#Fly High in Freedom | Venti
celestibound · 2 years
unprompted ask | @fxmiliarity​​​​​​​​​​​
Aaaaaaaand cue tall god rushing in to swoop Venti into their arms, picking them up and spinning around before setting them back down. "I have missed you so much, my little sprite!"
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! ! ! Before the poor Archon even had any time to react, they were already picked up by Yve. A small hiccup in surprise had escaped their lips before the onslaught of spinning, paired with the sudden rush of adrenaline, was too much for them. In a fit of blind panic and being stunned to do anything else . . . they had reverted back into their wind sprite form! “ Pkku! ” As they were so graciously placed back down, the poor sprite was still spinning in slow circles before falling face first onto the ground.
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @earthssprout​ / venti’s birthday 6 • 16  ⟭
it was a difficult thing, cradling the shiniest of apples & fluffiest of dandelions ( a rather lovely replacement for a flickering flame on a tiny wax stick, since such a dangerous object wouldn't ever be permitted for clumsy Ari to hold ), but little Ari had done so with great success. careful not to blow all of Venti's precious birthday wishes from their stem, nor to let the apple roll out of her tiny hands, she presents both gifts up with bright eyes & a sunshine - filled smile.
" ha ... happy birthday, vvv ... Venti! " cheered Ari, " I ... I got these for vvv ... Venti, please ... for ... for his birthday! h ... he has to close his eyes, and he has to mmm ... make a wish, please! on the d - dandy - lion!  "
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A part of him felt guilty for having made her walk all the way over rather than meeting her half-way, but the other part of him that wanted her to grow hoped that she was proud of herself for having done it on her own. She had protected her thoughtful gift and made someone happy, and it was worthwhile to see her along every step of the way.
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“Happy birthday to me!” He threw both arms over his head, but was careful not to summon a gust of wind that would send all of her effort sky-high. Then, with hands as gentle as her own, he scooped up his gift. A juicy apple and a wish-filled dandelion — perfect. He knew she was expecting him to make a wish, and he would, but he was an entertainer. Venti couldn’t resist making a show of it.
Brow wrinkled and face set into one of deep thought, the bard hummed.
“A wish, hmm? What should I wish for?” He tap-tap-tapped on his chin and tilted his head curiously. “A million mora, maybe? Hmm, no. It sounds like a good idea, but I wouldn’t know where to keep it all. Which means asking for a million apples would be a bad idea too. Hmm! Goodness, this is difficult. . .”
It wasn’t the least bit a challenge, but he wanted to have Ariana on the edge of her seat. Because as soon as he felt he had dragged the moment on long enough, he gasped and popped his fist against his palm. “I’ve got it! I know the perfect wish!”
The intact dandelion had each and every one of its puffy seeds blown away, one breath filling the air with the soft intent of his wish. Then, once he was sure the seeds were gone and away, he crouched down. Arms open, lips quirked up into a hopeful smile. “I know you’re not supposed to say your wish, but I feel like the only way it will come true is if you know. I wished for the biggest, nicest hug from the sweetest girl in all of Mondstadt! No, all of Teyvat! May I have that?”
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
seeing venti always on high places makes me think about how much he seeks freedom in the skies and he was a little wind spirit that went where the wind goes and jdjxjejxjsjhxhsjd let the little guy fly
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k-zu · 1 year
7 for the song game 0u0? (And, please, if the song allow, can it be platonic?)
( rises the moon ) by liana flores [ third person implied fem!reader ]
in a night of solemn solitude, right in the edge between what remains from old mondstadt and the world, harmonious chords could be heard from the soft, mellow musical fibers of a plucked-string instrument. the windborne entity frolicked excitedly around the sound waves of the melody, chirping along to the ballad of the lyre player.
this one merely chuckled lightly, as if the weight of the world that fell on their shoulders was prohibiting them from expressing happiness. like a never ending day, where one can do nothing but hope the moon rises as quickly as it can. for it is under it's light, soothing reflection of the sun, that the mind naturally comes to rest.
and, oh, what a must needed rest, shared with the gentle wind's hug and their little non-human friend. who nuzzled it's little body onto their cheek; who swirled around their head to catch their attention; who chirped so very loudly at the prospect of danger, but so very late, when the danger was right up their noses.
so very late.
venti reminiscences, playing the same tune his friend used to play in nights like this. heavy, pain-coated darkness. the sound fading with an echo so far away from here, perhaps resonating in another nation, timeline or universe, lullabying whoever in the world needed it the most. he let the music fly in the air, to guide any lost souls back home; whether 'home' was a place, a feeling or a person.
she, for example, became that of which he could call a home.
from the undivided interest on listening attentively to his stories, even those that slipped and slurred together in a wine glass, to her dreams and aspirations that moved mountains carved by the gods. she reminded him so much of perdurable memories, ones that fed the ambition of barbatos' strongest people and passed to become part of the nation's emblem... freedom.
and as it's archon, his duty is to protect it. that's how she adds herself into these nights, resting on his lap while he's trying to soothe away the ache of two hearts at once. while she's visited by sleep, the moon rises high, and that's when he can finally promise the falling of autumn leaves, which will darken the fading blazing skies. "my child...
breathe, breathe, breathe."
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ask game !! leave a number in my playlist and i'll shuffle it that many times, i'll write a short fic based on the song it stops on !
putting my fist into my mouth. this song reminds me so much of venti, i think it was fate :3c
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[Muse Active] Dvalin
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Name: Dvalin
Species, World, Nationality: Elemental Dragon, inhabitant of Teyvat, from Mondstadt
Date of Birth: Unknown
Roleplaying Age: 2000+yo (default verse), other if specified.
Headcanons: Here.
Fandom: Genshin Impact (by miHoYo)
Fandom Genre: RPG, fantasy, adventure.
Open for AU / “What If”s: Yes.
Wiki Link: Here.
Covered Sources: Manga, Game (Up to Chapter 1)
Available for ships: Selective (platonic only, same species)
With Canon Characters (CC);
With Original Characters (OC);
With Cross-over Characters;
With Same-Muse Characters.
Canon Verses:
Pre-Genshin Impact: Some time before the Traveler's arrival in Mondstadt, Dvalin awoke and returned to Mondstadt, only to be greeted by fear and scorn from the humans of this era, who had forgotten about him and his identity as one of the Four Winds. Angry and hurt, both from the rejection and the lingering pain from the poisoned blood clots on his back, Dvalin was easily swayed by the Abyss Order into rescinding his title as Dragon of the East and attacking the city. This earned him the name Stormterror, and Decarabian's city — which he had taken up as his residence — came to be known as Stormterror's Lair.
(Default) Post-Prologue: After Dvalin is rescued by the "Dvalin Protection Squad," a more friendly side surfaces once Venti reassures the dragon that there is no danger of being attacked. Dvalin initially felt confused as to what freedom truly was, but after Venti's explanation he felt connected and whole again before flying off into the unknown.
Writing Sample:
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The scent of the wind; how he'd missed it. It was no longer tainted with the lingering stench of his own blood and poison.
But this scent was so different from what he once knew. As was the land flowing underneath the powerful beat of his wings. Green pastures, trees in bloom as far as the eye could see. The landscape of snow and cold winds he used to call home seemed to be long gone.
Except at one place. In the vast landmass of Mondstadt, only a distant corner remained the way the dragon always remembered. The lone, tall mountain that had become Durin's tomb. Whenever Dvalin's eyes set in its direction, his heart ached in mourning of the past that had forsaken him. His sacrifice, had it been for naught?
He was no longer bound by duty here. He could fly high, and travel far. And see with his eyes this vast world... to find where its worth lied, so that he, too, may belong again.
Find my rules on my blog HERE.
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genshin-pals · 2 years
Amber, Venti, and Xiao comforting traveler in what was suppose to be a perfect windy day for wing gliding turned into the traveler reminiscing and missing the days when they had wings
ohoho this is good and i claim it - mod Cake
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The two of you had a whole day of fun planned. 
The winds were strong, but gentle. Perfect for gliding. So the two of you set out to Starsnatch Cliff. For a while, all was good. You two even had a bit of a competition going on~
But then you spotted the beach you met Paimon on. You remember telling the pixie how you came to Tevayt. How you used to fly between worlds with your sibling...
You took a detour, heading down and dropping onto the sand, just....thinking. It’s only when you heard Amber call your name did you look back.
She ran up to you, concerned. “Hey! We’re not gonna get any wind down here.” She said with a smile, before her expression became a bit more concerned. “Are you okay...?”
“I used to have actual wings.” You said. “I used to fly across the sky, shining so brightly... But then I lost that...and I just...miss it...” Sighing, you sat down on the sand, idly letting the grains flow between your fingers.
“You don’t have to believe me, but-” “I believe you.”
Amber was right at your side, sitting down and looking out to the ocean.
“It’s hard to believe, yet...if it’s you, not at all. You always seemed like a natural born wind glider... Guess that’s why, huh?” That cheery smiled mixed with topaz eyes... You couldn’t help but feel your spirits lift.
“It’s because of the wind that us humans are able to fly at all... I doubt it’s any comparison, but I hope that you still feel that sense of freedom when you glide.” 
“I do...” You voice was small, but not quiet as sad as before. Leaning, you rested your head on the girl’s shoulder. “But for now...this is fine, too...”
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The windiest place in the whole of Monstadt was Stormterror’s Lair. It was there you were gliding, using several drafts to rise without ever touching the ground.
It was nice. But it wasn’t the same. Sighing, you sat at the edge of one of the many broken structures. Staring down at the ground, you feet dangled.
“Hello!” And suddenly, a bard was sitting right next to you, grinning that mischievous smile he so often wore.
Laughing as you almost fell off the ledge, he apologized for startling you.
When things calmed down, he spoke once again. “What saddens you, my friend?”
Blinking, you sighed, looking out to the mountains. “I miss flying... I miss my wings. I’m grateful for the glider, but at the same time...” Your voice trailed off, longing echoing long after. Venti thought a moment, before standing.
Looking up, he offered you his hand. “Come.” Venti said, so gentle and princely.
Unsure, you took his hand, and he pulled you off the ledge. You yelped, only to find yourself going up instead of down. Looking up, you gasped seeing just how high you were. You couldn’t do this with a glider...
“This is the most I can give you.” Venti said, taking your other hand as the two of you floated in the air, suspended by anemo power. “Someday, you will have your wings back... I simply ask that you still rely on the wind every now and then when that day comes.”
Your eyes sparkled, nodding tearily as you enjoyed the moment.
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Sitting with Xiao atop Wangshuu Inn had become one of your favorite ways to relax as of late.
High above the ground, wind blowing gently, the weather just right...
Conversation wasn’t needed. You both took a rest from your duties to just to breath.
“You know...” You broke the silence. “I miss being able to fly...”
Xiao took a moment, wondering how he should respond. “Is...your glider broken?”
A soft, slightly sad chuckle escaped you. “No... Before coming to this world, I had wings. When I was trapped here, my powers were sealed...and now gliding is all I have...”
Gold, cat-like eyes examined your form, taking in what you just said. “...What is it that you miss...?” It was a quiet question, trying to be careful as to not upset you.
“The utter freedom.” You responded, resting back so you could face the sky. “Dancing in the sky, the wind on my face, the weightlessness of all my worries...” Your hand raised, grasping for the very sky you longed for.
Suddenly, Xiao’s hand wrapped around yours. Before saying anything, the scene changed. You were...in Jueyun Karst? Sitting up, you looked at the yaksha with confusion.
“The updrafts here...are rather strong.” He spoke matter of factly. “You should be able to glide for much longer...”
The gesture was...so kind. You couldn’t help but laugh. The warrior seemed concerned, but you moved forward and hugged him.
“Thank you, Xiao...” And with that, you grabbed his hand, jumping off the cliff and gliding to your heart’s content.
Above the clouds, over the mountains. It was beautiful. And it felt nostalgic.
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vennylavey · 2 years
Groundless Waltz
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title; And If The Wind Rustles Your Hair, That Is Me— Loving You From Afar
pairing(s); venti x reader
summary; Giggling in the breeze and melodies in the wind has never felt more real.
a/n; basically me writing out my overflowing feelings for venti
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In the vast green forest, there is the euphony of a thousand sounds, but perhaps the most lovely melody of them all, is the playful giggle ringing in the wind.
A gentle breeze blows past you, one you'd let play with the hem of your clothes and the tresses of your hair— until it grows stronger, stronger than you are. You shield your eyes, closing them in protection, your feet gets lifted off the ground and you feel yourself carried by the wind.
The giggles sound clearer in the sky.
"Open your eyes, dove!" Someone says.
Then you gasp to find an angel right in front of you— with skin so fair and a build so slim. He is a boy of dark blue hair, almost black, with twin braids on the side of his head that fades into aqua.
"You're lost, aren't you~?"
You're not particularly sure if he's referring to your sudden appearance in an unknown forest, or the way your steps falter to the soundless waltz he sways you gently to.
Either way, the answer would have been yes.
But it just so happens that you can't put a coherent sentence together, so you sputter. However, it's a good thing he manages to read you well, because the angel smiles reassuringly, and leads the dance with a newfound enthusiasm.
You choose that time to react to the fact that you're currently stepping on very high ground. Only, to call it ground would be an overstatement, because you step on no ground at all.
You're— floating..
It's so strange, so majestic, so curious! But panic still rises in your throat.. How are you staying upright, much less, not falling?
The angel brings your attention back to him, bringing you closer as he tightens his arm around you.
His eyes, too, you think. They're such a pretty shade of teal. They're wide and bright, glowing with excitement and glinting with mischief. It's mesmerizing.
And you know because they are the most alluring thing about him at a second glance— and after that? You'd be swallowed by the urge to not look away.
"Do not fret," says the angel, taking your hand in his and ghosting his lips over your knuckles. "You've realized yet.."
Maybe it's the feeling of soft hands catching yours. Or their careful guidance and their support around your waist. Or perhaps, it's the warmth you feel under yours and the reassuring presence of that who is before you.
"You're flying, dove!"
The angel before you laughs heartily; And it's a wonderful feeling that bursts in your chest— of thrill and excitement, of adrenaline coursing through you.
"Let the wind guide you!"
Vaguely, you realize: It's the sweet taste of freedom.
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this was a drabble that was supposed to be included in the 4nemo headcanons! the whole idea was to have each member seducing the viewer into being their fan acting out in a promotional bit of themselves in their debut video. i only got venti's done before i scratched the idea all together.
credits to @/rome_romedo on twitter for the venti art
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probably-haven · 2 years
So i was reading venti’s wiki again- as one does, for totally random reasons- and i perceived this line: “ Venti was never able to give that feather to the lad, for that lad had fallen in the battle for the sake of song, sky, and birds, and for the people who, like him, had dwelled within the storm-wall.”
which reminded me of the storybook cutscene about the first flying birds from Amber’s story quest- and my connection fueled mind came upon the following realization
The story of the birds seems an awful lot like a metaphor for the rebellion against Decarabian to me- which i know i dwell on that a lot but hear me out
these are the exact lines from the cutscene:
When the first wisp of wind brushed across the land Birds that yearned for the sky had wings But no way to fly They asked the Anemo God: "How can we reach the heavens?" To which the Anemo God replied: "You have yet to find that which is most important" As the God spoke, the wind thrust the seeds of a dandelion High into the sky The birds thrust out their wings But the breeze was all too mild Leaving them to stumble across the earth So they went to the gorge Where the wind showed off its wild and incomparable strength They threw themselves off the cliff And flapped their wings amongst the howling winds Until they were able to fly freely in the sky To the Anemo God they went, to gleefully say: "We understand now! All we needed was a stronger wind to fly" In reply the Anemo God said: "What you lacked was not wind, but courage" "It is courage that has allowed you to become the first flying birds of this world"
Now consider the following parallels
The birds being a placeholder for the people of Old Mondstadt  Wind being a kind of placeholder for power or divinity The sky/heavens being freedom  the gorge/cliff being the confrontation with Decarabian And courage(”that which is most important”) being both the literal meaning of courage, but also the nameless bard
now, as much as i would like to skip stones and say “imagine if venti wrote it,” it doesn’t fit with the typical writing style for most of the things we know are written by Venti, which tend to have a fair amount more rhyming and a more regular rhythm. 
However, we don’t recognize the voice, and in genshin the person voicing a cutscene tends to be the person telling it or who wrote it so- hear me out.  Gunnhildr. 
now a while back ago i made a post about the roles of a few characters within the rebellion, and i think this fits oddly well. Sharing in the responsibility of subtly commemoration the events that happened. 
but anyway now that that explanation is out of the way, may I propose to you a few things:
Venti who finds out after waking up from another one of his long ass naps(the one shortly before the events of the game to be specific) that the story made by another one of his old friends still exists and is still popularly known today, not yet faded from Mondstadt’s memory(unlike a certain dragon, amirite?), although it had admittedly been simplified to a children’s tale. But regardless it still exists as a physical reminder of his memory. 
Plus Venti just seems like the kind of guy who would be pretty fond of children’s stories anyway, and i can’t believe it took me this long and a literal concrete example to realize that headcanon
Venti who puts copies of the storybook in random places in the library just to be a little shit, and Lisa who now automatically knows the culprit whenever she realizes this has happened(and also greatly wonders where tf Venti gets so many copies like damn)
Venti who hears some grown ass person being all angsty and troubled in the corner of Angel’s Share and, with the most serious expression on his face, slides a fucking children’s book across the table as if it were the Knights of Favonius’s most confidential files. 
just- vibes
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
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I’ve been a hermit ever since covid dropped lol. Yes, you’re doing social distancing right. Imagine going outside? Ptff, what a weird concept. But I’m happy you’ve stuck around for so long despite the constant brainworms I have. Oho?? More crumbs 👀 Lemme just crack my knuckles real quick. I’m throwing a reader in just so I have an excuse to tag everyone haha. These are a lot more scuffy compared to my usual HCs but let me brainrot for a sec. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: University AU [V1]
Genshin: Roomate HCs [V1]
Genshin: Mythos AU - Cat Xiao
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@youaskedfurret​​ @diaxfeliz​​ @wintergreen-aix​​ @aethwie​​ @thegayrubberducky​​ @lovelykittycatmeow​​​ @yuunoagivesmelife​​ @dokidokisama @rokipersonal​​ @minakohasmanyhusbandos​​ @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess​​ @yuu-yuukurotsuki​​  @qimiie @onowie​​ @hanniejji​​​  @mikeysbike​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @sunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @thicmitten​ @nonniechan​ @htnicayh​ @genshins1mpact​ @morthecreator​ @aanne2601 @aklxojjk​ @fulltimeventisimp​ @legionqueensav​​​ @castinluckgamer​​​
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Your first impressions of Zhongli was that he was an egotistical and selfish brat. To be fair, you might have adopted some of those qualities yourself but you were both children at the time. Your sister, Guizhong, was tasked to take care of Zhongli in place of his parents which lead to your first meeting with the infamous Imperial Prince. At first, you were excited to finally meet someone who was the same age as you and Guizhong was always so kind. But when he turned to face you two, he just asked if Guizhong was supposed to be his concubine. You weren’t sure whether to gag or throw your shoe at him but Guizhong quickly intercepted before you could do anything that could get you killed. It’s only until you spent more time with him that Zhongli tells you that he has never had someone care for him or want to spend time with him without some alterative motive. 
Zhongli radiates sheltered child from birth. To outsiders, he seems really slow on normal everyday tasks but that’s because he’s never had to worry about doing mundane things. He’s always had someone else to do them for him that when he’s out in public, he just stands around and waits for someone to help him. It’s incredibly awkward for everyone in the situation when Zhongli forgets to bring mora and just stands off to the side until one of his servants comes to pick up his check. That’s how Zhongli got such a bad reputation of being a spoiled brat despite being a well-mannered and polite man. When he drops something he just turns to look at you, back at the object, then back at you. You have to pound it into your brain that no, Zhongli is not a lazy and he isn’t trying to be insulting, that’s just how he’s lived his life. When you tell him he is fully capable to picking things up, because what if he dropped something important when he was older and the wind swept it away, he pounders the thought as if you’ve just explained the meaning of the celestials to him that you give up and just pick it up for him. 
A Prince from Mondstadt named Venti used to come to Liyue for playdates while their father’s talked business and politics. He was the complete opposite of Zhongli but you genuinely liked him. While he was a bit more bolder and hyper compared to the calm and quiet Zhongli, he would always try and get Zhongli out of the palace and outside. You end up missing so many fun and interesting things when you’re locked up in your study room. How can the next Emperor care about his land when he doesn’t even know what it’s like to live there? It was the first time you and Zhongli went out just for fun and you might have gone a bit overboard in hindsight, but Venti’s personality and the feeling of freedom to do anything was addicting. Plus, watching Zhongli’s reactions to all these new feelings made him feel a bit more human. While you knew that Zhongli would do everything for Liyue, you never got the impression that his heart was in it. 
From then on, you and Zhongli try and carve some time out of his schedule to go down to the streets and have a little bit of a break. When you both built kites and scaled all the way to the mountains to fly them, it was the first time you’ve seen Zhongli be bad at something. He always had such elegance and perfection whenever his teachers asked him to do something but as soon as the kite took flight, it would stumble then come crashing down. Zhongli had the most heartbroken puppy expression on his face that you couldn’t help but burst out laughing. While you’re on the ground gasping for air and probably have the most ridiculous expression on your face, Zhongli smiles gently as he looks at you then back to Liyue. The moment is ruined when Guizhong comes running towards you both and scolds you for sneaking out. 
While it’s somewhat annoying when other attendants in palace gush about how well Zhongli is growing into becoming the next emperor, both in smarts and appearance, you have to somewhat agree with them in some places. If you want to know the history of Liyue or how to properly place a tea set, he can tell you in incredible detail. However, when it comes to social cues and interactions, he’s awful at them. Everything is treated a business deal that it makes everyone somewhat nervous or uncomfortable that you’re internally dying at any social event he goes to. But despite the awkwardness, he has a lot of admires that frequently send him letters of marriage or adoration that you have to shift through. It makes you a bit uncomfortable reading the flowery language but it surprised you a bit how many people have the misconception that Zhongli planning to have you as his spouse. When you mention this to Zhongli as a joke, he returns to his thinking pose and he contemplates the idea before nodding and agreeing with the letters. He proposes to you right then and there and it’s such a sudden development that your brain has finally broke and you pass out. 
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Venti is one of those royalty types that spends so much time outside and away from his duties that he’s basically thrown his cape and crown to the wind. The first time Zhongli visited Monstadt, his first impressions of Venti were him singing to a crowd. While Zhongli doesn’t understand why Venti would spend his time on music rather than his studies, they still get along well. Mostly because Venti has a very easy going personality, even if he’s a bit blunt, but whatever comments he makes fly over Zhongli’s head. Unlike him, you’re the complete opposite. You’re a knight in training with an earnest heart that wants to protect the City of Mondstadt with your entire being. While you don’t necessarily hate Venti, because he never asked to be born into the royal family, you can’t help but get frustrated at his nonchalant attitude towards everything aside from alcohol and music. 
Your first meeting with him was during your time training under the Favonius Knights. You wanted to get a bit more practice late in the night when Venti stumbled upon you bullying a poor wooden dummy before he announces his arrival. He laughs a bit at your fumbling as you quickly get into a proper kneel but he waves it off saying it was unnecessary before he asks what you’re up to. You’re in mid-explanation when Venti cuts you off with a yawn and you can feel the irritation creeping up on you as you snap back why he’s outside instead of inside the safe walls of the castle. Your irritation grows even further when Venti smugly grins, patting himself on the back from getting a rise out of you, before he reaches into the bag you just noticed he was carrying to produce sheets of music. 
While his teacher’s drone on and on about the production of wine, he is busy writing songs in his textbooks. While he understands the importance of his role, he thinks the people can rule themselves just fine without his help. He wants to leave his crown and become a bard and live an ordinary but free life. How he’s always sneaking out to go explore without the world constantly breathing down his neck. Whether his posture is correct or if he’s memorized the history of berries wouldn’t matter. Honestly, Venti is weighing his options of either staying as a royal or leaving everything behind to pursue the life he wants. When he finishes his heart-felt speech he expects you to give him those same pitiful and woe is you eyes but you’re just angry. You can understand his sentiment, living a life that you never asked for isn’t fun, but suddenly packing your things and jumping ship would only cause chaos and conflict. At least have some sort of replacement before you leave damnit. 
Now it’s your turn to be surprised, rather than taking offense to you, a nameless knight, basically insulting the him, the Prince, he lights up in excitement. He rips his cape and crown off before he’s shoving them onto you before you can even say anything. He’s almost bouncing on his feet as he tells you that you can freely take his crown and become the next in line. You have no idea how that would work but he mentions that he knows a man named Albedo that can help change your appearance to look like him. That way, you get to protect the City you love so much and he get’s to live the life he’s always wanted. It’s completely fool proof with no flaws whatsoever! Except for the fact, that he is jumping way too far to conclusions, he’s shoving his responsibilities onto you, and most importantly, you don’t the first thing about Venti and how to act like him. 
Before you know it, Venti has dragged you to meet his Father to personally appoint you as his personal knight. He doesn’t take no for an answer even though you aren’t qualified at all to be protecting someone of high position as him but Venti’s always been a handful that someone needs to watch over him. You have no idea how one night managed to throw your entire life into this chaos but you’re not sure if you can even get out of this situation at this point. 
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It all happened so suddenly. You and him were playing in the gardens when his father rushed in and took both of your hands and dragged you to the border to Khaenri’ah. The land you were both used to seeing, the friendly baker that would always give you both sweets, or the magic that used to flow so freely was transformed into red cubes. You were both scared and confused but as you both reached the border oh Khaenri’ah, a large gate that leads to the above world of Teyvat, his father tells you both to run as far as you could and never look back before he pushed you both in. It wasn’t until years later that you both discovered that a corrupted god had taken control of Khaenri’ah. Now, everyone believes that the Khaenri’ah prince is dead because he’s been missing for so long and whatever hope Khaenri’ah has is gone. For his own safety, he had to change his name to Kaeya and you both found yourself at the gates of Mondstadt. 
It took a lot of adjusting for the both of you but Kaeya especially. Your mother had dropped you into the care of Kaeya’s family for a short while before everything went downhill. She was a bit on the neglectful side but she was still your mother and you knew she was alive. On the other hand, Kaeya lost his entire family and nation in a single moment. Whatever pure happiness and bright personality he used to have quickly regressed until he was a shy and quiet kid. You know he blames himself for what happened even if there wasn’t anything he could have done but he’s grown a fear of outsiders so he tends to avoid other children his age. Instead finding comfort in playing with the funny looking abyss mages and slimes that are on the outskirt of Mondstadt. While he doesn’t seem bothered by the weird comments other people make of him, you know deep down he does get hurt, that it makes you so mad that you end up lashing out. 
You end up getting into a few fights as Kaeya patches you up. He scolds you and says that he doesn’t need you to go so far for him is when you make him a promise that you’ll protect him with everything you have. It’s the first moment since everything happened that he seems to gain back that life in his eyes. He blinks at you before he chuckles sheepishly and comments that you can’t even tie your shoes correctly do you stumble a bit. You’re a bit embarrassed at your sudden proclamation but stand determined about it. You both end up making a pinky promise to stay by each other’s side until the very end. 
When you’re both older and in the position of Captain and Teacher in the Favonius Knights is when he seems to be a bit more open. You both end up gaining a reputation of the laid-back Calvary Captain that bother’s the strict but kind Teacher. He’s always waltzing in the middle of you class to tease you before you end up throwing something at him to get him to stop embarrassing you in front of new recruits. You end up getting back at him with your woe is me acting and push all your paper work on him. Since he loves spending so much time in your class, he should know how to do all your paper work right?. Despite all of this, if anyone needs to find Kaeya or you, you’re basically a packaged deal. Always attached to the hip. 
Kaeya knows deep down, at some point he’s going to have to go back to Khaenri’ah and save his people but he’s conflicted. While he knows it’s selfish that he get’s to live a life of freedom, he wants to be selfish. Not just for him but for you as well. You’ve both basically lost everything and now that things are okay, he doesn’t want to give that up. While you both promised to stay together until the end, you’re the only person he has left and he doesn’t want to rope you into his mess or have you worry about him. He’s heard of the blond traveler in black and blue that is searching for the lost prince of an unnamed kingdom, knows that the peaceful life he has right now will come to an end, but he pushes it aside. Besides, there are more important things to attend to. Today might be the day he tells your students about how you fell into a lake because you got scared by a frog. 
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Jean is incredibly dedicated to her role and to her people because she’s genuinely a good person and wants to see people happy. Especially her sister Barbara. She’s a bit awkward and clumsy in her execution but she has a lot of heart. Being her personal knight, you know just how hard she works and you admire her greatly for her ideals and nature. She has such a professional and gentle façe when she’s out in public but as soon as she’s behind closed doors, she’s collapsing into your arms as the world lifts for a short while. You chuckle a bit amused at how different she appears to the outside world, how the ever prime and proper Princess wakes up with a rat’s nest, how her favourite food is pizza, or how she throws these 7 inch heels out the window as soon as a ball is over. 
Due to Jean’s kind-hearted nature, when it comes to more pushy people she can’t seem to say no to. Travelers or citizens that think they can take advantage of the Princess is what makes your blood boil. While she isn’t stupid and knows that people are taking advantage of her, she wants to extend any help she can. Not for her public image but because that’s how she is. While it warms your heart that people like her exist, as her knight you can only let so many things slide. When some shady peddler tries to lead Jean somewhere, you’re already stepping in and smilingly sweetly as you grip the peddler’s hand in a death grip and not so subtlety say that he better have a good excuse for why he wants to drag the Princess away or there might be a problem. 
When Jean is overworking herself and nearing her breaking point is when you step in. You may be her knight but you’re also her friend and you know when it’s time to stop her destructive habits. She might complain and reassure you that she’s fine but you don’t accept that. If she was “fine” her temperature wouldn’t be the same level as a pyro slime and she wouldn’t have such dark circles under her eyes. It’s a simple bend and lift to carry her in your arms that she ends up stuttering before going pink and let’s you carry her to her room. While she’s screaming into her hands, you’re preparing medicine and everything she’ll need to make a full recovery. 
The hardest times for Jean is when her Father constantly pesters her to find a husband. Jean is an independent person and while yes, while being a workaholic isn’t against help, but she doesn’t believe she needs a husband just to make her entitled to rule her kingdom. Besides, Jean is secretly a hopeless romantic. You’re very tight lipped about secretly finding her love story books hidden under her bed unless you want to see her self-combust. You try your best to comfort her but there’s not a lot you can do for her situation other than offer words of reassurance and try and get her mind off things. While you’re patting her on the back she’s looking at you as if you’re the most oblivious person in the world. 
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Albedo is a renowned alchemist that helps royal families with their problems with the use of his intelligence and abilities in alchemy. Something that only a few people can do throughout Teyvat, you being one of them as well. At first, you had admired Albedo and his abilities and saw him as a bit of a role model for young alchemist. Until you actually met him in person. He’s pretty much an emotionless void of a person that he comes off as extremely unempathetic when he listens to the woes of royals. While you sort of agree, the problems that royal’s commission you for are completely ridiculous and selfish, he doesn’t have a moral compass and if he can benefit from it. He’ll do it, no matter how questionable it may seem. 
Maybe it’s because you have a little sister figure in your life to stir your moral compass but it still get’s you irritated. It’s always a joy to see Klee when you come back home from your travels that whatever bad mood you were in suddenly washes away. But when you knock on Alice’s door only to have it open to reveal Albedo holding Klee in his arms does your world come crashing down. Klee is completely ignorant to your internal screams as she scrabbles out of Albedo’s hands to give you a hug and take your hand in hers as she leads you inside. You can almost feel the inner workings of Albedo’s mind as he stares at you blankly as Klee shows you the new art she drew.  
You both don’t mention or talk about it even when you happen to cross each other’s paths outside or you both end up seeing each other at Alice’s home. It’s a bit funny to you, to the outside world Albedo seems so aloof and untouchable, and yet you’re here watching him get tired from chasing Klee around and trying to stop her destroying her home with her bombs. It almost makes you smug when Klee listens to you better than Albedo, it might seem a bit petty and small but you don’t care. He ends up getting back at you when he ends up one-upping you in front of the royal court. He does a quick scan of the room before his eyes land on you and he shoots you a small smug smile before his face returns to it’s neutral expression. You’re clapping along with everyone with the most strained smile you can muster. 
You manage to find out from Klee that Albedo enjoys drawing that the next time you see him, you ask if you could see him draw something or if he had sketches on hand. You’re fascinated by his drawings, more so than his actual research discoveries, as you look at the tiny details he’s managed to capture. Outside of Klee, no one’s really been interested in his drawings that he can’t help but feel a little flustered when you’re gushing about his work. It’s different from people praising his alchemist efforts, you’re not someone whose staring at him like he’s on a pedestal when you say you like his drawings, and it feels genuine. He offers a small smile and says that if you’d like, he’d love to show you some more sketches. 
You’ve never noticed it until other people bring it up but Albedo seems close to you. Usually once he’s done his business he leaves but if you happen to be around, he sticks around a bit longer just to speak with you. How he seems comfortable to relax in your presence and even leans in closer. How he complies with your requests without any benefit to him. You’re not sure what type of relationship you hold with Albedo. You don’t think you’re friends but you’re definitely closer than acquaintance. If taking care of a a hyper active walking bomb doesn’t bring two people closer than you don’t know what does. But at the end of the day, you find you don’t really care. Not everything needs to be labelled and categorized like things are in alchemy. People don’t seem to understand but you always duck out and escape before you’re questioned further about your personal life. Unbeknownst to you, Albedo is watching you go as he ponders your words. 
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Childe is such a clown. He’s an assassin that doesn’t know the first thing about being subtle and is just in it for the fighting. He’s really just an incredibly egotistical bastard that likes being friendly with his targets, just to see their shocked expressions when it’s him that comes to take their life. He’s actually a pretty down to earth guy. While other assassins in the Fatui either have tragic backstories or some sad pitiful tale, Childe just laughs at them. His family is still alive and he’s never had any true hardships in his life. He’s pretty disliked for this reason but he’s a skilled enough fighter that it somewhat makes up for it. 
Just when Childe’s life is at its peak, is when he slips and falls into the abyss. For the first time, he had to face against a threat and in a situation he has no control over which is completely foreign to him. He barely manages to survive until he’s saved by an unknown figure that goes by the name Skirk. While he’s grateful he’s still alive, facing his mortality for the first time gives him a lot to reflect about. Thus he makes the impulse decision to train under Skirk and grow stronger until he’s able to climb out of the abyss. That’s when he meets you who was travelling with Skirk for the same reasons. Your first interactions with this unknown teen is him challenging you to a fight, just for you to throw him over your shoulder as if he weighed nothing. You expected him to get angry or cry but instead he’s standing right back up and grinning like a psychopath as he asks for another fight. You’re looking at Skirk with the most, are we seriously bringing this child with us? look. 
From then on, it’s been the three of you travelling through the floors of the abyss. Skirk tells you the stories of this place, how it used to be a great nation before corruption cause the citizens to be morphed and transformed into monsters. You and Childe learn how to fight alongside Skirk against these monsters until it ends up becoming a competition between you and Childe on who can kill the most monsters. Skirk is a bit worried that when you both are back into the outside world, if he should be worried about how morbid you both might appear. But while you’re both yelling at each other who actually landed the last kill on the regisvine while the hilichurls are cowering in a corner does he just accept that things aren’t going to change. The world will just have to accept it. If you both actually teamed up, and you have before, he thinks you both would be unstoppable but you’re both too stubborn. 
Despite your rivalry, Childe still has his big brother instincts that whenever you get hurt he’s huffing over you like a mother hen as he scolds you for being so reckless. You’re ignoring the fact that he’s bleeding out while you have minor cuts because you don’t want a crybaby Childe on your hands. Even the harsh conditions of the Abyss, you both find ways to entertain yourself. Childe always challenges you to a fight every second of the day and he always ends up with a sore back when you knock him off his feet. And he always makes the joke that you’re sweeping him off his feet which ends up with him screaming bloody murder as you charge at him. It doesn’t help when he’s still yelling comments behind his shoulder that you might get mistaken for a gorilla when you’re both outside that Skirk has gotten so used to this that he simply ignores the attempted murder going on behind him. 
When you’re both strong enough to climb to the gate of the Abyss, Skirk feels almost like a proud parent. Giving you a head pat and a hard slap to the back for Childe does Skirk wave you both off. You’re trying to mask your tears as Childe grins and promises to see you on the other side, that you’ll definitely meet up in the future no matter what. But when he finally returns to the Fatui, works his way back up to being an assassin, he almost thinks Skirk is laughing at him when he realizes that his first target is you. Not that he’s bothered by it, he'll be happy to see you again and see if he can finally beat you. 
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Baizhu is the most suspicious doctor in the history of all doctors. Some citizens aren’t even sure if he’s a qualified doctor but alas, he’s very good at his job and is a lot more tolerable compared to the Alchemist Albedo so that’s how he’s been able to keep his job. He works under the Liyue emperor so even if citizens had issues with him, it’s not like they could do anything in the first place. People aren’t sure whether he’s joking or being honest when he explains what he’s been privately working on behind the scenes. From experiments to rituals, they are taken aback but Baizhu just smiles and says he’s just kidding. Being his assistant, you have to constantly reassure others that Baizhu is a bit of a sadist and likes to get a rise out of people. Besides, why would a doctor be so interested in those type of things? It’s incredibly unnerving but no one questions it. They won’t know what to do in the first place if their suspicious are correct. 
While Baizhu knows how to do his job, he’s always sending you to do the dirty work. From getting medicinal plants up on the very top of mountains or bringing cranky old men their prescriptions, whenever you’re done one task he’s got three more for you. He could at the very least take the trash out while he’s busy doing nothing. At least the job has a few perks. You’ve always had numerous health issues and while Baizhu’s reputation is a bit on thin ice, you wouldn’t trust anyone else to look you over. He’s a bit weird about it, you’re pretty sure Baizhu will never love another person emotionally but when it comes to the science behind a human body, he’s absolutely smitten. He tries to reassure you that he does care for the wellbeing of Liyue but you wave it off at him trying to butter you up before he asks something ridiculous of you. 
You and his snake, Changsheng, do not like each other. You think she’s an annoying and bratty snake that Baizhu needs to throw into a jar to shut up while she thinks you’re a complete nuisance and doesn’t understand why Baizhu keeps you around. Baizhu has tried to get you both to reconcile but it always devolves into a petty argument of back-handed insults until Baizhu has enough and tells you both to quiet down. To be truthful, both of your hatred towards each other stems from two completely different reasons rather than disliking each other’s personality, but you can never bring it up to Baizhu. It’s not a conversation anyone wants to have. 
If he has one positive, it’s his adopted daughter Qiqi who is just an absolute sweetheart. She’s shy and prefers to follow after Baizhu and you like a lost duckling. While Baizhu might be the worst boss in this history of all bosses, it makes you grin smugly internally when Qiqi chooses to stay cuddled in your arms instead of his. Qiqi is 95% the reason why you stay in this job, not that Baizhu would ever let you leave, because you’ve genuinely grown fond of someone for the first time the same way she has for you. You bring her along whenever you need to give prescriptions to citizens just so she isn’t stuck in within the same four walls and the locals love her. From her forgetful nature or how she shy’s behind your legs whenever someone new approach's you both. It’s so cute that people tend to ignore the floating rumours that Baizhu is reanimating his previously deceased family. 
I have no idea if I’m just uncultured or if “Always and Forever” Au’s are a thing. I hope you all like this 👉👈 it’s kind of messy and all over the place and I lowkey don’t know if I like my brainrot (there’s a lot of issues ik). I kinda want to do a part 2 where I include other characters but let me know if that’s something interesting? Oh and feel free to add to this, I’d love to hear your ideas. 
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celestibound · 2 years
Bruises & Bruising Prompts | @aeviare​​​​​​
“Talk to me.” {lumine or barbatos}
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“ There is no hiding anything from you, is there? ” The bard gave a weak chuckle, an attempt at his usual perky self. Eyes that once glimmered with mischief and joy now sullen — lips usually lifted upwards in smiles now tucked downwards. Patting a spot next to themself for Aether, they’d waited in silence until the Traveler had seated himself before speaking.
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“ Do you think it would of made a difference, had I been Archon over Mondstadt or not? ” Surely, they were not the initial first pick after Decarabian’s demise . . . hard to say that they were fit for the role though, amongst others potential candidates — just a single little sprite. “ Rather, allow me to rephrase my words. Would it have been better, should they of had an Archon that was much closer to its people — one that was actually there for them, unlike I.. ”
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ghastigiggles · 3 years
ok so this is my first time writing for Genshin and while I can’t promise a constant outpour of Content for this fandom, I can promise Lee Venti because it’s all I think about when I’m not knee-deep in IDV. please talk to me about lee venti... asks in my askbox asks in my askbox -
Venti is my Main so I’ve been using him religiously in Inazuma, and I couldn’t help thinking about how at-odds he and Baal would be given that their alignments are kind of opposites... So ofc he would be a little scared about being on her turf, given that she’s not afraid to kill any who oppose her. Thus, this fic was born! o/
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"Call on me anytime," he'd said. "I'm always up for an adventure," he'd said! And, oh, sure, Venti had meant it at the time, because then, Lumine was just exploring Liyue. Peaceful, neighbourly Liyue, with adorably stoic Xiao and patient and fatherly Zhongli. Venti knew the country well, and was not afraid to visit Liyue with Lumine and Paimon, to be a second guide or helping hand if either of them needed it.
What he didn't mean was "Take me to Inazuma, you know, that land with the Lightning Archon that hates anything that could threaten her idea of Eternity so much she started stealing visions from her own people and locked down the country. Yeah, bring the God of Freedom to the literal most dangerous and restrictive country in Teyvat, why not!"
That's not what he meant. Yet here he was.
He tried to put on a brave face, and it was convincing enough for Lumine's new friends - and he did like them. He did! Inazuma had its own charm, and Venti would've been delighted to spend a few months visiting now that he was without a Gnosis, meeting the people and exploring the culture.
But there was the fact that the Raiden Shogun was really freaking scary. About three times he'd conjured fake visions for himself, only for them to be snatched up by her little samurai clique or whatever they were called now. Yeah, have fun with those, Rai. Wasn't like they had any power, anyway; eventually, he'd given up entirely on conjuring more, deeming it a waste of energy and focusing instead on avoiding his use of wind as much as possible in public spaces.
Which, in and of itself, was already difficult, given that with one laugh the breeze would change directions, or with a sneeze a few of Raiden's clouds from the tempest would blow in towards shore and slam Ritou with some harsh rainstorms. Whoops.
All in all, Venti really wanted to avoid drawing her attention to himself, because without his Gnosis, he couldn't trust her intentions. He barely knew her, at least not in the same way he knew the other Gods, and while the Tsaritsa and her cronies had wanted his power, they didn't want his life. That much he was grateful for.
With Raiden, and her want with eternal power, peace, life, and stability for Inazuma, he couldn't trust that she wouldn't take what little he had left. He didn't want to leave Zhongli as the last of the original Seven, and - more importantly - he wasn't ready to die just yet.
So to say that he was stressed would be a massive understatement.
Lumine, observant as ever, had picked up on this, and cornered him in the teahouse after a lunch with Ayaka and Thoma.
"If you want to go home -"
"No! I mean - kind of, but - ugghhh."
Lumine shook her head as Paimon glanced between the two of them cluelessly.
"If it was too much to ask of you to come here -"
"Of course it wasn't! I like travelling, I like you, I like travelling with you -"
"Uh, this is all flying over Paimon's head a little… Where is this coming from?"
At the fairy's high-pitched voice, both of them paused to glance at her, then looked back at each other.
Lumine gathered another breath.
"... Venti's been tense and nervous since we brought him here."
"Really? Paimon hadn't noticed…"
That much brought a smug little grin to the bard's face, despite his current deliberation.
"But why is the Tone-Deaf Bard so stressed?"
"Because, if you'll remember, Raiden doesn't like the idea of anything unforeseen and unpredictable interrupting her plans for Eternity."
"Oh… Oh! Paimon gets it now! The Tone-Deaf Bard is scared Raiden might send the Tenryou Commission to arrest him! Is that right?"
Both of them stared at him expectantly, and once again, Venti felt a twinge of discomfort at having been read like a book. Still…
"If that's your final guess, my answer will be… Yes."
… He could get some contentment out of Paimon's irritated expression with his rhyme.
"And like I said," Lumine tried again, "I can take you back home if you want!"
"But I don't want to! I like seeing all this stuff - I'd never get to see it all on the mainland! I just…"
… Wow. He hated being speechless.
Lumine, for her part, crossed her arms and huffed, and Paimon mirrored her pose, bouncing in the air.
"It's not worth it if you're going to stress out this whole trip. So here's the deal; either you relax a little bit, and trust in our friends to keep you safe, or you get in the Serenitea Pot and I take you back to Monstadt."
Frustrated at her rationality, Venti whined.
"But Lumiiiiiineeeeee…"
"Alright, that's it."
Whoops. One button too many this time, huh?
For once, the bard didn't entirely anticipate her attack, shouting in surprise as she tackled him to the tatami floor of the teahouse and roughly dug into his sides with a vengeance, earning a quite unholy shriek and peal of laughter for her efforts.
"Wait - waHAHAIT - LumEHEEHeene -!!"
He barked out an extra laugh as Paimon latched onto his calf like a toddler, putting her tiny, evil little raccoon-like hands to work on the softer skin under his knee without remorse. Figures. One could never trust a shortie.
"Y'know," The Traveller remarked, "I seem to recall this having a relaxing effect on you back in Monstadt, with Lisa and the Ragnvindr brothers - you remember, right, Paimon?"
"Mhm! This time, Paimon does remember," The little fairy nodded; "Then again, it's hard to forget something like that when Master Diluc and Kaeya actually work together to do the tickling…"
At the reminder, almost comically, all three of them shuddered; Venti, a step ahead, tried a little harder to curl up, a new fear springing to mind.
"Plehease - plehehea -- the wihind, Lulu, I cahahan't…!"
"Oh yeaaaaah," Lumine reacted tauntingly, "Wind activity would be real bad for you, huh? Well, all the more reason to hop in the pot and go home…"
Venti tossed his head, scrunching up his face and struggling to rein it in - only for it all to go to shit when the Traveller latched her cruel hands on his hips and started kneading at the slight pudge there. He practically screamlaughed, partially in panic, as he felt his control slip, and tapped the floor rapidly.
With those words, Lumine immediately stopped, and reached a hand back to get Paimon to lay off too. In the meantime, she gently rubbed the focal points of her attack, earning a few giggly twitches from Venti as he panted a little bit.
"So, what'll it be?"
"Ihi - hhah… I want to stay."
"So you'll chill out?"
"On one condition…"
Lumine cocked a brow, and Venti grinned up at her, already almost recovered.
"Take me into the pot with you and finish what you started. I can't possibly relax like this, now, can I?"
"... Oh, my God. You're adorable. Deal. Paimon, will you stay here and keep watch? Let Ayaka and Thoma know the whole deal with the Serenitea Pot, and tell them we'll be out soon."
"Aww," Paimon pouted, "but Paimon wants to get the Tone-Deaf Bard good, too!"
"And Paimon will have her day," Lumine assured, smiling at the gigglefit her friend's words sent Venti into; "but Ayaka might worry if we disappear without a trace. Someone needs to explain things to her."
"Hmph… Fine, but Paimon better be included next time!"
"Of course she will be."
Lumine shot the fairy an assuring smile as she fished out the Serenitea Pot from her bag, and set it gently on the table before looking down at the bard once more.
Grinning back at her, Venti set a hand on the tea pot, briefly comforted when she covered his with her own.
"Do your worst, Traveller."
Maybe the trip wouldn't be so bad after all.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Where I Can't Follow
Vibe for sad
Icarus is flying too close to the sun. And his wings may not melt, but this time it can break. Where the wind takes him will not be enough.
Pairings -> Venti x Reader?
Word Count -> 1416
Themes -> Sad hours, Abandonment Issues, ACTUAL short fic
Series -> #Sojourner Specials (600 Followers Event)
Warnings -> I seem to only know how to hurt Venti
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"Can you tell me more about Celestia?" The said island of where ancients dwelled passes over past the moon as it was noticed and mentioned.
A strum. "The land of the divine?" A nod. "Why, it's a land of bland wine!"
A chorus of their laughters passes over as Celestia once again departs from the skies of Mond.
"Come now, Venti, tell me more!" A hum.
And his demeanor changes when his teal eyes bore on yours, a smile so soft and small, almost unnatural. "Celestia takes more than what we offer, and it is those that it takes which I loathe for."
Do not praise Celestia, for one day it shall take you away too.
Venti had yearned freedom for another. And you remember this tale much more vividly than the others. About the bard, who fought valantly for freedom.
When he sings to you, despite the fact that you had lived thosands of years past the deceased you feel the remnants of the pioneer, like the enigma the Anemo Archon is that stands before you.
You've heard the tales of the bard while by the hands of the Archon's statue and he speaks fondly of him, and ever since then Venti never speaks about him beyond that area. The bard's name or tale seems like a sacred tale that can only be spoken in that divine place. When you sit next to him and watch as his eyes distantly lingers at a land far away from reach, you realized that the direction he faces was where the ruins of the old city lays.
"He was my first friend." You also notice that beyond his mantra that the rhymes loosen up, disappear in the winds when you two sit there. As if he was stripped bare of what he made himself to be. That it was not the image of the bard that he has reincarnated himself to was speaking but the sprite from the war that only wishes to dance with the thousand winds under the symphony of a human's lyre.
"But you're here now! Just like the good old times! At least now, there's nothing that can kill you."
You give him a deadpan at the humor that was not at all. Even if he makes light of the situation you knew he was still aching and trembling inside, his resolve shedding the more he thinks. The more he remembers.
The word death was a touchy subject for him despite his immortality, and he can never finish his tale despite the many times he recited the whole story to you. Why would he detest it? After all it was his sacrifice that has given thousand of years of freedom for the populace. You want to be a hero? Then you'll have to die like one.
Another icon he speaks of so fondly was that of Venessa, the flame-touched knight that became the exemplar of freedom as its hero. When he had awoken to the new age of aristocracy, it was their chance meeting that had made him aware of the changes he dreaded.
Solitude and 500 years away from Mondstadt and its people, to grow on their own without the issue of divine intervention was his recipe for the exercise of freedom. But they turned unhinged and he once again had to intervene to revert it back to its glory.
Venessa was the epitome of paradox over the concept of freedom and slavery, and that of devotion for her people and for Celestia.
"I don't see what's so good about Celestia really," Venti grumbles to himself as you two lay under the shade of the Windrise tree, "but far from this place, I see the appeal of divinity."
You've always liked Windrise for its glorious towering crown as well as the history behind it. This is where the hero ascends to Celestia, her prayers she had uttered her whole life finally received as she ascends to be one of the four winds that continues to protect Mondstadt.
The word feels distasteful on the tip of his tongue, almost spitting it with venom. And you've never seen Venti look over anything with such distaste, besides cheese. But it seems it isn't just Celestia that hurts him now.
And maybe, despite the facade he has shown as the ever-loving God Barbatos, when Dvalin begged for release and freedom from his duty as one of the four winds— despite the years that he had waited for his cleansing, singing to his friend and calling for him to keep it together.
You knew Venti had lost another friend. He didn't want to be selfish, he couldn't be selfish, for he would be a hypocrite of a god to do so.
You can see the longing in the way his eyes twinkles whenever he looks up at the skies, a third layer of masked sadness dwells within it. And when he hugs you tightly as he weeps for both the loss and unshackling, there was a desperation and silent prayer in the way he squeezes you.
You and him realized it together that day. The other side of the coin that is freedom, had taken too much from Venti. And despite being its archon, he was tied down to his city, until his non-existent death he would be there forever. Watching every person move past his life, ascension after death, and death and death.
You thought to yourself, if immortality had given you all that is forever to live it, why does it feel as tho it jails your beloved Venti?
You always knew the capabilities of Venti and his permanence in this world, but as you rush over to his slouched form by Windrise, you couldn't help but release a tear in how broken and drained he looked. You took him in your arms and he succumbs like a lifeless doll so easily.
"It's okay, I can still heal myself," the gnosis that acts as the badge of his archon status had been taken away from his forcefully, beaten by a woman to the ground, his powers yanked out by the use of forbidden power meant to deter the likes of him.
You slip down to the grassy bed, his head laid on your lap as Venti tries to regain his strength without the help of the device that contains a huge chunk of his divine power. The hands on his cheeks tremble and he smiles to himself, nuzzling it. Silly human, he mumbles, I'm not going anywhere.
You were not knowledgeable on his capabilities without his gnosis, and you were scared that like the tales of the end of gods, he'd slip from your hands in the form of a fleeting somber wind. His element.
You squeeze your eyes shut and pour out all the desperation and pleas in your loud mind, please don't take him away, please be safe, please make him come back to how he was before.
In the dead of night with only the sound of the breeze lulling your silence, way above towers—
Celestia listens.
To the heavens may you fly.
Venti's glare was much, much harsher than the biting frost that threatens to tip him over back to the snow hundreds of feet below. The tip of Dragonspine's mountain held no regards for those who need to breathe, a crown of swirling clouds shying it away from distant and prying eyes.
He strums his lyre fiercely as a gale current of the same intensity manifests around him, his wind glider manifesting and instantly opening at the force. He managed to lift himself high enough to break through the clouds and it was a magnificent, magical sight of dazzling blue.
And yet his hand can only reach out at the dot of an island that was thousand of years away from his grasp, his weakened powers dissipates and he floats back down the winter land on his knees.
Venti bangs his fists against the snow as hard as he can and sobs, his tear immediately freezing over before it even passes his cheek. He can't reach that high up, he can't fly over in such a weakened state, despite being the archon of the winds himself.
Curses, he screams at the vortex that eats it whole, the divine has taken from him once again.
"I told you, not to go, where I can't follow."
Now he is alone, stuck in the city of freedom. Maybe he has been awake for too long.
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@ellitx @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie
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genshinboys · 2 years
OooooHH I found your lovely account through Adalynn’s reblogs 💜! If you’re doing a matchup could I ask for one as well? My sassy self is a double Libra (sun & moon), Scorpio ascendant and INTP-A. But yknow, if not that’s totally cool and I wish you an amazing day! ✨
Hey, <3 Nice to meet you!
I've done your analysis and the best MBTI match is actually Venti's personality. His zodiac sign - GEMINI is also the best in slot one for LIBRA.
The choice is very simple, then. You have no other option but to let the tone-deaf-bard woe you with his one-of-a-kind charismatic charm and free-spirited nature <3
Let's look at the details, shall we?
You are immediately attracted to each other since you're genuinely curious about the world around you and people that cross paths with you. You share the light approach to things and once you two meet, the connection seems natural, refreshing, electrifying even. Venti would like to make you laugh and the sparks will fly immediately once you engage in a typical for Venti (and you) frivolous conversation!
You are both so full of life! Your mental freedom and giddiness are just so awe-inspiring. You will be seen skipping around and holding hands while whispering naughty and flirtatious words to each other's ears.
Venti tends to get into a lot of trouble which might be a little bit of a tension trigger for Libra. however, he will manage to talk himself out of it, cracking a joke or two which simply makes you so soft for him you'll have no choice but to accept him the way he is! VENTI WILL BE ON CLOUD NINE! JUST LOVE HIM THE WAY HE DESERVES IT!
Omg, your intimacy level? SHOCKINGLY GOOD! You are full of beautiful words and cute gestures! Leaving love notes, surprising one another with cute things that carry a lot of meaning, verbally declaring feelings that you harbour for each other - this relationship is just so adorable and full of affection my heart swells when I think about it <3
You are so high on each other, completely detached from the world as you embark on this beautiful journey of blooming romance between you two! Such a romantic and wholesome couple! You radiate with happiness and goofy vibes that other people long to experience in their relationship.
You fascinate each other and your love will be on fire from the very first date. Venti will be the one to keep things spicy in the bedroom, always the mischievous type and ready to push your buttons. He loves your sensual nature and will definitely do his best to fulfil your needs. He isn't the one to shy away from trying out new things so..., go ahead, do whatever you want with him. Barbatos surely will grant his little lamb's every wish :>
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taotrooper · 2 years
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Title: Fly away on my zephyr Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Genshin Impact Rating: T Ship: Xiaoven Tags: Adventure & Romance, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Healing, Travel, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slice of Life, Developing Relationship, Fluff, Humor, Angst
Premise: In an alternative universe where the Traveler and the archons found a way to purge Liyue from the remains of the old gods for good, Xiao is now free from his perpetual burden and obligations, yet not completely of his karmic torment. As the yaksha is lost, not knowing what to do with this newfound freedom and haunted by old memories everywhere, Venti offers a suggestion: what if Xiao traveled back to Mondstadt with him as a tourist to heal his soul and find himself in a fresh place?
This chapter’s summary: In which Xiao really likes high places, Venti schemes for mora, and Dr. Edith is blessed by an adeptus without knowing.
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ahlite-a · 3 years
lumine is operating in teyvat severely disadvantaged from their natural state, which i think is easy to forget given how competent they are even so.  but lumine is used to — has spent millennia — with the sorts of powers that make the archons’ abilities pale in comparison.   adjusting to a life without all that has been unfathomably hard, and even now, lumine often finds themself going to take flight, or to use powers long - lost to them; it takes more than a few years — or however long it’s been since lumine came to teyvat — to forget habits you spent literal eons developing.
(  this is to say nothing of adjusting to the loss of aether in a physical sense.  if you pay attention to their animations, they mirror each other; when aether slashes vertically, lumine slashes horizontally, and et cetera.  they even activate many abilities with the opposite hand from each other despite having the same dominant hand.  both of their fighting styles are built around each other; around covering where the other can’t be.  they fight almost as one identity.  to lose have of yourself...  )
one of the most mundane abilities she’s lost is flight.  lumine is used to flight, and it feels much more natural to them than walking — he and aether flew much more often than they walked — and their wings feel as much a part of them as their extremities.  being denied wings felt like losing a limb, and adjusting to the dramatic change in mobility was a huge issue.  paimon got to see a bit of this, as lumine was just overcoming it by the time they met.  being confined to the ground felt and continues to feel claustrophobic, and they feel phantom pains on their back at times.  it’s also the most constant reminder of what they lost — small, imperceptible moments when they try, out of habit, to lift off the ground and can’t.  it’s a grief - like thing, each time it happens.
this specific loss motivates a lot of their attachment to amber.  amber is, venti and paimon aside, lumine’s very best friend in teyvat; lumine is more comfortable with amber than they are with almost everyone else.  and while gliding is not the same as flying, it grants her back a taste of a freedom she’s still adjusting to being without.  gliding is an enormous relief, and one that amber gave to her.  a lifeline of sorts.  when particularly out of it, they often teleport to high spots and then simply drift down — to spend as much time in the air as possible.
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yukiwrites · 3 years
Meeting Again, Now and Forever
Thank you for the support and patience as always, @breeachuu! I hope you like it! >v<)
Summary: After getting acquainted with the Traveler, Venti approached her for help with something as important, or even more so, than with the issue with Dvalin: He wanted to find his long-lost love, Auria, who was undoubtedly also looking for him...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
It hadn’t been long since the Stormterror Crisis had been dealt with (not to mention how the party had to bolt out of the temple before the illusion on the Holy Lyre wore off), so Lumine -- and, by extension, Paimon -- went to Angel’s Share to rest her weary bones for a bit.
The sight that welcomed her the moment she stepped in, however, shouldn’t have been surprising, but given the state of their goodbyes just a day ago, Lumine hadn’t expected to meet Venti again so soon.
“Ah, Lumine!” The youthful bard smiled brightly once he saw the Traveler step into the tavern, cutting his performance short as though he had already been about to bring it to a close. “Good timing!”
“... What do you mean, ‘good timing’? You look like you’ve been waiting to ambush us!” Paimon crossed her tiny arms defiantly as she flew behind Lumine to snark at the Archon.
“Little old me? Why, I’d never!” Venti giggled adorably before stepping closer to the duo. “To be honest, I wanted to ask a last favor of you, but given how we got separated after our… elegant exit, I waited here!”
The way he smiled brightly could deceive many people (especially elderly), but Paimon only growled and narrowed her eyes. “What do you want NOW, Tone-Deaf Bard? We already went all over the place to help with that dragon business-”
“Paimon, it’s okay.” Lumine waved to shut the little fairy up. “If there’s anything I can help with, of course I’d want to. Is it anything serious?”
Venti smiled in a mature yet lonely way that didn’t go well with his youthful appearance -- it was perhaps the smile of an immortal being as it was confronted with its own endless life. Or perhaps it was a way to make himself seem more mysterious; there was no way for Lumine and Paimon to know.
“Actually, I’m looking for someone.” He bobbed his head to the side, walking towards the counter to sneak some alcohol into his system. “Her name’s Auria. We kind of missed each other during some time of turbulence.”
“...” Paimon sat on Lumine’s shoulder as the Traveler stood beside Venti by the counter. ��That’s it? No more hints? What does the Tone-Deaf Lady Friend look like? Where did you meet last? You’re not gonna ask Paimon to look for someone without saying anything, right?”
Bluntly ignoring the talkative little fairy, Venti turned his unmatching mature smile to Lumine. “She’s my special someone; the muse I drink my inspiration from -- the one who’s been with me the longest. I keep sensing her in the wind, but it’s like we always barely miss each other.” He twirled his fingers around as a tiny current danced within his palm before he closed his fist. “Will you help me look for her, Traveler? I’m absolutely sure she’s here in Mondstadt, so the search shouldn’t take long.”
Lumine took a few seconds to nod, somehow appreciating the new side of this mysterious god as she felt the affection that dripped from his words when he spoke of Auria. Paimon shook her head once she saw the Traveler accepting yet another ridiculous request, but even she was unable to fully voice her complaint after sensing the weight of Venti’s words.
“Really?” Venti brightened up like the sun, jumping out of his seat with a spring in his step. “This calls for another song! Lo and behold, as the best bard of the land plays for all of you tonight!” He bowed extravagantly before hopping to the stage he had been earlier, a lyre ready at hand.
Lumine laughed and clapped along with the other patrons, happy that Venti’s mood seemed to have improved.
From the outside of the tavern, a young-looking girl looked up at the starry sky, wondering why the wind seemed so unstable that night…
Auria had been hiding amongst the humans for 500 years while she waited for Barbatos to wake up from his slumber, so she was well-versed in dealing with people; though she wasn’t one to stay in a place for long.
“Hmm, what I mean is that… why is it so hard to catch up to a single bard? I hear whispers here and there of his whereabouts, but by the time I arrive, it’s like he’s carried by the wind!” Auria grumbled under her robe which concealed her body, “of course, that wouldn’t be strange, considering Barbar’s personality…”
Sighing, the fairy-turned-sylph looked up to the endlessly blue sky. She had heard through the grapevine about those bard contests -- innumerable, considering the amount of stories to be sung by the many traveling bards in the land -- and had ignored them for two years until she had heard who had been the winner for the third year straight: A young boy named Venti.
Curse her lack of attention! What good was it to possess the power of an Anemo Vision and be clueless about the words the wind carried?
“Hahh…” Auria sighed again, kicking the dust just for the sake of it. She had heard about how Dvalin had left Mondstadt -- which was Venti’s handiwork, no doubt about it. If only she had been there…
Holding back another sigh, Auria took a deep breath and, instead, slapped both of her cheeks to spur herself into action.
“Get a hold of yourself, Auria! Those 500 years of wandering and hiding weren’t for nothing!” She looked up at the fluffy clouds with renewed resolve. “I’ll find him and we’ll finally be able to be together again, just like old times.” She nodded to herself, as though talking herself into action had become a habit she cultivated through the centuries. “Okay, now that’s dealt with…” she looked around the wide prairie before her to check if there was anyone looking before crossing both hands over her chest. “Annd, transform!”
After Auria’s whisper -- word that was actually not needed for her transformation from sylph to fairy to work, but that she had grown fond of using due to Venti’s influence -- she was covered in sparkling dust, seemingly poofing out of existence.
A tiny form, smaller than even Paimon, emerged from the dust, flying about freely to be able to cover the distance to the city. She had changed to her original form of a fairy, before Barbatos had bestowed upon her the very first ever Anemo Vision which allowed her to retain a human-like form to live out the rest of her life beside him.
It took her a while to arrive at the city, as the sky was now covered in a blanket of stars. She poofed back into her human form behind an alley, feeling a weird stir in the air after she felt it caress her face.
It felt as though it was welcoming her into an embrace -- like it was ready to give her what she wanted the most: the hug and comfort of her beloved Barbatos.
“Oh…” Auria covered her mouth with both hands in surprise, her eyes misting with tears. “He’s here! Ven is here!” Her voice shook with emotion for finally being able to grasp Venti’s presence like one catches a petal in the wind.
She closed her eyes and intertwined her fingers in almost prayer, focusing all of her being into the Anemo energy all around her. If she could pinpoint the source of the wind… If only she could, then she would most certainly find Barbatos at the end of it.
All wind and freedom are born from him, so it was no wonder that if one pulled the thread of the wind, they would find Venti at the end of it.
However, it was easier said than done -- there was a high amount of magic energy; differing levels of Anemo and other Visions spread throughout the land to be able to pull at one without finding it entangled in another. It felt like Auria was learning how to knit by untangling yarn instead of weaving it into clothing.
She spent the night at an inn not too far from the most famous one in town as she needed to concentrate on her task, though if only she had walked half a block further… her fate might’ve been different.
The next morning, Venti, Lumine and Paimon left Angel’s Share to look for the bard’s special someone, though not without Paimon’s easily-ignored teasing.
“She loves the natural sound of the wind, so I’m sure she’ll be in a place where she can be surrounded by nature!” Venti twirled around himself to make a small whirlwind follow his steps, making dust and leaves dance behind him. “The prairie right outside town should be a great place to look, methinks!”
“Alright, then you can go alone, Tone-Deaf Bard! It doesn’t make sense for all of us to go together, after all.” Paimon shook her tiny legs in annoyance for being ignored after asking questions about the Tone-Deaf Lady Friend.
Lumine nodded in accordance, “yeah, it’s best if we split up. I’ll ask people based on the description you told me, so you should look for places she’d most likely be at.”
“Mhm, mhm!” Venti nodded brightly, taking Lumine’s hand on his before shaking it vigorously. “Thanks again for this, Traveler! Let’s find her pronto! I miss her so much!”
“No one asked, though…” Paimon grumbled beside the duo, puffing her cheeks so they were fit to burst at any moment.
Blinking with sparkling eyes, Venti looked in Paimon’s direction and smiled before giving her a cheeky wink and turning to leave. “Then I leave this area to you! Let’s meet back at Angel’s Share if we return empty-handed.”
After saying that, a current of soft green wind covered Venti, dissipating into warm specs of light once he safely warped himself out.
“Good riddance!” Paimon grunted, wobbling around Lumine before taking a deep breath. “Alright then, let’s go, Traveler! I’m so curious to meet the lady crazy enough to live SO LONG with that Tone-Deaf Bard that I can’t stop scratching myself!” The flying little girl scratched the back of her hand excitedly, wearing an evil smile unfitting to her adorable face.
“Heh,” Lumine smiled before turning towards the market. “Let’s first ask some innkeepers; they’re the best when it comes to dealing with new people.”
“Let’s gooo!” Paimon eagerly flew behind the Traveler.
At the same time, Auria gasped, feeling the thread of wind she had barely managed to catch, snap. “Oh, noo…” She grumbled. “Did he warp somewhere? He was just around here in the city, but now he’s flown far away…” Her voice sounded dispirited as her body lumped forwards, on the bed.
Well, technically, she didn’t know if he had flown ‘far away’, but since he wasn’t within her grasp anymore, she pouted adorably, digging her face into the pillow.
She had barely slept last night; she was also starving and tired of trying to untangle the mess of winds and magic around this big city… Pouting even more, Auria growled impatiently before taking a deep breath.
“I’m going… yeah, I’m going to buy something to eat. Bread! Sweets! Fuel for my weary body!” She psyched herself up by springing to her feet, raising both fists to the sky. “Let’s go!”
Soon she left the tavern without checking out -- she was playing on staying until she found Barbatos, after all -- taking only her money pouch and cloak with her as she headed to the marketplace.
No matter how many times she squeezed herself through the stalls, the sight was always marvelous. Humans were truly fascinating in their own pursuit of freedom: from house decorations to delicious food; there was nothing one couldn’t find in this place as long as they looked hard enough.
Auria gleefully bought a bag of baked sweets that looked much too large for someone her size to eat by herself, which warranted her some glances from the shopkeepers as she passed them. Nevertheless, Auria happily munched on a creamy donut as she started to make her way out of the marketplace.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a familiar sparkling dust, so she unconsciously followed it. Since it was just like what her wings in fairy form produced, she felt somehow akin to the flying little girl just a bit ahead of her.
The girl looked too big to be a fairy; not to mention her lack of wings, which cemented the fact that she was not one of Auria’s brethren. Still, Auria found her gaze following the little girl and the one she accompanied -- a young Knight of Favonius, from the looks of it.
Once the duo was out of sight, Auria realized she still had half a donut sticking out of her mouth, so she busied herself with eating it, making her way back to the inn. On the way there, however, she passed by the largest tavern, Angel’s Share, and shrugged before going in.
After all, it would be weird if one that held the title of Most Popular Bard of Mondstadt wasn’t known in such a big establishment. So, renewed with the power of sugar in her veins, Auria went inside with burning eyes.
“Excuse me, I want some information…” She walked to the counter, finding a beautiful flame-haired young man tending to the bar.
“Ask away.” Diluc said curtly, not raising his gaze from the cup he was drying.
“Do you perhchance know of a bard named Venti? He’s about this tall-”
“No need for a description; not only do I know of him, he performed here just last night.” Diluc looked at Auria, then to the piece of donut that fell from her mouth to the floor he had just moped in her surprise.
“He was WHAT? Here?! What?!” She almost let go of the bag of sweets, but managed to catch herself in time to prevent the tragedy. “But I’m just right- across the street? I can’t believe-” She widened her eyes the more she spoke, staring blankly into Diluc’s face.
After a few seconds of astonishment, she caught her breath with a gasp. “Do you know where is he right now? I must meet him!”
Diluc took a moment to reply as he circled the counter to get a broom. “He didn’t say where he was going, but he left this morning with the Traveler and that flying little girl that accompanies her.”
Auria knew who Diluc was talking about immediately. “That young knight of Favonius?” She mumbled more to herself than to Diluc, though he did nod in response.
Squeezing the bag of sweets, Auria’s heart beat so hard it felt it was about to burst out of her chest. Was that the reason she was so drawn to them back at the market? Were the winds telling her to seek them out so she could finally be reunited with her love?
Her mouth agape as she breathed heavily, Auria’s face brightened with each passing second. “Thank you so much, master! I’ll- I’ll be back!” She quite literally flew out of the door, leaving only the sweet scent of her treats in her wake.
Diluc wasn’t even surprised about such things anymore, so he just finished his sweeping in silence.
“Huff, huff!” Auria panted as she turned the bag over into her open mouth to eat everything at once while she ran, clearly unafraid of choking. She quickly arrived back at the marketplace, though due to the sheer amount of people, it was hard to pinpoint a single duo.
Of course, the little not-fairy would be easy to find since she was such an odd sight, but that did not mean that looking would be effortless. Auria put herself on her tiptoes to look above the crowd, but ultimately decided that it would be easier to look from above.
She hurried to an alley and poofed into her fairy form, taking an easy flight high above people’s heads. Looking left and right, Auria flew not too close so as not to be spotted, but not too far so she would still be able to see clearly.
“There!” She pointed to the blonde knight far off in the distance, at the entrance to the pier. “It seems she’s talking to some people, so I’ll just fly down here…” Auria found a quiet spot behind some crates to poof back into her human form, immediately storming towards the place where she last saw Lumine.
She was so eager, she rammed into the young knight with everything she had the moment she took a turn, rolling on the ground in her arms. “Ow, ow, ow…”
“Lumine, Lumine! Are you alright? Who’s this crazy lady?!” Paimon pulled Auria’s cloak to take her off of the Traveler, failing miserably in moving anything but the hood she held on to.
“I’m alright, but-” Lumine shook her head, helping Auria sit up beside her. “Are you okay? Who are- wait… you look familiar.”
“Familiar? Have you seen this crook before, Lumine?” Paimon flew to Lumine’s side, widening her eyes once she took a good look at Auria. “Wait, it’s true! Aren’t you the Tone-Deaf Bard Lady Friend? You are, arentcha?!”
“Tone-deaf-” still dizzy from the collision, Auria massaged her forehead with a groan. “Tone-deaf…?”
“Don’t mind her.” Lumine waved her hand in Paimon’s direction, ignoring the ‘hey, what do you mean by that?’ from the emergency food. “You’re the one Venti is looking for, aren’t you?”
Auria���s eyes sparkled immediately, forgetting the pain and frustration as she took Lumine’s hand. “You know Venti?! Oh, thank the heavens! Do you know where he is? I’ve been looking everywhere for him!”
Lumine and Paimon exchanged surprised and pleased glances. “He just asked us to help him look for you. He left the city for a bit, but we promised to meet back at the Angel’s Share later this afternoon to report our findings.” Lumine nodded to the eager girl holding her hand. “Should we wait there together? It’s best if we stick close lest you two miss each other again.”
“Oh, would you do that for us? Thank you so much, sir knight! Thank you, thank you!” Amidst her emotion, Auria hugged Lumine as she laughed brightly to the point of tears.
“There, there,” Lumine smiled, patting Auria’s back so they could look each other in the eyes. “I’m Lumine, by the way. The one over there is Paimon, so no need for formalities.”
“That’s right! You’re thankful, aren’t you? You gotta tell us more about the Tone-Deaf Bard and how you two met and stuff!” Paimon bounced excitedly all around the two girls. “I need something to kick him in the shin with, keheheh…” She mumbled the last part to herself, snickering evilly.
“I truly am thankful!” Auria sniffled, then got up with Lumine’s help. “I would also love to hear how you two met Venti and what he’s been up to!”
“Sure,” Lumine patted the dirt out of her dress. “Let’s head back to the Angel’s Share.”
With each step Auria gave in the direction of the tavern she had left just an hour ago, the stronger her heart pounded. They haven’t seen each other in five hundred years, so the longing she felt to be in his arms was unparalleled.
She tried hard to listen to Paimon’s retelling of how they managed to save Dvalin, but the sound of her heart beating inside her ears made it difficult for Auria to do anything else apart from breathing. And even that was difficult, to be honest.
The wind was restless. Was Venti back? If so, was he already waiting for her? If not, would he take long? It was already the early hours of the afternoon, so he probably should be on his way… oh, Auria could hardly wait!
She didn’t notice, but her steps became quicker the more she approached the Angel’s Share, as though spurred by the threads of wind woven into a breeze. By the time she noticed it was hard to breathe, she was already running.
Her steps fueled by the swirling wind, Auria forgot all decorum and opened the door to the tavern with a loud bang.
The air entered from behind her into the building as though being sucked by a primal being; as though being rolled back into its beginning and end; as though it was simply returning to its master and servant.
The wind swirled around the two adorable twin braids, ruffling the little red cape that covered the small back.
Short of breath, Auria could only gasp as her eyes met Barbatos’ for the first time in a half a millennium. “Ven-” she stuttered, faltering on her feet as she reached out to him.
His clear, aqua eyes widened in surprise as he saw the wind usher her to him, a wide smile covering his face. “Auria!” He opened both arms and ran into her embrace, tackling her with everything he had.
“Ven- oof!” Auria opened her arms to welcome his lightning fast jump, squeezing him into her embrace as they wobbled backwards, falling on top of the incoming Traveler once again.
Paimon grumbled something about the Traveler pursuing a career of safety cushion, but neither of the two lovers heard her.
Auria’s clear tears rolled down her cheeks as she dug her face into Venti’s hair, rubbing her face on it as though to imprint him into her. “Ven! I missed you so much! Where,” she sniffled, “where have you beeen!” She sobbed.
“Hehe,” Venti smiled cheekily, rubbing his face on Auria’s chest as his own eyes itched with unshed tears. “Haven’t you heard my tunes? I was looking high and low for my one and only muse!”
Auria sobbed more, squeezing his neck into her embrace with such force he almost turned blue with lack of air. “I looked everywhere for you…”
“I know, Fairy.” He whispered her nickname in a loving voice, making Auria’s tears flow more intensely. “Thanks for being so good at finding me! What would I do without you, really…” he kissed her neck, then loosened his embrace so he could kiss her wet cheeks before trailing his lips to hers.
Paimon gawked at the sight, covering her eyes with a red face as the two young lovers shared their kiss of reunion, not even bothering to stand after they fell.
“Don’t, sniff, don’t even think about going around on your own again!” Auria dipped more tiny kisses onto Venti’s rosy lips, drying her tears the best she could. “We’ll stay together from now on, Ven!”
“I would have it no other way, Fairy!” Venti giggled brightly, using his frilly sleeve to dry his beloved’s faze. “Now there’s nothing that can separate us.”
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