rogarte · 11 months
I sincerely wish the paladins who kill the Followers of the Apocalypse Veronica tries to join at the end of her quest a very nice burn in hell :3
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festeringfae · 10 months
It's so unfathomable to me when Juri is referred to as a "tragic lesbian" or an "angsty lesbian" (referring to her role in the narrative.) The word "miracle" is used synonymously with "hope for fulfillment." Meaning: the girl's entire ARC is her angrily insisting that there's no hope for her ever being fulfilled because she's a lesbian, and the narrative going trolol every time she attempts to prove it. It fucking RULES.
They dangle every lesophobic trope known in media history in front of this girl's face, and every time she or the audience starts to accept it, the narrative subverts it so hard that the impact is still reverberating to this day.
Juri Arisugawa stays up every night trying to convince herself that she is a scary monster everyone hates in love with a straight girl whom she should be platonically nicer to, and every day the narrative says "sorry, no 🙃 you're really popular and everyone likes you 🙃 including the not-at-all straight girl you're actually already way too compassionate towards, because you're too good for her 🙃🙃 sorry queen but you're not the villain of this story 🙃🙃🙃 you're still in your coffin but in the exact same way as everyone else, no fridging allowed 🙃🙃🙃🙃"
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Saw Mean Girls (2024) and holy shit, someone please tell me the subtext of Janis being labeled "pyro" in the burn book and Regina's song "World burn" was intentional.
Like, HELLO?
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lesbore · 1 year
reading a book advertised as a lesbian romance and it’s absolutely riddled with “queer” i want to walk into the ocean
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no1heyyyyyyyy · 10 months
Nonbinary femmes? Where y'all at
So, I am nonbinary (AFAB) and I am femme. And, most people think I am a girl because I wear dresses, have long box braids, significant curves, etc. And, I have nothing wrong with this as I align more with femininity rather than androgyny or masculinity- however, I do wish people would use gender neutral pronouns as a baseline (until someone tells them of their preference of course). And, I also wish that nonbinary people aren't relegated to gender neutral things only? You know? Because, I have been asked why I chose my name the way I did (because Hester is a still somewhat feminine name). I have been asked why I prefer to dress the way I do because it's not androgynous. So I raise the question- why do I need to be questioned every time I make a choice that seems to be within the gender binary? I was born with a vagina and I wear dresses sometimes- doesn't make me a girl. I like form fitting clothing showing off my figure and chest- doesn't make me a girl. It makes me a person whose gender identity seems complicated but isn't, it makes me a person who chooses to wear pretty clothes- affirming clothes that follow how I feel and what I am comfortable in. So, why ask? Why not just accept and move on with your day? Why is how I express myself any of your business, and why do you have to make it a 'thing' (TM) every time you bring it up?
Also- I would love to talk about AMAB nonbinary people- they can be lesbians, they can be gay, pan, bi, poly, whatever. They are not men (thus they can be lesbians), and they are just as valid and pretty/handsome/attractive as I am. And I want everyone to hear that. They are just as valid as any AFAB nonbinary person, and they should not be excluded from our community because of it. I am unable to understand why people are so fucking pressed about people that are minding their own damn business. They deserve love, respect, and peace, just as much as anybody else. Anyone who disagrees kick fucking rocks while I stuff my arm up your ass and turn you into a sock puppet. Stay safe lovelies, and punch nazis for me.
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asterionscat · 7 months
Wow! Y'all really hate bisexual people!
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usareiis · 23 days
Not listening to her album because I can't bear hearing one song about liking a man 🙏
#seeing that tatooed golden retriever line sent me over an edge this morning 😭#breaking up with a man is the least interesting thing in the entire world to me idc idc idc#her and i have fallen off hard and i don't even care#with the last album it was like well it was bad to me but different phases at different times etc#but the rerecordings have gotten increasingly boring and i don't care about the men like normie straight girls do#and her fandom was already massively lesphobic but she has gotten increasingly comfortable with going oh my god don't say i am a lesbian...#...please god that's the worst thing in the world you could be oh my god stop look at my puppy boyfriend uwu#i don't even give a fuck if she is or not or what any of the songs have ever been about but being a lesbian it's like uh well actually...#... it's really bothersome to hear women upset at the idea of being a lesbian like it's so terrible and freakish#i like being a lesbian more than i want to hear her music now#and the way her popularity being bigger than it ever has been right at the time she's doing the worst things ever has just made a cult of..#...normie girls who are just reveling in her being the face of being straight normie is very off putting#the racist guy and the planes and the being a billionare while making the most soulest music you have ever made...#some of this has been going on all along and i guess i was at a point where i was ignoring it that i have grown out of but it's gotten worse#anyway <3
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hellheld · 5 months
i may have realized that harlot is actually going to be very difficult to ship with IUHRGUIEGTKJR
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veilchenjaeger · 2 years
Yan Wei is the most relatable character bc 1) she would die for Xu Youyi 2) she encapsulates the experience of listening to your bi and straight friends talk about their relationships with men while you're sitting there like. I can't outright say that bc I don't mean to be rude but I'm begging you to just break up with him, block his number, and never think about him again. It's so funny
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autisticlee · 5 months
random thought. I always thought it's weird that family lines are based on the men, like the kids only get the men's last names. the wives have to take the man's last name. families get so upset that the family line/name dies when there's only daughters. that's so weird to me. I know why it's a thing. because ~men own and run everything~ historically. I remember my grandpa being upset that out family name/line ends with my generation because his sons all had only daughters.
but why didn't they just stop doing that if they want their names and lines to continue so bad. (rhetorical question. I know men hate women to put it simply. but realistically, why not overocme your misogyny you weird ass peasants. anyway.) women pass on genetics too. they technically pass on the family line. and it's 2023, with people still in that mindset. women 99.9% of the time take the man's name as well as the kids. you can legally let your daughter pass on the family name to her kids if you want some family name honor thing, idk. use your brains, break out if misogynistic traditions, and do what you want. (not that I completely understand the big deal about passing on family names or whatever either but you know 🤷)
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fratboykate · 11 months
Whether it’s already written or just an idea in your head, what would be the work of art that you want to be remembered by? Like if you went down into industry history, what do you want it to be for. Or maybe those are two different things
this is complicated because with the exception of VERY few cases people aren't remembered for ONE thing. it's typically a body of work. or at least a few highlights from a full body of work. that's my opinion at least.
for example, scorsese is not one of my favorite directors but i think it's undoubtable that he's an icon of cinema who will never be forgotten. but he won't be remembered because of one project. it'll be because he's scorsese and that legacy comes with both the good and the bad he's made. he'll also be remembered because he's become a champion and a voice of reason in terms of what cinema should be and stand for (truly...fuuuuuuuuuck marvel) in a time where a lot of filmmakers are afraid to say what they think to not rock the boat. i think the people who "go down in history" make work that is memorable and stand for something. they're more than the sums of their parts.
if i were to choose what i wanted to be remembered for it would be for my incessant fight for better latino/afro-latino rep in media and my desire to bring authentic queer stories into the genre space. im tired of sci-fi being a primarily white and straight medium being down by white and straight people. we're overdue for a takeover. if i can be part of the group that finally breaks through and am able to get a massive world-building show with a queer afro-latina lead out there then i'd be happy as hell with what i did with my life and this difficult career i chose. BUT - and i've been telling y'all this for a while - the more i see the industry devolve the more doubtful i become of that happening.
this article came out this week and truly, it's bleak out here. it's going to get a lot worse before it MAYBE gets better.
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the straight white men in charge are going to systematically erase us because we're not "cool" anymore. diversity was trendy for a few years but now diversity is "controversial". they're going to greenlight fifty more "yellowstones" and ignore stories about minorities because the industry has now decided they want to cater to "middle america". whatever the fuck that means. i personally heard the shift in every meeting i took this year and it got progressively worse as the strike approached. it's not like non-bigots are the majority. they've simply decided we don't matter anymore. the diversity "fad" is over. they're going to go for straight and white because that's safe. they might hire actors of color to be the face of a show here and there but the shows are still going to be written by white people and it's going to be a white character but in the body of a person of color. or they're going to hire the rare creator of color to still appear like they're diverse but then gut their work. studios have done that to shows i've sold them more than once. they sanitize the ideas to the point where characters end up being shadows of what they once were. i write shows for people of color with women of color as the driving force. they turn those shows into series for white people that just happen to have a bastardization of a women of color as a lead.
92% of execs in this industry are white. they're the people killing the quality of all the shows. im digging up one of the best threads i've read during the strike because it communicates how shows these days aren't bad because of writers. they're bad because execs rule now and the vast majority of them are mediocre white people who are terrible at their fucking jobs. y'all have NO IDEA the shit we deal with every day.
true story: im a queer afro-latina woman. every show or film ive ever sold has a queer afro-latina woman as a lead. MORE THAN ONCE...truly soooo many times...have i sat in a notes meeting with 5-7 straight white execs staring back at me and telling me that my characters aren't "authentic enough". then they start giving notes that make everything literally worse. straight white people have, hand on fucking heart, given me notes on how to make a queer latina "better". with a straight face. fuck off and get out of my way. but they don't. they insist you make the changes, ruin your shit, and two years of free work later kill your project before it ever sees the light of day. that's the reality of being in this business and wanting to make content about queer people or people of color. its not that we're "out of ideas" it's that they're ruining the ideas and then not buying them after they string us along for the ride for a few years of development.
so...im going to keep fighting the fight in hopes that i'll someday get to make something i can even be remembered for. but those hopes dwindle every day because the industry has no desire to make what i want to make anymore. for the next few years they're going to produce more average white people shit like "yellowstone", "virgin river", "jack ryan", and "emily in paris" and expect all of you to tune in. and you will. so nothing will change. they'll have no incentive to change it.
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mas-que-loucura-menina · 11 months
Yk when you have siblings so sometimes parents talk to both of you about something but it's obviously targeted to a specific sibling? Anyway, my mom was talking about how it would be okay if me or my sis were gay. My sister is in a 3 years old relationship with the straightest man I have ever met.
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nose-coffee · 1 year
writing some gideon character study and i already know i’ve made her too tender and not enough of a narsty dirtbag but goddamn i’m already 7k words in
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cats-and-confusion · 1 year
I am invested in your Wrong au
Can you info dump some of the stuff you have planned out for it? It's ok if you don't want to
Oh HELL YES ok here we go
The polls are just abt finished so a few things are set in stone by now and it's ok for me to give a few spoilers. so BASICALLY
Leo comes back from the prison dimension Wrong somehow. His skin is a little too smooth, he's cold to the touch (more than usual he's a reptile guys), he moves a little weird, he talks a bit too fluidly, knows a few things he shouldn't. All these little things that don't mean anything but when you put them together you can see that something's DIFFERENT. Everyone thinks it's just the trauma at first, character growth yknow. Then they theorize it's something mystic related bc it's getting creepy as hell
So they ask Drax about it and he's never heard of this shit so he goes and examines Leo's ninpo. Leo is totally fine with all this, he kinda wants to know what's up too, but he also doesn't really seem to care? And that's another red flag to the family, but Drax doesn't find much of anything wrong with his mysticism or ninpo.
Leo starts being less subtle, having periods of depersonalization and derealization, until it comes to a head during a fight with a villain. By then the family has suspected for a while that something is really wrong but now they know that they're really fucked.
Anyway I won't spoil the cause or the event, but rest assured it will be fun. Probably written instead of comics, I'm not too good with consistent art lmao
You'll get a hint when Donnie gets a bit Wrong, but that's it. Hope you're still interested haha
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awsteb · 1 year
if someone (trans or not) says something along the lines of "gay (as in not bi) men aren't attracted to women" and you hear "trans men" in place of "women" that's on YOU. you're the only one here calling trans men women.
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bpdcarmyberzatto · 1 year
genuinely astounded goosemav shippers are like "carole would be 100% okay with her husband cheating on her with his best friend because he's realised he's a fag and loves maverick actually" like you actually hate women, genuinely
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