windose20s · 2 years
guys im going to …. individually edit…… 120 frames…. of agif….. passes out
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huboi · 6 months
poly baby
[scara, heizou + kazu x ftm! reader]
╰┈➤ includes; mentions of periods, slightly suggestive content, reader is referred to as bbg once, mentions of smoking w**d, mentions of alcohol, mentions of s*x
╰┈➤ decided to make this cause y not? btw if it’s not clear reader is in a poly relationship with scara, kazuha and heizou
╰┈➤ this content is rated 16+ for the suggestive themes, if I see you interacting with this post and you have no age or gender in your bio you will be blocked
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he’s a streamer, don’t ask why or how ik, I just know that he’s a streamer
has so many simps (as he should), they don’t give a fuck that he degrades tf outta them, they live for that shit
usually plays rpg games, sometimes plays horror games now and again
when he’s feeling generous, he will stream you and your other boyfriends cooking/baking
if u don’t want to show ur face then dw he’s making extra sure that your face is hidden from the cameras view
sometimes when he’s streaming you will randomly pop up in his room. as soon as chat sees you, they just start spamming stuff like ‘OMG ITS HIS BOYFIE’, ‘HE’S SO BBYGIRL’ etc.
scara ignores his chat obviously, and asks you y ur bothering him. 9/10 times you’re just there cause u want cuddles. sometimes ur there to give him food since he sometimes forgets to eat when he’s streaming for so long, ur his malewife what can he say?
when ur on ur period he’ll try his best to not be so angy cause he knows ur extra sensitive during this time, if he’s feeling generous he buys u sum food/chocolate etc.
want cuddles? beg/hj, he’ll tease tf outta u cause y not
scara and kazu are like ying and yang in a way, scara is pretty much the opposite of kazu. when scara is feeling up to it, he will hold kazuhas hand at random times
scara and heizou both banter 24/7, don’t worry tho usually if they get too fired up they just take it out on each other by aggressively making out. yes u have walked in on them a few times, but decided to leave them to it or just ignore them whilst u just go about ur business
scara does not give u any nicknames, he just doesn’t rlly like nicknames, he’ll just refer to u as ur name cause he prefers that, he refuses to be all mushy and lovey dovey. dw tho sometimes he does cave in to that kind of affection, but only indoors
defo not into pda, furthest he’ll do with any of u guys is hand holding, and that’s it.
one time scara ended the stream because he wanted sum loving, turns out the stream was still on, safe to say that his chat has never forgotten about it, they always find a way to bring it up. what was the loving u ask? he just wanted u to sit on his lap whilst he gives u kisses whilst calling u his pretty boy <33
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heizou is like the 2nd goofiest goober (no.1 position goes to scara sorry pookie bear😭)
I feel like he’s defo a pierced, idk I just get the vibes that he pierces people for a living
he has a nose piercing, both ears pierced and nipple piercings
likes to annoy scara when he’s streaming, like he’ll just open the door and stand there like 🧍
he loves you so much, like-
one time he came home when it was pouring down, as soon as he came through the door hr just beelined straight towards you (yes, you got very wet) heizou recommended that you two could shower together (safe to say kazuha and scara heard everything)
heizou and kazuha get along very well, most likely since they’ve known each other through tomo for a while
speaking of, sometimes tomo visits the house so that he and kazuha, sometimes along with heizou, like to smoke that zaza
don’t worry, they do it responsibly
heizou is low-key lightweight, wether it be zaza or alcohol, he gets affected very quickly compared to the others
the 2nd best when it comes to comforting you on your period, he mainly is best for buying you snacks/chocolate or whatever you’re craving
so whilst kazuha comforts you, heizou races to the shop to buy as much stuff as quickly as he possibly can before you end up fist fighting scara for being a pice of shit with you knowing damn well you’re dealing with shark week
heizou loves PDA, like yes sir
he can’t keep his hands off of any of you, mainly you tho
he and scara argue a lot but it’s not like bad arguments, it’s like rlly petty ones yk?
“YOU KISSED Y/N EVEN THOUGH TODAY ONLY I CAN KISS Y/N!” “IDFC!” *aggressive make out intensifies*
heizou hogs the blanket when you guys are sleeping too 😭
like you will all just be sleeping and all of a sudden yoink
yes you have to hit him awake with the pillow cause my man can sleep through a whole ass earthquake istg
I feel like heizou is very good at make outs, sos I don’t make the rules, he does
he just gives me those vibes you know
heizou is like a puppy sometimes, like you’ll be cooking ( let him cook ) and all of a sudden you’ll get jumpscared by a shirtless in boxers heizou hugging you from behind
the amount of times he nearly gave you a fucking heart attack 📈
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he’s the most chill out of all 4 of you guys
he’s also high a lot, but it doesn’t affect him as much as it does with heizou and scramouche
he’s also a streamer, mainly cause scara introduced him to streaming
his fans love him, like low key yandere/hj
his fans love everything about him; his looks, his aesthetic, the fact he’s high a lot, his voice (can u blame them?)
yes, he and scara stream together sometimes
in the chat so many people gush about how cute they act at times, cause when scara isn’t being a lil’ shit he’s actually kinda nice and can be shy surprisingly
yes kazu does have piercings; ears, nose, tongue and di-
kazuha is quite affectionate but not extremely so like heizou, it’s just more casual
kazuha is extremely open to hugs and kisses whenever and wherever, so he’s ok with PDA
you want a hug in the supermarket? ok
want a kiss on the cheek on the bus? ok
want his d at home in the privacy of your room? ok
yeah kazu isn’t very kinky, he’s more vanilla, sometimes he’s kinky but rarely, only when he gets jealous ( which is truly a sight to behold )
kazu is a switch, it depends on who he’s with; if it’s with all 3 of you, switch. If only one other person is with him, he likes to top ( he’s a soft dom )
prepare for sooooo many cat videos from him, no matter what time of day at some point each and every day he will send each of you at least 5 cat videos
yes he technically has a cat but no, his friend tomo, who happens to be his ex, actually owns his cat (they got the cat when they were together so technically it’s both of theirs)
dw, tomo and kazu broke up just cause they didn’t have feelings for each other anymore like that, so they’re still very good friends
sometimes the boys get jealous and so after tomo comes around and seems a bit too close for their liking, well let’s just say you hear a lot of banging noises upstairs
are you jealous? no. mainly cause you have talked to tomo and it’s pretty obvious they’re just besties, they just sit very close together since they enjoy the closeness of each other if that makes sense
when sleeping, kazuha is strangely still, like scarily so
sometimes it seems as if he’s not even breathing so you get a big fright but he’ll suddenly let out a huge sight in his sleep, which calms you down
he’s actually a light sleeper believe it or not, he just falls asleep quite easily, he just sleeps deeply too
but the slightest of noises can just get him right up, wide awake as if he wasn’t sleeping in the first place
when it comes to dates, he usually takes whoever he’s taking with him on a nice walk in order to enjoy nature in general
he doesn’t really like fancy stuff unless if it’s an important day/anniversary eg. your birthday
he’s an amazing listener, like if you wanna talk to him about how you’re feeling, or just rant about your hyperfixations, he’ll just sit there and listen, nodding now and again to show he’s listening and not just staring off into space
scara and kazu get along fairly well, despite scaras opposite personality
sometimes he does have to put scara in his place if he’s being bratty in public or in front of guests etc. 😳
yes kazu is a brat tamer too, mainly only with scara and heizou since they can get a bit out of hand at times
if you’re a brat then…. prepare yourself
dont worry about the aftercare (wether it be a vanilla session or a tough session) he’s the best at aftercare, he will get you all the drinks and snack you need, he also helps you into the bath and helps wash up
when you’re on your period he mainly helps by soothing you with his voice but also cuddles and kisses
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ritsusakumawife · 10 months
Hiii this is my first time ever requesting so I hope I’m doing it right—
If you don’t mind, can I please request a SAGAU/Creator AU! Where the Creator just doesn’t care about their “Godly duties” (Helping people with their requests etc etc)
And instead of getting stressed abt the paperwork they just live their life relaxed and does whatever that comes to mind
(And maybe even spend some time with Kazuha or idk a character of your choice)
Please and thank you! <33
Dw you didn’t do anything wrong! And thank you for requesting <3
I sincerely apologize for any grammar mistakes I tiredly wrote this at 3am
I talk really fast with barely any pauses irl so the convos mayy seem a bit off/odd 😅
Warnings: Super ooc and bad grammar
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Genshin Sagau x Reader
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“Your Grace..Please excuse my rudeness but is it really alright to do this?”
“Mhm! It’s fine it’s fine”
“I said it’s fine. It’s only a couple of papers anyway”
“Besides I’m sure you can handle it Morax”
“If that’s what you truly want then as your humble servant I have no choice but to obey”
“That’s the spirit!” You say while leaving
“Your Grace where are you going?”
“Oh nothing..Just uh going to go out and take care of some important business is all”
“Then, please let me send some escorts with you”
“I don’t need it. It’s only a short trip”
“It’s dangerous out there and it’s already getting dark”
“I promise it’ll be quick! Soo there’s no need to worry Morax”
“At least take one person with you Your Grace”
“Sigh..I already told you I don’t need it— wait..Y’know what, sure”
Zhongli quirks an eyebrow due to your sudden change of attitude
“Anyways, I’m going to go now Mr. Zhongli bye bye~ take care of everything while I’m gone!”
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You go to a nearby field and spot the person you’re looking for
“Kazu! Over here!”
“Ah, your grace. What brings you here?”
“Well~ Care to join me for a short little trip?”
“A trip? Right now?”
“Please forgive me but, it’s getting late your grace”
“I don’t think it’s wise to travel in the dark. There’s a lot of danger waiting to strike”
“Says you. Training out here in the middle of nowhere”
“Aha..Guilty as charged”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. After all I’ll have you with me”
“You’ll protect me, won’t you?”
Kazuha blushes but quickly regains his composure
“Of course your grace”
“Hm? Your grace? Are you alright?”
“This isn’t fair!”
“What isn’t fair your grace?”
“M-Me?” Kazuha stumbles on his words ..Uh word
“Yes, you! How can somehow have such a charming smile”
“And that isn’t all! You, Kaedehara Kazuha, are literally the embodiment of perfection!”
“Perfection!? Aha..You humble me too much your grace”
“Oh, but it’s true!”
“Ahem..Shall we depart for our 'short trip' now your grace?”
“Hey, don’t change the subject— But yes, let us depart now”
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“Your grace, isn’t it time for us to head back now?”
“Hm? Oh, don’t worry~ We haven’t even been gone for that long”
“Are you sure?” Kazuha says worryingly
“It’ll be fine. I’m sure no one but Zhongli has even noticed I’m gone”
“R-Right..” Kazuha doubts your words
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“Sigh..Sometimes I wonder if I’m truly the closest to their grace or if I’m just an assistant..”
“Drinking wine seems like such a good idea right about now..”
“I wonder how their grace is doing”
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“Kazu let’s do it again!”
“I don’t think—”
“Please~ Kazu can we? Please?”
“Alright, just one more time then we’ll head back, deal?”
“Ehe~ I was right to choose you as my companion for this trip”
“Like SpongeBob always says..It’s the best day ever~”
Kazuha smiles softly upon hearing your words
It’s nice to see you relax every once in a while or rather almost everyday he does wonder though, who is this "SpongeBob"?
“Kazu? Kazuha~ Are you there? Hello??” You wave your hands in front of his face
“Ah, right, well then shall we go?”
“Mhm! We shall!”
And with that, you both decide to go for one more round of..Free fall
You could always revive yourself so it’s fine if you die
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
And about the poly ship can I ask for a kazutora and baji with a female reader with the prompt why so shy? I'm doing this request correct right? Please and thank you.
yes you are doing it right lol, dw lovely <3
NOTES: Top!kazutora x switch!baji x fem!reader, poly, choking
“Why so shy? You talked all of that big talk with your friends, and then you come here and be a little whiny bitch?” baji says, propping you up by your neck as he looks past your shoulder to kazutora.
“I- mh- no! I was just playing-“
“that’s what you always say, y/n.” kazutora corrects, placing a large hand around your neck and squeezing just enough to make you see stars.
He released you with a scoff, nodding at baji as baji shoves himself inside of your little cunt, splitting you open as you choked out a moan. Kazutora ignored your calls, lighting a cigarette near the window as he breathed in the fresh air.
Baji was ruthless; barely giving you time to stay in a position before either changing it or changing the speed dramatically. Not to mention how he was using his k-nines to bite your ear lobe every once in a while.
”ngh- kazu! Want you- ahg!” you call out, broken moans breaking up your speech as you lean your head back against baji in defeat.
He turns back to you, a small smile plastered on his face as his golden locks are illuminated by the moonlight behind.
“I think I’ll just watch for now. Baji has you sat up all pretty, wouldn’t want to ruin that now, would we?”
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aego-philautia · 6 months
Philautia; (φιλαυτία, philautía) means "self-love". To love oneself or "regard for one's own happiness or advantage"...
Icon by @rosyrosethorns
Howdy ho! Call me Aego💜🖤
Info under the cut!
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This is my sideblog to my main art account(@aegos-eros) where i will rant about things and post shit post doodles
I’m interested iiiinnnn:
Vocaloid(Like. Very much.)
Other music(I listen to a lot of different things, just ask!)
Genshin(Also very much but I’m more chill abt it now I promise)
Drawing!(And by proxy, internet/youtube drama)
Japanese Culture
Cozy Things/Videogames
Idk what else to put tbh
I like purple too, as you can see
Two years ago my brain latched onto this guy:
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and hes been bothering me ever since SO ive decided to bestow upon him my ✨greatest honor✨: A deeply traumatized wife with an unnecessarily complicated and constantly changing backstory!
Aaand I somehow managed to simp for her too like a useless bisexual, so now I'm allowing myself to be annoying about them here. If you are only here for me losing my mind about life every now and then, then their tag is: #My Loves💜❤️
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My apologies, but I am uncomfortable with sharing 😔
I’ll mainly focus on him when it comes to OC x Canon but I DO have other OCs and pretty much all of them have an OC x Canon ship(not all are romantic). I’ll mention them at some point if I remember.
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💜More Aego Info💜
Im some kind of ace pls don't ask i barely even know tbh BUT I do still very much like talking about/making and interacting with NSFW things, don't worry I likely won't post/reblog any but if I ever do get the urge ill make a tag for it dw.
Minors can interact with my posts, just don't follow me please, Im not comfortable with it.
I'm pretty shy tbh, pls be patient w me or else ill cry this is a threat.
Still very happy to talk to ppl and answer questions tho! Especially about my oc x canon ship or anything I make or just about anything in general!
I also have inattentive adhd as well as social anxiety, and while I am getting much better especially recently, it can still get the better of me sometimes, so I deeply apologize if it seems like I'm ignoring u or anything! I promise I'm not I'm just a bit of a mess lmao
I typically try to refrain from discourse of any kind, it annoys me/stresses me out and I usually just ignore or block, but if I get over myself enough to speak on something I’ll tag it as : tw.discourse
^adding to the above point, I do not typically check blogs that I reblog from, and I also block freely, if you don't want me to interact w u/see me interact with questionable ppl, do inform me and ill deal w it as soon as I have the energy.
About oc x canon, I am also Normal™️ about other characters, I'm just really fixated on Kazu and have been basically since he first came out. If you want to know about them, just ask!
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#My Loves💜❤️ (Oc x Canon shipping and art/writings)
#praise the son☀️ (posts abt MY BBY BOI MY SHINING STAR THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE my cat)
#dewdels (Exactly what it says on the tin)
#i must scream (me talking about things)
#oooh shiny (reblogs of things i like)
#goatluuvsqueue!!💜💜(queue ofc!)
More tags to be added as needed!✨
That's it that's the post, go crazy aaa go stupid aaaaa~✨
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hanniejji · 2 years
Okay i have idea OMGOMGOMGOMH
Lil maple making friends with Xiao! Kazuha had some commission to do and one of commission is that he needed to help someone in Wangshu Inn. Verr Goldet told him maple can stay in Wangshu Inn while he is doing what he needs to. It was pretty dangerous commission so he left maple for a while there. Maple was having amazing time watching around and then they saw someone. Maple gets closer to the person and saw a boy with black and green hair!(or is it blue?). He had a cool tattoo on his arm too! Xiao looks at a little human with curiosity. Maple was so excited that they started to talk! Xiao didn't really knew what to do but he wasn't really annoyed by maple talking. Maple would talk about their brother and how are they from inazuma, and would talk Abt how they love fishes! It was actually interesting to Xiao even tho he didn't talk much. He enjoyed having company
kazuha didn't like the idea of leaving maple behind, but it's better than taking them with him to a dangerous commission! so he tells them to wait for him at the inn, promising to work quickly and that he'll be back. maple is not fond of being separated from their brother either, but they know better than to not listen to him when it comes to his commissions. so they decide to roam the inn!
lo and behold! a very cool guy with green tattoos!? a well designed mask!? pretty necklace!? pretty face!? A LONG SLEEVE THAT THEY CAN HIDE IN!?
usually maple would be too shy to strike a conversation with strangers, but something about this guy just compels them to approach!
it's the anemo vision, his aura was similar to kazu because they had the same vision
xiao wanted to leave the moment he sees them come near. humans, especially the small ones, are vulnerable to his karma! but then he couldn't exactly leave when they just started to spark a conversation about inazuma! little maple relays every drama that happened in inazuma xiao grimaced at the mention of the vision hunt decree but kept quiet and soon enough, time passed by way too fast and maple ended up falling asleep by the balcony :'>
dw, xiao stayed by their side until he felt kazuha's presence and left hhnhnh
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2truehearts · 1 year
KAZU NOOO I FEEL BAD NOW !! i love you, sorry dearest (did it actually make you cry>> :'( ) </3 who do you want a fluff fic of :'((
wait no now i feel bad nooo it's okay alexis dw <3 (yes it did)
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mwahkazu · 3 months
also. do you think kazhua would be ticklish
ooo ticklish kazuha? rin really out here feeding into my kazuha brainrots…don’t get me started at 12am now…but i mean if you insist—
incoming (ticklish) bf kazuha headcanons:
as for whether or not kazuha would be ticklish, my answer to that question is, yes…BUT hear me out. let me cook👀
he’s very much a words of affirmation and quality time love language kind of guy for a platonic relationship
but in a romantic setting…oh you’re definitely gonna see some physical touch in there
i feel like hands are a big thing for him like he’s always looking to be holding your hand cause he just loves the feeling
the kind to gently kiss the back of your hand, your fingers, and down to your wrist which for you is admittedly kind of ticklish
not ticklish in a way that has you laughing but the kind that just sends a fluttery feeling all throughout your body
and he of course realizes this very quickly. so what does he do?
playfully teases you w/ it of course
you’ll be in the middle of typing something away on your laptop or writing something, fully immersed in your work
meanwhile kazuha is quietly watching beside you, feeling a bit needy because…archons you’ve been at it for the past hour and haven’t fully acknowledge him since he got home aside from greeting him with a smile
he’ll then do that thing of reaching his hand under yours, stopping you in your typing or if you’re holding a pencil, he’ll replace it with his interlocking your fingers letting the pencil fall
“kazu what’s wrong—” begins to kiss your hand painfully slow (in a good way) and softly starting at your fingertips and gradually working his way down and…oh great, now you’ve lost focus
what about him though? he gets all the fun of teasing the hell out of you with those hand kisses of his
you feel it’s only fair if you did the same. so now it’s your turn
you remember trying to subtly ask him if he was ticklish anywhere playing it off as some random question a friend had asked you
but he saw right through you. laughing softly at your strange but cute behavior, “love, are you trying to ask if i’m ticklish or not?”
damn him and his high sense of awareness
guess it’s time for plan b
at random points throughout the day, you’ll attempt to attack him with tickles. when he’s washing the dishes you’ll sneak up behind him and try to tickle his sides
“hm? yes love, did you need something?” nothing.
or when he’s laying down on the couch reading a book you’ll pretend to just walk by and then try to tickle his stomach but he’ll just look at you with that cute face of his like “…?”
“AHHH THIS IS SO UNFAIR! I HATE YOU!” watches you storm out of the living room a bit dumbfounded
dw he’ll come find you later and get you to stop being grumpy with him by offering to cuddle🥹
but then…that fateful day finally came
the two of you were cuddled up in bed, arms wrapped him as he read his book while brushing your hair that was slowly lulling you to sleep
wanting a more comfortable position, you moved your head away from his chest, now nuzzling into his neck
your small warm breaths hitting his neck, the way your nose softly brushed against his skin…his hand in your hair stopped in its motions.
“hmm…why’d you stop?” you frowned, stirring yourself awake as you moved your head away to look at him and that's when you saw the way his cheeks were now dusted in pink
you’ve found his weakness
now go back to those previous failed attempts of yours and replace them with you going up to him and buying yourself into his neck using the excuse of saying you just love the way he smells when he asks what you’re doing
which was a half truth anyways. he does smell good
idk why but i always imagined his scent to be some combination of vanilla orchid with amber/musk and some jasmine to give it that floral edge (personal hc of mine dont come at me yall)
on days when you were feeling extra mischievous you’d litter his neck with feather light kisses that always has him in a blushing mess
mission success! you finally got your revenge on him >:)
but just as you're about to walk away, feeling fully satisfied with yourself, he grabs your wrist, pulling you right back to him
“you didn't think i’d just let you get away with all the teasing you’ve been doing to me, did you dove?”
ahem. soo i’ll leave you all with this cute pic of smiling kazu and your imaginations while i go to sleep for the night😌
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
it's fine I liked seeing you in my notifs tbh but ooo french? how is that
my moots just have preferences I guess I don't know I do have one I get called the most tho but even so they switch it up when they want I have a moot who always changes my tag with my names cause they just want too but dw I'll make sure to use em all <3
oh i’m glad :D je deteste le français, mais je l’aime un peu des chansons françaises... je pense que c’est bizarre lol (i had to look up too many of these words and those two setnences are so simple. crying) anyway i said that i hate french but love french music... which i think is strange lol. idk i’ve just been shit at french for the past five years bc i struggle a lot with learning vocab and i don’t really have the energy to get better at it but oh well i gotta learn it and even write an exam for french to graduate... while i don’t even need to write one in english. our school system is strange. also personally i’m not even too keen on how french sounds bc i prefer slavic (e.g. russian) or semitic languages (e.g. arabic or hebrew) and also korean but i’ve lived with french for seven years and can do it for two and a half more 😌
whaa i need more moots so they can use more of my names heads up i have even more names not listed here on my profile afjkdfjhs they’re on my still unfinished pronouns.page,, additional names of mine not here on my profile: yoi, kaku, kazu, and scara. i think that’s all ?? i hope so. anyways ty ty fr ily for this adjkffj <3
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bluexiao · 2 years
For the request, Maybe Domestic Dainsleif ? In that area. Anything soft to be honest, I apologize in advance if I broke one pf your rules. Do hope your doing well ! Your work is amazing <3333
fluff,, just full of it actually
thank you nonnie<3 and dw you did not break any rule! so liked writing this btw~ so refreshing to see a dain request haha
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Probably lets you do anything you want to do. 
Doesn’t mean he won’t reciprocate them… he just did not know how, especially at first. 
If he’s gotten used to your affection and knowing what are comfortable to both you and him, then you two will have a habit somehow. 
One of them would be when he massages your hands when you got home and is very tired after the long day. He would always sense if you’ve had a rough day and it became a custom even if you did not ask for it. Sometimes though, you’d just have to ask him to massage your feet or your shoulders or maybe even a full massage. There are times that he lets you rant it all off and he’d just listen while if you’re too exhausted to talk, he’ll be the one talking about his day or let you have a peace of mind through silence. 
Another would be his memory. He definitely remembers things when you forgot about something. Forgot about buying Milk? He’ll remind you, or if he wasn’t there during your shopping, he’ll buy it himself. Although because of this you always have him with you whenever you buy groceries because he will certainly remember everything needed to be brought, or even those things you mumbled about that you should buy and forgot to list it down in your grocery list. In short, he has better memory than yours, just accept it.
Also, he cooks, by the way. He can cook so just rest! You are the one who earns more money than both of you so you should have all the rest you need. Oh? You don’t need to wash the plates too! 
Sometimes, you just had to stop him because you also wanted to help him in the house chores. 
And of course, you show him your love too! Actually, he’’d admit one time that everything he’s doing now is just a result of how you treated him before. It made him more open and free to express such feelings out in the open, with other people’s eyes or not. 
Before, you were actually the one who once gave him a massage, telling him that “You look tensed today, Dain… do you want a massage, perhaps?” at first, he was confused as to why you’d do such a thing for him when you said that it’s somehow your way of showing how you care for him. And since then, he decided he’ll do the same for you. 
There were also times you treated him to meals before too! That’s why you became broke… but it was alright! So now, he’s just paying back all those meals with the food he cooks. His cooking skills definitely amped up, by the way! Before, he couldn’t even remember if he was able to cook something as decent as now.
Also, don’t worry about anniversaries because as long as you deem the event important, he’ll surely remember them and celebrate them with you.
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rinnelovebot · 3 years
kazu!! could i request koga and adonis with an s/o who has a habit of attacking (read: peppering) their faces with kisses? just. smooches all over ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ thank you!
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A/N: this is so cute I am in shambles over this anon pls . Also, I didn’t know how to title this, so I hope loving!s/o will do? If that’s not what you were going for, I’m so sorry! Dw, I definitely included the kisses.
*ೃ༄ Adonis Otogari and Koga Oogami with a loving s/o hc’s
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Adonis gets all gushy around you. He is the absolute pinnacle of a man in love—blushing, shy, flustered—big, big heart eyes for you. The fact that you’re so affectionate doesn’t help his case whatsoever. Sometimes he doesn’t know how to react in a normal way, so he’ll just stand there and stutter, but he loves it nonetheless.
Whenever you hold his face in your hands, leaving sweet kisses all over his cheeks, forehead, lips, the tip of his nose—he can’t help but feel a little shy. It’s all very sweet, he’ll place his hands over yours, shutting his eyes and grinning bashfully. With an expression so cute, could anyone really blame you for wanting to kiss him a thousand times over?
He’s a little awkward when trying to return your affections, but it’s truly the thought that counts. It’s adorable, really—the way he pulls you into his arms, burying his face in your neck to hide his flushed cheeks. He isn’t used to having someone be so openly loving with him, let alone being that way with someone in return. He’s glad that you came along and changed that for him.
Your boyfriend doesn’t mind if you’re affectionate with him in public, but he may become more prone to shyness. He’d curiously ask what you’re doing, before slowly returning whatever hug, kiss, or touch you gave to him. No one around seems to mind, and even if they did, the two of you are too cute to intervene.
In all, he’s shy, but willing. It’ll take time before he can embrace you without blushing, but the wait is worth it. He enjoys how lovey-dovey you are, and your understanding towards his sometimes awkwardness. Really, he just loves you a ton. So much so, that he truly does think his heart might explode one of these days. <3
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Koga is actually a lot more affectionate than he lets on. He’s quite fond of kisses, hugs, anything really. And he’ll absolutely return it, every single time. He’s not so good with words, and gets flustered and embarrassed whenever he tries to verbally express his love, so he’s content with pulling you into him with a huff, kissing your lips however many times he feels like it.
Sometimes, he may look like he’s just tolerating your affection, but you can see right through his furrowed brow by the slight pink dusting his cheeks. He has to keep up the tough guy persona at least sometimes, right? No matter, he’ll always give in. Koga is a bit more aggressive with his affections though, so be prepared to have your cheeks squeezed every so often.
He actually really enjoys having his face peppered with kisses, surprisingly. Sometimes he’ll even subtly present his face to you, awaiting your loving attack. You can’t help but grin, pulling him into you and kissing all over, watching as his eyes flutter shut and his lips slightly upturn. He’s just too cute for his own good, unknowingly so.
Koga actually initiates a good majority of the affection with your relationship, at least in private. He’s always pulling you into tight hugs, or pinching your cheek and kissing you roughly. Soft affections aren’t really his forte, as they fluster him too badly, so you’ll have to be the one to initiate the more gentle touches. That isn’t an issue to your boyfriend, though. He does enjoy them.
Truly, though he may be slightly aggressive with it, he’s affectionate in his own way. You’ve definitely softened him up, and he can’t help but smile whenever you kiss or hug him, chuckling as he wraps his arms around you. He’s just a man in love, honestly. No doubt about it. <3
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scarasweetheart · 3 years
kinktober day three.
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character: kaedehara kazuha
prompt: degradation
genre: smut (duh 🙄)
warnings: no pronouns used/no gender described (he calls you vixen once (1 time) tho), kazuha slaps u (consensually dw guys yall have established boundaries). and spits in ur mouth. hes a lil mean actually. the prompt is degradation yall ur not getting soft shit here.
req rules. kinktober masterlist.
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"archons, do you even hear yourself right now?" kazhua sneered down at you. he had been teasing you and denying you to the point of tears all night long and then had the audacity to degrade you?
"whining and crying and begging to cum like some desperate little slut," he smirked. kazuha was very aware of the effect his words had over you, and oh boy, did he abuse that.
"what? were you going to say something, sweet thing? were you gonna complain about how this isn't fair, hm? because if you were, then i don't wanna hear it," kazuha spoke lowly, almost like a warning.
"b– but, but it isn—" but the words died in your throat before you even had the chance to register what had happened. the next thing you processed was a sharp stinging on your cheek, and a fresh set of tears welling up and threatening to spill over. had he just slapped you?
"k– kazu?" you whimpered, looking up at him with glassy eyes. you weren't greeted with any sympathetic looks, however. unless you count mock sympathy, that is.
"awh i'm sorry, did that hurt, baby?" kazuha asked, voice absolutely dripping in mockery, whilst grabbing your jaw and pulling your face towards his.
nodding in response, still too shocked to properly reply, all kazuha told you to do was to open your mouth, which you did almost immiediately and without a second thought. you were so desperate to do anything that might please him at least point, willing to do anything he told you to if it meant you'd get to cum.
"such an obedient vixen," he mused quietly to himself before spitting directly into your mouth, snickering as your eyes widened and you whined out. "you really are pathetic, aren't you, darling? letting me slap you around and spit in your mouth so that just maybe i'll let you cum. no— not pathetic, nasty. you're such a nasty little thing! you should be ashamed of yourself!"
and you were, you were ashamed, because everything he just said was true. you'd let him use you in any way he wanted, and you wouldn't complain at all so long as it was him.
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merakiui · 2 years
Hello Hello!!! I'm the anon who gave the older sibling roommate thought! I was so happy you answered it and liked it that it made my day!!! I actually wanna change something and that being the "children" portion, I was writing with a female reader in mind but I really wanted to write for gn because there's too many female readers... So instead of the parents pressuring for children they're pressuring for spouses and if you so happen to get children, whether biological or adopted, they'd be so happy! But for now, baby steps baby steps (Oldersib!Reader is not having a good time).
I came here to the asks to send you some scenarios about the Oldersib!Reader since I'm not sure what the Submission thing is for ahahshajhahwh
Scara: *comes in dorm with a scowl on his face*
Reader: *peeking head out of the corner* Welcome home, Scara! Would you like to help me cook lunch or do you just wanna chill?? :D
Scara: *smiling* I'll help dw
Random Person: *looks at the Winner list of the contests and sees Kazu's name* Kazuha? Kazuha Kadehara?
Reader: *vibrating excitedly wanting to brag about Kazu* Yep! He's--
RP: *grumbles* He's such a know-it-all, his poems are just trying so hard, how the judges even understood it is beyond me he must've just slapped random words together and paid his way in.
Reader: *dead serious* I will throw hands with you--
Kazu: *hiding behind a corner* 0////0
Kazu: *explaining his poem*
Reader: *doesn't know anything about it but is fully supportive*
Reader: Amazing. Show stopping. Wonderful--
Random Person: Why do you guys bring shades everywhere?
Kazuscara: *points to happy bean Reader*
Reader: *perks up upon seeing Kazuscara* Kazu!! Scara!!! :DDDD *radiating smile*
Kazuscara: *slowly puts on shades*
Reader: *calmly* Friend, could you tell me why you're so upset at Scara?
Friend: ?!?!?! Reader! He literally fucked up my phone!! It has too many viruses at this point I can't even use it!
Reader: *instantly* Nonsense, Scara is an angel.
Scara: *from behind Reader smugly smirking at Friend* Yeah, Friend. I'm an angel~
Kazu takes Reader to a cat cafe and watches in delight as the cats instantly clings to Reader who is seriously sitting still and proper, eyes focus on cats. They are covered in cats. The cats cry out in despair when Reader eventually has to leave.
Reader: I don't understand why people don't like Scara? He's a funny person!
Scara: *from behind shuffling his bloodied knuckles behind him* Yeah, I'm fucking hilarious
Kazu: *curiously* Have you ever had a phase?
Reader: *blank eyed stare*
Reader: The past is the past
Scara: *stops dead in his tracks when he gets inside Reader's room*
Reader: Wassup?
Scara: That-- What the fuck is that?!
Reader: *looks at their wall* ?? My to-do lists, calendar, and motivational posters???
Scara: No that's a fucking mental torture room you call room
Reader: *slightly offended* It can't be that bad
Kazu: *passing by and sees Reader's room* What kind of madman lives here?
Reader: Okay maybe it is kinda overboard
Reader's room is literally like Miyuki Shirogane's from Kaguya-sama: Love is War room. How on earth Reader can sleep there nobody knows, in fact there is more academic work than there are CLOTHES. Upon finding that out, kazuscara eagerly drag Reader to go clothing shopping and pays for everything much to the protests of Reader which only quiets when they point out it's a thank you gift for everything they've done for them.
Despite Reader looking like a golden retriever by energy and being a lovable Himbo/Bimbo/Thembo they appear to be, Reader is startlingly perceptive, intelligent, and particularly harsh when it comes to academic work. But with all the stress they've accumulated it's going to impact them negatively so they need an outlet. At first it was to motherhen other people but it didn't do much so they did physical activity (you can choose whatever kind but I'm partial to them doing archery (can you see how much Kaguya-sama is impacting me rn??)) So they're quite strong.
When someone is actually harassing Kazu because he looks like an easy target (oh how wrong they were) and it's starting to piss of Reader because they've tried to diffuse the situation but the harasser is adamant on making Kazu's life in this moment hell and Reader just--
They just calmly watch the harasser spit curses at them but when the harasser touches on Kazu's old friend who died with no regard at how serious the issue is, Reader just fucking decks them with no hesitation. It doesn't matter the gender of the harasser or the gender of Reader, all that matters is that the fucker blamed Toma for his own death and that Kazu just attracted stupidity wherever.
And Kazu is frozen in shock at seeing Reader being genuinely angry, Reader isn't shouting or screaming but instead is eerily calm but holy fuck they genuinely look terrifying.
The harasser is bubbling words that they're going to tell on the dean, tell teachers, tell literally everyone but Reader only mockingly smiles at them and says, "Go on, tell them. They won't believe you. But go on, go try, but know this, whatever misplaced justice you think you're owed is bullshit and frankly? Disgusting."
Then Reader drags a quiet Kazu away from the scene and back into their dorm. Reader calms down and apologizes at Kazu but he just asks what would happen next, Reader shrugs and just says, "Nobody would believe them. And they aren't well liked so there's nothing we can do."
Kazu just agrees and smiles when Reader says they should cook up something fancy because their mood was soiled by the harasser. While he helps Reader he's actually thinking of ways to make sure the lesson... Sticks.
Scara is forever salty that Kazu was the first one to see Reader angry.
Reader: *stressed beyond hell*
Kazu: Is something the matter Reader??
Reader: My parents are setting me up on a blind date, I said to them I didn't want to but they told me to just try but I just--
Scara: *eyetwitching* You want us to crash your date?
Reader: Please.
Kazu: *unreadable smile* Don't worry, Reader. We'll help.
Kazu: Just to be sure, you're open for relationships, right?
Reader: Hm? Oh yeah, I just don't wanna do it rn since I'm busy with studying and I don't wanna date someone only to neglect them because I'm focus on my studies, it's not fair to me but especially to them
Scara: What if they're willing?
Reader: Now that just makes me more guilty! Someone whose willing to be pushed aside as second priority needs to prioritize themselves! Besides, they also have their own lives, nobody could center their entire life on someone else, it's unfair and terrifying.
(Oh Reader, if only you knew)
Scara: So when exactly are you open to pursue a relationship.
Reader: I'll pursue a relationship when I graduate school or when I find a job. My parents are stressed as all hell because I'm focusing on my studies and career and I'm not bringing home a date which??? I don't understand them. At this point with all their nagging I'm getting adverse with finding a relationship
Kazu: Good to know. Good to know
If Kazu and Scara could kill Reader's parents, they probably would.
Anyway I did all of this while at my online class so, ahahahha.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy them ( ╹▽╹ )!! Again, love your work HAJSHSJAJJAJA. Have a nice day, stay safe, and take care of yourself!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
:O !!! All of these scenarios are very good. I’m happy I can read all of them!! Kazuscara are a funny duo when they’re both pining for the same person. The shenanigans that can possibly ensue… Thank you again for sharing, anon!!!
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
May I have hugs and cuddles from Banri and Mqnkai Beauty Club? It's been a rough week, and I could do with some comfort, also, I really really really like your works!
BRB GONNA CRY,...,.,.,,,.THANK YEW weueueueueue
The second he noticed you’re kinda burnt out and tired and generally feeling bad he was ready to punch somebody
“Did somebody bother you? Wait, did somebody hurt you? I swear to godddd I will physically fight them, gimme an address!”
You will have to wrestle this fool into his room so he doesnt start trying to fight anything, but once you’ve got him he will calm down almost immediately
Is he some odd aggressive human-shaped cat? Possibly, yeah
Once you’ve made it clear that you just wanna melt into a blanket and cuddle, he is 120% on it!! He always manages to wrap you up in your favorite blanket all perfectly cozy and snug
Sakyo be damned, he’s gonna turn on the heater in his room for maximum comfiness
(sakyo only grumbled a little bit because he actually quite liked you, banri seemed to have mellowed out since meeting you, so he will live with going ever so slightly over budget. Banri also pays him off in bubble wrap. So there’s that.)
Notices right away and drags you into his room for wholesome cuddle time
If you like the smell of incense he lays out all the different incense sticks and cones he has for you to sniff them all and choose one to burn to relax
His room just has such good comfy vibes that you feel so chilled out the second you walk in
He has a couple of your sweaters in his room (theft >:o!!! Dw it’s cute actually, he only steals them bc he really likes how they smell,..,.that's not weird, right?), so if you want to throw one on to be warm and cozy, he’s got you!!
He’ll ask if you wanna vent about how your week has been, if you take him up on his offer he’s such a good listener and always keeps a hand on you to ground you even while you’re lowkey re-living how stressed you’ve been
Likes doing breathing exercises with you. He tends to like ones where you’re both physically grounded to each other. This time you did one where you pressed your palms together and did deep breaths in time with touching your finger tips together. [so, inhale is pinky to pinky, ring to ring, middle to middle, pointer to pointer up to thumb to thumb, exhale is separate pinkies, all the way down in the same order to separating thumbs]
First step: kick temna out of his room
(tenten actually will leave once yuki spells it out to him that you need to recharge and yuki is your favorite battery <3)
Annoyingly (at least from yuki’s pov, tenten goes on to tell everyone in the summer troupe that you had a rough week and they take it upon themselves to plan out and succeed in Operation: Make Our Bestie Feel Better!!!!! Kazu came up with the title) and you two are interrupted at least 50 times while trying to cuddle
Muku stops by to give you some feel-good wholesome slice of life manga, kazu drops by with a list of cute songs to listen to while you’re cuddling, misumi hands you three triangular objects, kumon gives you a glass of water and he enlisted tenma to help him cut up some fruit for you and yuki! (the misshapen ones are tenma’s but you don't say anything…he tried his best <3)
Throughout all this yuki has been throwing things at the door every time it opens, which manages to deplete your pillow stocks, so he kinda had to get back up and throw all the pillows and stuffed animals back on the bed, ofc he took the opportunity to bury you in the pillows and stuffies. You looked hella cute ;>
Oh he is ON IT!
His automatic assumption when you come to him is that you somehow died during the week and were reanimated bc bby your skin condition was enough to make him practically grab you by the shoulders and pivot you into his room to find some facemasks to throw at you
He’s definitely the quietest out of our little lineup here, opting to either listen to you rant about your week or just vibe in comfortable silence
Btw this is gonna be a self-care day/cuddle sesh, no way around that
If your hair is long enough to be brushed out, he’ll get out all the knots before he pins your hair away from your face.,.,don’t say anything when you notice him staring at you as he tucks back those few pesky stray hairs by your ear or he’ll threaten to kick you out [ofc he won’t go through with his threats but he is vv easily embarrassed if you tease him]
After a refreshing cooling mask with cucumber and aloe he gently rubs a lightly scented lotion into your hands, his face is hella red from being 1/8th of a technicality away from holding hands with you, but he’ll ignore the burning in his cheeks for the sake of hearing your cute little chuckles and seeing how calmed you were
You two ended up watching a documentary together and it was vv adorable [i have this lil hc that azami has a ton of weird little habits he’s picked up from sakyo and watching documentaries for fun is one of them]
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ichiiyos · 3 years
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rating tokyo revengers characters !
summary: rating how much my filipino parents would get along with tr characters if I brought them home
warnings: curse words, has occasional bisaya words bc I can, slight fatherless behavior, constant switching with my and your
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manjiro "mikey" sano
honestly I think my mom would pull me away the first time I ever bring him to our house 🙁 doesn't matter if i introduced him as a friend, (probably even worse if i introduced him as a boyfriend)
would probably eat the pandesal that was meant for my dad and not be ashamed of it
would probably also tell me to go with him to the tindahan bc he wanted soft drinks 🙄
"paulia na siya uy wala silay kaon sa ila?"
trans: tell him to go home, does he not have food in their house?
my dad would definitely call him childish and would tell me he's too immature for me
probably friends with the tambays by the tindahan so every time they see him at night they'd ask him to drink and sing with them and this mf would 🕴️
rip to the people trying to sleep bc when mikey grabs that mic he wouldn't hesitate
overall rating: 6/10
Ken "draken" ryuguji
I feel like like draken has extreme respect for women so he'd definitely ask you what your mom likes so he can bring a gift for her :((
tbh I think my dad would hate draken at first
my dad would tell me he's terrible bc he feels like draken radiates "arrogant" energy (my dad has extremely fragile and toxic masculinity)
my dad would definitely ask draken to go on a "drinking battle" with him and my uncles to see if he's "worth it"
I hc that draken has an extremely high alcohol tolerance so once my dad and uncles are all out and asleep he'd definitely help take care of them
they would bond over boxing
idc what anyone says draken definitely likes boxing, any kind of boxing
him and my Lolo would probably talk shit about Manny Pacquiao and how he shouldn't run to be a politician while drinking San mig or red horse 🙁
overall rating: 8/10 (-2 for the mess the whole drinking stuff created)
keisuke baji
my lil meow meow </3
I hc that baji actually knows how to cook since he helps his mom around the kitchen a lot
he'd probably probably ask my mom cooking tips
"tita sa tingin nyo what do you think is the best way to cook (food)?"
would volunteer to help clean the dishes para instant gusto mama mo sa kanya
is invited to trips with family friends ‼️
his personality is just so easy to get along with??
hed probably get along with all my titas and titos tbh
especially my titas, they like people who are funny and i think baji is great at making people laugh
bro inuman with baji and your family?? while at the beach?? late at night?? and his hand is protectively around you?? while he presses soft kisses to your temple?? lord when kaya
overall rating: 9/10
hanemiya kazutora
tbh I don't think me and kazu would last long enough for him to meet my parents 🙁
but for this, let's say he did meet my parents
I honestly don't think my parents would have much of an opinion on him
they don't exactly hate him but they don't exactly like him ig??
he's just so,,, quiet
which is the complete opposite of what I am so my parents would probably just laugh
I think the person he would get along with the most in my family is my older brother
they both have... concerning tendencies ig??
overall rating: 6/10 (+1 bc my mom would like his hair)
takashi mitsuya
husband material
he'd probably bond with my mom about sewing
has visited you just to talk with your mom about which kind of fabric or stitch should be done and stuff
if baji is invited to trips with family friends then mitsuya is invited to family gatherings
bc my aunt and uncles are pretty shitty they'd probably "subtly" come for him for his choice of career
"diba babae lang gusto ng pananahi? bakla ka ba?"
but dw babe mitsuya is also good at dropping subtle insults and hiding them behind a soft smile
they probably won't even be able to register they were being insulted tbh
would accidentally become the babysitter 🙁
overall rating: 11/10
matsuno chifuyu
his personality is just so,,, balanced?
like he isn't as extremely outgoing as baji nor is he as timid as kazutora
hes just... balanced
another one who's being invited to family gatherings
he'd be so uptight when you first introduce him
just tell him there's an animal in the back (any kind of animal, kahit manok o baboy pa yan) then he'd probably calm down
I think chifuyu really finds comfort in animals :(
he'd make sure to Mano your parents (but my parents don't like being mano'd so that depends really)
would def be the kind of guy your Lola would like
idk I feel like old ladies would like him
overall rating: 10/10
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yanderedanganronpa · 3 years
May I request a matchup?^ ^
(for any game <3)
I'm a intp and a Scorpio, I'm omnisexual (with preference for masculine people) and nonbinary (i use xenogenders lol), my pronouns are he/it/bun
I tend to be super clingy and annoying with people, but at the same time I tend to be nervous all the time
I like painting, baking and i spent most of my time doing random things 😭🖐️
I hope it isn't too much </3
And sorry if my english isn't good
thank you for requesting a matchup :) I hope you like it, and your english is just fine hon dw ♡. Just lmk if you want any changes because I feel like this could’ve been better.
I pair you with…
Kazuichi Souda
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i match you with kazuichi mostly because because of how you act around others, i feel like kazuichi would be drawn to you
I feel like he’s very much the same and he relates a lot to you.
he’d appreciate your clinginess a whole lot, the fact that you’d want to be around him would warm his heart and if you are nervous he might not know exactly what to do to comfort you but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t try! He would try to comfort you in his own souda way like rubbing your back or just relaxing and being vulnerable around you to help you relax and if just want to be alone of course he would comply begrudgingly because souda is just as clingy (if not more) as you
baking is something kazuichi would definitely enjoy especially with you, he’d loooove enjoying all the delicious treats you two make together,
painting on the other hand,, he would like looking at all your paintings but i feel like he’d be something of a klutz so don’t leave him alone around them.
Also he’d be down for literally anything you’d want to do, going with your flow.
so kazu is a simp everyone knows that
he would do absolutely anythinggg for you
snacks? got them. you want a massage? got it. you need help with some repairs? already fixed :).
clinging to you 24/7 he’d want to be around you all the time, smothering you in affection
he lives for your praise and approval even if you don’t think so. he needs it to survive.
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