#Corrupted ds dream
nebulanightsky · 6 months
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Nah he'll get executed in the end :>
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isame-allen · 6 months
Justice and injustice
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peasthedumb · 2 years
Yo guys guess what.
*dumps a bunch of au art from my sketchbook*
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blinxbat · 2 years
I had a dream last night where I was administering a test of sorts in an office cafeteria to a person who was doing fraud, but it was in/near the kitchen so the cook (who had a british accent) kept asking me to help him out as if I was working there. At some point he asked me to make an "olive dirt casserole" while handing me olive leaves inside a mortar and pestle and I had to tell him off because he was distracting me and being rude. The person committing fraud ended up getting a 100% on their test so I guess they got away with it.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 10 months
I'm curious, what would NM and Dream look like if they had wings? (Dragon balance au)
Also, Hi :D
(Hi!! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧)
You gave me many many thoughts thank you very much. Sorry for the wait but here’s my info dump—
For Nightmare, I’d have changed his design a little bit. Three sets of front legs AND wings is a lot, so off with one pair. He’d obviously have webbed wings, and Passive wise, doesn’t do much to the design itself. But CORRUPTED Noots…
I imagine they’d not only have no webbing, but also just… be very sticky. The fingers get gooped together a lot, and he always has to stretch em out to make them less irritating. Not that it lasts long, but he does his best to keep ‘em from globbing together again!
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Dream, meanwhile, he’s honestly a lot like Winged!Dream. Not a lot changes, aside from maybe throwing in a few feathers here and there for funsies, like on his chest. (I also put some on his elbows/wrist as a fun nod to my next point…)
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There… technically already IS a winged version of Dream ehehehe. I think I’ve talked about Dreamswap once before in an ask?? But I’ve never nailed down his design, and I really wanted to do that, so! Bonus!
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Boi’s got two pairs of wings, with one set that’s connected to his paws and the other just on their own (which he got after eating the golden apple). Think Stormcutter in HTTYD. He’s bigger than TTS!Dream, has longer, more tree like horns he constantly has to trim down, can stand tall, and no, I did not desperately want this design to work out purely so DS!Nightmare and his crew (and probably Blue) can call him a duel-winged-cockatrice absolutely not I am FAR more mature than that—
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samellia · 1 year
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Corrupt DS!Dream.
From Kai's 《The Mawwied Sage》
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windsweptinred · 2 years
So, if we go with Delight/Delierum as the example. One interpretation you could have is when an Endless changes, they don't become the opposite of their nature. Rather a corrupted version of it. I guess meaning they can continue to fulfil their purpose, but it has a far darker impact on, or reflection of, humanity. So anyway, I had a crack at it, like you do. (By the way, keeping these all Ds was a nightmare! )
Destiny Doom
Death Decay
Dream Delusion
Destruction Disorder
Desire Depravity
Despair Deprivation
Delight Delierum
First Destiny, well this one was easy. While one's Destiny can be a bright, positive thing, Doom is the sealed, terrible fate with no escape.
Death and Destruction both symbolise an and end and a beginning. The turn of the wheel. To be born to die. To destroy to in turn create.
Decay is the slow Death, and an apt representation of humanities feelings on Death these days. We endeavour to live longer, fight the natural course of life, even though our bodies fall to age and disrepair.
Disorder is still a form of Destruction, but no new beginnings can come from its chaos. It tears down but cannot rebuild. It is in essence, pointless and leaves beings in a state of continual destructive stagnation.
Dream, well humanity needs dreams and hopes. But to depend too much on them, to the point you cling to false hope, live in willful ignorance and lack of ability to decipher what is Dream and what is reality, to be in a state of Delusion. While just as joyful in some respects can only bring harm.
The Twins were bleedin hard! Desire and Despair both have dark implications so attempting to corrupt them further is difficult. Instead I decided to turn them from inward, personal emotions to more outward social aspects.
For Desire, Depravity. Desire in itself is a double edged sword. It can help or hinder. But it's is a productive, passionate, inspiring force that can accomplish great things. Depravity is self serving, cruel and corrupt. It's grasping and wanting, but with no love to it and surges when humanity becomes more hedonistic.
And finally Despair, who symbolises an absence of hope. Outwordly this would be Deprivation, the lack or denial of something considered to be a necessity, food, sleep etc. Either through personal choice, neglect and at its worst, torture. A reflection of the levels humanity can sink when we stop caring for ourselves or others.
And of course, Delerium, a darker form of Delight, wild excitement or ecstasy. Often chased by means of intoxication, hallucinogens and stimulants with dangerous implications.
Anyway, the right hand collum ended up reading like a wild decent into the appocolypse 😅 I'm sure everyone has their own theories so feel free to bring forth the discussions! This is just my... I probably should be doing something productive rambles.
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zibus · 5 months
Theory time!
I dont think Blackbeard is a true D.
Blackbeard is one of my favorite characters in One Piece, and one of my favorite fictional villians of all time. Im fascinated by everything we learn about him, and by how he serves as a foil to Luffy.
The most important way he foils Luffy is the differences between their approaches. Both have increadible ambition and want to stand at the top of the New Era, but the way they approach this goal are completely opposed.
Luffy is bullheaded in the best way. He picks a goal every arc (usually punch the bad guy) and lets nothing stand in his way. He acts impulsively, based on instinct. In Fishman Island, we see how the crew plans around Luffy disrupting their plans. In Film Gold they even purposefully dont tell him the full plan. He is often also willing to risk his dream for those he considers his friends - to help them achieve their dreams. As he travels, he constantly inspires others, leading to him collecting the crew and Grand Fleet.
Blackbeard, on the other hand, is cautious and meticulous. Shanks describes how BB waited in Whitebeards shadow till the time to strike. He tells Ace he has "a plan to reach the top." Above all he his pragmatic. He recruits not by inspiring people, but by offering them something they want - as seen with Shiryu and Aokiji. Even at the moment of hus greatest triumph, when he shocks the world by obtaining the Tremor Tremor fruit, he isnt willing to do anything that might jeopardize his long term goal. When Shanks arrives, even though BB just declared he is now the strongest, he says its not time to fight and leaves.
There are lots of fascinating details about what makes BB special, but the most intriguing to me is that he doesn't sleep. Ever.
If I wanted to be King of the Pirates, and I never slept, you know what Id do? Id use that time to study and plan. I think we can say with some confidence BB does this. The first step of his plan, as far as we know, is that he studied and memorized every known devil fruit to find the perfect one - the Dark Dark fruit - for his plan. Every move he makes is calculated with the risks carefully weighed.
To get to the point: I think Marshall Teach learned about the Will of D in his studies somehow - not the full truth! - enough to recognize that pretending to be a D might give him a leg up. It might intimidate some, or bring certain allies under his banner, for instance. And so he chose to start using it. He didnt truly inherit the will.
Why I like this: the main reason is that he's the only D clan member who is without a doubt evil. Garp is complex and made choices most of us would disagree with, but he isnt selfish or corrupt like so many in the Navy. Perhaps Rocks was truly evil but we dont know enough about him. Otherwise all the other D members are clear allies of the Strawhats. Furthermore, they all seem to display a clear emotional drive to do what they believe is right. Saul betrays the Navy after meeting a single woman who cast doubt on the gov's intentions. While Vivi goes undercover, it reads more as desperation rather than some thought out plot. We all know about Ace and Luffy. Law is the most coniving among them, but in Dressrosa he goes along with Luffy and abandins his comokex plan to defeat Doflamingo, and in Wano he nearly jeopardizes the mission by turning himself over in order to save his crew. They act on insrinct and their strong moral compasses.
All except Blackbeard.
So how would this tie to the one concrete hint we have about the Will of D? That they are the enemies of the gods a.k.a. the Celestial Dragins and Imu?
Well, we know that BB is willing to work with the Navy to achieve his goals. First by becoming a Warlord, then by capuring Bonney, and currently with Coby. I think if BB thought he could achive complete personal freedom and power by being a Marine he would. And I think he will, or at least try to. He will try to usurp the World Gov. under his control while the true Ds will try to dismantle it. This will betray him as someone who doesnt truly care about freedom - only power.
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katyspersonal · 7 days
Can you make headcanons you have about Gundyr aka belated champion 🥺
Mine has always been how yknow, his prisoner chain is the ring of the embedded, and it says how the people wearing it become slaves of their own pleasure
So i think damn that man is freaky
Also the theory that ocelot= gundyr (ocelot was bred into being a champion, and gundyr's pus of man is also different from the others we see in game) just implies that gundyr is so ugly without his helm it made Gwynevere leave 🚬
Hey! Yeah I must admit that my Dark Souls loredigging is still a work in progress, especially considering in how many ways to connect the dots it offers! With ER and BB I always found a "more apparent" way to answer a lore question quickly, but as for DS trilogy I am soooo lost in opportunities fhhddffd So take most DS things I suggest as a 'draft'!
As for the chain detail: really good eye! It IS the same item!!!
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You can certainly tell that it had some context change by the DS3 time! But I really think that using basically the same item is not coincidental! So think of this: why would those weak ass pathetic chains, with the links apparently small enough to be used as rings, hold back THIS guy? He is so huge and strong, so would not he be able to break them easily?
So the thing is.. he did. But it was a bit too late. In DS2 version this kind of chain did have connotation with "pleasure", or "temptations of flesh" like it was put in Key to the Embedded description, but it can mean variety of things. In the end, holding Gundyr back with this kind of chains likely made him not want to proceed with his duty (or what he believed it was, but I'll get to that later)! It was mental restrain more than physical making him limp, like being drunk, or a dream so comfortable and happy that you don't want to wake up from it. He broke them when he was able to overcome whatever brain fog and "temptation to stay" they inflicted on him. It was a willpower effort that he was eventually able to recollect, because from physical standpoint, again, these chains were nothing. Still very commendable that he broke through their effect; I think it is rare that anyone is able to do this!
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Japanese original also says 古い王, so, ancient or old king more specifically! This is to nitpick that the emphasis here should be placed on how the mentioned king was relevant long time ago, rather than 'he was a king but not anymore'! It is about time passage. As for the helmet itself, I think it is the same as Marais Mask in ER: it depicts Gundyr's royal ancestor, not himself! As for why Gundyr was not included in my and @val-of-the-north's draft of the royal family across the games then....
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BEFORE I CONTINUE My current idea is that he is not Ocelotte, but in fact, likely older than the twin princes! He might have been a generation older, or a collateral relative to the three children of Queen of Lothric! Also, without going on a tangent I want to specify that for now I do not think that Queen of Lothric IS Gwynevere! Gwynevere is mentioned in description in DS3 and mentioned by Yorshka, so refusal to namedrop her would be odd since her name is certainly not obscured! As for Queen of Lothric being connected with Gwynevere's item, same can be told about Rosaria who is not Gwynevere being connected with Gwynevere's miracles! Basically, I think Rosaria and Queen of Lothric are just descendants of Gwynevere! I am yet to decide the exact specifics but yeah.. Guess I have to write a whole character my darn self, but I don't mind fsdhfdh
That being said, I am not opposed to the idea that Gundyr might be 'hideous' under his helmet xD Whether it is result of corruption or just how he is! All appearances are valid! Just that it would be something special for him, not connection to Ocelotte 🤔
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I am trying to double-check through Japanese script, and it seems to be more directly stated as 'the lenght/eternity of his mission was probably decided on from the beginning'! () (Tbh Japanese script being less vague IS the reason I can't loredig without these anymore) But regardless, yeah, I think whoever sent Gundyr to link the flame was setting him for the failure and a role of the judge! My current idea about it is that it was his own family that done him so dirty!
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I think them being the variants of one another is not coincidental! Before Lords of Cinder, the method to link the fire was to nurture some randos into becoming strong champions, but it probably proven being ineffective! Heck, the Unkindled are those who failed to link the fire! They switched to "find some really powerful guys and burn them", but as they started to shy away from their duties (Melina shames Lothric for skill issue in the distance fdhfhds), the old practice with firekeepers and leveling-up randos became relevant again!
It was someone from the royal family. I consider maybe Queen of Lothric herself! She was like, 'hey Gundyr good news, Lothric refused to link the fire so now YOU can save the world :))))) HAHA TROLLED YOU LOOSER YOU ARE ACTUALLY NOW THE STEPPING STONE TO RESTARTING CHOSEN UNDEADS THING LMAO' ....okay I am trivializing hhfdsd But basically deceiving him, chaining him, letting him see the result of "his" failure and being stuck in the timeless dark until he is defeated for the first time was the plan to shape him into everything any "worthy" Unkindled would face and have to overcome! I have not decided if they really hated Gundyr so much they decided to throw him away like that or they saw his outstanding personality qualities and believed only he could do something so important out of twisted 'love'. That they chose him BECAUSE only he was in their eyes good enough to overcome all those traumas and become a perfect test. Leaning more towards the latter...
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Okay, and I think not only he was deceived in this shit machiavellian way, but also someone else! Someone likely from within their walls too!
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Not only Shrine Handmaid is strangely the only NPC still present in the 'dark' Firelink Shrine instead of being replaced by like, corresponding item, and not only she weirdly looks same as retired Firekeepers from Dark Souls 2 (!!!).. but ALSO she is notably blinded, whereas blinding the Firekeepers specifically became a thing in Dark Souls 3 time (!!!!!)
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AND she strangely drops this item:
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I think it is safe to assume that she is the person tasked to be a Firekeeper that never met her champion! Needless to mention that it is, after all, FROM Lothric Castle HOW you access the Untended Graves! Yes, what they promised to Gundyr was being a Lord of Cinder, not the leveled-up "chosen undead", so her own tragedy is connected with the state of 'dark' Firelink Shrine. And maybe with us the player. Gundyr went from Champion to Iudex after being bested "by an unknown warrior" and since WE fight him outside of time as a Champion, it is probably us who set him on this path. Same as how in Dark Souls 1's DLC area WE are the one who sealed the Abyss in the past. When it is not us, metanarratively, it is any other player xd
So yeah, the two characters are not connected as Firekeeper and the "chosen" warrior because it was simply not what was promised to Gundyr, but they are connected as part of the same plan to restart the old practice after the authorities took collective L with Lords of Cinder idea! (Though if Gundyr himself is of royal blood, it is a cute idea that maybe Handmaid was Gundyr's wet nurse in the past.. ;-; )
So yeah, it is less headcanons post and more pinning down my interpretation post! I am very bad with headcanons actually as I don't have imagination hshdsd If I forgot something I want to hear it, like I said there is too much Soulsborne information and my brain is starting to fall apart from it! But yeah, I think Gundyr was a person of many virtues from the beginning, and unfortunately he was just good enough to be used like this. (also cunning Queen of Lothric character ftw lol)
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kinokoshoujoart · 22 days
I'm curious, what would you say the best way to play hm ds is? I really want to get into it, but I'm not sure how. The bug fixes in Cute appeal to me (plus I'd love to play as Pony) , but on the other hand, I'd like to marry Keira or Leia... I guess the perfect solution would be the best friend system in DS Cute, but it was removed in the English version and my Japanese knowledge is limited to reading Hiragana and Katakana
the later revisions that were released for english version of HMDS (boy version) are (mostly) bug free and playable and keira and leia are marriageable there! i’d still recommend emulating because save file corruption is still a thing that can happen
there’s also a hack for HMDS for boy that switches out Pete’s sprite for Pony’s or Claire’s, though it doesn’t change the script (so NPCs will still use he/him) and as far as i know it only works for the original more buggy version of the game, so you can’t marry the Witch Princess or Goddess— though that’s not a problem if you’re going for leia /keira. i use it when i play the boy version
the english dialogue in boy version of hmds is generally more jank than the girl version but i think it’s fun, it adds to the fever dream experience
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melonteee · 5 months
The move Blackbeard uses to release everything he absorbed in the darkness is called Liberation, and that's been living in my head rent free. Like, it's just another example of how Teach is the corrupted version of everything we know about Ds and Luffy in specific, isn't it?
I think I said it in one of my videos but one of the reasons I like One Piece is because it doesn't present things in black and white. While we see what freedom means to one person, we also see what it can mean to someone else. Doffy's idea of freedom is different to Luffy's idea of freedom, Doffy's dreams are different to Luffy's dreams. Is this good for everyone? Probably not, and that's why characters like Blackbeard are so interesting. I can't wait to see more of him so we can get what his deal is!!!
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isame-allen · 6 months
The details you added were so good can you like show close up 👀👀👀
I swear I’m going to kms if the quality is low
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applecat8 · 1 year
Random Headcanons for the constant DS/DST
-Because your metabolism is sped up it’s really hard to pack weight unless you’re eating heavily to keep yourself full. So if you’re constantly hungry and starving you thin out and look more hungry. Ex: Wilson before the constant was a little heavier (doesn’t exercise, has/had money) but over the course of starvation he slimmed up
-Starvation, Wilson’s been in the constant so long feeling full has left him, and will continue to eat afterwards if he’s got the food. Food is certainly a comfort for many of the survivors him included
-Chewing behavior, Woodie and Wilson are constantly chewing things, Woodie nibbling on a stick or grass while Wilson may have sap or something chewy to knaw away on. It helps with focus
-Woodie has influenced behaviors of his were-forms. Like head butting things, bitting woody fibers, arm flapping like goose wings. I also like to think when he’s a goose he makes nests to sit in. he absolutely hates birds.
-Maxwell has memory loss/he’s forgetful, he talks about forgetting how to craft items and how he can’t remember how to read the languages in the ruins. Yet. He has the entirety of the Codex Umbra engraved into his mind and can make it.
-Bound in blood, I also believe the Codex is bound to Maxwell with blood, (Costs blood to make it) and that it still speaks/influences him when it feels the need to, (when it needs fuel, when the book is being damaged) a hc of mine with nothing to really back it up is when William/Maxwell was pinned under the train his legs were broken, and his blood soaked the book binding him to it. Because he was in danger of dying the book did everything it could to keep him alive. Even fixing his legs as he wondered off into the desert.
-Reseting the world to continue the death loop also resets scars and other wounds completely. Reseting who ever back to how they looked when they first arrived or with a different set of cloths on. Any scars/conditions before the constant stay
-Wilson had fair vision but uses reading glasses, Maxwell had incredible nearsightedness, the throne changed that. Maxwells eyes are blue but the color fades to black depending on how much of his mind is split. Wilson’s eyes use to be Blue but faded to a coal black after the throne
-Effects of the throne, looking at game sprites for a bit of theories, and just style curiosity. Wilson’s arms are completely black to the shoulder with clawed fingers, this doesn’t pain him it’s some corruption of sorts, maxwells hands are also clawed but only to the forearm. Maxwells skin greyed, giving a lifeless look. both of them have sharp teeth. Both also have a key sense of magic as well power. Wilson is still empathetic while Maxwell is slowly getting better at showing his more soft emotions. But his heart is beyond simple healing and is remains dark and twisted. And last but not least both have the same awful dreams about the throne.
Most of this is just random off the top of my head stuff, and again none of this is canon it’s just my thoughts! It’s ok to have a different perspective on things too :b
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* Name: Amarïe
* Age: 18 (almost 19)
* Height: 1m67
* Soul: ??? (Corrupted)
* AU: DreamSwap
* Girlfriend/partner: Sophie & Naībü
(By me // by @honeyonroseflakes )
* Sexuality: Poly + lesbian
* Race: hybride (elf ? angel ?)
(+) she has DS!Dream's power because she absorbed a part of him soul
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mjjune · 10 months
wip themes tag
thanks for the tag @bebewrites!
rules: bold the themes that appear in your wip (& italicize those that are loosely covered) then tag 10 people!
these are for my newest wip, ds!
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
tagging (no pressure!): @aritany @comicgoblinart @vsnotresponding @words-after-midnight @wildswrites
DS TAGLIST: (message or comment below to be +/-) @artbyeloquent @bebewrites @careful-fear @cherrybombfangirlwrites @cljordan-imperium @cocomerocollection @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue @faithfire @flowerprose @garthcelyn @hope-hopefully-writes @isabellebissonrouthier @jamieanovels @kingkendrick7 @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @marrowwife @mr-writes @saintedseraph @saphoblin @thyroidhormones @treesandwords @wildswrites @wip-nook
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pokemonfangame · 18 days
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Pokémon Blazing Hope and Boundless Dream
This game attempts to capture everything that made the DS and prior eras of Pokémon so great, while adding in extra content and quality of life improvements seen in modern Pokémon titles. As a spiritual sequel to Pokémon Sun and Moon, it will feature many challenging Totem Pokémon Boss Battles to really put players' game knowledge to the test! This game in general will be quite a bit more difficult than most mainline Pokémon games, without being overly punishing or unfair.
Several strange and exciting events are shaking up the status quo in the Vagon Region! A new Pokémon League has been established to replace the old, corrupt one, Z-Power, an energy thought only to exist in Alola, is spreading throughout the land, and a gang of misfit archaeologists known as Team Plunder is raiding Vagon's many ruins and tombs. You are a 16-year old teenager starting your Pokémon journey throughout the Vagon Region. Your mother, Professor Sequoia, specializes in Pokémon psychology. Along with your best friend and your father, Robert, she sends you to explore the region and uncover the secrets of Mega Evolution and Z-Power!
10+ Original Fakemon to discover
1 hour of gameplay
1 Totem Pokémon Boss and Gym Leader Battle
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