#Game of Thrones preference
minasvalentine · 9 months
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slay petyr!!👅
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ahh im so excited your requests are open!! if you’re okay with it, could i please request something about how some of the game of thrones characters comfort their s/o when they find out she’s upset/had a bad day? thank you!!
Of course! I hope you enjoy lovely!
Jaime - When you’re having a bad day, Jaime would put on his most dashing smile and try to cheer you up with the cheesiest pick up lines. He would pretend like the two of you don’t know each other and he would lay it on thick with the schmoozing. It wouldn’t fail to make you laugh as he charms you just like he did the first time.
Sandor - When you’re having a bad day, Sandor would have no idea what to do. When you tell him that you’re upset he would freeze for a moment before patting you on the head and continuing about the day as usual. If you wanted something specific from him like cuddles or a bath, you’d have to be very clear about that with him. 
Petyr -  When you’re having a bad day, Petyr would take you out on a shopping spree. He’d take you to the nicest marketplace in King’s Landing and tell you to pick out anything that made you happy before gladly buying it for you. He would spoil you rotten and then take you home to enjoy whatever it was that he bought for you. 
Jon -  When you’re having a bad day, Jon would let you be in that state of mind as long as you needed. Sometimes it feels good to be sad and Jon knows this. He would simply sit with you and hold your hand for a while as you cry or vent or yell. Then once you’re good and spent he’d curl up in bed with you before falling asleep.
Robb -  When you’re having a bad day, Robb would do anything in his power to cheer you up. He’d tell stupid jokes and tickle you and share stories and kiss you from head to toe, all just to see you smile again. He’s incredibly cheesy but he just wants to see you happy at all times. It absolutely breaks his heart when you’re upset.
Tywin -  When you’re having a bad day, Tywin would clear his schedule to spend the day with you. He knows that with how little you get to see him that giving you quality time with him will cheer you up. He would take you for a walk around the grounds, simply occupying your mind with stimulating conversation for hours. 
Bronn -  When you’re having a bad day, Bronn would sit with you and point out all the things that are good about life. He would hold your hand and point out the trees and the sunshine and the birds chirping and the beautiful castle you two live in. He would want to show you that your life is beautiful in order to help cheer you up.
Jorah -  When you’re having a bad day, Jorah would absolutely shower you with love and affection. He would forget about all of his responsibilities, making you his top priority. He would cuddle you in bed for hours, tenderly kissing you and telling you how much he adores you. He would compliment you endlessly as he loves on you.
Ramsay -  When you’re having a bad day, Ramsay would ask you who hurt you, offering to kill them in order to cheer you up. When you tell him that it’s no one’s fault, you’re just having a bad day he would jump into caregiver mode. He’d warm up a bath for you, get you a glass of wine, and massage you as he takes care of you.
Stannis -  When you’re having a bad day, Stannis would be very attentive. He’d sit you down and ask what he could do to make you feel better. He would want to hear in your own words exactly what would cheer you up. And he’d give it to you. He’s a king, he can get things done. All you have to do is name it and it is yours. 
Oberyn -  When you’re having a bad day, Oberyn would make a gigantic spectacle of cheering you up. He’d throw a three day long party and invite all of your friends and family. He’d hold a huge feast in your honor and make you the special guest of the whole thing. He’d want you to feel like the most special princess ever because you are.
Dany -  When you’re having a bad day, Dany would take you for a ride on one of her dragons. She would want you to see the big wide beautiful world from a view that only you are deserving of. No one else would ever be able to say they’ve ridden a dragon but her and you. She’d want you to feel like the powerful queen you are. 
Brienne -  When you’re having a bad day, Brienne would do the simplest but most meaningful things for you. She would clean up the house because she knows you like it clean. She’d pick flowers for you on the way home. She would cook you dinner so you don’t have to do it yourself. Small acts of service like that to show she cares.
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multifandomfix · 1 year
First Kiss (Game Of Thrones Preference)
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Brienne Of Tarth: Your first kiss with Brienne would be tender, soft and shy. It was unclear whether it was you or her that made the first move, but you both remember it fondly.
Bronn: Your first kiss with Bronn was rather rough and sloppy. It was very heat of the moment with him and it took you by surprise. It wasn’t awful, but you do find yourself wishing for a do over.
Catelyn Stark: With Catelyn, your first kiss was hesitant, with you asking her permission so many times that she leaned in and kissed you herself.
Cersei Lannister: Even during your first kiss with Cersei, she was possessive. She held your chin in her hand and held you in the kiss until she decided it was over.
Daenerys Targaryen: Daenerys took it upon herself to kiss you that first time. She got sick of waiting for you to come to her. She was gentle with you, and kind and you wondered why you’d waited so long.
Jaime Lannister: Jaime timed your first kiss just right. It was absolutely perfect. He displayed a bit of heroics and then dipped you into the most breathtaking kiss.
Jorah Mormont: Jorah was very soft with you during that first kiss. He cupped your cheek and pulled you in slowly, giving you plenty of time and room to refuse him if you chose, but you melted into his sweet kiss instead.
Melisandre: There was passion behind your first kiss with Melisandre. She took control, practically stealing the breath from your lungs before she pulled away. And you immediately wanted to do it again.
Petyr Baelish: When Petyr first kissed you, he held you firmly against him, intent on getting every last second out of the kiss in case you refused to let him have a second.
Tyrion Lannister: Tyrion took your first kiss very seriously. He wanted it to be good and memorable. It was that and more. You lost yourself in it and it’s the one kiss you’ll never forget.
For anon
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Game Of Thrones: @hc-geralt-23, @floresferae, @geekyandgay98, @lady-darkswan3, @abitchnamedtia
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satsuha · 4 months
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🎉 happy anniversary 🐙Ⅱ!! 🍻
can't believe it's been a year already!! i love this game to bits
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llonelygoddess · 8 months
Yandere House Stark Headcanons
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A/N: I ended up not doing Bran and Rickon only because I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later and they were a little difficult to write for. If you'd like to see headcanons for them I can definitely make another post for them, just let me know.
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Let's say you are a low born person looking for refuge in Winterfell after your village was sacked by Wildlings. You had hoped to find some tavern to hold up in or even a brothel, but unbeknownst to you the Stark family kept an eye on newcomers. When they received news of your arrival, they requested your presence. It was only to talk about the possibility of nearby Wildlings, but when YOU showed up beaten and scared for your life- how could they not offer their Stark hospitality?
This is where the yandere tendencies begin.
Ned Stark, as a yandere, is protective and definitely has a savior complex. He's an honorable and just man that can't help but bring home strays, so when he sees you it's like finding Jon all over again. A deep sense of responsibility comes over him and he knows in that moment that you are just as much his as any of his kids. From that day forward he assigns a room for you in the castle and a handmaiden to keep you company, not that you'll be needing it. The family of course is shocked at his sudden interest, but they all love to see him happy and nothing makes him more happy than seeing you taken care of.
Now Catelyn is initially worried that Ned has taken a romantic interest in you, but when she sees the way you both interact she understands the fatherly bond he is trying to create very similar to his own kids. It didn't take long for her to fall into her own yandere tendencies; checking in on you in the mornings, making prayer wheels even when you're not sick, helping in the kitchen to make sure your food was perfect ( and not poisoned). She takes her role as your surrogate mother very seriously,sometimes to the extent of watching you sleep or ordering guards to discreetly watch over you and report back. Her biggest worry is that you'll be taken away from them so she takes extra precautions to keep you safe.
Robb is head over heels for you instantly. Man is down bad. Much like his father, Robb has a savior complex and finds himself wanting to be YOUR savior always. He does this by training extra hard with Jon, keeping an eye on you at all times, and giving threatening looks to any man or woman who gets too close to you. He doesn’t mean to scare away any potential friends but he does mean to scare away potential lovers. He couldn’t bear to see you with anyone outside the family, and even then he has a sword up his butt about it. 
On the other hand, Jon takes a while to warm up to you. He loves his family and is vicious to outsiders who could harm them. Eventually, seeing how you interact with everyone makes him a tad jealous. Not of you, but of his family and how easily they can approach you. I definitely see Jon as an overprotective/stalker yandere with strong jealous tendencies that make him beg for your approval. He finds himself wherever you are, lurking in the background, waiting for the right moment to catch you alone. Jon feels like himself around you and the more time you spend together the more addicted to your presence he becomes. 
Theon is hands down THE worshiper of the group. It's a hot take for sure but as a yandere, I see Theon's insecurities and fears taking over, slightly similar to reek!Theon. He sees you as a deity, above the Lords and Ladies, even above the King/Queen themself. If it were up to him he'd be the one giving you your meals, running your baths, standing by your side as guard. He cherishes your very presence and hopes one day you'll see his never ending loyalty to you and only you. 
Sansa is very quiet about her obsession, you almost couldn't tell. She's the perfect friend, always sitting next to you at meals, gossiping about the Lords and Lady's of court, and helping you stock your wardrobe. Whatever hobby you choose to pick up, she's always there to praise you in your efforts and guide you in whatever way she can. She especially loves teaching you how to embroider as it's her specialty. It was all but normal until you came upon her private journal filled with both your names in beautiful cursive surrounded by hearts. You begin to notice the closeness she silently demands, eyeing everyone else to stay away. You see the way she longingly watches you from afar when you choose to spend time with anyone else. And your dresses, that you both so carefully picked out, seem to have a little embroidered "SS" on the nape of your neck.
Arya sees you as her golden older sibling, the one who can do no wrong. She is constantly dragging you around Winterfell - riding horses and trying to shoot arrows (and failing lol). She finds comfort within you, the only person who doesn't expect anything of her except to be herself. And for that she will never leave your side. Most nights you'll find her trying to sneak into your room to share a bed, but whether she can get past the guards Ned and Catelyn have posted outside your door is another story.
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tessimagines · 1 year
Hello, I’d like to make a request. 💥+Game of Thrones+ a preference about how they would react if you comforted them when they were crying/vulnerable. Feel free to pick the characters you want!
GoT Preference: Comforting them & their Reaction
Jon Snow
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We all know Jon is broody
Therefore, he can have a bit of trouble accepting comfort
You can always tell when something is wrong, and will let him know you are always open for comfort
At night, that is when Jon can loosen up a little more
Comforting generally starts with small physical touches, like running a hand through his hair of placing a hand on his back and kissing his cheek
He will eventually begin to talk and accept more physical comfort
The night will end with Jon's head on your chest, you placing soft kisses to his forehead
He doesn't cry often, but knows that if he does in front of you, you will never judge him
He appreciates your comfort more than he lets on
He rarely verbally thanks you, but sometimes, he will leave a little thank you note for you to find in the morning
Robb Stark
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Robb knows he can immediately come to you for comfort
If he has any issues or problems, you are generally the first person he wants to discuss them with
After meetings with the heads of other Northern Houses, they will be dismissed and you will stay behind to talk things over
If something is emotionally getting to him, he is the kind of person who wants to talk it over
You can stay up all night, talking over the things that are upsetting him
He also appreciates physical comfort, like holding his hand while he is talking
When he is finished getting all of his emotions out and hearing any of the advise you might have, he will take your face in his hands and kiss you
It's a deep and passionate thank you, one that shows how grateful he is to have you
Eddard Stark
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Ned likes to bottle up his emotions
He knows he can always turn to you but it is hard for him to be vulnerable around other people
When things really get to him, he tends to become silent
This is when you know
You will comfort him with a kiss first, and cuddle up to him
He doesn't need words
If he cries, you don't say anything, you know he would rather you just remain physically close
You know he is beginning to feel better when starts to place kisses to your forehead
He doesn't need to say thank you for you to know he appreciates your comfort
The thank you is there when he finds peace and falls asleep in your arms
Jaime Lannister
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Jaime is another one who bottles up his emotions
If you ever ask him if he is okay, the answer is always the same: "I'm fine."
Him knowing you care is generally more than enough of a comfort to him
Just asking and a kiss to his cheek is enough to make him feel better. Not completely better, but significantly
Jaime will never admit it but he loves head scratches when he is sad or stressed
He does find it hard to thank you, that requires a vulnerability he doesn't like to show
There are some nights, however, where everything just comes to a head
Tears, sobs, everything. He will start talking about whatever is bothering him with no limitations
In these moments, you just sit and listen. Just the idea of being listened to is perfect for Jaime
To thank you after those nights, he will run you a bath or buy you a gift as a thank you
sometimes, he will even sum up the courage to whisper a thank you in your ear
Tyrion Lannister
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Tyrion knows he can rely on you
But when you have spent your whole life being unloved by the people who are supposed to love you most, it can be hard to trust
That's why he can become distant when he is upset
He doesn't like showing vulnerability in fear that you will laugh
He knows this will never happen, but he can't let that feeling go sometimes
When you kiss him though, sometimes you can feel him melt into it
He loves physical comfort
He appreciates that affection more than he could possibly put into words
In these moments, when he can feel you are there for him, sometimes he will let himself cry
And you will just hold him, slowly running your fingers though the mop of curls on his head
He is simple in the way he thanks you - "I love you"
Tormund Giantsbane
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Tormund is very open with his feelings
He, of course, likes to appear strong in front of others, but Tormund doesn't seem to equate weakness as being emotionally open and vulnerable
No, to him, that is a showing of true strength
When Tormund is feeling sad or down, he will tell you he is sad or down
He seeks out your comfort more than most men would
If he needs you to hold him, he will tell you and then lie in your arms for as long as he needs
He is not much of a crier, but he is not afraid to shed some tears in front of you
Tormund's way of making it up to you, is a little more physical than others
He is not afraid to show you intimately how much he appreciates your comfort
Sandor Clegane
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This man is the king 👑 of repressed emotion
He will simply refuse to accept that anything is wrong with him
If you offer comfort, he is simply not accepting
Dedication is key, however, and sometimes, rarely, Sandor will let you hold him
He might grumble about it, telling you that you are being "fucking stupid", but inside, he revels in it
That physical connection has the power to calm any emotional storm going through them
He will never let you know though, no, that would be way too vulnerable
Jorah Mormont
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Jorah is a man who thrives off words of affirmation
The most effective way to comfort him is to reassure him through words
He can totally feel himself calm at your reassurances
Sometimes, all he needs to hear is that he is enough and you love him more than he could possibly imagine
Every time you comfort him, Jorah wonders how he ever ended up having a love like yours
Afterwards, all he wants to do is hold you in his arms and place kisses to your cheek
Sometimes, you have to stop him from continuously thanking you
Oberyn Martell
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Oberyn Martell is an emotive man
It is very easy to tell when he is upset
He is honest and real about his emotions, always
He likes to talk them over with you and hear any advise you can offer
Sometimes, though, all he wants or needs is for you to listen
Some nights can be entirely full of him talking about his issues
This will always lead to talk of Elia
As these nights progress, Oberyn's mood always seems to improve
He slowly moves closer
By the end of the night, he has his arms around you and is placing soft kisses all over your body
Oberyn shows his appreciation through pleasure, letting his body do the talking
Gendry Waters
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Gendry can get grumpy when he is upset
When he snaps at you, which is rarely, this is when you know something is wrong
A few moments of silence go by before he takes a deep breath and apologises
You don't ever say anything, but instead, you walk over and just wrap your arms around his body
He will always lean into it, taking comfort in the feeling of you holding him
Sometimes, this is all he needs, but other times he needs to talk about his emotions or issues in order to feel better
He will look into your eyes as he does so, their soft expression calming him down
When he is finished you will just smile and place a kiss to his lips
He will place a hand up to your face, running a finger across your cheekbone and thank you
Podrick Payne
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Podrick Payne is not a man afraid of crying in front of you
Whenever he is stressed or feeling down, that is what mostly happens
To him, there is no more calming feeling in the world than having you hold him while he cries
He also likes when you just listen to him talk about whatever is bothering him
Your advise is always appreciated too, but he also just likes when you listen to his issues and don't try to solve them
When he feels comforted, his way of thanking you is through acts of service
This can include trying his best to make you a meal or running you a warm bath
You can make your own request for my Back-to-Writing Celebration
Masterlist | Game of Thrones Masterlist
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axelsagewrites · 2 months
Aegon x sister!reader (maybe the child of Aemma) where she puts him on his place once and for all
Aegon Targaryen*Truce
Pairing: aegon x sister!reader
Word count: 2359
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Warnings: arranged marriage, feud, teasing, mocking, aegon having a drinking problem, viserys being a shitty dad, swearing, talks of whores, aegon hitting on reader, angst with slight fluff at points
Masterlist Here
You hated your husband. He was rude and arrogant and a drunk and lazy and loud and egotistical and if the rumours were to be believed a whore. Aegon Targaryen was one of the most infuriating people you had ever met so when Rhanerya told you, you were to be married you screamed.
“You can’t possibly think I will go along with this! I hate him!”
“I know,”
“You know last time I saw him he told me I was prettier than all the whores in Kings Landing combined,”
“I remember,”
“And another thing-“
“Sweet sister,” Rhanerya stood from her chair to take your arms and stopping the pacing that had began to wear holes in the carpet, “You knew you had to marry eventually,” she said with a sympathetic smile.
You ripped yourself from her grip, “but to him?” you almost spat back, “What is father even thinking?”
“He’s thinking about the succession,” she said, her face morphing from concern to sternness as she began her lecture. It was one you heard a thousand times about duty and work and the crown. Rhanerya had gave you the lecture, your father had gave you the lecture, your aunts and uncles and lady’s and lords had all gave you the lecture. Maybe your mother too would have if she hadn’t died when you were so young. Even the queen Alicent had tried to give you the lecture.
There was no winning this argument. The debate was settled and no one heard your case. As your dear sister pointed out you didn’t even have one. You had been staying with Rhanerya in Dragonstone for some time but now it was time to return to Kings Landing.
“Daughters!” Viserys greeted with a warm hug and smile as you descended off your dragons back. “My sweet daughter,” he said, holding your hands gently, “I hope you are as excited as I am,” you did your best to smile back at him, nodding courteously to avoid another scolding.
“Boo,” Aegon whispered in your ear as he suddenly appeared at your back. you hated the way you jumped and hated more the way he sniggered, “How was the journey my dear, sweet, darling?” he said, moving to stand in front of you and meet your eyes with a sickeningly sweet smile.
You fixed an equally exaggerated one on yours as you spoke, “Wonderful my love. There was just one slight issue,”
“Oh, and do tell,” he said, swaying in closer, bending his head down in mock concern, “Your comfort is my top priority,”
You glanced over the full throne room which was currently filled with your betrothal celebrations. You turned back to Aegon once you were assured there was no eavesdroppers, “I never fell into the sea and drowned like I prayed for,”
You weren’t sure what the look that took over Aegon’s face was. Lust, anger, bitter hatred or sadness. It was all a mix behind his lilac eyes, “You’ve always had quite the humour my sweet,” he smiled bitterly before turning to face the room, “Quite the turnout, don’t you think?”
“Funerals tend to be popular affairs,” you mused before waltzing off into the crowd, leaving a now stunned Aegon behind to pick up his own jaw.
Aemond had only been a couple paces away when you departed and he was quick to join his brother’s side, “Must you always be a bother?”
Aegon snorted at his younger brother, “Please you didn’t even hear what I said,”
“So? I know you,”
“I know you’re an ass,” Aemond said as casually as saying the sky was blue, “Try not drive your wife away before you’ve even wedded her. especially if you want any chance of bedding her,”
Aegon snorted, his eyes catching the floor, “Who said I wanted that?” he tried to say cooly.
Aemond leaned in to whisper in his ear, “The way your eyes are locked on her ass when she walks away,”
Luckily, you’d managed to avoid Aegon for the majority of the wedding lead up. Between catching up with past friends and mingling with prestigious lords you had little time for the creature. That was until tonight.
Viserys had decided there should be a dinner with his brother, wife, and all his children. You dreaded the whole affair, thinking how torturous it would be. However, you didn’t realise you would be getting off lightly.
While distant Viserys had always been kind to you at the least. he sent gifts on birthdays and said sweet even if hollow words. To Rhanerya, your older sister, he dotted on and to daemon he made jokes and laughed like old friends. However even you grimaced at the way he spoke to his sons.
To Helena he was kind though looked confused by everything she said or did or was. He barely looked towards Aemond and when he did you saw the shame behind his eyes. Anytime his attention turned to Aegon the boy seemed to shrink.
You had been sat next to your betrothed and in this time noticed how quiet he was. You were only two years older than him and always remembered when you were in Kings Landing together how he ran through corridors shouting and screaming as a child. You remembered the loud boasts he’d shout over the hall when you returned when he was a teen. However right now he was as quiet as a mouse.
Anytime his father looked at him he shrunk further into his seat and reach for his wine. The few comments Viserys made towards his eldest son had been lack lustre and cold. When Rhanerya asked about his achievements he would make jokes about the time he dropped a sword during a pretend dule.
“I was eight fathers,” Aegon tried to defend himself but when Viserys made another jib he just finished the wine in his cup instead of argue.
As Viserys and daemon laughed loudly, telling a drunken story from their youth to each other despite both being there at the time, you turned to Aegon, “Are you okay?” you whispered, so quietly only he would hear.
His eyebrow raised slightly, mostly in shock you spoke to him willingly let alone to ask him a question. A forced smile pulled on his lips as he slightly raised his cup, “I am drunk,”
“That’s not what I asked,” you whispered back, glancing back at the laughing older men at the other end of the table, “I’m sorry,”
“Don’t be,” Aegon whispered, draining his cup for what felt like the fifth time, “It’s not your fault I’m a screw up,”
You wanted to defend him but as you opened your mouth you heard an ‘oohing’ from the bottom of the table, “The love birds are at it,” Daemon announced, nudging his brother’s side with his elbow. Cackles came from them both and sympathetic smiles from the rest of the table.
By the end of dinner, the king was slurring his words and everyone else was exhausted. Aegon stood from his chair, stumbling slightly and earning a heavy sigh from his mother. “Perhaps the prince could escort me to my chambers? After all this castle can be a maze at the best of times,” you suggested to the room.
Your eldest sister was shocked, but Alicent was quick to usher you both away. As soon as you exited the room Aegon went to stumble and fall and without thinking you reached out to steady him, “Careful!” you chastised.
Aegon ignored your pleas and instead slung his arm over your shoulder. You grabbed his hand that was dangling far to close to your breasts for comfort and pulled it away. Instead, you linked your arm with his, “Well that was torturous,” he slurred as you walked the halls.
“Is he always such an ass?” you asked as you reached some dreaded stairs.
“Nah,” Aegon said, shaking his head as he walked up stairs like a baby dear, “He stays away from me most of the time. First dinner I’ve had with him in what, four months? Maybe five actually. When was his name day again?” he asked.
“Nine months ago,” you said, and he clicked his fingers, nodding his head in affirmation before going quiet. “I’m sorry,” you said, breaking the silence.
 “Why?” he asked as you approached the corridor to his room, “You’ve never done anything wrong. Even as kids you were always perfect,”
“I was hardly perfect,” you laughed, remembering all the antics you were involved in, “You were just overly naughty,”
“Its more fun that way,” he winked, a smirk growing on his face as he lent in. you pushed him away, but this time laughed slightly as you did. “Hey this is my room!” he said as you approached the door, “I was to escort you to yours,” he tried to walk past you, but you easily pushed him back with one hand.
“I think I’ll manage,”
“You sure?”
“Okay,” he yawned, pawing at the doorknob before finally opening it, “Unless of course you want to sleep here,” he added as he stood in the doorway.
“I think ill pass,” you said, screwing your nose up at him though finding the drunken smile on his face oddly endearing.
That was until he kept talking, “C’mon sweetheart. You’ll be joining me here soon enough,” he said as his eyes tried to trail your frame.
Instead, you stepped forward, shoving his chest making him sway back far enough for you to grab the door handle, “Goodnight Aegon,” you sighed before shutting the door behind him and walking back to your own chambers.
You somehow saw even less of Aegon after that night. It was odd though. You actually found yourself looking for him in crowded rooms. “Is your brother alright?” you asked Aemond one evening as you stumbled across him in the library.
He looked up with a light smirk on his face, “why? Don’t tell me you’re becoming fond of him,” he teased making you let out a heavy sigh.
“No, I just wanted to make sure my betrothed wasn’t dead in a ditch or collecting diseases at a brothel,”
Aemond laughed lightly at that, “No not this time. He’s been in his room mostly. Don’t know why though. He wont talk much. He gets like this sometimes. Don’t worry though it will pass,”
“I wasn’t worried,” you said before turning to leave.
“You haven’t even touched a book yet,” Aemond called after you, but you ignored his teasing to find Aegon.
When you arrived at his room you knocked quickly but when no one answered you did it again but louder. A few moments passed before you groaned and checked the door to find it unlocked. You opened it without hesitation, “Who’s there!” a startled voice came from the sheets.
Aegon struggled to sit up for a moment as you closed the door behind you and placed your hands on your hips, “It’s been a week,”
“Hello to you too,” he sighed, flinging himself back into bed when he realised it was you.
You groaned as you walked over to him, ripping the sheets off his body as he yelped. You were thankful he was at the least wearing a shirt and his small clothes. “Are you avoiding me?”
“Is everything about you?”
“Do you always have to be an ass?” you retorted.
Aegon sighed as he finally sat up in bed, “Why do you care? You don’t even like me,”
Against your better judgement you sat down on the edge of the bed, “Well it looks like there’s no escape for me, so I better try,”
“Oh great, a pity conversation,” Aegon rolled his eyes, “How romantic,”
You couldn’t help it anymore. It had all been building up. The tears were pricking your eyes. You felt your hand slap his cheek and watched his face fill with shock. “I am trying,” you said, standing up and pointing at him as a few spare tears trickled down your cheeks, “I never asked for this and neither did you, but I am trying. You can’t flirt with me and check me out and expect me to fawn over you. I’m not some common whore and even then, they’re paid to like that kind of crap,”
Aegon’s face had softened slightly during your rant, but he soon fixed a distant look on his face. “don’t act so innocent. the first thing you did when you arrived is tell me you’d rather kill yourself than marry me,” You felt your shoulders slump at his words. “You always hated me,”
“Then stop giving me reasons too,” you said and as he went to sigh you cut his defences off, “Stop checking me out when I talk to you and undress me with your eyes. Stop going to the silk streets and visiting brothels. Stop making bitchy comments about me and stop pretending everything’s fine when it’s not. And for the love of the gods do it sober,” you ranted however when you stopped the room fell silent.
Aegon eventually broke it as his voice cracked, “Then what? You’ll love me?”
“No,” you said plainly but you returned to sit beside him on the bed, “But then we could be friends. Or at the least try. I don’t want to hate you Aegon, but you drive me crazy,” a small smile went on his face at the last line, “You enjoy making me mad,”
“Sometimes,” he confessed, his smile growing, “It’s funny when you’re mad,”
“Then I must be hilarious,” you joked, “So do we have a truce?”
Aegon paused for a moment before putting his hand out for you to shake, “Truce,” he said as you accepted his handshake, “So what is it friends do?”
You tilted your head at him, almost out of pity, “I don’t know. We could talk?”
“You always get annoyed when we do that,” he said making you huff. A grin spread on his face, “See?”
You rolled your eyes at the blonde, “I hate you,”
His grin widened, “For once I don’t believe that”
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dearsnow · 1 year
Could I request a Jon Snow x female reader, where she is a seamstress for the Stark family and they become friends and talk during her visits to Winterfell and slowly become lovers?
- you are a fighter, and so seems to be the needle stuck in your thumb. and, of course, the man that unintentionally put it there (jon snow x fem!seamstress!reader ⚠️ mentions of blood and a needle-based injury).
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word count: 1058
a/n - this took absolutely forever to finish i’m so sorry 😭 i think this request was from literal months ago, but here you are!! i love this concept so much, i hope you don’t mind my artistic liberties :)
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You have fought for everything in your life. For your right to simply exist in the same world as the nobles, for your trade, and most importantly, you have fought for yourself. You have climbed the ranks of peasantry with chipped nails and a needle, asking for more and getting less. Now, you have won. At least, you have won as much as the earth beneath your feet will allow you to win. You are a seamstress for one of the most prominent families in Westeros, and as you patch a hole in a fancy evening dress, you can’t help but smile.
The night is dark, but you are not unfamiliar with the flicker of a candle flame. Snow falls lightly outside, and the wind rustles your hair as it sneaks through your open window. As you thread your needle through the lacy fabric, your door slams open.
Your eyes widen as the needle between your fingers is driven straight into your thumb, sending a shooting pain through your entire hand. You let out a sharp yelp, clutching your injury. Who in the gods’ good name was slamming doors at this hour? And why the hell didn’t they warn you?
The thumb clenched between your hand is throbbing and dripping red around the needle still stuck in the middle of it. You look up at the man who startled you, eyes burning with distaste.
It’s him. Lord Stark’s bastard child, the one that sits alone at feasts. And the one that comes to you with sword slashes in his vests.
“May I help you?” You ask. Your finger is still in burning hot pain.
In truth, you have grown to like him. He is also someone who has fought for his status, though his came with a lot more cushion. You recognize the burn in him, the drive that your own eyes carry. He will do great things someday; you’re sure of it.
He looks at you like your hand is made of dragonfire. “Sorry.”
You press your lips into a thin line. You need to keep him on your good side if you wish to keep your job.
You tuck your hand behind your back, hoping he just drops off whatever garment he needs repaired and leaves you to nurse your sores. Unluckily for you, he is a gentleman.
He moves to kneel beside you, dark curls almost glowing in the dim lighting. He looks positively angelic as he reaches for your hand.
“My lord?”
“Allow me to help.” He utters, voice as soft as the wind. He is an honorable man, you cannot deny it. You have seen him in the courtyards during your visits to the castle. He is always improving and always helping others do the same. He gets it from his father, you assume.
You comply with his urges, slightly in fear that you will lose your position if you do not. That worry is always in the back of your head. Will sewing this neckline a millimeter too short cost you your life? Is this cuff good enough for Lady Stark? Are you up to the task? Your thoughts almost consume you long enough to not notice Jon Snow pulling the needle out of your finger.
Almost. You feel a sharp sting of pain, but you bite your tongue. He swiftly wraps the undershirt in his hand around yours. For a brief moment, his rough hands brush the tip of your pinky finger. You have never felt anything so electrifying.
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up like the angels have come for your body at long last. When he pulls away, your thumb shouts with new pain, but all you can focus on is the memory of his hand. You shake your head.
“Shall I call the maester?” He asks, ever the responsible one. You wave your good hand.
“I will be alright, my lord. I will wash and patch your shirt, if you wish.” You don’t exactly love the idea of taking the pressure off of your wound, but you must be willing to sacrifice your own comfort in this moment to assure your future.
He stands, and an owl outside hoots. His eyes flicker to the window, then back down to you. “Don’t worry about it. Keep the thing.”
This shocks you. It shouldn’t, but it does. He is being kind to you. For the first time in a long while, someone is being kind to you.
“I mustn’t, my lord.” You speak, hesitantly standing up next to him.
“It’s no trouble. I insist.” His voice is smooth, and the sound tickles your ears. You think you could hear him speak all night if you ever had the opportunity. Something in you wishes you did.
You nod slowly. It would be rude to further refuse it. That’s what you tell yourself, at least. You hope it is not the fact that you suddenly hope your finger never stops bleeding.
Jon turns to leave, exiting just as swiftly as he had come. You clutch his shirt, heart beating wildly in disbelief of what just happened. In that moment, you suddenly decide that you have another thing to fight for.
Gods, did you fight for it. You took every opportunity to see him, and it worked like a well-oiled hinge. From patching more sword slashes to custom-tailoring a pair of riding pants, you were able to take any of his sewing work off of your coworkers’ hands. And through that, you began to learn why exactly he was fighting.
He often sat in your quarters while you worked, and you were beyond glad for the company. Eventually, he began to open up as beautifully as a flower in spring.
He was neglected and outright hated by Lady Stark, as he was the bane of her married life. He wishes to take the black and become a watcher of the wall. Most importantly, he does everything possible to maintain what little honor he has in his family.
Like you, he is a fighter.
Sometimes, in the quiet night, words spill from his mouth like he has never held them back. You do the same. And every once in a while, very softly, he takes your hands in his larger ones and whispers that he will fight only for you.
comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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Taglist: @lovelyliliya @the-jess-life @hopelesswritergall @watercolorskyy @cecespizza01
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆? 
                                        ⸻ ✶ ⸻
Arriving at court, your father sent you with clear instructions: marry and fortify your house, or you will bring destruction to the family name. 
But what happens when the Prince of the realm, the King’s brother, and could-be heir to the Iron Throne, has decided that he wants you as his bride? Despite your attraction, you know this union will bring unseeable dangers to both Daemon, your family, and yourself.   But one thing is for certain, a piece of knowledge that is known widely throughout the realm. And that is when Daemon wants something, he will not stop until he gets it. 
The situation worsens when Ser Harwin Strong, the firstborn son of the King’s advisor, arrives at court. He is the perfect suitor. One that would strengthen your house and bring your family prosperity. 
    However, it isn’t that easy. And Daemon will do all he can, to have his bride. 
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲? 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝?  𝘐𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘺 𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦?  𝐄𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 
                                                ⸻ ✶ ⸻
                                                 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗢𝗢𝗡 
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silly-litttle-writer · 7 months
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This dress is hated far more than it frankly deserves
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myrxellabaratheon · 4 months
The Throbb power imbalance: a pet peeve of mine
I’ve been thinking a lot about if posting this or not, but as it’s a trope which is getting more and more popular I think I should at least explain why I said multiple times that A. I don’t really dig it and B. I don’t really think there is any power imbalance between them. (I know, who cares? you might ask, and honestly I don’t know but still)
So, let’s start saying that, differently for most of the other tropes in ASOIAF, there isn’t a “real life” translation of Theon’s situation in history (the closest I can think about it’s Vlad the Impaler’s childhood years and whatever Richard III did to his nephews during the Two Roses War, when it comes to highborn hostages, but both situations are different enough) which makes it difficult to really grasp the dynamics if the story was real.
Then, surely there is a sort of power imbalance between Theon and Ned and that’s not what I’m discussing here.
The problem is that Theon is Ned’s hostage and it’s been decided by Robert so when Ned dies Robert should have “confirmed” that Theon situation stayed immutate (hostages aren’t hereditary, especially not highborn ones and especially not when they aren’t taken hostage by the person but their captivity is decided by someone else). Considering that Robert dies before Ned, Theon is “free” the moment Robert dies, technically (because it’s Robert who took him hostage, not Ned).
Which brings us back to the fact that Robb and Theon have no obligation toward each other in that sense (and I’m not even bringing their friendship into the mix which will make things even more complex). Theon wasn’t even obligated to follow Robb in war tbqh, not by any law — he does because he’s the one suggesting Robb to call the banners and has that weird unresolved daddy issue with Ned, but still.
Also Robb isn’t Theon’s liege lord or king and never could he be! Theon is an ironborn and the heir to the Iron Islands (that’s the reason why he’s been taken hostage in the first place). If you pay attention, he never calls Ned “my lord” and refers to him as Lord Stark and nobody asks him to bend the knee to Robb or swear his loyalty to House Stark because he DOESN’T have to! One of the things I loved the most about the show is that when he does bend the knee he does it because it’s Robb he’s pledging ALLIANCE to (no obedience)!
- Am I your brother, now and always!
- Now and always.
- The King in the North!
And even when he calls him “Your Grace” later on he’s clearly teasing. (And it’s even more tragic because Theon would WANT Robb to be HIS king when they are both aware he’s not). And even when he goes back to the Islands his idea is the one to propose an alliance between them.
So where does the idea of power imbalance comes from? From Theon’s own chapters! He’s the one who feels like he’s not enough for the Starks (and generally it’s not like anyone but Robb made him ever feel differently). The entire power imbalance thing comes from the fact that he always wanted to be a Stark and considering that he’s never been allowed to, he feels like he’s not worth them (this also bodes well with the entirety of Theon’s character). And the point is: in my honest opinion, it’s waaaay better if the power imbalance is only perceived (especially in a shipping situation).
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Yay your requests are open again!! :) if you are still doing game of thrones requests. Could you possibly right about some of the characters defending you against any disrespect or question of your character?
I love this request! Thanks so much for sending it in! 
Jaime - Jaime would fight to defend your honor. Not necessarily to the death but he would make a huge show of fighting in your place to make sure that no one ever disrespects you again. He knows you’d be scared to defend yourself so he’s happy to do it for you.
Sandor - Sandor would kill any man that dares disrespect you. He wouldn’t bother to talk or negotiate with them. The moment that a disrespectful word about you comes out of their mouth he’s slicing their throat. He would make sure you’re never disrespected again. 
Petyr - Petyr would engage in a battle of wits with whoever is stupid enough to talk badly about his girl. He would always wins as his opponent is woefully underprepared in terms of intelligence. Petyr would end the fight with a grin, knowing he’s defended you well. 
Jon - Jon wouldn’t want to start a fight over it. He would know that it’s for the best to be the better people and walk away rather than fighting about it. Of course he’d want to fight for you but he thinks it’s best to leave the whole situation alone and be with you instead.
Robb - Robb would start a fight with anyone that disrespects you. He wouldn’t want to do permanent damage to your verbal assailant but he would definitely prove that he’ll come to your aid every time. He would be sure to give you lots of praise and love when he’s done.
Tywin - Tywin wouldn’t personally kill whoever it is but he’d make sure that they disappear for good. He’d never want you to have to face them ever again. Anything that brings you discomfort or unhappiness has no place in your world. So he makes them go away. 
Bronn - Bronn wouldn’t give a shit about the person that disrespects you. That’s not to say he doesn’t care. He just doesn’t care about their opinion. He’d much rather spend time making sure that you feel loved and taken care of than fighting someone he doesn’t care about.
Jorah - Jorah would immediately usher you away from whoever it was that disrespected you and shower you with love and affection. He would want you to completely forget about that person so that all you can remember is his undying adoration and love for you. 
Ramsay - Ramsay would happily torture the person that disrespected you. He would make you sit and watch as he tears them limb from limb so that you know that he’ll always defend and take care of you. It’s his sick twisted way of showing you that he adores you.
Stannis - Stannis is a king. No one disrespects his girl and gets away with it. However he is also a just king. He would throw them in a dungeon to spend the rest of their days rotting away, thinking about the way that they disrespected you and facing the consequences.
Oberyn - Oberyn would get so pissed. You’d have to hold him back to keep him from stabbing the person that disrespected you. However, he wouldn’t because he knows it would displease you. No matter what he wants to make sure that you’re happy and taken care of.
Dany - Dany would be completely enraged. She would bring the guilty party before her and she would have her dragons burn them to death. She would never want to have to look on that piece of garbage again and she wouldn’t want you to have to either. 
Brienne - Brienne wants to be the bigger person. She would end up giving the person one swift punch, knocking them out with a single hit. That would be the extent of her rage and then she would lead you away by the hand, giving you a kiss and telling you she loves you.
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jossilyn-embereth · 1 year
Hello! If requests are open, may I please request some headcanons on what being married to Ser Jorah Mormont would be like?
Being Married to Jorah Mormont Would Inclcule
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Having met him in Westeros long before his original marriage. The two of you were quite taken with one another, but you were already promised.
Not seeing one another again until you ended up at his wedding. Where he learns your marriage was called off.
Finding out years later what happened with Jorah and his family, and the crimes he committed, wishing you knew where he had gone, and accepting that you may never see him again.
Being promised to another man, but you decide to leave instead of be married off, so you run away and find a ship to take you to Essos, where you know you’ll never be found.
Making a good living on your own, seeing as the small fortune you had brought with you was able to support you while you got your bearings. You start your own business and set of shop in Mareen.
Eventually Daenerys makes her way there and frees the city. You are called upon for your services and are escorted to the castle.
There you see Jorah in the throne room, at the right hand of the Queen. As soon as your business is done he comes to see you. You catch up and walk around the city for hours.
You admit that you’ve missed him, and that the stories you hear about him have changed your opinion of him somewhat. He agrees that he did something horrible, and explains to you why he follows his new Queen, and the ways he is trying to be better.
In the coming weeks he comes to visit you constantly. You fall for him all over again, and can’t help but be slightly jealous of his protectiveness and loyalty to his Queen.
Confessing feelings for one another after a long night of talking by the water.
Becoming close with the rest of his new friends, especially Dani, who was ecstatic to find out Jorah had a significant other.
You asking for his hand in marriage, and when he seems surprised you make a joke that neither one of you are good at being single at the same time, so you should take the chance while you have it.
Having a small wedding with just your friends (seeing as neither of you have any family)
Moving to the palace to spend more time with him.
Romantic nights
Missing him during the fay when you both have work.
Coming to the agreement that children should be off the table for the time being, seeing as Jorah would soon be off to war at Daenerys side
Being completely heartbroken when Jorah’s treachery is revealed, wondering now if any of what he said about being better was true.
Letting him leave Mareen alone, and going to Daenerys for comfort, knowing she would understand your heartbreak.
Staying with her all night, comforting one another.
Nearly breaking when Jorah returns and reveals he has contacted Greyscale
Learning from Tyrion that he talked about you non-stop on the journey. Of how much he loved and missed you, and how he would get better so that he may return to you
Joining Daenerys for the journey to Westeros, with the intention of seeing your family’s support for her claim
Feeling both overjoyed and conflicted when Jorah arrives on Dragonstone, because although the man you love is alive and well and back in your arms, he still betrayed you and your Queen.
Eventually being convinced by Daenerys to give him another chance, after she tells you she has all but forgotten his past misdeeds. You take her words as permission to no longer care about his mistake.
Going to him that night and saying nothing, just holding him in your arms until the sun rises.
Telling one another all that had transpired while you had been apart
Him expressing a desire for a family once the war is over. You being happy to hear it, and agreeing wholeheartedly
Learning just before the journey to Winterfell that you are pregnant.
Telling Jorah, feeling nervous because it was still a bit soon to have the baby. The war might not be finished by the time you must leave his side, but he is only full of joy, and so you try not to worry
Being sent away from Winterfell for the battle against the dead, because he refuses to put you and your child at risk
Knowing from the moment you lay eyes on Daenerys that the father of your child is dead, and that the son or daughter you carry is all you will have left of him
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llonelygoddess · 8 months
How they react to...you getting injured
A/N: I hope this doesn't sound redundant but here ya go :)
Romantic Pairings: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Theon Greyjoy, Khal Drogo, Brienne of Tarth, Missandei
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Ned Stark: If you got injured it would most likely be from falling off your horse during a casual ride. As the doting husband he is he would be rushing to your side and calling maesters to check on you. With only a small bruise to show for you try to get back on the horse but Ned doesn't allow it. He doesn't mean to control you, he only wants to keep you safe from any more serious injuries that won't heal as easy as a bruise.
Robb Stark: With Robb, he normally has guards with you at all times because he worries for your safety. When one of them turns out to be a spy with intent to hurt you, Robb is livid. You were pushed and left with a few bruises but all he sees is red. Robb sentences the man to die and takes his head for it. He spends the rest of the day with you in bed, feeling guilty while he looks at your injuries. You'll definitely want to console him cause he will cry, especially thinking of what COULD have happened to you.
Jon Snow: He truly believes in your ability to take care of yourself, but when you get hurt during a fight he rushes to your side without second thought. You'll both have to fight your way out of the conflict but once you're safe he checks on your wounds. He asks for a maester to check them out to keep out infection and feels a little useless not being able to do anything himself. Jon makes it a point to joke about it to take away the serious energy going on and promises to always have your back.
Sansa Stark: Girly is straight up crying. Doesn't matter if it was just a little accident or you were roughed up by some thugs, younger Sansa is a crier. When she finds you she's holding onto you with strength you didn't know she had. Unlike older Sansa who would be ready to pass someone's death sentence, younger Sansa only cares about you feeling better. She does her best to make you a prayer wheel like her mother does for her.
Margaery Tyrell: She'd be a lot more calm than you'd think, at least around others. Once she sees you lying in bed with your leg elevated, she's questioning the hell out of you. What happened? Who was it? Do you need anything? Milk of the Poppy? It's almost entertaining to see how much she worries in contrast to her usual cool attitude. After you assure her that you're alright she's cuddling up in bed with you, probably to read something to you.
Theon Greyjoy: Pre!Reek Theon would instantly be at arms and ready to fight whoever touched you. He's possessive and the thought of ANYONE touching you pisses him off but especially if they meant to harm you. He wouldn't know how to express his worry for you so he'd just angrily stand by you as you recover. Post!Reek Theon is deeply insecure and guilty about you getting hurt. He still wants to fight whoever hurt you but he's more concerned with making sure you're okay.
Khal Drogo: *Activate instant death mode* I mean we saw what happened when Daenerys almost got poisoned, think about actually getting poisoned. Having to lay in bed for days while Drogo goes out in search for whoever did this to you. It doesn't matter why they did it or if you die or not, all that matters to him is giving them the most painful death possible. When he's done, he sits at your bedside knowing you are strong and capable of overcoming this.
Brienne of Tarth: It was only a training accident but your messed up ankle reminded Brienne how fragile you were. She was born and raised to endure the pain that came with being a knight/fighting, but you never asked for it. She'll feel upset at herself for not teaching you properly and it'll come off as anger towards you. Truly she doesn't mean it but if being hard on you will keep you safe next time then she knows what she has to do.
Missandei: Tearsss. She's crying before she even knows what happened to you. Stays by your bedside as you heal from a battle wound and takes responsibility for changing your dressings and cleaning the injury. Missandei knows that this is the life you've chosen to live, but sometimes she wishes she could take you away to her homeland safe from any harm.
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hopelesswritergall · 2 years
Preference how you call them!
A/N: you can request other characters here aswell. Please let me know who you want to see in here!!
John Snow
You call him pretty boy, cause well he is a pretty boy.
Robb Stark
You call him my king. The name stuck when you called him that in a meeting and well it just became his name
Sansa Stark
You call her baby, a classic. After everything she went through you called her baby as a comforting name but it just became her pet name.
Theon Greyjoy
You call hin my Prince. Even when he is a ward of Ned Stark he is still Prince Theon Greyjoy
Yara Greyjoy
You call her my queen. She is your queen and no one else's. Or sometimes my Captain on ship or in the sheets.....
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Aegon Targaryen*Promise
Pairing: Modern Aegon x reader
TW: Alcoholism, addiction, mentions of abuse but not explicit
Summary: After being expelled and disowned for his drinking problems Aegon and the reader cross paths again as Aegon starts his path to sobriety
Sad vibes dudes but wholesome end
Word count: 3472
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Masterlist Here
Aegon Targaryen’s reputation had not exactly been kind to him. Over the years he had made many high mistakes and drunk decisions causing him to be known around town as an alcoholic man whore. In school he had always shown up either high or drunk or both or on the rare occasion he was sober he was hung over with his head on a desk. His name could only keep him there for so long before one day enough was enough and Aegon was expelled from the Kingslanding University. 
You remember the day everyone found out and how the rumours flew. His family had down their best to keep the damage to a minimum, but students talk. Some said he had shown up to class drunk and tried to fight the teacher. Others were convinced he had been found fucking a teacher in the library. Someone even though he broke into the heads office and stole all his books. It was all getting a bit too extreme as you watched the other Targaryen’s sink into themselves out and pretend, he had never existed. 
You had known Aegon when you first arrived at the school but not very well or for very long. But he had been so kind to you that you were shocked how he turned out. 
You had met him outside the guidance office on your first day of university. He was already sat outside waiting for his appointment when you approached. When he saw you coming, he quickly took his bag off the other chair and gave you what after became a rare smile. "I'm Aegon" were his first words to you as if you couldn't guess from the white hair and lilac eyes.
You told him your name as you sat down and within seconds you had dove into a proper conversation with a stranger. You were almost sad when the guidance counsellor poked his head out and called Aegon inside.
It was one of the few conversations you had with him, but he had been sober, freshly showered, and genuinely interested in hearing your voice. You ran into him occasionally when you went to the guidance office, but you soon realised, he showed up at the same time every week and grew curious. One time when he was leaving, he admitted to you that he was going to therapy but asked you not to tell anyone. His family hadn't known about the appointments, and you could tell from his watery eyes that there was a good reason for it. You'd tried to comfort him, but he shook it off, telling you it was fine. 
However, as he started to drink more, and his reputation grew his appointments began less regular and eventually you only ever saw him in the corridors. You honestly thought you may never see him again when he got expelled. You had grown close with his brother Aemond but even he refused to talk about his elder brother saying he could be dead for all he knew. 
You might have believed him if Aegon had not just walked into your cafe. During the summer you worked in a cafe for the extra cash and suddenly you were faced with a hollow version of Aegon. He was skinner than before, his face appeared grey and even his white hair had dulled. He was wearing a hoodie that had clearly been worn to almost death and was covered in stains and tears. His jeans were just as bad. When he came closer to the register you did your best to ignore the smell coming off of him as your eyes watered. 
He barely even looked up as he dumped out a pile of change on the counter and began to sort it. "What can I get for uh $2.30?" he asked, finally looking up. His lilac eyes hadn't dulled but you could see that they recognised you as his grey cheeks became red at the sight of you. 
"Aegon?" you asked but you already knew who he was. 
"I'm sorry I didn't know you worked here, or I would've gone across the street. I'm just really hungry," he said as his eyes welled up with tears. He had clearly been hungry for a while, and you assumed thirsty by his chapped lips. 
In all honesty all he could really afford was some soup but that clearly wouldn't be enough. Not wanting to embarrass him further you smiled and began to scoop his changeup "Why don't you take a seat and I'll bring you over some of my favourites?" 
He nodded and kept glancing back at you as he started to shuffle away. He didn't say anything, but you knew he saw you dump the change into your tip jar, not even opening the registrar before grabbing a tray and grabbing his food. Your co-worker had come in at this point to take over from you, but you wanted to finish his order. 
You walked over to the boy who was now sat picking at the skin around his already bloody thumbs. You did your best to put on a smile as he looked up at you and he gave a weak one in return. "I just finished my shift. Do you mind if I sit with you? Or I can leave it here if you want?" 
His smile became realer when you said that, and he nodded profusely. You placed the tray on the table and took your place. "You have to try the soup" you said as you sorted the food out "and I couldn't pick one sandwich, so I picked the best ones. Some crisps as well of course and I figured water was best, but you look like a soda guy, so I grabbed some coke as well," 
He hesitantly began to eye up the array in front of him "this is a lot of food for a handful of change,” he said, and you smiled. 
"Don't worry about it. Dig in," you said as you picked up your own sandwich, so he didn't feel out of place.
He was quiet at first, the only noise between you both being him devouring his first sandwich. He began to gulp down his coke can after and you stopped him," If you rush, you'll make yourself sick," 
Aegon nodded and gave you a smile as he began to sip his drink instead. You felt the growing need to know what had happened to turn him into this shell. You cleared your throat and attempted to ask. 
He was reluctant at first but soon the truth came spilling out. He had been expelled for coming to a meeting with the principal and his parents drunk but he had insisted no one had told him about the meeting before showing up at his form to drag him there. His parents kicked him out of the house for it all and he had nowhere to go. He had crashed at his sister Rhaenyra’s house to begin with but with her new young children in the house she hadn't felt comfortable with him always being there. She had tried but the situation just wasn’t what was right for her family. You couldn't blame her though. He admitted he had been an alcoholic in school, and he was thankful he hadn't become addicted to worse though he admitted to trying out drugs. They had made his mind too active though and it was a numbness he had craved. He told you briefly about his parents and why he felt the need to detach from it all in school and you could only assume this was the cause for his therapy when you first met him. He was open and honest at every turn with nothing left to lose from telling you. 
"But I'm sober now," he said as he reached into his pocket looking for something and eventually pulled out a chip, "60 days," he said with a childlike smile on his face, "I never thought I'd even get to 30,"
You took his hand and squeezed it, "I'm so proud of you Aegon," you knew it was a kind thing to say but his eyes began to well up and he was on the verge of crying "what did I do? I'm sorry Aegon how can I-" you started but he cut you off. 
"Thank you," he checked out. "Everyone else. They've gave up on me. I don't blame them, but you've been so kind to me. I can't repay you for the food, but I'll do my best," 
"You can repay me by staying sober. I'm here for you. I promise. I'm far too stubborn to give up on you anyway," you said and this time he laughed. 
He wouldn't tell you where he was staying but you figured from his appearance, he was homeless or at the best couch hopping. You gave him all the tips you had made that day and while he tried to refuse, he accepted them eventually. You told him your shift schedule and every day you worked he would come in after his alcoholic anonymous meetings. He would wait for you to finish work and you would sit and chat over some sandwiches and soup which you never let him pay for. On days you weren't working all you could do was worried about him. 
Once you had been doing this for a couple weeks, he began to walk you home from work and eventually he began coming in for a shower and dinner. You managed to thrift him some new clothes and he finally looked more like his normal self. His skin wasn't grey and his cheeks less hollow. He actually smiled these days. 
Then it came time for you to go back to school. It was your last day in the cafe, and you asked Aegon to take a seat and wait for you when he came in. He seemed confused since he had been doing this for weeks but didn't question you. When you walked over your manager joined you both and sat down. "As you know I'm sure (Y/N) is going back to school next week," your manager started and Aegon nodded confused, "this is gonna leave us a man down at the cafe. So, I was wondering since you're here more than I am," he chuckled and you smiled knowing what he was already gonna ask, "How would you like to come work for me?" 
"Are you serious?" Aegon asked and your manager nodded causing Aegon to stand up and start profusely shaking his hand, "I won't let you down sir I promise. I'll work harder than anyone ever has I promise," 
"It's alright son I believe you. The pays shit and the customers aren't all as nice as you but it's something,” but that didn't matter to Aegon who was true to his word.
Now it was you every day coming to his work to visit him. He kept his meetings going and eventually made enough to move into his own flat. Well, his own room in a flat but his roommates were nice enough and finally he had his life back. Finally, he was Aegon again. 
The day he moved in you came over to celebrate and that's when he kissed you. His lips were far softer than they looked when he first came into your cafe and the kiss left your head feeling dizzy. 
You hadn’t realised you were drifting from your university friends until Aemond had pointed it out. Aegon had almost begged you not to tell his brother about your relationship, knowing he would not be happy to hear from him again, and despite arguing at first you agreed. All your friends knew you had a boyfriend but now Aemond was determined to find out who it was.
“I just don’t get it you’re always busy with this guy and I’ve never even met him,” Aemond protested as you were sat in your dorm, trying to study with your little free time.
“You have met him,” you muttered as you copied down more notes.
“Okay so who is he?”
“Secret,” you said causing Aemond to huff and steal his notes back, “Hey!”
“No more help till you tell me who he is. You’re my best friend I deserve to know who keeps stealing you,” Aemond said, and you sighed.
You had been dating Aegon for around 4 months now and it was tiring not being able to talk about him because he was always on your mind. You knew he would be mad, but Aemond didn’t even know where he lived or his number to confront him, “You can’t be mad,” you started but it only made Aemond’s face contort into confusion, “Its Aegon,”
Aemond was silent for a moment. Like the calm before the storm. Then he opened his mouth, “Please tell me you’re fucking lying?”
“And if I wasn’t?” you asked, not able to meet his eye.
“Are you- Am I- “Aemond stuttered out, “Are you fucking stupid? You are, aren’t you? Is that twat even alive?”
“That twat,” you started with venom dripping off your voice, “Is my boyfriend. And he’s changed. He’s sobered now,”
“Impossible,” Aemond snapped, “that bastard couldn’t be sober for a million bucks,”
“Well, he is,” you snapped right back, “he gets his 6-month chip tomorrow. He goes to meetings all the time. He hasn’t touched drugs since he got expelled and he’s not drank the whole time we’ve been together. He’s got his shit together. He’s trying Aemond,”
“He always tries,” Aemond said, his anger mixed with sadness, “but it never lasts. Do you know how much money my parents spent on rehabs and treatments?”
“Aemond his story isn’t mine to tell but he has changed. I promise. He’s got a job now and his own place,” you said which caused Aemond’s head to snap up. Before he could even ask you stopped him, “That he pays for himself. He’s never accepted money from me. He’s trying Aemond he’s tried really hard, and he has changed,”
Silence fell over the room. You knew while Aegon had been through a lot so had Aemond and his sisters. Aemond sighed. “So, he’s sobered now?” he asked, and you nodded. Aemond cleared his throat. “Then I want to meet him. I need to see him. Can you ask him?”
you had agreed to at least ask Aegon for Aemond but the whole time you were at his apartment you were worried to bring it up. While cuddled up in his bed he paused the movie you had been watching together, “What’s up love? You’ve been acting funny since you got here,” Aegon said and you sighed, “is it something I did?” he asked with puppy eyes, and you realised there was no escaping.
“It’s what I did. I was talking to Aemond today and well basically. He knows,” you said and Aegon’s eyes that had previously were looking at yours turned to focus on the wall, “He kept asking about who I was seeing and I just. I didn’t know what to say. Im sorry,”
“Its okay,” Aegon said but he was now as stiff as a door. “What did he say?”
“He wants to see you,” you said and at that Aegon laughed. “He was being serious.  He wants to know how you are,”
“He wants to see if you lied to him. He wants to see if im sober,”
You sighed but took his hand into yours, “Aegon please. He’s your brother. He misses you,”
The room fell to silence as Aegon stewed it over in his head. “Just him. No one else,”
“Just him,”
The setting up process went easier than you expected but now you were walking Aemond to the café that Aegon was working in. Aegon had finished slightly early and was sitting at a table waiting for you as you walked in together. he hadn’t wanted to meet at the flat encase Aemond had brought their parents along and you couldn’t blame him for worrying.
Aemond froze when you opened the door. You waited for a moment before giving him a nudge. Aegon had looked up at this point and the brothers stared at each other motionlessly. Aemond eventually broke his silence by clearing his throat, “You promise he’s sober?” he asked, and you nodded which made Aemond let out a deep breath.
Finally, you three were sat at a table but the silence continued. “Would anyone like a drink or anything?” you asked but both boys shook their heads. “So…” you said, trailing off into uncomfortable silence.
“How long have you been,” Aemond started to speak but Aegon cut him off by placing down his latest chip on the table.
Aemond looked at it and finally Aegon spoke, “It turned 6 months last week,” Aemond nodded as he picked up the chip, turning it over in his hand, “It’s not fake,”
“I never said it was,” Aemond snapped before sighing and placing the chip down. “Im not here to attack you,”
“Why are you here?”
“Because I fucking missed you,” Aemond said and you could see the tears welling in his eyes, “You’re my brother man. I didn’t want to lose you, but I didn’t want to see you kill yourself day after day,”
Silence fell upon you all again as Aegon hung his head in shame, “You have no idea how much I regret what I’ve done,” Aegon started, his voice scratched as he tried not to follow his brothers’ watery eyes, “But I promise that I do. I regret every drink. Every shot. Every word I said. I regret it all,”
You sat with the brothers to begin with but moved to go behind the counter after 10 minutes to give them more privacy. Your ex-manager of course didn’t mind and was happy to see the brothers talking. Him and Aegon had grown close over the time he had worked there and Aegon never broke his promise. He worked harder than anyone you knew.
Eventually he brought Aemond over to his apartment which was a large step down from their family home, but Aemond tried his best not to show it on his face. It wasn’t long after that that Heleana began to visit Aegon who was now 8 months sober. She was reluctant to begin with, but the sibling trio did their best to rebuild their trust.
Over time Aegon didn’t have to go to as many meetings but made sure to go at least once every other week and whenever he was struggling you were right by his side to make sure he went to them.
When Aegon was 11 months sober he received a letter from his mother. Aemond had delivered it to him, promising that he had not given her his address. Aegon stayed in his room for almost a full day after he read it. when he eventually came out, he told you what it had said.
She was apologising for everything that had happened, explaining why she had become the way she had. Alicent explained how she took the abuse she had faced from her father and husband and took it out on her children. The day Aegon had left their home she had her own private breakdown and had to be admitted for a week. She apologised over and over again in her letter, promising to do better, saying she understood if he never wanted to see her again. A week went by before Aegon sent a letter back saying he wouldn’t see her till she had left his father.
Aegon was 11 months sober when Alicent left his father. She sent him a copy of the divorce letter she had served him and another letter praying for his forgiveness. He never replied to this. However, when Aegon got his final chip at 12 months sober he decided to have a small dinner party to celebrate in his flat. He invited his mother to that.
For the first time in nearly 2 years Alicent hugged her son. There were so many tears, so many smiles, so many promises made. She hugged you, thanking you for being there for him and helping him along. You told her it was Aegon. Aegon had done it all.
he kept counting the months even after his last chip. It helped his mind stay clear. He was 15 months sober when you moved in together after you graduated university. he was 19 months sober when he had saved up enough money to start his own café. And he was 24 months sober when he proposed. And in all the months and all the years he stayed sober he never broke a single promise he made again.
A/N: If word corrects Aemond to Almond one more time imma give up and rename him
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