#Geminitay x reader
nix-writes-mcyt · 3 months
I have an idea, what about scar, impulse, or gem with like an s/o who doesn’t like doing the back of their bases (that one grian episode) (it can be a full on fic or hc’s, whichever you wanna do more”
As much as I love Impulse and Scar, my Gem content is not nearly as much, so I chose her (also it's Gem, what more could I say?) P.s requests are open and I am trying to get out at least 1 fic per month so feel free to request!
Finish It Together
Drabble Contains: Fluff -----------------
You sigh as you finish yet another chapter of your book, turning the page slowly. You find yourself looking out of the barn doors, the sun still streaming in.
The animals wander in and out, grazing, looking curiously for any change in their environment. Some even come lie around you now.
You've made a regular habit of reading in the barn, only because you want to read and like animals.. no other reason that you've been avoiding for the last week.
One of the chickens pecks at the corner of the book, reminding you to start reading again. It's not quite as peaceful as you might like it to be in the barn, nor is the bale of hay you sit on particular comfortable. In fact this book isn't even all that exciting, but you'd rather be doing this than try work up the motivation to finish the extension to your house.
You lower your gaze back to your book and start on the next chapter. Somewhere outside you hear a commotion, the sheep remaining in the barn go to poke out their heads, listening in to the other sheep presumably making all the noise. There is drama in the animals home, that you've learnt in your time here.
You know these animals well enough to know no one is hurt, so you don't even make the effort to lift your head from your book. Sure enough the animals quiet down, even the chicken by your side stops trying to eat the book in your hand.
A shadow falls over you, one too tall to be sheep, and all the cows are in the other field. You lift your gaze from the page and see a familiar set of overalls, attached to a familiar GeminiTay.
Her hands are set on her hips, eyebrow raised in question. "You think I wouldn't find you hiding the barn? Rookie mistake." You see the smile hiding behind her stern look, the gleam in her eye telling you she's not entirely serious.
"I'm being productive, looking after the animals and reading. It's called multitasking." You smirk. Gem nearly cracks a full smile, but manages to maintain her composure. She shifts her weight to lean more on one side, crossing her arms.
"I know where else you could multitask, at home." She extends her hand to you, pulling you forward to your feet. "This is much more comfy than home." You say, sarcasm clear in your voice. Gem hums in response.
"Come on, we can finish it today if we get going now. I know you're not really feeling it but once it's done it's done." She encourages. "I know." You sigh. "I did promise you we'd get it done by the end of the week." Gem nods, squeezing your hand.
"All we have to do is finish the painting, then that's it. Come finish it with me?" You nod, Gem finally breaking into that smile that you love so much, the smile that you fell for. "Let's go finish our home."
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frog-writes-for-fun · 2 years
Hello! So, I’m new here, and not exactly sure if you’re up to it (saw that request are open, but you can decide if you want to do it or not) but can I request platonic hermitcraft x reader? Like, reader is pretty honest, but if they’re asked if they did something nice for them, they would lie and say it was probably someone else, out of habit? (Like they give gifts to the hermits, or get something the hermits said they needed?) Idk if you want to do this, it’s just a silly idea. You can choose who you want to write for.
…Have you been watching me? This is exactly what I do- If they ask me outright, I’ll answer that it was me but I don’t generally tell people that gifts are from me.
All Too Kind
c!Hermits x gn!Reader
Summary: Some overnight gifts quickly become a serverwide mystery. You, however, are content to remain anonymous.
Notes: None! It's just a fluffy little thing!
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You packed the cakes into the chest carefully. Even stacks, spread into rows on the bottom of the chest. Smiling, you stepped back, closing the lid with a soft and satisfying thunk.
Grian will love this.
Kneeling to the ground, you dug in your pack for the worn map of the server and a fresh stack of rockets to keep you in the air.
Next target: False Symmetry.
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“Did you hear the news, dude? Someone’s been leaving gifts of cake everywhere!” As you walked through the shopping district, Ren’s voice carried from where he stood talking to Doc. “At this rate no one’s going to need my pies or Scar’s cookies, we’ll all be too full of cake!”
“Tell me about it. I found three shulkers full of cake near where I’ve been doing my redstone.”
“Three shulkers! You’re lucky, my dude.”
Doc shook his head. “I’m more curious about who’s been giving out all this cake. It’s not exactly the cheapest food source…”
Their voices drifted off as you continued your stroll.
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“I’m going to catch the Cake Bandit in the act!”
Grian was happily explaining his grand plan to you, though you were caught off-guard by his name for the mysterious gift-giver.
“Cake Bandit? That makes it sound like they steal cakes, not deliver them!” You laughed, shaking your head.
“Well, they sneak in here in the middle of the night, like a bandit. And Cake Deliverer doesn’t have the same ring to it.” Grian’s face was serious. “Cake Bandit is a much better name.” His expression flipped to a wide grin faster than you could blink. “And I’m going to catch them when they come tonight! That’s why I’ve come to you- would you like to help me set up the trap?”
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Gem held a clipboard, a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. She wore a white lab coat- perhaps Cub had lent it to her?
“Now, would you consider yourself to be a tricky person?”
You shrugged. “Not really. I mean, I know how to sneak around, but I wouldn’t use that ability to trick people.”
She tapped the clipboard with her pencil. “I see. And you’re sure you don’t have any information on this infamous Cake Bandit, as they’ve been named?”
“No, I don’t.” You shook your head. “Maybe Scar would have some idea? He has the cookie factory, maybe he or Ren branched out to another sweet treat.”
Gem lit up. “That’s a great idea! Ahem. I mean, thank you for your information. It will be taken into consideration for this study.”
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Xisuma sighed. “No, Grian. I don’t know who the Cake Bandit is. And even if I did, they obviously want it to remain a secret.”
Doc nodded. “It has been a month. If they wanted us to know who they were, we’d know by now.”
You fidgeted slightly. The Cake Bandit had come up at all of the recent Hermit meetings. 
Xisuma stood from his seat at the table. “I would like to say, whoever it is, you are all too kind. I’m sure everyone here feels the same.”
There were nods and noises of agreement all around. Ren called out “Hear hear!” to a smattering of laughter.
You could feel your face grow a bit warmer. Even if they didn’t know who you were, it felt nice to be appreciated.
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You finished packing the last chest. 
A few redstone components, some coal blocks, arranged in a mustache, and some potatoes, of course. 
Closing the lid, you grinned. The click of the latch shutting was your signal, and you quickly lit a firework, taking off into the night sky. The Cake Bandit had struck again.
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Rebel the Crown!
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Pairing: Soup Group x Reader, ImpulseSV x Reader, Geminitay x reader, Pearlescent Moon x reader
Summary: In which a heist ends up with you talking about how you feel 
Genre: Fluff
Extra notes: I might've added a sad bit because I wanted this to be an okay-ish length but this was based off of something I saw from @stitchthesewords!!! I'll reblog immediately after!! Enjoy!
Content warnings (If any): none
WC: 1.4k
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”My loves,” You whine out to your partners who are hidden somewhere in your home 
Three heads popped out from behind the corner of your kitchen at your call and the sweetest little redhead asked 
“Yes our darling?” ink was smudged on Gem’s button nose and Pearl’s hair was ruffled and messed up while Impulse’s man-bun was let down “What's going on?” 
“I was bored, but seeing as how all of you are kinda off because of your planning I was thinking we all clean up and take a nap?” You said before adding on “or I can help and we can terrorize the king all together?” 
Sinister grins spread across their faces and the three picked you up and moved you to their 'secret' underground location where they have their plans 
"So," You hummed as they set you down gently "Where do I start?" 
That evening, you were placed in front of the crastle doors, a distraction while your partners were hiding to quickly fly in and steal the crown and then some. You knocked, flinching when you heard the dull echo from inside the castle. The door opened with a creek and Bdubs stood before you a proud grin on his face. 
"Y/n!" he exclaimed "Welcome! What can I, the royal right hand, do for you?" 
"Oh!" You smiled gently, before rummaging around your inventory satchel to pull a bag of cookies and peppermint tea bags "I just wanted to come by for tea and cookies! Would that be okay?" 
"That's perfectly fine!" Bdubs said before whispering "I think he's been too stressed. He's so paranoid about the soup group trying to steal from him and I know you're their partner but we can trust you right?" 
"Of course Bdubs," You said with a soft smile, trying not to let the evil smirk spread across your face 
They have no idea
"Perfect! Come in, come in, I'll introduce you to the King." The man covered in moss said and allowed you to walk through the door and closed it after you before he led you to the king's throne room where you see your partners glued against the window high above 
Meanwhile, in front of you, A giant nearly 8-foot Werewolf hybrid sat in front of you, half alseep on the throne he was manspreading on. 
"My king!" Bdubs exclaimed, waking up Ren with a large jolt "You have a visitor. I present, Y/n of hermitcraft." 
"Good evening My king," You gave a deep bow, figuring you have to play the part "I have come with a treat, of delights of tea bags of my own brew and warm Pastries." 
Ren's eyes widened and he looked to Bdubs who nodded before he turned to look back at you and said "I would... enjoy that. Please, follow me. The throne room is no place for tea." 
You waited til he got up and went ahead to follow the wolf hybrid, winking to your partners who gave you a thumbs up 
Bdubs boiled water as you set up cups and Pastries, making conversation with the King and his right hand in the crastles kitchen. You sprinkled to be what looked like sugar on the pastries and in two the teacups and put them in the tea bags right as Bdubs turned around with boiling water. You grabbed the two tea cups with the 'sugar' and place them in front of Ren and Bdubs who just sat down. 
"Please, Enjoy," You said and placed the plate of cookies and other baked goods in front of them 
"Why aren't you enjoying this?" Ren asked as you sat down "Without your partners I mean?" 
"They haven't been home lately," You explained softly and poured a spoonful of honey into your own tea "And while I love and support them in whatever endeavors they do, I miss them quite a lot." 
Your words were not a lie. Even doing this you were separated from your partners and it made your heart ache. You missed them dearly, but you never wanted to hold them back so you made no sound. You took a slow sip of your tea and looked at the two with sad eyes, And Bdubs put a gentle hand on your forearm, and Ren took a sip of his drink... finally. 
looks like the two were waiting to see if you would drink it in case it was poison. 
So they can be smart. 
not smart enough though. 
Bdubs took a sip after and you talked to them for nearly five minutes until the 'sugar' finally worked. 
Nothing like tea and crushed-up sleeping pills to make people sleep. 
You soon rushed out of the room after leaving a note and helped her partners pack up some of the diamonds and get out of there before the sleeping pills wore off. 
And boy, You were glad they did that when they did because Ren woke up FURIOUS. 
Giggles echoed through the night as the three made their way back to their secret base that The soup group made and stashed the diamonds away in a secret place. You joined your partners in the extra extra large shower for all of them and got dressed to sleep in the hideout. All of you lay on the bed you commissioned scar for at the beginning of the season and curled up into each other. It was calm but there was an anxiety in the air. 
"Y/n?" Gem's voice was soft and insecure from the end and being the smallest spoon
"Yes Darling?" You whispered and subtly tightened your arm around her waist 
"Do we make you feel lonely? Like-" Pearl asked but started to stuble over her words
"I think what our girls are trying to ask if we make you feel left out when we go after Ren." Impulsed filled in the blanks
You were quiet for a bit. Should you tell them the truth? Should you hide it from them? 
"...Sometimes." You admitted "But I could never ask you guys to stop. You are doing a great thing. It's just- It just gets lonely when you guys aren't here. The bed is so... cold when you three aren't there and when I wake up you guys are asleep or already gone again. Don't get me wrong, I don't need to be by your sides 24/7 but-" 
You were cut off by Gem turing around and  giving you a big kiss to your lips 
"You don't need to explain anything," Impulse said and wrapped his arms around you, pearl, and attempted to hug gem as well from the very back of the line up, "We're so sorry to make you feel even the slightest bit left out." 
"It's-" You tried but was stopped 
"It's not fine, Y/n." Gem said softly "Please tell us when you begin feeling like this. We love you so much and we want to give you the world. You shouldn't have to feel alone because we want to start a coup."
"I love you guys," You whispered "I love you all so much." 
"We love you too our queen," They all chimed at the same time and held onto you tight 
"And we will always be here," Impulse whispered "We are in your dream, in your life, and most importantly, in your heart." 
"You guys are my dream." You yawned 
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elis-corner · 2 years
hihi!! could i request a hermits (seperate) x reader who bites to show affection? like they just chomp on the hermits forearm with a big grin on their face? completely okay if not!!
Hey there anon lovely :) I must say I had to reread this at first when I saw it, I've never gotten something quite like it! I picked out a couple of Hermits to write about, but I hope it's good enough for you
I don’t know if this needs any warnings? I guess affectionate biting and mildly suggestive stuff (if you really squint for it)? Let me know!
I instantly knew this was the request to quench my need to write something! Enjoy! Also I totally didn’t forget to queue this and thought it was just really unsuccessful even after a week...
Reader who likes chomping on their s/o's forearm (affectionate!)
"What on earth- y/n, what are you doing?"
He certainly was surprised the first time it happened. His giggles broke up his sentences into two or three word chunks.
Even if he laughed, it was more because of how unexpected it was. And he would never want to upset you, either. Even at first he'd try to keep his shock to a minimum.
He'd honestly just roll with it, and he'd give it a try on you one day to see how you'd react. It's quite birdlike, the way his teeth touch your skin for less than a second like a bird pecking at seeds.
If you like being chomped back, I swear on the Void there is no stopping him.
Scar was probably so distracted by what he was thinking about--most likely you, since you dominate his thoughts--that when he felt you latch on he jumped out of his skin.
He'd exclaim one of his high pitched "oh my goodness" cries, before realising it was in fact you biting him and not Jellie. He'd definitely joke about that, and probably give you a cat related nickname after he took a few nibbles to the arm.
"You're cute, you know? Just like a kitten, you are!"
He finds it adorable. Nothing could convince him otherwise.
If you were both standing, he'd lift you up and hug you tight to his chest, and probably spin you around too.
If you're lying down he'd stay still, but his other arm would play with your hair or rub your cheek. For some reason he loves feeling your jaw move as you're nibbling on him; it's almost satisfying.
If Scar is king of surprise than Mumbo is that of confusion.
He has absolutely no clue why his significant other would bite his redstone covered forearm--which you can definitely taste, grainy against your lips--and would be such a fumbling mess.
Despite his confusion, he melts inside, which doesn't do much good for his mind-boggled state.
"*Insert a whole bunch of nonsense talk*"
He doesn't mind the biting. His only objection is the idea of you ingesting that much redstone; who knows whether that's healthy?
"Are you sure you're alright? I mean, like, do you really want to bite my arm? No, no, I do like it, it's just... the redstone! Is that a good idea?"
If to you it is, he'll just make sure that arm stays clean when he's not working. You can't stop the spoon from worrying about you!
Just promise me you'll make sure to get a nice chomp when his sleeves are rolled up and he’s got some arm exposed, alright?
As a part canine he gets the whole biting thing entirely. It’s fine to him, it’s natural, it feels great, he’s not stopping you.
Give him that first chomp and he’s all over you. I’m talking flirty talk, messy kisses, and bites of his own.
Before you started doing it he was probably a bit nervous to bite you, but that first chomp was all he needed. Little bites on your ears or while you kiss, the occasional one on your arm, and he adores leaving them peppered across your jawline.
If you’ve been biting down hard he’ll keep his sleeves rolled up, even if it were freezing, just to show the server who’s he is.
It’s an instinct, what can I say?
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beehachu · 2 years
Flowers and Hopeful Forgiveness
Prompt: Happy Anniversary. pt 2!! Read pt 1 here!
Pairing: Poly!Reader x Mumbo Jumbo x Grian x GoodTimesWithScar
Warnings: Angst lol, yelling/arguments??
Word Count: 1217
A/N: GUESS WHO’S FINALLY BACK!! I meant to get this out last week, so I’ll try to get another fic out this week. No promises, however, I have no clue how busy school can be.
Thank you guys so much for the support on part 1! I appreciate each and every one of you!! <3
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Gem was the first to check up on you after you disappeared again. She’d apparently sent a message to the Hermit servers saying you were back online, and after some Hermits tried to contact you without a response, they grew worried. You had barely moved from your spot, just frozen in time. You didn’t pay any attention to the pinging and buzzing of your communicator, which you only realized was your comm when Gem burst in and frowned at all the notifications.
“They told me what happened, darling. I’m so sorry.” The hug she pulled you in was so soft, it made you feel like you were a fragile piece of crystal. It made you pause, and everything you’ve been trying to suppress and hide came back to you. You started sobbing, and she carefully rubbed your back.
The two of you just sat there, letting time tick by as she just comforted you. Your older sister hummed before pulling away slightly, her hands still on your upper arms. “How about we go to Hermitcraft for a bit?” She shushed you as you tried to protest with clear hesitation on your face. “I know, they’re on there, but if we just ignore them we can do some fun things with Stress, Cleo, False and Pearl, yeah? I can tell Xisuma to try and keep them distracted while you’re there.” Worrying your lip between your teeth, you think before nodding.
“Yeah, alright. Besides, I missed hanging out with Ren too. I think working on my megabase could be good for me.” The wizard grinned and held out her hand. You took it, pocketing your comm and throwing on a cloak before taking her hand and letting her pull you to the off-world portal.
The feeling of traveling was still weird to you, even if you switched between your two home servers a bunch. Xisuma was waiting for the two of you, and you happily handed him a little pouch with berries and other fruits from your empire as a small gift. Gem pulled you along right away, rocketing towards Stress’ dark oak forest. Laughing, you followed. It felt good to be back on the server again!
False and Pearl dragged the four of you along to a clearing in the forest, filled with flowers. You grinned as Stress pulled out a picnic basket from her inventory, settling down on the blanket. The idle chatter started up easily, catching each other up on whatever you had missed. Cleo eventually pulled you against her chest, holding you as a source of comfort. You smiled up at her gratefully.
Night came quickly, and you all ran back to Stress’ place in giggles. Dodging skeletons and spiders, you joked around and the buildings of the brunette’s base came into view. Stress had convinced all of you earlier to have a sleepover, and you were grateful for the distractions everyone was giving you. Somewhere throughout the night, around the time where Gem had convinced Cleo to let her pay the zombie’s nails, Iskall joined.
You hadn’t spoken to the Swede in ages, and it was a lot of fun to catch up with him. Did you understand anything about the redstone plans he explained to you? Absolutely not. However, that didn’t stop you from being excited for him and helping him with suggestions about the aesthetical aspect.
Of course, your peace wasn’t long lasting. It appears Xisuma must’ve gone to sleep, because a knock at Stress’ door made all the chatter pause and a familiar British voice echoed through the building. “Stress, are you in here? I’m trying to find Iskall to help me with a little project I’m stuck on, yet I can’t seem to find him.” You visibly drooped at Mumbo’s appearance, and Stress frowned. The footsteps got closer and she and Iskall shot up, rushing to meet him before he got too close.
Pearl immediately started talking about some stuff she got up to in a singleplayer world, and you just tuned her out to background noise as you got lost in your head. You should talk to them, right? At least demand an explanation about why they were so.. cruel to you. Voids sake, you all promised no one would be left behind at the beginning of your guys’ relationship.. They knew how much anniversaries meant to you!
Standing up, you ignored the frowns shot your way. With a simple, “I’m going to talk to them,” you pulled on your elytra and huffed. Anger and frustration slowly replaced the heartbreak you had felt recently. Gem silently wished you luck while Cleo just cheered on your rage. You smirked at them, the zombie waving you bye as you practically stormed out. In the hallway you came across Stress and Iskall frantically trying to get Mumbo out. With a frown, you marched past and grabbed his wrist without sparing an actual proper glance to his face.
“You, with me. Now. Show me where the other two are.” The noirette stumbled along startled, equipping his own elytra with shaking hands. He was scared, good. Normally you’d hate the sadistic little voice in your head, but you think they deserved it this time. You ignored Mumbo’s nervous attempts to chit chat during the flight and simply landed when you saw the other two chatting in front of Grian’s rock.
The elf and avian immediately looked up when they heard someone land, brightening when they saw it was you however pausing as they noticed the pissed off look you wore and the way your arms crossed defensively. Mumbo landed next to you, hands fidgeting while he looked to the ground. Scar opened his mouth to question what was happening before you spoke up. “What the fuck? We make an agreement, a promise, and the three of you just go on behind my back? Sure, you know I’m all for one on one dates. But on our anniversary? What is wrong with you guys? Do you even know how happy I was when Gem gave me a fixed comm, and how crushed I was when absolutely no one answered me?”
“Y/N-” You practically growled at Grian. “No, you fucking listen to me. There’s no excuse for this! You could’ve sent Gem or Pearl a message about what you were doing or, Void forbid, just tell them you’d be gone for the day!” Your angry rant was cut off by a hug, a teary-eyed Scar burying his face in your neck as he whispered. “We missed you so much. So, so much.” The raging fire simmered down to just a small flame, and you hesitantly hugged him back. You might be mad at them, but you still loved them more than ever.
“We, uh.. We spent our anniversary building us a little cottage. We included things from your empire!” Your heart panged at Mumbo’s admission, anger getting replaced by heartbreak again. Your voice was weak when you spoke up again. “You guys.. didn’t forget about me?” “Goodness, no! We would never! Do you want to come check out the little house?” Biting your lip, you nodded.
Maybe it will take a bit to fully heal from this, but being back on this server hugged by all three of them? It felt like it’d be alright.
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womburt · 2 years
Hellooooooooooooo my friend Wom! Now if your requests are open (and if you want to write it) soooooo
I don't know if it was obvious or not but like, my favorite hermit is Gem (wow what a suprise i don't encorporate ger on my fics every chance i get). Anyways I sorta want like a burnt out Gem after her sea temple and BAM the reader is there. Although I don't know her boundaries so its like no implied relationship or like platonic (if you can I don't wanna force you)
A Friend in Need; Platonic! C. Geminitay x Reader
Boop my friend!!! :-D
I have been hydrating and eating! I hope the same for you! 
Sorry this took so long to get out but I hope you enjoy regardless! Gem is great <3
Y/n had never really liked being in the Nether.
They grit their teeth as they stepped out into the scarlet wasteland, tugging their golden helmet just a little bit tighter on their head. In the distance grunting from some Piglins could be heard, but thankfully no weeping. It sounded like the coast was clear. Without the quiet crying of any nearby ghasts, Y/n gulped down their fear and began their search.
Netherrack crunched beneath their boots as they walked between the makeshift corridors of portals. All were labeled with little maps, most of which hadn’t been updated in months. Y/n looked in between the portals, noting purple passageways to Scar’s tree, Keralis’ modern house, even the End dimension. None were what they were looking for.
Off to the side stood a very narrow tunnel. Y/n stepped in front of it, peering inside. It got darker further in, seeming to go on forever, but Y/n knew better than to believe that. They’d been down this tunnel twice before, ages ago. At the end of it, they knew they’d find a portal to Gem and Stress’ ocean monument. 
Lighting a torch with some coal they’d thought to bring with them, Y/n began their trek into the tunnel. They had to duck every now and then due to the low ceiling. Somewhere in the back of their mind, Y/n cursed the constructor of the passageway. Impulse, their dwarven friend, had apparently not assumed anyone else would be taking his tunnel, or else he may have thought to make it a bit taller. Y/n supposed that wasn’t really his responsibility, however. Afterall, Impulse probably hadn’t expected anyone to mooch off his tunnel for their own project. 
Holding their torch steady before them, Y/n continued onward. Humming a tune to themself quietly, the adventurer thought about what they’d say to Gem when they found her. 
If they found her.
Y/n frowned and tried to keep negative thoughts out of their mind. They hadn't seen Gem in a week. It was unnatural! Gem was such a constant for Y/n. They could hardly remember what the Hermitcraft server had been like before her. It seemed whenever Y/n was lonely, Gem was just around the corner with plenty of spare time and a bright smile. When they couldn’t get the coloring on a build quite right, Gem was always around to suggest new block combinations. 
Sure they didn't see her every day, but they couldn’t remember the last time they'd been apart from her, and no less for a week! Y/n had begun to worry. 
They pulled their communicator out of their pocket, glancing over the messages they’d sent her prior to their decision to find the redhead. 
Y/n whispers to Geminitay: hey! haven’t seen you in a lil bit, watcha been up to? :-)
Y/n whispers to Geminitay: just checkin in, are you doin ok? :-)
Y/n whispers to Geminitay: gem?
Biting their lip, Y/n stuffed the device back into its fabric-y cavern. The messages had been sent over the span of a few days, but still, they wondered if they’d annoyed their friend by sending her so many in a row. Deep down Y/n knew Gem wouldn’t be bothered by silly things like triple-texting, but her lack of response had left their mind to wander…
Y/n kept up with their quiet humming, picking up their pace when the violet swirls of their destination finally came into view. The portal stood intimidatingly before them, tucked into the walls of the tunnel, just a few yards off from a twin, which Y/n assumed would lead to Impulse’s raid farm. They ignored the further, carefully stepping through the one in front of them.
In an instant, Y/n found themself surrounded by tall, magenta-stained walls of glass. Fish and seagrass moved back and forth on the other side, giving Y/n the impression that they were standing in the middle of the world’s largest aquarium, only they were the one stuck in a tank. Shaking their head at the idea, Y/n moved to the other side of the portal.
A massive structure stood before them, two funnels of glass leading down to an underground storage system. Guardians plummeted within the tubes, screeching as they met their demise. Y/n winced and looked away from them.
Curiously, their eyes traveled upwards. At the top of the glass funnels stood a small platform built of the same material. Just barely, Y/n could make out a pale figure and a pair of brown overalls. Breathing a sigh of relief at having finally located their missing friend, Y/n launched themself off of the floor with a rocket.
They spread their wings quickly, using the force of the explosive to propel themself into the air. They soared upward until they were above the platform, altering their path to float gracefully onto the glassy floor. Y/n looked down at Gem, tilting their head when the girl didn't acknowledge their presence. Kneeling down to get a closer look, Y/n noticed Gem’s eyes were closed, and her breathing was steady with sleep. 
Making an “o” shape with their mouth, Y/n lifted a hand to Gem’s shoulder. Surely it wasn't good for her to be sleeping on a tiny platform this high in the sky. A bed on ground level would be much safer. 
They shook her as gently as they could, at ease when the ginger began to slowly blink her eyes open. 
“Y/n?” she asked with a yawn, covering her mouth with a trembling hand. Y/n frowned at her shakiness, taking note of the dark bags under Gem’s eyes. “What are you doing out here?”
“The real question,” Y/n spoke softly in an attempt not to disturb their friend any further. “-is what are you doing up here? You shouldn’t be asleep in such a dangerous spot!” They asked their friend with large eyes, unable to contain their concern.
Gem smiled apologetically at them, and Y/n’s heart plummeted. They hadn't meant to make it sound like they were upset with her. Before Gem could respond, Y/n spoke up again. 
“I just want you to be safe.”
Gem nodded her head slowly, sleep still clearly on her mind. Y/n squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, making a move to stand back up. They held their hand out to Gem, looking down with gentle eyes. 
“Now come on, let’s get you home.”
Gem accepted Y/n’s hand soon after, allowing herself to be pulled up onto her feet. The redhead couldn’t help but lean into Y/n for support, too tired to stand up on her own. Y/n was happy to help Gem down the scaffolding that led up to her platform, eventually prompting their friend to just climb onto their back. 
Gem did so without a second thought, wrapping her arms over Y/n’s shoulders and around their neck, like some kind of baby sloth. Y/n bit back their giggle at the idea, focusing instead on reaching the ground. 
When the bottoms of their shoes touched the floor, Y/n walked the both of them back to the portal. Quietly, they heard Gem mumble something about ‘not being finished.’ They shook their head at the notion. 
“How do you expect to get anything else done when you’re falling asleep as we speak?” They teased, not missing the humph their friend made at their assessment of the situation. If Y/n could see her face right now, they’d bet Gem was pouting. 
A weight appeared on the back of Y/n’s head, and they realized that Gem had slumped against them, making herself even more comfortable. Y/n smiled to themself, walking the both of them through the portal. 
“You didn't answer any of my messages,” they announced, unsure if Gem was even awake enough to have heard them. They were surprised to hear a small sigh from the girl on their back. 
“I meant to, but I kept getting distracted. I’m sorry.”
Ducking down to avoid the sporadically low ceilings, Y/n shook their head at Gem. 
“Don’t be! I was just worried about you,” Y/n reassured, patting Gem’s knee from where it was draped over their hand. They heard Gem mumble something behind them, though they were unable to determine exactly what she said. 
“You don’t have to push yourself so hard, you know.” Y/n said quietly, side stepping a misplaced block. Gem hummed into their back. Y/n was preparing themself for the rest of the walk home to be in silence when she replied. 
“It’s just such a big project. I feel like if I don't get it done now, it’s never going to be finished.” 
Y/n mulled her sentences over in their head, trying to think of the best way to approach her confession. The stress of big projects and imaginary deadlines was nothing new to Y/n. It plagued every hermit. Anxieties about the large builds they made, wanting to get stuff done as quickly as possible so they could move on to their next big thing - it was far too common on the Hermitcraft server. 
“Projects take time, but taking care of yourself is more important than any farm.” Y/n began, choosing their words carefully, looking up to the scarlet roof above them as though the right thing to say would be written on the ceiling. 
“And you know I’m always around to help when things start to get overwhelming. I’d rather build a guardian farm with you for the rest of the season than never see you again because you’re too busy overworking yourself.” They finished, patting her knee reassuringly. 
They could feel Gem bury herself further into the back of their neck, her quiet breaths tickling the back of their neck. 
“Thank you,” she mumbled into their skin, voice heavy with sleep. Y/n nodded their head, understanding that Gem needed the rest. Having completed their mission of locating their missing friend, Y/n allowed themself to feel at peace, walking them both the rest of the way home with a languid smile. 
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moriiartist · 2 years
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PAIRING: Vampire!Ethoslab x GN!Reader
SUMMARY: It was simple, the arrangement you had with Gem. She would let you study in the library before it opened; you would be gone before her boss came in. So… how did you wind up with a vampire for a history tutor?
WARNINGS: Mild language, death mention, semi-graphic violence, non-consensual touching (you get manhandled a bit, nothing sexual), blood and injury, vampirism
A/N: Etho’s a little spooky in this one... had me feeling some type of way while I was writing him 🥴. This one is a bit longer than some of the other stuff I’ve written, and a bit scarier, but I hope y’all enjoy it anyways!
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“Alright, time to pack up. You promised me you would be gone before my boss gets in, and the library opens in an hour.”
You jumped at the sound of a book slamming against the surface of the desk you were sitting at, jerking your head up and away from the paragraph you had been staring at for the past ten minutes. A figure loomed over you like the specter of death, impatiently drumming their fingertips against the flesh of their crossed arms. 
They- or rather, she- affixed you with a glare that could melt steel, green eyes flashing behind the thick rims of her glasses. It took a second longer for your sleep-deprived brain to boot up, but it was almost too easy at this point for you to recognize the face of the library’s chief archivist.
Rubbing at your burning eyes with a forefinger and thumb, you puffed a slow breath through your cheeks. After trying to read by the dim light of the desk lamp for God knows how many hours, they stung like hell. 
“Sorry, Gem. I must’ve lost track of time.”
The librarian, Gem, snorted but allowed her stern gaze to thaw, auburn hair rippling down her back as she tilted her head. “Are you sure you aren’t pushing yourself too hard? I know you want to finish up your degree, but I’m pretty sure you’ve studied here every day this week.” 
You chuckled dryly. Oh, she had no idea.
Your day job took up almost all of the ‘working day’ so to speak, leaving only the darkest hours of the night for you to attend college classes and catch up on homework. However, during those hours, there was nothing you could access beyond what little you could pirate on your shitty laptop and printed course material. 
Which is why Gem is the only thing standing between you and straight-up flunking college. 
Despite her devout adherence to the laws that governed your local city library, you had convinced her with a mix of bribery, guilt-tripping, and groveling to allow you to visit in the early hours before it opened. You were able to read and complete your assignments in peace, but most importantly: you were able to access legitimate, essential, official resources during the only time you had during the day to study.
You felt the muscles in your jaw twitch as you held your smile, hoping it didn’t look too vacant. Or desperate. 
“I’m fine, Gem. Just a bit tired.”
She quirked an eyebrow. “Sorry- have you seen yourself? The bags under your eyes are big enough to carry my groceries.”
You winced.
“Can’t argue with you there.”
If you were being honest, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d gotten more than four hours of sleep in a row- and even that estimate was generous. You pivoted in your seat, making the tactical decision to retreat from Gem’s piercing gaze.
You sighed as you crammed as many books as possible into your backpack, forcing protesting muscles that had long remained stagnant into movement. Whatever didn’t fit you hefted in your arms, making a face halfway between a grimace and a look of abject horror as your back cracked under the weight.
Gem pursed her lips, and somehow you resisted the urge to groan. This was an old argument that the two of you had hashed and re-hashed ever since she’d let you come into the library during closing hours, and you were sick of having to defend yourself.
“You can’t keep burning the candle at both ends. You look like you’re going to keel over at any second.”
“Well,” you laughed airily, the lightness of your voice at odds with the abject exhaustion in your expression. “It’s not like there’s anything I can do. I need to earn my degree, and you know that night classes are the only thing I can afford to take.”
Pausing for a moment, you snorted. “Both literally and figuratively.”
“You’re going to kill yourself at this rate,” Gem sighed, her normally lively countenance as deadpan as she could make it.
“No, I don’t think so. Not if you get to me first.”
A beat of silence.
“... Fair enough.”
It was routine for you to haul your backpack onto your shoulders, Gem helping you with the straps, and wave a harried goodbye to Gem as you slipped out the library’s back door. At her insistence, you promised to text her when you returned to your apartment so she knew you had gotten back safely. 
You shivered, clutching your books tighter to your chest as the warmth of the indoors faded, leaving you to the mercy of Autumn’s chilled embrace. 
It was no exaggeration that your free hours landed squarely in the dead of night- because although you had been up for hours, the sky was still as dark as pitch. Only the barest hint of starlight shone through the inky blackness, and though logically, you knew it was because of light pollution, some part of you wondered if the entirety of the milky way had been swallowed whole.
While the library was laid deep within the city’s heart, it was directly at the center of the entertainment district. Meaning that, despite the late (or early) hour, the city streets surrounding the library were just as busy during the night as they were during the day. Restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and… other businesses lined the street, the light from their illuminated windows and neon signs shining like rainbows against the pavement.
Across the street, raucous laughter resounded from within a bar. The sound bounced eerily across the pavement and crowded walls of the buildings that rose like silhouettes from the ground. You flinched as you heard the sound of shattering glass, accompanied by loud cheering, wrinkling your nose against the sharp sting of early winter frost and the pungent scent of booze.
You quickened your pace, dodging and weaving through flocks of tourists that ranged from mildly inebriated to flat-out drunk, barely managing to keep yourself balanced under the awkward weight of your backpack. The idea of being caught up in whatever illicit business went down in the cramped alleyways and seedy taverns that garnished the area like sprinkles on a cake was far from appealing- especially with the whole ‘living alone’ thing.
At the next street, you finally made the turn that led you away from the throngs of frat boys and bar-flies into the residential areas that sprouted just a ways off from popular tourist destinations. 
Although you had made the journey countless times, it never ceased to startle you just how quickly the general cacophony of shouting and laughter faded away with a few blocks of distance. It was much, much quieter here; the only sounds were the gentle tap-tap-tap of your shoes against the concrete and the occasional rush of a car driving by.
Windows of houses looked more like dark, empty eyes as you passed them, and the further you got from the entertainment district, the easier it was to pretend that you were the only person on earth. A sharp gust of wind suddenly howled through the trees, rattling leaves and raking icy claws across your skin.
You gasped as a shiver snaked its way down your spine, instinctually clutching your books tighter to your chest in an effort to conserve warmth. Cursing softly, you shed through your coat pocket to find your phone, exclaiming in victory as your fingers wrapped around it. Clicking it open, you blinked in surprise once you spotted the time: 5:00 AM.
Huh. That was definitely waayyy later than you had originally expected… and you had to get to work at 8:30. A high-pitched whine rose in the back of your throat. 
Say goodbye to any chance you could’ve had at a (barely) decent sleep, because at this rate? It would be a miracle if you could get home in time to shower and eat.
You were so focused on your phone that you almost didn’t process the electric hum that filled the air, the lone streetlight ahead flickering in and out to the beat of your footsteps. Catching the flashing from your periphery, you glanced up with a frown. 
Now- you weren’t an electrician, or really anyone skilled in the engineering field, but… you were fairly certain that it shouldn’t be making that loud, electric humming noise. You halted in your steps, tilting your head and squinting your eyes at the malfunctioning lamp. It flickered one more time, weakly, before plunging you into shadow.
If you thought that the night was dark before, surrounded by light and the nightlife, it paled in comparison to the true darkness that descended upon you like a cloak. One moment, you’re perfectly fine, and the next, you can hardly see the shape of your body against the pavement.
Another shiver wracked your body- but it felt different from a chill. Something inside your brain had begun frantically ringing alarm bells, and you could only desperately search for some kind of stressor as the hair on the back of your neck rose to attention.
Shakily, you exhaled, spinning in one, slow circle. There was the faint outline of a parked car, engine silent and sleeping, the houses, the trees- nothing. Nothing that would make your anxiety levels swing from ‘manageable’ to ‘DEFCON one’.
You turned back around, your previously relaxed pace discarded in favor of a light jog. It was all you could do not to fall on your ass as your backpack shifted and bounced with your downstep, and your chest felt tight as panic began to seep in.
What the hell is going on?
Something clattered behind you, and your breath seized in your lungs. The burning was hardly an afterthought because you were sprinting, stumbling and dropping your own books in your haste to get away from something you couldn’t- or wouldn’t- see.
You were so close you could see the gleam of the next streetlight up above. Your inhales were more like sobbing gasps of air, and distantly you felt the dampness of your cheeks as tears sluiced down them. 
You were so close.
But it was never like you had the chance to escape, anyway.
A calloused hand wrapped around your wrist, yanking it and the rest of your body back. Hard. 
All of the wind was knocked out of you as you slammed into the ground, hands and knees shrieking with agony as the pavement grain shredded the skin. The books within your bag did little to soften the fall, their hard spines digging into your ribs through the material of your bag.
Spots danced in front of your eyes, and you felt like you were moving through molasses as a pair of shiny dress shoes strolled into view. You didn’t want to see their face. Something visceral within you begged you to make yourself as small as possible- not a threat, nothing of interest.
Still, your traitorous gaze drifted upwards, and you felt the blood drain from your face as you stared straight up into a pair of ruby-red eyes.
“My, don’t you smell divine.”
You tried to scream, but it came out more like a choked gasp as your lungs came up empty.
This wasn’t- you had to be hallucinating. This had to be something that your sleep-deprived brain had dreamed up, safe and asleep in your bed.
Vampires weren’t real. 
But, as it grinned with razor-sharp fangs, face alight with nothing but hunger, it was impossible to say it was anything else as it dug sharp, talon-like nails into your open wound.
Pain, quick as lightning and ten times more intense sparked through your nervous system, wringing a punched-out gasp from your throat. The periphery of your eyes darkened, and for a moment you genuinely thought that you would pass out from sheer agony as you desperately tried (and failed) to tear its wrist away. 
It chuckled, twisting its claws in deeper to draw a proper scream out of you, humming in approval before it pulled them out. You went lax, heaving for breath as it lapped at the sticky blood- your blood- coating its fingers.
Your eyes fluttered open, and you realized that it was watching you. Crouched on the side of the street, inspecting you with a calculating gaze not dissimilar from how a fox inspects a cornered rabbit.
“Oh,” it said, a grin that was entirely too wide creeping across its face. “Yes. You taste even better than I thought you would.”
Feeling your breaths come faster and faster as fresh tears prickled at the corners of your eyes, you pressed your palm to your mouth, only succeeding in smearing the blood that covered it all over your chin. 
So this was how you died. Alone, scared, and covered in your own blood, pinned down in the middle of the street by a creature you thought only existed in classical literature and trashy romance novels.
And, to top it all off, you had never even graduated college.
The vampire shifted, and you flinched at the sensation of its talons scraping at the soft flesh of your neck. You knew what happened next if the stories were to be believed, but terror had frozen your limbs as thoroughly as rigor mortis.
You swallowed, squeezing your eyes shut.
And promptly had them fly back open as the vampire shot back in a blur of snarling and snapping limbs, hitting the ground several meters away from you with a loud crack.
Transfixed, you could only watch with a dumbfounded expression as a cloaked figure appeared to teleport in front of you, hissing lowly. The vampire was on its feet before you could blink, its handsome features twisted into an animalistic snarl before it locked gazes with… whatever was blocking its path to you.
If you didn’t feel like you were about to pass out, you would’ve thought how quickly its expression changed from ardor to pure, unadulterated terror was hilarious. 
“You,” it breathed, every muscle in its body snapping with tension. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
Sheer survival instinct had kept your focus solely on the vampire that had cornered you, but the fear that radiated it was enough of a surprise that you found yourself glancing over towards whatever was perpetrating it.
One time, after you had gotten off work and had nothing else to do, you decided to watch a documentary series about tropical rainforest animals. For the most part, it was just background noise to help you fall asleep, but you found yourself engrossed when a particular segment about leopards began.
All you could think of, now that you were looking at the cloaked figure, was just how still they were. They didn’t move a muscle, not even where a normal person would’ve begun to cramp after a few seconds. They didn’t even seem to be breathing.
They reminded you of those leopards that you had watched. Especially in the way that those leopards went when they were hunting.
“Who says where I can and can’t be?” they, or rather, he said, masculine voice smooth and calm. “It’s certainly not your job.”
Sensing an opportunity to get the hell out of dodge, you grit your teeth as you shifted onto your hands and knees, slowly pushing yourself up into a crouch. The raw and ragged skin on your knees screamed in protest as it pulled taut, and you had to bite your tongue to stifle your soft sounds of pain.
The vampire’s jaw worked, and even as it drew itself up to its full height, you noted it was much taller than whatever had decided to intervene. (Something was wearing that cloak, but if he was an actual human person, you would eat your hat.)
The cloaked figure titled his head. “If you know what’s good for you, you should leave.”
You froze in place, heart jack-hammering in your ribs. Was he talking to you?
He went on- “Wouldn’t want to break any more rules. The covenant will have your head.”
For a long, tense moment, nothing happened. The wind whistled down the street. In the distance, police sirens wailed.
You didn’t dare move- not when the air itself felt charged, waiting for something to snap.
Then, the vampire growled, lips pulling back from their teeth wolfishly as they reluctantly bowed. Flabbergasted, you watched as it reluctantly melted back into the shadows, the red gleam of its eyes the last thing to fade to black.
The only thing you could hear was your heart thumping in your ears.
After a moment, the cloaked figure’s head turned deliberately towards where your crumpled form was hunched over, and you hastily scrabbled to your feet, Balling your hands up into fists. you trembled, staring him down.
“Are you alright?”
You don’t know what you would do if he decided to attack you, but you weren’t going to take it kneeling- not when you still felt the burn of humiliation for remaining paralyzed by terror. To your continuing horror, he took your silence as an invitation to step forward.
“Stay back,” you bit out, adrenaline buzzing through your veins. “I will not hesitate to punch you in your stupid face.”
Impressively, although you couldn’t make out his face with the shadows that clung to the hood of his cloak, you could see him do a double-take. “... Sorry?”
“You better be,” you muttered, eyes flickering to and fro as you tried to find a good escape route.
To your surprise, he hesitated, murmuring something under his breath that you couldn’t make out. He cleared his throat, shifting on his feet. “I am, if that makes you feel any better. You aren’t supposed to be attacked like this, it’s… uncivilized.”
Gaze snapping back to him, your brows raised incredulously. “Really? You’re not just saying that so that I let my guard down? And then you kill me and steal all my blood?”
“If I wanted to ‘steal all your blood’ I would’ve done it already.”
You deadpanned. “That’s not as comforting as you think it is.”
He took another step, but before you could threaten him again, pulled the hood of his cloak down. By now, your eyes had adjusted to the light (or lack thereof), and you found yourself sucking in a harsh breath.
Although you had guessed, what you saw definitely revealed him to be another vampire. His hair, a close-cropped shock of white, stood out against the darkness of the surrounding street.
You couldn’t describe the way that he was looking at you if you tried. His eyes burned like hot coals, pinned on you with a kind of unyielding focus that made your arms prickle with goosebumps. It both struck you as similar to that other vampire’s regard, a predator watching prey, but it was distinctly different- more like he was cataloging the rise and fall of your breath, the grinding of your shoe heel into the pavement.
A black mask- one of those anime ones that you couldn’t bother to remember the name of- hung around his neck, ready to be pulled up without a second’s notice. It looked well-cared for, despite being a little worn around the edges, and he fiddled with it absently as your gaze swept over him.
The most glaring thing about his appearance was the fact that he was almost flawlessly handsome, skin unblemished, bone structure pristine. The only thing that marred him was the long, thin scar that cut across his left eye, splitting his eyebrow in half.
“Even if you are pretty, I still won’t hesitate to punch you in the nose.”
He barked a laugh, fangs- holy shit his fangs- flashing. For some reason, he seemed pleased at your jab, chest puffing out slightly. “So you think I’m pretty?”
“Do I look like someone that would be attracted to an overgrown mosquito?” you scoffed, eyeing his shrewdly. “And a vain one, at that.”
He paused for a moment, staring at you, and you felt the fear that had temporarily abated come back in full force. One of these days, you were going to take a vow of silence so you could never say anything stupid ever again. 
You swallowed, hugging your arms tight to your body as you leaned away. In a blink, he was suddenly, much, much closer, and you swore as you jumped. 
“No,” the vampire said abruptly, tilting his head in a predatory manner. A smile split across his face, and a confident gleam arose within his eyes as his hand came up to grab your chin firmly. (Privately, you were relieved to find that he clipped his nails like a normal human being.)
“But you do look like someone who knows something they shouldn’t.”
You thrashed in his grip, eventually stilling with your palms pressed flat to his chest. Although you were pushing as hard as you could, it didn’t seem to affect him. 
You laughed, a little bit hysterical. “Oh, so now you’re going to kill me?” 
His fingers drummed against the flesh of your cheek. Languidly running his tongue against the swell of his upper lip, he cocked his head to the other side. You winced as you heard the vertebrae in his neck crack. 
“What could I give you to keep you quiet?”
You blinked, taken aback by his jarringly serious tone.
“What do you want? Money? Favors? What would convince you to keep your mouth shut?” he pressed, eyes narrowing, Distantly, you noted that his eyelashes were as pale as the hair on top of his head. “We’ve got kind of a secret society thing going on, y’anno, and we don’t need you blabbing.”
Confused, you shifted, and his hand came up to squish your cheeks until your lips puckered like a fish’s. You tensed but didn’t attempt to move.  “‘Oul’nt you j’st kill ‘m?”
He smirked, ruby red eyes gleaming. “Yes, but it would be a shame. You’re funny.”
You batted his hand away, staring at him. He… seemed sincere, or he could just be a very skilled liar. It was more than likely that both were true, and whatever you did, it would be a gamble.
“... A tutor,” you said after several moments of silence, voice laced with quiet certainty. “That’s what I need. A tutor.”
He stared at you. You stared at him. There was a lot of staring at one another.
“That’s it? ”
You shrugged. “College is hell.”
“Not cash, or fame, or… cash…” the vampire frowned. “Everyone asks for cash.”
“I guess I’m just built different,” you said, as if you weren’t running on less than half of the minimum sleep quota and hubris. 
You would be kicking yourself later when you sprung out of bed, wild-eyed as you beheld the healing cuts that littered your knees and palms, but right now? You were absolutely not in the right mindset to be making pacts with a creature of the night.
“Alrighty then,” he said after a moment, letting go of your face in favor of offering you his other hand. “It’s a deal.”
You, with all the bravado and lack of self-awareness that only a college senior could possess, took it.
He grinned, and in a blink, a solid chest bumped into your back. There was no heat to your proximity other than your startled flush, even as the vampire’s cold breath caressed the shell of your ear.
“The name’s Etho. I have a hunch that you and I... we’re going to have a lot of fun together.”
The crack of your fist hitting his face resounded through the street, drawing a startled hiss from the vampire.
Well, he couldn’t say you didn’t warn him.
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@blufr0st​ @itsonlydana​ @amearla​ @bapthadapper​ @redactedsouls​ @sina-the-idiot @icarusthefoolish​ @blockyshieldmaiden​ @lunarheartsposts​
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candy-applers · 8 months
No Ideas, sooooo.....
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kazooht · 2 years
the soup group but Y/n is there too
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i used this website :>
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
Hermitcraft Masterlist (Part 2)
Masterlist Part 1 There you can find - Grian, Mumbo, Iskall, Doc, Ren, Cub, Cleo and xB
If you want to request please go here Other SMP Masterlist
Here is a key to the different symbols used. * Romance (sometimes fluff sometimes not) ^ Yandere, ! Angst, & Hybrid, + AU, × Platonic, // Traffic SMP's, each post will have individual warnings as well.
Lazy Day - Drabble * Going On A Date - Headcanons * Late - Drabble * Pranking Partner - Oneshot * Being With Yan!Bdubs - Headcanons * ^ Sleepy Bdubs - Headcanons * For His Viewing Pleasure - Drabble ^ ! & Autumn With - Headcanons *
Going On A Date - Drabble * Under The Mistletoe - Drabble * Going On A Date - Headcanons * In Love With The Enemy - Oneshot ! // A Sacrifice Worth Making - Drabble * // An Offer You Can't Refuse - Oneshot & Pay For Help - Oneshot * ! Being With Yan!Scar - Headcanons * ^ Being Comforted - Headcanons * Corrupt - Oneshot * ^ Little Things - Drabble * Dating - Headcanons * Sales Tactic - Oneshot * Autumn With - Headcanons *
Dating - Headcanons * Fairytale Evening - Oneshot * Comfortable Silence - Drabble * Being With Mooner!Impulse - Headcanons * Surprise! - Drabble * At Long Last - Oneshot * Forever - Oneshot * & Falling - Oneshot * (Fic 100!) Autumn With - Headcanons *
I Never Thought Of That - Drabble * Dating - Headcanons * Someone To Celebrate With - Drabble * No Other Way - Drabble * ! Surprise Date - Oneshot * Reunited - Oneshot *
The Wrong Button - Drabble It'll Be Okay - Drabble * Spending Time With - Headcanons * Dating - Headcanons * Love Potion - Drabble * Being Married To - Headcanons * Trophies - Oneshot * Elytra Racing Finals - Oneshot *
Being Comforted - Headcanons * Finish It Together - Drabble *
A Different Perspective - Drabble Autumn With - Headcanons *
Dating - Headcanons * ! Being Comforted - Headcanons * A Bit Of Fun - Drabble ! Oblivious - Drabble * ! Stressed Out - Drabble * Sneaking And Spooking - Drabble * Troublesome Visitor - Oneshot * ! Being With Yan!Xisuma - Headcanons ^ ! + Pet Names - Drabble * "I'm Here For You" - Drabble * Flight Mishap - Oneshot *
Working Late - Drabble *
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2ndplanetsmut · 1 year
An intro page or something; Ain't it nifty?
Anyway, I'm 2ndPlanet or V. Feel free to call me either or take a very easy guess as to what my name is and call me that, I don't really mind.
I go by any pronouns and consider myself to be non-binary, I'm omnisexual [or bi for those who don't know what that is]. I was born in early April 2003, and I'm currently 21 years old.
I'm a writer and novelist, I post chapters of my story The Alchemist Arcana on Kindle Vella periodically as I work on it. It's an alternating pov fantasy romance adventure, if you want to know more feel free to ask.
Do not interact list
Do not interact with me if you are: Ableist, Racist, Transphobic, Homophobic, A Minor, A Chaser, A Pedo or associate with the MAP community in any way.
My page is not for you and you will be blocked. I'm trusting you to be mature enough to respect my boundaries while you are in my space.
Do not bring up self-harm, weight loss, and/or use any slurs in my asks or dms
Things I Write & Reblog + My Fandoms
This is a Smut/Erotica blog, this is the type of content you will find here, it's okay if you're not into these kinds of things, but this is what's here; I'm warning you.
Most of the stuff I write is Mlnb [Men/Nonbinary] and a lot of the people I reblog stuff from are trans men. I know a lot of wlw creators don't want men in their spaces and so for the sake of my followers and these creators I will not be using that tag or reblogging from anyone whose blog is men dni.
I write in both 3rd and 2nd person, x reader style content. The reader's gender is typically not specified, will tag if it is though.
The following is a list of general concepts you may see:
Prince kink
A lot of the time I write for a more general audience and use honorifics instead of names, an example of this being "The King" or "Your Lover". However, I do also write fandom content.
At the minute I'm only in three fandoms, I ONLY write for Genshin, however, I'm very into Stray Kids and Hermitcraft10/Geminitay if you want to chat about either.
Speaking of requests
Suggestions, Asks, & Requests
You are welcome to send me anything rather anonymous or not. You can request content or ask questions, whatever you want to do I would love to hear from you.
Said request content can be from the above fandoms or just general writing like I mentioned as well.
I don't currently have a tag list or an anon list at all, but let me know if you would want that.
Masterlists & Trigger Warnings
Vs Flytraps ⇄ Genshin ⇄ Kiss the Crown ⇄ more to be added...
All my trigger warnings are in bright pink at the top of each post. The things I reblog I do not tag with trigger warnings even if they don't have them already listed, so read at your own risk.
Take care of yourself please and don't read something if it is going to negatively impact you.
I like to talk so I wanted to give you more information about myself. None of this is important I just feel like sharing.
I have a learning disability I've never known exactly what it is just that I have it.
My favorite Western artist is Cameron Phillip, Outro: Dreamworld fucking slaps.
My monthly song theme is as follows:
Pseudophed by Penelope Scott,
Tunnel Vision by Melanie Martinez,
Worms by Ashnikko,
Devil by the Window by txt.
F2P, AR50, Sucrose Main, Scara-Miko-Yoi haver. My UID is 661128590
Pretty please send me stuff, I promise to not bite you unless you ask me to
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nyallishbeans · 3 months
In a parasocial fanfic-esque YouTuber x reader insert relationship with geminitay in my brain
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frog-writes-for-fun · 2 years
HermitCraft Masterlist
~ Nothing here yet! ~
~ Nothing here yet! ~
Evil Xisuma
~ Nothing here yet! ~
False Symmetry
~ A Shoulder to Lean On - After a bad day of experiences with acephobia, your best friend is there to support you.
~ Nothing here yet! ~
~ Swaggon Sweetheart - You’ve had a secret admirer for a while, and one day you catch them in the act.
~ Sweet Silence - When you don’t talk, Scar is happy to fill the silence between you.
~ Chicken Noodle Soup - When your partner doesn’t show up for a prank, you know something is wrong. You take care of Grian when you find him bedridden.
~ Feline Good - Your best friend always knows just how to make you laugh, but he’s never heard you purr before.
~ Not It! - When a bug gets in the house, neither you nor Grian wants to be the one to deal with it.
~ Chaos Couple - In your relationship, you’re the more chaotic partner! Sometimes Grian has to restrain your energy for a change.
Mumbo Jumbo
~ Redstone Royalty, pt. 2 - When you sneak off from a party to work on your redstone, a visitor who might just be able to help finds you.
~ Sugar-High on You - Songfic based on Strawberry Mentos, by Leanna Firestone. Snapshots of some sweet moments in your and Mumbo's relationship.
~ Nothing here yet! ~
~ Just Come to Bed - As Xisuma's partner, sometimes it's your job to make sure he actually gets some sleep.
~ Brighter Than All the Stars in the Sky - You go to show Xisuma some of the constellations that catch your eye in the night, only to find him watching something he thinks is more beautiful than any star you could show him.
~ Curiouser and Curiouser - Your husband is a scientist, and you’re his assistant. One day, he asks you to step into the experiment, and something stranger than either of you expected shows up in the results.
Zombie Cleo
~ Nothing here yet! ~
Hermits, no central figure
~ A First Day's Nightmare - You are the new kid at HC High School, and everyone wants to get to know you. Unfortunately, you are antisocial and aromantic, and extremely not interested.
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beehachu · 2 years
The masquerade
Prompt: After moving to Empires for one season along with your friend Gem, you missed your boyfriends. Not as much as when a couples masquerade was announced.
Pairing: Poly!Reader x Scar x Mumbo x Grian
Warnings: None !
Word Count: 1403
A/N: Listen, some prompts have me in a CHOKEHOLD. This is one of them.
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You slowly and rhythmically tapped your fingers against the desk. It’s not that you didn’t like ruling your empire, the meetings could just be so extremely boring. The advisor from some other place was just rambling on, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to care about whatever trade routes they were talking about. It didn’t even include you yet, anyway.
Luckily, it was over before you knew it. Your own advisor did most of the talking, and all you had to do was just take notes and nod occasionally. The breeze from the beach had you smiling as it hit you in the face when you stepped out of the foreign building. With a quick wave to your advisor and guards, you flew off. They knew you had somewhere to be anyway.
Landing at Crystal Cliffs, you took off your elytra and placed it into your inventory. “Oh Geemm!” Calling out, you made your way to find your fellow Hermit. It didn’t take long before the redhead poked her head out. “Y/N! Hello, darling! What can I help you with?” You pulled out your cross-server communicator, and grinned sheepishly. “I haven’t gotten the heart to tell Jimmy that this isn’t a normal com.. fWhip managed to fix it, though I was wondering if you remembered the code to get back to the Hermitcraft server?”
The wizard hummed. “I’m not sure, to be honest. You might need to ask Pix or Sausage.” “But they don’t know the code! They’ve never been on Hermitcraft!” You huffed. Gem thought for a second, before reaching out to the communicator. “Leave it with me, I’ll do my best, alright? I completely get that it sucks.” Handing her the device, you thanked her profusely, before getting invited in for some tea.
You loved your fellow Hermits, so it wasn’t unexpected that you’d get homesick. The feeling was something you and Gem could both agree on. What made it worse, however, was the fact that your boyfriends were so far away. And now that your cross-server comms were broken, it left you feeling more and more alone.
Looking out the window, watching your people go about their life, all you could do was sigh. You weren’t able to properly put your thoughts into words, and the pile of crumpled up papers behind you clearly showed that. With a hum, you picked up your pen again.
My dearest ones,
I wish to send my deepest apologies for the fact I have been neglecting to contact you.
Screw that, I hate writing formal letters.
First of all, I’m SUPER sorry for not contacting you. Jimmy broke my cross-server communicator by accident, and I don’t have the heart to tell him. He still thinks it’s my normal one, and I can’t stand to make him feel even more guilty. fWhip fixed it, and Gem is trying to get it back onto the Hermit servers.
Second of all, how are you lot? I’m doing alright, ruling over an empire is surprisingly boring at certain times.
There is so much to talk about, but my hand is cramping from writing so many drafts. Get back to me, yeah? I’ll be waiting for your response.
Yours forever,
The sound of your name being called pulled you out of your slumber, and before you knew it, a pink haired queen was in your room. “Oh, did I wake you up? I’m so sorry! I was just going to check if you got an invite to the masquerade too.” You rubbed your eyes sleepily and hummed. “I think so, yeah. Is it the one Katherine is hosting?” The Ocean queen nodded quickly.
“Mhm! The dress code is fantasy-esque. She also told me to go around and tell everyone that it’s a couples event, since all of us rulers have a partner! There’ll also be some other people of importance, but it’ll mostly be just us.” Your heart sank. A couples event. It made sense, Pix recently announced he found someone, Lizzie and Joel just got married.. But you couldn’t get your boys over here.
Lizzie must’ve seen your face drop, as she visibly sympathized with you. “Oh, I forgot.. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m sure it’ll work out, yeah?” You bit your lip and nodded, letting yourself be pulled into a hug from the axolotl hybrid. “I’m sure it will. Thanks, Liz.”
Gem has been acting weird the whole day. You were sitting in your bedroom, getting ready as Gem did her makeup. “Okay, I need your opinion. Does gold or silver go better with my outfit?” The wizard turned towards you and hummed, looking at your navy blue outfit. “I’d say gold.. Is that Mumbo’s pocket watch?” Gem gasped, smirking at you. “I have to include them somehow, you know? I’ve got something for Scar and Grian too.”
Your friend sighed, pulling you into a hug. “I’ve almost got it working, don’t worry. You’ll be able to talk to them soon enough.” With a soft smile, you pulled away. “Thanks, Gem. You’re the best.”
Joel yelling at you two to get down to leave snapped you out of the moment, and with a quick check to see if the feather was still on the necklace, you grabbed your crown and sprinted downstairs with a laugh alongside Gem.
The masquerade was beautiful. Katherine had really outdone herself with the decorations, and everyone looked stunning. The music was slow and soft as everyone arrived. Shrub came over to talk to you, and soon enough the actual music set in. With a wave to the gnome, you watched her toddle off to dance with her partner.
The drinks table was your best friend at the moment, and you silently readjusted your mask. It felt bittersweet to watch everyone, though you couldn’t help the fond smile on your face. The happiness was radiating from everyone and felt contagious.
You hadn’t noticed the latecomers, though. A soft tapping on your shoulder startled you. You turned around, being met by a masked man with brown hair. You were surprised, as you thought for a split second that it was Scar. Over the music, his voice was barely audible, though you heard what he said. “Hello there, your highness. You look lonely, so could I offer you a dance?”
With an awkward chuckle, you shake your head. “No, I’m sorry. I’m taken, though my partners aren’t here. I apologize.” The man was about to reply, before you felt two arms wrap around your waist. About to snap around and punch the person behind you in the face, you paused as you felt feathers tickle your neck. What was going on?
“Come on, darling. Let’s dance!” The brunette chuckled, holding out his hand. You were so confused, until it finally clicked when another voice spoke up. “Stop teasing their majesty, love. Be clear.” Everything went silent. You couldn’t hear the music anymore, and the redstoners voice felt like coming home. Swerving around, you were met with the masked face of your favorite avian.
“Hi, pretty bird.” The huge grin on your face didn’t seem to leave, and you pressed a soft kiss onto his forehead. Turning back to the brunette, you chuckled. “I knew the scars looked familiar. How’re the other Hermits?” Opening your other arm for Mumbo to slot into, you felt Grian still holding onto your back.
“Everyone’s doing good! It’s super chaotic, but we can all agree we miss you two.” The elf ruffled your hair, knocking your crown slightly off-balance. Grian softly chirped as he held you tighter once you tried to put your glass down. “He’s been complaining about missing you during the whole trip here. Scratch that, he started complaining when we got your letter.” You laughed at Mumbo, pulling the mustached man into a proper kiss.
“Alright, pretty bird. Want to dance? We can catch up with Gem later.” The avian nodded right away, and after admiring your lovers’ outfits, he pulled you towards the other couples. He was rusty, that was clear, though you didn’t mind. Gem caught your eye and winked with a knowing smirk, and you couldn’t help but think she had something to do with this. As Grian twirled you around softly, you saw Scar trying to teach Mumbo what to do.
It was unexpected, but you haven’t felt your heart full with this much love in a while.
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icarusthefoolish · 2 years
Hermitcraft Masterlist
Nothing here yet...
Mumbo Jumbo
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet....
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
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kazooht · 2 years
the soup group but Y/n is there too: the remix
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i used this website :)
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