#Daniel is BESIDE himself cause what the fuck was THAT
youngpettyqueen · 11 months
Headcanon based on nothing but I have because I think it’d be really funny is 4077 members absorbing Potter’s curses into their vocabulary and continuing to use them post-canon without even realizing it
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radiance1 · 5 months
Vlad opened his eyes expecting to look up at his cieling.
The pair of eyes staring straight into his own was not what he wanted to see.
"I need you to make a clone of me." Danny, ever the grain of salt in a pile of sugar, said with all the tact of something who didn't just break into a man's room.
Vlad squinted up at him and scowled. "Hello to you as well, Daniel. Not even a good morning?" He groaned, reaching a hand up to massage his temple to try and offset the headache he could feel settling in. "Do you have the slight clue what time it is?"
"It's 3 AM."
Vlad blinked, and his scowled deepened. "That somehow makes it even worse." He sat up as Danny leaned back, and reached for his side table, taking up a glass with little difficulty and downing the water in few gulps. He then sighed and looked back at Danny. "What is this about making a clone of you?"
Danny crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Exactly what it sounds like, fruitloop. I need you," Danny pointed a finger at Vlad. "To make me," He then pointed that finger at himself. "A clone."
Vlad's eyebrow twitched at how Danny spoke. As if he were explaining someone complex to a child. He sighed, killing whatever retort was on his tongue to instead rest his head in his head.
"There should most likely be one left that I haven't melted down yet, do with that what you will." He shifted back some until he could rest against his headboard and waited for the nuisance to leave-
"Why are you shirtless?" Inquired the child that was still there.
Vlad opened his eyes to shoot his a glare and he scoffed. "Are you not going to run along towards whatever need you have for a clone, child. Or do you insist on ruining whatever peace I have left?"
"Is the clone an actual clone or..?" Danny tilted his eyes, eyes roaming off Vlad to the lump beside him.
"No, it won't suddenly come to life, it is just a body." Vlad explained as he manifested a wing to hide said lump from Danny's gaze. "So you need not worry about that part, though why you would need one is beyond me."
Danny stayed quiet for a moment, before shrugging. "You still have a clone of me though? That's kinda weird dud-" His smirk was slapped right off his smug face by a wing as he flew back a bit through the air.
He matched Vlad's glare with one of his own as he rubbed his face, before huffing. "Fine. I'm leaving now." He phased through the wall, leaving with the whisper of fruitloop and leaving Vlad in that blessed, of so sacred silence.
Sadly, it was not to last.
His bedroom door was slammed open, with enough strength to shake the entire room and cause the poor thing to slam into the wall with enough force to crack the blood thing. "Dad! Those weird birds are-" The voice momentarily interrupted by two shouts of alarm.
"-...Why are you naked...?" Danielle said, a look of disturbed confusion on her face before she ducked low to avoid a blast of magic. "Okay, now that was uncalled for- ewwwwwwwww!" She then screwed her eyes shut and put her hands over her eyes and looked as if she might puke.
Vlad, deciding to spare his daughter from a sight only he should've seen this morning and acquainted himself with quite thoroughly last night, he moved a wing to hide his partner's... private bits, from sight. Who then decided it would be the best idea to sit down.
On Vlad's wing.
If Vlad were any lesser man, he might have complained. But he was not. So he did not.
He did shift his wing around, however.
"You have a kid?" John Constantine, conman extraordinaire, rather shamelessly took the glass offered as Vlad covered the both of them with a sheet and drank the water. "Would a been nice to know before I shot at her, actually."
Vlad massaged the bridge of his nose, a headache coming on that in no way was because of a hangover and sighed through his nose. "She was not even supposed to be here for a week more, so there was no reason to tell you anything."
To which Constantine shrugged.
"Why are you here, Danielle. You were supposed," He stressed the word. "To be somewhere in Metropolis."
A single eye peeked out from between the girl's fingers, before she let out a relieved sigh and dropping her hands. "Those weird birds tracked me down to tell you they want to meet you." Dani wrinkled her nose. "Though I think you should put on clothes though.
"Weird birds-" Vlad paused, sneaking a glance over at his alarm clock to see that it was, in fact, 3:15 AM and groaned. he dropped his face into his hands. "Those blasted phoenixes, it's three in the morning!"
Dani just shrugged and stepped out of the room. "They're in your living room by the way, the fourth one down the hall that takes the two right turns, and they're getting pretty impatient." She then paused, staring straight at Constantine, who stared back with a raised eyebrow.
Water dripped down his face and down onto the bed as a ball of water slapped smack dab in the face as he reopened his eyes with an unamused expression.
Dani stuck her tongue out and then disappeared down the hall.
"Well, I'm awake now at least." Constantine said, reaching over Vlad's lap to place his now empty glass onto the side table.
A loud screech cut through the noise of the mansion, and for the second time. Vlad groaned.
It was only three in the morning...
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strawbeerossi · 8 months
Smarty Pants
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Pairing: Gender Neutral!Reader x Spencer Reid
Description: After you and your boyfriend get into an argument over some trivia questions at work and he acts high and mighty when proven right, you have just the way to set him straight.
Content/Warnings: Mentions of an argument, not too explicit smut, dumbification, sub!spencer, dom!reader.
Word Count: 0.6K
Kinktober Day Seven: Dumbification
Navigation || Kinktober Masterlist || AO3
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You were in the middle of neglecting your work while doing trivia with the others who were crowded around your desk. “Which country consumes the chocolate per capita?” Emily asked, looking over the index card in her hand. You didn’t even know what prompted this little game but you and Derek were going up against one another and so far, you were killing it. That’s made you so confident about your answer.
“Easy. Germany.” You responded while leaning back against your chair, only rolling your eyes as you heard a soft scoff from the desk across from yours. “It’s right!” You huffed while causing Spencer to look up. “Actually Switzerland is the country that consumes the most chocolate. How did you not know that? Chocolate is literally something they are known for.” The male asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Switzerland is actually  renowned for its milk chocolate, the most consumed type of chocolate. Did you know that in 1875, a Swiss confectioner, Daniel Peter, developed the first solid milk chocolate using condensed milk, which had been invented by Henri Nestlé, who was Peter's neighbour in Vevey?” 
Like most info dumps Spencer had been known to give, this just made everyone stare at him with blank stares, besides you.. You were fucking livid. There was no way he was right. Just this once, he was wrong. There was no way.
“If you don’t believe me then you can look it up online.” He stated in a simple tone. He more than likely wasn’t meaning to but he agitated the hell out of you. So bad that you decided to quickly type up the trivia question in the search bar. Sure enough, he was fucking right. The look on your face made him smirk from being triumphant, turning back to the stack of files on his desk. “I told you so.” He stated, proud of himself.
The rest of the day, you were annoyed. You wanted to break his glasses, make hi blind until he could get his hands on contacts. You kept your composure through the work day.
Until you got home.
That’s why you were here now, perched on his cock while he was a blubbering mess on your living room couch. “You really felt so smart earlier but now you can't even form a coherent sentence. What happened to Dr. Spencer Reid, the genius who knows everything?” You’d taunted, hand having his hair tugged back to make him face you. His eyes were glossed over, the amount of edging you’d been doing for the past hour making him desperate. 
He’d been reduced to whines and begs of more, unable to even process the words that were being spoken by you. “Look at you, smart little Spencer Reid being fucked dumb. You don't have another statistic?” You taunted, now it being your turn to be satisfied as he was unable to respond. That IQ 187 had dropped to a staggering two as he had his glasses fogged up, sweat dripping from his forehead from all the stimulation.
“My beautiful, dumb baby boy.” You cooed, moving to cup his cheek with one hand. “Can’t even form the words to speak because I’ve turned that pretty brain to mush.” It was like the words went in one of his ears and out the other. “If only the office could see you now. Fucked to the point you can’t even process what I’m saying. Then again, they don’t deserve to see you like this..” You let your hand slide to his neck now, wrapping it so gently around his throat before giving it a squeeze.
“I like when my big and cocky smart boy is nothing but a little dumb fuck toy.”
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iheartjohnlennon · 10 months
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'Let me take you down'
London, '66
Summary: John and Paul see the same so John and Paul share the same (you).
Word count: 3,054
Tags: Smut, Threesome, Unrequited Love
The lounge was adorned with light, drugs, and music. The holy trinity of joy.
The light was more a metaphorical one. But no one had caught your eye, personally.
You had caught a few though.
Through your peripheral vision, you saw John Lennon slightly sauntering towards you.
A cig in hand, flirtation on standby and a smile that would make most of his thirteen-year-old army piss themselves with happiness.
Finally, you thought to yourself. 
He can now stop undressing you with his eyes or making passing comments.
You knew he wanted you, you've known that for a while now. 
You also know of his other half, his bandmate, Paul. He gives you eyes as well.
But you try not to pay Paul any romantic mind because he gouges his eyes out for any woman he sees anyways.
"Well 'ello love." John speaks in a chipper tone, he sits beside you, not even asking if the seat is taken.
His cockiness shines through as he rubs against you, you turn fully to look at him.
"John." You don't give anything up, you won't make it easy.
"Why so quiet tonight, hm?" He strokes your chin, he seems disappointed you aren't on your knees from the first hello. 
You scoffed, "Quiet? We've been speaking for seconds John." 
"Ye know wha' I mean.." He rolls his eyes, he didn't like how dismissive you were sometimes.
John always had a simple philosophy of flirt then fuck, which clearly didn't seem to work a hundred percent of the time.
"Why's a bird like you, 'ere alone?" How classic.
"Because I came here alone."
"Well, no shit."
"Don't get rude."
"Not gettin' rude lovely." He took a puff of his cig.
A voice interrupted your little squabble, it was a familiar one, "I reckon he's tryin' to call ya beautiful."
You saw the charming face that matched.
"Which ya are by the way," Paul added with a smirk.
He stood before you both. His hair was dishevelled and he smelled delicious. 
"Alrigh' McCharmly she gets it, fuckin' 'ell." John spoke with an acute bitterness in his tone. He wasn't prepared to let you go yet, especially not to Paul.
"Ha, well, anyways I came here to ask if yous wanted to smoke some grass."
So that's what that aroma was, the one that hypnotized you to no end.
And 'yous'. He wanted you both.
As much as you preferred Paul's company over John's, you were intrigued by this offer of having both of them at the same time, smoking.
"Wha', you wanna smoke 'ere?" John questioned.
"Not really, follow me." Paul palmed your hand in his with a warm smile as John placed his hand on your back possessively.
They both ushered you through the bar area upstairs, into some sort of chamber.
It was abundantly less lively than the former and had harmonious jazz playing in the background as opposed to some soft rock.
Everyone looked like they were on something, good and bad. You felt intimidated. John and Paul knew this scene more than you, even though you came to the lounge often.
"Welcome!" Paul began, "Make yerselves at home I suppose, I'll be back."
You and John were oddly close on the sofa. Physically because his arm was loosely around your waist and emotionally because his eyes were intensely on yours.
Maybe it was the music, the lighting, or his flirting that made you yearn for more than just his gaze.
He took your chin in his fingers, "Yer beautiful, ye know that?"
"Do you need me to know that?"
"I'll tell you every day if I can."
John shifted his head, it was on a tilt as if he was going to kiss you. You were happy to oblige, but a vigorous Paul interrupted you both. Again.
He strode in with a plastic baggy filled with weed, rolling paper, and a bottle of Jack Daniels. This could be an undoubtedly long night.
Paul placed himself beside you, now you were nicely in between the pair. 
"We'll share one blunt and do a pass around." John affirmed.
"Yeah, an' Y/N will roll 'em 'cause she has tiny, cute fingers." You adored the way Paul tickled your hands after saying that. You sent him a smile and he sat back, hand tracing circles on your back.
You didn't smoke weed often but didn't find it hard to roll the blunt.
"Good girl." John whispered, giving you a smirk.
"Have a light?" You asked no one in particular.
"Sure thing." 
Paul reached into his pocket and fished out a light, he held the blunt between your lips childishly and held your jaw as it lit.
You took in a puff and immediately felt inundated with pleasure and simultaneous dizziness.
You sat down but felt like you were stumbling on a circus wire. You turned to John and Paul, their faces were now just attractive blurs.
You cleared your throat heavily after inhaling more.
"Ladies first." John chuckled.
"Easy there, you ok?" Paul asked patting your back.
"Absolutely sublime." You sneer whilst inhaling even more. You could feel your face getting hot and your vision getting more skewed.
You had enough and passed it on to Paul. This was nothing new and as he took a puff he looked at you with contentment.
His hand was still on your back, rubbing up and down. 
He passed the blunt onto John.
He held your shoulders and began with a lustrous look in his eyes, "I want to kiss ya, lemme kiss ya Y/N?"
You could only nod in response before Paul lay a warm kiss on your lips, his tongue exploring yours as he replaced John's arm with his.
"Slag." John mumbled.
Your noses touched, your tongues tasted and your chests collided as Paul kept his devoted pace.
John watched you and Paul make out whilst longingly taking swigs from the whiskey.
John was watching with a peculiar fixation. He loved the way you groaned as Paul bit your lip, he loved the way you squirmed with each wet kiss.
This was peculiarly turning him on.
Paul met John's eyes for a moment whilst in the middle of necking on with you.
He felt bad for the fella, he was in this cuckold, which wasn't a cuckold because John isn't with you, but still.
Paul stopped kissing you, you sighed craving more of him.
"Can I share ya?" Paul mused to your bewilderment.
"Sorry, I meant can we share ya?"
You were overwhelmed with such a flabbergasting joke. You were stopped in your tracks by such a crude joke.
Was Paul asking for a ménage à trois right now?
John sniggered from beside you, "He's not good with his words, is he? It seems like he wants a threesome, well- we." 
This was convenient. You could all find somewhere private, knew each other well and were as horny as it seems.
Paul spoke, "Ya know, ya really don't have-" 
"I want to." Your eagerness came out as you interrupted him to accept.
Paul put on a grin. He had you where he wanted you.
"We'll take this somewhere more private after you neck on with John."
You did somewhat like John. And you supposed he would have fucked you eventually, but certainly not in this circumstance.
Paul playfully pushed your head towards John's and whispered, "C'mon baby ya know ya want to, I see the way ya look at him."
Before you could even formulate a response, John was already on you. He grasped the back of your head and immediately placed his lips on yours.
His tongue and teeth collided with yours, you could taste each drop of whiskey on him.
Paul smoked and watched with lidded eyes.
John gripped your waist with both hands, his kissing was passionate and abrasive. He groaned, he was properly getting off to this. He got rougher, pushing you into the sofa.
"Alrigh', alrigh' don't kill 'er." Paul cracked up whilst separating you both.
Paul's kiss contrasted with John's. Your lips felt all puffy after John, he looked at you smugly. You couldn't tell the difference between John making you dizzy and what you were smoking.
Paul's task was over and the men on either side of you gave each other a knowing look.
You all rushed down the stairs quicker than a blink.
They were all over you the moment the driver set his eyes on the road. You didn't care if the driver was watching, or hearing. You had two pairs of hands on you. Yanks and grabs were all you felt the whole way through. Paul was in one ear and John was in the other.
Paul attacked your neck with smooches and sucks, you giggled girlishly at the feel. 
John buried his face in your breasts and all but tried to leave marks on your chest.
You felt their hands travel down further, like waist down further. You halted their efforts to dually finger you in the back of some car and cautiously mumbled, "Later, later.."
A triad of soft moans and silly giggles continuously echoed in the car, you were sure the driver was sick of you all now.
"Are we nearly there yet?" You said dramatically.
"We arrived minutes ago you daft girl." John laughed.
Jesus, now you were dazed.
Paul began, "Shall we?"
The driver didn't bother to say goodbye and drove off with a scowl.
You all sounded hysterical whilst rushing to Paul's hotel room.
The hallway was closing in on you. Paul had his key in hand and fumbled with the lock, John had your ass in his. 
"Any slower McCharmly?" You jested.
"I'll go faster when it's convenient Y/N." 
With his dirty quip and the push of a door, you eventually entered.
Before you could even close the door behind you the duo was still all over you. You felt so many hands it was as if you were crowd surfing. They were taking small bits of clothing off, like ties and shoes, and somehow still found focus on you.
"We aren't even on the bed yet you animals." You whined.
"I'll 'ave ye anywhere." John retorted.
"A bed? Let's get on the bed then princess." Paul cooed, bringing you up to your feet properly.
You couldn't even get on the bed without feeling gropes and pinches all over you. You got on top of the thing and slouched back, in a relaxed position.
Paul made his way on top of you and John got on the side, laying by you. 
Paul confidently took off your articles of clothing. He carelessly tossed your heels on the floor and began working to get your tights and skirt off.
John almost immediately mouthed you in that same rough manner again. He held onto the back of your head, making sure you wouldn't pull back. He took his kiss lower, to your jaw. Lower, to your neck. Lower, to your chest. He dragged your shirt up, so eager to have a taste he couldn't even pause to unhook your bra.
He sucked and fondled your breasts. You let out chortled moans as the ticklish splendour of him using his teeth to nibble and his tongue to swirl drove you over the edge.
"Fuck John-" You seized his hair in your hands, raking through it, drawing him closer. He swapped sides and moved onto the other breast.
The way your body writhed as John sucked you off made it fidgety for Paul to get your bottom half off. He managed in the end and wasted no time in taking an interest in your silk panties.
"Ooo, these are pretty... pretty Y/N.." He marvelled, tracing a maddening thumb over your clit.
As John proceeded with his kissing assault to your top half, Paul took his head to your lower regions. He licked your clit through the panties and teasingly gave it a kiss. 
Then you felt Paul pull your panties aside. He slipped a finger into you and began a come-hither motion inside of you whilst also giving you little flicks with his tongue.
You frolicked around in ecstasy, you were reaching a boiling point from having both successes on your cunt at the same time. You could've cum from this alone, but you comprehended this was going to be a long night.
Your moans only rose louder, they turned into cries, you could feel yourself pulsing. Paul is damned good with his mouth. 
He moved his head off you, leaving you wet and wanting. John also did the same, looking down on you triumphantly.
"Oh Paul...Oh John..." You sighed pleasantly.
The two gave each other another knowing look, you rolled your eyes, "What is it this time?" You flirted.
"Nothin' love, we're jus'...wonderin' ya know." Paul spoke back.
"Wondering about what?" You mused, turning on your stomach.
"How good ya are.." Paul whispered.
"How good I am what?" You question, confused.
John suddenly mocked, "Bloody 'ell Paul, carn't stop speakin' in bloody metaphors can ye?" 
"Awe, I think he's just a bit muddled from what he had earlier Johnny." You tittered.
Paul interrupted, "Righ' I'll get to the point then shall I? We wanna take ya from both ends." 
"You don't have to present everything like a business proposition Paulie." You laughed, getting into a doggy position. 
"Ya are our business Y/N." John enunciated. 
Their positions were determined. Paul was behind you and John lay on his back in front of you. You got in between his legs, lowered down on your elbows, and greeted his clothed cock with a kiss.
You could feel him growing stiff as you worked to pull down his trousers, then his boxers.
Before Paul could put anything in, he was working to get fully naked.
John would have preferred fucking you from behind but he felt like the guest star, being all lounged back, receiving attention from your mouth.
You got his trousers off, then his boxers, you received a happy welcome. 
He met your eyes and snatched your hair in his hands. "Yer beautiful...so beautiful..." John murmured, stroking a thumb across your lips. 
"Isn't she." Paul chirped in, guiding his cock towards your entrance, in a reverie, all imperceptive and seductive. 
You practically shivered at the intention, his first thrust was unreal, different to any cock you had felt before, maybe because it was him. 
His cock naturally felt more distinct than his fingers. Its thickness caressed your vaginal canal and provided tinges to your G-spot via the tip. 
He sped up the moment he got that first feel, moving you forward before you could even fit the latter into your mouth, the impulsive movement causing you to brush your face against his cock as opposed to sucking. 
"Mmmph, mmm." Paul moaned. 
"Fuck- fuck-" was all you could muster as John watched in amusement. He gave himself a few tugs before discovering great solace in your lips. 
He bobbed you up and down, vulgarisms rang from his mouth as you wrapped your lips around the top inches and used your hands to trace what your throat wasn't handling. 
"Fuckin' 'ell Y/N...fuckin' 'ell...keep goin' baby, jus' like tha'..." John's head lulled back in fulfilment, he honoured you to high heaven and was for the time thankful Paul was here, as every thrust he gave you caused your moans to vibrate onto his cock. 
You were all moaning messes, utterly void of any emotion apart from pleasure and whatever emotion you would call being under the influence. 
You were being rag-dolled back and forth and wished for every bit of it. 
John's hand got tighter but his once consistent up-and-down movement got sloppier, his hips moved up lightly, trying to get as much of you on his cock as humanely possible. 
He was balls deep within your mouth, you were taking in a nose full of his pubic hair. "Yer goin' to make me cum- Jesus Christ Y/N!" His words were still riddled with praise and hastiness as his free hand palmed your tits. He grunted as each movement he made caused the sensitive tip to touch the back of your throat. 
You relished in providing John pleasure. 
Paul had only gotten harsher, the space was mainly filled with the moist sounds of Paul penetrating you, the viscosity you two had produced felt mouthwatering.
"Ya like it when I go faster don't ya? Tell Paulie you like it when he goes faster." He uttered. 
His strokes were paired with that voice off his and as he arrived close, he all but cooed, "Like tha' Y/N? Like tha' baby?"
You turned your head back at him for a moment, he greeted you with a cocky, yet lovely smile. His hair was all messy and he was flushed with colour. 
You could feel him precisely hitting and caring for every nerve inside of you, with his hands tugging on your hips and his pelvis meeting your ass.
And as much as you rasped out John's name, you couldn't help but pull him out of your mouth, only subtly, just to stammer out Paul's. 
You felt an exhilaration coming from all senses. John let out a definitive moan, finally releasing into the back of your throat. The consistency made you feel naughty, you spat some back out only to lick it off his cock again, the slight overstimulation drove him mad, "Shit- fuck...Y/N...slag..." 
Almost on command, Paul did the same. You felt his cum shooting into you, a liquid bullet. He moved in slightly, shoving his semen to the innermost part of you, moaning yeahs and ooos. 
He trembled as you clenched around him. 
Paul changed positions off of you and so did John. You all looked like orgasmic chaos. 
You felt hit with weakness after that, you signalled to them that maybe it was time to rest. 
You were in between them. Paul spooned you, seemingly falling asleep the fastest, probably because he smoked the most. 
John was facing you, muttering sweet whatevers and giving you smooches along your chest. 
It's as if your souls intertwined with one another as you all simultaneously climaxed, you pondered. 
"I love you." You whispered to no one specifically.
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lewlewlemon44 · 6 months
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Bad Idea | LH44
Pairing- Lewis x fem!reader
Warnings- 18+, smut, mentions of alcohol, sexual themes, no mentions of protection, oral, female receiving, caught in the act sort of
Summary- Lewis and Reader are trying to keep their relationship a secret from their friend group. It’s proves to be difficult when while on holiday their friends are convinced they should be together.
You have always enjoyed watching Lewis surf. The way his abs flexed as he quickly glided over the waves and his body glistened from the deep blue ocean water. Even when he seemed to be wiped out by wave after wave there was something about watching his head pop back up out of the water, the quick shake of the head before he pulled himself back up onto his board for the next wave that kept you captivated by him.
“y/n!” Daniel shouted from beside you, pulling you out of your trance with a freight. “What the fuck man?” You asked turning away from the ocean to look at the man beside you.
“I was trying to ask if you want another drink, but you were staring at Lewis… again.” He grinned. Your friends had all wanted you and Lewis to get together, they had been asking for years when the two of you would finally just fuck each other. What they didn't know was that for the past 9 months you and Lewis had been together as a couple. "I was not staring at him. I was watching both of them surf."
"mhm sure, girl." Alison laughed. "Just give me the fucking drink and stop trying to push this Lewis thing already."
"Take his thing and we will leave you alone." Andrew said, cringing at his own joke. "Ew man, ew." Daniel laughed, passing you another soda.
"Speaking of Lewis" Megan chuckled gesturing to Lewis and Miles in what seemed to be a race trying to get to the group the fastest. With Miles' clear height advantage, it was no surprise to see him start to pull away from Lewis. It was also no surprise when Lewis practically launched himself onto Miles' back and nearly caused the tall man to fall face first into the sand. "and you guys want me with that?" you said but couldn't help the small giggle watching your boyfriend sprint to the group with Miles obviously after him.
"Watch out mate" Daniel laughed, just before Miles dived into Lewis' side tackling him into the sand. "ow, what the fuck man?"
"Revenge bruv" Miles laughed, "you do kinda deserve it Lew"
He pouted looking over at you. You smiled finding the pout and the playful glint in his doe eyes adorable. "Watcha you got there?" He reached out for your drink.
"Get your sandy paws away from my juice!" you slapped away his hands, "but I'm thristy!"
"Then get your own" you said but let him take the cherry cola anyways. You watched as he brought the purplish can to his lips and took a sip from it. "Thanks"
"Yeah whatever." You said, smiling at him. "See this is why we won't drop the Lewis thing."
"Shut the fuck up!" you laughed, Lewis giggled.
"Lew, this is a bad idea" You whispered, pushing your hand through his curls gently pulling on his hair. He had you pinned down on his bed, lips against your neck pressing against all your sensitive spots. "This is a great idea" He mumbled, untying your bikini top and flinging it across the room.
"Someone's going to come looking for you" You tried to remind him that you were not only supposed to be getting ready for dinner with the group but that the two of you were not supposed to be getting ready together. "I locked the door babe, no one is coming in here"
He kissed you silencing any further comments you may have had, not that you really had any. As risky as it might be you couldn't deny the fact that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you right now, so you deepened the kiss allowing his tongue to explore your mouth, yours moving in sync against his. You ran your hands down his muscular back, his hand moves up your side immediately finding the breasts he had freed just moments ago. His thumb brushed over your sensitive nipple, forcing a quiet gasp from you.
His lips move back down to your neck and starts his slow descent down your torso, kissing and licking every inch of exposed skin before him. You have one hand back in his curls, the other is scratching over his tattooed back as you arch up and press yourself against him. When he reaches the top of your bikini bottoms his eyes flick up to yours, "please" you whispered lifting your hips for him to pull them off.
"God baby, you're already so wet for me. Could just fuck you right now" he whispered, his eyes locked onto your heat. He thumb presses against your already throbbing clit, moving in tantalizing circles. Your hips buck up towards him as you whimper softly. He smirks, lowering his head down between your thighs and allowing you to feel his hot breath against your pussy. "Lew, please"
"Please what baby? I thought this was a bad idea?" He smirks, his eyes staring into yours. Challenging you to suggest backing out now. "Lew I swear to god if you don't do it now, I will take care of it myself."
He grinned, dipping his head back down and immediately latching onto your sensitive bundle of nerves, ripping a probably too loud moan from you. He slowly starts kissing and licking down to your entrance, bringing his nose in line with your clit and pushes the tip of his tongue in. He thrusts his tongue into you and shakes his head softly creating a friction against your clit that leaves you moaning his name and grabbing his head. You feel yourself tense up, already close to orgasming on his tongue when he replaces his tongue with two of his long fingers. His mouth sucking your clit back into his mouth.
"Come on baby, cum on my mouth. Let me taste you." the combination of his words, his mouth against you and his fingers moving against all the sensitives spots they can reach inside you is enough to send you over the edge. Your thighs squeeze his head between them, as he helps you ride out the waves of your orgasm. You aren't sure how loud you are moaning but it's enough for Lewis' hand to reach up and cover your mouth.
He raises his head once your thighs finally loosen their grip on it and grins at you. His beard glistening with your juices, he makes his way back up your body and kisses you. You can taste yourself on him as his lips move against yours.
You reach down his body and pull his dark blue swimming shorts off needing to feel him inside you. He pulls away and kicks his shorts off, you take his large cock into your hand and stroke him, bringing your thumb up to his tip and smoothing the small drop of pre cum over it in slow teasing circles. Lewis groaned softly, pressing his head into your neck for a moment. He moves your hand from him, replacing it with his own. He coated himself in your juices, rubbing himself between your folds.
"fuck Lew" you whispered, wrapping your legs around his hips as he pushed into you inch by inch. You pulled him closer to you, forcing him in fully. "God, sweetie your so fucking tight" He groaned.
His thrust started slow, waiting for you to give him the go ahead to fuck into you the way you both wanted. "Fuck me, Lewis" You whispered against his ear.
He immediately picked up the pace, headboard slamming against the wall as he speared his cock into you. You moaned, digging your fingers into his back. You moved back against him meeting him thrust for thrust increasing the pleasure for both of you. "Shit, love" Lewis groaned, holding your hip with one hand the other holding himself up over you.
You bite down on his shoulder, muffling your moans against it. The pain spurring Lewis on and bringing out his own moans needing to be muffled. You pressed your lips against his, the familiar knot forming in your stomach. Your walls clenched around his throbbing cock.
"Fuck, y/n!" He groaned, tensing above you before he spilled into you. Hot ropes of his cum coating your walls bringing you along with him. You scratched down his back shaking beneath him, moaning his name.
Lewis collapsed onto you, crushing you beneath his weight. You breathed heavily rubbing his sweaty back. He lifted his head and gave you a lazy smile, "See, no one walked in on us"
You laughed telling him to shut up before kissing him.
You made your way into the dining room with Lewis trailing behind you, a slightly dopey smile on his face. One that will surely give you two away if anyone has any idea of what you two had just done.
You looked up to see all your friends grinning at you, "uh what?" you asked slightly uncomfortable by their quiet grins. "You two fucked" Miles said, as if there was no other option and to be fair he was right not that you were going to admit it so easily. "huh?"
"Oh, come on y/n we heard you both!" Daniel laughed, "by the way very happy for you two but please don't make us listen to that again" Alison added laughing.
You blushed looking back at Lewis who just shrugged and grinned absolutely unashamed to have been caught out by your friends. "I told you it was a bad idea" you mumbled, "eh it's not so bad, I can do this now" He smiled, leaning down and kissing you.
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queenshelby · 4 months
An Illicit Affair
Part 15: Domestic Violence
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity, Mention of Domestic Abuse
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After Danielle departed in order to do some shopping, you took upon yourself to talk to Cillian about his lie to you and the other medical staff, confronting him gently about the issue at hand.
Your gaze lingered on him as you entered the room at around 11 o'clock that morning and, right after you closed the door behind you, Cillian put his book aside and smiled at you gently, pretending that nothing had happened. 
"Just to let you know, I hate needles," he then chuckled with a soft smile, shifting uncomfortably on the hospital bed while you sat down next to him, setting the tray containing his booster shot in front of him.
"I promise it won't hurt much Cills. I will be gentle," you winked as you prepared the injection and before running your hand over his cheek gently. 
"You know I could have gotten one of the nurses to do this, but I would like to have a chat with you before working on your discharge papers," you then began, causing Cillian to frown slightly.
"Okay, shoot," he said cautiously, biting his lower lip nervously while meeting your gaze searchingly.
"Why did you lie to me and the medical staff about how you sustained the laceration?" you asked Cillian, your heart pounding in your chest. The air was thick with tension, and you could feel the electricity crackling between you both.
Cillian hesitated for a moment before replying. "I didn't want anyone to worry," he said, shrugging casually. "Besides, it was a simple misunderstanding," he added, his gaze flickering nervously.
"A misunderstanding between you and Danielle?" you pressed Cillian, your eyebrows shooting up. "Or perhaps an argument that escalated into something worse?" You held his gaze, trying to read his emotions, and it wasn't until he looked away that you understood.
"Cillian, what happened last night?" you asked, reaching out to squeeze his shoulder reassuringly. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but if Danielle is acting abusively towards you then you should open up about it," you urged, your heart sinking as you saw the torment in his eyes.
"No, no, it's not like that Y/N," Cillian protested vehemently, his voice cracking slightly. "We just had a disagreement last night after the event. She noticed your lipstick on my shirt and she accused me of cheating on her with one of the women from the committee. She has been accusing me of cheating on her for ten fucking years Y/N and, let me tell you, until I met you, I never did. I never even contemplated it. We were arguing in the kitchen, the knife slipped. That's it. It was totally innocuous, Y/N," Cillian insisted defensively, his eyes pleading with yours but something deep inside you knew that there was more to it.
An injury this severe could not have been caused by an accident like this and you suspected that something darker lay beneath the surface. 
"Okay, I believe you," you lied calmly before quickly injecting the needle into his arm tenderly. 
"Are you okay?" you asked as you administered the shot, feeling a surge of protectiveness wash over you.
"It doesn't hurt that much," he nodded, causing you to smile warmly.
"Yeah, but you do seem upset," you observed, swallowing hard as you watched him try to pull himself together.
"I'm fine," Cillian muttered, flashing you a half-hearted smile before turning his gaze away, his eyes filled with sadness. "I just need some time to think," he sighed, his eyes locked on the hospital room door. "Danielle can be a bit possessive sometimes, you know, and I cannot deal with it anymore," he mumbled softly as he looked back at you, his eyes filled with concern.
"How about I give you some privacy then, so that you can relax and...," you began to suggest, preparing to leave the room, but Cillian grabbed your hand, halting you in your tracks.
"Thank you, Y/N," he whispered, looking up at you with his piercing blue eyes. "You are really something else," he continued, his voice dropping an octave. "I wish things were different..." he trailed off, leaving you to fill in the blanks. But you knew that his words held deeper meaning.
"Me too but, you know, when you are in London, we could still spend time together occasionally if you like. We just need to be more careful," you smiled gently before leaning forward to caress Cillian's face. 
"I would like that," Cillian responded before leaning forward as well, his lips brushing against yours gently.
You kissed briefly, both of you hesitant and unsure of where this was going. But there was something magnetic pulling you towards each other, a force neither of you could ignore.
"You better get out of here before someone walks in," Cillian eventually murmured against your skin, his voice husky and low. "Plus, you need to prepare my discharge papers, don't you?" he grinned slyly before kissing you once more quickly. 
"You're right," you gasped, breaking apart and standing up abruptly. "I will get your papers ready, but James will need to approve and sign them. I am still on trial," you explained before, finally, heading towards the door. 
As soon as you left the room, you asked who was assigned to ward management and, not much to your surprise, it was Nurse O'Nelly who was in charge that day. 
Approaching her desk, you introduced yourself and inquired about the availability of Cillian's medical records from other facilities, which was a request that surprised her.
"He is only in for a laceration so we didn't obtain any records from his health fund and the public hospital system in Ireland," the nurse explained, raising a brow skeptically. 
"I am concerned about domestic abuse which, in itself, legally warrants to obtain the records. So, you could you please get them?" you argued diplomatically. 
"You think that he is a victim of domestic violence?" O'Nelly gasped, her eyes widening in disbelief while you nodded reluctantly and, even though you felt as though you had betrayed Cillian's trust, you followed the hospital's protocol.  "Well, then I understand your concerns. Let me ask the attending physician to authorise the release of the information," she said, picking up the phone.
"About that, I would like the attending to take over. I do not wish to view the records myself for personal reasons," you explained delicately, averting your gaze from Nurse O'Nelly. 
"Okay," Nurse O'Nelly chuckled, peering at you with curiosity. "You're worried, but you don't want to delve into it yourself?" she asked, her tone is matter-of-fact, bordering on sarcastic. 
"I have a conflict of interest. It wouldn't be proper for me to view his health records. I used to date his son," you explained, feeling the nurse scrutinize you suspiciously. "I don't want to cross professional boundaries, especially since I'm still training," you admitted, averting your gaze guiltily.
"Oh I see," Nurse O'Nelly said slowly, pursing her lips tightly. "This makes sense then," she conceded reluctantly and picked up the phone again. "James, this is Mary. Can you come to Ward 3 for a minute?" she spoke into the receiver firmly and, within minutes, James walked into the room, looking puzzled as he approached us.
"What's the problem here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he scanned you and Nurse O'Nelly.
"We have reason to believe that Mr. Murphy might be a victim of domestic abuse," O'Nelly stated plainly, her expression grave.
"Really?" James responded, his eyes widening in astonishment. "That's certainly unexpected," he muttered, his tone skeptical.
"Is there anything specific that makes you question this?" he then asked and Nurse O'Nelly explained the situation to him discreetly and James immediately acknowledged your concern.
"Alright, get his health records if you can and get the wife's records too. I think she was admitted to this hospital before and signed a release just a few months ago," James instructed O'Nelly while exchanging a significant glance with you before disappearing again to attend another patient while you moved on to work on some other cases as well.
There was one patient in particular that day who needed your attention. A young woman who had just suffered a miscarriage and had to be admitted to the ward for further observation due to complications.
Her name was Laura and she was accompanied by her partner Sam, a kind and caring man who had stuck by her side through thick and thin and, just as you finished up with her, James came barging by and asked whether you had a minute to spare. 
"Can we talk for a minute?" he asked, holding on to Cillian's and Danielle's records tightly. 
You nodded, swallowing hard as you stepped out of the patient's room alongside James.
"What do you want to discuss?" you questioned him warily, your pulse quickening in your veins.
"Let's go to the break room," James suggested quietly, leading you there while you followed him, a million questions swirling in your mind. What was wrong with the records? Could it be true? Was Cillian being subjected to abuse from his own wife?
"I reviewed the records and found some concerning patterns," James whispered, his voice barely audible as he leaned in close, which is when you stopped him.
"Listen James, I cannot get involved in this. I have a personal conflict of interest in this matter because of my past relationship with their son Max," you began, taking a big gulp of courage. "Like I said, I do not want to cross professional boundaries," you admitted, averting your gaze guiltily.
"I understand that," James agreed, nodding sympathetically. "But I have a legal obligation to follow up on your suspicions and I have a moral obligation to protect you from physical harm, so I really need to discuss this matter with you," James told you worryingly, causing your brows to furrow.
"Why would I suffer any physical harm?" you challenged James, narrowing your eyes in confusion. 
"Y/N, I am not stupid," James began to explain calmly, laying a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You are involved with this man, and I think you are blindsided by the situation," he told you sternly before explaining the findings in Cillian's and Danielle's records.
"Cillian's records don't show much other than a few fillings and colds. He hasn't been to a hospital in over ten years. His wife's medical records however are quite eventful. There is a pattern of injury and I feel as though you might be wrong about who is abusing who and I do not want you to be in the same boat," James confessed, swallowing hard.
"Danielle has been treated for a range of injuries including sprains, fractures, and blunt trauma. It's quite evident that...," James revealed, causing you to interrupt him mid-sentence. 
"So, you are suggesting that he is abusive towards her?" you interrupted James sharply, narrowing your eyes in disbelief. "There is no fucking way, James!" you shook your head. "I mean, even just considering everything he told me today, I find that highly unlikely," you argued defensively, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Maybe he was lying to you," James retorted coolly, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "Abusers often hide their true nature behind charm and charisma," he reminded you, throwing you a pointed glance.
"But Cillian isn't like that," you objected. "He's kind, considerate, and wouldn't hurt a fly," you told James who rested his hand on your shoulder. 
"Y/N," James sighed heavily. "Look, I know you care about him, but it's possible that he's hiding something. Abusers rarely reveal their true nature unless pushed," he warned, his tone sombre but you would not have a bar of this. 
"I am going to talk to him. This is ridiculous," you declared resolutely, pushing past James impatiently and, even though he tried to stop you, his efforts were futile.
To be continued...
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sc0tters · 7 months
Hard Launch | Timo Meier
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summary: turns out your worries were for nothing when everyone loves the announcement of your new relationship
request: yes/no
warnings: none
word count: 1.16k
authors note: this might be my new favourite type of trope to talk about as the formula one stuff makes me smile (might even have to make an au with a driver) but for now you can look to the celly instead!
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Austria had always been your favourite track.
It was the first you scored points, the second you got a podium, and your first win. This was also going to be the first race that your boyfriend was going to watch. As you two started dating last December this was only the second race that Timo would be able to go to after the first was in Canada.
But now you weren’t thinking about that as you watched him sleep in the bed at the hotel “I can feel you staring.” Timo mumbled rolling over as you had been sat by the vanity “just wanted to see my pretty boy.” You cooed getting up as you tied off the end of your braid.
Timo smiled opening his eyes as you sat on the bed next to him “what time are we meant to go?” His hand rubbed against your knee as he propped himself up “Zak has me doing a press conference with Lando this morning so I’ll see you there.” Your words made him frown “I promise you’ll have fun.” You tried to offer him some comfort as you spent him for breakfast with Daniel “good luck today if I don’t see you later.” Timo pressed his lips against yours as he pinched your chin between his fingers.
The boy laughed as you pressed your forehead against his “I’m gonna miss you.” You frowned placing your hand on top of his “after England we will have plenty of time to cuddle.” With almost a month off you two were going to then spend your time in Switzerland.
It made you raise your eyebrows “just cuddle?” Your lips brushed over his “you know that we will be doing a whole lot more than just cuddling.” Timo smirked as his fingers pinched at your side “now I seriously have to go!” You announced getting up as you sent him a salute before you left the room.
Timo knew he loved watching you on tv but that poor boy swore he spent half of that race hiding behind his face as he had watched you defend for your life when Max was on the same tires as you. The cameras had seen him but nobody beyond your friends and competitors on track knew who knew who he truly was to you.
So as you got out of your car and hit your halo as you punched your fists into the air there was only one man you truly wanted to see in that moment “my good luck charm.” You mumble pulling your helmet off of your head “come get your reward baby!” Timo cheered with a smile as you locked your hand into his shirt bringing him down to your level so that you could kiss him.
He loved how cheers erupted from around you both as the clear sound of Max’s laughter came into your ears as Timo smiled into the kiss “who knew you had such game?” The Dutch boy teased as you causing you to stick your tongue out at him.
Months had gone by and even as your fans adored seeing more of you with Timo as you now sat with him in his New Jersey apartment during your break before Las Vegas you felt nerves eat up at you.
Sure you knew it was stupid but all you truly wanted was for his fans to take to you too “what are you thinking about?” Timo smiled seeing you stare at how his jersey looked on you “what if they don’t like me-” he didn’t even let you finish your sentence as he wrapped his hands around your waist “if they don’t then they’re all idiots.” Timo mumbled cupping your face in his hands.
It sent your mind to ease as he kissed your head “besides I’ve got the coolest girlfriend so who gives a fuck?” His accent with the English swear words made you laugh “I love you baby.” He cooed bringing his lips on yours “I love you too.” You nodded running your fingers along the hem of his shirt.
The hockey player hugged you “just have fun tonight and I’ll see you by the locker rooms afterwards.” You smiled as he swayed the two of you on the spot “my love.” You mumbled looking up at him as your chin pressed against his chest.
You had Timo grinning “yes?” He waited to hear what you seemed desperate to say “score a goal for me tonight?” There was a playful sense to your voice causing him to laugh “you know I will.” He tapped your nose causing it to scrunch.
His laugh echoed through your ears as his phone went off “I have to go but I will be seeing you later.” Timo pecked your lips as he saw the message that Nico was downstairs “play your heart out tonight.” You loved watching him walk off in his suit.
The clip from that game that everyone was talking about, including the commentators, was the one of Timo pointing into the crowd after he scored. As he banged his hand on his chest you did the same thing mirroring your own winning celebration. When he ended it off with blowing a kiss in your direction you truly couldn’t handle it anymore as allowing your cheeks to turn red. Of course that was when everyone officially knew that you were together.
Even the reporter who interviewed him after his hat trick brought it up so that meant that everyone was talking about it “how do you feel driving that fast?” Luke asked as he enjoyed talking to you “honestly I don’t think about my speed when I’m on the track.” You shrugged not thinking about it.
It made Jack laugh from beside him “told you we should have come only with us.” Jack ruffled his hand through his younger brothers hair “now can you boys let me see my girlfriend.” Timo turned to you with jealousy evident in his voice.
He was sweaty as his hair stuck to his forehead “there’s my star player.” You smiled walking over to him as you let your hand wrap around his bicep “I’m proud of you.” Your voice was soft as you pushed onto your tippy toes to kiss his lips.
Neither one of you noticed that his teammates were watching the interaction with smiles on their faces “do you boys mind?” Timo tried to glare at them with the hopes that the boys would leave “you think she could let us come visit in Vegas?” Dawson sent you a toothy grin causing you both to laugh.
“You all know that the answer is going to yes.”
📍 las vegas
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liked by tmeier96, jackhughes and others
yourusername: winning on the track and on the ice.
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vicsy · 9 months
maxiel wrestling au ✨ 2.7k words that boinked me in the head cause i miss the good old days.
The new guy is way too green to be fit into a match right before the main event and Daniel voices his genuine concern with zero hesitation. It's his reputation at risk. Christian claps him on the shoulder assuredly, paints the guy — his name is Max and he goes by Super Max until creative will have something to do with that, fuck's sake — in the brightest colors. Tries to make a sell, a corporate rat in and out of the ring.  
And the thing is, the new guy is sort of gloomy, doesn't smile much even when Daniel offers his signature greeting. He's not a fucking asshole, he won't tell a rookie to go to hell for that. They've all been there, first day jitters and all. But, man, this new guy. Something is off about him. 
His ring gear, for starters, and Daniel shouldn't be the judge since his mom made him his first ill-fitting set back in Australia when Daniel was seventeen and scrawny, fresh-faced with crooked teeth and the energy of three hundred power plants. So, yeah, it's bad wrestling etiquette or whatever but the outline of a lion in the middle of the rookies' — sorry, Max's — ass is… something. The blue and gold shorty shorts fit alright, though, Daniel does give them an appreciative look. He prefers pants and shin guards, that's all.  
And, shit, looks like this Super Max, for crying out loud, designs his gear himself, judging by this very self-indulgent print. People are gonna tear him to shreds, like vultures; crush his spirit, knowing how this biz works when you're twenty-five and still wide-eyed, full of dreams of making it big, becoming the next Shawn Michaels or The Great Senna. 
Max is surely no wrestling royalty, no Rosberg or Flair or Schumaher. His dad was some midcarder in the late eighties back when FWF was at the cusp of breaking viewership records. And, surely, Max is a texbook continuation of his father's unfulfilled hopes. Daniel can read it in the way Max held himself, in the way his arms fidget when he talks and beside him Christian nods, proud, like it was his son making his big screen debut.
Daniel wonders, why him. Putting Max against younger guys would have been more plausible. Putting a company rookie against an established champion definitely seemed like a choice. 
"Don't forget that I make the calls, Daniel," Christian says, the finality in his voice clear as day when Max steps away to put his signature on a contract for the night. Then the suit-and-tie fucker gives him a cunning little smile and Daniel swallows a witty response stuck on the tip of his tongue. "Besides, he asked very, uh, insistently to pair you two up. How could I have been in the right mind to say no to the future of wrestling wanting to take on one of the crowd favorites?"
Well. Fuck. Daniel would know how, being an absolute gem on the mic but nobody's asking, so he's shit out of luck in that department. And currently booked in match with a guy who apparently admires him. Same height and, what? Eight years younger? Daniel tries not to read it as a sign for retirement. 
They settle on a cage match and, surely, it means essentially throwing Max into the deep end from day one but his eyes shine eagerly and he goes on a tangent, dissects the match step by step as if he's been running with the FWF for as long as Daniel did. Ten fucking years, thank you very much, and he knows damn well how to put on a show without some jobber — alright, sure, Daniel isn't supposed to squash him but still — running his mouth with a wrestling for dummies kind of talk. But Max didn't look like the same person who glowered at Daniel minutes before. He seems like someone who loved wrestling with all his being, lived and breathed the craft, came alive with the sound of the bell, the boos and cheers; the bruises and tore muscles, broken bones and bittersweet victories. 
"We doing the spot?" Daniel interrupts but in good nature, stretching his shoulders one by one, wearing a lazy smile to hide his annoyance. He half expects Max to refuse, back out of it. Wouldn't blame him, really. "Top of the cage, before the bell."
"Of course," Max answers too quickly, voice croaky, his chin lifted high as if Daniel offended him. Doubted him on the spot; doubted his hunger to make a name in the biggest wrestling federation known in the world. "It's a cage match after all. We have to make a good show."
We, huh? Perhaps the kid knows a thing or two. 
"Yeah, cool," Daniel tugs his Beats on, cues a special playlist in a pre-match ritual. "See ya in the ring, Super Maxy-Max."
He walks off to warm up as the show begins but not before noticing a sudden blush on Max's pale cheeks, his chest puffing with a response that he breathes out in a language Daniel can't place. He bounces around backstage, high-fives miserable-looking Charles on his way from the ring. His chest is streaked with red lines. Poor guy took the brunt of Fernando's chops. Daniel could still hear his music playing as he celebrated a win accompanied by heartfelt boos of the crowd. Eh, fucking marks. 
Daniel makes a point of not acknowledging Max at gorilla position, adjusting his shockingly colourful ring gear instead, slinging the FWF championship belt over his shoulder. It's childish to use it as a shield and Daniel is the nicest guy to his core, cross his heart, but the wrestling biz is cutthroat. And even Max's music is not on par with the standarts when it plays after Daniel finished making his way to the ring, greeted the crowd and sent the shirt he wore flying towards the grabby hands of his faithful fans. They are, truly so, booing loudly along with the generic entrance song, letting Max feel their disdain from the start, not letting him mistake it as a warm welcome. Not against their favorite Badger. 
And yet, Max's face remains blank. The way he slowly removes his own t-shirt and neatly leaves it on the side of the ring pulls a chuckle out of Daniel. God, he's so spectacularly green. 
Simply on the grounds of Daniel being a fucking face, he reaches his hand out after the bell dings and the metal cage above them descends agonizingly slow, inviting Max to lock up; a class act. Max knocks his hand away, expression scrunched in a mask of disgust. Daniel takes every assumption he made back; they're about to have a grand ol' time. 
Max's style is a bit choppy but he doesn't strike Daniel as a high-flying type. Mostly old school moves, orchestrated to a precision not every rookie has. They exchange a couple of blows and Daniel takes initiative for the time being. He ducks away from a spear and Max hits the turnbuckle shoulder first, turning with a grimace of pain. He doesn't oversell, a great fucking sign for them both, and Daniel bounces off the ropes to deliver a flying knee to the side of Max's jaw. He takes it magnificently, falling to his knees completely unbalanced. 
Maybe, just maybe, he owes Christian the benefit of the doubt. At very least, their styles are a match, perfect opposites to elevate each other's strengths. Max's brawler against Daniel's technician; a study of contrasts between the brawn and the showmanship. 
He ends up putting Max in a figure-four smack dab in the middle of the ring so he can’t reach for the ropes to save himself and, shit, he sells so wonderfully that Daniel's mind wanders. There is something in the bend of Max's neck, in the strength of his entire figure — built but limber, writhing under Daniel's scrutiny, completely at his mercy. The give Max's body begs to be molded in his hands and, suddenly, a startlingly clear image surfaces at the back of Daniel's mind. Tag matches turning into tag titles, titles turning into a betrayal to feed the storyline; and then the redemption arc.
Then, a reunion. Full circle. Squared circle.
It's breathtaking, in truth. The easy push and pull, the synergy buzzing in the air between them, Max struggling out of the submission hold to pin Daniel's shoulders against the mat. A brash fucking attempt for a pin; he kicks out at one and rolls some distance away, eyeing Max to add to the dramatic of their unlikely clash. 
The crowd goes wild. Daniel stretches his lips in a smile, sharp like the jagged edges of the glass they pour out for hardcore matches. He catches himself thinking that he'd go for one with Max. Maybe just to see those lips bloodied, returning his smile tenfold. 
Time's almost out, the referee lets them know discreetly. Daniel lets Max turn the tide, drive him head first into the wall of the cage, hitting through the ropes with a clang. Daniel's head gets beaten against the turnbuckle, his back slammed against the mat with a perfectly executed chokeslam and the crowd gasps with sympathy. Max busies himself with prying the gate of the cage open, acting the heel part eerily well as Daniel catches his breath, sells Max's beating appropriately, without an overkill. 
He pulls Daniel outside of the cage, outside the ring, dragging his face against the barricade towards the commentator table. Max makes sure to interact with the crows, give them an opportunity to hate him, call him names. Something akin to adoration swells in Daniel's chest; he doesn't understand where it's coming from and then Max clotheslines him hard and he crumbles onto the floor lined with thin mats.
Good move, that. Suits the set up right.
Max almost throws a middle finger to the crowd and starts climbing the side of the cage with a single intent, much to the horror of the arena. Yeah, real fucking marks but Daniel wouldn't have it any other way. He counts to thirty in his head, sprawled flat on his back near the commentator table, having one of their tiny screens jammed in his midsection before by Max's enthusiastic efforts. He counts and follows the lines of Max's body, the broadness of his shoulders and the paleness of his skin. It makes Daniel's mind wander anew, in a direction it shouldn't, not in the middle of a high-risk match. 
The crowd gets antsy, urging Daniel to get the hell up, and so he does, Max halfway up on the cage, unknowing, with a sinister plan of his own. His muscles protest but it's hardly anything new. Daniel manages to catch up to Max in a flurry of adrenaline-addled motion, reaching up to hook his hand in Max's ridiculous shorts. Max looks down at him, expression purely shocked to satisfy the crowd and Daniel counts again as he tugs. Once, twice.
It's never pleasant, plummeting down and straight onto the commentator table. It breaks with a horrible sound under Max's back and he lies there, unmoving, the commentators standing not far away, still doing their job. Daniel hangs onto the slippery metal of the cage, listening to the crowd yelling and frothing at the mouth for him to do the thing they all came here for. He raises one hand and pumps his fists in the air twice, eliciting a reaction that makes his mind go into an overdrive. 
He takes a breath, bending his elbow for his signature move and jumps.
The Ricciardo Special lands beautifully on Max's midsection, making him yelp and seize from the pain. Daniel is so used to hitting the ground this way but the calmness that comes hand in hand with the fall is forever unsettling. Max breathes raggedly underneath him, limbs akimbo and his eyes half-shut, eyelashes fanning his splotched cheeks. From Daniel's point of view he looks like someone gave him a fuck of a lifetime. The sight makes Daniel's heart skip.
In the wreckage at the ringside, the perpetual hunger Daniel left unsated stirs impatiently, awakening from a famished slumber.  
Max's body under his own feels like it belongs; feels like a missing piece finally fitting. It hits Daniel like a freight train, the all-encompassing normalcy in the midst of controlled chaos.
He squeezes Max's wrist twice in a silent question, their limbs tangled together on the broken bits of the table. Max's fingers twitch against his hold — yes, I'm okay. 
And the show goes on towards the long-awaited climax. 
It takes Daniel thirty seconds to peel Max off the floor by the back of his neck, squeezing tight and roughly hauling him back inside the cage, rolling them both into the ring. It's a whole ordeal, his body exhausted and Max matches him there, too, playing the beaten to the pulp heel as if he's been doing it since he learned how to walk. Daniel drags him to the middle of the mat again, admiring the pliancy with which Max follows. There's a persistent ringing in his ears and an electric shock wracks through him when he gets his hand's on parts of Max's body he managed not yet to touch, no resistance as he bends him in half, Daniel's palm sliding against the sweaty skin under Max's knees. The referee appears next to them, slamming his palm against the mat.
One. Two. 
And when Max eats the pin like he's supposed to, like they've settled in the pre-match booking with Christian, Max's prominent mouth pressed into a thin line making Daniel think who the fuck does this jobber think he is, all the sounds of the packed arena rush into his ears as the bell rings and the cage finally lifts, freeing them. The crowd erupts and Daniel rolls over onto his back, gulping air, Max's arm pinned under him, sweaty skin sticking together. His music hits like a fucking tornado; another win sequred under his belt but all Daniel can muster at that moment is to turn his head against the stiffness in his neck, catching Max's gaze already trained on him. Mouth open, chest rising up and falling so rapidly Daniel seems to lose his breath again. 
Or perhaps it's the shine in Max's eyes, their color clear-blue like the spotlights above. Daniel finds it hard to look away and he desperately needs to drag himself to his feet, clutch the championship belt to his chest, an assurance of his stature; something solid to hang on to.
Max asked to wrestle him first. Daniel grasps at the foreign feeling blooming behind his ribcage.
His win doesn't feel like one. Not with Max suddenly so close to claiming a space for himself, claiming what's his and he's so damned good it scares Daniel momentarily. But the fear dissipates as quickly as the pain does when someone lands a chair shot just the right way. A satisfying kind of pain. With a slight twitch of his mouth, Max is the first to move away, further to the ropes. The skin of his back is angry red, the mess of moles speckled with blood where the impact from the commentator table scratched and tore into his flesh. 
Max rolls off the ring and limps up the ramp, holding his ribs gingerly. He turns when the referee raises Daniel's hand and he manages to straighten the other one with belt in it, showing it off as you still got it echoes in a thousand voices. For the first time he doesn't revel in the outpour of love and adoration, the crowd clapping and chanting his name. He doesn't look them over with a smile and his chest still feels caged, much like he and Max were moments ago, locked in what wasn't just a match. 
Something snaps; something ends. Daniel feels the shift clear, like the Earth tilting on its axis taking him with it and leaving Max standing still, his scuffed, golden boots rooted firmly to the ground. The weight of the championship belt turns laden, drags Daniel deep into the uncharted waters as he stares Max down, challenging and unabashed, blood thrumming with adrenaline. The bundled tightness in his chest lingers and lingers and lingers.
A corner of Max's mouth quirks up, eyes crinkling; no real malice behind them, just an answer to a soundless call, a promise for more. 
Daniel feels like he's the one plummeting down from the cage, from the top of a tower he built in his own name, not with stone but with blood, sweat and tears. Max follows suit, crashing into him without reservation, raw talent and blunt force, the soft edges of him breaking through skin and bone going straight for the heart; straight for the pin. 
The count follows, inescapably.
In his mind, Daniel doesn't kick out. 
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123pixieaod · 10 months
pilot!Max x backpacker!Daniel 👨‍✈️✈️💼
Part One; Part Two; Part Three; Part Four; Part Five;
"What do you mean the bus is full?" Lando barks, arms crossed.
The driver doesn't reply. He just stares Lando down, no doubt taking in their fifty pound differences.
"I don't think you understand", Sebastian wades in, clamping a hand on Lando's shoulder as if to hold him back. "We're the crew."
"The crew", the man repeats, the same way Max might repeat Lando's declaration that he should fly the plane today, or Sebastian's musings that he might retire next year. Yeah, right. The crew.
"I'm the captain", Sebastian begins in his soft, soothing tone. "This is -"
"The captain?" The driver sneers, looking at Sebastian's dirty sneakers and lanky blonde hair swept out of his face by a faded hairband. He looks more in place in a 1980's Wimbeldon final then 2am in the airport carpark, desperately trying to charm his way onto the last bus which would get them to Dublin on time.
"Max is my Second Officer," Sebastian continues on, German accent rising and falling like the rolling hills Max loves to look down on. "And Lando here is our flight engineer".
Max catches Lando eye, who clearly is trying not to look chuffed with himself. He hasn't formally been told he's passed his exam to graduate from cadet to flight engineer. Well, there goes that surprise.
The driver's lip sneers, beady eyes regarding the three of them. To be honest, Max can't exactly fault his suspicions. None of them look like high-flighing pilots at Formula One Wings airline. Sebastian, as Max has already gone over, looks like somewhere between a 1980s Wimbledon champion or 1980s pornstar, but either way, not this side of the 21st century. Lando, in his designer joggers and baggy Tee, looks like some frat guy who got lost in a game of beer pong and somehow ended up in the back-arse of Europe. And Max just looks... boring, he supposes. More suited behind a computer, sat at a desk for the rest of his life. Earth-child, not sky-bound.
"If we miss the flight we're meant to be captaining because the plane got diverted to another airport but some driver doesn't believe our story, I doubt F1 wings will be pleased," Lando says, wielding his 'a year at my private school costs the same as your house' tone. Thank fuck he's picked up enough self-preservation to resist doing it around Max.
The driver's lips thin. Lando smirks and even Sabatian looks pleased. After a beat, they go onto the bus.
Sebastian and Lando, the bastards, grab the two free seats beside each other. They manage to give Max a sympathetic look as he rolls his eyes, stumbling done the thin bus aisle to find one final seat free. He's lugging his backpack, packed neatly the night before with his uniform and the still untouched "Flying High: Top 100 Lifelessons From Pilots!" book his dad got him for Christmas.
The bus driver jolts the bus forward, clearly intend on at least giving Max mild concussion for all the hassle he's caused him. Max staggers, grabbing blindly at the chair rests and corner of suitcases precariously balanced down the aisle.
He can only just make out the vaguest sizes and shapes in the darkness, and it takes him far longer than he would like to admit to finally find the free chair. A guy is slumped at the window seat, his legs stretched over the seat beside him, feet dangling of the edge. Max tries to gently wake him, but when the bus driver takes a roundabout with aggression that seems a tad overzealous and Max only just keeps his balance, he roughly shakes the guys' shoulders.
"Hey", he hisses. "Move."
The guy makes a wonderfully undignified "whhugh?" sound before hastily sitting upright, swinging his legs back. Max quickly slides into the free seat just as the driver takes a gentle curve in the road like he's in the Mad Max franchise.
"Fucking hell this driver " the man whispers as Max tries to clip in his seat belt in the dark.
"Sorry", the man tries again. "Didn't mean to conk out on you. Just the fucking change of departure is really the last thing I need," he laughs, a soft, musical sound. Max turns his head, but can only just make out the darkness of his body, the vaguest shape of him. No distinguishable features, no personable details. Just a shadow and the faintest hint of sandlewood and a soft, accented voice.
"Tell me about it," Max says, looking down at his lap. He pressed his fingertips to his sleeve, grounding the lack of visibility in touch.
"What do you think happened?"
"Air traffick control in France unexpectedly hindered the current schedule of the Irish long-haul flights, thus forcing all previous departures around the country to be moved to Dublin." He recites it perfectly, the impersonal email they were all sent one hour ago still fresh in his mind. Fucking French traffick control, fucking up Max’s sleep schedule, like he has fuck all to do with their pay.
The guy exhales. "Well, a little warning would've been nice. I had to sell an arm and a leg to try and get a ticket which would get me to Dublin airport in time. Do you think F1 wings will compensate us?"
Max shrugs, even though the guy can't see him. "Probably not. But who knows, maybe the cabin crew will be late too, and there'll be no pilots around to fly anyway.'
The guy snorts. "Yeah right, as if F1 Wings doesn't send like private drivers or jets or something for their pilots when shit like this happens."
Max smiles in the darkness. F1 Wings couldn't really give a shit about their pilots. They only care if something goes wrong or something goes right - complaints of misconduct, a heroic save, anything beyond the usual and then F1 Wings care. They'll care if him, Sebastian and Lando don't get to Dublin in time for the scheduled departure of their flight. Even though the airline barely lifted a finger to help them, if something goes wrong, then Max knows for sure who'll get the blame.
"So where are you flying to?" The man asks after a beat. Max is surprised, the guy sounds tired, and Max had just assumed he'd go straight back to sleep.
"Qatar," he answers honestly, and then man huffs a soft laugh.
"No way! Me too, at 7, right?" Even though its a question, he doesn't leave time for Max to answer. "What are the chances! What are you going for Qatar for?"
"Work", Max states. He's learned it's just easier not to tell people he's a pilot in scenarios like these. They ask questions he probably shouldn't answer (like why he wanted to become a pilot), request for better meals (as if he has an iota of influence on the catering of the flight), or simply just talking his ear off about their flight simulator game they play at home. It's easier to just be a nobody.
"Sick", the man says, enthuasm undeterred by Max's sparse responses. "I have a layover there for 5 hours, and then flying on to Vietnam."
Max nods. He's flown that run a few times, but mainly under Sebastian's mentorship when he was still a cadet.
"You going home from there?" He asks, and the man makes a questioning noise.
"To Australia?" Max amends.
"Oh, yeah no. Maybe after Asia, but probs not," for the first time, his tone is more somber. He doesn't offer any explanation, and Max knows better then to ask.
"I mean, I know my accent is pretty clear cut," he laughs, momentary beat of quietness quickly shunned. "But your accent is less so. German?"
"Ah, my second guess!" The man says, and Max can hear his smile.
"I'm Max", Max blurts out before he can doubt himself.
"Daniel," the stranger-no-more says. Something moves against Max's knee, and the man - Daniel - huffs another soft laugh.
"Sorry, I'm looking for your hand to shake."
Part Two!
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tiredbuthappy · 2 years
New Romantics
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A/N: Long awaited, but surprise! I hope you’re all still out there and that you enjoy this, and I'd love to hear any thoughts you may have. Thanks as always to @haterpenny, and gif credit to @iguessricciardo. More will be coming, and I'm hoping to be posting more regularly again! Words 4k
Previous parts linked on Masterlist
You were seated in the Barcelona press room, sharing the room with two Formula One World Champions- Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton. You glanced nervously at the pitcher of water on the table, your fingers drumming away as you waited for it to officially begin. You were certain there would be some incredibly uncomfortable questions aimed at you, and you were grateful to have Seb beside you. 
Back in Miami you had received a rather firm talking to from Christian, and your talk with Carlos had certainly not been pleasant either. of course Carlos understood that your heart truly lied with Daniel, and he bowed out rather gracefully. Still, you couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt in your chest as you thought back on the conversation. 
“It’s Daniel, isn’t it?” Carlos had questioned, his strong brow furrowed in thought. You pursed your lips and tried to think of the best way to phrase your feelings. 
“Carlos, I… I care about you, a lot- I really do. I have been honest with you every step of the way and I think you’re an incredible man. But you deserve someone who is ready to commit to you fully. And I’m so grateful for the time we’ve gotten to spend together. I don’t know if I ever would have figured out how I felt without you.” You told him sincerely, albeit a bit clumsily. You searched his eyes, nervously anticipating his response. A small, sad smiled worked its way over his lips. 
“It’s okay. I knew this might happen, but I had to try.” He answered simply. 
“I just would really like to be friends. I understand if that’s asking too much, but I’ll always be here for you.” You said somewhat hopefully, looking at him with an expression you were hoping he couldn’t say no to. 
“Yes, of course. Of course, we can be friends. I’m here for you too.” He assured you, seeming as genuine as ever. You let out a sigh of relief and pulled him into a hug. It felt like a weight had lifted off of you, even with the media shitstorm you found yourself in the middle of. 
You were brought back to the present when Lewis started speaking beside you, answering a question that you hadn’t paid attention to. Based on his response you assumed it was something about the incoming Mercedes upgrades. You were pretty uncomfortable, fidgeting a bit in your seat as you waited for the inevitable questions you would get about your current romantic situation. You chewed on your lip as you heard your name echo through the speakers. 
You glanced up and put on your pageant smile, hoping that the question would be about the car. Or the race. Or hell, even your ‘rivalry’ with Hamilton. 
“We’ve all seen the photos circulating in the press,” The ‘journalist’ began, causing you to groan internally.  
“Do you think that is the reason women are not taken seriously in Formula 1? And I can’t help but ask- who do you have your sights set on next?” The man asked, a smug grin on his face. He looked rather proud of himself, and you thought your jaw may break from how tightly it was clenched. 
“Sorry, but if I could interject,” Seb began, raising his hand to stop you from saying anything. 
“But what the fuck kind of question is that?” Sebastian said candidly, catching you and the rest of the room by surprise. Hamilton just sighed deeply beside you, and you turned just in time to see him roll his eyes. 
“Yeah, mate, that’s a bad look. Would you ask anyone else on the grid that question?” He asked, shaking his head as though embarrassed for the man. You felt some warmth spread through your chest at two of the most recognizable names in Formula One coming to your defense. Your two colleagues that you looked up to perhaps more than any others. You glanced between the two men and leaned towards the microphone. 
“Does that answer your question?” You couldn’t help but quirk your brow, returning the attitude. There was a bit of a response among the crowd of people, mixed snickers and chuckles as the next question was posed. 
Thankfully after that, no one dared to ask anymore about your personal life. At the end of the presser you pulled the two other drivers aside and thanked them for their help. Sebastian wasn’t much concerned about the possibility of garnering his own bad press, but seeing them circle around you made his blood boil. He had been looking out for you for years and it seemed he had no plans of stopping any time soon.
Lewis clasped a hand to your shoulder and gave you a reassuring smile. 
“Look, that’s never okay. If they keep throwing that kind of shit at you, let us know.It’s no ones business but your own. Just remember to breathe, yeah?” He said, bringing back those memories from the night of the Miami GP party where he had come to the rescue. 
“Guys- thank you. Christian’s been giving me a hard time and this is just the last thing I need right now. So thank you, again. It means a lot.” Lewis nodding understandingly and reiterated that he was there if you needed him before he was ducking out. 
“I think you have the healthiest rivalry I’ve ever seen.” Seb commented as the pair of you walked towards the hospitality tent, eager to sneak in some lunch before getting back to the simulator and training. 
“And what did you mean- Christian’s been giving you a hard time? Do you need me to talk to him?” And there Seb went, being Seb again. You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your cheeks.
“I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.” You assured him, holding the door for the pair of you. 
“Yeah, I know, I know. Still, the offer stands.” He told you and you thanked him once again. You settled at a table and went through your phone for the first time since the conference. There was already a few articles online about the drama, one entitled Bless Sebastian Vettel, and another that said Hamilton and Vettel Call Out Misogyny in Motorsport. When they did it, it made headlines. When you did it, you were labeled as ungrateful. You rolled your eyes at the hypocrisy of it all, but were glad they were there to support you nonetheless. 
The truth of the matter was that motorsport was still very much a man’s game. A game that you happened to be winning at the moment, much to the chagrin of many. Your current romantic life was just the latest in a string of small incidents blown far out of proportion. 
Along with all of those fun notifications you had a text waiting from Daniel. 
Big Dick Ricc: Lunchies? 
Y/N: Sure, at the tent now. Seb too. 
You replied, letting him know it wouldn’t just be a cozy meal for two. He gave your message the love react and you assumed he’d be over shortly. 
The two of you had decided to keep your relationship as under wraps as possible. Sure there was loads of speculation, but you didn’t feel comfortable confirming things just yet. It was all still new for you and Daniel and you wanted more of an opportunity to be familiar with the new parameters of your relationship before putting yourselves on blast. 
“Cool if Daniel joins us?” You asked Seb, flashing a little smile. 
“Of course. So- I can’t not ask. Are you two finally..?” He questioned, eyes narrowed. You inhaled through your teeth, already preparing yourself for whatever fatherly advice Seb was about to impart. 
“Yeah, we finally decided to stop being idiots.” You replied, taking what you hoped would be the words right out of his mouth. 
“It’s about time. Seriously though, I’m happy for you. Daniel’s a good one- and probably just now mature enough to handle a real relationship.” You laughed at that. Daniel was quite a few years older than you, but something told you Seb was right. Hell, just admitting his feelings for you had taken nearly an entire year. 
“Yeah, I’m happy. This season has been my hardest yet. And when those pictures got out- I wanted to die. I’ve been so careful trying to blend in and make as few waves as possible… but I don’t think I care anymore.” You decided with a shrug. Seb smiled widely at that. 
“That’s my girl.” You rolled your eyes, and tried to look annoyed, but you couldn’t hide your grin. 
Then Daniel was approaching in that blinding papaya color, his big, equally-blinding smile on display. You felt little butterflies flutter through you at the sight of him, but tried your best to look casual. There may still be media lurking about, and while you were determined not to care about what they wrote about you, that didn’t mean you needed to make it easy for them to find material. 
He grabbed the seat beside you and nodded his hi’s to you and Seb. 
“How was the presser?” He asked obliviously, his bright demeanor unchanged. Seb glanced at you, allowing you to take the lead. 
“It was… rough. Luckily I had some help.” You replied truthfully, causing a crack in Dan’s good mood. 
“The pictures?” He asked with concern in his expression, as though it could be something else. 
“Yeah. Fortunately Seb and Lewis really shut it down. So it definitely could have been worse.” You told him, your mind reeling at the thought of what May happen in Dan’s press conference. 
“I’ll be right back.” You said, raising from your seat and giving Dan’s shoulder a little squeeze as you snuck past and headed towards the bathroom for a moment to breathe.
Seb and Dan watched as you walked away, and suddenly Daniel was acutely aware of the fact that the two of them were alone. Sebastian wasted no time before breaking the silence. 
“Are you going to take this seriously?” He asked, catching Dan a bit by surprise. Daniel furrowed his brow and looked at the more seasoned driver, a bit confused by the question. 
“She has a whole lot more at stake than you do.” Sebastian continued on, hoping Dan may be able to catch up. 
“Yeah, I’m- I’m taking it seriously.” Dan replied, doing his best to assure him with serious eyes and a nod for confirmation. 
“Just make her happy. Treat her right.” Seb said, his eyes piercing Daniel’s. 
“I love her.” Dan replied simply, yet sincerely. He held Seb’s gaze, not one to be intimidated. Seb smiled just slightly and nodded. 
You returned from the bathroom and picked up on the weird vibes at the table, your brow quirking at Daniel inquisitively. He shook his head minutely and you decided to let it go. 
The three of you shared a pleasant and uneventful lunch, which you were grateful for. The drama had begun to seem never-ending recently, and a meal shared with your favorite people was just the kind of break you needed from the media circus you constantly seemed to find yourself in the middle of. 
You blushed as Seb recounted a story about one of your W-Series races from years ago, embarrassed by how aggressive he made you sound. Another driver had fought you for the inside line and edged you off the track- although you swore the advantage was clearly yours. You crashed and hopped out of your car in seconds, arms flailing in search of a penalty for the other driver before your threw your gloves to the ground and stormed off towards your garage. 
“She was worse than Schumacher- I swear. Really intimidating stuff.” Seb said, making Dan’s chest rumble with laughter, his head thrown back as he imagined the scene that had been so vividly described to him. 
“Okay, okay. I was a kid… and that was my line.” You defended, aiming your fork in his direction. Daniel looked over at you adoringly, a wide smile stretched across his face. 
“We call her Trouble for a reason.” Daniel agreed, an elbow shoved playfully into your side. You rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance at their good-natured teasing. You did your best to hide the smile tugging at your lips but found yourself failing. 
“Alright, alright. I think that’s enough.” You said with a chuckle. Dan and Seb looked amused, until Seb glanced at his phone. 
“Shit- I’ve got to go.” He murmured, before looking up to meet your gaze. 
“I’m happy for you two, really.” He told you, sure to speak lowly enough that no one else would hear. You thanked him and smiled warmly as Dan used all of his self-control to not slip his arm around you. Then Seb was wandering off, and you hoped it wouldn’t be long before the three of you shared another meal. 
“I’ve got to go, too. Conference is about to start.” Dan told you. 
“Good luck. It was brutal.” You warned, forcing a sad looking smile to your lips. 
“Yeah- we need to talk about that. I’ll come to your room tonight and we can have dinner.” He said, although it really was more of a question. You agreed and gave him a very casual-looking hug before he was off. You felt another wave of butterflies ripple through you, nervous about what kind of questions they may throw his way. 
It was no secret that Daniel wasn’t having the best season, and you knew he tormented himself over it far more than the media ever could. Adding your personal drama into the mix seemed like a perfect recipe for disaster. 
You scurried off to the Red Bull garage and worked in the simulator for a bit before finally calling it a day and heading back to your room. You stayed off your phone, desperate to have a break from the constant chaos that each notification seemed to bring. 
Still, you were anxious about how Daniel’s conference had gone. 
Finally after taking a shower and some time to decompress you grabbed your phone. Again- there were nearly  fifty notifications waiting for you. A specific one from Twitter caught your eye. 
Daniel Ricciardo And Carlos Sainz Silence Reporters Amid Love Triagnle Rumors 
You clicked the link and it felt as though your phone took an eternity to load. Finally you were watching a video clip of Daniel, his signature goofy grin spread across his face. He sat between Carlos and Mick. Of course, Carlos had to be there. Any whiff of drama had to be fully milked.
A journalist stood and asked their question. 
“Daniel- apart from your surprise podium, this year has been rather disappointing. Do you think your personal life is keeping you from performing to the best of your abilities?”
Daniel’s smile faltered, but only slightly. Ever the professional, he carefully spoke through his response. 
“Joining a new team- there’s always growing pains. I’m doing everything I can to be the best I can be. My personal life is personal- I don’t bring it on the track.” Honestly, it was a much better answer than you would have given. Still, it didn’t prepare you for what came next. 
“Do you believe Y/N is setting a bad example for women in motorsport? And what’s it like sharing her with Sainz?” The reporter asked, surely a brow quirked in villainous delight. You know they were just trying to get a rise out of Daniel, but it didn’t make their words sting any less.
Now Daniel had lost his smile entirely. Mick looked like a deer caught in headlights, while Carlos had his jaw clenched. 
“Honestly, she’s the most accomplished female driver in the history of motorsport. She’s going to be a multi- champion. Which is something most of her male colleagues can’t achieve. The fact that these questions are being asked shows what’s wrong with this sport and why there aren’t more women here. I won’t be discussing this again.” Hearing him speak so firmly and seriously started a little spark in your belly. Once Daniel finished, Carlos spoke. 
“I also want to say that I won’t be discussing Y/N at all. She’s an incredible person and an incredible driver and the way she’s been treated is wrong.” The room fell quiet but you could see Dan and Carlos exchange a quick look of mutual understanding. 
You were distracted from the video as you heard a knock at your door. You tossed your phone onto the big plush bed and checked the peephole. 
You opened the door and Daniel came casually walking through, a big smile once more on his cheeks. You didn’t much feel like smiling though. One look at you and his expression fell. 
“I know- it was a shit day. But the worst of it is over.” Dan looked like he had more to say, but the way your lip quivered silenced his thoughts. 
“Hey, hey. Come here,” He told you soothingly, taking you in his arms and immediately carding his fingers through your hair.
“They’re never going to take me seriously- they’ll never want me here. Why am I doing this?” The anguish in your voice truly alarmed him. He had seen you feel down before, but this time it felt different. 
“C’mon, don’t talk like that. Fuck them! They’re all- fuckers!” He finally decided, his mind refusing to find him another adequate word. You chuckled slightly, looking up at him through bleary eyes. 
“Anyone who knows anything about this sport knows why you’re here. Everyone else is just trying to start shit because you’re different. You’re beating Lewis, you’re beating Sebastian- you’re even beating me- the best F1 driver of all time.” He said that last bit sarcastically, and you really did laugh. 
“You’ve never cared what people thought before. Why start now?” You carefully considered his words. He was right, you’d spent your whole career laughing in the face of those that doubted you. 
You nodded at him and wiped your eyes with the back of your hands. He gently tilted your chin up, forcing your gaze to meet his. 
“I love you. I’m here for you.” He assured you before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. You couldn’t help but think about how lucky you had gotten to have him beside you. Daniel seemed to know just the right thing to say to make you feel better. You forced yourself to take a deep breath, your chest shaking slightly with the effort. 
“You’re right, you’re right. I don’t know why things have been getting to me so much. But it doesn’t matter what I do, they’ll always find something to hate about me.” 
“So do whatever you want, fuck ‘em all.” The way he believed in you made you feel powerful. You chewed on the side of your lip, the wheels in your mind suddenly turning. 
“Yeah. You’re right. Fuck ‘em. Let’s go public.” You said, shrugging as his eyes widened at your words. Going public was a huge step. You had barely “officially” been together a week or so, and having even more attention on you seemed daunting to say the least. Still, Daniel was smiling and nodding his agreement. 
“Let’s let them know, Sugar.” He said, his forehead gently meeting yours before he pressed a kiss to your lips. His hand gave yours a reassuring squeeze as the meaning behind your words settled in the air. 
The next morning you awoke to a stomach tangled in knots, though the nerves lessened when your eyes found Daniel’s peaceful form beside you. You pressed a light kiss to his forehead and crawled out of bed before digging through the clothes you had packed. 
You peeked over at Dan and caught his tired eyes blinking at you in slight confusion. 
“Is that your new merch?” He asked, his voice groggy and his curls unruly from sleep. 
“Yup. I’ve got an idea.” You told him, a smile too lovely for him to look away from etched across your face. 
You arrived at the track shortly thereafter, you in Daniel’s Enchanté merch and him in your newest collection. It would have been impossible to look like bigger fan’s of each other. Your hands securely held one-another’s as you walked through security, a bit of excitement bubbling within you to be so forward about your relationship status for once. 
Soon, you were very aware of the stares and cameras that followed the two of you through the paddock and you turned your gaze to Daniel to keep yourself calm. The tender way in which his hand held yours and the soft smile that graced his lips was more than enough to reassure you that you were making the right decision. 
You wore a pair of sunglasses and hoped that they were dark enough to hide the minor panic you felt as the media tried to interject their questions into your morning walk. 
“Are you finally coming out as a couple?” A journalist asked, a hopeful smile spread across his face at the prospect of being the first to confirm the story. With a quick glance exchanged between Dan and yourself you were agreeing. 
“I finally wore her down.” Daniel said, a goofy grin across his lips. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t fight the smile that confirmed his comment. 
“So it’s official?” Another journalist asked, clamoring to join the pack of cameras that were quickly growing around the pair of you. 
“Yes, we’re together. Now, how about we go racing?” You questioned with your brow quirked, hoping that this would finally shift the narrative surrounding you to be about your career, rather than your personal life. You fed the vultures, so perhaps they would just let you be.  
You waltzed past the Red Bulll garage, nodding your greeting to a mildly flustered Christian Horner that looked onward with crossed arms. 
You headed into the driver’s meeting, it was a brief that you all had before each race. George usually spoke as he was the Director of the GPDA. 
You exchanged an uncertain look with Daniel before slipping your sunglasses down and dropping his hand. His touch shifted to the small of your back, his eyes staring daggers at any driver that dare comment on your relationship revelation. You settled into chairs at the back of the room, an awkward cough serving as the only thing that filled the silence. 
“Yeah, alright, I’ll go. What the hell is going on with you two?” Of course, Lando broke the silence, turning all the way around in his seat to look at you and Daniel. 
“We’re dating. Okay?” You said, although you couldn’t help the way your eyes glanced in Carlos’ direction. You knew you had made the right choice, but you didn’t want to hurt him or rub it in. His gaze seemed to be focused on anything other than you. 
“And where did this come from? When did-”
“That’s not why we’re here.” Seb said before you had the opportunity to give Lando the finger. He really was like your little brother- you hated him but of course you loved him just the same. He had that annoyed look on his face, an exaggerated eye roll as he returned his attention to George who stood and shifted uncomfortably at the front of the room. Seb shot a wink your way before turning around as well. 
“Anyway,” George finally began, but you didn’t listen to a word he said. Instead, you were far more focused on the careful way that Daniel’s hand reached for yours. 
He leaned over and whispered lowly. 
“It’s official. You’re mine.” Your felt goosebumps spread across your skin. 
You had your man- now it was time to take the championship home with you. 
@an-ocean-blue @noldcardigan @fewwawifwiends @ferrarifwendvale @d0ntjudgemy50shades @cowboydr @watermel0nsugarhigh @saintandrea-droidsmuggler @f1thirsttraps @prettybiching @oyesmendes @lu-morningstar @teapartydreams @naturastace @readerselegance @lindonorris @laura-naruto-fan1998 @internetgremlin @gridgirldrabbles @kat-to-the-rina @dr3lover @honeybadger03 @she-shines-bright @heyitskay-21 @spngi @cowboydr @internetgremlin @lestappiebaby @dad-seb @formulacherry @gridgirldrabbles @merrymissesmaxiel @watermel0nsugarhigh @vinvantae @prettybiching @naturastace @ujisworld @jasmindaughteroftheworld @danielricciardo3f1 @witchy-whore @justaddicted @honeybadger03 @valkryejh @ellalovesvettel @delilah-leclerc @crappystoryteller @miahelen @chilisainz @rankystankycowboy @myjourneysmuses @beebuilds @dr3lover @imaginemrvel @misswolff
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filmbyjy · 2 years
sunghoon – bad boys
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— bad boys main masterlist
pairing: park sunghoon x fem!reader
summary: sworn enemies were supposed to remain sworn enemies but not when sunghoon secretly liked you. honestly, it's a pretty cliche enemies to lovers, what more can i say?
warnings: mentions of death (not reader), just sunghoon using a gun because well, he is part of a gang and that's his job, the name daniel is a general one and does not represent anyone in particular, plot twist, quite a lot actually... maybe a little sexual talk, tad bit suggestive at the end.
no.of words: 7.6K words
taglist: @nyfwyeonjun @ncityy04 @cutiejseong @minkyeos @madebyreyy (@onyourecha) @yuakagi @hoonstrology @luvrjn @kawaiisharkcopjudge @missmadwoman @aerinaga @jiwlys @wtfhyuck @astrosmistisa @woniesbakery @purplepuppychild
NOTE: i proofread this again so yeah, hopefully there is no more mistakes T_T if there is please do tell me so i can change it.
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The sound of engines starting up always cheered sunghoon up. He loved the adrenaline while racing, it made his heart feel content. Nothing would beat his passion for racing. Besides, he has been doing this because he needed to help his family. After his dad had passed on 3 years ago, he became the sole breadwinner of the house.
His mom sadly could not work due to her sickness. Poor sunghoon was all alone to do everything by himself but he persevered. He even made enough money to send his little sister to school. One of the things on his bucket list. To see his sister get the proper education she needed.
If you were to ask sunghoon, if he ever felt mad that his father left early, sunghoon in a heartbeat would say no. he admired his dad, a kind man that had a tragic accident at work. Sunghoon misses his dad. They were such a loving family and now they were left with nothing. He never blamed his dad for their misfortune, in fact he was doing this in place for his dad.
One would say sunghoon is a nice guy but certainly they have not heard your side of the story. You were a normal student, you were an extrovert and you loved to make friends. Sunghoon was introverted and rarely made friends, he liked sticking close to the friends he already knew. Now here is where the personalities clashed. Besides, you didn’t like the fact that sunghoon just walked around like he was the boss of everything.
“oh look at you.” sunghoon bends down a little, “milk spilt on your clothes? you should go change.” sunghoon fakes a pout. you glared at the boy.
“you’re an asshole, do you know that?”
“kinda knew about that princess.” he smirks before walking away. the jacket you were wearing was your boyfriend’s. how were you going to explain it to him.
“daniel, i’m so sorry for spilling-”
“It’s okay (name).”
“oh okay.” your boyfriend sighs before turning to speak to you.
“Let’s breakup.” your eyes widen. you felt the tears prickling at the corner of your eyes. 
“Why?” you asked, your voice already wavering.
“I’m tired of this. Of us.” he says.
“did something happen?”
“I just don’t want to sneak around anymore. I want an open relationship.” he leans on one of the bookshelves.
“t-then we can do it.”
“too late. I’m thankful for you and this relationship but i don’t think it’s going to work out anymore.” daniel stood up from his seat in the library, you held onto his hand.
“I don’t understand daniel, our relationship is perfectly fine. We can continue it even if we reveal it. Why do you want to end it.” daniel pries your hand off him.
“he loves you (name). It’s not right for me to be with you.”
“he?” daniel leaves you there confused. Who was he and why did he have to ruin your relationship?
“whoever this ‘he’ is, i’m going to fucking kill him.” you grumbled and left the library.
“hello (name).” sunghoon slides in. you rolled your eyes.
“what do you want, park sunghoon.” you growled.
“sheesh, so feisty today.”
“I’m not in the mood to talk.”
“Cause your boyfriend broke up with you?”
“cause my-” you glared at him. “how do you know about it?”
“so you were listening in?”
“you could say.” you hit him. “Ow! What the fuck.”
“asshole.” you say before walking away.
Sunghoon truly got on your nerves. you just left for class and went to look for your best friend. You slammed your bag on the desk and your best friend got startled.
“jesus. What’s up with you?” sana says.
“park sunghoon is the problem.”
“ah, him. The handsome guy.”
“first off, he isn’t handsome. secondly, i fucking hate his guts and i want to actually murder him.”
“remind me why you hate his guts so much again?” sana says.
And this was where the flashback started.
You were a young aspiring girl, you wanted to be an ice skater. It was your dream. Until a certain boy showed up in your class. Everyone praised him, he was a well-known boy in your class. He was graceful, delicate and his moves were always perfect. The teacher even acknowledges that. You were her top student until he showed up.
Which was when you started hating on the boy. Every single time the teacher comes up with ways to praise the boy, it was like she was talking as if he was her own son. His little smirk and smiles whenever he gets complimented.
“I never liked him. he was just a shithead.”
“okay but what did he actually do to you?”
You remember one of the days, he tripped you and you fell. You hurt yourself so badly that the doctor warned you not to skate anymore. Which was when you found out that you had weak bones and hence you were prone to breaking your legs easily. your parents cried with you in the hospital that day and it took you months to recover.
“Is that why you aren’t allowed to do sports and you’re excused?”
“yeah, well it’s my fate. what else can i do.”
“okay but technically it’s not sunghoon’s fault.” sana says.
“He tripped me and proceeded to laugh at me. I don’t even think he even pitied or said sorry to me.” you sighed. “he has no idea how long the recovery was. I had to be treated like a doll so fragile because everyone was afraid they’d break me.” sana hugs you.
“I’m so sorry that happened.”
After school, you went home. You were walking out of the gate when you spot sunghoon. You rolled your eyes and just walked past him but he was quick to grab onto you.
“can we talk?”
“I didn’t do anything to you, why are you being like this?”
“Because i hate you.”
“What the fuck did i do??” sunghoon says.
“Exist.” you tugged your arm out from sunghoon’s grasp and walked away.
Sunghoon sighs. Perhaps, maybe he shouldn’t have messed with your relationship with daniel but he knew he could treat you better than him. sunghoon knew how daniel was like, he was friends with him after all. Daniel was a very playful guy, sure he was pretty serious with you but little did you know he was a master at cheating.
No one knew how he brought 2 girls in the soccer boy’s locker room and did god knows what. Only the team did and that’s because well…they heard the sounds. Sunghoon was frustrated, he liked you and didn’t want you to get hurt. Hence he threatened daniel to break up with you.
Well ‘threatened’ he was doing the right thing because daniel was a player and he didn’t want you to find out. Mayhaps he kinda forgot you hated his guts and wouldn’t thank him for breaking you and daniel up. After all, he did know you were so in love with daniel.
“(name) wait.” you groaned. sunghoon ran up to you.
“you have 10 seconds.”
“what? why can’t it be more-”
“okay! here.” he shoved his phone in front of you. the video of daniel bringing two girls into the shower together.
“now you see why you two broke up?” sunghoon says. you were obviously sad that you and daniel broke up but seeing this…just made you mad. you balled your fist up and decided to walk away. “hey where are you going?”
“to daniel’s house.”
“w-what?” sunghoon chases after you. he follows you. “why are you going over?”
“because he deserves a beating?”
“jesus (name), i didn’t think you’d actually get mad.”
“listen, i’m not a weak girl. If you think just because i loved him dearly for 2 years with all my heart that i’m going to forgive him. you’re wrong.” you say. sunghoon sighs, he grabs your hand and pulls you over to his bike.
“If you want to find daniel, he is not home.” he hands you a helmet.
“then where is he?”
you made it to the destination. a strip club. oh. maybe you didn’t fully know about daniel.
“here?” you say pointing to the club. sunghoon nods.
“this is where he usually hangs out on fridays.” you looked at sunghoon. “I don’t-”
“sure, all guys are the same.”
“(name), i swear-”
you just walked up to the security team.
“hi, could you move.” you say.
“sorry, we don’t allow middle schoolers.” you glared at them.
“Middle schoolers? Listen buddy, I AM OF LEGAL AGE!” sunghoon holds you back.
“sorry, she’s with me.”
“you too.” they told sunghoon. sunghoon rolls his eyes, he laughs and pulls out a gun before pulling a straight face.
“listen, have you ever heard of enhypen?” the security guard laughs.
“some kpop group or something?” they laughed at sunghoon.
“ah, living underground i see.” sunghoon pushes you behind him and whispers, “i suggest you hide in the alleyway. This isn’t going to be pretty.” you nodded and listened to sunghoon. 
In 3 counts, you could hear 2 gunshots. you peaked around the corner and just witnessed the bodies of the two guards. They weren’t dead, rather groaning in pain due to the wound on their legs
“here, maybe a souvenir for you since you don’t know about us.” he slaps a newspaper down on his head.
‘BREAKING NEWS: new gang, enhypen, discovered and their killing record has surpassed past gangs, mafia bosses and mobsters.’
You shivered reading the headline. okay maybe you shouldn’t mess with sunghoon if this was his daily job. Even if he is your enemy, you knew you shouldn’t make him mad. sunghoon grabs your hand and leads you through the place. It was like he knew the place very well.
“(name), i know what you’re thinking and no i have not been here before. This place is easy to navigate. I’m not that kind of guy.”
“uh huh and you totally didn’t try to kill those two bodyguards.”
“hey, they were testing my patience and besides who the fuck doesn’t know our group?”
“uhh everyone who isn’t associated to the black market?”you say.
“well-” sunghoon pauses, he hears sounds coming from one of the rooms and he could only imagine what’s behind the door. his face morphs into a disgusted one. “we should probably come back later. I don’t want to see something i shouldn’t-”
you rolled your eyes and just burst into the room. there daniel was with a girl under him, the girl scrambles to cover herself after she screams. sunghoon covers his eyes, you know..as a form of respect
“(name) what the fuck!” daniel curses.
“daniel, what a lovely surprise to see you here.”
“why are you here?? sunghoon you too!”
“dude, your ex wanted to see you, not me.” sunghoon says. Daniel groans.
“we broke up (name), what’s there more to say?”
“alright, it’s true we broke up but i just wanted to state that i broke up with you and not the other way around.”
“what?” daniel says.
“you cheated on me while we were dating.”
“that’s something you don’t ever need to know,” he says.
“Oh really.” you grabbed sunghoon’s gun. “I don’t like cheaters daniel, you know that.” sunghoon’s eyes widened. At this point, he doesn’t care if he sees anything weird. You were putting someone at gunpoint.
“(name), give me the gun.” sunghoon says.
“sunghoon, don’t.” he stops. you turned to daniel. “I spent 2 years loving you and i find out you cheated on me despite you knowing i got cheated on during my first relationship? You’re a real ass, do you know that?”
“look (name), put the gun down and let’s just talk after i get dressed.” you scoffed.
“you’re going to run away, aren’t you?” you say.
“And what if i am?” you laughed.
“Go ahead. Try me.”
“What has happened to you? I thought you were the innocent, fragile girl whom I dated?”
“I still have weak bones, i may or may not be dead soon but daniel…you don’t know all of me just yet.” you stepped forward and placed a finger under his chin. “maybe you’ve heard of me before.” you smirked and took out something from your pocket, your mask.
sunghoon gasps.
“angel kim? yeah, i am. nobody knows my identity behind the mask. well at least the ones alive.”
you could hear sirens blasting. the cops were coming and you had to finish this quickly.
“If i let you and this playtoy live, you can’t say anything about my identity. well, even if you do, i’ll find a way to end some innocent lives.” you smirked. “so your choice, either you zip your mouths and no one gets killed or you yap about it and you can say goodbye to our law enforcements who probably have families.”
“you’re evil.” daniel says as he grits his teeth.
“oh am i now. I thought you were the evil one. After all, who has the most body counts?” you say. sunghoon’s jaw drops, now why did he find whatever you just said so hot?
Ah right, he had a crush on your secret identity and you in real life. He never thought you’d be that heartless. You grabbed sunghoon’s hands.
“Let’s leave mr.i am in enhypen. you’re part of gang, i’m sure they are out to get you too.” you teased. sunghoon just lets you drag him away. you ran over to a secluded spot.
“alright, so they would probably be looking for us.”
“Aren’t there security cameras?” sunghoon says as he realises. you pulled out a device.
“I think ahead all the time.” with the device, it could stop all the security cameras in the building.
“that is the coolest thing i have ever seen.”
“and useful too.” you say.
“So…we’ve practically worked together for whatever this is. what are we now?” sunghoon says as he shoves his hands into his pockets. you snickered.
“In terms of field aspect, we are enemies. you should know that.”
“Of course i do.”
“but in terms of school and other things, we can be acquaintances.”
“just acquaintances?” sunghoon says.
“why? Do you want something more?” you smirked.
“both you and i know we’d rather be off with being something more than that.” sunghoon says as he steps closer to you. your heart races. Sunghoon leans forward and just as your lips were about to touch.
You opened your eyes and jolt out of bed. what the fuck actually happened? you looked around, you weren’t in your room. In fact, where were you? You twist your body to the side and when you did, you faced sunghoon. You screamed. He places a finger on your lips and shushes you.
“the boys are sleeping.”
“that doesn’t change the fact that i’m in your fucking bed.” you say.
“Well…you were drunk.”
“me? drunk? Are you serious-” then it hit you. Last night, you went to jay’s party because your boyfriend had broken up with you and hence you were out of it. you did not have a whole badass girl boss moment, it was just a dream. one question you had, how could you travel all the way from jay’s house to sunghoon’s room?
“did we, you know.” you gesture. sunghoon looks at you weirdly.
“you think i’d actually want to do it with you?” ah so you were still enemies with him and he was still a massive jerk. Got it, whatever you really had experienced before was just a dream. A very…real dream.
“As if i’d actually do it with you.” you rolled your eyes and pried the covers off you. you realised you weren’t in your clothes from last night. you turned back to sunghoon.
“what happened to my clothes?”
“you stripped them off last night and then proceeded to whine about how cold it was.” you felt your cheeks reddened in embarrassment.
“don’t tell me you saw something you shouldn’t have seen.” sunghoon sighs.
“(name), you were naked. what else am i supposed to see besides your bare body.”
“you didn’t look away??”
“hey, in my defence i had to change you.” you blush even harder before covering your body up.
“Can’t believe i’ve been violated.”
“you allowed me to do so. besides, that wasn’t the only embarrassing thing you did.” sunghoon says.
“great, there’s more.” you whine. “what more? i’ve already done enough damage.” sunghoon smirks.
“you kissed m-”
“oh baby, this is the same traphole you madeout with last night.” he flirtatiously says
“shut the fuck up.” you groaned. The door opens and you yelp. There stood his friend.
“sunghoon, it’s early in the morning. are seriously in here fucking someone aga-” he notices you. “Or not, hey (name).” heeseung says.
“don’t say anything. I’d like to leave thank you.” you say.
“don’t forget to return my clothes.” sunghoon yells after you.
“fucking asshole.” you mumbled under your breath as you left the house.
As for sunghoon he happily lays in his bed, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“you know, you’re kind of an ass.” heeseung says.
“what do you mean?”
“well, you did just practically kick her out of our house while she’s probably still hungover.”
“you know i’m not good with girls.”
“yeah, you’re only good at throwing them to the side.” heeseung says. sunghoon clenches his jaw.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“you and jake, that’s the only thing you two were ever great at doing.”
“i did not throw (name) to the side. Besides, we have nothing going on between the both of us. she hates me and i hate her.”
“are you sure nothing is going on between the both of you? sunghoon, i literally see you giving her heart eyes whenever she walks by. you literally smiled after talking to her!”
“hyung, i swear on my life. I don’t like her.” sunghoon says.
“then don’t play with her.”
“why are you being so defensive? do you like her or something?”
“no, she’s my little sister.”
“she’s your what?”
“my little sister. she doesn’t know i’m her brother though. after all, i did leave my family at quite a young age.” heeseung sighs.
“you kept a huge secret not only from us but (name)?” sunghoon says.
“It’s not like i don’t want to tell her. I’m sure she’ll be disgusted with what i do to survive everyday.”
“she umm…” heeseung turns around to see you standing by the door. you must have heard everything.
“is that why you always check up on me? greet me? i’m your little sister?” you say.
“dad doesn’t want us to reunite because he knows what i do as a living. you deserve a better life than knowing your older brother is a criminal.”
“heeseung, you’re a year older than me. we must’ve grew up together.”
“we did, until you lost your memories because of me.”
“what happened?”
“I’ll tell you another time. you should get home. Dad is going to be worried about you.” heeseung says.
“I just want answers heeseung.”
“(name) next time alright?”
“Please.” heeseung desperately says. tears were already forming in his eyes. guess he didn’t want to be reminded of what happened, he wasn’t ready to tell the truth.
“i-i’ll leave.” you say as you grabbed your purse, the reason why you walked back into sunghoon’s room.
The room’s tension was weird and awkward but sunghoon quickly dismisses it.
“wanna buy mcdonald’s for breakfast?” sunghoon asks. Heeseung sighs.
“i’m going to go for a walk to clear my mind up. if anything happens, i’ll call.” heeseung says.
“o-” heeseung leaves the room, “kay..” sunghoon tilts his head before shrugging and just leaving to take a shower. sunghoon decided to visit the race tracks, after all there was a big competition soon and they all were participating.
“you look down.” sunoo slaps a chocolate bar in front of sunghoon. “eat this.”
“I don’t eat sweet things before practice.” sunghoon says. Sunoo sighs.
“what has got you confused and shit.”
“(name).” sunoo’s eyes widened.
“you finally realise you like her?” sunoo says excitedly. sunghoon looks over at the younger boy weirdly.
“no. why would i like her?”
“because you do?” sunoo says. sunghoon scoffs.
“I will never like her.”
“whatever you say hyung. By the way, have you seen heeseung hyung?”
“he went somewhere.”
“but he should be back by now, we have practice and you know how the boss gets.” sunghoon sighs and picks up his phone before dialling heeseung.
“why are you here.” mr.lee says.
“I can’t be a great older brother?”
“you were never a great older brother to (name) and neither were you a great son.” heeseung scoffs.
“at least i actually care about her.” heeseung says. mr.lee gasps.
“what have you become?”
“you but of course, i’m better. I never hurt my wife and kids.”
“I never harmed you and your sister or your mom.” mr lee says.
“sure, physically no. mentally? yeah. You threw hateful words at us and then proceeded to practically fuck with our minds. why do you think (name) is so scared of you?” heeseung growls. (stream blessed-cursed)
Heeseung notices your figure hiding behind the wall.
“let me bring (name) with me.” heeseung stares at his dad, well once his dad since he didn’t want to be related to the man.
“why? you were the one who made her lose her memories when she was 13.”
“but i can provide the love she deserves, you come home late everyday and she’s left home alone every single fucking day.”
“and how do you know?”
“you of all people know who i actually am.” heeseung says. mr.lee frowns.
“if your sister finds out who you exactly are, i don’t think she’d feel safe around you.”
You rolled out your luggage and stood next to your brother.
“you really think i would live with you after you hid from me and never made an effort to make me remember my own brother?”
“don’t (name) me, dad.” you say whilst glaring at your dad.
“so you’re just going to leave me and live with your brother? What if your mom comes over?”
“like she’ll ever come back, you’re just hoping she comes back for you.” heeseung spat out. mr.lee clenches his fist, he gets ready to throw a punch but you quickly pulled heeseung away so he doesn’t get hit.
“Let’s go.” you whisper and pulled your luggage and heeseung with you. Heeseung lets you drag him far from your home (well was your home). He stops you from bringing him along further.
“I have to go somewhere.” heeseung says.
“here, keys to my house. you can sleep in my room. i’ll sleep in the living room from now on.”
“what? It’s your room, you should be sleeping there. I’m fine with the couch.” heeseung sighs. he ruffles your hair.
“let me make up for not being there as your older brother.”
“my room is the furthest one, the ones on the left and right of mine are sunghoon’s and jake’s.”
“Mhm, okay.” heeseung smiles a little.
“I’ll buy you some dinner later on. If you’re hungry right now, you can make some ramen. take from the left cabinet, the other side is specifically for jake and sunghoon.”
“okay heeseung, i am not a little girl. I know how to take care of myself.” you giggle at the protective side of your brother. he pouts.
“but you’re still my little sister.”
“yeah, by a year old man.”
“I am not old-”
“Don’t you have to go? shoo get going.” heeseung huffs.
“this isn’t over lee (name).” you stick out your tongue to tease heeseung. heeseung rolls his eyes and leaves.
You made it over to heeseung’s home. Well, you’ve been here once in sunghoon’s room, hungover. Just thinking about it made you want to slap the crap out of the boy. Speaking of which,
“why are you here?” the said boy says as he startles you. you jumped back.
“heeseung told me to.” sunghoon rolls his eyes.
“alright, just don’t go in my room or touch any of my shit.”
“as if i want to. you probably have some sex toys in there for your ‘victims’.” you say. sunghoon steps forward.
“well, would you like to find out?” you shoved sunghoon away.
“no thanks.” you felt a small furry thing climb at your leg and so you look down. A cute puppy tries to climb at you to get your attention.
“yah, gaeul why are you touching her. she’s the enemy!! Attack her!” but the puppy could only tilt her head at the command before barking for your attention. you snickered before lifting what you assumed was sunghoon’s dog.
“aww how adorable, she shows way more affection to me than you.” you held the puppy. “Is he a bad man? hmm?” you asked gaeul, she only licks your face as a response and you giggle. It felt ticklish.
sunghoon felt his heart flutter slightly, never has he once seen gaeul be nice to strangers. Not even to his previous flings, usually gaeul would either ignore them or nearly bite their finger off. he shouldn’t be feeling something for you. not when the both of you hated each other’s guts. You continue to coo at the puppy.
“can you put her down?” sunghoon says.
“why should i? Your puppy decided to come up to me.” you stick out your tongue. Sunghoon rolls his eyes before he wraps his arm around your waist, tugging you closer. Your eyes widened.
“you should listen to me while i’m being nice.” sunghoon says. you glared at him, the front door opens and jake enters the house. he pauses in his step.
“(name)?” jake says. you shoved sunghoon away.
“jake?” sunghoon turns to his best friend.
“how do you know (name)?” he questions jake.
“ex-fling and a friend.” jake smiles. sunghoon looks over at you.
“what? just cause i look all so ‘nerdy’ and annoying doesn’t mean i didn’t have my fun time.” you looked over at jake. “besides, he was a great partner.” you shrug.
“miss me cutie?” jake winks.
“try me, heeseung will end you.” you say. jake laughs.
“oh, hell no am i going to feel the wrath of him. He’s scary.” jake shivers.
“aww is jakey scared of his poor hyung.” you teased. sunghoon felt his heart clench at the sight of you and jake practically flirting. weird.
the door opens.
“dude, what’s up with the old man. he is so spicy today. I just came late to practice once and he gets all worked up. if he wasn’t paying me stacks, i would’ve killed him a long time ago.” heeseung says. had he forgotten you were staying with them now? yeah, for a second after he said everything and then he sees you with your jaw dropped.
“Heeseung...what did you mean by ‘kill him a long time ago’. what do you and your friends do as a living?”
“Uhh-” you gasp.
“are you a hitman?” jake snickers.
“you could say so but we hit bad man. not innocent ones and we race illegally too.” jake explains. Heeseung throws daggers at the younger male.
“fucking idiot.” sunghoon facepalms. jake pouts.
“was i not supposed to tell her?” heeseung sighs.
“Well truth is out. You probably hate me now.”
“I don’t hate you, it’s just shocking. you are so nice at times and here you are probably with a lot of blood on your hands. besides, this house doesn’t pay itself, obviously you’d be into some shady shit if you live in a modern mansion with 3 other boys.”
“Oh thank god, i don’t want my baby sis to be mad at me because of what i do.” heeseung hugs you.
“It’s nothing besides, like jake said. You kill bad guys not the good ones.” and now sunghoon felt the urge to pull you out of heeseung’s arms. why was he feeling this all of a sudden, why did he feel so jealous over any guy that you come across.
sunghoon was not someone possessive.
heeseung’s phone rings and so he goes to answer it. his face turns serious after he comes back.
“what’s wrong?”
“we have to leave.”
“oh, don’t worry about me hee.” you say.
“no, as in, we have to leave seoul and move away.” heeseung says.
“what? why?” you say.
“is it cause of them?” jake asks.
“yeah.” heeseung runs his fingers through his hair in frustration, “fuck, they never learn huh.”
“who is this ‘them’.” you say.
“some gang, that thinks they can overthrow our spot.” jake says.
“they clearly don’t know their place.” sunghoon adds.
“you guys really to tell me everything about your gang and your jobs. I need to be filled in so i can at least protect myself. i’m sure if they are a gang they may go after me since i am related to heeseung.”
“hyung, she isn’t wrong there. we should be prepared. who knows they may just you know kidnap her.” jake says.
“We’ll just be around her. For now, let’s get to packing and tell the other boys.”
It was about 3am when sunghoon walks into your room, well heeseung’s room.
“yes? what do you need?” you say as you looked up at the boy.
“why aren’t you asleep?”
“you think i can sleep knowing i’m going to possibly get kidnapped because my brother and his friends are in a gang?”
“i was just asking, don’t need to get all worked up.”
“I really don’t understand how you’re so used to this.”
“It’s been like 8 years since i started this whole thing.”
“you started this whole ‘gang’ thing at 11?”
“i was desperate. My mom was extremely sick at that time. She was the so-called breadwinner of our house before i left.”
“What about your dad?” you asked. sunghoon sighs before looking away from you.
“He died when i was 5.”
“oh. sorry for mentioning it.” you say. the awkward tension filled the air, “you should get back to your room. we have a flight tomorrow.” you say.
“right.” sunghoon quickly leaves the bedroom. you were left there to question what was the actual reason he came into the room.
It was about 5am, heeseung came in to wake you up and so you did. you took a shower and changed into something comfortable before meeting the other 3 in the living room. It seems though, sunghoon was the only one ready. the two other boys were probably either showering or getting ready. they needed to bring the bare essentials so that they could be prepared.
you can’t help but stare at sunghoon, he was looking down at his phone with his sliver hair practically covering his sight. It was slightly damp since he took a shower not too long ago. the dim lighting lit him up very faintly and he looked heavenly. your heart races, you wonder why? maybe you liked him but there was no way you two would date, he was of different class and besides, you two loved to argue a lot hence you two were enemies.
“(name), got everything already?” heeseung comes up behind you.
“yeah, i didn’t bring much since i did just leave dad’s home practically yesterday.” heeseung nods.
“jake, is layla okay with the flight back to australia?” you looked down and saw the adorable dog. you gasp before kneeling down in front of her.
“layla!! It’s been a while, my baby.” you coo at the puppy while making kissy noises. jake’s eyes widened, he looks up at heeseung who was confused as to how you know about layla.
“I’m sure you’ve never met layla, how do you know her? She stayed with jake in their apartment until he decided to move in with us a year ago.” heeseung questions you.
“they were flings. oh sorry, ex-flings.” sunghoon says.
“jaeyun?” heeseung glares at the younger boy. jake gulps in fear.
“w-we just did it once or twice. nothing more.” jake says.
“Didn’t you mention last night how you’d like to take to (name) back to bed and have fun her since it’s been a while? When i asked how many times you did it with you said practically everywhere in your apartment mostly in the showers.” sunghoon says.
“snitch.” jake huffs.
“we will talk about this later in the jet. (name), you too.” you timidly nod. gaeul tries to climb up you and so you picked her up.
“u-umm sunghoon?”
“Has gaeul ever flown in a plane before?”
“Oh okay. Can i-”
“just take care of her.” sunghoon says before walking off outside with his luggage.
“what’s up with him?” jake says. heeseung shrugs.
[time skip]
“woah.” riki’s jaw drops, “it’s so pretty. hyung, did the old man finally do something right for once?” heeseung snickers at riki’s words.
“since our dear leader isn’t here, is heeseung hyung in charge?” jay says as he holds onto his girlfriend’s hand.
“the ladies should rest. jake needs to show us around this place. since, he is a native here.” heeseung explains. you were about to leave when sunghoon holds onto your wrist and hands you something.
“take this, in case somehow someone finds our base.” sunghoon whispers.
“umm okay?” the other boys were watching you and sunghoon. jake nudges sunghoon.
“what was that about? Aren’t you two sworn enemies?”
“she’s staying here alone with yejun. It’s best if they have a form of device to inform us the base is being attacked.”
“aww is little hoonie finally giving in?” jay teases. sunghoon glares at jay.
“come on, let's go.” sunghoon says. Once the boys leave, yejun nudges your shoulder.
“something going on between you and sunghoon?” yejun smirks. you shoved her away.
“no, we are just enemies.”
“enemies with…benefits?”
“you’re lucky your younger sister is sana. she’s my best friend.” you huffed. yejun laughs.
It was pretty late at night, you were about to possibly take a late night shower so you could relax when you heard something crash. Your eyes widened when you noticed someone trying to climb into the bathroom with a ladder. you tapped onto the item that sunghoon gave you and ran over to yejun.
“Let’s hide. I think someone found their base.”
“It’s not even been a day. I need some sleep, the jetlag is ruining me right now.” yejun says.
“well, i’m not willing to become dead meat and i’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t want that too. I already clicked on this thing so they should be coming home any second now. For now, we need to find a safe place.”
“I think i know a place.” yejun leads you to a library and pulls on one book before it reveals a staircase down.
“how do you know about this?”
“jay showed me around.”
“and mind explaining why he showed you this place first?”
“because it’s where they keep their weapons?”
“If we need to fend for ourselves, we at least know where to go. Now, let’s actually get in here before whoever broke into our house finds us.” you nod. as the both of you enter, the door closes behind you.
You entered a pretty big underground area. It was filled with all kinds of high tech things and weapons on the wall. yejun makes herself at home. A security camera pops up, you noticed the 6 boys (minus sunoo because he wasn’t allowed to come with them) planning something before they made their way in. they shot around for incoming gang members.
“Feels like i’m watching a movie honestly.” yejun says. You snickered. sunghoon runs around, it switches over to the library camera and he enters the secret room once it was revealed. your eyes widened. sunghoon runs over to you to give you a hug. yejun gasps softly before covering her mouth.
sunghoon breaks the hug and checks up on you.
“Nothing happened right?” he says as he inspects you.
“n-no?” his eyes met with yours. He sighs in relief.
“good.” the other boys enter the room shortly after. jay checks up on yejun.
“The ladies are fine right?” heeseung asks.
“you should have seen sunghoon running in here and giving (name) a hug.” yejun says. you blushed. Sunghoon’s rolls his eyes.
“we saw him running but didn’t think he’d hug his ‘sworn’ enemy.” jake says.
“jealous?” sunghoon says. jake gasps.
“why would i.”
“sunghoon, the real question is…why did you hug her.” jay says. sunghoon looks away from the boys and you.
“I’ll be in my room.” sunghoon says before leaving.
“sunghoon hyung has a crush on noona. I bet.” riki says.
“alright buddy, how much.” jake smirks. you rolled your eyes.
“stop betting, he doesn’t even like me.”
“20 bucks?” riki says.
“20 bucks it is.” jake says.
“you two are insufferable.” you say.
“that’s riki and jake for you.” jay says.
It was late at night, you were drying your hair with a towel as you took a late night shower. The cool breeze blew from the window. you sighed as you looked out of the window, this was your new life now. Living with your brother and his friends, getting into peculiar situations like previously and possibly getting kidnapped.
You hear a small knock.
“come in.” you called out. the door opens and sunghoon walks in.
“what do you want?” sunghoon sighs.
“your hand.” you tilt your hand. Previously as you were running to hide with yejun, you cut your hand on something sharp by accident. Everyone else didn’t notice it, why did sunghoon only notice. “don’t try hiding it.”
“I’m not trying to hide it.”
“you’re hiding your hands behind your back.” sunghoon says.
“well why do you care, aren’t you park sunghoon? Don’t you hate me?” you say. sunghoon sighs and tugs your hands forward, he settles you down on the edge of your bed before quietly nursing your cut.
you wince slightly and jerk your hand away but sunghoon’s grip was stronger.
“Don’t move.” sunghoon says.
“well, it hurts.”
“If you move, i’ll kiss you.” your eyes widened.
“Kiss me? Are you what? 5? look, park. we are enemies, we hate each other and so if anything kiss-” before you knew it, sunghoon’s lips were on yours. It was only a mere 2 seconds before he pulls away to finish wrapping your hand in a bandage. sunghoon looks up at you.
“enemies can kiss too.” he says before walking out of your room.
what the fuck park sunghoon.
next morning, you went to the kitchen and there stood sunghoon. you felt your cheeks heating up, what has he actually done to you. This was not a normal feeling and you know it. you came up to the dining table and sunghoon places a plate of pancakes in front of you.
“here. I need to leave to get some groceries with heeseung hyung.” he simply says before he steps away. you grabbed his hand.
“sunghoon. wait.” you say. sunghoon turns to you, “why are you doing this?”
“doing what?”
“This? Acting all nice and even making me breakfast. I swear to god if you’re trying to get in my fucking pants-”
“I’m not. I just felt the need to do so.”
“are you pitying me?” sunghoon scoffs.
“why would i?” he gets to your eye level. “I am not pitying you.”
“then why?”
“you’ll find out sooner or later.” sunghoon says before leaving.
“what?” you mumble. Suddenly, you felt a hand grab your shoulder, you jumped at the contact.
“BOO!” jake scares you.
“SIM JAEYUN!!!” you yelled before attacking jake. he yells.
“AH OKAY IM SORRY!!!” jake says. you stopped hitting him and he apologises, “i saw what happened between you and hoon. Those eyes, he seems a little guilty.”
“guilty? Of what?”
“well, maybe for practically treating you like absolute shit for the past years?” you rolled your eyes.
“yeah sure, as if. sunghoon, would never feel pity.”
“he’s not good at expressing himself you know. He’s just shy around you.”
“shy? Around me? yeah, right.” you say before stabbing your pancakes.
“he’s trying (name). he’s trying to make it up to you. you do realise sunghoon has never once made me and heeseung hyung pancakes for breakfast right?” jake says.
“yeah, usually we’d eat ramen for breakfast or just visit a cafe. I’m also pretty sure he woke up early in the morning to fix this for you since he has zero fucking clue on how to cook.” you looked down at your food. “so, i’m just saying…maybe you should give sunghoon a chance to prove himself. I think he really likes you.”
“He likes me?”
“i wouldn’t say this if it’s not true. After all, i am his best friend.” jake smiles.
you felt your heart beat faster the minute. sunghoon likes you? now why did you feel kinda excited and happy.
“hey little sis, me and sunghoon are- where did you get that pancake?” heeseung says.
“oh, umm-” why was it so hard to admit sunghoon made it for you. sunghoon arrives next to heeseung.
“sunghoonmadeit.” you mumbled.
“huh?” heeseung says. jake snickers.
“sunghoon made it for her.” jake helps you. heeseung’s eyes widened before turning to sunghoon. sunghoon clears his throat and starts blushing.
“l-let’s go hyung.” sunghoon quickly leaves the dining area. heeseung quickly turns to you before mouthing “later, tell me what’s going on.” you nod. heeseung runs after sunghoon.
jake laughs, “i have never seen sunghoon that flustered in my whole life of knowing him. you got him whipped my dear (name).” you smacked the back of jake’s head. “Ow okay, i meant sunghoon’s dear (name).”
“fuck off.”
it was about 3pm, nothing really happened and now you were just watching some movies on your tv. The door bursts open and you screamed. That is until you noticed it’s just sunghoon.
“sunghoon, you really should knock on the door.” he rolls his eyes. “why are you here?” he climbs your bed, your eyes widened. Before you could even say anything, his body was on top of yours.
“sunghoon?” you try to get out of his grasps, he only holds you tighter.
“Let me stay here for a while.”
“what if my brother walks in-”
“I locked the door.”
“sunghoon-” you felt a small peck on your neck, you sighed. Guess he wasn’t going anywhere. 5 minutes pass by, “you know sunghoon. enemies don’t do this kind of thing.” he groans.
“can we not talk about the fact that we are enemies and i’m cuddling you right now?”
“Am i wrong? Enemies argue, they don’t cuddle.”
“then do you want to be my girlfriend instead? just so i can cuddle you?” you blushed at sunghoon’s words. he notices you didn’t answer his question so he untangles himself from you. “(name)?”
“I’m asking you if you would rather be my girlfriend than my enemy?”
“oh.” you felt your cheeks grow warmer by the second. “well, you see. sunghoon…we aren’t on the best terms and now suddenly you do all of this and make me feel all weird and tingly.” you rant. the more nonsense you spew, the bigger sunghoon’s smile grows. he found you adorable nonetheless. he smirks and leaves a peck on your lips to shut you up. you gasp.
“you’re adorable when you ramble but you’re really confusing me (name).”
“no, you’re the one confusing me park sunghoon!”
“let me make it simple, i like you and have always liked you. you can even say i love you. i tease you only because i wanted your attention and you always have the cutest reaction.” sunghoon confesses. your jaw drops. “so, lee (name). Will you please be my girlfriend? If that doesn’t work, can i at least court you?”
you kept quiet, only because you were stunned he actually admitted to liking you. this wasn’t a dream right? like you had previously where he was some sort of mafia gang?
“this is isn’t a joke right?”
“what do you want me to do to prove that it isn’t a joke.” you bit your lips, sunghoon’s eyes instantly caught you doing so, he leans in. before your lips even touch, you heard someone knocking.
“(name), do you want anything from mcdonald’s? jay is treating us after traumatising riki last night.” jake yells. that poor 16 year old, what did he hear last night.
“uhh, just buy me anything.”
“alright, also have you seen sunghoon? he isn’t in his room and i wanna ask him what he wants.” sunghoon smirks, he opens his mouth to say something but you quickly shut him up with a kiss.
“don’t you dare say anything. my brother will kill you if he knows you’re in my room.” you say once you pulled away.
“why not? it’s just jake.”
“wait- is he in your room?” jake tries to open the door. “hey, why is the door locked? (name), what are you and sunghoon doing in the locked bedroom??” jake says.
“sunghoon isn’t here jake! he just texted me to say he went out for practice!”
“bullshit, there is no practice today! oh wait till i tell heeseung hyung-” you were about to run to the door when sunghoon pins you down to the bed.
“let him go, he’ll tell your brother but i wanna spend a couple minutes with you.” sunghoon smirks. “in bed.” your eyes widened when he suddenly pulls your covers above the both of you.
“park-” sunghoon kisses you.
was this just an enemies with benefits or was this true love? oh who am i kidding, you and sunghoon ended up dating. heeseung was happy for you but he kept glaring at sunghoon after he mauled you like a werewolf. those love marks took 2 weeks to fully disappear by the way. happy ending for both you and sunghoon.
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deathofpeaceofmiiind · 5 months
high infidelity | four
I knew you’d linger like a tattooed kiss, I knew you’d haunt all of my what ifs. *Elliots POV* How did Noah get my number?  I gained my composure and got into my car. My eyes stared at the screen as I tried to figure out what to say to him. I missed him so much but I was still hurt that he walked away from me. Regardless, I would’ve done anything to find him, but he beat me to it much to my surprise. My phone buzzed and it was him again…I really needed to turn off my read receipts. “Danielle gave me your number. I just want to talk to you.” “You just left me Noah…” “You have every reason to be pissed at me but we both felt something last night…you know I’m right.”
“Are you still in town?” “I’m sorry but we left for Seattle an hour ago…” I wanted to cry knowing he was already in another country and not near me anymore. I sat in silence for a few moments as my head pondered about what I was going to do. All I knew is that Noah and I deserved another chance. I wanted to lay out all my cards for him and tell him everything he wanted to know. If he ran, at least I tried. I called Danielle as I drove home, trying my best to not run any red lights. “I’m sure you want to kill me for giving Noah your number but you gotta admit -“ “I don’t care” I cut her off, “I need to you go to Seattle with me tonight. I really need to see Noah. Please.” “I’ll be at your place in an hour.” The line died and I could feel my heart racing. There was no one in the world like Danielle. She had been my best friend since 9th grade and has had my back for everything. She was the kind of friend that would drop everything for you if you needed her. I raced home and began to quickly pack up some things. I figured what I was wearing would be fine for tonight so I packed some leggings, pyjamas, a hoodie, make up and my toiletries. Danielle was almost at my house so I went downstairs to wait for her. I was going to text Noah and tell him I was coming but part of me wanted to surprise him. “Call me after the show…we can talk then.” Danielle’s car pulled up and I took a deep breath before going outside. I was never one to do spontaneous things like this but the last twenty four hours haven’t exactly been normal. As much as I hated Tyler I knew Liam would be safe with him. I texted him to say Danielle had an emergency and she needed me. I got into the car and tears filled my eyes as I looked at Danielle. She grabbed my hand, saying everything and nothing at once. *Noah’s POV* I rolled over in my bunk on the bus after sleeping off the rest of my hangover. We were definitely close to Seattle cause I could see the space needle on the horizon.  I walked towards the front of our bus to grab myself an energy drink from the fridge to wake myself up. Bryan and Jolly were on the couch as they nodded at me before going back to Bryan’s computer to go over last nights footage. I sat down across from them as took a few sips of my drink. Folio came out of his bunk and plunked himself beside me. He caught me smiling at my phone like an idiot. “So, did she…” “Yeah.” I beamed from my phone, “she did.” “Fuck yeah!” Folio screamed as he slapped my arm. I had to laugh. He was such a child, but what other kind of energy do you expect from a drummer? “So when are you two going to talk or meet up?” “She said I could call her after the show tonight.” I mused as I took a long sip of my drink. Fuck these things taste awful but I can’t stop drinking them. “You should’ve invited her the show tonight.” Jolly chimed in. ”Fuck I never thought of that.” I muttered as I had a lightbulb moment, “when’s the next show?”
“After tonight we have two days off before we go to Vegas.” “I’m gonna go back up and see her tomorrow.” I said with determination in my voice. They all sent me sympathetic smiles before going back to what they were doing. My head hit the back of the couch as I took a deep breath. I always looked forward to shows but I was already eager for it to be over so I could call Elliot. She was the first woman in years I could see myself being with if I was given the chance. I’ve also never missed someone this much, it was actually starting to scare me. “You look very happy all of a sudden.” Nick said to me as we walked into the venue. “I texted Elliot earlier. She said we can talk after the show tonight.” “That’s great news dude!” Nick beams before grabbing his bass off one of the stands.
“Just don’t fuck up this time!” Matt yelled from his booth, causing me to give him the finger.
I didn’t say much after that but that stupid smile wouldn’t come off my face. The guys could tell how happy I was and their energy started to match mine. Our soundcheck went flawlessly and we were ready for tonight. The more this tour goes on, the more confident I get with my voice. Honestly, this whole tour has made me so fucking excited for this bands future. All the hard work was paying off.
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rottin6 · 5 months
serial killer barty snippet just for you!! kiss kiss
tw: NSFW, murder and death
Barty was nine when he first stained his hands.
He didn’t scream, he didn't go to his mum, and he most definitely didn’t cry. Not even a little. His little fingers were dripping and he held them in front of his face, looking at all the colours and hues glaze under the sun. He brought his middle finger to his mouth and took just a little taste—a very little one, just to savour it.
He stood on the side of the road, hidden by the overgrown trees and the sharp blades of the grass. He rubbed at his left eye with the knuckle of his thumb before reaching down to pick up the rabbit laying beside his feet.
Blood poured out of its neck, running down the fur and onto Barty’s arms. He smiled, not because he’s sick or fucked in the head. But he smiled because he understood. He knows that love in all its entirety is violent.
He can still recall the shrilling cry even now at eighteen. He can picture it so vividly in his mind, the way its leg snapped backwards and his hands wrapped around its throat, his thumbs plunging down in its eyes.
He loved the animals, he really did. He loved the way they moved and how they functioned, how they all fitted together and worked. And because love is violent, Barty put them all to sleep behind the little shed away from his home. He did it all just to take them apart, limb by limb, and see what they were all made up of.
He really wasn’t sick in the head, honest to God. He was just a growing boy with growing thoughts and these are things everyone thought of. He’s still not like that, not in the slightest. If you had to ask Barty now, he’d tell you to fuck off and then let you know he’s seen a doctor twice.
Barty remembers the first time he went to one actually.
Doctor Parkinson was a tall man who looked down at Barty like he would gobble him up and lick his lips clean. His eyes were dark and void, and his fingers felt like fire. Barty didn’t mean it but he couldn’t help himself. They were together behind a curtain, for Christ’s sake, so it was hardly his fault. Doctor Parkinson had his hands in places Barty had only touched himself and—fuck him, Barty thinks. Fuck him for ending the session all ‘cause he got a little hard and it freaked out Doctor Parkinson.
That night, Barty sat on the edge of his bed, his cock in his hand. He stroked himself and jerked off with his parents downstairs, while he thought of Doctor Parkinson and his fingers. He held himself tight in his fist, groaning at the image of his doctor in his mind. And because he was so goddamn angry, he thought of slitting his throat clean and fucking him until he bled out. He thought of standing over his hollow body, shoving his cock into Doctor Parkinson’s body, thrusting in and out, over and over.
Barty wasn’t concerned that night. He was perfectly fine and normal. He was just a teenage boy and other teenage boys thought of things like that all the time.
His mother died a year after that, when he was seventeen. He’d taken a squirrel behind the shed and by the time he made it back home, the neighbours had taken her to the hospital. His mother died and Barty’s father hated him for it. Hated him ‘cause he was on a business trip again and Barty should’ve been there.
When the funeral came around, Barty didn’t go. He spent that week packing his stuff and moving to an apartment on the outskirts of town and away from a father who hates him. He lived alone, bottles of alcohol and packets of God knows what around. Maybe if he had better friends, he’d have coped better—but this isn’t that kind of story.
For the next six months, Barty holed up in his room. There were no animals for him during this time, only a bottle of Jack Daniels and a little plastic bag of cocaine. He didn’t speak with his father anymore, not bothering to ever check up on him or his younger brother. Nothing else mattered.
Now, this is where the story changes.
Barty should have rotted away by himself, ideally. But right now, fate’s given him a new neighbour with the cutest laugh that makes Barty just want to cut into his throat and keep his laugh all for himself.
Barty watches him through the peephole in his door, his eyes wide and hungry. The blonde boy struggles with his keys, cursing when he drops them to the floor, then looking towards Barty when the door opens.
Barty holds his gaze on him for a second too long before grinning. “Barty, and you are?”
“Hopeless at opening doors apparently.” The boy chuckles and it sends a shiver down Barty’s spine, pushing its way into his bones. Eyes meet eyes, “I’m Evan, just moved in.”
Evan, Barty thinks. His eyes are lit up and he really can’t help himself. “Maybe I can show you around town sometime then, if you’re up for it.”
Evan finally has his key in the door but he’s standing still, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. His eyebrows crease for a moment and Barty wants to feel them under the pad of his finger—smooth it out and then crease it all again. “Yeah. Yeah, actually, that’d be great.”
“You free tonight?”
“As far as I know, yeah.”
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blueiight · 1 year
The biggest WTF for me is when book fans are like well Louis is a liar in the books about why xyz didn't happen in the show and I'm like well if he's lying about everything then why am I watching this show?? are you gonna retell the entire first season with what really happened? cause I feel like the show is wasting my time then.
Any and all Lestat propaganda is lost on me. Anytime someones like well in the books he's not like this, I'm like I dont care that's not what he's like on the show so stfu.
Also I have no fucking clue what ppl are talking about with daniel + armand most of the time like I don't understand how the fuck s1 hints at anything other than an adversarial relationship at the moment.
im assuming ur the same anon as here..
and its like yeah its obvious some things didnt happen the way they did cuz its louis’s point of view & we will get another look at certain scenes but if the whole season is a total lie thats a waste of tv lol. granted the book iwtv narrative is more straightforwardly dark. theres no two interviews theres just one interview in the 70s (which was contemporary. iwtv published in 1976) .and the most that’s ‘contradicted’ in that imo is.. of course getting lestat’s point of view and all but also. ok. so you know how in the show lestat kills the tenor and clicks out on louis saying embrace what you are? in the book, lestat did the same thing but it was w/ these sex workers/prostitutes instead. in tvl lestat is like well actually these women were robbing the seamen so i wasnt the bad guy. this is actually why i think show lestat is nicer than book lestat! not rly cuz he did the same shit to lily. seriously tho book and show les were twins separated at birth and sent off to different universes imo. & in the book louis links w/ lestat whos bog body down bad holding a child and turning his back on him its irony its melodrama and we’re never sure if that scene actually happened. according to les well it didnt and louis was just a drama queen embellishing. thats what louis is, a drama queen embellishing things LOL. & the suspicion around armand is warranted like hes a powerful vampire with an adeptness in the mind gift, but he also loves lestat + his form of showing that is yandere crazy af aka torturing the people lestat cares about if not beating and tormenting lestat himself and its like..armand would do some shit like that hes crazy but itd be a bit boring if all of s1 was a big lie ?. let all the yaoi be problematic! i def think that theres some freaky shit going on between armandxlouis… the 1x07 reveal was like heyy danny ik i just checked out 5 seconds ago but i went from a bad bf to worse :3 the snake sheds his skin as ive dubbed it. i thought armand was rashid tvc until i seen the marius painting and the reveal had me sooo hype. the finale is the biggest divergence in the book besides the obvious changes (race, era, certain scenes etc etc) the fact that theres 2 interviews and that armand x louis are together in the modern day. in the book armand broke up with louis just before the interview, tried to mack on bog body struggle bus lestat and when all that failed he went to fuck w/ daniel. daniel was named in the third book finally and he was revealed to be w/ armand to have this crazy psychosexual bdsm worldwide cruising (well. armand watching danny fuck) blood airtagging romance rigmarole for a few yrs post interview cuz armand wanted someone to teach him what being human was like again and daniel wanted a demonic satanic zaddy. i am the devil’s minion (title chap drop!) armand’s put in a situation where he has to turn a dying 32 year old (book) daniel into a vampire. in the show clearly, daniel is old now but hes dying still. s1 doesnt show much so i can get why ur confused but in later seasons the nature of all their relationships between show armandxlouis , daniel & what happened and how theyll adapt the axd dynamic will be clearer to us all. i just think ppl r too committed to particular fan theories or takes rn. the ennui of being into an ongoing adaptation
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tomboy014 · 2 years
How Maddie (the cat) Makes Vlad Masters a Better Person
a.k.a. This Man Will Have Character Growth Even if it Kills Me
I feel like Maddie, the cat, is the first thing that Vlad has ever genuinely (rather than obsessively) cared about.  He watches TV with her, talks to her, praises her, and every time we see that cat on screen, she’s a happy cat.  So, it seems that Vlad is a responsible pet owner at the very least.  It’s the first thing besides himself that he’s ever had to take care of, and more importantly, wants to take care of.  And a lot of couples invest in a pet before they commit to having kids together, so here’s how I think Maddie, the cat, can cause Vlad to become a better person overall.
It’s a typical day in Amity Park except Dani is back in town.  The reason why isn’t especially important, but Vlad finds out and fights Danny who just wants to keep his “cousin” safe and away from Vlad.  Maybe they’re close to Vlad’s house, maybe she’d gotten outside, but during the fight, Maddie (the cat) comes into view.  Danny is busting a gut to find out that Vlad caved and got a lonely guy cat, while Vlad is simultaneously embarrassed and concerned.  Ghost fights are dangerous; he doesn’t want her getting hit by a stray blast.  But Dani?  Despite her apparent age, she’s technically only months old, and there is a cute, fluffy kitty right there.  Like any small child, Dani rushed forward to pet the kitty, and Maddie, like any cat being rushed by a small grabby, child, runs to Vlad who scoops her up in his arms.
“Is that your cat?”
“Why... yes.  Yes, it is.  Would you like to pet the nice kitty?”
Vlad is fully aware that he’s giving off creepy-man-in-a-van vibes but doesn’t care and uses Maddie to lure Dani back to his Manor.  There’s nothing Danny can do about it; Danielle’s a willing participant, and just to make sure Danny can’t stop him, Vlad activates the house’s ghost shield once he and Dani are inside.  Danny is stuck outside, helpless to do anything.  As soon as Danny flies off, Vlad drops the shield.  Danielle would have bolted as soon as she noticed she was trapped if she wasn’t so distracted by the cat.  Vlad needs to play his cards very carefully to convince her to stay.
Meanwhile, Danny is freaking the fuck out!  Vlad has Dani!  Who knows what kind of sick, twisted experiments he has planned for her this time?!  No one besides himself, Sam, Tucker and Val even know she exists, so if she’s killed or disappears, no one will ever know.  He needs to do something, anything, and he needs to do it fast.  Something that’ll keep her safe the same way he and Vlad hold each other’s secret identities over their heads.  It’s a hell of a gamble, and it could end up even more dangerous for Dani if things go wrong, but he’s panicking, and it’s the fastest way to make sure she’s known, and it’s the only idea his panic-stricken brain can come up with right now.
 He tells his parents.  After all, it’s crazy that Vlad’s a dad now, right?
As fast as Jack can drive them over, and Jack and Maddie are kicking down Vlad’s door (with Danny in tow), boxes of baby clothes in hand, to congratulate Vlad.  They didn’t even know he had a girlfriend, let alone that they were expecting!  But instead of a newborn, they see a tweenage Dani trying to grab the cat that just dove under the couch.  Vlad, thankfully, is a much better liar than Danny and cobbles together a story about an ex-girlfriend, a hidden pregnancy, and the lawyer who found Vlad after her death to take custody of their daughter.  Meet Danielle Masters. 
Suddenly, the GAV full of baby clothes and gear they pulled from storage is no longer appropriate, but Maddie and Jack are still excited to meet her.  They just can’t believe that his ex never told him he had a daughter, but they can’t fault Vlad for not being involved in her life.  Until a few months ago, it was like she never existed.
They try to get to know her, but it’s like talking to a brick wall.  They ask to see her room, but it doesn’t say much either.  Vlad had stripped it after Dani left the first time, so all that’s really left is a twin-size bed in green and gold like the rest of the house.  But she’s not a Packer’s fan, she’s not a space fan like Vlad wanted, there’s nothing to indicate that a little girl ever lived here at all.
So, Maddie kneels down and asks, “What sort of things do you like?”
“Maddie!  That’s our cat!”
The name gets a lot of side eye from human Maddie, but thankfully, he’s had that “sister’s cat” excuse in his back pocket for a while now. 
“Just... haven’t gotten around to changing the name.”
Danny glibly suggests, “How about Fruit Loop?”
“Nah.”  Dani says, “I like Corn Flakes better.”
The Fenton’s and Dani run through different cereals for name ideas, because why not?  It’s not like they could give his cat a normal name.  The closest one to normal, Marshmallow, was suggested by Jack, so Vlad immediately shuts it down. 
Finally, Vlad shouts, “Cheerio!  If it must be a cereal, then Cheerio.”
“That’s a cute name for a cat!” Maddie says.  If Maddie likes it, then it’s the cat’s new name. 
The next day, the Fenton’s return with boxes of Jazz and Danny’s old clothes for Danielle along with some new bedding and the biggest, fluffiest comforter ever covered in kitty-cats and yarn balls.  It’s the first thing Dani’s ever been given based on what she likes and not what she’s supposed to like.  She loves it!
Somewhere between the store and Masters’ manor, Jack has let the entire town know that Mayor Masters has a daughter.  Reporters beat down his door all day long trying to get the scoop.  Now that the public is aware of Dani, Vlad can’t do anything to her without causing a stir, and if she goes missing, there’ll be a massive manhunt for the mayor’s daughter.  Dani’s untouchable.  Still, it wasn’t a perfect plan.  After all, Vlad still has Dani in his custody, and the public bought his sob story about his made-up ex, but it’s a decent measure of protection.  And if she needs to, she can always run to Aunt Maddie and Uncle Jack.  Not Danny’s best plan, but it works.
It’s not a total loss on Vlad’s end, either.  Sure, he can’t do anything untoward to Dani without the risk of it making it to the press, but he has her.  Now that he’s a “dad,” his approval ratings as mayor have shot up.  If he can show Maddie he’s a better caretaker than Jack, she’ll be all the more inclined to bring Jazz and Danny to him once he gets Jack out of the picture.  He can still use this situation to his advantage.
But within a day, he discovered the one major flaw in his plan: he has no idea how to be a parent.
For the next few weeks, it’s just madness at the Masters’ residence.  Dani won’t eat any of the foods Vlad enjoys; it tastes like feet.  She won’t eat anything he cooks, so it’s a lot of take out and fast food, which he knows isn’t good for either of them.  She’s always controlled her own poor (in every sense of the word) diet and fights Vlad every change he’s trying to make to it.  She won’t eat a single vegetable, refuses to eat anything he cooks, and he knows she’s doing it just to be difficult since she has no problem eating anything the Fenton’s put in front of her.
She has no problem saying whatever she wants to the press just shy of giving away their halfa status.  Where did she live before?  The streets.  Who’s her mother?  Doesn’t have one.  Where does she go to school?  Doesn’t go.  It’s a constant PR nightmare. 
Some hastily forged paperwork and a few overshadowed officials later, and Vlad manages to get her enrolled in the top private school in the area.  She immediately starts acting out.  Guidance counselors and the principal are calling him at least once a week to discuss her behavior, missing assignments, and how far behind she is compared to her classmates.  At the very least, Danny managed to convince her that going to school was an important part of maintaining her human disguise.
Dani is miserable.  She’s always relied on her anonymity for protection, but now, she’s been thrown in the spotlight, a place she wants to be in a little as Vlad does.  She has to sit in school for hours listening to adults talk at her about things she has no clue about.  People with stupid cameras are always in her face.  She hates it!  And at home, Vlad still tries to bait her into the lab using Cheerio, but she figured out she can shake the treat bag, and Cheerio will bolt back upstairs.  She is NOT on speaking terms with Danny.  Vlad won’t let Val near the mansion.  And her new aunt and uncle just keep spewing things like “it’ll get better” and “give him a chance.”  At least they come with cookies, but if she has to be miserable then Vlad does too. 
Vlad, far from proving what a capable parent he is, has called the Fenton’s every day for advice.  He’s at his wit’s end and wondered more than once if getting rid of her would be worth the scandal.  He’s starting to think it would if it gets him his old life back.
Until the Guys in White show up.
They bumble their way through Amity Park, as usual, still unable to even capture the Box Ghost.  But while the GIW are incompetent, Dani is overconfident and inexperienced.  She’s captured by Agents O and K, so excited to finally have a test subject for their questionable and painful experiments.  She’s terrified, begging to be let go.  She’s just a little girl, but they ignore her and throw her in the back of one of their vans.
Vlad.  Goes.  APE SHIT.
Vlad’s full fury descends upon the GIW, and he cuts a bloody swath through them, nearly taking out a city block, the idea of collateral damage gone out the window.  Finally, he stomps through the wreckage, tears the back off the van, pulls a terrified Dani into his arms, and they vanish.
The entire flight home, Dani still in his arms, they’re silent.  Without a word, he deposits her into her bedroom and retreats into the lab as they both try to process what just happened. 
There was no reason for him to do what he did.  She was disposable.  Expendable.  A flawed creation he’d had no problem writing off before.  He gained nothing by saving her.  He’d just been contemplating getting rid of her.  Now, he’d just made himself a greater target for the GIW.  So why had he done it?  Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?
Things are still quiet at breakfast, but Dani put her dishes in the sink and went to school without a fuss.  She ate dinner without a fight.  For the next few days, it’s tense, but it’s calm.  Until one night, Dani started talking at the dinner table, timidly at first, but she shared some fact or tidbit that had caught her interest at school that day.  It was nothing that Daniel had ever been interested in; honestly, it wasn’t even something he hadn’t known before, and didn’t elicit much more than an “Oh, really?”  What was he supposed to say?  But she did the same thing again the next night, and the next, so he decides to reciprocate and tell her about some of the more innocuous things that happened at the office.  A meeting with the department heads.  Quarterly sales results.  It’s met with little more than a shrug and an “okay” or “cool,” but he supposes it’s something. 
Things carry on like this until the night Dani shares a fact so bizarre it can’t possibly be true, but Becky from science class swears that it is.  Balderdash!  They’re going to his personal library right now to look it up.  And, of course, Vlad is right.  After all, what did Becky from science class know?  But it leads them down a rabbit hole of tangents and different subjects until they get too close to one that would require an explanation of the birds of the bees and Vlad is certainly not ready for that conversation, so stop bothering him and do your homework or something.  And she does.
It's not much, but it’s the first time they’ve connected, really connected, and shared something, even if it was just a shared disdain of that know-it-all Becky.  It was a start, and from there, it was easier to talk to her.  She’d share something she’d learned at school; they’d pour through books in his library learning more about it.  Meals started to become not just tolerable but pleasant and graduated up to nutritious, if still simple, foods.  The two of them start becoming a regular fixture at the local library to expand into new subjects.  There was a disappointing lack of books on dinosaurs in Vlad’s personal collection.  It could almost be said that they’re starting to enjoy each other’s company.  Almost.  As they spend more and more time with each other, Vlad is starting to see Dani for who she is rather than Danny’s shadow.  
She’s loves to learn and soaks up knowledge like a sponge with a mind for chemistry and science like few he’s ever seen.  However, she is no longer allowed to do experiments without adult supervision, and no, the vultures do not count!  After they put the kitchen fire out, he got Danielle her own lab coat, goggles, and a step stool down in the lab.  She also got a very long lecture on proper lab safety.
She has a sharp wit and is a master of sarcasm.  He didn’t yet trust Ms. Gray to babysit without knowing just how much she knew, so he’d been forced to drag Danielle to a company function.  But he’d rather enjoyed watching her tear into Mrs. Henderson, especially after all the unsolicited parenting advice she’d been bombarding him with.  He should bring her to more company functions. 
As for Dani, she’s got three new grandpas who’ll ramble on all day if you let them.  Just never take them at their word.  She learned that the hard way the vultures are not reliable sources after she got an F on her history paper.  And she’s got “Uncle” Skulker teaching her how to hunt.  She’s caught Vlad more than once in one of their traps.  After all, his only rule was no trapping the cat.  Like she’d do that to Cheerio, but Vlad is fair game.  From there, Vlad and Skulker start training her to fight.  Vlad teaches her to dance to prepare for future company functions.  He said it’s “good publicity.”
Vlad eventually relaxes a bit and even lets Valerie come over and babysit her on occasion.  She doesn’t really need it, but it lets Val come over and hang out.  Last time, they made a pillow fort and watched Jurassic Park.  She could totally make her own Jurassic Park.  Vlad said it was a bad idea and even got Skulker to come over to try and talk sense to her, but instead it turned into a lesson on zoo design, enclosure sizing and animal enrichment.  So yeah, she’s gonna make her own Jurassic Park.  She even got Vlad to let the pillow fort stay up for three days after she used the puppy-dog eyes Val taught her.
And before Vlad knows it, two years have passed.  She’s doing well in school, has friends, and has started going by “Ellie,” though he’s not sure how he feels about that.  And sure, maybe there’s occasionally some small, infinitesimal bit of pride he feels whenever he catches Ellie copying his mannerisms.  They still have the occasional spat, but nothing as bad their first month.
Ellie’s room has since been fully decorated and is covered with posters, books, plushies and whatever else has caught her interest.  She’s made it hers.  Though the condition she keeps it in is a constant point of contention.  How a child that small makes a mess that large is a mystery he’ll never figure out, let alone how it seems to follow her throughout the house.
It’s been ages since he’s tried to coerce Danny into being his son and even longer since he’s tried to destroy Jack.  Parenting is exhausting, and while he is by no means a great parent, he’s gotten better.  He begrudgingly accepted Jack’s “Daddy-Daughter Bonding for Dummies,” but he’s read it.  He definitely took Maddie up on her offer to have “the talk” with Ellie once she hit puberty.  They still both tore into Vlad about curfews and sleep schedules when they saw Ellie out past midnight.  He’s still not going to give her a curfew; it’s asinine.  He just told her to phase in invisibly if he’s got late night company again.
He’s even been dating Harriet Chin.  She’d been reduced to writing fluff pieces for a small paper after losing her job with the Milwaukee Journal, but she’s determined to claw her way back up to the top.  And for her, that meant getting an interview with Vlad about his daughter.  He couldn’t help but admire her drive and ambition, and she kept him on his toes during their interview.  It wasn’t long until he offered her a position at Dalv and not long after that they started dating.  He’s not sure how far the relationship will go.  After all, he’s not trusting enough to tell her any of his secrets just yet (but she figured out he was Plasmius a while ago).  It’s been nice.
Plus, she hates Jack and that’s always a plus in his book. 
It’s far from the perfect family he’d envisioned for himself all those years ago, but it’s his, and he’d be remiss if he didn’t admit that for all is strangeness and imperfections, he loves it.  This is the happiest he’s been in years.  And all because he finally caved and got a lonely guy cat.
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Side Piece
Here is the next fic in my old maniel gets it series. Or read it below
This is what dying feels like.  
Daniel thinks it must be like this, this feeling of Armand’s mouth wet and warm around his cock.  The heat and the suction are nigh unbearable.  Armand has been doing this the better part of half an hour, and Daniel is aching.  His thighs are pulled taut, clenched so tight it hurts.  They’re still shaking slightly.  One hand is twisted in the sheets and the other is buried in Armand’s curls.  
Armand bobs up and down his length, giving him just enough suction to keep him on the edge, but not enough to let him go over.  Daniel is desperate to come, and isn’t above begging.  “Armand, baby, please.”
Armand’s tongue swirls around him lazily and he opens his eyes to glance up at Daniel.  He doesn’t give anything more, the tease.  
I promised to suck you till you cried.
It’s Armand’s honey sweet voice inside his head.  Should feel weird, but it doesn’t.  It actually gives him a weird sense of deja vu.  
You aren’t crying yet, Daniel.
Then Armand presses a finger into his hole.  Daniel’s back arches off the bed.  They had come to his room after making up in the reading room.  They had barely made it inside before Armand had thrown him onto the bed.  He had crawled up and kissed Daniel until he was dizzy with it.  
Daniel had pulled back and said “We need to talk.”
Because he needed to know where things stood.  Was this thing between them just a fling?  An affair meant to last the length of his trip?  Armand grinned at him and sank down between his thighs.  “You talk; I’ll listen.”  His mouth descended on Daniel’s cock and Daniel lost all coherent train of thought.  
Now he’s aching with the need to come and Daniel is being cruel and relentless.  Armand’s finger finds his prostate and circles it and the dual pleasure has Daniel gasping and jerking in shock.  His finger doesn’t let up, rubbing with barely there pressure that makes Daniel grind down onto it. Long minutes pass with Daniel shaking like a leaf, caught between pleasure. 
Finally, tears fall from his eyes and he lets out a broken sob, “Boss, please.  Need you so bad.”
Armand’s finger circles faster and increases pressure.  His mouth sinks down further around him and Armand slides Daniel into his throat.  He swallows around him, again and again until Daniel comes with a shout.  His body feels loose and relaxed.  He glances down at Armand and sees him pumping his own cock.  He looks so goddamn pretty that Daniel can’t look away.
Armand comes with a breathy moan.  If Daniel could physically get it up again, he’d be hard at the sight.
Daniel releases his grip on Armand’s hair.  He’s well and truly ruined it.  “Now can we talk?”
Armand crawls up beside him and straddles Daniel.  He bends down to kiss him, slow and filthy.  “Or I could ride you.”
“That’s not gonna work,” Daniel says.  “Mostly cause I can’t get it up again, but hey.”
Armand sucks a kiss onto Daniel’s neck.  “What isn’t, Daniel?”
“Distracting me with sex.”
Armand smiles ever so slightly.  “Is that a challenge, my love?”
“No,” Daniel says and takes him by the hips.  He moves him down to lay beside him.  Or Armand lets himself be moved.  “I wanna know where we stand.”
“We’re lying down.”
“Don’t be cute.”
Armand sighs.  “I told you, Daniel.  I adore you.”
“But what do you want from me?”
Armand turns it back around on him.  “What do you want from me?”
The fucking child.  Fine.  If he wants to know Daniel will tell him.  Might as well rip the bandaid off.  “I want to be more than your side piece.”
Armand’s face pulls into a scowl, then smooths out.  “Oh, beloved.  Is that what you think you are?”
“Aren’t I?”
Armand takes Daniel’s face in his hands and kisses him.  He pulls back and rests their foreheads together.  “You are mine.  My beautiful boy.”
Daniel wants to be angry, but the words make him feel a rush.  “I’m not a boy.”
“But you are mine.”
Daniel doesn’t bother to deny it.  He’s in over his head here.  He moves back from Armand.   “But you aren’t mine.”
“Louis,” says Armand.  “You’re jealous.”
“He’s the love of your life.”
Armand’s move quirks into a smile.  “Need I only have one love?”
Daniel doesn’t know.  He was raised that two people got together and stayed only with each other.  He was also raised to marry a nice girl, so who cares at this point, right?  
Then the meaning of his words hit him.  “Love?”
Armand ignores the question.  “You’re wondering what will happen after the interview.  You want to ask me to come visit you.  No, you want to ask me to run away with you.  Quite the romantic you are, Daniel.”
“Stay out of my head!”
“You could stay,” Armand says, like he didn’t just violate Daniel’s boundaries.  
“What?” Daniel says.
“I’m not listening, Daniel, you’re thinking loudly.”
“Liar,” Daniel says, then “What do you mean stay?”
“Stay here with me.  Your accommodations are adequate, no?”
Daniel blinks.  “The accommodations aren’t the problem here.”
“Is there a problem?”
Daniel could strangle him.  “You just asked me to move in and we’ve never even been on a date.”
Armand looks at him, strangely earnest.  “Would you like me to take you on a date, Daniel?”
“That’s what you got outta that, huh?”
“I don’t understand.”
Daniel sighs and tugs Armand into his arms.  “I can’t just stay here.  What would Louis say?”
“We don’t talk about Louis,” Armand says.
Daniel fights the urge to snark at Armand.  “I can’t stay.”
“You can,”  Armand sounds insistent.  Daniel wonders if he often gets his way.  
“You could come home with me,” Daniel says, just to show Armand how crazy it sounds.
“I couldn’t leave Louis now,” Armand says, as though he’s actually considering it.  “I could bring him with me.”
“Yeah, because that;s what I need, two insane vampires under my roof.”
Armand looks at him with wide eyes.  Daniel lasts about two minutes before he says “I could extend my stay a few more days.  Ask some follow up questions for the book.”
Armand grins.  Daniel kisses the top of his head and settles back into the pillow.  
What has he gotten himself into?
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