#Customer loyalty
paybyfaceireland · 2 months
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Revolutionizing Payments in Europe with PAYBYFACE® Biometric Payment & Loyalty Platform.
PayByFace Offers a Unique Bio Metric Payment System, PayByFace takes Customer Loyalty to the next level. PayByFace Makes Digital Advertising Simple and effordable for Small and Large Businesses.
PayByFace continues to add to its suite of value added services included in their Ecosystem.
PayByFace, a innovative Amsterdam-based fintech start-up, announces several country based agreements and subsidiary expansions across several major European markets, including the Netherlands, UK, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Romania, and Bulgaria.
This is a significant milestone for PayByFace and its journey to both enable and scale biometric facial recognition technology adoption and in our commitment to simplify the future of check-out interactions while remaining fully GDPR compliant with the EU regulation.
PayByFace the future of payments is poised to transform the way European consumers interact with retailers at the check-out, offering unparalleled convenience, loyalty value focus, and enhanced security in the digital era.
For more information reach out to us here at PayByFace Ireland
#FaceRecognition #PayByFace #Biometricpayment #Futureofpayments #FacialRecognitionPayments #Securecontactlesspayments
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adguy · 4 months
Not good! #Brands Have A Problem Being #Loyal To #Consumers: https://ow.ly/VuiY50Quby4
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mobio-solutions · 7 months
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Struggling to keep your app users coming back? Swipe left to uncover the magic of Fintech in boosting customer loyalty! Discover how a Fintech app can turn those retention woes around and create a community of loyal users who can’t wait to log back in. Your solution to building lasting relationships is just a slide away! 🔄📲
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researchers-me · 1 year
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Customer Satisfaction Survey | Consumer Insights Research in UAE
Want to conduct Customer Satisfaction Surveys or consumer insights research? Boost your customer experience, happiness & loyalty with Researchers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi.
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bryanmarketz · 1 year
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Creating customer loyalty is key for your brand. These tips are perfect 😉
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madhukumarc · 2 years
It’s time to uncover this simple habit! 
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emmajackson4143 · 2 years
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breeziejc · 2 days
Reflective Journal: Insights from Brian Morrison’s Talk on Loyalty and Digital Media Marketing
As a postgraduate student in digital media marketing at George Brown College, I recently had the incredible opportunity to attend a lecture by Brian Morrison, a senior director at Rexall and a proud alumnus of our school. Brian’s session was full of  precious knowledge and experience in modern marketing strategies, sharing insights into customer loyalty programs, personalization, and media channels, coupled with his inspiring career journey. In this blog, I’d like to share the key takeaways from his informative and inspiring talk, and explore how these insights could shape his career path.Let’s go!
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The Speaker's Message
Morrison shared his profound knowledge on the significance of loyalty programs, digital media marketing, and analytics. He began by sharing the multifaceted benefits of loyalty programs. These programs are not just about rewarding customers but are crucial in collecting valuable customer data, gaining deep customer insights, and using these insights to create direct marketing channels, allowing to enhance personalization and effective customer relationship management.
Morrison explained how the role of a Customer Data Platform (CDP) integrates various owned direct channels, customer service interactions, in-store touchpoints, and digital media channels to facilitate personalized offers and promotions, which can significantly boost customer engagement and loyalty. Along with sharing how different media can be effective in each funnel stage, he also had a discussion with us on measurement KPIs, stressing the importance of tracking impressions, clicks, views, site traffic, and sales to optimize marketing efforts. In addition, he addressed the advantages of shifting to digital media, such as enhanced audience targeting, continuous engagement, flexible investment options, real-time measurement dashboards, and the ability to test and learn from various campaigns.
Throughout the session, Morrison maintained a conversational tone, not only kept us engaged but also allowed for a deeper exploration of the topics discussed. The use of real-world examples clearly showed how the marketing theories we learned are used in real life situations.
At the end of the session, he did a case study asking two questions about how our chosen brand can improve on digital media connection.  After listening to each group’s sharing,  he also provides some valuable insights and stories with us, which really deepen the impression of how digital media is affecting nowadays marketing strategies.
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Key Learnings from the Speaker
From Morrison’s speech, I learned the critical role loyalty programs play in modern marketing strategies. They not only help in collecting valuable customer data but also enable personalized marketing efforts that can significantly improve customer retention and satisfaction. When he mentioned how Customer Data Platform offers  a cohesive approach to managing customer interactions across multiple touchpoints and channels, I was especially intrigued since it relates the most with the project I did about how we can utilize collected data in each channel to help bettering customer relationship management while I was in university. 
I am super excited that I get to associate my experience from his sharing. I reflected a lot when he was talking about media channels and their roles in different stages of the marketing funnel. I wondered if we had the resources to choose a different  media mix, maybe the project I did in college would reach a totally different, and a more quantifiable outcome. 
Reflecting on Brian Morrison’s Career Path
Morrison’s journey from business administration to digital marketing, the shift, although, might not be a complete huge change, must require a lot of adaptation and learning in the progression of becoming a senior director at a big chain drug store. For me, it was a powerful reminder that one’s career path is not linear and that the ability to pivot and embrace new opportunities is crucial. Moreover, as a marketer, the ability to stay ahead of trends and a quick adaptation of a fast-changing marketing environment is a need. In addition, continuous learning, implementing and testing would be our jobs, and this is what excites me the most to be an aspiring marketer, we get to keep seeking new knowledge and skills. As I continue my studies at George Brown College, I am excited to apply these lessons and explore new opportunities in the dynamic field of digital media marketing.
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bobmusialblog · 4 days
Something the Top 100 Global Value companies have in common.
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Financial success is one.
But, there’s another one you may not know about. It gives new meaning to brand loyalty.
Interbrand, a marketing and branding consultancy, created a list of the Top 100 Global Value Brands for 2023. I was curious as to how that brand loyalty was reflected. So I did some research. I discovered that 53 of the Top 100 companies have their logo tattooed somewhere on peoples’ bodies. Now that’s some serious brand loyalty.
I anticipated companies like Budweiser, Porche, and Jack Daniel’s to be included in the tattoo aficionados category. But was somewhat surprised to see Kentucky Fried Chicken, FedEx and Salesforce included under the tattoo umbrella. 
Disney made the Top 100 list and is another brand whose characters like Mickey Mouse, Aladin, Cinderella, and Daisy Duck. frequently appear as tattooed loyalty. And while Harley-Davidson did not make the Top 100 Global Value List, Harley-Davidson loyalists have been tattooing the iconic company logo on their bodies for well over 100 years. Many times in unusual places and scale.
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These two brands have become almost cult-like. With fanatical followers who are true zealots. Loyalist who passionately “buy” into everything brand related.
How did Disney and Harley-Davidson do it? What builds that type of brand loyalty, and how can your company achieve the same level of loyalty?
While price is one component, it’s rarely considered by true brand loyalists. Disney prices ain’t cheap. Disney Land Inspire Annual Passes in 2024 cost $1,649/each (For a family of five that’s $8,245.) Top-of-the-line Harley’s are $66,000 (More than my first house.) To some extent, higher prices are perceived as a positive differentiator by loyalists. Indicating, perhaps, in a subconscious or conscious manner, an elevated life station. They are members of a special, almost elitist culture who have “arrived.”
So what do Disney and Harley-Davidson customers have in common? What is it that makes them want to spend considerable amounts of time, money and tattoo ink? And continue doing it?
Their summarized positioning statements provide a clue.
Disney World, “The most magical place on earth.”
Customers view it almost like a pilgrimage to experience entertainment and storytelling. In essence a happy escape.
Harley-Davidson, “Live to ride. Ride to Live.”
The brand embodies the spirit of freedom, adventure, and the open road. Also a happy escape.
Both are pretty similar in that regard.
Some key psychographics and brand-drivers Disney and Harley-Davidson owners share include Deep Emotional Connectivity, Uniqueness of “Belonging,” Trust, Ego Satisfaction, Adventure, Escapism, Pleasurable Experiences, Perceived Value, Fanaticism, Passion, and ROEI (Return on Emotional Investment).
Disney and Harley-Davidson also make ongoing investments in their brands to deepen loyalty. Disney does it through Disney University (for employees and clients). Their tagline is, “Discover the Methods Behind the Magic.” Harley-Davidson University does the same by providing training for dealers and mechanics. Their focus, “You will be part of something bigger. You will play a direct role in the legacy and future of the Brand.  
OK, so maybe it’s a little more difficult to get excited about a brand of fertilizer or toilet paper, as it is for a Disney/Harley-Davidson-possessed emotional experience. But, companies can benefit from some of those same loyalty-branding attributes in developing their programs. Building upon a strong, research-driven foundational understanding of client needs, and wants, blended with customer psychographics that push their customers’ passion buttons. Then ensuring that foundational understanding is consistently communicated and reinforced internally and externally.
As Walt Disney once said, "Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends." Seems to be working for Disney and Harley-Davidson.
Which got me thinking.
As a former Harley guy, after writing about branding, building loyalty, and seeing what some people will do to show their loyalty; thought I’d try it out for my company.
Think it will catch on?
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alpesamedia · 5 days
Choosing The Right Marketing Mix: Digital & Traditional Strategy
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In today’s fast-paced digital age, businesses must choose between traditional marketing methods and digital strategies. Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making the decision-making process more complex than ever before. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of traditional marketing versus digital marketing, helping you understand which strategy might be the best fit for your business.
Traditional marketing relies on methods that have been around for a long time and are widely recognized and trusted. Imagine flipping through a magazine and seeing eye-catching ads, or driving down the highway and noticing a huge billboard that grabs your attention. These offline strategies have stood the test of time because they feel real and dependable. They give people something tangible to see and experience, which goes a long way in building trust and making a lasting impression.
In the ever-changing world we live in, digital marketing has become a major force. It revolves around using algorithms and data to reach people online. Businesses leverage social media, optimize their websites to appear in search results, and run targeted ads to engage specific audiences. Digital marketing offers precision and speed, allowing businesses to track the performance of their campaigns in real-time. This dynamic approach enables companies to adapt quickly and effectively to market trends and consumer behaviors.
The best way to market a business today is to use both traditional and digital methods together. Digital marketing reaches lots of people and shows clear results. By combining both approaches, companies can create strong plans that work everywhere and easily adapt to changes. This mix helps reach more people and stay effective in a fast-changing world.
Digital Marketing:​
Digital marketing is crucial for businesses because it helps them connect with customers online. Through tools like social media marketing & SEO companies can reach people where they spend a lot of time: on the Internet. Digital marketing lets companies advertise specific targeted audiences, track how well their ads are doing, and engage with customers directly. It’s an essential way for businesses to stay competitive and grow in today’s digital world. With digital marketing, companies can choose exactly who they want to talk to. Now everyone is active in the internet online world so we can promote our products and services digitally.
Also, digital marketing enables businesses to leverage various content formats such as blogs, videos, infographics, and podcasts to engage with their audience in more interactive and compelling ways. This diverse range of content allows companies to cater to different preferences and consumption habits, ensuring that their message resonates with a broader audience.
The Timeless Approach of Digital Marketing
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Precision Targeting: Digital marketing excels in its ability to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors with precision. Platforms like social media and Google Ads enable businesses to tailor their messages to highly segmented audiences, maximizing the efficiency of their marketing efforts.
Measurable Results: Using digital promotion for products and services can bring excellent outcomes. With digital marketing, marketers can keep an eye on important numbers in real time. This helps them quickly adjust and improve campaigns for better results. Digital platforms are flexible, allowing businesses to adapt fast to market changes and what customers prefer. By using digital marketing’s flexibility and responsiveness, companies can keep up with trends and make their marketing efforts better over time, leading to growth and success.
Interactivity and Engagement: Digital platforms have transformed marketing, enabling direct communication between brands and consumers. SEO enhances online visibility through optimized content and interactive elements like polls and quizzes. Social media engages with live streams and Q&A sessions, Google Ads targets traffic with interactive formats and remarketing. Integrating SEO, social media, and Google Ads amplifies their impact, creating meaningful interactions and driving brand growth.
Global Reach: In the world of marketing, which is often limited to specific regions, digital marketing has the potential to reach an international audience. Through online platforms and social media channels, businesses can connect with customers around the world, expanding their market reach exponentially.
Cost-Effectiveness: Digital marketing campaigns often offer a higher return on investment (ROI) compared to traditional methods, especially for startups, entrepreneurs & enterprises with limited budgets. With tools like advertising & digital marketing, businesses can reach large audiences at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising channels.
Instant Feedback: Digital marketing allows businesses to gather immediate feedback from customers through comments, reviews, and social media interactions. This real-time feedback loop provides valuable insights into consumer preferences and allows businesses to adapt their marketing strategies accordingly.
Traditional Marketing:
Traditional marketing encompasses all the conventional methods of advertising and promotion that existed before the digital revolution. This includes print advertisements in newspapers and magazines, billboards, television and radio commercials, direct mail, and more. While traditional marketing techniques have been the cornerstone of advertising for decades, the rise of digital marketing has forced businesses to reassess their effectiveness in today’s landscape.
The Timeless Approach of Traditional Marketing:
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Tangible Presence: Traditional marketing offers a physical presence that digital channels can’t replicate. Whether it’s a billboard on a busy highway or a well-designed brochure handed out at an event, traditional marketing materials provide a tangible connection with the audience.
Trust and Authority: A brand in a respected publication or on the radio can build trust and authority with consumers. Mixing Digital methods like graphic design, video ads, and print media with traditional marketing creates a well-rounded strategy. This not only grabs attention but also nurtures lasting trust and loyalty from customers.
Reaching Offline Audiences: Traditional marketing helps businesses reach these audiences, ensuring they connect with a wide range of potential customers. Even with the rise of digital marketing, some people still prefer offline methods. Long-standing businesses trust traditional marketing, while younger ones favor digital but still resort to traditional methods when needed.
Local Targeting: Traditional marketing methods like flyers, pamphlets, newspaper ads, and local radio spots are particularly effective for targeting specific geographic areas. Local businesses can use these methods to build a strong community presence and attract nearby customers effectively.
Brand Visibility: Traditional marketing channels such as billboards (Hoarding) and signage offer continuous visibility to passersby, helping to reinforce brand awareness over time. When it comes to choosing between indoor and outdoor marketing, think about what you’re offering and who you’re targeting. Both indoor and outdoor marketing help in business but it depends on your products and services.
Personal Touch: Face-to-face interactions at trade shows, events, and brand promotions not only create memorable experiences but also help trust and loyalty in a way that surpasses the digital realm. Moreover, the positive word-of-mouth generated from these interactions amplifies a brand’s credibility and extends its influence even further, solidifying its position in the market.
The Power of Integration:
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Consistent Brand Experience: By integrating digital and traditional marketing efforts, businesses can ensure a consistent brand experience across all channels. This cohesive approach reinforces brand messaging and strengthens brand recall among consumers.
Expanded Reach: Combining digital and traditional channels enables businesses to reach a broader audience than they could with either approach alone. This multi-channel approach ensures that no potential customer goes unnoticed, maximizing the impact of marketing efforts.
Adaptability and Flexibility: In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, businesses need to be agile in their marketing strategies. By leveraging both digital and traditional channels, businesses can adapt to changing trends and consumer preferences more effectively, staying ahead of the curve.
Cross-Promotion Opportunities: Integrating digital and traditional marketing opens up opportunities for cross-promotion and synergy between channels. For example, a traditional print ad can drive traffic to a website or social media page, where customers can engage further with the brand and make purchases online.
Brand Consistency: By maintaining a consistent brand message across both digital and traditional marketing, businesses can strengthen brand identity and recognition. Consistency builds trust and credibility with customers, regardless of how they interact with the brand.
Accessibility and Inclusivity: Digital marketing, like optimizing websites for accessibility and mobile use, helps businesses reach and engage diverse audiences, including those with disabilities or limited access to traditional ads.
In today’s marketing landscape, the marriage of digital and traditional strategies isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. Traditional methods offer tangible presence and local targeting, while digital platforms provide global reach and cost-effectiveness. By integrating both approaches, businesses create a balanced strategy that maximizes reach, engagement, and impact. It’s not about choosing one over the other; it’s about harnessing the synergy between them to drive success in a dynamic marketplace.
By folding both worlds, businesses start on a journey of versatility and adaptability. It’s not a question of either/or but rather a celebration of both—and the magic that happens when they intertwine. Combining digital and traditional methods helps businesses reach new markets, build stronger connections, and achieve lasting success in a changing world. So, let’s raise our batons to the power of integration, orchestrating a symphony of growth, innovation, and prosperity.
Read More: https://alpesamedia.com/knowledge-center/
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smbmatters · 9 days
Why Customer Acquisition is the Key to Business Growth
Customer acquisition is undeniably the cornerstone of business growth. The ability to consistently attract and convert new customers is what drives a company's expansion and long-term success. This article explores the importance of customer acquisition, the strategies to enhance it, and how it ultimately fuels business growth.
Understanding Customer Acquisition
Customer acquisition refers to the process of bringing new customers into your business. It encompasses all the strategies and tactics a company uses to attract potential customers and convert them into paying clients. This process is crucial for businesses of all sizes because without new customers, growth stagnates.
The Role of Customer Acquisition in Business Growth
Customer acquisition is not just about increasing sales; it is about building a sustainable customer base. A growing customer base leads to higher revenue, which can be reinvested into the business for further growth. Additionally, new customers often bring fresh perspectives and insights that can drive innovation and improvements.
Effective Customer Acquisition Strategies
1. Identifying Target Audience
To acquire customers effectively, it is essential to know who your target audience is. Conduct market research to understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors. Creating detailed buyer personas helps in tailoring your marketing efforts to attract the right audience.
2. Leveraging Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a powerful tool for customer acquisition. Utilizing channels such as SEO, social media, email marketing, and content marketing can significantly boost your reach and engagement. Each channel offers unique ways to attract and convert potential customers.
3. Creating Compelling Content
Content is king when it comes to customer acquisition. By producing high-quality, valuable content, businesses can attract and engage their target audience. Blog posts, videos, infographics, and whitepapers that address customer pain points and offer solutions can drive traffic and conversions.
4. Utilizing Social Media Platforms
Social media platforms are invaluable for customer acquisition. They allow businesses to connect with their audience on a personal level. Regularly posting engaging content, interacting with followers, and running targeted ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can increase visibility and attract new customers.
5. Implementing SEO Best Practices
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving organic traffic to your website. By optimizing your site for relevant keywords, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract potential customers who are actively searching for your products or services.
6. Offering Free Trials and Demos
Free trials and demos can be highly effective in converting potential customers. They provide an opportunity for prospects to experience your product or service firsthand, which can significantly increase their likelihood of making a purchase.
7. Building Strategic Partnerships
Collaborating with other businesses can enhance your customer acquisition efforts. Strategic partnerships allow you to reach new audiences and benefit from the established trust and credibility of your partners.
8. Utilizing Referral Programs
Referral programs leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Encouraging your existing customers to refer new clients by offering incentives can expand your customer base rapidly.
9. Investing in Paid Advertising
Paid advertising can provide a quick boost to your customer acquisition efforts. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads offer targeted advertising options that can help you reach a broader audience and drive conversions.
Measuring Customer Acquisition Success
To ensure the effectiveness of your customer acquisition strategies, it is important to measure and analyze your performance. Key metrics to track include:
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The total cost of acquiring a new customer.
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): The total revenue a business can expect from a customer over their lifetime.
Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who become paying customers.
Churn Rate: The percentage of customers who stop doing business with you over a given period.
By regularly analyzing these metrics, businesses can identify what is working and what needs improvement.
The Long-Term Benefits of Effective Customer Acquisition
Successful customer acquisition has long-term benefits that go beyond immediate revenue increases. It helps in building a loyal customer base, which is crucial for sustained growth. Loyal customers not only provide repeat business but also become advocates for your brand, further driving acquisition through referrals and positive word-of-mouth.
Customer acquisition is the key to business growth. By understanding its importance and implementing effective strategies, businesses can continuously attract and convert new customers. This not only boosts revenue but also builds a loyal customer base that supports long-term success.
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jcmarchi · 12 days
Is AI going to upend the face of gambling? - AI News
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/is-ai-going-to-upend-the-face-of-gambling-ai-news/
Is AI going to upend the face of gambling? - AI News
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AI has made some – to put it mildly – big changes in our world in recent years, and although nobody can say for sure what it’s going to do next or what kind of impact it’s going to have on many aspects of our lives, people are eagerly looking out for those alterations (some with slight trepidation). What does it mean for those who love the buzz and thrill of the casino world?
Precise predictions are, of course, challenging to make, but it’s likely that AI is going to make major alterations soon to the way the gambling world works. Now, we’re going to caveat the whole article by reminding people that AI is a long way from perfect at the moment (and that’s generating some serious concerns and major complaints), but it’s also pretty powerful and has a lot of potential… so let’s unpack that!
What’s AI Already Doing?
You might (or might not) be surprised to learn that AI is already doing a lot of work in the online casino; it’s responsible for a whole lot of the computing that goes on behind the scenes (where, let’s be honest, most players aren’t looking), and it helps casinos across the planet function effectively, ensuring their games work – and work well.
We all know that AI doing a lot of the legwork when it comes to making online games play – it’s got to be able to respond effectively to player behavior, make intelligent decisions, and present even the best players with worthy opponents that can test their skills. And does it do so? Yes… staggeringly well at times.
AI does some other major jobs too, one of them being to analyze player behavior for both safety and personalization reasons. In terms of safety, it’s got some hard-hitting advantages: it can learn how an individual player generally behaves when gambling online and look for discrepancies that could indicate fraud is occurring. The account can then be paused while an investigation takes place – potentially saving players from losing large amounts of money to scammers! Sounds pretty good to us.
Next, AI bumps up the relevance of offers and bonuses, again by watching what players do online. They’ll note what promos and deals you click on, respond to your preferences, and create offers that have been honed to exactly match your tastes! This is a great way to enhance the casino experience for players; you’re not just getting any old offer in your inbox, but a proper, useful offer that aligns with the games you play and the things you like (well, most of the time; we all know this isn’t perfect yet!).
The new power casinos have to analyze player behavior can also lead to better regulations and more responsible gambling, creating win-wins for everyone involved.
What’s Coming Next?
Next, let’s turn our sights to that exciting horizon, and the anticipation of what we might see in the future. Well, firstly, it’s going to become better and better at playing games, as mentioned above – the more we train AIs, the better they become at their various tasks. So even the games where they currently don’t excel are likely to become better in the future.
We’re also likely to see better graphics hitting the scene, as AIs improve their ability to generate images well. Got a favorite online live poker game, for example? The graphics might already seem swish but wait until a few years down the line… they’ll be unbelievable, especially if they get coupled with VR at some point! We’re looking forward to seeing how Australian online casino games (and other casino games, for that matter!) develop as time passes.
Their player analysis is likely to improve too. We’ve all laughed at how bad computers seem to be at predicting our likes and dislikes at times (we’re sure you’ve experienced that moment where you get a dozen ads for a product you’ve already purchased, for example), but it is getting better… and we don’t see that trend going away any time soon. Of course, the more data the AI has, the better its predictions become, so it’s likely that casinos are going to bump up their focus on customer loyalty even more, which is no bad thing. It often leads to increased offers and bonuses to encourage you to stick with them, and nobody is complaining about that!
It’s hard to predict what else may come out of these exciting trends, but one thing is for sure: this isn’t slowing down or going away, and we’re expecting to see some intriguing developments in the next few years as more and more companies adopt and invest in AI. Casinos are just one small element, but they’re a fantastic example of where AI is now and what we might see coming as time progresses!
Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The comprehensive event is co-located with other leading events including Intelligent Automation Conference, BlockX, Digital Transformation Week, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo.
Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.
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optculture · 26 days
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saurabhneo1 · 27 days
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stickycards · 1 month
How Sticky Cards is Transforming Cannabis Dispensary Loyalty with Push Notifications
In the rapidly evolving cannabis industry, maintaining customer loyalty is more crucial than ever. Traditional marketing methods are quickly becoming outdated, but Sticky Cards is at the forefront of a revolution, replacing old-school SMS tactics with the advanced technology of push notifications, and cannabis text message marketing. This innovative approach not only enhances customer engagement but also ensures compliance with the strict marketing regulations in the cannabis sector.
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The Power of Push Notifications Over SMS
Push notifications, as implemented by Sticky Cards, offer dispensaries a direct and immediate connection to their customers. Unlike SMS, which can be hindered by carrier restrictions and compliance issues related to consent and legal age verification, push notifications provide a reliable and efficient communication channel. Here’s why they are superior:
Immediate Connection: Directly reach out to customers with timely information about promotions, new product launches, and important updates.
Navigating Legal Restrictions: Avoid the pitfalls of SMS marketing, such as blocks by carriers and stringent regulations, by using a method that offers greater flexibility and adherence to legal standards.
Clarity and Engagement: Push notifications are concise and to the point, making it easier for customers to understand and act on your messages, thus driving engagement and loyalty.
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Advantages of Using Sticky Cards for Dispensary Loyalty
Sticky Cards utilizes cutting-edge technology to overcome the challenges of the cannabis marketing landscape, ensuring your dispensary stays connected with its customer base without the fear of non-compliance or message blocking:
Controlled Messaging: Customize messages to reflect your brand's identity and appeal to your customers’ preferences, fostering a deeper and more personal connection.
Guaranteed Compliance: With Sticky Cards, you can confidently navigate the complex regulations surrounding cannabis marketing, ensuring that your efforts are both compliant and effective.
Boosted Engagement: The immediacy of push notifications encourages customers to act quickly—whether it’s visiting your dispensary to take advantage of a promotion or checking out new products—thereby enhancing loyalty.
Cementing Customer Loyalty in a Regulated Environment
The unique regulatory and competitive challenges of the cannabis industry demand innovative marketing solutions. Sticky Cards provides a powerful tool that not only complies with marketing regulations but also helps dispensaries stand out and build a loyal customer base through engaging and direct communications.
Conclusion: Embrace the Future with Sticky Cards
As the cannabis market continues to grow, the need for innovative, compliant marketing strategies becomes increasingly important. Sticky Cards offers a forward-thinking solution to the challenges of today, enabling dispensaries to effectively connect with their customers instantly. Move beyond the limitations of SMS and unlock the full potential of push notifications with Sticky Cards to see your cannabis dispensary loyalty soar.
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koobruk · 1 month
Understand the critical importance of branding in 2024 with our detailed guide. Discover how effective branding strategies not only build a memorable image but also strengthen customer loyalty and competitive advantage. This article covers the latest trends and techniques in branding that can help businesses thrive in a dynamic market environment, focusing on digital and sustainable branding practices.
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