#Hogwarts Mystery tweaked
ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Year 2, Chapter 1
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Part 3 - Where’s Ben?
The next morning, we received our class schedules and the mystery over where Ben might’ve been deepened.
Rowan and I still shared the same classes, most of which were (thankfully) still on the same day, just extended. Transfiguration had a good chunk of Friday afternoons, which stung a bit, but was understandable. Astronomy was the only class that had changed, now on Friday evenings instead.
I had to wonder who the Defence professor was going to be, considering Dumbledore didn’t give an introduction at the welcome feast.
Well, we would find out this afternoon.
I also noticed that Professor McGonagall seemed concerned, as did the rest of the second year boy’s dorm. At least I thought they did.
Either way, it was clear Ben was missing.
Rowan seemed distracted by something, and I followed her gaze. She seemed perplexed by… An old book? I shrugged.
Flitwick briefly stopped by us as he headed out. “I am excited to have you and Mr. Copper back in Charms this year!” he said cheerfully, and I gave a tight smile in return. Ben was still no where to be seen.
I caught sight of McGonagall again was we headed off for Charms. I wasn’t sure what the stern look was about, but I had a feeling we were going to be watched extra closely this year.
Charms class ran smoothly, Flitwick deciding a review of last year was in order, which I wasn’t complaining about. Potions ran less smoothly, with Snape demanding that we brew a fresh batch of healing potions and nitpicked each to death.
But thankfully nothing exploded this year.
Arriving back in the Great Hall for lunch, I noticed Penny and waved. She waved back, and we headed over to the Hufflepuff table.
“Hey Penny,” I greeted, taking a seat across from her, and Rowan sitting down next to me.
“Hello Ellie, Rowan.” She greeted us in turn, setting aside her potions textbook.
“Have you seen Ben?” I asked, getting to the point. “No one’s seen him since we arrived at Hogwarts…”
She shook her head. “No, I haven’t.” She seemed concerned. “Now that I really think about it, I haven’t seen him since we got out of the carriage. And he certainly wasn’t in any of the classes we were supposed to share.”
That tidbit caught my attention. “Supposed to share?”
Penny gave a nervous smile that faltered. “Professor McGonagall asked me herself if I had seen him this morning. She’s been looking for him since breakfast.” She bit her lip, clearly worried. Rowan seemed concerned as well.
“I’m worried, Ellie,” she continued. “Especially after what happened last year with the cursed ice.”
Rowan’s eyebrows jumped, as if a puzzle piece had fallen into place. At my questioning look, she muttered, “I’ll tell you later.” I nodded, before looking around the Great Hall.
“Let’s ask around, to see if someone does happen to know where he might be.” I suggested. Penny and Rowan shared a look, and nodded.
It turned out to be informative, though not in any way I expected.
“Did you look under the tables?” snarked an older Ravenclaw, not looking up from her textbook. “That is his favourite place to cower…”
I rolled my eyes. Yes, I had.  In both classes so far. And would be doing in classes this afternoon. But I said nothing out loud. Instead, I joined Penny in asking Jane Court, the Hufflepuff sixth year prefect.
“I thought I saw him in the Clocktower Courtyard, practicing Transfiguration.” She mused, and that certainly caught me off guard. I filed that away.
Penny got caught chatting with a group, and I looked around for Rowan. I found her, looking terrified as she stood between Filch and Snape. I rescued her, moving to talk to Hagrid.
“Last I saw ‘im, he was wanderin’ around the edge of the Forbidden Forest…” Hagrid seemed equally concerned about Ben as we were, as far as I could tell. The news that he was spotted at the edge of the Forbidden Forest was just as concerning as Jane’s comment about him studying Transfiguration in the courtyard.
As far as I could tell, he was still terrified of detention.
We regrouped. “Any word on Ben?”
Rowan looked contemplative. “Both Filch and Professor Snape want to find Ben and punish him, though neither gave specifics as to why.”
I gave a snort. Sounded like them.
“No one else I talked to after Jane knew of anything…” Penny murmured.
“So Jane thought she saw him in the Clocktower courtyard, Hagrid saw him wandering at the edge of the Forbidden Forest…” I muttered, before glancing at my watch. “Erm, continue this conversation at dinner?”
That cued both Rowan and Penny to glance at theirs as well. “Yes, lets.”
Both Rowan and I took seats at the Gryffindor table and hastily grabbed a couple of the sandwiches, as Penny hurried back to the Hufflepuff table and grabbed her textbook before darting out of the Great Hall. I cringed at the contents of mine, and tried to clean off the extras the best I could.
We hurried up to the Defence classroom, where the rest of the class was waiting outside it. Another glance at my watch told me that whoever the Defence professor was, they were about to land a bunch of worn out second years in detention on the very first day.
It was everyone started getting visibility anxious that the door creaked open. “Sorry about that,” came a vaguely familiar voice, a lighter American one. “Lost track of time.” He waved us in and we took the seats we were assigned last year.
“I’m Professor Stantz. Erm, this is year 2?” He introduced himself, settling in at the front of the classroom. Most of us nodded warily. Merula, Ismelda and a couple others seemed annoyed. “Okay, good.” He shuffled the papers in front of him, before grabbing one. “Alright, I’m going to take roll, then we’ll get started.”
It was probably the weirdest class I’d ever had, but even that couldn’t fully distract me from what Ben may or may not be doing or where he might be. I was also left trying to figure out why the new DADA professor seemed so familiar.
Even weirder, Professor Stantz appointed Rowan as his aide for “the things I’m not able to do.”
We headed back to the Gryffindor common room when we were let go, most of the class chattering behind us as we all left. Clearly, the new professor had everyone in a buzz.
By dinner, the entire school was buzzing with the news. The most I could tell, roughly three-quarters of the school was, in some way, fascinated by the person who had taken over the post. The other quarter, mostly Slytherins, were grumbling about Dumbledore’s choice of a teacher.
Penny waved us over to where she was perched near the end of the Gryffindor table, and we joined her gratefully.
“So what’s this I hear about the new Defence professor?” she teased, setting her fork down. I piled food on my plate, Rowan did so with hers, and shrugged.
“There’s something about him…” I started. “That seems different, certainly to last year’s professor…”
“But you’re not sure what it is.” Penny finished, and I nodded.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about Ben,” she continued, picking up the conversation from lunch. “We have to make sure he’s okay.” She tapped her fingers against the table, just long enough to get her thoughts in some order.
Me and Rowan shared a look. We hadn’t exactly told anyone how we had found him rambling in a corner on the train. In Latin of all languages at that.
“There’s McGonagall,” Rowan mentioned. “Or Angelica, though she might not be happy with us.” I winced at the reminder. While not completely frigid, there was a lingering frostiness that still stung.
“Let’s ask McGonagall. She’s our head of house, so she’ll know where to start.” I suggested. “Once we do that, we can try and talk to Angelica.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Penny noted briskly. “Thanks, Ellie, Rowan.” Her expression crumpled back into worry. “Please let me know what you find. I have a bad feeling about this…”
I nodded in agreement. “’Course we will.”
Penny nodded, before heading over the Hufflepuff table.
We finished dinner, before deciding to head back to Gryffindor tower. I started on my Charms essay, if nothing else, but it wasn’t long before the day caught up to both of us.
The rest of the week passed in a haze of stress and worrying. There had been a single time, when we visited the library, that I thought I spotted Ben. It had been brief, and I wasn’t sure it was him anyways, but it also nudged my brain into remembering to ask McGonagall.
It ended up that she approached me and Rowan after classes on Friday. Me and Rowan had joined the throng of students flocking out to the courtyard and wider grounds, waiting by the fountain for our turn at the Gobstones circle.
I nudged Rowan when I noticed McGonagall approaching, though staying off to the side of the courtyard.
“Miss Marcovitz, Miss Khanna,” she greeted us as we approached. “I think it is important that we discuss your friend Mr. Copper.”
“I was thinking something similar, Professor,” I noted softly. “Ben’s missing, Professor. We were wondering if you could possibly help us find him?” Rowan looked more eager than I probably felt.
“Did you see Mr. Copper on the Hogwarts Express?” she asked, the first of many times to come.
I nodded. “Penny Haywood did as well. We shared a compartment for most of the trip." I bit my lip, as I contemplated how much to say. “Ben seemed fine on the ride up. Mostly.”
I could almost sense McGonagall narrowing in on that last word.
“Had you noticed him behaving strangely at the end of last year?”
Her question caught my attention, before shrugging. “Not really.” This, on top of Rowan’s reaction and Penny’s comment earlier this week, added another piece to this already puzzling situation. “Ben’s always been a bit skittish, but nothing out of the ordinary.”
McGonagall’s expression turned stony.
“It’s unclear what damage was done when you made your ill-advised trip into the room with the cursed ice,” McGonagall started, and I gulped. “That ice has been known to have a strange effect on students.”
I fiddled with my robes. My hands hadn’t really warmed up after our foray.
McGonagall must’ve seen something in my expression. “Did you find anything in that room? Any clue or warning about potential threats beyond the room itself?”
I bit the inside of my lip, unsure if I should say something. Rowan seemed worried as well. McGonagall’s face softened a tiny bit.
“I understand your otherwise reckless pursuit of the rumoured cursed vaults, given your brother’s unfortunate circumstances.” I perked up a little, intrigued about what she knew about Jacob.
Her expression, however, had returned to stony.
“This, however, is not just about you. This could not only affect Mr. Copper, and his well-being, but also all of Hogwarts.” McGonagall drew herself up to full height.
“It is critical that you be honest here, Miss Marcovitz, Miss Khanna.” She stated, and we both gulped. “What did you find?”
I contemplated my options. Either way, the professors would be watching us like many a hawk this year. Including the Headmaster. I shared a look with Rowan, McGonagall’s words from the end of last year ringing between us.
I sighed. “We found a message of sorts. It- it mentioned an Ice Knight and vanished stairs. A shrug. “It’s not much…”
“Hmm…” She stared me down for a moment. “I shall share this information with the Headmaster.” Her expression shifted again, though it was more unreadable. “Unlike last time,” she continued. “We will hope that the ice remains in that room. Excuse me.”
“Yes, professor.” We mumbled, letting her pass.
Last time? I wondered to myself.
I must’ve spoken out loud, because McGonagall paused, then turned around. “That is not important.” She told me, sternly. “What is important is that you search all of Mr. Copper’s known hiding places for clues of his possible whereabouts.”
We nodded.
“The faculty will most likely find him first,” she continued. “But any assistance is welcome to ensure he’s found as quickly as possible.”
A shared glace, and we nodded. “Of course, professor,” Rowan added.
“Please report back to me if you do find him.” She asked, face softening briefly. “I would like to know that he’s safe, and possibly reward you both for your efforts.”
“Thank you, Professor,” we chorused, and Professor McGonagall headed back into the castle.
We headed back into the courtyard itself, and managed to nab the Gobstones circle before the light faded completely.
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aviandemiwitch · 11 months
Elixir - your choice of character
elixir - write a scene where your character creates a magical potion
Ellie's pov
I squinted at the cookbook I had open, propped open on the counter, before carefully pouring. Rosmerta was unlikely to give me any more Gillywater if I botched this up.
Or, at least, not as much.
Pouring the Gillywater in, I stirred my cauldron, keeping the contents moving. I didn't need the sugar crystallising at the bottom before this was considered ready.
A final wave of my wand, I poured the contents into a travelling container. Final assembly of the potion would be at the Three Broomsticks.
And the portkey was set to leave soon.
@kc-needs-coffee 🥂
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gracelesslady23 · 1 year
The Gift
For as long as he remembers, whenever he is given a moment alone, James will sketch and scribble, quill flying over scraps of parchment or the margins of books. Anything to get the ideas out of his head onto paper, whether they are small or big, useful or merely amusing, game changing or tiny tweaks to existing items.
He never thought much of this ‘gift’ as his parents called it. After all, it wasn’t as if he had any clue how to bring his myriad ideas to fruition. And as he grew, he learns that his gift isn’t even particularly impressive, in fact mostly results in him being marked out as weird or silly by the neighbourhood children. Not like his humour or bravery or skill on broomstick, which never fails to make a good impression on his peers.
So, without much fanfare, James starts to hide away his drawings and notes, although the ideas never do stop coming even once he starts Hogwarts.
Overtime James becomes lax, he neglects to guard his scribbles as closely. Until one day in the middle of second year, he lends Sirius a book over the winter holidays forgetting to erase his scribbles in the margins before he does so.
James tries not to panic when he realises his mistake. Its too late to do anything about it, James is already at his parents’ house and Sirius already in London with his family. But he can’t help but chew his fingernails to the messy stumps with worry about it, regardless.
When Sirius enters their usual compartment for the train ride back to Hogwarts, James nervousness intensifies. Will he even still want to be friends with James after this. All James’s previous friends had found the behaviour odd and childish. The idea of Sirius feeling the same way hurts.
But Sirius greets him, Peter and Remus as usual and their conversation continues as it would on any other day. James begins to relax.
It is not until later that night, just before they turn in, Sirius takes the borrowed book out of his trunk to hand back to James. The nervous churning of James’ stomach returns.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Sirius says, tone unusually cautious, before his releases the book back into James’ hands.
He thinks perhaps Sirius had vanished his doodles and scribbles himself therefore saving James the embarrassment of having Sirius read them. It would make Sirius a better friend then the neighbourhood children James grew up with, which obviously James already knows, but… James doesn’t feel as happy about the prospect of Sirius simply ignoring James’ scribbles as he thought he should.
In the safety of his four poster bed, James opens it, heart thundering in his chest.
Sirius hadn’t erased anything.
But he had added to it.
Lines and lines of elegant script: complex spells in latin, mysterious potions and rare magical herbs, exclamation points and question marks, jokes and asides.  
James loses hours to the pursuit of Sirius’s additions. Laughing at Sirius’s remarks and gasping at his brilliance. It is as if a fire has been lit beneath his own mind, his thoughts running a mile a minute building and building off Sirius’ work.
When James emerges from his bed the next morning, Sirius is waiting for him. After his long night, James is up later than usual and Sirius is already dressed for the day, his hair impeccable, his uniform artfully dishevelled.
“So?” Sirius asks. He stands stiffly at the end of his own bed as if unsure of his welcome in James’s space.
Words fail him, but his muscle memory doesn’t. James strides forward capturing Sirius in one of their not uncommon embraces, only this time James holds him tighter and more warmly than ever.
“You are brilliant.”
Sirius scoffs into his hair.
“I’m not the one who came up with it all. If anyone is brilliant here, it’s you.”
James squeezes him even more tightly to his chest, burying his head into Sirius’ neck. His eyes growing misty behind his glasses.
James might have once thought his gift was useless, but with Sirius’s practicality layered in elegant script over his messy scrawl, James can’t help but think, his parents may be more right than they are wrong when they called it a gift.
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missnight0wl · 10 months
Random question, but in your opinion, what is the weirdest and/or worst character redesign from the Harry Potter films to their 3D models in Hogwarts Mystery?
I suppose it’s Cedric Diggory for me. I still remember being totally weirded out when he first appeared in the game.
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Admittedly, I believe they tweaked him a bit since then:
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… but I think he still looks… just weird. I don’t even know what it is exactly, but he feels off. I want to say that it’s a matter of portraying an (almost) adult actor with a 3D model using a child’s body, but I’m not sure it’s just that. The Weasley twins look way better, in my opinion (and it’s not like they don’t resemble their actors at all).
Other than that, I guess the rest is pretty good or at least all right. Although I want to also mention Snape here – not because he’s bad or weird, but because I really wish he looked younger. I mean, when HPHM starts, he’s technically only 24. He does not look 24.
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Like, not even close. And I realise that it’s probably because they were using Alan Rickman as a reference, so technically, they did a good job. But on the other hand… they could've just used an image of Rickman when he was younger, y'know? Don’t get me wrong, I'm not saying it’s a big deal or anything. But at the same time, it almost always was one of the things I disliked about the movies. Because the fact that the characters from the Marauders era were so young does add a pretty interesting layer to the story.
Also, I do believe that Snape influenced Rakepick’s appearance too, and as a result, she looks like she’s in her 40s when she’s only 31 when she’s first introduced in the game – and I’m a bit salty about it.
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bellasflannel · 1 year
Blaise Zabini & The Fool's Journey
Series summary:
Western esotericism recognizes two paths of attaining one's goals. The right hand path follows specific ethical codes and adopts social convention; while the Left Hand takes the opposite approach, espousing the breaking of taboo and abandoning set morality.
JKR wrote a series about the quintessential light hero, following the right hand path to specifications of her brand of conventional morality. Personally, I find it flat, hollow, and lacking; especially after she's revealed her true colors. I intend to explore the other side of the house and cultural divide, to breathe life into barely existent characters, and delve into the deliciously dark aspects of the magical world. Not all dark magic is evil, and not all the practitioners are prejudiced genocidal fascists. This is their story.
Despite their schoolyard rivalry, the Slytherins and Gryffindors have more in common than either of them would admit. Their goals are shockingly similar: to avoid living under the tyrannical regime of a mad dark Lord and shed the shackles of oppression. Their methods, however, could not be more antithetical. After all, it is well known that Slytherins are willing to use any means to achieve their ends, fair and foul alike.
Canon tells us exactly seven things about Blaise Zabini, and they are all true. He is black, he is Italian, he is vain, he is a Slytherin, he is on the dark side, he tends to fly under the radar, and by the time he is in 6th year his mother is a widow seven times over (whose husbands all died under mysterious circumstances). The rest, though, is far more complicated for canon's oblivious narrator to notice. That's where I come in ;)
This is canon adjacent, in that Blaise will be set off down the left hand path on The Fool's Journey at the same time Harry starts down the right hand path on The Hero's Journey. They will, eventually, converge. Until then, this story is relatively canon compliant, if you assume Harry is painfully oblivious to anything not directly under his nose (with a few minor tweaks for convenience).
The most important change is the Hogwarts age range is bumped up to 14-21, so basically high school to college instead of middle to high school. I need them to have a little more education and maturity to explore the world building I have in mind.
Structurally, each act will be a year at Hogwarts, with act 0 functioning as a prequel. In all likelihood, this will be a trilogy of 7 acts each, following the 3 arcs of the Major Arcana:
Blaise Zabini & The Left Hand Path: Acts 1-6: First thru Fifth year, Ages 14-19
(Currently in act 2 or second year)
Blaise Zabini & The Poison Path: Acts 7-14: Sixth and Seventh year (The War), Ages 19-21
Blaise Zabini & The Crooked Path: Acts 15-21: Eighth Year and Adulthood, Ages 22-?. Complete canon divergence.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Graphic violence/blood/gore (ranging from ritualistic animal death to murder), body horror, parental abuse, fanon typical sexual assault/non-con (NOT depicted graphically), trauma/PTSD, questionable & flawed coping mechanisms, drug use (glorified)/drug abuse (sad)/drug dealing (both), hypersexuality, unreality, an unreliable narrator, hurt/comfort, angst, immigrant diaspora blues, homophobia (societal and interpersonal), polyamory, polytheism (gods/goddesses/fae/demons), blasphemy, heretical Catholicism, very grey morality, and queerness of all types (not only gay as in homosexual, but queer as in antithetical to normative and straight).
TRIGGER WARNING: this work will explore trauma of all sorts and use aspects of real life mental illness, namely dissociation and psychosis, and attribute common symptoms to magical and fantastical causes. It will also deeply explore all types of trauma and the many many ways to cope with it. This is coming from someone with experience with these issues, so it will be handled realistically and delicately. Please be aware of this when interacting with this work if you have a history with grieving, sexual assault, homophobia, delusions, dissociation, and/or psychosis.
This is a perpetual work in progress and I reserve (and frequently flex) the right to retroactively edit and polish as I go. There will always be something new should you return for a reread.
Disclaimers: I don't own this magical universe, obviously, but I am confiscating it because I can do it better than JKR. I am going to reclaim it, tear this establishment apart board by board with my grubby queer hands, and rebuild it with the revolutionary spirit she claimed to have but ultimately never had a vision for outside of upholding the peaceful status quo.
This will draw heavily from real life religions and spirituality, accurate to the best of my abilities, but it is fiction for a reason and I will be taking liberties. This is done with the best intentions from the perspective of an eclectic, polytheistic, chaotic practitioner of witchcraft and occultism.
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scarlettroubles · 2 years
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My mom told me that another Typhoon is coming to our area and would be hitting landfall by the 25th so I went ahead and asked @night-rhea if I could post my hphm server secret santa part early just in case so with that outta the way;
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marmotish · 2 years
4C Freyja yelling at 2D Chester, who just ate the last pastry.
coming home after a shitty day at work just to find that the apple turnover you’d been saving is gone, so now you release your pent-up frustration and anger on the only person there. 😔
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expression meme
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ma there’s a weird fuckin cat outside
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changeling-fae · 4 years
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Sorry this took so long, I got home late and I’m sleepy. So here’s @chirithy564 Artemis Grey and @danceworshipper Oliver Adams.
I hope you like them!
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
🧡Candy for the October ask game, please
thank you :)
Missing scene - Year 2
The train was roughly three-quarters of the way to Scotland, and just after I finished changing, did the trolly witch turn up with her trolly of sweets.
It was me, Rowan, Penny and Rose, both of them having turned up briefly before.
“Anything off the trolly, dears?” she asked, gesturing to the assortment of candies and treats.
Rowan got herself some liquorice wands. Penny got some cauldron cakes. Rose, several containers of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. I settled on some Droobles and a few other assorted candies.
We split the cauldron cakes, realising the time. I check my bag if mum or dad had slipped something in it, just in case, and finding some other assorted snacks and a favourite muggle candy bar.
We ended up spitting the snacks as well.
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stupendousbookworm · 2 years
Guys. I have something rather important to discuss today
its basically about the fandom. There’s a lot that’s going on right now and I want to address an issue.
we all know that Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery takes place in a magical school for PRETEENS and TEENS who are also quite UNDERAGE
look, as a teenager in the older spectrum, I can totally understand that stuff does happen, and there can be.. Many instances where really inappropriate (for their age) stuff happens between two people, but like,,, romanticizing such things is not that great
teenagers are young and naïve and we tend to do dumb shit here and there but talking about explicit things… is really pretty much illegal at this point
i really do appreciate creators who do censor their work and MENTION that the characters are 18+. Thank you for that. You’re protecting the minors in the fandom
another thing I wanna say is that there are preteens and young teenagers in the fandom. We actually cannot ignore that at all, and although it is HIGHLY questionable that they’re on the internet at such a young age, we cannot blame them
look, I was a kid born in the early 2000s , and I didn’t have much access to the internet growing up. But the new generation is quite the opposite and we much respect the era thats currently on-going, and make sure we’re not a “threat” to young kids
and also, please please please please PLEASE make the characters at least LOOK older, even if you mention that “they’re 18+” doesn’t mean that they look 18+. Just tweak up the designs to make them look older because Jesus fucking Christ you have no idea how many times I’ve heard about these problems
i doubt ill be in this fandom for long. And i though that addressing this issue would make this lovely community into a better place for everyone
im not accusing anyone.. I’m just requesting all of you to be responsible
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
my sirius
summary: sirius loses his memories due to a potion mishap and james fails to tell him that he’s been dating remus for two years 
Sirius had never really been good at potions. 
He wasn’t one to follow the directions, and that reflected in his potion-making skills. He liked to make changes to the recipe, despite his lack of skills to make executive decisions like that. 
So when he had been brewing a particularly tricky potion with James - one that renders the drinker void of any memories for an hour, he probably shouldn’t have tweaked the recipe. 
But as Sirius stared down at the murky green goop, he wished for some pizazz. So he took matters into his own hands. A funky potion like this should look a lot cooler, he decided. Granted, it probably wasn’t a good decision to add that mystery white powder in the back of the cupboard. 
The second it touched the surface of his potion, it erupted out and onto Sirius. What happened next, was utter chaos. 
Slughorn was screaming at James to scourgify the cauldron, which he did with a shaky wave of his wand. Remus and Peter were on the floor in a fit of laughter, much like the rest of the class - even Snape was smiling. And Sirius, well poor Sirius wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. Or who he was. 
He turned to the tan boy next to him, who’s dark eyes were locked on his, worry evident in them. He opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “Sirius?” 
“What?” Was the only reply he could muster. What was happening? What was serious? Who was this boy, and why did he look so concerned? 
“Did you, y’know, get any in your mouth?” The boy questioned, tilting his head a bit. His glasses reflected a bit when he did so, no longer allowed him to see his eyes. 
“Who are you?”
James deflated, turning to the man who was quivering in the corner. “Professor?” 
“It’s all fine,” The supposed Professor announced, holding his hands up. “I have  a couple counteractive potions. James, son, what did he put in there?” 
“Er, I’m not sure, I didn’t see.” The boy, James, turns back to their cauldron before reaching for a small bottle of white powder. “I think it was this.” 
The Professor squints at the bottle before sighing. “I’m not entirely sure what that was. We could try all three of the counter acting potions? They don’t mess with one another, and I’m sure one of them will work. Alright, I think we’ve had enough of this, class dismissed early, James stay here with Sirius. Please clean up properly!” 
The class began to put their materials away, whispering different cleaning spells as to not disturb the silence that had descended upon the class. Sirius assumed his name must be Sirius and James must not have been speaking of the emotion earlier. He stood at the small table with the dark cauldron, awkwardly shifting his weight as the Professor sifted through his drawers. 
In the end, he pulled out three small vials and handed them to James who brought them to Sirius. He flashed him a bright grin. “Drink up!” 
Sirius didn’t ask very many questions, though he felt as if he was bursting with them. He simply tilted his head back to swallow the liquids back, one after the other, cringing at the taste of the last one. 
James and the Professor continued to stare at him and Sirius stared back.
“What’s my name?” The Professor questioned after a moment of silence. 
“I don’t- I don’t know, sorry,” Sirius apologized, his ears burning as he shrunk under their inquisitive gazes. 
James sighed but the Professor didn’t seem to put off. “No worries, Black. I’ll take a look at that powder and I should have an antidote whipped up soon enough. Besides, if too much didn’t go wrong with your potion, you should get your memories back within the hour. James, why don’t you take him down to the medical wing to wait?” 
He must’ve messed up the potion because an hour later, he was still unknowing to who he was. 
James had filled him in on where he was - Hogwarts - and who he was - Sirius Black - but hadn’t given him too much information. He had assured that he’d get his memories back soon enough so there was no point. But the outcome was starting to look pretty bleak and soon enough, the nice nurse lady was sending Sirius away with James seeing as nothing could be done. 
“It’ll be fine, Sirius, Slughorn will get you back to normal soon enough. I reckon you’ll remember everything by tomorrow, no worries. And Remus and Peter will love this!” James seemed extremely enthusiastic, despite the fact that his best friend had no memories. 
“Does this sort of thing happen often?” Sirius was barely keeping up with James’ quick pace as he tried to absorb the castle he seemed to be in. 
“Losing your memories? Not to any of us, but I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet. We’re always getting into trouble. We’re kinda known for our pranks.” 
James seemed pretty proud and Sirius smiled at the thought of pranks. 
“Anyway, we’re in Gryffindor. There’s four houses, but I don’t think you need to know the others, right now. The password is Ficklepuffs, don’t forget that or else you can’t get in.” 
Sirius nodded, mouthing the word and hoping he’ll be able to remember it. 
“Okay, let’s not stay in the common room too long. Better if you don’t have to deal with all the questions. Let’s go to our dorm room. We share it with Remus and Peter.” 
Sirius followed him up the stairs wordlessly, ignoring the stares from the others in the common room. James pushed a door open and Sirius stepped into the warm room, his eyes flitting around before finding a boy sitting on one of the four beds
The blonde one looked up at him before directing his gaze towards James. “Is he all fixed up yet?” 
James grimaced a bit, “No, we’re waiting for Slughorn to make an antidote. Poppy told us to bring him up here and make him comfortable until the potions wears off or whenever Slughorn makes the antidote. Whichever happens first.” 
Sirius just stood in the center of the room, unsure what exactly he was supposed to do. All four of the beds looked exactly the same, and though James had taken the bed next to the blonde boy’s bed, the other two seemed too similar. James must’ve noticed his discomfort because he nodded his head towards one of the beds before speaking to the other boy in hushed tones. 
The bed was large with thick curtains around it, probably for privacy. The bed was made neatly and Sirius felt bad as he settled on top, wrinkling the sheets. On the bedside table was a book or two that seemed pretty untouched, and a dog toy? 
“Hey, Sirius!” The blonde boy waved to get his attention. “I’m Peter.” 
“Hi Peter.” Sirius waved back only for the other boys’ jaw to drop open as he shot James a look. 
“He can talk?”
“Of course he can talk, you dolt. He lost his memories not his knowledge. I bet he can still do maths and stuff. He just doesn’t know how he learned it, I think.” James turned to Sirius with a thoughtful look. “What’s four plus four?” 
“Eight,” Sirius replied immediately, much to his surprise. 
“See! You know how you learned that? Who taught you?” 
Sirius shifted uncomfortably. “No, not really.” 
James gave Peter a knowing look. “See. James is always right, that’s why we don’t question James.” 
“Oh quit it with the third person.” Peter rolled his eyes though his lips were quirked up a bit in a smile. 
James continued to speak in third person and Sirius watched the banter with a small smile. Eventually Peter shoved James away, speaking of some essay he needed to finish, so James came over to bother him. 
“I know you don’t really remember me, but we’ve been best mates since first year. That’s when we were elven.” James fills him in, perching on the edge of his bed. 
“And now we’re...?” 
“Seventeen. Er, well you are. Your birthday was about a month ago, November third. Remus and I are still sixteen.”
Sirius nods, soaking in this information. “And we’ve been dorm mates since then?” 
“Yep! Actually, you live with me now. But don’t worry about that, you’ll get your memories back soon enough,” James reassured though Sirius didn’t fully believe him. 
His thoughts were broken by the door slamming open as another boy stalked in. He was muttering angrily and when he saw the Peter, he turned toward him. “My blasted book was on the other side of the school! This is what I get for trying to study for Charms!” 
Sirius just watched, mouth agape, because he had never seen someone this attractive. He knew he hasn’t seen very many people in the past hour, his only memories, but he’s sure no one else could compare. Though his side profile is all Sirius can see at the moment, he still marvels at his golden brown hair and the flutter of freckles splattering his face. His cheeks are flushed pink, probably from his journey to the other side of the school, and matched his lips that were moving rapidly as he complains. 
And then he seems to realize that Sirius is there because he turns to him, and Sirius squirmed under the intensity of his amber eyes. “Did Slughorn’s antidote work?” 
Sirius can barely manage a shake of his head. 
This seems to upset the boy further because he groans and falls back onto his bed, hands dragging down his face. Sirius can’t help but follow his actions as his jumper hitches up to reveal a patch of pale skin. A jagged scar peaks out from under it, and though it’s faded to a silvery white, Sirius internally flinches at the thought of how it felt. 
Though James was still on his bed, he couldn’t help but continue to sneak glances at Remus. Something about him, and his presence, seemed comforting. But he seemed in distress and Sirius wanted to offer that same comfort he found.
“If he’s Peter, you’re Remus, right?” Sirius can tell Remus is upset and maybe he just wanted to talk to his friend? While Sirius isn’t really Sirius, he can try. And then he stupidly introduces himself, “I’m Sirius.” 
“I know,” Remus replies flatly, still stretched out on his bed. “And you’re the biggest idiot I know.” 
Sirius cringes back, regretting the choice to open his mouth. He glances at James who just waves it off. 
“He’s not mad, it’s just Remus.” James leans back as he stretches his leg out to prod Remus with a toe, then squealing when Remus grabbed said toe and yanked him so he almost slid off the bed. “Oi!” 
Sirius waited for him to get situated again before leaning in to hiss, “You didn’t tell me I was gay! Or that Remus is so attractive! What the fuck, mate?” 
To his surprise James just laughs, “Oh, right. Sorry, it’s not something I thought I would have to tell you, I dunno, I didn’t think about it. And what? I was supposed to introduce Remus as the hot one?” 
“Yes,” Sirius replied, genuinely. “This is important information!” 
“Right, sorry. But you don’t have to whisper, it’s not really a secret.” 
Sirius narrows his eyes, “Being gay or thinking Remus is attractive?” 
“Both. They go hand in hand, really, if you think about it.” James nods thoughtfully before smiling again reassuringly. “You’ll remember soon enough.” 
“Right. So he knows I think he’s hot?” 
“I would hope so.” 
Sirius frowns at this, “You hope so? What, does everyone know?” 
“Oh, yes.” 
“Wait a minute, what exactly are we?” This time the question is directed to Remus who has been lying on his bed, quiet but no doubt listening in on their conversation. 
Remus turns his head over to look at Sirius, his eyes flickering over his face before a smile is pulling at his lips as he says, “Friends. Since first year.” 
“Yeah, yeah, everything since first year.” Sirius visibly deflates at this information. What was Sirius With Memories doing? How could he bear to be just friends with someone like that? And now he had gone asking dumb questions, no doubt a problem that will soon arise. 
It took a mere couple of seconds before the problem rose. 
James stood up, dusting off his pants in a big show before turning to Peter. “Let’s head down to dinner, yeah? I think it’s better if we leave Sirius back here, Remus, you’ll stay?” 
Remus hummed a reply, now turning to lie on his stomach, burrowing his head into his arms. He looked so cuddly Sirius itched to wiggle into his embrace. 
“Wait! I want to come, I want dinner, I’m hungry.” Sirius stood too but James waved him off. 
“Nah, too many questions. We’ll bring you back some food, Remus too. And Poppy said to make him comfortable so Remus, I dunno, tuck him into bed or something.” James didn’t leave much time to argue, slipping out of the dorm door with Peter close behind him. 
Sirius just stood there, awkwardly, now unsure what to do. He glanced at Remus who still had his head burrowed in his arms, and then at the door, considering just running after James and Peter. Why did he have to say something about Remus being attractive? Even if James was right and Remus already knew, it was so awkward!
“Are you going to change?” Remus asked, pulling Sirius out of his thoughts. His eyes flickered over Sirius’ figure before glancing back at him with a small smile. “You’re covered in that goop. I can clean off your bed, go get changed.” 
Sirius assumed the trunk at the foot of his bed must have his clothes, and much to his luck, he was right. He just reached for some random pants and a shirt before spotting a fuzzy jumper in the corner. He grabbed it too. 
Remus was muttering some sort of spell on the bed and the green patches were slowly disappearing. Throwing him one last glance, Sirius entered the bathroom and quickly changed out of his soiled clothes. Once he was clean, he grimaced at the state of his hair. Thankfully, it had been spared from the potion, for the most part, but was a tangly mess, no doubt from his nervous fiddling. He tried to rake his fingers through it but it didn’t do much so he just returned to the room. 
Remus had cleaned his bed and was on his own now, fidgeting with a comb. When he spotted Sirius his eyes brightened and his smile grew a bit as he waved him over. “C’mere, I’ll fix your hair.” 
Sirius ducked his head bashfully as he approached Remus’ bed before gingerly crawling onto it, sitting down in front of him. He was acutely aware of how close Remus was too him and butterflies erupted in his stomach. Sirius forced himself to sit perfectly still as nimble fingers began carding through his hair, working through the knots. 
“Oh, Sirius, how did this even happen?” Remus murmured, his voice quiet enough that it made Sirius blush. This whole thing felt so intimate and it didn’t help that Remus kept brushing against his back as he fixed his hair. 
“I dunno,” Sirius whispered back.
“S’okay, love, I think I can get the knots out.”
The nickname slipped out so naturally it sounded as if he said it every day, but it didn’t stop Sirius from freezing, his leg pausing in it’s bouncing. Remus must’ve noticed too because his fingers stilled in Sirius’ hair. 
“Shit, I couldn’t even go fifteen minutes, could I?” He tutted, before continuing to work through his hair. “Sorry, Sirius. Your face when I walked in was too priceless, I couldn’t not have some fun with it. I loved your reaction to me saying we’re just friends.” 
Sirius wasn’t completely sure what was happening, but he found his voice. “So we’re not friends?” 
Remus snorted at this, “No. We’ve been dating since fourth year. Almost two years, now, I think.” 
Sirius’ head was whirling. He was dating Remus? And the others really didn’t bother saying anything about it? Again, this seemed like important information! Your name is Sirius Black, you’re gay, you have a hot boyfriend...the basics! 
Remus laughed again and ran his comb through Sirius’ now tangle-free hair. “All done.” 
Sirius turned around so he could face Remus who was now settled back down and was leaning against his headboard. “Thank you.” 
“Look at you, so polite. If only Sirius could be like this every day.” Remus shook his head but his words held no venom. “Do you want me to braid it so it doesn’t get tangled again?” 
Sirius didn’t really know what to say to him, seeing as they were boyfriends though he had no memory of this. So he just nodded mutely, turning back around so Remus could braid his hair. He worked in silence and Sirius greatly appreciated it. 
When he was finished he patted Sirius’ shoulder and he turned around again. Remus was watching him with a warm smile and it encouraged him to voice his thoughts, “Do you think Slughorn will we be able to make an antidote?” 
“For you memories? I’m sure he will. He’s pretty talented,” Remus assured, his hands reaching out to brush a couple loose strands out of Sirius’ face. “Don’t worry too much. We’ll work it out tomorrow.” 
Sirius nods but he doesn’t feel very confident in the Professor’s abilities. “This is scary. I don’t know anything or anyone. It’s weird, though, I kind of still have emotions associated with people? So I feel things but I don’t know why.” 
“I’m sure it’s terrifying. But you’re safe with us, I promise you trust us when you’re normal. And for the emotions? It’s probably like muscle memory but with feelings? Can you describe it? Like me for example?” 
Heat crawls onto Sirius’ face and he dropped his gaze to his lap. “You’re warm. Like, my chest feels all warm on the inside. But also kind of swirly, I don’t know. It’s positive, I know that. I cared about you a lot, I think.”
“You did. I care about you a load too.” Remus reaches out to gently link their fingers together. “I was kind of scared about you never remembering me again, but I don’t think Dumbledore would let that happen. He’s the headmaster here.” 
“I wish I could remember you. You seem worth remembering.” 
Remus’ mouth fell open a bit at his words and then he was pulling Sirius into a tight hug, holding him against his chest. “That’s so cheesy but so sweet, oh my god, Sirius.” 
Sirius laughed at this, but wrapped his own arms around Remus, laying his head onto Remus’ chest. The embrace felt so natural he couldn’t help but melt into it, sighing softly. 
And that’s exactly when James and Peter burst through the door, holding plates of food. When James caught sight of them he exclaimed, “Remus! Get away from him! He doesn’t remember anything, poor Sirius! You’re a stranger! He’s a stranger!” 
“He’s not a stranger,” Remus protested, continuing to hold Sirius, chin tucked over the top of his head. “He’s my Sirius.” 
Sirius smiled into his sweater at his words. He quite liked the sound of that - my Sirius. 
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thebgcharacter · 3 years
hi hana, welcome back! was curious if u have any fanfic recs? im p much inlove w all the soukokus and the typical side ships that come w them 😺😺
Hello, anon! Sad to say I haven't been reading up much during my break, but I do still have some recs that I think were amazing reads from a few months ago! Though I'll be honest, even then I wasn't reading a lot, but-
Here are my top 5!
This is technically an ongoing series but I loved this to bits, and I will insert this as my collective top 1. Am I biased? Yes, yes I am, but that's besides the point. Chuuya, born in the muggle world, finds out he is a wizard and attends Hogwarts, where he befriends Dazai, the adopted son of notorious Mori Ougai. I loved the incorporation of Harry Potter and Bungou Stray Dogs into this, being an old fan of the former and a current fan of the latter, and it's just genius writing. Good characterization, and good plot too. It's not just a rewrite of the HP series with a change of characters, the plot was tweaked too, to better fit BSD's vibe. Definitely my top 1 on this list.
Honestly, anything by setosdarkness in AO3 is a blessing. This one, I think, I've read maybe 5 times already, because I get so much serotonin from this! It's funny, it's crack, it's on-point in a way, and it's the fix-it I need what with ADA, Port Mafia and the Guild all being in one party, playing charades. Easily my top 2, this is my comfort fic of sorts. I read it again recently, after coming back here, you should too if you're into crack/no angst fics!
THIS!! This fic is one of my firsts in the BSD fandom, and I loved it so, so much, I even have the linked Spotify playlist saved in my library. THIS is what you read if you want slow burn and tension and mafia involvement and ANGST but also some good soukoku shit. I swear, their characterizations is on point with this. Basically, Chuuya gets married off to Dazai and their marriage signifies peace between their groups. Kouyou leads Chuuya's, and Mori leads Dazai's and THE PLOT TWISTS and SLOW BURN is so worth it.
My favorite shin soukoku fic, for one reason and one reason only: CAT RASHOMON!!! Seriously though- neighbors au is everything. How I long for domestic shin soukoku. This is no angst/lowkey crack but overall just very light-hearted. I love the way other characters are involved in this too! If I remember this correctly, soukoku also pop up as a side couple, but the focus is mainly on cat dad Aku and adopted cat dad Atsu.
Can't finish off a rec list without some RanPoe so here! It's basically just them being geniuses yet completely oblivious to one another's feelings. I love Louisa's involvement with this, and this fic is the reason I stan platonic Poe/Louisa when I initially haven't considered it since they don't interact much in canon. Oh, and it's a college au, all fun and games and maybe some mental breakdowns over finals (if I remember correctly). Just a light, fluffy fic with a healthy sprinkling of humor. I'll probably read this again for the feelgood vibes it gives me.
Now for some honorable mentions!
All you need to know is FukuMori watch their son Dazai grow up with Chuuya- whose dads are VerRim. Very domestic, highly recommend this.
No, it's not the popular one from Haikyuu lol BUT! Paul and Arthur adopting Chuuya instead of... you know, whatever happened in canon?? The perfect fix-it, especially after reading Stormbringer.
Again with the family dynamic of zskk/dazai and verrim/chuuya except this one's more focused on soukoku. It's ABO, but it's also a royalty au with an amazing plot, and overall development with twists on canon events. If you don't mind omegaverse then this I urge you to read this!
On the topic of long fics, here's an iconic one for skk. Think: singers! soukoku but better. If I remember this right, this was inspired by the song "still still still" sung by soukoku's voice actors??? Which was a catchy song btw, check it out. And it gives us fake dating, turned real dating, with lots of bad decisions and Dazai taking up acting. A good read if you want a longer fic!
Much shorter soukoku, with the classic coffee shop x flower shop worker au. I love the flower language from this fic, and the light vibes. I also love the way other characters were incorporated into this?? And I like soukoku being idiots in love.
Now I've reached my link limit damn this site but I will not be stopping just yet.
For fics with less than 4k words: here's one where atsu and rashomon interact, it's all soft sskk; here's where aku spoils atsu, in the soft way okay? Get your mind out of the gutters; here's one where almost everyone in ADA kiss dazai to break the curse of an ability and because dazai is a little shit he lets them; here's ranpo introspection and coming up to the deduction that he has feelings for a certain mystery writer; and here's the prologue?? of Full Tacit Understanding (see Top 2) but it's just Chuuya grocery shopping and Dazai watching him.
These are for the brave, but here's Chuuya in a dress plus relieving sexual tension and here's an ongoing series where sskk help one another but there's also some plot... but mainly I'm adding this here 'cause it's hot.
I'd also like to add that my bookmarks have some good stuff but also know that 60% of my bookmarks are privated, and with good reason <3 That's all I can think of, I hope you like these, anon!
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hobisexually · 7 years
yellow gucci sweater headcanon: spill pls xx
it has to do with Harry at Hogwarts and y’know, he’s obviously not a Hufflepuff, but this asshole always forgets his Ravenclaw sweater in the common room and then he’s out in Herbology in the greenhouses but it’s fall and he’s cold 
so Harry darts around charming the pants off of every Hufflepuff in the house, he just has to flash them a smile and he charms them into giving him their sweater even if they’re cold. and then he just forgets to bring it back, right, and he wears it all around the castle and Louis keeps wondering who the fuck that sweater is from? at first he thinks he borrowed Niall’s but then he sees Niall in his own sweater (also Niall’s sweater has a Firewhiskey stain on it that they never did manage to get out of it) while Harry is wearing the other one and he loses his mind, and Harry of course notices but he just smirks through and loves driving Louis up the wall a bit 
but then Harry starts turning up in a Gryffindor sweater that he borrowed from a classmate during Potions because the dungeons were freezing and he forgot to bring the Hufflepuff sweater but Louis doesn’t know that’s the reason, he just sees Harry wearing everyone’s house colours except for his bloody own, and like, what the fuck? is he shagging the entire castle? and does he have to be so  proud about it?  
Things don’t really escalate until he sees Harry in his muggle t-shirt walking up to an unsuspecting unidentified Slytherin with a big smile, and Louis finally, finally hears him say “I forgot my sweater again, would you mind lending me yours?” while he’s all sparkle and grins and sweet convincing eyes at the Slytherin Louis only sees the back of and Louis loses his fucking shit
runs over
tugs off his sweater in a haste when he stands before them
and pushes it into Harry’s hands
and he pants “if you’re going to run around in a Slytherin sweater it BETTER be mine, Styles” while he shivers against the cool air whizzing through the Great Hall
and Harry just grins and kisses him right there in the Great Hall with everyone watching while the Slytherin, who turns out to be Zayn, just mumbles under his breath “jesus christ, that was about time”
the end
and that is why i love the yellow Gucci sweater
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caw4brandon · 3 years
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- Sadie and The Starlites -
In the early conceptions for my character; Sadie mac Lir. I’ve always liked the idea of a peculiar girl whose friends with mysterious flying-walking-swimming creatures like some kind of twisted but cute Princess.
So this post will include some extras for the creatures themselves and some info about the revamped Sadie. For Sadie, I’m having tons of fun with her. The tough part about Sadie is to make the hair feel like normal hair and be consistent with it. I also noticed that Sadie’s skin color looks odd when compared with my PC and my phone so, behind the scenes, I sampled some colors, exported them, checked and picked the right tone.
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I’m also making use of social media, finding girls with short hair, figuring out the length and how the hair curls. Its tricky because there quite a few ways to draw it. Either with a guiding shape to map out the details or eyeballing it. In the end, I chose eyeballing because it felt right. Might have to look into more tips but yeah, I’m making it up as I go.
As for this new species of magical creatures, they are called; Starlites. They were meant to be this kind of animal cell-like thing with a nucleus. Still an early concept but this is where I would want to create Sadie’s companion. Finn or Finz. I would still want to tweak it more, change the name a bit but here is the draft version.
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On a final note, I’d like to thank the several familiar faces.
@theguythatdraws​ @fiery-felexima-hogwarts-mystery​ @oneirataxia-girl​ @amerrymystery​ @rog-giri​ @stupendousbookworm​ @hogwarts9​​ @ukiyo-zemudens​​ and company. Thank you for your patience and support. Seeing your familiar faces is a blessing and I am forever grateful.
One last thing, here’s a smug face Sadie.
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Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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I never thought I’d have a reason to make a reference to my first hard-core anime obsession while making content for the HPHM fandom, but here we are! 😂 (I can partially blame @lifeofkaze​ for encouraging me. 🤍) 
But yes! As most of you probably already know, I absolutely adore the character of Duncan Ashe in Hogwarts Mystery, even if the game has 150% robbed him of the attention and development he deserves. As most of you probably already know as well, I ship my version of Duncan (usually just called “Ashe”) with my version of Jacob to the moon and back. Even though Ashe is a ghost, his and Jacob Cromwell’s storyline develops quite a bit after Ashe’s death, with both of them coming to grips with how much they mean to each other and Ashe also finding a close friend and honorary sister-in-law surrogate sibling in Jacob’s sister, Carewyn. After being inspired by my faceclaim for Ashe, Charlie Rowe, now having a beard, I decided to draw a concept of Duncan Ashe as an adult, if he’d been allowed to grow up and become a Cursebreaker the way he wanted -- and that’s where that aforementioned childhood anime obsession comes in.
When I first encountered Bill Weasley in the Harry Potter books and learned he was a Cursebreaker working in Egypt, I was hard-core into the Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters fandom, and it was because of that fandom and my budding fascination with ancient Egyptian history that I fell in love with Bill as a character. (A love only strengthened after meeting him in HPHM!) And when it comes to how I draw men’s dress robes, I tend to be most inspired by long trench coats and dusters, as evident by how I’ve drawn Jacob’s robes in the past. So while coming up with a look for “Ashe,” I took some inspiration from the OG trench coat fashion icon himself, Seto Kaiba. 
Ashe’s look is (as one can guess) inspired most by Kaiba’s iconic Battle City coat, but I did make some tweaks. For one, Ashe is wearing thigh-high boots sort of like these, because frankly more men need to wear thigh-highs, though I imagine them having built-in pockets that Ashe keeps stocked with tiny bottles of healing potions and antidotes. (Ashe is very talented at Potions and Healing magic, which comes in handy when book-smart, people-dumb Jacob barrels head-long into situations without a second thought.) Speaking of Jacob, you might have also noticed Ashe is wearing some jewelry -- a gold wedding ring on his left hand (he and Jacob may travel constantly, but Ashe is a jealous enough lover that he wants the whole world to know he and Jacob are committed to each other); a pair of painted gold wrist guards (inspired by this cuff found on the mummy of Pharaoh Shoshenq II) decorated with the Eye of Horus, meaning healing and protection; and a bronze Celtic Shield Knot brooch on his coat, a traditional Irish symbol of protection (as Ashe is Irish!). The Shield Knot in particular draws a nice parallel to both the silver Gordian Knot ring that Ashe gave Jacob as a Christmas gift while they were still at school and Jacob wears constantly, as well as to the Eye of Ra pin Rakepick wears in the game. (The Eye of Ra represents the sun, royal authority, and the restoration of harmony, while the Gordian Knot can represent creativity, overcoming adversity, and the concept of infinity.)
In this universe where they could grow old together, Jacob and Duncan Ashe-Cromwell would travel the world, living largely out of a suitcase but also occasionally stopping by a flat in London not far from where Carewyn lives. Ashe would find a lot of financial success as a prominent, well-respected Cursebreaker and Jacob would champion several important new discoveries as a magical researcher and even share his research as a guest lecturer at schools like Beauxbatons and Castelobruxo. Jacob would be the brilliant, excitable daredevil scholar who’d jump into stupid situations and punch a few jerks in the face for either messing with or hitting on his partner, while Ashe would be the more practical, sassy cynic and resident tsundere who’d have to help Jacob clean up a lot of his messes and yet also be invigorated by Jacob’s endless lust for life. And, of course, although both Jacob and Ashe could be considered rather handsome in their own way, Ashe would indisputably be the more fashionable one of the two, and he’d have to put in the work to make his husband look a bit more put-together during formal events. With both your husband and your sister ganging up on you, Jacob, hopefully SOME fashion sense might finally rub off on you!! 😏
Hope you all have a magical day! 💚💙
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