#Didi B
farafinetmedia · 6 months
Action Sociale | Didi B offre un chèque de trois (3) millions FCFA à Dominique Ouattara
Faire du social n’a pas de prix. C’est le geste qui compte. Le rappeur ivoirien Didi B l’a compris en faisant don d’un chèque d’une valeur  de trois (3) millions F CFA à la Fondation Children Of Africa pour des actions en faveur des enfants. Chèque qu’il a remis ce 12 décembre 2023 à la Première Dame de Côte d’Ivoire, Dominique Ouattara, présidente de ladite Fondation, qui a reçu ce jour à son…
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monocaelia · 4 months
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' you have broken down my defenses, and i don’t really resent it. ' - vita sackville west
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in which you really don't want to care about him and his careless attitude, but you always find yourself coming back to him. always. feat. diluc ragnvindr & gn!reader w.c : 5k warnings : childhood friends to lovers, diluc lore spoilers, minor angst but ends w fluff, diluc ragnvindr. note : happy new year! sorry for the delay hehe, but this is for @seraphiism's 2023 collab event !! please support the other authors and enjoy the fic ^^
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your mother had always instructed you to stay close to her side, to never stray far away from her lest you find yourself in trouble with the master of the winery or the other servants working the orchards and tending to the land of the estate.
but with a beautiful land of ripe grapes and friendly staff greeting you as you rush past them, how could you ever just sit still beside your mother as she did her job around the winery?
the late summer breeze rushes past your face as you weave through the wooden stakes holding the wiry vines of grapes above you. the warm sun rays heat your skin as you leap over the small rocks that litter the passage leading into the main area of the ragnvindr estate. the wind whispers in your ear, making you grin as your little legs take you wherever it guides you.
you feel free, the wind pushing past your wings to lead you to your newest adventure around the manor.
your feet land firmly on the grounds behind the manor when you hear the gentle sniffles coming from behind a couple of barrels. despite your mother's warnings echoing in your head, you take gentle steps towards the sound as curiosity takes over.
you're not expecting to see a young boy with fiery red hair and matching eyes that hold the warmest, flickering fire glaring up at you with tears at the corner of his eyes and holding a bleeding knee.
"...are you okay?" you ask, kneeling down beside him. you begin to frown when he pulls his knee away from you and his glare deepens.
"i don't need your help," the young boy hisses at you and you roll your eyes.
"really? you don't need my help even though you're crying in a corner all by yourself?" you scoff at him. he doesn't say anything in retaliation and you take it as an okay for you to help him.
you pull a handkerchief from your pocket; nothing too fancy as your family couldn't afford the finest silks like the nobles could. it's cotton, white, and had a simple design of a little sparrow emroidered in the corner.
"i don't have any bandages on me," you mumble softly. your little fingers gently wrap the handkerchief around the young boy's knee several times before tying a small knot on it. without even blinking, you lean down to kiss the wounded knee.
"what are you doing?!" the young boy exclaims, yanking his knee away.
"kissing it better," you say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "my mother always does that when i get hurt. she says it takes the pain away and makes it heal faster."
"that's stupid," the boy mumbles with a glare.
"says the one who tripped and fell and hurt himself," you argue back. you stick your tongue out when the boy shouts out a 'hey!' and roll your eyes.
"who are you and what are you doing here anyways?" you ask the young boy, kneeling beside him once more. he's still glaring at you, but it's less hostile than it was a few moments ago. "my mom said strangers aren't allowed to be here."
the young boys eyes are red, vibrantly so. the life in them burn brightly, reminding you of a fire as it flickers with warmth and a promise of a brighter tomorrow. like the hearth of a fireplace, the young boy seems to be the incarnate of warmth itself with the way he's filled with the flame of life.
"i live here, dummy," he quips back at you with a frown and your eyes widen.
"really? i've never seen you around, and i've been everywhere on this estate," you reply, bringing your thumb and forefinger to your chin as you remain deep in thought. truly, the only people you've managed to catch were all adults working for the master of this winery. never once have you seen a kid running along.
with a bright smile of your own, you lean towards the young boy. "we should be friends! since i don't know anyone else to play with here, we can play!"
the boy looks you up and down with furrowed brows, but he slowly nods. "...okay," he mumbles and you grin brighter.
"great! what's your name then? i'm-"
your name is shouted as hurried footsteps rush towards you. your mother pulls you aside as she looks at the young boy in front of you with panicked eyes.
"young master, i'm so sorry if my child said or did anything to hurt you," your mother says in a rush. she pushes your head down to bow in front of the young boy. she hisses something into your ear and you stutter out your own apology too, even if you did nothing wrong.
you find out the young boy you helped earlier that day was the son of the nobleman your mother works for, diluc ragnvindr. apparently, he's some big deal because he's the young master, but what kind of big deal hurts himself and hides between the barrels instead of asking for help?
you huff as you kick your feet sitting down by your bedside. because of the whole debacle, your mother had ordered you to stay inside to prevent even more debacles from happening even if you explained that the young master getting injured was not your fault. the sun shining from your windowsill feels so far away as you stare outside and ponder what to do.
until you hear a light pattering sound come from your window.
your curiosity is piqued as your small frame approaches the glass panes, wide eyes peeking over the wooden frame as your eyes scan the scenery.
the foliage of the trees surrounding your home cast shadows over your house with small animals running back and forth from the greenery above, causing the rustling of the leaves. the sun trickles in through the gaps of the leaves and your eyes settle on the boy with red hair standing outside your window, a small rock in his hand.
there's a proper bandage on his knee now as it was properly dressed, and his fiery eyes meet yours. he looks hesitant at first, but his brows furrow and his lips open to prepare to speak.
"...come outside and play with me," he tells you when you push open the window in your bedroom, a slight pout in his voice.
"you got me in trouble," you reply shortly, "and now i'm stuck inside because of you."
the young boy bites his lip, pondering what he could do or say to make things better. from the way he's thinking hard enough for you to see steam coming out of his ears, you could tell that he was trying really hard to think of anything to say.
"i'm sorry," he mumbles, kicking the dirt with his shoe.
"sorry, what was that?" you ask, holding your ear out.
the young master huffs, his cheeks puffed out in annoyance. he stomps his foot before-
"i said 'i'm sorry'!"
you smile at him smugly before crossing your arms on the windowsill. it was amusing to see the supposed young master like this; for such a renowned young boy, he was such a cry baby.
"okay, i can't go outside, but we can still play inside if that's okay," you tell him with a bright smile. "i'll let you in!"
"diluc..." he says, red eyes meeting yours. he reminds you of a fire with the way he's looking at you; so full of life but almost burning you if you get him too riled up. but the flames are tame now compared to the anxious flickers you saw earlier before he apologized.
"okay; i'll let you in then, diluc!"
ever since that warm summer, you and diluc have been inseparable; every afternoon is spent exploring the land of the winery but never straying far enough to get lost or end up on the other side of the lake where monsters lurk.
you were there the evening master crepus brought home another young boy around your age home; his blue hair reminding you of the blueberries your mother bought from mondstadt for you to eat. it was a bit of an adjustment with another young boy to play with, but soon you got along well with him as well.
his bright blue eyes always sparkling as you invite him to play alongside diluc and his little hand held in yours. he reminded you of the stars above with the way his eyes twinkle with youth and reflect the night sky above you when the three of you snuck out of your homes to stargaze with your hands holding onto each other until the morning sun began to rise over the horizon.
with your hands held tightly with diluc's and kaeya's, your youth together was only just beginning.
it's a cool morning where the early frost is beginning to melt as the sun continues to rise over the horizon, spreading her warmth and love across the fields of dawn winery. the young master has been gone for a couple days now; something about some sort of knight exam or whatever happening in the city of mondstadt. you would have gone with him, but your duties lie in caring for the winery whilst your friends head off to the heart of mondstadt to finish their training and hopefully become part of the knights of favonius that crepus ragnvindr had always encouraged them to be a part of.
you know having their father's praise meant a lot to your dear friends and you could only hope for the best for both diluc and kaeya as they were off doing their duties.
your ears perk as your name is shouted through the winery along with the sound of hooves rapidly against the dirt road. over in the distance, you can make out a red haired young man galloping over on his steed at near full speed. with wide eyes, you try to tell him to slow down before you get trampled and-
"oof!" you groan as a heavy body slams into you, both his weight and warmth tackling you to the ground. you're thankful that his arms cradled your head as you both go tumbling into the dirt road underneath you and the only pain was that of your body against the floor.
you don't even get to question why diluc had tackled you to the floor when he pulls his face away from you, giving you a clear view of his expression. he's smiling brightly, a wide grin on his face and his eyes of rubies twinkling brighter than any flame you've ever seen. the flames of his soul flicker brilliantly in his excitement and you can't help your own match his energy.
"i got in!" diluc says, his boyish smile growing wider. the small divots in his cheeks are cute and evidence of how hard he was grinning at the news. "i passed the trials got to do the oath swear and- oh, i wish you could've been there!"
despite growing up into a more mature-ish teen, it is moments like these where you're reminded that even as time passes and he grows taller than you, diluc is still the bright eyed boy that you've known since you were young. he looks so cute, in an endearing way, when he eagerly tells you all about his trials and how tough they were.
you really hope that the young master stays the same as he is now.
with a gentle hand, you reach up to ruffle his hair; it's soft to the touch and your eyes don't miss the way diluc pauses in his excitement as your fingers weave into his hair. you assume it's because he's not used to your praise and brush it off, even as he leans into your touch and waits for your words.
"why don't we head inside first? i want to hear everything that happened, but inside where it's warm and comfortable rather than on the dirt floor, diluc," you say to him, a slight lilt in your voice. you laugh softly when you see his cheeks flush a little in embarrassment before he gets off of you.
"i apologize, i was just so eager to tell you," diluc says softly, reaching down to offer a hand to you. you take his hand; you can feel the natural warmth emanating from his body through his gloves and, before you know it, you've been pulled up from the ground. his arm wraps around your waist to assure that you're balanced as you stand up.
"i just," diluc begins. you watch him as the young master of the winery averts his gaze briefly before he meets yours, warm rubies enveloping you with nothing but the comfort he holds for you ever since you were both younger.
"i wanted you to be the first person i told and to tell you."
a wave of something pleasant washes over you knowing that diluc, the heir of dawn winery and one of the most hardworking and talented man in all of mondstadt, rushed back home on horseback in the early hours of this chilly morning just to announce the news to you in person.
just so he could be your first in regards to his good news.
you laugh softly as something warm settles into the pit of your heart, squeezing his hand in yours as you tug him towards the main mansion of the winery estate with no intentions of letting his go for the time being.
even with the budding flowers of youth begin to bloom and the happiness that was promised to you has yet to come, you would have never expected for the spring of your youth to end so abruptly.
it happened all so quickly; crepus ragnvindr wielding a delusion, his death and the anger of diluc exploding, and the fall of your friendship with kaeya and diluc.
you weren't given the details of either one's situation, just a witness of a near death experience and the unforgiven apologies spewing from kaeya's lips as he held his injured eye in the midst of the rain washing down on them as if mourning both the loss of crepus ragnvindr and the wound wedged deep between the relationship of the ragnvindr brothers.
it was like in a mere second, the once warm diluc that would blush and hold your hand so delicately had been wiped away and replaced by a diluc grieving the loss of his father as the flames of his anger and betrayal of both his own brother and the knights of favonius for trying to brush the murder of his father under the rug explode and engulf his entire being.
he doesn't even give you a proper goodbye, leaving only a letter dedicated to you and his vision dimly glowing on his nightstand behind.
it feels like a fever dream when you hear the news of diluc finally returning after all of these years. you don't even hear it from the man himself; rather, from the whispers and excited chatter that the master of dawn winery had returned home.
part of you is excited at the news that he's alive; with no news of his existence after he ran from home in search of the truth behind his father's death other than the faint glow and warmth radiating from his vision clutched in your hands when you missed and worried for him, you were ecstatic knowing that he truly was home now.
that he's alive and breathing and still with you.
and yet, another part of you twinges in pain that he didn't come to you and announce that he was home. he had left you without even a single goodbye, not even bothering to visit you and explain his situation before leaving you questioning whether or not he even cared about how you felt about him.
of course, you aren't entitled to being the first to know, but after growing up together and usually being the first to know of everything in your youth, your heart aches knowing you were one of the last to hear of this at the winery.
it doesn't help knowing that you have not even caught a glimpse of diluc after his supposed return.
so imagine your surprise coming home one evening, the cool night air biting against your skin as you return home after a long day's work, seeing a figure leaning against your home.
at first, your blood turns cold as your heart races in your ears; it couldn't be anyone bad... the winery is a safe place and any suspicious figures are dealt with accordingly before they even step close to the winery grounds. you don't even have anything to defend yourself against if they did happen to be someone with malicious intent.
you take a step back to turn tail back to the estate but freeze when you begin to recognize the figure outside your door; red curls resembling that of flames flickering in the air and warm ruby eyes that you could recognize anywhere. despite standing in the dim evening light and having only the glow of the lantern outside of your home, you could make out the injuries through his dark clothing.
just what did he get himself into?
you hesitate at first, but eventually let your instincts take control as you begin to walk over to your home. it's as if you were both in the blooming stages of your youth again, bringing diluc home to mend his wounds after training for the knight exams.
caring for him was like muscle memory to you, even after all of the events leading to him leaving you in the dust.
you don't say a word as you open the wooden door and guide diluc in, pulling out a chair by the fireplace. wordlessly, he sits in it as you leave to prepare to clean his wounds.
your fingers shake ever so slightly as you remove diluc's coat from his shoulders, the heavy fabric falling to the floor with a thud. you apologize softly as you begin to unbutton his shirt and, as each button is undone and reveals more of his skin, your fingers begin to flinch every time your skin brushes against the skin of his chest.
his breath is warm, you can feel it against your skin as you slide off the remaining clothes on his torso. his chest is bare to you, and normally you would be gawking at how much he has physically changed since you were younger. but you cannot help but stare at how much he had been injured in the last few years you have seen him.
aside from the scratches from the most recent scuffle which led him to your quaint home beside his manor, scars litter his chest and arms. although most of them are healed, the damage that he had experienced was still evident on his skin and you hold back a gasp at how deep some of them had been; there's a huge scar that runs diagonally from the top of his chest to his stomach and you could already feel your stomach churning at the pain.
you couldn't imagine having to sustain those injuries for so long, and being alone through it all.
and, now, you hope that the injuries currently on his body heal faster knowing that he isn't alone this time. not when he has you by his side.
diluc's eyes burn holes into your skull as he watches you dip a towel into the bucket of warm water at your side; you pretend to ignore him. twisting the soaked cloth to rid it of the excess water, you gently begin to clean the wounded man in front of you.
a man you consider an old friend, but you fear he doesn't hold the same sentiment. not anymore.
it's quiet, the only sound shared between the two of you being the occasional sound of the towel dumped back into the bucket and the crackling of the fireplace in your living space. the moon casts her illuminating rays through the window of your home, but her light is nothing compared to the comfort of the fire in your home.
the comfort of the man in front of you, even if you didn't want to ever admit it to him now.
the glass jars containing the disinfecting ointment for diluc's wounds clink gently as you open them to spread over his skin.
"why are you helping me?" his voice breaks the thick silence between you two. his sudden question makes your hands pause, but you don't raise your head as you think of something to reply.
"and let an old friend bleed to death outside my door? you think i'm that heartless, diluc?" you ask him. your fingers resume their previous job of slathering the medicine over his new wounds. "i could say the same to you, why show up to my house like this?"
another silence follows your words and you assume he's done interrogating you for your kindness to him.
"i had nowhere else to turn to," diluc says after a while. your eyes catch his fists tighten on his lap as he takes another breath. "you've shown me nothing but kindness even after i was so cruel to you."
you exhale softly at his words. of course he thinks dealing with his own problems this entire time was the worst thing he could do to you. if you were being honest, it did hurt when he seemingly pretended you didn't exist or pushed you away when he had returned home from whatever he was dealing with away from mondstadt.
you had hoped for a joyful reunion, one filled with tears as you finally welcome home your old friend. but he never announced when he was coming home and you only figured out through the grapevine. he was never home when you looked for him and when you finally caught a glimpse of him, your eyes would meet for barely a second before he rushed off elsewhere and leaving you in the dust.
according to kaeya, his brother whom you've kept in touch with throughout the years. diluc had changed even more ever since his return; he kept his feelings to himself and his face remained 'constipated,' as per kaeya's words, due to his inner turmoil.
but from everyone else, he had always been so kind to them. the old women in the city would always praise how gentle the young master was, helping them walk across the city or carrying their groceries if they needed it. the young women also constantly swooned over how mysterious, yet warm-hearted diluc was; seemingly cold in nature but treating children and animals with such tenderness.
"it did hurt knowing you were ignoring me," you confess as your fingers begin to unravel the gauze to wrap over his wounds. "even if you wanted everyone to think you've changed and have become cold and guarded, i know you're still the same caring boy i've known since we were young. i hope so, at least."
his skin is warm to the touch, another feature you realize has never changed about your old friend. with bated breath, you lift your head to let your gaze finally settle on diluc's own. just as you predicted, despite the physical changes, you can still see the diluc you once knew within the scarred and older man in front of you.
diluc has definitely gotten older; the baby fat on his face slimming down slightly to reveal a more defined jaw and the bags under his eyes were evidence of his restless nights away from mondstadt. there are light scars on his face, nothing too deep to keep from his princely demeanor but are definitely proof of a troubling journey, and he has grown taller than the last time you had seen him in your youth.
but one thing that has never changed is the fire the lights up his eyes. so red and warm, you're tempted to hold his face in your hands to get a closer look. they're so vibrant, alive like the embers that flicker in the fireplace that lights your home, as they stare back at you in anticipation of your next words.
"you would never intend to hurt me on purpose. so if i should have to wait forever for you to be ready to come to me like you've had in the past, i don't mind doing so."
diluc's stoic expression wavers at your words. a sliver of guilt shines in his eyes and he looks away briefly as he digests the words you've spoken to him.
he couldn't tell you the reasons why he always kept you at arm's length; was he wary of your intentions for always being kind to him despite how he treated you or was he so used to people close to him lying to his face that he feared you were also pulling a facade?
or was he scared of you sharing the same fate as his family should he loved you with his heart on his sleeve, a fate of being held in his arms as he feels the warmth that once comforted him when you were young fade away like the embers in the hearth of a fireplace?
diluc did not want to know and he did not need to know, not when you're looking at him with such trust and compassion that he finds it hard to even hold any distrust towards you.
his dear friend from his youth who was always there to pick him up when he fell.
you did not break through the walls shielding diluc's heart for you had already found your place beside it, holding he's life with your gentle hands and protecting his soul's flames with your faith in him.
"i'm sorry," diluc apologizes to you, looking into your eyes. one of your hands is grabbed to be held by him, rough and scarred and so calloused as it held the memories and grief of what he went through to become like the man in front of you, the gauze held in your other. his warmth seeps into your skin, heating up your skin as the flames of his heart grow and encase your entire being within its embrace.
your lips part to say something, but he continues to speak.
"i thought keeping you away would benefit us both," he takes a breath as his eyes scan over your own features, taking in all that has changed since the last time he saw you in your adolescent years; how much you've grown both physically and emotionally. you look so much more mature than the naughty child who ran around breaking their mother's rules just to play with him or the dear friend who would bicker with him endlessly during their teenage years.
the years of their beautiful youth, years that he wished so dearly he could go back to and live in that peace for eternity.
but while the winds continue to blow and move time along, you've continued to stay the same despite the change.
you're still so kind, so inviting to someone like him.
you treat him like the friend you've remembered in your adolescence, even if his hands were bloodied with vengeance and his heart is scarred and wounded from betrayal and deceit.
he is still diluc, just diluc in your bright and beautiful eyes; he always had been.
his hands squeeze yours tightly, hoping that he has the courage to say what he wants to say.
"i don't deserve your kindness, or your love. but if i imagine a life where i have succeeded in pushing you away and we no longer talk," diluc begins, the fire in his eyes wavering as they hold your gaze.
"i don't think i would ever want to live a life where you're not in it."
diluc's words shake you to your core; it's something you wouldn't expect him to say now after all these years. as much as you want to immediately forgive him and push back the years of agony, waiting for any sign that he was alive while leaving his vision behind, or even watching as he ignores you despite being home after all these years, your heart aches knowing knowing he even did this to you in the first place.
"how can i know that you won't leave me like you did?" your voice is small despite being so close to him. in fear of having him see how much his actions have affected you, you face tilts down to your lap to avoid his gaze. "i can't just wait for you forever, it hurts sitting here all these years with a promise i don't even know if you'll keep."
you take a shaky breath as you speak again.
"you didn't even say goodbye."
your voice breaks as you say those words and you can feel the burning sensation as the tears threaten to spill over your eyes.
there's a moment of silence between the two of you before you hear him gently call out your name. his free hand reaches up to cup your face, tentatively guiding you to face him. he says your name again, softly as if even saying your name too harshly would cause you to break, and you hesitantly meet his gaze.
there's a tenderness that you recognize deep in those fiery pools in his eyes, one that flickers like the hearth of your fireplace and suddenly you feel like you're experiencing the most beautiful yet fleeting moment in life once more. diluc's thumb gently presses against your cheek to wipe away any tears that overflowed from your already wet eyes.
his pinky links with your own, a childish thing to do but one that you still hold dear to your own heart.
a promise between the two of you bathed in firelight and your youth reflected back at you in the shape of the young man sitting before you.
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likeheros · 2 years
Côte d’Ivoire : Carmen Sama en relation avec un élément de Kiff No Beat ? Didi B révèle toute la vérité
Le Rappeur Ivoirien Didi B revient sur la zizanie entre le groupe Kiff no beat et feu Arafat Dj et crache ses vérités dans un talk show. Dans le cadre de la promotion de son album, il a été l’invité du Talk-show ” Faha Faha ” qui signifie ” droit dans les yeux ” en argot ivoirien et diffusé sur la chaine TV Ivoire Tv Music dont l’enregistrement sera sera diffusé le 11 juin sur la chaîne. En…
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
Very important: I work in a warehouse, and today had to fulfill an order for a B. Poot (name shortened for privacy)
Immediately thought of y'all when I saw the name and had to come share lol
the chosen one!!
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dominicsorel · 11 months
3D Riku is the funniest bitch walking around wearing the Dream Eater symbol and using a Keyblade with both the Nobody symbol and the Heartless symbol on it. KID WHAT ARE YOU!!!!
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dxsole · 7 months
Will forever say that the best Halloween costumes for Láz and Didi is Gomez and Morticia Addams......Láz got them sleepy eyes! Calls her cara mia!!! Wants a sword so bad!!! Didi?? French, Hot, 100% had said to him "Don't torture yourself, that's my job"
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kpopulr · 9 months
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volot · 2 years
›   ❝    @snagemall​ : “fight me nerd”  ┇ unprompted.    
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“ho! you’re a persistent fellow, aren’t you? very well!” volo is nothing short of exuberant pleasantry as he reaches around him - a pokeball unclipped from his belt with a gentle rustle, just beneath the weighted shadow of his pack. with a flick of his wrist and an elegant flourish, he presents it forward - though his expression is hardly the same from mere seconds before. change happens quick, fast-acting, a pretense dropped; a devilish gleam is lights his eye now, smile replaced with a smirk, sharp enough to slice through what previously remained. it falls to tatters at the feet of his confident stance, burning in the flames of the thrill of a battle to be won, little more than ashes that will billow on the wind when he sweeps. ( so his ego and competitive nature demands. )
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“though i hope you know...” he gives the capture device a toss skyward, catching it with practiced ease. cocky. “i have plenty of experience beneath my belt.”
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monocaelia · 8 months
if i can’t even go up to people cosplaying my fav characters and ask for a picture, how can i even bag the character themself orz
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travalerray · 4 months
fanfic writing is always like:
questionable characterisation (not really familiar yet) => oh this is actually good => questionable characterisation (projecting)
#looking at my m/dzs fics and uh#uhhhhhh#J/C and L/WJ are the biggest victims of this#which is why I make a point to revisit the novel when I can esp for longfics#but sometimes I go back and see ''oh I really wrote this one shot well. Perhaps my writing at the beginning was actually good?'' and get#slapped in the face by four idiots and the City of ghosts#now that I think about it. Writing L/XC consistently as having an overprotective complex over his didi and writing W/WX having a weird#complex over his shidi is making me laugh so much#kk's rambles tag#having written and changed my opinions about the characters during the course of a singular fic only happened for tainted Ambitions#so you have the strange shift from the revenge fantasy drama to something that might actually be compelling if done well#(I want to do it well but I don't want to touch b/nha with a ten foot pole these days. Not because of the fandom but because I don't like#the source material anymore. Controversial opinion but anyways)#my opinions about dg/rp didn't change much during fic writing nor did the characterisation change that much#even if it has the second highest fic count after m/dzs. Hm.#probably because i mostly write for it as a writing exercise#and the one I did start as a proper fic is abandoned because I lost energy#(my personal opinion is that my j/c POV is the most suited to my writing due to my tendency to make similar protagonists in my original#works. It's a little funny because his manner of speech in his internal narrative is plenty similar to both Romila and Rajanya in the#''why in the ever living Fuck'' even if they all have different motives.#or maybe I am too used to writing cranky people with unresolved and unrequited love. Anyways)
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mitski-slope · 5 months
evvery time i tryr to paint a n agnel loses its wings n jesus cries
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tonyglowheart · 1 year
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whaaaa the Aragon Tour is amazing
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my-muses-in-op · 2 years
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
Blake: It's the Frosted Empress! One of the sentinels!
Frosted Empress: Indeed I am, but- *removing her veil*
Weiss: I prefer 'Weiss'
Blake: How didi you get so old?!?!
Ruby: Are you alright?
Weiss: Please give me a moment to respond!
Weiss: Me and Jaune are both down here. We fell, we traveled through time because of ... magic, I suppose is the simplest answer, and We waited. For you. We know how to leave, but we still have things we must do - Jaune, Pyrrha and I have been waiting for a long Time.
Ruby: Wait- Pyrrha? You- you said Pyrrha, Right?
Weiss: Yes? Why are y- *realization* YES! YES I Did! She's here! We found her- we don't know why or how, but she is- She's the Tarnished Spartan! One moment-
Weiss sends up a Flare using her semblance and some material from around the place
Weiss: Now come on! *Summons Grimm* Hop on, We've got Ground to cover!
Weiss: Jaune? JAUNE!
The Rusted Knight: Weiss- TEAM RWBY!
Jaune: What, did Weiss forget to mention that? Gods- It's been so long!
Yang: Hey! It's your Steed!
Jaune: Yep! Juniper- Even if Pyrrha's here I still needed the rest of my team with me- Has she told you about Pyrrha?
Yang: Only a Little bit! You found her in here? How have you been? What happened?
Jaune: We'll explain what we can on the way- We've got food at the cabin, Pyrrha will get back to us soon after, and we can all explain the situation at once, so none of us forget anything.
Weiss: *Walks up to Jaune, grabbing his chestplate*
Jaune: Kisses?
Weiss: Yes.
Ruby: Wait, hold on, When did that happen?
Jaune: A couples years after we got here, Come on! Back to the Cabin!
Yang: Dang, never thought I'd be jealous of Vomit b- Well, Vomit Man now.
Blake: *Leaning in Close* And just why are you jealous of Him?
Yang: *Blushing* No reason! Let's go!
Blake: *Snickers*
Pyrrha: I'm back! I didn't find-
R_BY: ...
Pyrrha: ... Team RWBY?
Yang: The- The rest of us, Yeah ...
Blake: Pyrrha ... I- You look ...
Ruby: So you really are alive ...
Pyrrha: Yes. I- I believe I am at least. That or one of us has completely lost our minds.
Ruby: ...
Pyrrha: I heard that, uh, you managed to put the hurt on Cinder after she ... You know ... Killed me.
Ruby: I- Y-yeah.
Pyrrha: ...
Ruby: ...
Jaune: I think we should all have a seat now. Weiss, Pyrrha and I will tell you about what all has happened here, and we'll get you something to eat.
Weiss: C'mon honey. Let's get you out of that armor.
Pyrrha: Thank you Weiss. *Smooch*
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dominicsorel · 4 months
I should probably stop apologizing to people with the preface that I’m sorry that I was being a “bitch” considering how much my father enjoyed using that term to refer to me when he was an alcoholic. It’s like I’m punishing myself further. I only ever refer to myself as a “bitch” too and I don’t even like that word. Says a lot about how I feel about myself. My father would always call me that if I even slightly went against him and say it’s why I had no friends. And it was very much so him lashing out at me because my mom wasn’t there for him to call that. Every woman is just a “bitch” to men when they don’t do what a man wants is what I learned far too early. Made it even harder to accept myself as a man because of how much he managed to fuel my hatred for them.
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seiya-starsniper · 4 months
oh oh! what about 3 for the smutty prompt list? for dreamling? it’d be funny to see which one has the obvious crush that the other is just waiting for them to act on it
3. A has an obvious crush on B and plans to finally confess. A chickens out and tries to opt out of the situation, but B presses them to speak in a spicy way.
Anon, I ADORE this premise, it's such a fun idea! Naturally, this is way more fun in a human AU setting, and of course I had to set it during a birthday party, hope you enjoy it! 💖
The thing was, Murphy knew that his crush on Hob Gadling was obvious. Murphy had always worn his heart on his sleeve, and when he fell for someone, he fell hard. Fast too. Overwhelmingly fast, if his last relationship was any indicator. He and Nada had gotten together and broken up within the span of two weeks, and then Murphy had spent the next two months completely avoiding all of his friends and family, until the day Didi broke into his flat and dragged him out for pizza and bowling.
Well, technically Didi hadn’t been the one who’d broken into the flat. She’d brought Hob for that. And for transportation too. She had known exactly what she was doing too. Hob was charming and funny the entire night, and seemed particularly set on making Murphy and his sister laugh as often as possible. Murphy had spent the better part of the night wondering if perhaps Didi and Hob were in a relationship and Murphy was just the awkward third wheel crashing their date. When pressed though, both of them laughed and told him no, they were simply friends. 
Murphy fell in love that night.
Now he just needs to figure out how to tell him that. 
Murphy is used to knowing right away when he is desired by another person. In every single one of his romantic pursuits, the chemistry had been instantaneous and impossible to ignore. He and Nada had gone to bed within hours of meeting, Calliope had moved in only after a month of dating and Cori well. He and Cori had broken up at least four different times in the last four years. Suffice to say, Murphy knew when he was desired, and he acted accordingly.
With Hob, however, he is not so certain. Oh sure, he likes Murphy, that much was obvious. Ever since the day he’d broken in his house with Didi, Hob had just…started dropping by. Bringing him dinner and sometimes staying over to watch a movie. Sometimes he even drags Murphy to hang out, sans Didi. But he hasn’t once made a move, or otherwise indicated to Murphy that he’d want something more than friendship. 
It was driving Murphy mad. 
Didi, naturally, thinks it’s hilarious, and won’t tell him one way or the other.
Murphy decides he’s going to confess at Johanna’s birthday barbecue. If Hob accepts his feelings, it’ll be easy enough for them to sneak off together, and if he doesn’t, then Murphy can get wonderfully plastered and hopefully find someone else to go home with for the night. It’s a full proof plan. 
What he doesn’t plan for, however, is for Cori to show up at the barbecue too. He really should have planned for it, Cori’s friends with Rose, and Rose and Johanna are dating, but Murphy had really only been thinking about the right words to sweep Hob off his feet. Cori wouldn’t be a terrible backup plan if Hob doesn’t work out either, but because he knows Murphy so well, he manages to corner Murphy before Murphy’s even had the chance to see Hob.
“Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in,” Cori purrs as he pushes Murphy up against the countertops of Johanna’s guest bathroom. “
“Cori,” Murphy growls, pushing at the blond’s, “I’m not interested.”
“That’s a lie, you’re always interested,” Cori replies, grinning as he mouths at the sensitive spot just below Murphy’s ear. Murphy groans, despite himself, then pounds on Cori’s shoulder to get his attention.
“Stop it!” Murphy demands. To his credit, Cori does stop, but not before leveling Murphy with a flat stare.
“What’s gotten you so uppity tonight then?” Cori presses him. 
“I’m here with my boyfriend,” Murphy lies. Cori snorts and crosses his arms.
“Please. If you were dating someone right now, the two of you wouldn’t even be here,” his ex tells him pointedly. He’s right, of course, but Murphy won’t let him have that victory. 
“Hob didn’t want to miss it,” Murphy says, deciding to double down. “He really likes Johanna’s ribs.”
“Hob?” Cori asks him incredulously. “What the hell kind of name is that?”
“It’s short for Robert, actually,” a voice Murphy knows all too well says, cutting into their conversation. Murphy’s heart seizes in his chest when he sees the object of his affections come into view. “It’s an old English nickname, actually, and I’ve found I like it a lot better than just Rob or Bob,” Hob adds.
“...Huh,” Cori says as he moves off of Murphy and then looks between the two of them. “Well, would you look at that. He brushes past Hob on his way out of the bathroom, but not before giving Murphy one final leering grin. 
“Let me know when he dumps you,” Cori practically sing-songs, and then he’s gone before Hob can react to the insult. 
Murphy and Hob stare at each other awkwardly for a few moments, before Hob coughs and then moves to stand next to Murphy by the sink. 
“So when were you going to tell me we were dating?” Hob asks after Cori leaves. Murphy groans and buries his face in his hands. He can feel his entire face flushing with humiliation. Nothing has gone right about tonight. He’s far too embarrassed to confess to Hob now.
“Can we pretend this didn’t happen?” Murphy asks, hoping Hob will take pity on him and let the subject drop. 
“No, now I’m really interested in our so-called relationship,” Hob teases him, which makes Murphy blush even harder. “Who asked who out? How long have we been dating? Why would we miss Jo’s barbecue if we were dating?”
That last question makes Murphy snap out of his mortification.
“Seriously?” he asks incredulously. “You'd rather go to a barbecue instead of—” Murphy snaps his mouth, suddenly realizing the inappropriateness of his comment.
“Instead of—what?” Hob asks, his tone innocent, but his expression anything but. He’s staring at Murphy with intent now, and oh. 
That’s what it looks like when Hob desires him then.
“Instead of—staying home,” Murphy answers, settling into the familiar song and dance of seduction. He licks his lips, and Hob’s eyes follow the motion with interest.
“And what would we do at home that we couldn’t do here?” Hob asks in a low voice, his body inching closer to Murphy’s now.
“Hmm,” Murphy replies, pretending to consider the question, right before he goes all in. “Perhaps I’d like you to myself,” he says, trailing a hand up Hob’s forearm, and pressing his body flush against the other man’s. “I can’t ride your cock very well in Johanna’s guest bathroom, after all.”
Hob hisses and then Murphy is once again pressed against the countertop, but this time it’s by the man he really wants to be under tonight. 
“Is that a challenge?” Hob growls into Dream’s ear. “Because she’s got a perfectly nice bathtub with jacuzzi jets right there.” 
Murphy hooks a leg around Hob’s waist and smiles. 
“That depends on whether you're willing to face Johanna's wrath,” he says right before he leans up to finally, finally kiss Hob. Hob moans into the kiss and grinds their hips together. It feels just as amazing as Murphy imagined it would.
“Of course I would,” Hob replies, now moving his attention to Murphy’s ear. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I couldn’t?”
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