#I love him so so much and so does eddie diaz
houseofevanbuckley · 2 days
I just have this head canon that one night while he and Tommy are just sleeping, Buck has this awful nightmare where he relives Eddie getting shot. Tommy is jarred away by Buck scrambling out of bet and rushing to the bathroom to wash his face in his confusion. It's a terrifying thing but once Tommy has Buck back in bed and Buck tearfully tells him what the dream was about, he's so understanding and amazing he actually bundles Buck up and they go to their Diaz boys together, no jealous or insecurity, just the five of them being their for each other like a whole ass family
This ! All of this !
I wish my baby wasn’t hurt that way but it is part of him now. It wouldn’t be his first nightmare while he sleeps with Tommy, but it’s the first one that’s strong enough that he can’t hide it. Waking up gasping for hair, his arm scratching at his chest trying to claw at his lungs to make them work! To make them do their job. The darkness of the room closing on him while his lungs are.still.not.working!
And then light appear and Tommy’s arms get around him, pulling him agasint his chest. He put his own hand on Buck’s chest, rubbing on it while he talks in his ear. Just repeating numbers again and again, getting Buck to focus on him. “ In, 1 2,3,4… Out 5,6,7,8,9… In,12,3,4”
It takes a while but he finally can get a breath in, making the stars that were starting to appear over his vision recede.
They stay silent for a while, tremors still running over Buck’s body, being replaced by Tommy hands rubbing along his arms, his chest.
Tommy doesn’t want to push Buck so he waits for him for a minute, and then two, and three.
Until he feels water on the arm rubbing Buck’s chest.
“Baby…” he says, pain in his voice at seeing his boyfriend like that.
He pulls him more agasint his own body, his chest covering the entirety of Buck’s back like a shield, and Buck breaks.
His breath stutters but the panic doesn’t come back. He talks then. He talks about that boy they saved. About how proud and happy Eddie was when they left his house. He was right. He saved that boy. And then the bullet. The blood. The hiding under a car. The dragging. And the wait. The wait for help, the time running away as they struggled to get away. To get to the real help, to the hospital.
And more wait.
Tears are flowing freely as he talks about it. Telling Christopher. Waiting again.
And Tommy gets it. He was in the military. He gets seeing his people shot, the one that are here to support you, to help you. Brothers and sisters. His heart break for his boy. His sweet boy who just want to save the world, to protect the ones he loves and even the ones he doesn’t.
He should have never been in this situation, none of them should have.
He takes a decision then. He may not be able to bring his own ghost back, but Buck doesn’t have these. His people are here, and they’re ready to support him.
He stands up when Buck finally calm down enough that he feel he can leave him for a few second.
He goes doesnstairs to get some water and grab his phone on the counter, sending a quick text to Eddie. Not saying too much, he knows Buck would rather run away than talks about his nightmare, but he says enough.
He goes up to Buck’s room, with some room temperature water, something that wouldn’t attack his throat or his body with some temperature chock.
He has him drink two glasses before he put the bottle on the bedside table and tells him to stand up while he grabs Buck’s comfy hoodie on his dresser and a sweatpants.
“Wha-what?” bucks asks, bewildered by clothes being thrown his way.
Tommy who comes back in front of him and kiss his birthmark
“Trust me, baby”
And Buck does. He does completely.
It takes them ten minutes to get fully ready. Tommy heard his phone buzz downstairs and when they go down he sees the answer he expected.
“Come on, baby” he says grabbing his boyfriend hand and gently pulling him outside and to his care.
“Where are we going ?”
“Where you need to be”
It takes them less than 20 minutes to reach the Diaz house, at 4 am the traffic is quiet all over town and Buck has recognized the way they were taking half way through their trip
“It’s ok baby,” he says, putting his hand on Buck’s thighs the rest of the way.
When they reach the house, Eddie is waiting at the door, hair in every direction, tank top and sweatpants on.
He welcomes them with a hug each, lingering in Buck’s when he feels how Buck sags against him and Tommy just watches with a soft smile and a grateful nod when Eddie looks his way.
They make their way inside and Christopher is sitting at the table, ice cream boxes open in front of him with some bowls, a documentary is playing on low volume on the tv and the boy smile at Buck, his own hair reflecting his dad’s.
“Guys,” whispers Buck, awed that anyone would do that. That they’d wake up for him, be there for him. He turns back to Tommy who took him there, kissing him on the lips softly.
“Thank you,” he says, eyes shining.
“Come on baby,” says Tommy, guiding him to the table, “gotta be quick before Christopher steals all the chocolate mint.”
They stay there the rest for he night and well into the day. Being there for Buck this night, like they’d be there for the others on an other night. Like a family should
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This is going to be a very rambling and venty post cause im tired and annoyed and honestly am just using this to vent my anger/hurt. there is going to be stuff that can maybe be seen as anti tommy/bucktommy (please dont tell me a ship name to put i dont care about if they do have an agreed upon ship name right now) so if you dont want that please just move on. i dont want to fight i just want to yell into the void on a stupid throw away account so i dont bring my negativity stew and come out on my main blog where i just want to enjoy my stuff and just keep happy energy. I dont normally post and try and just find someone who explains it better because im not great and getting what im saying across or understood the way i want, so please bear with me. With that said i will move on to what i want to say
Okay so i have been watching 9-1-1 for years and i love and adore it. Its characters and dynamics and i have always loved found family. Now i will admit that i started watching it thinking that Buck and Eddie were a couple and had a son so i was kinda watching for it. Do i think if i didn't start watching thinking that i would ship them still yes 100%. I have always loved their relationship and i have loved watching both Buck and Eddie grow and start to be happy while also having each others back even at the worst times. Sometimes if i think to hard about Eddie and start crying cause I'm very normal about this show and it characters. Now Eddie is my favorite character in the show and at least in my top five overall favorite characters. I love him and his development and i adore seeing how much he does to just do right by Chris even when he messes up you can tell how much he adores that boy and how badly he wants to give Chris the best life possible. I could write essays about Eddie Diaz trying to explain how much i love him and why and i think words would run out before i could finish making people understand. Buddie is my favorite ship (sometimes second depending on my mood. i would say sorry but Henren and Madney will always be amazing ships and sometimes i just cant stop think about them)(Sorry Bathena i love you too i swear i just cant decide if i wanna kiss athena or be adopted by bobby and athena:( Its confusing) and has been for quite awhile and is one of my overall favorites and its one of my comfort ships.
With that context when bi Buck happened i was so insanely happy and i wouldnt shut up about it. it made me sick. i was so happy for Buck and while i think a part of me will always be a little sad Eddie wasnt his first kiss with a guy i dont think either of them are ready for that. i also understand that it wouldnt make sense for how the story is going right now. Now i have nothing against bucktommy in the show. I have watched the kiss scene and sobbed to much to pretend like i hate them or even dislike them. However I genuinely dont care about Tommy. Hes kinda bland and i forget about him half the time and before they brought him back i completely forgot his name. in my mind he was the one that wasnt as much of an asshole to chim and hen as the other two assholes which wasnt saying a lot. Now I dont dislike tommy nor am i going to act like hes irredeemable because neither Chim nor Hen seem to think hes still that guy and while they dont seem super close they seem to get along so clearly, he's not like that anymore. I have nothing that makes me dislike him nor do I like him. He's just there. He's just the guy buck kissed. Thats all he means to me. I would give up his screen time for Ravi or May or Karen in a heartbeat. because i love them cause they mean something to me. I don't think i thought about the fact that people might actually like him especially not more than EDDIE.
This is where the context matters cause i am to my core a one ship per person girly. I might see a ship and people who like it and even think thats not a terrible ship but i will still only look at content for my ship for that person (ie. i ship Destiel (dont say anything bad about them ill cry<3) but i can see the way someone would also ship Dean and Benny or crowley or Cas and Crowley or Mick but i will ignore the ship and move on and look at more Dean and Cas). normally i will just ignore the ship and move on because im not who its for. If it gets annoying in my tag or anything like that ill block it or whoever is annoying me cause its not a them problem that i dont want to see it. When i start to have a problem is when multiple people arent tagging right for whatever reason or people who are being rude about the ship i like because of their ship. When I started seeing Bucktommy stuff more and more in the 9-1-1 tag i went to the buddie tag cause i dont want to see them. my problem is that when im reading on AO3 and click on a fic tagged Buddie where bucktommy get married. it was literally just hurting Eddie. There was stuff before like id be scrolling though the buddie tag here and see someone saying that Tommy is a better character then Eddie and saying that they hope bucktommy is endgame. Whatever block and move on. Just like always but then people who have shipped buddie for years who ive seen talk about them are suddenly saying that they like bucktommy better. People who started watching because of bucktommy saying they dont like Eddie. People are going to have different opinions but it still bugged me. and then i read that and i was just hurt because it was tagged happy ending and i cannot fathom ever thinking Eddie hurting and pining is a happy ending. So i started to get more annoyed and i hate when that happens especially with a show i love and a character i dont dislike so i tried to just move on but more and more people are taking about it then i saw someone saying that they wanted eddie to die so buck and tommy can have Chris.
I just hate that so many people are jumping on the bucktommy train and saying that they like it better than buddie something that is so good and sweet or saying that they like Tommy more than Eddie. I just dont get it cause Tommy is boring. like yeah we now some about him and he flies a helicopter but hes forgettable he could be a completely different person and next to nothing would have to change. We have seen Eddie at his worst and claw his way back up and hes finally letting himself be open and honest and soft. Eddie couldnt be replaced. Now im not saying Tommy can't be an interesting character but as he is right now?? He just isnt. Hes just as bland as every women (minus Taylor and Shannon) Buck and Eddie have dated and been hated on for no reason!!! Like i get that Tommy is a guy and we got canon Bi Buck and people are happy but those same people turn around and shit on Marisol from what ive seen(I could be wrong cause again i have done my best to avoid). Buddie fans arent safe from that either, cause we all know that Buddie fans do that but so many of those people who hated on them and said they didnt want them with anyone else suddenly decided that they were okay if Buck ended up with any guy. I dont know its just weird and i hate how many people are acting like Eddie isnt always going to be better then Tommy. Part of me wanted Tommy to stick around and help Buck and Eddie figure it all out but now?? i honestly just cant wait for him to be gone cause I want to have fun and read fics for my comfort ship and just chill where i can see all of my ships in the show without buck and tommy being everywhere or people saying crap about Eddie.
I have more to say but most of its about how gratifying waiting and seeing where this whole thing goes(Buddie season 8 PLEASE!!) and this is already why to long and i think im just going in circles and none of this makes sense so ima shut up for now and hopefully this will help it not fester and drive me insane and become a tommy hater
Edit: but i also hate that Tommy calls Buck Evan so he already had some stuff against him rip
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Several Sentences Sunday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON FanFic: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 27 will be posted tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. I'm in the final stage of completing it and after I do, I'll proofread and edit it then I'll post it on AO3.
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Currently 26 chapters completed: 1M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
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I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 27 because at the end of Chapter 26, while Buck was sleeping, he made a sound that Eddie hadn't heard before then he immediately sat up in bed and called Eddie's name. He was in a daze when he did and to Eddie, Buck appeared to be still dreaming but since his eyes were open, he started talking to him to get his attention.
They spent the majority of the day before in the hospital after Buck collapsed in Eddie's arms and suffered a bradycardia event of epic proportions. He was unconscious and unresponsive after he received a package that was delivered to the firehouse while they were in Europe. Once he opened it and read the letter, he reached the part where it stated someone died and it reminded him of his own death and it triggered the event.
All three members of the Diaz family are supporting one another as Buck faces the fact that he died last year and as he proceeds to deal with all 7 stages of grief.
Here's a romantically fluffy and almost smutty snippet from Chapter 27 of Buck and Eddie being head over heels in love with each other.
Buck breaks the sound barrier first and admits, “Eddie, I love you, so much.  Do you know how much I love you?”
“I do.”  He smiles and stretches his arms out as far as they’ll go and replies, “This much.”
“More!”  He whispers as he moves closer and positions himself so he’s on top of his husband. He leans down and kisses him passionately and after he pulls back, he looks him in the eyes and says, “I love you to infinity and beyond.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows.  “My love… did you just hit me with a line from the movie “Toy Story”?  Didn’t Buzz Lightyear say that?”  Eddie knows the movie and the line because Chris watched it over and over again when he was 6 years old.
Buck laughs and Eddie does too and before they know it, they’re both crying from laughing so hard.
When their laughter subsides, Buck says, “Yeah… he did but it’s the only way I could think of to describe how much I love you.”
And who is Eddie to refute that.  “I love you to infinity and beyond too” then he lifts his head and presses his lips to Buck’s and when he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, he opens for him.
The kiss is tantalizing and magnificent because it’s filled with love, passion and devotion and when Eddie rolls his tongue like he rolls his "Rs" when he speaks Italian and Spanish, Buck thinks his heart’s going to explode in his chest because he wants to feel his husband all over him.
It’s been more than a week, actually it’s been 13 days but Buck thinks who’s counting, then he realizes he has and he can’t wait for Eddie to be buried deep inside of him again.
After more than a minute, they break it because they need to come up for air and when they do, Eddie looks at his husband and he wants to make love to him so bad right now but in the back of his mind, he hears, “You know you aren’t supposed to” but his heart and the bulge in his pants causes him to breathlessly say, “Ciò che vuoi!” [“Tell me what you want!”]
“VOI!  [“YOU!”]
And that’s all it takes for them to crash their lips into each other’s again and for Buck to start undressing his husband while speaking Italian in his ear.  “Voglio che tu faccia l’amore con me!” [“I want you to make love to me”].
Eddie’s breath hitches in his throat but then everything that happened and was said to them on Monday comes back to the front of his mind like a whirlwind.  He gasps and after he catches his breath, he whispers, “Amore mio, we should st—op!”
Buck keeps kissing that soft spot underneath his earlobe that drives him wild and after he scrapes his teeth over it, he asks, “Don’t you want me because… I really want you?  Eddie, I need you!”
Without hesitation, he admits, “Of course I—I do… I always want you, more than anything but you know we can’t… not right now.  We have to wait until…”
Why did Eddie tell Buck they have to wait to make love? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-26 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 27 will be posted tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. I'm in the final stage of completing it and after I proofread and edit it, I'll post it.
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bibibuck · 1 month
evan buckley is such a funny person, i swear to god. he’s jealous of his best friend making another friend?his best friend eddie diaz? who made buck his son’s legal fucking guardian? who let buck see him at his most vulnerable and raw with tears streaming down his face and blood on his knuckles? eddie diaz who looks at him like buck is the beginning and end of his universe? eddie diaz who said his first name as if it was a prayer he practiced and practiced and practiced until it became his only creed?
oh evan buckley, you are a special one.
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p4nishers · 1 year
can we bring pining buck back? i miss him.
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chronicowboy · 3 months
if buck's season 7 arc is gonna be about christopher, that's better to me than canon buddie.
Something about that doesn't it well with me. Feels fandom can't take the fact that Chris is Eddie's son.
no i'm fully aware that christopher is eddie's son. the amount i've written about eddie and fatherhood is exponential and i always want to write more because eddie is literally the best dad i've ever seen in media. what i meant by that post, admittedly not worded great, is that i don't want a big buck arc this season, he's had A Lot of storytime recently, so i'd love it if he got a little arc with christopher - which is a big unresolved aspect of his character especially after last season - meanwhile we get a full eddie arc maybe one following him juggling fatherhood with dating.
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the-likesofus · 1 month
Buddie Fic Recs
This is my 5th Buddie Rec List! I started compiling this list last April and omg looking back through them now I desperately need to reread them all. Highly recommend all of these fics, also please show the authors some love in their comments xx Happy Easter lovelies <3 REMINDER TO CHECK THE TAGS AND TRIGGER WARNINGS
where our eyes are never closing by @rewritetheending | T | 6k
After the lightning strike, Buck asks Eddie to take candid photos of him to help prove to Buck that he still exists. Absolute PEAK Softness. Buck through Eddie's eyes! I was a mushy puddle by the end. 10/10 would recommend. 
i got all my sisters with me by @useramor | T | 6k
Established relationship Buddie. Eddie’s sister has a baby and they travel down to Texas to meet the baby. DIAZ SIBLINGS UNITE! Seriously though the sibling dynamic in this is off the charts and Buck and Eddie are sickeningly in love, it is quite beautiful.
meet me where the tide comes in by @iinryer | G | 4k
A 3+1 fic about Eddie getting kissed on the head. FOREHEAD KISSES PTSD MORE HEAD KISSES AND BOYS IN LOVE!! Need I say anything more??
The one where Buck gets turned into a dog by @911onabc | G | 9k
Law Suit era BUT WAIT WAIT….DOG BUCK!! I am a sucker for fic where one of them gets turned into an animal. They are much more free with their affection when they think it's just a dog, or just a cat, and the bond between Eddie and "Boy" is so so wonderful. And I do love a happy ending xx
can't do this anymore (do it anyway) by @chronicowboy | T | 2k
Short and sweet but GOD this packs a punch. Eddie starts dating after the lightning strike and Buck is feeling Big Bad about it. He is so sad it truly breaks my heart but all works itself out in the end and Eddie proves Buck’s fears wrong.
We Found Each Other (Over There)  by @thekristen999 | T | 46k
Buddie WWII AU. A combat medic and a G.I. meet during one of the world’s greatest battles. This fic is a legitimate masterpiece. I cannot describe to you the quality of this fic because it is beyond words but I will tell you I stayed up until 3:30 am to finish it in one sitting and was left broken but made so so whole again. 
the mortifying ordeal of being known by @the-amber-raven | G | 60k
AU where Bobby is Buck’s adoptive Dad and Eddie is dating Buck but Eddie and Bobby think they are talking about two different people. Buck is training at the fire academy but hiding it from Bobby. This fic is the most beautiful tangle of miscommunication, love and family. 
like all good things are by @try-set-me-on-fire | T | 7k
Perfect, amazing, soul-destroying, magical, healing Fic. This literally covers all the bases. Chim and Bobby both get injured. OH! and Buck and Eddie were secretly dating all along. READ THIS FIC PEEPS!
find a way to you (if it kills me) by @eddiediazes  | M | 19k
The one where Eddie decides to start dating again, Buck figures out his own feelings just a minute too late, and then he spends a week going through the five stages of grief. BUCK PINING LV.10000000!
and i’d choose you (in a hundred lifetimes) by @monsterrae1 | E | 16k
Amnesia Exes fic by the wonderful Rae. Buck and Eddie fall in love via a penpal program and then Buck vanishes. This fic is set four years later. I literally could not put it down. I was reading it in class and then sat in my car for who knows how long just to finish it because I could not continue my day without knowing how it ended.
he never thinks of me (except when i'm on TV) by @loserdiaz | M | 18k 
APRIL'S FAMOUS!BUCK AND ARMY!EDDIE FIC!! In which Eddie finds out years later that his unrequited feelings for his high school best friend were not actually unrequited, Buck is stupidly famous now and they pine. OH THEY PINNNEEEEE! It’s delicious. 
every time we stop talking (the universe starts screaming) by @chronicowboy | M | 21k 
Alternative S7, Buddie Divorce Era Pt.2. Buck does something reckless and Eddie gets angry about it but these boys cannot communicate effectively to save their lives! This fic is peak angst to a happy ending and I felt like I had a hole in my chest OMG.
left your mark on this heart by @chronicowboy | G | 5k
Buck gets medically diagnosed with butterflies and the doctor makes him write in a notebook every time it happens. Surprise, surprise, the cause and effect is Eddie-related. The notebook entries kill me in the best way, the happiest happy ending
endless numbered days by @cal-daisies-and-briars | G | 13k 
Buck and Eddie's wedding but from Bobby's POV as Bobby reflects on the family he lost and the one he gained. Absolutely beautiful, I cried.
don’t wanna let you love somebody else but me by @shitouttabuck | T | 14k
Chris wants dating advice so obviously Buck and Eddie decide to Fake Date for research purposes. This fic is PEAK adorable, sappy, and awkward Buddie. They’re idiots but we love them and the certainly love each other. READ THIS FIC! 
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usereddie · 12 days
k but rewatching 2x01 and it's gotta be Buck's pov of ugh, this new guy who's all handsome and perfect or whatever
Be curious about Eddie's pov bc I feel like it would be 70% Panic like omg pls don't mess this up and also 30% Gay Panic like why doesn't the pretty guy like me :(
(fair warning, this may have spiraled past 2x01......a lot. bear with me.)
i don't think we've ever gotten eddie's pov the way we've gotten buck's (2x01 and 7x04 for example) HOWEVER i do think we more or less know who buck is from eddie's pov through his actions.
which, considering their characters, tracks so hard.
buck didn't realize he was queer until a man quite literally kissed him on the mouth. seeing eddie from buck's pov is safe because buck has no idea what his feelings are. we watched buck's complicated feelings of jealousy towards eddie unfold TWICE and neither time did he realize what the feelings actually were (physical attraction and y'know. being in love with the guy). buck's pov is one we're allowed to see through as the audience, because it's not actually gonna tell us much, seeing as buck hasn't realized anything.
eddie, though?
reservoir of catholic guilt eddie? the guy who had panic attacks about the idea of being married to his girlfriend? the same man who was diagnosed repressed by a cardiologist?
he knows. he knows and he's been pushing it down since he and buck met, and if we were to ever see buck through eddie's eyes it'd give away everything. the eddie we've seen through buck's pov is just. pure golden sunshine, laughter, love, and buck's best friend in the whole fucking world. buck's best friend that he's in love with, sure, but buck hasn't put those dots together yet, so we, as the audience, won't see that.
buck, to eddie, is home. is family and warmth and comfort. and, obviously, eddie is the same to buck, but eddie knows this. eddie is fully and completely aware of who buck is to him, he's just shoving it all the way down. eddie gave buck a place to land ("it's eddie's house, i'm not really a guest"), eddie trusts buck wish christopher more than he trusts his parents with christopher (ramon and helena saying to eddie 'don't drag him down with you' and him leaving for LA -> eddie saying to buck 'there's nobody in this world i trust with my son more than you' after the tsunami), eddie let buck in when he was at his absolute lowest.
and, you know.
the will.
we've talked about it a half dozen million times in this fandom but we're gonna talk about it again because it's brain melting. we've never seen buck through eddie's eyes but we've seen exactly who he is to eddie through his actions. eddie trusts buck. eddie needs buck to know he has a reason to stay, that eddie and chris are his reasons to stay. eddie told buck flat out that his life means something. that buck thinks he's not worth anything but he's wrong because he means everything to eddie. eddie loves him.
eddie loved him when he held his hand when buck got pinned under a firetruck and eddie loved him when he dropped chris off before the tsunami and he still loved him when the water went back to the sea and eddie loved him when buck sued the city because the worst part of the whole lawsuit was how much he fucking missed him and eddie loved him when he was trapped under a well and all he could think about was his son and how, if he goes too soon, christopher deserves to be with someone who will love him the way eddie does and eddie loved him when he thought buck was the last thing he was ever gonna see, bleeding out on the streets of los angeles and eddie loved him when he told buck in the only way he knew how to (because, evan) and eddie loved him through panic attacks and mental breakdowns and lightning strikes and new girlfriends and a broken ankle and a new boyfriend because there is no version of eddie diaz that isn't in love with evan buckley.
and eddie knows that.
which is why we don't see it.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 1 month
Weekly Recap | March 18th-24th 2024
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It's a long one today folks! I hope you enjoy! :) If you know anyone who's not tagged, don't hesitate to let me know!
idk 'bout you but I can't wait for the final part of the premiere on Thursday!!! 😃
anything that is beautiful, people want to break. by dylaesthetics (Post-Coma, Trans Buck | 3K | Teen): Buck has never meant to keep it a secret from the one-eighteen. Hell, he trusts them with much more gritty, uncomfortable stuff than that. It’s more like… It hasn’t come up. There’s been no reason for it to come up. But then he gets struck by lightning and the mix-up with his medical records happens. A nurse he hasn’t seen yet barges into Buck’s hospital room, with his entire family in it, blood and found alike, and stares at him for one dumbfounded moment before blurting out a name he hasn’t been addressed by in well over eight years. 
not flesh and blood but the heart by Jinko / @jinkohhh (Post-S6, Getting Together | 10K | Explicit): Five times people assumed Chris was Buck's son + one time Eddie confirmed it.
🔥 don’t wanna let you love somebody else but me by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (S7 Spec, Bachelor Party, Pretend Relationship | 14K | Teen): or, chris wants dating advice and it turns out taking your best friend on a pretend date to practice being as romantic as possible is not a good idea in theory or in practice, considering the pesky being-in-unrequited-love of it all
A Little Bit of the Bubbly by Jinko/ @jinkohhh (Post-S6, PWP, Getting Together | 7K | Explicit): Since turning 30, Buck's relationship with champagne has changed. It also manages to change his relationship with Eddie.
washed away (but not) by Jinko / @jinkohhh (S7 Spec | 3K | Teen): “Well, this is awkward.” Every part of Buck wanted to tell Chim to go fuck himself, but he couldn’t, so he didn’t. Nothing made a situation more awkward than pointing out the awkwardness of it. “So which one of you two made the deathbed love confession?” Ravi laughed, and frankly, Ravi could go fuck himself, too. The both of them could go fuck themselves because both Chimney and Ravi were correct.
i like the way you scratch my itch by oklahoma/ @sunshinediaz (BTHB: Hives | 3K | Teen): Buck’s big blue eyes sparkle. “You’re so cute, did you know that?” he asks, leaning close enough Eddie can count the small red-brown-orange freckles all across his nose. “Even when you’re red from poison ivy.” Red. Red from the poison ivy. Yeah, yep, that’s exactly what he’s so red for. Absolutely.
meet you in the middle. by dylaesthetics (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): OR buck and eddie get their shit together during a regular friday movie night at the diaz house.
🔥 Even in Winter There is Eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Hades/Persephone AU | 45K | Explicit): Buck is supposedly a god. Supposedly. But he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in Olympus. When he meets Christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps Chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld. Now bound to Eddie, the god of the dead, Buck must spend half the year with him in the Underworld while winter reigns above. But even as something grows between them, there are still trials to endure. Just because the gods are not mortal... does not mean they cannot die.
🔥 My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Mythological AU, BDSM | 80K | Explicit): When Eddie needs cash and fast to take care of Christopher, his LAFD Academy buddy suggests a job as a bouncer at Elysium - an exclusive sex club in downtown Los Angeles. Eddie doesn't care what goes on there, so long as he's paid, but he finds he cares a lot bout the club's enigmatic owner, Evan Buckley, and it's not long before the two of them are violating every boss-employee rule in the book. But there's something different about Buck and the club, something not quite... human. If Eddie wants to keep Buck, he's going to have to delve into the world of immortals, and all the risks that implies.
and check out the amazing podfic!! 🔥 My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea)/ @rhea314
hold tight, you’re slowly coming back to life by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (S7E01 Coda, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Eddie runs into Natalia at the grocery store. He learns something about her and Buck’s breakup that gives him the final push to take care of his own complicated love life.
🔥 miracles under your sighs and moans by napricot (Sex Pollen, PWP | 21K | Explicit): When Eddie gets exposed to an experimental aphrodisiac on a call, he realizes there’s only one person he trusts to help him get through it: Buck.
Touch Me and I'll Scream by rogerzsteven/ @rogerzsteven (BTHB: Unhealthy Coping Mecanisms, Established Buddie | 5K | Mature): At his low, Buck uses rough sex as a way of self harm.
in another life by bellabrady (Coma AU | 2K | Not Rated): Or: Buck's in a coma and dreams of a life where Daniel never died and he never became a firefighter.
Locations by rogerzsteven/ @rogerzsteven (BTHB: Vomiting, Drowning | 4K | General): In which Buck drowns.
I was born to take care of you by Beulaugh/ @if-music-be-the-food-of-love (Getting Together | 3K | Mature): Buck has a revelation at work and then promptly falls on his face. Eddie Diaz's ass: 1, Evan Buckley: 0
hold the silence. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6 | 3K | Teen): OR while looking for clothes to donate, Buck stumbles upon the shirt he was wearing when Eddie got shot.
Tomorrow we can drive around this town by lamardeuse/ @lamardeuse (S7 Spec, Drunk Eddie | 4K | Mature): If Eddie had been sober, he would have realized it wasn't something to be happy about. But drunk as he was, it had the blood singing in his veins, because Buck was going home with him, not Tommy. Tommy could go fuck himself – or you know, anyone else who was willing, but not Evan Buckley. Because Eddie was a pathetic, sloppy drunk and his best friend had a responsibility to make sure he didn't choke on his own vomit or drown himself in the bathroom sink.
sang to the sea for feelings deep blue by Tizniz/ @tizniz (S7 Spec, Cruise Ship Emergency | 14K | General): God, he hopes Buck got out. That he isn’t trying to get to Eddie. That he gets to go home. And not just because Christopher needs him, although he does since Eddie is fairly certain he’s not making it home this time. He doesn’t let himself dwell too long on that thought. No, Eddie wants Buck to go home because he deserves it. Because Buck deserves to live. Because Eddie needs him to live.
you've got game by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (S7E01 Coda, Established Buddie | 1K | General): a silly little late night conversation about chris being a 'ladies man'
take this life and make it yours (take this heart and let it love again) by Maira/ @carrierofthepaperclips (Canon Divergent, Post-Coma | 31K | Mature): Before he could second guess it, he’d dialled Eddie’s number and listened to it ring in his ear. As soon as he heard the click of the connection, he said, “Eddie, what the hell, man?” “I meant what I said. I don’t know who you think you are, but call this number again and I will contact the police.” . . . or, the one where Buck finally figures out he's in love with Eddie, only for things to not go as planned. At first.
if i bleed, you'll be the last to know by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (S7, Hurt Buck | 6K | Teen): buck gets stabbed while out on a run and then... doesn't tell anyone about it. eddie loses his shit when he finds out, they have a moment in the kitchen and they kiss.... not necessarily in that order.
Baby, take me by 42hrb / @exhuastedpigeon (S7E01 Coda, Getting Together | 4K | Explicit): “Same thing,” Eddie nuzzled him, stubble scratching even more as he moved his face. When he stopped nuzzling, he pulled back far enough that he could see Buck’s face. “I said stop thinking.” “Kinda hard to turn my brain off.” “Pretty sure I turned it off just fine last night,” Eddie said with a smirk that went straight to Buck’s cock, already half hard just from the way Eddie’s stubble is dragging across his skin. “Is that how I get you to stop thinking?”
when you call me yours by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (Established Buddie, Proposal | 5K | General): Buck starts calling Eddie his husband. Only problem...they're not engaged. aka the 5 times Buck refers to Eddie as his husband and the 1 time Eddie makes it true.
just lay back in my arms for one more night by diazbegins/ @evanbegins (Established Buddie, Fluff | 2K | Teen): Buck loves Eddie as he naps.
Brat Burrito by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Established Buddie | 1K | General): Just a cute Buddie moment about breakfast burritos.
it's a sliding into home kind of day by devirnis/ @devirnis (PWP | 3K | Explicit): Eddie’s eyes still don’t leave the television. Frowning to himself, Buck cranes his neck to get a look at what could possibly be more important than him coming home after covering a tragically Eddie-less shift. A baseball game evidently is the answer.
your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep by BekkaChaos/ @bekkachaos (New Years Eve, Getting Together | 8K | Teen): aka, Eddie's in love with Buck and he doesn't know how to tell him, until there's a miscommunication and fate (well, Hen) intervenes.
Loose Threads by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Secret Relationship | 3K | Explicit): New to dating and keeping it quiet, Buck and Eddie get a little carried away on a slower shift at the firehouse. But when the alarm eventually sounds, a spur of the moment mistake leaves them a little mixed up.
Married Life by buddiefication (pumpkincreamcoldbrew)/ @911onabc (S5, Getting Together | 2K | General): Taylor films Buck for a TikTok challenge, and Buck finds out he would much rather be his best friend’s husband than his girlfriend’s.
A Seal By Any Other Name (Would Still Be My Best Friend) by bigfootsmom (Seal!Buck, Post-Tsunami | 5K | General): Evan "Buck" Buckley is a collection of oddities. But they're just what makes Buck Buck and Eddie loves him for them. Eddie had thought that after their years of friendship (and maybe something more) that nothing Buck could do would surprise him anymore. But there is one oddity that Eddie never saw coming. “How about you start with why there was a seal in my bathtub and now there’s just you in my bathtub.” (Part 1 of Seal!Buck as in the aquatic mammal)
Just Add Water by bigfootsmom (Seal!Buck, Tsunami | 3K | General): There may be more to Buck than meets the eye. But he's still only human(ish) and getting stuck in a natural disaster with his best friend's son is still all sorts of terrifying. A small hysterical part of his brain thinks about how ironic it would be if this was how he died. Him, a mythical aquatic creature, drowning. The universe would surely laugh and the long line of Buckley ancestors would turn in their graves. (Part 2 of Seal!Buck as in the aquatic mammal)
you can be my daddy (come on, you know you like) by bigfootsmom (Getting Together, Daddy Kink | 4K | Mature): Buck has a teeny tiny problem. One, he's in love with his best friend. Two, he wants to call said best friend Daddy.
It's the softness that breaks you by bigfootsmom (BDSM, Hurt/Comfort | 6K | Explicit): Or the one where Buck has more issues with intimacy than he had originally thought.
lay your love on me by bigfootsmom (PWP, Getting Together | 3K Explicit): Buck never thought the words he said to Eddie in the kitchen would ever come back to haunt him like this. Honestly, he’s not complaining.
you made me feel (i've got nothing to hide) by bigfootsmom (Virgin!Buck, Established Buddie, PWP | 8K | Explicit): Buck has a secret: Contrary to popular belief, Evan "Buck" Buckley is actually a virgin.
🔥 Right Where You Left Me by hyacinthusbloom/ @thebloomingheather (Canon Divergent, Post-S4, Angst | 22/? | 162K | Explicit | ❗️Warning: Rape/Non-con): "Therapy?" Eddie suggests. Buck almost laughs, but instead says, "I'll go if you go." Because he had fully expected him to be chicken shit, to disagree, and instead Eddie, the bastard, replies, "Deal." Or Buck never tells anyone that he slept with his therapist and deals with the butterfly effect years later.
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 6/18 | 37K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 122/? | 374K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
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athenagranted · 18 days
also. the thing is that while i know eddie would never be homophobic or uncomfortable with buck, a lot of well-meaning folks often do say and do the wrong things in an attempt to help. so buck coming out to the people he loves could have gone a lot of different ways, not all of them being ideal despite everyone loving buck so much and wanting nothing other than the best for him. the potential is always there for someone to say something wrong, to react with a line of questioning or confusion. regardless of the love that's undeniably there, people will mess up. and it's okay, you know? it's to be expected when sharing a side of yourself that's new to the people around you.
BUT. what eddie did. the way he didn't miss a beat to reassure buck that no, this does not make you weird. this does not change a thing between us. i will never treat you differently. and you might be an idiot, but you're my idiot, my best friend. and i love you. the way he didn't shy away from talking about buck's interest in tommy but also didn't treat it as some huge announcement. my jaw was on the fucking floor, because he did every single thing right. he said every single thing that buck needed to hear in order for him to feel safe and comfortable sharing this with his best friend. he made buck feel....normal. not alienated, not different. eddie made buck feel like he's still buck, just more open. more true to himself. and still so loved.
and i'm so utterly grateful that we got to see that unconditional and instant acceptance. eddie diaz, the man you are 💕🥹
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Even before the episode, while rewatching old seasons, I was just struck by how big an impact Buck’s had on Eddie’s life. 
Like, please, picture this: 
You are Eddie Diaz, ok? An army vet who quite literally just went through an extremely traumatic experience, immediately got left by your wife and in a desperate move to find happiness for you and your son you move across the country to start a new life. 
You are the new guy at work and this man about your age really has it out for you. That’s fine by you. You’ve put up with enough bullshit in the army, you are just here to do your work, it’s harder than that to get under your skin. Plus, this guy seems okay, aside from all the dick measuring, and you’re sure he’ll tire himself out if you just don’t play along. Then, oh surprise, after a single shift you give the guy one compliment and he folds completely, before you know it he’s decided you two are friends. Fine, good. You miss the army’s camaraderie. This will probably be just like that. 
Few weeks in, Christopher comes up. You hesitate because you don’t like talking about your kid with strangers, but you are worried about him being out there alone during the earthquake and there’s really no way to avoid the subject forever. You’re already dreading the pity looks from people who don’t understand this kid is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Instead, you get a wide smile, “he’s super adorable, I love kids”. In retrospect, you should’ve expected it. What you don’t expect is the way Buck spends the entirety of the shift reassuring you that Chris is alright, even when you’re pretty sure you’ve done nothing to betray your worry (you know better than to panic, it does nothing to help), but Buck seems to notice anyway and keeps sprouting curiosities to reassure you. He even drives you across the torn up town at a reckless speed to make sure you can reach your son as soon as possible. 
Few weeks later, abuela has an accident. Buck drives you to the hospital, even though you could’ve taken a cab to the firehouse to pick up your truck, and goes all the way in with you. He’s a good friend like that. Turns out, he’s a very good friend, because he catches you by surprise calling ahead to let the Cap know you need help with Chris and arranges a whole day of him hanging out with the 118. You didn’t ask for it, and he doesn’t expect so much as a ‘thank you’. 
Next night, he makes a big deal of introducing you to a woman and you are already dreading, once again, the reveal moment when you have to explain that thank you very much but you are still married and really your only priority right now is your son and- wait, that woman is the perfect caretaker that might or might not be the solution you’ve been desperately searching for to get your and your son’s life together.
This guy you just met a few weeks ago has given you friendship, reassurance, company, thoughtful help without you ever asking (you’ve never been good at asking for it) and he’s just sitting there smiling proudly while he helps you possibly assure your kids future.
All of this... it happens in the first FOUR episodes of s2 after Eddie is introduced. No wonder he’s in love ride or die for Buck. Who wouldn’t be?
In a year, they are inseparable. In two years, Eddie makes him Christopher’s legal guardian in case he dies. In three, Buck saves his life. In four they are basically a family and the person Christopher goes to in a panic. Five years in, Buck is in a coma and Eddie Diaz cannot even look at him, cannot picture a world where he’s dead, cannot envision his life without him. 
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megalony · 28 days
Pregnancy Pains
This is an Eddie Diaz imagine, based on an anon request which I hope you will all like. It's a spin-off from Bedroom Talk, but can be read as a stand-alone. Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @gillybear17 @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Bedroom Talk
Part 2
Summary: (Y/n) and Eddie's second pregnancy is far from simple and it seems that everything which can go wrong, does go wrong.
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"What's for dinner?"
"Um, I don't… what do you want, baby?" Tilting her head forward, (Y/n) took a deep breath and tried to ward off the dizziness swirling around her head. It felt like a storm was rolling in, taking over her senses.
Her vision started to come over with spots. A horrible ringing burned in her ears like chapel bells were going off inside her eardrums. She could feel her heartbeat pounding through every inch of her skin and every crevace of her body. She wanted to be sick. Her throat was tightening up with that horrible urge to gag and puke and her stomach was tensing and pulling inwards.
Deep breaths didn't do much to clear her vision, but (Y/n) tried her best to smile. The last thing she wanted was to worry Chris.
Her head turned to the left and she looked down at Chris who was smiling up at her with wide eyes and a big grin.
The ringing sensation continued to flood her ears, but she could see a little better when she blinked rapidly and and tried to get moving instead of keeling over in the garden. She grabbed the wash basket and tucked it against her waist under her arm.
She managed a smile when Chris reached out and laced his hand with hers, leaning his head on her arm as they made their way back inside.
"Tuna sandwich?" Chris tilted his head back to look up at (Y/n) and his radiant smile made her want to smile down at him, but his suggestion made her stomach curdle.
With a quiet hum and a nod of her head, (Y/n) followed Chris into the kitchen and set the wash basket down on the table.
She let Chris grab the mayo from the fridge and a tin of tuna from the cupboard while she took deep, steadying breaths and tried to bulk herself up to prepare his lunch. (Y/n) already knew she wouldn't be eating anything for lunch today. She hadn't managed anything to eat yesterday, not even a ginger biscuit as she threw it back up immediately.
Even fluids weren't staying down anymore. Coffee smelt horrid. Hot chocolate was too thick and settled too heavy on her stomach. Juice was acidic even if it was watered down and it made her queasy. And (Y/n) couldn't manage one sip of water before she chucked it back up again.
"Get the bread then, baby." She washed her trembling hands before she found the tin opener, but she couldn't find the will to open it yet. She knew as soon as she smelt the fish, her stomach was going to rocket and she would start heaving.
With a deep breath, (Y/n) tilted her head down and moved her free hand to cradle her stomach. Scrutinising her small bump as if she could see through her stomach to the baby she was carrying.
Why was this pregnancy so horrid?
Her pregnancy with Chris had been a breeze. She barely felt sick, she always had energy and very little back ache and she could walk for miles and work just fine without feeling like she was going to keel over. Chris's pregnancy up until his birth had been a delight and (Y/n) loved every moment of it.
The second time around was not a charm. She was five months now and it seemed to have dragged on for a year. She had had two extra midwife appointments already because her morning sickness was so extreme she could barely drink. Eddie had taken her down to the emergency room twice in the last two months when she became so dehydrated she collapsed.
She had very little energy. Considering (Y/n) worked from home, she had to reduce her workload because she couldn't get out of bed some days and she felt so lethargic and run down. Even taking care of Chris was a struggle when he never used to be.
"Here, mum." Chris leaned his head on her arm and placed two slices of bread down on the counter.
He began to drum his fingers on the counter in time with the music blasting on the radio that sounded like static in (Y/n)'s ears.
(Y/n) could feel her hand shaking as she turned the tin opener and she found a spoon, carefully tipping the tuna into a plastic bowl. She moved the bowl in front of Chris and let him squeeze in a large amount of mayo and begin stirring.
A ragged breath pushed past her lips and (Y/n) clamped her hand down on the counter, moving her other hand to draw circles on her stomach that was churning like a cement mixer. Her lips felt chapped and dry. Her throat was tightening. Her stomach was ready to heave, even though she knew she had nothing left to throw up.
And (Y/n) dreaded to think what Eddie was going to say when she told him she hadn't eaten in two days, nearing three. Or technically, she had eaten a few biscuits in those days, but hadn't managed to keep them down.
(Y/n)'s head tilted back to tense her neck as she spread the tuna across the bread and cut it into triangles, just how Chris liked it. Once he was seated at the kitchen table, (Y/n) put the sandwich and a pack of crisps in front of him and moved to get herself a drink of water.
She didn't feel well.
Her head was still pounding like someone was smashing her skull with a hammer and her thighs were starting to jutter with each step she took. There was no energy left in her body. (Y/n) felt like she was depleted, left on one percent battery and moving wasn't going to be an option soon.
(Y/n) took a few small sips of water and it felt good to finally drink something and clear her dry throat. Her throat was always dry and sore these days from how frequently she was being sick.
But when a wave of tuna washed under her nose, (Y/n) could feel her eyes watering and she wanted to cry.
A burning sensation coursed up the back of her throat and her stomach started to ache as she doubled over the sink. Coughs anchored up from her chest, water spluttered past her lips and her stomach squeezed like she had been stabbed.
Once she started, she couldn't stop.
All (Y/n) could do was dry-heave and gasp for air that she couldn't get because her body was intent on making sure her stomach was clear, even of bile.
"Mum, you okay?" The way she coughed made Chris wonder if she was choking on a crisp. But he couldn't see any food near her that she was eating. He hadn't seen her eat in a while.
"Hm-" (Y/n) broke off to spit the last bit of water into the sink.
Her left hand smothered her temple and she groaned when she realised she was burning up. Her skin was flush with sweat and giving off heatwaves that could rival the sun. Her body was beginning to shake and she could barely bend or move her fingers anymore from how lethargic she was starting to feel.
When her knees started to quake, (Y/n) didn't hide her whimper and she pulled away from the sink so she could slump down on the kitchen floor.
"Mum!" Chris whined and pushed off his seat so he could go down on his knees beside her. His hand gave her thigh a squeeze while he leaned over to the table and found her phone. "Do I call dad?" Chris began to shake his hand in a stimming manner but he clenched the phone tight so he didn't drop it.
Eddie gave him instructions. If his mum was crying or she was sick, he needed to message Eddie and let him know. If she collapsed or became incoherent, he had to call Eddie until he answered or call his uncle Buck to get help.
Chris wasn't sure if this was the kind of situation where he called his dad or just messaged him to say his mum wasn't well.
"No, I- I will… go eat in t-the living room baby, please?" (Y/n) couldn't open her eyes. she tried but everything started to blur. She tucked her chin down into her chest and let Chris place her phone on her thigh.
The whine of protest he let out showed he wasn't happy about this, he didn't want to leave her. But he had been asked to leave the room and seeing his mum distressed only made him panic too and would start him stimming and send him into a meltdown. He picked up his half-finished plate of lunch and shuffled out into the living room.
(Y/n) didn't know if Eddie would be able to answer the phone or not. He was at work, there was a fifty-fifty chance that he would be out on a call with his phone either in his locker or left in the truck. She didn't want to bother him, she really didn't. But she could see that she didn't have a choice.
If she stayed home with Chris and didn't call someone, she was going to pass out and then who would look after Chris? What would he do if she collapsed?
She needed Eddie.
Her phone shook as she pressed the cold screen against her burning ear and moved her other arm to bind it tightly around her waist so she didn't start heaving again.
"Ola baby, you feeling any better today?"
Eddie's voice was like music to (Y/n)'s ears that were still ringing and she realised she clearly wasn't well because she had blocked out the sound of the radio. Her brain was starting to close down functions, her ears were tuning out, her legs were trembling and shutting down and she was sure she would be passing out at any given moment.
"I- I'm sorry." She did well to stop her voice from shaking but she couldn't give Eddie pleasantries when she felt this bad. She needed to tell him quickly what was going on before she passed out.
"What?" A small laugh tumbled past Eddie's lips as he planted his free hand down on his hip. He didn't know what that meant, but he had a few ideas. "Alright baby, what've you done?"
Whenever she apologised before telling him why, Eddie would find that she'd dropped and broken something. Or she had agreed to the pair of them going out somewhere without asking him first. Or like the time she had agreed they would take Chris to the museum- which Eddie ended up doing alone when (Y/n) had a hospital appointment she couldn't rearrange.
"Can y-you come home? Eddie please…" (Y/n) couldn't help but sniff at the end of her words, trying to stop herself from breaking off into a sob.
"Why, what's wrong? Are you okay, has something happened?"
This conversation wasn't going the way Eddie thought and he could feel his heart leaping up into his throat at the sound of his wife crying. He hated to see or hear her cry. He hated not being able to calm and comfort her when she was like this.
"It's happening again-" (Y/n) couldn't get through the end of her sentence before she tilted her head down towards her thighs and started to heave. Horrid, gasping sounds rumbled past her lips as she coughed and gagged.
There was nothing left to throw up, why couldn't her body understand that? Why couldn't her body realise that she needed some sort of substance to keep going? She needed water. The baby needed water and food and nutrients and right now the baby was going to be suffering.
"What? Baby is it the morning sickness?"
"Hm, it's b-bad."
"Alright, tell me the last time you ate something, and be honest with me." Understanding was laced into Eddie's tone but there was a stern hint to his voice that made (Y/n) shiver.
She didn't usually tell him. She didn't like worrying him and Eddie knew this had to be bad for her to ring him when he was at work. She had to feel ill or worry that the baby wasn't okay if she was asking him to come home.
"Two… three days?"
"(Y/n)! You should have called me!"
Hearing her name pass through his lips in that tone made (Y/n) shiver and she couldn't help but cry in response.
If Eddie knew it was this bad he wouldn't have gone to work yesterday. If she told him the truth he would have stayed home to look after her and Chris and if she called him earlier he would of left work early to be with her. She couldn't hide things like this from him and just hope and pray she would be able to get better on her own soon.
"Fuck. Baby I'm sorry, God I'm coming to get you now, okay? Try and drink some water for me, and I-"
"I can't, it w- it won't stay down."
"I'll be ten minutes."
Eddie was true to his word, barely ten minutes after ending the phone call with (Y/n), he stumbled through the front door and took a look around. He found Chris in the living room. He was perched on the sofa, bashing his hands down on the sofa in a violent stim as he swayed back and forth, trying to focus on the cartoons playing on the tv.
"Bud, where's your mum?"
"Kitchen. She said wait in here for you."
"Good lad, go put your shoes on please." Eddie already had a gut feeling that he would be taking (Y/n) down to the emergency room when he got home. Knowing she wasn't letting Chris sit with her showed how badly she felt and cemented the fact in his mind that she needed to see a doctor.
When Chris got up to do as he was asked, Eddie hurried into the kitchen and took a look around.
There she was. His girl, slumped on the floor in front of the sink. She had her legs curled beneath her and both arms wrapped tightly around her stomach. Her head was slumped to the side against the cabinet and tears were drenching her face and falling down he bridge of her nose and off her chin.
"Alright baby, let me take a look at you."
He went down on his knees in front of her and gently cupped her face in his hands, leaning her up off the cabinet. He didn't like the way her hands shook as she moved to grab his wrists or the pain he could see swirling in her watering eyes when she looked up at him.
His index and middle fingers pressed down against her neck to check her pulse. It was racing.
The back of his hand pressed against her temple and he clicked his tongue; she was flushed and sweating.
He hooked his finger against her bottom lip and gently tugged it down so he could peer into her mouth. The inside of her lips were discoloured, both lips were dry and chapped. Her pupils were constricted, she could barely keep her focus settled on him.
"You haven't managed to eat anything, not a bit of toast or anything?" When she shook her head, Eddie leaned forward and kissed her temple. "When was the last time you actually had a drink and managed to keep it down?"
The question swirled around in (Y/n)'s head, but she didn't have the answer. Eddie had been at work. It was hard to piece together the days when he was at work and she and Chris were at home. When Eddie was home the other day, he hadn't seen (Y/n) eat anything and but he knew she'd managed a few drinks. But he went to work, he had no way of knowing if she kept those drinks down or if she threw them back up after he left.
Her inability to answer gave Eddie the information he needed. His wife was severely dehydrated, and he needed to get her to the emergency room. Again.
"Alright, shh it's okay. We're going to the hospital mi amor, okay?"
(Y/n) looped her arms around Eddie's neck and let her tears soak into his shoulder while he pressed a flurry of kisses against her temple. He curved an arm around her back and the other beneath her knees and effortlessly lifted her bridal style.
"Chris, get in the car buddy." He nodded when Chris pointed at the car keys and bustled ahead. They had done this dance before. Chris would unlock and open the car so Eddie could carry (Y/n) and get her in. When (Y/n) whimpered into his neck, Eddie tilted his head down against hers and tucked her tighter into his chest if it were possible. "Shh, you're gonna be just fine, mi amor. I've got you."
This would be the second time this month Eddie had taken (Y/n) down to the emergency room. It would be their third visit due to dehydration with this pregnancy.
How many more times would he have to take her before they could find something that would help her? Why was she struggling so much this time when she had been perfectly fine when they had Chris?
Eddie lifted his head up off his hand and rattled his fingers through his hair. His head tilted down to look at Chris who was tucked under his right arm with his head in the middle of Eddie's chest. Chris had his legs curled up on the other side of the sofa while Eddie had his feet on the coffee table to stretch out.
They had been watching Scooby Doo for the last hour and during most of it, Eddie had zoned out or started to fall asleep. But he woke up almost straight away when Chris shifted round or started to laugh or mutter the lines.
When Chris tilted his head back into Eddie's chest to look up at him, Eddie smiled softly and moved his hand up and down Chris's arm.
"Ready for bed?" Eddie didn't know about Chris, but he himself was certainly ready to climb into bed.
Eddie had been on a night shift last night and when he came home in the morning, he told himself he wouldn't get into bed during the day and fall asleep. Whenever he did that, he either didn't sleep during the night or he made himself feel tired and sick when he had to wake up in the afternoon to pick Chris up from school.
But when he came home and found (Y/n) laid up in bed, Eddie couldn't resist and he had to join her. She didn't feel well.
Morning sickness had tapered down now but still came and went whenever it liked, even at seven months along. And for the past two days, (Y/n) had gone downhill with her energy level and her back pain. She barely got Chris to school on time this morning and when she came home, she bundled herself in bed and tried to sleep off the pains she had.
It was a comfort when Eddie joined her and they spent the majority of the day in bed. When Eddie brought Chris home from school, Chris had sat in bed with (Y/n) for a while to keep her company.
But after tea, Eddie told Chris to stay with him in the living room and let (Y/n) rest and sleep on her own.
"Can I say night to mummy?"
"Go on then, but don't wake her if she's asleep please."
Chris hopped up from the sofa and headed down the hall while Eddie busied himself turning the tv and the lights off. It was early, but he was tired too.
Chris pushed the bedroom door open and took a look around. The lights and the lamp were turned off, but the tv was on, although it was almost on mute with how low the volume was. The light from the tv shone on the bed and let Chris see where he was going as he wandered over to his mum's side.
She was laid on her side, her face buried in the pillows and he figured she was warm as the cover was only pulled up to her knees. He wandered over until he was next to the side table and gently flopped on the edge of the bed on his stomach. His chin propped up on (Y/n)'s arm that was about to dangle off the side of the bed and he smiled up at her.
"Hm, hi baby," (Y/n)'s voice was laced with sleep and she tiredly flopped her left arm around until it draped over Chris's shoulders. She tried to open her eyes and push her face down until she could kiss his curls.
"I told you not to wake her," Eddie chided quietly from the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms folded over his chest. But the smile on his face was enough of a giveaway that he wasn't annoyed. He would just rather have (Y/n) sleep while she could. God knows she hadn't been sleeping through the night recently when she felt sick, despite how run down and tired she was during the day.
"Night mummy." Chris kissed her cheek and giggled into her neck when she tightened her arm around him and pressed a sloppy kiss to his neck.
"Night baby."
It didn't feel like five minutes had passed since Chris left the room and (Y/n) suddenly realised Eddie was climbing in bed behind her. And she realised the tv was turned off. She must have drifted back off to sleep again while he tucked Chris in bed.
A smile pulled at her lips and she leaned back when Eddie's bare chest moulded up against her back. His lips attached to the side of her neck and his arm looped around her waist, keeping her pinned back against him. She felt his hand drift beneath her shirt and he began to draw lazy patterns along her stomach.
He may not be a fan of how ill and in pain (Y/n) was during this pregnancy, but he sure was a fan of her growing stomach. He had been in the army when she was pregnant with Chris, the best Eddie got was pictures and seeing (Y/n)'s changing shape over a bad internet connection. This time, he was here to touch and feel and see it with his own eyes.
"How you feeling?" Eddie mumbled into her neck and he stayed still and compliant when (Y/n) reached up to hold his hand that was on her stomach.
She gingerly moved his hand down until his palm was pressed against the left side of her stomach near the middle.
"Hurts there… she must be kicking me." She felt Eddie's right arm move beneath her pillow and her hand moved to hold his arm and tuck it beneath her neck instead so she could lean on him. She kissed his wrist and burrowed down against him. (Y/n) wasn't sure how long she had been asleep, but she felt like she could sleep for a month.
It had been lovely this afternoon to curl up in bed with Eddie and watch a movie and drift in and out of sleep together. Even if she did have twinging pains and a bad headache, (Y/n) had been thrilled to spend some down time with him.
Her lips curved into a tired grin when she felt Eddie's fingers feathering over her stomach and he pressed his lips against the back of her hair. Moving his leg to rest between her thighs.
"Least she's sleeping now." Eddie muttered back since he couldn't feel their daughter wriggling or kicking about. Not like this morning, she had been moving like mad earlier.
"Fuck… Eddie!"
Tilting his head back, Eddie let out a groan and tried to open his eyes. He could feel his left arm being tugged and pulled until his shoulder almost came out of its socket.
He pulled his arm out of (Y/n)'s grip and pressed his hands down on the mattress so he could groggily sit himself up and try to wake up. The bedside lamp was on, basking the room in a golden orange glow. He gave his head a little shake to ward off the sleep from his eyes and he looked over to his right at (Y/n).
She was sat up and seemed to be hunched forward with her knees curled up near her stomach. Her left hand had shifted from his arm to clench tightly around his thigh while her right hand moved across her stomach.
"Baby, what's up?" He inched closer to be at her side and moved his right hand so he could rub circles on her back.
Did she feel sick? Was her back hurting again and she couldn't sleep?
"It hurts, really bad."
When she turned to look at him, Eddie realised tears were drenching her face and her lower lip was wobbling and threatening to fall. The pain was evident in her eyes and by the way she was twitching and trembling back and forth. He didn't have to ask to know where the pain was.
"Contractions?" He almost didn't have the nerve to ask and before (Y/n) could give him an answer, Eddie moved. He turned so he was facing her and rolled her shirt up over her stomach so he could examine her.
"No, I- I don't think so." She couldn't be sure, but she didn't think it was contractions. (Y/n) thought she remembered that pain being lower down in her abdomen and near her pelvis. This pain was around the middle and towards the side of her abdomen. It didn't feel low enough.
Her back clicked and she tensed and shrugged back from his touch when he pressed down on her stomach. It felt like he had physically cut through a nerve and (Y/n) couldn't help but whimper.
She didn't like the way Eddie tore his fingers through his hair. That was something he did when he was panicking.
"I'm taking you back to hospital, just… just let me call Buck and see if he can have Chris."
Whatever the problem was, Eddie didn't like it and he didn't want to hang around and wait for it to get worse. They needed to make another trip down to the emergency room and that either meant taking Chris with them in the middle of the night or finding someone to come over and watch him.
Her eyes followed Eddie as he scoured the floor for his lounge shirt he had tossed somewhere when he came to bed. He found it and shrugged it over his head while he clicked on Evan's contact and prayed Evan was a light sleeper and would hear his phone ring. He knew Evan wasn't on shift tonight and he shouldn't be on tomorrow either. Their shift patterns usually lined up and they did most of their shifts together at the station.
"Buck, hey sorry I know it's late… I need a favour." He wouldn't know who else to call apart from Bobby, and he wasn't sure if Bobby would be at work tonight or in the morning. At least with Evan, Chris wouldn't be so unsettled if he woke in the morning and found his uncle here instead of his parents.
If not, Chris was going to get a very rude awakening and would be going out for a midnight drive.
"(Y/n)'s not well, I need to take her to the hospital, any chance you could come over so I don't have to take Chris with us-" Eddie pressed the phone to his ear and turned on his heels when he heard the quiet noise (Y/n) mewled. "Baby, what is it?"
He rounded the side of the bed and went to sit down next to her but he stopped when he realised she wasn't looking at him.
She had gone to sleep wearing only one of Eddie's shirts and her underwear. And when Eddie looked down, he realised there was a small splatter of blood beneath her and crimson smears stuck to her inner thighs.
"Thanks Buck…" Eddie trailed off and hung up before he slumped down on the side of the bed when Evan agreed instantly.
His eyes locked with (Y/n)'s while she raked her nails up and down her thighs hard enough to create streak marks in her skin. Why was she bleeding? If she thought she wasn't having contractions earlier, she was dead certain now that she wasn't. This wasn't labour, this was something else. She didn't bleed like this during labour- well, she had with Chris but that had been at the very end when she haemorrhaged. This wasn't normal.
"Baby, baby just look at me." Eddie reached across and held her wrists in his hands, pulling her hands onto his lap so she wouldn't hurt herself. "It's okay, as soon as Buck gets over here we'll go see a doctor. It's just a little blood, that's probably why you're in pain. Something might have moved or torn but it's okay."
(Y/n) tried to nod, but she couldn't bring herself to agree with Eddie. This pregnancy had been nothing but trouble. She had been sick, constantly in pain, unable to get out of bed or look after herself or Chris.
She felt like a hinderence to Eddie, she felt like she was causing so many problems and it wasn't fair. This never happened with Chris. She never got this unlucky and part of (Y/n) was glad. If this happened with Chris she would of had to rely on Eddie's family to help her and she wouldn't have him with her to look after her and comfort her.
But at the same time, this was the first pregnancy where she had Eddie here with her and it was going downhill. She loved Eddie's protective nature and him looking after her, but this wasn't fair.
"What did I do?"
"Hey, you didn't do anything, alright? Our girl's just a bit troublesome. Are you okay if I go unlock the door and grab a few things?"
When she nodded, Eddie pressed his lips to her forehead and lingered there for a few seconds before he dared to move. He made quick work of turning the lights on and finding his car keys and his wallet and slipping into his trainers. He unlocked the front door and found (Y/n)'s shoes before he headed back into the bedroom.
Admittedly Eddie wasn't used to this. He wasn't used to late night trips to the emergency room, it hadn't happened with (Y/n) for months since before this pregnancy. Eddie had never taken her so many times. The last time before she got pregnant was when she had an accident in the kitchen and sliced a kitchen knife through her hand.
"Alright, let's get these on you, baby."
(Y/n) slowly swung her legs over the side of the bed and tried to smile when Eddie slipped her plimsols on her feet like she was Cinderella. He couldn't exactly walk her into the emergency room with nothing on her feet and he figured she wouldn't want him carrying her in this time since she was more lucid. She had passed out last time when he and Chris got her to the hospital.
Her hands moved to Eddie's shoulders when his hands cupped her hips and he helped ease her forward off the bed so she was stood up in front of him.
(Y/n) latched her hands around Eddie's bicep and pressed her face into his shoulder. She was relieved he let her lean on him and his right hand moved across her chest to hold her arm and make sure she was supported as they slowly headed out the bedroom.
They didn't get three feet down the hall before (Y/n) pulled Eddie's arm closer and suddenly pressed his hand into her stomach as she groaned. Her chin pressed down into her chest and she froze, feeling a sob bubbling up in the back of her throat when she looked down.
Blood was steadily trickling down her thighs.
It felt as if a cord in her stomach had snapped. She could feel the baby moving and turning, mixing in with the throbbing ache pulsing through the middle of her stomach.
"Fuck- okay, come here baby." Eddie moved his hand from her arm to her waist and gently started tugging her with him as he walked backwards and pushed the bathroom door open with his foot. He flicked the light on and spun (Y/n) so he could ease her down to sit on the toilet.
He crouched down in front of her but his heart broke when (Y/n) began to cry. Quiet, rumbling sobs shook past her lips along with shallow breaths while both her hands moved to press into her stomach as if it would somehow help or stem the bleeding.
"Do- do you think we'll lose her?" (Y/n) could barely bring her eyes up to look at Eddie as he crouched between her thighs.
He froze for a second, unable to drag his eyes away from hers when her question broke his heart. He didn't want to think like that. He didn't want to go down that path or let his mind wander because he didn't know what either of them would do if that was the case.
She watched as he moved his hands to press them on top of hers, cradling her stomach with her as he rolled his lips together.
"No, no we're not losing her mi amor. She's not going anywhere."
He needed to get both his girls to the hospital; again.
"Mum!" A smile lit up Chris's face and he wandered into the kitchen and locked his eyes on (Y/n). He didn't expect to find her in here. He slung his school bag on the kitchen table and hurried over to where (Y/n) was knelt on the floor.
He slumped down on his knees next to her and wrapped his arms around her, burrowing his face into her neck as he nudged the washing basket in front of her out of his way.
"Hi baby, how was school?"
"Good, I won a quiz in English." He grinned when (Y/n) kissed his cheek, whispering "That's my clever boy." In his ear.
His forehead pressed into hers but he tilted his head to the side to look up when Eddie walked into the kitchen. They both watched him stand in the doorway, arms folded over his chest and his head tilted to one side with an arched brow in (Y/n)'s direction.
"Funny, I thought bed rest meant staying in bed, and this looks like the kitchen to me."
(Y/n) rolled her lips together and leaned against Chris's forehead, watching quietly as Eddie grabbed the wash basket and put it on the kitchen table next to Chris's bag. She pressed another kiss to Chris's cheek before he unravelled from her and moved to sit down at the table.
She reached her hand up to the counter but stopped when Eddie only sighed and held his hands out in front of her. She took them gratefully and let him lift her up to her feet.
Her hands moved up to grip his shoulders and she smiled sweetly up at him but it didn't do anything to soften Eddie's look. She could feel his hands move to give her hips a squeeze and she let him turn her in the direction of the doorway. That was her silent signal to go back and sit down.
She looked over at Chris and gave him a lasting smile which he returned, before she headed out the kitchen. Her hand trailed along the wall for leverage to try and keep herself upright. Her legs had gone to jelly hours ago from how long she had been sat down. And (Y/n) could feel Eddie hovering behind her like a looming shadow of protection.
When she got in the bedroom, (Y/n) moved towards the pile of clothes she had set on the bed earlier and began folding them ready to put away. Eddie's eyes burned holes through her back and the thought made her shiver.
Her lips pressed together into a thin line and she moved her free hand to cradle her stomach.
"Would you just sit down?" Eddie reached out and planted his hands back down on (Y/n)'s hips and stopped her in her tracks.
He pressed his chest into her back and leaned over to attach his lips to the side of her neck. He stopped her from walking towards the wardrobe and he curved one arm around to grab the clothes from her hands and throw them back down on the bed.
He could feel (Y/n) waiting for his next move and when she tilted her head back on his shoulder, he moved his hand to her stomach.
"I've been stuck in here for two weeks, baby. I need to move at some point,"
Bed rest had never felt so boring. In truth, (Y/n) had never been put on bed rest before, she'd never had an accident or an injury that called for bed rest. Having a placental abruption changed things. No heavy lifting, no straining or moving about too much in case the placenta moved any more. If (Y/n) had another haemorrhage, she would go into labour or risk losing the baby.
And (Y/n) couldn't wake up during the night to another bleed and horrid pains that still seemed to echo in her stomach, even now.
"Moving isn't the problem, trying to do everything else is. Leave the washing, me and Chris will do that later."
"I can't just do nothing, this whole pregnancy I've barely got out of bed other than to be sick or go to hospital." (Y/n) could feel tears welling up in her eyes and her throat felt like it was going to close up.
She moved her hands down to squeeze Eddie's hands until he walked her over to the bed and she took the hint to sit down. She thought he would sit next to her but he moved round and instead, knelt down between her legs. His arms resting on her thighs with his hands cupping her hips and his chin perched on her leg so he was staring up at her with those chocolate eyes that melted her into a puddle.
"You're not well, mi amor, there's nothing with taking it easy. Two, maybe three weeks and she'll be here." Eddie slipped his hand beneath her shirt to run his fingers along her stomach and he leant up so he could press his lips to the spot where he felt the baby kick.
He smiled softly against her stomach when he felt (Y/n)'s hands move so one was gripping his shoulder and the other was tangled in his hair. Her fingers combed through his locks and brushed them back while she leaned over to kiss his temple.
"I want her now… I'm fed up of being ill." (Y/n) could feel the tears rolling down her face before she realised she was starting to cry.
Eddie's lips pressed a final kiss to her stomach before he pushed up on his knees so he was level with her, resting between her thighs. His fingers wormed their way along her hips and beneath her shirt before his hands spread out across her back and he tugged her closer. He let her slump her head onto his shoulder and he turned his head to the side so he could press a wet, tender kiss to her temple.
"She'll be here soon, baby. Then we'll have a little girl in our arms, hm?"
That was the only thought keeping Eddie going. That soon enough, this pregnancy from Hell would be over and he would have (Y/n) back to her normal health and he wouldn't have to worry about her so much. And there would be a little girl in his arms that he would spoil. They would be a family of four and everything would get back on track once their daughter was here.
"Can't you bribe her to be born now?" It was no secret that their daughter loved the sound of Eddie's voice.
He had taken to talking to her when she started to kick and wriggle because she seemed to settle when he spoke. And it was a way Eddie had gotten (Y/n) to stick to bed rest if he stayed with her and started talking to their baby.
His lips curved into a smile against her temple and he continued to rub his hand up and down her back. He wasn't sure what good it would do, but if it would calm (Y/n) down and get her to stay in bed and rest, he would do anything.
"I can try."
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exhuastedpigeon · 5 months
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Helllllo and welcome to my new Weekly Fic Recs!
This first one is going to be a little long since I’m going to rec my favourite fics that I’ve read so far in November. I’ll likely post a list weekly moving forward (probably Friday or Saturday) and will tag them as ‘Han’s Buddie Recs’ and 'Han's Weekly Fic Recs'
These fics are in order of longest to shortest and are separated into newly read, reread, and wips! Anything in italics is a comment from me.
Newly Read
and here, too, am i by Daisies_and_Briars/@cal-daisies-and-briars Teen || 41.1k Six months into their marriage, Eddie is still struggling to decide whether or not he wants more kids, when he knows Buck does. The universe may not scream, but it certainly talks.
I don’t have much else to say about this fic besides ‘it’s extremely great’
Tick Tick Boom by ChasetheWindTouchtheSky Teen || 30.4k Buck decides he doesn’t need therapy, reverts to some bad habits, and explodes. Or, the Breakdown Fic.
every time we stop talking (the universe starts screaming) by withmeornotatall/@chronicowboy Mature || 21.9k Buck gets reckless, eddie gets angry, they talk in all the wrong ways, and the universe decides to intervene
Divorce 2.0 era. 
All The Work That Needs To Be Done by trysetmeonfire/@try-set-me-on-fireTeen || 14.6k Bobby dies. Eddie worries. Life goes on.
This fic made me cry on multiple occasions, reader beware that it will probably make you cry too. It’s beautiful. 
Sixth time's the charm by CorgiQueen14/@corgiqueen14 Teen || 14.2k The mid-lawsuit time loop fic that you didn't know you needed.
I’m a hoe for a time loop 
you had to kill me (it killed you just the same) by MonsterRae1/@monsterrae1Explicit || 12.4k The Hire to Kill Au. Buck's a hired assassin sent after Eddie, instead, he ends up falling in love.
Got Weird by Daisies_and_Briars/@cal-daisies-and-briars Explicit || 10.5k Shortly after Buck and Natalia break up, Eddie gets tipsy and makes a rather forward move. Then immediately panics (not that Eddie panics, of course) and backpedals. Eddie spirals, Buck is confused. Lots of spontaneous kissing ensues.
The idiots in love tag was invited for this specific fic, I swear. 
I wanna spend my forever like that by wikiangela/@wikiangela General || 8.6k Eddie catches a cold and stubbornly denies he's sick, while a fondly exasperated Buck is trying to take care of him.
Something Dumb to Do by glorious_spoon/@glorious-spoon Explicit || 8.5k Buck and Eddie try something out together.
These men are idiots and it’s perfect and VERY hot. 
i'd swim to your call on my phone by heartbeatdiaz/@loserdiaz Teen || 8.5k Buck's daughter keeps calling 9-1-1 for help with her homework, Eddie is smitten and apparently 9-1-1 works better than Tinder
What's Died Will Never Stay Dead by HMSLusitania/@hmslusitania Teen || 6.5k The immortal firefam AU no one asked for.
Yet another Buddie banger from a ship that sank in 1915. 
swinging for the fences by inbetweenthestacks/@organizedstardust Teen || 6.4k Buck takes Eddie to a baseball game.
This is the first baseball/baseball adjacent fic I’ve read in the Buddie fandom that made my baseball obsessed heart very happy. You don’t have to care about baseball to like it though!The line “Is baseball just…math?” made me actually laugh out loud because.. Yeah baseball kind of is math. 
if you go down in the woods today by oklahoma/@malewifediazTeen || 6.3k “Oh, oh. I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you.” Buck grips Bobby’s hands as he goes down to the ground, looking up at Eddie with hot fire in his big blue eyes. “You’re gonna owe me so many blowjobs when I wake up. D’you hear me, Eddie Diaz? You owe me so bad.”
They’re so goofy with each other in this and it feels so true to the characters and show. A delight! 
kiss and make up by 42hrb Explicit || 3.3k Instead of being soft and sweet or adrenaline fueled and filled with love and thanks that they're both alive, their first kiss comes in the middle of a fight in Eddie’s living room.
shameless self promo, but I loved writing this fic so here it is on my own rec list :)
if this love is pain (let's hurt tonight) by HungryHungryHippo/@hippolotamus Teen || 3.2k After Chris leaves for college Buck mysteriously disappears. Five years later he finally returns with some answers.
Honestly... it's perfect
let heart hold true by lecornergirl/@clusterbuck Teen || 2.4k Eddie comes out to christopher. things snowball from there.
nicknames, supernova similes and the family we make by thewolvesof1998/@thewolvesof1998 General || 800 words Bobby and Athena meet Buck and Eddie's new baby girl.
like a dog with a bird at your door by fleetinghearts/@shitouttabuckExplicit || 51k Evan “i love you like a dog” buckley has only ever known how to love like, well, a dog, but maybe eddie diaz is the kinda guy to give a flea-bitten mongrel a forever home
I wish I was lying when I say I’ve read this fic 4 times since it came out, but I’m not. It’s so damn good. 
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston/@ebjameston Teen || 40.9k The ghost would prefer to go by Buck, if Eddie wouldn’t mind.
I can’t find the worlds to tell you how much I love this fucking fic. It’s so good. It might actually be perfect. 
of bake sales and overdue realizations by brewrosemilk/@gayhoediaz Teen || 4.8k Eddie doesn’t notice it until it becomes a thing that happens even when it’s just him and Buck, without Chris anywhere near them - but even then, he doesn’t find it strange, or give it much thought. Buck is the one who starts ending their phone calls with a quick ‘love you’ but it doesn't take long before Eddie does the same, often beating him to it.
Maybe More Than I Should by Leslie_Knope Mature || 30k || ¾ chapters complete Eddie caught sight of the man leaning against the side of his desk and immediately wanted to retreat to the relative safety of the hallway, back in time when he lived happily not knowing that Mr. Buckley was apparently some kind of male model masquerading as a third-grade teacher.
This fic is an absolutely TREAT
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glorious-spoon · 5 days
your way or nothing at all [9-1-1 | Eddie Diaz | 1/1]
1500 words character study | mild angst | weddings | background buck/tommy, eddie/marisol | pre-relationship buddie | not quite a feelings realization for eddie but he's getting there
In the quieting dark, Eddie lingers by the tables, the empty chairs pushed together in a cluster for a conversation long since abandoned. It's late enough that people are starting to filter out into the night, and pretty much everybody left is crowded at the open bar or swaying on the dance floor. At the high table, Maddie has Buck's suit jacket draped over her shoulders and her cheek tipped against Chim's shoulder, and he's looking down at her with a dopily besotted expression that Eddie can clock even from here.
It makes him feel like—something, some kind of nostalgia for the wedding he never got to have with Shannon. That whole day felt like being hustled through a play that he never learned his lines to. Shannon was three months pregnant and deep in the throes of vicious morning sickness that was not improved by the catering or the stress of the day, so he spent their wedding night holding back her hair in the honeymoon suite his parents paid for and trying desperately to feel like he had a single fucking clue what he was doing. Trying to feel like a man and a husband and a father-to-be and mostly feeling like a complete fraud.
They deserved better. Both of them. Now, in this moment, after this day, it soothes more than it stings to watch Maddie and Chim hold onto each other so easily.
The song changes, and he watches a swirl of motion on the bar side of the dance floor, the particular energy that's easily identifiable as Buck even before he emerges from the crowd. Normally, maybe Eddie would gravitate in, but Buck's got a hand linked together with Tommy's, and they're laughing, and so he stays where he is. Just watches.
It's sweet, a little fumbling as Buck very obviously tries to figure out the logistics of slow-dancing with another guy. Tommy says something in a low voice and settles a palm on his hip, and Buck ducks his head, laughing, and leans into him.
It's sweet. It is. Eddie's throat fucking aches.
He doesn't know why, not really. Maybe it's the smile on Buck's face, wide and giddy and almost embarrassingly bright. He never smiled at Natalia like that, or Taylor. Maybe Ali, but the truth is that back then Eddie wasn't looking for it. Back then, he was so caught up in everything with Shannon, and he and Buck were barely more than friendly coworkers, as strange as that idea seems now.
He probably smiled at Abby like that. Eddie wasn't around for that relationship, only the aftermath, but he can imagine it. You don't hurt that badly when someone leaves you unless you really fucking loved them.
"You would not believe the line for the bathroom," Marisol says from behind him, and Eddie jolts like he just grabbed a high-voltage wire. He tries to spin it into something graceful as he turns to face her, but he's pretty sure it doesn't work, and also pretty sure that he shouldn't be feeling quite so jumpscared at the sight of his girlfriend. His heart is pounding. He rubs his knuckles against his sternum, and Marisol asks, "You okay?"
"Yeah," he says. "Sorry. You startled me."
"No, it's fine." She smiles at him, and it's pretty. She looks pretty, in a blue dress that looks black in this light, little metallic threads picked through and glittering. It hugs the curves of her body in a way that Eddie feels obligated to notice, and so he does, and when he looks her in the eye again she's smiling wider, and that's pretty too and Eddie—
Eddie still feels like a fucking fraud.
"I got you a beer," Marisol says. She's got a glass of wine in her other hand. White wine, lipstick marks on the rim.
Eddie smiles back and takes the bottle she hands him. "Thanks."
"I wasn't sure what you'd want." She grins at him, flirty. "You'll have to tell me if I made a bad guess."
He sips the beer. It's a lager, hoppy and astringent in a way that leaves a bitter aftertaste on his tongue. He takes another drink and smiles around the grimace his mouth wants to make. "It's perfect. Thank you."
The pleased relief in her smile doesn't make the lie feel any better. He takes another sip and sets the bottle down, and Marisol settles her hip against his chair, close enough that he can feel the warmth of her body. Close enough that he could wrap an arm around her thighs and pull her into his lap, if he wanted to do that. He shifts forward instead, leaning his elbows against the table, and she lets out a quiet sound and sets her glass down to sit in the chair next to him. The music switches over from Christina Perri to what Eddie is pretty sure is Savage Garden, and on the dance floor Tommy says something that makes Buck laugh and pull him closer.
"They're cute together," Marisol observes. "Buck and, um… Tommy?"
Eddie's fingers twitch on his beer bottle. "Yeah."
"I didn't know that he was, you know…" she trails off. Eddie looks over at her, and she adds, "Not that there's anything wrong with it! I just, I thought he had a girlfriend."
"They broke up. He dates guys too," Eddie says, more emphatically than is really necessary. Like this is a truth that he's always known instead of something Buck told him two weeks ago in the loft, quiet and careful like he was afraid of how Eddie would react. Like he was afraid of Eddie.
It was a date, we were on a date.
So it's new for Buck, too. Not just him. But still.
It feels like something he should have known.
"Okay," Marisol says. The corners of her mouth tighten, and she takes a pointed sip of her wine. "I didn't know that, is all."
I didn't know either, Eddie imagines saying, but the words strangle themselves in his throat just the same as, Actually, I don't like lagers, and, I don't really want company tonight, did. He wonders how the hell Buck does it—just opens his mouth and lets the truth spill out. Eddie can only manage that when it's for other people. Never for himself.
"Sorry," he says out loud. "It's been… a day."
Marisol's face softens a little, and he feels like shit about that, too. It has been a day, is the thing. He woke up in a bathtub, more hungover than he's been in at least a decade, and after that was a wild goose-chase through the desert to retrieve Chim in time for the wedding, and all that is plenty of reason for him to be off his game now. It's just that somehow it also feels like a fucking lie.
On the dance floor, Buck has his cheek pressed to Tommy's. He says something, and Tommy's shoulders shake with laughter, and then they both turn, moving easily together into a kiss. It's quick and tender, and Eddie abruptly feels like the worst kind of voyeur for watching it happen. He turns his head away and finds Marisol looking at him.
The music changes again. TLC, he's pretty sure, because Chim is deep down a very basic Gen X music kind of guy. Or maybe it was Maddie's pick, who knows. Anyway. It's a little more upbeat, but still slow enough to dance to.
"You, uh." He clears his throat, and finds a smile that feels almost right. "Come on, you wanna dance before they close it all down? They're playing our song."
"This is our song?" Marisol asks, but she's laughing. "I don't even think I was born yet when it came out."
Eddie shrugs and holds out a hand. "It could be our song. Maybe for tonight it's just a good song to dance to."
That must have been the right thing to say. She smiles, sets her wine down, and slips her hand into his, letting him tug her to her feet. They wind their way through the chairs to the dance floor, and under the string lights she settles easily into his arms. 
I know you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all, rasps the singer in a sweetly smoky voice, as Eddie closes his eyes, and sways, and breathes, but I think you're moving too fast.
I think you're moving too fast.
He breathes in, and out, and opens his eyes. Marisol smiles up at him, and he smiles back, then cuts his eyes away. There are still a handful of people left on the dance floor with them: Athena and Bobby, swaying together like they're in their own little world, a couple of Buckley cousins with their dates. Buck and Tommy are gone, though, and Eddie almost cranes his head through the crowd to see where they got to before he catches himself.
"To tell you the truth," Marisol says. "I really don't think this is our song."
"Alright, well, we can find another one," Eddie says, and she laughs and sways into him, and he holds onto her, and when he closes his eyes, it's fine; it all feels fine.
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mvltisstuff · 11 months
Hi! i was wondering if i could do an eddie request. if so can you do one where him and the reader have been friends he joined the 118 (she’d been there a bit longer and helped him get comfortable). they always flirted but because of prior relationships, they never moved to level up the relationship. it takes chris (who loves the reader) to encourage him to ask her out.
how you get the girl - e.d
Tumblr media
summary: request :)
eddie diaz x reader
a/n: i have yet to write for eddie so i hope this is good :) this idea is so cute 🥲
since the very start of eddie’s probationary period at the 118, y/n had been there as a leader for him. she led him everywhere, as it can be incredibly overwhelming starting at a new work environment. especially having buck on his back the first few days.
both immediately clicked on the first day he arrived. if she’s being honest, watching a powerful, and definitely hot new person come into the firehouse. whenever he needed help during the first few shifts, y/n was right behind him to be his guide. having to deal with his son and even adjusting to a new place himself was scary, and y/n was able to wash away his anxiety.
the policy of dating between firefighters was strict and surely made clear, and their rule-following personalities is what kept them even further apart.
after shannon had passed away, it took eddie a while to go back to his normal world. it felt like things had been shattered, christopher was happy and so was he. even when she asked for a divorce, if it mean chris was happy, so be it. eddie was the most selfless person y/n knew, and that’s what she admired most about him. watching him deal with every causality and call with nothing but care and respect created a new love for him, and it grew more every day.
there was no denying eddie felt the same exact way. he knew y/n has also had a rocky past with her exes, and he never would want to disturb the peace she has made with herself as he is well aware of the strength it took. her resilience and patience with him made him feel safe and loved every day at work. the way she cared for christopher and the way he lit up when she was around made his heart swell. he absolutely adored her, but both of their pasts had achieved in making them frightened to admit.
watching y/n walk in every single day with a motivating smile on her face was the highlight of eddie’s day. she was beautiful, too. her hair was always done neatly, no matter what. even if she was covered in ash or dirt, she still shines through it. her smile was like a thousand fireflies and her laugh was music to his ears.
they had both had their fair share of teasing from other people. buck, carla, chimney and hen, and even his own son had joined in on the fun. they pestered them about when they’d end up in between the sheets, and how long they would last before their true feelings about each other came out.
the one thing that gave eddie hope was how christopher felt. he absolutely looked up to her in the best way, and she treated him like her own. she gently speaks to him in a sweet voice and treats him with nothing but respect, like she would any adult.
they admit all the time that they flirt constantly. passing little comments about each other back and forth. for how smart they are, it shocks everyone else that they are so oblivious to each others feelings. and it drives them up a wall. making bets as to when they’d get together, and taking guesses as to when one of them would crack under the pressure.
as eddie had set the table, carla had prepared another home cooked meal for the father and son. christopher, as much as he loves his dad, cannot stand his cooking, so carla certainly does most. sometimes y/n will stop by to help carla make dinner, saying hello to christopher and spending as much time as she can with eddie, trying not to make it noticeable.
they all sit around the table, devouring the delicious meal carla had served to them. “so, eddie,” carla starts with a small smirk growing on her face. “where is miss y/n tonight?”
“she had a few things to finish up at work, so her shift ended later than mine did,” eddie tells him before christopher interrupts.
“you should take her out to dinner,” he suggests. “to a restaurant, don’t make her something.”
carla and eddie share a laugh before he questions christopher. “and what makes you say that? you don’t think she’d be impressed?”
“oh, honey, i think she’d flee the country,” carla laughs, earning a loud chuckle from christopher.
“alright, fine. i could take her out, but why?”
“because…” chris begins.
“because?” eddie and carla repeat after him.
“she likes you a lot, dad!” christopher exclaims like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“you got a smart kid there, eddie.”
eddie didn’t really know how to respond as he wanted to completely come clean with them, but also wanting to keep his cool. the thought of him and y/n, alone, out to dinner is honestly a dream, but it also makes him nervous because he would definitely not be able to contain his feelings about her then.
“you- you think so, chris?”
“i know so, dad. even buck told me he knows,” eddie gives him a confused look.
“why is buck talking about that?” he says, under his breath.
“i think we all know so,” carla says. “don’t think you’re good at hiding, i wouldn’t boost your ego that much.”
“what do you mean? y/n and i are very close friends, she helps me a lot,” eddie tries to cool down the topic that has risen over dinner.
“only love can make you that bad at covering something up, honey.” carla tells him with a pat to his shoulder.
the next day at work, eddie walks in with his head up after a night of barely any sleep. he thought that if anyone he needed approval from, it was the most important person in his life. and he had gotten that. the only person left was y/n herself. confidence was running through his veins, and he knew he had to ask now before he chickened out again.
he spotted y/n, already in uniform with two french braids running down the crown of her head. a breath was sucked from his mouth as he looked at her, laughing at the playful bickering from hen and chim. music to his ears, the laughing, of course. the fighting was practically white noise at this point.
“y/n! hey!” he says, jogging up to her with his bag thumping behind him.
“hi, eddie!” she replies back, another glowing smile even bigger than before grows on her face. “what’s u-“
“do you wanna grab dinner after todays shift? i heard of a really nice restaurant downtown.” he says abruptly, and she would be lying if she said it hadn’t startled her a bit.
“u-um, sure? what time?”
“get there at 5:30?” eddie says, almost sounding like he’s out of breath.
“okay…” she says slowly as eddie runs off again to the locker rooms to get dressed. y/n turns around, walking back over to the trucks and begins polishing the sides.
the grin on her face is almost painful as she can’t conceal it anymore. it does not go unnoticed by the rest of the team, as buck and bobby make their way downstairs.
“what’s she so thrilled about this morning?” bobby asks and gives her a side eye.
“diaz.” hen and chimney say at the same exact time.
y/n stands in her apartment with some of her girlfriends standing around. she invited hen, athena, and maddie over and athena had also brought may over.
“do you think this is ok?” y/n asks, holding up a skirt. “or maybe i should just grab some jeans, do you think he’d like that? he said a nice place, so maybe a dress or-“
“ok, relax,” athena says. “take a breath. i’m sure he’ll be head over heels if you were in sweatpants.” y/n smiles at herself in the mirror as may shuffles through her closet.
“you could do this!” she says, holding up a navy blue dress that fell mid thigh, with thin straps and a cross in the back. “did you forget about this baby or something? this is perfect! you’d look so hot in this, y/n, he’d probably transfer.”
“well, i don’t think that is the goal tonight sweetie,” athena says, pulling may in to have a seat. “i think it’s perfect too, it’s sexy, but not too much.”
“20 says he’s speechless,” maddie says.
“40 says he faints,” hen jokes back.
y/n exits to try it on, and comes out of the bathroom with a face of light makeup, but not too much. she pulled her hair down with some loose curls in it, hopefully something different from the average up-do for work.
“oh, my god!” may exclaims. “am i a beauty icon or what?”
“may, i have everything to thank you for this!” y/n says, slipping on a pair of heels and grabbing her purse. “it’s getting late, so i’m going to go, thank you for coming and if you guys need anything-“
“go! get out of here!” maddie yells. “he’s probably waiting for you!”
y/n scurries out of the apartment building and into her car, playing some music to get her feeling confidence for tonight. she’s worried her heart might burst out of her chest and break her ribs from how anxious she is. if tonight goes well, she might throw a party in her honor.
when y/n arrives, eddie had already been there. he was dressed in a casual suit, with a few of the buttons undone. the second he saw y/n walk up to the waitress at the front, and say she’s here for eddie, hearing his name making him shake a little.
when y/n is finally directed to the table, eddie stands up and walks over to her. he’s praying he’s not about to fall over right in front of her, because of how breathtaking she looks.
y/n, looking right at him, feels identical. she takes one glance at him and suddenly her eyes are glued there. the breath that she’s been harvesting is let out, and she walks over to get closer to him.
“y-you look,” eddie starts, looking at her figure up and down as she suddenly feels like all the lights in the world are on her. “stunning. wow, uh..”
“you look hot, eddie,” she spits out, not even thinking about her words. “or, amazing! you look amazing! sorry, that was really forward but uh-“
“it’s ok,” eddie laughs and smiles and he appears content, but his heartbeat is clear in his own ears. “i, uh, hope this isn’t too fancy for you.”
“no, it’s perfect! just weird seeing each other in such a, clean? place,” she says. “i mean we’re surrounded by tragedy every day, so.”
“that’s true,” eddie replies. once they order their food, they spend the whole night laughing, and forgetting about their worries and stubbornness. they exchange stories from when they were younger, and eddie shares funny things about chris which y/n absolutely adores.
after the night goes on, they both sit back and don’t know where to go. they could take this opportunity to change everything that they have, or ruin a perfect relationship because they thought they were too greedy for more.
standing outside, they both wait, the upset settling in that the night is over. they start mocking some of the rich people that were sitting next to them who demanded everything be perfect for them, but ultimately land just sighing and standing in silence.
“i had a really great night, eddie. thank you,” y/n says.
“it was really no problem, i had a perfect night, too,” he tells her back.
“i think there’s something we need to talk about, though.”
eddie’s heart drops a bit, as she might be completely dropping their friendship. he fears the worst, but allows her to continue.
“this friendship between us has opened to many doors for me, and you have taught me so much,” she begins, carefully as eddie gets more nervous for the result. “but i cannot keep doing this if i keep pretending i’m not in love with you, eddie.”
he stops for a minute, taking a step back and having to bring himself together. “you’re in love with me?” he says, barely above a whisper. y/n nervously nods back and he lets out a relieved laugh. she immediately turns red, worried it’s a mocking laugh and that he’s about to tell her he’s crazy.
“shit, sorry,” she starts to apologize, “i didn’t wanna mess things up but i couldn’t hide anymore and i haven’t felt this way about someone and i, oh god, i’m so sorry-“
eddie moves in to cut her off. his hand lands on the dip of her waist and pulls her in. he brushes a piece of her hair away behind her ear and lands a passionate kiss on her lips, trying to calm her nerves. “you have nothing to be sorry for, y/n.” he says and she pulls him back in, grabbing the back of his neck and planting a deep kiss. their sweet kiss turns into a heated make out in front of this fancy restaurant. they stay there for a few minutes, before they pull away and smile at each other, brightly.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“of course, eddie,” y/n says back with a gentle grin as she turns around and walks back to her car. eddie makes his way back around, quietly cheering himself on for finally landing the girl he’s been thinking about for months.
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chronicowboy · 1 year
When Buck shows up on the Diaz doorstep with a vacant frown, Eddie is struck nauseous by the wave of hope that crests in him and the swoop of deep concern in his stomach. He leads Buck into the kitchen without a word, sets him down in a chair and fetches them both a beer from the fridge. He pops the caps off, sets one down in front of Buck, and retreats to lean back against the counter just in case this isn't the conversation he thinks it is.
They drink in a stifling quiet. Eddie watches every tiny micro expression that twitches across Buck's face, catches every tic of his fingers and jump of his leg. He watches and waits and most of all he sees.
"I misunderstood," Buck murmurs eventually, and Eddie has to physically bite down on the hope that rears its head at the words. He thinks back to a pink and yellow heart, an assignment failed correctly in Eddie's opinion.
"How so?" Eddie pushes gently when Buck wavers. Buck's eyes meet his then, for a single moment, heavy with something beyond the fizzle of a three-week-old relationship.
"I never actually asked her out." Buck takes another swig of beer, shakes his head. "She asked me for coffee that first time, but we really only talked about me."
"And the lightning?" Eddie asks. Buck nods.
"And then, we kept meeting up." Eddie holds a gulp of beer in his mouth to distract himself from the sharp stab of pain behind his sternum. "But we kept getting interrupted every time I tried to find out more about her. Every time I tried to talk about more than my death."
"Maybe the universe was screaming at you?" Eddie suggests just to hear Buck's huff of disbelieving laughter.
"Yeah, well, it was wasting its time." Buck leans back in his chair, takes a deep breath. "Natalia said enough for the universe."
Eddie swallows another mouthful of beer, washes his heart back down his throat and into his ribcage for safekeeping. He'd known, of course. He'd known this was going to happen. Eddie sees Buck, so of course he sees Buck's relationships too. He saw Buck still pining after Abby even when it was clear how it had already ended. He saw Ali's hesitance in the hospital waiting room and just knew this was too much for her to handle. He saw Taylor from the very beginning. And he saw Natalia too, even though he didn't really. But he knew a death doula asking death's best friend for coffee couldn't end well.
"I actually managed to ask her out on a date at lunch today." Buck sighs, deep and turbulent. "She was very nice about rejecting me. Seems, she thought I knew this was more of a professional interest than a personal one." He scoffs, drops his head into his hands. "Thing is, I know that now. Not just because she told me, but because I realised I was only really using her to come to terms with... everything?" He brings his head out of his hands, sets his chin on his palm, gazes up at Eddie with something breathtakingly honest in his eyes. "I just... I thought she could make my death mean something. I needed it to mean something."
"Buck," Eddie sighs, sits himself down in the chair opposite, "you know that's not how it works. There's no rhyme and reason to death. As much as we might want there to be. You can look for a reason all you'd like, but that's how people drive themselves insane." Eddie folds his arms over his chest.
"But I survived, Eddie," Buck says it like he's pleading, "surely that has to mean something."
"And it does," he concedes. "It means you're still here. With the people who love you." And maybe that's too honest for the quiet of the kitchen at half ten, but Eddie finds he doesn't care when Buck looks at him like this. He sits upright, braces himself on the tabletop. "You think any of my near deaths meant anything?" Buck flinches a little at that, looking down at his bottle chastened.
"I don't know." He shrugs. "But the helicopter brought you home, right? In the end?"
"Well," Eddie swallows every drop of bravery he can muster, "maybe the lightning brought you home too. In the end."
"Eddie," Buck breathes, "what?"
"You came here, Buck." Eddie smiles weakly, lets his eyes speak for him. "You came home."
Buck opens his mouth, closes it, opens it again, clenches his jaw shut. He glances around the kitchen, drinking in every inch of it, the square spoon in the drying rack that Eddie knows Buck brought from his apartment, the collection of kitschy, overpriced zoo mugs in the cupboard Eddie had left open at the knock on the door, the Hildy coffeemaker that had been one expensive prank.
"I came home," Buck repeats softly. His eyes find their way back to Eddie's. "And I fell asleep on the couch."
"Yeah," Eddie breathes a soft chuckle, "you did."
"The couch will be waiting for you, Buck." Eddie stands, drops his empty bottle into the recycling. "Whenever you're ready, the couch, the home, the kid, all of it, it'll be waiting for you."
"When I'm ready?" Buck croaks.
"When you're ready." Eddie smiles. "We've got time, so take it."
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