#I didn't want to reblog and make somebody mad so
champagnepodiums · 1 month
I've seen a couple of people say this was Scott Dixon's first Long Beach win and it is actually his second -- he won in 2015, beating Helio Castroneves and Juan Pablo Montoya!
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marzgurl · 11 months
I'll also be tacking a chunk of this onto the end of that reblog, if you happen to see that floating around, but I'll be cross-linking ASAP. But basically, Vic more directly addressed the Farah situation on his Twitch livestream today! Boy, Farah's not gonna like this one. Especially because we have proof that things did not go the way he said they went. He does not address the murder plot itself, but addresses the fact that, yes, he did in fact have this relationship and he's just mad at how Farah is handling learning about who Vic really is.
Watch the video above, but also, I'm putting a transcript of what he says here. I'm putting the transcript behind a cut, followed by personal commentary on how he's trying to dodge responsibility, lie, and gaslight despite the fact that we have information contrary to what he's saying.
Before that, though, I want to make it clear that before this specific block of video/transcript, he spent about 10 to 15 minutes saying that he is the way he is because his dad walked out on his family when he was like nine years old, and so he started getting really desperate to overachieve to gain everybody's attention and affections, got himself into a marriage with a wife and two of her kids at the age of 35, then she divorced him, and that's why he pursued anime and conventions as hard as he did because he just wanted to feel like people liked him (it's a really weird way he excuses a lot of his shitty behavior). Like I said, it goes on like that for, like, 10 to 15 minutes. And THEN he talks about his interactions with Farah. And boy, is it wild. Transcript and elaboration below:
"There's been someone online  and I'm not going to say their name, who's been making a lot of noise  and trying to cause a lot of trouble.  Not just for me, but even for people that care about me,  even friends of mine, which is just crazy.  And what's really nonsensical  is it's all private personal interaction. 
The simple truth here is  that I met this person a little over a year ago  and we both agreed when we met  that we were not interested in some kind of relationship  or some kind of long-term, deep, romantic thing. We both said that.  And so I felt like, okay,  we were honest from the very beginning  and we set the ground rules and fine. Just meant to be kind of fine and casual.  But several months in,  this person started expressing deeper feelings. And I was like, whoa, whoa, that's not what we talked about.  We said that we weren't gonna do that.  And there was someone in my life that I loved  and wanted to--I wanted to express--I wanted to focus more attention on that relationship. 
And so I told this person, the one that I was just casually, occasionally connecting with,  that I needed to break that off,  that I needed to stop that  because I wanted to focus on this relationship. Well, they didn't take it very well.  I started to back away.  I told them that I wanted to focus on this  and that I felt like the right thing to do  was to end the connection with them. And they did not take it well  and since then have been doing any damage they could to me or anyone connected to me. 
Now, this person claimed to love me and care about me. And I don't know about you,  but flaming somebody,  illegally recording conversations,  releasing private messages,  those are not the actions of somebody you care about. You know what I mean?  That's not what you do  to someone that you care about.  I mean, and by the way, that's a crime. Can I just point that out, everybody?  It's illegal.  I haven't committed any crimes.  I mean, I've definitely made some bad mistakes. I've hurt people, I've made bad choices that I regret,  but recording someone's phone conversation  without their knowledge or their permission  is against the law, much less releasing it. 
And I don't know about you,  but I could never do those kind of things  to somebody that I genuinely cared about. And you know what's interesting, you guys?  It's easy to love someone who loves you back, right?  Right?  It's so easy to love someone who loves you back. That doesn't take much work.  The real test of true love  is loving somebody who may not feel the same way  or loving someone even when things don't go  the way you wanted them to. That is the test of true love.  Caring about somebody enough  that you don't react badly, you don't seek vengeance or try to hurt them  because things didn't go the way you wanted them to.  That is not love.  And the real test of love is caring about somebody  and demonstrating compassion and grace and mercy  and understanding and kindness  even when things didn't go the way you wanted them to. If you are Christians and I--and I--I am and I want to be better at it, you can't treat people that way. 
God loves us and extends grace and forgiveness to us  that we do not deserve.  And we are called to do the same thing. We are to forgive because we've been forgiven.  We are to extend grace because grace has been extended to us.  We are to be compassionate in the face of anger or hatred  or whatever because it was extended to us by God.
Nothing was ever meant out of malice or vindictiveness  or deceit in my mind.  I have just struggled for a long time as I told you  because of my own past and my own upbringing  and things that have happened in my life  that have made me struggle very, very hard  to feel that I was worthy of love, that I was worth anyone's time or attention or love.  And I suspect that a lot of you do as well. 
So that's the only thing I'm going to say.  I would like to encourage you guys once again, do not engage, do not engage and fight or argue  or post or reply to this stuff  because you know what the overarching umbrella  over everything that I just said is? It's nobody's business.  Your private life, your private interactions with somebody  are yours and theirs business, nobody else's. And just by virtue of the fact  that a lot of people may know who I am,  makes it very inviting for someone to make a big stink  and make a lot of noise on social media. Why? Not because it's gonna change anything,  but just to get attention or to somehow seek revenge  because you're hurt or things didn't go the way  you wanted them to. Don't engage with these people online, okay?  Can I ask you that?  Please, please don't, for yourself as well,  for your own sanity. 
The, these people are so desperate to feel important. They want so badly to feel noticed.  In fact, think about this, you guys.  They probably don't think very highly of themselves. Do you see the connection?  Do you see the similarity between me  and my childhood and my upbringing? Do you see it?  Not feeling worthy.  Not feeling like you're a very much value.  A lot of people feel that, and the only difference is how they deal with it.  How does it come out?  Some people will do just about anything  and say just about anything online or in person  to get some attention because that attention  makes them feel valuable. It makes them feel noticed.  Do you see it?  Do you see it? 
I remember a psychology class when I was in college.  And I remember them saying that,  I remember the professor one day saying  that children or people in general  would prefer negative attention to no attention at all. Think about that for a minute.  They would rather be known for something bad  than not to be known at all. They would rather be noticed for creating a scene  or destroying somebody's career  or trashing someone who they don't like  rather than not be known at all or noticed at all.
And the problem with social media,  I'm sorry, but this is important.  I'm sorry that I'm talking about this,  but the problem with social media guys is  you don't have to prove anything. You can get online and you can say anything you want.  You can make any claims you want.  And nobody really knows whether it's true or not. And I'll tell you something else.  If any of you have ever worked with Photoshop  or editing programs, you can edit text messages, you can edit emails, you can edit photos.  You can make something appear to be a certain way.  And I happen to know for a fact  that there have been an awful lot of lies, flat out lies that have been propagated, that are not true.  But there's nothing you can do  because people have the right to say whatever they want. Social media has given everybody a voice  to hurt someone from thousands of miles away  with no accountability, no proof of anything, nothing."
MAN, this guy lies like he breathes. For one, he does everything in his power to dodge saying he had a sexual relationship with the person he was describing. Just incredible.
For another thing, even if he and Farah started off as casual partners, Farah was absolutely not cool playing the part of a homewrecker. She has stated this herself multiple times, including here on TikTok.
Vic deliberately leaves out the actual timeline of events. Why? Because it's SUPER messy, because he's a super messy dude. Okay! Wanna know what that timeline looks like? You're not ready for this.
Vic dated/was engaged to Michele Specht between the years of 2006 to 2018. That's a long-ass amount of time! During that time, Vic cheated on Michele REPEATEDLY, with prostitutes, other fans at anime conventions, even people on his Star Trek Continues fan film (that Michele ALSO stars in, so that's super fuckin' shitty). But a very SPECIFIC super fuckin' shitty relationship that cropped up during that time was with Haileigh Todd (maybe you recognize that name from the previous longpost!). Haileigh and Vic met somewhere around 2016. By 2017, Vic was the ADR director of the one and only Funimation anime he'd ever get to direct, Juni Taisen. And guess what! Haileigh Todd got to be in it. Also, another one of his side chicks, Chelsea Beard, ALSO got to be in it! Fuckin' gross, goin' around behind at least three different women's backs! How do we know it was even just those three?
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Anyway, a bunch of shit happens, and by 2018 Michele finally left Vic. All the shit about his behavior hit the fan in 2019, and you guys know how that went. He's had some more girlfriends since then. And guess what! At least one of those girlfriends was Haileigh Todd! AGAIN! And this time, Haileigh is a little more permanent, and a little more public with her relationship with Vic. She starts posting about him on Instagram in late 2021, and by early 2022 she's saying they're the real deal now. Aww, how cute and sweet!
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But then Bak-Anime 2022 happens, in Bakersfield, California, May 21-22, 2022. This is where Farah meets Vic! And they apparently hit it off and become an item! A SEXUAL item!
But, oh no! Vic had never broken up with Haileigh! Haileigh's still posting about her relationship with Vic at Anime Matsuri, which was at the end of July, 2022! UH-OH!
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So then Farah has her little Discord chat in December 2022 that got leaked to me later. Farah is saying that Vic has been telling her that he needs to "go back to his ex, to give her closure, because she's been hounding him because she could tell he was talking to another woman". But is it REALLY his ex when he never broke up with her to begin with? But also, he wanted to leave her as an open option, and didn't want their break-up to be permanent???
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From what Farah says online later, she and Vic didn't talk for a few weeks while he "gave Haileigh closure", and then there they go, going right back to being in a relationship again! WITHOUT ever breaking up with Haileigh! AGAIN! And this happens up until May, through her harassing me on his behalf, potentially planning my murder (very maybe yes), until I dropped these Discord screenshots. And then SHE decided not to forgive him, and their relationship ended.
So, hey, Vic! Way to leave out the part where your "casual little friend" you had there was a sexual relationship you were having behind your monogamous partner's back, that you told neither Haileigh NOR Farah about before engaging in! Very cool, 60-year-old man guy! COOL!
And, like, come on now. It's kinda fucking sick to do all this lying and manipulative shit to multiple women, and then shame the women involved for being mad that you did that shit to them. Like, if God will just forgive you for everything you do, how dare they not forgive you for being a lying, manipulating piece of shit? Like, if this was just a one-off instance, that'd be one thing. But this is a thing you have been KNOWN for and CAUGHT DOING for DECADES to COUNTLESS WOMEN. But this time you were legitimately caught in 4K. You don't get to just pretend that these are just crazy, lying, vindictive, vengeful bitches, man. We all know. We ALL know!
And to top it all off, the man confirms that he had this relationship (albeit while trying to gaslight his audience into thinking it wasn't all that it actually was), and yet turns around and says elements of the things Farah has been sharing are fake. As a reminder, Farah faked an absolutely abysmal Change.org petition, as well as an abysmally terribly faked "CNN-Anime" article on Medium.com (she wrote my name as Kaylyn Dicksion-Saucedo, and that's not my name--my name is Kaylyn Dalene Saucedo, not using my maiden name, and not hyphenated). I cannot stress enough to you that when Farah fakes things, SHE IS EXTRAORDINARILY BAD AT IT. I ran so much of the stuff she was sharing via Discord and other screenshots since then by so many other people, and we all came to the conclusion that when it came to this, she was absolutely not faking it. Like, it was way too COMPETENT to be faked. Do you understand what I mean? She is not good enough to convincingly fake the important parts of her relationship with Vic that she has been sharing. Top that off with video recordings of phone calls she's had with him (which he confirms in the video are real), and it more than proves that she's been telling the truth about the nature of their relationship. And it's ALSO what makes me that much more able to believe that it's entirely possible they'd had conversations about plotting my death.
This man has repeated the same rhetoric for decades now--that people only say negative things about him because he's famous and his detractors are just looking for attention. DO NOT BELIEVE HIM. Sometimes, when people are trying to warn you, it's because they've seen enough shit and don't want other people to get hurt. That's where we're at right now. At this point, we are not signal boosting these stories because it earns us brownie points within our communities. We do it because we CARE about those communities enough to not want them to get hurt at the hands of some fucking 60-year-old Screamy Broccoli Man narcissist. We earn nothing by spreading the message. As you saw from my longpost, clearly, we get death threats and possibly even future hit jobs put on us! What good does this actually do me in the end?
Just come away from everything you've read with this:
Be safe out there in this community, and let manipulative gaslighting narcissists like this asshole get bent.
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 7 months
Hey, everyone. Asks are being turned off as of right now because I am overwhelmed. I also want to talk about something regarding that. I'm not angry, I have no hard feelings towards anyone, and this needs to be addressed:
"Too long, didn't read" at the bottom:
I have 433 asks in my inbox. It is very difficult for me to get the energy to answer every single one of them. I am going to delete them all (unless I find something I really do not want to delete) and clean my inbox out. Don't get me wrong, I do have fun with these a lot. That being said, being spammed with questions, especially the same ones I have answered multiple times, is not fun for me.
The Jonny Headverse stuff is fun, and I can have negative feelings about it. I have been thinking about this for a while now, but I never wanted to ruin anyone else's fun. I feel it is time to speak up about it anyway.
Please give me a little space. I do not dislike you, I am not angry, I am overwhelmed and a bit disheartened. I very much appreciate the fan art, the writings, the jokes, and everything in between. However, every time I do an event that is only supposed to be for Vanilla, TipVans, Bel, or an f/o takeover of some sort, it is always somehow about Jonathan and the other heads.
It, admittedly, hurt my feelings when it was mine and Vanilla's anniversary and I got asks that were mostly about the heads. I even had a few that were, "Okay but what about Jonathan and Erina's anniversary?" (which we actually did earlier in the year)
It all started with a visual gag I made in a mini comic about my s/i raiding the fridge. I got the idea from Futurama yes, but mostly this one DIY Halloween decoration where you print out a picture of a face, put it in a pickle jar filled with oil and put it in the fridge. Which is why he was next to the pickles in that drawing. I have no qualms about other artists and writers doing the Jonathan head thing. If somebody decides to make that their shtick, then that is wonderful. Yes, Jonathan's Head is an important character in my fanfic, but he is not the focal point.
My fanfic is all supposed to be from the viewpoint of Vanilla. My own s/i isn't even the main character, he is. It's not only about the romance between Vanilla and Tippy, but it tells a story about what would happen if two complete opposites of people (Vanilla and Polnareff) got a second chance. Polnareff remembers everything, but Vanilla remembers nothing. The tension, difficult decisions, the "what would you do in this situation?" feelings, and giving a backstory to a throwaway mini boss type villain.
I digress. To add on to what I said previously, it is discouraging to draw and write my heart out about something only to have it derailed by another subject. I have tried to take it all in stride, but my feelings are hurt. I would talk about Vanilla doing something, it gets derailed to Jonathan even when he wasn't even relevant to the conversation. I would say something about TipVans or Bel or Ramon or Emmanuel, it would get derailed so fast and I would get 20 asks about the heads doing the same thing my f/o or other characters are doing.
When I would do the f/o takeovers, not a single question I would receive was about the relationship Vanilla has with Tippy (although I could be wrong and don't remember. I only remember getting asks about taking care of the disembodied heads).
I don't want any of you to feel bad or think that I am mad at you. I am very overwhelmed and disheartened. I put a lot of passion into my art work and writing. I am very grateful for all of the kind words I receive and all of the wonderful encouragement I get on tags when my art gets reblogged every now and then.
There's this one drawing I have worked my best on and put my all into, which is a semi realism digital painting, I am very proud of (here). When I first uploaded it, I had somebody go, "Okay, now do semi realistic Jonathan's head." I can't just do a semi realism painting. It takes a lot of patience and energy.
I'm asking for a little bit of space, and a little bit of grace.
Like I have said before, I am in no way, shape, or form angry with anyone. Please, by all means, continue drawing, writing, animating, and talking about the Jonathan Head universe. I want you all to have fun and continue having fun. Do what makes you happy, create to your heart's content, please
I only ask 2 things: please, do not derail my other art works or writings anymore with Jonathan's Head stuff unless he is in them. And please do not bombard other artists/writers with asks, especially if they are uncomfortable and expressing their discomfort.
For now, asks are closed because I am overwhelmed with things and this (unfortunately) was the final straw.
Please don't think I will be angry with you if you decide to tag me in something Jonathan's Head related. I will still like it and share it and be happy for you and/or the person who created the work.
Once again, I am very grateful and thankful for all of the kind words and feedback I have gotten on my fanfic and drawings. I will let you all know when asks are turned back on as well. Then one day we can roleplay and stuff again💙
TL;DR: Overwhelmed with asks. Asks are turned off. Disheartened by my art and writing being derailed by Jonathan and the rest of the heads. Not mad, very supportive of your creativity. Wish you all the best 💙
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justimagineok · 1 year
2:30 series - drops of love 💌 || bar fight
~while friends~
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Summary: One too sure, the other not that much. One focused on the present, the other too stuck on the past and afraid of the future. Both of them in love with each other.
warnings: fluff, tiny angst ;)
A/N:  this is while Kook and oc were still friends. Let me know if you have any questions ;) ||  feedback is always appreciated! 🥰 feel free to reblog, comment or send me an ask at anytime 😊
song recommended: first call by JESSIA
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"I can’t believe this is happening...", you grumble, hiding your face under your hoodie, like that somehow could protect you from Jungkook's questions. It couldn''t.
"So... how exactly did you get on a bar fight, YN?"
"Don't wanna talk about it.", you mumbled still behind the hoodie as Jungkook kept his eyes on you. "YN. Stop that. Tell me what happened", he pulled the hoodie out of your face, making you look at him as you pouted.
"It just sort of happened.", you shrug and Jungkook scoffs. "So you just happened to punch a girl in the face?!"
"She deserved it."
"Why? What happened?"
You look away from him, wondering if you should tell him all you heard or just keep it to yourself, but Jungkook didn't look like he was going anywhere until you talk.
"She was being...racist."
"What?!", he got up quickly. "What did she say to you?"
"She didn't say it to me…", you explained . "Let's talk about anything else, Kook."
"No. We're goona talk about that. You can talk to me, YN, c'mon."
You sighted before starting to speak."There was another girl at the bar too, drinking right next to me. She was Korean, I think. Seemed like a shy type of person, cause the two idiots who were sitting just across the drink station kept point fingers at her and laughing, and she said nothing. ", your face was getting red just from remembering. "I couldn't do much about that 'cause you can't beat somebody's ass 'cause they're acting like a bitch.", you looked at him, to see his reaction so far, but Jungkook gave you nothing but an interest look.
"But they started to cuss her, Kook. Like, heavy cussing. I don't get the guts to repeat it to you. And you know what made even more mad? Nobody did nothing. There was a bodyguard there. He didn't do shit. I tried to talk to the girl, but she was too embarrassed, and I get that. She was paying to leave, and the girls got up from their places to come to her. I stood in front of her and told them to stop that nonsense, but they scoffed, can you believe?!"
Jungkook agreed, signing for you to keep talking. "They kept cussing the girl, talking about her eyes and her body and other stuff, and one of them started to walk to follow her." You sighed. "That's when I grabbed her hair."
"You did?", he was surprised, giving you his 'Jungshook' eyes.
"I wasn't going to let them keep that shit. Talking didn't work."
"Hm", Jungkook agreed with you. You couldn't decipher his eyes.
"You must be disappointed, huh? How do you feel about me right now?"
"What? What do you mean?", he asked, confused.
"I'm not all soft and flowery like other girls, Jungkook… This must be different for you. I lost my cool and fucked up. I feel embarrassed, but I couldn't just watch that."
"I'm not disappointed, YN. I don't think that legally I can say that you did the right thing, but as your friend I can say assure you did."
"I can't believe people this shitty still exist. This is horrible. You should see the look on the girl eyes.. She was terrified. And she didn't do anything to deserve it. She received all that hate just by existing. This isn't right."
"Yeah... It sucks.", Jungkook place his hands above yours.
"Do you think I'm going to jail?", you voice your fear, and suddenly Jungkook starts laughing.
“Is something funny?”, you raise your eyebrows.
"Yeah. You don't seem to believe I can help you get out of this situation.", Jungkook smirks. "I said I want to be here for you, so let me."
"I don't understand."
"I’ll get you out of this in no time, YN. Do you trust me?",he says simply, like it was no big deal.
"Why you're doing all of this for me?"
"Because I care about you."
"But why?"
Jungkook sighed, embarrassed. "''Cause I like you."
"Hmm", you hummed, blushing. Why he's so forward? “You still like me? Even now?"
Jungkook nodded. "You don’t need to worry about scaring me off, YN. I’m not going anywhere. You can try as hard as you want, but there’s nothing you can say that’s going to make me like you any less.", he states, finally getting up and using his phone.
"Now, let me call Bang PD and see what he can do for us."
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To your surprise, with a few calls Bang PD managed to release you and the other girls from that situation, making it clear to Jungkook that he shouldn't even be in a place like that, where he could be seen by the fans, but he just agreed, focused on solving the problem. Your problem. The guards who had been called because of the commotion quickly dispelled the few onlookers who had gathered to see what had happened and took down the names of the girls who had offended the other girl. You didn't even know her name, you observed. You, Jungkook and the girl were directed to the back of the bar, away from the crowd, as soon as they recognized who the idol was. Jungkook sat next to you, waiting until the crowd had cleared so the two of you could leave. You wanted to say something to the girl, but she was so huddled in her corner that you thought it best not to make the situation worse. maybe you shouldn't have done any of that. maybe you just made it worse for her.
About 20 minutes passed and neither of you said another word. Jungkook watched as you looked at the girl, itching to talk to her. He poked you lightly, motioning for you to go ahead and do it and you poked him back, frowning. Jungkook cleared his throat loudly, catching the girl's attention and his own. It was the chance he needed. He pushed you forward with his arm, making you stumble slightly. You were ready to curse him out when you saw a small smile appear on the girl's face. It was your chance.
"So..." , you walked slowly towards her, and she looked away, focusing on a spot on the floor. "I  know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now, I just… needed to know if you were okay.” She girl kept looking at her feet as you spoke. "I'm sorry for making you go through all of this and I'm sorry for what they did to you. I only made it worse.", you bowed down completly, letting her know how sorry you were and you didn't wait for a response from her, slowly walking back to your spot.
"Thank you." You stopped in your tracks, hearing her voice for the first time. "Thank you for defending me."
You turned around and saw her looking at you. "You don't  have to thank me. I’m  glad you’re alright. Take care of yourself, okay?"
The girl smiled and nodded, bowing down again. Jungkook gets up, listening to the guards say you can finally go home.
"Can you tell me your name?", you ask as you get ready to leave. The girl smiles shyly before speaking.
"I'm Haru."
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Jungkook took you to his house, muttering something about keeping an eye on you and preventing you from going to jail while he slept.
The drive home was unusually silent, Jungkook focused on the road and not exchanging many words. Now that you think about it, he asked something about whether the temperature in the car's air conditioning was okay with you and if you wanted to stop for something to eat. Yes and no, that's what you answered and he hasn't said anything since. You watched his jaw tighten, as if he was angry. Maybe he was mad at you. How could he not be? He was the first person you called once the guards arrived and pulled you off the girls. You couldn't count on your parents and there was no one else you could trust with something like this. even knowing that Jungkook was famous, he was the only person you trusted, even though you hadn't known him for that long, back then.
"Why are you like that?", you, broke the silence, but he didn't spare you a glance. "Hello?", you tried again, but Jungkook didn't say a thing.  He remained silent until you arrived at his house. You watched as he opened the car door and got out without saying anything. You got out of the car, following in his footsteps, hating every second of that cold shoulder until you couldn't take it anymore.
"If you're so ashamed, why did you go there to help me then?", you stopped at the door, leaving it open while Jungkook, who was going to his room, stopped midway. "You're ashamed of the way they looked at me, aren't you? Go ahead, admit it, Jungkook. I can handle it."
Jungkook scoffed, crossing his arms. "You think I give a shit about what people think of you, YN? Really?", he was baffled. You were really that oblivious? "That's what you think is happening here?"
“Why the hell did you go there if you’re so angry at me?!", you didn't understand. Jungkook uncrossed his arms, covering his face and taking a deep breath.
“You know why, YN. ”, he said so softly it made your heart race.
But you didn't know. At least not for sure. You couldn't assume that he liked you, at least not to the point of risking being seen, just to go to you. You didn't deserve all that. "I don't know why you did it.", you state. "But if you're sorry, you shouldn't have gone there."
Jungkook's jaw dropped, completely shocked at how stubborn and prideful you could be sometimes. It wasn't possible that you didn't understand how much you meant to him. "You can't save everyone, YN! Can't you see that?"
"I'm not trying to do that, Jungkook!"
"Yes, you are! "he ran his hands through his hair, completely frustrated. "You see a cat on a tree and you wanna save it, you see a building on fire and wanna put it down, you see a girl on a bar, and you punch people to defend her. You always do this, YN!"
"And what's the matter if I do? At least, I wanna do something good. Something worth it!"
"What do you mean by that?!", he furrowed his brows.
"What I mean?! What you do when you see injustice right in front of you, Jungkook? You're gonna sing to make it better? You're gonna do a live and talk about it?!", you spat back, bitterly. Jungkook gives a step back, clearly affected by your words, and that's when you see how badly you crossed the line.
"Ouch", he mutters, giving you an awkward smile.
“no, I get it. I can take care of you whenever you do stupid things trying to defend somebody else, but heaven forbid I start to ask questions about why you do those things in the first place.”
"I didn't mean it lik--", you tried to mend what you said, but he stops you again.
"We can talk in the morning, YN. For now, you need to rest. You know where the guest room is, and the kitchen is over there. I'm sure you don't want me to do anything for you to eat since you don't like to bother like you always say. Or perhaps I can sing it and create some food", he hissed bitterly, walking towards his bedroom, without saying anything else.
You sat on the couch, processing everything that happened, the guilt for being so hard on Jungkook hammering in your chest. You don't know how much time has passed, but it seems like it hasn't been long since you hear Jungkook's bedroom door open. You watched as he walked towards you with lazy steps and his eyes practically closed. He was practically sleeping on his feet.
"You need rest, c'mon", he offered you his tattooed hand, still not fully opening his eyes. You looked at him, his hand still reaching for yours. How could he call you to sleep even though he's mad at you? Why doesn't he hate you? You made a mistake, so why weren't you being punished for it?
"do I need to carry you? You know I'll do it", he tried again, smirking. "C'mon, let's go to bed.", he offered one more time.
"What are you doing, Kook?", was he insane? "I thought you were mad at me.", you practically whispered, watching as Jungkook opened his eyes lazily, giving up on trying to multitask.
“I’m concerned. Not mad.”, he clarifies. "You save everyone, but who saves you, YN?" You didn't say anything, just looking at him. He was disappointed, you could see. "You could've gotten hurt. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you."
"No. I can't lose you, YN. And yeah, you might be right: I don't care much about other people as I should, but I care about you. I'm oblivious to so many things… I don't think I do it intentionally, but when the matter is you, I get crazy thinking if you're safe. That has to count for something.", Jungkook reasons, crossing his arms. He knew you thought you were doing the right thing, but putting yourself in danger for everyone wasn't the best choice. Couldn't you see that?
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier, Kook… I was angry and shouldn't have said that. I'm really sorry."
Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, you shouldn't." He knew you didn't mean it, the regret in your eyes were too clear to him.  "But I don't care if we're fighting or if I'm mad at you: I'm still gonna be here for you, YN. If something like that ever happens again, I better still be your first call. Maybe you think it’s your job to look after everyone else, but it’s not supposed to be like that. It works both ways, you know? And now it’s my turn to look after you."
He offers his hand another time, and you finally reached for it. He smiled satisfied. "Finally.", he says, as he leads you with him to his bedroom. He lets go of your hand, searching the wardrobe for the pillow you usually use when you sleep at his house. You watch as Jungkok replaces the common pillow with yours and makes room for you to crawl under the blanket. You settle in and Jungkook adjusts the blanket around you, before laying down next to you.
“Are you comfortable?”, he whispers as you nest your body against his.
"Very much", you affirm, and Jungkook hums. He waits until your breathing becomes soft and even against him before letting himself drift off to sleep.
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papakhan · 10 months
@lynettethemadscientist replied to your post “Oh actually I think if you only play fallout 4 and...”:
Oh is this about me? I just only played Fallout 4 so far. I’m new to the Fallout series. Are people in fandoms not allowed to enter discourse until they’ve consumed every piece of relevant media?
​I didn’t want to make this its own post but I’ve written so much I kind of have to. I've turned off reblogs but feel free to add to this in my replies.
You put up a sign saying "I don't think raiders can be humanised, change my mind" and then argued with people who tried to have discussions with you. All 3 of the people who tried to engage in a discourse with you gave up and I can see why. You're ignoring their points and talking as if these characters in a video game have agency and are choosing to “dehumaniz(e) themselves” when they don't, they are lines of code written by somebody else with their own preconceived biases. What people are asking you to do when humanising raiders is to think outside of the mechanics of a video game and think about their nuances. What led them to this way of life? What do they think of it? Do they wanna get out or are they happy as they are? Forget yourself as the player character ready and willing to blast their brains out for a second and just think of them as people.
Here's the thing, I like Raiders. That doesn't mean I think everything they do is justified, but I like to think about how they justify themselves, which is something the og Fallout and Fallout New Vegas are very good at. Fo1 and FoNV's raiders are defined and their actions and rationale make sense and even if you don't personally agree you can still understand how and why they came to those conclusions. Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 are some of the worst games when it comes to talking about character justifications, including both raiders and normal wastelanders (and your companions!) Nobody in-game can explain why they're still living in the same bombed-out crumbling building full of skeletons because the writers don't care, they just want their wasteland setting and don't want to think about anything else. You coming in to complain about how "I have yet to see any backstories for the settlers" and how the prewar skeletons and raiders typing in terminals are stealing all the limelight with their "sob stories" when you've only played 1 game out of 6-8 is just silly. I promise you the other games are full of settler stories, it's just the game that you're playing and using as your source doesn't really bother with it.
I also don't have a problem with you only just getting into the series. I promise you that I'm NOT trying to gatekeep or anything like that, Fallout is a great series with a lot of stuff I'm sure you'll enjoy. However what you need to understand is that a lot of the games, especially Fo1 and FoNV are very politically heavy games and unfortunately you cannot engage in discourse with them without stepping on some people's political sensibilities. You acting like there's a hardline between right and wrong and stealing, dealing/doing drugs, and being in gangs are objectively evil things to do just comes across as you showing your ass regarding how you feel about actual real-life poor people who are right now in jail for doing those things just to survive. I don't know if those are actually your beliefs but that's just the nature of publically discussing these topics. Good and Bad, and Right and Wrong are very contentious topics and again you acting like the only thing that makes us human is being able to "*choose* right over wrong" and saying "An important aspect of humanity is self-control" is a bad look. Are you saying that people with self-control issues aren't human? Because that's how you come across.
I wanna finish this by saying I'm not mad at you. I didn't wanna pick a fight with you, hence why I made a vague-post instead of replying directly. I'll be honest with you I made that post because I saw your replies and was very disheartened and disappointed, maybe I shouldn't have made a post when I was emotional and for that I'll say that I'm sorry. However, the reason why I've taken time out of my day to write this huge reply is because I love Fallout and I want people to be able to enjoy it and have as much fun with it as I do, so I want you to understand what other people were trying to explain to you and why it might have felt like the discussions weren't going anywhere.
I encourage you to have discussions about this game and think about it as deeply as you want but you do need to be mindful about what it is you're discussing. This game has plenty to dissect but unfortunately, classism and racism are some of the things hard-baked into a lot of the lore by the nature of how old it is and who some of the writers/devs are. Of course I don't think you're those things, but it's important to me that you know where this comes from, why it's so important to be critical of the media you consume AND why so many people are critical of Fallout's writing especially when it comes to the Raiders. This isn't a You thing, I don't have a problem with you, it's just the writing choices that you're choosing to defend.
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snurtle · 5 months
#or some of u are bad ppl and often project it in your fantasies and writing#its disingenuous to pretend fiction and reality are always completely unrelated
huh? huh? leaving these tags on a post i reblogged about how people treat their barbie dolls fictional characters is infuriating to me.
like. no! no? no! thought crimes aren't real, people are just people, and there's no good or bad about it.
nobody is saying fiction and reality are unrelated; they're just not related in the way people who wring their hands about "bad people" seem to think they are.
who cares about internet rando writing beginner fanfiction about niche anime #4582 ? (that post was specifically about fandom and shipping, so let's not overly inflate the scope of what it was talking about. ) pretending someone doing fandom things is working towards some malevolent greater purpose is, most of the time, making up a guy to be mad at. the other 20% it's trolls, and they get bored and go away. calling that minority of shitheads bad isn't going to do anything to them. they'll laugh. and that post wasn't for them, anyway. it was for the internet randos paralyzed by fear that they're going to be harassed into dust for knocking two action figures together in a way somebody else didn't like. that's literally what it is.
like. who. really. cares. if there are kinks and badly written social dynamics and whatever other thing. it's writing. it's not even being sponsored by anybody. it's just some dude. what's calling them bad going to do?
what even is "bad" anyway. who are "bad ppl" . can you clearly delineate those people from your friends and family? from your community? is it separate from demographics or do certain groups get a pass? is it just people who write things you find distasteful, or can you point to material harm it's caused? can you prove that it's only caused harm, and never helped anyone? do certain cases not count? why?
every single one of those rhetorical questions is going to have edge cases and maybes and i'm not sures, and none of it is going to be simple.
i'm going to ignore my own fandom limitation for a second. i want you to read giovanni's room and try to tell me if the author was a "bad person" or not. go for it.
bad people. 🙄
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condomatsu · 6 months
this isn’t to attack you or anything but i think that hussie has been pretty explicit with kanaya being a lesbian in numerous bouts of commentary. the formspring response definitely could’ve been worded better, but hussie’s response to the question “is kanaya a lesbian” being “i thought that was obvious” followed by an overt over justification on how to conceptualize a troll being gay in a society with zero concept of monosexuality is far from what i’d consider a “horrific statement” that people are just “following blindly” lmfao. id honestly recommend rereading the formspring response and also. idk. talking to lesbians who’ve been latching onto kanaya for well over decade. i digress on people needing to lighten up with rose somewhat, but you should understand that lesbian readings for rose have tons of precedent and are FAR from invalid. hussie themselves called rose a lesbian in the book commentary for “[S] Seer: Descend” which i don’t necessarily think speaks for intent but like. it isn’t like the writing isn’t there. even in canon itself, act 6 especially (which whether people like it or not, is still half of the comic)
i think in general it just reads really weird to imply that people reading two very lesbian coded characters as lesbians is the problem with the current fandom reception for rose and kanaya as opposed to fandoms just being very male orientated and people generally being incapable of investing themselves in the inner lives of female characters. like shipping them with men would suddenly whoosh this problem away lmfao. i honestly think you’re getting mad at the wrong people, fandom is always ship-centric, you as a proshipper should be especially aware of this. and at least with rose i think this is very much a non-issue, in regards to people making plenty of content for her that isn’t just rosemary. idk, i probably didn’t word this as well as i could, but i think in general you should think more about how you talk about lesbians in fandom and lesbian readings, because it verges close to uncomfortably lesbophobic when you try to talk about it like it’s some plague ruining female characters
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I think you misinterpreted my ramblings? Or didn't read it all, or I just explained myself very badly.
If Hussie stated they're lesbians and not other sexualities, my apologies, I must have missed it. But that wasn't even the point, so I guess I'll clarify it now.
1. I didn't said that Kanaya being lesbian is 'horrorific', the WORDS Hussie used to describe her sexuality are. I can't believe I have to say this, but homosexuality is NOT a fetish for your same gender, and Hussie used those words to describe Kanaya's homosexuality.
2. I NEVER said that character being lesbian/LGBT+ in general are the problem, nor headcanoning them as such is. WHAT I SAID is that reducing a character to one single characteristic is bad, rosemary was a pretest to talk about this because - as I hope you've read after that - I talk about other female characters and the problem of seeing them as black and white and nothing else.
3. I don't want to accuse you, really, but you give me the serious impression you've read the first paragraphs and not the rest. Like, I've talked about Vrirezi (more or less in the same way I did with rosemary), Nepeta and Feferi too, yet you're focusing only on one part I've clearly used as an incipit and fandom complain. But maybe I'm in the bad mood idk, you can skip this point, I'm sorry for accusing you.
4. I NEVER said that 'pairing Rose/Kanaya with boys will fix them' or whatever bullshit you're saying. I really don't know where it comes from honestly. What I said is that everyone is entitled of their headcanon and that people should chill out if somebody shipped Rose or Kanaya with boys, BUT I've also said that you're entitled to feel uncomfortable about it and not wanting those shippers to interact with you. AND I specified that them being always paired together, posting/reblogging/drawing/etc about them only as a couple and not individual characters is NOT the problem - as I do it myself with a mlm ship I love, it would be hypocrite of me to say something like that.
5. I didn't specify it (my bad), but this is something that affects mlm ships/male characters too. I didn't write it because I don't think it's a problem, why? Because male characters are more viewed as their own person and with more complexity than female characters, both in fandom spaces and, unfortunately, in medias too.
6. Finally, THE problem I was trying to get across is the "black and white" mentality that kills characterization, reducing a character only to one specific thing about them - such as making rosemary "the lesbians" and nothing else, or Feferi "the good progressist troll" or the "bitch who used Eridan", etc (I made other examples but whatever). This IS BAD FOR MALE CHARACTERS TOO, but in a place where female characters struggle to be more than a little point in media, with less characterization then a vacuum cleaner, and are hated on in fandom places simply because they exist and being sexualized/objectified and nothing else, I think we should treat those few female characters that are well written with the same respect we do with male characters. This means seeing them as a whole and not limiting ourself to one part of them.
7. I also said you can not do that! Do whatever the fuck you want lol. BUT don't genuinely reduce them to their (romantic) relationship with others, wether they're girls or boys.
Hope that cleared up! I'm at school rn so I can't do much to respond :") but I'm obviously not homophobic nor against headcanons/canons of whatever type, I'm not stupid :/
EDIT: I'm at home now :D I can say other stuff I wanted before but didn't have time:
8. "Fandom always was about shipping" uuh nope? Fandom is about EVERYTHING fan interact with, create, etc. It's about memes, it's about fanarts, it's about analysis, it's about cosplays, AND shipping (etc). Shipping is a big portion, sure, but let's not pretend it is the whole thing, alright? But if you engage and want to engage only with that part, that's great! I do that too for the most part. Just recognize that's not the only thing present in fandoms and there are many many people who are not interested in it.
9. I can see why people might consider pre-act6 rosemary interaction as romantic, but that's not necessarily that. Many (in the past) never even considered the two to be "potential partners" and there's a reason. And yeah, I wanted to see their interactions more and see their bond deeping before going straight to the WOOP, MARRIED! But that's a canon complain, not really a fandom complain.
10. Yes, there are people incapable to invest themselves in female characters' stories etc, but I feel that's one of the consequences of the huge lack of well written female characters in media and such (but I'm not an expert and I didn't dig in it too much, feel free to correct me if you know more).
11. I'm sorry but "this is not an attack" but then you said I stated lesbophobic opinions, so are you mad?? Sorry??
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mrtheking · 14 days
Sorry for making an unstructured rant, but I want at least some people to read it, cuz I'm really emotional right now.
Got flamed by some rando an hour and a half ago because some anon happened to do an ask where they were just trash talking hours earlier and they thought I was that anon after I reblogged one of their posts pointing out that their username made one of their jokes funnier. I saw their tags on their reblog mensioning the anon, so I tried to reblog to clarify that I was in fact not a trash talking loser but some rando who thought their post was funny. Didn't go well, they misunderstood what I said* and went nuclear on me. I tried to reblog again to try and respond to them saying that no, I am not socially inept (something I have been told my entire fucking life for misunderstandings just like this, so it does 10x the normal amount of psychic damage to me) and somebody who would make them instantly explode if in the same room as me, but rather am a different person than they thought I was, but couldn't do that because they fucking blocked me. God damnit. I've gone my entire life with at least one interaction a month where I say something that I think will brighten somebody's day at least just a tiny bit, but then they misunderstand me, call me stupid, idiot, retard, etc., then say something super hurtful, then refuse to let me clarify any misunderstandings and now I'm permanently at fault for ruining everybody's day when I'm not the one who got mad over something purely in their head. I'm just fucking done.
I know this is probably a bad idea, but there's nothing I want more than my mutuals to read through my blog history and find the person I'm talking about and to shoot them a quick message or ask and tell them to apologize or something, because even though they are a stranger who admitedly didn't do anything wrong by blocking somebody who was annoying them and it doesn't matter anyways because I've only interacted with them once and there will always be people who have one bad interaction with you and you'll never interact with them again for better or worse, it still hurts going through this sometimes multiple times every single fucking month of my life. I'm just so distraught. It doesn't even matter all that much, which just makes me even more upset, because the only thing I can really do is rant about it, because noone is gonna apologize for something that menial, even if when the thing they should be apologizing for has happened so much to the person they should apologize to that it triggers intense trauma responses, and noone's gonna try and set things right between two random people who've never met each other in any capacity until a single interaction, even if that one interaction caused one party who you happen to be close to to spiral into a depressive episode. Fml
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pambreezy97 · 1 year
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I posted 7,607 times in 2022
8 posts created (0%)
7,599 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 11 of my posts in 2022
#personal - 4 posts
#i used to love him - 1 post
#facebook - 1 post
#tumblr - 1 post
#social media - 1 post
#hacker - 1 post
#scammer - 1 post
#work problems - 1 post
#i read it in his voice 😂 - 1 post
#i found me! - 1 post
Longest Tag: 67 characters
#but who's to say he won't do it again with another artist or friend
My Top Posts in 2022:
I woke up unnecessarily at 3:30am today because I was annoyed at a friend. My father passed away recently (Before he passed away, I forgave him for hurting me. Although, technically, I'm still mad at him for hurting me.). Anyways, I woke up annoyed because of a friend, who was selfish. She made my situation all about her.
When we were texting each other yesterday, she talked about how she almost lost her father (How does NOT losing her father comfort me losing mine?). Then, she talked about losing her aunt YEARS AGO (She should've mentioned this situation, not her father's situation.). Yes, these situations emit similar emotions, but they are TWO different scenarios. Because she mentioned her aunt's passing, which again, happened many years ago, I was forced to send her condolence.
WTF?!?! This time period is supposed to be about me!!! It hasn't been that long since my father died. I'm still in mourning, but she decided to talk about the people in her life that made her sad. I understand that she was trying to relate to me to comfort me, but she did it very wrong. Unfortunately, all I could do was just let her be. I lost sleep because of her. Maybe I'll take a nap later to make up for it. Since I'm up now, I might as well continue working on my dad's obituary (My one task during this entire funeral process.)....
0 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Trying to feel normal, but it doesn't feel the same...
0 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Why am I not allowed to point out a mistake that a person made or an uncomfortable action that said person did? Nearly every single argument that I've gotten in with a friend/family member where I tell them they made a mistake or they did something that made me uncomfortable, it's always "HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH MEAN THINGS TO ME?!?!, but never "Oh I didn't know what I did was wrong." That's legitimately the whole point of how relationships work. Something goes wrong, it gets pointed out, and then it gets resolved.
And yet why do I keep getting involved with Narcissists or with people who want to only misunderstand me? Why do they only focus on HOW I say things, instead of WHAT I'm telling them. Just because I have a strong personality, it doesn't mean I'm a terrible person. Why is it so hard for them to understand where I'm coming from? Why do they only see the situation(s) from ONLY their POVs? This is why I sometimes wish I was more mute, instead of deaf. If I can't speak, no one thinks I'm rude, even though I never intended to be. I'm the type of person who never intends to hurt somebody. Yet, me voicing my opinions/thoughts are never right to ANYBODY.
It's not fair to me. That I'm the one who's ALWAYS wrong in these situations, never them. There's nothing wrong with pointing out other people's mistakes. That's what society tells you do when in any relationship, so why am I the ONLY one who's always the bad guy when my only intention is to help? This is getting exhausting....I don't know what to do anymore...
0 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
I thought lazy villagers don't do group stretching. Yet there's Cube the lazy penguin villager doing group stretching. 🤨
0 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Wow! I’m an idiot 😓
I got scammed via Instagram. A friend of mine, or at least I thought it was my friend, asked me to vote for him for a special program as long as I send him my phone number ( My actual friend doesn’t have my phone number. ). I thought nothing of it because my friend was asking for help. So I gave “this friend” my phone number and all of a sudden, I get a notification that someone was trying to enter MY Instagram from the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Afterwards, I practically called this person out on their scam, but they kept denying it. 
At the same time, I was messaging my other friends about this as a precaution and one of them told me, that the person I actually sopke to was a hacker. And told me to block the account and to change all of the passwords connected to my phone, which I did. And I hope everything is good now. 🤞
Ya’ll for anyone with Instagram or any other social media accounts. Be cautious of the messages your friend sends you. If the message involves clicking a link or anything weird like that, their accounts could’ve been hacked. Learn from my mistake! 🙏
5 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thehollowwriter · 2 years
if it isn't too much, may i request deuce with the dark blue petal and grey cloud please? no pressure though if you don't want to do this, take care and tysm <33
Aw it's no problem and thank you for the concern!
Summary: You went to the same school as delinquent Deuce and turned him down when he found out he was your soulmate. Now in NRC, he is determined to make it up to you.
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤)
One Dark Blue Petal And One Grey Cloud
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Contrary to popular belief, you knew exactly who your soulmate was. The cuts, bruises, and burns appearing on your skin made it very clear. They perfectly matched the frequent injuries of Deuce Spade.
You were not happy about being fated to that... that... delinquent. He was a bully, violent, and rude, and you could not stand him.
You dreaded the day he found out and, since fate was against you, one of his buddies figured it out and told him.
You had never seen Deuce like this. Fidgety, almost shy, with a blush adorning his cheeks. "Listen... so uh... we're soulm-" "No." "Hah?"
You steeled yourself and put on an air of false confidence. "You can hurt me for this, but it won't change my mind. You're a selfish bully. You start fights, you smoke, you..." You shook your head. "Nevermind. The list is too long. All you need to know is I am never going to be with somebody like you."
You turned on your heel and walked away, leaving a confused and angry Deuce Spade behind.
Unfortunately, your words did not deter him, and he stayed the way was all the way until the night he made his mother cry.
It was then he made three promises to himself.
He would never make his mother cry again.
He would be a model student.
And he would prove to you that he can make himself a better person.
You were proud to be an NRC Student. One of the few and far between worthy enough to be selected to attend. It made your heart swell and your eyes sparkle. The only downside was that you were in the same dorm as Deuce.
The moment you locked eyes you glared at him and walked away. The mere sight of him made you so mad.
Who did he think he was, showing up here?! No way that asshole deserved to be here! How did he even pass the previous year?!
You noticed his hair was no longer bleached, but you didn't get your hopes up. You refused to get your hopes up.
"Wait!" Deuce called your name and ran after you. You rolled your eyes, knowing that you'd never escape this, and turned to face him.
Deuce looked frantic, eyed wide and breathing heavy. "I'm so sorry for everything!" He blurted, much to your shock. Deuce Spade never apologized.
"I wad stupid and... and an asshole... and selfish, just like you said!" He looked like he was on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry I never realised it sooner! I swear on my life I'll do better! You don't have to like me but I promise I'll treat you, my soulmate, the way you deserve!"
You stared at him in silence, your mouth hanging open. You had a sixth sense that let you know about liars and Deuce... Deuce was being entirely truthful.
You sighed. "I will give you once chance." You raised your hand when he was about to tell ine excitement. "I'm not your friend. Yet. You're gonna have to work pretty damn hard to earn my trust. Are we clear?"
Deuce nodded excitedly. "Crystal!' You smiled. "Alright then." Patting him on the shoulder, you gave him a nudge.
"Show me the new Deuce Spade."
A/N: Here's Deuce! Precious boi with a great off screen character arc! I really like him haha.
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etheraella · 3 years
Lies Between Ties || Part I ||
(Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader)
Summary : Y/N and Draco caught themselves in an arranged marriage by their parents, they both try and act like a happy married couple infront of their families, when in reality they made an agreement to not cross each other’s space and treat each other as ‘roommates’. What happens when one unknowingly gains feelings?
Warnings : No War/Voldemort!AU, Arranged Marriage, Slowburn, Unrequited Love (?), Angst, Arguing, slight cursing.
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Your eyes widen in shock, not believing what the woman you respected all your life had just said. You scoffed in disbelief as your mother puts her welcoming hand on yours in comfort. "Very funny, Mama."
She frowned, holding back a smile. "Y/N, this is not a joke, I think it's for the best if you marry him, Narcissa-"
"I know she's your friend, Mama. But I don't even know him, we've never exchanged a conversation, and it's best if we keep it that way." You got up ready to leave the conversation. Unfortunately, your mother grabbed your wrist softly before you could do so.
"Y/N please, the Malfoys can give you the life I could never give you, and I'm getting older, sooner or later when I'm gone, somebody is going to have and help me look after you. At least with the Malfoys’ I know you'd be in good hands." She confessed with sadness in her voice, the grip on your wrist getting firmer.
"Please don't say that, ma. I would want to get married but not anytime soon. I've only just graduated Hogwarts, and who's going to take care of you?"
"Your stepfather is retiring soon, we'll just be here at home and you can come visit us after you and Draco have settled,"
You squinted the moment Draco's name left your mothers lips. Sure, the two have never said a word to each other, but he was known for his boastful and rich background. Everyone in Hogwarts would've known the Slytherin Prince. Though, that never interest you. He probably never knew who you were anyway.
"I never said I agreed to it." you finally said not meeting her gaze.
"Francis and I have already agreed to the Malfoys, dear. The wedding is to be held in 3 months, please Y/N for the sake of mine, you'll learn to accept Draco and there's no doubt the two of you will be happy together." She smiled kissing your forehead lovingly before getting up to leave.
“but with what certainty?”
the words were in a whisper that were only heard by you.
━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━
The sound of birds chirping and peaceful leaves rustling filled your ears. Memories of the conversation filled your head. Out of everyone in the whole world, why Draco Malfoy? What does he think of this ridiculous arrangement? With less than 2 months, the two of you have never met since you saw him back at Hogwarts, and tonight would be the first time the two of you would meet after the marriage conversation. Just then you heard the sound of footsteps and your mother appeared in the doorway.
"Come inside and get ready, dear."
That night, you sat opposite of Draco for dinner, you daren't lift your gaze to meet his. You knew the moment he entered your living room with a boring expression that he wasn't excited or fond on meeting you, or to even be wed to you. Well, so were you.
"Y/N, why don't you have a walk with Draco by the lake?" your mother says suddenly, smiling brightly between you and Draco.
"Yes, Mama" you say politely returning a fake smile, trying your best to hide your annoyance.
You walk with Draco in silence and you open your mouth every now and then trying to start a conversation. You didn’t realise the difference in your heights until you were side by side, Draco Malfoy was taller and much broader than you remember.
Draco stops, meeting your eyes before averting his gaze to the lake on his left.
"I’m not sure It’s wise to use surnames considering the situation we're in.”
Taken aback, you were surprised he was even suggesting this, the Draco Malfoy in front of you seemed more mature than the Malfoy you knew of in school.
"And what situation do you take this as?"
"- A situation that shouldn't happen in the first place. If you only hadn't agreed to it."
You couldn't believe your ears at his absurd accusation. His voice calm but firm at the same time, looking at you as if you're something a cat dragged in.
"Me? You think I want to marry you?" You gave a short laugh. "Your parents sent the proposal first and you blame this on me? For Godric's sake, I don't even know you nor do I have any feelings for you. I'm only following my mother's desires, Draco Malfoy."
"I can guarantee you, the feeling’s mutual." he said through gritted teeth followed by an awkward silence as two of you continue your walk. You stared at your shoes with each step, trying to think of a sentence that will make him help you cancel the wedding. You couldn't bare marrying someone you don't love, especially someone with a big ego like Draco’s. No, never in a million years.
"Mal- Draco, I didn’t intend to ask you upon this favour, as we both know how ridiculous this arrangement is. Please convince Narcissa and Lucius to call it off. It's not too late, considering you're a man-"
"As much as I would love that, Y/N. I would never want to break my mother's heart, I don't bloody care if you call it off, it's perfectly fine with me. We'll discuss this again after the wedding." He said, rolling his eyes and walking back to the house leaving you alone.
You blink in shock, your eyes following his walking figure, his silver blond hair visible under the moonlight. That bastard! Why would he think it's any better after the wedding? Sighing in disappointment, you slumped on the bench facing the lake, the darkness of the night swallowing you.
━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━
"You are to be MARRIED to Draco?" Jane's eyes widen in shock, she stood up facing you, her pupils searching for yours trying to find mischief. To her prevail, you were dead serious and that got her sitting back on the chair slowly.
"But - I thought you wanted to be a healer-"
"I do, I can be a healer while married. I wouldn't need permission to pursue my dream career, would I?" You sighed, staring at the wand in your hand. Jane has been your best friend ever since the two of you got sorted in the same house back in Hogwarts. You wanted her to be your bridesmaid. Knowing how grand the Malfoy's are, it makes sense how big they want this wedding to be, considering Draco's the only Malfoy heir. You didn't know what to think of it, ever since you were a child, you had always dreamt of how you wanted your wedding to be, you didn't mind how the reception would look, how flowy your dress would be, as long as it's with friends and relatives, and a person you're in love with.
Jane was silent for several seconds. "Oh Y/N...but Draco Malfoy?"
"YES JANE! What other Dracos do you know of?" You roll your eyes in irritation, hating the fact of being reminded of marrying a bloke like him. Jane sighed and looked at you with sympathy,
“But, I’m afraid your mother’s right.. there’s no denying the Malfoys are rich-“
You snorted. “richly arrogant”
The silver band on your ring finger brimmed. The mere thought of you being engaged was still unbelievable, so is the oncoming wedding. Feeling frustrated, you terribly wanted to pull your hair out.
“Jane, I have an idea.. perhaps on the wedding day, you could wear a long veil and take my place instead-“ You randomly suggest.
“Y/N Y/L/N, Are you mad? We both know your absurd schemes are never going to work,” Jane smiled sadly, gripping your hand in hers.
You sighed in disappointment, praying deep down the wedding would be disastrous or a random fire would begin before the vows, yes, it was a childishly dangerous thought but you were willing to escape this arrangement without hurting your mother’s feelings.
━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━
On the wedding day, of course the unfortunate events you hoped for didn’t occur. You weren’t as devastated as you thought you would be when you woke up that morning, wrapping sheets of mattress around yourself. It could be that you were finally accepting your fate, you groaned at the thought. In 24 hours, you would be ‘Mrs. Malfoy’, how grand.
The dress that was altered for you was beautiful, you couldn’t take your eyes off it. The white material felt light and gorgeous under your fingertips. Jane had repeatedly told you how breath-taking you looked, you didn’t deny that.
Before the event began, Narcissa had come in your dressing room with an amber green leathered box. Seeing your future mother in-law made you awfully nervous, even if you weren’t whole heartedly willing to marry her son. You quickly pushed the guilt away when she cupped your hands in hers.
“Oh Merlin, you look lovely Y/N,” She said with a smile before opening the box, revealing a heavenly beautiful bracelet the Malfoy initials carved in golden. You let Narcissa gently put it on you telling you of the Malfoy heirloom’s history. The bracelet was given to wear on special occasions, the heirloom given down to each heir on the wedding day.
The piano started playing as you entered the hall, guests arise to their feet, staring at you in awe. Your mother stood at the end of the hall with Francis; happiness laced with sadness painted on her expressions, seeing her only child in white walking down the aisle. Your eyes wander along the decorations in the hall before landing on Draco. He looked undeniably handsome, his platinum blonde hair neatly combed as always, expression unreadable.
When the rings and vows were exchanged the hall erupted in an applause. You looked up to see Draco looking at you with a fake smile etched on his face, the sounds of cheering suddenly muted. It was all an act, you remind yourself.
A/N : —Luna here ! I decided to start a series ;) and..a special appreciation to Celeste for being my trusty editor !! If you enjoy this please reblog/share 👉🏼👈🏼🥺. We made a taglist form that can be found on our bio and here [x].
Taglist 🏷 : @amourtentiaa
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faffreux · 2 years
I want a list of your fanon fawful pet peeves
ALRIGHT, you will receive them. I AM PUTTING A DISCLAIMER HERE SO I DON'T STEP ON ANY TOES but please keep in mind you do not have to agree w/ me. This is how I feel!! These are my personal thoughts.
1. I can't stand when people woobify Fawful and that's not just doing the "uwu so cute tiny bean boi little precious bean" stuff but also extends to talking about his motivations as if he didn't know what he was doing, as if he's NOT an intelligent mastermind, etc. Fawful is an extremely competent villain and literally came closer than any of the Mario Bros other enemies to actually succeeding. He brainwashed himself an entire army and conquered two castles in the process. Finding him adorable is not the problem but more the way I see him portrayed by some fans that bothers me.
I think it’s also important to note that his character comes across as far more serious in EVERY other translation except English. A lot of people in the west take him less seriously bc of his speech patterns so I think we need to take that into account as well.
2. I hate when people think he's a child. I wanna make something clear though and that's that I see a huge difference between creating an au/interpretation of Fawful that's a child VS actually believing he's a child in canon. The first type is something I'm completely fine with but the second drives me absolutely mad, I'm sorry.
Take a good look at this and tell me again how you think you're looking at a child.
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Fawful's age, like many other Mario characters, is extremely ambiguous and kept that way on purpose bc it's not really an important or defining characteristic. I've seen hcs of how old he is range from young adult all the way to a weird old guy (I'm personally somewhere in between and hc him as middle aged!) and all of these are perfectly valid in my book. But I just cannot handle somebody legitimately believing he's a kid and nothing's going to change my mind about that.
3. Mommy Cackletta. I can accept that the idea of Cackletta raising Fawful like a son is cute in theory but can't get behind it at all because it simply doesn't line up with what we see of the interactions between the two in Superstar Saga. Fawful is straight up treated like a servant/minion and even refers to himself as having been a "toady" to Cacketta once he realizes what he's actually capable of on his own. He also never speaks of her again after the events of the first game which would be more than a little odd if she was actually intended to be a mother figure to him, let's be honest.
THAT BEING SAID I WANNA THROW SOMETHING IN... I notice that a lot of the folks who like the idea of Momletta tend to also support the idea of Fawful being a child to make the HC work more. But I feel that in the process of doing this many of these fans often forget that Cackletta is an OLDER WOMAN. She gets around in a flying rocking chair for a reason! If anything, if we're going to go with that kind of relationship between her and Fawful it would make far more sense to imagine a badass witch in her 60s still toting around her momma's boy of an adult son.
Come on, I'm not the only one who thinks that's funny, right?? LMAO.
4. I mentioned this in a previous post but it bothers me when people use Fawful's foreign names as a last name ex. Fawful Gracowitz or Fawful Gerakobits. This is a small thing and more of a mild annoyance than anything else.
Y'know what?? I think that's honestly it off the top of my head for now. If I come up with any more I'll reblog this post and add on. THANKS FOR ASKING AND I'M SORRY I'M SO PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS I LOVE YOU ALL
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dreamingmanip · 3 years
You can find part 1 here.
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: None (if I need one let me know in my ask!)
Prompt: NONE
Word Count: 2,026
A/N: Hi guys! Like I said before, this is part 2 of 3 for this imagine. I loved this fic so much I could’t stop writing. I hope you liked it, like always if you like this, please like it and reblog it. This would be pin on my page so you can find it without problems.
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The tears kept rolling down your face all the way home, you didn't bother to wipe them away when you met your neighbor in the lobby, asking you if you were okay. You weren't, you were holding yourself to not break down in the middle of the hallway, making a scene. 
Your keys jingled while you opened the front door, your hands trembling; you shut the door behind you. There was some light coming from outside the window but mostly it was dark,and that's how you felt, as if somebody took the light inside you leaving you blind. You leaned you back on the door, your body sliding down to the cold floor, sitting there looking at nothing. A cell phone started ringing in the distance but you didn't want to move. Your eyes fluttered trying to focus in the dark, searching in your jacket for it, the screen on the phone  glowed  and illuminated your face, Jay's name showed up, and the killing pain came back to your chest just looking at his name, so you decided to turn it off. 
God knows how long you were there until you decided to stand up and go to your room to take a shower, put on some pajamas and grabbed the bottle of wine that was in the back of your fridge taking it to your room. Jay's words echoing in your head, over and over again.
Did he commit to his job, to his Unit, that he was fine letting you go? His words were etched in your mind. Of course you understood the full situation, he was right; you were the new still, not a detective, but that wasn't what was hurting you, it was realizing how he believed you both could never say anything because your jobs were more important. 
Somehow you fell asleep before finishing the bottle of wine. The clock on your nightstand began to chime, it seemed that you had barely fallen asleep. Your room was still dark thanks to the curtains but some rays of sun could creep in. You stretched out your hand to turn off the alarm, and at the same time, your cell phone began to ring, you probably turned it on again in the middle of the night, you were a cop and sometimes you did stuff automatically; you raised it a little to be able to answer.
“Hey Y/N, please don’t tell me you were still in bed.”
Your voice was a little croaky when you spoke.
“Uhm, no I wasn’t. My throat feels weird this morning, so… yeah.”
Kim’s voice was joyful even on the phone, you turned to see the clock, in a bright green color it said “8:15 AM”. You sat up immediately, moving the soft sheets wrapped on your body away while Kim was still talking.
“...So I called Kevin and we decided to bring you some donuts and your favorite coffee before the event. We’re 10 minutes away.”
You murmured getting in the bathroom. Kim looked at Kevin a little concerned.
“Sorry Kim, I spilled some water on the table but, uhm, yeah. See you in 10”.
Ending the call, you got in the shower, didn’t even wait for the warm water so you screamed a little feeling the coldness on your skin. The fastest shower you ever took in your life, leaving you with only five minutes to get dressed up and do your hair. 
You were in the final touches of your makeup when a few small knocks on the front door warned you of the arrival of Burgess and Atwater. Taking one last look at the mirror to put a smile on your face before one of them would notice something, you felt anxious and devastated and trying to hide it from officers and detectives required a lot of self control.
Both of your friends smiled when you opened the door, Kim was holding a little box with cartoon drawings of donuts on the top while Kevin was offering you a cup of your favorite coffee. All of you wearing uniforms.
“Thanks guys, I barely ate something this morning”.
You took the coffee from Kevin’s hand, taking a little sip before walking out of your apartment, closing the door behind you. The three of you were talking about random stuff all the way to the car and to the downtown, well, Kim was the one talking with Kevin, you were mentally preparing yourself to see Jay, it wasn’t working at all.
“So Y/N, Jay called me last night, which was a little weird if I have to admit, he asked me about you”.
Kim was looking at you through the view rear mirror, you blinked a couple of times without saying anything. Why did Jay call Kim to ask her for you? You had no idea and that's exactly what you said.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I was at home last night. He’s weird sometimes you know that.”
“I know, right? He asked me if you were with me last night but we were at Molly’s. Adam, Hailey, Kevin and I, we miss you by the way.”
Kevin looked at you, knowing something went wrong between you and Jay.
“We invited Halstead to celebrate but he said he was busy filling some forms for Trudy after shift.”.
“Well, I don’t know him so well. I think he prefers to be alone. Look, the press is here too”.
You passed some news cars, reporters were setting their cameras to get a better view. Jay hated this, he wasn’t comfortable seeing his face on the paper just for doing his job and also Voight taught them that when his unit was formed, and everyone did almost the same.
You got out of the car after Kevin parked near the place. Hailey was the first who noticed you, she raised her hand and started to wave it. You smiled, Kim was doing the same and started walking towards her, Kevin patted your shoulder making you go slowly.
“What happened last night? Jay called me too, he said he was worried about you”.
“Well, he doesn't have to do that anymore. We’re done”. 
“Wait, what?”
Kevin stopped for a moment, that news caught him by surprise.
“Y/N, are you sure of this? Don’t get me wrong, I’ll support any decision you make, all the way, but I know your feelings. Working together could get harder.”
You nodded your head, you knew it. It was going to get hard in every possible way, seeing him every morning not able to steal a kiss from each other at the coffee room or staying up watching a movie with your head on his chest; suddenly a bunch of memories came back to your mind, you shook your head slowly, you gave him a side smile.
“Kev, I got this. I’m gonna be fine. C’mon”.
You bumped his arm with yours while you reached out to Hailey and Kim, for a moment Hailey looked at you and nodded, Jay talked to her too. You nodded back to her.
A few moments later, Voight and Trudy joined you. In the place there were a small, but considerable, number of people but no matter how much you searched with your eyes, you could not find Jay. The coordinators asked you to take your seats, for obvious reasons the Intelligence Unit was in the front row, it wasn't until that moment that you could see Jay in his uniform, you had always liked the way he looked in it. However, he didn't seem very happy, he seemed calm but you noticed the pressure on his jaw, his straight shoulders and his gaze in front of him, but he wasn't looking at you.
He was sitting next to some superiors in the platform in front of you. The Superintendent stepped up to the microphone to start his speech, some photographers started to point their cameras to the people and then to the "big hero". 
The ceremony wasn't too long, you all met in the back while reporters were asking now questions to some people. Voight was smiling, which was rare, while Jay was walking towards the group. 
Adam was the first to talk, and like always, started to make some jokes. 
"There he is, the super cop Jay Halstead. The man of the year!"
He padded Jay's shoulder, he had a shy smile on his lips. Uncomfortable by all the attention he was receiving. 
"Thanks Ruzek, I think the cartel in Mexico didn't hear you". 
Everybody laughed, including you. Jay looked at you for a moment, actually felt more like 2 seconds. 
"Alright, let's go back to the district and back to work. We can celebrate later at Molly's". 
Voight spoke and all dismissed to the cars, you went with Kevin again, this time Kim decided to ride with Ruzek, the awkward sensation was still there so she didn't want it to push it further and make you uncomfortable. Once inside the car, you kept quiet all the way, Kevin knew you were lying but he also knew how you dealt with a broken heart. 
You went to the locker room and just arrived at the district, it was too damn warm to keep it all day, also it was used just for events like this. When you got to the door you spotted Hailey, she was putting her badge on her belt. You kept your head down, trying to avoid her, you greet her with a quiet voice. 
"Uhm Y/N, can I talk to you for a moment?" 
"Yeah, sure."
Hailey closed the door and crossed her arms on her chest, her  cautious blue eyes looking back at you. 
"Look, when Jay told me he was dating you, I told him it was stupid. Not worth it if your careers could be over just for a romance that could last just a few months". 
You knew Hailey, she was a bad ass woman and probably didn't say it to her so often but you admire her. She was serious, she didn't like to play games when it comes to her friends. 
"I'm sorry for telling you this, but that was before seeing how good you are together as partners and as a couple. I was scared for both of you because I love you and I care about you. I'm not on Jay's side or your side, left me out that but Y/N, it's not easy to Jay open his heart like he did with you. He doesn't want to lose you and I guess the only way he can control that feeling it's not letting anybody know about it. Forgive me if I was a little obtrusive". 
You didn't notice there were a few tears on your cheek, cleared your throat to be available to speak but you failed at finding the right words, it took you a few seconds to speak. 
"It's okay Hailey, but what about me? What about my feelings? I know Jay is right, we could lose our jobs but, why make me feel like his dirty secret?"
Hailey took a few steps closer, her blue eyes now looking sad.
"Of course your feelings are valid. Don't get me wrong, I have been in that position before and it's not easy. All I'm saying is, you shouldn't leave things unspoken, this stuff gets heavy later."
She hugged you tight, rubbing your back. You held her too, she knew what she was talking about, you never asked before 'cause she was very private but you believed her at anything she said. 
After changing your clothes, you came back to the bullpen, nobody was talking, you sat at your chair and looked around; it seemed like everybody was tense for no reason. Voight was in his office and the unit was on some paperwork. You felt someone looking at you, directly. There was no need to look up, you knew Jay was looking at you from time to time. You haven’t talked to each other yet, you needed to, but that wasn’t the right place.
Tagged some beautiful people ✨:
@itsdesiree86 @mrspeacem1nusone  @anotherfan07 @thestarrynightslover
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maxirueee · 3 years
AU Alberu's POV as the experimented Beru
Alberu: Cale?
Cale: ...nggh..yes?
Cale rubs his eyes as he tried to open them slowly only to see his lover looking right at him with a nervous expression.
Alberu: I suddenly had a bad dream.
Cale: It's literally 3am in the morning.
Alberu: mm..yea- well *fidgeting*
Cale: Spit it out. What was your bad dream about Beru?
Alberu: DON'T CALL ME THAT ANYMORE- PLEASE just please I'm begging you...
Cale was in deep shock that his lover raised his voice at him just because of what? He called him by his nickname?
Cale: Didn't you tell me multiple times that I should stop calling you 'hyung' when we finally got together?
Alberu: I-its not that.. I just-
Cale: Tell me what's wrong Beru.
Alberu: THAT'S the PROBLEM.
Cale: Which is??
Alberu: That nickname, in my dream I was suddenly trapped in a flat boxed screen, I couldn't move but all I could do was smile. Smiling while looking towards the horizon which seemed endless. White. Blank.
ALberu: After a few minutes I suddenly heard voices. At first, there were a lot of compliments about how radiant I loo-
Cale: Are you even sure that's a bad dream?
Alberu: Yeah it is a bad dream!
Cale: Aren't you just totally flaunting how good-looking you are? You're srsly waking me up in the middle of the night because of this? I'm going back to slee-
Cale looks back at Alberu who had a look of desperation. Cale couldn't distinguish if what he's seen rolling down the face of his beloved was sweat or tears. Maybe both. Well, he might as well comfort his lover since that was his job. Alberu: I heard giggles, squeals, people were shrieking with how I finally appeared. They kept saying that I looked so dazzling, how I sparkled. They were even speaking the same annoying lines that you tell me every time with your glib tongue.
Cale: Whatever do you mean oh shining sun of the Roan Empi-
Alberu: My point exactly *glaring at Cale*
Cale: Alright go on.
Alberu: It went on for days, I couldn't tell how long I was trapped in that frame-like screen window, all of a sudden I reverted back to my dark elf form.
Cale continues to stare at him, already feeling bored as he watched Alberu continue ranting his struggle of a mere dream. Although he found it amusing as he heard him say the next lines.
Alberu: But it didn't stop there, my hair color suddenly changed to a blood-red color just like yours Cale. I was the spitting image of you. And the voices agreed on how we really are sworn brothers if we just switched hair colors.
Cale: Hoh...
'There must be something more to this if it actually made the emperor of the Roan Kingdom have buckets of sweat rolling down his pretty face.'
Alberu: It was until I heard somebody say, 'How about a Pink Haired Beru?'
Cale: Huh?
Alberu: My hair color immediately changed to pink, then sky blue, then green, then orange, then red again. I didn't know when it'd stop but I couldn't even budge. Even when I wanted to so bad.
Alberu looked dead straight in Cale's eyes, with both his hands firmly holding his partner's shoulders, but ironically he was shaking. Alberu Crossman was shaking in fear. For what reason? Is this another one of the Sun God's pranks to his lover? Perhaps it was the God of Death again? He continues to ponder at the annoying thought that maybe divine beings were messing around his precious people again but stopped as Alberu continued speaking his worries.
Alberu: I thought it was okay since it was just a hair color change..then a woman's voice asked with great anticipation, "HOW ABOUT A BALD AND A MOHAWKBERU?"
Alberu: I continued to smile, even when my luscious golden blonde hair was instantly gone and I was suddenly bald. BALD! I saw numerous hearts floating in front of me and I could hear the mockery and laughter of beings I could not even see. Yet I continued to smile.
Cale was speechless.
Alberu: For some reason, I could read the words floating in front of me. "EVERYBODY GIVE IT UP FOR THE ROAN KINGDOM'S FAVORITE SHINING SUN- BALDBERU" is what it said. More hearts appeared at a scary rate and I couldn't even shout or move. I was terrified.
Alberu glared at the person in front of him like a mad man. Cale just shut up and listened to whatever he said, Alberu really looked mental.
Alberu: The woman from a while ago spoke again, I swear her voice was scary beyond belief. She added "Okay everybody hold up- Now imagine DELINQUENT HAIRCUT AlBERU"
Alberu: My hair suddenly grew back twice as much and it was styled into this weird looking hairdo...
Cale continued to have his stoic face which made Alberu feel relieved. Little does he know Cale was on the verge of laughing his ass off-
ALberu: I suddenly heard "JOSUBERU I CAN'T WITH THIS FANDOM- YA'LL REALLY DID IT U PUNKS" again from that mortifying woman since earlier, apparently it was done by a group of people claiming to be my fans?! BUT THE MONSTROSITY THEY'VE- no that wasn't even half of it
Cale: 'There's actually more?! PFFFFFT' I see, continue then. The prince saw his darling sweetheart Cale shaking as if he was sympathizing with what he was going through. At that very moment, he felt touched by his lover's empathy towards himself.
Alberu: The horrors didn't end just there as I was still waiting for the whole nightmare to be over, they were begging for a 'Voldeberu' which I don't even understand, at that point, I SUDDENLY LOST MY NOSE!!
Alberu: Somebody then proposed a 'Clowberu' AND MY FACE SUDDENLY BECAME A CLOWN WEARING MAKEUP. The hardships I had to take while staying still like a fucking mannequin. BUT IT STILL DIDNT STOP THERE.
Cale almost broke into laughter as he wanted to continue listening to his lover's amusing dream! If he laughs now Alberu might as well punch him in the face.
Alberu: I wanted to cry, I pleaded with the Sun God in my head that I want this to stop but I didn't get what I wanted. Instead, a chatbox suddenly appeared, I almost pissed my pants reading at the schemes of those so-called 'fans' had for me.
Cale: Oho.. what did you s-see then? 'Pfft'
Cale couldn't handle it anymore he bursts out laughing, almost in tears.
Alberu: How could you be laughing at my pain?!
Cale: Oh dear emperor of mine, isn't it fine that you have such 'entertaining fans' of yours?
Alberu: Entertaining can't even describe those lots... They all praised me for how I was the rising sun of the Roan Kingdom as they humiliated my every being. To the point where they even planned on turning me into 'LIGHTBULBERU'. A FUCKING LIGHTBULB BECAUSE THEY WANT ME TO SHINE LITERALLY. A WALKING FLASHLIGHT KING. ME. ALBERU CROSSMAN.
Alberu: Haaaahh... You don't understand because you were never in my position. Those fans were a bunch of lunatics I say, LUNATICS!
What Alberu doesn't know is that we, the fandom won't just stop there...
Alberu felt shivers down his spine as he recalled the very vivid and realistic experience he had inside his dream.
Cale: I am so telling this to Tasha, my esteemed and very much adored Beru <3
The trauma seemed to have sunken deep into his mind that every time Cale calls him by that nickname, he subconsciously touches his hair and nose in order to reassure himself that it's still there.
I'm tagging these superb beings for making the thread LEGENDARY: @cale-alberu @chunnicalesimp @thescarletguard @trashduchesshenituse-reblogs @farmercale @just-a-sleepy-person @annerisk @pile-of-sticks @trash-duchess-henituse @icyteaa
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x-birdsong-x · 2 years
I SCREECHED WHEN I SAW YOUR REBLOG TAGS - finally somebody who loves Scream Queens. I’m actually on season two, episode two or three !! I cannot stand what Gigi did, but I think Hester was worse. I thought they were hilarious though.
Edit: I'm really sorry I went OFF it's something I'm incapable of not doing when talking about SQS apparently. I'll say again I'm too attached to this show sksksksk
Edit edit: Sorry I didn't know if you'd want me to answer this privately I probably should've answered privately straight away. Typing too fast and have a Newfoundland making my feet numb asjksjk
Edit edit edit: I'm on Chainsaw right now maybe that's why I talked this much but you know what it probably would've happened anyways
Seriously this is my SQS folder:
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(Yes BTS things is literally just SQS behind the scenes stuff I've gone through the two blogs I found here that give me more stuff than you can find on goddamn google.)
I LOVE the SQS villains with all my heart they are my poor little meows meows. Every villain in SQS (Yes, even character-butchered *spoiler*) is a sympathetic villain and I love them all so much,,
Gigi's the backbone to the entire present-timeline plot of SQS and all but two villains are traced back to her. Murder mama holds the show on puppet strings.
Hester deserved so much better than the retcon and I could go on about that for hours. She HAS the depth, she's just not allowed to use/show it the way everyone else is, which is so unfair that it makes me mad. The retcon's not canon <3
Boone's conflict with Gigi HURTS Ghost Stories has made me cry. His relationship with Hester hurts just as bad because we KNOW she couldn't bring herself to even try killing himmm
I won't go off too much about these three, I've got a rant with a mutual somewhere from a few weeks ago when I had a go at the damn wiki comments that make me cringe from the inaccuracy.
I could talk about Pete for hours but I won't sksksk. Boone's ex. His view of Grace was unhealthy from the start. My Glass Animals Devil. His death scene is one of the best scenes in the show (even with the inaccuracy of Hester being in his closet, which considering she'd called him over the phone and we know he hadn't left his room after leaving Grace with Wes that last time, she shouldn't have been)
I don't have a specific list of favorite SQS characters sksks I love them all so much. I adore how much depth SQS has it's so good I love it.
oH I feel like any person talking to me about SQS should know this about me:
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Chanel's extreme bias toward Hester is amazing and Hester letting her go over and over (A really obvious moment of doing so in S2) and seeing her as a replica of Bethany and wanting her to see what she, Gigi, and Boone went through in Palmer rather than have Chanel dead PLEASE my idiots
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ricaffeine · 4 years
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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an: i'm sad because of hyunji drought and this is helping me cope :( but fr if tvn decides to make hotel blue moon then yeaji needs to be in it!!
also very annoying, i can't reply to comments bc this is a side blog (bruh wtf tumblr, i'm so sad should i make a new one?) reblog if you feel like it and my asks are open if you wanna chat 🖤✨
Weekdays at Seoul's National art gallery were usually the same. Buzzing curators dealing with hot-tempered clients. One thing or another was typically going not right and art directors cried about their wrong coffee order.
Although today was not the usual as to the crowds of bubbly news reporters and dazzled art critiques swarming up the wide place. As to Munyeong on the other hand, she was not pleased to the slightest.
"Just smile at the cameras, don't forget about the paycheck you're getting today." Sangin repeated himself for the fifth time. "Don't cause a scene, just think about the money."
Ah right. The paycheck.
As to The Nightmare Garden was bid off for over ten-million dollars, all of today's fanciness was dedicated to her, nation's celebrated female illustrator. However in all honesty, Munyeong barely liked her so-called masterpiece, but considering the amount of cash it will make her, she could be appreciative for the sake of it.
Behind her oversized sunglasses, Munyeong glared at her pesky manager– if looks could kill, he'd already be eleven feet under his grave. Sangin shut his mouth.
"Let's just get this over with," she simply responded, hooking off her eyewear then strutted into the hall with her long legs. Eyes whipped at her and cameras started to flash intensely, almost blinding her and Munyeong wondered how much those little pests could afford her if they got her blind.
And so the event played on. More pictures were taken– as if they hadn't blind her enough cheerful compliments flowed along with the spring breeze. The insincere joker smile she mastered whilst she met her million-dollar client– according to Sangin a hotel owner, though the woman did not have the looks for it– and the glass of filthy wine she almost had a chance to taste if Sangin's sixth sense was not so creepily fast.
Another dreadful two hours later as the dusk had set, hitting the edges with its golden flare, everyone had left. They got their articles and Munyeong will certainly be getting her pools of cash.
To her displease Sangin had informed her to wait as he had to take care of some paperworks she doubted he went to bribe the press into censoring her quoted inappropriate words. 
Nevertheless it was not her bother. She gave his plead a second before storming off to the complimentary section of the building.
Luck on her side, for nobody was there and she was able to grab one of the wine bottles with her– as for a fact it definitely was not stealing.
"Don't be shy, I know you want it."
Munyeong stopped within her steps as soon as an obnoxiously familiar voice echoed from the gallery she previously was in. Curiosity taking the lead, she peaked through the corner and had to muffle her own snort. Stood there, nation's art historian with the sharpest tongue– Choi Seojin.
She finds it hard to believe that his articles are highly known around, or even relevant, when his mouth is full of complete shit. However not disregarding the nastiest tea yet– a frightened girl seized under him. Her hands were locked, frightened eyes grew larger as the man spewed out nasty things.
Instantly, she took out her phone to film the disgraceful scene. Munyeong grinned to herself, reminiscing the rage she felt last time when he mentioned about her mother, and how her irritating manager had interrupted her before she could've sent him down the stairs to Satan.
The man reared into the poor girl's cheek when she attempted to fight him off, and Munyeong's smile dropped.
That piece of shit.
Munyeong entered the room, arms crossed, head high. Her wedge heels clicked against the hardwood as she let out an unamused wow.
Mad dog– what she personally thinks he should be called– 's head whipped at her with wide eyes. Like a child getting caught of lying.
"Oh my. Your hobbies are quite interesting Mr. Choi. Talking shit and sexual harassment?" Munyeong spat. "The girl looks like she'd rather kill herself, why are you even trying?"
As if he thought he could get away with what he just did, mad dog released his foul grip on the girl. Munyeong clicked her tongue and tauntingly held out her phone.
"Oh no, don't bother pretending. Judging by the looks, that won't even favor you at this point." She spared a glance at the quivering girl. "Why are you waiting? Go."
Shakingly and with thankful eyes she nodded and left, her footsteps filling void of silence before it coated the air again.
Mad dog snickered, as if there was something to laugh about. "Don't mess with me Ms. Ko. You know me, I won't die alone."
"Certainly I'll drag you and Mr. Lee down with me. Why do you think they call me the suicide bomb?"
Munyeong walked towards him and spreaded a smile, though even dogs could tell you shouldn't push her further. "You mean the bastard you can't fall down without dragging everyone else with him? Why?"
"I can destroy your career with the tip of my pen, I'm sure you know." He gave her a look, panning out his hand. "Now if you hand me your phone, I think we can compromise something."
Munyeong unraveled her arms, eyes hardening at his next sentence. "You think so?"
"Nation's beloved artist turned out to have antisocial personality disorder. What do you think will happen when people find out?" Mad dog sneered. "Her mother who mysteriously commited suicide–"
"Shut up." She warned. His words lit up the flame from their last encounter, adding fuel to her burning fire. Her head pounded, hard. For a moment she had hoped that if he proceeded as she said, then things would not have to get ugly.
"And her father? Spending his last days in the psychiatric hospital."
But men never listen, do they?
Munyeong tightened the hand around her bottle and striked it at him with full force. The bottom part crashed the wall behind him– just above the hung painting- glass shattered as rich burgundy stained its way down, smearing all over. Its taste fused with the air and Munyeong glowered at the creature who dodged her flawless aim.
"You crazy bitch!" He yelled, scrambled on the floor. But Mad dog was quick to lunge at her, they both hit the ground, stumbling as her open purse had been knocked away– and Munyeong's eyes landed on something very specific.
She was quicker, getting on her feet and spared the bastard a strong kick in the groin, leaving him groaning as she reached for her pen.
Her favorite calligraphy pen– its lining was stunning, coated in shiny teal with hints of gold, but most importantly, the dangerously sharp tip. The way it writes like reaping out blood from your hand– hence why it is a favorite.
She hawled back over and he screamed at her, though she didn't hear him. Her head was light as she felt blood rushed through her veins. Munyeong raised her arm and struck it back down.
Both of them froze. No, not her and mad dog, but him.
Deafening silence had lied between the walls and there they stood, eyes pierced into another's souls. Hers burned like fire, but his were dignified like the deep ocean.
Droplets of blood trickled down his forearm and splattered the floor, staining the rolled up sleeves of his crisp white shirt. What a waste.
"Let go. You can't kill him." The man– still with a bloody pen graved in his palm said.
Munyeong couldn't help but scoff, especially after that fucking bastard had just strangled her. "Don't be dramatic. I was just going to give him a few scratches."
Well maybe that's not entirely true.
Rough scrambling erupted underneath them, but when Munyeong turned to look, the mad dog had just ran off, like a lost puppy. Angrily she bit her lip, close to drawing blood until she felt the man draw his own hand back.
She watched as he did. The way he carefully slid her pen into his jacket and brought out a black silk handkerchief. Very rarely, she'd be astonished by something, and now it's him. Though she found it quite difficult to understand him– since when do you interrupt another's stabbing session by screwing up your own hand instead, and also the audacity to tell her she could not stab somebody?
So lost in her thoughts it took her a few seconds to realize her pulse was not pounding anymore.
"Did anyone not tell you that it is basic etiquette to not pry into someone else's business?" Munyeong said– seized the napkin from him, and began to tie a knot. She shot him a glance.
No reply. The man simply stared at her.
"Hmm?" She raised a brow, amused at his slight flinch when she tugged a little harder.
"Don't stress it too much, my manager will take care of our little incident." Munyeong chuckled as he proceeded to ignore her. "Do you know what? There are a lot of people in this world who deserve to die. And some very thoughtful freaks secretly take care of that, so clueless humans can sleep peacefully at night, completely unaware. Which one do you think I am?"
She dropped his hand, anticipating for his answer. Flares of light shined through the blinds, sharpening at his strong features and she noted his small– yet devilish smile.
"A clueless freak."
He finally responded, leaning towards her. His eyes traced her face, gazing down at her lips for a second too long, before their eyes were locked once again. "And of course you will have to pay, but at what price?"
taglist -> i could not tag some of ya'll :( @anotherdush @callmeashipper @ourcoffeeaddictme @nothingcreativeyet @pancat @hotstuff-benswolo @lookingatthesunset @evielovesfood @waywarm @gloster @hello-79 @ailander
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