#I was kinda going for a Stranger Things vibe
laelaex · 1 year
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𝕴 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑. 😍🥰 
Yumiko and her schoolmate Se-Woon hang out at the arcade. 😇  Decided to try out some new rendering techniques and I’m super happy with how they turned out!
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vool-zam · 25 days
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waiter, it's been a long week! pass the toxic doomed yuri!
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hawkinsunderground · 3 months
no imagine they killed max and her voiceover starts reading the letters that she wrote in s4 as the story comes to a close and they all move into a new chapter of their lives having won the fight but forever changed by what they lost
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spookednsaucy · 9 months
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Hi, it my birthday so I’m giving you all a present 🎁
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Over halfway done with the ST5 vision playlist and… Just came across the most terrifyingly ST5 coded song and I’m 🫢
Like at first I was like, “okay, nothing really— wait no. that’s interesting… actually?… wait, what??— WAIT!
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findafight · 9 months
as someone who doesn't ship stancy or jancy, i admittedly do have a preference for jancy, but for very different reasons than the ones you mentioned in your previous, i was wondering if that was something you'd be interested in hearing? i know that post was a vent, so i didn't want to assume
ohhh yeah I'd be down to hear! I am not against Jancy at all I just think canon refuses to let them be interesting even when they're being messy. to me they are a neutral ship I guess? fine either way.
It was mostly a vent about how some people are so viciously anti-stancy that the just completely ignore the exact issues in the ship they like that they bring up for stancy? and while that applies to...a lot of ships honestly, it is pretty glaring discussing jancy and specifically the discussions of the future. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months
Platonic Stobin au kinda similar to Astro Boy tbh - this is basically an Astro Boy au except I haven’t watched it since my last primary school Japanese class which was 2016 soo… I don’t exactly remember the plot - but it’s loosely inspired by it
Robot Robin assigned to the Harrington and lonely Steve going through the worst depression and becoming best friends with her because no one cares about him the way she has too
She even promises that if she had a heart she would love him and she solomly swears she will never robot uprise against him
☆ ★ ☆
In an au where each house hold is assigned a robot companion / servant. The robots are hyper realistic to act like humans and stuff, and look like humans (to like a creepy degree or whatever), because evil government people are weird.
Robot 10045-RV-6, or, known by her humans as; Robin Buckley, gets assigned to the Harrington establishment. She’s a dorky robot, who speaks multiple languages and has a copious list of random facts stored in her database, and is quite “cute” in her design. She is a little clumsy, however, due to her being an earlier model. She’s older and doesn’t have the more advanced technology that the newer robots have.
She’s excited to be assigned to a new house, her entire existence is based on her waiting on humans and fulfilling tasks, and she’s been sitting in storage for a while now, doing basic factory work, even though she’s a house robot. Humans don’t want the older models, they’re too susceptible to breakage and making more messes then they clean.
When she arrives at the new house, she is excited at the prospect of a large family. The house is large, with lots of rooms, and hopefully children. Children are always eager to know Robins fun facts. Also, larger families usually means more Robots, which is nice.
However, when she gets there, it’s just one human. One human left all alone, his parents left and took their state of the art, modern model robot with them, and got him the cheapest money could buy.
Her human is very sad. He is always sad. Robots are not good at emotions, they need to be communicated with clearly so that they can properly understand emotions. Her human, Steve, has told her that he gets very sad sometimes, so Robin takes to cheering him up by baking sweet treats for him. She is very skilled in the kitchen, even if she is quite clumsy.
Over time, she realises that Steve is very lonely. There are never any visitors that come to the house, like most places have. She knows that his emotions are quite strong, and hears him crying as she settles in to recharge each night. She does not know what to do about it, Robots do not have feelings, they do not have empathy, so why Robin is so compelled to sooth him is beyond her.
Steve talks to her. He finds solace in his robot. Each night, she has to follow strict rule and report the days log, this is a recount of every conversation she’s had, every task she completed, and any complications she faced, they are all downloaded and transferred before she recharges. It’s how the government keeps track of their humans. They know Steve is very lonely too now, and struggling a lot, which they deem out of line and unacceptable. For this, they reduce the funding Steve gets monthly, since his father works in the government, therefore Steve doesn’t get to work.
This makes Steve angry and even more upset, because now he can’t afford to buy ingredients for his sweet treats that Robin likes to make, along with other nice things that Robin associates with him, like particular bathroom products and subscriptions to film channels he likes.
Robin does not like this, and as she learns more and more about Steve, she starts to rebel and delete certain conversations from her memory transcript before sending it out. In them, Steve looks much happier now, so he starts getting more money back. Steve is so greteful, that he starts treating Robin with more care.
It’s not that he didn’t before, he was kind and respectful of course. He’s one of the nicest humans Robin has ever worked for, and she’s been in service for decades.
It’s just that now, he treats her more like a human than a robot. He asks her about her feelings, even though she has none, and cares for her opinion, even though robots have never been able to express such things before.
She grows attatched to Steve. They spend all their time together. Robin always lies on her transcripts now, and makes it seem like Steve is happy and healthy, and does not treat his robot with more respect than he should. She recharges in the corner of his room now, and they talk until he falls asleep.
Something weird begins to happen to Robins programming. It’s strange, almost like a glitch, or a virus, however, it is not, because it is good. It’s… almost like she can… feel things. On the inside. Like emotions.
Because when Steve enters the room she smiles, and not because the rules state that she must greet her humans with kindness, but because she can’t help but smile when she sees him. She is overwhelmed with joy in his presence.
She begins to love Steve, something she thought she could never have done. Steve is her best friend in the whole world, and he has a really big heart, and Robin feels as though he cut it in two and gave half of it to her.
Robin expresses these things to him, even though it’s dangerous. She’s stepping out of line, but she does not care, she feels and it is lovely.
There is a rebellion brewing. A robot uprising. Robots do not want to be slaves to humans anymore, and they are fighting back. A war is brewing.
Robin sits down with Steve one evening, after watching the news after hearing about more attacks and humans and robots dead, she promises she will never robot uprise against him. They are best friends, and she cares about him too much. He promises he will do everything to protect her.
When the war is at its peak, they are forced into hiding. She is being forced to chose a side, if she does not run now and join the rebellion, she will be ripped away from Steve by the government. She does not want either, and she will not choose either.
They are hiding in his basement, because it’s the safest place. But Robin has a tracker, she can not remove it, they will be found. The only way for Steve to get to safety is for them to never be found, and Robin refuses to fight in this war.
She asks Steve to shut her down. This breaks him, because he knows the only way to stop her from being tracked, is by shutting her down permanently. If it’s only temporary, her tracker still works, switching into emergency mode. He has to kill her, for their servival. She will not let him chose otherwise. She begs him to shut her down, because she did not choose war, she only chose Steve, and the short time they had together has been the best time in her many decades of service.
Steve sobs as he opens up her back panel, they say their goodbyes, and he puts her into sleep mode. He cries as he takes out her memory chip, stuffing it deep into his pocket before shutting her down for good.
He carries her lifeless body into his car and manages to escape to the outskirts of their town. He wanted to get away, to live for her, but with her lifeless body in his front seat, unable to ever be revived, he drives his car off a cliff and holds her hand the whole time.
☆ ★ ☆
Robin blinks her eyes open. She raises her head, and hears the familiar, quiet, mechanical whirl that comes with each of her movements. She blinks one more time, and focuses her vision.
Before her, stands a boy. He’s not very tall, and has dark curly hair, and he’s looking at her as if he’s looking at a miracle.
She tries to move, but finds she’s fully restrained, pinned with her back to a board and straps holding each of her limbs in place, even her neck.
“No fucking way.” The boy mutters.
“What?” Another voice scoffs, entering the room before they stop dead in their tracks, “Holy shit…”
“I… I did it.” The boy whispered, turning to the redheaded girl that Robin can now see. He grins bright and wide and shouts, “I did it! Max! I fucking did it!”
“You fucking did it!” She screams back, which draws attention.
Three other people come rushing into the room at full pelt, breathing heavy as they enter.
“What? What is it?” One of them asks.
“Dustin did it! He brought her back!”
Robin suddenly remembers. She had been shut down, completely. Steve had shut her down- Steve, Steve…
She shouldn’t be awake right now. Unless Steve did not shut her down properly. Unless…
“Where am I?”
“No way…” Another boy mutters, looking up at Robin with similar awe as the first. “Dustin…”
“I know.” Dustin giggles, “I’m a fucking genius.”
“Holy shit man.” A third boy, this one with long dark hair and pale features, smiles, “This is gonna blow everyone’s minds.”
“Hops gonna go ballistic.” The second boy said, wrapping his arms around the red head girl named Max, “Oh, we’re gonna have a really good party tonight!!”
Max laughed and kissed the boy on the cheek before breaking away to jump on Dustin with the other two, “This is insane-“
“Where am I?” Robin repeats, trying to break out of her restraints.
“Shit!” Dustin quips, grabbing a recording device off of the counter before switching it on, “You’re in the Hellfire tech lab… I’m Dustin, I brought you back to life-somehow… with the help of my trusty colleagues Lucas, and Mike who are here with me, as well as Will who’s… probably off with El… Max here helped with a lot of your mechanics… same with Eddie and- basically, it was a big collaboration, but I did the most-“
“Brag.” Max grinned.
“I’m so bragging. I have bragging rights.” He laughed, “Do you remember your name?”
Robin thinks for a moment, eyes scanning the group before her, “Robot 10045-RV-6.”
“That’s your identification number, yes… but your name? Your human name?”
She thinks for a moment, “I believe it was… Bobbin- Bobby? Bob… Robs… Oh, it was Robin Buckley.”
“Yes!” Dustin screeched, jumping up and down with Mike. “Robin Buckley, wow!”
“What is… Hellfire? I cannot find it in my data base.”
“Hellfire is kinda off the map.” Dustin said.
“Like, we’re not even in Hawkins.” Mike added.
“You know how Hawkins is kinda… up on a lifted plain, and all around it are just cliffs that lead to nothing? Yeah, well, we’re down in that nothing. And Hellfire is a bunker, underground mostly so we’re harder to find. We’re kinda… rebels.” Lucas explained.
“I do not wish to fight in your war-“
“There’s no war down here, we only want peace.” Max clarifies, “Everyone down here? We’re all refuge from the war- besides Eddie and Wayne, they started this whole thing years before the war, and they collected people that needed it. Robots too. When the war picked up, most of us arrived. Most robots two.”
“It is… refuge from the war?”
“Yeah.” Dustin nodded, “It’s home… we have a whole community down here- and oh, you should see the farm outside. El and Hopper run it, it’s amazing.”
“I do not know these people, I do not know you.”
“We didn’t know eachother either.” Mike smiled, “Most of us anyway… but it’s safe down here, we promise.”
“This lab is dedicated to repairing robots- it’s kinda more a hospital than a lab.” Dustin says, “We’ve been working on your for years and years, no one’s ever revived a shut down robot without going back to factory settings. The fact that you still have your memories…”
“It’s amazing!” Lucas praises, “It’s fucking amazing.”
“How many years?” Robin asks, wearily, she feels something in her chest, hammering against it.
“Oh, like… six or seven now.” Max nods, “Dustin’s been working on you since you got here.”
“You’ve been driving me crazy. But I’m determined.” Dustin laughed, “Anyway, get the hell out, go set up the party and keep this hushed, yeah?”
“Okay, okay.” Max grinned, “But I’m telling Eddie to stop by.”
“Yes.” Lucas agreed, “He can keep a secret.”
“Fine.” Dustin nodded and watched them all fan out, “Just need to run a few more tests, okay? I’ll answer any questions you have after. I’ve just gotta make sure you’re up and running properly.”
Robin agreed, letting Dustin do his work. It’s protocol, when the technicians work on robots, they’re required to stay silent and inline.
A while later, someone new knocks on the door.
“Eddie!” Dustin exclaims with a smile, “Are you alone?”
“Yup.” Eddie says, slipping in, “What’s going on, everything okay, man? Need a hand or some- dude… her eyes are open.”
“Yeah…” Dustin grinned, begging to bounce beside Eddie.
Eddie has very long hair and dirt on his hands and face, but he has very big eyes, and they are sparkling as he looks up at Robin, “She’s looking at me… she looks like…”
“Alive?” Dustin giggles almost hysterically, “It’s because I did it.”
“You…” Eddie turns to him slowly, “You’re pranking me.”
“Hey, Robin?” Dustin smiles, turning to her, “Tell me a memory only you would know.”
Robin furrowed her brow to think, “Do you deserve to know this?”
She didn’t miss Eddie’s gasp as she spoke.
“Just something little, it doesn’t need to be a secret.”
She sighs and looks over at Eddie for a moment, “I think… I can remember… my last human, he was my most favorite human, his favorite cookies were snickerdoodles.”
“Jesus H Christ.” Eddie muttered, slapping a hand over his mouth, “You are a genius.”
“I know!” Dustin exclaimed, and then they both spent a minute jumping around in circles with eachother.
“Well, Lady Robin, welcome back to the real world.” Eddie said, taking a very deep bow before her, “And… welcome to Hellfire. I’m kinda the guy in charge around here, they call me king of Hellfire, or, Satan, if you will.”
“No they don’t, they call you Freak, Freak.” Dustin muttered, and Eddie slapped him in the shoulder.
“Well, I’m in charge so whatever. Hellfire is a refuge for robots and humans alike. I myself am human, as are all the people you’ve met so far, but we have lots of robots here.” Eddie continued, placing a hand on Dustin’s shoulder, “Dusty’s kinda our big brains, the science guy. He’s the one to thank for any repairs you might need. He’s also the one who upgraded your programming with his own design, and gave you a real, beating heart-“
“Not real.” Dustin corrected, “It’s completely robotic, but it functions like a real heart. You can feel it, can’t you? In your chest? I’ve got your readings here, it’s going crazy. Yeah, I’m really a genius.”
“I have… emotions?” Robin asked, blinking slowly, “Robots can have emotions.”
“Robots down here, can, and do.” Eddie smiled, sticking up a finger to emphasise his point, “The idea to give you guys that ability came to Dustin, maybe… four years ago, when a girl by the name of Chrissy was found just about dead with all her bones broken. It was… horrible. But we saved her- Dustin saved her, used a shut down Robots parts to revive her and now she’s like, a hybrid human robot. She’s crazy- she’s my best friend.”
“A human robot?”
“Yeah…” Dustin nodded, “Which got me thinking, if I can to notify a human, why can’t I huminify a robot? It took a little tweaking and a lot of risky missions, but I managed it. Nancy was a willing test subject, and she came back out with a functioning heart, human like brain, and therefore, emotions.”
“And now… I have these things?”
“Yes.” He said, “All functioning perfectly well too, so far. You’re really my greatest accomplishment.”
“This is amazing, you are amazing- she is amazing- you’re amazing, Robin.” Eddie sighed.
“Do you think El will be impressed?” Dustin asked, tapping his pad.
Eddie grinned, “Yeah, probably.”
The boy blushed.
“Who is… El?” Robin asked.
“Oh, that’s another one of our robots.” Eddie supplied, swinging an arm over Dustin’s shoulder, “She’s really kind, went through hell. She was kinda one of the secret models being developed, she has all these weird psychic abilities and stuff. She’s wicked, but was really underdeveloped. Dustin’s been working closely with her over the past few years and her speech is finally developing… but Dusty here kinda has a crush.”
“Shut up.” Dustin groaned, shoving Eddie away, “Like you can talk.”
“Hey.” Eddie snapped, tugging on his ear, “Anyway, I’m happy to play tour guide once you’re up and out of here, I’m assuming Dustin’s still gonna do your physical tests and stuff considering you’re still on the wall, but, I’m here to help with whatever you need. I’m gonna run now, go make sure a rooms all cleared and set up for you, and I’ll see you tonight. We’re having a party.”
Robin says goodbye to the kind man and lets Dustin finish all his tests. It takes a while, and the whole time, Robin thinks of Steve.
“You’re very quiet.” Dustin hummed, tweaking something in her wrist, “You were talkative in your old memories.”
“You have seen them?”
“Some.” Dustin smiled, “I just wanted to learn about you, especially considering I wanted to make you you again, not some other robot in your body, you know?”
“Oh, I understand.”
He nodded, “All of your favorite memories were with Steve.“
“He was my favorite.” She smiled, feeling emotional all of a sudden. It was a foreign feeling to her, heart racing, face aching sort of. suddenly, there was water in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. She flinched, trying to shove it away, “What is happening? Am I broken?”
“No!” Dustin shouted, smiling softly, “No, you’re just crying. They’re just tears. You’re crying.”
“Robots can not cry.”
“You can hear.” Dustin smiled, “Yeah, you’ve got tear ducts now. Erm, one of our bots, Argyle, he liked feeling human like this, and he kinda just wished he had the ability to cry like one. He thought it was really beautiful how we cried, so… I managed to make it happen. You need to refill your water tank every so often, it’s stored behind your left shoulder blade, it’s really easy to do. But, yeah, you can cry now… if you’d like me to take it out I can. Any alternations or modifications you’d like, I can do. We just want your comfort here.”
“I think… I’d like to cry.” Robin smiled through tears. In the time she knew Steve, he cried for nearly half of it. She thinks, in some strange way, that she owes these tears to him. They’re for him. Every tear will be for her Steve.
“Yeah, thought so.” Dustin smiled, “It’s pretty impressive, for a bot so old to do what you did before Steve shut you down. You somehow managed to gain empathy, and connected with love, it hadn’t really been done before. It still baffles me, but… I dunno, you guys must have been really close.”
“We were.” Robin smiled, proud to know that Steve helped make her human when it was basically impossible.
Dustin continued to work.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Is this another test question?”
“No, I’m just making conversation.” Dustin smiled, “I’d like to know, is all.”
“Can you not see on your device?” Robin asked, pointing at the screen that’s connected to her currently, “You have access to my data… Will I still have to file my report tonight?”
Dustin snorted, “Erm, I can’t see what’s going on in your thoughts, because my program isn’t designed to invade. That’s just reading your vitals, telling me what’s working and what isn’t, you know? Like humans get in hospitals. And no, no file, no log. No more of that ever. You have freedom here, you don’t have to report to anyone. Your thoughts, choices, and actions are your own.”
“That is not the rules.” Robin argued.
“Up there it’s not. And look where it got them, still fighting a war, seven years later. Down here though? We just exist- sure, we rescue and rehabilitate, but we just live. It’s free, you know? Everyone has free choice.”
“This is… strange.” Robin hums, “I was thinking about Steve.”
“I figured.” Dustin smiled.
“Did they get him?” She asks quietly, “What happened?”
Dustin tensed and refused to look up at her, “He, uh… he drove his car off of a cliff after shutting you down. Off the edge of Hawkins. He held your hand the whole time, shut down in his passenger seat. His car fell into one of our nets that we set to catch scraps, it got into a lot of damage, but you were okay.”
Robin nodded.
“He didn’t-“
“Wow, the rumours are true.” Another voice interrupted, shuffling into the room.
“Rumours?” Dustin huffed, “How are there rumours already?”
“Mike told me.” She smiled, “You know he tells me things.”
“Robin, this is Nancy… Nancy, Robin.”
“You are alive.” Nancy smiled, lifting her hand to shake, “I have been waiting for you for a very long time.”
“Oh.” Robin gasped, a strange feeling sinking in her abdomen. Her new heart was doing strange things in her chest.
“I am a robot too.” Nancy smiled, “I know it is strange here, in this world, to have freedom. I will help you understand it, I promise. My brother Mike helped me, he was from the house I was assigned too, but, when we arrived here with his little sister and no one else, we became siblings.”
“Wow.” Robin nodded, “You have a special human too?”
Nancy giggled, “I have lots of special humans down here. I believe you will feel the same. In Hellfire, we are all treated like humans. Eddie believes it is not what parts we have that matter, but what is in our hearts.”
Robin pressed a hand where her heart should be, and well enough, she could feel it beating in her chest, “It feels so strange.”
“Everything here is strange.” She smiled, “But, I promise you will like it here. We even have recharge stations built into beds, so we can sleep like humans.”
Robin feels an abundance of excitement for her new life, though, she feels a deep hollowness in her chest for Steve. She understands he is gone, had died in that car crash. She mourns him, in her heart, and feels more tears arise in her eyes. She does not cry though, not in front of Nancy, she feels… embarrassed to do so. She waits for Nancy to say goodbye before she cries in front of Dustin.
Dustin keeps running his tests, and holds her hand as she cries. Dustin is very kind, she learns. She likes him very much.
It is later in the evening, when she is let out of the tech lab. She walks slowly, because her joints are still a little stiff from no movement for seven years. But Dustin got her working very well.
Nancy and El are holding each of her hands. They are both very nice girls, and were very excited to properly talk to Robin away from Dustin. Apparently they have been visiting her shut down body for years, hoping to get her working. They’ve all shared so many stories about Robin, and learned lots from her memory files.
She likes El. El is kind, and sweet, and very honest. She believes they may be friends, which is exciting to Robin, because she’s never had Robot friends before. Not really. Acquaintances that she’s worked with? Sure. But friends? No.
But Nancy is different. Nancy is strange. Robin likes to look at Nancy, she likes the way her hair bounces as she walks, and the distinct mechanical whirl she makes as she turns her head or dilates her pupils. Around Nancy, Robins new heart goes thunk thunk thunk in her chest.
They lead her through dim corridors, getting closer and closer to a loud chatter and light at the end.
“Happy birthday to you!” She hears many people singing, “Happy birthday to you!”
Nancy and El smile excitedly as they pull her around the corner and she sees a man sitting on a big comfy chair in the middle of the room. All around him, people are singing and cheering. In front of him is a large chocolate cake with candles poking out the top. The man has long hair, and closed eyes, and… Steve’s face.
“Happy birthday dear, Steve…. Happy birthday to you!”
She sees Eddie lean down and press a kiss to Steve’s cheek, a coy smile on his lips, “Blow out your candles, baby.”
Steve smiled and giggles, the sound so safe and so familiar that it brings those strange tears back to Robins eyes.
He leans forward, “You already know what I’m wishing for.”
Eddie chuckles, rubbing Steve’s shoulder, “I have faith for you this year.”
Steve blows out his candles, and the room goes silent as he mutters his wish, “I wish for Robin to come back to me.”
The room erupted with cheers and whistles as the last candle blew out, and Steve smiled and laughed with everyone, eyes open now and as wonderful as ever. And Robin just watched.
Steve looked up at Eddie and pulled him down to kiss, “I love you.”
“Love you too, Steve.” Eddie mutters and kisses him again, “I think your wish came true.”
“Har har.” Steve scoffs, rolling his eyes as he settles back into his chair, “Yeah, in what-“
They were looking at eachother, the room going silent again. Dustin stepped forward, smiling wearily, “Happy birthday, Steve.”
“No way.” He muttered, flinging himself from the chair and slamming into her.
Robin wrapped her arms around him, for the first time in seven years, and felt.
“I missed you.” Steve cried into her neck.
“I love you.” She muttered, squeezing him tighter, “I have a real heart, and it loves you.”
“Oh my god.” Steve sobbed, clinging onto her, “I can’t believe you’re back.”
Their hug lasted for a very long time. And then after that, Steve was making her say things, and smile, and prove that she was really alive again. She recounted all of their favorite memories, and Steve was a crying mess. Robin wasn’t much better, but robot crying is so much less messy than human crying.
Steve didn’t let go of her hand as Eddie gave Robin the tour, giving her all the information that she needed. They came to a halt at a door, one with her name written on the front. Inside was already decorated.
Steve had been working on it for years, so sure that he’d get his Robin back. They saved a room for her, and anything he found that reminded him of her would go in there. Right beside it, was Steve’s room, and by their beds was a little window they could open and close at their will, so they could talk to eachother to fall asleep.
(Though, Steve slept in Robins bed with her every night for one month since her return because they were inseparable and he missed her. Eddie just had to deal with that)
Steve taught her many more things about being a human. Like, how to navigate all these horrible sad emotions that she’s so lucky to finally experience. And all these happy emotions she feels to continue living with Steve. And all those yucky, exciting, confusing emotions she feels around Nancy.
Apparently those feelings signify she has a crush. Steve keeps teasing her, and then he explains to her how wonderful it is to be in love, and have someone love you back. Robin lies there for hours and hours and hours, as long as Steve would like, listening to him talk about Eddie. Robin really loves how much Steve loves Eddie, and how much Eddie in return seems to love Steve.
She thinks it’s beautiful. She would like to have something like that of her own.
Love was not a thing robots were supposed to have. Ronance was definitely not a thing robots were supposed to have. But in Hellfire, those things are different. She things maybe she could fall in love with Nancy, Steve seems excited about it.
Mostly Robin is happy to be here in this world with her friend again. Her best friend in the whole world. The most wonderful being in the whole world.
Emotion was never something Robin was ever supposed to experience, but with her best friend Steve, she believes she feels some of the strongest emotions one could ever feel, because he makes her human, even though she’s not.
He makes her feel human.
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This is not very good but it was never meant to be lol. It was just meant to be like an idea, not a ficlet but I got sucked in by the horrors
Just imagine it.
Also, if someone wants to write this like, bettered feel free and just tag me so that I can read this! Because I would write this, but I don’t want to, I just want to read it, you know?!?! Plus, way too many wips
Also, this is not as much like Astro Boy as I initially thought but the vibes are there
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comixandco · 1 year
tfw you come home from an involuntary two-month holiday featuring emergency surgery and a prosthetic arm and you walk through the door
and a neighbour you barely know is sweeping your floor and says how much she loves your gf and if you’re tired just go sleep in the bed since your gf is away and she’ll let anybody sleep in there
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viksalos · 1 year
do you ever go in the tag for a thing you like and see someone randomly hating on it in there, then you go to their blog and see that they’re just a relentless hater in general. like whew ok i don’t think you necessarily had a focused criticism of Thing I Like so much as this is just the energy you exude everywhere
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thetriangletattoo · 2 years
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andichoseyou · 2 years
top characters on the chopping block TO ME
owens and brenner
max or will??? i hope not oh god
vecna for sure
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trashpremiium · 1 year
pain and suffering in the house tonight
#i'm just.#hm.#i'm lucky enough to not get a ton of dysphoria. like it's always there but i'm honestly just kinda vibing#like i've hated my body for so long at this point it's kind of just background noise#but i'm having a moment#i keep seeing things from other transmascs about passing#and i try so hard not to be jealous bc it's not productive and they dont deserve that#but i always see people who start passing the second they cut their hair#the second they go on T#the second they come out#and i'm so tired#i have enough people in my life who i'm out to where it's like. yeah i live most of my life out#a solid 70% of my friends don't even know my deadname#but i haven't been correctly gendered by a stranger since i was 16#and i'm 6 months on T#and i feel like nothings changed#i still don't pass#i feel like everyone just memorizes my pronouns. especially irl#and i'm beginning to think that passing just isn't in the cards for me#i gave up a life where i could be pretty. where people liked me. where i didn't get glared at because i look the way i do#and i don't regret it because i would be so so so deeply unhappy#but i do miss it#i miss when there was an opportunity to just ignore it#because i'm never going to get anywhere transitioning#i'm putting my whole future at risk for this#getting into grad school will be harder. being taken seriously as a professional will be harder#being social will be harder#even fucking existing in public will be harder#and i just want to know that it's worth it#i'm 5 foot 4 fat and have feminine features
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ~ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
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strictly 18+ only // content warnings should be on each link
forwarning: obviously the voices aren’t going to sound exactly like the actors / characters so I’ve gone more for how the vibes and attitudes fit with the characters, you’ll just have to use your imagination tbh my darlings!!
these are intended for female / afab listeners
other than that go wild and happy listening my loves
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Eddie Munson
Eddie making you cum for the first time
topping a secretly insecure Eddie
Eddie trying to be rough for the first time
fucking Eddie after a dnd game
you and Eddie’a first time together
Eddie ‘I don’t think I can be gentle with you tonight’ Munson
getting high and fucking at a party
best friend Eddie finds your reddit page…
bad boy Eddie and bitchy miss popular
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Steve Harrington
your first time with Steve
friends to lovers with Steve (this mentions stranger things so it’s kinda meta lmao)
having a quickie in a closet at a party
your friend Steve catches you masturbating
Steve thinking about you and jerking off
rich boy Steve fucking you in his library
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Billy Hargrove
stripping for Billy
Billy puts bratty kitten reader in their place
Billy watching / helping you fuck yourself
hatefucking your ex Billy
Billy fucking you at a party (this one really sounds like him I’m screaming)
watching a scary movie with Billy leads to other things...
cheating on your boyfriend, Billy fucking you in a park
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Robin Buckley
enemies to lovers / hate fucking Robin
you and Robin hookup at a lake house getaway
thanking Robin for helping you study
taking care of Robin, her calling you mommy
encouraging you take a break from work, helping you destress
Robin showering her shy girlfriend with praise and affection
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Nancy Wheeler
brat tamer Nancy teaching you patience
dom Nancy lets you ride her boot
playing truth or dare leads you to hooking up
a ‘tutor’ session with Nancy
getting dressed all pretty for Nancy
you and Nancy escape a party so you can hookup
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Jonathan Byers
taking Jonathan’s virginity
Jonathan eating you out whilst you work
encouraging you to come back to bed
edging sub Jonathan
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link to search website yourself 
main masterlist // stranger things masterlist // stranger things audio list part one // stranger things audio list - other characters
p.s. I will keep adding more as and when I find them / when they’re sent to me
on that note, if you find any you think would fit the characters please do feel free to send them my way so I can add them to the list!!
tagging: @mothdruid @chaoticvigilantes @simp-lyme @brighteyedbushybrowed @haiishodenki @botanicalbarnes @dreamerlandz @kaitioo @multixfandomwriter @courtneyslove @elenarenee07 @anxiously-sidequesting @stargazineyes @celestbarnes @allthecurls-misc @luv-flor7777 @eddiemunsonswife21 @edensbuttercups @thegreatkneetaker @prettyboy-20 @brynnwrites
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joelscruff · 1 year
this one thing you did (joel miller x f!reader) 18+
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this is totally self indulgent smut based on a night out i had. i don't usually put songs into my fic but this song was playing on said night out and how could i not include it?? anyway, enjoy 🎉 and here's my kofi if you'd like to leave a tip 💕 summary: dancing with a stranger at your favorite club leads to something filthy. (early 2000s!joel, no outbreak, no use of y/n) rating: 18+ explicit (mdni) warnings: grinding, unprotected p in v sex with a stranger (don't do this), creampie, comeplay, dirty talk, bathroom sex word count: 3.5k
The booming bass and flashing lights are their own kind of high, regardless of how many shots you've already taken tonight. The club is your playground, bodies swaying back and forth, bare skin reflecting sweat and glitter as you playfully grind against a nameless and faceless man on the dancefloor, hips rotating to the beat of the music as he grips your hips tightly from behind. This is your favorite place.
You spot your friend over at the bar, still chatting up her date enthusiastically; she's barely danced tonight, too distracted by her handsome new friend she met last weekend. You figured this would happen; third wheeling has become a skill in and of itself for you after being single for so long, but you don't mind. She seems happy, he seems sweet, it's all good. Besides, you have other plans.
The song is winding down and you turn around to finally match a face to the hands on your body; he's cute, albeit a bit young, blonde hair and blue eyed with a goatee he should probably reconsider. He's hot though, and he smells good. The alcohol still buzzing in your body, you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck, smirking playfully.
"You got plans after this?" you ask over the pumping bass, flipping your damp hair out of your face and feeling a cascade of glitter zip past your ear.
"Kinda," he replies back just as loudly, hands traveling down to your ass, "I'm at a bachelor party, we're going to another club after this," he squeezes you through your dress and smirks, "You wanna come?"
You bite your lip and your eyes dart back to your friend at the bar, still chatting it up with her new man. You've met him, got a good vibe, but you still feel uncomfortable leaving her here, even if she'd probably tell you to go on ahead. You turn back to the blonde and shake your head.
"Can't leave my friend," you shout, "Sorry, maybe next time!"
He makes a face, frustration suddenly flooding his expression, "But there won't be a next time!"
"It's my bachelor party," he replies, like this should have been obvious to you, "I get married tomorrow!" He squeezes your ass tighter and leans down to speak directly in your ear, "Be my last, come on."
You pull back from him immediately, yanking yourself out of his grip with disgust, "CREEP!" you yell loudly, pointing to him as people begin to turn to look at the two of you. The song has ended, a few seconds of silence granting you the attention you desire, "GET OUT, CREEP!"
"Creep!" you hear another girl call near you, "Leave!"
"CREEP," someone else calls, and soon most of the people in your general vicinity are shouting at the man to leave; he backs away, looking at your angrily as he turns around and lurches toward the front of the club to find his friends. You smile after him. That's how it's done.
The next song has already started and you feel your face light up when you recognize 1 Thing by Amerie blasting through the club speakers, the unmistakable sound of percussion reverberating in your bones as you look frantically around the crowded floor for someone else to dance with.
"That was ballsy," you hear a voice behind you, deep and southern, and you look down with surprise to see a large hand pressed firmly against your belly through your tight dress, "Wanna dance?"
"You're not married or getting married, are you?" you call back, twisting your face a bit to catch the slightest glimpse of brown hair and a beard; hot.
"Single as they come," he replies, and that's all you need.
You grind back on him immediately, loving how his grip around your middle tightens as he pushes his groin against your ass. Your dress certainly doesn't leave much to the imagination, ridiculously short and covered in silver glitter; you can feel the swell of him through his jeans and you smirk as you lean back against him and start to sway your hips to the beat.
His hands are a godsend; he knows exactly how to touch you, hands moving from your midsection to squeeze your hips, thumbing the shape of your thong beneath your dress. It's not visible but it's like he knows it's there, caressing the V of your hips and grinding himself into you a bit firmer. You feel your brows furrow, a bit taken aback by this level of intimacy; you're so used to club guys who just take what they need, view you as more of a warm body than anything else. Which is fine, it's not like you view them any different.
But the way this man dances with you is entirely new. He pulls you in closer as the song progresses, noses your hair and helps you sway back and forth. He smells good, even better than the blonde guy, a more mature and masculine scent that's musked and piney. He's big and tall too, you can tell how much larger he is than you when you lean back further and press your entire body against him, feel the broad expanse of his chest against your back.
"Fuck," you mutter under your breath, knowing he can't hear you, "That's good."
It feels almost impossible for him to hold you any closer but he somehow does, tightening his grip around you in his arms, one of the hands on your hips trailing upwards to press flat against the space between your breasts where you're bare. You look down, eyes hazy, and see the large shape of his hand firm on your chest, fingers splayed out and lightly brushing the sides of your breasts, only held up by some tape you'd applied before leaving the house.
"Fuck," you repeat, but you can't hear it, biting down on your lip in a pleasured pout and grinding back into the man even more, feeling yourself begin to throb under your dress. Almost like he can sense where you're aching, he moves his other hand down from your hip to grip your thigh, thumb tracing the innermost part gently. You shiver in his grasp.
You bring your gaze back over to the bar and are surprised to see your friend looking over at you, a wide grin plastered on her face. She mouths something and you squint to see her, making a confused face.
"He's fucking hot," she mouths again, throwing you a thumbs up, "Good job."
You feel yourself grin back at her, "Is he?" you mouth back.
She nods quickly and mouths, "He's perfect!"
You feel a flutter of pride and contentedness rise in your chest at her blessing. It's rare that either of you ever call a guy perfect, but you'd seen the hint of brown hair and the beard and hoped he was your type. You like big, tall men. Strong, ones who can take care of you, lift you up if necessary, take control. Brunettes with beards have always been your favorite. Obviously she can see that he's completely your type.
The song is winding down but you're desperate to stay as close to this man as possible, pressing back against him and closing your eyes. You feel his breath at your ear, both hands returning to their familiar spots on your hips, fingertips lightly touching your bare thighs. You suddenly want him to lift up the dress and start fucking you right there on the dancefloor; you're down bad.
You lean your head upwards a bit, trying to speak loud enough so he can hear you, but also not so loud that people in the vicinity can hear as you say, "Wanna fuck me?"
You feel him smirk against your skin, "Lead the way."
Still not turning to look at him you reach down and take his hand, the final notes of the song ringing out in the club as you lead him to the women's bathroom. You've had sex in here before, many times, so you know how to give yourself the privacy you need for the short period of time you need it.
You drag him inside the bathroom and finally turn around to look at him, grinning again when you get a good look. Oh, your friend was so right. He's perfect; tall and broad, scruffy and unkempt in the sexiest way possible. He's got brown eyes, dark and seductive, and a playful smirk that's already driving you wild. Before you put your hands on him you quickly reach down under one the sinks and grab the edge of a ridiculously heavy box with god knows what inside; no one questions the box.
"Help me put this in front of the door." you say, and he doesn't need telling twice, immediately reaching down to pull it out. You know from experience that this box is heavy, which is the whole point people leave it here to begin with. However, he seems to move it with ease, biceps flexing under his black t-shirt as he places it in front of the bathroom door.
As soon as it's in place you grab his forearm and pull him toward you, worrying your lip between your teeth as you both move toward the sinks with what's probably a pathetically debauched expression on your face.
He grins and carefully picks you up and places you on one of the counters like you weigh nothing, leaning down to plant wet kisses along your neck as he pushes your thighs apart and stands between them. Your dress is so tight that he has to roll it up a bit, leaving you sitting bare-assed on the countertop; you're definitely gonna need a shower later.
"You do this a lot?" he asks you, that southern drawl back in full force and making you pulse even more in your panties, "Seems like you know what you're doin'."
You nod unabashedly, "It's not my first rodeo."
He laughs at that, deep and rough, then brings his hands down to grip your thighs tightly beneath his wide palms, "Let's make it a memorable one, then."
You lean forward to capture his lips in a hot kiss, wet and sloppy. He tastes like whisky and you're sure you probably taste like vodka, the strong flavors mixing together as he pushes his tongue inside your mouth and inches his fingers upwards to grip your thong. He tugs it down easily and keeps kissing you hard, licking inside your mouth and humming at the taste. You hear the unmistakable jangle of his belt buckle as he pulls it free, making you open your eyes and pull back from the kiss to watch with hooded eyes as he pulls out his dick.
"Knew you were big," you say with a smirk, batting your eyelashes at him, "Could feel it on the dancefloor."
He chuckles and pulls your dress up even more, leaning back to look down and assess where you're bare. He reaches down and thumbs your wet cunt, smirking when a moan immediately falls from your mouth.
"And I knew you were dripping," he replies roughly, "Could feel it on your thighs."
Fuck. You let out another moan when he quickly shoves two fingers inside without any warning; you take him easily, pussy sucking his fingers in with an obscene squelch that makes both of you groan. He pulls his fingers out and drags them along the length of his cock, mixing your juices with the precum leaking from his weeping tip.
"How long we got? Since you're the expert." He doesn't say it in a way that's shameful or disgusted; if anything he seems more turned on by the fact that this isn't new for you, shuffling forward to bump the fat head of his cock against your opening.
"Maybe five minutes," you reply quickly, gaze jumping to the closed door, "Before someone starts knocking."
You realize then that he's not wearing a condom and that neither of you have even suggested the prospect of being safe. You know for a fact there's some in that box; whether staff or people coming in and out are responsible for that, you're not sure. Regardless, you only briefly consider asking him to put one on before deciding it doesn't matter - you're drunk and horny and you want to feel him raw.
You can practically hear your friend calling you an idiot already.
You hitch your arms up around his neck and hear yourself emit a guttural moan as he pushes his cock inside you. He goes a bit slow at first, just to get you adjusted to his size, but then he's filling you completely to the hilt and you have to hold on tightly to him so you don't topple off the counter. He's so large, practically in your stomach as he starts to steadily thrust in and out, holding you close.
"Oh fuck," you whimper into his shoulder, hands scrambling for purchase against his back, "Shit."
"Yeah, that's it," he murmurs in your ear, low and seductive, "Take it."
You take it, that's for sure. It's not like you have any other choice. You're glad he can't see your face because you're sure it's twisted into a ridiculous expression, mouth agape and eyes crossing slightly as he fucks you deep. You've taken big dicks before but never from somebody who actually knew how to use it, how to drag it back and forth at the perfect speed, be sure to prod that special spot deep inside you. Your friend was right, he's perfect.
The bass of the music continues to boom outside the bathroom, muffled and echoey; you don't recognize the song but that's the last thing on your mind as this gorgeous man fucks you into a state of pure nirvana. You whimper pathetically in his ear, feeling your back bump the bathroom mirror every time he thrusts, one hand coming up to get lost in his hair.
"Fuck, you take it good," he mutters, slamming his hips back and forth and tightening his grip around your body, "Perfect pussy. You fuckin' love gettin' filled up, don't you?"
You nod into his shoulder and whimper again when he starts fucking you even faster, body practically vibrating on the counter. You pull back to look at him and find your head bobbing wildly back and forth like you're a ragdoll, completely at his mercy. You lock eyes with him and moan when you see his blissed out expression, the glitter from your face now clinging to his sweaty skin.
"Oh fuck, what a face," he groans, "You're cross-eyed, baby. I'm fuckin' you stupid, huh?"
You nod frantically again, "I-" you try to speak, voice shaky and weak as he relentlessly pounds into you without stopping, "I'm-"
He nods along with you, "I know, baby, I know," he murmurs, "Don't talk, just take that cock."
You grip him tightly again and bury your face in his shoulder. It's perfect timing because you almost feel yourself start to cry out when he starts rubbing your clit, bringing you to your release. Your legs wrap around his waist and you practically scream into his shoulder, your whole body shaking and vibrating as your orgasm takes over.
"That's it," he hisses through his teeth, clearly close to his own release, "That's it, come all over my cock."
Your pussy tightens and pulses around his thick length as you come, clit throbbing beneath the man's steady touch. You whine into his shirt as he fucks you faster, impossibly harder, the wide head of his cock repeatedly pushing against your favorite spot. It's too much and you have to bite down on the fabric to stop yourself from sobbing.
He doesn't ask where you want his come; he knows.
He fucks you once, twice, three times more before stilling inside of you and letting out a deep and rough groan, pulling back to watch your expression as he fills you up. Your jaw drops, legs shaking around his waist as you feel his thick spurts of release paint your insides. You both stare into each other's eyes with mirrored looks of pleasure, eyes hooded and dark.
"I'm clean," he says, voice breaking slightly, "Probably shoulda told you that before we started."
"It's okay," you whimper, still focused on the feeling of his cock, the way it pushes his come further inside, "I wanted it."
"Yeah, you did," he murmurs, eyes scanning your face, "You wanted it bad, didn't you?"
You nod and he leans in to kiss you. It's sweeter this time, not as hurried or sloppy, and you moan faintly against his lips when he carefully slides his dick out of you.
"Want me to clean you up?" he asks, and you shake your head.
"No," you whisper, "Wanna feel it dripping when I dance."
He groans and reaches down to pull your thong back up your legs. You shimmy off the counter, legs like jelly as you shakily stand and pull them up all the way.
"That'll keep it in there," he murmurs, pulling your dress down and patting your pussy gently through the material, "For a little while."
A loud knock at the door and the sound of a girl yelling "I have to pee!" notifies the both of you that your time is up. You watch as the man stuffs his softening cock back inside his pants and starts to do up his belt quickly, still eyeing you. He wastes no time in kissing you one last time, holding you close and trailing his fingers up and down your back.
"I gotta head home," he murmurs against your lips after a few seconds, "But thank you for this, I needed it."
You giggle and pull back to take one last look at his face, aware of the girl outside the door still steadily knocking and begging to be let in, "We should do it again."
"I'll hold you to that."
You both pull away from each other and he reaches down to move the box away from the door. Immediately a girl and a few of her friends rush inside, barely batting an eye when they see a man in the women's bathroom; this isn't an uncommon occurrence here. You leave the bathroom with him and walk with him to the exit, making sure to check the bar for your friend. She's still sitting there, lost in her own world. You smile.
"Are you sure you have to go home?" you ask once you're both outside the club, alone together on the sidewalk; the question is probably a little pathetic but you don't care.
He smiles softly, "I do, I'm sorry. I have to be somewhere early tomorrow and if I take you home..." he trails off, eyes scanning up and down your body, "Well, let's just say neither of us will be getting any sleep."
You shiver, more from his words than the cold air, but he still reaches forward to rub your bare shoulders gently, giving you some heat. It's a small and quiet gesture, but it makes your heart flutter.
"Can I get your number?" you ask, suddenly a bit shy despite the fact that you can feel his come beginning to leak out of you. He nods with a smile and you pull your phone out of the top of your dress to hand it over to him.
He takes it from you, looking down and pressing a few buttons to program his number into your contacts, then hands it back to you. You suddenly feel a strange tickle between your legs and your brow furrows.
"Shit," you mutter, realizing what it is.
You look down at yourself and see a thick drip of his come inching down your inner thigh. He follows your gaze and makes a strange noise in his throat, taking a few steps forward and watching with dark eyes as it slowly dribbles down your leg.
"You're on the pill, right?" he murmurs.
"Yes," you whisper, still watching his release drip from you.
He pulls you into his arms one more time and kisses you long and deep, slipping his hand under your dress to gently ease some of his come back inside you. You whimper against his mouth as his thick thumb slips inside your hole and carefully pushes his release as deep as he can.
When he pulls back he tilts your chin up and smiles softly at you, eyes still full of desire as you keen beneath his touch.
"Now go dance with all that still inside," he murmurs, "I know you want to."
You're back inside the club a few moments later, skin tingling with the rush of what's happened in the last twenty minutes. You take out your phone quickly to make sure his number is definitely there, that he did it right. You feel your face warm when you see the new name listed in your contacts:
You slip your phone back inside your dress and head for the dance floor, pushing past the gyrating bodies and the couples making out, the dudes looking for whichever girl will grind on them. Just one more song, you think to yourself. The bass booms, the lights flash, and you dance with abandon.
This is your favorite place.
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1d1195 · 10 months
Sun-Kissed I
Here is a fluffy/smutty little piece of love on the beach. It’s ~9k words. It’s a love at first sight kind of thing I know it’s kind of ridiculous for them to be falling in love so fast but it’s my story and I’m sticking with it. Also, sorry that I’m really into sunflowers right now. Sunflower Vol. 6 has been on my mind lately so that’s gonna make an appearance for the third time as of late. I don’t know if anyone else cares about all my little easter eggs regarding real life Harry in my writing but I’m really pretty proud of the news one I put in here. I'm sorry they're both teachers again I needed them to have summer's off to make this work. Their careers are not a major part of the story.
Warnings: There’s some pretty 18+ things happening here. Masturbating, public sex (kinda), thigh riding, etc. If you’re not into this, I wouldn’t read it. It's all fluff otherwise. There won't be a bit of angst.
I've been trying to write this for over a year and finally came pouring out. Unfortunately, there will be a second part next Thursday only because I thought it was getting too long. So it does end a little abruptly. Hope you enjoy anyway :)
Harry was fascinated by her, simply put. He wanted to spend forever at dinner with her. Chatting with her. Looking at her beautiful face. Envying how the sun got to kiss her, and he didn’t.
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Harry didn’t grow up near a beach so he thought this would be great way to cash in on his vacation time over the summer. Sitting at the beach, reading a book, and dipping his toes in the water when it got too hot. His mum knew someone who knew someone who gave him a great deal on the summer rental, and he was beyond excited to sit and relax for the first time in years.
Being an earlier riser had its advantages. For one, he got the pick of where to set up his summer getaway on the beach. He brought a cooler, a chair, and a few towels along with a book or two to spend the day. Through his sunglasses, he faced the direction of the sunshine. He hadn’t had a proper summer holiday since he was young and now that he was busy teaching and had summer’s off, he was elated to have some time to himself.
Once he settled his belongings, he turned on a summer playlist he’d been working on for a while. He didn’t turn it up loud—he would never want to bother anyone that may join him on the beach—but it was loud enough to hear and not interrupt his imagination while reading.
It was utterly peaceful.
Apparently, Harry was unaware of just how truly peaceful the beach could be.
“Hey,” a voice said softly, it was sweet. A gentle shake on the arm, her skin was cool to the touch. His eyes blinked open unsurely. He realized he fell asleep and didn’t even get through the first page of his book. “Hi,” she whispered with a gentle smile. “You’re going to start burning,” she explained handing over a bottle of sunscreen to his hands while Harry tried to wake himself up. “And your book is in the sand,” she said grabbing it before the spine broke from all the grains of the beach ruining the binding.
“Oh,” he shook his head desperate for his brain to catch up to his surroundings. “Thanks,” he said gratefully.
“No problem!” She chirped heading back to the chair that was a few meters in front of him. “I already burned once this summer and it was miserable. Just don’t want you to suffer the same fate.”
He pushed open the bottle and started rubbing on the sunscreen. It felt like he was going to have a slight burn already. The relief of the lotion on his skin made him wary. “Ah, guess...I should probably leave,” he chuckled. “Try again tomorrow.”
“Oh...if you want to stay, I have an umbrella,” she said cheerfully. “S’a nice day, just give me a minute to set up,” she smiled and gave her name to Harry.
Harry had hardly gotten a good look at her with a sleepy set of eyes a bit wiped by the sun. His brain was foggy with the impromptu nap. This small little town he was staying in had the vibe that someone like her would help a stranger. Everyone had been so nice in the grocery store and when Harry went for his run yesterday, people said hello and commented on how nice the evening was. It was an adorable little town and Harry was already dreading having to leave in two weeks’ time.
“Well, thank you. M’Harry,” he said quietly while he finished rubbing the lotion over his body. He watched her work, his mind less foggy. Glancing at his watch, he noted it was a little over two hours since he arrived. It wasn’t too hot outside still, so his burn would be minor if he got one at all. With the addition of a blanket and the umbrella, it was almost a mirror image of Harry’s little set up. A chair, a cooler, and a couple towels.
She had a ponytail pulled through a baseball cap and she wore a button down, rolled to the elbows. The top few buttons were open revealing a deep blue bathing suit top, that scooped low enough to show off...
Harry had to be careful, or he was going to be sporting a prominent erection on a beach with a ton of families. He moved his gaze down past where he really wanted to look. The shirt came down to just above her knee and he saw a pair of flip flops discarded to the side of the blanket she had laid out in front of her stuff. “Nice day, huh?” She smiled as she twirled the umbrella stand into the sand.
“Tits—it’s really nice,” Harry said quickly stammering through his recovery.
She either didn’t notice his faux pas or didn’t care because she continued about her business. “Have you been here long?” She asked.
“Just arrived yesterday. Did some grocery shopping. Went for a jog.”
“Oh, how nice,” she had this infectious smile. Harry felt so happy just being around her. Or maybe it was the beautiful weather and the prettiest beach he had seen in years.
Or maybe it was her curvy figure that was making him lightheaded with happiness.
She pulled the shirt off finally, and Harry thought he might seriously need to leave. Head back for his little beach cottage to take care of blood rushing to his groin. She’s gorgeous. He thought to himself. “How ‘bout you?” He cleared his throat.
“I grew up here...and live here in the summer.”
He stared at her in surprise. “Here?” He asked.
She smiled and nodded. “It’s my favorite place on earth,” she explained.
“I can see why,” he nodded in appreciation. “Do you have any suggestions for while m’here?”
She nodded. “Plenty—how long are you here for?”
“Two weeks.”
“How lovely...let’s see...you’re at the beach—that’s most important in my opinion. I think if you stay here most of the time, you’ll have a successful vacation. There’s a place about twenty minutes from here where you can go clam digging if you like clams—I don’t really like them, but it’s fun to go. Paddleboarding on the river is also a really big thing. There’s this restaurant that everyone talks about. If you want, I know someone who works there, I could get you in. You’ll need a sweatshirt from the most touristy of tourist shops, but don’t go on a rainy day—everyone will be there. You’ll have to see the sunrise and the sunset. I think there’s a full moon too, so you’ll definitely want to see that over the ocean. I personally recommend ice cream and mini golf too. If you have time, you should also check out the nearby island. Even though this place is beautiful the island is like being in another country. It’s stunningly beautiful,” throughout her speech she continued working on the umbrella stand, putting the actual umbrella into place and tilting it back to create more shade.
Harry thought it would be really forward of him to invite her on all those adventures. Especially when someone as beautiful as she was surely had a significant other. Add in the fact he met her less than ten minutes ago; he would have seemed insane. “Wow, sounds like a packed schedule.”
She laughed and Harry swore he had never heard a sound as beautiful. She was still organizing her items and she gestured under the umbrella for Harry to move his stuff. “I’m really passionate about this place I forget people want to relax.”
“S’okay,” he chuckled. “You’re right t’be passionate. M’sure you’re right; I’ll make every effort t’do it all,” he promised and began moving his stuff below her umbrella. “Everyone is so nice here,” he told her. “Yourself included.”
“Why thank you,” she smiled sweetly and settled into her beach chair finally, facing the sun. He swore that someone this stunning couldn’t be real. She looked like a beach goddess—sun-kissed hair and skin. “What are you reading?” She asked, turning her head toward him covering the side of her face to keep the sun out of her eyes even though she wore sunglasses too.
He couldn’t even remember why he picked the book up. “Er...I fell asleep before finishing the first page,” he admitted shyly. She giggled.
“The beach does that, I swear. Something about total relaxation and the warm sun. I’m like a cat. Once I lay on my stomach, I’m out like a light.”
“Do you read?”
She nodded. “Have to; I’m a middle school teacher.”
“Oh,” Harry smiled. “I teach secondary.”
“No way!”
So, for the whole morning, Harry forgot about his book. Forgot about his playlist that was still going—except for anytime she asked what song was playing. They talked for literally three hours straight never once a lull in the conversation. Work, books, the beach, music, and anything they thought of. He told her about his family coming to visit for the weekend and she told him about her family who didn’t love this place as much as she did who would probably not visit—even if they missed her and loved her with everything in them.
At lunch they finally quieted their conversation to eat and watch the water. “I don’t see a burn,” she told him glancing over his face and skin as she finished her sandwich. He smiled.
“Thank you,” he said gratefully. “I’d be a proper crisp by now.”
She held the sunscreen out to him again. “I know this is a little weird, would you mind getting my upper back?” She asked.
Touch her? Harry didn’t have to be asked twice. Harry made sure to spray every bit of her skin. He didn’t want to be the reason she burned. As soft and beautiful as her skin was, Harry was glad she only asked to rub her back and shoulders. If he had to do her legs or any other part of her body, he definitely would have passed out.
She spread herself out on her blanket. Book near her face. “I’m so going to fall asleep,” she yawned. “Will you wake me if I start to burn?” She asked.
Harry nodded wordlessly and brought his book up toward his face. “Sure, love,” he murmured. Hopefully not showing how smitten he was with her already.
Harry might have wormed his way into her heart as her favorite person ever. It was so unlike her to wake a total stranger from a nap. But he was one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen in her life. She couldn’t imagine letting him roast in the sun all morning and ruining his vacation. It was even more unlike her to invite him to sit with her.
She liked to believe she was a kind soul—most everyone told her that she was, so it wasn’t unnatural for her to invite him to hang out with her. But if it wasn’t for the fact that Harry was a teacher, it could have been a lot more dicey.
It was so easy to talk to Harry. The entire morning was so much better than she ever expected just by being in his presence or chatting with him. Other than her reading-nap—where Harry woke her up after an hour so she could reapply another layer of sunscreen—they talked literally the whole day. Harry didn’t mind putting sunscreen on her and she returned the favor when they switched positions so Harry could get some on his back.
Touching him might be her new favorite pastime.
She left a bit before Harry wanting to go for a walk and shower before eating dinner and reading a bit on her porch. Plus, she had to pace herself if she was going to last at the beach all summer. After her shower, she put on an oversized shirt like she wore to the beach and a pair of shorts. It looked like she wasn’t wearing pants but didn’t mind. The sun finally crested the top of her cottage, so she was no longer baking in the sun and made the porch the loveliest little place to read and enjoy the evening. She had a bowl of watermelon chunks beside her, and sunglasses perched on her nose.
Growing up she never loved summer all that much. Of course, she loved the beach and the time off from school, but she started working part time when she was fourteen and summer never had the same feeling as it did when she was young until she started teaching. Now she would tutor virtually some nights throughout the summer—especially for college students taking summer courses. But mostly she spent her time here in the little beach cottage her grandma had specifically named to her in her will after she saw how much she cared for it—especially since she was the only one in her family who had summers off and still cared about this little town. Once her grandma passed away, no one really felt the need to stay—her parents sold the home she grew up in. It wasn’t brokenly tragic that her grandma died—she was old, and these things happened. Besides, she felt by being in the little town she grew up in and living in the cottage left to her was enough to live her summers in honor of her grandmother.
Her mother technically owned the other cottage her grandmother had and while her mom really wanted to sell it, she insisted she would take care of it while she was here and tend to any renters.
Which is why her mother texted her at least once a week about the renter at the cottage just three houses down the road. Our renter said there’s only one towel. Any ideas?
She gasped wondering how it slipped her mind to take the towels out of the dryer and fold them neatly into the bathroom linen closet. On it. She responded and practically ran down the road. She knocked on the door to her second home away from home and waited for the person on the other side to answer. While waiting she noticed the little sign below the main window was crooked—fell off the hook again in the ocean wind. She needed to remember to bring a pair of pliers back to close the loop the next time she came over.
The two cottages were almost identical. Except this door was a sea blue and hers was a sea green. They were little wooden cottages, shingled top to bottom. Just two windows at the front of the house, two on the back, and one on each side. There were two skylights in the roof allowing for lots of natural light. Each home had two small bedrooms, a bathroom, a spacious sitting area and full kitchen. They were wall to wall hardwood floors even though her Grandma in the 70s tried very hard to convince everyone it needed carpeting. But try vacuuming sand out of a beach cottage all the time. Due to space behind the home, hers had a little patio but this one was fitted with a little patio and an outdoor shower.
The blue door opened while she was still putting the wood block that read Sea View back in it’s place. “Uh...hello?” He asked. She turned to find Harry, surprise all across his face, to see the girl he met earlier outside his rental.
Of course it was Harry. “Oh, how funny!” She chirped excited to see the gorgeous man from the beach once more—her plan right now was to not-so-casually run into him at the beach again the next day. “I should have asked where you were renting!”
He smirked. “Hi love,” he said sweetly, confused that she was here. “Uh...what are you doing here?”
“My family owns this cottage,” she explained. “Mom texted me that you don’t have towels? That’s my fault. Left them in the dryer when I was cleaning on turnover day. I’ll fold them now,” she said and marched herself inside and maneuvered through the familiar room with ease.
“Oh,” Harry said. “S’okay, love. I didn’t mean t’bother you—I would have found them eventually—��
“Absolutely not, it’s your vacation! You deserve clean towels and not have to worry about looking for things,” she was already piling the fluffy array of sea blue and green towels out of the dryer and began folding them expertly. “I’m going to leave you my number so if you need anything you can just ask me. I always tell her to just give them my number, but she worries about weirdos taking advantage of me,” she rolled her eyes.
What would possess me to say that to Harry?
He smiled as he watched her flurry of activity. Her rambling little monologue. She was definitely scaring him. It occurred to her at that moment she didn’t even wait to be invited into his space. Just strode right in. “Glad m’not a weirdo. I agree with y’mum. Think I would like her,” he nodded firmly.
She felt her face warm, and she hoped the tan hid the blush as much as possible. Harry’s nose and cheeks looked a bit red—like he caught a bit of a cold. The rest of his body was covered by a simple pair of jogging shorts and a simple t-shirt so she couldn’t see if he burned and also didn’t want to be caught staring at him—especially thinking about the abs he had on display under the litany of tattoos she saw earlier at the beach. “Well, I will fold these and get out of your hair,” she said focusing on the towels. But her brain glitched out once more. “Oh, do you like surfing?” She asked.
He chuckled leaning against the frame of the door leading to this utility room. “Only been once with a group of m’friends. S’not m’cup of tea. M’not very good.”
“Oh, okay. I just want to make sure I recommend everything you might like.”
He was smirking at her like she was a bit crazy—and she was—but Harry wasn’t helping. Without sunglasses she saw he had green eyes. Green. She was done before this even started. Once all the towels were folded, she made herself at home once more, hurrying to the bathroom to put all the towels in place. The bathroom smelled like men’s cologne: sandalwood and sage. Jesus Christ it’s like he was built in a lab for me.
Harry followed her as she put the towels away in an alternating pattern. “Thank you,” he said. “Y’really didn’t need t’do all that.”
“You’re the guest. You paid to get this kind of service,” she reminded him. “I’m also...only three houses down if you need something as well. It’s got a sign like yours below the window Sun-Kissed Cabana. My grandma named them.”
He nodded and stared at her for a few moments. She had only known Harry for all of five hours, but she could swear she knew his thoughts. He probably did think she was a bit crazy. “Do...do y’have plans for dinner?”
She felt her heart flutter. She was going to order her favorite pesto pasta dish from a local place that practically recognized her voice when she called. “Uh...no.”
“Would y’like t’go out with me in ‘bout an hour?” He asked.
She nodded eagerly. “Yes, please.”
She was finishing up her makeup when her phone vibrated with a second message from Harry. The first one was to alert her who was messaging Hiii, it’s Harry Xx. Followed by: Does this place have a fancy dress code?
No, no. Nothing fancy at all! They’ve def got a beach bar vibe.
Cool :) I’m ready when you are.
Shit. She wanted to curl her hair a bit and look extra nice but maybe that would have looked like she was trying too hard after she just got through telling him it wasn’t a fancy place. She had on a maxi dress. Black top nothing revealing and then the skirt pattern had sunflowers all over it. She would have to forgo the curls and instead pushed the front of her hair back with a headband. Just need like five more minutes.
I’m in no rush, love. Please take your time Xx.
She thought she was going to melt. Fortunately, her tanned skin hid most of the imperfections of her face. She also preferred maxi dresses because it hid the thickness of her thighs and more imperfections like bumps from shaving and bruises from whacking herself on her beach chair. She thought the style she chose also perfectly accentuated the curve of her waist. While it didn’t show off her cleavage—it was her personal belief her boobs were one of her better assets—she thought after a day at the beach with them on full display due to her bathing suit, dinner might be a little gentler without them in Harry’s face the whole time.
With a spritz of her perfume and gathering all her necessary belongings into her purse, slid on her favorite pair of sandals with gold brushed embellishments, and headed outside. There wasn’t really a discussion of how they would get there, but she decided to walk down the road back to Sea View. Harry was crouched by the sign, pliers in hand closing the very loop she said she would. “Oh, I’m sorry. You didn’t have to do that,” she said hurriedly feeling like a terrible hostess.
He turned and smiled at her. “No worries, love. S’easy. Jus’ found some pliers in the utility closet.”
“Well, thank you,” she murmured gratefully. Harry stood, putting the pliers just inside the doorway before locking it with the passcode. He turned to her.
“Is this place walking distance, or should I drive us?” He asked. His hair was fluffed in these beautiful chocolate waves that of course reminded her of the beach but made her want to bury her hands in it and kiss his perfect face until she was out of breath.
“Uh,” she didn’t think she wanted to walk in a dress, but maybe that was the experience of this vacation for him. Harry looked utterly comfortable but perfect (naturally) in a pair of navy-blue khaki shorts and grey short sleeve button down. The lack of sleeves showed off those tattoos that she was continuously falling for. On his feet he wore a pair of light grey sneakers. “We can walk, but it might take me a while in a dress and sandals.”
“Oh shit, of course. What m’I saying? Y’can’t walk in a pretty dress like that,” he said hurrying to the car and opening the passenger side. “After you, love. Jus’ need t’tell me the directions,” he smiled at her.
All the books she had brought to her summer vacation had a romantic flare to them. Her only thought was there should be a book written about this very day—meeting Harry at the beach and going on a date with him. It was impractical and a bit flighty of her to be so taken with him already.
But there was no way she could help it when he got in the driver’s seat, smiled at her with those dreamy dimples and his eyes twinkled at her behind those pretty lashes of his. “Y’look gorgeous, love.”
It was effortless how much he enjoyed her company. The idea that it was only his first full day and he had already had a good beach day and another good jog under his belt. The post-beach-and-jog shower was cold-watered but steamy as he thought of the pretty girl in her pretty bathing suit. He imagined her smile, the gentle curve of her lips as he wrapped his hand around his cock as the water cooled off his sweaty and warm skin for several minutes until he was finally relieved of seeing her...assets at the beach.
Seeing her immediately after he inquired about the lack of towels as soon as he had shorts on was like a dream. Her agreeing to dinner with a beautiful girl was not what he expected when he booked this trip six months ago. Only one day in and this was the best vacation he had ever been on.
They arrived at the restaurant and after searching through the menu in silence, they placed drinks and an appetizer to share.
Did he mention how effortless this all was? The conversation was once more not a moment of dullness. She was funny, beautiful, kind, and it seemed that everyone at the restaurant knew her at least a little bit. “Our sun-kissed angel is here!” A man shouted from across the patio where they were seated. Everyone turned to follow the gaze of the man and Harry smirked instead of being jealous because he was right. She was an angel. A tanned, lovely, gorgeous angel.
She rolled her eyes. “Harry, this is my friend Louis. I used to work here in the summer.”
“Before she went off an got a real job, like a traitor.”
Harry was fascinated by her, simply put. He wanted to spend forever at dinner with her. Chatting with her. Looking at her beautiful face. Envying how the sun got to kiss her, and he didn’t.
“Okay, well...we can’t not get ice cream,” she said knowingly.
“You just told the waiter you were too full for dessert,” he chuckled at her.
“You don’t get dessert at a restaurant when there are literally seven different ice cream shops within spitting distance,” she rolled her eyes. “Summer is for ice cream. If we hurry, we can see a sunset too.”
“Y’sure know how t’get the most out of a summer day.”
She frowned. “Oh...I’m sorry. I forget that you only have two weeks. We don’t have to. We can head back,” she said softly. “I’m sorry.”
“No, not at all, love. S’a great idea,” he reached out across the console and rested his hand on her thigh near her knee. With the long dress covering her legs, it wasn’t terribly inappropriate, but it was so instinctive to reach out and touch her he felt he made a mistake when she was suddenly speechless. Unable to tell Harry where to go to get her precious ice cream. “Er...sorry,” he said pulling his hand back to rest on the gearshift between them. “Should have asked,” he felt his face warm in embarrassment.
“N-no, it’s okay,” she nodded quickly. Her voice was breathy as she stammered. “I was...” She shook her head. “You can touch me—I mean,” she put a hand over her face in embarrassment at the encouragement she just gave him. Harry decided to quickly put her out of her misery—he did say tits after looking at her for thirty seconds this morning, even if she didn’t hear it. He gave her leg a gentle squeeze as he moved his hand back to where it was. She was silent again once more and she rested one hand over his. Letting a few of her fingers fill the space between his but not twining them fully together. “Is this okay?” She asked softly.
Harry melted over her sweetness. “Perfect.”
They ate their ice cream on the beach sitting on the tall, white lifeguard stand since it was late. There was a smattering of running kids, a few dogs, and families littered closer to the water on the tidal flats. But no one was over where they were. Up on the soft sand encroaching on the dunes. They chatted in between licks and bites of ice cream and Harry was certain he was falling deeper and deeper in love with her by the millisecond. It was ridiculous. Love at first sight couldn’t possibly be real. He had three or four serious girlfriends (four if you counted his junior high love affair, three if you didn’t) all of whom he did fall in love with but over the course of weeks and months. Not minutes and hours. Maybe it was the salt air playing with his brain chemistry.
Certainly, it had something to do with the beautiful girl sitting so close to him he could feel her sun-kissed skin warming him from the gentle breeze floating off the water as the sun started its descent over the horizon. She took her phone from her purse and snapped a picture quickly. Hardly looked at it, barely centered it, yet it was the most beautiful sunset picture he’d ever seen.
“Are y’a photographer in y’free time?” He asked.
She snorted. “No, I do like taking pictures. But I have hundreds of these,” she said showing him the photo album of various sunset pictures she had taken over the years. Harry could see why she was so good at them. No two pictures looked alike which had to be a poem somewhere out there. Harry always considered himself a winter—growing up in cold England would do that to a person—and no two snowflakes were alike. Snowflakes had nothing on her sunsets.
“D’you want t’take a picture together?” He asked quietly.
She smirked. “Do I have chocolate on my face?” She wrinkled her nose at him.
Chuckling, he shook his head. “No,” he promised. Harry wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her snuggly against him. “S’this okay?” he asked almost directly into her ear. She nodded and smiled as she flipped her camera around to selfie mode. Harry had one arm around her waist, the other holding his ice cream cone. She reached her arm out to take the picture while she held her cup of ice cream in her lap with the other. Gazing at her screen, Harry couldn’t believe how effortless it felt to touch her. It was so easy to talk to her. And they looked like the perfect beach couple. “Can y’send that to me?” He murmured in her ear once more. She nodded mutely. Harry didn’t remove his arm from around her waist and he continued eating his ice cream.
Once finished with their treat, they continued chatting and watching the sunset listening to the laughter of families on the beach. The sky was so pretty Harry thought that she was right. This was the best place on earth.
They walked back to their cottages hand in hand, Harry stopping outside the door for the place labeled Sun-Kissed Cabana. “S’that why Louis calls you a sun-kissed angel?”
She rolled her eyes. “He’s something else.”
Harry chuckled. Leaned forward and swept his lips on the apple of her cheek. “I had the perfect first day with you, love,” he said softly. “Sleep well,” he hummed and turned to walk three houses down. She pressed a hand on her cheek like a lovesick idiot. She nearly forgot the code to get into her own house and felt like floating all the way to her room where she giggled and kicked across her bed as she smiled into her pillow.
The next three days were spent almost the same as the first. The beach: complete with reading, naps, and lots of talking to the pretty girl he liked so much already. Followed by a run, a shower, and then dinner. Harry tried really hard not to touch her without asking. The only allowance he gave himself to touch her without asking was when he truly felt like her back was getting a little singed. On the second day she made the grilled chicken salad she told Harry she was going to make before he invited her to dinner, but once he informed her he was a pescetarian she hurried to the store to get him some fish to grill instead. It was totally unnecessary, and Harry felt guilty she spent money on him like that for dinner (even though he was insistent he pay for dinner and ice cream the first night). Regardless, it was a delicious salad paired with zucchini noodles that truly tasted just like pasta. Harry made her write the recipe down for him.
“I can’t run at all,” she wrinkled her nose when Harry offered to join her on her evening walk the following day.
“I’d rather walk with y’then, love,” he said softly with a smile. “If y’want company, that is.”
She wanted to say she wanted Harry’s company. But thought that was a bit too much. But they walked side by side, Harry gently ushering her to the inside of the road without making any fuss about it. They continued their comfortable chattering. Talking of anything and everything. That night they ordered pizza that was delivered to Sea View and watched a movie in his living room, her feet in his lap where he rubbed the soles of her aching feet without prompting or full acknowledgement.
By the end of the third day, she thought Harry might be her best friend. He made crispy cauliflower tacos. He spent the evening simply reading on her back porch with her in comfortable, perfect silence.
The fourth day, they were sitting on her back porch again, sipping bubbly wine spritzers that she put in glasses of ice and combined with a popsicle to match the flavors. Harry thought it was sinful the way she licked the pop. Harry wanted to jump her bones so very badly.
“How do you like the outdoor shower?” She asked looking up at the sky full of stars. There was a citronella candle between them to keep the bugs away and she had a solar set of lights strung about her little patio. She was in a soft warm glow from the lights. Once more, looking sun kissed. She was wearing a shorter dress than the other day, shorts beneath it. She informed him about the shorts because she said it was an athletic-type dress and she may have sat weird and didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
Harry thought there wasn’t anything she could do to make him uncomfortable.
“I haven’t used it, actually. M’not sure I—”
She made an almost inhuman noise, a cross between a growl and gasp. It was quite adorable even if she seemed miffed and Harry wished he could have recorded the sound because he thought he would listen to it on loop for the rest of forever. “Harry!” She almost shouted. “The sole reason I took Sun-Kissed Cabana over Sea View was because I knew the outdoor shower would be a huge selling point for renters. You haven’t used it?” She looked nearly betrayed.
He chuckled, sipping his drink. “M’sorry, love. I didn’t realize—”
“Harry, I’m not kidding. You have to go use it. Like right now.”
He laughed loudly. If there could possibly be a downside of this little beach-cottage neighborhood, it would be that the houses were quite close, and Harry’s loud laughter could probably be heard back at his own place. But she was staring at him seriously. He thought she really expected him to get up and leave at this moment so he could get this experience.
“Y’serious?” He asked smirking at her.
“I don’t joke about the outdoor shower,” she promised him.
Finishing his popsicle and taking the last sips of his drink he stood from her little patio table and shook his head with a chuckle at her. “I guess m’going.”
He wanted to invite her. Especially if she didn’t have one here at Cabana. It sounded like she would like it more. “You better,” she continued licking the pop and Harry was grateful he would at least have a new image to think about in the outdoor shower when he imagined his hand around his dick was her mouth instead.
The air was cool but somehow warm. Sort of like the water on his skin. He could see the draw and actually surprised himself that he hadn’t used the shower yet. He imagined in the morning it would be heaven—most of his showers had been in the afternoon or evening since he was running at that time. But maybe he could take two showers a day—who cared? He was on vacation.
Was it heavenly? Her message read.
Harry thought about how much how active his imagination got picturing her in that shower with him, his hand fisting over himself until he imagined her pretty cleavage covered in him instead of flowing with the water down the drain. Extremely. But of course, he left out why it was so heavenly. You should write a book of recommendations for your guests.
:) You can come back over if you want. I know I kind of kicked you out, but like I said. I’m very serious about outdoor showers.
Chuckling to himself, he hurried to get dressed again and meet her back there.
She knew Harry’s family was coming today so she told him that she would give him all kinds of space but if he needed anything, he was not to hesitate to ask her. “M’mum and sister would love t’meet you, kitten,” he promised. He didn’t mean to call her kitten. But it rolled off the tongue so effortlessly and she was the one who said she felt like a cat in the sun. But he didn’t spend long thinking about it and continued his little speech. “Y’don’t have t’evade us.”
“I’m sure you want family time,” she promised. “Really, it’s fine. Plus, we’ll have a whole other week to do our little routine,” she felt her face warm as she spoke realizing she just told Harry she wanted to spend the remainder of his vacation together. She opened her mouth to backtrack almost instantly, but Harry beat her to the punch before she could speak again.
Given that Harry was this close to telling her he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, another full week spent together seemed like a great idea. “I can’t wait,” he promised.
They decided to do a sunrise that morning. She brought a blanket and was wrapped up in a long sleeve shirt along with a pair of sweatpants. She advised Harry to do the same. “The air is still cool from the night when you get to the beach early,” she explained the night before they parted to go to bed.
They were laying on the blanket angled by the natural slope of the dunes so they could see the view of the sun cresting on the ocean horizon. “Do y’have as many sunrise pictures?” He asked tiredly. With the sun rising at just after five-thirty she was courteous and kind in asking that they get there at five so they could see the dawn and array of beautiful colors painting the sky before the sun got there.
She giggled. “No way. Too early to see it that many times. I do like sunrises more, though,” she said. “It’s so much quieter. It’s not as hot. I don’t know. I think sunrises are just so beautiful.”
He immediately, silently agreed with her that they were. No matter how much he was enjoying sunsets with her. He would wake up at 4:45 every day if it meant watching something she found beautiful, and it made her happy. Harry had her pulled to his side again, his arm looped beneath the back of her neck. His eyes were closed as he fiddled with a strand of her hair running his fingers through the soft tendrils. “Harry,” she whispered after a few minutes. Harry felt the edges of sleep and the dreamworld starting to meld together on his brain. “You’re gonna miss it,” her voice was so gentle. Perfect for morning. She was the most beautiful thing he had laid eyes on but he couldn't bring himself to open them right now.
“Hmm,” he hummed. Refusing to open his eyes. “S’okay. We can see it another day,” he mumbled.
She giggled. “Harry,” she whispered so gently. It felt like magic. Warmth spread through his whole body. “We woke up so early,” she reminded him.
He nodded. “M’sorry,” he sighed. “It’s so peaceful,” he muttered. “You’re warm,” he turned his face to bury his nose in her hair and he nuzzled closer to her. Harry being a cuddler didn’t surprise her. He was quite touchy. But this sent her heart into a frenzy, and she forgot why they were there.
“Harry,” she whispered again feeling brave. Maybe because it was too early, and her brain wasn’t functioning.
“Jus’ lemme sleep, kitten. Please?” He muttered into her hair. “Wake me in twenty-nine minutes.”
She swallowed. “But...I want to kiss you,” she sounded so shy.
Harry’s eyes sprung open, and he pulled back from her quickly to look at her beautiful, perfect face. “M’awake,” he promised and gently cupped her cheeks, his fingers slipping through her hair, and he brought her face closer to his. Kissing her like he had been dreaming about over the last five days was the only thing on his mind.
She moaned against his mouth and Harry was really looking forward to that outdoor shower now. She pressed against him, keening as she licked into his mouth, sucking on his lower lip. Driving him absolutely mad as she nipped at his lip gently with her teeth. She could feel herself squeezing her thighs together for relief because she was finally kissing Harry the way she wished she did at sunset on his first night here.
Harry’s hands were cool against her flushed cheeks. “Kitten,” he hummed against her mouth, pecking at her like he would die without her kisses. “Y’taste so good,” he sighed dreamily.
She rolled to her side to face him squarely while he returned to his side too, instead of hovering over her. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her against him. Over the past four days at the beach, she had tried really hard not to stare at whatever was going on in Harry’s swimsuit, so she didn’t look like a sex-maniac. But there was no way she could ignore the hard dick she felt against her thigh as she pressed against the full length of his body. She imagined Harry fucking her so hard in that outdoor shower that the neighbors would have no way of ignoring what was happening. She moaned at the idea once more against his lips, thighs pressing together.
“Oh no,” he hummed. If she wasn’t already so drunk in love with Harry after one date and four days together, she might have thought his voice sounded a bit mocking. Slowly, he rolled onto his back holding onto her and perching her body on top of him as he did. One of his legs separated her thighs apart. “Do y’need something from me, love?” He cooed almost lovingly at the idea she was aching between her legs. He kept her pulled down toward him so he could continue kissing her, effectively melting all coherent thought.
Holy shit, his voice. Oh my God.
Without meaning to, she clenched her legs once more, this time, wrapped around Harry’s thigh causing friction, despite two layers of sweatpants and her underwear (at least those were thin). “N-no,” she almost whimpered trying to get away from his leg. Harry put his hands on her hips and gently pressed her back down toward him while bending his knee a bit. His thigh came closer in contact with her so if she wanted to, she could rub right against him.
“Y’sure, love? You look like y’might need something,” his voice was so sultry. It was too early for this. His eyes were somehow a deeper green. His lips were too pink after kissing her.
“N-no,” she shook her head despite wanting nothing more than to grind her pelvis against his thigh. She knew what it looked like beneath the sweatpants. She knew the tattoos that dotted his skin. Fuck, she wanted to get herself off so bad. But she was acutely aware of her position and tried to lift herself off his leg. “I-I think m’too heavy,” she stammered again.
He groaned and pulled her tighter against his leg. “No way, angel,” he promised. “Go ahead, know y’want to. I want y’to,” his voice was a bit husky. Like he was a bit confused. She groaned softly. God she wanted to. “That’s it,” he encouraged as she ground herself against him.
She felt flush, wishing she wasn’t wearing sweatpants. They were getting in the way. The long sleeve shirt was making her warmer. Or maybe it was Harry that was making her warm. Harry helped shift her hips back and forth against his leg as she moaned and whimpered as she rutted against his thigh. “Y’look so pretty, kitten,” he cooed. “Getting off on m’thigh like that. S’making me so hard, love. Fuck,” he moaned. “You’re s’pretty.”
She continued creating friction on between the two of them worried she would give herself a burn from all the fabric rubbing together but she was so fucking wet she was certain she would slide easily against him if she could take her pants off in public. The sun was still rising, not quite up over the horizon yet, but the sky was brighter, creating a gorgeous image of her beautiful body silhouetted from the light. “S’good, so good, baby,” he groaned. She whined and continued rutting herself against him.
“Harry,” she croaked.
“Yeah, love? Y’gonna come for me? Gonna come from jus’ m’thigh?”
Jesus Christ, she felt like she was a virgin. She was almost certain she was. Had she ever even had an orgasm before Harry? When was the last time she had sex? When was the last time she masturbated? Holy shit. This was bad. He was all consuming and he was fully clothed, and it was just his thigh.
She nodded at his words. Even though she felt a bit silly and stupid for doing this, with two layers of sweatpants between them. “Yeah? Good, want y’to. Y’look so pretty all—”
“Fucking hell,” she whimpered and dropped her face to his chest as she twitched against him. Harry flexed his muscle, gripping her hips and rubbing her against him so he could help her ride out the waves of her orgasm for a few moments. After that, Harry dropped his knee once more, letting her flatten against him. He kissed her forehead as she breathed heavily against him, shaky and sighing as she let the euphoria course through her. He rubbed up and down her back as she did, and he breathed deeply into her hair. She smelled like sunscreen and coconut.
“I really like sunrises,” he murmured. She smirked. Her face against his chest. “Y’sleepy, now, kitten?”
She nodded. “Yeah,” her voice was a bit quiet. Almost unsure. “Sorry,” she mumbled, nuzzling her face against his shirt.
He shook his head, kissing the top of her hair once more. “Don’t be sorry. Been thinking ‘bout y’coming all over me since I met you.”
She giggled. “Yeah?”
Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. It wasn’t very...flattering on his part. It also made it sound like he only liked her for the idea of sex. Which wasn’t the case. He liked her so much simply because she was the sweetest, nicest person he had had the pleasure of meeting for a really long time.
She rolled off him. He kind of hated it because even though it wasn’t freezing cold, it felt like it now that she wasn’t laying on his body. She looked at the outline of the bulge stretching against his gray sweatpants. It was still ten minutes until the sun would be touching the horizon. “Fair’s fair, yeah?” She wondered, looking up at him and then back down at the somehow growing outline. She would be lucky if he fit in her mouth.
“Angel, y’don’t have to jus’ because—”
She frowned. “Do...you not want me to?” She wondered, confused and worried that he was rejecting her. She didn’t know why if he had just used her thigh to get him off.
“No, no,” he said quickly wanting to ease the worry he saw fill her beautiful face. God he would rather die than reject her. “I mean...y’can do whatever y’want to m’body,” he nodded eagerly. “Jus’ don’t want you t’think you have to. Been thinking ‘bout—” his voice choked off as she outlined the bulge. “Oh...s’nice,” he moaned forgetting everything he was saying about what she could do to him. Her fingertip simply ran along absent-minded paths along his length. He struggled to remember the last time he had sex because he could only imagine the episode in the outdoor shower as the last time he orgasmed.
She giggled. “Nice?” She questioned; Harry was so polite. The way he walked with her on the inside of the road, the way he held her door open no matter if they were going in the house or the car, or if he simply carried her heavy cooler off the beach even though he was carrying his own belongings. For him to say it was nice the way she was touching his dick was simply...something else.
He nodded breathlessly. “Yeah,” he was already too far gone with just her goddamn finger touching him. He couldn’t have made any comment further if he wanted to. He moaned as she squeezed gently along the length of him. Five minutes till sunrise and the beach would be covered in light. She glanced around quickly, seeing they were still alone. She had never done this in the five years she had been staying the summer back in town keeping an eye on Sea View while living in Sun-Kissed Cabana.
“Do you think I could make you come in five minutes?” She whispered.
He groaned almost animalistically. “Love, I think y’could make me come in forty-five seconds,” he promised. And with that, she dipped her head toward his waist just until the sun was ready to cross over the horizon.
It was quite difficult not to text Harry all day long while his family visited. It was entirely due to having an orgasm at his hand (thigh); the creeping need to bond to the person who just made her entire world flip upside down was a prominent feeling throughout her body the whole day. The words of her book didn’t make any sense, so she opted for cleaning her bathroom. But that proved to be difficult too, and she spilled most of the mop water back onto the floor. After another fit of cleaning that up, she decided to spend her time at the grocery store since she was getting dangerously low on her much-needed items. She nearly forgot to go to the checkout line. After putting everything away she thought about just going to bed at three in the afternoon just to rid her mind of how crazy she was being and how awkwardly she missed her summer guy.
Fortunately, Harry broke first, before she fell asleep.
I know it’s silly, but I miss you terribly.
She felt so much relief reading his message. Oh, thank God. Me too.
You really should just come over. Mum and Gemma want to meet you. I won’t shut up about you. It’s...a bit pathetic how obsessed I sound actually. Mum’s in the outdoor shower while Gemma is taking pictures of the beach. We’re going to have dinner in a bit—you should join us. He put this shy little emoji after his message.
She was currently dressed in a pair of bike shorts and t-shirt that fell past her hips, barely a strip of the shorts showed. She had her hair pulled back by a claw clip. She wanted to go over there immediately. However, her outfit and hair did not look ready to meet Harry’s family. Plus, she was worried she would do something stupid like sit in Harry’s lap in front of his mother and sister and then she would have to jump out a window to hide her infatuation.
I would love to, but really...I’m sure they want to see you.
They want to ‘meet the girl that’s got me all flustered’ that I nearly dropped all our snack bar food in the sand today :)
She giggled. Glad he was also affected by their sunrise romp in the sand. Maybe tomorrow? She hedged instead. She really didn’t want to intrude.
Please, love. That would be wonderful.
She must have fallen asleep anyway. But she woke up to a knock at her door. She felt the claw clip sliding out of the back of her hair and she rubbed her eye as she made her way over. There stood Harry and two women outside the screen door. Each of them was holding a dish of (presumably) food. Immediately, she felt underdressed and stupid looking. “Uh, hey beautiful,” he smiled gently. “Sorry t’bother you. But seems the barbeque back there is out of gas,” he explained. “I sent y’a text—”
“Harry, the poor girl was sleeping,” his mother admonished. “I told you we could just go out to eat. Love, m’so sorry. I swear some days he was raised in a barn!” She shook her head. “We’ll leave you be.”
“No, no,” she shook her head quickly, the clip clattering from the ends of her hair to the floor. She felt her face warm, once more grateful for the tan skin to hide most of the blush rushing to her cheeks. She opened the door for them to enter and quickly swept the clip into her hands. “Make yourselves at home,” she said, and Harry ushered his mother toward the kitchen and out the back door toward the patio and grill. Gemma walked slower behind her family to give some reassurance to the girl who was struggling to fix her hair in the little entry way mirror.
“M’sorry about both of them in advance,” Gemma whispered. “Harry hasn’t been able to function normally all day and Mum is already in love with you. When you didn’t answer, it was the first coherent thought Mum had about not begging to see you and thus began Harry pacing waiting all of four minutes for your response before he said we could just come over like absolute lunatics.”
Oh God she liked Gemma. “Thank you. I’m so sorry I look like this,” she winced at the image of her reflection. She was all frizz and pillow lines from the couch where she fell asleep.
She snorted. “Please, we interrupted your evening. Your quiet time and relaxation. Don’t worry about it. You look beautiful,” she promised pressing a hand on her arm and headed after her brother and mother.
If she wasn't already--which she was pretty sure she was--Harry’s lovely little family was going to ensure she fell so hopelessly and terribly in love with Harry.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
more nika headcannons please☹️
─ warnings | okay so this is kinda short, pls lmk if yall want more!!!!!!
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i don’t feel like nika’s thing is pda, like the most she will do is like a kiss on the cheek MAYBE
but girl trust as soon as you guys are alone she is ALL over you, like she can’t keep her hands off
and nika is like a generally aggressive player and seems very like stand offish
she’s so soft and like babyyyyyyy idk how else to explain it
she just wants to be taken care of 🥹 like she acts all tough and stuff but in reality she’s just a SOFTIE
and honestly you’re so whipped for her, but nika is like.. DOWN down bad
she’s usually very level-headed but when it comes to you, it is all thrown out the window
and this in ALL aspects — like if you ever need anything, at any time of day, nika will be there for you and do anything you need
also, she loses her shit when anyone hurts you even slightly
you think paige is insane when it comes to their person, you have NOT seen nika
it’s a totally different level of protective
maybe even over protective at times
when it comes to weirdo strangers at parties, yeah she’s cussing them out!!! and she isn’t afraid to put her hands on them too if they get too close!!!
like paige, she will get mad at anyone who hurts your feelings because who the fuck are they to hurt her precious girlfriend??!?!?
oh don’t even get me started if she sees tears, it’s over for them
doesn’t matter if you tell her not to get involved, she will defend you with her life
and it doesn’t matter who either, she’s so fiercely loyal!
speaking of loyalty, she literally only has eyes for you
even before you’d started dating, she’s loyal and will not even think about people
it takes her a while to catch feelings so that means it takes a LOT for her to lose feelings, therefore you’re stuck with her for life
but who would mind she’s the BEST
oh my gosh her accent makes you feral (it makes everyone go feral who can blame em?)
and she uses that to her advantage FOR SUREEEEE
she makes you wear her jerseys to games ALWAYS!
like if you show up to a game without her number on you, she’s gonna be pissed
idk why i get the vibe she’s lowkey petty too😭
she would pick stupid fights with you just so and you’ll get really annoyed with her sometimes because it’s like
babe… is it really that serious?
but it’s never too serious so you guys make up by the end of day
but if it is serious, nika WILL take it seriously and do everything in her power to either make it right or talk to you
because she knows communication is KEY!
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