#Daario Naharis imagine
vixemi · 10 months
I’m looking for a daario naharis x reader imagine, it’s about how daario is coming back from seeing Dany and reader is hurt and is basically like “do you even still love me anymore?” If y’all find it, let me know.
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mostfandomimagines · 1 year
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Imagine: You watching Daario undress for the night
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daenerys-daario · 1 year
what do you think of the theory that Daario and Euron are the same person?
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This is the first time I'm hearing this theory, and.... wow!
I am just imagining how Daario/Euron would switch between the personas! Like he would really have to go through magical girl transformation each time.
For Euron -> Daario, he would have to first grow his hair out to his shoulders and then bleach his hair (as it is black), then dye it blue/purple. Also then curl it. Then he'd have to grow out his neat beard into three-prongs and dye them too. He'd also have to grow out his moustache and bleach it really well and then colour it golden! Then he'd have to take the time out to paint his nails. Then he'd need to pluck his tooth out and replace it with a golden tooth. He'd need to apply foundation and then lipstick to change his lip colour from blue to normal. Also, he needs to fake Tyroshi accent convincly enough to fool Dany who grew up in Tyrosh! Also, Euron would need contact lenses to change the colour of his eyes!
And when he needs to transform back from Daario -> Euron, he'd need to do all this in reverse!!! Like I'm just imagining Euron frustratedly crying as he goes through his 12-step makeover starting with straightening his hair:
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He'd also need one of those nifty Instant Teleportation Devices that he had in the show-verse, to instantly transport him from Essos to Iron Islands.
And even if we accept the premise, why would Euron need all this subterfuge? The main reasons why Dany doesn't marry Daario, despite being in love with him, are because (1) a marriage provides no political or strategic advantage to her; (2) he is too violent and doesn't seem to understand how to deal with the court and (3) because he is not of noble blood.
"Marry me, and we can have all the nights forever." If I could, I would. [...] "We cannot wed, my love. You know why."
Sending him to the Lamb Men had been wise. She was a queen, and Daario Naharis was not the stuff of kings.
So, the easiest thing for Euron to do, if he had been Daario, would be to reveal his identity as it would instantly remove at least 2 of the obstacles. He can provide an army/navy, and a fleet of ships for Dany's future conquest of westeros. He is also a lord of Westeros and a "good suitor" for Dany. Instead of just "revealing his identity", why would he use his Teleportation Device to go to Iron Islands and then send his brother Victarion to cross the sea and go to Dany with a proposal? Why would he do something so convoluted, taking so much effort, for no real benefit?!
While I had a good laugh at the mental image of Euron painstakingly curling his hair, painting his nails and applying lipstick, I don't think this is any worthwhile theory, anon.
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missnedge · 2 years
Miss and Edge's fandom list
Below is lists for Miss and Edge of series/chracters you can request fics, or headcanons for.
The Witcher (2019-2022-): Unfortunately I only know the show as of right now, hopeful to read or play a game in the near future. Character X Reader/OC or Character/Reader(oc)/Character. Fluff/Angst/Smut/Headcanons
Geralt of Rivia
Stranger Things (2016-2022-): Will only write the following character for smut, all of these can be Character(s) X Reader/OC or the Ship. All other characters for other formats. Fluff/Angst/Smut/Headcanons.
Steve Harrington 
Billy Hargrove 
Eddie Munson 
Robin Buckley 
Steddie, Steddie X Reader
Harringrove, Harringrove X Reader
Mungrove, Mungrove X Reader
Arcane (2021-): Character X Reader/OC, will consider certain ships. Fluff/Angst/Smut/Headcanons.
Caitlyn Kiramman
A Court of Thorns and Roses+ : Character X Reader/OC, I will take considerations for other characters but it might be biased. Fluff/Angst/Smut/Headcanons.
Feyre X Rhysand X Reader
Azriel X Rhysand’s Sister
Game of Thrones: Character X Reader/OC only, will not contribute to cannon incest. Fluff/Angst/Smut/Headcanons.
Daenerys Targaryen
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Daario Naharis
Yara Greyjoy
Jaime Lannister
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
BBC Merlin (2008): Character X Reader/OC. Fluff/Angst/Smut/Headcanons.
Arthur Pendragon
X-men: Character X Reader/ OC. Fluff/Angst/Smut/Headcanons
First Class/Days of Future Past/Apocalypse:
Erik Lensherr/ Magneto
Raven/ Mystic 
Charles Xavier/ Professor X
Jean Grey
American Horror Story: Character X Reader/OC, Fluff/Angst/Smut/Headcanons.
Kit Walker
Lana Winters
Elizabeth Johnson
Rudolph Valentino
Natacha Rambova
AU’s: Ghostface, Zombie, Apocalypse, Vampire, Camp
Miss will not: Write for or about children or Age Play characters that are not adults. Write or contribute to incest in fandom or canon. 
My promise as a writer I will continually edit my fiction to ensure all possible triggers and/or warnings are at the top of each post. I do believe that all characters I will write about or for, have an opportunity for growth or redemption. Otherwise I would not be comfortable writing about them. I think this is an amazing way for us as fans to be creative and as imaginative as possible. Therefore I will also aside from requests have OC, series and other blurbs or headcanons I’d like to post or accomplish. I can’t wait to read and hear feedback in a safe, habitable way in the near future. 
Transformers (clarify which version, like bayverse, prime, ect..)
Will only do character/reader (Cybertronian, human, or cyborg reader)
My Hero Academia 
Will do Character/reader, and open to certain ships
Will do Character/reader, including AUs (Monster or human reader) (I will not do insest with any of the skelebros)
Only open to /readers
Only open to /readers, unless its Character/reader/Character
Attack on Titan
Will do Character/reader, only open to certain ships
Detroit become human
Only open to Conor/reader (reader can be human, android, or a mix)
Stardew valley/Harvest moon
Will do Character/reader, only open to certain ships
Blue Exorcist
Will do Character/reader, only open to Rin/Ryuji/reader as a ship
Will do Character/reader, only open to certain ships
Will do Character/reader, only open to certain ships
Soul Eater
Will do Character/reader, open to a few ships.
Star Trek (any series)
Will do Character/reader, only open to certain ships
Youtubers-MCYT (Only their personas, for example, any of Markiplier's alter egos. I will also not do DSMP)
Will do Character/reader, only open to certain ships
Edge’s rules
I will not write incest or NSFW senerioes about minors or minor/adult relationships. Depending on the scenario I might be open to aged up characters like in AUs, for example in MHA I've read plenty of Pro-hero AUs that eventually contain smut, I don't mind stuff like that.
I am very open to writing many different scenarios, AUs, Characters, ships, fluff/angst/smut, poly, threesome and beyond, you name it and I'll probably be down to write.
Harry Potter
Fullmetal Alchemist (any version)
Umbrella Academy
The Boys
The Walking Dead (show and telltale game)
^^^ These fandoms both of us will write for
We have the right to deny any request if we do not feel comfortable or if we do not think that we are capable of completing the request to our greatest ability.
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westeroswisdom · 1 year
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From @westerosies
For some reason Daenerys Targaryen is not the GoT character I’d associate most with Prince Harry Mountbatten-Windsor. Maybe Daario Naharis – on a good day. 
Like Harry, Aemond Targaryen is a second son. Imagine if he wrote a book which was an exposé about Team Green. 📘🔎
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glacialisvenae · 2 years
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------michiel huisman . cis male . he/his . wasn’t that eben anastase walking the palace grounds ? it’s nice to see the lord of danruba out and about on such a fine day as this. i’ve heard from the court spies that they are notoriously apathetic, whilst also managing to be quite charming. the thirty-seven year old is eager to find out who exactly is behind the killings from what’s being said at court. i heard that they themselves are vrajiit ( life-force absorption ). it’s funny, whenever i think of them, i think of well-fitted leather armor, the gleam of polished silver and emeralds, and the scent of petrichor on a thick-foggy morning. great to see the revenant around, isn’t it ?
small stats
name: eben visser anastase. age: 37. status: lord of danruba, soldier in the vrajiit army. sexuality: grey-heteromantic heterosexual. species: human - vrajiit. power: life-force absorption. hair color: dark brown. eye color: hazel, favoring greys and greens. height: 6′0″. build: athletic - lean muscle. character comparison: edward fairfax rochester (jane eyre), jaime lannister (game of thrones), doc holliday (wynonna earp), boromir (lord of the rings), rick blaine (casablanca), don draper (mad men), perry cox (scrubs), tony soprano (the sopranos), kirk lazarus (tropic thunder), man in black (westworld). && daario naharis (game of thrones), han solo (star wars), thancred waters (final fantasy xiv), dante sparda (devil may cry), rogue (x-men).
     war was always in his blood, and blessed was his birth. though not the only child in the anastase noble line born a vrajiit, eben was often reminded of his place in the world growing up. destined for great things. to him it simply meant that people would always want him for something - and a young child imagined that could be nothing but GOOD. a young child knows very little.
     the winds in danruba are harsh and unforgiving, the clime caring little for life settling there, trying to flourish. eben learned how to survive in the tundra, though it was never imagined he would ACTUALLY require that knowledge ( better to know and never need it, than need it and never know ). hunting was for sport and survival, the feats of each kill brought back and served for meals, the hides tanned into leathers, furs made for blankets on well-stuffed mattresses. it was certainly a cushy life for a little lordling. he was spoiled in the sense that he was always watched ---his company was always desired, his attention always demanded here or there. he didn’t quite understand why. merely that something great would be expected of him.
     shortly after his sixteenth birthday, and when his mind was still full of boyish hope and folly, eben was sent to the vrajiit academy. he excelled at combat, though toyful of his capabilities ( the power to take a life with just a touch seemed limitless ) and for five years he served his country faithfully in the military. he was certain he did his lord father and lady mother proud, and certainly his sharpened prowess was what leant him to being sent into battle rather than being posted in danruba - rather than being returned home under conscription. IN HIS MIND, THESE WERE THE BEST YEARS OF HIS LIFE.
     at 21 he was released from his duties to the military. four years he lingered in danruba, living his life as a lord with a semblance of that boyish charm ever-present on his face. with the castle always open to the citizens of his home he saw many faces, learned many stories, met many men and women as they came and went. he fell in love. a glorious and terrifying emotion, one as tumultuous as the sea ‘neath stormy clouds ---he felt the same rush from spending time with the blacksmith’s daughter. she was kind to him, treated him not like he was a prize, a blessed child ---but like he was human.
     those same emotions betrayed him, ultimately. she passed beneath him amidst their passionate tryst, his touch and kiss-starved lips passing a death knell over her, life draining from her in a quick instant. HE FELT BETRAYED BY HIS OWN HEART. surely an emotion such as love was meant to be gleeful, it had only brought him happiness before this moment ---surely it was love that killed her. ( introspection would have shared it was the surge of emotion itself, that for all of the battle-wise training eben had learned throughout his life he’d never quite honed how to cease the flow of his power when his feelings crested like a breaking wave ). but introspection was beyond him. grieving, eben withdrew into himself.
     the shift from somewhat jovial young lord to apathetic and detached was like the phase of the moon changing. while he wasn’t asocial he seemed less engaged, some form of self-inflicted punishment for suffering to care for another person on such a level. at 25 he re-enlisted in the vrajiit military, the decision to do something more than suffer the company of others final. if his touch was meant to kill, he’d see it to purpose. and so it has served him for those past 12 years, a loyal warrior to the crown through choice, pleased to keep his solitude.
     where once eben could be described as talkative, energetic, and impish now only remains an echo of that former self. a man, as it were ---hardened both by battle and personal trauma and lead by self-inflicted punishment. he’s quiet and apathetic, more keen to sit back and observe a situation rather than be the first to participate in it - as if playing a long and drawn-out match of chess. though he is not asocial, and he doesn’t scorn the touch of a woman in the slightest ---he merely chooses not to find emotional attachment in any of his interpersonal relationships.
     HOWEVER HE CAN BE QUITE CHARMING WHEN HE NEEDS TO BE, flashing a handsome smile or using silver-tongued wit ---the skills of nobility. eben is less likely to lean on his birth standing and more akin to see a problem to a quick end. he is the product of his own experiences. tactical in thought but ruthless in execution, eben isn’t one to dance around a topic or point - he will bluntly state it.
     though it is incredibly obvious that the emotional scars of his experience still linger. perhaps it’s the circumstance of where he was raised ( the infinitely colder climate of danruba ), or his station as a military man that finds him always wearing leathers over his hands and never quite exposing the flesh where one might be drawn to touch. physical intimacy is met with only the desire to feel that particular pleasure and nothing else ---though it’s worth noting that to be safe HE NEVER TOUCHES HIS FAMILY WITH HIS BARE HANDS. lest something happen to them that similarly befell his once romance.
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acacia-fan-fiction · 1 year
Some visual inspiration and the link for my new Antonin x OC fic Traitorous Heart.
I borrowed heavily from Daario Naharis (Game of Thrones) and his mannerisms when writing this version of Antonin.
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How I imagine the tattoo that appears on Antonin’s chest
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insaneshane · 2 years
Second Contiuation of Game of Thrones weapons!
Also after this on I may change the formatting of the posts, and possibly focus on one weapon/armour set per post. The reason I'm not on this is because there's little info on each of these, so it should be long.
Firstly, there's Viserys Targaryen's sword, unnamed
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As far as I know, it shows up a handful of times in Game of Thrones, and that's it. Honestly, there's not much I *do* like about this blade. The blade looks unbalanced, the crossguard is too thin, the grip isn't wrapped, and the pommel is messy. Not to mention it would definitely shift around in the scabbard, that's why I don't like swords that taper tip to guard.
Regarding the new format, I'd like to do my best to discuss blade dimensions. I won't in this post seeing as I doing multiple weapons, and the fact that I just don't know for these less popular blades. For the ones I do know though, I'd touch on blade length, overall length, weight, and the like. I'll also be adding a "Name" rating
Realism: 5/10
Appeal: 4/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 5/10
Tyrion Lannister's dagger, "Catspaw"
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This brings up a problem I had with Jaime Lannister's "Widow's Wail," the exposed gemstone. I didn't explain my problems with it before, but I feel like they're self-explanatory. In combat, your weapon shouldn't be fragile, unless you plan on carrying, like, ten of them.
I also don't like the lack of any user protection (wrist/knuckle guard) on this thing. I understand it's meant as a discreet weapon, not an open combat weapon, but versatility is the name here.
Realism: 6.5/10
Appeal: 6/10
Name: 4.5/10
Overall: 7/10
Next we have Daario Naharis' arakh and myrish stiletto, unnamed
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I do not like them at all. Think of the perfect weapon (this will vary from reader to reader, so I won't pinpoint one). Now, whatever you've picked, it likely has a handle or grip. Now imagine that handle or grip was wrapped in barbed wire, would you still use it? Of course not! It doesn't matter how good the weapon is if you can't hold it properly.
Both the arakh and stiletto are real, functional weapons. Yes, they look a little different, but you get the idea. But these grips make them impractical. Yes, it's unique, but I'd never want to use either of these.
On a different note, his arakh's blade is much wider (heavier), and has a neat engraving. Again, other than the grips, these weapons are great, but the grips void any usefulness.
Realism: 0/10
Appeal: 0/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 0/10
Anyways, now I actually think I'm done! Unless I'm not! Who knows! Anyways, hopefully the next post will look at lot different, but in a good way!
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
Daario Naharis does look like an Andrew Tate fanboy tbf
I legit think that Daario is who tater tot imagines himself to be.
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ao3feed-tywin · 1 year
A Knight in Essos
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0jJ6EVW
by ISleepWithManchoke
Jorah Mormont is exiled from his home, destined to never return. He must adapt to his new world, away from all he knows. Broken, tired, and lonely he comes across individuals he never imagined meeting again. Will he discover something new about himself or reject how he truly feels?
Words: 2472, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Jorah Mormont, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Tywin Lannister, Daario Naharis, Khal Drogo (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Relationships: Jorah Mormont/Stannis Baratheon, jorah Mormont/Daavos, Jorah Mormon/Tywin Lannister
Additional Tags: Gay, Gay Sex, LGBTQ Character, Group Sex, Threesome
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0jJ6EVW
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alexmercer2424 · 4 years
Helping the GoT Boys Destress Pt. 2
Daario Naharis
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He’s a charmer, so when he’s stressed, return the favor. Give him flowers and be sappy about it, say how they remind you of his eyes, it’ll be sure to make him smile
Ask him to teach you how to use his blade, big or small, it’ll distract him from whatever may be bothering him and it’s something he enjoys doing
Or challenge him. Balance on one foot and have something resting on your head or something. Daario loves a good challenge
Don’t want to get physical that sort of way? He is a charmer remember, he’ll happily get physical another way. Make it playfully or passionate, just make him smile
Or just lay in bed with him, play with his hair, let him just enjoy the sun if Meereen that doesn’t involve patrolling, let the man relax
Bronn of Blackwater
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Of course, of course, of course! a way to help this man is wine. He’s almost as fond of it as Tyrion, or Tyrion has made him that fond of it
Or ale, or anything that can get him drunk. Take him to a tavern, enjoy the music, enjoy the vibes of the place, and if Bronn wants to get in a fight because a man is hitting on you let him! Another way to get him to let loose
Tell stupid jokes or play games, tell exciting tales to each other. Talking about something less serious will help him get his mind off things
Let the man grope your more often than he already does. Your body is a get distraction for him and if he’s having a really bad day, let him get a little more handsy
And if he’s up to it, and you’re up to it, spar with him or ask to be taught swordfighting. He taught Jaime (granted he was paid), but he likes you a lot more and combining his two favorite things will surely bring a smile to his face
Oberyn Martell
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Well this is Oberyn so first and for most, an easy way to help him destress is to take him to a brothel. Or if you’re the jealous type and he’s given that life up for you, you must become the brothel for him
This man is proud of his home and his kingdom, even if he’s not technically the ruler of it. Let him take you to his favorite places to enjoy the sun and beauty of the place
Sunbathe in the water gardens with him, be sure to have refreshing snacks on hand. Just enjoy the moment and try to forget all else
For the bastard children he already has, he loves them dearly even if they are bastards. Offer to spend the day with them rather than doing royal duties, no matter how minor they may be
He’ll especially enjoy training with his daughters, teaching them of the poisons he knows and has learned about over the years. You may or may not be into poisons, but one thing is for sure, he trusts you enough to hold the antidote
Tormund Giantsbane
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Tormund is a simple man, let’s be real here. The only concerns he shows is regarding his people and their freedom, that’s all their about. So always be apart of his cause, he’ll be glad to have your support
He is also a physical man. But it will not be sweet and coy like with Oberyn, instead it’ll be wild and energized. Always be sure to smile during your time together in a tent, keep it playful and lighthearted, this is supposed to be a time of pleasure not more stress
As a free folk, and as a man, of course he hunts and enjoys the game. Go with him, make it more than just a basic track and kill, make it an actual game between you two. That’ll be sure to bring a smile on his face and forget about whatever may be bothering him
Tormund also loves to joke around and tell tales over a pint of ale. If you see him fussing about something or another, offer him a pint and share some stories or just aim to make him laugh, it’ll be sure to work
And as rough as Tormund might seem, he does try to be romantic at times, or what is romantic to him. Return these favors, especially during his worse moments, to help put his mind at ease
Jamie Lannister
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You manage to get Jaime away from his sister, good on you, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stop worrying about her. Cersei may hate you (she does most people) but try to have a positive relationship that’ll help Jaime relax a little whenever you two are together
And it may not be all that proper, but help Jaime learn to use his left hand, especially when sword fighting. We all know how much this stresses him out, so take some time out of the day to help him gain coordination with the left hand one on one so he doesn’t feel embarrassed
Try to distract his mind with a romantic night. Ask the chefs to prepare a special dinner for you two, something small though so you can share it in the privacy in your room if you wish
He’s not a member of the kingsguard anymore, but he still holds that dear to him we can see it in the way he works himself. Let him rant about the soldiers and how shitty they may be, let him bounce ideas off you, offer him suggestions on how to get through to the kingsguard even if he’s not apart of it anymore
And when in doubt, let him open up about his more personal self. Like his relationships with his family, the stress of the family name, any of that. All he’s been through and he finally has begun to see there’s more to life than sword fighting and riches
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Alley- Daario Naharis
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Pairing: Daario Naharis x Reader
Characters: Daario Naharis
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 506
Author: Aaron
“Are you sure that this is safe?” Through the shaded alleys, even with Daario you could not help but feel uneasy. It felt as if every crack and crevice harboured untold eyes that followed as you progressed deeper into the back streets.
“Of course, it does not matter where we are or what we are doing, I will keep you safe.” Having your arm wrapped around Daario’s did bring some calmness to you, but you still would have felt better having stuck to the main marketplace. “If dragons still roamed the globe, I would separate it’s horned head from its body if it meant keeping you safe.”
“Worry not Daario, you don’t have to remind me of your fighting prowess. Do remember that thanks to a certain few past… issues I have had to watch you slash your way out of many a bad situation.” Daario smiled as he ran through his memories of his sly manoeuvres, with which he had used to outplay the cities guards. “I would rather not have to see them again, but I will admit that your skills do come in useful.”
“I have promised, I will do what I can to stay out of trouble, but you knew what you were getting into when me and you wed. Neither of us have ever been hurt, have we?” Your grip around his arm tightened painfully so as you turned a corner to see a triad of hooded guards eagerly awaiting your arrival.
“Daario Naharis, if I am not mistaken?” The tallest of the three stepped forwards, protruding into the light until his curved blade glimmered in the flame.
“You may be mistaken; you may not be. Depends on who exactly is asking.” He strolled forward until he sat just out of the hooded mans reach but pushed you gently into the darkness behind him.
“There is actually a fair few folks asking. You seem to have ruffled more than a few feathers in your short time here and the chickens have sent out their orders. You’re coming with us.” The other two marched forward and drew their blades in unison. “Don’t put up a fight, make this easier for all of us.” He stepped forward, now brandishing coarse, wrist binging cord and Daario held out his bare wrists in anticipation. As the rough twine held against his skin Daario pulled it from his hands and held it tightly against his captors’ neck.
“Even easier, you can all leave, and we can all go about our day unharmed.” As the towering guard struggled against the ever-tightening cord the other two turned to each other in confusion, as if they had never had a usurper protest an arrest. “I need an answer gentlemen.” He pulled the cord harsher until a previously spluttering, coughing guard collapsed, breathing yet useless onto the sandy floor.
“We will get you Daario, you and your bitch.” A pointed finger met a menacing grimace spread on Daario’s face.
“And I am sure, one day I will get you too.”
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myriadimagines · 5 years
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[x] [x] // requester: anonymous // request here
You frown, shifting your weight from one foot to another as you watch Daario look over his shoulder, flirtatiously winking at Daenerys, who quickly becomes unnerved. Beside you, Missandei can’t help but let out a quiet chuckle, turning her head away to hide her amused smile, but you catch it. Defensively, you look at her, asking, “What?”
Missandei attempts to keep a straight face. “I’m sorry, y/n, it’s just... your dislike for Daario is rather obvious.”
You fold your arms across your chest. “What makes you think that?”
Missandei raises an eyebrow at you, letting you know that your poorly hidden jealousy is plain for everyone to see. Letting out a sigh, you look away from Missandei, focusing your attention on Daenerys as you hope Daario doesn’t flirt with her again.
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royal---rose · 5 years
Game of Thrones Preference: What kind of students they were (AU) | Part 1
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As a member of a honorable, respected and big family, getting good grades was a common thing. Jaime always did his best during tests and studying hard never missed its point. Though he usually didn’t get full marks, Jaime was making his father proud. It was all he cared about, after all.
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 It didn’t matter if it was History, Math or English, Petyr loved every lesson. He was very curious and found things interesting - which was something his classmates weren’t capable of. It might was one of the reasons why nobody his age really talked to him. However, it wasn’t something Petyr’d be bothered by. He was more than aware of how important knowledge is.
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Unlike her brother, Cersei didn’t spend most of her free time with books to learn (none, to be exact). She had other things to think about rather than “something so unimportant like exam’s results”. And unfortunately, it showed. So even though it sometimes looked like she might won’t be promoted to the next grade, luckily her father financially supported the school she was attending and everything went smoothly.
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As someone was interested in learning new things and someone loved the school years thanks to beautiful girls in classes, Daario had one thing he liked at school as well - his teacher. And although he wasn’t the only one thinking how attractive she is, nobody else dared to do the same thing he did - trying to seduce her. He knew it was forbidden and if somebody found out, he’d be kicked out of school but damn, she looked sooo fine. How could he resist?
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As expected, Sansa was a perfect example of a good girl. She never caused any troubles, avoided all kinds of conflicts and stayed away from classmates who were her complete opposite. She was fully focused on grades and nothing but grades. Someone would say how boring it is, but Sansa would disagree and think otherwise. She enjoyed getting to know new things and especially lessons of History were her most favourite ones.
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As a future ruler of Seven Kingdoms, Tommen was aware he had to know a lot of things if he wants to be a good King. So even after school, he used to pull out his books and read until he fell asleep. Math or Physics weren’t his strongest suits and it took him a while ‘till he figured out what he was reading about, but he kept his work up and surely, it was effective.
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Unfortunately for Daenerys, school didn’t offer a lesson to learn about dragons. At first, she wasn’t very happy to learn so many things she wasn’t interested in one bit. However, there was a lesson she took liking to - Biology. Human’s body and flowers weren’t her favorite, but once she was taught about animals, her eagerness for knowledge grew a little. And soon enough, Daenerys was fascinated by strange creatures and their powers such as changing colors or poisoning.
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thranduilsperkybutt · 6 years
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Gif source:  Tyrion  |  Bronn  |  Daario  |  Olenna
Imagine you are an assassin hired by Olenna Tyrell to eliminate anyone that would have the audacity to bother her. When you arrive in King’s Landing, you are greeted by the men of Game of Thrones (Tyrion, Bronn, Daario, etc.) and once they realize you are an assassin, they are immediately intrigued.
--------- Request for @thecityoffallenangels ---------
Your family had served the Tyrells for centuries. On the surface, you were lords and ladies pledged to serve House Tyrell, but in actuality, a select few of your House were sworn to carry out the will of House Tyrell in a different way entirely. Assassins born of your house were always promised a comfortable fortune in return for their services. You had known no different, trained from a young age into the life you now lived.
Upon your arrival to King’s Landing, you find yourself attached at the hip of your employer, Lady Olenna Tyrell. She keeps you close, sending you away only to gather information or to scout a prospective target for your particular talents. As of yet, you have not been given an order to use them.
You find yourself thinking upon the people you’d met so far in King’s Landing. There was Lord Tyrion, who of course suspected you were not quite who you said. He was a clever one, and no doubt would figure you out soon enough. No doubt, he was the reason Ser Bronn had taken such an interest in conversing with you each chance he had. The brash sellsword was not as dim as he would like you to believe, and each conversation seemed to pry at your connection to House Tyrell.
You catch your pensive mood upon the sound of footsteps approaching. Subtly, you glance towards them, angling yourself just slightly as to reach the blade hidden in your gowns should you need to. Your guard doesn’t lower as a dark-haired man leans on the banister beside you, looking out over the waters he must have thought you were enjoying. You size him up before he even speaks, noting the sword he keeps at his side and the gruff appearance to him, despite his handsome face. There’s a bulge in the side of his boot that you suspect is a hidden blade. He is either paranoid, an assassin, or a sellsword, you decide. This does nothing to relax the tension in your shoulders.
“What has brought a lady to frown at such a beautiful sight?” He leans up with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, as if to introduce himself, and you notice him sizing you up, too, “Daario Naharis.” You note his foreign accent; he is not of Westeros.
You offer your name, taking in his features skeptically, evading his question before asking him what reason has brought him to King’s Landing. You expect no less than the vague answer with which he gives you.
A new player was on the board.
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obscure-imagines · 7 years
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“where are you off to now?” Tyrion asked, “south? im sure my brother would love to see you again. or maybe north to the wall? i hear a red headed giant wildling has an eye for you.��� you laughed and he continued, “or maybe somewhere closer to home. one of the bastards maybe? but who to choose, Jon, Gendry or Ramsay?”
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