging that they suffered at the hands of this person but at the same time have been so irrevocably changed by them that they simply can’t imagine returning to themselves pre-kidnapping. A morally gray MC that doesn’t forgive the kidnapper for what occurred in the bunker (and the potential betrayal of an RO being the kidnapper) but an MC that wishes to hurt them back in a worse way. After all what’s worse for a predator than being sympathetic for their prey? And what’s better for a predator that’s been mistaken as prey? Mutually assured destruction with a heavy side of sexual tension and bloody mouth kisses my beloved.
(sorry if this comes off as the insane ramblings of a pretentious weirdo but this story is rly tapping into the vibes of some of my favorite dynamics and i just got so excited about the potential of playing a morally gray mc)
That would certainly be intriguing, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to do so whenever it involves Absentia. As the main plot (or a major one at least) of the story is healing. Of learning how to deal with the things that have happened to you and move on from there.
However, I think your idea is quite intriguing and is definitely an interesting one to ponder over. (I didn’t think you were being pretentious at all.)
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wooahaes · 2 years
ok now that i’m finally settled before i turn to essay work...
genuinely it means a lot to hit 700 especially like... after the depressing spell i’ve had lately? i always feel bad subjecting people to my feelings (which is why i typically go back and delete posts either shortly after i make them or after i’ve thought about it more) when i can’t dress it up in a way that feels presentable. talking about body image is easier when i change the lens and make it a fic. talking about being vulnerability or trusting someone is nicer when you write it more pretty. the raw stuff always feels like i’ve taken it too far.
so like... genuinely, thank you for supporting me. i’m almost done with one of my classes before i get a few weeks of break (the shitty part of summer courses is losing out on just... lazing around for a bit when i can afford to), and hopefully i can get some writing done in that time.
for ppl who are following under the sun: i’ve been sort of stuck in a rut when it comes to planning mingyu’s part, and i don’t want to break out of reverse age order now just because of it. i’ve had ideas and they haven’t completely stuck for me yet? i know something i want to include and i know vaguely where i want togo, but i just haven’t figured out how to get there. i think the same is true of seokmin’s part: i know what i want to do and say with his, i just have to figure out the how before i can write it.
and for people who are following for other things: please feel free to talk to me! it feels like UtS has become a priority lately and i feel bad for like... dropping trsr rn (although i do have a fic in the works, potentially?), barely writing for skz, and not actually attempting to write for golcha (or astro, since i’ve been... intrigued lately lol their music is so comforting tbh).
what do you want to see from me? this can be a concept in general (darker stuff, angst, certain AUs), a fic idea i’ve talked about in the past, more content for specific people... i think i’d just genuinely like to hear what you guys think.
alternatively you can always ask me questions about me and my life lol i won’t like... openly state too much about personal things, but i do like to talk about other things i’m into or what i’m studying or what i want to do. or tell me about your lives if you want? a job you want to do, something nice that happened lately, etc. i like hearing from you guys <3
thank you again for 700, here’s ur sappy post where daisy is more of a softie <3
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mcat720 · 3 years
One missed potential of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy or A.K.A (Ben Solo deserved Better!) rant. *spoilers ahead *😉
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Ok, recently I rewatched the entire Skywalker Saga episodes 1-9 again, and in the end I felt inspired, neigh compelled, to point out THE most glaring misstep in the whole entire saga. That is of course the story arch of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. Now I know this complaint has been done to death and I’m really 2 or 3 years late on this topic, BUT STILL. I have some thoughts…we all have our feelings on the original trilogy and don’t even get me started on the prequels 😳 but in the end it’s all one mostly cohesive story with the Skywalkers at the center of it. The Force Awakens was a good set up for a new set of characters and a whole lot of (ultimately wasted) potential. The biggest one being that there was a new hooded terror who has the force shredding his way through the galaxy with the First Order, but is not exactly a Sith and definitely not a Jedi, and who just happens to be the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa! Immediately you are intrigued. What happened to him? Why is he on the dark side? How could his hero parents let this have happened? He is almost set up as a reluctant villain. Even though he has done terrible things, he continues to have a pull to the light and seems to feel guilt or remorse over his darker urges. A LOT of the greatness of this character should be credited to Adam Driver and acting his ass off to carry the last set of movies. Not a slight to Daisy Ridleys Rey, because she is a believable, strong, hopeful hero that is elevated by her relationship to Kylo/Ben. They have easily the best chemistry of any Star Wars couple in my opinion, and they never really become a couple! They embody enemies to lovers so beautifully and being a DYAD in the force! Oh wow, such a cool new thing to add into the universe! my poor little Reylo heart weeps at their lost possibilities😭. I saw Kylo/Ben as this sort of re-writing of Anakin Skywalker and the burden on someone with great power. Where we had Anakin manipulated through hate and give in to darkness to save someone he loves(or so he thought) only to loose everything, we then have Ben turn back to the light by love and the forgiveness of his father(even if it’s in his head) and to save a person he has a deep connection with and holds HER life more valuable than his own. Ben could have been the breaking of the tragic plague that follows the skywalker family IF they had let him live! Why did they need to die? Why is sacrifice the only way to redeem the lost souls who never really gave their full heart to the dark side? Because they killed? Because they gave in to it in the first place? Can only the pure be entitled to the light? I think it’s a much more interesting story to let Ben live, and deal with the consequences of his actions and try to make it up to the galaxy by using the great power of the force that he was born with. He never asked for the life he was brought up in and was targeted at an early age by forces he had no control over. He’s a victim who became the Monster who then chose to be the Man behind all of it. We needed more of that. All of these things are there to dive into, but unfortunately I think the writing was severely lacking in character development on ALL sides. Ben and Rey deserve their own adventures and to have laid the original hero’s to rest respectfully but we as an audience know there would still be the true last Skywalker out in the galaxy in the form of a newly restored Ben Solo. Their connection and use of being a Dyad would lend itself to new powers and things we are still finding out about the force which then helps in telling new stories instead of the same old thing. In the end I think We were robbed of his greatness! He gets to be happy for one second and then dies… what a horrible way to end a story all about Hope. And don’t even mention the fact that Rey was a PaLPATiNe….. just No. 🥴
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sitp-recs · 3 years
Hey! Firts of all, thank you so much for the work you do! You're amazing and we love you.
Secondly, thanks to your angst reclist I revisited the HurtFest collection and found 'If an injury is to be inflicted' which left me O.O I'm absolutely obsessed. I was wondering if you had any fics like that to rec, feral/strong!harry and calculating/smart!draco, the only one that comes to mind is 'Who we are in the shadows' and I've already read it a billion times (probably will a billion more cause it's just so good). Anyway, thanks!
Hi darling, thanks so much! I have yet to read this masterpiece by @shealwaysreads (it’s been on my list forever but these game changing fics require some mental preparation 😂) so maybe I’m not the best person here but I can try! Love myself a deranged couple being gay and doing crimes 🙌🏼 It looks like you’re in the mood for some power couple Drarry - I made this reclist recently, but I would highlight the fics below since they have a more mature, often darker/angsty tone:
A Cold Spot in Hell by @drarrytrash (2020, E, 8k) - tw: implied major character death
When there’s nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.
you look so fine by michi_thekiller (2013, E, 16k)
In which Draco is a Veela and Harry is his mate. Dark!Humor or Crack!Horror, you decide.
And One To Play by @tackytigerfic (2019, E, 21k)
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are the best team in the Auror Department, even when they're driving Gawain Robards up the wall.
Burn the Curtains and the Wine by @nerdherderette (2019, E, 24k)
There are two versions of Harry Potter: the wizard who is the Ministry of Magic's most dangerous and successful assassin, and the husband who leads a staid life of domesticity with a reformed Death Eater.
The Good Guys by Frayach (2014, E, 26k)
The Second Voldemort War is limping into its fourth year, and the Forces of Shining Light are slowly turning into the Forces of Expedient Grey.
Glory Be by Lomonaaeren (2013, E, 32k)
Draco—Draco Malfoy, skilled assassin, powerful and wealthy Veela, former Death Eater—has always known what to do, where to go, who to kill. And then Harry Potter came along.
measures of our days and nights by flimsy (2012, E, 40k)
Draco returns to London to help the Ministry decipher a spell, but things aren’t quite as simple as they seem.
REVOLVEVLOVER by @firethesound and @lol-zeitgeistic (2014, E, 46k)
The work Harry does is justifiable. It’s justice. He works for his country, and his country is a republic—the magical side, anyway.
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by @letteredlettered (2012, E, 54k)
Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks.
Crown Witness by @slytherco (2020, E, 70k)
When Harry Potter goes to interrogate a potential witness, he doesn’t expect to end up on the run again, trying to keep Draco Malfoy alive, while a manhunt follows in their footsteps, adamant on eliminating the one witness that could ruin everything.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (2019, E, 99k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost.
A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena (2018, E, 128k)
When Draco’s cover is blown during a deep undercover operation and the Ministry is compromised, Ron takes Draco to the only safe place he can think of—Potter.
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umisabaku · 3 years
Hi! I'm a huge fan as of a week ago when I discovered designation miracle and speedread through all of it. I really love your writing so much, so I had to ask: please please write a reki/langa piece? It can be AU/scifi/fantasy anything you like, and doesn't have to be long but I would so love to see your fic/minific! also, i saw that you had posted about tying the kuroko fantasy AU together -- have you thought of looking at 1001 nights instead of grimms, they have a lot of nested stories
It doesn't take him long to figure out that 1) he died and 2) apparently reincarnated in the body of Kyan Reki, minor trash character in Ice Infinity, long-running web novel series he used to read because his younger sister made him. Which, holy shit, he did not think that actually happened, and apparently he should have paid more attention to transmigration web novels instead of skating. (Nope, that wouldn't have happened. He loved skating. Still loves skating. This is clearly his little sister's fault, for being fond of dark fantasy harem novels instead of transmigration novels.)
He tugs his floofy red hair and thinks that this isn't the worst possible novel to wake up in, but it's pretty bad. At least he's familiar with the story line. Protagonist Hasegawa Langa, aka Prince of Ice and Snow, was cursed as a baby (although he doesn't know it) to have a frozen heart. He competes in a (very long, drawn-out) magic tournament, and becomes super awesome magic ruler of all time, but each battle brings out a darker side of him, and the more evil he gets, the more the world begins to ice over. This is, in part, due to the manipulations of Demon Lord Adam, who wants Langa's powers for himself. Meanwhile, various women try to "unfreeze the prince's heart" or whatever, with the implication that if someone managed to melt his broken heart, the world wouldn't be destroyed by ice.
(Reki gave his sister so much shit for liking this story. It was still ongoing, and the world was almost destroyed by ice. There'd been, like, fifty different women who were potential love interests throughout this saga, and the Prince still had a frozen heart. Also, he was pretty evil at that point. Reki's not sure what the appeal is, although now that he's in the book, he's at least grateful that he knows what's coming.)
The problem is, Kyan Reki dies in the first chapter. Killed by Langa, in fact, which Reki (now that he is Reki) does not appreciate. Reki was a brash, arrogant jerk, with low level fire magic. He was Langa's first opponent in the tournament, and had insulted the memory of Langa's dead father, which is what provoked the killing. Langa hadn't meant to kill Reki, but the accidental murder is what started the long path towards evil, frozen heart, and the end of the world.
So now that Reki knows what's coming he thinks, Well, I'll just not do that then.
Seems simple enough. He comes up with a Plan of Survival: He won't compete in the magic tournament, he'll stay away from the Ice Prince, and maybe move to a tropical island or something. He doesn't like the idea of the world freezing over, but that seems like a problem far in the future. And hey, this world doesn't have skateboards, but it has all the materials he needs to make skateboards, which means it's not so bad, as fantasy worlds go. Fire magic is pretty cool too.
Step one: withdraw from tournament. Easily done! Everyone looks surprised when he announces his withdrawal. Shadow says, "What are you talking about?? We're supposed to have our grudge match! Weren't you telling everyone that you were going to kick their asses?"
Wow, that's embarrassing. Reki wishes he woke up earlier in the book, before his character made stupid brags. "Nope, I'm good. Have fun, though!"
Step two: Stay away from the Ice Prince. This also seems like it should be fairly easy, since Reki isn't going to the magic tournament.
Except the very next day he practically runs into Langa on his newly made skateboard.
"AH! Ice Prince!" Reki says from the ground.
"What?" Langa says.
Oh right, no one calls him that yet.
"That's, uh, the name of my skateboard," Reki says. He gets up and dusts his pants, and then moves to retrieve his board. He spins one of the wheels and then, mostly to himself, he says, "I think I need to adjust the balance."
"Your what?" Langa says, looking over Reki's shoulder.
Reki tenses, feeling very close to death right now. Don't insult his dead father. Don't insult his dead father. "My skateboard," he says. "For skating." And then, because he can't help himself, he brags, "I made it."
"You did?" Langa says. His voice doesn't reveal a lot of emotion (frozen heart, and all) but he sounds impressed. "Is that what you were doing earlier? With the loops?"
"Oh, you saw that?" Reki says, embarrassed.
"Do you have wind magic?"
"Nope, just fire," Reki says. Then, remembering their fight to the death, hastily adds, "Low level fire magic. Very low fire. Practically nonexistent, really."
"And you still flew in the air like that?" Langa says.
"Because of the skateboard!" Reki balances on the board and circles around Langa so he can get a good look.
"Is it for transportation?"
"It's for a lot of things! But mostly, it's for fun!" If he accomplishes nothing else but introduce skateboarding into this fantasy world, Reki feels like he'll have made an important legacy. Then, because Langa still looks intrigued, Reki says, "Do you want to try?"
"Can I?" Langa says, sounding surprised by the invite.
"Sure! Anyone can skate." Reki hops off the board and shows Langa how to get on, all the while revisiting his Plan for Survival.
He doesn't really want the world to freeze over. And that Adam guy is a dick. Langa probably wouldn't have killed so many people if Adam hadn't been manipulating things in the background. Maybe... maybe Reki should stick around Langa, show him how to have fun, introduce him to some nice girls, and keep him from turning evil and destroying the world.
He completely misses the marveling look Langa is giving him, like he's just seen something wonderful.
A/N: Thank you, anon-friend! I'm glad you enjoy my stories. I've been wanting to write something for SK8 but wasn't sure what kind of AU I should do. Since I've been reading and watching a lot of Isekai lately, and I've never written that as an AU before, I thought this would be fun! Hope you enjoyed! (also, I kinda want to stick with Grimm, but would consider branching out for other fairy tale stories!)
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yazthebookish · 3 years
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Book recommendation:
The Plated Prisoner trilogy
Genre: new adult, romance, fantasy, retelling, mythology, fae.
No. of books: five (2 unreleased)
Synopsis for book 1 (Gild):
The fae abandoned this world to us. And the ones with power rule.
Gold floors, gold walls, gold furniture, gold clothes. In Highbell, in the castle built into the frozen mountains, everything is made of gold.
Even me.
King Midas rescued me. Dug me out of the slums and placed me on a pedestal. I’m called his precious. His favored. I’m the woman he Gold-Touched to show everyone that I belong to him. To show how powerful he is. He gave me protection, and I gave him my heart. And even though I don’t leave the confines of the palace, I’m safe.
Until war comes to the kingdom and a deal is struck.
Suddenly, my trust is broken. My love is challenged. And I realize that everything I thought I knew about Midas might be wrong.
Because these bars I’m kept in, no matter how gilded, are still just a cage. But the monsters on the other side might make me wish I’d never left.
The myth of King Midas reimagined. This compelling adult fantasy series is as addictive as it is unexpected. With romance, intrigue, and danger, the gilded world of Orea will grip you from the very first page.
TW: This book contains explicit content and darker elements, including mature language, violence, and non-consensual sex.
My review:
Rating: 4/5⭐️
I’m the darling of King Midas, ruler of Highbell and the Sixth Kingdom of Orea. People flock to see me just as much as they come to look upon his gleaming castle worth more than all the riches in the entire realm.
I’m the gold-plated prisoner.
But what a pretty prison it is.
This book was unputdownable for me. I literally devoured every page and the author did a very good job at keeping me hooked. This is the first book I read by Raven Kennedy so I did not know what to expect. I am happy to say that I am impressed so far.
This book was unputdownable for me. I literally devoured every page and the author did a very good job at keeping me hooked. This is the first book I read by Raven Kennedy so I did not know what to expect. I am happy to say that I am impressed so far.
This book was unputdownable for me. I literally devoured every page and the author did a very good job at keeping me hooked. This is the first book I read by Raven Kennedy so I did not know what to expect. I am happy to say that I am impressed so far.
I must point out that this book heavily focuses on building up the story, the world and the characters. Plot-wise, not much is going on "until the last 30% of the story" but if the build up points out to anything, it is that the best is yet to come.
There is potential for this trilogy to turn out to be epic and I hope that is where the next two books lead up to.
To give you a taste of the story, I'll try my best to summarize it in a way that is not very spoiler-y.
In a realm called Orea, there are six kingdoms ruled by six kings. The story primarily takes place in the sixth kingdom ruled by King Midas, the golden ruler of Highbell.
The heroine of the story is Auren.
The King's favorite.
His precious one.
His gold-touched.
His gilded pet.
Unlike any other heroine, Auren exists within her golden flesh. Everything about her is coated in gold except for her white teeth and pink tongue. At the age of 15, Auren was a homeless girl and a victim of child trafficking until Midas saved her. For ten years she shows her gratitude to her savior even if he keeps her in a gilded prison, even if he marries another woman for power, and even if he uses her as a bargaining tool. She is the one he gold-touched, she is his forever.
She loves him. Her Tyndall.
Auren at a point becomes a prize to be claimed by greedy kings. She is thrust into political schemes and feels like a prey to be hunted by warring kingdoms. The sixth and fifth kingdoms scheme and plot to provoke the ruthless fourth kingdom and its vicious yet mysterious ruler, King Ravinger, who is said to decimate any enemy stepping into his territory.
Hundreds of years ago, Orea coexisted with the realm of the Fae, <b>Annwyn</b>. Orean magic was founded because of the Oreans and the Fae mixed together. But years later magic slowly died out and Fae do no longer cross Orea nor do Oreans cross into Annwyn. No more Fae set a foot in Orea because the Fae betrayed the Oreans 300 years ago.
Once upon a time, along with the six kingdoms there was a seventh kingdom but it is long gone along with the Fae. Now, only six warring kingdoms remain and ruthless kings are led by their own greed.
As we know, the Fae do not leave a place without leaving a touch of their magic in it.
Auren is not but a victim in this political scheme and she yearns to be forever left alone and locked away in her gilded cage where it is safe.
But... little does Auren know that stepping out of her cage means she will see the world for what it truly is. Will it let her question the reality of her situation? Will it challenge the fierce love she feels for Midas? Can she face the truth about all she had endured?
So if I make it through this, if I live, I vow to myself that I won’t let it happen again. I won’t sit idly by and keep letting men crush me in their fists.
I want to praise the author because she excels at her craft when it comes to the world-building. The lush world she builds up with every page is very intriguing and it kept me invested. The author seamlessly blends political intrigue and fantasy into the story which gives it a distinctive streak.
The flow of the story was perfect! I did not even check how many pages I have left and I was surprised when I found that I am more than halfway through the story, I was THAT engrossed.
The characters were all interesting and while some felt like background characters while others were more fleshed out.
The heroine, Auren, may come off as a bland character. That's what I thought for the first half of the book. But since we experience the story through her POV, I start to understand the person she is. She is basically a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. She reminds me of Feyre in the sense that despite being spoiled in riches and hailed as the King's favorite, you can point out the red flags. Regardless, she is a prisoner who is kept isolated and she plays the part well. You can't expect her to act in a certain way no matter how outraged you feel because she is basically groomed to be the way she is, she is constantly manipulated. I'm glad to see that there were moments where she questioned the world around her and I got to see her a few times in action. Overall, I have to say the character development was there but I think the next book will push Auren's growth significantly.
You're probably wondering what the romance is about.. I don't think I can spill much about the romance in this book because well.. "spoilers". Let me just say in that aspect, it isn't exactly nurtured but there definitely is a great potential for it in the next book if the story leads up to where I think it will and I'm very excited. There's a reason why this is recommended for fans of Sarah J Maas and Jennifer L. Armentrout.
The slow development of the plot did not bother me much because it kept feeding my anticipation and oh boy did it take a 180 turn towards the end. My excitement just skyrocketed and I have a really good feeling that the next book will be 100 times better because of that cliffhanger. I can kind of see where this is going and I'm absolutely here for it!
It was kind of hard to predict how the events would unfold and that is not necessarily a bad thing because it kept me excited and I really enjoyed that.
Remember.. this is an adult book so there will probably be scenes that some readers may find to be uncomfortable or even triggering (TW mentioned above).
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celestialholz · 3 years
Q thoughts (head empty)
Ahem. But yeah, let’s break this trailer and interview down with some Celestial thoughts!
Things I am excited for:
- Modern Q, obviously. Here is a character who we’ve experienced in brief bursts as antagonistic but benevolent; amusing but sombre; enigmatic yet becoming more and more human-like with every appearance. The continuation of that potential is scintillating - we could be presented with a Q on a specific mission, one that’s here mostly for the banter, or a wrecked and embittered being who just desperately wants to reconnect after a civil war he was never supposed to have, or it could be all fucking three and none of them. Naturally, he needs to have a purpose, and as Picard has been in character terms, he needs to be nailed. We need a Q decisively post-AGT, but given Patrick’s exec-producing and the doubt I have that John would ever join if he felt they weren’t doing him justice, I have faith in this. Just... don’t give me a bloody deus ex machina without a point, for the love of the Continuum. Lower Decks is hardly my show, but if we get that manner of Q appearance, we may as well not bother.
What excites me specifically here is that Q apparently appears at a ‘shattering’ moment, which bodes very well as a concept; I’m hoping for some wild electronic shutdown from android!Picard, personally! More on this later...
- Qcard. Naturally. Now, I’m not suggesting Qcard is about to be canon, however hard they’re baiting us with Q literally being on a card (are you fucking kidding me guys, seriously), but... we now live in a blessed era where Q can be the eccentric, flamboyant gay he’s always been. We can have a Q who admit his feelings at last, and we can have a Picard that can accept that and potentially reciprocate - and sure, some people will be butthurt, but some people can also fuck off and get with the times. Am I expecting them to stand there on an asteroid belt and snog? Absolutely not, though we can but hope; honestly, I’d be delighted by some form of acknowledgement, and them swanning off into eternity together, Picard’s burdens finally laid down and his spirit free to be the adventurer it’s always been. Think of the goddamn fics I could write off THAT, my god...
But really, I’ve said this before: Picard is a little darker now, older in age and soul, slightly bitter. Q has presumably been through his civil war, and thus is probably darker, older in age and soul, more bitter than before. Coupled with the genuine beginnings of friendship they’d forged by AGT... whether or not they take that in a romantic direction, it could be a truly unique and meaningful companionship for the ages from two people remarkably similar despite their immense differences, and I’m absolutely here for that. <3
- Has this man forgotten Tapestry? “Time offers so many opportunities, but never second chances,” he says as the card with a heart and a Q on melts away. Poor memory there, Jean-Luc? Do androids still have to deal with Irumodic Syndrome? *shakes head*
- Picard. Here’s a chap who has turned full Data, for all intents and purposes; that’s got to be fucking him up in fairly short order, but I’m especially intrigued by two specific prospects: firstly that he’s going to go into full meltdown as an exemplar of humanity, but secondly... the Q fear humanity to a degree, as they’re meant to surpass them... and ‘the trial never ends’... is that what we’re doing here, advancing humanity to get nearer to that? Because if so, wow. Holy shit. That’s a hell of a reason why Q might be fascinated by him, especially after the Continuum’s war...
- Graphics. A minor point, but STP looks amazing, and the omnipotence of old did not. I’m impressed enough at the particle-vanishing effect of the card - the presence of de Lancie, coupled with the Hollywood-beautiful SFX of this series? Christ, that’s going to be spectacular.
- Time and again. The time angle of this new series intrigues me no end, and there are SO many things they could do with this. I am fervently hoping we don’t rewrite TNG canon to any real degree, but... damn, the opportunities. We could see child Picard, a Trials and Tribble-ations-style insert, any manner of exciting fuckery. I don’t even have any theory-based thoughts right now because we know nothing, but the concept’s thrilling!
- Dream a little dream of me? Two possibilities, given the opening poker scene of series one, and that we now know what the card officially meant (not that I didn’t call that/write a fic on it over a year ago, but still): either Q’s stuck himself into that dream as foreshadowing, or... Picard’s stuck Q in his own dream because he’s been thinking about him. I’m genuinely not sure which is more gay, though I’m privately hoping for the latter...
... I have so many thoughts, and it’s half eleven at night. Please feel free to elaborate on anything missing/very gay, thanks in advance xxxx (P.S. ‘You know that ‘shattering’ thing, celestial - ‘ oh yeah, don’t worry fam, I gotchu. Fic in progress. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA x10) @q-card @bowie-star-trekking hmu cheers dears x
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fktonofwhatnow · 3 years
ok hold on. acomaf is my fave book out of the whole series (it's mostly out of emotional value, i read it when i was younger and didn't have a real understanding out trauma and abuse only that i saw a character i loved getting out of a bad situation and getting happy) so obviously i didn't mind feysand being endgame and the development all of the characters had. i can accept tamlin turned out like that is realistic due to his trauma, i can accept feyre had to flee because it wasn't right for her, but the thing is after acofs i see no point to feyre leaving tamlin when rhysand ends up doing everything they told us tamlin was evil and unredeemable for. hiding the risks of her pregnancy, putting on shields on her, having feyre need to compromise over it. i honestly felt so betrayed by that. i'm not saying feyre and tamlin were good for each other, but it doesn't feel worth it to dismiss the potential they had for what we got with feysand.
also, sarah learn to treat "ugly" trauma with respect challenge. no they don't need to learn to physically fight to fight it. no they don't need a love interest to overcome it. yes the behaviors acquired from trauma and abuse aren't pretty but that doesn't mean a person is undeserving of kindness and compassion.
i think i had a point somewhere but i can't get to it. so hope you don't mind my rambling. anyway i loved your meta about tamlin i think he deserves better too
Bro you are so fine, I'm the one who doesn't make any sense and I totally get what you're trying to say. (Acomaf was actually my favorite book in the series too ngl)
I don't think it's a secret that Rhysand is one of my least favorite characters in media, probably ever? (How do I even put this into words) He is a bad character and to me, laughably so. You know how if you've ever written a character, there's that little phase that's like "what if people don't like this character' and then you're sad for a little bit? That's how Rhysand feels to me. He feels like SJM looked at this character and thought "I can't stand the thought of people not liking this character because I love him so much" and then did everything in her power to make sure we know how great he is.
Idk if this is just me screaming into the void, but I get to this place with my characters where like, especially if they are a little more morally gray or their decisions have negative impacts, I understand that I don't need the audience to like my main character. they can stand on their own, they can own up to what they do and they can grow from it. Thats what a good character does. That's how you keep your audience rooting for them. You gotta knock them over sometimes.
SJm doesn't knock Rhysand over. She doesn't push him to make mistakes, apologize, own up and move on. Rhysand has never made a decision that ended poorly for him. Everything goes the way he wants it to, because SJm wants us to know how cool and great he is. People who are cool and great don't make bad decisions! SJm doesn't let Rhysand fail, and she doesn't let him suffer his own decisions. Everyone else suffers his decisions, not him.
Rhysand's reputation as a good person hinges entirely on the audience liking him and/or thinking he's hot. And then what happens when the audience thinks neither of those things? Ya get a rly long post like this by a lil enby who is mad all the time. Rhysand loses all credibility when you look at him through a critical lens. Not a single thing the man does makes any goddamn sense. Here I thought acosf would give us a different perspective on Feysand and I was desperately hoping that Nesta would tell us what she really sees in them and how people around them really feel, I hoped that SjM would throw us for a loop and tell us that hey, she does know that Feysand are fucking toxic as hell and ruin the lives of people around them and she wants to show us that from an outside perspective but noooOoOOOoOoOOOO...
Instead we get Nesta hating herself because Rhysand told her that she shouldn't tell Feyre that Feyre could uh die in childbirth. Hey what the fuck.
Now I don't actually ship feylin, I kinda always sorta knew, even without spoilers, that it wasn't going to work out. Tamlin isn't sjm's idea of a good partner because he's not charming and witty and dark and handsome ya know? We met Rhysand and I knew that I was going to fucking hate this romance. Which sucks because I found Rhysand so intriguing in the first book. Ngl all the time spent in the spring court was kinda boring and every time Rhysand showed up to throw dead faeries at Tamlin I was like "oooooo" and I wanted to know more about why Tamlin, this awkward, blunt and kinda shy dude had beef with this super duper sly and shady man from another court.
I don't know if I've ever said this before, but SJm doesn't let her love interests grow. Rhysand doesn't change over the course of the story because he was already a good guy and his motives were for Feyre's sake I swear, the same goes for Rowan in TOG. SJm doesn't give Rhysand room to change. She needs to get to the part where they fuck make sure everyone knows that Rhysand is a good guy and actually he was good all along so that we like him more than Tamlin. It backtracks on everything bad Rhysand has ever done because you know... He had a good reason! It's fine!
I know it's probably just because SJm doesn't actually know how to write a good character growth arc but... Like can you imagine if Rhysand stayed the bad guy? Or at least remained the bad guy through acotar and acomaf? And then when Rhysand comes to take Feyre for his bargain it really was only to spite Tamlin? What about Rhysand, taking Feyre to the night court with him once a week every month for a long time, if only to see Tamlin's eyes grow darker and emptier every time he goes, and then he really starts to fall in love with Feyre. He's been a monster all this time, angry and cold and cruel and then he actually starts to fall in love. And then to get Feyre to stay he really does try to change, he stops antagonizing Feyre, he stops throwing dead faeries at Tamlin, and he stops harassing the Spring court. He starts spending genuine quality time with Feyre, he starts to learn about her and all the things she likes and he stops trying to get her to come with him just so Tamlin will be mad. He starts asking her to come with him because he wants to be around her and he prays that someday she'll want to be around him too. What if SJm let him grow.
But nahhhhhh instead we have a character who always knows the right answer to things, and he always knows how to fix every issue, and he is always so innovative and outside the box except that he isn't. We get a character who does the same shit as Tamlin but it's ok because he had a good reason not to tell Feyre that she could very well die in childbirth. Uhhhh don't know what that is but uhhh I know he has his reasons because all he has are his reasons.
It would be so easy to hold a mirror up to Rhysand and say "look at this. Look who you are. Do you not look just like Tamlin right now?"
But nooooooooOoOOOo Rhysand doesn't get to be wrong. Rhysand doesn't get to look like Tamlin because Tamlin is evil and Rhysand is definitely NOT I SWEAR.
But yeah I think the point I'm trying to make is that Sarah thinks so highly of Rhysand that he could never do wrong. He could never be like Tamlin, despite the narrative literally telling us the exact opposite.
Like you said, we lost the potential of what feylin could have been if SJm didn't suddenly decide that her audience needs to love Rhysand as much as she does. I think feylin could have been slow and sweet and a story of true healing and learning about one another. I think it would have been kind and steady and lots of "are you ok"s and "I'm sorry"s and "talk to me"s. Everything about Feysand feels rushed and hard and fast and the rest of the world doesn't have time to catch up. It's fucking exhausting to read it ya know what I'm saying.
(also can we talk about Rhysand like dying and Feyre finding the suriel and learning he's her mate and then instead of being like "k let's put a pin in that and fuckin save his life first" she like throws him around and everyone is like "wtf woman" and she's like I neeD tO Be alOnE these people have no idea how to prioritize)
Truly, I think it's innocent to a degree. There is absolutely no harm in wanting people to like your character. The harm comes when you destroy another character with no reason or explanation other than you want people to like a different character. Villain arc? Completely out of left field. You gotta build to that shit or like... Make it so that when you look back you slap your forehead and yell at a wall "OF FUCKING COURSE I SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT"
anyways, SJm treat "ugly" trauma with respect challenge SECONDED.
WELL IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME WEEKS YO WRITE IM HAVING A HARD TIME I know it probably doesn't make any sense I can't find my braincells BUT thanks for the ask @xelly
Tell me all your acotar things I love yo hear them !!
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maliby · 4 years
When The Night Comes | CH. 3
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↬ Pairing: Jimin x Reader | Taehyung x Reader
↬ Story Genre: smut, angst, vampire!au
↬ Warnings in this chapter: blood, explicit language, smut
↬ Word count: 4.9K
↬ Summary: Your school has two courses: the day course, and the night course. Rules say that it’s strictly forbidden for both courses to interact but can you really follow the rules when you see the same eyes that have been showing up in your dreams for months on a mysterious hot guy from the night course?
A/N: tag list below, if you want to be tagged feel free to ask <3
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“Wake up,” you jolted up from your fortress of blankets to an alluring voice whispering on your left ear.
“Who’s there?” you asked looking around the dark room. Your sleepy eyes were having trouble focusing but nonetheless you were able to see a dark figure right in front of you which made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“Don’t be scared, it’s just me,” you immediately screamed as your eyes adjusted to the darkness and spotted the red eyes and hair of your intruder.
“Don’t worry love, I’m not going to hurt you.” Taehyung came closer to you, his hand reaching for your cheek to caress it. “I could never hurt you...that is, of course, unless you ask for it.”
His evil smirk made your instincts kick in and make you want to get away from him, but your body wasn’t giving in. It was like it wanted nothing more than to receive his affection and the danger that came along with him. 
Suddenly, you remembered your roommate Yujin was sleeping in the same room as you and couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread coming over you at the potential hazard that would arise if she woke up and saw Taehyung.
“Y-yujin,” you pointed out.
“Don’t worry love, I concealed us from her. She won’t hear or see a thing…” And then his lips were on your neck, kissing and sucking as tiny moans left your mouth.
You should be getting away, you should be screaming, you should be pushing him away, but you wouldn’t. This man had deceived you so you could give him your blood, he had lied to you and tricked you, he was dangerous and yet you couldn’t help but get wet by his touch and you hated yourself for it.
“Why can’t I say no to you? Stop using your supernatural powers on me,” you said, trying to come up with an explanation as to why you couldn’t stop him.
“You think I’m using my powers on you love? I’m offended,” he chuckled. “You better believe that when I have a girl it’s because she wants me to have her, and you…” his hand travelled down your body and entered your pyjama pants and underwear, massaging your lips and clit, “are dying to have me inside you.”
“Fuck,” your hand reached for his arm as a reflex, not really expecting to find such toned biceps underneath his studded leather jacket.
“Am I making you curse now? I love corrupting good girls…” his nose was moving through your neck as he inhaled deeply, probably getting a good whiff off his meal. Soon, his sharp fangs were scrapping through your neck. It seemed like every move of his was made with the intention of luring you into his web of seduction - he started at the nape of your neck, slowly going up, probably leaving red streaks on your neck, as his finger smoothly glided from your entrance all the way up to your clit. It was like it was designed to make you fall, the climax being when he bit your lower lip with one of his fangs and entered you with his 2 long digits.
“Oh my-”
“Scream it louder love, he can’t hear you,” his fingers started pumping into you faster as if encouraging you to let go.
“Fuck yes,” you screamed, your brain not registering what he meant by ‘he’. Was it Jimin?
“I love the way your tight little pussy is clenching around my fingers,” his velvety voice was like fuel to the fire, rilling you up even more. “I can just imagine how good it must feel to have you squeezing around my cock.” 
When you thought it couldn’t get any better, Taehyung’s other fingers reached your clit and started rubbing circles on it, making you go completely wild.
“Mmmm,” you moaned through your shut lips, trying hard not to make a noise. Yujin couldn’t hear you, but that didn’t mean the people in the other rooms also couldn’t.
“Scream my name for me love and I’ll let you cum.”
You couldn’t think about what was happening anymore. You couldn’t think about the fact that this vampire was here in your room after he had tricked you. You couldn’t think about all of the dangers. All you could think about was that you wanted to cream his fucking fingers and scream his name. “Taehyung…”
“That’s it love, let them all hear. Let him hear.”
You were in a trance, his smooth voice and long fingers guiding you to your sweet release. You could feel it building up. You could feel your walls clenching tight, ready to let go, but just as you were about to cum you woke up.
You frantically got up and looked around the room - only Yujin was there. You sighed. It was just a dream.
Being aware of your current state of arousal you couldn’t help but hide your face in your hands - the freshly healed cut on your hand throbbing in unison with your pussy. You plonked back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
Was this your life now? Dreaming about hot vampire boys? You wouldn’t mind if it was a harmless sex dream, but seeing as the protagonist of that dream had, just the night before, tricked you into giving him your blood just so he could track you things were a little different.
You looked outside the window that stood on the opposite wall of where the beds were and noticed the absence of the silver moon in the sky. You sighed. You hated when it was the new moon. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but you felt like it had to do with the fact that everything felt much darker.
Your mind reverted back to Jimin. Why was he so pissed that Taehyung had drunk your blood? You were glad that he was worried about you but the fact was that he barely knows you. Why was a vampire so worried about the fact that another vampire has fed on someone? He didn’t seem to mind the affairs going on in the hangout place of the nightwing, so why was he so worried about you?
Your thoughts started to subside and soon sleep started to take over you. As the leaves of the trees outside danced around in the wind, your eyes started to close shut. You nuzzled your cheek on your pillow and sunk under, oblivious to the pair of silver eyes watching over you in the trees.
------------------ 1 week later -------------------
You read the text your friend Lisa had sent you out loud so your roommate Yujin could hear it. 
Lisa McGuire
Get to the cafeteria now!!! You won’t believe what happened!
When it came to getting ready, you and Yujin were one and the same - you were always late. You both liked to take your time doing things, especially in the shower. Since you were getting ready to have breakfast and not to go straight to class you both felt in less of a rush, but your friend’s message surely intrigued both of you.
“What could it be?” Your friend asked as she quickly applied mascara to her already long lashes.
“Knowing Lisa? It’s probably about a boy.” You finished brushing your hair and placed down the brush, now being fully ready.
“You think she’s already over that Chanyeol boy she hooked up with last week or she secretly sneaked into the nightwing to have sex with him?” Yujin placed her mascara back in her little cup and made her way to her bed so she could pick up her bag and join you.
“I truly don’t know…” You hoped it wasn’t the latter. Chanyeol was Taehyung’s friend, and if he helped him pull his little stunt where he ‘made you’ give him his blood then he was just as bad as the vampire with the red hair.
When you and your roommate spotted your group of friends in the cafeteria you felt your whole world shake. They had company, someone that was currently biting Lisa’s earlobe making her giggle. Someone that made your blood freeze over.
“Oh my god-” Yujin interjected.
”Lisa!” You called in a volume way louder than your normal register, getting the attention of everyone around you, including all of your friends.
“Y/N! Yujin! Look, it’s Chanyeol!” She happily pointed at the boy sitting next to her with a huge grin. Just the look on his face was making you physically sick.
“What is he doing here?! Isn’t he from the night course?” You tried not to sound too angry, but you just couldn’t help it.
“A portion of the night course moved to the day course and Chanyeol was picked!” If she noticed the level of aggression in your tone she didn’t let it show, being really excited about the boy with the silver hair’s presence.
After registering her words you looked around the cafeteria and noticed several people wearing the characteristic navy blue uniform of the night course - dread soon took over your whole body. If Chanyeol was here then...was Taehyung also here?
“He didn’t come,” the man with the deep voice said as if reading your mind. You turned your head back to your own group and couldn’t help but feel the creeps at the smirk he had on his face.
“Who’s he? And...you know each other? Y/N you never told me!” Lisa looked between the two of you all confused. She was probably upset that you had pretended like you didn’t know him all the times she gushed about him.
“We met through a mutual friend.” Chanyeol broke eye contact with you to look back at Lisa, but you couldn’t stop looking at him. You needed answers on what the hell was going on and you needed them now.
“Oh my god! Is it the mysterious hot guy?” Lisa interrogated her crush before she turned back to you. “Y/N you didn’t tell us you finally got together with him!”
“Mysterious hot g-”
“Yes!” You interrupted Chanyeol before he could question Lisa further. You couldn’t have them know about Taehyung, it was way too dangerous. “I was with him at the Halloween party.” Technically you weren’t lying, you were with Jimin at the Halloween party.
“Oh my god! And you kept that a secret?! What happened?” Eunbin who was currently spreading strawberry jam on her toast asked.
“I-” You were struggling with what to say, especially because Chanyeol was right in front of you. You looked straight at him and quickly got annoyed - he was enjoying this. He certainly was Taehyung’s friend.
“Good morning,” a voice you recognized perfectly said from behind you, saving you from this embarrassing moment - it was Jimin. Your eyes, that were looking straight at Chanyeol, noticed how he immediately changed demeanour, the smug on his face disappearing and his head hanging low as if he was submitting. Weird, you thought.
You turned around and there he was. His dark hair softly hanging across his features, his (now) brown eyes that you knew oh so well looking straight at you, his soft plump lips making your heart skip a beat, and the way his navy blue uniform hugged his lean and fit body making your thighs squeeze harder. You know he noticed the way you were ogling him up and down because his soft neutral expression quickly turned into a teasing one, a little chuckle leaving his perfect set of lips.
“I’m sorry to take you from your friends but, would you mind having breakfast with me today? I’d really like to talk to you.”
The way all of your friends gasped at his request made you embarrassed beyond belief, but the worst was when Lisa decided to respond instead of you. “Of course she will!”
You turned to your friend to give her a menacing look that failed to intimidate her, a wink being all you got in response. You glanced over at Chanyeol and his eyes were still on his lap, making you question their dynamics. You wondered for a second if you should ask Jimin about it but then you remembered that he was still waiting for your response.
“Sure,” you ignored your friend’s excited faces and joined Jimin, being terrified to look back for just a second.
“Find a table, I’ll just go and get my breakfast and then I’ll join you,” you turned to leave, but the cold hand he placed around your arm stopped you.
“No need, I got it for you,” he lifted up his tray filled with food making your eyes double in size at all the food he had there. “I didn’t know what you liked so I got a bit of everything.”
“Oh,” you interjected feeling touched at his gesture. “You didn’t have to.”
“No, I didn’t. But I wanted to.”
You two stayed silent for a moment, a blush creeping up on your cheeks until Jimin found an empty table and signalled you to sit down.
You were feeling kind of nervous if you were being honest. You hadn’t heard anything from Jimin since the incident at the Halloween party. He had taken you back to your room but had said little to no words, making you think he was somehow angry at you. But the fact that he was being so nice right now kind of calmed you down.
Looking down at the tray of food you noticed your usual Oreos were missing. But, as the number 1 Oreo fan, you always carried a little package with you, so you reached for your bag and picked up the package so you can dip the cookies in your milk.
Jimin chuckled. “I didn’t realize I was having breakfast with a child. I’m sorry, I’ll get your cookies next time,” he joked.
“Hey! It’s really good okay? Don’t judge me,” you stuffed your mouth with the first Oreo dipped in milk and hummed in approval, Jimin finding your behaviour amusing.
He lifted up his hands in defence and apologized. “I’m sorry, I promise not to make fun of the Cookie Monster anymore!”
You laughed, choking up on the Oreo a bit.
The mood between you and Jimin had never been this light before, a form of tension always being present, but you must admit that you really enjoyed it. Then your mind went back to that Halloween party again and the tension grew once more.
“I’m sorry,” you picked up another oreo and dipped it in your glass of milk, avoiding his gaze.
“For what?” You could tell from his tone of voice that he was confused at your sudden apology.
“For giving my blood to Taehyung…” 
You weren’t looking at his face but you saw him clench his fists, giving you a strange feeling in your chest.
“It’s not your fault. I should have been there to protect you.” You looked up at him in shock, but he averted your gaze, looking away into nothingness. It was as if he was being transported to that moment, his jaw locked tight. Why was he blaming himself?
“Jimin, you couldn’t have known…” You cleaned your fingers on your napkin and placed your hand on top of his cold one, immediately feeling something similar to a spike of electricity running through the skin that was in contact with him.
He didn’t answer. 
Jimin’s eyes locked with yours for an instant, and as much as you tried to decipher his emotions you couldn’t.
“So,” you removed your hand from on top of his and picked up another Oreo, getting ready to dunk it in your glass of milk, “why did people from the night course change to the day course?” You asked, trying to change the subject and lighten up the mood again.
“The director liked how well the Halloween party went and how the students from both courses seemed to get along, so he came up with this little one-way exchange program.” 
You didn’t know why but you had a feeling Jimin wasn’t telling you the truth. Not only did his answer seem rehearsed but the university had been structured like this since 2 years ago when you first enlisted and not once had the director showed this much interest in the two courses socializing. Something fishy was going on but you decided not to press Jimin any further on that matter.
“Does the director know that you’re-”
“Vampires?” He whispered with a teasing expression, seeming to poke fun at the way you got embarrassed to say the word. “Yes.”
“And is he...is Taehyung also going to be around here during the day?” You really didn’t want to bring Taehyung back into the conversation but the thought hadn’t left your mind since you first learned some vampires were transferred and for your own peace of mind, you had to ask.
“Don’t worry, I made sure that worthless rat wouldn’t step his feet in here. You’re safe.” 
You couldn’t help but release the breath you now realized were holding. Since the incident, your dreams had been filled with what you would describe as pure porn, all of which involved Taehyung. What bothered you most was how realistic the dreams were. Like you woke up and you could still feel his teeth sinking into your skin and his long cold fingers playing with your pussy. At first, you thought your mind was just acting upon you being around sexy men so often, but for the last couple of days, you’ve begun to wonder if it’s some side effect of you giving him your blood. You wanted to ask somebody who could answer you, but there was no way in hell you were about to tell Jimin you’ve been having erotic dreams with Taehyung. He already despised the guy and seemed to hate even you just mentioning him, much less this.
“Have you been sleeping well?” Jimin asked in a soft voice as if reading your thoughts. You now realized you had spaced out on him, feeling a little embarrassed.
“Hum...yes,” you answered in a not so affirmative tone. “Why do you ask? Do I-?” As on a reflex, you let go of your Oreo and touched your eye bags, wondering if your concealer wasn’t doing a good enough job.
He chuckled. “You look great cara mia, don’t worry,” his hand reached for your cheek and you couldn’t help but feel your whole body burning up. How could it not, when a man that looked like he was carved into perfection was complementing you in a foreign language?
The sweet gesture didn’t last long though, him getting his hand back on the table and clearing his throat. “I was just worried because of the events of last week. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright,” this time his voice was more serious, giving you whiplash. No matter how much time you spent with Jimin, his hot and cold persona was something you found difficult to deal with.
“Don’t worry Jimin,” you reassured him which seemed to ease up his mind.
As you downed your glass of milk - having finished all your Oreos - you noticed your group of friends passing right by you, Lisa holding hands with Chanyeol, and you couldn’t help but worry for her.
“Hey Jimin, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Is he a bad guy?” You pointed to the man with the silver hair currently grabbing your friend’s ass, feeling your chest tighten at their interactions.
“You’re worried about your friend?”
“Yeah…” you trailed off.
“I think that all you need to worry about is that he may be a womanizer. Other than that...he’s not gonna eat her,” his sincere and warm smile ease up your mind.
“I never thought I’d have this response at someone being a womanizer but thank god,” you sighed in relief.
Your response made Jimin laugh and you found that you liked him best like this, his eyes turned into crescent moons and his beautiful smile on display.
“Well then, shall we go to class? I hear Mr Moon is a pain in the ass.”
“You’re in my class?!” Your eyes doubled up in size at the revelation. You hadn’t even thought of the possibility of him being in your class.
“Mhm,” he nodded, his teasing expression back on his face.
Well, if you had trouble paying attention in class before then you really were in trouble now.
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Jimin was annoying. Not only did he know the answer to every fucking question the teachers asked him, but he also had the audacity to look like a fucking god sent from up above while doing it.
He sat at the back of the class, probably trying to avoid attention, but the truth of it was that most girls (and even some guys) spent the whole class looking at him. There was just no way you could not when he was sitting there, leaned back, gaze focused on the teacher spinning a pen so effortlessly between his fingers. 
The way you spent your time in class went straight from doodling random things on your notebook to drawing full on portraits of Jimin. You just couldn’t help it. You were looking straight at his profile and when you came to it you were already halfway through your drawing.
“Miss Y/N,” professor Moon called, interrupting the shading process of Jimin’s voluptuous lips. “Would you mind paying attention to the class or am I bothering your drawing time of your new colleague Jimin?”
You choked. Everyone was laughing at you and you could swear you’ve never felt more embarrassed before in your life. Then you looked at Jimin and he had an amusing smug on his face. Nope. Scratch that. This was the most embarrassing moment in your life.
“I-I’m sorry,” you looked down and quickly turned the page to a blank one, trying to show him your commitment to the class.
“Don’t let it happen again. Alright everybody, the show’s over. I want everyone doing exercise number 15, you have 5 minutes!” He broke his gaze from you and went to sit back on his desk, waiting for the whole class to finish the exercise.
You sneakingly tried to look at Jimin again and noticed he was still smirking. You quickly turned your head to look for exercise 15, feeling your cheeks burning up. How were you supposed to look at Jimin ever again in your life? You were gonna have to move schools, you simply had no choice.
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“Alright class, see you Monday. Don’t forget to do exercises 16 to 20 for homework!” Mr Moon recalled after the bell rang and everyone started to pack up their things.
You were dreading this moment. You hadn’t looked at Jimin ever since the professor had called you out. You had passed a little piece of paper to Lisa begging her to stay with you at the end of the class to save you from further embarrassment, but you felt the evil sting of betrayal as you saw her and your friends promptly leave class with an evil smile on their faces.
They were sooo gonna pay for this, you thought.
“Can I see it?” 
You felt his presence behind you even before he spoke u, his teasing voice making you dread the next minutes. Was there a way the whole floor could swallow you right now and save you from this moment?
“Jimin you scared me,” you fake jumped, hoping it would distract him from his original intentions.
You failed.
“I’m sorry. Can I see it?” He repeated, the smug on his face never dissolving. He was onto you.
“S-see what?” You closed your notebook and tried to put it inside your bag, his palm pressing it to the table, making it hard for you to store it.
“The drawing you made of me.” The way he almost sang those words really pissed you off. He was enjoying this.
“It’s...it’s really not good…” you trailed off, half saying what you really thought, half expecting him to not want to see it anymore.
“Don’t doubt yourself like that, I’m sure it’s great.”
You felt warmth spread through your chest. How could you say no to him after that? How dare he be so confident in your skills? 
Giving a sigh of defeat you lightly swatted his hand so he could move it out of the way and opened the notebook, quickly flipping through the pages until you reached the object of your embarrassment.
He didn’t say anything. He didn’t even make a sound. He picked up your notebook and just observed from up close. The expression on his face was unreadable, he seemed to be lost in thought and you were terrified that he didn’t like the drawing. Worse, you were terrified he thought you were a creep.
“See…” you said in a small voice while taking the notebook out of his hands, “I told you it wasn’t good.”
Your words seemed to wake Jimin up from his dazed state, his eyes looking straight at you. “Y/N, that is amazing.”
As in most cases, you were your biggest critic. No matter how much your friends told you how good your drawings were, you always found it in yourself to think that they were absolute crap. Usually, your friends’ complements only managed to raise your opinions of your drawings up by a little bit, but something about Jimin made you feel that much more confident in your art. You didn’t know what it was, but you liked the feeling he was giving you.
The way the crescent moons appeared on his eyes as he smiled at you made your heart skip a beat and you were damn sure you were probably blushing again.
“But next time, try to pay attention in class,” he got closer to you and whispered in your ear: “For as much as I love having you stare at me during the whole lecture, I’d hate to be the one responsible for your poor grades.”
You couldn’t move.
Jimin’s cologne and the way his saccharine and enticing voice had delivered that teasing line had completely paralyzed you. All you could do was watch as he winked at you and turned to leave, his perfect ass filling out that navy uniform.
“Come on cara mia, you’re gonna be late for the next class.”
How in the world were you supposed to not stare at him?
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“Nice to see you again, love.”
You jumped up from underneath the safety of your blankets and immediately spotted the man with the fire-like hair sitting at the foot of your bed, red silky shirt halfway opened. 
You were dreaming again.
This was just what you didn’t need. After spending a lovely day bonding with Jimin and your friends you had, for the first time that week, been able to forget about your sinful dreams with Taehyung. So, when you went to sleep that night you didn’t even dread to close your eyes (like the previous nights) because Jimin was the only thing on your mind. Now, though, that you were seeing Taehyung’s dream form right in front of you you felt weirder than usual; you felt like you were somehow cheating on Jimin, even though you weren’t even dating.
Without saying anything you simply lay back in bed and covered your head with your blankets, hoping he would just vanish.
It took everything in you to deny him right now, especially with that shirt he was wearing, but you had to put your foot down. At the end of the day, he was no good, no matter how hot he looked.
“Are you ignoring me love?” You felt the mattress dip closer to you and soon enough, his hand was running over your leg on top of the layer of blankets. “Mmmh...could it be that lover boy finally made his move?”
Your eyes shot wide open, your head peeking out of the blankets to look at him. Was he talking about Jimin? “What are you talking about?”
“He doesn’t know what you want love,” he continued trailing up his hand until it reached your neck completely ignoring your question. “What you truly need,” he then mounted you, his hand firmly grabbing your neck but not squeezing, completely asserting his dominance over you and you immediately felt your panties getting wet.
You were starting to cave to the sex appeal of the man on top of you. Suddenly your thoughts were fuzzy and your thighs were rubbing up against each other, making Taehyung smirk.
His mouth got near your neck and you felt a chill run up your spine as his breath hit your skin. “I know you can’t resist me,” he licked your neck and by the way his head suddenly moved back and the hand on your neck made you move your head to your right you knew he was about to bite you.
Suddenly a scream coming from the next-door room woke you up - it was Lisa and Eunbin’s room. You turned to your left to look at Yujin and she too had woken up. “Was that screaming?”
“I heard it too, I think it’s coming from Lisa and Eunbin’s room,” Yujin confirmed as she quickly got out of bed and put on her slippers, you following her suit.
You two rapidly made your way to the room next door but immediately stopped as you noticed Eunbin’s figure standing completely still at the entrance of the room.
“What happened? Is everything alright?” You asked as both you and your roommate entered the room walking past a petrified Eunbin. 
The sight in front of you completely terrified you - Chanyeol was feeding off of Lisa’s neck, rivers of blood running down her chest.
“V-vampire,” Eunbin stuttered.
© maliby, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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one-winged-dreams · 2 years
Speaking Just For Me
Ship: King x Pitch Word Count: 780 Rating: PG-13 (it’s suggestive)
Let me see you Stripped down to the bone Let me hear you speaking Just for me Let me see you Stripped down to the bone Let me hear you crying Just for me
THE ONE PIECE FLAME HAS BEEN REIGNITED and I’m getting that sweet sweet King content, so have a first meeting fic that pretty much opens up our dynamic.
Left alone was he, at last, staring up at the towering form before him, equal parts honored and terrified.  A task, one specifically designated to him by one of the All-Stars themselves. A task of great distinction. 
And intimidation.
Peering up at 20 feet of man from behind his mask, Pitch remained silent as ever. King couldn't see the wide-eyed blinking through the veil about his face, but he could probably assess that was the reaction most appropriate.
"I'm assuming you're the one that came recommended to me," the giant man spoke, making the hair on the back of Pitch's neck stand up.
He nodded vigorously, his hands nervously clasped. He could feel King's gaze boring into him from his great height, and the feeling scared him. 
And invigorated him. He shivered.
"What are you called?" King asked, his tone unreadable.
Pitch looked over each of his shoulders before pointing to himself questioningly. The answer was obvious, but his nervousness had gotten the best of him.
"Obviously. I'll ask again, what do they call you?" King's tone was tenser now, a little more than subtly but not entirely impatient.
The Mary froze, finding himself in the same old bind. This time, though, the situation was a little more dire. 
A few seconds of silence ticked by before King's eyes narrowed. "I asked you a question. Do you not speak?"
Pitch flinched slightly, pausing before making a shaky 'so-so' motion with his hand. It's not that he COULDN'T speak, it was just...
"So the answer isn't definitive," the Wildfire replied to his gesture, sounding almost... Intrigued.
Suddenly a loud impact crashed in Pitch's ears before he noticed the colossus kneeling before him. Not nearly putting them anywhere close to the same level but enough that King could reach forward and pluck the mask from the SMILE-user's face. Pitch floundered for a moment, flustered. This seemed to actually AMUSE the All-Star in turn, the barest hint of a smirk resonating in his eyes.
"Will you speak now?" he practically taunted. 
Pitch's mouth gaped for a moment, opening further as if to speak but ultimately biting his lip as the words refused to come to him. He dipped his head for a moment before looking up at the larger man almost shamefully. The shame was fleeting, suddenly he felt his face being held a little less than daintily between a giant thumb and forefinger as his head was wrenched up to look King in the eyes. 
"No? But you can, can't you?" His tone was low, dangerous.
But oh so enticing.
Pitch blushed, his eyelids fluttering lightly as something rose in his throat before a single breath blew it out like a candle flame. But the breath itself was so audible it was speech enough. He felt a squeeze against his jaw.
"You can?" King pressed, as his grip tightened into something less than painful but more than pressure. 
Pitch gasped, his face flushing darker as he managed to conjure a simple 'ah...!'. This only seemed to excite the larger man who suddenly gripped his arm with his free hand, squeezing it.
"You can. You're enjoying this aren't you? Will it make you speak?" he practically interrogated before his eyes narrowed. "Make you speak for me?"
First it was a squeak that escaped Pitch's open mouth. His lips formed the words, and it was just enough. Just enough to then rasp out a breath that imitated a 'y... es...'. 
"Yes you're enjoying it or yes you'll speak for me?" King's voice was something akin to husky, almost debauched. He hadn't noticed when he had become so invested in this Mary, but it didn't matter now. It excited him, a potential way to entertain himself. As his eagerness grew his grip on Pitch's arm tightened enough for the smaller man to yelp out in pain.
"Yes...!" Pitch did not elaborate on which question he had answered, but the blush, the heaving of his chest, the half-lidded eyes, all of it spelled out the appropriate response. 
"Good... Then I want you to address me properly," King rumbled before suddenly wrenching the arm to the side, pulling it sharply and earning a high pitched whine. "Will. You. Speak for me?"
The only sound filling the air was that of panting, the paced inhale and exhale, the breathing of someone taxed.
As King looked down, he was met with half-lidded brown eyes that stared up at him more endearingly and affectionately than most anyone he had ever seen.  As the giant man's head canted to the side, he watched as Pitch's smile turned into the forming of words eager to be heard.
"Yes...! Master King...!"
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xxjewellynwatts · 3 years
The shop owner - A James Gillies x OC (you!) story
Request: Hello:))) I don't know if you still write for James Gillies... but if you do then it would really be great with some fluff or something. I'm honestly a sucker for any James Gillies x reader content! Also, you're an amazing writer and I really appreciate that you write for Murduch Mysteries!! Hope you have a great day!!:))))
Answer: Thank you so much ! I haven’t written in ages, so I hope you’ll enjoy this! @mylifecrises
Warnings: contains spoilers of Gillies’ first episode.
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The sound of a bell got you out of your daydreams. A tall, confident, well-dressed ginger-head boy who seemed to be around your age got into the shop you now owned ever since the death of its owner.
His eyes paced for a while around the room, glancing back and forth from item to another, thinking fast before he at last locked eyes with you and briefly smiled.
Charming, you thought with a hint of mockery.
‘Good morning, how can I help you?’ you said politely.
He stopped walking towards you for a second, taken aback by the elegance of your voice. You were one of those people who didn’t ‘sound like they look’ but in the most flattering way.
‘I need a few tools for a physics experiment’ he said as he walked again towards you while showing you some of the said tools.
As you packed them for him, you looked curiously at him.
‘Are you a student at the Toronto university?’ you asked without sounding too intrusive.
‘Yes’ he smiled, happy you were quick to understand. ‘I’m Professor Bennett’s assistant.’
As soon as you heard that name, he could have sworn your mood shifted. Your face seemed a bit darker, and you had subconsciously furrowed your brows.
‘Oh’ you coldly said. ‘Well, have a nice day’ you quickly said as you handed him the package.
He smiled, less convincingly, very intrigued.
‘Thank you, you too’ he said slowly as he headed back to the University.
You sighed as he got out and went back to daydreaming the life you could’ve had had it not been for an unfair society.
A few days later, the young man came back to the shop. He noticed you had a different dress, nonetheless unique in the way it looked like it had been made just for you. Your (h/c) hair was tied up and your curls loosely fell around neck. You were reading a book before he interrupted you.
‘Oh, hello again’ you said with an unintentional smile. ‘How did the experiment go?’ you enthusiastically asked.
‘Quite well’ he said with the same smile. ‘If you ignore the fact one of the nails fell right when the machine was starting to work’ he sighed.
‘Oh’ you puckered your lips. ‘Isn’t it the most frustrating thing when something creating with our own hands fails us?’ you empathised.
The young man frowned and smiled at the same time, surprised by your poetic choice of words and relation to the situation.
‘Actually, yes. It’s really... frustrating. How come you know that feeling?’ he asked, curious.
‘Oh, trust me, I’ve been on both sides of the “creation”. I’ve felt the strong pride of succeeding in creating something as much as I’ve suffered from the pain of failed attempts. I like creating things, little objects to make my daily life easier like small machines just to... test a theory’ you shrugged.
‘Why, isn’t that quite surprising!’ laughed James. ‘Oh, I’m James Gillies by the way’ he said as he reached for your hand to shake.
You shook his, surprised by the sweetness of his touch as he was of your little enthusiastic roughness.
‘I’m (y/n), nice to meet you’ you smiled, suddenly shy.
‘It’s really nice to meet people who are so imaginative and creative. Sometimes I feel as though all students want is their degree, sadly missing the experience of intellectual stimulation thereby’
‘Oh, trust me I know...’ you answered, raging inside again. ‘Had it not been for this... stupid professor, I would have been experiencing things by your side, as the student I deserve to be.’
James starred in shock.
‘Wait... are you... a physicist?’
‘Officially? No, because I’m a woman. But in reality? Absolutely.’
You pointed towards the book you had left on the counter to meet him. It was a physics book, of a higher level than James’ current syllabus.
When James left your shop, he couldn’t stop thinking about you and how unfair it was that you were rejected from the University on the basis of sex. Had it been up to him, he would have gladly accepted you. You were certainly smarter than most of the students here.
It was already dark when he left. You two had been discussing Physics theories the whole afternoon and did not notice the sun setting down nor the moon coming up. James didn’t even want to leave deep down. He was eager to talk to you and discover your wonderfully unique ideas and contributions to the field. But the rage he felt could not even represent a quarter of yours. You were a passionate, determined and very curious person. And it made you sick people stopped you from showing your true potential.
Ever since that afternoon, you’d meet up occasionally in a café with James to discuss Physics or anything. You two got along so well you seemed to have known each other for years. You were even one of the very few people who could make James actually laugh.
One afternoon, as you were sitting in front of each other, leaned a bit due to your eager interest in your conversations, a silence fell between you two and you got lost for a split second in each others’ eyes.
‘It’s a shame’ said softly James. ‘I wish I could study and work with you everyday.’
By the time the words were out, James realised what he said, and got a little bit nervous. He never felt that way, it intrigued him. He starred down, and around, trying to ignore your (e/c) eyes.
‘I wish so too’ you answered, not ashamed a bit but sad. ‘If I could kill Professor Bennett, I would.’
James immediately looked back at you.
‘Wait, who?’
‘The professor Bennett. He is the one who convinced the jury of teachers I wouldn’t be able to stand the competition and would never be better than all those young men. He refused my application even though I had a perfect education and threatened to leave the University if they accepted me.’
You had spat the last words with the quiet rage and sadness you had confined within you for months. Tears rolled slowly down your face and James did not even notice his eyes were discretely tearing up too. He suddenly wanted to take you in his arms, reassure you, just like he wanted to shout at the professor Bennett he used to admire so much. He suddenly took your hand. Startled, you looked up at him, across the small table. He hesitated for a second and, too nervous from the proximity he had created, stood up. He gave you one final hesitant look before turning around and nearly running away.
After that meeting, you thought James had had enough of your conversations. After all, no matter how intriguing and curious he was, perhaps you didn’t intellectually stimulate him anymore. But your ego was not shattered yet. His absence had only brought up a feeling of longing to see him again, for reasons you couldn’t understand at this point. Weren’t you supposed to be jealous of him? After all, he was studying something you were desperate and passionate about. He wasn’t the victim of his own gender.
A few days had gone by and you were starting to really miss him. But there was no way you would ever go back to the university.
Then one day, you woke up to read a really intriguing news in the newspaper. The Professor Bennett had been killed by an ‘invisible’ murderer. Your eyes paced restlessly trying to grasp the meanings of the words printed. You felt your heartbeat accelerate dangerously as a suspicion crippled dangerously in the back of your mind. You turned around, hoping you’d see James coming running to tell you about the professor’s death and how deeply he was affected by it. But there was no one around.
You hardly fell asleep that night. And you had to say farewell to the idea of ever sleeping well when you heard a strange noise at your balcony at three in the morning. You stood up, covering yourself in your blanket on top of your nightgown, and slowly approached your balcony (you lived just above the shop you owned).
You had to cover your mouth to shut down your terrified scream once you saw James climbing on your balcony. He stood up at your window and smiled once he saw you. Startled, you didn’t move until he softly knocked on the window-door. You shook your head, trying to get a hold of yourself and ran to open the door.
It took you by surprise when James immediately punched his lips against yours in an adrenaline rush. You stood back. You immediately understood.
‘What have you done?’ you whispered, your voice shivering in terror.
James slowly smiled. He knew you would understand. He knew you would receive his love letter through a terrible - but brave - act: a revenge.
‘I love you’ he said, smiling even more. It felt good to say it. He never felt anything like that for anyone. He didn’t even care that much about his own family.
You thought, fast. James was clearly a dangerous person. Yet as twisted as it could have been, you felt touched by his act.
You kissed him, finally making your decision. He kissed your hands and forehead.
‘Don’t worry. Even if they find out, I will always get back to you’ he promised.
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