#I can taste the subtle flavours in this here dish I made
ri-afan · 2 years
What if vampires were bad cooks?
Like, their sense of taste and smell is way heightened, sure… but no one said tastes learned to change with it.
They now season their food like Midwest white ladies.
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honeygrahambitch · 4 months
Wedding cake shenanigans
"Alright. Ready?" Hannibal asked as he handed Will a fork.
"So ready."
"We have to take this very seriously, Will."
"Relax and count on my sugar tooth."
Hannibal pulled a chair and sat down in front of Will. Various sortiments of cakes were resting on the table in front of their eyes.
"And I suppose you know what every cake contains? Every cake?"
"Yes. Pick one to begin with, dearest."
Will's gaze fell on the cakes. He pulled some of them closer to have a better look. He was examining them as if they were a boat engine which needed to be repaired.
"This." He said as he pulled a chocolate one between them.
"Sachertorte. Excellent choice. Austrian cake made from chocolate and apricot Marmelade."
Will nodded in approval and sank his fork into it, followed by Hannibal who was more interested in Will's reaction. He admired the way he frowned as he chewed slowly and had another bite. And another. But the delight was not on his facial features.
"What do you think, darling?"
"It's good. More Marmelade would definitely make a difference. Do we rate them?"
"Like in a tiktok video?"
"I mean, you use that app, I do not. But, sure, like in a tiktok video."
"Yes, we rate them, then."
"8/10. You?"
"Alright, Doctor, and here we thought I would be the difficult one."
"Will, I will always appreciate Sachertorte but I feel like it would be too basic for our wedding. Too simple. Choose another one."
Will sighed dramatically even if, in fact, he did not mind eating as much cake as he wanted.
Hannibal sighed loudly.
"Why do we even have a red velvet slice if you have a problem with it?" Will asked an arched an eyebrow as he greedily sunk his fork into it.
"The one thing that I love is the red and white contrast. It is aesthetic enough for what I have in mind. But as far as I'm aware, it's been extremely overused."
Will grabbed another bite and fed Hannibal.
"A bit too dry. But the cream is nice. 7/10" Will commented as he watched Hannibal think about it, as if it was the most important decision in his life.
"5/10. It has no flavor. Just sugar. And I agree, too dry. If it was not for the color, it would have been a well deserved 4/10."
Will laughed. "Choose another one."
"This. Sponge bathed in whiskey, dark chocolate and mint-orange glaze."
Will made a face which Hannibal pretended to ignore and they both tried it while their gazes remained locked.
"This is as if you had sex and then immediately went to wash the dishes."
"Elaborate on that." Hannibal said with an amused smile on his lips. Watching Will trying so many cakes was one of the most entertaining things they had ever done.
"So the texture is great, and the orange bit is also great...and that would be the orgasm. And if it ended there, the cake would have been brilliant. But then there's the mint. Tastes like toothpaste. Then there's the dark chocolate. Too bitter. So instead of having a nice ending... you end up regretting life choices."
"Wonderful description. I am not a fan of the toothpaste taste. But the subtle whiskey flavour is lovely."
"I was harassed by so many flavors at the same time that I could not even identify the whiskey. A 4/10 for that."
"I will give it a 6. It has potential. Your turn."
Will looked at the remaining cakes and immediately went for the cheesecake to Hannibal's dismay.
"A passion fruit cheesecake. But it can be other type of fruit too."
"But?" Will asked as he dug in.
"It's... cheesecake. I can make it for you any other day. It does not scream "wedding"."
"Well, now we know the issue. You want our cake to scream. That should not be a problem, right?" He said as he devoured the slice.
"I unfortunately cannot incorporate human meat in our cake. Since you insisted to get it done somewhere else."
"I don't want all that pressure on you. You shouldn't be doing so much while I am not doing anything. You are definitely worrying about the decor, the flowers, the invitations, the food, the suits-"
"I am not worrying, I actually enjoy doing most of the planning. And you are doing enough by tasting the cakes. You are helping a lot. The other things would not be as entertaining to you anyway."
Will knew he was right. "Well, thank you. And everything you have updated me on with looks brilliant. I think navy blue and silver are a great combination."
"You remembered it was navy blue." Hannibal said as he was about to propose to him once again.
"Of course." Will said as he finished the cake. "9/10."
"0/10 since you ate it all."
"Oh. Next."
The next five cakes were not it. They were either too dry, too basic, too sweet, too flavoury, nor flavoury enough.
"This was all?" Will asked as if he did not tried 9 types of cake.
"I am afraid so. We can try a different cake shop tomorrow."
"No. I have a better idea. The best compromise."
"I'm listening."
"We both like a moist sponge. And we both like coffee. And we both like Italy."
"You are pulling the Italy card because you know I will not refuse it."
"That and also the fact that we actually really like Tiramisu."
"I love you so much that I could marry you right here in the kitchen."
"I would gladly do it here in the kitchen."
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shmowder · 2 days
I have some more dessert headcanons 🍰 I doubt I can explain but it's just a feeling I have. Daniil would like Turkish Delight. Lara and Artemy both like fruit pies, best is blueberry for Lara and rhubarb (it's a vegetable but whatever) for Artemy (oh god I'm stereotyping based on colors again). Candy corn for Clara. Candy corn is divisive but I actually like it. I think Grief would like candy in general, maybe those little chocolates with liquor inside, and cinnamon flavored things. Big Vlad - mincemeat pie. Rubin - bread. Just bread. Red velvet cake for Katerina, meringues for Eva. For Aspity, those dirt pies made out of oreo crumbs, pudding, and gummy worms lol. I think Grace, Notkin, Sticky, and Murky would like those too :o)
There's probably some obscure dialogue that contradicts something there but oh well~
What do you think of Victor's animal being a tiger? I keep thinking Basset Hound and yes that's almost entirely because they both have a high likelihood of being found sitting on the floor by the clock. He's some kind of scent hound to me - more calm and deliberate than sighthounds, and once they have their mind set on something, focusing on it to the extent that it's nearly impossible to pull them away. But at the same time, I can sort of see the cat thing.
🐿️ anon
Your brain is big and wrinkly all of those fit perfectly omfg. "Rubin = bread" I LOVE IT.
Here's what I think their preference in sweets would be in addition to yours.
Turkish delight, Honey soaked rose baklava, kanafeh with sweer syrups. The intensely sweet desserts are her favourite, think heavy caramel chocolate cakes. She'd sample a lot of desserts from different cultures but those would be her comfort ones.
Victor Kain
The dishes he eats are an acquired taste that wouldn't appeal to most people. Think blue cheese and something along those lines. think bitter chocolate, coffee, and pistachio flavours. Traditional creme burlee and dark chocolate mousse.
I like to think that Khan abhors these flavours and desserts out of rebellion and only demands the most sprinkle filled bubblegum bonbon cupcakes for his birthday.
Maria, however, goes for flavour-rich desserts that explode in the mouth, something with a heavy taste and an aftermath of wine.
Cheesecake, lemon tarts. Subtle sweetness with the spin of something different sate her appetit the most. French Vanilla chiffon cake for special occasions, a blueberry muffin with her morning light cream cappuccino.
He's absolutely not a dessert person, so when the craving strikes, he would rather go for a baked good. Almond bread, rosemary-walnut brow butter cookies and biscuits, English muffins too.
Fairy bread cookies, strawberry shortcake, and orange puddings. Fruit based desserts with cream are her favourite. Peach pie and cherry jello. Sadly, most of these would only be found in the Capital, and exporting them into the town wouldn't come easily. The kin might adjust their recipies to accommodate her sweet tooth and include more fresh fruits.
For Victor's animal, I was surprised to learn it's the same one as Rubin! They both have tiger in their descriptions. Especially when Khan's animal is an adorable hedgehog. Oh my god, so cute. But it fits. He really does go hide in that spiky polyhedron whenever life gets too troubling. He also has the Kains and Capella ready to protect him.
It's because of Victor's animal being a tiger that I add the "predatory" lines in the story. The sharp claws hidden in his clapsed hands.
He's a tiger in the aspect of the danger rather than the ferality. His mind is as sharp as a tiger's tooth and his focus and patience when hunting a prey or a goal is unmatched. You never expect him or hear him, how he'll as stealthy as a tiger when it comes to mind games.
For Rubin, however, I do see the symbolism centring on the ferality instead. He's like a caged tiger, one with filed down claws and broken teeth. He used to be so sharp and had so much potential. He's truly a force to be reckon with, but the cruelty of life stole away his prime. He's overcome with grief and appears as a docile, tired predetor because of it, like a circus tiger not caring anymore and just jumping through the fire hoops of whoever orders him to. Which is why he is so quick to join the army, he needs a purpose, a mentor, an end goal, a firey ring to make him feel useful because nothing is more terrifying to an imprisoned animal than absolute freedom.
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 month
@inklings-challenge this is my contribution for today's prompt, "Cheese."
I cook with cheese pretty frequently, but you happen to catch me on a day when I won't have occasion to cook, so here is an excerpt from a review of a meal at a high-class Coregean hotel from respected food (and everything else) critic, Antavia, Duchess of Arclis, Woman Who Hates Things. In the final paragraphs of her review, she discusses the fruit and cheese course, waxes a bit poetic on the subject of cheese, and provides her perspective on the hotel's fruit and cheese.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this review are Antavia's and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of me or this blog in general.
While the pièce de résistance of a truly great meal will invariably come as an entree or perhaps an especially decadent dessert, I wish to put in a good word for the humble fruit and cheese course. Trifling though it may seem after an evening of feasting, there is something sacred in it. The diner has appreciated a seemingly endless array of works of art crafted by some master chef. He—or, as the case may be, she—has savoured combinations of ingredients with orchestral exquisiteness, perhaps to the point of weariness. Perhaps the last mouthful or two of the ice has gone down with reluctance. But suddenly the dessert plates are whisked away and transformed into platters of fruits and cheeses. Nothing could be simpler; all culinary artifice has been cast aside. The diner is left with the remembrance of what food is at its soul—natural, pure, wholesome—and at once the stomach gratefully finds a way to open up for one last hurrah. For who can decline fruit or cheese?
Cheese, in particular, is one of the divinest blessings. It assures the diner that the world is filled with pleasures ready for us to indulge in. It exists in such versatile states that one could believe that there is a cheese for every individual, each with its own subtle, fascinating character. I have recently made the closer acquaintance of a noble specimen by the name of Gruyère, in which I have found the most sensuous delight, and fully intend to extensively cultivate this familiarity in future. I am told that there are nearly two thousand varieties of cheese in existence; my desire is to experience every single one.
Therefore, a cheese devotee such as myself welcomed this final course at the Sambaudia with open arms. Imagine my shock when I was presented with not a platter of tastefully arranged variety but a plate of grapes accompanied by an alarmingly conventional sight that I thought I had left far behind me in my school days—cheese indeed, but melted atop slices of bread.
Upon inquiry, I learned that this item is a recent specialty of the Sambaudia, intended to be a more sophisticated reinvention of a familiar and comforting dish. I am not an unreasonable woman. I invite innovation and the unexpected. I was ready to allow the chef to pleasantly surprise me with the unconventional. Thus I did not return this course untasted to the kitchen but undertook the experiment.
The bread was a typical baguette, white and pristine and soulless. It formed an adequate-enough foundation for the flavour of the dish but lacked the pillowy crumb and charred edges that strongly characterized the toasted bread made over school study fires on the end of a fork. A thick layer of Hollandaise sauce swamped its top, mingled with enough minced garlic to kill a vampire and what appeared to be an entire garden’s worth of thyme, rosemary, and savory. The result overpowered the melted cheese, but perhaps that was fortunate, for the cheese itself possessed the all-too-recognizable taste of disappointment. Where the cheese of my school days heightened its flavour with slightly burnt edges and the smoke of the open fire, this cheese lay limp and pale in defeat, without a hope, uncharred, tasteless, and uninspiring. The result was so jarring unlike what bread and cheese ought to be that I could not swallow more than a bite or two, not even of the utterly insignificant grapes, and it ruined the rest of my evening. Regardless of the sumptuous fare which the Sambaudia provided me, I sat through the theatre performance that I attended afterward with disenchantment in my heart and dyspepsia elsewhere. As valiant an effort as this dinner may have been, I will not be allowing it an encore.
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zacharybosch · 2 years
Tasseomancy inspo part 2: Clothes and stuff
Part two of my post detailing the inspiration behind my Ed/Stede sugar daddy AU fic Tasseomancy. Part one (covering the setting) is here.
This part covers all the clothes, accessories, tea, and other stuff that Ed and Stede wear/buy/consume in the fic. Like Stede, I am unfortunately a bit of a clothes horse, so gird your loins for some over-enthusiastic gushing about fabrics.
Ed and Stede enjoy a few different tea blends in this fic, and it’s where the title comes from - tasseomancy (aka tasseography, tasseology) is the practice of reading fortunes in tea leaves.
Blue Lady is the first tea they share together. I picked it because 1. it’s really yummy, and 2. it’s a little bit floral and a little bit citrus-y and I think that suits Ed and Stede nicely :) I first started drinking this tea about a year ago and it’s so fucking delicious. My favourite variety comes from HR Higgins, but it’s pretty pricey so I try to drink it sparingly. This tea is also incredible as a cold brew - the flavour is more delicate, but it also makes it a lot easier to taste all the subtle little notes in there.
The three teas that Ed brings to Stede during his formal seduction are all from Bird & Blend. Tea Wells is an interesting one, sometimes if I drink it too quickly it makes me feel a little bit drunk?? which is very weird, but I have also had this experience with other green teas in the past. If you drink it at a normal pace though it’s a nice little pick-me-up, and the flowers and fruit pieces cancel out any bitterness that can sometimes develop in green teas.
Also it is very pretty, look at it:
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Mint Choc Rooibos is the next tea that Ed brings, at lunch time. I’m actually not particularly keen on this one, but my boyfriend is obsessed with it and it’s the blend that managed to convert him into a tea-drinker. It’s sweet and creamy and even has cocoa shells in it, although when I had a little sippy I couldn’t really taste any chocolate coming through.
Finally, Ed brings a cup of Lady Lavender for Stede at the end of his work day. This is just a traditional Earl Grey blend with lavender added in. I drank a lot of this while writing the fic :)
Ed makes boil up for his and Stede’s date night. The recipe I referenced is by Maori chef Cameron Petley, from his book ‘Hunter from the Heartland’. Boil up is a traditional Maori dish, basically a broth or soup with dumplings, and I haven’t made it myself but it sounds yummy as fuck. I love stewy soupy things, and I especially love dumplings. 
It’s around the middle of October when Ed cooks this for Stede, so it’s perfect for a chilly night. It also represents home, comfort, and love for Ed, so of course he wants to give those things to Stede as well :)
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Ed also makes some Sidecar mocktails. When I saw that the recipe called for both tea and marmalade, I couldn’t not include it in the fic. I haven’t tried making this either - I’m not 100% sure if I’d like it tbh, since the one time I tried lapsang souchong tea I just found it way too smoky for my tastes.
Clothes and thingies~
I’m going to do the rest of these by chapter, since there’s quite a lot :’)
Chapter 3 - the trip to the department store
Stede is, of course, wearing this AU’s version of the pink bird robe. I picked a camp collar (or cuban collar) shirt as it’s a bit more casual, and because Stede wears suits all the time it can be very easy to fall into the trap of looking like he’s always on his way to a formal event or something. 
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I knew I wanted the shirt to be silk, but since it’s already quite loud with the bright pink and all the birds and flowers, I didn’t want it to also be shiny in the way that a silk satin or charmeuse are. So I picked a sandwashed silk instead - it has all the gorgeous drape and delicate fluidity of a charmeuse, but its sheen is much more subtle.
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And then I decided his suit should be a kind of bronzey-brown, since in the episode where we first see Stede in the robe, the suit he (briefly) wears after taking the robe off is kinda bronze.
Ed wears a pair of Dickie’s overalls for the shopping trip, similar to the pic below but a bit more shapely and sexy since this is my fantasy world and I can do whatever I want. 
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I specifically wanted Ed to wear and look good in something that he already owned in order to try and avoid Pretty Woman-ing him, implying that he doesn’t look good until his clothes are completely swapped out for a load of expensive designer stuff. I also wanted to show that his natural personal style is already solid, and Stede isn’t there to change it, just to help him nurture and develop it.
Then of course we also have the Yves Saint Laurent sunglasses, which Ed very quickly decided belonged to him forever. If you want to buy these, they will set you back a cool £335!
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Ed buys several things for himself from the department store, but the only things I properly envisioned were the cashmere-silk blend crop t-shirt, and the medusa belt.
The t-shirt is just this AU’s version of his sexy pirate crop top, obviously, but the belt is a Versace belt. The medusa is a recurring symbol in a lot of Versace’s stuff and they’ve made tonnes of belts over the years, mostly with a less-detailed cast of their medusa symbol, but I found this more detailed one on an auction site which I thought was very cool. And snakes, because of course.
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The silk scarves that Ed bought for Stede (and which Stede then wears constantly forever because he and Ed are such good buddies 😇) aren’t based on any scarves in particular, but I was thinking about Liberty, their lovely illustrative silk scarf designs, and also their extensive archive of heritage fabric patterns for their haberdashery.
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Chapter 7 - the trip to the Old Quarter
The perfume that Ed buys for Stede from the fancy shampoo shop is Decadence & Debauchery, made by the perfume house For Strange Women. Please believe me when I tell you that this. Perfume. Smells. So. Fucking. Good. I got a bottle of it a few years ago and I just. Hhhhhhhhhhhh. It’s very deep and sexy and a bit masc and I just. Get feelings when I wear it. So I had to include it in the fic, because Reasons 🥴
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For Ed’s purple suit, I was thinking about that peachy-coloured suit that Taika wore, and more specifically I was thinking about the cute little crossover element. The peach suit looks like it’s made of a cotton-linen blend or something else fairly structured, but for the purple suit I picked a light wool crepe so it would be softer and more fluid and drape really nicely. I ditched the three-piece and kept it to just trousers and a jacket, and chose a shawl collar instead of the classic notched lapel to keep up the soft vibes.
I KNOW I don’t need to put a pic here of Taika in the peach suit because we are all well aware what it looks like...... but I’m going to anyway because he is very sexy and I enjoy looking at him.
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And here’s some purple wool crepe fabric, see how the folds here are soft and rounded, while in the pic above the folds are much sharper? Fabric 👌
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Chapter 8 - date night at Ed’s house
The boys are both wearing Bottega Veneta for their date.
Stede is in this gorgeous light wool pistachio green suit that I am very much in love with. The colour, the lines, the cute breast pocket flap, I am honestly just enchanted and I think Stede would look lovely in it. I thought it would look nice with a lilac t-shirt just because I’ve been really digging pale green and lilac together lately and I reckon it’d look great with Stede’s colouring, and also because if I put Stede in a shirt-shirt then he’s going to look too formal and this is a cosy and relaxed date night :)
If you want to buy it, the jacket alone costs almost £2000!!! Can you believe that Stede jerked off in this??!
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For Ed’s look, I wanted something that was a bit cosy, a bit comfy, a bit cheeky and sexy - he’s at home and having fun and feeling himself, and also planning on absolutely boning down with Stede. I actually couldn’t find a product listing for this sweater on the Bottega Veneta website, it’s just worn by this model in a product listing for some (rather questionable) leather shorts. I didn’t have anything specific in mind for his jeans - they’re probably just a pair he’s had forever and that are perfectly moulded to hug all his good bits.
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Chapter 9 - egg-smashing breakfast
I didn’t have a specific brand in mind for the jewellery that Stede buys with Ed’s credit card, but I was thinking along the lines of Alighieri, Ottoman Hands, and Schiaparelli - they all make beautiful, interesting stuff with that molten gold texture. To be honest, Schiaparelli is probably a little bit too out there for Stede, but I can totally see Ed wearing some of their huge weird earrings.
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foodcruiseblog · 2 years
What makes food so enjoyable? I have often wondered! Is it only about the tastebuds? As I began my journey for my quest and poked more and more into the matter, I concluded that the answer is not so simple if not entirely elusive. Our brains receive chemical and electrical signals from our sensory organs and then use a highly sophisticated mechanism of reward or aversion to different flavours. At the fundamental level, a sweet taste creates a reward while bitter food induces aversion. Well, we all learned it the hard way. During our childhood, we abhorred our mothers when they shoved neem-pata-bhaja (fried neem leaves) down our throats but eagerly waited for our fathers to come home on their paydays when they would ring the bell dangling a bar of milk chocolate in their hands.
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What makes food so enjoyable- Emotion
“Food is an emotion”. To me, it is some out-of-this-world simple dish of ilish (Hilsa) used to be prepared by my mami (wife of my maternal uncle, not to be confused with mummy, the anglicized version of mother) that has been etched in my memory forever. Many a time even with a full belly I could not resist the urge to devour a few spoonfuls of bhat (steamed rice) with ilish machh (Hilsa can never really define Ilish if you know what I mean) when we used to frequent her place.  To date, I have not come across a single soul who could unravel the subtle nuances of the proverbial fish to such epic proportions. Such was her wizardry that perhaps she could even make you long for her neem-pata-bhaja had she wished. On the downside, I have stopped trying to replicate her recipe as I have at last concluded that there’s no point. That does not mean others were or are lesser mortals. I have had amazing dishes of vegetables and meat made by many of my parental relatives. But, if you ask me to choose between the best chef in the world and my mami on my way to heaven, mami will make the list hands down. I believe the “emotion” factor plays the biggest part here like our first love. And most of us have that one mami or mashi or thakuma who has defined the way we eat.
My affinity towards matters of the kitchen started early, when I was five or six years old, I guess. When I was not at school or was not playing a game of cricket or football with my friends, you would have often found me latching onto my mother’s anchol (the loose end of a saree), quite literally and following her into the kitchen like a duckling. I was fascinated by the way she rolled the chapatis. How a ball of dough was flattened and rolled with dexterous hands such that it spun on its own and formed a perfect circle! That was the first instance that inflamed my passion for food that I can recollect. I practised and practised till I mastered the technique in not more than a week. Since then, whenever there was a large gathering at our place, I would be summoned to roll the chapatis and I did it with a lot of pride. Thankfully, gender bias was nonexistent in our family and I never had to face the misconstrued insult of doing a lady’s job.
In my early childhood through my adolescence, I kept a healthy distance from vegetables and fish. I was admonished frequently for the simple fact that; despite being born a Bengali I detested fish. But, as you have guessed correctly, we Das-es are a stubborn lot. I found the fish bones vexing and the fishy smell obnoxious. My Ma, like all mothers with the noblest intentions in her mind, would often mix little bits of fish into various kinds of vegetables and make bora (fritters) out of those to make me consume that masked abomination, but I would unearth her wicked scheme almost immediately. She couldn’t fathom that I had already developed an extremely delicate nose. You must be confused; then how did I enjoy my mami’s ilish machh. The obvious answer is, that it was mami’s magic in her hands and her sheer brilliance in the kitchen. Ilish or Hilsa, if you would like to call it made by my mami was the only fish I could not resist.
Through my years of experiments with food, I have deduced that “smell” precedes every other aspect of the flavour equation. Can you ever forget the intoxicating whiff of fresh bread when you passed by your favourite bakery? Or the heady aroma of chocolate from your nearest confectionary?
I still dream about those lazy Sundays in Calcutta (I still prefer Calcutta to Kolkata) when you could hear the faint silky jingles by Srabanti Majumdar on “Boroline er Songsar” (the World of Boroline) when the only station available on the radio was that of All India Radio. Just as we learned in our school about the conditioned reflex of a salivating dog in response to a ringing bell, “Boroline er Songshar” made me salivate. Those jingles were synonymous with the all-pervading bouquet of mangsho (mutton curry) emanating from every other household. Again, it was the “smell” that was the prelude to a heavenly afternoon meal.
Sometimes I miss the Kalbaishakhis (Nor’westers) and the heavy monsoons of Calcutta as I live in Delhi, where the weather is generally dry for the better part of the year. When the first drops of rain hit the parched earth, the “fresh rain” aroma called petrichor reminds me of Khichudi (the typical rich and spicy Bengali hodge-podge of rice and lentils) and dim-bhaja (a Bengali style omelette) which is virtually indispensable on a rainy day in a Bengali household. Petrichor comes from a combination of plant oils, ozone and geosmin, a compound secreted by actinomycete soil bacteria whose spores are released when rainwater falls.
The role of smell in building our appetite is undeniable.
What makes food so enjoyable- Sight
Once the prelude of smell whets the appetite sight takes over. I still recall my trips to Manali when the bus would stop at a place called Mandi in the lap of the Himalayas. The local farmer’s market was a sight to behold. It presented a vast spectrum of colours and shapes, bright green and red bell peppers, fresh-picked mushrooms, bundles of scallions, turnip and cucumber, bright red cherries and apples adorned the stalls. It is bound to entice your attention if you happen to pass through the place.
The rising popularity of images of food and cooking videos on social media is perhaps the most powerful testaments to the impact of visuals on eating. Yet the old saying, “Proof of the pudding is in the eating” holds true. Not everything that tastes delicious looks good. That’s where the role of garnish comes in. A few sprigs of fresh parsley or coriander or mint or microgreens add freshness to the dull colours of some food and makes them extremely appealing to the eyes.
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Even geometric shapes influence the perception of flavour. In a study of people’s responses to shapes, participants preferred curved shapes over angular edges. The reason could be that sharp edges like the sharp serrated edges of a knife triggered a signal of threat and danger. There are some exceptions though. Cadbury once introduced a chocolate bar with circular edges instead of their regular rectangular shape. Consumers began complaining. They thought the circular bars tasted too sweet, though the company claimed that they did not change the recipe at all. Sweetness is often associated with curved shapes and bitterness with angular shapes. Can you recall how many times you have been served a Crème Brûlée or Crème Caramel in a rectangular shape? None, I guess. In the case of chocolates, a bitter note is prized by most consumers.
The relation between sight and perception of flavour is intricate. But by innovating and playing with the way food is presented to the eater, chefs have opened up new and exciting opportunities for stimulating our senses and providing unique gastronomic experiences.
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mulberrytreegranola · 18 days
Making The Most of Rice Flour in Your Gluten-Free Kitchen
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Rice flour, often a staple in gluten-free pantries, can be a game-changer for those looking to whip up everything from fluffy pancakes to crispy tempura, all without a speck of gluten. So, whether you're celiac, gluten-sensitive, or just cutting back on wheat for personal preference, let's explore some of the ways you can make the most of rice flour in your kitchen too.
What is Rice Flour?
Rice flour is the product of finely milling rice grains to form a flour. It is made from either white or brown rice and has been used for centuries in traditional cuisines, especially in Asian cultures. It should contain nothing other than 100% rice, but it is always worth checking the label to be absolutely sure. What's the difference between white and brown rice flour? The key difference between white and brown rice flour lies in the type of rice they're milled from. White rice flour comes from refined white rice, which has had its bran and germ removed. This process gives it a lighter texture and a milder taste, making it a fantastic thickener for sauces or a sleek base for light cake recipes. Like white rice, it has a sweet, somewhat neutral flavour. Brown rice flour is made from the entire kernel so it has more nutrients, as well as a richer, nuttier flavour. Added to breads and baked goods, it has a heavier, more textured, wholesome feel.
Is Rice Flour Gluten Free?
Yes, made from 100% rice, both brown and rice flour are gluten-free.
Can I Use Rice Flour Instead of Gluten Free Flour?
Rice flour is made from a single grain, whilst commercial gluten-free flour is made from a blend of more than one ingredient. It is produced that way in order to create an all purpose product with a variety of uses as it is very difficult to mimic the unique properties of wheat flour. The aim is to strike the right balance of starch and protein. You can find out more about this in our article 'an in-depth guide to using gluten free flours'. Neither wholly starch, or particularly high in protein, the neutral, somewhat sweet, flavour of white rice flour makes it an ideal component of all-purpose gluten-free flour blends, which you can buy off the shelf, or make up yourself. Used alone, rice flour does have its limitations and will not always be suitable for every purpose, but there are times when it is the perfect flour for the job.
What is Rice Flour Used For?
Rice flour is incredibly versatile and can be used in a number of ways. Here are just a few: Baking Rice flour can be an excellent option for gluten-free baking. It's often used in cakes, cookies, and muffins to provide a delicate, fine crumb. Thickening Agent Its neutral flavour makes rice flour a go-to for thickening soups, sauces, and gravies without altering the taste. Noodles In many Asian cuisines, rice flour is the base for making tender and chewy noodles. Deep Frying It's a popular choice for creating a light, crispy batter for fried foods or as a dusting for meats and veggies before sautéing. Flatbreads As a staple grain in many parts of the world, rice flour is used for making flatbreads, offering a wheat-free alternative with great texture. Desserts It’s a star in sweet dishes too, particularly in making mochi or other traditional sweets. Advantages of rice flour One of the standout advantages of rice flour is its relative versatility in the kitchen. Whether you're whipping up a batch of crispy tempura, crafting delicate noodles, or baking a light and fluffy sponge cake, rice flour can rise to the occasion. A useful store cupboard staple for those with dietary restrictions, ensuring that everyone can indulge in their favourite treats, rice flour has a light texture makes it an excellent choice for recipes that require a subtle finish without overpowering other ingredients. Disadvantages of rice flour To be fair, rice flour is not without its drawbacks. While it's a fantastic gluten-free option, it can sometimes result in a crumbly or gritty texture, particularly in baked goods that crave the stretchiness of gluten. It also tends to absorb more moisture than wheat flour, which can be a bit of a balancing act when tweaking traditional recipes. Rice flour on its own lacks some of the nutritional benefits found in its gluten-containing counterparts and doesn't provide the same rise and elasticity that many baked recipes depend on. So while it is incredibly versatile, it may require a bit of experimentation and patience to perfect its use. When it comes to using gluten free flour, and rice flour is no exception, it is essential to understand how your chosen ingredient behaves and to use it wisely. By all means experiment to see how far you can push the boundaries, but achieving perfect results in gluten-free cooking is always a fine balancing act.
Using Rice Flour as a Thickener
Rice flour is excellent for thickening sauces and gravies, adding more body than cornflour or other similar starches. Just go slowly though as it takes longer to thicken than starch or wheat flour so it can be easy to add too much.
Using Rice Flour in Baking
There are times in baking when the gluten in wheat flour is not really needed or can actually work against you. Think about the tender crumb of a delicate sponge cake that can so easily become tough when overmixed. Or the crisp crust of a cookie or a pastry that requires the lightest of touches lest the gluten be overstretched. A chewy gooey brownie requires very little flour to begin with, so switching to rice flour is barely even noticed. Sometimes the dreaded sandy texture of rice flour can even work in your favour. Shortbread, anyone? How to make a basic rice flour mixture for baking For best results when baking with gluten free flours you should consider adapting each recipe individually, switching out individual flours to achieve the best result possible. But there are times when you can use an all purpose blend that you can store in the cupboard in the same way as you would all purpose wheat flour. Creating your own basic rice flour mixture for baking is simple. Start with 2 cups of finely ground rice flour. Then, for every cup of rice flour, add 2/3 cup of potato starch and 1/3 cup of tapioca starch to help give it the structure it might miss without gluten. A pinch of xanthan gum (about 1 teaspoon for this mix) can also help mimic gluten’s elastic qualities. When it comes to substituting gluten-free flour for wheat flour, it's not always a straight one-to-one swap. Gluten-free flours have different textural properties and densities, and they often require a bit of trial and error to get the proportions just right for your recipe. Adjusting recipes to substitute wheat flour with rice flour Let's talk about tweaking those recipes when substituting wheat flour with our rice flour blend. First off, you need to know that rice flour is thirsty; it soaks up moisture like a sponge. So, you might need to add a little more liquid to stop your dough from being too crumbly. And since rice flour is also lighter than wheat flour, your bakes might need a little extra help to rise, so consider increasing your leavening agents slightly. Still, there's nothing daunting about it! Just start slow, perhaps with a 1:1 swap, and then adjust from there. Keep notes of what works (and what doesn't) until you get results you are happy with. How to prevent grittiness with rice flour Fortunately grittiness is not as tricky to tackle as you might think. To steer clear of that sandy texture, a good rule of thumb is to use a finely ground rice flour. The finer the grind, the smoother your baked goods will feel. Hydrate your rice flour by letting your batter or dough rest for about 30 minutes before baking. This gives the flour time to absorb the liquids fully, resulting in a finer, tender crumb. Don't skip sifting; it aerates your flour, helping to keep things light and fluffy.
Using Rice Flour for Deep Frying
Rice flour makes an ideal batter for deep frying and is the quickest route to that all important crispy crunchy crust. The light and fine texture of rice flour helps create an irresistibly crispy coating that turns golden brown and holds up better to sauces and dips without getting soggy. And this is one time where the crunchy, gritty texture can work in your favour. Here's a tip: mixing rice flour with a bit of cornstarch can work wonders for an even crunchier, more durable crust. It's a gluten-free godsend for those who still want to enjoy perfectly fried chicken, crispy onion rings, or a batch of tempura veggies without the gluten. Recipe for crispy rice flour batter Ingredients: 1 cup rice flour 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper (or to taste) 1 cup cold sparkling water (for extra lightness!) Optional seasoning: pinch of paprika or garlic powder to enhance the flavour Instructions: In a large bowl, whisk together the rice flour, cornstarch, baking powder, salt, and pepper. Slowly pour in the cold sparkling water, and stir until just combined. Let your batter sit for about 10 minutes. This allows any lumps to smooth out and gives the rice flour time to hydrate so it is tender. And there you have it, it looks like rice flour could be a vital ingredient in your gluten-free kitchen. Its light texture and neutrality mean it's your perfect partner for a range of recipes, from thickening sauces to baking brownies and beyond. All in all we think its a great kitchen staple. Where to buy rice flour in bulk There are many ways to save the pennies here at Opera Foods. Take advantage of bulk buy savings on our organic white rice flour, or register for a wholesale account for even greater discounts. This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Gluten Free Suppliers”. See original article:- Making The Most of Rice Flour in Your Gluten-Free Kitchen Read the full article
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smuttyaf · 3 months
Yes, Mr. Styles.
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𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰; 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐝𝐬𝐦.
wc; 7.3k | xxxtra for the business
their dom/sub relationship will be extras in the series unless stated otherwise!
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The subtle ding of the restaurant door signals the arrival of new customers, fast pace steps from waitresses breeze past in laughter with conversations fulling the crowds of tables. There are plates swirling with beautiful auras of different meals that radiate delicious smells of ingredients.
It’s such a gentle atmosphere surrounded by large windows and genuine smiles. Glasses and dishes clink together in the cracks of the establishment. The lively spirit outlines the ambiance of the eatery to the point it overshadows the two of you seated in the back of the restaurant, both enveloped in each other company.
“Here, try some of mine love.”
The pads of Harry’s thumb carries your chin towards his fork, mouth parting slightly to accept the egg drenched in hollandaise that passes through your lips.
Immediately you hum at the flavour spreading amongst your tongue. Nodding your head in delight at his choice, you offer him an genuine smile with napkin raising to your mouth to clean any sauce leftover.
“Good, isn’t it?” Harry grins while you continue to chew before swallowing.
“That taste delicious!” You reveal, running your tongue over your bottom lip looking between the two plates.
“Better than the french toast?” He quips, brows raising in question while he goes back to eating.
“Oh baby, nothing is better than french toast.” Happily going back to your plate of syrup drenched and sugar powder meal.
It’s unusual for Harry to spend his mornings with you. He’s normally always out before you can catch him slipping away. So, when it dawned on you that he was still present in bed it had you crawl deeper into his warmth; the sun draped itself around the frame of the bed, his hands roaming down the expanse of your body with deep inhales drawing through the space.
You lied nurtured under his touch for just a few more hours until he rose up, pressing light kisses along your head before standing and making his way to the bathroom, suggesting brunch at his favourite breakfast spot.
It’s why you’re next to him with his hand on your thigh, both appreciating each others presence in the rustle of the restaurant atmosphere.
“Are you going into work this evening?” You ask, fork digging into the cut pieces and bringing it towards your mouth.
“Yes, I’ll be in the office,” His hand going towards his coffee to turn the porcelain cup on the table. “I actually wanted to discuss something with you darling.” His gaze trails to your lips chewing your breakfast.
The words made your sight narrow, tongue peeking out of your mouth to swipe along your flesh. Maple syrup floods your taste buds as you continue feeling Harry rub his hand across your jeans.
Your head knocks to the side in adoration at your charming boyfriend, view roaming amongst his suited frame. The sun that shines through the windows cause the green hues in his eyes to sparkle beautifully in the light, his chestnut hair is styled the way you always admired, running across his forehead in lose curls.
“I want to know love, how have your past relationships been?”
Your teeth clench down on each other, gaze shifting with tight limp smile spreading along your features. The question has you resting your fork down on the plate. It’s not a question that should have you perplexed, but you’ve been with him for four months now and could’ve sworn already having this discussion with him before.
“Mostly just nonchalant men who didn’t care about me.” Your hand meeting Harry’s as it smoothes over your thighs. The response causes him to chuckle softly.
“I know… but I mean sexually.” Your focus trails, warmth rising to your cheeks with fingers curling around his rings.
Now, you really don’t believe you ever had this conversation with him before. The personal question drags your mind back to memories of mediocre men barely fulfilling your needs for the majority of the useless relationship. Past intimacies can’t even compare to what Harry and you have; you’ve come more under his touch then any of your past lovers, you’re sure it’s telling with the way you’re so humble in bed.
“Well, I don’t know… it doesn’t compare to you if that helps?” Searching the restaurant until Harry drags his nails heavily across your thigh, it brings your attention back to his who surveys you.
“Use you words sweetheart.”
The intimate sight of two lovers nestle in the back of the establishment immersed with each other, holds adoration from onlookers stealing glances. It’s as if it’s only the two of you in this room, warm touches nourishing the desire to be in his hold from the admirable exchange that brews between the both of you.
“The sex was whatever honestly, it was decent. I can probably count on one hand how many ex’s actually made me come… so, I mean what I say that they don’t touch what you do to me.”
He hums acknowledging everything. Harry can tell but your fidgeting hands and darting eyes that this conversation was making you somewhat uncomfortable, even if he slides his touch smoothly across your skin encouraging the truth, your cheeks still continue to glow.
“And I must say myself, I’m very pleased with our sex life… I can’t get enough of you,” Harry agrees, nails continue to drag down your legs while you smile shyly at him. “So… it’s safe to say you haven’t done anything past your limits?”
His words cause your expression to transition back to confusion. Anything past your limits? Teeth feel over the flesh of your bottom lip as you don’t break your stare with Harry, completely unfazed with chin tilted and back relaxing against the cushions of the booth.
“I don’t know what you mean by that?” You confide with jaw tensing. The topic of conversation has completely shifted your appetite from your half eaten french toast.
Harry sight runs over your frame, examining every crevice of your face before drawing down to look at the subtle cleavage exposed from your lace drawstring top. It was moments like this when he would look at you with such hunger that makes you weak. Simple eye contact drawing thoughts of wanting to get on your knees before him.
“Besides the occasional spank and choking, what else do you like?” Cheeks now blaze impossibly red with gaze breaking from his. Your sight looks around the room as if everyone in the restaurant can hear your conversation — though there was no one seated in the two tables in front of you.
“Shouldn’t we talk about this somewhere more private?” Eyes connecting back to his forest ones.
Harry snickers while scratching your thigh. The sound send waves of relaxation as you let your free hand tuck your hair behind you ear looking pleasantly at him.
“I’m sure we’re good.” Smirk stretching on his lips as he continues to sooth you with his touch.
Regardless of the customers being so distant from the table, still it somewhat felt wrong to talk about sex in the middle of the lively restaurant. Children laughter and indistinguishable conversations float around as pinned up waitress and hostess litter the floor beaming expressions when passing guests.
Your eyes trail back to Harry, shifting your head to each side. Despite the topic being explicit for the scenery, you must admit the discussion about desires between both parties in the relationship never was mentioned. The feeling of his palm drags over your knee, smiling at you tauntingly as his gaze never wavers.
“U —Um…” Throat clearing as you let your fingers follow Harry’s motions. “I like to get spanked.. a lot.. and I guess, I want to be slapped too.” His eyes brighten with amusement, pearly white teeth shining as he rustles against the leather.
“I like…” Mouth running dry as you think over your words afraid as if Harry will look at you like some freak, though the conversation shines with mutual honesty. “Spit.”
“In general you just like spit or…” Harry breathlessly laughs as it makes you knock your head into his chest in embarrassment at his teasing.
“I mean I think it’s hot if you were to spit in my mouth sometimes?” Neck craning up as he smiles.
“That can be arranged,” Fingers drawing itself back up your frame. The alluring touch he his has over your body with eyes filled with pure lust, cause your heart to pick up being turned on by the conversation and simple affection.
“I can’t think of anything else really? I like when you call me good girl and such,” Lashes fluttering as he nods his head acknowledging your words. Harry admires your jittery expression, dancing gaze and timid hands.
“Oh! and I would also like if sometimes… I don’t know,” Fingers going back to crave the intricate imprints over the gold of his rings. “If you can come on me?”
He’s surprised you have such dirty thoughts dwelling in your mind. Spitting in your mouth and wanting to let him dress you in his seed, he never thought such things would be your naughty desires. His devious smirk spreads wider, head nodding and fist curling deeper into your skin.
“Filthy girl.” Harry winks. It sends annoyance through you as you roll your eyes and pull away from his chest, your hands reaching towards your water set on the table.
Your palms are slick with sweat wrapped around the glass. Heart beating in your ears as if a second symphony to the chatter in the air. Regardless of how many times he has seen you naked and suck the juices that expels between your legs, it made you nervous confessing to him things that turn you on during sex. You’re heart is set ablaze, teeth nibbling on the inside of your cheek trying to reel in your nerves.
Harry gently pats your thigh, his expression never wavering as he looks at you, completely infatuated in your anxious state. He leans in with lips pressing against the temple of your forehead, hum radiating warmth across your arm. The gesture relaxes your body seeking comfort in his towering frame.
“I love when you get flustered,” He confides. Your lips draw into a flat line looking up at him playfully. Fingers placing your glass down on the table before leaning back into him.
The two meals in front of you begin to grow cold as the appetite dwelling within seeks the very thing your boyfriend satisfies, and the conversation is definitely not helping that craving.
Hues of pink begin to settle amongst your skin as you turn towards Harry, persuasive connection with obvious sexual tension beckoning between eyes. Your expression soon resembles the same smile spread on his lips.
“Since this topic of conversation seems to be more important than your endeavours… what do you enjoy in bed?”
Harry shifts next to your frame, tongue peeking out of his mouth with sight still hungry as if he wants to devour you in this restaurant. His hand leaves your thigh, draping up your waist and running along your neck.
“I enjoy feeling you wrapped around me,” Fingers roam along your skin to hold your jaw softly.
“And the way you look so helpless below,” Confession causing your legs to squeeze together, trying to relieve the pulsing between your legs.
“But, I want to purpose something…”
The energy that connects your hearts is an invisible string twine together with love and passion. It was clear what was on both your minds, and the hand that holds your chin keeps that symmetry of eye connection.
“How do you feel if there was more of a power balance in the bedroom?”
You swear arousal flashes over Harry’s eyes. Grin straightens as the grip over you tenses awaiting your answer, just when the subtle blossoms of pink leave, it returns amongst your cheeks bones.
“There isn’t one already?” Threaded brow lifting on your forehead with teasing tone.
“Yes… but let’s just say things can be more exciting.” He proposes with grace, charming appearance and beautiful melodic voice rattling your heart strings.
A pleasant hum leaves your lips as you lean even deeper into his presence. Frankly, you didn’t even care what Harry was talking about, the way he was looking made you want to spread yourself all over the booth.
“How would you feel if I were to tie you up?” Both eyebrows rise in shock, those being his next words wasn’t what you were expecting.
Thoughts of him having his way with you, but being wrapped up as if his own personal gift makes the slick passing through your folds begin to soak the material of your panties.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” Agreeing to his desire with your eyes sparkling up at him.
“And if I were to handcuff you and use a paddle?” Confession having your chest raising with quick breaths. The desires he admits has your mind return back to the film you’ve seen years ago.
“Still not opposed.” You return, sight still admiring his captivating energy.
Harry lets his expression shine smugly. He’s relaxed and attentive, examining every detail that attracts him and has his body enjoy your now relax demeanour. His tongue swipes along his bottom lip, trousers growing tighter watching every heavy draw from your chest knowing that you want his touch between your legs.
“Channeling your inner Christian Grey?” Body gently rocks into him, his smile never deters and eyes still pierce with intensity. The grip he has over your jaw loosens as he swipes his hand along your cheek, gently tapping the skin there.
“Yes, I want to ruin you.”
It’s your turn for your eyes to flash with an usual desire. Hands now finding their place curling around the denim of your jeans.
“I’d like to degrade you. How does that sound?” Harry is still calm, the words that leave his mouth not fazing him the way it does you.
You’re use to stern fingers cutting off air flow or faint imprints of digits across your cheeks; but you were never once revealed to paddles or handcuffs, now with thoughts of being degraded, you don’t know what to think but fall into his luring behaviour.
“Degrade me how?” His hand draw away from your skin and find their previous place. Curls brushing along the side of your face with his breath warm against your ear. The gesture has you swallowing, eyes looking around the establishment still rustling with customers.
“All of the things you like… just more rough.” You nod your head slowly, understanding his words. “Just think of you belonging to me, in every sense.”
Harry pulls away from your neck, smile now genuine and reassuring as he pats your thigh. If he prompts that your desires are similar but, to a different degree, it relieves the nerves tickling down your spine. Nervous smile stretches on your lips as you bow your head once more.
“Okay?” He whispers, eyes searching your features that transforms into relaxation.
“Okay.” Blinking up and curling your fingers back over him. “I trust you.”
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The soft crinkle of pillows comfort your knees in the position you’re set in. The warmth of the chandelier above illuminates the room, shining over the paintings adoring the walls and the television set reduce to background noise.
Lashes flutter along the hollows of your eyes when the crimson rope drapes around your waist. The shallow roughness of the harness sinks tightly across your skin as you shift around on the floor.
Though the room is set in gentle tones of expensive diamonds reflecting off the light, it doesn’t stop the shiver that courses through. Goosebumps rise across your skin with perky nipples adding to the sensation settling.
“How is it? Too tight?” Harry questions, fingers running the material around your wrist as you shake your head lightly.
“It’s okay.” Nails nestling between your palms as you feel him beginning to knot the rope together.
A heavy breath draws from behind you, pads of his finger tips run up your spine. It follows every dip that leads all along your neck, touch smoothing over your shoulder as the sound of his shoes shuffle amongst the floor is being heard, while your sight continues to stare ahead. Heart grows with anticipation and knees seeping into the sheets against the floor as you swallow timidly.
“What’s your colour?”
Sight catches on Harry’s tailored trousers that walk amongst your view. Tongue gliding over your bottom lip at the growing erection displaying itself. Your view flicks up towards him, connection shimmering with submission and dominance as he stands in front of you with hunger in his gaze.
“Green.” Surveying eyes focus on his hand running up your neck and holding your jaw aggressively.
“Green, what?”
“Green, sir.”
The ends of Harry lips twitch upwards, grip shaking your head playfully at your response. Your nerves course through in tingles of arousal, hips swivelling into the pillows to subside the pulsing between your legs.
His waist leans towards your mouth which doesn’t shake your gaze as you let your lips part and run over his clothed erection. Seductive moan trailing from your throat as you trace the girth of him. His free hand finds his way playing with the hair by your neck, teeth tucking away his bottom lip as he studies your submissive appearance and appreciates your eager eyes.
“Gonna be my good little toy?” Harry ask, eyes catching on the way you bite at the cloth of his slacks.
“Yes, Mr. Styles.”
Fingers venture along your scalp to bury your face deeper into his crotch, your gaze still admires the man dominating you. With your back bending into his posture, your hands run along each other dying to feel him under your touch.
Strings of red robe dance across your body binding any movements from your upper half. It’s dreadful temptation not being able to roam amongst his skin like the many times you’re use to. It has your neck craning up in desire wanting nothing more than to pleasure every part of him that aches for you.
Grip pulls your hair back, free hand leaving your jaw to relieve himself of his suit. Your gaze enlarges watching him tug himself off in your view, fist curling around his thickness observing your restrained body. Voluminous breasts sit softly in the air with fidgeting muscles that flex with arousal brewing between your legs.
“Open wide.” Harry demands, head craning down as he watches your lips part.
Your tongue glides out of your mouth as he stares over you darkly, eyes examining over your red flesh exposed and bare. View of your entrance eyes look up at him in praise, cherry slick muscle set out in front of him as he leans forward, spit trailing from between his lips.
It lands as a long raindrop of his fluid to spread amongst your tongue messily, while holding your jaw wide. Harry straightens up, cock in hand tapping himself over your tongue. Heavy pulsing dick spreading himself along you before he’s drawing his hips back leaving a trail of himself to connect to your glistening muscle.
“Suck it.” He commands. You nod your head swiftly, leaning forward and feeling the weight of him fill your mouth.
Knees push deeper into the comforting blankets, mouth swallowing his length as your fingers knot together with nails digging in between the cracks of your knuckles in frustration.
Lips roam up the expanse of him, chest swallowing rush breaths as you peer up at him through heavy coated lashes. His hands nestle into your hair feeling over every strand and scratching your scalp. It urges you to lean forward to accept him deeper past your limits.
The room swirls with heated emotions of power and obedience; Harry examining your plush lips sucking him down as his hips push into your frame, palms holding your head with force as he watches your eyes flutter at the control being the centre of your attention.
His cock expands down your throat with added wetness, his hardness dragging down the expanse with his heavy thickness swelling glands as his position halts. Your eyes twinkle up at him, tears brimming the edges feeling your chest begin to burn from the withdrawal of air.
Harry holds you there for a few more seconds until his fingers are releasing from your hair, his hands going to his dress shirt and beginning to undo the buttons as you draw away from him. Lips floating across his length, dancing love across the angry veins protruding along the underside of him.
Pleasant moans leave your mouth as you go back to enveloping him down your throat, gaze never breaking the connection that holds eager devotion from both parties. Every possession in the room bares witness to the desire dwelling in the middle of it, sweat shining lightly over skin with bruise lips trailing saliva over every crevice looking for affection.
Your throat contracts around his cock, hips pausing to nourish in the quiver of you choking around him before pulling away. A heavy draw of air leaves as your eyes watch Harry peel his dress shirt off and let it drape along the floor. Beautiful ink trails amongst his skin; from his love handles to his chest, black streaks add to the arousal that has your hips runting deeper into the pillows.
“Good girl.” Harry compliments, hands going back to your messy head to tug you back, his body looming over your teary eyes.
“So needy, so perfect.” He utters. Bound hands nearly swipe against the sheets the way your spine bends to peer up at him. “Speak baby, what do you want.”
Deep inhale draws out as you blink up at him, tongue poking out to run over your bottom lip and catch it in between your teeth.
“Your fingers sir.” Lashes batting up at him in adoration as his hold relaxes in your locks before trailing out of your hair.
Harry gaze lingers when drawing away from your sight, footsteps walking around your frame and standing behind your back. The presence of him made you swallow heavily, nails leaving creases into your skin at the anticipation of the moment.
His fingers make their teasing venture back along your shoulder, digits running over very bone that protrudes down your neck to your spine, it feels over your knotted hands. The warmth of his breath blows behind your ear sending shivers through you, teeth clenching amongst each other with nerves. It’s the dreadful dance of Harry teasing that makes your heart change in paste, mind dancing with wonder and emotions singing with impatience.
His hold over your tied wrists rocks your nestle hands back forth, shallow breath still bellowing behind you with the heated presence of him radiating along your back. His gestures are too calm and patient from the previous actions that transpired, and with every draw that breezes past your ears and flattens along your neck, it has you tensing with each blow.
It’s like seconds pass by in hours, the tempting game of stressing you out is Harry favourite and it obviously shows. Tongue pokes out of your mouth biting into your bruised lips as you try your hardest to not crack, wanting to ask him to stop and touch you just where you want him the most.
Both of his hands glide up the rope and slide amongst your waist, fingers gently urging you to lean forward as he helps you maneuver your position against ruffling sheets. Your face lies gently amongst soft material, backside set in the air as his hands expand over the flesh and grope them. The lack of attention to your expose pussy set high in the air causes you to whimper into the pillows.
“You’re shining baby,” Harry observes, thumb brushing along your arching folds as he pushes your cheeks together. It encourages another blissful moan to escape your lips.
“Please sir,” Eyes squeezing due to the torment making your clit throb with need.
“Please what?” The gruff voice has you whining high in your throat.
“Please Mr. Styles, your fingers.”
Nails release from your skin and rest in the crook of your palms, it was taking everything in you to be subservient and not let your body back into his touch. It was evident in the way your thighs twitch that you’re fighting the urge of his teasing ways.
“Like this?” Harry palms drag down your plump cheeks to let his digits slither between your folds.
Index and ring finger rubbing gracefully along your lips making your eyes flutter open in satisfaction. You surrender completely to his control movements as your arms tense amongst the robes holding you together.
“Yes, sir.” Breathy moan swimming past your lips as your chest sinks deeper into the sheets.
His fingers continue to drag along your pussy, spreading your creamy fluid amongst yourself. His sight is in complete awe of your holes ready and set on display. Plump and glistening with swollen clit shuddering with each draw along the bud.
“Mr. Styles,” You moan. The call of his dominate name greets a furious slap to strike against your cheeks.
“Good toy.” Harry praises, his thumb rubbing against your entrance that has you whining once more.
“F —Fuck,” Shoulders pushing back as your knees quiver against the plush sheets. His fingers are practically coated in your fluid with the way he’s playing in your pussy, feeling every fat flesh of skin glistening in all its moisture.
Harry is captivated with your features and how they display every nerve that he strums within his hold, he’s absolutely smitten by every quiver that trickle downs the expanse of your thighs just dying for more pleasure, and with the way your spine curves into the fortress of pillows and sheets having your body bound to red rope, it has him falling in love with you.
Breasts flush in passionate colour, erect nipples gliding amongst the material of the sheets as your mouth parts open expelling sounds of pleasure. It causes Harry cock to twitch, the sight in front of him is one he truly admires, it’s why he lets his digits trail from your clit and thrust into you.
Relieving sigh trails out of your chest, fingers nestling deep between your folds to the point you feel his knuckles press deeply against your lips. “So pretty love.”
Fingers draw out to trail back in smoothly, pads of digits curling and capturing every greedy nerve that begs for more attention. It’s an agonizing torment of Harry’s weighty fingers diving into your pussy. Your chest bubbles in excitement and thighs shake with irritation.
Each stroke of him is rough thrusts into your pussy with slow movements that have your toes curling into each other. The motions have you drunk off the luring fingers, mind beginning to grow aggravated at your restraining hands that want nothing more than to card them through his curls.
“Mouth Mr. Styles, your mouth, p —please,” Voice stutters with eagerness, you want nothing more than this pleasure to swallow you whole.
“Anything for you princess.” Harry’s provoking motions never halt as he dips his head between your thighs. Tongue running up your folds to nestle itself along your second hole.
The placement of his wet muscle swirling between your two entrances with finger still drawing dramatic thrusts into your pussy has your spine curving into the pillows, backside straightening up but not to the point that it doesn’t stop Harry from following your movements. Deep groan vibrates amongst your pussy that your eyes roll to the back your head.
With his face buried between your legs you find your nails catching at the ends of his hair, fingers craving for attention as you cry into the sheets from the suppressed hold.
“Sir,” You mumble into the linen, high pitch inhale of breath as your thighs widen and feet thump at Harry flicking his tongue along your asshole. “C —Can I come, p —please sir.”
The call of him has his eyes catching on your trembling fingers craning to hold onto his hair, it doesn’t make him hesitate to let his free hand that spreads along your cheek to slide into your hold. His eyes bow in pleasure as your head twist and body retreats against his.
“Yes baby, be my good girl.”
Needy hands and stuttering voice announce your climax shining through. From the twisting tongue to precise control thrusts into your pussy, you’re brainwashed with the sensations Harry delivers. It’s stings with fury down your spine, clenching toes and shaky fingers indicating the beautiful embrace overcoming you.
Tickling nerves and jolts of thrill comb through your body, it twitches away from the draws of his movements. Quivering thighs that shake in arousal as he continues to slurp up your nectar, tongue lying flat and running between both holes. Your mouth hangs open in complete awe of how he made you come undone all over his tongue.
“That’s my good toy,” Deep voice radiating between your folds as you feel wet kisses along your strained thighs.
Your eyes are glazed over in arousal, the feelings coursing through was numb relief of the tantalizing adventure Harry decided to take you on, one that you’re very happy about it.
“So wet and ready for me.” Harry adds, his finger lazily dragging between your walls as you hear him moving behind you.
The hard press of his cock slides between the very holes that his tongue has laid across, it has you an moaning mess. Everything he was doing to you is foreign, from the red rope dressing your skin to the wet muscle trailing along sensitive parts, it’s a new stimulating sensation that you now crave and want more of.
So, when Harry lets his hips meet your back side in shallow thrusts as he rubs himself between your drenched holes, you let your fingers curl around his free one and tug gently at his hands.
“Please sir, I want you so bad.” Head twisting in irritation not being able to see Harry the way you want.
“Mhm… how bad do you want me?” Unoccupied hand smoothing over your cheeks before setting a fierce slap amongst the flesh.
“Really bad,” You whine, foot hitting against the floor in irritation as your shoulders stretch against the harness. “I need you Mr. Styles.” Teeth escaping your mouth to bite into the pillow with frustration.
“More.” Harry demands, palm landing another smack against your skin. It has you whimpering against the material of the sheets.
“I want you to fill me up. I want you to make a mess of me. Use me all you want.” His fingers twist amongst yours as he continues to rub himself between your holes.
“Mr. Styles, please, please, just fuck me,” You’re begging as if he holds the answer to all your prayers, the tormenting pleasure of his dominance blanketing your self respect as you fall victim to his power. “Want you to ruin me, please sir.”
As those words trail out of your lips it made him break between your folds. Thick heaviness of him thrusting between your wet lips as he sinks himself into your pussy. Heart ignites with passionate fury burning bright as he spreads you wide just the way you like. He’s thundering down your walls in drawing movements that have your pussy loving the aggressive stretch of him down your folds.
“Oh my god,” You mumble, arms going slack as his hips jerk your body against the mountains of pillows.
Harry grunts behind you, another harsh slap welcoming itself amongst your blossoming cheeks as he strokes himself deeply into your heat. Previous mess of fluid sliding down your inner thighs and adding comfort to his greedy thrusts. Every draw back from his hips is met with the furious rock of his dick into your throbbing pussy.
Your lashes flutter in your bobbing gaze ahead; the legs of your shared dresser sits in your version, polish floor and painted grey walls encase your view as Harry punctures his furious strokes into you. The drown out noise of the show partaking in the background adds to the combination of slick lacing together in the space of your rush breaths, while Harry continues to pound away.
His hand trails amongst your bruised ass cheeks before venturing up your back once more. Chest leaning down as his grip glides towards the top of your neck and shoves your face against the pillows. The action surprises you as a wave of arousal sends another rush of creaminess to expel between your folds.
With each angry strike of his hips it has your face digging into the white sheets leaving your vision a blurry mess of brown floorboards and white blankets. The rough assaults of his cock in your pussy is pleasuring every part that craves everything Harry has to offer. Your body completely submits and devours every motion that he sends through your veins, you’re only fuelled by him and all does.
“Holy shit baby,” Harry comments, hand shoving your face deeper into the cushions as you moan in pleasure. “My good little fuck toy, so nice and wet for me.” He boosts as he never stops his intense thrusts.
“Yes sir, always good for you,” Moaning loudly as you welcome the bouncing of his hips against your backside.
His fingers rock into the creases of your palm, grip over your neck tensing with each jerk of your head that moves with every rough stride of Harry behind you. It’s in the roughness of his love that pins and needles spark up the underside of your feet, ears ringing and tears beginning to gloss over your vision at your second climax barreling down.
“S —Sir… p —please… Mr. Styles can I come,” Quivering voice matching your fluttering eyes as you clench your stomach trying to contain your roaring nerves.
“Yes, be my good toy,” Harry reassures, with hand gliding up your head and grasping your locks into his hold to lift your gaze as he continues to fuck you.
Almond nails dig into the skin of his knuckles as your body jerks around in his hold, even with surging muscles it don’t stop him from continuing to relentlessly fuck you with scalp burning on fire from the tugging grip.
Your heart is a fuzzy mess of nerves and emotions, pulsing veins trying to regulate every crevice that beats in pleasure from waves of arousal that course through. This feeling is addictive, because even with your hips drawing away from the sensitivity coursing through your pussy, you’re loving his cock still bruising your tired walls.
“What’s your colour?” Harry asks in your daze, rush thrusts finding a rhythmic paste that leaves you whimpering under his stirring hips.
Deep breath draws from your lips as Harry relaxes his hold in your hair, his fingers trailing out of your locks and roaming amongst your waist as he lets you settle your back along his chest continuing his motions.
“Y —Yellow, sir.” Head shifting to the side to catch his glistening body.
The feeling of his lips press against your head, fingers that were once interlocked with yours part as he begins to undo the knot of the rope. The rough cloth drags along your skin as it begins to unravel. Red harness descending down your frame leaving lines of its texture wrapped around your body.
Relieving sigh floats out of your mouth as your hands free themselves from their tight hold and rest along your lower back. The sensation of wet pecks roam up the expanse of your shoulder as Harry continues to tug the garment off of your body.
“Such a good girl for me.” Harry says between kisses as your fingers feel over his naked thighs.
The burning of the rope that halted all of your movements scorches across your body in its previous hold. It adds to the painful pleasure of the restrain that seems to be your favourite part of this play session.
“Lay down for me love,” He beckons, hands curling around your waist to turn your position around and have you lying on the fort.
Your legs part comfortably around his frame while his lips press kisses to every red streak imprint gracing your skin. The gesture has your hands trailing into his hair and feeling every motion of his head making his way up your body.
Even if Harry just shoved your head into the floor and made you feel like his personal fuck toy, you wouldn’t think in moments like this were he peppers your body with love that he did such a thing. It adds to the infatuation that brews within you because of him. Harry is charming yet so devious with his persuading movements, it has you ready for anything he proposes.
His cock nestle itself between your lips, chest parallel with each other as he bites at your flesh. Harry lets his love swell with every dig into your skin that bruises easily against his actions. Fingers curving into your skin to leave indents from his strength over you. The fact he’s still starving for more has your thighs enclosing around his hips.
Your pussy is undeniably sore and body limp that draws heavy breaths in from the second climax still leaving its footprints. The attention that brushes deeper between your folds reminds you of belonging to him in every sense, being his doll that he can play with and use over and over again. It has the whine that escapes your throat desperate to be everything for him, just the way he wants; his perfect doll.
“I love being your toy,” Whispering into the heated atmosphere with hands drawing down his hair and cradling the nape of his neck. Harry hums against your skin, left hand trailing up your sides and holding his favourite place.
“Open wide.” It makes your jaw flex with tongue sticking out once again on display for him. His other hand dips between your legs, dragging over his dick glistening in your slick before patting it along your puffy lips.
Silky drop of saliva paints your red flesh, messy mascara streaking over your temples with teary eyes still so needy to please. It’s why when the fluid coats your tongue does his cock push in with all his length. Long hum drowning your rushed breath as your head knocks deeper into the pillows, nails dragging down his skin from your sore walls stretching around him.
His grip over your chin pushes your mouth close allowing you to swallow his spit, long muted taste of whisky and your juices sliding down your throat as he pounds into your pussy that quivers with each thrust. Every word trailing out of your mouth is hiccups of swears and begging. Tired pussy accepting every assault that drives into the sweet spot that graces your cervix.
“You’re so beautiful taking my cock like that darling, so pretty letting me use your pussy.” Forest eyes catching your soft ones with bitten lips that drown in overstimulation. “Be my good girl and hold up your legs for me.” Hand draping up your stomach and fitting itself next to your head.
Foggy gaze nods as you find the strength in your stinging arms to peel your hands under your thighs and lift them towards your chest. The change in position has his thrust piercing your pussy in rough strikes. Pitiful cry leaving your lips at Harry bruising your folds with every pound of his hips.
Soft blankets and rugged texture of rope willow in the empty spaces of the mountains of sheets complied over the floor. Every greedy drive of his hips ruffles covers and soak up the sweaty bodies gracing the spread. The emotions swirling in the room is an addicting aura of discipline as your head jerks with every thrust as you look up at him as if a beautiful statue.
“Sir,” Lashes fluttering as your stomach begins to clench; teeth bite into fatty flesh with nails grasping at clammy skin. Your third climax rakes through your nerves at each thrust pounding away at your pussy.
“What is it pretty girl, you’re gonna come?” Eyes flashing in amusement at your docile features roaming all over your face.
Your head bows timidly, whimper escaping your throat as the bubbling ache between your legs surges with sparks as your toes curl in on each other.
“P —Please,” Jaw tensing as tears willow in the creases of your eyes. Harry looks over your slacked expression, pink tinge and raising chest, it makes him smirk at your submission just so accepting of everything he wants.
“Please can I come.” Cry slipping through your lips as your nails drag down your thighs in scratches. Lonesome tears trail down your temples from the sensations consuming you.
“So needy aren’t you?” Tempting voice with luring gaze making your legs shudder in your hold.
You’re back to nodding your head and accepting every powerful thrust into your sore pussy. Your walls tense with irritation at his cock fucking you so brutally, even trying to control yourself from coming all over his cock makes your mouth run dry.
Lungs flex with impatience as your back curves in on itself, hair digging into the clouds of pillows and sheets as your eyes screw shut, waist quivering away from his tormenting hips as more tears fall over your cheeks.
“Yes toy, come all over me.”
The only words you’ve been wanting to hear has your chest surge with ease as your thighs twitch. Long drawn out moan singing from your throat as your fingers contract around your skin. There’s an electric vibration coursing through your brain leaving it all drowsy and numb, your stomach trembles from the torment that keeps on barreling through as dewy slick coats your bruising folds.
“S —Sir,” Hesitant voice meeting with your eyes opening and revealing Harry’s enamoured expression.
His hips pace themselves, spine relaxing against drench sheets as mouth parts with sweet symphonies slipping out. His stare never leaves your body that twist and pulse around him. Beautiful sight of your submissive self drowning in the pleasure that Harry introduces, it’s shaky breasts and twitching hips.
Bruised flesh litters amongst the soft skin that his lips once press loving kisses into, it swirls in the moisture that aims to cool down your body in the intense atmosphere of the situation.
Rough thrusts now drag along your folds in easy strides as his head slides from between your lips before thrusting back in leisurely. There’s a faint whimper that leaves your mouth as your fingers relax against your limp thighs.
“So perfect for me.” Harry sighs, the warmth of his cock leaving your folds has you crying at the loss.
Your eyes watch in pleasure the way his hand wraps around his cock, stroking himself twice in his palm before he’s painting his come all along your stomach. Generous squirts of his creamy seed dripping across your belly button with small splatters of it roaming amongst your rib cage.
The heat of his fluid stings against your feverish skin as the ruffle of sheets curl around your head. Harry necks cranes down and lets his lips slip along yours, the feeling of him gracing your skin makes you moan at the exchange, realization of his mouth finally meeting yours in the sweet escapade.
Rush breaths now relax with exhaustion, timid fingers releasing your hold over your thighs as your feet fall amongst Harry calves. Your fingers card through his curls accepting his tongue passing through your lips, and loving every moment of him swirling against your buds.
It’s in the way he looms over you with such nurturing passion that it recalls why you accept anything Harry presents, it’s the need to always be his perfect girl.
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fear-is-truth · 5 months
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【𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆】: kai anderson x fem!reader
【𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘】: in the midst of kai’s escalating paranoia and anxiety, you’re the one keeping him sane.
【𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒】: 18+; mdni | blood, profanity, handjobs, oral sex (male receiving), unprotected p in v
【𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓】: 1.3k
【𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘】: anonymous
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Once again, today's meeting was abruptly cut short, a now familiar occurrence. Kai had vanished into his parents bedroom shortly after. Most of his henchmen had already left, and the remaining few were lingering around. Winter and Beverly sat silently at the living room, like a pair of anxious ghosts.
You sliced through pieces of starfruit, the rhythmic swish of the knife against the cutting board was a counterpoint to the silence.
When suddenly, Kai, wild-eyed and disheveled, burst into the room. His stringy blue hair was a tangled mess, dark circles hung beneath his eyes like crescent moons. In that momentary lapse, a sharp sting jolted through you. You glanced down to see a thin line of red seeping from your finger onto the wooden board. Fuck.
He really should stop popping those fucking pills like candy, you thought in irritation, stemming the steady flow of blood with a dish towel and watching Kai pace around the dining room with manic energy.
“It's here somewhere, I can still fucking hear it..” he muttered tersely, checking behind the framed photos on the wall, under the couch.
“They've got it out for me!" His words were punctuated by a fist slamming into the wall.
“Who are you talking about?” You tried not to sound too exasperated.
“The feds! They’ve planted bugs, all around this fucking house! How can you not hear that?! You don’t hear that? How can you not hear that?”
You glanced over at Winter’s direction, who was staring silently at her brother with a mix of fear and uncertainty as if she was looking at a raving stranger on the street. Something between the Andersons seemed to have shattered in the wake of Kai's escalating paranoia, and you really couldn’t blame Winter for that.
Taking the responsibility on your shoulders, you swiftly approached him, gently grabbing his strained arms. Almost instantly, Kai relaxed at your touch. He craved intimacy; especially from you. His erratic breathing slowed, and for a split second, a small smile graced his lips in response to your tight-lipped one. With a deep breath, you guided him down the hall, leading him into the guest bedroom before closing the door behind you. You turned around to face him.
“Deep breath. You can figure it out Kai, like you always do. You're our leader and we need you, okay?” You cooed in what you hoped was a soothing, maternal tone. It worked wonders; as he didn't hesitate to lean in, his forehead pressing against yours.
“Need me to help?” You asked gently.
“Fuck, you serious?”
“Oh yes,”
His usual attire of hoodies and button-downs hid the broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist, which was just a goddamn travesty. Your thumbs traced the subtle outline of his hipbones before disappearing underneath the army green shirt, snaking upwards over toned abs and muscular chest, each curve committed to muscle memory. Fingers gliding back down to the waistband of his jeans, pausing for just a second.
Hell, you hadn't even known you could find a man's hipbones attractive, you thought idly as you pulled down his boxers.
His breath hitched as your fingers wrapped around his cock. You begin rubbing against his slit, the blood from your hand acting as a lubricant. Your other hand slipped down to fondle with his balls and squeezed gently, drawing out a strained moan from him. You watched as his cock slowly rose upright from your mere touch, an impressive length in the palm of your hands.
Deciding it was enough, you knelt before him, lowering your mouth to his crotch and relaxing your jaw to accommodate his shaft. Kai slid inside you eagerly, the salty flavour of his pre-cum mingled with the metallic taste of your blood made you shiver in anticipation. Tongue started moving flat alongside the prominent veins that pulsated under your attention.
“Yeah... oh fuck, yeah just like that, nghmm..."
Kai tilted back his head with a groan. He was always loud in the bedroom, unabashedly so. You appreciated the lack of pretence on his part. If your pussy was the one place his cock was most familiar, then your throat definitely came in a close second. You surged forward slowly for him to push deeper. His tip probing the back of your throat, the brunette tufts of his pubic hair tickling your nose.
“Thaaat’s it. Attagirl,” he panted, gripping a fistful of your hair to the point it hurt, grinding your face against his pelvis. You felt him stiffen, before he yanked your head backward, pulling out of you so suddenly that you let out a small gasp. Strings of saliva connecting you to him as he looked down at you expectantly,
“Turn around,” Kai ordered, loosening his grip on your hair. You stared up at him. You swore that you were about to orgasm from the pulsating ache between your thighs alone.
“Turn. Around.” He repeated impatiently, crouching down to your eye level.
“We can’t. The others are still outside,”
Your half-hearted protest was met with strong hands grabbing your upper arms on both sides roughly to force you to turn around. His large palms cupped your breasts over your bra and found your nipples; already traitorously hard and awaiting for his attention. Then he shoved both cups up to allow better access.
“Winter and Bev will hear-”
You never got to finish your sentence, as he chose that exact moment to tweak your nipple, kneading the soft flesh of your breast with rough hands. A breathy moan escaped your lips, and you surrendered; knowing that when he began to yank down your jeans, there was no point in trying to fight back.
Kai shoved your upper body down against the floor, so that your ass was up in the air. The air-conditioned chill hit your exposed cunt, making you clench around nothing. He didn’t leave you waiting for long, though. You soon felt all of him against you, rubbing his tip tantalisingly against your slick entrance.
Never had you imagined yourself willingly allowing a man to take you in such a vulgar fashion - bent on your knees, him pounding relentlessly into you from behind. You had been embarrassed the first time, resentful at the second, and furious at yourself on the third time for enjoying it.
Obscene noises filled the bedroom- laboured panting, the wet slap of flesh on flesh, the occasional moan of Kai’s name exiting your lips.
There was no way the others couldn’t hear what was going on. Kai fucked into you fast and hard, and you cried out at the glorious sensation of him filling you, making you feel complete in ways you never imagined possible.
This was what it felt like when he didn’t hold back. Taking you with no mercy.
You liked him best like this.
It wouldn’t take long for you to come, not the way he was fucking you like there was no tomorrow. Kai drove into you one last time with a strained shout, burying himself to the hilt. You weren’t sure exactly when your orgasm ended and where his began. Just that it was so powerful that it made your vision go white and turned your bones into jelly. The vice-like grip on your hips slackened, and you could feel his cock continuing to twitch and spasm as he thrust lazily inside you, grinding his cum as deep as it could go.
He planted a gentle kiss on the spot below your ear. Kai was always like that, opting for you not to see his face after you both came—those fleeting moments of vulnerability were entirely his own, shielded even from you. After a good, hard fuck, Kai would award you with a kiss, or even better, an “I love you” before seamlessly slipping back on his mask of cold indifference.
You treasured moments like these, cradling them to your chest like a string of delicate, lustrous pearls that, despite often feeling like barbed wire digging into your heart, whispered a silent truth – he loved you, as much as he was capable of loving, anyway.
“Speaking about bugs.. does that mean that you think there’s a mole in the cult?” You asked moments later, refastening your jeans and tucking in your blouse.
“Do you have someone specific in mind?”
Kai frowned slightly at the question, considered, then shook his head slowly,
“Not yet,” he admitted, already heading towards the door. You opened your mouth to speak again, but he beat you to it.
“You’re still bleeding for fucks sake.. Let’s do something about your hand first,”
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【𝐀/𝐍】: thanks for reading!! english is not my first language, i apologise for the grammatical/spelling errors. i really tried.
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. please do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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eazy-group · 8 months
Thai Shrimp Green Curry | Slimming World Friendly
New Post has been published on https://eazydiet.net/thai-shrimp-green-curry-slimming-world-friendly/
Thai Shrimp Green Curry | Slimming World Friendly
If you’re on a quest for a delicious and wholesome meal that aligns perfectly with your Slimming World journey or a low-calorie plan, this filling Thai Shrimp Green Curry is the ideal culinary adventure for you. Packed with vibrant flavours, succulent shrimp, and an aromatic green curry paste, this recipe strikes a harmonious balance between being both low in calories and exceptionally delicious, making it a delightful addition to your healthy eating plan. 
This Thai Shrimp Green Curry recipe is an absolute winner, especially if you’re looking for a little culinary adventure with a low-calorie twist. Trust me, it’s like taking your taste buds on a vacation to Thailand without straying too far from your health goals. The green curry paste is zesty with  lemongrass, ginger, and that delightful hint of chili kick. And let’s not forget about the coconut milk – it’s like a velvety, tropical hug for your senses. Throw in some succulent shrimp and a rainbow of veggies, and you’ve got a dish that’s as filling as it is flavoursome. So, go ahead, whip up a batch, and let your taste buds do a little happy dance. It’s the kind of meal that makes healthy eating feel like a tasty adventure.
Why you’ll love this recipe….
Flavour Explosion: This dish bursts with the vibrant and aromatic flavours of Thai cuisine, from lemongrass and ginger to the subtle heat of green chilies.
Balanced Nutrition: It offers a well-rounded balance of lean protein from the shrimp and an array of vitamins and minerals from the assortment of colorful vegetables.
Low-Calorie Delight: If you’re watching your calorie intake, you can enjoy a generous portion of this curry without compromising your dietary goals.
Satisfying and Filling: The creamy coconut milk and ample veggies ensure that you feel full and satisfied after your meal.
Quick and Easy: With straightforward steps, this recipe is a breeze to prepare, even on a busy weeknight.
Restaurant-Quality at Home: Impress your family and friends with a restaurant-quality Thai dish made in the comfort of your own kitchen.
A Culinary Adventure: It’s a culinary journey to Thailand without the need for a passport, offering a unique and exotic twist to your usual menu.
Perfect for Batch Cooking: Make up portions and store them for later. 
Slimming World Friendly: Only 3.5 Syns per serving.
Can I Swap the Shrimp For Something Else?
Absolutely, you can swap the shrimp for other protein options or make this recipe vegetarian-friendly. Here are some alternatives:
Chicken: You can use boneless, skinless chicken breast or thigh meat, cut into bite-sized pieces. Cook the chicken in the green curry in a similar way as the shrimp until it’s cooked through.
Tofu: Firm tofu is a fantastic plant-based protein option. Cut it into cubes and pan-fry until golden before adding it to the curry.
Tempeh: Tempeh is another vegan-friendly choice. Cube it and sauté it briefly before incorporating it into the curry.
Mushrooms: A mix of various mushrooms, such as shiitake or oyster mushrooms, can provide a rich, umami flavour. Slice them and cook them in the green curry until tender.
Health Benefits of Eating Shrimp
Rich in Protein: Shrimp is an excellent source of lean protein. An 85g serving of shrimp provides about 18 grams of protein, making it a great choice for those looking to increase their protein intake. Protein is essential for muscle growth, tissue repair, and overall body function.
Low in Calories: Shrimp is relatively low in calories, particularly when prepared without excessive added fats or high-calorie sauces. This makes it a suitable choice for individuals who are watching their calorie intake or aiming to manage their weight.
High in Nutrients: Shrimp is a good source of essential nutrients, including vitamins such as vitamin B12, iodine, and selenium. Vitamin B12 is important for nerve health, while iodine and selenium are necessary for proper thyroid function and antioxidant protection.
Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Shrimp contains omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are beneficial for heart health. These fatty acids can help reduce inflammation, lower the risk of heart disease, and support brain function.
Low in Saturated Fat: Shrimp is naturally low in saturated fat, which is associated with increased risk of heart disease. By incorporating shrimp into your diet as a source of lean protein, you can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues.
Batch Cook – Storage Information
Fridge: Allow the curry to cool to room temperature. Then, transfer it to an airtight container, making sure to seal it tightly. Place it in the refrigerator. Properly stored, it can be refrigerated for up to 3-4 days.
Reheat: When you’re ready to enjoy the curry again, reheat it on the hob over low to medium heat, stirring frequently until it’s heated through. Alternatively, you can use the microwave in short intervals, stirring in between, until it’s hot.
Freezer: Allow the curry to cool to room temperature. Then, transfer it to an airtight container, making sure to seal it tightly. Place it in the freezer. Properly stored, it can be frozen for up to 3-4 months.
Thai Shrimp Green Curry
If you’re on a quest for a delicious and wholesome meal that aligns perfectly with your Slimming World journey or a low-calorie plan, this filling Thai Shrimp Green Curry is the ideal culinary adventure for you. Packed with vibrant flavours, succulent shrimp, and an aromatic green curry paste, this recipe strikes a harmonious balance between being both low in calories and exceptionally delicious, making it a delightful addition to your healthy eating plan. Nutritional InformationSlimming World: 3.5 Syns Per ServingWeight Watchers: Coming SoonCalories: 200 Per Serving
Prep Time 15 minutes minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes minutes
Total Time 40 minutes minutes
For the Green Curry Paste:
2 Stalks Lemongrass [Chopped]
4 Cloves Garlic [Crushed]
1 Small Onion [Peeled, Diced]
2 Green Chillies [Deseeded, Finely Sliced]
1 Thumb-Sized Piece of Fresh Ginger [Grated]
1 Bunch Fresh Coriander
Zest of One Lime
1 tsp Ground Cumin
1 tsp Ground Coriander
1 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Fat Free Greek Style Yoghurt
For the Green Curry:
400g Large Shrimp (or prawns) [ peeled, deveined]
400ml Light Coconut Milk
200ml Vegetable Stock
1 Red Bell Pepper [Deseeded, Sliced]
1 Medium Onion [Peeled, Diced]
Handful Fresh Basil Leafs
Low Calorie Cooking Spray
Pinch Salt
For the Green Curry Paste:
In a food processor, combine lemongrass, garlic, onion, green chillies, ginger, fresh coriander, lime zest, ground cumin, ground coriander, yoghurt and soy sauce.
Blend until you have a smooth paste. You may need to scrape down the sides of the processor to ensure everything is well mixed.
For the Green Curry:
Heat a large pan or wok over medium-high heat. Spritz with some low calorie cooking spray.
Add 2-3 tablespoons of the green curry paste (you can store the rest in an airtight container in the fridge for later use).
Sauté the paste for a couple of minutes until fragrant.
Add the coconut milk and vegetable stock. Stir well and bring to a simmer.
Add the salt, red bell pepper and onion. Simmer for 5-7 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender but still crisp.
Add the shrimp or prawns and cook for 2-3 minutes, or until they turn pink and opaque.
Sprinkle in some fresh basil leaves and serve with white rice.
Have you created this recipe?
Please let me know how it turned out! Leave a comment below or share a photo on Instagram tagging me at @fatgirlskinny__ and the hashtag #fatgirlskinny.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Why Use Buttermilk in Recipes: Benefits and Culinary Uses
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Hi there, I'm here to talk about why buttermilk is such an important ingredient in recipes. It's something that you may not have considered before, but once you learn the benefits of using it, you'll want to incorporate it into your cooking right away! Buttermilk has so many uses and can add a unique flavor to dishes like pancakes, biscuits, cakes and more. Not only does it give food a creamy texture, but it also helps tenderize ingredients while adding moisture. Plus, its tangy taste makes for some really delicious results! So let's dive deeper into all the great reasons why we should be using this wonderful product in our recipes. What Is Buttermilk? I'm sure many of us have heard of buttermilk before, but what is it exactly? Buttermilk is a dairy product that is cultured and fermented. It has a thick texture with an acidic taste due to its acidity levels. The fat content in buttermilk can vary from 0-4% depending on the type you buy. Buttermilk was originally created as a way to use the fatty liquid leftover after churning butter out of cream. Nowadays it's made more often by adding lactic acid bacteria to skimmed or low-fat milk, which then ferments and produces that signature sour flavor and creamy consistency. It's used most commonly in baking recipes like pancakes, muffins, biscuits, scones and cakes because of how it reacts with other ingredients such as baking soda or powder - creating bubbles so baked goods become light and fluffy when cooked! Benefits Of Using Buttermilk I left off talking about buttermilk and what it is. Now, let's cover the benefits of using this popular baking ingredient in recipes. First and foremost, buttermilk adds an incredibly smooth texture to baked goods that can't be achieved without its presence. And on top of that, it even helps make sure your cakes stay super moist by adding a bit more moisture than other dairy products would. This means you get the best of both worlds - light and airy cakes with just enough moisture to keep them from drying out too quickly. Another great thing about buttermilk is that if you're looking for dairy free options there are plenty available! There are lots of vegan-friendly brands out there which use plant based milks like almond or coconut milk instead of cows' milk as their base ingredients. Additionally, most store bought versions have reduced fat content compared to regular cow's milk so you don't need to worry about consuming extra calories when baking with it either. Buttermilk really does add something special to any recipe; its tartness gives baked goods an amazing flavour while also providing a unique texture that keeps treats soft and fluffy for days after they've been made. If you've ever wanted to try making perfect homemade biscuits or fluffy pancakes then I highly recommend giving buttermilk a go - you won't regret it! How To Store Buttermilk I usually store buttermilk in my fridge since it has a relatively short shelf life. It can last up to two weeks, if kept cold and unopened, or even longer when frozen. Be sure to check the expiration date on your container before using it in any recipes. When stored correctly, buttermilk will keep its flavor profiles intact. I like that it adds a subtle tangy taste to dishes without overpowering them; it's an essential ingredient for making delicious pancakes, biscuits and muffins! Plus, you can also use it as a marinade for meats - adding some zest without too much acidity. Overall, storing buttermilk is easy and helps ensure the best results with all of your recipes. Keep it refrigerated for the most flavorful results and make sure you always check the expiration date before cooking with it! Substitutions For Buttermilk I'm sure many of us have experienced the dilemma of realizing that we don't actually have buttermilk when a recipe calls for it. So what are our options? Thankfully, there are several dairy free substitutes and non-dairy options that can be used as an alternative to buttermilk in recipes. One easy substitution is to mix one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice or white vinegar with enough regular milk to make one cup. Let this mixture sit for about 10 minutes before using it in your recipe so that it has time to thicken and curdle. Another option is to use cultured yogurt such as Greek yogurt instead of buttermilk; simply thin out the yogurt until it reaches the desired consistency with some water if necessary. You could also create a vegan version by combining either almond or soy milk with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice—following the same instructions above—or by mixing plain unsweetened vegan yoghurt with water. Ultimately, these alternatives may not provide exactly the same texture or flavor profile you would get from actual buttermilk, however they do give you plenty of other great options should find yourself without any on hand! Recipes Featuring Buttermilk I'm a huge fan of buttermilk for its versatility and unique flavor. It's one of my favorite ingredients to use in baking and cooking because it can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, adding depth to any recipe. Not only that, but there are also plenty of dairy free options available so everyone can enjoy the deliciousness that is buttermilk! One of my go-to recipes featuring buttermilk is a classic Southern-style fried chicken. This dish requires marinating the chicken overnight in buttermilk before it goes into the fryer, resulting in juicy flavorful pieces every time. Buttermilk adds an incredible amount of tanginess to this dish without being overpowering or too acidic. Another great example of how I like to use buttermilk comes from baked goods such as pancakes and muffins. The natural acidity helps activate the leaveners which will give you light fluffy results with a slight tangy aftertaste - perfect for breakfast or brunch! And if you're looking for something more savory than sweet, try incorporating it into your sauces or dressings; just whisk together some mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic powder, salt and pepper with some buttermilk until it reaches your desired consistency and voila - a tasty accompaniment to all sorts of meals! Buttermilk is truly an amazing ingredient that should not be overlooked when experimenting in the kitchen; its creamy texture coupled with its signature taste makes it easy to create exciting new dishes every time. So get creative and have fun testing out different ways you can incorporate it into your own recipes! Frequently Asked Questions What Is The Shelf Life Of Buttermilk? When it comes to substituting buttermilk, store-bought is the way to go. But how long does it last? The shelf life of store-bought buttermilk depends on when you opened the carton and if you've stored it in a refrigerator or not. It usually has an expiration date that's around 10 days after opening, so be sure to check before using! If stored in the fridge, unopened buttermilk can typically last up to two weeks beyond its expiration date. How Do I Know If My Buttermilk Has Gone Bad? Storing buttermilk correctly is key to knowing whether it has gone bad or not. To ensure the best shelf life and taste, keep your buttermilk in an airtight container in the refrigerator at all times. If you notice a sour smell or thick consistency, then it’s time to throw out what's left of the carton. You can also compare its taste with fresh buttermilk; if there's much of a difference, don't risk it! Is It Possible To Make Buttermilk At Home? Yes, it's totally possible to make buttermilk at home! All you need is some milk and either lemon juice or white vinegar. Simply combine a cup of the milk with one tablespoon of your chosen acidic ingredient - this will curdle the milk and give it that characteristic tangy flavor that buttermilk has. If you want to kick things up a notch, try adding spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice or ginger for even more flavor. How Do I Use Buttermilk In Baking? Using buttermilk in baking is a great way to add flavor and texture to your recipes! Not only does it have nutritional benefits such as being low fat, but it can also substitute for other ingredients like yogurt or sour cream. If you don't have buttermilk on hand, there are plenty of alternatives that work just as well like adding vinegar or lemon juice to milk. With its unique tangy taste, adding buttermilk to your baked goods will make them stand out from the rest! Is There A Difference Between Regular Milk And Buttermilk? Yes, there is a difference between regular milk and buttermilk! Buttermilk has more health benefits than regular milk. It's higher in calcium and vitamins A and D. Also, when baking, substituting buttermilk for regular milk gives baked goods a unique tangy flavor that can't be achieved with other milks. So if you're looking to add more nutrition or enhance the flavor of your recipes, give buttermilk a try! Conclusion In conclusion, buttermilk is a great addition to many recipes. It adds extra flavor and texture that regular milk just can't provide. Not only that, but it also extends the shelf life of baked goods because it has natural preservatives in it. The best way to know if your buttermilk is still good is by checking its expiration date or giving it a quick sniff – if it smells sour, you should discard it. If you're out of store-bought buttermilk, don't worry! You can easily make some at home with a few simple ingredients from your pantry. With all this information in mind, I'm sure you'll be able to make fantastic dishes with delicious results using buttermilk. Read the full article
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cforcuisine · 2 years
Grilled Herbs de Provence-Crusted Lamb Loin Chops
This combination of Dijon mustard, white wine, and dried herbs is so flavorful. Dried lavender, thyme, rosemary, and basil are the typical ingredients of Herbs de Provence, although the precise blend varies by brand. Try this rub on chicken, beef, or pork tenderloin for a change of pace.
  Tip: This recipe may also be prepared on an outdoor grill, in a cast iron skillet or cooked under the broiler. Cooking times will vary depending on preparation method.
grilled lamb loin chops recipe
  I never much cared for lamb before I met my wife. She grew up in an organic farm with lambs and chicken. So every year we get a whole lamb from her parents that sits in our freezer. And it is delicious. It is hard to ruin good raw materials. And that is perhaps the thing. We only eat meat twice a week in our home. Not preaching, just stating how we live here. So when we do prepare meat, I want the best quality I can get. And often you can’t buy quality. So in that respect I am extremely privileged.
This summer I realized bthat there is something about lamb chops that made them perfect for grilling. I love the way the herbs and the crust added flavor and juiciness to the lamb, For me grilling is also about enjoying the process, taking time to make sure everything is just right. This Grilled Herbs de Provence–Crusted Lamb Loin Chops were always so delicious to make on the grill. This recipe is made for indoor grill pans. But do experiment with the outdoor grill J
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4
1 Tbs dried herbs de Provence
2 Tbs Dijon mustard
1 Tbs olive oil
1 Tbls Dry White Wine such as chardonnay
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 garlic clove, minced
8 1” thick lamb loin chops, trimmed
Cooking spray or olive oil for pan
Preheat indoor grill pan to medium high heat.
Lightly brush pan with olive oil.
In a small bowl, combine Herbes de Provence, mustard, olive oil, wine, garlic, salt and. Mix well. Brush mixture evenly over all sides of lamb.
Place lamb chops on grill. Grill or broil 4 minutes on each side, cooking to desired degree of doneness.
Serve with a fresh garden salad and hot crusty bread.
Now I have talked to a few friends about my new-ish found love for lamb (I have been together with my wife for 20 years). Many of them disliked the taste of lamb and never cooks it at home. It’s a shame really. So to nudge you to start including lamb in your palate, I have found eight ways to complement the taste.
Eight Flavor Enhancing Spices for Lamb
Lamb, the succulent flesh of a young sheep, is available in a number of cuts and can be cooked in a number of ways. This meat can be used in a variety of dishes due to its powerful flavour and adaptability.
The correct seasonings can help tone down and even improve its gamey flavour. If you want to offer a delicious lamb recipe on your food blog, you may find it difficult to decide what spices go well with lamb.
Read on to learn more about which spices go well with lamb so that you may share delicious lamb dishes with your online audience. Learn more about how Kitchenbloggers.com can improve your food blog.
What eight spices go well with lamb?
1. Cumin
The robust, earthy flavour of cumin is a nice complement to the lamb in your recipe. As a rub for the meat, whole cumin seeds are ideal. The cumin will build a crust on the lamb’s surface as it roasts or fries, adding a textural element and a delicious flavour. Cumin’s powerful, bitter aroma will be mellowed by the heat, leaving behind more subtle, grassy undertones. Roast lamb, lamb kebabs, and cumin lamb noodles are all delicious with this spice.
2. Mint
Adding mint to lamb is a nice contrast because of the two flavours’ dissimilar textures. Its cool, crisp flavours are a welcome relief from the richness of lamb. Lamb and rack of lamb roasted over a charcoal barbecue are often served with mint-based jellies or sauces. Lamb dishes may also benefit from the addition of fresh mint leaves as a garnish.
Third, oregano
The robust flavour of lamb can stand up to the equally robust flavour of oregano. When it comes to lamb, the flavour of dried oregano is more prominent than that of fresh, thus it’s the one to use. Common seasonings like black pepper and garlic work well with it. Greek-style lamb and other lamb dishes with a Mediterranean flavour pair well with oregano.
Black Pepper, No. 4
When contrasted to other unique flavours, pepper could seem mundane. This everyday food, however, may be used to showcase lamb’s unique flavour.
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overwhelming, imparting a little coating of spice and delicate pine aromas to the meat. When it comes to seasoning lamb, pepper is often the best choice. This is especially true for Asian-inspired stir-fry recipes and lamb chops.
5. Curry
Use curry powder to give your lamb dish an exotic Indian flavour. As a result of its complex flavour profile, it makes for a great seasoning for lamb. Spices like turmeric and fenugreek, staples in Indian cooking, are often found in curry powder. Recipes calling for curry rice or lamb stews can benefit from its addition.
Although rosemary is botanically speaking a herb and not a spice, it does add a pleasant dimension to lamb dishes. The sharp flavours of lamb are tempered by the alpine, resinous undertones. You can use whole rosemary sprigs or finely chopped leaves to season lamb dishes when braising, and you can use crushed leaves to season lamb before grilling. Be wary of exposing the rosemary to high temperatures for too long or you risk giving it a bitter, burnt flavour.
Number Seven: Allium sativum, or Garlic
It’s no secret that garlic is a popular cooking ingredient, and the same can be said about lamb. Lamb and other meats benefit from its aromatic, savoury undertones. Lamb stir-fry recipes benefit from the use of crushed garlic throughout the cooking process, and crispy fried garlic chips make a great garnish for flaming lamb presentations.
8. Sumac
Sumac, a bright red spice, enhances the flavour and colour of lamb dishes. Before lemons were prominent in the Middle East, it was commonly used to provide sour, fruity overtones to dishes. Rather of being included into the lamb itself, sumac is designed to be served on the side.
The post Grilled Herbs de Provence-Crusted Lamb Loin Chops appeared first on C for Cuisine.
Originally published here: https://cforcuisine.com/grilled-herbs-de-provence-crusted-lamb-loin-chops/
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sweeetchillies · 2 years
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Rasmalai is a Majestic Royal Indian dessert that would grace any occasion and be the star of the PARTY!!!
Originating from the eastern regions of the Indian subcontinent, Rasmalai also known as Rossomalai or Roshmolai (in Bengali), literally translates to Ras meaning Juice (Milk in here) and Malai meaning the flattened cheese balls dunked in the milk.
If you ask me???? I don’t like sweet dishes much, maybe while growing my tastes got changed. but during my teens I was crazy about many sweet dishes, maybe I was born in old Delhi, which is yet another place for most of the kinds of sweet dishes made of ghee(clarified butter). But it’s not that I don’t like sweet dishes. there are still left some on my bucket list of sweet dishes which I cannot deny even if I am sleeping.
Rasmalai is yet another one of my favorite sweets. This Bengali specialty is made with roshogulla (sweetened balls of cottage cheese) soaked in sweetened, thick milk that has been infused with cardamom and saffron.
And the result is in front of you! SOFT TENDERED, CREAMY, DREAMY DESSERT that melts in your mouth.
Before we jump on the recipe. Let’s know a bit about RASMALAI
It’s an Indian classic dessert, made with two words “ras” and “malai”. In India “ras” means juicy and “malai” means the cream of milk.
That’s why it’s called Rasmalai. It is made of two components, the soft flattened, and sweetened rasmalai balls and the sweetened thickened milk called ras also known as Rabdi or rabri.
The rasmalai balls are made by curdling the milk with vinegar or lemon juice to make “chenna” or “paneer” (milk solids separated from whey).This drained paneer is then shaped into flat round balls and cooked in sugar syrup. They puff and expand on soaking the liquid.
These chenna balls in sugar syrup on their own are a delicacy called Rasgulla.
To make the Ras (thickened milk), boil the milk until it’s almost half, and then sweeten it with sugar and flavour with cardamom powder and 4–5 strands of saffron.
The saffron in addition to flavor gives a fantastic yellow color to the milk. It’s such a member of the sweets family that without this, I cannot think of Indian sweet dishes being complete. Its origin is KASHMIR, the northernmost other heavens on the earth yet a disputed part of India. I visited this place this year 2022 on my marriage anniversary and got a bottle of it.
You can see that too in the picture.
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The juicy cottage cheese balls are squeezed and dunked into the warm milk. They soak up the ras and turn melt in the mouth soft and delicious!!
Rasmalai is further garnished with nuts for that added texture and crunch. I also like to add dry rose petals for that added depth of flavour. Though I didn’t add the dry rose petals leaves as they were not available then.
The ras or rabdi on its own is another delicacy so basically, we are combining two desserts to make one! Now that ought to be double delicious right!!
No wonder it’s served for special occasions, festivals, and celebrations, and from local sweet shops to high-end restaurants.Let’s take a look at its ingredients
Milk — use whole full-fat milk for best results. Low fat or skim milk will not work well.
Vinegar or lemon juice — for curdling the milk
Sugar and water — for the sugar syrup
For the thickened milk (ras)
Milk — use full-fat whole milk or evaporated milk for cutting time
Flavour — cardamom powder and saffron. Saffron along with flavour adds great colour too so use good quality and a generous pinch. Rosewater can be used too.
Sweetener — Sugar or condensed milk for a richer flavour. I prefer using a 50:50 ration for the best flavour
Nuts — Sliced almonds and pistachios. dry rose petals add a nice subtle flavour and make such a great garnish
For making cottage cheese balls, we need to make homemade cottage cheese. This recipe I shared in my blog, you guys can see that step-by-step making by clicking on the link.Note: We are looking for a chenna that is soft with no dripping water. We don’t want it to be completely dry but not too wet either. Once you took out the cottage cheese Open the knot and transfer the block of paneer to a plate or bowl.
Crumble and knead with your palms for about 5–7 mins until it forms a smooth dough.
Do not over-knead.
It will turn from crumby grainy to smooth and lump up on one side. Remove onto a clean plate. The cottage cheese is ready when it is smooth and soft and does not stick to your hand.
I used 1 used one spoon of all-purpose flour while kneading the cottage cheese
Divide into 10 portions, roll into balls apply some pressure to knead them into a smooth ball, and flatten them slightly to shape.
Similarly, make all the balls. They should be smooth without cracks. Fill in any cracks you may see. Keep aside.
Add these chenna balls gently to it and close the lid. Add only as much the pan can hold since the balls will expand. Do it in batches if required.
Let these boil on high for 10 mins and you will see they absorb the liquid and expand in size.
Turn off the heat and allow them to rest in the syrup for 30 mins. Remove them and let them cool. Keep covered.
In a thick bottom non-stick vessel, get milk to a boil stirring in between to avoid sticking to the pan.
Take 2 tablespoons of boiled milk and add it to another bowl with saffron threads, mix well and allow the saffron to soak.
Lower the heat and simmer the milk, stirring intermittently. Keep scraping the sides and layer of cream (malai) that is formed over the milk.
Mix it back into the milk and repeat this process until the milk has reduced and thickened (almost half).
The scraped cream (malai) mixed in milk adds a lot of texture to the milk so don’t miss that. It’s my favourite part of Rabdi.
Add the saffron mixed in warm milk along with sugar cardamom powder and nuts and simmer for another 5 mins. The milk will turn yellow due to the saffron addition. Turn the heat off at this point.
Squeeze the balls gently between your palms or use the spatula as shown to drain the liquid without breaking them
Add them to this warm thickened milk and allow the balls to soak up.
Cool completely, garnished with more nuts and dry rose petals, and keep refrigerated until ready to serve.
Rasmalai tastes best when served chilled. So allow it to come to room temperature and then store refrigerated for up to a 2–3days in an airtight container.For longer use freeze it for up to 1 month. Thaw it overnight in the refrigerator and mix well before serving. You can also microwave it for a few seconds if you prefer it warm.Then garnish with some more dry fruits and dry rose petals (optional) and serve chilled
Do not over-knead it
Add some purpose flour to make it steady while boiling
While boiling milk scratch the thick layer and mix it in the milk back while boiling.
Use fat whole milk for best results
When drained chenna after making, thoroughly wash it with water
Remove the seeds of lemon while making chenna.
Once the milk has curdled, add ice cubes or cold water to stop the cooking process. This is important to keep the chenna soft. Overcooking will result in hard chenna
Knead the drained chenna at least for 5–7 mins or till it turns smooth and crumb-free (not grainy)
Maintain the water-to-sugar ratio for sugar syrup. It should be more on the watery side vs thicker consistency. Add the balls only once sugar syrup has boiled
Squeeze the sugar syrup out as much as possible without breaking the balls. That creates spaces or a vacuum in these spongy balls and when immersed in warm liquid they absorb the ras and become soft and delicious!!
Did you make this recipe?
Please let me know how it turned out for you! Leave a comment below and share a picture on INSTAGRAM with the hashtag #sweeetchillies
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SWEEET CHILLIES tries to bring recipes to your kitchen step from every nook-corners of the streets.
Sweeet chillies recipes let you stand out from the crowd, always and let you not just taste delicious food, but make an experience out of it! Contact us at [email protected]
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dangaer · 2 years
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          he finds it troubling to wrap his mind       around the idea that this delicate doll is the same girl that he invited here, or that he would do this for either of them to begin with, gifting his own bow towards a woman who now sits at the head of his table with a gleam in her eye and a smile that screams nothing but trouble: give it your best shot, i dare you. not that he can find himself faulting such suspicion nor her unfiltered glee in it’s entirety ——- trying to picture solely the plates and cutlery upon the same table he not long ago had found himself poisoning her on to have his own attempt at a delicious feast he’d naught but spent his entire life trying to find … it is difficult not to blur the lines of alice lidell between the eating and the eaten, his company or his entrée. this girl who runs between being loved, being lusted, being hungered for and there is a part of him that wishes to scrap the entire thing. to let her go, do as she pleases as long as he’ll get his pick no matter how tired she feels by the end of it.
           but still does he force himself to act better, knows that such acts of selfishness will make him naught but similar to the horror’s that his brothers have no doubt committed towards the day to lead her to divulge in such sweet snacks and so he swallows any subtle desire down, feels the need scratching at his throat as it goes and decides to work his best to withhold it. instead, reiji leans forward and reaches out his own hand —– towards the platter that balances on top of the steaming dish, lifting it all the way up before he even has a chance to lean it slightly to the right towards the knife or her poised arm. tonight is a night best left for him to be more human than beast and he doubts that turning the tables now will manage to do either of them any good and so he’ll choose to answer her questions, instead. he’s always been better known for his words, as far as he’s been made aware.
     ❛   well, it’s certainly better than the insult to sugar that you may consider a cake.   ❜  a bad set of techniques picked up by the middle triplet, no doubt, more time spent focused on making sure it appeases only one tooth out of many. more focused on the subtle taste of sugar than the bulkiness of the flour, the texture of butter and eggs bonded together. but if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, he knows better than anyone how much of a failure it is to leave your success in something, or rather, someone else.  ❛   we will start with a simple simmered daikon. different enough to introduce a new flavour, however simple enough not to exert too much of my time ... i needed that for the main course, after all.   ❜ / @redemptioninterlude​ cont.
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curly-bangtan · 5 years
A Drop of Heaven II: Doll
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[Series Masterlist]
Pairing: ot7 x reader // this chapter: Seokjin x reader, some Taehyung x reader
Series summary: Seven vampires have secretly been roaming the darks of your world for millennia. Each brother selects a Feed who becomes supernaturally bound to him, whose blood will be fed on until their inevitable mortal death. They have spent their eternity hunting for the exorbitant rarity that is angel blood - the most heavenly of food for vampires that fuel them with desire, lust and satiety. So what happens when they all find you, the first angel-blooded being they’ve encountered in two centuries?
Genre: vampire au, poly au, smut, angst, enemies to lovers (e2l)
Warnings in this chapter: blood drinking, mentions of abuse, obv blood and gore, kind subtle baby girl fetish?? oc has trust issues
Word count: 9k
A/N: This took me so much effort to write for some reason… SIGH I feel like it’s shit and disappointing cos it contains filler info that’s necessary for plot building. As for the lack of _smut_ (which ik is what y’all filthy animals are here for), I promise the next chapter will make up for it!!
[prelude, i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, epilogue]
“Here you go.”
The clang of the white floral-embossed porcelain dish against the glass surface of the dining table sounds particularly crisp to you ear. The fresh pungent seafood smell infiltrating your nostrils, strong and unmistakable, answering your gurgling stomach.
“Lobster truffle tagliatelle.”
You stare, gobsmacked, at the melon-sized plate of pasta placed in front of you. It’s been so long, so long, since you’ve had a remotely satiating meal. Eyes and mouth watering from the delicious scent, you almost don’t know where to start digging in.
“T-Thank you.” You remember to say, though it comes out as a stammer. The corner of Seokjin’s pursed lips turn up slightly, enough for it to count as a smile.
Fork in your hand trembling in excitement, you impale a large chunk of fresh juicy lobster and twirl a good portion of pasta around it. When the flavour touches your tongue, a grenade of bliss detonates in your mouth, flooding up to awaken the pockets of happiness in your mind that have laid dormant for a while. You can’t help the groan of pleasure that escapes almost indecently.
You stop mid-groan when you remember your whereabouts and present company.
“This is amazing. Thank you for cooking for me.” Clearing your throat, you thank Seokjin again. As you glance up at him, you notice the blush creeping on not his cheeks, but his ears. In any other circumstances, you would find it endearing.
“You’re welcome, it’s my pleasure.” He has a habit of not meeting your eye when he speaks to you, it hasn’t taken you even a day to notice, as his attention currently fixes on a particularly large blotch of oil stain on his cooking apron. “I… enjoy cooking.”
After the happenings yesterday, the taste of Namjoon’s blood still tingling the buds of your tongue, you have been trying to steer your mind away from him. You had learnt that vampires sleep during the day, while staying active at night. It had been Monday morning when Namjoon left you in the room after… that thing, and you haven’t seen him emerge from his room since, not even in the evening when he was supposed to be awake.
Good, you don’t want to even remotely think about that. Or him.
You hope you won’t have to encounter him again for the rest of the week now that your day with him is over. That sire bond magic… The memory of the carnal compulsion throbbing in your head and chest makes you shiver.
Is that going to happen with all of them? Because if so, you don’t know how long you can keep hold of your sanity.
So for the rest of the day yesterday, in the absence of your sire to dictate you around in his obnoxiously stern voice, you took it upon yourself to explore the manor and try find out more about this predicament you’re caged in. You made it not ten steps out your room in the eerie candle lit hallway when you stumbled across Hoseok. No, stumbling across is perhaps not the correct term. You have a feeling he had been lurking around, waiting for you.
In your weak-willed confuzzled state from the fixing of the sire bond, you could all but refuse to let him take you on a grand tour around the maze of a mansion the seven of them inhabit. Hoseok had leaped at your response, so enthusiastic, resembling a child receiving a brand new toy he had been begging his parents for.
Despite his constant unfailing smile, there is something quite uncanny about the red-haired vampire. If you look at him for long enough, you can spot the smallest spark of madness behind the glaze of his eyes.
Still, regardless of your hunch, you allowed him to tug on your freshly healed wrist after him. Last time you defied Namjoon, that happened. You didn’t dare to seek the repercussions of challenging another vampire, especially one appearing as eccentric as Hoseok.
Stunning is perhaps too little a word to describe this estate - this is a place of fairytales. Two stories high, a garden the size of a park, a swimming pool to supplement the natural rock pools and ponds, a fertile greenhouse, a library fit for royalty, an underground gym next door to the cinematic movie room… Almost all the facilities one would find in a town located under a single roof. On the second floor are the seven bedrooms, and though Hoseok didn’t take you into any of them, he explained that they are all ensuite and connected to another private room.
“It’s called the Feed room, where the Feed of each vampire resides. The room you were in earlier was Namjoon-hyung’s, his bedroom which he doesn’t allow his Feeds in is through the door opposite the bed.” The door through which he had fled, you had noted in your head. “We don’t normally enter each other’s Feed rooms - it’s disrespectful, invasion of an extremely intimate space.”
No wonder Namjoon had been so displeased with Jimin.
“I guess how it will work now that all seven of us are sharing you,” Hoseok continued. A muscle in your throat twitched at ‘sharing you’. “Is that at the end of every day at midnight, you will rotate to the next Feed room where whoever awaits you. Kinda like… speed dating, but with feeding, and minus the speed ‘cause it lasts a whole day, and also it’s a perpetual weekly cycle.” He let out a sudden burst of laughter, as if he had said something funny, but you found no humour in the situation.
A perpetual weekly cycle. For the rest of your life. Rotating between seven vampires every single day.
The malignant lump in your throat grows, suffocating you.
Hoseok paid no heed to your lacklustre reaction at his supposed joke, instead threw an arm around you and guided you down the corridor. You didn’t run into anyone else in the duration of the tour, no doubt because it was the middle of the day which meant the vampires were all fast asleep.
You wished you ran into someone, anyone, even Namjoon. The sole company of Hoseok was making you uneasy. His overt eagerness towards you, almost like a pet dog, threw you off your axes. Every time he reached out to touch you in some way, though it’s always a harmless friendly gesture, you suppress the instinct to move away.
He appears a very simple man, genuinely happy all the time, child-like cheerfulness, very easy going. But that is all the more reason to fear him. He can act like this with you now, as if you are his friend, yet will also show no mercy in drinking your blood. You still remember how fanatically impatient to feed on you he had been, practically pouncing at your collarbone once given the green light from his leader.
This gemini personality makes you unwilling to trust him one bit, regardless of his kind comical display.
As Hoseok dropped you off back at Namjoon’s Feed room to catch some rest himself, you wonder how he dared to leave you alone unattended. Surely you could sneak out while they’re all asleep and make your great escape.
You had sat at the edge of your bed plotting, deep in contemplation of whether to leave right now before it’s too late, or to earn their trust first. But what would they do if they ever found you again? Surely not kill you, they need you alive for your blood. Surely they won’t hurt you that much either, would they? But then there is also the problem of where to go. You have no home, no family apart from your uncle whose fate remains unknown, no money, no life to return to. What’s the point of escaping then? At least here, you serve a purpose, have a roof over your head and food cooked for you.
Though the harder you thought, the more a heavy exhaustion fell over you. Your daily routine would now have to be synchronised with these vampires, you would have to sleep during the day so you could be awake for them to feed on at night.
You fell asleep wondering whether it was the sire bond lulling you to slumber, among other things in you that it has control over which you do not know of yet.
“You enjoy cooking?” You ask curiously after chewing your enormous bite. “So vampires eat regular human food too?”
Seokjin pulls out the chair in front of you at the clothed banquet table and takes a seat. “Well, not really. I guess it’s just me. I find cooking kind of therapeutic and calming in a way, and even though it doesn’t satisfy my hunger, I might as well eat what I’ve cooked rather than let it go to waste. The taste took some time to get used to, human food tasted so strange at first, but I’ve learnt how to appreciate it now… You know?” As he speaks, his finger traces the gold embroidery on the black tablecloth. You oddly want him to look up and meet your eye, but he doesn’t.
You decide that you like Seokjin.
He possesses a soft, shy, delicate quality to him, and unlike anyone else you can tell with certainty that it isn’t a deceitful facade. He is almost very… normal. Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, you can believe to be vampires. Whereas with Seokjin, you can’t seem to comprehend.
“Well, you’re a great chef.” It is intriguing, peculiar, how he shows such interest in something as mundane as cooking. He has an eternity to live, yet he chooses to explore the food of mortals as his hobby. But judging by the way you had watched him cook, you suppose culinary skill is more of an art to him. You don’t know why you find that rather cute.
“Thank you.” He mumbles, finally glancing up to check your face only to quickly look back down at his hands when your eyes meet.
When the clock struck twelve at midnight, marking the start of a new day - Tuesday, your day with Seokjin, you woke up with a clearer mind. You would stay here, at least for a while longer, get a feel of this lifestyle, perhaps learn some of their secrets first before making the decision of whether to run away.
You hadn’t bother letting Namjoon know as you made your way to Seokjin’s Feed room. The place is significantly different from Namjoon’s; clean, creamy white, and a gold wardrobe full of laced garments. Very feminine. A note sitting on the pristine dresser wrote:
Good evening.
Please dress in the attire I’ve selected for you found in the wardrobe. If you have any problems, you are welcome to knock on my door to seek help.
- Seokjin
Already, you had taken a preference to him at that point. He seems polite, respectful, the opposite of Namjoon’s imposing rules.
“Why don’t you have some of the pasta? Not hungry?” You smooth over the crease of your ivory dress. It is very finely made, you don’t require an expert eye to be able to recognise; not only this but every piece of clothing in his closet for you. Where did they get all this money?
“Um, I…”
When his sentence fizzles out, you realise your mistake. Your ‘hungry’ is different from his ‘hungry’. He eats food for pleasure, not out of hunger; his thirst is only satisfied through drinking blood, of course. You feel stupid.
“Or… Thirsty?” Placing your silver fork down leaning against the plate, you wipe your mouth with a napkin.
Seokjin physically goes rigid, more so than before. “N-No, I’m fine.” The fabric of the tablecloth bunches up under his fist before he lets it loose. His lips are pursed tensely, rounding his spotless cheeks.
Somehow you aren’t convinced; he hadn’t said it with much conviction. But why conceal his thirst? For once, a part of you wishes for him to feed on you. Seokjin may be your only amicable ally in this house, your only way out even. Bridging the gap between the two of you could be of more use in the future than what you can imagine currently. Furthermore, despite yourself, you feel a sort of empathy towards him. No, maybe empathy isn’t the right word; it’s more like you see a potential of a friendship between the two of you, and you would like to understand him better.
The difference in your mood when you are with him compared to the others is quite drastic, you’ve noticed. You don’t feel bitter or defiant like with Namjoon, hesitant and timid like with Jimin, nor fearful and subdued like with Hoseok. You are at ease, his presence almost calms you though you can’t quite put your finger on the root of it. Perhaps it is because he is the only person thus far who you sense complete genuinity and even guilt from.
But you don’t push it. If he doesn’t insist on feeding, then he has his reasons. It just adds to his intrigue.
A silence falls over the both of you, with you preoccupied with your meal, which you don’t know whether to call it your lunch or dinner see as it is currently the middle of the night. Seokjin gathers himself and straightens, watching you devour his signature dish. He had woken up at the crack of dusk, just as the sunlight was trickling away into evening, to buy the lobster fresh from his well-acquainted vendor by the pier. It is always a nuisance to try to go unnoticed outside; he much prefers staying at home and avoiding the curious breed that is mankind. But he wanted to not only make you feel welcome, but also to impress you. Though you don’t need to know that.
Seokjin is sure your night with Namjoon could not have been a pleasant one. He has scolded his younger brother many-a-times before about being more lenient with his Feeds, but he is a stubborn self-righteous man. Seokjin knows he shouldn’t have but he couldn’t help but listen in on your argument with him, he blames it on the heightened hearing. Though, Namjoon’s Feed room quickly went very silent apart from a few whimpers, which he presumed was because he resorted to feeding to suppress you.
“So… I know this must not be great for you, it usually takes Feeds a while to accept and get used to their new life, but how are you coping with every?” You are surprised to find him meeting your eye and instigating such conversation. He knows he is shy, yet he is trying. At this rate, you will grow fond of him.
“Well.” You unconsciously pat your bloated belly, unaccustomed to having a full stomach; no matter how much you want to finish this glorious plate of pasta, you physically don’t think you can take another bite. “I think ‘not great’ is a slight understatement.” When he winces, you quickly retract your sour tone. “It’s just… a lot to take in. It is overwhelming, really, to be almost plucked out and inserted into a completely different world like I’m some character in a game. The whole supernatural magic thing, the sire bond, the blood drinking. I’m still trying to process it.”
“Of course, I understand that. Trust me, if I could have it any other way, I would.” There is a hint of melancholy in his voice, and his eyes seem to drift to a distant past that you wish to see too. “I guess it doesn’t help that we are all very different vampires fundamentally, with completely different methods of action.”
“Yes, I mean I have spent one day with Namjoon, and only have just briefly spoken to you, Jimin and Hoseok so I can hardly pass a solid judgement, but I can already sense your dissimilarities.”
“How was Namjoon by the way? Harsh, I imagine?” His gaze travels to your wrists, which you note he has been doing subconsciously quite often. Is it out of thirst? Or is it out of concern on whether you were mistreated?
“Namjoon-” Your heart lurches just from saying his name, and the coil that has loosened itself since the last time you thought about your debauchery begins to wind again. “Yeah, harsh.”
“You will have to forgive him. He is… particular about his ways, very set on regulations and discipline. To him, there is a very well-defined line between Feed, and everyone else. Though the rest of us are usually at least friendly with ours, he has always kept it a strict predator-prey relationship with his Feeds. He does not speak to them if not needed, does not see them unless it is to feed, does not allow himself to even converse with them lest they overstep the boundaries he sets. It is an obsolete way to live, as a vampire, yet flexibility and adaptability are not words that agree with Namjoon’s fundaments.”
That explains so much about Namjoon as a person. Perhaps he fears attachment and intimacy with one that he is supposed to view as no more than food.
“Right.” You ponder aloud, perplexed. “I guess I could understand that perspective. Tell me more, about all of you.” This insight into their characters is not only fascinating but is also such useful information, whoever you need to use it against in the future.
Seokjin hesitates, as if unsure he whether he is at liberty to reveal more. But to your relief, he continues.
“Yoongi, you really need to be careful with. I shouldn’t speak ill of him as his brother, but his methods with his Feed are… extremely questionable. A Feed usually lasts us a decade or more; Yoongi can drain his Feeds to death in weeks, even after healing them. The problem isn’t his thirst nor his self-control, it is his lack of empathy, his cruelty. The way he treats his Feeds are… inhumane. We aren’t human but we at least try to act civil, yet Yoongi embraces our nature as demons in its entirety. He doesn’t even try to act like he is more than the monsters we are. He is a sadist, loves to inflict pain, to crush pretty things in his fist...”
Your breath hitches. You had sensed his darkness from the moment you laid your eyes on him when you woke up to them surrounding your bed. He drains his Feeds in weeks? There is no way you’ll survive Yoongi alone, never mind all seven of them.
“And what day am I with him again?” Staring at your half empty plate, you feel your blood draining from your head. Even his own brother admits that he is a monster, you can’t begin to imagine what he will actually be like with you.
“Wednesday, tomorrow.”
It’s like being shoved down a great chasm. The pure dread dripping like acid down your throat as your heart sinks.
You thought Namjoon was bad, but somehow the thought of being bossed around by him sounds extremely pleasant compared to being with Yoongi. And you are going to be alone in his Feed room as well... With no one to stop him to hurt you however he wants… Surely someone will step in if he takes it too far right? Surely, now that they are sharing a Feed? Please?
Flashbacks to your uncle’s fist connecting to your temple flare in your mind, the way he would smile every time he drew blood as if it were some sort of achievement. But you’ve been tortured before. You’ve had it all.
Don’t be scared. Don’t be scared.
You’ve had it all.
You’ve suffered and survived. You can suffer and survive again.
When Seokjin notices the slight trembling at your throat, how your eyes are frozen and glazed over as if in a trance, he quickly says, “Look, don’t worry, Y/N. If he takes anything too far, seriously harms you in anyway, let me know and I will make him stop.”
You blink at Seokjin. And wonder quietly how someone as soft-spoken and gentle as him could command a devilish psychopath. You appreciate the offer, you trust his kindness, you just don’t believe he would be capable of stopping his brother from doing what he wishes if Yoongi with you is as he described.
“Why is he like this..?” Why are there men like him and your uncle? And why can you never escape them?
“He…” Seokjin sighs. “Yoongi was not always like this. We have lived for a really long time, have been through a lot of misery that we all cope with in our own ways. The Yoongi I knew two millennia ago is still in this husk of a man, deep down. He thinks detaching from his emotions, creating this evil persona of himself is the only way he can continue living for eternity. We’ve all tried to help him, trust me, we have. It’s heartbreaking to see someone you love-”
His voice catches in his throat, and you glance up at his face, beautifully contorted in such a candor pain, plump bottom lip jutted out. You pity him. It is torturous to love a monster, worse for immortals.
“I understand it must be.” You quietly say, unsure of how to console him. These vampires, the complexity and depth of their issues are nothing you can ever relate to. You can offer no advice except your sympathy.
You try not to think about how your encounter with Yoongi, the creature so sick and twisted that it broke his brothers’ hearts, is tomorrow. You hate him already.
Desperate to wipe off the sorrow in Seokjin’s features that constricts your heart, you swiftly change the topic. “Tell me about your other brothers. Hoseok? Jimin? Taehyung?”
Seokjin’s eyes widen, as if awoken from deep thought, a redness tinting his face as if embarrassed from the vulnerability he accidentally displayed. “Right.” After clearing throat, his voice resumes its stability. “I guess you should also be careful around Hoseok; he is rather wild and unpredictable, sort of takes everything with a dash of humour, but is also the one with the worst self-control out of us all. He’s impatient and childish, hasn’t really seem to have grown out of his teenage mentality even after two thousand years.”
Just as you predicted. You gulp. This is an improvement from Yoongi, but so is everything. Is that really the standard you’re measuring against now? Seokjin sees the concern in your expression.
“But-” he quickly says, “his intentions are never malicious in any form. I can’t stress enough that he is really just a child at heart who wants to find light in every situation, so don’t let his moods scare you.”
“He does seem… rather odd.” Borderline lunatic, but that would be too rude to call him to his brother. Maybe you are being rude and quick to judge. When did you become like this?
To your surprise, Seokjin lets out a chuckle. You watch his eyes crease in genuine humour, a sight that makes you smile without reason. “Yes, he is very odd. But you will grow to appreciate or even like his personality. Truly brightens your day.”
Oh? You can’t say you believe him. So far, with the exception of Seokjin maybe, you don’t trust any of these vampires. You don’t see yourself ever letting your guard down around them in the future.
“Now Jimin, he wears his heart on his sleeve - very affectionate and loving with his Feeds, almost the polar opposite from Yoongi. He only sires females, and more times than not he falls in love with them. Actually, forget more times than not, I mean every time.”
That both surprises and doesn’t surprise you. It surprises you because it means that tenderness he had shown towards you had not been false afterall. Yet it doesn’t surprise you because in your heart you had believed him when he said he values and respects you, and those emotive eyes of his cannot lie.
Does this also means he will fall in love with you?
You don’t know how to feel. It is oxymoronic to you, for his prey to also be his lover. But what scares you is that, if the sire bond had caused such a drastic change in the dynamic between you and Namjoon, you can only imagine how strongly it will hit a romantic dreamer like Jimin.
And you. Will you fall in love with him too?
“That surely isn’t wise; he must get devastated when his Feeds… pass away.” You ask, and Seokjin’s shrug conveys the same lack of understanding for his brother’s ways as you.
“His coping mechanism is to find a new Feed to fall in love with as quick as possible, find someone to replace that void in his heart. I can sympathise with the appeal of love, we have lived for so long, it gets lonely for someone as affectionate as Jimin who always seeks another half.” At the word lonely, your eyes meet, and for a second you swear you can feel Seokjin resonating with the feeling.
You get the urge to reach out to hold his hand across the table and tell him that he isn’t alone now, though you don’t know why. But you just stare at his creamy unblemished skin and reply, “Oh.”
It shocks you, the urge of emotions you sometimes feel for this man before you, despite knowing him for not a week. You truly, truly want to comfort him. He seems so pure, so undeserving of the title of a vampire. Confusion whirls in your mind.
“As for Taehyung. Oh, Taehyung…” Seokjin sighs in a way that instantly makes you even more interested in the boy he speaks of. “He has many layers to him that will slowly be peeled to reveal a heart of gold, but first you need to endure his mystery and mischief. He may appear unreadable and confusing at first - he’s always had this strange duality to him, but in the end he forms such deep bonds with his Feeds. He is very picky when selecting his Feed, it takes him the longest time to choose one as his taste buds are peculiar and he always assesses the person as a whole rather than settling for any blood.
“He likes to spoil them with riches, designer clothes, sparkling diamonds, anything they desire. Feeds are more like friends then food to him, perhaps on the other extreme from Namjoon. Not only this, he is kind to all of our Feeds too. Him and Jimin often like to share or swap Feeds, as long as one of them doesn’t get to jealous and possessive. He hides his compassion behind his rascal playfulness, but really, he grieves the loss of his Feeds the most out of us all.”
In the blur of your memory, you remember Taehyung as the blonde devilishly handsome boy who was the first to dig his fangs into you. You had been so susceptible to his charm, had leaned into his touch because you had wanted him. Now Seokjin is telling you that this boy is a deeply emotional being who treasures his Feeds as companions?
Should you perhaps not place so much trust in Seokjin? Afterall his opinion on his brothers will of course be biased. Or maybe it is your own judgement that you should doubt. You had been quick to decide on how you view these vampires with the prejudice that they are uncivilised beasts. Yet their complexities have been proven time and time again, shedding the misconceptions you had doled them in your head.
You shall reserve your judgement from now on.
“Also, he will probably ask you to be his muse.”
“Yes, Taehyung loves to paint.” Seokjin smiles down at the patterns of the tablecloth to himself with a glimmer of pride for his brother’s artistry.
“Talking about me behind my back, hyung?” A rich voice appears behind you so abruptly that you jump out of your seat, startled, your chair falling back loudly. The clang echoes up the tall walls of the dining room.
Before you can look back, you hear the newcomer effortlessly pick up the fallen chair and push it towards you until its cushioned edge hits the pits of your knees. You smell him before you see him, a fresh almost fruity scent.
“Careful there, Y/N. Can’t contain your excitement to see me?” As he whispers in your ear, an ice cold shiver runs down the course of your back, his breath tingling your skin like teasing fingers.
When you finally get the chance to fully take in his appearance, your legs almost give in and plop right down onto the chair. Some people are so stunning that every time you look at them feels like the first time, their beauty never ceases to strike at you, rendering you completely defenseless. You want to say the culprit is his eyes, but then you see the glorious arch of his nose, and Michaelangelo-painted lips. If Seokjin’s beauty is an iridescence flawlessly-round pearl, Taehyung would be the sharp vibrant amethyst glittering like an undiscovered galaxy.
His tongue swipes out to wet his lips. Something inside you screams.
“Taehyung-ah, it’s impolite to lurk around, and especially rude to intrude on a conversation that does not involve you.” Seokjin chastises, standing up as well to mirror your stance. Suddenly, he sounds quite authoritative, not dictating like Namjoon, but stern, imperious. Unlike his timid tone with you previously.
“Sorry, hyung.” Taehyung expels a childish puff of air through his nostrils and puckers his lips. “Just wanted to see our dear angel over here.”
He stares at you with such an overt desire, almost lewly, that you feel something crawl beneath your skin. You take a step back closer to the table and turn to face Seokjin, if only to save your senses from imploding.
“You may wait your turn to get to know her, like everyone else.” The older vampire states, and though irritation should be ticking his handsome visage, you find a softness in its place.
And once again, you catch a glimpse of the extensive love and tenderness Seokjin feels for his brothers despite their behaviour and his role to keep them in line as the eldest.
“I know, I know.” Taehyung doesn’t step towards you despite noticing the distance you’ve placed. From his tight jaw, you can tell that patience is perhaps not his strong suit. It is straining him. “Only wanted to say hi.” He grumbles, still pouting.
This boyish mannerism is a guise, you remind yourself, masking the sophisticated soul Seokjin was describing. But why? You don’t understand all these impostures they like to put up. Why must they exhaust themselves by constantly playing games of Hide and Seek?
“Well there you go. Y/N and I will get going now, Taehyung.” Seokjin strides around the long dining table to reach your side. As he approaches, you watch his broad shoulders swing from side to side, an irony against his gentle personality.
“Shouldn’t you wash the dishes first, hyung? Can’t leave dirty plates lying around.”
Humour does not find Seokjin’s face, but it does yours. This Taehyung is a daring one to test his brother like this. You glance over to find the same mirth glinting in his ocean blue eyes. You look back at your feet to stifle a giggle.
“I-” He lets out a resigned sigh. “Fine, I will do them right now, don’t you worry. Y/N,” you face him as he address you, and three feet away, his skin looks just as porcelain clear, “why don’t you meet me in my Feed room?”
“I’ll escort her.” Taehyung quickly chimes in.
You hear a noise of protest before you are whisked away by a large palm on the small of your back. When you turn your head back, you see Seokjin shaking his in disapproval and pushing his hair back to reveal the pale curve of his forehead. The action flusters you for some reason.
But then you are keenly aware of the vampire beside you, guiding you out the room towards the grand staircase. The pounding of your heart grows heavier, nervous, scared even. As you peek up at him, Taehyung meets your eye, that serpentine tongue sliding out again. Matching his meandering pace, the both of you walk up the stairs wordlessly. The polished rail happily meets his fingertips as he slides them along the bannister. Your mind scrambles to anticipate what he’ll do next.
At the penultimate step, he makes an abrupt halt. You take your final step onto the landing before your legs know to cease motion as well. And with one wrong turn of you foot, you make the mistake of spinning towards him.
With the height leverage, you are at eye level with each other. Nose to nose, breath to breath. You twisted so quickly out of surprise for his sudden stop that he has to catch you by your waist to prevent you from toppling onto him.
It has to be black magic cloaking this boy because you find yourself being sucked into him no matter how lethal he appears.
“Sweet angel.” He takes in your face as if you are a work of art, and now your heart is racing. Because the way he looks at you is the way so many girls dream and dream to be regarded by beautiful men like him with even just an inkling of the longing in his eyes.
“I have turned this world upside down looking for you, you have no idea…” Slender fingers snake to the back of your hips, shooting a flaming arrow up your spine until it is tingling your scalp. You notice the subtle difference in his tone from before, more gentle, less fanatic. “And now I’ve found you. So please understand and forgive my forwardness, I really cannot contain my need for you.”
All you can do is blink at him.
“Uh…” The flattery that his words imbues in you sits in your stomach, tumbling your insides into a tight knot. The feeling of being wanted, needed...
Taehyung lightly tugs on your waist until your hips are touching. When he leans into you, you hold your breath, frozen, watching his lips near yours. But rather than meeting your own lips, they skim past the corner of your mouth, the sensation sending a hot pulse down to your core. His mouth puckers at your cheek, kissing it with a delicacy that you don’t expect from him.
You can’t tell whether the drop of your heart is from relief or disappointment that he didn’t kiss you.
If anyone had tried such an intimate gesture with you, especially a stranger you hardly know, you would’ve kicked them in the shin, or at least yell and pull away. But for some reason, you revel in the smoothness if his lips on your skin, like a cool silken handkerchief brushing against your face.
You lean in, feet digging into the wooden floor to ground yourself. Your fingers toy with the fabric of your dress to remind yourself that this is real.
His lips travel to your ear, breath tickling the sensitive microscopic hairs on your face. “You don’t have to be shy with me, okay?” His voice tunnels into your ear, like a hand reaching into you and tying up your lungs. “You don’t have to pretend not to yearn for me.”
It is a bold assumption he is making, but it is also a true one.
You do yearn for him, in more ways than you can comprehend. The fibres that make up your being goes against the logic in your brain that tells you to hate this blood-sucking demon. But the sire bond hasn’t even been set between you two yet, has it?
Taehyung takes his last step up the staircase to arrive beside you, hands not quite leaving your hips but rather falls loosely to your side. Incapable of uttering a word, you allow him to lead you along the U-shaped corridor, passing door to door that only differ by the gold initials engraved in the dark mahogany wood. Until you arrive before one with SJ - Feed carved.
“Thank you for walking me.” You say although it’s more him who is grateful for the opportunity to spend time with you.
“It’s my greatest pleasure, of course.” Dipping his head, you catch a glimpse of the most dashing of smiles that allows the tip of his fang to peak through. Are they permanently unsheathed?
In the silence that follows, you wonder about the other vampires, their current whereabouts, whether they can hear your conversation with Taehyung. It is eerily quiet, and this house is large enough for your voice to echo. Can they all overhear Taehyung’s brave advances towards you? Can Seokjin?
“I guess this is my least favourite part of our journey - parting.” Taehyung brushes a stray wisp of hair behind your ear. Then the mischief returns to his voice as he suddenly lunges and nibbles on your earlobe, fangs deliberately missing your flesh. “From now on, you will find yourself looking forward to our time together. I promise you, Saturday will soon become your favourite day of the week.”
Then he’s gone.
This vampire speed is beginning to get on your nerves. How dare they always take advantage of this ability to flee at the most convenient times?
Though it’s not like you would’ve been able to muster a response anyway. Taehyung has a talent in extracting all function from your brain.
You enter Seokjin’s Feed room and slump against the door. Truly exhausted from the interaction with such an unpredictable, intoxicating being. You actually begin to miss the older vampire, the comfort and security he provides.
It is interesting, though, how Seokjin has chosen a whole wardrobe of clothes for you. He hadn’t been insistent on you wearing them, but it’s not like there has been any provided alternative to the white-pink paletted, almost lolita-styled outfits either. You pad over the closet and swing the doors wide open from the gold knob. Today you had picked one of the plainer, more neutral white dresses, devoid of any lace unlike almost every article of clothing in this wardrobe.
So Seokjin likes lace, huh?
You pull open the underwear drawer, hand running through the rows of neatly folded panties. You imagine how flustered he must have been while folding these, and smile to yourself. Your fingers encountered a larger piece of undergarment. Hooking it out, the fabric falls open, revealing an ivory lace bodysuit dangling from your finger.
Yet what makes your eyes bulge are the suspender straps that hang from the bottom.
Why has he chosen…
You feel a strange sense of perversion as you line it against your body and look into the mirror. Does he wish for you to wear this? Surely not the shy Seokjin you were speaking to?
But then you look around the room and notice a very blatant preference that he has. Gold-rimmed white bed frame, pink-accented white sheets, pearl-embellished white curtains. The entire room is washed over with a pure, almost infantile aesthetic.
And when it clicks in your head, you recognise how obviously this corresponds with and reflects Seokjin’s clean appearance and virtuous nature.
Hesitant, you shed your dress and try on the body suit. To your amazement, its sheer material fits you like a second skin, hugging your body at your hips and bosom espeically. You inhale in wonder at your own reflection, marvelling how good you look in this garment.
Never have you worn anything that has made you feel remotely as sensual, as titillating.
Your appearance is an oxymoron; you look so innocent with the little bows and floral web, yet so provocative with the neckline revealing your cleavage and ass completely exposed by the thong cutting. A wave of cold hits you, and your nipples respond.
The door behind you opens.
In the mirror, your eyes meet Seokjin’s as he immediately freezes at the sight of you, one foot stepped into the room. And for a horrifying moment, your heart plunging down to earth’s core, your reflections just stare at each other. Utterly mortified.
There’s a glint in his eyes that stirs something in your stomach.
“Shit!” You shriek when you regain your awareness of the situation. Seokjin swiftly slams the door shut as he exits the room, yelling a stuttering apology from outside. You quickly dig out a pale pink sweatshirt and matching joggers, the most concealing outfit you can find, and throw it over yourself.
Your face is burning. You don’t know how you can face him again after he’s seen you in that... that sheer lacy lingerie...
A knock sounds from the door, slow and hesitant. “Um, are you… dressed?” His voice wavers.
You wait a second to get yourself together before answering, “yes.”
When he enters this time, both your eyes are fixed on the wooden floor. Seokjin’s ears are bright red, almost as vibrant as his pursed lips. His own heart is hammering, the image of you dressed in that bodysuit refusing to leave his mind. He is scolding himself for even allowing such a thing to happen. Has he no manners? How could he just barge into a lady’s room like that unannounced?
Awkwardness brews between you two until he manages to gather his voice. “I’m truly so sorry, I didn’t mean to- I didn’t think you’d be-” His breath hitches. “I-I should have knocked. I’m sorry.”
You glance up at him, cheeks still aflame, to find him frowning at his feet, so clearly screaming at himself in his head. So you say, “It’s fine. It was an accident, you didn’t know.”
Sitting yourself onto the end of the bed, you watch him stay standing by the closed door, motionless still. There is now a tension in the air, like the wall of privacy that separates you two has been breached.
“Um… You don’t have to… stand all the way there, you know?” You say to him, hoping to ease his discomfort. Hell, he seems more uncomfortable than you do.
Seokjin looks up, nods nervously and sits a meter away from you on the bed. You almost see the clockworks ticking in his brain, trying to find the words to say to you to lessen the weird atmosphere.
“I didn’t expect you this soon.” You mutter, also trying to find a way to communicate that it’s okay.
“I washed up quickly.” The image of Seokjin doing the dishes in vampire speed in fear of Taehyung trying anything on you actually spreads your lips into a grin. Your unexpected amusement surprises him, and he finds himself smiling as well.
When you look at each other, the tension begins to ebb away, the both of you starting to find humour in this stupid situation. You heart warms, and you decide in this moment that, yes, you want to grow closer with Seokjin. You haven’t had any sort of companion in a while, your sister the only exception, and though you have gotten accustomed to the solidarity, you often find yourself craving for someone who understands you, who’s always there to talk to you.
And thus far he has been nothing if not open and honest with you. Answering your questions, helping you ease into this new life.
“I want to ask you about your sixth brother.”
Seokjin blinks at you. “Jungkook?”
“Ah right, that’s his name.” There are seven vampires in this house, yet you have only really encountered six of them. That time when you had first woken up on that bed, only six of them had fed on you. You thought you had seen someone lurking in the corner of the room, yet in your delirious overwhelmed state, you hadn’t paid much attention. You haven’t met him since. “Where is he? How come I haven’t seen him at all?”
The sigh you get in response percolates your intrigue. “Jungkook doesn’t feed.”
You think you’ve misheard him at first. “Sorry?”
“Jungkook doesn’t feed.” He states with such certitude. “He drinks from blood bags only. Sundays will be your day off; I don’t suppose you’ll see much of him even then, I guess you’d be able to do whatever you wish on his days.”
Your gratitude is overshadowed by your curiosity. Why would he, a vampire, choose to drink stale blood when there is a fresh option? “Wait, how come?”
Another one of those strained sighs, like he is frustrated with his brother for being this way, but not quite. “It… isn’t really my place to tell his story. He used to feed, but all you need to know is that now he doesn’t want to anymore.”
You take this as a sign to not prod on this matter anymore, you shall seek answers elsewhere at some point. But now you’re immensely interested. What kind of story is it that he isn’t permitted to tell?
“I understand.” You nod, feigning apathy.
He seems relieved by your reply, no longer having to tread carefully around a sensitive matter. But then you ask-
“What about you, Seokjin?” His name still feels foreign on your lips, the syllables not quite coming naturally to you yet. “We’ve spoken about all your brothers, so what about you?”
Taken aback by your forwardness, he stares at you slightly dumbfounded. “I… There’s nothing much about me.”
From his eyes, you see that he isn’t lying deliberately, yet you don’t believe him. He himself just doesn’t realise his own peculiarities perhaps.
“Oh? Surely there’s something.” You glance at the wide distance across the bed between where you are sitting. You want to inch closer, it feels odd to sit so far from someone you’re speaking to.
“I mean, I like to cook, to read, to keep the house in order I guess…” His eyes trail to his knees, returning to the bashful state he was in. You don’t expect too much. You’ve just met, he isn’t going to pour his heart out to you upon your request. If he had asked you the same question, you would’ve shrivelled up into a raisin and not be able to answer either.
You’ll go about it in a different way then.
“That’s fair. But I wonder why you haven’t fed on me yet.” You cringe at your own words because it almost sounds like you are asking him to. “Isn’t the whole point of… all of this... for you guys to feed on me?”
Again, he stares at you, perplexed and kind of surprised.
“I mean… I just- Wait why do you want me to feed on you?”
“I never said that.” It’s your turn to be ruffled, your voice comes out higher pitched than you would like. “I was just wondering, like, what is my purpose if you’re not going to do what you’re keeping me here for? I just don’t understand…”
You hope he doesn’t think you do want him to feed on you. Because you don’t. You don’t.
“I just…” He sighs again. Seokjin is apparently a sigher. “I try to keep feeding to the minimal.”
“I don’t like the idea of it.”
A vampire is telling you he doesn’t ‘like the idea of’ drinking blood, especially the celestial blood you possess. You would’ve scoffed if it were anyone else.
“You mean, like Jungkook?” You take greater care now as you speak, not wanting to prickle any nerve. His whole demeanour has softened, reduced even. When you lean closer, hovering over the space between you, he gets startled.
“Not really, well, kind of but…” You wait patiently for him to formulate his next words, pitying his difficulty in doing so. One second. Ten seconds. Twenty. “I just hate it.
“I’ve always hated it. I hate how I have to inflict pain onto someone in order to feel satiated. I hate how good I feel when drinking someone’s blood, so good that I can’t even register their cries for help. I hate the guilt afterwards that just festers in my mind the more I look at my Feed. Everything about it is so wrong. I still remember the first time I fed one someone, how I cried and hid for days afterwards at the beast I’ve become. The others can do it so easily, so remorselessly and naturally, and I wish I could be like them but I can’t. And the worst part of it is that I’m stuck with myself for eternity, with no escape from this never-ending thirst. I hate being a vampire.”
The weight of his words land blows in your heart. Never did you even remotely expect his underlying motive to be self-loathing, and now you see clearly from his perspective. You remember the guilt flashing in his eyes when they had all fed on you days ago. To have the necessity of living be everything that you stand against must be so agonising. When you look at him again, you see him through a different lense. You understand his reservations, his sighs and stutters.
You also note how he said ‘the beast I’ve become’. Become. They were once not vampires. And that makes it more tragic because you can imagine how he misses that life.
You don’t know what else to do other than to throw your arms around him. You have never been a person of much affection, especially after how the past few years have worn you down and stripped you of anyone dear. Yet at this moment, you can think of no better way you express your sympathy and rapport.
Seokjin tips back from the impact of your embrace, looks down at your face buried in his side. He’s frozen, shocked by your action, blushed from your touch.
“You don’t hurt me.” You pull away before he has the chance to hold you back, and his chest cinches at the missed opportunity. “I’ve been hurt before. You don’t hurt me.” His beautiful features contorts in confusion, nose scrunches.
Slowly, you bring your arm up towards him as you scoot to close the distance. “Here. Just feed.”
If there’s one vampire you’d willingly let feed on you, it is the one before you right now, who had broken down crying at his first taste of blood.
“N-No!” He looks at you, bewildered, yet still so so handsome.
“Even if you don’t, someone else will. Don’t starve yourself just to save me from the pain. I’m well-acquainted with it now, trust me.”
Seokjin glares at your wrist, at your silky untainted skin, scars hidden away and buried much deeper beneath the surface. Inhale, exhale. Contemplating. Fibre by fibre caving into his temptations. He knows he has to feed sooner or later. Maybe it’s best that it’s sooner, so his appetite is less severe and the damage he inflicts is kept to the minimal.
His delicate fingers come to support your hand as he brings it close to his nose and takes a long sniff. Eyes widening, he drops your arm in an instant.
“Come on, stop worrying.” You persist.
“No, it’s not that. Give me your other wrist, this one smells like Namjoon.” It’s your turn to stop breathing. Why did he have to say his name? Now you are reminded of the way he kissed you so desperately, and how your body sang in lust for him when that sireship formed despite the protest of your logic.
But at the same time, something in your core flutters at his comment. As if Seokjin had felt an ounce of territoriality, like he doesn’t want to touch anything that his brother has.
Wordlessly you pass him your right wrist. Your eyes meet as he opens his mouth, allowing his fangs to extend. Then the familiar blackness starts to overtake his irises, dark veins running around his eyes. “Look away.” Something in his voice cracks you heart, the shame.
“No. It’s okay, Seokjin.” With the hand that isn’t held in his, you carefully cup his face to face yours, thumb softly brushing the pulsing protrusions of vessels. The darkness in his eyes holds no true darkness at all though, you see through it. He can’t and won’t hurt you. There isn’t a single drop of fear inside you. Trust.
“I’m sorry.” And with that he sinks his teeth into you.
You brace yourself for the wrenching pain, yet in its place is a violent bloom of emotion. You feel. You feel so much. You feel everything he is feeling, the guilt, the disgust, the desire to be anything but what he is. You keep feeling and feeling.
Your mind feels as though it is melting into Seokjin’s, and your eyes shut from the violence of this godly force, attempting to make sense of it all. There is a roaring in your head yet the room is silent. The bond is forming, intangible molecule by intangible molecule. The pounding in your chest mirrors his own as he takes small suppressed gulps. His essence tickles your own, much like his tongue lapping your skin.
Why isn’t this hurting?
At this thought, you begin to feel a stinging at your wrist, as if the pain is slowly being summoned my your awareness. You try not to think about it, open your eyes and try to distract yourself with the pink tussocks of his hair that have somehow found its way through your fingers. You wonder if he’s feeling the same powerful binding as you are. The way he is hunched over your wrist right now, like a little timid kitten…
Then you notice that you legs are somehow over his lap. When did this happen? Yet you don’t move them off.
Your wrist is now starting to burn, the pain growing and growing by the second. But it is almost as if he could sense this because he pulls away at the right moment before it could hurt more.
He doesn’t look at you at first, turned away, the back of his hand dabbing at his mouth. When he does look at you, his eyes have returned to their human form, glassy warm brown, filled with the same turmoil that is tangling you. Lips tinted with your red.
You want to ask if the sire bond is always this violent, this overwhelming.
Instead you kiss him.
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missguomeiyun · 3 years
❆ SEATTLE (ep3): dinner @ Noi
Our 1st meal in Seattle~
Noi Thai Cuisine, located at: 1303 1st Ave.
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The interior was VERY dark! We quickly realized that Noi was more like a pub/lounge type of place. They are family-friendly; however, the atmosphere screamed date night or catch-up sesh with friends type of place.
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Got a table by the window, facing The Harbour Steps.
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Loved these lights!
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Let’s take a look at the dinner menu (we happened to just miss the happy hr menu).
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oooooOOh interesting.
I know the menu text is too small for you to actually read, but I still included them here so you can get a sense of how ‘fancy’ they are haha the pictures are all coloured & the menu paper is nice & glossy.
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They have a very good description of what each dish is underneath the name of the dish.
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Honestly, the menu was more like a food magazine than a menu :P
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Look at that curry photo
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Menu continues. ..
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If you can’t tell by now, they are a fusion Thai restaurant.
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*me thinking: “where is the pad thai?” *
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Ahh. .. finally entering the noodle/rice section.
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This is probably the section that was most familiar to me.
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Noi also offers a number of vegetarian dishes.
We ordered our food & it came out pretty fast, despite the place being very busy!
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The appetizer sampler~ Not gonna lie, DL & I were both intrigued by the ‘egg shell presentation’ lol but we also wanted to try other appetizers so the sampler was the best option. Let’s take a look at each part individually.
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A. Crab wontons. Super crispy & filled with *real* crab meat (& cream cheese). The filling was creamy but had thin bits of crab meat.
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B. Thai-style shrimp cakes. I’m a loyal fish cake girl so this shrimp cake . .. I was quite indifferent abut it. I was imagining something like the shrimp-stuffed bell peppers or eggplants that you could get at dimsum, where the shrimp is bouncy. But this fell short of that- there was a mushiness to it bcos the shrimp paste was made into some sort of paste/batter, rather than a primarily-shrimp paste. Does that make sense? Anyway, I though it’d be pure shrimp but it wasn’t, & I felt a little cheated.
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C. Crispy taro rolls. This was better than expected. I thought it only had taro inside but it had some shrimp or prawn mixed in it as well!
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D. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo. (Negligible) hint of spiciness from the tom yum bisque with deep fried prawn (bits) & tobiko. Sooooo sooo creamy mixed with crunchy & ‘popping’ textures. This was very satisfying from a textural perspective.
Of the 4 items, my order of preference: C > D > A > B.
Honestly opinion about the 4 items in general. .. I didn’t really get much “Thai” flavour in any of the 4 items :S I feel like these things could be ordered from any western restaurant, especially with more & more western pub/lounge places offering Asian-inspired appetizers/flavours. Wonderful presentation but altogether, not bad, but not great. I would recommend getting the Cock-A-Doodle-Doo on its own if you were to come here. It is different & I think it’s worth a try!
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Original Tom Kah Gai. “This soup feature chicken, straw mushroom caps, lemongrass, spring onions, cilantro and enticing taste of galangal roots infused with coconut milk.” (copied directly from website)
From our personal Thai cuisine experiences, we have not seen/heard of this milky soup, so we decided to try it. The appearance looked so creamy & harmless, but this soup actually had quite a sharp flavour to it! Nevermind the ingredients used (nothing spectacular about it) but the soup was like WOWWW! Very citrus-y & strong lemongrass flavour will hit you first, & then it fades, & that’s when the subtle coconut flavour comes out. I really liked it!
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Clay Pot Crab with Glass Noodles. (they say glass noodles but it’s the thin clear vermicelli noodles that you often find in spring rolls, aka cellophane noodles, not the stuff you use for japchae)
“A century old Thai favorite dish includes a combination of spiced crab, bacon, ginger, cilantro, white pepper on top of stir-fried glass noodle with our delicious homemade sauce.” The sauce was too zesty-spicy for me, so I actually didn’t eat the noodles with the sauce, but others might like it. I wasn’t a big fan of this dish; flavour was good (but did not scream “Thai” to me.. . honestly, it was just like a stir-fry that one could make at home using soy sauce + fish sauce), & abundant crab meat (more than I had expected!)... the biggest concern was the noodles =/ it was stiff! You know when you cook noodles sometimes & then it cools .. . & then it becomes dry & takes the form of the bowl? Well, this was like that. The noodles weren’t loose; it was stuck together. You literally needed to CUT a section out bcos using fork/chopsticks to take some was nearly impossible (you’d be taking out all the noodles with you). I was disappointed by this.. .
So yeah. .. ummm .. lol not the best 1st meal. However, the soup was very delicious & enjoyable!
Fun fact: they are a popular stopover spot for Thai Airways crew!
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