#reiP you gotta get excited for this one
reikumaz · 2 years
i just got the most mouth watering request and you can only guess who sent it…… ive never been so excited to write something in my life because i already know exactly what will happen. and you all will be shocked that reikumaz, famous rei lover, is going to…. well. you’ll see ^__^ <3 !!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
☁️: I am in so much pain.
82 pulls for the link clink event and no. Koga.
I’ve gotten three five stars but it was just Nagisa, Tsukasa, and REI
Rei got me so excited for no reason at all 😭😭😭 I WANT YOUR DOG NOT YOU RN IM SORRY
He’s still jealous he’s been replaced since I discovered Valkyrie (I used to be a UndeadP until i got Link Clink Mika and became ValkP) and is using his resources accordingly I just know it
And here I was thinking that the gacha pain would leave us all alone now that link click mika is gone but I was dead wrong it seems😭
82 pulls is a lot, I don´t even know how you guys can save up that much! I mean, I guess you were lucky to get 3 five stars in those pulls but that´s not really true when they aren´t the one you wanted and you even already had all of them. Like at least if they were new it would have lessened the pain a bit but getting dupes sucks so much :/
STOOOP I can already feel your disappointment when Rei showed up!!!😭😭 Like the agency symbol showed up only for it to be him in the end!! Oh, he´s gotta be so jealous over getting replaced that he has to pull all the stops to get close to you again. He´s gotta make sure that you come back to your senses and become an UndeadP again ( well, moreso a ReiP lnflsnf)
Poor Koga is probably locked up somewhere, trashing against his restraints as we speak
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