#I think he’s slowly understanding that he can be himself
Thinking about a laibru college au where Laios is autistic and Kabru has bpd. Kabru is losing his shit trying to figure out what Laios' deal is. Like genuinely tweaking. All he can think about all day is why this guy is so obsessed with monsters. Is it childhood trauma? A weird fetish thing? Does he fundamentally not understand what monsters really are? He starts questioning if Laios is even who he says he is. On the surface he's just a friendly guy that likes monsters, sure, but what if it's more than that? What if he plans on using monsters to his advantage? What if he means to weaponise them? Does he really like monsters, or the control they could give him?
Kabru starts stalking him. He becomes a regular at his work, sits near him in classes, and checks his social media obsessively. He can't find ANYTHING. He slowly inserts himself into the group to see if Laios might slip up and show who he really is. NOTHING.
At this point I feel it is important to mention that Laios has no idea that Kabru exists until he joins the group, at which point he gets his first crush ever- and it just so happens to be on the pretty boy with curly hair who keeps asking him about his special interest.
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oddinary4bts · 1 day
Chasing Cars | ch 5.5 (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters contain mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆warnings: explicit content: mentions of jerking off and of fingering/cum play
☆word count: 2k
☆a/n: i am drunk have fun i love jin <3
☆join the discord server here!
☆series masterpost
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Jungkook has been confused. He’s been confused since he woke up tangled up in bed with you, remembering the events of the night before. Remembering the feeling of you on his dick - how right it felt, yet how wrong it was.
It was wrong, because you’re Taehyung’s sister. You aren’t supposed to be together like that. Hell, without Taehyung, your paths would have never crossed. So he pulled away. Locked himself in a dark part of his mind, some place he doesn’t want you to ever set foot in, and he forced himself to distance himself from you. 
He knows you noticed. Maybe that’s why, when the power came back on, he didn’t immediately leave like he originally thought he would. But when you teased him from crying over the anime you watched, he knew your time was over.
No matter how much he didn’t want it to be. 
Does he blame you for growing annoyed? No. He understands. He understands why you’ve been giving him the cold shoulder. He thinks he deserves it, yet when he sees you at the library during his shift, he can’t help the way his heartbeat picks up in his chest, recognizing you for what you are.
Something he’ll never dare name.
So maybe it’s on purpose that he steps in your way when you’re walking out of the library. Maybe it’s to see what you’ll do, if you’ll speak the words he so desperately wanted you to say when he said it was time to go back to normal. Words he’ll also never dare think, because what if Taehyung knows?
What if Taehyung knows and he simultaneously loses his best friend and you?
Jungkook meets your gaze, a smile reaching for his lips, though he doesn’t let it reach its destination. Your friend Ria snorts, and Jungkook steps aside, frowning slightly. He doesn’t miss the way your cheeks slowly turn red, even more so as you say, “Ignore her.”
His eyes find yours again. “Noted,” he lets out, and then it’s like the moment is stretching. It’s like it’s you and him alone in the library, Ria fading out of focus. He can almost imagine the power being out, and the bubble you’d been wrapped in still floating around the two of you.
But the bubble bursts when a girl speaks next to him - Allison, he thinks - though he reckons the bubble probably burst when he told you you should pretend nothing ever happened.
Allison says she needs help, and he has no reason to refuse considering that it’s part of his job, so he has to walk away, unable to tell you anything more. 
To his surprise, you don’t get home until much later that evening, while he’s a beer and a half in with Jimin, playing video games to decompress after work. Jungkook’s heart skips a beat, and he finds himself asking, “Done studying?”
You nod as you shrug, saying, “I can’t retain any more information. My head feels like it’s going to explode.”
“Maybe I could help with that,” he teases you, if only so that he can see that blush on your cheeks again.
The one that almost makes him forget that your brother is Taehyung.
“You wish, JK.”
He does. He fucking does, and it’s all kinds of stupid that he does. Especially as Jimin is right there, hidden in the bathroom.
“Want a beer?” Jungkook asks even though he knows he shouldn’t. He just doesn’t want you to disappear in your room, not when you’re finally talking to him again. 
Jimin intervenes before you answer, convincing you to indeed share a beer with them, and a few seconds later, you’re joining Jungkook in the living room while Jimin goes to fetch a beer for you and him. You sit on Jungkook’s left, as far as you possibly can, and his heart does that weird thing again. It makes him feel awkward, and he clenches his jaw.
“Feel free to grab this if you get cold,” he says, motioning to the blanket on the table, if only so that he can cut through the awkwardness. He offers you a smile, gaze meeting yours, but you gulp as you look away.
“We should talk about…” you whisper.
His heart rate increases so suddenly he thinks he might be about to go into cardiac arrest. “What about it?”
You shoot him a warning glance, probably because it’s likely that Jimin heard, and it settles Jungkook’s heart in his chest. It makes no sense, especially not to himself, and he offers you a smirk. 
You blush, and he thinks he’s floating, but then Jimin walks out of the kitchen, interrupting the moment. He falls back down to Earth, and when Jimin suggests watching Attack on Titan, Jungkook finds himself saying.
Maybe because your gravity is pulling him in, and he doesn’t want the distraction of having to focus on a game. Hell, he’s not even sure he’d be able to focus - all he manages to do as the anime advances is lean infinitely closer to you. 
Action speaks louder than words, he reckons, because he finds himself half-sprawled on you, and it feels like heaven. For this peaceful moment, he doesn’t care that Jimin is right there, eyeing you suspiciously. He’s just happy to be with you, and he thinks it’ll have to suffice.
Jimin leaves right as the episode ends, claiming Sera is waiting for him. Jungkook knows that she isn’t - she was with Lisa tonight, but he won’t call Jimin out. Not when he thinks it might be because Jimin wants to leave you two alone, something he’s been craving more than he thought he did.
“So,” Jungkook lets out when Jimin has left. “You wanted to talk?”
His heart immediately starts beating wildly in his chest, and he disguises it by tilting his head to the side in what he hopes is an innocent gesture.
You nod once. “Yes.”
His heartbeat is so loud he barely can even hear you say the simple word, yet he replies, “I’m listening.”
“What should we do about Taehyung?”
The question lands like a blow to the face, and he sucks in a breath as regrets swirl within him. “Nothing.” He has to force the next sentence out, and it tastes bitter on his tongue. “We just pretend nothing happened, no?”
You don’t like it. He can tell that you don’t - you stiffen, turning ashen. 
“Is that what you want?” you ask.
No. Not at all. Not in a million years. But it’s the only possible outcome, so he hides his hands in the pockets of his pants, if only to hide the slight tremble that’s taken over them, tremble that he’s able to keep to a minimum, unaffecting his voice.
“Yeah. I don’t see why it would need to be a big deal,” he says.
But it is. It’s a big deal, and he never realized how good of an actor he is before today.
“It’s not a big deal,” you mutter. “‘I’m not trying to make it into a big deal.”
He’s an asshole, he knows he is. Rotten to the bone, as he says, “Right,” a smirk on his lips.
You’re annoyed. You shut your eyes, shaking your head. “No, for real,” you insist. “If you want us to just pretend that nothing happened, then we do that.”
He doesn’t want it, but isn’t it the safest option? Isn’t it saving you both the embarrassment and heartbreak that Taehyung would cause you if he knew?
“You awfully sound like that’s not what you want,” he forces himself to say, though he hopes you can hear the true meaning in his words. That it isn’t what he wants, though he can’t say it aloud. 
“I just don’t want things to get weird.” You pause, and then add, “Since we live together.”
On that Jungkook can reassure you. He’d never let things grow weird between the two of you.
“Don’t worry about it, peach,” he says. “I won’t make things weird.”
Yet, as he says the words, something aches. Especially as the silence stretches while you hold each other’s gaze until your eyes fall to the beer in your hand. Jungkook almost wants to tell you to look at him, to never stop looking at him.
Instead, he heads towards his room, wishing you good night over his shoulder.
Emily is a nice girl. She’s gorgeous, Jungkook is entirely aware of it, yet he doesn’t find in her eyes what he’s looking for.
He doesn’t think he’ll be able to find it again. Not when he sees you walking into the bar, carrying yourself with that gentle elegance that attracts the gaze. You eye him up and down, and then glance away. He follows your line of gaze to notice Hoseok walking towards you, and something very ugly settles deep in his chest as he watches Hoseok pressing a kiss on your temple. Jungkook clenches his jaw, and then forces himself to focus on Emily, even though he’d rather not be stuck with her right now.
And he remains stuck for a while until she says she has to go to the bathroom. He doesn’t miss it for the invitation that it is, yet he ignores it, telling her he’ll wait for her at the bar.
Especially considering that you’re in his vicinity again, talking to a long-haired blond guy, and you look uncomfortable as all hell. It shows in the tense spread of your shoulders, and in the way your eyes keep darting to the side. Jungkook doesn’t hesitate, stepping closer.
“I realized that none of them compared to you,” Jungkook hears as he stops behind you, and his heart squeezes uncomfortably in his chest at the blatant flirting. 
You take a step back, bumping into Jungkook, and he asks, “Hey, everything okay here?”
You meet his gaze, your eyes panicked, and Jungkook moves closer, wrapping his arm around your waist, trying to reassure you. The guy scoffs, and Jungkook holds you a little tighter, only because he can.
“You’re fucking your brother’s friend?” he asks.
Jungkook almost wants to say ‘What about it?’, but you push him off of you, and he stumbles back, eyes going round.
“I am not,” you spit, and it hurts far more than it should. “Maybe he just tried to step in because you can’t fucking take a clue, can you?”
There’s a moment of stunned silence as Jungkook finds himself stifling a surprised laugh.
“Excuse me?” the guy eventually says.
“You heard the lady,” Jungkook intervenes. “Fuck off.”
The seething look you throw Jungkook’s way almost makes him cower from how unexpected it was. 
“I don’t fucking need your help,” you throw at him.
Something definitely aches now, and Jungkook frowns, watching as you slightly shake your head, an apologetic look on your features. But he’s stunned silent, stunned realizing how much he wanted to protect you.
How you didn’t want him to protect you. Because why would you? He only fucked you once because the circumstances aligned for it, and now he’s told you you should pretend nothing happened.
He barely minds the animosity then. He thinks he deserves it. So when Emily pulls on his arm, telling him she’s been waiting for him, and then adding for just him to hear that Eunwoo, one of his close friends, is throwing up in the hallway next to the bathroom, Jungkook finds himself following her.
Even though all his instincts tell him to stay with you.
Much later that night, after Jungkook has gotten drunk alone back at the apartment after dropping Eunwoo off at his, Jungkook stares at the text he sent you.
It sits unanswered, and Jungkook thinks, maybe he is the problem after all.
hihihi i am actually very drunk but i hope you guys liked it!! please let me know what you think about the drabble and about our baby simp jungkook
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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maybankswhore · 1 day
hey can you write what being in a love triangle with rafe and jj would be like
i think about this on the daily fr.
being in a love triangle with two boys who couldn’t be more different would be actually sick.
jj was the kind one. the one who should be the obvious choice.
he’d hold you when you cried. whisper sweet nothings in your ear when you’d get too drunk at a boneyard party and hold your hair up.
he’d try and be understanding.
“i know this is a fucked up situation and i’m sorry you’re in it. i’m just not sorry that i fell in love with you.”
jj would always be there.
rafe on the other hand , is the guy that you know you shouldn’t want.
he’s the “bad guy.”
raging anger issues , addicted to drugs and always giving you the up and down.
one minute he’d raging about how obsessed with you he is.
the next minute he’s spitting insults at you because you’re stuck between him and the guy hates the most— jj maybank.
“i’m the obvious fucking choice , okay? i know he doesn’t make you feel half as good as i do.”
a part of you hated rafe but the other part clung on to the rare and tender moments.
“look i’m–i’m sorry , okay? i’m fucked up , alright? i’m always gonna be. but i love you. i love you and that says alot because i didn’t even think i was even fucking capable of it.”
jj knows that what you and rafe have is special. but he also knows that your relationship with himself is just as good and he won’t give up on you.
he doesn’t stop trying to prove that he’s the one you should pick.
and in the end , only one of them ends up heartbroken and the others expense.
if you choose jj — rafe flies off the fucking deep end.
he’s actually shocked that you’d choose jj over him because he thought that despite everything , what the two of you had was real.
he goes through the stages very slowly and denial lasts for like a year before he even begins to grieve.
if you choose rafe — jj’s actually in shambles.
he’s heartbroken.
he tries his best to be happy for you , though , because as much as he loves you he wants you to be happy.
he just wishes it could’ve been him.
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violetarks · 3 days
when he overhears you speaking to one of your friends about confessing to your crush soon, osamu prepares himself for the worst.
he’s always been in his brother’s shadow, and nearly everyone who has ever talked to him did so for the sake of getting closer to atsumu. just because you two sit next to each other in class and talk a lot doesn’t mean you are automatically different. it could be that you only smiled at him the way you do because you somehow knew that osamu thought about you 24/7, and you liked playing a little game on him.
and so what if you got along with atsumu? and when you three would walk to and from class together, you would butt heads and he’d smile at your behaviour. it didn’t mean a thing, did it?
except it did. and he is more than annoyed at that.
“well, why don’cha asked her out?” atsumu asks his brother that day as they walk home, “she could be confessin’ to you.”
“i dunno’,” osamu replies as he stares at the ground, “jus’ think she’s not gonna’ ask me, ya’ know?”
“yer’ an idiot, ‘samu,” atsumu dodges a whack in the head, “go n’ ask her out! this is yer’ chance!”
“ugh, whatever, tsumu…” osamu doesn’t say anything more, but he secretly hopes his brother is right about this. he plans to ask you out tomorrow after school.
but his plans get interrupted when he and his brother get to their shoe lockers and a letter sits in atsumu’s. they stare at it as atsumu carefully unfold it.
it’s a confession, but not just any — it’s yours. osamu would recognise that handwriting anywhere.
“dear miya,
“i have been wanting to say this for the longest time — i have feelings for you. it has taken me so long to gather the courage to admit this to you in hopes that you reciprocate my feelings. you are kind and genuinely funny, and your smile makes my heart burst. i think that you’re one of the sweetest people i’ve ever met.
“i do not expect you to answer me straight away, but know that i wait for your response. thank you for being such a wonderful person to me. i couldn’t imagine a better person to be near.
atsumu slowly turns to his brother as he rereads it ten times now.
“i knew it.” osamu interrupts as he slams his shoe locker shut and trudges into the building.
people watch him as he marches passed them. when he makes it to his homeroom, you’re sitting at your desk and scribbling down something on your notebook. he takes a deep breath in and sits at his spot.
“oh, osamu,” you mumble out as you see him, “i, uh… did you see my letter?”
“‘course i did.” his voice is sharper, which catches you off guard.
“y—yeah? what do you think?”
“i don’t wanna’ talk about it,” he grunts as he looks away from you, “i don’t even care.”
you stare at the back of his head before deciding to be quiet. perhaps he just wasn’t in the mood to talk.
at lunch, osamu and atsumu usually eat with the volleyball team in the cafeteria, but atsumu can’t help but feel his brother’s sadness radiate ofd him. he excuses himself from the table and makes a beeline for you.
“yo, y/n,” atsumu speaks up. you and your friends look up from your food to see the heartthrob staring at you. “can i talk to you for a sec?”
“oh… sure,” you say as you get up. you follow him outside the building to talk in the empty hallway. “is something wrong?”
atsumu rubs the back of his head. he doesn’t know how to explain his rejection, it’s different because he knows that osamu genuinely likes you. usually, he’s just flat out say it. but this was hard.
“look, about yer’ confession—”
“why didn’t osamu like it?” you interject with your hands playing with each other. you stare at the floor with furrowed brows. “i don’t understand…”
“huh?” atsumu scoffs with crossed arms. he doesn’t understand you. “what are ya’ talkin’ ‘bout? osamu’s in love with you, y/n!”
“but,” you mumble with hot cheeks, “he—he said he didn’t care!”
“oh my god, y/n,” atsumu groans with a roll of his eyes, “of course he’d care about you confessin’ to his brother! why else do ya’ think he’s pissy?”
you freeze up at that and don’t say a word.
“look, i’m just here to say that i don’t return yer’ feelings, okay?” he sighs to you, “and i don’t think i ever could. i just see you as a friend of my brother’s, and i would never do that to ‘samu.”
“who… said i was confessing to you?”
it’s atsumu’s turn to be confused. he tilts his head.
“you… what?”
“i was confessing to osamu. i—i mean, i didn’t put his name because i got a little nervous and wrote it very formally, but still,” you explain to atsumu, “i wasn’t… the letter wasn’t for you. i’m sorry, no offence whatsoever, atsumu. i just… i just see you as my friend’s brother.”
“oh crap,” atsumu facepalms and wipes his jaw, “you put it in my locker by accident, ya’ idiot.”
“what?” you shriek in embarrassment, “i—i’m sorry, i thought osamu’s locker was the top one.”
“well, now you know it’s mine,” atsumu chuckles out. he reaches out and ruffles your hair. “go n’ talk to yer’ boyfriend, he’s been down all day.”
“i’m sorry, atsumu,” you apologise again with an embarrassed face. he feels kinda’ bad after spending the whole day being angry at you. “ah, this is the worst! no wonder he hasn’t spoken to me all day…”
“yeah, how could ya’ fuck up so bad?” he laughs at you.
“i’m not gonna’ help you, loser!” atsumu claims as you jab him in the stomach, “this ain’t my mistake.”
“ugh, whatever, just—”
the cafeteria door opens and out walks osamu. he looks left and right before he sees the both of you standing close together.
“atsumu,” he calls out, “c’mon, kita wants to talk to us.”
“r—right!” he walks over to his brother as you stare at your peer. osamu refuses to look at you.
“osamu,” you say to him as his brother walks back into the cafeteria. osamu stops on his tracks involuntarily, and can’t find himself to continue on. he lets you come closer. “can i talk to you after school today?”
“i have practice.” he responds.
“i can wait,” you say hastily, “just want to talk to you.”
he glares a little at you for a bit, but then reluctantly nods his head. you let him go and decide to finish your lunch with your friends and explain to them your situation. you get a few giggles, but you can’t blame them.
you watch from the entrance of gym as the twins practice their attack. the other players are resting and drinking from their bottles. you try to hide from around the corner and keep and eye on the younger twin, but you get caught by the captain.
“kita!” you jump as the captain blocks your view, “i’m sorry, i’m just waiting for the twins to finish.”
“you’re waiting for osamu, right?” he asks you as he looks to the said twin, “he is usually a little late to practice because he likes to walk you to your bike.”
“i’m sorry.” you sheepishly say.
“it’s fine,” he replies, “you wanted to speak to him? you may wait inside, if you’d like. it is cold out there.”
“oh? hey y/n,” suna calls out to you as he wipes his forehead, “come to watch?”
before you can say anything, kita is escorting you to sit on the stage. he lets you out your bag beside you and even asks if you’d like to see a little practice game while you were here. you say ‘yes’.
osamu can’t help but look over his shoulder at you every time a point is scored and he gets to catch his breath. one of the last times he does that, you’re already looking at him and wave a little. for a moment, he forgets everything and he waves back too but he doesn’t hear the whistle blow. he does, however, feel the volleyball hit the side if his head.
“hah!” atsumu laughs out loud from the front line. he watches his brother fall back with a red mark on his cheek. “pay attention, dumbass!”
“shut up, fleabag!” osamu groans from the floor. the game stops and everyone crowds around him.
“okay, let’s just get him up ‘n get a sub,” aran says as they lift the guy up from his feet. they walk him over towards you. “l/n, can you please look after him? make sure sure he doesn’t sleep.”
“o—oh, yes, okay…” you mutter back as osamu holds the side if his face and slumps beside you. he furrows his brows and looks away from you. “are you okay? you were doing pretty well.”
“yeah? betcha’ didn’t even notice with yer’ loverboy showin’ off his muscles for ya’.” he grumbles out.
“can we talk about this morning, ‘samu?” you plead, “it was a huge misunderstanding.”
“yeah, it was.” he says back to you.
you go quiet and look back to the practice game. the whistle blows, spikes are hit and points are won. you’ve begun to lose interest after what osamu had said to you. admittedly, he feels a little bad for being so rude to you, but he doesn’t go on.
deciding to not embarrass you more, you hop off the stage and grab your bag before you walk to the exit. osamu watches carefully at how you clench your fists at your side and you ignore how suna calls your name.
the practice goes on like normal and osamu joins the game soon after you leave. when training ends, atsumu smiles at his brother and walks beside him on the way home.
“so, how’d it go?” he chirps, “did y/n talk to ya’?”
“i didn’t wanna’ hear it,” osamu retorts as he trudges through, “it—”
“what? ‘samu, you idiot!” atsumu groans as he wipes his face, “y/n likes ya’, and messed up the confession by puttin’ it in my locker. i went to reject ‘em but i found out and told ‘em to tell you the truth.”
osamu stops as stares at his brother in disbelief.
“yeah, look at yer’ dumb fuckin’ face now!” atsumu shouts as he points an accusatory finger at osamu, “you two, i swear to god…”
“i—i’ll be right back, meet ya’ at home, ‘tsumu!” osamu shouts loudly as he begins running.
he knocks at your door ten minutes later, frantically waiting for you to answer. he’s huffing and puffing with his scarf wrapped tightly around his neck.
when you open the door, in a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants, hair undone, he holds his breath.
“osamu? what’re you doing here?” you ask him.
“i really like ya’ and i wanna’ take ya’ out on a date,” he blurts out without letting you explain. his exhales turn into puffs of cold smoke while he stands outside. your face begins to freeze just by opening the door. “i’m sorry for bein’ a dumbass n’ not listenin’ to you. atsumu told me everything and—”
you take his freezing hand and pull him inside and close the door behind the both of you. osamu shuts up as you press your warm hands to his face.
“god, you’re shivering, ‘samu,” you point out. you drag him to the kitchen and grab your blanket from the couch. wrapping him up, you heat the kettle. “i’ll make you some tea.”
he lets out a small hum in thanks. now he’s embarrassed to say anything.
“it’s okay, osamu,” you tell him, “i get why you’d be so upset. but i really wanted to confess to you… i’m sorry too. do you think we could—”
as you turn around to him, osamu is already making his way to you. he presses a kiss to your lips as he wraps the blanket around the both of you. your hands find his waist and you tug him closer as you melt against him. osamu, ever the inexperienced, is much too eager for a taste of you. he is a bit of a messy kisser, but once you reach a hand up to hold his cheek and guide him, he’s found his groove.
you were a good kisser. he wonders if you’ve thought about kissing him as much as he’s done to you.
when you pull away, he’s as red as a tomato.
“you better.” you chuckle as you kiss where he was spiked in the face.
“i’ll go out with you, ‘samu.” you say softly to him.
“thank you,” he replies, “i promise i’ll treat ya’ well.”
his phone begins to ring. pulling away, osamu sees his brother’s name pop up on his screen.
“okay, okay, ‘m sorry,” he quiets down, “say ‘hi’ to y/n.”
“hey, y/n,” atsumu says to you.
“hi, ‘tsumu.”
“get yer’ boyfriend over here before i freeze my tits off, ya’ hear?”
“okay, ‘tsumu.”
he hangs up without another word. osamu takes off your blanket and folds it on the couch as you turn off the kettle.
“‘m sorry, i forgot to give him the key.”
“it’s okay, ‘samu, just make sure you two get warmed up,” you retort. you walk him to your door and even holds him hands, bring them to your lips and try to heat them up. “i’d hate for you to be sick on our first date.”
“right…” he whispers out. you smile at him.
“get home safe.” you say to osamu after you lean up and kiss his cheek. he nods at you before walking off in the direction of his home.
he’s got some dumb smile on his face once he reaches his house. atsumu, however, is squatting down by the door with his scarf wrapped around his face and his hands tucked under his pits. he’s red with annoyance.
“‘bout fuckin’ time, asshole,” he grumbles out as osamu pulls out the keys from his pocket, “ya’ tell me to leave my keys at home but forget to gimme’ yer’ set. in the dead of winter. look at ya’, you’re smilin’ like it’s nothin’!”
osamu opens the door and allows atsumu inside first.
“me n’ y/n are goin’ on a date.” he tells his brother.
“oh, is that what you were ‘bout to sacrifice yer’ brother for?” atsumu grumbles out as he sets the heater on a warm temperature, “finally you two are together.”
osamu smiles to himself as he heads to his room. you have lovely handwriting, now that he thinks about it.
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 2 days
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you’re taken by kyotaro sugishita…
a/n: this boy has honestly been on my mind a lot lately – nearly as much as kaji 🫠 he just seems like?? such a wholesome lover??? and like there’s just so little content on him???
wc: 1.3k
c/w: I tried to make this as gn!reader as possible, though I do write as a female so… I hope it can still be gn! fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, relationship headcanons, lots of feels y’all
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৲ kyotaro sugishita falls in love slowly — and completely unawares.
৲ [lyric inspo: “why do you do this to me; why do you this so easily? you make it hard to smile because you make it hard to breathe.” — why, secondhand serenade.]
truthfully, he doesn’t exactly realize it’s happening, mostly because it’s such a slow progression; but also because he never truly stops to think about it.
there’s just little things that occur that most people (including sugishita himself) wouldn’t think twice about — such as how he used to walk a few feet behind you; but time passes and he inches closer and closer, until the point that he’s walking half-behind you and half-beside you, as if simultaneously obscuring you from the world and hogging your space to himself.
or how songs that contain more romantic lyrics start to find their way into his playlist, words of which never made sense to him that now start to resonate with him echoing around his room softly from the speaker atop his desk. sugishita doesn’t understand why he’s starting to like them, or why he starts to lean on them more after a day of interactions with you.
sugishita doesn’t think much about the way you seem to slip into his mind more often than not, random snippets of you spanning like a film reel across his lids every time he blinks. doesn’t think about the way his heart races when you look at him, talk to him, or just generally notice him. doesn’t stop to wonder why he suddenly wants to reach out and touch you at random times. it just doesn’t occur to him to.
it only starts to click for sugishita when notices the pure anger and jealousy he feels when he catches you with another guy; the way his chest aches from the strained beating of his heart, the way his jaw starts to lock up from clenching his teeth so hard, the way his hands shake from the effort of holding himself back from simply dragging you away. but by the time it clicks, it’s already too late — he’s irrefutably in love, and there’s truly no erasing the feelings that have taken root inside him.
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৲ kyotaro sugishita finds it incredibly difficult to come to terms with his feelings and pursue them.
৲ [lyric inspo: “I was born to tell you ‘I love you’ — and I am torn to do what I have to to make you mine; stay with me tonight.” — your call, secondhand serenade.]
sugishita, surprisingly, doesn’t struggle for long to adjust to these newfound feelings he’s experiencing — maybe a week at most.
what he does continue to struggle with, for months even, is how to act upon them. sugishita knows what he wants; he wants you — but he doesn’t know how to make that desire of his a reality.
and he’s scared to try.
so he’ll stew for months, simultaneously basking in and pining for your warmth, heart growing fonder of you with each and every second — until eventually, it’s too full, and he has no choice but to simply soothe the aching it feels. he does so by a touch of lips, a graze really, illuminated by a setting sun and shaky from nerves.
and when you reciprocate it, he feels like he’s finally found heaven on earth.
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৲ kyotaro sugishita absorbs you completely into his system, until the thought of losing you aches so deeply it feels akin to dying.
৲ [lyric inspo: “if you leave me tonight, I’ll wake up alone; don’t tell me I will make it on my own — don’t leave me tonight, this heart of stone will sink ‘til it dies.” — stay close, don’t go, secondhand serenade.]
sugishita becomes attached on a level that penetrates further than just emotional; he’s attached to you on a level that transcends even his own comprehension.
he needs you in every aspect of his life, to the point that sometimes it feels as though he can’t breathe without you there — or function on any other basic level.
this doesn’t mean that sugishita is clingy or possessive — in fact, he’s quite… distant, at times. verbalizing these intense feelings for you is nearly impossible for him; in the beginning, you’d get lucky to get a mumbled “love you, too,” when you expressed the sentiment to him.
most dates are orchestrated by you, and though sugishita always insists on paying (more so by shoving the yen on the table before you got the chance to) you often wondered if he was even enjoying himself during them.
it became a ritual to visit him in his room, but while inside, he always had music playing softly in the background whilst he did something else — he seemed to be almost reluctant to become physically engaged with you, and many a time you’d have to snuggle up next to him yourself to receive any semblance of physical affection.
of course, this kind of thing would put anyone off — barring his confession in the form of a kiss, he wasn’t really attentive or sensual with you. it confused and hurt you to no end, and after months of it, you finally snapped and confronted him.
it was the biggest fight the two of you had ever had; you were both pushed to the brink, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
and after thirty minutes of screaming at each other, you finally gave in, and with a turn of the heel announced that you were done.
sugishita fell completely silent at that — to such a level that you were unable to even leave the room like you had intended to. something about his silence was simply different, and when you turned to look at him your entire soul was rocked to its core.
you’d never seen kyotaro sugishita cry before — but there he was, slouched in the middle of his room with his face twisted into an expression of pure agony and rivers running down his cheeks. his eyes revealed so many things, such as his overwhelming desire to reach out and stop you, but his body seemed to be rooted in place — as if your words had completely chased away his ability to move.
“…don’t… go…” he’d croaked out wetly, thickly, eyes filled with so much sincere, genuine pain that it brought tears to your own. your heart ached and every bit of anger you’d felt moments prior was drowned beneath liters of pure desperation.
you’d run to him and wrapped your arms around him — and he returned the embrace, so strongly that it caught you off guard. his long arms wrapped around your body and squeezed you so tightly that it became difficult to breathe, and he buried his face into your neck and nuzzled into it. his breathing was wet and ragged against your skin, soft words falling from his lips and soaking into your entire being.
“…please, don’t go… I love you… so much… I can’t… be without you…I’ll be… better for you…”
you’d never heard sugishita say so many words before. nor had you ever felt so words so deeply, to the point that you couldn’t dredge up any doubt to their sincerity. everything sugishita said was a reflection of what he truly felt, and that was such an irrefutable fact that you knew you’d never have to doubt it again, no matter what.
it was during the reconciliation of this fight that you learned the origin of sugishita’s lack of affection; he’d been scared. not of the feelings he held for you, but of chasing you away because of them. he admitted all the times he wanted to smother you with love, but always imagined the worst case scenario — that you would feel genuinely smothered and think it’s too much.
you had assured him that he’d never make you feel that way — but the journey taken for sugishita to stop hiding this affection was long and bumpy, and full of twists and turns, but it was one that was well worth the trouble.
sugishita holds you constantly now, a hand or arm around you at all times. he talks more, too, verbalizing his affections despite it being somewhat difficult to articulate.
but there’s one thing that you’re always able to understand quite well — sugishita needs you, loves you, and can never, ever lose you.
and it’s fairly obvious that you feel the exact same way.
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so I do listen to music when I write, so what do y’all think about the addition of lyrics that inspired certain headcanons/scenarios? if y’all like it I can keep it, but if not then no hard feelings! I’m good either way babes~!! I hope you enjoyed and stay sexy~!!
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mykoreanlove · 14 hours
If you’re an over-thinker, you’re an under-feeler
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You had been isolated for the last couple of hours - ever since you came back from your doctor‘s appointment you were absentminded, too preoccupied with researching your newfound condition.
Your boyfriend checked in on you every other hour but didn’t dare to interrupt you. You were laying in your bed, scrolling through your phone, trying to find all the missing answers.
„Acid reflux… sour taste… sore voice…medication“, you mumbled under your breath.
Seonghwa watched you for the tenth time this evening - your forehead was creased with concern, not really understanding why your body was suddenly betraying you.
He loved you, he really did. You completed him in ways which he had never dreamed of: you were analytical, prone to detail and observant. But you were also prone to anxiety, in danger of getting lost in your own destructive thoughts.
„How many hours can one google this shit“, he muttered under his breath.
„Suffering…Surgery…Depression“, you coaxed as your voice broke from fear of what was about to come.
„Okay, that’s enough“, he sternly entered the room, sitting at the end of the kingsize bed.
„What is?“
„You doing this to yourself, y/n. We’re going to find a solution baby, but this is not it“, he folded his arms authoritatively.
„Seongie, please. I have to research this, I have to understand. I don’t want to be in pain anymore“, you sobbed quietly.
„I know, baby. But reading blog entries from strangers for hours only stresses you out. How many times are you overthinking the same problem? Like, that doesn’t help. Don’t you think?“
„No“, you snapped back.
Seonghwa knew that it was pointless to argue with you. After all, you were a thinking person whereas he was more of the feeling nature. How was he to distract you from your endless mind chatter?
Suddenly, an idea struck him.
He pushed the blanket away and started kissing your shins.
„What are you doing?“, you asked irritated.
„I am helping you getting out of your head and back into your body, princess. Just relax.“
„Seongie, I don’t want to relax. I want to read and think. I need to overthink, I need to focus on my fucking problem!“, you snapped desperately.
Seonghwa didn’t break eye contact as he was kissing upwards, getting dangerously close to your core.
„See baby, I know this is what you want. But it’s not what you need. What you need…“, he paused to take off your lacy panties, „is to take a break from thinking. Let me help you with that.“
Seeing your precious pussy made him inhale sharply. No matter how often he got to bury himself in between your thighs, he always cherished it like it was the first time.
The colours, the taste, the smell - he was biting his lip in anticipation.
„Ugh, fine“, you gave in and fell back on to the mattress. Seonghwa‘s hand slowly reached for your phone, placing it behind him.
„My poor baby. So stressed out“, he cooed in between your legs.
„Even your beautiful pussy is dry. That’s no way to live, don’t you think?“, he asked seductively.
Slowly, he placed wet kisses all over your core, taking his time to arouse you properly.
Luckily, that didn’t take long.
„So wet, so fast, princess“, he hummed in admiration.
„Like I had a choice“, you snapped back at him.
His cheeky giggles filled the whole room. He knew what effect he had on you and he loved it, thrived off of it.
„Even if you’re acting like a brat right now… I can’t think of anything else but eating you out. Isn’t that crazy, y/n?“
You pushed your hips against his face, ushering him to finally do it. His plan was working without you even realizing. You were no longer thinking about your doomed health, but his tongue circling around your clit.
„Seongie“, you whined.
„Yes, my love?“
He batted his Bambi eyes at you, playing innocent. You grabbed a fistful of his long hair and pushed him into your pussy, making it utterly clear that you were done waiting.
Like a real man he devoured all of you, instantly. His tongue slippery circling around your throbbing clit, his long fingers quickly pushing in and out of your heated entrance, turning you into a trembling mess right in front of him.
Your sticky juices were dripping down his cheek as he finally came back up, grinning from ear to ear.
He didn’t say a word but just watched. Your chest was breathing heavily, eyes shut and mouth wide open.
„Bingo“, he applauded himself. He got up swiftly and laid down next to you, grabbing your delicate hands and squeezing them lightly.
„Baby, what are you thinking about now?“, he asked smoothly.
„Not a single thing“, you answered truthfully.
„Not one thought?“
„No, it‘s like you fucked me brainless“, you mused.
„Shit, I like that“, he said with a big grin. „Can we, like, do that again?“
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Qualifications of Critique
Fem!Reader Words: 1130
AN: This is very much a test to see if I can write him in character. Also, my first time posting a fic for HSR
Dr. Ratio flipped the page of the chemistry book he had begun to study enjoying the peace and quiet of the university library. A welcome change of pace after spending most of the day grading papers that hadn’t met his standards. There were a handful of students he had hoped to step to the plate but only a few of that group continued to show promise—a pity.
The library had been mostly quiet only gaining more silence as students left for the day. Something he would have done himself if not for the horribly late faculty meeting that had been scheduled in a few more hours.
There was the quiet tapping of heels against the carpet floor getting ever louder. It was an easy sound to ignore but should have served more as a warning with the voice that spoke from behind him. “If it isn’t the worst teacher to ever grace the cosmos.”
He closed the book, turning his head around to see one of the professors who worked there alongside him. She stood there with a bag around her shoulder and her arms crossed. “Excuse me?” He asked, already annoyed that his break had been interrupted.
“I’m being asked, actually that’s the wrong word. I’m being told to move my classroom to make room for a new study hall dedicated to trying to improve the rate of three percent of your students passing.” She complained.
”Don’t take this up with me. It’s not my fault your class was being moved.” He stood up. It would be best to go back to his office and lock the door if he wanted any ounce of peace.
”It is. This study hall wouldn’t have been created if you were better at your job.” She glared up at him, tapping her shoe attempting to calm herself down at the information she had recently been told.
”Have you considered that these students should have to work at grasping the material? It isn’t my fault that they are too foolish to understand simple concepts.” His book had been abandoned on the table.
”Of course, it’s simple to you. You already know it!” Y/N rolled her eyes at his reasoning. “How can you be so smart but still not even understand that being a good teacher means your students should be passing your class?” Any students still lingering around in the library were rushing to pack their things with hushed gossip over the argument that was unfolding.
Arguments between the two of them were slowly becoming famous across campus. Students and professors wondered when the tension between them would finally break. As entertaining as they could be to watch, no one wanted to risk being caught in the crossfire and being forced to take a side.
”I am passing those who put in the work. That’s what should be done.”
”I’m not saying to just pass everyone. Yes, pass those who put in the work. But you also should be putting the work in to make sure they have a chance at understanding the work that is being asked of them.” She explained. It wasn’t like that should be a hard thing to comprehend.
”I put the effort in.”
The bag on her shoulder fell to the floor as she uncrossed her arms. “You do not. You talk a big game of ridding the world of ignorance but can't even take the time to learn how to be a better teacher to do just that!” Her bag had been left on the floor as she took steps forward, shortening the distance between the two of them. “It's such a joke that you consider yourself so smart but are too stupid to see that.”
The distance between them was almost closed as they stood near each other. She had been the only person in this university to challenge his intelligence. Other professors had been quick to praise him but she focused on pointing out his faults to say where he could improve. It was infuriating but a welcomed difference to see someone who could clearly think for themselves.
“I don't see how insulting me adds to your critique of my teaching abilities. I'm not even sure if this qualifies as a critique.”
“Have you ever done a critique yourself? It involves saying what should be improved and then offering advice to guide that person in the right direction, sometimes showing them step-by-step what to do. It makes the base for anyone even interested in teaching. I’m surprised that critique is even in your vocabulary.” 
His eyes didn’t mean to wander down at her lips. Glossed to absolute perfection as she spoke a mix of insults and advice. “Do you ever shut up?” He asked, missing the peace and quiet that the library was known for before she had stepped in.
“Occasionally when those I am conversing with have value to add. If you would take the time to reflect on what I have been saying we wouldn’t have to keep having this conversation. Do you understand how your actions have an effect on me?”
“I wasn’t aware that you would let others have any sort of effect on you.”
“It’s when I’m able to move on with my life. You just keep causing me roadblocks. First, my program loses funding that gets diverted to yours because you have a big name. Now I lose my classroom for a study hall for students struggling with your class. What are you going to change in my life next? I would at least appreciate some sort of warning.”
“If that is what you would consider life changing then I believe we are both using separate definitions.”
She rolled her eyes before speaking in a sarcastic tone. “Oh won't the great Veritas Ratio enlighten me then.”
Maybe it was the way that she knew how to stand her ground against him. Or maybe it was that she saw the humanity within him to acknowledge his flaws instead of defaulting to praise like others had. Could it have been that when she came to complain about his teaching she treated the argument more like a debate something that could be seen past the insults? 
He placed his hand underneath her chin holding her gaze on him. Y/N let out a small gasp. “Veritas…” The boldness in her voice had dropped into almost a whisper. “I meant a definition, not this.”
“Everything you said has made it sound like you pride yourself on a proper example.”
“So you do know how to listen. You’re just horrible at application.” She leaned her head to the side, her boldness only dropping momentarily as it returned to her voice. “We should revisit what a life-changing moment is once your class has upped the passage rate.”
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 3, Poll 1
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Gobber-How To Train Your Dragon
He has a prosthetic arm and a prosthetic leg. And is confirmed to be gay (in an admittedly really weird way :/)
He's gay. He's disabled. He's a viking. He's good at his job. He has a stone tooth. He uses his arm prosthetic like a toolbelt. He knows a lot about dragons. Idk man. He's cool
Zhou Zishu-Faraway Wanderers / Tian Ya Ke
He is mlm, though there's no consensus in fandom whether he's bi or gay. (He had slept with women prior to meeting his male love interest, but the way he speaks of that kinda doesn't make it sound like he enjoyed it? So there's room for interpretation. Maybe hes bi who just happened to settle with a man, maybe hes a late bloomer gay.) Either way, the novel's main romance is his relationship with another man, and they are in a committed relationship by the end! Now, for the disability part. He has a physical disability that's a result of, how do I put it, non-realistic circumstances (stabbing poisoned nails into his acupoints non-realistic), but I think it qualifies for how it affects him.
To start with, he is a martial artist, but the nails thing limits him to about half of his normal ability. Which is still pretty significant given he used to be one of the top talents of his generation, but there are many instances throughout the book where he finds himself frustrated, inconvenienced, or endangered by being unable to do what he *used to* be able to do, which I think tracks with acquired disability experience. Next, the nails also give him chronic pain issues with daily (or rather, nightly) flare ups, and additional ones when he strains himself. That usually last for several hours. (Fandom also theorizes that this leaves him chronically sleep deprived, but it's more conjecture than textual.)
Then, his biggest issue is that the nails are slowly killing him, and he has like 2-3 years to live... but uh given it's a happy ending novel his friend gives him an experimental surgery and it works out. But! Gotta note that I don't think it counts as a case of 'magically cured disability' trope. It is plainly stated that he will still have some issues post-surgery - just, y'know, no longer life-ending ones. The tl;dr here is that while his situation is not something possible in the real world, it still affects him in a way an acquired physical disability may: limits things he can do compared to his pre-injury state, results in chronic pain issues, and requires difficult medical intervention to stymie the negative effects.
Zhou Zishu, how do I explain him... He is a spymaster and an assassin. He put the current Emperor on the throne. He committed atrocities. He lost the person he saw as his little brother as a result. He still thinks he did what was right, in the grand scheme of things. He decides to start his retirement at age 28 by stabbing a bunch of poisoned nails into his chest, disguising himself as a beggar, and vanishing into jianghu to daydrink and sightsee. He is living his best life, all 3 remaining years of it. He is in pain every night. He meets a man who, unexpectedly, understands him with a glance... and then begins to annoy him ceaselessly, insisting he has fallen for Zishu at first sight.
Cue Zhou Zishu's horrified realization that he's not only into men, but into this clown in particular. Zishu falls in love the way a cat falls into a bath - hes trying to get out but keeps slipping back, and hes hissing all the while. (We love to bully him for his clownsexual ways.) (Also, if this makes anybody want to check out the novel, remember: Zhou Zishu is an unreliable narrator and Will lie to you. Pay attention to his actions and reactions, not just what he *says* he thinks!) Now, I could spend hours gushing about how WenZhou (the couple's ship name, and yes they are canon and the main romantic storyline) gave me unrealistic standards for romance, but I'm gonna hold myself back from writing a 6k essay and focus on the theme of the tournament. I consider Zhou Zishu a disabled protagonist because: while his situation itself is non-realistic (aforementioned 'stabbing a bunch of poisoned nails into his chest'), the way it affects him is actually pretty similar, and in some ways really the same, to how an acquired physical disability may affect a person. First, it limits what he can do, physical activity-wise, to about half of his pre-injury state. (Which is still rather a lot, given he used to be a top dog martial artist, but it's still noticeable to him.) Second, it gives him chronic pain issues, with nightly flare-ups. (And additional ones when he strains himself.) (Also, at a certain point in the book his love interest starts holding him through his flare ups. Which doesn't lessen the pain but does help Zishu cope with it better. It's very important to me that it doesn't magically help but it does Mentally help and thats enough. The "stay with him morning and night, holding his hand" of it all (; v ;) yes thats a quote from the book.) And third, it requires a difficult surgery to stymie its negative effects (him dying in three years ones). (Yeah btw its not the case of magic surgery perfectly 'fixing' (bleugh) the character; he still need physical-therapy-analogue after it, and his uh medical professional also states he will likely still have some issues post-op.)
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cloudlessly-light · 2 days
Hey bestie! I love your works! I was wondering maybe you could write a fic where Emily is cockwarming Aaron while he’s cleaning his gun and she cums very quick because it’s too sexy for her ☺️
A/N: I’ll give an extra warning for this chapter, it contains gun kink, you have been warned!
I would also like to add that I wrote most of this either on the way to or from @sequinsmile-x, as well as in her apartment.
Title: Love like mine (3/11) Chapter title: But don’t worry I’ll make sure you don’t forget it Summary: He wasn’t a cheater. Until her. Word count: 3,7k Rating: Explicit Warnings (for this chapter): Smut, cock warming, gun kink, dirty talk, cheating, hinting at abortion
They spend the day mostly naked, starting off with breakfast until Emily casually strips herself from his shirt and he ends up taking her on her dining room table. It’s hours spent together in between sex and jokes and conversation and Emily finds herself liking the way he’s relaxing in her company, the difference between Aaron and Hotch slowly sneaking through in a way he hadn’t let it before.
He’s funny, a dry sense of humor that she finds that she enjoys and she can tell that he likes the way she challenges him. It had been part of his attraction to her from the start, the fact that he can’t really figure her out.
“Where did you get this?” He asks as he traces the tattoo on her hipbone, faded and old on her skin.
“In Italy.” She doesn’t want to tell him the whole story, doesn’t want him to tell him that after one of the worst experiences of her life she wanted something beautiful to come from it. The daffodil tattoo that she at 15 thought was a good idea, the flower meaning change and new beginnings, something she now rarely paid much attention to. “It was a new start for me.” She tells him simply and he seems to understand that she doesn’t want to talk about it.
“It’s pretty.” He says instead and kisses her hipbone before moving slowly up her body, his tongue tasting her skin until he’s face to face with her. “Like you.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.” She smiles into a kiss and when she hears his sated groan she can’t help the way satisfaction tingles down her spine. She knew he wasn’t hers, she knew that part of why she was attracted to him was because he was taken. Him being married meant that she was safe. She wouldn’t get hurt this way, and that was comforting.
Aaron tries not to think about the repercussions of what they were doing, how this could end. He didn’t want to leave Haley, didn’t really know what he was doing spending his weekend with another woman. But as Emily moaned his name in his ear, he didn’t want to stop.
He gets home early on Sunday morning to an empty house and he tries to ignore the guilt that’s creeping up his spine. He had spent the entire weekend with Emily, his mistress, and the thought of Haley had barely crossed his mind. The clothes he wears smell like her and he quickly puts them in the washing machine, needing to hide every trace of Emily before Haley walks through their front door with his son.
It’s wrong, so wrong, this wasn’t the man he had imagined himself to be. But Emily was addictive, something he hadn’t known he needed but now didn’t know how to be without. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knows that he should come clean, that doing this to Haley was close to evil. But he loved his wife, loved the life they had built and he didn’t want to give that up.
He realizes that it can’t last, not in the long run but then dark eyes and a teasing smile flashes in his mind and for some reason he finds that he’s not ready to give her up.
Being with Emily was something new, something he’d never had before, pleasures and urges he had always forced deep down finally seeming to have room to breathe. She didn’t judge him for wanting what he did, in fact, she seemed to revel in it. Reveled in the way he let go like he hadn’t before, seemed to love the power it gave her.
He hears Haley call for him just as he’s getting out of the shower, only minutes after he had washed the sin off his skin.
“Hi honey.” She greets him with a soft kiss and a smile, gentle and loving and home and he kisses her back. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He tells her, the lie sliding off his tongue almost too easily as he takes Jack from her, the toddler babbling happily in his arms. “How were your parents?”
“They’re good. Maybe next time you can come too.” Haley watches as he tickles Jack with a fond smile. She wasn’t an idiot, she knew something had changed between them in the last few months, knew that he was hiding something from her but as she stood there in the home where they had picked out the color of the wallpaper and argued about what couch to buy and listened to the sounds of their sons laugh, she forced those thoughts away.
“Is this a bad time?” She knocks on his office door and lingers in the doorway. It’s late, everyone’s gone home and she had every intention to do the same, but then he had given her that look, the look that meant he wanted her to stay late. So she had told a lie to Derek and JJ when they asked why she didn’t go home, blaming paperwork that she didn’t actually have but it seemed to be enough for them to leave the office.
It had been a strange day, a restlessness in her that she wasn’t sure where it came from. She needed something, but didn’t know what. Felt the need for something thrilling, for the restlessness to go away. She must have walked into his office right as he was about to clean his gun, the weapon disassembled on his desk and for some reason her eyes fastens on it.
“Not at all.” He said as he stood from behind his desk. He looked through the window and saw that the bullpen was empty and he closed the blinds swiftly. When he looked back at her he could see how her eyes lingered on his gun that he had just been about to clean, thinking that it would still be a while before she would have been able to join him. “Emily?”
Her eyes snap to his and she licked over her suddenly dry lips. She didn’t know why the thought of his gun suddenly made want stir in her belly, didn’t know why she suddenly thought about how his gun looked small in his large hands and the precision in which he used it. But she did know that the restlessness she felt made her feel something she never had before as she looked at the weapon in front of her.
“Yeah?” For some reason her voice comes out low and breathy, so familiar to him in the throes of passion that he feels a tugging in his groin.
“What are you thinking about?” He husks as he circles her slowly until he’s standing behind her, lets his lips trail teasingly along the back of her neck as his hands grip her hips to pull her back against his chest. The adrenaline that suddenly rushed through his veins was intense, because he knew this was new, something neither of them had done before.
“N-nothing.” She swallows hard but cranes her neck to give him easier access to her skin.
“Tsk, you shouldn’t lie.” He nips at her neck and she gasps in response. “You’re still looking at it.” The way her body tenses slightly as she looks back at him with wide eyes makes him hum knowingly.
She tore her eyes from the gun, felt his lips turn into a smirk against her neck and when her eyes meet his there’s something dark reflecting in his brown orbs, something feral and new, something that sends a thrill through her body. And she knew she was caught.
He lets go of her and goes to sit down at his desk, a small smile tugging on his lips that he bites the inside of his cheek to keep at bay.
“You like my gun?” He beckons her closer and she walks around the desk to stand at his side. “Answer me.”
“I don’t know why.” She mumbles, shy in a way she usually never was with him and the way her cheeks heat up makes him sit back in chair.
“I’ll tell you what.” He pushes back slowly from his desk, one hand hovering over his fly. “You can sit here and watch me clean my gun, and if you’re quiet, I’ll give you a reward.”
She looks at him questionably, not understanding where he’s going with this. Her eyes shift from his gun to his hand as he slowly reaches for her, his fingers expertly popping the button of her pants.
“What are you doing?” She barely recognizes her voice, so thick with want that it comes out low and raspy.
“I’m undressing you.” He tells her matter-of-factly before pulling her pants and underwear down her hips. When they’re a puddle around her feet he stands to help her out of her shirt, her bra soon following as she stands completely naked in front of him. He tugged on the piercing, a nipple ring that she’d started wearing only a few days ago. “You’re going to sit here and keep my cock comfortable while I clean my gun.”
The whimper that escapes her comes without warning, suddenly so aroused that it feels like her entire body was set on fire. He’s barely even touched her, and yet she knows her slick are shining on her thighs already, her skin flushing as he looks at her with dark eyes.
“Aaron-“ she starts but is quickly cut off as he presses a finger against her lips.
“Quiet, sweetheart.” The nickname falls from his lips without hesitation and if he wasn’t so ridiculously turned on himself he would have corrected himself. But instead he simply drags the zipper of his slacks down, gets his hard cock out and sits back down on his chair.
Emily waits only a second before she straddles his legs, her hand around his shaft as she lines him up with her center. She runs the tip of him through her folds, lets him feel her wetness before slowly sinking down on him with a strangled moan. His hands spread her thighs wider apart, as wide as possible as he holds her tight against his chest, his breathing coming out of hot, short puffs against the back of her shoulder. She slowly starts to grind but his hands tighten and he bites down on her neck.
“No no, sit still, just like this.” He smirks when she forces herself to still on his lap, knows that she more than anything wants to move, to create friction for them both. “Rub your clit for me”
His low voice in her ear caused her to shiver and she squeezed around him return. Her fingers trembled as she does as he says, using two fingers to gently circle the bundle of nerves as Aaron hummed, pleased with her obedience.
“Fuck…” she gasped as she clenched around him again and she heard his low groan against her ear.
“Now watch.” He let go of her hips only to reach for his gun. When he held it up Emily bit back a moan, eyes fastened on it. “Dirty girl, you probably want me to fuck you with my gun.” He cleaned the muzzle as he talked.
She didn’t respond, but her hips buckling slightly and her fingers speeding up against her clit was more than enough of an answer. The danger of his words made her head spin, images of what he was saying flashing in her mind.
“Mhmm, you want me to fuck you with my gun like I fuck you with my cock, hard and deep. You want to drench it, want to ruin it with the mess you’d make.” He continues conversationally as he continues to clean gunpowder out of the barrel.
”Aaron, Jesus Christ.” Her eyes rolled back as heat spread through her, slowly building her orgasm up. The heightened situation made the familiar heat she now associated with him spread quicker than ever before. All she wanted was to move, but she stayed still even as her thighs shook, afraid to break whatever spell he’d managed to put her under.
“You want to clench around the barrel of my gun just like you’re clenching me right now.” Aaron growled at the way her tight walls were trembling around him. He didn’t know what kind of primal desire had set off for her, all he knew that the brutality of it was making it hard for him to control himself. He licked over her fluttering pulse, tasted the vibration of her moan as she trembled hard enough for him to stop what he was doing to keep her on his lap.
“C-can I?” She panted through dizzying pleasure, her fingers moving in quicker and quicker circles against her clit.
“Good girl.” He praised her with a low groan. “Come for me.” He let go of the grip and put down the rag he had used and wrapped one arm around her middle to keep her still, let the other move to tug gently on her nipple ring and then she was coming, a loud cry that he knew would have been heard through the door leaving her as she rocked on his lap, unable to keep from buckling as pleasure spread through her body in powerful waves.
Once she had calmed and he was sure that she wouldn’t fall off his lap he let go of her only to pick his gun up again. He could see how her eyes, heavy lidded and dark followed his movements as he reassembled his gun, slowly, deliberately.
“Did I tell you to stop?” He asked then, his hand wrapping around her wrist to place it back against her clit. “Keep clenching around me baby, make me feel good.”
She whimpered, her clit sensitive to the touch but she did what he said, rubbing slowly over it as Aaron simply held the gun out in front of her again.
“My filthy girl.” He licked a stripe up her neck, her skin tasting of sweat and adrenaline. “You’re enjoying yourself almost too much.” His hand gripped the gun tighter, making sure her eyes stayed on it as he slowly trailed it down her body. The muzzle grazed one of her nipples, the cold steel making her gasp before slowly moving it down her body, letting her feel it gently press against her stomach.
“Aaron I don’t-” Her words were cut off by him nudging her hand away from her clit, only to graze the gun against it, the muzzle scraping it gently. It was cold and hard, the feeling new and she whimpered.
“You’re soaking me.” He let the metal slide over her clit slowly, up and down, up and down, until she was clenching around him again. The barrel was shiny with her slick as he kept moving it against her clit, glinting in the low lights in his office and he grunted against her ear.
“I’m close.” Her hands were gripping his desk, her body trembling as she tried desperately not to move. The sight of his hand, large and strong, holding the gun, something dangerous and risky between her legs was something she knew she’d never forget. It was maddening, the excitement she felt as he brought her closer to the edge. She knew he was getting closer too, his low groans against her ear deep and raspy, the hand not holding the gun gripping her hard enough to leave bruises.
Then he pressed the barrel of the gun a little harder against her clit and she was coming with a guttural whine, her head thrown back against his shoulder and body trembling as she spasmed around him. The feeling of her clenching walls around him was enough for him to come as well, his release hard enough to knock the air out of him as he jerked up against her.
She was still coming down when she heard the thump of the gun hitting the floor and then his hand on her jaw, pulling her face towards his to kiss her deeply. He tastes like Aaron and adrenaline, almost metallic.
“You really will be the death of me.” He whispers once they pulled apart and she smiles lazily, a low hum leaving her.
“Let’s hope not. This is too much fun.” She kisses him again, kisses him until the need for air becomes too much.
When she gets home that night she can still feel him, can smell his cologne on her body, feel his warm hands on her skin. She pretends that thinking about him isn’t something she should see as a warning, that pressing on the bruises on her hips was only to remember the way he had felt as he grabbed at her and not thinking about the way he’d kissed each one after they were done.
She pretends because he’s married. He was a father. He was something fun to pass the time, to use as a way to get frustrations out. Wasn’t he?
It’s been three weeks since that night in his office, three weeks of things seemingly falling into chaos. The cases they worked were grueling, somehow worse than ever it felt like. They didn’t get much time to rest, flying to and from DC in a way they usually didn’t. It made Aaron want to be home as much as possible, because he missed Jack, missed Haley. But he also missed Emily.
They never spend the night together while on cases, knew that it was too risky. But as the days passed on, he could feel the tension build, pressure slowly making him close to agitated. He was too mad at the world, the cases they worked, the victims he met somehow getting under his skin in a way they usually didn’t.
And then it’s like something snaps, a local case, an unsub telling him in detail about his victims, all of them children, all of them dead. And Aaron can’t handle it.
She can tell, can tell the second her eyes meet his and she is quick to find him alone.
“What can I do?” She asks and he looks relieved to see her standing in the doorway of his office.
“Can I come over tonight?”
She can tell everything he doesn’t say, sees the anger and the way he wants nothing more than to scream his frustrations out at the world.
“Of course.” When his shoulders lower the tiniest bit she smiles. “I’ll take care of you.”
He calls Haley on the way, lies about an emergency meeting as he knocks on the door to Emily’s apartment door. She opens it with a filthy smile and nothing else and the second he’s hung up she’s on him, clawing at his clothes and kissing him like her life depended on it.
He lets her take charge, lets him get him undressed and up the stairs without question and then she’s pushing him back on the bed, quickly following him as she straddles him. It’s not often he does this, but tonight he feels like he needs it and Emily being her, already knew that even without being told. He sits up to kiss her, hands on her naked waist but she pushes him back against the bed again, hands flat on his chest as she slowly grinds on top of him, a smirk on her lips when he hisses at the heat of her along his shaft.
“I know you like this, having a dirty little secret.” Her lips ghosts over his and when he tries to kiss her she pulls back. “I know you come to my apartment to get out all that tension you can’t with her.” She licks across one of his nipples and when she tugs it between her teeth his jaw clenches as he swallows down a groan. “You use me, but it’s okay because I use you too.”
She’s sinking down on him and rides him until he’s groaning and swearing, her body dragging pleasure from his. When he comes it’s with her name hissed from between clenched teeth, his body sweaty and heavy with pleasure as she lets him enjoy the release he really needed as he relaxes back against her bed.
After, he cleans himself off in her bathroom and when he comes back to the bedroom, he finds it empty. He dresses, buttons every button and ties his tie before combing his hair quickly. When he walks downstairs he looks like Hotch again and Emily smiles at the sight.
She’s standing in the kitchen, leaning back against the same kitchen counter that he’s fucked her on more times than he’d like to admit, looking so effortlessly gorgeous and he has a hard time looking away from her.
“What?” She asks, teeth digging into her bottom lip.
“Nothing, I’ll see you at the office.” His hand gently grasps the back of her neck and pulls her into a kiss.
“I never thought I’d do this.” She admits once he’s pulled away and he looks at her questionably. “Help a man cheat, I mean.”
“I never thought I would cheat, but here I am.” He stays close and she lets her arms wrap around his neck loosely. ”Do you want to stop?”
“No.” She says softly and for the first time Aaron finds himself wondering if maybe they’re getting in too deep.
“I don’t either.” He tells her honestly as he rests his forehead against hers for a brief second.
The moment is interrupted by his phone, loud and obnoxious to his ears and when he looks at the screen he sees Haley’s name flashing on it.
“Hi honey.” He steps away from Emily and she gives him a gentle nod. “No, I’m heading home now, sorry the meeting ran long.”
Emily watches him go, his hand squeezing hers quickly before he heads to the door. Once he’s closed it behind him she finds herself not liking the silence of her apartment. It’s the first time she had ever come close to regret
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thestormynobody · 10 hours
You awaken in a clearing; which doesn’t seem quite right. Weren’t you doing something? You were…right? Keeping watch maybe? You failed that one if that’s the case. It’s also blindingly bright as if it were midday. Surely someone would have woken you up by now? If you were to reach Bambouche in a reasonable amount of time you needed to keep to the travel schedule. Odile was pretty clear about that. So then why—?
The party bustles around camp. They smile and greet you but it sounds distant like you’re hearing their voices from underwater. Maybe you’re still groggy? The trees bear in on you. It feels cramped and yet everyone seems impossibly far away. Isa and Bonnie are talking but you can’t make out the words. Odile has her back to you.
A shadow falls over you and you look up. Mirabelle.
“Good……………………..more like………….afternoon?”
“....What?” Your head hurts.
"Were you……That's just like you…..at a time like this"
“Mira— I don’t—? What are you saying?” This isn’t right. Where are the others? They were just here but you don’t see them anywhere.
"I guess that's....some rest while we can! …..ready for tomorrow"
Wait. No. That’s—
“So we can finally face against the King!”
Mirabelle goes rigid and her expression blank and in a voice that isn’t hers:
“You’ll be going back! Back to when everything started!” “I know you thought your quest is over, but it can’t be!”
“Somethings broken, somethings failing, rotting!!!!
No No No NO NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONO The trees are gone. Mira is gone. There are only all too familiar black walls and the smell of burnt sugar.
you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach—
“Woah!!!! Sif!!” Isabeau just barely manages to catch hold of the collar of Siffrin’s cloak before they tumble out of the tree they were sitting in. Their arms flail wildly, their eye wide. Isabeau manages to haul them back onto the tree branch. “You okay there bud?”
They just stare at him wide-eyed for several long moments. Their whole body was shaking slightly.
“Siffrin, are you with me?”
Slowly, carefully he reaches his hand out. He hesitates for a moment then gently touches their shoulder. “Sif. Hey. It’s okay.”
They blink. Once. Twice. “I-Isa?”
He offers them a smile tinged with worry. “Scared me there for a second. Gotta be careful sleeping in trees. You…” he trails off as they reach their hand up to where his own hand rests on their shoulder. For a moment he wonders if they’re going to move it off of themself. Should have asked. Instead they just kind of rest theirs over his as if confirming it's real. He can still feel them shaking slightly.
“You’re real…right? I need you to be real.” Their voice is small and strained…desperate.
Oh Change, that could just about break his heart. Throwing caution to the wind he pulls them into himself; hugging them tightly. “Yes, I’m real. I’m here Sif. I’m here.”
They collapse into him.They breathe in. And out. The two sit quietly for a bit. Allowing Siffrin some time to center themself.
They give a barely perceptive nod.
“Wanna talk about it?”
They immediately shake their head no but then seem to think better of it. “I thought I was back in the loops.”
Oh. Yeah. That makes sense. “I can understand why you panicked….this isn’t the first time is it?” He’d seen how tired they looked. Noticed how often they offered to keep watch. He hadn’t pressed them on it before but in hindsight it made sense they’d have nightmares after everything they’d been through. He still didn’t have many of the details but he knew enough to know anyone would have come out of that situation with a fair share of trauma.
“No, it's not the first time…” they mumble into his chest.
“I wish you’d told me! I could’ve helped!”
“They weren’t so bad at first. I knew I was dreaming the first couple times. I didn’t-—want to bother anyone with it.”
“Sif—” Change can be hard. He can’t expect Siffrin to have completely shifted their mindset overnight. He knew firsthand how hard it is to talk to people when you feel like your problems make you a burden.
“I know!” They realize how loudly they spoke and more quietly repeat: “I know. I’m trying. I just— didn’t think it was a big deal. I thought maybe they’d go away the further out we got from Dormont but—”
“Instead they’ve been getting worse.”
There must be something… “Hm…Oh! How about this? We come up with some kind of codeword. Something you didn’t hear in the Loops so if you wake up thinking you’re back we can prove that you’re out?”
“Like what?”
They blink up at him looking mildly befuddled “Why waffles?”
“I like waffles!” A small smirk plays across his lips “Are you saying my suggestion is…wafful?”
“Pfft…hahahaha—” they laugh as if it was the funniest joke they’d ever heard. It takes them a moment to regain composure. They catch their breath, “Stars..”
Success. “Alright, alright, how about….sunrise? Cause um— it's a new day after the bad ones?”
“I may not need it every time but maybe-I can ask how many sunrises it's been since the loops sometimes?”
“Of course”
“.....how many has it been?”
“Eight.” they repeat softly. One day the number of sunrises it’d been since the loops will out number the number of loops. That day was a long way off but it was a start.
The two sit in silence for a bit til he feels them squirm a bit and realizes he still has them trapped in a hug and quickly releases them. “Ah! Sorry Sif!”
“S’okay, just lemme move into a more comfortable position.” They scoot so they’re beside him then lean against him.
He tries not to appear too flustered about the fact they are actively choosing to remain in very close physical contact. He was not expecting this though it is not unwelcome. They still hadn’t really talked about what exactly they were. Friends? Well obviously. Something more than that though? Maybe???? Now was hardly the time to bring it up though. Sif still needed time, and he was willing to wait as long as they needed him to.
He rests his arm around them. A safety net so they don’t fall again. “You can get some rest if you need to. I’ll take over keeping watch and if you have another nightmare I’ll be right here.”
They don’t protest this proposal and instead shift even more so they are practically laying on him. “Mmkay…” they say sleepily. They’re quiet for a long moment. Long enough he thinks they must have fallen asleep but then they say: “....thank you Isa.”
“Of course.” The two of them look out into the night sky. The stars were especially beautiful tonight. He watches as Siffrin lazily traces a pattern in the air between a few of them. Following their gaze he can just about make out a shape. Though he’s not sure of what.
“...it's a constellation. The little bear. You use their tail to find your way home…”
He starts to ask them what they mean but he realizes they have fallen asleep. Well. That’s okay. He looks out into the sky. It was no wonder Sif loved them so much. They were really quite pretty.
One day they’d talk about feelings and patterns and futures. But for now. There were stars.
Ok, so its probably a stretch to say this is Isatmonth prompt: Isabeau when I was already writing this before hand but hush Siffrin having nightmares post loops is a pretty common headcannon but I wanted to throw my hat in the ring so here we are. Huge props to Mos2.5 and Bethany from Isatcord for helping me workshop the keyword and to Nube for helping me with grammar. Commas my enemy....
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safetycar-restart · 2 days
we (i) need some more cat!max !!! you know how some cats don’t like other people and will like hiss at them, i imagine max to be exactly like this. he loves his partner (obviously, you’re his everything) but around other people he’s like 🧍‍♂️😾 maybe one day he’s sitting with you in the sun (making biscuits !!! cat!max would sooooo knead his hand on your side and he’s so sleepy he doesn’t register that he’s even doing it but it’s sooo sweet 🫠) and a couple mutual friends come over and he knew they were coming, he just hadn’t realised that much time had passed so he’s just sitting there frowning the whole time with his tail constantly moving against you to maintain your attention !!!
i love cat!max with my whole heart ❤️‍🩹 love you 💞💞
Oh my god yes. I think I might once again be obsessed with the hybrid!au.
So firstly, we said that before you max used to always repress his cat instincts because growing up he was told they were signs of weakness and vulnerability and would distract him from racing.
It's only when you come along and help him that he starts to really embrace it. Sidenote, maybe when you start dating him you just automatically start to do some stuff that you know cat hybrids normally love and Max is so confused about why you're being so nice to him encouraging him.
Anyway, once Max gets over that hurdle, his cat instincts come out in full force. But only with you. He's still very shy and uncomfortable about showing it around anyone else. He's slowly starting to open up to his trainer and some key members of his team, but it's a VERY slow process.
So when you tell Max you have friends coming over, he is NOT happy because that means someone is gonna come and take your attention away from him! As far as Max is concerned from the moment you get home, it's like a switch flicks and he's able to just enjoy being a cat hybrid.
Your friends only come in the afternoon, so you give Max as much time as possible. You even decide to fuck and overstimulate him to make sure he's good.
The issue with that though, is that once Max is all fucked out and tired and just so so happy and cosy, all he wants to do is just lay on your chest and kneading your tummy and purring. Which you let him do of course, you could never deny him that.
Except that your friends arrive before Max has gotten his fill of post sex cuddles and snoozing and he is NOT happy. You tell him that he can stay in the bedroom and you'll just tell your friends that he isn't there, but no! No that's even worse because then he wouldn't even be able to see you!
Which is how you end up sharing a couch with a very pissed off Max who has his tail very firmly wrapped around you and is refusing to engage in conversation. Luckily, your friends are understanding and know how territorial cat hybrids can be so honestly it just tells them that you're clearly keeping Max very happy.
When your friends leave, Max is immediately rubbing himself ALL over the couches and pillows and stealing some of your hoodies to do the same with because now the apartment smells like your friends and max does not like it.
Once he's satisfied, he just plonks down on you and rubs his head against you until you start patting his back and stroking him and you have to do this for like two hours before Max forgives you for ending post sex cuddles early.
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Cryptid Biology Season 2: Shark Bait
[The previous entry in this series: Here. Rain decides to have a little fun with the abbey's gardener after she dares step into his lake smelling like a certain earth ghoul. Implied MountRain and some RainDrop. Going back to our roots and writing about tentacles.] Below the cut.
Rain is hovering just over the silt in the bottom of the lake, belly just barely touching the muck, when he catches a familiar, heady smell emanating from somewhere closer to the surface.
It's Mountain's musk; That distinct scent of evergreen trees mingled with the stench of sweat, but there's something softer, sweeter, diluting it.
He rises slowly, following the smell like a shark tracking a trail of blood in the water.
The ghoul breaches the surface slowly, making the smallest ripple on top of the water as his eyes adjust to the sunlight, blinking once, twice to retract the clear, secondary eye lids that protect his vision in the depths.
The air is thick with humidity, and the sun is harsh, hot on his head, but as his gaze settles on the shallows, he can't bring himself to care about the heat.
Waist deep in the water, the abbey's groundskeeper, Beatrix Milne -Bea-, is stood holding a mesh net, cleaning up debris and trash from the shoreline.
While the siblings, and the ghouls are careful to remove trash after lakeside parties, part of the greater lake extends towards a shore not on the abbey's property; Marked off by a series of buoys, despite efforts to keep the shared waters clean, careless individuals have left everything on the opposite side of the line a mess... leaving people like Bea to clean it up as the winds carry it across.
It's definitely one of the more frustrating parts of maintaining the land, one he's overheard the groundskeeper venting her frustrations about to Mountain when the two come back to the abbey in the afternoon in spring and summer, the cart attached to the UTV loaded up with debris to be sorted out into the compost or recycled later on.
He tries his best to keep the water clean himself, but there's only so much he can do alone, which is why he understands the pointed look of annoyance on Bea's face as she fills the net with half sunk beer cans and the occasional snack packaging.
Rain eases his way towards the shore, floating along even as the water gets shallower and shallower, and settles himself in the reeds nearby, watching the human work.
Bea and him have never really clicked, despite a shared interest in protecting the natural world, she's often too abrasive for him to want to approach her directly and strike up a conversation, but he can't blame her for being that way; He's seen how Mountain can get after spending all day out in the hot sun, isolated from others, sweaty and uncomfortable, body tense and sore...
However, looking at the groundskeeper now, she doesn't look too terribly bothered, just focused.
She's dressed more casually than he's seen her before -much, much more so-, wearing cut off jeans and a bikini top, her exposed skin shiny with a mix of sweat and sunblock...
Rain sniffs the air curiously.
It's just barely there.
Mountain's scent on her skin, not nearly strong enough for him to have smelled it from that deep in the water.
He hums, sinking down slightly when the groundskeeper looks out over the reeds, waving her hand as if swatting at an insect.
And that's when he notice, as his nose hits the water, he can smell it.
Trailing his gaze down the curves of her body from her face, he eyes the waistband of her shorts, just barely visible over the water, and lowers himself down further to get a better look.
Sure enough, the smell is coming from there.
"Oh, I see..." he thinks, taking in the sight of the rough fabric soaked through, and clinging to her skin.
Despite how often the two argue; Mountain has clearly marked his territory, or, perhaps, Bea had claimed hers.
Maybe both.
But regardless of who struck their flag where, coming into another ghoul's domain smelling so strongly of someone else has Rain feeling... slighted.
If she's going to play around -Clean, she is cleaning the lake- in his lake like this, she should at least ask his permission first, but she hasn't.
And that alone is enough for Rain to want to punish her.
Of course, the type of punishment depends on how she reacts to what he does next.
Cloaking himself slightly with his magic, Rain drops back beneath the waves, and glides himself past her legs, letting the fin of his tail slide against her thigh.
Her can almost her her gasp, feels her jump... but she doesn't flee.
Rain swims by her again, and before HE can react, he feels the tug of fingers in his hair.
He groans, air bubbling from his lungs as he's pulled above the water again.
"You know that doesn't work on me, right?"
He'd forgotten.
"Sister Imperator gave me 'Sight', so I wouldn't get tricked by the other creatures on the grounds like the last caretaker." she says, "Are you going to stop fooling around, or are you going to help me clean up?"
Rain pouts.
"You're one to talk." he murmurs, moving to stand, towering over the gardener, "Seems you and Mountain were 'fooling around' not long ago... You know it's rude, right? Entering my lake smelling like him."
Bea stares up at him, brows furrowed, squinting, both in annoyance and to keep the light out of her eyes.
He steps more into the path of the sun, casting his shadow over her.
"I was under the impression that you liked how Mountain smells." she says, turning away from him, tossing her net onto the shore, but not before tying a loose knot in it to prevent the debris from spilling out.
She's not going to clean it up twice in one day.
"Mountain told me you're always pressing yourself up against him, rubbing his scent all over you... Are you annoyed or just jealous that I smell like him, too?"
Rain grins.
"Jealous? Of you?" he laughs, then sighs, "Perhaps a little... Did you like it?"
He steps closer.
"Him shoving his cock inside of you?" he asks, watching the faintest hint of embarrassment color her cheeks, "I bet you begged and begged and begged for him to give you more."
"Me? Beg?" Bea tilts her head, and quirks her lips, "He was the one begging."
Rain presses forward again, and Bea meets him, skin to skin.
He can feel the soft pudge of her belly against him in the water.
Warm against his naturally cold flesh.
He traces his fingers along her arm, watching her shiver.
"...I could make you beg." he offers, "If you'd like to see what I do to make the 'mountain' shake..."
Bea squirms as he lowers himself into a kneeling position.
"If you want me," he says, poking his thumbs through the belt loops of her shorts, "you'll remove these. I don't much care of the look or taste of denim."
Wordlessly, and with an almost amusing amount of haste, Bea shimmies out of her bottoms allowing Rain access to her crotch.
With a whispered 'yes' from her lips -said far quieter than needed for where they are- Rain dives in, pressing his nose against her mound and inhaling deeply.
He can smell Mountain here; Though wiped clean, but a ghoul's scent is strong, and even if Rain bemoans not being able to lick if from her, he can still taste Mountain's release, perhaps there is some still deeper inside.
He continues to nose at her cunt for a time, separating out her smell from his, trying to appreciate her scent as well.
He giggles and feels her tremble above him.
"You smell like honey... Honey Bea... how cute~" he teases, dragging his tongue along her folds before she can begin to argue.
She reminds him a bit of Dew in that way.
He always shies away from endearments and praise during sex, but if Bea is anything like the feisty fire ghoul, then he knows if he keeps pushing, he'll get what he wants.
Rain kisses her 'lips' before probing deeper with his tongue, it's messy and the sounds it makes, though muted by the water, is obscene.
Having been on both ends of such encounters, Rain is very familiar with what to do to get himself and his partners off this way, but that's not his goal here.
He pulls away just when Bea's body is about to buckle, and pushes her backwards into the water, revealing in the way she yelps as overwarm skin meets the lake.
"You jerk-!" she shouts, but, again, she is cut off by Rain.
"Have you ever been with a water ghoul before?" he asks, fingers tracing the split along his crotch, teasing the scales there, catching her confused glare, "...You haven't, have you?"
The head of his tentacle begins to peek out from between the folds, a light blue, bleeding into purple at the tip as he begins to pet it.
"I think once you have..." he says, leaning forward, cradling her neck to keep her head above water as he lines himself up, watching the surprise flicker across her face as the tentacle begins to prod at her entrance.
"...You'll realize you're not the only one who can make someone beg."
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Hello, Dreams of an Insomniac Tumblr. I felt the urge to write DoaI fic and the Sitcom AU is my opportunity. Two things that I’m unsure on because I’m VERY new to the DoaI Tumblr community:
- I don’t know everyone’s pronouns for sure. I know Alex has been confirmed they/them, I’ve predominantly heard it/its for Clyde, and for Winfrey I’ve heard both they/them and he/him, but went with just they/them to be safe.
- I don’t know the full details yet of Clyde and Winfrey’s dynamic, so that’s why I kept it a bit more ambiguous.
If there's anything I got wrong or any details you want me to know please let me know because I'd like to try to engage with this community because y'all seem like great people
Anyway enjoy this short story
Alex opened the door slowly, making sure that their new roommate wasn’t in view. It wasn’t. They quickly ducked inside and locked the door, then leaned against the wall and heaved a sigh. They were still exhausted from the events of a few nights ago, when they had found Room 66. They still needed to record that tape, and finish that plan to break the woman they had interviewed out. They still didn’t understand. Why weren’t they in trouble? Surely they would face some consequences for their actions. Surely they weren’t going to get away with what they’d done.
They raised their head slightly as they finally registered some noise in the living room. They walked in to see Clyde lying on the couch, watching something on the television. They sighed. At least it was safe. “Hey, Clyde,” they said as they walked in.
Clyde lifted its head and wagged its tail a bit as Alex sat down next to it. “Hello.”
“Did you just wake up?”
“Not just.”
“What are you watching?”
“I don’t know. I just turned it on and let it play. I like the noise.”
Alex quickly checked the curtains. Closed. Good. Clyde’s secrecy and safety was the most important thing. “If you don’t mind, can we turn it off? I need some quiet.”
“Oh. Okay.” Clyde slinked toward the TV and turned it off, then resumed its lounging position on the couch. It noticed Alex’s tired expression. “Are you okay?” it asked.
“I just need a bit.” Alex closed their eyes for a second, trying to get the image of that giant Veldigun in Room 66 out of their head. “Sorry. I’m just… still worn out from the other night.”
“Want to talk about it?” Clyde tilted its head slightly. “What did you see?”
Alex was silent for a minute. They’d done their best to not think about it or talk about it too much until they were able to fully process it. Finally, they nodded. “I’ll show you the tapes in a bit, if you want, but as for what I saw… ugh.”
Clyde shuffled around, going from a relaxed, lounging posture to an attentive and serious one. There was clear concern on its face. “There were bad things in there. Right?”
“Yeah. Lankmann himself, and of course the Veldigun he’s keeping there…”
That got Clyde’s interest. It leaned forward. “Veldigun? Like me?”
“Your kind, yeah.”
Alex pursed their lips. “I didn’t get a name. They were really tall, probably around 12 or 13 feet standing up… muscular, bulky… They had two really thick horns on the side of their head, as well. Really curly ones.”
Alex paused a bit. How did it guess... “Yeah. They were blue.”
Clyde sat back, pulled its knees into its torso, and wrapped its tail around itself. Alex heard it make a sound it never had before. It whined. The noise was almost like a dog whimpering. “Are you okay?” said Alex, scooting a bit closer.
Clyde was silent for another few moments before it finally spoke. “Winfrey…”
It was Alex’s turn to sit back and pull their knees up to their chest. Clyde had never said that name before. “Winfrey?” Alex repeated. “Is that their name?”
“Yes,” said Clyde.
“You know them?”
“Are they a friend of yours?”
Clyde kept silent.
“A partner?”
Clyde didn’t answer.
Clyde closed its eyes. “That Foundation… has Winfrey?”
“They appear to.”
“Can we save them?”
Alex stared long and hard at Clyde. They had never seen the Veldigun look so… vulnerable. So afraid. Winfrey was obviously very important to it. It clearly didn’t want to see them hurt.
“Give me some time to think up a plan. I need to break someone else out of there first. Then we can try to get Winfrey out. Ok?”
Clyde was silent for a long time, then nodded. “Ok…”
Alex nodded and stood up. “I’m going to go take a shower, and then we can talk more. That ok?”
Clyde gave them a short nod, remaining in their curled-up position. Alex walked quickly to the bathroom. They felt horrible now, knowing that Winfrey was Clyde’s… friend? Family member? Partner? They didn’t know. All that mattered was getting the woman who had helped them out of the asylum, and maybe, if they could, letting Winfrey know that Clyde was safe…
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neonacity · 3 days
Limerence | Haechan x Reader (A Lucid Special Chapter)
Limerence (n) - a feeling of all-consuming longing or desire for someone.
Summary: After years of longing, can strangers find it upon each other to forgive and remember again?
Warnings: Note: This story will NOT make sense if you have not read Lucid. Haechan is aged-up and in his early thirties. There are mentions of torture, abuse, and kidnapping. Haechan and the rest used to be really toxic.
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. I do not claim any likenesses between the characters here and their real-life counterparts. I reserve all rights to this work and I post nowhere else but Tumblr.
And with this, the story finally comes to a close.
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“This room has more smog than a city center. How many packets have you smoked?”
A sigh from somewhere made Mark blindly turn towards the only lit part of the space. Peeking in between wisps of heavy scented smoke, a bronze plate with several burning sticks stood against the light of a yellow lamp. The apparatus was resting on a handsome oak table, puttering away silently to screen the figure of a dark-haired man sitting beyond it. Mark smiled wryly to himself before taking deeper steps inside the room. 
“It’s called incense, my uncultured big brother. It’s supposed to make you feel relaxed and inspired,” came the low but lazy drawl of someone. Mark stopped just a foot away from the desk, his hands buried in his pockets.
“Let me guess, Renjun gave them?”
The other shrugged before slightly frowning at the paper in front of him. It’s obvious that he is not much up for a conversation right now, but Mark didn’t fly 15 hours to Seoul just to be snubbed by his little brother. Slowly, his eyes dropped on the pages laid out on the table, noting the scribbles and crossed-out words there. 
“Let me make another guess. The smoke isn’t really cutting it for the ‘inspiration’ part?”
At that, brown eyes snapped up to glare at him, hidden behind the slight reflection of black-rimmed glasses. The next second, he had a balled piece of paper thrown straight at his face, one he easily caught with a light laugh. 
“Did you just come here to be stabbed by me?”
“Well that’s better than being ignored by you after a long flight. Jisung asked me to make sure to check on you before I go to South East Asia. He said you haven’t been answering any of their calls.” 
The other scoffed. “Since when have we been on daily calling terms?” 
“And since when have you been so against it? Or is the great best-selling author Lee Donghyuck too popular for his brothers now?”
Another piercing glare, then followed by a roll of the eyes. Mark laughed again, noting how the shoulders of the other just ever so slightly softened.
“Well… how are you, Haechan?”
Haechan placed the steaming pot of tea on the table without even bothering to pour one for his guest. To be honest, a visit from Mark was something that he wasn’t expecting tonight, and he would have for sure bolted if not for nosy Jisung making sure he didn’t have any idea about it until the last minute. Now he is cornered and has to deal with something worse than a creative block—a brotherly talk. 
“How’s the book going?”
He waved a hand towards the littered surface of his table before taking a sip of his once scalding coffee.
“It’s going swimmingly, as you can clearly see.”
In his peripheral vision, he saw Mark’s lips slightly tighten into a line. It was an expression he knew far too well, especially with him in the context. With an internal groan, he took another drink from his cup in an effort to hide his wince. 
“I don’t think being back in this place is helping you at all. This manor, of all places… I still don’t understand why you think being here will help you finish your book.”
“Would you rather have me camp out in Rosewood then? Because I would have. If only it hadn’t been burned down.” 
Great. The words were out before he could even realize what he was saying. With a frustrated sigh, he finally looked up to see his older brother with a stoic expression, one that only clouds his usually accommodating features every time their past was mentioned. Haechan looked away guiltily, but kept his silence. 
Ten years. A long time, but a short one all the same. Even now, mentions of their old home still feel like a strike of burning metal against their insides, a proof that sometimes, your ghosts can still catch up with you at the mere mention of a word or a slip of memory. He could see it on his brother’s face now, and there is no doubt the other sees the same on him. They were older now, but under the dim lighting of the room, they looked like the same boys who ran away from the nightmare that shaped up their younger years.
So much has changed… and yet so much has remained the same. 
Mark moved on to be the official heir of the Rosewood wealth, working hard to bring back public trust on their family after they were officially cleared of suspicions of kidnapping. He rarely visited Seoul, opting to jump from one country to another to make sure their ‘businesses’ run smoothly. 
Renjun moved to Paris to start an orphanage, which also doubled as a school for children who were abused or shunned by their family. It’s where he also continued his career in art, though he opted to keep his works anonymous and mostly hidden away from the public eye. 
Jaemin is a father now to a daughter—a chatty adorable girl that he met on a visit to Renjun’s school. Both relocated to London where he had built a career as a photographer under a different name and identity.
Jeno… None of them really knows where Jeno is, only getting letters from him every now and then from different addresses. He makes sure never to miss their birthdays though, sometimes even sending some trinkets that could only give the slightest hints of where he could be living his quiet life.
Jisung and Chenle both decided to settle in China, the latter having had the need to trace down his real family before he was taken to Korea. He found nothing but a sister who accepted him back to the fold and he had been in close relations with ever since. Finally, there's their youngest Jisung who also found family there but in a different way, now a happily married man—and a father soon.
As for him? Oh he had moved on too for sure, if you could call being an author hiding under a pseudonym that, at least.
Haechan tried his best. He really did. On his good days, he would wake up and feel like the wounds have finally closed and turned to scars. Writing helped him cope for the most part, because it was a way for him to escape reality and repent for things he could never grovel for in the flesh. It kept him sane. Grounded. But more than that, it made him still feel connected… 
To you.
Of course, he knew better now to even consider himself worthy of even remembering you. He hurt you badly, stole you away from the world, and left you wounded in ways that he’ll probably spend a hundred more lifetimes to repent. Yet in those dark days when he thought what he was doing was out of love, there were also moments when you two connected from the stories you both loved. In those slivers of time, he thought—hoped—that maybe, you wanted to be with him too. 
“You didn’t have to come back here. There’s nothing to come back to anymore.”
Mark’s voice was what he needed to pull him from his spiraling thoughts again. Hand stiffening, he kept quiet, because he knew his brother was telling the truth. 
Being in the same house in the middle of the woods where he shared the days with you is not going to heal him of anything. It was not going to give him forgiveness. 
Nor was it going to give you back to him. 
The slight sound of rustling made him look up just in time to see Mark pushing a long slip of paper towards him from across the table. He picked it up and frowned at the print there. 
“Come to Hong Kong with me. You can stay there for a few months, or weeks, I don’t care. You can try and finish your book there and decide what you want to do after. You can go anywhere, except here.” 
Haechan’s gaze didn’t leave the plane ticket. He was barely touching it, and yet it felt like it was burning the pads of his fingers. From across him, he heard the sound of a chair pulled back across the floor, followed by his brother’s voice before he closed the door. 
“I leave in two days. Think about it. I hope to see you in the airport, Haechan. I know it's hard... but it’s time to finally let her go."
“What are we going to say if they ask you for updates about your book? We don’t even have a publish date yet!” 
Haechan tried his best not to bash his head against the brick wall he is leaning on. He was currently on his third stick of cigarette, and yet the nagging of his publisher was doing more to his blood than the nicotine pumping in his veins. With a sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose at the hopes of staving off an oncoming migraine.
Why the fuck did he even agree to do a book signing in the first place? And is it too late to bolt from here?
“Xiaojun, if you don’t shut up, I will walk away and not do this at all. Stop worrying too much.” 
The poor man pacing in front of him stopped and looked at him with eyes as big as saucers. If he wasn’t so irritated, he would have laughed at his reaction.
“What?! You can’t do that! There are already people waiting for you outside!” 
“Yeah? Well those people only know Lee Donghyuck, not my face. I can easily walk out the door without them recognizing me.” 
The threat holds true though. In his career, he had only held a few exclusive book signings that all required guests to turn over their phones and cameras. It was the only way he agreed to do them after Xiaojun finally cracked him down with his incessant pestering. Surprisingly, the man loved the idea, saying that his mysterious persona will add on to his popularity.
“Okay, okay fine. I’m going to stop and go back inside. But please, can you have that as your last stick? We’re about to start in five minutes.” The same man blurted out now, face pale. “You can’t ditch this. This is your first ever book signing in Seoul!” 
And probably the last, came his silent, sour thought.
“Just get in. I’ll be there on time. Make sure nobody takes pictures,” he said as he shooed the other one last time. With one last suspicious look thrown at him, he finally heard the clicking of the door. He sighed and took one last hit of his cigarette before crushing it on the bin beside him.
“Stupid Mark. This is all because of him.” 
“I love your book so much. I’ve been such a fan since the first one!” 
Haechan gave the woman a smile as he started scribbling on the copy of his book. He had lost count of how many people had said the same thing to him since the line started moving, but he accepted each one with practiced grace anyway. He might have lived as a hermit for the past few years, but that doesn’t mean he had lost his flair for charm for necessary situations like this. At least that’s what he can say from the way the guests, especially the women, seem to blush and look just a little disoriented when speaking to him.
“Thank you so much. Who is your favorite character?”
“Oh I love IL Bagatto! The Magician! I think he is so different from the rest.” 
He gave a slight laugh as he flicked his wrist to finish writing his signature. “Good choice. He is my favorite too. Thank you so much for supporting my work.” 
“Only five more,” Xiaojun mumbled quietly behind him as the man placed the final fresh batch of books on the table. As he waited for the next person to come, Haechan took the chance to reach out for his glass of water to take a sip. 
“Thankfully. I need a new pen. This one’s out of ink,” he grumbled back.
He had just uncapped the new marker he was handed when a shadow fell over his table. Like auto-pilot, he reached out for the top book from his pile when a soft voice stopped him.
“Oh. I’m so sorry… But would it be alright if I have my old copy signed instead?” 
It felt like the floor dropped under him with the way his lungs stopped breathing. Like the flip of a switch, everything around him fell silent, except for a heavy thudding that banged against his ears. It almost seemed like an out of body experience as he slowly looked up to meet a pair of eyes he had begged all that is holy to never let him see again in his living days.
You smiled at him, and all of a sudden there was a God that cared for the heavens again. 
“Yah… Hyuck… there are people waiting.”
He barely felt the slight nudge that Xiaojun gave him as he continued staring at you like you were a ghost. The world could be burning around him right now for all he cared. It was only when your smile slightly wavered did he snap out of his trance, your gaze hesitantly moving to the book that you have placed on the table.
“A-ah… it’s fine if I get a new copy. I don’t want to hold you back,” you said in the same voice that he remembered even after all those years that passed. Haechan felt his heart constrict as he tried to search for something else in your face. 
You… Do you remember…?
“Your name. What’s your name?” 
You looked a little worried yourself as you heard him croak a reply. Quietly, you answered as he blindly pulled the book towards him. It was only then that he realized it was not the same one as the title he is signing for today, but his very first story.
The Girl By The Window. 
The same book he was drafting when he last saw you in the hostel by the woods. The one whose pages you picked up and read under the dying light of the sun before he lost you again.
“I know this is just the start, but the way you wrote her makes me feel like you love her deeply as an author.” 
It took him his last strand of self-control as he heard your voice utter your name. Fingers shaking, he turned the battered cover of the book and flipped to the first page where his author dedication was. The copy was a soft cover version, and he noticed how well-loved it was from the yellowing paper and the earmarked pages. Shakily, he started writing there, barely aware of the words he scrawled. 
“That’s my favorite page. That dedication,” you said with a breathy laugh as you watched him sign. “To be loved is to be remembered. I think it’s a very beautiful quote.” 
Haechan looked up and felt himself drowning in your eyes. It only lasted for a few more seconds, but the way you held each other’s gaze felt as if every single day you spent apart came together as a singular unit in that moment. When he handed you back your book, he knew he had once again crossed a boundary he promised himself he would never tread again. 
“Can you wait for me to finish the signing? I want to talk to you… About this book.” 
He watched as your eyes rounded in slight surprise, before giving a slight nod to hide away what he just whispered from a curious Xiaojun over his shoulder. Without another word, you walked on, clutching the still warm book against your chest. 
He found you at the end of the classics aisle, silently reading a book opened on your right palm. The bookstore is mostly empty now, except for a handful who mostly stayed at the front of the shop where the new releases are. The aisle where you are is a long one, and he simply stood at the end of it in silence, giving himself a few seconds to admire you from afar.
You looked so beautiful that he almost wished he could spend longer to just stare at you from a distance. The vision of you standing there, content in your silence and peace sent a painful throb through his chest. You looked so… safe with yourself. So free. All of the things he had only seen in his dreams, none of which consisted of him. In that moment, Haechan realized what he was about to start the moment he takes another step closer to you. This couldn’t be right… It has been ten years. He can’t throw that all away and mess it all up for you again. 
He took a step back to walk away… 
But then you looked up and said the words that turned his world upside down again.
It felt like he had swallowed fire at that moment. Every part of him was burning—his hands that want to reach out to you, to his heart that seemed ready to burst out of his chest. He walked towards you slowly, as if afraid the image of you would disappear like an illusion if he approached you too fast. But you stayed there, resolved and unafraid. 
“You waited…” he whispered, breathless. You turned your body to him fully now, closing the book you were reading.
“You asked me to…” 
His eyes fell on the cover that you were holding and he felt his breath silently catch in his throat again. Shining in gold letters etched against the cover were two words. 
Wuthering Heights. 
“What do you want to talk to me about?” Your voice shook him back from his trance. You were looking at him so openly and yet he can’t read a single thing from you. Do you remember? Are you here to punish him? Or do you still not know him?
“How do you know my name?” It was not how he intended to ask the question, but it was the only thing he managed to push out now. You stared at him for a few heartbeats before finally giving a small smile and showing him the other book on your hand.
“You wrote it in the dedication you signed for me… Here,” blankly, he blinked at the page he just wrote on earlier, the black ink still fresh there. He didn’t even realize that’s how he signed.
Silence fell on both of you then. You patiently waited for him to say more, while he was right there, combusting and putting himself together again and again internally. He didn’t plan ahead of this. How could he? He was never even meant to see you again.
“I was just—I was surprised when you brought my first book out. It has been so long since I…” he fumbled now, at a loss of what to say. It’s not too late yet, a voice inside him said. She doesn't remember. You can still walk away.
“I wanted to know why you like it.”
No. No, I don't. 
“Ah…You must be curious as its author,” you said kindly as you looked at the copy fondly. “It just felt so raw and real. To be honest, I stumbled upon it at a low point in my life and it helped me a lot. I can see how much you felt for her… the character you wrote.” 
His throat felt dry. He didn’t know what to say to that. 
“May I ask a question?" you asked again when it seemed like he has lost his tongue.
Do you still feel the same?” 
His gaze snapped back to you. The way you stared at him was still unreadable, but there was something in the light of your eyes that made the chaos in him slowly quiet down. It was as if you took hold of a thread inside of him and slowly pulled at it to unravel him slowly. 
“Feel what…?” 
“Love her. Do you still love her, Haechan?” 
That was all it took for the rest of the world to fall away around him. Fear was replaced with something else. No, that's wrong. He is still afraid, but he is willing. 
“I do. It never changed,” he said softly as he took another step towards you. You didn’t move back, even when he slowly raised his hand to cup your face.
“And you? Do you still like the way I loved her?” 
“I do. And do not at the same time,” you paused, and for a moment he could see it. All the answers he was looking for as he gazed down on your face.
“You hurt her.”
“I know.”
“You abandoned her. All of you did.” 
“We did…”
“You didn’t come back after taking everything from her.” 
“We didn’t think we deserved to come back. None of us did.” 
“And now? What do you think of it now?” 
Haechan paused, allowing himself to review every right reason why he is wrong for you. Yet, for every mistake and every risk, he found an excuse to never let you go again.
“I’ll stay. Even if I spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you… If you let me.” 
You watched him, thoughtful and doubting. He was ready to grovel to your feet at your denial. He'll beg you if you want him to, like the lost man he is.
But then you smiled.
“Even if I make you suffer for every wrong thing you did?” 
He stilled, surprised, before a soft laugh broke his silence. Gently, he lifted his other hand to cradle your face and tip it back. With a sigh, he leaned over to press his forehead against you.
“You can torture me every day of our life and I’ll still thank you at the end of it, noona."
This time, it was your turn to chuckle. You waited as he slowly dipped his face to yours, but stopped him just before your lips met.
“What’s your favorite story?” 
He smiled before finally meeting your lips together.
“You. Forever you."
Taglist: I only added those who were part of my taglist for Lucid previously (those who still haven't deactivated, at least!) @marijmin, @cabaretyun, @jhornytrash, @pukupukupawpau, @vsszn, @grandmasterslickfox @haoshitt , @furryllamas , @mindofthescattered @bettyschwallocksyee , @strawbunnyjaem , @huangberryyy
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sorritalasorra · 2 days
Blue Lock Boyfriend Bachira Meguru!
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You two probably met by mere coincidence of running into each other
You apologized for running into him and compliment his soccer skills which confuses him because most people run off from him
You didn’t know then but his heart was beating faster then normal from the warm feeling that had entered his chest, a sensation he rarely felt 🥹
He found himself quickly gravitating towards you and eventually found his way to your heart ❤️
Before Blue Lock
Literally worships the ground you walk on 🧎🏽‍♀️
LOVES pda because it announces to everyone you guys are an item 🥹
Dates everywhere and anywhere because as long as you guys are together he’s on cloud 9 😭
A sucker for cuddles, his favorite kind (even though he loves all cuddles) are when you two are just melted into each other ❤️
Calls you the mushiest pet names he can think of with no shame (POOKIE)
His wallpaper would be a picture of you in a field full of flowers (he thinks you look like a angel) or a picture of you two in matching clothes 🌻
During Blue Lock
Misses you so much and he will tell you that every single time you guys talk 😭
Will rewatch videos and look at pictures of you guys together to make himself feel better but it actually makes him miss you even more 😭
Sends pictures of himself looking sad to show you how much he misses you (pouting pictures)
His teammates know so much about you even your favorites of everything because of how much he talks about you 🥹
Calls you every single night even if it disrupts the sleep of his fellow blue lock participants ☠️
He won’t have any shame calling you late hours into the night…
Definitely got yelled at by Rin to shut his phone off or else he was going to get it 💀
Bachira is very grateful for your support in understanding his dreams and why he went into Blue Lock. It’s very painful to be apart from each other but he knows it’ll all be worth it in the end so he can make you proud. ❤️
Author note: Very sorry for my long hiatus, the past school year was such a toll on me physically and mentally. I’d hit a writers block trying to create new pieces of work in the small free time I had. I’m slowly making my way out of the block and will hopefully post more soon! Thank you for your patience! :)
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papercorgiworld · 2 days
Hey, I just wanted to know if you are taking requests right now and if yes then would you be comfortable writing angst or sad stuff. If not it's totally understandable.
Sending you lots of love and purrs
Hello not so anon anon, thank you for dropping by in my inbox darling! AND OMG YOU KNOW I LOVE PURRSS! So obviously lost of love and purrs back! I hope you like this! Happy readings, though Tom's version is pretty sad so not so happy readings...
What we could’ve been
A very angsty Mattheo and (any) Tom imagine 😭
When you're dying feelings are confessed. Both endings are more or less open, but still sad.
I find writing angst very difficult so definitely feedback me.
You had been forced to switch schools after a series of mysterious events had followed you around at your previous school. Your parents had chosen Hogwarts as the safest school for you and Dumbledore welcomed you regardless of your rather dubious academic history. 
You had been looking for answers. You had been desperate to find out the truth, too desperate. Of the very few friends you had made at Hogwarts none of them had time to follow you on this quest. You should have waited, but you didn’t. A small light shone from your wand as you walked through the forbidden forest in search of an enchanted pond. Your heart sped up with each sinister noise you heard, making you turn around to stare at the darkness of the forest.
“Drown in truth.” You read the words carved into a nearby rock. “This should be the spot.” You mutter to yourself, your heart going even faster now that you have found the pond. The water was exceptionally clear and you kneel to dip your fingers into the chill water, disturbing the suspiciously still and peaceful water. 
Quietly Mattheo entered the castle grounds, he admired the beautiful sky and found himself ridiculous for lying to his friends, but he wasn’t ready to admit to them that you were becoming more than a friend to him. He had left the quidditch celebration party early even though slytherin had won, he wasn’t in a party mood since all he could think about was you. With a lame excuse he had left his friends in search of you, expecting you to be at the castle.
Before the quidditch game you had asked him to meet you after the game for another quest. He had turned you down, feeling pressured to keep up an act since his friends were watching. In the past few months the two of you had become something of an unusual team. There was just something so intriguing about you. At first Mattheo told himself that he just wanted to know who you were and why you switched schools, then you became this team obsessed with finding out what sort of magic hung around you. But even though you were a team and it was obvious to most that you two were slowly falling in love, Mattheo was terrified of anyone finding out that he was in love with the weird and mysterious new girl.
There’s nothing wrong with choosing my friends over her, she has to understand. She’s not an unreasonable person; she'll be happy that I returned early. Maybe we still have enough time to check out this new clue she had found and- Mattheo is torn from his thoughts when your patronus appears in front of him in an unusual colour, he looks for you but doesn’t spot you in the empty courtyard. When he returns his eyes to your animagus it’s quickly moving away. Mattheo follows it but soon realises it’s in a hurry and summons his broom so he can fly after it. His heart starts pounding at a terrifying rate as he enters the forest and realises that his worst fear is becoming reality: you were in danger. 
The only thing Mattheo remembered was that he had carried your unconscious body into the infirmary, where Madam Pomfrey shrieked in panic at the sight. Sitting on the floor against the wall next to the door of the infirmary with his head hanging low Mattheo ignores the approaching footsteps. “We heard.” Enzo says standing together with Draco. “Blaise and Theo have teamed up with Granger to see if they can find a cure.” Enzo continues, but Mattheo doesn’t want to hear these preaches of false hope. “There’s no cure for dying.” Mattheo’s voice sounds defeated and tired. After a moment of silence Mattheo lifts his head to let it rest against the wall behind him, like he can’t hold it up without support. His drained eyes move to Draco and Enzo. “I heard Dumbledore and Pomfrey. She’s cursed, she’s slowly dying and there’s nothing they can do except let the life in her slip away.” There’s a crack as he says those last words and the air among them gets heavier. 
Draco bends to level Mattheo sitting on the ground. “Have you talked to her?” Draco almost whispers and Mattheo looks at him with dead eyes. “She’s…” Mattheo falls silent and Draco fills in. “..dying, not dead. You can still talk to hear, she might hear.” Mattheo huffs. “And say what? Good luck on the other side.” The cynical tone in Mattheo’s voice makes Draco look up at Enzo for support. “Tell her what everyone wants to hear… that they are loved.” Mattheo, who had expected Enzo to speak up, looks surprised when he sees his brother approach. “Quit self pitying and go be with her.” Tom says calmly but there’s a sternness in his voice. 
Mattheo holds your hand in his as he places a soft kiss on your hand. He notices he’s holding his breath and takes a deep breath before looking at your peaceful face. With one hand still holding yours his other hand brushes through your hair, before his thumb gently strokes your cheek. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” Mattheo whispers and his voice cracks while his eyes get glassy. “I should’ve been there. I knew it was important to you.” A silent tear rolls over Mattheo’s cheek and he moves a little closer to you, taking in your perfect face. “You are important. You mean so much to me. I’ll never forgive myself for- Godss, I should’ve been with you. We, you and I, we could’ve figured this out… and whatever or whoever was after you, we could’ve defeated them.” 
Mattheo lets his head fall as it pains him to watch you stay silent, knowing that every second a little more of your light slips away. There’s tears rolling down his cheeks, but he bites back and looks back at you forcing himself to man up. With a brave voice and intense eyes he confesses: “I need you to hear me, because I need you to know that-that I love you.” Imagines of you smiling flash through his mind. He can hear you say his name and he remembers what it felt like when you were pressed against him that one time you had to hide in a broom closet together. You are such a beautiful person. The world will lose its light as you lose yours.
Mattheo runs a hand over his face drying his tears, telling himself he has no right to feel this way over someone he failed. He clenches his jaw and squeezes your hand, knowing that he needs to say his goodbye. 
“Matt!” Blaise yells, making Mattheo turn to see Hermione, Theo and Blaise approach. Theodore and Hermoine stop in front of Madam Pomfrey to show her something in a clearly very old and dusty book, but Blaise walks towards Mattheo. “We believe she’s stuck in a dream- more like a nightmare, but if we get her out, if we help her get out of the nightmare than, maybe,... she’ll live.” Mattheo just stares in silence at Blaise as he tries to process what Blaise had just told him. Maybe I get to have a second chance and have a life with you after all. Suddenly one specific memory takes over Mattheo’s mind, your voice rings in his head.
“Matt! Stop smoking, it's not healthy.” Mattheo rolls his eyes but immediately puts his pack of smokes back into his pocket rather than taking one. “Look, I saw this today.” You turn to him with a poster of the yule ball. “What’s up with this? I didn’t know Hogwarts had a dance.” Mattheo holds the poster but instantly gives it back. “Just some stupid dance that gets everyone excited over lame music and itchy outfits.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets as you still scan over the poster. “Did you find anything in that book that we took from that dungeon yesterday?” Mattheo asks changing the subject back to the things you always talked about. “Yes!” You say excited, before you explain everything to him while making him fall in love with your perfection.
“Matt, there’s hope.” Blaise says pulling Mattheo away from the memory. I really need to ask this silly girl to go to the dance with me. If I get the chance… Mattheo balls his fists as he tries to stay strong and not fall apart. 
Tom had shot your plan to search for the pond down the minute you had suggested it and on top of that he had called you an imbecile for even considering it. Obviously you took it very well and stormed off without even saying a word. 
The image of your pain filled eyes as his words had hit you burned stronger in Tom’s mind with each step he took in the direction of the infirmary. You hadn’t even argued with him, you were so hurt that you had just turned around and left him, standing alone in the hallway with his foul tongue. Tom halts at the door seeing you lying on a hospital bed, still and peaceful. His mind plays the image of you walking away again, a painful reminder that he shouldn’t have let you go.
I should have watched over you as I’ve been doing for the past few months. Walk with you, watch you study, help you research the most bizarre places in search of answers. Tom pushes himself away from the door back into the hallway, feeling suffocated at the view of your still body on the hospital bed. He couldn’t face you. It was too late to show up now. He should’ve stuck with you and helped you instead of… Tom grips at his hair and lets himself fall against the wall behind him, cursing himself under his breath. 
His attempt to push you away, keep you at a distance and avoid catching feelings had obviously failed. His heart ached. He cursed himself under his breath, how dare he be so weak to fall in love instead of pursuing greater goals. 
“You should comfort her.” Dumbledore spoke, seemingly coming out of nowhere, startling Tom. Within a second Tom bites back all his emotions, afraid of looking weak, especially to Dumbledore. “She’s dying. Dead people don’t need comfort. The ones around them need it. They live with it after all.” There’s a hint of pity in the headmaster’s eyes at Tom’s cold tone. “I find that comforting others can be comforting as well.” Dumbledore speaks calmly and Tom wants to reject whatever the old fool has to say, but nevertheless ends up considering it. Tom’s eyes wander to the open door of the hospital wing. 
You weren’t dead yet, you were dying and Tom really didn’t want his last words to you to be an insult. With each step he took towards you his cold hands got more shaky until a trembling hand reached to stroke your cheek. “How do you still manage to be the most beautiful girl in such a dire situation? You truly are a wonder to this world.” Your body felt colder than he was used to and it made his heart sink. “What I said earlier… you didn’t deserve it… but then again it was your own fault, making a monster like me fall in love… I break all things precious, I can’t help it, it scares me, you have scared me from day one. You’ve held my heart from the moment we met and wherever you’re going now, you’ll take it with you and I don’t mind. For as little time that I’ve had with you it was all I ever needed, to know that true love exists.” 
A single lonely tear rolls down Tom’s cheek, reaching his lips as he bows to place a kiss on your forehead. With dead eyes Tom focusses on your gentle features as a way to calm himself, while bringing his wand to his temple to strip himself of every memory he had of you and every dream he planned with you.
The memory: “Will you take me?” Tom can’t hide his smile as he looks over to the new girl he’s been studying with for the past few weeks. “To my favourite bookshop?” He questions and you nod with a happy smile. “It sounds so picturesque.” A joyful half smile tugs on Tom’s lips. “Maybe I will.”
The dream: “Tom! The new delivery of books has come, you want to help me sort them?” Tom appears leaning against the doorframe leading to your house attached to your very own bookshop. “When I brought you this place I didn’t expect you to put me to work in it as well…” You huff holding two books, one in each hand. “It’s books! How dare you call it work!” You jokily argue and your boyfriend laughs, but his laugh fades in your ears as you notice something in the box. “What’s this?” You place the books you were holding on a nearby table and reach for a small box. “Only one way to find out.” Tom says slowly walking towards you as you open the box to reveal an elegant and shiny ring. “Will you marry me?” Tom whispers in your ear as he now stands behind you and you quickly turn around smiling. 
The last image of you is a smiling one, but fades non the less as Tom strips himself of everything about you. A shocked Dumbledore arrives to find that Tom has locked all that he holds so dear in a small vile. “Why take the easy way out?” The headmaster asks with a pained voice. Tom looks at Dumbledore questioningly before looking at the vile and lifting his shoulders. “Can’t remember.”
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