#I love cliche stories I like it better when the characters keep their original personalities- it makes the story much more interesting!
heartkillers · 2 years
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My idea was to draw nightkiller-
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stupidrant · 3 months
It's reassuring to see more people point out the matter of Angrboda not having the same experiences as Atreus with social interaction, let alone courtship given years of isolation and total loneliness (with no one around but her unstable grandmother who wouldn't even speak to her, would torture her animals&call Angrboda "nothing" and express regret she didn't throw her to the wolves right after birth). Furthermore, I personally was never in the "Angrboda is oblivious to Atreus's crush" camp (it didn't cross my mind at all when playing the game). I was glad that the game didn't go a cliched route with boy's one sided pinning and girl not giving him time of the day (stories that overpopulate media because heavens forbid women - fictional or real - actively show or spell out their interest for a male character).
Not only was their interest in each other - including blossoming romantic feelings - completely mutual, but Angrboda could not be MORE open about her own feelings for Atreus. The scene where she initially rejected the flower was the only moment of misunderstanding of his intentions on her part. And it had everything to do with her not realizing the implications of this gesture of attention (again, due to lack of socializing/lack of knowledge on courting customs in Atreus's realm). Once Angrboda gained minimal experience with human interaction and a support system in the form of not just Atreus but his nearest and dearest she carefully kept that flower among her treasured paints (symbols of her self expression).
Her actions and behavior immediately after Angrboda turned down the flower are also telling (and admittedly, the decision to pluck a flower on the territory Angrboda nourished, taking care of every inch of Ironwood and every living thing there, was a remarkably silly - albeit genuine and cute - move on part of Atreus; like I said before, it's akin to someone plucking a flower from another person's garden, then giving it to said person, whom the garden belongs to, as a "gift"). Few scenes later Angrboda continued to tease and joke with Atreus, took him to see fireflies (Classic Romantic build up scene TM), told him how glad she was he came there, protected him from Gryla (not just with magical paint but literally shielding him with her own body - just took a screencap of that and squealed), verbally let him know - twice - that she didn't want him to leave, initiated physical contact with Atreus several times (Atreus only instigated it once, in the very end) and opened up to him about her trauma of losing both parents, just to make him feel better (right after enduring another trauma of being denounced by the only family she had left).
In every scene where Atreus takes a step towards her Angrboda either reciprocates or expresses sadness and dejection when he gives her promises she doubts he would keep. Precisely because she'd want nothing more than for him to keep them but knows it's unlikely because of the prophesy and other circumstances . She thanks him for inviting her to come with him but notes her animals need her - and Atreus himself must have realized it was an impossible request at that point; she tells him she was glad he came to Ironwood but when Atreus promises to visit her later Angrboda instantly grows crestfallen (although moments earlier she had been exited to share a beautifully lit and glowing evening with him) and sorrowfully asks "when". Making it clear that obviously she'd love to see him again and "won't be busy after Ragnarok" - but she doesn't believe she'd still be on his mind then and that Atreus would even spare her a thought after everything he's bound to go through.
When Atreus takes her hands in his in the end Angrboda originally looks dumbfounded - another gesture of courtship she's not used to and has no experience with - but she doesn't take distance or pull away. Quite the contrary, she reciprocates physical closeness (leaning towards his face) but tries to dispel the intimacy of the moment by taking their interaction to a safer and more familiar - for her - territory by asking Atreus about the giant visions. And then the first thing Angrboda does is acting, yet again, for the benefit of Atreus when she softens the impending separation for him and Kratos ("it's for you too"). When they say goodbye Angrboda hugs him tightly (we now know she told him she would "miss him" - another display of affection, completely unprompted, from her) and gives him her marble. It's blatant that she has feelings for him and doesn't hide them but she doesn't know how to conventionally transform them into romance just yet.
Even kratos catching on and asking mimir abt it like how can one truly deny anything at this point 😭
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queenretcon · 10 months
I have slept on it, so here is a mostly unorganized list of every thought currently in my head on the blue beetle movie. lots of spoilers. this is really long.
That was straight up Ted’s origin story. Why did a Jaime movie include Pago island or carapax at all. You could’ve made a movie about one of Jaime’s stories and you literally just adapted Wein Beetle?
(Despite my frustration at it being included in a Jaime led movie, it was a good adaption of that source material. but again, why make it the source material?????)
I don’t know why DC doesn’t believe the best legacy character of all time can stand on his own two feet and why they don’t understand the magic of the three beetles all bringing something radically different to the legacy but it was my biggest frustration.
Despite that, I thought it was a really good movie, and in the end most of the things that frustrated me won’t matter to the kids getting to see themselves reflected for the first time. And people in my theatre definitely enjoyed it. Jenny & Jaime’s kiss got like. A lot of claps. I am not with them in that space but it was nice the movie got applause.
He was a perfect Jaime. I knew he would be, but goddamn. In general, it was a really well-directed and acted movie with great visual design with a script that was very weak at points.
(people clowned on the ‘family makes me strong’ cliche stuff in the trailers and it was very cliche and on the nose in how the script incorporated it.)
I am probably going to see it again soon now that I’m not sleep deprived and sick with anxiety over the whole thing fdjdjjsksk
okay into specific shit I keep thinking about: Bro was that Jarvis’s skull or Dan’s they crushed. that shit is haunting me.
Victoria sucks. Jenny is generic and doesn’t make sense to me but not offensive. I liked Rudy by the end.
I think most of Jenny’s screen time would have been better spent on setting Khaji Da up as a character rather than a resource. That “KHAJI DA” moment was fucking electric when it happened in the comics for the first time and the movie totally mishandled it. Khaji should be a huge presence in a Jaime movie I feel.
On that note, the “Khaji, I need you” was probably one of my fave moments. More of that would’ve made me happy.
The first scene with the transformation was pure fucking joy. They captured perfectly the terror and horror of Hamner’s art in those first few issues when Jaime doesn’t have control yet and the suit looked SO good. I didn’t think it looked bad by any means in previews but even after seeing all those previews I literally gasped seeing it because it looked so much better on the big screen. Seeing the picture perfect recreation of the lights at the fingertips was like a transcendent experience I’m different now
In general the fight scenes were great. I still hate Khaji’s voice and how much the movie version seems modeled after iron man shit but seeing the reach alphabet on screen was like. A level of joy I didn’t expect it to be fjdksksks and the moments of khaji just pulling out toy after toy to an increasingly into it jaime was really fun
I was nervous about grown up milagro because I just personally have a very firm concept of grown up milagro she’s important to my future jli ideas but um. mouthy goth in stompy boots with fishnets who punches hard and calls women hot is actually literally exactly who she is to me so. big fan of that adaption.
They did Bianca DIRTY. I liked that she influenced Khaji to start speaking Spanish (I love that khaji started speaking Spanish) but she felt like a totally different, worse character than comics Bianca who fucking rules. leaving out entirely that she was a doctor frustrated me and could’ve made the Alberto heart attack scene much better. A lot of more interesting character was lost to “streamlining” that wouldn’t have been necessary if they focused Jaime’s movie on Jaime’s supporting cast instead of ted kord fanfic
Killing Alberto was a fucking mistake and focusing a JAIME REYES story on anger and revenge was frustrating. So much of what makes him special was ignored I felt and they tried to make him a more generic superhero type when Jaime was a new kind of hero who influenced a lot of legacies that came after him.
Which leads me to Dan! The decision to make Dan’s connection to Khaji the same as Jaime’s sucked. Jaime is special BECAUSE he can utilize the scarab in a way neither of his predecessors could. They undercut THE PROTAGONIST to make some old white guys look better. It made me very frustrated.
No dentist reference :( pre-law instead :(
Nana being a former revolutionary was delightful, but her using a ted-designed Gatling gun to mow people down completely ruined any attempts to have Jenny stopping kord industries from making weapons matter. That SHOULD have been a good plot point, but the movie couldn’t stand by it.
Here is the section where, despite complaining the movie focused on Ted too much, I focus on Ted too much:
Listen he’s bad at having a secret identity but not “scarab tile mosaic over the secret entrance to his lab” bad
I understand the narrative & social reasons to have Jenny’s mom be what inspired Ted to be a better person than his family but as a Ted fan it did irk me to imply his compassion for the little guy was something he had to learn rather than something he always had that set him at odds with his family. Like I understand why and I don’t have an issue with it being included in this version of the story but I am required to point out it isn’t true of the comics character
I wanted to hate the extended focus on teds lab but omg that’s my friends teds houseeeeee. I loved the suit and the video game console and the fact it was my friends teds houseeeee in a movieeeeee
I lost my goddamn mind at ‘like Batman but with ADHD’ like yes! you correctly boiled him down to his essence!
when Jaime went to put on some of Ted’s clothes I was like ‘lol they’re not putting him in anything Ted would wear’ and then he walked out in a matching silk tracksuit in beetle colors so like yeah movie you got me there he would own that
Like I can NOT stop thinking about that scene. With the bug crawling over the wall while some Ted-as-hell 80s music blared with three of my favorite little comic people inside. I am also different now after this scene. I will probably see this movie in theaters several more times just for this scene.
“Kickstart my heart” being the song tho Ted you are so annoying and I love you
me for most of the movie: SHUT UP ABOUT TED SHUT UPPPPP
me at the after credits scene: if I don’t hear everything about ted right now I will die
I find ‘trapped in a computer’ stories really compelling and unsettling. The chances of me writing movie verse fic with fucked up weird tech horror is high. I love tech horror.
Mike Norton is related to a family friend and from the area and I happened to go to the movie with my family bc I was visiting for my moms birthday and so we did all lose our minds at somebody we’ve met being thanked in a movie credits fjdjdjsksk
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theclosetedskeleton · 7 months
INFO DUMP TO ME ABOUT YOUR JIMINY OC (/nf obv) i need to learn more about them they seem so cool/gen^_^
OKAY SO Jiminy Rivers (aka Jenni by close friends ^_^) is the oc name
She uses he/she prns !!!!
SOME sort of like undead being. I was GONNA go for him being a vampire but idk anymore. so im going with that shes a product of necromancy and was originally dead BUT is now alive sorta due to someone (which that someone i have in mind is the person in pov of necromancin dancin) (IT FITS SO WELL BECAUSE LIKE. NECROMANCIN DANCINS ABOUT LIKE NECROMANCY AND WHEN IM DEAD LITERALLY HAS A LINE OF "I guess I wasn't satisfied to begin I wanted more than the everything at the end" HSJNS GRAHH /POS)
I imagine the jiminy album being like jiminy exploring the mortal life again WITHOUT realizing hes dead until vulture where he then becomes a ghost/becomes fully dead AGAIN
usually with album ocs i mainy imagine the album ocs being the speaker in songs HOWEVER i dont see that the same with the like prev released songs rivers is a vampire, BTBBRBBBQ, + sirens, you already HAVE an oc of rivers is a vampire that i FUCKING FORGOT THE NAME OF. me when im bad with names im sorry 💔💔
ALSO hc??? i imagine your rivers is a vampire oc + jiminy to be good friends muhahha
shes genderfluid + aroace :3
REALLYREALLY LIKES FLOWERS!!! if he could she'd ramble to anyone whos willing to listen about flowers and plants etc for HOURS !!!!
he doesnt remember much of her prev life, usually it just comes as deja vu, shtugs it off and doesnt realize it was just his prev life's memories
ironic with the death thing shes really afraid of death and stuff so when he realized she was already dead that was a fucking nightmare
After me, the flood is abt like this weird "not alive" space he lived in before being fully "alive again"
Heavy news deals with like "holy shit im back and this place im in sucks lmao im not listening to your shit rules"
Peas & love is about this person. jiminy keeps seeing and looks familar (its the person who made jiminy back alive again but she doesnt know) and reminds him abt a past lover but. "who was it again"
skipping the reinserts bc i imagine they have their own stories and characters
Bark skinpson deals w/a silly group of people jiminy found and now in this point of the album jiminy is starting to see signs of death and panicking (also the "silly group of people" are ghosts only jiminy can see because the group of people are already dead + "you'll be one of us" refers to her)
The mario cliche is jiminy starting to realize who the person from peas & love is someone important, more and more signs of death are around and he (jiminy) realizes she cant be around them
When im dead is basically the whole "holy shit im fucking dead was this entire adventure any better" and realizes who the person in he keeps seeing is the person who like. made him alive again
LAST BUT NOT LEAST vulture is abt jiminy starting to semi-decompose and realizing what regret yet anger he has for all of this that the necromancin dancin person had to go through just for all of it to end.
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soul-dwelling · 2 years
you mentioned in another answer that you find a lot of flaws in soul eater. could you expand on what you dislike about it?
Spoiler warning for the entire series:
How it handles fanservice, often relying on fetishizing underage characters (Chapter 113 and its treatment of the girl characters in particular; Meme's handling in NOT)
Some plot drags after Crona leaves the DWMA and even into the final arc on the Moon. It felt like the story was spinning its wheels (some parts of the Baba Yaga Castle arc, some of the Moon arc, the stupid shower scene with Kim and Kid, whatever that sky whale chapter was doing).
Soul Eater NOT struggled to locate a plot and didn't seem to know whether it wanted a series-wide plot or just to be episodic for worldbuilding and gag chapters
Lack of back story and worldbuilding (culture and origins of witches; Immortal Clan and why Free is the last one we've seen outside of supplemental content; what were Vajra, Pushka, and others like before they died)...until [SPOILER] came along and gave a lackluster, ham-fisted back story that potentially contradicts what was already defined in canon and does so for the sake of forcing a connection between [SPOILER] and Soul Eater that does disservice to both series. (This only gets worse when you re-read older chapters of Soul Eater and look at older supplemental supposedly "canon" content, all of which got contradicted so badly by [SPOILER] that it opened more questions that will lead to disappointing answers. When fans are coming up with more engaging back story and worldbuilding for witches, souls, Lord Death, etc, there is a problem with the original work...)
Speaking of [SPOILER]: no, Kid does not look like [SPOILER]. I don't see it, not any more than any of Ohkubo's characters suffer from a "same face" problem as any other character. This isn't helped by how inconsistent Ohkubo's overall oeuvre is--which is not a flaw: his style changed, that's fine, but stop acting like you could compare how [SPOILER] looks at the end of [SPOILER] to how Kid looks at any point in any manga and say they look similar. (That also opens up questions about Asura, but any more discussion about how bad a manga [SPOILER] was and I will be at this all night.)
Speaking of the supplemental content: it felt like it was repeating the same gags or were cliche or really should've taken what worked in them and used them better in the manga to progress characters. An audio drama with Tsubaki acting like Black Star to try to jog back his memory when he has amnesia? I wish that had been a chapter. Some Soul x Maka hints? Why weren't those in the manga? Then again, you have a plot like Maka drinking a love potion, and an underdeveloped fight involving Poseidon's lance, that are problematic in the former and underdeveloped in the latter.
In retrospect, some stakes felt low. (I appreciate that so few of the main and supporting characters are killed off. But I wonder whether, in a re-write, having more deaths would reinforce that this is still a series about Lord Death, the concept of dying, and what happens to the dead. And what deaths we did get come so late in the story that, while they hurt, also feel like a last-minute instance rather than a logical conclusion, or were of characters we barely knew at all and whose personalities and relationships with other characters were so underdeveloped that, while they hurt as much as the deaths of anyone else, aren't as effective as suits the story.)
Personally, for me, I don't think Ohkubo's manga style (B Ichi era/beginning of Soul Eater, later Soul Eater, end of Soul Eater/all of Soul Eater NOT) is as memorable, appealing, or outstanding as what BONES did with the first anime.
Speaking of the anime: The original arc that wrapped up the first anime (when it diverged from the manga's plot) could not keep focus on any one character very long (we keep following Maka running for episodes, the Kid versus clowns story is a fine fighting episode but leads to an anticlimactic conclusion for Lord Death and Eibon). And that's not getting into the good and bad parts of the "punch of courage" ending. And, while this is not the fault of the series, it has opened up the interminable "I want a Soul Eater reboot!" demand from people who do not realize how bad of a monkey's paw wish that is, not only considering adapting Chapter 113 but also having to acknowledge the prequel material.
And Soul Eater NOT, as an anime, is enjoyable for me--but in addition to the aforementioned fanservice problems and lack of consistent plot progression, the series suffered from disappointing visuals and animation.
(This isn't a flaw, but since I'm mentioning the anime: I can't speak to many problems with the acting or casting in the Japanese and English versions--minus, of course, Mignogna--or the music. Just about all the acting and casting is phenomenal, just about all the music is phenomenal and doesn't come off as repetitive or overstaying its welcome.)
With more and more time, the Book of Eibon "you look like what you find attractive in the opposite gender" conceit gets more and more problematic.
And Ragnarok's annoying gags regarding Crona's gender and pulling up their outfit were distasteful and infuriating.
There's next-to-nothing I could criticize as a flaw or something I dislike with the fandom in general. Granted, there have been individuals in the fandom whom I find abhorrent (when you see some clown putting hate symbols onto anime characters, like those fucking red hats, I don't understand how you can't have anything but contempt for such inhuman people).
I wish there had been more Tom and Jerry-esque shenanigans with Blair in her cat form, like how she tricked the Flying Dutchman in the monster factory arc. Hell, I've seen enough fan works do more with Blair as a "mother figure" role or just giving her more to do than "cat who tricks people" and "fanservice checklist," and she felt under-utilized in the manga.
The Death Scythes who aren't named Spirit and maybe Marie, Justin, and Tezca felt under-developed.
(I haven't played through enough of the video games to give a fair assessment as to their flaws.)
Team B (Kilik, Harvar, the Pots, etc) were underutilized and underdeveloped. Ox got off better--but it required a forced relationship with Kim, and that's all the more bothersome when NOT had a more engaging relationship between Kim and Jackie.
SquareEnix should've made more merch and other productions. But that's less of a flaw and more me being petty when it comes to promoting your product.
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I really wanted to love the new series Willow but it’s so hard. The series just so damn boring and predictable. A big problem for me is that they’re making it too modern that it throws me out of the fantasy world. At first I thought the two wood choppers were time travelers! They were wearing jeans! Playing the song Crimson and Clovers! They can’t hire someone to create original music?
Thought Kit was going to be my fav but she’s so damn cliche. The princess who never wanted to be a princess and in love with a knight. Jealous that her father apparently loves the original main character (Elora) more than her. Reminded me so much of Lizzie/Josie from Legacies when they were upset about their father paying more attention to basically his adopted daughter Hope. I swear I was watching the episode alone and I could hear the cheering when she fell through that water when she was arguing with Elora. Looked at the YouTube comments of this scene and yup people said they cheered.
Elora is ok but I honestly wished they made her a woman in her mide 30s like she’s supposed to be and not a teenage girl. I think it would’ve been different and interesting if Kit and Airk were her children and Elora went on an adventure with her daughter to save Airk. Even Graydon could’ve been her son but no they had to have teenage romance overload. 
Another thing that bothered me about not aging Elora is it makes it look like Willow aged way too fast! To be honest I’m not sure how I feel about Willow. Deep down I feel like they weakened or side lined his character to make room for the new characters like Kit, Jade, Boorman, Graydon which I hate but at the same time I understand it because they want some focus on the new characters so we’ll fall in love with them too. If Elora was older and Willow actually did train her and had a relationship with her, I think his and her storyline would’ve been better. 
I personally loved Jade’s character. I really wanted to love her romance with Kit but it felt rushed. I love lesbian slow burn. Would’ve been better if they slowly started to like each other during the adventure and in the second season start falling in love. If my truly had my way (please don’t hate me for this) I would’ve made Jade the “villain” trying to get revenge against Madmartigan for killing her father. She goes on the adventure with Kit to find him pretending she’s trying to help but slowly starts falling in love with Kit and starts questioning her need for revenge. That might be cliche but I don’t care enemies to lovers is my fav story line of all time. 
Boorman was my fav. I wouldn’t have change anything about him except I would’ve made him friends or maybe even lovers with Elora (if she was in her 30s like she’s supposed to be). Imagine Kit having Boorman as a stepfather and Elora falling in love with her step-father’s (Madmartigan) younger friend.
I loved Grayson too and even his crush on Elora was cute. But if Elora was Kit’s mother, I would’ve kept him in the series anyway as Kit’s fiance (except remove his crush on Elora because that would be gross). Maybe have Grayson fall in love with Kit like he did with Elora but accepts that the woman he loves will never love him back but they become good friends. His relationship with Elora could be a mother and son relationship. 
Ellie Bamber
Wow I was trying to write a review but it sort of ended up like a fan fiction. Anyway my ideas would keep most of the cast members except the one who played Elora. Nothing against her but like I said, I think Elora and her relationship with the other characters would’ve been more interesting in she was in her mid 30s. 
The Movie
I didn’t grow up with the movie Willow so I’m not a hardcore fan but I do remember watching it on TV a few times. When I watched it again recently I was surprised to realize that the guy who played Batman was in the movie and Willow was the same actor who played the evil Leprechaun. I even recognized Phil Fondacaro who on a lot of movies I’ve seen like Trolls, Bordello of Blood, Sabrina The Teenage Witch tv series. 
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This gets rambly but I swear it's relevant to your Disenchanted rewrite. Disenchanted was not a good follow-up to the first film. It just lacked the magic the original film had and did their characters a disservice. This is why I'm always wary when I hear a sequel is being made because I have to ask "Are they expanding on any plots or arcs that were present in the first film in any meaningful way" and if not then it's probably gonna be some unnecessary additions and a poorly executed story. Which is upsetting because it can and has been done well in the hands of writers who know and care about their characters. So I guess what I'm trying to ask is what are some story elements from Enchanted you are hoping to elaborate or improve on in your rewrite?
No I don’t think you ask is rambly at all. The reason I’m writing The fairytale of my life is because I was so pissed off by how Out of character Giselle, Robert, and Morgan were portrayed in the sequel I felt like metaphorically vomiting and got rid of my Disney plus app. Since Disenchanted was released on Plus and the sneak peek clips on YouTube ended up killing the hype, this move never stood a chance with the Rotten Tomatoes critics, by offending the audience who grew up watching the first movie and accomplishing absolutely nothing. Nobody on the writing team understood the assignment, and when it was announced that Kevin Lima wasn’t going to work on the sequel, that’s when you know something’s gonna go wrong. You’ll definitely see me type ‘Nothing happens’ when I answer more questions on why Disenchanted and as my break down my to do list.
A few elements that I will improve on in my rewrite are:
Adding a sense of realism, to make the story and characters feel grounded and relatable. Disenchanted completely tossed out their realism and it ended up getting overweighted by the Fantasy aspect like an unbalanced measuring scale. That’s why Tftoml is fully operating on Studio Ghibli logic since it’s films are masters at weaving in realism.
Keeping the main cast consistent, especially Morgan, Robert, and Giselle. That’s why I changed Morgan’s character entirely to make her the main protagonist of my fic to make her more likable since her portrayal in Disenchanted offended and disappointed a lot of teen viewers. It’s a good thing I gave 6 year old Sofie a purpose in my fic as well and her personality is supposed to be a blend of her parents. Robert also ends up acting like a better parent in Tftoml since I gave him a more better character arc, related to his place in his family, since the whole ‘middle aged dad gets a mid life crisis’ is a cliche trope that has been done to death in animation. Spoilers for Tftoml, he doesn’t commute to work but he got transferred to work in his new hometown. Giselle’s character also gets drastically changed since she’s the deuteragonist of Tftoml because Oh my God she suffered from main character syndrome and flanderization from completely forgetting her development in the first film. Spoilers for tftoml She doesn’t want to have the whole dumb ‘fairy tale life’ but her goal is actually related to her new family, trying to be a good mother, a theme the sequel failed to deliver is that “family isn’t defined through blood, but through love” and that’s a message I’m using for my fic.
Finally having the main theme of Emotional maturity. Giselle especially learned this in Enchanted when went from being a Disney Princess archetype to a multi dimensional humanized character. This is a theme that I’m going to have Morgan learn, since unlike the sequel, The fairytale of my life is going to be a Coming of age. A few main lessons I’m going to try and show are, Not every family is going to be perfect, (you all don’t know that the Philips are functional in my fic right now) Not every parent is going to be perfect, not every mother is going to be perfect (Giselle is going to be a good example of this in Tftoml) and the then of accepting change. Some serious topics that will be shown are Childhood trauma, Low self worth/esteem (Both will definitely be shown through Morgan) Toxic femininity and positivity (Which Giselle will embody in my fic), dysfunctional family relationships, and accepting your loved ones for who they are. I’m trying so hard to not be too ambitious.
That’s all I got for an answer and I’m going to stop answering any asks for my fic right now since I’m going to be busy at the start of this month working on chapters 2-3 and I promise I’ll update next post.
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hymnoftheinca · 1 year
Thoughts going forward - Update 2.3.23
Ah, I know I said I’d update next week... but I had a lot I wanted to talk about. I feel like writing things out helps clear my head and I’ve really been thinking about how to make my game’s story and characters stronger.
I am satisfied with my original plot, to a degree. However, some things came to light last year, and so I adjusted them for the better. I didn’t make a new plot outline, though, so that’s my goal for the next few days before Final Fantasy Theaterythm comes out in full and I’m addicted to that for a little while.
So, I found a bunch of new Peruvian myths I would love to incorporate and I want to settle on a direction for Inka’s character, which is something I struggle with when writing my protagonists. I also mean to change Kain’s name as it was a placeholder. He has nothing to do with the Biblical figure, it was just an easy “this is the MC’s brother” placeholder.
Obviously, I realized I will have to update the demo *at some point*, but that probably won’t be until I complete Chapter 2, as I don’t want to get bogged down writing this beginning for the third time (after 2 losses of my original copies... the one in the demo is the one I have several copies of and the main project I am working on).
One thing I want to consider is scripted battles that tell important elements of the story, as well as having the mechanics tie into the story. I think these layers of development are important in game development, in world-building. I promise not to go overboard! I don’t really enjoy scripted battles on a personal level and I would definitely use them sparingly.
I originally tied Inka to the “big bad” (obviously, not something I want to spoil, but also he won’t be “a god who came out of nowhere” or an “embodiment of all evil” type villain...) but I found this idea sort of cliche and I want to examine it more. Perhaps I can tie them together in a more organic way, not necessarily a family type of way as I originally planned. (Again it is coming off as cliche to me. I hope I don’t resort to keeping this.) Also, let me reassure you, the big bad is not Inka’s brother. I’m not even sure of his overall involvement, yet... “Kain” is a character born out of the real history of Antahualpa and his brother, Huascar. This, for now, is part of the prophecy mentioned in the demo chapter. Again, as I work out the story, this may change... Please keep in mind the demo is from a “work in progress” and will give an idea of what the game is like, but not a representation of the final product yet!
I really hope those that love the culture and play this game feel the love I put into it. I started with a solid year or so of research and I’ve got about 3 notebooks full of ideas and notes, a folder of maps and legends... I don’t know if I ever talked about it, but it just really fascinated me, in the same way people are fascinated by the Titanic or Atlantis... That’s the feeling I want to convey. One of mystery, awe, tragedy, and happiness. I sound a little cheesy, I guess...
Also, in regards to my last post, I did decide that although the map isn’t as accurate as in the past, I am keeping Maras how I originally invisioned. In the sense that although in real life it is a very layered and somewhat bland mountainside (from a design standpoint), I think to manage my time, ability, and gameplay I will keep it as a flat swamp-like area. I did add some detail to the map and I got the mechanics working to something I’m satisfied with, but I will admit I may go back and add more down the line. It seems very bare-bones even with everything in place. Perhaps that’s because I don’t have the story and enemies in yet, so I am not getting the full player experience...
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Please look forward to more updates!
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pridepages · 1 year
Remake, Remix: Written in the Stars
I just finished Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur. I have thoughts...
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Here there be spoilers!
It is a truth universally acknowledged that gays are obsessed with astrology. Ok, maybe not, but Astrologays and Jane Austen fans alike will find something to enjoy in Alexandria Bellefleur’s Written in the Stars. Admittedly, I approached this book as a queer Christmas story. It isn’t, really. Or rather, it’s a Christmas book in the way that (controversial opinion) Die Hard is a Christmas movie: tangentially. 
Set over the course of one cuffing season, this homage to Pride and Prejudice features an unexpected romance between rigidly practical Darcy Lowell and free-spirited astrologer Elle Jones. Jane Austen described P&P as ‘light, bright, and sparkling.’ So is Stars, which glows with the same twinkle as a strand of Christmas lights. It’s definitely a cliche, and no one can deliver this story better than the OG, but Bellefleur’s queering of the classic spares this remix from becoming a remake.
Stars puts a sapphic spin on beloved characters Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. Elle Jones (a tribute, no doubt, to predecessor Bridget and her diary) is a free-spirited professional astrologer as starry-eyed about romance as she is about horoscopes. In what is perhaps a wink at Christmas classic Love Actually, Darcy Lowell catches her fiancee in bed with another woman and she finds herself desperate to get away. Darcy and Elle meet-ugly on a disastrous first date. Each fully expects never to see the other again. But for cliche reasons right out of the fanfiction and soap operas of Darcy’s guilty pleasures, the two find themselves needing to pose to the world in a fake relationship. Except, of course, opposites find themselves attracting and these lovers turn out to be not so star-crossed after all.
There’s a reason writers keep revisiting templates set by masters like Austen: they contain truths about the human experience that are as applicable to a world of converse as of corsets. But it takes some fresh insight to keep the elements from going stale. Bellefleur’s contribution is to set out to answer the question: what happens when you recast what has historically been a Straight romantic template and queer it?
I could  go on and on about the sapphic subtext in Austen novels, but, like many a queer Janeite, I find it frustrating that we need to scratch ourselves a space in the margins. If only homophobia weren’t a thing! You just know that if Miss Austen were alive today, she would have been writing queer love stories, too. Since we’ll never get to see what she would do with a sapphic romance, we need to see what a new generation of writers can make of old tropes and tales. 
Bellefleur takes the opposites attract model and applies queer girl archetypes: Elle is the free-spirit crystals and astrology gay, the one who believes in romance and magic and miracles, who clashes against Darcy’s Oldest Daughter Syndrome-induced rigidity. The two become not carbon copies of the originals, but rather translations for their new cultural backdrop. Similarly, Bellefleur doesn’t seek to recreate the plot of the original novel beat for beat. Instead, she allows her updated versions of the characters to drive the narrative. Elle, who has found herself repeatedly brokenhearted by rejection and dismissal, needs to grow in her confidence. Darcy, who is emotionally stifled by a lifetime of needing to be strong for others, has to learn how to have faith in people. As events trigger their personal weaknesses, the two grapple with their lesser selves and find the courage to meet each other halfway.
Stars is in no way an enduring classic on par with Pride and Prejudice. It relies too heavily on borrowed elements and nods to pop culture, failing to stand on its own merit the way the original does. However, Stars does exactly what a good remix should: borrow some elements, subtract a few things, add some others, and ultimately arrive at a piece that repurposes in an effort to talk back to the old. Bellefleur has started a dialogue between one beloved classic author’s work and a contemporary queer audience. I hope it inspires others to add even more to the conversation.
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cielcius · 3 years
Hii i don’t know if you really write about these characters but can you do boyfriend hcs for aiku, shidou and sae from blue lock?
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includes: aiku o., sae i., & shidou r.
from the writer: ahh I do write for shidou but aiku and sae still feel a bit new to me as characters so I apologize if their parts are shorter or ooc. but I hope u enjoy and thank u for requesting! have a lovely day/evening!
notes & warnings: alcohol and minor consumption, food and eating, sae’s going through all seven stages of grief, the hcs just keep getting longer...
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he puts a lot of trust in you
as a traveling athlete, he's gotten used to moving from place to place, and in the midst of all that, he's never really gotten to know anyone well enough to call them a good friend
in a way, he's kind of lost touch with people outside of the football world
and then there's the ever-so-cliche line of "and then he met you"
but it's not wrong because the minute you started a conversation with him out of the blue, he was hooked
he had gone out snuck out of his hotel to explore Japan a bit more, deciding to enjoy the views while he could before he had to move on once again
on his journey, he had stumbled across a late-night restaurant that was surprisingly busy, even at the late hour
his plan for frequenting the restaurant was to originally just have a drink at the bar before moving on, but as he took leisure sips from his glass, you had stumbled into the chair next to him and admittedly took him by surprise
he could tell that you had just come from work, a long day at work—disheveled clothes and everything
"gosh, don't you hate it when your boss pushes everything on you? it's like you might as well just take their job, right?"
Oliver couldn't remember when the last time he had ever actually held a conversation with a stranger that he wasn't forced to interact with but he was attracted to how easily your conversation flowed, starting at how you had been able to approach him so casually
right, because he wasn't football star player, Oliver Aiku, here. he's just Oliver Aiku, someone whose name you probably still don't know as you had continued to talk about your seemingly hectic day at work
though it was after you had downed most of your drink when you went quiet
"I'm sorry. I basically just dumped my whole life story on you, and I don't even know your name. That was really rude of me, I can pay for your drink in return."
but was he gonna do that? no
he had to give you a little bit of credit for being able to even talk to him—approach him, but what he really liked was that you weren't someone who made him think about his next words and actions carefully, you saw him as just another person
to say that it was a pain in the ass to get his manager to agree to let him stay in Japan for a little more is an understatement—but they agreed!
so he took the time to get to talk to you, know you better, make you his
and once you finally were... (and finally, the actual bf hcs...)
he's literally all over you and at the same time, not (?)
he's nothing like overbearing or controlling, he can live with the fact that you might not want to tell him certain things whether they concerned him or not (though if it did concern him, he'd rather you tell him)
I feel like he's the kind of boyfriend that will just always be there for you when he can (that is to say when he's not practicing or playing a match)
he's a really good listener and he looks like a good hugger surprise he is a good hugger
though he does have a really strong character, he just wants you to feed him
no literally feed him food like a baby, he just wants to be taken care of :(
he doesn't really take you out for dates because even though you didn't recognize him as a famous football player, a lot of other people do and he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable with unnecessary attention
so there's a lot of home dates! either that or late night/early morning dates when the crowds aren't so dense
one thing that he is stubborn on doing is walking you home from work. you'll take a fairly quiet route where he won't cause a paparazzi uproar and you guys go back and forth about your day and as he holds your hand, he swings your arms a little as you walk
it's not that he can't cook, he just doesn't want to. but if you tell him something along the lines of "you look like you can't cook", then you're about to have your own Netflix produced cooking show right in your kitchen with Oliver as the only star
and he'll offer to feed you this time :)
is he looking for a s/o? no, but does he want a s/o?...hm
Sae doesn't really think about things such as relationships and love as often as others would, due to the fact that he's solely focused on his career
but being too invested in your career may not always be a good thing for some cases
it's right after he's lost a match that his frustration has finally broken through his exterior, seeping out in hard fists and clenched jaws
he was so frustrated with himself that his actions of cleaning up post-match was all a blur that he could barely remember and his teammates' words of encouragement didn't really encourage him, so much as to only anger him even more
so as he walked home, with anger practically seeping from his ears, he could barely comprehend the fact that he had collided with another body in the midst of battling his emotions
the collision was hard enough to knock him to the ground but before he could get up on his own, a hand was offered to him and his vision was finally cleared as his eyes trailed up from the tip of your fingers to your apologetic and slightly panicked expression
"I'm so sorry! are you okay?"
if this were any other day, Sae would have brushed it off and gone on with his day, but this was not any other day
in other words, Sae kind of spaced out after feeling all of the frustration evaporate, leaving an emptiness that made him want to go to sleep right at that moment
his mind was too distracted to notice your hand grabbing his, pulling him up before leading him out onto a warmly lit street
the shops passed his vision in blurs until they refocused and he was finally conscious of the fact that he was being seated at an empty table in one of the many warm restaurants that decorated the street
it was quiet for one, which Sae appreciated, but he still wasn't sure what he was doing there until you had slid the menu across the table to him
"you should eat something. I'm getting number twenty-four."
throughout the meal, Sae didn't say a word, so to fill in the silence, you held a quiet conversation that never required an answer from him or pushed him to talk
you were giving him time to talk if he wanted to
"here, it's my treat."
despite it being a single word, you couldn't help but be taken back from the sudden spike of conversation coming from his side
of course it was a bit weird to have been dragged out to dinner by somebody he had only bumped into by chance but in a way, he was also thankful for the coincidence that led him to meeting you
he appreciated it when you didn’t press further and was only even more thankful when you saw what he needed—someone’s gentle presence
"it's fine, really. I'm the one who dragged you out here anyways—"
"and I'm paying. thanks for the meal."
you weren't sure why he was thanking you when he was the one who paid in the end but by the time you had both stepped outside, you took in his appearance that seemed a bit more nourished than before
"thank you for the meal. I hope you feel better. um, I'll be going now."
"where are we?"
yeah...he's lost and you being the only one who only remotely knows him, you walked him back home :D
though as you walked, Sae had become comfortable enough to hold a fairly steady conversation with you. you could almost say that he was opening up a bit
okay let's skip to the embarrassing part when you get to his front door:
"thanks for leading the way..." sensing a slight hesitation, you kindly gesture for him to go on. "sorry but, I just realized that I don't know your name."
and guess what, you don't know his name either because you never introduced yourselves :D this is one heck of a blind date/j
and to make this even more interesting, you only lived a block away from each other
it was as if a new wall had crumbed and suddenly, Sae was bumping into you all the time to the point where you exchanged numbers and often go out for dinners he says that you insist on but it's not like he's saying anything to object...
coming to the terms of the fact that you were friends was hard enough but to think about your relationship in the aspect of love? that's a whole other level of thinking that Sae needed weeks to think on
but when he finally accepted his romantic feelings for you, Sae needed to find a way to tell you, or in other words, he needed a way to tell you where you would also somehow fall in love with him
though in the end, the best he came up with was just outright saying that he likes you
"I like you."
"well, gosh, I sure hope so, or else all these months of hanging out together would have been a really awkward subject to approach."
"no, I like you."
? ?? why does he keep repeating it
it takes you a moment but you get there and exhale in relief because yay! he likes you back and now you're in a relationship (and now I've gotten to the actual bf hcs):
your relationship has a lot of aspects but it mostly depends on the mood being set that day
if the mood is playful, you guys just diss and hate each other (??)
but if the mood is something peaceful then you're literally the softest couple on earth
no in-between but please choose one, the whiplash is too much and you're scaring us
I'd say that this is a strangers to friends to lovers trope so you act like best friends a lot of the time
your relationship is bsf+ the plus being the romantic aspect of your relationship if that makes sense (??)
he can't cook for his life so you come over just to cook for him (but will he ever admit the fact that he just likes eating your cooking? no)
before you move in together, Sae gets really invested when you're doing domestic chores that you've picked up with time and you welcoming him home after a match with dinner on the table had him asking begging you to move in with him
he sticks to a strict schedule and wakes up at the most ungodly hour in the morning just to work out but if you're in bed with him still asleep, then he'll put off getting out of bed just a bit longer so he can revel in your warmth and just smiling at the fact that you're there with him
besides physical touch, he has a hard time expressing his love in other ways so his solution is to spoil you
sometimes its expensive things that cost more than the rent but most of the time, it's little things that remind him of you or things he thought you might like or need
but otherwise, don't mind him, he's trying his best to express his feelings and that's the only thing that really matters
I think despite his reckless nature, Shidou is academically smart
his temper already gets him into enough trouble with gangs so the least he could do was keep his grades up
that is to say, the odds of winning fights weren’t always in his favor and tonight only proved it
it was bad enough that it took place on the other side of town in the middle of a rainstorm but on a school night? now that’s what I call, crossing a line
Shidou was tired, injured, and could barely stand on his own and eventually fell to his knees in the middle of a quiet neighborhood that he didn’t recognize
it was quiet all except for the one warm light emitting from a second-floor bedroom window
was it a bad idea to approach the house? oh yeah, definitely but he’ll take his chances if it means he can at least use the phone
knocking on the door, he didn’t realize that there was only one person in the house which is why he’s currently on the floor sporting the biggest bump on his head
“ow! what the—”
looking up, Shidou was met with your hard gaze and he let his eyes trail to your hands where you held a bat
it seemed to take you both a moment to recognize each other as you eventually dropped the bat in shock, nearly stunned at the fact that you just hit your classmate over the head with a bat
“oh—I'm so sorry! are you okay?”
not sure why you were the one apologizing when he was the one creeping up to your door, Shidou waves you off and only asks if he could use your phone
though he did recognize you as someone he knows, at most he had expected you to make him wait at the door while you went to retrieve your phone
and now he’s sitting at your dining table with a cup of tea in hand and a towel on his shoulders
he had placed your phone a good distance away from him after remembering that his parents were currently taking a trip, meaning he wasn’t going home by car tonight
it was only when you had come back that he commented:
“this is really good, wha’d you put in it?”
introducing, Shidou’s attempt at starting a conversation :D it’s not going very well
you only responded quietly with something that he didn’t even listen to, too distracted by your actions as you place a first-aid box on the table
when you started to clean his wounds wordlessly, Shidou was truly speechless because why were you doing this?
he was just a classmate—practically a stranger—who entered your home and in a way, took advantage of your resources so why were you still helping him?
it was only when he felt a strong sting on his knee that he was brought back from his thoughts
“welcome back. are you gonna tell me why you look like this now?”
“are you talking about why I was born looking like this?”
obviously, he knew what you meant but it was worth seeing the deadpanned expression move across your face before you pressed the cleaning gauze a little harder onto the scrape in his knee
“ow, ow! okay, I'm sorry. I got into a fight, alright?”
you seemed satisfied with his answer because the rest of the time passed with no more words, the only sounds being the rustling of the band-aid wrappers, the wind that knocked against the windows in silent screams, and the rain that was starting to look more like hail and snow
“thanks for patching me up. I'll get going.”
“are you stupid? it’s literally snowing right now.”
lo and behold, you’re right but even if it seemed out of character to most people, Shidou didn’t want to take up any more of your time and hospitality--no matter how much he liked it
though to be honest, it really didn’t take much to convince him to stay
“you can sleep on the couch and go home tomorrow.”
“okay.” :D
getting him spare blankets and clothes, it was only when you were going to bid him goodnight that you noticed the glazed look in his eyes
putting a hand to both his forehead and yours, you were able to confirm that he had caught a fever
and while you did value your bed, the man obviously needed it a lot more than you did
you doubted that he could barely comprehend where you were taking him but once his back hit the bed, his consciousness had ascended
which means he wasn’t conscious of how his arms brought you down into the bed with him you see where I'm going with this ;) 
trying to wrangle yourself out of his grasp, you failed to do so and gave up when you felt his grip only tighten
“there's only one bed” but gone wrong
and that’s how you spent the night, trapped in Shidou’s arms that never failed to hold you, and though you could have woken him up, he was technically in your care and you weren’t going to risk having his fever get worse
waking up the next morning is a different conversation
Shidou’s quiet in the mornings, kind of like he’s waiting for his energetic engine to rev up and get going for the day but since he’s sick this particular morning, he’s extremely quiet and it’s extremely unnerving
you called in sick at school for the both of you because 1. you didn’t know where he lived, 2. it didn’t seem like anybody was willing or available to take him home, and 3. it was still near-hailing outside
surprisingly, being sick can make you a lot more vulnerable than you think
the whole time, Shidou’s in a sort of hazy fever dream with sluggish movements and slow blinking but he just won't stop talking ??
it’s kind of like sleep talking but subconsciously, half of the time, he doesn’t even know what the conversations are about but he sure does like listening to your voice like damn since when did it sound so attractive 
he also liked to watch you just do house chores all day. he’d sit wrapped in a blanket on the couch and watch you run back and forth with laundry or peek into the kitchen to watch you cook
it’s the domestic vibes for him <3
Shidou has always been an independent character at school and at home so he often takes care of himself but it’s rare to have someone else take care of him, especially when they could keep up with his conversations and even match energies at times
so when he’s up and well, he treats you to dinner (unironically at your house) but he’s the one cooking
is this a date? maybe
even after you part ways and let him go home, he walks you home after school despite living on the other side of town and is now legally your best friend (read: unsaid boyfriend)
though he does like to cook for you, he also prides himself greatly in taking you out and treating you to dinner and it was over one of these dinners that he suddenly was overcome with the urge to grab your hand for no apparent reason
yeah, that’s not what friends do. so he had a long talk with himself that night and after a long and tiring debate against his own mind (which he still questions as to why it was denying his evident feelings ??), he came to the conclusion that he liked you more than friend
confess? confess.
he decides to plan it out mind you this is one of the only things he's gonna plan out for in life and makes up this whole scenario about what's going to happen
yeah, we all know that it didn’t go as planned
originally, he was supposed to meet you at a restaurant for another dinner date but some classmates had called to him urgently, asking him to substitute in a football match
thus, he was late and kept you waiting for almost an hour
and seeing as it was an hour with him being late with no explanation of why, you turn the other way to go home, ignoring the calls of your name that gradually get louder until he grabs your wrist to stop you from walking any further
“please, I'm sorry. just, don’t go, okay?”
“Shidou, you kept me waiting for an hour and you didn’t even tell me you were going to be late.”
you were hurt and even if it were to be seen as something small by most people, it was also a hit to your dignity as you had stood in front of the restaurant for said time
the least he could have done was give you a heads up and as Shidou realizes his mistake, he lets your arm fall back to your side and instead steps closer to you
“I'm sorry. I really am and I know I should have let you know that I was going to be late, but please don’t go, Y/n. let me make it up to you.”
well, how could you say no? though you still had budging feelings of frustration and anger left over, they soon disappeared as Shidou kept his word
so after dinner, he led you to an arcade filled with games, and even after giving you joy-filled memories, he refused to leave until you had at least three plushies in your arms that he, of course, won for you
and now the confession. after his miraculous save of getting you to stay, Shidou became unsure of whether or not it was the right time to tell you but as he’s dropping you off home, standing in front of you, basking in the moonlight with your eyes glimmering as they looked at him, he knew he had to tell you then
“I like you.”
just seconds after the words leave his mouth, his breath catches itself in his throat as he waits for an answer, but he never expected it to be a nonverbal one
reaching up, you press a gentle kiss to his cheek before smiling at him, bidding him goodnight as you walk into your house with no other words to say
I think it’s safe to say that you’re dating now (that and the call you had later that night confirming his suspicions)
so boyfriend hcs :D (finally... after all this buildup...)
he loves to tease you, even more now that you’re in a relationship but at the same time, he makes it soft teasing (but it’s still teasing)
regardless of your height, he’ll be placing kisses on your forehead while planting more across your shoulders and even at the nape of your neck
he moves around a lot, always fidgeting with something in his hands aka your hand or bouncing his leg and sometimes his knee ends up hitting the table from under and you both have to panic as the food threatens to slide off it’s a real joy /s 
he’s good for cuddling as a way to comfort you. he doesn’t have a whole script written out for inspiring you to not give up on your dreams or whatever it is that you’re sad over but he will give wordless and undying support
that is to say, whenever he comes over to your house after playing a long football match or doing extra conditioning, he nearly collapses onto you and can barely keep consciousness when he’s trying to clean himself up so you can nap together
on that note, it’s not as common but he loves it when you take naps together because that means waking up together and there’s nothing that brings him more joy than to see you first thing
as I mentioned, he can cook and he often likes to do so when you’re sleeping over or just hanging out, he loves feeding you and watching you praise him for his cooking 
lastly, he loves going on adventures with you, especially at night
no matter what time it is, even if it’s nearing dawn, he’ll be up and drive you out wherever you want to go (one time, you went out of the city and took a spontaneous weekend trip around the countryside)
though to be honest, no matter where you are, he doesn’t care as long as you’re together
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fruitless-nonsense · 3 years
Well… turns out I have a lot of opinions on characters I don’t even think strongly of. Who knew?
No joke, this is probably not as thorough as I like, but this idea came to me and I have so much to say that I don’t know how to structure it. Okay? Let’s talk about Damon Salvatore!
If you read any of my previous posts, you’ve probably gotten a decent idea of how I feel about him from my quick snippy remarks. I genuinely believe he is the worst character in the show. Yes, other characters can be more boring than him. Yes, there are people that can be more infuriating than him. It’s not simply who his character was, it’s how the writers wouldn’t stop messing with him that convinced me he was utter trash. Sit back, cause this could take awhile.
Let’s start with season one and the two brothers. Theory time! I’m strongly of the opinion the writers wanted a love triangle between Elena, Stefan, and Damon from the very beginning. Not that crazy to believe considering this show was born off the heels of Twilight’s grossing fame, not to take credit away from all the other shows at the time which featured a love triangle or two. From fanfics to original stories written by tweens I read when I was thirteen, love triangles were huge back then (in a way they still are fairly popular, but not like back in the day. Now I feel old). So they wanted a love triangle? Sounds cliche enough to be in the vampire diaries, what’s wrong? Well, there’s a bit of an issue with the candidates, or more specifically candidate. You see, Edward was a creep and Jacob was an incel, but you can say they weren’t monsters (well by my standards they were, but by YA standards they were pretty normal). I mean, the movie made a point to say the Cullens didn’t feed from humans, and they’re only seen killing in self defense, meanwhile Jacob is treated like a good person throughout despite everything. My point is, at least at the beginning, the story didn’t want to paint either candidate as irredeemable. Back to tvd season one, Damon tortures Caroline, kills Zack, two random humans, and that one football coach/history teacher, mentally and physically tortured Vicky Donavon before turning her against her will and made it impossible for Stefan to remedy the situation until he ultimately had to kill her to save Elena, and this is all from the first seven episodes.
Now, I used to think at least Damon was a fun villain, but was he really? I mean, yeah he could be funny, got a few chuckles outta me, but besides humor and violence what was his character? For example, in season one we are introduced to Stefan, a supposed “good vampire” who has taken a liking to Elena due to similarities between her and his ex before admiring how much better of a person she is and wanting a true connection with her. We later learn that his experience with his ex Katherine was extremely one-sided as he was compelled to love her to satiate her needs. Even later (still season one), we learn that his only drinking animal blood is because he is a ripper or “blood addict” as I call it cause even one taste of human blood and he’ll go on a rampage. So by seasons end we have a character who was a victim of serious abuse (which is never truly addressed in the show btw) and carries a rare vampire trait that makes not being a murderous psychopath incredibly difficult, yet he still tries to beat the odds and not hurt people. This is a lot to learn about a character in its first season, and it helps us gravitate towards wanting him to succeed. Stefan is what you would call a good character (at least for now). So that was all we got on the first candidate, what about option number two? Well, he’s funny and he likes to kill people, that’s about it. That ripper gene that Stefan’s fighting, Damon’s not someone who gave in to the gene to explain why he’s so murder happy, he doesn’t even have it! There’s nothing making him be a bad person, he just is one! Why? Your guess is as good as mine. The most we get is learning he had real feelings for Katherine and was never compelled to love her as an explanation for why he hates Stefan so much. Wow, two brothers at war over a girl one of them doesn’t even like. You can’t even say it was because Stefan turned him, because Damon says it blank that it’s cause of Katherine in 1x20, so don’t. So Damon kills for no reason, hates Stefan for a stupid reason, and has no personality traits outside of humor, murder, Katherine, and hates Stefan. With all of this on the table, my question is this, how do the writers expect me to pick Damon over Stefan in this love triangle with everything we got in season one? And the writers realized this.
Season two starts this long “arc” asking if Damon can be redeemed, or that’s what the writers wanted. Second theory: the writers realized they couldn’t justify Elena picking Damon over Stefan without ruining her character (lol), so they decided the best way to keep this love triangle idea afloat was to redeem Damon. The theory comes in when they realized they couldn’t completely redeem him because they had written themselves into a corner and being a murdering psycho with quirky one liners was his entire character, therefore redeeming him would take away what made Damon himself and so likable among fans (not me). I’m gonna pull the rug from under ya, remember when I said klaroline was not actually a love story, but was positioned and is still believed to have been one despite this fact? Same applies here. Did Damon ever go through a redemption arc, or did the writers want you to think that he did so they could have their cake and eat it too? Is there any actual story progression that show growth in Damon as a character? Nope. He’s sadder, wouldn’t say that’s him being a better person. In the early seasons, his characterization feels more like a seesaw than an arc. Sometimes he’s chill and helping with a plan, and the next episode he’s biting a chunk out of more innocent bystanders while abusing more women (*cough* *cough* justice for Andie). The longest I can say he was a genuinely decent person was in season six when he was trapped in the prison world with Bonnie (cause she’s the only character that would put up with his bs). Everywhere else, an inconsistent character, and I feel like that was intentional. They wanted to keep Damon how fans liked him while making him seem like a better person. An example is the introduction of Enzo, which I think was a ploy by the writers to make it seem like season five Damon was interacting with a season one Damon to show how far he’s come, but that doesn’t stick at all (mostly because Enzo’s crimes in the show compared to season one Damon’s feel less psychotic and malicious). All in all, to me Damon on his own was a truly boring character and even more boring villain. No motivation and no personality outside his infatuations. Which leads me into the worst plot line of my entire cw experience: Delena.
If you haven’t noticed, I hate this ship with a fiery passion. The only reason I think it’s slightly better than klaroline was at least the writers tried to write a story with them (keyword tried). I said they would have to ruin Elena’s character to have her choose him over Stefan, and I was right! Not only does she cheat with him (2x22 and other scenes from season three), it’s never explained why she likes him in the first place (actually in season six they say it’s cause he gave her Stefan’s gift necklace despite being in love with her, which is so stupid it made me laugh). Furthermore, why does Damon develop feeling for Elena? Supposedly it happens while he’s still obsessing over Katherine, so is that it? The turning point which pushes them together is revealed to all be fabricated by a sirebond. For real, the only reason Elena fell out of love with Stefan is because a bond out of her control made it impossible for Stefan to help her through vampirism and thus she had to lean on Damon for support. I know the show states the bond didn’t create her feelings merely heighten them, but it did isolate her from everyone else she loved and made it so she had no choice but to rely on Damon, and that’s not exactly better than the former. Let me say it louder for the kids that were corrupted. Codependency. Is. Not. Healthy. It’s toxic, and the trope in romance needs to die a horrible death. And the show knows it’s toxic, they bring it up all the time in season five and six thinking that will excuse them to keep going with it. Sorry hun, self awareness does not give you a pass. The worst part is the pacing. I mentioned the sirebond storyline in season four which takes up a huge amount of the season with them debating if her feelings were real before abruptly deciding Elena doesn’t care. Great conclusion, but it gets worse. Season five is pretty thin as far as a story, so what fills the run time is a storyline straight out of fifty shades. Fighting, sex, fighting, sex, breaking up because they aren’t healthy, sex, fighting followed by getting back together followed by more fighting and more sex. I can’t tell you what was gained after everything that transpired in the season. Lastly is season six which took time away from the first interesting villain since season three to give us an amnesia storyline! I’d tell you more, but if you’ve ever seen a movie you could probably explain it exactly. All that time that could’ve been spent in better ways, was given to something I stopped caring about by season fours end.
Honestly, the fact that the show treats this like the greatest love story of all time makes me less angry and more concerned, because the audience who watched this show weren’t adults who understand what love really is, the people who watched this was made up of mostly tweens and teens. I can’t get too mad, this trope is everywhere, girl helps abusive guy be better person while sapping away all her energy in the process was done before and is still being done today. All I ask is that the young adults who remember this show fondly understand how wrong this is. How people like Damon should not be pitied and relationships like Delena should not be celebrated. Ship whatever you want, but please tell me you’re okay. Are you okay? In conclusion, Damon is trash and Delena wasted my time along with being extremely toxic and abusive. Goodnight everybody!
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 17 - Larme Ultime (Rocketear)
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So this is a DjiWifi episode from which comes a screenshot I've seen over a month ago (I think). It's good they got it, before season 4 started I really wanted it to happen and to see a kiss between Nino and Alya in it (but that didn't happen and I don't get why, only the main pairing is allowed to kiss in this show or what?), but now I could not be excited about it anymore, because I'm sick of Alya and I'm not able to hide it. Yes, I'm biased, but I'm just a normal viewer and I have right to dislike her favouritism.
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My the biggest thought after watching this is that it looks like since Optigami, Alya is not only a deuteragonist, like I said in my post about Sentibubbler, she's actually more like a co-protagonist now. That was an extremely Alya-centric episode (even more than Lie was was about Adrien, as it was mostly Ladybug who saved the world like almost always, also because Chat sacrificed himself again), while in Optigami and this one she has screentime comparable to Marinette. I'm still trying to avoid spoilers (so please, don't tell what's going to happen in the next episodes, I don't want to know), but I'm sure that either 15 or 16 is also highly about her, because we've seen the new Rena's suit in this episode and it looked like it wasn't the first episode with it. But really, I won't be surprised if Alya has lots of screentime in both episodes and all others to the end of the show as well. I don't think Adrien is ever going to get as much special treatment like Alya. :/ The creators have never been as nice to him.
Didn't the writes have enough ideas for another story arcs? And thanks to it they were able to save money, because then creators could just reuse old models of villains more than before. Have anyone noticed that S4 has even fewer number of completely new characters than previous seasons? The scientist seen at the start of the episode has detailed model, so she had to be akumatised in any of the previous unreleased episodes (or one of the next ones). And why she looks a lot like Alya, is she her relative? If yes, you know what that means? Another excuse to make an episode full of the fox wielder, because, you know, it’s not like she already got enough occasions to shine in S4. 
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Speaking of Rena Rouge's new suit. What a waste, it would be great for a potential chameleon Miraculous, so it seems it won't be ever created for canon. So bad, I think it's one of the coolest animal, so a Miraculous based on it would be awesome. It could one from an African Miracle Box which should appear, since they are planning making an African special. The suit is good and all, but I still feel disappointed that it's not the superpower of a chameleon Miraculous. :(
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Why is Nino acting over the top out of nowhere? I like film noir atmosphere, fedoras and especially jazz music full of saxophones (my favourite music genre and instrument), but it looks totally ridiculous when he's like that. I thought it's Marinette's speciality, and he beat her in that category. I'm not trying to say it's a a bad thing, it just feels weird seeing Nino like that. And since I love jazz, I would like to listen to that film noir-esque music more once I got 5.1 audio, since it was hardly heard in the episode. It didn't sound much interesting, but it's too early to judge it seriously.
Too bad they had written the main conflict in the episode using one of the biggest romantic cliche - misunderstanding in which one character see and\or hear something, but not the whole thing, so said character interprets it wrong. Motifs like that are rather annoying, so it's good something similar haven't happened in the Love Square's arc (yet at least). Though I have a big issue with how they write it this season and I'm going to make a post about it (is anyone interested?).
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The akuma is one the ugliest and has one of the most laziest power ever. Really? He shoots using tear bullets and does nothing more? I know many people hate Bubbler's design, but no matter how silly it looks, it was much more creative than this.
And of course the whole thing with Alya remembering the whole conversation with Chat Noir was extremely far-fetched. The could think about something more believable, but I'm not surprised it happened, since I think this season is generally more lazy written than previous ones.
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On the other hand, I'm surprised that Marinette is actually aware that Shadow Moth should not know that Alya is still Rena Rouge. It seems that the whole episode 15 (or 16) is about they trying to figure out what to do with that problem.  I won't be surprised if Alya would do it all by herself like it happened with protecting charms in Mr Pigeon 72, because it's completely normal that a random person who has never met Fu is better at decrypting the grimoire than someone who has been trained to be a guardian to some extend :/ Still I think they should not be sure that camouflage mode would solve the problem completely. From what I understand the new suit doesn’t make her completely invisible to others. Rena could be seen by anyone who takes a photo of her and then post in on the internet (it won't be believable that she's the only one crazy about superheroes in Paris). But at least they tried to do something and Marinette sees the danger to some extend. It’s something new.
It's not like Alya is careful, she's completely reckless (and they think she's a good reporter material? Don't make me laugh) and she still thinks more about her own fun in being the superheroine than safety of herself or the world. But of course, it's not gonna happen, because plot armor is very strong in this show. I really had a feeling that she acted like a little child in the first minutes of the episode. She's unable to see that her situation is not a joke. She should be all happy that Marinette still lets her to keep the fox Miraculous. She really lacks humility and I see it clearly since Optigami at least. Besides, Marinette ignores another red flags, that Alya is taking pictures of herself in the new suit no one is supposed to see and thinking about posting them on Ladyblog (was Bunnix right that Alya is able to reveal Miraculous secrets on her blog because of her overenthusiasm and lack of ability of seeing consequences of her actions?).
By the way, now I think, if Alya can't keep in secret that she's still Rena Rouge from Nino (which happens because it's needed for the plot), so how could she be all fine with keeping in secret other facts like that Ladybug gave her the fox permanently and she knows her identity (which isn't happening because the plot doesn't require it)? She still has to lie on Nino because of these secrets.
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They are making Marinette a big hypocrite this season. Since she revealed herself to Alya, it's been shown that secret identities rule was bullshit from the start, but Marinette is still saying that heroes can't reveal their identities to anyone. What? What has she done before like not revealing herself to someone, so how she dares keep saying about how crucial is keeping secrets from everyone? Sorry writers, I can't take that rule seriously anymore since Alya knows and no one should. Because Marinette told Alya, she could tell it to other persons she trust as well. What's the difference between her best friend and the rest of the people in the world? Is Alya the only person she trusts? In fact, revealing herself to Sabine, for example, would be much better choice. She's actually wise and mature unlike Alya and her secrets would be much more safe with her mother.
I've seen Chat Blanc again on TV recently and I remembered one thing Ladybug told to Bunnix there: "The best-kept secrets are the ones you never share." (Google Translate says that the line is exactly the same in the French original). Some episodes later, she isn't thinking twice if she should tell all the guardian secrets to Alya. Okay, she revealed her identity because of being too emotional in that exact moment, but then when she calmed down, she should be able to think if telling all the Miraculous secrets is a good idea. The other hypocritical thing is telling Chloé "you can't be Queen Bee anymore, because Hawk Moth knows your identity" but still calling the other heroes whose identities have been exposed.
So I can't even blame Alya for telling Nino the truth if the guardian herself is not following her own rules. Not to mention, Marinette doesn't address wrong things Alya is doing at all, so no wonder she feels she could do anything, she won't get punished, no matter what. After all, it's not the first moment in which she does something her best friend forbid her.
And we can say the show has been confirmed that Nino is even worse at keeping secrets, especially in crisis situations, so why people wanted to see Adrien revealing himself to Nino? It's obvious that he would tell Adrien's secret to Alya and maybe some other people as well.
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I thought that since S3 finale Adrien is supposed to know identities of every backup hero from seasons 2 and 3 and I was ready to be salty about that as well. But yes, actually after purification of Miracle Queen's akuma, brainwashed heroes didn't detransform. They were forgotten completely and we don't even know what happened with them exactly. I suppose Ladybug took their Miraculous when Chat Noir wasn't there anymore.
Adrien has every right to be angry at Ladybug, she treats him so badly, since Alya knows her own secrets and she doesn't even have the guts to admit that. But I'm going to say about my the biggest issue in the Chat Noir and Ladybug's situation in another post, I hope I would write before the next episode airs.
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Hey, I saw you write fictions. Could you help me understand how to go about writing fictions and what are the basic steps? I want to write a larry fiction but english isn't my first language and my vocabulary isn't advanced. I, however, do want to give a try maybe a short fiction. How do formulate a fiction? I have some ideas but I can't divide them into chapters and generate enough scenes. I have tried to write sometimes but it's always a dead end and I don't know to proceed.
Personally I like how read story where there's seeding in every chapter with some backstory which gradually gets revealed. I am into a/b/o phase right now and want to write a good story with basic yet great plotline which keep my readers hooked.
I have so many questions to ask. Sorry for this long ask and Thank you if you respond.
Hey sweetie. How do I say this without sounding self-deprecating? I'm still a beginner, I technically wrote two fics. I'm currently working on my first "advanced" fic, which means I'm still learning, A LOT. I can't really be a teacher right now, but I can give you some tips. I can help you with what I learned since I started writing and link some good blogs/posts. This is going to be long, so cut.
First, some tips.
1. There are so many superior writers out there, but everyone has to start somewhere.
You can't start writing with the idea you're the greatest writer on the planet. I wrote down my first story when I was eight. Did it have a good plot? No. Did it have well thought out characters? Absolutely not. Did I make a story inspired by my favourite superhero show? Yes. It was probably 300 words max and with horrible grammar. I'm a very imaginative person, so I make stories up in my head, but that was the first one I wrote down. I haven't written much since then, just some school projects and little things here and there. I only started really writing in April, I think. It was rough, but fun. It was a canon-compliant story, so it didn't need that much planning out, I thought. When I finished, I was so proud. Then I started my second fic and I realized my first wasn't the best. I was so sad when I read it back, disappointed it didn't turn out the way I had in mind. But I shook it off, realized it was my first fic, EVER. So I shouldn't put myself down. You have to start writing to get good, you can't expect to be Jane Austin without putting one word down. Don't COMPARE yourself to others.
2. Plot is never truly original.
Like music, there isn't somsthing like an original plot. Everything is taken from something else. Every plot in the world has taken inspiration from somewhere else. You can write an a/b/o fic with a spy theme, it's very clever, but not original. You've taken an a/b/o plot and combined it with a spy plot. Don't be afraid to write a cliche plot, it's about the way you write it. That's why no two fics are the same, the writer is different.
3. Find a beta you trust.
When I first started the first part of my fic (it was a series), I didn't know what a beta really did, so I asked someone to correct my grammar and that was that. In the second and third part of that fic I didn't even do that, I tried to correct everything myself. Part 4 of my series I asked a beta to help me, it was wonderful. It's the best part of my whole fic and I'm forever grateful for that beta. We weren't the best match, so we couldn't continue working together. The fic I'm writing now is much longer than anything I ever written, so I needed a good and available beta. I found one, the angel of all angels. You need to find someone that will help you with your story, but also encourage when you feel like complete trash. Believe me, you will. It's important you have someone to brainstorm with and laugh with over your your character's dumb jokes.
4. Your English is better than you think.
I'm not a native English speaker, shocker right? No, I'm joking, I'm not the best. BUT I'm understandable, right? That's important. You don't need to have fancy words to write a story. Use the words you know and if you want to improve your vocabulary, do that, with time. You don't need to be an native speaker in a day, it takes time. I'll link some good sites for vocabulary.
5. Read more fics
A good way to improve your vocabulary, read more fics. You clearly enjoy it, use it to improve yourself. Not only for vocabulary but for the plot, characterization, world-building, etc. Take in the things you want to remember, forget the rest.
6. Copy and paste
Maybe a bad thing to say, but copy and paste things you like. If there's a sentence in a fic or book you like, copy it. Of course, don't just paste it in your fic, but take inspiration out of it. Why do you like it so much? Why does it come over so good? Any words you want to use? Is the structure of the sentence appealing? Think about it, so you can improve your fic. Especially with areas you struggle with, take a look at other works.
7. Smut is scary, but don't be scared to try.
Is smut something you want to write? You don't have to, but if you want, don't be scared. As someone who wrote two smut scenes in her life, I'm struggling, but I'm trying. Take all the tips above this and just try. Things may go terribly wrong, but that's why you're practising.
8. Research research research!
Things like smut, fantasy, minority groups. You can't just write about it without any knowledge, research it. Articles, youtube videos, blogs on tumblr, etc. A simple kiss scene can be difficult if you have no knowledge about it, read people's first kiss stories or something like that. Want to try and write BDSM, read about it on a BDSM blog. Research the heck out of it.
9. Just to say it again. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS.
Just to summarise, you're you, don't try to be someone else. You're writing style isn't worse than someone else's, it's just different. It makes your work recognisable, your text original, your hours of writing easier. Someone told me I can write young people really well, I owned it. Find what you're good at and own it.
Now that I have given you some important tips to start, I'll answer your question. How to go about writing fiction?
Everyone is different first of all, so please don't take my word for it. This is my routine, I just made up.
1. What do you want to write?
Is it your own idea, a prompt, a fic fest, an exchange?
2. What universe does take part in?
Does take place in the real world or a fantasy world? The past, present or future? Realistic or supernatural? Which country?
3. What is the goal?
Are they supposed to be lovers at the end? Do they have to defeat something/someone? A quest? Where do you want to end the story?
4. Where does it start?
Where does your story start? At the birth of your characters? In the future and you work your way back? In the middle? When your important characters meet each other for the first time?
5. What does it take to get from start to finish?
What happens in the story? What developments happen? Is it a road trip and your characters need to get closer, how do they do that?
6. What are some subplots you want to add?
Are there things that don't really matter for your goal, but you want to add? Friends to lovers but maybe they help someone's mom out one day.
7. Who are your characters?
Their personalities, appearances, quirks, relationships.
8. Who is the protagonist?
Who is the story about? Who is the main character?
9. In whose point of view is it?
Who is telling the story? You, the protagonist, the love interest, a random bystander, etc?
10. Outline.
Write down what you want to do with your story. Every scene needs to be written down. You can always change it of course.
11. Write, write and write.
Take all the tips and write.
I want to give you some links I always use. I will also recommend some blogs.
This tool lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept: https://www.onelook.com/thesaurus/
This article about body language: https://www.writerswrite.co.za/cheat-sheets-for-writing-body-language/
This tumblr post about body language: https://badassunicorn2016.tumblr.com/post/145725344712/writing-tip-june-4th
This article for alternatives for 'said': https://owlcation.com/humanities/400-Alternative-words-for-said
This tumblr post about writing smut: https://larryficsvol28.tumblr.com/post/660062510531182592/smut-101-a-tutorial-for-beginners
This tumblr post about how to make smut sound sexy:https://larryficsvol28.tumblr.com/post/658604597068365824/making-smut-sound-sexy
This tumblr post about turning ideas into a story: https://larryficsvol28.tumblr.com/post/659430707796557824/i-get-lots-of-ideas-for-stories-which-are-just
I have some blogs you can follow that talk about writing.
This podcast blog @roseanddaggerpodcast
This blog has a podcast too and some good fic recs @allwaswell16
These writing blogs @ficsex @writingquestionsanswered @bhficfest https://wordsnstuffblog.com/
Some veterans writers and also have some good fic recs @twopoppies @justalarryblog @kingsofeverything @louandhazaf @hershelsue @lululawrence @pocketsunshineharry @fearlesslysweetcreature @indiaalphawhiskey
I hope I could help you a little. In some weird way I helped myself, hehe. I hope you can finally write the story you want. If you ever have any questions, just come by. I don't know if I can always help you, but I'll try!! Good luck!!
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amarienne · 4 years
Long and tired 15x20 rumblings. Beware of spoilers and the F word.
It’s been 10 hours since I watched the episode and I still can’t believe that was real and not a prank episode.
Let’s leave aside the destiel of it all, alright? We all knew getting a huge and proper destiel scene was not gonna happen, no matter how much we clowned the last few days.
But that was a shit show of writing and plot. Fair enough, they felt like a MOTW episode was very fitting to be the last and you know what, I agree. That first 10 minutes of a simple life jogging, making breakfast and petting the dog? I am all for it. Pie Fair? Perfect, who doesn’t like pie? And Dean surely deserved to eat to his heart’s content with no worry in the world.
But at the same time you are trying to tell me that Dean didn’t even blink while Sam mentioned Cas being dead? And that we didn’t even see Sam at least texting with Eileen who just one episode ago vanished in thin air and Sam, had to perform some pretty heavy self control and restraint so he didn’t break because of the loss? How am I, the audience, supposed to believe that??
Still, I was happily going along with it all still keeping hope (lol, what a fool) until they entered the barn. I saw that freaking rod while they were fighting. Don’t believe it if you don’t want to, but I saw the freaking metal rod and I saw Dean being attacked and I was like fuck no he’s gonna end up on it. And surely enough a second later he was. And being the naive person I am I thought ‘huh, interesting. maybe that’s how we see Jack in this episode, or we see Dean in the hospital fighting for his life because he realises he doesn’t want to keep doing this.’
Buuut nooo, ofc not. We get 10 minutes of Dean hanging from a nail making an otherwise lovely speech and Sam standing there listening to it. We get a *w*nc*est* aura with the hand holding and forehead touching? REALLY? I couldn’t fucking believe it. And then Dean dies.
Dean, who just last episode did not take vengeance on Chuck because ‘that’s not who I am’. A fact I am betting my life on comes of course, of course, from Castiel’s confession. So we finally get to see Dean accepting the fact he is not just a killer, but actually he is made of love and for love and he deserves to be happy. Guys, you can see it in his face, he starts to believe it. And he chooses to walk away with his brother and Jack and to simply leave Chuck behind to have the thing he is more scared of- the thing Dean craved more than anything: a normal life.
Enter a sad excuse of a funeral, a pathetic montage of Sam in the bunker and then a call for another hunt. And Sam leaving (forever? who the fuck knows) the bunker. And just as I feared we get to Heaven. And Dean is welcomed by Bobby. That scene was actually fine. At least we get to fucking know Cas is no longer in the Empty- that presumably Jack saved him and they are now together or were together to build Heaven. And the fact they all share a heaven is sweet, okay? Baby is there, Dean goes for a drive, Kansas is playing. Cheesy but lovely.
Montage of Sam living a normal life? A toddler with ‘Dean’ stitched on his clothes? Enter me losing my fucking mind on the turn of events. So Sam named the kid he had with a *faceless* woman Dean in honour of the brother that died like 3 days after saving the world. Huh?? Really? I mean really? What the fuck happenned to Eileen?? She was too precious for this episode and this fucking story.
At this point I am like, I wish I had not pressed play on this mess. But the God awful montage continues. We see Dean Jr (*retching from disgust on the cliche*) telling Sam it’s okay, mirroring the first death. Also what’s with the tatoo? Is he a hunter too? Did Sam continue hunting and pulled his son into it as well? Or was it just a general precaution/tradition. Fuck knows of course. Heart monitor goes beep (the fucking cliches will be the death of me) and we see a bunch of pictures. The faceless wife remains faceless because *who cares* let’s just show the parallells between the two brothers’ deaths.
Oh I forgot all this is to the sound of a pop cover of Carry on my Wayward Son. They didn’t even have the decency to keep the original playing.
And here I am thinking, wishing, being ready to make a crossroads deal that all this is not actually real. It’s a dream, or a nightmare, or an alternate reality or - my biggest hope- Gabriel’s playing a prank somehow.
But as we all now know, dear strangers, that was not it. Nope. Dean stops in a lovely bridge (after apparently a couple hours of driving) and Sam appears. They hug it out. And they watch the sun set over the fucking mountain top.   
Oh and then we have the god awful goodbye message. The final blow so we stay on the ground.
Un-fucking-believable. That was like the worst fanfiction, wrapped in a last minute essay you’re writing that is due in six hours, dipped in a diary entry from when you were 9 and dusted with a touch of *who gives a fuck let’s just finish this*. Also let’s blame *COVID*.
All the beautiful scenes and moments of the past 15 seasons. All the character progression we thought we were witnessing. All the symbolism we thought we were seeing. All the secondary characters we got to love to just not see if they actually made it back after 15x18. All the blood, sweat and tears our four boys went through in the last few episodes. All yeeted out the fucking window. It was all for fucking nothing? For an ending my four year old niece could come up with on the spot?
They all die and live happily ever after in Heaven?
Betrayed does not begin to cover how I feel. I was not a hardcore fan of SPN by a long shot. But I know stories. This is not how a good story ends. And SPN was a good story. It deserved better. We deserved better. Our boys deserved better.
I am standing and slow clapping for the actors though. They were truly brilliant, they worked with this shit writing and managed to get to the other side of it. I would sell my left kidney to find out what they actually thought of that ending and to also ask the showrunner what kind of drunk dream made the basis of this finale. Oh, and also ask the folks at CW who green lighted this shitstorm how they’re feeling? The 1 star ratings at IMBD are raining like the fallen angels, bitch.
God. This was long and awful but even if noone read it, it made me feel better.
I can’t even begin to form coherent thoughts regardging the lack of Cas and destiel. Maybe on another post.
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bronyinabottle · 3 years
It’s finally here. The beginning of Generation 5. Though before I get into the movie in some detail I’m going to reiterate one more time what G5 means for my content and a non-spoilery summary of the movie.
Again, I will say that the movie nor will the G5 series coming later have much of an effect at all on any of my blogs. The revelation in Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear that life itself is also magic means that a world that implied to have no magic for years would mean the extinction of all life (Perhaps resulting in the wasteland we saw in the Season 5 finale). There may be something I’ll probably do at some point on a certain different blog. But even then, that may likely be a one-time thing and probably come around the time the series is starting to air.
That said, just because I’m continuing with mainly G4 content doesn’t mean I disapprove of G5. In fact, my non-spoilers thoughts on the movie is I think it is a good start for this new generation. There are questions I have that I’m not sure will be answered (Though many of those questions are the same ones I had in my Trailer/Preliminary thoughts) quickly enough. But the movie is structured well enough, in fact it’s probably a better movie as a whole compared to any of the movies G4 had (The 2017 movie, Rainbow Roadtrip, and all 4 Equestria Girls movies). As the 2017 movie was fun, but it jumped around a lot, sometimes scenes transitioning too fast. And while Rainbow Roadtrip may have been this on purpose, the entirely slice-of-life story taking up a long length… made it something of a less interesting plot to follow. It feels like some of that special could of been cut to at least a two-parter length and keep the same beats they hit. And while i have a soft spot for the 3rd and 4th Equestria Girls movies, I’ll always say a full-length pony adventure feels better suited for what I want to see out of MLP then spin-off movies with high school movie cliches and weird pony/human world shenanigans.
So movie-wise I’m not a G4 purist. It’ll take some time to see how Gen 5 compares to Friendship is Magic when we get to the series. As I feel it’d take a lot for it to surpass G4 in my mind. But I’m going to try to be as fair as possible and judge on it’s own merits. The implied connection to G4 by referring to G4 being ancient Equestria is going to naturally get the staff and hasbro pressured by fans to tell us what happened in-between the generations. Because that’s the trap they put the writers in when they made it so they want to try to say it’s in the same universe. That’s the double-edged sword Hasbro chose to have, trying to appease the G4 fanbase and keep at least some of them around. But at the cost of questions both nitpicky (Such as character design being inconsistent) or actual honest questions that need to be known (Why did magic disappear, and what happened to the Alicorns) for some of us to truly see this as the same Equestria.
After the break, I’ll have more spoilery thoughts
Even for a brief moment, it was nice seeing the Mane 6 and 2D animation. The former because of course those are the ponies many of us that saw all of G4 loved. And the latter, because while the animation wasn’t bad in this movie. I’m one of those who’d prefer to have 2D animation in an animated film. As in most cases aside from Pixar, it’s just a strong preference of mine. If this had the animation of the 2017 MLP movie but otherwise everything else was generally the same here, I feel that would of have been great.
I wish they didn’t have to have Sunny’s dad die off-screen, as he seems like he could of been a compelling character. And not to mention if perhaps he has any connection the “ancient” days in any fashion. But *sigh* I get it, it’s an old trope where part of the character’s offscreen growth is not having their parent(/s) around.
On a side note there’s quite a few times during the beginning of the movie that somewhat foreshadow what happens to Sunny later. 3 times where she had a fake horn and wings on her. Once in the flashback, then 2 separate times when she’s doing her protest where she has her own costumed wings and horn. As well as the helmet and mechanical wings.
Also, there’s no way around it. Some of the discussions this movie are going to get quite political. (Namely one part of Sunny’s song that could be seen as having a double meaning of a jab at Trumpsts regarding “Building your wall”) From the very premise in the early times, we know that the inspiration for the story was last year’s Black Lives Matter protests. Which honestly, I do support the message they’re going for. Having an anti-racism message to tell kids from the very beginning and making a focus on it is important when in G4 it only got briefly touched upon in Bridle Gossip and the Heath’s Warming Eve play. Although it certainly rose up to some form of prominence with Season 8 and onward. Still, while you can argue if G4 executed the anti-racism message well. it does come with something of a problem that the series finale left Equestria in the least divided it’s ever been.
And personally, I feel it’s a terrible interpretation of time to say “Well, it’s a realistic take. Racism has existed for years in our world. Same should go for the ponies” and while yes, racism is still rampant in today’s world. That said, that ignores that if we went from The Last Problem to the start of G5. There’s a huge difference between our world and Equestria. There is no ancient civilization that we look at like “Yeah, those were the golden days of world peace” when normally the “Golden age” was reserved for the high classes of Ancient Greece or Rome. It was most decidedly not perfect, with slavery rampant and wars for the sake of expanding an empire. While if you look at The Last Problem’s Equestria, you not only have peace between the three main types of ponies. But you literally have non-pony citizens in Equestria. You can see a dragon handing off a flower to a pony which can imply cross-species romantic relations. With the Friendship school still going strong, and was the reason that the world was saved in The Ending of the End. While perhaps it may be too glowing to say that future is perfect for everyone even in-universe. It’s certainly a hell of a lot better outlook then comparing to how we view even the so called Golden age of ancient civilizations. The Last Problem’s Equestria implies it looks to ally with every country outside of Equestria, not conquer them.
So it should still be a valid question on just how this world collapses to the point it gets to where G5 is at the start. I at least assume that it’s not the fault at all of any of the Mane 6 nor Twilight. Or at least I hope it isn’t, as I’d rather the MLP fanbase not have to deal with a The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker situation. (Where after the joyful end of the original trilogy, things go wrong as Luke almost murders the son of one of his best friends and his sister despite trying to hard and succeeding at redeeming his father who at that point in the canon was a galaxy-wide known ruthless mass-murderer.) I assume we’re at a point where everyone of the Mane 6 sans maybe Twilight are presumed dead. And even in Twilight’s case, there’s a chance that G5 decides to say that G4 overestimated the whole Alicorn immortality thing. Though I wouldn’t put it past Hasbro to have some event where the Mane 5 of G5 meet the Mane 6 in some special event whether that’s a a Season finale or a sequel movie/special. Where either the Mane 6 return in a limbo situation similar to the Pillars at the end of Season 7 or Time travel gets involved. They may even string us along on answering just what in the heck happened until they involve a meet-up with the Mane 6 in that way. Though I hope they don’t, I’d really like the beginning of the series (Or I guess this supposed special coming up in Spring supposedly?) starts to answer some questions. G5 should get a chance to stand on it’s own, but I hope the writers are actually well aware there will be so many questions people have and address them in the show. A cynical part of me feels like they’re likely to string us along until at least the Season 1 finale.
Onto the characters for a bit. I think Izzy Moonbow was absolutely the most stand-out character in the whole movie. She was energetic, funny, and aside from “The pegasi are bad news” she along with Zipp and Sunny were the most averse to the way the world was. She was already the most popular due to the tennis ball memes. But now it feels like she legit stands on her own and most certainly deserves to be the most popular character of G5 thus far. Behind her in a bit of a surprise to me was Zipp, who I thought would be mainly a Rainbow Dash-expy. Though she really helps out Izzy and Sunny in Zephyr Heights. Despite having Twilight be my favorite pony from the very beginning of G4 all the way to the end, I didn’t feel as strongly about Sunny for some reason. So she’s in the middle of the pack, she could grow on me later. I just don’t know if I click with her as much as I did with Twilight. As for the last two, while I don’t hate either of them. Either one could be the lowest of the 5 for one reason or another. Pipp (Although I will say she's probably my favorite character design out of the 5) feels like she doesn’t do a whole lot in the movie and it takes until she’s forced to be an outlaw because the other choice was to get imprisoned like her mother was. So she may come off as quite pretentious, though it’s arguable Rarity was the same way early in G4. But she definitely grew later. Could be the same case for Pipp. And as for Hitch, he has shining moments in the film. But what might hurt him is the fact he was such a bad friend to Sunny up until the campfire scene. “I’m the last real friend you have. You really want to lose me too?” is not a healthy friendship. Hitch may have been Sunny’s friend the longest, but it definitely feels like Izzy connected immediately. I don’t know if this show will get into shipping any of the main characters between each other mid-show, but if they do. I hope it’s between Izzy and Sunny currently, cause Hitch and Sunny just gives bad vibes even with Hitch getting better later.
None of the songs I felt were particularly too special. Though I think the closest was Sprout’s “Danger, Danger” song that has similarities to Smells Like Teen Spirit in some parts of the song since I tend towards more rock/metal-esque music.
I touched upon it earlier, but there’s perhaps a stand-out reason for why the G5 movie outdid the 2017 MLP Movie. They have the typical “Our heroic group splits after a sad moment before coming together again for the climatic good end” in Sunny seeing that that the two crystals don’t instantly bring magic back, and when Twilight left the group after an argument that happened with Twilight trying to take a pearl. They perform the same purpose in the movie. But the crystals not working, crushing Sunny’s hope for a little while works better into the story. Where as Twilight’s part frustratingly brought the sea pony scene to an end too quickly and/or doesn’t feel right of Twilight to have done that. It felt forced in the 2017 movie, but works out in the G5 movie. Especially since a part of it is that it’s not the crystals themselves capable of bringing magic back. But it’s the journey going after the crystals that brings the ponies themselves their magic back.
Just a small note on dictator Sprout, he tries to cause a war. Though admittedly the film seems to treat him as a joke the entire time despite his seriously evil ambitions. With the only repercussions is he gets a wishy-washy answer on if he was a good sheriff from his mom. I don’t quite know how I feel about that yet, but I wonder what they’ll have in mind for Sprout given his actions. He and his mom are the only ones that feel like a true antagonist. Though they seem to be ok with things fast when the magic comes back.
But anyway on to the ending, we see that Sunny becomes an Alicorn. Which I guess with no other real Alicorns around, I guess it makes sense to alicornify her since she’s the real leader behind what united the leaders of each type of pony again. Though there is of course this weird thing where her horn and wings don’t seem like as much a part of her body compared to very obvious connected wings on Twilight when she got hers. Sunny keeps her horn and wings to the end of the movie, and has colored streaks in her hair. Though I do wonder if that;s truly permanent. If it is permanent, I suppose at least they got to have a headstart and have it established at the end of the introductory movie rather then have it shock people at the end of a shortened 3rd season. I still feel like Twilight had well earned her alicornhood considering that besides what she did in the series. She has a whole childhood and time as a teenager learning under Celestia. Which had to mean something, and I’m not sure Celestia just leaving her to live the rest of her days with her friends in ponyville was that. Sunny has no doubt been trying countless time to try to spread friendship throughout her life even after the tragedy of her father’s passing. So there’s no doubt she’s been through a lot, and may indeed be worthy of being an Alicorn at this point. Though in terms of screentime before Alicornhood it's definitely a lot less then Twilight had. And it is at least nice to see that it is possible for non-unicorns to become one. (The only case of that we sort of got was a children's book that may or may not be canon that implied Cadence was a pegasus before she ascended)
Though you have to wonder if the visual differences such as Sunny’s alicorn horn and wings, the cutie mark only on one side (Yes I know that’s how it was normally in the MLP generations before G4. But a distinct visual difference between shows is still noticeable even if the context of G4’s cutie marks on both sides of the flank was about it being easier on the puppets for Flash), and how animals can have wings or weird round shapes such as those bunnies when G4 has normal looking animals. There’s enough striking visual differences for any nitpicky G4 to say “This isn’t the same Equestria”. And if someone tries to say maybe some sort of evolution happened. That’s still trying to put a little too much real world logic on this fantasy world. And evolution tends to take millions of years to have such dramatic changes. Not 1000 years or so, there should still be normal looking animals at this point and time. And these small details are probably going to be the things most ignored but nonetheless can build a case that this isn’t the same Equestria. Even if they touch on the important questions like how magic disappeared and what happened to the Mane 6, there will be details they make different that will add to the case that this is it’s own universe if it doesn’t quite matchup with what was remembered about G4. There will be fans who will be that nitpicky to call G5 out of continuity for small details like that. That is again the trap they put themselves in when they decided to try to say it’s the same Equestria.
All-in-all though, I think that’s at least a good enough chunk about my thoughts on the movie to end off here. If there’s something I missed or something from the movie you’d like me to give a particular opinion about or elaborate on something feel free to ask me here. G5 is indeed off to a good start, just I will be along the many hoping some questions get answered sooner then later. And I’m not sure I’m confident in getting anywhere until a Season finale or a 2nd movie. And it’ll be a year before the series starts proper (Though again I guess there’s a 44 minute special coming in Spring to try to hold us over). But I could definitely see G5 finding it's own following, now there's just the inevitable clashes between some of the more vocal fans of each generation bickering at eachother. But hoping there will be enough that take the movie's lessons on divisiveness to heart and be able to enjoy both even if there may be preferences.
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delyth88 · 3 years
Thoughts after rewatching Episode 4
Okay, so I took a couple of days to get over the excruciating cringeworthyness of a few many moments in episode 4 and have just finished rewatching it.
And I have to say thank goodness for whatever it is in the human brain that allows us to adapt! lol No, but srsly, I found it a much easier watch the second time, and its definitely keeping up the trend of the first three episodes of being something I can enjoy more the second time than the first.
So, my now somewhat less instant reaction thoughts:
I hadn’t noticed that it’s Sylvie that initiates the hand holding on Lamentis 1.  And I think I prefer this.  One thing I can’t stand is romance in TV or film where it’s all about the guy winning over the girl, like she’s clearly not interested, but somehow by the end of the movie she’s in love.  Okay, that’s a bit harsh, sometimes it’s done well, but it’s a convention that gets my hackles up and gets me all defensive, so I think I was taking some of this into the episode with me.
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Interestingly, now that I’m thinking of it, I think this moment and the moment Sylvie asks if Loki is okay while they’re being escorted by the guards are the only moments I can recall where she showed any form of affection for him. *shrugs* 
Poor boy also seems so surprised at this.  And uncertain how to respond.  And I can’t help but see this in relation to the scene in Thor 1 where the frost giant grabs his forearm...  :’(
I also think another part of the reason I so disliked the romance on my first watch is that it was just another example of Loki over-doing the emotion thing in comparison to his previous characterisation. He certainly looks more into it than Sylvie, and this just bugs me, because again I think the way Sylvie is acting here is what I would have expected from Loki based on the films.
In the time prison, while I still don’t like the getting kicked in the crotch gimmick, I do like that they showed us Loki attempting to get out of the situation in what seems quite a reasonable way.  He explains the situation to Sif and asks for her help to escape.  I thought it was quite interesting, because we see his first instinct is to use his skills of persuasion and try to escape. Firstly because it’s an instance where he’s trying to plot an escape, not just avoiding her or fighting her. I like that he seems to have some hope that this is possible and isn’t just 100% resigned to the TVA being all-powerful.  And secondly, he speaks to Sif as a person, he doesn’t just treat her like some sort of solid hologram and try and knock her out, or stand by the door to make a surprise attack.  It doesn’t work, of course, and we’re supposed to find that funny, but at least he tried in a plausible way onscreen. unlike IW  And he asks her to trust him.  Which I found interesting because if he’s asking this then he must think there’s some chance that she will, which means there’s at least some level of respect between them.  And I like that.  I know I’m reading way too much into this that the writers certainly didn’t intend, but let me play over here.
I still don’t like the narcissist line.  But I think I can buy Loki exaggerating in his confession to get her to stop.  He doesn’t seem to be really particularly bothered by what he’s saying.  But when she walks out and says he will always be alone, even after what he’s just said, that seems to have an impact on him.
I do love this image though. He looks so smol. So sweet.
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When Mobius retrieves Loki from the time prison after the first time, I can see after a second watch that Mobius is actually a little angry/disappointed that Loki ran off after the variant in Roxxcart.  Its subtle well subtler than Loki’s reactions so I hadn’t noticed.
I still dislike the way they did the romance thing.  The interrogation scene where Loki’s all “eww no, I don’t like her!” and then has this realisation that perhaps he does.  I felt like I was being beaten around the head with it.  Like teenagers teasing someone for liking someone else. smh
I’m also reminded that the English language really isn’t very good when it comes to words for ‘liking’ someone. I mean the UK seems to have ‘to fancy’ which would be more accurate, but gotta say I’m glad they didn’t use that here.
I still hate that Loki seems utterly unable to keep a secret or hide his emotions. To me this was a fundamental part of his character, and yet here we have Mobius calling him out because he can’t help but have this pained expression on his face and can’t keep his voice steady.  Black Widow wouldn’t have had to spend more than a minute with this variant of Loki.
Mobius: “What are you doing?”
Loki: “Passing the time.”
This line made me laugh this time.  Sassy Loki!
I still like the slightly veiled way Mobius apologises to Loki for saying he’s only destined to be the villain to make other people better. Nice, not too over the top. Makes Loki smile.
That animatronic timekeeper stuff was just weird.  There better be some good payoff for this in the next two episodes.
And now to the bit I hated the most on my first watch – that super cringey interrupted confession of feelings.
Looking at this again with fresh eyes I wonder if Loki was about to explain Mobius’s theory that their moment on Lamentis 1 might be able to destroy the TVA.  It just got awkward because to explain that he’d have to explain how he feels.  And I think they exaggerated that to make the impact of the pruning bigger.  
First he says “then who created the TVA?”  Then he turns away and he seems to be looking around for inspiration, and I think he’s actually thinking about this.  It wasn’t just rhetorical. We can see the moment he realises something, and he doesn’t seem particularly happy about it, and then he turns back to Sylvie.
“Sylvie, I have to tell you something.”
“We will figure this out.” I think this is an aside after he’s taken in how upset she is about this. And it’s true that if they take down the TVA then they probably have to learn who’s in charge eventually. And then he gets back to his original point.
“Because… er… back on Lamentis…” I think here he’s trying to find a way to explain that their moment caused the nexus event, and a big one at that, but he’s struggling to do so in a way that doesn’t make him completely vulnerable by telling her how he feels. But it’s not possible to talk about it so clinically, so he hesitates, “This is new for me…”  he realises he doesn’t actually know quite how to put this.
Now, if I can rationalise it in this way as being an important piece of information he needed to tell her that would help them bring down the TVA then I can be more okay with this than if it was just a poorly timed romantic confession (which is certainly what it appeared to be on first watch). Again, I’m probably clutching at straws here, but it helps me not want to gag while watching this. lol
I mean I still think it’s just a cringey awful scene and it’s so very cliche to interrupt someone before they can say ‘I love you’. But this is a way I can rationalise his actions and I’ll stick with this till proven otherwise, presumably in the next episode. Ha!
I can’t help but give a nod to another beautiful example of Tom’s eyes matching his shirt in the mid-credits scene. <3
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I also think that what I’m experiencing watching each episode the first time is much more from Loki’s point of view.  Like I’m more personally invested in him doing well, him not being embarrassed, him looking good to others.  And so since the story is actually giving him a hell of a time I’m experiencing a lot of negative feelings on his behalf.  And this is because it’s unfolding in real time in front of me and in that moment it could go anywhere! So it feels more real perhaps??  On a second watch I know what’s coming and I’m able to watch it with an eye for the storytelling as a whole, not just as the real events of Loki’s life.  I don’t think I’ve been this much of a fan of any character in recent times to have experienced this before.  So it’s a fascinating thing to learn about being a fan. *shrugs*
Anyway, in summary, much more bearable on second watch.  Some good stuff in there, and I can ignore a good amount of the stuff I didn’t like – at least until next week.
So again I’m sorta somewhere in between loving and hating this show.
@iamanartichoke​ @scintillatingshortgirl19​ maybe some of this is useful to you?
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