#I’ll do one for TeVi soon
creative-time · 2 years
Alright I think I’ve solved the issue, make an alternate universe to my alternate universe (click for better quality)
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poorlytunedukulele · 2 years
Day 14 - Formal Attire
May 01, 2872; Tower Concourse, The Last City, Earth
“Heard Alaia Ruse is making you go to that Vanguard shindig,” Andal said.
Azra fidgeted. “Yeah,” she said.  “Not really looking forward to it.  Seems like…”
“A waste of everyone’s time?” Tevis led.  “That it is.”
“Ah, but it’s an important networking event,” Andal said, parodying sincerity.  “It lets all of the important people meet and talk about all of the important things they could be doing if they weren’t at that party.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m important,” Azra protested.  “How can a four-year-old be important?”
“You forgetting Twilight Gap?” Tevis said.  “And your Arcstrider business.”
Andal did not miss Azra’s face go a bit pale at that last comment.  He knew people had been bothering her about it.  “It’s not all that bad,” Andal said.  “Usually everyone there is pretty experienced in the field.  Interesting stories.  And the food’s at least halfway decent.”
‘Not like I have a choice, anyway,” Azra mumbled.
Cayde decided to change the topic of conversation.  “So, you’re going.  What are you going to wear?”
The young Arcstrider looked suddenly apprehensive.  “Uh, what do you mean?”
“A dress, a suit?” Cayde asked.  “It’s a formal party.  Black-tie.”
“Black-tie,” Azra repeated in an even tone of voice that meant she had no idea what the word meant. “I mean, I have a black cape somewhere, I think?”
“You don’t have a dress or a suit, do you,” Andal half-asked.
“Andal,” Shiro said in warning, “She’s three, and she’s not city-bound.  I would bet fifty Glimmer she doesn’t even own clothes.”
“I own clothes,” Azra said defensively.
“Base layers don’t count,” Shiro taunted.  “Think. Have you literally ever seen her not wearing armor?”
Andal looked down at his own getup- Comfortable cotton and polyester, stylish enough for the Tower but not very protective, and then looked back at Azra, who was dressed in combat armor.
“Azra,” Andal said, aghast. “What do you sleep in?”
“Uh,” she said. “This?”
Tevis snorted, unable to conceal a grin.  “Cayde. Twenty Glimmer she’ll try on one dress and never touch them again.”
Cayde tapped a finger to his chin.  “I dunno, she could pull off that graceful look.  Something flowy.”
“Skirts are rather impractical,” Shiro weighed in.  “But then again, so are parties.”
“You’re just upset you can’t pull them off,” Cayde teased.
“Alas,” Shiro said, not sounding all that mournful.  “My stubby legs.”
“A short skirt and stockings,” Cayde suggested.  “That would-“
“Not be black tie,” Andal interrupted.  “And it’s a moot point anyway, since she apparently doesn’t even have pajamas.”
“Are parties really all this complicated?” Azra asked.  She looked… daunted.
“Even more complicated,” Tevis said.  “It’s creative black-tie, per the invite.  People will go nuts.”
“Okay,” Azra said, sounding overwhelmed.  “What does that-  I don’t…”
Andal took pity on her. “I’ll help you,” he offered.  “We’ll go shopping tomorrow.  But you gotta listen to my advice.”
“Taken as gospel,” the newbie promised.
“You’re also buying some pajamas,” Andal warned.  “And casual clothes.”
Azra looked for a second like she might be stubborn, but Andal glared and she relented.  “Alright.”
Cayde nudged Tevis next to him.  “Hundred Glimmer for your bet and you’re on.”
May 03, 2872, 18:20; The Last City, Earth
Andal arrived at the rendezvous point to find Azra already there.  (She was always early to things she was nervous about.  It would have been cute if she weren’t pacing a hole in the street.)  “Quick, go hide before the others get here,” the Gunslinger urged.  “We’ll give you a grand entrance.”
The younger Hunter looked unsure, but obliged Andal’s shooing and slouched her way into the shadows of a nearby alley.  It wasn’t a moment too soon- Andal turned around and barely had time to check his watch before Tevis transmatted in.
Tevis was in his usual party getup: a muted maroon suit over a white shirt and black tie.  He fidgeted with his cufflinks and scowled, probably upset at the fact that he had to go to the party in the first place.  He raised an eyebrow at Andal.
Andal had done a little shopping himself while taking Azra out and had assembled what he thought was a very tasteful new look.  He wore his classic tails but had accessorized with a tie laced with golden thread and a polished golden pocketwatch on a chain.  He’d had Charin help braid up some of his hair with metallic threads and had a golden square peeking out of his pocket.  “Shiny,” was Tevis’s bland comment.
A minute later came Shiro, also in tails, but with a striking yellow tie that upon closer inspection was stitched from the banner cloth of the House of Kings.  He proudly unbuttoned his jacket to reveal that the inside was lined with identical yellow fabric.  “Sewed it myself,” the Exo bragged.
Andal teased him.  “Couldn’t find a City tailor that would touch your looted Fallen clothes?”
“Thought the kid was supposed to meet us here?” Tevis grumbled.
“We’re waiting to reveal the outcome of your bet until Cayde is here,” Andal explained.  He checked his pocket watch and frowned.  “Though if we wait too much longer for him, we’ll be late. Well, more late, but getting into irresponsible territory.”
“You snooze, you lose,” Tevis said.  “I’m not having Alaia chew my ear off again.  Let’s have at it.”
“Alright then, you ready, Azra?”
“It’s kind of weird you just stuck me in an alley,” the young Hunter called back.  “Can I stop staring at the brick wall and come out now?”
Andal swept up to the corner and put on his best showman’s voice.  Performing a showy bow, he announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado… Azra Jax. In clothes!”
Shiro whistled and the Ghosts all cheered in encouragement.  Azra stepped around the corner, face held still but beet-red from embarrassment.  She was not wearing a dress.  She had on a slim suit in slate gray over a black undershirt and a luminous white tie.  She stuck her hands in her pockets and hunched her shoulders, looking like she very much missed her armor.  It wasn’t the most colorful clothing, but there were compromises that had to be made.  At least she had on dress shoes and not combat boots.
Cayde chose that moment to transmat in.  “I’m not late,” he asserted in a bald-faced lie.  “Oh hey, Azra.  Lookin’ good.”
All eyes left Azra and turned to Cayde.  Tevis couldn’t help but guffaw.  The Exo was in a poofy ballgown of buttercream yellow.  He had a flowered headband riding under his horn and jewelry on his wrists.
Andal narrowed his eyes at the Exo.  He’d bought Cayde a very nice, tailored suit for the last Dawning (after he’d tried to show up to a party in jeans).  Why wasn’t he wearing that?  He’d seemed impressed when Andal had given it to him, but the first chance he got he’d put on something else?
Cayde met his glare and balked a little bit, optics flicking in a tell.  He glanced towards the young Arcstrider unconsciously before schooling himself back into nonchalance.
Andal softened.  Azra obviously was going to feel uncomfortable enough tonight, with the unfamiliar clothes and the unfamiliar attention laid on her.  Having a little ridiculousness about would draw the eyes off of her.  And Cayde being silly would make her feel a bit more at ease with the formality.
Plus, the dress was hilarious.  He hadn’t even gone for one tailored for a man- the bodice was fitted tightly and flared out to accentuate his non-existent hips.  The skits were poofy and dappled with sequins.  It was not something most Hunters would be caught dead wearing. But Cayde, being Cayde, was inviting everyone to laugh at him.  He, naturally, would be laughing the hardest.  A way to both lighten the mood and poke fun at the rigid system of formal dress expected at these parties.
“Can we just get going already?” Tevis complained.  “Cayde owes me a hundred Glimmer and I plan to spend it at the bar.”
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Fic Writer Interview
Big thanks to @sassydefendorflower for the tag! :)
Name: Q or Quil
Fandoms: Been writing for basically just Batman and Co for the past year and a half (will be two years in March, actually) but before that I wrote for a ton of fandoms like James Bond, Marvel, Sherlock, etc...
Where you post: On AO3 as withthekeyisking
Most popular one-shot: (by kudos)
Overall: Collective Judgments - 3346 kudos
This Year: Three Little Birds Sat On My Window - 798
most popular multi-chap: (also by kudos)
Overall: (No) Places of Safety - 1356
From this year: Also NPOS! Wild to think I only started it in February
Favorite story you’ve written so far: I have always been awful at answering this question lol, because they’re my babies and narrowing it down to even my fav ten is challenging. But at this moment in time (with the addendum that this is subject to change in like, an hour from now lol) I’m gonna go with Know a Good Thing, simply because it utilizes my favorite rare character. (Why yes, Q is still on their Tevis family BS, thank you for asking)
Fic you were nervous to post: Probably By Vigor and Resolution. It was my first omegaverse fic and it’s an AU that is so widely done and enjoyed, so I was anxious that I was doing it completely wrong lol. I’m also always nervous when posting something I wrote as a gift for someone else.
How do you choose your titles: A majority of the time it is song lyrics or random quotes. Sometimes I’ll google “X quotes” to find things that will fit the theme of my fic (for example, for BVaR, I googled “duty quotes” and found a Jane Austen line I thought fit the fic well)
Do you outline: I actually don’t, and yes people usually seem stunned when I tell them that, just because outlining is such a big part of writing. But I really just know a couple big things I want to have happen in the fic and then I just write, see where it takes me.
Complete: 101
In progress: 33, and no, none of them are actually abandoned. There are some that are more likely to be updated than others, but it really depends on inspiration striking. I could come back to any of them at any point.
Coming soon/not yet started: The next stuff you’ll see from me are my Big Bang fic and my Mini Bang fic (both being posted during the amnesty period). After that I’ve got two very patient commissioners who will finally be getting their promised fics!
Prompts?: Always down to receive them! I can’t promise when I’ll write them or if I’ll write them at all, but I save all the prompts y’all send me :)
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: Uhhhh I’m really excited about my Big Bang fic, I’m very proud of it. Also very pumped for a gift fic I’ll be posting in December!
Thanks again for the tag Aurora! This was fun <3
I’m gonna tag @epistemologys, @foreverwhelmed, @aveaveria, and @firefrightfic!
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sirveltic · 4 years
It’s alright, it’s OK
It’s one of my first times writing cayde please don’t burn me at the stake
Fandom(s): Destiny
Characters: Cayde-6, Max-20 (OC), Ikora Rey (mentioned), andal Brask (mentioned)
Relationship: Cayde-6 & Max-20 (father & son)
Tags: Hurt/comfort
Words: 1373
So many things depend on him. Lives, politics, the entire future. At least that's how it felt to him. Sometimes, the weight was too much for him and he ended up dreaming about something other than the Deep Stone Crypt. Sometimes, he couldn't sleep or stand still at night.
The Traveler granted him a strong burst of Light after his old Fireteam leader had killed him, why would he waste it by standing still?
Max-20. That was his name. Max-20, the sick guy who died and came back to life twice. The guy who now had the voice of the Traveler in his head.
|It's alright. No dangers for now. | As much as it tried comforting him, he shook his head, yellow eyes wide and glowing brightly. His gaze went to the small crack between the door and the floor, finding it to be illuminated by the light from the hallway. Right.
He wasn't in Andal's quarters. He never will be, not anymore. With a sigh, he sat up on the bed and pulled his knees close to his chest, wrapping his arms around them. His ears drooped down as he basked in the moments of silence. His Ghost was still powered off, having worked hard the day before to keep the Guardian out of trouble. The teenager hid his face in his arms just in time for the door to open and to illuminate his dark room with warm light.
"Everything alright in here?" The voice asked. It was familiar, but he still wasn't used to hearing it all the time. Usually he'd hear it when it was bickering with Andal but now... he had to listen to it all the time. A weight was added onto the bed, next to him. Max lifted his head up slightly and looked over at the new Vanguard.
Cayde-6. Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6. He still wasn't used to hearing that. His Ghost had reassured him that it was the shock acting that way and that he'd get used to it.
"You doing okay champ?" Asked the older Exo, his hands on both of the teenager's shoulders. Cayde had been taken aback when he first saw Max- back when he'd been weak and almost devoid of Light despite having a Ghost. He remembered asking himself why someone would make a teenager an Exo, but hey; it was the past now.
That's what he kept telling himself. Andal was gone. It was the past and the Speaker assigned Max to him now.
Max shrugged, turning his head to look away and resting his metal cheek on his arms. Cayde's brows furrowed a little. He turned his attention to the nightstand next to the boy's bed, reaching over with one of his hands and opening a drawer. It was almost filled to the brim with various fidget toys, but he went with the classic rubber duck. He closed the drawer and focused back on the tawny colored Exo next to him. He gently nudged the back of his head with the rubber duck, successfully snatching the attention from the window to the yellow duck.
Max looked between the duck and Cayde, yellow eyes unsure. Cayde just wiggled the duck a little, making it squeak faintly. He sighed and looked away.
"What, you're abandoning Soldier just like that? Not even a 'goodbye'?" As much as he tried to lift the mood up, his little joke went unappreciated. As always.
After a few more seconds, Max gave in and held out a hand for the rubber duck. As soon as it was in his palm, he squeezed it and made it squeak. It held a sort of relief, to be able to squeeze it.
"Much better now, huh?" Hummed the Vanguard, pulling his charge closer to him. Max nodded, allowing himself to lean more against the sturdier-built man next to him. His brown ears were pointing fully downwards now, his eyes illuminated the rubber duck with more yellow. He ran a finger over the orange beak of the duck, relaxing his shoulders visibly. After a moment, he spoke up, voice soft and low.
"... Saw it comin' from miles away. I still wasn' ready." He mumbled. Cayde's blue eyes shone with pain too; Andal had been a good friend, if not his closest friend, his number two. Even when he'd become Vanguard, they'd stayed close-knit together with Tevis and Shiro.
"No one's ever ready for these things, kid. Not even me." He saw Max look up at him skeptically.
"What? It's true. Hell, I knew Andal pissed off a whole lot of people. Taniks... just got the last laugh." The name of the Fallen fell out of his mouth like venom. He hated even saying the name, hated thinking about Andal's last moments alive. The blue Exo's eyes looked up at the star-patterned ceiling of the kid's room. He tried his best to make it feel home before he went to bring Max to his new home. He only hoped that the boy liked his new room even a little.
"But," He started, taking a pause to look down at the spotted teenager, " We'll lay him to rest. We'll tell stories of him, share drinks, play games in his honor. It's what he would've wanted." Right after that son of a bitch Taniks was buried twenty-feet below the ground for good.
Max moved so he no longer sat in a ball, the rubber duck still in his hands. He pressed on the middle and made it squeak once again, watching the head expand comically. Ikora had given him this one to help him concentrate during lessons with the Speaker, it was the only fidget toy he hadn't broken yet.
Cayde pat his back a little and rubbed his shoulders to add some extra bit of comfort.  He missed Andal; everyone did. But they had to live with it now, nobody could bring him back without his Ghost. It was life, as unfair as it was. His blue eyes settled back down to Max, watching him mess around with the duck. At least it won't be thrown around anytime soon.
"Try to catch more Z's, yeah? The Vanguard's going to have my head if you haven't rested well. Want me to make you a quick cup of coffee to help?" Max shook his head.
"Don't need it. Jus' wan' Andal back." Of course. If you'd ask a kid who lost something precious what they'd want back, of course they'd ask for the thing they lost.
A moment of silence passed before Cayde took action.
"Alright, tell you what. Scoots over. Come on. Give me some space." Confused, Max moved a few inches to the side to let Cayde also sit fully on the bed. Except what he didn't expect was for the Hunter to lay down and cross his legs over one another, making himself comfortable.
"C'mon. I'll tell you a story."
Max looked at him in confusion.
"Just lay down and you'll see." Hesitantly, the teenage Exo laid down next to Cayde, looking up at the ceiling. As he expected, it had glow in the dark stars and planets decorating it. A homage to when he'd been resurrected, maybe.
"Just point to a planet and I promise you I have a story involving Andal for it." Oh really? Max seemed a little amused with it, keeping the rubber duck on his chest. His ears perked up at he pointed to a planet. "Io? Alright, Io it is. You know, Andal got lost in a lost sector on Io."
"No way."
"Ohoho yes way! See, he didn't want to admit it but..." And so, he told the story, gesturing with his hands as he did so. Soon enough he was nudged on the cheek by his own Ghost, Sundance. She looked over to his side and so did he, smiling a little at the sight.
Max, sound asleep and cuddled up to him with the rubber duck held loosely in his hand. Reaching down, Cayde pulled the blanket up to the boy's shoulder, wrapping an arm around him and holding him close while he stared back at the ceiling.
He may not be Andal, but he'll be the father Max needs.
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blueneptunium · 5 years
Control - Dark Percy
Summary:  Percy is at his last summer at Camp Half-Blood before he goes to live in New Rome for college. His powers are growing exponentially and he struggles for control. (I just really love dark Percy okay? Also yes, this is a lowkey songfic from control - Halsey.) Beta read by @tevi-tevi
Genre: Oneshot Dark!Percy fic, no warnings
Word Count: 6617
Read on AO3
“I sat alone, in bed till the morning
I'm crying, "They're coming for me"
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me
My mind's like a deadly disease”
Percy’s sword arm hurt. He can’t remember how many monsters he’s killed. They just kept coming and coming. How did they get into camp? There were so many of them now that Percy couldn’t see his friends fighting. Suddenly the air turned humid and hot, like it was trying to choke him. As he turned around the comforting landscape of Camp Half-Blood slowly melted into an all too familiar horror. Tartarus. It can’t be. I can’t be back.
More monsters came at him. He recognized everything he’d ever fought or read about. Percy yelled out for help, calling his friends, Chiron, Poseidon, anyone. He looked back to see where they all were, but rather than seeing them fight, he saw something so much worse. A mountain of bodies, stacked up to at least a giant’s height. Blood flowed down like rivers. All the faces were familiar. His mother. Annabeth. Every friend or ally he had ever known. Percy stopped fighting.
His sword was stuck. He turned towards it and found not the Cyclopes he thought he was slaying but rather his best friend. Percy tried to pull his sword out from where it resided in Grover’s chest but somehow he pushed it in deeper. The satyr fell to his knees. Percy tried to speak, to say anything. But the words won’t come. All he can do is stare and hold his best friend’s dying form. Percy called on the water, hoping that it could help heal. The waves came swirling around their heads, but would not go towards Grover. Soon there was enough water to separate them from everything else, trapping Percy in a dome made from the ocean.
“You did this.” Grover spoke before melting into the soil.
Percy fell forward and started to yell frantically. For help or for grief, he didn’t know. The water started to close in. Percy thrust his hand out, trying to push it away, but water from the ground started to rise instead. Quickly. Percy couldn’t control it. He swam and thrashed around, desperately trying to find a way out. Soon the water was over his head.
He couldn't breathe. The water felt clean and normal but Percy couldn’t breathe. Panic filled his lungs where air should be and he prayed to his father.
A deep booming voice resonated through Percy: “You’ve gone too far. You are no longer worthy of the gifts I have given you.” His father’s voice echoed in his head, over and over again until he couldn’t hold his breath any longer.
Percy jolted up in his bed, sweat clinging to him. He took deep breaths trying to convince himself it wasn’t real. But Percy had had visions before. Is the camp under attack? He stood up and walked out of his cabin without bothering to find shoes. He ran towards the Big House where Grover was staying and walked in without knocking. Opening the door of the satyr’s room, he let out a sigh of relief. Grover was in bed, surrounded by tin canes and snoring very loudly, but definitely not dying.
He considered waking the goat to discuss the dream but decided to let him sleep. It was probably midnight. It could wait until morning. He walked back toying with his camp necklace. There were five beads, one for every summer he’d known of this world, as well as a trident pendant his father, Poseidon, gave to him after the Giant War. Once Percy got back to his cabin, he tried to go to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes, images from the dream danced around. After about an hour of restlessness, he got up and headed for the arena.
Percy didn’t know just what it was about saving the world a few times that made people act differently around you, but since the whole Gaea thing, the harpies that guarded the camp and threatened late nighters like himself didn’t really bother him anymore. He, of course, didn’t mind this as sword practice after a bad nightmare was his go-to therapy. He’d either tire himself out to the point where he had to go back to sleep, or he’d sit there practicing jabs and strokes until sunrise where he would sneak back to his cabin and pretend he got up with the rest of the camp. Tonight was the latter option. By the time the sun came rolling around and he was getting dressed for the new day, Percy’s arm was tired and the bags under his eyes were prevalent.
Annabeth met up with him after breakfast, flipping through papers as she walked. “I’m captaining capture the flag tomorrow, you’re leading offense, I’ll take defense.” Percy nodded his head and slipped his hand into hers.
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Not quite. These are the plans.” She gave Percy half of the papers she had. “Those are all my battle strategies I wanna try out, choose one soon so I can match a defensive plan.”
“Ah, great, more homework,” Annabeth laughed at him and turned towards the cabins.
“I’m on cabin check, I’ll catch you later!”
“Wait, Annabeth!” he called after her. He hadn’t seen Grover yet and he knew that if he talked to Chiron, the centaur would make into a bigger deal than it was, but he wanted to talk to someone about his dream.
“What’s up, Seaweed Brain? Is it about Rome, have you heard back?” Percy shook his head. He definitely did not want to think about college right now. It had been hard enough graduating high school that spring, what with his grades and the fact that he’d missed most of the junior year, courtesy of Hera.
“No, I just wanted--” Percy faltered. He didn’t really know how to describe his dream. Annabeth just looked at him, waiting for him to continue. As he thought about, one thing about the dream bothered him almost more than anything else.
“Is it, I don’t know, possible for a god to...take away powers?” He tried. Annabeth just raised her eyebrows in confusion. “Like, if Hephestus wanted to take away Leo’s fire ability, could he do that?”
Annabeth looked down in thought. “I don’t know, Perce, maybe? I mean I imagine if they could, they would have done it to all the demigods that supported the Titans. Why?”
She was looking at him with concern, all stormy eyes. He didn’t want her to worry so he cracked his signature lopsided smile, giving him that special Percy-Jackson-idiocy look. “Just thought about it,” It seemed to have worked as Annabeth just laughed.
“See you later, Seaweed Brain.”
Percy smiled and waved her off. He used to hate the fact that everyone, even Annabeth sometimes, took him for being the happy-go-lucky dumb one. He joked around a lot, and yeah, he didn’t do great in school, but that didn’t mean he was incapable. Lately, however, he almost appreciated the persona people had made for him. The only time his allies delved from that idea was when he was on the battlefield.
Then everyone’s ideas changed. Rachel said he looked fierce and terrifying. Frank said he fought like a demon. Everyone always wanted battle Jackson on their side and were afraid if he wasn’t. It never bothered him much at first, but now it kind of scared him. He’d take happy-go-lucky over demon-fighter any day.
“I paced around for hours on empty
I jumped at the slightest of sounds
And I couldn't stand the person inside me
I turned all the mirrors around”
A wave of demigods all strapped up in armor gathered at the entrance of the woods. It was time for capture the flag and Percy had just explained everyone’s roles, courtesy of Annabeth’s strategy.
He was readjusting his straps that he couldn’t seem to make fit right, despite having done it hundreds of times. He hoped the game would go over well, but Percy’s head just wasn’t in it.
He’d had more nightmares of drowning, and to top it off, he’d gotten a letter back from the college in New Rome. As much as they were “pleased the former Praetor” wanted to attend, his grades weren’t good enough to get into their marine biology department. He would have to write another entrance essay and pass a STEM test to be accepted. Percy knew they were being generous, they did mostly deal with preoccupied demigods, but he still felt flustered and angry.
“Focus on the game, Jackson,” he grumbled to himself as he tightened his shoulder strap. Percy uncapped Riptide and headed out into the woods to get to his post before it started.
The plan was fairly simple, but the Ares cabin was leading the other team. They didn’t have much more strategy than hit everything you see. There were two offensive teams. Percy’s team was the distraction, leading the Ares defense out to fight. The second would retrieve the flag and bring it back to base, where Annabeth’s team was defending in several groups.
The fight broke out fairly quickly and half of the other team’s defense was on Percy’s group within minutes. They would need to plow their way through these guys in order to get the others to come, making the flag vulnerable.
For Percy, going against the other campers was fairly easy. He had three on him, two bulky Ares kids and one Demeter kid. He disarmed the Demeter kid first, stunning him so he wouldn’t have the opportunity to use any plant magic, and slashed and blocked with the other two fighters. His body was on autopilot from all the battles he’d been in. Unfortunately, those battles were life or death. This wasn’t. Percy went too hard. He slashed towards the left of one and turned to hit him with the butt of his sword, knocking him to the ground. He stepped in close enough to the next one that she couldn’t use her sword and hit her jaw with his forearm. He felt bad for a moment, but the strategy was working. The rest of the offense came up to avenge their teammates.
He tried to take on the bulk to the campers to give the rest of his team a better chance. They were going one to one while Percy was in four to one. His experience didn’t fail him. At this point, he might’ve even been able to beat Luke. Campers went down left and right. Too quickly. Percy’s mind wandered to his dream, the monsters' bodies that went down only for them to be revealed as his half-blood friends. He felt the panic rise up. His movements became slow and one of the campers got a hit in on his arm. He felt one approaching from behind. Percy’s body moved before his mind. He’d lost the Curse of Achilles long ago but sometimes his body seemed to forget and his only instinct was to protect his back.
Percy summoned water from the creek to blast the three in front of him. He turned around and thrust his hand out to the camper, expecting a water wall to push her down. She fell back, but there was no water. Percy realized with a start that he’d controlled the water in her. He had pushed her back. Without even touching her.
Fear overtook him and he dropped his sword to run to her side. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean--”
“Percy, it’s okay, I just fell,” Percy looked at her furrowed brow. She didn’t know. He’d let go as soon as he realized and she didn’t know. He apologized again, or maybe it was several times all rushed together. He pushed past everyone else who had stopped fighting and ran for something.
The ocean. It always calmed him down to sit on the shoreline. It smelled so strongly of the sea and of home that once he got there, Percy almost jumped in to escape his thoughts. But something held him back. Honestly? He was afraid to. How could he have done something as violating as control another person’s body without meaning to? He could still see Annabeth’s face, in fear of him in Tartarus when the met up with Misery. He did that.
Percy could hear the hooves coming up behind him before Chiron spoke. “Percy,”
He turned towards the centaur and nodded. “I’m sorry I left, sir,”
Chiron put his hand on Percy’s shoulder and spoke evenly. “It’s alright, though I will admit I am curious as to why you did. Your team won the game and when dear Annabeth went to find you, the others said that you ran off, after knocking several members of their team unconscious.”
“I’m sorry about that really, I didn’t realize--I don’t know.” Percy sighed and looked down. Chiron had the same effect as his mom did: feeling like you disappointed them was the worst feeling in the world. And Percy was no stranger to bad feelings.
“They are all resting up in the infirmary, perfectly fine. It will serve them good motivation to spend their time in the arena wisely. Now, why don’t you tell me what’s happened?”
Percy did. As he talked, he found himself realizing things he wasn’t aware of before, at least not fully. His restlessness since returning home last summer. His struggle to separate fend-for-your-life battles and training exercises like today. He even told Chiron about his dream and his fear of drowning.
“I’m afraid that maybe one day, I’ll need to control the water to help and I won’t be able to or...or maybe I’ll control it too much.”
Chiron nodded, his face a mask. Percy guessed that after thousands of years of teaching, you could probably hide any reaction. “Percy, you have been through a lot for your young age,” Understatement, Percy thought but didn’t interrupt. “These nightmares and worries are normal from someone in your situation and even expected. However, with your abilities, you need to discover control. You have done well training, but how much time of your training has been devoted to your unique powers?”
Percy thought for a moment. Chiron had a point. His summers at camp had mostly been spent working on his swordsmanship. Sure, he’d practice every now and then, and he almost always used his water abilities in combat or during war games. However, he’d never really practice in order to strengthen those abilities.
“Percy, I recommend that you use this summer as an opportunity to make sure you know your limits before you leave for New Rome. If you would like to avoid using this...blood bending, then you need to make sure you know what your powers feel like, and what their limits are.”
Percy thanked Chiron and walked back to his cabin quietly thinking. He definitely didn’t want to go to New Rome with his powers out of control -- they already thought Neptune was bad enough. He could definitely put some more work into his training.
“Percy, wait up,”
Annabeth came running up to him just before he stepped into his cabin. “Hey, you alright?” Her wrinkled brow and stormy eyes made him smile.
“Yeah, all good, Chiron just gave me some advice.”
“Okay, I was going to head down to the fire with Piper, you wanna come? Jason will be there,” She smiled and held his hand.
“Yeah, okay,” He laughed.
They walked to the amphitheater like everything was fine because, for the moment, it was.
“I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head
They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead
And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head
They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead” 
Percy spent almost the entire day with Annabeth. Normally, that’s not something he would complain about, however it was spent alternating between writing his essay and studying math. Not his favorite activities but at least she was there to help him. Without her, he probably would have put the essay off until the week of the deadline, and it definitely would have been less articulate. Annabeth always had a strategy, even when it came to Percy’s education. This time it was “finish as soon as possible while still being good so you’ll impress them”. If they followed her timeline, Percy would be ready to take the test, which New Rome kindly allowed Chiron to administer, in about a week.
Needless to say, Percy needed to blow off some steam. While the other campers headed to the campfire after dinner, he trudged towards the woods. He thought if everyone was together in the amphitheater, he could be alone to follow Chiron’s advice. Part of the reason he’d never focused his training on his Poseidon abilities was that no one knew how to teach him. No one knew the limit of what he could do--not even Percy.
When he got to the creek, he started with just relating to the water. He stood in the bank and just focused on its power. He could feel it rushing, sense its wildness. He always felt a connection to the water; it was reckless and strong, it refused to be controlled for long, and more than anything it wanted to be free.
Percy wanted to start simple. He willed just a small line of water to rise. It was easy, nothing he hadn’t done hundreds of times. The point, however, was discipline. He dropped the water and stepped out of the river. He concentrated on raising one side of the creek, then the other. The whole stream oscillated back and forth.
Then he started making shapes with the water. Small things, at first: A sphere, a cube, a pyramid. Then he went for intricate. He started to recreate Poseidon’s cabin. First, the basic shape, a generic house. Then the memorized details of spending summer and summer there. The shells embedded in the walls. The curve of the window planes. He was so focused, he didn’t hear it.
Something slammed into his back and threw him to the river. The falling of his cabin-sculpture was enough to startle whatever it was just long enough for Percy to turn around to face it.
Of course, it was a giant scorpion. Percy had his fair share of luck with them. He reached into his pocket but Riptide was gone. Probably floated downstream when he fell. Percy was pinned under the monster and wouldn’t be able to stall long enough for the sword to reappear. As the scorpion's pincers rushed forward to end Percy Jackson’s life, he thrust his hands towards it, trying to push it off.
The monster went flying into the nearest tree. It couldn’t move but wasn’t dead yet. Percy had done it again: controlled the water inside another being. Apparently just as the human body had 80% water, monsters had their fair share too. Unlike during capture the flag, Percy was reluctant to let go. The thing that attacked him was at his mercy. It would be so much easier to end it like this. Even as he thought about it, water started coming from inside the scorpion, swirling around them. If he could take down monsters with just his thoughts, everything could be so much easier. All of his quests, done in half the time. Right before the last of the water was gone from the monster, Percy saw Annabeth’s scared face in his mind.
He let go. He didn’t even finish the monster off with his sword; he felt too guilty for that. It crawled away back into the woods. Percy fell to the ground. He couldn’t breathe. There was panic and guilt pushing on his chest and he had no idea what was happening to him. He couldn’t breathe. The creek responded to his anxiety and pushed water against him, pulling him into the creek. The water was soothing and helped calm his breathing but he still felt the weight of the sky on his chest. Percy realized he was moving upstream. He wasn’t controlling the water, which meant something else was. He started to fight it but stopped quickly. Could it be his father?
Percy let the water take all the way to the ocean. He fell in and instantly swam under, looking for any sign of Poseiden. In the waves, a shimmering figure appeared. It solidified into a woman with dark flowing hair and a soft smile. Percy wasn’t sure how to react so he bowed. “You’re the Nereid that helped me in Santa Monica?” Despite Percy accidentally wording it as a question, the woman held her smile.
“I am, child. It has been a long time since we first me, though I have always kept an interest in you.” She brushed her hand on his cheek and Percy felt warm currents. She still sounded so much like his mother.
“Did my father send you?”
“Not this time. I come for you only; we are shielded from his gaze.” Percy furrowed his brow. Why would she not want Poseidon to know they were meeting?
“It is okay, young hero, no wrong has been done. I simply come with advice.”
“Advice for what? Why haven’t I seen you in so long?” She laughed, a soft sound that reminded Percy of swimming with his mother in the frigid waters during their trips to Montauk. His favorite memories.
“Child, you are more powerful than you know. Like Poseidon, I must keep my distance. Playing favorites among heroes is something Olympus looks down upon. But you are the favorite of the sea, Perseus, and the sea stands behind you.” For some reason, he didn’t mind that she’d called him by his full name.
“What do you mean?” Percy was confused and felt disorientated. “What can I even call you?”
“I have gone by many names throughout your history, though I was never as well known as my sisters. You, child, may call me Maera.”
“Your sisters?”
“The Fifty Nereids, you have met some of them. Amphitrite is married to your father, and I believe you know Calypso without introduction.” Percy’s face warmed. He hoped it wasn’t noticeable underwater. He would always have a soft spot where Calypso was concerned.
“As for what I meant, I think you know. You are growing stronger, but you still have more to gain. To unlock yourself, you must push the limits, Perseus, but be wary. You can do incredible deeds. One day, you may even be able to rival your father. In order to get there, you must keep focus. Do you understand, child?”
Percy slowly nodded. “I think so, but I don’t get why I need to practice. There isn’t much more than Titans and Giants and those are over with.”
Maera brushed his cheek again. “Because one day, a choice of power will come to you, and you will need to be prepared for it.”
“I don’t want power.”
“And that’s what makes you worthy of it. I must go back to Poseidon’s court.” She started to fade back into light. Percy reached out to her, not wanting her to go yet.
“We will see each other again, young hero, I promise. Follow your heart!”
And just like that, she was gone. Again. Percy stayed underwater for a while, not wanting to leave the safety. He sent out a silent promise to Maera that he would do as she asked.
He walked back to the cabins and ran into Annabeth.
“Hey! Are you...you’re wet.” She stared at him like he was on fire and could only be dosed out by a puzzle.
“You’re never wet.”
“Are you okay?” He felt bad for cutting her short, but he didn’t know what to say, except about meeting Maera and something told him that he should keep that to himself. He cracked the Jackson smile.
“I’m sorry, I just started working on training, y’know Chiron’s advice, and I’m pretty tired.”
She gave him a worried smile and kissed his cheek. “Okay, well, get some rest and we’ll work on your essay tomorrow?”
He nodded and kissed her goodnight before heading back into his nightmare filled bed.
“I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones”
Not even Chiron could’ve come up with a more intense training regime. From then on, Percy was entirely focused. He would get up every morning before camp broke and run the length of the beach, racing against various sea animals, or sometimes Blackjack. At first, he had no chance. As the days passed, he started to get closer and closer to winning. He was still yards away from the hippocampi, but he’d bested two dolphins.
Then he would eat breakfast with Annabeth, working on his studies. It was difficult as he was more restless than ever, but Annabeth was determined--and it paid off. He finished his essay in a week and a half and took the STEM exam by late July. His score certainly wasn’t outstanding but he passed, which was enough for the marine biology program.
After that, he was either in the arena, the woods, or the ocean. He would spar with the Athena and Ares kids. Hand to hand, he had yet to beat Clarisse, but he was a lot closer than he’d ever been. She was actually trying now. When it came to swords, however, no one came close. He usually trained with them to keep up the practice, not get rusty. But now he was trying to improve his skill. He didn’t go easy on them. It took a month before he could beat every member of both cabins in one day. As a favor (that may or may not have stemmed from swapping shower times and chore charts), the Hephestus cabin built him three super-powered warriors that could keep up with him. When he first went against them, Percy felt like he was sparring Luke, Chrysaor, and Quintus (or rather, Daedalus) all at once. It was finally a good challenge. It took two weeks before they needed repairs. After that, the warrior bots needed fixed every night.
“Come on man, what are you training for? The bronze versus sword Olympics?” Leo joked. Percy offered to teach him as payment for the constant repairs. He found teaching helpful, it reminded him of old tactics. Soon he had a class of about half the camp that he taught three times a week. Even Annabeth and Jason signed up for a couple. When he wasn’t teaching, people came to watch him fight against the bronze warriors, watching for tips. He’d gotten good at blocking out excess noise and just focusing on the battle at hand.
Unlike the arena, his time spent in the woods and ocean were private. He would never tell Annabeth, but he was practicing this new blood bending technique. Only on monsters in the woods, and only to a point. He hadn’t killed any with it, and he didn’t plan to. At least, not anytime soon. He had gotten a fair grasp on it. He could now pinpoint how he wanted the monsters to move, rather than just away.
In the ocean, he worked on bending waves and currents to his will, shaping water and utilizing it. He focused on summoning hurricanes and controlling them. His stamina improved enough that starting a storm didn’t wear him out anymore if he was careful. Though it did make some of the campers who were previously enjoying a nice sunny day upset with him. He talked more with creatures under the surface. Rather than just talking to them when either he or they needed help, Percy developed relationships with them. Learned from them on how to better navigate the ocean and his training. Sometimes he would even go looking for a sea monster.
He always won.
One day, Percy skipped out on dinner to stay under the surface. Not entirely voluntarily. Some fish had gone back to Poseidon with the knowledge of Percy’s training and since then his dear old dad would send various underwater menaces Percy’s way when he couldn’t be bothered to clean up after them. Normally it was fine. Just a big fish or a scaley being, nothing to be too worried about. This time, Poseidon went too far. He sent a skolopendra.
Shrimpzilla was worse the second time around. He was pushing currents against it and throwing sharped water its way, but it wasn’t easy. Percy was defending himself well enough, but just went he tried to go in with Riptide, it all went wrong. One of the tentacles grabbed Percy, the sharp ends tearing into his skin, and threw him out of the water. He went flying. Great, Percy thought, If I don’t die from impact, Zeus will be sure to shoot me down. He landed hard just outside the mess hall, some forty yards away from the shore. As soon as he hit down, the ground shook, as if he weighed enough to pressure it. A small earthquake.
Percy was admittedly pissed. He didn’t ask for his dad’s fights. He certainly didn’t ask to be thrown by some crayfish monster. He didn’t even ask to be a half-blood, which is what it all came down to really. He turned his anger into fuel, called upon water from the air to strengthen him. He ran charging at the ocean. About halfway there, his feet picked up from the ground. The storm he was causing was strong enough to lift him up. In the back of his ADHD mind, he wondered if this counted as Jason’s flying and if that would put him in hot water with Zeus. As he was lifted to the monster, who at this point had emerged from the water, he thrust his hand out and called on the water swirling around him to create a weapon in his hand. He came down on the skolopendra, driving a water made trident right in between its glassy eyes. The monster dissolved under him and he used just a little bit more strength to guide him back to shore (where campers had started to gather) before dismantling his hurricane, leaving him soaking wet.
But Percy wasn’t done yet. No, of course not, he always had something to say.
“Really?!” He shouted at the ocean in a voice that sounded a lot more malice than his own. Several campers stepped back.
“What was that?!” He threw the water trident into the water, it sailing well beyond what should have been capable. He imagined it going all the way to Poseidon and punching right into his desk. “Hmm, I don’t wanna deal with fucking Shrimpzella, so I’ll just send on over to my favorite son, Percy, yeah?!” He didn’t know what else to emphasize his point, but he was angry with his dad, so he uncapped Riptide and threw that into the ocean for good measure. “Then again you never were good at cleaning up your messes, huh, dad?”
He started to walk away but paused. He tore the trident pendant from his necklace off and threw it into the water.
“You can have that back too,” he said, though the malice was gone, and he just sounded tired.
Percy kept his head down as he walked to the cabins. One of the campers tried to grab his arm and stop him, but Percy growled out a “Don’t touch me,” and kept going. Only later did he realize it was Annabeth and apologized to her.
No one brought up the sea monster, at least not around Percy.
“And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy
God damn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?”
They were lucky that the Golden Fleece made the camp barrier so strong. The monsters that had gathered just hit against the barrier, causing no damage. A few had followed some new demigods to camp, and then called for backup. Normally, the would just wait it out until they left, but it had been a while. Chiron let Clarisse lead a group to “dispatch” the beasts. Percy counted three Laistrygonians, two Cyclopes, and something that resembled a leopard crossed with a shrimp.
“Group One: take on the giants, Jackson you take point. Rodriguez, you lead Two to go after the Cyclopes. Chase, you’re with me. Attack plan twenty-three.”
The broke up and prepared to exit the barrier. The plan was to divide and conquer. Separate each monster so they couldn’t work together, stay in pairs so it’s always two to one. Percy was paired with someone from the Apollo cabin, Ashley. They would stand back and use a bow while Percy got in close with his sword.
The fighting started the second they left the camp line. Percy could hear the Cyclops in the distance, but focused his attention. He ran at one of the giants while arrows went over his head. He played it simple. Ducking under the Laistrygonian, he slid in between its legs, slashing the calf. The monster fell over and Percy twisted as he stood up to drive his sword into its back, vaporizing it.
He signaled to Ashley to go after the nearest giant. Together they ran towards it. Ashley aimed a flash arrow right on his forehead, stunning him, while Percy rolled through and slashed at the chest. The other two campers fighting got the idea and jabbed their weapons into its sides. The now bigger group went to help with the last giant, who was already on the ground. Percy looked around to take inventory. Two giants down, one Cyclops was missing, and… Annabeth fallen. Whatever the leopard thing was, it was on top of her, claws deep.
Percy felt anger and panic rise in his chest. He was too far away to run to her in time. The Cyclops. It was backed into pond. That would give him enough strength. Maybe. He ran towards it, breaking the pattern. Splashing into the water, he called on its power and rose up. He used the Cyclops’ head like a springboard and jumped into the air. When he landed, he focused his power into the ground, taking in water from the pond, from the air, even from himself. A tremor rolled through the ground, knocking everyone off of their feet. Percy thrust his hands down and with them fell each monster. He imagined their lifeforce, the water in them, in his hands. He slowly made a fist. Then he took the driving force and punched the ground.
After that, everything was a blur. He’d used a lot of his strength. The monsters were dead. He was at Annabeth’s side. She was awake. The cuts across her midriff were bleeding, but they weren’t deep.
She was okay.
Percy blacked out.
When he woke, he was in the infirmary. His head felt like he had banged it against a concrete wall for fun. Annabeth was there, asleep on the chair. Percy sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“You were out for just a day, but I imagine you’ll need a few more for recovery.”
Percy looked up. A man with rugged features and green eyes stared down at him. Poseidon.
“Dad?” He wanted to ask why he was here, but his voice was so raspy, he barely got out the single word. Poseidon gestured to the table next to him. A cup of iced nectar was there. Percy gratefully took it.
“Percy, you are very powerful. After all, you are my son.” Poseidon looked at him as if trying to gauge whether or not his words were sinking in. “But you must be careful when using your power. What you did on the hill, not even I use that ability often.”
Percy was confused. Moreso, Percy was angry. “You’re kidding, right?” Poseidon just blinked at him.
“I have been trying to get you to help me understand what I can do since I was twelve! I only see you when the world is about to end!” Percy yelled. As much as he had forgiven his father for, there was an equally long list of things he hadn’t.
“You send me quests and monsters and expect me to risk my life for you, and now you think you have full range to question my abilities? If you wanted to be able to do that, then you should’ve been there when I was discovering them.”
If Percy had been strong enough to stand, he might’ve pushed the god. Which probably would have been a bad idea. He imagined he could get away with yelling at his father, but at the end of the day, Poseidon was immortal and all-powerful. He wasn’t sure what to expect for a reaction. He did not expect Poseidon to nod.
“I understand why you’re angry. I would have liked to have been there for you, to train you myself, but there are rules which I must follow. And there are rules which you must follow.”
“Demigods are limited by their bodies. There are given godly power but are not born in something that can handle it. I appreciate you trying to connect with the ocean, and gain control over your abilities. But if you keep on your path, you won’t be the one in control. You will burn yourself up, and I am not speaking in metaphors.”
Percy wanted to ask why he was given them. He wanted to yell at Poseidon for trying to mentor him. But he stayed silent.
The god walked over to the nightstand and placed something down. “I must return to my court. I would advise adhering to my warning.”
And just like that, he was gone, melted into water that disappeared before it touched the floor. Percy’s energy to be angry with his father melted with it. He reached over to the table to find what Poseidon left. It was the trident charm he had thrown in the ocean weeks ago.
At least the god had been listening.
Annabeth stirred and he set the pendant down.
“You’re awake.” She muttered.
“And you’re not,” He chuckled back. She reached over and took his hand, but wouldn’t quite meet his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Percy, what you did…” She struggled for the words. “Some things shouldn’t be controlled.”
Percy felt like someone punched his stomach. Those were the exact words she’d said to him in Tartarus, only instead of looked terrified, now she just looked worried. He didn’t know how to respond.
Chiron stepped into the room.
“Percy, I am sure that you do not want to hear this, but you must be careful.” Percy sighed and looked down. He didn’t argue. Chiron was a strong mentor, and even though he didn’t want to talk, Percy knew that he should listen.
“I have never seen powers like yours in my lifetime, and I’ve taught many heroes. What you did, it was godlike, Percy. I do not want your demise being caused by your gifts growing.”
“Chiron, I--” Percy faltered. He didn’t know how to explain it. He still felt as if he shouldn’t talk about the Nereid, but it was beyond her advice. He wanted to understand his limits, his capabilities. “I’m not sure if I can help it from becoming stronger.
He looked down again, speaking softly.
“I’m not sure what I’m becoming.”
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itsalreadybroken · 5 years
Through Expectations Chapter 1.
Ben Hardy X Reader
Synopsis: You're the daughter of the famous Roger Taylor, okay that seemed alright the thing is, you're more of a geek than a rockstar's daughter. He's blonde, blue eyes and you're brunette, brown eyes. Your brother on the other hand was the younger version of your dad, certainly he preffered to play the guitar, but that only seemed to make him even more popular. But things change the day you get to meet the cast of your dad's movie, and a certain blonde guy makes you change your point of view.
A/N: Sorry for some grammar mistake that might exist (if seen please inform me so I can change it) I'm portuguese, and trying to write something that all of you can read and hopefully enjoy!
Tell me if you liked it, it’s just an introduction and I was feeling so entitled to it, and so motivated! Thanks for all the support when I presented the idea!
Chapter 2: http://itsalreadybroken.tumblr.com/post/183270695519
Words: 2576
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The alarm woke you up, and after snoozing it for what it felt like a lifetime, it had only passed 15 minutes. Like a broken record, you heard a knock on your bedroom door
“Love, it's 7:15, better get up or you're going to be late” your dad's voice was puffy and you knew he had just woken up too.
“Just five more minutes” you groaned and heard him laugh while you hid your head under the pile of blankets but after some seconds you got up, took a shower and stood in front of your closet choosing your clothes for today.
That's what you thought that made you most like your dad, the clothes you liked, the matching outfits you choose to wear. Today you went for a skirt with some stripes, a white shirt and a fur coat that matched your boots. Your hair was just messy and that's the way it would go, only brushed it a bit to seem a bit nicer and grabbed your sunglasses.
“Dad, have you seen where my keys are?” you rushed yourself down the stair while trying to find your car key, you never knew where you'd put them or sometime your brother jut hid them from you on porpouse.
“Y/N check the bowl! And get ready, after classes you gotta meet the cast, I'll tell you they're absolutely perfect. Jamie already left he had practice. Love your outfit moonpie” Roger smiled as he seen you enter the kitchen just to grab something from the fridge. Your dad always loved that you could dress that outrageous and never feel embarrassed about it, just like he did.
“Thanks old man” you giggled as you kissed his cheek “I guess Roger Taylor left me some of his fashionable tips to follow” you grabbed your purse and looked at the clock, you knew you were already late to your first lecture.
“Jamie doesn't dress like I did” your father reminded you and you tried to hide a laugh.
“Huuummm... Were the 70's and 80's, you were a rockstar, Jamie's just your kid. It's different, and he's a frat guy, that's pretty much about it” he looked at you hoping you'd correct yourself “Okaaay, you are a rockstar”.
“Fine by me” he smiled at you “Now go before you get even more late”.
You waved him goodbye and left your house.
“And that's why has a good dentist you should always check it” your professor spoke and you took a mental note of it, this semester wasn't being that bad and youthought to yourself this was the most Roger Taylor you could get. Of course people knew, and people did often aked you things about him, or asked you if you could ask dad for an autograph and you knew that people knew your eyes rolled, nonetheless you never said “no”.
“Y/N what are you thinking?” Stevie touched your arm for the twentieth time today and you could swear you sighed a bit louder.
“Am I boring you Miss Taylor?” your professor looked at you, so yeah, you sighed a bit louder “Isn't this subject of any interest to you?”
Your friend glared at you, fuck, all the students glared at you and you just shrugged “Well, no of course not!” you tried to apologise “I remembered it from last semester, I just had a bad night's sleep, that's all”.
“From partying with famous people you'd say?” there it was, a voice just made itself overheard to all and a bit of giggles just bubbled up.
Luckily for you, the bell rang and you just grabbed your stuff and got out of there.
“I am so sorry, I just looked at you and you were so bored you know?” you smiled at your friend, that was the thing, tevie was just genuine the way she did things, you'd never got mad.
“Roger Taylor's moonpie always get's away with it innit?” you laughed and went outside with your friend so she could smoke. You didn't smoke quite actually, it's not like you couldn't but you heard your dad talk about someone who had pneumonia, and decided  you didn't want that when you were a teenager and at age 22 you still thought it was better like that, plus you were already a passive smoker.
“Your brother posted a picture last night” you heard Stevie said between puffs and you just did a crooked smile.
“Lovely thing isn't he?” you laughed because since you met Stevie in university and learned about her passion about Queen, and all the things Queen, it sooned turned out to be a major crush on Roger Taylor's younger doopleganger. Jamie looked almost like your dad did when he was about his age. Blond, blue eyes (why couldn't you at least had those too?!), a smile that could drive girls so crazy to giggle after he absolutely did nothing, and the fine way to play drums, plus he had a way of being a sportsguy in university, a good one you had to admit and it drove girls crazy.
When you were seventeen you swore you'd never date a blond guy, because they made you look miserable after them!
Stevie Jackson was babbling something about the way he always talked to her and it got to your dad's raspy voice while singing so you just put your fingers on your ears and made a funny look “Too much, sorry!” she smiled a bit ashamed because she always lost herself on her magical dream where she allegedly married Roger Taylor or John Deacon (why not both she once asked you and you made a weird look) “Look who's coming” she blurted out and you looked to see who had coming, Dean Padalecki appeared and you could almost swear he was the most cool and handsome guy you'd ever seen. He was getting a master's in economics and could play footbal soooo good. You just mocked your brother, it didn't mean you couldn't fangirl and obssess too about a guy you excused yourself.
The guy wore just a flannel shirt, jeans and some tupid regular boots, but oh, how nice those jeans made him look. In your junior year he once spoke to you at a party, mostly because of music, but nonetheless, spoke and after that he just smiled whenever he saw you and you simply shyly smiled back. He was moving towards you and Stevie had made a “I don't believe it look”.
“Hey Taylor” he always called you by your last name and you always put a string of your hair behind your ear trying to look cute and all.
“Padalecki” you nodded and answered in return and he pressed his lips together smiling.
“Friday night at the club, there's this party, and wanna come?” was this just happening? Was he really asking you out like that? “Stevie can come too” he looked at your friend and she babbled something about maybe being busy. Lies, all lies.
“Yeah, maybe I'd like to” you adjusted your fur coat and just stared at him, completely abnoxious of it all while he smiled “Yeah, of coure, friday night sounds great”.
“Nice, meet you there then” he winked at you and left.
“Is this real life? Or is this just fantasy?” you heard Stevie sing and laughed because actually you didn't know it either.
The rest of your day just went simply dull while you checked your social media and saw a lot of requests, questions about your father, fanmail basically and you felt like an assistant.
“Why didn't they cast Jamie to play Roger at the movie?” Stevie questioned you while she saw some picture of the recent cast and the were all smiling next to uncle Brian and Roger, dad you reminded yourself.
“Ohhh I don't know, maybe Jamie was much overskilled and that much of a great actor you see” you mocked her “He does has the looks but not the attitude” took another sip from your coffee and looked at the picture, the cast was already wearing wigs, clothes like they used and they looked like them, being truthful Brian May was like a clone. Your dad's actor...Well a bit, not that much. He looked cute but then, just like you were synchronized “I know you don't like blonds” Stevied murmured.
“He's not so bad though” you mad a perv look and she burst out in laughter “Gonna meet them today right?” you nooded whilis listening to her question.
“All my dad talks about, he loved Freddie even though they were always arguing and he feels so proud of doing this, is like honoring him. Even thoug I told him their music honors them all everyday” you showed a simple smile and this was about as much has she could get to talk about the band in public or in anywhere else, you kept you opinions right to you.
“Except I'm in love with my car” you both mentioned at the same time. “Never tell him I told you this, but it's not so bad, his voice is damn great there” you said and she just looked at you in a faked shock .
“Indeed you are Roger Taylor's daughter, and maybe the lack of that Roger attitude that your brother lacks is in you, you just hide it well” Stevie looked you right in the eye and you knew she was being serious, because sometimes you'd get upset about stupid stuff and just made sure everyone you crossed path with, got a bit of your anger. She sure knew you'd never lock yourself in a cupboard just to get your song on a album. Would you? She thought to herself.
Your class extended a little bit and you knew you were late to meet with your father, alredy had missed calls from him and Jamie and you rushed to get into your car and drive to the studio, since our car had your phone connect to it you were able to get the call and answer it.
“Yes daddy, I'm on my way” you didn't even let him speak, calling daddy usally didn't make him upset because it reminded him you where his little girl and that came in handy sometimes, like now.
“We're waiting for you for 45 minutes” you heard him and Jamie made some comment on the background that made people laugh, you rolled your eyes.
“I know, I know, class got late, professor was teaching something about gums, and it seemed rather important” you honked your car horn “Asshole!!” you shouted.
“There's my girl!” you heard your dad laugh “Alright then, drive safe moonpie” he hung up and you kept driving simply finding too much traffic.
After 20 minutes that seemed to you like 40 minutes you arrived the studio, looked at your hair in the car mirror and it looked like you and your coat were one, you just loved fur coats, were cozy, were always in style (at least in your opinion) and they'd go with everything, today it went pretty fine with the skirt you had and the shirt.Since you were about to meet a bunch of guys, at least you had to go decent right? You locked the car and entered the studio where a perfectly fine new assistant approached you “Name, please?”.
You took the sunglasses from your face and put them on the top of your head “Y/N Taylor” you murmured and she looked at you indisbelief “His son already came in” you sent her a sarcastic smile “Exactly, do I look like a dude to you?” .
“Mr. Taylor didn't mentioned a daughter coming, nor she dressing like him a few years ago” she replied.
“Mr. Taylor doesn't need to mention his daughter coming, she just appears” you groaned “Do I look like a guy?” you asked again and she picked up the phone, probably calling to see if it was true, if you were Jamie this wouldn't have happened, he was a copy, you were just something.
“Someone will go down in a bit, darl” she changed her expression towards you, seeing she made a mistake.
You heard some steps and all you saw was a guy wearing a shirt a bit thigh to his body, a fur coat looking a bit like yours did and some sunglasses so familiars to you it made part of who your father was.
“Y/N?” the guy asked and you knew it was the guy playing your dad's part. You couldn't quite remember the name. “I'm Ben, Ben Hardy”he smile and extended his hand for you to shook.
“Ben, that's it!” you realised you have spoken out loud “Sorry, dad had told me your name but I didn't remember!” you tried to avoid his eyes when he took out the sunglasses and smiled. Luckily Stevie and Roger had the same amount of information about Queen, sometimes you soubted if dad knew more than Stevie.
“No problem!” the guy smile and you shook his hand “Roger wanted to see if I represented him well” he laughed “But his mistake you look more like him” he said mentioning your outfit.
You both laughed “If you were 50 years old, you might might, but do it this way: Rogah Taylaaah, nice to mee you, maybe I could teach ya doll to play the drums after the concert?” you made a raspy accent and leaned in to speak closer. “That's his deal, be a bit more cocky”.
He showed you the way upstairs and you were both chit chatting about the way up the studio and traffic. All the guys tood up when you entered and you ran to kiss your dad, Brain and your brother, meeting the rest of the guys.
“Don't know Roger, she looks cocky like you, plus she and Ben can get to Mardi Gras' together, look at the matching outfits” the guy named Joe said and Roger put a arm over your shoulders.
“You haven't seen nothing, an angel, but a little devil when mad” he said and made you blush in a funny way “Am not” you defended yourself.
“So... My dad was like a big crazy kid who's more excited to tell me about his news toys but tell me the truth, Queen sucks, right?”
Brian laughed “You can't help it can you?”
“Nope, makes him do a stern an mean look” you laughed.
Gwilym nodded and all the curls from the wig moved like Brian's “Please tell me you'll not grow one to or uncle Bri here will forever adopt you into his family” you showed your teeth in a funny smile making Roger laugh and Jamie rolling eyes.
“See, told ya she bites” Roger warned “Give her time and she'll loose the princess Rogerina looks”.
“Dad, it was funny when I was 6, it's not anyome, since first we don't look alike” you looked at him in a caring way, no matter what he always tried to show how much the two of you looked alike, yet you never saw it.
And all the way through some lazy chat, some eyes were looking at you like you were some kind of girl from another world, which you didn't realized, being so at your own, like no one would ever notice the smile you made was exactly like your father's.
Tag list: @killer-queen-ofrhye @cotton-candy-bubbles @applcrumblr @roseesirene @freddiewhistle @kurt-nightcrawler @works-of-fanfiction @but-legendsneverdie @jelly-snow-stark @strangemaximoff @marvel-rhapsody @blessthegulag @ur-gunna-h8-ths @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen@celebsimagines @queen-irl-af @rogerinasqueen 
tagged who asked me, if you want to, just let me know!
hope you like to read it as much i enjoyed writing it
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etheiryan · 5 years
Say My Name
“Cayde!” His voice was hoarse from repeating the same words over and over in the thick smoke. “Andal! Where are you idiots?”
They’d been separated during the attack. The scorch cannons were...unexpected. As a result, here Tevis was, a lone nightstalker human trying to find his idiot friends who were probably still in the Lost Sector.
...which was burning, judging by the smoke steadily billowing out of the top of the building. Hell, it might even collapse soon.
There was still no sign of the other two hunters.
Tevis groaned to himself, reloading his scout rifle, “Guess I have to go back in, here goes fucking nothin’.”
Crouching low and with his helmet back over his face, Tevis was, for the most part, out of the smoke. Not out of danger yet, though. “Artemis, try the comms again,” he whispered as the void embraced him with its usual whispers and he shadestepped into another room.
“Contacting Andal and Cayde...nothing but static. I’ll keep at.”
Tevis sighed, tuning out the incessant voices of the void, “Any suggestions?”
“Uh...shoot some cabal.”
“...That’s as good of an objective as any, I suppose.” Tevis cracked his knuckles, “Let’s light this popsicle stand.”
“Get tethered motherfuckers!” Tevis cackled as he released his shadowshot, creating a mini-void in the middle of the room. The hive mindlessly wandering stumbled as the void snatched them up, overwhelming them with the combined voices of everyone who had ever whispered into it.
It was a simple task to blow their heads ceiling high after that.
“..evis? Tevis, come in.”
“It’s Andal!” Artemis exclaimed in surprise, “Guess the cabal had some sort of jammer or something.”
“Andal! Thank the Traveler, I was starting to think you’d died to some lowly hive shit for a second.” Despite his joking words, Tevis felt his body, tensed since they had lost contact, weaken in relief.
“Ha, it’ll take more than a simple Lost Sector to take me out,” Andal’s words were breathless, “But Cayde’s my bigger worry now.”
“Why?” Tevis straightened, seriousess returning to his voice, “What happened?”
“His thick skull hit a corner, one of the wizards got to him.” Andal reported, “They’re all dead, of course-”
Tevis got the impression that the whole room was sparking with arc blade slashes.
“-but our newest addition isn’t waking up.” He finished.
Tevis let his hood and helmet transmat away, his hand coming up to mess with his ginger waves, “Uuuhhh alright. I’ll be right there. Artemis, set a waypoint at their signal.”
“How bad is it?”
Andal looked up as Tevis entered the room, reloading his scout rifle. “He’s woken up, once. Passed out again almost immediately.”
“Can’t Sundance heal him?”
“She has. He had a dent in the back of his head that got fixed, but…”
Sundance materialized over Cayde, “Physically, he’s all good. His mind...it’s a mess. It’s like his memories are all overlapping and mixing and just being really weird.”
Andal frowned and reached out to slap the exo, “Oi, wake up.”
Cayde shot straight up.
“Holy fuck!” Tevis swore, startled by Cayde’s sudden movement.
“Hey, Cayde. Buddy. Do you remember anything? How’s your head?”
Cayde blinked. Once. Twice. “...I….you…”
“Who am I? Say my name.”
“A…” his glowing eyes narrowed.
“C’mon bud. Just my name,” Andal encouraged.
“I...I don’t know…”
Took some liberties on this one, especially on wierd hive magic. Also late, but the next few ones should be on time for once. Also...is it borrowing headcanons from @nutshaxx if I helped develop them? Idk. Void hcs are mine tho. First destcember that doesnt involve an oc lmao.
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anyu-blue · 3 years
Tevellon(aka Tevie): omg Meek! You have so much in your account!!! Why are you so worried??? 😂😂😂 Why can't you buy the ($800) package for yourself for your birthday, omg? 😂😂😂
$1,755, yeah?
Let's see...
$860- rent
$300- cellphone bill
$300- Power Bill
$56- Water bill
$75- internet bill
$75- cat care bill
$40- collection agency bill (from bumping a car 2 or 3 years ago)
$10- homeowners insurance.
Normally I have a $65 bill for student loans too, but luckily they're still furloughed for the moment. So...
That leaves me with $39 left over.
Tevellon: O-oh haha 😅
Me: I CAN'T afford the gift I wanted... Or any of them, really.
Tevellon: But the stimulus-!
Me: I checked to see why mine has been delayed... There's nothing- system can't find me. So it possible I won't be getting it- and look what happened at the capital today. Think the delays are going to stop?
Tevellon: But-
Me: And besides, I've been told I'm losing my hours soon- the co-worker I'm covering for is feeling better. IF I get anything I need to be prepared to save it for bills for the month I'll be scrambling to find something/work.
Tevellon: ... I forgot rent needed to pull... But I get paid this Friday! You can-
Me: No. I appreciate your offer, but you know I have my reasons. Bills. Nothing more.
Tevellon: Meek-
Me: We've been through this. Enough. I'm done talking to you.
Tevie has recently (as in at the beginning of December) also decided she's done paying for groceries for everyone (I don't blame her, I wouldn't want to pay for my new diet of vitamins and expensive/better food either. $100 a week adds up) and has been having a ball with her stimulus buying Valentine's day gifts for everyone besides me (I'm too picky, don't like Valentine's day, and have a low key anger when she spends so MUCH money so easily near me that it's put her off I feel)...
W0lf.exe, our younger sister, already has plans to spend any extra she makes/gets on continuing to upgrade her computer.
And they wonder why I bristle all the time when buying shit comes up. Or why I get so nervous when MY funds are low.
Tevie cannot fathom not buying stupid stuffed animals and marked up food and shit Evey God damned week either- which is where all her damn money goes I feel. Gods.. HOW many new Elsa dolls has she gotten in the last month? And TY stuffies? She brought home 4 in the last two days!!! These things are NOT cheap!! And she has DOZENS sitting on boxes in her room- recently bought a 8 cubbie bookshelf shelf to put up JUST for those stuffies she has so many!! She already has one filled to overflowing with books, one with DVDs, and one spilling over with figurines. Her video games are stacked under her tv because she's go no place for them on any other shelf!!
She has $200 in her account right now. Someone who makes over 11/hr (it's more than that but idk how much higher. I THINK she's up to $13/hr but we'll go with $11/hr) and gets at LEAST 3 hours of overtime a week (time and a half) means she gets oooh... 1,602 a month after taxes with those figures?
Her bills and groceries (which I've highballed/added together at the maximum they ever are) come out to $1,105 a month.... Sooo... $297 from regular pay AND the $600 she JUST got.. just.. GONE. SPENT. NOTHING to show for it. (And a reminder that she definitely makes more than I added up here so she's actually spent more than that too.. yeah)
I get it. I do. I've got the problem too of Oo! Has moneys! Buy the things before you'll never be able to again! ... It's why I was even LOOKING at a birthday gift for myself. A high quality long lasting investment at that... But I can settle for something under $10 for myself/as a gift for someone else at the end of the month if I can afford it. I've done it for long enough. Literally every other penny goes to food and bills. That $10 at the end of the month for something extra is designed to help me keep my sanity.. SOMETHING to look forward to. I don't work much due to my struggles, so I don't have much to play with or save.
I'm glad they're happy on some level too because I do get it... And it's their money to do exactly what it is they please with. They spent more than enough time working for it.
But it still PISSES ME OFF that neither of my sisters ACTUALLY pay attention and just spend spend spend all their money away so long as they have enough for bills (which they wait until their last paycheck of the month to have together-- do you KNOW how BAD that is?! Especially if something happens and you can't or don't work as much as I'd needed?!)
There's many reasons everyone thinks I'm the eldest. I do carry my stress less gracefully than my siblings, but I also have the knowledge and the haunt of it truly weighing on me. Luckily my sisters don't... Even if it leads to their doom or stress in the end, because they haven't experienced it yet... They're happy now. On top of the world.
I've told them my feelings and why I think what they do is in bad taste, more or less. I've offered my money management AND economical cooking services to both who have complained they never have anything saved up, always are buying expensive food at work, and don't know how to get what they want as well as save (it's possible, believe me!).. Tevie even asked for help once! I told her just to bring me what she wanted help with and I'd break it down for her as best I could.... Well she never did. And now refuses to because I 'need to just focus on [me] and not worry about anybody else.'
It's whatever.. just on my mind today. Not technically my problem.. but I'm mad that promised help and safety nets are actually non-existent.
We're CLEARLY FINE. Please don't fret. We're fine. We'll always be 'fine' thanks to someone else willing to help when things are dire at the very least...
It's just... If we ALL were as damned careful as I am (I know I HAVE to be because of my issues- issues they don't have).. and heck even willing to share as has been promised (I DO share whatever I can, but at the moment I'm HEAVILY considering retracting my sharing because.. well... Food is expensive.. and now I'm not getting help to pay for it on top of it all.. and don't want to starve because I'm allergic to what my sisters like to whim buy... So...)... We'd be GREAT even..
But they're not. They don't want to be or have personal reasons to be very careful.
So here we are.
I don't want to admit this because it looks bad.. but I feel it's important to.
In my stress I've regressed into not using my lights the last few weeks. Tevie talking with me and being so.. ignorant of costs has only made me wish to be MORE careful.
I've got old candles and lighters and stuff, my phone on battery saver for moving around, and two (maybe 3 if I can find the other one) old dollar store push button lights when I'm too tired to deal with fire or waste my phone's battery... Turned down my little basement heater too. I'd turn it off entirely, but I know that would probably kick our forced air heating system up even just a little bit. Also being more careful with my water consumption. Small baths and rinses rather than regular showers, plus being careful when flushing is needed... Just to try and see if I can help our bills be a tiny fraction lower.
This was something I did as a kid and teenager when my mother would yell and scream about the bills. And when her Ex would berate us for leaving a light on in a room for a second while we went to grab something or something. The light thing only stopped when I got yelled at for being in the bathroom in the dark too much which meant people walked in on me a lot. Don't have to worry about that here because I've got my own.
If that stimulus doesn't come through for me either and my hours drop, I feel I'll probably sell my PS4 if I feel I need to. It wasn't something I actually wanted at all- just something Lon wanted me to have- and not a single person has used it since the end of October so... It's not really important at all. I'm tempted to sell my computer because it's worth at least $1,000 (custom build, all new parts from my ex), but I know I'll get kicked in the teeth for that one because I do use it and have such a nice desk for it. So PS4 and VR it is if it comes down to it.
I know how crazy and awful I sound. I do. I know. Especially Because we ARE fine right now... But this is where I'm at again mentally. And I have to deal with it on my own because everyone else gets sick of it and my stubbornly refusing nice things when my funds start to or threaten to dwindle. (I'd rather have $800 in the bank than a new gadget, Tevie 😠 take the hint!!)
I know we're 'fine'. I know Tevie gets mad at me when I start selling things instead of asking her to spend her money on my bills... But... Honestly.. with the trauma I have gone through and can't seem to stop going through, it's my defense. It's what I've got.
Tevie is EXACTLY as guilty as everyone else in our lives for being super DUPER pissed when asked for help. When her livelihood is threatened. So I don't WANT to bother even if I need to.
If someone doesn't want to spend their money on something or someone... They're going to get pissy and maybe, just maybe.. hold it over your damn head. It's why I feel so stuck all the time... Hyper independence and all that...
0 notes
ayngelface · 4 years
Sony H.ear On 3 Review | Are they better than the Sony WH1000X-M3?
Listen, hear real quick. Today I’m comparing the new Sony WH-910N H.ear On 3 headphones to the Sony WH1000X-M3. I’m going to break it down into 4 sections. Design, usability, sound quality and at the end awesome features. Are you ready…let’s go.
SONY wh-h910n h.ear on 3 - current price
So when I first unboxed the new WH-H910N Hear On 3 headphones I thought they looked smaller and felt lighter than the 1000X M3. After further inspection, I discovered the truth. Which is there’s not that much difference in size & weight. I put both sets headphones on a scale and there both around 220 grams. The XM3 maybe a couple of points over. But anyway… Let’s get the obvious differences out of the way first.
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The 1000X M3 are available in two colours matt black & a gold tan & the Hear on 3 come in 5 different colours with each one having different patterns on the padding. Some style points for the Hear on 3’s Also, the finish on the Hear on 3 is this kind of textured matt, where the 1000XM3 is kind of smooth & much more prone to fingerprints.
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The way the fold down the same making them compact, However you get a much more premium hard case with the XM3’s and just a canvas draw bag with the H.ear on 3. Something I like about the Sony Hear on 3 is the provided analog cable which matches colour of the headset. That’s not to say the XM3s don’t…but just colour…nice.
Button and port placements are almost identical, with the only difference being the location of the USB C port. The H.ear on 3 has it all in 1 place and the XM3s are on the opposite side. The Sony Branding locations are also different but quite subtle on both. Of course, the flagship 1000X M3 having a little more bling with the rose gold trim and branding on the band.
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The outer NC mics are in the same spot on the backs of the ear-cups. But the forward and back NC mics are slightly closer together on the Hear on 3’s just behind the hanger. The location of the voice call might appears to be in a better spot on the Hear on 3…a little be closer than the XM3. We’ll test that out un a min.
The Hinges and the Headband with reinforced plastic are pretty much the same. However, there is a big difference. it’s the drivers. The Hear on 3 has 25mm drivers and the 1000X M3 has 40mm. This will of course impact the sound quality and sound stage performance. I’ll get into that in the sound quality section of the video.
Although the Hear on 3 drivers is smaller. Sony has made some tweaks here to help improve the sound delivered by the 25mm drivers. If you look closely at the inside of the WH1000X M3 ear-cups, there’s a bit of soft foam padding around the driver. Whereas on the Hear On 3 there’s just a fine netting & the drivers will sit much closer to your ear. Sony says the WH-H910n Hear On 3 headphones can achieve the same sound pressure as conventional 40mm drivers. We shall see. (In the sound quality section) Another difference here is the size of padding on the ear-cups. The Hear On 3 has significantly more…which could arguably make them more comfortable for some people.
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So the number one and most notable difference here is the 35Hr battery life delivered by the Hear On 3. That’s 5 Hrs more than the 1000X M3. It’s also worth noting the 1000X M3 can deliver up to 38Hrs with ANC off and the Hear on 3 just 45Hrs. So that’s an interesting fact. This is something you should factor that in when making your purchase decision.
Touch controls are present on both. Swipe right or left to skip tracks. Up and down for volume. Tap to play pause, double-tap to answer calls and long push to wake your assistant. Lets not forget that placing your palm over the right ear-cup will activate the outer mics and mute your music so you can here what’s going on around you.
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Sony have improved the placement of the voice call mic. It now sits bit closer to where your mouth would be when wearing them.
To see if the Mic quality has improved on the new Sony H.ear on 3 headphones watch the review video for audio samples.
When it comes to noise canceling. I’ve gotta say its virtually identical in my opinion. They both use Sonys class-leading QN1 chip and the same amount of NC mics. Honestly they so close. Both are amazing when it comes to ANC. Of course, the app functionality is the same. One cool thing you can do is customize the C button on the Hear on 3 within the app to wake Alexa, Siri or Google assistant & if your wondering yes you can do the same thing with the 1000XM3 by recapping NC/ambient button.
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Comfort you’d probably think this would be a win for the Hear On 3 headphones just off if the amount of padding. But for me the clamping pressure is a little stronger…maybe that’s because they’re newer than my XM3’s…but if you asked me I say the XM3 are just a bit more comfortable.
If you have quite a small head you might find the headband too large…If you look at them side by side you can see the headband is quite a bit taller. for example, for me I use them. I wear them without extending the headband at all. Both headphones fair with for prolonged usage. Yes, your ears may heat up a little in warm environments.. but neither one considerably more than the other.
Sound Quality
So 4 tracks, five different genres. Let’s go. Watch the Sony H.ear On Sound Test video to see exactly what tracks I used in this review.
Hip Hop - So when it comes to the overall volume. They are very both very close to max volume. The difference I can hear now listening to the H.ear on 3 is there seems to be an emphasis on clarity. In the mids and Hi’s. The bass is certainly more powerful on the XM3.
Electronic - Again both amazing clarity. For this type of music, the H.ear on 3 performs well. Deep enough bass but not too much it’s overpowering the rest of the music. However, I gotta say I feel the soundstage is significantly wider on the XM3’s. The bass is more powerful and maybe a bit too powerful…but of course you can tweak that in the Sony Headphones app.
Rock - This has to be the closest category so far. Again the soundstage goes to the XM3. However, the H.ear on 3 delivers awesome clarity here. This is a well-suited genre for these.
Classical - So this category is all about the clarity of the vocals and soundstage performance of the orchestra. The XM3 wins on a soundstage but the Hear On 3 is impressive here with its fantastic clarity…but overall the XM3 edges out the victory.
Awesome Features
Hear on 3 • awesome colour range & build quality • Above average bass levels despite the smaller drivers. • 10mins 2.5hrs
The next 3 apply to both XM3 & Hear on 3 • crazy amount of customisation via the app • 360 reality audio support • Support Hi-Res Audio & LDAC • DSEE HX Audio Up-scaler • class-leading adaptive ANC
WH1000X-M3 • Adaptive noise canceling (XM3 barometer) • Immense Bass levels & wider soundstage • current price cheaper than the Hear on 3
So ultimately it comes down to you… do you want a more striking colourful look. Plus 5Hrs more power when using ANC. If so the Sony H.ear on 3 are perfect pairs for you. Or is 30Hrs battery enough for you & you don’t care about the new striking colour and patterns on the ear-cups and care more about the overall sound quality… Then you should go for the 1000 XM3.
If you guys liked this review I’d appreciate a thumbs up. And if you’re shopping around you might want to take a look at the Bowers & Wilkins PX7 they’re a strong competitor to both of these headphones…thumbnails on the screen right now. Go check that out. If you just subscribed, you’re now one of the finest subscribers known to man. See ya in the next one…don’t be late.
h.ear on 3 - Current pice
SONY WH-H910N - H.Ear On 3 Headphones Unboxing Video
The new Bowers and Wilkins PX7’s are here. Here is an Honest Review with an in depth look at design, usability, sound quality & awesome features. Is there a new ANC king in the headphone market? Watch this and you tell me.If you’re trying to decide between the Libratone Track Air Plus Vs Sony WF1000xm3 this video is for you! In this video we look at the design, usability, quality & most importantly the awesome features!A lot of reviewers talk very highly about the Lypertek Tevi earbuds. So I took it upon myself to find out the truth for you guys. Watch this in depth review on the #Lypertek #Tevi headphones to find out if they are the best earbuds under $99.OK so there’s a lot of people throwing Beats Studio 3 Wireless headphones under the bus in their reviews. I wanted to find out for myself. So check this out… my beats studio 3 wireless review & 5 reasons why you STILL should consider Beats by Dre as a serious contender.So the New Airpods Pro are here but are the Huawei Freebuds 3 better? Well I made this video to help you guys decide. If you interested in checking out the prices here they are : Huawei #Freebuds3 [EU] : https://amzn.to/2owZrUN Huawei Freebuds 3 [US] : https://amzn.to/2C0Li56 Apple #AirpodsPro [EU] : https://amzn.to/2q2DLAn Airpods Pro [US] : https://amzn.to/2N226iC 🧨��� SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR!So you got no Headphone Jack? No Problem - Qualcomm AptX Adaptive codec is here! Check out what this awesome new codec can do in this #WhatGear #Qualcomm #AptXAdaptive video. Website link coming soon! SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR! Source: https://www.whatgear.net/technology//sony-hear-on-3-review
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cosmichemist · 4 years
Sony H.ear On 3 Review | Are they better than the Sony WH1000X-M3?
Listen, hear real quick. Today I'm comparing the new Sony WH-910N H.ear On 3 headphones to the Sony WH1000X-M3. I'm going to break it down into 4 sections. Design, usability, sound quality and at the end awesome features. Are you ready...let's go.
SONY wh-h910n h.ear on 3 - current price
So when I first unboxed the new WH-H910N Hear On 3 headphones I thought they looked smaller and felt lighter than the 1000X M3. After further inspection, I discovered the truth. Which is there's not that much difference in size & weight. I put both sets headphones on a scale and there both around 220 grams. The XM3 maybe a couple of points over. But anyway... Let's get the obvious differences out of the way first.
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The 1000X M3 are available in two colours matt black & a gold tan & the Hear on 3 come in 5 different colours with each one having different patterns on the padding. Some style points for the Hear on 3's Also, the finish on the Hear on 3 is this kind of textured matt, where the 1000XM3 is kind of smooth & much more prone to fingerprints.
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The way the fold down the same making them compact, However you get a much more premium hard case with the XM3's and just a canvas draw bag with the H.ear on 3. Something I like about the Sony Hear on 3 is the provided analog cable which matches colour of the headset. That's not to say the XM3s don’t...but just colour...nice.
Button and port placements are almost identical, with the only difference being the location of the USB C port. The H.ear on 3 has it all in 1 place and the XM3s are on the opposite side. The Sony Branding locations are also different but quite subtle on both. Of course, the flagship 1000X M3 having a little more bling with the rose gold trim and branding on the band.
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The outer NC mics are in the same spot on the backs of the ear-cups. But the forward and back NC mics are slightly closer together on the Hear on 3's just behind the hanger. The location of the voice call might appears to be in a better spot on the Hear on 3...a little be closer than the XM3. We'll test that out un a min.
The Hinges and the Headband with reinforced plastic are pretty much the same. However, there is a big difference. it's the drivers. The Hear on 3 has 25mm drivers and the 1000X M3 has 40mm. This will of course impact the sound quality and sound stage performance. I'll get into that in the sound quality section of the video.
Although the Hear on 3 drivers is smaller. Sony has made some tweaks here to help improve the sound delivered by the 25mm drivers. If you look closely at the inside of the WH1000X M3 ear-cups, there's a bit of soft foam padding around the driver. Whereas on the Hear On 3 there's just a fine netting & the drivers will sit much closer to your ear. Sony says the WH-H910n Hear On 3 headphones can achieve the same sound pressure as conventional 40mm drivers. We shall see. (In the sound quality section) Another difference here is the size of padding on the ear-cups. The Hear On 3 has significantly more...which could arguably make them more comfortable for some people.
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So the number one and most notable difference here is the 35Hr battery life delivered by the Hear On 3. That's 5 Hrs more than the 1000X M3. It’s also worth noting the 1000X M3 can deliver up to 38Hrs with ANC off and the Hear on 3 just 45Hrs. So that's an interesting fact. This is something you should factor that in when making your purchase decision.
Touch controls are present on both. Swipe right or left to skip tracks. Up and down for volume. Tap to play pause, double-tap to answer calls and long push to wake your assistant. Lets not forget that placing your palm over the right ear-cup will activate the outer mics and mute your music so you can here what’s going on around you.
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Sony have improved the placement of the voice call mic. It now sits bit closer to where your mouth would be when wearing them.
To see if the Mic quality has improved on the new Sony H.ear on 3 headphones watch the review video for audio samples.
When it comes to noise canceling. I've gotta say its virtually identical in my opinion. They both use Sonys class-leading QN1 chip and the same amount of NC mics. Honestly they so close. Both are amazing when it comes to ANC. Of course, the app functionality is the same. One cool thing you can do is customize the C button on the Hear on 3 within the app to wake Alexa, Siri or Google assistant & if your wondering yes you can do the same thing with the 1000XM3 by recapping NC/ambient button.
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Comfort you'd probably think this would be a win for the Hear On 3 headphones just off if the amount of padding. But for me the clamping pressure is a little stronger...maybe that's because they're newer than my XM3's...but if you asked me I say the XM3 are just a bit more comfortable.
If you have quite a small head you might find the headband too large...If you look at them side by side you can see the headband is quite a bit taller. for example, for me I use them. I wear them without extending the headband at all. Both headphones fair with for prolonged usage. Yes, your ears may heat up a little in warm environments.. but neither one considerably more than the other.
Sound Quality
So 4 tracks, five different genres. Let's go. Watch the Sony H.ear On Sound Test video to see exactly what tracks I used in this review.
Hip Hop - So when it comes to the overall volume. They are very both very close to max volume. The difference I can hear now listening to the H.ear on 3 is there seems to be an emphasis on clarity. In the mids and Hi's. The bass is certainly more powerful on the XM3.
Electronic - Again both amazing clarity. For this type of music, the H.ear on 3 performs well. Deep enough bass but not too much it's overpowering the rest of the music. However, I gotta say I feel the soundstage is significantly wider on the XM3's. The bass is more powerful and maybe a bit too powerful...but of course you can tweak that in the Sony Headphones app.
Rock - This has to be the closest category so far. Again the soundstage goes to the XM3. However, the H.ear on 3 delivers awesome clarity here. This is a well-suited genre for these.
Classical - So this category is all about the clarity of the vocals and soundstage performance of the orchestra. The XM3 wins on a soundstage but the Hear On 3 is impressive here with its fantastic clarity...but overall the XM3 edges out the victory.
Awesome Features
Hear on 3 • awesome colour range & build quality • Above average bass levels despite the smaller drivers. • 10mins 2.5hrs
The next 3 apply to both XM3 & Hear on 3 • crazy amount of customisation via the app • 360 reality audio support • Support Hi-Res Audio & LDAC • DSEE HX Audio Up-scaler • class-leading adaptive ANC
WH1000X-M3 • Adaptive noise canceling (XM3 barometer) • Immense Bass levels & wider soundstage • current price cheaper than the Hear on 3
So ultimately it comes down to you... do you want a more striking colourful look. Plus 5Hrs more power when using ANC. If so the Sony H.ear on 3 are perfect pairs for you. Or is 30Hrs battery enough for you & you don't care about the new striking colour and patterns on the ear-cups and care more about the overall sound quality... Then you should go for the 1000 XM3.
If you guys liked this review I'd appreciate a thumbs up. And if you're shopping around you might want to take a look at the Bowers & Wilkins PX7 they're a strong competitor to both of these headphones...thumbnails on the screen right now. Go check that out. If you just subscribed, you're now one of the finest subscribers known to man. See ya in the next one...don't be late.
h.ear on 3 - Current pice
SONY WH-H910N - H.Ear On 3 Headphones Unboxing Video
The new Bowers and Wilkins PX7's are here. Here is an Honest Review with an in depth look at design, usability, sound quality & awesome features. Is there a new ANC king in the headphone market? Watch this and you tell me.If you're trying to decide between the Libratone Track Air Plus Vs Sony WF1000xm3 this video is for you! In this video we look at the design, usability, quality & most importantly the awesome features!A lot of reviewers talk very highly about the Lypertek Tevi earbuds. So I took it upon myself to find out the truth for you guys. Watch this in depth review on the #Lypertek #Tevi headphones to find out if they are the best earbuds under $99.OK so there's a lot of people throwing Beats Studio 3 Wireless headphones under the bus in their reviews. I wanted to find out for myself. So check this out... my beats studio 3 wireless review & 5 reasons why you STILL should consider Beats by Dre as a serious contender.So the New Airpods Pro are here but are the Huawei Freebuds 3 better? Well I made this video to help you guys decide. If you interested in checking out the prices here they are : Huawei #Freebuds3 [EU] : https://amzn.to/2owZrUN Huawei Freebuds 3 [US] : https://amzn.to/2C0Li56 Apple #AirpodsPro [EU] : https://amzn.to/2q2DLAn Airpods Pro [US] : https://amzn.to/2N226iC 🧨💥 SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR!So you got no Headphone Jack? No Problem - Qualcomm AptX Adaptive codec is here! Check out what this awesome new codec can do in this #WhatGear #Qualcomm #AptXAdaptive video. Website link coming soon! SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR! Source: https://www.whatgear.net/technology//sony-hear-on-3-review
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so-goodbye-smile · 4 years
Sony H.ear On 3 Review | Are they better than the Sony WH1000X-M3?
Listen, hear real quick. Today I'm comparing the new Sony WH-910N H.ear On 3 headphones to the Sony WH1000X-M3. I'm going to break it down into 4 sections. Design, usability, sound quality and at the end awesome features. Are you ready...let's go.
SONY wh-h910n h.ear on 3 - current price
So when I first unboxed the new WH-H910N Hear On 3 headphones I thought they looked smaller and felt lighter than the 1000X M3. After further inspection, I discovered the truth. Which is there's not that much difference in size & weight. I put both sets headphones on a scale and there both around 220 grams. The XM3 maybe a couple of points over. But anyway... Let's get the obvious differences out of the way first.
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The 1000X M3 are available in two colours matt black & a gold tan & the Hear on 3 come in 5 different colours with each one having different patterns on the padding. Some style points for the Hear on 3's Also, the finish on the Hear on 3 is this kind of textured matt, where the 1000XM3 is kind of smooth & much more prone to fingerprints.
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The way the fold down the same making them compact, However you get a much more premium hard case with the XM3's and just a canvas draw bag with the H.ear on 3. Something I like about the Sony Hear on 3 is the provided analog cable which matches colour of the headset. That's not to say the XM3s don’t...but just colour...nice.
Button and port placements are almost identical, with the only difference being the location of the USB C port. The H.ear on 3 has it all in 1 place and the XM3s are on the opposite side. The Sony Branding locations are also different but quite subtle on both. Of course, the flagship 1000X M3 having a little more bling with the rose gold trim and branding on the band.
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The outer NC mics are in the same spot on the backs of the ear-cups. But the forward and back NC mics are slightly closer together on the Hear on 3's just behind the hanger. The location of the voice call might appears to be in a better spot on the Hear on 3...a little be closer than the XM3. We'll test that out un a min.
The Hinges and the Headband with reinforced plastic are pretty much the same. However, there is a big difference. it's the drivers. The Hear on 3 has 25mm drivers and the 1000X M3 has 40mm. This will of course impact the sound quality and sound stage performance. I'll get into that in the sound quality section of the video.
Although the Hear on 3 drivers is smaller. Sony has made some tweaks here to help improve the sound delivered by the 25mm drivers. If you look closely at the inside of the WH1000X M3 ear-cups, there's a bit of soft foam padding around the driver. Whereas on the Hear On 3 there's just a fine netting & the drivers will sit much closer to your ear. Sony says the WH-H910n Hear On 3 headphones can achieve the same sound pressure as conventional 40mm drivers. We shall see. (In the sound quality section) Another difference here is the size of padding on the ear-cups. The Hear On 3 has significantly more...which could arguably make them more comfortable for some people.
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So the number one and most notable difference here is the 35Hr battery life delivered by the Hear On 3. That's 5 Hrs more than the 1000X M3. It’s also worth noting the 1000X M3 can deliver up to 38Hrs with ANC off and the Hear on 3 just 45Hrs. So that's an interesting fact. This is something you should factor that in when making your purchase decision.
Touch controls are present on both. Swipe right or left to skip tracks. Up and down for volume. Tap to play pause, double-tap to answer calls and long push to wake your assistant. Lets not forget that placing your palm over the right ear-cup will activate the outer mics and mute your music so you can here what’s going on around you.
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Sony have improved the placement of the voice call mic. It now sits bit closer to where your mouth would be when wearing them.
To see if the Mic quality has improved on the new Sony H.ear on 3 headphones watch the review video for audio samples.
When it comes to noise canceling. I've gotta say its virtually identical in my opinion. They both use Sonys class-leading QN1 chip and the same amount of NC mics. Honestly they so close. Both are amazing when it comes to ANC. Of course, the app functionality is the same. One cool thing you can do is customize the C button on the Hear on 3 within the app to wake Alexa, Siri or Google assistant & if your wondering yes you can do the same thing with the 1000XM3 by recapping NC/ambient button.
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Comfort you'd probably think this would be a win for the Hear On 3 headphones just off if the amount of padding. But for me the clamping pressure is a little stronger...maybe that's because they're newer than my XM3's...but if you asked me I say the XM3 are just a bit more comfortable.
If you have quite a small head you might find the headband too large...If you look at them side by side you can see the headband is quite a bit taller. for example, for me I use them. I wear them without extending the headband at all. Both headphones fair with for prolonged usage. Yes, your ears may heat up a little in warm environments.. but neither one considerably more than the other.
Sound Quality
So 4 tracks, five different genres. Let's go. Watch the Sony H.ear On Sound Test video to see exactly what tracks I used in this review.
Hip Hop - So when it comes to the overall volume. They are very both very close to max volume. The difference I can hear now listening to the H.ear on 3 is there seems to be an emphasis on clarity. In the mids and Hi's. The bass is certainly more powerful on the XM3.
Electronic - Again both amazing clarity. For this type of music, the H.ear on 3 performs well. Deep enough bass but not too much it's overpowering the rest of the music. However, I gotta say I feel the soundstage is significantly wider on the XM3's. The bass is more powerful and maybe a bit too powerful...but of course you can tweak that in the Sony Headphones app.
Rock - This has to be the closest category so far. Again the soundstage goes to the XM3. However, the H.ear on 3 delivers awesome clarity here. This is a well-suited genre for these.
Classical - So this category is all about the clarity of the vocals and soundstage performance of the orchestra. The XM3 wins on a soundstage but the Hear On 3 is impressive here with its fantastic clarity...but overall the XM3 edges out the victory.
Awesome Features
Hear on 3 • awesome colour range & build quality • Above average bass levels despite the smaller drivers. • 10mins 2.5hrs
The next 3 apply to both XM3 & Hear on 3 • crazy amount of customisation via the app • 360 reality audio support • Support Hi-Res Audio & LDAC • DSEE HX Audio Up-scaler • class-leading adaptive ANC
WH1000X-M3 • Adaptive noise canceling (XM3 barometer) • Immense Bass levels & wider soundstage • current price cheaper than the Hear on 3
So ultimately it comes down to you... do you want a more striking colourful look. Plus 5Hrs more power when using ANC. If so the Sony H.ear on 3 are perfect pairs for you. Or is 30Hrs battery enough for you & you don't care about the new striking colour and patterns on the ear-cups and care more about the overall sound quality... Then you should go for the 1000 XM3.
If you guys liked this review I'd appreciate a thumbs up. And if you're shopping around you might want to take a look at the Bowers & Wilkins PX7 they're a strong competitor to both of these headphones...thumbnails on the screen right now. Go check that out. If you just subscribed, you're now one of the finest subscribers known to man. See ya in the next one...don't be late.
h.ear on 3 - Current pice
SONY WH-H910N - H.Ear On 3 Headphones Unboxing Video
The new Bowers and Wilkins PX7's are here. Here is an Honest Review with an in depth look at design, usability, sound quality & awesome features. Is there a new ANC king in the headphone market? Watch this and you tell me.If you're trying to decide between the Libratone Track Air Plus Vs Sony WF1000xm3 this video is for you! In this video we look at the design, usability, quality & most importantly the awesome features!A lot of reviewers talk very highly about the Lypertek Tevi earbuds. So I took it upon myself to find out the truth for you guys. Watch this in depth review on the #Lypertek #Tevi headphones to find out if they are the best earbuds under $99.OK so there's a lot of people throwing Beats Studio 3 Wireless headphones under the bus in their reviews. I wanted to find out for myself. So check this out... my beats studio 3 wireless review & 5 reasons why you STILL should consider Beats by Dre as a serious contender.So the New Airpods Pro are here but are the Huawei Freebuds 3 better? Well I made this video to help you guys decide. If you interested in checking out the prices here they are : Huawei #Freebuds3 [EU] : https://amzn.to/2owZrUN Huawei Freebuds 3 [US] : https://amzn.to/2C0Li56 Apple #AirpodsPro [EU] : https://amzn.to/2q2DLAn Airpods Pro [US] : https://amzn.to/2N226iC 🧨💥 SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR!So you got no Headphone Jack? No Problem - Qualcomm AptX Adaptive codec is here! Check out what this awesome new codec can do in this #WhatGear #Qualcomm #AptXAdaptive video. Website link coming soon! SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR! source https://www.whatgear.net/technology//sony-hear-on-3-review
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uchuunokokoro · 7 years
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That's love Author: ひな Pairing: SasukexSakura
Sakura: Sasuke-kun! Welcome back!(SMILE)
Sasuke: !
Sasuke: ...What happened to your face? Sakura: ! Hehe... Sakura: I made a blunder during a mission
Sasuke: You're a medical ninja, aren't you? You should have healed that yourself...
Sakura: ....
Sakura: There were quite a number of injured people I had to attend to, and I just returned a while ago...
Sakura: I'll be wasting time if I heal myself and I wanted to meet you as soon as possible
Sakura: That's why, I thought I can just heal it later since it's not that serious
Sakura: Besides, today's the day of your return...
Sakura: But my number one reason is Sakura: I want to say "Welcome back" to you
----------- Sakura: Though I look a little uncool...! (hehe)
Sasuke: ...
Sasuke: Are you stupid? *poke* Sakura: Ow!
Sasuke: You aspire to be a medical nin, don't you? If you can't take care of yourself properly, then you still have a long way to go to worry about other people
Sakura: O~uch ouch! Even so, my skills are acknowledged!
Sasuke: Still, you're a hundred years early to worry about me
Sakura: But~ it's for my self- satisfaction...
Sasuke: Anyway... never mind, I'm coming in...
Sakura: Ah! Wait, let me do that. Okay...!
Sasuke: Don't pull
----------- Sakura: Ah, go take a bath, I'll make food
Sasuke: ?
Sasuke: You... were you listening to me?
Sasuke: Your wounds come first...
Sakura: I'm okay! Sakura: I'll heal myself while cooking! Sasuke: .....
Sakura: Fua~~ ----------- Sakura: As expected, taking a bath relieves exhaustion~!
Sasuke: Yeah...
Sakura: Sasuke-kun's here today, too, that's the greatest cure for me...
Sasuke: Sakura Sasuke: You... treasure yourself more Sasuke: You're strong. But you might make mistakes if you overestimate your abilities and put your well-being later
Sasuke: Like a while ago...if I'm important to you...treasure yourself
Sakura: *laughs* Sakura: Sasuke-kun, you're not so straightforward
Sakura: Thank you...for worrying about me
----------- Sasuke: ...! Look here, you... Sasuke: !
Sakura: I was just injured Sakura: There's something I have decided
Sakura: Like the things I have to carry from here on...
Sakura: Sasuke-kun, you accepted me Sakura: and wished to be with me Sakura: so the things I can do with all I can---
----------- Sakura: I Sakura: want to do the "ordinary" with Sasuke-kun
Sakura: The usual ordinary things Sakura: Since it's ordinary, there are many people who don't realize it but,
Sakura: those "ordinary" things are really the important ones. Both you and Naruto taught me that
Sakura: like knowing that you have a family when you come home from faraway through a dark road, or there's light in your home
Sakura: or a warm meal Sakura: or prepared bath when you come home
----------- Sakura: That's why I wanted to be the first one to greet you "Welcome home"
Sakura: That's what I can do best Sakura: I guess that shows my determination of not making you feel alone
Sakura: There might be hard missions, like the one today, but...! But, I
wanted to see you even just for a bit.
(Sakura: Sasuke-kun, welcome home)
Sakura: I've decided Sakura: I will never let you be alone. It's my promise of a lifetime
Sakura: That's why I will live longer than you
Sakura: We'll grow old together, and even when it's the end of our lives, I won't let you be alone. I'll stay by your side until you die and watch over you
----------- Sakura: Saying it's ordinary...and I won't let you be alone...
Sakura: Was that a bit impertinent of me...?
Sakura: ?
----------- Sakura: UUUH~~~ Sakura: Sa-Sasuke-kun~ Sakura: I love you~ Sasuke: !
Sakura: I told you before that I like you so so much but
Sakura: right now... Sakura: I love you so much, much more it's unbearable...!
----------- Sasuke: I see... Sasuke: that's promising
Sakura: I think I can kiss him on the cheeks now...!
*kiss* Sasuke: ... ----------- Sakura: Umph?!
Sakura: Sasuke-kun Sakura: Don't suddenly turn your head---!
Sasuke: Sakura, thank you
----------- Sakura: You're welcome
Welcome home I'm home Thank you I'm sorry Good morning Good night
Doing the ordinary things everyday, with you--
************ (from page 20)
Sasuke: Sarada, yes, look closely Sasuke: it's the center...look
Sasuke: Oh
----------- Sarada: Papa! I hit the bad kitty! Sasuke: You did, well done Sasuke: You improved, that's impressive Sarada
Sasuke: Mama will be happy, too. Good job
Sarada: Hehehe Sarada: Ah! Sasuke: ?
Sarada: Look~ Sarada: It's kuma-san (teddy bear)! Woofwoof! Sarada: roar!
Sasuke: I can't tell if that's a bear or a dog
Sarada: Papa Sarada: Mama Sarada: Sa~ra~da!
Sasuke: ... Sasuke: ...kids have great imagination...
Sasuke: ? Sasuke: What are you doing next?
----------- Sasuke: ...She'll look like Sakura in the future...
Sarada: Here! Sarada: Oninini!
Sasuke: ? Sasuke: Oninini...? Sasuke: ! Sasuke: I see..."Onigiri" Sasuke: ...That’s impressive, Sarada
Sarada: Papa! Next is upsy upsy! Sasuke: There's more...?
Sarada: Kyaa~ Reach~! Sasuke: Don't fall
Sasuke: She easily changes what she wants to play...
Sarada: Papa-! Hug me! ----------- Sasuke: ? What's wrong? Sarada: Papa's eyesy are swirly Sarada: Only this one goes round and round~
Sasuke: ...are you scared?
Sarada: pretty~ i like it~! Sasuke: ...I see Sarada: Papa~ kiss me?
Sasuke: Just once, okay... *kiss*
----------- Sarada: ? Sarada: ... Sarada: Not on the lips? Sasuke: ?! Sasuke: Where did you see that...? Sarada: Mama's tevi! Sasuke: TV, huh... Sasuke: The afternoon dramas Sakura often watches...
Sasuke: Sarada, not on the lips Sarada: Eh~ Sasuke: Lips are special, it's not something I can easily give
Sasuke: The person who can have it is already decided
Sarada: Papa Sarada: you don't like Sarada?
Sasuke: It's quite difficult to explain it
----------- Sasuke: Sarada...which one do you like? Him or me?
Sarada: Hm~ ...I like you both
Sasuke: I see...then, how do you feel when you’re with us, is it fun or do you get excited?
Sasuke: Try remembering little by little
Sarada: Teddy bear is so soft and feels good, so I like him!
Sarada: But I still like Papa!
Sarada: You play with me and hug me! Sarada: I cry when I get scolded but Papa strokes my hair!
Sarada: I also like teddy bear, but I love Papa!
----------- Sarada: And also Sarada: there’s Mama!  Sarada: I feel warm with Mama so I love her!
Sasuke: That's right, there are different ways of "liking"
Sasuke: Kissing on the lips will be for a different person for Sarda
Sasuke: It's just like what you just said
Sasuke: That's why it's not that I hate you
Sasuke: It might still be hard for you to understand now...
Sarada: I understand! ----------- Sarada: Hehehe~ Sarada: When I grow up...can I become pretty like Mama~
Sasuke: ...Ah, sooner or later... Sasuke: That's in the future Sasuke: Sakura will come home soon...let's tidy things up before Mama returns
Sakura: I'm home~!
----------- Sakura: Sasuke-kun, thank you for waiting! I'm sorry!
Sakura: Was Sarada okay? Did she throw a tantrum? -----------
Sasuke: Yeah, no problem. She was tired from playing so she's sleeping now
Sasuke: You must be tired, too
Sakura: No, no! Thank you!
Sakura: It's great that Papa played with you, Sarada~
Sakura: Wah, she's sound asleep...did she play a lot?
Sasuke: Yeah
----------- Sasuke: She looks like you when she's sleeping
Sakura: Eh~? I think she looks more like you~
Sasuke: Also, your sensitivity to love... (Sarada: Kiss--) (Sakura: Sasuke-kun--) (Same scent...)
Sakura: I wonder what are you talking about?
Sakura: She's a girl..! Especially at her age, she's interested in everything
Sakura: They say girls look like their fathers, so I think Sarada will look like Sasuke-kun when she grows up...!
Sasuke: That will be a problem
----------- Sakura: But... Sakura: When Sarada grows up Sakura: I wonder what kind of girl will she be
Sakura: she'll probably grow real fast...
----------- Sakura: Ahhh~ To think that the day I'll see Sasuke-kun doing that came...Looking at you, I can tell that you're a doting parent...! How wonderful!
Sakura: The wife kinda wants that, too...
Sakura: After this, I have to prepare dinner, do the laundry and other chores~
Sasuke: Then, just do those
Sakura: My husband's so cold! I want to be recharged first!
Sasuke: ....
Sasuke: You...never changed Sakura: Hey, I want a forehead kiss like Sarada
Sakura: Here!
Sasuke: ...Only this once
Sakura: ??!
Sakura: Hey, Sasuke-kun! Wwwwhy? So sudden...!
Sasuke: You asked for it, right?
Sakura: On the forehead! I was shocked when you suddenly kissed me on the lips!
Sasuke: ...I see
----------- Sasuke: In your case, it's here, right?
Sakura: Sha---nnaro----! Sasuke-kun sure knows how to suddenly drop a bomb...!
Sakura: ! Sakura:Sa...!
Sarada: Hnn~
----------- Sakura: Thank goodness...she didn't wake up
Sakura: She's really sound asleep Sasuke: Yeah
Sakura: Then, I'll get our laundry
Sakura: How about you? Sasuke: ...I'll stay here for a while...
Sakura: Okay, I'll leave Sarada to you. I want to finish everything before she wakes up
Sasuke: Sure
Sasuke: SAKURA Sasuke: We'll continue...later tonight
----------- Sakura: ? (continue?) Sakura: !! Sakura: EH!
Sakura: Geez...! What’s with you?!
Sakura: Damn~ You’re too good at making my heart pound!
(Sakura: Sasuke-kun-- Shannaro--!)
Sasuke: ...Sarada Sasuke: When you grow up, Sasuke: as I thought, become a woman like your Mama...
993 notes · View notes
lexxikitty-blog1 · 6 years
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The Exile And the Sorcerer by Jane Fletcher Series: Lyremouth Chronicles: #1 Read: December 2016 Rating: 3.5 Stars
Vaguely interesting and vaguely boring. And the end kind of just fizzled out. Last 7% or something like that. Fizzled out. So – a woman, Tevi, from a warrior woman society is both a) in line to be queen and is currently ‘war leader’; b) basically ‘looked down on’ and/or hated by everyone on the island because she’s, as her fighting instructor called her - the worst fighter of all time (there’s a reason that gets revealed later). Right up front, though, I need to note that this isn’t like that other Fletcher series I’ve read – no this is not an all woman world. No, here, we have a role reversal. The women are super macho and any that aren’t are dismissively called ‘manly’ or something like that; while the men giggle, blush, ‘get used’, and have no power what-so-ever. That’s just the islands, though. But it is where the lead woman is from so that’s her mind set. The powers-that-be have decided that, with potential war looming, they need to get this ‘bad warrior’ out of the way. They have a society that is super hereditary – if the mother was queen, the first born daughter follows her. If the mother was, for chance, dog walker, then that’d mean that the first born daughter would also be ‘the dog walker’ (there was no mention, that I recall, of dogs on the islands). Therefore, because of that society quark, they can’t just by-pass Tevi to get to her sister (who is all-around considered super good at . . um stuff; (there’s a disconnect that I won’t get to into – the islands were, briefly, one whole Kingdom (then Queendom when the men were overthrown), but the queendom fizzled out with the daughters of that queen fought over the throne – except . . . see above about how Tevi had to be gotten rid of so her sister, Laff, could get the job)). So, they come to an agreement and Tevi is basically banished, though with a cover story that’s she’s going on a quest to ‘recover’ a ‘stolen chalice’. Mind you, all of this is in the book description – well most is there. So I went from a Fletcher series wherein everyone was a woman and there are no men to a series where the men have the characteristics of oppressed women, while the women are super macho jerks attempting to do everything in their power to ‘not lose face’. Except . . . the reader soon realizes that that is just one aspect of the planet, one society on the planet, the ‘mainland’ has this ‘protectorate’ with ‘sorcerers’, and since anyone can be a sorcerer (as in, it’s not limited to gender, position in society, etc, though having the power to be one is super rare), then that whole ‘female/male’ dynamic is on more ‘equal’ footing. But before I got to that realization, while I was still in the ‘me woman, you man, me hump you now *woman beats own chest and grunts*’ part of the book, I was wondering if I’d be able to continue reading the book. That was . . . not something I want to read regardless of the gender in that position. He-man/she-woman stories . . . not really my thing. Right, so, around 51% into the book a new character pops up – Jemeryl. Sorcerer. Assigned to a specific valley. She’s young, and doesn’t have much in the way of experience. And hasn’t been paying much attention to her duties (she’s assigned to be the area sorcerer – protector/helper for the local ‘nongifteds’), and is basically both feared and hated. Busy, as she is, with her own researches into magical stuff. While Jemeryl was distracted, a monster got loose in the valley and was starting to terrorize people. Tevi takes care of this monster, but gets blinded for her actions. The people dump her at the sorcerer’s castle and so the two meet. Blind warrior woman and Jemeryl. This is one of those occasions wherein that somewhat common lesbian trope of ‘I like her but there’s no way she’d like me’ works – or is less irritating than normal (this reminds me that just once I want a book where a lesbian vaguely feels interested in a woman, not-instant love, not instant lust, just vague interest, in as face-saving way as possible puts forward their interest, the other woman notes they are straight, and . . . that’s it, the lesbian moves on. To someone else. Thought I had while reading a different book, and doesn’t apply here, so let’s get back to that common trope). There’s a reason why it works here – recall that Tevi is from this super macho warrior woman culture? Well, depending on the day of the week, mood of the queen, mood of the people, being a lesbian will alternatively get you extremely mocked, or stoned to death – but regardless of the punishment, you, the lesbian, won’t be allowed to be a lesbian. So Tevi has that baggage. And kind of assumes that this is what the world is like, that she’s this ‘other’ and that everyone else is ‘normal’. So it’s less of an ‘I like her, she probably won’t like me’ and more of an ‘I lust for her, I hate myself for this, oh crap she’ll gut me if she learns I’m this freak’ type of situation. Right, so. Truth to tell – the island section of the book was okay, vaguely feelings of ‘eww, she-women’, but okay. The early parts of Tevi’s journey on the mainland were great, fun. The Tevi & Jemeryl parts were kind of flat and boring. *shrugs* Meh, that’s life. I own the rest of the books in the series, so I’ll continue eventually. Rating: 3.45 December 28 2016
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