#Demeter did nothing wrong
fille-de-skroa · 11 days
Hades stans: Oh yeah hades is sooooo badly represented in media, he’s always portrayed as a villain when in reality he has done nothing wrong!! Why do people always see him as a bad guy? It’s unfair…
Also Hades stans: Demeter is such a BITCH for trying to rescue Persephone. She wants to separate my otp, therefore she is an abusive, overprotective mother who wants to keep her daughter a virgin forever cause she’s just this EVIL. I know that cause I read Lore Olympus once.
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No more of that “UWU soft flower girl” Persephone and “uWu innocent goth boy” Hades “forbidden romance because mommy Demeter said no” nonsense. Give me these two BEING THE ABSOLUTELY FOREBODING, TERRIFYING, AND MORALLY GRAY UNDERWORLD GODS THAT THE MYTHS POTRAY THEM AS. MAKE THEIR RELATIONSHIP COMPLICATED AND MESSY INSTEAD OF JUST “uwu goth husband and girlboss wife 24/7”. LET THEM BE WRONG, MAKE MISTAKES, HAVE FLAWS—
Acknowledge that in the Hymn of Demeter, while Hades loved Persephone—Persephone was never mentioned to have loved Hades, and was completely upset with having been taken away from her mother and friends on Earth.
And please, STOP ANTAGONIZING DEMETER. She was never an overbearing helicopter parent. She loved her daughter to the point that she literally shook heaven and earth just to save her from a forced marriage. Why must every retelling of this myth demonize Demeter for looking out for her daughter?
Hades is not evil, but he’s not a heroic underdog either. He may genuinely love Persephone, and look to her for guidance, but we can’t overlook or rewrite the fact that he kidnapped her and binded her to the underworld (albeit for half the year).
I don’t think their relationship is 100% dysfunctional. Hades seeks Persephone’s input and advice on how to rule, and deal with the mortals who venture into their domain. However, I think there are a lot of nuances and underlying flaws in their relationship people tend to overlook.
Tl:dr I devolve into a bit of a rant on how Persephone and Hades are portrayed as the best couple in Greek Myth when they…really…aren’t…but really I just want to see these two FERAL AND UNHINGED
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demeterdefence · 9 days
demeter was always correct btw. might go so far as to say she was never incorrect.
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stheresya · 29 days
we are not cowards here. we enjoy hades & persephone as it is (kidnapping and forced marriage and all) without villainizing demeter.
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0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
What would it take for you to enjoy a Hades x Persephone retelling?
Hmmmmmm.... Don't. Villainize. Demeter.
It's that simple. Just don't villainize her. Please!
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too-deviant · 3 months
freaky friday
OR… that one time you woke up in luke castellan’s body, told from the perspective of percy jackson.
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Fem!Demeter!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Content: the most loser loser!luke has ever loser-ed. this is sooo unserious like pls.
Percy Jackson had only been at camp for a day, but he was completely sure that something was wrong. 
It started early Sunday morning — well, when he thought back on it, he guessed it might have started late Saturday night, when he woke up to a few of the older campers (Luke included) sneaking off out of the cabin and not coming back until the sun was peeking through the horizon. 
But he didn’t really think about it until Sunday morning — when the thing that startled him out of sleep was a loud shout of  “Holy Fuck!” echoing from the bathroom. He sat up, startled, and eyed the door along with everyone else. Then there was a yelp. 
“Oh my gods. No — this is, this isn’t real. Am I still — oh don’t touch that. That’s not yours. Jesus, Luke — No. Stop looking. Oh my gods.” 
A few campers shared some wary glances, asking the silent question of who’s going to investigate? Eventually, Chris (Percy thought, one of Luke’s friends from yesterday), stood up with a sigh and a raised brow, stepping over sleeping bags until he stood outside of the door. He looked at them all, the curious eyes of literally every kid there, and knocked slightly. There was another yelp. 
“Uh…” Chris blew out a puff of air, “Are you okay in there?” 
A few seconds of tense silence, then the door cracked open and Luke Castellan stuck his head out. He looked at Chris, at all the kids staring at him, and smiled stiffly, “I’m good. Don’t worry about me.”
He shut the door once more, the force blowing Chris’ hair back for a brief moment. The boy shrugged and nodded at everyone else to start getting ready because it was almost time for breakfast. He headed over to Percy, asked how his first night was, and left him to gather his bearings before they had to leave. 
The kids attempted to forget about Luke’s debacle in the bathroom, but when they started to get impatient about his hogging it, all disregard of his personal business went flying out of the window. One kid mustered the balls to knock, and then another shouted through the wood for him to hurry up. 
Just as one of the Stoll brothers was about to pick the lock himself and check out the situation, the door flew open, and Luke frowned at them from the doorway, “I’m done, my gods.” 
They looked at him — he was leaning against the now open door, hip bucked out and not a care in the world that he was in nothing but his underwear. He glanced at them, then at the kid who Percy thought was called Conor, and sneered in his face until the kid flinched back. When he did, Luke pushed the bathroom door until it hit the wall and gestured dramatically inside, “In you go.” 
Percy didn’t think he was the only one who was shocked by Luke’s sudden show of attitude. Sure, he’d only known the guy for a day, but he’d been super nice the whole time. Even when Percy was ready to give up on finding his skill, Luke was supportive and kind. Now, he just looked irritated at everyone in the room. Maybe he wasn’t a morning person. 
Yeah, that was probably it. 
Percy decided to let him wake up a bit instead of irritating him with questions about how the morning routine at camp usually went. Instead, he followed the lead of the kids around him and got himself ready before lining up along the wall. His face bloomed red when someone had to tell him to go to the back because he was new, but other than that he was doing somewhat alright. 
Chris and Luke were arguing quietly in the corner, being careful to ensure nobody else could hear their murmurs. At one point, Luke stepped up so he was nose to nose with Chris and the boy put his hands on his chest to push him back — only for Luke to sharpen his eyes down at them with such a scandalised look that even Percy was slightly confused from where he stood and watched. Luke folded his arms over his chest indignantly and Chris sent him a dumb look before muttering something that made Luke straighten and drop his arms once more. 
When the boys ceased their conversation and walked over, the kids pretended as if they hadn’t been watching their entire time
“Okayyy.” Luke spoke, huffing out a breath. He shot his hands out and waved them, “Let’s go.” Nobody moved, and he furrowed his brows, “Uh, onwards and upwards? Hop to? En guarde?” Silence greeted him and he rolled his eyes, clapping loudly, “Can yall just fuckin’ move?”
The kids at the front flinched slightly, deciding it best to just leave rather than wait for him to say his usual morning pick-me-up. Clearly he was having a bad day and they chose to leave him to his own devices. Percy followed at the back, and couldn’t help but listen as Chris muttered to him once more from behind him. 
“Can you at least try to act like a normal person, please?” 
“I am acting normal.”
“Luke Normal.” He paused, waiting. Percy guessed Luke must’ve agreed silently because the next thing he said was, “Thank you. Now get to the front of the line like the cabin counsellor you are.” 
Luke huffed, pushing past Percy to get to the front of the line. Chris followed, whispering something about Luke having a bad day and to just ignore him before jogging to catch up. The blonde boy had never felt so awkward — the only friend he’d made and the guy was skulking around like he hated the world only twelve hours after they’d met. 
He tried to brush it off by focusing on his breakfast — blue pancakes, blue cherry coke. Okay, not the healthiest option but he was having a bad weekend, let him live. 
Chiron came to find him a bit after that, asking Percy how he was settling in and if he was ready for the Capture the Flag game they were playing later. 
After that, Percy tried to avoid the prying eyes of Annabeth by spending his free hour in the Hermes cabin where she couldn’t get to him — only to walk in on something a lot more awkward. 
Luke was lying on the floor, groaning in pain. The smiley Demeter girl he had introduced Percy to the day before was on top of him, also groaning in pain. 
“Uh, are you guys okay?”
They flinched, scrambling off each other and pulling themselves to their feet. Luke brushed himself off and looked at Percy wide eyed, “It’s not what it looks like!”
“Seriously.” The girl said when Percy raised his brow. She shook her head slowly, “We would never —“
“Yeah.” Luke scoffed, “Like never ever.” 
The girl — Percy was still trying to remember her name — turned her head and looked at him blankly, “Okay. That wasn’t needed.”
“I’m just clarifying.”
“You didn’t need to sound so disgusted about it, though.” 
“Oh my god.” Luke scoffed a chuckle, shaking his head, “You’re such a guy.”
Percy screwed up his face, and Luke suddenly backtracked, “Uh, I mean — such a lie…er.” Even he looked confused by what he’d said. He straightened up and scoffed, waving his hands, “She wants me so bad. Right? Bro?” He held out a fist, but Percy just looked at it. 
The girl, who had swiftly knocked his hand back to his side and stepped slightly in front of him, smiled kindly like she had yesterday when she’d asked how Percy was feeling about the sudden change in his life. “Sorry for scaring you, Perce. We’re just talking about something. Did you have a question?” 
“Yeah, actually.” He looked at her, “Are you in pyjamas?” 
She looked down at herself like she was just remembering her white tank top and fleece pyjama pants with bats printed on them, and Luke laughed into his fist. Upon hearing his chuckles, she swivelled back to glare at him, “Hey, don’t laugh at me! Would you rather me undress you?” 
“What?” Percy asked. He was ignored. 
Luke took a step back and held up one finger, “Uh, no. I don’t need you looking at my tits, perv.” 
“What?” Percy tried again. 
The girl scoffed, looking away from him and muttering under her breath, “Kinda hard not to when they get hot in the night and climb out of your shirt.” 
Luke gasped and put his hands to his chest, “Oh my gods.” 
“I tried not to look but they were right there — !”
"Well — " Luke stammered for a rebuttal, eventually pointing in accusation at the girl beside him, "You had morning wood!
"What — ?!"
“Hey, guys!” Percy finally interrupted, and they looked at him in surprise like they’d forgotten he’d been standing there the whole time. “What the hell is going on?”
The two shared a look, but it was you who stepped forward and looked at him kindly, “Nothing you should worry about. You’ve had a tough weekend already, just pretend you never saw us.” 
Percy was tempted to refuse and force them to spill the beans, but they were two older campers who could very well send him to detention or whatever it was they did here for punishment — he wasn’t keen on finding out. So he left with a nod and closed the door behind him. 
Your voice drifted through the window, “—can’t believe you wear batman pyjamas.”
“At least I wear pyjamas.” Luke responded, “You left very little to my imagination this morning.” 
He walked off before he could hear anymore. 
He didn’t see either of you again until just before lunch. He was walking through camp with Grover, half-listening to his friend yap about a blueberry bush he thought was cute, when they passed you and your sisters giggling about something near the forges. 
“Gods, he’s cute, though.” One of them was saying, eyeing up a boy with soot all over his face. Percy couldn’t see much of him to determine him as cute, but your sisters seemed to agree with a loud dreamy sigh. 
“He is, don’t get me wrong.” Another girl added, “But consider this: Lee Fletcher.”
“Oh, yeah.” 
“He’s got potential. He’s got potential.” 
Percy found himself slowing down, the teenage boy in him wondering if someone would mention his name. Of course they wouldn’t — he’s twelve, and they’re all around yours and Luke’s age, but a boy could dream. 
One of the girls clicked her tongue, looking at you, “Who was it you said was sorta dreamy the other day?”
Percy watched you freeze, suddenly looking very awkward. You took a deep breath in and pretended to think about what you were going to say, but one of your sisters chimed in for you.
“It was Astor. The Ares kid with the curly hair.” 
“Oh yeah!”
“What?” You exclaimed, scrunching up your face. When your sisters looked at you all confused, you backtracked, “Uh, I mean yeah he’s…cute.” You forced the word out with difficulty, “But, I dunno. There's cuter guys out there.”
“Oh?” Your sister said, interested, “Who are you thinking?”
Now you were on the spot. You swallowed, making these exaggerated facial expressions that Percy assumed were you trying to convince the girls that you had just come up with this idea, when you’d actually probably been wanting to say it the whole time you’d been talking and just needed an excuse, “Oh, I don’t know…” You shrugged, “Luke Castellan’s sorta…y’know?”
The girls looked between each other, and you watched with slight anticipation. Then one of them, the one who had mentioned Lee Fletcher earlier, said, “I swear you said he was too full of himself.”
“What —?”
“Yeah, she did.” The other chimed in, “You said he would be cuter if he didn’t — what was it? — flaunt around camp like he had the biggest cock out of all of ‘em.”
The girls laughed, and you attempted a weak chuckle, but it sorta looked like you were in pain. Percy thought it best to walk off after that, looking for Grover who had long since left him to his eavesdropping devices and presumably wandered off into the forest to look for Blue the blueberry bush. 
So maybe Percy should’ve pressed harder when he’d cornered you and Luke earlier that morning. He thought he could brush it off, even when he kept seeing Luke lift up the hem of his shirt and poke at his abs in wonder, or when he saw you pushing your hair out of your face once every ten seconds before finally putting it in the messiest ponytail he’d ever seen. It was as if you had lost all sense of self overnight, like you'd never actually seen your own bodies before. It creeped him out, but he held back on asking. Maybe it was a demigod thing he hadn't been taught yet.
The straw that broke the camel's back, however, was after dinner. Usually when the nymphs take the plates away and the campers start to trickle down to the campfire, a few odd groups would stay behind at their tables, gossiping or finishing their desert until they had to get up and go — not only were you and your siblings part of this group of people, but so were Luke and Chris (and, by default because he had nobody else to hang out with, Percy). 
So the newcomer had the fortunate opportunity to bear witness to possibly the greatest series of events he’d ever seen (and he once saw a rat the size of a small dog eating a small dog). 
It all started when a girl from the Aphrodite table stood up and walked over to where the boys were sitting. 
“So, if you do ever want to sneak out to the forests, don’t go through the pavilion.” Chris was explaining, “Mr D has a birds eye view of the whole place from his bedroom window, so you gotta sneak as close to the Big House as you can get. But make sure to duck under the windows just in case Chiron is trotting around in there.” 
“And be careful around cabin four.” Luke butted in, “They have vines that spring out of the floor whenever a non-Demeter kid gets too close during the night.”
Chris turned to his brother with a look, “How do you know that?”
“Oh, uh — ”
“Hey, Luke.” 
Three heads turned to the edge of the table where she was standing — a pretty girl with short blonde hair, a few strands dyed pink near the front. She was smiling at Luke cheekily and Percy noticed Chris send his brother a smirk. 
“Uh, hi…” Luke trailed off, squinting.
“Laura.” She finished with a frown.
“Laura!” He exclaimed, snapping his fingers. “I knew that. I did.”
“Cool.” She said slowly, brushing off the moment and bouncing around the table to sit next to him on the bench. She leaned on her elbows into his side and Percy watched him shuffle back, only for Chris to push him right back forward. “So, uh, I had fun…last night.” She side eyed Percy across the table, but the boy just pursed his lips awkwardly. 
“Really?” Luke responded, a little shocked. He nodded, “Well, uh, me too?”
Laura grinned widely at that, back straightening, “I’m so glad we agree.”
Percy wasn’t so sure Luke agreed, he wasn’t even sure the guy remembered whatever saucy interaction she was referring to. But he was pretending to, for her sake. He blinked at her silently, but she just looked as if she was waiting for him to say something — Percy was only young, but he’d seen enough movies to know that she was waiting for him to suggest they do it again sometime. 
He did not. Instead he twisted his body away from her and back towards Percy, smiling at him, “Wanna head to the campfire, get some good seats?”
The boy was moments away from responding, but Laura clearly wasn’t taking his silence as an answer. She pulled Luke back to face her by his arm and blinked up at him, “I was just about to suggest we skip the fire tonight. Just us, y’know?” 
Chris cleared his throat and stood, ushering for Percy to do the same, “Let’s go, lil bro.”
“Wait — “ Luke stood with them, staring back with a silent plea of help. Chris wasn’t having it, just grinning at him. 
“Have fun, Luke.” He snorted, “See you later.” 
“No, you can’t — ” He started, but Laura was yanking him back with a high pitched giggle. 
“You heard him, Luke.” She smirked, “No one's gonna notice we’re gone, loosen up.” She ran a slow finger down his torso, and Percy watched him visibly tense up. He didn’t understand why she hadn't taken the hint already. 
Chris seized Percy by the wrist and began to pull him away, occasionally looking back and giggling like a schoolgirl, with the odd snort. The younger boy didn’t really want to look back, but then when he heard Luke yelp like a girl, well…
He had to. And thank the gods he did.
Luke was sprawled on the table like a scared rabbit and Laura was standing with one hand hanging limply in the air, looking confusedly at his stance. Chris burst into loud laughter when he noticed Luke’s legs were spread and the boy was trying really hard not to look at his own crotch. 
They walked over when it was clear someone needed to intervene, and Percy noticed the Demeter girls from before joining them — you were at the front, looking panicked and slightly annoyed.
"What's going on?" You asked, looking between the two of them.
"Nothing." Laura said plainly, "We were just talking."
Luke looked at you, “She — uh, she grabbed your — uh, your — ” 
He gestured between his legs with a shaky hand. Percy raised a brow, as did everyone else at the scene. Except for Laura, who began to cackle loudly, bending over at the hips and bracing her hands on her thighs. The rest of the kids stared at the pair with varying expressions, and Laura straightened up, wiping under eyes with a giggle before pointing between you and Luke. 
“You guys — oh my gods — ” She laughed again, shaking her head and trying to breathe long enough to get her words out, “Holy Hades, Castellan. I’m — I’m sorry.” 
She held her hands up in surrender, looking at you now, “I am. I didn’t know you guys were dating. I guess I took mine and Luke’s conversation the wrong way, but — ” Another wheeze, “And I shouldn’t be laughing, but he just referred to his penis as yours, and I — ” 
“Laura, it’s not like — ” You stepped up with a wince, trying to alleviate the growing tension between the group. The Aphrodite girl wasn’t listening. 
“I just think that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard since…” She took a moment to think, catching her breath and smiling at herself as she thought about it. Eventually, she gestured to you with a laugh, “Well, since last night when you called Graham Lee an extra-terrestrial ass-kisser.” 
Luke licked his lips, taking a deep breath in and pushing himself off the table and to his feet. He went to say something to Laura, face serious, but then he stopped and knocked his head back in a slight movement. He looked around at nothing, as if he was recollecting a memory, and then he gasped and pointed a finger at you, “I did do that.”
“You called Graham Lee an extra-terrestrial ass-kisser?” You tilted your head at Luke, “Why?”
Luke shrugged, “He grabbed my ass.” 
Laura scrunched up her face, looking between the pair of them, “Are you guys on drugs?”
"There aren't any drugs at this camp." You blanked. You brother laughed.
"Says the drug dealer."
You raised a brow in shock, like you'd had no idea about your own small business. You looked at Luke intensely -- Percy thought maybe you were trying to keep your drug dealing thing a secret, and Luke had gone and spilled the beans. That would explain why he suddenly looked so sheepish. It wouldn't explain why you then said, "Well I am not on drugs."
"Then what is wrong with you guys?" Someone finally asked the question Percy had been sitting on since he watched you hover your hands over your own boobs before retracting them quickly as if it was against some demigod rule to touch your own body — only for Luke to see from afar and have some very stern words to say about it.
Finally, after ten seconds of intense eye contact, you and Luke took in simultaneous breaths. It was you who spoke first, addressing the whole crowd — which consisted of Percy, Laura, Chris, and the Demeter kids — “We’re in eachother’s bodies.” 
The Demeter kids made grossed out faces, but Chris just snorted into his fist and let the conversation go on. Percy had never been more confused in his entire life — and he had once thought his dad was Jesus. 
Laura chuckled, “Yeah, we know that. His penis is yours, or whatever freaky shit yall are up to.” 
“No — ” 
You and Luke spoke at once, each taking a single step forward. You paused, looking at each-other until you gestured at Luke with a sigh, letting him speak. He nodded, “We’re serious. We are in each other's bodies.”
“Freaky Friday style.” You jumped in before anyone could make a sex joke. You sent the group a sharp look, and then zeroed your eyes in on Percy, “That’s why we were acting so out of it earlier.”
It was silent for a long stretch — everyone looking between one another. Percy didn’t even know what to say. It did explain their strange behaviour, but —
“How the hell did you end up in each other’s bodies?” A demeter boy asked, holding a finger up like he was in class. The rest of them nodded, wondering the same. 
“Well…” Luke sighed (or You sighed, he guessed. He was still confused), “At first we had no idea, but now I think it was Graham Lee.”
Another Demeter girl hummed, “He is a Hecate kid. It’d make sense that he put some freaky spell on you after you insulted him.”
Chris coughed, still red in the face from laughing into his shirt, “Okay, but why Luke?” 
You shrugged, “Dunno. I’ve never done anything to the guy.”
Suddenly, Laura let out a long, “Oooohhhh.”
Everyone eyed her. She pursed her lips in embarrassment, although Percy definitely saw amusement in her eyes. She tucked some hair behind her ear and winced, “So, maybe we went to the clash together.”
“The what?” Percy asked, finally speaking up. The rest of the group looked at him as if only just realising he’d been standing there, suddenly looking sheepish. 
“Uh, it’s a party.” Chris scratched behind his ear, “Older campers only, but if you don’t tell anyone about ‘em you can come to the next one.” 
He shrugged, “Deal.”
“So, wait.” You pointed at Laura, “You went to the clash with Graham? Like with him?” 
“Yeah.” She folded her arms indignantly, “But he was literally staring at you the whole time, so I left to flirt with Luke.” 
Your cheeks dusted pink, and both Laura and Percy realised she was talking to Luke, not you. She turned to Luke, clearing her throat, “Sorry. He was staring at you the whole time. So I left to flirt with…uh, Luke.” 
A collective breath ran through the group, everyone putting the pieces together in their own heads. Percy was still a little unsure, but he had the gist (maybe). Just as he was about to suggest they go find this Graham guy and ask him to undo his spell, one of the Demeter girls Percy had seen talking to you earlier gasped and looked between you and Luke with wide eyes. 
“So when we were talking before…” She looked at you, “We were talking to Luke?” 
You — or Luke, but as you — stammered, and Percy couldn’t help but let out a little laugh. Luke looked on, confused, and the girl looked at him with a smirk, 
“Earlier, we were gossiping about hot guys.” She chuckled, pointing at you, “And Luke suggested his own name, as you!” 
“What?” Luke exclaimed at you, partially appalled but also holding in a laugh. 
You stammered for an excuse, but then her face contorted and she zeroed Luke with an accusatory stare, “Well, you said I walked around camp acting like I had the biggest cock out of them all!” 
Luke scoffed, “You do.” 
“I do not!”
“You kind do.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“You sorta do, man.”
You turned to Chris, scandalised, “Bro.”
The boy shrugged, “Sorry man. It’s true.”
Eventually, you managed to convince the kids to finally go to the campfire and leave Luke and yourself to fix your problem with Graham when you got down there. They agreed, although not without making as many jokes as they could on the walk down to the clearing. 
“So, how did you guys pee?”
“Have you seen each other all naked and stuff now?”
“Did Luke have morning woo — ?”
“Alright.” You smacked Chris hard on the back for that one. “To your sections, please.”
Percy sat down on the end of a log, and watched as the two of you walked over to Graham and spoke to him in hushed but harsh tones. At one point, Graham was looking between you two with the most genuine look of confusion and Percy assumed he only agreed to reverse the spell because it was making his mind go all wobbly just talking to you. 
When he saw Luke again, it was at lights out. Percy was tucking himself into his thin sleeping bag when the boy came over, crouching to his level and dropping something on his lap. 
He lifted the bag of coins to his eyeline and then raised a brow at Luke, “What’s this for?”
“Drachmas.” He explained, “Just enough to get you a new shirt at the camp store. Or a thicker pillow, some three ply toilet paper. Whatever you want, really.” He shrugged, “Partly a welcome to camp gift, partly hush money.”
“Right.” Percy lowered the bag and levelled Luke with a curious look, “How was being in another person’s body? Weird?”
“Oh yeah.” He nodded, looking into the distance like he was having some awful flashbacks. Percy remembered seeing you walk out of the bathroom earlier, a look of terror plastered in your eyes. 
He cleared his throat, “Well, thanks for the money.”
“No problem, kid.” He patted him on the shoulder, “Get some rest. It’s capture the flag day tomorrow and guess what?"
"We're teaming up with Demeter."
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holylulusworld · 6 months
Mrs. Sherlock Holmes (1)
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Summary: Your marriage starts rocky.
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Wife!Reader
Warnings: angst, injured reader (light), mentions of getting robbed, angry Sherlock, implied innocent reader
A/N: A collection of drabbles on how you became Mrs. Sherlock Holmes.
Mrs. Sherlock Holmes masterlist
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“Where is my brother? We need to talk about Enola and the upcoming event. She needs to make her debut…” you hear Mycroft downstairs. He’s usually a stoic and silent man, but you kinda like he’s silent and leaves you alone most of the time. “Where is the lady of the house? Maybe she can help my sister correct her behavior."
You hear his voice grow louder as Sherlock’s head housekeeper raises her voice. She always acts more like the lady of the house than a servant.
“Mr. Holmes,” you gracefully walk down the stairs, putting on a strained smile hurting your bruised face. “I’m afraid my husband is not at home. He’s solving another case.”
“Again?” Mycroft holds out his hands. He presses a quick kiss to your offered hand. “He should’ve left his lovely wife all alone so short after your wedding.”
“Sir, it’s fine,” you flutter your eyes shut as you try to keep the wrong words from spilling from your lips. It all became too much lately.
Sherlock's absence, and his displeasure in participating in your marriage. The head housekeeper acting like you are not Sherlock’s wife but a peasant.
“My dear, what happened?” Mycroft gasps when his eyes finally see your swollen left cheek and your split lip. “Please tell me my brother didn’t raise his hand on you. If he did, I’ll make sure he’ll regret putting his hands on you.”
“It wasn’t my husband,” you reach out for Mycroft and grab his hand. “He’s a little distant and mostly interested in solving cases but…he would never. I swear, Sir. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have gone to town on my own. But Mrs. Demeter refused to send for a carriage.”
“What happened, my dear,” Mycroft worriedly asks. He offers his arm to you, and wonders if you are lying to protect his brother. “Please do not fret. Tell me everything.”
“I left the house to get the books Sherlock wanted,” you sniff. “I paid for the books and carried the books out of the store. A woman ran into me, and I dropped the books. I tried to pick them up and then…” You choke out a sob. “There was a masked man. He ripped my bag out of my hands and hit me with it.”
“My dear!” Mycroft gasps audibly. “Did you tell my brother about this?”
“He wasn’t home,” you drop your gaze, ashamed about your weakness, and inability to stand up for yourself. “The owner of the bookstore helped me pick up the books and accompanied me to Scotland Yard but…they didn’t want to listen to me.”
“Did you tell them your name?” Mycroft is furious. “How dare they ignore a young lady in need.” He huffs as you tell him repeatedly it was your fault for not telling them your name. “Stop blaming yourself, my dear. If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s my brother’s for ignoring his wife.”
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Downstairs it sounds like a war is going on. Sherlock and Mycroft yell at each other. And you are afraid, Mycroft is winning.
Your betrothed falls silent after a while, and you hold your breath as you repeatedly hear your name. The last thing you wanted was to cause a rift between the brothers.
They already have their hands full with their younger sibling. Now you are causing trouble too.
You wring your hands while hearing footsteps on the staircase. You hold your breath and step away from the door. “Wife,” Sherlock grumbles as he opens the door. “Where are you?”
“I’m here,” your voice cracks. “Sir.” You add, in the hope of appeasing your husband. He steps inside your room, eyes roaming your body. “Please accept my apology.”
“What for, Precious?” He steps closer to cup your face with both hands. “Why didn’t you send for me? I would’ve come here to take care of my wife.”
“I didn’t want to disturb you, Sir. It’s nothing,” you close your eyes when his gaze gets too intense.
“You got hurt. This is not nothing,” he raises his voice but gets a grip seconds later. “No one touches my wife.” His lips press against your swollen cheek, but you only feel the warmth of his soft pillows, not the slight pain. “I will call for Lestrade. We will find the man hurting you.”
“I think he worked with the woman running into me,” you explain while Sherlock inspects your injuries. “She distracted me long enough for the man to steal my bag.”
“Why did he hurt you?”
“I-I didn’t want to give the bag to the man. You gifted it to me,” you shyly batt your eyelashes as Sherlock angrily furrows his brows.
“You are fearless, my dear,” he cracks a smile. “I am sorry about my absence. After our wedding, we should’ve…” He clears his throat. “I'll send for a doctor.”
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“She’s well then?” Sherlock sizes the doctor up. “I need to know every detail. Please don’t shelter me.”
“Her cheek is swollen, but the cut on her lips is already healing. She’s mostly frightened of the person attacking her,” the doctor says. “I’d suggest not leaving her alone for the time being.”
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“Sir, what are you doing?” You almost screamed when Sherlock entered your room. He softly whispered your name and picked you up in bridal style to carry you toward his bedroom.
“I’m bringing my wife to my bedroom,” he carried you out of the room. His chest swelled when you rested your head on his chest.
"Sir, I think...you have a case and..." you whimper. If he wants to finally have your wedding night, you are not sure you are ready to be with him.
“I shouldn’t have taken case after case. We didn’t have the chance to get to know each other better. I know this was an arranged bond my mother and your father agreed to. But I…I want you to know that I’ll protect you from now on.”
>> Part 2
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Hi, can you do a Percy x daughter of persephone headcannons pls
⋆⭒˚.⋆ percy jackson x daughter of persephone! reader hc
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content: percy jackson x daughter of persephone! reader hc warning: painfully hozier coded...that's it author's note: this one was also fun!! i kinda dove head first into looking at what being a demigod and a child of presephone meant, so the percy love thing kinda got lost but i hope i recovered it??? i still love this one tho!!
oh, daughter of presephone?! did you mean nico's step sister?? i think that's what you meant
he's protective and for what?? bro youre younger, stfu and walk away fr (we like to joke here, nico knows i love him)
tho the last sister percy had been put in charge of didn't end so well...so you can see where the protectiveness comes from.
i would like to formally apologize for that last one-
on a real note tho that's something that keeps percy up at night
he doesn't want to fail you, doesn't want to put you in any situation where your life is at risk, if you so much as get a scratch he's tearing everything down brick by brick
you're his precious flower girl
and he's willing to kill for you if it means you're safe
it also doesn't help that you really are lacking in the powers domain
you're like a diluted child of demeter (hey, gram-gram) with a minor affinity for graveyards.
that might be where the overprotectiveness comes from, this interpretation of weakness.
they're dead wrong, btw
you could topple cities, if you weren't such a diplomat
during the fall and winter, you make frequent visits with nico to the underworld, helping your mother keep her garden up and your step father with the diplomacy that comes with the underworld.
during the spring and summer, you're not allowed to go, as your mother isn't present. both hades and nico think this rule is stupid, but can't really fight it.
hades really do be losing his wifey and his beloved princess of daughter all at once. damn major L for his ass
anyways, we've lost the plot, back to percy
on the first date, percy made the mistake of getting flowers
typically, this wouldn't be a problem, any girl would kill to receive flowers
but the moment you opened your door and revealed percy with his bundle of flowers, tears began to pool in your eyes and you took them from his hand with a minor glare
"you killed them! they were living just fine and equally as beautiful but then you stomped up with your shears and you cut their heads off!" you cried, walking deep into your cabin and producing a plant pot from some closet, freeing the flowers from the butcher paper and shoving them into the dirt.
"w-what?" percy sputtered, following after you, slightly concerned that he might have completely fumbled this whole thing.
"you're lucky, jackson, that my momma isn't here or she'd have your ass. just picking flowers left and right," the girl continued to grumble before shoving her hands into the dirt with the flowers.
nothing happened for a moment then more sprouts grew in the pot, flowers beginning to grow to match the flowers that percy had brought for her.
percy just stared, not shocked, by trying to figure out how to recover from this massive mistake.
don't worry, he won you over
and, he never bought you flowers again, rather opting to bring you potted plants and seeds
he learned his lesson alright.
nico wasn't exactly the biggest fan of this relationship in the beginning but he knew there wasn't really much he could do.
plus, he could see how happy percy made you, the flowers in your cabin growing faster and bigger and more vibrant.
if anyone made his sister that happy, he'd allow them to stay around for just a bit longer.
on quests with you, percy always carried fruit, which you probably loved more than him
"we should probably stop soon, get something to eat," you'd say with a shrug
"okay, cool. so, i've got oranges, apples, that weird pink one that's white and black on the inside and pomegranates. you want something else?? i'm sure there's a store around here somewhere," he'd reply instantly, somehow managing to pull all of these fruit from the pocket of his hoodie and holding them out to her.
tbh every winter and fall when you aren't around, bro gets mopey
he misses his blossom and it doesn't help that all the plants are matching his mood
he'd rather be six feet under and shaking hands with your step father than anywhere that you aren't.
author's note cont. : another day, another hc collection bc i am a menace and cannot be stopped wahahahahahaha god i love writing this is so much fun!!
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darkdemeter · 5 months
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—- not my gifs, credit to original posters! -—
Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader, (Platonic) Avengers x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader
A/N — Finished it nice and quickly, I was a bit unsure about this piece and was probably gonna scrap it before I posted the teaser. I was surprised to see how many people liked the teaser alone, and the taglist life chose me! Didn’t think that would happen so soon sooo that’s pretty cool, so if you wanna join that then let me know! I’m looking at potentially doing some more werewolf reader soon, with a piece (or multiple pieces, idk yet) called ‘The Convict Wolf’. Again I’m not the best at fluff so there is quite a bit of angst in there too as well as some humour. I think this turned more into a slight! Wanda x reader than an actual Wanda x reader. So… sorry bout that. Usage of Y/N as well.
READER DISCRETION — angst (reader has insecurities/self esteem issues) — Tony being a bit of a dick — some minor language — some weird fluffy humour? — mentions of a “passed relative” in said humour — minor name calling and usage (“mutt and stray/pup”) — and I think that’s it?
Mother Nature decrees that her law is absolute. Her will is to be respected, and all are intended to follow in her great design.
You do not change it. You embrace it.
And this applies to you as well, thanks to your common ancestor, that you shared the habit that left you tracking the red ball Tony kept bouncing against the polished floors like it’s the only thing in existence that mattered to you. And maybe because it did.
How could this happen? No high risk missions or deadly villains to stop from achieving world domination. No, today was one of those special days where you and your fellow Avengers could relax. And with the full moon so close, what better combination?
What you wouldn’t give to suddenly be on a quinjet flying into enemy territory. Nothing like a good fight to get the blood pumping.
For everyone’s sake, you tried to keep to yourself for the past week but you’d exhausted your options. Walks in the park weren’t cutting it - not to mention the other dogs started it first - and you’d already destroyed five punching bags in the gym just prior. The treadmill be damned, you weren’t burning any energy on that.
Your last resort was to sit in the common area with your favoured beverage, a cool rag and some TV to calm the intense wave of anxiety. However, by her divine intervention, your beloved crew had come to flock in.
Mother Nature knew you were a pack animal at heart, as both human and wolf. It was how she made you.
The ensuing anxiety of being in a crowded space enough to put you near over the edge. It’s not like your heart rate only picked up a few hundred beats more when Wanda walked in.
When a few of the new arrivals waved and greeted you, you shared a hesitant yet trying smile and equally reluctant nod in return.
The battlefield was the only place you felt comfortable around your new comrades. But without missions or villains you were still getting accustomed to life at the compound; adjusting to life around people.
You were still considered fresh. A new recruit to the team. As Tony liked to call you… a pup.
Fuck, how you’d bite back your snarls from that term.
Fury assigned you to the Avengers some months ago. And though you had no intention of staying long, the missions kept coming in and a lot more required your specific skill set.
You remember as though it was yesterday that Tony said, “Alright Fury, we’ll adopt the stray pup. Just don’t go ripping up the furniture now.”
Suffice to say, you broke your own record at doing just that in under 3 hours.
“I think they’ll settle in just fine,” Fury had chuckled with a clap to the billionaire’s shoulder.
You shake your head at the memory. Still, if felt wrong to feel certain things for one of your teammates already. It wasn’t like you felt you really had a chance with her anyway.
The thought made your eyes falter from the now still ball for a moment, clutched in Tony’s hand as if it were your heart.
‘Who am I kidding?’ You chuffed silently to yourself, ‘She wouldn’t take a chance on me, I’m a damn mutt!’
Your self esteem issues had to wait though.
Your entire head at this point tracked the ball’s movement, but your mind was still distracted by Wanda. The idea of her wanting to play ball with you, to spend those moments of intimacy with you. Tony’s words zeroed in from a muffled backdrop to the forefront of your mind.
“And that is why red indeed travels at a superior speed to any other. Ergo, why my suit is red, brilliant, eye catching and can beat anyone.”
You could hear the collective groans and disguised snarks beneath coughs without the noise being present. It was in everyone’s eyes and their scents.
Your eyes froze on Wanda, her striking eyes bore into yours with no hesitation. No fear.
‘How long has she been doing that?’
She offered one of her smiles that made your heart swell and stop at the same time, that made your searing skin cool and rise with goosebumps.
‘She’s so beautiful when she smiles like that.’
If she had one of those smiles then… you knew that grin that spread across her lips and showed a thin line of her teeth.
Your eyes gave away the betraying thought that you knew. Her smile turned grin riddled with mischief spoke volumes.
‘She read my damn mind!’
“I don’t think that is actually possible, Tony,” Sharon said with a click of her tongue and a disbelieving squint to her eyes.
“Oh no, it is,” Tony replied with a nod, “I’ll show you how the colour of this ball determines the speed in which it returns to my hand.”
He held up the ball in his hand, a proud display of its immaculate accomplishment, just a throw away.
You bite down on your lip hard to suppress the whine coiled deep in your throat. A deep heat settled all along your neck and your ears.
Wanda still stared at you even in your peripheral.
Tony flicked his hand forward and the ball flew forward, bouncing once against the floor and bound into the wall with a determined thump before Tony caught it again, mouth agape to huff in his triumphant display in tandem with a curt yelp.
A good throw. Bad timing.
Everyone’s eyes had diverted to you. Their attention captured by the sound you made. Even Bucky, the stoic and reserved man who hardly acknowledged anyone with anything other than a grunt, appeared surprised if not the slightest bit intrigued by this new discovery.
You didn’t dare risk a second glimpse at Wanda, the flush in your neck seeped higher up into your face. Not that the shock and interest on everyone else’s faces were easier to process.
But you couldn’t face Wanda’s eyes now.
She had read the racing thoughts you couldn’t keep in line. Who knows how much she read about how alluring you think her scent is, how you whine and whimper whenever you hear her softly cry when in the privacy of her room because you wish to be there with her, her hand running through your fur to comfort herself; to let her know you’re there for her. How much it hurts you that she would never see you as nothing more than the mutt of the team. A beast that maims and runs rampart whenever you lose yourself to anger.
A lovesick pup.
You feared that the hot sting of tears was sure to follow any moment now.
Your fingers tightened against your legs, nails not longer the tamed length you maintained them as. In their stead were claws.
“Something wrong, pup?” Tony teased and you didn’t refrain from the rasped snarl that rose in your chest. Your teeth - and fangs - bared.
Fuck. Why did Mother Nature have to make you the way you are?
“Tony,” Sam warned, eyes cast between the two of you.
“What?” Tony only shrugged as if he wasn’t intentionally pissing you off and embarrassing you at the same time. “I just wanna make sure our new recruit here is alright, I mean, they have been temperamental over the past week. Chewing on expensive furniture and specially crafted improvements to my suit—“
The ball flew from Tony’s hand just as he was about to make a show of the ball again, the unmistakable red, misty tendrils swiftly brought it to Wanda’s hand.
Everyone was silent as they glanced between the red ball in Wanda’s hand and you. Their combining scents overwhelmed you to a new height. The fear that pinned you in place made the skin along your arms radiate with heat, either from the desire to run with your tail between your legs or to get defensive; to ‘wolf out’ as the others had called it. It didn’t help when Thor made an attempt to say something but otherwise thought better not to say what was on his mind.
Wanda eyed the object that held your attention. And you in turn couldn’t help but study her. Something in the way her eyes twinkled with curiosity, her lips pulled to one side as if to contemplate heavily on the fact that this ball held you in a vice grip.
Your short temper as of late, how you’d skulk around, much to the dismay of everyone fearing you had turned into another Bucky. The guy wasn’t that bad, you’d give him credit for that, the guy had a lot on his plate.
But what Wanda was perhaps most interested by that whenever she was present in the same room as you, all that would vanish. At least for the most part.
But to her, you would ask her how she was doing or even compliment her. Little did she possibly know that it was because you had felt a little courageous to take that small leap of faith to tell her she looked good.
But she might as well have that knowledge now.
You weren’t sure if it bothered you or not that she read your mind. Invaded your thoughts. In some weird way, you wanted her to. But you also feared her rejection.
But in the end, it all made sense. No one else pieced it together but her. And this time, she didn’t have to read your mind to do it.
She could read you. She knew you.
“It’s the full moon tomorrow night. They’re anxious.”
You were often lucky to avoid this topic with the others. They’d just chalked it up to catching you at the wrong time, that the mission was a hard one that day and you had some pent up anger to burn. The other half, you’d be out of the compound. Taking a much needed break at your apartment, visiting your sick grandma who they suspiciously noted you saying had passed away years ago three times now. But who was counting.
Never did they realise it all happened around the same time every month.
But Wanda did. She noticed it.
You brave to stare into those eyes you were content to drown in but find something else. It’s mysterious. Not what you’d expect to see in her eyes when she looked at you of all people.
“Y/N, Fetch!” Wanda cooed as she tossed the ball away from her. It’s a primal instinct that ignited within you at that very moment. A natural, engrained sense and desire.
How Mother Nature intended for you to react to survive or to have fun, your skin tingled with the sensation all too familiar.
The shift is over within the blink of an eye, seamless as you launch yourself over Wanda’s sitting body after the ball, large paw-like hands scrapped across the floors as you skid to a halt and the ball captured within the grasp of your maw.
Your tail wags involuntarily and your ears pinned against your head as you bashfully ducked your head at the sound of the others who chuckled and praised your reflexes.
It felt nice. Wanda turned in her spot on the couch to peer over at where you’d jumped over her, chin tucked into her folded arms.
“Nice catch,” she giggled and you swore she could see your blush in this form, “bring it here.”
Hesitant, you take a step forward and then another, your eyes cautious as they wandered over the others in case they deemed your advancements were dangerous to be left unchecked.
Rarely did you allow this form to take around them without the proper surveillance equipment and safety precautions. They already had Bruce to worry about losing control as the Hulk. They couldn’t risk you as well.
But no. They marvelled in their stares, smiles of contentment encouraged you to approach Wanda. You let the ball fall into her grasp with a small whine, ears still pressed back.
“Don’t be shy, Wolfie,” she whispered, the sound soft for only your ears to hear. You liked that nickname. You could only hope she would continue to use it.
Wanda raised the ball again only for Tony to interject. “No! No, you are not playing fetch in this compound, Miss Maximoff.”
Wanda smirked at the look in your eyes. The same one you had right before you tore up all the good, expensive furniture within that 3 hour window.
A few more throws turned into furniture shoved aside to make room. Tony remained in the kitchen, arms folded and a scowl etched hard into his face, it would take a miracle for Pepper to wipe it from his face.
Everyone else was too engrossed in the game of indoor fetch, all having had a couple of turns by now with throwing the ball. Bucky humoured you once and threw it, an approving nod when you caught it. Clint, Thor, Peter and Scott fought hard to get the ball numerous times, Natasha and Wanda were promoted to ‘ball-directors’ so everyone had a fair go.
But Wanda maybe got an extra throw in once or twice - by order of Natasha.
Steve now held the eye catching sphere in his hand, high above his head. Though with your stature in this form, it was rather tricky to keep it away from your snapping jaws.
You yipped and howled in anticipation before Steve tossed the ball and you leapt after it. You caught it before it could bounce off the wall. An eruption of claps and cheers followed immediately, your ears flopped back as you whine softly with that feeling that buzzed in your ribcage.
“Bring it here, Wolfie.” Your ears perked up high and alert at the soft tune of Wanda’s accented voice. A few of the others couldn’t refrain from laughing a little at the sight.
Whenever they had permitted you to shift on mission skirmishes, it was all done through protocol and extensive preparation to ensure you were stable.
And they only saw one emotion when you changed. Aggression.
To finally get the chance to play and be comfortable in your own fur felt good. Shit, well beyond good.
“I was promised the next throw! Come on, give the ball here, Y/N,” Sam called with an outstretched hand.
Even if Sam had a point, you couldn’t stop yourself in your approach towards Wanda, who now was crouched down with her hand out to receive the ball.
Her eyes were soft in their gaze as they pierced through the veil of your own. It was like she could see the humanity deep within you.
Her magic touched you differently, prickled against the shell of your mind, you welcomed her in.
‘I see you as more than you realise.’
A whimper crept up your throat in response, ears tucked back and eyes often shrouded with the thirst for carnage grew to relax. Become tender in the embrace of her eyes - her soul - touching yours.
Your fur bristled suddenly and you shook your head with a huff. You dropped the ball into her hand and she threw it down the long hallway.
You bound after it, your claws clinked against the tile floor, your breath hot in ragged pants as you gave chase. Each bounce of the ball echoed faintly in the back of your mind, too occupied by the words Wanda spoke through your mind.
It was the first time you’d heard her voice in your head. And you enjoyed it. It settled you into a sense of calm.
You didn’t register the elevator doors open ahead of you, Nick Fury stood with files tucked under his arm.
Your eyes shot open and you swore you saw his unpatched eye mimic yours. Your weight was too much to control with the momentum you had backed up behind your pursuit in a cramped hallway. You skid to a halt but slipped forward, the force of your body knocked Fury and yourself back into the elevator.
A series of cringed groans and gasps reminded you of your teammates as the elevator doors closed behind you.
You’d knocked Fury into the buttons and now, your destination was another floor.
Sheepishly, he could tell, you whine a pathetic sound in your apologies. You shuffle in the elevator that was almost too tight for the two of you to fit with you like this.
“So,” Fury said after a few moments of silence, eye intently watchful of the floors you both now visited. Some had agents give pause and a receptionist even dropped her cup of steaming coffee at the sight of you.
“What brought the wolf out?”
He turned his head slightly when you grunted, ball held up in your mouth to show him what had ensued before his arrival.
It felt like hours that the rest of the team stood in their places, eyes stuck on the elevator door you and Fury both disappeared into.
“Do you think he’ll be mad?” Wanda asked, voice coated in a toxic amount of unease.
She was scared what would happen to you. As a matter of fact; everyone was scared.
The government knew just enough and that was a hard - yet private - case that was not disclosed with the public.
Your existence and your species as a whole had to remain top secret. One slip up that was determined out of hand would grant you a one way ticket to who knows what for punishment.
“It’s okay, Wanda,” Clint assured, “I doubt Fury would do anything like that. I mean, he brought them to us.”
“He’s right. No way would Fury do something like that,” Steve added, firm in his judgement or perhaps what he hoped for.
“We will… figure it out if it comes to that,” Tony sighed from his place. Not often did Tony jump to your defence in cases such as this.
But in the end, you’d proven yourself mostly to be trustworthy.
He had some inkling of reason to believe you wouldn’t cause intentional harm to the team.
The elevator pinged and everyone held their breath as the doors slid open.
Fury and you stood side by side, gazes directed down the hallway towards your team. Your eyes immediately sought out Wanda who gave you a smile but her brows were furrowed.
Fury held up the ball as he strutted forward, like an obedient pup, you followed close to his heel.
“Next time, take the game of fetch outside,” he advised and threw the ball forward and Tony caught it swiftly.
Another good throw. Really bad timing.
You were still hyped up and because of that, you charged forward and closed the distance within a matter of milliseconds.
“Wait no—!” Tony grunted as he was pinned to the floor beneath your weight. “Get. Off!” He growled and you slinked away from him with your tail tucked.
The others did little to hide their laughs at Tony’s unfortunate expense.
“Good job,” you caught Bucky mutter to you as you joined Wanda’s side. You chuffed rather proudly and your head held high.
Steve aided Tony from the floor. “Alright, Fury. We’ll note that down.” Steve flashed a toothy smile and wink your way.
“I have a mission briefing. Ya’ll better buckle up and dress for the cold. You’re going on an undercover operation located in Alaska.”
“Alaska?” Wanda asked in sync with your curious head tilt, ears flopped to the side.
“Alaska. And you also have a guide present right now who is familiar with the territory.”
It didn’t take a second long for your team and yourself to gather what Fury meant, his single eye on you knowingly.
Fury left some time later after he handed the files over that provided more information on your new task in Alaska.
Wanda turned and knelt down in front of you, a hand ran through the thicket of your fur. The act itself made your eyes droop and your chest rumble. Wanda couldn’t keep the full, toothy smile to spread on her lips.
“I think this gives us all the perfect opportunity to play more fetch with our beloved wolf.” Wanda’s words didn’t go unnoticed by the numerous hums of agreement. Truly you felt seen by them all. For the first time perhaps ever, you felt accepted.
You even looked to Tony who shrugged with an eye roll. “I suppose I could indulge in a couple throws myself. So long as I can test my new theory of what travels faster: the wolf or the red ball?”
“Wolfie,” your team chimed in claim of their theory right there.
Your pack that Mother Nature intended for you.
Thank you for Reading!
(◕ ᴥ x)
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zylev-blog · 6 months
Background info for this post:
Danielle: Diana
Sam: Demeter
Danny: Zeus
Valerie: Artemis
Dan: Poseidon
Vlad: Hades
Clockwork: Kronos
Jazz: Athena
Pandora: Hippolyta
Ghost form: Divine form
Diana was reading in the Watchtower when Danny sought her out. He stayed invisible, but he knew she knew he was there.
“Hello, Father.” Diana said formally, turning the page in her book. “What brings you by? Did Mother kick you out again?”
“No,” He denied. “She didn’t.”
“Okay.” Diana responded, “What did you do this time?”
“I didn’t do anything!” He insisted.
“Who’s that talking?” Barry asked from the other side of the room.
“Father, you may as well show yourself so that it appears that I am not speaking to myself. But a word of caution; you may want to reign in your appearance.” Diana set down her book, looking up where Danny had been invisibly floating in front of her.
“There is nothing wrong with my appearance.” He grumbled.
“Really? What happened to the last mortal you let see you?” Diana cocked an eyebrow.
“His brain melting was not my fault.” He denied instantly.
“Mhm.” Diana waved her hand. “You don’t even remember his name, do you?”
“Of course I do!” He bristled.
“Really? What is it then?”
“Steve Trevor.” He said proudly, “But you know that I won’t remember every mortal fling you’ve ever had.”
“Are you calling me old, Father? Isn’t that like calling the kettle black?” Diana smirked.
He blushed, but only Diana could see it. “I see you are getting wise in your old age. Would that be Artemis or Athena’s influence?”
“Both.” Diana responded, “But the same could be said of it being Grandfather’s influence.”
“I am so confused.” Barry complained.
“Father.” Diana prompted.
“Fine,” He grumbled, shifting to his human form. He had long since reached adulthood, and his human form reflected that. He was 6”6 tall, with spiky black hair and light blue eyes. Stubble covered the bottom half of his face, but it was immaculately trimmed. He wore black armor with a cape made of galaxies.
“Wow.” Barry glanced at Diana, then back to Danny. “Do I bow?”
“That’s not necessary.” He said quickly. “My name is Zeus. It’s wonderful to meet you, Barry Allen.”
“He knows my real name?” Barry asked, shaking Danny’s hand.
“Of course. He is King. He knows all.” Diana smirked, looking at him.
“Do not compare me to my father.” He complained, “I am not an omnipresent asshole.”
“What?” Barry asked.
“See all, know all, that kind of bullshit.” He shrugged, “I’m not God with a capital G.”
“Why are you here if it has nothing to do with Mother?” Diana asked.
“Hades.” He said as Diana stiffened, “He has… become active lately.”
“Is he back to his old ways?” Diana frowned.
“Not completely.” He responded, thinking of the days long since past when Vlad had messed with clones. “Nobody is sure what he is up to, since we can’t find him.”
“That’s not possible.” Diana sat up straighter.
“He gave up his divine form.” He said, “Taking on a new mortal form.”
“That’s…” Diana trailed off, unsure of what to say.
“You see the dilemma, then, daughter?” He asked.
“Perhaps he is turning over a new leaf, as the humans say.” Diana said slowly.
“Do you trust Hades?” He narrowed his eyes.
Diana had no comment.
“Your grandfather doesn’t think you should be involved,” He continued, “But your mortal friends…”
“I will summon them at once.” Diana stood.
“Great, I’m so glad you both pretend as if I’m not here.” Barry complained.
“I am sorry my friend,” Diana looked over at the speedster.
“It’s okay.” Barry shrugged.
“I had forgotten what it was like to speak to mortals. My apologies.” He apologized.
“You don’t remember what it was like to be a hero, Father?” Diana teased, “Perhaps I should ask Frostbite for dementia medicine.”
He rolled his eyes. “Perhaps I should ask him if it’s too late to have an abortion.”
Diana gasped. “Mother would take offense to that!”
“She will,” He agreed.
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raphael-angele · 3 months
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca and took them to Camp later-er
Nico's Garden
With Hades raising Nico and Bianca, it means that they were also raised by Persephone. Now, whenever Persephone was away for spring and summer, her garden would be attended by Nico since Hades would be too busy and he would often take Bianca along to train her for...the throne. Nico would come along sometimes but he doesn't like just standing around, watching his papa work.
So, Nico would go to Persephone's garden and take care of her flowers while she's away. Which is also how he discovered his powers.
"Oh no..." Persephone heard Nico whispered under his breath. "Nico? What's wrong?" She asked, tending to the other corner of the plant box. "Nothing!" Her step son shouted, a bit panicked. The goddess heard whispers of 'please' and 'no' from him. Slowly and carefully, Persephone walked over to Nico's side of the plant box.
When Nico noticed her presence, he turned to face her, hiding something behind him. "Nico, what happened? Did you hurt yourself?" She asked, kneeling to his height to inspect for any injuries he may have sustained. "No, no, I'm alright. I'm not hurt." He said. "Then what's that behind you?" The goddess asked, trying to peer over his shoulder. When she turned back to look at him, tears brimmed his eyes. "Please don't be mad." He cried.
"I promise I wont get mad, Niccoló. Let me see." Hesitant, Nico stepped aside. Behind him were her favorite flowers. She and Nico had planted these some time ago before leaving last spring. They were wilting. The yellow pigment had faded off to a brownish color and the petals began to fall off of the flower. They drooped down, and the leaves looked crusty.
Persephone quietly gasped and looked at Nico. He fiddled with his fingers and looked at the ground. He didn't want to face her. "They just... all of a sudden." He murmured. Persephone's face went from horror to a soft look. As the goddess took a step forward, her child took a step back.
"Nico," she called, stretching her arms out for an embrace. The small child couldn't help but do so. Persephone lifted him up and placed him onto her hip. Fearing of making things worse, Nico curled up into his mother's arms, and kept his hands tucked under his forearms and buried his head in her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Mammina" he cried.
Later on in camp, Persephone and Hades visit Bianca and Nico. While Hades watches as Bianca is training in archery, Persephone wanders around the garden run by the Demeter kids. She watches as they work and go around the place then she spots a small ball of black hair working with them. As it turns out, Nico has been helping them with the garden for some time now. Despite the multiple invites to tend to the plants, Nico was always hesitant and didn't accept unless he was wearing at least 2 layers of gloves.
In her human form, of course they don't recognize her. But Nico sensed her immediately and looked over and waved hi.
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daydreambits · 5 months
Travis Stoll may seem like he doesn’t take anything seriously. He does have that general feeling about him. That he will never stop smiling, even if the world around him burns. Many relate it with a need of keeping his prankster, troublemaker, son of Hermes reputation. Only few know that it’s an effect and not a cause.
Travis and Connor’s mother was an airline pilot. She never cared much about being a mother, what she cared about was flying, above anything else. Maybe she was wrong for not caring about her sons or maybe it would be wrong to waste such a promising career over a byproduct of what was supposed to be the love of her life and instead turned into nothing. She didn’t know. Morals were never her thing anyway, flying was. So she handed two little boys to their grandmother and flew to all edges of the world. The summer grandma Stoll died was the summer Travis and Connor found Camp Half-blood. Their mother took a chance to send them to this “excellent boarding school” and she never looked back. First, calls were frequent, then, a little too far apart and then, Travis wasn’t even sure when they stopped altogether.
But Travis wasn’t the one to cry for his mommy. He was a demigod and he had a younger brother to care for. So, like a real son of god of liars, that he was,he mastered the art of pretending not to take anything seriously.
And so, he acted like he didn’t care. He didn’t care: about the war coming, about looming possibility of death, about all the unclaimed and children of minor gods that were slipping away, no matter how hard he tried, and he was their counsellor, and it was his responsibility to keep them, but he just couldn’t find a way to. He didn’t care about his treacherous brother, who betrayed him and left him in this hopeless situation to pick up the pieces or about this little children, that he practically helped raise, forced to become soldiers or about a certain daughter of Demeter accusing him and his siblings of being spies and breaking his heart into a thousand little pieces and he most definitely did NOT care about his mother.
Except he did.
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ratsonastick · 4 months
Love Box -- Luke Castellan x reader
A Luke Castellan x reader one-shot!
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A certain goddess got a little bored and decided to send down a love box for two kids with whom she wanted to live a soap opera.
Warnings: bad grammar, weird plot
Song inspiration: Harvest Moon by Neil Young
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You have always had a hate-love relationship with the boy from the Hermes cabin. 
And that is no joke. 
It all started when a girl named Kate from Aphrodite's cabin told you to deliver a small wooden box to Luke, giving him the instructions to open it and keep his head lowered in the forest. When you asked why she pushed you off in his direction. 
“Luke” you quietly muttered as you approached him, this wasn't your first time speaking to him, but it wasn't any easier than the last. He was attractive, and you are just some dorky-looking kid from the Demeter cabin. He turned away from his friends, and they walked off just leaving you and him. 
“Kate wanted you to have this.” you stuck out the box for him and he took it with furrowed brows. “What is it?” he asked in a voice that almost made you smile. “She didn't tell me … but she did say to open it near the forest or something.” 
He nodded and muttered a thanks, taking a small step back and he was done talking. You took the hint, thank the gods, and turned around to walk when all of a sudden a large poof noise was made. You quickly turned around to see him rubbing his eyes, with sparkles floating around him. 
“Oh my gods Luke!” You rushed and walked over to him like a good person would do. You placed your hand on his shoulder to try to stabilize him. “What happened?” I asked and he just shook his head “I opened the  …” His speaking slowed down and he looked up at you, his eyes glazed over “The box” 
He looked at you for a moment, memorizing your face, his brain almost trying to connect pieces that were never there. “I've been looking for you all over.” He spoke with a smile, almost like everything that had just happened never did. 
Kate then spotted the two of you and ran over, nudging you to the side “I told you to open it in the forest!” She screeched looking at him, but he only looked at you. You rolled your eyes, leaning your weight to one leg and looking at her “What was that?” 
“A love box, obviously you idiot. My mother gave it to me as a gift, it was the answer to my prayers!” She yelled at you, whispering sweet things to Luke trying to get him to look away from you, but he never did. “He was supposed to open it, spot me, and then love me!” 
You paused for a moment thinking, and that's when it hit you. A love box was made by Aphrodite to help the ones who hate you only be blinded by love. The only memories he had were remade to include you in them. “Well can't we just tell him the truth” 
She looked at you as if you were stupid “No! That would ruin him … probably push him over the edge. These boxes have crazy side effects, you just need him to stop loving you on his own time … so then he will come to me.” 
She rolled her eyes, sighed, and turned to walk off, leaving you and Luke. “What's going on Angel?” he spoke softly looking at you with that dorky smile he gave everyone. “Nothing …” 
But something was wrong. 
Each week you tried hard to not love him, but it grew so difficult. He was so sweet and gentle, but you knew it wouldn't last forever .. that the potion would wear off soon. And when it did, you became a wreck. 
You finally aced your archery test, the test you needed to teach others and you wanted to tell him. You walked all around camp only to spot him and Kate talking. She spotted you and smiled cheerfully, not knowing how you felt about him.
You walked back to your cabin feeling terrible. That night you took all your photos down and placed them in the box of things that never were. 
Weeks passed, your friends all tried to ignore him just like you did, and any time you ran into him you'd ignored his gaze and how he always had his arm wrapped around  Kate. 
She told you to back off, that he was hers, and so you did. Your personality only becomes colder towards him and her. 
Chiron tried so many times to get you two to work together, as best archer and swordsmen at camp, but you always came up with a complaint as to why you couldn't go to that practice and help lead it, making your friend take over.
Luke noticed this, he noticed every time you rolled your eyes at Kate, how you quickly walked past him with your head forward. 
Before you always shyly walked past him and he found it cute, but now he could feel the hatred coming off of you, like you wanted to scream something but never did. He was sick of it. 
“Do you have an issue with me?” He asked one evening, storming up behind you as you fired your arrow at the target. You turned around with a raised eyebrow before noticing who it was. “Luke?” 
He crossed his arms and looked down at you. The sun was setting and luckily it was just the two of you on the field. “We've never really talked and yet I always feel like you want to throw a dagger at me.” he voiced looking down at you. The same way he used to when he'd call you a sweet name and then kiss your forehead. 
“I don't hate you,” You spoke trying to sound calm while turning around to ready another arrow, but he walked in front of you blocking the target, 
“Really? Then why do you ignore me?” he asked this time, sounding more curious than angry. 
“I don't.” 
“Oh is that so” he asked with a brow arched. You simply hummed, sticking out your arm to move him to the side, to which he then did. You lifted your arrow releasing it, taking a deep breath and then turning to look at him again. 
“You don't know the story.” he scoffed, biting his lip as an annoyed smile crawled onto his face. “Please enlighten me.” he looked away from you for a moment before looking back, waiting for a response. Then you remembered Kate and what she said and you shook your head saying no and he scoffed. “A knew it, you are truly just a selfish person who just decides to hate on people for no reason and only care about yourself and not other people's feelings.” 
This ticked you off. You are the complete opposite, and for him to say you only cared for yourself stung. You always tried your best to help others, especially him, or at least you used to. 
He turned around, about to walk away but your voice stopped him. “A love box” 
He turned around and looked at you confused and annoyed “A what?” 
“Kate told me to give you a love box. You didn't listen when I told you to open it, and when you did I was the first you saw. We didn't for about a month and you don't remember any of it. And seeing you just move on so quickly feels like shit, and I know it's not your fault but I can only blame Kate so much for stuffing my heart.” 
You spoke frustrated, walking closer to him until you walked right past him. He stayed stuck in his spot until he ran right next to you “We didn't date … I would've known.” you stopped to look at him, reaching into your pocket and taking out a folded picture. It was your favorite of the two of you. And even though you weren't together anymore, you couldn't put it in the box with all the others. 
You stuck it out to him and he took it into his hand. It was the two of you laughing together. His brows furrowed together “I don't… I can't remember this.” You nodded your head “Yeah because the love box wasn't meant to make things permeate, it was just made to let that person have a small taste without any memories attached. 
He looked down at you, trying so hard to remember, but he couldn’t. He stuck out the photo and put your hands up to stop him “Keep it I can't have those memories lingering around anymore, you've moved on.” 
You walked off, but he stayed put staring at the photo, trying to relive it. To try and remember how it felt, but he couldn’t. 
A few days passed, Kate stayed near him and her voice was starting to become annoying to him just like it did once a long time ago. 
“Can you hand me the uhm …” He looked at Kate who clung to his arm at the breakfast table. His memory was becoming weak for some reason and he couldn't remember the one topping he ate his bagel with. 
“The what?” she asked him, looking around trying to grab some things. Yet his brain couldn't figure it out. You who were walking by saw him struggling, and just like you did once you stepped in, “It's the orange jam” you spoke softly as you walked past the table. 
Kate didn't hear what you said but he did. And something flickered in his head, he remembered these moments when someone always knew what he wanted. It wasn't Kate … she was too self-absorbed… then he realized it could only be you. 
He turned back around to see you back at your table, laughing with your siblings about random things. And he could almost remember the sweet feeling he once got when he looked at you. 
“Ugh gross!” Kate screamed, his attention that was once on you then turned to Kate who spotted a bug next to her hand. You of course didn't let his attention go unnoticed, whenever he looked at you, you could always tell. And even though you told yourself you were done with loving him, a small feeling entered your belly just like the first day you felt his gaze burn on you. 
A few more days went by and after really thinking about everything, he got more confused. When he saw you he got this feeling like he didn't want to look away. His lingering made those feelings bubble up, realizing that you were still in love with him. 
One day you took the box of photos and walked down to the lake, sitting in a hidden spot you opened the box and shuffled through them. 
A photo of you combing his hair, him playfully trying to feed you. It was strange how you remembered it all, but him, not one single thing. 
“I remember” A voice startled you out of your thoughts. You looked over and it was him, Luke. 
“You need to stop sneaking up on me like that.” You muttered trying to gather the photos and hide them. “I'm the son of Hermes, how do you think he got good at pickpocketing?” he asked with a smirk on his face as he sat down in the sand next to you. 
He noticed the box that was wooden, little hearts and flowers carved into it, and then he noticed the photos. His heart flickered at the one of him kissing your cheek. You followed his gaze and quickly took the photo putting it inside the box along with the others. “Uhm I should get going … I don't think Kate would like this.” 
“What? Me talking to a friend?”
That word made you pause and he looked at you strangely.  “What do you remember exactly?” you spoke softly, remembering how he started the conversation. 
“I remember the feeling I got or well … that I get when I look at you,” he spoke with a small smile on his face while he looked out to the lake. 
The feeling. 
The same feeling you got when he smiled at you or even acknowledged your presence. 
He turned to look at you, his arm resting on his knee while his hand played with a rock he picked up. You looked down at his other hand and noticed the photo you had given him “You still have that photo?” You asked softly, surprised he hadn't thrown it out. 
“Or course” 
You nodded your head, the silence surrounding you both as you looked at different things. “I'm still in love with you.” You muttered which caused him to look at you while you looked at the lake and the little island in the distance. 
“But I know the only reason why I love you is because of an accident.” 
“It wasn't an accident … maybe it was just meant to be.” He smiled, his gaze still on you, trying to memorize everything once more, but this time engrave it into his head so he'd never forget. 
You smiled and shook your head while looking down at your lap “Or maybe not.” 
But Luke didn't stop, “Kate confessed … her mother set it all up.” 
“That bitch!” you shouted looking at him which caused him to laugh softly “Be mad all you want … but do remember she had a plan and it worked.” 
You looked at him, your body slightly facing him just like it always did, “And what exactly was that plan? Getting me to love you then hate you and be heartbroken?” 
He smiled and shook his head “No … for getting me to test my strength and remember who was there for me from the start, protected me, took care of me. The plan got me to realize that I loved you all along, even before that stupid Love box.” 
He smiled when he finished, and you simply blushed, feeling shy. You looked down at your lap “Well gosh … “ you tried to joke, playing off his compliments but you couldn't stop yourself from blushing.
His hand gravitated to your face, gently tilting it up so he could look into your eyes. “Seems like I'm still in love with you too.” you rolled your eyes at how he was trying to be so romantic, but you knew deep down he only acted like this because he wanted to treat you the way his father never treated his mother, with love. 
He gently pulled you closer and kissed you, you happily kissed back. But it was very shy and gentle, almost as if this was your first time doing it, which to him, it was. 
Luke thanked Kate, and Aphrodite at this moment, which was strange because he shouldn't have been thinking of another woman, but he couldn't help himself. His prayers were finally answered.
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missing-sock-misto · 2 months
Tuggoffelees for the ship meme
29-one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart.
30-one headcanon about this OTP that mends it.  
29. A headcanon that breaks my heart
If Misto hadn’t become friends with Tugger, he would have fallen prey to Macavity, much like Demeter did.
Now this is based on a particular set of headcanons that I have. But, basically;
After Macavity ‘leaves’ the tribe, young Misto finds himself treated with suspicion, like a ticking time bomb. Macavity had physical magic more powerful than anyone, perhaps that’s what corrupted him? So now people murmur, ‘what if Misto turns out just like him. What if he becomes a monster?’
So Misto hides his magic, makes it less than what it is. “I can only do lights. Nothing else.”
But he still needs to use it. He feels Wrong if he doesn’t. So he practices, alone, far from the tribe.
Eventually, Macavity finds him. He convinces him that the stories about him were inventions, slander. He offers to train him, to help him.
At first, Misto refuses, terrified. But he comes back. The promise of having someone Show him how to do control his magic is too enticing.
He is a good target. Already a bit reclusive, the aftermath of Macavity has made him an outcast. He’s lonely, craving guidance, craving someone like himself. He has a good heart, and is willing to believe Macavity’s stories. He’s naive. He doesn’t understand that people lie.
Macavity shapes himself into everything Misto needs. A friend, a mentor, a companion. But at the same time, he chips away at his supports.
No one else can be trusted. “Look at how they treated me. I lost control once, and they rejected me, exiled me. And I was the honored heir. What do you think they’ll do to you?”
It isn’t hard. Misto is already painfully aware of how the others look at him. Victoria is the only person he can trust.
And then there’s an accident. An accident that he causes. And in the aftermath, he hears the whispers. “Just like Macavity.”
Misto runs. He runs to Macavity, cries that he should have listened to his warnings, that no one could be trusted. He could only trust Macavity. He begs him to take him away, So he does. Macavity spirits Misto away to his own clowder. Waiting are a pair of mischievous calico twins, a beautiful ruby haired queen, and a golden queen with anxious eyes, all ready to be his new family.
But now that he has what he wants, Macavity no longer needs to play nice.
30. Something that mends it.
But this isn’t what happens. Instead, Tugger finds Misto in the outlands, practicing his magic.
And so, he’s the one who helps Misto. He too has grown up in the shadow of Macavity. He too has a chip in his shoulder.
He becomes Misto’s friend. He admires his abilities, his talents, encourages him. Though lacking overt magic of his own, his passion and excitement give Misto confidence.
He believes in him. He fosters trust. He thinks the others will accept Misto, and if they don’t, well then he’ll make them see what he sees!
So when Old Deuteronomy is kidnapped, that’s exactly what he does. “I will show them the you that I see. I will make them see you for who you are. And you are going to show them exactly how brilliant you are. I know it.”
(I did get inspired, I had already wanted to write a fic exploring these dynamics. If I ever get around to finishing them, I’ll reblog this with an Ao3 link. I have 3k of the AU scenario XD)
Thank you for the ask! 😁
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hiii i love your fics so much!!❤️ could you pls make a leo x reader (doesn’t matter what godly parents you can do whatever :) ) and they get into a fight but make up in the end🙏 take your time i hope you’re having a great day!
✮⋆˙ miscommunication is key; leo valdez x reader argument blurb
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content: leo valdez x reader argument blurb warning: cursing and minor angst but fluff and comfort to save the day. author's note: this ones kinda all over the place and the spanish is in fact google translate bc im a lazy mfer.
"no, no, c'mon, we're gonna talk about this," you all but begged, following leo as he stomped through bunker nine, grumbling under his breath and pretending to ignore you to the best of his abilities.
"talk about what?" bit out leo, glaring at you without a joking undertones that he usually used, "i thought there was nothing to talk about."
"you're shutting me out, leo, and it's not productive to this conversation. i, like an hour ago, was not under the impression there was anything to talk about. clearly, i was wrong, but now that i offer to talk, what, it's too late? because i didn't pick up instantly on the fact you were mad with me?" you rambled, stopping and crossing you arms, traces of confusion littering your features. and leo rolled his eyes and turned away, wanting to be mad but knowing he couldn't be if he saw you looking at him like that.
"not mad with you. made at you. big difference," argued leo, shaking his head slightly in frustration.
"do not talk semantics to me, right now of all times. leo...i don't know how else to tell you this, but he's just a friend. so what if i've known him for three years? it shouldn't change anything-"
"what changes is the fact that you just so happened to exclude that part when you were telling me about him. you hid it and you lied," leo cut in, pointing over at you, accusatorily. you sighed, taking a few breaths to not add anger to the fire that was this conversation.
"please, leo, don't call me a liar. it's not fair, at all. and, if i accidently forgot to mention that i've known him for so many years, i take accountability for that, really i do. but some of this is on you too. if you didn't get so mad-"
"y si no fueras tan puta a veces," leo muttered under his breath before stilling, realizing his own words after they'd left his mouth, "wait-"
"go to hell, valdez. gods, i don't even know why i try to have these conversations with you. come find me when you grow the fuck up and remove your head from your ass," you bit out, taking slow steps backwards, forcing him to look into your tear filled eyes.
a few hours later, you were laying in a patch of grass that the demeter kids liked to overgrow. if you didn't know better, you wouldn't be able to see if anyone was in the grass. but leo did know better. gently wading his way through the grass, he stopped a few feet away from your spot, sitting down and tucking his legs under himself. there was silence for a few minutes and leo was slightly worried you had no idea he was there. or that you didn't want him there anymore.
"did you remove your head from your ass?" you asked, softly, and leo could hear the hint of a smile in your voice, which he was more than grateful for, though he felt undeserving.
"something like that," he muttered back, his fingers tapping some anxious rhythm against his thigh.
"good. now, do you want to try that conversation over again? this time, no rude ass spanish?" you offered, this time sitting up, your head just barely visible over the swishing grass.
"this time, i'll listen," leo added, nodding his head solidly. it earned him a smile, a smile that told him he was already forgiven. a smile that oozed of the love she felt for him.
a smile that was reserved for him and him alone.
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darkdemeter · 5 months
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—- not my gifs, credit to original posters! -—
Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader, (Platonic) Avengers x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader
A/N at the bottom!
READER DISCRETION — Fluff ending after a hard journey — slightly sad but it's comforting — brief mention of passed relatives — implied sex (fade to black style) — minor alcohol consumption — slight profanity slip.
SUMMARY — The battle was won and so begins the time to heal. You return to Alaska to have some time away, to take in the home you had once lost and you've come to your decision. When Wanda shows up with the team, you finally reveal to Wanda the special bond you both share. you will tell her that she is your mate. And of course, someone had to bring the red ball along...
Fury had informed you that the Hydra resurgence operatives were apprehended during your recovery. The base was destroyed along with any weaponised supplies and what remained of the pack was unknown for the most part. Most likely moved on when they saw the state of their former alpha. A second warning wasn’t needed. 
True leadership was the betterment for the pack. You did for the pack as they did for you. It was not a matter of power dynamics, but respect. Packs were built through blood and loyalty: you were bound as family. 
You would do anything for family for one reason: love. You never understood your father’s lessons back then but now you finally did. You sat atop one of the taller hillsides that overlooked the valley; your territory. The evening wind blew gusts of white across the snowy peaks in the far distance. Half the lake had begun to splinter, the dark water softly lapped at the still frozen half, the orange hue painting the sky reflected off its surface. 
Your hair was swept by the oncoming breeze from behind. This was home. This was sanctuary. A place of peace and which, from the ashes, would arise with renewed strength. New memories. You’d recovered quite a bit from your wounds but a little more time was required before your next assessment and your go-ahead into the field. No one was risking putting you on the front lines anytime before then. 
Your hand fiddled with the little trinket you’d found in the locked room when you began to clear it out, and put things back where they belong. Deep in your thoughts, the wind howled a low and long note. 
Your head lifted slightly as your ears strained to hear something behind you. Footsteps crunching in the snow. You turned to look but saw nothing and your brows furrowed hard. The world suddenly slowed around you and any outside sound became muffled.
“I’m sorry I ran away,” you sighed in defeat, shoulders sagged as the burden was slowly lifted. “No,” your father said as he sat beside you, “I’m the one who should be sorry. It wasn’t right what I said. I never meant what I said.” 
Your breath froze in your lungs when his hand pressed against your wounded shoulder. Tears pricked in your vision. “I was scared you were going down that wrong path again, Y/N. I wanted to make sure you would pull through it - that you would be safe - before I passed on. I should have been more… understanding.”
You finally exhaled the iced over air caged in your chest. Your father - the former alpha - so instilled in the ways Mother Nature made him out to be, sniffled and broke into a sob. It was the first time you saw that headstrong demeanour crack. 
Who knew ghosts could weep and mourn the sorrows of their regrets after they were gone?
“But I was wrong about you.” His hand patted your shoulder. You looked at him and he gave you that nod of approval you’d spent years chasing. “You learnt what it truly means to be part of a pack. And I was wrong to think that bloodline was the only source such loyalty - such love - could be born from.”
“I learnt from the best,” you said, voice crackling slightly under the pressure of your own tears. He smiled with a shake of his head.
“But you’re far better than I. Braver than I ever could be. You surrendered yourself without fear to protect them. You always have. Mistaken for recklessness; you’ve a heart of pure wolf. You define Mother Nature’s intended protector. A leader.”
He leaned in and pressed his forehead to yours. The familiar scent of pine blended together with his signature musk, but you could smell one more thing. 
The one rare scent a wolf could ever smell. It was often said that a werewolf would only smell it during three points in their life. It was like when people said that water has no taste. But when blindfolded, they would know it was water because they could taste it.
That was what spirit smelt like.
Your father stood up from your side. “I’m proud of you, Y/N. I’m proud of the person you’ve come to be. To embrace who you are, no matter how else anyone perceives you.”
“Thank you, Father,” you said with a bow of your head. You watched him wander back to the treeline, your mother and siblings waiting for him there. “Oh,” he mused as he shot you a wink, “don’t shy out on her this time.”
You smirked. “I won’t.”
You found yourself waving at the barren treeline as the world resumed around you, eyes red from the tears that streamed down your cheeks but you weren’t stricken by grief or guilt any longer. You were smiling. You were done running. 
“Home. A wolf calls this home.”
The sun had fallen over Alaska’s horizon and the orange curtain with it. The inkling of Northern lights danced across the blue and black sky, but the moon was bright and full. Your eyes were radiant in their excited glow as the Quinjet flew over the top of you, heading straight for the landing pad. 
With a flick of your thumb, the trinket rolled in the air before gravity pulled it back down, you snatched it into the palm of your hand. Your gaze never wavered as the Quinjet’s ramp lowered with a hiss. 
“Are you sure you want to go alone? You don’t want me to come with you?” Wanda asked from her spot, sitting cross legged on your bed as she helped pack some clothes for you. 
You threw a smirk over your shoulder. “You just want to get into my pants.” She gasped and slapped a hand to her chest, mouth agape to feign shock. “Y/N M/N L/N, the scandal!” she laughed, “I dare say, it makes me wonder what else goes on in that mind of yours.”
You raised a brow as you looked back at her, that amber hue bright as ever. 
‘You damn well know, Velvet Cupcake.’
‘Oh, do I ever.’
You both chuckled together and you grabbed a few pairs of pants from your drawers and brought them back to the bed. Wanda stood and placed a hand to your chest, halting you from packing. Your eyes moved from the delicate way her hand rested against your front, up her arm to her face. Her eyes didn’t meet yours, however, as you thought they would. “I’m going to miss you, Wolfie.” Her voice had lowered into a whisper, a sigh of disappointment not too far behind her words. Your good hand - as it could be - raised to tilt her fallen chin until her eyes found yours again. 
“It’ll only be for a short while. I’ll let you know when I’m ready.” Her arms looped around your neck as your arm circled her waist and held her firm to your front. She took care to not lean her weight on you, afraid she would agitate your wounds. 
You didn’t really care much. You’d pull stitches fetching a stick she threw across New York’s busiest street during peak hour. 
“And you’ll finally tell me what it is you keep avoiding to tell me? Because I’m not letting you off the hook, Wolfie.” Your lips stretch into a toothy grin, a silent chuckle laced in your throat. You nodded in assurance.“Yeah, I’ll tell you everything.”
“Promise?” she purred with dangerously pursed lips and a sharpened glare. 
You nodded again slowly as you began to gently sway her side to side. “Meet me on the next full moon.”
She scoffed at this and rolled her eyes. “Where?”
You lean forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “Trust me… you’ll know.”
Wanda pulled her arms to cover her chest as a particular chill ran down her spine, herself and the team exiting the Quinjet. She couldn’t help herself as her eyes coasted over the landscape in search of one thing. 
You were all she could think about during the last month. Time was far too slow for her liking and she counted the days even the hours until she’d see you again. 
“Looking for someone, Wanda?” Natasha asked with an all too knowing smirk as she walked down the ramp to join her. Wanda didn’t need to answer her, her chin tilted to the ground was answer enough for the ex-widow. “Funny to say this, but it feels good to be back,” said Clint with a small grin, carrying his and Natasha’s bags down the trail towards the lodge. 
“Y/N said it was a beautiful place,” Steve added with a shrug. Wanda stared up on the vacant hillside, gaze pulled there by a force unknown to her. She just knew you’d been there at some point recently. 
“Come on, Wanda. Let’s get settled in.” Sam curled an arm around her shoulders and led her after the others. The walk felt peaceful down to the house. No looming threats of an attack, no distant howls that haunted the valley like a dark cloud. 
The lights were on when the team arrived in anticipation for their arrival. They wandered up the porch and entered, Wanda however, paused before she could fully commit to the first step. Her eyes turned towards the thicket of woods around them.
You were waiting for her. Her eyes shimmered with a scarlet hue. “I’ll meet you guys inside,” she said to the others. “I have somewhere to be.”
“Gonna go and find the pup?” Tony asked, his eyes flickered up when he heard something rustle in the bushes somewhere in between the cluster of pines. She nodded, the act all too eager, as her fingers laced together. “They wanted to meet with me. They… want to tell me something.”
Natasha waved her off, encouraging her to do what she felt she needed to with a smile. “Just be back in time for dinner, alright?” Wanda nodded again and when the team walked inside, she turned and made for the pier. Something was pulling her there.
The lake was beautiful from where she stood at the end of the pier. She understood your love for the spot. How comforted you looked when she saw you standing watch, arms folded over your chest and leaned against one of the posts. 
Anxiously, she waited for some form of sign of you as she stood there, silently. She wouldn’t allow doubt to intrude on your promise to her. 
‘I told you you’d know.’
Wanda turned fast on her heel. Her relief in her anxious smile pulled her lips into a toothy grin, the corners of her eyes glistened at the sight of you. Your fur gently swept along with the wind as you stood proudly on the other end of the pier. Your head lifted a little higher until the radiant colour of scarlet in your wolfish eyes was visible. Slowly, you advanced towards her. She admired you for your strength to carry yourself despite the scars that marked your body and would for years to come. 
They were part of your legacy; a battle hard fought to protect your pack. A trophy that outranked any hunter’s prized quarry. Nothing could ever garner more admiration and respect than bearing the marks of war. Because it showed they had the strength to keep fighting even when their body was so close to giving in.
Wanda felt the pull of that ethereal thread tug her closer. She advanced towards you, her mouth agape as her eyes misted over. You stood on your hind legs and your body shifted back, your arms spread wide open as Wanda pushed herself into a jog. She practically threw herself into your embrace as her arms looped around your torso. “Wolfie,” she sniffled, “I missed you so much.”
You ran a hand along her back as a way of comforting her, your other cradled her jaw with a tenderness reserved only for her. You leaned your forehead against hers with a sigh as her rose scent filled your nose, you failed to subtly nuzzle your nose into her hair. “I missed you too,” you drawled quietly against her head. 
She pulled her chin away that had been tucked against your chest to gaze up at you. Your own met her there already, the same vibrant red glowed in your eyes. She’d admit you looked mesmerising - intimidating - with those coloured eyes. But nothing could conceal the hint of amber behind them; flaming coals that burnt with such passion and fire. Unbridled and unmatched ferocity. 
You took her face in your grasp and your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. “You’re my mate, Wanda.”
“W-what?” she asked with knitted brows and the adorable scrunch of her nose. You huffed faintly in amusement. “You’ve felt the bond yourself. You’ve felt it - even just an inkling of it - since the last full moon. When I fell into the ruins, the thread of our tie were under threat of severing…”
Your voice quivered as it fell silent. The realisation dawned on you both again that your strength had almost given in. The soulmate tie almost plucked loose with your very close demise. It was why Wanda had shrieked your name with such anguish, such vigour it compelled you to keep fighting. “Even now, you knew to meet me on the pier.” You let a hand drop from her face to grab hold of one of her wrists. You brought her hand to rest over your heartbeat. Like waves, something pulsed beneath the steady rate of your heart. 
“The dread that I had the entire time you weren’t awake, while Helen and Bruce worked to bring you back, I… I felt like I was drowning. Suffocating and when you awoke I broke free from that. I felt like I could breathe again.”
You nodded. An accurate description many mated couples expressed in stories of their own experience. “You and I, Mother Nature intended us to be for each other. But… I-I’ll understand if you don’t–”
She pressed a finger to your lips and silenced you completely with a small whimper. She swore if you were in your other form, your ears would be folded back so far they would be lost to the thickness of your winter coat. She shook her head with a smile. 
“I know what it is like to feel alone. To feel rejected. And I promise you that I want this bond. I want you; both the wolf and the human. Every part of you Mother Nature intended to be mine. I want it.”
The wolf retreated back into the depths of your very soul to make way for you. Two different sides, but still very much intertwined. It was a balancing act but each of you shared the common interest; the betterment and safety of your pack and your mate.
“You accept?” you asked, you tried to fight the growth of anxiety and excitement. She giggled. “I accept it with all that I am.”
You pulled her lips to yours without another moment to spare. Her body flush against yours as you held her to you by her waist. Your thumbs danced over the fabric of her coat. Her nails scratched along your scalp to deepen the kiss. You bit down on her lip and she moaned. Your tongue met hers in the intimate entanglement you shared under the silver full moon, bathing the two of you in her light. 
When air became thin and nearly nonexistent in your lungs were you forced to withdraw from each other's heated kiss. “Getting wild again?” you chuckled with a click of your tongue. She had a mind not to shove you off the pier. “Unlike someone else,” she cooed with a hot breath beating against your neck. You whined at her insinuation. 
She stepped around you with her hands in yours, she began to drag you back towards the house. “The others are excited to see you, and Natasha wants us in for dinner.”
You didn’t budge, however, and Wanda was forced to stop when she realised you weren’t going to follow. Her brows furrowed as a ghost of a frown made itself present. “Wait a moment, I… I have something for you.” 
Damn it, you were going shy on her. You reached a hand to scratch behind your neck. Wanda’s body slowly moved back towards you to bridge the gap between you both. She tilted her head and damn it all, if she wasn’t so adorable. She had that effect on you. “What is it, Wolfie?”
“I…” Your sentence trailed off on the single word as courage deflated. You shook your head and stepped forward. “I’ll save it for later.” Her eyes were pressing you with that quizzical glare. “I promise. Come on, let’s head inside the den.”
After dinner, the cluster of you all gathered around in the lounge room. Familiar faces from the mission and those who stayed behind at the compound finally took the venture to see the beautiful snowy slopes of Alaska. 
“Come on, I never got to see them! Please, just one? Just one and I’ll stop asking, I swear,” Peter pleaded with his best attempt at puppy eyes, he was jeered at by the others, each of them told him to leave you be. They didn’t want you to get your back up because of peer pressure. Though you couldn’t miss the curiosity that some of the others themselves were guilty of. They just wouldn’t ask while it was still all a fresh ordeal. 
You raised a hand up to bring order to the argumentative group. “It’s alright,” you assured them. Wanda shifted beside you as you moved to pull the neck of your shirt down to reveal the marred flesh of your shoulder. Peter’s face was beyond priceless, eyes wider than any full moon you’d seen and jaw practically hitting the floor.
“Holy sh–”
Steve pointed at the teenager accusingly with a firm raise of his brow. “Language.”
Peter, after regaining his composure, looked back to you. “That alpha did that to you?” 
“Yep,” you answered with a nod, “All the way down my back too. Didn’t feel particularly nice either.” Wanda’s fingers soothingly ran through the length of your hair. She wasn’t shy about showing a strong level of affection, the matter of relationship between you both was silent but in the air. Where exactly you were with each other wasn’t spoken and known by account on the others, but there was no argument about it. It just felt natural, especially now that you’d told her the truth. 
You knew what you were to each other and that’s all that mattered. Natasha couldn’t help but pull Wanda aside during dinner to speak with her privately when she saw you both enter the house, your arm wrapped around her waist and pulled into your side. And the look she’d given you both after that was all the more evident Wanda confided in her the new foundation of your relationship together. 
“It’s good to see what you’ve done with the place, Y/N,” Steve said from his spot on the couch. His blue eyes scanned the walls that were once bare of anything besides the odd abstract canvas of art, now a host to frames of people he never knew personally; but through you he could pinpoint what trait belonged to either your father and mother’s side. 
“Thanks, Cap.” Your head turned up to view the sill of the lit hearth. The most treasured frames adorned their space once more. However the wall above the fireplace was bare. It needed something to fill that space. You knew exactly what. “It means a lot to me to have you all here. I want you guys to consider this place as a sanctuary, if you ever need to get away for a while. This is as much your home as it is mine.” 
Slowly, one by one, your packmates nodded in gratitude. In your first few months with the Avengers, you had a bit of a reputation of being unable to share space without getting territorial. A minor and nasty habit at that. But you worked hard to break out of it. You wanted to share your space with those you saw as your family. “Thank you, Y/N.” Natasha smiled at you and raised her beer. The same brand you couldn’t drink without getting an upset stomach. “To Wolfie,” she announced and the rest of them joined in raising their bottles and glasses alike. “To Wolfie!” 
You gave a bow of your head with a wave to fend off their antics. You looked to Wanda but you were pulled away from her by that one, single and very familiar thump.
First your eyes and then your head followed suit. Up and down. 
“Oh boy,” a few of your teammates chuckled, all amused by the sight of your fixation on the red ball Tony bounced. He looked up as if he didn’t recognise he’d caused the commotion. “Oh yeah, this,” he held the ball up, “I thought we could finally put that theory to the test.”
The ball flew towards you, pulled from Tony’s hand by Wanda’s magic tinged fingertips. She caught it easily and smirked, her eyes found yours. “But first, I think we’re owed a game of fetch.”
“I get the first throw!” barked Sam immediately as he darted up from his seat, racing to the front door, his beer discarded without a second thought. He really was dedicated to getting that throw you denied him. Everyone followed after the enthusiastic bird boy and promptly dressed themselves for the cold. Tony held a manner of professionalism as he swaggered by, his hand snatched his coat off the rack and pulled it over his shoulders. 
“Come on, Mate.” Wanda cooed playfully, the singular word made your spine tingle from the way her accent tinted voice said to lowly in your ear. 
Your paws crunched through the snow with great ease as you bounded after the ball, your movements fluent and natural in this environment. Sam had a very good throwing hand. 
Cheers and applause came from behind you as you bit down on the ball tucked between your hot, panting jaws. Your tail wagged madly and your front bowed slightly. 
“Bring it here! Come on!” You sprinted back towards Sam, eager for another throw that would have you halfway across the half frozen lake. You dropped the ball into his awaiting hand with a rasped, high pitched growl and your jaws snapped together as he feigned to make the throw; obviously teasing you. 
“Go get it!” He shouted as he put all momentum behind his throw. You bolted after it in the blink of an eye. Indeed, the wolf could travel faster than red. 
When you returned, Wanda was next to retrieve the ball. Your breath came in hot, ragged and fast puffs. “We should head inside, it’s getting late.” 
Although there was a chorus of disappointed groans and pouts, Wanda assured them all that tomorrow they could play fetch all day long, if you were up for it of course. Your head bowed a few times with a snort, the team understood that you were in agreement with that idea.
Organising the sleeping arrangements was quite the carnival, but ultimately you and Wanda shared the master bedroom again. She changed into a similar style as she did the last time, an oversized shirt - one she had stolen from your stash - and a pair of panties. 
You now had free reign to let your eyes take in her form from head to toe, but a deep flush still bled into your neck and cheeks, your fluster made Wanda chuckle. The adorable and yet frightening alpha, her wolf and her mate. 
You pressed your forehead to her stomach when she stood before you, her hand found purchase in your hair again to massage your scalp. She knew your weak spot for head rubs was the small dip right near the juncture where your skull and neck met. 
You grumbled deeply when her fingers found that spot. “You’re too sweet on me,” you mumbled, not intentionally meaning for her to hear, but she lifted your chin so your eyes could meet. 
“Because you deserve it.” Her hands slipped down past your neck until they rested on your shoulders. Her body slightly arched forward as she tilted her chin down. Her state penetrated through the barrier of your mind.
‘And because I love you.’
Your brows raised and she saw your pupils shrink in response. Did you hear her correctly? What were you thinking, you’d never been bad for hearing. She confessed that she loved you.
Your hands ran up the back of her thighs and gripped her by her hips. “And I love you, Wanda Maximoff.”
She hummed and leaned down, her plump and soft lips ghosted over yours. She teasingly let the pink tip of her tongue press against your top lip. Your grip on her hips tightened a little.
“Don’t tease,” you rasped lowly, that dangerous glow marked the wolf’s return. She continued to ignore the warning. She was testing the big wolf before her, how much she could get away with, as your mate. 
“Or what?”
You flipped her over, your legs on either side of her and your hands pinned her wrists above her head. Your canines were longer now as you growled.
“Or the beast comes out,” you answered and Wanda shimmied her hips playfully from beneath you. Purposefully. She had you right where she wanted you from your first night together.
“And maybe I want that.” With a roll of her hips, Wanda Maximoff sealed her fate with Mother Nature’s finest killer when she pulled her stolen, oversized shirt up and over her head. 
Sunlight beamed in through the glass panel of the window, the idea to draw the curtains to block out the invasive light completely forgotten after last night. Wanda took the liberty of using you as her bed, her hair a little razzled and the scent of your climaxes only faint in the morning air. 
The blanket was pooled at the middle of her back, the rest of her body had you to keep her warm. Your hand absentmindedly ran up and down the column of her spine, your breaths even and slow. You heard her mumble softly beneath an exhale, her face calm and untroubled. She had everything she could want in that moment as did you. Seven years on the run had put you in a state that shut you off from everything and left you bitter because of the fear that one day Hydra would find you again.
Had you followed orders… you didn’t want to think about where you would be now. But that didn’t matter anymore. No one was ever going to tear you away from your mate or your pack. You were with them to the end of the line. 
Your other hand securely held the small trinket you’d saved, elegantly sliding along the golden chain. You decided to let Wanda sleep for a little while longer before you presented to her your most promising gift. Your everlasting vow that you would forever be by her side; come what may. 
A/N — And there you have it, the finale of Habits of Mother Nature's Will. We've reached the end! Thank you to everyone who has shown their love and interest in this "trilogy". Truly, I appreciate it. More stuff to come, Babbies! Okay I'm just gonna... go back up to my treehouse now... bayy.
Thank you for Reading! (◕ ᴥ x)
TREEHOUSE TAGLIST — @alexawynters
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