#I am so sorry I never replied to this; tumblr never notified me :(
1800-fight-me · 1 year
Thunderstorms & Heartache
Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader
Rating: M (Mature)- as a general rule for my blog, minors please do not interact!
Warnings: violence, cursing, kidnapping, men being creepy.... i think that’s all. 
Word count: About 5.6k
Synopsis: When Aemond captures you the night before your wedding, your life goes down a path of twists and turns that you never expected. Here’s my take on an enemies-to-lovers snuggling-to-survive Aemond x reader fic! 
Author’s note: Sorry I’ve been gone for months! I’m throwing this into the void and running away again (lol) there will eventually (most likely) be a part two to this fic. I still make no promises that I will be back on tumblr regularly, but I hope y’all like this! 
I am no longer using a taglist! Instead if you would like to be notified when I post new fics follow my side blog @jo-writes-fanfic and turn your post notifications on!
Aemond Masterlist
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You woke in a panic as a hand that was certainly not yours covered your mouth and prevented you from screaming. 
Your eyes widened and your ineffective frantic efforts to fight back lessened as you saw who woke you. 
At the recognition in your eyes he raised his brow in a silent question of your compliance. 
“If I take my hand away, will you scream?” he whispered. 
You reluctantly shook your head even as you glared at him. 
He did as promised and you took a deep breath as you attempted to calm the sharp panic that flowed through you. 
“What the hell are you doing here, Aemond?” you hissed. 
“I am here to rescue you,” he said as he sat back on your bed and pulled you up to a sitting position. 
“Rescue me? I never asked to be rescued,” you snapped at him, wide eyed and confused. 
“Regardless, you are coming with me, sweetheart,” he said with a roll of his eye and enough sarcasm to raise your blood pressure. 
“No, I’m not. Get out of here before I’m caught with a man in my room the night before my wedding,” you said through clenched teeth as you attempted to extricate yourself from his hands as he held your wrist and shoulder. 
His grip only tightened. 
“There will be no wedding,” he replied shortly and you wanted to smack the stupid eyepatch off his face. 
“So you are capturing me then. Who are you to dictate my future?” 
He stared at you with a deadpan look that you were all too familiar with. 
“Your capturer, obviously. Is that not how being captured works?” he drawled. 
You huffed indignantly. 
“Are you going to be compliant or will you make this whole ordeal more miserable than it has to be?” he asked as he stood and pulled you out of the bed with him. 
“The second option,” you snipped back. 
He sighed dramatically even as he threw you over his shoulder unexpectedly and you let out an indignant squeak in surprise. 
“Be quiet,” he hissed. 
“No! If you do not put me down I will scream, I swear it. I will screech and holler and-” 
The wind was taken out of you as he suddenly dropped you down on your bed once more. 
“Quiet! You will get us caught!,” he whispered angrily. 
“Yes, my prince, that is pretty much the point,” you said with a roll of your eyes. 
He pursed his lips in anger as he pulled out a knife. 
Your eyes widened once again in fear, but he used it to cut fabric off the sheet on your bed and then wrapped it across your mouth and tied it on the back of your head. 
You let out a muffled curse of anger and he smirked in satisfaction. 
“Now, do I need to tie your hands and feet together as well or will you be a good little captive and come with me willingly?” 
You merely glared at him and folded your arms across your chest in a small act of defiance. 
You knew that you were incapable of fighting him off physically. The last time you saw him was about a year and a half ago and even then as you watched him train you were taken back by how quick and lethal he had become. 
“Good,” he said with a small upcurve of his lips and hauled you over his shoulder once more. 
After much sneaking, he made it out of the fortress and crept around to the side where a horse waited for him. 
The moon was at the dark phase of her cycle and it was nearly pitch black. 
He pulled you off his shoulder and placed you on the ground surprisingly gently and slowly which caused your breath to catch. 
As your body slid down the length of his you tried to remind yourself that you hate him. 
You never were very good at believing that particular lie, no matter how many times you told yourself. 
He pulled the cloth off your mouth. There was a soft look in his eye. 
You looked over at the horse and then back at him. 
“Where is Vhagar?” you asked. 
He pursed his lips in annoyance and looked up at the sky as if he were cursing you inside his mind. 
“It would not exactly be inconspicuous to have the largest dragon in the world here with me, now would it?” 
You narrowed your eyes at him as you placed your hands on your hips. 
“She waits for us, but it is a few days' journey on horseback to reach her,” he explained. 
“This is the worst kidnapping I’ve ever been a part of,” you muttered. 
He ignored you, even as he shook his head and moved past you to the horse. 
He ran his hand across its mane and then pulled a bundle of clothes out of the saddle bag. 
He thrust them at you and turned back to the horse. 
“Dress quickly. We need to leave immediately,” he ordered. 
You didn’t have a retort as you truly were grateful for the warm clothes and quickly shucked off your nightgown and redressed in them. 
You were surprised to find that he had given you trousers as opposed to a dress, but you supposed it made sense given the long and cold journey ahead of you. You were grateful for the multiple layers and warmth they provided you. 
You traded your slippers for thick socks and boots and with a small clearing of your throat he turned back to survey your work. 
He nodded and pulled your hood over your head, his touch surprisingly gentle, just as his had been firmly pulled over his shock of white hair to hide it. 
He helped you onto the horse and then sat right behind you. 
The heat of his chest warmed your back as his body was pressed tightly against yours. 
He clicked his tongue and the horse started at a gallop, and soon it was a sprint. 
You and your captor made your way south towards King’s Landing without detection. 
As the sun began to rise your eyes drooped and your head fell back against Aemond’s shoulder. 
“If you fall asleep and tumble off the horse I shall be incredibly cross with you,” he drawled and you huffed. 
“You dragged me out of my bed in the middle of the night, how do you expect me to not be tired?” 
He sighed. 
“We will stop soon, but we need to get as much distance between us and your former betrothed,” he said firmly. 
You decided to try to annoy him with your silence. It always used to work when you were children. Sure, Aemond was one who appreciates silence, but not when it was due to your anger at him. He never used to be able to handle it when you were mad at him.  
But, oh, how times have changed. 
“What? No withering retort?” he demanded. 
You maintained your silence. 
“Hm. Glorious silence. I would have kidnapped you earlier if I knew it was the price of such blessed quiet,” he said with a dark chuckle. 
You rolled your eyes but refused to speak. 
He sighed softly at his failed attempts to bait you into conversation. 
You smirked in satisfaction. 
Hours later you finally said, “I thought you said we would stop soon.” 
He laughed spitefully. “I thought you weren’t speaking to me.” 
You sighed. 
“Up here looks like a safe place to rest for a little while,” he said softly as he led the horse off the path and further into the woods. 
You sat and ate your meal of bread, dried meat, and hard cheese while you watched him pull various items out of the saddle bags. 
He laid a blanket out on the ground and gestured towards it. 
You watched him warily and did not move. 
“Honestly, are you really going to be angry with me the entirety of this trip?” he asked as he sat down and crossed his long legs. 
“Trip? This isn’t a trip, Aemond. You stole me from the home of my betrothed!” 
He sighed and rolled his eye. 
“You are such a prick,” you seethed. 
“It is not as if you wished to marry him! Look me in the eye and truthfully tell me you desired to be wed to that sack of shit and I will betray my brother’s orders and take you back immediately.” 
You looked down at your hands as you fidgeted and ripped apart the bread nervously. 
You could not tell him what he asked of you. 
You didn’t want to look up and see the smirk that surely adorned his lips. 
“It was my duty,” you said softly, weakly. 
“You used to care little for duty,” he said, his voice velvety smooth, the way it always did when he felt assured he had won an argument. 
“Yes, well I grew up, Aemond. I learned that I must do what was expected of me in order to survive,” you rasped as tears began to fill your eyes. 
You risked a glance up at you and his expression was hard, but there was a flicker of remorse and concern in his eye. 
You looked away. 
He sighed. 
“Rest. I’ll wake you in a few hours so we can continue our journey,” he said and you nodded. 
You returned the remainder of your food to the saddle bag and as you laid on the blanket, Aemond laid another on top of you. 
You didn’t get a chance to say anything as he immediately turned and walked a few paces away to sit on watch. 
Sleep quickly found you. 
You woke, once again, to Aemond startling you awake. 
It was becoming a habit for him, one you loathed. 
He hissed your name and shook your shoulder as he crouched over you. 
You looked at him and opened your mouth but he shook his head and whispered, “There’s a group of men coming this way. We need to be prepared.” 
You nodded even as your heart began to pound. 
As quickly as you could, you helped him pack up the supplies. 
He pulled up his hood and you followed suit before he helped you up onto the horse. 
He was soon behind you and grabbed the reins. 
“I don’t have to remind you that betraying me and taking your chances with random men would be a horribly stupid decision, do I?” he murmured in your ear as four men on horses neared the two of you as you returned to the path in the forest. 
The thought had of course crossed your mind. But you at least knew Aemond to be relatively honorable. You didn’t have the same assurances of the strange men you were soon to encounter. 
“No,” you breathed out. 
“Good. Take your hood down. Perhaps if they are distracted by how pretty you are they will not ask many questions of us,” he whispered. 
Your heart thumped harder within your chest. 
You did as he asked. 
“Would it not have been wiser to keep hiding?” you murmured back as the men were close enough to properly view them. 
You gulped in fear. 
“We were not very well hidden. And besides, it is always better to meet potential enemies prepared and on your feet,” he said quietly, his mouth close to your ear. 
“Hello there!” one of the men called out as he raised his hand in a wave. 
Aemond waved back. 
They met you in the road and Aemond pulled the horse to a halt. 
“Where are you lot headed?” the man asked in a thick accent and a too curious gleam in his eye. 
“My wife and I are headed south towards the city to find better work,” Aemond replied curtly. 
You kept your expression neutral though you wanted to scowl at him calling you his wife. 
“Not much work in the city. You may have to go further,” one of the men called out. 
“Thank you for the suggestion. We’ll take it into consideration,” Aemond replied and indicated the horse to continue forward. 
“Have I seen you somewhere before?” the man in the back asked, and he was looking directly at you. 
You shook your head, but did not speak for fear that your shaky voice would betray you. 
“I highly doubt it. My wife and I have lived very remote for the last few years. But she does have the type of beauty that feels familiar to many,” he said and one hand curled around your hip protectively. 
“Safe travels,” he then said before they could reply and continued his guidance of the horse forward and past the group of men. 
“To you as well,” one of the men replied but there was something in his voice that pricked at the back of your neck. 
You turned and watched the men as they rode in the opposite direction. 
Once they were out of sight you heaved a sigh of relief and slumped back into his body. 
He buried his face in your neck and hair and hummed softly. 
“I do not think they believed our story. We must make haste as well as change our route, otherwise we may find more trouble,” Aemond said.  
You allowed yourself a few more moments of comfort from his touch before you sat up straighter and put as much space between the two of you that riding together on a horse would allow, which wasn’t very much. 
“Okay,” you said shakily. 
Trouble found you not much later in the form of a viciously cold thunderstorm. 
Harsh rain turned into ice as it pelted your skin. The cold cut through and seeped into your bones. 
Aemond had already led the horse off the beaten path and through the woods, a lesser known path he claimed to be familiar with. 
The trees did not provide enough protection from the weather, however. 
Hooded cloaks could only do so much to prevent one from becoming soaked. 
As quickly as possible, but also after what felt like an eternity, Aemond spotted a shallow cave on the side of a large hill. 
It was protected enough from the elements to provide a reprieve.  
You pulled off your cloak and found that your shirt was not as wet as you expected, the same however could not be said for your pants. 
At the look on your face Aemond said, “I do not have any additional clothes for either of us. You should still remove them and let them dry.” 
You glared at him. 
“I will freeze to death.” 
He tossed you the blankets. 
“You’ll freeze quicker wearing cold wet clothes.” 
You pursed your lips together but could not deny the logic of what he said. 
You laid out one of the blankets and then looked over your shoulder to see him murmuring softly to the horse. 
You unlaced and slid your feet out of your boots, grateful they had protected your thick socks enough that they were still dry, then shucked off your wet trousers. 
You laid them beside your cloak in an attempt to allow them to dry before you laid on top of the blanket and pulled the second blanket firmly over you to protect your modesty. 
“This storm will surely delay us. Hopefully it passes during the night,” Aemond said. 
“What will happen to me when we arrive at our destination?” you asked in a small voice. 
He turned back and looked at you in concern. 
“Do you imagine I would drag you to some horrific fate?” he said, replying to your question with another question.  
You turned over so your back was facing him, partially to give him privacy to undress and partially to avoid his gaze as you spoke. 
“I… I do not know you as I once did,” you murmured. 
“Hm,” he hummed in discontent as he laid beside you. 
“Though we grew apart, I would never wish you ill,” he said finally. 
“Grew apart?” you scoffed. 
He sighed. 
“Your former betrothed had already sworn himself to my sister. The plan is to end your prior engagement and wed you to an ally of my brother. That way your father’s arm is twisted into remaining our ally rather than switching sides in this impending war,” he said. 
The silence after he spoke felt heavy. The only sounds were the pouring rain as it beat against your small hiding place and your heartbeat as it pounded. 
Finally you spoke slowly, “I was right before. This truly is the worst kidnapping I’ve ever been a part of.” 
A huff of hair fell past his lips, it almost sounded like a laugh. 
“It was Aegon’s plan and nothing I attempted to counsel could dissuade him,” he said. 
“My father will be furious,” you said, your voice shaky as shivers wracked your body. Even under the blanket, the cold felt inescapable. 
“Less so if you are agreeable to your new betrothed,” he murmured. 
You suddenly felt the heat of him against your back and squeaked in surprise as he wrapped a strong arm around your waist and pulled you against him. 
“Hush. I cannot possibly sleep with your teeth clattering so loudly as you shiver,” he said haughtily. 
You were stiff for a moment but too quickly felt yourself relax and melt into his body and the warmth he provided. 
You could not even be angry with him, for you were far too comfortable. 
“Who is to be my new betrothed?” you asked quietly, after a few moments of silence. 
You waited for his response. 
Finally he said, “I do not know.” 
You weren’t quite certain if you believed him, but exhaustion weighed heavy upon you and wrapped in his warmth you were swiftly pulled into unconsciousness. 
You were floating, for now, though you began to fear as water rose and rose around you. Then you were flailing as a hand wrapped around your ankle and attempted to pull you down. 
You fought your hardest, but you were powerless against the strength of that hand. 
You ran out of air and attempted to breathe, but choked on salty water, and attempted to scream but no sounds came out. 
You were being pulled into inky depths until fire surrounded you, turning the water into mist and you could breathe, you could breathe in deep as hot dry air that filled your lungs. 
The fire twirled, danced around you and burned the hand that attempted to drown you. 
You were free, and as you sobbed in relief, the fire licked at your cheek, never burning - never hurting, and dried the tears on your cheeks. 
A voice murmured your name, and so you reached a hand for that voice, up and away from the dark murky water. 
“We need to go,” Aemond said, his voice urgent as he shook your shoulder. 
You groaned and attempted to pull the blanket over your head, but it was tugged from your grip. 
You opened one eye and found the object of your ire as he knelt beside you, staring at you with one eyebrow up, judgment clear on his face. 
“You really are a horribly deep sleeper, it is near impossible to wake you, it is no wonder you were so easily captured,” he mused then stood and pulled the blanket completely off you. 
“Asshole” you seethed as you yanked down your shirt where it had rucked up enough to show your underclothes. 
He winked at you as he turned around to give you the privacy to redress. You clenched your teeth in anger as you held back your retort. 
You groaned internally as you realized it was still raining. It was certainly no longer storming as it had been only hours before, if your level of exhaustion was any indication, but it still rained rather heavily. 
You were in for what would certainly be another miserable day if your pounding head and Aemond’s chipper attitude were any indication. 
You swiftly pulled on your pants, boots, and cloak and trudged back into the rain. 
The rain slowed and stopped sometime early in the morning. 
The conversation between you and Aemond did the same after one too many snippy comments from you. And also him. The tension was rather strong. 
It had been so long that there was anger and hurt feelings between the two of you that you hardly remembered the love and friendship that was once there. 
No, that was a lie. It haunted you. There was a reason you had been unable to stand his presence for years without nearly biting his head off. 
When you were children he had been your best friend, your childhood crush, your biggest ally and confidant. Until all of that love turned into hurt feelings and resentment. 
You had entirely too much time this morning to ruminate on the past, and the thought occurred to you that maybe you should discuss it with him and attempt to put it behind you. 
You turned and looked back at him. 
It frustrated you endlessly that a part of you that you had attempted to squash for years was attracted to him. 
It was not lost on you that the boy you grew up with had become a dashing, lethal warrior. 
With his sharp cheekbones and jawline and curved lips that were entirely too distracting…
“Why are you staring at me?” he asked dryly. 
You huffed and turned back around. 
This adventure had, to your utter dismay, softened your feelings towards the man who sat behind you, pressed against you, his long silver hair blowing around the two of you in the wind. 
“Nothing,” you muttered. 
You knew if you looked back you would see a smirk on his perfect lips and it ignited your anger once again. 
You let silence fall and couldn’t find the courage within you to share your thoughts and feelings. 
“Do you plan to stop any time today?” you complained. 
“Surely you- shit,” he cut himself off and cursed as he snapped the reins and urged the horse to speed from a walk into a gallop. 
He yanked his hood over his head. 
“What is it?” you asked as you craned your head to see around his body. 
“Shit,” you echoed him. 
A group of about ten men on horses had rounded the hidden curve of the path behind the two of you. 
“Do you think those are the suspicious assholes from before?” you asked worriedly. 
Aemond pursed his lips into a thin line as he nodded stiffly. 
“We can’t outrun them, not with two people on one horse,” he said. 
“D-do we fight? I can’t fight. Oh my gods, Aemond you’re ruining my life. I should be married to a boring old man right now, not running for my life with my worst enemy-”
“Quiet, we are not going to fight, you ridiculous woman. We are going to act normal and do our best to talk our way out of this situation,” he said calmly as the men sped their horses and closed in on the two of you. 
One man, the same man who didn’t stop staring at you the last time you saw him, led his horse directly in your path, causing Aemond to yank the reins of his horse. 
The horse skidded to a stop abruptly and you gripped Aemond’s hand as your heart began to gallop in fear. 
“Well hello again,” the man said with an all too knowing smile. 
You gulped. 
“Hello there, what a pleasant surprise to see you again,” Aemond replied. 
The men chuckled darkly and you shivered. 
Aemond placed a hand on your thigh and stroked his thumb back and forth in an effort to reassure you. 
“It certainly is a truly pleasant surprise,” one of the men practically purred. 
“Well, perhaps we can schedule a third meeting, but otherwise my wife and I have to get going,” Aemond said. 
“Your wife, huh? I mentioned she looked familiar, didn’t I?”
“Hm,” Aemond hummed noncommittally. 
You began to feel queasy and perhaps slightly lightheaded. 
“Well, now there’s a ransom out for a runaway bride. The description matches your wife exactly.” 
Your breaths became shallow as the men leered at you. 
Aemond chuckled in a way that made him appear completely unconcerned. 
“I am sorry to inform you that my wife and I have been married for years, so you must be mistaken,” he replied. 
“Really? Because I think we would’ve heard if a Targaryen got married. Isn’t that right, Prince Aemond?,” the dark haired man said. 
Your heart dropped into your stomach. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
You wish you were better at this. 
Say something. Say anything, you screamed at yourself. 
You were frozen, you were frozen, and you clung to Aemond’s hand as your only lifeline in your fear. 
Good gods, you were tired of being afraid. It wasn’t just the cold terror you were experiencing. No, dread and fear had been a part of your life ever since Aemond had walked out of it when you were young. You feared rejection, your duties in life, your future. 
So you made a decision right then and there, with tears pooling in your eyes, that you would never be afraid again. 
You would fight, you would become a fighter, a warrior, whatever it took. Starting here and now. 
“What do you want from us?” you asked sharply. 
The men laughed once again and instead of fear slicing through you, it was anger. 
“Well we would like a payday, pretty lady,” one of the men from the back said and they all gave you predators smiles. 
“And I would like to go one day without a man being an absolute prick,” you snapped back. 
The men’s faces hardened. 
“Perhaps we could come to some sort of arrangement,” Aemond said and he gripped your waist. 
“How about we capture you and sell you for ransom?” the man teased back. 
“Not fucking again,” you said with gritted teeth. 
You reached behind you and slowly pulled Aemond’s dagger out of the sheath at his waist. 
His fingers brushed yours, but he didn’t stop you. 
You weren’t certain what his plan contained, surely he had one, but you were sick of waiting. 
Particularly after the men laughed in a way that made your skin crawl. 
“She’s got a mouth on her. I like that,” one of the men said. 
The knife flew from your hand and buried itself in the chest of the man blocking the path. 
“Shit,” Aemond hissed as he snapped the reins and the horse launched herself forward. 
The man slid off his horse with a thud, the horse neighed loudly in a panic and rose on its hind legs but you, Aemond, and your horse were already passing by. 
The other men stared in shock which gave your horse enough time to get past the group of harassers. 
Then the shouting began. 
Aemond pulled out his sword as he shouted, “Take the reins!” 
You did as he ordered and snapped them once more, the horse was now galloping at top speed. 
You knew it wouldn’t be enough. 
There was a clearing in the trees up ahead and as you saw a large shadow over it you looked back at Aemond, eyes widened in a silent question. 
He nodded and you threw up a prayer to any gods listening that the two of you would make it. 
His sword clashed with a man who caught up to the two of you. 
You yanked another knife out of the saddle bag and turned just in time to see another man catching up with his sword out and pointing at you. 
You aimed and let the dagger fly from your hand and watched it reach its mark directly between the attacker’s eyes. 
You gasped a sigh of relief at the same time Aemond gutted the other man. 
The clearing in the trees was closer. 
“Do you have any more daggers?” you asked.
“No,” he said through gritted teeth as he engaged in another sword fight. 
The wind tore at you as the horse raced at a breakneck speed. 
Finally, just as the other men were nearly caught up and Aemond felled another foe, you reached the break in the trees and your horse sprinted through the clearing. As soon as you were clear, Vhagar appeared to fall from the sky with an ear shattering roar as she landed between you and your pursuers, crushing a few of them.
The ground shook hard enough that your teeth clattered and you tightened your grip on your horse. 
“Dracarys Vhagar!” Aemond yelled. 
Her roar turned into flame hot enough to turn your tormentors into ashes and you gasped in relief, a few tears slipping from your eyes.
You led the horse to slow and stopped and stared at Vhagar with wide eyes, both fearful and in awe. 
Aemond slid off the horse before he helped you as well.
“Are you alright?” Aemond asked worriedly as he pulled you into his arms. 
You allowed yourself to sink into his embrace for a count of five before you pulled away and pointed a finger in his face. 
“I’m not done fighting. I am incredibly angry with you,” you said strongly. 
He blinked in surprise. 
“For capturing you and getting you into this situation?” he asked cautiously. 
“No,” you said with a dismissive wave of the hand, “I’m over that. I think my actions have shown that.” 
He raised his eyebrow at you, his only show of confusion. 
“I’m angry at you for abandoning me,” you said heatedly as your breathing quickened and your eyes stung with tears. 
“What?” he asked, his tone suddenly flat. 
“You decided that obtaining a dragon meant you no longer had to concern yourself with the likes of those below you. And that is fuc-”
“That’s your version of the story?” he chuckled spitefully. 
He leaned down so his gorgeous face was closer to yours. 
“High talk for someone who was disgusted at being associated with a cripple,” he said, his lip curled in anger and his teeth clenched. 
“What?” it was your turn to ask. 
“Don’t lie to me,” he said, his anger becoming something vicious. 
“I wouldn’t. I would never-” 
“Aegon told me! He heard you talking to one of the other noble children and-” 
“He lied! Your brother is a lying piece of shit!” 
You were both breathing heavily, your faces merely inches apart. 
“I…. He lied?” he asked. 
“Yes, you asshole,” you seethed. 
He licked his lips as he stared at you thoughtfully, the anger deflating from his face. 
“I would never drop you just because I got a dragon, you were my closest and most cherished friend,” he said. 
“And you were mine,” you admitted. “That’s why I was so angry and rude to you… which I regret.”
“I find myself full of feelings of regret as well. I was unaware of your side of the story,” he said softly. 
“All that time wasted,” you said. 
“Hm,” he hummed in agreement. 
His face was still close to yours. There was a heat between the two of you that had not dissipated just because the anger was gone. Then you remembered your agreement with yourself. 
You took a deep breath, “I don’t plan on wasting any more time. I’ve lived my life in fear for far too long. Fear of being rejected, fear of becoming too attached to anyone else, fear of fulfilling my duty, and fear of the consequences of not fulfilling it. Fear of my own feelings, my own wants. But not anymore. I’ll face whatever the future and duty expects of me but today….” 
“Today?” he prompted as he glanced down at your lips, then met your gaze once more. 
“Today I am going to act on my feelings and desires for once and face the consequences later.” you said as you placed a hand on his chest. 
“And what are your desires?” he practically purred as he cupped your cheek with his hand. 
“Kiss me,” you breathed out. 
His lips pressed into yours, and it wasn’t a slow gentle kiss like you had always imagined your first kiss with Aemond to be, no it was fiery and all consuming. As his lips moved against yours you did what you had always wanted to do, and tangled your fingers in his silken white hair. 
He groaned softly as you tightened your grip and he hauled you impossibly closer against the hard planes of his body. 
At the brush of his tongue against yours, you whimpered with desire. 
A shiver went all the way down your spine and your toes curled as he consumed you. 
Vhagar roared and you pulled back from him with a laugh. His crooked smile melted your heart and he nudged his nose against yours and kissed you once more, softly and sweetly. 
As he pulled back you grinned at him. 
He didn’t release you from his embrace, which you were grateful for. But, he did take a deep breath as he stared deeply into your eyes. 
“I must tell you that I was not completely honest with you before,” he said, his voice low and vulnerable. 
“About what?” you asked carefully. 
“I do know who my brother intends to betroth you to,” he replied. 
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion, wordlessly asking him to explain, even as you extricated yourself from his grasp and crossed your arms. 
He pressed his lips together. 
“You are to marry me,” he said finally. 
“What?” you gasped. 
To be continued....
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a-prekliatyvlk · 10 months
I’m making this as a sorta general post.
Hi if we haven’t talked yet I’m Soup (mommy Soup / Crowley (demon hubby) . Over all demon and lover of the pack. I work a 9-5 (marketing and it’s shit pay but that’s America bby) anyway just like everyone else the week is always busy for me as I am sure it is for everyone else. If you message me and I don’t respond I’m sorry. My job takes a lot out of me most days and sometimes I forget or assume I messaged you back already and is waiting on a response. Tumblr sucks at notifying me so if you are messaging me through there give me a shove once in a while to make sure cause again tumblr eats shit. That also being said is I have my que going and during the week I will either post replies or throw them in my Que. I never know what I’ll do honestly. Asks always take me longer to do fyi so don’t worry I’ll do them at some point. I promise.
So anyway all of this to be said this is a no stress blog I do this for fun as should you And thus I will be slow. Ily all have a great day. Drink some water and pet your animals for me. 💕
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pashminalamb · 2 years
hi belle !!! i felt like i had to come in and clear things up since the lil discourse started in my ask box lol and now i feel bad :,( in no way do i feel like there was any sort of even the slightest inspiration taken from the asks on my acc ! we've even talked abt it a bit here on ur blog lol (and i still need to reply 2 u, too 😭) so i'd also be thankful if the discourse stopped altogether cuz i strongly believe coincidents happen and i do not even feel like the idea was mine in any way so !
i hope what i said makes sense :// even i myself dont see any issue with this situation and i am absolutely frothing at the mouth to read interrupted lol SO with that being said, i hope the whole discussion dies down <3 im so sorry it ruined ur mood, sending u the biggest hugs rn ! :(
Thanks for dropping in and clearing the air, Zari
And yes, it does make sense. There are so many times when i see people literally paraphrasing my work and making plot lines with a similar synopsis as mine; like the other day i was going to call this author out in the bllk fandom and i spoke to my friend about it with screenshots and everything. And after thinking about it realized that erotica and romance are not unique genres and that includes dark content as well so themes can overlap and at the end of the day- it is not literally published work.
I'm not a fan of discourse myself tbh. and i don't understand why most people don't take it with a sense of rationality?
I've been on tumblr for over 4 years now, yes I started here when i was 16 and began posting last year. When i was at 250 followers, i released a fic and the idea was stolen by an author who had over 10,000 follows+ than me (who i had interacted with) and it went at a very fast pace of gaining over 170 likes in two hours or maybe less. I know what it feels like to have your work taken away from you and used by someone else for the purpose of their content. Why would i wish that on anyone else? Most of my followers follow blogs apart from mine that have blue lock content. so if i did copy someone's idea, they would notify me about it; and even if i knew that you had an idea like this in your blog i would have never used it as we're both writers for the same fandom. It would literally give me nothing but backlash from readers and ruin a reputation i've spent time building here -causing me emotional instability which is the last thing i want for myself (since i have already got a lot going irl) given the fact that hate spreads more faster than being liked; speaking from experience since i have seen enough number of discourses take place here and also on how bad it can get.
And even late last year, i had a whole wip list out for different fandoms including haikyuu and other animes that i watched, explaining what the fic was about and everything. But even that got taken away from me (one of the anons dropped a word for word title in the inbox of a famous author/ writer here + it turned up in the 'x reader' tags) so i rarely discuss what fic i'm going to write next and just decide to keep it a secret and release it when its done.
Thanks again for dropping in Zari (hope you enjoy reading 0^^0 *sending hugs back*); and since the discourse has been settled by both of us, on further notice any ask regarding 'interrupted' will be deleted.
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badassxbirdy · 1 year
June Activity Update (Pinned Post)
Happy Pride Month to all fellow members of the alphabet mafia! 🥳 🏳️‍🌈
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Before we get into it: there was apparently a following glitch recently. If I unfollowed, refollowed, or you softblocked, my apologies and please see this post.
With that out of the way, it’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of May. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping:
For folks waiting on AU replies: please see the note beside your tag! ❤️
I’ll be at my parents house for another month, but have the Firefox workaround for trimming threads on mobile. The extensions sometimes play up a bit when using that, so please let me know if there are any issues with my replies, and I shall sort it out.
I want to start doing more story arc development on Ty’s blog again, so expect a few posts about that to come soon.
Threads, replies, memes, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username. Not including memes still in the inbox!)
At the motel (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Ty is both offended and a scared by Azzy. (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Random encounters meme: drunk Ty! (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Taking Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (drafted! So sorry for the wait, Ty is refusing to cooperate with her other verses rn.) - @demcnsinmymind
GDI Kage. 😂 (link) - @demonstigma
Birthday mischief: crossbow excitement! (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon meets dark!Ty (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Finding Vampire!Damon (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Traumatised for life. 😂 (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Making their getaway. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon shields Ty, Ty is ANGY. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Werewolf problems. (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Roasting 50 shades (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Tyler learns about Darklighters and it all gets very sad. (end of thread) - @derschwarzeengel
Starter from @first-born-to-his-name! Thank you, I’ve got it in my drafts. ❤️
Birthday cuteness! (drafted) - @heavenguided
Meeting Hook (link) - @hvbris
Tyler being massively confused by Wednesday (drafted! Sorry for the wait!) - @hvbris
Birthday mischief: extremely normal headwear. (link) - @imprvdente
Human!Ty and FBI!Fish (drafted! So sorry for the wait, Ty is refusing to cooperate with her other verses rn.) - @imprvdente
At the fair (drafted) - @indyflanery
Attempting to babysit the doctor. (link) - @innerwar
Bad jokes with Charm. (drafted) - @innerwar
Demon problems (link) - @magaprima
Leaving the compound (drafted! So sorry for the wait, Ty is refusing to cooperate with her other verses rn.) - @razorfst
“Are you sayin’ I look like a blogger?” (link) - @tobeblamed
No 👏 dead 👏 Sarah’s 👏 allowed!👏 (link) - @unbearablyindifferent
Drafts: 14
Memes/Asks: 9
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
No new headcanons or dash games this month! However I am boosting this post from my dear Rookito, so please take a look.
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, stay safe, and happy pride! ❤️ — Em
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I'll start studying pharmacy. I didn't expect this my whole life. I'm so depressed.. can you help me? Idk how.. just could you tell me i gonna love it
Hi Anon
I am so sorry I did not reply to you sooner! Tumblr did not notify me about this message!
I assume from your message pharmacy isn't what you wanted to study - but if you wanted to be in a healthcare environment, you should be able to love pharmacy. If you wanted to do art or something, I'll be honest, pharmacy probably isn't for you.
It is super intense, but so interesting! I love learning about how medicines work and how they affect receptors, and how they affect other things. Depending on how your career path goes, there is also opportunity to branch out and specialise - you can become a prescriber within an area (diagnosing and treating conditions), an advanced clinical practitioner (so taking bloods etc!), you can go into drug development and so many other paths.
If you are at the start of your pharmacy journey, I also want to reassure you. Everything I thought I wanted, it turned out I actually prefer the opposite. Until third year of uni, I was adamant that I wanted to be a community pharmacist - now I am firmly committed to working in hospital. I thought I wanted to be in a big hospital in a city, I did that and hated it. I sure as hell didn't want to specialise in palliative care, but the longer I work in it, the more I realise it is exactly what I love. You never know what you really like until you get to experience it, so there is a big chance you'll like pharmacy. There are so many options available to you as well!
On the other hand, some of my uni friends decided in the end not to become a pharmacist. One went to do postgrad medicine, because the health knowledge from pharmacy really helps, one works in student experience at uni - because his degree helped him learn how to make the most of being a student, one is studying for a PhD in a drug development company. There is a lot you can do with a solid science degree - which at the end of the day, is what pharmacy is. There is a lot of science (but when you qualify you don't have to think about science much thankfully!), which makes you employable in most companies.
Personally, I love pharmacy. I lowkey hate the stress of working in the NHS - today on my day off I have been on my emails making sure things get actioned, which is bad I know, but actually doing pharmacy is great. Sometimes you have patients so grateful for your input that it makes your day. Sometimes you see patients with rare diseases that are absolutely fascinating. Sometimes you notice a great intervention to make on someone's drug chart, and you are really proud to have spotted it. There is endless learning you can do, which I quite like (but not the assignments!) but it is so great to be able to expand your knowledge and skills. I really really hope you end up loving pharmacy as much as I do, because it is a brilliant career.
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baizhuo · 2 years
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a  private  ,  highly  selective  HEADCANON  based  BAIZHU  of  genshin  impact  ;  written  by  GHOST  ( 27 , they / them ) .  activity will always be selectively low . this blog is UNAFFILIATED to the genshin impact community & is crossover FRIENDLY to any mixed media . this blog is NOT spoiler free but i DO tag leaks & only the NEWEST updates . 
carrd.  /  muse doc.
discord & genshin UID are available on request .
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🐍 notifications & tags  
tumblr does not notify me of any @ ’ s . you can @ me if you would like , it pops up on the activity page , i just do not get notified directly / immediately , so i will not see your notif right away . my dash is relatively slow , often , so i read that like the morning paper , but i also am not frequent enough on here to always know .
this also goes for anybody who tags me in things . the tumblr tagging system does not pick up most ( if not all ) posts with my url . i cannot use the tag tracking system . at all . i never have been able . i do not know why either i am sorry !
if you want to notify me of something or bring to my attention something / a reply, please dm me directly ! it is also better if you dm me in discord . if you do not have my discord , then you can use the tumblr dms ( but they are not always great either ) . if push comes to shove , you can then use my inbox as well , i will not mind if you get my attention like that either !
know that the only thing i do see / notice are likes & reblogs of posts that are on my blog . so that is fine . i don’t need notifications for threads as much .
i promise you it is okay i love getting messages . i just tend to hyperfocus A LOT at times while other times i cannot focus at all & i get really distracted with my squirrel brain . it is okay to gently remind me of something or try to get my attention ! i know many people don’t like that , which is why i don’t do it to others , but i 100 % promise you that it is okay .
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🐍 about spoilers
i actually don’t pay attention to genshin spoilers or the videos that come out for them right way . i try to actively avoid them tbh . if it isnt in the game directly , then i don’t really perceive it . if I happen to come across it , then cool , but otherwise ... please refrain from directly telling me / showing spoilers that are NOT in the game . i dont mind if its spoilers that are already IN the game . 
but for upcoming content that isn’t found in the game , please assume that i don’t know wtf is coming into the game , & assume that i don’t actively look for these patch notes , because i really dont . there is a reason why i dont look this stuff up . i am somebody that wants to enjoy the game for what it already has & not what it will have .
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🐍 i do modify my formatting for people on request !
if my formatting for your replies / threads bothers you in any way , shape , or form , please tell me . i promise that i can accommodate you . i format AFTER i write the entire reply anyway . so it will not be a bother for me if you dont want to have that . i have friends who have asked in the past . 
i use small font and edit html for the colour . if any of this bothers you ( be it cause you genuinely cannot read it or you dont like it ) , please let me know & i will modify it for you .
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* you are always more than welcome to send asks if you have any questions *
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simplyeu4ria · 2 years
chapter 2:the werewolf heartthrob
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🐺 ❁
Pairing: Werewolf! Jungkook x Unknown identity! Reader  ~(severely unedited: started 02/05/2022 ended 01/06/2022)~
Genre: high school au, werewolf au, angst, uncomfortable moments but only on a couple of parts, lots and lots of fluff, family abuse (mentions only) but Namjoon saves the day
Rating: +17 au
Summary: You are y/n the simple orphan girl, who lives with your step-parents who don’t treat you right. The school make a laugh at you but when Jin and Jimin help you your life changed from the bad to the good. Jungkook the heartthrob is not what you think behind those cold stares that you get across the classroom. With him and his six other stepbrothers and a couple of girls they reveal they are more than just the popular…
Word count: longest story I have written so far 45004 (and coincidently 4 versions of this story, 5 weeks to make, and 4 years of loving BTS)
Warnings: some uncomfortable moments, mean talk, mention of degrading names, mild swearing
a/n: first request/story on this account; since this a popular type of oneshot for Jungkook I am sorry in advance if this like another oneshot, have fun reading
I have noted similarities in other ffs throughout, please notify me if you find another
I can say that this original and that its my own work, but since this is not subjected under copyright because its Tumblr please do not copy my work you will feel guilty in the end, trust me.
Happy indulging into an infp-t’s mind common things you will see;
Subtle reference to books that I have read
Very romantic moments
Things that don’t make sense but makes sense in my head
Maybe a spoiler to the next book idea
Ever since then you and Jungkook became best friends and now you spend your days with the boys at your spot in the courtyard for break and lunch. Nobody ever bothered trying to spread rumours or anything mean about you because Jungkook and the boys were there. Kira on the other hand moved to another school and her goons apologised to you.
And now it was approaching the boys’ first basketball match of the season, which is to start next month. Meaning they had to leave for practice afterschool and lunchtimes which meant less hanging out between the you and the guys. But since the boys were performing so well when you could visit, the coach allowed for you to visit them whenever you could, without permission.
This was especially useful because you could finish of homework and revision. The boys always performed well when you were there, especially Jungkook, the coach even went further saying that you were their lucky charm.
Thursday October 8th, 2020
The boys changing rooms
When the other boys on the basketball team left, Jimin turned to the youngest. ‘Hey, Jungkook have you asked her out yet?’ Jimin asked, the younger boy shook his head whilst putting on his shirt. ‘No not yet.’ Jungkook replied. ‘Well you should ask soon, otherwise your mate will be taken away by the school’s playboy.’ Suga said. ‘You mean Nik, the vamp. From your form?’ Hoseok asked, he looked between Suga and Namjoon. They both nodded, ‘What why, I thought he’d never play with her?’ Taehyung asked.
‘Well, after Jungkook confronted Kira, it caught the attention of Nik. Since Jungkook never protects anyone unless they’re important. So, Nik put the two together and thought it was a good idea to piss off Jungkook more to go after your mate, or to him your crush. At least we think he thinks that.’ Namjoon explained.
‘Maybe ask her if she can spend the Christmas holidays with us, that way you can ask her out.’ Jin proposed. ‘But how do I tell her about us and our kind?’ Jungkook pondered worriedly. ‘We can reveal it to her during the holidays and say that we trust her with the secret, and anyways since the girls know that we are all werewolves, they can help?’ Taehyung explained. The other nodded and headed out the room.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thursday 3rd December 2020
The cheerleading team were also nice you now that Kira, their previous captain left. They were more free and a little more happier according to their coach and the boys. You have made a couple of good friends in their group who were Lisa, Irene, Seulgi, and Rose. They never liked Kira and now were super glad when they left, you used to sit with them at lunch when you couldn’t sit with the boys.
One lunch you were asking each other questions; ‘So where are you going to for Christmas y/n?’ Lisa asked. ‘I don’t know since my parents are on a Business trip in America, I am alone at home.’ You spoke. ‘Well in that case you could spend the Christmas with us?’ Jungkook said. You turned around seeing Jungkook in newly grown long hair in his Basketball kit still sweating from practice, you walked up to him and hugged him, he hugged you close. ‘How was practice?’ You asked when lifting your head up to look up at him, resting your chin on his chest.
‘It was okay. But to the coach, it wasn’t good enough because you weren’t there.’ You giggled. ‘So, are you coming for Christmas?’ You nodded at him since you had nothing else to do, and you don’t think that your parents would care at all, so might as well. ‘Do you want to come girls?’ they nodded as well. ‘Yes! Okay, wait, I must go and tell the guys.’ He said ‘Don’t worry, we heard.’ You heard Namjoon from somewhere, you smiled in the direction of the voice seeing Namjoon and the boys a few feet away giggling at your interaction.
‘Go and change otherwise you’d be late for English class.’ you shooed him away. Before walking back to the girls, who were watching everything. ‘Damn girl that was some good dating shit.’ Seulgi said but laughed afterwards after she saw your face, blushing. ‘Hey, stop it!’ you whined back. ‘It’s not our problem, you admire Jungkook too much we can’t help but tease you.’ Seulgi giggled ‘Hey y/n, do you have a crush on Jungkook?’ Rose asked curiously. ‘Yeah, I do. I guess?’ you answered unsure. ‘When did it start?’ Lisa asked further.
‘Well maybe it started a bit after we spent time together a lot more after the Kira incident, he seems nice and kind but, but I don’t think I should ask him out. He is busy with the tournament for January, and he seems to have rejected all the girls, who have recently asked him out. Plus, I am too scared to might ruin the relationship I have with the guys, if I ask him out.’ You rambled. ‘Hey do not worry I am sure he likes you too, just be patient. During the holidays you can form a bond between you and him and then ask him out?’ Irene said. ‘Yeah maybe I’ll do that.’ You nodded.
Sunday 20th December 2020
Once your large duffle bag was full of the clothes you packed up yesterday, you were waiting in the sitting room, for the girls since they would pick you up. So, you could be at the boys’ house for the holidays. You saw the text from on the girl’s group chat and you locked the house and you headed towards the car; it was Seulgi’ s mum who offered to drop you at the boys’ house. You put your bags away and hopped on, chatting excitedly with the girls.
Once you reached the house, and thanked Seulgi’s mum and headed out before picking your bag whilst Lisa knocked on the door. Namjoon opened the door, and you dropped your bags in the front room before heading inside the house. The some of the guys were heading downstairs, and we headed into the living room. ‘Where are Jimin and Jungkook.’ Rose asked Jin.
‘They are out on their pat-I mean run.’ He said nervously while looking at you. You raised your eyebrow. ‘Well then let us wait for them.’ Lisa said whilst sitting down. You chatted until you heard the boys enter through the front door, you smiled at Jungkook.
‘Hi, ’ You said while hugging him ‘You, okay?’ ‘Yeah, fine.’ He said whilst hugging you back. ‘Well, let us decide the rooms.’ Namjoon suggested. You nodded and sat beside Jungkook on the couch.
‘Well, we have 7 bedrooms, meaning 6 pairs. We keep a room free for our parents who come on Christmas eve. Since we have an odd number, that mean one pair is a girl and a boy.’ Jin explained.
‘How do we pick the rooms?’ Jimin asked. ‘Choice out of the hat! So, the girls get 4 green but 1 purple, green means you pair up, but purple means you pair up with one of the boys. Same for us boys, but we have 6 greens and 1 purple.’ Jin further explained.
‘So, by chance.’ Taehyung replied. And Jin nodded. So we each picked out the hat. You got purple, you couldn’t hide your blush, as you nervously looked at Jungkook. Before putting the piece of paper away into the basket.
Then it was the boys turn to make it more interesting Jin made you and the girls leave, so you were left in the front room. ‘What if you and Jungkook get paired up with each other, that way I will be easier to bond with him.’ Irene thought excitedly. ‘Yeah maybe. But wouldn’t that be weird with their parents around.’ I pondered. ‘They are nice, though.’ Rose said.
Just then Suga opened the door and, then the boys showed their pieces of paper. Jungkook….got….purple. Oh…my…god. You blushed and looked away. ‘Well then doesn’t this look interesting? Two best friends put into the room together, by luck.’ Jin said. He smiled.
‘Well, you girls, can go in mine and Namjoon’s rooms, ’ Suga said, ‘while you and Jungkook go in his room. And Jimin and Taehyung, go in Jimin’s room leaving Taehyung’s room for our parents, because its his turn to lend to our parents.’
We all nodded and headed upstairs, you and the girls brought your bags and you followed Jungkook. You were nervous, like you have been to Jungkook’s room before but now it was so much weirder.
You hadn’t stayed overnight at all, since your home was close, you didn’t need to. One of the boys will just drop you at home, but now you had to stay let alone in your crush’s house and his room alone with him. This was going to so awkward, even though you are best friends.
‘Hey y/n, you can come in now.’ You looked up at Jungkook before blushing, before grabbing your bag, and walked inside his room. The familiar double bed sat into the middle of the room against the right wall, at the far back there was a large window, with black out curtains, you also saw a giant black bean bag with a black fleece, to your left you could see a TV with various games on top of the Xbox and ps4 cupboards, to the far right you could see sliding cupboards against the side wall.
You could see the ensuite bathroom next to cupboard next to the right side of the bed. The room was in a greyscale palette. You then walked into the room and closed the door behind you. Jungkook sat on the left side of the bed. ‘Y/n?’ you looked at him. ‘You can put your bag over their in the cupboard.’ You saw the empty open cupboard, and quickly placed your beige-coloured duffle bag inside, then closed the door, and sat next to Jungkook. You had yet to exchange a conversation when you entered the room.
‘Hey Jungkook?’ He hummed signalling you to continue. ‘Are you mad that we got put together?’ I asked. He looked at you worriedly. ‘No, I am not, I was more worried about you since you seemed so uncomfortable to do this, yet I was hoping, you’d be fine and then I saw you hide away from my gaze an-.’ You giggled.
He looked at you confused; you tilted your head towards him ‘Don’t need to ramble I understood.’ You said whilst chuckling, before you leaned back and landed on his bed. He did the same. He gently intertwined your hands together and you lied like that talking about anything like you normally would without the awkwardness. Jungkook then looked up at the clock before looking at you again.
‘We should change and get ready for lunch.’ He said before getting up. I nodded before heading to get my bag in the cupboard and brought out a pair of sweatpants and an oversized tee and headed inside the ensuite and changed. The ensuite was in the same greyscale, grey with black matte accents for the metal parts, it was your standard hotel ensuite, with a bathtub and shower separately.
You changed quickly and headed and saw Jungkook on his phone wearing a tight white tee with a pair of grey sweatpants. ‘Ready?’ you asked. He nodded before putting his phone in his pocket, whilst I grabbed mine and did the same before, we headed downstairs.
Later that night…
After watching a movie, you and the guys headed upstairs, Hoseok and Namjoon cleared up the lounge. You and everyone else walked up to you respected rooms, upon entering you lied on the bed tiredly, Jungkook chuckled at the sight before shuffling over to join you on the bed. ‘Budge over.’ Jungkook tickled at your side, and you whined at the contact before rolling to the left side of the bed, before rolling under the covers trying to get warm. Jungkook did the same before switching off the lights.
And you tried to sleep but you were still too cold, you always had this problem. So, you tried to scuttle closer to Jungkook who was fast asleep facing away from you and eventually due to his warmth of his back, you fell asleep.
Jungkook felt a weight on his chest, so he opened his eyes and found you snuggled close to him, in a fetal position with one of your hands under your resting head and your other hand scrunching up against his shirt, he gently grabbed your hands and shivered at how cold they were,
He then gently wrapped his arms around you, lifting you up so your head was on the pillow, and he put his one of his arms under the pillow where your head was. Whilst the other draped over your waist you as moved closer to him, you snuggled close, he smiled at the adorable act smiling at you, his mate. ‘Night, my mate.’ He said whilst kissing the top of your head before drifting off to sleep.
Once you awoke the sun was shining through the windows, you were lying on your right side facing the window. You tried to budge until you felt two arms tighten around your waist, you turn your head to look over your shoulder and saw a sleeping Jungkook. His hair was messed up and fluffed up, but his eyes were in deep sleep, his lips were pouting out.
You smiled at the sight before you turned around and manage to slip out, underneath his arms and shuffled off the bed before heading to the ensuite and locking the door. You looked at yourself in the mirror before sighing and started to wash up.
You felt cold and went to grab your cardigan inside your duffle bag before you headed downstairs and started to make breakfast. Since no one was up yet, you accepted the responsibility to make the breakfast.
Jungkook on the other hand was awake and moved his hand only to see that you weren’t present in the bed, he looked around and realised the curtains were open allowing the sunlight to enter the dark room. He shuffled his way over to the mirror in the ensuite and ruffled his hair before he also got ready and headed outside into the hall.
He saw Hoseok and Irene chatting, he walked over to them. ‘Hi Jungkookie!’ Hoseok said in greeting before hugging one of his best friends, Jungkook let out a tired whine and a small ‘Morning…’ to both Irene and Hoseok. Then he smelled …food. ‘Hoseok-hyung is Jin-hyung cooking?’ he asked his elder tiredly. ‘No actually Jin-hyung is still asleep in his room along with Yoongi-hyung, the only ones awake are you, me and Irene.’
‘But y/n is not in bed then…’ Jungkook replied confused. ‘Y/n is probably cooking then; she usually wakes up at this to make herself breakfast since she’s alone at her house most of the time.’ Irene said thoughtfully. Jungkook nodded before heading downstairs.
When he entered the Kitchen, he saw you with your back to him looking at the stove. From the smell he could make out vegetable, chicken, pork, and beef were already cooked. He could see some were placed to the side of the stove in medium pots, containing other foods. He could also smell some rice in the cooker, and then he walked closer to you finding that you were cooking some eggs.
‘Morning y/n.’ He said. ‘Morning Jungkook.’ You said whilst looking over your shoulder to smile at him. ‘What are you making?’ ‘Bibimbap, I am almost done do you think you can get the table ready; tell Irene and Hoseok to wake up the rest of the group.’ You spoke.
Jungkook nodded before heading to the other side before grabbing 12 plates and 4 dish coasters and placed the coaster to the centre of the table with the plates at each seat.
He then grabbed the cups and placed them accordingly to the plates, with jugs filled with water at either end of the table. ‘Do you want to put out the dishes now?’ Jungkook asked you again. You nodded and pointed to the dishes that were ready.
‘Can you get the rice in a pot as well?’ you asked. Jungkook nodded and did that as well. Eventually one by one all the rest of the group headed downstairs and sat at the table and you and Jungkook sat next to each other on one end, the others sat around you accordingly. ‘Thank you for the food.’ Everyone said. You thanked them before everyone got a bit of everything before eating. Soon everything on the table was gone. ‘Waah. That food was so good y/n.’ Namjoon praised. The other nodded and thank you as well. ‘Well this is the food I make almost every day.’ I said whilst thanking them. ‘But seriously y/n its really good, it even woke me up from bed, and I am the hardest member to wake up.’ Jungkook said, you blushed and thanked him again.
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spadexofxhearts · 2 months
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My main DL boy Shuu
Indie. Private. Side-Blog to Tearsoftherealms. Featuring Diabolik Lovers Characters. Featuring some of my OCs. Low Activity. Not Spoiler Free. Some Canon Divergencies. Written By Kanami. She/Her. 30. Rules and additional info under read more.
Additional info and Rules!
🦇 Due to waiting on JavaScript, about pages will have to wait for all characters. However, OCs have info on my main account but only show their live action face claims. They have anime ones as well, which I can share for the time being.
🦇 Featuring, canon wise, Ayato Sakamaki, Laito Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki, Kou Mukami, Yūma Mukami, and Azusa Mukami.
🦇 This is a side blog attached to Tearstotherealms. Mutuals means I must be following you back from there.
🦇 18+ only. If I can't find some indication of your age, it is very unlikely I'll follow you. This includes your pen-name, if I can't find your that than I may not follow back.
🦇 If you unfollow, please soft block me. I'll do the same since it's courteous.
🦇 I rarely try to block unless I have to. This is usually the result if something that can't be fixed. Among this, I will happily block racists or people that are phobic or disrespectful to the LGBTQ+ community.
🦇 As long as there's chemistry, I am open to accepting mains and exclusives. However, the latter will require a lot more chemistry. Exclusives can also apply to shipping. I'm open to shipping with one version of a canon muse.
🦇 Threads are exclusive to mutuals. I do not expect you to match my length at all, and I should note I'm not really up for novella threads. One liners and para are fine. I do not drop threads on purpose, sometimes it's the activity hiding things from me. Plus, I can't always be on.
🦇 I am cross over and OC friendly. However, please have information for your muse somewhere or be prepared to be asked a dozen questions. Note: if your muse has some relation to one of mine, do not expect me to be on board. I'd prefer we discuss it.
🦇 I will not interact with self - insert muses. Nor will I interact with personals. I'll accept OOC asks, though. But IC is only open to roleplay accounts. And we don't have to be mutuals for this.
🦇 Please do not reblog any of my writing. Like if you're tagged it in, go right ahead. If we have a mixed verse, you can always ask me, chances are I won't care depending on what it is.
🦇 Please do not reply to an ask and make it a thread. Move it to a new post or ask me. But I don't care if you wanna send multiple asks.
🦇 I don't really practice reblog karma, but still don't really wanna be treated like a meme resource.
🦇 Character sexualities, for now, will be listed at the end of this. However, due to my own personal reasons, I am far more comfortable with M/M shipping, but am open to M/F ships as well.
🦇 Currently multi-ship, but selective. NO force shipping. If you're interested in a ship, you are more than free to message me. I am always open to discussion. This includes ships outside of romantic. If your muse is single ship, we just don't want to ship, you write a family member, or you'd prefer to have your muse mention another ship (please notify me), then I may ask to bring in my own as well. I'm a sucker for cute stuff where the muses might talk about their SOs.
🦇 I will not write smut on tumblr.
🦇 Dark themes are bound to appear. Pretty much every DL muse has trauma. Examples: Mental abuse, physical abuse, incest, CSA, to name a few. A lot of these are solely in their backstories and may be mentioned depending on comfort levels. Never will the final two examples be written out. I do my best to tag accordingly, and am open to being messaged if something isn't tagged right. I will not write rape or non-con. Eye gore, Amputation, and Animal Abuse (writing and visuals are a no go). Note: medical amputation is one thing but my issue is this in the context of abuse like the dollmaker from Welcome to the Game.
I'm sorry this was so long! But really appreciate you reading! Sexualities are bound to change as I learn more about these characters.
Ayato: Straight
Laito: Bisexual
Subaru: Bisexual
Kou: Bisexual
Yūma: Bisexual
Azusa: Bisexual
OCs (will add pics later)
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bannuu · 5 months
Hi, anon here. First off, happy diwali!!! I hope you get all the gulab jamun you can possibly eat (saying that cause that is prob one of the only indian sweets i think tastes good). Second, and im being genuine, are you desi? Im pretty new to tumblr, so im sorry if youve alr addressed this question...
Omg! Tumblr never notified me that I got an ask! 😭 I’m so sorry for the late reply anon! But yes! I am Desi! Sat Siri Akal!!!🫶💞💞
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monstrous-munch · 6 months
also I am realising that tumblr does not always notify me when I get asks…..so if you have ever sent me an ask and I never replied I am very sorry !
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To the ask in my inbox ; i am so so very sorry it took me so long to reply to you. I will do your request sometime today! Tumblr never notified me about an ask in our inbox.
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ghstlie · 11 months
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#GHSTLIE . ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ❛ its time to let yourself fall free again . ❜
🫧ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ . carrd . ask . home .
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a private & highly selective MULTIMUSE of MIXED MEDIA consisting of mostly ORIGINAL CHARACTERS ; written by GHOST ( 25+ , they / them ) . activity will always be selectively low . this blog is UNAFFILIATED to any fandom community & all muses are crossover FRIENDLY to any media outside of their original worlds .
🔹quick tidbits :
interactions without icons will happen often  ;  i always softblock / block when unfollowing  ;  ask for more info on characters if you need to  ;  may contain triggering / heavy content  ;  anon hate will be deleted
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🔹notifications & tags  
tumblr very rarely notifies me of any @ ’ s . you can @ me if you would like , it pops up on the activity page , i just do not get notified directly / immediately , so i will not see your note right away . i like my dash to be relatively slow , so i read i will that like the morning paper , but i also am not frequent enough on here to always know .
this also goes for anybody who tags me in things . the tumblr tagging system does not pick up most ( if not all ) posts with my url . i cannot use the tag tracking system . at all . i never have been able . i do not know why either i am sorry ! its most likely cause i might not know how to use it fully , im not sure .
if you want to notify me of something or bring to my attention something / a reply, please dm me directly ! it is also better if you dm me in discord . if you do not have my discord , then you can use the tumblr dms ( but they are not always great either ) . if push comes to shove , you can then use my inbox as well , i will not mind if you get my attention like that either !
know that the only thing i do see / notice are likes & reblogs of posts that are on my blog . so that is fine . i don’t need notifications for threads as much .
i promise you it is okay i love getting messages . i just tend to hyperfocus A LOT at times while other times i cannot focus at all & i get really distracted with my squirrel brain . it is okay to gently remind me of something or try to get my attention ! i know many people don’t like that , which is why i don’t do it to others , but i 100 % promise you that it is okay .
🔹 i do modify my formatting for people on request !
if my formatting for your replies / threads bothers you in any way , shape , or form , please tell me . i promise that i can accommodate you . i format AFTER i write the entire reply anyway . so it will not be a bother for me if you dont want to have that . i have friends who have asked in the past . 
i use small font and edit html for the colour . if any of this bothers you ( be it cause you genuinely cannot read it or you dont like it ) , please let me know & i will modify it for you .
🔹anons regarding my history with a specific individual .
i've opted to add this onto my pinned post since some folk seem to want to let me be aware of things i have no longer cared to know for a long time . please read THIS in its entirety if you have not already . it fully explains my history with a specific individual . i DO NOT CARE if you interact with them , i do not care to know your relationship with her , it's not my business . I am also not here to tell you who you should or should not interact with .
she was extremely toxic to me - i am talking emotionally and mentally abusive towards me - especially towards the end of our relationship . she was triggering me, & i was tired of her behaviour . i understand she missed talking to me & was trying to reach out to me but i do not condone the poor attitude that came from her as that is not how you get my attention , it only pushes me away .
i PERSONALLY do not want to interact with her any further , but i do not care if you do . leave me out of it . i wish her the best health , but leave me out of it .
🔹i tend to hyperfocus & vanish , it is NOT me being mean .
i want folks to remember that people do not owe others' immediate responses or attention . Seeking validation from others CAN be a toxic trait ~ ( not always but often times ) Some people take time to respond, others just hyperfocus and get distracted . To assume somebody is being mean because they arent giving you attention is very wrong . i am neurodivergent, which means that if i am not talking to you , it is NOT because i have an issue with you .
Nobody should expect others to give their attention to them . I understand that as friends or any kind of partnership ( be it platonic or romantic ) there should be some decency to talk to one another at any time , but to outright EXPECT another to respond in the way that you want is VERY wrong .
Just because i have my attention elsewhere does NOT make me rude or mean for not getting back to another .
DO NOT get mad if you're not the centre of attention for me . I promise that most of the time its not you , i just FUNCTION differently . that is the REASON why i go by ghost , i really just straight up VANISH from time to time . i promise its not me ignoring you on purpose by any means & im not trying to be mean at all .
Please dont set unreasonable expectations , youll only disappoint yourself . But most importantly , do NOT seek validation from me . Its not cool , and i honestly will not give you what you want . it will most likely end up with me saying something you DONT want , and i can promise you that it will probably not end nicely .
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* you are always more than welcome to send asks if you have any questions *
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cheatcodcs · 2 years
not   me   going   through   my   tag   and   seeing   all   the   closed   starters   i   was   never   notified   for   .   .   .   if   i   have   never   replied   to   one   you’ve   posted   for   me   i   am   so   sorry   kdaokd   blame   tumblr   :(
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hueningshaped · 2 years
omg ur so right that is us😞😞😞 this one is u!! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊ whenever i think about the staff working at hybe i think of to do ep. 80+81 where they had them wearing dog masks and acting like npcs....... especially the one that was all alone in the cafeteria just waving his spoon even after they left??😭😭 i am the exact same when it comes to working unfortunately so we're in the same boat😔 you may not be #1 employee but you're the #1 in my heart<3 what do you mean talking too much about yourself........ my favorite genre of literature: amor😁 and there sadly isn't much that i could tell you anyways since my days have all been looking the same🫥 although the past few days i've been trying to improve my vocabulary/grammar in my native language!! and it😿 is🙁 so😞 hard☹️ omg yes THE TWICE CB!!! have you listened to it already!!! i saw this some time ago and i kept forgetting to send it to you😐😐 i'm sad that jihyo isn't with them though :( no bc you genuinely have no idea how much i love talking to you i cannot get enough of it you're just sooooo ?!??!!?!?! can't even find the right words for it😔💓🫶🏻💗 and NOOO please i feel so happy you liked the song i was so worried😞 you do not have to apologize AT ALL!!!!! especially when i'm only replying THREE days later?? put me in jail right now. but i do really hope that you'll feel better soon🫶🏻🫶🏻 both of the links😿😿😿 absolutely devastated the slide??? how do i go on. and beomjun,,,,, i just love their relationship so much i could write a thesis on it💔 just look at them :( here is a video that just fills me with adoration whenever i see it + some fanart that never fails to make laugh😭 + a dumb meme that i can't stop thinking about🫥 I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE!!!!!! here is another set of yeonjuniez (they are so pouty...... total devastation........) stay healthy happy and hydrated beffie!!!! MWAH MWAH💘🫂❤️‍🔥💗
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OMG TUMBLR LITERALLY NEVER NOTIFIED ME ABOUT THIS WTFFFF i litwrally was like “lemme just look and see what rqs ive been ignoring” AND…. 🤐 apple i am so sorry for my mistake and ㄷumblr’s mistake.. anyway !!! that little emoticon face is so cute NO WAY!!!2!:!/ ˙˚°☆(* ’ ᵕ ’ *)ノ this one is you !! those todos get to me every time hfjsjfjf hehe and awww not u too working ur butt off 😭 nono YOU are employee of the month every every month of every year for eternity 😽 just like soob 😄 you’re my favorite book my fav genre my fav—ever 🥺 omg me too :c i just wake up and do work and/or school and sleep hardly i hate this !!!!! lets just go somewhere 😿 get out of here & be free !! omg hey you’re amazing for working hard and doing so !! i have to do that or i have yet to do that but i keep putting it off >__< u are amazing and sooooooo smart did u know that?!! AWWW JIHYO OUR GIRL 🥺🫶 me too hehe but omg yes ! twice always servessss and cmonnnn that’s me @ you !!!!! seriously could never get enough of you okayyyy 🥺💞💞💌🎈 NO I DESERVE JAIL TIME !!!!! jm literally the worst especially since ik long periods between replies make u anxious im literal evil im below the ground ok?!!! i don’t deserve u ☹️ </3 we will now begin our thesis on the transcendental love txt has for one another and moas and the parasocial relationship in this essay i will— OMG UR LINKS ARE SO !!!! IM GETTING FED SO WELL 🥺🥺 love is stored in the beomjun <3333 😚 the (baby tone) got to me theyre sooooo *starts crying* AWW SOOBSTER !!!!!! poor thing :”0 a soobin of unfortunate events poor guy he must be protected at all times!!!! and ahhhh tyun ur so precious and cool i loved that look that’s so cute 🥹 and omg the meme wouldn’t load at all for me this is SICKENING 🩼 I LOVE YOUU SOOOOOOoo MUCH!!!!!! never forget it!!!!! i have yet to listen to the rest of twice’s cb and instead ive been listening to gwsn and weeekly 😭 i also like billlie but i haven’t heard their new album // do u like any recently (i use the term ‘recently’ loosely) debuted ggs ? :0 btw these yeonjuniez successfully put the largest smile on my face and it’s all because of you 🫶 i owe u my life !!!!!! here’s a silly video (freaking taehyun) + another that made me laugh (do u have a soft spot for choi line ? :0) + us Vibing while life becomes bland except for the color that txt manages to bring to us ALSO WHAJXHJSJ HAVE U LISTENED TO TXT’S JPN CB YET 😭 or watched their mv and what did u think of their songs!!!!! I WANNA hear ur thoughts 🎤 🎤 anywayyy i love u SOR much plz take care of yourself and remember to be kind to yourself always. you are the best and you make me proud and you are so wonderful! ❤️
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caramelcal · 3 years
Trained for Sin {part two}
Word Count: 2.2k 
Ship: Luke Patterson x Reader
a/n: wow...here is your highly requested part two! YALL GOT ME FEELIN FAMOUS!! Thank you so much for every single comment, note, request, repost and message. I am so thankful for them all and I’m glad you guys enjoy my silly little fics lol...
Would a ‘Luke Patterson’ tag be something you guys are interested in, so that you would be notified for every Luke fic I post or no? It’s just a little idea right now...
From Luke’s point of view for a bit of ~spice~
Warnings: friends with benefits themes, sexual themes, swearing 
Tags: @iainttakingshitfromnobody​ @ilymarkchan​ @starjane312​ @miranda0102​ @katrin-okay​ @mah-gah-lee​ @fantastic-fans​ @phantompogues​ @fangirlangioma​
disclaimer: i do not condone plagiarism on my work at all, this has not been posted on any other platforms, or on tumblr anywhere else but my account (rosemoonmist) if you see anyone plagiarizing mine (or anyone else’s account) please inform the rightful author ! thank you lovelies x
Part One   Masterlist
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It wasn’t a particularly normal experience for Luke to be called down by his mom, but he tried to give it no thought as he bounded down the stairs that day. He could faintly hear the sound of a car starting up and leaving outside as he turned his attention towards his mom, “Hey mom, what’s up?”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he saw his mother stare down at the parcel with a slight, almost unnoticeable, frown. The older woman walked towards her son, giving him a weak smile as she spoke to him, “A h/c haired girl dropped this off for you. She seemed upset.”
That was even more confusing to Luke. Who would drop him off a parcel, and why would they be upset? He took the package off of his mother, flipping it around to look at the neat handwriting splayed out on the envelope that sat on top of the tan packaging of the parcel. That was your handwriting, but why would you send him a letter and a parcel?
Giving his mom a muttered thanks, Luke doesn’t stay around for any small talk and instead goes back up into his room, kicking the door shut behind him, all of his attention now on the parcel. Something is wrong, he knows that.
The guitar that Luke was playing before he was called down was long forgotten about as he sat down on the edge of his best, ripping the tan paper that you had wrapped the item in. You wrapped it as if it was a gift but it wasn’t. It was his hoodie he had given you the previous night in the car. Why did you not just return this yourself?
He placed the hoodie next to him on his bed, the envelope still in his hand. He was confused. Yet, as he opened the envelope and the key fell onto his lap everything started to fall into place. That was the house key he gave you so that you could come over whenever he needed you. With that, his stomach fell. No.
Luke was far from dumb, and he could already tell what this was going to be. He had dumped girls over text, he had dumped them in person, and just from the start of your letter, he knew what you were writing to him about. He just didn’t want to believe it.
Dear Luke,
This was probably not what you were imagining to get. Maybe you were imagining a present, or maybe you had a parcel that you were supposed to be getting delivered or something but this isn’t like that. Apologies for possibly getting your hopes up, but this way everything will be easier. I won’t have to fumble over my words and you won’t have to sit in embarrassment as some random girl tells you she no longer wants to have sex with you.
After that last statement, I can already tell you’ve probably stopped reading this, possibly ripped it up, or set it on fire and that’s alright. Yet, no matter how cliché it sounds, this isn’t your fault. This...Whatever we had was great while it lasted, especially at the start but now I have to search for something else. For something more...romantic.
I know you aren’t the romantic type, that had become obvious to me over the past months we have been involved with each other and that’s perfectly okay. I never expected anything more from you. I didn’t expect me to ever want anything more either but the more I watch the girls in the hallways with their boyfriend’s sweatshirts on, holding hands, kissing, hugging I can’t help but yearn for that.
I know I can never ask you to give me that because that was not our deal. I was never supposed to want anything more than meaningless sex, but I did, and I do. I’m just sorry it had taken me this long to realize this was not what I wanted; for either of us.
I think it’s best we don’t contact each other again, whether it be over the phone or in real life, not to give ourselves time to heal but to give us time to recover: for you to find a new girl that will give you everything I have and more; less commitment and more adrenaline and for me to find someone that will give me what I want. These last few months have been an interesting experience, and I wish you all the best.
I’m sorry.
You were gone, and you weren’t planning on coming back.
. . .
Luke had never been one for romance. The whole ‘teenage sweethearts' thing wasn’t for him. He knew that a lot of girls would kill to be in a relationship with him, but it was for popularity; you didn’t want that. Popularity was not a factor for you at all, Luke knew that even if he didn’t speak to you much.
Unbeknownst to you, Luke watched you too. Your small manners and quirks, and quickly became good at reading you. That was how he knew you were embarrassed in the car, even if he couldn’t see you blush. Luke knew a lot more about you than you suspected but the one thing he didn’t know was that you liked romance. Yet, it seemed that was new to you too. 
He thought you were all about the adrenaline and hook-ups like he was, and after seeing how you were on the first night you guys spent together, he thought you were more experienced than you had been. Walking through school felt different now as he glanced over at your locker, noticing your lack of presence. It didn’t feel right.
It was like an itch at his fingers, that something was off about him and he didn’t like it. Throughout the class, he couldn’t focus, his mind in a muddle and hands lightly trembling. It was like withdrawal. Withdrawal from you.
It wasn’t long before Luke walked out of the classroom, not caring about asking for teacher permission. Having a rich dad certainly had its benefits. The school was mostly funded by well-off individuals, allowing the school funds to pay teachers and make the school the best it could be, and with his dad being one of the main ones, he could get away with a lot. Luke’s dad never being around never really was an issue for Luke, he didn’t know what having a dad present was like.  Luke was just happy he could get away with a lot of things like skipping class and not handing in homework.
He made his way down the corridor, subconsciously finding himself heading towards the music department. It was abnormally quiet down there, normally the music department was bustling with sound, but maybe he would find sanity in the silence. That was what he was banking on.
A new sound evaded his senses however, the soft playing of piano keys in a nice and calming melody and he found himself drifting towards the sound. What he was met with, he was surprised. Leaning against the door frame, he watched you, your back turned to him, but he could tell from a mile away that it was you, “I didn’t know that you played.”
The piano playing stopped, indicating that you heard him, but you made no turn to move. He sighed, eyes looking over your figure before walking towards you. He slid next to you on the piano, looking over at your face, the direction of your gaze staying firmly ahead, not daring to stray to look over at him.
His gaze moved back down to the piano keys as he softly played a tune, clearing his throat a little, “Where is everyone?”
“Spirit assembly, they’ll be gone for the next two periods,” You replied monotonously as you continued to stare straight forward. Luke’s eyes stayed on the side of your face, not even looking down at the keys as he played effortlessly. You turned to face him, gesturing towards his face then to his hands, “Is this supposed to psych me out or something?”
Raising his eyebrows, Luke shook his head, his fingers lifting off of the piano keys, “What? No!”
“Whatever, Patterson,” You grumbled, getting up off of the piano seat and going to walk away, only for Luke to grab onto your lower arm in an attempt to stop you, “What?”
“I- uh- I just wanted to say you were good at playing the piano,” Luke commented dumbly, giving you a smile to which you responded with a blank stare. Luke did mean it when he said you were good at playing the piano but that was not what he meant to say. He meant to say something that would make you stay, that would get you to kiss him, to hold hands, and to be happy with him.
Because although he didn’t know it until he got your letter, he knew clearly now. He wanted to be with you, whether that meant fuck buddies, or if it meant dating with every single string attached.
“Really, Patterson? What are you trying to do here? Compliment me back into getting into bed with you?”
“Of course not,” Luke dismissed, climbing over the piano seat so that he stood right in front of you. He grabbed both of your hands, squeezing them in his lightly as he looked into your eyes, “Listen, I’m sorry.”
You quirked an eyebrow at him, confusion striking you as you asked, “What have you got to be sorry about, Patterson?”
“Everything. Y/n, I-I’m sorry that I initiated this whole thing between us two with the no feelings, because from that moment on when I said no feelings I was lying to not only you to but me.” Luke started, looking down at the floor as he began to let his feelings take over. It was one of the first times that Luke ever found himself relying on feelings to get words across, but it felt good to be able to let it out, “Y/n, I always thought I would never do relationships, but with you everything is different. I would hold hands with you down the hall, run around confessing my love for you. I would kiss you and hug you until the sun rose. I would do anything for you, y/n/n.”
Luke’s hazel stared down at your eyes, his ramble coming to an end, making him whisper the end part as he leaned closer to you. Whilst one hand still held onto your hands, one of his hands was on the side of your face, a calloused thumb stroking your cheek gently as he bent down to make direct eye contact with you.
You were dumbfounded. Luke Patterson just confessed his love for you. Luke Patterson. You didn’t know what to say. You never thought that Luke would ever be the type of person to chase after a girl because he wasn’t normally. So why was he so eager about you? He never seemed to show any interest but maybe he was like you; hiding your feelings until they become unbearable.
Butterflies formed in your stomach whilst you tried your best to fight off the smile that came on to your face, looking at Luke with soft eyes, “Really?”
“Yes, really,” Luke nodded his head with a light laugh, a smile on his face. You didn’t say anything in return and instead, you connected your lips with his. You had kissed Luke one hundred times before but nothing compared to the electricity of the kiss you felt right now.
Whilst normally the adrenaline flooded your veins, instead, it was love. It was different from what you were used to, but every touch of Luke on you felt like sparks, like the passion you had put into the kiss sparked electricity with it.
Luke disconnected your lips as he looked down, his hand letting go of your face as his arms went lower, beckoning you to jump up with his head, so you did. With you now in Luke’s arms, you reconnected your lips again, hands pulling on the brown strands of hair on the back of his head.
You barely even paid attention to the fact that Luke walked over to the piano as you deepened the kiss, his teeth biting gently down on your bottom lip, making you open your mouth in surprise. He took the opportunity for his tongue to explore your mouth, and you allowed it, pulling yourself closer to his chest, trying to get as close as you could to the boy. The boy who just confessed his love for you.
The spine of the piano was folded down and Luke placed the top of the piano down, causing you to disconnect your lips and look down at the sleek, polished, black top of the piano that Luke placed you on top of. You looked back at Luke, a look of hesitation to which he nodded, “Luke, no, we can’t do it here! What if we get caught?”
“You said it yourself y/n/n, everyone will be at spirit rally for the next hour,” Luke smirked, kissing you which made you smirk into the kiss as well.
With that, Luke lightly pushed you down onto the piano, climbing over the top of you, letting out breathlessly, “I love you.”
Luke didn’t wait for your response as he bent down to your neck, sucking on it, prepared to leave many marks littering your skin. However, you didn’t oppose, instead your hands made their way up Luke’s back and into his hair, letting out a gasp as he sunk his teeth lightly into your skin. 
And so the games begin.
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alexc1ting · 3 years
Tbh And about all this mess with 🗿 and what you said on your last answer. I think that it's bad to be only able to make fun of Christianity and not with the rest. If we truly want equality, we must treat everyone equally. I'm not saying that you can be disrespectful, because it is not right (I don't care if you are a minority or not, it is never ok to be disrespectful) but in this I always felt that if you think that making fun of christians it's cool and fun, but then making fun of others it's wrong just because they are minorities, you are perpetuating treating them differently and as if they are fragile. It is all or no one.
But I repeat, I'm talking about respectful fun not mocking. That second one is never right. And let me add that Christianity is still a minority in some places.
Please, treat everyone with respect just like you want to be treated.
This is the only thing I'll say because it must be exhausting for you to keep with this mess. Have a good day and thank you for all your hard work ☺️💕
hi there! Sorry for the late reply, tumblr didn't bother to notify me! 🤦‍♂️ Christian here, at least culturally if not religiously speaking. I am not saying that making fun of christians is cool and fun, just that it happens a lot and we generally don't go around the world menacing or killing people who do it. Tolerance is the the keyword of christianity since day one (I mean the very symbol of this religion is the cross where Jesus was killed and the motto is "turn the other cheek"), plus it happens to be the boss of religions, look here:
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It's not always been this cool, since all started with christians persecutions during the Ancient Roman Empire and later, once established as the official religion all over Europe, in the name of christianity we had centuries of wars, colonialism, and more wonderful shit.
All this said, yes the total point of minorities is that they're actually more fragile and need to be protected for the very fact they're minorities, so less visible, less coherent to what is socially given for granted. There's no shame in it, it's just a matter of fact. Like look at christian Europeans: here christianity is so given for granted, so part of the culture and the social structure that we don't need to feel proud of it, we can be critic and even detached from it. While in minority groups the sense of self might be deeply connected to the religious or cultural background because it's belonging structures the identity of its people. Consequently, touching that religion in whatever way has it's more likely to have an impact on the persons' feelings.
So if it's true that mocking might be always wrong - kept the freedom of speech, expression and art - it's also true that mocking minorities is way worse and way less acceptable, because the danger to make a minority a target is way closer.
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