#I love her voice I love how it’s a bit rough and imperfect it’s like singing something just for each other
vampirebutterflies · 1 year
tagged by darling @gremlin-soup for my top five songs Right Now !!
✿ Here with Me by d4vd
❀ Sea of Love by Cat Power
✿ Hardlight by Spacey Jane
❀ Blood cover by Gang of Youths
✿ Running Up That Hill cover by The Wombats
taggin @not-nervous-jester @chupacactus @blackbeardskneebrace @blakbonnet @nofeelingisfinall @eye-scream-girls @couriander @skysofrey @smoothedsmoothie @enbiosaur @turtles-on-turts (won’t let me tag u I hope u see this 🥺) and @creepycute-puppy-gf if y’all wanna play because I am Full Of Love and interaction is!!! scary but fun!!!!
#bonus mention to groceries by mallrat It’s Fun It’s Cute It’s The Vibe it’s been stuck in my head on and off for hours#okay I’m gonna ramble abt my choices here bc I love oversharing#they’re in no particular order of Priority#here with me. god. GODDDDDD. ugh. the sounds are gorgeous the best and the tones and the vibes are immaculate I can’t help but move and flow#it’s seeping and saturated with love it’s dozey it’s dazey it’s thick with heady sunlight and it tastes sweet and citrusy and it feels like#sharing a melting ice lolly with someone you love and holding hands and watching the sunset and leaning against each other and wandering#hands and lazy kisses and ughhghghhhhh#like when your skins a lil pink and prickly from being out in the sun too long and your lips are a lil dry and tender but kissing still just#feels so soft and thick and heavy and sweet and safe#and feeling the textures of skin and clothes and warm sun and cooler breeze and the smell of each other after being out in the day together#just. together together together here with me#the suns setting and we’re heading home a little achey but it’ll be okay#I don’t care how long it takes. ​as long as I’m with you I’ve got a smile on my face#sea of love. ugh. it’s sweet. it’s cute. it’s a lil rough round the edges like holding hands with soft but slightly calloused skin. its Love#it feels. real. how it is. like snuggling up together and just dozing in the comfort of having each other#I love her voice I love how it’s a bit rough and imperfect it’s like singing something just for each other#and the tinny twangs and the different layers of sound and underlying sultry indulgence#it feels like being smug and in love and knowing how good you’ve got it even if it’s not your usual superficial visually Perfect#it feels like having you and Living and the quiet confident comfort#hardlight. need I say more#it’s upbeat but it’s fuckin heartbreaking#can you see the weight I’m wearing on my shoulders? each ones worse and stays a little longer#fucked it up again— I’m looking alive and I’m feeling fine#and I love I’m gonna start a fight— give me a reason; give me something to bite#blood? the building crescendo and the layers and the twinkling and the hhhhhh#and there is nothing you can do about it now. and the RAWNESS the EMOTION the STUBBORNNESS#do not let your fucking spirit wane. fuck.#I’ve run out of tags HELP I have so much to say!! wombats cover best cover I’ll ramble sometime if anyone asks OKAY BYE#tag game#mercury moments
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phoxey · 5 months
„Who knew you could be so cheesy…“
Chocol x fem!reader
CW: none :) this is purest pure little fluff
AN: at the end cuz i don’t wanna spoil the oneshot
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It was a cloudy November day. The Moon was barely to be seen and it was cold in the streets of Seoul.
Yet you were sweating. You stood in a small underground club, panting but grinning as heavy hiphop music blasted out the speakers. It was a smaller dance battle event but the place was crowded. In front of you the orange haired beast that was your girlfriend. But in this dancebattle she was your opponent and you weren’t going to go easy on her.
In her turn she threw every possible impressive move at you. It seemed like she really wanted to win over you. You knew that this battle wouldn’t be finished on this stage, but rather continued later in your bed in the apartment of you two. You had the deal, that whenever you two battled, the winner could control the sexy time in the evening.
Smirking you bit your lip, when she did that ground move of hers. It always made you go crazy over her and she knew it. Your girlfriend was so impressive and with every passing moment you fell in love more and more.
How can a person be so talented? So beautiful? So handsome? So gentle? So rough? So perfectly imperfect? So smart? So foolish?
She was everything at once. The whole package. And the Bonus? She was yours. Yours alone.
At the end of her turn she came to a halt before you and winked at you teasingly. Chuckling you pushed her back, by her waist. To be honest, you just wanted to feel her body in your hands for a moment. The entire day had been so hectic, so this was the first time of the day that you touched her. You felt how deprived you were. Chocol had been out with Haechi and Mini the entire day, doing god knows what.
You had a different style than Chocol, less wavy motions, less floor work. It was a hard hiphop style with krump elements sprinkled into it. And the music was yours, so that would be an easy win, you thought. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the judges nodding approvingly, but your eyes were fixed on your girlfriend. You copied her ending move and finished, standing in front if her and winking cheekily.
Chocols second turn started slowly and she had that smug grin plastered onto her face, she was planning something. You wondered what, because she had already used up all her killer moves.
A record scratch ripped you out if your thought process. Suddenly „Marry you“ by Bruno Mars was playing. Confused you looked over to the DJ, who was just grinning at you. You looked back to your girlfriend, to see if she knew what was going on. What Chocol was dancing, wasn’t a battle dance anymore. It was a Choreography.
She mixed some b-boying into her dance it seemed, as she swirled around on her knees and before you knew it, she was kneeling in front of you and was holding a black box in her hand. The music faded out. Even the crowds chatter died down. Everyone, including you, was holding their breath.
„We have been through endless battles together, on and off stage. For the past ten years you supported me through every storm and every war that i fought, especially the ones against myself. When in doubt you were always there. When we are apart i can think about nothing but the moment i will have you in my arms again. And when we fight, i am not afraid, because i know in the end it is you and me against the problem. You read me like an open book. You always know what to say and do to cheer me up. Though, if i am being honest, your mere existence makes me happy. Seeing you makes me happy. Hearing your sweet voice and laugh makes me happy. Holding and kissing you makes me happy. I want to make you happy as well… for the rest of my life i want to be the reason you smile and feel good. Please let me take care of you for the rest of my life and become my wife?“, she asked and opened the box. A simple but beautiful ring shimmered there.
The hand that had covered your mouth in shock, slowly reached for Chocol as you slowly nodded, as though you were in trance.
„Yes, oh god… yes, please.“, you whispered and the crowd erupted in cheers.
Chocol beamed happily and stood up. You jumped into her arms and quietly sobbed happy tears into her neck. Then she pulled away to slide the ring onto your finger. Gently she peppered your face in kisses.
„I love you.“, you whispered.
„I love you more.“, she whispered back.
Grinning you shook your head and pushed her playfully.
„Who knew you could be so cheesy…“
AN: This is how i want someone to propose to me... doesn't have to be Chocol. Doesn't have to be one of the SWF girlies... i just need a dancer gf, i suppose, so i can battle against her and have her propose to me.
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veeples · 4 months
ockiss24 - valinter
Well hi there. I'm really just doing OC shipping these days, so <3. Happy ockiss24 to everyone! For @ockissweek! No theme used. title: bright, aching longing pairing: faustus valentine/winter collins (@narrativefoiltrope) rating: gen word count: ~1.2k ao3 link!
When Faustus opens his eyes, his bedroom is that surreal shade of blue before the sun can gild it gold. It must be very early. Winter’s alarm hasn’t even gone off yet. Her back is facing him, half bare with her summer pajamas. If he focuses he can make out the freckles on her shoulders, freshly vibrant from the weekend gardening.
Looking at her fills him with a bright, aching longing. They haven’t had a morning to themselves in weeks . Months, maybe. Between the kids and both their jobs, they can only manage to find their privacy at night. Faustus recognizes that familiar longing as loneliness.
He misses her.
The distance between them becomes suddenly, acutely intolerable. He wants her in his arms, like, right fucking now.
“Winter,” he says, voice low and rough with sleepiness.
After a moment, she hums so low he almost misses it. She’s probably tired. The weekend had been as hectically busy as they tend to be now with kid’s birthday parties and local events. He almost hesitates. It would be kinder to let her sleep, but he’s always been a selfish bastard.
Reaching out to stroke her spine with his knuckles, he says, more insistent, “Mm, no, don’t go back to sleep. We have to enjoy this while it lasts.”
Sleepily, Winter mumbles, “Enjoy what?”
“The joy of the kids not being up.” She shifts a bit in interest, head turning towards him. Faustus smirks, scenting blood in the water, and continues. “Nice, isn’t it? We could have a little morning snuggle.”
“Come on ,” Faustus whines impatiently. “Honeybee, I’m cold. I’m freezing. Come warm me up.”
“Freezing in summer?” Winter laughs quietly. Faustus grins, smug with victory. He can tell she’s ready to give in.  “Alright.” 
Then, with a little sigh of effort, Winter rolls around until they’re face to face. Their eyes meet across the sheets and Faustus is too shameless to regret bothering her.
Gripped with excitement, Faustus does a stupid little shuffle towards her. Winter giggles, but she’s shuffling too, sheets rustling noisily in their otherwise silent room. Then: Faustus sighs happily as soon as he gets an arm draped across Winter’s waist and she’s got hers curled around his back. She smiles at him, drowsy and imperfect. Her hair is an ugly flattened mess on one side. Creases line her cheek on the side she slept on.
I love her, Faustus thinks, overwhelmed with the force of it.
“Hey,” he says in a whisper, like any louder and he’ll break the moment.
“Hi,” Winter whispers back.
Settling into the cuddle is as natural as breathing for Faustus. That bruised, aching thing in his chest quiets with Winter’s solid warmth in his arms. He has always been so hungry for affection. It’s insane to him that even now that he’s married, that hunger still hasn’t left him. 
Maybe he would always be like this. Maybe it was a simple consequence of their constraints: his touring, her job, the kids now. Even holding her, he finds himself wanting for more. Wishing they had endless time to indulge.
“I miss this.” Faustus says, stroking his thumb along the curve of her hip. “Mornings like this.”
Winter’s mouth goes soft and sweet with understanding, sad with a little longing. “I do too.”
Her hand draws a line up the worn cotton of his shirt to the overgrown fringe of hair at his nape. Faustus closes his eyes as she scratches there lightly. He could sink into this shared warmth for hours and hours. He really, really would like to. He’d love for everything – her job, his music, even the kids – to fall away for a while so they could enjoy each other without worry. 
Not for the first time, Faustus feels that nasty twinge of guilt. He loves his kids. He loves that parenthood fills him with a huge love, bigger than he knows how to really hold, and he even loves that it scares him shitless. But there’s also that nagging desire to monopolize Winter’s time. Bad habit of his, really. He’s an insatiable beast.
Ah, whatever. This really isn’t the time for that conversation. Later, he thinks, he’ll have to admit they need to figure out how they can get more time together or he might, like, keel over from wanting. It’s kinda funny that, even married, he finds himself wanting for her. 
Kinda funny. Mostly unfair.
For now, all he wants to do is fully enjoy the luxury of having his wife in his arms, her fingers in his hair, before the day pulls them apart again.
Soon – too fucking soon – Winter’s alarm interrupts their happy cuddle time. The look she gives him is one of strained regret. Faustus groans, lifts his arm, and watches her roll over to silence her phone on the nightstand with a pout. He waits until Winter’s out of bed, feet stuck into her pink plaid slippers and standing at their closet, to decide to poke her a bit.
Faustus sighs loudly, dramatic and jilted. “Is it worth it to convince you to come back to bed?”
“You can always try,” Winter says lightly as she examines her wardrobe. There’s a note of teasing in her voice, the bully she is. 
“Five minutes, Winter.”
Winter pulls out two sweaters, one blue, one tan, both equally grandma like in style. She considers them both before putting away the blue one. “Skylar will need to get ready soon though.”
“Three minutes?”
“Oh Faustus, what could we do in three minutes?”
“Cuddle some more?” Only now does Winter turn to him, eyebrows slightly raised in the mild astonishment of someone who knows Faustus hardly ever stops at cuddling. Faustus raises his hand in mock salute. “Scouts honor! Just a cuddle.”
Unmoved, Winter smiles at him like she really wants to give in, but knows she can’t. Instead she crosses back to the bed and cups his face between her palms and kisses him in way of an apology. It’s very tender, very loving, and again he wants more . Faustus tries to chase after it when she pulls away, but she stills him with a gentle squeeze to his jaw.
Faustus looks at her, helpless. For the second time that morning, he aches to have her in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” Winter whispers against his skin. “How about we get a babysitter for the end of the week for a little date night?”
That stirs some definite interest in him. Almost enough to make him drop his primadonna act, but not quite. “You’ll make me wait all week?”
“I’ll give you extra cuddles tonight.”
“And the rest of the week.”
“You’ll get spoiled like that.” Winter grins wide enough he can see her little tooth gap, all sweetness and affection. “Alright, all week.”
The rest of the morning goes exactly as all of them have since they added Clover to their little family. Check the baby, wrangle Skylar into his clothes, get breakfast on the table. Put on the kettle for Winter’s tea, start his coffee. Winter kisses him goodbye and he steals two more before he lets her go.
Faustus spends the rest of the day, after the kids are dropped off at daycare and he’s plopped his tired ass in the recording studio, looking forward to their nightly cuddle.
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revasserium · 1 year
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requests are open
54. first love, last rites (alternatively titled: sign)
kageyama; 2,631 words; mute!reader w/ mentions of japanese sign language, mostly fluff
01. new
he remembers the first time like a dream, scenes drifting in and out of focus, the images hazy behind the screen of time and memories re-remembered a million times, the rough edges and imperfections smoothed over by years of polishing — your shy, round face and your huge dark eyes peering at him from behind your mother’s legs. but he remembers your smile with a startling clarity —
so big, so bright, so sweet and happy and unrelenting.
your family just moved in next door, or so he gathers from the pitter patter of words he catches as the adults above you both chat. and you’re still watching him, half-hidden from view, your fingers digging into your mom’s beige slacks.
“tobio, say hi,” his own mother urges him with a pat on the back. he frowns, his lips pulling down as he tries to muster the breath. somewhere upstairs, he can feel his sister watching and he wonders at the unfairness. why’s he have to be the one to make friends with the new neighbors? why not her?
“hi…” he finally forces out. a huff of a word.
but when he looks up again, it’s to find you stepping out from behind your mom, a bit less hidden.
you reach out your hand and he stares at it for a solid five seconds before taking it in his.
it’s warm, he thinks, and soft, he realizes.
you pull your hand back and flash him a smile — that smile, that smile.
and somewhere in the back of his young, yet-unburdened mind, he knows he’ll be chasing that smile for the rest of his life.
02. weight
he’d never thought it was strange the way you speak with your hands, the way your fingers flicker and flash, your words big and sharp sometimes, small and hesitant at others. he doesn’t question, in the way that children never question, about the differences in your preferred modes of communication, and he learns quickly enough.
sign… language…
you spell out the letters one by one, slowly to show him and then the motions for the words — a rapid spinning of the fingers. he nods and repeats. you smile and continue.
and like this, he learns about the shapes and weights of words.
03. tomorrow
“ugh, i hate math…”
you look at him over your homework, blinking before you tap your pencil twice on his worksheet, motioning for him to hand it over. he frowns, sighing as he pushes the paper towards you, shifting his chair to sit next to you, bending over it to watch your pencil move.
your arms brush, your knees press.
outside, the spring droops on sun-soaked cherry trees, their branches budding in green.
you chatter with your free hand as you work out the equation on the page.
see? it’s easy, you push the worksheet back at him with two more decisive taps, the dark charcoal lead digging dots into his worksheet. he frowns harder as he tries to piece together how you arrived at the answer.
“it’s not easy,” he says, even as the bell rings, signaling the end of study period, and the classroom erupts into a clamor of voices, of scraping chairs and tinkling phone charms, of laughter and shouts and the poomf poomf poomf of the chalkboard eraser being cleaned.
you try to hide your laughter behind your hands even as kageyama tucks his workbook back into his schoolbag and shoulders it.
“same time tomorrow?” he asks as he makes his way towards the door. you flash him a thumbs up and a hearty nod and he finds himself smiling. he tosses his fingers up into a sideways peace sign before turning out into the crowded middle-school hallway.
see you later.
04. listen
he hears them whispering, talking in between classes, outside during break period, during their mandatory gym classes — he hears them wonder, musing on the reasons behind why he spends so much time with you. why he would even want to. he never answers them, but he hears them.
and he knows that you can hear them too.
it’s okay, you tell him, i wonder too, sometimes.
kageyama stares down at the lunchbox in his lap.
“because,” he says, putting down his chopsticks to motion with his hands, “i want to.”
you smile, reaching out to steal an octopus sausage, popping it into your mouth with a pleased nod. he watches, as he always does, with a kind of muted wonder at just how much can be said without a single spoken word. he watches the way you sway back and forth with the summer breeze, the rooftop scattered with other students, all out to enjoy their lunch beneath the welcoming sun.
it’s quieter up here, so much quieter than the cafeteria or the field out back or the classrooms that allow their students to eat at their desks.
“and…” he folds his hands together, palm to palm, as if trying to catch a firefly’s light, “we’re friends.”
05. hands
he has always thought your hands were beautiful.
“it’s pretty,” he tells you one day, blushing as you blink up at him, quirking your head to one side, like a curious sparrow, waiting, wondering.
he swallows, hard, and its then that he realizes his hands are shaking. he bunches them into fists, squeezing them before letting go, feeling the blood rush back into his fingers, warm and tingling and strong.
“your voice,” he says, but he points to your hands, and as you look back down at them, he reaches out to take them in his.
“it’s pretty,” he repeats, his voice softer this time, less rushed, less forced, his fingers gentle as he folds them over yours.
06. care
he can tell you’re angry even without looking at your face, your normally fluid fingers stuttering as you swap between bandaging up his thumb and yammering away at how he’s gotta be more careful.
“i know,” he says, sighing as you glare up at him once more, dabbing iodine into the wound before tying off the bandage perhaps a bit too tight. he bites back a wince as you drop his hand, the first-aide kit clacking shut as you slam the lid.
his eyes follow the way your shoulders rise and fall with each of your breaths, how your cheeks are ruddy and red from worry, anger.
your hands are important, you say, reaching out to take them, clutching them between your own. you shake them as if trying to shake some sense into him, and he nods, but you shake your head, sharp and vehement.
no, you don’t understand.
“i get it! i do! i need them for volleyball, for setting —”
you shake your head again, squeezing his hands so tight that he does wince this time, his arms jerking back from the pain. your eyes are wide and dark and not for the first time, kageyama finds himself beholden by them, by the strength of your gaze, of your grip as you pull him back towards you.
they’re important to me.
you jab a finger into your own chest, once, twice, three times. so hard that he finally reaches out to catch your hand before you can do it again.
“stop — stop that! your hands are important too! th-they’re important to me!”
there’s a ringing silence, the kind that slices through a room, knife-sharp and bell-deep and kageyama realizes that his chest is heaving, his own heartbeats a thundering drumbeat behind his ears, pounding, pounding —
you slowly twist your palms in his till you can smooth your fingers over his loosening hands. you trace your thumbs along the the pads of his thumbs, pressing slightly to work out the tension he’s collected there. slowly, you move to the base of his pointer fingers, and then his middle finger, one by one, till his hands are warm and loose in his lap between your bodies.
“tomorrow’s game,” he says, his voice soft and rasping and more than a little sorry, “will you… be there?”
you let out an audible sigh, your shoulders slumping down, but you dip your head in a quick nod, your finger flicking out towards him.
i’ll go.
he feels himself relax, slowly softening back into his skin as he nods along as well.
“good. i’ll see you there.”
07. silence
even in the mind-numbing din of a game, there are moments of quiet — and it is in those moments kageyama finds himself most comfortable. in the space between when the spiker’s feet leave the ground and when their palm meets the ball, in the breath before a serve, in the millisecond space between a jump and a block.
“mah… but it really is impressive how you can find even the smallest moments of quiet in a match to concentrate,” sugawara drapes his arm over kageyama’s shoulder during court-switch, giving him a quick squeeze, and a teasing smirk “but i guess that’s why you’re a genius, and we’re all just plebs, hm?”
he dips his head with a huffed, “thanks,” but he glances up towards the stands and finds you immediately.
he feels your smile like a breath of air in a screaming crowd.
you catch his eye and raise both your fists, pumping them twice, and he feels his chest expand with warmth.
good luck!
he allows himself the shadow of a grin, turning back to the game, his shoulders square, his back straight, the cheers and shouts of crowd fading out. it’s his serve.
the whistle blows, he takes a breath, and he revels in the quiet.
08. sound
he learns the meaning of helpless the first time he hears you cry, the sound ripping through him like skin on gravel, harsh and tearing and raw. so jagged, so wrong — the way your breaths heave through your entire body, your hiccups cutting through the soft whine of your sobs.
you have your hands pressed to your ears, knees drawn up to your chest, your room dark except for the block of light pooling on the floor at this feet, caught by the shape of him in your doorframe.
there are so many things he wants to ask, so many things he wants to say — what’s wrong, who did this, tell me their names — tell me their names and i’ll make them pay — tell me, please — talk to me, say something — anything —
but for the first time in his life, when he reaches for the words, they do not appear. his voice stolen by the sight of you, curled up in the corner, hiding from the world, making yourself ever smaller, almost as if you wished you could disappear.
instead, he takes a step in and lets the door close behind him, shutting the pair of you in darkness. slowly, he lowers himself onto the edge of your bed, taking a deep, steadying breath, and then another one. you hiccup; the bed shifts; the sheets shuffle.
he pulls himself onto the mattress to sit across from you, cross-legged, leaving enough space between your bodies for you to deny him. he places both his hands there, palms up, open, imploring, patient. moments pass, and then just as slowly, the shape of you uncurls from itself in the corner, your toes inching forward till they almost touch his fingers.
you reach out to take his hands.
09. butterflies
the sight of your laughter never fails to stump him, to force a break in his thoughts, to slam pause on whatever else he might be doing.
a friend of yours is making you laugh, showing you something on her bedazzled phone, the pair of you giggling, your freshly painted fingers flashing like fish-scales beneath the fluorescent classroom lights. he catches bits of your conversation, his eyes so used to the rhythm of your hands, the way you flutter your fingers in between your thoughts, how you tend to move your entire upper body when you’re excited about something.
“ah… bakayama-kun, are you staring at your girlfriend again?”
kageyama whips around to glower at a much too smug-looking hinata, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face even as kageyama reaches out to try and whack him upside the head. hinata ducks out of the way with a gleeful laugh, and kageyama can feel his cheeks burning as he sinks further into his seat, glaring at the place where hinata used to be.
he feels your eyes on him before he ever turns around to look. but when he does, you quirk your head, blinking at him, a question in your eyes.
he shakes his head before grabbing his bag and stomping from the room, even as the bell rings to signal the end of lunch period.
when the teacher asks where kageyama-kun thinks he’s going, hinata answers that he’s probably got some stomach butterflies to deal with.
10. again
he doesn’t know when it happened, just that by the time he realized, it had already been happening for longer than he can remember. there was no after-school confession, no long-winded letters tucked into one another’s shoe lockers, no homemade chocolates on valentines day, no return-gifts on white day.
kageyama thinks that he’d simply woken up one morning and understood — he’d understood it in the same implicit way that his body had always understood the feeling of a volleyball court, the weight of a ball in his hands, the precise distance between the toss and the serve, the swing and the impact.
“tobio! you’re going to be late!”
he groans as he rolls out of bed, pulling on his track pants, haphazardly brushing his teeth as he digs for a pair of clean socks.
you’re waiting for him by the door, a bright red scarf around your neck, blowing warm air into your palms. you shoot him a bright grin and a wave as he slings his sports back over his shoulders and steps into his shoes.
“morning,” he says, blinking as you hand him a freshly steamed curry bun, still a bit hot to the touch.
he flashes you a grateful smile as he takes it, stuffing half of it into his mouth before you’re halfway down the street and when you turn to look at him with an exasperated huff, he crinkles his nose and holds still as you reach up to wipe the crumbs from the edge of his lips.
you motion for him to hurry, tapping at your wrist.
we’re going to be late!
he sighs, rolling his eyes as he shovels down the rest of the bun, breaking into an unwilling jog.
you let out a tiny, exasperated laugh before reaching out your hand towards him.
he blinks, stares at it for a second, and then reaches out to take it.
your hand is still small in his, and warm, and just as soft as he remembers. but your fingers are cold, and he curls his own fingers around yours, holding them tight as you smile up at him — bright and sweet and unrelenting.
you run your thumb over the back of his hand.
don’t let go.
you both hear the first bell ring when you’re a block from the school gates and he breaks out into a run, pulling you behind him, lacing your fingers between his, grinning despite himself.
you give him a squeeze and he squeezes back.
i won’t.
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Didn't have anything to so but here's this.
made before Snezhnaya, and maybe ooc for any of the characters.
No beta read, tried to write it all out when it was still fresh. (Unedited)
Fatui agenda, (possible yandere?) Capitano x reader
The Witch, the Knight and the Dragon.
Shrouded in mystery, there lived a witch. Whose whole life in devoting her time to others. A noble cause, though not everyone pay too kindly to that notion.
"You're not my daughter!" He scorned.
"Deciever!" She cursed.
"Murderer!" They accused.
Focusing on your 'imperfections' instead of aiding, caused the fair maiden to flee from your kin to a solitary journey. Dreary is the woman with a siren voice.
As if the world has heed your plea, a Knight has entered her tiny life. He had heard rumors of a monster that has luring people to their deaths, only to find a lovely ewe instead.
With only your haunting hum as guidance. There you were in a meadow of flowers where a tiny hut is on the horizon. No words were exchanged, only him merely watching you sing to yourself, dainty hands play around with the flowers that laid beside you.
You did does noticed him, those burning stares behind your back is all you needs to know. At first you thought it was a mitachurl that manage to find the place this time, you had learnt your lesson from the last people that has ventured into your abode. Nothing but trouble if one were to interact, with just the voice you could might as well be a murderer if one were to count all who heard the soul-stirring voice.
This continued on until the knight has left the area, where you can finally go home. Then the next day... So on and so forth.
During one of the nearly daily visits. You weren't there, instead a wreath that was made was placed there for him to have.
To have him as company, for you thought it would be rude to not thank him. Soon those wreaths turned into pressed flowers, then a tiny acorn trinket accompanied by a feather as a good luck charm.
"Honestly." sighing, your back still facing him, currently in hand is another set of wreath for him.
"I thought you would leave if I just stayed quiet... But, thank you.. Really, just having another person with me means alot. Please sit down here with me. " Patting the ground next to you, beckoning him.
It took a moment of silence before the metallic clinks of metal grew closer to sat down on the patch of land.
"Maybe tomorrow I'll set up some chairs for the both of us... What kind of refreshments do you want, something cold?" (H/c) woman had assumed of his preference since it is a sunny day. Going by the heavy clothes he's wearing, he lives deep within the crevices of Teyvat that the sun would never dream of reaching with it are the fearsome hails that rained down on her people.
A sad and forlorn look appeared, knowing you would have to say goodbye at one point before parting. Or even worse, without even a farewell. Loneliness grew within, only to be snapped out of your thoughts. "Which ever you have." He replied. It made you smile a bit, "then cold mint tea it is."
"It's more nicer to talk to you like this." Your voice seemed a little rough, like it's your first time talking.
The knight in armor nodded, though. It does frighten you to actually see him right now. That his image towers over your own , if he wanted. He could just grab you and the whole body would just snap like a thin glass.
"Apologies that there isn't much to do in this place." Still, you have to maintain a level of composure just like what you practiced all those years ago.
"It doesn't need to... But how will you defend yourself against the monsters that roam aimlessly? " He asked, curious since if the rumors were to be true. Then he might take action.
"A lady has her ways." The maiden replied, not wanting to spill. Earning a huff, not sure if it is an exaperate one or amusement.
With a long silence between them, the man stood up. "Leaving so soon?" Sorrow can be heard from your voice.
"Do not worry, I will come back. Your name?" He looked back after he had stop and gotten a few feet away from your spot.
"_____. Yours?" Curious since there is no mention of a last name.
"it isn't important. Get home, the sun will set soon." He started to walk away.
______ wanted to stop him and ask him to stay longer, but the fear of rejection is stronger than the swelling words stuck in your throat. (e/c) eyes only looked at his slowly disappearing form.
"Sir Capitano, here are the files you have requested." A fatui agent bowed and handed over the documents that contained information about a certain flower lady.
The agent would question, but even they don't have the luxury of questioning their orders. Least they want the receiving end of the horrendous things Capitano would have done to them.
Capitano wave his hand and the agent went away. It has been at least two weeks since their first meeting, its maddening as he try to wreck his mind for answers that'll satisfy his own questions.
Dark thoughts seeped in, as that woman doesn't seem to be tainted by the cruel world. maybe perhaps he could have asked the Tsaritsa to let him have a little ewe under his care.
A knock breaks his train of thoughts, "enter." Another agent entered and bowed.
"Sir, the Tsaritsa calls all Harbingers to mourn La Signora's passing from the Shogun's execution." Short, concise, like he trained them to do.
"The departure would be by this dawn, Sir." The room suddenly felt suffocating the moment that phrase left the agent's mouth.
"I-it was an order from Lord Harbinger Pulcinella." They added, hastily.
"Very well, you may leave." They left, it took alot to not slam his fist upon the desk and throwing his chair in the process. He's a professional, a Harbinger! Not some child.
Looking at the clock in the room, it is rather late. Letting out a deep sigh before getting up to leave.
He had informed a maid to pass the message that their departure is scheduled.
Capitano followed the trail he usually takes, though what he didn't expect is the ruffians that dared to eye his ewe's home.
Normally, he doesn't want to waste his time on those beneath him. But in this case.
Voila, _____. Sweeping the floors for the night. For the last couple of weeks, you had been in high spirits as of late. Humming out a tune while working.
"Sing sweet, nightingale..." Your angelic voice can be heard from outside. Unbeknownst to you of the screams of terror in the distance. Truly in your own wonderland once given the chance to open her candied mouth.
Soon (body shape) body started to move along with the song. Twirling, prancing until noticing Capitano by the window. Dropping the broom and went over to open the door.
"it- it's dark outside, please come in." with a voice cracked, there was an odd metallic smell to him. "Sorry, let me get you something to drink. " Led him to a makeshift sofa, considering the chairs here are too thin before leaving to the kitchenette.
Capitano took his chance to survey his surroundings. The mattress is in the living room, a couple of drawers, basket. From the empty frames down to the speck of dust on the window sill, he had taken note of everything.
"It isn't much." ____ had come back with some bread and cheese, and a glass of water. Hardly filling for a woman like you. Almost making Capitano to abandon the original plan and take the little ewe with him instead. But no, he must be patient.
"I came here without notice, I was only worried." A smile appeared on your face when he replied, setting down the plate and glass on the table.
"I'm glad an ordinary girl like me makes your worry." Trying to joke but didn't get a reply from him.
Awkward silence comes back in, only the crackling of the hearth and candle illuminated their vision. Which makes it even more breathtaking for him to just look at you and enjoy their company. Not before noticing the time, he has to leave.
"I'm sorry to take anymore of your time but, ____. I'll be leaving. " He stood up, leaving as fast as he were coming here this late at night.
"where are you going..?" Your voice trembled to ask, but he didn't reply. ____ didn't know if it was out of fear being left behind again or what, all you knew that you're out of the house "I'll be here." Proclaimed as you were trying to run after him. "I'll be waiting for you here, so please. Come and find me!" Tiny legs tripped over, like a desperate cry.
262 days, that was the last he has seen her. It was only until recently he could see the woman of his dreams. He had sent an agent to watch over his little ewe in his stead. So far the reports consist, cleaning the house, eat, foraging and ending with a pass time on the bed of flowers.
"woah- ohhooo! Capitanoooo!" Beamed a certain ginger haired boy running after him. The armored Harbinger turned around, if he weren't so scary. Childe would have laughed instead.
"You're free right now, right?" If Childe were to have a tail, it'll be wagging non stop.
"Talk to Pulcinella instead." Capitano huffs, he has no time for this. Everything must be perfect when he set his sights on his previous post. He had local literature, and some composition papers for the dearly beloved pet in hand. Of course, he would gift your own coat once with the agreement to come with him.
He was about to smile from the inside of his helmet until Childe tried to drop kick the battle war lord. Countering it with a swift swat with his backhand. Making the battle lusted man outside on the ground.
"Do not test me Childe." Capitano scolded before leaving.
"p'tooy!" Childe spat out some of the dirt that got in his mouth.
"Well, did you get anything from him?" Sandrone, still being carried by her machine asked him.
"What do you think?" He groaned as he stood up.
"We'll find out soon what he's hiding.." her faint voice seems like she's up to something.
"Wonder what happened." Childe wondered as he rubbed his back, looking at where Capitano gone to.
"Maybe a little prospect of him finding something worth his time?" The Regrator suggested behind them, with eyes closed followed by an eerie smile.
"You mean, like someone stronger than me..?" Childe asked curiously.
'Not a single letter from him, would a carrier even know how to find this place?'
Another annoyed sigh escaped from _____'s lips. laying down on the plot of flowers, with a book in hand. Something that had been read time... And time again.
'The Thrilling tales of Dragon slayers. ' it was the only thing you could find that could satiate social needs. Only opening it halfway before placing it on your (bust size) chest. (E/c) eyes stared up at the sky.
Had wish for freedom like the birds or anyone with an anemo vision. Yearning for something to do with your own life...
Not even Celestia, could grant you the most simplest thing you wanted. Then again, it is probably too much to begin with.
Lately, you could have sworn someone was looking at you. Especially during laundry, thinking the mysterious knight came back. Only to realize, no one's there.
Saddened, you've been thrown back in your own old ways. Knowing it's your own selfish wish, had you gone mad? Surely you are, in your own opinion. Tears fell down your (complexion) face, eyes closed until slipped into slumber with the bright sun shining down her.
Unbeknownst to you, a single amber had place upon the wood of your home. Waking up to a nightmare. The burning scent of your tiny lodge, fire started to spread from it. Unlike last time you were confronted with a problem, you didn't run away. The solemn promise had made with your admirer beckoned you to grab a bucket of water from a near by stream to put a halt to the raging inferno.
"Over here!"
"who-?" Surprised when another person was willing to help.
Capitano didn't expect that it would be this late the moment they set foot on land. Heavy crunches of leaves crinkled under his steps. He couldn't wait to see his beloved ewe, that is until the waft of burnt wood entered his sense.
He picks up the pace, he couldn't hear that lovely voice that would always call out to him.
At the meadow, is nothing but ash. "____!" He called out, going closer. The dust only trailed behind him as him running disturbs them.
"Sir!" A Fatui agent yelled to get his attention. Over the yonder, where the fire seem to stop by the river. A cryo maiden had been keeping _____ company, who seemed to cry herself to sleep. The mop of (h/c) laid on the cryo woman's lap, some soot manage to got onto your face.
"she had insisted to stay here and wait for you, Sir Capitano." Call it sense of pride that it welled up in Capitano's chest. Delighted that his little ewe want his presence.
"Let us get her back at the residency... And make sure to file a report on this matter." Scooping up the frail woman, he realized. You're much lighter than he originally thought.
"Understood, sir!" The cryo stood up and dusted herself off.
It was a long walk until the Fatui base, they weren't scheduled to leave until the 7th moon had risen. Capitano isn't going to lie, but the peaceful look upon his ewe's face is sweet as lace. But in a case like this, you would need a lot of space.
Finding it undeniably adorable of her when your arms wrapped around him once he tried to set you down on his bed. "Warm..." Mumbling in sleep, ironically. There's nothing warm on his metallic armor, unless you count the heavy coat that was meant for heavy winter.
Capitano didn't have a choice but to join the ewe in slumber. The bed creaked at the weight of another person joining in. Soon time had the smaller woman cuddle up close to him. So close that your face is agaisnt his broad chest, hand too. Like a lover would.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Finally awaken, surrounded by unfamiliar things, even the room is thrice as big as your own home. No one but you on the bed. A knock sounded, "excuse my intrusion." A person entered, it was a maid with a trolley. Quietly they placed a warm meal on the table.
"please enjoy, miss _____. Master Capitano is expecting you soon. Do you have a preferred outfit?" The maid asked.
"I-I'm fine with my clothes. Where am I?" Now sitting down despite what happened, the flower lady needs answers.
"you're in Capitano's chambers, a temporary residency for the Fatui." Fatui, you had heard rumors of them before. None of them were as noble than the one from last night's incident.
"I ... I see.." the (h/c) woman sighed a bit.
"No need to feel so sadden, my lady. Sir Capitano would be pleased to see you awaken." The maid's face seem to smile, yet there's a bit of fright in them.
"I-I'm sure.." looking down at the tray, this this surely more than what she usually eat..
"who is Lord Capitano?" A question left your mouth, like a ghost, the maid is gone. Presumably went to fetch some beverage. It felt like an eternity when the meal given to you was finished. Swiftly, there's already a set of clothes for you to wear. You swear that maid is like a ninja or something from Inazuma.
After a quick bath, with a help of a maid to get there. You insisted on bathing yourself, the water felt nice on your skin. That quickly followed to dressing yourself up, it was a thin white dress. The material is soft almost cotton like.
Looking at yourself on the mirror, not being able to recognize yourself. Just a woman with white apparel that could easily be affiliated with religious people, the design is simple. But even that could cost you, your house for it.
Before you could talk to the maid about who is Capitano, the same knight from months ago entered.
"I assumed there is no problems?" He asked, the maid stepped away from you and bowed to him.
"none at all Sir." "Dismissed." With one word, out of the door she goes.
"Are you feeling better, ewe?" He asked after the silence between you two, tilting your head at the pet name.
"yes, a little bit.." Fiddling your hands out of nervousness. Didn't expect him to come back even though you did told him you'll be there, even if your home went up to flames.
"I-I'm sorry to meet you like this. I would have some dried fruits and iced mint tea to offer to you as payment..." Tears started to fell, as you didn't know what caused your home. No one but him has discovered the secret haven. Tears started to fell as the people that painted her as a witch, showed only a lamb to be pushed for needless slaughter.
"no need... Little ewe, for now on. You're coming with me." You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"what?" He huffs, "unless you want to go back to that broken home. It is best to be under me, where I can keep an eye on you." Answering you.
"What if I'll get in the way? What would you do if because of me people..." Tears fell down more. As if the man before you didn't commit any atrocious deeds to obtain your information.
"I'm not called a Captain without a reason. Rest assured, little ewe." He gotten near, an arm around your body to 'comfort' you.
Oh little Ewe, even when the Gods above tries to separate you with your Dragon. It only strength his dark resolve for their own arrogance to do the will of the Tsaritsa and have you by his side as one of her people to shepherd. Afterall, what is a bewitching witch without her knight to protect her?
Just realized half way through, that the story kinda resembles La Signora's backstory... Should I even dare to replace her as temporary Harbinger? Or maybe even a pretender to make her seem more .. fit? Idk.
I'm sorry that the pronouns and the you's are all mixed up. I couldn't decide on which pov.
Thinking of either having Pantalone or Childe fics next. Do you guys want Arlecchino and Columbina in here as well? It is a first time for me to write a lesbian fic, but I didn't want to ruin the fun with my incredibly lacking experience.
Criticism is welcomed since this is a first fic and i wanted to get use to it so I can improve..
(genshin requests are available)
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yjyt85r98r · 7 months
Pretty Series song reviews: Get music!
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I love this song. It might not be the most impressive thing the Pretty Series has ever put out, but, but... the instrumentals. I think that it's very well put together.
The intro with the strings and bass drum immediately creates a magnificent and invigorating feeling worthy of a character like Bell. It's so good I almost want it to be longer, but having it be any longer would just cheapen it. The instrumental part with the violin sounds elegant and evil. And the part where the theremin (?) comes in sounds really nice, too – slightly odd, but also perfectly fitting somehow, and it made me fall in love with the song even more.
Of course, with this being a relatively standard Pretty Rhythm song, the instrumentals are quite simple compared to the songs that appear in newer series. They also aren't tweaked too much to sound varied or realistic – the beat is very consistent, the violin has no traces of that signature screechy quality, etc. But honestly, the song doesn't need anything more. It's fine the way it is: an addicting pop song with a smooth quality.
Since I'm really sensitive to sounds, most songs – even songs I like – have at least one part I find irritating and just have to grit my teeth through. But Get music! has none of that. I like every single part of this song. Nothing in it hurts my ears. But it's also not boring. And that's why I ended up listening to this song on in full, on repeat, at least 7 times. (Not in a row, though.)
I don't know why people never mention Bell when talking about Pretty Series girls with deep voices. Bell's voice is amazingly deep and mature.
Her vocals are VERY smooth, strong and stable. But they're almost too stable, to the point where they lack expression. It would've been nice if she did something expressive... singing softly for a moment, or singing something in a rough way, just anything... but she never does. Even if it's boring, it suits Bell's character as a perfectionist. She needed everything she did to be perfect, even if imperfection would be more interesting.
Again, they suit Bell's perfectionism very well. There's a sort of brutal sense of optimism... a sense of running down a path and refusing to ever turn back no matter how painful it is. It's very much the mindset of someone who would do anything to win.
It's a dynamic and energetic dance that's fun to watch and looks like it would be fun to do. There are a few parts where there's a bit too much action, or the movements are too busy compared to the song, but you know, it kind of works. It's still on-beat, even if the beats aren't strong. Oh yeah, and the part where she dabs, lol. She was three whole years ahead of the trend.
I love how the sparks fly and the camera starts moving when the beat drops. Very impactful.
Her first outfit and final outfit suit the song perfectly, but I'm not sure about her second outfit, the pink one with the hat. At the very least, it's not wildly unfitting.
My only complaint, which is a big complaint, is that they did NOT have to do that with the angles. Though I do love when she performs in her Seventh Coord and the angles stop looking creepy because the outfit design just doesn't allow it. Also, the spins looks really good in that dress.
Good points: Nice instrumentals Bad points: Vocals lack variation
Rating: I think most people would probably only say 7/10? Personal rating: 8.5/10
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ilsjia · 2 years
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good evening everyone!! i’m so glad to finally be here with everyone! my name is clem (they/them) and i am the mun behind the lovely xu jia, the kind nurse who seems a little too perfect for comfortability. it’s been a while since i’ve rped (a few months), but i’m still very excited to plot with you all and have fun connections with you all! 
below the cut will be a short tl;dr on jia (though tbh her bio is alr a short ver of what i wanted to write for her... lack of creative juices atm) as well as a little bit of information on the alien that lives inside her brain! if you guys would like to plot, please like this post and i’ll make sure to send an im your way! i also have a discord that will be given upon request, as well as a twitter in the case either are easier methods of communication.
born in chengdu, jia is the second youngest child in a family of four kids, a mother, and a father
jia grew up always having to be a version of herself that she didn’t want to be because her mother was narcissistic and manipulative to all of her children. it took jia a while to realize it (aka up until her second year of high school) 
her father was basically just listening to what his wife told him to do and didn’t really have a voice of his own because he believed that she knew what was best for the family 
only her and her little brother know how much of a maniac her mother is
after a successful business deal, her father told the family that they would be moving to south korea. with a new start in a new country, jia took the opportunity to also become a new version of herself by officially deciding to act on her own terms from now on. 
fast forward to university: jia is introduced to her first love during one of the shared classes that they have together. it doesn’t take long for her to realize she has a crush and all of a sudden, the two begin to date. 
with the both of them having rocky relationships with their family, seojun (mentioned bf) proposes to her and she accepts, knowing that if she were to run away from her past life, she’d do it with him 
thus, they elope to the town of ilsang!
jia’s excited to live in ilsang for the first few weeks since moving there but all of a sudden... things get a little fishy (aka the alien gets into her brain) 
jia’s alien is in the process of trying to adjust to jia’s life and brain, thus it hasn’t completely taken over jia’s body. because of that, jia’s brain is literally like an ongoing tug-of-war competition between her own self and her alien where they see who gains complete control of her body versus who clocks out 
jia’s alien’s goal is to make sure that jia is living the perfect life because it wants to live the ideal life that the sitcoms portray. however, this is unfortunate to jia bc she just accepted that she is imperfect and she ran away from being forced to perfection because that’s also what her mother wanted from her 
so basically she’s just back in the situation she ran away from except she’s fully cautious AND there’s nothing she can do about it 
she just lives a rough life and no one is aware of it bc no one sees the little thing in her brain! 
now some little plots!
fellow nurse coworkers with jia! it’d be even funnier if you’re the case file nurse who started getting clumsy bc u both have aliens in ur brain 
anyone who frequents the clinic and witnesses jia’s perfect work ethic and always congratulate her on it not even knowing that half of it was just the alien taking her credit
u see jia wandering around in a grocery store and she doesn’t seem to be there for a goal. in fact, she does something a bit out of character: wander around the grocery store. because the real xu jia knows what she’s looking for. 
you think that jia is acting a little too wonderful and you begin to suspect something. and while the real xu jia is ecstatic that you noticed something, it’s the alien who is assuring you that everything is fine and making sure that you don’t think otherwise. 
the real xu jia hates medical dramas because of how inaccurate they are. but all of a sudden, you see jia at the local diner looking absolutely hooked on reruns of hospital playlist (side note: mun has not watched hospital playlist) 
you’re busy wanting to know more about jia’s life because she’s just moved in a few months ago with her fiance! you wanna know everything about her life but fail to recognize that she herself doesn’t seem to know what’s going on in her own life either besides the fact that she works at a clinic and lives with some weirdo who is constantly on his computer and tries to kiss her all the time. 
you run into a gloomier jia and it surprises you seeing her look so down when she’s usually sporting a smile on her face at her workplace and out in public.... what you don’t realize is that you’ve been tricked by the other her and this is the rare time where you see the real her. and she’s distressed because of this situation, but it’s not like she can tell you about it because she doesn’t understand what’s going on with her herself! 
you see jia looking as happy as if nothing is wrong with her life... which is odd... because just the other day, you saw her look completely miserable. how is she able to move on from... whatever was worrying her so easily? 
you’re wanting to ask jia about how she feels with her job as a nurse, but are a little startled with how jia’s only mentioning facts that everyone knows about the medical field but not the gritty topics. 
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x-chubby-reader · 3 years
Hey, how about hcs Ushijima,Terushima, Bokuto and Kuroo getting jealous when their chubby s/o being hitting on right before their eyes 🥴 what would they do? Might as well do nsfw a lil' bit? 🥺
Thank you! I love your works ❤🥰
 Jealous Haikyuu Boys + !NSFW!
Ushijima, Terushima, Bokuto, and Kurro x Plus size reader
A/N - Hope I brought this to justice. I loved this idea a lot but I think they might have made them a little toxic- Also sorry for this being very overdue with writing, but as most of you know my motivation for lots of thing is shit. Also Thanks to @livieeee for basically helping to edit and give ideas for this. I also may add to the other characters NSFW as I accidentally gave Bokuto the most detailed part
Lowercase intended
Not proof read
NSFW included
The Characters are all aged up for this Headcannon
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we are all very aware about how blunt he is with things
not one to bottle things up
if he doesn't like something, he will voice his opinion
ushijimas blunt ass will sat whatever he wants if he deems that its true
doesn't everyone want to know the truth about things?
he also isn’t one to be easily jealous over things too
his confident ass knows that he’s got you in the long run anyways 
he has complete trust in you, your his rock
ushi knows that you wouldn’t go off to flirt with some douche just for the fun of it
the first time that he had ever found himself jealous was when you had dragged him out to your friends birthday party in college
he wouldn’t of even gone if you hadn't forced him out to be social and to make some friends with people his own age and should get out of the house for something other than practicing with the volleyball team he was on
since the party had been for your friend finally becoming of legal drinking age, of course there had been alcohol
oh i wonder how this liquid luck could get you into a predicament?
you had needed to go to the bathroom, so you gave your boyfriend a little wave before leaving
it should of only taken you about five minutes, and ushi knew that
so when you took over twenty he decided to go looking for you
while he was searching for your thicker frame, you had been quite preocupied with something else
there was this guy, completely drunk off of his ass, who wouldn’t leave you along
“are you lightning? because your my mc-queen”
 just really icky and shitty pick up lines
homeboy was so touchy too omfg like back up ass hat
you hadn't even noticed the amount of time that had passed until you felt a strong hand on your shoulder
boy did that make you jump
and he looked pissed
homeboy really said posessive~
ushi literally ripped you away into the bathroom as you had been stuck in the hallways for god knows how long
for once his touch wasn’t gentle with you, it was more rough and less caring
he’s so rough with you right now oml
to make the story short, you won’t be walking easily later
he wants to make you yell out, to show everyone in the premis know that you are his
“how about you let everyone know who you belong to, sweetheart~”
his buff ass literally is holding you up, just fucking railing into you
only stops when he deems that you are done
he even apologizes if he hurt you too badly
cleans the both of you up with one of the guest towels hanging, before walking you ever so gently out to grab a cab and make your way home
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while the two of you had been out shopping for god know what, you happened to spot an old friend
he was ole of those guy friends that were overly touchy, but you never had really minded it since he was just being nice
your friend had been very high energy and affectionate, but they always meant well
so your boyfriend, terushima, had just smacked a smile on his face and acted as friendly as could be
But he was jealous of all the attention you were giving him
hey you couldn’t help it, you haven’t seen the guy in years
hello? teru is your boyfriend, not this guy!
the look on his face when you exchanged numbers to meet up later
you would of thought that you had just shot his puppy dear lord
he was so god damn sad
“he’s totally trying to get into your pants y/n!”
“no he isn’t teru, he’s just being nice”
“y/n, no-”
your so oblivious to it 
terushima has two levels jealously
he goes from pout-y little kid to complete asshole in a matter of seconds
homeboy is black and white with his personality, there is no gray area with him
even though he isn’t one to keep quiet about something he doesn't like, he did it anyways for your sake
though he glared holes into him
eventually when he had left ho boy did terushima give you an earful
you heard even more when he found about how you made plans with before mentioned friend to have dinner
it was just so the two of you could catch up after the many years that you haddn’t seen each other
“its just dinner”
“y/n its like he’s trying to date you
“can you chill out?”
“no! what? are you dating him now???”
okay he can be a little high strung sometimes, but its something you can tolerate
remember how you had given him your phone number?
yeah, that may be important
while you had been getting ready for your little ‘dinner date’ with your friend, teru had still been glaring at the back of your head
you could see his annoyed look from the mirror, but you payed him no mind
hey, he would get over it sooner or later
your phone decides to start ringing, and its the guy
teru looks at it, then at you, then back at the phone
he hits answer before handing the phone to you
you decide to start talking, everything is in a friendly tone
and then he decides to play around a bit
a little nip here and there, nothing more nothing less
just to see what his little doll face can handle
then soon he escalates it more and more
soon lurking hands become groping and nips became hickeys
though you had to pretend that everything was hunky dory on your side of the phone
homeboy on the other line didn’t even think anything of it
“hey are you okay?” he had asked once when you particularly couldn’t handle his stimulation
“y-yeah i’m great right now...”
his hand would slip and dip into places that you had forgotten about until now
just the smooth and slick friction would bring heat to your face, though 
that’s when teru had taken the phone back
“screw off your asshat, never call her again!”
and he never did, even if you say him in public, he would walk the other direction 
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the two of you had just been out window shopping and peaking into stores on a saturday
when a store employee had started talking about a popular television show that had aired yesterday, you hadn't thought anything of it
in your mind it would of been rude to ignore them completely,
what if they were just having a bad day and you little small talk and brightened it just a little?
you didn’t want to have something like that on your consensus 
bo had been standing beside you the entire time, and you hadn’t even noticed the way he had stiffened and almost seemed to puff up, like an owl
there had been one person who did notice bokuto’s uneasiness
baby boy had thought that the two of you had been flirting when he walked by
omg he looked so sad
he went from being all perky and happy to looking like a deflated balloon
it was pretty pathetic
sooner or later the worker had felt so awkaward that he left, that’s when you had noticed his discomfort
he had waved if off until the two of you had gotten home, then you finally cornered him and asked
“whats wrong?”
he just rolled his eyes to himself, “you should know!”
yeah just the buffering circle above your head for that one
you really had no idea
“i seriously don’t bo...” 
“yes you do, in the store that worker was totally flirting with you!” he had finally spoke out
that had made sense you guessed
even though you had apologized to him, he had still been down, even needy
bo had just been clinging on you for the past hour
if your standing, he’s right behind you, just looming
he became a shadow or a lost puppy, following you everywhere
his arms always found their way to your generous waist, holding onto you as if you would be blown away if a gust of wind decided to make its way though your home
as you had tried to walk down the short hallway that connected your bedroom to the living room, bokuto had stopped the both of you
he looked down to you before grabbing your wrist
bokuto half dragged and half lead you to the shared room you both shared since you moved in together
he had pushed you, not carefully may I add, onto the futon bed
koutarou soon climbed on top of your plush frame, his face lightly dusted in a red hue 
one of his hands wandered down towards the plush button that resided between your thick thighs
the other had cradled the back of your head, pulling you back lightly so he could have more access to your neck and collarbones
bokuto lightly kissed your skin, it didn’t matter if imperfections or not
now this would have been more of a sweet moment if you hadn’t noticed the almost mocking circles you felt at your core
“am i good enough for you now baby owl?”
you would of answered him if you were able to form words, but the amount of stimulation that he was able to give you simply from the tips of his fingers was astonishing
damn boy he got magic hands
you had opened your mouth but no words came out
that had made the two toned haired boy let out a laugh
the only thing that you thought to do was to wrap your arms around his broad back
“speechless, huh” he had taunted you, a smirk on his face
he just kept up his happy little circles, the stimulation bringing a warm, almost butterfly like feeling to your abdomen
 it was if he filled an empty part of you, and you needed him to survive
the tightness in your core had started to bubble, feeling as if you were going to top off the edge and boil over
your former speachless self was soon a babbling mess, telling bo how much you did need him
and even after you had reached and passed your high, he hadn't stopped, he loved the way your words flowed from your mouth in light, breathless pleas
oh he wasn’t even done
play nice you two
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out of the two of you, kuroo had always been the more jealous one
baby boy is passive aggressive about it too
he doesn't do the keeping it to himself kind of bullshit
just completely straight to the point
he dosent often become jealous either
kuroo trusts that you wont get flirty or ‘advance’ on anyone else, because you have him for that
why would you need anyone else when he’s right there?
he has the confidence that all of us are jealous of
you and i know that this boy gives little insults to almost everyone
just in a joking and playful way, because that’s just how he communicates to people
but if someone decides to push it
ho boy
mr. rooster man slowly gets more and more passive aggressive
literally they turn into thinly veiled threats
you could practically see the steam coming out of his ears
so imagine his reaction when the waiter at a restaurant had decided to get a little too cozy with interacting with you
kuroo had been sitting right across from you, a pissed off look slapped over his face
who was this asshole and why the fuck was he going after his little kitten?
he had kept his mouth shut but raised an eyebrow at your plush form
it was as if he was asking if you were going to let this guy keep his shitty advances up
you just thought he was being friendly, but according to kuroo he wasn’t
when he had figured that you weren't going to stop him, he spoke up
“lay off dickwad” his voice had been laced with the utmost hate, you had never heard him ever use that tone before
with that, he had grabbed you by the arm before leaving, not paying for the two glasses
the two of you had gone home in his car
no words had been exchanged between kuroo or you
“you were so into that, weren't you y/n” the bed-head boy had muttered to you, almost in a mocking way
you couldn’t think of a reason on why he was acting like that, so you had just kept your mouth shut until he would drop you off at your apartment
his hand that usually resided on your plush thigh while he was driving was currently white knuckled on the the steering wheel
even though he was looking at the road, he looked completely pissed
no plea for him to talk to you would make him speak up, it was as if he was stuck in thought
even when he had dropped you off at your flat, he seemed to still loom over you
when you took out your keys, he took them from your hand and opened the door himself as if you were suddenly incompetent of doing anything for yourself
“need someone to do everything for you huh? just too dumb in the brain to do anything...” kuroo had sneered to himself
“okay what the fuck is your problem you asshole?” you had finally spoken up, really what was this jerks deal with you?
homeboy had glared at you before pinning you against the wall in your own home as if he owned the place, “oh so now you talk, you were so fine with that guy in the restaurant huh? completely preoccupied with him to forget that i was there...”
suddenly everything is making sense right now, the puzzel pieces are fitting together
homeboy was jealous and you had no idea, you just though he was being pissy for no reason
he just sighed, putting his head in the crook of your neck, “idiot...”
kuroo had finally turned his head to look up to you, a slightly sad look on his face
oh you felt like complete shit, homeboy looked so down that your heart hurt
you leaned your head slightly down so you could give the top of his head a lil kiss kiss
homeboy almost seemed to purr from the affection
he slung his arms over your shoulders, it was as if he was leading you into the minimal living room that you had
the two of somehow ended up on the crappy couch you had, him on top humming happily down below at you
sandwiched happily together
“i’m still disappointed in you...” he muttered, looking down at you
“oh bite me” though you paused before thinking, “how about i make it up to you?”
kuroo had smirked, “and how are you going to do that?” he questioned you
it was as if you had suddenly forgotten how to speak, a burning heat spreading from your cheeps to the bridge of your nose
lets just say that you did not expect that answer from him in the slightest-
his slender hand ran up the side of your torso, as if he was memoriizing the peaks and valleys of your figure
“i’m the only one who can make you feel like this,” kuroo had muttered cockily, staring into your eyes
he had no shame making comments like these, why should he?
his fingers snuck under the elastic material of the underthings you had currently been wearing, teasingly testing the waters and rubbing fether-like circles over your sensitive bits that were located on your chest
“are you ready?”
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Have you ever thought about writing a continuation to Unofficial Meeting? I'm dying to know whether Laszlo earns the reader's forgiveness and if she accepts his proposal or not. Have a good day! 😚
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Undisclosed Meeting [Dr Laszlo Kreizler x Fem!Reader]
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Laszlo self deprecating himself hard
A/N: how could I give up a chance to make my boy Laszlo happy? Thank you so much for requesting it, it really made me happy to have an old story requested. Here is the original story
“Are you even listening to me?”
Violet inquired as you blinked surprised and taken aback. She invited you over for an afternoon tea, but your mind kept wondering off to what happened between you and Laszlo. You haven’t seen him in over a month and to be honest you missed him. The first few days you were firm on your choice, he upset you and your family, he crossed your boundaries mindlessly.
But then you realised how he meant to ask your hand to your father, how he never meant for you to be hurting, he just wanted to make it official.
Your grandmother tried to talk you out of your anger but she didn’t managed to, it was over anyway. You upset each other, you closed that chapter.
If you have feelings for him that chapter is not closed, your grandmother told you but you tried to ignore it. You haven’t seen him in so long, not even at some event or where you’d usually expect him to be. He kept sending you flowers to you until the end of the previous month. That silly man, always hating to leave things halfway done.
“I am, I am just a bit tired” you said as she waved her hand 
“nonsense ” she said offering you to try some sweets while she stood up to call her maid and gather what she meant to show you “I’ll show you now the latest Paris fashion and you’ll have to wake up” 
She was your friend, she was sweet and she knew you were on a rough patch now and she did all in her power t keep you distracted.
“Charles stop it”
John’s voice rang through you ears as you stood up to see what was going on from the window facing the luscious back garden of the Moore residence. Little Charles was the spit image of his parents and an adventurer at heart, you could tell from the way he kept his father busy running after him.
You smiled as John gave up opening his arms in defeat.
“What I have to do?” He groaned making you chuckle as for a moment it looked like he was asking to God, but when you noticed that he was in fact talking to Dr Kreizler who was sitting on a bench. You codlin’t help but rest your eyes on him, he looked pale, tired like he wasn’t sleeping. He was like this during investigations but as far as you knew there was no one at the moment.
“Wat you have to do John? Let the boy be” he said as a tired smile crept onto his lips.
“Yes, he will break his skull in a second”
Laszlo shook his head looking at him “If you prevent him from doing anything he won’t never learn” he said as he spoke matter of factly but that tiredness in his voice was evident. You wondered what kept him up.
You wondered if t was your fault.
But then you saw the sweet look he had for the child as he picked a ball that was hiding behind his back to give it to him to play with.
He was so good with kids, it was incredible.
You knew it was his job, but the tenderness he showed with them was something you felt on your own skin as you used to be allowed to be part of that special round of people that got to see him being sweet.
You moved away from the window just in time for Violet to come back, her maids holding onto over twenty new items of clothing.
“V” you said to her as the use of that little nickname sparked already her attention “I have to ask you a favour”
It was dead in the evening when Laszlo got asked from Violet to meet a friend of hers with a child with various problems.
The symptoms she described didn’t really add up, they should be excluding each other. But no matter what he decided to go there. 
He usually was very firm about his privacy and the times he could meet or not patients, even though the secrecy of the hour would be typical of a wealthy family trying to hide some kind of a problem they judge as shameful, he also came to a point where work was all he got.
He missed you, everything reminded him of you. He hoped to see, he would be a liar if he didn’t admit to have handed a dollar or two to your maid to at least know how are you.
He didn’t mean to stalk you, he just wanted you happy and once more he was acting behind your back. But your maid told him you were fine and doing your business, so he stopped inquiring. He didn’t deserve you in the first place anyway, but how things ended really pained him, he really thought to be doing right and he really wanted to have a future with you, to have many what John has.
But what nonsense thinking about it now that it is all gone and by his own hand, he had nobody to blame but himself.
As he arrived to the building he got inside surprised not to find anyone at service but only an open door.
The instinct would have told him to go away, but he was reckless by now, he already lost what he cared the most.
Walking inside the candlelit hallway he was surprised to get to a large living room only to find you there.
The truth was that he stopped on his track to admire you. You were amazing, he adored you in any possible shape and form, everything from your clothing to your composure screamed for his eyes to be fixated onto you.
He took that moment to look at you, take in your image, last time you two spoke you were so upset and he didn’t want that to be the last image he had of you.
“I am more discreet than you when I have to do things in secret” you said and he smiled lightly
His admission, the tiredness of his look just paining you.
“Is this a house of your family?”
“Yes, it is my aunt’s but she is on some cruise with her husband”
He nodded quietly as he looked around moving closer to you, the candles around you making him feel like the moment was set in another time.
“You didn’t have to make an appointment to meet me”
“Well, I asked a friend for a favour, I could have paid Stevie to drive you here anyway” you answered, basically hinting him that your maid didn’t keep his little inquiring a secret between the two of you.
He nodded gulping down, he felt like he was naked in front of you, defenceless and anything you could attack him with would really hurt. 
“I though that after our last conversation we needed to speak alone and in a neutral ground, I attacked you and I know I moved past my means”
“Just like I did inquiring about your life without permission” he concluded for you, he kept thinking about that day over and over, he couldn’t take it out of his mind and he even thought it would be easy only because so many people hated him already, button you. He wished you’d never be one of them.
“Miss Y/L/N” the fact he used your last name showing how he was trying to prove you some respect, not using your first name like you’re somehow close, mostly because he doubts you’d wish him close at any time.
“All I have ever wanted was to be worth of you”
His words trembling, like snakes sliding onto your skin.
He opened his mouth to say something and he closed it as he stared somewhere away from you, he shook his head slowly. The pain visible through him.
“I am a despicable failure as a human being, I know it” he said as he rose his hand to invite your silence “I have spent my life trying to find a common language  to get through people, studying them ,making sure to be able to read human behaviour to allow myself the freedom of interaction. I am not a natural like John, I can’t just go on a group and charm my way through it and I knew, I knew from the moment you allowed me to be close to you that I would ruin it because I am such social wreck, because I can’t control myself or I can’t not follow the rules that I have been told are the right path to follow”
He let out a shaky breath as he looked down and then up at you, he was trying to hold back tears but the truth was that he cried for losing you, He cried for nights and days.
“I apologise once more, I wanted to do you right and I just overstepped you. I always admired you for your being independent and clever and I reduced you to an object with my insensitive behaviour. I always make myself strong from talking my way through people and I blindsided you when words were the most needed”
You looked at him as maybe for the first time he really throw away the mask, he really let himself speak up.
“I valued what you did for me” you blinked at him surprised, your head slightly falling on side to observe him.
He was going down the self deprecating himself hill, you could almost count how much time there was between him going down onto his arm topic. You know that was always his undisclosed weakness, how he hated it and saw himself as unlovable because imperfect.
“It is yes”
He looked at you with a frown not seeing what you mean.
“My answer for your question”
He frowned even more, what question? You could hear it resonate into his mind as he didn’t ask you anything, he came to you to apologise and…
And then he got it.
His eyes widened as he opened his mouth only to close it again.
No, he was probably misunderstanding, once more reading badly the situation.
You picked your left glove slowly taking it off to show him you were wearing his ring on your hand.
He stared at you, his hand hesitantly moving to pick yours bringing it up to his lips and resting a kiss over it, his hand holding yours as he stared up at you.
His wet eyes now unmistakable from cha closeness, the signs of his lack of sleep visible.
“In a marriage there shouldn’t be secrets, I tried to avoid something shameful for me when you allowed me to see every part of you” you admitted as you weren’t free from blame, you referred to pretend something wasn’t there rather than facing it.
He stared at you with shaky breath, as he licked his lips trying to find words.
“I love you Laszlo, I really want to be your wife”
His jaw trembled as the happiness rushed over him like electricity, his hand bringing yours over his heart beating so fast and hard that he felt it could explode.
“I love you Y/N” he whispered as you caressed his cheek with your right hand as he leaned down, still not daring to believe what was happening.
So you just did it, you leaned in closing the space between the two of you with a kiss.
The times were changed.
Women could accept wedding proposals without their father’s approval, men could cry for love and love words were made of truths and exposed weaknesses and not by the words of dusty poets. And with such strong ideals you could only imagine your life as set up for a greater kind of happiness with him.
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief @thesunflowersutra @zemomybeloved @fictionlandslanddreams@charistory @greeneyedblondie44 @apparrio @hb8301 @whatawildone @rhymerhymerhyme  @thehuiabird @lilith-blackrose @unbeatablecurlgirl @obsidianlaszlo @alindeluce @zemosimp05 @baronesszemo-blackwood @nocapesdahling @everythingbeginsineternity-blog
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Love Fuel
Summary: You were Jason’s first love before you broke his heart and rejected him. It’s all your fault that he can’t move on.
Tw: female reader, obsessive behavior, incel behavior, nice guy behavior, self - hatred, threats of non-con, implied non - con, implied masturbation, bullying based on appearance (not reader), deregatory language, kidnapping, misogyny, generalizations, stalking
this is a hot mess but its 1 am and i am tired, ik that incels are bad irl (obviously), but this is fiction and I kinda wanted to explore the dynamic and shit. 
Everyone used to call him JJ or The-Big-Jay back in high school. Well, most of the time his classmates weren’t really calling out to him or even talking to him, the names were whispered behind his back, after he had just passed the hallway, or on bad days - right to his face. The jocks, these dumb motherfuckers, would beat him up, mock him for whatever stupid reasons they had chosen to use as an excuse to torment the smaller and weaker. The popular girls would giggle like brainless bimbos as Kyle or Brad or any other football player stole his glasses or continuously punched him in the guts until he threw up all over the floor. Even the nerds, the kids at the bottom of the school hierarchy, messed with Jason from time to time when they wanted to feel the oh - so desired rush of power they so rarely managed to experience. 
Looking back, Jason could see why his classmates hated him so much - he was everything that society deemed as wrong and unattractive. He was thin, pale, “scrawny” as the others called him, on the shorter side, and on top of that the teen was terribly shy and introverted, never having the guts to stand up to his bullies or even tell someone about the abuse. The male spent most of his free time at home, playing hours upon hours of video games, watching anime and reading books he was simply too young to understand or look critically at. As he grew older, the man began to view the world as it trully was - a dark, miserable place that ate up sore losers like him. Men were primitive and foolish, which somehow managed to soften their faults. Women, on the other hand, were  calculative and manipulative, greedy and sinful. His whole life they had done nothing but reject him when he needed love and support the most. Of course, there were many other reason why the brunette detested the weaker sex. In his eyes women were evil two - faced sluts, showing off their bodies yet acting innocent and hurt once someone finally decided to use them for the only thing they were actually good for.
But you Jason hated the most. You reminded him that no matter how much he hated the outside world, he would always hate himself the most. He had to admit you were pretty, painfully so, with a perfect little body to match your looks and a sweet sugary smile that almost deceived him years ago. As much as the man regretted his weakness, he had fallen right into your trap at the time.
You weren’t the most popular girl, but you had your fair share of friends, all nice and loyal like puppies. You weren’t the smartest either, but unlike the other stupid giggling sluts you always tried to do your best. You were beautiful just like them but you were actually kind to the pathetic bullied kid no one else bothered to acknowledge even existed outside of being a punching bag. You always asked him whether he was alright and often took him to the infirmary when he looked paler and sicker than usual. You talked to him as if he was a normal human being and despite the initial doubt, Jason appreciated it. 
It was the last day of your senior year when the teen finally gained the courage to confess. He was shaking the whole time and by the end of his little speech there were small tears in the corner of his eye. You were the first girl the male cared about, the first one to show him kindness, to offer him friendship without asking for something in return. You were the only one who could make him feel deserving of love, worthy of affection. And then you took it all away in a matter of seconds.
“I am sorry, bud.” You had said that day after giving him a  half - hearted hug and an apologetic smile, that started to seem more and more like a mocking grin the longer the teen started at you. “I already have a boyfriend, but I am really flattered. I am sure that you will find a lovely girl once you start college.” You had added quickly, cheerfully, rubbing the salt all over his wounds, honey dripping from your plump red lips. He had wanted to kiss them, bruise them, bite them until your stupid lying mouth was filled with blood. Obviously you didn’t have a boyfriend or he would have known by now, he stalked your social media religiously after all. Even if you had one, he probably treated you like shit. And how could you even suggest him finding another woman? As if he wanted any of the stupid money - grabbing sluts out there. As if some of them could replace you.
The boy was too furious to form a proper response besides “Fuck you, bitch”. His cheeks turned red and he didn’t realise that the bitter words had escaped his lips before he could stop them, then his legs took him far away from that shithole of a school. He didn’t manage to see your reaction before running away but it didn’t matter anymore. You were just like the others. 
That day Jason swore to show you just how small and insignificant you had made him feel. He wanted to see you crumble, cry and beg for forgiveness, desperate for his love but never good enough to get it. The man formed a plan to change himself and come back for you once he had erased each and every trace of his past. The brunette came to terms with his terrible social anxiety and decided that he needed to gain social abilities more than anything. That’s why, as much as he dreamt of working from home as a boring programmer with an even more boring, but flexible working schelude, the male chose to study something that involved a lot more human interactions. The next step was to hit the gym for the first time and get a monthly subscription. It wasn’t hard to see that females nowadays liked brain - dead athletes with defined jawline and cheekbones, toned chests and strong muscled bodies, so if he wanted to impress you, he had to look his best. It wasn’t easy at first - it felt like everyone in the fitness salon had their eyes on his weak frame, laughing and pointing their fingers at his imperfections, but things gradually got better as time went on. The trainings became easier to get through and from time to time they even helped the man forget about his loneliness and nihilism. 
Jason soon returned to his old habbit of spending hours looking through your accounts - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, he knew all of your usernames, each post, every picture and text. He couldn’t believe how much of a desperate attention whore you had become over the years. The male remembered you in your long brown skirts, cozy sweatshirts and pure-white shirts, all the gray buttons closed to the very top, blushing, laughing, smiling like the adorable Goody-two-shoes you were. Now you were smirking seductively in every photo, overconfident and vibrant, flaunting your tits for every man to see and wearing tight little dresses that barelly covered your ass combined with heels so high and sharp they could be used as a weapon. You were such a stupid slut it was disgusting, and he couldn’t stop himself from jerking off every single time he saw your pretty little face on the screen. He wanted to cum down your throat so badly it was ridiculous, and even after knowing that you had probably already had hundreds of cocks shoved deep inside your pussy, the brunette still wished to see you split open on his, taking his lenght like a good little cocksleeve. 
The moment when he could see you again finally came. How many years had passed since graduation - five, ten, fifthteen? It hardly mattered. Jason was successful, at last. The male had his own business that was doing surprisingly well, there were some guys from the gym he could call friends and the best thing, he looked absolutely unrecognizable. There was nothing left of the tiny scrawny kid with quiet voice that everyone stepped over, he was now replaced by a strong capable man, determined to get what was rightfully his and his alone.
It wasn’t hard to find you since the brunette knew everything about you - where your job was, what time you finished, how long it took you to go home and what path you took. You lived alone and worked as a barista in a small local cafe even now that you had finished your studies in your dream faculty. Turns out the princess wasn’t so great and smart after all, having to resort to working a minimal - wage job day and night just to be able to pay her rent. Jason was absolutely delighted though, he loved your stupid dead - end job and your endless struggles to survive in the materialistic world honestly and fairly without selling yourself like a common whore. On one hand the male was happy that you had clung onto your last bit of innocence and on the other your pitiful lifestyle gave him the chance to snatch you away much easier. And that’s exactly what he did.
You woke up confused just like he had expected, bombarding him with questions, asking him who he was was, begging him to let you go, to at least explain what’s happening. You were so dumb, but God, you were still so pretty, if not prettier than before. You cried so beautifully when Jason told you you belonged to him now and you cried even more when he slammed his cold rough lips over yours in a deep wet kiss. You whimpered and whined while the male sucked on your lower lip and bit down, good, he wanted it to hurt. The stalker couldn’t wait to be inside you, he couldn’t hold back anymore. 
He climbed on top of you and pinned your wrists to the floor before tying them up with delicate red rope and tightening it. It wasn’t like the man was scared of you slipping away and hurting him, you were too weak and tiny to stand a chance against his years of power - lifting and muscle - training anyways, he just wanted you to be as uncomfortable and squirmish as possible. Your tormentor wished for you to be in worse pain than he had been during his youthful years, and he knew exactly what to do. Next thing you knew Jason had ripped your dress apart, leaving you vulnerable and exposed in just your plain old panties and bra. Cold shivers ran down your spine when the chilly air hit your naked flesh and you finally realized there wasn’t getting away from this. You had to stay there, limbs bound together, unable to move or fight back, the stranger’s hands caressing your neck before moving dangerously close to your clothed breasts. You felt so sick you were going to throw up for sure if your abductor didn’t step back so you decided to use your last resort.
“Jason, please stop!” You screamed out of the blue, forcing the brunette to freeze instantly at the use of his birth name. You had already called him a pervert and a psycho which didn’t seem to faze him, but the name clearly caught him off guard. This only seemed to prove your theory further - the man really was your former classmate, despite the only similarity between them being the dark distant look in his eyes. “I beg you, don’t hurt me!” You continued, hoping to at least buy yourself more time before the assault took place. 
He gulped loudly and stared at your quivering form. The impossible had happened, you had recognized him and now together with fear, there was also pity in your gaze, the one emotion your captor absolutely despised. You used to be the only one who pitied him, and even now that he was bigger, better and stronger than before, you still had the guts to pity him. It drove him insane but any attempt to hurt or touch you was fruitless now - your soft skin was suddenly burning his fingers like hellfire. 
“You must be thinking that I am a monster.” Jason started out dryly, chuckling bitterly, humorlessly even. He clenched his fists unconsciously and brought them to the floor in a fit of rage, missing your head by mere inches. Your heart was beating like crazy and you only hoped the mandman couldn’t hear it. “A freak.” The man spat out the word like it was a curse and for a split second his eyes softened before turning into two spinning torches. “Right?” You were sure that if looks could kill, his would have you dead by the end of the night so you quickly nodded your head no.
“You are lying to me again, pretty girl.” The brunette replied feisty, "pretty” rolling off his tongue like an insult. Then he broke into hoarse maniac laugher and lowered his head so his face leveled up with yours, so close you could feel his warm breath on your tear - stained cheek. “When I am done with you, you wouldn’t be so pretty anymore, darling.” Your captor growled and attacked your neck, sinking his teeth deep into the flesh. “You will see exaclty how ugly my love is.”
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rextasywrites · 3 years
Aftershow - Leon Kennedy x f!reader
with the help of some tricks and your best friend distracting the security guard, you manage to sneak into the after show of the world premiere of “Resident Evil - Infinite Darkness”. It tells the story of federal Agent Leon S. Kennedy, who, after retiring from his career as a federal agent, decided to tackle acting. Ever since you first saw him in “Resident Evil 2”, you were in love with him and couldn’t wait to meet him. So...what would happen at this afterparty?
hey lads i’m back! i hope you enjoy this piece i have been writing the past few days! hope you are doing well xoxo
Warnings: alcohol, smut, Leon being an ass to others sometimes
Your dress clung to your body, making you feel like some overstuffed sausage. It was physically and mentally out of your comfort zone, but your best friend insisted you looked like a million bucks in it, so you begrudgingly purchased it a week before. “But you look fantastic,” your best friend reassured  you when you stood before your mirror earlier that night, awkwardly, tugging at the fabric by your hipsMaybe she was right, but currently she was busy with the security guard to give you the chance to meet your idol and celebrity crush, Leon S. Kennedy. You had heard he’d attend the premiere, and posts on social media confirmed the rumours.Not that you’d ever admit to subscribing to notifications from him, though.
The place was filled with Hollywood executives, actors, and actresses from all over the planet, yet you hadn’t spotted your favourite so far. Maybe he was outside smoking? Busy spending time with fans and writing autographs? Who knew… So you made your way past some gossiping actress towards the bar. A simple Sex on the Beach would calm your nerves. You began to zone out as you sipped on the cocktail- that is, until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“And I thought I had met everyone tonight.”
That voice. That fucking voice. You’d recognize it out of a million, and there he was.
On the barstool next to you sat Leon S. Kennedy, and he was touching you at this very moment.
Before you would answer, you chuckled and took a sip from the cocktail, buying your nerves some more time before you’d answer. “Guess not.”, you said and placed the glass on the bar in front of you. “I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.”
“I’m Leon, but I’m sure you already knew that, nice to meet you too. (Y/N), what a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Say, how is it possible that I haven’t spotted you before?”
Uh oh. Quick, think of something.
“Sorry, bad traffic,” you replied, directly quoting a line from his costar in Resident Evil 4. “But I’m here now, and just in time to celebrate you and your new show!”, you smiled and raised your glass, Leon clicking it together with his own beer glass. “Cheers.” You two took big sips from your beverages, Leon’s hand now gravitating towards your knee.
“Say, would you like to join me on the terrace? It’s getting so hot in here.”, Leon said and pointed towards an open door on the other side of the room. The mere thought of being able to spend more time with him made you agree with his idea, and a minute later you two were sitting on the terrace in a porch swing. Leon had bought you another drink. He was such a gentleman, just like you’d always imagined him.. From time to time, people came to congratulate Leon on the success of his new show, wanting to invite him for a drink or more rounds. Yet every time he declined it, saying he already had enough for the evening.
“You weren’t invited, were you?”, Leon asked after some conversation between you two. You had told him a bit about your life, your work, your pets. In return, Leon shared stories of the making of Infinite Darkness, funny bloopers and behind-the-scenes stories you otherwise would never hear. The party had died out by now, it being late and the night becoming colder. Telling him a lie wasn’t an option, so you sighed and nodded. “Thought so. You carry yourself differently.”, Leon said while he lit himself a cigarette, blowing the smoke into the night sky.
“What do you mean?”, confusion was written across your face. Carrying yourself differently?
“Hollywood wankers carry themselves with a confidence that could kill a mortal like us. They think they are invincible, but oh boy they are wrong. You don’t carry that energy about you. You don’t look the type.. How did you get in?”
“My best friend is buddies with the security guard and he owed her a favour.”
“You little minx.”, Leon laughed, taking another drag as his eyes rested on you, taking in your body in this dress you hated, yet in his eyes you were the most beautiful woman in the sea of botox and silicone tits. “If you promise not to spill the whole night on social media, I can show you a whole new world.”, and by the look in his eyes, you both knew the feeling was mutual
The penthouse Leon was renting for his stay in your city was more than just breathtaking. Standing by the front window, you could see the whole city, way beyond the city limits. In the bathroom was, next to a big bathtub, a jacuzzi, and an iced down champagne bucket right next to it. “In Hollywood, money has no meaning. You ever seen Wolf of Wall Street? They weren’t fuckin’ lying when they called money ‘fun coupons’”, he laughed when you first entered the penthouse and your eyes had nearly rolled out. The bedroom alone was bigger than your whole flat, the champagne in that goddamn bucket probably worth more than your rent
“If your eyes get any bigger they’ll fall out of your head!”, Leon laughed as he sat down on the huge sofa, the fireplace warming up the room to a comfortable degree. Yet the dress felt too tight, just ready to be taken off...or was that the alcohol speaking? Leon for the cigar box lying atop the coffee table. He offered you one, but you declined - you didn’t smoke, but the mere view of Leon with a big cigar between his lips, legs spread and dress shirt slightly unbuttoned...it went straight to your core, a view millions of women would kill for, presented in front of you. “Like what you see, little minx?”
“Would it be bad if I didn’t.”, you replied, trying to hide your nerves by being cocky. But Leon wasn’t having any of this. He could see through your mask, trying and failing to hide how badly you wanted to straddle his lap and kiss him senseless, seeing stars and whole new universes. Comes with being an ex cop and agent. No secrets could make it past his eyes.
“Come here”, were Leon’s simple words, yet they had an effect on you and your body, something you'd normally be ashamed to admit. You made your way over to Leon on the sofa and instead of sitting next to him, he patted on his lap. “I want you to be comfortable, and I bet you are the most comfortable on my lap. C’mon, it’s the best seat in the house.”, he smirked and...you couldn’t deny it. His thighs were comfortably big, years of hard training paying off in the form of muscle and rough skin under his suit pants.
You weren’t sure why your head felt like it was spinning - was it the alcohol or the intoxicating smell from Leon? A mixture of his unique scent: whiskey and his cologne, all in a cloud around your nose. You wished you would be able to smell him for the rest of your life. All you knew was that your body screamed for Leon, and his body screamed right back. “Here.”, Leon offered you the glass of scotch he had just poured for himself. “There are three types of liquor. Terrible, not so terrible, or do you want to impress people with your money?”, and with those words, he pressed his lips against yours.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“And yet, here we are.”
Leon had picked you up after another glass or three of scotch, the way to his bedroom clear. You weren’t sure if it was the warmth from the scotch swelling in your chest or the way his muscular arms wrapped around you, but something in you was one wrong- or right- move away from melting away completely. Your legs were wrapped around his hips as well as possible. The slit on your dress helped you, but suddenly Leon stopped in his tracks. “Are you okay?”, you asked, placing a hand on his cheek, but he looked over the bedroom you two just entered… Suddenly he placed you back down on the floor, kicking the door shut and pushing you against it.
“I don’t think I’m gonna make it to the bed.”, he smirked , his soft hands moving down your sides, leaving goosebumps wherever they touched you. Your dress felt too tight, the room too hot - you needed to get out of it quickly! Leon watched your blush grow, this asshole smirk still on his lips. “I love how real you are.”, he muttered as he leaned in, brushing his lips over your pulse point, just enough to draw a soft gasp from your lips.
“What do you mean?”, you asked, puzzled. Leon just chuckled, “Haven’t you noticed? It’s all Photoshopped. All the women at the premiere had the same fucking ass. Same crooked lips from the same quack doctor. The same busted Botox faces, everywhere you go. Yet they think they’re hot shit.”, he whispered, hot air against your even hotter skin. “But you...look at you.”
And you did. You looked down on yourself and saw nothing but imperfections. You looked back to Leon with a frown but he just laughed, “Hollywood is suffocating as fuck, but you’re like a breath of fresh air.. Look at you! You even have stretch marks! I haven’t seen real stretch marks since I put my first step into a studio!”, Leon took a deep breath, his voice shaking as he said his next sentence, “And I want you so fucking badly.”
Only minutes later, Leon had marked you up, hickeys and little bites of pleasure and need covering your upper body, whatever part he could reach. The dress was long gone and you laid on the bed, watching Leon unbuttoning his dress shirt. Underneath the white fabric was a body riddled with scars and old, badly healed wounds. Each and every single one could tell a story you were ready to hear, but right now, all you wanted was Leon and only Leon. And he needed you too.
“Aren’t you fucking gorgeous?”, Leon asked as his hands reached behind you, undoing your bra with a simple movement. This man had disarmed bombs before, of course a bra wouldn’t cause him much trouble. “Look at you…”, he repeated once more once your bra was thrown across the room, landing on some random piece of furniture. You blushed under his hungry eyes, him taking in what would be his in mere minutes. “Spread your legs. I wanna taste you.”
You had an iron grip on Leon’s hair, bucking your hips to meet his touch. More, more, more! You needed more! While Leon’s tongue teased your entrance, he used his hand to hold you down, keeping you in place like the good girl that you had been. Well, had been until his tongue first licked up your folds, taking in the sweetness of your juices. Leon had consumed many different liquors in his life, but only your sweet juices could rival ambrosia, sending his drunken mind into another plane of existence.
“Leon!”, you moaned out the moment his calloused finger brushed over your clit. It had been begging for attention, but Leon - that dick - kept on lapping up your juices, sucking and nibbling carefully on your folds. The movements of his fingers were in a steady rhythm with the ones of his tongue, making your head spin once more. He knew how to play you like a fiddle, making you putty in his hands.
But before you could cum, Leon pulled away, his face covered in your sweet fluids and he licked over his lips with an obscene sound and a dirty smirk on his lips. “I can’t wait to fuck you ‘til you scream my name.”
The condom was put on quickly. Magnum, of course. What else would a guy like him need? The first stroke inside of you made you see stars for the third time in less than an hour, what an impact this man had on you. Leon was still inside of you, not moving until you were adjusted to his size, especially his girth. “You okay?”, he asked, to which you gave him a soft nod. “Yeah, I’ll be alright. It’s just… fuck, you’re big..”
Leon’s ego beamed at your words, and once you gave him the okay to continue, it was very hard for him to hold back in any way. You were too tight, too sweet, making him nearly burst on the spot. Instead, his mind wandered...but you were always part of those thoughts.
The wet noises of sex, lust, and unadulterated passion filled the room, along with soft panting and groans coming from you two, a noise as old as humankind. Your arms were tightly wrapped around Leon’s body, leaving behind tiny marks when you needed to hold onto him, your nails digging into his skin. Leon hissed at the stings but fuck, knowing you were marking him up too made him even harder, harder than he had ever been.
“Fuck, you feel so good.”, Leon moaned against your neck and buried his head there for a moment. All you could do was nod in agreement, not trusting your voice anymore. Leon reached down at this, pressing his palm between you two, against your clit. You needed this feeling, you were begging for your release.
“Come on, cum for me.”, Leon growled when he felt the first contractions around his cock. The needy undertone of his voice was the last thing you needed to push yourself over the edge. “Leon!”, you moaned and came around him, stilling in your movements. Leon rocked his hips a few more times before his own release overcame him, spilling into the condom as you milked him inside of you. It felt too good to be true, but Leon was real.
Once your high started to fade and the contractions lessened, Leon leaned in for a quick kiss, stealing it from your open lips as you tried to catch your breath again. You smiled up to him, loosening your grip around him. “That was great.”, you smiled and Leon dropped next to you after pulling out.
In the early morning hours, you woke up to an empty bed. Leon’s side was cold and you sat up, looking around in confusion. Where was he? He wouldn’t leave you alone, would he? Finally, you spotted him on the balcony and you quickly threw on one of the jackets laying around along with your panties.
“Good morning.”, you smiled at Leon, who was taking a drag from his cigarette. He greeted you while blowing the hot smoke out, then held up his arm, offering you a place next to him. You happily agreed, leaning against his warm body in the fresh morning hours.
“I’d love to see you again.”, Leon said after he exhaled another drag, looking down at you. This took you by surprise - why would he? You weren’t special at all, just a mere fan who managed to get into his penthouse suite with a lot of luck and cleavage. He grabbed his phone from the table next to him, offering you the open contact list, “I’d love to take you out on a few dates and such. Spend time with you. What do you think? Wanna give me your number?”
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tommybaholland · 3 years
bnha boys in love [valentine’s edition💗]
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featuring: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, shinso, amajiki, and dabi
for anyone who might be feeling lonely today, enjoy a lil something from ur fav bnha boy who loves u! 
midoriya is one that gets nervous but tries hard to turn it into excitement when thinking about what he’s going to do for or with you on valentine’s day. as an aspiring hero, he always wants to put a smile on others’ faces and you’re no different. actually, you could be an exception because he loves you and those feelings are different from acts of altruism. rather, he wants to give you something straight from his heart. he’s always wanted to cook dinner for someone else, even after he’s always had his mom make him anything he wanted. he receives some basic guidance for her over the phone but he still has zero clue what he’s doing until kacchan stumbles upon him in the dorm kitchen struggling to cut onions. after some threats, yelling, and lots of arguing, the two manage to make a decent meal, actually a whole spread of food for the night. you’ve never had someone put that much thought or make dinner for you so its absolutely surreal when he presents it to you. the meal itself is really good and the night ends with the you both falling into food comas on the couch, relaxing into one another. 
bakugo seems very distant leading up to the day. he didn’t seem like the type to make a big deal out of valentine’s day. then again, he had never gotten many chances to celebrate it, except reluctantly with classmates and his parents. you didn’t mind how he felt about it but it was strange that you hadn’t seen much of him the past few days. on the day, you want to not think about his absence so you decide to get some training in. not an hour passes before bakugo storms in, “there you are, IDIOT! i’ve been looking everything for you! you’re coming with me..” he doesn’t allow you time to change or shower and instructs you to close your eyes as he leads you by the hand somewhere. he voice goes soft as he stops and tells you to open your eyes. you open them to see your favorite dessert sitting in front of you and a lit candle to complete the ambience. you’re in complete awe. you knew he could cook but had no idea he could bake but he explains that sato helped him with the recipe and how he almost gave up the whole thing because he couldn’t get it right the first few times. he admits it might still not be perfect but he loves you so very much and-- he doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before you’re silencing him with a kiss. 
todoroki could give you anything you wanted on a regular basis, being the son of a pro hero and all. it’s this ceiling effect that gets him in a bind for what to do for you because naturally he’d just spoil you extra. but something tells him he shouldn’t focus on the material items but rather the gesture, the sentiment, maybe even the experience. the beginning of the day is slow and lazy, with him coming to your room early in the morning to lay with you in bed. being the sleepy boy he is, he ends up falling asleep on you and you follow close behind. luckily, he set an alarm so you wouldn’t miss what he has planned. he takes you to a hot spring in a secluded location, where you (appropriately) share one together. it’s really nice and relaxing and a different type of alone you get to spend with him. he tries to rub your feet but you won’t let him because you’re ticklish and that starts a little tickle war. you surrender by wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as your ribs ache from laughing so hard. you stare at each other while catching your breath, lips slowly drawing closer. it’s all around a beautiful moment with such a pretty and kind-hearted boy. 
kirishima would save as much as he could to be able to spoil you on this day. he figures; that’s what it’s for, right? this man would try to go above and beyond for you any day because you’re so worth it to him but valentine’s is truly his day to shine. he decides to put together a scavenger hunt which involves one long tour of your previous dates, like the buffet restaurant and the arcade. he even sneaks in little nostalgic things during your time as a couple, like at the park where he learned how you liked to lay on your stomach while he’d draw little shapes on your back. it’s crazy but so fun and cute and special. it ends in a random backside of a building at UA and it’s familiar but you’re confused as to why he brought you here. “this was the place where you first told me you were interested in me..and i was so nervous but so flattered that someone as wonderful as you could like me.” and he goes on and on but he can’t help that he feels so much love for you, which is something he didn’t really think he’d get to experience. he’s oh so grateful to have you and so are you to have the manliest, cutest, sweetest boyfriend ever. 
kaminari feels the pressure of making your first valentine’s with him the best day you’ve ever had and tries to put on a front but fails. he loves that you’re so easygoing and chill with anything but he wants to make the day special. he wants to go above and beyond for you because you deserve it so much. he really likes the idea of an private outdoor dinner because the ambience is already pretty romantic. he sets it all up and when the time comes, he’s just too excited and can’t keep it a secret. he leads you outside as he tells you that he strung up all these lights but when you get out there, it’s real dark. he goes, “this is the best part.” he uses his quirk to simultaneously light up the small bulbs dangling from the strings. unfortunately, several of them blow a fuse and shatter, diminishing the full effect. you both laugh it off like normal and he says he was prepared for that, pulling out a lighter to light the candles on the table. it’s sweet and thoughtful, but don’t think you’ve escaped the ‘are you trying to romance me’ tiktok references. it’s okay though because a denki date night wouldn’t be complete without them. 
shinso is similar to bakugo when it comes to valentine’s, except he’s more so indifferent, rather than not caring about it. he’d be the type to ask you what you want or would like to do but he realizes that was a lost cause because of course you tell him it doesn’t really matter to you and you’d be happy with whatever. you’re so lovely to him everyday, despite his insecurities and trust qualms, so he silently promises to give you a day that you deserve. he tells you he has a surprise. it’s easy to hide as he takes you to your favorite cat cafe, a place where you two are regulars. there’s one cat there, a black and white tuxedo cat, that you are particularly fond of. he enjoys watching you smile as the cat rubs up against you and lays in your lap. you’ve completely forgotten about why you were there until he tells you that the cat is yours if you want him. you’re in complete disbelief but he tells you that he had arranged it with the owner of the cafe, who had noticed that the cat was very skittish and avoidant of other people, except for you. “and i told him, ‘yeah, me too.’” 
amajiki is nervous, of course. probably more nervous than on a regular basis. he knows he shouldn’t be because you’re so wonderful and accept anything he’s done for you with your sweet smile and kisses. he doesn’t like going out to public places too often but he wants to take you to several that you’ll both enjoy and he’ll feel somewhat comfortable. every place has something to do with nature: a zoo, an aquarium, and finally, a butterfly garden which he remembered you mentioning how you had always wanted to go to one. although he knows butterflies are gentle creatures, he isn’t so big on bugs in general, especially when there’s hundreds of them flying around him. you hold his hand the entire time, relaxing him as time goes by. you giggle as they land on the tips of his ears, making him smile as their delicate legs tickle his skin. he grins at your reaction as he pulls you closer. “nothing compares to your butterfly kisses, bunny.” he leans in to blink against your skin, his lashes brushing lightly like wings. you return the gesture to him, hugging him close to you as he pets your hair. he can be shy but your own little love language made up for it.
dabi has never been into something as trivial as a day about love. to him, it’s like any other day. but he never expected that he’d be scrambling around the city to find the perfect flowers to give to you. it’s the least he could do but it could never make up for everything you’ve done for him. you’ve made him feel loved and wanted; having proven it by sticking by him this entire time, such as the fact that he’s now a wanted criminal. he has to be discrete. this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have standards and wouldn’t give you just any flower that was thrown out or forgotten. he starts to get frustrated as he stalks around in a forest and lets his quirk burn off a little steam, catching the trees and foliage into blue flames. then he sees it. you’re a little on edge when he gets home, worried that something had happened after you hadn’t seen him all day. he reminds you what day it is and then holds up what he found: a lonely flower, singed a bit on the ends of the petals but intact and tall. he explains that it reminded him of you, your relationship, what you mean to him. it’s rough around the edges and imperfect but resilient and strong.
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happy valentine’s day from bnha night! any lovely requests may enter here..
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch -Part 17
The Darkling x Reader
The day ended and you would be lying to yourself if you said you weren't disappointed that Aleksander didn't make an appearance. You spent some time in the banya and read peacefully in the library, soaking up the silence before retiring to bed thinking about the Winter Fete.
You had a meeting with the Queen today regarding the festivities and you would rather enter the Fold than converse with the self-centred woman. Nonetheless, you threw on a more traditional red kefta, knowing that if you wore one of your favourites she would turn her nose at you and sulk throughout the meeting.
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She didn't acknowledge you with your title, merely nodding as you entered a room in the Grand Palace surrounded by First-Army guards.
'What is this year's Winter Fete going to entail Moya Tsaritsa? Are there any performers you wish for me to vet before their arrival?' You let her think she had the control, but in reality, there wasn't a single soul that entered your palace that wasn't already vetted by you and Aleksander, or so you'd like to think.
'I suppose there is yes but I can't remember-' She pointed to a stack of papers on the desk.' -I have performers coming from all around Ravka. You know it's a huge honour to get an invite to this festivity and I didn't hold back on the travelling troupes, my people deserve to see their King and Queen at least once in their lifetime' My people.
'They really should since you work so hard to ensure their safety and prosperity.' You forced yourself to say and it was doubtful that she heard the edge to your voice.
'Diplomacy is the only way to win a war Deputy, wind and fire won't get us anywhere.' She laughed as if she'd just told a hilarious joke.
You bit your tongue and stayed quiet, Aleksander would kill you if you misspoke around a member of the Crown.
'How old are you Deputy?' This caught you off guard.
'Why is that a topic of conversation?'
'I heard rumours that you're quite old, older than the General-' She laughed again '-yet you look like, well look at yourself.' Her laughing never ceased and it drilled through your head. It was a burst of laughter concealing sheer jealousy and spite.
'Don't listen to rumours Moya Tsaritsa, it does nobody any good.'
'If you say so.'
'Back to the Fete, I assume your sons will be attending?'
'Only Vasily. Nikolai is busy with his studies in Ketterdam. He's about your age you know, or rather the age you look. Tell me have you been meeting with Genya Saffin?' Her condescending tone of voice was enough to make you want to jump out the window.
'Yes, I make it my job to meet with as many of my Grisha as I can.'
'Ms.Saffin is my lady, she does not belong to the Second-Army.'
'She's still Grisha, isn't she? Therefore she is my responsibility, Moya Tsaritsa.' She looked away clearly displeased.
'I must excuse myself, Deputy. Tell General Kirigan I send my best regards.' Her lavish gown trailed behind her as did her swarm of ladies. You couldn't help but let your mind wander, When I am Queen- No. Stop. Don't get your hopes up.
You stood with a huff with the papers safely tucked under your arm as guards came to your side signalling that it was time to leave and you happily obliged. The walls of the Grand Palace were still as tacky as you remembered them, even more so now and you itched to leave. The Little Palace was by no means simple, but it had a sense of humbleness about it that the Crown lacked heavily.
'Don't ever make me go there ever again.' Your agitated voice cut through the peaceful lull of Aleksander's war room. You dropped the papers on the large round table and reached for the bottle of kvas sitting idly by, tempting your tastebuds. He was standing at the opposite end, inspecting the current war map with furrowed brows.
'I suppose you won't accompany me to the war council meeting this evening then?'
'If you want me there I'll be there. Besides I was talking about the Queen and her obsession with my age.' You rolled your eyes and drank from your glass.
'Your age?'
'Yeah, I don't know why. She does know Grisha live longer, right?'
'I'm assuming she was jealous of your incredibly good looks. Not an imperfection insight, darling.' He rounded the table and approached you.
'Same goes to you General, she sends her best regards by the way.' You felt his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you close to his chest.
'I only have eyes on one Queen, yet she stands before me with the obvious lack of a crown on her head.' His boyish smile that always made you giddy returned.
'Getting ahead of ourselves much?'
'No.' His lips came down to yours, the smile still pulling at his cheeks. Your hands went to his hair, pulling on the black strands with a fervour of longing.
It had been a while since you and Aleksander had time alone that wasn't spent fighting and arguing and it showed through your actions. The sweet kiss turned into a daring fight for control. His hands desperately pulled at the edges of your red kefta, pulling it open not giving a care to the buttons flying over the room. You did the same, although his silver buckles proved to be harder to undo than your flimsy buttons.
'Aleksander' You panted as he stormed your neck with his urgent lips, hands gripping your waist so tightly it was bound to bruise. His touch ignited a fire deep within you, burning its way to your core, where one of his hands brushed against you. He pushed you back against the table, knocking war props out of the way to make room for you and spread your thighs wide.
'Keep quiet darling, there are ears everywhere he whispered in your ear as he delved a finger into you, his thumb working your clit without a hurry. Your back arched at the sudden feeling and the involuntary moan was swallowed by his lips attacking yours once again. He worked you right to the edge, to the point of your moans turning into whimpers of plea for your climax.
'Please Aleksander'
'When I make you cum in my war room, it'll be when I command it.' His rough hands let go of your waist, instead working to undo his breeches then to lay your back flat on the table.
'I will never grow tired of this view.' He mused and pushed himself into you, a throaty moan erupting from his throat that almost immediately sent another pulse of arousal through you.
He stretched your walls to the limit, letting himself adjust to you, then with a force so pleasurable but sinful, moved in and out. By the fifth thrust, your stilled orgasm washed over you with brute force. He felt the blood rush as you did, basking in the pleasure of your climax as he chased his own.
With your lip between your teeth to silence your moans while your body racked from waves of pleasure, Aleksander stared down at you with the passion of a thousand fires. He felt immense pride knowing he was the reason for your euphoria and nobody else. You were his. Your silent whimpers drove his lust even deeper, sinking into you with a resolve long forgotten.
'Faster.' You breathed and he did as he was told, pulling you up into his chest, pounding into you to satisfy you once more. Not long after did he push himself over the edge, muttering your name like a prayer while you did the same, clutching onto his body for dear life.
He captured your lips with his one last time, silently speaking the words 'I love you' before pulling out, earning you a feeling of emptiness in return. You feared that if he set you back on the ground, your knees would surely buckle beneath you. The feeling of post-sex bliss was nothing compared to the relaxation of yesterday's banya especially when Aleksander was involved.
'We'll be late to the meeting dear.' He said against your lips, not loosening his grip on you or making a move to leave.
'So you do want me there.' You laughed.
'I always want you with me.'
Part 18
Taglist (tell me if you want to be added to the Little Witch taglist!!)
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess @lunas1x1 @adoringb
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asphalt-cocktail · 3 years
Hear me out..kay?
'70s John Lennon with younger female home assistant reader getting into a lil dispute because John thinks he let himself go after the Beatles broke up, but the reader believes otherwise and it ends up in the two of them having passionate/slightly rough sex because he's more or so angry with himself than anything? And the two of them are really close too, like John allows her to watch Julian and Sean when he's at the studio or on business trips?? And the two boys genuinely like her???
(a universe where he isn't married to yoko ((no hate intended)) and is single and happy that way..)
Oh my god, I love this idea! 70s john is so pretty. I love how he looks as he gets older. it’s like fine wine. Some of the ages might not add up but we’ll call this an AU for the sake of consistency!
Warnings: Some smudges of angst, smut, insecurities, language
Also it got WAY longe than I expected so i got a little carried away. 
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As John slept, he dreamt he sat perched on a throne made bones. It overlooked a high cliff that faced the ocean where the wind burned his face and he could hear seagulls screaming in the background.
He was alone. For once he wished he had the screaming crowds and bandmates calling his name. But only the shrieking gulls filled his ears.
The dream seemed to go on for two lifetimes and the atmosphere felt staticky as the waves repeatedly crashed against the shores and hit the rocks. At times he could feel the soft kiss of saltwater sprinkling against his face.
He blinked for the first time in what felt like ages and suddenly his throne of bones began to collapse, he grasped at them panicked as he desperately tried to prevent himself from falling. Just as his footing slipped John shot up in his bed breathing heavily. He blinked to clear the bleariness that had settled from sleep and palmed his bedside table for his glasses and crudely wiped them on his sheets to clear the fingerprints before slipping them on. 
Suddenly the room was clear, and the sound of gulls was replaced with Sean’s squealing laughter. It helped John feel grounded in his brief moment of panic. He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, Christ, what did he have to do today again? John ran his fingers through is knotted hair and slipped out of his bed. Right, he had to do several interviews to promote his new album and single that was just released then he had a dinner party. He grimaced at the thought of having to sit for several hours with a group of yuppies and pretend to enjoy their conversation.
As John walked through is bedroom he slipped on a pair of slippers and his dressing gown before stopping in front of his full length mirror. He gave his belly a firm pat, he’d lost a significant amount of weight in the last five years, mostly from depression, but it was still a small victory in his eyes. Atleast he had that going for him.
The bedroom door open and John found himself lured to the kitchen by the smell of syrup and pancakes. He flashed you a tight-lipped smile, “You’re early.” He greeted you.
You shrugged your shoulders, not looking up from the batter as you poured it into the skillet, “I know I thought my exam was going to take much longer than it did.” You said sheepishly. John had been gracious enough to accept you as his assistant and sometimes nanny. He was nice and the job helped you learn a lot about public relations and management, which is what you had hoped to do after you’d graduated from university. 
“Do you want some pancakes? Sean helped with them.” You said waving the ladle towards John.
He shrugged, still groggy from sleep. He really didn’t want any, but the way Sean stared at him with his big black eyes begging changed his mind. He sighed after his idle moment in thought and nodded his head, “I suppose I should see what the little chief has made for us.” He smiled and ruffled the kid’s hair.
After breakfast John rushed to get ready, “And you’re okay with taking Julian to piano lessons? Remember Sean still needs to finish that cough medicine from his cold earlier last week, and they can’t stay up past-” he rushed out his of things that he now only worried about due to having children.
You placed your hand on John’s arm and gave him a look, “John I’ve worked with you for almost three years, I think I can handle a day of babysitting. Julian will get to piano lesson on time and Sean will get his medicine; and don’t worry I won’t give them any sugar past 6pm.” John chose to ignore the little wink you gave Julian and Sean from the other side of the room.
He let out a sigh and his shoulders relaxed, “I know, I just” Worry I’m not good enough, his intrusive thoughts echoed in his mind and he shook his head before sharply inhaling, “I just worry about them, you know how it is.” You didn’t, you weren’t a parent. But you understood a little bit with where he was coming from.
You gave John a sympathetic nod and patted his shoulder, “Go on, you’re going to be late for the interview.” You said and turned him, pushing him towards the door.
A small smile settled on John’s face, it didn’t matter if he left for 8 hours or a full week, he still gave you the same reminders and the same list when Yoko or Cynthia couldn’t take the kids. John rushed out the door and you turned towards the boys and grinned at them. They were both nice, Julian had a wee bit of an attitude, but you chocked it up to him being in double digits while Sean was a curious and surprisingly even-tempered boy.
You made sure Julian got to and from piano lessons okay and wrestled with Sean to take the last dose of his medication, bribing him with some cookies. The remainder of the afternoon and evening you watched a movie with them, walked in the park, and drew pictures of the cats.
At lunch time John called to check in on the boys and to let you know it was going to be a late night, after reassuring him everything was fine you resumed your conversation with Sean about some fabulous story he was making up.
John sat at the dinner party, poking at his food and listening to his scientist friend tell them about a fancy new machine they got at work. The autoclave used immense amounts of heat and pressure to sterilize items, nothing survived the autoclave. In that moment John decided he saw some of his own likeness in the machine. As the voices turned to mumbles and John fell deep into thought he found that his own heart was harsh an inhospitable, much like the machine. That was why he was mostly alone in his 17-room apartment in New York City. His two wives couldn’t even make his home their home, and when he received a phone call from Cynthia or Yoko saying they were coming to pick the children up or to send them home on the morrows next fight he couldn’t say it struck him by surprise.
As the evening grew late you put Sean to bed and then an hour later you sent Sean to bed, much to your surprise neither of the boys fought with you tonight over why it was unfair they had different bedtimes or how they should be allowed to stay up later because it was summertime.
Infomercials from the television droned in your ears and lulled you to sleep as you sprawled out on the couch. A hand touching your shoulder caused you to jump and you blinked before John came into focus, “I’m home, you can stay the night in the guest room. It’s too late for you to go home alone.” He said kindly.
You rubbed your eyes and groggily sat up, “How did the meetings go today?” You asked after a deep yawn.
John’s face scrunched up, the way it did when he was frustrated and deep in thought, “It was alright.” He shrugged.
“What do you mean alright? You just released a new single, no one had an opinion on it?” You asked as you made your way through one of the many long hallways that made up his Dakota apartment.
John followed you, hoping for conversation and company, “I don’t know, I must have termites in me brain or something.” He frowned leaning against the door of the bathroom and watching you rummage through the cabinet for your spare toothbrush. Your movements moved on memory and you pushed aside the antacids and ibuprofen to get to the toothbrush you kept in the back of the medicine cabinet. The familiarity in your actions made John feel comforted.
“what do you mean?” You asked before you began brushing your teeth. You watched as John shifted, leaning against the door jam. He felt uncomfortable. You could tell.
He looked away from you, “I’m washed up I suppose.” He dug his shoe into the grout of the bathroom tile, “No one wants to listen to a former Beatle without the other three.” John wanted to open up to you but his body felt like an unstable bag of foam and bones and his ability to speak clearly vanished.
You spat out your toothpaste and wiped the remainder off with the towel that hung on the wall, “Oh come off it,” You scolded him, “You don’t mean that do you?”
Now it was your turn to follow John as he walked through the house, kicking his shoes off and tossing his jacket to the side, “That’s how it seems.” He chewed on the inside of his cheek, “Every time I talk to one of these hokey television people, they just rub it in me face how successful Paul or George are doing.” He frowned, “And I’m just sitting here, a one hit wonder. No songs in the last five years.” He tugged open the door to his wardrobe and pulled out sleeping cloths and tossed them onto the bed, “Paul’s got his 87 children, and his new better band. What do I have?” His cheeks started turning red and his thick brows furrowed.
You listened to him complain about his imperfections, he obviously needed to get them off his chest, “John,” You said softly interrupting his monologue, “You don’t mean that.” You bluntly said.
John looked away from you and huffed loudly, “First I get called the fat Beatle, then I get torn to shreds for saying one thing about Christianity and now I can’t even write a damn song anymore.” He angrily pulled his shirt over his head, “If I can’t even write a damn song what use am I?” He continued to mumble to himself and tug the thin and worn sleep shirt over his head and stuck his arms through the hole.
You walked forward and boldly grabbed John’s wrist as he reached for his lounge pants, “Stop it,” You said in the same tone of voice you used to scold one of the children, “I don’t want to hear you say bad things about yourself that aren’t true.” Your brows knit together as John turned to look at you.
His eyes narrowed to little slits as he studied your face. John felt as though the throne of fame he once sat upon was now crumbling, much like in his dream “You’re just an assistant, you don’t know anything.” He said coldly and shrugged you off.
You know he didn’t mean it, but the words stung, “Yeah, I’m just your assistant who watches your kids, and takes them to piano lessons, and does your laundry, and brings you take away when you are too sad to leave your room.” You shot back.
Your words hit John like a 10-ton truck, and he looked at you shocked, none of his assistants had ever been this bold before. They all cowered beneath the mighty John Lennon, but you were different. Your tongue was just as sharp as his, and he hated to admit it; but he liked the way your brows furrowed, and your eyes ignited with fire every time you argued back at him. He wanted to get a rise out of you, so he pushed you, “I pay you for it, don’t go around thinking you’re special. I could post your job in the paper and have hundreds of college kids lining up to work for me.” He hissed stepping towards you.
You were backed into a wall, literally and figuratively, you felt at a loss for words. John was right and you both knew it, what was the worst that could happen if you pushed back a bit? “Do it, I dare you.” You scoffed and moved to push past him, “Surprised anyone would like to work for a washed-up Beatle.” You mumbled under your breath knowing that he would hear you.
John brought his arm up and pushed you back into your spot between the wall and pushed his lips against yours. It was hard and messy; your teeth clicked together, and your noses knocked. It took a moment for you to realize what was happening until John roughly shoved his knee between your legs. You let out a whimper feeling him pull away and start leaving hot open-mouthed kisses along your jaw and trailing down to your neck. Your chest heaved against him and you swallowed thickly, and you desperately tried to focus as he continued to latch onto your neck, sucking and biting at the sensitive skin, “John.” You whined and ground yourself against his thigh.
He loved how you practically purred his name as you spoke. John’s hands pushed down on your hips, helping you as you slid against his thigh with wanton need. Your breathy sighs sent a shiver that crept down his spine and settled in his belly, “We can stop, just say it and I’ll stop.” He said rubbing his nose along your jaw.
You swallowed thickly, “Please don’t,” You didn’t want to go back now.
John pulled away and pulled you by your wrist before pushing you back onto the bed. You bounced back against the plush large mattress and laid against the pillows and watched as John knelt between your legs. He rubbed his hands along your thighs and kissed you’re the skin that had become exposed from your shirt riding up and pushed it up more. He sucked and left kitten licks as he exposed more of you stomach and chest, kissing between your breasts and sucking at the soft skin on the sides.
John peeled your shirt off and in one swift movement your breasts were exposed and your top and underclothes tossed aside. He dove against your neck again, deepening the marks he’d already left prior and adding new ones, nipping at the skin and inhaling your scent. You reached your fingers and laced them in his soft long hair. You’d always wondered how it felt and how it smelt. You found yourself burying your nose into the side of his head and breathing deeply. He smelled like stale smoke, the gum he always chewed as a nervous habit, and like his eucalyptus shampoo. It made your brain feel dizzy.
Your legs wrapped around John’s narrow hips and pulled him flush against you. He groaned feeling your heat against his awakening erection and ground against you. he felt like he was 18 again, sneaking home some blurry faced bird through the back door at Mimi’s after coming home too late. But this felt better, it wasn’t some random company for the night; it was you.
The assistant he hired on a whim because he needed someone to watch Sean while he flew to LA for recording, the same person who folded his laundry, the first person he told of his divorce from Yoko. Even in his dream as he stood alone on the edge of the cliff as his throne collapsed, he knew if he called your name you would come.
Now, here he was; swallowing your moans eagerly in his mouth and listening as you left ragged breathy gasps in his ear as he ground against you. His hands fumbled with the buttons on your pants before he finally gave up and pulled them open, the small button popping off and bouncing to the other side of the room. John kissed your hips and along the lower half of your stomach and it twitched.
You squirmed, looking down and seeing his intently focused face as he yanked down your underwear and jeans and carelessly tossed them aside. You suddenly became aware of your nakedness as you stared down at John, fully clothed in a loose sleep shirt and the pants he wore today. Your eyes trailed his body and you sat up, tugging at his shirt. Your movements were hesitant and less confident than his. John’s hands guided his shirt up and he tugged it off, throwing it to join the rest of your discarded cloths and you ran a hand along his chest. Admiring the freckles and imperfections that made him distinctly human. He pulled back and shrugged his pants off and resumed his spot between your legs, pushing you back down.
John kissed the sides of your knees and made his way up your thighs, “Is this okay?” He murmured.
You shivered feeling his lips moving against your legs and nodded your head, urging him to continue. The pit of nervousness that settled in your belly violently vanished as you felt John’s hot tongue swipe between your folds and lap at you, “Jesus Christ,” You gasped out.
You could feel John smirk as he hooked his arms under your legs and pulled you close. He spread you apart, groaning and rubbing your clit with his thumb, “Has anyone ever done this to you before?” He asked glancing up at you.
You swallowed thickly and shook your head, “N-no,” You choked out.
John hummed acknowledging your answer and licked at your core again, taking his time to trace lazy shapes around the bundle of nerves. It sent a tingle that rang through your whole body, from the tips of your toes to your fingers and you desperately reached for John’s hair to keep him in place.
Your toes curled and you pressed John’s face closer against you and bucked your hips, grinding against his face. He groaned and pressed back, pulling you closer against his face. The plug between your brain and mouth disconnected and your mind felt like it was swimming. The string in your stomach tightened as you continued to grind against John’s tongue as he lapped at you. Your soft breathy sighs climbed in pitch before it snapped and your hips squirmed against him. John firmly held you down and he harshly rubbed your clit. The burning sensation caused your toes to curl, your eyes to blissfully shut, and made your legs shake. Your hips tried to jerk away from his hand, but he held you down, watching you writhe, jaw hanging slightly ajar.
“St-op” You choked out and gripped his wrist, letting out a sob as he pushed you to your peak once again. Your chest heaved and your legs shook as it washed through you. You curled into yourself and your face scrunched up.
John left you no room to breathe as he pulled your face close to his and captured your mouth in an open mouth. His tongue explored your mouth and you could taste yourself. You gripped at his forearms and pulled him back down, thumbing his briefs and tugging them down. John smiled against your mouth as he wiggled out of them, twisting his legs and shifting before he finally gave up and broke your kiss for a moment to tug them the rest of the way down.
You reached to kiss him and frowned as he pulled away, settling between your legs and rubbing his cock teasingly between your wet folds before he pushed in. You gasped, feeling John stretch you as his pelvis pushed against the back of your legs. He sat there for a moment and his face reached up and cupped yours as he hovered just inches away from your face.
You brought your hand up and placed it on John’s, his thumb traced your bottom lip and he slowly moved his hip, pushing deep inside you. Your mouth fell open and you let out a soft moan. John eagerly took the opportunity to slip his thumb into your mouth and pushed harder into you as your lips wrapped around it.
John’s hands gripped your hips as his picked-up speed, pulling them against him and making your skin slap together. He fell over you and you wrapped your arms around him pulling his body close to yours. His head fell next to your shoulder and he messily kissed up your shoulder and up to the side of your mouth before you captured his. Your kiss lacked tact and was only motivated by wanton need for each other. Your teeth clanked harshly together, and you clung to John as though he would vanish from you in an instant.
John broke the kiss and latched onto your neck once again, nipping at the skin and leaving a lingering and dull pain as he continued his trail before settling near your ear. John’s grunts and soft breathy sighs were perhaps the best sound’s you’d ever heard. In that moment you didn’t care that your bodies stuck together with sweat, or that your head kept bumping against the headboard.
You found yourself reaching for John and whimpering as he pulled away and hooked his arms under your knees and brought them up, leaning onto you and pushing deeper inside you. Your back arched off the mattress as he pulled back and began to slowly rut deep inside you.
John clenched his teeth together and hissed, feeling your walls twitching around him as he continued his languid pace, “Please,” You said softly, your brows knit together and your eyes looking helplessly up at him.
His lips spread into a knowing smirk, “Please what?” His voice sounded ragged and strained as he continued to tease you.
“More please,” You barely recognized the whiny tone of your voice.
“Yeah?” He asked and harshly snapped his hips against yours, “Like that?” He asked snapping them again. The headboard lightly tapped the wall as John’s thrusts grew harder and faster while your staccato moans followed jointly. John watched you, your mouth hanging open and skin shiny from the combination of his and your sweat that coated your body. He felt more human in this moment than he’d felt in a long time.
John’s brows knit together, and his thighs clenched, he didn’t want this to end. You pulled his arms and pulled him close to you, not caring if it seemed like you were being clingy, “Come inside me,” You breathed out next to his ear.
John’s body seized up and he huffed out a shaky haggard breath before he came, holding you close against his body and riding out the high that fogged over his senses.
For a moment he laid on top of you, softening inside you but enjoying the intimate closeness the two of you shared in your post coital haze. John kissed your shoulder before pulling back and kissing your lips. He pulled back and the two of you smiled at each other.
You couldn’t help but turn your head and breath out a small laugh before John rolled over to your side. The two of you laid on top of his wrinkled duvet staring at each other. You pursed your lips and remembered what you said earlier, “I didn’t mean it, what I said.” You said sheepishly looking away.
John’s expression was soft as he looked at you, “I’m sorry for what I said, I didn’t mean it either.” He said his arm now resting on your shoulder. He pulled you against his bare chest and you pushed your knee between his legs, entangling your bodies together as John held you. 
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mysticgoblinwriter · 3 years
Driving In A Cold Sweat; There Is No One On This Highway
Warnings- Murder, infidelity, swearing, food imagery, shitty parents, i made Steve the villain who’s in the HOA and a politician, adult content, dark!reader, cheating, a bit of flirting, mental health joke (mental health is NOT a joke, y’all), religion symbolism, dark!steve, peggy x bucky,
Word Count- 1.9k
kudos to @blackberrybucky for being my soundboard, and @fandomsandxfiles for being my beta reader. Love y'all
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a/n- This is inspired by Hypothermic by Goodnight Texas.  Its really dark, and I surprised myself writing this but I like it. I also changed the landscape to desert. Leave comments if you want! As many as you like, I fangirl over my work too. All writers should, its selfcare.
Bucky looks you up and down, taking you in like you are the gods own ambrosia.  “So, doll.  What brings you to this shit hole?”
You laugh to yourself.  “I murdered somebody.”- was the sentence that also inspired this but its not in the actual story.
The radio gave out miles ago.  It was emitting nothing except for crackling and static.  Every now and then it would cut back to a sermon, funnily enough it’d been the same one that was on when you started your trip.  Sunset was a little ways off.  If you looked hard enough you could see coyotes just off the asphalt.  Alive, yes.  But just how long had their souls been gone?  Someone was screaming.
A man.  You’d heard that scream before.  Seared into you memory like that steak you had for your 15th birthday. It was right next to you.  Oozing blood and raw-red.  You could hear the clink of the knife as it scraped against the plate.  Shaking your head to clear it, you notice an exit with a gas station.  “Now’s a time as good as any to stop.”  Gravel crunches as you slide up next to the pump. The neon beer lights from the bar across the road are calling.  But you can’t answer. The gas handle is slick and grimy, you’ve felt something like that before, but you can’t remember what.  A fuzzy noise in the back of your ears gets your attention.  Another truck has pulled in.  Right in the spot next to yours, never mind the dozen others that are free.  A bulky man steps down, his face hidden by a rangers hat.
You could tell he worked out though.  And had hair in need of a washing.  Clunk.  The tank was full.  You thought it best to leave before anyone could place you, but your stomach needed something other than greasy two-bit fast food.  You glance around, looking for any sign that promised a hot meal.
“Looking for something, doll?” You let out a small gasp.  He was staring straight at you now.
“Does this shithole have a place to eat?  I might have to start eating the cactus.”
He lets out a soft laugh, “Yeah, there’s a diner about half mile down the road.”
His face brightens like he just thought of something.  “You wanna meet me there?  I’ll buy dinner?”  You weigh the options.  You can’t have anybody recognize you; but your cash is getting low and however you can stretch it, you must.  You nod once.  “Sure.”
The diner is every trope you’d seen in the movies your pops watched when he got off work.  Flies buzzing, neon sign flickering, checkered tile.  It even had the shiny red leather booths.  What a dream.  “Getcha a seat anywhere, honey.  I’ll be right over,” came a perky voice from the back.  Presumably a waitress. You choose the booth near the back exit.  Its always good to have a backup plan.
The man said he needed to get something at the mini-mart, that you could go ahead and he’d catch up.  Somebody screamed right next to you, causing you to jump out of your seat.  You whip your head around.  No one was even in the dining area.  It sounded so real.  Like you could reach out and grasp the shattering inky blackness.  You take a couple of deep breaths.  Try to remember your happy place.  Tahiti, its a magical place.  Or so you’ve been told  You just picked it from a magazine that was open on the coffee table the night your mother set fire to the curtains in the living room.  The flames had licked up the page, burning the island resort into ash.  Boots thudded as they made way to where you were.  He slides in across from you.
“Um, the waitress’ll be right out,” you said softly.  He barely heard it over the rickety air conditioning.  He nods to show he heard.  He’s sitting close.  Closer than you’d thought another human would ever sit next to you again.  His hands are rough and calloused.  The sleeve cuffs of his hoodie are frayed; as if someone clawed at them.  Eyes traveling up his body, you take in more details.  The hoodie isn’t faded, its brand new.  He wears a bracelet of leather on his right hand, with a charm you can’t quite see.  His necklace is corded hemp, plain and understated.
A light stubble that’s maybe three days old covers his jaw.  His eyes... are piercing right through you. You take in a quick breath, not being able to look away.  You’d never seen that shade of blue before.   He’d been watching you watching him.  Quirking an eyebrow, ”See anything ya like, doll?” You start to sputter an answer but the waitress comes over.  “Sorry about the wait.  Here’s your-”  Blue eyes interrupts her, “We don’t need those.  I’ll have the special and she’ll have the ‘Its Impossible To Go Away Hungry’ plate”  “Okay, then.  I’ll get that right out to ya folks.”
You glare at him, he mirrors it with dicky nonchalance. “Why did you order for me?”  He leans forward, tilts his head the right the tiniest fraction.  “You’re starved.  I really don’t give a damn what kept you from eating but I ain’t gonna let you go without giving you a meal.  The steak plate is the biggest meal they have.  You can take a to go box, that is if you don’t eat the whole thing.”
“Oh.”  You cast out a huff, “Well, thank you.”  He flashes a killer smile. Pearly white teeth in a straight line.  Not an imperfection to be found anywhere.  A silence falls between the two of you.  You can’t decide whether its comfortable of not.
“My name is Bucky.  I thought you wouldn’t like eating with a stranger.  I like to doodle in the margins of my books sometimes.”  “Please tell me not library books.”  He scoffs as if you suggested the impossible, “Never.  Do you think I’m crazy?”
“Jury’s out on that, Bucky.”  He looks at you more intently now.  “Really?  Same could be said about you.  When I first spoke to you it was like a deer in headlights.  Ya running from something, sugar?”  He’d said it jokingly but you didn’t laugh.
“No.  Nothing like that.”
Shirley came back with your plates, and two root beers.  She left the check at the end of the table and Bucky swooped it up.  The meal passed by in the comfortable sounds of silverware clinking and ice clacking in the cups.  You both ate in record time.
You were careful to save enough for a second meal. That went into the to go container.  Now both cups were drained and plates scraped clean.  You start to slide out of your seat, mumbling a thanks but Bucky stops you.  “Wait, won’t you sit here a while longer?  I’d be kinda sad sitting here alone.”  After a moments hesitation, you resume your position.  “What do you wanna talk about?  It can’t be the weather.  Its been dry as bones for weeks.”   He ponders for a moment, “You.”  He shifts a little, resting one ankle on the opposite knee.
“I want to know what you’re running from, and see if I can offer...a distraction.”  That shocks you.  “Life?  Aren’t we all running away in some form or another?  I just happened to take the mobile route.”  You shrug, “What do you want me to say?  It was all shitty so I left it behind.  And as for the distraction part, I got a whore last night, so don’t bother.”  He is silent.  Just sits there and gazes at you.  You cock your head, getting impatient.  “Am I allowed to leave now?  Or do you want to talk about our feelings?”
“I slept with my best friends wife.”
“I-I’m sorry you what??”
“I slept with my best friends wife.  He owns half the town, what with him being mayor and all.  I couldn’t take it anymore, he’s always been the golden boy.  Always been the beacon of light.  I just wanted a slice of what he had.”  He looks up, his eyes are dead.  “She was willing, and I just... took her.  There on his desk.  He’d been out for lunch with some bigwig, and I made her cum twice on my cock.”  He chuckles darkly.  “That’d been the first time.  All the other times don’t matter, he doesn’t know about those.  But he does know about the time in the craft shed.  Peggy did pottery.
Had a nice little workshop, it was connected to the mansion they had.  I wanted to bring her pleasure in the place where she gets frustrated often, so she’d have something else to think about.  Steve caught us on the floor.  A big bunch of daffodils in hand.  Stupid, those weren’t even her favorites.”  He was gone now, lost in memories, not even knowing he was talking.  “Said he had come by to take her to lunch.  That was always like Steve.  Expected her to clear her schedule at the drop of a hat but never doing the same for anybody. He didn’t even get mad.  He just walked away, muttering something about his office.
Peggy said she could talk some sense into him.  The next day I found her in the garbage when I took out my trash.”  Your sharp inhale and big eyes do nothing to catch his attention.  “Steve comes strolling out of nowhere, said that she was a threat to his image.  Said that I need to leave or face the same.  I asked why he left me alive and he said ‘So you can remember the pain until you lay down in the ground and the mice and carrion drag your body up from its silk cocoon to feast.”
But that’s not all.”  He said the last bit so quietly, it was as if he said nothing.
“What?”  He’s crying now, tears are forming rivers in his eyes.  “She knew.  She knew  he was going to be there and that’s how she wanted to go out.”  Your puzzled expression makes him laugh.  “Don’t know many politicians, do you?  Good.  Keep it that way.  That day when the mail came I got a letter.  From her.  It said how she wanted to divorce Steve ever since he became the HOA president.  But she couldn’t.  He had threatened her once, just once and what he said was so blisteringly awful.  And he did it.  He is a man of his word, after all.  He kept his damn word.”
“So...she used you as an out?”  He winces.  You hadn’t meant to sound like that.
Out in the diners parking lot you say goodbye to James.  Wait.  No, no.  His name is Bucky.  He’s got a green  Chevy and blue eyes.  Or was it red?  It doesn’t matter anyway.  You back out and head for the next state, ignoring the blood leaking from the tarp in your trunk.  The screams have stopped.  And the moon is bright.
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mysticalcanyon · 3 years
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It was late at night. Y/N was sitting on the table, working on her computer. Suddenly, she heard the door to her flat open. 
— Hello?
She smiled. It was him. 
Y/N got up from the chair and ran into his arms.
— I missed you, my little girl. 
She played with his hair, which was half covered with a band, as he had been involved in a bar fight a few weeks before, which also left him with various bruises and a missing tooth. He looked like a lunatic, and she loved that. 
— How did your day go?— she said with an innocent voice, as he grabbed her hand and started kissing it with delicacy. 
— Endless.— He murmured as he kept kissing her hand. He worked as an office- cleaning man. His hands were rough, in contrast to her's, which were small and soft. 
He grabbed one of her breasts as he looked down, concentrating on her body. Y/N rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes. He keep massaging it gently, mumbling about how much he wanted to fuck her. 
Y/N looked him in the eyes.
— I want you to make love to me.— Y/N said with a broken voice. 
He got on his knees, looking at her with hungry eyes. He grabbed her two hands as if he were begging her for his life. Damon kissed them and then he grabbed her waist to kiss it, while caressing her butt.
— You don't know how much I've been missing you.— He said while his hands ran over her buttocks. If I were one of those executives, you would be in my office the whole day.
Y/N smiled. She knew how much Damon wanted to give her a better life. 
— And what would we do in your office?— Y/N looked down at him with a playful look. 
Without blinking, he pulled down her pants and accidentally took away her panties too, leaving her naked from the waist down. He gave her a deep, wet kiss on her lower belly, while closing his eyes, feeling her.  
She felt like flying, as a warm force started to grow in her private areas. Suddenly, she was in the air. Literally. Damon had grabbed her and was taking her to the bath. Y/N kissed his neck and bit his ear, while whispering words of love. Once they were there, he took her shirt off and gave her a short kiss on the lips. He started to undress and Y/N turned on the tap. As the water was filling the bathtub, she observed him. 
He was a big man, he could even look scary from a first look. But she couldn't wait to feel his weight on top of her. And that big…
He pulled down his pants, and then his underwear. He had an enormous erection. She couldn't wait to have him inside her. 
She sat down in the bathtub, the warm water surrounded her body, and the touch of it in her exposed vagina made her even more hungry of Damon. He got closer to her, slowly entering the bathtub.
She leaned back against the wall. He covered her with his body, while giving her wet kisses all over her face and neck. Then he stopped, and while looking into her eyes, he held his penis. 
He lowered his gaze, looking at her lips. She felt then how his cock was on her entrance, causing her to shiver. Seconds later, he entered inside her, slowly, feeling each part of her. He opened his mouth then, the pleasure was too much. They got closer, their foreheads touching, her hands scratching his back and shoulders.
— I-I love you— said Y/N between moans, while holding him with strength. He was pushing too hard, over and over again, hitting her spot every time in a sticky, painful and addictive way, making her feel like she were in heaven. She opened her legs even more every time to feel him even deeper if that was possible.
He growled in response, hiding in her neck, she smiled. She loved his ways. He wasn't a man of words. 
He moved back a little bit, without getting out of her. Damon held her hips with strength and then, he started fucking her with no mercy. Y/N started screaming. Her hands were searching desperately for a place to hold on, until her hands found their way to the bottom of the bathtub, behind her elevated body. 
She was hypnotized by the way their bodies were collapsing, the water shaking every time, the sound of his grunts, the way he was biting his lips and leaning his head back, the immense pleasure she was feeling. The roughness of his penis was driving her crazy, each imperfection of it was filling her up in an incredible way. 
— You feel so good, my little girl. Mine, mine, all mine… — He whispered with his masculine voice, resting his head on her collarbones, slowing down the rhythm again.
— I'm yours, daddy. All yours.
He got out of her suddenly. 
Before Y/N could ask anything, he was holding her hand and helping her to get up, only to lift her up in his arms just a few moments later. 
— I'm going to fuck that ass of yours until you forget your own name, you hear me? 
Y/N just bit her lips, looking at him with her eyes full of lust, dying to feel his dick again. He turned her the other way round, her back facing his chest. He kissed her neck and grabbed her breasts, which he loved. Damon started to draw little circles around her nipples with his thumbs.
He made her feel so pretty and beautiful, it was unreal. She closed her eyes and felt his hand run over her body for a second, concentrating on every part of her that he was touching, feeling his manly hands. 
— You are...I can't believe I got you in my arms Y/N. I must be the luckiest man in the world. 
— Damon...— that was all she could say. She was so in love.
Y/N leaned her arms onto both bathtub edges, leaving her back completely exposed to him. 
He grabbed one of her hips with one hand, and his penis with the other. Damon started masturbating himself in order to have his penis soaked, making his entrance in her less painful. He was touching her vagina with the tip of his penis, teasing her, scrubbing all over it. 
Y/N gasped.
— Oh my God… 
He was finally ready.
He entered inside her in one lunge, causing her to scream.
She was almost dying of pleasure. Her eyes were closed and so was her mouth, as she was moaning with her throat, creating a sound that was similar to a dog's cry, almost pornographic.
A sensation ran through her body, from her tongue to her finger prints. Y/N shrinked her leg muscles, she was about to finish. 
She let her upper body fall into the water, completely exhausted. Only her hands stopped her from hitting the bathtub. 
— Oh,baby; oh, baby… — with those words, she knew he was about to finish too.
One last time, he fucked her with speed, producing the sound of a really intense clapping. She couldn't do more than mumble words without sense. He collapsed on top of her, finally. They spent some seconds gasping for air, completely dead, with Damon resting his head on her back.  Some tears had escaped from Y/N eyes, which were dilated and sparkling. 
Once they got their strength back, they leaned onto the other side of the bathtub, she sat between Damon's legs. 
— The water is kind of cold, isn't it love?— He said while playing with her hair.
— Yes.— She stretched out to reach the shower head and gave it to Damon. 
He turned it on and let the warm water fall onto Y/N's making her sleepy.
— Damon, I love you. And no words are  enough to express all of what I feel for you. 
— I love you too,my little princess.— He was running his free hand through her hair.— and don't worry. I know that you love me, and I love you too. What we have is otherworldly. 
Y/N smiled and then yawned. A few moments later, she was completely asleep.
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