#I already have the next one ready ahahaha
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TOLKIEN: Zzzzzzzzrzrzrzrrzzzz
TOLKIEN: Zzazzazazezezezezezrzrzzrrzrrr
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TOLKIEN: Huhhheheehdbfd…
TOLKIEN: What the fuck?
TOLKIEN: Why is my phone going off?
TOLKIEN: Are the fucking queers calling me again?
TOLKIEN: Eeeeyup its them
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GARY: Have you ever been beaten by a wet spaghetti noodle by your girlfriend cuz she has a twin sister and you got confused and fucked her dad, well that’s how it feels to drive a Ford F-250. That sounds really cool. But you know what else is cool? The new 2020 Ford F-150, winner of 10 J.D. power awards. Perfect for hauling big things and going long distances. But you want to go offroad? Try the new Raptor Edition, which cannot just go offroad, it is perfect for going extreme off-roading. You can go rock climbing or across a desert, really quickly. It is also good for the great American thing - BBQs! In fact, you can haul MORE than one oven! That's pretty cool, huh? So hurry, and buy the new 2020 Ford F-150, now for sale at your local Ford dealership. RED: Wgat RED: Stop RED: Stop speaking BEBE: Girl get the tape from the backseat RED: Already on it NICHOLE: Heyyyy Tolkien NICHOLE: Did I wake you?
NICHOLE: Oh NICHOLE: That’s  NICHOLE: That's good
TOLKIEN: What's going on
NICHOLE: So uhm NICHOLE: Ahahaha NICHOLE: Funny story
TOLKIEN: Nichole what did you do??
TOLKIEN: Did you fuckin
TOLKIEN: Commit fraud?
NICHOLE: What NICHOLE: No NICHOLE: Of course not NICHOLE: I am a law abiding citizen NICHOLE: Except for when it comes to the Barbie Movies
TOLKIEN: Okay? We’ve all  pirated a Barbie Movie
TOLKIEN: What makes you special?
TOLKIEN: If it's not fraud or piracy what did you even do
NICHOLE: There’s a sentient advertisement in our Porsche now
TOLKIEN: Excuse me?
NICHOLE: Yeah uh NICHOLE: We saw Gary NICHOLE: Or G-4R-Y if you wanna use his actual name? NICHOLE: Fuck I don't know anymore NICHOLE: He was walking in the cold for some reason? NICHOLE: And you know how he only speaks in ads?
TOLKIEN: We all do
BEBE: Wait BITCH do you think we could reprogram him to be like
GARY: Need some music for that impromptu dance off? Ask Alexa to play songs or playlists from Prime Music and Spotify so you're always ready to show off your sweet moves-if that's what you call them ;) "Amazon Echo: Alec Baldwin and Missy Elliott Dance Party Commercial" via @popisms :https://www.popisms.com/TelevisionCommercial/126873/Amazon-Echo-Commercial-2016 GARY: I really don't want you to see me like this. You need some entrance music. Alexa, play Alex dance playlist. Playing Alex playlist. That's dance music? Alexa, play Pep Rally by Missy Elliott. Really? Perfect! I got a little something for you. It's beautiful. Does this mean I'm gonna be in your next video? Let me see what you got. (Lyrics) Anything you want me to (Lyrics) Pep rally, pep rally, pep rally Oh, this a pep rally Pep rally, pep rally, pep rally Bounce, biggity bounce, biggity-biggity bounce, bounce Where my clappers that stomp? Now rock with it Bounce, biggity bounce, biggity-biggity bounce via @popisms : https://www.popisms.com/TelevisionCommercial/126873/Amazon-Echo-Commercial-2016 GARY: I’m Gary! The Mormon who advertises! RED: I mean RED: I’ll become a mechanic if it gets him to stfu 💀💀💀 WENDY: No- RED- NO PUT THE WRENCH DOWN! RED: FUCK YOU GARY: The future. You used to chase it. Now you’re living in it. The Wavefront is an all-electric automobile that propels driving into a new era. With sleek, aerodynamic design, and ultrasonic sensors that prevent collisions, there’s no more getting left behind. Life’s short. Drive fast.  GARY: I’m Gary! The Mormon who advertises! RED: SHUT THE FUCK UP!! WENDY: RED!! NO!! BEBE: GIRLY POPS AS MUCH AS I LOVE YOU BEBE: I'M GONNA HIT A DEER IF YOU ALL DONT HUSH RED: WENDY LET ME GO I'M GONNA KILL HIM WENDY: WE ARE NOT KILLING THE AD NICHOLE: SHUT THE FUCK UP IM ON THE PHONE BEBE: SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M DRIVING!!!! RED: CAN I THROW HIM OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR??!?!?!?!?!? WENDY AND NICHOLE: NO!!! NICHOLE: Tolkien I'm gonna have to let you go NICHOLE: We might die- NICHOLE: RED PUT DOWN THE WRENCH YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE! RED: THAT'S THE GOAL!! GARY: As a parent, I want to know that my kids are safe wherever they are. That includes riding in the car. With the new Carpool Optic from Solar I can breathe easy knowing my kids will arrive where they need to safely – whether I am the driver or not. RED: AUGHHHH!!!!!! NICHOLE: I’m hanging up now NICHOLE: MMMMMMMMMOKAYBYE
(Beep Beep Beep)
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TOLKIEN: Jesus christ
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TOLKIEN: Oh my god I got jumpscared by a fucking queer!
KENNY: Oh hardy har har har
KENNY: You got games on yo phone?
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KENNY: Do you got games
KENNY: On yo phone
TOLKIEN: I mean like
TOLKIEN: I got like
TOLKIEN: Subway surfers??
TOLKIEN: If that works???
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TOLKIEN: Ok?????
KENNY: Thanks
KENNY: Oh yeah, can I call my sister while I play subway surfers?
KENNY: I gotta make sure she’s not
KENNY: Yknow
KENNY: Fuckin’ dead
TOLKIEN: No you’re gonna kill my damn battery
TOLKIEN: Just call your sister you dont need to play fucking subway surfers
KENNY: Killjoy
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KAREN: I can't believe McDonald's served me that lukewarm fucking patty 
KAREN: And then had the AUDACITY to tell me KAREN: That it gets cold over time!?!?
KAREN: I think they just undercooked it ON PURPOSE to make ME look like an idiot
TRICIA: Damn, that's crazy
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TRICIA: Bro just say 2 AM 💀
TRICIA: I can’t believe I just said that out loud
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KENNY: Sis it's me
KAREN: You missed your nail appointment
KENNY: Shiiiit that was today?
KAREN: You still owe me the money for it
KENNY: … KENNY: Karen, we don't have money, we’re poor
KAREN: Get a job
KENNY: …I do have a job
KAREN: Okay so then you have money?
KAREN: That doesn't make sense
KENNY: Anyways- KENNY: You alive?
KAREN: Clearly
KENNY: Okay cool KENNY: So uh KENNY: There's demons around, I hope they find you and kill you and you die bye
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KAREN: …What?
KAREN: Tricia do you know what the fuck he’s talking about?
TRICIA: Also stop calling on speakerphone
TRICIA: You remind me of my brother (derogatorily) 
TRICIA: I’m gonna go yell at my brother by cursing me into the influencer gene pool
TRICIA: You wanna come?
KAREN: If I get to yell at someone, of course
TRICIA: I'm not even gonna say that 
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CRAIG: Who the fuck where you talking to
CRAIG: I feel like they were talking shit smh my head
KENNY: Oh just my bitch sister and your bitch sister
KENNY: Told her she was gonna die soon
CRAIG: LMAOOOO I’m dead 💀💀💀
KENNY: Lol it was funny she was so mad
TOLKIEN: I swear to god you guys are the same person sometimes
CRAIG: Smh my head no literally untrue
KENNY: Common Tolkien L
TOLKIEN: I want you both dead
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TRICIA: Okay where tf is blud
TRICIA: I'm gonna kill his ass
KAREN: He probably set up Kenny to fucking prank us
KAREN: Going to yell at them both when we find them
TRICIA: For real
TRICIA: Smh my fucking head
KAREN: There's his door
KAREN: Should I kick it down?
TRICIA: No he will literally kill me
TRICIA: Instead we’re gonna go in his room
TRICIA: Steal all his shit
TRICIA: And fucking burn it
KAREN: Ohh yay! Property damage! My favorite!
TRICIA: Shhh shhh shhhh
TRICIA: He’ll hear us
KAREN: You're not the boss of me
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TRICIA: On three
TRICIA: One- Two-
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KAREN: Ew it's so dark in here
KAREN: It smells like fucking Ccool Ranch Doritos in here
TRICIA: Shut the fuck up
TRICIA: He’s gonna hear you
TRICIA: I know where he keeps his Supreme hoodies
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KAREN: I’m calling the police
TRICIA: That is the smartest thing you could ever do
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KAREN: Hello? 911?
KAREN: Hi yeah, there's some queers in our house
KAREN: Please come
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(Edits made by @pissblanket and @cattpup5)
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v--143 · 8 months
Day 5- “I’m Not Ticklish”
[Lee! Minho]
[Ler! Changbin]
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Lee Know was casually walking down the hallway of the jyp building with Changbin. They had been discussing some random stuff, like choreo and what to eat.
“Pig!! I want pig” Lee Know said enthusiastically with a little skip to his step.
“We just ate can’t we get something less heavy?? Maybe soup” Changbin suggested.
“No. I’m hungry. I want pig and kimchi and a side of-“
“Heyyy heyy calm down” Changbin said as Lee Know rambled while motioning with his arms.
“I am calm! I want food!!” Lee Know yelled.
“SHHH!” Changbin said as people’s heads turned. He covered Lee Know’s mouth with his hand until Lee Know drilled his knuckles into his side.
Bin had a high pitched giggle until he removed his hand from Lee Know’s mouth. He then went to get him back by pinching his side, but Lee Know quickly blocked his hand and held his wrists down.
“I’m not ticklish” He said sternly.
“Lee Know.” Changbin said, giggling.
“Then why are you holding my wrists down??”
“…So you don’t make a fool out of yourself” Lee Know said, ears red.
“Mm okay” Changbin said. But when Lee Know let his wrists go, he would not stop poking him every few seconds until they stepped inside their room.
“STOP!” Lee Know yelled suddenly.
“But you’re not ticklish~~” Bin cooed as he continued on annoying him. He was having way too much fun with the older.
Lee Know still refused to fess up about his lie, stating that it was just annoying, and so Changbin proposed a massage.
“No?” Bin questioned, “why not? You’re always complaining about being sore.”
“I don’t need one right now, that’s why. End of story”
“I think you do” and with that, Changbin went for Lino’s torso. It wasn’t easy to get the thrashing but down onto the carpet floor.. considering he was laughing and screaming and scratching and biting like a madman. Although, eventually, Bin managed to at least straddle Lino’s waist while he was facing up.
Lino had his hands out in front of him, as if ready to catch Bin’s hands wherever they went.
“A massage is supposed to happen on your back” Bin told him.
“Yah well I DON’T WANT ONE!” Lee Know yelled.
“Hmmm I guess we can start at the front then. You may not want it but you need it! Look at how tight these shoulders are!! Hold on-“ Changbin said as he began kneading into the skin of Lee Know’s collarbone.
Lino was dumbstruck. He knew he lied yet he was so stubborn that he refused to admit or show it. He simply crossed his arms and turned his head over to the side as Bin massaged into his collarbones and right next to the sensitive areas of his neck. Lino’s eyes were shut right and his ears already a bright shade of red as he tried his best to not make a sound.
“You look like you’re struggling” Bin giggled.
“Mm mm” Lee Know mumbled in defiance.
“Okay… then we can move on to your arms-“
“NO!” Lino yelled.
“NO. I… I worked them out yesterday! They’re still sore”
“Yesterday was legs. Liar” Changbin said as has grabbed Lino’s wrist, pulled his arm all the way out to one side, and began to massage his bicep right above his armpit.
Lee Know was lightly kicking at this point. He really couldn’t take the light feelings like this. He began to smile and had to turn away once again.
“Why are you smiling?”
“Thought of sohomething funny.” Lino giggled.
“It’s not because of anything else though right?”
“Right.” Lee Know said, even though they both knew that was a damn lie.
“Well in that case..”
Lee Know didn’t even have time to process what was happening before Changbin shoved his hand right into his underarm, eliciting one of the loudest laughs he’d ever heard from the older.
“AHH AHAHAHA BINNIEHEHEHAHA” he screamed out whole thrashing every way he could.
“You said you weren’t ticklish!”
Changbin began laughing too at Lee Know’s reactions, the two eventually brought to tears by each other. Lee Know was desperate in Changbin’s strong grip and Changbin’s couldn’t help but torment the older longer.
“GET OHOHOFF!!! AAAAHAH MOOHOVE” Lee Know yelled as he tried to shove at Changbin’s hands and failed, resulting in him throwing his head back in a ticklish heaven agony.
“PLEHEHEASE PLEHEhease pleheheaseh~” Lee Know kept repeating as Bin slows down the pace. The two were still giggling loudly with one another as they calmed down.
“You’re a liar.” Bin told him, “you knew I knew you were lying! There’s no way you didn’t!!”
“I only had a feeheheling!!” Lee Know argued.
“Then why’d you let me do that to you hmm?” Bin teased.
“Oh you know DAMN well I FOUGHT a good fight before you pinned me down… you’re bigger and stronger.. and shorter!” Lee Know laughed.
“Yeah, okay” Bin said as he drilled his thumbs into his collarbones one last time. He got up (after Lee Know tried to trip him by grabbing his ankle) and left him to compose himself on the floor, sweet giggles still pouring out like a waterfall.
I adore how stubborn he is dhsksknaaknsjskwsns
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mythica0 · 1 year
sure!! (I'm the anon you posted about) it could be the moment when splinter realized that his little turtles were ticklish maybe maybe when he was taking care of them or playing with them
A Loving Father
🧁:Tots Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Raph
Summary: Splinter loves his kids, and he finally feels capable to play with them after 4 years. He finds out something that he would have never expected.
A/N: here ya go anon! Sorry for the wait ended up going to sleep before finishing these!
A Loving Father
Four years.
That’s how long it took him to be ready to be a father.
He loved his new children, he did, truly and wholly and unconditionally. But being a parent is hard, especially for someone still dealing with… a lot.
Red was already six. Blue and purple were five. Orange was only four.
Splinter decided that he was finally ready. Finally able to step up. And if he was going to be late, he was going to do it right.
After breakfast that morning, he sat the tots down around him and told them a little game he had planned.
“You guys run around, and I try to catch you! It’s called ‘tag’. Sound fun?”
The little one’s eagerly nodded. They were gonna play a game with dad!
“I’ll give you a ten second head start!”
“Everybody scatter!” Leo shouted as dad started counting down from ten.
They all ran in different directions, their little feet carrying them further than one would expect.
Once the rat-man reached zero, he ran after his kids that were scattered across the living room.
He ran after blue first, considering it was the slider’s genius idea to go in all different directions.
“I gotcha blue!” He spoke, reaching out to tag his shell.
He didn’t expect his paw to graze blue’s shell, causing a squeak to fall out of his mouth.
Splinter thought for a moment as he ran after Leo, figuring it out in his head.
When he finally reached the tot, he scooped him up. “Gotcha! And it looks like someone is a ticklish little turtle~”
The father then poked all across blues plastron, causing him to squeak and giggle, chirps piercing the sounds every once in a while.
The turtles knew what tickling was, and had used it on eachother in the past, but had never expected dad to use it too!
Leo thought that maybe ratting out his brothers would get him free sooner, so he spoke through his chirpy giggles. “Whehehe ahall *chirp* ahare!”
“Oh are you now? Well, I better go test that theory, but first~” He then blew a raspberry into blue’s plastron, causing the slider to squeal in delight and fall into loud giggles.
Then dad set him down, and went to get the others.
The next turtle he chased was red. The snapper was rather large for his age, and was hence easy to spot and target.
Splinter chased red for awhile, finally catching him when he tripped on his tail.
“Come here, kid!” He called, starting up his attack on red’s shell.
The oldest turtle quickly fell into laughter, “Dahahahad! Ahahaha!”
“Ihihit tihihihickles!”
“Of course it does! That is the point! But, I do have some other small boys to catch.”
And the rat man let him go to go hunt for the others.
The next target- purple. Splinter was rather surprised at how smart the little turtle was, and he was definitely more serious than his brothers. But he was still the funny one!
When he caught purple, he decided to squeeze his tiny leg and see what happened.
“Eee! Dahahahad Noho!”
“Dad yes!”
The soft shell giggled loudly as he was attacked, squirming and writhing the whole time, trying to get free.
“Wohoah! Someone’s feisty!”
“Lehehehet mehehe gohoho!”
“Ahalright, alrihight.”
Splinter let purple go and started back up the chase for the last turtle standing, orange. The youngest.
The small box turtle was already giggling like a lunatic as he ran, no doubt expecting what was going to happen once he was caught.
“Come here orange!” Dad shouted as he ran.
“Eheheheee! Yohou cahahant cahahatch mehehe!”
“Oh yes I can~ gotcha!” The rat shouted, poking orange’s neck.
“Noho!” The smallest turtle squeaked out as he fell to the ground.
“Yes! Such ticklish little things you all are!”
“Ehahaha! Dhahahad! Nohohot thehehere!”
“Not there? Not where? Here?” He spoke, poking his neck again.
The kid scrunched up his head and ducked it into his shell, giggling crazily.
“Oh, well, guess I’ll just- pbbt!” He blew a raspberry into the back of orange’s shell, causing his head to pop out.
“Eheheheehehe! Okahahahay! Okahahahay!”
“Alright I’ll let you go.” He spoke, walking over to the spot where the other three had waited.
“Alright, time for a nap, you four.”
“Okay, dad.” They chorused. They were all ticketed out from their game!
Splinter loved his boys so much. He was going to try his best to be a loving father.
———THE END————————————————
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 10 months
Gifts: Part 2
𝒍𝒆𝒆: Minho
𝒍𝒆𝒓: Felix
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭i𝘯𝘨! 💗
tw: shirtless Minho 🫠, massage oil
im sorry its short, i have exams 😭😭😭
this is flustering-
Now for the next member to torture. Felix looked at the time. 2:17 PM. Damn. He had spent almost half an hour in Chan’s room. He had to get answers about his gift. He already knew they all teamed up to get him something, and Felix was definitely urging to figure out what it was, but he was almost enjoying this. It was like a little mystery! For his birthday, too, it was. Felix grinned as he made his way over the evil cat’s room. Minho. Now what question was he going to ask him? Felix pondered as he knocked on the door.
 He was going to pounce on the boy the moment he opened the door, but then Felix caught the look of exhaustion on Lino’s face when the older looked at him, and Lixie felt a little bad. He knew Lee Know had an exhausting schedule, being one of the best dancers of the group, and he knew it wouldn’t be fair to wreck the boy after such a long day.
So instead Felix ended up asking, “Are you ok hyung? Do you need cuddles, or a massage?” The birthday gift left his mind immediately when he realized how tense Minho looked. “Yeah, a massage would be nice, thanks and sorry, Lixie.”
 Felix nodded as he ran to the shelf to get the massage oil, Lino removing his shirt (🫠) and laying down on his stomach. Felix sat on his waist and popped the lid, the lavender scent of the oil making them both sigh, suddenly feeling sleepy. Lixie worked out all the knots in Minho’s back, smiling at the satisfied sighs the older was making. 
After Yongbok finished with all the proper massaging, he grinned. It was time. 
“...hyung?” “mmmmhhhhmmmm” was his response. “Ya know that my birthday’s tomorrow right?” Lee Know nodded. “Well, I wanted to know what color it is” This made Minho’s head perk up, confused. 
“I thought you would want to know what it is, not what color it is” Lee Know giggled, smiling sleepily. Felix frowned, aware that Lino was making fun of him.
He grabbed the bottle of lavender oil, spreading some on his hands. “You will tell me, won’t you?” “Nope, sorry. Strict orders from Channie.”
Felix smirked. This was exactly what he was counting on. He darted his hands down to Minho’s exposed sides, massaging the oil in a very ticklish way.
“Hey what are you- AHAHAHA?!”
“Well, you wouldn’t tell me, so now you suffer.”
Felix giggled at the lack of coherent speech. 
He made sure to scribble his fingers across the wide expanse of Lee Know’s back, digging into back ribs. MInho’s arms shot back, grabbing Felix’s wrists weakly, as he couldn’t do much when he was on his stomach.
 Lee Know’s face reddened almost immediately, cackling as his body was zapped of it’s energy, succumbing to the torture. When Felix turned around, he screamed when he felt hands grabbing at the back of his thighs, an incredibly weak spot for him.
He felt tears welling up, the lavender scent which had seemed so refreshing now seemed intoxicating as he tried his hardest not to faint.
Felix, obviously annoyed by the lack of secrets being spilled. He scribbled on the back of knees, not realizing Minho was gaining enough strength to suddenly flip over.
He grabbed Felix by the shoulders and the two wrestled playfully for control. Lee Know was gaining the upper hand until Felix smirked, hands shooting to bare underarms, crazed laughter shooting out of the older as he fell backwards. 
“Are you ready to give in yet?”
Felix frowned yet again, hands slipping down to bare ribs, finally finding the spot that would break the older.
“YAHAHAHA NOHOHOOO AHHHHHH-!” The rest was cut off by silent laughter, Minho pleading as Felix knuckled ribs, straddled grip not allowing a moment of rest.
Felix lowered his hands to lightly tracing Minho’s stomach, allowing the older some words, but Lino couldn’t stop giggling, the oil making it tickle so much more.
“Nonono hahaha its bluuuhuhue” Felix stopped his tickling, giggling at Lino’s wrecked state, face red and covered with tears, chest heaving. 
Felix got up and left, leaving Minho to recover. Now he needed to find out more….
i hope you enjoyed! Feel free to request however pls check my intro before interacting! Part 3 will be out soon! Have a good day! 💗✨
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Angels and Devils 14
Author: Akira
Characters: Rei, Shu, Eichi, Tsumugi
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Ahaha! I’ve been blatantly rejected! I wonder why~? Do they not like me ‘cuz I’m bein’ too annoyin’?"
Season: Spring
Location: Yumenosaki Hallway
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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At the same time, in front of Yumenosaki Academy’s Handicrafts Club room…
Rei: Ah! Hello, Tsumugi~?
It’s me, Sakuma Rei-chan! How’re ya doin’~?
I’m reaaal sorry! I did my best and askin’ all of the Five Eccentrics if they could perform with ya, y’see~?
Most of them completely ignored me, full-stop! Just as I figured~. I’ve never been rejected like this before, so I’m a lil’ bummed!
Ahahaha! I’m happy to finally experience somethin’ new, though! ♪
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Shu: ……
Rei: Ah! Hold on a sec! I spotted one of the Five Eccentrics just now! That guy sure holed himself up for a long time~, he wouldn’t even show his face!
Hey~! Itsuki-kun! It’s me, Sakuma Rei, and—
Shu: …Tch…
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Rei: Alright! He clicked his tongue and left! Didn’t even hold a conversation with me!
What’s this sign, though? “Five Eccentric, Do Not Enter?”
Ahaha! I’ve been blatantly rejected! I wonder why~? Do they not like me ‘cuz I’m bein’ too annoyin’?
That guy’s an extreme case, but all the other Five Eccentrics are all the same, y’know~? They’re either gettin’ ready for their next play, or some sort of ceremony over at their parent’s house…
They’re all sayin’ no for self-serving reasons, nothin’ I say gets to them at all~♪
The little one of the Five Eccentrics, Sakasaki-kun, was willin’ to hear me out, though—
He started sayin’ things like “I have a bad premonition” while strokin’ a crystal ball or somethin’ like some fortune teller.
He refused to join the performance, sayin’ something like “It’s obviously a trap, so might as well ignore it”.
But I think that even if it is a trap, why not have fun with it?
But I guess Sakasaki-kun’s still a kid, so his pride won’t allow him to get caught up in one.
I think that failure and defeat are necessities though. If anythin’, they’re the beauty of life!
Anyways! Anyone is completely unapproachable! So we can’t join your performance!
Oh, me? Sorry, sorry, actually, I can’t either! Can’t join ya on stage!
I know I spoke bad ’bout the other five Eccentrics, but I got a job to do overseas! Nothin’ I can do ’bout it!
I mostly just do international activities, so local stuff’s less of a priority.
So I can’t refuse if they call me over, well, not that I’d want to.
Sooo yeah, sorry! Basically, none of the Five Eccentrics will be joinin’ your performance!
I mean, that’s fine, right? It’s not like we signed any contracts or anythin’, just a verbal agreement, y’know? Well, I guess that might still be legally binding.
A shame then, not a single one of us cares about those kinds of laws! Ahahahahaha! ☆
Right, right yeah! That’s why I’m sayin’, it’s my bad? I’ll make this up to ya someday!
Mhm mhm, give Tenshouin-kun my regards too!
—It’s just not the right time yet, is all.
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Auditorium (LIVE)
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Eichi: ……
Tsumugi: …So, that’s how things turned out…
Eichi: This is unexpected indeed. I really didn’t think that none of the Five Eccentrics would show up.
I had it planned so we’d profit whether we win or lose, but not if there’s not even a match in the first place.
I see, I see, hm… Alright, this changes things…
They, the Five Eccentrics, have easily surpassed my expectations.
I’d thought I knew what I was doing all this time, but I suppose my understanding was poor.
Was I foolish to think I could move them as I wish in the first place, I wonder?
Tsumugi: W-What are we going to do? With all our guests absent, there’s nobody here to participate… Should we continue our debut live as planned?
Eichi: I’m not sure. There’s no reason for it anymore.
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Eichi: It may not be profitable, but it’ll count as experience. We’ve already advertised and attracted customers. It’s not smart to overturn something with money and people involved at your own convenience.
Let’s at least try to play the part.
Unlike the Five Eccentrics, who flaked their performance at the last moment for selfish reasons, we, fine, will finish the job properly…
There’s merit in letting the world around you know that you are a proper idol.
With that in mind, let's give it our all.
Unlike God, who has been omnipotent and omniscient since the beginning, our strength lies in our ability to grow through hard work and experience.
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ToT - chapter 10 - just some comments
warning: some topics here may trigger you, so read it at your own discretion
My 120k deck was enough to clear chapter 10 and I just can't believe it hahahah hell yeah! 🥳 
my comments do not follow any order btw ahahaha. Sorry for that! When I get too excited sometimes that happens XD
Now I know why people were saying that tot's main story is getting darker. And I agree. But I love that. The angst!! And it's so hard to trust people now. Even the boys. I don't mind taking home shady marius tho 🤭🤭🤭 Give me! He is mineeeee
I just feel this huge distance right now between the boys and rosa. And it seems that this will just get worse in future chapters. I wonder if one of our boys will become a traitor. If they aren't already.
Vyn saved Rosa's life and that was so cool. I loved their acting in the sauna ahahah. I was very tense reading that especially cuz I hate saunas lol.
Artem's acting is also getting better. He should be happy he got Rosa as his prize lol. Congratulations Artem. You should thank Vyn for that 🤣🤣
Idk if it's just me but I'm so mad at jerome hahaha. I mean, we don't know exactly what he is plotting, but I just can't stand him acting all friendly/cute when he talks to rosa. It looks as if he is mocking us!
Maybe he does care about the patients, but I just can't believe anything he says at this point. I hope NXX investigates him in the next chapter 😤😤
Also, what is Vyn's family connection to that facility jerome worked at? I forgot the name of the place, but according to Marius, Vyn's family has some sort of partnership with this facility who may be involved in shady business.
And talking about Vyn, his uncle is hot. But apparently he is a douche >.<. He 'trapped' vyn in his house? Did I get that right? What for? So many questions...
And who is the guy who was threatening Felicia's husband and his family? As you can see I already forgot the name of her husband 🙃Come on! I'm so curious!!! It may be the same guy who tried to kill Rosa, but it doesn't make sense that he exposed his identity to Rosa. Yeah, he probably thought she was going to die there, but still... A pretty dumb move if he did that.
Another moment I reallyyyyyyyyyy liked was the car chase. Artem is such a good driver btw. Boy got some skills, I must say it xD. It was very brave of him to put his life at risk to protect MC from the crash.
And I have to mention Marius and Vincent's convo. They are so stupid hahahaha. When they were talking about that dude who assaulted Mar, what was his name again? lol, vincent asked marius why he didn't send the info himself to Rosa and Marius asked him who was the boss, I laughed so hard. Marius is so dramatic sometimes 🤣🤣🤣 And he was so ready to seek revenge (and so was I) but the guy killed himself. I still don't understand why he assaulted marius. What he was trying to achieve there? Someone pushed him to do that? Does he have some connection with Gerard? And where is gerard btw? I hope he is okay...
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lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #3
I bought a midi file today! And I imagine that might seem inconsequential to you, but I'm hoping to use it to make another acapella! Let me explain:
I've already made 3 acapellas. One of them is for you. I got sad to think that probably no one ever sang any little song to you, so I picked one called Mona Lisa that I thought was encouraging. This one is done by a group called Guster, and it sounds to me like a person trying to encourage someone else to take the steps to overcome their trauma. You can find my version of it here; it's all done in my voice:
These take a long time for me to make. Under ordinary circumstances, first I have to break down the entire song by ear and put all the parts into software called LMMS, and that's really hard for me to do since I've got Audio Processing Disorder. This step alone takes me months of work if I try to do it by myself. Though sometimes I can find sheet music, and sometimes I get assistance from my husband, who is a trained musician and has good ears.
The next step is to isolate each part in LMMS and sing them separately. From there, you have to record it and layer it. I use another program called Audacity to do that. I don't really know how to adjust the pitches or the timing of the recorded things, so normally I have to sing a part a bunch of times over and over again and hope that one of them has all the correct pitches and rhythms. That's hard for me too, since I am not a trained musician. I have a lot of range for some reason, but I don't have very good technique or control. So this part can also take me weeks or even months of work before I can get it right. Or, right-ish, anyway, ahaha!
It's never perfect in the end, because I don't have fancy software, and I've only got my laptop microphone and no dedicated recording space. But that's okay. I like to think that the intentions matter a bit more than the results, when it comes to making something for someone. It doesn't have to be perfect to be worthwhile (you don't have to be perfect to be worthwhile, either). I hope that you'll like what I made for you, if it ever reaches you. Somehow...
I was excited to discover recently, though, that LMMS can import whole midi files, and make it so that all the parts of a song are already broken down into tracks, with all the correct rhythms, pitches, and tempos! This means that I don't have to spend all day every day for months trying to put the notes into LMMS myself! Then I can just get to the part where I do the recording! And it'll still take weeks, probably. But still, that's a lot less time than normal, and isn't that amazing???
I intend to make another acapella for you. But I'm not going to tell you which midi I bought to help me with that; it'll be a surprise! I'll tell you when it's ready, I promise!
This one will challenge my range a bit, I think. And I'm still recovering from a rib injury (long story... maybe I'll talk about it some other time...), so my control over my voice will be impaired, but I'm excited (and daunted, ahaha!) to try it anyways! Maybe it won't work out, but trying stuff just to see what happens, being daunted, pushing through it, and getting better... this sort of thing is half the fun of living, isn't it?
I wonder if you've ever tried to sing. I wonder what it would sound like. Did you listen to music in your world, when you were still working for Shinra? I wonder what sorts of songs you carry in your heart. Would you like the music from my world? Would you find any of it relatable? Would you sing those songs? Would you trip over the differences in languages, get tongue-tied, smile, and try again? I wonder...
If you've never tried to sing before, then I hope someday that you will; it feels very good to do. And once you do, I hope you'll continue to do it, even on the off-chance that it turns out that you're not very good at it, ahahaha! Regardless of how it sounds, it's beautiful when people sing; I wish more of them did it. Maybe our world would be just a little warmer and kinder as a result...
If you ever do try it, please show us someday, won't you? There are lots of people here who would love to hear your voice, no matter what it sounds like, or how good or bad you are at using it.
That's all I've got rolling around up in my noggin for now. Thanks for reading. Thanks for existing. Thanks for being here. Remember that you are very, very loved. Remember that you are cared for. Remember that you are not alone.
Please stay safe. Please make good, kind, loving choices as you continue to move forward in that brave and determined way that you do. It's all in your hands.
Your friend, Lumine
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manygalaxiesinone · 6 months
Disgaea 7 DLC Episode: Kingdom Hearts
Part 1: Crystal Clear Kairi
Pirilika: "Ah, time to enjoy a nice relaxing beach day in Sardine World. Nice sunshine, the winds are a perfect calm breeze, even Fuji's enjoying himself."
Pirilika: "I don't think today could get any better."
Prinny: "That spike ball almost killed me dood!"
Fuji: "You should have upped your defenses more before thinking you could take me on. Sword fighting, volleyball, I'm always ready to do my worst!"
Prinny: "No kidding. I was gonna use that HL to buy some ice cream dood."
Fuji: "Too bad. Rule 1 of gambling, never wager something you can't afford to lose."
The prinny walks away disappointed.
Fuji: "Hey Piriko, you sure you don't want to play? Making a ton of cash right now thrashing these guys."
Pirilika: "I'm okay, Fuji! I just want to sunbathe right now. You just keep having fun!"
Fuji: "If only she'd say that while we're fighting for the infernal weapons. Alright, step right up! Who's my next victim?!"
Red haired Lady: "I'll take you on!" walks in the ball court
Fuji: "Heh, you sure you want to do this? I'm known for being pretty relentless."
Red Haired Lady: "I saw your last match and I'm pretty sure I can beat you. My friends and I play volleyball a lot back home, so don't underestimate me."
Fuji: "You're a human, aren't ya? You're about to find how just how different things are here compared to where you're from!"
Red Haired Lady: Takes out her keyblade. "Like I said, I saw your last match, so I already have a pretty good idea."
Fuji: "The hell? A keyblade? Well, things just got a whole lot more interesting!"
Red Haired Lady: "I hope you're ready to eat sand!"
Part 2: The Dawn of Riku
Red Haired Lady: "Got you now!"
Fuji: "You thought!"
Red Haired Lady: "Woah!" dives into the sand, only for the ball to hit the ground.
Fuji: "That's my win! Look who's eating sand now!"
Red Haired Lady: "Ooohh..."
Fuji: "I'll admit, you got some good reflexes, but your counters aren't hitting hard enough to matter much."
Red Haired Lady: "Aww man, I'm not going to be able to live this one down."
Fuji: "May not be a swordfight, but hey, it was pretty cool to face a keyblade wielder."
Red Haired Lady: "You... know about keyblades?"
Fuji: "Let's just say my dad's been studying all types of weapons over the years. So, up for a rematch?"
Red Haired Lady: "I would... if I didn't just lose my spare cash facing you."
Fuji: "Heh, at least someone's following Rule 1."
Silver haired guy: "There you are Kairi. I was worried you vanished again."
Kairi: "Hardy har, Riku."
Riku: "You and Sora do have a bad habit of that."
Kairi: "And yet who's always the one being left behind when there's a new adventure?"
Riku: “Touché. So what are you doing here?"
Kairi: "I just lost a volleyball match..."
Riku: "You... lost at volleyball? Ahahaha!"
Kairi: "Hey, quit laughing! I bet you won't be able to beat him either."
Riku: "Alright. If I win, you're treating us to some ice cream."
Kairi: "Okay, but you'll be treating us if you lose."
Riku: "Deal." Takes out his keyblade.
Fuji: "Ah, another keyblade wielder and I get eat ice cream right after? This just keeps getting better."
Riku: "Don't get too happy. The sting of losing will only hurt more in the end."
Fuji: "Yeah, keep that energy! It'll keep encouraging me to do my worst!"
Part 3: Many worlds... one Sora
Fuji: "Incoming!" Spikes the ball in a far distance
Riku: "Ah!" dives but fails to catch the ball.
Fuji: "And that's game!"
Riku: "This is not happening..."
Kairi: "Not so easy now, huh Riku?"
Fuji: "You're a hard hitter, but you're too slow in the end. Come back once you work on that speed."
Riku: "It's not often I end up losing. You're pretty good."
Fuji: "You're not just complimenting me to take the sting out of losing, are you?"
Riku: "Heh... maybe a little."
Kairi: "Alright Riku, time to pay up."
Riku: "Fine, I heard there's a new mushroom flavor ice cream you can try out."
Kairi: "Eww! Are you out of your mind?! You know how much I hate mushrooms!"
Riku: "Hey, you never said I had to let you pick your own flavor when we made that bet."
Fuji: "He's got a point. Someone like him would go far in the Netherworld."
Riku: "Not exactly my first time stuck in a world of darkness."
Fuji: "Hmm?"
Riku: "Long story."
Kairi: "I swear if they really do have a mushroom flavored ice cream..."
Spikey haired guy: "Did someone say "ice cream"?" runs up to them.
Kairi: "Sora!"
Riku: "Good to see you finally woke up from your nap."
Sora: "Hey! I've been awake for a while looking for you guys!"
Kairi: "We've been playing volleyball against this guy for the past few minutes."
Fuji: "The name's Fuji, by the way. I take it you're my next victim?"
Sora: "Victim?"
Riku: "He mopped the floor with the both of us."
Sora: "No way! If he can beat you, then he must be really good. Let me try!"
Kairi: "But we were about to get ice cream..."
Fuji: "Relax, this won't take long. One well timed spike ball is all I need."
Sora: "We'll see about that!" Takes out his keyblade.
Fuji: "Another one?! Looks like I really hit the jackpot today!"
Sora: "Your luck's about to run out!"
-After the battle...-
Fuji: "Eat this!"
Sora: "Ha!"
Fuji: "Take that!"
Sora: "Back off!"
Kairi: "Wow, they're really going at it."
Riku: "Sora's definitely gotten better compared to when we were younger."
Kairi: "I did hear he had some practice with Hayner, Pence, and Olette when he was in Twilight Town."
Riku: "Really? But they never made it to the beach for their vacation."
Kairi: "They didn't? Then how..."
Fuji: "Here's the big one!"
Pirilika: "Fuji!"
Fuji: "Huh? Ow!" Falls down after the ball hits him in the head.
Sora: "Yes!"
Kairi: "Way to go, Sora!"
Riku: "Nice. You actually pulled it off."
Sora: "Ehehe."
Fuji: "Damn it Piriko! Look what you made me do!"
Pirilika: "Sorry. I didn't mean to distract you from your game, but we need to get going. The sun's about to set in a little while."
Fuji: "Okay, and? It's not like we have a curfew. Besides, I didn't get my ice cream yet."
Pirilika: "But there's this spot I found that's perfect for watching the sunset! We should at least spend a little time there."
Kairi: "Well, there aren't any rules about eating ice cream while seeing the sunset there, is it?"
Sora: "In that case, I know what we should get!"
Riku: "Why do I get the feeling I know which flavor you're gonna ask for?"
Pirilika: "Mmm, you were right, Sora. The salty sweetness really meshes well with the view up here."
Fuji: "It's even better knowing it came out of someone else's pocket."
Riku: "I can't believe it took this long for karma to hit."
Kairi: "There's no use crying over it, Riku. Just enjoy it before it melts."
Sora: "Or before I swipe it from you and eat it!"
Riku: "Not a chance on that one, Sora."
Pirilika: "If you don't mind me asking, why are you in the Hinomoto Netherworlds? Are you exploring around?"
Sora: "We were training in other worlds to become better keyblade wielders..."
Kairi: "But we decided to take a break a while and come here."
Fuji: "Who the hell picks a Netherworld as a vacation spot?"
Riku: "It's not really the most dangerous world we've been in."
Pirilika: "You go to other worlds?"
Sora: "All the time! It's our job to protect them from the heartless and all sorts of monsters."
Pirilika: "That's so cool!"
Kairi: "What about you two?"
Pirilika: "Us? We're looking for the founding weapons of Hinomoto in order to confront the shogunate and save the Netherworlds!"
Fuji: "That's what SHE'S doing. I'm just tagging along to get paid."
Riku: "Sounds like we're all in the same boat."
Sora: "In that case, why don't we help each other out?"
Pirilika: "Oh, I can't ask you do to do that while you're on your break."
Kairi: "It's alright. We won't be able to have fun like this together again if the Shogunate isn't stopped, right? Besides, it's about time the three of us stick together for an adventure."
Sora & Riku: *nervous sweat drops*
Fuji: "If you really want to meddle in our mission, that's on you. Extra hands just means less work for me to do in the long run and I'll be closer to my pay much faster."
Pirilika: "You have a point. In that case, at least stay with us on our ship, so you can relax during off time."
Riku: "I guess it's settled then."
Sora: "Yup!"
Kairi: "To another adventure!"
Fuji: "Hey, I'm going to steal all of your ice cream if you don't eat."
Sora: "Oh no you don't!" Starts munching.
Pirilika: "Sora, calm down! You'll get a brain freeze!"
Riku: "Hasn't stopped him before. Trust me, he's had a lot worse."
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Cherry face
This is a tickle-related ff, if you are not interested in it, please keep scrolling
Summary: Nefeli (17) witnesses the boys having a tickle fight and she gets flustered
Warnings: None
Notes: This ff is requested by @sugary-sweet-anon, I hope you'll like this, love! I am so sorry this took forever to write!
Situation: Group tickle fight
Sentence starters: “Let's count how many ribs you have, hm?”
Lots of love Nef 💕
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“BWAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO AHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHASE!” Taehyung’s loud, almost deafening, laughter was filling the whole practice room. The youngest member of the band was on top of him, pinning his arms above his head and wrecking his ribs with unstoppable scribbles and pokes while Taehyung was laughing his heart out. Everyone knew how much of an evil little bunny Jungkook could be when it comes to tickling and everyone was afraid of his side. And yet, he chose to drink the last banana milk in the fridge. 
“Aww Tae, you are way too ticklish to steal from me!” Jungkook exclaimed while he was shaking his index and middle fingers on his best friend’s upper ribs, only to make him cackle even crazier than he already was “Let's count how many ribs you have, hm?”
Today was a busy day. BTS was preparing an appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s show for next week, and they were all crazy about it. However, the crazier they were getting, the hyper they were becoming. And the higher they were becoming, the more playful they would be. So now there the two boys were, both of them laughing and having a tickle fight.
“No no no noOHOAHAHAHA AHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHASE!” the young lad screamed loudly the moment Jungkook even touched his lowest ribs. And even louder when he started pinching softly all over it. 
Jungkook’s smirk was reaching his ears at this point. Getting revenge was one of his favorite things in the world, especially like that. His soft yet teasing fingers were pinching, kneading, and poking all over his friend’s ribs, counting them one by one “Oneeee...” he exclaimed, pinching multiple times Taehyung’s first ribs “Twoooo...” his fingers turned into mini claws, crawling all over his second ribs and wiggling like small worms “Threeee” the fingers were now poking and tasering all over the third ribs of Taehyung’s, making sure they were making the young lad howl in loud, almost hysterical laughter. 
“AHAHAHAHA JUNGAHAHAHAK YOU SUAHAHAHACK SO BAHAHAHAD AHAHAHA!” Taehyung dared to squeal in between his laughter, not really taking into mind the position he was currently into. 
A loud gas escaped Jungkook, who immediately stopped tickling his best friend, letting him finally breathe “What did you just say?!” he faked a shocked, offended expression, putting his hands over his chest dramatically “Oh you are so in for it right now, Kim Taehyung! Say your last words!” he exclaimed, getting ready to attack the poor singer again. 
However, before he could even bring his arms down on his well-pinned underneath him friend, he was already on the floor, giggling and squirming around unstoppably “You didn’t really think we wouldn’t remember you are ticklish as well, did you?” someone could recognize Jimin’s adorable voice coming from above Jungkook.
Jimin was scribbling his neck with his sharp, blunt nails, touching every sensitive nerve on his neck while he had trapped his younger friend in between his legs from behind. Jungkook on the other hand was giggling like a madman, trying to wiggle out of the young lad’s legs and fingers, but it was useless. He may be taller than Jimin, but his neck is always a melting spot of his!
However, what made his laughter grow was Taehyung’s fingers digging into his hips. Kneading and squeezing there, Taehyung had decided to show no mercy to his bandmate “Coochie coochie coo!” he giggled while he was digging into Jungkook’s hipbones, listening to his laughter filling the whole room.
“NAHAHAHAO PLEAHAHAHASE STAHAHAP AHAHAHA!” the young lad screamed in laughter, thrashing around in Jimin’s and Taehyung’s arms. He was trying his best to pull his arms back down and roll away, while his hips were bucking in the air unstoppably in his attempt to throw all the tickly fingers off him. 
Looking at each other, the two bandmates only shook their heads and kept their attack on, not ceasing it in the least. Ever since they debuted, the three youngest were teasing each other unstoppably, and that usually resulted in major tickle fights. And there was only one way to make it stop. Apologize. Or run out of breath, which is the most common, but still, they had options. So Jungkook asking them to stop was doing nothing more than making his friends chuckle amused. 
“You know what the magic words are, Kookie!” Taehyung bent down and blew a small but way too ticklish raspberry on Jungkook’s bare tummy, which was exposed due to his shirt raising up. Teasing him with a few side pokes here and there, the young lad kept teasing his friend while he was blowing numerous berries all over his tummy.
Jungkook screamed at the top of his lungs when Taehyung blew a super extra-long raspberry on top of his belly button, shaking his head to add to the ticklish torture “BWAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO!”
Jimin chuckled as he was wiggling a single finger on the crook of Jungkook’s neck, only making him scrunch up his shoulders and let out babyish giggles in between his roaring laughter and the loud raspberry noises “You are so ticklish, aren’t you?” he smiled as he kept going with his assault.
“So are you...” the three boys were too busy to notice that another person had joined them in the room. 
Turning around and stopping their assault, the three boys saw Nefeli standing there with her arms behind her back and looking at them with the reddest face they had ever seen. The trainee they had come the closest with was staring at them from the corner of the room with a small, shy smile.
“What did you just say?” Jimin narrowed his eyes, and slowly let go of Jungkook, with a playful glimpse in his eyes.
Followed by the other two lads, they all walked up mischievously to the young girl, cornering her while they were wearing an innocent smiles. Jungkook was trying to ignore the pants that were stuck in his throat and catch his breath from the short yet severe tickle attack, and his famous bunny smile was of course placed on his face. 
Nefeli’s face was heated up and her lips had curved into a small, yet flustered grin. The poor girl. The boys had no idea what they have done to her. Seeing a tickle fight was sending waves of shyness and at the same time, waves of wanting to be tickled at the same time. What the boys didn’t know was that the young girl did like getting tickled and seeing them like that was only making her want tickles more.
However, she’s been in the company for about three months or so. She wasn’t ready to ask for it. Not even admit it to them. At least not just yet. Their friendship was still new. So she wasn’t going to do it now. 
“That-That you are just as ticklish as they are!” but she wasn’t going to give up either. Her cheeks had turned red and in her stomach butterflies were interrupting nonstop. 
Looking at each other, the boys smirked wider. Taehyung even folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall, already planning his attack in his mind. They already had decided they were going to get her back for what she just said, the second she interrupted them. 
“Yeah but it’s not like you are not” Jungkook butted in, inching closer and closer to the shy girl, increasing the blush on her face. 
Taking steps away from him, Nefeli was trying to cover up her torso with her arms while she was getting more bashful the more Jungkook was covering the distance between them. She only shook her head though, the shy grin almost reaching up to her ears “No I am not...” she mumbled just the moment her back touched the mirror behind her. 
 “Well then, you don’t mind that, right cherry face?” Taehyung raised his index finger and poked her side unexpectedly, right below her lowest rib. Not too hard to hurt her, but hard enough to tickle Nefeli like crazy and make her let out a loud squeal.
The young girl flinched away, biting her lip to stop the sudden giggle that was ready to escape her “Ohoho-Of course not!” Nefeli successfully swallowed her giggle and wrapped her arms around her torso, trying to protect her sides from the tickly hands. 
Backing away, the young girl didn’t notice that the more she was fending off, the more she was closing the distance between herself and Jungkook.
Jungkook fastly wrapped his arms around her waist and scooped her in the air. Wiggling her around, he made the young girl giggle in enjoyment “Ah look what I got guys! A shy little bunny!” Jungkook teased, bouncing her a little to make her giggle more. 
“Why is the bunny so red? What’s wrong, little bunny?” Taehyung chuckled, tasering Nefeli’s sides, making her squeal loudly. 
“I think she is too red to answer us! We should do something about it!” Jimin giggled too, approaching the two and grabbing her legs, and helping Jungkook lay her on the ground. 
“Pleahahase let me gohoho!” she squealed, not really doing something to stop them. To be honest she didn’t mind it one bit. 
Pinning her arms above her head, Jungkook sat on them as Jimin and Taehyung were taking their places next to each of her sides “I guess we should make her tell us!” Taehyung smirked, skittering his fingers underneath Nefeli’s shirt on her tummy. 
His two other friends followed, attacking her other side and her armpits. Nefeli shrieked in loud laughter, bouncing on the dancing floor unstoppably in her attempt to pull her arms down as fast as he could “AHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO I HAHAHAVE NOTHING TO TELL YOHOHOU!” she screamed, but the boys had none of it.
“I think the bunny has a fever!” Jimin suddenly exclaimed like he wasn’t currently tormenting someone, kneading the soft side of the girl with his fingertips. 
“Nah, I think she is just too hot” Taehyung kept squeezing and pinching around Nefeli’s belly button and tummy. He was hiding a small, evil smirk like he was enjoying it. Which he was. Like the rest of the trio ticklers. 
“Oh come on guys, it’s clear! She is shy!” Jungkook used his baby voice to emphasize the last part, knowing full well what he was doing. He was using his nails to scribble the exposed underarms and armpits of hers, making it tickle way more than it usually would. 
The two other boys let out a long, teasing ‘Ohhhh’, stopping for a split second their assault as they did so and then proceeded to tickle her way harder than before.
“But why? Why are you so shy, cherry face?” Jimin giggled, raising Nefeli’s shirt and blowing a small raspberry on her side, making her scream louder and thrash around even more underneath the three singers. 
Ignoring completely her pleads for mercy and almost hysterical laughter, the three boys were smirking widely. Their fingers were tickling the young girl more than they usually would, due to all the teasing. And they would all enjoy it equally. 
“AHAHAHA THAT TICKLES AHAHAHA!” Nefeli screamed between her loud laughter, wiggling around and trying to pull her arms down. 
“Aha!” Taehyung suddenly exclaimed, smirking and started poking teasingly, activating his baby talk “Does someone like the tickles? That’s why you are laughing so hard? You just looooove, being tickled, little bunny?” he trailed his words to increase the anticipation.
“Aw I think you are right Tae! Look how happy she looks now we are tickling her!” Jungkook giggled, speeding up his fingers in excitement. 
“Aw tickle tickle tickle Neffie! Look how happy you look when you get the tickles! I guess we should keep tickling you until infinity!” Jimin kept repeating the tickle word, clearly noticing the major effect it had on Nefeli’s already deep enough blush.
Before the young girl could disagree though, unstoppable raspberries were already attacking her sides and tummy “AHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO PLEAHAHAHASE AHAHAHA ZARA HEHEHELP ME!” she screamed loudly. 
Zara was Namjoon’s makeup artist and she and Nefeli were good friends. However, the young artist was nowhere to be found and even if she was, she wasn’t going to help her friend anyway. She knew she was enjoying it.
“Ahahaw, why ask for help if you like the tickles so much, little bunny?” Jimin chuckled, before blowing another raspberry on her side, sending her into a new round of hysterics. 
As Taehyung and Jimin were alternatively taking turns blowing berries on her sides, Jungkook was busy poking around all over her ribcage while showing his adorable bunny teeth “Coochie coochie coo...” Taehyung giggled, shaking his head on her side to add to the ticklish sensations. 
At this point, Nefeli’s tummy was aching from all the laughter and her cheeks were stretched. Her laughter had almost turned silent. That was the signal for the boys to stop and let the poor girl go. 
Pulling away and smirking down at her, Jungkook ruffled Nefeli’s already messy hair “That was fun, you have to admit that!” 
Nefeli though only glared at him and stuck her tongue out before smirking widely “Yeah but you know someone here didn’t get his tickles yet” 
Everyone’s eyes turned to Jimin who gulped and started walking backward, grinning nervously “Hehehe um... Bye!” he chuckled and rushed out of the room as fast as he could.
“Get him!” Taehyung yelled and all three got up and ran behind him. Soon the whole BigHit could hear the hysterical laughter of Jimin's. 
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radonx9 · 1 year
Rosetta Falls is coming to an end very soon.
It feels strange to be saying goodbye to a project i’ve been working very hard on for the past 2 and a bit years now, but Rosetta Falls will finally be wrapping up soon. I originally intended for the comic to only be about 100 - 120 pages in length and I originally intended for it to be wrapped up by the end of ‘21. I guess it all got away from me a bit, ahahaha. Oh well.
I have the last 6 or so pages all planned out and ready to draw, so expect to see those last pages all uploaded in one big final post. 
Once I’ve finished with RF and the last pages are all posted, I intend to write up a longer post (an essay, really) about the making of this comic, it’s conception and inspirations, the actual process of making a longform comic, the difficulties of making a long form comic while being a neurodivergent individual suffering from various mental illnesses, the lessons learned along the way - both practical and philosophical - and ultimately what all this has meant for me over the past two or so years.
I hope you have enjoyed the journey of reading Rosetta Falls thus far if you decided to check it out. If not then that’s okay, there’s already too much stuff to watch/read/play/hear in the world as there is, I can’t exactly expect every single person that happens upon my blog to dedicate their time and energy to my weird, messy, longform comic that they might end up not even liking. If you think you may like to read it at some point, then the whole thing pinned to my blog for the foreseeable future should you want to give it a read in full at some point further down the line. No pressure though, of course.
Once the essay goes up and RF is said and done I intend to take a looong break from making comics, ahahaha. I’ll get into it more in the actual essay itself, but this break has been a long time coming and one I sorely need after two whole years of work. I do intend to make more comics in the future, though next time I aim to make them much shorter and more straightforward in terms of execution, spending several years on one project is extremely taxing and exhausuting and it’s not something I want to repeat with my future projects, for my own sake.
I hope you are all doing well, and I hope you all look forward to the conclusion of this comic that’s been a long time in the making and the accompanying essay.
Thank you, and take care.
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I saw your yandere/wheeler yuta sexual punishments, and I would LOVE to see the branding aspect involving prompts 24 and 22. It writes itself!
To Be Mine Forever
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Summary: for your ‘anniversary’ Yuta wants to do something very special for you
Tag list: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax @tummyyellin @cuzimacomedian @auburnwrites @damnnhausen @thesusbunny @blaquekittycat @writtingrose
Warnings: use of a knife, cutting on a person, branding basically, oral F!receving, bondage. Normal Yandere things, if this will trigger you please dont read.
Prompts: “What if I carve my initials in your beautiful skin? My marking on your skin…..ahahaha, how lovely….” 
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, darling. Your blood just taste so sweet~,” 
You struggled to keep your breathing steady as you looked around the room. You yourself were tied eagle spread, completely naked, on a bed that was empty saved for the soft towel under your body. Your eyes kept jumping to the table next to you. On it was a small pocket knife, some gauze, tape, and some sort of disinfect. When Yuta had come into your room the morning you hadn’t expected this.
“Are you ready love?” You looked up to see Yuta standing over you. “Today is very special, do you know why?”
“No.” You whispered as he picked up the pocket knife, flipping it open to inspect it. He also grabbed the disinfectant and moved down to the bottom of the bed.
“Well, it’s our anniversary. One full year.” He announced as he closed the knife and set it to the side. He put some of the cleaner on a small cloth and rubbed a small section just above your most sensitive parts. “And I thought, we should do something special for it.”
You wanted to scream at his words. Anniversary? No, it meant you had been held captive by this man for a full year. A year since you had seen your family, friends, or anyone but him.
You were pulled from your thoughts as a finger ran through your folds, making you jerk a bit. Yuta was kneeling on the bed between your legs, and he had the knife in his hand.
“What if I carve my initials in your beautiful skin? My marking on your skin…..” his words stoped as you felt the sting of the knife cutting into your skin. Tears ran down your face as you stayed still, to afraid to move. Yuta wouldn’t look away from your body as he worked carefully. “ahahaha, how lovely….” He watched as bits of red blood slid down your body.
You were sobbing as he stood up, grabbing the gauze to clean you up. You practically jumped when you felt something rough on that area of skin. You looked down to see Yuta licking against your body.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, darling. Your blood just taste so sweet~,” he smiled, planting a gentle kiss on the cuts that would eventually scar over. “Although, maybe not as sweet as this pussy.” He moved down a bit, keeping eye contact with you as he licked a strip up to your clit before latching on to suck lightly. Between already being so worked up, and the feeling I’m your clit it took almost no time for you to fall over the edge.
After helping you ride out your organism and patching up your cuts he came to hover over you. He reached to untie you, but paused to kiss you gently. “I’m still not sure which was sweeter, we’ll have to check again sometime.”
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lovelynim · 2 years
TickleTober2022/Day 21 - Wake up
Psycho Pass - Kei x Arata
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Most of the time, Arata could be considered an example to other agents. He was efficient at his work, knew how to talk with the rest of his team and would even joke around from time to time to help light up the mood.
But, there were moments when he would be… just like a regular person. And this was one of these moments.
Kei yawned as he looked to the other to the boy on his couch, sleeping peacefully. He couldn't blame him, as if it wasn't for the alarm next to his bed, he would probably be doing the same.
Both of them stood up until late the night before, reviewing information of their current case. But work is work, and they would be late if they didn't get ready soon.
"Arata," Kei sighed, gently placing his hand on the boy's shoulder and shaking him, "we have to get ready, come on."
But the only thing he could hear was a soft whine as Arata turned his back on him. The agent sighed, rubbing his eyes for a moment before insisting a little more, being slightly rougher this time. Still, the boy continued to ignore him.
“Arata, what are you, five? We need to get ready…”
“Hnng… five more minutes… please…” He muttered back, being barely audible as the pillow muffed his voice.
Kei shook his head, clicking his lips. Ok. If he wanted to act like a toddler, he would deal with him like he would with a toddler.
“Sure thing… actually, you can sleep all you want,” Kei smirked, using only one hand to start pinching at Arata’s exposed hip.
His fingers were barely touching the boy’s skin and he could already spot a little squirming.
“Kehehei… lehehemme sleehehep…” He giggled quietly, weakly tugging at his partner’s wrist, trying to pry him off his body.
“I did let you sleep, didn’t I?”
“Y-yohohou are tihihickling me…”
“I never said I wouldn’t, though.”
“Thihis is chihIHIDISH- AHAhaha, c-come ohohon,” Arata cackled when the other moved his hand to the spot where his thigh would meet his waist while using his free hand to scribble over his side.
“So are you. If you want me to stop, then get up.”
“Ohohohok- ehehe, q-quihit it,” he cried out softly, finally sitting down. Not really willingly, but ready for another day.
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A/N: Who cares if it’s a small fandom, I enjoy it, aight?! Heheh, anyway, I really feel the lack of content here (who can blame people tho, it’s a pretty dark series) but Arata still a baby and I think he is cute, so here, let’s have some content for him heheh hope you enjoyed your reading!
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scribbleseas · 11 months
okay, that was a whirlwind of events. THE DIRECTOR'S HUSBAND?? i wish i could say i saw that coming, i was 50-50 on that. and omg the dance scene, i love the details pertaining to how emotion goes into a dance routine. i just love it. and ciel standing up for us?? i felt some type of way after that 😳, him being roughed up about it. mhm i'm liking him already. thank you for another great chapter, i do hope you got some rest after writing this cuz you deserve it ^^
- your sweet anon
Hello Sweet Anon!
Sorry for the delayed response! I wanted to give everyone some time to check out the new chapter before I posted my reply.
I’m so happy you enjoyed the dance scene! I had a lot of fun writing it and doing the research. I referenced a couple of interviews with actual principal dancers who have played the dual role and talked about what it’s like to have to be both Odette and Odile! (I have never touched a pointe shoe in my life.)
As for Ciel standing up for the reader…that wasn’t actually planned! Alexander was going to be an ass, but then halfway into the scene I realized that Ciel wouldn’t just…let him be an ass and get away with it. I made the appropriate changes and we got that giggle-inducing part ahahaha.
I did get some good rest and now I’m ready to crack my knuckles and get some writing done. I think the next update will be for Beyond the Walls, just because I need some extra time to iron out some issues I’m having with the outlines for chapters 5 & 6 for Straight Laced.
I also need some time to figure out which Ciel fic to premiere after Straight Laced concludes! We will be halfway through it after I publish CH5, and outlining any new fic will take me about the length it will take me to finish writing the series.
But of course, the problem is which one? Out of my six baby Ciel x Reader fic ideas, it’s between three of them. They’re three very different MCs, different plots, and different vibes. I can’t decide which is best, so I might have to make a poll so you all can help me pick one.
Here are the vibes:
1. the story is dark crimson and black. it’s mature and it’s about the deadliest version of enemies to lovers you’ll get from me. featuring a y/n who takes no prisoners. It’s time the Underworld has a Queen— will you surrender or must I force you to, Ciel Phantomhive? (crime boss!y/n)
2. the story is navy blue and periwinkle. it’s softer and it features an abundance of both raw emotion and some comedy in there. it’s probably the most…spiritual subject matter I’ll dive into. featuring a brutally honest y/n who doesn’t know how to lie. There are so many spirits calling your name, Lord Phantomhive. (Medium/psychic!y/n)
3. the story is beige and ballerina pink. it’s lighter and social, focusing solely on business and some strong social commentary for the 1890s. it’s a battle of wits, pretenses, and how far one is willing to go to achieve their goals. featuring a serious y/n who has been training for this her entire life. If you become an investor for my corporation, Lord Phantomhive, I may consider a waltz with you (heiress!y/n).
Thank you for all the support!
- Your Dan
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snowmaniaph · 1 year
Abe Ryohei x Sakuma Daisuke
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“I like the lyrics that Abe-chan sings. I can’t help but sing Abe-chan’s parts!”
Abe: The theme for this talk is “What we like about each other: Latest edition”! I recently thought “This is what makes Sakuma (Daisuke) good” was in the 2nd refrain of “Orange Kiss”.
Sakuma: There, huh.
Abe: That was good right! I like your singing because it makes me feel emotional.
Sakuma: Thank you. I like the lyrics that Abe-chan sings! I often tell this to Abe-chan too but it’s the same with “Brother Beat”.
Abe: Ahaha! You do say it often!
Sakuma: I also really like (your part in) “Everything is Everything”.
Abe: “Okujou kara miagetatte~ (looking up from the rooftop)” part?
Sakuma: I can’t help but sing Abe-chan’s part~! “Okujou kara miagetatte~”.
Abe: If we’re talking about what we like about each other lately then that’s about it.
Sakuma: I also like that when we met today he said “You played yesterday, didn’t you?” and noticed that I did.
Abe: That’s something I just notice sometimes (laughs)! It’s because it’s a game that we have always wanted to play together.
Sakuma: That’s right. I played it but I haven’t played with Abe-chan yet. That’s why when he said, “You played yesterday, didn’t you?” I thought “Shit, he noticed!” (laughs).
Abe: Ahahaha! Then, where should we go if we were to go on a trip together?
Sakuma: Shouldn't it be Hawaii?!
Abe: Right. Next time I want to properly take a dip in the sea.
Sakuma: It was really cold the last time we were there that we went to the sea shivering (laughs). Next time we want to go when the temperature is at a level where we can properly enjoy it! Also, I want to climb the Diamond Head, and ride a bicycle again! I want to roar down the street on my bicycle!
Abe: I don’t want to! I’d fall over.
Sakuma: I did one revolution with my bicycle (laughs).
Abe: I was shocked when I saw it! But you carried on as if nothing happened!
Sakuma: I didn’t get hurt anywhere (laughs).
Abe: Also, I want to do something American-ish~! Like buying small apples and biting them...
Sakuma: Ahyahyahya! Like drinking a crazy big coconut juice!
Abe: Instead of having a packed schedule and going around a lot, I prefer taking it slow.
Sakuma: Me too.
Abe: If it’s possible to do scuba diving with my abilities (as a beginner) then I want to try doing it.
Sakuma: Ah, that’s nice!
Abe: If it’s not possible then maybe snorkeling? Something like that.
Sakuma: Even going to Okinawa would be nice!
Abe: If it’s within Japan then going to a hot spring town would also be nice.
Sakuma: How nostalgic, we did go to a hot spring.
Abe: If we could then I want to go to all the hot springs in the country.
Sakuma: Ooh~. We’ve been to Hakone, Atami, and Kusatsu right?
Abe: Yes.
Sakuma: I want to try going to the hot springs in Gero (Gifu prefecture). We also have a car. The one who will drive it is...
Abe and Sakuma: (at the same time) Me.
Sakuma: Nyahaha!
Abe: It would be fine to take turns driving too!
Sakuma: You’re right. I also like that we’re both driving.
Abe: I want to go on a trip-!
Sakuma: I’m almost always the one saying “Don’t you want to go to such-and-such place?” then throw in a “What should we do there?”, then Abe-chan searches about the details (laughs)!
Abe: Right, right (laughs). And then, we booked lodging when we were at the place already. It’s interesting doing things like that shotgun!
Sakuma: Un, it’s the best when doing it like that. It’s annoying to all your actions are already rigidly fixed. So going somewhere for one reason or another and then moving based on that is nice.
Abe: You’re right, me too. Even though I’ve been told that I look like someone who would plan everything out before doing anything.
Sakuma:  No, Abe-chan is reliable! Don’t you act after deciding when and where to go? Before in Hiroshima Abe-chan was about to go out in the morning, I woke up when he was preparing to go out and I asked him “Where are you going?” and he answered “Itsukushima Shrine” I said “I’ll go too!” and immediately got ready to go out with him (laughs)!
Abe: That did happen. The speed at which you got ready was amazing (laughs)!
Sakuma: That’s how I act when I want to go to a certain place! If it was early in the morning and Abe-chan also took care of me.
Abe: That was really early in the morning. It was waking up at 6AM and riding the first ferry in the morning level of early.
Sakuma: How nostalgic~
Abe: And it’s not a trip but I also to try and play a real escape game with Sakuma!
Sakuma: Oh-! I really like that!
Abe: I went to an escape game with Matsumura (Ryogo)-kun before but rather than saying it was hard, it felt like it was more for entertainment. But there are games that are collaborations like with “Detective Conan”!
Sakuma: Hee~!
Abe: I think if it’s something like that then you would definitely enjoy it.
Sakuma: It sounds interesting. And the thing I want to do with Abe-chan is fish!
Abe: Boat fishing?
Sakuma: Yes.
Abe: Didn’t we go already? Do you remember what happened to us then?
Sakuma: Eh, didn’t we say “Yeeeey” energetically?
Abe: We rode the boat for 3 hours; and within those 3 hours we spent one hour catching nothing, another hour being dead seasick, and the remaining one hour desperately trying to catch something (laughs).
Sakuma: Ahaha! I see.
Abe: Our catch was good! We caught 10 horse mackerels and 1 chub mackerel.
Sakuma: We properly fished something! That was when the two of us were still students so I want to go again because it’s been a long time since then. Let’s go while we’re doing radio...
Abe: We’re going to be on air (laughs)? On “SunoManma”?
Sakuma: No, let’s do it on Youtube.
Abe: That certainly seems like it could be interesting. Let’s stop once we get seasick (laughs).
Sakuma: You’re right (laughs). Well, surprising occurrences are an essential part of journeys!
Abe: Like when we were in Atami and Sakuma took a picture of a sacred tree and missed the bus (laughs).
Sakuma: I was the only one left behind (laughs).
Abe: I was looking at Sakuma becoming farther away from inside the bus (laughs). It’s because of this memory that we always go to that shrine whenever we’re in that area!
Sakuma: That’s right.
Abe: I also went there when I was in Yugawara (Kanagawa prefecture) with my family.
Sakuma: Really?!
Abe: I paid my respects to the sacred tree while remembering “This is the tree of when Sakuma got left behind...” (laughs).
Sakuma: You have a nice way of remembering things (laughs).
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Devil's Food - Chapter 4
MasterList /Ayami’s Profile/Previous
Chapter 4 - Concerning Rumors
Even though she had a restless sleep, and was woken up twice by the cell phone alarm, she didn't wake up in a bad mood the next day, not even when Fusui appeared and gently shook her while she was lying down.
“Good morning” she smiled from ear to ear “did you sleep well?”
“Hmmm… I think so” she opens her eyes, yawns.
“That's great! Come on, it's time to wake up!” she pulls the other's sheets and Ayami lets out a yelp “come on, I'm on vacation and I want to take the opportunity to show you the house!”
Still groaning, she sits up, hair mussed and still looking sleepy, stretching, massaging her face. Fusui laughs.
“You take time to wake up, huh?”
‘No... I wanted to sleep more this time” Ayami gets up, adjusting her sleep dress “as I said, yesterday was a mess.”
It had even taken a while to sink in that she was now in some sort of hideout full of Kures, and honestly, part of her didn't want to get out of bed and sleep for eternity, another part feared for her life, so the two of them agreed to stay.
“It's understandable” the assassin smiled tenderly “come on, I'll help you get ready, you don't need much, just some casual clothes, breakfast is already on the dining hall.”
“You are all early risers, apparently…”
“Well, just the ones that don't go around or the ones that are currently unoccupied. What is the majority, so it is.”
“Hnm…” she then remembered yesterday and remembered that she was a Candidate there, so she had to show good impression “so, I'll organize myself. I don't know anything about you, so I believe this invitation is irrefutable.”
“Yes, I'll wait here” Fusui watches her going to the bathroom. When she was out of sight, she surveyed her room. The suitcase was open, but her belongings were still stowed on the table, and yesterday's clothes, she recognized, were neatly arranged. She wondered if the girl had some sort of neat quirk or if it was just the fact that she was tidy, or even good manners that she still considered herself a guest here. Either way, it was good, but something told her she might be uncomfortable. What was normal, few outsiders saw the Kure at home and were comfortable with their presence.
But it got worse when she remembered who the girl was committed to, even more so when this guy was none other than her brother. The girl was both curious and distressed by Miss Yamagami, so she took it upon herself to make her at least like the clan, with all its quirks.
She waited for the girl to get dressed and come out of the bathroom.
“I had noticed before” Fusui says “but I'm kind of watching better now, you're kind of chubby, right?”
“Ah…” Ayami blushes, hiding behind the screen to change clothes “Y-yes… I used to play sports but now that I got busy with work, I can't reduce this silhouette.”
“I have nothing against that, I already said, I think you're cute” she shrugs “people who have this crazy training since childhood so it's hard to have a fatter Kure, but you should see one of my uncles, he's practically an ox, ahahaha…”
Suddenly Ayami felt self-conscious. Not that she minded much, but still, if that was a problem…
“I imagine he doesn't mind being called that, right?” she asks cautiously.
“No, he's nicknamed ‘the devil ox’, so he's proud of it.”
“So I guess I don't need to worry, huh?”
“No, not at all” Fusui smiles “as long as you show yourself strong, then no one will say a peep about you.”
“Oh, right” she comes out of the screen in a blue dress shirt and a pair of gray leggings, and leaves her used clothes folded on top of the others “I'm ready.”
“Let's go then!” Fusui stands up, and holds her hand, almost dragging her out in excitement.
Ayami had to admit, the place was huge.
And it wasn't just a mansion as she suspected, it was several and several houses and housing projects, a real village hidden in a forest, between mountains and thick walls.
She had actually been surprised at the treatment though, when she thought she could have been thrown in a prison cell on bread and water, when in fact she had been placed in a rather luxurious room by her standards. And from what she had understood, despite having a luxury, the house she was still in was not the main one, but a smaller one, where there were other branches of the family.
And of course, unsurprisingly, a lot of them, practically one in three people she counted, had dark sclera like her guide (and possibly sister-in-law) had. It made her feel a little better. The cafeteria in the central part of one of the complexes, where Fusui and several others gathered, was already practically full. Several long traditional low tables with cushions for people to sit on. They were given bowls of rice and natto from the serving girls, and soon went to sit down.
They ate in silence, but Ayami felt that she was noticed. She saw several dark eyes in her direction, and a few whispers, but couldn't make out what they were. A young man approached, and stopped on the opposite side with a platter as well.
“Hello ladies, can I sit here?” He smiled. He wore a bandana on his head, and he also had black hair.
“Ohh, Henzo! Take a seat” she indicates the space “this is Yamagami Ayami, our new guest…”
“Ahhh, the Yamagami girl that Hollis and Reichii brought yesterday” he smiles, nodding slightly “pleasure. I'm Kure Henzo. Are you here on business or visiting, miss?”
“She's the first Candidate” Fusui smiles, and Henzo's eyes widen, two silver dots in the middle of the black background.
“Ohhh” he winks, and then lowers his head “I'm sorry for that…”
Ayami raises an eyebrow “uh, why…?”
“Ahh, nothing, Ayami, right?” She glares at the other and he smiles awkwardly. If she heard the guy's worst side before she even met him, she'd be a bad prejudice, so less chance of her being interested. And that was not in Fusui's interests.
“Oh, no, nothing, I just don't like her brother” Henzo corrects himself “actually, many people here, but it's... it's nothing…”
“It's just that my brother is the strongest of us, and that generates envy, right?” Fusui shoots the guy with his gaze again, and the boy turns his head.
“I wouldn't say envy, but it's more of a common irritation…” he grumbles.
“I see” Ayami nods “I think he's also the arrogant type, to have people who don't like him in his own family…”
“Ah… yeah, you can see that, right…” Fusui blushes.
“But if that's the case, I don't think you think so often about the consequences of his actions either.” seeing that the two were interested in what she said, she continues “Because a man who gets into trouble in his own family is nothing more than a fool, getting knives waiting to be stabbed in his back.”
“She speaks beautifully, doesn’t she?” Henzo observes. Fusui nods.
“Wow, you’re pretty, cute, smart, have a voice as sweet as your eyes… look, if Raian doesn't want you, I do!” she comments, looking at Ayami.
And for the first time since she had left the firm, at home, Ayami smiled.
“Hahah, I unfortunately don't have this relationship preference, and even if I did, I'm not available either, miss. Apparently not for a while… I'll be busy taking care of private matters.”
“What subjects? Ah, if you want to tell…” Henzo smiles.
“Oh, it's just that I intend to continue my father's business until my younger brother takes over, if he prefers. And I also intend to do my work as a lawyer, I just passed the last exams to exercise the position.”
“Ah, you're a lawyer, that's why you speak so beautifully” Henzo nods, starting to eat “So polite, you know…?”
“Not every lawyer speaks well” Ayami blushes, while eating “but I do like to express my ideas clearly.”
“And it's really a good thing” Fusui nods “I want to see how it goes in a little while. My brother's got a mission next week, so he won't be here, but that's great, because then we can have some fun.”
“And… I’m afraid of what you guys do for fun here…”
“Ah, normal things, like everyone” Henzo shrugs “the only difference is that we also add things like intensive workout, fighting training and also firearms.”
“The latter ones are definitely not my choice of entertainment” ​Ayami gives a negative sign with her whole hand “although I have practiced Kenjutsu in the past…”
“Oh, so you're a swordsman?” Fusui is interested “well, it makes sense, his family is swordsmen, it's tradition.”
“Yes, it is, but it's not my preference, so I dropped out of high school. I prefer to focus on my career. My brother Akito is better at Kenjutsu than I am, and he thinks about going to college on a sports scholarship. But we have had enough talking about me, please tell me how I can be useful while I'm not busy.”
The conversation in the cafeteria was pleasant. Fusui introduced Ayami to others of the Kure who lived in the area, and more and more times she saw them smile, but without exception, they all gave her rueful looks when they told her what she was to the clan, as if she was being promised to some kind of monster. Gradually she began to wonder why. Of course, she wasn't an idiot, she knew the guy was probably prominent and well known in the clan, but none of the smiles directed at her looked happy. Either he was too good to be envied, or he was extremely arrogant.
She knew she shouldn't stick to opinions before she met him, but one thing she always learned from her mother, God rest her soul, was that the family was the first thing that denoted who a person was.
Was he really that bad?
Ayami also knew that if this guy was really bad as they said, she would need support, so during the week she decided to look for things to do nearby to help, and also research what would be interesting for someone like her to do, only Fusui insisted. to ask her out.
“Ayamiiii!” she arrived with a basket “let's get some fruit! It's a beautiful summer day, we can go bathing in the lake!”
“Oh, I” she points to some ladies who were hanging clothes “I was going to help them…”
“Don't worry miss” the older woman said “young people have to have fun, and it's a really beautiful summer day. Leave the service to us…”
“All… all right,” she sighs, “but if you need more hands…”
“We will call all the rest of the clan, dear, you are still our guest, you don't have to worry. Go play with the other kids.”
She blushed at being called a child, but there was nothing she could do “Yes ma'am” and bowed slightly, turning to her ‘future sister-in-law’ next her “pick fruit, did you say?”
“Yea! It's something me and some cousins ​​do every now and then in the summer. You can meet them too.”
“Could be.” She goes with the assassin, deciding to carry the basket just to have something to do with her hands.
“So, are you having fun staying here?” Fusui comments, halfway.
“Well, if I said no, I'd be lying” Ayami nods. The truth is, she was enjoying the little vacation, but she couldn't quite relax, both because of not knowing what was going to happen, and because of the real reason for being there. It had been five days now, and not even a cell phone message, or a call, or any news from her father and brother. And she also felt a little homesick.
The thought made her stop walking, her heart sank again, and she shivered. Would I ever see them again?
“Hey… oh girl, what happened?” Fusui sees that she had stayed behind, with her head down “are you worried about something?”
“I'm… I mean, I'm fine, but I think I'll follow you more, and walk. I don't think I'm up for swimming” she tries to say. Then she straightens up, taking a little deep breath, and looks at the other”Would you… Fusui… would you judge me if I was a little scared?”
“Yeah… it's normal to be nervous, right? I still don't know him.”
“Ah yes, it is…” the assassin sighs “of course it's normal, honestly I can't even think about judging you. But you know how people exaggerates everything. It's not like you're going to die, or be tortured in interrogation…”
“Don't try to sugarcoat it” Ayami makes a little grimace “I know that this Candidate, even though he's your brother, is a rather unpleasant person. I know that I'm here to…” She breaks off. I wasn't there to suffer, I was there to keep a guarantee that the business between the families would go well, that's all... there wouldn't need to be torture in the process “anyway, you don't have to say anything, I'll see with my own eyes, and I'll see what happens.”
“Okay” Fusui shrugs “but at least you're warned, and we also want to show support... but well, we're used to morbid things, so when we see someone from the outside who looks as delicate as you…”
"Hey, I'm not that delicate…”
“Said the girl who doesn't have a wrinkled garment fold or a hair out of place. Even your room is cleaner than mine, are you sure?”
“Yes” Ayami crosses her arms.
“Well then, prove it!”
“Give me a Katana and I'll show you.”
“Oh, damn, I don't have one…” Fusui pouts.
“Yeah, I would love to play Fruit Ninja with you, but by the way…” she shrugs.
“One day I'll get one and then we'll play!”
“And you took it seriously?”
“Of course, it's cool as hell”
“You are crazy,” Ayami laughs. She even had some skill, but doubted she could actually slice fruit in midair with a Katana. In fact, she was out of practice, but at least the subject served to liven up the conversation “okay, since we don't have the sword, let's go get these blessed fruits. One can't play Fruit Ninja without fruit, right?”
“No, we can't,” Fusui laughs, returning to accompany her new friend. “I bet they'll love meeting you, Ayami. They're pretty nice when they're not killing someone.”
“Yea, I guess so…”
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esta-elavaris · 2 years
WARNING. spoilers for catch the wind.
i have been gone for a few days — i was wallowing on my self-pity while ‘celebrating’ my birthday, and oh my god! your new chapters are fire! my flat is high likely about to burn to the ground. i did not expect the whole thing! i so badly wanted theodora and james to jump together like the jack and rose thing, but oh no. i should’ve known it was coming but it still managed to blow me off the stand! like the reviews i read for the chapter, i agree with them.
i feel so bad for theodora. i don’t know what elizabeth thought she was doing, but babes, she better have a good explanation because what the actual fuck? CRYING.
excited to have my heart hurt so much, i’ll wake up to reality in a work fiction! call me the term of someone who likes pain in books. i am obsessed with angst. i will live and die for angst. i will carve out my heart and lend it to you just so you could write letters on it using a knife, stomp on it. do anything you want with it! i will pay you to stab me on the chest tbh.
you never fail to surprise your readers with the twist of your work and your ability to make us feel! i am so ready for your next update!
ps. i kinda get embarrassed when i put reviews like this and some really weird ones on ff.net because i feel like i seem like a noob on there with all the comments and missing spaces, punctuations, and capital letters which i do not deny. i feel like i express too much, but i also get this thought like, ‘it’s the internet. i’m already weird enough having this unhealthy obsession with james bloody norrington.’ so here i go having yet another long train of thoughts written off to be seen by the internet.
Man, birthdays are rough, I'm sorry you're going through that. I think it doesn't help that there's always such an expectation for them to be fantastic and amazing days that for those of us where they don't feel that way, it's even more of a let-down at times? Idk, maybe that's just me. Either way, I'm sorry! I hope you're doing okay and you're taking the time to do something nice for yourself.
Catch the Wind spoilers beneath the cut.
Ahahaha thank you for your thoughts on this latest chapter. I did get some (valid!) constructive criticism a wee while back that they thought I was being too nice to Elizabeth and glossing over her flaws, but this scene has always been in mind so I kind of knew I had to pre-emptively make up for what she was going to do otherwise there'd just be no chance of redeeming it. Plus I just really liked the contrast between Theo having "seen" it happen one way in the movies (where James kisses Elizabeth) and then seeing it happen this way (where he very much did not instigate it, or really participate in it at all) brings a lot of inner conflict between what she thinks she knows from the movies, vs what is actually real to her in this story.
Especially because there's been so much focus between them on the matter of "well in the movies you love Elizabeth" and "well in the movies, you don't exist at all, you need to stop treating them as fact". James has been amazing with trusting Theo so far. Now we get to see if she'll be able to return the favour. Ah, the angst potential.
All of that aside, I promise we'll hear Elizabeth's reasoning very soon although I did slightly hint at it in the chapter itself so I'm excited to see if anybody picks up on that, and I have a fair few scenes other planned between here and the end that I'm very excited about! I also share your love of angst, it just makes everything in a story feel that much more rewarding if it's hard-won, it's why I really couldn't go the route of them just getting away quickly and easily.
Thank you so much for your lovely words! Reading them made my day. And honestly I'm happy for you to share your thoughts with me whenever you want via Tumblr if you're not comfortable doing so in comment/review sections on the actual sites the fic is posted on, but I will say that I've never found your way of writing to be strange or flawed in any way, so please don't worry about that! Plus, I've now written 300k words of sheer James Norrington thirst so I'm really not in a position to judge any kind of obsession haha -- we're all mad here B)
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