#He’s a teenager who is upset about his mom being gone
theamazingannie · 2 years
I absolutely love Lemonade Mouth but Wen’s dad proposing to his girlfriend and asking her to move in without even telling his son first is the absolute most dick move ever and Wen is absolutely allowed to be upset about it
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AITA for calling the cops (twice, kind of) on someone in a car who swerved at me on the side of the road?
(Disclaimer: I hate cops. But I felt extremely threatened and wasn't going to let this go without something happening.)
I am a high school student and have not yet gotten my license, and therefore cannot drive alone. To get to school I ride an electric scooter, it looks a bit stupid as a high schooler but it is the only way possible for me to get to school on time. (I have a class before school in the morning, and both parents have work.) I've been doing this for over three years and have had no problems until recently.
Two or three weeks ago, I was on my way home from school. I noticed a car approaching from behind, and moved to the very edge of the road as I would normally. I was literally in the gutter on the side of the road, nowhere near where cars would be. This car, however, then sped up rapidly and swerved within 2-3 feet of hitting me. Probably not trying to actually hit me, but clearly trying to scare me or something of the sort. The person in the passenger seat was screaming the whole time.
The car sped off (I should mention that the speed limit on this road is 25 mph, and the car was going at least 50-60 mph) and after standing in shock for a moment I followed them home since they apparently lived in my neighborhood. I caught two teenage boys leaving the car, and asked if they had been in that car and had swerved at me on the road. They denied everything and went inside the house.
I went home and after a short while, came back with my father to back me up. Asshole move from me, I know, but he insisted on going in case the boys decided to get violent. I made him wait a short distance back, then rang the doorbell. Waited for a while, no answer. They were clearly still inside; the car was still parked on the road nearby and I hadn't been gone for long.
When they didn't answer, I then went home and called the police. I gave them the license plate number and the guy's address, and they said there had been reports of him speeding and being reckless before. The cops went to the house and yelled at them, and I thought it was over then. I most certainly did not want to press the issue any further, the shock and adrenaline was wearing off at this point and I just wanted to be done.
But several days later, I was sent screenshots of the driver of that car spreading hate about me on Snapchat for getting him in trouble. Now this is kind of difficult to explain, but I am unfortunately somewhat well known for riding an electric scooter to school. But up until this point, people just were aware of my existence. After the Snapchat posts and messages about me were spread, all of that turned into pure hate. Every time I was seen with that stupid scooter, people would scream that they wished I would fall and stuff like that. None of this had happened before, and I was (and am) miserable and scared. I don't feel safe anywhere around school because this is still ongoing.
I also tried to contact him via Instagram messages, to which he did not respond. That was three times that I attempted to contact him: first by following him as he was getting out of the car, second by ringing the doorbell, and third by messaging him.
Two days ago, I got my mom to pull me out of school early because I was feeling like crap after some particularly bad harassment in the morning. In the office as I was asking to sign out, I started crying in front of the school police officer, and she asked for the full story. I told her about the online posts and the catcalling and harassment I dealt with every day, and she took it very seriously. I didn't want her to do anything really, but she did anyway (I'm not upset about this honestly, it was probably a good thing). She said that the patrol officers usually didn't do much about stuff like this, but she could and would do a lot more.
She pulled the guy out of his class after I had left to go home, and in her words "put the fear of God in that kid"; telling him he should have lost his license and that since he was 18 he could face real consequences and go to jail for stuff like this. He has been told that he has to stay at least three feet away from me at all times.
Since then, he hasn't said anything to me in person, and hasn't posted anything publicly online. I still don't feel safe at school or anywhere in the area, but I've been taking an alternate route to try to avoid being seen and yelled at as much.
Am I the asshole? I honestly think we both might be, but I do feel somewhat justified by the fact that he at least got some sort of consequence for threatening my life like that and causing that level of problem.
What are these acronyms?
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nymphwarfare · 11 days
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content warnings⚠️ loss of virginity (for you), small age gap (3 years), slightly older women/younger man, p in v sex, aegon being a pervy loser, we love it though, small use of Y/N, chubby aegon, always drunk aegon, small bit of public groping, no protection
Notes: Posted originally to ao3 but I took it down and fixed it up a bit. Still this was like my first fanfiction in 7 years so be nice or I'll cry (also haven't used this app in like 8 years forgive me)
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In you're teenage years you were the next door neighbor to one of the richest family's in westeros. You weren't necessarily born rich you only lived next door because you're mom ended up re marrying some rich CEO millionaire and swiftly moved in with him.
You're step dad was pretty close with the owner of the house next door Viserys targaryen and due to that you had become accustom to all his children.
You were older then all of them closest in age being the eldest boy aegon, he was three years younger than you but you were close enough in age to get along and become somewhat friends.
You assumed that was why alicent the mother of the children and Viserys's wife came to you and asked you to babysit her kids for a weekend. You were a trusted friend and while yes they could hire a nanny you were told the last one ended up quiting after only a month. newly turned 13 year old aegon broke into the wine cabinet and got plastered.
You didn't get details on the rest but you knew it must have been a bad night since they were struggling to find a new nanny who could stay longer than a month.
Alicents last resort was to ask someone she thought could connect better with the kids, mainly aegon since he was the biggest problem. She needed a strong role model and someone aegon was familiar with. after seeing how aegon behaved in you're presence she thought you to be the perfect candidate for the job and so you accepted.
"I don't need a babysitter I'm 13 for fucks sake!" Aegon argued to his mother as you stood behind her.
"You aren't responsible enough to be trusted alone and that's the last of it!" His mother yelled back. Looking clearly frustrated and exhausted as if she had done this a million times.
You stood to the side of alicent now already feeling uncomfortable. You'd probably be upset aswell if you were in aegon's shoes but alicent insisted she needed a good influence like you.
Aegon stormed off slamming the door of his room. "I'm sorry dear, he won't bother you I've made sure all alcohol is put away...all you need to do is keep him in the house" alicent spoke giving you the rundown on you're job. You took in everything she said, she told you that you wouldn't be completely alone.
They still had a housekeeper that would come in mornings and clean up and you didn't need to worry that much.
That night actually went pretty smooth. Aegon was grumpy and hid in his room most the night while you played with the younger kids on their xbox. Things actually went so well that alicent asked you to come back again.
It actually felt nice getting some of you're own money aswell and to be independent for once
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Babysitting had become a regular occurrence for you for awhile. Alicent always praised you for just how well you did with aegon.
Eventually though you turned 18 and you got into college, not the one you wanted but it was only a few hours away and finally gave you a chance to escape you're house and live on you're own.
And how did aegon feel about this? He should feel happy, You were nothing more than a neighbor his mother hired to hover around him and keep him out of trouble. He resented you for that, he hated how pretty you were, how sweet you were to him.
He should be cheering knowing he would have some freedom but with you gone the only thing he felt was this overwhelming feeling of emptiness and loneliness.
He always found himself searching for you're praise. He'd actually get himself to do homework just so he could hear you talk about how proud you were of him.But now with you gone he didn't have a reason to try anymore and almost immediately he fell back into bad habits. Drinking, partying, drugs and sex. He did it all and no matter how much he did over the next three years he could never get rid of that aching empty feeling deep down.
When aegon turned 18 his mother began demanded he go to college. Demanded he make something of himself. He didn't bother trying with any of the big colleges he just found the closest one and decided that was good enough for him to keep his mom off his back. Even if he didn't get in with his grades he'd get in easy being as rich as he was. His father could just drop a generous donation and he'd get in with no problem at all. So when he arrived of course aegon joined the biggest frat on campus. The partys, the girls and the drugs. It all came so easy to him now.
When his frat decided to put on yet another rager he didn't think much of it. After three months here it was becoming his normal. He walked passed the group of drunk college kids, a drink in his hand as he wondered through the halls of the frat house probably long faded by now. originally his mind was set on getting wasted and maybe he'd bang a cheerleader if he was still able to stand.
He turned to the kitchen wanting to refill his cup when his eyes wondered on the back of a girl grabbing a soda off the counter. Something about her was so familiar but he couldn't see her face to find out why.
Mabey one of his many one night stands? or an old classmate oh his? She wasn't dressed like the other girls around. She was dressed casual, Wearing some jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. She definitely looked out of place compared to the small crop tops and short dresses most girls chose to wear.
He began taking a few steps closer. He didn't know why but he felt drawn in to her and when she finally turned around nothing could have fully prepared him for what he saw. You.
It was you. an uncomfortable and nearly sad look on you're face as you opened up your coke and took a drink, eyes wondering around the room full of dancing college kids until they fell on him. For a moment you both just stared at each other, neither really knowing what to say.
"Egg? What are you doing here?" You finally asked breaking the small awkward silence that fell between you both.
That stupid little nickname. Hearing it after so long made his heart race a bit. He always hated when you used to call him that but now hearing it again after so long he'd grown to miss it. Crave it even. Aegon didn't know why but a part of him almost felt embarrassed. Shame even. Her seeing him absolutely wasted after three years of not speaking.
"I'm uh- I'm in the frat" he responded and snapped himself back into reality. "and why are you here? I mean clearly you don't want to be" aegon swiftly added leaning against the kitchen counter in an attempt to go back to his normal self.
"was it really that obvious" you thought to yourself self. "My friend dragged me here...said I should let lose or whatever" you sighed. "And are you? Letting lose?" Aegon couldn't help but smirk at the idea.
He always had a weird fascination with you. All those times you slept over and he'd sneak into your bag of packed clothes and steal you're little white lace panties.
All those times he'd jerk himself off into them imagining himself buried deep inside of you're soaked cunt. All those times he'd spy on you changing through the crack in the bathroom door.
All those dirty dirty memories rushing back to him all at once.
"Absolutely not" The truth was you never cared for partys, you stuck to you're studys and kept to yourself. If it wasn't for you're best friend Tina you'd never consider coming to a place like this on a sunday night before class. You haven't even dated anyone before. You went on a couple dates but ultimately you decided love had no place for you right now.
You needed to focus on you're studys not a relationship
"So...why haven't you left? If you hate it here why not just go home and watch those hot vampire movies you love so much" Aegon always did love teasing you on you're intrests.
It used to annoy you to no ends. "My friend is my ride and she's...busy" you sighed again remembering how you're friend Tina decide to completely ditch you to go off with some guy Leaving you to try and waste time as you waited for her to get done with her boy toy and take you back to you're dorm were you could sleep off the day and this party.
"Why not walk? The dorms aren't far from here?" He asked making you laugh slightly "Walking alone as a woman at night isn't the safest idea eggs" you had pepper spray yes but you really didn't want to risk any trouble especially with a bunch of drunk frat boys all over.
"Why don't I walk you? I need some fresh air anyway" aegon knew he wanted to talk to you, he knew he couldn't let you walk away so easily and now he finally had his excuse. He had spent the past three years missing you're presence and he wouldn't waste the opportunity to get it back.
You took a second to agree but as you looked around at the room of drunk people dancing and making you you knew what you're awnser would be
"Sounds good to me get me out of here" you smiled at him. Gods how he missed that smile. You followed him out of the frat house feeling a sense of relief to be away from the crowd and the loud music blasting in you're ears.
"Soo how's college been?" Aegon hummed walking side by side with you. He looked so smug he always did but what did you really expect from a rich kid who got everything handed to him.
You almost hated how attractive it was. Before you never thought of him of like that but seeing him now, grown. It was like something just broke inside you. It couldn't be attraction? Right?
"It's been fine I guess just a bunch of the same for me, studying and learning and more studying" you rolled you're eyes already feeling exhausted just thinking about it.
"So no boyfriend I'm assuming?" Aegon's smile grew wider. You couldn't tell if he was teasing you or mocking you but either way you rolled you're eyes and refused to give him a response.
He laughed seeing you go quiet "I knew it" he crossed his arms acrossed his chest making frown in annoyance.
"You don't need to rub it in eggs" you sighed as the two of you approached campus and walked up to the dormitories.
"I'm not rubbing in I'm actually glad you're single makes things easier for me" he hummed almost immediately his words made you tense up.
"Excuse me?" you tried to act calm seeing as you couldn't tell if he was being serious or if it was just another one of his many games.
You remembered aegon was always a bit of a flirt even a creep at times with the few times you had caught his eyes wondering to you're chest or hips.
You told yourself he was just a horny teenager and it didn't mean anything.
"Come on Y/N I know you heard me" he said back as you both walked down the hall of the dorms stopping as you reached you're door.
"What are you trying to do here" You finally asked but in response aegon only smirked at you
"you're a smart girl Y/N don't act clueless with me" Before you could speak aegon stepped closer and backed you into you're door frame making a small gasp slip from you're lips.
You told yourself it was the alcohol or whatever drug he could be on that was making him this bold but the way he looked at you let you knew just how serious he really was.
"Do you even know how much I've missed you these past three years how much I have yearned for you" aegon whispered his hands now wondering to you're waist while his head moved to you're neck planting small kisses on you're skin.
"Aegon-" you whined, hands resting on his chest as if you were about to push him away but you couldn't get yourself to do it.
"Ive probably jerked myself off thinking of you more times than i can count" Aegon's hands began wondering up you're sweatshirt to you're than waist to you're breasts, groping you right in the middle of the hallway.
"We shouldn't do this" You gulped before reaching you're hand to the handle of you're door and twisting it open "Not here" Aegon kept his grip on you while you pulled him into you're dorm hoping it was late enough and no one you knew would have seen what just happened.
Now that you were all alone aegon didn't hesitate to pull you close and slam his lips against yours. It didn't take long for both of you to fall ontop of you're bed while he climbed on top of you, hands wondering up you're hoodie to grope you once again.
You took it upon yourself to pull away from the kiss and yank you're hoodie off you're head.
"You're fucking stunning always have been" he whispered before his hands moved to try unclip the straps of you're bra and pull it off you revealing you're bare breasts to him.
He stared almost in a trance, he wasn't going to lie. he had definitely seen your boobs before during the many times he'd spy on you change but having them up close was something completely different.
His hands moved to play with your nipples making a small moan slip from your lips, he smiled in response pleased with himself.
"I knew you'd be sensitive" before you could say anything he latched onto one of your breasts and began to softly nibble at your soft flesh making you squirm underneath him.
"I uh- I should tell you something" you quickly cut him off making him look up and turn his head up at you.
"I've never done anything like this before" You finally spat it out making his smile only grow more.
Not only was he getting to sleep with the girl of his dreams but he got the pleasure of being her very first. "You're still a virgin?" He questioned and you simply nodding back shyly.
"That's ok don't worry I'll make it good for you" he leaned in and kissed your cheek before discarding his own shirt to the side.
Aegon wasn't the most well built, he didn't have abs in fact he actually had a small bit of a tummy on him. You didn't mind of course, you found every inch of him to be perfect.
You moved your hands to the buttons of your jeans and began pulling them down a delighted look on Aegon's face as he did the same to himself. Before long you were both in your underwear, aegon kissing down your neck leaving small marks as he went along. "People will see those" you whined. 
"That's the plan doll" his hands wondering up you're thighs to the waistband of your panties tugging at them before he slipped a finger inside and began running his finger along you're slit.
"You're so wet" aegon whispered in your ear before slipping a finger inside of you.
You whimpered a bit as he began slowly moving his finger in and out of you and once he felt you were ready he added in a second, thrusting his fingers deep inside you're tight wet cunt.
"Aegon please" you moaned his name Sounding like a angel to him, an angel he could not wait to corrupt.
You arched your back feeling his fingers hit a sensitive spot inside you. "Gonna cum for me baby? You can do it be a good girl and spill yourself on my hand"
You nodded in response the feeling of your peak rising quicker and quicker. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders hiding your head in his chest as you came moaning out against him.
You panted softly coming down from your high as he pulled his fingers back and yanked off your panties finally. Next he pulled down his own boxers revealing his leaking throbbing cock.
"I don't think I've ever been this hard" he gasped as he began slightly stroking himself spreading his precum to lube up his cock. you were a bit worried seeing his size, he definitely was bigger than you expected.
Aegon grabbed your legs opening them up before lining himself up with your slit.
"Be gentle please" you asked making him plant a soft kiss on your lips. "Tell me if it hurts" he replied before he began pushing the tip of his cock inside earning a small gasp from you.
He pushed inside inch by inch until he was fully inside, bottoming out on top you as small moans of his own slipped out. "So good baby- so tight so perfect" he panted a bit feeling you squeeze tight around him.
"So big" you whined as aegon kissed down your neck again, in an attempt to Soothe you're discomfort.
He couldn't remember a time he'd ever been so caring and affectionate with a girl, no that was just you. You did something to him. Something that he just couldn't understand. An overwhelming need to protect you and keep you close
He made sure to wait a minute before beginning to thrust himself, moving his hand to play with your clit in another attempt to help take away your pain. You clung onto him as he picked pace, getting faster and faster.
He knew he said he'd be gentle but you were so damn irresistible he couldn't stop his instincts to just ravage you like a dog in heat. Soon the pain left little by little and it was replaced with pleasure.
The mixed sounds of both of your whimpers and moans filling your dorm room. "So beautiful baby" aegon whispered between his small pants and moans in you're ear "Everything I've always dreamed of- fuck- I need you I need you" his hands grabbed your hips slamming you further down onto him.
"I want you so bad- be mine please baby say you'll be mine" he was a mess he knew he was but so were you. "I'm yours aegon im all yours-" you quickly choked out. The Small tears in you're eyes driving him crazy.
Those words alone were all aegon needed to finally reach his peak, being so caught up in the moment he hadn't even bothered to ask if you were on the pill before spilling every drop of his seed deep inside of you. He continued to hold you a part of him worried if he let go you'd leave again.
"All mine" he kissed your cheek softly still attempting to catch his breath "all yours" you smiled at him, That same smile that he had loved for years now, the same smile he promised he'd never let go of again
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lullaebies · 10 months
Hey! Can you do some headcanons on what it would be like for Helaena and Aegon as parents if the Dance never happened? They were really young when they both died, so would they have more babies if they lived? What would it be like for the twins and Maelor to grow into teenagers, what would the marriage plans for them be like? Love your content btw ❤️
Oh sure!! This should be very fun. The Dance not happening AU could mean a lot of things so there would be many variables, so bear with me a bit haha. (And thank you for the compliment, dear! <333) [also I'm sorry for the length of this if you ask me about the kids I really can speak for HOURS about my hcs.] Helaegon as Parents, Part 2 - No Dance AU Headcanons
⁎ For the if they had more babies question - probably yes! I don't see them abstaining. I think as the first kids grow older Helaena might specifically want more childen, but generally they would just happen as it is the way of life, regardless of planning or not planning. ⁎ Speaking about more children - Helaena and Aegon would be so bad at naming, lmao. They wait until the baby is out to decide, lol. I think Jaehaerys was named after the Old King via Alicent influence and Jaehaera was named in tow to fit, so Maelor would've been the first true name they've chose (I personally imagine that was from Helaena; also for the record, I genuinely don't believe it had anything to do with Maegor lol). Anyways, they would suck at it, and I imagine they'll have a lot more joke names they talk about. Imagine Aegon coming to Helaena like "Daemon the Younger. To piss uncle off." (He got very inspired from Aegon III's naming pettiness😂) and Helaena is like "I should kill you and make our son Aegon the Youngest" LMAO. ⁎ I always said this, but I do feel like there would be a cycle of hardship in the family; Aegon and Helaena were both not exposed to the best of parenting and Aegon will continue to struggle with his substance abuse/vices, which will obviously have effect. I have gone on several tangents on how I can see him and Jaehaerys butting heads like crazy as the father vs the oldest son. I do think there are times Aegon would try harder to be an active parent, especially after Jaehaerys and him get into a big fight, or Jaehaera mediates, or Maelor being visibly upset. I also think there inherent guilt in Aegon for a lot of things, I do think he will try to be better after he gets a few slaps from his first children, as he doesn't want to be like Viserys. His younger children will get the better of it, likely. I like to think he could find power in the fact his kids believe in him still despite everything. ⁎ Helaena would be such a sticky mom ahhh. Jaehaerys could grow taller than Otto and she would still look at him like he's a baby, Jaehaera she would want kept close too (As Alicent wanted her close, cough) and not even speaking about Maelor! I do believe all the kiddos would have her side on most things - Jaehaerys and Maelor being Biggest Defender no. 1 and Intern Smoll Defender no. 2. Jaehaera is The Conciliator coded and she tends to be midway, she'll probably be the one who is most honest with Helaena. ⁎ If Helaegon have more kids, needless to say the first three would be a pretty hands on crew of sibling help. Probably particularly the twins. I think Maelor might have to go through an ick phase at having a younger sibling always on his toes, though really he was just the same to the twins when he was born.
⁎ Some Teenage personality headcanons: Jaehaerys - mr. Trying to be good enough and work hard to be good enough. Extrovert using humor to cope, can be shady and also defensive like dad. Feels like he has a very big responsibility to help mom and family. He takes to a warhammer as a weapon in the future as he has a grip of six✨ Jaehaera - Careful in her steps, emotional intellegence based girl who is a bit too kind on other people sometimes. Likes to sew, and she makes her own dolls as she grows older. Introverted but Tries. Can be awkward when she's not used to someone or can't tell what they're like. Maelor - forever the first family baby, but he is the type to try and push against it LOL. I actually imagine him a bit more bookish and curious. Skinnier kid but has quips and he talks back. I think he's shyer outside of the family, people that don't know him gaslight Aegon his son is not a menace at all, "all he does is read books in the library and be cute are u fr" vibe, but in reality he learned from brother to not take shit. He's a Grandma kid for sure, I like to think he reads to Alicent back when she's elderly. ⁎ To end this off, on marriage proposals and the likes: I think no matter what AU spoken of, one thing that Helaegon would always agree on is that they would prefer their kids to find a love marriage, and I very much believe they would not be into putting them into Targ incest shenanigans unless the kids express they want it. this is one thing they want to break the chain in and are in full agreement - helaegon do not want the kids to have the same burdens they had to deal with. Overall this topic is muddy because its very much depends on the cirucmstances of things, but in the grand scheme of things - if helaegon are not pressured for alliances/not reigining king and queen, love marriages would be preferred if not at least arranged marriages where the prospective spouse is well regarded and of fitting status. If they are pressured for alliances as king and queen - Houses like House Lannister that are Green supporters will likely be considered first, then general houses that can benefit the crown and stability of the realm (possibly even Rhaenyra's family if its to keep the peace), and only then proper houses where the kids find someone they like. It is the feudalistic monarchy way. At the end there would be an attempt to give the best for them, one way or the other.
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ultfreakme · 3 months
im a zutara multishipper though i often feel like a fake cause im not as hardcore as most of em.. i forgot all about that scarf scene its not as memorable as I'll save you from the pirates is that probalmatic imeaniguess but it was a fun scene in the cartoon ..
. so many zuts are celebrating over a silyl scarf scene but i can tell there's higher chances of hell freezing over than zutara and i dont look forward to them going again We were robbed when it doesn't happen. i love being a multishipper though cause i was very well fed with zukaang
im begging shippers not to bully gordon over shipping and it is interting to note how uncomfortable zutara makes the actors prob cause they recognize Kia is a teenager and Dallas is 22 year old.. theres hooplah over how the age gap is fine cause she' ll be 18 and theres a difference with 11/14 vs 15/ year old met guy when he was 20. of course kia is uncomforatble with zutara she met dallas aas a child. but here we got people treating her like she's an adult already.
the way kia is talked about creeps me out and i still think about the people telling me im a fake fan bec i think maybe we dont talk about kias age like shes not even real. i do enjoy the fanart comig from promo pics cause people are super talented but sometimes . it feels that people are shipping Kia/Dallas more than zuko/katara
Hi!! Honestly it's fine if you ship even if things for the ship are considered 'problematic'. I mean I ship Zukka and both of them have genuinely wanted each other dead or gone for a good chunk of the show lol.
I think, and I'm not going to generalize and say EVERY Zutara shipper, but one thing I've encountered as a pattern of difference between Zutara shippers and every other ATLA ship shipper, is canonicity. Zukaang, Zukka, Jetko, MaiLee, TyZula, Tokka, Taang, none of them are of the mindset that their ship will be canon so no one has any real problems with these ships. But a lot of Zutara shippers I've seen on twitter at least are convinced that Zutara was meant to be canon, and this inability keep fanon and canon separate is what's getting people's hopes up. And when it's made clear that these ARE separate, there's upset. I've seen the same thing happen with multiple other shippers and ships across fandoms.
Being a multishipper sounds fun anon, and I hope you're doing well <3
You're so right on the way people act about and treat Kia. Dallas has on interview said Kia is like a little sister to him, and yeah people keep forgetting that these two met when Kia was a child and he was an adult. It's why Dallas and Ian are fine when they talk about Zukka or can joke about "shipping" them.
I've noticed that people are doing the thing again(in 2024 dear GOD), where they keep waiting for young girls to be "legal" to be fucking creeps. People did it with Billie Eilish, the Olsen twins and a bunch of other female celebs and artists. I just feel terrible for her and Gordon, and I wish people would stop being weird about the actors and take a hint because Kia, Dallas, Gordon- none of them are being subtle about being uncomfortable about zutara. The only way they can be more obvious is plaster it on their foreheads. I didn't know about people talking about...ugh I can't even say it, Kia and Dallas like a ship GROSS. Leave Kia and Dallas out of it gosh. I got an ask a while back basically saying people will stop being mean to Gordon if Zutara becomes canon and I was flabbergasted. Like, you won't treat a child, with respect and dignity, because your 20 year old ship isn't real???
I've said this before, but people are just jumping to make Kia out to be more...older? People saying she looks like Gordon's mom(I will hunt these people on sight she looks like a child). And it's this, intermixing of sexism and racism and colourism (I've seen people be extremely disgusting about Dallas and Gordon too about their appearance. Pretty much everyone who doesn't fit into Western beauty standards are receiving awful hate- Thalia Tran playing Mai, Elizabeth Yu playing Azula).
People seriously need to get a grip and start learning to differentiate between fiction and real human beings or this is going to hurt EVERYONE involved, but especially Kia and Gordon. It doesn't matter if Kia is 18, she DOES NOT LIKE IT. DALLAS sees her as a sister, like i wish people would keep that in mind.
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rogueddie · 2 years
oh my god season one steve defender, hello
am i glad to find you because i’ve ben rewatching stranger things and the fanon version of steve before the upside down seems on the harsh side now. and the way the show was comparing him to jonathan who was dealt a shitty hand in life made people a bit biased.
like, he was asshole, not refuting that! but also he was a moody teenager who didn’t know better and peer pressure is a bitch even without people making assumptions about you and your big empty house. (i think a big part of steve being so gone on nancy was because she didn’t treat him like he was an asshole. unlike others who made it seem given.)
also he tried to rectify his mistakes. didn’t try to run from that. went to jonathan to apologize, even when his face was still fucked up from the beating he got and not knowing what jonathan was doing with nancy, exactly. he trusted nancy. he was jealous and lashed out in the worst way possible but he chose to trust her—like she trusted him before he went and hurt her. didn’t want to disappoint her again.
also he made the right choice at the most important time. running back to nancy after she threatened him with a gun and a literal monster jumped out? most teenagers—hell, even adults—would not do that, not even the kind and mature ones.
he wasn’t involved with the interdimensional monster shit, unlike nancy and jonathan who each had a person they lost to it and were in deep. he chose to be involved. like. people seem to think that the upside down and its subsequent trauma was what made steve a good person. he was good to begin with, he just needed a push. the upside down didn’t happen to steve, it was the other way around. that’s a big part of why i love his character: his choice to be involved. a lot of people understate that. like.
steve isn’t connected to anyone in the party. he’s there for them all nonetheless. a rich kid just inserted himself into danger to save people, how come he catches so much heat from others?
he wasn’t bad, is what i’m getting at. he acted bad. he was innately good and just had to practice that goodness outside the influence of mouthbreathers.
Oh, people are definitely too harsh on Steve. But that's entirely the Duffers fault, I'm convinced. Most people won't have watched s1 for a while so things like Robin insisting that Steve used to be an asshole will be informing their perceptions of early Steve, or Steve telling Nancy that he really needed that knock to the head like he was the worst person before that.
He was definitely problematic, majorly so. It was his friends who were the assholes but he didn't try that hard to stop them- we see him trying to scold Tommy for going too far, but it's only after he implies that Jonathan is responsible. He initiates it too, even if his comment isn't necessarily that bad.
And trying to make up for his mistakes? That was almost immediately afterwards as well. With the implication of his father cheating, obviously he's going to be paranoid about that type of thing happening to him just like his mom. It makes sense that he'd overreact and went way too far. He was upset and a kid!
Plus, on the point of him choosing to go back- isn't he the only one who really chooses to keep getting involved in the Upside Down, even though he doesn't really have any personal stakes in it?
Like, s1 he's given an out. Nancy pointed a gun at him and Jonathan isn't exactly a friend, but he goes back anyway. And in s2, he could've told Dustin no. He didn't need to babysit or agree to help him, he had no real reason to and it's heavily implied that the two aren't close at all. Then in s3, he could've turned Dustin away too. Why would Steve want to waste time on translating Russian? He had a job! S4 is the only time he has any personal stakes bc at that point he's good friends with Dustin and it's a clearly dangerous situation.
He's always had a very clear pattern of behavior that is the same now as it was in s1. Considering he's a rich kid, it would make sense that hed get stuck in a certain crowd too and of course theyd be assholes.
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
My School President Episode 12: Curtain call
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When a great show comes to an end there's always nerves about whether they can stick the landing. I'm here to tell you: My School President absolutely has, not a wobble. This show is about standing on the cusp of adulthood, about to take that first step into the future, and everything that comes along with that, looking backward and forward at the same moment. This episode put an exclamation point on that theme, not just for our boys, but for the people around them and the world they're inhabiting. Throw in a couple of absolute banger anthemic OSTs and they couldn't have ended this little high-school-musical-that-could any better. In this final episode, we say goodbye (for now, Our Skyy is coming) to Chinzhilla and crew.
Verse: The kids are alright
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Love's in need of love today Don't delay Send yours in right away Hate's goin' 'round Breaking many hearts Stop it please Before it's gone too far, yeah
Stevie Wonder | Love's In Need of Love Today (1976)
One thing I don't envy about kids today is how exposed they are. As an elder Millennial, I straddle the line between the pre-internet world and the ubiquitous social media age, but I was already an adult when Facebook exploded into life. I can't imagine the pressure of trying to figure yourself out as a teenager in a world where it must feel like everybody sees everything you do and has an opinion on it. But the flipside of that is slowly becoming 'and?'. The student body's vociferous and overwhelmingly positive support for Tinn and Gun as a couple once the secret's out just about drowns out the bullshit coming from the adults about 'reputation' and 'manliness'. The kids are better than us, and they've got each other's backs, and they will ABSOLUTELY DECK A SHITTY TEACHER FOR SAYING A BUNCH OF HOMOPHOBIC GARBAGE OMG KAJORN! One of my favourite quotes of all time is from Martin Luther King Jr.: the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. Change takes a long time, but things DO get better, they're getting better every day, every moment. The dinosaurs do seem long lived, and they do lay eggs, but they're being outnumbered by the humans more and more. I watch these kids do their very best to be good to each other, and I feel like the good guys are winning.
Chorus: Rock & Star
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For once in my life, I have someone who needs me Someone I've needed so long For once, unafraid, I can go where life leads me Somehow I know I'll be strong For once I can touch what my heart used to dream of Long before I knew Ooh, someone warm like you Would make my dreams come true
Stevie Wonder | For Once In My Life (1968)
Gosh Tinn and Gun are lovely aren't they? The way they care for each other, how upset Gun is that Tinn was outed before he was ready, how responsible and guilty he feels about that, how he tries to put some distance between them to save Tinn's reputation, and how Tinn says 'screw all that shit, we're standing together'...that's love. How Tinn's winding up to punch that shitty teacher in the face for making Gun cry before Kajorn does it for him...that's love. How Gun wrote 'Rock & Star' from his heart and sings it directly to Tinn at prom, in front of everybody, telling everybody how he feels live on stage just like he promised he would if they won Hot Wave...that's love. Gun nervously practising how to greet Tinn's dad when he goes over to their house for dinner...that's love. And to top it all off, one very sweet, perfect kiss.
Bridge: A Tale of Two Moms
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As today I know I'm living But tomorrow could make me the past But that I mustn't fear For I'll know deep in my mind The love of me I've left behind 'Cause I'll be loving you always
Stevie Wonder | As (1976)
I told y'all the words that were going to come out of Potjanee's mouth were 'I'm sorry', and I was right! I love how the show juxtaposed the two moms' conversations with their sons this ep, with Gun and Ms. Gim showing how easy it can be when you are open with your kid, and Tinn and Ms. Potjanee showing how it can be a struggle to communicate when you haven't created that environment. Gun is nervous to tell Ms. Gim, but not fearful. Tinn on the other hand...it's almost like he's bracing for impact the closer Ms. Potjanee gets to asking about it. Both moms love their kids and their kids know and feel it. Both moms are actually ok in the end with their kids being queer. But only one kid felt safe enough to tell their mom they were dating a boy. It's important nuance, that subtle difference in trust level. The pressures and expectations you put on your kids, what you label as important, they're seeing and feeling all of that, not just what you say. In this case, the messages growing up were different: from Ms. Gim, 'do what makes you happy' and from Ms. Potjanee 'do the right thing'. Neither is WRONG, but again that subtle difference. The circumstances were less than ideal, but I'm glad Tinn got to see his mom stand up so forcefully for his happiness, not just his rightness.
Outro: Chinzhilla forever
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Music is a world within itself With a language we all understand With an equal opportunity For all to sing, dance and clap their hands
Stevie Wonder | Sir Duke (1976)
And so we say farewell to Chinzhilla, or at least to this iteration of it, with the promise of a new Chinzhilla to come as juniors apply to the club in waves. There's a comfort to knowing that even as we leave this universe, there will soon be some new group of kids who will become friends...nay, a family, eating BBQ pork, playing video games, making offerings to the Holy Chinchilla, and learning the chords for 'You Got Ma Back'.
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Of course our baby Por is the only Chinzhilla who DIDN'T know or figure out about Tinn and Gun. Sweet summer child. Who's going to law school. Prime setup for a BL Legally Blonde GMMTV!
Poor Pat, the 9th (!) wheel.
I didn't have a Sound/Win kiss on my bingo card, but that was a lovely little surprise. I adore these two.
So Pat is gonna be a pharmacist, Yo, a politician (!), Por a lawyer, Sound an actor, Win a sound engineer and Gun...Gun's gonna be a musician. Not bad for a bunch of slackers.
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indigo-villin · 13 days
So I saw a post discussing how if you're a regressor don't ask randos on the internet to be your cg, which yeah DON'T do that. You don't know them, it could end SUUPER badly. There's a LOT to this that people need to remember and understand (like how CGs are people and should not be treated as less by littles "just because they're CGs" cause that is beyond not okay).
But besides that I want to discuss the irritating part of asking people around you to be CGs, so I have a cut for that and this first part to be split cause the top part is VERY important and under the cut is more of a personal vent than anything. (Sorry for any typos!!)
So yes do not demand or ask people in the internet to be a CG ESPECIALLY if they aren't comfy and you don't know them (+well). I am not and will not intentionally say otherwise, everyone deserves to be comfy in their own spaces and not be forced to do somthing for other people's happiness'.
My thing is that even as someone whose family knows about them being a regressor and are okay with it, I still can't ask ANY of them to be my CG. My parents have teenagers to take care of along with their own things they have to do (a garden, taking care of the teens, taking care of each other, they're disabled, etc etc) and my partner could be my CG, but I haven't exactly had that kind of convo with him and I'm still finicky with my regression (still only doing it involuntarily) and the idea of asking him (even though he has given me NO REASON to feel this way about ANYTHING) makes me uncomfy/awkward.
It can be awkward to ask people you know about this stuff and even more awkward to relax and do it infront of people, especially as soemone who's only really gone into it alone. "But your parents know why can't you ask when they're not busy" I was a SUPER independent kid and the closest to seeing me act little is them and I going to the toy aisles and getting items I enjoy. I would not be able to talk (or go nonverbal) like a kid, get a paci (mom has always found them disgusting), enjoy certain foods/snacks (too expensive/not worth buying), meltdowns/tantrums/me crying in general couldn't happen (mom freaks out everytime I cry, she can't handle seeing me cry cause it makes her upset especially when she's the cause), I can't take naps (I sleep from 3 am to 1 pm roughly "that's long enough"), and also their "free time" is like when they wake up at 5-7 am or when they get done with stuff and hang out before heading to bed from 6-8 pm (mom heads to bed around 8-10).
Again yes I have a partner, but we're not around each other 24/7 and even if we were he has friends and things he likes to do and has to do on his own. Outside of internet friends (the only kind of friends I even have) I have no one I am properly comfy with in most regards, especially regarding this stuff.
I'm sorry to make such a long winded post that's so negative in nature and so personal about such a subject. I know a LOT of people prefer sticking to the positives of agere and I understand and do so usually too, but I just find it so irritating when people say "just trust the people around you" especially with a coping mechanism that may have been (at least in part) caused by those around you.
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Amethyst shape-shifting into Rose was a strong scene where she did something very harmful, but I'm surprised by how many people I see repeatedly say this basically made Amethyst forever a villain to them.
Of course, this is a valid reaction - to everyone their own sensibilities, a character that went too far for me might be fine to you. With how common it seems to be, though, I want to share my view of why I don't personally relate to that reading.
To me, Amethyst in this scene wasn't a Fellow Adult to Greg. She was a teenager. And teenagers, when they're upset, when they feel neglected, when they are grieving, will hurt you on purpose to elicit a reaction. And it can be ugly.
On top of that, Rose wasn't exclusively "Greg's" or "Steven's". She was also a family member to Amethyst, likely for much longer. Amethyst herself is grieving, she has specific feelings about Rose, and that cannot be divorced from the way she talks about her and her being gone. Rose was to her a family member akin to either a mother, a sister, or both. The fact that she's willing to shape-shift as Rose is, in and of itself, fucked up. It's not just something she's doing to Greg.
In this scene, Amethyst isn't a mature adult who decided to do something fucked up. She's an immature teenager taking something too personally. Think "dad never hangs out with me since mom died. Clearly he would prefer if mom were there instead of me, right?!". If it's not "mom", replace "mom" with "my sister". You can also think "my uncle who used to look after me stopped when his wife became pregnant - then she died, so he wasn't going to come back to me with all that ensued." A broody teenager with messy, conflicting feelings and no ability to deal with them. Amethyst exhibits these behaviours for a long time. She's stubborn in the way a teenager is, she's impatient, she's tired of having to deal with the adults' problems. This is why when she shows how much she has matured by the end of the story, it's such a big deal. She even empathises with Steven's feelings being stuck amidst centuries-old drama by drawing from her experience, her similar feelings at the same "age".
I personally cannot divorce this terrible scene from the visual of a teenager who says something hurtful to a parent she cares about, because she's hurt and she doesn't know how else to vocalise it, how else to get them to pay attention to her. It's undoubtedly terrible - and when she sees Steven, it's instant regret, because it makes her face her own actions - but I cannot put definite blame on her for this in the way I would on an adult. Sometimes, teenagers saying horrible, horrible things is a call for help. In real life, a teenager dressing-up as a deceased family member to elicit a reaction from a carer would be seen as an obvious call for help.
Amethyst being the equivalent of a teenager is made very clear through the entirety of her writing. It is a true fact that Greg wasn't actually her carer (Rose was - and one could even argue she was taking it out on Rose through Greg, since Rose is the one who abandoned her) and as such didn't have to look after her, so it was the right thing for him to focus on his son. But it's also undeniable that Amethyst felt neglected, abandoned. And being immature, during a messy, nasty argument, she used this juvenile technique to hurt Greg, whom she felt like was hurting her. A very poor defence mechanism.
It's obviously Bad and Harmful. But not something I could imagine holding against someone who's now become an adult, because there's no situation in which a healthy teenager in a healthy environment would become so defensive. Grief is ugly, so is trying to defend yourself as a traumatised teenager. Rose's death was most likely not Amethyst's first trauma either.
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
The Nanny, Chapter 8
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  angst
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“Are you excited about today?”
Briana looked at you, her brow raising ever so slightly, “why would I have any reason to be excited, mom?”
“Well, your dad’s home and he’s taking you out for a father daughter day,” you shrugged, putting a piece of French toast on her plate.  Your eyes wandered down the hallway where Jake had been sound asleep in your shared bedroom.  Her eyes followed yours and then she rolled them.  You sighed, “hey…what’s that about?  You seemed happy about it last week.”
“Me and mom are going to the Lego store…and then we’re going to the-“
“Dad’s taking me to the mall,” she shrugged, truly seeming let down by what was happening as she cut her younger brother off, “I mean it’s nothing special…he’s just trying to do something with me because he’s been gone almost a year on this last mission.  He doesn’t even know what I like, mom!  He doesn’t know me anymore.  It just feels…weird.”
You frowned, leaning against the counter, “hey…your father was really excited about it last night.  You know he-“
“He doesn’t know anything that’s going on in my life, mom,” she groaned as she cut you off this time, “he doesn’t even know that I’m on the cheerleading squad, or that I hav-“
“A boyfriend…yes…yes he does,” Jake said firmly as he walked into the kitchen.  The tension in the room was thick as Jake’s sleepy voice was overrun by an agitated tone.  You frowned and gave Briana a look and she gasped, catching on to what you’d told him.  But Jake was quick to cut her off, “don’t get mad at your mother for telling me.  I’ve been following your social media accounts ever since my last trip.”
“Mom said I could get them!” she said quickly, looking to you for help.  Both of you knew how Jake had felt about the idea of social media period, but he was adamant on the idea that neither one of the kids should ever have it because of the potential dangers.  But you’d quickly caved just a few months ago, seeing that since she didn’t have a cell phone, social media would be a good way for her to stay up to date with her friends during the summer.
“But did she tell you that you could start seeing that boy?” he asked pointedly, looking between you and Briana, “Did you, Dev?”
“I’m not going to tell her no, Jake,” you shrugged, biting your lip as he began his normal routine.  Briana’s jaw tightened like she wanted to say something, but she kept her mouth shut when you shook your head, not wanting to upset Jake.  She huffed, angry that you didn’t correct him yet again, “he’s a good kid.  I’ve met him and his parents.  Had them over for dinner last month when-“
“When you were gone!” Briana pointed out, rolling her eyes, “maybe if you were home more you would know what’s going on in my life, like a real parent would.  But you’re always gone…”
But before Jake could so much as finish her name, she’d stomped out of the kitchen and up the stairs.  You gave your boyfriend a sad look and went up to him, wrapping your arms around him.
“She’ll come around, Jake…she’s just going through a phase…she’s a teenager…”you offered, “you know she misses you…she’s just-“
“Being a butthead!” Alex pointed out, cutting you off.  The two of you turned your attention to Alex who was guiltily staring back at you.
He frowned, “sorry dad…”
“She’s just going through a phase, Jake…”
“I hope so,” he sighed, “I can’t stand the fact that she seems like she hates me anymore…”
“How about this store?” Jake asked, pointing towards an Aeropostale, “your mom says that you li-“
“She’s not really my mom…”
“What?  Of course she is…she-“
“She’s not Dev…”
“Briana…she’s been there for us since you were little.  She’s like a mother to you,” Jake warned, “you’ve been calling her mom for half of your life.  You need to give her the respect that she deserves.”
“I’ll give her this…she’s more of a parent than you are.”
Jake bit his tongue as Briana went into the store, huffing under her breath.  The words struck Jake deeper than he’d cared to admit. 
Sure, he knew that he wasn’t always able to be there in person.  The Losers had been stuck with an impressive case load, and while he’d been with you officially for over three and a half years, you’d always kept him in the loop and made him feel okay about leaving. 
But with how Briana’s attitude had changed within the last few months, he wasn’t so sure anymore.  He jogged to catch up to her, “Did I do something wrong, Briana?”
The words left his mouth before he could stop them.  His daughter turned, stopping the half-committed browsing of the racks and tables.  She crossed her arms over her stomach and glared at her dad, “do you even care about us?  Do you even care about me, Alex, and mom?”
His heart plummeted into the pit of his stomach.
It felt like he was being punched in the chest, and he fought the air that was leaving his lungs far quicker than he would have been okay with.
“Do you even care about us, or are we just some things you collect?” she asked angrily, not bothering to pull her punches with her father as she glared at him, “do you have a whole new family somewhere else or something?”
“Briana, no…how-how could you even think that?”
“Well for one, you never tell us goodbye when you leave,” she spat, her jaw clenching as she started her list, “It’s always in the middle of the night, with some half-assed letter.  And we’re left waking up to mom crying in your room because you didn’t even tell her goodbye.”
“Language, Briana.”
“Well, it’s true!” she growled, “you come back and act like everything’s okay.  Like you’ve been here the whole time.  Do you know why mom and Alex are spending time away from us today?  It’s because you missed Alex’s birthday last week.  AGAIN.  You’ve been home for two days and you didn’t even tell him happy birthday.  But you didn’t even notice, or you didn’t care.  You just sat on your work computer while mom tucked him in on the first night.  He was bawling.”
“He was?”
“And mom…you’ve been dating her for how many years?” she scoffed, “she cares about us.  She loves us so much.  She will take care of us when you leave. But what do you do when you come back?  You fuck her and then act like nothing happened.  Like you were side by side at the parent teacher conferences, or Alex’s soccer games, or my football games where I’m cheering.  Or like when she found out she was pregnant and then miscarried.  Or she invited Brandon’s parents and Brandon over for dinner.”
“She was pregnant?”
“Last year dad…” she spat, “she lost it at the end of her first trimester…but you didn’t even know, did you?”
“You know it’s crazy to me,” she hissed, “you’re oblivious about our lives.  You don’t even kn-“
“That’s not fair Briana.”
“What’s not fair is that she somehow manages to still be in love with you and care about us when you walk away every single time,” she growled, “She still worships the ground that you walk on.  Still wants to be with you.  Do you know how awkward it is to explain to people that she’s my nanny first and my dad’s girlfriend second?  Do you know how many times I’ve heard her explain that she’s not ‘technically our guardian’ to my coaches or teachers, and then grandma has to come and sign off on stuff.  I almost didn’t make the cheer squad because grandma was on a cruise when tryouts were happening, and they wouldn’t let mom sign off as my guardian.  She was mortified as she had to talk to the coaches.  But she got ahold of grandma right in the nick of time.”
Jake felt his heart sinking further and further towards the floor with every word his daughter spat at him.
“I-I made her guardian when I hired he-“
“Your request was only good for that school dad.  When I went to intermediate school and Alex went to the elementary school, we needed it renewed.  Mom reminds you every time you’re home, but you just blow her off.”
“No, I-“
“Did you even realize that you’ve been calling her by mom’s name the last two times you’ve been home?” she asked with a growl.
Jake felt his stomach turn, “Wh-what?”
“You’ve been calling her Dev…my real mom’s name…for months now…do you really want to be with mom, or are you just using her as a placeholder for the woman who gave birth to me and Alex?  Because that’s really fucked up!”
“Briana, I-I didn’t mean-“
“You never mean anything, dad,” she spat, pushing past her father, heading towards the entrance of the store, “I want to go home…I don’t want to be out…”
“But we-“
“I want to go home, dad.”
Chapter 9
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @sebsgirl71479, @patzammit, @elbell20-blog
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
So uh, do you remember my Tiny Tots AU? Well, I've thought of a few more things for it, if you'd like to hear XD of course you can easily ignore this too ^^
- Ok so in your second chapter of the Smartass' Daughter AU, it looked like that lady was initially drawn towards Wheezy because he was holding baby Y/N (but got ensnared by his beautiful eyes~). What if this became SUCH a common thing in the Tiny Tots AU? Like, so many women (and men) see just-starting-to-smoke-probably Wheezy with all these kids of varying ages, sees how much of a dad he is over all of them despite the fact none of them are his, and swoon over it? Maybe they assume he's some teacher, or a town baby sitter or something, but either way, they all feel similarly? Idk I just think this is funny XD
- What if Wheezy, and by extension Greasy since he's SUPPOSED to be the other responsible one here, get to befriend some of the parents? Not all of them, like I doubt he'd like Psycho's, depending on what they're like before the sanitorium, and he definitely has no respect for Poppy's. But like he and Smartass' and Stupids mum! I can definitely see her appreciating him watching over her sons very much ^^ (on this note, imagine Wheezy's cousins catching wind of this 'daycare' he's running and telling Mr. And Mrs. Wheezy.)
(This is for your headcannon of their families specifically since I'm still trying to figure out how I see their family situations. I'll get back to you with this when I do if you want XD)
- So, Greasy desperately needs some therapy. Wheezy might as well be an unlicensed therapist with the way I depict them. Maybe, even though Greasy is constantly leaving him with the kids and getting into trouble, they wind up bonding? Not necessarily a father-son bond, but maybe more like brothers? Idk, I just need Wheezy comforting Greasy when he's having a particularly rough day.
(Imagine Stupid, and possibly Poppy, being a comfort to Greasy too! Like taking care of Stu could distract Greasy from whatever is bugging him, and he's reassured that at least this little tyke likes him, even if the rest of the world seems against him ^^ and with Poppy. Well, she's a slightly older baby, so she doesn't quite understand why he's upset on a deeper level. But I can see her just hugging him, regardless if he's got a sneer or a defensive posture, and just telling him that everything will be ok. She'd try to stay until he feels better ^^)
- Psycho and Greasy totally develop a childish rivalry. Like the kind that makes Greasy wonder half the time why the hell he's even dealing with this little twit, and the other half he's being just a petty as Psycho is. Idk how it started- you know what? There wasn't even a beginning probably. Psycho met Greasy, this shifty teenager who smells funny, and immediately decided he didn't like him. It's like those videos of babies who start crying as soon as they're in somebody's arms XD except this child can and will bite-
- Alright, back to angst. Smarty is more than likely really stressed with having to take care of his little brother. It's no one's fault, his mom has to work so hard just to put food on the table and before Wheezy, there wasn't any other adult in their lives they could trust. But it doesn't change the fact that he still had to grow up faster than he should have because of this (maybe this is where he gets his leader instincts? So at least there's that). Fortunately, he's got Wheezy, and sometimes Greasy, to help out ^^ unfortunately, they came with all these other children so Smarty has to deal with that too XD
- Since Psycho and Poppy are friends in this AU, what if their families wound up knowing each other too? Idk what Psycho's family would think about her parents, but her parents definitely didn't approve of the little weasel friend she's made. I can imagine if one set of parents find out that their child is gone though, they'll call up the other household and ask if their kid is missing too. If yes, both families know that their kids are off together doing lord knows what XD (maybe this could lead to Poppy finding out about Psycho being left at the sanitorium too! She would definitely help get him out, or at least convince his family to take him back out).
- Roger and Jessica aren't really around that much. They'd kinda be like side characters in a TV show that only show up in a few episodes, I guess? But I'm imagining that they and the weasels and Poppy all run into each other on occasion. If Roger and Poppy are related, they'd show up and hang out more often. But if not, then there wouldn't really be a way/reason for them to interact with the others that I can see (unless Psycho still chases after Roger, and now Jessica has to defend her friend from the scary kid XD)
- Now that Shiny has officially been created, I gotta figure out how she fits in this AU. But this definitely would take place during her magician phase. She and Jessica are also the same age- maaaybe even know each other? Still debating it.
And that's all I got so far. I hope you like these! ^^
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH man, this is all so amazing, I just- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!, the tiny tots au and all your ideas for it are so so obsess-worthy!!
'that's all I got so far'- 'THATS ALL'?? What do you mean, 'that's all', this a novel and more then we deserve!! XD 🧡💛💚💙💜
I cant even- I wanna add more because I feel like that is how I can properly express my loveee for this AU and your work but I really cant think of anything, this is all just overwhelmingly good!! Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for sharing!!!
Every single dot point had me grinning from ear to ear XD
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
Ok, so Nancy's lack of emotional intelligence. The really obvious ones are seasons 2 and 3.
Season 1, there are just little things, and a lot of it can be written off as her being a teenager. Like her being pissed off about not being allowed out because Will is missing. Karen is obviously worried that if they go out alone after dark something will happen to Mike or Nancy, and likely thinking about how Will went missing on his way home from their house. Mike is a bit of a mess, because his best friend is missing. But Nancy is unhappy because she can't sneak out to see her boyfriend (But as I said, she's 15 with what could be her first boyfriend, so it's more of an age thing.) Another minor thing is her reaction to Steve's worry about his parents (his reaction is something that is very open to interpretation, it could just be a teenager not wanting to get in trouble for underage drinking, or it could be something darker), but again it can be written off as a teenager who has never had to think about why some kids could be scared of their parents.
And her showing up at the funeral home where Jonathan is looking at coffins because he thinks he has to bury his little brother to talk to him about Barb? Just felt a little tone-deaf to me.
I think a slightly bigger thing in season 1 is how she doesn't seem to understand why Steve's upset in the alley when he'd seen her in her room with Jonathan, despite the fact it is heavily implied by Steve and Tommy that Steve's dad is unfaithful to the point his mom follows him on business trips "My moms gone with him cause she doesn't trust him." "Good call." and she was a part of this conversation, she heard it.
Then there's the time skip scene at the end of season 1, when she's back together with Steve. She'd already been shown to have feelings for Jonathan, but as we're told in season 2, she only waited a month for him to be ready for a relationship before going back to Steve. This was unfair to both of the boys, because she wasn't truly invested in a relationship with Steve, and was really stringing him along until Jonathan was ready, and because she expected Jonathan to be ready for a relationship within a month of his brother going missing, being pronounced dead, having a funeral, then being found alive but in a poor condition. Obviously, he'd want time with his family.
In season 2, we've got the part where she thinks she sees Barb and is ready to put a lot of people in danger to tell the Hollands what happened (Not just her and her family, but Steve and his family, the Byers, Hopper, Lucas and Dustin. Anyone who knew what happened could be put at risk if one told.)
The start of the party, when she's acting like Steve's in the wrong for them going to the party, and she decides to get very drunk. Like, she was shown to be excited for the party, to the point she talked Jonathan into going to the party when he'd made it very clear that he wasn't interested.
The whole bathroom scene doesn't really need going into. When she says "like we're in love" ties into the stringing Steve along when she's not interested in him, she's interested in the attention.
When she and Steve argue outside the school gym, she's putting her own inconvenience over Steve's hurt. She brushes off everything he says about what had happened the night before, and acts like he is the one in the wrong for feeling hurt.
She disregards the hurt the Byers have been through in comparison to losing Barb. "It's different for you, Will came home." As if the weight or trauma Jonathan is carrying is lessened by the fact that Will is alive.
The night she and Jonathan are in the motel. She gets huffy when Jonathan points out that she only waited for a month before going back to Steve. This, to me, feels like she clings to relationships rather than processing her own trauma.
Season 3, the big one is after she got herself and Jonathan got fired. She completely disregards the fact that he needed the job to pay bills in favour of 'but I didn't get to do what I wanted.' The whole Oliver Twist routine comment (which was so classist) seems to imply his financial instability isn't a big deal in comparison to how she feels she was wronged. And then, later, she gets smug when Jonathan told her she was right "I look forward to you never doubting me again." and doesn't apologise for hurting him and targeting his insecurities.
Season 4, as I said before, only watched it once, but I can think of a few instances.
Her relationship with Jonathan. Yes, both of them are at fault for the lack of communication, but we're just talking about Nancy. She seems to blame their position in their relationship on Jonathan, but doesn't seem to make an effort to be the one to reach out to work through the issues. Like, she's the one in the relationship with a financially stable family, she could have easily gone with Mike to visit the Byers in California. And expecting him to follow her to Emerson. That's her dream, not his. His dream school, at least until s1, was NYU. And she knows how protective of Will he'd been, so it seems pretty obvious he'd be hesitant about going to a school on the opposite coast to where his family are, he wouldn't want to be 3000 miles away in case something went wrong.
How she treats Robin until Robin makes it 100% clear that her and Steve are not a thing. Like, you have a boyfriend, why are you worried about who your ex-boyfriend (That you cheated on with your current boyfriend) is dating or friends with?
How she does seem to be sending mixed signals over what she wants with Steve, and with the end scene between her and Jonathan it really implied that she has feelings for Steve again. Which takes us back to the leading her partner on when she's not interested/ losing interest.
(I know some of the relationship stuff in s4 was lazy writing pushing for the love triangle story again.)
This feels a bit disjointed compared to when I wrote about her lack of common sense, but yeah. I feel Nancy isn't this brilliant, every type of intelligence person a lot of people make her out to be.
Oh, and adding to the emotional intelligence thing (same anon). Nancy just seems to not care about how her words impact others. She always has to be right and is quick to point out other peoples perceived lack of intelligence (Steve), or lash out if her position as the smartest person is challenged (Robin, Jonathan, and to an extent Fred.) And she puts people in danger just for her constant need to be right.
i think a lot of nancy’s emotional insensitivity does just come from her not being able to understand other peoples situation. however, she also seems to refuse to understand. like you said, a lot of her actions in s1 are understandable, because she’s a young teen with very limited life experience. as seasons have past she’s gained more knowledge, but refuses to use this knowledge to treat people with more sensitivity, and seems content to remain in her own understanding of the world.
but yeah, super funny to me that she just approached jonathan, in the middle of his appointment, to ask him to look at a photo he took while hiding in steve’s back garden. she couldn’t even have waited till he was done picking out a child sized coffin?? lmao
i can excuse her not understand steve’s complex relationship with cheating, because she has just been called a slut lol. so a girl that’s already not very empathetic isn’t gonna feel like trying to see the situation from steve’s pov.
the whole relationship situation is so messy at the end of s1. her dating steve is very much so influenced by her trauma, but again, she’s getting in a relationship with steve, while clearly either not ready for one, or in love with someone else, without considering steve. the actual person she’s dating.
s2 is the point where we see that nancy’s trauma and lack of emotional intelligence stops her from understanding steve’s position, to the point that she lashes out. at the halloween party, nancy gets drunk to spite steve. and obviously she can’t control what she says when insanely drunk, but she can control her reaction to those words. which is to basically laugh in his face. she doesn’t take his feelings seriously in that scene, and it isn’t until she’s with jonathan later that she even shows emotions.
i think with misunderstanding jonathan’s trauma that also comes from the duffers minimising trauma that isn’t about someone dying. but yeah, it is, again, nancy not being able to understand the way other people feel, and feeling a bit… maybe bitter that jonathan got his brother back, but she didn’t get barb.
oh and nancy 100% uses romantic relationships to avoid ever working through her trauma. if she’s never alone, and she always has someone to be with, then she doesn’t really have to process barb’s loss.
interestingly, even while barb was alive, there was a shift in priorities when dating steve. which is common when teenagers get their first boyfriends! so it’s kind of like, as long as nancy has a boyfriend, she can spend all her time with them, and it’s normal! instead of her acknowledging that she’s alone because she’s lost her best friend.
oh god, i hate the s3 fight. yeah, both of them don’t recognise each others issues in the workplace, but jonathan admits he was wrong, and nancy never does. nancy definitely struggles to admit when she’s wrong, which is probably part of the whole emotional immaturity thing, and is one the biggest things that’s holding back her development.
nancy can’t let herself admit when she’s wrong, with relationships or breaking someone’s heart, or investigating a murder. which i think is another trauma thing, better to make a decision and move on, because if she looks back and regrets, her life kinda starts to fall apart.
i think her relationship in s4 is partly her refusal to regret things, so she can’t acknowledge when her relationship has major issues, and also it comes down to her kind of… self-involved sounds a bit mean? but it’s like, her dream is to go to emerson, so her plan is to go to emerson with jonathan, regardless of his dream college. she has a plan, and she wants to go through with it regardless of jonathan’s wants. (jonathan definitely made mistakes in s4 too!!! but this is about nancy’s role)
robin and nancy are rough in early s4. nancy is seemingly jealous, and takes this out on robin. it definitely doesn’t scream emotional maturity.
i think nancy’s trauma has definitely emotionally stunted her. and i would say she prioritises scholarly intellect over emotional intelligence, which is why she’s pretty smart and savvy and everything, but seems to struggle when it comes to empathy and connecting to people emotionally. like you said, she puts her need to be correct before keeping people safe, or treating them with kindness.
in my opinion, nancy’s emotional issues are the main things holding back her development, and though i hope that the duffers do dive into it in s5, i cannot see that happening.
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thompsborn · 7 months
!! the return of harley “daddy issues” keener (or is it mostly new angst? or mostly, like, physical?)
okay i love all these anons but also i am trying So Hard to not spoil things omg. please send more but also if i lowkey spoil something eventuallly it’s not my fault !! it actually definitely is entirely my fault but shhh
but anyways, kind of and also kind of not?
so like, in to build a family harley and peter are teenagers, but not like homeward bound. they’re high schoolers still, yk? they’re younger and haven’t gone through all the things that homeward bound harley and peter have gone through. i only bring up tbaf because obviously harley has Daddy Issues™ in tbaf. even before the second fic when his dad dies and he has to deal with that—in the first fic there’s a part where harley reminds his sister of their dad bc of how he left to go to new york and it’s this whole moment, yk? but he’s younger in tbaf and since tbaf is like not at all canon compliant to the mcu, they’ve gone through a lot less in comparison to hb, yk?
i say all that because while daddy issues are an ongoing lifelong thing for homeward bound harley, they aren’t as detrimental or as Big as they are in tbaf or other fics i’ve written where that comes up. hb harley is still effected by his daddy issues but he’s 18, he’s in college, he died for 5 years and came back to find out tony died, he has some family stuff that will be further explored and explained in the sequel with his mom and sister, and now also he has peter and the knowledge that peter is spider-man and the heaviness that comes with peter’s tragedies and past as well.
it’s a heaviness he’s okay with, don’t get me wrong, he’s more than happy to be there for peter and to learn these things and has been curious about peter since the first time peter walked into late night (again, will be explained more in the sequel!) but it’s heavy nonetheless, you know?
essentially, in the grand scheme of things, while he’s still impacted by his daddy issues, he also just… doesnt care anymore? like not caring doesn’t erase the impact but also he barely thinks of his dad and when he does he doesnt feel angry or upset or any of the things he felt in the past about his dad leaving, he just… doesnt care. he’s been through so much at this point that it’s just Another Thing. he’s desensitized to it to the point that like, why does it matter? it doesn’t.
there’s a part in hb, i can’t remember which chapter but it’s a small texting segment in one of the chapters where harry talks about him harley and peter making a no dad’s club for funsies and in that text convo harley mentions that he has a dad he just doesnt know where he is and doesn’t care enough to find out.
also, to answer that last part—it’s new angst that includes physical stuff! there’s gonna be… a lot lmao. i have a lot of things planned for this series, a lot of ideas taken from various comics, from the movies, from the games, etc. i’m even planning to read through plotlines for some of the animated series to see if there’s any additional ideas to draw from there.
but like, think of it this way, i guess: harley cares. a LOT. like some of his remaining daddy issues have developed in the form of being a bit slow to trust new people, but like he’s mentioned in the fic, once he chooses to care about someone, he is ALL IN. he is COMMITTED. and now that he knows about peter being spidey and is actively choosing to be involved in that, his instincts and his heart are going to want to do anything and everything he can to help.
okay actually sorry this answer is SO long BUT i remembered something i had harley say and i went back and looked and in chapter three he tells peter “my Mama says I have the heart of a protector” and THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IM TRYING TO CONVEY HERE LMAO so THAT is who he is at heart yk?
and peter is gonna be in a lot of dangerous situations as spidey, and as the series goes on people connected to him are going to be in danger because of spidey, and essentially like…. a lot of emotions and a lot of angst and a lot of potential for getting hurt, yk?
i need to stop here because i keep almost saying fuck it and giving an example that is definitely a spoiler but yeah. take that as you will (:
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starkcanvas · 1 year
I guess I have a question about Kel moving out and the cause of it: How did Hero react to it when he heard about it?
Oh haha, Hero and Mari were certainly surprised about the news... Because Hero hadn't heard about what happened from either:
Kel: because he didn't want his brother to worry about him.
Or his mother: As she doesn't want Henry to be distracted due to Kel and his "teenaged rebellion". Her also thinking Kel's going to learn his lession and soon come crawling back home (But that never ends up happening)
The one who told Hero was the Dad, in secret. Joel mentally thinking his wife has gone off the rails and also thinking she's being ridiculous about the whole problem. Joel being on Kel's side as he's looked back at certain instances in the past and has now noticed that they've always been... pretty unfair to Kel in terms of paying attention to the boys...
(Remember, since Mari is still alive in this AU, their argument never happened)
Hero was definitely shocked when hearing this and wanted to go back to make sure Kel's okay but his Dad reassured him that Kel was safe and sound at Klaus and Del's place, him moving in to stay with Sunny while Mari's gone. That helped him relax a bit but he wasn't told the main reason WHY Kel moved out. Only being informed that it had happened.
The reason being told when him and Mari are back for the holidays and Henry gets reasonably upset at his and Kel's mom for thinking so little of Kel that she feels the need to constantly compare the two brothers and making the younger sibling feel inferior to the older one.
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hatchetfield-bang · 2 years
Lonely Parade
Author: Ember @the-spaced-out-ace
Artist: Owen @unowers
Beta: Teddy @sweetlycharlotte
Rating: T
Pairings: Minor Pete Spankoffski/Steph Lauter
Warnings: Past Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Peter was six years old the summer he met his brother. What he hadn't initially known is that Ted was a ghost.
Excerpt below the cut!
Pete sat at the fence cross-legged and still facing the front yard. For several minutes, he tossed his bouncy ball up and down, trying (and usually failing) to catch it in the air. This went on, over and over, seemingly in an endless, mindless loop, only broken by the teenage boy walking away from the porch and reentering Pete’s field of vision.
He stared at the teen, still wondering who he was and why he was there. He looked upset, Pete noticed. His Grown Up Affairs must not have gone well.
The teen boy caught Pete’s eye and stared right back. After an awkward moment of silence, Pete stood up and called out, “Hello?”
The teen looked a little startled at the sudden call from Pete, but approached the fence anyway. After a few seconds of clearly trying to choose the right thing to say, he replied, “Ah, what’s up, um...kid?”
“What are you doing in my front yard?” Pete asked timidly.
“Yours?” the teen repeated. Again, that brief look of shock. He collected himself and said, “I used to live here. It’s...been a long time. I think. But I find myself drawn here occasionally. Today was the first time I actually tried to pay a visit.”
“It’s just...really weird. I don’t really remember where I was before I got here. The last few days have just felt like a blur. As if I didn’t exist at all in all that time.”
“Oh.” Pete said again. Then he eyed the teen suspiciously. “Are you on drugs—?”
“What? No!” the teen interrupted.
“—because Daddy says that weird, spacey teenagers use drugs,”
“Kid, do you even know what a drug is?”
“Not really,” Pete answered, rather timidly. “I just know that they’re apparently really bad.”
“Smart kid,” the teen replied. “Hey, could you tell your parents that your doorbell is broken? I couldn’t get it to ring at all, and I tried about fifteen times.”
“They’ll ask how I know and I’ll have to tell them I was talking to a stranger. I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.” Pete said.
“You’re the one who started talking first, kid,”
“Oh, right.”
The two boys fell silent, staring at each other from their own side of the chain link fence and occasionally almost saying something else before awkwardly shutting their mouths again. After a few minutes, the teen finally continued with, “I’m Ted, by the way,”
Pete supposed some sort of confused look came over him, as the boy (named Ted, apparently. Should Pete know that name? He felt like he should know that name) said “So we’re not exactly strangers, and your parents won’t be as worried,”
“Oh,” the younger boy replied. “My name is Peter. My mommy calls me Pete, though.”
“Alright. It’s nice to meet you, Peter.” Ted smiled.
“You, too,” said Pete. “When did you live here?”
“When I was about your age,” Ted answered. “Well, all my life, really. Up until recently.”
“I’ve lived here all my life, too.” Pete explained. “Why’d you move?”
All the color seemed to drain from Ted’s face, and then some. “I...I don’t remember,” he mumbled, but quickly (and more loudly) corrected with, “Or know. I mean, I don’t know. Like I said, everything feels like a blur.”
“Oh,” Pete said again. “What was it like here when this was your house?”
“I didn’t really like it,” Ted began dryly. “I didn’t really get along with my parents. Or my stepmom, once she came into the picture. And I spent a lot of nights alone in my room not doing anything. But I still miss this house. I wanted some closure, I guess.”
“I think this house is cool,” Pete said.
Ted grinned sadly. “Then I hope it never stops being magical for you.”
Pete’s mom’s voice rang into the backyard. “Pete, come inside, lunch is ready.”
Pete wanted to ask Ted more questions about himself. He stared up at the teen, wide-eyed and reluctant, but Ted said, “Go on inside, kid.”
“Okay,” Pete replied.
“Hey, maybe you’ll see me around,”
“Okay,” Pete repeated. He began to walk to the house’s back door, but when he was about halfway across the yard he turned around and exclaimed, “Bye, Teddy!”
Ted let out a quiet chuckle under his breath.
“Bye, kid,”
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
I’ve been looking at Sam post ( so toxic seriously ) and a big issue people have is Sam “moaning” about Miguel missing her match. Am I the only one who thinks it makes sense? It was a big moment for her facing the person who traumatised her of course she wanted her boyfriend there
I assume you mean anti Sam posts 😂 and yeah, I agree! Frankly, I thought she would be more upset at him for just leaving with only a letter for Carmen and a voicemail for her.
And for missing her match too! She said “I’ll see you out there rooting for me, right?” and he didn’t technically lie, but he didn’t tell the truth either. He knew how important that match was to her…and he let her believe he’d be there in the audience. Even if he’d said “I’m actually gonna go home and take it easy,” that would still be a lie, but at least he wouldn’t be falsely implying his live-and-in-person support.
In a relationship, open communication is vital…especially when you’re leaving the country! He didn’t even tell his mom before leaving, which I would’ve accepted even if he didn’t tell Sam—but no one knew until he was gone. For all they knew, that could’ve been the last time they ever saw Miguel.
I get that he wanted to do this on his own, but it was way too dangerous…as s5 proves. He’s a teenager, he’ll make mistakes, I get that. But to act like Sam is wrong for being rightfully upset with him is completely nonsensical.
TL;DR: I fully agree, anon 💞
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