#Data-driven customer service
vertagedialer · 8 months
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salesmarkglobal · 17 days
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Salesmark global’s prospecting services: Sales Cultivation
SalesMark Global is your reliable partner for achieving exponential growth and optimizing your internet presence. Our entire portfolio of sales cultivation and performance marketing services is designed to help your company generate leads, enhance conversions, and achieve long-term success in today's competitive digital world.
Visit Salesmark Global’s “Prospecting” for more details
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jcmarchi · 29 days
5 Best B2B Customer Support Tools (May 2024)
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/5-best-b2b-customer-support-tools-may-2024/
5 Best B2B Customer Support Tools (May 2024)
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, providing exceptional customer support is crucial for B2B companies looking to build long-lasting relationships with their clients. To meet the evolving needs of customers and streamline support operations, businesses are turning to advanced tools and platforms that offer a range of features designed to enhance the customer experience. We’ll explore the top B2B customer support tools that are changing the way businesses interact with their customers.
Supportbench is a comprehensive customer support software platform designed specifically for B2B teams. With its all-in-one approach, Supportbench empowers businesses to deliver personalized customer experiences by providing total visibility into customer interactions, activities, and future behavior.
One of the standout features of Supportbench is its ability to help B2B teams scale their support efforts. The platform’s unified workflows and customizable experience allow businesses to respond faster to customer inquiries and tailor their support to meet the unique needs of each client. By leveraging data-driven insights and predictive capabilities, Supportbench enables teams to proactively address customer concerns and deliver seamless support across various channels.
Moreover, Supportbench offers comprehensive reporting and analytics, giving businesses the tools they need to measure the performance of their customer support efforts and make data-driven decisions. With its ability to integrate with various other B2B tools, such as CRM and sales software, Supportbench streamlines operations and ensures a cohesive workflow experience for support teams.
Key features of Supportbench include:
Total visibility into customer interactions, activities, and future behavior
Scalable support infrastructure and API integrations
Unified workflows for better collaboration and efficiency
Customizable experience based on data-driven insights and predictive capabilities
Comprehensive reporting and analytics
Zendesk is a well-established customer service platform that caters to the complex needs of B2B companies. With its omnichannel support capabilities, Zendesk allows teams to manage customer interactions across multiple channels, including email, live chat, social media, and phone, all within a unified platform.
One of the key advantages of Zendesk is its integrated customer relationship management (CRM) tool. This feature provides B2B teams with a 360-degree view of their customers, enabling them to deliver more personalized support experiences. Additionally, Zendesk offers robust reporting and analytics, empowering businesses to measure the performance of their customer support efforts and make data-driven decisions.
Zendesk’s highly customizable nature and automation features make it an ideal choice for B2B companies looking to streamline their workflows and improve efficiency. The platform seamlessly integrates with a wide range of other B2B tools, ensuring a cohesive and efficient customer support experience. With its scalability, Zendesk can grow alongside a business, making it suitable for companies of all sizes.
Key features of Zendesk include:
Omnichannel support across email, live chat, social media, and phone
Integrated CRM for a 360-degree view of customers
Robust reporting and analytics capabilities
Customization and automation features
Scalability to accommodate growing customer bases and support teams
Seamless integration with various B2B tools
RingCentral is a cloud-based communication platform that offers a suite of business solutions, making it a valuable B2B customer support tool. With its cloud phone system, RingCentral enables businesses to replace traditional landlines with a more flexible and scalable communication solution.
One of the standout features of RingCentral is its omnichannel contact center, RingCX. This solution allows customers to connect with businesses across voice and multiple digital touchpoints, providing a seamless experience. RingCX offers features such as workforce engagement management, outbound sales, collections, and proactive support, empowering B2B teams to deliver exceptional customer service.
RingCentral emphasizes digital engagement capabilities, enabling businesses to connect with customers across various digital channels, including the web, social media, messaging apps, and review platforms. The platform’s integration and customization options make it a versatile choice for B2B companies. With the ability to integrate with a wide array of applications and access RingCentral’s developer platform and APIs, businesses can create custom workflows tailored to their specific needs.
Key features of RingCentral include:
Cloud-based communication system
Omnichannel contact center (RingCX)
Digital engagement capabilities across various touchpoints
Integration with a wide array of applications
Customization options through developer platform and APIs
Scalability to accommodate growing business needs
Aceyus is a contact center intelligence software that consolidates customer data from various platforms into a single view, providing B2B companies with total visibility into their customer support operations. With its advanced data mining and warehousing capabilities, Aceyus enables businesses to collect, organize, and analyze customer data from multiple sources, uncovering valuable insights.
One of the key features of Aceyus is its omnichannel reporting and analytics. The platform provides comprehensive reporting across all customer communication channels, including voice, email, chat, and social media, allowing B2B teams to gain a holistic view of their support performance. Additionally, Aceyus helps businesses visualize and understand the complete customer journey, enabling them to identify pain points and optimize the support experience.
Aceyus delivers real-time insights and visibility into contact center performance, empowering B2B companies to make data-driven decisions and respond quickly to customer needs. The platform’s scalability ensures that businesses can keep pace with increasing demand, while its customization options allow for seamless integration with various CRM, workforce management, and other business systems.
Key features of Aceyus include:
Data mining and warehousing capabilities
Omnichannel reporting and analytics
Customer journey mapping
Real-time insights and visibility into contact center performance
Scalability to accommodate growing business needs
Customization options for integration with various business systems
Aircall is a cloud-based communication platform that offers a suite of features tailored for B2B customer support teams. With its omnichannel support capabilities, Aircall allows teams to manage customer interactions across multiple channels, including voice, email, chat, and social media, all within a unified platform.
One of the advantages of Aircall is its scalable infrastructure. As a cloud-based solution, Aircall enables businesses to easily scale their customer support operations as their needs grow, without the need for additional hardware. The platform also seamlessly integrates with a wide range of B2B tools, such as CRM, helpdesk, and ecommerce platforms, allowing businesses to streamline their workflows and provide a more cohesive customer experience.
Aircall offers a range of advanced call center features, including IVR menus, skill-based routing, live call monitoring, and power dialing, helping B2B teams optimize their customer support operations. The platform’s AI transcription capabilities transcribe calls and voicemails, facilitating better ramp-up of representatives and delivery of world-class customer experiences. With its customization options and collaboration features, Aircall enhances team efficiency and customer service quality.
Key features of Aircall include:
Omnichannel support across voice, email, chat, and social media
Scalable cloud-based infrastructure
Seamless integration with various B2B tools
Advanced call center features (IVR menus, skill-based routing, live call monitoring, power dialing)
AI transcription for calls and voicemails
Customization options and collaboration features
Productivity tools to boost team performance
Streamlining B2B Customer Support Operations
These B2B customer support tools offer a range of features and capabilities designed to help businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences. By leveraging these platforms, B2B companies can streamline their support operations, gain valuable insights, and build long-lasting relationships with their clients. As the business landscape continues to evolve, investing in the right customer support tools will be crucial for staying ahead of the competition and driving success in the digital age.
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smsgatewayindia · 2 months
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Revolutionizing Customer Interaction with WhatsApp Reply Button Bots
In today's digital age, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance customer engagement and streamline communication channels. One such groundbreaking solution that has emerged in recent years is WhatsApp reply button bots. Leveraging the interactive buttons feature available in the WhatsApp Business API, these bots are transforming the way businesses interact with their customers, offering unparalleled convenience and efficiency.
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dadjglobal1 · 4 months
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DADJ is a leading global consultancy that integrates strategy, design and software engineering to enable enterprises and technology disruptors across the globe to thrive as modern digital businesses
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teamcrm · 6 months
Customer Experience with CRM: Unlocking Five Key Benefits
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Customer experience (CX) has emerged as a critical differentiator. Companies that prioritize CX are reaping the rewards, enjoying increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, revenue. Customer relationship management (CRM) software plays a pivotal role in enhancing CX by providing a centralized platform to manage customer interactions, gather insights, and personalize experiences. 
Table of content
Gain a 360 Degree View of the Customer
Personalize Customer Interactions
Improve Customer Service Response Time
Proactively Identify and Address Customer Issues
Foster Customer Loyalty and Advocacy
1. Gain a 360-Degree View of the Customer
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CRM systems consolidate customer data from various sources, including sales, marketing, and support interactions, into a single, unified view. This comprehensive overview provides businesses with a deep understanding of each customer's preferences, purchase history, and support needs. With this knowledge, companies can tailor their interactions to each individual, creating a more personalized and satisfying experience.
2. Personalize Customer Interactions
By leveraging the insights gained from a 360-degree customer view, businesses can personalize marketing campaigns, make product recommendations, and support interactions. For example, CRM data can be used to send targeted email campaigns based on past purchases or interests, or to recommend products that align with a customer's preferences. This personalized approach fosters stronger customer relationships and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.
3. Improve Customer Service Response Times
CRM systems streamline communication and collaboration between departments, enabling businesses to respond to customer inquiries and requests more quickly and efficiently. With all customer information readily available, support agents can quickly access past interactions and provide accurate and personalized responses. This responsiveness demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and can help resolve issues promptly, preventing frustration and churn.
4. Proactively Identify and Address Customer Issues
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CRM data can be analyzed to identify trends and patterns in customer behavior, enabling businesses to proactively identify potential issues and take steps to address them before they escalate. For instance, CRM data might reveal a spike in customer complaints related to a particular product or service. By analyzing this feedback, businesses can identify root causes and implement improvements before the issue becomes widespread.
5. Foster Customer Loyalty and Advocacy
By consistently delivering personalized and responsive customer experiences, businesses can cultivate loyal customers who become brand advocates. Satisfied customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, recommend the company to others, and provide positive feedback. This positive word-of-mouth can significantly impact a brand's reputation and attract new customers.
Customer experience (CX) has emerged as a critical differentiator in today's competitive business landscape. Companies that prioritize CX are reaping the benefits of increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, revenue. CRM software plays a pivotal role in enhancing CX by providing a centralized platform to manage customer interactions, gather insights,
1: What is the role of CRM in enhancing CX?
CRM software provides a centralized platform to manage customer interactions, gather insights, and personalize experiences.
2: How does CRM help gain a 360-degree view of the customer?
CRM consolidates customer data from various sources into a single, unified view, providing a comprehensive understanding of each customer.
3: How does CRM enable personalized customer interactions?
By leveraging customer insights, CRM allows businesses to tailor marketing campaigns, product recommendations, and support interactions to each individual.
4: How does CRM improve customer service response times?
CRM streamlines communication and collaboration between departments, enabling faster and more efficient responses to customer inquiries and requests.
5: How does CRM foster customer loyalty and advocacy?
Consistent personalized and responsive customer experiences cultivate loyal customers who become brand advocates, driving repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth.
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asrarblog · 1 year
When Shall Pakistan Pharma Industry Start Using Data?– Part 2– Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #776
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billget-blog · 1 year
AI-Powered Marketing: ChatGPT4 Creates Perfect Campaign with Zero Human Intervention
In today’s digital age, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in various industries. From healthcare to finance to marketing, AI-powered solutions are transforming the way we work and operate. And the latest breakthrough comes from ChatGPT4, a language model trained by OpenAI, which has successfully created a marketing campaign with zero human intervention,…
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salesmarkglobal · 17 days
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Why Choose SalesMark Global For Prospecting Service?
SalesMark Global is your trusted partner in driving explosive growth and maximizing your online presence. Our comprehensive suite of sales cultivation and performance marketing services is designed to help your business generate leads, increase conversions, and achieve sustainable success in today’s competitive digital landscape.
Visit Salesmark Global’s “Prospecting” for more details
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Transformative Trends: GenAI & Hyperautomation Propel Organizations into a New Era of Success
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/transformative-trends-genai-hyperautomation-propel-organizations-into-a-new-era-of-success/
Transformative Trends: GenAI & Hyperautomation Propel Organizations into a New Era of Success
Organizations are under constant pressure to innovate. Embracing innovation allows companies to develop new products, services, and processes, crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. As companies strive to meet the demands of their customers and anticipate industry disruptions, embracing GenAI and hyperautomation becomes imperative for maintaining relevance and achieving sustainable growth in this dynamic business environment.
The benefits of hyperautomation
Hyperautomation integrates various technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), event-driven software architecture, low-code no-code (LCNC), Intelligent Business Process Management Suites (iBPMS), and Conversational AI to streamline and automate diverse business processes. The hyperautomation market is currently valued at approximately USD 12.95 billion, and it is to expected grow to USD 31.95 billion by 2029. A key catalyst behind this growth is the widespread adoption of digitalization on a global scale.
For instance, Robotic Process Automation employs software “bots” or “robots” to automate repetitive tasks, ideal for those following predictable patterns without the need for complex decision-making. One notable application is the processing of invoices, where hyperautomation can efficiently validate invoice details, cross-reference records, and identify discrepancies. The benefits of hyperautomation include cost reduction, increased productivity, early revenue recognition, and the ability for organizations to use data from digitized processes.
It can thus take on complex decision-making processes, empowering organizations to streamline operations and drive efficiency across various sectors. Leveraging a no-code platform can help companies reduce their overall timelines by up to 60 to 70 percent.
The rise of GenAI
GenAI is revolutionizing the operational landscape by seamlessly integrating intelligence into automated processes. With the market poised to reach USD 1.3 trillion within the next decade, GenAI’s transformative impact is undeniable. Its capabilities in content generation, pattern recognition, natural language comprehension, continual learning, and data analysis are driving innovation and efficiency across diverse sectors.
According to McKinsey’s “The State of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s Breakout Year” report, approximately one-quarter of C-suite executives surveyed use GenAI tools in their roles. Moreover, around 40 percent of respondents intend to boost their AI investments owing to GenAI advancements.
The survey found that organizations already incorporating AI capabilities have been among the first to explore the potential of GenAI. These organizations were observed to derive significant value from traditional AI capabilities and are now integrating GenAI into various business functions, particularly in product and service development, as well as in risk and supply chain management.
The potential of hyperautomation with GenAI
Enterprises today are recognizing the immense potential of integrating GenAI with hyperautomation to revolutionize their operations and achieve greater success. For example, the automated generation of reports, summaries, and documents based on structured/unstructured data, leading to significant time and resource savings. Using generative design in automation can streamline labor-intensive and repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more innovative and high-value endeavors.
GenAI automation can enhance material usage efficiency, reducing costs associated with manufacturing waste, thereby making certain business processes more economical. By 2025, advanced automation will streamline 40 percent of service desk tasks, paving the way for novel forms of automation merging RPA with AI and ML. Automation integrated with generative design can mitigate human error, lowering the probability of mistakes and the need for rework. By employing automation driven by GenAI, businesses can effectively scale their operations to meet increasing demands without incurring additional expenses compared to traditional methods.
While automation with GenAI and RPA contributes to heightened efficiency and productivity, humans still play an indispensable role in numerous industries and applications. Looking ahead, there will be a rise in collaboration between humans and machines, with automation complementing human capabilities and enhancing overall performance.
Automation helps improve customer interactions
Automation, particularly with GenAI, revolutionizes the content creation process, accelerating it significantly. This technology offers valuable assistance in generating content and design options rapidly, enabling content creators and designers to assess and refine products more efficiently. Personalized marketing content, product descriptions, and ads tailored to individual customer preferences enhance customer engagement and conversion rates. Swift creation of code snippets or entire scripts expedites development processes and accelerates time-to-market for products and services.
Improved customer interactions through chatbots and virtual assistants powered by GenAI provide more natural and engaging conversations and can deliver better customer service. The enhanced data analysis capabilities, including automatic summarization, anomaly detection, and predictive maintenance, enable data-driven decision-making and proactive risk management
The impact of GenAI on employee engagement and productivity
The integration of GenAI and hyperautomation plays an important role in improving employee engagement and productivity. GenAI’s capabilities span various aspects of the workplace, automating routine tasks, fostering creativity, and improving collaboration. For instance, with the automation of repetitive tasks along with added decision-making capabilities, employees have relatively more freedom to focus on more strategic endeavors, creating a work environment that’s both engaged and productive.
GenAI acts as a catalyst for innovative solutions, adapting to evolving employee expectations and potentially enhancing service delivery by aligning with diverse workforce needs. As GenAI shapes the Employee Experience (EX), it provides personalized solutions, creates seamless work environments, enhances employee engagement, and boosts productivity, thus fostering an empowered and productive workforce.
The applications of GenAI in industries
The integration of GenAI and hyperautomation presents numerous opportunities and is already at play in sectors such as BFSI in claims processing systems. By harnessing GenAI’s adaptive adjudication, advanced fraud detection capabilities, and personalized customer interactions, we can significantly boost efficiency and accuracy across the entire claims process.
Similarly, in the healthcare sector, this powerful combination can usher in transformative changes. Imagine automated appointment scheduling and GenAI’s ability to summarize intricate medical notes, predict diseases preemptively, and aid in crafting personalized treatment plans. Such innovations can greatly elevate patient care and overall healthcare efficiency.
The convergence of GenAI and hyperautomation marks a significant shift in how organizations operate and succeed in today’s digital age. By embracing these transformative trends and partnering with the right experts, businesses can unlock new opportunities.
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tarekazizfba · 1 year
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izicodes · 1 year
Switching to Firefox
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This post is to answer @leaveblackkbrosalone’s question on my post about me switching to Firefox!
I recently had an eye opener moment when researching about Google and how they collect data to alter the things they recommend you and other things. And it was astonishing how much data they collect on you and how they track you every movement whilst on Google/Chrome/Other Google services e.g. Google PlayStore.
I truly believe there are better alternatives out there than the default Google Chrome people tend to use. We now live in world of constant data breaches and online tracking, therefore protecting your online privacy and security has never been more important.
I’ve recently deleted Chrome from my phone and computer and switched to FireFox and I’ll explain why~!
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What is Firefox?
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Firefox is the famous fox web browser! It is a free and open-source that is developed by the Mozilla Foundation. It's designed to be fast, secure, and customizable, and is available for multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Firefox includes a suite of built-in features, such as enhanced tracking protection, custom themes (so important obviously) and add-ons, and a flexible interface that can be tailored to the user's needs.
Why Firefox and not Google Chrome?
There are a bunch of reasons why I chose to delete Google Chrome and why I prefer FireFox now, let me list some:
Firefox has a strong focus on privacy and security, with features like built-in tracking protection and a strict anti-tracking policy.
In contrast, Chrome is owned by Google, a company that relies heavily on data collection and advertising for its business model.
Firefox has a much more flexible and customizable interface than Chrome, with a wide range of add-ons (equivalent to Chrome’s ‘extensions’ I believe) and themes available to personalize your browsing experience.
Firefox is an open-source project, meaning that anyone can contribute to its development and review the code for security issues.
Chrome, on the other hand, is based on the Chromium project, which is also open-source but is controlled by Google.
Cross-platform compatibility
Firefox works on a wide range of devices and operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices.
Chrome is also available on multiple platforms, but it's more heavily integrated with Google's services and ecosystem.
Firefox has made significant improvements in recent years and is now a competitive browser in terms of speed and efficiency.
Still, Chrome is known for its fast performance
Firefox is developed by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, which has a strong focus on user empowerment and community involvement. This means that Firefox users have a voice in the development process and can contribute to the browser's future direction.
With all of that being said, there is one particular area that caught my eye that I mentioned briefly: the Privacy and Security.
Firefox’s Privacy and Security Advantages
Firefox definitely has advantages in these areas than Google Chrome surprisingly!
Enhanced Tracking Protection
Firefox includes built-in tracking protection that blocks many common types of trackers by default, including
third-party cookies, cryptominers, and fingerprinters
This helps to protect your online privacy and reduce the amount of data that's collected about you. Below are the options for the 'Enhance Tracking Protection' in the settings:
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No Google Tracking
Oh boy, I like this one. So unlike Chrome, which is owned by Google and ties into its advertising and data collection ecosystem, Firefox is developed by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation and has no affiliation with Google or any other major tech company. This means that Firefox is less likely to collect and share your data with third parties.
No Sign-In Required
While Chrome requires you to sign in with a Google account to access certain features, Firefox does not require any sign-in at all. This means that you can still use Firefox without creating a user profile or linking your browsing activity to any personal information -
Don’t get me wrong, if you want to use the Google search engine WITHIN FireFox, it might still prompt you to sign in but you still don’t have to! Also, the choice is there to create an account just to sync bookmarks and tab from one device to another e.g. phone to laptop.
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Private Browsing Mode
(Another very important part!) Firefox offers a Private Browsing mode that doesn't save your browsing history, cookies, or temporary files. This can be useful for browsing sensitive content or preventing others from seeing what you've been looking at.
Firefox's Private Browsing mode offers a more robust set of features for privacy and security than Google’s Incognito mode. Within the ‘Settings’, you can customise your privacy settings more extensively than Google Chrome. You can choose to block all third-party cookies, prevent websites from accessing your location data, and clear your browsing history and data automatically when you close the browser.
Google's Incognito mode does not block all cookies or prevent all forms of tracking.
Open-Source Security
Like I mentioned before, Firefox is an open-source project, meaning that anyone can review the code and contribute to its development. This helps to ensure that security vulnerabilities are identified and addressed quickly, and that the browser remains as secure as possible. You too can find something and report it to the repository via creating an issue!
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To Conclude
Of course, these are just some general reasons why you might prefer Firefox over Chrome, and the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and priorities. I know with developers, they would prefer Chrome for the dev tools and I think it’s almost a standard to use Chrome (though at my workplace we use Microsoft Edge), anyhoo Google is just a default for web browsing and search engine. I also know it’s hard if you have a whole Google ecosystem set up like Google docs to Sheet to Slides, emails, calendar etc, you can still use them but on a safer browser.
I would also recommend using ‘DuckDuckGo’ for a search engine as they too are really good with security and privacy but as a search engine (plus on their phone app they have a cool animation when you want to delete you browsing data from the tabs hehe)!
Links to interesting pages for more information on this topic:
YouTube videos: video 1 | video 2 | video 3 | video 4
Articles: article 1 | article 2 | article 3
I’d say give it a go, if you don’t like it I still recommend anything but Google Chrome! Well, that’s all and thank you for reading! 🥰👍🏾💗
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Convicted monopolist prevented from re-offending
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This Sunday (Apr 30) at 2PM, I’ll be at the San Francisco Public Library with my new book, Red Team Blues, hosted by Annalee Newitz.
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In blocking Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision-Blizzard, the UK Competition and Markets Authority has made history: they have stepped in to prevent a notorious, convicted monopolist from seizing control over a nascent, important market (cloud gaming), ignoring the transparent, self-serving lies Microsoft told about the merger:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Cloud gaming isn’t really a thing right now, but it might be. That was Microsoft’s bet, anyway, as it plonked down $69b to acquire Activision-Blizzard — a company that shouldn’t exist, having been formed out of a string of grossly anticompetitive mergers that were waved through.
Activision-Blizzard is a poster-child for the failures of antitrust law over the past 40 years, a period in which monopolies were tolerated and even encouraged by the agencies that were supposed to prevent monopolies from forming and break up the ones that slipped past their defenses. Activision-Blizzard is a giant, moribund company whose “innovation” consists of endless sequels to its endless sequels, whose market power allows it to crush its workers while starving competitors of market oxygen, ensuring that gamers and game workers have nowhere else to go.
Microsoft is another one of those poster-children, of course. After being convicted of antitrust violations, the company dragged out the legal process until George W Bush stole the presidency and decided not to pursue them any further, letting them wriggle off the hook.
The antitrust rough ride tamed Microsoft…for a while. The company did not use the same dirty tricks to destroy, say, Google as it had used against Netscape. But in the years since, Microsoft has demonstrated that it regrets nothing about its illegal conduct and has no hesitations about repeating that conduct.
This is especially true of cloud computing, where Microsoft is using exclusivity deals and illegal “tying” (forcing customers to use a product they don’t want in order to use a product they desire) to lock customers into its cloud offering:
Locking customers into Microsoft’s cloud also means locking customers into Microsoft surveillance. Microsoft’s cloud products spy in ways that are extreme even by the industry’s very low standards. Office 365 isn’t just a version of Office that you never stop paying for — it’s a version of Office that never stops spying on you, and selling the data to your competitors:
Microsoft’s Activision acquisition was entirely cloud-driven. The company clearly believes the pundits who say that the future of gaming is in the cloud: rather than playing on a device with the power to handle all the fancy graphics and physics, you’ll use a low-powered device that streams you video from a server in the cloud that’s doing all the heavy lifting.
If cloud gaming comes true (a big if, considering the dismal state of broadband, another sector that’s been enshittified and starved by monopolists), then Microsoft owning the Xbox platform, the Windows OS, and the Game Pass subscription service already poses a huge risk that the company could grow to dominate the sector. Throw in Activision-Blizzard and the future starts to look very grim indeed.
It’s a nakedly anticompetitive merger. As Mark Zuckerberg unwisely wrote in an internal memo, “it is better to buy than to compete.”
(These guys can not stop incriminating themselves. FTX got mocked for its group-chat called “Wirefraud,” but come on, every tech baron has a folder on their desktop called “mens rea” full of files with names like “premeditation-11.docx.”)
Naturally, the FTC sued to stop the merger (after 40 years, the FTC has undergone a revolution under chair Lina Khan and is actually protecting the American people from monopoly):
The FTC was always in for an uphill battle. “Cloud gaming,” the market it is seeking to defend from monopolization, doesn’t really exist yet, and enforcing US antitrust law against monopolies over existent things is hard enough, thanks to all those federal judges who attended luxury junkets where billionaire-friendly “economists” taught them that monopolies were “efficient”:
But the FTC isn’t the only cop on the beat. Antitrust is experiencing a global revival, from the EU to China, Canada to Australia, and South Korea to the UK, where the Competition and Markets Authority is kicking all kinds of arse (see also: “ass”). The CMA is arguably the most technically proficient competition regulator in the world, thanks to the Digital Markets Unit (DMU), a force of over 50 skilled engineers who produce intensely detailed, amazingly sharp reports on how tech monopolies work and what to do about them.
The CMA is very interested in cloud gaming. Late last year, they released a long, detailed report into the state of browser engines on mobile phones, seeking public comment on whether these should be regulated to encourage web-apps (which can be installed without going through an app store) and to pave the way for cloud gaming:
The CMA is especially keen on collaboration with its overseas colleagues. Its annual conference welcome enforcers from all over the world, and its Digital Markets Unit is particularly important in these joint operations. You see, while Parliament appropriated funds to pay those 50+ engineers, it never passed the secondary legislation needed to grant the DMU any enforcement powers. But the DMU isn’t just sitting around waiting for Parliament to act — rather, it produces these incredible investigations and enforcement roadmaps, and releases them publicly.
This turns out to be very important in the EU, where the European Commission has very broad enforcement powers, but very little technical staff. The Commission and the DMU have become something of a joint venture, with the DMU setting up the cases and the EU knocking them down. It’s a very heartwarming post-Brexit story of cross-Channel collaboration!
And so Microsoft’s acquisition is dead (I mean, they say they’ll appeal, but that’ll take months, and the deal with Activision will have expired in the meantime, and Microsoft will have to pay Activision a $3 billion break-up fee):
This is good news for gaming, for games workers, and for gamers. Microsoft was and is a rotten company, even by the low standards of tech giants. Despite the sweaters and the charity (or, rather, “charity”) Bill Gates is a hardcore ideologue who wants to get rid of public education and all other public goods:
Microsoft has a knack for nurturing and promoting absolutely terrible people, like former CEO Steve Ballmer, who has played a starring role in Propublica’s IRS Files, thanks to the bizarre tax-scams he’s pioneered:
So yeah, this is good news: Microsoft should have been broken up 25 years ago, and we should not allow it to buy its way to ongoing dominance today. But it’s also good news because of the nature of the enforcement: the CMA defended an emerging market, to prevent monopolization.
That’s really important: monopolies are durable. Once a monopoly takes root, it becomes too big to fail and too big to jail. That’s how IBM outspend the entire Department of Justice Antitrust Division every year for twelve years during a period they call “Antitrust’s Vietnam”:
Preventing monopoly formation is infinitely preferable to breaking up monopolies after they form. That’s why the golden age of trustbusting (basically, the period starting with FDR and ending with Reagan) saw action against “incipient” monopolies, where big companies bought lots of little companies.
When we stopped worrying about incipiency, we set the stage for today’s Private Equity “rollups,” where every funeral home, or veterinarian, or dentists’ practice is bought out by a giant PE fund, who ruthlessly enshittify it, slashing wages, raising prices, stiffing suppliers and reducing quality:
Limiting antitrust enforcement to policing monopolies after they form has been an absolute failure. The CMA knows that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure — indeed, we all do.
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From Apr 26–28, Barnes and Noble is offering a 25% discount on preorders for my upcoming novels (use discount code PREORDER25): The Lost Cause (Nov 2023) and The Bezzle (Red Team Blues #2) (Feb 2024).
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Mountain View, Berkeley, San Francisco, Portland, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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[Image ID: A promotional image from the Call of Duty franchise featuring a soldier in a skull-mask gaiter giving a thumbs up on a battlefield. It has been altered so that he is giving a thumbs-down gesture. Superimposed on the image is a modified Microsoft 'Clippy' popup; Clippy's speech-bubble has been filled with grawlix characters; the two dialog-box options both read 'No.']
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Image: Microsoft, Activision (fair use)
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acceptccnow · 9 months
Maximize E-Commerce Growth with Efficient Payment Processing
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In the rapidly evolving world of business, E-Commerce Payment Processing stands as an undeniable linchpin. With the perpetual surge in online shopping and digital transactions, businesses must prioritize delivering a seamless and secure payment experience for their diverse customer base. This article zeroes in on strategies that empower businesses to unlock their full e-commerce potential by implementing effective payment processing methods. From embracing credit card acceptance to skillfully navigating the complexities of high-risk sectors like CBD and credit repair, we'll delve into key insights that enable businesses to make well-informed decisions and turbocharge their profitability.
The Cornerstone of E-Commerce Triumph At the core of every flourishing e-commerce enterprise lies a robust payment processing infrastructure. A frictionless payment solution can have a direct impact on conversion rates and customer satisfaction. Payment processing for high-risk industries, such as CBD and credit repair, demands specialized services owing to their unique challenges. These sectors require reliable payment gateways that cater precisely to their distinct needs while steadfastly upholding stringent compliance with industry regulations.
Crafting a Seamless Customer Journey The acceptance of credit cards stands as a fundamental pillar of e-commerce success. The ease and familiarity associated with credit cards empower customers to make swift purchasing decisions. By seamlessly integrating credit card payment processing systems, businesses can streamline the checkout process, reduce instances of cart abandonment, and cultivate trust among their patrons. A user-centric payment gateway guarantees that transactions happen rapidly, securely, and without complications, thereby enhancing the overall shopping experience.
Navigating Uncharted Waters Industries like CBD and credit repair often find themselves classified as high-risk, primarily due to intricate regulatory frameworks and potential chargeback risks. Securing a high-risk merchant account and harnessing specialized high-risk payment processing solutions become imperative. These tailored services provide the indispensable infrastructure for tackling the unique challenges of high-risk industries while simultaneously mitigating potential setbacks.
Paving the Path to Progress Merchant processing forms the crux of e-commerce expansion. By acquiring a merchant account, businesses unlock access to a broader spectrum of payment options and enhance their market credibility. A well-structured merchant processing system serves as a competitive advantage, allowing businesses to accept credit cards, expedite transaction processing, and offer a diverse array of payment alternatives to their clientele.
The Future of E-Commerce Payment Processing As technology continues its inexorable advancement, payment processing solutions evolve in tandem. Online payment gateways now encompass more than just transactional capabilities. Contemporary payment gateway solutions extend offerings to encompass comprehensive analytics, real-time reporting, and customization features, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their overall payment ecosystem.
E-commerce payment processing resides at the heart of e-commerce expansion. By embracing the intricacies of payment processing within high-risk sectors, embracing credit card acceptance, and optimizing merchant processing systems, businesses can chart a course toward success. The voyage to maximizing e-commerce growth is initiated by acknowledging the pivotal role of payment processing and making judicious choices that align with industry trends and cater to customer preferences.
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apptechbuilders · 10 months
Custom Mobile App Development Services: Enhancing Business Potential
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In today's digitally driven world, mobile applications have become an integral part of businesses across various industries. Custom mobile app development services have gained significant momentum as they allow companies to create tailored solutions that address specific business needs and provide a seamless user experience.
With the growing demand for mobile apps, businesses are realizing the importance of having a strong mobile presence to engage with their customers effectively. A customized mobile app can offer numerous benefits, including increased brand visibility, enhanced customer engagement, improved operational efficiency, and higher revenue generation.
The Power of Custom Mobile Apps
Custom mobile apps provide businesses with a competitive edge by offering unique features and functionalities tailored to their requirements. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, custom apps are designed to align perfectly with the business processes and goals, ensuring optimal performance and user satisfaction.
Here are some key advantages of opting for custom mobile app development services:
1. Tailored User Experience:
Custom apps are built with a user-centric approach, considering the target audience's preferences and behaviors. This allows businesses to create a seamless and personalized experience, resulting in higher user engagement and satisfaction.
2. Enhanced Security:
Off-the-shelf mobile apps often come with pre-built security features, leaving businesses vulnerable to cyber threats. Custom mobile apps, on the other hand, can be equipped with robust security measures to protect sensitive data and mitigate potential risks.
3. Scalability and Flexibility:
Custom apps are designed to scale and adapt to the evolving needs of a business. They can accommodate increasing user demands, integrate with existing systems, and easily incorporate new features and functionalities as required.
4. Integration with Existing Systems:
Custom mobile apps can seamlessly integrate with existing software applications and systems used by a business. This integration streamlines processes, eliminates data silos, and improves overall operational efficiency.
5. Competitive Advantage:
By offering unique features and functionalities, custom mobile apps can give businesses a competitive edge. They enable companies to differentiate themselves from competitors, attract and retain customers, and establish a strong brand identity.
Choosing the Right Custom Mobile App Development Partner
When it comes to custom mobile app development, selecting the right development partner is crucial. Here are a few factors to consider:
1. Expertise and Experience:
Look for a development team with a proven track record and extensive experience in building custom mobile apps. They should have expertise in the latest technologies, app development frameworks, and a solid understanding of various business domains.
2. Collaboration and Communication:
Effective collaboration and communication are vital for successful app development. Ensure that the development team is responsive, understands your requirements, and keeps you updated throughout the development process.
3. Portfolio and Client References:
Review the development company's portfolio to assess the quality and diversity of their past projects. Additionally, ask for client references to get insights into their client satisfaction and the overall experience of working with them.
4. Post-Development Support:
Maintenance and support are essential aspects of mobile app development. Inquire about the post-development support and maintenance services offered by the development partner to ensure smooth functioning and timely updates for your app.
Unlocking Business Potential with Custom Mobile Apps
Custom mobile app development services have revolutionized the way businesses operate and engage with their customers. By harnessing the power of custom apps, companies can unlock their true potential, drive growth, and stay ahead in today's competitive marketplace.
Investing in custom mobile app development allows businesses to create tailored solutions that cater to their unique requirements, streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, and achieve their strategic goals. With the right custom mobile app development partner by their side, businesses can embark on a transformative journey towards digital excellence and make a lasting impact in the mobile-driven world.
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khalid-albeshri · 3 months
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Artificial intelligence in real estate industry:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being utilized in the real estate industry to streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and improve overall efficiency. Here are some ways AI is making an impact in real estate:
1. Property Valuation: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data including historical sales data, property features, neighborhood characteristics, and market trends to accurately estimate property values. This helps sellers and buyers to make informed decisions about pricing.
2. Predictive Analytics: AI-powered predictive analytics can forecast market trends, identify investment opportunities, and anticipate changes in property values. This information assists investors, developers, and real estate professionals in making strategic decisions.
3. Virtual Assistants and Chatbots: AI-driven virtual assistants and chatbots can handle customer inquiries, schedule property viewings, and provide personalized recommendations to potential buyers or renters. This improves customer service and helps real estate agents manage their workload more efficiently.
4. Property Search and Recommendation: AI algorithms can analyze user preferences, search history, and behavior patterns to provide personalized property recommendations to buyers and renters. This enhances the property search experience and increases the likelihood of finding suitable listings.
5. Property Management: AI-powered tools can automate routine property management tasks such as rent collection, maintenance scheduling, and tenant communication. This reduces administrative overhead and allows property managers to focus on more strategic aspects of their role.
6. Risk Assessment: AI algorithms can analyze factors such as credit history, employment status, and financial stability to assess the risk associated with potential tenants or borrowers. This helps landlords and lenders make informed decisions about leasing or lending.
7. Smart Building Technology: AI-enabled sensors and IoT devices can collect and analyze data on building occupancy, energy consumption, and environmental conditions to optimize building operations, improve energy efficiency, and enhance occupant comfort.
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