#I would suck ur strap that’s a fact
queenofnohr · 2 years
I love Yotsuyu a lot OBVIOUSLY but tbh
Fordola might actually be my fav character in all of xiv just because the role she occupies isn’t a role that many female characters get to have. I love that she wasn’t forgiven and she helps but she’s still very much fordola and kind of a fucking asshole about it and she doesn’t get her edges sanded down and she isn’t looking for forgiveness
she’s so cool she’s so cool she’s so cool I love you so much fordola you have so much blood on your hands I love you for reciting the names of every one of your compatriots even as you sacrificed them I love you for almost turning into a blasphemy in the healer role quests and I love you even more for having the sheer strength of will not to
I love that you were allowed to remain a crotchety bitch I love that people dislike you I love that it’s hard to even work with you you add so much flavor to your interactions. You are so slept on where sexy women are concerned so I’ll throw all my love at you
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arlertwhore · 1 month
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pairing: paige bueckers x fem! reader
synopsis: sneaky links at the bar gettin their freak on
warning (s): smut, bathroom sex, pussy eating, fingering, nipple sucking, paige licking ur body bc she’s desperate
word count: 3.5k
author note: okay so this is based off a req nd it’s not edited as per usual. once i learn how to use this app guys i promise — but as of rn I’ll just put it out there this is the 5th part to the fics I’ve been writing for Paige nd “you” / reader! Pls remember to send me req and leave comments I love reading them omgosh so long okay byee enjoy minors dni!
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After the events of last weekend, Paige's team was incredibly open and honest with her about their concerns. They no longer deemed your esteemed dynamic compatible with Paige's career after the state she'd been left in due to you supposedly ending things, only to have to her return to you, which had proved to them that it was becoming toxic.
They still liked you; they did, however, they just didn't think you and Paige sounded right anymore. They never made decisions for each other, just offered strong suggestions, and they had strongly suggested that Paige end things with you.
Post-fuck Tuesday night, as she freshened up in your shower and you did your nightly routine, readying for bed, you'd admitted to Paige that you had indeed severely overreacted, and you had said all, apologizing repeatedly, owning up to your mistake.
Knowing Paige greatly despised mistakes, you wondered how she could let you off with just a stern warning. It being her, even if Paige had loved you dearly, the way she conditioned herself for relationships in regards to her career made her capable of breaking up with you while she was using your own shower. It certainly wasn't because of her feelings; you'd even noticed a change in the way she looked at you now. While her words during sex were relatively sweet, her actions were different from the first time she had you with the strap.
You sensed things were returning to normal in your relationship's dynamics, but the external situation would be shifting due to her team's concerns about you. Despite Paige's explanations that they didn't hate you and were simply prioritizing the well-being of their friend and teammate, you were incredibly sore over the fact that because of this whole situation, you would have to be even more discreet about seeing Paige.
Meetings would have to be arranged differently because they could easily deduce you were together if she chose to take an Uber in the dead of night to 'somewhere' and returned showered with new clothes. This change in schedule meant she would be free during lunch breaks or other odd times of the day, while you'd be busy studying at the library and more.
Just as Paige made sure to work you around her schedule, you wanted to do the same, but she seemed to really want the compromise from you. It was like something had come over her recently, but she had become increasingly horny and pent-up with sexual need.
You had called her to devise a plan on how to meet in a manner that kept schedules intact. As you discussed different ideas, the thought of future intimacy made her increasingly aroused, and she had to break the call so when she called you back, you'd have her full attention. It was wild considering it was typically the other way around for you guys.
Nevertheless, on your own, you had come up with a brilliant plan: to attend the new club that had opened not to far on the cusp of town. It was the perfect spot where everybody would be to absorbed in their ownself and alchol to notice who was there and who was doing what.
"Are you trynna tell me you want your shi' tore up inna' club?" Paige retorted over a Facetime call once you launched your idea, the girl surprisingly close-minded, which she usually wasn't.
You knew she had most likely just been nervous about the publicity, but you hadassured her you wouldn't allow things to spiral out of control. Being as smart as you were, she trusted you. Plus, it was hard for her to disagree when you offered an ultimatum, shrugging, "Well, unless you wanna man-up and tell your team that—"
"It's cool." It's cool. Whatver. It's cool was how you solidified a promising Friday night plan. By the time Friday rolled around, 12 AM, when the club scene usually came alive, Paige had ordered the Uber to stop at your complex.
You felt like a prostitute as you waited for the car outside in a black bodycon dress and high heels (because Paige was tall enough to allow you to wear them), with your little purse containing all the products to fix your club girl makeup and hair.
You desperately wanted to take the edge off with some drinks, and once you entered the Uber, that's exactly what Paige had been doing. However, at your promise to ensure everything ran smoothly tonight, you weren't allowed to drink. This meant that once you'd arrived at the club, you definitley weren't on the same level as the blonde, who seemed prepared to have the time of her life.
And boy was she. With her arm around your nape, she held you close to her body as you entered the packed club, music booming, people dancing, and the DJ saying some wild, almost offensive, out-of-pocket stuff that only drunken people would appreciate.
"If you're here tonight sayin' 'fuck school' and you trynna 'fuck somebody', then say yeahh!"
"Yeahh!" The response was immeadiate and raucous, the students all reveling in the thrill of the moment, fueled by alchol. To your non surprise, Paige had participated in the call, always a party girl, and her big blue eyes, heavily accentuated by the strobe lights and the alcohol in her system had stayed fixed on you as she agreed, a big cunning smirk on her face, knowing you never appreciated jokes at the expense of education, something you took extremely seriously.
She shook you in her arm, "Loosen up, jelly," before relinquishing her arm and holding yours as she danced and belted out the song they played, "Under the Influence" by Chris Brown. You liked the song too, and as you sang, allowing the music to loosen you up, you closed your eyes and couldn't help but think of being at your house.
Sure, you had selected this location precisely, but you still hated that you had to all because Paige was succumbing to what her friends expected, and you were essentially obliged to follow suit.
So what if you guys were still fucking and you had majorly overreacted while Paige had underreacted? That was the beauty of relationships anyway. They were all deep thoughts to be having as Paige held your hips, big hands roaming your figure as you ground your body against hers subconciously, both of you moving in sync to the rhythm of the song.
The sensation of her firm grip and the subtle pressure of her hips against your ass had momentarily distracted you, igniting a sudden surge of arousal within you.
It was then you knew what would make your night better and assist in ending it quickly, sufficing each wish and thought you'd had moments ago. As you turned to meet her face, prepared to move in for a kiss, which had created a brief distance between you, your worst fear occured: a piping hot girl approached, seizing the opportunity presented by the momentary gap. "Are you guys dating?" she inquired, her voice cutting through the music. Even if you were, you wouldn't be allowed to disclose that to strangers. "Uhh... no, but—"
"Kay, then, thanks! I'm gonna borrow your date for a dance." Paige maintained the eye contact you had made with her, you, atonished at this randos behavior.
She leaned down into the girl's ear, loudly asking, "How old are you?" You didn't stick around to hear her response. You left, saying "fuck it" as you took a seat on a bar stool, ordering four straight vodka shots with no chaser and pounding them back as you tried to drown out the thoughts swirling in your mind.
You hated being jealous. A casual relationship meant you had no right to, which is why you had excused yourself before you blew up on the girl. Peeking over your shoulder briefly, you watched as she let Paige twirl her before forcing herself into Paige's arms, essentially claiming her for the dance. What sucked is that you could be that girl—the challenging one who'd just go dance with someone else as revenge—but you chose to sit your ass at the bar and drink away your feelings.
As much as you liked Paige, you had to admit to yourself that this ordeal was starting to take a great toll on your mind. You were here, allowing all of this just because she was afraid of her team knowing she was still seeing you.
In fact, Paige was always afraid of everybody knowing. You had spent so much time thinking and drinking at the bar that the song had changed finally, and you felt a hand intercept your waist. You were tipsy now, feeling more chatty and accepting of the presence, assuming it was another guy prepared to ask to get you something. But no—it was Paige, a lipstick kiss on her cheek.
If you were sober, you might flip, but tipsy, you just chuckled. "Enjoy your dance that much?" you teased as Paige sat at the bar with you. She performed the hand sign for 'meh,' disappointment evident on her face as she smiled, "She didn't wanna dance, I don't think." You put on a face of shock, exaggerating the expression for dramatic effect. "No way, Paige, really?" She shrugged, a smirk playing at the corner of her lips. "I was just bein' nice, you know?"
You nodded, a grin spreading across your face. "I'm glad we have a good Samaritan in the club." you joked. She patted her chest twice, owning the title, and then it fell silent. You faced forward on the stool as Paige turned to you, her expression contemplative.
"Y/N," she began, voice eager to chat. "Bueckers," you replied, mundanely.
She kissed her teeth. "Yeah, I thought I was trippin'. What's with that lil attitude you got?" she asked, referring to the last name basis you'd left her on. "I don't have an attit—"
"Then look at me when we're talking," she interrupted, gently tilting your chin to face her, in-turn, your stool. The stupid lipstick mark.
It's why you avoided looking at her face, not wanting jealously to overcome you. She looked more intoxicated than her words suggested. And if there was one thing about a tipsy Paige, she wasn't meant for public viewing.
With no hesitation, after tilting your chin, her hand trailed down to your thigh, slipping beneath the fabric of your dress, swiftly pushing it aside to reveal your black panties. "Paige!" you gasped, a mix of shock and arousal in your voice. "My gosh, cut it out." You hastily smoothed your dress back down as Paige grinned mischievously. "You mean... Bueckers?"
You rolled your eyes at her antics, feigning unamusement, but she simply continued. "Sorry," she apologized, taking your hand in hers and kissing the back of it, conjuring memories of the last time you hadn't forgiven her and what happened next.
She was trying to be sweet again, but in her own words, "I am... I just—" She kissed your hand again, trailing delicate kisses down your arm before she absentmindedly began to softly lick you.
"I want you sooo bad." She had this habit of playing footsies with you too sometimes—as she spoke, her foot teasingly nudged yours, and with her physical attention on your body from literally head to toe, it sometimes became hard to resist her advances.
She began moving in after what felt like an eternity of anticipation. She thought she had finally broken through your defenses, gotten you to loosen up. As she moved in for a kiss, her eyes closed and her tongue eagerly anticipating the feel of yours, you surprised her.
Practicing resistance, you swerved her kiss, meeting her ear cheek to cheek as you whispered, your breath hot against her skin, "I'm going to the bathroom." Before Paige could open her eyes, you had disappeared amongst the crowd in the club. She immediately turned to the bartender, who had been washing some glasses.
"Yo, where's y'all's bathroom at?" Her words slurred slightly from the alcohol, but she managed to recall every direction he gave her as she pushed through the club in search of you— in search of the bathroom. She couldn't wait to get her hands on you for teasing her like that.
In the club washroom, of course, it was not empty like the restaurant had been. There were girls around you of every emotion—crying, lit, and angry. If it weren't for your makeup, you'd be flushing your face with water, but since you couldn't, you just stared at yourself in the mirror before deciding to retouch your lip gloss. As you finished, smacking your lips together, the next instant saw you being hoisted by your waist into a stall, causing you to drop your favorite lip gloss on the floor of the dimly lit washroom.
"Woa—Paige! Wait, my lip gloss."
She silenced you with an aggressive kiss, pushing you up against the locked door of the stall. Luckily, she had picked the biggest stall, providing ample space for what was about to unfold. She sat you up on the counter for personal items, spreading your legs which were at perfect level with her torso. You felt so exposed—within seconds, she had pulled all your clothes off, leaving your body bare for her.
Without a second of further words, she took her phone and handed it to you. She was making this a new thing for her now—filming you in your sluttiest, rawest moments. But you succumbed each time, the thrill and rush and all the adrenaline in your veins exciting you.
Her finger slid into you with precision, the feel of her cold rings adding an extra layer of intensity to the experience. With each thrust, she skillfully worked her middle finger against your G-spot, sending your body into overdrive, causing you to stifle your moans with your bottom lip. She gazed up at you, her eyes dancing between yours and the camera, a playful glint shining in her gaze.
Her ability to shift from playful to serious with ease was captivating. After releasing a sweet chuckle into the lens, she seamlessly incorporated her tongue into the mix, expertly circling it against your clit. She felt incredibly soft against your clit, her tongue tracing every contour with mastery before she gently suckled on you, ripples of ecstasy pulsating throughout your being.
As her finger began its come-hither motion inside you, you couldn't help but whimper out her name, "Paige, oh shit," gripping her head closer to you in a desperate plea for more. She thrusted around inside you with a frantic pace, her tongue flat against your clit as she adeptly moved her head back and forth, creating a deliciously sloppy sensation that drove you wild with need.
It hadn't even been more than a minute, and yet you found yourself unraveling quietly, coming undone all over her face, the embarrassment of it all being recorded only mixing with the overwhelming pleasure to create an intoxicating whirlwind of sensations.
Paige continued her ministrations, oblivious to your climax until a minute later, when your cum began to ooze out of your pussy as it clenched and unclenched around her fingers, sensitive.
She stopped, gazing up at you with the lower half of her face glistening with your essence. "Already?" she cockily remarked, reaching for her phone to check the time, inevitably turning the camera to face you as she read it aloud.
It felt so exposing. Your legs were spread for her camera to capture, your bare body on full display as she announced, "51 seconds."
You covered your face, shaking your head, and Paige initially thought you were embarrassed. “No! That’s my time to beat? Nearly a minute?” you retorted sarcastically before hopping off the counter. “C’mere, Paige.” If it weren’t for the counter being in her line of sight, as tipsy as she was, she would’ve simply chucked her phone. You pressed her against the stall door as you kissed down her neck hungrily, undressing her simultaneously. Her hands roamed every curve of your body as you deftly worked to earn a moan from her, a signal you were on the right path to winning this competition.
As you finally managed to remove her top, you captured her nipple between your lips, sucking it with the most adorable doe eyes you could muster, eliciting a deep sigh from Paige, who nodded her head in approval, her expression a mix of pleasure and surrender.
With one hand delving into her pants, you teased her entrance with your fingers. “You must really like me, hm?” you purred, voice dripping with seduction as you dragged your finger upward toward her clit, only to move back downward towards her hole, teasingly denying her the contact she craved from both ends.
Paige shook her head. “Mm-mm,” she murmured softly, her breath catching as your fingers continued their tormentful tour of her dripping pussy. You chuckled. “No?” She was unbelievably wet — soaking, slick, and inviting.
The kind of wet where your fingers glided effortlessly, sliding through her slickness as everything felt impossibly soft. “Then I guess I’ll stop,”
Paige was too esteemed to beg you. Instead, she had tried to convince you, saying, “If you do, then you’ll lose.”
You hissed pretentiously.
“Good point,” you responded before dropping to your knees, an act of submission which never failed to entice Paige.
You delicately tugged down her blue jeans, smooching soft kisses along her legs as you whispered, “Mommy,” before gazing up at her, “I wanna taste you… so badly. Can I?” you pleaded, licking the outline of Paige’s pussy through her boxers. The girl drew a sharp inhale, chest heaving as if she was already on the verge of anticipating it.
“Fuck, baby, you can taste me,” Paige whispered, inflection showcasing the struggle she was having to find constraint within. “Thank you,” you murmured pliantly, gently taking off
Paige’s boxers to be met with the sight of her spectacular wet and pink pussy, possessing all the perfectest dimensions. “thank you, mommy,” you repeated once-more, appreciatively stuffing your face into her cunt, sucking a mouthful of her juices and her tiny clit into your mouth. “ahh shit, y/n,” paige bellowed, the blush across her cheeks prominizing as her brows furrowed in delight.
You kept your fingers busy, pumping two into her as you worked your mouth ravenously, eating her up. You were adamant you’d win the challenge since you spent time fucking yourself when Paige was away, whereas she would just satisfy herself with girls if she needed to and had admitted countless times that it was a rarity she ever touched herself.
You on the other hand had mastered the art of making yourself finish fast due to how short you were on time typically, so you weren’t intimidated whatsoever.
And you had good reason not to be. It’d been half-a-minute when she began to shudder, knees wobbling as she praised your tongue-work. “You eat it so well,” she murmured, rutting her hips against your face subconsciously and assisting in the speed at which your fingers plunged into her pussy, guiding them to encounter resistance with a teasing yet insistent touch. She gasped, body jolting.
“Right there!” she told you, her voice laced with urgency and desire. You complied, pressing your fingers against the resistant spot inside of her, causing her eyelids to flutter and mouth to hang agape as she praised, “Fuck, you’re such a good girl,” hand holding you into her cunt as she feathered your hair around, caressing you. “Please,don’t stop, ma,”
She clutched the bars for stability, and her breaths came in short, rapid bursts, betraying the intensity of her pleasure. She kept her eyes fixed on you, observing your every action below her, as you mercilessly devoured and fingered her cunt with so much contentment in your every move, finding joy in pleasing her.
You sucked on her clit with powerful suction, and your fingers felt like punches to her guts, but in a pleasing manner.
Her body tensed, muscles coiling with anticipation. A rush of heat flooded her senses, a fire consuming her body. Her breath hitched, becoming erratic as she teetered on the edge of release. With each thrust of your fingers and flick of your tongue, all it’d really took was you looking up at her to assess how near she was before Paige completely let loose, succumbing to the pleasure and subsequently cumming all over your face while delivering a string of curse words as her body convulsed.
You wasted absolutely no time, leaping back up onto your feet to grab her phone just so you could see the time: it read from the last timestamp you kept in your brain, just 45 seconds. "How bad's the damage?" Paige asked, trying to catch her breath.
With a wide grin, you replied, "Forty-five seconds," and her face showed marvel, the girl in utter shock.
You winning meant anything and everything, including power over Paige. That's how she always was whenever you guys had your little competitions (which she'd usually win) due to her competitive nature, and now it was your turn to be the winner.
"Oh, you're so fucked!" you exclaimed, reveling in your victory.
a/n: i love all the new paige fics on here sm!! what do you guys think about this part.. lmk, inbox me, message me, comment wtv i love all ❤️ click here for masterlist
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redr0sewrites · 10 months
Kafka (HSR) Headcanons
🥀CW: Smut in the nsfw part, bondage, marking, overall kinky stuff, non-sexual nudity mentioned in the sfw part
🥀 minors dni with the nsfw portion
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god i love women
kafka is often very busy, so i see her love language as words of affirmation
she loves flirting with you and whispering sweet things in your ear just to watch you get flustered
she can often be very touchy and flirty, however if it makes you uncomfortable she is shockingly good with boundaries and will simply give you space why would u say no tho
she loves having your head in her lap while she plays with your hair
she enjoys taking baths with you, esp after long or difficult missions
she will go all out, she will light candles, put rose petals and bubbles in the water, epson salt cuz its soothing, anything you like. there WILL be romantic music playing softly in the background, i said what i said
she likes to give you back massages and will give you small kisses on the back of your neck
she is VERY protective of you, i wouldnt say to a super controlling level but enough where she gets jealous pretty easily
she is actually so bad at dropping hints like she will flirt with anyone and anything but the second she caught feelings for u she had no idea what to do
she legit just teased u and made fun of u, you would probably think she hated you for awhile until you figured out that she was obsessed with u
have u seen her fit? yall def share a closet
her clothes are your clothes and vice versa
seeing you in her clothes sets something off in her i swear
this often leads to steamy makeout sessions and yk what else
she will also let you do hers, but not super often since shes kinda busy sometimes and doesnt want to take forever getting ready
the type of person who can walk for hours and hours forEVER in super tall heels/platforms or "walk it off" after literally being beaten to near death in battle but will complain for days if she gets even the tiniest paper cut
likes giving back hugs
this is random but i feel like she eoukd enjoy puzzles and word games
she always, ALWAYS pays for u, holds the door for u, she will hold ur shoes if they're bothering u/she will carry u if she can, LITERALLY A MIX BETWEEN GENTLEMAN AND MILF BEHAVIOR
she will prob introduce u to the other stellaron hunters if u dont already work w them
her friends r ur friends now
yall have self care dates where u get ur nails, hair, and skin care done and go to fancy spas or get massages im too broke to do this idk what people actually do at a spa
overall amazing and wonderful we ignore the fact that shes insane bc its hot
here we gooo
switch energy SWITCH ENERGY
when shes more subby shes still in control, i feel like she would def be a power bottom at least
really enjoys commanding you and ordering you around, gets off on your obedience and your disobedience
she WILL wear a strap and use toys on you, putting a vibrator to your clit/cock while your tied down and watching you squirm and whimper, using leg spreaders to hold ur legs apart while she eats u out/sucks u off, paddles, rods/dildos, thrusting vibrators, she has it ALL
if u dont have stereotypically "female" genitals/or even if u do, she will peg u. there is no escaping it. she will overstimulate you and she will fuck u until ur begging for her to stop, thighs shaking, chest heaving, sobbing and pleading for a break
she very much enjoys riding ur face, seeing your face covered in her slick below her... godd ur gonna be up the whole night
"oh? your upset about them seeing us? so what? dont worry your pretty little head about trivial things like that dolly, i'll take care of everything for you~" *proceeds to fuck u until ur babbling and no more worried are forming in ur head*
into sensory play as well
ur tied down and blindfolded and she will blot hot air against ur cunt/cock, run an ice cube up and down ur thighs, leave hickeys or kisses on ur thighs, trace a feather around ur chest and trail it down ur abdomen, just above where u want her, so close but so, so far...
perhaps she has a mommy kink, but it would take a little while to discover it 👀
wears lingerie on a regular basis and will strip in front of u at the end of the day leaving u in flustered in shock she loves seeing u all flushed and embarrassed omg
tease teas tease sOO UNFAIR
hi guys cant believe i just wrote this anyways can u tell i have a preference LMFAOO shes just so cool <3 i might have a type *side eyes kindael, kafka, rosaria, and all the other pink/red associated women who r also fucking insane that i simp for* sorry i havent been super active lately, i prob wont be for a little while im going on vacation. however, reqs are still open i am BEGGING for reqs lmao😭 hope u enjoyed! lmk of any errors/gendering issues, hope u enjoyed
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
Just wanted to say ur posts always make me cackle 😂. Forget them haters!
Thoughts on how AGSZC would react at the dentist??
(thank you ❤️ 😂 )
Angeal: SOLDIER has a dedicated team of dentists who provide dental care for its operatives, and Angeal is eternally grateful for it. Because his family didn't have much money, he rarely had the opportunity to visit the dentist. While Hollander did offer dental treatments on multiple occasions, Angeal's mother was always wary of Hollander being near her son. So when Angeal joins the army and SOLDIER and gets ready access to dental care, he's determined to follow the dentist's instructions. Too determined, really. He thinks it's a competition.
Angeal: So what's my grade? Dentist: You don't get graded on your oral hygiene. Angeal: But how are my teeth? Dentist: They're in perfect condition⏤ Angeal: Perfect I got an A. Dentist: Angeal: Take that, Genesis. Dentist: Angeal: He got an F didn't he?
Sephiroth: His experiences with dentists have been limited to Hojo either performing his dental work himself or closely monitoring professionals during surgeries and unnecessary procedures (like pulling out teeth to observe how fast they grow). Needless to say, he was hesitant about visiting a regular dentist until Angeal suggested it to show him that not all dentist experiences are uncomfortable.
Sephiroth is pleasantly surprised by the dentist's office he visits in Sector 8.
*During his appointment* Dentist: How are you finding things? Sephiroth: Excellent. The waiting area was stocked with books and magazines, there was calming music, the receptionist offered me coffee. Now there's a TV on the ceiling, which I'm so distracted by that I barely notice the treatment being done. You're also being very gentle. Thank you. Dentist: I'm flattered⏤ Sephiroth: It's nice not having to worry about one of my teeth being extracted against my will. Dentist:
Genesis: "He hates the dentist" is what he tells people, when in reality he lives in constant fear that he'll randomly black out one day and wake up strapped to a dentist chair. No one knows why, not even Genesis himself understands why the dentist makes him so uncomfortable. He doesn't like sitting with his mouth open while someone pokes around in there, he doesn't like how sterile the dentist office feels, he doesn't like the prospect of having a cavity or something he'll have to be treated for, so he combats this by simply not going to the dentist. Done. "If you don't know about it, it doesn't exist."
Unfortunately this backfires horribly the day Genesis won't stop complaining about a toothache⏤and refuses to get it checked⏤so Angeal and Sephiroth take matters into their own hands.
*Lazard sees Angeal and Sephiroth carrying an unconscious Genesis into the elevator* Lazard: Please tell me he's still alive. Sephiroth: No, not murder. We cast sleep on him. Angeal: We're taking him to the dentist. Lazard: And what will you do once he wakes up screaming? *Sephiroth produces a hammer out of nowhere* Lazard: ...............
Zack: Loves the dentist. LOVES it. If Zack could go to the dentist every week, he would.
Angeal: Hey buddy, how was the dentist?
Zack, with his face full of stickers and sucking a lollipop: It was great! They got a new gaming setup for the waiting room. And I watched a movie while the dentist worked, plus he was suuuper proud of how white and healthy my teeth are. He praised me, and I even got a gold star. Oh! And on my way out, he gave me a goody bag. *Zack lifts a bag filled with toothbrushes, toy cars and crayons* Sephiroth: Does the sign outside your dentist's office say 'Pediatric' before it? Zack: Yes, why?
Cloud: Cloud doesn't fear the dentist. The dentist fears Cloud. His dental records come with a warning for every new dentist at the barracks: "WARNING: BITER." He's not doing it on purpose, in fact, he'd rather not have the reflexes that make his jaw clamp shut tightly around foreign objects. His habits are also every dentists worst nightmare. Chewing ice, nail biting, using his teeth as a tool to open things, and drinking a blend of black coffee with soda "because it tastes nice."
Zack: How'd the dentist go? Cloud: He went to the E.R. Zack:
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sluttysaph · 7 months
Both of us totally in awe of mommy’s skills, but she’ll have you trained soon enough to take me just as well. Introduce you to all our toys, even the scary ones, she’ll quiz you about my kinks and what drives me wild. Every evening she’ll give me updates on your progress and set up special nights where you can demonstrate all you’re learning.
When you get too cocky or confident I like to humiliatingly remind you how little and inexperienced you are, how you’re nowhere near as perfect as mommy, maybe purposefully pick a strap that’s way too big for you to take down your throat, pick a plug that mommy easily takes but leaves you sore for days, refuse to let you come unless it’s rubbing on my thigh. Stop letting you make even the most basic decisions for yourself until you remember that we know best and you aren’t anything without us
(Im glad you like that they’re long, I’m an attorney and I always get called out on being too long winded when I should be focusing on just the facts, but that’s too boring and so it’s nice to be appreciated and it will give me some sort of complex) 🧸
😵‍💫 u leave me speechless everytime
cant wait for mommy to teach me how to take u well<33 she would start with he smallest dildos, slowly working towards bigger and bigger. telling me how to suck on it and how to take as much as i can and sometimes holding it in my mouth, gagging me, so i get used to that feeling. maybe u even buy me one of the dildo gags, the one u can fasten up around head and making me wear it the whole afternoon. (and calling it a paci if that’s something ud be into but absolutely no pressure)
she should definitely teach me about ur kinks, but also maybe leave me in the dark on some of it. shes gonna tell me what exactly u like and both of u should corrupt me into liking the exactly same kinks as u have so im the most perfect toy u could ask for<3
um, please🥺 ill be so proud of myself that i can finally take the big dildo just for u to push my head on it until i gag and then let mommy show me how she can take it without a problem. ill feel so dumb and humiliated, but ill definitely want to do better next time!!
and yes. yea yes yes please never let me do a decision without you again!! telling me what to wear and what to do and if i can go to toilet and if i can come, until im gonna be absolutely lost without u by my side.
(hehe i definitely dont mind that they’re long!! im always so excited to read them, they just kinda make my brain empty and only filled with need, so im sorry if my responses get short sometimes)
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xocasper · 2 years
hey since ur taking requests i have something. basically like what if the reader was afab and was pegging one of the members? and the member the reader is pegging is like super submissive?
or if u don’t wanna write smut then maybe like a really cute fluff where it’s gender neutral reader and one of the band members and they go on a late afternoon walk in the woods where it’s raining and they have their first kiss and get together?? hopefully this isn’t too much to ask :))
Undisclosed Desires
Pairing: Frank Iero x Reader Summary: After drunkenly confessing a shared fantasy to Frank, you decide to switch places for a night. It turns out he's not as tough as he seems. Warnings: NSFW content Tags: pegging, sub!frank, rough sex, degradation Word Count: 2552 A/N: Both of these prompts were tempting, but I decided to try something new. This is brought to you by Frank's tramp stamp, I hope you enjoy!
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As you looked down at Frank, laying fully displayed on the bed, every mark and tattoo exposed, you began to wonder how often this crossed his mind. Not sex itself, but whining in submission the way you typically did, taking your place with shocking ease. You weren’t opposed, flushed and turned on at the sound of his mumbled pleas and the way he squirmed against the mattress. Now that you thought about it, you weren’t sure how you got here, kneeling above him, a single hand wrapped around his cock, a bottle of lube next to you, and a strap-on patiently waiting at the edge of the bed.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t thought about it; as often as he had you on your knees, begging to suck him off, or splayed out before him, pleading to be pounded into the mattress, you had always wondered what it would be like to switch places. You knew he had been with guys before–he’d told you about a few one-night stands, casually mentioning how he had taken men bigger than him, and he had nothing to be ashamed of. He seemed proud of it but never asked you to fuck him. In fact, you weren’t sure he had even thought about it until you asked him one night, when the two of you were far past tipsy, spilling secrets and tequila until it came out.
Following the request–a blunt “I want to peg you,”–came a giggle and a nonchalant, “Alright.” No matter how drunk you had gotten, both of you still vividly remembered the interaction in the morning, releasing a major admission on Frank’s behalf, reddening as he confessed to having fantasized about it before. You got far more than you bargained for when the time finally came, but there was no way in hell you were complaining.
Seeing Frank so submissive was like a dream come true, blessing your mind as you watched him beg for you. Sure, you loved when he was in charge, spewing nearly every dirty thought that came to mind, ordering you around, and insisting that you took what he gave you. However, you grew prideful beyond imagination at the thought of doing the same to him, yearning for the sound of his cries to come until you finally gave him sweet relief.
“What do you want?” you asked, jerking him at an agonizingly slow pace, watching his eyes screw shut as you swept your thumb across the tip, his hips already bucking up for more.
He groaned as you pulled away, giving him a look of sheer disapproval. “I want you to fuck me already.”
His voice was high and whiny, vastly different from his usual tone, and it made desire stir inside you. Regardless, you weren’t sure that it was time yet, dragging out the experience as long as possible, holding his cock once more, slick with lube and precum.
“Do you think you deserve it?” you hummed questioningly, listening to his strangled gasp as you began pumping your hand again.
“Fuck, yes,” he moaned out, reaching towards you, only to get his hands slapped away.
You glowered at him, “Behave.”
Your voice just about knocked him dead, and he was back to bucking his hips up in desperation. “C’mon, please,” Frank pleaded, gripping the sheets to avoid grabbing at you again. “Please, I’ve been good, I swear.”
That was a damn lie and he knew it, but he couldn’t have cared less, hoping that you’d pity him enough to quit the teasing and fill him up already. He had no control though, left to lie beneath you, who had all the power in the world at the moment. Graciously, you pulled away, kneeling over him and pressing your lips against his, hot and wet, parting them easily with your tongue. Call it placebo, but you could practically taste his neediness, not to mention feel it, Frank still grinding against you.
It was oddly intimate, the way your hand slipped around his throat, holding him close as you pulled away, your lips barely grazing his as he caught his breath. Your patience for him was wearing thin, especially when his hands trailed back to your hips.
Squeezing his throat ever so slightly, you narrowed your eyes at him. “Being a fucking whore isn’t an excuse to act like a brat.”
If you had to fuck him into submission, you would, and it seemed like the way to go judging by the moan that rumbled in his chest at your scolding. Frank wasn’t used to seeing you like this either, and the effect it had on him was dizzying. Despite his rebellion, he was more than ready to be good for you if he got what he wanted; luckily, you believed in compromise.
“On your knees,” you demanded, watching as he turned over, showing off more tattoos, specifically the ones that wrapped prettily around his hips.
His compliance was almost surprising, Frank lying placidly on the bed as you reached for his hips, one hand planted on his back as you pushed him down against the mattress, the other pressed against his abdomen to hold his hips in the air. The view before you was the closest to heaven you’d ever get, his wanton whining a hymn as your nails dug into his skin.
Grabbing the previously discarded lube from the side of the bed, you squeezed a fair amount onto your fingertips, almost asking Frank if he was sure, but the way he wiggled impatiently proved that he had waited long enough. There wasn’t an immediate reaction as you sunk your fingers inside of him–relief, at first, followed by a soft gasp. He stayed quiet at first, a few whiny moans dripping from his lips until you pushed further, deeper, releasing a louder cry from him.
“More,” he moaned, face buried in the pillows, grinding desperately against the mattress as if you weren’t already knuckle-deep inside of him.
Instead, you slowed, glaring at him again, even though he couldn’t see your face. “Stop moving,” you said, giving him a gentle smack in warning, and running your palm over his skin.
Reluctantly, he listened, not without another whimper though, clenching his teeth and gripping the sheets even tighter. His vulnerability made your stomach twist in knots, arousal coating your thighs as his muffled begging floated through the air. The more time you spent prepping him, the more impatient he got, growing increasingly loud as you took your time, inadvertently cutting off your train of thought.
It wasn’t until he began thrusting back into your hand, pushing himself against you that you gave in, feigning annoyance as he slurred a mix of deeper and please. Nimble fingers only went so far, and if he insisted on being stuffed full, that’s what you’d give him. For the amount of begging he was doing, he was getting awfully close, his breathing taking on the same pattern that it typically did, quick and erratic. The pressure of your fingers had him leaning over the edge, so close to a blissful release, that if you curled your fingers once more he’d come crashing down. Mhm, just a little bit more–
But no. There was no chance you were letting him off that easy, not after he whined endlessly for you to fuck him. Frank cried out as you pulled away, your fingers slipping out and retreating to his hips, your free hand tangling in his hair to tug him away from the pillows.
“I don’t think you’ve been behaving,” you chided, receiving nothing more than a whimper in response. “Give me one good reason why I should fuck you.”
Frank was positive you had broken him, every thought leaving his head, his lips incapable of forming words that weren’t “please.” Even at that, he couldn’t form a full sentence with it, broken parts of a pathetic plea scattered in every corner of his mind.
By the grace of god, he managed to mumble out a white lie, “I’ll be good, please.”
“Bullshit,” you scoffed. “Good boys are patient, and do what they’re told. You haven’t done either of those, have you?”
He had half a mind to argue with you, the taste of his orgasm already slipping away, so groveling was the way to go. “I’m sorry, I’ll listen, I’ll do whatever you want, ‘kay?”
It was tempting, and you were growing impatient yourself, more than ready for the slew of sounds you’d get to hear from him. With a loud sigh, you dropped him back down into the pillows, relief washing over him as you inched towards the edge of the bed, anxiously grabbing the harness, reality seeming to set in as you pulled it on, smearing the cool lube across the silicone while Frank squirmed restlessly before you.
“You sure?” you asked, kneeling behind him once more, tracing the pistols on his lower back before getting a firm grip on his hips.
“Yes,” he answered, a bit too quick, but you weren’t one to judge, anxiety melting away and swiftly replaced by your former air of dominance.
Tugging his hips closer, you pushed in, slowly until you heard him breathe again. The moan he let out was something holy, pent up and buried beneath layers of anticipation, a sweet combination of gratitude and pleasure, sending satisfaction rippling through you.
“God, you’re so fucking pretty,” you murmured, gradually inching closer until your hips are just shy of meeting his, running your hands along his skin, painted with inky scripture. “Wish you could see yourself, baby.”
It’s music to Frank’s ears, foreign praise convincing him to behave, his former bratty attitude wearing down, replaced by a willingness to comply. “Please move,” he requested, magic words lacing nearly every sentence he spoke.
His sudden obedience sent a surge of power through you, and a sense of desperation similar to his own. All you wanted was to pull every sinful sound from him, watching him fall apart beneath you as he cried your name, to feel pride swell in your chest until it left you suffocated and starry-eyed.
After a moment of consideration, you pulled back a little, easing in a bit quicker this time, causing a moan to bubble up in Frank’s throat. You pushed closer, skin meeting skin until it triggered something, you weren’t sure what, but it made him give a sudden cry, one that would’ve been concerning had he not followed it up with, “Again.”
From there, you began to get a handle on things, slowly picking up the pace as you thrust into him, controlling his movements until he couldn’t take it anymore, until he was pushing his hips back against yours and slurring into the pillow.
“Don’t. Move.”
Your tone was sharp, warning him sternly, but he could only respond with a pathetic mewl, tugging at the sheets as if they held the secret to self-control. Spoiler: they didn’t, and Frank resorted to grinding against the bed, unable to stop himself until you threaten to pull away. Defeat blanketed him from there, giving up and lying helplessly on the mattress, diminished to nothing but a whimpering mess as you continued to pound your hips against his.
He wasn’t sure what he was saying as he climbed closer to an orgasm, and neither were you, honestly. Not a single sound was distinguishable, Frank no longer rambling on about how bad he needed it, but instead babbling incoherently as if his brain had turned to mush. Which, if you asked him, it totally had.
Your hips and thighs were growing tired, the only motivation left being Frank’s whining, and between his heaving chest and incomprehensibility, you knew he wouldn’t last much longer. You savored the sight of him, buried into the mattress, knees weak and arms by his head, squeezing the curve of his waist while he choked out sobs.
“Are you gonna come?” you asked him, your voice carrying an antagonizing edge, and Christ, he could barely hold back any longer.
Cursing, he found the strength to form words. “Fuck, please let me come.”
“Do you think you deserve it?”
He might’ve had the strength to answer last time, but holding a conversation while you fucked him stupid was a next-level task. Regardless, he put in the effort, nodding fruitlessly against the bed. “Mhm, I’ve been good, I swear.”
Liar, you thought, but you had to give him credit for trying, even if he wasn’t very good at it. There was plenty of time in the future to work on it, but tonight you’d put it to rest. “You like when I fuck you like this?”
He hummed, once again losing the ability to string words together. With an ego the size of the moon, you pulled him closer than ever, burying far deeper than before until he was teetering on the edge of euphoria. “Show me how much you like it.”
Frank gave in easily after that, crashing into his release, practically seeing stars as you gently ground your hips against his. The whole world had seemingly come to a stop, the floor falling out beneath him as he continued to lay face down, leaving him exhausted and speechless. He wasn’t sure what you were saying to him anymore, having little grip on reality as he finally rolled over, grinning lazily at you.
Sweaty strands of hair clung to his forehead, his cheeks flushed with a light shade of pink that had slowly spread across his chest, and his hazel eyes blinked back at you, waiting for instruction on what to do next. After a tiresome and lousy clean-up, you crashed next to him, hardly able to strip back down to nothing before exhaustion really kicked in. By then, Frank had perked up a bit more, looking at you curiously through droopy eyes.
“You didn’t–” he started, cut off by a yawn, and then a quick kiss.
“Don’t worry about it, alright? I’m sure you’ll find a way to repay me,” you smiled, sweeping hair from his eyes as he rolled over to you, curling up against your side.
In a voice already thick with sleep, he mumbled quietly to you. “Thank you.”
That’s all he could really say anymore, too tired for anything other than tender kisses and cuddles, his gratitude shining through as he held you close, vulnerability yet to fade away. He still felt like he should say something, explain himself, or apologize–he didn’t know why, but something still felt off.
“You can do both, you know,” you mumbled to him, kissing his head as he buried himself in your chest.
Frank hummed in question, the vibrations tickling your skin as you spoke. “I mean, we can take turns if you want. That’s okay.”
He’d be lying if he said there wasn’t something missing; the sex was amazing, but sometimes he thought back to nights when someone else took over, when he could let his guard down. 
“Really?” he whispered, too anxious to speak any louder as if you’d laugh and take it back.
“Really,” you smiled, saving the rest of the conversation for tomorrow. At least for now Frank could be at peace, the hint of shame disintegrating as he let his eyes fall shut, embracing the afterglow as he drifted off to sleep.
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taglist: @lubbockshusband @yachiiko @newgirlinhell @blackberryblossom @whothefuckisfranklero @griffinfinity @heaveaux @aliceblxck @ce-ci @halloweenbitch2764 @saywhaaaa @bluemarzbars
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luvkun4 · 2 years
also ive got submissive ango on my mind always i knowwwww for a fact that he whimpers and whines like no other and is sooo eager to let you use him … hear me out he’d be so cute while you fuck his face with ur strap -🌷
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oh we’re talking ANGO rn ??????
first of all 🤭 i have never once thought about submissive Ango but now i’m going feral. SECONDLY, you are absolutely correct 😌
he doesn’t seem like the vocal type just by looking at him, but oh man when you actually get him under you ??? he’s probably super sensitive (read: touch starved) so every little thing makes him whine. and i’m sure he tries not to make so much noise at first, bc he’s embarrassed, but as soon as you reassure him the room is filled with all his pretty moans <33
also Ango getting on his KNEES ???? anon i’m convinced you’re trying to kill me- he would look cute sucking the strap while a couple tears roll down his cheeks. i bet he’d be eager to suck you off, too, despite it being a toy. he just wants to make you happy, so if that means crying on your fake dick then so be it 😇
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dabisdelishuscuhhm · 1 year
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♡♥︎Dabi x black! fem! reader♥︎♡
A/n ♡ Y/n has braids/ locs. Also ur quirk is basically recovery girls quirk. ♡
♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡.
Warnings: boy parts, Dabi has a dick piercing, voyeurism
♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡
° You sat there at the bar, stirring your drink with the straw absentmindedly. You stared into nothingness glossy eyed. The dim yellow light from the single light bulb is illuminating the room around you and falling onto the face of the burnt man sitting next to you.
"What's wrong doll, " Dabi asked, a fuckboy-ish tone laced his words.
"I-I don't know uhhhhmmmm... Maybe y'all fucking kidnapped me and have me using my quirk on you people without my consent? Maybe t-that's what's wrong?" You responded in an uninterested, monotone voice.
"That was 3 weeks ago, you're basically part of the league now, " Dabi laughed, "why would you still be mad about that? Are we that annoying? "
"You are. "
"Aahhhh, " he hissed through his teeth as if in pain and held his chest.
You chuckle a bit and smile, and he smiles back at you. You take a sip out of your fruity drink made by Kurogiri who is now asleep along with the rest of the league. The two of you are all alone.
"Damn, I wish I was that straw, " he snickers, "I want you to suck on me like that. "
"Oh wow, " you roll your eyes.
He watches you finish your drink. His eyes grazing across your figure, your hair and how it falls onto your shoulders and land into your bust. The way your lips wrapped around that straw and the way your eyes dart toward him and go back to staring at nothing as if it didn't happen. His eyes go to your neck and he imagines adorning it with purple hickeys. His mind wonders and he gets lost in thought. Thoughts of doing nasty things to you.
"HEY, " you wave your hand in front of his face, "eyes up here. No boobs. Eyes. No boobs. "
He chuckles and looks you up and down and utters a sentence that prompts you to roll your eyes at him for another time.
"I'll look wherever I want, babe. "
The way those words drip out of his mouth, the smooth darkness of his voice, it makes the tips of your ears tingle and heat rush against your cheeks. Your brown skin has your blush hidden, much to your appreciation.
"I'm going to bed," you announce in a bored tone, trying the best not to show that you were flustered.
"Can I join you? " he responds.
"Stop being a fuck boy Dabi," you say, your back turned towards him as you walk toward your bedroom.
He makes his way to his way to his room too, which was conveniently across from yours. Your doors are directly in front of each other and if you both keep the doors open you would see the other person in bed.
Dabi takes advantage of that fact often. He leaves his door open just a little bit when he has his bitches over. He would bend them over the same way, making sure you got the best angle. He would watch you watching him each time with the same cocky smirk on his face. You would touch yourself through your clothes while he wasn't looking, the embarrassment of the thought him seeing you like that was too much.
You could close your door, but the sheer horniness you feel in those moments pull you back and keep you strapped to the queen sized bed, your eyes glued to the performance before you. You take in all the sounds, imagining yourself in the place of the new person in his bed. Imagining yourself bent over, your face planted into his dark grey bed sheets as he slams into you with his pierced cock. Screaming into the sheets, trying to keep quiet ...just like they do.
Tonight, though, he didn't have anyone over. The rest of the league are asleep, exhausted. A lot of them got hurt earlier in their mission. It was a night of victories for them never the less but they still got badly hurt and with the help of your quirk they're not in the ICU handcuffed to their hospital beds. For some reason though, Dabi didn't get very hurt at all and is still awake.
You get to your room and lazily pushed the door closed. It didn't really work but you didn't care that much. You grab a pair of shorts that were a little too small for you that you stole from Toga and an oversized shirt you assume was Dabi's that you found in the laundry and changed. Then, took a scarf, that was also stolen from Toga,and wrapped your hair with it. You know damn well that Shigaraki won't let you leave, especially if it's just to get your hair done and you are not about to let yourself start looking like a bum for anybody. You climbed into bed and let yourself drift into sleep.
Dabi sat on his bed, his door open. He watched you change. He just can't get enough of you. He had a bit of an interest when Shigaraki first brought you here but that curiosity quickly turned into a slight obsession with you. Your voice alone makes him "tingle". Sometimes he thinks you're teasing him on purpose. The way you look at him, the slightly revealing clothes you wear around him. You fascinate him. The fact that you were a little too calm about being trapped here, it made him curious.
Dabi made a visit to your former residence a few days ago. He entered to your apartment --well, former apartment-- and made his way to your bedroom. He steps onto your tiled floor, the rays of sunlight flowing into your room through the white translucent curtains covering the bedroom window.
His eyes stroll through the room, observing the anime posters on your walls and the PC setup on your desk. Your bed was unmade but wasn't messy. Dabi was kind of disappointed. You had a pretty normal room but his attitude changed when he went in further. He sat onto your bed and lifted your pillow and a smirk pulled at his lips. A small, pink vibrator was tucked under the pillow. He got up and opened the draw in your nightstand and his eyes flew wide open. It was filled with toys. Toys of different shapes, sizes and textures. He couldn't help but let out a little scoff out of pure awe.
"Y/n, you are one horny slut. "
♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡. ♡.
1130 words
*+:。.。 To Be Continued 。.。:+*
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okay hear me out… transmasc jimmy with transmasc reader………
UR FUCKING MIND!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven’t thought a lot abt trans hcs besides jesse but 🥺🥺🥺 transmasc jimmy would be so cute.
jimmy is definitely a whiny sub (or service top) and ik for a fact he sobs when he gets his tdick sucked. absolutely desperate, thrusting his lil cock in your mouth and begging for release while you pump your fingers in and out of his sloppy cunt. ALSO WHAT IF HE WAS A SQUIRTER!!!! goddd i think he would be i can totally see him gushing 😵‍💫
he’d definitely return the favor too i feel like he’d be more into it than you are. so eager to please :3
alsooooo i think as saul he’d be more likely to break out a strap and top but as jimmy he prefers getting his hole filled
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spearxwind · 2 years
Oh, OC questions upon yee!
-If you had to pick one OC to be stuck with on a deserted island, who would it be?
-Which OC would you turn into soup if you had to interact with them for real
-Does Talas ever get clothes custom made since he’s so huge?
-Is Graves ever pissed about being the small one of the group or have they accepted that the others are freaks of nature?
I love this question because all my ocs that could help in that scenario Would Not Help and the ones that wouldnt kill me would be useless to be stuck there. My first instinct was Adri bc he could fly us out of there though, but even with creator immunity id probably have the worst time of my life until he decided enough is enough and left
I know you guys havent seen him but fucking Richard I hate him he sucks and he will go into the witch cauldron someday if i had to interact with him id simply combust into flames
YES absolutely, fast fashion or mass manufacturing isnt a thing in CD, clothes are all locally made and most are made in standard mer sizes (which does mean that a lot of them vary more in sizes and shapes than irl clothes) but he is still freakishly big so more often than not he needs his made to size. Also fun fact, its very common to buy clothes and then have them adjusted to your anatomy, because you might get pants that u like but !!! you need a hole/strap for your tail so you can put them on. Or have clothes otherwise adjusted to ur unique anatomy. So its not super uncommon for tailors to make custom clothes and adjustments for other mers as well.
Sometimes they think its horrific luck that they happened to land a friend group where everyone is a skyscraper but most of the time they take pride in their height because it makes them maneuverable over the other huge guys. Coupled with their absurd speed it just makes Graves the uncatchable rat bastard of the group and theyre happy with it
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fr3aklike-me · 2 years
morning daddy!! i jus woke up <3 how are u? i love ur new theme!!! and omg jsjdjsjd thanks to the anon that called us sweet it made me blush so much 💕💕
you always make me so tingly daddy, it’s nearly embarrassing for me how quickly you make me wet!!! i was looking at the pink rope in that set of toys you reblogged… it looks so pretty and soft daddy. wish you could use it on me, just softly tie me up anyway you want and praise me the entire time. i’m such a sucker for praise jsjdjsbdw it makes me feel so good!!
i re read ur pinned post and saw you are into somno as well, so am i!! i don’t know ur limits with it or anything but would you be able to tell me what you’d be comfortable doing to me with somno? i hope that makes sense daddy <333
good morning, princess <3 how did you sleep? I'm good, just watching some YouTube videos! Friday is usually the day I let myself take a break from school work, so I can relax. omg, it made you blush? that is so, so cute. I felt so flattered too, hehe
not embarrassing at all, pretty girl. the fact that I get you wet quickly only makes me feel so turned on, as well. I find that so cute. like, shit, I'd love to sit in between your legs, having them spread out, kissing your inner thighs, whispering everything I want to do to you, and watching you get wet before I press my mouth to your pussy. I could totally do it as you're tied up too. it does look very pretty, sweetheart, and I know you’d look beautiful spread out for me, tugging against the rope and whining, while I breath on your pussy, blow hot air, not yet kissing the wetness. hehe, and I'm a sucker for praising you, baby <3
yes, I am! so, I've never done somno, but in regards to speaking about it, I’ve been comfortable with a few things. like, using a strap when asleep, eating out when asleep (I've always had a fantasy of lightly touching and licking and kissing someone’s pussy when they’re asleep till they wake up with my face buried between their thighs), even grinding on thighs when asleep. or also, lighter touches like neck kissing or nipple sucking when asleep. I hope that’s what you meant, pretty girl -- and you did make sense, thank you so, so much for asking me about it. what about you? what are your comfort levels w somno? and what other kinks in my list do you really like, if that’s okay to ask?
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elysianslove · 3 years
WHAT JJK CHARACTERS WHO ARE INTO THRREESOME AND WHO NOT? also hope ur having a nice day ily <3
AHHH I SAID I LOVE THESE ASKS AND YOU GUYS DELIVEREDD. i love you more anon, and have a lovely day, mwah <3
i tried to make this as inclusive as possible!!!
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gojō satoru
you already knowww. he does it for the flamboyance, for the bragging rights, for the attention, just to say that he did it. there is not one singular motive here. he wants to show himself off, wants to show you off, wants to show off how good he makes you feel, all of it. and gojō’s very secure in himself and in his relationship with you, so he’s not worried about anything really. he doesn’t have a preference over gender either, he’s open to all. hell, ask him to have a gang bang and he will. 
his favorite positions (not that he wouldn’t be open to others)
m x m x f/m x m x m; he loves to be fucking you while you suck the other guy off, because he knows he can fuck you so good to the point that you stop sucking the other guy’s dick. he wants to show him that his presence is not really necessary, that he should be somewhat grateful he’s even here to begin with. he wants to fuck you so stupid that you’re barely giving any attention to the other guy, mostly just losing yourself in how well gojō’s fucking you, how good he’s making you feel. 
m x m x f; uses the threesome as an excuse to try anal. he loves to making you ride the other guy while he stretches then fucks your ass. he knows it’s good, knows how full you must feel, how overwhelmed you must be. it’s just very appealing to him.
m x f x f; loves to make you sit on the other girl’s face while he fucks her. something about making you jealous and teasing you by giving you the bare minimum, because he knows she can barely pay attention to you. it’s okay though, he always ends up making her watch while he fucks you so much better. 
itadori yuuji
with yuuji, it’s more ‘sure, let’s try it! :D.’ yes, he’s dreamt about stuffing his face in so much titty, because of course he has, but it’s more of a fantasy with him, you know? he doesn’t actively seek it, but if you suggest it, he’s 100% on board. he does it for the experience, for the pleasure, for the horny <3 and generally, yuuji doesn’t care about gender, but he’s a hormonal teen, so you know, titties. he wants to be surrounded by hot women all around. but genuinely, he doesn’t mind, and he’s comfortable with all. 
his favorite positions (not that he wouldn’t be open to others) 
m x m x f/m x m x m; he really wants to watch someone else fuck you while you suck him off. like the image of you getting fucked, especially from the back, your hips raised and your ass in the air as you take him down your throat is just so, so beautiful to him. and when you moan around him!!! or when you cum so hard but he keeps you down!!! like this is a once in a lifetime thing, might as well take advantage 
m x f x f; please, either one of you ride him, and the other sits on his face. he will be in heaven. like suffocate him with your thighs while the other girl stuffs herself with his cock, or the other way around, he doesn’t mind, anything. 
getō suguru
he’s also very into the idea of overwhelming you. like he can do that plenty on his own, but with someone else there, you’re even more easily overstimulated and sensitive. he also wants to use it as a reminder that he’s really the only one that could ever come close to fucking you the way you want, the way you need. he’s the only one that could ever make you feel as good as you could ever imagine, and having someone else pleasure or fuck you easily reminds you of this. 
his favorite positions (he honestly wouldn’t be very open to others)
m x m x f/m x m x m; he’s doing the fucking, doesn’t matter what the other guy’s doing. he just needs to be the one fucking you. whether the other guy wants to watch, wants you to suck him off, wants to fuck your throat, to fuck your breasts (if you’re fem), to simply jerk off before you, he literally doesn’t care. he just wants to be the one fucking you, to assert his dominance or whatever it is. sometimes though, he’ll let the other guy fuck you, and just. watch. observe. criticize. he’ll be sitting on the side, a drink in hand, legs spread and a very obvious tent in his pants as the guy fucks you, cocking his head to the side, a stoic expression on his face as he watches you moan and writhe for the other guy. kinda sexy if i say so myself. 
m x f x f; he fucks the other girl and makes you watch. but he keeps you restrained, tied to a chair with some toy like a vibrator on the lowest setting or something of the sort to keep you frustrated. he just likes to mess with you, likes to tease you, loves to rile you up. 
it’s a gang bang or nothing with him. that’s it. i won’t elaborate. 
todo aoi
if he’s doing all the work, then yes, absolutely. not that i don’t think todo needs to get dominated and controlled, because imagine? but for him, i think he doesn’t really consider it, but then you put it in his head and he won’t let up until you agree to do it. i actually don’t think he’ll care for gender, even if canonically says his ideal partner. he doesn’t actually care. 
his favorite positions (no other option, sorry)
m x m x f/m x m x m/m x f x f; fucking you, and fingering the other person. or fucking the other person and fingering you. or fucking you and eating out the other person, or— you get it. he just wants to be in control of all your pleasures, you know? 
nobara kugisaki
okay initially i thought she wouldn’t cause she’d want things private, but if it were with someone she knows personally and trusts, she wouldn’t mind a threesome. that’s her exception, you know? and with nobara, she’s definitely a pillow princess and needs to be used and fucked out properly, but also, she has this need to control? especially if it’s a guy. so the dynamic is not 100% set, it’s just whatever ends up happening happens.
her preferred positions (she is very open to others though)
m x m x f; so like i said, dynamic isn’t 100% set. it could be that she’s being used, completely, just laying on her back, her legs spread open for you as you fuck her and her back arched so that the other guy can sink into her mouth, fucking her throat. but it could also be that she’s the one in complete control of both yours and the other guy’s pleasures. she’s riding him as she fists at your cock, or the other way around, or someone’s in her mouth, but she’s taking her time and setting the pace. 
m x f x f (fem!s/o); she’d love to have you eat her out while the guy fucks you, just watching your face twist with pleasure as you moan and stuff your face against her cunt. beautiful. 
f x m x f (male!s/o); oh my god she’d love it if you fucked the girl, but she’s laying beneath her, making out with her and rubbing at her clit. maybe even that you fuck the girl’s ass while she fingers her cunt. it’s just a very, very arousing image for her. 
f x f x f; literally anything. the three of you could sit and masturbate by each other and she’d be satisfied. loves to scissor either you or the other girl, while someone sits on her face, or watching you and the other girl scissor while she sits on someone’s face. or someone between her legs on their knees, and that person sits on someone else’s face. and if a strap is involved,,, she’s definitely getting fucked one way or another. 
inumaki toge
honestly, with inumaki, he’s not into it, but he’s also not not into it. maybe it’s the same with nobara, where he’d prefer someone he knows, but like he’s been considering it, he just hasn’t decided if he’d like to or not. i don’t doubt that inumaki is a kinky little shit deep down and privately, but you know, with his partner. he’s rocky on that threesome stuff, but he’s working on it, just cause the thought does arouse him. especially the thought of you getting fucked while he uses your throat, but ,,, we’ll see, as he says. 
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fushiguro megumi
absolutely not. i don’t think y’all realize just how possessive megumi would get over you if you were his significant other. it’d either really upset him if you invite another person over, cause he’d just assume that he wasn’t enough for you, or, way better than that, he gets insanely jealous and fucks you so good all while degrading you about how desperate you are for another person to fuck you, or guilting you about wanting another and making you completely forget you’d ever considered it. 
(maybe if you invite itadori or nobara he’ll consider it)
ryomen sukuna 
why would you want another person when he’s got two cocks himself??? sjdgskds ok but he would properly angry at you if you suggested it. only try to if you’re insane and/or you have a death wish. he’s extremely, extremely, possessive of you. why would you need someone else?? does he not fuck you well enough??? do you need to be fucked as a reminder??? he can do that. he will do that. 
zenin maki 
inviting another person just makes her uncomfortable. also makes her extremely jealous. another very possessive person. you’re hers and she’s yours, isn’t that more than enough? and if you really wanna be overstimulated, you could’ve just said so,,, 
nanami kentō
he’s a firm believer that something as intimate as sex should be kept private, of course. and he doesn’t like the fact that you think you need another person in the bedroom to be pleasured. but yeah, he doesn’t find the thought of inviting another person appealing or arousing in any way, and doesn’t understand why you would either. you’re more than enough for him, is it not the same the other way around? 
fushiguro toji
he will laugh in your face. lol. rip </3 don’t come at him with that, what do you want a threesome for? a fuck from him is worth a thousand from others <3 
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
god that was sooo fugging juicy;; my brains seggsy? what about urs??
feeling generous so also consider miwa being introduced to toys out of utahime’s private collection. taking delight in explaining each and every one of them, her shy but very curious questions falling from kissed swollen lips. there is so much to learn and she is so very eager! what an unknown world that has opened in front of her now! so slowly reader and utahime coax her to be bolder, more confident and beckon her to me as insatiable as she wishes to be, exploring any kink she is curious about so she can just become as good as a gal pal as utahime and reader! to make them proud!
i highkey feel like miwa would be into (semi) public stuff- the idea of people watching her or catching her really turns her on courtesy of the first time she caught reader and utahime together (and maybe that becomes a regular thing too, utahime and reader always know that miwa is there, she is not exqctly subtle but only sometimes do they call her out to join them directly)
but i rant. women go brrr. i have so many juicy thoughts about em u have no idea
enjoy your day as usual!
your always so sexy and generous too me babe 🥺 feeding my gay little soul so well ;;o;;
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cw: fem!Reader, wlw smut, heavy on the corruption kink, toy usage, voyeurism, exhibitionism, smuttiness askbox is open
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utter corruption and tainting of Miwa's cute little clueless mind starts in the classroom.
from the moment she catches her two favorite teachers going at it. To the slough of questions she has afterwards as she's pressed against Utahime's breast and hushed for asking too many questions and not sucking on her tits enough. Miwa is just so excited to finally be apart of "gal time" that she doesn't question anything you two tell her to do! In fact, she ends up being the one asking all the question and it comes to life that you and Utahime have quiet the little closeted freak on your hands...
encouraged to masturbate up at the front of class. On your desk of all things. With her leg spread wide towards the door. Sure you and Utahime are standing in front of her, a passerby couldn't see her unless they stopped and looked closer. But as she feverishly rubs her swollen little clit in front of the both of you. Oozing her juices down on your desk. Utahime clicking her tongue and telling her that she'll have to clean it up afterwards if she's going to be so messy. But it's alright she's so fucked out of her mind when her orgasm ripples through her body and you and Utahime get the pleasure of watching your star student cum all over her own fingers on top of your desk. Just to follow that up with her tongue lapping at her cold juices on the desk top. Bent over still so soaked. Utahime commenting about how disappointing it is that she's cumming around nothing. Only for Miwa to snap back to it how she wants more. And does she get more...
fucking herself on a toy you both agree on. Suctioned to the counter and the two of you groping the perky young sorcerer. Utahime and yourself lavishing her tits in your tongues as the two of you spread her legs nice and far. So you can watch the veiny toy bulge in her stomach each time Miwa takes too much of it. Haven't really taught her yet to slow down bc she's just so eager ♡
the toys simply don't stop at what she can do to herself. Oh no. Not when she sat there naked and patiently as she watched you fuck Utahime. Just to nearly cum from grinding her legs together when she watched Utahime cum on your strap, switch and then see you cum on the very toy you were just fucking her teacher with. That moment on Miwa becomes obessed with the wear able toys.
determined to have you both and be the best gal pal there is. She's pushing herself on the biggest toys she can. Gushing over their silicone sides. Cumming untouched simply by fucking herself. So when the time comes and you and Utahime are pinning her between your bodes, Miwa is more than ready to take you both
stuffing both her holes full of only the best toys. Bonus if they vibrate. Bc the way Utahime snickers and cranks the setting up to the highest one. Watching Miwa sob and shake on your straps. Cumming one right after the other and clenching around your toys. Doesn't matter who's in what hole. Bc by the end of it Miwa is sandwhiched between the two of you stuffed full of your straps and drooling on someone's chest bc she passed out about three orgasms ago. But a good gal pal keeps going and that's just what she lets you do. Cute lil Miwa is the best gal pal while she lets you and Utahime use her like a pretty cock sleeve for your straps to be buried in until she chokes on her sobs ♡
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miss-smutty · 3 years
hii i just discovered ur blog and whew wow- tumblr is severely lacking some daddy hemsworth fics so tyyy
idk if your taking requests rn but could i please request something with thor or chris where he’s had a rough day at work or something and is very angry so he’s really rough in bed with you that evening and you love it! also could it include lots of dom!thor/chris and dirty talk bc that’s my weakness
tyyy if u do this sorry if it was too detailed idk ive never sent a request lol but ty hunny <3
So first of all thank you @mysticbonkoperavoid , I'm so glad you like my fics ❤️
And secondly thank you so much for your amazing request, I literally got lost in this filth 🥵🥵 I hope you like it 😘
A/N- This is just pure filth, so consider yourself warned 😂🥵🥵 strictly 18+ only. Dom!Thor literally had me ✨ clenching ✨
Summary- Thor's had a tough day and nothing you do is helping until you let him take out his frustration on you and become his little slut.
Word count- 3,243 of pure filth
Pairing- Thor x reader
Warnings- Smut, filth, dirty talk, rough sex, swearing
18+ only!!!
Taglist-: @innerpaperexpertcloud
Posted: 22nd Feb 2021
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⚡A Push Too Far ⚡
Thor had come home from a mission in a foul mood, you'd tried everything to cheer him up. You'd made him his favourite snack, put on his favourite show and even massaged his big, worn out feet. Nothing was working and you were exhausted with the effort. You selfishly couldn't stand the negative atmosphere and just wanted to know how to make him feel better. If he wouldn't tell you what was wrong how could you help? You were so used to him being overly enthusiastic about everything and hated when he was in one of these moods. Something pretty bad must've happened to dampen his mood this much.
"Just tell me what's wrong and I can help" You huff.
"Will you please just forget it? I don't want to talk about it" Thor said, pushing you off gently when you try to touch him. 
"I want to know what's happened to put you in such a sulky mood." You said teasing him, trying to get his attention. If you couldn't get him to talk to you then you would just have to help him take his frustration out in the best way he knows how.
"Please Y/N, stop talking about it" He says exasperated, you're pushing the last of his nerves and you know it. It's exactly what you want, you know what he's capable of when he's angry.
"Make me." You say, seeing the switch in his eyes as his jaw clenched tightly, the muscles in his neck straining against the skin. You backed away from him slowly, knowing all too well what was coming.
The ground shook around you as bolts of lightning flew from Thor and his eyes glowed brightly making you shield your own eyes from the sudden glare. Immediately knowing you'd pushed him too far. You were frightened but more than that you were massively turned on, your pussy clenching with ferocity. You knew he'd never hurt you, well never more than you could handle but still, angry Thor was a feast for the eyes. Delicious.
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"You better shut that pretty little mouth of yours before I put it to work" He bellowed, his eyes still glowing and his jaw clenched together tightly.
"Is that a promise?" You say under your breath, watching Thor through your eyelashes as he towered over you.
"On your knees" He commanded, with the power of a God, making you weak as his voice rebounded from the walls of the large, almost empty room with a dramatically high ceiling. 
"But..." You start before he cuts you off.
"Did I stutter? do as you're told" He urged, looking down at your petite frame before him. His powerful demeanor making you do exactly as you were told. Looking up at him with innocent eyes as you knelt on the hard, wooden floor.
He circled around you, like a wolf and his prey, taking in the sight of you kneeling like a victim. Purposefully not touching you, the anticipation of when he would strike making you hold your breath. Your panties are already soaking wet and the buldge in his pants is straining against his trousers.
Thor moves to stand in front of you, his legs planted a foot width apart while he gazes down at you, a slow, wicked smile appearing on his lips. Tortuously, slowly unzipping his trousers and pulling out his lofty length, gripping it firmly with his two hands.
"I think that pretty little face deserves to be fucked" oh fuck, Thor, now you're talking. Now was your turn to smile devishly at Thor, ready and waiting for him to feed your slutty little mouth with his fat cock.
He disappears behind you, you try to turn around to follow him with your eyes but he grabs your hair, pulling you back. It made you ache but not your head, it made your pussy ache. 
"Don't move" He whispers into your ear, still pulling your hair back so you're looking up at him. Pulling a hair tie from his wrist and wrapping it around your hair at the nape of your neck. Wait a minute, where did he get that from? It dawns on you that he's had this planned since the minute he'd got home, the only way he knows how to take his frustration out. Probably knowing you wouldn't be able to take his silent treatment and push him too far in the end anyway. Oh you sneaky man, Thor. 
It feels like a painstakingly long time before he's finally back in front of you, his trousers and boxers now discarded on the floor behind you. Taking in the sight of his thick, muscly thighs and his long, thick cock have you licking your pouty lips. You want to reach up and pull his t-shirt off too but he grabs hold of your wrists as they snake their way up his torso. 
"Ah ah ah, are you going to be good? or am I going to have to tie you up?” He asks in a gruff tone making you put out your bottom lip as you sit back on to your ankles. Your knees beginning to ache from the hard floorboards.
"Does it hurt?" He asks, watching you whince with a satisfied look on his face "Do you want a cushion?" He says in a teasing voice while you nod your head with pleading eyes.
"What do you say?" Bending to pick up the cushion from the couch and holding it out of arms reach, smiling sinfully.
"Please" You say sweetly, more than happy to play his game. Your whole body aching with need. At last he pulls his t-shirt over his head, his biceps flexing as he does, your heart racing at the sight of his ravishing nakedness. That perfect body is all yours.
"Strip" he says seductively looking you up and down, throwing the cushion on the floor by your knees and pulling you up and against his rock hard cock. A squeel emits from your mouth, his hands gripping your cheeks firmly.
You look at him for a second, dumbfounded. You're used to him taking the lead and ripping your clothes off in a heated frenzy, this is new.
Elated with the fact he's allowing you to give him a show for once, you drape the straps of your dress over your shoulder, pushing him down on the couch with a hard shove to the chest. Watching that slow smile spread on his lips and his cock bounce, satisfyingly, with the impact.
Pulling the dress down to your feet and stepping out of it, standing proudly in your lacey underwear. Cocking your eyebrow at him as you hook your thumbs into the side of your panties, pulling them down a fraction. You stop to move closer to him, reaching your hands out to touch his bare skin.
"No touching or I swear I'll tie your hands" He says nonchalantly, his eyes hungry with lust, you pout at him, disappointed you can't touch him.
He watches you intensely as you finish taking off your panties and bra, holding in a giggle when you throw them at him and they hit him square in the face.
"You smell, delicious" He surprises you when he licks his lips, no hint of a smile on his face just that deep intense glare of a predator. The word 'delicious' rolls of his tongue, delectably. The way he stares into your soul, taking in every inch of your nude body, makes your stomach clench, your pussy dripping with arousal.
"Now back on your knees" He says, standing back Infront of you, his cock eye level.
Grabbing your ponytail with one hand and guiding his cock to your mouth with his other. You open your mouth instinctively, widely, like the good little slut you are.
Thor takes no prisoners and rams his cock deep into your mouth, making you gag instantly. Your lips wrap around his cock, the length and thickness filling you up. He yanks your hair backwards so your looking into his eyes while he slams his cock in and out of your mouth.
"Look me in the eyes while you take my cock" oh for the love of God... and Thunder. your pussy is dripping, aching for it. "Good girl" 
He pushes your head down on his cock, as far as you can go. You can feel the tip hitting your tonsils and the shaft throbbing in your mouth. You're gagging, spit dribbling down your chin in a disgusting manner. Your eyes brimming with tears as he rams his cock to the back of your throat. 
"Choke on it" he groans, his head hanging back. You feel the confidence to reach out and cup his balls, knowing he wouldn't chastise you when he's too consumed in the ecstasy of your lips and tongue wrapping around his cock.
"Is that better? Are you satisfied now you've got my full attention?" He looks down at you, a deep hunger in his eyes. You were nowhere near satisfied yet, not until you felt his cock stretching your walls but you couldn't tell him that, he'd just tease you for even longer.
"Mmm" you mumble around the length of his dick.
"Don't talk with your mouth full" he scolds huskily, his voice filled with lust.
You hold onto his firm cheeks while you suck his dick, letting your tongue do the work, running over the full length and teasing the tip. Sucking on the tip, hard, while you grip the base with your hand. You can feel his cock throbbing in your mouth, amazed with how hard he is. You know he's struggling with restraining himself, just as much as you, he'll just never admit it. 
Thor lets out a deep growl, thrusting his dick into your mouth one last time before sharply pulling out with a pop. You were actually upset he'd stopped you, you were enjoying sucking his fat dick. He pulls you up to stand before grabbing your cheeks in his hands and lifting you up, wrapping your legs around him.
You want to kiss him so bad. You hang on to him as he pushes you back against the wall, hard enough to leave a bruise. The feel of his cock thrusting against you has you mewling as he bites hard on your neck. Shivers travel through your entire body, finally feeling his lips against your skin and the thrill of his teeth biting against your neck. The fine line between pain and pleasure being well and truly explored.
You're lost in the feel of his teeth against your skin and muscle, moaning loudly, you barely notice when he sets your feet back onto the ground. Sucking loudly on your neck, your head hanging to the side giving yourself to him freely.
"Im gunna leave marks all over your skin so everybody knows you're mine." He says breathlessly against your skin, his breathe tickling your neck making your hair stand on end, your pussy clenching, agonisingly.
Thor pushes his forearm against your throat so you're locked in between him and the wall, no where to go. Staring into your eyes, making you blush as he pushes two fingers into your mouth without warning.
"Suck" he commands, his voice gruff and deep, oozing authority. You know his fingers are going to delve into you and you can't wait, sucking eagerly on his legthy, stocky fingers.
Before you have time to draw breath, he thrusts his fingers into your opening. Immediately curling them around to find your G-spot. Satisfaction plastered on his face when he hears your moaning, knowing he's got you right where he wants you. 
"You love this, don’t you? Let me hear how much you love it.” He whispers into your ear, his arm still pushing against your throat. You can barely take anymore, his sultry words and his thick fingers making your head spin. Nothing else in the world matters right at this moment, he fills you with narcotic desire. Like a drug to you, you can't get enough, always wondering when you'll get your next fix. If you could get away with making him lose his temper on a daily basis, just so could feel this amount of pleasure, you would.
You moan for him obscenely, you're eyes pooling with desire and hunger. His fingers repeatedly hitting your spot, harshly, bringing you over the edge. Your mouth hangs open, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your pussy clenches around his fingers.
"Does that feel good" he asks captivatingly, holding is arm against your throat and fucking you with his fingers.
"Amazing" You say breathless, the huskiness of your voice surprising you. His face is so close to yours and your senses so hightened that his masculine scent hits your nostrils. His otherworldly fragrance. The smell you long for on those long nights he's away. It hits you and you're consumed by it, your legs starting to shake as your mind loses control. The orgasm rushing from your core.
Then it's gone, just like that. You open your eyes, noticing they're about to burst with tears. You were so close!
"I don't care how good it feels, don't you dare come yet" he says venomously, you honestly feel like your about to start crying. The build up was so intense and then it was just gone and you still feel that deep need. Thor is looking pleased with himself and if you weren't so turned on by the look on his face, you would've slapped him straight across it. Cocky shit! 
You were about to protest, but he saved you from the punishment when he stuck his fingers into your mouth again. Your slickness coated all over them.
"Now see how good you taste, how wet I make you" you looked him in the eyes resentfully and for just a moment you saw his eyes soften. Only a moment before they're filled with fire once more and he's pulling you to the bedroom across the room. Still fighting the urge to finally have his way with you, taking his precious time to tease you beyond your limits. To show you who's the boss around here. As if you ever had any doubts.
Throwing you onto the bed and pushing your knees open with force. You can feel your pussy throbbing with anticipation knowing it's not long until he finally gives you what you've been craving from the start.
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Thor effortlessly clamps both of your wrists above your head in a vice like grip with his big, manly hands, leaving you writhing, like his prey, on the bed below him. You breathe a sigh of relief when he finally reaches down to kiss your lips, biting on your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.
"Keep your hands here" Emphasising 'here' with a squeeze of your wrists. You try to stay perfectly still while he moves down your body, straining your neck to watch what he does next.
“What a perfect sight, you, all spread out for me to do whatever I want to” he says, positioning himself in-between your legs. Seeing you in all your glory, your pussy dripping wet making him lick his lips.
You gasp when his lips latch on to your inner thigh, so sensitive to his touch. Biting and sucking all the way down each thigh, your going to be covered in hickies come tomorrow morning. You know that's his plan, he loves to see the remnants of the night befores dirty sessions. Even if no one else can see them, he knows they're there, a reminder that you're his.
"Just marking my territory" he reminds you, confirming your suspicions.
"I know exactly what you're doing" you say through gritted teeth, the pain and pleasure unbearable.
"Let’s find out how much you can take before you're begging me for my cock.”
All you can do is nod your head while you bite down on your bottom lip, afraid how shaky your voice will be if you try to speak. 
The sudden slap to your pussy makes you shout out, completely unexpected but hot as fuck all the same, sending shockwaves throughout your whole body.
"You like that?" He slaps you again, hitting your clit with his fingertips and making you convulse uncontrollably. You can see the restraint on Thor's face, the vein protruding from his neck and the tightness in his jaw are the tell tale signs. You know he's about to burst.
"I love to see you squirm now I want to hear you moan" he grabs onto your hips and turns you over, pulling you on to your knees. His movements getting sloppy and desperate now, the lust taking over him.
You inhale as Thor presses the tip of his cock to your opening, brushing it up and down and gathering your wetness. Your legs threaten to give way as he teases you with his cock, you can't stop yourself from pushing yourself back onto him.
"Do you think you deserve my cock?" his voice was heavy with desire. 
"Yes, Thor... Please" you plead, more than worthy after the torture he's put you through.
Thor eases himself in gradually, while you push yourself backwards, no more patience left in you. Holding on to your hips and exhaling, the satisfaction of finally feeling your walls clamping around him. You whince as he slams himself into you with full force, his balls slapping against you. The sounds of sex filling your ears in a glorious way.
"You won't... be able... to walk... after I'm done... with you" he says between every thrust, knocking you forward with every slam. Your orgasm is building already, you can feel your walls tightening, trying to push him out as he holds on to your hips relentlessly.
He grips hold of your ponytail, yanking it backwards, so your head is as far back as it can go, your neck straining. He squats above you, dipping his dick into you, so deep you can feel it in your stomach. This position is fucking everything, he knows you're about to come and sends a slight electrical charge straight through your core just as you release around him. It feels fucking amazing! 
Thor reaches forward and hooks his finger into your mouth, pulling your cheek back as he continually pounds into you. Orgasm after orgasm gushing all over his cock, dribbling out of your aching pussy until you're kneeling in a puddle of your arousal. Your screaming his name, your pussy throbbing, squeezing against his cock. You know he's struggling to restrain when he inhales sharply.
"Dirty fucking slut" he says venomously.
"You fucking love it don't you?" His voice is breathless and deep, you can't take much more. The power of your come is pushing him out, making you ridiculously tight. You can feel his cock twinging as his powerful come shoots into you, he roars so loudly the bed shakes around you. You finally collapse into the bed head first, your knees giving way as he rests against you with his cock still inside of you, twitching and convulsing.
"Are you ok, baby?" Thor asks sweetly, his frustration finally dissipated, rubbing your ass cheeks tenderly.
"More than ok" you say breathless and tired, rolling over onto your back underneath him and pulling him down on to you.
Finally his lips are on yours, passionately, forcing your mouth open and stroking your tongue with his. Kissing you like his life depended on it, making up for the hours spent without the feel of your lips on his. A deep feeling of satisfaction washed over you, he's yours and you're his and you can fuck like animals but still collapse into each other arms lovingly afterwards.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" You tease, making him laugh a great big belly laugh as he pulls you over on top of him.
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I Remember (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
Request: uM hi saw ur request post while i was scrolling through malcolm bright x reader tag lol so may i request an x reader w malcolm where reader's gil's niece or smth so she and mal know each other before he joined the team- and one day where mal was being a dumbass and reader was told to drive mal home and when she was securing his restraints he jokingly asked her to sing to him aNd she did sing and fell asleep on the bed by opposite mal aND he got a good amount of sleep like no night terrors and next day he accidentally slipped that reader ''slept'' w him and gils just like excuse me wtf?? Djkdkdlsjsjs idk i got this idea when i was staring at the ceiling at 4 am instead of doing my essays that were due in the morningxD sorry its p long. Thanks and have a good day/night (by @iwillboilyourteeth), [Prodigal Son-Masterlist]
Summary: Malcolm got hurt again. What a surprise. And, as always, you were right there to take care of him. Tonight, though, things took a turn. For the better or for the worse? Only the future would tell.
Words: 2,142
Warnings: language, love me some sarcasm, fluff, so much fluff, I love writing for Prodigal Son (keep the requests coming)
Song used: “I Remember” by Jason Manns
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
You were sitting in your apartment when your phone started ringing loudly, interrupting your movie marathon. Sighing exaggeratedly, you checked who decided to annoy you at this time. It was not too late but you liked your alone time a lot. Gil. Oh no. That could never be good.
“Uncle Gil. I hope whatever you’re about to tell me is more important than Harry Potter.” pausing the movie you were currently watching, you did not even give him enough time to greet you. A loud sigh could be heard over the phone. One, that made you laugh.
“(Y/N).” his voice was stern & you knew better than to mess with him. Yet, you could not help yourself.
“Yeah, that’s me. You called me, after all.” joking to ease the tension, your giggling was cut short by his next words.
“Malcolm is a dumbass.”
“What a revelation.”
“He’s hurt.” Gil stated. Throwing your head back in frustration, you knew he only called you if he knew it was not too bad. But bad enough to need your help. “I need you to come get him.” it was not even a question, more like an order. Immediately, you grabbed the stuff you needed & headed out of your apartment towards your car.
“Can I yell at him for being reckless?” opening the door, you got inside but before you started the engine, you waited for the call to end. Could not risk getting youself hurt. Malcolm was the stupid one, not you.
“I already did that but I’m sure he’ll appreciate to hear it again.”
“Drive safe.” Gil noted.
“See you in ten.” & with that you drove to the precinct where he would most likely wait for you.
Growing up, you spent a lot of time at Gil’s. Malcolm was there almost always, so you got to meet each other pretty early on. Deep down, you cared for him. More than you should care for a friend. And because of him being a profiler, you were sure he picked up on that as well. Malcolm was just nice enough to not comment on it. Besides, he would tell you that he was too broken anyway. The thing was that it never scared you away. It did the exact opposite, actually. It only made you want him more.
Did you ignore almost every speed limit? Possibly. Your knuckles were white because you had gripped the steering wheel so tightly. One of these days, you would kill Malcolm. He kept getting himself hurt & you were tired of being the one to drive him home afterwards. Of course, you knew Gil only called you because Malcolm trusted you enough but that did not change the fact that you were exhausted.
“What happened?” approaching Gil, your eyes looked around for a sign of Malcolm. “And where the hell is he?”
“Bathroom.” his finger pointed over. “He didn’t call backup & thought dealing with it alone would turn out fine.” Gil was, you could tell, almost as tired as you. Not only of Malcolm acting recklessly but also because of a long day at work.
“What a surprise.” your sarcasm got the best of you. But it helped you coping with your feelings sometimes. “Uncle Gil?” his head snapped up when you said his name.
“Go home & get some sleep. I got it from here, promise.” your sweet smile was convincing enough & with a nod, he turned around & walked away.
“(Y/N)?” Malcolm noticed you when he walked out of the bathroom. His face was covered in bruised & by the way he was limping, you were sure that his entire body had to be sore. “Where’s Gil?”
“I sent him home.” shrugging as if it were nothing, you gave Malcolm a look. He knew what it meant but apparently, he wanted to play dumb.
“What?” his head tilted slightly & if it were not for his damn puppy eyes & for the fact that he was hurt, you would be the cause of his bruises. Not quite literally but still. Rolling your eyes at him, you crossed your arms over your chest.
“You’re stupid, I hope you know that.”
“I do, but we caught the killer, so it was worth it.” he casually stated.
“Is it really worth risking your life, Mal?” shaking your head shortly, you were not in the mood to discuss this any further. A simple gesture of your hand was enough to show him that you wanted to get going. “Come on, I’m gonna bring you home.”
“You’re mad.” Malcolm noted when the both of you walked outside back to your car. Sighing loudly, you stopped for a brief moment.
“Yes. I’m mad because I can’t even count how many times we’ve been in this exact situation anymore. And it sucks. Because every single time Gil calls me, I think he’ll tell me that you didn’t make it out like you always do.” Malcolm’s eyes widened when you explained how you were feeling. Your body brushing past his made him turn around & follow you without another word. It was silent between you two until you arrived inside Malcolm’s apartment.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).” he spoke up, his voice much softer now. When you saw him struggling to pull off his coat, you walked over to him to help him out.
“You don’t owe me an apology, Mal.” your back faced him when you went to put his jacket away.
“I do. You always take care of me when shit like that happens. And I wanted you to know that I don’t take that for granted. If I were you, I would’ve stopped caring a long time ago.”
“You know as much as I do that this won’t ever happen.” & it was true. Malcolm could mess up over & over again. Could get himself hurt & all that. But you would always be here to catch him, no matter what.
“I don’t deserve you.” his eyes bore into yours & by the look he gave you, you knew he was not talking about you taking care of him when he was hurt. He was referring to you as a person. Basically, he wanted to make you understand that he was not worthy of your love. Which was bullshit to you.
“You deserve so much & it hurts that you don’t see it.” the conversation dropped for the time being. Navigating your way through his apartment, you looked for something he could wear to bed. Soon enough, you found something suitable & when you walked back into the room ,you found Malcolm already sitting on his bed, head hanging low. He stopped you when he noticed your hands grabbing the shirt he was wearing. Sending him a confused look, your eyebrows raised in question.
“I think I can handle it from here on.” taking the clothes from you, he went to strip himself out of his workwear. Surprisingly, he could not move his body enough to achieve anything.
“Yeah, I can see that. Come on, don’t act like that, Malcolm.” it was not the first time you had helped him undressing. As mentioned earlier, the two of you had been in this situation too many times to count.
It did not take long & he was wearing comfortable clothes. After asking if he needed anything else, you went straight to his restraints & helped strapping him in. It amazed Malcolm how you were not weirded out by the fact that he had to be held down in order to have at least a few hours of sleep.
“(Y/N)?” his voice was barely above a whisper but your humming let him know that you heard him. “Can you sing something for me?” it was meant to be a joke, he simply wanted to ease the tension between you guys. Thinking about it for a second, you came to the conclusion that it would not hurt to do that. Maybe it would help him fall asleep? Malcolm eyes widened when you actually started singing quietly. It was soothing & he closed his eyes to focus solely on your voice.
Hey you, when I saw you walk in there
And I couldn’t help but stare
At the way you move your hands
‘Cause it’s the little things you do that drive me crazy
And now, let’s forget about the crowd
And just concentrate on us
So that you can know what I want you to know
 I remember how it started
You had everything I wanted
I was helpless to resist
But I didn’t want to
 Only if you would hold me tight
As we talked all through the night
About those things you won’t tell no one else
I know that we’ve got long ways to go
But I want you to know
That I’ll be there till the end, so don’t you worry
 I remember how it started
You had everything I wanted
I was helpless to resist
But I didn’t want to
‘Cause I fell in love with you-ou-ou
 After you finished, Malcolm still had his eyes closed, he just laid there for a while, recalling the words of the song. He knew what you were trying to tell him but if he had to be honest, he was scared. If the two of you were to try something, he thought you would leave him the moment you realized his demons were too much for someone to handle. Malcolm did not hear you leave his apartment, neither did he feel a movement. Opening his eyes slowly, he found you sound asleep right next to him. Your peaceful form made him smile brightly. Contemplating if he should wake you up, he decided against it in the end. Deep down, he knew you would not judge him he if he had a night terror next to you. And if he were honest, having you with him made him incredibly calm. That night, he fell asleep almost immediately, without any nightmares invading his dreams. The reason for it was you. Only you.
Malcolm woke up early the next morning. Work called. Okay, maybe Gild had told him to take a few days off but everyone who knew Malcolm, knew that he did not listen to such orders. Or any orders, in general. You were still asleep when he loosened his restraints. He left you a note behind before leaving his apartment for work.
“Didn’t I tell you to stay at home?” Gil questioned the second Malcolm entered the office where the rest of the team was already up & working.
“You did but I’m fine.” Gil rolled his eyes at his words. Usually, whenever Malcolm insisted on being fine, he was everything but. Examining his face closer, Gil was shocked to see him so…well rested?
“Wait. How much did you sleep last night? You look unusually awake.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s because I slept with (Y/N) last night.” Malcolm spoke casually & went to examine the pictures that were displayed on the table in the middle of the room. Gil’s eyebrows raised at that. Dani only sent him a weird look & JT almost choked on his coffee at Malcolm’s confession. There were some things he did not want to know & his love life was one of it.
“Excuse me, what now?” Gil was the first one to press the topic further. Everyone knew how protective he could get when it came to you, his niece. When Malcolm turned around, he found three pairs of eyes looking sternly at him. Wait, what did he say? Realization washed over his face & he only now noticed how wrong his words sounded without any given context.
“No, wait…That came out wrong.” closing his eyes briefly, he prepared an explanation for his confused co-workers. “(Y/N) drove me home yesterday & she helped me with my restraints & all. She fell asleep & I didn’t wanna wake her up.” Malcolm’s hands gestured wildly, not wanting to give them the wrong impression of last night’s events. JT pretended to understand what he explained even though he had no idea & frankly, he did not care too much. Malcolm had lost Dani’s interest a while ago, she continued working on the next case. Only Gil was left. He gave Malcolm a knowing look, went over to him & patted him on the shoulder.
“You better take care of her, Bright. Or you have to deal with me.” his threatening smile creeped Malcolm out but he knew Gil was only trying to keep you safe. Maybe you were the right one for him. Last night was proof enough. It was scary to take that next step but on the other hand, he wanted to take that risk. He wanted to give it a try. For the both of you.
Published (04/20/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @octopus5555 (thanks for your support <3)
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frogtanii · 4 years
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x pairing. yamaguchi tadashi x fem!reader
x genre. s m u t lol
x warnings. sub!yamaguchi, thigh riding, mommy kink, handj0b, uhhh, good boy(??), soft dom!reader
x request. yes!
hi i love ur writing especially ur tsuki smau 🥺 i have a yams request !! could we get sub yamaguchi with fem reader and he is riding her thighs trying to get some friction because he’s needy and she’s kind of busy or something 🥺🥺
x an. I HATE IT HERE GRRRR BARK BARK 😼😾 i love y’all xx <3<3 sorry it takes me ABSOLUTELY forever to finish requests 😔✨ i am finishing them tho v v slowly
yamaguchi loves you. you are honestly the best thing to ever happen to him. you’re kind, loving, honest, beautiful, and the fact that you love him back is more than enough for him.
with all of these amazing qualities that you have, you also have one that yamaguchi isn’t so fond of.
you’re always so busy.
he really does admire your work ethic and how you always make him strive to be the best that he can be (not to mention you sound very hot when you tell him to leave you alone) but sometimes yamaguchi gets needy.
tonight was one of those times.
you’d had a long day full of paperwork and all you wanted to do was take a warm bath and cuddle up with your boyfriend. unfortunately for the both of you, your evil boss sent you home with a stack of papers high enough to rival mount everest.
of course you were being dramatic but it really did feel like that much, especially after your third hour of ignoring yamaguchi’s whines while sitting on the couch in front of the tv with your laptop.
you felt horrible for doing so but you really, really needed to get this done and you knew if you stopped to take care of him, there was no way these papers would be finished before the deadline.
yamaguchi understood too but he was painfully hard and he knew if he couldn’t have your touch, he wouldn’t get off.
“yn~” your boyfriend called your name for the seventh (or was it eighth? you stopped counting) time, adding an extra whine on this one. he knew how much that got to you judging by the self-satisfied smirk on his face. besides the heat between your legs, you felt another kind of heat coming on; anger.
it wasn’t often that yamaguchi disrespected you, usually being all too eager to please but today it seemed, he wanted to be a brat.
that’s okay. you can do brat.
you silently set your papers next to you on the couch but you kept the laptop teetering precariously on your left thigh. yamaguchi had gone quiet, watching you intently as though he was just waiting for you to close your computer and ravish him in bed.
unfortunately for him, that was not at all the case.
not once did you remove your gaze from your computer screen as you motioned for him to come closer, to which he hastily obliged. he was hoping that you’d unbutton his pants and suck him off or maybe you’d push him on his back and ride him. of course what he was really hoping for was for you to push him down on all fours, press his face in the mattress, and just rail him. the strap was in the back of the closet and yamaguchi was practically vibrating with anticipation. that was until you snapped your fingers at him to get his attention and pointed to your thigh.
oh. oh.
you had never had him ride your thigh before. usually when you were super busy, you would just jerk him off quickly, leaving him sleepy and satisfied. he clearly was not expecting to have to do the work this time, the shock very apparent on his freckled face.
your patience was running out, snapping once more, prompting yamaguchi into action. he tentatively made his way towards you, placing his long legs on either side of your right thigh. a soft whimper left his lips as his hard cock met your thigh, his hips immediately bucking at the pressure.
you let out a slow sigh through your nose, your eyes trained on your screen as your boyfriend rocked himself against you. your cunt clenched around nothing as his hand found it’s way to your shirt, holding on tight. by now, a steady stream of noises were escaping his lips, most being moans of your name and needy curses.
you tried to continue typing but yamaguchi proved to be distracting even like this, his head dropping forward to rest on your shoulder and his cock leaking precum against your bare thigh. your eyes flickered over at the wet sensation only to feel your breath catch in your throat and another wave of slick to stain your panties.
yamaguchi was panting brokenly against you, a warm blush overtaking his cheeks and tears pricking his tightly shut eyes. as your eyes moved further downwards, you pulled your lower lip in between your teeth in order to keep the whimper from slipping out. when you weren’t looking, yamaguchi had pulled his dick out of his shorts and now openly rutted against you.
“mommy, please,” he moaned against your neck, tears slipping down his cheeks. you rolled your eyes and shut your laptop causing yamaguchi to let out a moan of relief. of course you still needed to get your work done but your boyfriend was more important at this moment (plus when he was moaning your name so prettily, he was hard to resist).
you turned to place one of your hands on his hip, gently moving him against you while pressing soft kisses to the freckles littering his cheeks. “what do you need baby? be a good boy and tell mommy what you want her to do, okay?” you muttered against his ear making him cry out again, hips moving faster against your thigh making an absolute mess of you.
“i-i need you, mommy, i ca-can’t make it feel like it does with you, please, touch me~” his words came out like a flood, only serving to cause your stomach to clench in arousal.
something about your boyfriend not being able to come without you, made you feral.
you nod, not trusting your voice to speak, too afraid that you might give away just how affected by him you were. your hand wrapped around his leaking cock and he keened, a long, loud moan of your name leaving his lips alongside a few stray tears spilling from his eyes.
you gently moved your hand up and down his shaft, making sure to rub your fingers over his sensitive, red tip. he bucked his hips into your touch, desperately chasing his high while your own arousal was ignored for his sake. his quivering lips, pink cheeks, bright red cock, and twitching thighs signaled to you that he was close. he just needed one final push.
quickly switching hands, you moved the fingers coated in his essence behind him, tracing their way down his back and between his cheeks. yamaguchi tensed in your hold at the feeling but as you continued to jerk him, he relaxed, arching his back and asshole towards your wandering fingers. you couldn’t help but grin at his eagerness, two of your fingers slipping inside of him.
his back arched as a whimper left him and your fingers continued their search on his insides. after what seemed like years of being held teetering on the edge of the biggest orgasm of his life, your fingers in his clenching hole finally found their destination, carefully rubbing on his prostate.
the reaction was exactly what you had hoped- yamaguchi’s eyes rolled back in his head, his mouth dropped open in a silent scream, and his thighs and abs twitched as his cock emptied rope after rope of warm cum all over his stomach, your thigh, and the couch.
the pleasure was so immense that he passed out, only barely registering the warm cloth in between his legs cleaning him up. his mind was still in a haze as you helped him to your bedroom, lying him down on your plush sheets and tucking him in. you smiled down on him before mentally rolling your eyes at the memory of all the paper sitting on the couch.
you turned to go back to the living room when a hand shot out from the mountain of blankets, grabbing your wrist and yanking you onto the bed. you opened your mouth to protest but yamaguchi’s hand covered it before pulling you further into his chest and kissing you on the forehead.
you thought about fighting it for a moment but the need to sleep and cuddle with your boyfriend overwhelmed the thoughts of anxiety and work. your eyelids grew heavy as you melted into his strong arms. you were nearly asleep when you heard yamaguchi’s voice whisper softly in your ear, the words leaving a smile on your face as you drifted off to sleep.
“sleep well honey. i love you.”
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