#I digress but that's par for the course
adhdprincess · 24 days
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Not gonna put this person on blast by reblogging, but I need to rant here:
a) People are mad because this behavior is why fandoms basically die a few months after the content releases.
b) Fandoms weren't like this before. People used to be way more supportive of new fandom members(there were toxicity problems also, like constant unsolicited concrit, but I digress). When people only give the BNFs a chance, we lose the heart of the fandom.
c) Hits to kudos ratios are useless indicators of quality. There are too many factors that change the ratio. Smut, multichapter, rare pair, oc, reader insert, size and activity of fandom. Kudos ratios always drop over longer periods of time, especially on multi-chapter fics, because whenever people come back for updates they'll leave another hit but can't kudos again if they already have.
One more point lol: d) I've sorted by kudos/bookmarks before, but I've never made posts about "digging through trash to find gems" or "only reading fics with a 1:10 ratio" like I've seen multiple posts about.
tl;dr: Fic writers don't feel entitled to readers. We want healthy fandom ecosystems. No one's venting as a personal dig to readers. (unless the readers publically post sub-par opinions of course 😊)
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Big yikes.
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roo-bastmoon · 8 months
So privacy has been violated OR...
... a smear campaign has begun.
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Let's just get this new dating scandal out of the way so we can get back to buying and streaming...
Listen, I don't share unofficial content, but by now everyone in this tag knows there's a video going around that's supposed to be of JK in his apartment with Bam, walking around back-hugging and perhaps kissing a girl. Folks say there's the same couch, same wall panel, and a mood lamp.
I'm side-eyeing this because it's super grainy footage, the windows are different, the wall panel seems to be in different places in the two videos, the guy is shorter than the girl, and he's wearing a mask indoors. Plus, the account that dropped the videos supposedly posted then promptly closed up shop, which seems like they had the intention for deliberate sabotage instead of clout chasing as a sasaeng.
But people say the apartment set up seems really similar and the man has a similar hairstyle to what JK had in the beginning of 2023. So I guess it's Schrodinger's cat at this point.
(Isn't it curious that apartment-related scandals seem to happen on the day new content drops? Hmm... I digress.)
Look... If Jungkook (or Jimin) ends up dating someone else, I'm still going to support them as individuals. I'll be sad of course, because Jikook had AMAZING chemistry and I was really rooting for them to be together forever and all... but, I want them to be happy and fulfilled more than I want them to fit into any fantasy or ideas of my own.
That being said: at this very moment, half of Jimin's insta feed is about Jungkook. Most of Jungkook's lives for 2023 have JK mentioning Jimin, or even being totally focused on Jimin. There's years of super duper sus history between them. Right up to and including yesterday, where Jimin very heavily implied they are sharing Chuseok together.
It feels really weird to me that Jimin would want to tie JK's hair back neatly, call JK baby, beg JK to stay longer at his rehearsal, and joke that he can handle seeing JK naked -- but JK can't come over to shower and visit b/c Jimin says he just isn't that easy... if JK were in a relationship with someone else.
It also feels really weird to me that JK would light up like a super nova any time Jimin commented on his lives, would beg Jimin to hang out, would sing all of Jimin's songs and memorize Jimin's interview content, would travel with Jimin for his debut, then roll around naked in bed grinning and blushing while flirting with Jimin on live... if JK were in a relationship with someone else.
That would make Jungkook kind of a shitty boyfriend and Jimin kind of a shitty friend.
I know Jungkook is cultivating this cool guy/ladies man image right now and that is kinda baffling. I know friends can play-flirt, too... but to do all that on lives, after all their history together, knowing what half of Korea and ARMY thinks? Hm.
That's not "fanservice;" that's really toeing the line of queerbaiting. And it's really hard for me to imagine Jimin or Jungkook doing something like that. Jimin said he hates fake bromance stuff. (I guess anything is possible. It's a new chapter, after all. Maybe it's par for the course in idol-world.)
Hey, maybe Jikook had an amicable break up but are still really close and are fine teasing each other? Maybe they always liked to flirt but never were together? Maybe I've been reading it all wrong this whole time? Or maybe this is a bullshit video?
Whatever the reality is, I'm prepared to acknowledge it. At any time.
I'm not in a cult. I don't have to convince myself of anything. Jikook's behavior had made me think Jikook were in a relationship. If JK is dating someone else now? Okay then. I will just stop posting Jikook content and continue to help OT7 and celebrate my bias with all my heart.
No need for elaborate conspiracy theories or coping histrionics. If JK is in his Loving Women Era, good for him. Go with god, my brother. (Personally, I'd never recover from losing my chance to be with Thee Park Jimin, but that's me!)
But something about this just doesn't quite feel right. I wonder if he'll address it at all, like he did when folks filmed him in his gym or sent food to his home? Because if this is somehow real, it's a HORRIBLE invasion of privacy; home is supposed to be a safe place, and stalkers are scary.
And if it's not real, then someone is going to an AWFUL lot of trouble to overshadow Jungkook's release and upcoming album and that is unhinged. The kind of trouble that reminds me of apartment break-ins and tampered mail.
In any case, like I said: I'm ready to accept whatever the reality is, once the reality becomes clear.
I really love Jungkook. I really love Jimin. I really love BTS. They were there for me at the darkest, lowest point in my life. So whether I was right or wrong about Jikook, it doesn't really matter. In the end, I support them as far as I can.
But also, I sorta think this video may just be bullshit. So let's let them have their privacy, and focus instead on voting for Jimin and buying and streaming for JK instead, hmm? Eventually the truth will come to light.
No matter what happens, let's behave in a way that would make Jimin and Jungkook proud.
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Love, Roo
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geek-antic · 11 months
Soundwave is a powerhouse and an enigma and we don't talk about it enough so i'mma just gonna make a compilation of "how the hell did he do that" and "what the hell is he" moments that i've managed to find from across several transformers continuities
first off is from the first IDW comic continuity
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this is never explained, so i can only assume its because soundwave is technically an outlier but i haven't seen a panel that shows other outliers having "off the scale" readings, whatever that means.
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and then in the last moments of this continuity he sacrifices himself to save the universe/earth by using his outlier ability along with the enigma of combination to essentially connect the dead to the living in the entire galaxy for a hot minute . idk how the hell he did that or how he knew to do that, my money is on bad writing but i digress.
next up Transformers Prime
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tfp fans: elaborate on that. tfp writers: no. transformers prime soundwave is definitely a powerhouse and an enigma for several reasons but number one is this god damn scene with ratchet exclaiming soundwave isn't your standard cybertronian and then to my frustration the show refuses to explain why.
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also he can open portals. the only explanation for that is in the novels where he actually was part of the invention of spacebridge technology. i guess he could've incorporated that into himself, which frankly is kinda unheard of in of itself. but still I feel inclined to tell him that skywarp called and they want their powers back.
Next, we have the game Transformers: fall of cybertron. where he scavenges together all of megatrons parts and puts him back together which, yeah sure why not? it's essentially like putting a corpse back together but then he just REVIVES HIM??
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with his mind completely intact despite having been decimated by Metroplex and being dead for several hours. excuse me sir but that shouldn't be possible. I guess I could just chop it up to the writers being a bit loosey goosey with their own rules for the world but it's still quite a feat. but thinking back to G1 where he did the same thing with skyfire I guess they assumed it's just something he can do?
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although skyfire's revival was a bit more reasonable considering he was still in one piece and frozen solid which they explained to be the reason as to why he was kept intact. but I'm assuming that's why the writers were like "well let's just have him do the same thing for megatron" and everyone was like yeah okay why not. also like a lot of things in G1 this inbuilt high voltage canon/defibrillator is never brought up again which is hilarious and par for the course for G1.
there are several more moments throughout all the tf continuities where soundwave just does something inexplicable but these are a some of the moments that stuck out to me the most. I welcome others to add onto this post if they wish. because I'm sure I've missed some "how the hell did he do that" moments that would be a shame not to bring up.
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iconuk01 · 5 months
Pouches - Who's to blame (Not entirely serious)
Now, we remember that the king of the super pouches is Cable, and for good reason... Since his intro in 1990 he has tended to be more than slightly... pouch intensive
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This isn't even a spoof cover, it's an accurate representation of his costume at the time.
But did he START the trend?
I think not.
Leaving aside Batman from the 1966 series, who had hefty pouches in his belt...
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Though still not remotely large enough for some of the stuff he randomly produced from it, even if it DOES fold up... sort of.
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But I digress....
I did consider the Silver Age bat villain Cluemaster
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But those are specifically "plastic-glass pellets" containing assorted chemical weapons, like explosives, gas, acids and the like, so not sure they count.
It's been suggested that one of the first in the modern era to develop this was Longshot in 1986, when he did indeed have pouches on his belt, because artist Art Adams thought he needed practically-sized pouches to carry things in.
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But even then are there MANY pouches? His bandolier was to store his throwing knives for easy access, so weren't pouches per se.
So technically, the first X-Men character to really lay into the pouches side of things isn't Cable, not by a long shot... it's this guy, slightly later in 1986
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So Doug Ramsey was leading the field of poucher-y in the X-Verse side of things.
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Just look at that vest and belt, LOADED and lined with pouches, and we never even find out what's in them... Though I think it would include pens, pencils, notepaper, some money, spare keys to the Xavier school, first-aid kit, lock picks (because he's always wanted to carry lockpicks), string (Everyone should carry string), breath mints and other things a relatively sensible teenager would want to be sure he was carrying if he had the room in his outfit and wasn't given to cargo shorts!
And yet, there are other contenders, so let's work backwards...
Also from 1986, Batman (again) from "The Dark Knight Returns" where even his BELT looks to be on a course of serious steroids!
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And in 1983 we got this stylish new costume retconned into the history of the Golden Age Tarantula in All-Star Squadron who, up until this point, wore a purple and yellow spandex outfit that was, oncufsingly, identical to the Golden Age Sandman's spandex costume outfit.
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Notice that he has rings of pouches on both boots, where he keeps things like spare cash in case he needs to hire a taxi and probably some spare ammo for his wirepoon gun.
But I think I've found patient zero as, from 1981's New Teen Titans #3. we have the inventor and technologist par excellence, the man who would be known (Eventually) as Mikron O'Geneus, though he would, perhaps thankfully, becomes better known by his codename:
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Look, even his LOGO has pouches!
In fairness, given his speciality is creating techno-widgets and devices out of other technology, him carrying dozens of gadgets and components makes a lot of sense, to the extent that he even manages to carry MORE weapons than Robin's utility belt (Which is TARDIS like in and of itself)!
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So I think we have a winner!
Gizmo started the modern pouch trend!
If anyone can find earlier/other contenders, then please feel free to add them!
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adobe-outdesign · 3 months
Is there a pokemon you haven't reviewed that you're really itching to? Maybe one that bothers you a lot? I'd love to hear about some of your least favorites
(I'm pretty sure I've reviewed all of the Pokemon that I don't care for already, and it's not that big of a list to begin with. That said, I'm doing the Grimer line for this one because I don't care for the originals that much, even if I love the Alolan forms.)
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Grimer... is kind of boring, if I'm being honest. Slime monsters are a classic in fantasy and RPGs, and you can see a lot of different takes on them across the board. The beauty of a slime monster is that they don't have a solid body, so you can do whatever you want with the design.
Not only do we already have a slime monster in Gen 1 in the form of Ditto, but Grimer is pretty standard. It's a blob with arms, a wide open mouth, and big eyes. Color-wise, it's pure purple to represent its poison type with no details on its body. (For the record, I thought this line had stripes for years, which would've made them a bit more interesting, but the 3D models confirm that the stripes are shading.)
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What I do like about Grimer is that A) the expression is kind of fun, especially in the earlier sprites, and B) it does have some great lore. I love details like how it dies if there's not enough trash and filth for it to eat, and how this has caused them to slowly become endangered because the Pokemon world has been cleaning up its pollution. It's good world building, and adds some much needed interest to the line.
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Ultimately, while I find Grimer pretty bland, Muk is really what kills the line for me. There are so many things you can do with a pile of slime, and all the line does is... get bigger. It does change its eyes, gain a strand of slime over its mouth, and loose an arm (or rather, the other arm is merged with its body). The shape of it is kind of nice, and I like the mouth even if the eye is a bit of a downgrade, but overall it's about as uninteresting as an evo as you could get.
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All that said, while the Kantonian version of these Pokemon don't do a lot for me, the Alolan regionals knock it out of the park. My main complaint was that the original line felt very standard, so Alolan Grimer imminently works on fixing this by making the body green (also clever as it's another toxic color, as well as a standard slime color) and giving it a blue tongue with a bright yellow mouth outline and two small teeth (actually crystals). Some black accents around the eyes help them pop a bit as well. This instantly makes it stand out a lot more.
The reason for this change is that the line now feeds primarily on chemical waste instead of regular waste, having been introduced to Alola to deal with their trash problems. Once again, great worldbuilding!
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And if Alolan Grimer wasn't enough, Alolan Muk improves on the line even further by massively changing the design. What was one yellow line around the mouth is now four different colors, (yellow, green, blue, and pink), which are incredibly bright. Under normal circumstances they'd look clashy and garish, but they work perfectly when used to represent chemical poisons and the like. It's also nice that the line actually has stripes after all these years, and they ripple in its animations, which is even cooler! (The blue stripes don't move, which is odd, but I digress.)
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And in addition to that, Alolan Muk expands on A. Grimer's little "teeth" by including more crystalized poisons all over its body, giving it a jaw full of jagged, uneven "teeth" and "claws". The line went from being way too similar and fairly standard to incredibly distinct and unique. It's basically a perfect example of how regionals can be used to improve on older, plainer designs.
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Overall, the original line is harmless but pretty par for the course. The Alolan versions are a big improvement all-around and a much appreciated addition to the line.
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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Mark Alan, Count of Queanbeyan
+ explanation & lore
Okay first I'll explain the drawing itself, and then go into Mark's lore a bit, so stay with me!!!
First of all, yep. Mark with long hair. When I first conceptualized how he'd look in this au, I just genuinely could not imagine him with the typical long curly wig. And that irked me, bcs its just sooooooo historically inaccurate for him to have had short hair, no wig. I sketched him and Jense out as chibis, I drew Mark with short hair, and literally wrote "haha wow he looks so bad with long hair!!" Hello, can I take back that statement? It's actually shocking how good he looks???? Maybe it's a testament to my skill that I could make this work. But I did! And man, shameful to admit, but this might be my best portrait ever 😭😭 Funny tho, guy I've barely drawn, and never as detailed as this, ends up being one of my favs. Mark, you bastard!!
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^ lmao as you can see, I tried out a more Seb type wig and then realized ahhhhh nah, he needs a different style. And it worked so, yay!!! I've thought a lot recently, "man it would suck back then if you looked shitty in a wig" and I rescind that. I'm telling you, you think a man would look bad in a wig? I say think again, you're just not conceptualizing the right type of wig for him.
Also wow, its crazy thst I can finally actually visually see what he would look like next to others like Seb and Fernando in this au. Hehehe look at them!!! The boys!!!! Just need Jense :,)
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Anyways, I digress, some lore notes about Mark since I don't think I've really talked about him in this au on main much.
He is, of course, Seb's closest servant. His Groom of the Bedchamber(yes that term makes me feel rabid.) He's actually also based on a real guy, whom was described as the Emperor's "favorite" and despite not technically having very important positions, he had a lot of influence because of his closeness and connection with the Emperor. So, yeah, I think that's gives a pretty good pic of Mark in this au :)
He's actually pretty satisfied with his role, but he does feel a bitter and jealous when interacting with others like Jenson and Fernando. Because Mark doesn't have a title, well not in the same way. He's a count, not a King, not a Prince. Yes he's nobility, but not in the same way. And he's satisfied being under Seb, because that's what Mark was raised to do, take care of and keep Seb in line. But often realizes he's never going to be on par with him, not in the same way Fernando can, even if he's Seb's closest confidant.
To build on that. He's very satisfied with his role, and even continues to be satisfied when Fernando comes into the picture. Fernando and Seb don't get along, Mark is always going to be the closest to Seb, always going to know him the best, take care of him the best. But he realizes, he would never get to marry Seb, he's not ranked high enough for that. He was raised to do what's best for the Emperor, he's never going to be able to compete with Seb the same way Fernando can. He really wants Seb and Fernando to succeed! To grow closer! But it still really hurts sometimes.
His closest friend, other than Seb, is Jenson of course(and eventually Fernando, after they stop growling at each other like they're Seb's dogs.) But he does get bitter about Jenson sometimes. Jenson is a prince, who had some great performances in battle. But eventually got tired of that lifestyle, and "retired" to being part of Seb's court. Mark can't really understand that. How do you throw that level of prestige and freedom away. How do you just become the Emperor's servant, when that was never what you were born for. But also, I think Jense definitely uplifts him, they just get along so well, and Jense truly cares for him, no other motives :)
LOL sorry I realize how depressing this sounds 😭 I think all of the above is just Mark at his most bitter, but he's genuinely pretty happy. Think of the whole "not bad for a number 2 driver thing", that's him in this AU. He knows his station, and god damn it, he's gonna be the best, most loyal groom there ever was!! He just cares for Seb so deeply, and it truly is his life path to serve him. Seb cares for him too, feels like he can always rely on him and always be reassured by him and his eternal presence in Seb's life. It's nice to have someone you can always fall back on. Sometimes literally. Yes he makes Mark carry him to bed.
Not to stray away from just Mark, but aaaaahhh the Martian in this AU. Just Mark having to put up with Seb's brattiness all the time, and care for him all the time :) He's so tired of catching Seb naked tho...Seb please put clothes on, this is not befitting of your station. Seb takes Mark with him everywhere, and they share the same bed on trips. Mark is always the first Seb goes to to ask his opinion. I said earlier that Mark feels like he cannot challenge Seb in the same way Fernando can, but Seb really wants him to honestly! He loves hearing Mark's thoughts and opinions. Mark is widely known as Seb's favorite, and is often seen as the second authority in the palace and in the court.
As for Webbonso? I think they really dislike each other in the beginning just because the roles that they're in. They both feel like they're pitted against each other, and ir doesn't help that Seb loves to tease them and often favor one in front of the other(he later realizes how shitty this is, and tries to rectify it, because he never intended to make them actually jealous, he just loves being bratty.) Eventually they realize they're in extremely similar situations(both beholden to and stuck eternally with the Emperor), and find comfort in each other in that.
Yep that's right...the palace is honestly one big polycule djkfkglg. But I hope thay explains Mark in this AU well enougg???? All you need to know: Seb's long-suffering servant.
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midnight-pluto · 5 months
PERFECTION — headcanons
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various!genshin impact characters who’re searching for a perfect gift for you [ @w4yf1nder ]
CHAR: albedo, childe, lyney
PAIRING(S): gn!reader x various!genshin men (separate)
TROPES: fluff, established relationship
TW: none
A/N: it might not be the most original, but I hope you enjoy <33
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our dearest alchemist isn’t one for understanding the joy of the holidays — he never fully grasped why receiving or giving a gift on one specific day meant so much someone, but to each their own was his thought process
emphasis on was, since this was going to be the first holiday the two of you would spend officially as a couple
that was when he finally understood why everyone made such a big deal out of gift-giving during the holidays; he finally felt pressure
pressure to find something perfect for you
now, albedo isn’t saying that he has never felt pressure before; but not like he does once the first few days of winter rolls around
everyone is talking and decorating for the holidays — especially for their loved ones. he had considered studying the new atmosphere that had spread throughout Teyvat which had caused almost everyone to be in what they called a ‘holiday spirit’ but he digressed
he already had an unfamiliar feeling weighing on his shoulders which he wasn’t sure how to deal with
so after an extensive amount of people watching, Albedo had came to the conclusion that he should ask you what you wanted directly to your face
however that was quickly tossed aside when on the way to ask you what you wanted for the holidays he overheard people agreeing that their present had to be kept a secret
so he changed course and went to the direction of kaeya for advice instead
did he think kaeya would be the best candidate to ask? no — which is why all research projects have more than one test subject
(i failed science this year pls don’t come for me in any inaccuracies)
when he had asked kaeya about gifts for his partner his reply was a mix of teasing and recommending a gift of extravagance:
“Think of it as something to be remembered. You want them to remember that it was you who have it to them after all, right? Either go big or go home.”
albedo isn’t the most wealthy of the captains so he chalked kaeya’s response as a result of his upbringing with the ragvindr’s but he had taken most of his advice and moved onto the next
lisa was more in-tune with her emotions than him or others he knows so he visited her next
her response was similar to kaeya’s — in the teasing matter that is — but she had gotten more in depth in what the perfect gift would be:
“Well, gifts are meant to be both given and received. So what about something matching? Like a cute little locket with a picture of each other in it! Ah, how I wish somebody would give me something like that one day.”
needless to say, albedo was quite thankful that she hadn’t spoken to him in riddles this time around and got straight to the point; there was a reason he was interviewing his peers after all
the next and final candidate on his list for advice was his assistant sucrose
sucrose gave him advice that was short and sweet and didn’t require him to think to hard about
“A bouquet should do the trick — you can’t go wrong with a nice bouquet with their favorite flowers; you know their favorite flower, right?”
after looking over his notes one last time, Albedo had concluded to gift you a leather band with Cecilia’s along with your favorite flower pressed and preserved onto it
the flower petals had practically covered all of the band which was tightened and loosened via a ribbon which you pulled in order to do so
“I hope that this gift is up to par with your standards, and I hope you know I really appreciate you being with me despite knowing all the possibilities that could happen and the nature of my work, so thank you.”
compared to our favorite alchemist, childe is more adept with emotions and when giving someone a gift
despite falling into the abyss and being apart of an organization that isn’t the most humane, he’s a family man with multiple siblings to look after so he’s bound to notice the little things
like your preferences — how you lean towards your favorite color over all else, how your eyes narrow in disgust when you smell something vile, how your eyes widen when you see the sight of your favorite dessert on display, etc etc
he could go on all day but that would be a waste of time given his current dilemma
see, Childe doesn’t necessarily consider his pockets to be bottomless, but they most certainly look like they are given how much he splurges when it comes to you and his family
“Childe, would you care to explain to me why you have spent 4,078,934 mora on: personal expenses?”
“Can you beat me in a fight?”
listen i need more genshin characters to be portrayed with sass not all of them can be respectful
but back on track, he knows what kinds of gifts his family members prefer — teucer likes a lot of small presents, tonia would rather have few good quality gifts rather than more low quality ones, and his mother absolutely adores heartfelt gifts
however, it seems almost like a balance when it came to you in his eyes; you liked treasured practically everything he gave you, whether it be silly rock he drew a silly face on or an expensive dinner date
he didn’t want to just gift you random trinkets! you deserved and are worth so much more than that
but still, he wanted it to be a surprise so he couldn’t just ask you himself outright
so he sends teucer over to question you
truly the smartest idea he had ever thought of the whole year where you would never suspect a thing
“Your brother sent you here to ask me that question didn’t he?”
“Uh… no?”
as much as he hates to say it, he was slightly disappointed in teucer for barely making an effort to disguise the fact that Childe was the one who sent him over but hey, he still got his answer so why should he care?
though the answer was still relatively vague, it had narrowed down his options quite a bit — still a lot since the more money he owns the more options he has but I digress
he had decided to gift you three things:
silly goofy hehe haha gift: he took inspiration from his sisters old craft book lying around somewhere and got to work on making a finger puppet created to look like him; he didn’t know where this idea came from to he completely honest
omg romance: a gift most certainly more well thought out and a lot of care given into it where he gifted you small trinkets from all over the seven nations where they all have some form of meaning of love
personal expenses are skyrocketing: rented out a whole entire restaurant just for a lovely one-on-one date with no distractions to bother you both with the menu containing some added dishes catered to your liking
“You’re someone special, and I’m not saying that just to make you feel that way — well, partially since that is what you are to me. I’m saying this because you managed to accept all sides of me, and I wish to do the same to you.”
I believe that lyney maybe the one who is most adept in his emotions out of the five
unfortunately, he’s terribly indecisive; like Childe he notices the minor details which only fuels his never-ending thought process on what you’d like and dislike about it gift
this wasn’t as simple as pulling a rose from behind your ear after all
the pressure also magnifies 10x since lyney’s from Fontaine given how the nation may be centered around justice, it pays attention to live and passion just — if not more — as much so the expectations for his gifts to be methodically thought out is incredibly high
it also doesn’t help that lyney is practically working overtime to keep up his: ‘perfect older brother’ facade given how much overthinking he’s been doing lately
and so his dear siblings — lynette and freminet — have took it upon themselves to help out their brother dearest by… being his stationed listeners to all of his ramblings
“You may be thinking that we already have established that they don’t like that color, however! Recently they purchased a new shirt that is that exact color they have shown distaste for but that doesn’t exactly mean they have completely changed their mind since—“
“Lyney why don’t we just, not get them things that are that color?”
“I’m getting to that. So there’s always—“
[insert Lynette groaning here]
they give good advice it’s just that lyney doesn’t necessarily fully processes them in his mind which then leads to him having mind-blowing revelations in his eyes when in reality freminet mentioned that idea an hour ago
the air in the room gets pretty awkward after that’s mentioned but is quickly defused do too lyney dashing out in search for the gift he deems perfect for you
Lyney does it so quickly in fact, that it gets its own small section in the Steambird for it which most certainly catches your eye
it’s quite funny when you confront him about it though with him feigning ignorance and throwing out claims sarcastically yet still dancing around the truth even though you both know what it was
luckily it doesn’t take that long for lyney to fess up and give you an early holiday present
“This might be one of the only times I’m not appreciative of Charlotte’s work — but I hope that my untimely and unceremoniously gift hasn’t ruined the experience this season — I am fortunate to have someone as lovely as you by my side after all.”
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a/n: shout-out and a huge thank you to @2023gisecretsanta for holding this event !!
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actualbird · 2 years
assorted hc rambles that one way or another have something to do with the academia in tot's canon
wc: 1k
cuz even if i know this is a game of romance and wits and murder mystery law, hyv cant just drop the cast like the nxx team (aka vyn and artem have doctorate degrees, mc is a graduate attorney, luke has a master's in bioengineering, and marius is working on his master's in oil painting) and not expect me to want to know more about how theyre interacting with their specific spheres of academia
stellis university's biology department is begging "Pearce, L." to please consider giving a guest lecture for their students, pretty please
i think it's very entertaining to remember that several departments at stellis university have a bunch of Celebrity Poster Students/Alumni/Profs.
psychology dept obviously has the graceful intelligent dr vyn richter and hoo boy, that incident back in his personal story 3 where for a hot sec the university believed a SKETCHY CALLOUT POST accusing him to be a TOXIC MANIPULATOR....okay thats pretty on par for the course of how social media works HAHA. but my point here is that vyn is beautiful and a great teacher and theres a fanclub for him and he was momentarily involved in juicy drama. hes the perfect poster prof, he brings in a lot of attention and, in turn, interested students.
the law dept obviously has artem wing, and theyve also got rising attorney mc too!! im not sure if ingrid rosworth is canonically also a graduate of stellis uni, but if she is, im sure the law dept can drop some spicy rumors about ingrid and artem's Bitter Rivalry or something
aaaand the fine arts department has The marius von hagen as a grad student, and that in itself is already a big draw and a bunch of publicity.
but what about the STEM nation?
luke pearce is the only person on the team that is in no way affiliated with stellis university. he got his master's degree at national central university, which (and i know i mentioned this before but i want to mention it again) is noted in the Big Data Lab to be a canonical rival school of stellis university
National Central University has been competing with Stellis University for the top-ranked college domestically for years, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. [from the Big Data Lab entry on NCU]
which is already so hilarious to think about. can you imagine national central university and stellis university's sports teams go against each other for a big game and suddenly the nxx investigation team is divided due to school loyalties? luke's gonna be the lone ranger rooting for national central and everybodys gonna affectionately call him a traitor
but i digress.
while luke is the most lowkey of the team in terms of publicity/popularity he gets from the media, surely, surely this canonical genius' bioengineering contributions during his studies garnered attention from the nerds at stellis uni.
the master's thesis written by Pearce, L. is something many students and faculty have been fangirling/fanboying over the moment they read it, and it becomes known that Pearce, L. is currently residing in south stellis, and thus the dept keeps sending luke emails inviting him to do a guest lecture sometime
and he always just replies with a concise and friendly "No thank you! :D" because 1) hes got enough on his plate to do right now and 2) cuz of stupid school loyalties jhvJHVKSJHFS, hes not teaching on enemy territory
"MY DISCIPLINE'S citation style is better than YOURS!!!"
luke (biology/engineering) and vyn (psychology/pedagogy) use APA. mc and artem (law) use The Bluebook Style. and marius, our sole trooper in the fine arts, uses MLA.
if ever the team have to collaborate with somebody else in the team who is outside of their respective discipline's citation style to co-author some research, blood will be shed. the chaos would be immense. everybody assumed they were using the same citation (i.e. whatever citation each of them were respectively used to) and then when they realize the formatting discrepancies, the ACADEMIC RIFTS IN MANUALS OF STYLE, everybody gets extremely defensive and comically overdramatic over their preferred format of choice
vyn, luke, and marius: //squinting at the bluebook format
vyn: this is...
marius: youre gonna be way too passive aggressive with your thoughts, what we need is blunt aggressive. this format sucks balls
artem: it does not suck balls
vyn: no, he's right, it does
marius, muttering to himself: oh that was a weird feeling, vyn saying im right
artem, louder: it doesnt!!
luke, looking at mc with the biggest saddest puppy eyes: w-when did you change so much...i...i thought i knew you, i trusted you 🥺🥺🥺
marius: uh, cuz marius is right and holy and all of you are wrong?
vyn, immediately switching sides cuz he loves the drama: MLA is ridiculous. why on earth is the only number present in the in text citation the page number?
marius: cuz it's simpler and doesnt take for-fuckin-ever to read past?????
luke, grumbling: least MLA could do is have the year in the in text citation...
marius: thats what the works cited portion is for, bitch!
artem: so you want us to flip all the way to the works cited portion to see the year? that seems like it would take much longer to do, like it would take forever---
and this argument would go on for far too long.
moving on
one day vyn is sick and has to postpone a class and...
if vyn comes down with the ails, he'll of course have to update his students about how he wont be coming in on that day.
now, he wanted to start off his email saying. "I am afraid I will have to postpone classes [...]" and whatnot, but vyn is Very Sick. he starts writing the email, passes out like a few words in, and when he wakes up he sees the email he had accidentally sent to all his students:
Good day, I am afraid
(based on this hilarious tumblr post)
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sablegear0 · 1 year
Pondering over Other M again and I had a thought about Adam’s choice to restrict Samus’s gear. He’s likely never seen any of it in action first-hand.
If the very start of Zero Mission is an indication of what she was equipped with during her time with the Galactic Federation Police, barring any additional supplies from the GF of course, her loadout is pretty bare-bones. She may not even have had the Morph Ball during her term with the GFP. (I personally like to think she did if only for the comedy factor, but I digress.) Basic plating, no extra movement technology, no missiles, a beam weapon with infinite ammunition but severely limited range. Besides the infinite ammo and presumably more durable plating, she’s not much better off than a standard solider. Adam might be loosely familiar with what Chozo tech is capable of, given the Chozo’s involvement in founding the Federation, but he’s never seen for himself what a fully-equipped powersuit can do.
The only information he would have to go on would be mission reports and item schematics from Samus herself, and hearsay from any field troops who happen to see her in action... (More under the cut)
For the former, presumably Samus includes some mention of what she finds in mission reports, and she likely has to submit some basic empirical data about her weapon systems for, like, licensing reasons. (Eg. “This missile launcher has a maximum capacity of 255 homing micro-missiles. Each round is capable of producing a [#]-ton explosion.”) She would probably have to provide data about her weapon systems to the GF so she can actually legally carry them on Federation vessels and habitats, or to apply for exemptions to do so.
While that’s reliable, empirical data, it’s still kind of difficult to work with. How big of an explosion is that really? What would that do to an un/armoured person? To a small vehicle? To the hull of a ship? And that’s just a simple weapon system like a missile launcher. What about crazy stuff like the Wave and Plasma beams, that can pierce some solid structures or organic matter? What about high-powered movement tech like the Speed Booster? How do you even begin to quantify something like the Screw Attack?
(As an aside, it’s interesting that Adam uses the game’s item names for upgrades. This is probably a bit of a game conceit, so the Player actually knows what he’s talking about. In “reality” the Federation probably have more technical/descriptive terms for Samus’s equipment. For example, the name “Speed Booster” doesn’t actually tell us all that much about what it does. But something like “Supersonic Somatic Accelerator” is a bit more descriptive. Her upgrades are probably given technical names in official files, and the item names we as the Player know are Samus’s personal terms for them.)
For the latter, there’s no way that’s a wholly reliable source. Imagine hearing from one of the Demolition Troopers Samus has to escort during Corruption. “She fought off a dozen Pirate troopers and killed a Berserker with a single shot and dodged a train and shot down half a dozen more aerotroopers and-” As the Player we know it’s the truth, we were there doing it. But as a shrewd, experienced soldier? It sounds like a tall tale. Or worse, it sounds like par for the course, and the story probably only gets grander as it gets passed from person to person! By the time of the events of Other M, Samus is a legendary figure, and there are probably countless stories -both overblown and totally accurate- of the crazy feats she’s managed to accomplish and the insane weaponry she can bring to bear to do it.
Adam has only (rather unhelpful) empirical numbers and (equally unhelpful) urban legends to go on by the time Samus shows up on the Bottle Ship. He really has no personal measure of what her current, thoroughly upgraded equipment can do. He only has the rawest data and the most elaborate legends, and he has to make a measured, careful decision about what sort of threat she might present to what believes to be a civilian rescue mission*. Since she refused to leave when told, he was well within his rights to restrict her gear; for the safety of his squad, for the safety of any potential civilians present, and for the integrity of the unstable environment. (He was within his rights to detain her too, but that doesn’t make for an exciting video game or a very fine hello when reuniting with an old friend.)
The missile tutorial at the very beginning of the game is a perfect example of this. Normal breaching charges weren’t having any effect on a blast door that Samus casually blows open with a single missile round. She has that sort of destructive power available without even expending effort. The only sane thing to do would be to make her presence conditional on restricting her weaponry unless explicitly authorized. And this is a major failing of the translation, I acknowledge. If this point was made clear, the authorization gimmick would make much more sense to the Player, but that’s not really the point I’m trying to make here.
The point I’m trying to make is from an in-world, character-driven perspective. Adam simply cannot assess the threat that Samus might pose with the information he has, so he opts to proceed with extreme caution. And this choice makes his exchange with her at the doors to Sector Zero even more poignant.
He’s been watching through Samus’s eyes for the duration of the mission. He finally has a chance to see first-hand what she can do, what her gear and her abilities can accomplish. By meting out her weapons and movement tech, Adam calibrates his understanding of her capabilities - and recognizes the severity of the situation because all these things became necessary over the course of the mission. And when he reaches the point he can’t continue, he’s seen enough to know he can safely make the choice he does. Because he has the data now, he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Samus can handle this solo. All the raw numbers have context and all the absurd legends are true. And while I deeply dislike the phrasing used in the English version, calling her a “Galactic Saviour”, it is genuinely a moment where Adam acknowledges his own limits are far behind those of his old friend. He knows he is safely expendable, because he’s seen and learned everything he needed to know to make that choice. (I suspect even if he didn’t have the insurance of a digital backup, Adam would have been willing to take the same actions. His trust in Samus by that point was absolute.)
[*It wouldn’t be a blog about Adam and OM if I didn’t discuss my favourite headcanon/au, that Adam was aware of the nature of the facility and became the “Deleter” in an attempt to keep it secret. I’ve discussed this before but obviously there’s another element of caution in Adam’s decision in this context. He can’t let Samus go tearing through the Bottle Ship unrestricted if he’s here to recover its materials and/or continue to keep its true nature secret. He also can’t let her run around at full power if he’s considering the possibility of having to terminate or otherwise deal with her himself. Because she was too stubborn to leave, and too inquisitive not to learn the truth, he has to measure out what he can give her without letting her become a genuine threat to his covert mission, or himself.
Eventually, seeing the enormity of the odds against him and observing Samus’s righteous wrath and determination first-hand through her video feed, helps sway his change of heart by the end. As much as he was desperate to conceal his massive mistake, he’s confident he can trust Samus to get the job done and end the present threats on the Bottle Ship, even at the cost of his own life and reputation.]
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tenaciouschronicler · 1 month
April 22 2024 2009
Birthdays, birthdays and more birthdays.
Doesn't leave a lot of time for posting about updates so lets recap some thoughts from the weekend (because Hussie has yet to take a break!)
Time since we last spoke to TG: 10 min. We get to meet someone new, the mentioned TentacleTherapist from Turntech and Johns convo!
EB: jk I was wearing a funny disguise this whole time.
EB: gotcha! hehehehe
TT: I know, John.
Poor TT, sounds like this is par for the course when dealing with John. Shes gotta be older than John, at LEAST. You can almost hear the exasperated sigh.
Moving on back to the mission.
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Why would sassacre be against this??? This seems like something he'd be down with.
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John's turning into quite the pyromaniac. My kinda chaos tbh.
We also get a peek inside Colonel Sassacre's book of wisdom.
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The fact it mentions beagle-puss-oglling as if its a given all who read are actively wearing said item. It does help TT's case for expecting John to be wearing them.
Two options are now presented, kitchen or study. Of course we go to Dad Egberts study. We must know more about the limited characters we have!
His dad seems more on the magician side of pranking looking at his desk or at least maybe more performative arts if we take the Herlequins into account.
There's also this tidbit regarding a can of peanuts:
Ha ha, oh DAD. You won't be falling for THAT one again any time soon.
A severe peanut allergy is a terrible affliction to cope with.
Did... did John open a non prank can? Perhaps after learning of prank peanut cans? Did he not consider it might be real peanuts? WHY WOULD THERE BE REAL PEANUTS IN THE FIRST PLACE IF HE'S ALLERGIC DAD????
I digress, as mentioned by @homestuckreplay there's alot of talk of what is expected of 'stereotypical' SuBURBan ideals:
A father without a pipe is like a strapping roughneck without a toothpick. That is to say, HE IS A RATHER PISS-POOR EXCUSE FOR A ROUGHNECK IF YOU ASK ME.
Not sure what these little notes are supposed to tell us, but I'll keep an eye out I guess.
And for the finale!
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He cannot
a break :D
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feekins · 11 months
today, as I re-read ch 3 of Trigun Maximum vol 1, the focus of our story shifts to post-timeskip Meryl! what's she up to? what strange new translation discrepancies will I stumble upon next? let's jump right in and find out! 😁
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
ok so the moment I saw the first page, I had to go grab Trigun vol 1 for comparison purposes.
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SO. a couple things I wanna note about the in-'verse timeline, for posterity:
Lost July happened on July 21, 0104
Fifth Moon happened in October of 0110
at Fifth Moon, Vash references the Fall as having happened 150 years ago...
...which has me thinking that some major post-Fall event led to the decision to start a new calendar "era" - like how, in tristamp, the "Planet Era" was heralded by humanity managing to establish a planet-wide radio network using a satellite that was launched pre-Fall (source: Studio Orange on Twitter)
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(SIDE-NOTE: on the sheet we see Meryl hand Roberto towards the beginning of tristamp ep 1, we see Meryl's birth year marked as "PE081" and her age as "23" - which tells us that tristamp starts in the year 0104 - which tracks with the date the manga gives us for Lost July! and also has me thinking we won't have a Fifth Moon in the new anime, but I digress;;;;; )
Trigun Maximum picks up 2 years after Fifth Moon (0112)...
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...but we first see post-Fifth Moon Meryl on her 23rd birthday in February of 0113...
...meaning a few months have passed since we met Eriks!
oh, and that office lady, Karen, says Meryl's Vash assignment was 4 months long, which puts the start of Trigun vol 1 at July of 0110!
anyway. I thought that was interesting. if it hasn't been done already, it would be cool for someone to keep track of the manga timeline (someone who isn't me, lmao - I've already spent over an hour on this post;;;;; )
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
anyway! here's the first little translation discrepancy that jumped out at me this chapter! similar wording, sure, but to me, subtle differences in meaning and overall vibes the phrasing gives off rly emphasizes Vash's softness in the Overhaul 💕
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
but this? lol idk, man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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additional shit in the Overhaul's translation! not surprised that Keele seems like even more of an asshole here lmao
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...ok but it's rly funny to think about the possibility that all Vash knows about insurance agents comes from his impressions of Meryl and Milly. so. I guess in his mind, Keele's just par for the course 🤣
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subtle difference in wording here, but thanks to the Overhaul, this little bit makes a lot more sense to me this read-through =u=
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same deal here!
wow, they're married... 🤣🤣🤣
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and again! Dark Horse had me thinking Meryl was talking about Vash here. the Overhaul makes it clear that, no, she's talking about that asshole Keele
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
A Chance Encounter: Battle of the Exes
Scarlett Johansson x John Doe(😂)
Jess Valdez (OC) x Fem!Reader
Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
Dinner & a Movie … Star (Previous)
Warnings: Alcoholism(mentioned), Dead OC!Child, Grief, shitty ex
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Stood before you was none other than Jess, wearing their nicest suit—the exact same one that used to make you swoon—the top button purposefully undone with a bottle of your favorite wine held up in front of their face. Their cocky smirk was quick to fall at the sight of the unfamiliar infant hanging on your hip, and neither of you really knew what came next in this already intense stare off, even Carson's happy babbling had stopped while he surveyed the current situation with his wide eyes.
"Y/N, honey, your timer's going off.."
You really wished Scarlett had read the silence better, but you digress, because now all you wanted to do was sink into the floor at the sight of your soon to be officially divorced partners expression. It was a mix between genuine pain, obvious jealousy, but as was par the course anger outweighed anything else, and it was proven through their backhanded comments.
"So, that's why you wanted the weekend's off?" They question over a bitter chuckle, and you have to remember you're holding a baby when you go to reply.
"Excuse me?" You ask with a pointed glare, not liking where they were taking this at all, and absolutely ready to fight back if they didn't reroute themselves since you never even offered up weekends—they took them.
"Who is it then? Nancy from the office, she did always want to fuck you..."
With that you'd stepped out the door, shutting it quietly, but the walls were only so thick..
"Hey, watch the way you speak, our daughters just inside the house, and we agreed to never downgrade the other in front of her."
"Well, her mama's clearly being a whore in front of her, so —."
"I'm going to stop you right there, I'm having a dinner play date for Angie and Riley's family.
But isn't that fucking rich, you cheated, and I can't even consider dating after we've been legally separated for nearly six months." You cut them off with an aggressive scoff, but they just overlook you in the hopes of finding a leg to stand on.
"The divorce isn't even finalized yet."
"The only reason it's unfinished is because you won't stop fighting it in the hopes of changing my mind. Newsflash Jess, but what once was is now over, your hold on my heart was gone far before you cheated, and that's a choice you made. I guess it's not true what they say—absence, unfortunately doesn't make the heart grow fonder."
While the both of you continue to bicker Scarlett could vaguely hear the elevating voices so she turned the oven down to a warming setting, and sent the girls off to wash up before they could register the obvious disputing. Once they'd made it up the stairs, giggling as they went, Scarlett proceeded to open the front door to see who'd shown up to disturb the peace.
Jess had been raging on about how lame of a partner you were, something about how had you just been a bit more adventurous in the bedroom maybe they would've remained loyal. It wasn't true, they just wanted to hurt you the same way that they hurt, as if cheating on you wasn't enough. Deep down the failed marriage had been their biggest regret, losing you so soon after losing your son had been beyond debilitating. Jess had been so distraught over Josh that they silently took to drinking, then to cheating, and to this day they fail to admit to you that the reason they miss so many weekends is because staying sobers near impossible at this point and they don't want Angie to see her Deda that way.
Jess immediately stopped their vicious attacks on you at the sight of the Scarlett Johansson. You'd been so zoned out that you failed to feel the presence behind you, but the sudden silence had brought you back to the moment.
"Oh jeez was that all Jess? What stopped you from going on, I can see it in your eyes that you weren't anywhere close to done, so please go on and tell me what it is." You humorlessly chuckle out, but before you could taunt further a beautiful voice speaks up from behind.
"Y/N, honey, dinners ready, and the girls are upstairs washing up. Do you need any help?"
You turn to face her, and your chest flutters as you hear that she'd shielded the younger girls from the mess that was Jess off on a tangent. Then you saw the clear change in her tone from soft to dangerous when she turned to face your ex while "asking you" a question.
"Thanks Scar, how about you take this little guy inside, I'm sorry that I hadn't already..."
Carson whines slightly but then he nuzzles into his mother's comforting embrace and your heart melts at the sight.
"Don't worry about it, don't be too long now, the food can't stay under the warmer forever."
"I'll be right behind you."
Jess's expression had went from angry to starstruck, to shocked, then rounded right back to furious within less than sixty seconds at the sight of Scar's hand gripping your shoulders. Seeing just how soft she'd been while speaking to you they could tell there was something real blooming here, and that there truly was no going back. The fury momentarily melted into bitter acceptance once you'd turned to face them, and it was obvious how much calmer she'd been able to make you with subtleties.
"Look Jess, if you want to see Angie come back in an hour after their playdate is over, and you can take her out to ice cream or something. Clearly you'd had different plans, but plans can, and should change."
"No... I'll just come next weekend, I promise."
"You know, she really misses you, and I'm tired of being made to break her heart, so please mean it this time..."
"I do mean it..." They sigh out defensively, but quickly fix their face at your pointed stare.
"We'll see..." You quip with a shoulder shrug before leaving them alone to sulk on the porch, but their plans are a bit more grim with the bottle in their hand.
"Mama!!! Where were you?" Angie shrieks the exact moment you enter the kitchen.
"Hello to you too angel, I was just outside on a work call, now who's ready for dinner?" You reply, Scarlett stares at you with a quirked brow, but you just send her back a 'not now' stare to which she nods gently.
After serving the correct pasta to everyone you'd failed to sit down which made the entire table turn to watch you move around the kitchen.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Riley mumbles over a bite of food.
"Baby, chew with your mouth closed..." Scarlett chastises her daughter, eyes definitely focused on you though as they all wait for the answer.
"I'm preparing the dinner I'd made for Carson, it'll just be a minute, you guys enjoy the pasta." You excitedly state, while doing a little dance as you warm and mix up the puréed potatoes, and somehow failing to see Scarlett's smitten as a kitten smile.
It'd been a month since the dinner, and you'd not been able to have your solo date yet. Scarlett had to cancel due to a last minute mishap on her most recently finished project. Riley actually had stayed at your house for those two weeks since her father Marco was out of the country, and her former stepdad John had a project of his own, so his elderly mother could only handle the baby on her own.
Come the following weekend neither of you could secure the proper child care, because in a totally not shocking turn of events Jess had already skipped off for work, and the only consistent help—John, had been off to Cali.  That night was still a considerable success, you had a massive sleepover at her place instead. There was an ungodly amount of unhealthy snacks, lots of shared laughter, and once the exhaustion arose everyone had decided to sleep on the floor under the pillow fort made by yours truly and Carson slept away in his playpen directly besides all of you.
After the many failed attempts Scarlett and you'd planned for tonight to be date night; there was a determination in her eyes that told you it would happen, but you were uncertain, just waiting for that other shoe to drop. John had his son and Riley for the day, but Jess hadn't responded to a single text.
Scarlett offered to ask John, but you sort of knew the man, and would've felt awkward asking him to watch your daughter so you could go out with his ex wife. Scarlett found your reservations funny, and planned to convince you otherwise, it honestly helped that Riley already pleaded for Angie to come too.
"Sweetheart, John and I are on relatively good terms, so me dating someone is of little concern to him, he really only cares about the kids and since we have that concern in common he leaves me be. Plus, much like Jess he made his bed, so he's got no room to talk. He'd be more than fine taking Angie, she's an absolute angel anyways, and not to mention Riley's apparently been pestering him about it anyways."
"Is it wrong that I'm jealous...?"
"Jealous of what? My divorce?" She snorts, but her eyes work to betray her as they overflow with an overwhelming sympathy that serves to drown you if you don't look away.
"Well yeah... It's just, why can't they see how much they're hurting her? She'd been so happy after she saw them the two following weekends after the porch fight. I really thought we were getting somewhere, and now the bullshit excuses have returned, or in today's case the total ghosting. John's at least a good dad..."
Scarlett hates the way you tend to overlook your own pain, especially when you wear it so obviously; she can hear it whenever you speak of your ex, or see it when you are forced to cause the usual reaction that is your daughter's fallen face, but as someone who's dealt with the same for Riley she completely understands. Which is why she uses this rare moment alone with you to pull you into her lap, snickering at the sounds of your unenthused squeals.
"I can't speak for Jess honey—personally, if given the opportunity I'd probably smack the living shit out of them actually..."
Your chuckles warms her heart, but she also wonders if you know she actually means it.
"I can speak from my own experience to say you're doing absolutely everything right, and I'm so unbelievably in awe of your strength. Angie's happy, her glowing smile whenever you enter the room tells me so, and then there's the way she beams about you whenever you're not in the room. Jess has to pull it together on their own, so you need to let go, and leave them be. They'll either pull it together, or they won't, but that's truly not your job to figure out anymore. You're their ex wife, and though you're the mother to their children, you're not responsible for if they're around or not. Focus on your daughter, and yourself... Me too if possible."
You stare deeply into her eyes as she speaks, sighing heavily as you truly take her words to heart, and then you find yourself unable to contain the giggle as she concludes her speech.
"Fine... John can watch her..."
"Yes! I'm going to go tell her the good news, meet us downstairs when you're ready." Scarlett squeals, effortlessly standing up with you still in her lap, spinning you around until your legs eventually drop to the floor, and she parts with a sweet peck to your nose.
"Angie, do you have all of your toys?"
"Yes mama, I have them all!"
"Just make sure you take care of them, I don't want to hear —."
"Mama! I know, I pwomise." She shrieks, her subtle lisp proving just how exasperated she's becoming so you reside to dropping it.
"Okay then angel, let's go." You muse, hand holding tightly to hers as she jumps out of the car, and Scarlett watches the silly interaction from the drivers seat with a smile on her face.
Two knocks was all it took for the door to swing wide open, Riley stood directly before the both of you with a wide smile on her face when looking to Angie, then as she turns to you the smile becomes tighter.
You drop to a crouching position, using the post to help hold yourself up in an attempt to keep your clothing clean, and face your cheery daughter.
"Bye my angel."
"Bye mama." She says, tiny arms wrapping around your neck for a brief hug that you fully embrace before she runs off into the house.
"Angie, go straight into the living room, I'll be right there..." She instructs, scarily resembling her mother in stance.
"Yes Riles?" You ask, turning ever so slightly to face her.
"Mommy told me what's happening..."
"Mhm... Look, if you hurt my mommy then we can't be friends anymore, and then I'll be really sad because I love you, and Angie a lot..." She says with a faux scowl on her face, you hold back the laughter threatening to come out at her adorable intimidation tactics, and instead just give her a reassuring smile as the vulnerability is present on her face.
"Oh sweet girl, I promise I won't do anything to hurt your mommy, because you're important to me too, I love you so much..."
"John said the same thing."
"Well I'm not John honey..."
"Yeah, you're much prettier than him." She admits with a shy smile, and you take that as the perfect moment to embrace her.
"I promise you she's safe with me Ri-Ri." You whisper into her ear, and her grip on you tightens, then she kisses your cheek before running inside when Angie calls for her.
Carefully you return to a standing position, nearly falling onto your ass at the sight of John waiting for you in the doorway with a suddenly antsy baby with arms outstretched for you.
"I'm not sure if I'd agree that you're prettier, but you're definitely a good match for Scar, and it seems the kids already love you." The man genuinely relays, passing Carson over to you without much of a choice, but you don't exactly mind as you embrace the cheerful infant. 
"Thank you again John, I'll be back by 10pm at the latest to collect her." You excitedly relay as you lift the baby up and above your head repeatedly, relishing in the sounds of his giggles.
"It's my pleasure, I've always loved having your kids over, they were always so well behaved."
Your heart skips at the plurality of his statement, but you brush passed it with a pensive smile, passing the frowning baby back over to him once Scarlett unknowingly saves you with a honking horn.
"Well I better get going then, don't wanna keep the misses waiting." You tease, and he waves you off with a gentle smile.
Yeah... She definitely has the better ex...
Scarlett wanted to take you out somewhere nice, but without drawing too much attention to either of you; worried the paparazzi would be enough to run you off, and fortunately for her she's got some friends in higher places.
"Scar, where are we going?"
"Out to eat." She replies with the same deflection as the last time you'd asked, smirking to herself once she hears your adorable grumbling, and settling her free hand on your exposed thigh to still your squirming form.
"Hey now, we just dropped the kid off, did we not?" She teases as she finally pulls off the road and into the back side of a parking lot.
"Why are we here? Better yet, what is here?"
She chuckles at your continued confusion, her hand mindlessly squeezing your thigh while the other sends off a brief message to the owner of the restaurant, shifting her body to face yours after receiving confirmation to enter.
"Well pretty girl, I want our first date to be just about us, so I must be secretive if I'm going to protect you from the big bad camera guys." She teases further with an unexpected boop to your nose, her nerves seeming to get the best of her.
"Oh, so I'm your dirty little secret then, huh?" You tease back, but her face drops at your words, and you finally seem to understand just how nervous she is when her shaky hand helps you out of the car.
"No, I would never want to hide you, promise. It's just, the world I live in can be a bit much, and I don't want to throw you into it until we know where we're going first." She replies in a panic, one that you honestly find adorable, but you settle your hands on her face to stop her.
"Oh, honey, I was honestly joking, it's adorable the way that you're protecting me though, plus—sneaking around sounds kinda fun, almost like we're in high school, you're the jock, and I'm the nerdy girl who you fall in love with."
"Woah... I was definitely not the jock, I was the stoner!" She playfully replies, you roll your eyes at her correction and allow her to escort you inside the fancy restaurant through their kitchen entrance and off into a secluded room.
"Wow..." Your astonished whisper has the blonde chuckling from behind you as she gently guides you into your seat before settling down across from you.
It's truly beautiful—dimly lit, and decorated to give the illusion of a night well spent in Italy. The walls were painted an ombre of blues, with imagery of the cities landmarks adorning them. There were fairy lights strategically layered beneath layers of cotton to highlight the skies. The restaurant's ambience fails to compare to the marvel that is your date though, she looks absolutely stunning in her perfectly tailored creme suit, with the jewel embossed top, and the peekaboo opening in the back of her jacket that allows you to see her beautiful back piece.
Looking at her makes you feel underdressed.
Scarlett watches your face as your eyes trailed around the room, finding your shock to border on almost childlike, and she finds you perfect. Her whole body then warms once your gaze shifts to look her over, she even notices the brief insecurity cross over your gaze and it causes her to frown as she sips on her wine.
Your hair was down which she appreciated as it was normally pulled back. Your outfit choice had perfectly accentuated every curve of your body, and your choice in jewelry was nearing distracting as it pulled her gaze to your metal adorned fingers tapping against the table, and to your necklace settling at the end of your plunging neckline. She couldn't place exactly why you were feeling insecure, because she thought you looked absolutely ravishing.
She noticed your gaze had fallen, so she cleared her throat to draw your attention back up from your menu so that you could truly hear her when she spoke. You looked up to meet her gentle gaze, instantly feeling as a shiver ran down your spine at the hidden intensity beneath.
"Y/N, you look absolutely gorgeous."
"Th-thank you Scarlett, you look so beautiful. I-I really love that suit on you, it's perfect... You're perfect... Oh gosh, um.."
"Honey, calm down..."
"I'm sorry, you just make me so nervous..."
Scarlett laughs at your words, feeling a bit smug herself as the tables are now reversed, but all it does is fills you with a sense of dread.
"You're being mean..." You grumble, hands shooting up to cover your face but she's quick to cut you off, settling her hands in yours as she pulls them back to the tabletop.
"No, honey don't hide... It's just funny to see you so nervous all of a sudden."
"I just want this to go well is all..."
"Darling, I've already heard your loud snoring, I promise all we can do is go up." She jokes with an accompanying laugh, and you slap her hands away, then use your menu as a divider.
"I do not snore."
Scarlett simply smirks at your petulance, then continues to sip upon her wine until the waiter makes himself known with a tray full of "Italy's finest," and a bin full of bruschetta to use for the dips, or as a standalone.
"Ciao madame's, here is your appetizer, and I'm also checking to see if you're ready to put in for your main course."
Scarlett sees your eyes widen, telling her that you'd never even looked at your menu, so she happily handles it for the both of you.
"As a matter of fact I think we are Bernie, I'll be getting my usual—the chicken risotto, and the polenta, and my beautiful date here will take the chicken fettuccine with a side salad."
"Perfect, I'll put your order in." He beams, reaching over the both of you to top off your glasses before taking his leave.
"How'd you know?" You ask with narrowed eyes, receiving a coy smile in return.
"Well you learn a lot about a person when you spend all of your free time with them honey." She muses, your angry facade crumbles, and your face momentarily softens.
"Wow, sounds like you need a life." You tease her anyways, then dip your bread into some bean dip.
She snorts, then follows suit in diving into the appetizers, both of your moods now calmed, and the conversation flowed effortlessly throughout the entirety of the meal. Everything was perfect up until the bill had arrived and the two of you were left in a stare off of preposterous proportions.
"Y/N, I was the one who asked you out..."
"Scarlett, that's exactly why I should pay the bill. You planned it all out, it's fair that I pay."
"I snuck you into a restaurant..."
"To protect me, very honorable, and deserving of being treated..."
"Fine, we can split it..." Scarlett reasons, and though you don't want to you agree with her, passing over your debit card, and missing the glint in her eyes when she passes over the bill.
She smirks your way as soon as he retreats, then before you could ask she lifted your card up from underneath a napkin, laughing boisterously at your shocked expression. Snatching the card from her you'd attempted to chase Bernie down, but she wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you into her lap.
"No, let me pay..." You whine and squirm in her lap but her strong hold is no match for you.
"You're not paying, I won fair and square."
Scarlett quickly signs the check, and you remain silent the whole time, for the walk back to the car, then for the drive around the blocks as she has no real destination in mind.
"Pretty girl, no more silent treatment please..."
"Let me pay for dessert..."
Scarlett wants to protest, instead she gives in, but your face falls when she pulls into the Jack in the Box parking lot.
"No, something fancy..."
She giggles at your protests, hand waiting for your card, and reluctantly you slapped it into her hand while she somehow ordered perfectly for the both of you once again without so much as a word from you.
"Thanks for the cookie honey..."
"Yeah, yeah..." You playfully grumble over your straw, allowing the Oreo shake to brighten your darkened mood.
Scarlett drove around the city with no end in sight, not wanting the date to end just yet, and the both of you talked about everything under the sun, but mostly you talked about the kids. After a few beats of silence Scarlett noticed you'd drifted off, and she took that as her sign to return to John's to collect Angie, and take the both of you back home.
Scarlett entered John's to find the cutest sight she'd ever seen, so she snapped a photo before finally approaching the children.
"Mommy, please be quiet, she just fell asleep..."
Scarlett admired the way her daughter lovingly ran her fingers through your daughters hair, and stared down at her with adoration, thoughts of them as sisters flooding through her mind.
"I am here to take her home baby."
"Where's Y/N?"
"She's sleeping too."
"Was she good to you?"
"Yes, very good to me."
"Good, because I love her..."
"I know you do Riley, and I can see why."
"Do you love her?" She asks hopefully.
"Not just yet, but I'm ready to let it happen."
Riley smiles at her answer, and Scarlett kisses her daughters forehead, then scoops Angie's limp body up, and sends her daughter off to bed before returning to you. She gently buckles Angie up, observing the way that her tiny nose scrunches after every third breath she takes in, and she realizes you do the exact same thing.
Once she makes it back to your place she watches you sleep for a moment, enjoying the peaceful expression before finally waking you up, and loving the dopy smile you send her. Then once you stumble out of the car she wraps an arm around your waist to stabilize you, and pulls you into a sweet embrace.
"Thanks for dinner Scar..." You mumble against her suit, and she pulls back to smile down at you.
In a brief moment of confidence you surge forward, slamming your lips to hers, and she's too stunned for the first few seconds to properly react to the wanted sensation.
"I'm so—."
She cuts your apology off with a bruising kiss of her own, her hold on you shifting to your hips, and pulling you that much closer to her body. Kissing you has her whole body feeling warm,  her hips roll against yours with a mind of their own, and your needy whimpers against her lips are what bring her back to the moment.
"Sorry honey. Got a little carried away there." She rasps into your ear, and you attempt to hide your face into her neck, but she cups your cheeks to prevent it.
"I really hope they'll be a second date honey, because I'd love to see where this was going."
You press a chaste kiss to her lips in answer, then maneuver your way out of her hold, and pull your daughter out of her backseat.
"Goodnight Scar..." You bid her goodbye, leaving a final kiss to her cheek. 
"Goodnight Y/N/N." She calls after you, goofy smile on her face as she watches you make it into the house, then she excitedly screams against her steering wheel before driving home with unholy thoughts of you.
While being married for just under a decade you'd forgotten how carefree love is meant to be; dating Scarlett had proven as a necessary reminder. On top of the amazing love story unfolding right before you, you also had seen an alarming improvement in Jess's parenting after taking said blondes advice.
They'd been showing up far more to her extra activities, and had only missed one weekend in the last two months. Angie was a lot happier too with her Deda around, and it made your heart glimmer with hope whenever she'd return to you with that bright smile of hers.
However, you were forced to face a lot in her sudden absence, and though it hurt you were also grateful. Silence was something you used to crave with two kids, but being forced into it after a loss like yours just made it unbearable. Now having every weekend free led to you having spent many of them on your own with your girlfriend being a busy actress and all.
One particular Friday evening you remember sending Angie off with a goodbye kiss, and then upon reentering your home you had began to fill your time with an almost neurotic form of cleaning. Music from your record player filled the space around you, a swiffer mop in one hand, and a glass of wine in the other while you sang your bruised little heart out, then the next moment your glass shatters across the kitchen floor, much like your heart, and you're in tears as your eyes locked onto the calendar to see the date—October 14th.
An overwhelming need to purge consumed you, and that weekend you went around the house ridding it of everything you deemed as unnecessary to your survival. Scarlett showed up on your doorstep that Sunday evening after you'd repeatedly failed to answer your phone, she'd honestly would have come even sooner had she not been out of town on some set.
"Y/N, love, where are you?" Scarlett calls out into the eerily quiet house, and her body tenses at the lack of verbal response, feet rushing upstairs when she instead hears a crashing.
With a gentle hand she opens the already cracked bedroom door, entering Josh's normally sealed tight room, and her face falls at the sight of your trembling form, surrounded by shards of blue glass.
"Honey, come on, I don't want you to get hurt." She coos, gentle hands cautiously settle atop your arms, squeezing until your teary gaze reaches hers.
"Shh, just come here honey." Scarlett shushes you, gently yanking you up and pulling you into her own body.
"I-I was finally ready to clean out his room..." You suddenly sigh, indicating your readiness to explain to the blonde that's currently holding you close what'd happened.
Scarlett says nothing, instead she rearranges your bodies, settling you beside her on the tiny bed and interlocking her hand with yours, soft eyes meet yours to urge you to go on.
"I was boxing up his clothes, but then when moving around the room I accidentally knocked the Squirtle squad figurine off of his dresser with the box. Squirtle was his favorite starter Pokemon, and so that figurine was his go to, and now it's gone... I broke it, my baby's gone, and now his comfort toy is too.."
Your eyes slam shut, tears steadily falling while you work to avoid her comforting gaze.
"It's funny, because if he was still here he'd have hugged me right now, wiped my tears away and no doubt would've said to me 'It's okay mama, I'm not mad, accidents happen.' But it's not! It's not okay, nothing about this is Scarlett, because he's gone, and I'm all alone. This big house that once used to be filled with giggles is only partially so now."
You phase through so many emotions in a matter of seconds, each one erratically fueled, and your trembling only worsens until Scarlett suddenly lays down atop of you. Hands gently cup your cheeks and keep you still as she begins to speak.
"You're not alone Y/N/N, you've got Angie, Riley, and even Carson, and lord knows I'm not going anywhere honey. I know we'll never be able to fill the hole he left in your heart, but we'll definitely never leave you alone. Nothing will ever replace him, but you're right, he would've forgiven you so it's high time you follow his wise footsteps and forgive yourself."
"I know, and I love y— that I have all of you in my corner, I promise I appreciate it. It's just, being alone in this quiet house breaks me."
"Then you won't be alone here anymore... You'll come to sets with me, or Riley, Carson and I will keep you company, and we'll fill this house with laughter again, all while keeping Josh's memory alive in a heartfelt way without all of the pain. Whatever you need, we'll make it happen baby, and we'll start by cleaning out this room together."
"I was thinking of turning it into a guest kids room for Riley and Carson, so they'll have somewhere to call their own when they're here."
"They'll love it, you're honestly an angel, I'm so glad I found you Y/N/N... How about we make dinner, then come morning time we'll work this room out together..."
"Sounds perfect, It's a four day weekend so Jess kept Angie tonight, it'll be nice to have you here to cuddle up to."
Scarlett kissed your forehead, then climbed off of you, pulling you up with her, landing another kiss to your lips, and lingering there for a few moments. That night you felt a little lighter, heart still in pieces, but finally feeling as though it's actually meant to be repaired.
Now though you're sat on the porch swing happily awaiting Angie's return home. It's officially Christmas break, and you've used all your PTO for the following two weeks, and have all these plans to take her out into the snowy plains of New York. Plans to go out to the movies together, then to go ice skating with Scarlett and Riley in the city, then you've got plans to celebrate the impending holiday together as a happy, collective group.
The rumbling of an engine pulls you from your excited thoughts, you look out to see Jess carrying a sleeping Angie, and the sight actually warms your heart a tiny bit.
"We had a busy day, so she's a bit exhausted."
"I bet, she told me all about the plans for the amusement park, you can take her up to bed if you want, I don't mind."
You'd been working on fixing the relationship, remembering just how good of friends you'd been before ever getting married, and hoping you'd be able to return to a fraction of that for Angie's sake, and you'd be lying to say you didn't want the peace for yourself too.
Jess nodded, then took off into your house, running up the stairs, and settling Angie into her bed with a gentle kiss, with a whispered, misguided promise to make everything right again before returning to you with a cup of cocoa to which you accept it with a quirked brow, but nonetheless a playful smile.
"Do you remember the night she was born?" They suddenly ask, slurping loudly, and you cringe at the familiar pet peeve of yours.
"Yeah, she always had a flair for the dramatic interruptions." You giggle at the memory, then settle into the swing as Jess gently reminisces.
"Mama!! Deda!! Huwwy up!" Josh calls out from the living room, tiny body perfectly fitting into the couch.
You wobbled into the living room, popcorn bowl perched atop your rounded belly, and Jess wasn't far behind you with the cups.
"We're coming!!" You shriek, and he turns to face you with a beaming smile atop his face.
Jess settled the drinks down on the table, and you took your spot beside him.
"Pokemon time!" He shrieks, body squirming excitedly on the couch as he clutches his Pikachu plushy to his chest, and settles a gentle kiss to your bump before his arm flies to the bowl.
While the anime rolls through episodes you feel a bit off, but you wave it off in favor of the giddy toddler besides you.
"Mama! Loot! It's Pitachu! And Squirble!"
You smile through the pain, and manage to return his enthusiasm, but Jess picks up on your discomfort, and sends you a worried stare that you literally wave off.
"Mama... Are you otay?"
Okay... So you're not holding it as together as you thought.
"Yes honey, Mama's just going to go pee, keep watching your show."
You stood to your feet, feeling an immense pressure in your lower abdomen, you remained purposefully oblivious. Well, for about two seconds because after about two steps water came gushing from between your legs, and Jess shot up off the couch.
"Eww. Mama! You posta pee on da potty!" Josh shrieks, but his face quickly drops when he sees you in actual pain.
"I'll go get the bag! Stay right here my love, Josh, stay with mama, it'll be okay buddy."
Josh's tear stained face brings you out of your own pain, hobbling over to him you manage to pull him into your side for comfort.
"Mama, was wrong?"
"Nothing honey, your baby sister is coming my love, it's okay, I promise you."
"Hey. Be nice to mama... She's a good mama." He talks directly to your belly, and you giggle at the sight of your son's confusion before your sights move up to your frantic partner.
"I got the bag! Let's go!" Jess shrieks, scooping your son up, then cautiously guiding you to the car.
Your eyes flutter open, taking in the sight of the sleeping baby girl besides you, then your groggy eyes travel to see Jess sat up on the couch, with Josh peacefully sleeping against their chest, and your heart swells at the sight of your growing family.
Everything was perfect...
A singular tear falls from your eye once the retelling of the memory ends, and Jess attempts to wipe the tear away for you, but you're quick to create distance between yourselves again, wiping it away yourself.
"So it's over then? Our family is no more?"
"Yes, for the last time Jess, we are over, but that doesn't mean we can't be a family again. Joshua's gone, but Angie's still right here, and it's our joint responsibility to make her happy."
"I'm so sorry..." They sob, face falling into their hands, and something about the apology seems unsettling to you.
Before you could attempt to reassure them of your forgiveness—in the hopes that it'd set them straight, a car door is slamming and a blur of blonde hair rushes passed you.
"You selfish bitch, what have you fucking done?!" Scarlett seethes, open palm directly throwing Jess's face to the side, and you can see by the look in their eyes that they knew they deserved it.
"I-I... I'm so sorry Y/N/N, it was a mistake..." Jess tried to weakly defend, but like the coward that they are it ends with them running off before you could even decipher what's just taken place before you.
Scarlett turns to see your trembling lip, softening her previously furious demeanor instantly and though her hand stings she pulls you into her body, allowing your confused, overwhelmed tears to soak through her shirt.
"I'm here honey, I promise I'll fix this, and that you'll be okay..."
Your heart freezes as her words sink in...
What the fuck did Jess do?
6,480 Words
For anyone needing a timeline clarification it's now December 2k21 (story started August)
Josh died in October 2019, Divorce took place early 2020
Riley/(Apr)Josh -9 (2012) (7 at death)
Angie-6 (Aug-2015)
❤️ Kaitlyn 🤪
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nobodyfamousposts · 2 years
Who's a character you feel that Canon Miraculous Ladybug does the most disservice to? How would you fix it?
You ready for this?
It's not going to be who you think.
(Takes a breath)
She's essentially Chloe's minion and canon keeps zig zagging back and forth on whether this is supposed to be a bad thing or not. Canon also can't seem to make up its mind on whether they're actually friends given how Chloe laments that she has no friends and nobody likes her while ignoring Sabrina crying over her leaving and getting upset enough to become akumatized when they have a fight. But it will sure go out of its way to force things back to that status quo where Sabrina is subservient to Chloe and Chloe is outright abusive to her. And no, it isn't funny nor does it give me any warm feeling seeing Sabrina be "accepted" back as Chloe's underling in Evilustrator or Antibug.
It also says something when out of all the classmates, she is the only one who didn't get an akuma episode that was fully her own. Her first akumatization, Vanisher, was just a lead up to Chloe's own akumatization in the episode "Antibug". And her second akumatization in "Miraculer" only happened because Hawk Moth tried to target and akumatize Chloe.
Sabrina clearly has no life that isn't centered around Chloe, and it's either played for laughs or portrayed as a GOOD thing by the other characters around her and in the show itself. In "Star Train", Sabrina was shown carrying luggage for Chloe including things for a spa treatment, and her own FATHER not only was aware of this, but encouraged it. This kind of feeds all the more into the issue that the adults of this show are incredibly stupid and useless.
She gets no personal focus. Whatever focus she DOES get is usually secondary to Chloe's issues of the day. Plus her subservience to Chloe is treated as a joke rather than an actual problem that should be addressed. Which is par from the course with how Chloe get away with everything in the show itself, but I digress. Sabrina is a lot of potential that much like everything else in this show, goes nowhere.
Evilustrator remains one of my least favorite episodes precisely because of how they did the B plot with Sabrina. It was the one time the series gave her focus and it gave some insight into the issues that Sabrina has, but rather than DO anything with that, it was played for laughs and ultimately went nowhere except right back to where things were at the start of the episode.
It kind of goes in lines with how the series itself never allows continuity, personal growth, or deviation from the status quo. It's also part of the reason there's a problem with Marinette being the only one to have to learn lessons.
Sabrina deserves better.
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jesseleelazyblog · 8 months
Texas is going through with an unethical execution
which is pretty par for the course for the US as a whole but i digress.
On October 10, Texas is set to execute Jedidiah Murphy, and man whose trial was marked by the use of warped evidence. He also had DID, PTSD, and depression, which don't excuse his actions but it is supposedly unconstitutional to execute severely mentally ill prisoners. Murphy is remorsefully for his actions and has been a model prisoner.
You can read more about the details of his case and exactly why this execution is so flawed in the links below, but CW for discussions of child abuse, violence, drug use, and CSA.
Here are the petitions to stop his execution:
And if you live in texas you can contact the governor's office and the pardon and parole board with this fill in form
or using this information from the Texas Colition to Abolish the Death Penalty:
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That's exactly what he meant about Ziyu, everyone except everything in a blink without caring about who he was. A person can't change in a day.
As for his father he was shit as a parent you can't let your child do everything then expect that one day he will choose duty over freedom.
For Yuanzhi I still stand in my position and call him entitled. First he openly attacked Ziyu in front of the brides for no reason, he didn't show him respect when he was chosen as Zhiren (Shangjue did even if he didn't like it), he tried to bad mouth young elder Yue, he poisoned a girl and killed a housekeeper without a second thought, he put himself in danger just because he knew his brother had his back, he talked back to his brother wife.
I don't mean he is a bad person but I don't see his attitude much differently from Ziyu's. The real difference was that Ziyu was public shamed by hi father (and Yuanzhi was pleased by it) while Yuanzhi was backed up and pampered by Shangjue.
Ps. Sorry for my bad English.
Oh no, you’re cool don’t worry about it, I understood you just fine. Which is why I’m going to treat this as a query coming from a basis of good faith.
You can believe he is “entitled”, but lets just have a look at what that word actually means as per the dictionary definition
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First he openly attacked Ziyu in front of the brides for no reason
Oh wow. Okay. We have only gotten this small sliver of a glimpse into their lifelong relationship with each other. Who is to say that this isn't par for the course when it comes to their interactions with each other?
I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has complicated relationships with members of their family and every time we meet or gather, must put on a smiling face to deal with the snarky/sarcastic remarks and the occasional physical assault that is always passed off with a "I'm just joking". Not excusing anything, but my parameters for what "attacking" might be skewed here.
No apparent reason? Have you ever met anyone whose sheer existence is reason enough for you to have a distaste for them?
he didn't show him respect when he was chosen as Zhiren (Shangjue did even if he didn't like it)
Okay, I've said this in one of my previous treatises about Yuanzhi, but Yuanzhi is literally an employee for the Gong family. When you work for an entity/institution/corporation, the decisions made by upper management will trickle down to you and affect your work.
It's quite literally the worst things about working btw.
But I digress.
Let's put this out there; Ziyu was not CHOSEN to be the Zhiren, he was the ONLY ONE AVAILABLE, and therefore they had to go with him. We know he rose up to the challenge and will prove himself a capable simp to his wife Zhiren, but at the time when Yuanzhi "didn't show him respect", what was Ziyu most known for? That's right. Being a drunk who spends too much time in the whorehouse and has no wits for the family business.
Was Yuanzhi "entitled" for backing his apparently disrespect towards someone who DID NOT work for his position? Was Yuanzhi "entitled" to flaunt the fact that he IS the person everyone turns to for poisons/knowledge about cures? No. Every attitude he and Shangjue gave is backed up by their track record of service to the Gong Family.
Respect isn't given, it's earned. At that point of time, has Ziyu (bless him) done anything to be earning the respect as Zhiren? No.
Let me also remind you of the scenes where Ziyu returned Yuanzhi's hidden weapons that Shangguan Qian filched and when Yuanzhi gave Ziyu the Chuyan Chonglian meant for Shangjue after the battle with Wufeng.
Tell me. Do you remember what was the most important thing in those scenes? That's right. Respect earned by Ziyu as the Gong Family's Zhiren that Yuanzhi gives willingly. Yuanzhi literally poured him a cup of tea under the guise of not wanting to owe him a favour; Yuanzhi literally giving him the special flower he painstakingly raised to keep his brother safe. You know. The one person this crazy poison didi is a brocon for?
he tried to bad mouth young elder Yue
And after Shangjue tells him that Elder Yue is someone he has to respect, what did he do? I keep saying this about Yuanzhi but I think it bears repeating; he's young, he's egoistical, he's brash, but he's the furthest thing from stupid. And Shangjue is his moral compass.
If you are then talking about the scene where he was captured in Yu residence for snooping, bruh. Be for fucking reals here. Please meet me in the middle. The dude saw something shady going on. Didi legit heard Yun Weishan admit that she's from Wu Feng. Didi heard the admission that Elder Yue was working to collude with an agent of Wu Feng. Fam, please. I'm pretty sure you can see the bigger picture.
he poisoned a girl and killed a housekeeper without a second thought
Ok? And? Yuanzhi was brought up under a precept of rules that pretty much had no mercy and a kill-first-ask-later policy. I'm failing to see how this is entitled behaviour.
he put himself in danger just because he knew his brother had his back, he talked back to his brother wife.
Okay? And? I'm seriously failing to see how this is entitled behaviour?
Shangjue is his most precious person and obviously the one person in the show's universe that he can trust with his life and have his back. When you have someone like that that you trust so implicitly, why wouldn't you have the belief that they'll come through for you? Which Shangjue has obviously done time and time and again for him? And something Yuanzhi will do for Shangjue too?
And about the wife comment. The woman is a suspected Wu Feng agent. Him and Shangjue deadass DO NOT TRUST her. They may buy into certain aspects about her dog and pony show, but they definitely trust her about as far as they can throw her. Which is a very short distance. Is a bit of sass and snark back talking? Perhaps if you take it that way. The way I see it, Shangguan Qian is very amused by Yuanzhi's jealous little wife act and is actually very entertained. To her and her smiling wiles, Yuanzhi is worth the effort to tease and toy with. Like a cat batting at a ball of yarn.
And furthermore, who is indulging the back talking? Shangjue. The exact person who is the center of the power play.
And again, I fail to see how this is, as the literal dictionary definition, "entitled" behaviour.
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You wanna talk about entitled behaviour? Let's look at Ziyu. Let me just list some closing arguments off the top of my head coz I need to go pee:
Ziyu who feels entitled to Gong Yuanzhi's help when the man from the outpost collapses in front of his carriage even though Jin Fan had protested with valid reasons
Ziyu who was entitled enough to waltz into the bride candidates hostel just to talk to Yun Weishan even though the senior maid told him she could get into trouble and he isn't allowed in there
Ziyu who felt entitled enough to start ordering people about as Zhiren even though he doesn't have the a) credentials and proven track record for leadership b) hasn't even completed the Trials of the Three Realms
I love Ziyu but if you really want to talk about "entitled" behaviour,
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Also, I don't know if by "pampered by Shangjue" is also the equivalent to "letting your didi get taken off to jail where there's a chance some guard might get a little trigger happy and torture him", but wow. That's some D/S level pampering.
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ficklecat · 6 months
silly goofy thembo doing silly goofy things like going to see a ✨specialist✨
Went to my specialist appt finally after waiting LITERAL MONTHS. She seemed cool and very understanding (if a little odd but I like that), but unfortunately no answers yet for me, which I expected. She also seemed surprised that I had never gone to see one prior given my diagnosis, at which point I once again had to recount the fact that EVERY SINGLE DOCTOR before my current one literally ignored my symptoms because I didn’t want kids. She seemed disappointed but unsurprised. 😬
She did explain a little more about how some of my meds work though, which gave me a lot more reassurance around them “not working” a few months ago. But she wants to up the dosage on both, so I’m about to have some pretty shitty side effects 🙃 I’m bracing to deal with it though because it can’t be worse than developing bone cancer in ten years.
She also suggested I keep some more intensive treatments (mainly injectable medications) “on the table” though I had initially told my doctor no way. She said if things are more dire we ought to seriously consider them, but for now, we’ll see. My main concern with those isn’t just cost - there’s a lot of physical toll around them and I could experience some major body changes I’m not ready for.
AAAAAANYWAY, par for the course being even MORE blood work and more tests and appointments and more waiting. She’s pretty confident in my diagnosis, which is good, but she alluded that my symptoms could also herald something more serious (though uncommon) which…is not something I’m choosing to think about right now.
All in all I’m feeling a little more encouraged but weird. My illness presents SO differently for so many people, it’s hard to pin down treatment that fits. And to top it off, my diagnosis came late despite all my symptoms, so I constantly feel like I’m behind on the progress I could have already made.
I’m trying to stay optimistic. This stuff always just throws me out of whack. I guess I’ll try to trust the treatment team I have now, who (thankfully, finally) seem to truly want to help me be healthy regardless of my life style choices and appearance. Which should be the bare fucking minimum for healthcare but I digress I guess.
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