#I appreciate them to see the progress I’ve made tho
dangofox · 10 months
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(sprinkles some ocs onto ur dash)
blue hair guy belongs to @solxgoku
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follivora · 1 month
top 5 things you like about each of jo boys?
oh like five things for each of them? i hope so because that’s how I understood it so im sorry if I just made this unnecessarily long 😭🩷
- i love how hardworking he is, like i know people often get worried about him not resting enough but i do admire it a lot and i think it’s a big key to his success
- i also love how he’s trying so hard to make every fan that approaches him seen
- surprisingly, I do fucking love that he was fighting with me when he disagreed on something, that he wasn’t just kissing his fans ass but was bitchy and funny and real
- he genuinely does have one of the most beautiful and powerful voices I’ve ever heard and every day im in awe of it
- i love his dumb humor, like his dad jokes are so awful i love them
- fuck that he’s famous, talking to him was probably one of the nicest conversations I’ve ever had with a man? He’s so sweet and asks you questions back and doesn’t treat you any different, like I’ve mentioned once that meeting them has changed my opinions on them and it actually made me believe jan has the best personality out of all of them
- he’s so so fucking funny, he doesn’t even try but everything he says is fucking hilarious
- i love how he doesn’t try to fit in at all, he’s just himself at all times and couldn’t care less about trying to be pleasant
- the way he’s playing music feels so raw and authentic and it makes me transfer to another place
- i genuinely love his style and look so so much ive never been so amazed by the way someone looks like im about him
- even tho it’s kinda a big contrast to the others i do appreciate that Jure just decided to be very private
- he’s extremely sweet but it doesn’t feel fake
- i love the way he loves the other boys and the way they’re seemingly his whole world, i think it’s very adorable
- it’s super nice how when he’s talking to people he’s making them feel very special and nice
- i will admit that i do not know much about him but anything that i learn about is very cool and i think i would love to be friends with him which i dont think would be possible with all of them
- he’s so so real and honest, i think he would rather be disliked than be what he’s not and even tho i sometimes don’t get some of his thoughts i do appreciate his honesty
- i love the progress he’s made from the “ew make up” to be Damon’s muse, that’s a personal growth i absolutely love to see
- i think he’s very intelligent and i do find it very attractive
- this is just personal experience but in berlin when i met him he kinda looked like he would rather be in the bus but he still remained so polite and sweet and even tho it was awkward as fuck I appreciated the effort he made towards fans even tho he’s apparently very introverted
- i fucking love his lyrics
- i love his little bitchy sassy personality so much, everyone always sees him like such a nice boy but he’s the most likely to stand up for himself and i love it
- he is such a sweet boy tho and I think he does have this beautiful talent of making people feel loved
- i love his stage presence and i love the way he’s slowly getting so much more confident there
- I’ve never seen anyone to ever care so much about fans and spent so much of their day to interact with them, he seems so so grateful and down to earth and it’s very validating
- his bass playing has stopped numerous of my panic attacks and what more can i even say to explain my relationship to him lmao
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greensagephase · 5 months
Happy holidays Alondra!!🎄❤️ It was a wonderful surprise seeing this Christmas oneshot for Nonviolent Communication!! I read part 7 recently so it was so cool seeing the callbacks to their first Christmas together and now this one, with all the progress they’ve both made since then 🥹 (I just realized that was the first time Miguel invited reader for dinner too!)!! Miguel is just so sweet!! the fact he wanted to cook and host everything!!! And the fact he’s a great cook- this man made so much food for reader and I love him for that (with the fact he loves seeing reader’s reaction to his cooking)!! I’m just imagining how happy he must’ve been cooking and preparing the food for reader 😭 oh and the little appearance with Lyla!! Always love how you write their banter even if it’s just a small part! and the Christmas card!! That was the one Sony made I think? yeah Miguel looked so done in that 😂 but the other Christmas card with reader- with the small smile at reader wait a second 👀 And the fact Miguel expresses his appreciation and care for reader through what he does for them, especially with it being hard to express out loud, is just so sweet 🥺 he’s really trying his best and he just cares for reader so much! I’ve loved reading every bit of progress Miguel has made in every part of NC, and the fact his dreams have gotten better, he just sleeps better now! (I’m still so happy reader was able it help him with that 🥹) the fact he dreams of Gabriella, Gabriel, and reader in his dreams!!! The fact he doesn’t feel heartache for the first time in years because he doesn’t feel alone anymore?!! 😭 I also think it’s so sweet he kept reader’s Christmas ornament from last year, and I’d really love to relax and design an ornament with Miguel, that sounds so fun (and Lyla roasting Miguel tho 😂)
Ok this whole part here: “The two of you stand there for a little while longer, admiring the Christmas tree, silently thinking about how much has changed in a year, and deciding that you wouldn’t change anything about it.” So much has happened between them, I can’t get over how their friendship has evolved so much and how much they’ve both grown in a year, their friendship really is so special, they deserve all the love!!! 🥹
reading about the other times they’ve had a bit more physical touch over the last few months!!! SCREAMING I’m so happy Miguel is more comfortable with it now, especially ever since he initiated that little pinky squeeze in part 11 (which I’m still not over) and the fact he does it again!!!
The whole Christmas show that was introduced in part 7 and then this part sounds so amazing to watch, the world building you add to Miguel’s universe is just so fun to read!!! can really imagine the Christmas show show going on! The little flashback to Gabriel and Miguel as children watching the show was so bittersweet. but I really do love the flashbacks you include of them with Miguel’s happy childhood memories. But when Spider-Man 2099 showed up in the show! And the fact the hologram gives reader a high five and a wink 😭😭 and Miguel blushes and thinks about it too 😭 this man- omg this this was so cute to read! And this leads me to the next part- the gift giving!!! The fact they were both hesitant at giving each other their gift 😭 (ok the fact they wrapped their gifts similarly too is so cute and I totally do the same thing!) and the gifts he gave reader!!! Every one of them is so sweet and the records 😭😭 the way I’d be smiling so much if I was there!! And reader’s gifts to him!?!! No that’s so, so sweet!!! gifting Miguel his own record player I can’t- it’s so perfect!! And the custom made mittens!! That’s so cute!! And gifting Miguel some record he liked from readers universe that he enjoys 😭😭 he felt tenura for reader again- I really I love this!!!! 😭❤️ (I saw your post with asking what to give Miguel and loved seeing all the sweet answers people put in- for some reason I had a hard time deciding!) Ok have to include this whole part: “He smiles softly at you, filled with ternura. Your gifts are so thoughtful and sweet, and the fact that you've paid attention to what records he enjoys when he’s mentioned it in passing, makes him feel heard, appreciated, and… loved” 😭😭❤️ YESS LET THIS MAN FEEL LOVED!!! HE DESERVES IT!!! 🥹
I hope you had an amazing Christmas Alondra, thank you for writing this wonderful part for NC, especially with how busy it is and your migraine when writing this! I loved reading it so much, and I still love the other Christmas part you wrote too! Spent most of Christmas eve cooking with my mom and made Pancit Bihon (which is a Filipino noodle dish with different veggies and chicken or pork), cassava cake (made with shredded cassava and coconut and it’s really good!) and Pan de sal (like a Filipino bread roll) so it was so nice to unwind and read this!!! (Also gonna make some agua de Jamaica today!) I just have to say thank you again for writing Nonviolent communication, as it has truly become my favorite story to read this year. Thank you for everything Alondra, truly. I really can’t thank you enough for what you do, and I’ve loved how you’ve incorporated your culture in your writing as I’ve loved learning more about the food and language! Also, I think I said this before but it really did make the rest of my year so much better. I hope you have a wonderful time with loved ones, rest, and have some amazing food!!! Merry Christmas Alondra!!!! 🎄❤️✨
Also, OMG i love your Spider-Man 2099 figure!! That’s the one I was eyeing too! Didn’t get it… yet but in your picture it looks like he’s admiring your writing and it’s adorable!! 🥹
Happy Holidays, @sunsetdoodler !! 🎄❤️ I'm so happy you found the Christmas one-shot a surprise! I wasn't going to write anything Christmassy for Nonviolent Communication, but it was like the 20th when I started having thoughts and I knew I was in trouble 🤣😭 also, sorry for my long response! 😭
I'm just glad I got it out on Christmas Eve and that we got cozy and soft NC Miguel! 🥺 Also, I did see your reblog of part 7!! I was working on the one-shot when I saw it, and I was like "hopefully she likes today's little one-shot!!" Also, the little callbacks to last year, yes!! It felt so bittersweet to bring up the differences. I'm glad I wrote this though because I can actually compare them from one Christmas to the other and their progress!! Lowkey crying over here!! Omg, Miguel cooking everything, wanting to host so reader doesn't have to worry about it, and trying to please her with his cooking - THIS MAN!!🥺😭 He's the sweetest!!! Lyla's appearance 💀 If I do more one-shots I'm going to try and include her more because it's so much fun to include the banter between Miguel and Lyla!! Yes, the Christmas card was the one Sony released! I couldn't help myself and created a little backstory for it to include in NC, haha!! It was just too cute not to! And the other Christmas card with Miguel staring at reader smiling...🥺👀 I just... yes. Miguel doing things to express how he feels !! He's trying his best and this is his way of doing it, which that alone is such a big step for him (I'm so proud of him 😭)! Also him having more pleasant dreams and dreaming of Gabriella, Gabriel, and now reader!! It's just another silent sign of how much reader means to Miguel (it highkey makes me wish reader could've met them - just imagine how cute it would be - I'm okay, really)! Miguel not feeling lonely nor feeling as much heartache - I made myself tear up with that one. I'm just so, so happy Miguel has reader in his life- that they both have each other, really - after being alone for so long. No, omg the ornament designing made me want to sit down and actually draw one. If I was in that dimension I would still go for a traditional tree because nothing beats decorating a tree physically (even if it means going up and down the ladder a million times 🤣) but I'd still get a holographic one to design ornaments, especially with Miguel! Also, Lyla's roasting had me laughing and Miguel's "You're so encouraging" - their banter is just so funny but yes, I LOVED including that little detail that he kept reader's ornament from last year. It's just.. a little something!
Omg that quote about them not changing anything! I wanted to highlight not only Miguel's progress but also reader's! The fact that they wouldn't change anything about it just shows how much better they're doing in their healing and I'm just so proud of them. They deserve to be happy and to feel loved! 🥹
The pinky squeeze and it happening three times over the months!!! I didn't want to give up too much in the Thanksgiving one-shot (I found out two days ago a drabble is less than 100 words, so I had to go back and change it 😓), so I just had to include the fact that Miguel has thought about physical touch more after some brushing of fingers here and there knowing that there has been some intentional touching on his part, hehe!! I'm just glad he's finding a way to build himself up to full physical touch and that he finds this little gesture comfortable to do!
Omg, thank you for the comment on the worldbuilding of Miguel's universe!! I have way too much fun thinking about these little details, sometimes even doing research (very important research, of course) to see if it fits or if it's something already in existence. It was just really fun and I loved including hologram Miguel this year, haha! I was just like - how can I make this year's show better? And then hologram Miguel came to mind! Omg, the little flashback with Gabriel - I was going to make it longer but I was writing that part on the 23rd and I still had the gift exchange moment plus helping with holiday cooking preparations, so I decided against it but I do love the little moment between them. I just love including Gabriel whenever I can!! I really hope we see him in BTSV!! But haha, back to hologram Miguel 🤭 him giving reader a high-five and a wink and Miguel just blushing about it - I have no regrets for making Miguel blush over this!! He's just too cute when he gets flustered !! The gift giving scene - I WAS LIKE AHHH??! I loved writing this part!! I wanted it to be this really soft and vulnerable yet big and significant moment between the two of them. As we've mentioned before, their thoughts and feelings aligned so much sometimes but they don't share or act on them because they're not ready to or don't want to push the other's boundaries but in this moment, they did it - they decided to go for it even through their shared hesitation! Them wrapping up their gifts similarly, I just love having them do similar things - maybe it's cliche but I have no regrets!! Also all their gifts to each other, I hoped it would be sweet!! My favorite thing was the record player and the mittens (I'm just imagining Miguel with them now and 🥺🥺), and Miguel just being so excited over them!! Them just giving each other's gifts that mean something to them - I'm gonna cry real quick don't mind me, please!! @sunsetdoodler that last quote you mentioned - I was laying in bed like -
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"totally okay about this! So normal! Not gonna get emotional - nope, oh never mind.." because HE FEELS LOVED!!! I was just silently thinking of the line "to be loved is to be changed" and I - I'm just gonna leave it at that, I'm sorry!! But yes LET THIS MAN FEEL LOVED, HE DESERVES IT!!!
@sunsetdoodler I hope you had an amazing Christmas, too, and that you enjoyed your day with your loved ones!! Thank you for your lovely support as always with my fic, it means so much to me!!! ❤️ omg, I just looked up all the food you mentioned, and now it's midnight and I'm just here wishing I could try everything right now!!! It all sounds and looks so yummy!!! I also think it's so sweet you cooked with your mom for Christmas!! I did, too with my mom and siblings 🥺 Also, I'm happy you got to unwind after cooking because it can so exhausting. I personally got a blister on my finger from a spoon when I was making tamales, haha!! And omg @sunsetdoodler thank you so much!!!!! You're so sweet and your kind words mean so much to me!!! Thank you for your support on my writing and NC especially!! It means the world to me and of course, I love sharing a bit of my culture and language!! I've been writing other stuff in the past (original projects with OCs and such) but this is the first writing project in which I've been able to include so much of it and it makes me so happy!! Thank you so much for your kind words, and honestly, this fic has made my year so much better to!! It's made me write more and have the opportunity to have some amazing moots like you!!! Thank you, thank you!! I hope you had an amazing Christmas and that the rest of the year is peaceful, restful, and relaxing for you and your loved ones!! ❤️✨ Also, I will reply to the fanart from part 11, just needed to get past the Christmas one-shot haha but yes, I did get that action figure and I'm probably a bad influence here but.... get it!! 🥺 He's so cute!! And omg I went back to look at the photo and it does look like that 😭 didn't even plan that but it was just so fun to have it with me!! I think he's a great companion and you should get it for when you're drawing and studying!! Thank you so much @sunsetdoodler !!! I hope you have an amazing day and make sure to rest and relax!!! Wishing you the best as always and sending you a warm virtual hug!!! ✨❤️✨
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nmzuka · 11 months
So like, what is Arms about anyway?
I know it's a game, and I think I always assumed it was like Smash Bros or something, but it sounds like there's a storyline? Lore? Plot??
Also please talk about the two characters you always draw. I wanna know about them individually+as a couple (even if it's not a canon thing, I still wanna hear about why you ship em, what their dynamics are, what makes the relationship interesting etc)
Oh boy this is gonna be a long reply lol but appreciate the ask! Im gonna put this under a read more cause it got really long even tho I feel like there is a lot more I could say ^^;;
So yeah ARMS is a fighting game but I would kinda compare it more to Punch Out! then Smash? your pov is behind the character and you’re more or less boxing but the gimmick is that the characters have extendable arms so it’s not like as close quarters as boxing haha You’d think with how invested I seem to be in it that there would be some deep and engaging plot but there isn’t really? There is a “story mode” where you just play thru the Grand Prix to win the ARMS League Championship You do get snippets of character lore from this in the form of dialogue from the announcer Biff (who like… might be a god or something from one of the Fighters cultures??) but it’s all just kinda random fun facts  As for like game universe lore it’s all very vague The ARMS gene has been around for a looong time (where it came from we don’t know) but it causes people’s arms to become spring like This usually manifests in teen years (tho it can happen at any time), usually the person wakes up with their arms changed, and it’s typically something the person was around a lot that their ARMS takes on the material of (sometimes it affects people’s hair as well) ARMS can be hard to control and will randomly uncoil at times and that’s why people wear the masks as control of the ARMS are connected to the eyes (people with ARMS also have spiral irises)  There’s very few like concrete things… there was suppose to be a comic that would expand on the lore and explain things (like the fact that Spring Man is technically the 3rd “Spring Man” as its a title passed on) but sadly they quietly canceled the comic after making us wait like for years with no update about it :////
I could go into more details about things but that’s like the broad strokes of the world at least
I do think the vagueness of it and the bare bones of the Fighters tho is kinda why it still has some very dedicated fans? Everyone is more or less able to take it and make it their own by filling in the blanks of the characters and the lore so we’ve all just kind of made it our own (why I’ve thought many times to just take the characters and make them ocs because at this point they really feel like it haha)
As for the two I’m always drawings…Ribbon Girl is a famous pop idol singer and Kid Cobra is a streamer/video maker and snakeboarder (an in universe sport like skateboarding) he’s also one of the rare people born with ARMS and he keeps his identity secret They are only canon in my heart as I just think they are perfect together haha they fill my love of the “bad boy/good girl” troupe (shipping them at all started out as a joke but damn if it didn’t progress quickly) This will start going more into my own hcs for the characters but I think how well they fit together. They’re very opposite but also similar and bring out better parts of each other Ribbon is very much a people pleaser and has been fairly sheltered, unable to do much of her own things because of breaking into the idol role at a young age (and also a bit because of her mother directly…) KC is very much the opposite haha he does what he wants But they’re both living under a public persona and part of the dynamic I enjoy is them breaking thru each other’s persona in a way I don’t see them able to with anyone else KC helping Ribbon learn to do things for herself, that she doesn’t need to be what others want her to be and should be living her life how she wants Ribbon helping KC open up, to know he doesn’t have to hide who he is from others They’d help each other become better versions of themselves and I just love that for them hhhh Their relationship would be a tender and hesitant one (their personas again get in the way) Ribbon as an idol isn’t supposed to date and KC worries his reputation (as a streetsmart skater punk) will be bad for her reputation. Ribbon worries about the attention she’ll bring to KC (he obviously wants a certain amount of attention but also tries to be very secret) Just a lot of uncertainty from both of them about trying to date but damn the feelings are there and can’t be ignored! They’ll figure that shit out as they go and if it all falls apart in the end well at least the highs were good while it lasted (not that it does they’re gonna be together forever!)
I also enjoy thinking of the dynamic of them being playful and silly together hhgghg KC loves to joke around and shit which does make Ribbon laugh a lot but also makes her be like “omg why are you like this??” Aaaa this reply is truly a ramble and so long even tho I feel like I’ve hardly gotten into any details. I’m not great at explaining things with words that’s why I try to draw Ribbon and KC as much as possible to show people what I see in their relationship I think they are perfect and really just can’t picture them with anyone else hhhh
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herlittlebunnyboy · 10 months
So I thought about your post, the one who asks your followers to tell you about the book/movie/poem that changed our lives. And the thing with life changing art in my life is that it’s often not that great. Like I can talk your ear off about postmodernist Polish paintings and the queer film theory but the fact of the matter is that the media that often resonates the most with me is considered sub par. And I actually don’t mind it, but I do find it interesting.
First a disclaimer: there will be spoilers for the book, but it did come out in 1999 so I feel that’s fair. Second I will only write about it, not the poem or the movie because unfortunately I’m incapable of being concise. The book that absolutely changed my life is a cliche classic, piece de resistance of 2010 tumblr - “The perks of being wallflower”. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with it, but if not it’s an epistolary novel in which the main character (who gives himself a pseudonym Charlie) writes to the mysterious person who is just described as someone who “is kind” and “does the right thing”. There is A LOT of amazing quotes and heartbreaking and inspiring parts of the book (it did help that my group of friends very much identified with the characters and got up to similar shenanigans), but the thing that changed my life is this. Throughout the book we figure out there is something wrong with Charlie, we don’t know what but we can sense that something happened that he doesn’t wanna tell this mystery person, something horrible. Eventually we find out it was CSA. Charlie loves the person who hurt him, fights with himself to reconcile the image of the person as a good, hurt individual and as an abuser. When I read this book I was 16teen and wouldn’t admit to myself how bad the things that happened to me were, because the people who did them weren’t some kind of monsters, hiding in dark alleys or under my bed. They were asking about school while eating dinner with me and letting me pick music while we drove. I thought they could either be good or bad and I didn’t think I could survive giving up on them. It made me realize that people can be good and bad and complicated and sometimes we need to hold all of this at the same time. My favorite quote from the book tho is this: “We accept the love we think we deserve”. I’ve been repeating this to myself for the last 12 years.
This! This is the honesty and openness that this world desperately needs. And I don't know why but when you said followers in the beginning I laughed, that's such a foreign feeling/concept to me, I'd much rather consider all the cool people on here as friends.
Now to dive into this I love the sentiment of "the thing with life changing art in my life is that it's often not that great", it really doesn't have to be, I feel like if you are solely judging your change and progress off of the high notes you are missing at least half of the notes. Lol as for not being concise, we have talked to each other enough to know we both lack conciseness, but that's okay. As for the book, I have heard of it before but never read it or experienced the other forms of it, so I will definitely add this to my reading list. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who constantly equates people and places from books to people and things in my real life.
I won't go too far into your past or story as we have talked off the center stage, but like always, I appreciate you opening up to me ❤️‍🩹. The duality of man is a concept that each and every person has to come to terms with eventually and can be a shocking idea or thought to wrestle with, especially with the ones we hold close and love. It's not hard to imagine a stranger with a complicated goodness and badness but to realize that parents, kids, or siblings can and do have this inner turmoil and struggle with the good and bad inside them can be eye opening.
As always, thank you for sharing insights into your life and thoughts with me, I really appreciate you.
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hollowsart · 2 years
Okay, so I've finally gotten to the point where I'm not entirely shy to ask things, anyways. I have 5 questions.
HOW DO YOU RENDER? do you go from shadows and then highlights or the other way?
How do you make eyes? I'm literally so jealous.
How does your sloth swing? Are the vines tighter around each other and that's what makes them stronger together? does is come out like fluid like Spider-Man's? Does it come out of her body or is it a machine on her wrist like in Tssm and many other things?
Was your Sona in Highschool when she got bit? (like peter?) Or was she was an adult?
Also, this is not supposed to be funny, but how fast can Quentin run? Because when I was younger I was in theater and wore stuff like him and I could barely run/walk/sprint, man really I was prop. But genuinely how fast do you think he can run? Do you think he has back problems?
(none of this was meant to scare/weird you out, these were just midnight questions,)
hello, hello! I appreciate you overcoming your shyness to ask me some questions and I’m more than happy to answer them! <3
1) I have a few videos I made with medibang’s time-lapse feature and you can check those out right here to see how I draw: [vid1] [vid2] [vid3] [vid4]
2) I honestly couldn’t tell you, but here’s 2 links to 2 collages of various eyes I’ve drawn in the past: [eyes 1] [eyes 2] idk if they will help tho.. probably not.
3) Most of what you’re asking can be answered [HERE] in the ref-sheet! the vines are specially made “ropes” with little hooks at the ends for latching into things, they’re very strong and hard to break. And although they can support a lot of weight, I do not swing from them like Spider-man or other spiderfolk. it’s ironic having acrophobia lol however!! that’s not to say I can’t still use them to swing from a lower altitude (despite having durability and being able to handle a fall from such a height, it just makes me feel more comfortable to be closer to the ground)! It’d be a crime not to keep the swinging, swinging is fun, I love to swing.
4) Adult! Had only been really fighting petty little crime for not even a year, until the event with Otto happened and a new and proper costume was made (the original was literally [This]) and things progressively got more intense, no longer stopping mere robbers and junk.. now we got flying grandpas, electric ladies, sentient beaches, and more. a lot more than what I asked for in wishing my life was a little more exciting. Lore about the bite can be explained [here] btw!
5) I know you said it’s not supposed to be funny, but it’s ok and also I find it VERY funny. I love this question. I imagine he can maneuver around fairly well despite his ludicrous cape. He can maneuver around like any other Mysterio, flying and all those other fun little tricks he can pull off with the various practical tech and special gadgets built into his costume! Despite appearances, he is very capable! as for back problems.. mm.. Maybe. if he gets hit just right or something goes wrong and injures him in that way. So.. he wouldn’t have back problems any worse than what I assume would be the usual for the Mysterio character? (this is fiction, we can have a little bit of fun here and there~)
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I don't know if this has to be said anonymously but idc I'm bold enough to say things without hiding 😤
I don't remember exactly how I found your blog, but I do remember that you appeared in my dash (interacting with someone or even recommended) and the first thing I noticed was the first sprites of Gwen like HOLY MOLLY?! There weren't many people who dared to draw their own sprites yet and seeing your fantastic art fuckin' blew me away 🤧💞
Then I started noticing how WELL you write, damn it, if that wasn't poetry then I don't know what it is. Bitch, you were partly one of the people who influenced my own style of writing and that's why it's so changed to my beginning 😩😩 But I didn't decide to change it until much later tho
And last but not least. THE LORE MAN. THE GOD TIER LORE.
There was so much information and you created your own world within the Diabolik Lovers universe, but you even managed TO CONNECT IT AND MAKE SENSE. Although some things have changed, your world is still a real wonder, and I am here to keep appreciating how you develop and progress everything 🙄🤚
Besides that you gave me very good vibes, and I sensed that you were a person with high energy 💅🛐
❆ okay first of all before i even say ANYTHING— YOU WROTE ME SO MUCH?!? you didn’t have to write this much but i’m vv grateful that you did 😭🤲♥️. OKAY NOW TO ACTUALLY TALKING ABT WHAT YOU SENT—
i always would love to draw my own sprites, even if it did take me fucking ages 😭 bc Gwen’s design is so specific, that it isn’t really anything i could capture well enough with a picrew or use an existing character face claim. plus i liked the idea of having a consistent style between my character(s) and the scenes i’d draw them in. (even though my style changes like a million times a month).
AND TYSM— AND THE COMPLIMENTS BOTH FOR MY WRITING AND MY LORE. i’m glad that it made sense to read, and that the changes i’ve made haven’t thrown others off :’). i’m always looking to improve my writing though— but i’m glad you enjoy the way that i write. >< IM ALWAYS SELF CONSCIOUS W IT BC ITS LIKE “hhhhhh is this well written enough.”
but i’m super glad you found my blog, and im glad to be a mutual of yours. :’). and thank you, sosososoo much for this ask T-T it was so sweet and def made me more confident abt the things i post. ❆
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deathbyateacup · 2 months
I swear to GOD. I finally got an interview somewhere. It’s an hour away and only pays $13 an hour. BARELY enough for me to cover bills I need to pay. Honestly might not be enough. Would still need extra money for gas.
I swear to god I’d have an easier time finding a job by walking into traffic at this point. I’m so fucking done. And I feel bad because objectively? I’m not nearly as depressed as I have been in the past. But I’m also the most actively suicidal I’ve ever been. I haven’t struggled not to make suicide “jokes” this much since college. I’m not going to do anything. So on the off chance anyone reads this don’t worry. But Christ alive.
I’ve done everything right. Everything. And absolutely nothing has come from it. Check your network? Did it. Ages ago. Everyone I’ve reached out to for help has either said they can’t help or never got back to me even when i tried to follow up. I’ve gotten recommendations from friends to their direct hiring managers and have heard back from no one. I apply to jobs the moment they get posted. I do cover letters. My resume is professionally done. I was tailoring my resume but that got me as far as not doing it and was driving me insane. I cry everyday over this shit because I feel useless and I hate myself for not being able to get a job even though I know the market is dogshit.
I could give in? I guess? And try to go back to counseling but even then it would take months to get my lpc-a and the paperwork to get it is confusing and overwhelming and I don’t want to do it long term. Oh not that that matters I guess because literally everyone keeps asking me if I’ve tried “xyz” counseling or mental health place even though I’ve said multiple times I don’t want to do it. I tried applying to petsmart again. Guess I’ll see if that goes anywhere. I worked there for five years so maybe they’ll see that and just hire me back Not that it would make me feel any better. Like great. Quit that job to try to make progress and get an actual career and made a full fucking circle. Fucking Christ.
Idk. Just ignore this. I just need to scream into the void because its been such an issue and its been affecting my everyday life and I’m trying not to be a complete bummer to the people around me. I don’t think it’s working but I’m trying.
I will say tho that I love my friends… they’ve been trying to cheer me up and check on me and I appreciate that a lot. And my wife has been supportive and trying to help me by applying to jobs as well. And I’m lucky I have the people that I do in my life, I really am. I love all of them dearly.
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semthegem · 1 year
nothing feels better than laying in bed after a shower after you’ve done your skin care your body care your hair & in your pajamas rubbing your feet together like a crickettttt NOTHING
i got a book i like i made a list for new reads & i’m excited i found a christian author that i just know i’ll enjoy :) i think reading is so nice because you literally escape & get lost in the literature it’s sometimes an out of body experience depending on what it is your reading maybe i’ll get into fiction some day (besides poems) i also got a workbook by somebody i like & maybe i’ll start it tomorrow if i finish what i’m reading but i take a day or 2 off & i still have like 90 pages i think maybe
so i be going on this app sometimes @ night when i can’t sleep & ive told everyone i was going to sleep & i hear discussions- why is everyone so caught up on race/nationality my goodness i never thought ppl were actually that simple minded; i usually date minority men like myself because it’s what i’m attracted to however if i found a man that wasn’t hispanic/black i wouldn’t be against it or think ima have to explain my culture to him i’ve dated opposite cultures/religions & as long as it’s respect there it is totally ok i wouldn’t think my bloodline is going to be weak or sacrificed or anything of that nature LOL plus as your connection grows so does the knowledge of your person you should know your person inside & out i don’t think ppls souls have a race but idk i could be wrong i just am grateful i am not that simple minded plus when it’s adversity is often when i bond with ppl i like to see their reactions to different topics see how they act when someone doesn’t agree that’s where i see if i could build with someone i don’t ever want to be with a arrogant man againnnnnn such wasted energy - i won’t date a man that doesn’t believe in Jesus again tho i want going to church to be a thing i be seeing the families in my church & it’s beautiful i want that for me i didn’t grow up in church besides special occasions & i want my kids to actually know God every early on & create their own connection with the Lord watching little kids pray is the cutestttttt 😭 it’s so pure they always just give thanks they may ask for like a toy or to go to a place but mostly it’s them being thankful
i still haven’t went try to start a fire
i always be telling myself what more i want to get done & what more i want to grow in certain aspects & i don’t ever give credit for how far i’ve come i started being grateful for my progress thus far & it’s made such a difference in how i treat others i’m less blunt (i still speak my mind but it’s kinder) you truly have to have patience with yourself & others always setting & achieving goals is great & you should want to be productive but don’t be so consumed with the next task you forget the one you’ve just completed plus being busy was never my goal idk how i started getting into that but i’m glad i’ve slowed down my break was very much needed & appreciated
also the world is ending idc what anyone says everyone calls me crazy or weird anyway but like i will witness it if not me my kids or their kids that’s how soon it will be just wait & see!
imagine the ppl that have been floating around waiting to go to their final destination i bet even they are more excited than me
i just pray none of my loved ones are drunk or high when the time comes. i wish ppl would just get serious about their spirituality already we too grown to be playing around still i know i had a ball already in that lifestyle it’s no need to keep doing the same stuff over & over i want more for the ppl i love & for ppl in general or at least keep it to like rare occasions or celebrations vices turned to habits that ppl don’t break are detrimental to your personal growth how haven’t ppl caught on? it doesn’t seem like rocket science different behavior will bring different results DUH
happy fridayyyyyy xoxo
ps am i champ for only having my ends blonde now? i’m going to get my roots done so if i am i won’t be much longer lolllllll
0 notes
Laisse tomber les filles 5
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; tags to be added as story progresses
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: That slow creep, tho
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You looked down at your body and fidgeted. The skirt was so short you pulled on a pair of stockings in an effort to hide your legs, and it was tight like the blouse. Both pieces seemed to be just a size too small. The boots were higher than any heels you’d worn before and you felt awkward in the get-up.
Noon. That was when he told you the night before as he kept stalling you from leaving. Every time you were ready to push open the car door, he had something else to say. You agreed to noon just to appease him so you could run and hide in your dorm.
You pulled on your long pea coat and stuffed your textbooks into your canvas bag with the leather straps. You hiked it up on your shoulder and slung your pocketbook from your other. You stepped out into the hallway and wobbled on the heels. You clung to the handle as you kept yourself upright.
“Wow, you look special,” Gina remarked as she peeked through the kitchen door.
“Um, thanks,” you pulled your coat closed and buttoned it, “it’s… new.”
“It’s cute,” she said as Lisa came to peek through the doorway as well.
“Where are you going?” the second girl asked.
“To study,” you said as you carefully made your way to the heavy door that led to the stairwell.
“Oh, study, huh?” she teased, “can’t be alone then.”
“I’m gonna be late,” you kept your chin down.
“Don’t let us hold you up,” Gina said as you opened the door and stepped out.
“I didn’t know she had anywhere to go,” Lisa’s trilled and her voice slipped into the hall just before the wood slid back into the frame.
You exhaled through your nose and braced the railing for your slow and treacherous descent. As you got to the bottom, you teetered and pressed yourself to the wall as two girls came through the door. You watched them flit up the stairs and scurried out into the spring air.
The weather was as bitter as before. It smelled like wet grass and mud. The sun beamed down warmly and made you sweat in your jacket. You gripped the strap of your bag and cleared the single step to even ground.
“Honey,” the voice drew your eyes up from your boots and you blinked. 
The sheriff stood by his cruiser as he watched you. He didn’t wear his uniform, instead a pair of grey slacks and pure white button-up under his usual leather. He smiled and came to the end of the walk as you hesitantly closed the gap. Your heel caught in a crack and you stumbled. He caught you and gave a soft laugh.
“You okay?” he asked as he held your elbow in one hand and his other went to the small of your back.
“I’m fine,” you righted yourself and parted from him, “just didn’t see the crack.”
“Here,” he tugged on your heavy knapsack, “let me take this.”
You let him, unsure what to say. He was early. Your watch assured you he was a whole twenty minutes ahead of schedule. Your own timing was purely habit as you hated to keep others waiting.
“Thank you,” you squeaked as he put the bag in the back seat.
“So, can I see it?” he asked as he shut the door.
“What?” your brows knitted in confusion.
“The clothes,” he said lightly, “that is what you’re hidin’ under there, right?” he pointed at a large round button on your pea coat, “it’s too warm to be wearin’ all that.”
“Can I wait… until we’re at your, um, place?” you clutched the round collar of your coat anxiously.
“Oh, for my eyes only, huh,” he teased with a wink.
“No, I just… can we go?”
“Course, honey,” he brushed by you and opened the front door, “get in.”
You sat and pulled your legs in, hooking them around the edge of the seat stiffly as you crossed one over the other. The door closed and you picked at the metal clasp of your pocket book and chewed your lip. Why were you doing all this? You were an adult, he said it himself, you could say no…
You glanced around, his sheriff’s hat sat on the dashboard and you shook your head. No, you couldn’t. He was a cop and your discomfort wasn’t a reason to be uncourteous. Your mother always told you to push yourself out of your safe zone. She hated how you always held yourself back because you were scared. It was difficult enough to get you out of the house and into a dorm.
Once he was in the car, there was no turning back. You coudn’t lie about feeling sick or claim a forgotten study group, you were on your way and suddenly you were filled with panic. What if he wasn’t taking you to his house? Did that star on his hat really mean he was a good person?
“Um,” the syllable slipped from you nervously.
“What is it, hon?” he asked as he gripped the grooved wheel.
“Um, I don’t…” you stuttered as you searched for words. You couldn’t let him know what you were really afraid of, “so, uh, I would’ve thought that… you have a wife?”
His brows flicked up as you peeked over at him. He pushed his bottom lip out and hummed. He clicked his tongue and sighed.
“Well, I did,” he admitted, “but I don’t like to talk about it too much. She, er, she’s married to my deputy now.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said quietly, “I didn’t…”
“It’s all over now,” he shrugged, “you know, I’ve moved on. We’re both happier for it.”
“That’s… good, then,” you murmured.
“Must be, I met you,” he smiled, “huh?”
“Well, I…” your hand shook and hid it up your sleeve, “I don’t know, I’m a bit young, aren’t I?”
“Young?” he said, “you don’t act it. You’re a lot more mature than lots of ladies I know. The way you carry yourself… you work hard I can tell. I don’t see your age, just a good woman.”
“Hmm,” you pursed your lips tightly.
“I mean it,” he insisted, “you got character beyond your age.”
“Thank you, but I… I don’t know,” you picked at the cuff of your coat.
“You brought your books?” he said, “must’ve. That bag sure is heavy. I got a place for ya all set up.”
“I’ll be workin’ on supper, I hope you don’t mind the noise,” he drawled, “you know, I don’t cook often so I might be a bit… lost.”
“You don’t have to cook for me,” you offered, “really, it’s… too much.”
“I wanna, honey,” he said, “ain’t it special? A fellow cookin’ for his lady?”
“Uh, oh,” you frowned, “sure.”
“And you can turn the radio on if you like,” he continued, “it’s new.”
You nodded and listened meekly. Every argument you had for him was quickly shot down. He was so good at telling you how you were wrong or what to do while making it feel like good advice. Each demand, each want, was presented as common sense. It was impossible to argue with him because deep inside, you couldn’t argue with yourself. 
While your gut told you something was off, your head assured you of your paranoia. You didn’t know any better, did you? You didn’t know how these things worked, how men and women got along, so of course it would feel strange to you. But he knew and he was so confident about it, he must be right.
Lee’s house was nice, just outside the city limits. It reminded you of the suburban homes you passed on your way to high school in your hometown. You only ever lived in an apartment with your parents and so found the place extravagant compared to boxy until attached hallways noisy with troublesome neighbours.
He led you onto the porch, the wood painted white, and opened both the screen door and thicker wood one ahead of you. You were forced to brush against him as you entered. He was quick to trail you, the screen snapping shut behind him. He hung his leather coat and tugged on the back of your collar as he plunked down your bookbag.
“Go on then,” he said, “let me see it, honey.”
You closed your eyes and steeled yourself. You forced a smile as you undid the first button and slowly turned to him. You unhooked each until the coat fell open and you let it fall down your arms. You quickly swept it up and he took it to hang beside his own.
He faced you and gripped your shoulders as he looked down at you. You shied away as his eyes roved down your body and you took a step back as you crossed your arms.
“They’re a bit tight,” you said.
“You look mighty fine,” he slithered, “look like they fit just nice.”
“Erm,” you rocked on the balls of your feet.
He smiled and knelt to untie his shoes. You unzipped the boots and stepped out of them, stretching your arches as before you brought them flat. You pushed them beside his shoes as his strong cologne tickled your nose.
“Just in here, honey,” he waved you through a doorway, “come on.”
He went back to grab your bag and pointed you in ahead of him as he returned to you. He went to the sofa and dropped the bag on the cushion. 
“You can get settled in,” he sidled away from the coffee table, “the radios there,” he gestured to the console table along the wall, “record player too.”
“Thanks, I should be fine,” you neared and sat on the edge of the couch.
“I’ll be through there, in the kitchen,” he peeked over at another door, “you need anything, just holler.”
“I will,” you twined your fingers through each other, “thank you.”
He smirked and shoved his hands in his pockets as he lingered on the other side of the table, “you do look nice in that,” he looked you up and down again, “you don’t even need the stockings with how warm it’s gettin’.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled and brought your fingers to tap your lip, “guess I should get started.”
You reached for the flap of your book bag and slid out a heavy textbook. You sensed him watching you before his feet slowly turned away and he strode from the room. You opened the book and flipped through the pages mindlessly. 
This house was far enough from the city, far enough that you were stranded, and much of the area was new to you. The realisation made you tremble as you counted the page numbers.
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felassan · 3 years
Some DA trivia and dev commentary from Twitter
There’s a lot of different tweets, so I’m just pasting and linking to the source rather than screencapping them all or making several different posts or something. Post under cut for length.
User: Was dragon age 2 your favourite in the franchise?
David Gaider: DA2 was the project where my writing team was firing on all cylinders, and they wrote like the wind- because they had to! Second draft? Pfft. Plot reviews? Pfft. I was so proud of what we all accomplished in such a brief time. I didn't think it was possible. [source] DA2 is, however, also where the goal posts kept moving. Things kept getting cut, even while we worked. I had to write that dialogue where Orsino turned even if you sided with him, because his boss battle had been cut and there was no time to fix the plot. A real WTF moment. >:( [source]
Mike Rousseau: I remember bugging that! And then being told it wasn't a bug, and being so confused. Doing QA for DA2 was an experience. Trial by fire. [source]
DG: So I think it's safe to say DA2 is my favorite entry in the DA franchise and also the sort of thing I never want to live through ever again. Mixed feelings galore. [source]
User: (I personally blame whoever it was for ruining most romance arcs in other games for me; they don't live up to Fenris's romance storyline)
DG: I wrote Fenris, so uh - me, I guess? Or maybe his cinematic designer, who put in the puppy dog eyes. [source]
User: If DA2 had just been an expansion, do you think it would have been better received? There was a lot of great stuff in there, and I think my initial dislike of it was because of the zone reuse. If it hadn't needed to be a full game, would that issue not have arisen?
DG: Hard to say. It was either going to be an over-scoped expansion or an under-scoped sequel. If it had stayed an expansion, it might never have received the resources/push it DID get. [source]
User: I'd love to visit the universe where you had an extra year or so to work on it. You did a very good job as it stands, but it definitely had rough edges. Not just the writing team either. The whole game had hit and miss moments, that just a little more dev time could have fixed.
DG: On one hand, DA2 existed to fill a hole in the release schedule. More time was never in the cards. DA2 was originally planned as an expansion! On the other, if we had more time, would we have started doing that thing where we second guess/iterate ourselves into mediocrity? [shrug emoji] [source] 
Jennifer Hepler: This is what I love about DA2. Personally, I greatly prefer something that's rough and raw and sincere to something that's had all the soul polished out of it. Extra time would have helped for art and levels, but it would have lost something too. [source]
DG: Right? I think we could have used some time for peer reviews (and fewer cuts), but I think the rawness of the writing lent a certain spark that we usually polished out. [source]
JH: Definitely. I think the structure (more character-driven) and the tightness of the timeframe let each individual writer's voice really come through. Polish can be very homogenizing. [source]
DG: I should add I'm not, by any means, against iteration. Some iteration is good and necessary. The problem that BioWare often had is that we never knew when to stop. Like a goldfish, we would fill the space given to us by constantly re-iterating on things that were "good enough". [source]
Patrick Weekes: I appreciate your incredibly diplomatic use of the past tense on "had". :D [source]
User: DA2 was my gateway into the series and I’m so happy it is. I love the game the way that it is. It’s one of my favorites of all time. But I am also aware of everything that was said here. If it were remastered, do you think it would change?
DG: I'd be surprised if it was ever remastered. If it was, do you really think they'd change things? Do remasters do that? No idea. [source]
User: Both sides got undercut as I recall. Didn't that whole sequence also end with the mage leader embracing blood magic? It was very much "a plague on both your houses" moment, at least for me.
DG: Yep. Orsino was supposed to have his own version of Meredith's end battle, which only happened if you sided with the templars. That got cut, but the team still wanted to use the model we'd made for him. So... that happened. [source]
DG: I would personally say that DA2 is a fantastic game hidden under a mountain of compromises, cut corners, and tight deadlines. If you can see past all that, you'll see a fantastic game. I don't doubt, however, that it's very difficult for most to do that. [source]
PW: I love DAI with all my selfish "I worked on this" heart, but DA2's follower arcs and relationships are probably my favorite in the series. [source]
User: As I've expressed many times, I love the game, especially it's writing and characters but, for me, the most impressive aspect of it, in consideration of it's lack of time for drafts and revisions, is the 2nd act with Arishok.  What amazingly complex character and fantastic duel
User: Just played it again and I have to agree. Though he is bound by the harsher tenants of the Qun, he makes valid points about free marcher society. Though it is obvious that he and Hawke will come to blows eventually, the tension builds gradually and understandably
DG: Luke did such a fantastic job with the Arishok I found myself sometimes wishing the Qunari plot had just been THE plot. [source]
User: What do you think would have changed, story wise, if you had more time for DA2?
DG: I would have taken out that thing where Meredith gets the idol. It was forced on me because she needed to be "super-powered" with red lyrium for her final battle. Being "crazy", however, robbed her side of the mage/templar argument of any legitimacy. I hated hated hated that. [source]
User: I deeply lament that there wasn't/couldn't be some sort of DA2 equivalent of Throne of Bhaal's Ascension mod.
DG: I'd have done it, if DA2 had allowed for anything but the most rudimentary of modding. ;) [source]
User: I mean, and I think I understand where you were trying, but how much legitimacy did the Templars and her as top Templar have after they're keeping the mages locked up against their will in the old slave quarters? Feel free to not reply.
DG: I think it's the kind of discussion which requires nuance, and which discussions on the Internet are not prone to. [source]
User: Was a compromise that the quest lines don’t branch? It felt like it was supposed to be that way but then you end up in the same place later regardless of what you pick. Like I hoodwinked the templars so good to help the apostates escape but in Act II they were caught anyway.
DG: I remember us having a lot more branching in the initial planning yes. Most of this got trimmed out in the first or second wave of cuts, in an effort to not cut the plots altogether. [source]
DG: "If you could Zack Snyder DA2, what would you change?" Wow. I'm willing to bet Mark or Mike (or anyone else on the team) would give very different answers than me, but it's enough to give a sober man pause, because that was THE Project of Multiple Regrets. [source] I mean, it's the most hypothetical of hypotheticals. It's never gonna happen. I wouldn't be surprised if EA considered DA2 its embarrassing red-headed stepchild. We'd also need to ignore that in many ways DA2 was as good as it was bad BECAUSE of how it was made. But that aside? [source] First, either restore the progressive changes to Kirkwall we'd planned over the passing of in-game years or reduce the time between acts to months instead of years... which, in hindsight, probably should have been done as soon as the progressive stuff was cut. [source] I'm sure you're like "get rid of repeated levels!" ...but I don't care about that. All I wanted was for Kirkwall to feel like a bigger city. Way more crowded. More alive! Fewer blood mages. [source] I'd want to restore the plot where a mage Hawke came THIS close to becoming an abomination. An entire story spent trapped in one's own head while trapped on the edge of possession. Why? Because Hawke is the only mage who apparently never struggles with this. It was a hard cut. [source]
User: I would LOVE to hear more details about this! I don’t suppose there’s any chance of a short story?
DG: I don't even remember the details of the story, sorry. There was a fight, and you caught the bad guy and then realized none of it was real and woke up idk [source]
DG: I'd want to restore all those alternate lines we cut, meaning people forget they'd met you. Or that they knew you were a mage. Or, oh god, that maybe they'd romanced you in DAO. So much carnage. [source] I'd want to restore the Act 3 plots we cut only because they were worked on too late, but which would have made the buildup to the mage/templar clash less sudden. Though I don't remember what they were, now. Some never got beyond being index cards posted on the wall. [grimace emoji] [source] As I mentioned elsewhere, I'd want to restore Orsino's end battle so he wouldn't need to turn on you even if you sided with him. And I'd want an end fight with the templars that didn't require Meredith to have red lyrium and go full Tetsuo. [source] Heck, maybe an end decision where you sided with neither the mages nor the templars. Because it certainly ended up feeling like you could brand both sides as batshit pretty legitimately, no? That was never planned, tho. No idea how to make that feel like an actual path atm. [source] Maybe an option to go "umm, Anders... what are you DOING?" 👀 [source] And, of course, a Varric romance, because Mary took that "slimy car salesman" character we'd planned and did the impossible with him. I can feel Mary glaring at me for even suggesting this, tho. [source] Lastly, the original expanded opening to the game which allowed you to spend time with Bethany and Carver BEFORE the darkspawn attacked. And, um, that's about it off the top of my head. Zack Snyder, WHAT PANDORA'S BOX HAVE YOU OPENED. [source] Shit, I remembered two more things: 1) Restore the "Varric exaggerates the heck out of the story" at the beginning of every Act, until Cassandra calls him on it. Yes, that was a thing. 2) Make DA: Exodus. Yes, I am still bitter. [source] God damn it, I meant "Make DA: Exalted March". The DA2 expansion, NOT Exodus since that was DA2's original name and makes no sense. Because the expansion ended with Varric dying, and that will always be on my "things left undone" list. [source]
User: Whaaaat?
DG: Well, you know that scene in Wrath of Khan where Spock goes into the dilithium chamber because he's a Vulcan? Well, imagine that but with Varric and red lyrium and because he's a dwarf. ;) [source]
John Epler: I distinctly remember referencing the bit from MGS4 where you crawl through the microwave corridor in the split screen, while cinematic battle rages on the other half. [source]
DG: It would have been glorious, John. Glorious. [source]
JE: I don't think I've ever been so certain what a shot should look like as I did Hawke coming in and finding Varric in the broken throne, just like when he was telling Cassandra his story. [source]
DG: It would have come full circle! Auggghh, it still kills me. [source]
User: Lord, you folks are a little too good at this.
JE: The true secret behind videogame narrative is knowing how to make yourself seem a lot more clever than you actually are. [source] 'Oh, we TOTALLY planned that.' [source]
User: Ok, this thread [the DA2 regrets thread, which is the big chunks above] but Inquisition.
DG: My regrets about Inquisition are, more or less, the normal kind. Nothing so dramatic, I'm afraid. [source]
User: You can keep your Varric romance, I want a Flemeth romance goddamnit!
DG: I would allow for one flirt option, and then a recording of Kate Mulgrew laughing for three minutes straight. [source]
User: I had a hypothesis about the repetitive caves in DA2. They're repetitive because it's Varric telling the story and he didn't consider them important.  They're like sets in a play.  (Okay, I really suspect it was a time/money/resources thing but I like my fake explanation better.)
DG: Hang a lampshade on it, maybe? Cassandra: "But that's the exact cave you were in last time?" Varric: "Whatever. They all look the same, I'm not THAT kind of dwarf. Can we move on?" [source]
User: that makes sense, hypothetically to make Varric romanceable and keep his arc—that had to happen for the main plot—I imagine you would have to make double the content (or more)? which would've been a tall order given the time/budget constraints the game was under
DG: Right. When it comes to "romance arc" vs. "follower story arc", we generally only had time to do one or the other. Never both. Romancing Varric would have meant not getting the story of his that you did. [source]
Mary Kirby: The one exaggeration I really, REALLY wanted, that we never got to do was Varric narrating his own death scene with Hawke weeping over him, then cutting to Cassandra's pissed off glaring at him. [source]
DG: Haha! The one I wanted was Varric's plot where he takes on the baddies single-handedly, sliding across the floor like Jet Lee, action movie-style, until finally Cassandra gets irritated and he has to admit Hawke & the rest of the party showed up to help. [source]
MK: We did that one! (He didn't do any Jet Lee moves, though.) Jepler gave him letterboxing to get The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly showdown vibes while he shot a ton of mooks single-handed. [source]
DG: Wow. Shows how much I remember. [source]
JE: I found it! I remember seeing this sequence as my treat for doing a bunch of much more challenging work. It was fun to see how far I could push our limited library of animations. [link] [source]
DG: Heh awesome. I could have sworn it was cut, honestly. I think I was even in that meeting. [source]
User: no disrespect but that’s surprising and rich of Mary “Hard in Hightown” Kirby to think DA2 shouldn’t have had a Varric romance when she wrote an entire book of Varric’s self-insert character pining over his Hawke insert character… HIH is the reason we had VHawke Summer 2018
DG: I can't *really* speak for Mary, or how she feels about it now compared to back then. I only know how she felt about it back then, and I'm not sure it was as much the concept of the romance but that Varric's entire story would be bent to "romance arc" ...a very different thing. [source]
JH: I remember pushing to have the first DLC start with Hawke having an option to ask Varric, "Did you tell Cassandra about us?" and if you picked it, Varric would answer, "Of course not, baby. I told her you were sleeping with X..." and then proceed as if you had had a full romance. [source]
DG: I still wonder how that would have gone over. x) [source]
JE: Okay, one more DA2 thing. Putting together the cinematics for this scene was a blast. [link] [source]
MK: These lines are my greatest legacy. I want "Make sure the world knows I died... at Chateau Haine!" inscribed on my tombstone. [source]
JE: I was so glad no one said 'no' to the crane shot. [source]
MK: It needs that crane shot. It's the perfect icing on that cake made from solid cheese. [source]
DG: The designers were all "we need more combat" and I think we were all "I think you underestimate just HOW interesting we can make this dinner party". [source]
JE: And finally. I think @SherylChee wrote the one-liner. I think we had a collection of like, 20. [link] [source]
Sheryl Chee: Yeah! Something like that! I remember submitted a whole bunch and Frank said you only needed one. Wish I'd kept the other fifteen. [source]
JE: A random chooser where, each time through the scene, you get a different one-liner. [source]
JE: DA2 is the project I'm the proudest of. I also absolutely get that it didn't land for a lot of people. But I don't think it's inaccurate to say that, in a lot of ways, DA2 defined my career. [source]  Everyone spent a year working at their maximum ability. I was a fresh cinematic designer and was given all of Varric's content, as well as the Act 1 Finale mission. It was a lot for someone who had been doing the Cinematics thing for literally 6 months. [source]  There's some stuff in there I can't look at without wincing. And there's some stuff I'm genuinely proud of. Not to mention, it was my introduction to most of the writing team. Several of whom I'm still working with today! Albeit in a different capacity [source] Also, weirdly, one of my most enduring memories of Dragon Age 2 is how much Bad Company 2 we'd play at lunch. It was a LOT. [source] Every game I've worked on has a game I played attached to it. ME2 is Borderlands. DA2 is Bad Company 2. DAI is DayZ. I, hmm. There's a progression there. I don't know how I feel about it. [source]
User: Is DA4 going to be tarkov then?
JE: I've kind of churned out of Tarkov for now. Probably Hunt Showdown, at least right now. [source]
User: I think people also don't take nuance into consideration -- like I FULLY acknowledge the flaws in my favorite games and will openly criticize them, but that doesn't mean they're not my favorite games anymore??? You can like and thing and still be critical of it.
JE: A lot of my favourite shit is deeply flawed! I acknowledge it and I think it's interesting to dissect the flaws. [source]
User: I still wish Justice was an actual character in DA2 rather than a plot point.
DG: There was a moment during DAI where we *almost* put in you running into Justice with the Grey Wardens, and he's all "Kirkwall? I never went to Kirkwall" [source]
User: Does that imply that Justice was shoehorned in to DA2?
DG: Nah, it was an in-joke where we thought it'd be fun to suggest that "Justice" was simply some demon that tricked Anders in DA2. Wooo those tricky demons! We didn't do it, though. [source]
User: [about templars]  except, I don't think it had very much legitimacy to begin with. keep in mind, we interact with other characters with the same argument. The one that comes to mind is Cullen, a sane templar in power. The templar's side of the argument is inherently flawed.
DG: I don't doubt that many people agree with you, and yet people can and do argue on behalf of the templars as well. My place isn't to pick a side, but to provide evidence that players can interpret for themselves [source]
User: Can you shed some light for us on how DA was able to do multiple same-sex romance options for different genders but the Mass Effect team treated them like the plague? What process existed for your team that just wasn't their for the other tentpole franchise?
DG: Different people making the decisions, almost different cultures. I don't know what it's like now, but for many years the Mass Effect team and the Dragon Age team were almost like two different studios working within the same building. [source]
User: It truly boggles the mind. Kudos for doing demonstrably better on consistent queer representation than the ME teams. Y'all never needed us to make petitions to try to get the studio's attention and ask them to do better by us. That's the fight we're once again embroiled in now.
DG: Honestly, I don't feel like tut-tutting the Mass Effect team. They did their part, and if they were a bit later to the show than the DA team they certainly did more than almost every other game out there -- and willingly. [source]
Updates begin here
User: So what was the reason for naming Dragon age 2 "Dragon age II" and not using a subtitle?
DG: As I recall, that was purely a publisher decision. I think they wanted to avoid the impression it was an expansion. [source]
User: Is there no chance of ever remaking DA2 under better circumstances? -Somehow remove the repetitiveness of gameplay by making changes and updating the tech and adding much more to the storyline. It could almost be a new very exciting game.
DG: I'd say there's zero chance of that. Let's keep our hopes up for the next DA title instead. [source]
User: I am a little confused here, help me out here please! How exactly was the cut boss battle with Orsino supposed to work out? How it would've kept him from turning against the player?
DG: It means that, if you sided with the templars, the entire boss bottle at the end would have been against Orsino and the mages. No fight against Meredith. The end decision would have been more divergent. [source]
User: I do remember that one of the reasons going around for that, was that resources were going to the transition to Frostbite. I'm still not fully sold on that having been a good choice. I felt that more time should have been given for that transition considering it was made for FPSs
DG: We didn't transition to Frostbite until DAI. Given our time frame for DA2, I don't think we *could* have transitioned to a new engine. [source]
User: Since your talking about the what could have been for DA2. Could you say what your script was for Anthem? Cause I remember reading that you wrote the plot on that game.
DG: I created a setting for Anthem and scripted out a plot - but, as I understand it, almost none of that ended up being used. So it's a bit pointless to talk about what I'd planned, as that'd be for some completely different type of game. [source]
User: [in reference to the exchange above where DG said “Being "crazy", however, robbed her side of the mage/templar argument of any legitimacy. I hated hated hated that.” re: Meredith] except, I don't think it had very much legitimacy to begin with. keep in mind, we interact with other characters with the same argument. The one that comes to mind is Cullen, a sane templar in power. The templar's side of the argument is inherently flawed.
DG: I don't doubt that many people agree with you, and yet people can and do argue on behalf of the templars as well. My place isn't to pick a side, but to provide evidence that players can interpret for themselves. [source]
If I missed a tweet, got the wrong source link or included a tweet twice, feel free to let me know and I’ll correct.
Edit / Update: Post update 22nd April
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
How will the bros react to MC self-doubting themselves? Like saying bad things about them or can't be serious someone give them compliment.
Supportive demon bois coming right up! Sorry I took so long to write this anon! Thank you so much for the ask! (Also, thank you all for the love on my previous posts!)
The Brothers with an MC who self doubts themselves:
-As the embodiment of pride itself, Lucifer has an overwhelming amount of confidence, almost all the damn time
-So, he was flabbergasted to learn that you weren’t the same
-He always insisted that you aren’t anything but perfect, yet you always seemed to brush the compliments off with a shrug and an awkward smile
-Well, shit, we can’t have that
-Lucifer just got 10x more serious about the matter
-He pulls a really stupid concerned face whenever you insult yourself and he looks more and more like a 48 year old man/dad each time it happens
-He, as of late, increased the number of pet names he has for you and the amount of compliments he gives you each day
-He refuses to let you talk badly about yourself anywhere, at any point in time and encourages every little step you take towards bettering yourself like crazy
- Lucifer wants to prove to you that you are an absolute ray of sunshine and he will go to any lengths to do just that (do not ask)
-He’s even more affectionate than usual which confuses just about everyone in the House of Lamentation, yourself included
-His brothers are feeling a disturbance in the force and they don’t know how to feel about it
-You are possibly the best thing that’s happened to him since he fell as angel and Lucifer is ready to do whatever he can to help you realise that
-“You’re an idiot!”
-“*Sigh*, I know.”
-“Wha-Wait! Y-you can’t say thAT!”
-The Great Mammon is seriously worried about his human
-Being the dense motherfucker he is (i still love him tho) it took him weeks to realise you’re not all that confident in yourself
-At some point in your relationship, he jokingly called you annoying and you just went “Yeah I’ve been told. Sorry.”
-His jaw literally dropped and he almost cried
-He would have choked if he was drinking something
-Tsundere Mammon has gone bye bye and here comes the cuddling teddy bear that is your boyfriend
-He also doesn’t have as much self love for himself as he sometimes pretends to have so he’s kinda in the same boat
-Which means your boat is leaking and you’re perfectly fine with it while he’s panicking and trying to throw water overboard with his hands
-His brothers call him an idiot a lot but he’s a very sociable guy with people skills that he uses all the time in order to coax you out of your self pitiying shell
-Will whine every time you call yourself ‘useless’ or disagree with his compliments because what the hell, you’re literally the most gorgeous being ever let me love youuuu
-When it comes to you and your happiness, he ain’t fucking around. He will snarl at anyone that even looks at you in the wrong way
-Did that to Lucifer once, guess a what happened
-You’ve definitely helped him come to terms with the fact that he is loveable and not a good for nothing scum
-So now it’s your turn!
-Let him kiss your insecurities away please
-Your presence makes him feel wanted so he wants the same for you!
-Well then
-It takes two to tango ya know?
-He is the KING of self loathing and no confidence whatsoever in anything he does so every time you put yourself down, he counters it with a self deprecating insult as well
-“I suck.”
-“Nah, you’re pretty awesome normie. I’m the shut in, disgusting otaku who can barely set foot outside his bedroom without having an anxiety attack.”
-It’s like you’re trying to outdo the other on who is worse
-Truth is, he really admires you, especially knowing you chose to date him; an anime nerd with no social life and no communication skills whatsoever
-It hurts a bit, every time he builds up the courage to actually compliment you and you not taking it seriously
-That’s because he recognises that he’s the same and just as harsh on himself as you are
-Levi knows self hatred is something that takes time to demolish
-But you are his Henry after all (also his partner but whatevs)
-He’s not gonna leave you hanging when you need him the most
-He also gradually stops calling you a normie as your relationship progresses, though it still slips through every now and again
-Basically, the first time he realised that you think negatively of yourself, his immediate reaction was: Haha lmao relatable
-But now, every time it happens, he gets all serious
-Puts his controller down and everything, it’s like witnessing a very rare phenomenon and it’s creepy as shit
-He’s also made an effort to be more physically affection though he is kinda shy about it because damn it he just wants to hug you every time you speak badly of yourself
-Probably writes a list at some point stating all the reasons why you are better than him and Ruri chan combined, it’s rlly sweet
-He’s a bit curious as to where that mentality has come from
-What triggered you to be so self doubtful?
-He’s basically your psychotherapist and asks you a lot of questions trying to find different causes and solutions for your issues
-Honestly, he puts so much effort into trying to understand, reading books about it from the human realm and whatever he can find in order to help you
-He scrunches up his nose every time you call yourself an idiot or anything of the sort
-Satan knows that insisting you’re wonderful won’t exactly help you overcome this problem of yours
-But that doesn’t stop him from doing it
-It’s not like you can ignore his comments because he will keep complimenting you until you accept them
-He also repeats a lot of pick up lines but that’s just part of being his partner
-What do you mean you’re worthless?!! He would literally give away all of his books and his hatred for Lucifer in exchange for your well being!
-Satan is possibly the smartest out of all of his brothers, so he uses a tactical approach on this one
-Direct affectionate gestures don’t work on you so he’s gonna be more subtle
-Would slightly hint that you are amazing every time you do something for him, like fetching him a book or something
-“Ah thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you love.”
-He’s a lot smoother than he gives himself credit for
-He just appreciates your existence and that there’s someone out there that he doesn’t need to be act hostile or fake toward
-Satan is ready to sit down and listen to you talk about your insecurities for hours on end
-You would quietly say something bad about yourself and he would run through the House of Lamentation before bursting into the room you are in, shouting ‘No! That’s wrong!’ (going Danganronpa on your asses)
-“Welp, I fucked up again. I can’t do anything right.”
-And then, in the distance you hear boss music starting
-*Shocked Gasp*
-How could you say such things about yourself???? Is that even leGAl?
-Of course, the literally prince of Lust, with all of his narcissism, has never experienced things like ‘self doubt’ of ‘bad self esteem’
-Pfft, the fuck is that?
-He only uses the most positive of words when he describes himself
-So obviously he almost falls off the bed when he hears you insulting yourself for the first time
-But ya know, that would leave bruises on his beautiful skin
-“Oh darling, you’re not annoying or a moron! You’re not anything like Mammon!”
-That was a below belt fatal hit, press f in the chat for the second eldest
-At some point, he just genuinely believes you’ve been spending too much time with Levi and that his negativity started rubbing off on you
-But then you tell him you’ve always been like this and he almost has a crisIS
-He’s like ‘Haha, no, we’re going to get a spa day out tomorrow and a few shopping sprees so I can prove to you that you are magnificent in every way imaginable.’
-Asmo loves pampering you in general but on the days he sees you feeling extra sorry for yourself, he goes above and beyond
-Gets very hurt when you brush off his compliments because he just wants you to accept the fact that you’re beautiful
-He’s like a supportive mom lmao, whenever you’re feeling self doubtful, he goes “You’re doing great sweetie, keep it up I’m really proud of you.”
-It’s up to you to decide whether that helps or not
-He’s such a sweetheart in reality, it’s hard to remember that he’s supposed to be horny all the time
-Well he is but that’s not the point, you’re way more important
-Asmo is so much fun to write cuz I can make him so dramatic it’s hilarious
-Oh no :(
-He gets very sad everytime you self deprecate yourself
-You can’t do it with him in the room because he’s going to start crying and give you this kicked puppy stare, it will break your heart
-Beel kinda comes over and goes “If I give you some of my food will you please stop saying bad things about yourself? Because it’s not true.”
-Well you can’t say no to that face
-He feels like it’s his fault you’re this self doubtful even though you’ve tried to explain to him you’ve always been like this
-He goes crying to his twin half the time because he doesn’t know what to do
-“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to drop it! Fucking hell, I’m such a fucking klutz.”
-“Sniffle no you’re not.”
-He’s like, giving you large portions of his food now
-Because food makes him happy so he wants you to be happy too
-His brothers go in shock every time because the only other person Beel has ever shared his food with before was Belphie
-Physical affection goes through the roof with this guy
-Bone crushing hugs btw
-Your self worth is so immeasurable with him, you can’t even measure it
-W h o a
-I’m being serious, don’t talk badly about yourself in front of him unless you want to be hugged into next week
-You are a literal angel in his eyes, of course he thinks highly of you
-He’s just hoping his presence isn’t making your self esteem worse, that’s the thing that keeps him up at night
-Idk why but he does think that he is a bad influence on your mental well being since he’s a demon
-Beel gives you compliments all the time and it confuses him when you laugh them off uncertainly because he wasn’t joking or lying??
-He’s always supportive of your choices and encourages you to be more confident
-The same way you show your support everytime you come to his games to cheer him on
-Overall, he just wants you to feel special and appreciated
-Because you deserve it
-He feels like absolute shit
-Becuase he’s well aware he‘s called you a few...not so nice words in the past
-Back then, he only thought he meant everything he said but now that he’s hearing you accept his insults and actually repeating them yourself?
-It hurts his brain and he wants to smash his head against all four walls of the room for being such a cretin
-You do tell him it’s not exactly his fault you think so badly of yourself
-But he still believes he fueled it
-So now he needs to fix it
-He’s tried everything and I mean everything
-It’s kinda working, slow progress is made which he’s really happy about but you know, it’s gonna take a while
-He finally settles on physical affection as the best way to communicate his gratefulness for you being youself
-Oh, he wasn’t hugging you before? He is now, get your ass next to him and let him cuddle you
-Handholding has increased by 69% in the last month, sorry for the loss of your right hand with how much he squeezes it
-Sometimes, he can’t help but a throw an insult at you in a playful manner, because he’s an asshole
-But he always makes sure you understand that he was just joking
-He’s such a little shit, you would be having a chat with him and you would subtly drop a insult at yourself hoping he wouldn’t notice
-But then he stops dead in his tracks, kisses you, says “Shut up, you’re stunning” and then he goes right back to the previous conversation like nothing happened
-Accept his compliments damn it otherwise he will continue to bug you about it for the rest of the day
-He’s an eboy and he’s a dickhead a times, but he just goes soft for you tbh
-If you’re feeling really bad about yourself, he won’t even say anything
-He will just big spoon you for the next 24 hours, good luck going to the bathroom or any meals during that time
-Because once you’re in his grip, you’re not getting out that easily
-He gets so pissy if anyone says something even slightly negative about you to your face
-One time, a random demon called you stupid in one of the classes at RAD and he was like ‘bïtch excuse me what?’
-Snapped his head around at him and everything
-He would have done something worse but he was lazy and feeling really petty
-So Belphie kicked him in the privates from under his desk like a damn spoiled brat
-And then he turned his head back to you, all smiles and rainbows and puppies
-I’m simping so hard for a fictional character wtf
-I had to write more protective Belphie cuz I can’t find anything of the sort anymore and I need flUFF
(Haha, I don’t know what this post is, my writing has officially taken a shit lmao. Sorry this took so long to finish, I kept going back to edit all of them)
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Happiness Continues
Part 11: The Delivery
Summary: Jensen and Y/n welcome their newest addition to this world.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 7.2K+
Warnings: Language, angst, descriptions of labor and birth
Author’s Note: Baby Ackles is finally ready to make their first appearance. If you have been following this story since the beginning, you may want to grab a tissue, there just might be some tears (happy tears tho). Also, I will preface this chapter by saying I have never been pregnant nor given birth so please don’t @ me with any inaccuracies, I tried my dudes. Special thanks to my loves for the constant undeserved support and my devoted beta @emoryhemsworth​ xoxo Alex
Catch up with the series masterlist and then check out Alexandra’s Library for more by yours truly!
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The winter sun had long ago dipped underneath the horizon, the night bringing a new level of quiet to the residential corner where the birthing center was located. Inside birthing suite two, the only soft light came from the LED strips that followed the length of the walls at the base and ceiling. Currently, they were tuned low and blue, the light mixing with the neutral decor in a way that made her feel like she was underwater. 
Curled on her side in the queen-sized bed, Y/n watched out the window on the opposite wall. Through the sheer curtain, the center’s garden could be visualized. It expanded a few hundred yards until the treeline of the nearby forest began. In silence, she watched the water trickle from the stone fountain in the center. It had been turned off for the season, but the rain that had fallen earlier in the evening still clung to the piece, each drop falling in a slow rhythmic pattern. 
Y/n found it more soothing than what the fountain had looked like last summer when they had first toured the place. She assumed if she was laboring in spring or summer, walking the trails in the garden would be something she found herself doing, even late in the evening as it was currently. But that was a dream she had let go of as the temperature dropped. All she had now was the counting of each drop in between contractions. 
The instinct to hold her breath took over as the next contraction washed over her, the sharp inhale of breath alerting the dozing man next to her. Y/n closed her eyes and focused on taking deep breaths, trying to ground herself to the moment. Fingers pressed into her lower back, one on either side of her spine, applying counter-pressure to the contraction. 
“Harder,” her word was weak, even in the quiet room. The pressure increased instantly, helping her to focus back on breathing through the contraction. It felt like a lifetime later when the pain began to subside before eventually tapering off. The sheets shuffled in the dark behind her before she felt an arm wrap around her abdomen. 
“Where are you at?” Jensen’s voice broke into the room as he pulled her tight against his chest. 
“I don’t know,” she admitted, her gaze back on the fountain outside. “Trying to be anywhere but here.”
“Is there anything I can do for you?” 
“Birth our child?” she tried, unable to stop the smile from creeping up on her face. If there was one thing Y/n didn’t handle well, it was being in pain. She would put back up every wall that anyone had become successful in tearing down, choosing to stew in silence. It was a defense mechanism she had perfected long ago. Never let them see you sweat. Unfortunately, that also meant that she tended to get mean, keeping it all bottled up until she exploded like a shaken can of soda. She truly wished right then that she had a catheter in her back delivering the good meds to her lower body, but she had committed long ago to do this as naturally as possible, her comfort be damned. 
“As soon as they figure out how to do that, I’ve got you, babe,” Jensen chuckled behind her, close enough for her to feel his breath on her neck. She nodded in unfortunate understanding, her hand coming to rest atop her husband’s where it lay on her belly. 
“Actually, could you top off my water bottle?” Y/n spoke back up after a moment of content silence. 
“Of course. Ice?” He questioned, already climbing from the bed to grab her bottle on the nightstand near her. 
“Please,” she confirmed.
“Be back in a flash,” Jensen pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before leaving the room to get ice from the main kitchen in the birthing center. A sigh left her mouth as she pulled herself into a semi-sitting position on the bed and grabbed her phone from where it lay charging. There was a mix of messages in her notifications, all from friends and family with varying messages of encouragement. She appreciated the gesture but to be honest, what Y/n wanted more than anything was to not have all the attention on her. It was yet another symptom of being uncomfortable. Her solace lay in the simple fact that she was not expected to answer any of the messages she received, considering she was in labor and all. Forgetting why she even grabbed the device in the first place, Y/n noted the time and tossed it back on the nightstand. 
It was officially after midnight. Well, technically it was almost twelve-thirty which meant it was Jensen’s birthday. Y/n had found it funny when he had called his mother earlier to let her know that the baby was coming, Jensen had made his stupid joke only to have his face fall when Donna had laughed a little too hard. Her husband was caught up thinking about his mother and teasing the older woman that it didn’t even cross his brain what Y/n going to labor meant for him. Now, as she found herself nearly seven centimeters dilated as the clock turned into the new day, it seemed their baby would share its birthday with their father. 
Jensen came back then, breaking her out of her thoughts but unable to knock the warm smile from her face. He walked around to her side and perched on the edge of the bed, one leg tucked under him as he faced her. Y/n took a drink of the cool liquid, relishing in the calm it brought her. 
“What is that smile about?” He had an equally bright smile of his own, unable to contain it as he watched his wife. 
“Nothing just… happy birthday,” the pregnant woman shrugged in her seat, her eyes casting down to wear her hands now cradled her bump. 
“Yeah, it is,” he agreed, his heart feeling so whole when he thought about it that it felt as though it might burst from his ribcage. There was so much love for the woman in front of him, he didn’t know what to do with it. It scared him sometimes. It didn’t matter what was happening at the moment, but he could look at her and he would forget for a second that the world existed outside them and all he knew was that she made everything okay. His heart would skip a beat so fast he barely noticed and the urge to cry became overwhelming. Only this time, he refused to fight it, allowing a few tears to well up in his eyes. 
“What’s this about?” Y/n sat up, concern now etched into her features as she brought herself close enough to her husband that she could wipe away the single tear that had escaped down his cheek with her thumb. She had caught sight of it, of course, even in the low light of the room. In the few silent seconds that he sat there smiling, she felt warm under his stoic gaze, unsure of what was going on in that head of his. Jensen shook his head, his smile still not faltering. 
“I love you,” he said simply. 
“I love you, too,” Y/n agreed, her concern melting away and taking with it the crease in her brow. Her husband cradled her face in his hands, pulling her face up to press his lips to hers. He poured every emotion that was currently making him dizzy into that kiss, afraid that if he didn’t, she would never know. But she did know, and though Y/n didn’t need more than those three words, she couldn’t deny him the release he so evidently needed. The desperation seeped from his every pore as his lips brushed against hers, unwilling to part until the need for air overtook everything else. 
A gentle knock on the door snapped his brain back down to Earth. Jensen released his hold on her face, watching as it took her a second longer to open her eyes once they parted. He cleared his throat before calling out.
“Come in.”
Their midwife, Melek, snuck into the room, not making a sound as she closed the door behind her. She turned the lights up just a touch, giving the couple a warning beforehand. 
“Hey, I’m just back to check your progress,” she snatched a pair of gloves from their place in one of the drawers and came to the side of the bed Jensen was still perched on. He moved out of her way as Y/n scooted down the bed slightly. Melek asked Y/n how she was feeling as she went about her work. The midwife listened and nodded along to everything she explained. 
“Well, we are getting very close. Based on how you’ve progressed so far, this baby could be here in the next couple of hours. You are going to start feeling the urge to push soon, might feel like you have to poop, don’t ignore that or any other changes you notice.” Melek stood from the bed and tossed her gloves before washing her hands. She made a note on the whiteboard in the room before coming back over to the couple. 
“You are welcome to continue relaxing, whatever feels best. However, if you feel up to it, I would suggest taking a walk in the garden. I know it’s cold and late, but it will help to energize you before the big work starts.”
“Thank you. Is that safe?” Y/n was adjusting her nightgown back into place as she talked. 
“Yes, if you choose to take a walk, I would go now. No longer than twenty minutes outside and I will be back in another hour,” Their midwife confirmed. The couple nodded in acknowledgment of her words, offering her more words of ‘thanks’ as she exited the suite. 
“Well, what do you think, momma?” Jensen put his hands on his hips as he looked down at her. 
“Couldn’t hurt,” Y/n shrugged. She offered him an innocent smile. “Help me put on my shoes?” 
A low groan emanated from her chest as she battled through her current contraction. Her hands were locked around Jensen’s neck as she rested her head on his shoulder. The actor was rocking her back and forth, once again applying counterpressure to her lower back.
“Oh god, I feel nauseous,” Y/n breathed out as the contraction subsided. She let up on the weight she had been putting on her husband.
“That’s normal though, right?”
“Yeah, I was just venting,” she let the air out of her lungs rush past her lips. “I don’t expect you to do anything about it.” Her words were clipped as they tumbled from her mouth before she could stop them. The laboring woman cringed as she felt her husband stiffen underneath her. The soda had popped. Her movements were hesitant as she raised her head to look at him, regret written across her face. 
“I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s okay, you are allowed to do whatever you want to me today.” The smile that graced his lips was tight, but she suspected it was more from the exhaustion than anything. She could see the heaviness in his eyes. 
“No, it’s not. Come on, yell at me. Tell me you don’t need that shit because you were just trying to be helpful,” she pleaded with him, the guilt heavy in her chest. 
“You want me to pick a fight with you while you are in labor?” Amusement was heavy in his words. 
“Yeah, please? I deserve it. You are being far too nice to me.”
“It’s not happening. Sorry, babe.” Y/n growled in frustration, causing her husband to throw his head back and laugh. 
The sound of yet another knock had her releasing her grip on her husband as she called the midwife in. It was time for the hourly check of her labor progression, a task that Y/n had grown a distinct distaste for. As the hours came and went and it felt like nothing was happening, it all just felt pointless. At this point, she was begging this kid to come out. 
Melek made quick work of the check, a smile on her face after when she pulled off her gloves. “Seems as though it’s time, momma. You are fully dilated. How are you feeling?” 
“Uh,” Y/n shared a look with her husband as their midwife headed over to the tub on the opposite side of the room and started the water. She gave a quick synopsis of what had happened in the last hour before asking, “Are we pushing now?” 
“We can start. Sounds like you’ve already had some urges to. Right now it’s about listening to your body and what it’s telling you. I’m going to grab the nurse while you get in the water.” Melek left the water running and the couple dumbstruck. 
“Okay, I guess this is happening,” Y/n scoffed, allowing her husband to help her from the bed. He stripped down to his boxer briefs while she slipped off the gown she was wearing, leaving her as naked as the day she was born. Jensen helped her into the tub and down to sit between his legs. As the water reached its max level, he stopped the tap and urged her to sit back against his chest. 
True to her word, Melek was back in no time with a nurse and everything else they would need. They flourished around the room, getting ready as yet another contraction hit. Y/n’s grip on her husband tightened, her mind focused on one thing now. Jensen was whispering in her ear, helping to guide her breaths. Y/n gave in to the urge to push, more than ready now to have this over with. The pattern was quick and repeated itself again, and then again, and again. 
The time clicked away on the clock on the far wall, each passing minute mocking the laboring woman as it turned over the hour. If she had thought she was exhausted before, it was nothing compared to how she felt now. Sweat dripped from her forehead, small tendrils of hair that had fallen from the bun on top of her head stuck to her flushed skin. She dropped her head onto her husband’s shoulder, soft pants passing her lips as she tried to relax before the next contraction hit. 
Only it didn’t take long, the pain returning before she even had time to think. The contraction had her doubling in on herself, concentrating on bearing down. Her scream originated low in her chest, the sound of it low as it echoed out in the room. Y/n knew that Melek was coaching her, but she couldn’t hear the words anymore, her body too far spent. 
“I can’t,” As the contraction dissipated, she threw her head back and hid her face in the crook of Jensen’s neck. 
“You can, Y/n. Your body was made to do this,” Melek encouraged, a hand on the poor woman’s shoulder. Y/n swatted it away as she let out another sob. 
“No, I can’t. I’m too tired,” her shoulders shook as she let it all out. Jensen turned and placed a kiss on her temple. 
“Honey, if anyone can do this it’s you,” he whispered in her ear. “I know you’re tired and that means you are ready to quit, but you can’t, not yet. Just think about holding our baby in your arms, you are so close.” 
Another sob shook through her as she indicated her disagreement with his words. She wanted to believe him, she wanted to believe him so badly it hurt but Y/n had never felt so defeated in her life. This was finally it and she couldn’t do it. 
“Look at me, Y/n.” He waited for her eyes to open and focus on him. “You can and you will. I’m right here, I’ve got you. You are gonna push this baby out and we are gonna love it so much all this will be a distant memory. Nothing else will matter but the life we created.” 
“You drive a hard bargain,” she hiccuped out with a laugh. Jensen chuckled along with her, offering another kiss to her temple. They nodded at each other, silent words being passed between them just before the next contraction hit. This time she put all her energy behind it, refusing now to be defeated. It was far from easy, but only she could do it now. 
She couldn’t be sure how many contractions later it happened, the only thing she was sure of was the instant relief that washed over her body. Her eyes snapped open as Melek pulled her gook covered baby from the warm water of the tub, holding up its long body so both her and Jensen could see. 
“It’s a boy!” Melek announced, placing the infant against Y/n’s bare chest. It all happened in a second and Y/n was holding her son in her arms. Jensen was peppering her face with kisses and muttering soft praises, his arms wrapped around her and helping the nurse wipe the baby clean. More sobs racked her body as soft cries came from the tiny body in her arms. Everything felt like too much like her whole being was vibrating on some new frequency she didn’t yet understand. It was invigorating and terrifying at the same time. 
“I told you!” Y/n turned to look at her husband, the sobs that had been shaking through her now intermixed with soft laughter.
“Yeah, you did, babe. I’ll promise to never question you again,” the smile on his face grew as soon as he realized what she was talking about. The giggles coming from his wife seemed to seep into him and soon he was laughing along with her. 
Y/n feigned a scoff, chuckles still seeping past her lips and a beautiful smile on her lips. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Ackles.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
It took a while before anyone was able to pry her son from her arms and even then, she refused to give up to anyone besides Jensen. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the nurse or midwife, she just felt that if she gave him up, the feeling in her chest would go with him. Only the soft voice of her husband was able to coax her out of the bubble she had wrapped herself into. Reluctantly, she handed the infant off to her husband who passed him on to be weighed and measured. 
The nurse was then able to help her out of the tub and into the shower, washing away the remnants of her son’s birth from her body. In that short amount of time, she ached to hold her son again. Her mind couldn’t focus on anything besides him, and it pissed her off. She didn’t feel in control of herself, consumed by the maternal instincts now flooding her neurons. 
When she emerged from the bathroom, Jensen was propped up against the headboard, his legs casually crossed at the ankle in front of him. Discarded still at the foot of the bed was his shirt he had peeled away before they had gotten into the tub, but he had slipped his Nike joggers back on his tall frame. His large hands dwarfed their son, who was only in a diaper, where Jensen held him against his chest. The couple shared a smile before she made her way over to him, climbing gingerly into the bed next to her husband and son. Y/n curled herself into his side as the nurse left them to be alone. 
“Nine pounds and seven ounces, twenty-one inches long,” Jensen smirked down at the sleeping infant. Y/n choked out a breath, her jaw dropping open in the process. 
“Jesus, I’m never gonna be the same,” she blew out a breath. The tired woman laid her head against her husband’s shoulder, her eyes never leaving her sleeping child. She could feel her husband shaking softly with laughter. Mostly, she was just as amused as him, but on the other hand, she wasn’t kidding. 
As she settled into her spot, their son began to stir, his face scrunching into a frown. Jensen moved quickly, pulling the kid away and offering him to his mother. 
“What, the first time he even indicates he might cry and you immediately hand him over to me?” Y/n leans away from her husband, a confused frown etched into her features. 
“Uh, yeah, I don’t have the goods,” the Texan flicked his eyes down at her chest before looking back at her face. He had one eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face. 
“Okay, how do you even know he’s hungry? Maybe he needs to be changed?” 
“He’s fresh out of the womb and hasn’t eaten anything, you do the math,” Jensen held him out again. Y/n rolled her eyes for effect when the truth was she couldn’t wait to get her hands on that baby again. 
“Well go get the midwife, I don’t know what I’m doing here,” Y/n tilted her head towards the door. She had one hand cradling the infant and her other was working to pull her gown away from her chest. 
“Right,” he bounded from the bed, grabbing his shirt as he went and pulling it over his head. The door barely had time to shut behind him before he was returning, Melek in tow. The midwife was more than helpful, guiding Y/n and her baby through their first feeding. It took them a few tries before it seemed like they finally got the hang of it. Melek left them again to the peace of the early morning. 
The sun had yet to breach the horizon but that didn’t stop the birds from putting on a show outside. Jensen had climbed back into bed with his family, situating himself as close as possible to his wife. It gave him the best vantage to watch the miracle they had created. He rested his hand on the baby’s head, rubbing his thumb across the infant’s hair. 
Y/n didn’t even bother averting her gaze as her husband nestled into her side. She was far too transfixed on her son. Every emotion felt magnified a thousand times since she gave birth, to the point where she felt like she might burst. It was hard to sort through them, the exhaustion of her body not helping at all. Now, as she stared down at the precious life she and Jensen had created, the only thing she felt was calm. His eyes were closed as he fed, the soft gurgles and breaths he let out the only noise in the suite. 
“He’s perfect,” she mumbled to no one in particular, she just felt it needed to be said. 
“He really is,” Jensen agreed. “I had no doubt, which is why I got you this.” Y/n tore her eyes away then as Jensen procured a long velvet case from behind him. He offered the object to Y/n who took it with her free hand. 
“What is this? It’s your birthday today, not mine,” she tried arguing.
“Just open it, you dork. Besides, you’ve already given me the best gift I could ever have,” Jensen urged her to open it. His eagerness washed off him as he smiled at her, his hand back on his son’s head. 
Being careful to not jostle the child eating in her arms, Y/n used both hands to flip open the case. Laying against a dark cushion inside was a gold bracelet with a row of seven round stones in the center. She caught the card that was placed inside when it tried to fall away, reading the small paragraph. 
‘Customised with seven beautifully crafted semi-precious stones amidst a string of shimmering beads. Each stone is traditionally associated with various characteristics that also typify those born in that particular month – The March birthstone is Aquamarine, which has a pale blue appearance and symbolizes honesty, loyalty, and happiness.’
The tears fell from her eyes as she read, threatening to turn into full-blown sobs. Y/n sniffed as her emotions continued to get the better of her, using the end of the blanket to wipe the wetness from her cheeks. Happiness. There wasn’t anything she could think of better to describe how she was feeling. It was indescribable happiness that had begun on that New Year’s Eve two years ago and continues through the life she now held in her arms. It was happiness she feared she would never get to experience, and yet, here she was. 
“Jay, this is beautiful. But how-”
“I ordered one for February too, can’t be too careful,” he answered before she could ask, earning a giggle from his wife. “You really like it?” 
“Honey, I love it. I can’t imagine a more perfect gift.”
“Here,” Jensen pushed away from the headboard and offered his hand to take the case from her. She handed it back to him, allowing him to take the delicate bracelet from its setting. He urged her to raise her arm, making quick work of clasping the piece of jewelry around her right wrist. “There, perfect.”
“Perfect,” she agreed. 
The midwife cleared Y/n and the baby to go home just before noon that day. They had spent less than twenty-four hours in the birthing center, but as she dressed her son to go home she couldn’t help but feel like she was going to miss it. That stupid little room now held so much meaning to her, and she hated it. The exhaustion and hormones were making her stupidly sentimental. 
As they turned into their driveway, Jensen was forced to pull their SUV into the yard since the entirety of their driveway was filled with cars. He hopped out of the driver’s seat to help Y/n from the car before grabbing the car seat with their son inside. Her husband allowed her to waddle along in front of him, a smirk on his lips when she looked over her shoulder before opening the gate to their home. 
Across the stone courtyard, she could see their family all huddled in front of the expansive window that saw into their living room. Everyone waved excitedly as the new family made their way towards the house. Y/n took in the faces of her and Jensen’s parents, along with her brothers and their families. Jensen’s siblings were too far out to make it right now, but even still Y/n was surprised to see her brothers. Donna and Alan had come down as soon as they called to let them know Y/n was in labor, staying in their guestroom for the coming week to help the new parents adjust. She expected her parents too, even though they couldn’t stay longer than the night, rooming in Jared’s guesthouse and leaving in the morning. But yeah, her brothers were a surprise. 
The family was greeted and the door, an array of excited faces welcoming them home. Someone had hung a ‘congratulations’ banner, with a matching ‘happy birthday’ one just below it. Everyone wrapped the new mother up in a tight embrace before passing her along to the next family member while the kids swarmed Jensen and the baby. It took quite some convincing from the parents to quiet down the little ones, all excited to meet their new cousin and forgetting that they needed to chill out as he was sleeping currently. 
“Alright,” Jared’s voice broke above the commotion of multiple conversations. “As the godfather and the whole reason this child even exists, I call dibs on holding him first!” He looked to his sister, his brows high on his forehead as he waited for her answer. 
“You all are going to get a turn, I don’t care who goes first. But stop saying you are the reason he exists, it’s weird… ” She waved him on before adding, “and don’t forget the sanitizer.”
Jensen lifted the car seat to the island as Jared bounced over to him. He literally was bouncing on the balls of his feet, his sister rolling her eyes as she followed behind him. The giant of a man moved delicately as he pulled the sleeping infant from the car seat. If she had thought her son looked small in her husband’s arms, it had nothing on how he looked compared to Jared. He took the newborn over to sit on the couch, all the cousin’s swarming him in no time. 
“You need anything?” Jensen put his hand on her lower back to bring her attention from their family to him. 
“A water?” She suggested as she looked over to him, knowing she would need it sooner rather than later. He nodded and turned to grab a water bottle for her. A soft ‘oh’ had her turning her head back towards her husband. Jensen stepped out of the way to show her their freezer full of Tupperware of different foods. 
“We all made a few things for the freezer. I know Donna is staying with you for a little while, but once she is gone, you’ll thank me,” Y/n’s mother appeared next to her. 
“Thanks, mom,” Once again she found herself fighting back the tears as she pulled her mother into a tight embrace. Sharon ran her hands up and down her daughter’s back as the younger woman refused to let go. Half of it was not wanting to let go, the other half was hiding her tears in the black sweater her mother wore. When she finally relented, Jensen was standing there with a tissue. He offered it to his wife who took it with a sheepish smile before he also hugged his mother-in-law. 
The group in the kitchen returned to the living room where the rest of the family was, fussing over the baby. Jensen sat down in his chair near the fireplace that was angled to where the rest of the family was on or near the couch. He grabbed his wife’s wrist and pulled down along with him, situating her into his lap. The new mother fidgeted in her seat, struggling to get comfortable. 
“Would you stop that?” Jensen’s voice was low in her ear as he squeezed her legs in a vain attempt to hold her still. 
“I-,” She shifted again with a soft sigh before turning to whisper in his ear. “I’m very sore down there, and your legs are not the most comfortable right now.” His lips formed a thin line as he nodded. Before she could say anything else, he lifted and moved them both so she was situated in between him and the side of the chair, effectively taking the pressure off of her sensitive area. 
“God yes,” she huffed before snuggling into his side. The couple watched content as their family traded their son around. The looks of amazement from the kids and the near tears from the adults filled her heart more than she imagined it could have ever been before. Just when she thought it was full, it somehow found room for more love and happiness. 
“So, have you two decided on a name yet?” Sharon spoke up as he was passed to her. The older woman was gently bouncing on her feet, her husband peering over her shoulder. 
The new parents shared a look, unsure which of them should answer the question to the information they had filled out in his birth certificate just before leaving for home. Everyone had been asking since they got the news he was officially here, though the couple didn’t have an answer as they struggled to come up with something. Jensen tilted his head to her, signaling that she should answer. 
“Yes, after an agonizing two hours of staring at him and willing him to tell us what his name should be, we finally picked one,” Y/n explained, her husband chuckling next to her at the memory of her talking to him as he slept. “His name is Ezra Jay Ackles.” 
There were murmured compliments and agreements that the name more than fit the little bundle of joy they had just welcomed into their family. Sharon passed Ezra on to his other grandmother, the woman giddy as she took over baby holding duty. Ezra had woken up by now, his dark eyes searching and unsure of the commotion around him, but he had yet to fuss. 
“Did you go with Jay because he looks just like Jensen?” she questioned, not taking her eyes off the infant in her arms. 
“Ugh don’t remind me,” Y/n huffed, her face scrunched up at her mother-in-law’s words. 
“Hey, I thought you liked the way I looked,” Jensen pouted next to her, but she could see the twinkle in his eye. 
“That’s not the point. It would be just my luck that I carried him for nine months, was in labor for over eighteen hours while also needing to feed him every two hours, for him to look just like his dad. Where’s the justice in that?” Y/n frowned as her family laughed at her confession. 
“Welcome to my world,” Gen piped up. “All of them, little clones of their dad.” The Padalecki women all nodded in agreement to that sentiment, much to the annoyance of their husbands. 
“Hey, the Padalecki genes are strong, we can’t help it,” Jared protested, making Jensen throw his head back in laughter. 
“If that’s true then I guess the Ackles genes are even stronger,” the new father countered, earning a shove from his wife. 
“Alright you two, put the rulers away,” her joke got the rest of the room cackling at the boys’ expense. That satisfied the woman more than she would ever admit. 
Not long after the reveal of their baby’s name, the family began to pack things up and head out. It had been a busy and tiring twenty-four hours for the new little family, and their loved ones headed out to give them some peace. Once everyone was gone, Alan offered to go to the store and grab something to whip up for dinner, leaving just Donna with the new parents. 
“Y/n, honey, why don’t you go lay down. I know you haven’t really slept since yesterday,” Donna piped up, noting how the woman’s eyes were getting heavy. She was curled up on the couch next to her husband who was holding their son once again. Donna was picking up the mess left by the family. 
“Mmm that sounds good but he will have to feed soon, I should just stay here,” Y/n answered with a hum. She couldn’t deny, a nap sounded wonderful but everything was about Ezra and his needs now. 
“Couldn’t we just give him a bottle?” Jensen asked, earning a shake of the head from both of the women in the room. 
“No, if you guys are committed to breastfeeding, she’s got to get her milk supply in and the best way to do that is for him to feed. Also, there is nipple confusion,” Donna stated matter of fact with Y/n nodding along the whole time. 
“Nipple confusion?” Jensen looked to his wife, confusion written all over his face. The term sounded familiar to the actor, but he couldn’t for the life of him come up with a definition. 
“It means that Ezra could get confused between the bottle and the breast, and the concern is that he would prefer the bottle,” Y/n explained, her hand absentmindedly running along her son’s cheek.
Jensen nodded in understanding and shrugged, “Not if he’s my son.” 
The new mother reared back in confusion. “Why?” was the only thing Y/n could say after she and Donna looked at him with equal disgust and disappointment. Jensen grimaced under their looks before she continued. “Your mother is in the room.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Mom, I don’t know why I said it,” the look of shame on his face morphed into fear as he prepared for a scolding, but that moment never came. Instead, Donna stood and walked over to where they were seated. 
“Alright, give me the kid,” the older Mrs. Ackles reached out for her grandson. Jensen gave him up without question. “Both of you need to sleep. Don’t worry, I will come and get you if he gets hungry.” 
“It’s best not to argue with her when she makes that face,” Jensen muttered under his breath, but not so quiet that his mother didn’t hear him. She raised her brow at him, an action that was remarkably similar to the one Jensen often emulated. 
“I’ll take your word for it,” Y/n agreed, allowing her husband to help her to her feet. Jensen gave his mom a quick peck on the cheek in passing as he pulled his wife along with him to their bedroom. 
Inside the curtains were still drawn from when they had left yesterday, only a small sliver of light peeking into the room from its edges. Neither of them bothered with changing, knowing it was too much work for now. Instead, Jensen just turned down the bed, allowing them to slip under the cool covers. He settled into the pillows, lifting his arm to invite her back to his side. Of course, she obliged, snuggling into his chest with one hand placed where she could feel the steady beat of his heart under her fingertips. 
Jensen wrapped his arm around her, his hand resting against her arm, rubbing soft circles against her skin. He stared up at the ceiling in the semi-dark room, watching the spinning blades of their ceiling fan make countless revolutions. His mind was racing, all the emotions of the last day starting to get to him now that he had nothing else to focus on. 
Y/n was silent as well, but he knew she hadn’t fallen asleep yet, her body still too tense to have fully succumbed to the exhaustion. If he wanted to ever get some shut-eye, he knew he had to get some things off his chest. He needed to let go. 
“You know what this reminds me of?” There was a gruff undertone to his voice, yet it still managed to be soft as he sought to not startle his wife. She hummed in response, letting him know she was listening. “Our first night together. Well, after… everything.” 
“How so?” Y/n shifted so she could have a better view of her husband who now had her full attention. 
“I couldn’t sleep then either. Too much going on in my head,” Jensen took a deep breath, his eyes still on the ceiling as he continued. “I kind of have this tendency to push all my emotions to the side to deal with them another time, even if that other time never comes, but that night, I just… I couldn’t get myself to do it. As I stared down at you, sleeping against my chest with that stupid little content smile on your face, I realized that you were worth all of it, every emotion: the fear, the anxiety, and even the guilt; they were all worth feeling for you.”
The crease in her brow deepened as her husband confessed to her what he went through that night. Jensen looked down at her then, a smile on his face and tears once again pooling in his eyes. He brought up his hand to caress her cheek before continuing. 
“I never believed in love at first sight, hell, I still don’t, because even through all of that fear and anxiety what I felt most of all was love, and that didn’t happen overnight. It happened in the weeks we had spent in the makeup trailer, in the way you trusted me with the things you wouldn’t even tell your brother, and in your sarcastic comebacks that never failed to surprise me. I spent weeks falling in love with you and didn’t even realize it.”
“The only thing I could do was watch you sleep, so irrevocably in love with you that I was scared if I pushed away those bad feelings… if I didn’t consider every possible thing that could wrong from that moment on, that I would lose the best thing in my life now, so that’s what I did, just watched you sleep and go over every possible scenario my mind could come up with of how us being together could go wrong. I know...” He had to stop again, needing a moment to take a shuddering breath. “I know that day when I told you we needed a break hurt you and made you question everything I ever said to you and sure we’re past it now, but I really need you to know that when I came to you that next morning and asked you to go on one date with me, I didn’t make that decision lightly. I had decided before you even tried to sneak out of the guesthouse that you were worth everything.”
“Why are you telling me this now?” After he was silent for a moment, she couldn’t bear it any longer. 
“Because I… I feel so much right now that I can’t shut it out. The love I feel for you and our son right now, I want to stay in that feeling forever. Even if it means facing every fear or anxiety over making sure you both are safe and happy and thriving. I just had to let you know that you two are my whole world now and I will spend the rest of my life never letting you forget it,” Jensen confessed, allowing the tears that he had been biting back now flow freely. Deep down he knew it was what he needed, that release of every emotion before he could truly relax. Just like she also knew that the time for words was over.
“Thank you for telling me that,” she nuzzled back into his side, pressing her cheek against his chest to listen to his heart again. Y/n knew it wasn’t easy for her husband to admit all of that to her. Those true moments where he exposed himself fully to her were rare. Not that she minded, Y/n didn’t need him to cut out his heart and serve it on a silver platter. Her husband was a man of action. He showed her all she needed to know in every first cup of coffee he brings her in the mornings or running her a bath when she needs time alone. Marriage is as much about the little things as it is about any grand declaration. If you asked Y/n, she would take the soft smiles and lingering touches over a grand speech any day, but this was nice too. 
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Part 12: Home
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Forevers: @22sarah08​ @akshi8278​ @anathewierdo​ @atc74​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @briagallen​ @callmekda​ @dawnie1988​ @deandreamernp​ @deanwanddamons​ @ellewritesfix05​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @hobby27​ @janicho88​ @jensengirl83​ @katehuntington​ @lyarr24​ @malfoysqueen14​ @miss-nerd95​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @polina-93​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @suckmyapplejacks​ @superfanficnatural​ @supraveng​ @talesmaniac89​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @waywardbeanie​ @winchest09​
Happiness Continues: @afangirlreacts​ @anaelsbrunette​ @ashleyrose0117 @austin-winchester67​ @cno92​ @deanbowlegsackles​ @deangirl93​ @deans-baby-momma​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @dvnmbabe​ @fangirl199813 @spndestiellover​ @hoboal87​ @itsdesiree86​ @jbsgirl4eber11 @let-me-luve-you​ @linki-locks11​ @lunarmoon8​ @neverland14353​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @parinarain​ @rebeccathefangirl​ @rebelemilu​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @spnfamily-j2​ @squirrelnotsam​ @stoneyggirl​ @supernatural3002​ @traceyaudette​ @winchestergirl82​ @winqhster​ @zpandaqueen​
205 notes · View notes
leahseclipse · 3 years
Souvenirs, secrets and coffee dates
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Summary: Suspicions about a possible partner rise when Spencer starts buying souvenirs and closely monitoring his phone more than he usually does; as he plans a few surprises for his beloved partner in secret.
Warnings: Mentions of case, usual cm stuff, slight mentions of death, loss of a person (not concerning any of the characters; only mentioned in a few paras)
Category: Fluff
Word count: 11.6k
A/N: Hello!! This fic is another fic I accidentally wrote for an event, for @sunlight-moonrise​ !! sorry if some moments are badly written,,,,hope you enjoy tho!!
The total fic is 25.1k, so i preferred to cut it in two parts so it wouldn’t be too long.
Continuation of Dear diary
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         After we got together, days quickly got to weeks, weeks to months, and...now
It’s been more than a year.
Time went by more quickly than I thought it ever would, I often think about that diary that allowed the two of us to meet.
I'm glad that she had it in the first place, and that she lost it after. If she didn't have it, she would have either left a book that belonged to the library, (so, not many chances to find her, or even know she exists, you know), or possibly an item that could have her information, like a phone, or whatever she could have left, but, she could have remembered about the diary and take it.
If it would have happened, we wouldn't have talked, and we still wouldn't be, as I just did a few minutes ago on the phone.
And now that I think about it, It’s been a while since I haven’t seen y/n. 
Even though we always talk on the phone, it's not quite the same.
I’m always thinking about her, especially when I’m away on a case and the only thing that allows us to see the other is through a cell phone. 
I tried not to let her know I’m tired, I don’t want her to worry too much, she’s the type of person to freak out about the smallest thing, and I wouldn’t really like her to. 
She worries enough when I’m away, so I wouldn’t like y/n to have another problem to worry about until I get back.
I hate to let her know;  but if there was a word to describe the week I just spent; 
It’d definitely be that one, 100%.
Every single case is exhausting, especially when It’d last more than intended; when the profile has to be done again because of sudden changes, when leads turned out to be fake, or don’t make the case progress in any way, and a ton of reasons that if were to be enunciated, would be worth a encyclopedia long. 
We all know from the moment we’re announced of a case that we'll come back from it completely dead because of the non-existent sleep we would have had. 
One week earlier, I thought it’d be different from usual, and I turned out to be...completely wrong. I had woken up at 3am in a start, just an hour after I had gone to bed with y/n.
She had woken up when I happened to be in the middle of the call, and locked her eyes in mine when I had turned her way while on the phone.
Y/N already knew from the moment I received the call that it meant that I had to go, it had been a few months since we had been together, so she knew the song well after she happened to witness six or seven of the calls.
I knew she didn’t mind because I had to do my job, she has always been very understanding about my work. 
Of course, I think that the fact that I have to go away for god knows how long upsets her, but not in a hateful way.
I sometimes wonder if she actually really minds the fact that I would go; even though she always says that she doesn’t. 
Whenever I go on a case, I don’t even know when I’ll come back. I’m not coming back in three months, but not two days later. 
All we can do to let the other know we’re okay is to call, or send a message; when we happen to have spare time to do it in between breaks.
Well, speaking of calls, these are often calls I have to do when no one else I know is around. I haven’t told any of my colleagues that I’ve been dating her.
I still wonder to this day if it’s because they never mentioned it, saw it, because I didn’t want them to know, or even….both.
I guess it was okay that way, they didn’t know, and nothing changed. We’d still talk the same way as when I wasn’t with her, except for some details, which makes me come back to the ‘talk with her when no one else is around’ topic. 
As I am an idiot in love, I can’t help but smile whenever I talk to her, I just can’t help it. I always like to hear about her day, how she’s doing, talk about whenever we both have in mind, I just even appreciate hearing her. But, all that I’m doing when I’m with her isn’t something I can do when I’m around others.
They’d immediately want to know the reason of my behavior, which would certainly go up all the way to Garcia that would certainly harass me about it for weeks, probably with hundreds of mails and texts, as I have to use my computer for mail work, and my phone for cases, so...texting while no one is around is a much better solution.
I don’t think she minds either. She likes to hear about them, but she never mentions seeing them that often, I think she likes the whole ‘secret’ relationship stuff, she kind of sees it like a game in which you would have to go through levels, without being caught by the villains and eventually, lose the game, so, being discovered.
It wouldn’t be that bad if they’d find out, they’d just probably ask themselves why I wouldn’t have told it, or how they didn’t find out, but overall, I think they’d be happy.
But, I like it that way, when we’re together, we’re in our bubble, it’s just the two of us, no one else. 
We always try not to mention work, as it mainly is the reason we can’t see each other most of the time, which is...a bit more for me, as I’m often still on a case when she happens to not be at work.
I would like to say that the little time we get to spend together is always enough, but when we finally get time, and I get called, it isn't quite enough.
I always wish I could be there more often, I'm at work most of the time and I'm afraid it could somehow impact our relationship; even if again, it isn’t a bother at all to y/n.
One of my worries when we started dating was that she'd feel frustrated because of that; the fact that I'm not here as often as she'd like me to be, that I'm busy when she's not.
I sometimes have to call her to tell that I won’t be able to make it home after I originally told her that I would come.
At first, she didn’t know what I was doing, even when I’d call her. I didn’t even tell y/n at the library back then.
I just mentioned once that it was an office job, and I don’t think she really had a problem with it, she wouldn't force much on the subject.
And now that I think of it,, it wouldn’t have changed much about our relationship if I had exactly said what I was doing.
The way she had discovered it was really odd, but...not that bad.
I had come to her apartment after she was done with work, and I had shortly gone to the bathroom after entering.
 I had left my coat on the table, so she had decided to put it on a chair for me.
What happened next would probably seem stupid and cliché if I'd tell it to anyone, but my badge had slipped out from it and naturally, she picked up what just fell on the ground.
I had crossed the door of the bathroom to see her staring at it, with a confused and kind of surprised look.
It was a mix of these two emotions, I'd say.
I didn't exactly plan for her to find out like that, but I think that when I had previously mentioned an office job, she didn't quite expect that kind of office job.
Which stays understandable, as you don't necessarily think about them literally working at the FBI itself when an office job is mentioned.
And the thing is that, it isn't even a full office job, as I am literally...risking my life out on the field and have a chance to get injured, and uh…in the worst scenario, not make it alive.
So, I think that the fact that I didn't want her to know was to kind of, protect her so she wouldn't worry while I'm at work, asking herself if the last time she would ever see me would be when I had left for work in a hurry.
Yeah, I know, it's kind of morbid to think of it, but, I can't really ignore them at the same time.
They’re mostly the risks that are included, I was completely aware of that when I had entered, so...I can't really complain about anything. No one forced me, it really was a decision that I made alone.
But, it went well overall. 
We can say that she was surprised, that is a fact.
But she wasn't mad that I didn't tell her. She understood that I didn't want her to know because of the stuff that makes my job risky, which can be scary, but she was supportive. 
She asked me a bunch of questions after that, they all were various and different. I felt like I was a teacher answering questions of a kid, considering how energetic y/n was.
Eventually, the subject of the jet, that I'd travel from one state to another came, and that's when I felt like something lightened inside her.
She had never mentioned it back then, so that way, we both had a common point, a small secret that the other didn’t know.
She had begun talking about her passion of travelling, discovering places she wondered what could be made of, how it was, she always was curious to know more, she'd go wherever her mind would tell her to...which was funny, as the mind would often lead her to the same place, many times, strangely.
Y/N also had the habit of taking books from different places. I remember her having copies of the same book, but each were in a different language. 
She didn’t do it with all of her books, because if she did, she’d have to literally dedicate a whole room to store them.
She hasn't been able to travel much after she started working full time, with little vacation time. But if she didn’t have this full time job, she’d travel as much as possible. 
So, I had a small idea. 
As I'd often travel, I could possibly grab a souvenir from the state I'm in, and give it to her. I thought it could be fun, she also liked collecting objects from the places she'd go to, so, I thought she would probably like the idea.
I didn't say that I planned to do it the first time, I did want to surprise her, even if I was already doing it when I'd come home when she thought I wouldn’t.
It always was a surprise to see me coming back, neither of us knew when it'd be done, so I would rarely get to tell her when I could be back. 
But, the gifts I began doing were very special, it meant something to her, what she liked, and eventually, to me. 
She meant everything to me and if that was making her happy, it truly was all that mattered in that moment.
The first souvenir I had purchased when I happened to be in California, we had just wrapped up the case; when I had decided to wander around, not far from where the jet was.
I had already gone around quite a few times since the beginning of my career, so I knew where I was going.
That’s when my eyes laid on a shop I hadn't seen before. It must have opened recently; but it really seemed nice at first sight. It sold a bunch of souvenirs, some related to the state’s local traditions, or some cute stuff with the name of the state on it. 
As I quietly entered the small shop and walked a bit around, I noticed a small keychain of a bee next to a honeycomb.
Two details above the name of the state written in calligraphy could be seen; so after a bit of thinking, millions of questions whether it was nice or not, I just decided to take it.
I hadn't even realized that I had spent a whole hour in it stressing over what could be fine and what wasn’t.
It basically was a call from Morgan that made me realize that I had been there for almost an hour.
I did eventually make my way back to where the group was, I didn't even know they were actually there because they were waiting for me, for...a bit of time.
I had just told them some kind of excuse, and even if I think they didn’t quite believe it 100%, the subject had been quickly changed. I think they kind of forgot about it after.
I didn’t have many relatives in California, and they hadn’t seen the reason for my prolonged absence this time. 
It’s just that, even if it had been almost half a year, I still wasn’t quite ready, I still wanted everything to be the two of us, for a bit more. We didn’t have a deadline or anything, so we could take as much time as possible to decide about it.
I don’t think they’ll be angry, just really surprised that I hid the fact that I had a girlfriend from them for a while now. 
They just probably won’t have thought that the genius of the BAU would spend his free time with his girlfriend, and not with books and paperwork as they expect me to, and as I always did.
So, they'll know that I didn’t answer my phone because I had muted it when I was with her. 
They probably won’t believe it at all at first.
They'll probably think of a prank, but when it’s gonna hit, I think I have to get ready for a week of questions and conversations about the fact that the genius got a girlfriend.
I know it isn’t mean at all, they’ll just be surprised, and happy for me, but, every time I try to talk to them, thinking they chose to abandon the subject, they’ll immediately try to talk about it.
It’ll have to happen eventually -if they do find out- but I still want it to stay secret for now.
The fact that I also buy stuff for her can also be seen as a sort of top-secret mission, if -of course- the words that I’m using aren’t too exaggerated. 
I don’t usually buy souvenirs for myself, so if they see me doing it, I think they’ll try to think if it isn’t for someone else. 
But, are they going to think it’s for my mother, or directly for a possible girlfriend? 
I tend to stutter when I get nervous sometimes, and as it’ll be about y/n, I might not manage to stay serious.
I’m supposed to not let them know I have a girlfriend, even if I really want them to know.
I kind of feel bad, because that looks like I don’t want them to know because I don’t like her, but that’s the complete opposite.
I love her more than anything, and the fact that I don’t want her to be involved with my work is because I mostly want her to be safe.
There's been many cases where various members of the team, or even people working near us, had to witness their loved ones getting involved in a case, and I wouldn’t want that to happen to y/n at all.
I know that one day or another, we’ll tell them, and that when the day comes, I’ll have to make sure nothing happens by calling her every second to know if she’s okay.
I’ll be worried as hell for her, even if that doesn’t mean that she’ll immediately get targeted, I’m just a worried mess about that. 
I’m probably the only one thinking about that, constantly.
Does it make me sound crazy? Yes and no at the same time, if I ever were to answer that question in an honest way. 
I just tend to imagine scenarios that probably have no chance of ever happening when it comes to someone that I deeply care about, which is...basically the whole team, my mom, and her. 
So: literally everyone in my life right now.
Back to where I was, it’s better not to let anything slip out, even if I do feel like...it isn’t the thing I’d usually do.
It..isn’t quite something people would expect me to do. 
Maybe I’ll talk to her about it when I come back, it may be a good time, I guess.
Whether the choice would be, I'll still keep bringing her souvenirs as I always did, she likes them every time, and even displayed some a bit everywhere around her apartment.
This kind of became a tradition between us.
Y/N would often do the same by organiszing nights where I'd be the one deciding what we would do, which would be watching doctor who till 2AM most of the time.
I wonder if she doesn’t hate me after that.
I do hope we’ll get to it often.
I do miss that.
When was the last time I got a moment to breathe without having to worry about the work waiting for me outside?
A while ago, if I had to be honest with myself.
I don’t even feel like thinking about it, it’s really depressing.
It’s been a while now since the last time I had time to talk with y/n, because trust me, I’ve never been waiting that much for a break to get to call her than for something else.
I’m just waiting for just a minute to get to talk, but the odds aren’t going in my favor today apparently. It kind of makes me feel bad to just send a text, I know she’ll understand I’m busy with work and can’t call, but still, I prefer to call her over than texting words.
I tend to prefer to hear her voice and get her to talk if I ever hear worry in her voice, because I always know that she tends to not say everything in texts, I understand her on that one, a message and an actual conversation isn’t the same.
 You can’t really figure out the mood of the person in texts, it’s just commas, points, but otherwise, it’s up to you to guess whether they just typed like that or if something is up.
I just like to know if she’s okay, I wouldn’t want her to spend the day feeling down, and not talk about it because I’m either busy, or because she’s afraid it might add more stress than I already have because of my job. 
But I’d never refrain y/n from talking about what bothers her, on the contrary, I always want to know what’s in her thoughts, I’m often absent, so at least, I’d prefer to know she feels okay, because otherwise, I won’t stop worrying until I know.
I haven't forgotten about the souvenir tradition either. 
It's been a while since I've been doing that, and we both have begun liking it more and more each time, I get to talk to her about the place I got it from, and sometimes, I even end up rambling about the case.
She also tells me stuff about the place if she visited it, or if she didn't; places that make her think of the place the souvenir was from, it's always interesting to have these conversations, we both get to learn stuff.
When these kinds of conversations occur, we either continue the subject or change it, and don't even notice how much time we spend talking.
Our best record is 2:54AM. Let's hope we don't go further next time we have a chat; because we always end up regretting it the next morning. 
Considering the lack of sleep I have, and how late I go because of my work, sleeping late on my days off isn't helping at all.
It only makes it worse for when I'll actually get back to work, so, we'll try not to stay up that late and sleep to at least enjoy the sleep I usually don't have when on a case.
I’m always saying that, but it’s not that easy sometimes, we usually don’t think about the time we spend talking, so, the ‘going to bed early’ matter is still an unsolved problem for now.
Talking about it, I did get to sleep early today, we decided to continue the searches and I have to admit that I didn’t sleep like that for a while.
I can’t really say that I hope it arrives often because that would literally be like not doing much, because as we don’t sleep as much as we’d like to, we can totally stay in bed all day if no one comes to get us out.
It reminds me of when I was around 12, my mom would sometimes allow me to stay at home, and we would just sit in bed while she would talk to me about what she liked, anything that went through her mind. 
She does like to hear about my mom too, and actually slid the matter in the conversation quite a few times, more than I could ever count, little does she know my mom does the same, they both are happy to hear about the other, they look like two best friends sometimes. 
I do wonder if they’ll act like that, it won’t really surprise me if they actually do to be honest, they both like similar things, used to do same things before, and I think y/n would like to hear about some of my mom’s stories, or even just my mom talking, she always manages to keep the other person interested, I always feel like a kid when I talk with her.
I do guess some things never change.
They will both have a lot to tell, y/n traveled a lot when she was younger, and still remembers every trip she did, and noted everything down in not one notepad, but at least three of four of them. 
She writes what she did, where she went, what she liked the most, some of her favorite things like, stuff she purchased, activities, it really is a whole story, she could literally write one book for each trip at this point and if I’d tell her about it, I do think she would do it.
And sometimes, when she would read a book, or even when we would just go to the library together, she would often find something that reminded her of one of her travels. 
She mentioned not having an eidetic memory at all, but by moments, I wonder if she doesn’t have it without knowing it, considering all of the stuff she remembers.
Y/N always liked to do new stuff she hasn’t done, she likes to learn a lot, but only when it comes to non-educational purposes, she wasn’t really a good student.
Apparently to her, sitting all day in a chair with a teacher yelling at you, or either saying nothing but nonsense you can’t understand was absolutely ‘boring as hell’, as she said with her own words.
I do, and don’t agree with that at the same time, I don’t know. I’ve always had the habit of studying instead of doing what most people my age would do when I was young, but I did want to do something else after working more than my liking.
Guess it hasn’t changed much now, I pretty much work most of the time, and, unfortunately, I don’t get to rest whenever I want, only if the case happens to be over.
But, enough talking of the case, and all of the days of absence that comes with it. 
I already have to endure it, so might as well not plunge the knife deeper than it is, it’s been many years since it’s been occurring and it shouldn’t be more of a bother than it is as I’ve already made myself into the idea in the first week.
I actually wonder if it’s the same on her side, I know she doesn’t have the same sleep habits, but she doesn’t always go to sleep at the same time. It’s always because of various reasons like; she began remembering a trip and wrote about it, thought about a trip too and got lost in her thoughts.
I often find her daydreaming most of the time, it does remind me of myself with my books, I don’t pay much attention to what's happening around me.
If I take for example the moment we met, I don’t know if it really counts. I only saw her diary first, but I paid attention to the item that belonged to her, so, in a way, it counts. 
She’s also pretty much what keeps me sane when I’m working, she manages to send messages at the right time just when I need to. I have no idea how she does it, but if she could do it everyday, I literally would not mind at all.
I always like to hear whatever she talks about, a book, a story she already told a week ago, I know she likes to talk about them on repeat until she either forgets it or moves to another one.
She seriously could have been a teacher if she had chosen another career, her voice is really soothing, and she explains the words in a manner that makes the story more interesting that you’d thought. 
I often found myself asking her to tell another one when I had found the previous one too short for my liking, when it literally lasted over half an hour. 
She literally has the power of transforming me as a kid when she talks about stuff she did on a trip.
But, even after she told me all of that, I don’t really enjoy the kind of travelling I’m doing. It isn’t like a vacation, at all, it really is the exact opposite. I don’t really come here for the purpose of having fun. 
I do hope I’ll get to travel with her once, in the purpose of actually having fun instead of two hours of sleep, having a chance of -possibly- getting injured, and all of the good and funny risks of my job. 
And, while I’m talking about it, I do hope, if we decide not to go far, that I’m not going to actually have a case when I’m supposed to have a vacation.
This stays like, extra rare, but it can’t really be ruled out at the same time. So...let’s hope it doesn’t occur, I’d prefer not. 
If we travel, it’ll be to stay out of work, so if the reason that basically refrains us from travelling happens, I’m not sure either of us would be pleased with it.
I'm far enough away, so, let’s not add more and hope that scenario won’t occur once.
I’ve already stayed buried for way too long in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice Morgan standing besides me before I thought of turning my head in his direction. 
“Oh, sorry. Thought of something and got carried away...did you say something?”
“I know that I don’t usually talk about that with you, but I was just wondering, is there something going on? You always go away for calls, have something to do before we get back home, or after, I thought I’d check on you, just to know.”
Well shit. What the hell am I supposed to say now?
“No, it’s nothing, really. I just um...it’s just some stuff with...an old friend. It’s nothing bad, I’m fine.”
Ok, you’re definitely screwed right now, good luck to get out of this mess Spencer.
“Nothing, really? That’s kinda rare from you.” He commented, which made the two of us laugh, Derek always managed to lighten the situation with whatever he thought could do it, even if some words happened to be placed...at the wrong moment sometimes; but he’d never mean to harm, always to make things better as much as he could. 
This situation wasn’t a bad one, but I definitely think that he could sense that I wasn't telling…what he truly would take as the right answer.
It definitely wasn't bad, but it probably won't get as bad as it is, I've already put myself in a mess I have no idea how to avoid by not managing to find my words and stuttering.
That really was the right thing to do to avoid all suspicions.
"I'm just tired, that's it. I couldn't sleep much this week, so...yeah, I—" I said, as I was getting to thank whatever god made me get out of this mess by making someone call.
At this point, even if it was a number that called me to advertise whatever stuff they wanted people to buy, I'd still be thankful for it. 
I slightly got the phone out of my pocket, it wasn't an unknown number, just y/n; the one that just saved me from an interrogation. 
I swear that when I come back I'll cancel our doctor who marathon, cook her whatever she wants, give her a bath, massage her, because she really saved me from a conversation I couldn't get out of and didn't know how to either. 
Gosh what would I do without her? I'd be dead right now.
"Oh, it's uh, my friend, I have to answer. I uh...see you in a few minutes." I excused myself as I went into an empty room, checking a million times if I locked the door behind me.
"Gosh, y/n...you just saved me. Tell me whatever you want when I get back, I'll do it."
"Just breathe, it's ok. You sound like you just ran through the whole city." Y/N told me, as I heard like she was holding off laughter probably from how dramatic I was acting. 
And in a way, she was right, I wouldn't be mad if she laughed. "Wha- What happened?" She asked.
"Well uh, I was thinking of something and got lost in my thoughts, and all of a sudden Morgan comes to me, asking if everything was okay because he wanted to check in case, and like an idiot, I stuttered at the moment when I told that it was a friend, because I almost mentioned that it was my girlfriend."
"And you just did a whole theater play for that? They'll have to know at some point, and if that happened, it wouldn't have been death. Still, it wouldn't have been the best way, but not the worst one either."
"Yeah, I know y/n, but, I prefer them to know another day, a special one, not when a colleague asked me if I was fine when my whole team could know, and possibly Garcia, who won't stop for a whole week."
"You're being dramatic Dr. Reid."
"No- I'm not!"
"You are."
"You. Are. I have the last word, no matter what. I don't know when and how you want them to know, but we can't keep hiding it till we're married and have two kids with a third on the way at some point. And they're not anyone, they're like your family, and if you like, respect and trust them, so do I."
"Yeah, you're right. But not now. I trust you too, don't go behind my back to the office either.”
"You just gave me a suggestion."
"And that wasn't a suggestion."
"That seemed like it."
"They won't let you in, so, do what you want."
"I'll show them pictures."
"They could be photo-shopped, anyone with good skill can make it seem like a real picture."
"I have videos."
"Same thing, it stays a file that can be edited with a software. How do you think they do the effects in movies and shows? With a software."
"You're no fun Reid."
"You're lying, you always laugh at my jokes."
"No, I'm not."
"I can even tell through a call that you're lying."
"You're a bad profiler."
"Then how do I solve crimes and can tell that you love me, Spencer Reid, the ultimate genius." I said, with a dramatic voice as if I was saying lines of a play.
"...I do love you."
"I already know it because I do too."
"Don’t avoid the subject, we’re still gonna have to tell them.”
“...really?” I asked, with a tiny voice.
“Yeah, really. I think he asked you because you were acting like nothing but suspicious, and if, on top of that, he saw you buying stuff, you’re not close to being dead. And also, if I remember correctly from what you said, Penelope is really chatty, so that might go up to her, and once she hears about it, you know. She might not have an eidetic memory, but I don’t think that she, or even anyone else will forget it.”
“I’m dead, I know. I’m still asking myself if he’s not the only one that knows. They might all know it but keep their mouths shut. I can’t go and ask them either, so it’s all a waiting, guessing game right now.”
“You should have told them from the beginning.”
“I have to remind you that you weren’t against it either. We’re both in it.”
“...true. You have a point genius.”
“So, what’s the plan then?”
“Tell them at some point, we’re not going to reveal it in ten years. I have no possibility of reaching out to them, except stealing your phone, which isn’t possible as you’re away, so the only way they’ll know is through you.”
“But, we’re not really forced to. There’s not a rule or anything that says you are obligated to state if you have a partner or not.”
“It’s not the same, they’re like your family, in a way, if you ignore DNA stuff and all, you’ve been working with them longer than we know each other, they’re not strangers, I think they’ll be happy to know you’re sharing your life with someone.”
“You have a point this time.”
“Mind you, I’ve had the point since the beginning of our chat, which I think…had been lasting way too long, by the way.”
“How many….” I questioned, as I took away the phone from my ear to see the time. “Oh, almost six minutes, that’s...a bit long for a chat I’m supposed to have with a friend.”
“Yeah, a bit too long. Oh, by the way, before you go, I’ll be at your apartment, I felt like it needed a small clean, it’s been a while since you’ve been away, and you’ve been staying a lot at my place, so might as well come back to a clean apartment.”
“You don’t have to, I’ll clean myself.”
“I've been there for the last three hours, I didn’t plan on asking for your permission. I just have to hope no one you know decides to come by.”
“Penelope? No, she’s always busy.”
“You told that last time, and she popped up out of nowhere because she had something to give you, and if she had a key, she would have seen a half naked girl in the middle of her friend’s apartment, how’s that?”
“I didn’t know she would actually come, she never did before.” I said, with a small voice, kind as if I was being grounded by my mother.
“Unless someone forgot to charge their phone, which was you, so that’s why she came.”
“It only happened once.”
“And it’ll happen again if you don’t charge your phone. Luckily you were there and you heard, because if you didn’t hear and as I said, she happened to have a key, what would have happened if she would have seen items that belong to me, and the owner of these when you’re supposed to have no partner in your life as they don’t know anything?”
“Um...they would have known.”
“That’s why we have to stop this small game soon. I sounded like a mother talking to her child, I’m...sorry about that. Um...I know you can’t, as you like...remember everything, but, do as your brain is a computer, delete that chat.”
She also sounds like a child too, we’re both kids to be honest.
“I can’t do that.”
“Um...what about I buy you books?”
“We can make a deal then.”
“I can’t believe that...we’re both kids.”
“Yeah, but I mean, that’s why we get along.” I commented.
“I can’t believe how I’m still handling you. We also look like an old married couple.”
“You do, I don’t.”
“I’m not so sure about that- Spencer it’s been almost ten minutes now, you should uh...go back.”
“Ten minutes...since when? Now I’m definitely dead.”
“I wish I could say yes but, you’re almost dead, if you manage to avoid suspicion after...of course.”
“Yeah, that’s an easy thing to say…?”
“I can’t talk to them and say ‘oh hi, I’m Spencer’s secret girlfriend, since half a year’, because apparently it’s not the right moment.” She said, ironically. 
“Okay, I get it...we’ll do it when I get back, I don’t know. We can’t wait another year at this point, it’s a bit too late and the suspicions raised themselves...a bit too much to be dissipated.”
“It’s been a while so, yeah, it’s time. We should have told them since we met at the library.”
“Yeah, maybe we should have..”
“But we can be proud of ourselves, especially you, if uh...of course, they don’t know. Because, I’m just saying, but...they could know, but choose to not say anything until they’ll realise that you know that they know you have a girlfriend. I’m...just saying.”
“So, there might be a chance that I’m already screwed and I didn’t know, or that they just have suspicions but don’t really know…? If you get it…?”
“Yep, and the worst part is that you can’t go and ask them, because if they actually don’t know, you’ll just be revealing what you thought they knew but actually don’t.”
“That whole story is an endless maze. I’m thinking we shouldn’t have waited that long.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t have.”
“Yeah. I think I’m gonna go, I’ll uh...be back tomorrow towards the beginning, middle of the afternoon, we’re almost done, we have like...some papers left and other stuff.”
“Okay, don’t make me wait too long, I’ll be waiting at your place.”
“I’ll be back before you even know it.”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too.”
They’re not gonna believe the friend excuse anymore at this point
I stayed for more than ten minutes, no one stays that long with me. I don’t really know, the team’s always with me, so when we talk it’s case related or short texts in general, and it’s not really part of my habits to go away for that long. 
I guess we’ll see.
With a soft sigh, I unlocked the door before lowering the handle down, exiting the room to walk to where I originally was, already hoping to get some remarks.
“I was about to come to where you went to check if you weren’t dead.”
“It’s been a while since we talked, that’s all Derek. Why?”
“Nah, just asking.” He said, raising his two hands up above his head.
“Ok then..?” I almost panicked when I answered, but I think that my reaction was enough for him to see it as I was confused...I think.
Okay, I think they already know by now, awesome.
I even came to the point of wondering if they knew and were just pretending to not know all along. They could have stayed in silence, acting like they didn’t know.
It also was a bit my fault, I did let some details slip, like my behavior, how I checked my phone more often, my long absences, again, how I talk, avoiding suspicion became kind of difficult.
Especially a bit after we started dating; we got really closer, and talking often helped us fill the distance. I really felt bad for leaving her alone that often, so at least I’d feel less guilty by talking to her whenever I could.
It really changed fast, just a few days ago, I didn’t even plan on telling it at all, but, y/n did convince me to not do so, and now, it might not be a good idea to continue pretending. 
It’s kind of obvious that they know something is up, they’ve known me longer than her, so obviously, they know when something is different about me.
I just...was so focused on her, that I didn’t even think that they’d notice to be honest.
But, as she said, I don’t think that it’ll be...that bad. They’ll be understanding, and happy, that’s all. 
They’ve always been a bit shocked when they’d think I had a girlfriend; because I really wasn’t the guy to have one to them, I don’t really know how to explain as I’m not in their heads, but I saw it that way, but again, that wasn’t in a mean way, they were just surprised. 
Except this time, they won’t think that I don’t have a partner, they’ll definitely think I have one this time.
We didn’t really pay attention to the world around us, especially me, if I were to be really honest. 
I just fell so hard for her, I would always be talking to her, thinking about her, and only looking at her when she’d be with me.
I always hold her hand when we go out together, I don’t know why, I can’t say more than a few minutes without it, and also, it’s always funny to compare our hand sizes, it’s cute.
Also another thing, I can’t help but mimic the emotions on her face sometimes, without even realizing it, because when she smiles, I also happen to do so.
I just can’t help myself but think about things that make her so perfect in my eyes; she truly means a lot to me and I can’t seem to imagine what my life would be like if she didn’t happen to be in it.
I remember saying stuff like; “When you meet your soulmate, remember that the act of bringing you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other.”, or even, “Maybe the events in our lives were set in motion a long time ago”; that may sound like cheesy sentences, or whatever means to anyone else; but I guess it’s just how I see things, I do mean it when I say these.
I’ve noticed she always likes to hear them, she wouldn’t see it as rambling or anything else, just a sentence like another one I’d casually say, she admitted quite a few times that my talking never bothered her in any way.
Even if most of it was rambling, and facts, stuff that anyone else would be bored of after one minute; but y/n never did, she would often be the one to ask me about it, she wanted to know stuff too, and get to brag about it to people she knew.
I really like these little things, the small details about each other, what we think, what we like, and what we know to do to make the other happy, including the small souvenirs I bring her when I get the occasion. 
This time, it’s a small pumpkin, it’s not halloween related at all, just a cute pin. I know we’re literally in January, but it’s our favorite holiday, and we happen to talk about it all year, no matter what month it is. 
We also like other holidays, but that one stays our favorite. We’ve always had a liking for it.
Since it’s almost February, it means that Valentine's Day is close, so...I could possibly do a small event, or a letter, or even organise some stuff we could do on dates.
There’s plenty of time to plan all of it, I’ll just keep it in the corner of my head and think about it again when the occasion comes.
No matter how many times it happens, I can’t help but always feel relaxed when I come back home after a case, it isn’t always fully happy as the thought of the families often haunt my mind, I can’t help but feel a bit guilty, the cases ends up getting resolved, but the families never move on, only me as I go back to the bureau, and get called for another.
It’s always hard to think about it, and we’ve at least found ourselves getting stuck on a case even after it got resolved; but at least, if that can be reassuring, in a way, the ones who had committed the crime won’t harm anyone else and make other people lose their loved ones, that’s what I try to tell myself when I can’t get the thought out of my mind.
It also helps to be with the people I'm closest to and appreciate, with the team, we've been through it more than we can recall, and it helps to talk about it between us, try to find a tiny ounce of light in the tragedy, and even when the case impacts us personally, we try to move on, because even if we don't know the victim most of the time, it's not good to suffer for too long, they wouldn't want that for their families, or anyone else that might have cared about them, we have to learn to move on, at our own pace and honor their lives. 
That's the best we can do for them, and even though we don't know them, we sometimes happen to think about the victims, it's hard not to get impacted by it, but when it happens, we have to try to not let it touch deeply and do our best to find the author of the crime, for them, and their loved ones, whom the pain will lessen with time for some, but will always stay deep inside their hearts. 
The aftermath of a case is always rough, but we don't have much choice to face it like we can, and get ready for the next one.
I'm really glad to have everyone in my life around me, they're the one who I talk to, confide in, laugh with, and spend the most of my time with, but that last is an exception sometimes.
When I'm not on a case and have no papers, I often happen to be with y/n, and find some kind of excuse to say to the team they believe...or not, it depends. 
When I happen to decline their offer, they either think that I'm going to spend the night watching whatever show I brag about, or read, but...when I do think that's the reasons they have in mind, I realize that I underestimated them too fast by thinking of a simple and silly reason when they literally began immediately thinking of the real stuff, which is in that case, me having a partner.
So, yeah, the reason they think about when I don't join them is because of a partner. Which they think is definitely real; because of my "successful" way of hiding it. 
I'm sure they already know it by now, I'm not sure of it, but at least I know that I can't really go back. They definitely know something is up and trying to hide it more won't lessen the suspicions, on the contrary.
They’ll be informed of it officially in a bit, I’m not sure when, I just want it to be special not just a; “Oh, here’s my girlfriend.”, I don’t really want it to happen this way.
I’m literally about to plan a whole meeting with her and the team, while I could just shorten it to something more simple.
I may be over dramatic over this…
I guess we have time though, I’m barely coming from a case, and I’d prefer to spend the next days with her, because if I would plan it, she doesn’t have to know at all, which means I’ll have to hide stuff, see her less, and that’s the last thing I would want to do after not seeing her for what felt weeks to me.
Again, yes, I may be a bit overdramatic;, I admit it, but even when I talk to her on the phone, text her or even buy stuff, I still want nothing more but to see her; nothing replaces the feelings I have when she’s close to me. 
I do like to hear her voice even when it’s through a phone, but I prefer over everything to just  have her close.
I wish it could have happened now, but we all know what returning from a case is, paperwork and all, we don’t immediately go home, as much as we all want to do it more than anything after the week we’ve had.
I’ll be in my car before I even think of it, I just have to do what I have to do, and it’ll be over, I would have said “as soon as possible”, but I doubt Hotch will accept reports done in two minutes, and upset him is the one thing no one wants to see, we’re all tired, so our patience eventually tends to be limited, which is understandable. 
I thought that I would have been able to think of going home as I previously told, but I soon found myself struggling to stay away and focused on the left work on my desk. If she had happened to work with me, even if I were to be tired, I’d ignore it because I would be busy staring at her every two seconds, and eventually, lose all focus.
And even though she wasn’t with me at work, I still happened to freeze for two minutes in the same spot when I thought of her.
I just can’t wait to see her again, I really missed her a lot.
I was so distracted on the way in that I almost drove to her place before remembering she said that she would be waiting at my apartment yesterday.
She's probably gonna be either in the bathroom taking a bath, as she always prefers my bathroom. Her apartment has a shower, and as she finds it too tiring to stand sometimes, she prefers to shower at my place, and I kind of understand her and agree with her on this point. 
When I come from work, I just want to lay down and stay up only if I need to, which tends to become rare once I'm in my bed, and basically nonexistent when y/n happens to lay besides me, and even if I dared to think of leaving without her, I think she wouldn't agree, we literally both can't stay away from each other, we're as magnets, in a way.
She could also be watching the same episodes of Doctor Who for god knows how many times. I would often find her still watching it at 2AM when I'd wake up at night.
I even had to pull her to bed myself, and tossed her over my shoulder once. 
I don't think she's sleeping now, she's literally a ball of energy, if I take the 'still watching tv at 2am' matter. If I didn't pull her to bed, I bet she would have kept watching it.
I would normally say that she's a child, but I'm also a child myself sometimes, so I can't make fun of her, which would literally be as I made fun of me; but it's okay, we often make fun of the other, so there's so harm in doing it, as it's basically how we talk generally.
Which includes her calling me 'genius', 'smart pants', '187', and, I know it isn't the subject, but, gosh, her smile when she laughs, it's honestly one of my favorite things about her. 
So, her making fun of me isn't that bad if it means that I get to see her laughing and all happy.
As I looked at the surroundings, I soon came to the realization that I happened to be close to the destination, just a block away I'd say. 
If there weren't other cars around me, and people, I would have sped as I was on a highway to get there faster.
Although the ride was less than a quarter of an hour (depending on traffic, it could maximum be twenty minutes), it still somehow felt longer…if I don't count the times I had to stop to let people cross the street. 
I also really blamed other people for being there at the moment as I was driving, that was a bit stupid, people weren't going to stop because I had to see my girlfriend (even if, I admit that I wouldn't have mind if they did stop, it could...be nice.), they absolutely don't care about it, as much as again, the inverse could have been cool, but absolutely unlikely to happen in this reality.
I sighed for a long minute when the familiar structures came to my field of view, logically meaning that I was really close to see her, I wish I could have sped the car, but as always, people.
I hope she doesn't mind the fact that I made her wait (and still am right now), but I'm pretty sure she won't mind, just "yell" at me about it, but nothing including hate. 
As I stopped the engine in front of the building, undoing my seatbelt and stepping out of the car before locking it after my exit, I excitedly made my way to the entry of the building, almost tripping on some of the steps considering how impatient I was.
Although I was really impatient, I wouldn't have quite appreciated the fact of breaking a leg, so I obviously slowed down and paid attention a bit more.
You could really compare it as what a kid feels like on the morning of Christmas waking up to see his present, except right now, what I was truly waiting for, was to see her when I'd open the door; but she wasn’t only a gift, she was my everything, my person.
I really tend to get emotional when I talk about her, I don’t know why. I remember almost crying when I thought she hurt herself badly one day, but she only fell down a step, it was nothing bad, but I really thought she had broken something, I hope she didn’t break a bone or anything else while I was gone; she often tends to be clumsy.
After getting lost in my thoughts (for the millionth time today), I took the keys out of my pocket and softly opened the door, closing it once I entered while trying not to make a lot of noise.
It quite surprised me to see my apartment this time.
Small lights were attached to the wall, above it, small polaroid pictures taped down, some hearts, probably cut down, in coloured paper I think.
The only lights were coming from the ones attached to the wall, so the apartment wasn’t quite visible, but still, I didn’t turn the light on in case she happened to be asleep, which happened to be what I expected, as I saw a distinct figure on a couch, a blanket wrapped around it. 
I sat down to her level, taking a moment to watch her for a bit before putting my hand on her head, as I gently stroked her hair.
The sight of her was so beautiful, and after being away for a week, it truly was the best thing to come home to. I could never get sick of it, that became my favorite thing to see after we met, and it’ll always stay that way, I don’t think it’ll ever change.
I could watch her for hours, and I wouldn’t even realize how much time would go by, But realizing it, I don’t know if that could be considered as psychopath behavior…
As long as there’s no bad intentions, I guess it isn’t.
Yeah, I think the lack of sleep is kicking in right now, I’m saying weird stuff. Y/N would probably say I’m crazy if she ever happened to hear me.
I also figured out that while she was asleep, I could possibly give her a little bit more sleep, while I take a shower, change myself and possibly cook some food? 
Without burning it...of course.
I wouldn’t like her to eat burned food, even if she won’t really mind, she’s not a good cook either, so at least we understand each other. But still, I’d like her to eat something not burned.
I’ll just see what I can do after, I already have things to do, and if I keep thinking I still won’t have done one thing before she wakes up.
Stroking her hair one more time, I raised myself up as I glanced at her one more time, smiling as I did so. I left the room, heading to the bathroom.
I’m not going to lie to myself, but I literally spend less time in the bathroom than usual.
All of my motions were sped up and without even realizing it, it probably was mainly because I was way too impatient to get out of the room to have y/n in sight again.
I honestly never did that with anyone else before, was I scared that she would suddenly disappear or something? She was literally asleep.
Yeah, I tend to get paranoid even when she’s in the next room, with absolutely no danger in sight, I just imagine stuff that could seem a bit ridiculous if heard by someone else.
I guess that’s why I don’t talk to anyone about it, but, I don’t think anyone would take it badly, I just -again- think people are going to react badly- when it’s perfectly normal, everyone worries about their loved ones, maybe not as bad as me, but- they worry.
But now, absolutely everything is fine, I don’t have to start worrying, I’m gonna walk out of the bathroom and she’s simply going to be there, exactly where she was when I left, probably asleep...or not.
She doesn’t have a light sleep at all, it’s a task to wake her up in the morning, and I don’t think she ever woke up when I accidentally dropped utensils in the kitchen one day. I just saw her slightly moving, but when I called her name, she didn’t even wake up. 
That happened to be quite surprising when I just saw her, sitting on the couch as I left the bathroom.
We looked at each other, and I just froze in place, kind of confused. 
She never wakes up first, I’m the one who usually wakes her up, so, I was quite confused when I just saw her awake, about to stand up.
“I didn’t hear you coming…” Y/N said, rubbing her eyes.
“That’s literally because I did everything not to wake you up. Did the uh...water wake you up?”
“I just woke up a few minutes ago, oh and I’m sorry, I was just tired after you know, cleaning, and that…” She explained, pointing at the decorations. “I can just take them off if you don’t like them, it’s-”
“What- no! I like what you did, that’s really nice.” I quickly reassured her, making my way towards the couch. “Why would you think I wouldn’t like it?”
“I just, you don’t decorate it often, so I thought I’d do that, I...I’m not sure if you’ll be home for valentine’s day as you were away often because of work, so...I did that, so you wouldn’t feel bad or anything. Is it too much?”
“Not at all. Don’t worry, I do get why you did that. I hope you don’t feel bad, I’m kind of worried that you feel upset when I’m away, I’m not here as much as I would like to be, you didn’t expect this when we started dating, I feel bad sometimes.”
“I don’t feel bad, you’re just doing your job, and hey, even if some cases don’t end well, you get to catch the ones who did it, so they won’t hurt anyone else, so why would I get upset?”
“Yeah, I know.”
“And, I know that even if you don’t say it, you’re worried for me, so don’t be. I’m completely fine, and if anything happens, you know that I’ll call you.”
“I know too, and you don’t lie on this point because you called me once when there was a spider in your shower.”
“...yeah, I did. And you laughed at me when I called.”
“That’s because I knew she wasn’t as big as you described. When I came, she didn’t even have the size of a coin, she was so small.”
“She wasn’t that small.”
“She kind of was. She wasn’t two millimeters tall, but not two centimeters.”
“I exaggerated a bit.” She admitted, slightly hitting me with her elbow when she saw a smile on my face. “It’s not funny!”
“It kind of is.”
“I swear that I’m gonna cook burned eggs for you and force you to eat them.”
“Burned eggs are like regular ones to me, neither of us know how to make them normal.”
“...true. So, in that case, what are we supposed to do right now?”
“I think we should do some pasta, it isn’t really difficult...if we follow the steps like it’s told.”
“Yeah, I just hope we won’t burn the apartment. I prefer to burn the pasta rather than set a fire.”
“Same thing.”
“Okay, let’s hope we don’t burn anything.”
“Oh, wait. I forgot.”
“What did you forget?” She asked, visibly confused.
“I forgot...that,” I said, pausing as I kissed her cheek which earned a small giggle from y/n. “And...that.” I continued, heading over to where my bag was.
"You didn't have to Spence, really."
"Yes, I had. You have to see how cute that is." I explained, walking back to her. "Look at that, it's adorable, a small pumpkin."
"Okay, it really is." She smiled, taking the small item. "It's from our favourite holiday. I miss buying pumpkins, I haven't done it since I was a kid."
"Yeah, it's been a while for me too. I wish we could do it, but I don't have much of an idea where they could be. We both live in buildings, and I doubt the landlords or the neighbors will appreciate this."
"They definitely won't. I guess we'll do it later, when we're married maybe, or…more simply, when the team will know."
"Oh, yeah...that."
"That, yeah."
"I do think they know by now."
"Probably, it's been five months, and you've been acting like nothing but a guy that's absolutely in love these past weeks."
"What can I say? I couldn't really hide it anymore."
"You could have been more discreet, you were literally surrounded by profilers, they definitely catched up."
"I should have asked you to teach me how to be clumsy. That way I would have broken a leg."
"Hey! I'm not doing it on purpose!"
"It looks like it! You almost broke your leg when you fell off a single step!" 
"I'm gonna push you up the stairs one day if that's what you want." 
"And how are you gonna do without me? You can't even cook."
"You can't either."
"I'll have Rossi teach me. He can basically teach anyone."
"Then why do you still suck? You visited him a lot from what you told me."
"I uh...didn't participate, I just watched."
"Then that explains it." 
"I can cook! I'm gonna show you."
"Okay, I'm watching." 
"Don't make fun of me!" I shouted, taking the pillow off the couch to throw it at her.
I shouldn't have done that, I literally started a war that lasted at least…twenty minutes, then we talked more, ten more minutes, then again, which led us to eat one hour later.
Eventually, we managed not to burn anything at all and ended the afternoon on the couch, talking about whatever came to mind.
"We should do something for the next few days. In case you get called, we should at least do something fun." She proposed, hesitating.
"Like what, I don't have many ideas…"
"Um well…what do we both like to do usually?"
"Let me think...coffee?"
"What about...we go on dates, except it's with coffee too."
"So, coffee dates?"
"Yeah. We could also add something to make it more...fun."
"A kind of...challenge?"
"I think there’s a new place that opened recently? We could try it out."
"Maybe other ones too. Wait- I got an idea.
"Which is?"
"A mission to find the best cup of coffee in town. We both like coffee, and It’d be nice to discover what the other shops have."
"That could work, totally."
"Okay. Coffee dates and coffee missions it is."
"The title is kind of weird." I admitted
"Do you have anything else to propose?"
"Just dates, I guess."
"It's so basic." She argued.
"But it's easier though."
"Easier than telling you have a girlfriend?" Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Then if you bring up that, yeah, it's easier than that."
"I knew it."
"Of course you did.”
“That’s because I’m always right.” 
“Always? I’m not so sure about that.”
“Are you insinuating that I’m not smart enough Reid?”
“Maybe.” I teased.
“I’m really going to kill you, I didn’t forget what I said earlier.”
“You wouldn’t dare to.”
“Don’t be so sure about that.” She insisted.
“Okay, I apologize. You’re as smart as I am.”
“I prefer that answer.” Y/N approved, which sent the both of us into a fit of laughter, which seemed totally endless at first. 
It lasted about five minutes before we sort of calmed ourselves to come back to a calm state. We didn’t look much at each other, as we knew it would do nothing but make us laugh again for a duration we didn’t even know.
But, even if that meant that we would laugh for a few minutes, even if that meant that we’d both complain because our stomachs would hurt, it’ll have been worth it, I wouldn’t have regretted it.
These were the moments we both knew the other appreciated to spend, we both took a liking for these, and often tend to forget about everything else. 
It would just be the two of us; we’d forget about work, anxieties, just for a moment.
Work has always been a problem to me, I couldn’t see her as much as I’d like, having to interrupt an afternoon we thought would be calm to go to work, having to stay away more than I thought.
Although, even if that remains an inconvenience, it never made our relationship weaker, it stayed the way it was, from the moment we met each other.
Even back then when we barely knew anything else about each other at the library, it didn’t take us much time to get along as if we were friends for years and not one week.
We’ve always had a strong relationship, it never really changed.
Work would eventually get in the way, and it’ll be okay. We would learn to adapt, and just live with it, and it really worked out to be fine, and not as bad as I thought.
I think that I was afraid at the beginning, when we just started dating. Mostly because I thought she wouldn’t appreciate my schedule, the fact that I would be away for one week, and go back to work only after two days, I thought she’d get tired of it, and realize that it wasn’t the kind of relationship that suited her.
I really turned out to be wrong. Five months later, we’re still together, and sometimes it’s almost as if we’re not five states away from the other.
Let’s hope we’ll get to have -at least- a week, it would be nice. It’s been a while since we had more than three days without the sound of my phone meaning vacation time was over.
Plus, we get to do something we don’t usually do as often as we’d like to. We’ve already gone to coffee shops, but it’s been a month or so since; so I’m really excited about that new mission of ours. 
It’s another thing to add to the list of our numerous and diverses adventures I get to spend with her.
Let me know what you thought of this fic here! 
The next and last part is coming on April 2nd/3rd (just so that the tags don’t get clogged)
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
A Still Day or A Hurricane Feedback/Comments (03)
@ohmydarlin-g asked: I've been so disconnected from tumblr after I got a new job so I had no idea asdoah was coming but I just read the first chapter and OH MY GOD I am so in love already I love MCs independence and down to earth attitude while JK is a free spirit with a heart of gold. I feel like this pairing is gonna be so refreshing and sweet just like a strawberry tart 😋 I can't wait for more! (Also is it possible to be added to the tag list I don't remember if you do that???)
Hiii congrats on the new job! 🎉 I’m glad you’re loving the characters so far. They’re honestly so cute pls and ur right, refreshing. There’s just something about a playful, cheeky JK that’s so alluring. I’m excited for you learn more of how they are! And yes to adding you to the taglist. Thanks so much for reading! 🥰
@jeoncookie-bts asked: Authornim!!!! I love asdoah so much! OC is such an inspiration, a bad bitch (in a very VERY positive way)! She knows what shes doing and shes good at it, can easily be independent on her own. And jungkook being the persistent yet mature guy!!!!!! Give me him!!!!!!! I love love LOOOOVEEE this dynamic between the two of them so much, and im so excited to see progress in their so called friendship lol! Seeing that both of them agreed to this "friendship", i wonder what's actually in store for them 🤩 great work authornim! cant wait for the next chap! 🥰
This JK and this OC are so, so special to me and you’ll see more of their flaws and amazing sides. But yes, this JK is something else and I think you’re gonna like him a lot! We all want him, don’t we? 🥺 Every time I think of that VLive, I get a whiplash. 🥵 Pls think of him while reading haha. Thank you so much for this! ☺️
🍧Anonymous asked: Hi mimi!!! Excited for your new series even tho I'm not in a good mental space these days 😭 i dont usually read fics where the OC is older bc I'm... younger than jk heehhe but still!! I feel like I've made a lot of exceptions for your writings bc you're just that good🤍
Looking forward to see how their relationship progress and how the baby would come to be 🙈🙈🙈 i love how flirty JK is and even tho he said he's okay with friendship now, I kinda wish to see more of them flirty sides 👀 Do you have a schedule for this? Anyhow. Havw a good week!
I totally get you but I’m the opposite! Haha but thank you for giving this a shot, it means a lot. ☺️ The age thing won’t be as pronounced as the story goes on, as their other differences take the front seat. And flirty sides, you ask? There’ll be alotttt. I’ve never written so many flirty scenes but it’s a 130+k fic hehe 😂 so they’ll be popping out a lot. I hope you enjoy the rest of it. You can find the series masterlist here. 😊
AHHHH I AGREE! This JK makes me smile soooo much bc he’s a flirt through and through and we love him for it. Thank you so much for reading! 🥰🥰
@jmnkooks asked: Hi mimi hope you’re doing well 🤍 I just wanted to say that I am already in love with the first chapter and can’t wait to read the rest of your new story!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us 😘 sending love from italy
Oh, thank you so much! I’m fine and I hope you’re doing well, too. ☺️ So many more things happen and I hope you like the rest of it. I appreciate your kind words and sending you love back from the Philippines! 💜💜
Anonymous asked: asdoah is the fic ive been looking for 😩 ive been looking for a single mom oc since i keep seeing dilf member fics hehe im glad u posted asdoah mimi!!! im excited to see where the story goesss 😆
Hiii I agree! That’s why this was pretty exciting to write because there’s so much to explore with a badass, single mom OC and a cheeky JK who just wants her attention. 😉 Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the rest of it! 🥰
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yaya-does-things · 4 years
Nap time with the Obey me! boys
So basically.... I’ve been super into the Obey Me! Fandom so.... of course I’m gonna write some content. Anyway, I thought of a cute idea with an MC who enjoys a good nap time. As someone who is partial to taking naps for an hour at four almost everyday, I found writing this quite self indulgent haha. Anyway, please enjoy, and to all of the people who are fellow nappers, this one’s for you *wink*
was looking for MC one day when he found them asleep on the couch in the living room
why were they there? Wouldn’t it be better to just sleep in their own room? Is the couch even COMFORTABLE???
none of these questions get answered of course
he just stands there for a bit, watching MC peacefully sleep
they look absolutely ADORABLE
he would move them to his room just to keep them to himself
but they look much too peaceful
so he leaves them alone
when they wake up, a blanket has been thrown over them
they soon find out it was Lucifer, since he mentions that if they need a nap, his room is always open
MC smiles with a blush, and they seem to take up that offer quiiiiite often, especially when Lucifer is stressed from working
Once MC was welcomed to his room for naps, they were there CONSTANTLY
Doesn’t even want to sleep unless they know Luci has slept well himself
If MC even finds that Luci stayed up too late working again, it will be their mission to have him take a nap with them as well
He doesn’t always want to but is always dragged in somehow
He doesn’t even sleep half the time, he just likes how MC cuddles up to him as they rest, and how their hair feels between his fingers as he softly messages their scalp, his mind deep in thought over things, whether it be his affection to this human or the work he should really be getting to
Oh well~~~
Guess his work will have to wait a tiny bit more
MC and him are hanging out one day, just vibing and watching a movie
However, it seems naptime has approached, but MC doesn’t want to seem rude and just fall asleep while Mammon is there
but... the movie’s just soooo slowwwww
and... they’re sooooo close to Mammon that his heat is radiating off and onto MC
so, of course, MC snuggles in a bit more, which brings a blush to Mammon’s face because of the proximity
(he won’t admit that tho, so he tries to be chill)
He just lays there, stiffly, with MC’s head lying on his shoulder. 
They slowly start to drift off, head bobbing every once in a while as the movie progresses 
Mammon is a statue now 
He doesn’t move until he knows they’re asleep, and even then, is VERY careful in moving their head to be placed on a few pillows he moved over (I mean, he doesn’t want them to have a sore neck when they wake up!)
So, he himself lies beside MC, placing his arm under his head as he turns his attention to their sleeping face.
He reaches out, and lightly traces a finger down their cheek, which earns a slight twitch of their nose from the contact
He smiles at how cute they look, and soon falls asleep himself
(wakes up to Lucifer coming in the room, finding the two together at a time where Mammon should NOT be out of his own bed. Gets yeeted by Luci, and MC is still asleep, unaware of the second oldest getting reprimanded)
As someone who doesn’t leave his room often, Levi is not one prone to witnessing MC’s frequent nap times
That is, until the he invited them to play video games with him one day
He insisted that MC join him for one of his raids, even if the human insisted that this was their time for naps
“But, the raid starts in ten minutes! You HAVE to help me MC!”
“But Levi-”
“It will be great! I PROMISE! PLEASEEEE”
Of course MC could not resist. He was just too cute when he begged
And so, the two were sitting on the floor, screen brightly hitting their faces as the room was dark around them
MC was trying their best to stay awake, seeming as though the game was not keeping them very interested, since they were only used as a decoy. 
Levi paid no mind tho, as he was frequently yelling at the screen and telling MC what to do.
He didn’t notice that MC had fallen asleep until he noted that their character was nowhere in sight.
Looking to the side, he finally noted the fact that, yes they had fallen asleep, and yes, they were leaning on his shoulder
Cue Levi’s face becoming EXTREMELY red
He had no idea what to do 
Why were they asleep? Why were they leaning on his shoulder!? WHY WAS THE ROOM REALLY HOT ALL OF A SUDDEN!?!??
Even with these questions burning he made no attempt to move them
So he just sat there. Stunned.
Welp. Guess it’s a game over for now.
Just gonna sit here for a while till they wake up then
Plot twist: he falls asleep too
Satan <3
All he wanted was to have a nice reading sesh with MC
But no
He had initially invited MC into the library with him, wanting them to read a book he highly recommended and dually loved
He had handed them the book, MC taking it gladly, smiling all the while as they listened to his sinopsis  
He was just so cute when his eyes lit up about his favorite books
And so, when he was done, MC was glad to begin reading, hoping to earn the same appreciation he had towards the book
He sat on the seat beside them, his own book in one hand as he held MC’s with the other
It had been at least half an hour before he looked up again, looking to see what MC thought of the book so far.
What he didn’t expect was for MC to be asleep
Was his book really that boring?
He looked down in his seat, sighing in disappointment
Perhaps MC just didn’t appreciate the sophisticated literature he so much enjoyed
But no
That was not the reason
It was just nap time
When MC awoke, they found themselves still in the chair, Satan nowhere to be found.
They grabbed the book, taking it with them as they ventured to find him
Why did he leave them?
MC eventually found him in his room, sitting on his bed with the same book he had in the library. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, and it took a few tries before MC finally got him to look up
“What’re you doing in here? I thought you were asleep?” he said, rather coldly
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to! I --”
“If you thought it was boring you could have just said so.”
“No! That’s not it at all! It’s actually very good!”
“Don’t patronize me,” he scoffed, then turned his head to his own book again
MC stared at him, before walking up and stealing his own book from his hands
“I’ll have you know, that I really do enjoy your book! Anything you give me to read is amazing and I cherish each one! And I fell asleep not because I didn’t like it, but because I’m just prone to falling asleep when I get too comfortable. Also, it was the time of day when I usually fall asleep. I’m sorry. I should have told you.”
He stares at them for a moment, then his face softens.
“I’m sorry too… I shouldn’t have assumed things so easily…”
MC smiled, and nodded, then handed him back his own book. They sat next to each other on the bed, soon venturing off into their own worlds as they comfortably read next to each other
Asmo ~~~
So basically… Asmo took MC to go shopping. Whether MC was forced to or not is a mystery, but in the end, they came home with Asmo and too many bags to carry
By the time they got home, MC was exhausted. Shopping all day with Asmo is very tiresome, especially when he’s always looking for a way to get reactions out of them through outfits he puts on and outfits he insists they try on (most of the time the clothes being rather provocative)
And, even though MC protested that they were going off for a nap, Asmo insisted they come to his room so that he could put away all of his stuff, along with potentially retrying a few things for outfit creativity’s sake. 
MC found themself on his bed, lying on their stomach as they tried their best to stay awake and give their humblest opinion on Asmo’s fashion choices (which mostly resulted in a short nod, just because they were too tired to really pay attention)
It wasn’t until he had exited into his closet to change yet again that MC finally succumbed to their much needed rest
He came back several minutes later to enter while striking a model pose for MC to see, and yet, he noted their inability to see at all, since, yah know, MC was unconscious 
He sighed to himself, knowing that this was bound to happen. He wasn’t blind to their clear exhaustion, but he wanted to see just how long they would stay awake. And yet, here MC was, asleep
He made a move towards the bed, seeing as perhaps this was a perfect opportunity to take a peek at what they were hiding under their clothes, and yet, just seeing their peaceful face made his attempts falter into nothingness
He couldn’t bother such a beautiful form, and that was saying something, since he himself was the most beautiful of them all 
So instead, he smiled and laid down beside them, placing both hands to wrap around their sleeping form and easily pull them towards him. 
This man. THIS MAN.
He might have just put MC in a food coma
The two had gone out for dinner, venturing through the market of the devildom trying foods at all of Beel’s favorite vendors. I mean, come on, MC hasn’t tried any of them, so might as well take them 
By the time they had gotten home, MC had eaten too much to even care about dinner. All the food they had eaten made MC much too tired to even do anything
They hadn’t even been able to make it to their own room, settling for the couch in the lounge, since it was closest to the foyer. 
Beel had left them to go to the kitchen (of all things) since, yes, of course this man was still hungry, even after ALL OF THE FOOD he had just eaten
He soon had more snacks than he could carry in his arms, and ventured his way to MC’s room to spend more time with them
But, what’s this!? MC isn’t in their room?!
Beel ventured through the rest of the House, going upstairs and even aking his brothers where he may find the human
None of them knew, that is, until he recalled seeing MC walking into the living room upin their arrival
He scurried down the stairs, his snacks still in hand, when he finally made it into the living room
Once he found MC lying on the couch, asleep, just the thought of his snacks had been forgotten
He now had a more fulfilling need in his hands
That was gathering MC and taking them to their room, which would most definitely end in him cuddling into them as they both lied on MC’s bed
MC wakes up to fluffy orange hair in their face
They easily figure out its Beel, and pet his soft locks, making an effort to glance down at his peaceful face.
MC feels content in Beels arms, and easily is lulled back to sleep, with the thought to thank him later for taking them to their own room to sleep (Beel just didn’t want anyone else to see his angel sleeping so peacefully)
So basically
Nap time is WELCOMED with this man
MC had their own nap schedule? Well, Belphie can adjust to it too
Once that special time hits the clock, the pair can be seen heading off for their nap. 
Sometimes it varies
Sometimes they can be found in Beel and Belphie’s room, snuggled up in Belphie’s bed
Perhaps they were too comfy to move out of the couch
Maybe they even fell asleep together while watching a movie in MC’s room
Regardlessly, I think their most favorite spot to fall asleep in is up in the observatory
It’s just so peaceful there, with the brothers rarely venturing into that room
Plus, I’m sure Belphie and MC had created their own place to sleep, the pair bringing up as many pillows to lay on as they nod off while looking at the stars above
Belphie never really looks at the stars though
He’s much too transfixed on MC’s glorious face
If only he could keep them to himself for forever
Perhaps he can, since the world of dreams can also be a plausible place to spend an infinite amount of time with his human 
He loves his nap time, and will never miss out on it.
Even if MC isn’t too tired, they will never say no to spending time with Belphie as he himself falls into his own slumber.
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