#Gamora is an art kid
fennethianell · 5 months
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circled back to my thoughts about Gamora and Peter meeting when they were kids AU (it's been years! like I found a sketch from 2018 and could not stop thinking - so I had to draw)
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 months
for gotg prompts I am dying for something involving peter meeting kid yondu (or the other guardians\1) please
OH GOD I DESPERATELY WANT TO DRAW PETER HAVING TO LOOK AFTER ALL THE GUARDIANS AS KIDS - can you imagine him chasing a tiny Rocket around the ship? And Nebula and Gamora having the chance to actually be sisters... :sobs: It would be so cute!
I'm putting that on my art list for sure. But for now (for the, like, 20 people left in this fandom) please accept this humble offering...
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And my crummy initial sketch of the last pic because I think it's possibly the best art I have ever created -
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Make It Up To You
Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,530ish
Request: post endgame Steve and his wife celebrating christmas withtheir kids. steve works as an art teacher at his kids school. reader's working with pepper at stark industries. steve's got his white picket fence life with reader and they have a lake house. steve's busy teaching schedule. reader and kids miss him, but during the holidays he's making up the lost time with reader and kids.
Notes: I changed some things around in the request. I hope that this is alright!
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The school bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.
“Okay, clean up your materials and then you are good to go,” Steve told the students.
“Thanks, Mr. Rogers!”
“Have a good day, Mr. Rogers!”
“I’ll see you tomorrow Captain!”
Steve shook his head with a chuckle. “I’ve told you before, Cylis, I’m no longer Captain America.”
“There can be more than one Captain America, Captain!” Cylis replied as he hurried out of the room.
Steve laughed at his student’s antics as he cleaned up the art supplies. He smiled to himself as he thought about how far he had come.
The final battle with Thanos ended in Wakanda when Thor successfully went for the head. It was relieving that the job was done and that they only lost Gamora in the process.  After the battle, Steve realized he was ready to pass along the shield and settle down. Luckily, it was easy to decide to settle down with you. 
Steve proposed at the party Tony threw for the heroes to celebrate their win. It wasn’t long after that Steve had officially passed the shield to Sam, the two of you got married, and then you were quickly pregnant. That was six years ago now. Your twins, Maggie and Jamie, were five and kindergarteners at the elementary school where Steve was an art teacher. 
You worked with Pepper and Natasha at Stark Industries, helping with the outreach programs. The job kept you busier than you would like, making you thankful for Steve’s job as he could take care of the twins when you couldn’t. Which, lately, was all too often.
Your little family lived in a lake house next to Tony and his family. Tony and Pepper’s daughter, Morgan, was the same age as your twins and went to school with them and played with them often. Your girls called Tony and Pepper, aunt and uncle, while Morgan did the same with Steve and yourself.
“Daddy!” Maggie and Jamie squealed as they rushed into Steve’s classroom.
“Hey, sweethearts!” He responded, crouching down with his arms wide open. The two girls collided into their father. “How was school today?”
“So good!” Jamie responded. 
“I’m so glad.” Steve pulled back and looked around. “Where’s Morgan?”
“Right here, Uncle Steve!” Morgan answered as she came strolling into the room. “Maggie and Jamie left me.”
“Only because you were taking too long!” Maggie argued.
“I needed to help Miss Wells with fixing her chair.”
Steve smirked, Morgan was too much like her father. “Well, girls, I think that we better head home.”
“Can we get ice cream on the way home?” Maggie wondered.
“As long as you don’t tell your mothers.”
“Yay!” The girls squealed.
“I needed that shipment there yesterday,” you said as you spoke into the phone and typed away at your computer. “I know you’re trying your best, but I’m telling you that we’re on the verge of life or death. That is a shipment of food and clean water.” You sighed as you listened to the person give more excuses. You leaned on your hand as you closed your eyes and rubbed your head. “I’m telling you, that shipment needs to be there by the end of the day, tomorrow. Understand?”
Steve wiped his hands with a kitchen rag as he walked up to your office. He was worried about how much you were taking on at work and the fact that work had been keeping you from regular family time. He leaned on the door frame before carefully knocking. You glanced up at him, shooting him a brief smile before focusing back on the phone call.
“Make it happen,” you told them. “I’ve got to go.” You hung up and turned your chair to face your husband. “Hey, honey.”
“Hey,” Steve pushed himself off of the door frame, walked over, and kissed you softly on the lips. “How was work?”
“Long,” you sighed, leaning back into your chair.
“Well, dinner’s ready and the girls are excited to see you. They missed you.” He leaned in and kissed you again. “Almost as much as I did.”
You let out a light giggle. “Yeah? And just how much did you miss me?”
Steve smirked as he took your hand and pulled you to stand up against him. “So,” he kissed your right cheek, “very,” he kissed your left cheek, “much.” 
He kissed you on your lips again, teasing you with his tongue. You wrapped your arms around him so that your hands were at the base of his neck, tugging at his hair.
“Mommy! Daddy!” Your girls called from the other room.
You both separated your lips and laughed, your head falling onto Steve’s shoulder. 
“We should go before they came after us,” he whispered. He moved to grab your hand and guide you out of your office.
The twins were excited to have you join them at dinner. It hurt you to realize that you hadn’t joined them in the evening as much as you used to. Your small family was laughing at something Maggie had said when your phone rang. Steve gave you a saddened look, that you missed, as you pulled your phone from your pocket. You sighed as you saw who it was.
“I’m sorry guys,” you said, “I really have to get this.”
You answered the phone, put it to your ear, and went back to your office. Steve looked at the now sad twins.
“It’s okay, girls,” Steve tried to comfort. “Your mom is just busy with work right now.”
“She’s always busy,” Jamie grumbled.
“Hey. Your mom works really hard for all of us.”
“Uncle Tony and Uncle Pepper work hard, but they still have time for family dinner,” Maggie muttered.
“Now, young lady, that’s no way to talk about your mom. Either of you.”
“Sorry,” the twins responded in unison.
“It’s a busy time for mom’s work right now. It will slow down soon and she’ll be back to spending more time with us. For now, though, you two are going to have to put up with me tucking you in.”
“Can you tell us another story about you and Uncle Bucky?” Jamie wondered.
“Of course. Maybe, if you eat all your veggies, I’ll even tell you two.”
Sadly, the school year went on—rolling into the holidays— and you kept busy with work. You were spending more and more time at Stark Industries headquarters and less time at home. This was affecting Steve and your twins, though you really didn’t notice. Steve was struggling with how to go about talking with you about all this. Currently, it was Thanksgiving night. The girls were already tucked in bed and you were on your way home from spending the day at Stark Industries headquarters. 
Steve sat in the living room in wait, a single lamp on to light the room. He sighed, looking out the window as he heard your car pull up in the driveway. He was looking forward to this conversation, but he knew it had to happen.
You got out of your car, exhausted. It took all the effort you had to get yourself from the car to the front door. After a few tries, you finally placed the key in the lock and were able to open the door. Slowly, as to not wake anyone, you turned and shut the door.
“How was work?”
Steve’s voice made you jump. Your hand went over your rapidly beating heart as you turned to face your husband.
“Steve,” you smiled, softly, “you scared me.” He had his serious “Captain” face on, which meant business. “What’s wrong?”
“We need to talk.”
“Did something happen with the girls?” You quickly moved closer to him.
“Not exactly.” 
Steve motioned for you to sit next to him on the couch, and you quietly did so. You could tell that whatever he wanted to talk about, was weighing him down. You reached over and placed a hand on his knee, rubbing it with your thumb.
“Steve, you’re worrying me.”
“I’m sorry, I just… It’s…” He sighed. “Remember the night we got engaged?”
You smiled fondly at the memory. “Yes, I do. It’s one of my favorite memories.”
“Mine too,” he gave you a short smile. “Remember how—after we celebrated that night—you told me that you were concerned about me continuing on as Captain America?” You nodded, slightly confused by where he was going with this. “You were concerned that I would be too busy for family life, that I would never be around and that one day I might die and never return. Remember that?”
“Yes,” you nodded again, “I remember. But what does that have to do with right now?”
Steve sighed. “This isn’t easy for me… but it’s affecting the girls—“
“What’s affecting the girls?”
“You’ve been working a lot lately.”
“Yes, I realize that but SI needs me and we’re doing some great work that I’m just trying to get into place and—“
“Do you know what today even was?”
“What? I—I don’t—“
“It was Thanksgiving.”
“Shit. Steve, I’m so sorry.” You moved closer to him on the couch.
“It’s not me you need to apologize to. The girls are smart and they realize that you’re working too much. They were so sad that you didn’t show up. They even waited an hour before eating just in case you might show up.”
“Oh my gosh…”
“You’re hardly here anymore, honey. And even when you’re physically here, you aren’t actually with us. The girls are feeling the effects of it… I’m feeling the effects of it.”
You looked away from Steve, taking it all in. You thought back through the last few months. Realizing that Steve was right, you hung your head and began to cry. Steve wrapped his large arms around you, pulling you into his lap.
“I’m so sorry, Steve,” you cried. “I’m such a terrible mother and wife…”
“Sssshhh,” Steve tried to calm you. “No, you’re not.”
“But I am… I don’t know why you’ve even stayed when I’ve been treating you and the girls this way.”
“Honey,” one of his hands came up under your chin and guided your head up to look at him, “I love you. The girls love you. This is a simple mistake that can be fixed. Yes, it may take time with the girls, but I believe that you can do it. You’re the strongest woman I know.”
“Steve… I don’t deserve you.”
“I wake up every day feeling the same way. You are too good for me.” He leaned in and kissed you softly before resting his forehead against yours. “We’re going to figure this out, together.”
“Thank you… for your love and patience.”
“Of course.” He gave your another kiss. “Now, let’s get to bed. We’ll figure more out in the morning.”
You woke up before Steve and the girls to call Pepper. You explained to her the situation and she completely understood. She told you to take until after the new year off and then she’d help you hire some assistants to help you do the work. Once you were off the phone with Pepper, you got to work on trying to make it up to your family, starting with homemade breakfast. Steve found you in the kitchen working on breakfast when he woke. He came up behind you, wrapped his arms around your waist, and rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Morning,” you hummed as you continued working.
“Morning,” he responded, kissing your neck. “Have you been up long?”
“About an hour or so. I had to make some calls.”
“Yeah. I explained the situation to Pepper, who was all too understanding.” You put what you were working on down and turned around in Steve’s arms to face him. “I’m not going back to work until after the new year and once I do, Pepper and I are hiring a few assistants to help me. I’m all yours and the girls’ for the next six weeks.”
Steve smiled, so happy to hear that you had quickly begun making changes. He leaned in and happily kissed you. You greedily accepted the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. Steve’s hands moved down to the back of your thighs, helping to lift you up so that you could wrap your legs around his waist. The two of you hadn’t had sex in far too long and it was clearly all that was on your minds.
“Ew!” Jamie groaned, coming to a stop in the kitchen’s entryway.
“Mom! Dad! This is the kitchen!” Maggie exclaimed.
The two of you broke apart, laughing. Steve helped you get back onto your feet before moving to help finish breakfast. You faced your girls, motioning them to come closer as you crouched down.
“How would you two feel about mommy being around more?” You asked them.
“But your work,” Jamie said, “it’s important.”
“Oh, honey,” you took one of Jamie’s hands and one of Maggie’s, “nothing is more important to mommy than the two of you and your father. I am so sorry that I forgot that for a minute. I am going to make it up to the two of you, I promise.”
It was so nice to spend time with your family. You spent the rest of Thanksgiving break hanging out around the house and began decorating for Christmas. Once Steve and the girls went back to school for the three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks, you spent the hours alone planning more adventures. Some nights you had family dance parties or movie marathons, other nights were spent driving around looking at Christmas lights. One of the Saturdays, you even baked gingerbread and the four of you made a gingerbread Avengers compound—per the request of the twins.
You had sent Steve away on false errands while you packed the twins up and sent them off with their Uncle Tony for the weekend. You decorated your room with candles and rose petals to set the mood. You even placed a variety of lubes, condoms, and sex toys on the two beside tables just in case. Checking Steve’s location, you saw that he was almost home so you quickly changed into your red and white, Christmas-themed, lingerie.
“Honey?” Steve called once he entered the house and couldn’t hear you or the girls. “Mags? Jay?”
“I’m up here, sweetheart!” You called.
You heard his footsteps come up the stairs as you placed yourself on the edge of the bed.
“Are the girls up here too or—woah,” Steve stopped in the doorway, eyes frozen on you. “What—“
“The girls are with Tony and Pepper for the weekend,” you said as you seductively pushed yourself up to stand and walk over to him. “That means we get to do some things we haven’t been able to do in a while.”
“Mmhmm,” Steve nodded, trying to bite down a moan as his eyes racked over your body.
Your hands slipped under his shirt, teasing him with light playful scratches. “So, Captain Rogers, do you want to open your present early?”
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vulpeslotor · 11 months
I really loved Guardian's Vol. 3. Set off a whole constellation of emotions and has me thinking deeply about the life I want to live, and what I might need to do to get there. I don't think I've seen a movie before that displays so much care between the characters. They're messy! And they love each other!
I loved Mantis' growth - more assertive and sees the other Guardians with the clearest eyes. As someone also emerging from years of frozen fear, her determination to be a 'lil silly rings true. I'm happy for her deciding to find her own way at the end!
Nebula's arc from the first movie to where she is now has also been lovely to see. I love so much that she and Rocket became close. When she calls him family!! When she heard his voice again and couldn't find the words, and Mantis spoke for all of them!!! aaaaaaa She finally gets to help the kids who were like her, not by seeking vengeance as in Vol. 2, but this time by providing care. I'm sure she will be brilliant
I hadn't watched Infinity War/Endgame when I saw this, but didn't feel lost as to the intervening events. It must've been difficult to deal with your characters getting affected by Other Events, but I thought the way Gamora was handled was really good. This Gamora is very much her own person, but still gets her own arc and comes to understand the Guardians by the end. Bittersweet seeing her happy with her ravager family at the end
Drax the dad! The only one to quietly comfort Rocket at the end of Vol 1. I feel slightly that I would've liked a few more scenes like that (or the quiet moment with Mantis in Vol. 2), over the more humorous moments like the basketball thing. But overall I am satisfied with his arc. Silly as hell, but loves them all. Certainly underestimated! I think he'll be happy looking after the kids on Knowhere
Quill's someone I did not care for much in the first movie, but I appreciate his journey as well. I respect that his immaturity in relationships is always called out in the narrative, even when played humorously. Immensely grateful that his drinking and depression at the beginning of the movie were handled well. I really enjoy how his music is used to show his attachment to the past, and then leads us out through the decades into the present. And yeah Quill.. that did look cool :)
Rocket's my favourite character of course. :P Cosmically unfair that he's not real! He could really do with a hug from each of us, I think
Not gonna go into detail about my particular traumas on here, but I relate a bunch to him, as I imagine most (all?) of us Rocket fans do
I really love how his story was handled, from Vol. 1 all the way to the end. The flashbacks, and his scenes with the guardians towards the end, got me crying again for the first time in well over a decade. That's something I thought trauma had locked away from me forever. I am grateful that art can have such power!
He's the only non-human movie character that I can think of who is treated with as much care and respect as the rest of the cast, as opposed to some kind of 1-note mascot. It shows in everything, from the integration of the animation to the story. So much so that while watching cast interviews I had a moment of "where's Rocket?" hahah
Finding it surprisingly difficult to talk about him! But I think I do want to write about this in more detail someday. There's so many scenes I want to gush about. For now, thanks for readin :)
I will love these Guardians forever. Thank you to James Gunn and co!
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antvnger · 5 months
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((Book Buddy! This is brilliant! BEHOLD! @ultimategamernerd
MANTIS What happen’d here?
QUILL –By heaven, what a sight!
ROCKET It seemeth that, after all, we’ll not be paid.
[Thor smashes into the front of the ship.
Turn on the wipers swiftly–get thou the vermin off!
[Thor opens one eye. Realizing he is alive, the pull him inside the ship.
QUILL Can this dude live? How is’t?
DRAX –No dude he is. A dude thou art, Quill. This one is a man–a handsome, muscular man, by my troth!
QUILL Behold me, I am muscular enow!
ROCKET Who art thou kidding, Quill? One sandwich short of fat art thou. One bite from heavyset. One nibble short of portly.
QUILL A jest–how funny!
DRAX –Nay, ‘tis true! Thou hast put on some weight. We’d not discuss it, though.
QUILL E’en so?
DRAX –Thy chin, thy belly! Even so.
QUILL Gamora, do you think I have grown large–
[Mantis touches Thor’s head.
MANTIS He anxious is, and angry. Loss and guilt are his beyond all measure, I can sense’t.
DRAX ‘Tis like a pirate and an angel had a blesséd child, with qualities of each!
QUILL Fie! What a wake-up call is this for me, for now I must be careful of my weight. A Bowflex I’ll acquire, and shall commit–Belike some dumbbells shall my figure fix.
ROCKET Thou knowest dumbbells may not be eaten, yea?
GAMORA Cut are his muscles as if fashion’d from Cotati metal fibers.
QUILL –Cease massaging all his strong muscles, please, no matter how alike unto Cotati fibers they.
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The Bard’s Avengers
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
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In honor of hitting another milestone, I wanna spend some time with all my besties. Whether you have been here since my Hiddles days or if you just now making yourself comfy in my little space in the tumblrverse, I am grateful for every single one of you and I hope we get to have some fun and share our love for fandoms ❤️
For more information on activities to look forward to, click the Keep Reading feature 🪴
Dates: Monday, May 22 - Sunday, May 28
Please do not interact if you are a minor, blank or ageless blog
Any asks from a minor, blank or ageless blog will be denied and blocked
This celebration is open to followers and non-followers 
There is no limit to how many asks you send but I ask that you please send one at a time
Please be patient with your response. I cannot guarantee I will respond in a timely manner however I can do my best. 
I reserve the right to deny or ignore any asks that I do not feel comfortable with or do not vibe with*. It’s nothing against you, I want to be able to protect my own peace.
Personals: ask me anything about me and  my life on/off tumblr
Promos: share one of your creations (fanfic, art, moodboard, gif, playlist, original writing) and I will help spread the word about your amazing talents
Games: cym, fmk, wyr, smash or pass (with any hottie not listed)
Creations: select a hottie + scenario/AU/trope/prompt** and I will a playlist/moodboard/fic (please specify the creation you are requesting)
Mutuals only: send me your fave hottie (doesn’t need to be on list) and I will create a ship moodboard based on how I imagine your relationship with them
All the Hotties: 
My AUs
Adam Warlock x f. reader (Like Real People Do)
Adam Warlock
Joaquin Torres
Layla El-Faouly
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley
Star Wars
Din Djarin
Poe Dameron
Anakin Skywalker
Joel Miller
Real life
Danny Ramirez
Will Poulter
Harry Styles
*Unapproved Topics:
water sports
scat play
blood play
weapon play
abuse of any kind
Shameless plug tags: @yummymatcha @neganwifey25-blog @wint3r-h3art @crazycookiecrumbles @buckybleu @inklore @fluffyprettykitty @psychedelic-ink @give-me-a-moose @mothdruid @hollandparkersx @frying-panties @buckets-and-trees @blackbat05
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themculibrary · 5 months
Fluff Masterlist 2
part one
Action (ao3) - EmilyWeaslette mj/peter N/R, 95k
Summary: Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.
a kiss a day (anything for kate bishop) (ao3) - dare121 yelena/kate T, 49k
Summary: Adjusting her fake glasses, Kate moves in the direction of the nearest painting and settles herself in front of it, doing her best to look like she’s taking notes on the notepad in her hands. The lanyard around her neck swings uncomfortably close to the rope that separates herself from the art on display as she tries to take in her surroundings at the same time. She only spares a glance at the picture, and squints at the three alien creatures on it that mostly resemble common house cats, while being just off enough to unnerve the observer.
have a seat, dad (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor harley/peter G, 1k
Summary: Peter tells Tony that he's going to be a grandpa.
Hello Midtown High (ao3) - AmyR G, 20k
Summary: This is basically domestic Avengers and Peter Parker, with a slight smattering of the Field Trip trope thrown in. It's really just domestic Avengers though.
History's Gayer Than You Think (Or So MJ Says) (ao3) - lattely (orphan_account) steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Peter Parker has never witnessed a proposal. Until one day, he finds himself inches away from history building itself with the help of a ring box, when all he was up for was watching a movie.
just know you're not alone (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor tony/sam T, 10k
Summary: Tony was settling into his new life being an Avenger. Everything was going fine, great even, and then suddenly a kid was thrown into the picture. Peter Parker becomes Tony’s world, and he’s doing everything he can to keep his son out of the spotlight. Unfortunately, some things don’t always go to plan. But would it really be such a bad thing if his fellow Avengers found out about his son?
Kissblocked! (ao3) - impravidus harley/peter G, 4k
Summary: 5 times harley was interrupted trying to kiss peter for the first time and the 1 time he wasn't (and was)
NOT Just Married (ao3) - relenafanel steve/bucky M, 7k
Summary: Also known as the feel-good fluffy ficlet relenafanel promised after the end-credit scene of new Bucky feels from hell... Because I have your back and know you need recovery comedic AUs about BFFs being dumb in Vegas.
perfectly right wrong number (ao3) - melonbutterfly steve/bucky T, 31k
Summary: It all starts because Steve is too dumb to handle his smartphone.
A wrong number AU in which Bucky Barnes doesn't enter Steve's life (meaning: Bucky wasn't born until the eighties, but Steve is still Captain America) until Steve accidentally dials the wrong number. Wherein there is a lot of texting, some advice via Natasha and Darcy, a bit of pining, and a first date in an amusement park. Oh, and on top of being a disabled veteran, Bucky is a professional catwalker. Literally.
Peter Parker's Home for the Wayward Villain (ao3) - BeanieBaby peter/wade, steve/bucky, pepper/tony T, 90k
Summary: A really long redemption story.
research and disaster (ao3) - blueh T, 9k
Summary: the interns at Stark Industries have some questions about Peter Parker. The answers aren’t quite what they expect.
Say You Don't Know Me (or Recognize My Face) (ao3) - ShowMeAHero matt/foggy G, 2k
Summary: Daredevil is kind of dark and broody. He doesn't want anyone to know his real name, he never smiles, and he has kind of a loner attitude.
Matt Murdock, on the other hand, is completely unrecognizable to Jessica the first time she really sees him.
The Great Disney Marathon (ao3) - MisguidedFeelingsofaDreamWeaver30 steve/natasha, scott/hope, gamora/peter, pepper/tony T, 26k
Summary: The Avengers embark on a mission: The Great Disney Marathon. As they watch, they find themselves comparing their lives to the animated stories onscreen.
Inspired by the many parallels between Marvel and Disney.
Prompts filled: Domestic Avengers, Romanogers, Peter Parker, Tony Stark
The Less You Know (ao3) - Nokomis G, 3k
Summary: Peter comes to regret telling the Avengers about the Captain America PSAs.
This Wasn't What the Brochure Promised (ao3) - kahn steve/tony T, 7k
Summary: "Do you think this is still a training exercise, or did we just get our asses handed to us by actual bad guys?" asked Clint.
Tony, Steve, Clint and Bruce spend quality time together in a cave. Tony does not build another arc reactor (even if he sort of needs one). Steve is all Protective Leader. Clint is terrifyingly good with a knife. Bruce bleeds and snarks. There is banter and embarassing amounts of schmoop and the boys get very touchy-feely.
Three Men in a VW (ao3) - Brokenpitchpipe steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Steve steps back into the car and closes the door, lips still tingling.
“You don’t like blondes,” Bucky says.
Sam chokes.
who's the kid? (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor N/R, 2k
Summary: The Avengers arrive back at the tower after everything that's happened with the Sokovia Accords. They expect everything to be the same, but it's not. Now there's a kid living at the tower and the Avengers think he's more than just Tony's "personal assistant". Natasha and Wanda are determined to find out the truth.
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anotherrpfinder · 11 months
🖤 begging and pleading for Guardians of The Galaxy vol. 3 related roleplays! 😭
I'm here just looking for some good, ole' rarepairs (or crackships, as the kids call it) with my Gamora and Nebula. namely, atm I'm interested in Adam/Gamora and Kraglin/Nebula... and probably others! totally willing to go outside the bounds of GOTG and dip into other Marvel lore as well - or even outside the MCU. Hell, I'm a fan of crossovers! bring your ideas to me! these are just the few ships I've had spinnin' in my head for such a long time with no luck. you best believe that I got some ideas for plots for 'em in my head, too. >:)
as for me; I'm 31yo, ftm, from Europe. my current main muse is Gamora, with plenty of Nebula on the side. I've written so many Guardians as side characters as well that I can toss into any plot, storyline, thread or whatever. as for Gamora, I've been writing her fairly actively since 2014 and Nebula on and off, and have plenty of experience in both.
I can write entire fuckin' novels when I really get into it, especially for a starter. typically minimum of three paragraphs, unless we're doing a quickfire conversation. I'm fluent in english, spell check is my best friend and I'm happy to be corrected should I get something wrong. my absolute favorite in regards to writing is romance with a good balance of things, angst in balance with fluff, hurt with comfort, a bit of nice plot to go along that romance, plus some smut thrown in if we're both into it. preferred platform is discord, open to tupperbox!
please be 20+, communicative and come equipped to match my writing style! writing samples available should you want 'em! I'm iffy about writing with cis-het men, but I'll try and keep my mind open. I love a partner I can exhange headcanons, art, music, all the good stuff with. I'm totally happy to be your friend next to being your writing partner!
Without further ado, that's it; if this sounds like your cup of tea like this post and I'll hopefully talk to you all soon! 🖤
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findingroleplays · 1 year
🐈 hello demons, it's me, ya boi ✌🏻
so, yeah; I'm back on a humongous fuckin' Marvel kick since Guardians of the Galaxy 3 came out. you know why I'm here; yee local friendly trans is looking for some threads. here's a lil' bit about myself to start off:
31yo, ftm, Europe. my current main muse is Gamora, with some Rhodey on the side. I've written plenty of side characters (Nebula being my personal fave) that I can toss into any plot, storyline, thread or whatever.
I can write entire fuckin' novellas when I really get into it, especially for a starter. typically minimum of three paragraphs, unless we're doing a quickfire conversation. I'm fluent in english, spell check is my best friend and I'm happy to be corrected should I get something wrong. my absolute favorite in regards to writing is romance with a good balance of things, angst in balance with fluff, hurt with comfort, a bit of nice plot to go along the romance, plus some smut thrown in if we're both into it. preferred platform is discord, open to tupperbox! now, what I'm looking for;
honestly, I'd just love some good, wholesome rarepairs (or crackships, as the kids call it I guess) with my Gamora. special mentions to Yondu/Gamora, Thor/Gamora, Loki/Gamora, Adam/Gamora, Rocket/Gamora, Kraglin/Gamora...
...and others! I'm open to ideas, personally I'm just thrilled about the idea of a character study into romance between two unlikely people. best believe I come equipped with concepts and plot ideas ready to roll, as well.
please be 20+, communicative and come equipped to match my writing style! samples to my writing available. I'm iffy about writing with cis-het men, but I'll try and keep my mind open. I love a partner I can exhange headcanons, art, music, all the good stuff with. I'm totally happy to be your friend next to being your writing partner!
now, if the length of this post isn't a testament to how much I write, then I don't know what is. Without further ado, that's it; either like this post or come hmu over on my blog and I'll hopefully talk to you all soon! 🖤
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
🖤 Marvel / Guardians of the Galaxy / Gamora 🖤
catch your attention? good, because boy do I have a proposition For You! honestly, I'm here just looking for some good, ole' rarepairs (or crackships, as the kids call it) with my Gamora. special mentions to Yondu/Gamora, Thor/Gamora, Adam/Gamora, Kraglin/Gamora... and others! totally willing to go outside the bounds of GOTG and dip into other Marvel lore as well. bring your ideas to me!
I'm 31yo, ftm, Europe. my current main muse is Gamora, with some Rhodey on the side. I've written plenty of side characters (Nebula being my personal fave) that I can toss into any plot, storyline, thread or whatever. also, lowkey... interested in writing Nebula for Kragula as well 👀💦
I can write entire fuckin' novels when I really get into it, especially for a starter. typically minimum of three paragraphs, unless we're doing a quickfire conversation. I'm fluent in english, spell check is my best friend and I'm happy to be corrected should I get something wrong. my absolute favorite in regards to writing is romance with a good balance of things, angst in balance with fluff, hurt with comfort, a bit of nice plot to go along the romance, plus some smut thrown in if we're both into it. preferred platform is discord, open to tupperbox!
please be 20+, communicative and come equipped to match my writing style! samples to my writing available. I'm iffy about writing with cis-het men, but I'll try and keep my mind open. I love a partner I can exhange headcanons, art, music, all the good stuff with. I'm totally happy to be your friend next to being your writing partner!
now, if the length of this post isn't a testament to how much I write, then I don't know what is. Without further ado, that's it; either like this post or come hmu over on my blog and I'll hopefully talk to you all soon! 🖤
like if interested!
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roleplay-today · 1 year
🐈 hello demons, it's me, ya boi ✌🏻
so, yeah; I'm back on a humongous fuckin' Marvel kick since Guardians of the Galaxy 3 came out. you know why I'm here; yee local friendly trans is looking for some threads. here's a lil' bit about myself to start off:
31yo, ftm, Europe. my current main muse is Gamora, with some Rhodey on the side. I've written plenty of side characters (Nebula being my personal fave) that I can toss into any plot, storyline, thread or whatever.
I can write entire fuckin' novellas when I really get into it, especially for a starter. typically minimum of three paragraphs, unless we're doing a quickfire conversation. I'm fluent in english, spell check is my best friend and I'm happy to be corrected should I get something wrong. my absolute favorite in regards to writing is romance with a good balance of things, angst in balance with fluff, hurt with comfort, a bit of nice plot to go along the romance, plus some smut thrown in if we're both into it. preferred platform is discord, open to tupperbox! now, what I'm looking for;
honestly, I'd just love some good, wholesome rarepairs (or crackships, as the kids call it I guess) with my Gamora. special mentions to Yondu/Gamora, Thor/Gamora, Loki/Gamora, Adam/Gamora, Rocket/Gamora, Kraglin/Gamora...
...and others! I'm open to ideas, personally I'm just thrilled about the idea of a character study into romance between two unlikely people. best believe I come equipped with concepts and plot ideas ready to roll, as well.
please be 20+, communicative and come equipped to match my writing style! samples to my writing available. I'm iffy about writing with cis-het men, but I'll try and keep my mind open. I love a partner I can exhange headcanons, art, music, all the good stuff with. I'm totally happy to be your friend next to being your writing partner!
now, if the length of this post isn't a testament to how much I write, then I don't know what is. Without further ado, that's it; either like this post or come hmu over on my blog and I'll hopefully talk to you all soon! 🖤
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findyourrp · 1 year
🖤 Marvel / Guardians of the Galaxy / Gamora 🖤
catch your attention? good, because boy do I have a proposition For You! honestly, I'm here just looking for some good, ole' rarepairs (or crackships, as the kids call it) with my Gamora. special mentions to Yondu/Gamora, Thor/Gamora, Adam/Gamora, Kraglin/Gamora... and others! totally willing to go outside the bounds of GOTG and dip into other Marvel lore as well. bring your ideas to me!
I'm 31yo, ftm, Europe. my current main muse is Gamora, with some Rhodey on the side. I've written plenty of side characters (Nebula being my personal fave) that I can toss into any plot, storyline, thread or whatever. also, lowkey... interested in writing Nebula for Kragula as well 👀💦
I can write entire fuckin' novels when I really get into it, especially for a starter. typically minimum of three paragraphs, unless we're doing a quickfire conversation. I'm fluent in english, spell check is my best friend and I'm happy to be corrected should I get something wrong. my absolute favorite in regards to writing is romance with a good balance of things, angst in balance with fluff, hurt with comfort, a bit of nice plot to go along the romance, plus some smut thrown in if we're both into it. preferred platform is discord, open to tupperbox!
please be 20+, communicative and come equipped to match my writing style! samples to my writing available. I'm iffy about writing with cis-het men, but I'll try and keep my mind open. I love a partner I can exhange headcanons, art, music, all the good stuff with. I'm totally happy to be your friend next to being your writing partner!
now, if the length of this post isn't a testament to how much I write, then I don't know what is. Without further ado, that's it; either like this post or come hmu over on my blog and I'll hopefully talk to you all soon! 🖤
contact asker !
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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milli-moi · 1 year
New art? Sure! Apparently I’m in the mood to draw a lot at the moment. Two will come in short succession but I wanted to give both of them the space they deserve as very different things.
This came to me randomly, it’s supposed to be watercolour looking but I’m still considering having an attempt at doing it as a physical watercolour rather than a digital one. We’ll see what happens.
I do believe that Natasha didn’t want to die. I also feel that she wasn’t scared to die, that she had lost so much and we can see that in how she is clearly depressed after the five years jump in Endgame (the hair growing out that she doesn’t care about, the messy table, there are even prescription bottles on the table). I believe that Natasha knew she was giving the avengers and her family (including the avengers as family, the Barton’s kids and Laura, and of course Yelena) the best chance to win and I 100000% agree that she made the most heroic decision in the entire MCU.
She had no regrets.
Gamora didn’t get to chose. She was forced into her death but even then she was a hero. She had protected the secret of the soul stone as long as she could. She had chosen to die, but not at the hands of Thanos and not in the way he forced her to. She was brave and strong, devoted and noble to the end.
She had no choice.
Gamora’s quote came to me straight away, it’s actually almost a part of my dissertation title, and inspired by the wording on the Animals in War memorial in London. ‘They had no choice.’ I hope people don’t see it as an insult but I can very much relate Gamora’s sacrifice to the ones made by animals involved in warfare. Although, unlike the animals, Gamora knew the wider stakes of everything that was happening, she had the same bravery and loyalty to the cause and the same love for her family as the dogs, cats, horses and pigeons had to their handlers through both the world wars and since.
I hope you all like this piece, I’d love to make it a proper art piece which I can sell and such but I am still searching for a good platform (I tried to use Redbubble but they don’t allow marvel fanart with their licensing and I don’t want to use something like Etsy where you have to pay to use the service. I also love redbubble as the artist doesn’t have to do the same level of work as doing it all on their own. I’d love some tips from other fanart creators if you have any suggestions of places to try…?
Tumblr media
Thanks in advance :)
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findroleplay · 1 year
🐈 hello demons, it's me, ya boi ✌🏻
so, yeah; I'm back on a humongous fuckin' Marvel kick since Guardians of the Galaxy 3 came out. you know why I'm here; yee local friendly trans is looking for some threads. here's a lil' bit about myself to start off:
31yo, ftm, Europe. my current main muse is Gamora, with some Rhodey on the side. I've written plenty of side characters (Nebula being my personal fave) that I can toss into any plot, storyline, thread or whatever.
I can write entire fuckin' novellas when I really get into it, especially for a starter. typically minimum of three paragraphs, unless we're doing a quickfire conversation. I'm fluent in english, spell check is my best friend and I'm happy to be corrected should I get something wrong. my absolute favorite in regards to writing is romance with a good balance of things, angst in balance with fluff, hurt with comfort, a bit of nice plot to go along the romance, plus some smut thrown in if we're both into it. preferred platform is discord, open to tupperbox! now, what I'm looking for;
honestly, I'd just love some good, wholesome rarepairs (or crackships, as the kids call it I guess) with my Gamora. special mentions to Yondu/Gamora, Thor/Gamora, Loki/Gamora, Adam/Gamora, Rocket/Gamora, Kraglin/Gamora...
...and others! I'm open to ideas, personally I'm just thrilled about the idea of a character study into romance between two unlikely people. best believe I come equipped with concepts and plot ideas ready to roll, as well.
please be 20+, communicative and come equipped to match my writing style! samples to my writing available. I'm iffy about writing with cis-het men, but I'll try and keep my mind open. I love a partner I can exhange headcanons, art, music, all the good stuff with. I'm totally happy to be your friend next to being your writing partner!
now, if the length of this post isn't a testament to how much I write, then I don't know what is. Without further ado, that's it; either like this post or come hmu over on my blog and I'll hopefully talk to you all soon! 🖤
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canonrpfinder · 11 months
🖤 begging and pleading for Guardians of The Galaxy vol. 3 related roleplays! 😭
I'm here just looking for some good, ole' rarepairs (or crackships, as the kids call it) with my Gamora and Nebula. namely, atm I'm interested in Adam/Gamora and Kraglin/Nebula... and probably others! totally willing to go outside the bounds of GOTG and dip into other Marvel lore as well - or even outside the MCU. Hell, I'm a fan of crossovers! bring your ideas to me! these are just the few ships I've had spinnin' in my head for such a long time with no luck. you best believe that I got some ideas for plots for 'em in my head, too. >:)
as for me; I'm 31yo, ftm, from Europe. my current main muse is Gamora, with plenty of Nebula on the side. I've written so many Guardians as side characters as well that I can toss into any plot, storyline, thread or whatever. as for Gamora, I've been writing her fairly actively since 2014 and Nebula on and off, and have plenty of experience in both.
I can write entire fuckin' novels when I really get into it, especially for a starter. typically minimum of three paragraphs, unless we're doing a quickfire conversation. I'm fluent in english, spell check is my best friend and I'm happy to be corrected should I get something wrong. my absolute favorite in regards to writing is romance with a good balance of things, angst in balance with fluff, hurt with comfort, a bit of nice plot to go along that romance, plus some smut thrown in if we're both into it. preferred platform is discord, open to tupperbox!
please be 20+, communicative and come equipped to match my writing style! writing samples available should you want 'em! I'm iffy about writing with cis-het men, but I'll try and keep my mind open. I love a partner I can exhange headcanons, art, music, all the good stuff with. I'm totally happy to be your friend next to being your writing partner!
Without further ado, that's it; if this sounds like your cup of tea like this post and I'll hopefully talk to you all soon! 🖤
0 notes
ao3feed-thor · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ueMO250
by JessiLeigh
Compilation of sketches I did after opening requests over on my tumblr to practice drawing figures/expressions.
Words: 0, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Thor (Movies), Loki (TV 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Yondu Udonta, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Gamora & Peter Quill, Gamora/Peter Quill, Peter Quill & Yondu Udonta, Loki & Yondu Udonta
Additional Tags: Art, Digital Art, Fanart, Sketches, Romance, Fluff, Love, Protectiveness, Protective Yondu Udonta, Kid Peter Quill, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Heist, Alternate Universe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ueMO250
0 notes
ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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