#Happy 100th Day Of School
joanninkshop · 4 months
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Just reached the 100th day of school! 🎉 Can you believe it? Time flies when you're learning and having fun!
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afayfou23 · 1 year
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(via T-shirt essentiel « Copie de Happy 100 th Day of School » par fayfou23000)
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boulahlib · 1 year
Happy 100th day of school Top design
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johnnydany · 1 year
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Happy 100th Day of School Teachers Kids Child Happy 100 Days T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/37962636-happy-100th-day-of-school-teachers-kids-child-happ
Let's Share & Tag Someone Who Would Love This Shirt
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trendytraders · 1 year
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(via Happy 1000 th Day Student Cute Boys Girls 100 Days Of School Cap by TrendyTraders)
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bigboos61 · 1 year
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(via 100th day of school shirts Lightweight Hoodie by Aldoralfox)
School days are long and filled with plenty of tests, presentations, learning and those dreaded pop quizzes. All of the work that students do on a regular basis and all of the challenges they face each day in their classes are worth honoring and celebrating. That's why many districts have started throwing a big celebration on the 100th day of school (which takes place in either January or February, depending on when the school year began). And one way to observe this day is by rocking creative 100th day of school shirts! £
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new-com · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Trey Clover - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Trey: It's pretty fascinating how all these anecdotes that I grew up with are displayed on all these paintings.
Trey: Just as I'd expect from an art museum that's reaching it's 100th year.
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Trey: Oh hey, this painting… It has some card soldiers on it. Heh, I feel like I can understand these guys a little bit.
???: Oh, right, all you Heartslabyul guys do the same kind of thing, don't you?
Leona: What's even the point of painting the roses a different color? As someone who cares not an ounce about flowers, I don't get it at all.
Trey: Hey now, Leona, don't say that. It's not done for any specific reason, it's just one of the laws of our dorm.
Trey: Also, I don't really think the card soldiers changed the colors of the roses just for a change of scenery, though.
Trey: They say that the Queen they served loved red roses. They were probably just trying to please her, right?
Trey: But still… painting the roses, huh. I remember there was a bit of trouble with that when I first enrolled here.
Leona: Oho? What kind of trouble could the super pacifist Trey Clover possibly cause?
Trey: It wasn't any big deal. When we were first years, Cater and I were responsible for painting the roses, you see…
Trey: And we mistakenly painted some roses white when they were supposed to be red. That's really it.
Trey: Well, to be fair, the mistake wasn't really our fault, but the fault of our upperclassmen who told us the wrong thing.
Trey: But when the mistake was discovered and the Housewarden at the time asked who caused it… Those upperclassmen placed the blame squarely on our shoulders.
Trey: As punishment, Cater and I were made to leave the dorm for a whole day. That really grinded my gears.
Leona: You say that, but you got some stupid grin on your face. You don't look too angry about it.
Trey: Well, yeah… That'd be because Cater and I put together a plan to get them back.
Leona: So you two schemed something up, huh. You might look gentle and mild-mannered, but I guess there's a reason the Dark Mirror called you.
Trey: We didn't do anything that crazy. I just changed the flavor of those upperclassmen's cake to something a little more invigorating at the next dorm party.
Trey: See, it wasn't anything more than just a silly kid's prank, right? …Well, I had a bit of a hard time after that, though.
Leona: Hahah, how terrifying.
Leona: Well, Cater is one thing… But I see that even someone like you, who's stuck always pacifying that hot-headed Riddle, had an incident like that.
Trey: I mean, isn't that how all the new first years here are like? They're all mischief-makers and rambunctious.
Trey: Even our current first years are way too excitable and are always causing problems, so I sure wasn't an exception.
Trey: Eventually, they'll get used to this school and their dorm, get underclassmen of their own, and even find rivals in other dormitories…
Trey: And step by step, they'll mature into good card soldiers. At least, our Heartslabyul students will.
Trey: Just like we all did.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Trey: This painting is, let's see… a depiction of "the fairies gifting magic in celebration of the birth of a princess in a certain country."
Trey: The princess herself isn't drawn, but I'm sure she's in the bed that these ladies are peering into.
Trey: But is this actually the scene where they are gifting their presents…? It just looks to me like they're chattering away aimlessly…
Leona: Maybe it's just as you say? They look to me like a bunch of carefree types.
Trey: I'd refute that, but… Well, it's hard to know what actually is true in the stories passed down, I guess.
Trey: Speaking of birthday celebrations and fairies…
Trey: Have you ever heard of the saying that "fairies are born from the laughter of children," Leona?
Leona: Sounds like a tall tale for kids. Never heard of that in my country.
Trey: It's actually a pretty popular myth in the Queendom of Roses.
Trey: Back home, whenever a child is born, that family would bake cakes and gift them to everyone they knew.
Trey: The cupcakes made then are called "fairy cakes," as a nod to that tale.
Leona: Fairy cakes, huh. I can taste the sickly-sweet flavor on my tongue just from the name alone.
Trey: Hahaha… Shoulda known you of all people wouldn't say there was a bit of romanticism in that.
Trey: But that takes me back. I remember when my sister was born, I helped my parents bake a cake, too.
Trey: I was only 4 years old, and didn't really know how to make anything yet, but I did what I could to help.
Trey: We set out the finished cake on a table in our yard, and ate it with family and our neighbors…
Trey: That cake we ate then under the blue sky tasted even better than any other cake I'd ever had.
Trey: And on top of that, all the adults were praising me, saying how "amazing" and "well done" my cake was…
Leona: Can't think there'd be any adult who'd tell a 4-year-old that the cake they made was terrible, though.
Trey: Yeah, absolutely. In fact, when I went back and looked at the pictures of the cake I made back then, it was actually pretty terrible.
Trey: But I took those compliments to heart.
Trey: Because yeah, after that day, I would join them in the kitchen to help bake cakes.
Trey: But truthfully, I would make a mess of the flour just trying to make one layer of the sponge for the cakes, or snag a taste of a few of the cut fruits here and there...
Trey: I'm sure I was a huge bother for my parents, who were trying to work.
Leona: How adorable. You got all excited just from a little flattery. Sounds completely different than the way you are now.
Trey: Please, kids are all like that. Especially me, I was the type that would even climb trees just from the slightest dare.
Trey: I'm really not any different now, either. I'm completely different from you, Leona. I'm just a plain and simple guy.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Leona: Seems like this is a painting of when the Sorcerer of the Sands got a hold of the magic lamp.
Trey: So, this is the legendary magic lamp, hm. It's a lot smaller than I was expecting… It looks like a teapot made for only one person.
Leona: You know… That kind of response really only shows how shallow your thoughts are. Is that all that comes to mind when you look at a painting showing a scene from that very famous tale?
Leona: This was the lamp that he went through so much and finally got his hands on. Even someone like him, who embodied the spirit of deliberation, might be drowning in absolute elation in this very moment―
Leona: …Or whatever. Anyway, you should read more from this painting than just the size of the lamp, is all.
Trey: Ahaha… I'm just no good at interpreting the actual story behind the art, just from looking at the painting.
Trey: But, based on what you just said, it makes it sound like even someone as great as him, who's left his mark on history, has a human side, huh.
Leona: Even the greats were just people… Although from I remember, he wasn't a human in the end, but a genie.
Trey: That's right, he became a genie in order to overcome the limitation and weakness of a human body. He certainly dreamed big.
Trey: Overcoming weaknesses, huh… If only I could have done that, just as the Sorcerer of the Sands did.
Leona: Huh? Why're you just gazing off into the distance all a sudden?
Trey: Oh, I was just thinking back to how I've recently been running myself ragged trying to overcome this one food I dislike.
Leona: If you don't like it, then just don't eat it. Is it really anything to really overcome?
Trey: Of course it is. Like see, you know how all of the sandwiches and meat dishes in the cafeteria come already covered in that one condiment?
Trey: …I'm talking about mustard. It's tedious for both me and the chef when I have to ask each time for them to remove it, you know?
Trey: Sure, there's a lot of different ways to hide the taste, but I feel it's rude to the chef to change the flavor of something they so painstakingly made.
Trey: That's why I tried so many different ways to overcome my dislike of it, hoping that it would solve everything.
Trey: Every time I made my own dinner in my dorm, I'd add mustard to every dish…
Trey: For about one week or so, I made sure to eat at least one dish each day with mustard in it.
Leona: Well, you sure created a strange, new cake there. So, was it even edible?
Trey: I didn't eat it, so I don't know. My dormmates stopped me, so I wasn't able to actually add it to the cake.
Trey: And so, when they stopped me there, I finally came to a realization.
Trey: If I still can't eat it after all this effort, I should just give up. It isn't something that's going to have a huge impact on my life, after all.
Leona: Hah, took you a while.
Trey: Hahaha… I thought so too.
Trey: Seems like I'm the type where once I start something, I get a little wrapped up in it… This incident really got me reflecting on that habit.
Trey: But hey, thanks to all of that, I can at least eat mustard if it's just there for a bit of flavoring.
Leona: Well, good for you, then. All that continuous mustard eating turned out to be not completely pointless.
Leona: Anyway… All that talk made me thirsty. I'm takin' a break from all this. Bye.
Trey: Okay, see you. …Never thought I'd see the day that Leona would even hold a conversation with me like this. I wonder if it'll rain candy tomorrow or something.
Trey: Alright, next I think I'll go check out one of the paintings of the Great Seven I haven't seen yet… Ooh wait, this one―
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Trey: Whenever I see this painting, I always think of "that guy." He's got the same kind of hard-to-read expression on his face.
Trey: I remember back in the day where I'd play along with his pranks and we'd cause a little bit of mischief for people who asked us for directions on the street.
Trey: "Which way ought you go from here? Well, that depends a good deal on where you want to get to!" ―And the like.  
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Requested by Anonymous.
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biancadjarin · 1 year
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ʚ Send Me an Angel ɞ
part 1 part 2
- pairing: perv!dark!em x bratty!henderson sister!fem reader
- content warning: 18+ rough sex, choking, Eddie’s a bit scary/stalker vibes in this one. Proceed with caution!
- words: listen, I don’t know how to do the word count thing but this is a longer one.
- a/n: Eddie became a little darker in this chapter.. hopefully you enjoy! Y’know in S4E1 when Erica says “He’s sharp.” And Eddie shoots the guys that look when they laugh? That’s the energy he has in this. Anyway, feedback, likes and reblogs are appreciated!! Also just btw-a lot of my titles are songs. Send me an Angel is an 80’s banger I highly recommend listening to. Find the rest of my masterlist HERE.
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You’ve been waiting in your bedroom for almost 2 hours when you hear your front door start to open and shut. Finally your brothers annoying little friends are all going home and Eddie will be up here soon. You do a giddy little dance thinking about being alone with him.
Omg Eddie is going to be in my room, you think to yourself. Your stomach has been filled with anxious butterflies all night and you’ve gone from casually sitting at your desk *pretending* to read a book, to laying on your bed looking nonchalant and sexy to pacing your floor, to where you are now, sinking into the plush oversized beanbag chair in the corner of your room. Your eyes dart to your clock again for the 100th time. 11:22pm.
What’s taking him so long? Did he change his mind? Was he just teasing you before in the kitchen? Maybe he just wanted you to stop distracting him and his hellfire friends so they could finish their stupid game…
Just as you started to feel your nose tingle with the beginning of tears a knock comes on your door. “Come in!” you call out sweetly.
Much to your disappointment, Dustin walks in. Alone.
“Hey so the guys are all gone. Thanks for giving us some space..” he looks down at his socked feet nervously. “Sorry if I was a little rude before.” he says sincerely. You smile at him. As much as your little brother can be a total pain in the ass, you love him and you’re happy he’s got a group of friends that are as nerdy as him. It’s actually a miracle he was allowed into Hellfire. All the other guys are seniors.
“They’re all gone?” You ask, trying to hide the desperate hopefulness in your voice. “Yep, you can go downstairs and make as much noise as you want. I’m going to bed. Night!” He calls over his shoulder as he heads down the hall to his room.
You walk over to your door and close it again, the disappointment spilling from your heart, into a pit in your stomach and creeping back up into your throat, which is tightening. The tingles in your nose are back as the sting of tears start to prick at your eyes. You slip into your silky pink nightgown and run back to your bed to hide under the covers. Of course Eddie doesn’t really like me. You think to yourself. He probably only likes pretty cheerleaders. You remember how you felt a few days ago at lunch when Eddie checked two of them out when they walked past him. His eyes swept their bodies from head to toe while he grinned and they giggled and pretended Hawkin’s resident freak wasn’t also one of the hottest guys in school. The tears finally spilled from your eyes as you imagined Eddie going to hang out with one of them tonight instead of you…
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Your room is dark except for the moonlight spilling in through your double windows when you’re awoken from your sleep with a soft tap tap tap on the glass. Your eyes open slowly and adjust to the low light when you see a silhouette outside of your window. Your heart stops for half a second before realizing who it is. Eddie’s crouched on your balcony, moonlight backlighting his curls and broad shoulders.
He waves at you and points at the latch on your window, beckoning you to come and unlock it. You begin to toss the covers off your body when you stop and look at the clock. 12:07am. Why is he here now? Did he forget about me and then finally remember? I should just let him freeze out there. Your mind is racing with questions that there’s only one way to get answers to so you decide to take a deep breath and huff over to your window, unlocking and pulling it open.
“Shit y/n, I’ve been tapping on your window for ten minutes.” Eddie says as he ducks into the warmth of your room. He looks around, taking in the soft pink of your walls, the desk littered with perfumes and jewelry, your bed’s puffy white duvet looking like a soft, ethereal cloud, your unicorn and bunny stuffed animals mixed in with your pillows. The corners of his mouth start to lift into a smirk until his eyes land on you, standing in front of him pouting with your arms crossed as you stare at him.
“What’re you doing here?” You ask him in your quiet, sleepy voice. Your eyes look tired and puffy, pink rimmed and still a bit wet from your tears. Confusion is written all over Eddie’s face. You two had a plan didn’t you? He was going to come here after Hellfire. He’s here. So what’s the problem?
“I’m here to see you angel.” He says low and gravelly as he steps closer to you, his warm hands settling on either side of your waist. His fingers squeeze and slip over the buttery fabric. “This is cute.” He says as his eyes dip down to take in your body. “Is this what princesses like you sleep in?” He says mockingly, eyes darting back up to yours, grinning like a devil. He pushes closer into you, the front of his denim covered thighs meeting your bare ones. You back up slowly, moving with him as he maneuvers you two towards your bed.
“It’s midnight Eddie.” You say with your bratty attitude as your palms come up to rest on his chest. “I’ve been waiting for you for hours. I-I thought…” your voice gets lost in your throat.
“You thought what baby?” Eddie asks, his hand coming up to rest on your cheek, his thumb pushing up your jaw so your eyes meet his. “Why does it look like you’ve been crying?” He asks, voice softening as he studies your face intently.
“I though maybe you forgot about me. Or you didn’t actually want to see me.” You whine as your lower lip comes out in a pout.
He chuckles, “Forget about you?” He shakes his head as he leans close to your face, “Never. I just had to take your little boyfriend Gareth home first. And I couldn’t just walk up the stairs and into your room now could I? What would Dustin think?”
You shrug and look to the side. You hadn’t thought of that. “Girls as pretty as you really shouldn’t cry over boys, princess. Especially ones as dumb as me.” Eddie’s voice is a whisper as he softly turns your face to look back at him. You want to argue and tell him he’s not dumb but you can’t help but feel a bit intimidated by him at this close proximity. He’s a few inches taller than you, and the scent flowing off of him is making your mind feel dizzy. He smells clean and warm, like cheap bar soap and cigarette smoke. His breath smells faintly like cherry, like he drank a dr. pepper on the way over here. “I don’t actually like Gareth you know, Eddie.” You tell him. He laughs again, hands releasing your cheeks. “Oh no?” He asks, mock surprised. You shake your head as you watch him start to kick off his sneakers and reach over his head to pull off his shirt. “Just tryin’ to make me jealous then?” He winks.
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You stare at him with wide eyes. Eddie’s in my room. Shirtless. In the middle of the night. My crush is shirtless in my room at 12am. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, then ask him, “What are you doing?”
“Y/n, c’mon, it’s midnight. I’m horny. Let’s not play pretend ok?” He says as he sits on the edge of your bed, thighs spread wide for you to stand between. “You know why I’m here, don’t you?” His hand reaches out and tickles at the hem of your nightgown, shifting it up your thigh slightly and leaving goosebumps on your skin. “Lemme see that pretty little body baby.” You’re practically shaking with nervous energy when you reach up to pull the thin straps of your nightgown off your body. You know the second you do, you’ll be completely bare in front of Eddie. You can already feel the warm wetness slicking between your legs and you wonder if Eddie is as nervous as you. Probably not.
Your fingers begin to reach up when Eddie suddenly puts a hand up. “Wait.” You stare at him, wondering if you’ve done something wrong. He sighs, “I don’t want you to do this unless you’re sure. I can leave.” He says as he points a thumb back to the window he came in from. Your eyes widen in panic, head shaking back and forth as you whimper a soft “Mm mm! I’m sure, Eddie. I really want you here.” He bites his bottom lip to hold back his smile. “I don’t know.” He teases. “Maybe I should go.. wouldn’t want to start something you can’t handle.” “I can handle it Eddie, promise.” “Good. Now take it off slowly. Give me a little show sweetheart. Like you’re unwrapping a present on Christmas morning.” He leans back, palms resting behind him. A smug smirk plays across his lips. You do as he says, sliding one strap off your shoulder and playfully lifting the hem of your nightgown, turning slowly and letting the underside of your asscheeks peek out at him. He groans and bites his bottom lip as he watches you. He wants a show, you’ll give him one.
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“Y’know I’ve thought about this.” Eddie starts, “Ever since the first time I saw you. I knew you couldn’t be a good girl all the time.”
“Sometimes good girls can do bad things.” You say over your shoulder to him. “Especially for bad boys.”
He laughs. “Bad boys, huh? S’that what I am?” You look at him with narrowed eyes and a weak smile, as if he just asked if the sky is blue. When he laughs his dimples deepen and his eyes crinkle at the corners. Their deep caramel color sparkles in the moonlight spilling in from your window. He’s even prettier at night. You didn’t think that was possible.
“I’m not the kind of guy that has crushes y/n. It’s not hard for me to get girls. In fact, it’s a little too easy sometimes.” He palms at the growing erection in his jeans, giving it a few rubs before he pops open the top button of his tight pants. “Me and Harrington even have a little game going. Who can fuck twenty six girls first? A name for every letter in the alphabet.” Your stomach drops at his confession. “But then I met you. And I didn’t wanna play that game anymore. I didn’t wanna think about other girls anymore. Because I felt something I’d forgotten I could feel. A crush. On you.” You spin back around to look at him. You let both straps fall off your shoulders, the cool air of your room instantly hitting your sensitive nipples and making them taut and perked. Eddie lets out a low groan as his hips stir. “It’s pathetic really.. how much I think about you.” He admits. His hand reaches up to cup your breasts, letting the curve of them rest in his palms as his thumbs swipe your nipples roughly. Your heartbeat is pulsing in your ears but you keep listening intently to Eddie, not wanting to miss a word. “I thought the curiosity was going to kill me until I figured out Dustin is your brother. So even though him and Mike are freshman, I let them join Hellfire.” Your eyebrows furrow as you start to piece together what Eddie is saying. None of this was an accident.
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“Fuck these are nice. You want me to suck your tits? Treat you like the slut I know you are?” You groaned at his words, pussy throbbing and dripping with desire. “Yes Eddie please. Want you.” “Want me to what?” “Treat me like a slut. Please.” His eyes looked up at yours, one eyebrow raised, mouth hanging open. “Yeah?” He clarified. You nodded as you bit your lip. His hands grab either side of your hips to pull you closer to him. Your thighs lean against his lap, his hard bulge poking into you.
His lips suction over your nipple in an instant. His mouth is warm, no, hot and his tongue is velvety smooth. He licks your nipple sloppily before switching to your other boob. He begins to suck that nipple before letting his mouth wander a bit and attaching to the smooth squishy skin of your breast. His eyes are closed and his breath is coming out in hot bursts through his nostrils as he sucks the skin hard. After a few seconds, he releases with a pop and sits back a bit to admire his work. An oval shaped purple and pink bruise. “I guess I won’t be wearing low cut tops for a few days.” You say breathlessly. His eyebrows pinch in the middle, annoyed at the thought of another guy looking at you, fuck even thinking about you! He pulls your nightgown off the rest of the way roughly, tossing it across your room.
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A low strained sound comes from deep in his throat. His hands ghost down your sides and settle on your ass, the tips of his fingers resting at the crease under your cheeks. He pulls you impossibly closer to him and then lifts both hand to bring them down with a loud smack! You jolt forward and the cute little squeal noise you make shoots right to Eddie’s cock. If he doesn’t fuck your soon, he thinks he’ll go insane. He stands up and instructs you to lay down. You do as your told, laying on your soft bed, sheets cool and smoothed down, not a wrinkle in them. Eddie can’t wait to make a mess of you and your perfect little bed. He unbuckles his belt and pulls it out of it’s loops with a thwip. You lay on your side and watch him pull his boxers down, the light trail of hair under his belly button leading to a small patch of matching brown above his dick. And holy shit he’s big. Bigger than you thought. He crawls onto the bed, body laying on top of yours, the full weight of him being partially supported by his forearm by your head.
“You ready to be my good girl? Or do you still want me to treat you like a slut?” He questioned, eyes staring into yours. His eyes are telling you to say you’ll be good but your brain is telling you to let him treat you like a slut. “Uhm..” he senses your hesitation. And honestly? It just makes him harder. “I’ve only had sex once before Eddie. I don’t know if-if I can fit you.” You say nervously, not wanting to disappoint him. “Oh don’t worry, princess.” He reaches down and lets his fingers pet the smooth wet folds of your pussy. He slips a finger into you easily, pumping a couple times before adding a second. “You can do anything you set your mind to.” He says before removing his hand and slowly sliding his entire length into you at once. A loud moan comes from deep within you as he settles on both his forearms, his fingers getting lost in your hair and his hips setting a deep, intense rhythm. Every pump of his cock makes him groan in disbelief, never thinking he’d know what your sweet pussy felt like. But now he’s here and it’s better than he’s ever imagined. Your soft moans and sighs, every inch of you impossibly soft, the smell of bubblegum on your skin and vanilla floating off of your hair. Your pussy is perfect, spongey and warm and fuck, is she clenching around me right now? He wonders. His nickname for you has never been more true. You’re his now. His angel. And he’d do anything to be the only one to corrupt you ever again.
“You’re so tight baby.” He says into the side of your neck. “Been wanting this for so long, fuck.” “Me too.” You moan out weakly. He chuckles before a hand reaches down and pulls up behind your knee, your thigh coming to press into your chest. He pumps faster now, holding you in the position. His dick is even deeper inside you and the pleasure is starting to turn into a pressure that almost feels too like much.
“Ed-Eddie! It’s s’too much! I can’t!” “Shut up.” He growls into your ear, pace not letting up. You feel tears starts to wet the edge of your eyes, one escaping and sliding down your cheek. “You said you wanted this sweetheart.” He pants, a sheen of sweat starting to emerge on his chest from his effort. “I’m just giving you what you begged for.” You whimpered beneath him, the pain fading back into something pleasurable again. His hand came to rest on your throat, fingers curling into the sides and applying a light pressure. You squeezed your eyes shut, focusing on the coil tightening in your belly, your floor muscles cramping and putting pressure on your clit from the inside. As if he can read your thoughts, Eddie’s fingers find your swollen bud and begin vibrating against it in tight circles.
“Look how wet you are, angel. Making a total mess on your sheets.” You look down but it’s no use. Too dark to see. You can’t think. Can’t speak. Can only feel how Eddie’s cock is splitting you open and his hand is around your neck. “Open your mouth baby.” He demands breathlessly. You open up, tongue sticking out a bit before Eddie spits toward your mouth. Some landing on your tongue, the rest on your chin and chest. He laughs darkly and you pout up at him. “Wha?” He asks teasing you with a fake pout to mirror yours. “Too rough for you baby?”
“Mm mm.” You say as you shake your head. “That’s what I thought. Now shut up so I can concentrate, gonna cum so hard and deep in this pussy.” “Wait Eddie- you should really pull out I’m not on-”. His hand leaves your throat to come up and cover your mouth. You whine through his hand but it doesn’t matter. He’s back at your clit and your orgasm comes rushing like the crest of a wave in the dead of night. Dark and all consuming, it pulls you under and fills your ears with ringing.
Eddie comes closely behind you, pushing his hips flush against yours, making sure every drop he spills inside you stays there.
“Fuuuuck.” He groans as he rolls onto your rumpled duvet, laying next to you for a minute as his breathing gets back to normal. You roll onto your side and lean your cheek on his tattooed bicep, fingertips angling his face to kiss you. He does, his tongue massaging yours and a ringed hand coming up to cradle your cheek softly. A stark contrast to his demeanor a minute ago. The kiss almost feels sweet. Romantic. Soft. Maybe he’s a little rough when he fucks you but if he’s this sweet the rest of the time, it’s worth it. Worth it to be his, his, just his.
He sighs deeply before shrugging you off his arm, standing up and getting dressed. You get up and slip your nightie back on, not sure if he’s about to leave or ask you to come with him.. you kinda hope it’s the latter.
But he doesn’t. He doesn’t say anything. Just pulls his leather jacket on and starts to walk towards your window. You follow after him, hand finding his just as he gets to the window. He turns and smiles at you, a detached look in his eyes that you lie to yourself and say is just him being tired.
“If I stay here and cuddle with you, I won’t ever want to leave y/n.” You nod slowly, knowing you deserve better but accepting his reasoning nonetheless. “But you’ll call me? You’ll talk to me at school?” You ask him sadly. His heart really does ache at your sweet questions. “Of course I will, angel.” He says with a soft kiss and nuzzle of the tip of his nose against yours that makes you giggle. “I’ll see you Monday.” He says as he ducks out your window, disappearing back into the night.
You lay back down, fake scenarios playing in your mind about what Monday will bring lulling you to sleep.
Eddie gets back in his van and pops open the glovebox. Tongue poking out of the side of his mouth he feels around for a crumpled piece of paper and a pen. Next to the first letter of your name, he put a check mark and writes “y/n, best one yet.”
the end
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cheri-2047 · 24 days
Could you maybe try high school Fem!Scaramouche hc with a huge crush on us but being super reluctant and shy about it?? :3
OKAY. I HAVE NEVER WRITTEN FOR SCARA OKAY PLEASE BEAR WITH ME 😭 also dude ure my first request thank u so much <3
so I didn’t know how to write this but THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT. Anyways basically I’m gonna write a bunch of headcanons then some scenarios under that
Please I’m so sorry if I mischaracterized him I really tried I SWEAE 😭😭😭
This is not proofread btw
WARNINGS: none, it’s all fluff :3
Fem!Scaramouche Headcanons:
Fem!Scara would seem like extremely pissed off to everyone, but she would do small tasks for you that she never does with anyone else
Fem!Scara would do her best to not make it obvious that she likes you. (Even if that means accidentally hurting you with her snarky remarks)
Fem!Scara would be more quiet around you. She doesn’t become as arrogant or stubborn around you, well she would be but just not as much since she cares for you
Fem!Scara ime personally, I don’t think she would be much on physical touch, but if you hugged her she would pay your back and put her chin on your shoulder
Fem!Scara enjoys seeing you be passionate about things. She would listen all day to you and keep eye contact.
Fem!Scara would be very well at hiding when she’s flustered. Like if you’re play flirting with her, she would just end it like “…? What do you expect me to say to that?” When in reality, she’s really giddy inside
Fem!Scara would choose to sit beside you during field trips, or if you go to school via school bus. She says it’s just a coincidence (for field trips) but in reality, she really made it so you Teo sat together
Confession time:
Fem!Scara would be really pleased if you confessed to her first. She wouldn’t say yes immediately, (like instead of going “yes yes!!” She would be in disbelief)
Fem!Scara if she were to confess, she would spend a lot of time thinking how she would do it. She would worry if you said no and I feel like she would spend a week bringing herself down saying you’d never say yes and it’s a waste of time (no it’s not)
Scara enters the school earlier than usual to look for your locker. She had decided to just send a letter. Scara finds it and rereads his letter (for the 100th time today…)
“Dear y/n,
Before I say anything, if you were to say no that’s completely fine. I understand I am not the best, but the truth is, these past few months, I’ve started to develop feelings for you. I just didn’t say or do anything about it well..since I didn’t really want you to know or anyone really. I really really like you, but understand if you would just want to stay friends. Thank you for hearing me out.
SHe hesitantly folds it up again, leaving a candy you really like taped to it as he slips it in the gap of your locker. SHe can barely calm himself down but he goes back to the classroom.
As she sees you, she stiffens up, but tries to remain the same.
“Did she read it?”
“Has she even seen it?”
“Maybe I didn’t write long enough?”
“Ah damn it I barely wrote anything!”
She stares at her lap, not daring to look up. As suddenly when you tap hee table, you mention the letter.
“I saw what you left..”
She immediately PANICS clutching her skirt getting ready for a no. She just laughs it off as if it were nothing to hide that she’s actually a mess inside.
“Haha, well what d’you think?”
She tries to act cocky and stuff. But as you come to terms and conditions (when u say yes) she looks at you in disbelief.
“….is this a joke? Are you lying?”
As you say no it’s not a joke, she then stands up and taps your hand.
“Thank you…”
WOWWOWOWOOWOWOW THIS WAS NOT PROOFREAD AT ALL AHHAHAHAH. Anyways uhhh if anyone else wants to request smth, go ahead. School just ended so I have nothing to do for the next few months. Once again, my bad if I accidentally mischaracterized her. I really tried ok. ANYWAYS THANK U, U DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM THAT SOMEONE ACTUALLY REQUESTES SMTH FROM ME LIKE I KID U NOT I GOT REALLT HAPPY AT LIKE 6 AM😭😭😭 anyways thank u again omg I hope this was ok 😭😭
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vex91 · 2 months
First date with the pyramid game characters how would they act and where would they take you
Ribbon anon <3
Suji would be sweating internally at the thought of asking you out but fortunately she's great at hiding her emotions so the process of asking you out was just her walking up to you and asking you. When you said yes she couldn't hide her sincere smile and she looked so cute 😭 She would probably take you to an Amusement Park I feel. You know just her following you around, smiling at how excited you were about all the attractions. She even won a plushie for you and gave it to you telling you that she wants you to have something to remind you of her and your first date 💕
Oh Harin knows the power she holds and that's why she wasn't nervous about asking you out. In her mind you could either say yes while liking her or say yes without liking her like that but then she would make sure that you would like her at the end of the date. She would take you to the most expensive restaurant there is and told you to order anything you want since it's on her. The whole time she looks so calm and collected like it's crazy 😭 After the date she would drive you home and kiss you goodnight while telling you that she'll pick you up for school the next day.
Oh Jaeun, don't even get me started about this girl like... in her head there is 100th scenarios of everything going wrong and not even one good one about you saying yes to a date with her 😭 God bless her friends, especially Yerim for hyping her up and helping her act out the way she would ask you out because she would be hopeless without them. Such a loser didn't know what to do with herself when you said yes and only quietly clapped her hands and left after telling you that she'll text you 😭 She took you to the cinema after finding out that there was a movie coming out that you wanted to see. She was awkward during the first part of the date but when she opened up, it was really nice. So nice that you actually went for a walk after a movie to spend more time together.
Yerim was pretty chill about asking you out honestly and when you said yes, she hit you with that smile of hers and the time of when she's gonna pick you up. Yerim would show up all dressed up and would keep compliment you on how beautiful you looked no matter what you decided to wear. You two went to a Karaoke place and honestly the whole date was really fun with no nerves involved, it just felt like two besties hanging out but in your case feelings were involved.
Jaehyung was your biggest simp fr so she kind of felt like you had to know that she liked you and expected you to expect her to ask you out you know? Either she was really pleased when you said yes and immediately started torturing Suji and Jaeun with that information, just constantly bragging about it. She would take you to a festival since she wanted you to have even more fun with her. You two constantly danced, played games and just had fun in general. At the end when it was dark she would pull that jacket move where she wraps her jacket around you when you were cold and would praise herself in her head for it later 😭
Eunjung liked you for quite a while before actually asking you out, it took her a while to gather her courage and ask you out because she was scared of ruining your friendship and losing you. Girl was so nervous so the relief was so real for her when you agreed to a date with her. You two would probably go out for a walk and ice cream, just talking and enjoying each other's presence. Definitely a type who will give you her jacket. Eunjung would walk you back home at the end to make sure you got there safe before going back herself all happy.
Listen listen listen Doah would never asked you out unless she really had to. Like she couldn't afford for a relationship even if she liked you but if she felt threatened by someone getting too close to you for her liking then she would actually risk it all and ask you out. She would take you out for a museum date (just because I need a museum date with Doah 😔). She would be so cute as she told you all she knew about every exhibit that at some point it was hard to focus on what she was saying as you kept staring at her. She couldn't even be mad as she actually liked that but would never admit that out loud. The whole date would just be so peaceful and enjoyable in general ❤
Dayeon was never the one who hid her feelings for you so when she walked up to you and asked you out, you weren't surprised. She took you out to some fast-food place that was actually really delicious and honestly both of you just spend the whole time there talking. She kept flirting with you and making jokes, feeling proud whenever you laughed at one of them. At some point you would be able to see a bit of Dayeon's softer and more vulnerable side which meant that she trusted you and really wanted this relationship to go somewhere.
Wooyi also wasn't the one to hid her attraction to you and honestly she constantly asked you out and because of your constant rejections (rejections because you wanted to get to know each other more as friends first) she was really surprised when you finally said yes. She was so happy that she spend the next days preparing a picnic for you and when she took you there she couldn't contain her excitement of finally being on a date with you. Kept complimenting you the whole time. The atmosphere was really great too and it was obvious how much she cared due to all the effort she put in it to make your first date amazing as she hoped for more dates to come <3
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equestriagirl16 · 2 years
You reject Neige’s offer to transfer to RSA~🌹
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“Please Y/N, you’d fit in so well at RSA!” Neige’s familair voice rang throughout the courtyard you were trotting through after another day of classes. Your friend from across the way once again, despite his best intentions, absolutely insisted that you transferred to RSA here and now. For what you figured to be the 100th time.
“Neige I already told you-”
“I know I know, but you don’t get it Y/N! NRC isn’t a place for someone like you. Your heart and soul are way too pure, you’d have so many friends and a warm welcome waiting for you at RSA. You just have to let me take you there!”
Unbeknownst to you both a few of your said NRC friends may or may not have been purposefully eavesdropping on your conversation ever since they caught wind that the little do-gooder stopped by. Secretly they feared your answer, they knew that they didn’t give you the easiest time here. Perhaps someone as kind as you would find a better place at RSA, and maybe they should try to accept that rather than fight it for your own benefit.
“No Neige! I’ve told you before and I’ll only tell you one more time. Night Raven College is my home! I don’t care how annoying or villainous anyone here may seem, they’re my friends and whether you recognize it or not they love me just as much as I love them. This is where I wound up, and I chose along time ago that this is where I belong. That’s the end of it!”
The dark haired boy was taken aback by your harshness, but stood still in an understanding silence.
“Look, you and everyone at RSA are my friends too but I already have a place right here. That doesn’t mean I can’t visit more of my favorite people in all the Wonderland from time to time though alright?”
“Ok Y/N you win no more pushing, but if you ever change your mind you know who to call.”
“Heh, don’t hold your breathe pretty boy.”
The two of you walked off and continued your random banter all the way to your dorm. How little did you know the impression you left on your friends hiding in plain sight after hearing your answer.
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YELLING SCREAMING ROLLING ON THE GROUND KICKING THE AIR SWANGIN THEIR FEET GIGGLING LIKE A SCHOOL GIRL- Hell yeah that’s right!!!! Y/N isn’t going anywhere with that RSA nerd cause 🎶we are family~🎶 *cue celebratory breakdance*🕺🕺🕺. Very excited, very happy, goes and brags about it to everyone who wasn’t there and either revels in the shared joy or tries to rub in that “They stayed because of me obviously.”😎
- ACE & DUECE(they were totally spying on you together), Cater, KALIM, Ruggie, Floyd
Controlled chaos, like just vibrates in place and maybe does one fist bump in the air and a silent “YES” for good measure. Just very happy you want to stay with them by your own volition, they must be doing something right if you consider NRC your home! They would ensure you’ll continue to feel that way, and let the rest of their friends know too so hopefully they can keep up the great work as well. Mission accomplished.😌
- Trey, Jack, Ortho(the lil bestie), AZUL, RIDDLE, EPEL, Silver, Jade, Rook, Malleus, Lilia
*Casually throws aside large rock* Of course, he knew you’d choose them all along(was actually wildly insecure about your decision, and ready to MAIM-). It’s not like he was already mapping out an elaborate plan to send a search party after you and you drag you back to NRC cause he does not know how he’d live and/or function without your very presence hahaha that’s insane(*rapidly presses backspace in the group chat*). Just takes a much needed deep breath and relishes in your choice. If he felt like you still might be inclined to change your mind in the future he’d shape up his act, just a little, and only for you.
- LEONA, Jamil, VIL, JADE & FLOYD, Malleus, Lilia, Rook
WAAAAAHAHAHAHAHABA JSOSOSKAMKSLDOXOSIWGQUIAIAJAJA-oh, you’re staying? THANK THE SEVEN! Was so fucking upset we’re talking sad boi hours, depression mode on, preparing the emo music for the walk home. Had no confidence in the fact that you would deny the offer either because he knew he could do better, or you just DESERVED way better. But the fact that you were so adamant about staying literally just resurrected him from the sever cardiac arrest due to the sudden heart break. Such a drama queen, but only cause he cares about you so much!(maybe a lil too much, do I sniff a crutch?🤨)
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afayfou23 · 1 year
Check out this awesome 'Happy 100th day of school' design on @TeePublic!
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drkmgs · 1 year
It had my heartbroken 3
Wednesday Addams x Reader Weems
Warning: not sure if there's any...
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
I didn't plan to write a part 3 for this one, but I guess here we are. Thank you for reading this story and have fun! :)
I think this is the longest part 3 that I ever wrote...
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The moment you vanished from their hug, you found yourself waking up to the sun toasting you, looking around to only find sand. The sand was everywhere. You don't remember how you got there and why you were there, but you had this feeling inside of you, it's something like longing for something or someone. So, you stood up and headed straight ahead, with no destination in your head but just walk until you find what you were looking for.
After what happened in that little garden, Wednesday Addams and Principal Weems seemed to get along better than before. They stopped bickering and settled with giving each other a nod when they see each other in the halls. Wednesday Addams stayed out of trouble and focused on her studies to become a Botany Professor. Every night since you faded away in her arms, she would serenade the whole school with her cello, the music that came from her balcony had all the students and staff, in awe, they felt her longing for you. Even Principal Weems sobbed one night while she was listening to her play and it made her miss her child more than ever.
You have been walking and walking, you don't know how long you have been in this desert. In this place, it felt like time is non-existence. You're exhausted and collapsed on the sand. You faced the bright sun, trying to even out your breath, you can feel the dryness in your throat and mouth. When a woman's hand with a bottle of water waved it to you, you instantly grabbed it and drank from it. The woman told you to drink slowly and apologized for being late. The woman looked awfully familiar but you couldn't pinpoint who it was, but you had a light feeling towards her. For no apparent reason you started to blabber about your previous life, you talked and talked on autopilot, but your brain right now doesn't recognize any of it and the woman just returns you a smile. A loving smile. The smile that you usually give to people you care about.
Wednesday Addams is still serenading the school every night. Her music does change sometimes. Some have heard her play something frustrating, and maddening, and sometimes it was just pure loneliness. She knew you wouldn't be coming back but her gut is telling her to continue playing her cello every night just in case you were stuck somewhere and needed some guidance to go back to her.
Principal Weems stood in front of your headstone, reading it 100th time now, and would trace the letters. She would whisper in the wind "I love you" and "I miss you" hoping you would hear it, wherever you were.
Happy 4th death anniversary to you.
After drinking your 10th water bottle, you felt yourself being drowsy, your eyes heaving, and you feel everything spinning in your head. The last thing you saw, was the woman smiling at you. Then it was pitch black.
Suddenly, you feel a light thud and sprung up. You looked around, scratching your eyes with your knuckles to get out of your sleepy state, and that's you realized you were in your apartment, in your bedroom, on your bed.
Your crazy dream probably was due to your stress, moving from Seattle to Vermont. You don't know Vermont and never heard of it, but once you read about it, all you could do was think about it. The strangest thing is that the so-called little town Jericho has been in your mind lately, that's why you specifically chose an apartment in that town. It isn't as luxurious as the one you had in Seattle but it felt like home to you, warm and cozy.
Dismissing the entire dream, you got up and headed to the bathroom to get your day started. You don't have to worry about your work, you're a full-time writer and you own a publishing company, which you could manage from where you're right now.
You changed into more cozy clothes and headed to the café, that you saw as you drove past it. The Weathervane. As soon as you enter it, nostalgia hits you, the feeling that you have been here and missed it, was concerning but you couldn't focus on that because your mouth has been watering for a taste of their hot chocolate. You finished your order and settled in one of the booths near the counter, you see all sorts of students wearing the same uniforms.
You're suddenly getting images flashing in your mind, some with voices and some just blurry colors. As it finished, you were already holding your head in your hand, and the barista came to give you, your order and also asked if you were alright. You smiled at him to assure him you were fine and thanked him for bringing your order. You eagerly took the hot chocolate and let the taste bring you back to that nostalgic feeling.
Flashes of images came back again, as you sip some of that hot chocolate, and this time it was more visible — a woman with silver-haired, blue-eyed, and red-painted lipstick stood tall and proud looking down at you with a smile that made your heart melt. The moment you opened your eyes, you had the same smile on your face.
After that delicious breakfast, you head out to the local bookstore. Again, as soon as you enter the shop, you are welcomed with a familiar scent, and now you're convinced you're going insane. You don't know where all these memories are coming from and why they're showing up.
Your thoughts were cut short when you heard the front door open, signaling someone else entered the shop. You didn't bother to look and continued your book browsing through the shelves when the person walked past by. Her scent filled your lungs — lavender and woods. The scent was oddly familiar, like you have smelled it before, the name and the face was at the tip of your tongue, but you couldn't recalled in that moment.
Later that night, you couldn't sleep. You tried everything to fall asleep, but nothing helped. So, you decided to sit out in your balcony. The scenery was beautiful. Dark blue sky, shimmering stars and the bright moon. You suddenly hear a faint cello sounds, starting to play. You look around where it could be, it wasn't somewhere near you, it was much further.
Then it clicked. The Academy. It's coming from there.
A couple of months passed by. You're now standing in front of two big doors.
Principal Weems.
It says. How long has it been since you saw this lovely woman? How long has it been when you found out about your past life? Those memories. You had a choice, either face them or forget them. It's clear which one you chose.
Two knocks
Come in! Please take a seat. I heard you're applying for the botany position-
She didn't change at all. She's still the intimidating, adorable and sophisticated principal, but older. You couldn't help but smile.
How have you been, Mom?
You saw how fast her head snapped up and how she's not taking her eyes off you. You know, she's waiting for something to happen but nothing happened.
Principal Weems-
As soon as you heard that voice, you didn't hesitate to turn around and greet the person.
Hi, my love.
You see her froze and progressing everything in front of her. You gave her a minute, but you couldn't help it anymore and threw yourself onto her. Only when she inhaled your scent, that's when she realized it is really you.
You're back?
I am. I heard your nightly serenading.
I- Please elaborate how you came back?
Honestly, I don't know. Before I came here, I had no memories about you and mom and everyone. Then all the memories slowly flooded my mind as I stroll around Jericho and everynight as I hear you play your cello.
You pushed slightly away from the hug. You scanned her features, from her eyes to her lips. You tried to fix her bangs as they got messed up because of your sudden embrace. Larissa cleared her throat and got up from her chair, walking towards both of you. She wrapped her arms around both of you, just like in the little garden.
"And that is how your parent came back." Principal Weems whispered as two little girls had their attention to her.
"I miss them." one of the little girls murmured almost falling asleep.
"You'll see them tomorrow, darling. Now both of you go to sleep." Larissa tugged both girls in and kissed them good night on their forehead. After one last look, she silently close the door and went downstairs.
As she make herself comfortable on the couch, her phone rang. She knew who the caller was and sighed.
"Wednesday, darling. Your daughters are fine. They're asleep. Please you're coming home tomorrow. Enjoy your and Y/N's alone time." Larissa sighed because this isn't Wednesday Addams's 10th call for today.
You snorted at your mom's response and told her it was you on the phone and that Wednesday was soundly asleep beside you. That night you talked to her on the phone until it was time to get ready for your flight.
@thedemoninme141 @lecsi @ipharaohosiris @zhasmindoesntknow @daryldixonsw1fe @pixielove-1 @screechcat @myfturn @loekaorlucaidk @bloxiasworld @natashamaximoff69
(I do not know as to why tumblr can't find some of you...)
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johnnydany · 1 year
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Cute 100 Days Of School And Still Loving It Hearts 100th Day T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/37962447-cute-100-days-of-school-and-still-loving-it-hearts
Let's Share & Tag Someone Who Would Love This Shirt
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l0serloki · 2 years
okay so i was thinking how valo agents are where they’re kid is now more older like 3-8 years old, idk but the thought of it is so??😖😖
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Valorant Parent Headcanons
(Chamber, Reyna, Sova, Viper)
CW : GN!Reader, uhhh viper being a bad bitch as she should
A/N : YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I love soft family valorant agents <3 
ALSO K/N is kids name!!
Chamber : 
He’s the type of dad to enroll his kid in every sport or music class
‘K/N has to learn about the world! They’ll find a great hobby’
100% makes coffee and breakfast in the morning and reads the paper while his kid cries (we love the robe mom chamber look)
He makes time to go to every school recital and records it no matter how long it is
‘Our kid is so perfect Y/N. They get it from me’ (cue you punching him)
He spoils the kid rotten, taking you all on family trips
You walked into the kitchen to see your loving husband sipping away at his coffee as your children screamed. “Vincent, really?” You sighed making your way over to the twins. “It is fine, my love. Let them get it out and they’ll stop.” You loved the man but you didn’t know how he stood the noise.
“Hey kiddos, let’s calm down. Breakfast is made and we have to get ready for school.” The kids calmed down, leaning into your touch. You sat them at the table, placing their trays in front of them. Your son began talking about his violin lessons and how he had learned a new song. 
Chamber hummed, smiling at his little prodigy. “You will have to show me later. I am excited to see your progress.” He smiled towards the boy while your daughter pulled at his arm. “You too K/N, you are just as talented.” He kissed her head, picking up the dirty plates. “Have a good day at school, you two. Be nice to Y/N.” 
Reyna : 
She’s the aggressive soccer mom 100%
‘Touch my kid and you’re dead’
She would be the mom to pick up her kid from school when they got in trouble and be proud of them
‘Your kid threw a chair at another student’ ‘Good’ headass
She will hang up any drawings on the fridge and always be proud of her child
“Y/N, come here. Look at what our daughter drew. She is so talented.” Reyna’s voice sounded out as you walked into the backyard. Your wife stood smiling with a scribbled piece of paper in hand. Your daughter sat beside her, face gleaming with pride. “That’s right! I drew it.” Your daughter shot a finger gun and you could only laugh.
“Wow, this looks amazing. We have an artist in the family!” You leaned down to give Reyna a kiss, your daughter screeching. “EW, that’s gross! Stoooop.” The two of you laughed as you kissed her on the head. You loved your little family.
Sova : 
He’s such a soft dad
He will read stories to the kids to put them to bed (sometimes falling asleep himself)
Buys them little stuffed animals and trinkets whenever he has to travel for work
Your kid made him a bracelet at camp and he hasn’t taken it off since (it’s his good luck charm)
Sits and watches any disney movie for the 100th time with your kid because it makes them happy
“Papa, you kinda look like Ariel.” Your daughter spoke, making you laugh at the thought. “Ariel? You mean Eric?” Sova asked and she shook her head. “You both have long pretty hair! I think you are a mermaid, Papa.” He turned to meet your hues, confusion on his face. Your body shook as you continued to chuckle at the situation. 
“Right? He looks like Ariel.” You could only hum in agreement to your daughter. “He really does. My little princess.” You kissed Sova’s cheek as your daughter rested her head against your leg. Precious moments like these meant the world to you.
Viper : 
Bad bitch mom fr
She will curbstomp someone if they cut in line of the daycare check-in
‘Maybe learn some manners before you cut.’
She makes sure to always be there to support you and the kid, buying whatever you need (sugar mama viper)
‘I got the groceries and some toys for K/N.’ ‘You just got them a toy last week.’ ‘Oh.’
She likes doing little science experiments with your kid (like the volcano one that I feel like everyone does)
She loves taking you out to little theater shows or simple dates like ice skating
Your son screamed as Viper shoveled him in the car.
“K/N, would you stop? I told you I am going to get your toy! Just wait here.” Viper sighed as she made her way into the house to look for said toy. All three of you were going out to dinner and ice-skating. Viper said it would be a “Good family excursion and memory for K/N”. You agreed with her but K/N was not having a good time even buckling up. 
Finally after what felt like an endless abyss of tantrums, K/N calmed down and you all arrived. “K/N, are you ready to go skating? There’s pretty lights too.” Viper cooed as she helped your kid out of the baby seat. The two of you held onto your son's hand as you walked to the rink, happy to finally be out of the house. Viper was right, today would be a day to remember.
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