#I am asking if I should but I probably will regardless of whether I should or not
Is the Dwampyverse Sci-Fi?
Like specifically Phineas and Ferb and Milo Murphy's Law.
There's a main plot line with time travel.
They regularly use space travel.
Overall, they use (and create) technology slightly more advanced than what we have today.
Doesn't that make it sci-fi?
Edit: Actually I just looked it up, according to Wikipedia it's science fantasy. Which is pretty accurate. I just never thought about it before.
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copper-16 · 28 days
First Meetings
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Elena attends her first football youth team camp, and meets someone who, though she doesn’t realize it at the time, will become a very important person in her life.
(a/n: I must admit this is probably one my more favorite Elena stories I’ve written, so if anyone has anymore ideas that involve older Elena and this new OC we meet here you’d be my new best friend cause I wanna write more about them 🥹)
The first national team camp Elena was ever invited to was when she was only fourteen years old. The call had been to Ingrid, who was then immediately turning to Mapi with a huge smile on her face. 
Partly because it was their daughters first call up, and partly because it had been Norway who had come knocking on her door. 
Mapi and Ingrid would always argue (playfully, most of the time), about which country their daughter would represent, should she choose the path of becoming a professional athlete. 
And while it didn’t matter in the end, for their daughter chose instead to become a doctor as opposed to an athlete, she did spend a good bit of her youth playing both football and handball, very competitively. 
She had been in La Masia, and showed great promise as a future defender, so it really wasn’t much of a surprise to anyone involved when Elena was selected for Norway’s U16 camp, despite the fact that she was only fourteen. 
And though both Ingrid and Mapi were excited (once a certain Spaniard got over being butthurt that it wasn’t Spain who had come calling), they left the ultimate decision up to Elena on whether or not she wanted to go. 
“Mi sol, at the end of the day the choice is yours. You are allowed to do whatever you would like, your Mama and I would always support that,” Mapi reassured gently, and Elena nodded her head slowly, but she still looked rather unsure. 
“Thank you Mami, I appreciate it, I really do. I just…is there any way I could have a minute before I decide?” The teenager asked gently, and her mother nodded easily. 
“Take all the time you need, there is no rush,” Mapi promised, squeezing her daughter's shoulder gently before the girl slipped away. But instead of heading for her room as the Spaniard expected her to, she headed for the balcony instead.
Elena pulled out her phone carefully from her pocket as she shut the door behind her, staring at it for a few moments before clicking open to her contacts. She hit dial before holding it up to her ear, listening to the line ring before it clicked, signifying that her godmother had picked up the phone
“Elena, pequeña! What have I done to deserve a phone call from my favorite goddaughter?” Alexia practically yelled into the phone, not exactly helping the argument that she ‘wasn’t old’ and ‘understood technology completely.’ The girl rolled her eyes at her godmother's antics, even if she knew to expect them. 
“Tia, I am your ONLY goddaughter,” Elena reminded her, but there was a smile on her face regardless.
“Ah semantics semantics! What is up pequeña, how are you?” Alexia asked, her voice a little more soft and gentle now. It wasn’t exactly a common occurrence for the green eyed girl to call the blonde like this out of the blue, so the former Barcelona captain made sure to seem extra attentive. 
“Oh I’m good,” Elena said carefully, before she went quiet. Alexia didn’t respond, sensing that there was more the younger girl wanted to say. 
“I got invited to a U16 camp, with Norway,” she finally forced out quietly, bracing herself for the former Barcelona captain to gasp, to scream, to get all excited. She had been preparing herself for Alexia to lose her mind, to be so excited that she wouldn’t even listen to Elena’s concerns. 
But it never came. 
“You don’t sound excited pequeña,” Alexia commented lightly, her tone filled with more protectiveness than excitement, and no judgment whatsoever. As much as Alexia wanted her goddaughter to be a footballer, same as her mothers, she cared far more about her well-being than anything else as trivial as her career. 
Elena sighed, fiddling with the hem of her shirt as she tried to organize her thoughts appropriately, in a way that was understandable. 
“I am excited, but I’m also…I don’t know. I’m not even sure if I want to be a footballer, is it silly of me to consider even going?” Elena asked, her insecurity poking through in her tone.
“Oh course you can still go, even if you are not sure. There is no requirement, it is not a contract that states that if you go now, you are obligated to become a footballer,” Alexia reminded gently. Her words were soft, and Elena clung to how secure her tone was, as though she held all of the answers to every problem the teenager had ever had. 
It was one thing for her mothers to tell her, but for Alexia to? It was somehow better, hearing it from her mouth. As biased as Alexia was, because she loved her, she had always been honest with Elena too. 
“Yes but…well there are people like you who are or were SO sure of what they want to do, and would I be taking up someone else’s spot by committing when I’m not even sure football is what I want to do? I love it, I know I do, but I’m just not sure that it’s what I want for the rest of my life,” Elena explained, and it was not a new thought in her mind but it was still hard to say, because she’d never spoken the thought aloud to someone. Not even her mothers, who were inside the living room trying very hard to pretend like they weren’t eavesdropping on the entire conversation. 
Mapi was practically sitting on Ingrid’s lap, she was leaning so far over her wife as she angled her body and ears toward the balcony, even if she couldn’t hear much with the door being closed.  
“Elena, for as many people who are sure, there are a hundred more who are not. You are fourteen, you are not supposed to have everything figured out right now. Look at people like Salma, she couldn’t decide until she was practically eighty years old what sport she wanted to do!” Alexia exclaimed, and even though Salma had picked her sport at nineteen and not eighty, it still managed to elicit a small laugh from her goddaughter. 
“You deserve to be there, that is why they called you up! This is a chance for you to go and see if you like it. That’s what youth team camps are all about,” Alexia insisted, and there was a pause on the line before the teenager spoke again.
“But also…what if they don’t like me Alexia? What if I am not Norwegian enough for them, or not good enough at football, or I’m weird and young and I don’t make any friends?” Elena said all in a rush, dumping out the bucket of her worries to be sifted through by her ever loving godmother. 
“Oh Elena. They are going to LOVE you, because you are kind and considerate and compassionate. The rest of it isn’t important, you just need to go in there and be kind and you will make friends, I promise. And hey, who knows, some of the girls there might be international as well! Some of your mothers old teammates have children, many of whom were all raised in different countries,” Alexia rattled patiently, remembering acutely how worried she had been when she had begun to be called up to national team camps. She tries her hardest to tell Elena what she needed to be told when she was a young girl, with nobody to give her this advice first hand. 
“I remember when I was younger, god I was a disaster at youth team camps! I was so awkward and shy, but the girls were still always so nice and welcoming, I didn’t have much time to feel self conscious about it,” the midfielder remembered fondly, chuckling to herself as she thought back on the memory. 
Oh, if only I had managed to grow out of my social anxiety as I got older, she thought wryly, before focusing back on the conversation. 
“And hey, at the worst? It’s only two weeks. Two weeks of just giving it a try, and then at least you can say that you did it. If you don’t like it, nobody will force you to go back,” Alexia promised.
“And you’d still…still be proud of me? Even if I hated it and never wanted to play football again because it was so terrible?” Elena asked quietly, her voice soft.
“Elena, I would be proud of you if you went on to win the Ballon d’Or, or if you never touched a football again in your entire life. I will always be proud of you, no matter what you do. But for the record, I don’t think it’s going to be that bad, but even if it went terribly, I will still love you,” Alexia insisted, and it’s the truth. Years later, when Elena graduates from medical school, it will be Alexia who skips the Ballon d’Or ceremony that she had been invited to present at, in order to sit in the front row with Mapi and Ingrid’s family, screaming when her goddaughter walked across the stage to receive her degree. 
But for now, she is content to love the teenager in whatever way she needs, including when she is just trying to figure out what she wants to do in life. 
“Thank you Alexia. I love you,” Elena whispered, her throat suddenly tight with how grateful she is to have her godmother in her life. 
To the rest of the world, Alexia might be the terrifying former Barcelona captain, one of the best players of their generation, but to Elena? She had always been the woman whose face lit up when she walked in the room, the woman who adored spending time with her and reading stories and gave her the best hugs. 
“I love you too pequeña, always,” Alexia insists, wishing her goddaughter goodnight before they hung up the phone. 
With a renewed sense of sureness, Elena marched back inside with determination and right over to where her mothers were sitting together on the couch, pressed up against one another as they tried to pretend that they weren’t entirely focused on the balcony. 
The dark haired teenager raised her eyebrow slightly at the upside down crossword Mapi was pretending to complete and the fact that Ingrid was staring at her wife like she was trying to memorize the silhouette of her face despite the fact that they spent every single day together. She knew they were just doing their best, and that they were both far too nosy for their own good. 
“I would like to go to the youth camp,” she declared, and both Ingrid and Mapi smiled brightly at their daughter as they nodded their agreement, happy to see that she was so sure of herself. 
Ingrid had flown out to Oslo with Elena, but she only stayed long enough to drop her off at the hotel and check her in with the staff members. The players were going directly to training, where parents really weren’t supposed to go, and Ingrid hadn’t really planned to spend a whole ton of time around unless Elena needed her to, for some reason.  
It wasn’t the first time Elena had said goodbye to her mother before they separated for something like this, but it did feel weird to know that she wouldn’t see either of her parents for a whole two weeks. 
She clings to the Norwegian for a hair too long, her grip tighter than it’s been in awhile. She feels young again, much younger than she actually is. Luckily, Ingrid’s love is readily available, and she doesn’t comment on her daughter's slightly desperate grip. 
“You’re going to be just fine, Elena. I love you, you call me if you need anything okay? Your Mami and I will call you once a day at least but if you need us more than that we are only a phone call away. And we can always hop on a flight if you need us!” Ingrid rambled, knowing that when she stopped talking she would have to leave. 
“I will be okay Mama. I’ll be sure to call you and Mami a lot to tell you about everything. I love you!” Elena called out as she finally forced herself away, leaving with one of the trainers to get settled in her hotel room before training commenced in a bit. 
She got her stuff settled in the room, noticing that another girl had already placed her luggage on the opposite side of the room. The green eyed girl wondered briefly who her roommate would be, but she didn’t have much time to think on it when someone came to get her for training. 
She was one of the last to arrive, and therefore by the time she had arrived out to the pitch, all of the girls were starting to warm up. 
Most of the girls are older than she is, standing in groups as they all laughed and chatted in a variety of languages. Elena was generally a pretty outgoing person in most circumstances, but this admittedly made her more nervous than usual. 
A lot of the girls seemed to already have groups of friends, and seemed older than her. It felt awkward to go up and introduce herself to these random people who already had a set friend group. 
She could see Frida and Emma’s daughter Kajsa in a group with a few other girls. Her mother had told her that Kajsa would be there, but the two didn’t know one another, because Kajsa was nearly two years older than she was. 
She noticed a few of the girls were standing by themselves off to the side, and she surveyed them quickly to determine who to walk up to. Most of them looked pretty focused, staring intently at the ball they were working with, clearly deep within their thoughts. 
She clocked Valeria, Marta and Caro’s daughter, but the look on her face is dark and filled with a determination that offsets Elena from feeling willing to go up to her. 
When she turned to her right, there was a girl who looked to be a little younger than the rest, much like herself, who was juggling the ball off to the side of the group. She had light brown, almost mousy hair, and unlike the other girls who were by themselves, she had a bright smile as she looked down at the ball. 
She actually looked like she was having fun, and Elena isn’t entirely sure what makes her feet start moving, but all the sudden she’s standing right in front of her, clearing her throat and greeting the girl. 
“Hi,” Elena said softly as she walked over, a wash of nerves. The girl looked up at her in surprise, her mouth forming a little “o” as she stared back at the other girl. The ball fell listlessly at her feet, and she offered a slightly shy smile of her own back. 
“Hey,” she replied, her voice soft and calm. She seemed quite nervous, her outward behavior a direct reflection of what Elena was feeling on the inside. 
“I’m Elena,” the teenager introduced, and the girl seemed to perk up slightly. She seemed very shy, and if there was one thing the green eyed girl was good at, it was getting introverts out of their shell. 
“My name is Kaia,” she echoed Elena’s greeting, and the Barcelona native couldn’t help the grin that broke out onto her face at the flush that was peaking through Kaia’s cheeks. 
The taller girl's accent was strange, no matter what language she spoke. Her Norwegian was accented, and so was her English, and Elena couldn’t put her finger on it until they were hanging out in their room later that night. 
The two had been selected to room together for the two weeks, so it really was serendipitous that Elena had chosen to go up to Kaia as opposed to any of the other girls who were by themselves. 
They were sitting in their respective beds in their hotel room later that night, when the taller girl turned toward Elena with an air of nerves around her. 
“Is it okay if I call my mums?” She asked, and the Spanish Norwegian immediately furrowed her brows. Kaia clearly takes it as being more malicious and less as the confusion it really is, as the dark haired girl tried to figure out if what she had said was the truth. Kaia had experienced plenty of teasing in her youth from her peers about her two mothers, and she immediately draws back in on herself as a result. 
“Yeah I…I have two mums,” she said softly, but the confusion shifted to her when Elena smiled brightly at her sentence. 
“Me too!” She exclaimed, and Kaia’s mouth flopped open, her reservations fleeing her with the drop of a hat practically. 
“Really?!” The taller girl asked in amazement, her whole face lighting up in relief. She didn’t often meet many others who could say this. 
“Yeah, I do! They used to play on the same football team together, that’s where they met,” Elena explained, and once again Kaia looked at her new friend in complete surprise. 
“That’s exactly what happened with my mums too! Do you want to meet them?” Kaia asked earnestly, and Elena nodded before she bounded over to the other bed, stuffing her smaller body close next to Kaia’s as the girl FaceTimed her mothers. 
“Hello darling!” Elena recognized Fran Kirby by both her appearance and accent in half a second, understanding settling over her. She remembered her mother telling her that Maren and Fran had a daughter her age, but she didn’t know that Kaia would be here. 
Suddenly, Kaia’s English accented Norwegian, and Norwegian accented English were starting to make sense. The accents made sense when she could place exactly where they had come from. 
“Mum, this is my friend Elena,” Kaia introduced, and the dark haired girl watched in amusement as Maren poked her head into the camera frame as well, a big smile on her face. 
“You’re Ingrid and Mapi’s daughter, right?” Maren asked kindly, and Elena nodded eagerly, waving hello to the older woman she had met several times. 
“You guys have met each other before, but only when you were babies!” Fran recalled, a statement Maren agreed with readily. 
Ingrid is equally as excited about Elena’s befriending of Kaia when they call her and Mapi right after, the two girls regaling their day at training in long detail.
Okay, it’s a lot of Elena talking in long tangents as Kaia listens patiently, adding in a few details here and there. But the older girl seems completely content to listen to Elena speak, capturing every small detail and little moment. 
For the two weeks they are at camp, the fourteen and fifteen year old are entirely inseparable. They eat together, train together, and when one of them gets lonely, they crawl into the other's bed to hang out and talk far past when they were supposed to go to bed (neither of them are aware that when they are older, they’ll spend every single night like that, together). 
Kaia followed Elena around almost like a lost puppy, and the dark haired girl happily drug her everywhere she went. It was easy for Elena to pull Kaia out of her shell, natural really, and they clearly fit together really well. 
It’s clear to anyone with eyeballs that Kaia has a crush on Elena, but neither of them are quite old enough to pick up on it. All they know is that they both loved spending time with one another, although neither of them realized just how much until later in life. 
But as relationships usually are when you are young, when the two girls leave camp, despite having exchanged phone numbers, they fall out of touch with one another. Kaia lives in England, and Elena still lives in Barcelona, and the opportunities for them to see one another in person are rare. 
They still follow one another through social media, and the occasional texting conversation. When Kaia gets her first Lioness call up at just 17, Elena is one of the first people to text her congratulations. And when Elena graduates primary school, Kaia of course texts her to congratulate her as well, thrilled for her friend. 
But nothing feels quite the same as when they were younger, and Elena tried to accept that. She tried to move on, unsure of why she was so stuck on some two week friendship that, in the grand scheme of things, shouldn’t really have meant anything. 
Or would it? 
Luckily, their distance wasn’t something she’d have to accept for forever. 
Elena had just gotten out of one of her university classes when she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket, and she reached down to fish it out. 
The dark haired girl couldn’t stop the shock she felt traveling through her when she saw the name on her phone, and the contact pictured attached, signaling who was calling her. 
It was an old photo, one from four years ago in fact, and it felt like a time capsule, pulling the green eyed girl back to a time of football camps and giggling under the covers with one of the funniest people she had ever met. A time of spending two weeks attached at the hip with a shy girl who blushed when she held her hand to drag her toward the gym, who always passed her the ball even though she clearly wasn’t the best player at camp. 
She stared at Kaia’s picture for so long she almost forgot to accept the phone call, and she scrambled to do so before the ringing ceased. 
“Kaia?” She asks into her phone almost breathlessly, despite the fact that she’s standing still. Her heart is pounding in her chest, and she’s not entirely sure why. Her and Kaia haven’t spoken really since they were fourteen and fifteen, and they were eighteen and nineteen now. 
It was too long for her reaction to be this visceral, but it still is, for some reason. She can’t explain it, she doesn’t want it to ever go away, though. 
“Hi Elena,” Kaia says softly, and her voice is lower and more mature, but it’s still Kaia. It warms Elena’s heart immensely, and she smiles despite the fact that the English footballer can’t see her. 
“How are you?” The dark haired girl asked, genuinely curious. She could have picked up the phone and called, she knew that, but for some reason she hadn’t. 
It felt even more strange for Kaia to be calling. Shy, quiet, sometimes awkward Kaia, who sometimes people thought was mean, but Elena knew it was really just that she spent far too much time in her own head. 
Although, she didn’t look all that awkward when she was on a football pitch, scoring goals like she was born to be a nine. She was brilliant, if a bit inexperienced. 
“I’m, I’m good. Really good actually. But I, well, I need your help with something,” Kaia explained quickly, and Elena raised her brow but asked what the striker needed all the same. 
“You spent last summer in Sweden right?” Kaia asked, and when Elena confirmed it, she continued. The green eyed girl had gone to spend the summer with Frido, and even Ingrid and Mapi had come for a few weeks on holiday as well.  “I’m going on loan to Hammarby for the season to get some more experience, and I was hoping you had any some tips on how to get around, or your favorite spots. Or any of the slang they’re using nowadays, it’s been an embarrassingly long amount of time since I’ve been back to Norway, and the only Norwegian I’m speaking nowadays is with Mom,” she revealed, and Elena felt her heart flutter in her chest. 
If she were thinking about it logically, it would be a little suspicious. Plenty of the girls who they played with in the youth teams were actually playing in Sweden, and probably knew much better than Elena did from just a summer spent with Frido in the countryside. 
And there was always the fact that her mother probably knew dozens of Swedes, who again would know better than the Barcelona based Spaniard. 
But she doesn’t care, because Kaia is calling her, and suddenly she has an excuse to talk to the girl who she’s been unable to get out of her head for years. She hadn’t realized until an embarrassingly long amount of time after the fact that it was a crush she had on Kaia back then, but as soon as she had realized she had been unable to let that go. 
Would things have been different, if they had stayed in touch afterward? She wasn’t entirely sure, but it didn’t matter. Maybe they could be friends now, if nothing else. 
Even if it isn’t going to turn into anything, she’d rather have a tiny bit of Kaia than nothing at all. She doubted Kaia would ever feel the same about her, and how could she? Sweet, brilliant, talented, soon to be famous Kaia, who would never fall for the university student who had little interest in the fame and money that football wanted. 
(Oh, if only she knew that Kaia wanted every single part of her, wholly, completely. She always had, even when they were kids.) 
Elena rolled over in her sleep, and unlike usual, there was an object blocking her from doing so fully. 
An object that smelled like jasmine and everything safe in the world, and the dark haired woman instantly turned to burrow into it, clinging tightly to the woman in her bed. 
Strong arms pulled her in tightly, and she blinked her eyes open sleepily to find that Kaia was smiling down at her, before the hazel eyed woman held her face gently in her hands, leaning forward to press a resounding kiss to her forehead. 
“Good morning,” she said softly, before she moved to bring Elena further into her, pressing their bodies together as she had longed to do for what felt like years. The smaller woman allowed her body to be moved easily, wrapping her own arms around Kaia and holding her close.
“You weren’t supposed to get in until later today?” She says in lieu of a greeting, her voice raspy and soft as she allows herself to stay nestled against her girlfriend. It's been over a month since they last saw one another, with their respective busy schedules. 
“I took an earlier flight. I wanted to see you sooner,” Kaia admits sheepishly, her nose twinging with pink as it gives away how clearly besotted she is. Elena’s eyebrows furrowed adorably in confusion as she leaned back to look her girlfriend in the eye, and the brunette reached forward to press her thumb to the space between her eyebrows and smoothing the crease, just because she could. 
“I was asleep! That can’t be exciting enough to move your flight to get in at seven in the morning,” She protested as she looked over at the clock with a wince at how early the time was, but Kaia just let out a small laugh. 
“I firmly disagree, you are completely adorable when you are asleep, and you get all clingy in the mornings. I couldn’t stand to miss another morning of it if I didn’t have to,” Kaia argues good naturedly, and Elena smiles before she presses forward, finally kissing her girlfriend for real. She loved this version of Kaia, the one that was all soft and giggly and gentle. 
It was the version of her that only existed for the green eyed woman, and nobody else. And as much as Elena loved seeing her girlfriend score buckets of goals on the pitch, this would always be her favorite version of the woman. 
“You don’t have to miss it anymore,” the Barcelona native whispered against her lips with excitement, and could feel the curve of Kaia’s own lips as she echoed the dark haired woman’s smile. 
“Not anymore, no. I’m going in at two today to sign the contract and take photos, so you need to help me with my hair and makeup,” Kaia explained, and Elena let out a sigh of relief as she nodded, more than willing to do so. 
After her one year loan spell at Hammarby, Kaia had returned back to Chelsea until she was twenty two years old, when she had made a move to Atletico Madrid for a year. All the while, she and Elena had never lost touch after that initial phone call about Kaia’s ‘Swedish questions.’
While she was at Hammarby, Elena had come to visit her several times (as much as her school schedule allowed), and the more time they had spent together the more the two had realized that what they had went far beyond the bounds of a normal friendship. By the time Kaia was set to go back to Chelsea after her loan, the two had begun dating. 
Elena’s six year medical school program was in Barcelona, and when Kaia went to move clubs to Spain when she was 22, the only offer closer than England had been for Atletico Madrid. The couple had figured that it was better than nothing, and Elena had argued that it would give the Barcelona staff a chance to see how brilliant the English player was. 
And sure enough, she was right, because it was not more than a few months into her contract that they reached out, asking to sign the Lioness after the expiration of her one year contract with Atletico Madrid. 
All of which led them to today, after nearly five years of dating, when Kaia signed her first Barcelona contract, which would keep her in Catalonia for the next four years. 
“I love you so much,” Elena murmured as she tucked herself back into the striker, allowing herself to collapse into the sturdy arms that are wrapped around her. 
The brunette deposited a resounding kiss to the crown of her girlfriends head, cuddling closer to Elena and relishing in the closeness that they never seemed to be able to get enough of. 
And while they don’t know it at the time, they’ll never have to be without one another for the rest of their lives, luckily.
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willowrites · 25 days
Hi could you do a Colby Brock x fem y/n become friends after Sam introduces them and they catch feelings fast and become something more? If that makes sense 😅
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PAIRINGS. colby brock x fem reader
SUMMARY. you and sam were friends because of some mutuals and as you both become closer he introduces you to his best friend…some say it was destined.
WARNINGS. nothing much just some anxiety and nervousness but also butterflies
AUTHORS NOTE. thank you sm for this request i’m a sucker for friends to lovers imagines 🙏😩
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“y/n i forgot to introduce you!” sam shouted over the music. “this is my best friend colby.” he pointed to his brunette friend that you had seen on his channel. “and colby this is my best friend y/n!”
you smiled and didn’t know whether to shake his hand or not. you had to admit this guy was so cute. you’d seen him on their channel and you’d had a small attraction.
“hi, i’m y/n!” you decided to extend your arm is way regardless.
“colby. you look very pretty tonight.” he complimented.
you gushed and immediately shied away.
“i’m gonna go get a drink i’ll be right back, go ahead and chat it up.” he patted colby’s shoulder whip placing a hand on yours then leaving.
“how long have you known sam?” he immediately questioned.
“oh um we met because of our parents. they were super good friends of mine growing up so we practically grew up with each other.” you smiled fiddling with your fingers. “i grew up where you guys did but then we had to move to hays for my dads work. we still kept in touch thankfully.
he nodded in understanding “wow so you guys have known each other longer than we have. has anything ever…” he gestured his pointer finger between you and the kitchen where sam was.
“oh…no.” you laughed. “no it’s always been platonic between sam and i. he’s been the one that’s endured all my boy crush boyfriend drama.”
“oh you’ve had your fair share of boyfriends?” he grinned.
“plural? no no, just one guy that had quite the hold on me in high school.” you nervously laughed.
“wow, well since we’re already such good friends spill.” he pursed his lips his eyes staying on you.
his gaze made you feel nervous but before you could feel anything extra about it sam came with teo drinks.
“drink up guys! let’s let loose tonight!” he clapped heading back where he came from.
you both took the drinks and went to find some seats.
the whole night was filled with easy conversation. no awkward silence which you were thankful for. it was so easy with colby. like you guys just clicked.
you had told him about your previous and only relationship. he told you about his run with relationship. you guys talked for hours upon hours.
when you looked at your phone it was 10 pm when you looked back what seemed like 5 minutes later it was a quarter till 1 am.
“oh shit, i didn’t know it was this late.” you laughed feeling the effects of the alcohol a tiny bit.
“yeah, i should probably be looking for sam right now.” he clicks his tongue.
“does sam usually go crazy at parties? i haven’t really been to something like this with him before.” he looked around the room of drunk people trying to catch a glimpse.
“no not really, i mean yeah he gets drunk but he doesn’t get crazy drunk. just very interesting.” he takes another sip of his drink.
“what about you? do you get crazy?” you asked, taking out your chapstick and applying some to your lips.
he saw your action and rose his brows in surprise but quickly recovered. “um no i…well sometimes but not tonight.”
“why not tonight?” you questions curiously.
“because i wanted to get to know you. you’re sam’s friend i feel like i should put in some effort.” he smiles, and not a tight lip smile. a smile that you could tell he was trying to suppress but you couldn’t understand why.
“well, i should probably get going.” you said, about to stand up.
“are you sure you can drive?” he stood up immediately lending you a hand.
you took his standing up and feeling a bit woozy.
“uh…” you looked around the room trying to make it stand still. “probably…probably not.” you concluded. you couldn’t keep the room straight. it was slowly spinning. “i told myself i wasn’t going to get drunk but i may have over drank.” you groaned placing a hand on your forehead.
“hey it’s okay. we have an extra bedroom. you can sleep it off.” he reassured you.
you nodded allowing him to guide you upstairs to a guest room.
“do you need anything before i head off to find colby?” he asked as he guided you into the room.
you sat down onto the bed with a huff. “errr no i don’t think so. could you possible find me a shirt and shorts to sleep in? i don’t mean to bother but just so i’m more comfortable…” you nervously asked.
“of course, let me go find sam then i’ll head to his or mine to grab you that.” he nodded quickly before heading off like he was on a mission.
you sighed looking up to the ceiling contemplating your night.
in a way you were glad you didn’t pace yourself.
colby’s so nice and…he’s so cute. he was so easy to talk to and he’s so thoughtful and selfless.
he made you have butterflies in your stomach just because of one night.
you had the urge to show him how you felt but you didn’t want to weird him out or anything.
you felt you’d close your eyes until he got back. only problem is you completely knocked out.!
you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“y/n…” a whisper. you heard someone whisper.
your face scrunched up in displeasure as this whisper was disrupting you from your sleep.
“mmm.” you whined wanting nothing more than for that person to leave you alone.
“y/n, i have your clothes.” the whisper sounded familiar.
it was colby!
you jerked straight up at the familiarity in his voice and you were about to say his name until you felt your head bump into something. or somebody.
“fuck.” he groaned.
“shit!” your hand went up to sooth the spot you hit.
you felt tears spike your eyes. don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry.
obviously, you’re only tearing up because of how much it had hurt.
“fuck y/n, you okay?” he was holding a hand up to his head as well.
“mhm!” you tried to sound fine. you sniffled.
colby immediately was alert.
“y/n, you’re sure? i’m sorry i shouldn’t have been that close. i was only trying to wake you up to change.” he felt guilty.
“no it’s okay, it’s my fault for doing that.” you took the blame.
“did you get scared? i didn’t mean to scare you. i wouldn’t hurt you.” he was trying to explain and ask for an explanation.
your tipsy mind only came up with one thing to say.
“no i just got excited to hear your voice.” you had said, and immediately was appalled at why you would say that.
“m-my voice?” he hesitated to ask. you opened your watered eyes to his smile.
“um…” you were too nervous to let out a word.
he sat down on the bed looking down at what he had in his hands. he then held them out to you.
“here, my shirt and i couldn’t find any shorts but you’ll have total privacy in this room so. do with that information what you will.” he set his shirt on your lap.
“thank you.” you whispered lost in his eyes. you didn’t know what came over you but you wanted to kiss him. he just looked so kissable at the moment but the most embarrassing thing happened. he leaned back.
“look y/n…” he winced.
fuck i fucked it up. you thought.
“i want you to know. i like you. you’re cool and funny and sweet and you’re so beautiful. and because of that i want to do things right. i don’t want out first kiss to be some drunk kiss in the heat of the moment. i want both of us to be sober fully aware of what we’re doing.” he explained. his blue eyes strikingly trained on you.
“you think i’m funny?” you smile trying to contain the bigger grin.
he lets out a huge grin as well. “yeah, i really do and if you’d let me. i would like to take you out on a proper date. see where it goes.”
“i’d really like that. id actually love that.” you said excitedly.
he sighed in relief. “how about, tomorrow morning. we go to breakfast?” he proposes.
“sounds like a date to me!” you conclude.
“perfect.” he whispers.
he then leaves and the rest of the night even in your dreams you think of how the date might go.
your excitement almost holding you back from getting sleep.
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your eyes opened up excited and ready for the day.
you immediately went to check your phone for the time. 9:15 am.
you didn’t know whether or not to go out and just wait to see what happens or to just stay in your room.
you opted for the second choice not yet ready.
you were going to start changing into your clothes from the previous day when you heard a knock on your door.
the nerves of your date conversed earlier had you jumpy so you practically fell out of bed.
“uh-” you cleared your throat. “who is it?”
“it’s sam! i heard you were in here. can i come in?” his voice muffled on the opposite side of the door.
“yeah you can!” you yell before getting back into bed under the covers as you were indeed only in your underwear and colbys.
the door opened and you met the blue eyes of your blonde friend.
“how was the party? i was shit-faced i don’t really remember past when i had a smoke break.” he laughed and sat on the bed.
“it was good! really good…” you thought back to the conversations you had yesterday.!
“i heard…i heard from colby that he asked you out on a date. that quick huh? i knew you two would hit it off. i sensed it. i’m not only a ghost hunter but i’m a relationship predicter.” he touched his head with his pointer finger.
you giggled. “yeah he’s super…like he’s just super funny and thoughtful like he was just asking me questions and conversing was so easy with him."
sam smiled and sighed. "well, i hope everything works out."
you smile sighing in relief. you expected nothing less than sams reaction.
"he's been nervous all morning wondering if he was doing things right. just be patient with him." he then stands up. "love you y/n/n."
the nickname makes your heart woman.
"i love you sam. thank you." you said appreciatively.
he opened the door to walk outside but then stopped.
he then looked at you and whispered. “by the way, breakfast is no longer happening…”
you didn’t know what he meant until he walked away and colby walked in with a wooden platter with breakfast laid across.
it was an organization of your favorite breakfast foods and a cup of what you usually drank.
he closed the door behind him before bringing the platter to you.
“good morning pretty girl.” he sat down on the bed.
“wow, very bold and kind move for a girl you just met.” you couldn’t help but think out loud.
“yeah well, this girl i just met is really cool since i want to keep her i need to treat her really well.” he handed you the cup. “and that of course starts now.”
you took the cup and sipped. “mmm, well she’s very lucky.”
as time went on, you went on the lunch date. got to know each other better.
immediately you knew you wanted to see the relationship move further.
and it did.
you guys went on plenty of dates. got to connect on a super deep level. you immediately felt a connection and it was safe to say you felt as if you were falling in love with who he is.
on the sixth date you kissed. it was like as if you had been put on earth to simply be with him in that moment. it was at your house in front of your door when he had told himself to stop being a pussy and kiss you.
the kiss was short and sweet but left you wanting more.
on the eighth date, he asked you to be his girlfriend by surprising you intimately.
he had decorated your room with flower petals got a crate full of your favorite snacks and cute balloons along with a little letter board that spelled out, “may i be your boyfriend?”
you had the biggest smile plastered on your face as you gave him the biggest hug and screamed “oh my gosh of course!!!"
he smiled and immediately connected your lips in a passionate kiss.
a few months later for your 6th month anniversary, he came home with a pet surprising you wanting that feeling of taking care of something together. it gave you a small view of what it would've been like to have a small family together whether you were a momma to a child or a animal they'd both be extremely important to you.
on your one-year anniversary, he took you out on a picnic and you both spent your day together just feeling grateful for each other.
it was insane how fast you both fell in love but fast was normal for you both and you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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professional-yapper · 5 months
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Aonung x Omaticaya! Reader
Summary: Aonung doesn't understand why you won't pay him any attention
Warnings: Aonung, reader's kind of mean if you squint, favouritism towards Rotxo (not a warning more of a given), mention of Aonung getting threatened and punched, reader being violent, Aonung being delusional and irrational and entitled, Aonung getting the fuck bit out of him, hes in the wars today, penis in hole sex
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"Forest brat!"
You groan internally, gritting your teeth, not looking up from the top you're making for yourself. Aonung. Probably coming to harass your sibling again, like he didn't learn his lesson the first time.
The memory of his stunned face after you punched him square in the nose warms your heart.
He should've known better. Right from the get-go, you made it clear you weren't going to tolerate any shit from him.
And yet here he was, somewhere behind you, calling you forest brat like you hadn't threatened to carve your name into his chest so his family would know who killed him.
"That's not my name, fish boy," you reply serenely, not turning around, threading another pearl onto your top. "What are you doing here, anyway? Did your daddy make you come apologise for being a jerk?"
"Maybe I'd actually apologise if you weren't so mean to me," Aonung pointed out, sitting down beside you with a bump and stretching out in the sand like he owned the place. Well... you guessed he kind of did. Or his parents did, anyway.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you drawled sarcastically, keeping your eyes on your work. "Maybe I wouldn't be mean to you if you hadn't bullied my siblings and I from the day we set foot on this stupid reef."
"I don't bully you," he countered.
"Because you're scared of me."
"No, I am not!"
"Aren't you?" you asked, glancing at him, mouth curving into a sharp smile.
"Shut up," he huffed, rolling onto his back and covering his face.
A few minutes passed, the only sound being the clink of the pearls against each other as your top formed slowly under your patient hands and the sigh of the sea.
"What's that?" Aonung began, right as you said, "So why are you here?"
You stared at each other for a moment before you rolled your eyes. "I'll go first. Why are you here if not to apologise, Aonung?"
"Oh, I didn't realise my only purpose in life was to entertain you."
"Would it kill you to be nicer to me?" he whined. "You're nice to Rotxo."
"Rotxo doesn't harass my siblings because they don't look like he thinks they should."
Aonung gives you a look, and you relent with a sigh, recalling how Rotxo had been the first to point out your tails. "Well, he realised the error of his ways, anyhow. You haven't." You poked his forehead for good measure.
He caught your hand in his, looking up at you with something of a smirk, like he enjoyed getting under your skin. "If I did realise the error of my ways?..."
You ignore how warmth sparks in your chest at his touch. "I still wouldn't give you the time of day. You're not appealing to me as a person, regardless of whether you're a bully or not," you reply calmly.
He groans and lets his head flop back on the sand, letting go of your hand. "You're killing me, forest brat."
"One can only hope. And why are you so desperate to be around me, anyway?"
"I'm not. I said I was bored, and you never pay me any attention."
"Oh," you grin, glancing down at him, poking him in the ribs. "You're jealous of Rotxo."
"Not just him," Aonung corrected but didn't deny it.
A flush began in your cheeks at how shamelessly open he was with you. You knew your siblings thought Aonung was whipped for you and that was the only reason he'd stopped bullying them, though you still thought he would at the drop of a hat, and even Rotxo and Tsireya had implied Aonung had a thing for you.
And here he was, lying in the sand close to you, whining that you didn't pay him enough attention. Unbelievable.
"You're so incredibly entitled, Aonung," you said severely. "Where do you get the nerve to even talk to me?"
Aonung's mouth curved into a lopsided grin. "Comes naturally."
You rolled your eyes. "So why is my attention so valuable to you?"
Aonung shifted, looking deliberately anywhere but at you. "I said it's not. I'm just bored."
"Can't you bother Rotxo or any of your dumb friends?"
"I wanna be here with you."
You blinked at the bold statement, staring at his face for any signs of insincerity. "What an odd thing to say," you managed finally, your heart rate picking up the longer you gazed at him.
"Is it?" he hummed, rolling onto his side, resting his chin in his hand as he looked up at you, ears angled forward playfully. Then his eyes strayed to the half-made top in your lap. "That's pretty. You'll have to model it for me when you're finished," he said lazily, touching it lightly with his fingertips.
You sucked in a breath, turning your flushed face away as his fingertips grazed your thigh. Accidentally, surely. "Not fucking likely. I still hate your guts."
"Yeah?" he mused, eyes focused on the top. "I like that."
"Great Mother," you cursed, pushing his head away. "Quit acting like that."
"Like what?" he said, looking rather pleased with himself, tail wagging a little across the sand behind him.
"Like you're drunk," you scoff at him, rolling yourself away. Trying to, at least.
He's fast for someone who's been acting drunk for the past few minutes. He rolls with you and then he's on top of you, pressing you back into the sand, forearms either side of your head and knee nudging between your thighs. "I'm stone cold sober," he chuckled in your face, eyes flashing, fangs curving over his bottom lip as he smiled.
For once, you have nothing to say, staring up at him, chest heaving and slick pooling between your thighs even as you try to ignore it.
"You look good beneath me," he commented, gazing down at you. "Should be like this more often."
"Aonung," you breathe, hating how wobbly and desperate your voice sounds. "What are you-"
"This," he cut you off. "This is what I'm doing." His mouth presses against yours, tongue sliding between your lips- lips that are slack with surprise, though not entirely opposed to your current situation, given the heat building in your stomach.
You moan, arms sliding around his neck, arching into him as he licks into your mouth, practically devouring you like a starving man. "So fuckin' beautiful," he sighed, nipping at your bottom lip playfully.
"Shut up," you hissed bashfully, turning your face away.
"Oh, yeah, now you're getting defensive?" he teased, pressing his knee against your loincloth. "Think I can't feel how wet you are for me? Soaking right through your loincloth just from a little kissing." He laughed a little then pressed a warm kiss to the corner of your mouth, looking at you with an expression that makes your stomach twist. "Still hate me now?"
"Decidedly," you sigh, pressing up against him as he slides an arm around the back of your shoulders, holding you against him as he begins to lay wet kisses along your jaw and down your neck.
"Oh, yeah, I believe that," he murmured, grazing his fangs along your collarbone as you whined. "Come on, beautiful, give it a rest."
"Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"You not fighting me every step of the way and letting me fuck you like we both want?" he grunted, shifting himself to pull off your loincloth and his. "I think that'd be great."
"Tough-" you began, then choked on air as his stiff cock nudged at your hole, making your hips buck up into him.
He hissed at the contact, pressing his face to your neck and holding himself still for a painfully long moment, both of you shivering.
You couldn't believe this.
You were mere seconds away from getting absolutely rawed on the beach by the Metkayina prince. Out in the open, where anyone could see. And you didn't even care, which was probably the worst part. Or maybe the worst part was that you wanted him so fucking bad, even if he was a bully and a dick and a great big whiny baby to boot.
Then he pulled back a little, looking at you intently, tracing your face with his fingers in a gesture that was so tender it hurt. "You want this?" he breathed.
"Yes," you replied raggedly, and slowly, painfully slowly, he slid into you, one hand tracing down the back of your leg to hook it over his hip, allowing him to reach a depth inside you that made you see stars.
You whined, throwing away your dignity in favour of pleasure.
"Fuck," he grunted against your jaw, rubbing his cheek against yours- scenting you, you realised, and the realisation that he was fucking claiming you made you lock your leg tighter around him without thinking, arching into him impossibly, trying to bury him so deep inside you he wouldn't be able to pull out. "Fuck, you're so good, so tight, fuck-"
"Aonung," you whimpered, ignoring how pathetic that sounded as your nails gouged red lines into the backs of his shoulders.
"You markin' me up?" he huffed, pulling back slowly before beginning to thrust, long, slow, deep strokes that punched the air from your lungs and reached every sweet spot inside you and then some. "Want everyone to know, huh?"
"Shut up," you whined, throwing your head back.
"Shut me up," was his only response before he took matters into his own hands and kissed you again, slower this time, gentler. "Great Mother, you're so good, gonna make me come already-"
He took his time, despite your best efforts to get him to fuck you harder, fucking into you slow and sweet, bringing you towards an orgasm as slowly as he could, kissing along your shoulders and collarbones, holding you so tight your body was practically molded to his.
"Ao- Aonung-" you choked, clutching at him as the familiar sensation approached. "I'm go- I'm gonna come, fuck-" Your legs locked around his hips, making it near impossible for him to thrust, but he managed.
"Yeah, me too, beautiful, I got you-" he gasped against your throat, hips stuttering against yours, cock pulsing inside of you almost painfully.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you moaned shrilly, fangs glancing at his shoulder before you sunk them in properly, vision whiting out as you came the hardest you've ever come in your fucking life.
"Oh, fuck," Aonung whimpered, thrusting one last time and burying himself as deep inside you as he could, head falling limp against yours as you clenched around him, his seed coating your walls in pulses.
You both remained in that position for a long while, until your post-sex-hazy brain cleared enough to register the taste of blood on your tongue, and the warm blood trickling down your chin.
You immediately released him, jerking your head backwards, body stiffening in fright. "Shit, Ao-"
Aonung just whined at the loss and the way you clenched around him anew, still entirely lost in pleasure. "Quit moving, I can't come again, I'll die," he groaned against you.
"No, idiot," you said, touching his shoulder tentatively. He hissed as your fingers came into contact with the savage bite, ears flattening. "Your shoulder."
Aonung, grizzling and whining like a little kid, twisted his head to try and see. "'S hot," he concluded, shrugging and trying to kiss you, the movement making his cock twitch inside you again.
"It could get infected!" you insisted, holding back a moan.
"Oh, shut up about it and let me hold what's mine" he grunted, shifting backwards, slipping out of you, then flopping down on the sand on his back and pulling you down with him, tucking you into his side.
"Oh, I'm yours now?" you said, immediately distracted, trying not to smile like an idiot.
He squinted at you. "You reek of me and currently have my come so deep inside of you it's practically in your guts. Yeah, I think you're mine."
"Fuck, you're vulgar," you sighed, curling into him and resting your head on his chest.
"You'll live."
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This was not meant to be a smut like at all @wjehfshs heres more dumb himbo Aonung I hope it's ok 😭
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zutarawasrobbed · 4 months
Live-Action Showrunner Interview: Future Romance
Anyone claiming this interview with the live-action Showrunner “confirms Kataang” in the future should probably actually read his answer to the question and be concerned he refers to the relationship as an “issue.”
*Everything I quote from the article has been copied as written in the original source. Including bolded words and passages.
[INTERVIEWER:] I have to ask this question, because I have wondered this myself, and also because I saw some of your interviews. But talking about the direction of Katara, who I think a lot of fans have interpreted in the original series as a little bit motherly - it's probably too motherly of a role for the character. And I'm glad that I'm getting the sense that she's not leaning so much in that direction for the live-action show. But speaking on that, her romance with Aang is something that is reflective of that mothering dynamic. Are there any plans to change that up? I know some fans enjoy Katara and Zuko, I'm just going to put that out there...
KIM: [Laughs]
[INTERVIEWER:] ...but I'm curious if you have any insight on that.
KIM: I will say, hopefully, I'm smart enough not to get involved in that debate, because I know how passionate both sets of fans are. And I was fortunate in that it wasn't a big issue in the first season for us. Because, you know, practically speaking, there are certain things you can do with animated characters that you can't with live action ones when it comes to something like that.
It's not something that we hit very much head on in the first season there. If you look carefully, there are little hints, especially in the final episode of what Katara is saying about Aang. So, we are obviously aware of where it goes in the original series, but it's more of a future issue and a future storyline to be dealt with. So I was, even for myself, I was very relieved to put a pin in it, so I wouldn't have to deal with it in the first season. But yeah, it'll be interesting to tackle that one.
I also find it interesting he makes sure to differentiate the original animated series from the current adaptation. Am I reading too much into things? Maybe. But, maybe not.
Regardless, I wasn’t really holding my breath for Zutara in the live-action- I’m just happy with any crumbs because it seems like writers can’t help themselves but add more Zutara content in the show, whether intentional or not. But, after reading this, I actually have hope.
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istoleyoursk1n · 6 months
How do you think the companions would react to a Tav that's shorter then them but physically capable of carrying them around be it over the shoulder or princess style carry?
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How would they react to a short Tav who could carry them easily?
(I’ve made brief mentions of this type of scenario in a previous post so you may check that out as well.)
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“My, my, if you would've done this for me sooner, I’d be swooning much more quickly than you realize, you know that darling? Now be a dear and carry me over there!”
He would have been the one teasing you/urging you to try and lift him up in the assumption that you simply cannot. He was merely messing with you at the time.
Though, he didn't think you’d actually do it.
He would be startled by your offer/assurance that you would be able to lift him up without so much as a struggle which he then laughed at, not believing a word you say but allowing you to try anyways.
He was just about to say another snarky remark the moment your hands were on him but the words quickly fell flat on his lips the moment you managed to carry him in your arms.
You've never seen him so wide-eyed and confused than this very moment.
His mind would be too muddled on whether he should continue to be snarky or at least show how surprised he actually is about the whole situation.
Probably ends up being both snarky and impressed because his mind was too much of a mess at that very moment.
Besides, there's a strange sense of security he feels when he has your arms wrapped around him like some sort of shield.
Regardless, he now demands you to carry him like a princess for however long you can as he’d prefer not to walk throughout the entirety of your tiring journey.
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: ̗̀➛ WYLL
“Are you- am I- are you carrying me?! By the hells, am I not as heavy as I thought I was? Or are you that ridiculously strong? Ha! Though, I can’t say I’m against this at all!”
Was a bit apprehensive when you offered to carry him, he was afraid that he might crush your poor arms with his own weight.
Definitely needed you to reassure him three times before he finally agreed. It's not that he wasn't confident in your abilities (sort of), he just wanted to make sure you didn't hurt yourself.
Was quite shocked when you did manage to lift him so easily, so much so that an awkward little laugh escaped from his lips.
This was certainly a situation he never thought he’d find himself in.
Even so, that awkward little laugh soon turns into a genuine one, his grin is one of the many things that drive you to carry him for as long as he wants.
He can't stop laughing at the absurdity of the moment but he has no qualms, in fact, he's having a blast!
Now you’re both off being absolute goofballs with Wyll playfully referring to you as his own ‘knight in shining armor’. The scene alone would be sweetly sickening to anyone who caught a glimpse of it.
While he’d never ask for you to carry him again (he’s far too worried about exhausting you), he’d always be willing to find himself lifted in your arms once again if not but a temporary relief from the hard journey ahead.
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: ̗̀➛ GALE
“Well. I never quite envisioned myself being in this particular predicament… there seems to be a handful of lovely little experiences that I have yet to indulge in, this included. Now, how do you suppose I’d get down?”
Similar to Wyll, he was a tad bit apprehensive when you first proposed such a thing to him. He wasn't quite confident that you had the ability to carry him nor did he really think he wanted to be.
It would take a tad bit more convincing to get him to be on board with it.
He keeps reminding you of the worst-case scenario where you’d find yourself with broken arms and him with a broken back. Truly something he isn't looking forward to.
He probably closed his eyes the moment you lifted him off the ground, half expecting to fall to the ground right then and there.
His limps were all over the place, grasping at what he could to the point where it landed him in an awkward position. It was fairly obvious that he hadn't been carried like this before.
He was pleasantly surprised when he found himself up in the air in your arms. At first, he thought that this may have been the work of some sort of strength elixir but he had faith in you.
It doesn't take long for him to become a flustered disaster who doesn't quite realize what to do or say. He’s in your arms and he’s far too close, he’s being far too awkward about this and it’s rather amusing to watch.
He’s simply holding on as tightly as possible, asking again and again if you are certain that this isn't something you struggling with. I mean, is he truly this light?
If he wasn't smitten with you before then he sure as hell is now. It would take him a while to come around to ask to be carried again but when he does so, he does it with the biggest puppy eyes you've ever seen.
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“No fucking way! I’m up in the air?! Me?! You can lift me?! Bloody hell you're a strong one, soldier. Never thought big ol’ Karlach could be so easily swept off her feet. Gotta repay you for that one!”
She believed that there was no way in hell you’d be able to carry her. She would have crushed you the moment you tried.
Even so, she agreed, it doesn't hurt to try after all. Besides, she's a tad bit curious about herself. However, she does constantly remind you of how heavy she is and to let go if it's something you truly can't do.
She would have backed out last minute to save you if it weren't for the fact that she suddenly felt her feet lift from the ground below.
She would be surprised that your little form somehow has the power to lift her, she’d think it's the coolest thing ever! She's practically laughing her ass off from having you carry her around.
This is the most fun she’s had in a while and she hopes for it to last for as long as your body could handle. Both of your combined laughter would be enough to startle the entirety of the camp.
Right after she’d be more than happy to carry you as well! Consider it a favor after doing the same thing to her. You’ll be having free piggyback rides for days to come! In exchange of free carries from you of course.
She’ll never not laugh every time you pick her up. She's felt so strong and impenetrable most of her life until you came over swooping her off the ground like it was nothing. It makes her fiery heart soar.
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“My hero, and just when I thought I’d have to use a quick healing spell or two. I suppose I don't mind playing myself as the ‘damsel in distress’ if that means I get to end up in your arms.”
She wasn't quite on board with the whole idea of you picking her up just yet. She was confident that you’d drop her and you’d end up falling alongside her.
Though eventually, she did come around to it, not that it took too much convincing. She was a Cleric so if both of you ended up hurt somehow, she’d be there to heal both of you.
She was very careful with choosing how she’d like to hold you just before you lifted her up. She tried to get into the most comfortable position possible that would cater to both you and her.
She was delightfully surprised when you did manage to lift her up in your arms, a warm smile plastering itself across her face from witnessing such a shocking act of strength from you.
If this isn't the perfect moment for her to tease you then you are greatly mistaken because she would be teasing you relentlessly for as long as you keep her in your grasp.
Even so, it's all in good fun. She finds herself loving how feather-light she seems in your hold, reassured that you wouldn't drop her despite her previous apprehensions.
She’d never doubt your abilities again in this case, and she’d be more than willing to be held within your strong embrace once more.
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: ̗̀➛ LAE’ZEL
“Chk. The fact that your arms remain intact is a surprise. Still. I am capable of walking on my own if carrying me like this was your plan. Your strength is noted but I’d rather set onwards with my head held high and my feet on the ground.”
Her immediate answer was no.
She’d think of it to be a rather stupid idea, she didn't even believe that there would be a slight chance of you carrying her properly.
It would take a lot of convincing for her to ever allow you to carry her with her consent. Doing so without it would result in her punching you right in the face. Ingrained reflexes I suppose.
She’d be annoyed but she’d reluctantly agree when the moment comes around. However, she would make a blatant reminder that if you were to be crushed, it was over your own stupidity.
She instantly tensed the moment you lifted her off the ground, her eyes went wide, and she couldn't believe that she was somehow being lifted by you.
She also generally hasn't been lifted before and she doesn't completely realize how she should be feeling about it. It's strange, and it definitely takes her a while to relax.
Eventually, she’d finally sprinkle some form of praise onto you, seeming rather impressed by your bold display of strength. She might even find it somewhat attractive that you could so easily lift her up.
It would take a while to get used to but I doubt she’d be against it anymore. Your strength is truly a perk of yours that should never go overlooked and she thankfully realizes this now.
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: ̗̀➛ HALSIN
“Oh! Well isn't this quite the shocker? Not only do you have a strong heart but it appears that you have strong arms too, haha! And just when I thought I’d undergone everything life had to offer.”
He thought you were joking with him at first. There was no way you’d be able to carry him, he's never seen anyone successfully do so either.
Perhaps he’d let you try if not for his own amusement/pity, but he pretty much was certain that you’d hardly have the strength to lift him an inch off the ground.
Of course, this wasn't to undermine you, but he knew all too well that a man of his stature couldn't possibly be carried like some sort of fairytale Princess.
Safe to say that he was utterly baffled the moment you began to lift him. In all his years alive he has never once encountered someone who was able to carry him with the use of their raw brute strength.
The first thing that came to his mind was worry, he wasn't sure how long you’d be able to hold him or if this was too much. He understands how heavy he is and he’d be absolutely devastated if he were to accidentally crush you.
As fun and ridiculous as this all was, Halsin would be too concerned about somehow crushing you down with his weight so you wouldn't be carrying him for long.
After a few shared laughs, he’d be the one to politely request to be let down. Softly asking if you are okay and hoping that carrying him wasn't too tiring.
Nevertheless, he’s enamored by your display of strength and the new experience truly did make his heart skip a beat. Now there's yet another peculiar thing about you he’d add to his reasons for adoring you.
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jamiewintons · 5 months
I haven’t been able to get this ask out of my head, and I’m kind of obsessed with the whole idea, so I decided to write a little bit for it! I’m terrible with writing multi-chapter fics, so I’ll probably just keep writing snippets and one shots from this universe. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
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You were just about to escape down into the manhole when you heard someone behind you say your name. Fear spread throughout your whole body, freezing you in place. Damn it! You’d been caught, and that meant that the entire plan was probably ruined. Why had you not run faster?
A hand grabbed onto your shoulder, and you felt yourself being spun around. Your eyes widened when you saw who had caught you - it wasn’t a police officer as you had expected, but rather Mr. Fickelgruber. You felt relieved for a moment, but your heart rate quickly spiked again. Oh, this was even worse than being caught by the police! Not only was Fickelgruber a member of the Chocolate Cartel - and therefore an enemy - but you’d noticed the way he looked at you… not like he wanted to destroy you, but almost like he wanted something else. Something sinister.
“There you are, my dear,” Fickelgruber said with a sly smile. He withdrew his hand from your shoulder, studying your facial expression. “No need to look so anxious, darling. I am not going to harm you.”
“M-Mr. Fickelgruber… what are you doing here?” you asked, your voice annoyingly shaky. You wanted to sound tougher than that, but you couldn’t pretend you weren’t terrified, regardless of his assurances that he wouldn’t hurt you.
“I came to talk to you,” he told you, stepping a little closer to you. You were forced to step back, leaving you pressed up against the hard, brick wal of the alleyway. “About that debt of yours. You owe quite a large sum to Mrs. Scrubbit, don’t you? Such a large sum that I’m sure you’ll never be able to find the money to pay her what she is due.”
Of course you knew that. You didn’t need to be reminded. You’d been in the service of Mrs. Scrubbit since you were a young girl - even younger than Noodle was now. When you were born, your family was quite well off. You were loved, cared for, you always had food to eat and a nice bed to sleep in. But then one day, you were told that your parents had died. No one ever told you exactly what had happened to them, just that they were gone and they were never coming back. You were supposed to go into the care of some relatives, who would also take care of your inheritance until you came of age… but rather than care for you, they stole your inheritance and dumped you with Mrs. Scrubbit, who you were told was your ‘new guardian’. You were forced to sign a contract… and then put to work in the laundry. You’d long given up hope of ever escaping.
You were silent for a long moment, before the quiet was broken by Mr. Fickelgruber’s voice once again. “Oh, have I struck a nerve, my dear? I do apologise. I didn’t mean to upset you, I simply wanted to ensure that we were on the same page.” You weren’t sure whether you believed him when he said that he didn’t intend to hurt your feelings.
“What about my debt?” you asked, averting your eyes from his face. The way he stared at you was making you nervous. “I already know I’m going to spend the rest of my life in that laundry. I gave up believing I’d find a way out years ago.”
Fickelgruber tutted. “Oh, but what if I told you there was a way for you to get out? And not just you, but all of your friends as well.” Your gaze met his again, and your eyes went wide. “I see that I’ve caught your attention now,” he said with a smirk, sounding utterly pleased with himself.
“Really? All of us could get out?” For the first time in a long time, you felt hope for the future. It was a strange sensation that you almost didn’t recognise, and for a moment, it was as if all of your troubles had melted away. But a great deal of your hope was replaced with dread when you heard Fickelgruber speak again.
“On one condition.” Ah, you should have known. There was no way he was going to offer you a way out without expecting anything in return. He was a businessman after all, and that meant he would want to make a deal.
“I don’t have anything you would want.” You felt your heart drop. Salvation had been so close, only to be ripped away from you mere moments later.
“On the contrary, my dear. You have something that I would like very much.” Fickelgruber’s hand came up to gently brush against your cheek, and your breath hitched in your throat. Where was he going with this? "You see, I have found myself feeling rather… lonely, as of late. But I’m sure you understand that a man in my position cannot look just anywhere for companionship.
You didn’t know what to say. You’d had absolutely no idea what Fickelgruber was going to say, and never would you have guessed he was going to seriously suggest you marry him in exchange for your freedom and that of your friends. Momentarily speechless, you stared at Fickelgruber blankly, like you were waiting for him to laugh or tell you he was joking. But he simply stared back, and after about a minute, it finally sunk in that he was serious.
"W-what?" you stammered, completely lost for words.
"You heard me, darling," Fickelgruber said with a smirk, not seeming at all deterred by your baffled reaction. "I want you to be my wife. All of your debts will be payed, and you will live in luxury for the rest of your days. Doesn’t that sound nice?" His hand cupped your cheek, keeping you from looking away from him. Your face grew warm, and you felt a little bit light headed.
"Why would you want to marry me? I’m no one special, I just work in a laundry…"
"Oh, but we both know that isn’t who you always were, don’t we?” Your eyes widened in shock. How could he possibly know…? "I know where you came from, dear. The poor little orphan girl, losing her parents, and then having her inheritance ripped from her by her cruel family. You aren’t like your friends. You’re special. You deserve better than to be slaving away in some filthy laundry. You deserve to wear fine clothes, eat good food…" Fickelgruber’s voice trailed off, but he continued to stare right into your eyes. "You deserve to be cared for, and I can give you that."
What were you to do? You hated working for Mrs. Scrubbit. You were always tired and sore, and dirty… the promise of nice food and new clothes, not to mention a warm bath and a comfortable bed to sleep in… well, it was tempting. When you were a little girl, before you’d given up hope of escaping, you always dreamed of a handsome prince swooping in to save you - just like in the stories your parents read to you before they passed. Mr. Fickelgruber wasn’t exactly a prince - though you had to admit he was handsome - but he was offering you a way out. And not just for you, but for your friends as well…
“So if I say yes, all of the others will be free. You promise?” you asked cautiously, your eyes trained on his face - not that he was giving you much choice to do otherwise - trying to determine whether he was telling you the truth or not.
“Of course, my dear. Simply say the word, and I will send the money straight to Mrs. Scrubbit.” Though you couldn’t be completely sure, it seemed to you that Fickelgruber was telling the truth. Did he really care for you that much that he would pay such exorbitant fees, just to take you as his wife? The thought of someone desiring you so much… it made your stomach flutter. He truly was offering you a good deal…
"Yes, Mr. Fickelgruber. I… I will marry you."
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 22 days
The Truth of the Matter
A Four Part Miniseries
@wonderland-girl143-blog @gregre369 @420-hun
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Chrissy stood in Steve's living room watching Eddie. He was sitting cross-legged on the coffee table pouring over his spellbook, his tongue poking out.
"You know, I have perfectly good couches," Steve said, crossing his arms, and Eddie hummed without looking at him. "He's lucky he's so cute."
"Okay. . .okay, it sounds like this spell is going to be difficult, especially with all of us, and it says I need to be. . .stronger for this. Fuck, I have to be a certain level? Well, what fucking level am I?" Eddie asked. "And how do I gain experience? More spells? You know, whoever wrote this book should have had this damn thing coded. You know, write in the margins which ones are for beginners."
"Well, considering the few spells that you have done, I think you're very much still a beginner," Robin said.
"If this is too much, we can wait. . .save up money. . . Buy plane tickets," Steve said.
"Baby, we're going to see this through, and your mother's waited long enough. . .you're worth it, Steve Harrington. . .now, shut up, I'm thinking," Eddie said.
"Oh, oh! I think I remember your father mentioning something about using magical creatures like conduits," Chrissy said.
"Yeah, no, I'm not using either one of you like that. And if my father suggested it, then I'm definitely not going to do it," Eddie scoffed.
"Well, what if we want to do it?" Steve asked.
"I can do the spell myself," he replied.
"Yeah, but it doesn't mean you should," he said.
"How in the hell is this relationship supposed to work if we're both equally stubborn?" Eddie asked with a scowl.
"Well, if we're both determined enough, we'll make it work," Steve replied.
"Eddie, it sounds like we both want to do this," Chrissy said softly.
"Are you sure?" Nancy asked.
"Very," Chrissy said, and Nancy smiled. "I want to do everything that I can to help Steve find his mom or dad. Not just because we're both fae but because it's the right thing to do."
"Thanks, Chrissy," Steve said softly and then paused. "Wait, what do you mean, mom or dad? My dad's dead, remember?"
"Oh. Did I not mention?" Chrissy asked with a frown.
"Mention what?" He asked.
"Fae can have children with anyone regardless of their gender. I had two mothers," Chrissy replied. "And some fae are what they themselves call genderfluid. . .depending on what they feel like. So, this person could be your mother, father, or both. Being transgender and queer is also more commonly accepted amongst fae. It's because of their beliefs that the fae had to remain hidden in the shadows, hiding with their illusion and glamor magic. They would come out of the shadows to help lost humans, whether they be fae, humans, or Wiccans, especially if they're children and rejected by their community because of who they love."
"Wow," Steve breathed. "Okay, so you know a lot more than I do."
"Do the fae have like their own city or country I could move to?" Robin asked.
"I don't know. If they do, it's probably hidden," Chrissy said. "There wasn't much in my mother's journal."
"Okay, let's do this shit. . .let's go find this Steve’s mommy or daddy. . .even more so now. Although, I suddenly realized that I'm going to be meeting my boyfriend's parent for the first time, and I hadn't even taken him on a date yet," Eddie said.
"And I just found out that my girlfriend neglected to tell me that she could get me pregnant," Nancy said.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! It slipped my mind. . .I was going to tell you, and then this happened," Chrissy said, looking guilty. "And besides, we can only get each other pregnant if we both wanted to. . .no accidents!"
"I figured you were going to say something like that when Mike barged into the house," Nancy said, wrapping an arm around her waist. "I'm messing with you, baby."
"I can get Steve pregnant!" Eddie yelped.
"Down boy, buy me dinner first," Steve said dryly.
"Okay, let's get to Lenora Hills before I get completely distracted," Eddie said. "Nancy, focus, and then we can study fae anatomy later. . ."
"I'm so getting a better grade than you," Nancy smirked, and Chrissy giggled.
"Fuck off, Wheeler!"
Lenora Hills, California. . .
"Fuck!" Eddie screamed.
He dropped Steve and Chrissy's hands immediately as he fell to his knees. Eddie bent over and began to make retching sounds. Steve pulled his hair back just as he vomited. He wiped Eddie's face with a tissue Chrissy gave him and helped him stand up. Eddie's whole body shuddered, and Steve wrapped his arms around him to hold him up. Steve watched as the other man's eyes turned purple.
"Eddie?" Steve asked.
"Is anyone else hearing music?" Eddie asked as blood gushed from his nose. "Did I just gain another level? Hmm, maybe it's something I ate."
Eddie's fading purple eyes rolled back into his head, and he collapsed into Steve’s arms. Steve picked him and held him close.
"I don't want to be a bummer, but I think Eddie missed by a few blocks," Robin said.
"Well, it was his first time performing the spell," Steve said. "Let's go."
They finally found the house they were looking for, and when they did, they discovered that the front door had been left wide open. Someone had clearly left in a hurry. When they entered, they found it in a stay of disarray, like someone had packed quickly. It was similar to the one in Indianapolis, except the furniture had been left behind. Drawers were opened and emptied. . .papers and takeout menus were littering the floor. Someone had clearly lived here a while, but it looked as though someone had left recently. Steve hurried to lay Eddie on the couch for a moment. He cleaned his face and listened closely to make sure he was just sleeping. He was.
"Is he okay?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah, just sleeping. That spell took a lot out of him," Steve replied. "Let him sleep, and we can look around. Maybe whoever left here is going to come back."
Of course, they searched the house for hours and came up with nothing. Robin, Nancy, and Chrissy let Eddie have the bedroom in the back, considering he drained his batteries getting them all to California. He laid Eddie on the bed and sprawled out next to him. He watched the man snore loudly before flopping onto his stomach. Steve ran his hand over his back, smiling when Eddie sighed in his sleep. He laid down on the pillow, wondering if his parent had laid their head on this very pillow. Steve closed his eyes and went to sleep.
Steve was dreaming. He was sure of it. He felt smaller than usual, and he was lying in a . . . Cage? No, a crib. He was a baby, and he was looking up at his mobile made of stars. A face appeared above him. It was a younger, fresher faced Bob Newby. He had hazel eyes just like Steve.
"He's made of stars just like you," Bob said proudly.
"Freckles and moles, my love," a garble voice said.
"Stars, stars to guide his way back to us," Bob said softly.
"He's not going to be like the others, I won't allow it," the voice said.
"There's more of them than there are of us," Bob said sadly. "It's happening more and more lately."
"Bobby. . ."
Wait, was his other parent British? Steve tried to reach for them as they moved closer to the crib.
"I'm right here," Steve tried to call out. "I'm right here!"
When he woke up, Eddie was staring at him.
"Hey, you feeling any better?" Steve asked as he immediately sat up.
"A little, but I don't think I'm at full power yet," Eddie said. "I'm fucking hungry."
"Yeah, okay, we get out of here, and we can find something to eat," Steve said.
"Just a moment," Eddie yawned.
He pulled Steve closer to him and nuzzled his neck. Eddie pressed his lips there, peppering his soft skin with tiny kisses. Steve sighed for a moment and leaned into it. He rolled over onto his side to face Eddie.
"Why are you going through all this trouble? I mean, I know you care about me, but we barely started whatever this is, and you're nearly killing yourself to help me," he said.
"I don't know. . .I mean, I guess it's because of the assumptions I made about you but also because I would give anything. . .chase any lead that gives me any hope that my mama's alive and looking for me. She's not, though. She's been dead for a long time. I can't do it for myself, but I can do it for you," Eddie replied.
Steve wrapped his arm around him, pulled him closer, and kissed him deeply. He poured every ounce of affection he had for the man into that kiss. He broke away and leaned his forehead against his.
"Come on, let's see what the girls are up to," Steve said.
They wandered into the kitchen to find Nancy, Chrissy, and Robin leaning over a phone book.
"Eddie!" Chrissy exclaimed. "How are you doing?"
"Better once I get some food in me," Eddie said.
"Well, we were actually going to order something. I was thinking pizza. Laura never lets me have any," Chrissy said.
"Pizza sounds fucking awesome," Eddie exclaimed.
As they waited for the pizza to arrive, they sat in the living room to discuss their options. Eddie still needed to recharge and get some food in him before doing any sort of spells. In the meantime, they wait it out here and see if the person comes back. Steve was trying not to get his hopes up, but the closer they got to find his parent, the more hopeful he got. Robin leaned over the arm rest of the couch. Nancy, Chrissy, and Eddie were talking amongst themselves.
"You doing okay?" Robin asked.
"Trying to keep it all in, you know?" Steve said and paused. "I had a dream about my dad, about Bob. I think it was a memory. I couldn't see my other parent, but I know they were British, and Bob said I was made of stars like them. They have moles like me. . .what else did I get from them? Will I ever see them again? Do they know what happened to Bob?"
"I'm sure that you'll find your way back to each other," Robin said.
"That's what Dad said. . .that my stars would guide my way back to them," Steve said. "It was happening to so many fae children. . . They knew it was going to happen to them."
"You're going to find each other," Robin said softly.
Before Steve could say anything else, the doorbell rang. Nancy went to answer it but paused when they heard arguing coming from the other side. Steve shared a look with Nancy.
"Is that Jonathan?" Steve asked.
"I didn't even think about it," Nancy laughed quietly. "I ordered from Surfer Boy."
"Argyle! What are the odds that my ex-girlfriend is here in Lenora Hills while my current boyfriend is the one delivering her pizzas?" they heard Jonathan yell. "It is not the same Nancy Wheeler. She's still in Hawkins."
"Man, fate has a funny way of bringing people together!" Argyle laughed loudly.
Nancy covered her giggle with her hand and went to answer the door, but Chrissy stopped her. Chrissy pulled the front door open and grinned.
"Hi, I'm Nancy Wheeler," she laughed.
"Oh, shit, man, you were right," Argyle said.
"No. . .that's Chrissy Cunningham. She goes to Hawkins High," Jonathan said.
"Oh, what are the odds?" He asked, and Jonathan elbowed him in the side.
Nancy nudged Chrissy out of the way and appeared in the doorway.
"Nancy?!" Jonathan asked.
"Hey, Jonathan," Nancy said meekly.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"It's a long story," Nancy said. "And I'll tell you later, I promise."
Jonathan looked at her doubtfully and then looked at Argyle before sighing. He knew that something strange was up, but he couldn't say it in front of Argyle. He accepted their tip and dragged Argyle back to the yellow van, leaving them with their pizzas. Once they ate, Eddie took a nap, and when he awoke again, he started to work on doing the location spell again. Eddie looked down at the paper and made a disgruntled sound with his mouth.
"What?" Steve asked.
"It says Hawkins, but it doesn't give me an address. . .just a bunch of random letters and numbers. It's like someone doesn't want us to know. . .hm, maybe there's a spell preventing us from knowing," Eddie said.
"Well, people place runes on the fae children to prevent the parents from finding them. Maybe they put runes on their houses too," Chrissy said.
"Shit, maybe it's my house or rather the Harringtons," Steve scoffed.
"Well, the only thing left to do is to check it out," Eddie said. "I'll start preparing the spell to travel back to Hawkins."
"Eddie, are you sure you're well enough for that?" Steve asked.
Eddie smiled. He cupped Steve’s face and pressed a hard kiss to his lips before he leaned his forehead against his.
"I'm fine, big boy."
Once they were in Hawkins, Eddie once again vomited and collapsed. They were just outside of Steve’s house. Steve picked him up and carried him into the house. Eddie's eyes fluttered open, and he groaned as he tried to sit up.
"Eddie!" Steve exclaimed. "You should be resting."
"I don't want to miss this," Eddie said sleepily, wiping the blood from under his nose.
Before Steve could say anything else, they heard a figure coming from upstairs. Everyone downstairs tensed up, preparing for a fight. A woman entered the room. Her hair was long and carmel colored with warm golden highlights like Steve’s with moles scattered across her tan skin. She had Steve’s nose and his lips, but her eyes were a bright blue. Her flowered colored dress was as blue as her eyes.
"You're my mom," Steve gasped.
"Today, anyway," she smiled Steve’s smile.
Steve ran into her arms without even thinking. She hugged him tightly, sobbing. This felt right. . .her hug held more warmth than the hugs he received from the Harringtons, theirs being nothing more than cold detachment. His mother's hug felt like home. He could feel her now, too, in the back of his mind. There were so many emotions going through his head, and there was one question that was on his forefront of his mind. He pulled back, tears in his eyes.
"I don't even know your name," Steve said.
"Farran Kelley," she laughed, tears in her own eyes, and she tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "Oh, you have your father's eyes."
"Yours too," Steve grinned as he felt his eyes glow green.
Farran laughed as her eyes glowed green as well.
"Your father was a fairy too, you know," she chuckled, and her smile dropped. "He should be here. . ."
"I'm sorry. . .I was there. . . I mean, I didn't watch him die, but I was in the middle of all of it," Steve frowned.
"Well, we warned the humans for years about meddling with that world. . .if I had known you were in the middle of all of it. . .I missed so much," Farran said sadly. "You're so grown."
"There's so much left to teach me. I still don't know everything there is to know about being a fairy," Steve said.
"Oh, so many wonderful things," Farran said and cupped his face. "My sweet boy. . .however, did you get that rune removed?"
"That was me!" Eddie exclaimed, waving from his spot on the couch.
Farran peered around Steve with a grin. Steve moved beside Eddie, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Mom, this is - "
"Eddie, my God, you've grown so much!" Farran said delightfully. "I haven't seen you since you were an ankle biter."
"You know me!" Eddie exclaimed.
"I was mates with your mum," Farran said.
"You were at her funeral!" He realized. "If you were friends with my mom, then why would my dad. . .I know he's an asshole. . ."
"So, you figured out that he was the one who kidnapped my son?" She asked.
"Well, I had to remove the rune that was on his back, and I had to be blood related, so. . .and kidnapping fae children is the kind of shit my dad would do," Eddie scowled.
He sat all the way up, and Farran sat down next to him.
"Your father loved your mother very much. She was the only person in the world who could make him cut all his bullshit but even though he loved her. . .he still didn't treat her very well. He left her all the time, and I was there for her when she had all those miscarriages. She had complications when she gave birth to you, and after that, it was harder to get pregnant. I did what I could being a fae healer, but not even magic has the answers to everything. It's something your father could never understand. Lizzie and I became close when she got to town. I was there when Al refused to be. That's what really drove him mad. He couldn't forgive himself for it. When I became pregnant, Lizzie became so excited. She hoped our children would be friends. A few months after we had you, Steve was taken from us. I didn't believe it at the time that Al had anything to do with, but his jealousy had been too obvious over the years. He always thought there was something between Lizzie and I, but she had become enamored with someone else. Even though Bobby and I split up, my heart always belonged to him," Farran said.
"My father's a dick," Eddie spat, and then his furious face fell. "Is there anything redeemable about my dad?"
"There's a part of me that still hopes that his love for Lizzie, for you, and Wayne will wake him up, but the rational part of me knows that will probably never happen. You know that you look like him, but I always knew that you got your heart from your mother even when you were a child," Farran said. "It's not wrong to hope that your father might do the right thing by you or the right thing, period."
"It's a small world, isn't it? You were best friends with my mother, and now I'm dating your son," Eddie laughed, and then he slapped a hand over his mouth. "I've gotten a little too comfortable."
"It's alright," Steve grinned.
"Oh! That's wonderful," Farran gasped. "Oh, Lizzie would be so happy!"
"Don't get too excited, mom. It's only been - wait, what day is it?" Steve asked and paused. "Eddie's only recently found out he's a witch, but he's the reason we found each other at all. He's exhausted himself so much to do it."
"Definitely Elizabeth's son," Farran said fondly. "Oh, sweetheart, you look exhausted. We should probably get back to my house. Steve, we should probably get you back to our house."
"We have a house?" Steve asked.
"Well, your father's family home. It's nestled out in the woods," Farran said. "You and your friends are more than welcome to come with us."
"OH! Mom, these are my friends. Well, Nancy's my ex-girlfriend, but now she's one of my best friends," Steve said, and Nancy smiled softly at him. "This is Chrissy. She's also a kidnapped fae child."
"If you don't mind, how did you know Steve’s name?" Nancy asked. "Didn't he have a different one?"
"No, Steve is the name we gave him. It was my father's. I guess the Harringtons were too lazy to change it," she replied, scowling.
"Oh! And this is my best friend in the whole world, my platonic soulmate, Robin Buckley," Steve grinned.
"Hi, Steve’s mom!" Robin exclaimed, hitting his chest. "I told you would find each other, dingus!"
Farran laughed and hugged her tightly.
"So, we're going to your house then?" Eddie asked.
"Steve, is there anything that you want to bring?" Farran asked.
"Oh, I've been wanting to leave for a while now. What I need is already packed," Steve grinned and ran up the stairs.
He came back downstairs with his hands carrying two large suitcases. He had the largest grin on his face. Farran helped Eddie up while Chrissy did the same on his other side as Farran promised Chrissy that she would teach her all about being a fae.
"How are we getting there?" Eddie asked.
"By car," Farran said. "Why? Did you think I had a carriage being pulled by unicorns?"
"Well, now I don't," Eddie scoffed, looking disappointed.
"Unicorns live in Scotland," Farran replied with a laugh. "And are a protected species."
"They're real," Eddie gasped with delight.
Steve laughed as he followed them to the front door. He walked out the front door with them, leaving the name Harrington behind. The name Newby-Kelley slid back into place. He was going home.
Months later. . .After the spring break from hell. . .
Steve stumbled through the trees, clutching his sides. Despite all the medicines Farran used on his son, the bites still hurt.
"It's just up ahead," Steve said.
"So, why did you move?" Hopper asked.
"It's my family home," Steve said.
"Figures John Harrington has more than one home in Hawkins," Hopper snorted.
"John Harrington isn't my father," he sighed. "He never was. Him and his wife hired someone to kidnap me. This is my real family home."
"Jesus," Joyce said.
"It's okay. I found my parents. I mean, my father is dead, but my other father, who is also sometimes my mother, is very much alive and is waiting for us," Steve said.
"I'm lost," Hopper said.
"No, it's just up ahead," he replied.
"That's not what I - "
It was a spacious four bedroom cottage type house in the woods with a stone pathway leading up the front door. Vines covered the house, sealing over every opening as though they were protecting it. There were vines sprouting around the house like a bubble as well. Steve approached the vines, and his eyes glowed green. The vines moved to create a doorway for them.
"What the hell?" Jonathan asked. "Hey, does this have anything to do with you guys being in Lenora a few months ago?"
"You were in Lenora?" Joyce asked.
"We were tracking down my father," Steve said. "We had to come back to Hawkins, though, because he had been tracking me too and tracked my last location to the Harringtons. He was my mother then."
"I'm lost again," Hopper said.
"Man, we're here," Steve said. "How are you getting lost? You're right behind me."
Hopper sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Joyce laughed and patted his arm.
"I think he doesn't understand about your parent being both your mother and your father," Joyce said.
"Oh! Some faes can change their gender if they wish. Today, Farran Kelley is a man," Steve said. "He's been my father the last few weeks."
"Faes. . .as in fairies?" Will asked.
"Oh, yeah, I'm not human," Steve grinned. "Let's get inside, and we can talk about this."
They went inside the brick house where they were led into an open space living room and kitchen. On the other end of the house was a fireplace where a cool, blue fire crackled. The walls were lined with shelves, and the shelves were stuffed with books. Pictures hung on the walls very neatly. Sitting on the couch in front of the fire was Nancy. Robin and Vickie sat on either side of her, rubbing her back as she cried. Steve felt his chest tighten painfully. Mike pushed his way through the group and ran towards his sister. Farran came down the stairs with Dustin. It always startled Steve to see how much Farran looked like him as a man. It was a good thing, though.
"Holy shit, is that a picture of Bob?" Jonathan said as he glanced at a picture on the wall.
"It is," Joyce said. "Why do you have a picture of Bob?"
"He was my husband," Farran said. "And this was his family home."
"Bob never said he was married," Joyce said, frowning.
"Divorced. We split after Steve was taken from us," Farran said.
"Steve is Bob's son?!" Will asked.
"He never said. . . ," Joyce trailed off. "Actually, he said he didn't have kids he was aware of."
"Steve was kidnapped and hidden from us by wiccan magic. We searched for years, and then Bob stayed here, waiting for him to come home, never knowing he was right in front of us," Farran said softly.
"He does have Bob's eyes," she said as she smiled at the both of them.
"I'm glad Bobby had love in his life before he died," Farran said, patting her hand.
"Okay, tell us everything from the beginning," Hopper sighed.
Farran shared a look with his son before launching into the story.
". . . And we did everything we could, but Vecna overpowered us," Farran said.
"Eddie. . .," Steve choked. "He and Chrissy. . .they died."
Suddenly, everything was hurting. Eddie wouldn't be here anymore. Steve wouldn't wake up next to him. . .no more dinners with Farran, Wayne, and Eddie. It would he a somber affair now with a piece of their family missing. No Chrissy coming in with Nancy to join them. No more double dating with Nancy and Chrissy. No double wedding under fae law. They were supposed to travel to Saoradh, the hidden land of the fae, this summer. Not to get married yet (that was far off) but to view the beautiful land and all it had to offer. Chrissy and Steve were supposed to learn more about their magic, their ancestors. Now, Chrissy was gone, and so was Eddie. Eddie.
"I'm so sorry," Joyce said softly.
Steve glanced at Nancy, who was hugging Jonathan tightly. Argyle stood somberly off to the side. Nancy pulled away and shared a glance with Steve. They moved towards each other. Nancy threw her arm around Steve, still crying. Steve sniffled and wrapped his arms around Nancy. What was going to happen now?
"I am here now," El said. "And I am stronger than ever. I believe together we can destroy Henry."
Meanwhile, in the Upside Down. . .
A figure jumped down into the gate from the Munsons' trailer. The hooded figure moved outside and glanced at the red sky filled with lightning. He pulled the hood down. Al Munson moved through the Upside Down, not stopping until he came to his son's body. He fell to his knees and placed his hands on Eddie's cold forehead.
"I've fucked up, son. I've done everything wrong, and I let my anger get the best of me. I wasn't there for your mom, not the way I should have, and I spent so much time blaming other people. You shouldn't have had to pay for my mistakes. There's one thing that I did right, and that was bringing you into this world with your mom. There's one other thing that I could do, and that's bringing you back. . . I still have time. It's going to take everything that I've got," Al said. "I love you."
Al cut up his son's shirt and began painting runes on his chest. Al took off his shirt before painting the same rune on his chest. He opened his spellbook and began chanting. Al felt his lifeforce begin to flow out of him, purple light floating from his chest. With the spell, Al told it where to go. The light began to pour into Eddie's rune. The last bit of light escaped Al's body and went into his son's. He collapsed on the ground, and as he took his last breath, Eddie gasped for his. Eddie awoke, clutching his chest. Shit, didn't the bats eat him alive? There were no wounds. . .only purple scars. Eddie turned his head to find his father's lifeless eyes staring back at him.
"Dad?" Eddie asked and knelt over him. "Dad?!"
Eddie sobbed. He already knew what Al did for him. . .but why? Why?! Eddie hated him for so many reasons, but now he was grateful to him. It was twice now that this man gave him life. Eddie sat up and took his dad's hand only to discover there was a note in his palm.
"I know sorry isn't going to be enough for how much I fucked up. I let you down so many times. Let Lizzie down. If you've discovered what I've done. . .no apology is ever going to be good enough to make up for what I did to those kids. On this paper, there is a list of names. Kids I sold, witches who have also sold kids. . Do with it what you will. You're already a better man than I am. . .I love you, kid. I know wherever your mom is. She's proud of you. Your story isn't over yet."
A couple of hours later. . .
Everyone stood their ground in the woods. Steve was fighting off the demogorgons and the demobats. His father was fighting beside him. Red lightning flashed over head. Steve held his nailbat, his eyes glowing green as emerald flames erupted around his bat. He swung the bat and hit a demogorgon. It whimpered as it hit the tree and exploded into green flames. More demogorgons came out from the trees, ready to pounce. The party was surrounded. The demogorgons launched themselves into the air.
"ENOUGH!" Henry's voice rang out.
They all heard him but they couldn't see him. The demogorgons paused, standing before them and waiting for their next orders. Steve scanned the treelines for any sign of the bastard. Silence fell as the party gathered together in a circle, back to back. Dustin was one side of him while Farran was on the other. Suddenly, they heard footsteps move closer, the snapping of branches echoing throughout the forest. She appeared, her eyes red and her smile menacing.
"Chrissy," Nancy gasped.
Fred followed after her, then came Patrick, and finally, Max.
"Max," Lucas gasped and moved to get to her, but Nancy grabbed his arm.
"Let me introduce you to my wonderful puppets. . .why would I kill them when I can use them for their power? Oh, I would have gotten to you too, Steve. . .if it hadn't been for Eddie. . .I had to do away with him - "
Suddenly, Henry was cut off by the sound of music. . .specifically the strumming of a guitar. Purple smoke, flashing with light, started to spill through the trees.
"What the fuck?" Will asked.
The purple smoke surrounded Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Max. Amongst the smoke, their eyes turned a bright, furious green. The smoke swirled around the bats and the demogorgons as well.
"NO! NO! NO!" Henry screamed as he appeared through the smoke. "WHAT IS THIS?!"
A shadowy figure appeared and started moving towards them. The music got louder and louder until a person appeared carrying a guitar covered in runes. Steve grinned at the familiar guitar and at the ring covered hands playing them. He recognized those hands. He came out of the smoke like a god, his eyes a furious purple and his grin feral. He was shirtless and covered in runes.
"Eddie," Steve gasped.
Eddie grinned and began to sing his spells. He was an angel and devil. Both menacing and beautiful. Steve was ready to get down on his knees for Eddie right then and there. The demogorgons and the demobats turned on Henry. Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Max all turned on him as well.
"NO! YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE MINE!" Henry screamed.
"We belong to no one," Chrissy said.
Her hands lit up with green flames. She Fred's then Fred took Patrick's, and then Patrick took Max's. All their hands glowed with a bright green flame, and they shot out at Henry. The green flames encircled him, and he screamed as they began licking at him, burning his flesh. The demogorgons growled and dove into the flames along with the demobats. They all began tearing at his flesh, not caring that they were dying in the process. They all watched the flames until everything died out. Henry Creel was dead. The purple smoke was gone now, and the skies had cleared. Lucas rushed to Max immediately, hugging her tightly. Max crashed her lips to his. Nancy ran to Chrissy and immediately jumped into her arms, wrapping her legs around her waist. She kissed Chrissy deeply, shaking with sobs. Chrissy gripped Nancy's thigh and pressed her up against a tree to steady her. Steve stood and stared at Eddie in shock. The runes disappeared from him and his guitar. Eddie gave his guitar to Dustin.
"I'm real, big boy," Eddie said softly.
Steve let out a sob, and Eddie pulled him close. He dipped Steve and kissed him. Unable to keep their balance, Steve and Eddie stumbled to the ground.
"Well, hell, is anyone going to kiss us?" Patrick asked.
"We could kiss each other," Fred joked.
Patrick stared at him, and the smile slipped off of Fred's face. Patrick grinned as he looked him up and down.
"Yeah, okay, you're cute," Patrick said.
"What?! I mean. . .yeah!"
FIVE YEARS LATER. . .Saoradh. . .
Steve couldn't believe he was here, standing in his homeland with Chrissy, Eddie, and Nancy. Robin brought Vickie as well. All of their family and friends were there, including all of the fae children they had saved over the years. It had taken Eddie, Steve, Chrissy, and Nancy traveling in a cramped RV all over the country to find them all. Eddie hadn't been able to use his magic all the time. He was still amazed every time they came here. Steve gazed at the purple and pink sky, sighing happily. This is it.
"You nervous?" Robin's voice asked.
"Not at all," Steve grinned.
"He's totally nervous," Dustin said.
He pulled his head from the window and back into the small wooden building. He turned towards Robin and Dustin, glaring playfully.
"I'm ready for this," Steve said and tucked his hair behind his ears.
He clipped the fairy wings to his ears and checked his makeup in the mirror one last time. It had been centuries since the fae had lost their wings, but they still made sure to remember they once had them. Steve adjusted his yellow suit. It had been tough choosing between the suit and the fairy wedding robes, especially since the robe had lovely flowing sleeves. Steve chose the suit because his ass looked great in the pants, and he loved to see Eddie drool. Steve was more than willing to wear the jewelry, and if he knew Eddie, which he did, he had chosen the long flowing robes. Farran popped her head in, wearing fairy robes with glittering and moving flowers. Her carmel hair was piled on top of her head, with strands of hair framing her face.
"Oh, you look so beautiful, my love," Farran gasped.
"Thanks, Mama," Steve grinned. "You look beautiful too."
"Oh, I can't believe this is happening. Bobby and Lizzie should be here to see this," Farran said tearfully.
"In a way, I think they are," Steve grinned. "I feel them."
Farran patted his cheek and pulled him down to kiss his forehead.
"Are you ready?" She asked.
Farran took his arm and led him outside. Dustin ran ahead to stand beside Eddie as his best man. Robin took Steve’s other arm.
"Hey, you're supposed to be my best man," Steve said in amusement.
"I've decided to give you away as well," Robin said. "I feel like it's my right as your platonic soulmate."
Farran and Steve laughed. Farran and Robin led Steve towards a cluster of trees. The tree branches moved aside, opening up to a large clearing where a lot of people were gathered. Eddie was up there already, Wayne crying and trying to get him to settle down. He adjusted Eddie's red, long flowing robes before stepping aside. Dustin was grinning with tears in his eyes. There was a large space next to them where Fred was standing up as Nancy's best man, and Patrick was standing up as Chrissy's. The music had already started. Nancy appeared first in her pastel blue suit, and her wild curls set loose. Ted and Karen stood on either side of her, crying. Steve watched as they led her down the aisle, and he laughed when Eddie high fived her before she got in place.
Next came Chrissy in her pink pastel suit, and her strawberry blonde hair loose around her shoulders. Argyle was happily giving her away, laughing when Eddie high fived her too. Finally, Steve was next. Farran and Robin guided him down the aisle where Eddie was waiting for him. With tears in his eyes, Steve couldn't help but think about how all of this started. Eddie had been in robes then, too, clueless about the unknown. He had guided Steve home, led him to discovering the truth about himself, and in the process, they had done so much good. It doesn't matter where you were, really, the people who were the most important to you, they were what made a house a home. As Steve walked towards Eddie, he had the same feelings as he did the day he met Nancy, the day Dustin came into his life, the same emotions swirling around him when he became friends with Robin and it was like when he hugged his mom for the first time since he was a baby. The truth of the matter. . .is that coming home happens more than once, and Steve was lucky to get so many.
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indieyuugure · 7 months
May I ask how much do you know about ODD I have it. And I tell you it’s not I don’t want to do anything it’s the fact I hate being told what to do I can do it I just don’t want too if some demands I do it. Raph is a lot like me we both hate being told what to do it’s not that we are dumb it’s just we don’t see the point or how it benefits us. Like why should I learn maths if it won’t benefit me. That sorta thing. Yeah I am shutting up now I said to much!
(For those who don’t know: ODD, “Oppositional Defiance Disorder,” is a diagnosis used to describe a person who is often unreasonably resistant to being told what to do.)
Lol, do I know about ODD.
Well my sister and Dad are probably the most ODD people in the entire world and I’m around them all day everyday so I would hope I know what people like that are like 😂 I can’t tell you how many negotiation strategies and psychological tricks I’ve had to learn throughout my life to convince my sister to go along with my ideas, I could probably write a book on ODD.
Honestly, Raphael being resistant to being told what to do is pretty common in the TMNT universe since it’s a pretty big part of his underlying personality and power struggle dynamic with Leonardo. Usually this is dubbed as his “rebelliousness” which is probably a good colloquial term for this as well as “Authority defying” and “very Independent.” I don’t think this is anything new, I just stuck that label on him.
I think 2012 Raph is the best example of this type of person. He does what he wants regardless of whether Splinter or Leo told him it’s a bad idea or he shouldn’t. I think the scene in “I Think His Name Is Baxter Stockman” is a good example.
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Leo and Splinter: Don’t go up to the surface!
Raph: Well now I’m gonna do it extra!
I think the best way to describe this is as the “Well since you said so, now I’m not gonna” mindset, if that makes any sense.
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minniethemoocherda · 2 months
Connect This Space Between
A/N: This takes place a few weeks before the start of my fic Iridescent. But you shouldn't have to read that for this to make sense. In my head Bumblebee is around the equivalent of seventeen here whilst the twins are about nineteen. Also sorry! I am on a hype right now! So I couldn't wait until Sunday to post this! What did you guys think of the new Transformers One trailer? Anyway hope you enjoy! Xxxxxxx
Optimus jerked awake at the sound Ratchet's voice shouting over his internal comms, accidently knocking to the floor a pile of datapads that he must've fallen asleep on top of.
"Yes Ratchet?" Optimus said, bending down to place the fallen datapads back onto his desk.
"You're sparkling is currently overcharged on highgrade in my medbay."
Optimus nearly dropped the datapads again in shock.
"Is Bumblebee okay?" He asked, concern for his ward over riding the many questions that statement posed.
"He's as fine as one can be after drinking an entire bottle of the twins' moonshine." Ratchet answered, the familiar cranky tone, reassuring Optimus that the damage was not too serious.
"I am on my way."
As Optimus marched towards the medbay, the questions previously overridden, now sprung to the forefront of his mind.
Why would Bumblebee be drinking? How did he gets his servos on the twin's secret stash? And what would possess him to drink enough of it to end up in Ratchet's medbay?
It didn't make sense to Optimus that the newspark that he had found in the ruins of The Well could be drinking.
Although he guessed that he shouldn't be too surprised considering that Bumblebee was due to get his final upgrades in a couple of weeks. Optimus supposed that it was only natural that Bumblebee would get curios about such things.
Outside the medbay, Prowl was currently reading Sideswipe and Sunstreaker the riot act, listing off all of their current offences which included but not limited too; indecent behaviour, production of moonshine and serving said moonshine to an underage mechling. The twins faces paled under the scrutiny, whether that was from their own over indulgent high grade consumption or from their dawning realisation of how much trouble they were in, Optimus was unsure. He suspected that most likely, it was a mixture of both.
Inside, Bumblebee appeared the picture of misery. He was hunched over the edge of a berth with his doorwings drooped and his head in a bucket.
His eyes widened in panic when he spotted Optimus standing the doorway.
He opened his mouth, probably to protest that he hadn't been caught drinking when he was cut off by his own spew, regurgitating into the bucket.
Optimus hurried across the medbay to his side. No matter the circumstances, the Prime hated seeing his sparkling in pain.
He rubbed the space between Bumblebee doorwings like he had when he was little until eventually the young bot had finished emptying his energon tank.
Ratchet switched the now full bucket for an empty one.
"Am I dying?" Bumblebee slurred.
Ratchet snorted.
"You're going to wish you are when you're sober enough for me to give you my dangers of underage drinking lecture!"
Optimus thought that was a bit ironic coming from the mech who's nickname growing up had been The Party Ambulance. But since Optimus preferred not having a wrench thrown at his head, he tactfully decided not to mention that.
"I'm sorry." Bumblebee mumbled, sounding so dejected that regardless of the splashes of energon now staining the bot's front Optimus couldn't help but put his arm around him.
For the first time in months Bumblebee didn't shrug him off, instead leaning into his touch. Over the past few years as his sparkling came ever closer to adulthood, Bumblebee had sought comfort from his guardian less and less. Even if the only reason Bumblebee was permitting it was due to his lessoned inhibitions, Optimus felt his spark warm.
"I should hope that this experience has been enough of a lesson for you to learn from without the lecture." Optimus said.
Bumblebee nodded, nuzzling against his shoulder.
Growing up in a war, Bumblebee's childhood had been anything but traditional. He'd never had the chance to go to just school or the cinema or the park. Until recently he'd never even met any cybertronians his own age before.
No, instead Bumblebee's childhood had been a serious of safe houses and self defence lessons.
In a strange way, Optimus was glad that Bumblebee was getting in trouble for normal mechling things for once. Not that he was going to tell Bumblebee that.
At least Bumblebee's first fore into high grade hadn't ended with him throwing up on Alpha Trion's prized organic scroll collection.
"Drink this." Ratchet ordered, interrupting Optimus's thoughts as he thrust a glowing purple liquid under Bumblebee's nose.
Bumblebee looked nauseous again at the idea of anything more to drink, but under Ratchet's glare reluctantly took a sip.
"Good now you shouldn't have to waste any more of my time again tomorrow morning because of a hangover."
Optimus fought the urge not to show his smile. As despite Ratchet's gruff words, he knew that the medic's actions showed the not so secret soft spot Ratchet had for the sparking. Because if it had been anyone else in this position, they would've been thrown straight to the brig to sober up the hard way.
"Now, Prime can walk you back to your room so you don't end up in any more trouble." Ratchet stated as he started to clean up.
"I'm okay." Bumblebee protested.
"Oh really?" Ratchet drawled. "Walk in a straight line for me."
Bumblebee pushed the bucket aside as he stood up on his unsteady feet. He didn't even make it one step before nearly faceplanting the floor. Luckily, Optimus managed to catch him by his scruff bar before he could do any more damage to himself.
Even in his drunken state, Bumblebee must've known that resistance would he futile as he didn't put up anymore fight when Optimus scooped him up.
Gone were the days when Optimus could lift Bumblebee with only the palm of his hand. But even on the edge of adulthood, Bumblebee was still a small bot. Optimus cradled him close, arms securing the bot's legs and back, allowing Bumblebee to rest his against his shoulder. Optimus easily carried the mech to his quarters.
Once there, he gently placed Bumblebee down on the berth, tucking the blanket of tarp under the mechling's chin.
As Ratchet's potion kicked in and Bumblebee drifted off, Optimus glanced around the room that was the closest place the young bot had ever had to a home. On shelves sat scavenged action figures from shows he'd never watched, attached upon the painted walls that showed sights he would never see. And by his bed, a set of twins knives that Optimus had tried to talk Jazz out of giving to him.
Because as much as Optimus wished that he could, he would not be able to protect the former sparkling from the horrors of the world. Something that even without a war, would still ring true. One way or another, Bumblebee was always going to grow up.
With a new sense of acceptance, Optimus was about to leave he heard a quiet voice mumble;
"Love you sire."
Optimus smiled, walked back across the room to place a kiss on the helm of his sleeping sparkling.
"I love you too."
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sweethartlullaby · 7 months
Are you gonna do a part 4 of the cheating imagine? I don’t mind if they don’t get back together, but I would at least want to see YN happier :(
word count: 515 genre/theme: angst, fluff (?) as always imagine who you would like... find part i herefind part ii herefind part iii here sweethartlullaby ꕤ masterlist
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You check your phone…again. Still nothing. 
Maybe he isn’t coming, 
Maybe he forgot. 
He probably did. 
You’ve left the movie tickets in your pocket, knowing well that it’d be crumpled up if you are holding onto it. Most people have gone in and the room feels colder. You feel lonely, standing here in the center, with all the ticket booths facing you. 
Two workers have come to tell you that the movie is about to start but you keep saying you’re waiting for someone. The movie should be starting in about five minutes. 
And he’s still not here.
You feel weird and your legs feel like they’re going to buckle underneath you soon. So you quickly make your way to the bathroom, trying to look as least awkward as possible. 
You fix your hair for about five minutes, changing the way it looks every few seconds. And you keep washing your hands. You check your reflection every time you’re about to leave to make sure you still look decent. When your mind is occupied with whether the shirt is on right, you don’t feel like crying. 
When you finally come out of the bathroom, the lobby is still empty. You take the tickets out of your pocket and stare at them. Out of all the thoughts running in your head, the only one that feels justified is how your money is going to waste. 
You’re about to throw them away when you hear your name being called. Without a second thought, you look up to see him running through the entrance. In his hand, he holds what seems to be a small bouquet of flowers and in the other, a card. 
You blink at him, tickets on the edge of your fingertips.
“I…” He pants.
“It took…longer than ex…pected at the…florist.” He lets out, breathless between each word.
“I’m sorry, I thought I’d make it.” He takes a deep breath and hands you the two objects. The flowers are yellow and just looking at them made you feel a little better inside. The card had a cartoon bear holding a heart at the front. When you opened it, you saw the scribbled words ‘I’m glad we are doing this. I hope you are too.’ in his signature handwriting. 
You smiled, and the urge to cry washed away. 
“I know the movie started a while ago, but I’d still like to watch it with you.” He says. You haven’t seen him like this, shy and timid, in a while. It makes your heart flutter.
You nod.
“I brought some snacks too.” You show him your bag full of treats, illegally brought in from outside. He laughs and you feel his smile is the brightest it has ever been. Then, he does the unexpected.
He wraps his arms around you.
“I know I say this a lot, but I’m really thankful you’re here. I won’t screw this up, I promise.” He whispers into your hair. 
You melt into his embrace before bringing your arms up to hold him. And even though you don’t say it, he knows.
a/n: hello!!!! i've been soooo busy with so many things so i am so sorry for disappearing. but i saw the asks and i had to come back just for a bit to write! i hope you like this. when i read the ask, i was laughing a bit from the excitement (of getting an ask) and also because my page is mostly angst and i rarely end with happy characters haha. regardless, i am open to almost anything so please keep asking! if you have a song recomm for this part or any of the parts at all, please comment or send it over! i always love hearing what you guys thought or felt when reading my writings! thank you so much for asking (they always make my day) and thank you for reading! i apologize for any mistakes and the delay!
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athelyna-silverspell · 3 months
Opinions No One Asked For™️: Palia NPC Edition
Auni: I love this kid. I want him to think of me as a cool older sister or cool aunt. I bring him bugs every chance I get
Ashura: I want him to be my dad. Genuinely love him. Serious contender to be my Shepp
Badruu: He really turned the puns up to 11. I love him. Also want him to be my dad. And possibly my Shepp
Caleri: I wasn't too sure about her, but after getting to know her, I feel like we have quite a few similarities. Definitely want to be her friend. Could she be my Shepp? 👀
Chayne: I find him so calming. He also feels dad-like to me. 100% want him as a support figure/father figure regardless of who I choose as my Shepp
Delaila: Love talking to her. Really want to get to know her better at this point (but 100% want her to win all the prizes at farmers markets/festivals)
Einar: Absolutely adorable and I love him. Only platonically tho. I will give him as many Gils and shiny rocks as he wants
Elouisa: I wasn't sure at first, but I LOVE her unhinged theories. I want to be her best friend. I will investigate all the paranormal things with her. Contender for my Shepp. Girl let's go ghost hunting
Eshe: So snobby. So bougie. So bitchy. I wish she could be my Shepp 😫 (if only because it would be entertaining)
Hassian: First impressions? What an asshole. After some time, I am...intrigued. I want to figure him out. I want to know why he is the way he is. Also fucking love Tau, the gooodest boi
Hekla: Honestly... she freaked me out a little for a long time. I'm slowly coming around though
Hodari: Listen, I get it. I see where you all are coming from. But man's just not my type 🤷🏻‍♀️
Jel: Oh Jel, my beloved. I'm not exactly subtle about it. This man is my husband. Sad, skinny, pathetic, dramatic, goth guys are My Type™️. Would marry him like, yesterday 🥀😫🪡🖤😍
Jina: At first I wasn't sure, but the more I talk to her, I'm like, "Jina, my bestie." I'm a PhD student. I feel you. Also, WOMEN IN STEM, HELL YEAH!!!! I have a feeling we're gonna be great friends
Kenji: Not a fan of your extremely privileged life ("Have you tried inheriting property?" 😐😐😐) or the invasive chapaa situation... but I also don't dislike him as much as I thought. I feel like he's playing a role he doesn't really want to, but still enjoying/expecting the high life for little to no effort
Kenyatta: She should be my best friend. I was put off at first, but she is the coolest. I see quite a few aspects of myself in her
Nai'O: I feel like he's the sweetest boi ever. I'm both like, "He deserves better than Kenyatta" and "Kenyatta is good for him." Perhaps the most wholesome NPC
Najuma: I also want to be the cool older sister and/or cool aunt that she never had. This kid is a badass and smart as hell. I wish my friendship with her was better already
Reth: This man. I love him. I'm not sure if it's platonic or romantic yet. All I know is he's one of my favourite NPCs to talk to. He's funny, he's flirty, he's got a Tragic Backstory™️. I'm here for this soup boi whether he wants it or not
Sifuu: Two words: Bad. Ass. It's a crime that we can't romance her. I really want to ask her to be my Shepp, but I'm not sure it's a good fit
Tamala: I'm sorry, Tamala besties, but I just don't like her 😭 I really wanted to like her so bad, but her aggressive flirting paired with her unwillingness to consider me a friend/equal just rubs me the wrong way
Tish: Absolutely beautiful person. I want to be her bffl. That is all
Zeki: Crime Cat, my beloved. He is the most entertaining Shepp option (imo). He's got an eye patch, a gold tooth, and shady practices. I find him amusing. I want him to like me. Share his (dubiously acquired) riches with me. Please accept me into the black market. I won't tell, but I can't promise I'll participate (I probably will 👀)
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scoobydoodean · 5 months
Dean starts to ditch Sam in 4.04 "Metamorphosis" and in 4.18 "The Monster At The End Of This Book", and I think one interpretation of his actions is that he's trying to bluff to get his way, and stays because it doesn't work on Sam.
While I think that's very possible, I'm not quite sure that's what's happening though. I think Dean actually does just... want to leave Sam tbh. He was really mad in 4.04 when he found Sam with Ruby, but he didn't say a word. He left, went back to the motel, and started packing without saying anything to Sam. Sam asked him if he was leaving, and Dean said:
DEAN You don't need me. You and Ruby go fight demons.
It was only when Sam stood between him and the door that they started fighting. During that fight, one of Sam's justifications for working with Ruby was:
SAM You were gone. I was here. I had to keep on fighting without you. 
So while Dean suggested Sam doesn't need him, Sam insists that he does—and that working with Ruby was due to Dean's absence so it's actually kind of Dean's fault for you know—being dead. And this is not the first time Sam spins this narrative. He started it back in 3.09.
Whether Sam really even wants Dean around comes up again in the beginning of 4.15, after the fight in 4.14 where Sam said Dean was holding him back:
DEAN Sure you want me going with you? SAM Why wouldn't I? DEAN I don't want to be holding you back or nothing.
Sam dismisses it and tells Dean to stop being dramatic.
Then here in 4.18, Dean wants to leave town to try and subvert Lilith's plans, but Sam wants to stay and face her. They've already fought vaguely about Sam thinking Dean is a coward, and Dean thinking Sam might fuck Lilith, and here, Dean finally drops the bomb that he knows Sam is working with Ruby again. I mean—really it shouldn't be a bomb at all—Sam should realize he's a shitty liar and Dean never bought what he was selling—Dean told Sam to his face that he knew Sam was lying to him in 4.15. He plainly said he couldn't stop Sam from doing whatever he wanted—Sam is a grown man—but plainly asked Sam not to treat him like an idiot—and even Dean asking Sam to just stop trying to bullshit him was something Sam couldn't accept?
In 4.18 though, Dean plainly says that he knows Sam's been lying to him about Ruby and he says exactly what he knows and how he knows it. It is an end to the peace Dean maintained only by choosing to keep quiet—a peace Dean maintained by allowing Sam to keep treating him like he's stupid after telling Sam to please stop treating him like he's stupid.
The statement from Dean is now plainly, "Our relationship is not okay and I am not going to pretend to buy your bullshit lies anymore just to maintain the status quo". So something has to change now that this bomb has been dropped or the partnership is over.
Either Sam has to apologize, explain himself, and stop lying, or Dean has to leave for the sake of his own goddamn self-respect. Well, Sam doesn't apologize or explain—in fact, he kind of reinforces that he thinks Dean is really just that fucking stupid by looking shocked that Dean knew.
So Dean starts to leave, and asks Sam if he's coming (unspoken: "Or are you going to stay here and fight Lilith with your powers you're honing with Ruby?") and when Sam says he's staying, that means Dean has to leave for the sake of his own goddamn dignity. If he does not leave right here, with Sam openly caught in his lies and still refusing to explain himself, then he is essentially telling Sam that Sam can continue to walk all over him and Dean will put up with it. And unfortunately... that's exactly what ends up happening. Regardless of how mad Dean is at Sam for repeatedly breaking his trust and regardless of him knowing he deserves better, he cannot just leave Sam to face Lilith alone and possibly fucking die (or get lured into probably very dubiously consensual sex with a demon). So he drops his bag.
Early season 5 goes on to tell us Dean is stuck here. In 5.02, Sam decides that Dean doesn't get space and Dean doesn't get to distrust him, and shoves him into a wall for a perceived slight. After Dean leaves, in 5.03, he tells Cas:
DEAN Honestly, I'm good. I can't believe I'm saying that, but I am, I'm really good. CASTIEL Even without your brother? DEAN Especially without my brother. I mean, I spent so much time worrying about the son of a bitch. I mean, I've had more fun with you in the past twenty-four hours than I've had with Sam in years, and you're not that much fun. It's funny, you know, I've been so chained to my family, but now that I'm alone, hell, I'm happy.
Then in the very next episode, he's once again guilted into returning to Sam after being confronted with a whole alternative future where everything goes to shit because he wasn't there for Sam. Like fucking christ. No wonder Carver largely structured his seasons around Sam being a chain wrapped around Dean's neck. And in the very next episode—5.05—Sam already starts maneuvering toward the narrative that the actions he took that hurt Dean are Dean's fault yet again.
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ofdinosanddais1 · 6 months
Can we just clear something up about G Rose Blanchard? Can we just agree that she did not consent to being abused and exploited and that she's making the choice to share her story to raise awareness of this kind of abuse? Can we agree that she is not required to share her story past anything she has already consented to sharing?
I am glad she is being released in a few days after the torment she has gone through. I am glad that the prison she is in has helped her (as prisons SHOULD do). If she wants to become a tik tok star, then I think her story and experience could help a lot of people who went through what she went through.
But can we treat her like the person she is and not act like her release is the equivalent of the Taylor Swift eras tour? Regardless of whether or not I think she's a good person, the case is complex. I don't think killing is a good thing. I am firmly anti-death penalty but I also know that she, in her own lived experience, did not feel like she had many options. If she had access to another escape, I have no doubt she would have taken it. Could there have been other ways? Sure. But what happened is that she asked for help from her boyfriend in killing her mom. And she is now free from that abuse and, in four days, be free to heal in the outside world (albeit probably with restrictions due to her leaving prison)
I see a lot of people online saying stuff like "oh if she only wanted to escape, why did she stab her mom so much" which, she didn't stab her mom. Her boyfriend did which points to the vitriol in the attack coming from him. There's also people online saying "oh you can see the evil in her eyes" which is just bullshit. We don't know her. We know that she's getting released early due to good behavior. We know that abuse and PTSD can change your moral landscape. We know that her mom would force her to lie and she probably could have learned manipulation due to growing up in that environment. But we also just don't know her in general. She is not necessarily a good or bad person. She's someone who survived severe abuse and her life is going to be forever complicated by that.
But lets stop treating her like some mega celebrity. She's a survivor and she's going to get the opportunity to start showing everyone who she really is and it might be good, it might be bad. Surviving abuse isn't a pretty road full of inspirational quotes. It's ugly and exhausting and nauseating.
Let her grow into who she wants to be and remain neutral for her sake. She's probably going to mess up a lot in recovery and I think immediately idolizing her before she even stepped out of prison is probably very stressful amongst all of the overwhelming emotions she’s going to experience on the 28th.
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jamneuromain · 11 months
Highway to Hell - Shared
Series Masterlist
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Series summary: A failed mission brought you once again back on earth, a punishment that’s more pleasurable than you'd normally expect punishments to be. Your punishment? Corrupting people’s thoughts. It’s easy, in a very simple way: sexual pleasure. Turns out no man can resist such a beauty like you.
And who were you? Oh, just the devil's child.
A/N: This is a drabble of what would the four men do when they find out you have been dancing among them. Spoiler alert: they decide to share. Applause to the amazing @rogerswifesblog / @rogerswifesblog-updates who help me write this series and provide many excellent ideas to put in the fic <333
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Pairings: Cop Lloyd Hansen x Reader, Priest Steve Rogers x Reader, Bartender Ari Levinson x Reader, Uncle Curtis Everett x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Gangbang, Dub con, Double Penetration, P in V, Anal, Oral (Male Receiving), Handjob, Unprotected Sex, Age Gap (implied), Power Imbalance, Spanking, Threesome (implied), Overstimulation, Creampie (implied), Cum Play, Dummification (just a little), slightly dark(?
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On second thought, you shouldn’t have trusted Steve, who told you he needed to speak to you in somewhere private.
And you trusted him. Following him to where he said it would be “peace and quiet”.
Or else, you wouldn’t be cornered by four fuming men in a hotel room, all knowing that you have slept with them separately, while thinking they must have been your only one.
Who would doubt an innocent girl that did nothing than to accept their “generous” offer?
Lloyd, obviously.
“Smart move, sunshine.” The man with a moustache twitches his lips, far from amused, “Telling us that you are shy and rather we won’t tell anybody? Intimate moves forbidden in public? Too bad your little plan didn’t work out.”
“I didn’t plan anything.” You lie to their faces. While in fact you did, carefully choosing your “target”. Lloyd was the unexpected one of them though, since he asked you to pull over as you should have gotten a speed ticket.
“Public?” Steve grinds his teeth before growling, his temper on the thin line of exploding, “I fucked her right in the church. There were only two of us. But still…” Drawing a cross in front of his chest, Steve murmurs a few prayers silently, regardless of the other three men watching him in curiosity.
Lloyd snaps his head back to you, flashing a wolfish glint in his eyes, “The point is, you made us feel very bad about ourselves, sunshine.”
“Yeah, well, you should be proud of yourselves. I wasn’t planning on expanding the list of the men I’ve slept with.” You snap back.
“And we’re supposed to … what? Gloat?” Curtis casually says, taking off his coat, blocking the window, and probably your only hope of escaping, as Lloyd leans on the door.
“If you don’t like it. Feel free to cancel my monthly subscription.” You retort his sarcasm, crossing your arm in front of your chest.
“Gentlemen,” Ari hums in a low voice so that everyone could pay him some attention. He’s been silent ever since Steve led you into this room, “obviously we need more than a ‘monthly’ drop-by.”
The men nod in unison.
“Although we haven’t clarified the specific terms, I believe we should use her whenever we please. And, of course, as we all agree to, share.” Ari smiles at you, but says the darkest thing you could ever imagine.
This was definitely not part of your plan.
“I’ll ask Jake whether he wants to be part of this.” Curtis throws an icy glare at you, “I doubt he would be a problem though. He has shared with me before.”
Lloyd mutters a “fuck”. While Steve is still mulling over his sin-clarification.
“Shall we start?” Ari is shrugging off his leather jacket as he speaks, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt.
“You can’t-” You cry in panic as the four men close in, surrounding you in the middle, “this is against the law … or something at least.”
“Oh sunshine, I am the law in this town.” Lloyd grabs your chin, his psychopathic grin gives you shivers down to your spine, “and you should be glad we decide to forgive you and share you. Or I could tie you up in my basement and invite my new friends over, occasionally.”
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You draw a deep breath.
Tears burning. Your jaw hurting. Your dripping holes spreading wide open for two cocks.
“You like that, don’t you?” Lloyd groans as he squeezes your hand tighter, guiding you to stroke his hard cock.
“Yeah she does.” Steve agrees quietly before you could answer. He knees on the couch to push his cock further in your swollen pussy, “Christ. She’s so tight.”
“Wait till you’ve tried her ass, Priest.” Ari brings his hand firmly down your ass cheek, painting it red – as if it weren’t pink and hand-printed already, “that ass is fucking heaven.” He chuckles darkly, kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear, gripping your waist, making sure you are fully seated on his thick member, “or should I say hell?”
Stuffed to the fullest with two cocks in both of your holes, you couldn’t do more than let out a mere whimper.
“Can’t believe I’ve bought her stupid acts.” Curtis spits out through gritted teeth as he feels your throat takes his cock again as far as it could, your whimper vibrates his cock. In return, he tugs your hair without mercy, “all those innocent girly acts. Fuck.”
“We all bought it.” Lloyd eyes Curtis, raising his eyebrows, mocking Curtis, “and speaking from a man that has shared her with his son before, seriously? Innocent?”
Curtis huffs but does not bother to answer.
“My turn.” As Lloyd pulls your hair, and choke you on his cock, leaving Curtis slightly irritated.
You were used by these four men for hours. Each has painted your body, both inside and outside in milky-white substance, bringing you orgasms after orgasms. Your holes red, leaking, and abused.
“No more.” You grip Lloyd’s thigh to keep balance, sniffling when he lets your head go and breathe, battling your eyelashes, but they are heavy with tears that you can’t see his expression, “hurt too much.”
“Heard that?” Lloyd barks out laughter, wiping his cock on your face, leaving traces of your saliva and cum on your rosy cheek, “she said she can’t take it, boys.”
Ari grunts out of disagreement, his fingers dancing around your rim, attempting to squeeze one in alongside his cock, “she was screaming and moaning just fine for hours. Lies.”
“Ari, please,” The helplessness inside you bubbles and fuels to your tears, “I just can’t.”
Steve peppers a trail of kisses down your throat, nibbing your shoulder, while toying with your sensitive clit, “I guess you have to be a strong girl for us then. Don’t you want to be good for all of us, hmm? We’re prepping you. More might join, you know.” He speaks softly, comforting you as always. The panting on the joint between your neck and shoulder increases when your pussy grips him. Still, he mouths your breasts, sucking little red marks on them.
“Steve-” You feel torn apart. The four men bringing you pleasure, but in their own way. As if your body belongs to them separately. And the coil in your stomach threatens to snap with greater pain and pleasure than you could withstand.
A rough hand grips your chin, forcing you to turn the other way.
The hand that has hold you for countless times, on your back with a friendly pat.
“She’s not dumb yet. She can still talk.” Curtis talks about you as if you are an object in front of him, having you clench down your thigh involuntarily. It’s degrading, but it arouses you so much than you should admit. “I’d say she could take more.” The dark brooding man inspects your teary eyes and your cum-stained face, “yeah she’s alright.”
“Heard that, sunshine?” Lloyd taps your forehead with his knuckles, “not brain-dead yet.” He grins, “but it does sound empty, folks.”
Steve wipes the cum from your pussy lips, a mixture of the previous men who has thoroughly used it before he did, onto your soft stomach, which compliments your pretty skin and your cute bellybutton. He smiles warmly, though you are not even certain at this point, “she’s always the smartest. I’d say we work harder to satisfy this little devil, hmm?”
With the element of surprise, Ari starts bouncing you on his dick, shamelessly putting his flexing biceps to use, which earns him a few strangled sounds between cries and moans from you.
He simply shrugs, on receiving three other men’s looks, “I am working.”
And you gulp in fright. When Lloyd, with his sadist grin, taps your lips to open for his heavy cock as you still struggle for air.
This would be the start of some many long nights with men more than you could handle.
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Taglist: @rosedpetal @dankoiseori @katcutie @peachlle @mrs-marc-spector
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bhaalble · 6 months
While I'm on my script doctor shit: I want to talk about Karlach.
Karlach's not dealing with the same level of narrative neglect/hasty rewrite fingerprints that Wyll is. As a standalone entity, her arc works. I Am Not Immune To Weeping at the Post-Gortash Fight Scene etc etc. But it does feel oddly discordant with the other companion quests. Karlach doesn't really experience any moral evolution or make meaningful decisions. When we meet her she's a kindhearted friendly hero, and she will be that regardless of whether she dies in Faerun or goes back to Avernus. She's incredibly likeable while she does that, and I also don't want to come across like I think her writing is shallow. But in a game where all the companion quests follow a pretty intentional pattern regarding the cycle of abuse, it sticks out like a sore thumb to me that the resolution of the Gortash plot doesn't really impact her character arc one way or the other.
As always I feel compelled to point out that this isn't me going "actually she's secretly a bad person and the game won't admit it". This is more me attempting to mine some more in-depth conflict, using the existing arc as a template. With that in mind, these are the changes I would make:
-Make the use of Soul Coins MUCH MORE of a character point. With how much attention is drawn to acquiring these things for the first time and a special dialogue choice for whether or not you'll have her use them, it feels very much like a dropped thread that it doesn't really go anywhere storywise. Leveraged correctly I think this could've been the chance to show a crack in Karlach's persona. She's your big loveable attack dog who's been having the worst decade, yeah. But she's also a survivor, who's not only been deployed into an endless conflict but who also hasn't had a single person she can trust other than herself. I think you could make more of a thing about how the conditions she lived in in Avernus forced her to make her peace with occasionally stepping on other people, even some innocents, so she could live to fight another day. There's shades of this in some of her conversations with the tiefling refugees already, she mentions to Dammon that she felt like she couldn't really do anything for Elturel. Push into that guilt, and with it, that denial. Have ten years spent with devils maybe just maybe given her a slightly more removed view of the value of a life that isn't her own?
-Whether the player feeds her Soul Coins or not I think it should be specified by Dammon that her routine use of them during her time in Avernus has sped up her engine breakdown by putting it into almost permanent overdrive. Its a damnation of Zariel (who probably knew what the coins were doing, but didn't care) and a startling moment for Karlach, that there are consequences for being cavalier with the souls of others. High Approval Karlach either asks to stop taking them (if the player has been giving them) or thanks the player for encouraging her to hold off. Low Approval Karlach will ask to keep taking them on the grounds of "in for a penny in for a pound", arguing that they can't afford to lose the advantages the player has seen it gives them (if they have been giving them) or becoming frustrated that the player is judging her and what she's had to do to survive (if they haven't).
-Make the reveal that the Steel Watch run off infernal iron MUCH MORE emotional for Karlach, as she realizes she was an experimental run for Gortash to do this. Double down on this when the player discovers that they have corpses inside them (also, put this reveal before the Steel Watch foundry quest can be completed). Its both horrifying on a gut level to find out the stupid evil reason for all her suffering...but also she can't help but feel culpable for LIVING. If she hadn't been strong enough to survive it the experiment might've ended there. Its not true but it is one of the worst thoughts you can have when you've just found out you're going to die anyways.
-I would make the relationship between Karlach and Gortash much more mutual and much more (initially) positive relationship. Have him be genuinely glad to see her, genuinely impressed that she survived the hells. Its what he always liked about her, her grit, her ability to face down impossible odds and come out the victor. Compliments that would've made her happy back in the day and now feel like a punch to the gut. Its all build-up, though, to the Choice which will define Karlach's route.
-By virtue of his experiments Gortash has gotten very good at working with Infernal Iron. And he believes he can fix Karlach's heart, in exchange for her basically taking up a more elevated version of her old job. He could use a bodyguard powered by hellfire and with a strong understanding of devils. Its also, just good optics for his man of the people image to have his right hand be some outer city kid elevated to greatness. He makes a lot of promises in that moment: she won't die. She'll get a chance to have a LIFE back, but now a life with all the power and security she could ask for. More than that, they could change things in this city. Give its residents better lives, improve things for all the little Karlachs out there. And after that...who knows? The Hells might be ripe for some conquest back. Gods know they've both got old scores to settle
-She takes time to think about it, and talk with the player. In addition to all the other hang-ups she might have this is where the Steel Watch comes up again, with her feeling like she's poisoned by that knowledge. A player trying to persuade her into taking the deal can point out, in the end its not so different from soul coins. Why draw the line now. If this Persuasion check is passed she can note that at least they could afford to be choosier with their victims, putting the worst baddies to use for the protection of everyone. That wouldn't be so bad....would it?
-You meet Gortash for a final time. If persuaded by the player to not take the deal (or if left to choose for herself with High Approval) Karlach will kill him where he stands. His soul rises in the form of Bane's Chosen and you have a proper boss fight. If persuaded to take it (or left to her own devices on Low Approval) Karlach will take the deal. This will mean losing Karlach from the party (with the exception of the House of Hope mission where she will appear Jaheira style) as she will be busy protecting Gortash. The player gains custom armor from Gortash and an assembly of Steel Watchers they can summon in the Final Battle.
-If she doesn't take the deal her endings play out pretty similarly to how they do in canon, either dying or returning to Avernus. This time, however, its with a new lease on life (or death). She's gotten to choose to be better than the things that dropped her here. She's still scared, still angry. But she's also proven something to herself. That Zariel and Gortash and them were wrong about her, and that she is much more than the mindless weapon they wanted to turn her into.
-If she takes the deal it unlocks a new ending for Gortash. Rather than come to the Elder Brain himself he will instead give you his Netherstone as a show of good faith, trusting you to take the chance to subdue the Elder Brain for your mutual rule.
-If the Player subdues the Elder Brain you and Gortash move it back underground, pretending to have defeated it and using the fear created by the mind flayer outbreak to rule the populace. Karlach in the Epilogue talks to you about how the two of you are making massive moves in the city. She seems to be trying very hard to convince herself at least most of the changes are positive....from a certain point of view.
-If the Player destroys the Elder Brain, Gortash skips town and takes Karlach with him rather than face his disgrace. In the Epilogue Karlach says he's starting to rebuild in another city state, "not tellin you where, though. Don't really think I want to have to fight you if you decide to come smash this one too....even though I'd definitely win." She seems extremely worn down in this ending and trying to cover it up. Gortash lost a LOT of favor with Bane having his plans blow up in his face like that and its made him. Snippy. Still, "its a living. And it probably wouldn't even be that if it weren't for him." The player can hint that it may be time for her to start moving on to a better environment, and she says only if she can find someone to do a more permanent fix for Ol' Rusty. Gortash still has to do check-ups almost monthly to keep her stable.
-She still keeps in touch with Dammon, though....who knows. He might have some new thoughts after seeing all the blueprints Gortash has drawn up....
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