#I don't know if it helps but they only seem to eat the flowers/inside of the flowers
anonyhun · 1 year
@buglr I ask for your knowledge again
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I've got these fellows who were chewing up my Orange Mallow and couldn't find an ID for them through google. They're about as long as a nail or juuuuust a little bit longer.
I have a bigger container I can put them in but for now they have to hang in the baby corner.
(Without being too specific, I'm in Southern California!)
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dark-night-hero · 27 days
You hate Gojo Satoru. He who says he'll be there when you wake up but always in the morning when you wake up, he was nowhere in sight. Dishes left unclean in the sink with his dirty laundry all over the floor left for you to be picked up.
You hate Gojo Satoru. He who promised to protect you but left you once he heard his friends- his students were endanger. He who would leave you in a heart beat, telling you others needed him- his students needed him. What about you? Don't you need protection too?
You hate Gojo Satoru. He who always scolds you for your carelessness, but laughs his carelessness off like it was no big deal. Even when he's hurt he always laugh it off, telling you he was fine, he was the strongest after all.
You hate Gojo Satoru. He who tells you he would be there back by your side by midnight. Only for you to left the cold dishes on the table as you take a rest for the night. Those heartfelt made dishes left untouched as you have no appetite left for the night.
You hate Gojo Satoru. He who has many secrets to keep, responsibilities to meet. He who no matter how many times you tell him to rest, keep it easy, would only push himself even more. Sometimes, you thought like for once, you just want him to be normal. Back to his old self, something that was too much to ask. The two of you have already lost a lot. You do not want to lose him too.
But you love Gojo Satoru. He who even thought was not by your side upon waking up would not forget to cook you a meal before he left home, a single note saying there was an emergency mission and he's sorry he could not be there by your side as he promised he'll be. On the bottom saying he had already but your remaining laundry in the washing machine and that he'll be bringing dinner later and that Megumi and this other students might come too. Also saying sorry for leaving his clothes in a hurry and for leaving the dirty dishes on the sink.
But you love Gojo Satoru. He who knew you needed no protection, you are strong after all. Nevertheless was always there on your toughest times. "Need a help, babe?" There he was leaning over the wall, ready to step in at any moment. "No." "Aw come on babe, the more you get the job done early, means we can come home early too. Allow me to step i-" "Satoru. I can handle this." "'Kay." He pout like a child causing you to roll your eyes and finish the curse in one attack. "Let's go." You spoke, offering a hand to him in which he gladly take, pulling you close to him. "I knew you could handle them." He spoke, kissing the crown of your head.
But you love Gojo Satoru. He who despite never seemed to listen to everyone's word could never go on and ignore you. "I'm sorry." He was kneeling in front of you. Arms and legs crossed, you questioned him. "I'm sorry for what?" "For being a careless individual and getting myself in danger for playing around too much." He pout, blue iris seemed to be looking at you with puppy eyes as if he wss expecting you to let him off so easily. "You knew that was the case. Why still act like that? Look at your students, do you think you're being a good exam..." As you continue to rant off and scold there teacher, the trio that was silently listening and watching starts to shiver. "Remind me not to pissed off Gojo sensei's lover." In return, Megumi could only shrug. He have seen this scene for a long time now.
But you love Gojo Saturo. He who know who to make things right when be fucked up. "Hi." Thats what he said when you saw him creeping inside your shared room at night. In his hands were flowers and some kind of sweets. "Why are you standing in there like a cre-" "I'm sorry, there was a emergency mi-" "It's alright." You were not made that he missed your promised night. Just disappointed, but looking at his guilt written face. All of those disappointment just fades away. "Come here. Are you hurt? Have you eaten yet? If not, how about I warm up the foods and eat?" You smile at him before taking those flowers and sweet in this arms. Not to long he pull you in an embrace. "Thank you." "Hmm."
But you love Gojo Satoru. So that means taking care of his responsibilities- his students while he is gone. "Are you okay?" It was Megumi as he sat down right next to you. "I am." You lied. You are not okay, not when everything is falling apart, not when everything is fucked up, not when it seems like everyone is putting the blame on your love one. Not when your lover is sealed off, unknown how and when to be released. "I'll be okay, Megumi." You pat the boy in the should as you stood up. "Let's get going shall we?"
You love Gojo Satoru, so you have to let him go. With the two of you stand by each other just staring at the ruined city cause by the return of the King of the Curses, he felt him take a hold of your hand. "I'll be back." He spoke, kissing the back of your hand. You smile painfully at him, "Will you?" "I will, I promise. Aren't I the strongest?" He laughs. "... don't make a promise you can't keep, Satoru." Kissing away the tear rolling down your cheek. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "Be safe, okay? Satoru.."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
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cherrifire · 1 year
Fragment headcanons <3
For those who don't know, these are fragments:
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Art credit: me ;)
They are caused by Watchers eating up a player's negative emotions and visualize as these cracks in the body.
Note: I'm going to slap all Double Life fragments onto the heart. It just makes sense. So this headcanon list will be for 3rd/Last/Limited unless there is a special difference (Grian + Pearl + Jimmy + Ren). Just so I don't have to write over the heart several times.
The only fragment he has stretches across the back of his hands from where he had to beat Scar to death in 3rd Life.
He keeps the Watchers off him for the rest of the series by bringing a silly and goofy vibe to the games though. They hate him so bad so they haven't given him any more fragments. They would rather just ignore him.
3rd Life fragment wraps around his head like a flower crown.
Last Life fragment hits him in the shoulder then another on the bottom of his foot, spreading inside his body like lightning. (Think Aang's scar from Avatar the Last Airbender)
Limited Life fragment on the left side of his back, giving him a fragment on both sides of his heart. This is due to how hard his heart would have been pounding every time he was hunted for sport.
Last Life, Pearl is granted 6 lives and has a habit of using/giving those lives to help Scott, her closest ally. The fragment is small and over the heart.
Pearl's experience in Double Life with heartbreak was so intense, and since she already had a fragment over the heart, her fragment for that season ended up huge. The cracks over her heart are wide and bright. But the Watchers loved her so much they sent her back in even though she wasn't ready. Meaning she held onto her emotions for Tilly and had to be swapped out with Lizzie for an episode.
Limited Life fragment is placed between her eyes and above on her forehead. Like a third eye for being a nosey neighbour and watching.
Martyn (We actually get to see his fragments at the end of Lim Life.)
3rd Life fragment spreads down the cheek like tears for when he cried losing Ren.
Last Life, on the back. The backstabber was backstabbed. He was completely willing to betray Grian in order to get himself, Mumbo, Jimmy, and Impulse somewhere nicer. Somewhere safer. The end. Only for the Watchers to reveal that was never the case.
Limited Life, over the hand his weapon was held in in which he had to kill Scott twice with.
All of Jimmy's fragments spread across his back like canary wings.
3rd Life, spreads across his chest from where that first creeper blew him up. The first death. Seems rather fitting for the guy who can't keep his shirt on.
Last Life, through his mouth, built from all the lies he spoke.
Limited Life, matching placements with the Clockers on the right forearm like a family tattoo.
3rd Life, a few small cracks spread around like dog bites.
Last Life, one of the biggest fragments and spread through his entire body. For every kill he got, he got a matching crack as if he was the one who died. His insanity means he has axe, sword, arrow, explosion, and fall damage cracks because with each kill he got worse.
Limited Life, kind of hidden based on just how many cracks Joel has, but starts above his chest and out through the bottom of his foot. Another lightning scar.
3rd Life, cracks spread from his finger tips up from digging his hands in the dirt to plant dark oak saplings.
Last Life is hard to place a fragment. Because I know he would get one for never giving Bdubs one of his lives but I don't know where that would place on the body. Back of the head for not thinking? Over the heart for the ache of regret? I'm not sure.
Matching fragment with the Clockers but it's on the wrong arm (left).
Bdubs is similar to Grian to me in a case where he brings a very goofy mood to the series. So I want to say he doesn't have a fragment for 3rd Life. Like, he betrays Impulse with 0 remorse.
Last Life, on the back where Grian shot him. That was the moment he realized Etho didn't love him as much as he thought. Shot for doing what he asked and never receiving another life. Etho's name on the tip of his tongue as he dies alone.
Limited Life, Clocker fragment, right forearm.
3rd Life, similar to Etho, I'm not sure where to place this one. But I think BigB would have a fragment for loneliness. BigB spends a lot of time that season on his own. And it's not like other seasons with lonely characters. Last Life Joel + Scar, Double Life Pearl, etc etc, they all still sort of had someone. Like Joel and Scar still technically had each other + Pearl technically had Scott, Martyn, and Cleo. BigB is mostly just doing his own thing for a good portion of 3rd Life and doesn't join a team till late season.
Last Life, matching stab fragment with Cleo because his betrayal on her hurt just as badly for him.
Limited Life, matching third eye fragment with Pearl for being a nosey neighbour.
It's so easy to betray this guy. Both 3rd and Limited Life fragments are on his back from being backstabbed by both Bdub and Martyn. Though, the one left by Bdubs in 3rd life is more prominent and fractured.
Impulse doesn't get a fragment for Last Life. He didn't do much this season and thankfully was able to avoid any huge heartbreak.
I think... despite not being in Double Life, Skizz has a huge fragment over the heart. It's not massive like Pearl's despite all 3 fragments being there simply because Skizz is filled with so much love. Love for his teammates and love for even his enemies.
3rd Life, he dies for his nation. Rushing in because he's tired of his friend being pushed around. (I will also never be over how Skizz RAN to Dogwarts when he heard Martyn beheaded Ren. He thought Martyn had betrayed Ren and was ready to CATCH HANDS despite only being in golden armour.)
Last Life, even when team BEST kicks him out, he's sure to stop in the middle of his threats to tell Tango that he's on Skizz's good side. And even though he's mad at his team, when he dies, his ghost watches over them anyway. Being the only one to hear Bdub's final words.
Limited Life we of course got the affirmation station. And when his time was up, he let Etho kill him so his whole team could stay in the game just a little longer even if Skizz could have kept trying for another 20 minutes. He loves so much it kills him almost every time.
Fragment hidden in his hair for his rage (hot-headed).
For the most part, Tango goes under the radar for the Watcher. His deaths are anticlimactic and there's never enough drama for him. They only pay attention to him when he's angry and this neglect means he holds onto grudges and hosts a furious rage for most people who have hurt him the most. Bdubs constantly being the one to take his lives in Last Life and inflicting the first rage. Martyn just never being a positive presence for Tango's POV meaning he doesn't trust him one bit. Like. Tango is Martyn's most frequent victim with 4 kills.
Another case where I'm unsure where to put it. I think Cleo would have a fragment from the stress she had to endure from stealing and hiding Pizza.
Last Life, Cleo gets a stag fragment on her back for being backstabbed by BigB. The thing that makes this fracture special is how it doesn't stay the same. The Watchers forgot to remove part of her negative feelings towards BigB after this betrayal. As the series goes on, this fragment gets bigger and bigger since Cleo never forgives BigB for this betrayal.
Limited Life, Clocker fragment, right forearm. Additionally, part of her Last Life fragment settles down thanks to her short swap with Gem.
A crack around the neck, fracturing from the back where Martyn beheaded him. Similar to Scar's explosion fragment being important because he's the first death of the series, I think this fragment is also significant since it's the first PvP kill. The first weapon drawn.
Like Skizz, Ren is also a lover. Filled with love, loyalty, and dedication to the people he cares about. His heart fracture spreads across his heart for the same reasons. He would lay his life on the line for his allies. And I think BigB leaving him for Grian broke him so much inside he couldn't return to Limited Life.
She wasn't built for this series. Wasn't built to be killed in cold blood by her soulmate Joel and his red life insanities. But she was healthy enough to be brought because just a little to stand in for Pearl.
He also wasn't built for this series. They snapped him in half bro. Being killed by Grian was too much.
If you disagree with anything or have any of your own ideas please let me know in the comments/tags <3
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sanspuppet · 7 months
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𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬 - 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
PAIRING: Yunho x fem!reader
RATING: smut (18+ MDNI)
W/T: colleagues to lovers, unprotected sex (do not), kinda rough sex, overstimulation, choking, mention of toys, creampie, pet names (doll, princess)
A/O: i want to thank @yuyusbunny for proofreading this fanfiction (i hope the next ones too) and helping me improving myself, lov u Laz 🫶🏻🫶🏻.
You were now walking down the street, your eyes clinging to your phone, searching for the nearest way to reach the bar that hired you the day before. You were messing with your left hand nervously, as you were trying to imagine your first day of work.
"It's very famous to be a bar, what if im not meant for it? Nah... they say the owner is very kind... i hope so."
Your best friend Jongho found this job for you, knowing that you were searching desperately for one, he was also a noticed costumer there, so when he mentioned you, it was almost like you were instantly accepted. Honestly you weren't into locals, that one was very well known in town, but you've never went there. A few minutes later, you were facing the entrance of the bar, the led writing with the name of it, as an attractor of attention. Flower, tiny trees and bonsais were decorating the outside, even if the local was recently open that morning, most of the tables were occupied by the people, drinking their coffees and eating something for breakfast.
"There it is..." you entered, hesitant, looking for your boss.
"Uhm... hello? Is there... a Jeong Yunho? Im y/n, the new employee." you asked at the bartender. He looked at you from head to toes, his smile making him look easily approachable.
"Oh, y/n! We finally meet, Jongho told me of you a few times. Wait a second, imma look for Yunho."
You leaned on your elbow on the counter, and tapped your fingers on the wood, while looking at the inside of the local. Soon after, you saw the figure of a tall man, heading towards you.
"Good morning."
you turned your head, looking at him. His low voice almost scared you for a second, despite his puppy eyes studying you. Meanwhile, you were already struggling to keep yourself composed:
"Shit, i didn't expect him to be this hot."
His black shirt, slightly unbottoned, was revealing his collarbones, and what it seemed the shadow of a tattoo.
"And he is supposed to be a barista??"
His cheekbones popped out when he smiled at you, revealing his sweet attitude.
"Im Yunho! Your boss, but i hope we'll get closer in the future, i'd like to be friends with my employees, if it doesn't bother you." You shaked your head, smiling back:
"Absolutely not! my name's y/n."
"My pleasure, come here, i'll teach you the work."
The day went great, the tasks were pretty easy, and you loved the chill mood created in that local, lounge bar music relaxing you and the costumers as they were waiting for you to serve their order. The only problem was that, everytime your boss was in your vicinity, checking you or just asking you to do something, your mind always blocked at his sight. No need to say because of his hotness, out of tune with his sweet personality, you'd say he's the perfect man.
"Y/n, can you come here?" you nodded and headed towards him, behind the counter.
"I need to teach you how to make coffee. You can't just be a waitress, right?" Yunho chuckled.
"Uhm... yeah, i think."
"Don't worry, it's pretty easy. We use instant coffee."
He turned, giving you his back, and took a few sticks containing the coffee mixture. Once he turned to look at you, he handed you one, smiling. Until that moment you didn't realize his hands, god his hands... slender, bony and veiny, his nails well taken care of. You shuddered when they made contact with yours, shivers running down your spine, fighting not to let yourself be carried away by your own thoughts, dirty thoughts.
"You have to pour the mixture in the cup." he gave you one, so you could copy his movements. You were quite slow in all you were doing, mind only focused on his long fingers, doing their job. You seemed... lost, or simply confused.
"y/n? you alright?" he asked, trying to figure out why you were so worked up from that easy tutorial. He then held the cup in front of your face, two fingers wrapped around the base of it. "You have to pour the boiled water slightly above two fingers, understand?"
"Wha- Oh, yes, yeah." you shook your head, trying to kick those pretty hands away from your mind.
"Then you keep stirring it until it looks good, easy right?"
Yunho grimaced, tilting his head to one side. He moved his hands on your shoulders, his fingers gripping at you. He then dragged them down your arms, slowly.
"You're so hot y/n." he whispered, his warm breath reaching your sensitive skin.
"W-what?" you felt your heartbeat accelerating from just that simple, innocent sentence. You looked at him, already panicking. He moved his right hand on your forehead, your mind was going to go on stend-by, from the feeling of him softly caressing it. You were surely developing the fattest crush you'd ever had, on him, your boss.
"You sure you're feeling good? i think you probably have a fever, your skin seems burning."
"Why does he have to be so handsome and adorable at the same time??" you said to yourself, unable to focus on his words, given his aphrodisiac beauty.
"Look at your cheeks, they're of a burning red." he caressed them, his thumb brushing the corner of your lips.
"It's because of you, dumbass." You moved your sight on his puppy eyes, probably unsuspecting the effects that his touch were giving to you.
"No, im okey." you murmured finally. Yunho moved his hands off of your body, and started to put away all of the stuff positioned on the counter.
"Uhm, anyways... the local is going to close soon, you can go for now if you want to."
You nodded, and made your way towards the door, almost forgetting it was made of glass... Well, not almost, because you bumped into it, making Yunho laugh.
The next days, and weeks, went similar: you simply did your new job. Went to work at late morning and got home at 7 p.m. You got used to that routine, you were well paid and had good company, perhaps the presence of your boss was what definitively convinced you to stay... hell ya, you were pretty sure he was the principal cause. Everyday he somehow found the way to touch you, making your insides fall apart in every single case: he'd move you away by grabbing your waist when he has to pass nearby, hold your hand when he'd accompany you to the back of the bar, or when you'd have your new nails done to get a closer sight, he also complimented your look every morning. In short: or he was the gentleman in person, or he was just clingy, or he also was infatuated by your simple existence. (No need to say that the last one was the one you hoped for so bad). At the end, you really became friends, after days of you joking and laughing together during work.
"y/n, i was wondering something." he broke the silence between you two, when he turned his head to face you, behind the counter where you were waiting for new costumers to come. You were quite nervous everytime you were alone with him: your foot kept beating on the floor.
"Uh-huh?" you murmured, focusing on the people sitting in front of you, both for not thinking of Yunho too much, and to make sure they were satisfied with your service.
"Today is Monday, right? So tomorrow we're open by the afternoon" his gaze glued to your pretty side profile.
"Yeah, i know" the feeling of his eyes sticking at you made your legs dizzy. "What's his purpose?" you thought.
"Wanna hang out later?"
"Oh no, he didn't-" you weren't mentally prepared to spend an entire evening with him, another touch from him and you were sure you'd fall on your knees for him, dick straight choking your throat. "Holy shit... and now?"
"Sure..." you couldn't deny, right? the worst thing that could have happened was that nothing would happen. In facts, you surely wanted him to just grab your hips and fuck you already. What? he couldn't just wear those skinny jeans and "accidentally" press his bulge against your ass, without expecting you to get horny. he was a freaking bastard in those moments, or he was dumb, or he liked the way you blushed and had your heart freaking out everytime he touched you, what a sadistic bastard. Yeah... you were definitely losing your mind, you craved for that man like a drugged craves for his drugs.
"Perfect! Give me your address, imma pick you up later, what about 8 p.m?" he took his phone, ready to take notes.
"shit, he's gonna enter my house"
"Uhm yeah, wait a second..."
A few hours later you were struggling to choose what to wear, still half naked from the shower you just took, hands grabbing dozens of dresses to look at them, trying to figure out which one to wear.
"if he told me at least where we're going..."
"should i wear just something cool?" "and if we go to a multi-star restaurant? i should be elegant..." "and if he takes me to his place?"
you suddenly heard the doorbell ringing, Yunho's voice speaking through the entryphone: "y/n? are you there?"
"duh... really??" you picked the first dress that caught your attention, wearing it while heading towards the principal door, you fixed your hair before opening it.
"Oh, here you are." he smiled at your presence.
"I need to do my make-up, it'll take a few minutes, come inside." you moved to one side, making him able to enter the house. He followed you till your bedroom, taking a look of the furniture, instead you entered the bathroom minding your own business. While you were putting on your mascara, you were staring at the reflection of Yunho through your mirror, and finally noticed how simply gorgeous Yunho looked: the smoking suit he was wearing fitted perfectly his slender body, the dark blue waist coat adhering to his chest. You lost yourself again inside your thoughts, your hands automatically moving and the figure of Yunho was only present in your mind. Once you got back to reality and exited your bathroom, you saw him sat on your bed, holding what seemed to be the buzzing toy you used to use during your desperate nights, and coincidentally, the night before was one of them. He was looking at it intensely, turning it around to see every detail. When he saw the small button he couldn't help but click it, making the vibrator starting to do what it was supposed to.
"Oh" a small whimper left his mouth as the toy he was holding started vibrating.
"No. nonono, fuck-" you ran towards him, intent on taking back what was yours.
"Give me that, Yunho." you took the vibration from his hands, holding it like it was your most intimate treasure.
"Uhm im sorry, i sat down and felt it under the blanket, didn't mean it." his innocent gaze turned quickly into a smirk, he leaned back on his elbows facing you while his body rested on the soft mattress of your bed, his legs open. "Didn't expect you to use that kind of stuff."
"I don't..." you tried to say, despite you perfectly knew that you sucked at lying.
"It's still wet." he chuckled, seeing your eyes widening, full of embarrassment, no wonder why your cheeks were of an intense red, and it surely wasn't because of your make-up. "Uhm-" you murmured, trying to think of a good lie this time.
"Don't lie to me, princess. You're a woman, it's normal to need some pleasure, right? Only thinking that looking at you, you'd easily get something way better than a vibrator."
You raised one eyebrow, asking again to yourself what were his wills: "What do you mean, huh?"
"Don't know, want me to prove it?" his smirk getting wider as he noticed you on the verge of your denial resistance.
"For now? No thanks im good with it."
"seriously? i had the chance to take him and i just wasted it? God, im so stupid." you wanted to slap your face right there, refusing yourself to believe what you just refused.
"Well, if you say so. Come on now, the restaurant is waiting for us."
He brought you to a famous italian restaurant, thank goodness that you were wearing an elegant dress, which as always Yunho complimented:
"You look so beautiful in that dress, the color matches your eyes perfectly." he said, when you both finished your dinner. The situation was quite embarrassing: you were constantly making eye contact, but not a single word leaving your mouth, expect a small murmur:
"Thank you, you're also very handsome..."
You didn't know if what happened at your house was only a joke, or his attempt to approach you, whatever it was, his previous proposal was now torturing your mind. After thinking of it a little too much you finally chose to just ignore it, and tried to enjoy some good time with Yunho.
"Oh God... he's drunk" you looked at his red face, chuckling while taking other sips of wine, his sight seemed fogged as he was trying hard to focus on your face when you talked:
"Yunho, you should stop drinking."
He laughed out loud, almost losing his balance, sat on his chair: "i can't! im so happy!"
"Why?" you asked, confused.
"Because i finally asked you to hang out with me!" he smiled, before standing up, already on the verge of falling, you stood up and immediately wrapped his arm around your waist, yours on his shoulder, helping him to walk straight. Your legs were shaking too, not because of the alcohol, but for the feeling of Yunho's finger gripping at your body, which drove you crazy. A smirk was continuously placed on his face, his head resting on the top of yours, as you were accompanying him to his car. You asked for its keys and sat in the driver's seat. You didn't know his address and because he was drunk he couldn't remember it, so you drove to your house. You were in your bathroom brushing your teeth and getting ready to go to sleep, once you got out, you found him already sleeping on you bed. You headed towards him, and knelt down to look at his tired face.
"He looks so cute... wait- and now? where do i sleep??"
You looked around, despite you hadn't another bed at your place, and there was no way you'd sleep on the floor, excluding your mini couch. You had no choice but to lay on your bed, staring at Yunho till collapsing from your tiredness.
The morning after, you woke up at the sunrise, when you turned your head to look for Yunho, you're heart almost stopped at the sight of his face a few inches from yours. His soft cheeks resting on the pillow made him look adorable. That moment felt perfect, until you moved your gaze down his body, and noticed his crotch pressing against the fabric of his pants, as if it wanted to escape from them, you widened your eyes, amazed:
"Jeez- he's pretty big..." you murmured, and suddenly frozen hearing Yunho yawning, having just woke up.
"what did you say, y/n? Wait... why am i laying on your bed?! W-what happened yesterday??" he immediately stood up, panick rushing inside his body.
"Nothing, you were drunk so i took you to my place."
He looked down at the feeling of his pants tightening, and gasped, knowing that you probably noticed it too, he moved his gaze at you nervously, then chuckled shyly:
"Uhm well... i should go now and take care of... the bar" he squeezed his eyes and sighed: "Yeah, the bar..."
The next weeks went as usual, just working and drooling secretly for your boss, handsome and kind as always. You were now sure that you loved him, what you kept asking to yourself was if he felt the same for you. And how could you prove that? Teasing him. Usually he was the one that "involuntarily" teased you in many ways. So you finally decided to test the waters, pretending to act normal as you were voluntarily driving him crazy. You actually acted like an annoying slut in his presence, rubbing yourself against him in every occasion, walking sensually, sure that his gaze was glued to your ass, sometimes you even vaguely flirted with cute costumers just to get him jealous. After only a week, you could tell that he was extremely on the verge of losing his patience.
It was late October, outside was raining hard and the bar was completely empty of people, just you and Yunho. He was looking intensely at you, while you were decorating a cupcake for fun, sometimes licking the cream off of your fingers joyfully. He sighed, arm crossed:
"Why you keep acting like this, huh?" he headed towards you, till he was just a few inches far from you.
"Like what?" you smirked at him.
"Like a slut, are you joking or just needy for cock? Tell me."
"Maybe both, don't know. Maybe i just need to get what im craving, don't you think?" Where did you even find that confidence all of a sudden? Was your whore side finally taking the control?
He got closer to you, the feeling of his heavy breath on your lips: "Uh-huh? And what do you crave so bad?"
you giggled, your heartbeat starting to accelerate: "Guess."
He sighed again, but this time a small smirk taking his way on his lips: "Come on doll, just stop joking around, i perfectly know you want me." he got closer, whispering at your right ear: "Just wondering why you didn't fuck me that night." You bit your lower lip, how many times you asked yourself the same question? "i don't even know, maybe you can ask me again to."
Yunho laughed, nodding. He took you in his arms, and make you sit on the counter, his hands on your sides to make you stay still. You could hear his heart pulsing quickly, yours was about to flutter, and the both of you inhaling deeply the air. He whispered again, his voice lower than ever:
"Wanna fuck, my beautiful?"
You chuckled: "who told you that im yours"
"Gonna mark you right now."
You whispered back: "Go on, then." Before he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him, kissing you passionately. Your tongues found their ways inside your mouths, his hands moving on every inch of your body, you could feel your skin burning under his touch. Thrill rushing in your blood as he sucked on your neck, leaving hickeys all over your sensitive skin, he was about to hike your t-shirt up when you stopped him:
"Yunho... the bar is open."
He rolled his eyes back and sighed: "Okey then, i'll bring you to my house, now." He took your hands, helping you to get down of the counter. He turned off the lights and the power of the place, you ran to his car while he was closing the bar. When you arrived, Yunho was already taking you in his arms, heading towards his bedroom. You giggled when he pinned you against the wall, him holding your wrist while you were stuck in a long, wet kiss. Small whimpers leaving your mouth, happy because you finally were trapped in his arms, horny because you were imagining what was coming next:
"Come on boss, teach me how to behave."
He groaned, looking intensely at your smirking face: "Oh fuck, i love when you call me that way" he sucked your earlobe, then murmured: "it gets me so hard, you can't even imagine." He gripped your waist, and throwed you onto the bed, leaving small kisses down your body, while he was dragging your clothes off of you, until you were completely naked. Shivers were running down your spine at the sudden cold feeling. He stood up, taking a complete look of your breathtaking body, his boner exposing his needs.
"God, you're soaking wet, all because of me." he chuckled, his chest expanding continuously as he was breathing heavily, while unbuttoning his shirt. Once he had only his boxers on, you were desperately begging him to go ahead: "please please please take them off..."
Yunho opened your legs, making room for himself. He pressed his bulge on your bare cunt, forcing you to whine annoyingly.
"You like when i tease you, don't you?"
"God im begging you please i need you inside me"
"Oh i see, should i give you what you want since you're acting so good for me?" he dragged down his underwear, his cock popping out, standing proudly: "Hmm?"
You kept nodding: "Yesyesyesyes-"
One hand held your thigh firmly as the other stroked his length a few times, preparing at the incoming pleasure he was about to feel. You arched your back when he finally pushed himself inside you, unbelievably hitting your g-spot with the first thrust:
"Fuck! Shit Yunho- s-so perfect..."
His hands were caressing your belly softly, unlike the way he was pumping in you roughly. He was too excited to finally have you, he couldn't contain himself and be gentle. No, he wanted to ruin your pretty hole so you would stop to seduce him and getting him hard during work.
"Now that you're so whiny, do you still wanna tease me?" he stopped, knowing that it would drive you crazy. He felt your walls clenching intensely, signaling him that you were "so close so close- please keep it in!"
"You're already reaching your orgasm, doll?" his cockhead rubbing against your clit, enough for you to roll your eyes back and suddenly creaming your folds. You moaned loudly, you're voice broken after only a few minutes. He leaned on you, his hands caressing your collarbones, feeling your chest widening under his palm.
"Too bad, because i haven't yet."
Yunho wrapped his fingers around your neck, squeezing it enough for you to breathe but not to groan. You looked at him with desperate eyes, feeling your soul almost leaving your body because of the overwhelming pleasure.
"i'll be forced to give you some days off, you're not going to walk for a week"
You wrapped both of your hands around his wrist, helping yourself to stay still while he was pressing you against the mattress. Every single thrust felt like heaven, there was no way he could be a virgin, he knew every spot where you needed to be touched. Yunho was also pretty loud during sex, your pussy fitted him perfectly, so much that he became addicted to it within the first minute. A mix of low and high moans were leaving his mouth constantly, he threw his head back once he felt his climax getting closer.
"Fuck you're so perfect for me, can't wait you to be mine."
Yunho took his hand off of your neck, and held your legs while he was pumping in you lastly. He bit his tongue forcefully, you were surely the best fuck he'd ever had. He didn't want to stop, despite the pleasure becoming too intense to be handled. Tears were falling across your face, feeling your pussy getting worshipped by his dick, too fucked out to even answer him:
"Want me to fill you with my seed, princess?"
You nodded slightly, biting your lower lip and rubbing away your ruined mascara from your eyes.
He pulled out and in, one time, rougher than ever.
"I want you to use your words when i speak."
You whined in reply: "Shit- yes boss, im begging you."
A few more thrust and he felt his orgasm hitting his body, releasing a big load, ropes of hot cum taking their way inside you, mixed with your own arousal. You both groaned at the addictive feeling. His cock was swirling once he finally slid out of you. Yunho headed towards the bathroom and brought you a towel, he caressed you inner thighs while cleaning you from the mess he made. He kissed your body repeatedly, getting closer to your face. He stopped at the sight of your surprised expression:
"Aftercare?" you asked.
"What? I might be a rough dom but im still a gentleman."
Yunho joined you on the bed, and wrapped his arms around your body in a warm hug. He moved your hair from your face leaving a small kiss on your forehead.
"Gotta make sure you'll never leave me."
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 14 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: With a little help from Jake, Bob and Molly, Bradley gets a chance to plead his case. But you're still on the fence about the Phillies game, and Bradley can't stand the thought of disappointing Everett. He bought those tickets for the three of you, because he wants to be on your perfect, little team.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, and fluff
Length: 4000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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When Molly told you that she couldn't take Everett to practice on Thursday, you actually whined at her. You were a mess of every emotion that could possibly be felt right now, and you were afraid you'd collapse like a house of cards in a stiff breeze as soon as you saw Bradley's big brown eyes again. 
And then you remembered everything Jake said, and you wanted to run Bradley over with your car. You couldn't go on feeling this divided inside. You were exhausted and not sleeping well, and you snapped at Everett over nothing this morning. And now as you were about to pick him up and take him to practice, you needed to get back on track. You needed to stop thinking about Bradley.
"Mom!" Everett said, climbing into your car and buckling up. "Only three more days until the Phillies game."
You sighed and let your forehead rest briefly on your steering wheel before you started pulling out of the parking lot. "Ev, I don't know if that's still happening."
There was silence from the backseat. "Is this because you've been sad?" Your heart was squeezing in your chest as you swallowed hard. "Because the Phillies will cheer you up! And Coach Bradley will be there, and it's not on a tee ball day, so I can just call him Bradley like you do. And we can eat hot dogs like we did at the game last year."
"Ev," you managed to say, but there were tears in your eyes again. "We can talk about it more later, okay?"
"Yeah," he whispered, and you knew he was confused and upset, but you thought this was better than blindsiding him later. 
When you got to the ballfield, you made it a point to park far away from the Bronco. You changed your shoes on your way down to the bleachers like you always did, and Bradley came over to greet Everett like he always did. But his eyes were hopeful and set on you, almost like he was relieved. 
"Kitten," he whispered in that damn voice that made you see stars when you touched yourself in bed. 
"Coach," you replied without emotion, kneeling down in front of Everett to help him change into his cleats. 
"I can't tell you how happy I am to see you," Bradley said softly, and you could see him shifting from foot to foot out of the corner of your eye.
You kissed Everett's cheek and sent him over to Bob to warm up. Then you met Bradley's soft gaze with one of steel. "Molly was unavailable today. That's why I'm here. And I thought I told her to tell you to stop sending flowers to my house."
He nodded. "She did."
"Then why are there still flowers being delivered to my house?"
Bradley reached for you, but you stepped away from him. This was good. He was pissing you off. You didn't feel like forgiving him at all. He wouldn't stop with the flowers, and he was trying to touch you even though you didn't want him to.
"Kitten," he whispered. 
"Stop calling me that."
He sighed. "I know why you're still mad at me. You should be mad at me. I'm mad at myself." When you didn't respond, he said, "I'll stop sending flowers to your house if you let me walk you and Ev to your car after practice."
It seemed like a small price to pay, honestly. "Fine."
Bradley's eyes lit up like you had agreed to a lot more than walking forty yards with him. "Perfect," he whispered. "I can't wait."
You watched him walk away as you settled on the bleachers. Really, the walk to your car would only take a few minutes, and Everett would be doing most of the talking. You'd be fine. And over time, you'd get over Bradley and the way he broke your heart. 
So you watched the practice, trying to focus on Everett, but fully aware that your gaze made its way to Bradley every few minutes. You almost couldn't handle the way he was so sweet with your son, kneeling down to make sure Everett was okay after he got hit with a ball. You didn't have the heart to tell your son that there would be no more hanging out in the park with his coach. 
When practice was ending, you pulled Everett's shoes out and braced yourself for the walk to your car with Bradley. It would be fine.
Then you heard the other moms, and you felt like crying again as you looked down at your feet. "I see she's finally back at practice today, Tara." It was Sandra, not even trying to keep her voice down. 
"I don't see how she's allowed to be Team Mom if she's never here." What the hell? You only missed one game and one practice!
"Here comes Bradley. I think I'll ask him about it."
But Bradley must have heard them, because you looked up to see him and Everett standing in front of you. "Come on, Sandra, don't give her a hard time for missing a practice," Bradley said, and you gaped at him. He looked angry as he talked to the other moms. 
You turned to look at Sandra over your shoulder as she sweetly said, "It was actually a practice and a game, Bradley. And I'd be more than happy to take over her duties."
"No," Bradley said firmly. "She's the best, and I want the best for the team."
"It was just a suggestion," Sandra muttered, glaring at you as you stood and had Everett sit down. You quickly switched his shoes without a word and then you turned to Bradley who was looking at you like you were something to be adored.
"We're walking to the parking lot now," you told him. "And remember, no more flowers after this. Come on, Ev." You watched your son bounce a few steps ahead of you and Bradley, and you decided to be as cordial as you could. "And thanks, but I don't need you to defend me like that. I can take care of myself."
Bradley looked at you while you looked straight ahead. "I know you can. And you can take care of Everett, too. That's part of the reason I find you so sexy."
You pressed your lips together and tried to keep yourself from moaning. It wasn't fair that he was able to make you so confused with just his words. Then he added, "I'll always defend you both, Kitten. Always."
"Bradley," you murmured, emotionally lost between tears and attraction.
"You and Ev, whatever it takes," he rasped, his voice so soft as you watched Everett stop his bouncing. 
"Hey, Coach? My mom said we might not be going to the Phillies game."
"Ev," you said, cutting Bradley off before he could say anything. "I said we would talk about it later."
"But Mom, it is later," he replied, and you watched Bradley rubbing his face with his hands in frustration. "And I really want to go!"
Thankfully you were close to your car now, so you started walking a little faster. But you still heard Bradley say, "I really want to go, too."
Bradley's heart was pounding as he opened the back door for Everett just like he used to. You had parked so far away from his Bronco, it made his heart ache even more. Before he closed the door, Bradley leaned in and said, "Great practice today, kiddo. I'll see you on Saturday? You'll be well rested? We need our power hitter against the Tiny Cardinals."
"Yeah, Coach Bradley," he replied with a high five. But Everett's disappointment over potentially missing the Phillies game was palpable, and Bradley's heart clenched as he closed the door. 
He turned to look at you, realizing this was his only chance. After this, he wouldn't be able to hold anything over your head to make you talk to him or spend time with him. If he didn't pull this off now, you'd kick him to the curb for good. 
"I'm not going to lie to you. I'm never going to lie to you, Kitten," he promised, and he watched your eyes flutter closed as you leaned back against your car door. "I said that shit so many weeks ago, because I was afraid of the way I felt about you. I was dying to get to know you, even after the first day we met. You and Ev? You're perfect, baby. You're obviously too good for me, that much is clear. And I was insecure, and I am embarrassed about it now."
"Bradley," you whispered, looking up at him with tears in your pretty eyes. The urge to touch you was almost too much, but he managed to keep his hands clenched at his sides. 
"I know, Kitten. I fucked up with you. I would do anything for you to forgive me, for you to let me try to make this right. Because I want to be with you, be your only ball of yarn. But I will get on my knees right now and beg you to let me take Everett to the Phillies game on Sunday. I'll beg you if that's what it takes, because I can't bear to see him upset. I can't be someone who lets him down after making a promise to him. Please." 
You just looked at him, your lip quivering as you wiped the unshed tears from your eyes. The words were right there on the tip of his tongue, but he was too afraid to say them yet. He knew you'd get right in your car and drive away if he dared to say them to you right now. So he nodded once and started to drop down to his knees, but you reached for his arm, keeping him up.
"Don't beg," you whispered, releasing him as soon as you were convinced he wasn't going to kneel down. He wanted your hand back on him immediately, but you were clasping your fingers nervously in front of you now, and Bradley once again couldn't believe he'd done this to you.
You sniffed and then said, "You can take Ev to the Phillies game, but you'll have to find someone else for the third ticket. Maybe Bob will go, too."
Bradley's heart was pounding. You were going to let him take Everett to the game. "Kitten, it's either the three of us going together, or Ev and I will sit with an empty seat next to us. I got that ticket for you."
You licked your lips and nodded, and Bradley was just about to reach for you, but then you said, "After Sunday, I'll figure out how to tell him that you won't be spending time with us outside of tee ball anymore."
And as elated as he felt over being able to take Everett to the game, now he was afraid he was going to cry in front of you. "Kitten, just think about coming with us, okay? Just think about not having that conversation with him."
You started shaking your head, but Bradley caged you in against the door, his fingers brushing your hair. "You won't let me drop to my knees and beg you. You won't let me try to be better for you. Kitten, you're breaking my heart. So please, please just don't make any decisions like that yet. That third ticket is yours if you want it. I don't need an answer yet. Just think about it." 
You were just a few inches away from him when you finally nodded, and Bradley let out the breath he had been holding. 
"I'll think about it," you whispered, barely meeting his eyes, and he moved out of your personal space as you opened your door and slipped inside. Bradley gently closed the door and watched you drive away as Everett waved to him from the back seat. 
As soon as you were out of sight, Bradley's phone rang in his pocket, and he scrambled just in case it was you. Maybe you already decided to give him another chance?
It was Jake. "What do you want?" Bradley growled into his phone. 
"Hey, are you coming to the bar tonight? I have some good news for you."
Bradley signed and headed for the Bronco. "This better be the best news I've ever heard."
You were thankful that Everett's game wasn't until Saturday afternoon, because that meant Molly could come with you. She had been so good to you all week, making sure you had everything you needed and running Everett around when she wasn't working. Plus, she'd been spending a lot of time with Bob.
It was obvious to you that she was smitten with Coach Cute Glasses, and things were starting to heat up a bit for them. You were happy for her, of course you were, but every time you thought about the night that the five of you went out for pizza, you got jealous. You wanted that all the time. But you also wanted Bradley to respect you and Everett. 
"You ready to go?" Molly asked Everett as he was dressed in his uniform. 
"Ready!" he said with a high five. When you had walked past his bedroom door to make sure he was getting changed for the game, you saw him flipping through the binder of baseball cards that Bradley had apparently dropped off for him. The stuffed Phanatic was back on his bed for now. His Phillies cap was hanging on the doorknob. You were making the right decision by allowing Bradley to take him to the Phillies game. But you were a little sad you'd be missing out.
"Let's go then," Molly told him, bending to tickle his sides. "Stop messing around, Everett. We'll be late if you don't stop," she told him as she continued to tickle him until he escaped and ran out to your car. "God, I fucking love that kid."
You laughed for the first time in so many days. "He's the best."
Molly looked at you cautiously. "Bob told me that Bradley was grounded at work all week. He was a distracted mess, so they wouldn't let him fly."
You gaped at her. "He was?"
"He was," Molly confirmed. "According to Bob, he's a mess over what happened with you. He can barely eat, and he's been drinking a lot of bourbon."
You bit your lip against the feeling of elation filling you up. You didn't necessarily want Bradley to feel that way, and you certainly didn't want anyone to get hurt. But if he was really distraught because of you, then maybe he really did care. Maybe he really did have a change of heart. 
"And that's not all," Molly added as you followed her out to your car. 
"It's not?" you whispered, heart pounding.
Molly shook her head. "I'm only telling you this, because I'm pretty sure Bobby is incapable of lying. But Bradley told him he's never felt this way before, and he's in it for the long haul, willing to keep trying to get you back. He said you and Everett are perfect."
You froze with your hand on your car door. "He told me that, too, Molly. Do you think I should give him a second chance?"
Your sister sighed and just kind of shrugged at you. "I love you, and I want you to be happy. Did he make you happy when he wasn't being a douche canoe?"
You closed your eyes and pictured him eating ice cream with Everett on his lap. You thought about how he still showed up to Career Day. You thought about sitting on the beach and having cheap burgers and expensive champagne with him. "He did," you whispered, your forehead coming to rest against your car.
"Mom, we'll be late!" Everett called through the closed door, and you lifted your head to look at Molly.
"Maybe let him try to prove that he means what he's saying now, and not what he said before?" Molly suggested. 
"Maybe," you agreed, opening your door. 
This time you parked a little closer to the Bronco, and when you spotted Bradley, he was already making his way over. 
"There's Coach Bradley," Everett announced, hopping out of the car before you even had your seatbelt off. You watched Everett run right for him without hesitation, knowing he'd be welcomed by a hug and a pat on the shoulder. Bradley turned Everett's Tiny Eagles cap around backward just like his, and you could see Everett talking a mile a minute. 
"You're staring longingly," Molly remarked. 
"I can't help it," you groaned. "I want to believe him. I don't want to have to tell Everett that we can't spend time with him anymore. And I want to go to the damn Phillies game tomorrow."
"Then go," Molly urged. "If he fucks up again, you can pull the plug with no remorse. A third chance is one too many, especially where Everett is concerned."
When you climbed out of the car and made your way toward Bradley, he tracked your every move. "Kitten."
You pressed your lips together. "Hi, Coach," you replied, and you found it impossible to keep emotion from your voice today. Bradley must have noticed it, too, because he took a stumbling step toward you while his hand was still on Everett's shoulder. 
"How are you?" he asked, and Molly breezed right past him in search of Bob. 
You shrugged and said, "Okay."
"Time to start warming up," Bradley told Everett, and then when your son was gone, he took another step closer to you. "I miss you a lot, Kitten. I've been miserable. The best parts of my week were Career Day and when I got to see you at practice on Thursday. And right now. This is probably the best part of my week."
He was wearing down your resolve with his words and his unshaved face and the exhausted look in his brown eyes. And the fact that this was probably the best part of your week as well was at the forefront of your mind. 
Bradley opened his mouth to say something else, but you could hear the umpire calling for the coaches. "You better go," you told him, but he didn't move.
He swallowed hard, brown eyes on yours and asked, "Can we talk more after the game? Walk up to your car again?" 
You were nodding before you even knew it, and a hint of a smile graced his lips as he turned toward the team.
When the Tiny Eagles managed to pull out another win, Bradley was happy. But when you let him walk you back to your car while Molly and Everett ran ahead of you, he was elated. Your fingers brushed against his, and Bradley was dying to take your hand in his. But then you moved further away from him.
He cleared his throat and adjusted his hat, beyond nervous about how you were going to respond to him. "I'll be at your house at noon tomorrow. That okay, Kitten?" You turned toward him with a puzzled look, and the afternoon sun made your eyes light up. 
"I thought the game started at four?" you asked softly. 
"It does. But there's something I wanted Ev to see at the ballpark before the game starts. If that's okay." Bradley was shocked when Jake managed to work his connections to get access to the locker room before the game. Bradley was also allowed to let Everett on the ballfield and pitcher's mound. Now if only you would agree to come, too.
You nibbled on your lip. "That should be fine. I'll have him ready to go at noon." Then you turned away from him and headed for your car, but Bradley reached out for your hand. And you didn't pull away.
"Are you coming too, Kitten? That ticket is yours. Like I told you from the beginning, I'd be happy sitting in any seat where I can see you."
Bradley watched your eyes flutter closed, and he pulled you a little closer by your hand. "Bradley, I don't know if it's a good idea."
"Me and you are a great idea. I didn't quite see it at first. Not the full picture anyway. But I do now."
Your voice was firm, but your eyes were soft as you said, "Everett and I are a package deal. You don't get me without him, and you don't get him without me."
"I understand, Kitten. You're a team. I'm dying to be on that team."
You sucked in a deep breath and said, "I'll see you at noon tomorrow." And then your hand was slipping from his grasp, and you were walking toward your car and pulling out of the parking space. And Bradley still didn't know if you'd be coming to the Phillies with him and Ev or not.
When Bradley pulled up to your house at ten minutes before noon the following day, he had finally reached the point where he would accept what you told him. If you said you didn't want him around any longer after he brought Everett home tonight, he'd let you move on. He'd figure out a way to enjoy the last few weeks of tee ball with Ev, but then he would just get used to missing both of you. At least that's what he kept telling himself. 
Everett was bounding out the door wearing a Phillies jersey and his backwards cap before Bradley had even reached the porch. "Bradley! We match!"
Bradley laughed and gave him a hug. "We sure do, kiddo. I'll bet we're the biggest Phillies fans in the whole city."
Everett's eyes went wide. "Yeah. You're probably right." Bradley was eyeing the front door cautiously while Everett asked if he knew who the starting pitchers were going to be. 
"I'm not sure, but they'll announce it before the game starts," Bradley muttered, but there was still no sign of you. "Where's your mom, Ev?"
But then there you were, casually strolling out onto your front porch in ripped jeans and a Phillies shirt. And Bradley took that as a very good sign. "Do you want me to drive? Since I have the booster seat for Ev?" you asked, walking down the front steps to join them.
Bradley was gaping at you. "You're coming?" Everett was beaming, looking back and forth between the two of you. 
"Yeah, I'm coming," you said softly. 
Relief washed over Bradley, and suddenly it felt like the perfect spring day. It felt like he was being given another chance. "I'm happy there won't be an empty seat."
You smiled softly at him. "So you want me to drive?"
Bradley shook his head and reached for your hand and Everett's. "I bought a booster seat and installed it. I can drive."
Your palm slid across his as you echoed him. "You bought a booster seat? For Everett?"
"Yeah," Bradley replied. "And now I'll have it ready for the next time we go somewhere?" He heard the soft sound you made as you watched Everett climb into the backseat, and then Bradley leaned in close, his lips brushing your cheek. "Please, Kitten, tell me there can be a next time?"
You turned a bit, and your lips met Bradley's so softly as you said, "I hope so." 
With longing in his heart, Bradley opened the door for you, and then he walked around to the driver's seat. After he started the Bronco and shifted into drive, he let his hand come to rest on the seat, and you took it in yours. 
"This is the best day ever!" Everett cheered from the backseat as Bradley headed for Petco Park and the Phillies, feeling better than he had in over a week.
Kitten is going to the Phillies game! Coach, do not fuck this up, my man! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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moon7jay · 6 months
I can't stop thinking about loser sub ceo!jake who's the one the most powerful and the richest businessmen in the world and despite his power he's a loser when it comes to dating and girls in general but he's desperately in love with one of his employees aka you. And one day he invites you to his luxurious apartment to help him in a work project since he believes that you're the only qualified employee he can trust and it's an excuse for him to get to know you better. And after months of sending you gifts, flowers and love letters anonymously to your house and to your office he finally gets the courage to confess his deepest feelings for you and confront you with the truth that he was the secret admirer who was sending you those things and after taking you on the best date ever the day ends with him under you moaning and whimpering only for you 😩
Ooh just moaned out loud cuz he's not gonna stop by taking u once, once u accept his feelings and allow him to indulge in u, he's gonna be buried in ur cunt during office hours too. He's a pervert and even though he loves you, he loves your body a little too much, obsessive in a sense.
Impaling u on his cock at the backseat of his car during lunch hours cuz he can't wait till the office is over
"Such a horny fucking loser aren't u, f-fuck give it to me harder" you whine as he pounds away in ur pussy, face buried in the crook of your neck, whimpering like a horndog
"Wanna fuck u all the time, please y/n, so fucking hard for u a-all the t-time" he moans in your skin, his hips snapping faster and harsher, balls slapping your ass making obscene sounds
your nails dig into the back of his neck as the car gets filled up with moans and groans of pleasure, the whole car shaking from his thrusts and if someone sees it from outside it won't be difficult for them to know what's happening inside. But does jake care? No.
But u don't care either cuz teasing jake is so fucking fun, your boss is so easily riled up when it comes to u.
You'll be sitting across him in a meeting and start rubbing your feet on his leg, slowly moving it upwards, watching how jake bites his lower lip to stop himself from making a sound. His pleading eyes find yours but u r having too much fun with how his eyes widen when ur feet reaches between his legs, just rubbing and rubbing, his cock getting harder underneath your touch.
You pull your leg away as soon as the meeting ends, leaving jake high and dry on the verge of an orgasm, panting like a stupid puppy.
"bury your tongue inside of me and please me like a good boy and i might give u my pussy to get off"
you don't need to tell him twice, he's getting under the table, CEO suit be damned, spreading your legs apart and burying his face between ur soft thighs, slurping and eating.
"What are people gonna think when they find out how desperate u r to get on ur knees for me huh?" u ask, ur eyes rolling to the back of your head with how good he's eating u out. Your words seem to excite him more as he starts humping your leg, moaning and sending delicious vibrations to your cunt. You bury your fingers in his hairs and pull him closer inside your pussy, grinding your clit on his nose
"Oh yeah get yourself off like a stupid puppy, that's all u r aren't u? Just a sex starved loser"
Your words of degradation only turn him on, he's an absolute loser for ur pussy
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orionremastered · 4 months
Hi, I hope I'm requesting right, but I was thinking maybe something to do with Tim Drake for Valentine's day? Like he plans the whole thing out and gets the reader her favorite flowers and gifts and they go on a cute dinner date or something like that? Maybe he even asks his brothers for help and they tease him (and then help him ofc). Sorry if this doesn't make sense, you don't have to do it (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Valentines Date
When Tim told you to wear something 'fancy', you can't express how much time you spent searching, pulling your hair out and having mental breakdowns over your clothes, hair, and make up if you choose to wear it.
After you finally decide that you're ready to go to somewhere 'fancy', you step out of your place and see Tim wearing a fine-cut suit, probably Italian based on what he likes to wear most. He's leaning against his black Lamborghini, a smile on his face that no amount of training can help him fight. He passes you a bouquet of your favourite flowers, neatly placed in a way that makes you wonder if they placed deliberately.
Knowing Tim, they probably were.
"You look stunning," he says, opening the door for you. As you step inside the car, you pull him down by his collar and press a quick kiss to his cheek.
You laugh to yourself as he pouts, but then steps into the driver's seat.
It seems that the rain let up for just one short moment in Gotham, but that didn't mean the dark clouds above had left. As Tim drives you both to a location he refuses to tell you, you fidget nervously with the bouquet.
He places a hand on your thigh, rubbing it idly as he drives.
You arrive at a restaurant that you've being eyeing for forever now, fancy and expensive, but you can't remember telling Tim about it. You don't ask.
He opens the door for you after parking and you step out onto the pavement. You hold his hand as he leads you inside.
The restaurant is empty, except for the staff. "What? I don't—"
"I booked out the whole place just for you and me," he says, leading you to a table for two.
"Tim, that's expensive."
"I've already made the money back," he chides. "No need to fret. Besides, you're finally eating at the place you always told me about."
"Tim, I never told you I wanted to eat here. Don't get me wrong, I always have, but I never brought it up with you. Only with..."
You only brought it up with Jason.
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idyllcy · 1 year
marry you
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Word count: 2.2k
Summary: Komaeda meets his beloved spouse after his luck finally gives him one thing.
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Komaeda doesn't have many memories from his childhood.
Not many, but he has a single one he's never forgotten. He has a finished green ring pop that he carries on him at all times, and he has a photo that reminds him of the event in his wallet that he guards with his life.
Komaeda remembers it quite vividly. 
The sun shone brightly, and the flowers in his backyard were a nice, bright color compared to how they were in the rest of his memories.
Nagito Komaeda remembers that moment with his whole heart.
Under the burning sun of June, Nagito Komaeda had gotten married to you as a seven-year-old.
It's hard to forget one's first love.
"Nagi!!" You beam, running at the boy. "Let's get married!"
"H-huh?" Komaeda's eyes widen at you, and you grin at him. 
"I heard that's what people do if they're in love!"
"B-but we're not old enough!"
"But you love me, right?"
"Y-yeah?" Komaeda tilts his head in confusion.
"I love you too! So let's get married!" You grin. You're missing a tooth because you just lost one, but Komaeda thinks you look really pretty under the sun. A child doesn't know the word ethereal, but Komaeda would've called you that if he had known. "I'm wearing the whitest clothes I have today, just for this moment!"
Komaeda blinks.
"I don't have a ring," He pouts.
"Do you have money?"
"Yeah," he stares at you. 
"Let's go get ring pops!!" You pull him from the grass, and he stumbles after you. The sun burns his skin lightly. He's always been prone to sunburns, but he doesn't seem to mind as you're racing down the neighborhood to get to the convenience store. 
Komaeda sits on the parking block as you rush inside with his money, and he pouts. He chases after you, whining about how since he was richer he should pay.
"Nuh uh! I brought money too!"
"But I have more money than you!" He pouts. "Also, as a gift. I didn't get to buy you your wedding outfit."
You yelp as Komaeda takes your silence as an answer and runs off with the two rings. He pays for them quickly, rushing the cashier with a pout on his face as you rush to grab him. He grins as the cashier hands him the receipt with a laugh, and you pout.
"No takebacks!" He blows a raspberry at you, and he grins. "I bought your ring, hah!"
You frown, and his expression softens at your discomfort.
"I'm sorry," He mumbles. "But I wanted to pay."
"It's alright," You mumble, reaching for his hand. "Who's the ring bearer? Ring.. ring boy."
"Can Hope do it?"
"Yeah," You mumble back, following Komaeda. A part of him wants to rip open the candy and eat it, but he thinks it'll be gone by the time the two of you are done with the wedding.
Komaeda remembers the way you had jumped up and down while explaining to his parents what the two of you were going to do. Your parents had laughed, and Komaeda's parents had ruffled your hair affectionately. They would help officiate the wedding.
Komaeda remembers how his mom and your mom had pushed you into a room to help you get ready, and he remembers how his dad with yours had dragged him to the backyard to pick flowers for you. Komaeda remembers how hard he was sweating when he finished making the bouquet for you. It was so pretty. Komaeda had done his best to give you the prettiest bouquet. 
You looked pretty when you stepped out of the room. You had your mom put lipstick on your, as a child asks, and you had grinned at Komaeda affectionately. He remembers how you looked while walking down the aisle. Well, it wasn't an aisle. It was the garden pathway that Komaeda had deemed as the prettiest while you were getting ready. 
You wore white, as one does on their wedding, and Komaeda had changed into his best outfit. He remembers how Hope, only a puppy at the time, had dropped the rings in their packaging twice, and he remembers his dad helping the puppy take then to him. He remembers the way you ran down the garden pathway, a smile so bright it put the sun to shame on your face as you stopped next to him.
"Do you, Komaeda Nagito, take Y/n L/n as your lawfully wedded spouse?" Komaeda's dad does a dramatic wave of his arm at you.
"I do!" Komaeda remembers that his cheeks hurt from how hard he smiled.
"Do you, Y/n L/n, take Komaeda Nagito as your darling husband?" His dad does the same to Komaeda.
"Yes!" You jump excitedly. "I do!!"
"Please exchange your rings!" Komaeda's dad laughs heartily as the two of you rip open the package to slip on eachothers' ring fingers. Komaeda struggles a little because yours won't fit, and neither does his, but the two of you make it work. The ring is too big for the both of you; you guys have to hold it on, and Komaeda's mom grins as she pulls out her camera. 
"Baby, that's the wrong finger," Your mom lowers herself to your height, and she helps the two of you fix the ring placement. "This one," she slides the ring onto your ring finger. "That's the ring finger. The middle finger is for engagement."
"What's engagement?"
"It's like promising to marry someone," She smiles, adjusting Komaeda's ring. "But the two of you are married already, so it's the ring finger."
"Alright," You mumble, staring at the blue candy on your finger.
"I now pronounce the two of you married!" Komaeda's dad laughs as the two of you hug. 
"Smile!" Komaeda's mom holds a camera up, and you press your lips to Komaeda's cheek.
Komaeda turns red, stumbling over his words as you grin at him. 
"W-what was that for!"
"I heard you have to kiss at a wedding," You pout. "I saw it on TV."
"Does that mean I have to kiss you?" Komaeda mumbles, flushing impossible redder.
"Maybe," You shrug. "You don't need to-"
Komaeda presses his lips to your cheek in the second photo, and your eyes are widened in surprise. Komaeda remembers you smacking his chest lightly afterwards, whining about how he caught you off guard. He remembers how you had bit his ring pop in retaliation and how he got offended, so he bit yours. The two of you had finished your ring pops in his backyard on his swings, and the two of you had watched the sun set. 
Komaeda's mom had printed out the photos she took for the two of you to keep as a memory.
He remembers you tucking his into his wallet and how you had tucked yours into your wallet.
"Now we match!" You lips and tongue were blue from the candy, but Komaeda didn't mind. You still looked really pretty.
"Now that we're married..." Komaeda trails, staring up from the grass. "What do married people do?"
"I don't know," You pause. "They kiss and have kids... and stuff."
"But we're still kids," Komaeda mumbles. "We can't have kids yet."
"Yeah," You pout. "But promise me that we'll talk about it when we're older!"
Komaeda intertwines his pinky with yours, and he mumbles to himself. "What if you cheat."
"I would never!" You gasp, sitting up. "I could never do that! Nagi, I love you!!! People who love each other don't cheat!"
"Alright," Komaeda sighs. 
"You won't cheat either, right?" You mumble.
"Yeah," Komaeda grins. "I could never. I love you a whooooole lot!"
"How much?"
"Thiiiiiiiis," Komaeda waves his hands around. "Much!"
"Well," You mumble. "I love thiiiiis much too!" You mimic his wave, and Komaeda laughs. 
"No I love you more than that!"
"Oh, yeah? Prove it!"
Komaeda wakes up to the sound of his alarm, dragging his limbs out of bed. Ah, how nostalgic. His luck had moved you away from him immediately after the two of you got 'married'. He misses you. A lot.
Komaeda stares at the clock on his bedstand, and he glances at his wallet and keychain. He had dug a hole through the ring to loop a chain through. It's carried around with him. The photo of the two of you is in his wallet, tucked behind a plastic covering to avoid getting ruined or wet. 
The sun presses kisses to his face, and he washes up for the day. He brushes his teeth, eyes trailing to the necklace hung up. He dries his hands, and he clasps it around his neck. Tucking it gently behind his uniform collar, he grabs a slice of toast, and he heads to school for the day. 
The sun burns his skin, but he supposes he'll be fine. He has sunscreen on, and he's sure he'll live. He doesn't get sunburnt as often anymore.
He wonders how his luck is going to affect him today.
Stopping at the vending machine for a drink, he opens his wallet. As he does, to glance at the photo, it starts raining. Komaeda panics at the sight of the photo getting wet, and Komaeda feels his heart shatter in his ears. Rushing to get under a roof, he tries drying the photo however he could. It gets worse, and Komaeda feels his stomach churn uncomfortably. He wants to cry. 
The panic flooding his body makes him unaware of anything else going on around him, and he bites his bottom lip as he gives up on restoring the image. That was absolutely awful. Is his luck trying to kill him? Oh, god. No. He's praying something good happens today. By the way his luck was, it'd be strange for something good to actually happen.
The rain clears up, and Komaeda rushes to get to school. 
He was held back; he didn't need to be late to class.
At the gate of the main course, Komaeda slips on a puddle and lands face-first into the cement. It hurts. He gets up onto his knees, and he rubs his nose. There's blood coming out. He grimaces, and he mumbles to himself. What an awful morning. Just how much did the universe hate him today? His luck was absolutely awful. What the hell?
A hand offers him a handkerchief.
"A-ah, no, it's alright," He smiles, looking up at them. "It'd be rude for me to dirty an ultimate's handkerchi..." His eyes widen at the sight of their face. "ef."
"Even if it's your spouse's?" You help him up, pressing the fabric to his nose, and you have him tilt his head forward to stop the nosebleed. Komaeda doesn't fight your movement, body relaxing at your touch. He missed you. Ah, he can feel tears forming in his eyes. "I'll take you to the nurse's office."
"A-ah," Komaeda panics. "It's fine!"
"I insist," You mumble. "I know how to stop one, but I need you to sit down."
Komaeda doesn't fight you as you lead him to the nurse's office. Mikan helps him out, and you lean on the wall as he gets treated.
"You're still injury prone, huh?" You laugh as Mikan excuses herself at the sound of the bell.
"We're late for class," Komaeda mumbles, getting up.
"I told Mikan to explain that we'd be late," You smile. "You can walk slowly."
Komaeda stares at you for the first time, taking your features in. You haven't changed a single bit. He stares at you, growing embarrassed with each passing second. You're so gorgeous. Hell. You look just as pretty as the day you left him. He wants to see you in white again. Can he propose again? Did you still have your ring base? Do you still have the photo? Wait. Shit. The photo.
Komaeda fishes out his wallet, checking to see if the photo had dried and was still in one piece. 
It is not.
"Nagi?" The name rolls off your tongue naturally, and you slap your hands over your mouth. "Sorry. That came out naturally. I'm not sure if we're-"
"We're married," Komaeda swallows, face red. "You can call me whatever you want. Uh, my photo... got ruined. I'm sorry. You can smack me if you wan-"
You gasp. "You still have the ring!" Komaeda jumps in his skin, and he watches as you pull a necklace from under your uniform. "I have it too!"
Komaeda's throat goes dry at the sight of you with the necklace. 
"Ah... I," He fishes out the necklace you bought him, and he pauses.
"You still have it!!" You gasp. "Nagi!!"
Komaeda catches you in his arms, and you peer up at him, eyes bright with life. "Let's get to class. We have to tell them we're married. It just makes sense to!"
As Komaeda gets dragged by you again, he can't but feeling he's at peace. Home is where you are.
"Can... I propose to you properly when we put it on paper in the government?"
You look back at him with a grin. "That's a given."
Komaeda could kiss you right now.
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Exactly My Type
Plot: When going to dinner at Raymond's for what you think is a work dinner, takes a turn.
Prompt: 'First Kiss'
Pairing: Raymond Smith x Gn!Reader
Requested By: @will-grammer
Warnings: Just the kiss.
Words: 1.5k
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As you walked up the path to Raymond's front door, you tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. No matter how many times you saw him or spoke to him, they were always there.
After ringing the doorbell, you wiped your hands down your top, hoping you didn't over-dress for this dinner. It was only to discuss work, you needed to remind yourself of that. It wasn't a date, just a casual work meal.
As the door swung open, Raymond revealed himself to be in his usual suited appearance, though with an added apron draped from his neck.
He smiled "Right on time."
"Like usual." You added on with a smile, knowing he always appreciated punctuality.
He held open the door or you you stepped inside. You began to take off your jacket, but hesitated when you suddenly felt Raymond grab it from behind. Looking back, your eyes locked and he smiled as he helped you remove it. You felt a shiver run up your spine as his fingers grazed your skin through the fabric.
"Thanks." You muttered softly.
After he hung it up, you followed him into the kitchen. Looking around, it was just a spotless and pristine as usual. But your eyes lingered on a new addition. A bouquet of flowers sitting on the table.
You felt your chest tighten as you wondered who he got them for. You knew quite a lot about Raymond, but he never mentioned personal relationships. You wouldn't be surprised if he had a partner, though you would be lying if you said you didn't feel disappointment at the idea.
Sitting at the bar as Raymond got some glasses, you didn't have to say anything as he immediately prepared your favorite drink. You smiled to yourself as you noticed this, your cheeks warming up a bit.
Looking over to the stove you spoke up "Need any help?"
He shook his head as he placed the drink in font of you "It's done, just need to plate it."
He motioned his head to the dining room table, where you normally ate. Making your way over, you began to sat down, surprised again by Raymond sudden appearance behind you as he pulled out your chair for you. You smiled in thanks as he walked back to the kitchen.
After you began eating, you started to talk about the reason you came, but you were surprised to learn that Raymond had already begun to resolve the problem.
And every problem you brought up, he seemed to have a resolution for as well. You started to wonder why you were here at all.
"Are Mickey and Rosalind aware of all of this?"
He nodded "Yes, but they don't need to worry right now. They went to The Maldives for Valentines Day."
You hummed "Sounds nice. How long are they staying?"
"A week. I hope to have everything resolved before they return."
"I don't doubt you will."
You saw his mouth twitch up at this, and you felt your chest burn a little warmer.
After cleaning up from dinner you and Raymond continued to sit and talk, new drinks in hand. You couldn't stop your eyes from occasionally looking over at the flowers. You hated how the curiosity burned in your chest.
Finally finding the courage, you spoke, though with reserve heavy in your voice. "Are you doing anything? For Valentines Day?"
Raymond looked at you in silence for a moment before adjusting his glasses "Should I be?"
You shrugged and took a sip of your drink "Well, if you finish this business for Mickey, you could give yourself some time off as well." You motioned your head towards the flowers "Looks like you've already started planning."
Raymond looked over at the flowers and you noticed how he repressed a smile "I have."
Your chest clenched at this. You were hoping he'd deny it.
"That's why I already prepared everything like I said."
"Are you going to tell me about them?" You asked, feigning a smile and curiosity, hoping Raymond couldn't see through it to the pain you were actually hiding.
He sat back in his chair for a moment, seemingly considering if he should. Adjusting his glasses again he cleared his throat.
"I've known them for quite a while now. They aren't what they seem like on the outside. People tend to think there is nothing more to them, but they're always wrong, there is always more."
You could sense pride in his voice as he talked about them and you'd be lying if you didn't feel a little jealous.
"Is that what won you over?" You asked with a slightly joking tone.
He smiled and shook his head "Not just that. It's also their bravery, kindness, skill, willingness to help anyone they can. Not to mention their sense of humor."
You smiled at him "Sounds like they got it all."
"They do. But they don't realize it themselves."
Clearing his throat he stood up and walked over to the table. You watched him closely as he approached the flowers before he grabbed them, bringing them over.
Oh great, was he going to talk about them some more? Are these their favorite flowers? Maybe you shouldn't have pushed.
Walking up to you, he set the flowers down in front of you before he put his hands in his pockets. You could see them more clearly now than before. It was a mix of white roses, dark pink dahlias and light pink peonies.
Reaching up you gently touched them. These were some of your favorite flowers.
"They're beautiful, they'll love them."
Raymond smiled softly in amusement as he gazed down a you. You met his eyes and suddenly felt like you were see through.
"There for you, you toss-pot."
You felt as though a jolt of electricity went through you "What?"
"I was talking about you." He smiled a bit wider.
"Y- You were?"
Moving past you, he sat in the chair beside you facing you, his knees pressed up against your leg.
"I didn't invite you to talk work, I just wanted to have dinner with you. And I hoped, somewhere along the way I'd get a chance to give you these."
He could see your brain working in overdrive as you remained speechless, putting it all together.
He continued to smile softly at you before he reached over and placed his hand on top of yours, slowly linking his fingers around yours.
"I hope this stunned silence is not leading up to a rejection."
Finally taking hold of yourself you shook your head. "No, it's not, I'm just really surprised."
You shrugged your shoulders as you smiled a bit bashfully "I didn't think I was your type."
He grinned "You're exactly my type."
Your heart started pounding in your chest as he reached towards your legs with his other hand. You repressed a grin as he turned you so you were facing him, your legs now pressed against his.
As his eyes stared into yours, your ears burned hot. You had never seen him look at you like this. You saw his eyes flick to your lips for a split-second and your heart skipped a beat.
"Yes?" He asked softly.
"Thank you for the flowers." You replied with a softer voice.
"You're very welcome." Tilting his head slightly his smile turned into more of a smirk "Now about Valentines Day."
You quirked your brow.
"You are free I hope?"
You smiled and nodded "Yes, I'm free."
"Good, I wasn't looking forward to having competition."
You chuckled and shook your head "No competition. No one could compete anyways."
He smiled and you swore you saw a blush crawl across his cheeks for a moment.
"So, Valentines Day?" You added on.
"Yes. What we will be doing is a secret. I just want to make sure you have the day free."
"The whole day?" You asked with lightly surprise and he shrugged his head. You leaned forward and spoke with a light sarcastic tone "Are you going to try and seduce me Raymond?"
He smirked and leaned in as well "I thought I already had."
You grinned "Bold assumption."
His smile grew as well and you saw his eyes flick to your lips again before his gaze held yours. He moved his face in closer, so your noses were almost touching.
"I suppose I should try harder then."
Leaning in in sync, your lips met and your heart jolted. Raymond's hand quickly rose to cup your face before he cupped your head, deepening the kiss. You laid your hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating heavily. After a second, his other hand come up as he gently place it on top of yours, squeezing lightly.
After a few more moments, you parted, somewhat breathless. Your eyes locked as you both had soft smiles. Bringing his hand back to cup your face, he gently brushed his thumb over your lips as his eyes lingered on them.
"I've been wanting to do that for a long time." He said softly before he met your eyes again "And I'd very much like to do it again." He spoke as he slowly leaned in closer.
You smiled as you met him in another kiss, softer and slower this time, as he linked the fingers of his other hand through yours.
xx End xx
Kind of an abrupt ending, but I didn't know where to go with it where it would end naturally lol I hope you liked it!~
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Raymond Smith Taglist: @will-grammer, @venusthepirate
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w2soneshots · 15 days
So you know how jj's mum is just the sweetest person on earth so how bout ksi x reader where they're at jj's mums house and his mum just keeps stealing reader from him
love your work <3
The favourite -KSI
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Words: 0.4k+
Warnings: none.
In which you go for lunch at JJ’s parent’s house and his mum absolutely loves you.
a/n: hi babe! I completely agree, I love JJ’s mum🫶🏼. This is quite short since I couldn’t think of anything else to write🤗. Enjoy!!💓
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Today me and JJ are going to his parent's house for lunch. It's only going to be with his mum though because his dad's at work. I got ready then once we'd left I asked JJ if we could stop off at our local grocery store. He asked what I needed but I just told him that I'd be back in a minute. A few minutes later I returned to the car with a bright bunch of flowers, for his mum. "Aw that's cute." He said as I put my seatbelt back on.
Once we arrived I knocked on the door. "y/n! Come on in baby!" She cheerfully led me inside. Then pulled me into a warm hug. "How are you?" She asked me, after quickly saying hello to JJ. "Great! I got you these." I smiled as I passed her the flowers. "Oh my! How thoughtful." She generously thanked me.
After taking our shoes and coats off we took a seat in the living room. Yinka asked me how my parents were doing, if I'd cooked any new recipes recently and if JJ had been behaving himself. I giggled at the last question then answered that he had. She left to begin making lunch. Then a few minutes later she popped her head back into the living room to ask if I could quickly help her with something.
As I walked into the kitchen she immediately began whispering "so, has he really been behaving?" She asked in her thick accent. I laughed "yes he has, don't worry." I replied. She seemed satisfied with my answer then asked me to poor some rice into the boiling water. I did as she said and continued to be her little helper.
"Are you alright?" JJ asked as he joined us. I turned. "Yep." Then I continued plaiting up the food. "It's almost ready, come sit." Yinka pointed to the table I had just set. Once everything was ready we all sat down to eat. "This looks amazing!" The plate had chicken, two different types of rice, macaroni cheese and potatoes. And it was well seasoned.
We began eating and I'd never tasted food like it. "We're gonna have to come here more often." I joked, but I was actually being serious. Yinka chuckled "you're always welcome darling, I love when you come and visit." JJ smiled "yea, I'm starting to think you like y/n more than me." "Uh. No I love you both the same amount." She replied, sending me a wink.
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early20sfailingplenty · 9 months
Ugh Eri my brain is being mean to me :(
Do you think the Sinclairs would like a chubby partner? I’m a bit in the heavy side and I feel like they wouldn’t find me attractive:/
Especially Bo, he seems like the guy to like skinny and pretty partners:/
I know the Sinclairs would love a chubby partner!!!! Are you kidding????🥺Those men have been starved of love their whole lives, so much so that it may as well be a foreign concept to them. It exists only in fairy tales and stories, never in real life. Sure, Vincent acts on it with Bo as a team effort to carry on their mother's legacy, but cruelty was how she expressed 'love' (or that was how she framed it; the Sinclairs still don't know much better, even as we meet them in canon) and so they continue on with that, too.
Cruel is the world, crueler still were their parents, and the Sinclair men use that against everyone including themselves. They know little of love. Devotion, yes, loyalty, yes, passion, yes, but love? Bo scoffs at the notion, Lester smiles but it's weak at the edges, and Vincent nods sagely but on the inside, bitterness burns his throat like acid. Hatred for that which has never been really his. Or his brothers'.
They knew little about it until you. The flowers which bloom in their hearts when you walk into the room, the way Bo's cheeks get a little hotter when you turn around (he hates to see you go, but loves watching you leave - he's a pervert just like his brothers), the way Vincent cannot help but stare after you as you move around the room. You are beautiful and each of the brothers have their own favourite thing about you; physically and otherwise!
They care not for how you look, they care only for how you feel; are you dressing comfortably, eating well? Whatever those two things mean for you; if you're comfortable, then they're happy!💖 The Sinclairs never knew what love really was until they met you, and now they have found you, they will never let you go.
That's a threat and a promise!
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qiutls · 11 months
"Do you not want to?"
I asked wiping the crumbs of the cookie on my mouth. 
Kyle looked at me strangely, probably because I suddenly took out and ate a cookie from my pocket. Still, he offered his hand gently after I finished eating.
"Until now, I have never danced with the same person twice at the banquet."
Ah, is that so? If you don't like it, then let me go. It doesn't really matter who I dance with. I only want to get closer to Belial just in case something happens.
I thought he would let me go find someone else, instead he tightened his grasp and took me to the dance floor.
This punk. Please be consistent with your words and actions~ Your mouth says something, but your body moves otherwise.
"I thought you don't dance with the same person twice?"
I asked Kyle teasingly, yet he calmly replied,
"Well, I didn't say I didn't want to do it."
I understand.
Well, it is indeed better to dance with him, lest I step on other people's toes. Not to mention, he's good at leading the dance, so there's no need to worry about making the wrong movement.
Soon, a sharp sound from the violin signaled the start of the next dance. Is this Chaconne? Even after listening to it, I couldn't figure out what the music was. Whatever, I don't have time to listen leisurely anyways.
This time, I shamelessly put my feet on his at the start of the dance. Kyle seemed perfectly fine with it and even danced to the music lightly as if I weighed nothing. The music this time seemed faster earlier, so the beat of the dance was considerably quicker, yet Kyle didn't seem to exert that much effort even as he carried me.
'He's really strong.'
I kept turning my head trying to find Belial and Sen. It was a good thing Sen's dress was a bright green color that reflected the chandelier's light. It was fairly easy to find them among the crowd.
Wait! No! That fool, Belial. Don't go to the center! Do you want to get hit with a chandelier!
Sadly, a prince is indeed treated like a prince. The crowd that was originally dancing merrily at the center, instinctively moved aside. Kyle, after some consideration as well, left the center area.
'No... This shouldn't'
My insides felt like it was burning at the thought of what will happen if this continues.
With an uncomfortable feeling, my eyes traveled to look at the chandelier. Why does it look like it's shaking? The glare of the chandelier was bright enough to make me squint, yet I couldn't help but continue glancing at Belial and the chandelier above him.
At that time, Kyle switched our positions and took back my attention from the chandelier.
"Won't you focus?"
I replied flatly,
"Do I have to focus? Your Highness is doing all the dancing anyways."
That's why, dance well, don't mind what I'm doing. Don't let people laugh at us. Even though it's fine for me, since I already have no honor nor human rights, it's different for you, the Duke of Blake needs to keep his dignity.
Kyle grit his teeth, seemingly annoyed. While I kept shifting once in a while to check in on Belial and Sen, he looked as if he wanted to say, 'Stop caring about them.'
"Do you like Belial?"
If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that giving a flower meant you were getting married. I only gave that white flower in exchange for the invitation to the banquet, okay?
'... Well, I guess now that I think about it, it's a bit weird.'
It seemed like an unfamiliar person from the estate fell from the sky to give Belial flowers, in exchange for an invitation.
It's not just weird, it's outlandish. If I were Kyle, I would have pressured myself to confess what was my motive.
"No, that's not it... I-"
I said as I made eye contact with Belial. Trust me! Even though I seem contradictory right now, I just really don't want an accident to happen.
Kyle sneered at my reply.
"Even though you're looking at him so fervently?"
"...Who's looking fervently? I'm not though?"
If someone overheard, they would've thought I was sticking closely to Belial. But that isn't the case?
Belial Serena Minehardt, the Duke of Blake, Kyle's most outstanding rival. In order to save Kyle, I need to save him to increase the miracle value. If it wasn't for this mission, I wouldn't treat him nicely.
You do your thing, and I'll do mine, okay? I need to save that enemy of yours, to save the north, to save you, in order to save myself, ah.
"Forget about that, let's just dance. You're the Lord of this land, why are we dancing at the corner."
"Let's move a bit further over there, to the center."
Kyle looked at me suspiciously, but still listened to my words and move slightly towards the center. How kind of you. You really listen well, ah.
Just then a shrill sound chimed which made my head turn.
[ ⊙﹏⊙∥ ]
Looking at the system's reaction, I felt my stomach drop and my heart skip a beat. No matter how many days I worked hard, can I really not change the fate of this happening?
'No, right?'
That's right I can't let it happen.
Remember the reason I'm trying hard to change the fate of the original novel, I didn't work so hard just for me to be unable to change anything.
[ Σ(っ °Д °;)っ ]
[ (>︿<;)っ ]
[ (ㅠ_ㅠ) ] 
Several system windows came to my vision at the same time. It even flashed several times as if to represent its desperate feelings.
The sound ringed louder than before, the chandelier swayed and casted a shadow against Kyle's forehead.
"Trust me."
I whispered.
"I won't do anything that will endanger your life."
Am I crazy? Why did I say that? Ah!
I smiled and came down from Kyle's foot and pushed his shoulders away. Everything happened so quickly, Kyle's arm loosening around my waist, me moving towards Sen and Belial.
Just then, the climax of the song started, the strings loudly resonated in the hall, Belial and Sen were right in the middle of the dance floor. And the chandelier fell.
Kyle probably didn't realize it until it was late. It seemed like he stretched out his hand to pull me back, but he wasn't able to grab me. I don't know, I couldn't afford to look back.
Time seemed to flow strangely. It felt like everything was in slow motion. I stretched out my arm to push Belial away, but I didn't reach him, instead I pushed Sen. And Belial moved to catch Sen, and they both collapsed sideways.
A loud roar sounded in the hall from the falling chandelier. At the same time, my body shook from the impact. Glass from the chandelier broke and scattered everywhere, the music stopped, and people were screaming.
Even Kyle screamed. I think he was calling out my name. 
My consciousness didn't last long, my vision blurred, and pain swept through my body. Come to think of it, I'm glad I fainted quickly, because I didn't have to suffer through that terrible pain for so long.
The grand banquet hall which was glittering in splendor just now fell into chaos.
"Guards! Quickly evacuate the guests."
With Kyle's urgent shout, the door opened, and several guards came to the hall in unison.
Kyle was hugging the fallen young man while checking the situation. Sen seemed to be supporting Belial who fell with her, his hands injured by the glass fragments from the chandelier.
"I'll do it!"
Kyle didn't answer and kept holding Shu in his arms.
"Call the doctor."
The guards nodded hastily and went to carry out his orders.
"Yes, Your Highness, we'll tell him to come here immediately."
"Wait, no."
"It might be too late if he comes here, I'll go there myself."
Kyle grit his teeth and looked at his bloodstained gloves that were tinted red. Judging from the condition, it was also inefficient to carry him all the way. It was better to meet halfway.
It's been a long time since Kyle worried this much.
"I need to go... to... the study..."
The man called Shu cried out. The strange young man then fainted after the sentence. Just now, he was hit by a falling chandelier, it was a good thing that it didn't land on top of his head. If it did, he probably would have died. 
Kyle couldn't afford to be worried at the state of the banquet hall. He immediately carried the man, towards the study. He was hurrying like crazy, running up 4 steps of the stairs while preventing from shaking the body in his hands.
He felt the young man's body turning cold, his clothes were wet with blood.
At that time, Kyle got nervous, he should've grabbed him. It all happened in an instant, but he managed to stretch his arms out probably due to intuition.
However, he wasn't able to save him. He missed by a hair's breadth. The last thing he remembered was his how his brown hair shook and like a ghost vanished before his eyes.
Then it felt like Shu's body was enveloped in a white light. Was it the light of the chandelier, or....
Kyle wanted to ask the suspicious stranger, "Tell me, did you expect this to happen, were you looking around listlessly because, you knew what was going to happen? Did you look around for Belial, or because you knew of this upcoming disaster?"
You cannot see the future without being a prophet. But even then, prophets could not predict events this accurately. So how the hell did he know?
Kyle felt his insides burning. He has spent over ten years in the North battling beasts and has seen and suffered worse injuries than this. Nevertheless, there was an itching feeling in his gut, and he couldn't help but be worried.
"Don't die."
He muttered to himself.
'Don't die, you strange fellow.'
"Where's the doctor?"
"He was taking care of the other wounded delivered to him, but he said he'd be here in 10 minutes, with the tools needed for trauma treatment."
"Okay, I-"
Kyle wiped the cold sweat on the young man as soon as he lay him down. He took off his clothes and pulled out the fragments of glass embedded to his body and wrapped a bandage to stop the blood from flowing. 
Now he didn't have anything to do except wait. Kyle glanced at Shu's face, then at his chest which was moving up and down shallowly. 
'Hold on for just ten more minutes.'
Because of this situation, he had to solve another problem. If Belial is injured heavily, this could be a problem that would pose a major threat to the North.
".....I need to resolve the disturbance at the banquet hall, come with me."
"But, what about the doctor?"
"Just leave the door open so the doctor can come in right away and treat him."
"I understand."
Kyle forced himself to move back towards the banquet hall, yet his mind was still in the study. His hastened his actions, in order to resolve the situation quickly and come back to the side of the unconscious young man.
(kofi) t/n - sorry for no chapter yesterday! this chapter was a bit hard to translate since the raws i'm reading had a problem with the encoding and 3/4 of the chapter was not put into paragraphs, so it was hard to find where it starts and ends. (tumblr) t/n - sorry for the late update! it was my brother's graduation today and we went outside to celebrate and i completely forgot about uploading the chapter ^^;
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honeybubblegumpink · 1 year
Dungeons and dragons honor among thieves
◦°´*•.¸♡ 𝕩𝕖𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕣 𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕗𝕖! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 ♡¸.◦°˚°◦☙
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Note : I was a little tired of write part 3 of siren reader x xenk because I wanted a little break . So I thought of what it be like to be xenk wife :) I hope you enjoy ! English is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes not proofread
Genre : pure fluff
" hhhhmmm " I stretch as I felt the warm sun on my skin. I looked around to see that my husband side of the bed was empty. He most have gotten up early I thought . I've been married to a xenk for 3 years now and being his wife is the best decision I ever made.
I get dressed and made the bed before going down stairs to see my husband makeing breakfast
" good morning dear " I greated my husband grabbing a towel and a bucket of water from the barrel to clean myself up and head towards the sink
" good morning love, breakfast will be done after you washed up " xenk said in the sweetest voice ever.
" you know you could have wake me up so I could help you with making breakfast dear. " I said while I washing my face and dry myself with the towel .
" now why would I disturb my wife of her sleep? You look so peaceful sleeping , I couldn't bring myself to wake you up " xenk said ,my heart melted at his honey like words .
" do you want your eggs scramble this time? " he asked after getting two eggs
" okay " I said , getting the table ready for breakfast . Xenk is scrambling the eggs .
" here you go " I gave him a bowl to put the eggs in
" thanks love " he grabbed it from my hand and kisses my forehead
after having breakfast I gather the plates and bowl to the sink. Xenk handed me a bucket of water and help me with the dishes. I told him I can do it but him having a kind soul insist on helping. Not only did he helped me with the dishes he also help me around the house.
I've been in the wood for about an hour now to see what I can hunt for tonight supper. I didn't bring xenk with me because I know how he is when it comes to hunting. He would always let the animals go because he couldn't stand it to kill them . That's why I do the hunting and the reason why we don't eat meat often, but on some days we eat some fish. Today I'm hunting for some wild mushroom so I can make a delicious mushroom soup
" oh my goodness, I hit the jackpot this time ! " I said running to collect as many mushrooms in my basket as I can.
" perfect ! " I looked at my basket that was filled with wild mushrooms . I spent another hour around the woods collecting some berries to make a jam to go along with bread or tea , I came along a field colorful flower I decided to pick a few to decorate the house since the house seem a little dull of color.
I walk back home happily with today mushroom hunt. I open the door " I'm home " I said but no response . "Xenk most be out " I said to myself . he's probably helping someone right now. I put the basket at the kitchen counter ith the barriers I just collected. I pour some water into the vase and put the flower in to the vase. I carry it to place it at the fire place .
" I'm sure he would like the flowers " I turn and go outside to chop some wood for cooking and for the fire place. I go inside with the chopped wood in my hands and started the fire for cooking.
After some time I tasted the mushroom soup before deciding it was finished , as i covered the pot with the lid I hear the door opening and i knew it was xenk as I heard his voice and some others as well
" wait you have a wife? " a young female voice said
" yes "
" Wow how am I not surprised , of course he has a wife , why would he?" I heard another say but this time a young man voice
" welcome back home love and i see you brought visitors " I said putting the spoon down before going to kiss him on the cheek.
" I hope you don't mind us coming in " a older looking woman said.
I smiled at her and shook my head " it's no trouble at all "
" shes so nice " I hear young female whisper to the other male
" would guys like some tea? I just made wild berries jam . It would go lovely with the black tea I bought yesterday " I said grabbing the kettle and filling it with some water.
" sure why not " the man with a lute said.
" great " i said putting the kettle in the open fire . As I was pouring the hot tea into the six cups with wild berry jam . I mix each cup with a but if honey as I did I hear there conversation about the helmet .
" wait the under dark ? " doric said
" we're you trying to keep it save? Why would you ever put it down there ?" edgin complains
" because it would be the last place anyone who value their life would go " my husband said
" sounds lovely " Simon said after hearing what my husband had said where the helmet was put
" quite the opposite " my husband told Simon in a serious tone
" I know I was being ironic " Simon said as I laughed a little handing out the hot tea to them.
" thank you " doric said before grabbing the cup. I seated myself on the couch. After some time they all agreed to go to the under dark tomorrow because they don't have any choice but go and get the helmet.
I offered them to stay at the house till tomorrow because they don't have anywhere to stay . I surve them my mushroom soup for super and more black tea. We where all on the couch Simon and edgin where sitting on the carpet enjoy some tea until. Holga ask " how long have you and xenk been together? "
" married? " I asked
" yeah " holga said sipping her tea
" Ive been married with xenk for 3 year " I reply to holga
" wait 3 years? And you guys are not planning on having kids? " Simon said . I cough at Simon words because it was just out of the blue.
" are you already love?" Xenk said rubbing circle behind my back. I nodded and took another sip from my tea.
" Simon why did you have to ask that? " edgin said
"Sorry I didn't mean to-uhm- i-i "
"It's okay Simon. " I reassure him feeling a little flush. I have to admit that I have been think what our lives would be like if me and xenk have any children. I looked up to see xenk staring at me that made me clustered. He lean in close and whispered " let talk about it later okay love? " then he kisses my forehead.
It was getting late, I gave our guess some blankets and pillows so they could comfortably stay in the living room. I walk up to to the bed and hugged my husband from the back. my arms around his neck as I gave him some small butterfly kiss . He chuckles and pulls me into his embrace.
" so are we having that talk now ?" I said giving him one more kiss but in the lips this time. He just smiled in return before speaking
" have you ever thought of having a child with me love? " he started in a serious tone
" of course " face to face , I answer and sat on his lap . " have you? " I asked him
" well certainly " xenk puts his hand around my waist ." would you like to have a child together love "
I stare at his eyes before answering with a nod . He smiles and gave me a passionate kiss full of love and warm. His hands slides up but I stop him " but now now love. We have guess " I said
" how unfortunate. But it can't be helped." Xenk lift me up and lay me down on the bed before climbing on the bed himself. He holds my hand , kisses and Squeezing them. Before looking into my eyes at saying-
" I can't wait for us to have a family love " he finished his sentence and pulls me close to him. We both cuddle and drifted off to sleep
I hope you guys like it !
Kinda short but I spent hours on writing this and its almost 2am
𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝙸 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚡𝚎𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚛 𝚡 𝚛𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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erenqueef · 2 months
𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨★𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 ᵖ.²
warnings: mature content - smut
-read part one first
title: the date
(this was originally uploaded on wattpad)
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you were ready at 7. you look into the mirror, preparing for the worst date of your life. deep down you wanted to go, considering how satoru had your legs shaking a few hours ago and your still a little wobbly.
a bang could be heard at your door, that would be satorus foot sense he was holding a giant bouquet of flowers in his left hand and the keychain of his car keys swinging around his index finger in his right.
he was wearing his sunglasses and a white dress shirt, his sleeve slightly rolled up to his elbows; the sexiest thing a man can possibly do and he looked so good.
the moment you open the door he grins. "aw and i was secretly hoping you weren't ready." he places the flowers on the table beside the inside of your front door and he pulls you out by your waist.
"my phones inside." you go to re-open the door but he pulls you away by your wrist.
"you won't be needing that, i promise ill be able to hold your attention for a few hours."
"oh you think you will? where are you taking me?"
"impatient as ever, you'll have to wait for the surprise." he opens his car door for you and sarcastically gestures for you to get in. "your seat madam."
you giggle, rolling your eyes before taking his hand and helping yourself into his car.
a minty scent filled your nostrils once he nearly slammed the door shut, oblivious to how expensive his own car was. casual satoru.
after hoping in himself be lifts his sunglasses from his face and placed them on your head. considering his car windows and windshields were practically completely black out.
"you ready?" he smirks, blasting the A/C before driving off with a loud roar.
your arms shiver at the breeze. "not really."
"oh don't give me that attitude now, you and i both know your exited aren't you?"
the undertone of sass in his voice is what makes him so punchable that you almost wanna fuck it out of him. "only a little bit."
he smirks. "oh only just a little? don't worry i'll make it worth your while."
arriving at what seemed to be a fancy restaurant; well, that's a close assumption. sense he's the only car here he probably rented the whole place out.
inside was fucking beautiful for no reason. you were impressed. you didn't take satoru for the guy to go all out, he seems more like the fast food douch type of guy but sometimes you forget this man is annoyingly rich.
you sit down at a table for two, nobody was in there except the two of you. his efforts make you smile.
"well would you look at that, y/n smiling?"
"you seriously rented out a whole ass restaurant? i'm really impressed." you smirk, your brow raising.
he cockily grins and flicks his wrist dramatically. "oh shucks." his voice was laced with sarcasm. "we're you expecting any less?"
"welllll" you drag. "maybe."
he gives you a 'hmph' while shaking his head. the waiter finally, nervously comes over and takes our orders. the poor girl looked new to the job. of corse satoru ordered almost everything on the menu. this man eats so much yet stays so skinny. you envy him.
the date went... surprisingly good. of corse satoru was making you laugh and keeping you flustered all while keeping you on your toes. he was slick with everything he did. you barley noticed you were blushing a majority of the time.
heading back to the car with a cheesy smile on your face from the way he kept purposely bumping your shoulder with his elbow and trying to trip you repeatedly. but he knows damn well if you were falling mid air he'd catch you.
"thank you, i had a good time." you say looking to your left as he settled himself in the drivers seat.
he looks over at you and brushes your hair behind your ear. "the days not over yet."
you feel his fingers linger against your ear and sadly only that much of physical touch is making your thighs squeeze together.
as he pulls his hand away to start his car you pull it back and hold it against your cheek, kissing the palm of his big ass hand. his fingers were soft. you don't know what got into you but your body was just on autopilot for a second.
"hm," he hums, amused by your sudden boldness. he grazes his thumb across your gloss coated bottom lip. "what?"
you really put yourself on the spot with this one. 'what' was right. cause your asking yourself the same thing. "i like it when you touch my face."
"oh?" your fingers that were holding his hand to your cheek slowly glide down his arm in a teasing manner. earning the reward of his smirk. "is this you trying to seduce me?"
feeling your cheeks heat up, you shrug. the shrug giving both truth and lie cause you really didn't know what you were doing, but you were aware of how your pussy reacts to him. almost like it got a mind of its own. and right now it was controlling you. "maybe."
he moves his hand from your cheek to behind your ear and through your hair. "not really your gig is it?"
"will you ever stop being annoying?"
"nah, not to you at least."
you smirk and lean in closer. yeah, it wasn't your brain nor your heart taking control. this was one hundred percent your hormones.
"oh your feelin' ballsey huh." he smirks, his eyes starring at your appetizing lips.
his hand wraps around the back of your hair and pulls you closer, it feels like a magnetic field the way your lips come crashing together. like he was showing you that you weren't alone in having your genitals taking over like fucking ratatouille in your pubes or something.
he nearly yanks you over his console and onto his lap. his seat reclining and his hands planted on your hips.
your dress took the hint sense it was sliding up over your ass. reveling his surprise from you wearing no panties.
you feel his fingers reach to tug at the strings of your underwear but he realized there was nothing to tug on.
you feel the giant smirk on his lips as he realizes. but you don't back away, not yet. you need more of his lips. more of his tongue. more of his teeth bitting your bottom lip. like it was addicting.
his hands hold you in place as he presses his bulge against you. the fabric of his pants wetting from the touch of your needing folds. that's how wet you were.
your hand slides to his belt, unbuttoning it with ease and before you know it his dick was out and behind your ass.
(play: partition-beyoncé) <short version>
your chest is flushed up against his as you teasingly move your hips around on him. his long fingers sinking into your ass as a low groan leaves his throat. "don't make me wait any longer." he mumbles against your lips.
"i think you can wait a little longer." you tease, his cock throbs against you with need.
"i need you now y/n, so damn bad." his breath hitches between his sentence. you were soooo fucking ready to give in. give into both of your desires. but teasing him was so much funner.
"your gonna have to beg a little."
he softly sighs, his eyes closing but he's willing. "please, i need to be inside of you."
"not good enough."
"y/n," you can feel his cock twitch. "please." his voice was breathless, almost a whisper.
you grab his shaft from behind, stroking it teasingly. "like you mean it, satoru."
his eyes flutter as you lift up and position his tip to your slick folds, teasing him even more. "please, i want you to ride me y/n."
you slowly sink down on his cock. only taking his tip. "this enough?"
"you can take it all."
you sink only half way. "like this?" you smirk.
with a huff he grabs your hips tightly and thrusts into you. causing you to yelp.
you watch satorus eyes flick between yours and where you two connect. "see? i knew you could do it." he places a hand on your middle back, flushing you against his chest. his other hand snaking around your hip to your ass.
you run your tongue over the flesh of his shoulder between your teeth. biting down as he pumps into you. "so wet for me." he grunts.
"harder.. satoru.." tingles run down your spine as he pushes you back up, he takes both of your hands in his so you have support.
"lets see you do it yourself." he says with a smirk, giving your hands a gentle squeeze.
not for one second does his blue eyes look away from yours. he watches as your face twists into pleasure as you start grinding your hips back and fourth. his cock hitting every right spot.
"i'm so close." you whine.
he lifts his hips slightly to give you deeper access. "i know, your getting so tight."
he lets go of one of your hands and moves it to your aching clit. his thumb pressuring and rubbing exactly where you need it. "satoru," you cry. your head falling limp as your eyes close.
"hm, look at me." he rubs your clit a little faster, earning a moan from you. your lidded eyes landing on his again. "good girl. say my name." he holds back a grin.
"satoru," your free hand lands in his shoulder, your nails digging into his soft skin. "fuck satoru." you move your hips faster.
"just like that." he grits. his eyes flicking to his thumb working on your clit. "you gonna cum for me?"
burying your face into his shoulder, you nod. your ridding getting sloppier as your orgasm approaches. "satoru—"
"your squeezing me so fucking tight." he whispers over your moans.
you use his shoulder to muffle your whimpers and cries, bitting down firmly. your orgasm riding out on his cock.
you feel his hands move from where they were and grab your ass, he moves it for you as he starts to thrust again. "we're not done." his tone is almost teasing; causing you to whine.
"i can't." your voice is barley a whisper.
"you sure?" he thrusts up against you. causing a louder moan to echo through the car. "you can take it."
you know your at your limit. your still sensitive from your previous orgasm. but his voice is so hypnotic that you can't refuse.
his movements speeds up, his fingers leaving behind marks on your ass as he grips it harder and harder.
you keep your face buried between his shoulder and neck, feeling lazy from your prior orgasm.
but you suddenly jolt up when you hear a knock on the car window.
satoru grabs your face and forces your gaze on him. "the widows are black out, nobody can see us." he smirks, giving you a teasing thrust before helping you off of him and back to the passenger seat, as you fix your dress he fixes his pants.
he roles the window down to see one of his students; yuji itadori.
"gojo! i knew this was your car, your uh tires flat." the boy nervously scratches the back of his head and smiles as he makes eye contact with you. "hey y/n, i didn't know you and gojo sensei were buddies!"
"er– yeah i guess we are." you smile back, your face still flushed with embarrassment.
satoru shifts his seat back to its place before sighing. "ill have to do a quick tire change. which tire is it?"
the pink haired boy gestures to the front left, on satorus side. "front on your side, maybe something's wrong with your car? it looked like it was shaking a second ago." he shrugs.
your face flushes more, you can't even look itadori in the eyes right now. it just feels too wrong.
"oh heh," satoru chuckles. "we were just blasting music and dancing! that's all."
"ah, i see." itadori replies, he's clueless. too innocent. "well me and fushiguro were just across the street at the arcade if you guys wanna join!"
satoru starts to slowly role the window up. "give us 30." once the window is all the way up satoru grabs you and places you on his lap again. squeezing your thighs straddling his lap. "so, where were we?"
"i think.." you buck your hips against his already re-hardened bulge. "you were in the middle of making me cum again." you lean in and press your lips against his for a short kiss, breaking away and rest your forehead against his.
"right!" he gives your ass a playful snack, lifting your dress. "i'm on top this time."
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ladybugkisses · 1 month
May we please know more about Eleanor? I'm quite curious!
you may!
🌼 the main inspirations for her character consisted of Flapper Fanny Says, La Vie Parisienne magazine covers and.. ...♦️ this song ♦️
🌼 i don't know why but she sounds like Paige O'Hara in my head, with a hint of a southern accent (that goes up to 100% only in certain scenarios)
🌼 after being kicked out and wandering around for a couple months, she eventually arrived in St. Louis and was taken in by a tailor (that i've actually ♦️ named ♦️ before) until she could find her bearings. his boyfriend business partner gave her the job at the boutique!
🌼 currently in her late 20s, slutty and proud- focuses on men but isn't at all opposed to getting with women. not interested in romance, nobody's allowed in her apartment for longer than one night lmao
🌼 despite not being interested in romance for herself, she does love reading about it, listening to love songs, seeing others be in love, etc- and she'll give you great advice on the topic! Rocky and Ari are simultaneously her favorite and most frustrating real life romcom at the moment gdskgds
🌼 her favorite flowers are magnolias
🌼 loves jewelry, designing hats and dressing herself and other people up, always bugging Ari to let her put makeup on or style her hair- she's the one who picked her outfit for ♦️ that one night ♦️ (and as you can see she only allowed a few accessories 🙄 maybe on her wedding day she'll let her doll her up more... ..)
🌼 she's really nosy and can read people so well it's a little scary, but whatever secrets you might have are safe with her! not very appreciative if you try being nosy right back though..
🌼 that friend who's always optimistic and seems to know you like the back of her hand, until you sit down and realize you don't actually know her that well
🌼 ...SPEAKING OF HANDS, hers are never still- unless they're posed somewhere or holding something she's always fidgeting with her jewelry, hair, whatever they can comfortably reach
🌼 and speaking of friends, she became good friends with Zib, Mitzi and most of the band after becoming a Lackadaisy regular somewhere in 1924! unfortunately she hasn't been visiting as much since Atlas' death
🌼 used to do choir and has a nice singing voice that nobody ever must know about
🌼 catholic guilt still eats at her insides sometimes
🌼 other songs i associate with her are The Crane Wives' "Never Love an Anchor" and Dirt Poor Robins' "Enchanté"
🌼 every kid deserves a fun, bougie aunt and she's gonna take that role once Rocky and Ari have kids so help her God
i might've gotten a bit carried away but you have no idea how much i've wanted to share more about her gdskgds thank you for asking!! i hope these are a good read :'^) 💕🩷💕
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yawnzzznnn · 1 month
Hi! Could you write something with Big Ocean? I'd love to see some fluff like confessing or spending time with crush. And you seem to be only one who write for them. 🥺
Thank you~
♡Confessions w/Big Ocean♡
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♡Special Thanks Too: anon, Big O!cean
♡Note: Thank you for requesting, i hope to see you on my page again, i really enjoy writing for them.
♡Taglist: no one yet but if you wanna be added let me know
♡CW: confessions : nervousness : kissing :
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He'd invite you out to coffee (or anything else if you don't like coffee) throughout the entire hang out, he'd slowly scoot closer and closer to you. He tried not to make it obvious but it was extremely obvious, once everything was said and done he'd take you home. Making sure you got in safe he wouldn't leave till you texted him you were in you're room safe and sound. On the drive home he thought about confessing he didn't wanna do it in person too afraid of rejection, once he got inside he quickly messaged you "Hey! I hope you had a lot of fun today, um actually there's a reason I asked you to hang out so suddenly." "I like really like you" then he went offline and didn't respond or come back online till you responded after he was finished getting for the night.
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Chanyeon had this entire thing planned for it, he got the other two to help him. Set everything up having access to you're house (because he spent the night before) roses(or any other flower if you're allergic) all over you're house, food cooked and ready, cooled off to perfect temperature when you arrived, youre favorites laying on the done up wjite cloth of the table, throughout the entire prep he was extremely nervous his face that usually holds a smile gone, replaced with an annoyed lip curl and nervously eating the skin off his lips. When you texted him you were on you're way home, he quickly kicked his members out, standing nervously at the front door ready to take you're jacket and purse off for you, once he sees the door open he stands up straighter. Greeting you with a huge smile, he helped you take you're stuff off, hand on you're lower back as he guides you to the dining room, watching you're reaction nervously. His nervousness faded when he seen how happy you got from everything, telling him how you've never had someone do this for you before. While you ate he broke the question to you, making you choke he quickly got up to help you, after making sure you were ok. He'd ask you again.
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He was so upfront with it, he had nothing to be afraid of. He knew you were understandable enough to stay friends with him if you didn't feel the same way but if you did that would be amazing, so while he was over at you're house playing games like usual. When his character suddenly stopped moving a few seconds later you felt soft but slightly chapped lips land on you're cheek, a gentle kiss before he pulled back and continued playing as if nothing happened, only turning when you stopped moving he turned back to you and just blurted out "I like you" his face didn't hold much emotion but his leg was bouncing up and down as he waited for you're response.
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