#I cant believe I've gotten so into this game
gavisfanta · 2 months
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summary: youre messis daughter and dating pedri while the world cup is happening
warnings: none
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the journey to qatar was amazing, now that I've spent the first three hours here I cant wait for the world cup to start.
Vamos Argentina y Vamos España 🇦🇷 ❤️ 🇪🇦
liked by pedri, garnacho7 and 967,929 others.
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@garnacho7 👏🏼👏🏼
@pedri ❤️🇪🇦
@random supporting two teams is insane
@random imagine having the problem that your bf plays for spain and your dad for argentina and you dont know who you'll support
@random thats my dream problem
@random I hope Messi can win it this year
@random can we please talk about how cute pedris smile is in the third picture??
@random why does she have the spanish passport if shes Argentinian??
@random she grew up in spain
@random Hala madrid
@random who is she?
@random shes Messi's daughter
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Esto acaba de empezar, sí, pero qué debut locos! Vamos España ❤️🇪🇦
(This has just begun, yes, but what a crazy debut! Let's go Spain)
liked by pablogavi, yourinsta and 4,629,729 others.
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@yourinsta guapoooo😍😍😍 (handsome)
@pablogavi simp
@pedri ❤️
@random LMAO
@random Pedri Potter
@pablogavi Hermanoooo looking good
@random hes soo fineee
@rodri so excited to play with you pedri ;)
@ferrantorres mágico
@random spain gon win the world cup
@random lets go spainnn
@sefutbol que chico 😍😍 (what a boy)
@marcosalonos pedriiii 😍😍
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Amazing game by spain as always, it was great to support you @pedri with @siramartinezc and lets keep going this way. Vamos España ❤️❤️
liked by pedri, pablogavi, siramartinezc and 2,690,628 others.
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@pedri red looks good on you amor ❤️ pinned comment
@siramartinezc 🇪🇦❤️
@pablogavi youre my favourite girlfriend of pedri
@yourinsta oh... thank you gavi...
@pedri gavi.
@anapelayoz mis chicas españolas favoritas 😍❤️ (my favourite spanish girls)
@antonellaroccuzzo 😍😍
@mikkykiemeney when are you coming to a game with me ? 😁😁
@yourinsta soon... maybe...
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Muchas gracias por todo, Luis. Por tu confianza y por tu apoyo desde el primer momento, y por haber creído y cuidado siempre a este grupo. No hemos lIlegado donde queríamos en este Mundial, pero seguro que el futuro te deparara nuevos exitos
Muchas gracias también a toda la gente que ha estado a nuestro lado. Por ellos y por la @sefutbol tenemos que pasar página y trabajar para dar alegrías a nuestro país de la mano de Luis De la Fuente. Su suerte será la nuestra. 🇪🇦
(Thank you so much for everything, Luis. For your trust and for your support from the first moment, and for having always believed and cared for this group. We haven't gotten where we wanted in this World Cup, but I'm sure the future will bring you new successes
Many thanks too all the people who have been by our side. For them and for the @sefutbol we have to turn the page and work to give joy to our country from the hand of Luis De la Fuente. Your luck will be ours.)
liked by sefutbol, yourinsta, leomessi and 4,920,672 others.
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Spain has been great and it's really unfortunate that we had to leave Qatar after this loss. I wish we could've went on further but I'm sure everyone is gonna take this as a challenge and win more trophies in the next 4 years. ❤️🇪🇦
liked by pedri, siramartinezc and 1,639,993 others.
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@pedri ❤️
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liked by pedri, leomessi and 2,662,829 others.
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@leomessi 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
@pedri ❤️
@random vamoooooo argentinaaaaaaa
@random france easy win
@random 😍😍
@random mbappe as world cup champion sounds better
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Tantas veces lo soñé, tanto lo deseaba que aún no caigo, no me lo puedo creer...
Muchas gracias a mi familia, a todos los que me apoyan y también a todos los que creyeron en nosotros. Demostramos una vez más que los argentinos cuando luchamos juntos y unidos somos capaces de conseguir lo que nos propongamos. El mérito es de este grupo, que está por encima de las individualidades, es la fuerza de todos peleando por un mismo sueño que también era el de todos los argentinos... Lo logramos!!!
Nos estamos viendo muy pronto... 🇦🇷🇦🇷
I dreamed it so many times, I wished it so much that I don't fall yet, I can't believe it...
Big thanks to my family, all my supporters and also to all those who believed in us. We prove once again that the Argentinians when we fight together and united we are capable of achieving what we set out to do. The credit is of this group, which is above individuality, is the strength of all fighting for the same dream that was also that of all Argentinians... We made it !!!
We're seeing each other very soon...🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷)
liked by fcbarcelona, yourinsta and 75,448,275 others.
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@fcbarcelona beautiful 😍
@enzofernandez CAPITÁN 👏🏼👏🏼❤️❤️🇦🇷🇦🇷
@garnacho7 😍🇦🇷
@antonellaruccuzzo ❤️🇦🇷
@seleccionargentinaen "Lionel Messi has shaken hands with paradise"
@brycehall 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
@lisandromartinez Mi capitán 👏🏼🇦🇷
@random lmao barca commented
@random poor Cristiano
@random G.O.A.T.
@random I call this history
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This has been an incredible and surreal time and I'm so so thankful for everyone I met during my time there and I am so happy that my native country won it.
Thank you Qatar and VAMOS ARGENTINA 🇦🇷
liked by leomessi, pedri and 3,662,268 others.
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@selecciónargentina "todos somos montiel"
@leomessi VAMOSSSSS 🇦🇷🇦🇷
@antonellaroccuzzo ❤️❤️🇦🇷🇦🇷
@pedri 😍
@433 that world cup was special...
@pablogavi pedri looks so handsome 😍😍
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argentina has been magical, thank you for sticking along @pedri ❤️
liked by pedri, leomessi, siramartinezc and 1,763,928 others.
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@pedri de nada amor ❤️😍
@leomessi 👍🏻
@random this is so dad of him 💀💀
@random MESSI
@mikkykiemeney so pretty 😍
@yourinsta ❤️
@random i love her and pedris relationship
@random that first picture >>
@random argentina did well ngl
@random pedri in the first pic AAAA
@random Idk who I'm jealous of, her or Pedri
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mi equipo 🫶🏻🇦🇷
liked by pedri, leomessi and 2,091,669 others.
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@leomessi mi hija ❤️
@pedri beautiful girl 😍😍
@yourinsta ❤️
@random undeserved
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back in barcelona, no better place then home 🫶🏻
liked by leomessi, pedri and 1,829,552 others.
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@pedri ❤️
@mikkykiemeney Home ❤️❤️
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faetreides · 3 months
alsooo… food for thought! modern!coryo learning that you’re a virgin and what he’d be like when he gets to fuck you for the first time 😏😏
CW: afab!reader, feminization/use of bride/reader's pussy is assigned she/her pronouns, extra extra political empire heir coriolanus snow in tears over pussy read all about it, fair amount of marriage talk, mentions of being willing to murder others & trap reader, mandatory sejanus mention, coryo puts on his person suit just for you <3, this is not the darkest point in the au but the au is "soft" dark content overall
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One thing about modern!coryo is that he gives you much more grace than some of his other friends would have. (Festus is "rumored" to be carrying multiple stds and Felix's family has a whole section in their budget just for child support. Sejanus is the only one in that group that's kind of normal by comparison.) When you start dating, he can tell that you're inexperienced at least; but the green-eyed monster always on his shoulder doesn't let him fully believe that you're a virgin.
He's... patient unlike most college boys. He's horny beyond comprehension, but he doesn't latch onto you like a leech after the first date (He's so kind 😊). Sure, there's a festering need sweltering under his skin and boiling his blood, but he's no strange to playing the long game. To him, every time he fucks you is going to feel like your wedding night (Cause he's in this for MARRIAGE). You're the only one he would use the phrase "making love" with. Before you, every other whore that hung off his dick was just there because he was high on his status (and a couple other things). He apologizes about being with others before you as if he were actively cheating on you.
He'd pay to have them disappear if you wanted.
He finds out in a benign way; you're making out on your creaky twin bed in your dorm. (You hadn't moved in together at the time, so he had to settle for his long limbs awkwardly knocking against the wall and nightstand every time you were getting intimate.) He keeps the kiss going as he rises up on his knees and nudges you on your back. He shoots his hands out under your body to catch you just in case (and so you can't leave).
"Wait….” You say and bury your hands in his hair to try to pry his mouth off of your neck, “Coryo, stop. I need a second."
He almost pouts but he relents and moves back to hover over you. Some of his curls dangle down and tickle your face but you just scrunch your nose up like a bunny at the feeling.
His brow furrows in confusion, "What is it, baby? Are you okay?"
You squirm under his body for a moment in embarrassment until you decide to just rip the band aid off. You run your hands up his torso and over his shoulders, curling them around the nape of his neck and giving him the little head scratches he likes. His eyes flutter shut as electricity shoots up his body.
"I'm uh...... I've never done this before, ever." He barely hears it with how quietly you whisper.
He can't help teasing you in response, "Baby, you can just say that you're a virgin if that's what you are."
He chuckles when you "playfully" smack him in the chest. Coryo makes sure you can watch his gaze soften as he brings a hand up to tuck some of your hair behind your ear. You've given him a gift, and Coriolanus Snow is nothing if not an avid appreciator or gifts. He leans down to rub the side of your nose with his, bringing his other hand down to press on your lower belly.
"Petal... I don't care that you're a virgin, we don't have to do anything today. I won't mind, don't worry."
He can see your brain working hard to make a decision, the cogs in your cute little head turning. You don't bite you lip for very long (which is a good thing because his dick was about to explode) before you're canting up to kiss him.
You've gotten a lot better at it overtime, and Coryo has adored every second of helping you get to that place. He's never been in love before so it's almost like you're teaching him new things too. He wonders if this is how his father felt, only having room in your heart for one person and closing it to everything else. He almost can't blame him, now that he's got you.
It was all going so well until he's wrestling your lace down your smooth legs, he's pressing tiny little pecks along your skin as your underwear travels. He doesn't quite take them off and just leaves them pooled around your ankles. The material stretches as he slides his hands up your inner thighs and spreads them.
You give him your best 'do NOT fucking rip my underwear' look but he just sends back an answering 'you know I'll buy you new ones.'
The puffy pussy that winks up at him makes him want to cry. Aphrodite could come down to earth right now and bend over right in front of him, but all he'd see is his future wife's glistening folds. He'd never really found a cunt cute before, but yours was bringing forward yet another wave of cuteness aggression. You have no hope of getting through to him once he's got his thumb hooked under your hood. He honest to God coos as he gently scrapes his thumb nail against your clit.
The giddy laugh that bubbles up when you involuntarily kick at him makes your cheeks heat up in what is unfortunately not embarrassment.
"Shit." He sniffles and wipes away an actual tear as he tilts his head to the side to get a different angle, "She's beautiful..."
It's the same tone he'll have when he says his vows.
Coryo then decides that he's tired of waiting so he tugs your panties off your ankles and uncaringly throws them somewhere on the floor. He smiles and lays down in between your legs, leaving some space in between your bodies so he could see where you two will be joined.
His curls hang in your face again as he leans down to nip at your nose, so you won't really notice when he shoves his pants down.
You can't hide how much you want to see all of him, he watches you glance down at his hard cock that slapped against his stomach as it flopped free. Despite Coryo obviously not having the biggest build in the world, the third leg he's been apparently carrying around all this time is more than enough for him (and for you). It's an angry sort of purplish red, thick and long like his fingers with a mushroom head that might as well have been calling your name.
"My eyes are up here, you know." He chides you as he gets your attention back on him by shaking his hefty cock in his balled fist, getting drops of salty pre cum on your pussy before sandwiching it between your folds.
He blissfully sighs and tosses his head back as if he were a king celebrity a long-awaited victory with a toe-curling fuck.
Essentially, he's like "fresh pussy just for me 👉👈🥺?” He's sat right at the dining table and ready to dive into his favorite three-course meal (your holes).
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lavendergalactic · 5 months
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☆  100+ followers editing event !!
art: pponnya
thank you all sooo so so much for 100 followers! i cant believe i've gotten that much in that small amount of time, i'm so glad you love my edits :D
rules and prompts under the cut !
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☆  rules / info !
this event will last from dec 29th - jan 7th just incase anyone needs extra time, you can join late too! i don't mind
please @ me and/or tag #lavender100 so i can see your submisions!!
inspired by @circuswhisprs, anyone who completes all 7 days will get an edit of their choice and will be entered into a raffle to get an extra edit and/or a rentry template of their choice
you can make graphics, layouts, moodboards / stimboards, etc, i don't really care! go crazy!
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☆  prompts !
thought i'd have the option for two prompts per day!
day 1 ﹕an edit from your childhood show/game/movie/etc
OR ﹕ a character that reminds you of your friend
day 2 ﹕two characters from different medias that you think will get along well
OR ﹕ a character you think would be chronically online
day 3 ﹕a character that reminds you of me
OR ﹕a character you most relate to
day 4 ﹕a character edited in an aesthetic that's completely opposite to them (eg: evil and dark character edited in a cutesy pink style)
OR ﹕a character that you think is underappreciated
day 5 ﹕free day
OR ﹕a character that's famous in their universe
day 6 ﹕a character that is the complete opposite from you
OR ﹕a character you had a childhood crush on
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day 7 ﹕a character you would die for
OR ﹕an edit from a new interest of yours
☆  tags / may i get a promo?
let me know (in dms or ask) if you want to be removed
@plugdreamer !!!!!, @luvistrz !!!! , @dollrelicz !!!!! , @adoringscars !!! , @honeystarcamper !!!!, @lemonkinds !!!!! , @purificatings !!! , @circuswhisprs , @rozenkiss , @yyoimiya , @essthereal , @mischiefesse , @dolliebunnies , @yourdarlingness , @lovesicklie , @kiochisato , @thehydroprincess , @thehauntedcemetery , @cutesiplushi , @ringchime , @wifeicide
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thottyimagines · 2 months
Heyy, i really love ur akatsuki headcanons, like every one of them is so believable lmaoo.
Could u do akatsuki headcanons where their s/o asks them to hold their peepee while they pee? I swear there was one exact ask on tumblr but it cant find it
Thanks and i hope its not a weird question but they r weirdos anyways so
Thank you!
I've gotten a variation of this ask several times which is telling me the people (or just one tenacious anon) really want to know, so...god, here goes nothing:
Pein is...weirdly complicated, given the real body in the basement/paths for his bidding situation, but I'd say the only way he'd allow it is if it's absolutely necessary because his actual bod is too weak to even help himself. I imagine he just diapers the poor thing and gives Konan the honor of cleaning him up, though, so he doesn't really need an s/o to aid in that venture.
Konan, should she have one for her s/o to hold, would be kind of confused by the request, but not put off. I don't think she'd really get it, but sure, knock yourself out, s/o.
Itachi would get flustered and embarrassed, should his s/o ask to do the holding for him. He'd reassure them that he is more than capable of performing his own bathroom duties, from ablutions to urination, and their concern is...well, kind, if unwarranted. He'd probably wonder if his s/o is noticing his deteriorating eyesight and then frets that he can no longer aim, and everyone has felt too awkward to tell him. He starts using the bathroom with his Sharingan always on and the door locked tight so he can make sure he cleans up properly.
Kisame would probably be amused and go for it. He'd somehow find a way to be flirtatious and horny about it, but hey, his s/o was the one to be a freak and ask in the first place so as far as he's concerned it's all fair game.
Hidan would only accept if he could be flirtatious and horny about it. He'd probably just assume his s/o developed a piss kink or something, I'll be real with you.
Kakuzu initially shuts that down with a firm "no." If his s/o is persistent, he'd relent, but he'd be annoyed and brusque about it. If their finger gets caught in the zipper when he's done, well, that'll show them to stop impeding his business.
Deidara gets very embarrassed and flustered, like Itachi, but in a weirdly flattered, excited way. He's young and horny and will gleefully embrace any opportunity to have someone touching his dick, even for something as mundane as him peeing.
Sasori probably didn't give his puppet twink bod any genitalia, as he needs to neither pee nor fuck in this form. He'd be sure to let his s/o know that.
Tobi would get embarrassed and deflect and probably accuse his s/o of being a pervert (fair), but forgive them because they're just too cute. They're still not giving the assist, though. He's self-conscious about how it looks soft.
Zetsu also doesn't seem to have the anatomy required for this scenario, given he's running around in the buff all day long and no one has ever commented about his bits hanging out and about.
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bladeweavedance · 3 months
Greetings Question
So, I can't figure out how to get the datamined dialogue thingie to work. I feel rather silly about that, but it's true. Also, I haven't actually gotten that far in the game myself - I've mostly just spoilered myself using Youtube videos. Still, I was just doing some looking around. According to one post I read (which funnily enough was arguing that the content disparity between Wyll and the other companions wasn't as bad as some people were making it out to be), these are all of Wyll's greetings: https://64.media.tumblr.com/41360c3af95a203a4c2b8ec552434de2/7aa23b088eeb6dd8-0c/s1280x1920/dce3b889a323c811238e09889fd9f22b97bed522.jpg Umm... That can't really be all there is, right? That's... 5 greetings - 4 regular greetings and 1 romanced greeting. Meanwhile Gale (whom I also love, by the way!) has... uh... https://www.tumblr.com/galedekarios/732726777210929153/i-cant-believe-it-took-me-this-long-to-realise?source=share All of these? That's like 12 greetings (if you don't include the low approval ones - in which case 15) (Shoutout to the Gale Dekarios blog by the way - I love your Gale posts! A+). Just sayin' if this is truly the case (and I'm not saying it is, I might be wrong - please fact check me - this is why this is a question), maybe people really shouldn't be saying things like the content disparity between Wyll and the other companions isn't that bad or being all "Look! Wyll has one romance greeting!" "Uh, okay but there are other non-Astarion companions sitting around with twice as much or more?"
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
you shouldnt need some get-out-of-bigotry-free card from your religious doctrine in order to be a good person. thats not how good people decide things. good people do something to help rather than explain how theyre definitely not associated with bigots because of the fine-print.
do you even care about all the injustice and pain and murder in the world because of christian hatred, or do you think is all a rules-game and we all get to go to a morally-acceptable afterlife in the end? do you give a s*** or are you going to keep making excuses for yourself so you dont have to re-examine what you believe and why?
you cant excise out the hatred and shame from any of it. every institution in the world was built on that- the original intent of god or jesus or whoever the f*** doesnt matter, because thats lost. it has been for a long time.
you want to believe in god? or a doctrine of harmony and acceptance and justice? make one up. you can do a better job.
This was quite the message to wake up to. I'm sorry for taking a while to respond, I wanted to give it as much care as I could while also being punctual in my response, and those are some tricky things to juggle. I'm putting the rest of this post under a cut for those who'd like to avoid this discussion.
I'm assuming you're responding to my previous posts where I talked about my being Christian and my perspective on people's divine right to choose the way they live and believe, and answered some responses to my initial points. But I'm really confused as to what “get-out-of-bigotry-free card” you're referring to. Are you talking about how I described agency? That wasn't intended to be seen in any way like you've described it. I also didn't ever boast about being a good person as this message seems to imply. I try to be a good person, but I don't wave it about on a flag to brag about. 
I'm sorry if this is presumptuous to say, but you're coming at me with a very hostile, angry tone while assuming many things about what I've said and who I am as a person. I'm sorry that what I've said has clearly hurt you in order to have gotten this reaction, but I'm a human being as much as you are. If you are hurting, I want to talk about that hurt in a calm way. We don't need to sling curse words or accusations to do so. 
For the first point of your second paragraph— do you even care about all the injustice and pain and murder in the world because of christian hatred, or do you think is all a rules-game and we all get to go to a morally-acceptable afterlife in the end— yes, I do care. It disgusts me that people have warped a message of love and charity into something so repulsive that they can use to justify acts of malice and hatred. Christian hatred is a fundamentally vile phrase to me, because Christianity is defined in my religion as “taking upon you the name of Christ”— which essentially means striving to live to be as much like Jesus as possible. Jesus wasn't hateful. Jesus wasn't cruel. Jesus was shown a woman who was set to be stoned to death and told the people who brought her forward to mind their own business and think about their own lives, then bent down and offered her compassion and comfort. As for myself, there's circumstances in my life that prevent me from doing much concrete advocacy for many causes, but I speak and vote where I can to make the world a happier place, protect people's rights, and defend them against predatory behavior. I'm unfamiliar with the phrase “rules-game” and couldn't find a definition for it, so I can't answer that portion of your question directly, but I believe that the afterlife is fundamentally morally acceptable, yes. I wouldn't be following a religion that I found immoral on a doctrinal level.  
For the second question of that first paragraph: I'm not going to use the same phrasing as you, but I do give a hoot. I also didn't try to make any excuses for myself. I'm confused as to where you felt like I did so. I do regularly consider my belief system and why I believe it, as well as consider the journey I've taken with my faith. I've identified myself as an atheist and an agnostic at various points in life before coming back to Christianity. To put it in a nutshell, I've done a lot of thinking on the subject throughout the years and have grappled with a lot of things about my religion that I didn't understand when I was younger, until I got a better recognition of them. I am not a blind follower of my faith. 
You said “you can't excise out the hatred and shame from any of it. Every institution in the world was built on that- the original intent of God or Jesus or whoever(…) doesn't matter, because that's lost.” I don't think we'll agree on this point, because we're coming at this from two very different worldviews. My church doesn't believe humanity is a gaggle of kids that God left in a hot car in some cosmic parking lot. We believe in God communicating with people throughout every era— He's still talking to and guiding humanity. We call ourselves the restored church because we believe in continuing revelation, that God isn't done revealing the Gospel to us in its entirety. We've got the fundamentals, yes, but we're still learning the deeper stuff, and God is here to hold our hands along the way.
The fact that there is any hatred or shame involved is not something God wants for us. That's something that came into religion from humans, because we're mortal, and we have vices, grudges, flaws, and temptations. We're not perfect, and we bring imperfection wherever we go. That's why we have God directing us to try and improve constantly— to turn the other cheek and remove the beam from our own eye before commenting on the mote in our brother's. We're on individual paths to God, and it's not any one person's place to judge another's life. That's what God's here for, and He's the only one qualified to do it by virtue of knowing us so well that He recognizes the struggles and reasonings behind where we unwillingly fall short. He also recognizes when people act with intentional malice even where we wouldn't see any, and is able to judge accordingly. 
Judging by your final paragraph— you want to believe in god? or a doctrine of harmony and acceptance and justice? make one up. you can do a better job— if I'm reading this right, you believe the concept of God is fundamentally discordant, unaccepting, and unjust. We're coming at this from opposing worldviews if this is the case, and aren't going to agree. I believe in a God who is kind and wants to see us succeed. It doesn't seem like you feel the same. I'm sorry, but I don't have much else I can say on the subject. I won't change your mind when this seems like a very vital facet of your belief system, if the conviction you write with is any indicator. You won't change my mind when a caring, present God is something I've experienced so frequently that I can't see the world through any other lens.
I'm sorry that what I said previously seems to have hurt and upset you. It wasn't my intent. I hope that this response is able to communicate that along with my perspective.
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broke-art-girl · 2 months
Elmax headcanons?
I've done one of these but I can do more if you guys like em xD I cant believe im getting so many asks omg.. I love yall.
Thanks @astreinomane
Elmax (pt.2)
• Max is angry by default. She'll rant and rave over tiny things like stubbing her toe or her favorite show not being on that day. El likes hearing her be mad because it makes her laugh, and her laughing makes Max laugh.
• Max likes to box as well as skateboarding. She takes El on skating dates with her board and Els rollers.
• Max's gotten a black belt growing up and teaches El and (possible) kids self defense. Something she's passionate about. Granted El can literally flip vans and kill people but hey, it's the thought that counts.
• They are both cereal freaks but they eat it straight outta the box like weirdos.
• Max shaved her head too so El wouldn't feel as bad about her hair.
• After the events of season 4 Max's left visually impaired so she uses a cane to help her out in public. El likes to cover it in colored tape and ribbons. Once she learns what a lesbian is she puts that flag on their for Max and her.
• They love board games. They will play Monopoly, Shoots and Ladders, Sorry, and, Candy Land for hours.
• They are big on collecting. They collect Funko Pops together, El collects TYs and Max collects little toy cars. Over all they have a huge collection.
• El is afraid of pools because of Dr. Brenner and his isolation tanks and Max doesn't like water because Billy always ended up working as a life guard wherever they lived, so pools aren't their thing. But they do love a warm bubble bath together.
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magmythedevil · 10 months
Do you have worries about either Envy or Nuzi being rushed and forced in the end to the audience to please certain fans? Would you be saddened if N and Uzi didn't get together in the end, despite all the development and growth the two have gotten over the season so far, especially with their friendship? I've honestly noticed lately that some Envy fans have said Nuzi is being shoved in our faces, but the same could be said for EP 5 "Envy" when they showed the past versions of N and V, and even EP 2 as well..it seems like kinda hypocritical, to me. Heck someone even went out and made an Nuzi hate account over on Twitter and it's laughable and dumb. But anyways, I wanted to ask are you worried about either ship being rushed and not given the amount of development?? I honestly feel bad that I can't like Envy as other fans do..I honestly DO wanna like it and I do kinda ship it, but I only ship and like their past versions, but it's just hard for me to really like N and V as a couple (especially present) In general when the show hasn't really given it the amount of development it deserves and the show also hasn't given me a reason to really root and make them seem believable, at least to me..maybe I'm missing something, idk. 🤷‍♀️🤔 It's sometimes scary and hard to be a Nuzi fan at times though when Envy fans and especially other fans in this fandom (at least when it comes to Tik Tok and Twitter, and even Reddit and Amino too) keep on calling Nuzi problematic and uncomfortable because of so much misinformation being spread and people thinking it's p*oship, EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT!! PLEASE STOP SAYING THIS, BTW!
But some fans are theorizing and assuming that maybe Liam is just playing around with the audience and saying that N and V might end up being the endgame couple which I cannot say, none of us knows until Liam confirms and says anything! I honestly do think there needs to be proper closure with N and V no matter if they get together or not, especially with V's treatment of N. I honestly think that V's sacrifice will affect the characters, especially N..since he and V were close and had a bond with one another!
And one more thing I wanna add real quick is this, now I don't know if this is 100% true or not and I'm just going by from what I've heard, but apparently I've heard that during a live event screening that happened back for EP 2 of the show, Liam Vickers was talking and discussing about how much he loved and enjoyed N and Uzi's dynamic (they are also his favorite characters) and he doesn't like one over the other and was also apparently asked on what his favorite ship was which he didn't say and said we'd eventually find out...I wouldn't be surprised if he's referring to both N and Uzi, since not only do they have the most developed and strongest bond and friendship out of any of the other characters, but the show has hinted at them being a item so many times, it seems sooo obvious. (I know this trope is cliche of main characters being a thing and I'm not the biggest fan of this myself at times, but N and Uzi are an exception for me! ^-^) now I MIGHT be wrong and things may change and go differently we'll just have to wait and see afterall, but even if N and Uzi don't get together..I'll still ship them because they just have more chemistry to me. 💛💜✨ But in the end, shipping isn't everything to me and I'm just here for the story, world-building + angst and the characters as well, but I'm curious to see what Liam ends up doing with the relationships and dynamics, especially since with this show..since anything can happen, especially with how crazy and insane it can be, especially with all it's twists and turns, haha!
Yep, nuzi may be semi-canon right now but everything is possible. We cant be sure what will happen to them exactly. But if nuzi really ins't end-game i hope liam gives a satisfied conclusion to them and their relantioship at least, no matter If Its happy, Sad or bitter-sweet.
Now about envy, i agre with you, i cant really ship their present selfs because of their development and their fans (they are so weird about nuzi and uzi herself ughhh) .
And if envy is going to be the end game in the full series Liam has to like- FOCUS a lot on them since they have a some things to pack up before coming back to each other. But, he has to put Uzi a litte aside for that....and i think thats something quite controversial to do since shes such a beloved protagonist and her relantioship with N is extremely special for the show (and fans)
But now that V has got some development and doesn't really hate uzi that much, envy may still have a chance of end-game.
But If they arent going to be end-game, Liam surely will give a nice conclusion for their relantioship, most probally a bitter-sweet one. (I also still have some Hope for vizzy-)
Also V's death is OBVIOUSLY going to be a part of N's breakdown Togheter with Uzi Almost losing her control and having to save the whole universe thing, Thats the entire point. No matter If he has focused on Uzi more, and getting feelings for her. V still was someone special for him (even If she treated him poorly) not even in a romantic way, if a friend of my died i would go crazy too.
And i agree with you with the whole rest 👍 lets see what will happen
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purplenidoqueen · 3 months
why did you read “let’s hold transmisogynistic trans mascs accountable and not humor their bigotry” as “i hate trans men”? come now. the post only criticizes transmascs who engage in transmisogyny. nowhere does it say that transmascs are a threat or danger to trans women, just that they’re capable of being shitty to us and shouldn’t. you have to learn to read trans women in good faith.
Sorry for the wait! I have too little free time and too much to say on any given topic.
The reblog that garnered these messages can be found here.
Since this was split into two messages I'll have to respond in two parts, so bear with me. While I don't have much of an audience, it's important to me to head this off, so I'd appreciate it if anyone who reads this and agrees with my stances here also walks away with the message of patience and solidarity, and doesn't send messages her way for whatever reason. This isn't a callout and I don't believe in callouts; this is just how the inbox function works.
Anyway! First:
I can understand your rush to send off these messages, considering the amount of pushback you seem to have gotten, but as I said at the end of my reblog, I'm a trans woman myself; I've been out and proud with my she/they pronouns for over a decade. It's not about learning to understand trans women, is it? It's about the communication of ideas in the midst of a disagreement, itself in the midst of one of the most volatile and socially violent moments in our corner of the platform.
First, and perhaps most confrontationally, you didn't start with transmisogynistic trans mascs. You started with how this is our fight, and this isn't about them. That's the bit I take issue with. You say we have to stop excusing this behavior, and stop getting defensive and generalizing this shit, and that we cant be afraid to recognize their bigotry just because they’re also trans, but you are the one who started generalizing, and this is me recognizing it. You're lumping the guys who said "this is why we have to care about trans people, listen to trans siblings" in with the trans mascs -- including those which are profiles worn by the dedicated terf brigade that has been antagonizing Rita and other trans women for years -- who are spreading callouts and being part of the problem. We can't go into this acting defensive against our allies. I'll double down on this: You're playing the game the terfs want you to play.
To clarify a related point, this isn't about whether or not you hate men. I'll admit that I did check your reblogs, and that I give a little nervous side-eye toward some of the content you've posted, but that's honestly not my business and it wasn't the point. The point is that, whether you hate men or love them, whether you're helping to sow discontent among the community intentionally or unintentionally… you're still playing the game the terfs want you to play. This isn't about feelings; it's about the results.
"Nowhere does it say that transmascs are a threat or danger to trans women, just that they’re capable of being shitty to us and shouldn’t"…
Sure, but it does say
"it’s kind of fucking annoying as hell seeing transmascs watch all the insane recent transmisogyny and go “this is why we have to care about trans people, listen to trans siblings” no. this is about trans women."
And isn't that the point? This isn't just about trans women. This is about the BLM protest, and all the black bloggers who got called russian bots and were terminated. This is about every sex worker who straddled the line of post-porn-ban TOS as best they could and still got banned for presenting wrong, from trans women posting their faces to trans men posting their nipples. This is about every voice that has consistently been eradicated from Tumblr, and Rita's is the latest and the loudest explosion heard but hers is not the only one we should be talking about, and her situation and ours is not the only one that matters.
I did read the rest of the post before I responded, and I'll give the same note here that I give when "journalists" front-load their articles with falsehoods because they know that the first few sentences are the most important ones: if you don't want your work to be adversarial, don't start it adversarially.
Part two here, and since we're on to the second message I promise it's less about personal presentation of the message and more about the greater topics.
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kohiu · 2 years
Here to address some unimportant things to long-time followers of this account.
Trying to be transparent about things that most people should not care, but here I am, writing this. Hello, Kan here. In 2019 I was active in this fandom of a video game called Tales of Vesperia. I had consistently created fan arts and comics which has gotten a decent amount of attention, I believe some of you here are still following me because of the contents I've made during that period of time. For these past three years, I have tried everything to block people's memories out of that fandom, I really wanted to move on, I wanted everyone to move on so I can continue creating works which I am proud of. I've had been receiving assistance from friends to curate my contents, and we did our best to completely wipe off contents related to Tales of Vesperia. I don't know how to tell you this, but anything Tales-of related now hurts me tremendously. I can't even look at JRPG at a genre where I could hearfully enjoy anymore. Hell, I cant even force myself to look at Elden Ring because the Bandai Namco logo is enough to make me relive the painful experience. For anyone who has continued reading this far, I have attached a google doc released in 2020, entailing of the details of why I cannot associate with the video game, nor the people involved in it. Please understand this google doc only scratched the surface of what happened. ---- You may be wondering why I am addressing this now. I have been getting messages, emails, from former friends and fans asking me about the works I have done for Tales of Vesperia. Along with inquiries of continue doing fan works of it. I am begging you, please stop, I understand you just want to support me, but your words are going to undo the mental scar I'm trying to heal from. The other reason, is because recently, this person mentioned in the google doc has attempted to contact me again. I am still being stalked for something I participated in three years ago. I feel incredibly unsafe for this. I don't know where he lives, and I have consulted legal options to keep myself physically and mentally safe. I have Shin helping me with communication and minimize the stress I will have to deal with online platforms, even so that's the most we can do to counteract. I'm tired, stressed out, out of option, and really just want to run away forever. I believe releasing this statement will make my stalker attempts to contact me again, and that's the least I want to happen. In the past, he has sent his friends after me as well. I don't know what I gain from telling you all of this. People were hurt during the time I tried to defend myself from this stalker, and I don't want this to happen again, and this is why I had chosen to isolate myself from everyone for all this time. Please, I want peace. Leave me alone. - Kan (KOHIU)
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There's a bit of stuff about canon characters if you're interested but be warned this is mainly about my OC(s)
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Info about her under the cut!
Aera is an ex servant of Aphrodite that defected during the Trojan War. She was a part of an elite group of Cupids (Basically Aphrodite's Angels? Im workshopping it) before joining Palutena's army, eventually making her way up to an army general. She defected because she fell in love with the Goddess of Light. She stole her bow when she left, and it's actually the Angel's Bow you use in Kid Icarus: Uprising!
Cupids are kinda like angels, but with hollow bones and dove wings, which are weaker. They were also, for the most part, free to do as they please as long as it fell in line with Aphrodite's mission statement of "causing love and problems". Aera argued that her leaving the army to elope with another goddess participating in the Trojan War did both and that she should've gotten a severance package for it.
That's not all- she's also Pit's mom! Kinda. She's not quite.. sure how he got there. She just kinda found him in a fruit basket full of Quince and Figs one day when he was a baby (hence the name Pit!) with a note attached saying it was hers. She didn't really question it since she just thought that's how angels were born. In all actuality it was Aphrodite in an attempt to get her taken off of Palutena's guard. It did not work.
The reason I believe Pit can't fly (at least in my lore) because his wings are dove wings, but his bones aren't hollow and therefore the wings cant support his weight! When a god grants him his flying abilities, they're really just temporarily granting him angel wings instead of his dove wings, and you could hypothetically do the same spell with any human.
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Oh yeah in this lore I've created Palutena is Pit's other mom. She is not aware of this. Aphrodite never told her this. Love wins in strange ways. At least Palutena gets to keep Aera's statue-d corpse from Medusa's first invasion to Skyworld all those years ago? Silver linings people.
Facts about Aera that are more about how she affected the world around her than her:
She's the reason Palutena dresses the way she does now and not like she did back in the first game! Once Pit saved Palutena and they made their way back to the temple, Palutena... borrowed some of Aera's clothes. Over the years, it just became her fashion sense! Not like Aera needs them anymore.
She shared a house with her friend named Ivory! During the invasion of Skyworld, Ivory had managed to escape on a cloud, since they were actually one of Hermes's servants who had been negotiating sky travel with Palutena in the messenger god's stead. They had tried to take Pit with them when they fled, as of Aera's request, but they failed. I don't have any NEW art of Ivory, and some of their old art gave them wings, but I do have some old photos of them, which I'll show along-side the other photos! All that matters is that they're still alive!
Pit doesn't actually remember her! I imagine he was a bit young when the invasion happened (4/5) and that he was in the underworld for at least a year until Palutena called for his assistance. I'm allowed to mess with the timeline a little. As a treat. But anyways yeah he doesn't know she was his mom or that she had dove wings, which means he doesn't know HE has dove wings since they look pretty similar and he doesn't really have any other angels to compare them to.
All the art shown down here has outdated designs but the jokes are still the same.
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Okay bye see you when I eventually have normal Kid Icarus art that isn't of my OCs okay bye 👍
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themetalvirus · 6 months
i may as well start with a more recent acquisition, the zebra sarasa clip, specifically the milk color set in 0.5 mm. jetpens shills HARD for zebra sarasa clips. anyway theyre mid as hell and are not representative of the gel pen experience - cheaper pens in novelty shapes write better than the zebra clips, but they do have a very nice almost pencil-y tactile feel because of it. in plain text, they're scratchy. the colors are wonderful though, EXCEPT for that damn white gel pen... if you wanna go really matte with your white pens or be able to write on dark paper, get a gelly roll or use a paint pen because god damn the zebra sarasa pens are TRANSPARENT AS FUUUUCK despite being advertised as being able to write on dark paper clearly. SCAM!!!!!!! but i do really like the colors and when i want a more pencily feel i go for them. they also make really fine, textured lines, which is nice for getting your crunch on (making ur art look purposefully crusty)
also. i am a believer in the tombow brush pens. my school had a sketchbox subscription they kept forgetting to cancel and so they had a few of them laying around and me and the other art girl were always passively slapfighting for them with psychic mind games. i finally bought one for myself and despite me usually not liking brush pens...... lads... its good.... its one of the first brush pens i've had that doesn't fray after using it like three times. so i can actually use it for fine AND thick lines without having to work around the shitty nib. looking at you faber-castell brush nib.
i have a couple different fineliners (felt tipped, water based ink) and theyre pretty alright. le pens are a great choice for writing, not so much for drawing. i like the staedler tripluses a lot, they're just handy for workhorse writing and consistent thin lines. stabilo point 88s are also good. i cant really tell the difference between fineliners a lot of the time because they're all very similar, le pens are the most distinct ones i've used because of their softer tips. you have to really baby fineliners so the tip doesnt get squished which kind of makes them a pain to use. oh also i used to love the faber-castell pitt artist pens for their consistent lines and firmer nibs but god damn they do NOT play nice with other art supplies. and as someone who swaps between mediums a lot it just isnt. ideal.
i used to be a rollerballhead but i've fallen in love with gel pens... they may smear easily but god damn are they goopy........... fuck yeah...... i'm SUPER biased towards gelly rolls just because i'm the most familiar with them, but they're super fun for doodling and have really vibrant colors!!! i also like them because sakura was the first company to make gel pens in the 80s - gel pens are super recent compared to other writing tools which i think is cool as fuck. theyre like. the future...... plus theyre just a smoother writing experience. shitty gel pens are 10000x better than shitty ballpoint pens. the pilot g2 is the best of any commonplace office pen fuck everybody else pilot g2 is my best friend
microns are fine i guess. i used to like them more in middle school but they're so sensitive to getting smushed that using them comes with Fear. i've never smushed one before, but i HAVE had friends ruin my microns when i lend one to them for like five seconds. i think they're copic-proof which is why people like them? i dunno. they're prone to fraying, the nibs just arent very good compared to other options
i REALLY wanna try a pilot frixion but i havent gotten any yet, i plan on buying a set early next year! they're erasable pens that use heat and friction from a rubber eraser to disappear the ink, which is super cool. but a warning: because they're heat sensitive (and their ink comes back when exposed to temperatures under 14 degrees fahrenheit!) the ink can all activate in the pen and become transparent if you leave it in a hot car. or your notes can disappear if you leave them in a hot car and you'll have to pop them in the freezer to get them back
OH OH OH OH i have generic brand paint markers (tooli-art) and they're great until they explode. i use the white one a lot because it's handy to have what is essentially a pen of white-out on hand, but i don't use the colored ones nearly as often because they're messy and...... a few of them have kind of exploded at the nib which makes them drooly and gross. the only posca i have is a brush one and the brush poscas are shittáy
i feel like i forgor something but this isnt a fountain pen rant this is about my other ones. enjoy
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vyloy · 2 years
Hajime x a male reader who was the ultimate violinist and a participant of the killing game but he forgot what happened so Hajime tries to explain or remind him of sorts? For the 100 followers event btw. Your works are so cool!
100 Followers Event
Hajime Hinata, 日向 創 x male reader
Fujoshis dni, you will be blocked
Tws: none
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"I have no idea what you're talking about, Hajime", you chuckled, thinking everything your boyfriend's saying are hoaxes, maybe he went mad, "Y/n, please listen, i need you to remember", he grabbed your shoulders to face him, "I am listening bit what you're saying is ridiculous, if all my friends died then why are they standing there right now", "That's what i'm also telling you, it was all a realistic simulation, we killed each other in crude ways, you were one of them", "jeez, stop scaring me, you might actually make me thonk i died or something", you laughed it off, removing Hajime's hands off your shoulders, "you did! At least in it, please, believe me", he begged, if it wasn't for you two being in public, he would have gotten on his knees by now, "Hajime, your joke had gone a bit far, it might be fun for you but the onger you tell me all this, the more i'm terrified", "if you think i'm making this up, why would you be terrified?", he asked you, "I get this feeling whenever you mention it, it's really not important", you shake it off before walking back to your group of friends.
Seeing you enjoy your time with your friends, warmed his heart but he cant remove that image of you that night when you had gotten brutally murdered infront of his room, he had only found your body when he suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, the image he saw will forever haunt him, he wants you to remember, to remember all those times you both went on dates in the simulation, he cherishes those memories as they were the only ones keeping him sane, you kept him sane, when you were gone, he felt empty, a piece of him broke.
When he had gotten out of the simulation, he wss ever so grateful everything was fake, he still felt emotional pain but as long as you were still alive, only, you now had no memories of what happened, that hurted him even more.
"How do i get him to remember...", Hajime ponders around, brainstorming ideas, he wishes to share those memories with you, stories you two might tell to your children, adopted or not.
"Hajime, go to sleep, it's already late", Akane said as she passed through the room Hajime was walking back and forth in, "ah did i wake you up? I apologize", "Nah, you just seem to be too worried, you should get some rest before thinking about this again", "do you have any ideas on what to do, Akane?", Hajime asks his friend for help, "hm, what about something he enjoys, something he only did in jabberwock island? Other than that, i dont know what to suggest you", she shrugged before walking back to her room, leaving Hajime with an idea.
The sound of the Violin playing could be heard, Hajime had gone to the building next to their sleeping quarters to play the song you had composed for him, a beautiful set of melodies, all just for him, it made him feel really special and it always will, he had practiced it in hopes to show you his skills, but you had been murdered before he could show you, now he would get to show you and in the process, hopefully get your memories back, no matter how slim the chance is, he won't back down.
"What's that beautiful noise?", you went to investigate the building to see Hajime playing the violin, "I didnt know you excelled at the violin, Hajime", Hajime looked at you, got up from his chair and walked towards you.
"Do you remember this song?", he asked, hoping you could remember, "I feel like i've played it before..Hey let me give it a try", you walked past Hajime to the violin and started playing the strings
♪♫' ♭♩ ♪♪♫♭♩~♭♫♩~
Hajime watched in amazement, you had remembered the song, does that mean...
As you finished the song, you burst into tears and throw yourself at Hajime, pulling him into a tight hug, "I remember now, everything we did together, i'm so sorry", you cried, finally remembering everything, " no worries, i'm glad you're back now, Y/N", he said lovingly.
Finally finished, i'm so sleep depriveddd, i'll do reqs after a few weeks since exams...
Taglist: @secretivemessenger @ohdearalatus
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samthecookielord · 9 months
💘 (Assuming we can get the characters access to multiverse internet) How do you feel about the Chocolate Guy, Amaury Guichon?
1 says: "After seeing some of his work, I must say I'm quite impressed. I may not be a chocolatier, but I can tell just how much precision and effort must've went into building these intricate and detailed designs, with a fragile material even."
2 says: "oh yeah that guy oeace on earth love it when he shows up on my tumblr dash and im like yo whatcha got for us this time o chocolatey one. except now i CANT see him because THIS GUY doesnt even HAVE A TUMBLR literally outrageous i have to go ask his friend (in quotation marks) for a tumblr dash to look at"
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1 says: "And let you have the upper hand by telling you? I don't think so."
2 says: "shrimp🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐FTW!!!!YEAH WOO LETS GO SHIRMP!!!!!!"
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1 says: "Though exploring both is very tempting to me, I do have a bias for outer space, as indicated by one of my earlier responses."
2 says: "WA. ON one hand......thers shimp in tha sea.....BUT...... space is so swag cool......................girl idk im hypothetically exploring both baybee you cant stop me im already doing it in my brain get naed"
(tourney post)
Previous answers:
1 said (R1:M5) - Q: "amogus" - A: "Interesting invention of language. I'd like to study you."
1 said (R2:M3) - Q: "What would be your dream job? Specifically, if it could be literally anything, even if it would be impossible." - A: "I have a few ideas. I suppose you'll want to hear my most interesting one, yes? Well, a dream job for me would be to lead in an intergalactic expedition. So many new frontiers to discover... And I'd love to see it with my own eyes."
1 said (R3:M2) - Q: "what is the most Mediocre color in your opinion?" - A: "Hm. Mediocre? Personally, I don't really see any perceived wavelength of light as 'mediocre'. So many wonders of science in these hues..."
1 said (R4:M1) - Q: "I probably asked this before but thats okay new set of people would you smooch a ghost" - A: "Hm. This answer may not resonate very well with you, but I do not believe in the existence of ghosts. However, speaking in a hypothetical situation in which imaginary concepts may exist... Perhaps I may, as you say, 'smooch a ghost'. It would depend on many factors though. Is the ghost hostile? Is the ghost a complete stranger or someone I may recognize? Is the ghost from present day or centuries old? Does the ghost want to interact with me? Did the ghost ask me first? I could be asking questions all day."
1 said (R4:M1) - Q: "Say something nice about yourself :]" - A: "For starters, I've created many impressive machines in the last few years. [insert list of them here because i cant be bothered to actually come up with any rn lol] Plus, I was a top student in practically all subjects back in the day. My husband and I are also currently working on the blueprints for something big... but I won't spoil the surprise."
2 said (R1:M10) - Q: "what’s your ideal burger" - A: "BURGER ! ! ! YEAW !! ! ! ! !! !!!!! ideal burger is made by the friends we made along the way"
2 said (R2:M5) - Q: "how do you feel about shapeshifters" - A: "damn that would be so swag gender. well i can kinda do that but not rlly its not like im actually shifting my shape im just like hey looking at me im tricking (like the hit game) this michaelwave or whatever lolll"
2 said (R3:M3) - Q: "Opinions on nicknames? Do you like giving them? Receiving them? Have you gotten any that stand out to you? Would you like to get more or less?" - A: "DUDE NICKNAMSE ARE LIKE. MY BRAND. i better win this one guys cmon my nickname swag is sooooo cool awesome sauce. one of my BESTIES gives me a REALLY SWAG NICKNAME its [REDACTED] oh wait i guess im not allowed to say that or else itll like ruin my anonyminity or whatever 🙄🙄 ok be that way. as if im not obvious already 🙄 cuz im just so iconic 🙄 whatever im changing this guy's contact names again"
2 said (R4:M2) - Q: "if you were a pokemon what type(s) would you be" - A: "electric/ghost baybeee. just like rotom fr :] peace on earth <3 id be like one of those silly regional evolutions probably (trust me this makes sense if you know my silly weird backstory)"
2 said (R4:M2) - Q: "What's your favourite thing about yourself?" - A: "my SWAG and COOLNESS im litearlly so hot and amazing and hilarious ooo you wanna kiss me so bad ooo"
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mortuaest · 10 months
Large rant, sorry. Please ignore if any of the trigger warnings are going to be an issue. I need to get it off of my chest because if I rant on FB I get hit with a character limit and I should make a personal Tumblr which I think I have but dont remember shit about.
Ive been having severe, and I mean severe as fuck mental and emotional breakdowns because of the fact that its literally been almost a year (Its going to be a year October 29th) since I've had to put down Ice Cube, my ESA of 14.5 years. He had cancer in his cheek and it was placed right to where it would effect his quality of life severely negatively if we tried to surgically take it out, and he would possibly die on the table if we did it because of his age, and he was declining (He wasn't eating, he was drinking, he really wasnt eating as much as I wanted him to, he was spitting back up the pills I was giving him, he was suffering) and my mental and emotional health has been severely suffering each and every day that passes without him.
I have another cat, I got him in April, thinking I was alright. Which I was I guess. Im being reminded via FB memories and just my own fucked up brain wanting me to join him to where I'm legit giving myself until December 31st, 2023 to have someone. Anyone give me a fucking sigh to keep on living. Im going to be going through a program my friend suggested to make a will, making her I forgot the words she used but shes going to make sure that my will is listened to and Albert Whisker, the cat I have now is taken care of.
I cant keep on living, and the fact that this heartbreak is fucking me up so badly to the point where the large baggie of medications (ranging from insomnia medications to Very STRONG painkillers and such, as well as my daily medications the day of me going to attempt) is very tempting to take now. And I mean very tempting. Meaning I almost took it yesterday, after my first mental break and me physically hurting myself by slamming a brush ungodly hard into my head because I legit believe I deserve everything that has happened to me (The physical, emotional and mental abuse that I got for 20 some odd years from my mother, the severe car accident from last year, the rapes, everything. My friends being murdered or dying around me, loosing the only thing that even brought light to my life).
No one in my life cares. No one seems to care. Ive been severely struggling and each time IVe even bothered to reach out for help via friends. Since my father hates me for being trans and my sister doesnt give a fuck to even bother to help me. My mother was the cause of my two rapes/sexual assaults in my life and wants me dead because Im autistic. No one wants to help, or no one seems interested in even keeping me around.
Cosplay isnt helping. Video games aren't either. I havent felt any happiness since last year. I could deal with this if he was still alive. But at the same time Im lying to myself, I havent known what made me happy other than my past cat Ice Cube. I stayed for him since I love him. I had him since he was five weeks old. We bonded. Its not the case with Albert and I feel he loves me but we dont have the connection and never will.
Im never going to feel anything other than severe misery and depression. At least, that's what I 100% believe.
TLDR: Im severely struggling and dont know what to do anymore. I dont trust my new therapist even though she has stated more than once and my friend who also goes to her has stated more than once she wont send me to inpatient or CPAP and she tries to avoid hospitalization if we can. But because of multiple decades of PTSD, abuse, and being denied the proper treatment, help, support from friends and family that I should of gotten Im at the point where Im giving myself until December 31st to find a reason to stay alive and if I dont then Im letting my queue run out.
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asahicore · 1 year
get to know me game !!!
omg i love things like these cz any opportunity to talk about myself is a good opportunity !! thx for the tag @ozymandia-s i was reading thru ur answers like it was the morning paper, i'll tag @bbujiikseu and @ethereal-engene if u guys wanna do it <33
birthday: dec 13
favourite colour: purple-ish like lavender 
do you have pets? yaaaaah i have a white cat who's evil but also really cute and a dog named elbow
how tall are you? 160-2 cm i'm not sure
how many pairs of shoes do you own? a bunch but i mostly wear my platform docs, my beige platform converse, my black regular super old and beat-up converse or my knee-high brown boots that i got at a thrift shop for such a good price
favourite song: this is like the most impossible question everrrr but invu by taeyeon was my most listened to song in 2022 and i still levitate whenever i listen to it
favourite movie: twilighttt the girls who get it get it but i have lots of movies i love
who would be your ideal partner? my 2 most important things r someone who makes me laugh but also finds me funny and someone with good communication. i dont really care about stuff like sharing hobbies or styles or whatever but as long as we can have a good time doing whatever i'm in love (my ex...)
do you want children?  yessss not now for sure but in a few years like 2 or 3 i think
have you gotten in trouble with the law? i dont think so..?
what colour socks are you wearing? rn they're black
favourite type of music: kpop... 97 of my 101 most listened to songs were girl group kpop lmaooo but just pop in general
how many pillows do you sleep with? 2 !!!
what position do you sleep in? i try to sleep on my back but being on my tummy with one leg up is so much comfier
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: people who snore like i'm not a particularly light sleeper but it wakes me up immediately and keeps me from falling asleep
what do you have for breakfast: coffee most of the time but earl grey sometimes, i dont usually eat breakfast but if i'm feeling hungry i'll have a fruit or something. i'll also have a pastry at the uni café if i really cant wait until lunch to eat lmaoo
have you ever tried archery? i dont think i have but it looks cool
favourite fruit: lately i've been obsessed w physallis but that shit is expensiveee. otherwise i'd say mango and cherries
are you a good liar? nooo u can see it right away if i'm lying i get so tense and if i'm lying just to take the piss out of someone then i can only keep it for like 10 seconds cause 1 i start laughing and 2 i feel bad for making someone believe something untrue lmaoo
what’s your personality type? enfp i think?
innie or outie? (it really depends on my mood but i'm usually an outie i think, i just need a day in the week to really relax on my own) i’ve been informed this is about the belly button… well it’s innie then… why do u wanna know that about me tho
left handed or right handed? right handed. left handed ppl freak me out...
favourite food: it is so impossible to choose a fav meal but i'll say tiramisu cz its my fav dessert
favourite foreign food: sushi ig
am i clean or messy? i'd say clean
most used phrase:  i have no idea probably whatever stupid phrase i've coined as mine for the week
how long does it take for you to get ready: not too long cause in the morning i basically just make my bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed and do my makeup.. but if i decide to have coffee at home or to read before leaving then it can take a while
do you talk to yourself? all the damn time bro i was actually tripping over the fact that you can hear a voice in your head without actually speaking just the other day i think its so weird but im thankful for my inner monologue.. shes a queen
do you sing to yourself? if theres music i'll sing along but i dont usually just sing out loud randomly
are you a good singer?  no lmaooooo but i love singing badly and my friends and i go to karaoke every week which is super fun
biggest fear? this is weird but my legs being wobbly like not havign control over them, so like when you're on those inflatable games or when the ground is slippery.. hate that
are you a gossip? yes lmaooo but only when theres reason to be
do you like long or short hair? ive been growing out my hair and its slayinngggggg but on other ppl idc
favourite school subject: i think french (not as a second language but as a french person studying french at a french school lmao) and english lit
extrovert or introvert: extrovert, like im sociable but also if you're a strange man dont talk to me
what makes you nervous: university deadlines also the amount of books in the world i'll never be able to read </3
who was your first real crush? i think when in like 4th grade i had a crush on this guy named matt, but ive had plennnttyyyy of crushes since then
how many piercings? eight and they're all on my ears !
how many tattoos? 0 but im debating getting one
how fast can you run? not fast lmaoo
what colour is your hair? dark brown
what colour are your eyes? dark brown
what makes you angry: misogyny <3 i had to watch this video of a debate between pro-choicers and pro-lifers.. i was gonna explode listening to the pro-lifers' arguments they're so fucking stupid man
do you like your name? its very unoriginal lol but i dont mind it, also my middle name is my grandma's which is genevieve and i think it slays
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? one of both tbh
what are your strengths? hmmm i think i'm fairly reasonable? like when i have an outburst (and i have a lot of those) after some time i'm able to calm myself down and reason with myself so usually im able to stay somewhat level-headed lol i also don't wallow, i get back on my feet pretty quickly and my friends have told me i'm generous :)
what are your weaknesses? this might sound like the opposite of what i just said lmaoo but i overthink too damn much and i jsut cry all the time like everything pains me but then at the same time im able to get out of that mindset quickly.. so idk bruh
what is the colour of your bedspread? i have like 3 houses but the one i currently am at is my uni dorm and the bedspreads are either white and grey or green/blue/pink and they're both floral patterns
colour of your room: at my moms and here they're white but at my dads they're a light greyish brown
this was fun and took me forever lmaooo good way of procrastinating tbh
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