#Closing of bones
sacredliminalspaces · 2 months
Current Offerings~
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•In person availability Mid-May ‘24 - July ‘24
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papanowo · 20 days
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the new sheriff's real sweet on that old country doctor, ain't he?....
mckirk week day 4 : au @mckirkevents
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daftmooncretin · 5 months
imagine being scotty in tos. every day your friend group goes on dangerous yet exciting adventures to new planets but you can never go because they always make you babysit the ship. also you have to stay on facetime with them the whole time in case they need a lift. you are the eternal designated driver. the seventh wheel. you dont mind as much as you should though because you sort of want to fuck the ship
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
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This was the kiss he’d been waiting for. It was a gunshot. It was prairie fire. It was the spin of Makker’s Wheel. Jesper felt the pounding of his heart—or was it Wylan’s?—like a stampede in his chest, and the only thought in his head was a happy, startled, Oh.
Please do not use, edit, or repost my art without permission.
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incorrect-soc · 7 months
Since we're all sad, angry, screaming, crying and throwing up, here's a list of the things we'll never get a chance to see bc Netflix decided to be a cunt and cancelled the show on the biggest cliffhanger known to human kind:
"I would've come for you"
"This is Wylan Van Eck. Jan Van Eck's son"
Jesper getting Inej back
All the crows together for an entire season
Not Crow related, but Zoyalai
"Is my tie straight?"
"My darling Inej, treasure of my heart"
Kaz finding Inej's parents and literally having to hold her up when her knees weaken at the sight of them
Jesper going frantic bc Wylan (his now bf) has changed his entire appearence
Matthias calling Kaz a Demjin every two seconds
Helnik ACTUALLY kissing
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donelywell · 2 months
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February 29- March 2 2024
The first time Sonic went Super in Road Trip wasn't exactly as stunning to Tails as other au's and stories.
Tails is like maybe 5 here (I'm not actually that organized on the timeline for this au yet, I'm getting there though, things are getting in order.) and he wasn't forced to grow up and be a hero in this au. So he's a bit more childish than canon Tails because he doesn't feel as pressured to mature and grow up fast. Plus, he genuinely thinks Sonic is going to die and this is the last time he see's him, so tears are bound to come down.
Part 1
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orpheusilver · 1 year
somewhere in the multiverse kim is revachols most unhinged bus driver
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puppetmaster13u · 8 days
Prompt 325
Danny, tiny from being physically de-aged more towards his ghost-age for his health, and slightly influenced by the fact that he currently has a tiny concussion, practically beaming at his current sort-of caretaker from the couch-bed: :D (They sort of got a choice in it, and they offered their home for the last few nights anyway!)
Charles “Chuck” Brown, freaking out more than a little bit after he woke up feeling like his back was being melted and decided to take a hot shower: Heey kid, is there a reason I am suddenly sprouting wings?!
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 7 months
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sun "dsfafgdadfadsfdsgfd ya <3<3<3 ur sooo right"
as said by @arcade-chaos (2023)
(song is yr the best by carpetgarden and i think it has very Afton Virus'd Reader au vibes and im v sorry for how ugly this doodle looks skjdfshdjfh)
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Okay I've been lurking in the DP x DC fandom and had an idea I'd like to share.
*throws a handful of deer vertebrae at you*
You know how cat/wolves/lion fight their kits/pups to teach them how to defend themselves? Well ghosts do that too.
Danny having regressed to a somewhat feral ghost state (insert angsty backstory) arrives in the DC universe, sees all these baby heroes (to him) fighting and struggling against some of their foes and goes 'must teach the babies how to fight' and straight up start throwing down (gently by his standards)
Of course the league, batfam, or whoever don't see it like that. So they're fighting this creature with all they got and from their point of view it is not going well.
Eventually it devolves to a point where they are seriously losing and the powerful creature gets to one of them (hero of your choice), fangs at their throat... But it doesn't bite down ?
Instead, the being slightly pinch down before crooning and playfully nudging them with his head. Then he back up and lets his guard open as if saying "okay now your turn to attack :D"
Cue 2 realizations:
-this being is not trying to hurt them and from up close looks awfully like a teenager
-it wasn't fighting at full strength ? how powerful is it really ?
(later, Danny does the almost bite to Jason and ends up spluttering like a cat tasting saltwater and immediately wraps around him like a boa to heal him from the pits)
Garfield flies on down to Tim but pauses in his step as an eery sound echoed around every street and building. "I'm sorry did the Devil Ghost Guy just giggle?!"
Tim took a long sip from his thermos looking up at the two clashing figures in the sky. "You heard it the same as I did."
"He's fighting SUPERBOY!"
Beast Boy looks over at Tim utterly baffled. "How are you so calm right now. Did he mind control you or something? Can he mind control people?"
Tim lazily shook his head as he readjusted his position on the concrete rooftop that he was watching the action from. "I mean, not that I know of. They've been at it for two hours now."
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its-wabby-stuff · 2 months
Mikey Goes To Oz
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<Time spent: 49 hours 17 minutes>
When Mikey takes some time away from a loud family squabble he accidentally ends up getting “flushed” down the sewers. This winds up sending him to the colorful land of Oz where he meets a good witch, a wicked witch, a brainless scarecrow, a heartless Tinman, a cowardess lion, and a powerful wizard, all disguised behind very familiar faces.
A canon adjacent spin off set before the season one finale but after they discover Splinter is Lou Jitsu
I wanted to fit each of the boys into their “you’ve had this all along” category. Leo isn’t brainless, in fact he’s pretty clever with a street smart, people reading ability on par with Donnie’s intelligence. Donnie isn’t heartless, he just has a tough time expressing his feelings. They are complex and unalgorithic but he can get just as excited or sad or angry as anyone, as much as he may deny it. Raph isn’t a coward, but being brave sometimes means admitting you’re scared and that you maybe don’t have all the answers. You dont have to be strong all the time and you don’t have to do it by yourself.
In the movie Dorothy’s journey home is also a representation of her running away. The important thing was to remember there were people who cared about her. Mikey is experiencing a similar phenomenon, wanting the escape the bad vibes in the lair. His “you’ve had it all along” is interesting because it is an object, since the Ruby kneepads could’ve taken him home the whole time. And sometimes getting home means going on a journey only to realize you never left.
I put April as Glinda because Glinda appears as a defender of the weak, and I see April in a similar light. Always willing to help and beat someone up if it is so required. Splinter as The Wizard of Oz represents Splinters own willingness to hide behind different personas, his running from the past and the pulling back of the curtain for Mikey in timeline. The Wizard grows through the movie, albeit quickly, and ends up leaving Oz to go home leaving his legacy with the scarecrow, the Tinman, and the lion. In this case the passing of the baton to his sons.
Meanwhile Draxum as the wicked witch felt much more how Mikey sees Draxum at this time in the show, mostly just an antagonistic force who wants something from them. Fun fact: I imagine throughout this dream, Draxum is uninterested in being the wicked witch but is pressed into it via plot. Hence his disinterest in being “melted.”
Additional characters not pictured: Big Mama as the Wicked Witch of the East (those were her Ruby kneepads!!) and Todd as the Mayor of Munchkin Land. If you can think of more, feel free to leave them in the comments or tags.
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papanowo · 8 months
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soooo these started out as me doodling to get used to my new tablet but 2 months later here we are
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birdsong-warriors · 9 months
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I apologize for the lack of updates here on Tumblr. I will be taking October off comic work to build up a proper buffer, so updates will be more regular starting in November.
First | Previous | Next
Part 1: Friend and Family
See up to thirty pages ahead, with timelapses, on Patreon!
Backgrounds, brushes, and other assets for sale on my Ko-Fi!
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muffinlance · 3 months
Progress report:
Scaled Over (the Dragon Zuko fic): 30% done, I am tentatively aiming to finish the final chapter this weekend so I can add that sweet sweet "complete" to the work
Blindsiding Badgermoles and Towards the Sun: outlining next chapters, BB especially still needs a little think time to get the scenes in order
Fox's Tongue: next chapter totally written, saving editing for Monday night or if my brain is too bleh for real writing
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two-dolla-bills · 4 months
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This is both the absolute best and worst thing I have ever seen in my entire life
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bonefall · 5 months
Maybe I'll make a post on this at some point but like, something deeply fucked up about TNP and Po3 that people have totally forgotten about is how badly they try to whine that "Tigerstar Had Good Traits :("
Firestar does it, Brambleclaw does it, and they keep doing this after it becomes this GRAND irony that Firestar almost gets Tiger'd to death in a fox trap because he was too trusting. Bramble gets his pity award of keeping deputyship and then cries to his son about how No One Saw The Good In Tigerstar :(
And it's wiiiiild that no one else in this fandom has done anything with the fact that Leopardstar broke the Warrior Code to appoint Hawkfrost, who had no apprentice, an extremely aggressive and warmongering Tigerclone who says things like "Tigerstar wasn't the worst cat to look up to." ONLY qualifying trait was being kinda like Tigerstar.
And she practically did that the SECOND Mistyfoot went missing. And then Leopardstar continued to be one of the most violent and xenophobic leaders through Po3, joining with WindClan to attack ThunderClan.
What I'm getting at is that like, a few years ago, with books like "Blackfoot's Reckoning" and "Shadow in RiverClan" it's like they suddenly decided to retcon in a bunch of "redemption arcs" in hindsight. They just pretended like there was this grand high reckoning with TigerClan, when there literally wasn't, and if anything that caused SERIOUS problems for the cast that the authors didn't fully acknowledge as such.
And now ppl haven't actually read the main series and are just working with their recent memory of all these retcon books.
But TNP and PO3 are still there, and you can go and see the ACTUAL timeline where Leopardstar is really not apologetic at all, and Blackstar is a useful stooge for the very next wannabe dictator that strolls in, in spite of the new side content that COMPLETELY mischaracterized them for their plots to work.
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