#Game Of Thrones One Shot
fandom-puff · 2 months
Fulfilling Duty
Pairing: Tywin Lannister x Reader
Warnings: smut, pinv sex, fingering, reference to pregnancy and childbirth, brief reference to death during childbirth, reference to prostitution, implied arranged marriage, breeding kink, body image issues, implied innocence kink, older man/younger woman.
Italics indicate flashback
Gif creds to owner
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After nine long months of pregnancy and two gruelling days of labour, Tywin Lannister finally had the son he craved. Little Darrick was perfect in every way. At almost four months, he guzzled his milk the way King Robert his guzzled his wine; he roared like a lion when something was amiss, fat angry tears pouring down his reddened little face until his mother or father consoled him; his hair thickened and lightened every day, though he showed no trace of Lannister emerald eyes (much you your elation; he already looked so much like Tywin so it was nice to see a shred of yourself in your son’s face).
The birth of your son only strengthened Tywin’s… affection towards you. It was not love- not yet at least- but his respect and fondness certainly grew. During the home stretch of your labour he had barged into the birthing room after overhearing an outspoken courtier’s gossip.
Your labour had dragged on and almost two whole days had passed since you first started having pains. While you had started in relatively high spirits, as progress began to falter almost to a halt and ‘one more push’ became an empty promise, your resolve almost completely shattered.
What had started as determined groans and howls of pain turned into whimpers, and then sobs as you begged the maester to just, please, get it out of you.
It seemed Tywin hadn’t unclenched his jaw for days, and while he wanted to remain just a room away in his office should he be called into the room, the Seven Kingdoms would not stop for any infant, not even the son of the Hand.
He had been walking back from an audience with disgruntled artisans from the city when he overheard some courtiers.
“… glad she’s shut up with the screaming, could hardly sleep a wink last night…”
“… should just cut her open, drag the babe out and have done with it… wouldn’t be the first Lannister woman to die in childbed…”
“… he’ll want another off her, just in case… especially if she gives him a girl…”
Tywin’s nostrils flared with rage, and while he would have so dearly loved to confront the gossiping courtiers, he marched to the tower of the hand, entering your chamber to the shock of your midwives and maester.
“Milord! Women’s work is still happening! The baby ain’t here yet,” scolded Jeyne. She was the eldest of the flock midwives attending you and the most experienced too, and had been crucial in supporting you.
Tywin held up his hand, and jeyne pursed her lips, knowing she could not argue. “Fine. But you’re not to interfere down here, milord. We’re nearly there,”
“You said that- ah- last night,” you said weakly, your voice shaky. Tywin sighed softly and knelt at your side, pushing your hair away from your face. It was a surprisingly tender gesture, one that he had done when you consummated your marriage. “‘M sorry, m-my lord,” you whispered, unable to stop the tears from slipping down your already damp cheeks.
“You needn’t be,” he said lowly, speaking so only you could hear. “You are doing well, just a little longer,”
Although the midwives and maester had repeated the same words over and over again over the last day, Tywin’s firm, authoritative voice reassured you, renewing your determination.
Tywin’s eyes flicked sideways to you. It was the first public event you had attended since giving birth, and he had kept a close eye on you all day. He’d even insisted on your retiring to bed for several hours in between the joust and the feast (“fine, I’ll rest. But only because I didn’t want to watch the archery anyway,”).
If you were tired, it did not show. You looked radiant, smiling serenely as you clapped for the dancing. You had changed into a gown of soft pink brocade, and while he always preferred to have you on his arm in matching Lannister red, he had to admit that the muted pink suited you beautifully, and provided a fresh and youthful contrast to his daughter’s sour, almost vulgar even by his standards, display of power.
“If you continue to glance at me so, you will miss the dancing, husband,” you said out of the corner of your mouth, bemused at the almost uncharacteristic attentiveness of the Old Lion.
“Then I shall miss the dancing,” he said lowly, though he kept his eyes dutifully on the entertainments. “Are you sure you will not sit?”
You rolled your eyes, turning to face him fully. “No,” you said with exasperation. “I am well rested, I promise you, My Lord,” your lips quirked into a smirk. “I may even join in with the dancing,” you added.
Tywins jaw clenched as he looked down at his mischievous young wife. Your pregnancy and subsequent birthing of a viable heir for him had consolidated your power in court- and your worth in the marriage. “Then you shall dance only with me,” he said. “I will not have you jostled so,”
And so the Lord Paramount of the West took his wife by the hand and led her to the dance floor, lest she be manhandled by less careful members of court.
Grinning, you held onto his hand, beginning the steps that you had known since childhood. “I so love it when you give in to my whims, Lord Lannister,” you murmured, laughing lightly at his grumble of agreement. He supposed he owed you a fair bit, now that you had given him his heir.
“You are as stubborn as a mule when you want to be, wife,” he muttered, pulling you closer to his body by the waist as a drunken jester weaved through the crowd, his motley cap jingling. But despite his complaints, Tywin permitted you two more dances, before you retreated from the crowd- the bawdy songs had began, and he would not have his wife passed about like the maidens in the songs.
Instead of sitting back down, Tywin took you before the king, bowing and excusing the two of you. “We must retire for the night, your Grace. Lady Lannister is very tired,” he said shortly, bowing once more as the king waved you away.
You followed him, your face indignant, but you did not dare question him until you were out of earshot of any high lords. “I most certainly am not tired, My Lord,” you said, running a little to keep up with his long strides. “I do not need to be bundled off to bed like a child- again,”
Tywin ignored your complaints, only speaking once you arrived at the entrance to the Tower- and even then he only spoke to the guard at the door. “No one is to enter this tower until tomorrow,” he said lowly, before all but frog-marching you through the door and up the winding stairs.
“My lord?” You asked cautiously when you arrived at his chambers. “Have I displeased you?”
Tywin turned around to face you. “No, wife,” he murmured, stepping closer to you so that you had to look up at him. “You have not displeased me… exasperated, perhaps, but not displeased,” you smiled slightly, opening your mouth to speak, but Tywin cupped your head with both of his hands, his thumbs stroking your jaw. “I intend to bed you tonight, My Lady,” he said, voice gravelly. Your face heated, but you nodded slowly. “Your body should be ready to take me once more,” he continued. “That is if you are agreeable?” He added, raising a brow. He had laid out from the beginning that while he expected you to do your duty and provide him with a son, he would not have you in his bed unwilling.
Nodding slowly, eyes wide as you stared up at him, you let out a shaky breath. "I… yes. Please," you murmured your consent, following him out of the solar to his adjoining bedchamber, where the hearth was crackling and the luxurious bedsheets were already turned down. Tywin poured out a cup of wine, offering you it, nodding when you smiled at the vintage before finishing the cup for you.
“Do you think it will hurt?” You murmured out of the blue, taking your jewellery off and setting it on his dresser.
“It may be a little uncomfortable, perhaps. Not as painful as childbirth, I’m sure, nor breaking your maidenhead,” your eyes widened at his words and he smirked. He so loved to see you flustered. “Such an innocent, wife,” he said, stepping closer to you and undoing the pins in your hair. He nodded his approval when you unwound the braids, shaking out your hair.
“It has been a while…” you considered, looking up at him in the mirror as he stepped behind you, beginning to unlace your gown.
“It has,” he said in agreement.
“Will you be gentle with me?” You whispered, eyes widening as his hand slipped up your front, over your breasts, lightly squeezing your throat before he tilted your head to the side.
“Absolutely not,” he growled into the juncture of your neck and shoulder, his teeth grazing there as your gown fell stiffly to the floor.
You made to turn to begin undressing him, but he lightly batted your hands away, continuing to strip you of your stays and chemise until you were bare before him.
Eyes downcast, you made to wrap your arms around yourself; your pregnancy had left it’s mark on your body, your belly soft and marked with stretch marks, your breasts hanging heavier than they had when you first married. Tywin held your hands by your sides briefly, before his large hands claimed your hips, his thumbs massaging the softness of your belly. “I want another babe in your belly before year’s end,” he said lowly, making you shiver. “I want to watch you swell again with another of my heirs,”
“Yes, my lord,” you breathed, your breath hitching as he gripped your hips tighter, drawing your naked body to his, your skin hot against the cool metalwork of his belt and buttons. Slowly, he began to walk you backwards until your knees hit the edge of the bed, and he helped you up onto the mattress, his eyes blazing with lust. His green-gold eyes pierced you as he removed his chain of linked golden hands, his doublet, his boots and trousers too. Your eyes flicked down briefly as you admired your husband’s build; despite his age, Tywin was fit and strong, and your glance did not go unnoticed by him.
Tywin got up onto the bed, looking down at you as he came up between your legs, which fell apart willingly to allocate his breadth, to which he hummed with approval, his hands dragging up your thighs. You sighed softly as your body refamiliarised itself with the weight atop it, offering him a soft, shy smile. He returned it with a rare quirk of his lips, before his fingers teased closer to your exposed core, shushing you gently when you gasped. Whimpering, you arched your back as he dipped his fingers into your waiting wetness, body tense. “Are you in pain, wife?” He said lowly, his movements stilling.
“No…” you whispered, pushing your hips up to his hand as if to reassure him.
He nodded, looking down at you as his fingers worked you open for the first time in months, though he did not seem out of practice in the slightest. He watched intently as your face contorted, brow furrowing and mouth falling open, and your body twisted while you clenched around his fingers. When he felt the erotic spasming of your inner walls, he nodded and hummed with satisfaction, before withdrawing his fingers. You watched in awe as he used your release coating his fingers and dripping onto his palm to slick up his cock.
“You look as though you belong in a pleasure house in Lys, spread out like that,” he said, his voice gravelly with desire. And he had a point; your breasts rose and fell with shaky, heavy breaths; your eyes were now dark with lust, brow furrowed and lips plump as you stared down at him, propped up on the pillows with your hair splayed out.
“Are you calling me a whore, My Lord?” You questioned, pushing yourself up on your elbows.
“No,” he said, guiding his cock to you. “But if you were a whore, you would be mine alone,”
He grunted, pushing into your tightness. With a cry, you tossed your head back, your nails clawing into the Lion of Lannister’s muscled back and arms as you adjusted to his invasion. You hissed out a curse between your teeth, gasping as he stilled, smirking down at you. “Such deplorable language,” he said, and you could only whimper in response, gritting your teeth and scratching at his back. Despite his promise to not be gentle with you, he held you tight to his body by your thigh, massaging the quivering limb with his hand as you adjusted to the suffocating tightness of your union. With a needy whine, you rolled your hips experimentally, grinding your clit against his pubis. The resulting tightening of your channel had him hissing in pleasure, and with a low groan he began to move with slow deep thrusts that had your head spinning.
One hand still gripping his bicep like a vice, you trailed your other hand over his shoulder anchoring yourself as you made feeble attempts to meet his movements. Grunting, Tywin grasped onto your hips, before moving his grip to your thighs, holding them apart as he began to fuck you harder, faster. You cried out at the shift in pace, arching your back as Lord Tywin took his pleasure (though he gave just as much as he took). He let out a groan of pleasure as his own thighs trembled and his hips stuttered, and he emptied his seed into you.
Moaning lowly, you fell back into the pillows, panting. You felt the bed dip then settle as he withdrew from you and stood, and your eyes slipped shut as you heard him rustling about the room, the door slamming shut. You frowned. He must have dressed quickly. With a sigh, you stood up, albeit shakily and slipped your chemise back on. His thick seed seeped down your thigh as you stood before the mirror, combing out the tangles in your hair with your fingers.
The door opened, and Tywin stepped into the room, but before he acknowledged you, he turned to what you assumed was his squire. “Have the servants bring up two plates from the feast, and a flagon of Arbor Gold,” he said to the lad, who responded with a quiet ‘yes, My Lord.’ “And see to it that Lady Lannister’s handmaidens know to come here on the morrow with her gown and jewels. She will be staying here tonight,”
He dismissed the squire with a nod and shut the door, turning to you with raised eyebrows. “I wasn’t sure if you’d want me to return to my own chambers, my Lord,” you murmured, finally able to smooth your hair down over your shoulders.
“Indeed not,” he said simply. “I was merely arranging some supper and wine,”
You crossed your arms. “And for my handmaidens to come here on the morrow?” You teased.
Tywin only smirked, prowling over to you. “Indeed,” he said. “It would seem, wife, that we must return to bed…” you cocked your head to the side, looking up at him curiously. “An heir will not find its way into your belly if my seed is dripping down your thighs, now, will it?”
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Of Roses and Snakes
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pairing: Oberyn Martell x OC!Female!Tyrell
summary: Ella Tyrell gets told what her family had decided against her will. Maybe it was not so bad after all
Word count: 2,5K
Warnings: Angst, fluff, hurt-comfort
Ella grumbled annoyed as she rolled over in her bed, the sun had been hitting her face for several minutes by then but she had no energy to move until this moment when a banging on her disturbed her peace even more.
"What?!" She called out harshly. She lifted her head as the doors opened to see who had entered her room. She sighed when she saw Margaery walk into the room already all dressed up and ready to conquer the day and make the boy-king fall for her charm.
"Is it not too early, sissy?" Ella asked, sitting up with a pillow clutched to her chest. Margaery gave Ella and wavering smile, almost looking like a wince. The future queen sat down on the bed beside Ella and reached over to grab her hand, the expression on her face was some sort of apologetic which raised alarms in Ella's head.
"What is it?" Ella questioned curiously, she was not one to fear easily. She laughed in the king's face when he suggested wiping her when she expressed her disgust at the wine they had, apparently that insulted the taste of the mother king. Cersei smirked at Ella seeing her son defend her only for the smirk to be wiped off when Ella burst out laughing, smoothly she recovered and mentioned that she was not one for wine anyways but prefered ale in its stead, that satisfied Joffrey but Cersei hated her guts for that.
"The Queen mother has somehow convinced father of something, sissy" Margaery finally spoke, Ella was half relieved that she was not the only one holding the conversation between the two of them. However the other part of her wondered what queen Cersei had up her sleeve.
"What could possibly be so bad that you had to wake me so early?" Ella pushed her duvet off herself as she spoke. She sighed when her feet touched the cold tiles and she moved to the table a couple of feet away in her room. Her eyes squinted as she looked out of the window where the sun was rising, it had been for several minutes before Margaery had entered.
"It involves you" Margaery uttered looking down at her hands in her lap. Ella picked up her chalice, filled it with the disgusting wine they had in King's Landing, and took a huge gulp in preparation for whatever Margaery had to say. She did not fear wiping, no she feared Cersei using her cunning mind to hurt her, she knew she had the power to, it was no secret that Cersei was happy to abuse the power she had.
"What could she possibly have convinced the idiot?" Ella rolled her eyes. She filled her cup again but took a small sip this time. Margaery squirmed almost uncomfortable while the seconds ticked by, she was trying to form the words in her head, wondering how she could break the news to her sister, her unsuspecting sister.
"They plan on giving your hand away" Margaery's words were hurried Ella nearly understood nothing of them. The chalice in Ella's hands cluttered down on the floor in shock and the wine spilled all over the tiled floor. Margaery jumped at the sound of the metal piece hitting the floor.
"What?" Ella cried out in disbelief, she knew her father was dumb however she did not think him dumb enough to make such a decision without at the very least asking for her consent.
"Calm down, please, sissy" Margaery stood up from the bed and walked over to where Ella stood, making sure to not step on the wine and ruin her dress or shoes. One of her arms wrapped around her younger sister in comfort snapping Ella out of her shock.
"When did you find out?" Ella allowed Margaery to detour her towards an ottoman where the two of them sat down. Margaery trapped Ella's hands in between her own, trying to push her comfort through their touching organs.
"Just now, I came immediately after I found out however I could not hear well and do not know who they have in mind" Margaery sighed. She was heartbroken for her younger sister, the fact that they were born merely eleven moons apart led them to be the closest of friends and they rarely left each other's sides as children and adults. Margaery could only hope that the match would be less violent than her own and Ella would end up with a pleasant man.
"Thank you for warning me" Ella took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. "I should have known her silence never meant peace" Ella laughed at how ridiculous she sounded, Cersei and peace were polar opposites and could never meet.
"Should I expect you when we break our fast?" Margaery asked, her hand tightening over her sister's. Ella and Margaery always broke their fast together, whether it was at home at Highgarden, or whether it was family or merely the two of them alone.
"We shall see" Ella smiled at Margaery not wanting to worry her older sister, although neither really acted their age difference, many thought them to be twins.
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Ella paused in the middle of her sentence to her sister when suddenly the sound of someone clinking their knife against their glass echoed around the room. Everyone who was invited for supper with the royal family paused, unsurprisingly Cersei wished the entire council and all the royalty that had traveled for Margaery and Joffrey's wedding to attend the supper. So everyone and anyone in court was in attendance and more.
"I would like to begin this supper by thanking you all for making the journey to travel this way whether it was long or short, and we welcome you with open arms and hearts. The king and I are very happy with your presence for his upcoming wedding to Lady Margaery Tyrell" Cersei's voice echoed throughout the room with false happiness, Margaery had told Ella all about what was conspiring between her and Cersei. Ella turned to watch Cersei with her eyes squinted suspicious of the Queen mother.
"I would like to use this opportunity to announce on behalf of Lord Mace-" Cersei turned to look at Ella's father who nodded with a stupid smile on his face which made Ella wince, how in the world did her father last so long she had no idea and she could not wait for her elder brother Willas to take over the Lordship of Highgarden and they be done with their father. "-that on the morrow two weddings shall take place in stead of one, both his daughters shall marry" Cersei's eyes slid over the crowd analyzing their shocked expressions.
Margaery reached over to grasp Ella's hand in shock, the two girls' eyes widened, they had expected a betrothal but not for her to be married the next day alongside her sister. Ella turned to look at her grandmother who was shaking her head in disappointment meaning she had no idea either. There was rarely anything that Olenna Tyrell did not know so this was near a miracle.
"Lady Ella Tyrell shall be wedded to Prince Oberyn Martell on the morrow" Cersei announced pointing at the handsome prince sitting near where Ella was sat with only her grandmother in between. Ella had met the prince before along with his paramour who seemed not to be in presence at the supper.
"What?" Margaery whispered horrified. Her eyes trailed to Joffrey who was grinning evilly. Ella's heart dropped, all her dreams of falling in love and finding a loyal and respectable man were thrown out of the window with one sentence from Cersei's lips. She was being given to a man known for how lustful he was, he took his paramour with him wherever he went, and he was literally residing at a brothel.
Ella swallowed thickly fighting every urge in her body not to drop the smile from her face, indifference hardly maintained on her face. Her hand was holding Margaery's in a death grip and the other one was engulfed in her grandmother's warm hands. Ella turned to smile at her grandmother as the people around them broke into applause and cheers.
Oberyn was way older than Ella was, he had eight children already all from different whores and paramours while she was barely into her tenth and fifth nameday. Ella allowed her eyes to finally trail to Oberyn at her grandmother's other side to find him already looking at her analyzing her, trying to read her. She gulped and nodded at him before turning back to Margaery not seeing his reaction.
Margaery attempted to give Ella a reassuring smile but failed when her eyes trailed to look at Oberyn who was siping his wine with a neutral look on his face
"Excuse me, grandmother, I feel tired and wish to retire for the night" Ella whispered to Olenna. Olenna gave her granddaughter a small smile and patted her arm as Ella pushed back her chair and stood up. Ella breathed deeply to calm her racing heart before plastering a sweet smile. She moved away from the table and weaved her way through several tables accepting congratulations with a polite smile and a squeaky-sounding "thank yous".
Once outside the hall Ella could not help but take a second deep breath. she leaned against the wall trying to regain her composure. The cold stone walls felt like heaven against her heated and sweaty skin, she was shocked no one mentioned how flustered and ill-looking she must have looked.
She had dreams that were thrown out faster than a horse dump would have been. She had dreams of touring all seven kingdoms and meeting as many families and people as possible during her journey. She dreamed of reading as many books as she could, filling a library of her own, and maybe even writing her own book or books but those dreams were just demolished by Cersei Lannister.
"I never expected marrying me would be such a dreadful thought" Ella jumped when a gruff voice spoke a couple of feet away. She turned to find Oberyn standing a couple of feet away from her watching her, studying her and trying to see her reactions, her intentions.
"Your Grace, it is not like that" Ella almost tripped over her skirt while trying to curtsy, her cheeks were turning from embarrassment. The prince of Dorne just caught her sulking over marrying him. Too many things wrong with this one interaction, first and most important was that the Ladies did not sulk.
"I would be honoured to be called our wife" Ella's mask fell back in place once the shock had worn off. Oberyn however looked annoyed but to the horror of Ella, she did not wish to offend him, she did not wish to have a miserable life more than it already was.
"Do not sugar coat the situation, we both know we are not the partners we wished to have" Oberyn walked over to where she was still standing and leaned back against the same wall she was leaning on before he interrupted her panicked thoughts.
"Your Grace?" Ella turned to face, her face showed just a little bit of how truly shocked she was.
"Ella I am way older than you, I am not an idiot to think you wished to marry a man my age" Oberyn crossed his arms, his eyes roaming all over her face much to her shock. She had expected that a man with his reputation would be delighted to marry a young thing like her, she was awaiting to see his eyes roam her body and see her figure and probably make comments like she's heard other men do to their betrothed including Joffrey.
"My Prince-" Oberyn cut her off by raising his hand rendering her silent. The move irritated her beyond measure but before she could voice that Oberyn opened his mouth and what came out of it shocked her.
"Call me Oberyn, only Oberyn"
Ella was baffled, she knew men loved their women either calling them by title or a nickname, they loved to boast, they were small-minded like that.
"Oberyn, I do not mean to offend you-" Ella sighed. Her eyes were fighting not to water, they stung and hurt and she was sure they were turning red as well. Her hands fisted her dress to keep her composure but it seemed her moment of silence to get her thoughts and words straight yet again was interrupted by the prince standing in front of her.
"I do not intend to cage you little rose, your place is not in a cage but a garden" Oberyn raised his hand to touch her cheek, his fingers were gentle but rough to the touch, calloused with decades of training. He may be known as a master of poisons but he was a warrior still and no less than any guard in the palace, Ella knew that, she had seen him train in passing.
"Just know that as my wife you will be free, free of this court and their expectations. I will not expect you at my beck and call for you are no servant. I will not expect you to welcome me into your bed whenever I please for you are no whore. I do not expect you to be bred and bear me children even sons for you are no breeding mare" Tears weld in Ella's eyes as Oberyn spoke. One of those traitorous tears rolled down her cheek but his thumb was already prepared to wipe it off.
"You say that now but then the court will pressure us-" Oberyn raised his other hand and placed his forefinger over her pouting red lips. He wished to kiss them, taste them, just a small taste but he forced control over himself.
"I will not listen to them, I am not some weak-minded Lord. I am a Prince of Dorne and I shall take you there with me after the wedding" Oberyn promised. Ella took a deep breath to control herself before speaking again.
"There are many things we need to speak of but no time, tomorrow I will become your wife whether we like it or not" Ella took his hand in her own and started to rub small circles over his knuckles, she felt like she should comfort him too, after decades he was being forced to settle for her when he had voiced time and time again that he wished not to marry.
"I promise to care for you, little Rose" Oberyn promised, raising their intertwined hands and kissing her knuckles gently. Ella could not help the blush that crept up her neck and on the apple of her cheeks turning them into what they were called, blood red apples. His lips were soft and his moustache scratched her hand but she found herself not minding it. Her mind even wondered if she would get any beard burns from it if she were to let him in her bed and she found herself not minding this match as much as she did earlier.
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miss-celestia13 · 7 months
You’re the King, baby, I’m your Queen
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Jonerys Orgasmic October Day Two
“I believe the Queen should heed her King when he orders her to do something.”
She straightened, spine turning to shiny steel as she ignored the lust like an iron weight low in her belly to fire back, “I heard no order. And you must be mistaken. This Queen does what she wants.”
His smile was more of a snarl, and she whimpered under the weight of his singular eyes, a spark catching, quick in hot in the black as his hand flexed on her arm.
“Listen closely, Your Grace. Come with me now, or I’ll carry you out. Your choice.”
Role Play.
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artedimichelangelo · 1 year
Hi! if your taking requests I’d like to request something! Could you please write a Jaime Lannister x fem!reader in which she’s his friend and has always had feelings for him, and she’s one of the few people who has never called him kingslayer because she couldn’t believe he was a bad person even if she didn’t know the whole story. And maybe after he loses his hand he comes back to king’s landing and he feels worthless (cause he can’t fight anymore and everyone even cersei is treating him badly) but reader stays by his side and reassures him. So he notices that she’s the only one who’s always been there for him and in a moment of vulnerability he tells her the whole mad king story. And she feels really bad for what happened to him also because she sees how it��s something that still haunts him so she hugs him and he has someone to comfort him for the first time. He’s been though so much and I just want him to have someone who’s there for him because they genuinely care 🥲.
I hope what I said made sense because english is not my first language. Anyway feel free to ignore this if it doesn’t inspire you! :)
For the first time - Jaime Lannister x Fem!Reader.
Author's Note: Hii! Thanks for your request, I hope this fic is to your liking and if maybe you wanted something different, please feel free to tell me.
Also, I think I got carried away with this one, let me know what you think.
Plus, if there is something in the warnings or in general that I forgot to mention, you can tell me without problems.
Oh I also recommend the song For the first time by Mac DeMarco for this one.
Pairings: Jaime Lannister x Fem!Reader, mentions of Cersei Lannister and Bronn.
Warnings: English is NOT my first language; possible grammatical errors; not very much proofread; a tiny bit of angst; mentions of blood; fluff.
Word Count: 3710.
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As the sun set, the Red Keep was under surveillance of the royal guards, even more so than in the morning.
When the servants lit the lanterns, Y/n knew that her watch had begun and she would have to keep an eye on the corridors of the king's residence.
By now she knew her shifts by heart and had got used to them, as she had been serving the royal family as a knight for years.
Her father was an old acquaintance of the king, so it was not difficult to obtain this role in the fortress.
Y/n was the only woman among all the other knights; she had to protect others but also herself, as many of the men she worked with were uncouth and often disrespected her.
However, she unfortunately had gotten used to it and had her reflexes ready for any hypothetical attack.
Whilst wandering through the corridors faintly lit by the flames of the torches, she could only hear subtle whispers, precisely of two voices overlapping, one interrupting the other and not even giving each other time to breathe.
As she proceeded, Y/n had to take great care not to make noise with her armour, which barely scraped the walls against which she had flattened herself so as not to be seen.
By doing so, she was able to see who the voices corresponded to: one belonged to Cersei Lannister and the other to Jaime, her twin brother and a close friend of Y/n's.
"You're ridiculous, it's as if you're betraying me." Said the queen with venom, lowering her clipped voice even more after hearing a footstep around the corner of the hall. "Know that if I fall into the void, you come down with me."
With such words, or rather threats, she left the golden-haired knight on the spot, his gaze lost in the darkness..
Jaime was so absorbed in his thoughts that he did not even notice the presence of his dear companion, at least not until he heard her voice muffled in his ears.
"Is something troubling you?" Y/n repeated for the umpteenth time.
She had only eavesdropped on a minimal part of the conversation between the two siblings, but from the expression on the man's face before her, Y/n could deduce that it was not particularly pleasant.
"To tell you the truth, yes.'" The young Lannister replied, his arms crossed against the thick metal of his golden breastplate. "Our days are so hectic that we haven't even had time to exchange a few words today, I have truly missed your suave voice."
"I see that flattery never lacks, what an honour." Y/n said snarkily, a hand on her chest as noble women do when they receive compliments from high-ranking lords. "Don't make me blush with your beaming smile, I don't think my heart can handle that."
Actually, Y/n really liked her friend's compliments, they made her feel important and her princely smile always gave her goosebumps. But she would never confess that to him, she had no intention of inflating the man's ego.
"Seriously though, I know when something's wrong, Jaime, I can see it in your sad eyes."
At that point his gaze lowered to the stone tiles on the floor. No matter how hard he tried, his friend was capable of reading a person as if they were a young lads' book.
"Nothing relevant, simple bickering between Lannisters, you know how it is by now." He laughed it off, but Y/n could swear she saw the man's eyes glaze over, as if he was exhausted and wanted to cry cascades.
Instinctively, she embraced him, and the clash of metal protecting them could be distinctly heard in the cool night.
The so-called Kingslayer was taken by surprise, but he did not budge; on the contrary, he reciprocated this action that was almost foreign to him, as it was full of affection.
He had not received such intense and warm hugs since he was a toddler.
"It is not fair of me to insist on this subject, however, know that you are not alone and that you are loved." She breathed into his ear, her voice like a sweet melody he wished he could hear every morning.
Y/n loved the man and would have given her own life to make him realise how remarkable he was.
Jaime's hand covered by his thick leather gloves moved to the woman's shoulders, as if to attract her attention. The golden knight almost wished he could caress her scarred face from the past, yet he considered it might be an inappropriate move.
"You know, from a distance you definitely look shorter." He received a hearty chuckle from the brave woman in front of him. "Glad to amuse you so much."
"Let's say you can be hilarious at times, if you don't wake up in a bad mood." She sneered, the muscles in her face almost hurt from how much they tightened, but she couldn't stop laughing.
And it was in that pleasant moment, that Jaime had the desire to capture Y/n in a painting, for in her simplicity and modesty, with her hair dishevelled and a few wisps surrounding her face, the blond lion saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. As he had thought the first time he saw her.
"Do I have something on my face?" Once again she roused him from his thoughts, Jaime's eyes constantly lit up with every interaction with the well-known cunning knight. "This is not the time to be distracted, Ser Jaime Lannister, the long night awaits us and we must remain alert for the coming of morrow!"
"You're the one who talks in circles and makes me lose focus, don't talk bollocks!" He replied, patting her on the shoulder, thus beginning a brief fight of playful shoving, their thin laughter heard only by the stars in the dark blue.
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Gathered in the courtyard of the Red Keep were the royal knights, led by Jaime Lannister, ready to move on the new enemy, Robb Stark of Winterfell.
"If we follow the plans, we will be able to trample that brat and prevail over his soldiers." The golden knight's voice boomed against the walls, making it impossible to miss. "And if all goes as planned, we will be able to return to King's Landing with victory in our grasp."
As he concluded his speech, his gaze crossed Y/n's confused one on the other side of the yard.
"I didn't think there was a gathering, nor that we had to leave." Said the woman as soon as the young Lannister reached her.
"That is because I did not actually mention it to you."
"It doesn't matter, it happens to anyone to make a mistake, so around what time of day is the departure?"
Jaime looked at her as if in sorrow and in order to speak to her privately, he gently took Y/n's wrist and led her to a hidden corridor, away from prying eyes.
"I did not mention it because you are not coming with us." He grimaced, feeling guilty and expecting a strong disappointment from his friend.
"But I cannot stay here and do nothing while you fight, it is not fair for you to lose your blood out there while I am safe in here." The brave young knight felt the world falling on her, she could not just stand there while the others left, only to perhaps not return.
The woman’s glazed eyes met Jaime's again, her lip quivering to prevent her from shedding any tears, and that heartbroken expression made the blonde-haired knight's heart ache.
"I want to come with you."
"No, no, no, no, Y/n, I implore you." Instinctively, the young Lannister captured the lady’s face in his hands, holding her firmly by the cheeks. The warmth of her skin made his palms tingle almost in a pleasant way. "I have not made this decision to make you grieve and distress, not even to invalidate your abilities. I did it for you, Y/n, for you are as dear to me as the Moon is to the Stars."
Was it strange on the lion's part to find the doe's face extremely bewitching during her cry?
The usual strands of hair escaping from her ponytail were now as if glued to her cheeks, tears and sweat had held them against her rosy, freshly sun-kissed skin.
And Jaime had never felt his stomach in a knot, as if thousands of butterflies were flapping their wings inside it. Often blinded by the presence of his twin sister, he had never paid attention to how much Y/n truly cared for him and loved him, perhaps even more than Cersei.
"Listen to me carefully, hm?" The knight before him nodded, so that he could proceed. "I will return to you, I promise and I mean it. You know well that we Lannisters always keep our promises."
Without debating Y/n moved closer to the crook of Jaime's neck, so that she could feel his scent and the warmth of his body a little closer, as if her mind had to remember those minor details so that she would not be feeling lonely in the days when the blond knight was absent.
Oh, how she longed to confess all her love and adoration to him, and how she wanted to hurt those who called him terrible names without even knowing the truth about his past.
"Know that I will wait patiently for your return, and I swear by the seven kingdoms that if you do not make it back, I will come directly to get you from the depths of hell where you will end up."
They both smiled sadly, as if to relieve the tension of the moment.
"Make a safe return, Ser Jaime Lannister, and know that, even from afar, I protect you." Y/n recomposed herself and the two shook hands for the last time, him putting more pressure as if he did not want to leave her there, but duty awaited the man.
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That was the last time Y/n saw Jaime Lannister in King's Landing, still intact and with every piece of his shining armour on his shoulders, his golden hair only barely concealed by his helmet, and his friendly voice overpowering that of all the other men as he made the way to their destination.
On a particularly heated day in the blazing sun, Y/n had obtained a free morning off of duty, so she took the opportunity to read some old letters sent by her father.
Sometimes she missed her hometown, the smell of freshly baked bread wafting up to her chamber window and the voice of her father commanding everyone around him with his booming voice.
Immersed in the words of ink on the thin parchment, the knight had not noticed a presence under the archway at the entrance to her chamber.
She was so quiet and beautiful, as if he had seen her for the first time.
"Y/n." Faintly from the man's cracked lips came the name of the woman, who turned around, stunned, as if she had seen a ghost.
As she rose from her bed, she dropped all the letters on the ground, but it mattered little as seeing Jaime Lannister again after so long made her fling herself at him.
"Are you real? Who did this to you? I convinced myself you were never coming back, I thought... I thought you were dead." She asked frantically, but received no reply. "Does Cersei know of your return?" She questioned again, helping him reach the masters so they could tend to his wounds.
"No, you’re the first person I wanted to see." He managed to say, and if it hadn’t been for Y/n, his face would have collided with the red rock tiles of the castle, as his legs were giving out and he was about to fall.
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After the proper care, Y/n offered to help Jaime take a hot and relieving bath.
It would not have been an uncomfortable situation, since they had known each other all their lives and she was there especially to protect him in that vulnerable state.
"You should not be here to assist me, I have never deserved any kind of attention from you." He murmured in a grimace, as his friend poured warm water on his head. "This water is boiling, do you perhaps wish to see me bald?"
And Jaime did not understand if that reply referred to what he said first, or to his complaints.
"I promised you I would come back and here I am in the flash, or at least most of it."
"Also thanks to Brienne, because your tongue could have stopped you from returning to King’s Landing." Y/n responded seriously, her calloused hands massaging oils through his now dirty blond hair.
He bent his head back to glance into the woman's sweet eyes.You should have seen the look on her face. The look I've seen for 17 years on face after face." He bent his head back to glance into the woman's sweet eyes. "You are the only exception and this makes me feel less of a human shit… but everyone else? No, they all despise me. Kingslayer. Oath breaker. Man without honour. Ever heard of wildfire?"
"Of course."
"The mad king was obsessed with it. He loved to watch people burn--the way their skin blackened, blistered, melted off their bones. He burned lords he didn't like; he burned Hands that disobeyed him; he burned anyone that was against him." The weak lion shook his head as his past resurfaced before his eyes, he remembered it all as if it had occurred the day before. "Before long, half the country was against him. Aerys saw traitors everywhere, so he had his pyromancer place caches of wildfire all over the city: beneath the Sept of Baelor, the slums of flea bottom, under houses, stables, taverns, even beneath the Red Keep itself. Finally, the day of reckoning came."
Y/n was somewhat shaken, but this did not prevent her naive curiosity from knowing more about the story.
"What happened afterwards?" She asked timidly, moving in front of the man, as if to show she was all ears.
"Robert Baratheon marched upon the capitol after his victory at the Trident. But my father arrived first with the whole Lannister army at his back, promising to defend the city against the rebels. I knew my father better than that. He's never been one to pick the losing side. I told the mad king as much. I urged him to surrender peacefully. But the king didn't listen to me, didn't listen to Varys, who tried to warn him. But he did listen to Grand Maester Pycelle, that grey sunken cunt."
The woman shuddered at the name of the Grandmaster. She never liked him, and he was merely a court rodent who should have been eliminated a long time before.
"He told him that he could trust the Lannisters, since they have always been loyal friends of the crown. So, we opened the gates and my father sacked the city. Fucking imbecile." He laughed bitterly. "Once again I came to the king begging him to surrender. He told me to bring him my father's head. Then he turned to his pyromancer and told him to burn them all. "Burn them in their homes, burn them in their beds." He ordered him… tell me, if your king commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men, women and children were burned alive, would you have done it? Would you have kept your oath then?"
Jaime looked straight into her eyes, but he did not really need an answer, for he already knew it. Y/n would never have let that happen and would have made the same decision as the young Lannister.
"So what did I decide to do? First, I killed the pyromancer, and then when the king turned to flee I drove my sword into his back. "Burn them all," he kept saying. "Burn them all." I don't think he expected to die. He meant to burn with the rest of us and rise again reborn as a dragon and turn his enemies to ash. I slit his throat to make sure that didn't happen."
"And that's where Ned Stark found you." It was not difficult for the clever woman to put the pieces of the puzzle together, thus revealing why the lord of Winterfell loathed and despised Jaime so much.
"Exactly. That's where Ned Stark found me."
"If this is true, why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't you tell Lord Stark?"
"Stark. You think the honourable Ned Stark wanted to hear my side? He judged me guilty the moment he set eyes on me. By what right does the wolf judge the lion? By what right?" The man suddenly stood up, ravaged by fury and anger.
By then, the bubbles in the tub had vanished and the water had turned cold, like a winter's night.
In order not to disrespect her superior, the woman turned away, subsequently handing him a bathrobe to cover himself.
"I believe you and I guarantee that I have always been on your side, and always will be, for better or for worse. I know there is little I can do, for the damage has now been done, but I have no intention of ever leaving you alone." She promised Jaime, slowly ushering him towards his chamber.
Y/n's hands gently held the figure at her side, as if she had become accustomed to its fragility.
She was used to holding her sword firmly and tightly to unsheathe it against her enemies; but with the man she loved, her hands were tender and cautious, as if he were the feather of a dove.
Settled in his bed and wrapped in the soft sheets, Jaime could finally rest, or at least recover before getting back into the swing of things.
"Get some proper sleep, you and I will have a lot to do together over the next few days." Y/n gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead and bid him a good night.
"See you in the morrow." Whispered the knight, more to himself, touching the spot on his forehead that was graced by the most exquisite lips he had ever seen.
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"You are very clever Bronn, but not clever enough!" Y/n exclaimed in amusement, and between laughs continued to smack her friend's backside as spite.
Joining the two on the shore of the beach was Jaime, and every time he saw her, he could swear it was like seeing her for the first time, in which he was completely dumbfounded by her persona.
"Look who's here, finally the princess has joined us."
"Funny Bronn, really, I didn't think you could be so funny." Replied the blond sarcastically, already having his sword drawn in his left hand.
"I'll leave you two alone, be sure to knock her ass out, avenge me my friend."
And so it was that the two companions were left alone, the waves of the sea the only audible sound other than the clashing metal of their swords.
Jaime Lannister was visibly tired, although training had only just begun, but he wasn’t used to sparring with his left hand after losing his dominant one.
"I believe in you and I know you can do it, just a little more effort and we’re done." Y/n encouraged her friend, not to annoy him or rush him, on the contrary, she wanted to help him believe again in his strengths and abilities.
With one blow forward and too many steps back, the lion tripped and fell on the sand, too exhausted and out of breath to get up.
"I am not as strong as before, Y/n, I am no good to this world."
He gave up all too soon and she couldn’t accept it, not when aware of his immense potential.
"Listen to me carefully, your attitude won’t help. I know how you really are and I will help you recover, even if I have to wait a lifetime to see you getting your ass off the ground. Have I made myself clear enough?"
Initially Jaime was stunned and taken aback by her words, but his astonishment turned into a smug, satisfied grin.
He was completely enamoured with the wonderful woman before him.
"I love you," Those two words slipped from his lips very clearly. "But not like I love my family or my dear twin sister. No. I truly love you, Y/n, and I was a fool for not admitting it sooner. Or I have my vulnerable state to thank for prompting me to confess my feelings for you."
"Apparently I should push you more often into situations like this, if they allow you to talk and allow me to find out what is always running through your mind." Y/n smiled sweetly and slowly kneeled before him, to reach his eye level, as he was still sitting on the grainy sand. "But I love you too, silly man."
Y/n gently caressed Jaime’s chin and then his cheek, the newly grown beard tickling her hand, but that did not bother her at all.
The blond, with some of the courage he had left in his body, took the sweet woman’s hand into his and left a short trail of kisses across her palm.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to taste your lips that night under the stars."
"What’s keeping you from doing it now before the sunset?"
"Always so clever, are we?"
And so their lips finally met. It was as if they were destined to touch sooner or later.
It was an intense and extremely passionate kiss, they had lusted after each other for so long that they couldn’t even get enough of it.
At that very moment, Jaime Lannister said to himself that, perhaps, despite all the misfortunes, he deserved a happy ending.
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Tent- Robb Stark (2)
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Pairing: Robb Stark x Lannister!Reader
Characters: Robb Stark
Warnings: N/A
Request: Wattpad- Before Robb Stark made his promise to the twins he capture Jaimie Lannister and Y/N Hill (Tywin Lannister bastard). She was chained up right beside her brother before Robb Command his m’en to unchain her and giver her a proper tent and let her be bath and have food. Robb starts to fall for her and decides to marry her so she can have a stark name and be a queen in the North since she not treated well by her siblings accept Tyrion of cours. Tywin Lannister agréés to it and give back his sisters and Robb give back Jamie to the Lannister
Word Count: 530
Author: Charlotte
The two of you fell silent as your attention fell upon who was entering the cage. You had been graced by both the king of the north and his mother, along with random soldiers that fed you the slop that was called dinner. This time Robb Stark entered the cage, his thick furs followed by two soldiers. The only time he himself had entered the cage was to question you both, receiving no useful answers but at least he didn’t leer at you like the other men, or make the same abhorrent threats.
“Unshackle her,” he stated, gesturing towards you.
“Why?” You asked, not certain why you would question being released from the painful metal that was keeping you in the spot.
No one answered you as the guard on the left crouched down undoing the shackle around your neck and one of your wrists. He grabbed hold of the handcuff that was hanging from your wrist, using it to haul you up onto your feet. Your legs wobbled below you, but the way the man tugged at the metal, you couldn’t have fallen even if you wanted to.
Robb turned and exited the cage, both guards following behind him, you being pulled along with them.
“Where are you taking her?” Jaime called out.
“Jaime?” You squeaked. Thus far when one of you was removed from the cage, the other came too. This was a first, and you didn’t like it.
Your brother called after you as you stumbled behind the guard, until you entered a tent, where the three men stopped. The guard removed the second handcuff, leaving you to finally be free of all the shackles, but the fact there were armed men everywhere in the encampment, left you feeling as trapped as ever.
“What do you want with me?” You asked.
“You will be staying here for the night,” Robb stated. “Bathe, eat and rest. We shall speak in the morning.”
He started heading for the flap of the tent, leaving you baffled.
“What about Jaime?” You questioned. “Why am I here?”
Robb paused but didn’t turn around. “A guard will be on watch outside. If you need anything ask him.”
The three men left the tent.
Even though you weren’t physically caged anymore, you felt far more scared than you had before. You looked around the tent. For a tent in an encampment, it was nice, at least significantly nicer than your previous home. A bed was in one corner, it didn’t look comfortable, but it had a pillow and a blanket and didn’t involve you sitting with your arms behind your back, so you were beyond pleased. On the other side of the room was a metal bath filled with water, and from the smoking coals that had been scooped off to the side, you were sure it would be warm. Beside it sat a table with a chunk of bread and a large bowl of soup, along with clothes draped over the chair.
You didn’t understand why you were in the tent, but you knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth and made the most of the provisions left for you.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
A Wolf's Heart | Robb Stark x trans!m!reader
anonymous asked: I know I don't usually request for anyone other than COD characters but I really wanted to request for Robb Stark so just ftm reader is fine. I had the prompts "No, no leaving the bed until you kiss me" and "I want to marry you" but with the second prompt I was thinking they are already married. I hope this makes sense.
summary: Robb is infatuated with you, completely and utterly.
tws: swearing, brief mentions of war
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
For the most part, you and Robb were quite happy to be together; whenever he could spare time away from Winterfell, he would come and see you at your home, and whenever you could spare time away, you went to see him.
Long nights spent cuddled up beneath furs as you simply held one another, revelling in the feel of each other's breaths and skin.
Just being.
You did not fear lions and dragons, you did not fear the undying and the phantoms that haunted the halls, when you had a wolf to keep you company at night; you did not fear lions when you knew that a wolf could snap their necks if he wanted to.
You did not fear dragons when you knew that there was a wolf beside you to keep you safe; you didn't fear anyone or anything when you had Robb there with you. A lion and a dragon, for all their gold and for all their cruelty, could never break a wolf.
But that was then. That was before you had agreed to live in Winterfell with him, before you had experienced the harsh cold and the bitter winds; that was before you, partially, became a wolf. Maybe not a full wolf, you doubted that that would ever happen, but even being part wolf was enough; lions and dragons wanted you dead.
Stags and krakens envied and loathed you, despised you and wished you harm but were too cowardly to do anything about it.
You were good friends with Jon, which you supposed helped to keep you out of trouble, as when Robb wasn't around, Jon was always with you; you also often found yourself sitting with Sansa and talking to her about her interests and her hobbies.
She was clever, far smarter than Robb and a far better tactician than Jon, which in a world like your own, was a deadly thing to be; Robb may have commanded an army, Jon may have been a Crow, but Sansa was clever.
You had a feeling that if she were let into the war rooms, she would ensure a victory ever time; she may have never experienced it, but Sansa knew the art of war better than anyone.
Among the wolves, you were welcomed, more than comfortable and you felt more at home than you could admit; they didn't care that you were trans, they didn't care that you and Robb were men in a loving relationship.
Wolves didn't care about such trivial things, they only wanted to show that they accepted you into their family, into their pack, and if anyone was going to stand in the way of that, then they had to face the jaws and claws of wrathful wolves.
You and Robb were married the second that he came back from the battlefield, still covered in blood and guts, still wearing his armour; his lips had tasted like copper, but you didn't mind.
You were just glad that he was back, and even more glad that you were as much of a wolf as you could be; you were glad that he was home, glad that he had survived another battle for long enough to come back and lick his wounds.
You had been married only two months when, for the first time, you were rudely awoken; the feeling of coarse hair on your neck as Robb gently kissed you, leaving a trail from your jaw to your shoulder as he smiled against you and kept his hand on your side, fingers splayed as he threw his leg over you.
You wanted to shove him off and tell him to wait another hour, but his kisses were so sweet and so tender that you couldn't help but to grumble softly.
"I missed you," the words echoed across your skin as he slowly pulled away just enough so that he could look you in the eyes, a tired but pleased smile upon his lips.
You couldn't help but to scoff as you laughed, rolling your eyes. "Miss me? Robb, for the past two months we've hardly been away from each other."
"Yeah, but," he took a second to stretch, pushing his groin forward as he growled and sighed. "I was asleep, and I missed you, and I want to marry you."
"Robb, I became your husband all of two months ago," you laughed. Such a sound he wanted to listen to until the end of his days, on repeat for all to hear. "You're a fool!"
Robb would not hear such nonsense against him, so he put his leg over yours, pushed himself up as he straddled your waist, and firmly planted his hands on your shoulders as he grinned wickedly, wolfishly; you were entirely at his mercy, and he knew it.
Leaning down a little, not quite enough to kiss you but enough to tease you and to make you yearn for him, enough to make you try and reach him. He tilted his head, tone teasing more than anything else.
"I'm a fool now, am I?"
"Yes," you nodded. "An absolute fool."
"Well, that's it, then," he let himself go, all of his weight on you as he dropped down. "You're not going anywhere."
You laughed, trying to break free from his grasp as you wriggled and tried to get yourself out from under him. "Robb! Let me go!"
"No, no leaving the bed until you kiss me." He pressed himself into you a little bit more, made it known that he had no intentions of letting you go even though he was laughing with you.
"You're such a cock," you scoffed, giving in and letting your body lose its tension beneath him, daring to lace a hand in his soft brown hair. "You know that."
"But you love me," he murmured. "Don't you, dear husband?"
You grumbled, earning you a playful smack on the chest that made you laugh and grin. "Yes, against my better judgement, wolf."
Robb snuggled into you, holding on tightly as he yawned. "Do I get a kiss now?"
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Dearest Y/N
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Summary; Jorah writes to you to ask you to meet him when he returns home A/N; Requests are open! Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and the banner
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I am writing this before I set sail towards Dragonstone. I have asked too much of you over the years. Selfishly I am about to ask something of you again. Would you head to Dragonstone so we can be reunited once more? I know I ask too much. For us to be reunited again after all this time. Yet my heart still yearns for you, my love. It aches to stand in your presence, to be able to touch and hold you. To hear the sound of your voice. For you to be the last person I see before I fall asleep. More importantly, I want to introduce you to Daenerys Targaryen, so she can finally introduce her to the woman she's heard so many stories about. The ship will take about two moon cycles. I hope to see you there. Yours Always, Jorah
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wonderdustwriting · 2 years
Fluff Alphabet - Podrick
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Activities – What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?
Podrick loves to spend his free time with you. Whether it's reading or signing together taking a stroll through the market. Podrick enjoys being in your company. He finds you easy-going and a calming presence to be around, which is why he likes interacting with you no matter the activity. Perhaps this is because, unlike so many of the other's in Westeros, you have no ulterior motive.
Boo! – How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?
Podrick likes to surprise you. He likes to watch your face light up when you see he's thinking about you. Podrick will surprise you with gifts that remind him of you. It could be a trinket or a flower or sometimes it's food. On the other hand,  Podrick does like receiving surprises. It shows him that you've thought about him when you're apart. Podrick never expects anything from anyone, so when he does receive anything, he's always appreciative. However, surprises from you are always going to be his favourite.
Comfort – How do they comfort you when you’re upset? When the tables turn, do they come to you, or try to handle it themselves?
Podrick is always great at comforting you. He knows what to say or how to cheer you up. He'll provide you with your favorite sweet treat, or he'll draw you a bath. He'll sit and listen to your concerns or worries. Podrick will always make time for you. In regards to his issues, Podrick will keep them to himself for some time because he doesn't want to bother you with his problems. However, when you ask if Podrick is well, then he would come clean about what's bothering him.
Dance – Do they like to dance with you? How good of a dancer are they?
Podrick is a decent dancer, and he does like to dance with you. It's a small moment of peace away from everyone else. Away from all the politics. Where everyone is constantly watching everyone. However, for that moment, it's just you and Podrick, and that's all that matters.
Excitement – How do they act when they’re excited? What excites them?
Podrick can't help but smile from ear to ear when he's excited. There's an extra bounce in his step as a heavy burden is not bringing him down, not today. Podrick appears more cheerful and overall in a good mood. Podrick tends to get excited about being praised by Lord Tyrion and the thought of seeing you after a long day. It's also a great day when nothing goes wrong.
Future – What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?
Podrick never thought of marriage and having a family until he met you. As your relationship progresses, the more he begins to envision your future together. A home, maybe some eland, a couple of kids running about.  Podrick will always desire to give you the best life imaginable.
Gifts – What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?
Podrick likes to buy you gifts. He'll find the most random and thoughtful of objects that remind him of you, flowers, trinkets, your favorite sweet or savory treat. Podrick doesn't need a reason to buy you a gift, he'll pick things up as frequently as he can. It's just one of the ways Podrick likes to show his love for you.
Hold – How do they hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
Podrick likes to hold you. Whether. it's holding your hand while you're waiting through the street or pulling you into his lap, so the two of you can read together. The first time you share a bed, Podrick pinches himself several times to prove that he's not in the most glorious dream ever.
Ideal – What’s their ideal date like?
Podrick's ideal date would be taking a trip on horseback to the middle of a wooded area so the two of you could share something to eat and drink. All the while getting to know each other. It would be private enough away from prying eyes, just you, him and some good food.
Jealousy – Do they get jealous easily? How do they handle it?
Podrick is not a person who gets jealous easily. He's confident in the relationship the two of you have. However, even Podrick has his limits. He doesn't like anyone toching you. The moment anyone does that, Podrick immediately approaches the situation and wraps his arm around your shoulder to display that you're with him.
Kisses – How do they like to kiss you? How frequently do you kiss?
Podrick will kiss you as frequently as possible when you have privacy. He'll kiss you to say thank you, a kiss as a greeting. He'll pull you closer so you can get lost with one another. However, when you're in public, he's more likely to kiss you on the forehead or the cheek.
Love – How do they show you that they love you?
Everyone can tell how deeply in love with you Podrick is just by how he looks at you. It's the way when you enter a room, and his attention is immediately solely on you. The way he's always the perfect gentleman. The way he would gladly give you the world if you asked for it.
Melt – What do you do that absolutely makes them melt?
Podrick's heart melts when you care for him. Everything you do for him in his mind displays the seriousness of the relationship. When you write him little notes before he leaves each day, prepare his meals, and attend to his clothing. Those are just some of the things you do that he melts for.
Nicknames – What do they call you, and what are their favorite things to be called?
Podrick has a variation of Nicknames for you. Like Love, my heart, my sweet, my everything. Whereas for him, you tend to be more creative and related to moments you've shared.
Obvious – How obvious do they make it that they like you?
Podrick didn't make it obvious. He does his best effort to avoid making his feelings for you known because he's terrified that you're going to reject him. Podrick's heart breaks at the thought of this. It's Tyrion who works out Podrick's little crush on you, and it's Tyrion who finally gives Podrick the courage to finally confess his feelings for you.
Pets – Do they have pets? Do they want them?
Podrick doesn't have pets because he's too busy being a squire to Lord Tyrion. However, that doesn't mean Podrick wouldn't like to own a cat or a dog someday, but for now he's simply too busy to be able to look after a pet.
Quiet – How are the calm, quiet moments with them?
Podrick is a quiet and reserved, so the quiet moments between you are peaceful and calm. There's never an awkward silence between the two of you. You are able to read each other well and always know what the other needs.
Romance – How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
Podrick would consider himself to be a romantic. He'll buy you gifts and plan romantic dates whenever possible. Podrick learns rapidly how vital physical time and affection are from Tyrion. Podrick may not start the most romantic. However, he is a quick learner.
Safe – What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?
Podrick feels safe around you when he realizes anything that he says to you doesn't go any further. Podrick also knows he's safe when you defend him publicly without question. It's the pleasant feeling he gets when he's around you. You know Podrick feels comfortable around you when he's less nervous around you and comfortable speaking freely, more jovial as he holds more eye contact.
Tend – How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?
Podrick always worries when you get sick, he's terrified he'll lose you. He's always so compassionate ready to get you anything you need. He'll listen to the Master and keep a mental list of the medication and when you need to take it. On the other hand, Podrick gets clingy when he's sick. All he wants to do is lie in bed and hold you. When you need to step away for any reason, he immediately holds his hands out and tries to pull you back to him, no matter how hot or clammy he is, he needs to feel you close.
Unique – What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?
Podrick knows random facts, being the quietest person in the room, so people often talk, forgetting he's there, so he often learns random facts and likes to tell you about them after a long day while you're winding down for the day.
Variety – Do they prefer to keep things the same, or spice it up?
Podrick likes to surprise you so he can keep you on your toes, but while in a relationship, he prefers to keep things as routine as possible. So when he does surprise you, it's a good shock. However, Podrick will always communicate with you, so he knows where your head is.
Wash – What’s it like taking a bath with them, or helping them wash up after a fight?
Baths with Podrick are always interesting. While they're calming and relaxing after a long day, they can also be cheeky with Podrick whispering sweet nothings into your ear, or how much he's missed you throughout the day while trailing his fingertips up and down your body. It's one of your favourite activities to do together.
XO – How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?
Podrick is an affectionate person. He likes to hold you, kiss you etc. It's one of Podrick's love languages. He is happy to give you that and so much more. However, in regards to public Displays of Affection. Podrick is more reserved. He likes to hold your hand, and he will give you a cheek or forehead, but anything other than Podrick is not comfortable in doing so.
Yearn – What do they do when they miss you?
Podrick will look at anything you've given him, trinkets, letters, anything that smells of you. He'll count down the days until you return to him, and then he promises he won't let you out of his sight again until the two of you have to be apart again.
Zzz – How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?
When Podrick gets tired, he tends to tug you towards your shared chambers because he doesn't want to go to bed alone. Podrick is a cuddler and likes to hold you close at night with the blanket wrapped around you both. Podrick snores a little, and he needs you close at all times, if he feels you've moved too far,then he'll pull you back to him.
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winterfell-fantasy · 11 months
If I may ask: 💞 and❣️ for Mance Rayder please ?
💞 how do you win their heart?
it happens over time. mance is a busy man, he doesn’t have time for affection or feelings. the more time you two spend together though, the less he can deny how much he cares for you. the subtle touches and glances, the careful check overs to make sure he’s alright after a battle, the quiet conversations in the privacy of his tents. it takes a long time before he admits them to himself and an even longer time before he admits it to you, but you’re both very happy when he finally does.
❣️ what makes them blush/gets their heart pounding?
taking care of him. mance is a tough man - he’s the king of the wildlings, king beyond the wall and he doesn’t often allow for the time for personal breaks. he’s always working, always strategizing and you can see how being a fearful, inspiring leader can take a toll on him. you don’t even have to do much to show him you care - simply rubbing his back when you’re alone by the fire or bringing him his food or a drink can touch his heart and have him realizing how much he enjoys your attention and care.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 2 months
Aegon Targaryen x Niece!wife
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A/N: After watching the new trailer I just wanted to write a little something for Aegon
"Where is my wife?" Aegon asked, as he looked around the chamber. The hint of fear and heartbreak was masked by his anger. The maids and guards stood in the corner with fear in their eyes. "I am going to ask one more time, WHERE IS MY WIFE?" Aegon yelled, commanding an answer. 
"Your majesty...she...the Queen heard about the death of her brother Lucerys," One of the maids finally replied. "She...immediately left for Dragonstone with her dragon."
Aegon froze for a second, not able to process what he just heard. How can she leave? How can she leave after she assured him last night that she will always love him no matter what? How can she leave when she is carrying his child? This is why he didn't want to tell her about the death of her brother, at least not till he figured out how to break the news as gently as possible. 
Suddenly the crown on Aegon's head felt heavy, and it only got heavier and heavier by the second. His wife left him. His wife, his niece whom he has loved ever since he knew what love is, left him. She left with his child, the proof of their love inside her. 
Soon the anger creeped up again. Aegon looked at the guards and the maids who were assigned to his wife. "You...all of you failed to protect your queen," He said through his gritted teeth. "Throw them all in the cells," He commanded his guards, no mercy in his voice.
They all begged and cried but it was of no use. None of them deserve any freedom or the right to live after they failed to protect the queen. Failed to protect her from the heartbreaking news. 
Aegon looked around the room as he took off his crown and dropped it on the floor. Suddenly the entire place started to feel cold. The flowers he gave his wife in the morning are still by the bedside. The baby clothes his wife was sewing for their unborn child were left half done on the bed. His wife's favorite necklace was on the vanity. Everything was there where it's supposed to be, but his wife was not. She is gone. 
"It's okay. She is just a little upset," Aegon said to himself, his words coming out in between his heavy shaky breathing. He couldn't help as tears rolled down his face. "She loves me.  She will come back," He was trying to convince himself. "I will make sure she comes back to me.”
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storiesforallfandoms · 3 months
littlest lion ~ oberyn martell;game of thrones
word count: 3182
request?: no
description: after witnessing the littlest lion sibling’s abuse at the hands of her queen sister, he decides that not all lannisters are as terrible as he once thought
pairing: oberyn martell x female!reader
warnings: swearing, verbal abuse (it’s cersei so...not surprisingly), much use of y/n, a little bit of a re-write on the canon of got to say that tywin had a second wife and another child so that it makes sense for the reader to be the youngest lannister
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Everyone in all of Westeros knew the Lannister siblings to be cunning and pretentious. For the most part, those assumptions were right. Cersei and Jamie were definitely both of those things - Cersei more so than her twin brother - and Tyrion’s general distaste and apathy for everything could be misinterpreted as pretentious.
But then there was their youngest half sister, (YN).
Born to Tywin and his second wife after the death of his first, (Y/N) Lannister was the complete opposite to her older siblings. She was kind and shy, which often resulted in a verbal lashing from Cersei. Tyrion was indifferent to (Y/N), but treated her nice enough. Jamie just ignored her unless he was with Cersei. Cersei despised her sister with every fiber of her being. She never wasted a breath to inform (Y/N) that she wasn’t a real Lannister, despite her being a true born to Tywin.
She tried to pretend like Cersei’s words didn’t affect her. It would only result in more taunting if she did. But (Y/N) had spent countless nights in her chambers sobbing over whatever Cersei had said to her that day. She dreamed of the day she would be able to leave her sister’s kingdom (although technically it was her son, Joffrey’s, but everyone knew Cersei was the true leader), but it felt like that day would never come. (Y/N) was well into her adulthood with no prospects of getting married. It didn’t help that Tywin hadn’t arranged a suitor for her in her younger years, and now that Joffrey was king the task fell to him and Cersei, but Cersei would not approve of any suitors for her sister.
“She needs someone to bully,” Tyrion had told (Y/N) once. “The only way you will ever marry is if you manage to find someone who will take you away.”
(Y/N) hoped that Joffrey’s marriage would bring Cersei enough joy that she would not think to be cruel to her. (Y/N) made herself unseen to Cersei as much as possible while the wedding was happening, unless she was called upon.
Unfortunately for her, Cersei still found reason to call upon her.
(Y/N) entered the throne room where Cersei was speaking with Joffrey. She curtsied, waiting for the two to notice her. She was sure Cersei was intentionally keeping Joffrey’s attention when her legs began to shake, threatening to collapse from under her.
“You may rise, aunt,” Joffrey finally said.
(Y/N) stood straight. “Your grace, you summoned me?”
“Upon my mother’s request,” Joffrey confirmed. “She wishes to speak with you in regards to my wedding day.”
(Y/N) tried to keep her expression neutral as she turned to Cersei. “What can I do for you, sister?”
“Don’t call me that,” Cersei hissed.
“I apologize, my lady.”
“I called you here to ask what you intend to wear to the king’s wedding.”
(Y/N) blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“Have you become hard of hearing? What do you intend to wear to your king’s wedding?” She enunciated each word as if (Y/N) were a child. Joffrey was smirking from his throne. He reveled in his mother’s cruelty just as he reveled in his own.
“I...I suppose a gown from my wardrobe,” (Y/N) said.
Cersei scoffed. “Please, your wardrobe is so common. It would be humiliating for you to show up like that.”
A lump began to form in (Y/N)’s throat, but she tried to swallow it down. “I have no other options, though, and the wedding is in a matter of days.”
“I’ll have to get my seamstress to work on a more appropriate gown for you then,” Cersei sighed.
(Y/N) felt a heavy pit in her stomach. It was starting to make sense why Cersei had called her here. It wasn’t truly to figure out suitable wear for the wedding. It was so Cersei could once again humiliate (Y/N). She had no doubts that her sister would have her seamstress make the most hideous dress for (Y/N) to wear to the wedding. It would be an embarrassment for (Y/N), and it would mean it would be less likely for any potential suitors to show interest in her.
Tears were welling in her eyes. She was trying to fight them back, but it was a losing battle. “May I be excused, your grace?”
Joffrey glanced at his mother. She sighed and turned away, so he waved (Y/N) off. As she began to leave, she heard Cersei tell her son, “What a pathetic woman.”
(Y/N) all but ran from the throne room. She hurried out the doors of the castle into the palace’s garden as her tears finally began to fall. Her body was wracked with sobs as she fell onto the nearest bench. She felt so struck and so helpless. She would never get out of Cersei’s clutches as long as she lived, and there was no one in the world who could save her.
“I wonder what it is that causes a lion to cry.”
(Y/N) jumped at the sound of a voice. She looked up to see a handsome man in a yellow robe stood in front of her.
“Apologies,” she said, quickly wiping the tears from her face. “I was no aware that there was anyone else here.”
“No need for apologies. This is your home, you are allowed to cry anywhere you wish.” He sat next to her, looking at her as if studying her. “But the question still stands: what makes a lion cry?”
“You know who I am.”
It wasn’t a question, but he answered anyways, “Everyone in all of Westeros knows who the Lannisters are. Even if I didn’t, your golden hair would have been a clue.”
(Y/N) had to break their eye contact because this handsome man was intimidating her. Not in a bad way. His looks were just making her feel tongue tied.
“It was nothing,” she said. “I apologize for disturbing your peace.”
“The little lion is surprising,” he commented. “She cries, she apologies. Very un-Lannister.”
“I am no Lannister. At least, not to my own siblings.”
A look of realization passed his face. “I believe I am starting to understand.”
Tears were forming in her eyes again. She couldn’t cry in front of this stranger. Not again. It was bad enough that he had already caught her once. Cersei would have her head if she found out that (Y/N) was making the family name seem weak.
“Would you like to go for a walk, little lion?” he asked.
His voice was quiet and soothing. If she didn’t know any better, (Y/N) would’ve thought he was mocking her. But one look told her he was being genuine. A walk through the garden definitely sounded like a good idea.
He offered her his arm and she took it. As they stood, he told her, “My name is Oberyn Martell, brother of Doran Martell.”
“The Prince of Doran,” (Y/N) said.
Oberyn smiled. “You know of my family too, then.”
“One must know all the families of Westeros, as not to let down their guard,” (Y/N) recited. “Or to not make a fool.”
She could see Oberyn look at her, but she wouldn't dare look back at him. Instead, she changed the subject, “You must be here for my nephew’s wedding.”
“I am. My brother was invited, but he was very busy, so I am taking his lace.”
“Well, I hope you enjoy your stay then.”
“I am already enjoying it.”
(Y/N) smiled, her face burning from the compliment.
She showed Oberyn around the garden, the two of them trading stories and getting to know each other. For a brief moment, (Y/N) was able to forget about everything. It was a brief moment of happiness and feeling like she was actually wanted.
They came to stand at a perch that overlooked the kingdom. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden he over everything. (Y/N) was acutely aware of Oberyn’s hand brushing against her own, but was trying not to focus too much on it. Oberyn’s presence was starting to make her feel dizzy, but not in a bad way. It was an intoxicating feeling. She never wanted it to end, but at the same time she was worried about making a fool of herself in front of him.
“This visit has already brought many surprises for me,” Oberyn said.
“How so?” (Y/N) asked.
“For one, I have found that not all Lannisters are as terrible as their reputation would have it. And two, I am finding myself enjoying time with a Lannister.”
He lifted her hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles. She drew in a shakey breath at the action. Oberyn’s deep brown eyes were watching her again. She hoped her legs would not give out from underneath her as she felt them growing weak.
“I have been enjoying my time with you as well, my Lord,” she said.
“Please, call me Oberyn. I am but a second son, not a Lord. Besides, I do not intend for these formalities between us to last long.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You are ambitious.”
“I am a man who knows what he wants, and it is seldom that I do not get what it is that I want.”
Her heart was beating so fast she thought she may pass out, or that Oberyn may hear it. She had never had a man tell her that he wanted her, and she realized she had never wanted someone so much either. In just a short period of time, Oberyn had managed to completely steal her heart. There was nothing in the world that could ruin this moment, or this connection.
What she didn’t realize was that her sister was watching the two of them from inside the castle.
The sun was nearly completely set when Oberyn and (Y/N) finally parted ways. He had kissed her hand once more and told her he would come looking for her the next day. (Y/N) was so lightheaded that she practically floated back to her room. She was just about to enter her chambers when a voice asked, “Did you have a good evening with the Dornish prince?”
She turned quickly to see Cersei stood at the end of the long hall. Suddenly, everything came crashing back down to Earth around her.
“He is very lovely,” she responded. “I apologize that he kept me for so long. I did not intend to miss out on dinner.”
“It was lovely without you.” 
(Y/N) winced. She put her hand back on her door, intending to escape into her room and hopefully salvage whatever good feelings she could from her time with Oberyn.
“I know you are not wise, (Y/N), but I truly hope you are not stupid enough to fall for Oberyn Martell.”
(Y/N) looked at her sister in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that he is not a man who settles for one woman. Everyone knows that he will fuck anything that walks - man or woman. He was already visiting the brothel here before his arrival.”
Her breathing began to increase. “I...I didn’t...”
“Oh my word,” Cersei breathed. “You have fallen for him, haven’t you?”
The tears were forming again. (Y/N) quickly blinked them away so that Cersei wouldn’t see. “He was treated me as if I was an actual person. That is more than I can say for anyone in this castle. I apologize if it makes me stupid because I was happy to feel wanted for once in my life.”
“He only made you feel that way so he could take your maidenhood,” Cersei retorted. “He will not make you a wife, he will make you a whore. And then he will return to Dorne while you are here, weeping over his departure even though you were the fool who fell for him. It will be left to me to pick up the pieces he left behind.”
Cersei was shaking her head as she turned to leave. (Y/N) was hoping that she could finally escape her sister’s cruelty for the night, but then Cersei paused to add, “I mean, really, (Y/N). Why would a prince of all people want to marry someone like you? The last born child, from a second marriage, who has not been wed by the time she reached her maturing age? You are pathetic.”
(Y/N) didn’t wait for Cersei to leave. She shoved into her room and slammed the door shut. Her tears began to fall before the door was fully closed. She didn’t even have the strength to make it to her bed this time. She collapsed into a heap against the door, burying her head in her skirts as she began to sob.
How could she be such a fool? How could she let herself believe that she had finally found someone who wanted her? That she might just escape from Cersei once and for all? What Cersei had said may have been cruel, but (Y/N) knew there must be some truth behind the words. There was nothing remarkable about (Y/N) that would draw in the attention of someone like Oberyn, unless he just wanted to try and get into her bed. He saw her at her weakest and he preyed on that, the same way that Cersei always had.
“Stupid,” (Y/N) whispered to herself through her tears. “You are stupid.”
A knock came at the door.
“Go away!” (Y/N) called through her tears. She wasn’t in the mood for anyone to see her like this, or to have to be humiliated further.
“It is me, little lion.”
She paused. How had he found her room? Why had he come for her? Surely he wasn’t about to try to get into her bed already.
Against her better judgement, she stood and opened the door. When he saw her tearstained face, Oberyn’s expression filled with sadness. He reached for her, and she allowed him to pull her into his embrace.
“I am so sorry you are treated this way,” he said.
“Did you hear?” she asked.
He nodded. “I will admit, I followed you once we had separated. I wanted to see if you would be intercepted by either of your siblings before you reached your room. I saw the Queen Regent approaching, so I kept a distance to hear what she would say to you.”
“Then you heard what she told me about you.”
(Y/N) pulled away from Oberyn. She knew she shouldn’t listen to anything Cersei said, but she couldn’t help that her sister’s words had once against gotten to her.
“I did,” Oberyn confirmed.
“And is it true?”
“It is true that I went to a brothel before I arrived at the castle. It is true that I enjoy intimacy from anyone who is willing to give it to me, regardless of gender. But it is not true that I was only kind to you to try and take your maidenhood. What I said in the garden, I meant it.”
“Why?” (Y/N) asked. “Why would you want me? Out of all the beautiful women that I am sure you have seen, both noble and not, why is it me that you desire for?”
He cupped her face. He wiped the tears from her eyes with his thumbs as he looked down at her. “Because I believe you to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
(Y/N) scoffed, but Oberyn said, “It is true. From the moment I saw you in the garden, weeping over what I am sure was another verbal lashing from your sister, I was taken by your beauty. You are a beautiful woman, both inside and out. I am completely taken by you, (Y/N), and it upsets me greatly that you are made to think that you do not deserve that kind of love.”
She wanted to be happy by what Oberyn was saying. She did believe him. She could see the sincerity in his eyes. But knowing that Oberyn was taken by her that much just made her heart ache more, because she knew that they would never be allowed to be together.
“Cersei will never approve,” she said. “She will not let me marry and escape this place. If you show any interest in me, or voice that you want me to be your wife, she will deny it.”
“Then I will take you away from here.”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
Oberyn looked over his shoulder to be sure no one was around. (Y/N) stepped back into her room and motioned for him to follow. She closed her door, giving them some privacy to speak freely.
“She cannot stop me if I take you before she realizes you are gone,” he said. “We can leave after the king’s wedding and return to Dorne immediately. She cannot stop you once you’ve already gone, and if she tries then you will have an army of Dornish men waiting to defend you. Myself included.”
“How will we get my things out of here before she can stop us?” (Y/N) asked, glancing around her room.
“Pack what is essential,” Oberyn told her. “Just one bag of essential things. Whatever you cannot fit I will replace once we return to Dorne. We can put it in my carriage before the wedding, and once it all ends we will leave immediately. I did not intend to stay long after the ceremony anyways, so it will not seem suspicious if I take my leave so quickly.”
Tyrion’s words were playing in (Y/N)’s head. “The only way you will ever marry is if you manage to find someone who will take you away.” She had thought for so long that it was an unreachable desire to find someone who would want to take her away. She almost wanted to pinch herself to see if she was dreaming.
“You would really do that for me?” she asked.
“Of course I would, my little lion,” he said. “You do not deserve the life that you are living here. Even if you do not want me, I will still take you away and let you live a happier life.”
“I want you,” she whispered, almost worried that saying it out loud would make everything fall apart.
But Oberyn heard her, and he smiled. “When we are in Dorne, I will court you as I should, then I will make you my wife.”
(Y/N) couldn’t find the words to say how much she wanted that. She just smiled, then leaned into Oberyn’s embrace. She mentally counted the days until she could be free from her prison, but then decided not to think of how long till it would happen. Instead, she focused on what she was going to have after she had finally gotten out of there.
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fandom-puff · 4 months
Ooo! Game of Thrones smut promt #10 "think I like you better on your knees" for Petyr Baelish. Please and thank you!
Thank you for this req! I haven’t written Baelish in a while, so I hope you enjoy :))
Pairing: Petyr Baelish x fem!reader
Warnings: marital argument, reference to locker-room type banter, a spank, degradation, reference to prostitution, brief fingering
Gif creds to owner
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You glared across the room at the Master of Coin, your body thrumming with absolute fury.
“Call me a whore again, Baelish, and you and Varys will have something in common,” you hissed.
But Baelish only continued to smirk, your threat of castration flying over his head. “My Lady,” he said smoothly, walking around to your side of the bed, his arms opening as though he expected you to swoon and fall into them. Many moons ago, you would have, and gladly. You would have simpered about how clever he was, how glad you were to call yourself Lady Baelish. But for now, your eyes flashed with rage and you stood stock still, stubbornly refusing to go to him. “It was a joke, nothing more,” he said gently.
You scoffed. “A joke?” You said sharply, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes. You had overheard Baelish making bawdy remarks about your intimate life with Tyrion Lannister and Varys. “Dishonouring one’s wife, Baelish, is not a joke,”
At this, Baelish laughed at you. You huffed and rolled your eyes. “It is dishonouring to praise my lady wife?” He questioned, stepping closer, his smirk growing when you did not move to step away from him and his smooth talking.
“I-it… it calls into question my virtue,” you stammered, practically melting under his gaze as he stared you down. “Especially when I am compared to the… women you employ,”
Petyr cupped your cheek, his thumb swiping over your cheekbone. “Oh, sweetling,” he cooed, before his hand wound around your neck, fingers tangling in your hair as he yanked you close. He leant down, murmuring in your ear. “Even before I sullied your maidenhead, you were better than any of the whores in my employ,”
As his breath skittered over the shell of your ear you whimpered, your hands planting against his chest.
“There,” he said, whisper quiet. “Much better, wife,” his teeth grazed against your pulse point as he began to tug at your skirts, reaching between your thighs to your sopping heat. “As you should be… pliant and ready for your husband’s cock, eager to be his whore,” you groaned as he withdrew his hand and pulled away from you. “Look at you,” he said, an edge of condescension prickling his voice. “Panting and wet, just begging to be fucked, virtue be damned,” his tongue darted out to lick his lips. “Undress and get on the bed, sweetling, I so love to see you spread out for me,”
He admired your figure as you stripped, unable to resist a sharp smack to your arse that had you gasping. “Although I must admit,” he mused aloud, undressing torturously slowly in comparison to your quick stripping. “I much prefer the sight of you on your knees…”
Follow @fandom-puff-library and turn on notifications for that page to get updated when I post!
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Winter's Vow
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pairing: Daenerys Targaryen x OC!Male!Stark
summary: Bennedict Stark has found it most suiting to find the mother of dragons.
Word count: 2,8K
Warnings: Angst, fluff
Bennedict kept his head down as he walked into the inn, he made his way over to one of the many tables where a singular man sat, drinking a cup of what looked like an ale with a whore sitting in his lap. The whore let out a series of giggles as the man fondled her hips. Bennedict sat down opposite the man who looked up confused at the young man in front of him.
"Who are you?" The man asked, his grip on the whore tightening as if he feared Bennedict came here to steal her from him, Bennedict would rather cut his arm off.
Without uttering a word Bennedict reached to his side and pulled out his dagger from its sheath and placed it down in front of him on the table. The man leaned closer to read the words carved on the dagger, 'Winter is coming', and he let out a gasp. The whore was pushed to the side in an instant, she let out a shocked squeal and turned to glare at the man.
"Come" The man stood up and without even sparing Bennedict a glance moved to walk out of the inn. Bennedict sheathed his dagger back and nodded at the whore in a way to apologise before he followed the man.
"What brings you here?" The man asked, the second Bennedict had stepped out into the fresh night air of Essos. Bennedict pulled back his hood to show his head full of curls that had been slicked back and half-tied behind his head.
"Is this how you greet an old friend?" Bennedict grumbled, his deep voice would have left any man shivering in his boots but not the man, the man's eyes brightened once they met those of Bennedict's.
"I have missed you dearly, friend" The man grinned showing his perfectly healthy teeth, unlike many men Bennedict has encountered on his journey to Essos. The two men embraced tightly, each one having more stories to tell the other than they count but the man could sense the urgency in Bennedict and pulled away.
"I believe this is not a mere visit, is it?" The man quipped pulling away from Bennedict brows knitted together as he nodded his head.
"I fear I need your help Edwyn" Bennedict sighed, one of his hands moved up to push back his already slicked hair.
"What is the matter, Lord Stark?" Edwyn asked, one of his hands wrapped around Bennedict's biceps and pulling him to move. Bennedict followed blindly, he had known Edwyn his entire life and trusted him more than anyone.
"My father was executed" Bennedict spoke lowly, the hurt and bitterness were evident in his voice. Edwyn froze in his place and turned to look at Bennedict's face horrified.
"My Lord-" Bennedict stopped Edwyn before he could kneel down in front of him. Edwyn looked at Bennedict confused by his action.
"My brother Robb has claimed himself king of the north, rebelling against Joffrey for killing our father" Bennedict explained, his sigh alone sounded like it was heaving with the weight of the incidents that has happened.
"But you are the eldest" Edwyn's scratchy voice held shock. Ever since they were children Edwyn like anyone else had known that Bennedict and Robb Stark were the closest siblings that Winterfell has ever seen, they were always stuck to each other's sides, helping each other and teaching each other and with the small age gap they had even attended the same lessons alongside Edwyn himself.
"We had a falling out, he wishes to gather an army to march to King's Landing which I find foolish considering the Lannisters would never let that happen" Bennedict and Edwyn seemed to have finally reached Edwyn's home, Edwyn stopped in front of a blue colored house with a green door. He pulled out the key and opened the door letting Lord Stark inside his home. He scrambled to light as many candles as possible.
"You have a beautiful and humble home, suits you" Bennedict joked touching the sword hung on the wall for display. Edwyn's old sword, the one he used to use when he was still in Winterfell before having decided to leave the entirety of Westeros and moving to Essos out of heartbreak.
"What do you think then? Why are you here?" Edwyn ignored Bennedict's words and remained fixated on the topic. Bennedict sighed and plopped down on one of the chairs in what seemed to be the kitchen.
"I am here in search of Targaryen girl" Bennedict answered truthfully. Edwyn hummed and moved to pull some bread and cheese from another room and brought them to Bennedict, the wooden plates made a small thumping noise as they landed on the wooden table. Bennedict nodded in gratitude and began eating, he was basically starving after days of travels and barely any breaks for him to find food and eat.
"Why? Is it her dragons you seek?" Edwyn sat opposite Bennedict and looked at him suspiciously. Bennedict chewed quietly contemplating how much of his plan he should tell his old friend.
"In a way, yes, I seek an alliance with her. After all, she is the true Queen, Targaryens for all their faults were mostly peaceful rulers except for a few runts in the litter" Bennedict's deep voice rumbled out like a true wolf's voice. The sound of scratching on the door interrupted the friends. Edwyn's hand snapped to his belt in search of his dagger but Bennedict held out his hand stopping him.
Bennedict got up from his chair with a grin and moved to open the door. A grey wolf strutted into the room as if it owned the house and moved closer to Edwyn who sat frozen in shock at the sight of a direwolf so many years after they had gone extinct from the inside of the wall.
"Meet Azure, she is one of the few Direwolves left, each one of us Starks has one, even Jon" Bennedict bent down to scratch behind her ear making her huff and sit down in front of him. Bennedict reached over for a piece of cheese and gave it to her which she munched on happily.
"Now, where is the Targaryen girl?" Bennedict asked looking up at Edwyn, who shook himself back to reality but his mouth remained slightly open in shock.
"Qarth" Edwyn whispered, his eyes never leaving the wolf's form as she finished her cheese and walked over to him, her azure eyes remained on his face, now he knew why Bennedict had named her Azure, her eyes were the perfect shade. Edwyn felt a surge of bravery hit him and he reached down to per the wolf who grinned showing him her sharp fangs.
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Bennedict's horse was running at full speed, no one could keep up with him even Edwyn who was panting as he urged his exhausted horse to follow the Lord of Winterfell. Azure however was an exception, she let out a loud howl as she raced the horse thinking this a game.
Bennedict sighed at the sight of the golden doors at the end of the desert greeting him. He knew he needed a way to go in for the people in there would not let him in easily. When he reached the doors he stopped his horse who dropped down in exhaustion. Bennedict gave him an apple before moving to the doors and knocking, much to his shock the doors opened wide and there was no one standing there, no one at all.
"What in the world?" Bennedict walked in and looked around, it was as if the place was empty of people, he did not know what was going on. But as if a grace had been sent to him by the gods what looked like a servant passed by and Bennedict ceased him before he could leave.
"Where is Daenerys Targaryen?" Bennedict asked. The servant's eyes widened at the sight of Bennedict inside the city.
"Where is she?" Bennedict demanded, he grabbed the servant by his collar and heaved him up making his feet dangle below him.
"Tower" The servant pointed. Bennedict followed where he had pointed and pushed him away. With a hand over his sword Bennedict sprinted, he felt the end of this journey at his fingertips, he was finally going to meet this girl who had King Robert so scared and wishing to kill.
Bennedict was heaving by the time he reached the tower but what he saw made his heart drop. There stood what looked like a knight and a Dothraki soldier. The two of them turned to him with their weapons at the ready.
"Calm, I am here in peace" Bennedict pulled his hand away from his sword and held his arms up. The Dothraki and the Knight looked at each other skeptical.
"I am Bennedict Stark, of Winterfell" Bennedict introduced himself. The knight gasped and dropped his sword in horror. The Dothraki although he looked confused still held his ground with his weapon at the ready.
"What are you doing so far away from him, Lord Stark?" The Knight asked. Bennedict sighed and looked up at the tower in front of him, his eyes squinting in the sunlight.
"It is a long story, where is the Khaleesi? Is that not how you call her now?" Bennedict asked, he wished to step closer but the Dothraki was still in a fighting stance. The knight reached over and pushed his arm down while muttering something in Dothraki. The Dothraki grumbled but let his arm down.
"We came here after her dragons were stolen and while searching for the entrance she disappeared" The knight explained. Bennedict walked over to the tower and touched the stones, they were smooth and very hard to climb, no way anyone would make it up without falling.
Suddenly the stones where Bennedict's hand was touching began to morph and he stepped back confused. The knight and Dothraki soldier stepped over to him watching with fascination as an entry way appeared and a blonde woman stepped out with three dragons. Bennedict's eyes widened and he looked her over and over not believing his eyes.
She paused and looked at him confused, not knowing who this was. Bennedict gulped and made the hard decision, he was the one seeking her help not the other way around and although she was an exiled woman, she had dragons and she was the rightful queen.
"Queen Daenerys" Bennedict closed his brown eyes as he kneeled down in front of the woman. She let out a soft gasp and watched his every move.
"I am Bennedict Stark, rightful Lord of Winterfell, here to pledge my alliance" Bennnedict spoke softly. She looked behind him as if searching for something but found nothing.
"Lord Stark with no soldiers or bannermen?" she sounded as if she was mocking him, he looked up at her and could see the playful glint in her eyes, she meant no harm, she was teasing him.
"My brother had decided to proclaim himself king of the north and the people had followed him, they have had enough of the rule of the Lannisters" Bennedict explained, his head fell down in shame, he had come here alone. He found himself feeling foolish to think she would even glance at him when he had nothing with him except the fur cloak on his shoulders and his weapons.
"Rise Lord Stark" Her smooth voice sends shivers down his spine. He pushed himself to his feet and looked upon her, letting himself now admire her and not the dragons with her. He would be a madman to not see how truly beautiful she was, a goddess he dared say.
"I have some unfinished business I need to attend to, then I will speak with you" She passed him followed by her knight and Dothraki soldier. Bennedict turned around and watched as she walked away from him with her dragons and two soldiers, he felt shivers run down his spine.
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The next thing Bennedict knows is he is on a ship in a room with Edwyn and Azure. He sat on a chair with Azure perched beside him as he petted her to keep her calm in the closed scenery they found themselves in. He could hear the screeches of the dragons from outside but he had preferred to remain in the room that was provided for him and Edwyn.
"Do you reckon she will throw you out soon?" Edwyn asked, munching an apple. Bennedict glared at his friend for such a suggestion but he knew deep down anyone sane would, he had nothing, no land, no army, or money at the moment. He had been abandoned by his men in favour of his younger brother who they claim is the king in the north.
"Perhaps" Bennedict took a deep breathe to calm his nerves down. The doors to the room opened showing the beautiful Targaryen woman, she had a neutral face on not showing any feelings.
"Your grace" Bennedict and Edwyn immediately jumped to their feet and bowed to her. She hummed looking around the room before pausing on Edwyn.
"Leave us, please" Edwyn bowed and left without a second thought. Bennedict had a feeling that Edwyn was afraid of the dragon queen but he remained silent on the matter.
"Tell me Lord Stark, why are you here?" She asked as she glided to the other side of the table, her hand touching the wooden surface as she moved. Her hands looked small and smooth and Bennedict found himself wondering what they would feel like against his skin.
"I came seeking your help in return for my help" He cringed thinking how foolish he may have sounded. He was a man with nothing to his name now.
"I have heard of your father's passing and your brother's betrayal" She sat herself down on the chair Edwyn had sat on earlier. She nodded at the chair signalling for Bennedict to do the same. Bennedict sat down and reached for Azure but she turned her back to him and walked over to the queen, her nose twitching with curiosity. Daenerys held her hand out and waited patiently for the wolf to take a whiff of her scent before she started to pet her head.
"Then I have nothing more to say, you know everything" Bennedict sighed, his eyes turning to look out the small window with a look hard to read on his face. His eyes glazed over as if he was flying to a different place in his head.
"Yes, I do know" Daenerys pushed her chair back and stood back up. She walked around the table almost as if she was flirting with her movements.
"Tell me why I should let you join me?" She questioned, her hand reached up to touch his chin and forced his head up so he would look her in the eyes. His stubble tickled her palm earning a small smile from her lips but her eyes were strong still, she was a powerful woman and he knew it.
"I never break a vow" Bennedict mumbles, his heart leaping out of his chest at the touch of her hand. He swallowed thickly and her eyes followed the movement.
"Then vow to me, to serve me, to never betray me" She ordered. Bennedict pushed his chair forcing her hand to drop back down to her side, he almost sighed with disappointment. He slid down on his knee and looked up at her, straight into her eyes.
"I swear to you, Queen Daenerys, I shall never serve anyone but you. I shall never betray you and I shall always kneel only for you. I shall choose you above all else" Bennedict bowed his head once he was done speaking and awaited her rejection, he could feel it in his bones.
"Even above your family?" Daenerys wondered. Bennedict's head snapped up to look at her confused.
"You said you would choose me above all else, would you choose me above your family? You are a Stark and Starks are loyal after all" She remarked. Her words had taken Bennedict off guard, his eyes widened and his body had stiffened. He had never expected her to say such a thing, he had never expected her to ask such a thing.
"Would you?" She snapped him back to reality by touching his chin and raising his head up so he would look her in the eyes, so she could read every emotion rushing through his eyes, hurt, betrayal, anger, confusion, conflict.
"We will see in time, won't we" She smirked down, patting his chin. She sidestepped him and moved towards the door.
"You will let me stay?" He asked, he felt shocked. He turned around watching as she paused at the door. She turned to face him as well.
"I would be heartless to let you go after you traveled so far to see me" She responded. Bennedict's chest contracted at her words and he nodded his head while still on his knees.
"Welcome Lord Stark" With that said she opened the door and stepped outside, leaving him alone in the chamber. His eyes wandered up to the sky through the window and he sighed at the sight of the blue and pure skies above.
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miss-celestia13 · 7 months
Take me, I need you in my bloodstream
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"Melting into him, she nipped at his bottom lip, tugging it so he groaned and crushed her against him, the bold stroke of his tongue in her mouth sending a lick of nerves down her torso as he shoved a knee between her legs. His hands dripped down her spine, taking hold of her hips to tug her against the hard length trapped between them. Her heart resided somewhere in her throat, beating wildly out of time in her neck and ears as he grabbed handfuls of her ass, kneading and squeezing as she made a sound suspiciously like a purr."
~*~ After one too many fumbles in the backseat of his car or a club closet, Daenerys plans a night of decadent indulgence.
Day one.
Prompts: On all fours and spread open.
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artedimichelangelo · 1 year
I’m back (again)
Hello everyone, I am finally back and I think I should give you an explanation.
So, I had a few problems with my life at home and my university life, the last one made my mental health even worse and it gave me an absurd amount of anxiety, that’s why I decided to leave it and stay home AND find a job.
That being said, I am sorry for not saying a word these past few months, but I wasn’t feeling great.
Now that I am well I wanted to tell you that the requests are OPEN and I’ll continue writing for House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones.
In my masterlist are listed all the characters I write for from that saga.
So, again, feel free to send new request, in the meantime I will post all the old requests from hotd.
I deeply apologize for my absence and I hope you are all doing well !!!
- Artedimichelangelo.
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Tent- Robb Stark (5)
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Pairing: Robb Stark x Lannister!Reader
Characters: Robb Stark
Warnings: N/A
Request: Wattpad- Before Robb Stark made his promise to the twins he capture Jaimie Lannister and Y/N Hill (Tywin Lannister bastard). She was chained up right beside her brother before Robb Command his m’en to unchain her and giver her a proper tent and let her be bath and have food. Robb starts to fall for her and decides to marry her so she can have a stark name and be a queen in the North since she not treated well by her siblings accept Tyrion of cours. Tywin Lannister agréés to it and give back his sisters and Robb give back Jamie to the Lannister
Word Count: 342
Author: Charlotte
You kept your emotions in check until you were back in the tent. Pain had welled inside of you erupting as soon as your hands set onto the tabletop trying to keep yourself balanced and without crumbling into the mess you wanted to. You loved your family even if they never saw you as one of them, and you knew this wasn’t something your brother would want but you never wanted to hurt him.
“Y/N,” you heard come from the entrance.
You snapped up straight, wiping your tears on the furs that lay at your neck.
“Robb,” you said, a fake smile on your face as you turned to face him. “Do you need something?”
He pondered your expression for a moment. “Are you okay?”
“Of course.”
Your fake smile was faltering as your tears begun to well in your eyes again. Although you didn’t need to impress Robb, you didn’t want him to see you as weak.
“You don’t need to lie to me,” he stated, approaching you. “It may not be a traditional marriage, but I don’t wish for you to be hurting. One of the reasons I asked for you to marry me is to offer you happiness, I don’t wish to fail at that this quickly.”
“I am grateful, Robb, really I am, but I am fine.”
With the last word your voice broke, tears spilling down your face once again. Robb paused as he saw you cry, but he stepped closer to you, to wrap his arms around you. You didn’t want a hug from him, but you couldn’t deny it was comforting, a safeness covering you in his arms and wrapped in his furs.
“I take it, that your brother isn’t excited for you to be a Stark?” He questioned.
“You could say that,” you said, your words muffled amongst the furs. “I think he’d rather I married a chicken.”
Robb’s chuckle gently shook you in his arms. “I can’t say he will ever be happy, but it will be okay. I can promise you that.”
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