#I was trying to get footage of hank's car
stiwfssr · 2 months
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 3 months
Can we please have a sneak peek at your Donna Troy x kryptonian reader, chemical brain fic?
I LOOOOOVE how there is one person who follows me who is obsessed with Donna Troy. and specifically obsessed with this fic (you are probably the person who requested it, shout out to you)
when I finish this fic, know it was for you. ALSO, I added 'first kiss with Donna Troy' to my schedule, just for you <333
I am gonna put this one back on my schedule again too
also looking at it, there is way more of it done than I thought there was (but I still need to finish like 60% of it oof)
soooo - SURE. a preview it is
(Currently Untitled) The Rage Chemical Fic - Donna Troy x Fem!Kryptonian!Reader (Angst, Hurt and Comfort) - FANFIC PREVIEW
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(also this fic really needs a title. like badly)
Warnings for this preview: cheesy flirting, mentions of Dawn x Dick (because this is set during the 'flashback era' with the OG Titans); not a lot of warnings here? stalking/unknown surveillance, the reader being a target for Cadmus and not knowing it, the reader uses she/her pronouns; the reader has Kryptonian powers (super strength, flight, lazer eyes, etc.) but I don't think that it has to denote the reader's body type. I think that's it for this preview section.
It was an odd sight, but strangely enough - the Tower was calm.
Somehow, the Titans had stumbled upon the conditions to have themselves a calm, quiet Sunday. Garth and Hank were sitting on the couch trying to best each other in Call of Duty, their eyes glassed over as they stared at the screen and obnoxious shooting noises came from the TV (which had been forcefully turned down by Donna so that everyone else could enjoy their peace). Dick was sitting in one of the large armchairs with Dawn in his lap - it seemed that he was enjoying a rare moment of not having to do much of anything, soaking up the calmness. 
And you were in the kitchen with Donna, preparing a selection of foods for a homemade taco night (Donna’s idea), snacking on more bits than you were helping with as she pattered around, glancing between recipes she had pulled up on her iPad and stirring pots, chopping things, checking timers. Even when the team had the day off - she couldn’t rest. She was a busy body, she couldn’t help herself. 
“Six letter word for a rare flower?” Dawn was doing the Sunday crossword puzzle, and as usual, she had tried to get the answers on her own for a while, bending her own mind with the clues - but she was growing tired of guessing, so now she was fishing for answers. 
“Lamium?” Dick posed, running a hand gently up her back, quietly pleased to have such a beauty sitting in his lap. 
Dawn scrunched her nose as she looked at the puzzle closer. 
“No.” She said. “It starts with a D.”  
“A rare flower? How about - Donna?” You said, turning to Donna with a wicked smirk on your face as you popped a piece of raw bell pepper between your lips. 
Donna rolled her eyes at this very obvious bid to flirt, and you caught her suppressing a grin as she snatched a cutting board out from under you, filled with the peppers you had just been cutting - before she moved away with it, she leaned in a gave you a haste, sweet peck on the lips. She wanted to scold you when she tasted a variety of food on your lips and realized that you had been sneaking so much of it that was supposed to go into the final dinner, but she resisted. Instead, she turned and scooped the peppers into a pan on the stove behind her. 
“Barf.” Hank barged into the conversation suddenly, letting out a very fake gag.
Somewhere many miles outside of San Francisco, in a secluded bunker that was filled with Cadmus employees that couldn’t be traced back to LexCorp legally, a group of people eagerly watched a set of security monitors. 
Those monitors were filled with footage of you. Newsreels of you saving children from burning buildings, lifting cars off a collapsing bridge in order to save the people inside of them, cellphone footage of you holding up a concrete pillar to keep it from crushing a homeless encampment. 
In the center of all the screens, there were several invasive views of the Titans’ home. Someone had hacked into the Tower’s feed and was displaying it on those screens. While the Titans laughed, joked, and ate dinner, they had no clue that they were being watched by prying eyes. 
“Are you sure she’s the one?” One of the men asked, flicking through some pages on a clipboard in front of him. Files regarding your history. 
“She’s perfect.” A stern woman announced. “I want to start the test as soon as possible.” 
“Yes ma’am.” Someone else agreed. “We can have it launched within the hour.” 
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cynicalone94 · 4 months
Rope Burns
Read on AO3 here.
Hailey gets home and her husband isn’t there and she’s confused and worried. 
Even with her run, she’s over an hour behind him so even if he got her takeout or something he should still be home. Especially since his truck is in his parking space. 
She calls him and he doesn’t answer. She calls Will just to see if he’s with him. Then she calls in a ping on his cellphone. 
And then finds it in their parking lot. And suddenly their poor team who just got off work are back on shift trying to find Jay. 
Damn it Halstead, we just wanted one night not working. 
They find a lot of leads and chase them down to a lot of dead ends. Around nine the next morning, everyone is getting tired and frustrated and worried. 
Platt is at her desk working, trying to deal with the everything else going on but also worrying about Jay. A young woman walks into the station and up to her desk.
“Are you Trudy Platt?”
“Who’s asking?”
“You need to search the Winchester Junk Yard.” The woman says without giving a name.
“And what, exactly, is it that we’re searching for?” She asks, looking over her glasses at her.
“Detective Halstead.” She says and Platt looks up to see a cold smirk on her face, “The car I locked him in must be around 105 degrees by now.”
Platt’s eyes go wide with panic as the woman simply turns and walks away. She picks up her phone and calls Voight. 
“I’ve got a lead on Jay. Get down here.” She snaps before hanging up and getting the ball rolling on pulling together officers to search the junkyard. 
The entire Intelligence squad comes thundering down the stairs, Hank at the front. 
“What do we have?” He demands.
“I just had a woman in here telling me he’s locked in a car in the Winchester Junkyard.” She reports. 
“Who?” Hailey demands, looking around. 
“She left.” Platt says dismissively. “If Chuckles is locked in a car somewhere we need to find him. She’s on cameras, we’ll track her down later.”
Hank nods.
“We’re gonna head out and get the ball rolling.” He announces, “Can you get some patrol officers to help with the search?”
“Already working on it.” She promises, “we’ll meet you there.”
Trudy has already made contact with the junkyard to get them access by the time Intelligence rolls up. 
“I’ve got a van rolling through the gates on camera about two am this morning.” The owner says as he meets them at the entrance. “I don’t recognize it and I don’t know how they got in.”
“Any idea where they went from there?” Voight asks. 
“Just toward the stacks. Unfortunately we don’t have cameras out in the yard.”
“We’ll need that footage.” Voight tells him. “Do you have a diagram of the yard? Additional search teams are going to be rolling in soon and we’ll need to track what areas have been searched.” 
“I’ll get it,” the man says, nodding back toward the office. “I’ve got two employees onsite that I can lend to help with the search.”
“Appreciate the offer but given that one of them may be how they got in we can’t risk it.” Voight dismisses, turning back to the team. “Move in pairs. Hailey and Kevin take the left. Kim and Adam move right. Keep your radios on.”
The team heads out and Voight turns back to the owner as he returns carrying a blueprint of the yard. Squad cars start rolling up as they lay it out on the hood of Voight’s SUV. 
Hailey peers through the windows of a blue dodge while Kevin pops the trunk with the pry bar. They’ve been searching for nearly an hour already and there’s been no sign of Jay. 
It’s a relatively cool day for May in Chicago but she knows that inside a vehicle the temperature could still be as high as 120 degrees. Not seeing anything, she turns away from the car, looking to Kevin and sighing as he shakes his head. 
As she moves to the next car, she sees footprints in the dust. Signaling to Kevin to check the next car, she follows them two rows over to a dark blue Honda Civic. The windows are heavily tinted and it isn’t until she’s right up against them that she can see into the car.
“Kevin!” She shouts, “I got him!”
She tries the door as he shouts back, frustrated to find it locked. Jay is lying fully reclined in the driver’s seat, motionless and with his eyes closed. 
“Hang on.” She whispers, “just hang on, Jay. I’m here.”
Kevin reaches her, immediately slotting the pry bar into the gap between the door and the frame. The door gives way easily and he steps back, radioing in the update and requesting EMTs as Hailey leans over Jay, pressing her fingers into his throat. 
The pulse is weak and terrifyingly fast but there and she blinks back tears of relief as she removes the gag from his mouth before turning her attention to his hands. 
Thick ropes have been wound around his forearms, securing them together and to the metal frame of the headrest. 
Kevin opens the rear door and leans in, using his knife to start cutting the ropes away. Hailey mutters a thank you before redirecting her attention. Once the seatbelt has been removed and the steering wheel shifted up she finds steel cables binding his ankles to the pedals.
“Can I get the bolt cutters?” She calls and Kevin passes them over the seat while continuing to cut the ropes away from Jay’s arms. 
There’s a low moan and Hailey looks up to see Jay’s eyes still closed as his head rolls slightly to the side. 
“You’re okay.” She soothes, sliding the bolt cutters into place and cutting his left ankle free. 
“Easy brother.” Kevin says and she looks up to see Jay pulling against him, trying to pull his arms free.
His eyes are still closed but his face is tense. She hurries to cut his right leg free, dropping the bolt cutters to the ground before putting a hand on Jay’s face. 
“Jay?” She whispers. “It’s okay. You’re okay. We’ve got you.”
His only response is a low whine, his head jerking away from her. She pulls her hand back. He’s still trying to yank his arms free and Kevin shakes his head, sheathing his knife and starting to unwinding the ropes to avoid cutting him. 
“I’m guessing disorientation and heat aren’t a good combination for him.” He says, catching her eyes. “His arms are already torn to hell from trying to get loose.”
“Jay.” She repeats, resisting the urge to touch him again, “it’s Hailey. You’re in Chicago. Kevin’s working on getting you loose and we’ll get you cooled down real soon.” 
She hears motion behind her and turns to see paramedics wheeling a stretcher toward them. 
She turns back to Jay to find him still again, head dropping to the side. Kevin pulls the last of the ropes away from his arms and they drop. Hailey helps maneuver them to his lap and then she and Kevin sit the seat up. Jay tips forward and Hailey catches him, letting him rest against her. 
“I got you.” She whispers, running fingers through the sweaty hair at the back of his neck. 
He doesn’t react and she presses her fingers into his pulse point, finding it even weaker than before.
“Pulse is barely there and way too fast.” She tells the paramedics as they reach them.
With Kevin’s help they are able to get him out of the car and onto the stretcher.
A rectal temperature check comes back with 105.7 degrees and he is quickly stripped out of his jeans and t-shirt. 
The paramedics work quickly, getting  ice packs nestled into his armpits and groin before draping a cooling blanket over his frame. 
True to Kevin’s words, his forearms are shredded from his struggles against the ropes, forcing the paramedics to start their IV in his neck.
An oxygen mask is fitted over his face while the junior paramedic checks his vitals. Hailey takes his hand. 
They get him loaded into the ambulance and Hailey jumps up alongside, never relinquishing her grip on his hand. His skin is heated and dry and she rubs her thumb over it while studying his face as he breathes in shallow pants. 
When they arrive at Med, he’s taken directly to the OR, Will holding her back and saying things she doesn’t understand about lavages, ARDS and kidney function.
Its several hours before Hailey finds herself being shown to his bedside. He’s still moving erratically and she’s devastated to see soft restraints fastened over the thick bandages covering his forearms. 
She knows Will wouldn’t have allowed it to happen if it wasn’t necessary for the safety of the hospital staff and their presence speaks volumes to the emotional turmoil he’s experiencing under the surface. 
The IV line is still running into his neck, providing a constant flow of saline and whatever medications the doctors deem will help. She glances up at the monitors, pleased to find his heart rate back in normal range and his temperature down to a low 100.
“He got here just in time.” Will says behind her. “But he’s going to be okay. Kidney function is improving steadily and he’s breathing better.”
“When can the restraints come off?” 
 “Normally, it would be as soon as we can get him awake and lucid.” he hedges. “But he’s disoriented and hot and its triggering some incredibly vivid flashbacks. As much as I hate it, they should probably stay on until we can get his temperature fully stable. And that might be tomorrow or even the day after. It’s going to stay a little higher than normal, with the occasional spike at least that long.”
She nods, finally stepping forward and curling her fingers around his hand. His skin is warm, more so than usual, but much less than it had been in the car and its no longer as dry as it had been. 
He jerks his hand away from her, their fingers just barely touching when the restraints bring him up short. His head tosses from side to side as he mutters incoherently. Tears spark in her eyes as she pulls her hand back. 
Will steps forward, hand curling gently around the back of his brother’s neck, fingers tangling in the hair at the base of his neck. 
“Shhh.” he hushes, “It’s okay, Jay.”
Jay stills but Hailey can still see the tension and fear thrumming through his muscles. Then Will starts talking again, his tone a slow, steady cadence as he recites what Hailey realizes is a poem
She watches, a small smile forming on her face as the tension slowly leeches from her husband as his brother talks. Will repeats the words twice before Jay is finally calm, sleeping peacefully. 
“I learned it in high school.” Will says after a moment, keeping his voice smooth and even. “Had to memorize it for an English class. Jay had a massive panic attack at mom’s funeral. And I couldn’t… nothing I said seemed to get through to him. So I just… started reciting it. It took a minute but it calmed him down. He swears to this day that its just that its so lame that it has to be me which helps him remember he’s back in the states.”
Hailey huffs a wet laugh at that, tugging forward a chair for Will to sit in before towing one up next to it for herself. 
“It’s sweet.” she says, “He’s lucky to have you.”
“He wasn’t always.” Will says, eyes fixed on his brother’s face, “Especially since there was a time when he didn’t really have me. I let so much distance form when I went to college.”
“The past can’t change.” Hailey tells him, “And it can’t change us anymore unless we let it. You’re here now. It means a lot to him.”
Will sits back, letting his hand fall on the bed next to his brother’s, their fingers not quite touching. 
“Not enough to invite me to your wedding.” he jokes. 
“You were working.” Hailey scoffs, taking up Jay’s line in an oft rehearsed argument between the brothers. 
“I could have gotten someone to cover for me for thirty minutes.” Will whines. 
“You were invited to the cheesy ring ceremony we had for everyone.” Hailey reminds. 
“And drank most of the champagne.” Jay tiredly interjects from the bed and they look over to see him looking at them through hooded eyelids. 
“You bought good champagne.” Will says with a shrug as he slides his hand closer to brush against his brother’s. “How do you feel?”
“Toasty.” Jay whispers. “What happened?”
“Some psycho locked you in a car on a bright, sunny May morning.” Hailey says, leaning forward to put a hand on his leg. 
“I hurt anybody?” he asks, eyes flickering to the restraints. 
“You didn’t.” Will is quick to assure. “But you had a doozy of a flashback in PACU so, better safe than sorry. Sorry.”
“S’okay.” Jay says, glancing around. “When can they come off?”
“We’re still working on getting your temperature stabilized.” Will says hesitantly, “You’re still a lot warmer than we’re happy with. And there’s expected to be at least one major spike before everything’s said and done.”
Jay just nods. 
“Why don’t you try to sleep?” his brother sf4uggests. “You’ve been through the wringer.”
“Hot.” Jay says, eyes slipping closed before blinking back open. 
“I’ll get you some fresh ice packs.” Will tells him. “Don’t fight it, okay? Just let yourself sleep.”
“K.” Jay breathes out, eyes falling closed. 
Hailey takes his hand again, pleased when he doesn’t fight her or try to pull away this time. 
“He’s okay.” Will tells her, a hand resting briefly on her shoulder, “I’m gonna go get some more ice. You good here?”
“Yeah.” she says, smiling at Jay’s peaceful face, “Yeah, I’m good.”
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rejectedbad · 11 months
Rejected Bad: The Director
The following is a rejected script from an early season of Breaking Bad.
Walter, sitting in his living room, notices his neighbour, Mrs. Mayfield, acting suspiciously through his window.
WALTER:  (to himself)  What on earth is Mrs Mayfield up to?
Walter gets up and walks towards the window, trying to get a clearer view.
WALTER:  (to himself)  She has been acting strange for the last few days.
Suddenly, a thought occurs to Walter, and he rushes to the closet to grab his spy cameras. He sets them up in several spots around Mrs Mayfield's house.
WALTER:  (to himself)  I need to know what's going on.
Walter watches the footage from his spy cameras and is stunned by what he sees - Mrs Mayfield is directing the Meth Groupies!
WALTER:  (to himself)  This cannot be happening.
Walter hurries to his car and drives straight to Hank's office to report the situation.
Walter enters and briefs Hank on the situation.
WALTER:  (to Hank)  Mrs Mayfield is the one directing the Meth Groupies!
HANK:  (shocked)  What?
Hank immediately gets his team together, and they all head to Mayfield's house. But when they arrive, they find the house empty. All that's there is a single note written in Mayfield's handwriting, reading simply "Too Late, Sucker!"
HANK:  (angry)  Damn it. She's gone.
WALTER:  (disappointed)  I cannot believe this! All this work, and we still lose.
HANK:  (in a low voice)  Don't worry. We'll get her eventually.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Bring You Together
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Summary: When a case has crossed state lines and NYPD's SVU team have to come to Chicago, Kim discovers a kindred spirit in one of them, and a deep friendship forms quickly. (A companion piece to Worth It, from Kim's POV during that case)
Words: 3.3k
Warnings: canon accurate trauma (if it's happened to Kim or Liv, it's basically all talked about), adoption discussion, case discussion involving dead children.
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Normally Kim made sure she and Adam had a professional wall between them in work. They had a final kiss in the jeep before getting out, squeezing hands and then separating. But when they were walking away from the crime scene he put his hand in the small of her back, Kim immediately leaning in.
Their victim was an eight year old missing girl, found in what looked like a handmade flour sack dress. But the worst thing for Kim was the resemblance Sammy Wilkes had to Makayla. When she blinked, it was her daughter who had been brutalised. They’d dealt with kid cases before, but never like this. Never, ever like this.
“You ok, Darlin’?” Adam asked, looking at her pale face when they were in the car again.
“Nope. I need to get back to the precinct and get through the day. Then tonight all I want to do is curl up on the couch with you and Makayla. I can’t stop thinking what if.”
“Me too.” Adam put his hand over Kims, holding it on the way back to the precinct.
Once they were there Kim wiped off the how to find Sammy information on the board, putting up the death information. The rest of the unit arrived up as she was writing, watching her finish before speaking.
“She was only eight. Ligature marks around her wrists and ankles, the coroner’s office should have cause of death soon.” Kim went through what they had found, but was interrupted by Voight’s cell going off. His face darkened as he spoke, worrying everyone.
“There’s another body. Halstead, Ruzek, secure the scene. I need to make a call, SVU in New York had a similar case but their guy went underground. I’m going to see if Benson will come out.” There were nods, Adam squeezing Kim’s shoulder as he left. “Burgess, a word?”
Kim followed Voight into the office, surprised when he closed the door behind them.
“You ok?” Hank asked as he sat down behind the desk. He had two very different sides to him. There was Sergeant Voight, the tough nosed cop who took no shit and did what he could to get justice at any cost. And then there was Hank, the man who’d offered her a job after she was shot the first time, had hugged her when she was pregnant and miscarried, had given her parenting advice when she worried about Makayla and how Kim’s abduction had affected her daughter. In front of her now was definitely Hank.
“I have to be. It’s harder when it’s a kid.” They’d had that conversation more than once, how her trauma affected who she was as a cop now. Hank understood it, they were the two who were parents. Adam mostly got it now, but it was different for him.
“It’s a kid who looks almost identical to your daughter. It’s fine if you’re not ok.”
“Hank, if I think about it I’m gonna break down and that will be bad for all of us. I just…I need to find this guy. For Sammy. For the latest victim. For the ones in New York. I need to look my daughter in the eye and tell her she’s safe.” Her voice wobbled slightly, and Kim cursed herself for it.
“She is. You know none of us will let anything happen to her. I want you to run point from here for today. It’s not a punishment, it’s me not wanting you to look at two dead children in one day. Understood?” Kim nodded.
“Understood. Thanks, Hank.”
She was busy trying to trace pod footage, everyone in and out of the unit. Kim was absorbed by her work until she heard Platt come upstairs.
“Burgess, this is Captain Benson and Detective Tamin from NYPD. Hank said they were coming in?” Kim stood, holding her hand out.
“Detective Burgess, call me Kim, please. Welcome to Chicago, it’s nice to see you again Captain.”
Benson took her hand, shaking firmly.
“You too, Kim. It’s Liv, I’m not standing on ceremony here. Congrats on the promotion, you were on patrol the last time I was here, right?” Kim nodded. “It’s good to see you again. This is Kat. What do we have here?”
Kim talked them through the case, where they were up to and what everyone was doing. Once they were caught up there was nods between the three women.
“Could you point me to the restroom? I wanna get cleaned up after the flight.” Kim gave Kat the directions, the other detective running out quickly. Kim sat back down, staring at the photo of Makayla on her desk. It was the two of them that summer, grinning at the Shedd aquarium with penguins, Adam taking the photo for them. A reminder of the day Makayla had asked if she could call Kim Mama from now on.
“Your daughter?” Liv asked, looking at the photo.
“Yeah, Makayla. She’s nine.”
“I didn’t know you had a child when we were here last time. She’s beautiful.”
“I didn’t. We investigated a case that she was a material witness in about eighteen months ago. She went to a cousin who couldn’t look after her, and she wouldn’t have survived in the system. I took her in, adopted her a few months later. I wouldn’t change it for the world.” Kim shot her head back up, checking the latest search she’d done before the New Yorkers had arrived.
“This is Noah, he’s ten. Similar situation, he was involved in a case, I followed him through foster homes but the parents were overworked and underpaid, he ended up getting really sick. I appealed to foster him, and a year later I adopted him. I never thought I’d be a mother. I thought it wasn’t for me. But these cases, with kids? They’re hard.”
“Yeah, they are.” Kev and Voight arrived back up in the bullpen as Kim spoke, and she was grateful to not have to continue the conversation. It was a long day, and by the time the third member of the SVU team arrived back at the precinct with Hailey, Jay, and Adam, Kim was just fit for her bed. She and Adam broke their rule, interlinking fingers going down the stairs and waving goodbye to Trudy. They needed their comfort today of all days.
True to her word from that morning, she spent the evening with Makayla curled up on her and Adam’s laps, Adam’s arms around both of them. She’d seen her daughter go from the terrified girl who hated affection, to a preteen who would sass back and gave hugs willingly. And every single time she saw that change it just devastated her more for the kids she saw who didn’t get it.
The next morning they were in work early, Makayla’s “Have a good day Mama, have a good day Uncle Adam!” ringing in their ears. Liv was already in the bullpen, using one of the empty desks.
“You don’t mind, do you? I got our files fedex’d over last night so we could go through them, see if there’s any Illinois connections here.” Kim took her half of the files, going through them and starting to research. It was tough, but kept her out of the field which she was grateful for. Normally she’d have pushed herself, but the nightmare the previous day about walking to that dump site and it being Makayla there made her too nervous to. Adam texted her to warn they’d found a third body, turning Kim and Liv’s search into a rush.
By the time they left for the evening they thought they had a name, but the searches had to run overnight, as little as they wanted to go. Kim heard Hailey invite Kat and Amanda out for drinks, but she and Adam just wanted to get back to Makayla. She watched Liv pack her bag slowly, an idea forming.
“Do you want to come to our apartment? I put meatballs in the slow cooker this morning, there’s plenty to go around. I know it can be weird being alone, and you can meet Makayla. I’ll warn you, she’s very timid and shy around new people, but if you give her a chance she’ll warm up at her own pace.” Kim looked at the older woman blink rapidly before nodding.
“That’d be great, if you’re sure? I wasn’t looking forward to finding some takeout that’d deliver to the hotel.”
“Of course.” Adam had come up beside Kim, hearing the conversation. “It’d be great, and Kim doesn’t let me use sauce from a jar. She says it has too much sugar for Makayla.” Liv burst out laughing at that, the couple looking at her confusedly.
“It’s something our ADA says, he’s Amanda’s kids godfather, he refuses to let them use a jar. I think the last time he was at Amanda’s he made a giant pot of sauce. Never get between an Italian and food, I guess.”
“Carisi? We text sometimes, he’s a good guy. How’s he doing?”
The conversation continued in the car, the three pulling up at the apartment building laughing at stories from Adam. Once they opened the door Makayla and her babysitter were there, Emma packing up to leave.
“Hey Makayla, I wanna introduce you to someone, ok?” Kim could see the nerves in her daughter’s face, but made sure to keep her own face calm. “This is Liv, she’s a friend of mine and Adam’s who lives in New York.”
Liv bent down, holding out her hand. “It’s really nice to meet you, Makayla. Kim and Adam told me a lot about you. Hank told me when Kim adopted you, he said you were very nice to meet.” Kim was slightly taken aback by it, but it softened Makayla to Liv immediately.
“You’re friends with Uncle Hank?”
“I’ve known him for years. He comes out to visit me every year or so, he knows my son Noah. I think Noah’s a year older than you. What’re you doing today?”
“Drawing a picture, wanna see?” Liv followed Makayla to the couch, making the appropriate noises for the picture of the fairy ballerina doctor Makayla had drawn. While she was distracted, Kim put on the pasta for dinner. The four sat and ate, Makayla fully out of her shell with Liv.
There was goodnight to everyone from Makayla, Adam taking his turn to put her to bed. Once he had he pressed a kiss to Kim’s forehead, saying goodbye to Liv. It was tradition for him to go for drinks with Jay and Kev once a week, and when there was a case like this they desperately needed that time together.
“How long have you been together?” Liv asked, making Kim laugh.
“That’s a conversation that requires wine. Red or white?”
“Red, if you have it.”
The two women sat, Kim telling Liv the full story of the Saga of Kim and Adam.
“And now you’re living together and coparenting Makayla? How’d that happen?”
Kim drained her glass, the memories shooting back to focus. “We had a case last year, we thought it was a minor drug case. It ended up involving a group trafficking teenage girls up and down the midwest. We were on a raid, and I made it to the next location first. They were waiting and took me. I nearly died, my heart stopped when I was in surgery. Adam was my custodian in the adoption, and he did everything. He kept Makayla safe, he looked after her. He put her first. And when I woke up he was there. Ever since then, it’s been the two of us.”
Liv stood and got the wine bottle, putting more into Kim’s glass. Kim could see the older woman wrestling with her thoughts before speaking.
“It happened to me too. I arrived home, a suspect we’d dealt with was there. He kept me for three days before my team found me, and I still have the scars from it. Mental and physical. I thought I’d killed him. And then he got let off on assault and rape, he convinced the jury that I’d wanted it. That I’d wanted him to beat me how he did. The fact that you could open up? That’s a good thing, believe me. It’s been ten years, I’ve got Noah now, but I still wonder what if. It’s taken a lot of therapy to get past it.”
“I thought I’d die alone. You always think you’ll be brave. That you won’t break. I begged for my life. I begged to be able to see Makayla again. And he just shot me. He was a shit shot and got my stomach, and I survived for nineteen hours with a belt as a tourniquet. I’ve talked to my therapist about it, but I just hate that I broke.” Kim could feel the tears coming, felt inappropriate for talking about it with someone she barely knew, but Liv had a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“You were what, thirty four when it happened?”
“Thirty two.”
“Jesus, you were so young. I was forty five. I thought there was no way I’d break. That I’d be strong. That I’d get through it. I begged as well, Kim. If anyone ever says they didn’t, they’re a liar. But you’ve got that daughter of yours, and the man who it’s pretty clear loves you more than anything.”
“I’m lucky,” Kim said, taking a sip when a scream echoed through the apartment. Liv reached for her weapon, but Kim just put her glass down, running to Makayla’s room.
“Hey, Buddy, it’s ok, I’m here.” Kim held Makayla tight, rocking her as the nine year old came back to consciousness. “You’re ok, Buddy, I’ve got you.”
“They were coming, they were gonna get me.”
“No, no, they can’t. You’re ok. I promised Adam and I are always gonna protect you, didn’t I?”
“Yeah.” Her voice was muffled by holding onto Kim so tightly.
“And we’ve always protected you, right?”
“Exactly. We still will. Adam’s out with Uncle Jay and Uncle Kevin, want me to ask him to come home?” Makayla shook her head at that, still holding on.
“Ok, I’m gonna get your trouble dolls out. Is that ok?” She let go, and Kim pulled out the woven dolls, placing them securely under Makayla’s pillow.
“Sleep well, Bud. I’m just in the living room, ok?”
“Night Mama.”
Kim tucked her back in, making sure she had her plush platypus in her arm before putting on the nightlight and closing the door. Liv was in the hallway, an eyebrow raised.
“Is that normal?”
“It’s better than it was. It used to be every night, now it’s maybe twice a month? It depends on what’s going on. She’s been through a lot.”
Kim poured out the story of her and Adam finding Makayla on the street, finding the bodies of her family, her biological dad killing them all to try take Makayla away. And then Kathy not being able to look after Makayla, Kim being willing to blow up everything with Adam to keep Makayla safe.
“But it worked out. I can’t imagine my life without her, the night terrors and the crying and the therapy. She’s my daughter. I love her.”
“That’s like Noah and I. I told you it was a case, but it was…a lot of them. His dad was a pimp, his mom had a drug problem. His biological grandmother kidnapped him from me. I’ve never known fear like that. But he’s my Noah. I love him to pieces, and I’ll do anything for him. People say that being an adoptive parent is different, that you can’t love your child the same way. It’s crap. I love Noah with every ounce of who I am, and if I had to choose between anything and keeping him safe, it’s keeping him safe. And I bet you feel the same way about Makayla.”
“Definitely. She comes first. My best friend is adopted, a few years ago she met her birth mom shortly before she died, and she said it was different. It was someone she could grow to love, but her mom and dad were her mom and dad. Raising Makayla now is different, I don’t have eight years of childhood stories to tell about Makayla, but I’ve the last eighteen months. It just makes cases like this one hard. If things had been slightly different, that could have been Makayla in that position. My baby.”
They sat in quiet contemplation for a few moments before Liv finished her wine, standing up.
“I can tell you right now, Kim Burgess. You are a phenomenal mother. It’s obvious how much you love her, and how much she loves you. I’m going to go back to the hotel, get some sleep. Voight told me when we pick up the suspect he wants me to interrogate from the New York side of things. I’m going to ask him if you can be in there with me too. You deserve to see it end.”
And true to her word, the next afternoon Kim was standing in interrogation with Liv, the two women watching Damien Owens. They made a good team, and between Kim’s calm persistence and Liv’s warnings about interstate travel making it a federal case they broke him, getting confessions for the seven bodies they’d found. Seven little girls who’d never get to grow up, find love, discover what the world held for them. But they’d get justice, they’d get to lay in peace. It didn’t feel right, but it was better than nothing in the end.
“Molly’s?” Hailey asked when she and Liv arrived back in the bullpen. Kim shook her head, realising Stone was standing there looking at her. She hadn’t seen him since he’d been involved in her case all those years ago, and the memories of the man were less than fond.
“I just want to get the paperwork done and go home. It’s been a long week.” Kim pulled out her bundles to go through, but Voight finished his conversation and looked around.
“Go home. This was a hard case. Paperwork can wait until morning, get out of here. Go for a drink, relax, hug your kid. I’ll see you all in the morning to close out the case and we can say goodbye to SVU for the moment.” Kim didn’t need to be told twice, waving goodbye to everyone as she and Adam left, hands intertwined again.
The next morning they were in too early so they could get everything done, but it had been worth it for the early night and the conversation she and Adam had had. Kim filled out her forms, setting them aside to photocopy for the SVU team to take back. She nearly didn’t notice Liv arriving, but gave her a smile.
“Everything ok?”
“Seeing Peter again. Some things happened between us when he left New York. We cleared the air, but it wasn’t easy.”
“I get it.”
Kim finally passed over the pile of paperwork to Liv when the woman grabbed Kim’s left hand, looking at it.
“Is that what I think it is?” Kim smiled, looking at the platinum diamond ring she never thought she’d get to wear again.
“Yeah, it is. We realised after this case that it wasn’t worth being scared. We want this.”
“I expect an invitation.”
They hugged goodbye, Kim getting a text when they landed in New York. And true to her word, a year later Olivia Benson and Noah Porter-Benson were in attendance at Kim and Adam’s wedding to hug the happy couple.
Taglist: @aruzlover @amandarrollins @morganupstead @adamruz @fullwattpadmusictree @redpoodlern @everythingaddictxx @write4life13 @lizlouisebrown @jeanjacketjesus @tuxieboy101-blog @thelittlepterophyllum @planecrazylex @sophiatellerrhodes @eternal-olicity @ossypooh @dissociation-writes @kimburgess-ruzek @thestarrynightslover @reidskitty13 @etamne @torreshalstead @itsnotpersonalbut @leymr @multicouple-lover
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undertheknightwing · 3 years
sorry if i ask for these a lot but biological dad dick and the nuclear family hurting gar instead of dawn featuring some rachel or post asylum with gar
no need to be sorry I love talking about my aus! it makes me happy getting to talk about all stuff stuck in my head and even happier that yall like my aus too! 😄💙💚
In their search for the Nuclear Family the father/son duo crashes with Hank and Dawn for a day or so (something Gar isn't happy about) and while there Gar learns that Dick was planning on leaving him there while he looked for the Family himself even though he promised Gar could go with him. While on the roof, where Gar was watching the doves, Dick tries to explain himself. Why he thinks it's too dangerous and he doesn't want Gar to get hurt or worse because he was too careless and didn't think about what might happen. It pretty goes like the canon episode but with Gar instead of Rachel and a few things changed to fit the au. The Nuclear Family show up, beat up Hank, throw Dawn off the building and try the same thing with Dick, then take Gar because in this au they were not only told to find the spawn of Trigon but any powerful metahuman as well for Trigon to use and Gar is a very powerful metahuman. The Family gets Rachel too and that's how he meets her. And then he meets Kory when she saves them at the gas station by burning Dad up and was pretty surprised to see Rachel with a friend but decides to take him too and tries to reunite him with Dick when she can. Which happens at the roller rink because just like canon, Dick steals the gas station footage and gets Kory's plate number.
for post asylum, Gar's reaction to what he did is a little more complicated than canon because well in canon he really has no reaction bedsides one line and that's it. Here Gar had no idea his power could or would such a thing, he never experienced what they were truly capable of and how much damage they could do since he lived a normal neighborhood growing up, never had to use his powers to defend himself before. Instead of leaving the cage after Rachel tells him they have to get Dick and Kory, he stays put and curls into the corner, telling Rachel to leave him there. Rachel, not knowing how to help, listens and goes to find Dick and Kory, thinking Dick would know what to do. The only reason he leaves the cage is because more guards were coming and he didn't want to do that again, if there were no guards he would have stayed there until Dick found him because he was too scared and ashamed to do anything. After the asylum, his powers now are in control more than they ever have been and it scares the shit out of him, it's a feeling he's not used to. Trying to deal with the fact that he murdered and ate someone mixed with this weird feeling of there being something else able to control his thoughts and actions, it's not a fun time for him and it's draining. Harming his mental and physical health. Trying to eat he sees the doctor instead of food, dreams are haunted, and mind is plagued by something that's not him, something more feral. After splitting up from the girls, Gar goes with Dick to Donna's art showing to help himself forget for a little and it almost works until he comes across a painting of a hallway with a blood trail leading to a closed off room at the end. Whether the painting was real or not is something Gar doesn't really know, he didn't stick around to find out because he darts out of the building and gets himself hit by a car but it's ay-okay because his powers kicked in by the intense fear and healed him up pretty quickly. Something- again - he didn't know he could do.
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mnictasbcl · 3 years
Life without death
For #dbhcolorsofdeviancy, prompt:
June 4th: No human lives forever @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Rating: Teen
Characters: Connor, Hank Anderson, Markus
Relationships: Connor & Hank Anderson, Connor & Markus, hinted Connor/Markus
Additional Tags: Mortality, Existentiality, Fear of Death, Swearing, Gun Violence, Injury, Graphic Injury, Suicidal Thoughts, kind of but it’s there so keep safe readers, Hospitals, Medical, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Connor learns about Hank’s mortality on a mission gone wrong.
 TW: Blood, Graphic gun injury, Slight suicidal thoughts
Story below! Or, read it on AO3
There were some things Connor didn’t like to think about. As an android, it was quite easy to shut away these topics in little boxes in his mind, neatly sorted away.
One of them was Amanda. Of course, that box would open itself up sometimes, despite the fact she and the control she could exert over his programming was gone… it would open itself up and play back images in his mind whilst he went into stasis.
The point of these boxes, however, were to protect himself, and for the most part, they worked. Never in his waking moments would he have to experience the unpleasant feelings they brought.
Of course, never… well, never experiencing them in a perfect world. And the world was far from perfect.
Mortality was another.
He knew he could not die, instead his body would be fractured beyond repair and if he did not upload his memories, he would cease to exist. That’s what the more logical side of his mind tried to argue, anyway.
The side unlocked by deviancy, well, it quivered in the face of fatal danger, it took the fears of no longer experiencing the world, no longer experiencing at all, and locked it away in a vault.
Connor supposed that’s why he’d never even thought to breach the subject of human mortality.
In hindsight, maybe he should have at least acknowledged it.
 It was a Monday. Late afternoon, and the weather in Detroit was less than optimal. Rain was pouring down, making every known surface slippery with moisture. Hank, as predicted, was grousing about it.
“Fucking weather. Fucking rain. Fucking criminals.”
Of course, Connor couldn’t deny that it was rather unfortunate they were on their way to a crime scene, a murder that had been committed outside rather than in the comfort of a rain-free building.
“It is rather loud.” He commented, listening to the raindrops hammering onto the roof of the car. “I can’t even hear your music, which is at a few decibels above the recommended levels of—”
“Rain?” Hank scoffed. “I can’t hear it over the stick up your ass.”
Connor pursed his lips, still in the process of reaching to turn down the music. “If I had a proverbial stick up my ass, I don’t believe it would make a sound.”
Hank laughed. Pulling the car into park, he was still chuckling. “I just… can’t get over the sound of you swearing.”
He raised a brow, smirking. “Would you like me to say it again, Lieutenant?”
“Please don’t.”
Hank’s good mood was gone again as they got out of the car, expression souring as the rain pelted down onto his head.
Connor found it was even more troublesome as he crouched down beside the body to analyse it. Whilst a small tent had been set up over it, the rain had already done enough damage to wash away vital evidence.
“All blood on the body belongs to the victim, Caria Moltoz.” He sighed, rubbing his hands on his trousers as he got up. “However, the sample is fresh, and along with evidence shown by the wounds… I don’t think the crime was committed all that long ago. We may still be able to find evidence of the killer on the nearby security feeds.”
Hank nodded, turning to go and find these feeds, before noticing Connor’s LED was swirling yellow, eyes flickering rapidly. He was about to express concern, until the android suddenly turned to him.
“I have accessed the cameras and have reviewed the footage—”
“Of course you have.”
“—and I believe the suspect is not too far away from this location.”
  And so, they made their way to the direction Connor had viewed their suspect going in. They had appeared to duck into a nearby clothes store, which unfortunately was quite large.
“At least we’re getting out of the rain.” Hank sighed in relief as they entered the building, placing his coat on the rack so he didn’t track water all over the store.
Connor shook a little, reminding him of Sumo coming in from a walk after the rain. At Hank’s look, he frowned and placed his own jacket onto the rack. “Apologies, Lieutenant. I forgot I am no longer wearing my Cyberlife jacket. It was waterproof.”
“Looked shit, though.”
He nodded. “I agree.”
 The store was fairly busy, with handfuls of customers here and there. No one had any recollection of a human running inside the store in a hurry, so the suspect must have kept their cool.
Luckily, they were fairly undercover themselves, so it was unlikely the suspect would see them with suspicion and find a way to slip out unnoticed.
“They were wearing a navy blue coat along with dark jeans when I viewed the footage,” Connor whispered to Hank through a stand of clothes which they were pretending to browse through, “but I cannot see anyone of that description in this store.”
Hank nodded, eyes scanning over the room himself, before he spotted something. “Wait here.” he said, taking a black shirt off the hook and making his way towards the changing rooms.
Connor nodded, data piecing together in his mind, forming a conclusion when the older man came back over to him, navy blue coat in his arms along with other items of clothing.
“The suspect changed. Unfortunately, then, I didn’t manage to get a look at their face on the footage, it was covered partially…”
“We’ll get ‘em.”
Deciding it was in their best interest to drop the undercover act, they had the store manager close up briefly, keeping everyone inside for questioning.
“It won’t take long.” Hank placated the disgruntled shoppers.
They made their way through the groups, Connor using his questioning tactics to try and find out who it was. He kept an eye on everyone’s stress levels, including those they weren’t currently talking to, but nothing changed drastically. There were no signs of a killer among them.
“Yeah, thank you for your time.” Connor could tell that Hank was trying to keep the bitterness out of his tone as the shop opened up again. He shared the feeling. They’d spent all this time searching, probably on what would be their best lead to solve this case, and they had nothing.
“Fuck. Well… at least whilst we’re here, I could do with a new coat. This one barely kept the rain out.”
“That’s the spirit, Lieutenant.”
Hank made his way over to the displays, pointing at a brown overcoat. “That looks like it’d suit me. Maybe not the hat, though,” he laughed, pointing to the fedora perched atop the mannequins head. He reached for it, pulling it—
Connor shouted at the same time the mannequin moved, pulling a gun out of the pocket of the brown overcoat, shoving Hank to the side just as the shot went off, and another.
People screamed. The suspect managed to run out of the store, skidding out into the rain, away, away, away…
Connor didn’t move. Why wasn’t he moving? He needed to move. Needed to chase away the…
He groaned. Something flashed in his vision, red and warning. A damaged biocomponent. Huh. Maybe that’s why it hurt.
He was losing thirium, however, it wasn’t fatal, not yet. “Hank, we need to get them, they’re…”
That was strange. Why wasn’t Hank answering? Usually he pushed Connor back to the ground, telling him he’s injured, that he should stay down and wait for him to come back.
But there was nothing.
Panic coursed through his systems. Despite the hot flare that spiked in his side when he moved, he didn’t stop, not until he saw Hank—
Hank, laying beneath him. And there was blood. There was a lot of blood. Red, flowing on the floor, soaking into his coat, staining the fibres and the bits of Sumo hair caught in the fabric—
He couldn’t focus. He might get repaired, but Hank couldn’t. He… humans didn’t live forever. Would he die? Would Hank die here, on the floor of a clothing store in Detroit, whilst Connor could do nothing to stop it?
The wound. Right. The wound. He grabbed the nearest thing he could find (a scarf) and pressed it against the wound. He had to stop the bleeding. Staunch the flow. Stop Hank from dying—
His grasp was weak. Stupid, it was weak. It was the damn wound in his side, thirium leaking out of it steadily, it was making his hands shake and his brain go fuzzy.
“Hank.” He tried again. The Lieutenant didn’t stir. He could see he was breathing, but was if he stopped? What if he died?
Sirens. Sirens were loud, he noted, hands shaking, blood caking his fingers, getting stuck up his artificial nails. Someone was pulling him away. They seemed comforting, but they were pulling him away from Hank, and their words were distant, sucked away in a vacuum—
“Please, you have to save him,” Connor choked out, “he can’t die—he can’t—”
The hands tugged, and with his fading strength, Connor let them. He hoped they would save Hank. And if they didn’t, he mused internally, blackness creeping in the edges of his vision, the warning messages getting dimmer, then he would like to join him.
 The first thing Connor registered upon waking was that he wasn’t dead.
The second thing was that he couldn’t see Hank.
He sat bolt upright, finding himself restrained slightly by a tube attached to his side, along with multiple wires across his body. Connor didn’t register where he was—the sheer panic from before starting to creep back into him.
He tore the wires out, before beginning to tug on the tubing. However, before he could get it dislodged, alarms set off by his disturbance had alerted people to his struggle. Some technicians ran in, shouting something about blue blood. But he couldn’t think about that right now, whatever damage he had sustained; he couldn’t see Hank.
Hank was dead.
Connor pulled on the tubing with more force, only stopping when gentle hands clasped around his arm.
“Connor, you need to calm down. You’re going to hurt yourself.”
The words were steady, despite the situation, filled with comfort, and the voice was familiar.
“Let the technicians plug the wires back in, they’re helping you. Just… easy…”
He couldn’t yet put a name to the voice, but he complied, allowing himself to be eased back onto the bed. If Hank was dead… there was nothing he could do about it anyway.
He stopped his struggling but couldn’t stop the tears slipping from beneath his lashes. His body shuddered minutely, hand scrubbing over his face. As everything became more in focus, he looked up to the voice, and saw Markus.
Markus met his eyes, and his gaze softened. As soon as the technicians were done, he ushered them out of the room before perching on the side of the bed Connor was laying on.
“What’s wrong, Connor?”
He took a breath. Opened his mouth, then closed it again. His thoughts were incoherent. The box was open, tipping its jumbled contents all over his mind, and he couldn’t string the words together. In the end, he mumbled, “Hank.” Voice breaking in the middle of the syllable.
Markus nodded. “I know you must have panicked not seeing him here, but rest assured, he’s safe. You saved him, actually. The shot you blocked would have hit—well,” he softened his words upon seeing Connor’s expression, “you saved his life.”
Connor furrowed his brows, looking down at his hands. They were clean. “But… there was so much—so much blood. Hank’s blood.”
The other android grimaced. “Yes, the wound he sustained did hit some arteries, but nothing major. He will need a fair amount of time to recover, as will you, but he’s stable.”
“That’s… good.” Connor breathed, suddenly feeling the urge to change the subject. “But—recover? I thought my systems would be able to self-heal.”
Markus shrugged. “The technicians said that you will be able to self-heal the damage now given adequate thirium, but because the damage was to a major biocomponent, it will take time.”
He nodded. That made sense. At least it would give him an excuse to stay home with the Lieutenant whilst he recovered.
“He’s lucky he didn’t die. I’m… lucky.” Connor breathed after a moment of thought.
Markus placed a hand gently on his shoulder. “Humans are fragile. That’s why he has you.”
“But one day… I might not…”
“You’re not perfect, Connor.” The RK800 blinked at that, taken aback. “No one is. But you didn’t fail today, and you won’t tomorrow. Besides, Hank is a skilled detective.”
Connor breathed in deeply. Markus’ words made sense. But now the box was tipped out, his mind was rifling through its contents. Mortality.
“Even so, the Lieu—Hank won’t live forever.”
Markus smiled sadly. “No, he won’t.” He agreed. “Someday, neither will we.  But that isn’t what living is about, Connor, not thinking about death.” A pause. “What do you enjoy doing with Hank?”
He thought over it. “I like working on cases with him. But- right, other than work. Well, we do watch movies together in the evenings; he usually ends up falling asleep halfway through them, but it’s—well, it’s endearing. And sometimes he comes along with me when I’m walking Sumo, we stop in the park…” he drifted off into the memory, looking to the ceiling, eyes starting to feel heavy, tired out from the wound and the exertion.
“That’s what life is about, Connor.” Markus said softly, hand moving away from his shoulder, briefly trailing over his forehead and pushing the stray strands of hair to the side. He smiled.
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detectiveinchicago · 4 years
Sparks Fly: Chapter 7
Chapters list here
Note: Hi guys! Thank u for all the comments and reviews, you are amazing. If you want to be tag in this story please let me know. Sorry for taking so long for this one. English is not my first language. Enjoy xxx. 
WARNING: Bad language 
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“What is this?” Jess asked getting out of the car.
“This is the most annoying police unit in the world” Caitlyn answered looking across the street.
“They don’t give up, do they?” O.A asked looking at the suspect in custody.
“They clearly don’t” Caitlyn answered again rolling her eyes.
"I think we should have a link with them, one or two people who can give us a better picture. They play local" Sheryll explained “I was like them” she added referring to the fact that she once was a NYPD cop.
"This is not how we work Sheryll" Jess said looking at her.
"They can help us talk to the detectives who investigated the previous cases and save us time” Hanna added looking at Jess.
“This is also a local gang, they have advantage” Kenny said talking for the first time. Every time he spoke, Caitlyn’s heart was a complete mess. God, he still had that effect on her, even after all those years.
“If they are so good why they couldn't catch this man when he wasn't out of control yet?” Jess asked.
"I’m good Jess, because you taught me right and I couldn’t even touch this guy so far” Caitlyn answered quietly “Believe in me, they are not my cup of tea but we need them"
"I know you don't team up with cops Jess but we can give it a try" O.A said looking at Jess shrugging his shoulders.
"It’s the most annoying elite unit for sure" Caitlyn added rolling her eyes “But it’s an elite unit after all”
Jess walked through the police line to the Intelligence Unit that was now picking up suspects to put them in the car.
"Sergeant, I am Jess Lacroix, Special Agent in Charge of the Most Wanted team" Jess showed up holding out her hand.
"Sergeant Hank Voight" Voight replied curtly shaking Jess's hand.
"I'm going to need you to give us the suspects, we have a search warrant” Jess said.
'We have one too" Voight answered with an unfriendly face.
"This man is on the Most Wanted list" Jess explained peacefully “but if you want you can choose two of your detectives to join us and keep you update with the investigation”
"Halstead, Upton” Voight called his detectives “You are joining them, I want daily updates”
“Good for me Sergeant” Hailey answered looking at them.
“So what do we know?” Sheryll asked looking at the suspects in handcuffs.
“This is a local gang, well known allies of the Russian mafia that has several crimes to their credit among them are known for the trafficking of women” Upton explained.
“I went undercover to see if I could find out some information about their drugs. We believe that this gang provides drugs to Russians for the trafficking of women, so if they are providers of the Russians then there is a very good possibility that they are also offering this drugs to our suspect” Caitlyn explained to the Most Wanted team.
“Which drugs?” Jess asked
"The common ones but the police think they are also offering GHB, Zolpidem, Benzodiazepines, MDMA” O.A answered.
“Rape drugs” Sheryll said looking at Jess.
“Did any of the victims test positive?” Jess asked.
“All victims tested positive for benzodiazepines” Upton said.
“Thing is that benzodiazepines are prescribed to treat anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and several other conditions, and are also frequently used recreationally but since he uses them very often we think he must be buying them” O.A explained.
“We need to test the other victims” Caitlyn told him.
“Other victims?” Jay asked his sister surprised by this new piece of information.
“We think there were at least fifty-five victims in Chicago in the last six years” Caitlyn admitted looking at him.
“We were hoping you can help us out to check this with the detectives who run these cases, most of them went to different detectives but we figure his M.O out” O.A said.
“All the victims were brunette with blue eyes and were wearing red lipstick” Cailtyn added “I asked the forensic to run a lab on the lipstick”
“So he has a type” Hanna concluded.
“But not an M.O, that’s how he kept police distracted. He cuts their fingerprints in most of the cases and usually all the victims died stabbed or in a very violent way” O.A answered.
“Ok, split out, find something useful” Jess said while Caitlyn started looking around, she saw and alley next to the house.
“Hey, is that a camera?” She asked a police officer pointing at the brick wall “Do you think it works?”
“It might, doesn’t seem too damage” The officer answered.
“Get that footage out for me, would you?” Caitlyn asked looking at the camera in the alley before turning around. She saw Kenny working on the car with his computer so she started walking towards him. She rubbed her sweaty hands and took a deep breath but before she could even open her mouth Kenny spoke first.
"How many hearts do you think you have broken since you left me, Catilyn?" He asked without even looked at her. He was completely sure that she had moved on very quickly, probably start dating people a few months after she left.
Caitlyn was astonished. To say that the question had taken her by surprise was an understatement. “Wait, What…? Where that question even came from?”
“What do you need?” Kenny asked with an annoyed face.
“I came here to tell you that I have just found a camera in the backyard and that I told CPD to get that footage out for me so you can check it out” Caitlyn answer starting to feel enraged “Stupid son of a bitch” she whispered to herself.
She was completely furious. How dared he to talk her like that? She was just trying to be nice since they were going to work together. She could think a thousand of insults to him, she couldn’t believe the boldness and presumption of Kenny.
It had been two months since she had left Kenny but Caitlyn was still trying to get back into her feet. She was having a rough time adapting to the new office, the new coworkers and the new expectations, something that everyone seems to have about her. She couldn’t complain tough; her teammates were pretty cool but they weren’t the Most Wanted team. Sheryll and Clinton texted her a few times to see how she was doing and of course Jess called or texted her almost every day but still. She was still feeling like crap. Caitlyn was seeing a therapist weekly and that was helping a lot. The first month she could barely sleep or do anything at all. And also, there were the panic attacks every time she came home, when she realized she was all by herself and really lonely. No friends, no family. Loneliness was the worst part of it, feeling the silence and the lack of people in her house, not only because of Kenny but also because of her team, they spent so much time together that she was never really alone. The first few days, she used to sit there just listening to the silence. She started having nightmares about her tours for the first time since she got back from Middle East, at first it was about Angelyne, Jess wife but then it was about everything, things she wasn’t even afraid of. In all those years she had never even have one nightmare and now she was falling apart. Therapist said it was due to the stress and anxiety.
“You did it good today, new girl” Her partner O.A said walking into the locker room and taking her out of her thoughts.
“Thanks, I’m trying to” Cailtyn answered taking her bag “See you tomorrow” she added walking to the door before Scola walked in.
“So who wants to go to that bar in Soho to celebrate a case well done?” Scola said walking to his locker.
“Mm, nice. I’m in” Kristen said walking in with Emily.
“Let’s go then” O.A accepted.
“We can watch tonight’s game” Emily added.
“What do you say new girl? Are you in?”
“I think I’m going home for tonight; it was a tough case”
“Oh come on! You have been here for a month now and you haven’t go out with us not even once so I’m start thinking that you might hate us”
Caitlyn rolled her eyes and sigh to that monologue “Ok, let’s go then” she said.
How bad a few drinks can be after all? It was better than staying at home alone for sure. Caitlyn knew she was going to be alright eventually, maybe someday. Caitlyn knew it deep inside her. One day she will be ready to move on. Maybe having a game night with her teammates was a good start for that path.
“I saw you talking to Kenny” O.A walking from behind her “How did the ex-husband – ex-wife talk go?”
Caitlyn gave him a death look “I hate people O.A”
“Oh, that bad?” He said raising his eyebrows
“He asked me how many hearts do I think I broke since I left him” Caitlyn answered rolling her eyes.
“So he is angry” O.A commented
“As if I wasn't too, he wasn't the only one in the relationship, the last time I checked there were two of us”
“Wasn’t? So you are not angry anymore” O.A pointed raising his eyebrows.
“I moved on, O.A” Caitlyn commented looking at her partner.
His partner replied “Did you? You have just told me one hour ago that you possibly haven’t move on, that your heart stops every time he looks away and that he makes you feel like a teenager”
Caitlyn gave him a death look “I changed my mind” she said clenching her teeth.
“We are taking them to HQ for questioning” Sheryll said “We found some stuff at the house but no drugs so far”
“C’mon, let’s see if we can find this son of a bitch” Caitlyn answered looking at them.
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corie-the-writer · 4 years
Ignite - ch.1
Chapter 1
Chloe was aggravated as she left the hospital early that morning. She was thankful that Kelly had given her one of his long sleeve fire shirts, and Will Halstead had found a pair of scrub pants small enough for her to wear. She had only escaped with second degree burns on her right hand and some smoke inhalation, but she had lost everything. 
Her father had given her the day off so she could go shopping to replace the clothes she had lost so she could get back to work, along with handing her a wad of cash, since her bank card had melted in the fire. The woman had tried to protest, but had no luck. The only good thing that came from losing everything was remembering that the items that belonged to her mother and brother were in a fireproof safe in her father's basement. 
Kelly had offered to take the day off of work to help her get the things she needed but she had declined. He had even offered for her to crash at his apartment with Matt until she could find another place, but she had decided to stay with her father.
Chloe had decided to stop at Target first. Filling the cart with shower essentials, a few make-up products, a new hair brush and hair dryer, toothbrush and toothpaste. Chloe had scanned the clothing section, finding a few plain white, black and gray t-shirts, along with a couple of pajama shorts. Once she had paid for the items, she had decided to hit up the mall to find a few jeans, a new pair of boots and a new leather jacket. 
It was noon by the time Chloe arrived back at her father's home with everything she had needed to replace the ruined items. She had put the clothes away into the drawers and closet, and then grabbed all of her bathroom items and headed to take a shower. 
Once she had gotten showered and the smoke off of her from the night before, Chloe had put on her underwear and bra, and then wiggled into a pair of black skinny jeans with a few rips in the knees, black boots, and a white v-neck t-shirt, and then put on a red flannel shirt and slipped on her black leather jacket. Deciding to pile her hair onto her head in a messy bun, Chloe headed back into the bathroom to brush her teeth and put on a little make-up. 
When Chloe felt complete, she had grabbed her jeep Rubicon keys and headed out of the house to head to the district. 
"Oh my god...are you okay?" Trudy Platt questioned as Chloe leaned against the desk counter, seeing the bandaged hand. 
"Just peachy." Chloe taking off the sunglasses and tucking the metal onto her shirt, "I'm gonna need a new badge and gun." Chloe stated and watched as Trudy reached under the desk. 
"Here. Voight called me last night. Got it together this morning." Trudy slide the badge and gun with a holster towards her. 
"Thank you." Chloe hooked the badge to her jeans first, and then holstered the new gun on her hip, "I really appreciate it." Chloe smiled gratefully to the woman.  
"I'm really glad you're okay Chlo..." Trudy spoke honestly as Chloe gave a nod to the older woman as she headed for the stairs. 
Chloe had known Trudy Platt for most of her life, the older woman taking her under her wing when her mother had passed away. When Chloe was young, Hank had brought Chloe to the district while he had worked and she had spent time with the woman behind the desk. 
The dark haired detective went up the stairs to find her partner Adam Ruzek waiting for her, "About damn time..." Adam sighed, "I'm starving and we need to go question a couple of people." Adam added causing Chloe to playfully role her eyes. 
"You think we can stop by Verizon so I can pick up a new phone?" Chloe questioned as Ruzek grabbed his jacket and gun. 
"Yeah." Adam slipped his jacket on, "Anywhere else princess?" Adam teased causing Chloe to glare at him as they began the walk down the stairs. 
"Actually, the bank too." Chloe chuckled when Adam let out a dramatic sigh as he pushed the door open, "Who's driving?" Chloe questioned. 
"I can." Adam grumbled heading across the street to his car with Chloe following. 
Once the pair had stopped by Verizon, the bank and to grab food, Chloe had been filled in on the case intelligence had caught that morning. Adam had given her a file to look over of the murdered man. 
The man was shot in an alley with no form of ID, gun powder underneath his nails, a stamp on his left hand, and a hotel key. While Atwater and Halstead had been at the crime scene asking surrounding business owners for a look at their security footage, Ruzek and Chloe were left to investigate the hotel room and figure out where the stamp on the man's hand had led to. 
"I've seen this stamp before..." Chloe commented as she looked at the photo of the stamp, "I just don't remember where." Chloe added as Adam pulled into the parking lot of the skeezy hotel on the edge of town. 
Chloe had shut the file sticking it under the seat, she lifted her head to look around to find 319B. Both Detectives got out of the car and made sure to cover their badges and guns, before walking towards the flight of stairs that led to the second floor. 
"Chlo..." Adam spoke quietly as they reached the door they were looking for, seeing that the door was slightly open with blood on the door handle. 
Chloe quickly pulled her gun with Adam doing the same, and moved in front of Adam to get on the other side of the door. Adam gave her an alert look, she nodded in understanding as Adam used his left hand to push the door open slightly, while having his gun aimed. Adam cleared the part of the room he could see, while Chloe quickly scanned the side she could see before they entered. 
"Chicago PD..." Chloe spoke loudly, nearly gagging at the smell from inside the hotel room. 
Chloe scanned the bedroom area and noticed a large suitcase on the bed filled with various things, some scattered on the bed as Adam searched the bathroom.  
"Body.." Adam spoke loud enough for Chloe to hear, "It's clear..." Adam came back into the bedroom area to see Chloe covering her mouth and nose, "I'm gonna call it in." Chloe gave a nod, moving to grab a black glove from her jacket pocket and slipping it on to rummage through the suitcase to see if she could find anything. 
"Can you check to see if he has any ID, maybe a stamp on his hand too?" Chloe questioned to her partner. 
Chloe looked to the suitcase, digging through some of the clothes and found a bag of drugs along with a couple wads of cash and a hand gun. 
"Guy in there is Sortelli Michaels." Adam spoke as he walked out of the bathroom with the ID in his hand, "No stamp though." Adam moved to the bed to see the drugs, gun and cash, "Drug deal gone wrong?" Adam questioned out loud. 
"I'm not sure..." Chloe looked to the suitcase and noticed that the top of the material was a little bumpy, "Do you have your knife on you?" Chloe questioned and Adam mumbled a yeah, so she held out her hand to take the knife. Flipping the knife open, Chloe had cut the material of the suitcase and stuck her gloved hand in carefully feeling a few pictures, "Bingo." Chloe pulled the pictures out and her stomach churned. 
"What the..." Adam looked over Chloe's shoulder to see the photos. 
There were three different photos of three different girls somewhere between eighteen and twenty two. 'Cleo. Samantha. Veronica' were written on the polaroid's, and they looked to be beaten and half dressed with rope in their mouths. 
Chloe and Adam had waited until the crime scene investigators arrived, and then headed back to start searching through the missing person's database for the three girls. 
"Okay, fill us in." Hank Voight stand crossing his arms over his chest, leaning against Chloe's desk as she and her partner stood near the large white board. 
"So far we have Frank Waters that was found in the alley with three gun shots to the chest. He had the hotel key, and there we had found Sortelli Michaels. He has no criminal record, but he had a large stash of cash, drugs and a hand gun. When searching through his suitcase, we found a photo of these three women. Cleo, Samantha, and Veronica. We're running their names through the database now." Chloe explained. 
"I decided to reach out to a couple of my CI's and asked about the stamp found on Waters hand." Adam began, "There is a nightclub called NIXX that is apparently real high class, mostly rich men." Adam explained. 
"So let's start looking into Michaels and Waters background. See if this NIXX club is tied into these murders some how. Halstead, Atwater, try locating the families of these girls see what you can find out. Chloe, Ruzek, start looking into the guys history, work, family, friends." Hank stated, "We not only have two dead bodies but three missing girls, let's find them." 
Chloe and Ruzek gave a nod in understanding, grabbing their jackets and guns, Chloe had grabbed the file for Michaels and Waters with a list of their home and work addresses. Since the families had yet to be notified, Chloe knew that they would be the ones to break the news. 
Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket, Chloe pulled out the device as Ruzek began to drive to Waters home. Seeing that Kelly had text her, she quickly read the text. 
K: Just wanted to check in to see how you were. C: Good, got everything I needed. K: If I have a minute later, I'll give you a call. 
Chloe had not bothered to reply because she and Kelly both knew just how busy their jobs were, so she shoved the phone back into her pocket and looked to the file to go over Waters information listed.
"It says he is married to a woman named Mary, two sons, Derrick and Michael." Chloe read information to Ruzek as he pulled up to a large two story home in a good part of Chicago. Tucking the file back into the seat, Chloe and Ruzek got out of the car and headed up the sidewalk that led to the house. Knocking on the large oak door, Chloe shoved her hands in her pockets for a moment waiting for someone to answer while Ruzek looked to the ground. 
These types of visits were never easy, but after a while you tend to get use to the robot voice that comes out of your mouth as you tell someone they had lost a loved one. 
Hearing the door open, Chloe took her hands out of her pocket and saw a blonde haired woman in her forties answer the door with a smile, "May I help you?" The woman questioned kindly. 
"Mrs. Mary Waters?" Chloe questioned and watched the woman nod her head, "My name is Detective Chloe Voight, and this is my partner Detective Adam Ruzek from Chicago PD." Chloe stated the mantra for visits like this. 
"Oh god..." Mary Waters started to tremble.
"May we come in to talk?" Ruzek had spoken up. 
Chloe watched as the woman gave a nod, opening the door a little further for them to walk inside the home. Chloe locked her hands together in front of her as Adam broke the news that her husband was murdered early that morning. Chloe had learned to shut off the part of her mind that caused her to get emotional when she was on a case, and had to break the news to loved ones. Once the woman had cried into Adam's chest for a solid twenty minutes, Adam ushered her to a chair and sat her down. 
"We need to ask you a few questions..." Chloe spoke gently, "Do you know what your husband was doing out that late last night?" Chloe questioned, making sure to keep her voice gentle. 
"He uh...he said that he had to do some late night work. He's a reporter, so he always wanted to make sure that he got the first scoop before anyone else." Mary explained. 
"With him being a reporter, was there ever any threats? Anyone that had a problem with him?" Adam questioned. 
"No, not that I'm aware of." Mary answered.
"And he worked at Chicago Times, correct?" Chloe questioned, remembering the file information. 
"Yeah. But he had started working for a gossip news website a couple months ago." Mary explained as her oldest son walked into the room from downstairs. 
"Ma, what's going on?" Derrek questioned. 
"These are detectives with Chicago PD." Mary sighed, "Your father was murdered last night." 
Chloe watched the young man, seeing that his hand clenched at his side, his jaw set quickly and shook his head, while his mother began to cry again. Chloe had watched as the young man walked out the front door, and decided to go check on him, while Adam wrapped up questions with Mary. 
"Derrek." Chloe spoke his name to see him starting to walk off the property, "I'm Detective Chloe Voight." Chloe approached as he stopped, "I'm very sorry for your loss." 
"Thanks." Derrek mumbled, shoving his hands into his pocket. 
Chloe was good at reading people, and she knew that Derrek had wanted to speak about something because it looked like he had wanted to explode within moments. 
"Is there anyone you can think of who would do this?" Chloe questioned gently, "Maybe a co-worker, a rival?" Chloe suggested.
"No, everyone loved him." Derrek stated, "I just...I found out last night that my dad was cheating on my mom." Derrek sighed, "We got into a huge fight about it. I overheard him on the phone talking to a woman, promising to meet her last night." Derrek explained, "I told him if he didn't end things with her I would tell my mom." 
"Do you know the woman's name?" Chloe questioned, "Any information that could  help me find her?" 
"Uh, I think her name is Ashley." Derrek explained, "I hacked into his phone about a week ago when I started connecting the dots. He had several texts to her. I ended up emailing them to myself in case he didn't come clean." Derrek explained. 
"Do you still have the emails?" Chloe questioned and watched as he gave a nod to fish out his cell phone. 
"The thing is, mom and dad cheat on each other all the time." Derrek explained as he got into his emails, "I'm just trying to look out for my kid brother, he's too young to know what's going on but the times they find someone, they start becoming shit parents." Derrek handed the phone to Chloe. 
Chloe began to scan through the screenshots of the texts shared between Waters and Ashley, seeing the nightclub NIXX being mentioned a couple of times, and then saw a photo of Ashley, a red-head, as Adam came out of the house. 
"Do you mind if I email these to myself?" Chloe questioned. 
"Go ahead." 
Once Chloe had emailed the screenshots to herself, she had given Derrek her card, "If you happen to think of anything, please don't hesitate to reach out." Chloe thanked the young man and headed to the car with Ruzek.
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My Reaction to “Avengers Endgame”
Yes- I still haven’t seen this movie.  Yes I know exactly what happens in this movie.  I mainly avoided it for a while due to overhype but with some convincing from my brother, Imma sit my butt down and try to watch this.
Pressing... play!
Right off the bat, I feel like I should warn you guys and say that I have... my opinions... about stuff.  Plus I’m a dumbass about Marvel so just bear with me.
I like that Disney Plus has to warn us about product placement
Are we gonna see little Nathaniel running around- THERE he is!
We are gonna see Clint’s entire family get freaking obliterated
Is all the rumbling from the sky or are those airplanes freaking crashing to Earth in the distance?
What if they pulled a reverse WandaVision and showed the people getting snapped out of existence in a future film or show?  That would be freaking terrifying.
They’re [Tony and Nebula] playing paper football...
I wanna see more of THEIR interactions aboard the Milano.  The shots of them just repairing the ship are great too.
“I’m fine.  Totally fine.”  Everyone ever.
I also like you see the visual difference between Tony and Nebula.  While he’s growing gaunt and haggard from loss of oxygen, you can still see that Nebula looks absolutely fine because she’s like 75% android
So between 1995 and now, what the heck has Carol been up to?
“Thanos wiped out... 50% of all living creatures.”  So like entire ecosystems are just demolished.
*anthropology major part of my brain scrambling for answers*
“We lost.  And you [Steve] weren’t there.”  HE WAS IN WAKANDA!
Wait so the arc reactor ISN’T in Tony’s chest anymore?
“Where the hell have you [Carol] been all this time?”  Good question!
*silently bops to opening theme*
For some reason, I just really want the ship radio to randomly turn on so you just see everyone sitting awkwardly as “Piano Man” plays over the speakers
*Thanos slowly cooks his food*  Faster, all together now!  COOKING CAN BE FUN!
“I [Thanos] used the stones to destroy the stones.”  ...what?
“I am...[Thanos] inevitable.”  *starts humming “Inevitable” from TGWDLM*
“I [Thor] went for the head.”  YES YOU DID
[FIVE YEARS LATER] All righty so we’re doing this
*gasps*  Is... Steve running the therapy sit downs like Sam did in “The Winter Soldier”?  That’s awesome.  I really like this tidbit.
I’m also really liking Alan Silvestri’s score for this so far
I’m really trying not to nitpick but I feel like it would take more than 5 years for greenery to just completely overtake a suburban neighborhood
Also wow pre COVID life looks great you guys
“There’s a part of me that doesn’t even wanna find him.”  Are they talking about... Clint?  Is Clint just going the full vigilante route?
I really like Steve and Natasha’s friendship in these movies but for some reason I don’t feel like we get enough of Natasha for me to get behind her on an emotional standpoint
Are they gonna use the quantum realm to jumpstart the multiverse for Phase 4?
Also speaking of multiverse, I honestly really don’t want Spiderman:  No Way Home or Wandavision to get too cluttered by that
I like Tony’s lake house.  And he got a whole vegetable garden going too.  Kudos!
The little kid who plays Morgan Stark is adorable
“Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel.”  Which we obviously won’t.
“We’re gonna need a really big brain.”  So where the [expletive] is Banner?
“Stranger danger.”  *snorts*
“Dab!”  *rolls eyes*
So is the whole Professor Hulk thing permanent?  I know he’s gonna be in the She-Hulk show but I’m wondering how they’re gonna tackle that.  And they’re gonna have Tim Roth too!
*smiles when Tony takes Morgan to bed*
Steve Rogers here [when they do the first time travel tests] is a Look ™
Maybe don’t let the GIANT GREEN MAN keep pressing a bunch of tiny tiny important buttons on a dashboard
*laughs at Steve shaking his head in disbelief when they finally bring Scott back*
*Tony’s car races toward the Avengers base*  NYOOOMMMM
*Tony rolls down his window*  It’s Britney, bitch
“And maybe not die trying.”  And you definitely will.
This whole bit where Scott keeps losing his dorito only to get another one from Bruce feels like a Doritos commercial.
*jams out to "Supersonic Rocket Ship by The Kinks*
Did they just keep reducing the green pigment for Hulk or what?
*sighs when they reveal Fat!Thor*
Please tell me Noobmaster69 is Kid Loki, whom we meet in the Loki series
“Don’t... say that name.”  “Yeah we actually don’t say that name here.”  I like this.  I like that Thor has so much resentment for killing Thanos at the wrong time and that he felt that could have done better cause he’s A GOD.  So the fact that THANOS was on equal level and BEAT HIM-
Hawkeye’s killing people
This sword fight’s great [between the Yakuza person and Clint]
WHY DIDN’T THEY BUILD ON THIS [Clint and Natasha’s connection] ???
*laughs when Rhodey suggests killing baby Thanos*
These shots of Clint going through the Quantum Realm looks like something straight out of Andy Park’s concept art and that’s awesome
“Well I [Scott] haven’t [encountered an Infinity Stone] but I don’t even know what the hell you’re all talking about.”  *snorts*
“The Aether, firstly, is not a stone.”  Thank you!
The little glance Nebula gives after Thor mentions the Dark Elves just make me think that somewhere down the road, she has either A) encountered them or B) has encountered other Asgardians besides Thor
“Guys if you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York.”  “Shut the front door.”  *laughs*
Also underrated trio:  Steve, Natasha, and Bruce.  Gimme more.
Wait a minute, in 2012, Doctor Strange wasn’t active yet.  So are they gonna go see- OOOOOOOHHHHHH
[NEW YORK 2012] Oh here we go
*cracks up when Bruce very half-assedly smashes stuff on the street*
“I’m looking for Doctor Strange.”  “You’re about five years too early.”  Wait a minute.
HOW DOES SHE [the Ancient One] KNOW?!?
*giggles at Thor and Rocket sneaking in the background with a bored Loki in focus*
“That’s my [Thor’s] mother.  She dies today.”  I love this scene already.
Also WHY IS THOR- or the Thor films in general- have like the most well written characters in the whole canon?
It’s those movies, Guardians 2, The Winter Soldier, Civil War, aaand.... I can’t think of any more of them. 
Rocket just said he thinks of the Guardians as his family I’m gonna die...
What about their [Natasha and Rhodey’s] friendship?!?  I want more of that!
“Ronan’s obsession... clouds his judgment.”  ...HUH
*Thanos uses his sword to lift up Nebula’s chin*  Aw heck no
“As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass.”  *has to take a second before nodding in agreement*
Wait is that Jasper Stillwell?
“Flick me.”  That bit alone could be taken out of context
“We’re in route to Doctor List.”  Who’s Doctor List?  Is that a code name?
Please tell me this hand off scene is gonna be the opening for the Loki show.  Please tell me this is gonna happen.
*Loki takes the Tesseract again*  AND HE’S GOOONNNEE!!
*ends up quoting “Yeah, I know, I know” along with Steve*
I’m really glad Tilda Swinton actually came back for this cameo
*keeps slapping my laptop screen when people keep saying Doctor Strange made a mistake when it was an explicit point in Infinity War where he encountered 14 million other AUs to find the best result*
Are you telling me that this whole plan could derail because Nebula accidentally hacked into her own WiFI network?  Are you seriously doing this?
*Thanos and Ebony Maw scan Nebula’s duplicate memory bank and track her down*  Are you freaking kidding me?
...I have 96 minutes left?!?
“The future hasn’t been kind to you [Thor], has it?”  Frigga is underrated
So for these shots with Jane, are they just reusing different shots from Thor 2 or just footage from deleted scenes?
Can we talk about how Frigga is absolutely the best parent Thor has?  Meanwhile her husband ODIN is like “oh yeah by the way you have a secret sister totes magotes i’ll die now byeeee”
*sings along with “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone*
*laughs when we cut to Quill just very badly singing along to his iPod in the distance*
I want a bonus short with just Rhodey and Nebula doing their thing
*Nebula gets her memory taken over by 2014 Thanos*  Nooooooo...
Are the glasses that Tony wears here part of EDITH from “Far From Home” or are they like a prototype?
Also I haven’t seen “Far From Home” yet because Sony hates me
Doctor Zola?!?
*jams out to the music playing when we see Hank Pym’s lab*
“A little girl would be nice.  Less of a chance that she’ll end up exactly like me [Howard Stark].”  *gasps softly*
Oh my God, he’s [Steve] in Peggy’s office
Alan Silvestri is really killing it with this score
Wait and that’s the guy from “Agent Carter”!
Ohhh that shot’s [of Thanos’s ship coming out of the clouds] awesome...
*2014 Nebula hands Thanos the Pym particles*  Oh are you kidding me...
The CGI for Red Skull is also awesome
*gasps when Natasha reveals that she never knew her dad’s name when Red Skull told it to her*
*is super bummed out when Natasha sacrifices herself*
Kevin Feige really went and said “so Phases 3 and 4 are gonna make everybody cry” and the writers went “YES”
Wait doesn’t Cap go and return the stones at the end of the movie?  How’s he gonna handle meeting Red Skull on Vormir then?
“It’s like... I [Bruce] was made for this.”  Please someone get Mark Ruffalo his own Hulk movie before he combusts from giving out more spoilers
So Thanos used the Pym particles to time travel then.  Honestly that’s kinda genius
I just noticed that Scott shrank himself right as the explosion hit the windows
I really want someone to just drop one F-bomb somewhere in the MCU and I really hope it’s Clint because he would 100% say it
*starts singing “Hollaback Girl” when Thanos arrives*
Here’s my question;  how did Thanos acquire Nebula then?  With Gamora, it was with the genocide of her people.
“We [Gamora to Nebula] can stop him.”  LET’S GO!
[Thor uses his storm powers to summon both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir] *softly* Ohhhhh that’s badass...
Now I’m just imagining the cast just in the green screen room just hitting Josh Brolin with a bunch of foam weapons and making all the sound effects while poor Josh is just struggling under the weight of the Thanos reference head on his mocap suit
Who does the voice for FRIDAY?
AN:  Irish actress named Kerry Condon
*Steve deems himself worth to wield Mjolnir*  OKKAAYY OKAAYY
Love how Thanos is like “yes, I’m gonna stab you with an AXE”
“In all my years of conquest...”  Steve you suuuucckkk...
Are we getting the Chitauri again?
“On your left.”  *laughs incredulously*  O-ohhh my God...
*Everyone starts coming out of the portals*  Oh my God I’m getting chills
I would have lost my mind in the theater
“Avengers... assemble.”  Oh my God this is amazing!
Also “Endgame” really just said “We are KILLING FOOLS TODAY”
How are they gonna tackle Peter and Gamora’s relationship in Guardians 3?
[Horn plays La Cucaracha] LET’S GO
God I’m gonna turn feral
*has to pause to scream in excitement when Wanda touches down in front of Thanos to fight him*
*puts hands on head*  OHH MY GOOOOODDDDD
They’re literally just playing Keep Away with a teenage boy.  Marvel, everybody.
*Captain Marvel destroys Thanos’s ship*  WELL IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH
OK I got mixed feelings about that [the girl power team up scene]
*Thanos unsuccessfully headbutts Carol*  Oh shit!
*Doctor Strange holds up one finger*  Oh my God this is it
Someone definitely tore off when Thanos pushed Tony off
It was in that moment he [Thanos] knew- he effed up
*All of Thanos’s army dissipates*  Byeee...
Is it bad that I’m not crying at Tony’s death?
*gasps when Peter reunites with Ned at school*
Wait the whole time heist takes place within ONE DAY?
“I love you 3000.”  I really hope we see Morgan again somewhere in one of the movies or shows.  Actually a cool way to reincorporate her would be in the Ironheart series whenever they make it
Even Drax is wearing black!
It’s the “We should be getting therapy but we got a TV show instead” trio [Wanda, Bucky, and Sam]
Wait is that guy- was that guy- the little kid from Iron Man 3?
AN:  Yes
So right after this funeral, Wanda’s gonna storm SWORD right?
AN:  This was finished up on 2/26 so probably YES
*Thor crowns Valkyrie the new leader of New Asgard*  I now cannot wait for “Thor Love and Thunder”
Wait Peter’s looking for Gamora!
Still cannot believe that the time travel suits are completely CGI
I know they had a body double for Chris Evans here but I do think it would have been cool if they used the body double’s voice for Old Steve instead of Chris trying to sound old
He [Steve] put the shield in an art portfolio bag...
*says “No, no I don’t think I will” along with Steve*
*silently jams out to “It’s Been a Long, Long Time” playing during the credits*
Wait and that was the song Fury was playing in “Winter Soldier”
Oh they even got the actual signatures!  That’s awesome!
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I'm not sure if requests are open but if they're not feel free to ignore this. Could I get a NSFW alphabet for Connor?
Tumblr media
Yeah requests for the alphabets are open! And I hope the both of you are doing well and staying safe as well!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Connor is a god at after care, any little pain or discomfort is immediately taken care of with either pain medication or light massage to the sore area. He will take full responsibility to clean you and the area up, Connor won't even think about what he needs until you are completely comfortable.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Connor is a basic bitch, his favorite part on himself and his partner are your mouths. Your mouth is just so tantalizing and alluring, they way your lips move to form words, the way they part when you gasp or whimper for him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
He tries to always cum inside you, then he eats it out of you sending your over sensitive body into over drive.
D = Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Connor steals your underwear to masturbate with, sniffing and tasting them the whole time.
E = Experience (how experienced are they?)
This man has no experience, he didn't even know what sex was until Hank had to sit him down and have the birds and the bees talk with him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Connor likes cowgirl, in this position he has full access to your body.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment?)
He's not necessarily goofy during sex, but sometimes he tries to crack his silly jokes to lighten some tension if he thinks you are especially stressed.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they?)
He is pretty hairless, he does has a small happy trail though.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment?)
Connor is incredibly intimate during sex, but as I said before he will try to crack some jokes if he feels like you are stressed or tense during it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Connor masturbates a couple times every couple of days, before he had access to your underwear he would use his recorded footage of your daily life.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Connor's biggest kink is to get you to beg for him to touch you, it started off as him trying to not take you when you were saying no. He would physically restrain you and let you tire yourself out to the point where all you could do is let him touch you, and beg for him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The bedroom, is Connor's favorite place to do the fuck, though he does like shower or sex in the bathtub.
M = Motivation (what turns them on)
A recurring theme for Connor is the mouth, your mouth is a huge turn on for him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving)
Taking Connor's oral fixation into account it's pretty obvious this android prefers giving. Connor will pin your hips down with his large hands and kiss every inch of you thighs before he finally takes you into his mouth. He's not necessarily into overstimulation, he's not opposed to it though.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough or slow and sensual?)
Connor is definitely a sensual lover, the only time he would ever be rough with you is when you have pushed him over the edge with your behavior.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
He's not for them, Connor likes to take his time to work the both of you up and quickies just don't allow for that.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment?)
Connor doesn't experiment a whole lot, the only risky thing he insisted was fucking you in the backseat of his patrol car. He might be willing to try something you suggest from time to time as a reward for you being good.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for?)
Being a police unit he has more stamina than the average android, Connor could honestly go for 5 or 6 rounds. He knows you aren't built the same so he tries to pace himself.
T = Toys (do they own toys?)
Connor would purchase several toys after he takes interest in you, if he finds out you have any toys he'd buy the same ones to feel closer to you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This android will tease you till the cows come home, in the start if the relationship the teasing is unintentional because he's just focused on going down on you. But after a while he enjoys drawing out your climax.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
Connor is very vocal, constantly telling you how amazing you feel, how you make him feel like he's died and gone to android heaven. His moans will often drown out your's (he really needs to turn his censors down)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Dominate him, if he ever gets to where he can completely trust you to not attack him and try to escape he will let you dom him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Connor has a slim and long dick, he's around 6 and a half inches long with a very sensitive head (he really should turn down his pleasure censors)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Connor actually has a high sex drive after he meets you, he tries his best to suppress it but he's like a horny teenage boy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Connor never sleeps after sex, he will lay there running his fingers through your hair and watch you as you slumber.
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sunnybeas · 4 years
saints in chains
Chapter One of Saints In Chains- wait out the plastic weather
summary:  Gavin meets Connor's little brother and finds out love at first sight is real  
cross posted on ao3
The first time Gavin Reed sees the RK900 he doesn’t have time to really look at him. It is an active crime scene that’s taking up the entire street and Gavin holes himself behind the barricade with Chen at his side. Teeth grit and hand sweating as he gripped his handgun, he only sees a white blur stride by and hoist itself over the barricade.
A curse is halfway out of his mouth because of course a civilian would get cocky and bolt but no- the damn thing rips the door off the hinges of a car and surges forward. And Gavin is sitting there, mouth open, in full view of the shooter. He drops down beside Chen again, who is equally as fucking gob smacked.
“Did you fucking see that?” Gavin demanded.
“Of course, I did! Did Fowler hire a fucking Terminator? What was that?” she asked back, rolling to her knees to peek over the car again.
Gavin scooted in next to her, eyes squinted. He felt like an idiot, gawking at the figure in white sprinting forward, car door acting as a shield and taking all the spray. It takes a leap and absolutely bodies the shooter, tossing the car door aside like a dinner plate. Its hand crunches the AK in its hand, and it misfires in the shooter’s hand. The fucker screams as the figure lifts him and slams him onto the concrete, knee on his back, hands pinned there securely.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit- “Gavin chanted, because the figure looks up and he’s half fucking sure he recognizes Connor’s smug little face. It’s different, though, and Gavin can’t quite pinpoint how because of the distance.
“Well done, see, I knew he’d do well.”
And that- that’s Connor’s peppy voice from behind him. Frowning, Gavin spins on his heel.
“What the fuck is happening here?” He asked, sharply.
Connor and Anderson were dressed all up in their vests. Gavin snorted at the sight of Connor in his. He had seen the android take more bullets than he could count. Had almost put one in him more than a few times.
The LED in Connor’s temple spins yellow briefly. “He has minor abrasions. Otherwise a near perfect introduction.” He smiled, too fucking bright and cheerful for Gavin, who was getting sick just looking at him.
“Con, dear, sweetheart, love, please make sense. What was that?” Chen finally cut in.
“My brother.” Connor replied simply, punctuating it with that dopey smile of his. His big ole doe eyes lifted past them and he rocked on his heels before starting forward.
Gavin turned to follow when he caught sight of their blur. And holy fuck. Holy shit, Gavin didn’t think they built androids like that. Connor’s ‘brother’ was a massive specimen, towering over the shooter, eyeing the suspect wearily with eyes so pale they may as well have been white.
It takes Gavin about five seconds to deduce that this thing, this android, was basically Connor on steroids. If that were something they could do, anyway. He was taller, a good foot or so, and he was fucking jacked, his arms thicker, shoulders broader. He looked scary as shit, his jaw sharper, wider, his eyes set in deeper and looking down at them all with those dead looking eyes.
He was hot. Like really, insanely, one of the hottest things Gavin had ever seen. And he hadn’t even looked his way yet. But he couldn’t tear his eyes away from him. It. Whatever.
“Holy shit, just take a picture for your spank bank, creep.” Tina scoffed, elbowing him sharply.
“Chen, shut the fuck up.” Gavin hissed, his neck and ears burning at being caught checking out a fucking android. One with Connor’s face too.
The statement seemed to gain the android’s attention, though, because he looked up from Connor and stared directly at Gavin. Gavin couldn’t get a read on him, couldn’t eek the slightest bit of emotion from the thing’s blank ass face. His pale eyes flickered briefly over Gavin, almost sizing him up. Head tilted, eyes half lidded, the android regarded him for more than a few seconds. It was deliberate. Was it trying to intimidate him?
“RK?” Connor’s voice broke through and the android looked away from Gavin, finally, to return his attention to Connor.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Gavin cursed, turning on his heel to Chen. “Come on, we don’t need to be here anymore. Thing one n’ two got it.”
They started back to Chen’s patrol car. She widened her stride to keep up with how fast Gavin was walking.
Chen tossed her head back to laugh. “Look at you, lil’ Gavin Reed running scared from some sexy robot. Gav, did you see his pecs? Or his arms? Why did they give an android an ass that- “?
Gavin groaned. “I fucking saw! Cyberlife’s a bunch of fucking perverts. Holy shit, Tina.” He scrubbed his face with his hand.
Tina clambered into the driver’s seat, grinning. “He better be at the station.”
And fuck- Gavin hadn’t even considered that.
As luck would have it, God fucking hated Gavin Reed. He had just settled into his desk when Connor came striding in, Anderson at his side and leading their perp and the fucking Iron Giant trailing behind. Immediately Gavin looked towards Chen, who was practically vibrating in her seat. She shot him a grin and a wink before standing up from her seat.
Anderson spoke lowly to Connor before nodding and taking the perp to the back. Which left Connor standing there with his grumpy looking twin. Chen chose this moment to strike.
“Hey, Connor, who’s this?” She asked.
Connor beamed, clearly tickled fucking pink that someone was taking an interest in his little pet project. He lifted a hand and gestured to the android beside him. “This is RK, my little brother. He moved here and Fowler offered him a position. Today was his trial. I’m fairly sure he exceeded Fowler’s expectations.” Connor reported, absolutely glowing with pride.
Gavin snorted at his desk. Little? Little wasn’t a word to describe that ‘droid.
“I’m Tina Chen, nice to meet you.” Chen offered her hand, smiling politely in that way of hers. Tina brought out the good in everyone.
The android hesitated, studying her hand before taking it and shaking it carefully. “Nice to meet you, Officer Chen.” And oh- his voice was Connor’s but pitched lower.
It sounded surprisingly good. Fuck. Gavin hated him. Hated his pretty, stupid face.
“Gav, come say hi to the new guy!” Chen called, turning to face him with a wide, smug smile on her face.
Gavin decided he hated her too. No more coffee runs or donuts for her. She was dead to him.
“I’m good.” He said, instead.
Connor frowned. The big guy didn’t do anything, just stared. Shit.
“RK and Hank are going to be interrogating the shooter. I’ll be reviewing the footage if anyone has any need for me.” Connor informed Tina.
“Gavin and I can help with that!” Tina blurted out.
Connor blinked, clearly surprised. “You want to help me?” His eyes flickered uncertainly to Gavin, who was making a face, his middle finger up and pointed to Connor.
“I want to see that asshole getting his up close and personal.” Tina said. “Reed won’t admit it, but he does too.”
Gavin again held his middle finger up, though neither Connor or Tina were looking his way. He, instead, caught the attention of RK. And Gavin swore, he fucking swore, he saw the flicker of a smile on his face.
“Okay, that’s fine then.” Connor was still uncertain, but Tina was insistent.
He wasn’t sure why until they were seated all together, huddled up in front of the screen.
Seeing it from afar had been one thing but holy shit, seeing RK900 in action up close was a whole different experience.
“Holy shit.” Gavin rasped out, watching as he ripped the car door with his bar hands from the hinges. He sat tall in his seat.
RK hadn’t stopped, hadn’t faltered once as the shooter had let loose a barrage. He had just driven forward, expression drawn, brow furrowed. And then he had crushed the barrel of the gun like it were made of cheap plastic, ignoring the blast of the misfire and splatter of thirium on his open palm. He lifted the perp up by the coat.
“God, I wish that were me.” Gavin murmured, sinking into his seat. His eyes tracked how fluidly RK moved.
Tina choked out a laugh from beside him. “You’re a fucking mess.”
Connor frowned, so severely that his stupid forehead dented in from the faux wrinkles.
“Please don’t objectify RK in front of me.” He requested, weakly.
“Connor, where the fuck have you been hiding my teenage wet dream from?” Gavin demanded, emboldened by RK’s absence.
Connor’s head bowed and he rubbed at his temples needlessly.
“Gavin, that’s his baby brother!” Tina chided, smacking at his arm, though she wore a broad grin on her lips. She loved Gavin when he was in a mood like this.
“Baby brother my fucking ass, look at him- “
“You wish he were fucking- “
“I am literally begging you to stop.” Connor interjected.
“Listen, I’m trying to do some begging myself here, Connor, so help me out here.” Gavin continued.
Connor let out a pained groan and dropped his head completely into his palms in the same moment Tina let out a cackling laugh, her head tossed back.
“You’re intolerable.” Connor accused, shaking his head as he stood up. “I brought this for research purposes, and you’ve ruined it.”
“Wish your brother would ruin me.” Gavin mumbled.
Connor paused, his LED blipping red before he promptly turned on his heel and strode quickly out of the room. In his absence, the two dissolved into laughter.
“I think you broke him this time. Anderson is gonna be on your ass for traumatizing his boyfriend.” Tina snorted, wiping tears from her eyes.
Gavin reached forward and rolled the vid back, taking extra care to watch how RK had lifted the man with absolutely no effort. Oh. This might become a problem.
“If you’re done, Fowler wants to speak to you.” Connor poked his head around through the door again, frowning sourly at the screen and where it had paused.
Gavin sighed and forced himself to his feet. He tossed the remote Chen’s way.
“It’s not going to be as much fun without you.” She complained.
“Just enjoy the eye candy, Chen.” Gavin shrugged, following Connor down the hall.
Just looking at Connor, the differences between he and his younger counterpart were drastic. Their faces were eerily similar but RK’s had a sharpness where Connor’s was soft. Connor was clearly meant to assimilate where RK looked the complete opposite. Like he was meant to be identified as an android. What had he been made for that he was built that mean looking?
Hands shoved into his pockets; Gavin turned to the door of Fowler’s office. Knocking twice, he stepped in. Directly into the personal space of RK, who did not budge even as Gavin knocked his shoulder clumsily into his mid arm. And Christ on a fucking cracker, Gavin’s head barely measured to his shoulder. He swallowed hard.
“Reed, you meet RK yet?” Fowler asked, shifting in his seat just slightly to face him.
“Uh, sort of.” He took a long step back, hands curling to fists in his jacket pocket.
“Well, better get the introductions out now. He’s your new partner.” He paused, eyes squinting up at Gavin, waiting for the explosion.
RK looked down, extended his hand which was going to swallow Gavin’s in it. Even his hands were built big. Vaguely, Gavin wondered how they would feel-
“It’s nice to formally meet you. I’m RK.”
Gavin had been right before. This was going to be a big fucking problem.
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cynicalone94 · 4 months
Found Footage
Read on AO3 here.
“5021 George. 10-1 at 2650 W Fulton Street. Officer down, need an ambulance and CFD.”
Hailey looks up in shock as she hears her husband’s voice over the radio set up in the bullpen.
What the hell?
Intelligence scrambles down to their cars, racing to Fulton Street.
An ambulance is already on scene, the paramedics working on the young patrol officer.
The patrol car had been forced off the road, resting in a shallow ravine.
Hailey jogs over to the ambulance, greeting the paramedics.
“How is he?” she asks.
“He hit his head pretty hard in the crash.” the medic tells her. “It’s a good thing we got here when we did. He needs to get to Med.”
“Where’s Detective Halstead?”
“Officer Tanika was the only one on scene when we arrived.” she’s told. “We have to go.”
Hailey stares after them in shock as they load the stretcher into the ambulance and pull away.
Then where is Jay?
She turns to look for Voight and sees him talking to Deputy Superintendent Austin. What is he doing here?
As she gets closer, she can hear parts of the conversation.
“This doesn’t look good, Hank.” Austin is saying. “We don’t have dash cam, there’s no traffic cameras in the area and the only witness who might have been able to vouch for Halstead is unconscious.”
“Nobody in Intelligence knew you were going to arrest Halstead until you walked into the bullpen.” Voight argues. “That doesn’t leave any time for him to have set up a jailbreak.”
“So maybe it was you who arranged this.” Austin says. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Hailey jumps in, cutting Voight off before he can escalate this. “We need to track down whoever was behind this and find Jay. We can sort out if this was a rescue or a kidnapping later.”
“I can’t let your team investigate this.” Austin says, shaking his head. “You’re too close.”
They might actually find Jay.
Hailey quashes the cynical thoughts for the moment.
Austin walks away and she turns to Voight.
“He’s involved.” she says quietly and he nods.
“We just have to prove it.” he says.
“And find Jay.” Hailey adds. “They can’t afford to give him a chance to tell his side of the story.”
He may already be dead.
It isn’t as hard as they might have expected to link Austin to Jay’s kidnapping.
Because that’s exactly what it was, despite the doubts that Austin had stirred up through the department.
Intelligence had located a vehicle nearby the site of the crash on security cameras. And the vehicle had come back to the CPD auction lot, signed out by none other than the Deputy Superintendent himself.
Once they’d shared that information with the Superintendent, it had been all too easy to get full access to Austin’s office and electronics.
“I’ve got a flash drive.” Kim announces, holding it up where she’s searching the desk.
Adam reaches for it, plugging it into his laptop.
“Two video files.” he says, opening the first one. “Hey, lookie here, the missing dash cam footage.”
Jay’s voice fills the room.
“Tanika? Hey, come on, talk to me. Are you okay up there?”
Moments later, the kidnappers arrive, telling a confused and resistant Jay that he’s coming with them.
And then gold hits.
“If you let me radio for an ambulance for him I won’t fight you.” Jay says. “I’ll come quietly.”
“He willingly went with them to protect Tanika.” Hailey says, shaking her head with a fond smile.
“Well now we’re going to find him, get him back.” Voight says. “I’m going to go have a chat with Austin.”
“Hang on boss.” Adam says. “Second file is… oh shit.”
Voight storms into the unfamiliar interrogation room, throwing the laptop on the table in front of Austin and hitting play.
Jay grunts as a fist slams into his face, throwing him forcefully onto his back. A kick to the stomach follows and then three separate men are standing over him, their booted feet slamming repeatedly into whatever part of Jay they can reach as he curls up, trying to protect himself.
Voight pauses the video.
“You couldn’t help yourself, could you?” he snaps. “It wasn’t enough to arrange for him to be kidnapped and beaten, you wanted to see it for yourself.”
“I don’t know what you think this proves.” Austin says. “They sent me that video demanding a ransom.”
“And you didn’t notify anyone?”
“I hadn’t had a chance.”
“They send you the dash cam footage you claimed didn’t exist too?”
“Only that footage starts before the kidnappers got to the car and extends until after the paramedics arrived.” Voight says. “They never touched the camera system.”
There’s a knock on the door and Adam sticks his head in.
“Phone records.” he says, handing them over to Voight. “There’s one number in particular that catches my attention. He calls them just after the patrol car drove away from the station with Jay in the backseat. They called him just after Jay’s radio call went out. Burner phone.”
“You really thought we weren’t going to look into this, didn’t you?” Voight asks the man, shaking his head. “Or that you could handicap us enough to keep us from getting anywhere.”
Austin doesn’t say anything, seeming to realize that he’s not getting out of this.
“Where is Halstead?” Voight demands.
“I don’t know.” he says. “I told them not to tell me those kinds of details.”
“Then I want a name.” Voight says. “Who did you pay to do this?”
“His name is Jerry Watkins.” he says, looking down. “He was a CI when I worked in organized crime.”
“Do you know names of anyone else who was involved?”
“He said he would take care of it. I didn’t ask questions.”
“Hey boss?” Adam says, still looking through the records. “He’s been exchanging calls with that burner phone for a couple days. Even before Jennings was killed.”
“This wasn’t an opportunist grab was it?” Voight asks. “This whole mess has been you, right from the beginning.”
“Someone needed to shine some light on the way your unit steps outside the lines whenever it benefits you.” Austin says. “Even if it meant crossing a few lines myself.”
“All we’ve got here is you arranging to have a gang banger murdered.” Voight says, leaning forward. “You arranging to have a Chicago Police Detective kidnapped and an officer put in the hospital. You covering up evidence. My unit has handled this by the book.”
Austin just makes a face and shakes his head.
“I don’t have time for this.” Voight says, shaking his head. “I have to go find Jay.”
He stands up, following Adam out of the room and meeting up with the rest of his team and the Superintendent in the hallway.
“I will handle Austin.” the Superintendent says. “I’ve already reached out to Internal Affairs and the District Attorney’s office.”
“We’re going to focus on Detective Halstead.” Voight says. “What did we find on this guy, Watkins?”
“Austin was actually telling the truth about him being a CI.” Hailey says. “But he’s been off paper almost ten years. LKA seven years old but worth checking out. Long list of associates to go through.”
“Anything come up on a deed search?”
“Not in his name.” Kim says. “Or linked to any relatives.”
“Next of kin?”
“His mother, Janice, lives in an assisted living facility.” Kevin says.
“Alright.” he says. “Let’s run with it then. Hailey, you and Kev go talk to his mom. Kim and Adam check out the LKA.”
They scatter.
The mom ends up being the key.
The payments for her room at the facility have come not from Watkins but from a friend of his. The friend’s name links them to a vehicle and they are able to track it far enough on plate scanners to find a warehouse.
Where they find Jerry Watkins with a gun pointed at Jay’s head.
Two minutes and a bullet in Watkin’s head later, Hailey is kneeling next to her partner who hasn’t moved.
He groans when she cuts his hands free and rolls him onto his back but his eyes don’t open.
Even when she asks him to open his eyes, all he can do is twitch his fingers but it’s enough. Hailey brushes against his hand, taking hold of it when he doesn’t show any pain.
She does her best to reassure him that’s his safe, that paramedics are coming; tells him that Austin is getting the book thrown at him.
She’s surprised when he starts talking, choking out the name of the patrolman who’d been injured during his abduction.
“Officer Tanika is going to be just fine.” she promises him. “You did good getting him help so quickly. He had a pretty serious concussion.”
He passes out not long after that, just as the paramedics rush up to them.
She’s trying not to panic but it’s hard.
She’d seen the video these guys had sent to Austin. Even less than a minute of the beating that he’d taken has her worried and she knows it had gone on a lot longer than that.
The worry doesn’t even start to lift until nearly four days later when his eyes finally flicker open.
He still can’t talk because of the ventilator or really move but she’ll take just having his blue-green eyes open and staring back at her, his hand tightly squeezing hers.
“Welcome back.” she says, leaning forward to kiss his forehead. “I missed you.”
He just blinks at her.
Three times.
She smiles. Everyone always jokes about the way that they can have entire conversations with their eyes and she’s sure they’ll have plenty of those as his lungs continue to heal.
But this is a little more straightforward than that.
“I love you too.”
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SWAT!Jay / Upstead AU
A/N: Part 3! Crossposted on AO3. Takes place right after Trudy Got a Gun, but is mostly unrelated plotwise. Enjoy!
Five blocks from their house, Hailey's phone vibrates in her pocket. When she pulls out the phone and sees the caller ID, she can't help but sigh – it's Hank.
"Upton," she answers. Jay watches her out of the corner of his eye as she hums and nods to what is being relayed to her until she hangs up the phone with, "I'll be right there." So much for a free afternoon with his wife.
Five blocks from their house, Hailey's phone vibrates in her pocket. When she pulls out the phone and sees the caller ID, she can't help but sigh – it's Hank.
"Upton," she answers. Jay watches her out of the corner of his eye as she hums and nods to what is being relayed to her until she hangs up the phone with, "I'll be right there." So much for a free afternoon with his wife.
"Where are we going?" Jay asks, already checking for places where he could potentially u-turn.
"Jay, you don't have to drive me there-"
"It'll be quicker," he cuts her off, "just tell me the address." And Hailey knows not to argue because she knows that look on his face that reads 'mission mode', so she just tells him the address and they're on their way.
When they pull up at the crime scene, Hank's car is already there and Hailey wonders how he beat them here, since they were only ten minutes away and Hank was still at the district when Hailey left. She doesn't say anything when Jay parks and also gets out of the car. Hailey's already got her badge clipped on her belt and Jay slips the chain with his badge around his neck. The patrol officer standing guard at the red police tape is giving Jay a weird look, but the officer doesn't stop them when Jay holds up the tape so he and Hailey can duck under it. Jay momentarily thinks about changing, he might have another shirt in the trunk, but actually no, who cares.
They find Hailey's sergeant at the loading dock of what appears to be a logistics center, semi-trailers parked in front of the gates. Hank and the medical examiner are standing over a body, a man in his late forties with a single bullet hole that sits neatly in the middle of his forehead. A clean kill. Not that much to do here for the ME.
"Hey, Sarge." Hailey stops next to Hank, peering down at the victim. Jay is looking around the crime scene behind them, studying the blood splatter on the ground behind the man. "Listen, I was on my way home, so my-"
Before she can finish her sentence, Hank turns to Jay and sticks out his hand. "Halstead, didn't know we needed SWAT support today." They shake hands.
"Voight," Jay returns, "yeah, unless you're cool with instigating a sniper standoff, I'm kinda looking forward to my afternoon off." Hank raises an eyebrow at him in question. "Distance, wind conditions, narrow angle between the trucks… this wasn't an easy shot."
"What makes you think this was a sniper?" Hank asks, intrigued.
"Well, I don't know if you've talked to any witnesses yet, so I don't know if anyone saw a shooter, but with that blood spatter, this definitely was a high-powered rifle." Jay tilts his head, examining the blood spatter closer, then turns around, scanning the horizon. Obviously looking for something, he moves to stand right behind where their victim must have stood, mindful not to step on the blood. He points at a building in the distance. "Angle suggests…" He squints, shielding his eyes from the afternoon sun with this hand. "That mid-rise structure about a klick south. Looks like a parking garage, but I can't say for sure."
Hank grunts at him in agreement, then turns to his detective. "Hailey, you wanna go confirm your husband's theory?"
And of course Hank knows, Hailey thinks. She has been quietly watching the exchange between the two men, but when Hank calls her name, she perks up. "You sure that's alright, Sarge?"
"Take some uniforms with you, canvass the area." That's all the confirmation she gets.
They get back into Jay's car and he drives them in the direction of the building that he spotted earlier, a couple of patrol cars trailing them. While he is driving, Jay keeps leaning forward over the steering wheel, trying to glimpse the building he saw from the crime scene.
"Sooo…" Hailey starts, "Hank knows."
"Didn't think he cared." Jay shrugs, still looking around. "And it's in your personnel file, so I'm pretty sure he's always known."
"Yeah, you're probably right… it's just weird that the whole team knows now. Trudy knows! And why am I not surprised that Hank already knew, but never thought to mention it to me?" Hailey frowns. "I've been in this unit for two years now and I'm not close enough to anyone that they know I'm married."
Jay raises an eyebrow at her. "Babe, you can be incredibly aloof about your personal life."
Hailey pouts. "Are you saying I'm an antisocial freak?"
"More like international woman of mystery."
"Good, my plan is working." They both glance at each other and grin.
They keep driving in silence, until Jay asks, "But you trust them, don't you?"
"Yeah, I do. They're all good police."
"And good people too?"
"Sure," Hailey answers after a moment's hesitation. And she does mean it. They all have their issues, but what makes the unit work is that they all have each other's backs, no matter what.
"Then why don't you let them in a little?" Jay suggests. And truthfully, Hailey doesn't know how to answer that.
After some twists and turns, but not more than five minutes later, they arrive at what Jay has rightly identified as a parking garage. Hailey has one patrol car wait on the ground floor, telling them to find the manager in case they need to look at the security camera footage. The other cruiser follows them as they drive up to the top floor.
Jay parks and gets out, walking around to the trunk of his jeep. Rummaging around in a box, he pulls out a spotting scope. He quickly orients himself and goes to the north side of the garage, looking for an open space. A few cars over, there is a free parking spot. He walks right up to the edge, which is a half-height concrete wall, and peers through the scope. "Looks good." He hands the scope to Hailey, who, at Jay's direction, finds the logistics center they were at earlier, although their crime scene is hidden between two big trucks. "It's not the exact angle from here, but it's pretty damn close."
Still looking through the scope, she can see the crime lab techs still cataloguing the scene, but sees that Hank's car is already gone. Jay takes the scope back from her and determinedly walks to the northeast corner of the structure. He stops right at the corner of the building and looks through the scope again, then nods. "Got it." He turns to Hailey. "Roll a crime lab to our location."
Hailey nods in confirmation and relays the info through her radio. As she watches him examine the scene and then tell the two patrol officers to cordon off the scene, she thinks about how in another life Jay could've been a great detective.
* * * * *
When Jay drives her back to the district and again doesn't just drop her off, but parks and gets out with her, Hailey almost stops him. It was one thing for him to come with her at the crime scene since he was already there and she thinks that he wanted to back her up just in case, but to join the briefing? She isn't sure how that's going to go down with the team.
He is a few paces ahead when he notices that Hailey is still standing next to the car. Jay thinks he's gotten pretty good at reading his wife's mind and backtracks. "Is it okay with you if I join the briefing?"
She thinks about it for just a second, then nods her head 'yes'. It was Jay who figured out that it was a sniper and it was also him who found the point of origin within minutes. If not for her husband, they would have had to wait for hours until the crime techs processed the scene and then it would have taken even longer to find the parking garage.
Entering the district, Trudy just nods at them and Hailey uses the hand scanner and pass code to buzz them up to Intelligence. Upstairs, the team is already putting up info on the white board, Kevin sticking a picture of their victim onto the board and Kim writing down his stats.
"So what do we have on the victim so far?" Hailey skips the greeting and gets straight to business. When the others notice that she has a tag-along, they all perk up, first and foremost Kevin, who comes over to give Jay a bear hug.
Jay laughs. "Hey, buddy."
"'Sup, man? How you doing?" Kevin pulls back and they do a special handshake. Hailey can only wonder when they had the chance to learn that? She didn't see them do that at the bar.
Adam also joins the group. "Nice catch, man."
"Ah, it's nothing." Jay brushes off. "Total team effort."
Hailey marvels at how easy it is for Jay to fit into the group, almost a little envious that Jay has been able to build a comfortable rapport with her team mates on one single night out drinking, while it has taken her two years of working with them to achieve that sort of comfort level. He can be a charming bastard when he wants to.
Hank comes out of his office and breaks up the chitchat. He acknowledges Jay with a nod, then turns to his unit. "We got a dead body, what do we have?"
Their victim is Frank Moretti, the logistics coordinator at the center where he was found murdered. No priors, no obvious gang or organized crime connections, he seems like an odd assassination target. The team is going through the crime lab and medical examiner's reports, collecting their findings on the board. Jay's sniper theory is proven right, the recovered bullet's caliber suggesting a long range rifle. Unfortunately for them, the round is a .300 Winchester Magnum, which is popular in game hunting as well as military and police use.
Jay nods, "Popular is an understatement. Hell, even I use them."
When they get around to talking about the shooter's location, Hailey summarizes the report. "No conclusive evidence found at the parking garage, no notches or indentations from the rifle, no bullet casings, although we assume it was a single shot, no nothing."
Kim adds, "We're still going through the security camera footage, but no luck yet."
"I still think this was a professional hit," Jay interjects. "It's just too clean. If it was me, I would've done it from the cover of a van. Set up, open up the door, hit the target and drive off. If you know your target's schedule, that would've taken a few minutes tops." The others look at him with various degrees of alarm, Hailey included, but Jay just shrugs. "Just saying that you should be looking for a van arriving and leaving the garage within an hour of time of death."
"Alright, you heard the expert, let's get to work," Hank orders. "Upton, Ruzek, you go check out Moretti's home. Burgess, Atwater, you check out the footage and his financials. See what we can find."
The sergeant then turns to Jay and shakes his hand. "I guess I did need SWAT support today." Then Hank adds, "Don't tell your commanding officer."
Jay grins. He didn't have an afternoon off, but he was able to help with their case and he did get to spend some quality time with his wife. "Anytime, Sarge."
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dumbkiri · 5 years
Buried Secrets Two
Parts: [ 1, Here, 3 ]
Summary: [Name], knowing she and John are in danger, runs to the babysitter’s house to get John back to safety. She also gives the nice babysitter money to go out of the country. Then [Name] is in a stolen car wondering where and who to go for help. She reluctantly goes to the Titans. Although plans don’t go as planned. Dick tells the truth to the Titans and they figure out a plan to stop Deathstroke once and for all. Deathstroke has unfortunate news for [Name]. 
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Female! Reader
Genre: Slight Angst
Word Count: 3k
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“Wait, Ms. [L.Name], why are you suddenly leaving? Also you’re bleeding,” Samantha, John’s babysitter, had ran behind [Name]. The young teen was not understanding why she was given two grand for only taking care of John for a night. 
[Name] held John closer to her body and noticed that he was going to cry soon. She set John down in a carrier then grabbed Samantha by her shoulders, “Look, sweetie, use the money to finally go to South Korea. Didn’t you say you always wanted to go there?”
“Y-yeah, but I can’t leave without notifying my parents. I’m just a sophomore in high school,” Samantha gave [Name] a weird look. 
[Name] cursed under her breath and grabbed four grand from a duffel bag, “Here use this to bring your parents with you. Just get out of town, no, the country.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Samantha didn’t know when to stop asking questions and it was annoying the older female to no end. [Name] zipped up the duffel bag and grabbed the handle of John’s carrier. She walked over to the front door and zoomed over to her car that she stole. She opened the backseat car door and strapped John into a car seat. 
John began crying now and [Name] closed the door after she stuffed her bags next to John. “Listen carefully, Samantha. Bad people are after me and they might use you to find me which is why you need to leave. Because they’ll only bring harm to you and your family for no reason.”
Samantha’s blue eyes widened, “Bad people like murderers?”
“Worst. Now call your parents and I’ll tell them what to do.”
[Name] looked at her phone and typed the address to the Titan’s Tower. Her fingers froze and she let her thumb hover over the start button. Deathstroke said that Dick brought the Titans back together. But she couldn’t bring herself to believe him. Deathstroke isn’t known to be a liar, manipulative, yes. If Dick really did bring the Titans back even their old friends, why didn’t he contact her?
“Ma...ma,” John whined in the back seat, his little feet kicking the air, 
[Name] should feel grateful that Dick didn’t call her. It would be awkward to see him. It would be awkward to see them all and John, what would they think? Did Dick tell them about John? Her [e.color] eyes looked at the rearview mirror. She watched as John babbled in his spot. Drool dripping down his chin. 
She worried for her son. [Name] promised herself she wouldn’t go back to being a hero. That was in the past and it was going to stay there because she didn’t want her son getting hurt or worse. He was too young to die. He’s just a baby. 
“Starting route to Titan’s Tower,” 
This was her only chance to keep him safe. They were her family once and John could be a part of it. 
“Dick, come on, man, wake up” 
“What happened to the three of them?”
“Do you think they all just passed out here like idiots cause I do.”
“Hank, no.”
Dick groaned and opened his eyes to see Rachel and Gar waking up as well. His brown eyes observing the two teens that laid on each other. 
“Ugh, what happened?” Gar asked rubbing his head with his eyes adjusting to the bright light from Jason’s phone. 
“They seem fine. Maybe they had a sleepover without us” Jason said and Hank chuckled at his remark. Jason turned his phone light off and backed away to give the trio space.
 Rachel removed herself off of Gar’s body with a slight blush apparent. She sat on her knees and rubbed her hands on her thighs. [Name] was on her way. “Did you guys see what I saw?” Rachel asked the two males who were affected by her power. 
Gar nodded his head, “Yeah it was strange. It was like I was next to her when she was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light. It was so weird, I couldn’t do anything for her.” 
“Shit,” Dick cursed under his breath and jumped to his feet. He needed to go to the computer. He needed to see how far she was away from the tower. Dick ran out of the kitchen with everyone following him with questioning gazes. 
Donna was the first to reach him, “Whoa, Dick, slow down. Wanna tell us what’s going on?” The Wonder Girl looking at her friends for some help to get Dick to spill. They stayed quiet and watched him type on the keyboard. His fingers going at a crazy rate. 
“Searching for [Name] [L.Name]...” 
Hank stepped up to Dick with his hand placed on his head, “Hold up, why are you looking for [Name]? Is everything okay with her?”
“No,” Rachel spoke up, “My power, it allowed me to see that she was in danger. She was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light all by herself.”
“She blew her own home up, it was crazy and she has telekinesis!” Gar exclaimed pulling at his hair. He never saw such a powerful person with a cool ability. Dick tapped his foot impatiently waiting for the computer to give him results and it was painfully slow. His family was in danger. Can he call them his family? He hasn’t seen them in three years. Every time he wanted to contact [Name], he got cold feet. 
“Dick, you got to tell us what is going on,” Dawn set her hand onto his shoulder. He looked behind him and they were all staring at him. Their eyes boring into him to tell them the truth. He took a deep breath in and pushed away from the computer. 
“I haven’t been honest with you guys,” Dick crossed his arms over his chest, “the only ones that know this secret is Bruce and Alfred. Even if I told you a long time ago what had happened between [Name] and I, I don’t think it’s your business in the first place.”
Hank glared at him, “Now it is.”
“Yes,” Dick nodded his head, “Because they’re in danger.”
Dawn tilted her head in confusion and Donna spoke up, “They’re? Someone else is with [Name]?” The two women had no idea what was going on and neither did the rest. Dick was being hesitant and he took a long time to explain what was going on. He bit his lip and chewed on it. Rachel and Gar looked at each other wondering if they should help Dick with telling the truth. 
“It’s not easy to say this,” Dick admitted with his head low in defeat. He had to tell them anyways because [Name] was going to show up to Titan’s Tower eventually. “[Name] and I...we have a son. He’s two years old and-”
“No fucking way,” An unexpected voice cut through and it was Rose Wilson, Deathstroke’s daughter. “You had a secret child and you didn’t bother to tell your teammates. What other secrets are you keeping?”
“None,” Dick said with a sharp tone. 
Dawn removed her hand off of Dick’s shoulder, “Why didn’t you tell us? We’re your friends.”
“It’s because it was none of our business,” Hank bellowed, “obviously we weren't good enough friends for him to confide in us.” Dawn looked over her shoulder at Hank. Their eyes connected. 
Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. 
It was the front entrance. Someone was there and it was definitely [Name]. It had to be. Although when the camera footage popped up on the computer screen, no one was visible. Suddenly, they all heard the elevator dinging. Dick was the first one to investigate. They all waited in the main room to see the elevator doors opening. 
What they saw made their hearts churn especially Dick’s. His eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. In the middle of the elevator was a bassinet with a crying baby in it and a woman bloodied and beaten holding tightly onto the bassinet. Dick reacted quicker than the others and immediately ran inside the elevator. His hands flying to the woman’s face. 
Her nose was bleeding and her eyes were barely open. It was like she was trying to stay awake, but her body was forcing herself to sleep. Her breaths were shallow and her hands gripped tightly around the bassinet. She opened her mouth, blood coating her teeth, “Take care of him, okay?” Her head felt lighter in his hands and he understood. 
“[Name],” Dick called softly tears brimming, “you’re not here, are you?” 
She gave him a smile and her body disappeared right in front of him in red waves. The old titans rushed into the elevator and looked down at Dick kneeling in a fetal position. Then he looked up from the spot where [Name] had once laid in. Letting his anger out, Dick punched the elevator wall in front of him, “Goddammit!” 
“W-wait, I don’t understand,“ Gar spoke up trying to see in the elevator, “[Name] was just here. What happened to her body?” The green haired thought of the worst. He thought she had died. Donna looked at the teens and pushed them away from the elevator telling them that the adults would handle this. 
Dawn knelt down beside Dick, “Come on, Dick. We’re going to find her, but right now your son needs you.” Dick wiped his tears away and picked up the bassinet with shaky hands. Hank stopped Dick from exiting the elevator, “I can hold him...if you want.” 
Dick shook his head, “Thank you, but I got him.” For the first time in a long time, Dick was with his son again. Yet he wished the circumstances were better.
“Alright an hour later, John is finally sleeping,” Dawn and Donna walked back into the main room where everybody sat in or around the kitchen. Dick gave them a grateful nod and focused his attention back on the wall. 
“So is anyone going to explain what happened to [Name],” Gar asked very curious why the woman disappeared in the elevator. 
Jason tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth, “It’s because of her ability.” 
The old titans gave him questioning glares. 
“What? Bruce had me study potential allies and [Name] was one of them. According to what she knows, she has the ability to warp reality and teleport. Well that’s not all she can do, but it’s what she used in this situation. My guess is she used teleportation and put little John in the elevator before Deathstroke could get to him.”
“So her body was just her warping reality?” Rachel asked. 
Rose shrugged her shoulders, “If she could teleport, why didn’t she do the same for herself?”
“Because she hasn’t used her powers in a long time ever since John was born. She didn’t want to risk him getting injured.” Dick answered. His brown eyes were directed to the floor in thought. [Name] was in danger and in the hands of Deathstroke. His second worst enemy. 
Rachel slid off the kitchen counter, "Well, aren't we going to save her? Isn't that what the Titans do?" 
Dick looked at Rachel and shook his head. He wasn't going to allow his new recruits, his friends, get involved with Deathstroke. He won't allow another young soul die at his hands. "No, you guys will stay here and keep watch on John." 
"Great," Jason groaned, "you're putting us on babysitting duty while you guys fight a known villain. He's your son, how about you spend time with him for once?"
Dick growled, "Don't go there." 
"Or what?" Jason challenged stepping up to Dick. The teen with black hair was beginning to push Dick's buttons. And they weren't supposed to be bothered with. "I say you sit this one out, Dick. Let us handle the bad guys for once." 
"No," Dick said firmly. He was standing his ground. The presence of the new Robin didn't scare him nor did he tremble. "Deathstroke is mine. Now stand down or I'll put you on probationary timeout." 
Jason scoffed and turned his back on Dick muttering a few curses. The old Titans walked up to Dick and they formed a tiny circle ready to discuss their plans on how to get [Name] back to safety. 
“A caring mother, you are,” Deathstroke talked to [Name], sitting directly across from her. Their knees almost touching each other. “I could have promised not to lay a finger on your son, but you made things more difficult for you.” 
[Name] swallowed down the blood from her mouth. The taste of iron bothering her taste buds. “I won’t allow my son to get hurt because you have a personal vendetta for his father.”
“You speak as if Grayson holds no meaning to your heart, is it true you two had a falling out?” Deathstroke asked with a tilt of his head. 
“You can say that,” [Name] responded looking away from him. She wasn’t going to speak about her relationship problems with a psycho like Deathstroke. Her business was her business. This wasn’t a therapy session among a hero and villain. 
“Huh, always thought you two were good for each other.”
“Ah, good one. An attempt of sarcasm by the one and only Deathstroke.” [Name] replied to his remark. Her right eye closed upon feeling the warm liquid that was blood drip down it. She forgot that she was hurting while chained to the chair in special handcuffs. Deathstroke’s presence didn’t allow her to relax. He forced her to be on the edge. 
“Why don’t you use your powers, [Name]?” Deathstroke looked at her crossing his arms over his chest. She got him thinking. She needed him to think of the consequences he’ll reap. 
The blood dripped onto her clothing in a slow rhythm. “I don’t know maybe because you got a hold of Cadmus’ tech. Did you steal them or actually request for them, I’m really curious.” She wiped her chin with her shoulder and sighed. [Name] didn’t like waiting and she hoped the Titans could find her. But it was nearly impossible especially if Deathstroke is good at covering steps and going off grid. It was his specialty. 
“I made a bargain with them,” Deathstroke began ominously, “I give them you in exchange for the Titans.”
[Name] was puzzled. “Cadmus doesn’t have the Titans, you only put yourself in a situation which can’t happen because-”
“I hand you over to them now and they could experiment on you. Then they’ll send out their people and get the Titans for me. It’s an easy trade off.”
“I thought you wanted Dick for yourself. Why not get revenge by you doing what you do best. You’re a killer, Deathstroke. Blinded by your rage toward Dick and vice versa, you two killed an innocent boy. A boy I was beginning to love in my own way. A boy Dick took advantage of. A boy who was your dearest son. Why continue this vengeance and for what reason?”
“You are to blame for my son’s death. You allowed Grayson to let Jericho into the Titan life knowing who his father was. Who I was.” [Name] could feel the anger radiating off of his body with each sentence. “Yet you and the Titans didn’t stop Dick from coercing Jericho. You killed him.”
[Name] shook her head, “No, I left the Titans before Jericho died. I only heard about his passing from Dawn, Dick didn’t tell me the truth until I came back and threatened to search his memories.” She paused and softened her glare, “Slade, I’m really sorry about Jericho. He was a wonderful boy and he could have made a great man.”
Deathstroke uncrossed his arms and leaned closely to [Name]. He placed his right knee in between her legs and let his right hand hold the chair. His left hand wiped the blood away from her eye so she could look up at him with both of her [e.color] eyes. “You will be when I make you feel the pain my wife and I went through.”
[Name] knew exactly what he meant. His words struck her heart and her blood ran cold. "No, please, he's just a baby," Her voice was soft and fragile. Her eyes pooling with unshed tears of sadness. 
Deathstroke gripped her chin tightly with his fingers. 
"I'm begging you, Slade," [Name] was crying now. Her eyes closed as she cried for what Deathstroke was planning. She opened them up and begged again, "Please, don't go after my boy. He's innocent and he would never hurt anyone. Slade, please." 
He removed himself from her and began walking away from her in silence. 
[Name] struggled in her bonds. Her feet pushing against the floor and her chair tilted sideways. The weight of her body made herself and the chair fall on their left side. Her body ached, but that didn't stop her from calling out to him, "Leave him alone! Please!"
Dr. Light popped into the room and watched as the mother cried out to Deathstroke. Feeling a little remorse for her, he questioned the man who wiped his sword with a white rag. "You aren't really going after the baby, are you?" 
"Does it matter to you?" Deathstroke placed his sword back into its sheath. He turned his body to Dr. Light waiting patiently for an answer. 
Dr. Light nodded his head, "You said that she and the baby would only be bait for the Titans. All I want is the Titans, not for us to kill some kid." 
"And all I want is revenge." Deathstroke finished and walked out of the room. 
"Don't do this!" Dr. Light cringed at the hoarse yells coming out of [Name]'s mouth and he turned his attention back on the woman. She was lying helplessly on the floor with tears sliding down her face. 
He wasn't supposed to do this.
“Alright, calm down, will ya?” Dr. Light ran over to [Name] and lifted her chair upright. She sniffled and brought her red eyes onto the villain. “Don’t look at me like that. I cross lines, sure. But killing a kid, that’s not for me...yet.” 
That didn’t make [Name] feel any better. 
“I mean a kid that hasn’t done any wrong to me. Fuck the Titans though, am I right?” Dr. Light chuckled and looked at the special handcuffs on her hands. He didn’t know how to take these off. “This is gonna sound awkward, lady. But I can’t take these handcuffs off you, only that bastard can.” 
“That’s fine,” [Name] finally spoke up and her eyes were a bright red along with her hands, “all I need is you.” 
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sound-of-the-cosmos · 4 years
30 Day Whump Prompt Challenge: Day 18, 19, & 20 (Near Drowning, Kidnapped, and Gagged)
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Pairing: Connor x Reader
Summary: The Reader is kidnapped by a group of deviants. Because they covered their tracks well, Connor has a difficult time finding the reader. It’s only after footage is leaked that he discovers the location, and the reader is just a shell of who they once were. 
// This continues after both the Lost & Poisoned prompt and the Choking prompt. The first part is just the first two prompts, then it gets to the current prompt. You guys asked for more, so here it is!
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You stop at the red light, rubbing your eyes lightly. Why did you think it was a good idea to do this sort of thing on your own? You’d been looking for a deviant for over 3 hours now, and still nothing.
The light turns green, and you sigh a little. You text Hank, letting him and Connor know you still haven’t found anything. You pull forwards, and glance around. You’d never been in this part of Detroit; it was quite barren, and the houses in it were extremely run down or falling apart.
Groaning, you scowl in frustration. “Of fucking course I have to get lost, and I don’t even remember which way I came from aside from the light-” You rant aloud, before pulling over to figure out where the hell you were.
After debating about it for a little while, you finally decide to message Connor, and see if he knew where you were. After sending the text, you lay your head down on your steering wheel.
You were extremely frustrated, as you’d just ended up driving around to see if you could find any clues of any kind. And now, of course, you were lost.
Just fucking great.
A knock on your window jolts you out of your trance, and you look up, seeing a tall, buff man with dark brown hair. Rolling down your window a bit, you clear your throat. “Can I help you?”
He shifts his weight a bit, glancing over his shoulder. “You’re a police officer, right?” He mumbles, gaze shooting back to you.
Nodding, you find your concern growing. “Yes, I am. Is there something I can help you with?”
He takes in a deep breath. “Someone is after me and I need to get out of here-”
Your eyebrows furrow a little. “Sir, I need you to take a deep breath. Are you unarmed?” He nods, and you knew you’d curse yourself for this later, but you unlock your passenger door. “Get in; I’ll drive you to the station, you can give your statement there.” He runs around the side of the car, thanking you multiple times.
You glance around, before a sharp stinging sensation makes you jump. The man holds a syringe with a little bit of a purple liquid in it, and his face is contorted into a malicious smile. Your eyes begin to shut, and your body begins to shut down.
“You better be worth it, or I’ll have to show them what I can do to make you listen, yeah?” He smiles, and everything goes dark.
It had been a week, and the station was much more quiet than usual. A deviant had not only taken one of their best detectives, but had decided it would be wise to taunt the DPD by sending videos of what they were doing.
Hank sits silently, his hands folded in front of him in anger and head bowed. Connor’s LED flashes yellow, and his sensors were trying to pick apart anything from the video that could be useful to find you.
Fowler stands outside of his office, scowling at the screen that had been hacked. One of his best officers was struggling, and he could do absolutely nothing. All of his workers were drowning in their own assignments, which was why he’d allowed you to go solo.
Gavin, while he didn’t particularly like you, still saw you as a sister; and someone was messing with his family. Hank slams his hands onto his desk. “Are we just gonna fuckin’ sit here?” His voice comes out as a growl, and Connor jumps slightly due to the abruptness of his actions.
“We-” Fowler starts, swallowing the dread growing in his throat- “We can’t spare any of our officers-”
Gavin shoots out of his chair, and grabs Fowler by his shirt. “Bullshit! You saw what it’s doing to them, they’ll die if we don’t do something!” Gavin’s outburst caused something to click inside of Connor. Gavin had been an ass to both you and him for as long as he’d been in the DPD, but he obviously cared more than he let on.
“Connor and I haven’t made any progress with our recent case, we could-” Hank begins, but Fowler cuts him off.
“I said we can’t spare anyone, damnit!” His voice rose an octave, and Connor’s eyes narrowed in thought. The videos made it difficult to focus on anything else.
The deviant had sent 2 separate videos. In the first one, it was obvious you knew you were being filmed. You disobey every order, you scream for the officers to save you, and fight back at every opportunity that you had. You would scream obscenities at your captor and acted like you didn’t care of the consequences.
In the second video, however- You didn’t know you were being recorded. And what the officers at the DPD saw ignited a fury so deep, they were now snapping at each other.
Connor and Hank, the people you worked with most, could barely recognize you. You scrambled to obey every order, sometimes tripping over yourself in your haste.
Sobbing, you’d promised the deviant that you’d be good, and took your punishments for disobeying without fighting back. Afterwards, you’d blankly repeated the reasons why you had deserved to be punished. You had been completely broken by the deviant, and had even gotten hurt more in your attempts to refuse to show that to your friends.
In one of your punishments, the deviant grabbed your throat, lifting you off the ground. You clawed at his hand, but his grip stayed, unwavering. You began to flail around, face turning a dark purple as you began to pass out. The deviant asks, “Who the fuck to you belong to?”
You opened your mouth to speak, and a choked cry escaped your lips. He drops you, and you gasp, coughing and curled up. “I- I belong-” He kicked your stomach, and you yelped, holding your stomach. He repeats the question again.
“You- I,” You took in a shuddering breath, coughing a little, “I belong to you-”
Every officer in the DPD was disgusted and afraid for your safety. Some deviants, like Markus, proved they were peaceful. This deviant proved that some were something to fear.
Connor stand up, slamming his hands on the table. “This is, in fact, a deviant case, yes?” Anger was swimming underneath the surface of his features, and while androids weren’t meant to feel emotions, he feared for you. Humans could only take so much before they broke.
Fowler looks at Connor, eyes narrowing. “Yeah? What of it?” His tone was impatient, but curious. What was the android implying?
“Lieutenant Anderson and I were assigned to deal with cases with deviants. I believe this qualifies.” Connor spoke as professionally as he could, but your time was running out. He knew that better than anyone else here.
Fowler lets out a scoff, before waving his hand towards the android. “Fine. I’ll give you two days, you got that?”
Nodding, Connor stands, Hank grabbing his jacket and walking with the android to the front. You weren’t going to die, not if they could help it.
You wake up tied to a chair, a cloth stuffed and duct taped into your mouth. Your body thrums with pain as you glance around. You were still here. You were nervous, praying that the video they’d recorded wasn’t sent to your colleagues.
“So you’re awake now, huh?” A voice calls from behind you, causing you to jump in fear. 
“You see, we made sure that your friends know what we’ve been putting you through. They’ve seen you fight, and they’ve seen how you really are.” A bolt of shame and panic rips through your body. 
He grabs you by your hair, forcing you to bend your neck backwards to look at him. A cold metal meets your neck, followed by a sharp stinging sensation. He rips the tape off your face, and you let out a cry of pain, before the chair is tipped back.
He allowed you to fall, your head slamming into the ground. The world spins around you, and you can vaguely make out the feeling of a cloth being placed around your head. You thrash around, and water is poured onto the cloth.
You try to breathe, only taking in water. Your body trembles as you start to try to break out of your bonds, splitting the skin on your wrists in the process. The cloth is ripped away right before you lose consciousness, and you gasp in air, coughing violently. 
“Pathetic, aren’t you? You gonna tell me what you know about that detective android you got yet?” You shake your head, tears forming in your eyes. Everything hurt; you wish he’d just kill you. 
“Pity,” He sighs, stomping on your stomach. You let out a sharp cry, white flecks surrounding your vision. 
“I have an idea,” A sadistic smirk spreads across his lips, and he grabs you by your hair once again. “Why don’t we lock you up in a nice, dark room, and let you go mad, hmm?” He begins to laugh, dragging both you and the chair to the hallway. 
You scream out in fear and agony, scrapes forming on your skin as you go. He opens a door, and brings your chair upright, meeting your eyes with his frenzied ones. A syringe filled with a blue liquid is in his hand.
He yanks your hair upwards, forcing you to stretch out your neck before injecting the strange liquid into your body. You whimper, shaking violently. He lets go, and your body collapses into your restraints, before he cuts the ropes. 
Picking you up, he enters the pitch black room, placing your body in the corner. You were too weak, and he knew that. 
“Have fun, pet.” He grins, before slamming and locking the door. 
The darkness swallows you, before you see both Connor and Hank laying in front of you, your captor covered in their blood. Connor lay lifeless, thirium pump torn out of his chest. 
Hank’s throat was slit, and his internal organs spread all around. 
They were both dead.
You scream, covering your head with your arms. “No, no no no no no-” Whimpering, you squeeze your eyes shut. 
When you next open them, you find yourself watching your captor hurt them over and over. 
You scream for him to stop, your body beginning to shut down due to the mental and physical torture you’d been experiencing for the last god knows how long.
Tears escape your eyes, and you feel yourself slip into the embrace of unconsciousness. 
A door slamming open causes you to jump, and you curl up in a ball, soft pleading and whimpering escaping your lips. Connor rushes over to your side, before shouting, “They’re in here, Lieutenant!” You flinch at his tone, and he carefully brings you into a hug.
“I watched you die- You aren’t real-” You stammer, and he holds onto you a little tighter. 
“No, hey you’re safe now; I’m ok, I’m alive, see?” He places your hand on his heart, and you break down into tears, holding onto the one thing that seems real-
The one thing that seems safe.
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