reikumaz · 2 years
i just got the most mouth watering request and you can only guess who sent it…… ive never been so excited to write something in my life because i already know exactly what will happen. and you all will be shocked that reikumaz, famous rei lover, is going to…. well. you’ll see ^__^ <3 !!
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gay-dorito-dust · 10 months
I heard you are looking for Barbie prompts👀👀
1. Ken learning to kiss (he's never done it before lol)
2. FtM reader struggling, Ken helps him realize he's just as much of a man as anyone else
3. Ken asking for advice on winning over Barbie, only to fall for reader
4. Ken revealing his struggle with toxic masculinity and his shame
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God so many amazing prompts, I wish I could write them all but I don’t wanna bore anyone with how long of a fic that would be. So if anyone wants me to do the other prompts (1, 2, or 4) plz let me know.
Prompt 3: Ken asks for advice on how to win over Barbie, only to fall for reader in the process.
You cringed as another one of Ken’s failed attempts of impressing stereotypical Barbie. You had to applaud your friends’ tenacity because had it been you, you would’ve just given up in the moments where Ken had done nothing but persist in his pursuit of the beautiful blonde. You honestly didn’t a clue in whether or not it’ll do Ken any good in telling him that he would be better off in giving up, or it’ll just further persuade him into trying even harder in his efforts in a desperate form of hope that one day she’ll see him. Like actually see him.
Whatever the outcome, you knew that not matter what was being said by anyone, Ken was one to never know in when it’s okay to quit. His supposed advancements weren’t advancing anything in regards to his and Barrie’s relationship; they were still on square one in your humble opinion, as it was quite blatantly obvious that Ken needed Barbie like she was the oxygen he breaths but Barbie didn’t need Ken, she could very well breath happily without him.
Quickly seeing how you and Ken were the only ones left upon the peachy pink beach, you sighed as you made your way next to your blonde friend -who was very much in the literal sense lying face down within the sand- before sitting yourself down next to him with your knees propped up so that your arms may rest atop of them, followed softly after by your head feasting atop of your arms as you stared out beyond the horizon.
‘Well, that certainly went off without a hitch, didn’t it blondie.’ You said rhetorically whilst Ken groaned as he removed himself from the sand before practically slumping himself against your side.
‘First of all, my names Ken, not blondie, and secondly what is it that I’m doing wrong?’ Ken said, ‘I’d thought that she would totally be girlfriend/boyfriend with me by now but it seems that no matter how many times I’ve tried to make her see the man behind the tan, the more she doesn’t want me…what do I have to change about me to get her to admit that she likes me?’ He adds solemnly before looking over at you with a look of sheer desperation and hopelessness. ‘Tell me what it is that I have to change about myself in order to make Barbie see me.’ He asked of you, making you look his way as he grabbed your hands in his, almost like he was pleading to you to hear him. ‘Tell me what to change and I’ll do it, tell me what will make her see me as more Ken the boyfriend then Ken the friend.’
You stayed silent for awhile as you made the conscious choice to stare into his beautiful cerulean blue eyes that looked almost midnight blue with how they perfectly mimicked the starry sky above, or how they perfectly encapsulated the deepest depths of the very ocean he often -though not that often as he liked to claim- surfed. It was without saying that the Ken before you, your best friend Ken, was probably the most beautiful Ken you’ve ever come across, and while it’s not uncommon for friends to hype up the others beauty; there was obviously lines in the sand in regards to how far one can speak so highly of another’s appearance without it having somewhat romantic implications.
Upon realising how long you had been inside your own head, whilst externally just staring at him like a weirdo, you began to talk. ‘Here’s one thing you can stop doing and that’s going to extreme lengths to impress her.’ You told him, watching as his face slightly drop before feeling a panic consume you into continuing soliciting your advice, ‘I’m not saying you should cut it out all together but maybe tone it down a little, nobody here wants you to end up badly hurt yourself one day. Besides I think it’d be best if you just let her see the so called ‘man behind the tan.’ You added on as you pulled one hand of yours away from Ken’s hold in order to press it against his chest; more specifically where his heart lies. ‘Show Barbie the Ken that I know and love, the Ken who isn’t above helping others, the Ken who loves horses despite never having ridden one, the Ken who loves the beach, the Ken who loves his friends and will go above and beyond for them.’
You paused before trailing your hand upward so that it was now resting behind his neck, your thumb running across his skin in soothing patterns as you smiled at him, causing Ken to take a sharp inhale of breath. ‘You don’t have to change Ken, I don’t want my best friend to change for someone who won’t realise how lucky she is to have you in her life Ken.’ You utter softly before adding, ‘because I am and I prefer you the way you are right now, but I’m not the one your perusing and therefore I have no say in who you change for, just hope that you never do.’ You hauled yourself onto your feet before making your way off of the beach and back to your home, leaving Ken to stare after you in wonder and in awe.
‘Have I? Have I been going after the wrong person?’ Ken asked himself as thoughts of Barbie quickly became thoughts of you instead and the feeling that usually blossoms within him for Barbie, seemed to have only blossomed more then ever in regards of when it came to you. Naturally Ken was conflicted about the sudden change, wasn’t he suppose to be with Barbie? Then why did the notion of being your boyfriend felt more natural, more likeable then being Barbie’s boyfriend? He couldn’t understand how after perusing Barbie for as long as he has, his heart and mind have seemingly made peace with the fact that she wasn’t even at all interested in him, just as they were immediate in their change of trajectory and instead decided to set their sights on you after this particular night on the beach, and engaging within a conversation that relied on him to being open and honest about his feelings.
Ken just couldn’t understand why he felt so breathless when you smiled at him not too long ago, it felt as though you knocked the wind clear out of his lungs and he was still struggling on getting it back the more his mind stayed stuck on that particular moment. Ken was afraid to admit that he had fallen for someone new, but a small part of him was telling him that he had fallen for you way before the events that lead up to tonight’s conversation, telling him that it was no longer Barbie he was trying to impress but you.
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jinpanman · 3 years
All I Want Is You(ngi)
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pairing: yoongi x reader
wc: 2.5k
genre: pg15, fluff, established relationship
warnings: alcohol consumption
summary: Yoongi takes his baby out to sing karaoke the night before Christmas with the two Seoks. It’s a riot with drunken caroling (read: hollering) but he's so in love that he doesn't care.
a/n: My part of the SNOWLLAB with a super lovely bunch. Pls do yoself a favor and read everyone’s stories when they drop cause I promis it’ll be amazing. <3 A big thank you to Willow for pulling this crew together. A big thank you to Willow for the prompt inspo. A big thank you to Willow for creating the banner. A big thank you to Willow for beta reading my lil story and fixing up all the lil pieces and praising me….. So basically this is one big love letter to Willow. Thanks for being the best and most amazing little holibean 💙💚
sequel: Will You(ngi) Marry Me? 
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Here he is now, currently regretting his inability to ever say no to your whims as he watches you skip with a couple of slips and twisted ankles along the way to the front of the small darkened room and snatch the mic off its stand. You’re bent over the karaoke machine, clumsily swiping the screen to find the song you want. After several more swipes, you squeal excitedly... and then he hears it. The reason for your excitement. The all too familiar jingling of church and sleigh bells elicits an embarrassed groan from him. You turn to face your small audience and after taking an unreasonably deep breath, you close your eyes and sing.
“I… don’t want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need…”
“Sing it girl!” Hoseok cheers, thrusting a newly opened glass bottle into the air.
“Aaall I want for Christmas…”
“WHAT DO YOU WANT Y/N?!” Hoseok shrieks over the music.
“...iiiiiiss YOOOOUU...NGIII!!!” You hunch over to belt out the last note and your hair falls over your face but he doesn’t need to see you to know your features are scrunched up in order to sing past your lung capacity.
Yoongi very much wants to curl in the corner to hide from your unabashed love, but alas you, Hoseok, and Seokjin would never let him live it down, so instead he sits there trying (and failing) to fight the shy smile that overtakes his features. Even as the music grows louder, Yoongi can hear Seokjin laughing and slapping Hoseok’s thighs on the other side of the booth. 
Oh god. It was a bad idea. He knew it was a bad idea to have agreed to go out to karaoke with Seokjin and Hoseok, but you had begged and begged him and he was but a weak man when it came to you.
“I should have remembered it’s never a normal holiday with this crew.” He moans into his hands.
A hand roughly pats him on his shoulder. He peeks through his fingers to the portrait of a grinning Jin, now beside him. The man extends an unopened bottle of alcohol out to him.
“You sure you don’t want a drink, man? I know you drove but I don't mind chauffeuring you both home and taking a cab from there.”
“Nah, I’m good. We can’t both be stupid drunk when we get home. We might burn the house down then you’d have to waste even more money to come collect our bodies.”
Jin snorts at his remark. “Touché.”
The two of them lay back against the bench cushion and watch with horrified amusement as a wobbly Hoseok makes his way to you. The rambunctious (and very buzzed) duo up on the little stage drop to their knees and Yoongi balks at the way the two of you obscenely shake your butts to the very cheery tune of Mariah Carey’s biggest holiday hit. Sober Hoseok was always a delight. Even Yoongi didn’t mind busting out a few moves every now and then with him. Drunk Hoseok, though, he was a different animal altogether. Insatiable, he was, and he was the perfect hype man for drunk you.
Yoongi makes eye contact with you and now that you’ve got his attention, you reach out your free hand towards him and beckon him over with the curl of your finger. His heart goes a-hammering away without his permission. Yoongi, a fool in love, lets himself be pushed out of his seat and like a man lost at sea, he’s pulled closer and closer to the siren who sings the song meant to be his undoing. 
Except that the siren is you and your slurred singing is not at all alluring or seductive. He smiles at your pitiful attempt at fluttering your lashes at him. Despite your inability to entice him with your song and your sensual form, he still jumps overboard. He jumps and dives headfirst into the ocean that is your freely given love. All for him. Even a horrendous, throaty snort does nothing to unwind the unintentional spell you've cast on him. He faintly hears the two men squealing like children behind him, but all he can hear, all he can see is you.
“Make my wish come true! All I want for Christmas is you! Yoongi, baby!”
He can’t help but giggle at the way you serenade him, with your terribly exaggerated airy voice, but he loves it all the same. He loves you and all the surprises and jolly that comes with loving you.
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Both you and Hoseok giggle at each other as Yoongi and Seokjin try to guide the two of you out of the building. Hoseok clings to his partner but his free hand is held tight in your grip, much to Yoongi’s chagrin. You’re both so wobbly and walking together is no help to either him or Jin. 
It’s definitely gotten chillier and Yoongi is grateful that you didn’t forget your winter coat tonight. You’re bundled and cosy beside him, with the hood wrapped snug over your head. Your eyes are still glassy and your breathing hasn’t quite recovered from your exuberant singing competition against Seokjin, but that’s okay. You know Yoongi will take care of you. That’s the only reason why you were able to let go so freely tonight anyway, and he takes pride in knowing that you trust him so entirely. He hoists you up into a more comfortable standing position and nods to Jin.
“Merry Christmas, hyung.”
“Merry Chrysler, Yoongichi. Drive home safely!”
Yoongi grimaces and mutters under his breath but Jin merely smiles bigger. With a final wave, he pulls a swaying and incoherent Hoseok close to his side and they walk to their awaiting cab. He would have waited until they got into the car, but you’ve started blowing raspberries on his neck. While he normally wouldn’t mind having your saliva on him, he can feel remnants of soggy pretzel bits flying out of your mouth onto his exposed skin and that is more than enough to kill what could have been a flirtatious mood. He pushes your head away, eliciting a squeaky whine.
“Ah, stop. That’s gross. C’mon, let’s go home.”
It wasn’t too much trouble getting you in and out of the car, but now that you have arrived home, you refuse to step inside your house. You cling onto him like a lifeline, as if you’ll fall to the ground and drown in the air that surrounds you.
“I don’t wanna go home yet, Yoongiii. I feel soooo gross!” You whine, heavily emphasizing on how gross you felt.
“That’s why we’re gonna go inside and shower, baby. So you’re not gross.”
“Oh my goood!” You sob into his shoulder. “You think I’m gross!”
Yoongi sighs and looks into the night sky, pressing his lips tightly together into a forced smile. You continue to wail out in the open and he all but clamps your mouth shut with a press of his finger against your lips.
“Do you wanna go for a walk instead?” You immediately shut up and nod eagerly. “Okay, let’s go walk, honey.”
He knows you’ll complain about the cold in a few minutes, but he’ll deal with that future Y/N when she arrives. They’ve walked a short distance around the complex when he suddenly feels a drop of cold wetness against his cheek. He looks up and notices the flakes of white falling from the sky. He squeezes your hand and points your interlaced hands up.
“Baby, it’s snowing.”
“Oh, shit it’s snowing! Okay.” You perk up at having heard that and untangle yourself from him. “Shit. Let me, let me uh, wait. Here.”
Before he could even begin to guess what you were about to do, you plop yourself right onto the cold grass. You shriek at the burst of cold against your legs but like the diva you think you are, you don’t get up and instead pose for him. Your hands are positioned entirely too close around your face that your eyes are barely visible and your skirt is hiked so far up your hunched legs that he can see your panties. You’re wearing those adorable brown bear ones he knows you think are the most comfortable pair of undies you’ve ever owned. Cute.
“Okay. I’m ready. Always gotta be ready for the camera.”
The noise that comes out of his mouth is entirely uncontrollable and he all but melts at the sight of you. The fairy lights your landlords put up around the apartments shine brightly in the night and illuminate the flakes of snow that fall from the sky. It’s a beautiful sight, but you shine the brightest. The light hovering above you highlights your subtle cheekbones and the combination of the falling snow and lights creates a sort of glowing halo around you.
You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful person he has ever laid eyes on.
The most beautiful and also the most extra because of course your first instinct would be to pose for him. That was how you met, after all. He had been out practicing street photography a few years ago when he bumped into you. You had the decency to be politely curious why he was taking pictures of strangers and after he shared his project, you agreed (even though he never asked) to let him take pictures of you. You started posing immediately and even walked around the block to pose with whatever you found interesting, whether it was the wall of a building or a newspaper stand. He probably loved you then. He definitely loves you now.
It’s too bad he doesn’t have his camera with him. His phone will have to do, so he pulls it out, angles himself and the phone at just the right spot, and takes several shots. Your eyes have shut close again, the trickle of soft snow cascading down onto your face and hair. Oh, the way his smile only widens as you bat your eyes in an attempt to blink the snowflakes away. He waves his phone and you suddenly remember what you were here for and you smile for the camera. Smile for him. 
“Sit down and take a picture with me!” You pout and pat the space next to you.
Who is he to say no? Several very blurry photos later (because what’s the point of getting drunk if you weren’t going to take blurry pics?), you were finally done with the cold. You cup his face and kiss his pink-tipped nose.
“You’re cold, Yoongi. Let’s go home.”
“Mmm… Let’s go.”
He takes your hand in his and tucks both your hands inside his coat pocket, knowing full well that you have a coat of your own with its own pockets. It’s true, his face is somewhat numb from the cold of the night, but he is quickly heating up wholly by the warmth of your shared love that the two of you have nurtured and tended to together.
“I hope you had fun tonight, baby.”
“I always have fun when I’m with you, Yoongi-poo.”
“So… what do you want most for Christmas?” He wonders if you’ll accidentally spill what you really want for Christmas but not even drunk you would sell yourself out to him.
“Didn’t I literally just sing ‘all I want for christmas is Yoooongiii’? Did I not make it clear enough?”
His lips spread into a bright upward curl and he giggles at the way you stare at him as if he was stupid for even asking such a question. As if it was obvious what you wanted. Of course, he knew you would say that. He honestly just wanted to hear you say it again. And... oh no. Now you’re singing again. Hollering, more like. Ah, well. It’s only for one night. He pulls you closer beside him and sings along with you, albeit in a much quieter tone.
Your apartment is back in eyeview and he pulls his phone out to check the time. It’s only a minute left until Christmas. He continues to watch the time pass by the seconds until there are only fifteen seconds left before midnight.
Then he starts counting out loud, in a teasing lilt that he knows is sure to pique your curiosity.
“What exactly are you counting down to?” You ask, puzzled.
You’ve sobered down quite a bit now, and you were ready to go sleep. He ignores you though and continues to count. By 5 seconds, you’ve stopped walking, although you’re still mumbling about how rude it was of him to ignore you. He reaches up to tuck your hair back behind your ears to get a better look at your face. Your stupidly beautiful face.
“I’m granting your Christmas wish in three… two… one... Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
He cups your face. It’s cold, and he makes a mental note to make sure to warm you up with a bath once you’re home. You gasp a second later and wrap your arms around him, staring up at him with a wide grin plastered on your face.
He snorts and it’s out of sheer self restraint that he doesn’t go on an hour long tirade on the terrible idea of buying animals as holiday gifts and how he refuses to ever partake in it. He instead channels that energy into squishing your cheeks together so you don’t say anything else that could potentially ruin the mood he’s trying to set.
“You make me really happy, you know that?” His voice softens up and he gently rubs your cheeks with his thumbs.
Your wide, wide eyes are still staring at him, unblinking, but he’s been under the scrutiny of your ridiculously lubricated eyes for long enough that he’s unbothered.
“And even though you’re still kinda loopy and you definitely spilled beer on me tonight, I still want you to know…”
He pauses for dramatics and chuckles when your hands fly up to grasp his hands that still cup your face.
“Yes?” You plead with him to carry on.
“I love you. I love you so much my heart is fit to burst.”
The soft inhale of breath is not lost on him and he grins at you. The sweet smile and blush that quickly overtakes your features is easily the best gift you could ever give him this Christmas.
“Oh my god. I think my heart just nutted.”
He snorts and sighs in defeat. Right. Only you could say something like that and still make his heart leap.
“I love you too. Can we go home now, though? My butt’s cold.”
“But I haven’t even gotten to the best part,” he teases.
Before you could ask what the best part was, he draws your face to his and presses his lips against yours. The warm exhale as you part your lips for him comes as a welcome surprise. You giggle into the kiss and pull him closer against you.
“You just kissed me,” you whispered as if he had committed a scandalous act.
“Baby, I always kiss you.”
“You’re right.” You grab hold of his hand and walk briskly towards your home, tugging a smiling Yoongi behind you. “Let’s go home so you can kiss me some more!”
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a/n 2.0: HELLO THERE FRIENDO. how are you. happy holidays or i guess, happy day if you’re reading this in like, the summer time or something :”) thank you for reading this. did you like it? penny for your thoughts? (i will give u a pretty one forreal) isn’t yoongi the sweetest most amazing boyfriend eveerrrrr plz gush over him with me PLS
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
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♡ starting prompt: “for how long? for how long were you bottling this up?”
♡ pairing: kirby dach (chicago blackhawks) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “I used to hear a simple song. that was until you came along. now in its place I hear something new. I hear it when I look at you.”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes
you sat at your computer, typing away at work you had to get done for an internship. it was work you were putting off for a while now and you had to finally bite down and get it done. 
“hey, what are you doing right now?” your friend Aniya asked as you picked up the third frantic phone call from her, “work I need to get done for school. what do you need from me that you’re calling me for the third time?” you asked a bit annoyed. 
she rolled her eyes from the other side of the phone, “listen, I know you’ve been having issues with him so I want you to come out with us tonight,” she exclaimed, “I don’t care if you’re overwhelmed with work or not. you need to get over this slump and realize there’s more to you than Kirby fuckin’ Dach right now.” 
you slid down your chair, growling in response, “I don’t wanna and if I don’t want too, you can’t make me,” you tried to fight back which only earned a laugh in return, “yeah right! see you tonight at nine! we’re going to be at Falco’s so see you there!” she blurted out before hanging up the phone. 
you looked down at the clock, seeing that it read five in the afternoon. you had been in the coffee shop for a little over three hours and while the first hour and a half was spent with you just procrastinating, the remaining time was you actually working and getting most of it done.
looking at the time, you realized you might as well get up and leave before it got any later. you knew you had time to go out with your friends but you recent fall out with Kirby made it almost nearly impossible to do as such.  
the fallout was one you saw coming for a while now. 
between your schooling and interning and Kirby’s career, the time you had with each other was rare. you tried to make time for him, you really did, but Kirby ultimately put down the times you asked to hang out with him. he usually said it was because he was hanging with a few teammates and while that was true, you had also saw a few of his girl friends with him. 
you weren’t a jealous girl, not by a long shot but it was hard to see your boyfriend with a bunch of girls hanging out and not inviting you. you tried to remain calm about the situation but eventually, it got too into your head and you confronted him about it. 
“you know what Kirby?” you whispered to him, not looking at him anymore, “I’m tired. I don’t know you anymore and you could care less about me. how about I do us both a favor and just end this now?” 
Kirby’s eyes widened at what he was hearing. 
“I never said I cared less about you!” 
“it feels like it, Dach! all I ask for you is hang out with me when you have the time and be around when you can but the last three times I asked to hang out and get dinner, you’ve denied me saying you were going to be with ‘the boys’ and then what do I see? you with Boqvist and a bunch of other girls! hanging out and having a good time. do you know how much that hurts? seeing your boyfriend surrounded by a bunch of girls and not even giving you the time of day anymore?
Kirby looked at the ground, knowing what you were saying was true, “how long? how long were you bottling this up?” he finally asked. 
“too long, I guess but like I said before, let me do us a favor and break it off here. I love you, I really do but I’m tired of not being prioritized. I’m tired of coming second, third, and fourth place in your life. I’m tired of having to beg for the attention of my damn boyfriend at this point,” you tried to contain your tears but couldn’t, “I knew our lives were very different from the very moment we meant but I never thought we’d end for a reason like this. maybe Aniyah had a point....maybe our lives are too different from each other and that this wouldn’t work out.
you grabbed your bag, slinging it over you and your wallet that was on his table. you could see the panic in his eyes as he tried to say make up something to say but failing to do so. 
“so you’re ending it then?” Kirby asked from the door of his apartment. you gave him a teary eyed look, “I don’t want too but you’re making it hard to be with you so yeah, I guess I am.” 
you grabbed your CTA card from your wallet and opening the door of his apartment building to catch the nearest CTA train home. Kirby hated when you rode the train so late but you weren’t about to give him the benefit of driving you back home. 
throughout the entire train ride home, you had gotten a dozen texts from Kirby, asking you if you were safe and to at least text him when you got home but after what felt like the 100th text, you blocked his number, his Snap, and any socials he had left. 
it even got to the point where Adam had to message you to ask if you were okay. you knew that he would go back and text Kirby so you didn’t bother to reply to his text either. 
once you got home, you slumped your backpack onto the couch and ate leftovers you had from yesterday. you were in no mood to cook and you knew since Aniyah was expecting you to meet her at Falco’s, your time had to go to getting ready. 
the food felt bland in your mouth as you tried to hype yourself up for the outting. it would have been a lot better if Kirby was going with you but putting that thought aside, you threw the rest of the food away and went to your bathroom to start getting ready. 
you figured since Falco’s wasn’t really a hugely popular bar in Chicago, the idea that anyone cute would be there went out the window. the only ones who knew of Falco was you, Aniyah, and Kirby who you had brought with you a few times. 
the makeup you applied was very light and the outfit was on the simpler side. since you weren’t trying to get anyone’s attention, flying under the radar in terms of looks, you knew doing the bare minimum would do the trick. 
by the time you finished getting ready, it was already 8:30 and Falco’s was on the other side of town. you caught the last train to the other end of town and walked the rest of way there. when you finally arrived, you saw the place a bit more packed than usual. 
“( your name )! over here!” you heard Aniyah’s scream from a table. you gave them a wave and a small smile before sliding into the booth, “these are my friends! Michael and Trey!” she introduced you. 
you shook their hands and introduced yourself to them as all of you ordered a few round of drinks. since Kirby was only 20, whenever you invited him out to bars or the like, he tended to be the one to carry you back home when you got a bit too drunk. 
“so, where do you go to school?” Michael asked, as he took a sip of his drink, “oh, I go to a smaller school here in Chicago,” you replied. he nodded understandingly, “oh shit,” you heard Aniyah’s voice say from underneath her breath. 
you gave her a look as she pointed at who walked in. you followed her finger and were immediately taken back when you saw it was not only Kirby but Adam, Alex, Dylan, and his girlfriend as well. 
“we’ll be back in one second,” Aniyah told Michael and Trey before dragging you away to the single stall bathrooms, “girl, I had no idea they would be here. you know I would never do this to you,” she said frantically, “I swear, they just had to show up, didn’t they?”
“Aniyah, it’s okay. I just wish I would have dressed a bit better considering he’s here,” you murmured under your breath. Aniyah smirked, seeing your outfit, “well, just take off the jacket, the shirt your wearing is already doing you justice by being a crop and the shorts look amazing on you as it is,” she said snatching the jacket off of you.
the two of you spent a bit more time in the bathroom, restyling your outfit a bit more before walking out. you made a beeline to the bar, ordering all four of you shots of tequila. 
“he’s looking at you, you know?” Aniyah murmured as you shrugged, “serves him right,” you replied before giving Michael a smile and look at the three of them, “bottoms up!” you exclaimed before taking the shot and chugging it down with ease. 
all of you cheered at Michael called for another round of shots to the table but before they could get there, Dylan’s girlfriend came up to the table and gave you a hug. 
“hi, how have you been?” she asked as she let you go, “fine! just getting a few drinks with some friends! how are you?” you asked as hesitantly as possible. you knew she meant no harm but whenever the four hung out with each other, it was rare when she tagged and only did if you were coming along. 
“ah, fine. just here with Dylan and a few of the boys. I know with you and Kirby, it must be a bit awkward, huh?” she said a bit awkwardly. you gave her a small smile, “I guess but I gotta go before they start thinking I left them. I’m a few tables over so if you want to take a shot with us, come by!” you said giving her a quick peck on the cheek before leaving. 
Aniyah gave you a look, quickly telling you to spill but you shot it down as all of your shots were brought to the table. 
throughout the night, you got progressively more drunk. the tequila shots were hitting a bit harder than you thought and before you knew it, any shy bone in your body quickly went away when the sixth shot entered your body. Aniyah knew that your drunk persona was not who you were sober. 
“does she really get this way when she’s drunk?” Michael asked, seeing you singing into the half full bottle of Smirnoff Ice. Aniyah laughed, “she does! trust me, one time she got onto a table at a friendsgiving dinner and sang every word to Girls in The Hood without messing up.” 
the three of them laughed as you grabbed another shot and chugged it down, “oh my god I love this song!” you told Aniyah as you grabbed her by the hand and shook her, “I’m gonna go see if Tayler is available!” you exclaimed as you jumped over Michael to get to where Dylan’s girlfriend was. 
Aniyah immediately got up and chased you to the table but was too late. you were already grabbing her by the hand and dragging her up, “oh my god, you’re plastered,” she giggled, seeing the drunk in your eyes, “I haven’t seen her this drunk since your birthday!” Dylan added on. 
Aniyah got to the table and grabbed you by the hand, “Michael bought everyone a shot, we should go and take it together,” Aniyah murmured in your ear. you shrugged, “tell him to wait a second, I’m talking to her!” you responded as Tayler laughed, enjoying your new found confidence. 
“god, I haven’t seen you this plastered since you know when,” Aniyah growled, giving Kirby a side eye. all he did was watch the table you were sitting at and seeing the boy named Michael giving you look of what he saw as lust, “aww, hi Dylan! hi Adam and Alex!” you said excitedly. 
they gave you waves as they tried to not look in Kirby’s direction. you hadn’t spared him a look as you saw Michael heading over your way, “hey, you guys coming? Trey wants to know if you’re heading back to his place to continue drinking.”
you had never heard silence this loud. although everyone in the bar was still talking and drinking, the air immediately turned stiff. Michael had his arm around your shoulder, “uh, yeah? one second!” Aniyah said seeing as you weren’t even in the right headspace to be going anywhere. 
“she can’t. she’s heading home,” Kirby finally spoke up. Aniyah, Michael, and everyone else looked to see Kirby’s dead serious face, “I think I might’ve missed something. who are you?” Michael asked looking to Kirby. 
Aniyah and Tayler saw the rage building up in Kirby’s eyes, “her boyfriend, can I ask who you are?” he replied, not taking his eyes off of him. Michael laughed, “her supposed date. I thought she was single,” he said with a smirk that ticked Kirby off more than it should have. 
“sorry, you aren’t. she’s too drunk to be going anywhere that isn’t her house so how about you get moving before this turns into something you don’t want coming.” 
Michael laughed, putting his hands on the table, “or you’re gonna do what?” Kirby rolled the sleeves of his button up up making Adam and Dylan start to get nervous, “playing professional hockey has its perks,” he replied. 
“no, what you’re not going to do is create a scene in this bar. Kirby, you’re a professional. if you want, you can take her home if you’d like but you’re not getting into trouble for something marginally stupid as an argument.” 
Aniyah gave Kirby a look before motioning to Trey to come and get Michael before he did anything stupid. you on the other hand were too busy sitting next to Adam and singing whatever song was playing through the speakers to realize what was going on. 
“come on, lets get you home,” Kirby murmured into your ear. you gave Kirby a confused, “no! you’re not my boyfriend anymore so I go where Aniyah goes!” you said through slurred words.
“I don’t want to seem like a dick but you got to go home and you’re going home right now. you’re too drunk to understand anything or anyone.” 
you didn’t bother to fight as you felt an overwhelming feeling of tiredness hit you. you usually got like that when you got drunk. 
after Aniyah gave Kirby your bag with your house keys, he hitched a ride from Dylan to get back to your place. they could all sense the anger in Kirby as he was still sitting on the argument. it was pretty wild to see Kirby so angry but when it came to you, they knew he would do anything for you. 
he thanked Dylan for the ride as he grabbed your arm and slung it over his should, carrying you inside. the trip to your apartment was struggle as you kept talking gibberish to yourself and making Kirby laugh. 
as soon as he got your door open, he took off your shoes and place you in bed, making sure you were at least comfortable enough to fall asleep. by the time he had placed you in bed, you were snoring your life away against the pillow. 
Kirby knew it was best to sleep on the couch to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself if you were still drunk when you got up. he grabbed the small throw pillow and a blanket you kept underneath the couch and tried to get comfortable as possible. 
it hit five in the morning when Kirby heard throwing up sounds from the bathroom. he slowly got up from bed and saw you hunched over the toilet bowl. 
“you okay?” he finally spoke up, making you jump in fear. you gave him an angry look, “what the hell are you doing here?” you asked, confused as to why he was here. 
“I had to take you home from Falco’s. you were extremely drunk and were about to do something you were probably going to regret the minute Aniyah left you so she gave me the keys to your house and let me watch over you until you got up.” 
you sighed, “where is Aniyah?” you asked. “home. she had to calm down the guys she brought because he was trying to cause a scene inside the bar and told me just to take you home before any news of me getting into a fight broke out into the news,” he explained. 
you leaned up against the wall, giving him a defeating look, “what do you want with me, Kirby? I appreciate you taking care of me but what do you want as a return?” you replied. 
Kirby kneeled onto one knee and looked at you, “to give me a second chance. I know I fucked up. I fucked up so bad but these last few weeks have been hell. I miss you calling me after every game and having dinner through a facetime call. I miss your voice first thing in the morning. I just want you to give me one more chance and if I fuck up, you’ll never have to hear from me again. I swear!” he said, almost pleadingly. 
you stared at Kirby, trying to see if he was being truthful. you could tell behind the eyes of desperation, he was telling the truth. 
“one more chance and if you ruin it, we’re done.” Kirby went in to kiss you as you immediately dodged it, “first of all, I need to brush my teeth and you won’t be kissing me at least for another few days. you could suffer some more,” you joked, giving him a wink.
he growled playfully and watched as you brushed your teeth, “but you can snuggle me while I sleep off this hangover,” you said as he happily followed you back into bed. 
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if you don't tell me I'll find out anyway
Warnings: none
Characters: Emily Prentiss, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, David Rossi
Relationships: Prentiss/Hotch, Prentiss & JJ
Genre: fluff
Summary: Prentiss and Hotch have been dating for eight months now, and the team is none the wiser. That changes when Prentiss and JJ share a room after a case, and Prentiss wears one of Hotch's shirts to bed.
Word Count: 2k
Prompt was #20 on this list by @whump-town.
Fic below the cut, or read on ao3.
"Okay, so," JJ begins, coming back from the receptionist counter to address the team. In her hands are three room cards. "They're booked and we're here on short notice. They've only got three rooms they can spare us. It was originally two, but one of the customers with a reservation cancelled last minute." She fans the cards out in front of her. "Who's sleeping where?"
"I'm not sleeping with Reid," Morgan chimes in almost immediately with a smile. Reid looks mock-offended, but doesn't protest.
"I'll share with the kid," Rossi says with a heavy sigh.
"I'm not that bad," Reid protests.
"Last time I shared a room with you, you kept me up until four am with rants about sci-fi movies. And don't think I've forgotten the Red Bull incident, either," Morgan says. He pats Rossi's shoulder in condolence. JJ hands the older agent the key card.
"Morgan, room with me," Hotch offers. Morgan nods, and JJ hands their boss one of the remaining key cards.
"That leaves you and me," Prentiss says, but while her voice is heavy, her eyes are anything but. They sparkle with quiet mirth.
"Thank god," JJ jokes. She loops her arm through her friend's.
They make their way to the elevator, all of them, then as they reach the third floor, the pairs go their separate ways. Reid and Rossi are already engaged in a deep conversation, neither of them noticing as Prentiss studies them. Hotch and Morgan look ready to pass out as they make their way over to their room. The two of them are roomed closest to the elevator, she notices.
"God I'm tired," Prentiss says as she and JJ enter their hotel room. She's tempted to faceplant straight onto the bed, but she's still dressed. The case is over and the plane is leaving at nine-thirty tomorrow, meaning she has a chance to get some proper sleep tonight. It'll be more comfortable to get out of the suit she's wearing.
"Only one bed," JJ remarks. Prentiss lifts an eyebrow.
"You handed out the key cards. Did you do that intentionally?" Her friend laughs.
"No. Truth be told, all three rooms are singles." Prentiss makes an amused face.
"Scandalous. And just imagine the boys' reactions." She lounges on one side of the bed, watching absent-mindedly as JJ methodically strips off her outer layers.
As if on cue, their phones ding with a text notification. Prentiss reaches for hers as JJ pulls out a clean shirt.
"Get changed," the blonde suggests, snagging the phone playfully from Prentiss. Prentiss rolls her eyes, also playfully, and gets up. She begins digging through her go-bag for any sleepwear she might have brought, and failing that, something clean and appealing to wear.
"Hotch is checking that everyone's alright and knows what time we're leaving," JJ reports, reading the text.
"That sounds like Hotch," Prentiss says, tossing an old shirt onto the bed. It's a little worn, but it brings her no small amount of comfort. She throws a pair of shorts after it. JJ frowns at the shirt, but doesn't comment.
Prentiss pulls them both on and climbs into bed beside her friend. "JJ. Get under the blankets."
"Sorry," JJ says automatically, still staring at Prentiss' phone. She turns off the lights and gets under the blankets automatically as well, then hands Prentiss her phone back.
"Who's your boyfriend?" Prentiss freezes, then realises that JJ had looked at who she had sent texts to recently. One of the conversations was simply titled '<3'. "Or girlfriend," JJ continues. "You know I don't care that you're bi, beyond supporting you unconditionally." She props herself up on one elbow, smirking as she looks down at Prentiss. "So. Who is it?"
Prentiss clicks off her phone. "None of your business," she says, the words coming out like she's trying too hard for casual. JJ pokes her shoulder.
"If you don't tell me, I'll find out anyway," she teases warningly. Prentiss smirks at her.
"Good luck." And with that, Prentiss rolls herself in her share of the blankets, facing towards JJ as she turns her phone on again. This way, the screen is angled away from her friend. JJ rolls her eyes, but she still looks amused.
"I see how it is," she says, and rearranges her pillow until she's content. She lies on her back and closes her eyes. Prentiss sends off a text to the partner JJ had just asked about.
Emily: JJ's getting suspicious. She saw I had our private messages labeled with a heart.
Aaron: Morgan has some questions as well.
Emily: Chocolate thunder wants to know who you're texting when you should be sleeping?
Aaron: You don't have a healthy sleep schedule either. I told him it was a friend.
Emily: Did he believe you?
Aaron: Yes, but he suspects it's something more. I've appeased him for now.
Emily: I know we've discussed this before, but we should tell the team soon. It's been over eight months.
Aaron: I agree. If we keep this from them much longer, they'll lose trust in us.
Emily: That, and I hate keeping this kind of secret from my best friend.
"Go to sleep, Emily," JJ mumbles, one arm tossed over her eyes. "It's bedtime."
"In a minute."
"Your mystery person can wait." Prentiss glances at her.
"He's my boyfriend." JJ moves her arm and cracks an eye open to look at her.
Aaron: What, that you're dating your boss?
Emily: That I'm dating at all. Speaking of which, I just told her I have a boyfriend.
Aaron: How'd she react?
"Since when?" JJ asks, sounding a bit more awake. "And why didn't you tell me an' Penelope on girls' night or somethin'? We're the people who hype you up for dates."
"We uh, we decided it was best not to say anything," Prentiss says, trying to keep her composure.
Emily: Fine. She wishes I'd told her and Garcia I was seeing someone.
JJ gives her a long, drawn-out, suspicious hum, then turns onto her other side and goes back to sleep. Prentiss is left staring at her friend's back.
Emily: How's Derek doing?
Aaron: He's asleep. Like we should be.
Emily: Sleep is too mainstream for me.
Aaron: ?
Emily: Don't worry about it babe.
Aaron: Riiiight. Goodnight.
Emily: Goodnight, love you.
Aaron: Love you too, Emily.
Prentiss clicks off her phone and sets it aside, then moulds herself around JJ's sleeping form. Her friend presses back against her a little, and Prentiss wraps an arm around the blonde.
She lies awake for a long time, head still buzzing from the case. She compartmentalizes well, but it still sometimes takes her time to wind down. This case wasn't particularly bloody or long, but it did involve an abnormal amount of guesswork and haste, because the unsub was moving from city to city, state to state, then killing and moving on again within a matter of hours. The team's home base had become their SUVs as they chased.
Luckily, the victim count was low, all things considered. But it had been one hell of a few days.
Around one in the morning, the rain starts. It taps familiar patterns against the glass, and she's finally able to doze off as the noise drowns out her thoughts.
JJ's alarm goes off, and Prentiss wants to strangle her. The blonde shuts off the noise before it gets to be too unbearable, but by then, Prentiss is already awake. JJ, as usual, is awake before her and is already stirring a cup of hotel coffee, giving it a disappointed look.
"Is it that bad?" Prentiss asks from where she's lying in the bed, blankets ending at her ribcage. JJ just shakes her head slowly.
"It's awful, and not in the good way. Shitty police coffee is one thing, shitty hotel coffee is another." She takes a sip regardless. "Also, we're leaving in half an hour, so you might want to get up." Prentiss groans, but drags herself out of bed. JJ gladly hands her a cup of the hotel coffee when she approaches, then smooths Prentiss' hair out of her face where it had tangled in the night.
Prentiss takes a sip, and makes a face. "Uch. You weren't kidding." JJ laughs a little. They drink in silence, JJ studying her more intensely than usual. Prentiss is about to ask her what's going on when JJ's eyes widen in realisation.
"That's Hotch's shirt," she says, pointing at what Prentiss is wearing with her free hand. Prentiss looks down at her shirt in a mild panic.
It is, in fact, one of Hotch's old shirts that she's wearing. She had swiped it from him, along with a sweatshirt, when they started dating. It's old and faded, but very clearly Hotch, and it brings her comfort to wear it.
Unfortunately, Hotch used to wear the shirt before she asked him out. Around the team, sometimes. Which means JJ knows it.
"No way," the blonde says. She sets her coffee aside, and Prentiss is quick to do the same. "Don't tell me you're dating Hotch."
"Oh my god, you are." An incredulous laugh escapes JJ's throat. She pressed her hands to her mouth in disbelief. Prentiss examines her reaction, but nothing screams hostile. Surprised, a little offended that she wasn't told, sure, but nothing hostile. Mostly surprised. "Wow."
JJ grabs Prentiss' wrist and pulls her to sit on the bed, grinning. "So, what's he like outside of work?" Prentiss raises her eyebrows.
"You mean, in- in private?" JJ makes a 'keep talking' gesture. Prentiss laughs a little. "I'm not telling you what he's like in bed."
"So you've slept together?"
"We have," she confirms. "We've been together eight months now."
"When were you going to tell the rest of us?" Prentiss shrugs.
"I don't know," she answers honestly. "We were planning on doing it soon, but an opportune moment just never came up." JJ grips her hand.
"Em," she says softly. Prentiss looks at her. "Please know I'm happy for you."
"We need to tell them," Prentiss says to Hotch as soon as they have a moment alone. The rest of the team has disappeared down to the lobby, and the two of them have a few minutes before their teammates grow suspicious. She and Hotch are standing outside the door to her room. "JJ already pieced it together."
"Will she tell the others?"
"I don't think so. I think she knows it's our secret to tell, and I told her that we'd been planning to reveal it soon." Hotch nods. They're both dressed formally again, in what attire they had worn yesterday for the flight home.
One of Hotch's hands comes up to rest on her jaw. Leaning into his kiss is easier than breathing. Both of them are loathe to separate.
"They'll be waiting for us," Hotch murmurs as she trails kisses along his jaw, pausing to nip the very edge of it before continuing. "Prentiss."
"I know," she says against his skin. She slows, ending with another kiss to his lips.
Hotch's hand grips hers as they walk to the elevators, throwing caution into the wind as they talk, planning together what to say and when to say it.
On the flight back to DC, everyone is awake. It's unusual for them to have an opportunity for a full night's rest the night before. Usually, they fly home in the evening. It means that when Hotch stands up, everyone looks over.
"Prentiss and I have an announcement," he begins. JJ breaks into a grin, knowing what's coming. Rossi looks like he's hiding a smile as well. Reid and Morgan just look confused.
"We uh, we meant to tell you guys before," Prentiss says, continuing where Hotch left off. "We're dating." A second of silence. Then:
"I'm so happy for you guys!"
"Reid owes me five bucks," Morgan says with a grin. Reid groans good-naturedly, then looks at Prentiss and Hotch.
"If you guys had waited another four months, Morgan would've owed me ten," he says, and the team can't help but laugh with him.
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artaefact · 3 years
say, cheese!
↳ when you meet a charming stranger in the ferris wheel
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➳ 1.3k+ words | fluff, photographer!hoseok, s2l au | jung hoseok x f reader | pg-15 | brief mention of infidelity, usage of the finger, swearing
author’s note: this is part of the BGW drabble marathon !! and also thank you mo ( @suhdays ) for beta-reading and hyping me up 🥺💖
prompt: meet-cute (tropes)
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You lost count over how long you have been running, trying to lose your boyfriend, no, ex-boyfriend in the crowd. It’s a cowardly move, yeah, but you needed the time to process everything slowly. After all, getting dumped in an amusement park is the last thing you expect to happen.
When you’re sure the prick isn’t hot on your trail anymore, you head to the Ferris wheel, bypassing the waiting line easily before a group of people joins in behind you. You enter a moving carriage quickly and settle on its seat.
Exhaustion settles over you, and you’re about to go on a crying fest when you notice another passenger sits across from you. You blink rapidly, stopping your tears from falling and letting out a sigh instead.
You suppose it’s better than having more people in the carriage. The stranger barely gives you a look as he’s focused on taking photographs of the view outside.
The carriage makes its way to the top, and your glassy gaze remains on the window on your side. Everything looks bright and lively, which contrasts with what you’re feeling right now as your heart weighs heavily inside your chest.
Today is supposed to be your first anniversary with your ex. You were so excited when he planned to go to the amusement park to celebrate today. Until he decided to throw the “it’s not you, it’s me” bomb on you when you damn well knew it has got to do with that chick he’s been texting recently.
After dumping your snow cone and flipping the finger on his face, you ran into the crowd, not once looking back as he called your name.
Your mind engulfs you deep into your own world when the stranger in front of you clears his throat. You blink in confusion. “Yes?”
“The ferris wheel has technical issues. So, we’re stuck for the time being.”
“Yeah, and— uh, are you okay, miss?”
The stranger looks flustered as he points out, “You’re crying...” Your hand instinctively touches your wet cheek then quickly puts an attempt to wipe your tears. “Here,” he says gently, offering you a kleenex. You take it, muttering ‘thanks’ before dabbing it on your face while sniffling.
The chatter of people from below fills the silence in the carriage as you stare out the window, adamant to not meet the stranger’s eyes with your puffy ones.
“Have you tried the cotton candy from the food stall near the castle?” You glance at the stranger, who’s looking out of the window too. “There’s some churros and ice cream if I’m not mistaken. God, now all I can think of is food since I haven’t eaten all day.” He pouts, patting on his stomach.
As if on cue, his stomach rumbles loudly, and he lets out a sheepish chuckle. “Sorry, I didn’t know it’ll be that loud.”
You let out a chuckle. “That’s okay.”
The air feels warmer between the two of you, and he extends a hand to you. “I’m Hoseok, by the way.”
“Y/N…” You reply, taking his hand in yours.
“So, Y/N… Since we’re still stuck here, do you want to see some pictures I’ve taken?” He lifts his camera in emphasis, his smile never leaving his face.
You gape at him for a moment before nodding reluctantly.
“But you have to be honest, okay?” He clarifies as he shows you the first picture. And you let out a bark of laughter. “Shit!” He changed the screen quickly. “I wasn’t supposed to show you that.”
A small smile stays on your lips. “You look good though.”
“I do, huh?” He grins at your reaction. “I always took pictures of people, but never myself. So, I have been trying to take a selfie with my camera.”
“Why don’t you use your phone? Isn’t it easier?”
He shakes his head. “The quality from my camera looks way better than my phone.”
Then Hoseok continues to show you all the other pictures he took. You are amazed at how he can make everything in the amusement park photogenic—all except the failed selfies he took.
“Um, if you want I can take a picture of you here? Since you know, we’re stuck at the top of the ferris wheel, might as well take advantage of it,” you ramble. ��But it’s okay if you don’t want to since uh, expensive camera and all its hard to trust strangers—”
“Sure,” he answers quickly, moving to sit right next to you as he loops the strap of the camera on your neck. “It’s easy to use this. Just press this button and—“
You nod at his instructions, focusing on the camera so hard despite his proximity until you can smell his musky, fresh scent. Hoseok then moves back to his original seat, leaning closer to the window. You adjust the angle of the camera and count down from three. “Say ‘cheese’!”
Hoseok giggles and repeats it. “Cheese!”
After the shutters close with a click, he sits beside you excitedly as you hand him his camera. “Wow! For a beginner, you sure do know your angles.”
“Thanks,” you chuckle, standing up to move across from him. Not a moment later, the carriage starts to move again, causing you to yelp as you stagger back.
“Whoa! Be careful, Y/N!” Instead of finding yourself on the seat again, you find yourself on Hoseok’s lap. One arm holding his camera and the other wrapping around your waist, keeping you steady.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” You move quickly to the seat across.
“It’s okay,” he laughs at your flustered state. “Glad you didn’t hurt yourself, though.”
The carriage arrives at the bottom quickly, and you find yourself disappointed in having to bid Hoseok farewell. You never expect to be comfortable with someone new so fast. But his presence manages to cheer you up after what happened between you and your ex.
Stepping out of the carriage, you make a beeline to the exit gate with Hoseok following suit. You turn to him, giving him a genuine smile.” So, I guess this is where we say goodbye?”
For a moment, Hoseok stares at you in wonder. Your sentence seems to register inside his head quite late as he flounders, “Oh! Uh… It doesn’t have to be.” He scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment. “I mean, we can still go to the food stall together if you’d like? Or is that too creepy with someone you just met? I—”
“Okay,” you agree.” I’ll go with you to grab something to eat.”
And you swear his chocolate eyes brighten up instantly,” Great—! I mean, cool, okay, I’ll uh, show you where the cotton candies are—” He blabbers as you watch him in amusement. “And the ice cream! They say sweets make pretty girls smile!” He realises what he said before he shakes his palms rapidly. “I’m not talking about you, not that you aren’t pretty. In fact, you’re beautiful especially when you smile. Shit, I don’t mean to sound creepy! I swear I’m not; I’m just a freelance photographer!”
You giggle at his ramblings. “I get what you mean, Hoseok.”
He barely can look at you afterwards, eyes glancing everywhere but you. By the time you reach the food stalls, his face is burning. You chortle at his cute reaction.
After spending time with him in the Ferris wheel, somehow, the heavyweight in your heart gradually lightens. Yes, you still can feel the ache inside, but Hoseok seems to know how to ease them with his antics. And you know he purposely showed you his bad selfie, which is merely taken in a weird angle because selfies with that face can never go wrong.
So, as you’re waiting for the ice cream, you nudge him gently, earning his attention. He holds your stare even when his eyes are shaking, and you smile at him. “Thank you, Hoseok. I really needed this.”
He grins back. “Anything to make you smile.”
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© artaefact 2021. All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is NOT permitted.
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thelastpilot · 4 years
‘On GOD We Are Going to Get You a Girlfriend’- A Lovesquare Story as suffered by Nino
My last charity fic for @mlbforblm! The prompt was Aged Up College AU lovesquare, in which Adrien is struggling with his love for both Marinette and Ladybug and Nino is put in the position to be the ultimate wingman. I went a little off script with this prompt but I hope it scratches that itch nonetheless. 
The concept itself lent itself much better to 15k than 4 but I did what I could! Hope it gets a laugh out of you. 
It was twilight in Paris, the tail end of sunset slipping away as people all across campus engaged in extremely varied states of productivity. That is to say, at most 20% of the campus’ live-in population was actually getting any work done, while the rest of them were either limping along or had already given up.
It was midterms week, clearly.
In the dim space of a reasonable apartment accommodation were well -intentioned study implements of every kind. The completely average couch and carpet were covered with just enough of a layer of highlighters, pens, and printed pages to give a really studious impression at a glance, but whatever vibe it might have managed was thoroughly ruined by a young man laying face down on the floor, a game console nearly tumbling from his hands. Another, separate, but equally as unfocused young man had his back to plain white wall against which they had been meaning to put like… a chair or something at least for most of the semester now, staring idly out of the sliding glass door to his left that offered only a sliver of a view from his current position. At most he could see two lovely, but neglected, potted plants and a shoddy balcony looking off towards the main body of their college campus.
He watched the small patch of sky he could see succumb to a light coverage of clouds, and as he considered the possibility of rain, he sighed.
“Nino?” he finally spoke, looking away from his strip of sky. He waited for a response for a second or two, before reaching out with his foot and gently prodding his friend’s side to check he was alive, smirking slightly when he received a grunt for his efforts.
“Mm,” Nino answered from his curled up position, the glasses on his face a perfect reflection of his Pokemon team’s stats, which was ironic considering that Stats was exactly the thing Nino was avoiding at the minute. After a beat too long, he realized his friend was still waiting on his response. He lifted his head slightly, his hat falling free to the ground as he said, “Mm? Yeah?” He blinked slowly. “What?”
Adrien smiled down at him, chuckling a little before tossing aside a textbook he had been pretending to take notes from for the last hour. When his lap was free he leaned forward and rolled to the ground, mimicking Nino’s exact positioning on the ground a small distance away from him, sighing again (louder this time).
“What?” Nino repeated himself, laughing when Adrien leveled him with a sour look. He rolled his eyes but dutifully paused his game, shutting his Switch off and putting it on the ground out of their eyeline. “Go for it dude, what’s up.”
“You’re not going to like it.”
“Is it a girl thing?” Nino asked flatly, raising an eyebrow when all Adrien managed was a sheepish smile. “Dude.”
“Come on! You’re my friend, you’re contractually obligated. Look don’t make fun of me just help okay; I’m really stuck now.” Adrien pleaded with him, bringing his hands in front of him to cartoonishly beg for his grace. He got another eye roll for his trouble but Nino hadn’t gotten up and left yet so that was a good sign.
It wasn’t that his friend didn’t want to help him, its just that… well.
Adrien always had some kind of girl problem, pretty much off and on for the past five years. He knew it got hard to listen to and Nino had put in way more than his fair share of time into this. Especially since he had made essentially no progress whatsoever in all that time, but boy was he almost on to something here.
Nino said nothing else, making a vague hand gesture for him to continue and Adrien did as he always did.
He hesitated, carefully considering how to phrase something.
“So um, there is this girl. That uh, girl, I always talk about. The one you don’t know. And then there is another girl, one who you do know.”
“Do we HAVE to be so vague man? We’re in our own place, there is no one around. Can’t you just say it? I get so confused when we do it like this.”
Adrien tensed slightly, discomfort crawling up his back. “I uh, I can’t. Just- just listen okay? I can’t explain it.”
“We’re in our house,” Nino complained again. But Adrien ignored him, because he always ignored him when he said that.
“Just listen okay?”
Nino looked at him squarely, or at least as squarely as he could manage while laying on the ground. When Adrien patiently waited for a response Nino finally sighed, rolling on his stomach and laying his face sideways on the floor to match him, nodding stiffly for him to continue.
“It’s just, there is these two girls,” he began, “I’m losing my mind over it, I’m worried man and it’s coming to a head. I know I’ve said that before, but I mean it this time. I have never ONCE in my entire LIFE gotten the timing right Nino, I’m dead serious.” Adrien rolled around a little gripping his hair with both hands. “I get the timing wrong EVERY TIME. I have never been where I’m supposed to be! I’ve never made a move at the right time I have never done it right. I get close with one girl but she doesn’t reciprocate or she tells me to wait or she says that its complicated, then I get close to the other girl but I feel GUILTY because I still care about the first girl. But she says it isn’t right so I work on it I let go but then the other girl is gone or moves on or life gets in the way. I have been in the wrong place EVERY TIME-,”
 Adrien’s ranting continues, rolling around on their carpet as he incredibly vaguely and very stupidly details a problem that he has had for many, many years. Nino can feel himself retreating into his own thoughts, more focused on Adrien’s animated rolling than his actual words. He reaches out once to save a stack of notes from getting creased and ruined, but other than that remains completely still and lets his friend do his thing.
This happened maybe once a week or so, maybe a little less often or more often depending on the status of the girls.
The fact that Adrien literally REFUSED to say their names made this completely incoherent, but where in his love life he was inconsistent, when it came to never talking about work Adrien was true to form.
Nino blinked blearily as Adrien continued, pouring over the reasons he cared so deeply for them both and why that made him feel like a bad person. It left Nino to stew, wondering much like always why they did it like this.
The two of them were superheroes. Spoilers if you didn’t know. He didn’t feel like much of a superhero when he was sprawled out on his shared apartment floor suffering the long run up to failing his Stats midterm like any other student. But the fact remained that he was one, and so was Adrien. The problem was that Adrien was serious about keeping life and work separate. It was pretty much only hard and fast rule about this gig that Nino had picked up on when he first joined. Never talk about work as a civilian, under any circumstances. You only get to talk about work when you’re suited up, and you’re only allowed to talk about life in plain clothes.
Honestly, it was so hard to do it that way, but the rules were clear, not that anyone had actually stopped to explain them to him. Adrien froze up whenever he even so much as mentioned an akuma attack or asked about an injury. Don’t talk about work, but…
They lived together now, this was the first semester where they had done so and Nino was so hyped about it. Like FINALLY, our kwamis can relax and we can be ourselves. He had been so excited about it, but to his profound disappointment Adrien refused to relent on his rule. Their kwamis were never even out in the open except for in their rooms, like he knew Adrien was strict but surely he wasn’t that committed.
Nino understood that it was probably Ladybug’s rule but still, it’s not like she was here. He wouldn’t advocate for disobeying her but… come on man. His brain hurt.
He KNEW Adrien was talking about Ladybug/Marinette. He knew that for a fact, but Adrien would never say her name out loud, because that overlaps with work (even though they hang out with her in person like every single day.) Maybe Nino didn’t know who the heck this second girl he was talking about was, but at the very least he could be clear about one of them.
Whoever the second girl actually was sounded a lot like Marinette, so the for-sure thing was that he had a type. Honestly though he had stopped trying to figure it out years ago. If he wasn’t so exhausted from not studying he would humor him like he always did, but today… man he was kind of tired.
He waited until Adrien was done talking, undoubtably ending by asking for advice as per the usual. Then, like always, Nino said what he always did.
“You need to communicate. If you are not crystal clear with these girls about what they want and what you want nothing with ever happen. You need to bite the bullet and TELL them, at least ONE of them, what you’re thinking.”
And like always, Adrien groaned and covered his face and said, “It’s not that easy!”
They both grumbled dejectedly into the carpet, repeating their years old platitudes until they gave up on each other. Nino usually did this a lot better but he reserved the right to tap out and Adrien usually seemed to accept that.
The only different thing Adrien actually said was when he was standing. He mumbled, “I know, I know. You’re right, as usual but… I’m maybe gonna ask someone else. See what they think.”
“I don’t know what answer you’re hoping for, but that’s all I’ve got.”
“I know,” Adrien sighed, offering a hand to help him off the ground. He smiled gently, but his eyes were sad. Enough of a gesture to explain that he wasn’t actually mad at Nino’s dismissiveness. He had a right to refrain.
 They spent an idle few minutes cleaning up their mess, consolidating their notes and books into two loose piles and neither saying much. It was only about thirty or so minutes later when Adrien announced vaguely, “I’m gonna go for a run.”
“Yeah man,” Nino answered, knowing by heart Adrien’s codeword for ‘patrol’. Didn’t know why he didn’t just say it, but that was a dead horse long beaten.
 Adrien left within a minute or two but Nino stood blearily for awhile in the living room, staring at nothing as he debated just going to bed for the day.
He was just about to head to his room to ask if Wayzz was ready for dinner when the kwami in question came flying into the room, confidently out in the open space now that Adrien was gone.
“You’re getting a call!” Wayzz piped up importantly, waving his little flippers a bit to sell the point. “It’s Cat Noir!”
“I- what?” Nino sputtered, glancing towards the apartment door in confusion. “He literally just- ugh.” Nino groaned as loudly as possible, Wayzz shaking his head a little. “Why is he LIKE THIS, he could have just TOLD ME TO COME.”
“I know he’s odd about it, but he must have his reasons. You should go, he must need you for patrol.”
Nino demanded a few more moments of frustration, which Wayzz indulged, before grabbing his keys and unlocking a window in case he didn’t feel like using them. It was Adrien’s turn tonight but okay whatever.  
 It only took him a minute or two to transform and get out onto their building’s roof, stretching a bit before raising his wrist. He forced himself to take a deep breath and remind himself of the rules while he returned Adrien’s call.
Through the hazy, green, holographic screen he saw the face of Cat Noir answer on the first ring, the feline superhero sighing in relief and smiling widely.
“There you are! I was hoping you were out. Hey, I know this is kind of sudden but… um I was wondering if you were willing to meet up with me. I want to ask you about something.”
He allowed himself to hang his head in frustration just out of the video feeds eyeline, pulling a sharp breath through his teeth before answering, “Yeah bud. Lets meet up.”
“Great!” Cat Noir answered enthusiastically, genuinely happy that he had agreed for whatever reason. “Meet me here when you get a second,” and he sent over his current location. Sure enough he was literally like, one block over.
He hung up without a goodbye, dragging his feet as he started to head that way. He was slow about it sine it was at most five seconds away for him. Adrien was so INTENSE about this charade some days it just drove him completely crazy. But rules are rules.
He waited for about a minute to distance their patterns, then with a short jump and a few corner’s turned he found Cat Noir crouched on top of the Linguistics building.
“Hey, you got here fast,” Cat greeted him happily, a little nervous looking actually. ‘Carapace’ as he was really had to resist the eye roll there, deciding instead to nod.
He went over and sat somewhat heavily, not pretending with an greeting at all and just watching him flatly. For whatever reason this made Cat Noir hesitate a little, but he quickly got over it, pushing through the weirdness and folding his hands in his lap.
“Well, listen I won’t waste your time much. I know we don’t really do this, we only ever talk about work and that’s the safe thing, I get how it is.” Cat Noir looked away, his gaze fixated on the possibility of rain, before he finally sighed.
“I just… I was wondering if I could get some… girl advice?”
Cat Noir looked to his ally, scanning his face and getting even more nervous as he more or less saw a brick wall of an expression on Carapace’s face.
Carapace blinked, saying nothing as Cat Noir began to talk unprompted, persevering despite the lack of reciprocation.
“So um, there is a girl, and you know that.  I always talk about her, and there is another girl, one that you don’t know.”
Carapace blinked.
He softly let out a “Bro…” but Cat Noir was hyping himself up now and he started rolling.
“It’s just, there is these two girls,” he began, “I’m losing my mind over it, I’m worried man and it’s coming to this point where like, I-,”
He kept going, looking down at his gloved hands and missing Carapace’s slowly warping expression. He started rambling, about how he always got the timing wrong, about how he cared about both these girls so much and he just didn’t know what to do. He started and he didn’t stop, completely unaware of Carapace starting to lose touch with reality.
Finally Carapace interrupted, stammering slightly in a tone that was wildly like…
“Dude I- stop, hang on. Dude I just- I know?” He waited for a beat, watching Cat Noir blink in confusion. He scanned his face, looking for just- literally anything. After another moment that was way too long, he finally braved it. “We- we already, we already talked about this.”
Cat straightened, throwing his head back in exasperation and groaning loudly, “Okay I know I talk about girls sometimes but I honestly never bother you with this much can you humor me please?”
“No I-,” Carapace paused, his voice getting quieter. “We just… literally we-,”.
“Please man I- UGH I’m really having trouble!” He nearly shouted it, looking so genuinely unheard that Carapace was reeling. “You’re one of my only close guy friends I NEED a second opinion, I’m begging now. I already asked my other friend but he always says the exact same thing and he’s RIGHT but I need someone to say something else!” Cat suddenly mimicked his voice saying, “”You need to communicate.” That’s what he says, he’s RIGHT obviously but I just-,”
He kept talking, briefly glossing over how this ‘friend of his’ wasn’t particularly helpful with this line of questioning, so Cat Noir had chosen to seek HIM out instead.
And as he went on with his rant, Carapace slowly brought his hands to his face in intense contemplation.
Suddenly, in the middle of Cat Noir’s over the top love ranting Carapace decided to interrupt him.
“Hold up- hold on now. I need to clarify something, just cause I need to double check alright, just checkin’ something.”
Cat Noir paused, looking to him and slowly saying, “…okay?”
“You KNOW I know you’re Adrien Agreste right?”
 Silence. Cat abruptly went rigid, but Carapace just splayed his hands wide, rapidly searching his face for confirmation of the impossible.
“Like dawg you KNOW that right? You’re aware? You know that right?”
Cat Noir was frozen, holding as still as possible like Carapace was a T-Rex and if he didn’t move this problem was just gonna go away. But Carapace pressed further, getting louder as he said “DUDE you know who I AM RIGHT?!”
The feline superheroes breathing was starting to pick up, his eyes blown wide as he REALLY looked at his friend, before he nearly inaudibly squeaked, “…no?”
“Shhh!” Cat Noir leapt forward, trying to grapple him as he went into full panic mode, “Wait shut up shut up!”
They started to wrestle, Cat Noir violently shushing his companion as he had a full melt down, saying things like “All this time-!” and “You’re an idiot!” and “I thought you were just- oh my god!��
“Please!!! This is terrible Carapace shut up!! I don’t know how you found out my identity but I-,”
“Lower your voice!”
“What do you mean?!”
Carapace gripped him hard by the shoulders and threw them both until Cat Noir was flat on his back with a harsh thump against the roof tiles. The turtle hero held him tight and shook his shoulders, his eyes crazed with years of realization colliding together at once. “Who is the second girl in your ridiculous life, what’s her name?!”
Cat Noir looked wild and frightened, finally becoming so flustered that he just hissed in a whisper, “It’s Marinette okay!?”
“And WHAT!?”
“AND?” Carapace reiterated, shaking him harder.
“And LADYBUG you MORON!” he hissed as quietly as he possibly could.
Instantly Carapace stopped, holding him in a vice like grip just above the tiles. After an incredibly still moment, he dropped him, closing his eyes and putting his hands over his face.
Cat Noir was flat on his back, panting heavily and staring up at him freaked out, but it was like Carapace had been struck by lightning and he was just sitting there, completely still.
 “Oh,” was all he finally said, curling in on himself slightly. Before suddenly, he pitched to the side and just lay there on the roof tiles, rolling onto his stomach.
“…oh?!” Cat eventually managed, twisting onto his side to look at him just laying there. “That’s all you have to say?! Of COURSE it’s Ladybug! I talk about her EVERY. DAY.”  
“This… explains… so much,” Carapace muttered, not even listening to him. With a huff Cat crawled onto all four and went over to him, his heart racing in what was nearly a panic attack at this point. But all of Carapace’s energy had been spent, and he just mumbled dejectedly with his face smooshed against the tiles.
Cat Noir’s ears twisted forward, trying to make out the words, before he just lost his patience and hissed “What are you saying?!”
“I said YOU’RE STUPID!” the turtle barked out, turning his face back into the filthy roof.
“Why am I- UGH forget it! Just forget it we have a way bigger problem here- If Ladybug finds out my identity has been compromised she’s going to-,”
“Is SHE stupid too!?” Carapace interjected, twisting just enough to look up at him incredulously. “Is everyone stupid but ME?”
“What the hell are you talking about?! Dude there is RULES! No one is allowed to know anyone elses identity!”
Carapace just gaped at him, before his eyes unfocused and he just went limp. He whispered it when he said, “So she IS stupid…”
He waited a beat, and wretchedly mumbled to himself, “Oh god you’re both so stupid.”
 Cat Noir was at a loss, looking all around him like he was desperately trying to make sense of it all, stopping only to try and sort of Carapace’s miserable breakdown.
He was about to give up and just drag Carapace to a lockable room somewhere before his friend propped himself up all at once with the most exasperated expression he had ever seen on a human person.
“So help me- someone has to do some shit about this, listen to me-,” Carapace got to his knees and lunged forward to grab him by the bell. He pulled him forward, and with all the determination of a war general he proclaimed, “On GOD I am going to get you a girlfriend, do you hear me? I am going to make this happen because I can not STAND another DAY of this. Got it?!”
“I- Carapace I-!?”
“GOT IT?!”
  Cat Noir dangled helplessly in his grip, and with his last wits he sputtered out, “Okay, okay!!! I’ll do whatever you say!”
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chaseatinydream · 4 years
pirate king (31) || atz
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The five of you are walking along the streets, footsteps echoing on the cobbles as you take in the sights about you. It’s a bright and sunny day, with a stiff breeze keeping the temperature cool while you tour the town. You’re dressed lightly for the day, your hair done up in the pin Wooyoung had given you a while back to keep it out of your face.
But Jongho. What is Jongho doing?
Seonghwa sighs, turning to look at their maknae. “Well, he did get drunk yesterday after we told him I was staying with the crew and sobbed for a whole hour about how happy he was.”
“Let’s not forget how he danced around the ship trying to do a striptease to celebrate.” San mutters under his breath. You gulp at the thought and cover your eyes, as if that could change what your eyes have already seen.
You’re probably still traumatised.
Yeosang stares worriedly after Jongho, who’s still dancing his way through the marketplace, belting out some song none of you have heard before at the top of his lungs.
“Is he still drunk?”
It’s funny how Captain actually let Jongho go into town with you and the others after the little fiasco yesterday. After returning to the Treasure on your little rowboat, Seonghwa had immediately explained to Captain and the rest about all that had happened. Hongjoong had simply listened quietly to Seonghwa, nodding in understanding when his cook had told him about how he had been tempted to stay in Nassau.
“It was understandable.” Hongjoong had shrugged.
But when Seonghwa had declared he was going to stay with the crew no matter what, you swore you had seen Hongjoong sigh a silent breath of relief under his breath, the tense muscles in his shoulders relaxing.
The rest of the crew hadn’t been quite so reserved in showing their joy.
Yunho and Wooyoung, once again the life of the party, had snuck down into the storage hold and swiped an entire cask of aged fire rum, giving drinks out to the whole crew, much to Hongjoong’s horror.
And absolutely the entire ship had gotten dead drunk.
The last time when you had gone drinking with the ATEEZ crew, you had thought you had seen everything. From flirting with inanimate objects to burning down restaurant kitchens, it had been bad. Until you had seen this.
Two words.
Absolute. Pandemonium.
What happened had literally been the stuff of nightmares. Your master, soft spoken oddball Choi San, had only managed two glasses of alcohol before he had gone streaking across the main deck of the ship, dressed in a grass skirt of medicinal herbs which you had been forced to toss this morning due to hygiene purposes. You had managed to save his clothes from being lost to the unknown, but your sanity had been sacrificed in the process as you tried to drag him back to the sickbay all with your eyes firmly shut against the evils of the world.
Mingi. The silent, steady quartermaster was one depressed drunk. After a few minutes of cheering like a lunatic with the rest of the crew, he had suddenly stood up, walked over to the captain’s cabin and lay down on Yeosang’s bed, hugging a terribly ugly plushie that you assumed your master had sewn years ago, a yellow bean in blue suspenders and clearly missing an eye. To it he had sobbed his life story, which mainly involved how he had joined the Treasure and how he wished Hongjoong could have had a better life. You had chosen wisely to leave the cabin before the room flooded with his tears.
Only to run in Jongho, who was in the middle of the main deck attempting to do a striptease along to a tragic ballad he was singing at full volume, hyped on by the rest of the crew chanting along. You had gone already nearly gone blind trying to escort San back to the sickbay, but with Jongho, you weren’t quite as lucky.
For a moment, you had very nearly wanted to claw your own eyes out. Fortunately for you, you had been saved when Jongho had decided to do a swan dive over the side of the ship into the sea all while screaming something that sounded suspiciously like ‘yeet’, prompting the only other sober person besides you on board, Seonghwa, to jump into the frigid waters to rescue him.
And gods. Rational, gentle, innocent and sweet Yeosang had gotten drunk. And when he got drunk, he drank even more. And when he drank even more, boy did he let his mouth run. You never wanted to hear the words that he had used to describe his father leave his mouth ever, and in the morning when they had been slightly more sober than before, Hongjoong had threatened to wash his mouth out with rubbing alcohol if he ever heard them again.
Which was rather ironic, considering that Hongjoong himself had been Yeosang’s most ardent supporter and listener the night before, cursing his own father with all sorts of colourful and creative words that had nearly made your ears bleed. The two had sat in the bow with a bottle of fine, powerful whiskey between them, screaming all sorts of unrepeatable expletives into the dark of the ocean. You had carefully kept clear of the forecastle deck, but even from the main mast you could hear them shrieking words like ‘shitbag’ and ‘bastard can’t even aim a gun properly-’ over the howling of the wind.
You had chosen not to dwell too much on that. After all, you had bigger problems to deal with.
Yunho and Wooyoung had been attempting to swing around the masts. The three of you were rigging monkeys, so this was nothing unusual. The problem with that was that Yunho and Wooyoung were on the verge of getting into a fist fight on the yardams, and that scared you more than it should have.
Because the two of them were fighting over the mast.
“The main mast is the best mast of the three! She’s tall and gorgeous, with such a slim and sleek figure! What does your mast have?” Yunho screamed from above, clinging onto the main mast’s rigging like it was his one true love. You had wondered briefly who he was talking to, until a voice from the mizzen mast had shrieked back in response.
“The mizzen mast is made of the most exquisite conifer! I’d like to see your mast made of anything better!”
It was Wooyoung, the drunk idiot second only to Yunho.
The first time you had caught wind of their argument, you had briefly wondered if you were the drunk one instead, but then you remembered that you hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol.
“Guys,” You had tried to cajole them into coming down from their dangerously high perches, “The masts are just big sticks-”
From the horrified screeching above you, you would have thought you had just murdered their firstborn children.
“How dare you, Haechin!” Yunho had blubbered, sloshing alcohol everywhere from above and you had been forced to dive out of the way to avoid a shower of rum. Wooyoung had thrown his wooden mug at Yunho with all the fury of a professional thrower but without the aim, so his shot had gone far off. The piece of tableware had flown through the air and hit Jongho straight in the forehead when Seonghwa was trying to haul him back on board, so the maknae simply toppled back into the ocean, much to Seonghwa’s horror.
“Don’t you dare call Chon Ha’s name wrongly!” Wooyoung had screeched from the mizzen mast, dangling upside down from the ropes, failing to recognise the hypocrisy of his statement. “Names are important, Yun Hoe!”
“What did you just call me, Poo Young?”
You had merely stood at the main deck for a long moment, staring up at the masts as you wondered how on earth you were ever going to get them down, the two slinging insults at each other with all the maturity of a five year old child split between the two of them.
“They’re very passionate about this.” Seonghwa had appeared at your side with a limp, kicking Jongho slung over his shoulder. He watched as the two flung rude hand gestures at each other, occasionally forgetting that they needed their hands to hold on to the rigging and almost tumbling off the masts, but somehow managing to save themselves at the last moment. “That’s how the two of them started talking when Wooyoung first joined the ship.”
You had stared at the cook incredulously even as Jongho attempted to struggle out of the sackcloth Seonghwa had tied him up in to save what was left of his shredded dignity. “By talking about which mast is better?”
Seonghwa had shrugged in reply. “Every time they get drunk, they flirt with inanimate objects. Along the way, Wooyoung and Yunho just… fell in love with the mizzen mast and main mast, I guess.”
Maybe the maturity of a five year old split between the two of them had been a little too generous. You doubted they had more brain than Shiber even if you put their minds together.
“I once woke up to see Wooyoung getting it down the mizzen mast. And Yunho attempting to seduce the mast with terrible puns about… you know.” Seonghwa had mumbled, shaking his head as he massaged his temples. He had clearly seen terrible things, you could see the trauma of his experience on the lines of his handsome face. What a difficult life he has been through. “Well, anyway, I need to get Jongho below deck before he attempts to go skinny dipping in the sea again.”
Your eyes had widened in horror as Seonghwa hoisted a whining Jongho higher up his shoulder. “You can’t leave me alone with these two idiots! You’ve known them longer, you should know what to do!”
But Seonghwa merely waved over his shoulder, opening the hatch to below the decks and rolling Jongho’s body down the stairs.
“Look at the blue she dresses herself in! The beauty of her robes, she’s such a fine mast!” Yunho screamed above you, and for a moment you had been very tempted to just grab Mingi’s ax from the cabin and hack the entire mast down.
“You’re merely dressing a swine in pearls!” Wooyoung waved his fist back furiously, his face red from hanging upside down or from the alcohol, you didn’t know. “What matters most is the person within!”
“That would have been so much more touching if he hadn’t been talking about a mast.” You shook your head, completely exasperated. But Wooyoung and Yunho had obviously not forgotten about you, because they turned to you simultaneously.
“Choo Ha!”
Their voices echoed together. “Which mast is better?”
You had buried your face in your hands. This was actually a real conversation. These two grown adult men had just asked you which big wooden stick was better than the other.
You’d had enough.
Yunho had slid down his rope precariously to stare at you in the eye seriously. Then he screamed “What?” so loud in your ears you were pretty sure one eardrum had just given up on you, the sound ringing in your ears. But you had forced yourself to keep your calm.
“The foremast is better.”
Now that you think back on it, you had probably broken them. The two of them had merely gaped at you in shock and horror, and Yunho had actually slipped from the ropes to land in a crumpled heap right next to you.
Sobs had burst out from the mizzen mast.
“How could you say such a cruel thing, Choo Hoo?”
That was probably why the two other rigging monkeys had refused to join your little excursion to Havana today. Neither Wooyoung nor Yunho had met your eye, probably still unable to accept by what you had told them.
It was either that or the roaring hangover both of them had.
Suddenly, a screech pierces the air, much like a dying ostrich and you clap your hands over your ears, eyes flitting around for the source of the noise. Yeosang, too, flinches, but manages to stay a lot more composed than you. He must be too used to the sound of cannon fire and Wooyoung’s shrieking laughter.
“What was that?” You gape, but then all you see is a fruit cart, overturned, and suddenly, it explodes into flames.
Yeosang dives at you, knocking you to the ground as bits of charred wood fall all about you. To your left, you see your master crouched behind another stall with his hands protecting his head. To your right, you see Mingi and Seonghwa ushering a small girl to safety and away from the explosion.
“What happened?” You ask as Yeosang crawls off you, brushing ash from the knees of his pants as the two of you rise to your feet. The navigator frowns, coughing from the sheer amount of smoke as he attempts to see where your battlemaster has gone.
“Where’s that dumb maknae?” San yelps from the ground, and you can see him clutching a small Shiber stuffed toy to his chest protectively. “I swear, if he got into some sort of shit-”
“Language, San!” Yeosang chides, but the tips of his ears turn pink in embarrassment at his hypocrisy. Then he catches sight of something, and his eyes widen in sheer horror. “What the fu-”
You clap a hand over his mouth before he can say anymore.
“-urry cute bunny.” Yeosang manages to save his mouth from a date with rubbing alcohol. “Is that Jongho? With my new explosive, highly dangerous smoke bombs?”
You almost choke in shock as you stare into the clearing smoke. Then you see it. Jongho, hooting madly with laughter as he raises another hand bomb in his hands. Yup, definitely still drunk. “Oh, fu-”
What has Jongho done?
Before you too have a date with rubbing alcohol, San spots the town law enforcement approaching, the sound of their boots thundering across the stone pavement. The healer looks at you determinedly. You glance at him, intending to convey your message to him. Your master has always understood you intuitively, much like how you and Wooyoung can communicate through touch alone.
We’ve got to get Jongho out of there before the officials spot him.
San nods seriously in agreement.
Then he opens his mouth and screams. “Abandon ship!”
With that, he shoots down a small lane and out of sight before you can say a word. To your horror, Mingi and Seonghwa bolt as well, as if this is a drill they’ve practiced thousands of times.
Your eyes widen. Those little shits...
You and Yeosang exchange grim looks. Neither of you want to do it, but you’ve been saddled with the responsibility. You’re going to murder San when you get back to ship.
“We need to save Jongho’s ass.”
“We do.”
Saying it out loud doesn’t make it any easier to do.
So this time when Yeosang swears rather colorfully, you don’t bother stopping him.
Yeosang takes your hand and yanks you with him as he grabs Jongho by the scruff of the neck. The surprised maknae barely has the time to react before Yeosang is dragging him down the street with you, deceptively strong for such a lithe person. The three of you duck into an alley, just as the officers dash past you, shouting for the offender to step forward and admit to his crimes.
“Let the world burn!” Jongho crows, attempting to toss the bomb to the ground. Yeosang struggles against him, trying to get him to let go of the bomb and simultaneously attempting to shut him up at the same time. Honestly, what on earth did Jongho drink last night? How was he still drunk even now?
Then the memory comes back to you.
This morning, Jongho had woken up with a hangover, like everyone else on the ship. He had come to you, looking for something to help with the headache, so you had suggested a common household remedy, a splash of gin with a tomato based drink to take the edge off.
Just a little gin, you remembered saying. When you had walked into the storage hold to clear up after the night before, you had seen an entire bottle of gin, empty and bone dry on the floor. At the moment, you had wondered if Jongho had drunk the whole bottle himself in the morning, but you waved it off, Jongho couldn’t be that stupid, and the empty bottle was probably just from last night.
Well, apparently Jongho was that stupid, because he had likely downed the entire bottle of hard liquor by himself in the morning and had gotten drunk all over again.
“I heard some noise coming from over here!”
You and Yeosang exchange glances and begin panicking simultaneously. Your eyes search the alleyway desperately for some means of escape, but all you see is a shop with grimy windows that are too dirty to see through…
And that is perfect.
You pull on Yeosang’s sleeve and tug him into the door, the tinkling of chimes signalling your arrival. The two of you barely manage to bundle the screeching human shape that is Jongho into the shop after you before you hear the guards run past the door. The three of you land in a tangled heap on the ground.
“We’ve got to catch those offenders!”
You groan in exasperation and feel tempted to slap your forehead, but you reach over and smack Jongho instead. The maknae yelps, but at least he drops the bomb into Yeosang’s outstretched palm before abruptly falling unconscious.
“I wish we could kill him.” You glare at his form. Today was supposed to be a relaxing day off, one in which all of you could relax together, and you and San had intended on visiting the herb garden markets for rare plants and the like. Now it seems as if you will have to wait until tomorrow to wait for the fuss to die down.
“How may I help the three of you?”
You jump in shock, scrambling backwards and almost knocking Yeosang over. He moves in front of you protectively, and from his sleeve you see the glint of something silver just in case.
But it’s just an old man standing there, with greying hair and eyes that seem to keep shifting colour. You frown. At one moment they seem to be blue, then brown, then grey, and in the end you give up on trying to decide exactly what shade they are. He must be the owner of this shop.
“Ah!” You and Yeosang exchange glances and your eyes flit around the shop, your foot shoving Jongho’s prone form behind you as you try to find a suitable excuse. “We were… ah… we were looking for a book.”
It’s a bookshop, after all.
“That’s nice to hear. You rarely get youngsters such as yourself who are interested in books.” The old man smiles warmly, and something in you feels like you want to stay with him somehow. He radiates a sense of comfort that you want to keep with you at all times. “Are the two of you married? He seems like a sweet boy.”
You spit and Yeosang chokes at the same time, you reach over to slap his back as he tries to recover from his coughing fit. “Thank you, sir.” Yeosang thumps his chest, heart racing beneath his skin at the man’s words. “But we’re just friends.”
“Oh?” The old man raises an eyebrow, and you frown again, wondering how his eyes can be such a unique shade that you cannot identify. “Then again, there are always more choices. Fate changes, you know, like a stream flowing down a mountain. It curves and winds, overcoming whatever is in its way. No path is definite.”
You cough awkwardly. “Yes, sir.”
As weird as this conversation is, you’d prefer him to ask you about this than Jongho’s body. Maybe the man is too senile to think otherwise about a dead drunk body on the floor.
“Anyway, I might have the book for you.” The old man moves about the shelves, searching for something, you don’t know. You glance about you, the shelves are made from tree roots grown into the wall, the books leaning against a wall of soil. Then you realise why the floor is so soft. It’s a carpet of soft green grass, well kept with tiny flowers blooming. Your eyes widen in wonder at the beauty of it all.
“Your shop is beautiful.” You gush, astounded at the effort that must have gone into creating and maintaining this shop. “You must have worked hard on it.”
The old man’s fingers still on the spine of a book. “Well… I have a… talent for these sort of things and I enjoy it… I suppose you could say I have a green thumb.”
With that, he pulls out a book from the shelves and offers it to you. “That’s a beautiful necklace, by the way.” He comments, gesturing to the silver chain hanging from your neck. You smile as you accept the book gratefully, Yeosang peeks over your shoulder at the cover.
“Thank you. I’ve had it with me for a long time.”
The Little Mermaid.
“Isn’t this a kid’s storybook?” Yeosang asks, studying the rendition of the mermaid drawn on the cover. The old man nods wisely.
“It is sometimes the simplest things that hold the most truth.” He says and you nod gratefully, reaching into your pocket to pay him for the book (and for harboring the three of you from guards). But he stops you. “Ah, don’t pay me. I have a feeling you might need that book. Have you ever heard of the saying, do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it? Although it may be a little different… in this case.”
You don’t really understand what he’s saying and shake your head, but take the book anyway. “Thank you very much, sir.”
Yeosang hoists one of Jongho’s arms over his shoulder and the three of you prepare to leave, but the old man calls out to you one last time.
“Chin Hae?”
“Hmm?” You turn around in response to your name. The old man smiles at you, and suddenly you feel something wet sliding down your cheek. It’s a tear, you realise in shock, and hurriedly wipe it away before he can see.
Why are you crying in front of an old man.
“That’s a beautiful name. I’m glad they chose it for you. Stay safe.”
You frown a little at the strangeness of his words, but you thank him anyway for the compliment and well wish. Then you and Yeosang are out of the shop, the chimes swaying as the door clicks shut. The old man stares after the three of you, watching through the window as you speak to Yeosang about the book.
“Chin Hae, huh?”
He glances around the shop. This is such a measly sight of what he can do, but you complimented it and called it beautiful. If only you could see the true beauty of it, like you’ve always wanted to.
“Maybe soon.” He murmurs to himself and snaps his fingers.
Suddenly, the old, aged trees shrink back into the wall of earth, the plants wilting and dying in mere seconds, the flowers falling to the earth and vanishing into the soil. The books, shelves, everything disappears in mere seconds, and suddenly, the old shopkeeper is standing in the empty alleyway all by himself.
Except he’s not an old man anymore.
The skin on his face stretches and smooths out once more, his skin darkening till it takes on an earthy brown tone. The colours in his eyes swirl together, twisting and mixing in a kaleidoscope of shades until it finally settles on one single hue.
A bright, unearthly green that no one else in the world can replicate.
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phantom-curve · 3 years
45 from the prompt list please for juke, happy Birthday to you!!!
Thank you! I clearly have not tortured these two enough so please enjoy this angsty Juke whump that ultimately has a happy ending because what other type of ending is there?! Set in a post-canon AU where Julie brings the boys back to life.
#45: feeling their temperature
Julie had been learning a lot about how to deal with various phantom related issues in the last few months. She had learned that the boys needed constant touch and reassurance that they were somehow solid to her, mostly in the form of Luke pulling her into a hug at the end of practice or Reggie throwing himself on top of her while she was sprawled out on the couch doing homework or Alex’s fingers just gently running across the back of her shoulders or the skin of her elbow when she would walk past him at any given time. She had learned that Luke missed meatball subs more than anything, and that Reggie was still sad that that one pizza place on the pier had shut down, and Alex secretly wished he could eat cheese one last time despite the way it had always made him sick when he was alive. She had learned that in the aftermath of their literal magical hug the boys had started getting tired enough to occasionally sleep again and sometimes they didn’t quite phase through things the way they used to and for some reason their poofing had become a touch unreliable.
She was trying to roll with it as much as she could, which was actually a lot given she’d kinda just been rolling with it ever since they appeared in her mom’s studio and turned her life upside down in the best way. But something she hadn’t planned for was illness.
It didn’t make sense, after all. They were ghosts. There was no reason they should get sick, especially given the fact that they weren’t, ya know, real physical entities unless she was touching them. So, it didn’t make sense that they were able to get fevers or sore throats or be congested. She hadn’t planned for it, had written it off as a definite impossibility. Until Reggie half-poofed into her bedroom, flickering in and out slightly so she only caught every other word.
“Julie! ...quick...Luke...not...good...need...help...please!”
And she went immediately, racing down the steps and out the back door to the studio before Reggie had a chance to appear in her bedroom again.
The boys looked absolutely exhausted as she crashed into the studio, Reggie collapsed in one of the chairs breathing heavily and Alex pacing so fast she was sure he was going to wear a groove into the concrete floor. Luke was stretched out along the couch, his face red and sweaty, and he was the only one that looked unhappy at her arrival.
“Julie, thank God,” Alex breathed out, his steps slowing ever so slightly as he made eye contact. “Luke is...sick? Do ghosts get sick? Is that possible? I tried to poof up to you but...it wouldn’t work. Why wouldn’t it work? Reggie said he kept flickering? Did you understand him, or did he just disappear? Oh God, why doesn’t the afterlife come with rule books!?!”
Reggie, bless him, tried to fill in some of the gaps.
“I dunno how much I was actually able to say up there, but something is wrong with Luke. We’re pretty sure he’s sick.”
“Am not!” Luke tried to yell from his spot on the couch, but he barely managed to get the two words out before he was doubled over gasping for air. As if any of them were actually breathing.
“He’s been like this all day.”
It didn’t take a genius or supernatural expert to see that Luke was not his normal bouncy self. Julie approached him slowly, not wanting to make things worse but desperate to affirm for herself that he was still here with her and would be okay at the end of whatever this was. Obviously, none of them actually knew if he would be, but at least if she was touching him, she would have the physical reassurance of his presence. She lowered herself next to his head, resting on her knees beside the couch. He turned glassy eyes her way, groaning and twisting over on his side so he was as curled into her space as he could be while still on the couch.
She tried desperately to keep the fear from her voice. The last thing the boys needed was for her to lose it, but she wasn’t sure she managed it. Losing the boys, losing Luke, was her number one fear since she had realized how much they all meant to her. It was a fear that had become even more real when she had watched them be nearly jolted from existence thanks to Caleb, her touch somehow being the one thing that had managed to save them. As if spurred on by that memory, she reached out to let one hand trail across Luke’s forehead and down to rest against his cheek. His skin was like fire beneath her touch.
“You’re burning up. Have you been hot like this all day?”
One side of his mouth tipped up, a half-hearted smirk curving his lips.
“I’m always hot, Jules. Didn’t think you’d ever notice.”
It took everything in her not to roll her eyes. But then Luke gasped and coughed, the sound deep and throaty in a way she hadn’t experienced since the time Carlos got pneumonia when he was little. She fluttered her fingers above him, not sure where her touch would be helpful or comforting. Luke reached up to snag her hands within his own, pulling them close against his chest. Julie tried not to focus on the way his skin seemed to be boiling beneath her.
“That cough doesn’t sound good. Have you taken anything? Ibuprofen, Tylenol, ice cold water??”
She was grasping at straws here. Whatever was going on with Luke was completely out of her wheelhouse, but she would be damned if she let some weak human virus or bacterial infection be his downfall. She had saved him from a goddamn demon’s curse, she could save him from this.
“No, Julie, I’m fine. I swear.”
His promise was cut off by another hacking cough. Julie tried to pull her hands back, if only so that she could use them for something other than just grasping onto Luke’s, but his grip held firm.
“Luke,” she tried again, pushing the tears she felt clogging her throat back, “you’re not fine. Please, I just...I need...there has to be something I can do.”
Their eyes met and held. She watched the way the emotions swimming in the sea of Luke’s gaze shifted and changed. Felt it deep within her soul when he decided to give up the façade and let her in.
“I don’t...it doesn’t feel right, Jules. It’s not like I’m sick, not like...”
Not like when he was human. The words hung unspoken between them. Julie felt her heart dive straight into her toes.
“Can we just...can you just...hold me?”
Luke’s voice came out in broken starts and stops, like the request was being dragged from his bones in a last-ditch attempt at satisfying a final craving before the very end. Julie thought her heart might explode, especially when her eyes searched his face and found nothing but longing and love etched into the pained lines there. It hit her then. He didn’t think this was something survivable. He didn’t think he was going to come back from this. Luke was facing the end, the actual end, and he wanted her at his side and in his arms when he went to meet his maker. The very idea ripped her soul in two.
“No, no, no. No, Luke, no. This isn’t...you’re not...no. You don’t get to do this to me. Not now. Not after...no.”
Julie felt the tears well up and spill over, wet tracks inching down her cheeks in the worst kind of betrayal. Not after everything she had done to save him. Not after she realized she loved him. It wasn’t fair. Luke didn’t get to just leave her like this. She wouldn’t allow it. Luke’s own eyes flooded, the two of them so in tune that when she blinked again her tears traced down her face in the same pattern that his did.
He was pulling on her then, using their conjoined hands and his superior upper body strength to drag her up and onto the couch. Julie did her best to wedge herself into the space beside him, but Luke was having none of that, dropping her hands so he could twist his fingertips into her belt loops and haul her body on top of his. It was the kind of intimate cuddling she had been dreaming about for months, even before she had been able to touch him. Her head was tucked securely beneath his chin, cheek resting above the space his heart had once occupied. His arms were locked around her waist, hands solid and reassuring against the small of her back. She let her hands slip past the worn cotton of his cut-up band tee to rest against his ribs, the tears flowing fast and hot from her eyes to soak the material beneath her head.
She wasn’t sure Luke would even notice the difference. His temperature had to be sky high, every inch of his body where it pressed against hers engulfed in flames. Without realizing it, she began to hum the chorus to Edge of Great. She had been using it recently as a way to hype herself up when she started doubting something, the song never failing to remind her of Luke’s unbreakable belief in her. She felt it when Luke smiled, his head leaning down to rest against her own, voice blending with hers in a perfect harmony.
“We were pretty great, huh?” Luke’s voice was hushed as his lips moved across her scalp. “The band...the boys...us. We went right over the edge together, didn’t we? We’re just one dream, away from who we’re meant to be.”
Julie lost the melody as her quiet cries shifted to sobs. This couldn’t be it. They hadn’t even achieved half of the things they were meant to. Luke’s hum picked up where hers had dropped off, shifting slowly into the bridge of Finally Free.
“You’ll always be a part of me. Now ‘til eternity.”
Luke’s words were quiet and soft, melodic, as if he was still following the lines of the song in his head. There was a kind of peace to them that Julie hadn’t heard before, not since that awful night where he had stood before her and said there was no music without her. Not since the last time he thought she was going to have to watch him die. Not since the last time he had tried to say goodbye.
She couldn’t let him go like this. She had to fight, somehow, some way, to keep him where he belonged, right here next to her. She didn’t know what was happening, didn’t know how to fix it, but she could give him this. She could tell him how much he meant to her. She could hope that it would maybe be enough. Just like last time.
“Luke...I can’t...I’m not...” Her chest constricted, cutting off her words. God, how did it already hurt so much? “I’m not ready to lose you. I can’t lose you. I love you.”
Luke convulsed slightly underneath her, the movement moving from the tip of his head all the way down to his toes. Julie hugged him close, terrified. She wasn’t sure if that type of reaction was a good thing or a bad thing, and she wasn’t fully ready to find out. Beneath her, Luke’s body began to rapidly cool. That had to be a bad sign, right? A fever like that wouldn’t just suddenly break, not unless...not unless...Julie couldn’t even make herself think it. She pulled herself tighter against Luke’s chest, leveraged every inch she could get against him as her hands flexed against his back. A strange noise sounded from deep within his chest.
“Luke? Please, Luke, no. Please don’t leave me.”
Julie clutched herself as close as possible, the feeling of Luke’s arms slackening on her back twisting her stomach. Her sobs were borderline uncontrollable now, breaths coming in painful gasps as she pushed her face deeper and deeper into the fabric of Luke’s shirt. I love you, I love you, I love you. Her mouth formed the words over and over again until she felt them stitch themselves into the lining of her soul.
The noise sounded again, louder this time, directly underneath the spot where her cheek rested against his left pectoral muscle. And then she heard it again, and again, and again, slowly repeating until it picked up a slight rhythm. Slow at first and then explosively fast all the sudden. It sounded...like a heartbeat.
“Luke, oh my God, Luke, please, please, oh my God, please.”
Julie had no idea what she was even pleading for. A sign, a glimmer of hope to hold on to, another miracle that would save the boy she loved and bring him back to her, fully this time. It was too much to ask for, right? Too much to put faith into. The sound, the heartbeat, within Luke’s chest began to echo even louder. Julie forced herself to be brave. Forced herself to lift her head and look at Luke’s face. She told herself she could handle it. She told herself she had to do it.
Luke’s eyes were open above her. He looked just as bewildered as she felt, but his eyes were open and she could see his nostrils flaring as he sucked in a breath, and she felt the lungs in his chest expand beneath her and he was alive. He had to be alive, right? That was the only explanation here.
“Are you...?”
“I feel...”
They said it at the same time, voices blending together the same way they did on stage, perfectly matched as if the universe itself had made it so. Julie pressed one hand against his cheek, his normal temperature cheek, and the other against his chest, directly above his heart. She felt the steady thump of muscle against her palm, felt Luke’s lips stretch into the widest grin she had ever seen. His own arms tightened around her waist again, forcing her to collapse against him as he squeezed. His heartbeat, his heartbeat!, roared strong and steady beneath her. His lips were in her hair, the only part of him that was still hot, moving against her curls in a way she didn’t have to hear to understand. I love you, I love you, I love you. Tying them together, heart to heart, the knowledge of that truth undeniable and overwhelming. He was alive. He was alive. Luke was alive, at her side, alive alive alive.
“Hey guys?”
Reggie’s voice, strained and aching. Julie had forgotten about the other boys completely. She turned her head, new tears overflowing when she caught sight of them. They looked like Luke had when she entered the studio. But instead of feeling scared, an immense wave of relief crashed over her. She could do this. She loved them. She could bring them back. Julie disentangled herself from Luke, crossing the room to pull the other boys close. Luke followed, his arms encompassing hers, Reggie and Alex safe within a never-ending circle of love. They burned hot and quick, fevers rising and crashing in a wave faster than Luke’s, heartbeats returning just as swiftly. They all cried, limbs overlapping in a heap on the floor. And when Julie met Luke’s eyes above the backs of the other boys, a moment passed between them. A moment that promised a lifetime together, every day beginning and ending with love and them.
“Now that we’re alive again, can we please get something to eat?”
Luke pulled Reggie into a noogie, but Julie just laughed, her heart soaring high as she thought about the endless future stretched out in front of them. A lifetime of forevers, starting that very day.
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Never Again | Denki Kaminari x Reader
AN: Hey friends! This is another server prompt I did, I chose my baby Denki this time. I’m actually on time, but that has it’s downsides, this is partially edited because I had to rush to finish. Sorry about that. Length: 3.5k Warnings: Angsty. Just super angsty. 
Main master list - Go read the others!
Summary: You finally managed to build up the courage to ask Denki out. It doesn’t go the way you planned, at all. 
Tag list: @peachy-yabbay​ @shiggi-trash​ @boku-no-dumbass​ @happynoodle​ @neon-tries-writing​ @x-midnight-violets-x​ @sunnieskies02​ 
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Denki Kaminari. Where to start with this boy? He was a major flirt, not like it needed to be announced. He flirted with ANY girl he saw and little ol you weren’t very special. He flirted with you the second he saw you, which was the last year of high school. Of course, you enjoyed it but your new friends were quick to warn you about his ways. You accepted most of his compliments but didn’t let it go anywhere.
No dates, no touching, nothing aside from the daily compliments which you would still find a way to turn down. However, after getting used to Denki, you decided to play along. It wasn’t anything serious. Denki’s compliments never brought butterflies to your stomach, they never made you blush, and you never thought twice about them. You were fine and he was just a great friend. Denki was blown away the first time you flirted back and it was hilarious to see.
It was after you two had graduated, you were still great friends, and even greater heroes. You had showed up to the hero agency where you worked a little later than usual.
“Oh, sleeping beauty’s finally here. Finally gracing us with your glory and beautiful smile, as usual.” Denki said with a smile. That day you’d felt great, so that could’ve been why.
“There you are prince charming. You should’ve woken me up with a kiss.” His eyes widened and his cheeks turned a deep shade of red. After seeing that reaction, you couldn’t help yourself. After that, it just became natural, really. You both would flirt back and forth and neither of you thought anything of it. Even after a couple of years, you didn’t have feelings for Denki.
That’s what you thought at least. But one day, one comment, changed all of that. Before that comment, you never gave Denki’s words another thought. It was needless flirting. It meant nothing.
“Are you and (f/n) dating?” Harbinger asked, a girl who was almost your partner when it came to being a hero.
“Oh n-” Before Denki could finish his words, you interrupted him, unintentionally.
“Please. Chargebolt wishes he could have someone like me.”
“Yeah, actually.” Denki responded without missing a beat. Both you and Harbinger stared at him with wide eyes. That was the day, you’re sure of it. That’s the day you fell for Denki. Those words and that look in his eyes, of pure adoration and love did something to you. After that, every time he complimented you, his words meant something. Every time you two would cuddle on his couch or yours, you’d never been happier. You’d started returning his cheek kisses, you were more eager to hold him or be held by him.
It didn’t take long for you to realize your feelings. You’d miss Denki more than usual and his bright, radiant smile would chase your worries away. He was… perfect in your eyes. When he’d flirt with another girl, it would hurt. Every time he’d look at another girl, it did something to you and you’d instantly wish you were that girl.
You’d lay awake at night wishing you were in Denki’s arms, when things got difficult for you at work, you’d immediately think of your blond friend. The signs were clear as day and you had no reason to deny them. There was a trend with Denki, one you’d noticed way early on. Denki had limitations when it came to flirting with other girls. He’d really flirt for the first few days and then it would die down pretty quickly and they weren’t too extreme. Of course, he’d overload the girl with compliments, but he never did what he did with you.
With you, he’d kept up this game for well over two years and it progressively got more intimate, not that you were complaining. Overtime, Denki showed more than his playboy side. He was kind and caring. Whenever you needed a shoulder to cry on, he was there. Whenever you needed someone to vent to, someone to calm you down, or hype you up, he was here. Whenever you felt lonely, he was ready to hold you and remind you you weren’t alone.
It was only a matter of time before you did fall in love but you didn’t really hate it. It was Denki, your best friend. He was always there for you and from the things he’d been saying for the last six to seven months made you believe he felt the same.
So you came up with a small plan. You’d tell Denki how you felt in your most sacred place. The place you two always went when you- or he- needed to vent. A place where you’d spent countless nights laying on the ground cuddling while watching the stars, a place that meant so much to you. Even without Denki, you’d find an extreme sense of comfort there. So why not make another wonderful memory there?
“Hey babe! Where ya been? We missed you today!” Denki’s cheerful voice came through your phone. You smiled at the warmth it brought you looked down at the ground. He really was amazing, just his voice would make you feel better.
“Hey, love. I was wondering if you could meet me at our place tonight? Unless you’re busy or-”
“I’d love to! I’d never been too busy for you, baby! What time?”
“I’ll be there at 8.”
“Sounds good, babe!” You two exchanged your goodbyes before you hung up and quickly went to go shower. You wanted to look extremely nice for him tonight. You already chose an outfit he claimed was his “favorite to see on you” and use his favorite (perfume/cologne). You were excited but also nervous, however you calmed your nerves by remembering all the times he’d held you, or called you those cute terms of endearment that you loved so much.
You nervously fidgeted with your fingers as you waited for Denki at your favorite spot. It was on top of a hill that overlooked the city. The view was gorgeous, especially at night when you could see all the bright lights from a distance.
“Hey! (f/n)!” You smiled as you turned around, seeing your favorite electric blond running towards you. “Hope you weren’t waiting too long!” You shook your head as you stood up and gave him a hug, which lasted longer than a normal hug.
“Nope, hope the drive wasn’t too bad.”
“Not at all.” You two found a nice spot on the blanket you’d laid out and looked ahead at the beautiful city. “So, what’s up.” You were ready, no matter how nervous you were. However, you were silent and Denki definitely noticed. After being friends for so long, he knew every time something was wrong with you. He knew every time you were nervous, but he also knew the perfect remedy. He quickly took your hand in his and gave them an affectionate squeeze. You took a deep breath before speaking up.
“I like you.” Denki’s cheerful smile melted away almost instantly and it was replaced by wide eyes. His hand unconsciously squeezed yours, but it wasn’t to help or comfort you.
“I like you.” You repeated, looking towards him as the anxiety welled up in your stomach. You didn’t know what to expect but this definitely wasn’t it. You kind of expected him to smile bright and say he knew prior to all this or at least hug you. The last thing you expected-or wanted- was for him to freeze up the way he did.
“Umm I-I uhh… l-look bab-(l/n)-” Woah, wait what? (l/n)? “Th-these were just jokes. I didn’t think you’d gain feelings for me.” Your heart shattered at his words and almost immediately tears sprang to your eyes. The butterflies disappeared and were replaced by an intense fear.
“What?” Was all you could manage to say, and even then your voice cracked slightly.
“I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean for this to happen, I thought you knew these were just jokes and I didn’t mean anything by them.” You felt the anger building up in your chest, making you glare at him. You tore your hand away from his, which made him flinch. You shot up from where you sat and glared down at him. You could see the regret building up in his glittering gold eyes under the moonlight. God, he looked so beautiful, even now. You shook your head, pushing those thoughts out of your mind.
It was almost unbelievable what he was saying. He flirted, called you terms of endearment, acted as if he wanted you, and didn’t expect you to fall in love?!
“Why would you do that?” You wanted to sound furious and strict, but instead, your words reflected how much distress you felt. They just came out as a broken whisper. You could see the guilt in Denki’s eyes, you could hear it in his voice, but that didn’t help anything.
“I-I’m sorry… L-look, my efforts never work on anyone. I-I thought you were j-just messing around.” He stood up as well, trying to calm you but he could see his efforts failing extremely quickly.
“Messing around?! For two years?! You really are an idiot.” You scoffed as the tears started to fill your eyes and it was too much to hold back. A couple slid down your cheeks, making Denki step forward in an attempt to soothe your pain.
“I’m sorry! P-please d-don’t cry.” He urged, reaching for your face, however, you slapped his hands away and wiped your own tears, roughly.
“Don’t touch me!”
“I’m sorry, bab-(l/n)! I really am! I didn’t mean for this to happen, I swear it.” For some reason, hearing that he didn’t mean for this to happen hurt much more. Because… it confirmed he was never attracted to you, not even at the beginning. Why not? Denki went after every single person he thought was attractive and when he came after you, you’d never felt so special. Of course, your friends warned you about him. Numerous times. You knew they were right, so you played it safe and always brushed off every compliment and request for a date.
You knew you were dumb for playing along, but when he showed interest, it became fun. You shouldn’t have started returning his compliments and you should’ve known better. You were so sure you wouldn’t fall, you were so sure of yourself... You should’ve listened to your friends but you didn’t, now look where that got you. An ache in your heart that wasn’t going anywhere for a while.
“I’m so sorry, (l/n)...” Denki muttered, his own tone of voice matching yours. You looked up to see tears pooling in his beautiful golden eyes.
“Sorry? The only one sorry here is me. You know, Denki, I don’t think you’ve ever stopped to think what your stupid flirting does. I don’t think you’ve ever stopped to realize how much it could affect a person.”
“I didn’t think it would work!” He defended, throwing his hands forward as a tear slipped out of his eyes. “It’s never worked before!”
“That doesn’t mean anything! You never thought you’d run into a person who would get swooned by your efforts? You never…” You trailed off, your eyes looking away from him as more tears slipped out of your eyes. “You never thought it would work.” You repeated quietly, almost as if you were trying to convince yourself he was innocent. 
“I really am sorry!” You looked at him with broken eyes and it pained his heart. You were his best friend and he didn’t like seeing you like this. He would jump through hoops to keep that beautiful smile on your face. All he wanted to do was keep your confidence level up. That’s why he was like this. He loved the way you walked with your head held high and he wanted to keep up with that. He just… didn’t think.
“You’re sorry? Now, you’re sorry? You weren’t sorry when you were toying with my heart! You weren’t sorry when you called me babe and baby, you weren’t sorry when we were cuddling or when you were kissing my cheek, or holding me like I belonged to you. Now, that I finally wanna be yours… yo-you’re telling me i-it was all a joke? A fucking joke?” A sob escaped your lips as your shaking hands touched your mouth, unable to handle the burden any longer.
Denki reached out and took your hands, but only for a moment before you pulled them away and shoved him. However, he didn’t stop. He kept repeating apologies as he tried to hug you but you wanted nothing to do with him. Well… that wasn’t true. Not in the least bit. All you wanted was for Denki to wrap his arms around you and soothe your worries and aching heart. All you wanted was to be loved and cherished by the man you’d fallen in love with.
But that was just wishful thinking. Denki made it abundantly clear he didn’t feel that way. He didn’t feel the same, nor did he ever feel that way towards you. With that thought in mind, you opened your mouth to ask him a question, one that made your chest hurt.
“Did you ever love me?” Denki froze and looked away, his attempts at wanting to wipe your tears away stopped. His arms fell to his sides and he looked down at you with those broken eyes. You already knew the answer before he gave it to you. Knowing that, another question popped up in your mind. ‘Are you sorry?’
Was Denki sorry? Was he really? Sure, he didn’t like his best friend sobbing in front of him the way you were doing but he didn’t seem sorry before. He never once thought you flirting back meant something? You never made fun of him and anytime your friends made stupid jokes about him, you were quick to defend him. None of that meant anything? There were jokes you made that were confessions in disguise. You thought someone like him, a huge flirt, would pick up on the signals.
Maybe he did. Maybe he just chose to ignore them so he wouldn’t be put in this very situation. Maybe Denki wasn’t as stupid as he acted. Maybe he knew exactly what he was doing, he just wasn’t prepared for this to happen.
“Figures…” You whispered, your eyes moved to the window, looking at the darkened city outside. How many times had you two come up here and stared down at the gorgeous city below? How many special memories had you made with him? All tarnished, just like this very spot you stood in.
You could never come back here, not knowing what had unfolded. The embarrassment and pain were enough to keep you away for the rest of your life. You knew this pain was temporary, you knew you’d get over it with time, but right now, right this very second… it felt eternal. The pain felt like no other you’d ever felt in your life. It almost felt like someone had torn your heart out, yet that stupid thing was still beating and you felt the pain only get worse.
Why did you have to confess? Why couldn’t you have just kept silent? Why did you fall for someone you never had a chance with? If you’d never done this, you could’ve woken up tomorrow and Denki would still be there. You’d still be able to call him babe, get kisses on the cheek, he’d hold you, you’d say you’d miss each other, you could go out for coffee or out to the park and he’d tease you, you’d pretend you disliked it but deep down you both you knew you loved it. You… could’ve kept up with that game of pretend. You were pretty happy with it before. The only reason you even brought this up without much thought was because you thought he felt the same.
You thought he loved you as well. You thought… he’d see you the way you saw him. A rose blooming in a field of wilted flowers. You regretted everything. You regretted playing along, you regretted giving him a chance, you regretted ever meeting him.
As the tears slid down, you felt an odd sensation of warmth surround you. The cool breeze that had kept you cool so far was gone and your mind was still a mess. YOU were a mess. All you wanted to do was run away and pretend as if none of this ever happened. As if this whole relationship didn’t exist.
“Forgive me.” That sounded so much closer that he stood. You blinked, finally returning to reality. You now realized what that warmth was. It was Denki, he’d finally wrapped his arms around you and held you tight. You wanted to push him off, but you had no more strength left. All you could do was stand there as the tears slid down your cheeks and onto his shoulder.
“Would you?” He’d almost missed what you said, your voice was hoarse and it came out as a little whisper. He pulled away a little bit and looked at you, taking your face in his hands and wiping the tears away. He hated seeing your beautiful face contort like this. He hated seeing you so broken and to think he caused this. An useless, stupid hero.
“What?” He inquired, needing to know what you’d just said. Your (e/c) eyes met his golden ones. He could see how hurt you were, he could see the pain you felt and he wished to become a sponge and just take it all away. You didn’t deserve this. Not you, anyone but you. Why not him?
“Would you forgive yourself?” You could feel his shoulders slump a little and you had your answer. Denki stayed silent and hugged you again, gently running his hand through your hair. You still hadn’t moved and chose to accept this last gesture.
Denki knew that too. He knew this would be the last time he’d ever see you and he questioned himself. Sure, he had answered your question earlier  but why? Why didn’t he stop flirting? Why did he continue? Why did he take it so far? You were the only girl he was holding hands with or cuddling, or going on dates which were disguised as “friendly hangouts”. There were plenty of nights where you two had shared a bed, or he’d kissed your cheeks, or held you close not to comfort you but for more intimate reasons. You two hadn’t done anything further than that. You hadn’t slept together, you hadn’t kissed, on the lips, and you hadn’t said: “I love you”.
You must’ve meant something to him since he didn’t stop. But the more he searched for an answer, the more he came up with the opposite of what you wanted to hear. He loved you, yes, but he wasn’t in love with you. Seeing your tears, seeing your pain, was enough to want him to force himself, however.
You were an amazing person, no doubt about that. You were caring, kind, you always looked out for him, you were always there for him, you were a godsend. So for you to go through this was cruel and unnecessary. If… he could force himself to love you, to return your feelings, he’d do it in a heartbeat. If he’d have one wish in this world… he’d use it to love you.
But that wasn’t possible. Denki knew that and that’s why he held on so desperately. He knew he’d just lost you today and this was the last time he’d ever get to see you. Something he didn’t know how to cope with. You were always there, you two barely had arguments and you… you were just always there. Now he’d need to learn how to cope with you suddenly vanishing. This harsh reality was a lesson for him, though. This was all his fault. Maybe if he’d listened to Sero, Kirishima, Bakugou- hell, even Midoriya- he wouldn’t be here.
They all warned Denki, repeatedly at that. Every single one of his friends warned him, not just for you, though. They’d warned him every time they saw him flirting with a girl. They told him it wasn’t a good idea and that it would blow up in his face one day. Denki just never listened, because he thought he was untouchable, that using “they never work” as an excuse would be like a get out of jail card. The last person he’d expected he’d lose was you.
You. No, you couldn’t leave him. He didn’t know how to deal with that. As he stood there holding you, his mind came up with idea after idea on how he’d make this up to you. He’d do anything and everything, but deep down, he knew none of it would work. You were done and you had every right to drop him and walk away.
Denki would never play with someone’s feelings like this again. He’d never needlessly flirt ever again. He’d never break someone like this ever again or may the world strike him down.
He’d learned his lesson, however, it took him years… but he finally learned it. Who knew all it would take losing everything?
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spiralingsights · 2 years
‘ no, hold the gun/staff like this. ’ and ‘ focus! ’ with you and Splinter!! Go ham dude!!
[ love the focus part how'd you know Emille is insanely easy to distract wjebfewhbewjbjefw also written pre-relationship! i really like yearning ]
[ Prompts: "No, hold the staff like this." and "Focus!" ]
[ Characters: Emille Newell, Splinter/Hamato Yoshi ]
[ Warnings: gay people am i right. also fighting/sparring ig ]
Emille, decidedly, did not like any of the weapons Splinter tried out with him.
As someone with absolutely no fighting experience and had never been in danger before, Splinter was trying to get him comfortable with an array of weapons, rather than focusing on choosing one he was good with right out the gate.
That idea, while good in theory, sucked hella ass in practice.
"No, hold the staff like this." Emille could have sworn he'd heard that a million times already. He glanced up to see how Splinter was holding it, only to suddenly have hands covering his own.
Splinter- very gently, almost as if he was afraid to break him- moved his hands to the correct positions on the staff, squeezing his hands lightly to make him tighten his grip.
"There. Do you feel how much more comfortable that is? How balanced? If your staff is making you wobbly, then you are holding it wrong, and will be wide open for attacks."
Right. When was he going to tell Splinter that his center of balance wasn't, well, centered?
"Okay, yeah, got it. Please don't tell me I need to attack you.'
"... I want you to attack me."
Oh, it was so tempting to say something like "fuck". But god forbid one of the turtles hear him say a "grownup word"- he'd never hear the fucking end of it.
After taking a moment to hype himself up, he made his move, swinging the staff down in the hopes that he'd at least hit Splinter's shoulder.
He didn't.
He, however, hit the ground with a thunk and a groan as the pain shot through his spine to his bad hip, almost making him instinctively curl in on himself. That'd be a sign of weakness though, and he'd rather die.
"You need to stay balanced. Keep both hands on the staff, and make sure it is always aligned with your body. Again!"
Slowly, Emille pulled himself to his feet, and went back in again.
"Focus!" Splinter finally snapped after a few more failed attempts, making Emille flinch ever so slightly at the sharpness of the word. "You cannot keep allowing your mind to distract you! You will never be able to use your surroundings as a weapon if you cannot focus."
"I can't even use this as a weapon!" Emille snapped back, huffing as he caught his breath. "Splinter, I don't know what you're expecting me to do, but I'm not gonna suddenly know how to use a two handed weapon when I've been using a pocket knife my whole life!"
Apparently, Splinter was used to getting responses like that, because he just looked amused at the other's outburst. "I did not think you would. I had simply been hoping that a teacher would be better at keeping his mind on the correct topic."
Oh, that was low. Emille was gonna remember that one forever.
And the fact that he instinctively swung the staff out and got Splinter in the ankle, he'd probably remember that one forever too.
Splinter didn't hit the ground like he'd hoped, simply catching himself right before impact. "That was good," he said, pulling himself up and helping Emille to his feet as well. "But perhaps the staff is not for you."
No shit.
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sanktaleksander · 3 years
I didn’t know you did Rick/Shane oh my god can I get an 18 please?
I am sorry this took fucking forever (gotta love when the mean ol’ mental illness factory in my head doesn’t want to do one thing correctly and help me get things done). But I adore you and I hope this isn’t too mushy or OOC for your taste😅 I have precisely one Sharick fic on ao3 and I haven’t written for TWD in quite a while but I sure as hell gave it my best shot. I really hope you like it❤️
Side note: if you see this and sent in a prompt that hasn’t been filled, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you, I am going to do my best to get yours done❤️
Rick/Shane + 18. Playing with hair
“You look like shit, cowboy.” 
The glare Shane got in return would have made most people shrink back but Shane Walsh was definitely not most people and Shane knew it was pretty half hearted. He also wasn’t one to mince words and Rick did in fact look like shit. Warmed over shit maybe, but still shit. It had been above ninety for at least the fourth day in a row and the King County sheriff’s office was not known for having the most top of the line cruisers. It may have been late but the heat and humidity in this part of the country did not abate all that much after the sun went down. Rick had also just pulled a twelve hour shift in exchange for a bit more vacation time, which they both were stockpiling for their honeymoon after they got married, so Shane supposed his fiance had a good excuse for looking like a husky that wasn’t adjusting well to life in rural Georgia. 
It was approximately midnight and Rick had been gone since noon twelve hours earlier and Shane knew he didn’t have to stay up to wait for Rick to return, they were both used to not always being able to see each other as much as they would have liked, but Shane didn’t mind the odd hours. He was pretty adept at catching cat naps when the need arose. 
He came up to offer Rick some iced tea, kept cold until Rick got home. Normally he would’ve gone out and gotten him some iced coffee but it was late and Shane knew the other man wouldn’t want to be hyped up from the caffeine and unable to get some decent sleep. Rick took off his hat and hung it up on the hook by the door, exhaling deeply as he took the glass from Shane and brought it to his lips, drinking a good bit before giving the glass back so he could get out of his boots and unbuckle his duty belt. He was already beginning to feel a bit better, the cool feeling of the air conditioned apartment and the iced tea settling in his belly helping to at least begin to cool off his tired body. Rick didn’t mind taking the longer shift but every time he did he came home reminded that he wasn’t the youngest anymore, though he didn’t exactly consider himself an old man either. But he had one failed marriage and two kids to his name, so he definitely had some milage behind him. 
It certainly didn’t seem to bother Shane. His fiance had once just been his best friend, someone he’d known practically since they were born. When you grew up in a small town, you pretty much knew everyone around your age in one way or another, usually going to school with each other, but he’d actually spent most of his childhood and teenage years with Shane by his side. They were practically attached at the hip most of the time. If you found one of them, it was a pretty safe bet that you’d find the other sooner or later. It had been an odd sort of relationship honestly, since both of them differed in several ways. But it worked somehow and Rick trusted Shane more than he trusted a good portion of the people he knew.
But, as they got older and graduated high school, things started to change. Even as they both decided to enroll in the police academy, Rick found himself falling in love with a woman from a neighboring town and starting a family, whereas Shane never really got around to the whole family thing, instead choosing to bed whatever woman he chose, keeping them around for as long as he liked before he felt the need for someone new. 
Despite this, they remained close, working together and spending time off together when they could even though his wife had never really liked Shane or even approved of Rick being friends with him. That was the first in a long list of things that his now ex would come to dislike and disagree with. 
By the time he had two children and the nice house that he’d always dreamed of having, his relationship with his wife wasn’t something he could easily deal with anymore. He also could not simply act like there was nothing wrong between them, something he had tried to do in favor of starting some sort of disagreement that inevitably turned into an argument. It didn’t help that he was becoming increasingly aware of a part of himself he’d been denying since he was young, practically since he’d been old enough to understand what it meant to care for someone else beyond friendship. 
The night Lori left, taking both of the kids with her, Rick had felt like his world, which had already been hanging by a thread, had now well and truly fallen apart right before his eyes and no matter what he’d done to try and keep things together, it just hadn’t been enough. 
He couldn’t remember what exactly had brought Shane to his door, if he’d texted him or maybe called him and what he said if he did, but he could recall how Shane had dropped everything to come to his house that felt so empty without his family. 
Shane really didn’t have much experience with this type of heartbreak and he tended to not let feelings interfere with his relationships with the women he dated, but that didn’t stop him from trying to do everything he could for his best friend. He ordered them Rick’s favorite takeout and got them some beer, not the cheap shit they usually drank either, springing for a nicer brand. Rick hadn’t felt like drinking all that much and it was hard to enjoy the food, even though it was indeed his favorite, but he could see that Shane was trying. So he sat with him on the living room couch and did his best to at least take a few sips of beer and some bites of food. Shane did most of the talking, which wasn’t unusual in any circumstance, but it did help Rick focus on something else besides how terrible he felt as Shane told him whatever bullshit story he could think of. It was soon getting late, their food now cold. That was fine with Rick, he had lost what little appetite he had and he didn’t much want any more beer either, though he hadn’t really drunk much. As the tv played some movie he didn’t know, he couldn’t help noticing how close Shane was, the scent of his cologne, the warmth of his thigh where it was pressed against Rick’s own. He was surprised by how much these simple observations made him ache on the inside and not just because he was missing Lori even though he was sure she wasn’t missing him. 
He ignored it as best he could, just like he always did anytime he felt feelings like this rising up inside him. He said something to Shane about it being late, that he was grateful he had come over but he should head home and Rick would try to get some sleep, though he doubted he would do much but toss and turn. It had been quite a long time since he’d slept in a bed alone and he wasn’t looking forward to it. 
Recalling it afterward, Rick didn’t know if it had been the look on his face or if Shane had planned to say something before that moment. But suddenly there was a warm hand on his thigh and Rick found his heart had started to pound. The hand that was on his thigh moved to trail down the side of his neck before carefully getting him to turn his head so their eyes met. His skin was still tingling when Shane kissed him. 
Shane asked him over and over if he wanted to do this, if he was sure that he wanted it for the right reasons because he knew Rick would hate himself afterward for saying yes simply because he was lonely and hurting. But Rick knew it was more than that, that he had wanted this for so long, denying it over and over, even as it became clear that Shane was the one person in his life who had always been there, who never judged him or found things to dislike about him. Shane was his one constant through practically his entire life. He’d been more devoted to Rick than his own wife. He’d been right there the whole time, just like he’d always been, just like he was right then and it had taken Rick this long to finally allow himself to acknowledge what he’d wanted for years. 
So much of that night, Rick would never forget, not as long as he lived. He’d never been with someone where every touch felt so good, so perfect and his lack of experience did not deter Shane in the least. If anything, the other man seemed to like it, got off on the fact that he was Rick’s first experience with another guy, that he was getting the opportunity to teach Rick some of his many tricks. 
Even years later, Rick could still hear Shane’s deep, rumbling voice in his ear, begging to be fucked, telling him he knew how badly Rick wanted this, could see it so clearly on his face. Rick hadn’t ever expected Shane to ask for that, to trust him enough to do that, but it ended up being better than anything he could’ve imagined. Seeing the look of utter bliss on Shane’s face when he came, hearing him moan like that and call Rick’s name was definitely something he thought about for weeks after and still did on occasion even now. 
When he woke up the next morning with his head tucked under Shane’s chin, the other man sleeping soundly, his arms wrapped almost protectively around Rick as they lay cocooned under the blankets, Rick knew that this was how things were supposed to be, how they should’ve been all along. He’d spent years with his wife and not once had he felt this good after they’d slept together, so relaxed and simply happy. And she had never looked so pleased to see him when she woke up, not the way Shane had. Those brown eyes lit up as soon as he’d woken enough to remember what they’d done and realize Rick was still in the same place he had been when they’d fallen asleep. They spent the morning sharing quiet kisses, though considering who he was in bed with, Rick wasn’t surprised when the kisses soon became a lot more. 
They’d spent a lot of mornings like that since then and a lot of nights like that too. Shane was definitely somebody who, no matter how old he got, was always interested in anything to do with sex. He also looked ten years younger than he actually was though, so Rick supposed it made some sort of sense. After they’d gotten together that first time, Rick had wondered on more than one occasion if Shane would get tired of him eventually, just like he had with basically every woman Rick had ever known him to be with. They would be around for so long and then Shane would grow bored and break up with her, ending up with another girl sooner or later. They were still here though and Shane hadn’t strayed, always coming home to Rick every day and more than happy about it. 
Rick hadn’t known that Shane often slept with guys back then, though he made sure each was more a one night stand sort of thing or sometimes friends with benefits. He’d never been able to allow himself to been seen in their small town with another man on his arm, no matter if he’d found a guy he actually was into for more than just sex. He’d also hoped Rick would want him one day, though it had seemed less and less likely. He’d felt like that night Lori left had been his last chance at showing Rick he wanted him, that he could be what the other man needed and he wasn’t about to throw that away. Maybe that was why Shane never got tired, why someone who had been known for his promiscuous ways for so long was genuinely happy about getting married. He got to have the man he’d always wanted every day and of course he wanted that for the rest of his life. Marrying Rick just made sense. 
Rick was pulled from his thoughts by Shane coming back up to him, slipping his strong arms around Rick’s waist and bringing him close, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Did you miss me, sweetheart? Or did you miss the air conditioning more?” He teased, a small smile playing on his lips. 
Rick chuckled softly, “I’m definitely happy to be home, but not just because of the A/C.” He relaxed just a bit more when Shane leaned to kiss him, allowing him to shed a bit more of the day’s troubles and just focus on the fact that he was home and Shane was home with him and he didn’t have to think too hard about much else for a while. 
“How about you go and take a shower? Maybe we can have a little midnight snack after, yeah?” The younger man asked when they parted, Shane’s hand combing up to smooth Rick’s curls back. 
“That sounds nice, but I think I’d be happier if you joined me.” Rick offered, pressing another kiss to Shane’s mouth. 
Shane openly grinned at that. “Yeah? Are we thinking about a little more than just getting clean, sheriff?” 
Rick chuckled, “Maybe. Why don’t we find out?”
Shane more than happily pulled Rick through the house and into the bathroom off their bedroom. They traded kisses as clothes came off and the water was turned on so it could heat up. Shane made sure it was warm but not too warm, knowing Rick was probably still a little overheated from his long shift. 
Rick exhaled deeply once they were finally under the warm spray, grateful when the water began to help loosen some of the knots and tension he was carrying in his tired muscles. He practically melted when Shane pressed up against his back, sliding his arms around his waist. The other man’s lips kissed over his shoulder and along his neck. Rick hummed softly when Shane nipped at his ear, “Does this mean you missed me too then, huh?” 
“I always miss you, sweetheart. There’s nothing better than getting to be around you, to feel your body against mine, to feel you inside me…” Shane chuckled, kissing the back of Rick’s neck. “And as much as you play the well mannered, straight laced southern boy around everyone else, you and I both know that you’re just as dirty as I am.” He was not subtle as he ground his hips into Rick’s ass, letting his partner know exactly what was on his mind if his words hadn’t been enough of an indication. 
As tired as Rick was, he was still very much interested in what Shane was offering. Just hearing the other man talk like that and feeling his growing erection grinding against his ass had Rick’s own body becoming excited. He may have had a long and rather exhausting day, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find the energy to take care of his fiance. It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to either, not when Shane was involved. He was always in the mood when it came to Shane. 
Rick quickly turned, catching Shane’s mouth with his own. He couldn’t help noting the pleased expression on Shane’s face when he was manhandled into place. The other man exhaled softly when Rick slipped his arms around him, soon followed by a deep moan as Rick pressed inside him. 
There was nothing better than hearing Shane like this, hearing how much he enjoyed every time they were together. He was definitely the more vocal of the two of them, not at all afraid of letting Rick know he was feeling good and that his lover knew how to turn him on and get him off. Not that Shane himself didn’t deserve some of the credit, he always knew how to get Rick in the mood and make sure they both enjoyed themselves. Soon Rick had switched their positions so he could kiss Shane properly while they fucked, holding him as close as possible as they rested against the wall, not wanting an inch of space between them. It wasn’t long before Shane fell apart, nails digging into Rick’s back as he begged his partner to cum inside him. Rick was more than happy to give Shane what he wanted, kissing him hard as he rode out his orgasm. 
Rick’s brain was pleasantly quiet and fuzzy afterward and he leaned into Shane as they cleaned up, letting his fingertips trace over the tattoo on the other man’s chest until they were running out of hot water and reasons to stay in the shower. Shane had been nice enough to pull out some clothes for the both of them to change into once they were out and dry. The softness of his favorite pair of sweats and one of Shane’s old shirts that still smelled like him made Rick feel cozy, especially when Shane tugged him into their bedroom and invited him onto the bed.
The lights were dimmed down to a soft glow and Rick soon found himself laid out against the pillows, Shane pressed to his side, the other man’s head resting on his chest. Rick reached up to let his fingers card through Shane’s hair. He’d let it grow out recently and it was beginning to curl. Rick let his eyes close, getting lost in the feeling of Shane’s curls slipping through his fingers and the comforting weight of the other man’s body resting against his own. He’d spent so much of his life trying his best to make everyone around him happy, trying to be what everyone else expected when this is all he really wanted, quiet moments like this with someone he knew really loved him. He still felt a little guilty that he hadn’t realized Shane’s feelings sooner, that he’d spent so much time denying himself when he could’ve been happy with the person he should’ve been with all along. But he was grateful for what he had now, that things were finally falling into place and he had found some modicum of peace within himself. 
Shane shifted, worming his way in closer, tucking his head under Rick’s chin. He hummed softly, tipping his head up to kiss Rick’s jaw. “You know I can’t wait to marry you, sweetheart? I can’t wait for you to make a proper woman outta me.” He chuckled, leaning into Rick’s touch. Before Rick, moments like this with the people he’d been with had never felt quite right, never made him truly happy. But this, something as simple as holding Rick close and enjoying the affection the other man gave him, this felt right in a way he couldn’t quite describe. It definitely felt like he was meant to be here, that this was where he’d always belonged. 
Rick let out a soft laugh and Shane noticed the warm smile on his tired features as he reached over the other man to turn out the lights. When Shane laid back down, Rick turned and kissed his head, fingers still playing with those soft curls. “Promise me you won’t kick me to the curb when I’m old and gray while you still look half your age?”
Shane couldn’t resist lifting his head to kiss Rick properly. “Never. You’re stuck with me for good, old man. I’ll still be bitching about those cowboy boots of yours when we’re both in the grave.” 
Rick returned the kiss, allowing it to linger. “As long as I’m with the love of my life for the rest of my life, I’ll be content.” 
It was Shane’s turn to smile. “You’re turning soft on me. That’s okay though, I love you, no matter how soft you are on the inside. My big tough sheriff husband with the heart of gold.”
Rick rolled his eyes a bit, as much as he could manage with sleep rapidly pulling him closer. He turned on his side, wiggling his way into Shane’s warm embrace. The other man was practically a space heater no matter the season. Combined with the feeling of the blankets Shane pulled over them contrasting with the cool air in the room around them thanks to the A/C, Rick couldn’t have felt more at ease.
“Goodnight, love.” Rick murmured, already drifting off. 
Shane hummed softly, slipping an arm to wrap around Rick’s waist to keep him close. “Sleep tight, cowboy.”
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Just Outside Of Town & You’re Making Your Way Down // Calum Hood
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The never-ending prompt list returns! This was actually the first request I ever personally received (if you’re still here, anon, sorry this took so long!) and I’ve had it finished for a minute but I kept putting off posting it partly because I was nervous to post a non-Ash piece and partly because I couldn’t stop writing Ash pieces that I wanted to share immediately lmao. Thank you to everyone who hyped me up about this the other day and as always, thank you to @cal-puddies​​ for the advice, the encouragement and the general company in clowning.
Prompt: “Goddammit... All I can think about right now is you licking my cock like it’s that ice cream cone.”
Warnings: There’s a cute setup but it’s basically PWP after that, first attempt at Boyfriend!Cal, oral sex performed on a male in a semi-public setting (is this the shortest warning section I’ve ever had lmao?)
Word Count: 1.6k 
Cass & Crystal’s Collab Masterlist
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“You couldn’t possibly be making more of a mess,” you giggle as ice cream runs down your boyfriend’s chin.
You and Calum were having a low-key date night; you went for a nice drive, enjoyed a casual dinner and took in a late movie. As you were leaving the theater, he noticed that the ice cream place you both like was still open and suggested you grab some dessert. But as you watch him struggle with his serving on the walk back to the car, you wonder if he was beginning to regret this decision.
He crinkles his nose and tries to dodge your hand that’s threatening to dab his face with a napkin. “Baby, if you hadn’t taken so long to decide what flavor you wanted, mine wouldn’t have started melting before you even got yours," he points out.
Rather than debate his relatively fair point, you redirect the blame. “You just take too damn long to eat, bub,” you laugh as he continues to lose his battle against the melting frozen treat.
“Never heard you make that complaint before,” he cracks. He starts to shoot you a self-satisfied yet somehow still adorable grin but it quickly turns to a frown as a large glob of ice cream slides off the top of his cone and onto the ground. “Shit,” he mutters under his breath.
You stop walking to shake your head and pout sympathetically at him. “This is sad, babe, let me help,” you offer. Reaching for his cone, you gesture for him to take yours; you trade desserts and you eyeball his double-scoop waffle cone for a second before you dive in. 
You tilt your head to the side and stick your flattened tongue out, rolling the cone along the width of it, smoothing out where the two scoops were beginning to separate. With the tip of your tongue, you lick up and down the sides of it, tidying up where the multiple drips were coming from. And finally you wrap your lips around the top of the cone and move it in and out of your mouth a few times, trying to mold the swirled top into a shape that was less likely to topple as it continued to melt.
Satisfied with your handiwork, you triumphantly hoist the cone towards Cal’s face, which is now displaying a cartoonishly stunned appearance. You take in his expression and give him a quizzical one in return. 
“What? Are you mad because I ate so much?” You ask, words coming out a little funny due to your tongue getting cold from your assist. “I had to, Cal, it was honestly a disaster zone but you can have some of mine if you want to make it even,” you offer.
He shakes his head, almost as if to literally break himself free of his daze and switches cones with you once more. “It’s fine, I was just… impressed at your… artistry,” he explains with a laugh. “Thanks for lookin’ out for me, love.” He slinks an arm around your waist and you resume walking.
The rest of the stroll is spent in comfortable silence as you devour your treats; by the time you’re back sitting in the car, you’re already down to the cone on yours while Cal is starting to have issues again. 
He catches you watching his predicament unfold and tries to pout but chuckles instead, “You know I like to savor my food, don’t make fun! I should’ve listened to you, though, two scoops was too much.” 
“You definitely should’ve listened to me, Mr. Savory, but I wasn’t gonna make fun,” you laugh, polishing off your cone. “I was just gonna ask if you needed more help.”
“Ohhh, that’s the last thing I need,” Cal deadpans. 
You give him a look of amused confusion, assuming he’s just being stubborn about needing your assistance. 
“It was… that was a lot, baby,” he shakes his head, eyes widening at the memory.
You roll your eyes at his classic Calum obliqueness. “Like… A lot of ice cream? What am I not getting?”
“Goddammit…” He lets out a choked laugh that you recognize as both partly shy and wicked. “All I can think about right now is you licking my cock like it’s that ice cream cone.”
You were expecting another non-answer, so you let out a stunned cackle. “You’re not serious? You got turned on watching me save your ice cream?” You playfully shove his hand off your thigh. “You horny bastard,” you taunt.
“Baby,” he says, voice deep, grinning knowingly. “You didn’t see yourself, it was downright pornographic.”
“Trying to flatter yourself into a little date night action, I see how it is,” you tease, scooting closer to pull him into a kiss. 
He deepens it immediately and you make a pleased murmur against his lips when you discover you can faintly taste the ice cream on his tongue. Your hands begin to wander and you let out another murmur when you feel his semi-hard cock. “Wow, you weren’t kidding, were you, babe?” He simply groans in response as you rub him over his pants. 
“A truly hilarious joke, me having to drive us home in this state,” Cal sheepishly laments.
“Don’t have to,” you shrug and gesture towards the empty parking lot you’re sitting in. He searches your face to gauge how serious you are and you pull him back in for a kiss that leaves your intentions unmistakable.
Calum eagerly scoots his seat back to give you more room as you pull him out of his jeans and lean out of your seat. He cracks up at the realization that he’s still holding his failed ice cream cone. “Baby, we’re gonna have two messes to deal with if we don’t do something here,” he jokes.
You snort and reach into the backseat, retrieving a discarded coffee cup. You smile fondly at him, charmed at the absurd sight of the man you love sitting in his car, hard cock proudly jutting out of his pants, helplessly holding a melted dessert. 
You reach for the cone, shaking your head. “Honestly, what would you do without me, Hood?” 
You take a long, exaggerated lick across the width of the treat just because and drop it into the cup, setting it aside. He caresses your face and simply grins, watching you reposition yourself across the car’s cabin.
Situated above his lap, you don’t waste any time and begin employing your ice cream technique. You flatten your tongue and run it along his shaft a few times, using the tip of your tongue to trace along his veins and ridges. It’s when you slowly start to take him into your mouth that you hear an unusual hiss above you; you glance up at him inquisitively. 
“Mouth’s cold,” he explains, voice straining. “Feels good though.” 
You smirk at him, taking that reaction as your cue to sink down on him as much as you can. He curses under his breath and runs his fingers through your hair as you move up and down his length, one hand working towards the base of his cock, the other lightly playing with his balls. You work up a steady pace, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head. You pull up almost all the way and focus on sucking the head for a beat and when your tongue dips into his slit, he moans loudly.
You pull off with a pop to catch your breath but continue to stroke him firmly. “As good as you were imagining, bub?” You tease, resting your head on his thigh.
“Always better than I imagine, love,” Cal pants, rubbing your back appreciatively. You flick your wrist in that way that always makes him crazy and he throws his head back and groans. “Gonna make you cum so many times when we get home,” he promises.
You smile at his vow. “Well in that case, let’s wrap this up,” you quip. He half-laughs, half-whines as you sink back down on him, letting him hit the back of your throat this time. You slide him almost entirely out of your mouth, swirl your tongue around his head and then take him back down, letting him hit the end of your throat again. 
You repeat this move a few more times before you feel his grip in your hair tighten and hear a “Fuckin’ hell, baby... fuck…” warning. You quickly pull up, lips wrapped tight around him, tongue flicking across the tip, hand tugging at him rapidly. Moments later you feel his cum shooting across your tongue; you continue pulling at his cock, making sure you get every last drop out of him.
Cal murmurs to himself as he watches you swallow it all with ease and lovingly clean him up before tucking him back into his pants. You flash him a sweet smile and he pulls you towards him, kissing you tenderly. “Love you, baby,” he breathes.
“Love you too,” you reply and press another soft peck against his lips before returning to the passenger seat.
He leans back against the headrest and exhales loudly. He looks over at you, furrowing his brow for a second. “You really weren’t trying to start something with the way you were eating that ice cream?” He asks, eyebrow quirked.
You giggle, “Hand to god, I was just trying to help a man in need.”
Calum nods in understanding and then shrugs as he starts the car. “Well next time we get ice cream, we’re getting cups instead of cones. Your judgment clearly can’t be trusted,” he teases.
Cass & Crystal’s tag list:
@mymindwide @suchalonelysunflower @pxrxmoore  @loveroflrh @ghostofmashton @sexgodashton @feliznavidaddycal  @castaway-cashton @boomerash @cashtonasfuck @megz1985 @ashdork-irwin @ashtonangst @angelicfluffs @findingliam-o @abadaftertaste  @myloverboyash @youngbloodchild @irwinsbetch @ashsun @everyscarisahealingplace @wiildflower-xxx  @metalandboybands @another-lonely-heart @realisticnotes @makeamovehemmings @ashtondaddy90 @golden166 @burstintocolor @mfartzzz @babyoria @saphseoul @petunias-pet @youngblood199456 @notinthesameway- @seanna313 @calumftduke @zhangyixingxing1 @stardust-galaxies @Redeserts @zackoid​  @queenalienscherrypie @lovelybonesetc @Obey-Kaylin @xsongxbirdx @justhereforcalum​ @laura66sos @cocktail-calum @1dthewantedlove @lustingforwunder @calumsphile @neso-k @rosecoloredash @radmcqueen @justayoungandwisefangirl @itsnotmyblood  @lietoash @pushthetide21 @5sosfanficrec @therealmrshale @fallfrxmgrace @lukashemmos @justarandomgirlthatyoudontknow @5sos-microwave @madbomb @sweetheartmendes1000-blog @literally-anythin @lfwallscouldtalk @clemmingstylins0n @ccnicole02 @lustingfor5sos @buteverythingiscopacetic@rosesfromcth @bodaciousbonzi1996 @ashtontotheirwin @captainam-erika-trash @jazzyangel242 @bluebabycal @rhiannonmichellee @iovehemmings @glitterycalum1205 @katcontreras  @ificanthaveu  @canterburyfiction @opheliaaurora  @queer-5sos @gigglyirwin  @glitterycalum1205 @rebelwith0utacause @sadistmichael @notinthesameguey @angel-cal @pilunb @the1weliveinnow @smilexcaptainx @viiirgo @myfavfanficsever @addietagglikesbands @calmsweetcreature @strawberriesonsummer  @talkfastromance4​ @myescapefromthislife 
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whaticannotshowyou · 4 years
So Jaskier wants Geralt but is ashamed of wanting him because he was bought up being told it's a big no-no, eternal damnation will rain upon you if you even so much as think about this!!! And he approached geralt originally because there's nothing wrong with talking is there?
And Geralt knows Jaskier wants him. Figures it out pretty quickly and thinks it'll be an easy Fuck. Except Jaskier seems interested right up until he scrambles away before Geralt can really put the effort in and actually do anything. It's really frustrating.
Eventually, Geralt figures out why Jaskier keeps backing off despite reeking of lust.
This could go a few ways, but I like the idea of Geralt wanting some stress relief before a hunt but Jaskier is still retreating. Geralt goes on the hunt, frustrated and kills the creature faster than expected due to a lucky blow and returns to camp still hyped on potions and adrenaline and horny and frustrated and this time he doesn't take no for an answer, forcing Jaskier to the ground and taking him, fucking him hard and deep and using him and making him enjoy it, verbally degrading and mocking him for doing so, but also telling him what a good boy he is and how pretty he looks, how perfect his body is for sucking/riding Geralt's cock.
Just, absolutely wrecks him and then continues to do so anytime he feels like it.
And please add the aspect of Witchers having s heck load of stamina (increased by potions) meaning Jaskier is in for it for the rest of the night/day/many hours of your choosing. Especially if Jaskier has been his usual promiscuous self in regards to females and causing trouble with his 'need to tap that'.
In regards to the ask I just sent I wouldn't mind something about how Jaskier feels when he feels Geralt's come leaking out of him afterwards as well?
Honestly? I cannot get enough of Jaskier dealing with internalised homophobia (me? Projecting? Never.) and Geralt having none of it. Sure, it’s all fine if the bard wants to not hurry into things, but after the tenth time of basically humping Geralt’s leg only to retreat the moment the witcher want anything more out of it? Well, he is quite pissed and blue balled to hell and back. Who can blame him for being a bit rude about it?
Perhaps he figures it out and it makes him just so much more frustrated. Had he known the guy was literally debating going to hell from sleeping with him, he would have probably left Jaskier in that tavern long ago, not wasted weeks trying to fuck him. But now he has invested time and effort and honestly, he really wants that arse and hear him moan his name, so he might as well keep trying. He keeps slipping in reassurance during their travels, openly talking about fucking men and how it’s far more progressive here in these parts of the continent, how he can’t deal with nobles and theyr conservative ideas etc etc. Nothing seems to help, Jaskier just as scared when his hands travel down to his cock, reeking of shame and sadness so badly that Geralt even goes soft in his trousers.
Maybe they do some progress, Geralt jacking off next to him, can sense he is watching and growing hard himself without fleeing. So when he wants some stress relief before the hunt, he can’t help but push his luck. And fail, again. So he leaves, huffing and growling, to slay the beast and perhaps get some of his hormones out on that. Except no, all it does is leaving him hyped up on potions, overwhelmed with need to use up his stamina and - Gods - a rock hard cock. When he comes back to camp, he can’t help but smell Jaskier’s absolutely divine scent and pounce.
He has the bard pinned to the ground within seconds, not wasting any time before pushing both of their clothes down and gaining some friction. Jaskier cries out, stuttering and already sobbing as he feels the man’s length push against him, prodding at his hole without consideration. He begs and pleads, please, please don’t! I can’t! But but Geralt pays no attention to it, already working his spit-slick fingers inside of him. There is no way he is letting this opportunity go to waste, no way he is being blue balled again and left to jack himself off in the woods where the stupid little bard can’t see and get uncomfortable about it. He needs this, deserves it! He has been the man’s sole outlet for his queer fantsies and yet never given him anything back.
He fucks him hard and deep without any gradual buildup, instead hammering inside of him like their lives depended on it and finally, finally, he comes inside his pretty hole, grunting and biting his shoulder as he feels the relief washing over him. He stays like that for a few minutes, just feeling the afterglow of his orgasm and how Jaskier’s hole clenches around him with each sob wracking his frame. Despite it all, he can smell the man’s arousal and decides that since they have come so far already, why not help him the entire way?
“Fuck, you’re made for cock, Jaskier.” The bard immediately freezes up at his words, tense and scared. “Absolutely divine. Just a little cumdump, aren’t you? Created only so I could have you.”
It’s distressing the bard, but Geralt keeps going, calls him a slut and whore, tells him it’s such a shame he thinks he has any place between a woman’s legs. Surely he wouldn’t be so warm and wet inside if that was the case, made to be bred and used by Geralt. Jaskier keeps crying through it all, doing his best to protest while his cock aches between his thighs. No, no I can’t be- can’t sin! I- I want to be good! he begs and cries, Geralt starting up his thrusting again.
“Oh you are good, Jaskier. Such a good whore for me. Fit perfectly around my big cock, don’t you? Just love being my little slut?” He shakes his head feverishly and tries to get away, prompting Geralt to growl and bite down over his neck again. No, he is not leaving. All the while Jaskier just sees the disappointed faces of his parents after being found kissing the stable boy, their screams and the beating he got afterwards. He thinks of his priests teaching him about hell and sinners, where he would certainly go for enjoying Geralt’s hand on his cock. He comes with a shout, tears staining his cheeks and the ground below him as he collapses. He will never be forgiven for this, and still he wants more.
Geralt makes sure to give him more, keeps pumping his seed inside of him, mocking him for taking pleasure out of the act. He is no woman, should not love being fucked silly, cock dumb and begging for more as his cock leaks onto the dirt. It goes on for hours, the night slowly drifting away with the rise of the sun, Jaskier dry heaving from his intense crying and Geralt never letting up. He jackhammers into him, have him face him and fisting his cock, forcing him to ride his member and degrade himself for the gods to see. Eventually he pulls out for the first time, groaning as his cock finally softens and the potions have run their course. He slaps the bard’s arse hard, smiling deviously as the flood of come bubbles out of his hole.
Jaskier didn’t think he could produce more tears, but they come when he can feel the seed leak out of him, dribbling down his balls and thighs in rivers and staining his skin. He knows he will never be truly clean, will never be able to look his family in the eyes again. He knows he is ruined forever.
And Geralt promises him more.
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3 times the charm || Siyeon
My first Dreamcatcher fic from the prompt list I'm very excited :)) request by @sidongcb ✨
Prompt (s) #2 "I've always liked you" and #4 "This is the 3rd try at confessing"
Synopsis: Reader throughout the entire month gas been trying to confess to Siyeon the first 2 times always having a fault in the plan but no way will she let the 3rd try fail.
Pairing: Siyeon x female reader
Warnings: none! It's just fluff with a lot of build up
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Today was the day, you where finally going to do it after so much trial and error. You where finally gonna confess to Siyeon. The first try was a fail since you got so freaked out at the coffee shop when we meeting up that you almost spilled your coffee on her so you just decided to make it a normal hang out since no way were you going to confess if you were so freaked out by just the idea that you almost spilt your coffee on her. The second try you were hanging out at the dorms with everyone, you two ended up alone in the kitchen like you had planned to then confess, while gaining the confidence, Sua entered the kitchen so you immediately backed out. But this time is the third time and you won't let it mess up, you texted in advance to meet up at the park at noon since you had something to tell her. While getting ready you put on a cute red Polo crop top and blue denim shorts with black thigh highs with red Converse styling your hair in different styles till you decided what you found cute, the entire time trying to choose a outfit was a process since you wanted to make sure you look your best when confessing to the girl that's been on your mind for months now. You settled with what you wore checking the time it was 11:30, deciding you should head out to the park early to give yourself time to hype yourself up, what usually felt like a long walk ended up feeling incredibly shorter than usual but it's alright since you'd still be there earlier, the entire time you thought about what to say, or how to bring it up, many factors we're going through your mind getting you a bit anxious but you snapped out of it realizing if you keep over-analyzing it you will back out again. As you reached the park and sat on the bench you fully realize what was going to happen either things going very well or getting terribly embarrassed from her not feeling the same. Checking the time it was 11:55 she'd hopefully be here in the next 5 minutes, your hands got sweaty at the thought but you can't back out now, no way. You spot her walking down the sidewalk to you. She's as gorgeous as usual, wearing a yellow turtle neck with black skinny jeans. She made her way to you and sat down next to you on the bench.
"Hey! How long have you been here? I saw you while walking up, I hope I didn't keep you waiting" Siyeon said with a small laugh at the end.
"oh not long don't worry!" You said as a little fib since of course you wouldn't tell her you'd been at the park for 10-15 minutes since you know she'd probably feel a bit bad.
"Ah Okay that's good, so what was it you needed to tell me?" She said with a smile on her face making your heart flutter. Your hands started to sweat as you realized this was it, this finally was going to be the make or break.
"okay,, so I don't know how to phrase this in any other way except, this is the 3rd try at confessing. I've had feelings for you for months now and I never knew how to go about it and whenever I'd get close to I'd always somehow mess it up. It is completely okay if you don't like me back, but you keep running around in my mind for a while." As you kept talking your voice got a bit shaky since you realized all the different outcomes but you only wanted 1. You searched her face for a reaction but you weren't sure what she was thinking with her shocked expression which made your heart drop.
"oh my God,, I wish you would've told me this sooner since I've always liked you. I always felt confident in my feelings but never had the confidence to tell you. If you'll allow, can I hold you hand?" Siyeon said getting quieter at her request. You couldn't believe what just happened for the amount you feared it going wrong in ever way it went right, you gladly took her hand in yours and rested your head on her shoulder and smiled. This could definitely be a thing to get used to.
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nightklok · 4 years
1-chickles 👀👀
100 Ways to Say I Love You Prompts[Open]
God I’m so sorry for the long wait!! I hope that this was okay, just really loved this prompt so I ended up holding it off for a rainy day sdfdf-
1.) “Pull Over. Let me Drive for a while.” Word Count: 1,311 Words Notes: Set in Early-Dethklok, probably a few weeks after they got Toki-
As glamorous as it would be to one day not have to be the designated driver, it unfortunately was not the day for Charles. Dethklok’s first album was just weeks away from being released and the record label it would be a good idea to hype up some publicity by doing some tours in local venues. And by local venues, they meant local states. 
Charles and the tour manager had done some numbers with the budget they were given and while it was substantial, it wouldn’t be enough to hire a tour bus and a driver. Even though the record label was more than kind, there were just some things that the band had to put with for being completely new and almost no audience. Much like any other band, they had to prove their worth.
The tour manager, who was more of an old college roommate that he hired to help, was already ahead of them as was part of the plan. He would be setting things up and making sure the venue would be ready when it would be their time to perform. All that was left was for Charles to drive them to and fro venues and hope that things would be going smoothly. They couldn’t afford any more delays or mistakes. Any mistakes and their career could already be finished before they even got a shot.
So Charles was unfortunately tasked with having to drive through the night to make up for the lost time. Apparently there were a few deaths that had resulted in them having to be delayed by a few hours and Charles having to sign paperwork with the venue. God, he hoped these random deaths weren’t a recurring thing for them.
The band at least was able to sleep thanks to the rented RV. The beds weren’t exactly luxurious and neither were the couches but at least it provided a place to sleep. The only sound was the radio he had on to keep him awake so it had done its job. 
He was frequently on the seek button as he couldn’t quite decide on a particular station. Spanish music, classical, top hits, and he eventually settled on a 80s music station. They had entered the barren parts of California where the road was just endless and there were no other cars or even trees to look at. It would be easy to just fall asleep and to say he was tired wasn’t a lie. He couldn’t pull over and he rest; he could do that when they reached their destination and only had to wait until evening to perform. For now, he just had to power through.
He had heard noise in the kitchen but didn’t say anything. There was no arguing so he didn’t pay much mind to it. After a few minutes, he heard footsteps approaching and saw it was Pickles who had one of those to-go coffee cups, “I figured you might need it. No worries, it’s just coffee.”
Charles glanced at Pickles and gave him a small smile as he used one hand to take the cup. It wasn’t too hot taking a sip and it was those instant coffees. He did add milk and sugar at least so it made the taste more bearable and something he definitely needed, “Thank you, Pickles. I really needed that.”
“No problem, chief.” He grinned at him as he sat down in the passenger seat, “Driving for so long is pretty tough, I get that.”
“You were…ah, a truck driver once, weren’t you?”
“Yeah, surprised ya remember that.” He chuckled, “Didn’t last long. Got too drunk.”
“Well, to be fair, it was all over the media at a point. I’m actually surprised you didn’t lose your license entirely.”
“Ah, just the truck one. I still got my regular license,” He answered. He listened to the radio in between the comfortable silence before immediately recognizing the song, “Oh God, this is one of my songs!”
Charles smiled at Pickles’ discomfort, “Well, it’s a good song. It’s a pretty popular one, at that.”
“Yeah, yeah, but it’s like someone reminding ya of those class photos ya’d take as a kid. All awkward an’ shit.”
“I guess I can see that, but I did really like this song back in the day if I have to be honest.”
“Oh, did ya?” Pickles seemed to quickly get rid of his embarrassment, now completely interested, “I know ya told me before I never really thought you’d actually like my older stuff.”
“What can I say? You were-you were really all over the place,” He mused, “It didn’t help you had a nice voice.”
“God, ya really think so? Was that all; just my voice?” He teased.
“Well, I suppose that was one factor.”
“And what was the other?”
“Your hair.”
“You tease!” Pickles gasped and Charles laughed.
“Don’t worry; your hair looks good on you now, too.”
“It was a pain maintaining that hair back then, I’ll tell ya that.”
It ended up turning to a ten minute conversation about hair of all things. Mainly just Pickles ranting over how people didn’t really know how to treat his hair back then so clearly it played some factor in him losing his hair. As the night dragged on and the hours ticking by, Charles was getting more tired and it seemed like the coffee wouldn’t help, “Can I ask you something?”
“Why did you work as a truck driver to begin with?”
“Honestly? I just wanted to drive. Didn’t care where. Just wanted to get away for a while.”
Charles definitely understood that, “And do you miss that job?”
He shrugged, “Nah, I wouldn’t have gone back even if this band fails and I still had my license. It got too quiet. But the stars, I miss seeing those constantly.”
Admittedly, Charles didn’t really miss the stars as it brought too many memories. Memories he’d rather forget about. He was able to see the stars because of the lack of light pollution and only seeing it with Pickles did he understand why he missed them, “They are nice to look at.”
Some Cinderella song played as they fell into a comfortable silence. He took a look at Charles to see that he yawned and took a sip of the coffee.
“You tired?”
“Just a little; I’ll rest when we get there.”
Pickles fell silent for a few moments before deciding, “Pull over. Let me drive for a while.” 
“Pickles, you don’t have to-“
“No, no, I insist. Besides…we’ll be there by morning and our gig doesn’t start till six, right? I can just sleep in the morning.”
Charles eventually pulled over and put the RV in park. The two stepped outside, for the first time in quite a few hours, and just paused when they looked at each other. They were able to see because of the RV’s headlights as there were no streetlights for miles to come.
“I ah, really appreciate it, Pickles.”
“It’s not a problem.”
Pickles kissed him before he went to the driver’s seat. It was a quick kiss on the cheek but it was enough to get their faces flushed and hearts beating. Even though they had mutually agreed that dating wasn’t the best idea at the moment with their careers still so new, what harm would kissing him be in the middle of the California desert at near three in the morning?
Charles returned to his passenger seat a few moments after, “Hey, Pickles?”
He leaned over to Pickles, and kissed him briefly on the lips, “Thanks, again.”
“You’re welcome,” He smiled, “Now get some rest.”
Charles had found himself falling asleep pretty quickly. The last sounds he heard before he fell asleep were the tires against pavement, a Guns N’ Roses song, and Pickles quietly singing along to it.
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