#I also think the colors for the sticker and the charm are similar but the style is very different
birdmenmanga · 3 months
people are gonna be getting that heishin anthology like "wow there're actually quite a number of people who like heishin!" and then they check in the back and there's me 4 times trying to hard to pretend I'm 4 different people to make the fandom look bigger
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journalsouppe · 3 months
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I started and beat this within like 4 days in July 2023, and I just completely forgot to take photos of this spread T-T.
BUT I loved Tunic so much, one of my all time favorite games I've ever played. If this was a Zelda game, it might've been my favorite Zelda game. This was only beat out by Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice bc my aa brainrot is that bad hfjdkal.
All of the stickers come with ordering the physical version of the game on fangamer!! There's also a freebie fox sticker I got from TheLittleBirdeeCo thats below keep reading.
My writing is typed below as well as my game notes. I will not type out my game notes and I also don't recommend looking at them unless you have played the game.
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Game notes^ Plus a little blurb after rewatching a playthrough that I won't type out either since these are more just for fun.
Rating: 9.5 Played: Su 2023 Port: Nintendo Switch Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
similar opening to links awakening
the start screen is gorgeous
THE POT SHARDS ARE MOVEABLE - i love the clay feel
tons of hidden paths and secrets
oooo you find the instruction booklet in the game
oooo you can hear the wind chimes
LOVE the mechanics of the draw bridge
what are the small tuner/bells for
i am apparently really good at finding hidden chests
i love that the fairies are stone versions of the oot/mm fairies
it's hard to get acclimated since I'm so used to 2d zelda strategies and patterns
the statues of the hero perfectly encapsulate my view of oot link, i really love the design
the garden boss is hard T-T
the bell towers are so pretty
the west garden is so pretty omg
idrk what to do at the heros grave
the librarian fight reminds me of the links awakening nightmare fight
frogs domain music reminds me of the forest temple
who am i?
why is the cathedral filled with ... me?
the boss rush was fun but hard
i don't think there's a set order to do "dungeons" so i'm not locked to doing only the siege engine
i thought cat man was pissing
why do i have the power to activate the boxes?
librarian's ghost?
was the heir me?
Game Notes:
beautiful 3D animation and modeling - very pleasing
wide attacking range - don't just attack straight forward
incredible environmental design and path making
two endings - exploration and collection for good end
diverse attack patterns and learning curve + boss rush
What a phenomenal game. I loved playing this game so much. It was challenging and I wasn't used to the souls mechanics, but I learned fast and had so much fun fighting the bosses. I love the two endings. The Bad where you replace your former self as the heir, continuing the cruel cycle. The Good where you free the Heir and find out it's you, older, someone who is no longer stuck in the cycle, and you get to be friends together. The music is absolutely gorgeous. I listened to it while falling asleep and was just sobbing from it. I love how mysterious the lore is and how everything still hasn't been answered. I love the designs of the environments and enemies and how the game can go from nice and serene to dark and creepy. I loved how this game was a perfect blend of 2D zelda plus monument valley plus a souls game, it forced me to think outside of the box and use my journal to takes notes on all the little secrets and surprises. I can def see myself play this game again, it's such a charming game that has a lot of nostalgia despite being a fairly new game. I am so happy I bought the deluxe edition, I truly cherish this game so much and love the stickers and artbooks I received. I highly recommend this game to anyone, it is such an incredible journey to go through. I'm gonna be spending a lot of time watching and reading about the lore and digging deeper into this game. Truly what a phenomenal game with such a cute yet tragic main character, ough i love tunic.
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7ndipity · 2 years
Demon Hoseok x Reader (feat. Jin)
Summary: A mysterious music box leads to some unsettling activity and dreams. But what happens when your dreams become reality?
Warnings: paranormal/horror themes, swearing, injuries, stalking/yandere-ish vibes(I mean he's a demon so yeah) nightmares? Idk, lmk if I missed something
A/N: ngl this one came out pretty creepy. Thank you all for the support you've shown for Spooktober, the final piece will be posted later this week.
Spooktober m.list
"Y/n, look at this!"
Jin was holding up an old cookoo clock, covered in tiny decorative leaves and swirling scrollwork. "It's cute, right?"
"Uh, it's not really my style." You said gently, trying not to offend him.
He was supposed to be helping you look for furniture for your new house, but so far, all he had done in every thift shop you two had gone into was get distracted by various knickknacks and old toys, leaving you to basically fend for yourself.
"Oh c'mon, you could hang it in the kitchen-"
You attention was pulled away from the conversation by a shelf of old music boxes. One in particular caught your eye, slightly smaller than the others, almost able to fit in one hand, with a simple diamond and checkerboard pattern carved into the surface.
Curious, you picked it up and gently wound the key, the gears stiff from age and lack of use. A soft twinkling melody began to play, causing a twinge of nostalgia to ring through you, but you didn't know why. The song sounded familiar, like an old forgotten memory come back to the surface, but you couldn't quite place it.
"-what do you think?"
"Hm?" You shook out of your revre, glancing up at your friend in confusion.
"Were you really not listening to me?" He pouted at you.
"I'm sorry, I don't what happened." You said absent-mindedly as you checked the box for a price sticker, but finding none. "I'll be right back."
You quickly made your way up to the counter, griped by a sudden need for the charming little box.
"How much is this?" You asked the lady at the register.
"Oh, that old thing?" She looked at it in surprise. "You can have it, no charge."
"Seriously?" You said in disbelief.
"Mh-hm." She nodded, "It's been here for ages, it doesn't even work."
"But, I just-" You were cut off by the sound of something crashing to the floor, making you both jump. Ducking back around a few shelves, you found Jin standing awkwardly over the busted remains of the cookoo clock.
"I'll take it!" He said, cheeks red in embarrassment.
. . .
You took the box home.
As you climbed into bed that night, you picked it up again, examining it carefully.
There were hinges along one side of the top, indicating that it could open, but the tiny lock on the front prevented you from doing so. You gave a small huff of frustration, about to give up, but then you remembered seeing a similar box in a movie once where the key for the music mechanism had also served as a key for the lock.
Turning the box over, you gave the key a gentle tug, it came free of its housing easily enough. Slipping it into the lock, you found to your delight that it turned and clicked.
Thrilled with your discovery, you gently lifted the lid and peered in. The inside was lined with a teal green velvet, in the center was a small spring that you suppose once held a figurine of some sort, but now stood empty, missing its miniature dancer.
Slightly disappointed, you closed it again and sat it in it's new home on your bedside table before shutting off the lights and going to sleep.
That night, your dreams were full of strange sights and sounds. Strange flashes of color. Someone was laughing, but the noise was foggy and muffled. Somewhere, distantly, you could hear the music box playing.
. . .
Over the next few weeks, you started to notice strange things around your new place. Creaking footstep-like sounds, doors that refused to stay open or closed, the scent of something like woodsmoke and rain that seemed to move about the house.
At first you tried to brush it off. It was an old house, old houses had weird noises and smells, right? You'd known that when you moved in. But then, there were more things that you couldn't find a logical explanation for.
Voices that seemed to echo down the hall from empty rooms. Shadows moving out the corner of you eye, peaking around doorways when your back was turned, catching sight of the flickering movement in the mirror while you were brushing your teeth or watching TV.
At night, it got worse. You were finding it increasingly difficult to sleep. When you did manged to drift off, you kept having the same recurring dreams of smokey figure slipping into your room through a crack in the window or under the door, the swirling and billowing mass drifting ever closer, watching you with eyes like burning coals.
Everything in your body said that you should be terrified, but for some reason, you weren't. In fact, you felt oddly serene as he gently reached out and took your hand, tugging you up out of bed and pulling you close, seeming to dance about the room with you. Everytime, you would wake up shaking and sweating.
. . .
"Y/n?" You jumped slightly at your name, looking across the table to see Jin eyeing you with concern.
"You alright?" Jin asked.
He'd noticed the recent changes in you and to say he was worried was an understatement. You were pale and jumpy, shadows under your eyes from lack of sleep.
You looked down, sighing. "I- I don't really know, Jin."
"What's wrong?"
"Promise you won't make fun of me?" You asked.
"I swear." He held up a hand in oath.
"I think my house is haunted." You started, half expecting he would think you were crazy. But if anyone was going to believe you, it would be Jin.
As you spoke, Jin had gone still and pale, his brow furrowed as he listened.
"And then, there's these." You pulled back your sleeve, revealing fingerprint like bruises littering your arms. They didn't hurt and they would fade almost as fast as they appeared, but you could still sense them, like invisible sootstains on your skin.
He swallowed hard, mouth pressed into a thin line
"Maybe we should call someone, like-"
Jin's voice faded out as you froze, staring out the glass front of the restaurant over his shoulder.
He was there, a faint, greyish figure, semi-transparent like a reflection, except that he standing outside on the sidewalk. He tilted his head slightly as he grinned at you.
"Y/n? What is it?" Jin turned to see what you staring at, looking back at you confused.
"He can't see me, Love, only you can." The figure mouthed, but it sounded like he was right next to you, sending a shiver up your spine.
"Nothing. It's nothing." Snapping your attention back to your friend, you spoke quickly, gathering your things. "Look, don't worry about it, I've got a handle on it." You turned to leave, but Jin grabbed your arm.
"'Got a handle on it?' Wait a minute, y/n, I don't get this. Are you scared or not?"
You stopped.
Were you? The same question had been plaguing you for days.
"I... don't know."
. . .
'It was a dark and stormy night.' You rolled your eyes at your own joke. It was Halloween night, rain pouring down outside with thunder and lightning as you finished washing up for bed. 'How cliché.'
As if to prove your point, there was a loud clap of thunder, and the room was plunged into darkness.
"Shit." You whispered, fumbling your way down the hall. Where the hell had you packed the flashlights?
Making it to your room, you stilled as you heard a soft twinkling melody floating through the air. The music box.
You were frozen, heart was pounding so loudly in you ear that it took you a several seconds to realize there was another set of breaths in the room.
Another flash of lightning illuminated a figure standing in the center of the room.
You fell back against the door as you let out a shrill scream.
"Don't be afraid." He spoke in a low, raspy voice. At that moment, the lights flickered back on, revealing the intruder.
He was tall, very slim, a mop of messy black waves partially covered dark eyes with deep shadows beneath them
"Please don't hurt me." You whimpered.
"Hurt you?" He tilted his head at you. "Why would I do that? You let me out."
"My box, you opened it." He let out a small laugh as he picked it up and pointed to you. "That was impressive, you know? Not everybody can do that."
"I don't-" You stopped as you realized.
You recognized that voice, the angular face, those eyes, though usually they had a different glow than the playful glint they held now.
"Oh my god." You whispered, slumping against the door again.
"Not quite." His lips quirked up in a smile.
"I'm going crazy." You ran a shaky hand through your hair.
"Crazy looks good on you then." He said, taking in your features more closely. You were cute, weren't you? 'Lucky me.' He thought, watching you fidget nervously. If he had to be indebted to human, at least it was someone fun.
"What are you?" You asked
"I've been called a lot of things," he said softly, Cheshire grin on his face as he crept closer. "but you can call me Jay."
Everything felt jumpy and distorted, like an old, fragmented movie reel. The closer he came, the worse it got.
"We had such a nice time before," he breathed, as his fingers brushed your arm. "Imagine how much nicer it would be now that I'm real, that I can actually touch you."
"I-" You pulled back slightly, but you it was a like you were a rabbit and a viper. You couldn't look away.
He cupped you face gently, everything feeling like it was in slow motion.
"What do you say to another dance?"
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leidensygdom · 1 year
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(I'm dropping the picture again for context to not confuse too much people who didn't see the poll the first time. The Interest check is still open if you haven't answered yet!)
So, let me get through some of the questions and stuff for the acrylic charms!
I'll preface this by saying that it may still take a bit for the designs to be available for sale. I'm doing a first batch of them to sell at a local con, where stakes are lower (because Spanish cons ain't all that fancy). If I notice any issue with this first batch's colors and such, I can correct stuff going further! If it comes out well though, I may start online sales with what isn't sold at the con, although numbers will be very limited since I got far less than what people have expressed interest for.
I want to make sure I get the entire process of online selling properly handled, so I'd rather start with a small batch and ensure it all goes smoothly before jumping to the big bit!
However, a redbubble shop should be arriving soon enough, even before the charms are available. Redbubble offers a lot of merch options (including stickers, which have been requested a lot), and it handles the shipping process, so it's a comfortable way to offer my merch without being too much workload. If people can think of other similar services they prefer buying from though, please let me know (as replies here or asks), I'll study my options!
Now, let me answer some of the stuff seen in the poll!
Currently I'm considering going for the standard acrylic charm for $12 and holographic charm for $14, and no glitter epoxy option, as most people who would prefer the glitter have manifested they'd rather get holo
I'm still studying my shipping options. I may up a bit the charm price but include the shipping fee in said price, as it may make it easier for me to calculate
DM is currently the most popular option, and monk is the less popular! When I sold stickers at the local con, this was also true
And now, to other questions:
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Pride d20 designs seem to be quite popular and wanted, so that's probably coming with a second batch! For most of the suggestions, I'd probably be doing them in different batches, focusing on the DnD classes designs first. I actually have a couple of fun extra DnD-Related designs I haven't shown yet, which could make for good charms too
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I actually want to use this one to redirect you at @boociforme ! I first made the class designs to go at a local con, and when Boo joined, she decided to do some of the classes, in a similar style. She's got 7 of them on Redbubble currently, and will offer them as acrylic charms. We did the order together!
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Nat 20 and nat 1 designs will come in a second batch! I have designs for these currently, but I feel like they could be very much improved from what I initially did.
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I actually dig a lot the idea of a double sided charm for this.... I'm taking notes-
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So, Pathfinder! The good side is that Pathfinder has a few classes that overlap with DnD ones. Our group is going back to PF very soon and I really love PF, so I'd love to offer options for it in the future, but I'd need to find the best ways to reach the PF-specific audience. I may do them as stickers and such for redbubble, and if they seem popular enough, I could potentially do charms with them too!
There's also interest for few varied things, like enemies (such as mimics), phrases and such, which could be considered. I may do a few of these and offer them on redbubble and such, and again (if there's interest for them), I could make them into charms too.
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To answer the second one: Witch and Oracle are PF2 classes, so these could potentially be done! Subclasses may be more finnicky, though, because there's +40 of them and the audience for each may be a bit too small to justify the work. I may offer these sort of designs as cheapish commissions, though. I could potentially bundle up a design commission + an acrylic charm for a set price tag, since I can sneak individual charm designs into larger orders
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As mentioned before, I'm planning to try Redbubble with these designs (and/or other sites, if people have good suggestions!), so stuff such as stickers, shirts, mugs and all of that should be coming with that.
I've been considering special options such as holographic stickers (which I should manufacture elsewhere, as redbubble doesn't give that option), but I need to think about this. I'm mostly concerned about the loadwork of selling individual stickers, as the entire process of sending a package can be quite timeconsuming, and it may be a bit too much for something worth 2-3$ (and the shipping may be more expensive than a single sticker). Maybe I could think of minimum orders, unless people have good suggestions for that
Acrylic pins may also be happening! A business contacted me to license them as pins. They wanted to do enamel pins first, but since my designs weren't make with enamel in mind, that wasn't doable. Once they get the pins running, I'll be linking them here!
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You would be able to mix and match!
Finally, there's been some comments about the design for the rogue one. If I do a Pathfinder batch, I may end up doing a different rogue design, so people have a couple to choose from. But that's plans for the future.
That was quite the extensive post, but I wanted to be as transparent as possible with how this is going and clear few doubts. I want to thank everyone for the interest shown and all the input. I got a lot of sweet messages there too which made me a bit teary so-- Yeah gods thank you so much!
I'll keep you updated as this goes on, and the check will remain open. Asks are also on (including anons), so if you wanna get any message across I'm all ears. Thank you so much again! (Also I'm tagging as long post because this got quite long!)
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clubmates-a · 2 years
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y’know how i put a tl;dr of my general hcs for yuri in one big hc dump to expand on later? well, i’m doing it again, this time with miss sayori–let’s do this, yall! <3
>her parents are actually lovely ppl, (unlike yuri’s rip), it’s just their situation sucks, you know? i’ll make a more fleshed out post abt this later, but. well, tl;dr ???– >her dad is. very sick, he’d been in-and-out of hospitals for varying periods of time, eventually settling with home visits/care instead. which leaves her mom, often out working til the late at night and generally stressed out as she tries to keep a roof over her families heads, and pay medical bills in the same breath. >and that’s probably a big reason why sayori is. the way she is, bc she’s used to putting on that happy/brave face around her family, considering their situation. both to try and help them, and also to not stress any of them out further tbh?
>her love of literature surprisingly started young–telling scary stories at sleepovers, reading fairytales, playing pretend, making silly ocs, etc etc. she’s rlly good at improv + quickly brainstorming ideas, and. nowadays, she’s really into dnd and similar things. >she has a dnd group that has sessions online, since that was easier on her w/ her depression. but even that’s too much for her sometimes, she tries, though.
>since her room is on the second floor, when she wants to relax/be alone with her thoughts, she’ll climb out her window and sit on the bit of the roof underneath. >when her and MC were kids, they’d sit out there together and stargaze, but they haven’t done that in… years. but sayori still remembers it, and thinks of it fondly. >collects a lot of little enamel pins, stickers, action figures, and comic books! probably has a ita schoolbag and a flip phone with a cutesy charm attached.
>has a goldfish named ‘kerria’, her and MC rescued (by which i mean stole) them from a kingyo sukui booth at a festival when they were kids, around ten or so. >it was getting late, so the booth was getting taken down for the day, and there was only one (1) fish left, and. sayori was worried abt what would happen to them, so! she scooped them into a fish bag, while MC kept the stall keeper distracted. >let’s be real if they had just asked the guy about it, they most likely would’ve gotten the fish with a lot less fuss, but. hey, it’s a fun memory at least, ok…
>sayori was on the track team throughout junior high, but backed out before entering senior high, both bc of a low point in her depression + being stressed out in general. she spent the next few years hopping from club 2 club, trying 2 find somewhere she belonged once again. >but, well. she’d always end up getting kicked out after a few days, if she wasn’t outright turned away because of that unlucky reputation. >almost setting the cooking club on fire, trying to act out a scene and accidentally hitting s/b while gesturing in the drama club, tripping and falling into some of the newly finished pieces in the art club, etc etc. >she was. tbh, ready to just give up and attend the go home club instead, when monika suddenly approached her about the newly forming literature club! 👀👀👀
>sayori has a habit of doodling on anything she can get her hands on, her desk, her schoolwork, her skin, etc etc. she finds the action of scribbling away v relaxing. >it’s a good way 2 keep her mind off whatever might be bothering her, and it keeps her fidgety hands busy, y'know? her art is pretty decent too, round, cartoony and colorful, wouldn’t look out of a place in a kid’s book or something, to be honest! >being a comic book fan, she also draws her own sometimes, short ones mostly starring herself and her clubmates, about any misadventures they might have! >there’s def one abt the 'wine incident’……………………………....................
>sayori taught herself how 2 play ukulele as a tween, but her interest and will to practice slowly fizzled out as she got older. until recently that is, she’s started playing again w/ support from a certain club president! >sometimes, when one of them is having a particularly bad day, sayori and monika will skip class and hang out in the school’s music room, play s/t together, and talk about whatever comes to mind.
>sayori’s feelings on monika post-game (in the good ending) are… complicated, esp after becoming club president and dealing w/ all the self-aware stuff first hand. like, she understands it, in a way? >is she still mad/upset? obviously, they were friends, or at least sayori thought they were, but monika still… y'know. but after becoming club president herself? she gets it! because it kinda sucks! like a lot! so, cool motive, still shitty, but sayori does forgive monika in the end. >but, also: she isn’t sure if her forgiveness would even mean anything to monika, bc. does she still see them as ‘just code’, or what? i mean she brought them back for a reason, but… who knows. sayori hopes it’d make her feel a little better, at least. she misses her sometimes.
>she likes video games, even if she doesn’t play them as often as MC, she WILL kick ur ass in super smash bros + mario kart, and likes animal crossing. also, there’s an arcade in town, she’s the highest score on a lot of their games. >learning to bake from natsuki, but still can’t cook worth a damn–can and will eat breakfast stuff 4 every meal if u let her. (also rlly likes cheap gas station slushies) >has lots of little rituals, like not stepping on sidewalk cracks, sorting candy by colors before eating them, making wishes @ 11:11, etc etc. it might seem silly to others, but it rlly does bother her when she can’t complete them for w/e reason. >likes making braided bracelets bc she finds the repetitive task calming, has most def made the rest of the club + MC ofc friendship bracelets, all in their 'main color’. (blue for sayori, green for monika, pink for natsuki, purple for yuri, and red for MC.)
>sayori is a earring gay, she has lots of funky ones she switches out everyday or so, having special pairs for holidays and such. she often makes a lot of them herself, with her crafty skillz(tm).
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agent-oo-z · 27 days
I like to imagine what an alien/post post apocalypse archaeologist would think if they found my room.
Long post warning. Also run on sentence warning.
Like let’s assume my room is somehow magically preserved so that everything is exactly the way it is right now but like. Maybe a bit aged from time.
My bookshelves are not mainly used for books. The books are part of the decor set up. Different shelves have different themes, like my marvel shelf with all my funky pops and my handful of action figures from when I was obsessed with marvel. Or my animal shelf with my warrior cats and similar animal protagonist series books are kept along side my corresponding animal toys/figures/models(the wolves, the dogs, the cats, the bears). And then there’s the Monsters Inc shelf. There’s also the color specific ones like my white blue and purple shelf or the red shelf or the yellow and black and white shelf. And the “oh shit I have a lot of notebooks and journals I guess these can have their own shelf and I’ll fill the rest of the space with some random decor” shelf.
But that’s just the book shelves. My desk has its own little shelf organizer on it but instead of supplies it’s also just a collection of things. Little plushy keychains and my 3 furbies and my special steve Irwin funky pop.
And my walls. My goal is to have all my walls covered in things. If it can be put up with poster putty I’ll put it on my wall. There’s tickets and posters and postcards and pictures and wax seals and certificates from summer camps and art from loved ones and professional artists and magnets and pearler bead things and convention badges and trading cards and confetti and magnets and broken jewelry charms and an origami heart pouch filled with fortune cookie fortunes and a giant fat head brand golden retriever decal and those plastic glow in the dark stars/planets/comets/etc and the sticker glow in the dark stars/planets/comets/etc and a 3d moon lamp that cycles through the phases of the moon and a cinnamon witches broom and my high school graduation cap and pressed pennies and the thank you cards and drawings I got when I worked at a summer camp and a Polaroid of two children no one in my family recognizes and a Chuck E. Cheese token.
And then the medicine cabinet turned altar with the top dedicated to Bird Mom and then half the top inner shelf is dedicated to her as well and the other half of that shelf is for Loki and then the next shelf down is split between Dionysus and Aphrodite(and Athena is on top of the book shelf next to the medicine cabinet because she doesn’t want to share and also is very picky about what I’m allowed to dedicate to her so she has the least amount of stuff). Also an entire shelf of that book case is dedicated to Bird Mom and my deceased pets and family members.
And because the people who had this house before us were strange in different ways than we are there’s a mount on the ceiling that used to hold up a boxing bag but now it has a magnetic fake succulent in a little ceramic pot and stuffed animal called a Purrmaid that is a combination of an Angora cat and a jellyfish. It also has a crocheted vine with purple and yellow flowers(one is red and yellow but only the one) that connects to the curtain rod and a hook on the wall and goes over the mirror too which is on the wall above the desk. And the mirror has stickers and decals on it but also sticky notes to remind me of random things. Under the vine and over the mirror there’s a string of felt papel picado(spelling?) and then there’s my high school graduation cord connecting the leftmost wall hook above the mirror to the rightmost wall hook above the wall with the door(where the air vent juts out over the top of the bookshelf) and there’s the pompom spider Halloween decoration that’s hanging on that. There’s also two tiny versions of the jellyfish cat in different colors and three Christmas tree ornaments hanging on the hooks supporting it. One ornament is a box of original flavor cheezits and one is a peacock feather eye in a glass casing and a blue and purple and pink gradient acrylic deer with a constellation type pattern on it. The wooden zebra mask that we found at good will is hanging from the hook on the right most part of the wall where the stupid shallow closet juts out. On the wall is also a collection of paper dolls of the various drag queens who have won Ru Paul’s Drag Race (up to season 10 I think?). And then in the closet one of the shelves has all the build a bear my little pony friendship is magic characters I have. And because the closet is so tiny the drawers that contain all the clothes I don’t hang up are actually next to the closet and on top of one of the stacks is a flat surface so of course that’s covered in trinkets and tchotchkes. And then of course there’s the massive pile of stuffed animals wedged into the corner against the wall. It’s between the foot of my bed and the right hand side of my desk(the desk I’ve had since the previous house we lived in, the desk I’ve had since third grade, the desk covered in stickers and unused return labels and duct tape scraps and marker stains and glitter glue and candle wax). Some of them are from media I care about and some are just cute designs and some are based on real creatures(both extant and extinct) and some even have visible repairs.
Like. What would they think of me? Would they be able to tell what was a dedicated altar for spiritual purposes and what was just a collection of items that represent my interests and aesthetics? Would they be able to tell what on my wall was selected for its emotional significance and what was just pretty or perfect to fill that one little spot? Would my sense of humor creep through? Would they be able to tell how much I love animals and zoos? Would they find all the stains ground in to the carpets, the cat fur that clings to most surfaces no matter how often I manage to vacuum, the dirt and grim that finds it’s way into hard to reach places?
Would they catalog my room and leave it as is? Take all its little pieces and separate them by categories and put them in storage? Would they take my soul made manifest in the little living space I can somewhat control and shatter it eternally or tend to it lovingly as they exhibited it for countless onlookers to come and learn about what life was like in my time?
I have a little journal I keep on the windowsill next to my bed. It’s my joy journal. Each day I try to write in it at least three things that I did/saw/heard/ate/etc that brought me joy. But on occasion, when something really big has happened and I just need to process it, I’ll write about it. I even went back and added an intro and a symbol key so that if some future historian comes across it they can learn more about me! I told them my name and pronouns and diagnoses at the time I wrote the note. I also told them about where I was born and raised and where I was going to college at the time and what I was studying and why. I apologized for how atrocious my handwriting is.
(I also threatened to haunt them if they intentionally misgender me)
I hope that they would see how much my little hoard of nonsense meant to me. And that even if they dismantled it or left it alone entirely that someone somewhere would find out about me and think “wow this is so similar to how I live my life, even though our existences are so separated by time and space we do the same things.”
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miekasa · 3 years
Things the aot characters would match with u ?
Sneakers. It makes him somewhat giddy when you guys wear them at the same time, particularly if it was unplanned. 
He just thinks they look nice, and it’s something that you guys can match with that doesn’t look completely obvious or cringe. You can wear them at the same time or on your own, but for Eren it’s really just knowing that you’re wearing something he bought you.
Not matching matching per se, but one of my favorite things to think about is Eren having his key necklace, and buying you one with a lock on it. Again, matching but not over the top.
Maybe simple jewelry? Like plain, gold or silver bracelets/rings—nothing too much, but you guys still know it’s there. Watches might be a bigger splurge, but he’s willing to do it, especially if they’re nice and classy.
Once he knows you’re okay with jewelry, you’ve gotta be careful with him. He’ll ice you out if you don’t stop him. He has a sorta refined taste where you’ll get something, and think “Hey, this is really nice,” and then boom, the price tag could pay for your courses for a semester. 
Other little things like matching/coordinating phone cases, you guys each having mugs from the same place, even little charms on your keychains that match together.
Water bottles. This was more so him buying you one (and yes, it was an overpriced Hydroflask) to make sure you’re drinking enough water. If you don’t think he’ll force feed it to you if he notices that your bottle is heavy, then you thought wrong.
Lots of the things are pretty practical, and are the result of Levi buying it for you because he thought you needed it, or needed a better version of it; so, in a way, it’s not intended to match, but because he buys what he already has and knows works, you end up with a copy, so inadvertent matching 😌
For example, he’ll buy you mittens or gloves if you don’t have any, or if he thinks the ones you have are shit and need better insulation. They happen to be the same ones he has because he knows those work, so now you’re matching. Same goes for things like lunch boxes, water bottles, even the towels in your apartment.
Plants. Again, he probably intervened saying you need some source of fresh air in your house, or something smart like that. If you don’t have a green thumb, don’t worry because he’s practically taking care of it for you. Occasionally he’ll note how your plant is doing in comparison to his and it’s pretty cute to hear his little plant parent rambles while he’s watering them.
Matching aprons. It’s cute, don’t let him tell you otherwise; and if he does, you know he’s fronting, because he always wears his when he’s cooking, anyway.
Tattoos if you’re down for it. It can be as simple or stupid or extravagant as you want, you honestly have full control over the design even tho it’s going on his body please. He doesn’t care—he trusts you, and he wants to match with you, so whatever you want, wherever you want it!
Sneakers for him too, but I think he’d go as far as to have matching/coordinating outfits with you. Particularly sweats and crew necks and hoodies, and if you guys are traveling together, then you’re more than likely matching at the airport.
He probably put some stupid sticker or decal on your car that you’re stuck with now. Good luck. He put the same shit on his so at least you can look dumb together.
Stickers, whether it be on your laptop or phone case or water bottle or even just in your room; he’s got one and you’ve got one.
Stuffed animals. He has a lot that he just buys for you, but you guys go on a Build-a-Bear date and make bears of each other at some point, and it’s kinda cute. He keeps his on a shelf close to his bed so it’s safe and sound.
Stationary, like pencil cases and pens and such. They don’t have to be fancy with your initials engraved at the top, but you guys buy them in sets of 2 so you have the same stuff, and get cases to store everything that match, too.
Something cute that you put in his car that he doesn’t have the heart to remove, no matter how much he bitches about it. Like those little sticky rubber ducks with the glasses that go on your dash.
Gym bags. Yes, he’s a gym bro. No, he doesn’t care if you’re not. Allegedly they were “two for one” at the Adidas outlet, so now you’ve got one. It can double as a duffle bag if you’re not getting any practical gym use of it. 
You could probably get him to wear matching rings as long as they’re not too obvious; just a simple gold band is really the furthest he’ll go (he never takes it off, but don’t point it out or he’ll chuck it at you).
Some kind of accessory—bracelets, hats, necklaces, scarves. She’s into that kinda stuff, just don’t make a big deal of it when you’re in public or she’ll get embarrassed please.
Pins. You’ve got one on your jacket and she’s got one on her book bag or something. Again, they don’t have to be identical; you can get two different Pokémon, or references to a show you both like.
Lipstick. You don’t have to both wear it at the same time, but it’s still something sweet to have.
Charm bracelets! The charms themselves don’t all have to be identical (tho at least one of them would be), but just the fact that you guys both have them and are collecting charms at a similar rate is cute.
Definitely matching cups or mugs or something of the like. Kitchen towels with the same pattern or each other’s initials on them. Matching shot glasses, too, obviously. 
Your home/lock screens match, too. Pictures of each other from the same day or of the same scenery or something. She always lets you know when she’s gonna change hers so you can change yours too.
Hoodies. They can be solid colored, or two if the same ones just in different colors. Hoodies are kind of her go-to look, and nothing that draw too much attention anyways; so she doesn’t mind having the same one as you.
Backpacks. Again, they don’t have to be exactly the same and can be relatively simple in design; and is something most people have anyway, so it’s not outlandish. She seems like a Kanken kinda girl, so you both can have one in different colors.
Jewelry. Strikes me as the type to be okay with getting each other’s initials on necklaces or earrings or something, but it could also be more covert like having each other’s birthstones on a pendant.
Speaking of stones, you’re getting crystals whether you like it or not. They will be on your nightstand, they will be in your car, they will be in your jacket pocket, they might even be in your bra and don’t ask her how she got them there without you knowing. They’re in hers too if that makes you feel any better.
Jackets or sweaters. Wanna say matching cardigans in particular, and yeah, they’re pretty ugly but that’s the point! To bask ironically in the pointed ugliness of them all so much that it becomes cute to you.
Snow globes. Hange is obsessed with them, whenever you travel they collect one and sometimes even if they just pass a store at home and see two unique (translation: weird looking) ones, they’ll pick them up. So, congrats.
Socks with funky patterns on them. Beer bottles, weed plants, zodiac signs, dinosaurs—whatever Hange buys, they buy in packs of two so at least you’ll never run out of ankle socks.
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siren-virus · 3 years
Luckyboy!AU thing. So I went looking some stuff up, and I can perfectly imagine that Ben would name himself Nekomata, the name for the lucky cats in japanese; you know, because he wants the victims he rescues to have luck in their lives and to bring some of that to himself. However this confuses the Plumbers a whole lot, after all, why would a vigilante want to bring to himself and the others luck in education and love? Green Nekomatas bring luck in education and pink ones (close enough to magenta) bring luck towards love. Spoiler: Ben didn't know what the colors mean, he just thought that the lucky cats bring luck in general to people. His stickers could be coins in order to keep up the theme, or it could be some kind of cats to keep the cat aesthetic.
I also need some fluff between the different "people" (still don't know which noun to use to represent both humans and aliens that isn't "beings" (kinda uncomfortable using that one, since it also encapsulates non inteligent creatures) ) that visit the coffee shop while Ben is working there, like some conversation that he would have with Rook or Gwen, or how he could give some ideas to Cooper over the next technological thing to create/modify, a chat with Kevin about what alien technology he could sell to the civilians that would make him money AND avoid the eye of the Plumbers (and his vigilante persona too if they aren't dangerous)
Would his parents and Max surprise visit him to the coffee shop? I'd imagine that they would, not only to see him but also to have an excuse to give him money in the form of tips without being returen the money XD "You guys just gave me a big ass tip" "Well we just happen to like the service" "I GAVE YOU A GLASS OF WATER" "We REALLY like your service *wink*", meanwhile, Max's watching everything from the table sipping his own extravagant coffee (don't tell me he wouldn't find a way to add some tentacles to his coffee one way or another, forcing Ben to make one that way XD)
Also, what would happen with the love interests that Ben had in the prime dimension? Would he have met any of them in this timeline? How would his relationship with them be? Would any of them come visit him to his job?
Also also, I imagine that Ben would ask grandpa Max any time some of his friends want a tour through the Plumbers HQ to give them all a pass of some kind and do the tour himself (sometimes with his grandpa by his side, sometimes it's Rook, sometimes he's alone, and the best of times he would be with the other Plumber kids going alongside doing lots of pranks at the same time)
I wonder how many charms does Ben have in his home, since some of them are really useful and would help in a lot of things, like I imagine he would use a light charm and reduce his living costs that way, or a heating charm for the same effect.
Finally, I have to say that I love that animation you did of Ben hating early mornings (and if he was out all night and went without sleep, then thank fuck he works at a coffee shop XD), and that tiny detail of him snapping his fingers with both hands, it's just, ugh, I LOVE IT, it reminds me of The Addams Family opening theme. Maybe whenever he does a spell he does that double hand finger snap as a way to focus himself? It'd be a funny easter egg for anyone who would be able to discern it (aka Jimmy, 'cause let's be honest, he would totally find a way to link the double snap with the show somehow, and he would be totally right XD)
Damn dude, I love that whole thing. He would totally choose that name without thinking about it. Nekomata... Rolls off the tongue nicely.
Fluff, eh? People is good enough.
With Gwen, like I said in another post (did I? maybe...) Their conversations would be brief, usually Ben just trying to get a rise out of his cousin to force her into a chat.
Rook is similar, their conversations are brief, but if Ben asks the right questions, serves him a particularly good drink, saves extra amber ogia tarts for him. Rook would be more than happy to indulge. They don't talk about plumbers business, Rook's smart enough to know not to exchange information with a civilian. (Even though Ben probably knows it already.) More, Rook discusses Earth culture with Ben, trying to play catch up with slang, sometimes he'll even indulge some info about his home planet, his friends, family, and girlfriend.
I don't believe Ben and Cooper would talk much, the only reason he's in the cafe is because Manny, Helen, and Alan (if he's not working) forcefully dragged him from the lab, kicking and screaming.
"i'll have an espresso shot. with some honey too... please." Is the only thing he'll before engrossing himself in what tech he managed to bring along.
The one with Kevin is interesting, I do like the idea of Ben tryna push Kevin in the right direction. But Kevins love of tadenite, and the fact he sells weaponry would propbably prevent that.
Instead Ben would try to get as much info from him as possible, subtly giving Kevin a little extra when it comes to info exchange. Kevins lips are sealed. Unless Ben decides to spill some info on Gwen. Kevin plays dumb, but it's easy to spot his interest.
Absolutely, Max, his parents, AND Patelliday all come for visits. At first his parents would be super cautious entering the cafe, they did their best to try to make Ben quit and find a "normal cafe" to work at. They also did their best to convince Ben to move back in. They would deffinitely use any excuse under the sun to tip Ben. They make regular visits on saturdays for morning tea. They don't stick around long though, aliens still spook them a little.
Max and Patellliday - are a unit- would always order a drink together. Max going with the basic Flat White, with some tentacles, of course. Patelliday going for the Boba Fish Tank... they have to restock their gold fish tank every week.
Ben has a good poker face, having to make such a... variety of drinks, and watch how his customer drink/eat. It leaves scars...
Love interests.
Well with Julie, Ben unfortunately never got the confidence to ask her out. But they're really good friends still. (Ben also learned as he got older that not every girl he's friends with wants to date.) Julie comes by the cafe every now and again, always checking if Bens there first before entering, she still managed to get Ship surprisingly, so Ship is always happy to get a pupacino, can't drink it or anything. Just happy to smoosh his face into it.
With Kai, they never had that meeting when they were 10. She comes to Bellwood every now and again, she and Gwen are surprisingly good friends. They clash alot though.
Kai comes by the cafe sometimes too, Ben think she looks nice, but they've had no interactions. (She's not a coffee person, just a water gal.)
Esther, there's no meeting between them, as Ben that is. However, Esther can't deny she feels something towards Nekomata. The guys charming.
I think there's another girl, but I can't remember ;;;
Tour guides? At plumbers HQ? Much as Ben would love to guide his friends around, the amount of jailbreaks that happen there is too many (the plumbers have shit security)... He's not even allowed there most times unless there is someone capable by his side.
More often than not Ben would be disappointed to see one of his regulars, Fist Rick out on the streets the day after he was arrested.
Yes yes yes!! Ben uses a lot of his mana on little things to make his life easier and more convenient. This also comes at the cost of using too much energy, so normally he makes sure to do this when he knows he doesn't have work.
Thank! I work best when I have a visual setting ;; Maybe I should switch careers to be a vis dev.
Also ngl, the whole finger snapping thing, Idk where that came from ;; Could be a cool easter egg thingy
Some days Ben has to be stopped from drinking the coffee. Mr Baumann (yes, he's the head honcho) threatens to send Ben home on those days.
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ohbeaby · 4 years
So the all of the boys we have met really are just rich. The only one who isn’t is probably Mammon but even he is only in debt due to some of his strange spending habits.
So this is just a silly little thought about how the boys might react to an MC who isn’t very rich at all and has habits to save money.
While they all take decent care of their clothes they also tend to just throw them out if a hole is made or a stain appears. Belphie might keep his longer out of sheer laziness but it’s not like he’s trying to fix any of the issues with his clothes he’s just too lazy to go get more.
MC probably has a small sewing kit and some tricks to get stains out of just about any fabric. The brothers try to throw clothes away and Mc swoops in your save the lightly used fabric from the garbage. They also have a small collection of patches and fabric strips that they give to Levi if he needs extra material for his cosplays. All the saved clothes get returned to the brothers who are very confused as to how the holes all got patched up and WHY MC would bother patching them.
This spills over into Purgatory Hall when MC learns Solomon keeps ruining his clothes in different disasters. The issue is the word disaster clearly has different meanings to everyone because MC just about loses it when they learn that the “disastrous” state of his clothes is just some tears and some small spots where a potion spilled.
All the boys confront MC at some point about why they keep fixing their clothes and MC just explains that they find it wasteful to throw the fabrics away when they could easily be repaired and maintained. They’re all mildly impressed but don’t say anything, though there is a distinct lack of clothes being thrown away after everything is done and some even come to MC for repairs.
So when MC first got there no one really paid attention to what they were buying for themselves. The brothers simply didn’t care because it’s just some human. As they get to know MC more though they start to pay attention and realize that MC isn’t exactly buying the highest quality in anything. I imagine Lucifer might be the first to actually say something.
MC: I think I want to get some hot coco.
Lucifer: Yes that doesn’t sound nice. Some milk and cream with coco powder- What are you doing?
MC: *holding up a box of instant hot coco* This is what I usually get. Just add some hot water and it’s okay.
Lucifer: *internally screaming at how terrible that sounds compared to what he was imagining* Do you...not know how to make hot coco?
MC: *laughing* Oh I know! It’s just more expensive than this.
Lucifer makes sure to accompany them on their grocery shopping trips and tries to get them to be a bit more open to buying more expensive cuts of meat or cheeses. He just wants them to enjoy some of the nicer things they feel comfortable indulging in.
Asmodeous probably has a heart attack when he realizes MC is just buying the most affordable shampoos and body washes. Poor boy isn’t able to comprehend that MC doesn’t want to drop 100’s of dollars on soaps.
Asmo: But look at how many harsh chemicals are in there MC! Your poor hair isn’t going to feel healthy at all!
MC: I mean...it gets my hair clean yeah? So it’s fine.
Asmo: At least get a body scrub! They help make your skin feel so soft!
MC: Is there one not quite as expensive? The one in your hand is a bit more than I expected.
Asmo: ...I don’t know what’s in the cheaper ones though. They probably don’t have as much moisturizer.
MC: Soooo I don’t need it?
Asmo: *screeching because he doesn’t know how to convey what the issue is*
Asmo takes time to find more affordable products that at least have a similar quality to his high end taste. He doesn’t like it but he does know he can’t force MC to buy the products he would normally use.
Mammon is VERY confused when MC is looking at jewelry of some kind but it’s like glass or shiny plastic instead of actual crystals or diamonds.
MC: Oh these charms are cool! Look there’s a crow!
Mammon: I mean...I guess? They aren’t real crystals or anything though. Looks like hard plastic.
MC: Eh? Why does that matter? *laughing* I’m just window shopping anyways.
Mammon: Window shopping?
MC: You know? When you’re just looking around but not actually going to buy?
Mammon: But if you want it why not just get it?
MC: These charms are each more expensive than my average meal! I can’t just drop that kind of money on little trinkets!
He’s probably the most understanding about all of it since he gets not having money. The realization that MC doesn’t actively seek out anything remotely expensive turns him to trying to save up more money to get them nice things.
Leviathan is probably the one to make MC the most uncomfortable with his spending habits. He is known to spend egregious amounts of money on things that don’t have an actual function aside from just being part of a collection. MC on the other hand will buy little knock off things like key chains or stickers because they don’t want to spend so much on the official merchandise but they still like whatever show or game it is. MC also knows how to make their own cosplays and repurpose things for props and accessories.
MC: *showing Leviathan some cute little charm from Pokemon or something* I love this one it’s so cute. I wanted to get the set but that was quite a bit more!
Leviathan: *sees it and knows immediately that it’s knock off and not even close to official merch* The colors aren’t even close! Look it doesn’t even look like the original character!
MC: I mean it’s pretty close. Maybe it’s just hard to make that color?
Levi: Why not just get the official merch?? It’s much better quality
MC: But the official is ten times more expensive. I think this looks close enough.
Levi: ...okay look I THINK I have an extra set with that character in it.
MC: ...extra set??
Levi: Well I buy more than one so I can sell them later.
MC: More than one??????
Leviathan makes it a goal of his to get MC whatever merch he can for their interests. He doesn’t like the idea that MC just settles for lower quality stuff just because they don’t think they should buy it. This is HIS Henry after all, only the best quality for them.
Satan also struggles hard trying to understand MCs spending habits. He prefers to get new books when he can as he doesn’t like the idea of buying a used book that someone ruined (ie. the corners have small bends or there’s a pencil mark in them, he has high standards for his books lol). The only exception he has is older books that are limited quantity. He gets frustrated when he sees MC carrying books around that look like they’ve been through hell and back in his eyes. He initially thinks MC is the one ruining their own books.
Satan: Really? The semester started a week ago and your books already look this bad?
MC: Bad? I thought I got a good deal on them.
Satan: Well when you bend the corners like that of course they look bad. Is that a coffee stain? Really?
MC: What? We haven’t even gotten to these sections yet. I’m not sure what you’re issue with my books is.
Satan: Well why are the pages all bent here of you haven’t gotten to these sections yet? Are you just incapable of taking care of your stuff?
MC: Maybe it was the previous owner? I take care of my stuff, don’t even try and pull that card.
Satan: ...previous owner? Like you’ve just gone and bought a used book? Why?
MC: Well actually it’s a rental, it was cheaper than-
Satan: RENTAL?!
Satan then insists that he buys MC all new books despite their protests. He isn’t going to sit around and let them use older books if it can be helped though he does start to understand why MC doesn’t mind used books when they show them places with discounted or even free textbooks and PDFs. It’s kind of handy to not have to pay a large sum for a physical copy when he can just have a free PDF of an older version on his laptop.
Beelzebub starts questioning what the humans habits are when he takes them shopping in place of Lucifer and sees them picking up instant noodles and coffee. He may be willing to eat almost anything but even he knows that stuff doesn’t taste the best and can’t be the healthiest for them.
Beelzebub: What about this brand? It’s got those little veggies in it.
MC: But it’s three times the price. I can just chop up some chives and put it in this for cheaper.
Beel: Why does the price matter?
MC: I don’t like spending too much if I can help it. Oh! They have frozen pizzas!
Beel: *increasingly concerned about the humans poor eating habits*
Beel probably starts taking them out to restaurants more or trying to rope them into cooking with him. He isn’t sure if they just don’t know what good food looks like or what their deal is so he’s just going to try and show them and hope they get the hint. He does avoid eating anything healthy they bought, like yogurts or frozen fruit.
Belphegor. King of sleep. Ruler of comfort. The one you know KNOWS how to take a good nap. He is absolutely pissed when he sees MCs room for the first time, most importantly their bed. The pillows look awful and the sheets are the cheapest ones you can get at the store. He confronts his brothers about the humans poor sleeping arrangements to which they all say “it’s what they chose when they first got here.”
Belphie: No. Unacceptable. Throw it away.
MC: You’re being ridiculous, I’m not throwing my pillows away.
Belphie: They don’t even have a shape they’re so flat! You have no comfort standards!
MC: My bed is comfy!
Belphie: The only comfortable part is the mattress which is also the only thing you didn’t choose.
MC: What’s wrong with the rest of it?!
Belphie: Those sheets are scratchy, the blanket is thinner than a piece of paper, those pillows look sadder than a kicked puppy, do I really need to go on?
MC: You’re being completely unreasonable.
Belphie drags Asmo and Mammon to the store to get MC a whole new bed set and even insists on getting them a new mattress. MC gets barred from their room for a few days until everything is set up. Belphie cares, he just wants MC to be comfortable, it’s important to him that MC sleeps well.
Overall I think the boys will learn to be a little more accepting of MCs habits. They also become increasingly more aware of how much richer they are than them and try to make MC as comfortable as they can.
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twstlotus · 4 years
Hi! Welcome to the fandom! Can i please request some fluffy headcanons for Azul, Jade, Rook and Malleus with a reader who brings them homemade lunches and eats with them? Thank you!
Will I ever learn how to condense the length of my writing? Stay tuned and find out!
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul’s face flushes a deep red when he sees the lunchbox you prepared for him after class, wrapped so lovingly and neatly. All while trying to hide the crimson color on his cheeks by pretending to fix his glasses. He knew you had a talent for cooking and working with knives (something that he finds trouble in), but to use that talent for him…
When he finally calms down, he unwraps the packaging somewhat gently. He was treating it as if it were a fragile cup of glass. Well, he wouldn’t want to ruin the handiwork you put into the packaging itself either. Wrapping paper with small, mini-octopuses drawn onto it? He finds it endearing.
The moment Azul opens the lunchbox is the moment that all the effort he put into trying to withhold the crimson shade on his cheeks immediately goes to waste— he’s a blushing mess, to say the least.
The smell of deep-fried shrimp, the sight of small octo-dogs, and heart-shaped rice; it’s the perfect recipe to have his heart explode into a million bits. He offers to have lunch with you at a bench outside near the cafeteria, though sometimes he stumbles on his words slightly.
The two of you share your lunch hours peacefully. Azul is savoring all the tastes and flavors from your cooking, especially the fried shrimp, while you giggle when you notice the wine-red color lingering on his cheeks.
You would sometimes try to spoon-feed him but he declines every time for the sake of his reputation. You don’t mind, though, you get to see his cheeks redden whenever you propose the idea so it’s a win-win!
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Jade Leech
Jade had never seen you cook, he didn’t doubt that you could, but he never even fathomed the idea that you’d use your skill for him— so imagine his surprise seeing you run along the halls with a lunchbox in your hands after class…
Before he opens the lunchbox, he suggests that the two of you have lunch in the Mostro Lounge instead. There are a few tables that are in a more secluded area of the Lounge so you could both have some peace while you eat; you agree.
Lady Luck seemed to favor both of you today— the Mostro Lounge wasn’t as hectic or full as it would have usually been and Floyd was still in classes, meaning that no you wouldn’t be disturbed! Of course, you kept the last part in your thoughts. No need to say something as rude as that, especially about Floyd to Jade.
When he opens the lunchbox, his eyes are greeted with the sight of his favorite octopus carpaccio, framed into a heart-shape and the parsleys above it made into a sort of v-shape, slightly resembling a heart; next to the carpaccio were a few onigiris, among other things as well.
Jade finds it endearing that you organized his meal into such an adorable way, it’s charming to him. He expresses his fondness with a sweet smile before digging in.
“Oya, oya, this is very…,” he pauses, “...delicious!” The eel states, giving you a somewhat teasing grin. My, did you think he was going to object against your cooking?
Jade continues to eat his meal until it’s finished, sharing you a portion as well despite your protests. He’ll express that he enjoyed your cooking greatly; perhaps even surpassing the Mostro Lounge’s exquisite cuisine! Ah, but don’t tell Azul that he said that. He also suggests that the two of you do this more often, he’ll also cook for you as a trade— he isn’t very skilled in such cutesy or casual ways of cooking, but he’ll try to cook something for you outside of what he usually serves for the Mostro Lounge.
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Rook Hunt
Rook lets out a delighted gasp when he sees you with a lunchbox from afar, calling out his name. Oh, mon! What has his little bird fetched him now?
A look of surprise and excitement paints his face when you say you cooked lunch for him. My, to think that a little bird such as yourself would cook something for him? The elusive hunter? Le chasseur d’amour? Regardless, he’ll be flattered.
The blonde suggests that you eat with him under a tree with lovely flowers he spotted before. It’s not very far from classes so if either of you needed to hurry back somewhere else, you’d get there promptly— but he’s not opposed to having to carry you back to class! With his speed and endurance, he can run quite swiftly if needed. 
You decline the offer; as nice as it would be in Rook’s arms, it’d be strange to see a teenager with a (girl/boy) in their arms being bridal carried, rushing through the halls.
The scene at the tree is as enchanting as Rook described it to be— flowers in full bloom in an array of colors, the grassy parts of it were all clean and it was trimmed neatly, and the tree was tall and large enough to provide you and Rook shade to sit under. It was as if Mother Nature built this entire area for you and Rook alone.
Rook opens his lunch and when he sees the katsu placed so neatly, sauce put in a small plastic cup to use for the katsu and small broccolis on the side; he puts a hand over his mouth, commenting that it looks and smells wonderful and exquis.
“Oh mon Dieu...c’est marvelous!” He loudly comments, happily eating more and more of everything served in his box. He also spoonfeeds some of it to you, stating that it wouldn’t be fair if he were to eat it all himself, and you deserve a reward for your gift!
After he’s done, he takes your hand in his own and brings it to his lips, kissing the knuckles of it and thanks you for the meal, praising you even more. He also states that he enjoyed his lunch greatly because of you and how he’d like to eat with you more often, whether it be you cooking or not!
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Malleus Draconia
The fae is puzzled as to why you requested him to come to Ramshackle dorm at lunch period, mentioning a small “surprise” for him (ah— but it wouldn’t be considered a surprise anymore if you just outright told him, now will it?)
Once he arrives, he’s greeted with your welcoming smile and you invite him inside— he’s just as puzzled as before. “Did something happen, Child of Man? Are you in need of help?”
You shush him and instead lead him to the Lounge and to a table near a lit fireplace you lit and a sofa on the side. On the table was a lunchbox neatly wrapped in green packaging with small lizard stickers on it.
Malleus seems dazed— far more confused than he was before! You giggle quietly to yourself at his confusion before stating that you invited Malleus here to have lunch with you, even if it was just for a short while! You mention that you don’t see him roaming around in the hallways or school often, and you thought it’d be better to make up for all that lost time together with lunch in Ramshackle!
He finally understands your message and once he does, he’s rather surprised. Inviting him here…? He’s shocked that you’d do such a thing, let alone think of it, but it doesn’t make his “thank you” any less sincere.
He thinks the packaging on his lunchbox is cute. Child of Man, what do you perceive him as? A toddler? He chuckles to himself. Regardless, he’s touched by the fact you made something just for him and wonders what you could’ve prepared for him.
Once he opens the lunchbox, he’s impressed by how neatly you organized it and how cute it looks! You have celery shaped similar to his precious Gao-Gao Dragon Kun friend and small slices of meat shaped into a heart. It’s a bit of a simple treat, but he knows how much love and effort you poured into his food and that’s already enough for this dragon fae!
While eating, he mentions how nicely you tidied up Ramshackle dorm. He was only ever able to see it when it was in a state of disrepair and abandoned-looking, and while he didn’t mind the dorm appearing as such, it was refreshing to see it look so homey.
He thanks you for the meal and says that he enjoyed it tremendously far better than what Lilia gives him, but it’s when you suggest that the two of you eat lunch together more often that his heart flutters at your offer— but despite being taken aback, he accepts gratefully with a sweet smile tugging on his lips.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
you said i should say less about new ace content in general and i immediately understood that as say more so please gimme some ace stuff and please make it fluffy. i don't particularly care about the pairing but i'm always down for lashton and/or malum but any atl ship works for me as well so like just do your thing i guess wow that was a useless sentence this messy ask is further proof that i should go to sleep so bye love you!! -fiancee
well i ran with ace lashton in an interesting way i hope you enjoy it this is not based on real life but maybe it could be. in a better world it is. that’s all i’ll say about that, i hope you like it
read here on ao3
Luke likes going to the movies. He likes staying home and having a home-cooked meal. He likes quiet, simple, intimate activities.
He does not like parades.
“But it’s Pride,” Ashton wheedles. “D.C. Pride! One of the biggest pride events in the country!”
“You made that up, and I don’t care,” says Luke. “I don’t want to go. I don’t like parades.”
“It’s not really a parade.”
“Also not true.”
“Okay, but it’s not about the parade, it’s about the gathering,” Ashton says, gently shaking Luke. “It’s about a bunch of queer people all coming together and uniting in one space. Celebrating our differences and our similarities. Celebrating community.”
“That’s beautiful,” Luke says. Ashton looks hopeful. “Still no.”
Ashton huffs. “I don’t wanna go alone.”
“Go with Michael and Calum,” Luke suggests. “I’m sure they’d love for you to tag along.”
“And third-wheel all day? No thanks.”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you,” Luke says, and carries on setting the table for dinner. If his mum comes home to a half-set table, the blame will fall on Luke, of course. Ashton takes the cue and begins laying out plates.
It’s quiet for a moment. Luke can tell Ashton is trying to come up with a way to convince him to go to Pride, but it won’t work. Luke’s avoided Pride for seventeen years. He doesn’t intend to start now. Staying at home with his boyfriend and watching Rent is about as much as Luke cares to celebrate Pride Month. Maybe they’ll make out a little. Standards are low.
“Okay, how about this,” Ashton says, and Luke sighs deeply. “No, hear me out. And keep an open mind, okay? Think about compromise.”
“I’m listening.”
“What if we go before the parade starts?”
Luke frowns. “Then what would be the point?”
“There will still be people there,” Ashton says. “But it won’t be nearly as many people, and the festivities won’t really be happening yet, so we can still say we went to Pride but we won’t get caught up in the whole big thing.”
“But I thought you wanted the whole big thing.”
“Ah, whatever,” Ashton says, waving him off. “I’d rather go with you than see the parade alone.”
Luke feels bad. It’s obviously important to Ashton, or else he’d have given up already on trying to make Luke go. And as much as Luke knows he shouldn’t feel obliged to prioritize Ashton’s wishes over his own comfort, this makes him want to.
Compromise. “Okay,” Luke says. “Fine.”
Ashton blinks. “Really?”
“Did you think that wouldn’t work?”
“I—” Ashton’s face breaks into a smile. “I don’t know, not really, to be honest. Really? You’ll come?”
“Yes,” Luke says, and the delight in Ashton’s face makes up for the dread pooling in Luke’s stomach. 
Ashton shuffles around the table and presses a warm kiss to Luke’s cheek. “Thank you,” he says, warmth also bleeding into his voice. “I’m excited. You’re gonna like it.”
Probably not, but Luke keeps that thought to himself. He doesn’t need to rain on any more of Ashton’s parades.
Luke and Ashton are excited about Dupont Circle for different reasons. Ashton is basically vibrating out of his seat on the Metro as they approach their stop, where the parade is slated to begin at half past noon. It’s only eleven now, but that doesn’t seem to matter to Ashton. He seems confident that there will be enough Pride to satisfy his excitement without overwhelming Luke.
Luke’s just looking forward to the Krispy Kreme at the station.
They take the escalator out, and sure enough, there’s Krispy Kreme to the left. Luke grabs Ashton’s hand and yanks him towards the shop.
“Seriously? We’re at D.C. Pride and your priority is donuts?” Ashton says, but he allows Luke to tug him along until they’re at the door.
Luke turns to him and very seriously says, “Ashton, my priority is always donuts.”
“Yeah, that’s fair, I walked into that one,” Ashton mutters as they enter the store.
Five minutes and two donuts later, both of them exit, Luke munching contentedly on a strawberry-frosted donut (with sprinkles, of course) and Ashton carefully biting into his jelly-filled one. 
“Okay, starting now, we’re at Pride, and you can’t be a Negative Nancy,” Ashton declares.
“I promise not to be a Negative Nancy,” Luke vows. “I swear on this donut.”
Ashton beams. “Yay! Okay let’s go explore.”
You’d think this was Ashton’s first Pride for how excited he gets over everything. He stops at almost every stand, even though they’re all selling different versions of the same thing, and somehow manages to spark up conversation with any passing person who looks queer and interesting. Luke loves this about Ashton, how charming and outgoing he is, how he could befriend a vaguely human-shaped plant. People are drawn to him; Luke’s no exception. Ashton is very much the main character, even more so because he doesn’t seem to know it. He's just Ashton, and Luke loves him for it. Even when it means the halo of Ashton’s spotlight draws attention to Luke by extension.
Luke is not a charming, outgoing person. Luke is quiet and reserved. He’s never cared for the spotlight. Sometimes it’s a good thing that he has Ashton to pull him out of his shell a little. Sometimes he wilts under the scrutiny. It's a toss-up, but Luke appreciates that Ashton never stops trying.
Most of the tables selling merch boast shirts, hats, flags — the kind of thing you’d wear or own if you wanted to be loud and proud about your identity. Luke’s not really that kind of person. Luke’s way of coming out is to subtly slip into the conversation the fact that he has a boyfriend. Before he had a boyfriend, it pretty much never came up. Big, colorful flags have never been his cup of tea. 
And anyway, that’s only half of his identity. The other half never comes up, and Luke’s okay with that. It’s not like being ace is the kind of thing you can casually mention. It has to be a whole thing, every time, and Luke doesn’t want to deal with the whole thing, so he just doesn’t bother. Most of the time it doesn’t really matter. As much as Luke is able to fly under the radar, that’s what he intends to do.
“Hey, pins!”
Ashton is not like that.
“Luke, you like pins, right?”
The table they’ve stopped at is covered end-to-end with pins. Enamel or plastic, every single pride flag Luke has ever seen in his life is represented here, in a variety of shapes and sizes. The kaleidoscopic display is fun to look at, at least. There’s nobody behind the table at the moment, which means in theory it would be pretty easy to steal one, but Luke’s not like that, and even if he was he wouldn’t feel good stealing a pride pin from a small-business owner.
“I don’t really have an opinion,” says Luke.
“Ha,” Ashton says. “O-pin-ion. Haha.”
“I’m leaving you,” Luke says, turning away with a wry grin.
“No, come back.” Ashton grabs his wrist and pulls him closer, so Luke wraps an arm around his waist and rests his head on Ashton’s shoulder instead. “I like pins. They’re a very understated way of coming out.”
“Having a boyfriend is an understated way of coming out,” Luke replies.
"I resent you calling me understated," Ashton says in faux-indignance. Luke giggles.
“I’m so sorry, I had to run and grab some water,” says a voice, as a person bustles around them to stand behind the table. Their pink fringe is pushed back by a bandana and they’re wearing a jean jacket with so many pins and patches that the fabric is practically invisible. A sticker on the front pocket of the jacket introduces them as Alex, he/they :). “Can I help you with anything?”
“Just admiring the collection,” Ashton says brightly. “I love your jacket.”
“Thank you very much,” says Alex. “It’s been accumulating pins for about five years now.”
“Damn,” Ashton says, wolf-whistling. “That’s a good collection. I don’t have a good jacket for pins.”
“Wish I could tell you where I got mine, but it was a gift from my boyfriend,” Alex says. “I’ve heard thrifting is a good way to go.”
“You wanna go thrifting, Luke?” Ashton says, nudging Luke, who shrugs.
“Sure,” he says. He reaches for one of the asexual flag pins, a small enamel rectangle, and smoothes his thumb over the surface. “These are pretty nice.”
“You should buy it,” Ashton says. “Start a cool jacket. Then we could be matching.”
“You don’t have a cool jacket yet.”
“I know, but we could.”
“But neither of us have a cool jacket. So it’s not even—”
“Fine, ruin my fun,” Ashton harrumphs. To Alex, who’s watching them with amusement, Ashton says, “So how long have you and your boyfriend been together?”
“Oh, uh…” Alex’s gaze diverts to the air like he’s counting invisible numbers. “Six years? Almost? I think it’s gonna be six years in July.”
“Six years,” Ashton repeats in mild awe. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah, high school sweethearts, blah blah blah,” Alex says, smiling. They shrug. “Everyone thought we’d break up when we went to college, but when you know, you know. You know?”
Luke swallows. Ashton says, “Good for you. That’s impressive.”
“I like to think so,” Alex says. “What about you? Are you guys together?” He winces. “Should I not have asked that? I’m sorry, to be honest this is Jack’s business, I’m just running the stand because he wanted to go look around a little before the parade started. My boyfriend Jack, I mean. Sorry.”
“No, no, it’s all good,” Ashton says. He hip-checks Luke gently, which Luke takes to mean something like is it cool if I tell him? It’s nice that Ashton is asking, but Luke had kind of figured everyone would assume they were together because, you know, Pride, so he doesn’t really care.
“Yeah,” he says. “For, what, eight months?”
“Eight months,” Ashton confirms.
Alex grins. “That’s great, I love it. What are your names?”
“Ashton,” says Ashton. “He/him.”
“Luke. Also he/him.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys,” Alex says. “I’m Alex. He/they.”
“Yeah, your thing says,” Luke says, pointing.
Alex laughs. “You’d be surprised how many people don’t see it. Or they see it and think it’s just another decorative pin.”
“Do people wear pronoun pins as decorations?” Luke wonders. “That seems strange to me.”
“People are ineffable,” Alex says solemnly. Then he grins. Luke likes Alex. In fact, little though Luke’s actually spoken today, he likes most of the people whom Ashton has stopped to chat up. Queer people are so friendly, is what Luke is learning. It almost makes him happy to be here. 
Except now Alex’s words are ringing in Luke’s head, and he can’t stop hearing them. Everyone thought we’d break up when we went to college, but when you know, you know. 
Ashton’s going to college this fall. Luke’s managed to forget about that fact because it’s only June, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Ashton’s leaving and Luke’s going to finish his senior year alone and what if something happens to them? What if they’re fooling themselves thinking they can do the long-distance thing? What if they’re doomed already and this summer is just prolonging the inevitable?
“Well, personally I would love to buy a pin,” Ashton says. “Luke, choose one.”
“What?” Luke says, blinking himself out of his spiral. “Why?”
“I’m buying you one,” Ashton says.
“I don’t—” Luke bites his lip. He’s still fidgeting with the ace flag pin, and he kind of likes it. Maybe he can subtly come out in different ways. Maybe he can just wear it, and wait for someone to ask. Then it’s way less of a big deal because it’s not like Luke has brought it up. 
There’s enough shame in the world. Luke doesn’t need to add to it.
“Okay,” he says instead. He holds up the ace flag. “This one.”
“Great choice,” Ashton says, digging out a five to give to Alex. He hesitates, then pulls out a ten instead. “Actually, maybe I’ll also get one. Then we can actually match.”
“Right, with our matching jackets that don’t exist yet.”
“You know what, fine, we don’t have to match.” Ashton makes a face at Luke. “You can put your pin on whatever you want. It’ll go great with your all-black closet.”
“Shut up,” Luke grumbles. Ashton laughs.
“Hey, don’t knock the all-black,” Alex says. “Black is the new black. It’s fashion forward.”
“Not in eighty-degree June it’s not,” Ashton says.
“It’s seventy-five,” Luke protests. “And Alex is wearing a jacket!”
“Yes, but Alex is not my boyfriend, and we only just met,” Ashton says, grinning. “Also, their jacket is sick as fuck.”
“It is sick as fuck,” Alex agrees. “But I’m still siding with Luke here. You can’t go wrong with all-black.” For the first time, he seems to register Luke’s shirt, and his eyes light up. “Hey, Green Day! I fucking love Green Day!”
“You should be my best friend,” Luke says seriously, and Alex nods equally seriously.
“Hey,” Ashton complains. “I like Green Day.”
“Thank you for the pin,” Luke tells Alex. “Good luck with the, uh, you know, selling more of them.”
“Of course, anytime,” Alex says. “I’m pretty sure there’s a website on these business cards if you ever want to, I don’t know, browse?” They shrug one shoulder. “This is why I’m not a small business owner.”
“Cool,” Luke says, taking the card. He probably won’t use it, but you never know. 
“Nice to meet you, Alex,” Ashton says, as he and Luke start to walk away, fingers interlaced between them. “Good luck! Happy Pride!”
“You too! Enjoy the parade!” Alex says, waving.
Luke doesn't bother to inform him they're not staying that long; he and Ashton turn away and continue walking, Luke with his new pin clutched in his fist.
“They were cool,” Ashton says enthusiastically. “There are so many fucking interesting people here. God, I love Pride.”
Luke grips the pin tighter. The pointy back starts to hurt where it’s pressing into his palm. “Yeah.”
“Thanks for letting me get you something,” Ashton says. “I know it’s not really your thing, but I don’t know. I felt like we should buy something after we stood there for so long.”
“No, yeah, I agree.”
“On the bright side, they’re pretty cool pins.” Ashton holds his out like he’s assessing what he’ll do with it. “Maybe Michael has an extra jean jacket he never wears. I could ask him.”
Luke hums. Ashton glances over at him, eyebrows drawn together. “Are you okay?”
Luke's not supposed to say anything like this. He’s supposed to be positive because he promised he wouldn’t be a “Negative Nancy” and the sky is so blue that Luke would hate to be the reason for rain, but if he doesn’t say it then it’ll just keep ringing around his head until he can’t think about anything else.
“You’re not scared we’re gonna break up when you go to college?” he blurts out.
Ashton stops short and their hands break apart so Luke’s falls to his side. “Where’d that come from?”
“You heard Alex,” Luke says. “Everyone thought he and his boyfriend would break up when they went to college.”
“But they didn’t,” Ashton says.
“But that’s obviously unusual,” Luke counters. He swallows hard. “I’m just saying…aren’t you worried?”
Ashton tilts his head. “Do you want me to be worried?”
And yeah, a little part of Luke does. Only because if Ashton’s worried, it means he values their relationship enough that it would hurt him to lose it. But Luke knows that’s not really fair, and he knows Ashton loves him, even if he doesn’t seem worried at all.
“No, I don’t know. I just— I don’t know.”
“Are you?”
“I don’t know,” Luke says again. “I had pretty successfully managed to avoid thinking about it, but now…I don’t know.”
Ashton gently pries open Luke’s fist and runs his thumb over the red imprint the pin has left. Sheepish, Luke puts the pin in his pocket. As soon as his hand is free again, Ashton takes it, holding both of Luke’s hands in both of his own.
“I’m not worried,” he says quietly. His eyes are so sincere and his hands are so soft and Luke loves him and likes him and knows that to lose him would be a fate worse than death. “You must have missed the other half of Alex’s sentence. Remember? When you know, you know.”
Luke’s breath catches a little. “Yeah, but…”
“But what?” Ashton lifts a shoulder. “I already know, Luke. I’m in it for the long haul. So unless you meet some other guy who’s even awesomer than me and makes better puns, you have nothing to worry about. I’m not letting you get away that easy.”
Luke gazes at Ashton until the rest of the world falls away. “Oh,” he breathes.
“Okay?” Ashton quirks a smile.
Luke surges forward and kisses Ashton for as long as he can manage without passing out. It’s clumsy and sweet and Ashton’s hands tighten around Luke’s waist and Luke wraps his arms around Ashton’s shoulders and nothing else in the known universe matters except this.
When they finally break apart, Luke cracks a smile. “Okay.”
Ashton beams. He offers his hand to Luke again, and this time Luke takes it and doesn’t let go.
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generallypo · 4 years
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sticker proj! am still learning. more important to my brain, however, are the HOB/TOG crossover thoughts courtesy of 4am and bad sleeping habits. there lie hysterical laughing and raving, all under the cut. 
all warnings are dead at this point. yeet haw
so hear this: TOG, except khun is now an infamous hobo trash god living his best life after getting the boot from heaven. this is his third time. the first two were official mandates, the third more of a soft plea for mercy after everyone up there gave a collective groan of christ, not this little shit again.
baam? probably been pining in a cave or a volcano or a very wee ramshackle house for, oh, say 800 years. no one’s really sure if he grew out of his emo phase or not yet.
yep that’s it that’s literally all i was thinking about. the rest is just character and story banter and a couple of hot takes. thanks for tuning in.
in all honesty, i feel like matching tog charas with hob charas could go both ways -- surface personality-wise, i would say khun would actually fit hua cheng better? both start off as mysterious protector types to the MC and are sly and charming; on the other side, baam and xie lian are sweet and mild-mannered, enduring whatever problems come their way. hmm.
but if -- spoiler alert, i guess? -- we were to look at backstories and further, underlying character traits, khun’s history lines up with xie lian’s almost to a scary extent. born to a royal/extremely prominent family? indirectly leading them to disaster? suicide in the family as a result? being exiled to the very lowest level in society? aye aye, sir.
and by the end of all these events -- xie lian after the first few centuries of fucking with and getting fucked by history, khun after he arrives at the bottom of the tower -- neither are outwardly affected by their past, but it haunts them in subtler, unwanted ways, and it makes them jaded, cautious men. xie lian is obviously nicer when going about things, but i like to remember that khun actually does harbor an altruistic streak in him: helping maria simply because he admired her kindness, vowing to aid baam after his interest in the black march wanes and he realizes baam is a legitmately decent person. he has no attachment to rachel, but for a simple promise to a dead boy he’s willing to carry her several floors up the tower. khun is a softer soul than he shows; it’s the constant danger of the tower that makes him behave with such a contrasting harshness and vigilance. (also, as of s3 khun is apparently an unkillable cockroach... so now he really is twinsies with xie lian. little buggers.)
and conversely, baam isn’t always just sunshine and honey -- his intense, almost obsessive capacity to fixate on -- worship, even -- a person is pretty starkly reminiscent of hua cheng’s focus on xie lian. at least, from an outsider’s perspective. as a reader, we’re privy to the far more benign nuances of his  interactions with the local trash god, but from the pov of an another character, the way he constantly hovers and menaces anything between him and xie lian is... basically season 1 and 2 of tog with baam and rachel? 
cue the blatant similarity between their motives for doing so as well: growing up isolated from the rest of society, finding a reason to live through the first person to accept them and consequently building their entire life around that person.  that extreme of a love, regardless of its purity or good intentions, can be terrifying -- and is why, i think, rachel’s rejection during the hell train arc is completely reasonable, and xie lian’s acceptance of it is a beautiful miracle. tog is the example of a failed and, frankly, very human ‘love’ story, and hob showcases the very best of one, uplifted by a superhuman willingness to wait until both parties are ready to see each other equally. and for that reason, hob truly is the romance of all romances -- 800 years of patience and quiet understanding and mutual comfort? godly.
hence, my chipmunk brain stands up and screams: xie lian!khun and hua cheng!bam! it makes perfect sense! do it! do it! do ittttt! i like to think there’s a bunch of cute similarities with the plot and character development and overall progression and that it totally works and all. it’s totally deep. yeah.
(additionally, all the matching butterfly imagery and coloration stuff: warm red tones for hc/baam, white/blue-ish for xl/khun. yep. for some things, i don’t have to think too hard at all, and i like that.)
anyway, the comparisons could totally go both ways, i agree with that. but here’s my current take on it since this one vibes with me a little more and i think there are deeper thoughts to be extrapolated out on it. also bc literally one reason: if khun were hc it would take him tops a century to scout out baam, convince him to travel far away, and like, i dunno, climb a tower with him or something.
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kerikaaria · 3 years
Borahae Slimes Haul #4!
Oh hey look at me doing this within a more timely fashion than the others haha. I ordered every slime from this restock, so get ready for a really long one!
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LOOK AT ALL THAT STUFF! All seven slimes: What’s Your Dream, The Most Beautiful Moment In Life, Lost in a Maze, U Wrong Me Right Ddaeng, Shine Dream Smile, Beautiful Prison, and Not Seven With You. Plus EXTRA candies and goodies because Dean went all out for the anniversary, the photocards and stickers, a thank you card and even a recommended playlist of a bunch of BTS’ most-loved songs over the years! To say I was excited to dig in is an understatement! I was in the middle of getting ready to move (in less than a week at the time I got the package) but I couldn’t help but get into these gorgeous slimes immediately!
As always, you can check out the Instagram (BorahaeSlimes) or blog (@borahaeslimes) for updates! Items are on sale on the Etsy shop by the same name whenever a new restock is up. Dean has been selling out INSTANTLY so be ready to buy at launch to make sure you don’t miss out on the slimes you want! And of course, if you are 18 or older, Dean writes some really awesome mxm fics over at @eternalseokjin​! Alright, time to get into the slimes!
Also, I’M SORRY I can’t make the pictures side by side.... I tried editing on mobile to do that but tumblr is dumb and keeps giving me an error and not making the changes v.v
What’s Your Dream
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What’s Your Dream is based off of BTS’ debut song, No More Dream. It smells very much of a teenage boy who loves his cologne a little too much (kudos to Dean for making it a smell I can enjoy even though I usually hate cologne smells XD). The bingsu and little crystals give it a lovely texture. Even if I don’t have too much to say about some of the slimes, they’re all really great! 
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The Most Beautiful Moment In Life
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The Most Beautiful Moment In Life is of course inspired by the albums of the same name, and the storyline they started. I had to ask Dean how what I was supposed to do with a “jelly float” slime because I was confused lol. It was kinda cool to see the gray slime just float inside of the clear red before mixing it :) When mixed, it’s still very much a red color, just a little deeper and less clear. The smell is kind of confusing to explain. Dean describes it as “the grey city streets and the sweetness of dying youth.” It does have a bit of an underlying sweetness to the smell, and I think the other part is reminding me of an incense? Overall a very unique and pleasing smell! (Also the charms were perfect and I love the lollipops!)
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Lost in a Maze
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Lost in a Maze is based off of Young Forever and is a basic slime with a mini fence and some feathers for accessories. I didn’t dare let those feathers anywhere near the slime (lol), but the items certainly match the song! The smell is very soft and refreshing, so it’s a great slime for someone who wants something simple!
U Wrong, Me Right, Ddaeng
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This slime was one of the ones I enjoyed the most! U Wrong, Me Right, Ddaeng is based on Ddaeng and is one of his more intricate slimes. The overall texture is so nice and the little pops of color still show through the black really easily even after being fully mixed. The smell is kind of musky. Definitely similar to an incense but personally it reminds me of some of my family’s birthday and holiday parties growing up. I had some relatives who smoked a lot and kept their house completely closed off so those smells would kinda just stick around... That sounds really gross but I promise this scent is a much cleaner smell! The slight muskiness to it just reminds me of that. :)
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Shine, Dream, Smile
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Shine, Dream, Smile is GORGEOUS. LOOK AT HER. SO BEAUTIFUL. So much glitter and sequins and just uuuggghhhh I love it! Definitely very fitting for a slime based on Mikrokosmos! The purple is so pretty while staying very clear, and it has a very clean, light smell that just puts a smile on my face.
Beautiful Prison
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Next up is Beautiful Prison, inspired by ON. When I tell you I had a mini freak out when I saw the state that my slime came in.... It was by no fault of Dean’s! But the clay topper settled a tiny bit into the slime and there was a thin layer of slime covering it. I was so worried! But then I started to very lightly scratch at it and I luckily was able to uncover the topper good enough to get some good pics! When I say that cracking the clay topper is satisfying, I mean it. I’m not a fan of ASMR (it gives me the wrong kind of shivers, more like the kind you get from nails scratching a chalkboard lol), but those little cracking sounds were so satisfying to hear even as I felt bad for destroying that beautiful piece of art. It’s hard to describe the scent, but it is a soft, kind of nature-like smell and I really like it!
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Not Seven With You
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The SHOWSTOPPER of the release! Not Seven With You is of course, based on We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal and it is AMAZING! So much detail and thought went into this beauty! I was SO upset when the slime was too sticky (because it was HOT that week) when I took it out to put the clay checkboard in the bottom because that meant I’d have to let it sit overnight for the bubbles to come out. But I patiently waited until it was clear enough to get a decent picture. Not perfect, but that’s because I was just too excited to finish playing with it the next morning!
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The cloud slimes that come with it provide the lilac and lily scents, and it smells so soft and beautiful! I took my time to play around with it before fully mixing. It’s just so pretty!
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When I finally took all the slime out and began to mix, I felt bad for ruining that clay (once again lol) and would have missed the cloud slime texture if I didn’t get some more cloud slime as the free extra! It looked really cool and marbled as I mixed it, so of course I took another picture of that. The ending color is a purple-tinted grey because the black from the checkerboard is just too overpowering. But you’re left with a TON of slime and it’s such an AWESOME texture! I seriously adore it! It’s soft and smooth from the clay, and also airy from the cloud slimes. Kind of like a butter slime, but lighter and softer! This slime was SO AMAZING! My only regret is that I can’t undo the mixing to play with all the individual parts again lol.
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Extra Slime
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For the extra slime, Dean gave me a white little cloud slime that smells sweet, kind of like bubblegum! I love playing with it because I adore the soft, fluffy texture of cloud slime now that I’ve had a taste of it!
So that’s it! Another AMAZING release from the one and only Dean! Check out the shop on Instagram or here on tumblr for updates when new releases will be coming so you can be sure to get some of his amazing slimes next time! 
Also, here’s a bonus. As I mentioned at the beginning, I recently moved. And I got some shelves set up to proudly display all the slimes I’ve gotten from Dean. Here’s a picture of that!
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iswateredibletho · 4 years
How would the tf2 mercs wrap gifts?
To anyone who still has trouble getting into the holiday spirit or calming down from the stress around holidays (like me), I present:
the mercenaries gift wrapping headcanons!
He's bad at wrapping, he gets his fingers tangled in tape, paper is crumpled in multiple places. It's done, it's finally done. Realizes that he left the price tag on. Tears away the paper again, removes the tag, slaps a bow on it. Throws it in a gift bag and calls it a day.
He's got a regular paper gift bag, he didn't have anything particular in mind when he went to pick it, but he found something that he personally liked and thought was nice to look at, one day will just buy a plain paper bag and decorate it himself.
Uses no ribbon.
Gift is accompanied by a really neat completely hand drawn card that he spent hours making and got everyone on the team to sign.
Uses too much tape, somehow manages to wrap it. He often uses not enough paper which results in a bald spot where the paper is missing. He repairs it but the pattern is mismatched. There's so much tape wrapped around it that it'll be impossible to open for anyone. He's proud.
Steals borrows wrapping paper from Engie and Pyro, regular plastic duck tape, sometimes uses silver tape when he runs out.
Probably no ribbon. Slaps on one of those pre-made shiny bows if he's feeling fancy!
No name tags, just writes peoples names straight on the wrapping paper in his crooked handwriting. Slides little sweets and Christmas cookies along with gifts.
He doesn't find particular enjoyment in the process, but he gets it done quickly and for the most part efficiently.
Uses brown Kraft paper. He likes things simple.
Uses no glue and ties natural twine 2 to 4 times around it to hold the paper in place, somehow it works out for him.
Sometimes he ties a little pine twig or other evergreen into the twine bow which adds a really homey touch to his gifts. Doesn't use name tags, he just hands the gift over to the person directly and watches them open it. Doesn't usually do cards but when he does it's always something wacky he found in a souvenir store while travelling and found it funny, so he had to get it and now you have to see it too.
Has extremely precise measurement and folds. Never wastes wrapping paper. Never has a single crook or imperfection on the finished gift, looks like a machine did it. He sometimes plays around with elaborate ways to wrap gifts, like wrapping diagonally, combining multiple wrapping papers together etc. Always puts items in a box before wrapping them. Uses paper cutter, never scissors. This man is a gift wrapping god.
Classic wrapping paper with geometric and cheesy holiday patterns of no more than 3 colors. Either uses glue or some sort of advanced origami magic because his wrapping holds together perfectly, and there's never any tape.
Uses classic fabric ribbon to finish off everything. Plays around with the placement, tying it around the corners, diagonally, etc. Gets help with tying the bows from Demo.
Ponders adding name tags because he doesn't want to break the visual composition of his master work. Will hand you your gift with a mug of hot cocoa with cream and a big smile.
Demo always wraps gifts straight on without any box, even if it's things like clothes or odd shaped items. He somehow manages to wrap them well on a first try!
Wrapping paper with pressed pattern texture, very pretty and fun to run your hands over. Nobody knows where he got it from, and he seems to have an unlimited supply of it. Uses washi tape and wraps it around the gift as a finishing touch instead of ribbon.
Rarely uses ribbon, but when he does, he hand-ties the pettiest bows.
Expect cutesy colorful name tags. If he gave you a Christmas sweater he's not going to leave you alone until you wear it. Will give long warm hugs that smell like Christmas spices and a hint of eggnog.
Puts item in a small box then puts that box inside a box then puts it all inside a bigger box, then wraps. Masterful folds and clean cut edges, similar to Engie. Doesn't go crazy inventive with the ways of wrapping, sticks to the simple folding patterns. Indulgent scissor glider.
His wrapping paper has simplistic geometric patterns of 2 colors. He uses that really nice matte scotch tape and places it tastefully without using too much of it
Uses excessive lengths of that shiny thin curly ribbon, plain name tags.
Don't mind the occasional little splatters of blood and bird feathers that might make their way onto the wrapped gifts, he really tries. Sings holiday carols loudly and encourages everyone to join.
As of wrapping, he manages. I's not as neatly done as Engie or Medic, but he manages to make it look well-thought-out. Clean folds. Uses paper tape.
Uses dense tissue paper in earthy tones. Occasionally borrows wrapping paper from Medic.
No ribbon.
Gifts have little heartfelt written notes in them. Gifts smell nice, like old wood, herbal tea and beeswax. Heavy gives tasteful minimalist typography cards to everyone. Will talk about his favourite holiday themed literature & plays to whoever shows interest.
Uses too much paper so theres a lot of wobbly folds around the wrapping. Wraps gifts boxless. Wraps multiple small gifts individually, they get scattered everywhere, decides to put them in a small bag and adds some colorful shredded filler to top it off. Loves scissor gliding but does it very clumsily.
Wrapping paper with crazy and cluttered patterns on it, with childish motives like cartoons and animals, colorful, will bring a smile to your face just by looking at it
Gets tangled in ribbon and usually decides not to add it. Decorates name tags with stickers!
Gifts are accompanied by small handmade candle holders (decorated with macaroni art, pompoms, glitter!). Gifts are confetti bombs and card may or may not be a glitter bomb, also hand drawn!!
It's not that he doesn't care, he's a perfectionist and wants things done right, handled by the right people. So he usually pays someone at the store to wrap his gifts for him. Will come to Engie for help if he's running out of time/options, but he'll bring his own paper, and he'll have annoying questions and prompts the entire time. He just wants it to be perfect he's stress on two legs ok.
Solid color wrapping paper that somehow feels expensive, really sturdy and nice to the touch, sometimes with minimal patterns like gold flakes.
Fancy singular ornament placed on top (think pre-tied fancy bow with excess stuff, like charms attached to it).
His gifts smell nice, like an expensive cologne and exotic spices. Doesn't give cards but accompanies his gifts with a very warm speech wishing you a happy holiday and shares long meaningful eye contact.
// I really wanted to request this prompt on a writing blog but I just couldn't decide which one, and I already had so many ideas so I just decided to write some myself. Feel free to add your own stuff/do your own takes on this, I would love to see them!
I wish you all wonderful holidays!
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veeples-archive · 3 years
hullo 👁👄👁
🎁 📎
👁👅👁 hullo
🎁 - what kind of gift giver are they?
Fiona is someone who listens to what people offhandedly mention “I’d like this thing” and writes it down and gets it for them for that ~perfect~ gift giving moment. Even if it means she might spend way too much money and sometimes the person buys the thing themself! She absolutely loves watching that look on someone’s face when they get something they want and they realized it’s because she listened to them.
Charlie is a very practical gift giver. For instance, if someone had say like, a dice collection, they’d get a pretty nice looking dice organizer or something of the sort. Or if she really is at a loss, she’ll get them a gift card to their favorite restaurant with the encouragement that they treat themselves. Or she’ll just ask very bluntly what they would like.
Lu is someone who really wants heartfelt gifts. For instance, he would give Felix a nice scrapbook since he noticed Felix took an interest in taking pictures and includes tickets to like, a movie or something he wants to experience together with him. He’s also the person who buys Hallmark cards and then writes a small essay in the card about his feelings but he needs that jumping off point lol.
Faustus is the type to splurge big on gift, but with the detective’s salary, it’s usually just the one. He doesn’t really do heart felt gifts, he doesn’t like that kind of emotional confrontation, but he’ll buy someone a nice cologne/perfume or something because, like Nat, he is a big believer in enjoying very nice things even if they are pricey. For very special people, if he feels they’re open to it, he might write a song just for them and then perform it. This is just for his serious lovers though.
📎 - how organized is your oc?
Fiona has a bullet journal she keeps up with r e l i g i o u s l y and that she spends a good amount of time making look cute! That being said, she spends so much time looking cute she sometimes forgets certain appointments and dates. Her desk area is pretty neat though with lots of cute office supplies and coordinating stickers/colors. It’s not something she’s naturally good at and it has taken her time to develop a system that works for her.
Charlie is the most organized of the four. She doesn’t waste time with paper organizers. She’s entirely digital and sets alarms for things. The first thing she does is check her calendar and things that may be due (bills, projects, etc) when she gets up in the morning and makes a sub-to do list for the day. She definitely likes taking advantage of technology and apps to help her! Her desk is very neat and organized and she gets actively flustered/annoyed when things pile up and disrupt her neatness.
Lu is pretty average. He has a desk calendar where he writes dates for meetings and such, but doesn’t think to have something similar for that to carry on him and he is easily distracted with conversation with Tina & Verde, so if he doesn’t write it down, he will forget it. His desk is a mess but he swears he knows exactly where everything is! He doesn’t like it if people try to organize it for him.
Faustus is not organized in the slightest. I did write something that touches on that that’s a look at his personal desk in his Warehouse room. It’s littered with scraps of paper and notes. He will not claim he knows where things are but can at least sort of point in the general direction. His memory is pretty sharp so he relies on that (a bit too much) to slide on by for most things. And when that fails, well, he can find a way to charm his way to a softer punishment or talking to. He just wants to go with the flow!
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prospitdaydreamer · 3 years
Drawn to Life: Two Realms thoughts
Finished Two Realms! Here is my thoughts
Spoilers ahead
So, right off the bat it’s obvious that this is NOT goong to live up to the first two, and that’s ok. I’ll try not to be too harsh keeping that in mind but I’m still a little disappointed regardless.
First, unlike the first 2 games, the character creation is... well it stinks. You no longer have to flexibility that the ds screen and stylus provided in the predecessors, but they try to make up for it with the cute stickers they give you! Abd I wish they had given us all those color options in the first two. That’d have been fun, but ahead of its time for sure. Unfortunately, that’s where a lot of the charm of the gameplay cane from in the predecessors, being able to get really creative. The disadvantange of not having a touch screen really plays against that aspect of the game. Thats ok, we make do
Second, and this is a personal thing, I don’t like that it’s puzzle based. My brain just isn’t built for it and it honestly frustrated me the entire way through. At some point, I eventually started getting angry at every level I played. It kind of lost the fun at some point just because I kept getting too frustrated with having to restart the level every 5 seconds. I liked platformer, fairly linear, gameplay the levels used to have in the first two. The only time I used to get that frustrated in the first two were with the boss battles, which I found myself actually missing this time around. Again, this is personal, and this opinion changes depending on the individual’s preferred gameplay methods. It does, however, make it feel very different from the first two.
Third, ok it DID give me butterflies inside seeing everybody again. When Mari showed up, I screamed. And seeing Jowee, my baby boy, again was incredible. I felt such a rush of bostalgia seeing all the old Raposas, and I love that they added the detail that all the other raposas from the different villages in TNC came to visit our main village! I’m glad to see the little details of what went on in the timeskip. And, I love that they added the detail that some of the humans shared similarities to some of the rapos. I noticed that immediately ;) very clever! The story felt a little rushed, but it seemed to hint at the end that this isn’t the last we’ll see of DTL. Since it was such a short game, I feel like we’re going to see a short series of new games over the next coming years, at least I hope!
Now here’s some major spoilers>>>>>
JOWEE PROPOSED TO MARI?! I will say, it does seem a little out of the blue but I’m ok with that. I feel like their relationship has always been oretty lowkey and chill, and if thats where they’re happy, I’m happy for them! Plus now I really wanna draw the wedding, but that’s neither here nor there. I’m also excited that Mike is letting Aly in on the story!
And of course, we can’t forget our little hooded figure friend... it was never mentioned who it was but I DO think it’s Wilfre. They had silver hair like him, and I can’t imagine who else it could be. Plus he didn’t get mentioned very much... i’m sure Mari would have pardoned him too. I think we’ll find out more in the next game, which again, I assume there will be.
Overall, I can’t help but feel a little sad that this wasn’t as close to the predecessors as I would have liked, but I don’t know what I expected. Truly, the DS was the perfect platform for this game series, but its run its prime. I’m just glad to get any content at all honestly, and I am thankful to have seen all my old friends again. I hope we get another song soon though, the lyrical songs were always SO good. Thats where the games emotion truly lies.
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