c-depot-archive · 6 months
アーティスト集団 C-DEPOT
C-DEPOTとは C-DEPOT (シーデポ) は、絵画、立体、映像、写真、メディアアート等の様々なジャンルを専門分野とする、総勢約100名のアーティストによって構成されているアーティスト集団である。 「アート=多様性」を理念に2002年に設立、アーティストと社会の架け橋を作る活動を続けている。
About C-DEPOT C-DEPOT is a collective of more than 100 artists producing work in various genres including painting, sculpture, video, photography, and media arts. Founded in 2002 upon the philosophy “art = diversity,” it continues its activities as a bridge between artists and society.
2002年 アーティスト集団「C-DEPOT」結成
2003年 EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2003 (アートガーデンかわさき)
2004年 EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2004 -color- (横浜赤レンガ倉庫)
2005年 EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2005 -face- (スパイラル)
2006年 C-DEPOT tableau (ギャラリー金輪) EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2006 -ナチュラル- (横浜赤レンガ倉庫)
2007年 EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2007 -present- (スパイラル) EXHIBITION C-DEPOT -present- at ArtGaia (アートガイア河口湖ミュージアム) シブヤスタイル(西武渋谷店)企画協力
2008年 EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2008 HOME (横浜赤レンガ倉庫) 書籍「アーティスト集団 C-DEPOTのキセキ」ギャラリーステーションより出版 シブヤスタイル vol.2(西武渋谷店)企画協力
2009年 EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2008 メッセージ(スパイラル、他4会場) C-DEPOT square(YOUNG ARTISTS JAPAN vol.2) シブヤスタイル vol.3(西武渋谷店)企画協力
2010年 事務所「C-DEPOT terminal」設立(東京都豊島区) C-DEPOT square(丸の内Edition) EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2010 旅 -voyage-(横浜赤レンガ倉庫&象の鼻テラス) EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2010 旅 巡回展(Shun Art Gallery・上海) C-DEPOT in the Dark(YOUNG ARTISTS JAPAN vol.3@東京交通会館) シブヤスタイル vol.4(西武渋谷店)企画協力
2011年 RANDY ART HILLS vol.01 松枝悠希展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.02 末宗美香子展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.03 C-DEPOT2011 sattelite(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.04 Arts in Motion(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.05 Animals lounge(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.06 RANDY’s Xmas(カフェRANDY / 六本木) ミカヅキモ “expand”(C-DEPOT terminal) C-DEPOT edge(新宿髙島屋) EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2011 gravity 引力(スパイラル) 公募CWCプロジェクト(C-DEPOT 2011 関連企画) C-DEPOT square II(YOUNG ARTISTS JAPAN vol.4) C-DEPOT circus line(TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK 2011) 大竹美佳・小野志乃芙 二人展 “Christmas present”(C-DEPOT terminal) シブヤスタイル vol.5(西武渋谷店)企画協力
2012年 RANDY ART HILLS vol.07 丸山祐介展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.08 FLOWER(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.10 URBAN(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.11 小川剛展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.12 小松宏誠展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) 真壁友・堤岳彦 二人展 ”機械とデザート”(C-DEPOT terminal) 八田大輔・天野由美子 二人展 ”びようしつだいさくせん”(C-DEPOT terminal) EXHIBITION C-DEPOT 2012 TOKYO-YOKOHAMA(スパイラル&横浜赤レンガ倉庫) C-DEPOT selection (西武渋谷店) ULTRA 005 “小川剛・早川貴泰 二人展”(スパイラル) アトリエ・モヴィーダ コミュニケーションアート展 (西武池袋本店) シブヤスタイル vol.6(西武渋谷店)企画協力
2013年 RANDY ART HILLS vol.13 藤田朋一展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.14 SPROUT(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.15 DEAR MONSTER(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.16 Glassy VISION(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.17 C-DEPOT square(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.18 茂木あすか展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) C-DEPOTミニアートフェア @ LOOPライフフェスタ(大川端リバーシティ21) C-DEPOT square(第8回 新池袋モンパルナス西口まちかど回遊美術館) SONICART(SUMMER SONIC 2013) ART CHAIR(TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK 2013) ULTRA 006 “構造景観 Structurescape”(スパイラル) シブヤスタイル vol.7(西武渋谷店)企画協力
2014年 RANDY ART HILLS vol.19 悠紀(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.20 C-DEPOT selection(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.21 CANDY(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.22 GARDEN(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.23 小松冴果展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.24 青木伸介展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) ART FAIR C-DEPOT -Shapes of HEART-(西武渋谷店) C-DEPOT NATIVE -J ARTの今展-(新宿伊勢丹) EXHIBITION “T”-DEPOT(第9回 新池袋モンパルナス西口まちかど回遊美術館) サッカーボールアート展(西武渋谷店) JINS ART PROJECT「Magnify Life」(JINSオフィス) 313×313 Dreaming ART(ROYAL PARK HOTEL THE HANEDA) SONICART(SUMMER SONIC 2013) C-DEPOT principle -9人の流儀-(銀座三越) 循環 Circulation(TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK 2014 / アーティストコンテナ) THE ART FAIR +PLUS-ULTRA 2014 “GLASSY VISION”(スパイラル) シブヤスタイル vol.8(西武渋谷店)企画協力
2015年 RANDY ART HILLS vol.25 SHEEP(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.26 かなやまひろき展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.27 Landscape(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.28 山田だり展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.29 My Daily Life(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.30 C-DEPOT selection(カフェRANDY / 六本木) C-DEPOT -June- Session(パークホテル東京) C-DEPOT -September- Session(パークホテル東京) C-DEPOT -December- Session(パークホテル東京) C-DEPOT selection(千葉そごう アートスペース) 桜ボディアート(六本木アートナイト2015/東京ミッドタウン) 匠 UNIQLO IKEBUKURO OMIYAGE(ユニクロ池袋サンシャイン60通り店) 池袋アートギャザリング(第10回 新池袋モンパルナス西口まちかど回遊美術館) C-DEPOT Landmark(池袋東武) サンフェイス(ユニクロ池袋サンシャイン60通り店) Luminous! (SONICART @ SUMMER SONIC 2015) C-DEPOT selection @ ミレニアムコレクション(そごう西武店外催事) C-DEPOT×新宿高島屋 HAGOITAアート展 “Go it!”(新宿高島屋) C-DEPOT alternative @ シブヤのタマゴ(旧渋谷区総合庁舎) ドキュメンタリー映画「響生 -アートの力- アーティスト集団C-DEPOTの軌跡」 C-DEPOT × H.P.FRANCE “HOLLY FOREST”(モザイクモール港北) シブヤスタイル vol.9(西武渋谷店)企画協力 THE ART FAIR +PLUS-ULTRA 2015 “ANIMA”(スパイラル)
2016年 RANDY ART HILLS vol.31 MONKEY(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.32 SWEET GANG(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.33 COLOR(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.34 末宗美香子展 about a…(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.35 国本泰英展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) C-DEPOT -February- Session(パークホテル東京) C-DEPOT Japan Fusion -花-(パークホテル東京) C-DEPOT Japan Fusion -鳥-(パークホテル東京) C-DEPOT Japan Fusion -風-(パークホテル東京) C-DEPOT selection(ミレニアムコレクション/そごう西武店外催事) C-DEPOT selection -立体展-(そごう千葉店) Taste of Kawaii Japan / 枡アート展(香港ハーバーシティ) ART of ULTRAMAN(新宿髙島屋) 池袋アートギャザリング 2016(第11回 新池袋モンパルナス西口まちかど回遊美術館) KOKESHI CONTEMPORARY(東京芸術劇場) kokeshi art collection(WACCA池袋) ダイアログ イケブクロ(グリーン大通り / 池袋) C-DEPOT GIFT(池袋東武) Hotel Arts Festival in PARK HOTEL TOKYO(パークホテル東京) ジュニアアーツアカデミー美術(公益財団法人としま未来文化財団/豊島区民センター) SONICART(SUMMER SONIC 2016) グリーン大通りオータムパーティー2016 “iam”(グリーン大通り / 池袋) Colorful カ・ラ・フ・ル(西武船橋店)
2017年 RANDY ART HILLS vol.36 BIRD(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.37 依田恵展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.38 稲田貴志展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.39 Animal(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.40 C-DEPOT selection(カフェRANDY / 六本木) C-DEPOT Japan Fusion -月-(パークホテル東京) HIROSAKI DESIGN WEEK 雪桜ワークショップ(弘前公園) HIROSAKI DESIGN WEEK ランタンワークショップ(田舎館スノーアート会場内) ぼくらのアトム展(第12回 新池袋モンパルナス西口まちかど回遊美術館) IAG AWARDS 2017 / 東京芸術劇場 (C-DEPOT賞審査協力)以降毎年 Hotel Arts Festival in PARK HOTEL TOKYO(パークホテル東京) ジュニアアーツアカデミー美術 ”親子でいっしょに!アートの「あ」”(としまセンタースクエア)
2018年 RANDY ART HILLS vol.41 DOG(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.42 末松由華利展(カフェRANDY / 六本木) RANDY ART HILLS vol.43 (Final) PRESENT(カフェRANDY / 六本木) C-DEPOT BIRD(アミューズミュージアム / 浅草) Artisti “Q” Museum 怪盗ランポの挑戦状(第13回 新池袋モンパルナス西口まちかど回遊美術館) Gallery Art Composition × C-DEPOT “VIVID vol.2”(Gallery Art Composition) Gallery Art Composition × C-DEPOT “MONOCHROME vol.2”(Gallery Art Composition) C-DEPOT selection(Corridor Gallery 34 / パークホテル東京) ジュニアアーツアカデミー美術 ”親子でいっしょに!アートの「あ」”(としまセンタースクエア)
2019年 J-POPアート展(高松三越 / 高松) Artisti “Q” Museum 怪盗ランポの挑戦状 〜幻の黄金仮面を探せ〜(第14回 池袋モンパルナス回遊美術館) 次世代育成事業 夏休みこどもアートサーカス(としまセンタースクエア) C-DEPOT abstraction(パークホテル東京)
2020年 としまフェスタ 区民が祝う区民センター(としま区民センター) C-DEPOT plasma(新宿髙島屋) C-DEPOT selection(パークホテル東京) 謎解き×美術展 アマビヱ伝(オンラインイベント) 怪盗ランポ ”WEBから”の挑戦状(第15回 池袋モンパルナス回遊美術館 / オンラインイベント) RESURRECTION -その後の世界のアートと社会-(AOYAMA STUDIO 164・239) Rosa "Marilyn Monroe"(MEDEL GALLERY SHU) C-DEPOT Shapes of Element(パークホテル東京)
2021年 WEBサイト「月刊美術プラス」協力 アート×探索 RANPO WANTED(第16回池袋モンパルナス回遊美術館) こどもアートサーカス 2021(としま区民センター多目的ホール) 親子で体験!メディアアート作品づくり(南大塚地域文化創造館)  WEBサイト「ほいくis」保育者向け製作レシピ協力
2022年 アート×探索 RANPO WANTED -名画に隠された謎-(第17回池袋モンパルナス回遊美術館) 見参 -KENZAN- (東京芸術劇場)企画協力 C-DEPOT × 玉川高島屋 ボウリングピン再生アート展(玉川髙島屋S・C) C-DEPOT Stillness and Movement(YUKIKOMIZUTANI/TERRADA ART COMPLEX) C-DEPOT sprout(パークホテル東京・Corridor Gallery 34) 「さゆり幼稚園」施設リニューアルにおけるオブジェ製作協力 見参 -KENZAN- / 東京芸術劇場(企画協力・C-DEPOT賞審査協力) みずほ銀行主催「春一番くじ」イラスト採用 横須賀市「ソレイユの丘」施設リニューアルにおける壁画製作協力 アートECサイト「Art Valley」ローンチ協力(アーティスト紹介)
2023年 サンシャインシティプリンスホテル アート装飾 アート×探索 RANPO WANTED -消えたジュエルインセクトを探せ-(第18回 池袋モンパルナス回遊美術館) C-DEPOT ART POP UP(玉川髙島屋S・C) 夏のこども教室2023(玉川髙島屋S・C コミュニティクラブたまがわ) C-DEPOT × 玉川髙島屋 アクリル板再生アート展 -トトノウアート -(玉川髙島屋S・C) C-DEPOT × 玉川髙島屋 鮫島弓起雄展 -��目を終えた《物》たち-(玉川髙島屋S・C) リビエラアートフェア2023/C-DEPOT selection(リビエラ東京) たかすぎるな。× C-DEPOT 歩いた道よ、愛になれ(WACCA池袋)
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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What if two guys got forced into a deeply traumatizing situation together and had to learn to get along so they can heal from their respective traumas and avoid hurting each other further
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icewindandboringhorror · 10 months
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Current temperature inside of my room right now in the middle of the night whilst about to go to sleep... villain origin story...
#You just get SOOOOO tired of being hot all the time for multiple days straight.. with very little relief ever... hhHHHH#I forget that I literally lose my mind and become evil every summer like clockwork#I don't evenknow what I mean by that because I'm just as calm/monotone as ever lol.. but I just feel more evil.. low level pent up rage#or something. nothing changes on the outside but on the inside it's like hmm.. I'm like 5% more hostile than I usually am#not outwardly expressed still of course. but just.. my bones are made of a little more violence recently..#percentages moving around. My character stats get a temporary modifier all summer where I feel chronically just a LIIIITLE more noticably#unhinged. like I will never do it of course. but I will think about. maybe I'll just throw all the plates at the wall and break every wind#ow with a baseball bat. No. I shant. I would never.. but .. I could. 5% more than I usually could. But I shan't. but let it be known.. I#c o u l d ...i COULD.. if I had to. but I don't.. but still.. keep the notion in the back of the mind.. hmm.. lol#And this is not even during a heat wave at the moment it's just like.. normal summer.. >:')#I think it's also largely the shitty apartment which was not built for coolness. Like older houses will have tall cielings and those window#above the doors and ceiling fans and be built high up from the ground and all these other ways to manage warm weather#naturally. but cheaply constructed dinky city apartments with no ventilation and windows only on one side and blah blah#It retains heat insanely like being trapped in a green house or something#even with all the windows open & fans in the house and stuff it just doesn't really move air well because the space is not made to do that.#Also really testing my anticapitalism/leftism/etc... sitting and thinking 'damn maybe I should play the stock market.. I should sell#some sculptures and overprice them.. howmuch could I charge for these clothes..' < *is desperate to afford a living situation with central#heating and air conditioning*#Haha! Guillotines?? who said anything about those? I LOVE rich people.. haha.. now what's a guy gotta do to instantly get about $50.000 ar#ound here? haha! kidnap someone and sell their organs? okay haha! I love the free market! going to home depot right#now to buy an axe! Don't you just hate taxes? so glad I live in the best country in the world under the best economic system on the planet#USA! USA!! USA!!! *visibly shaking. nose starts bleeding. you notice i am also levitating off the ground slightly*#ANYWAY gfgfgh.... winter......... my sweet child....i miss you so so much.... SUMMER you are my ENEMY#ah well now it's gone down to 80.4 Farenheight. cancel post. thats such an improvemtn surely I'll be able to sleep soundly now /s#what was I ever worried about? it's all good! haha!! *still levitating a little *#In better news - I have finished the Victorian Pharmacy documentary series and am now watching them build a medieval castle! and one of my#goofy joke song snippets suddenly got 6.000 views on youtube which was cool?? though very random? I made kale chips again. and had asparag#us. And saw a duck. carved a lot of things out of avocado pits. Little tidbits to keep me sane..#See a funny little duck outside and go 'hmm... life is okay actually :) I no longer want to break windows :3'#then it gets like 85F inside again and you're liek NEVERMINDaaaaaaahhh!!!!! then you see a duck next morning and calm down :)
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It never came in. Idk I guess they didn't want to drive to the country, so I have a strange feeling they spent two days leaving it at a depot in the city, and pretending they drove it out and couldn't find the house. This happens a lot, but dang. BC I was looking forward to spending one day off cozy on the couch lol. Now I gotta wait again lol.
I only find it funny BC they sent a 'it will be here this day at your house guaranteed. What to expect, it at your doorstep' but I knew it was a lie, BC they never go out that from the city (even tho they are still supposed to).
Edit - I guess they gave it to another company to drive to the door, but should be sofa-bed up after work and cozy! Can't wait! I'm literally so excited about it!
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tiquqijahuc · 2 years
Safe-t-switch ss2 installation i
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fever-dreamer97 · 1 year
Izuku: Kacchan will get into moods where he will say things that are not outside the spectrum of normal human words but are just slightly off the wall.
Todoroki: Why?
Izuku: To mess with people like the sociopath that he is, I remember when he worked at that coffee shop.
Bakugo: Welcome to Coffee Depot, home of delicious. What fu*king deliciousness can I put in motion for you today?
Customer:…C-Can I get a large pink drink?
Bakugo: Go big or go home. Appreciate your commitment to rock your shit up, anything else to smash your palate?
Customer:…Nitro cold brew with shots of espresso please.
Bakugo: Also brave of you to commit to staying awake for three days, you insomnia-addicted psycho.
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vintagelasvegas · 1 month
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Fremont Street, c. May 1959
Banners overhead for Helldorado celebrations. The top photo is at the park in front of Union Pacific depot facing east; the other at Fremont & 4th facing west. Milk's was a new restaurant that took over for and adapted the sign of Corey's Fine Foods.
Slide scans by Vintage Roadside
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This is so cute- it's an 1860 railroad station in lovely Stanfordville, New York, converted to a home. 3bds, 4ba, price dropped $55K to $840K.
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Love the floor and the fireplace with built-in shelving.
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There appear to be some original antiques in here, like pictures, the sign case, folding chairs and writing desk.
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Nice large kitchen with black quartz counters and Shaker cabinets.
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I like how they stenciled signage on the walls, doors and stairs.
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There's a full kitchen and family room in the basement.
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Plus another sitting area with an original stone wall.
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Nice bedroom with lots of closet space and built-ins.
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Original doors and stairs.
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This bath is very large and has beautiful cobalt blue floor tile, with penny tiles on the walls.
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Very large bedroom.
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This bedroom has sliders to the deck.
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And, this bedroom is huge. It's more of bonus space b/c it's so open.
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Cute screened in porch opens to the deck.
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Look at the koi pond in the yard.
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Nice fire pit area.
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The land measures 2.74 acres.
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leggerefiore · 9 months
Basically, this is the Subway Bosses leaving their announcement microphone on and broadcasting something they say to s/o across the gear Station
cw: sexual implication and themes in Emmet's part, 18+ content in Emmet's part
The Gear Station was busy as always as you stood among the crowd with Ingo. He gazed around the carefully, clearly looking for anything that made need his attention. You could only shake your head. The older twin was not the time to grant himself even a moment of respite when his beloved came to see him at work. You had brought him lunch, since you felt worried that he might skip out on it today. He and you chatted absent-mindedly about assorted things for a moment, going between when he would likely be home for work and possible evening activities together. Everything was peaceful despite the situation around you both.
Well, it was until his radio perked up and a nervous voice of a train driver echoed through, alerting Ingo that there was a delay on the C-line to Opelucid City. He clicked his tongue and muttered an acknowledgement before moving to grab his portable microphone that was used for announcements. A familiar alert jingle rang out through the station alongside Ingo's voice as he gave the update that he just received to the commuters of the station. It was repeated once after to make sure it was heard and understood. He shook his head and sighed. You knew this just confirmed his feelings of being unable to rest easy on any shift.
Ingo leaned towards you to take the lunch box from your hands and press a kiss to your cheek. He looked at you with loving eyes and spoke sweetly, “I love you always, my dear, and I thank you for giving me such a kindness.” It would have made you gasp and hug him had it not been for one issue.
His voice also echoed out through the station's PA system. Ingo stood mortified for a moment before quickly moving to turn off his microphone. A few people froze and looked around the station, baffled by what they just heard. You could see Depot Agents scratching their heads as they tried to figure out just what that message meant. Ingo's face bloomed bright red as he tried to act like that had not just happened. Of course, he was denied such a thing as his radio flared to life again.
A familiar voice came out of it.
“Ingo, I love our job, too, but we cannot just confess our love to our commuters like that!” Emmet's voice was teasing even through the static on the frequency.
“I…” he picked up the radio to reply, “I am going to lock myself in our office. Please do not disturb me.” With that, he stumbled away with the lunch box to do just as he said.
You could only watch him in pity.
Emmet pinned you playfully to the office couch. He hovered above you with a teasing grin as his gloved hands danced under your shirt. You shivered at the feeling and let out a soft whine. You had come to surprise him on his break, but everything had quickly turned into something steamy as Emmet pulled you into his lap for a cuddle. A kiss became something more, and that is how you ended up pressed against the black leather as Emmet hovered above you like a predator. Before he could lean down for another kiss, his radio started up. He pouted but picked it up.
A driver on the other end spoke with a tired tone, stating there was a delay on a B-line going to Undella. Emmet gave a curt acknowledgment and whined as soon as the line was quiet. You could already tell he was not looking forward to this mess during a peak vacation season. He turned on his portable microphone and made the most dry and monotone announcement he could, declaring the delay to the Gear Station. He repeated it once more and shifted his focus back to you. It seemed he still had a quickie in mind.
His lips pressed to yours as he rutted against you, surging pleasure through your veins. You both were quickly getting hotter and hotter, so Emmet pulled away to tug up your shirt. Then, with a teasing grin and playful eyes, he asked, “Are you ready for my Eelektross, darling?” You then bucked up against him and caused him to groan. This mood, however, quickly ended as you both heard his voice echo across the station. He instantly turned off his microphone and pulled away from you, completely petrified. You did not think that you had ever seen anything manage to ruin his libido.
His radio flared to life again. A familiar angry voiced blasted out of it loudly.
“Emmet,” Ingo spoke threateningly, “What was that?”
Emmet then curled into himself and begrudgingly picked up the radio.
“I am Emmet, and I am no longer horny.”
You could not stop yourself from bursting out laughing.
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greatwyrmgold · 1 month
Dungeon Logistics
Between the currently-airing Dungeon Meshi anime and my recent binge of the manga (I finally got past the 40% mark), I've been thinking about the logistics of long-term dungeoneering.
The Problem
Military theorists and historians have some rules of thumb about what soldiers can be expected to do and need. [citation] For instance, they usually need around three pounds of food per day and can carry around 90-120 pounds of stuff. (The total varies less by strength and more by how much of that strength you can convince soldiers to use carrying stuff the general cares about.)
Theoretically, this means soldiers can carry a month or two of food; however, hardtack makes a pretty terrible weapon. Most of their carrying capacity is taken up by inedible (and also important) gear; the standard rule of thumb seems to be that soldiers can carry about ten days' worth of food.
The same is presumably more or less true for dungeoneers. A wizard's robe, staff, and spellbook probably weigh less than a sword and a suit of armor, but that space is going to get taken up by the miscellaneous tools you need to survive in a dungeon that aren't necessary for armies walking through inhabited lands.
In short, in the absence of Senshi, dungeoneers can only spend about a week and a half in the dungeon. Obviously, you need to set aside time to return to the surface, so you can't go deeper than five days. Well, you can—starvation doesn't kill you instantly—but you really shouldn't.
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Extra Cargo
What if we added some people who only carried food? That would help some. Including two porters per three dungeoneers would roughly double the group's operational endurance, from ten days to twenty.
But the number of porters grows rapidly as the desired trip into the dungeon grows longer; operational endurance to 30 days requires four porters per dungeoneer. Even if the dungeon is spacious for a party of dozens to be possible, having that party be 80% or more noncombatants is a recipe for disaster.
What about pack animals? Mules require about five times as much food as humans (assuming they can't graze in the dungeon), but they can carry close to 300 pounds of supplies. One mule per three dungeoneers extends operational endurance from 10 to 15 days, a second to 17.
That's not bad, but pack animals work better when they can graze. If the dungeon has grass or equivalent foliage, one mule per three dungeoneers increases operational endurance to about 26 days, a second to 35, and one mule per dungeoneer increases it to 39. But most dungeons don't have much to graze on.
For the spendthrift dungeoneer, pack animals have one advantage over porters: You can eat them.
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I can't find any actual data about how much meat you get from butchering a mule, but combining other data lets me estimate 300 pounds (with large error bars).
So you could theoretically buy a (relatively) cheap mule at the surface, bring it with you through the dungeon, butcher it when you'd eaten through the supplies on its back, and live off its meat for a while. In this case, you probably don't even need to feed it on the way down! I have been informed that you do, in fact, need to feed it.
Five dungeoneers could live off the supplies carried by an increasingly malnourished mule for about 19 9.5 days. The mule would probably lose weight during that time, but the butcher could probably get at least a hundred pounds of decent meat off the poor critter. That would give them at least a week of extra rations, plus whatever they carried on their own backs, for a total operational endurance of at least five three and a half weeks.
This strategy probably works best if the adventurers are planning to go establish a camp after a few days and linger there for a few weeks. That would let them slaughter the mule as soon as they reach their base camp and free them from somehow carrying a whole mule carcass worth of food around afterwards.
This kind of strategy could enable supply depots relatively close to the surface. If we increase the party from five dungeoneers and a mule to five merchants and twenty mules, they could supply adventurers going a bit deeper. They'd need to charge a pretty hefty surcharge—at the very least, they'd need to cover the cost of killing so many mules!
It's also possible to create supply depots without slaughtering pack animals, but they would need to be smaller, closer to the surface, or both.
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It would, strictly speaking, be possible to make a deeper supply depot, supplied by a larger depot. It would probably be impractical, though.
Dungeoneers weighed down by their own equipment can only spend brief periods of time exploring a dungeon. If they include some porters or pack animals in the party, they can increase that to maybe a month (two weeks down, two weeks up).
A sufficiently profitable dungeon economy might enable a set of outposts where adventurers can rest and resupply between treks deeper into the dungeon. If enough pack animals were slaughtered, they might be able to bring supplies a week or two deeper than the surface market.
In the right circumstances, dungeoneers might be able to delve a full month below the sunlit world without eating anything except wheat bread and mule meat. But this requires a small army of merchants and herdsmen and porters and butchers and so on, feeding not just the dungeoneers themselves but all the people supporting them, and all the people supporting those people, reaching through countless miles of cavern and across acres of farmland.
And of course, all of that assumes that no step in this process gets disrupted by the dangers of a dungeon; no wargs killing your mule, no warg packs overrunning the outpost, no getting lost in the twisty little maze of passages all alike. The higher you build that house of cards, the farther you'll far if it fails.
Senshi had the right idea.
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c-depot-archive · 6 months
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会期 2005年6月8日(水) - 12日(日) 会場 スパイラルガーデン
Artists 青木伸介 青山健一 安立喬 大竹美佳 大谷有紀 奥村恵里 金丸悠児 GRAPP 桑山佳代子 佐野絢子 島名毅 杉山治 鈴木太朗 名古屋剛志 根本尚明 野口都 野地美樹子 早川貴泰 日根野裕美 松本祐一 松山真也+平原真 DGN 森住武志 八木澤優記 安岡亜蘭 
3回目となる「EXHIBITION C-DEPOT」は青山のスパイラルで開催された。アーティストたちが「face」というテーマを、「顔」「表面」「対面する」など多面的に解釈することで、様々な表現の作品が会場に並んだ。 以降の「EXHIBITION C-DEPOT」は、青山のスパイラルと横浜赤レンガ倉庫を、毎年交互に展示会場として開催することになった。
助成 芸術文化振興基金 認定 社団法人企業メセナ協議会 協賛 新生堂 オーケーコーポレーション Artis/京都今出川ギャラリー ギャラリーマークウェル 三協測量設計事務所 ギャラリー・しらみず美術 アートキューブ
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Visual (デザイン:小島一郎)
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face -surface to interface-
人の顔はみな違���ます。 どんなに似ていてもかならずどこかが違います。 だから私たちは顔を見て、人を見分けることができるのです。 科学は、こうした違いを別のかたちで表しています。 それはDNAの二重らせん構造です。 DNAを構成している配列には、今のところ同じものはありません。 人類は、人を見分けるもう一つの規準を手に入れたのです。 DNAは、最先端の地図と言えるでしょう。 しかしDNAの構造は、簡単に肉眼で見ることができません。 私たちが日常で見ているのは、人の顔やものの表面だけなのです。
EXHIBITION C‐DEPOT 2005では、現代におけるさまざまな「face」を絵画、イラストレーション、立体、映像、メディアアートなど異なる視覚表現によって、浮かび上がらせています。日常に広がっているさまざまなものの表面(surface)、体験するときに出会うものとの接触面(interface)を、この展覧会で改めて感知していただきたいと思います。 「顔」は、身体の表面でもあり、コミュニケーションの接触面でもあります。 本展に展示されている作品の「face」を体験していただくことで、展示を見終わった後も世界に溢れるさまざまな「face」に目を向けていただきたいと思います。 (粟田大輔・美術批評家)
「現在(いま)らしい若手の作家はいないか?」 この言葉はアートを取り上げようとする人々の間の時候の挨拶になりつつある。 そして今、まさにその探りの問いかけの声は以前より大いに増えているように感じられる。 IT革命やポップカルチャーなど文化のかたちが多様かつ細分化あげくの果てにグローバル化してしまう中で、アートそのものの領域も表現してもいいこともすごく増えて多様なものになってしまいビックバンみたいになってしまっている今、これはと出会える新鮮で力を持ったニューカマーと幅広くであうことは、拡散しカオスなシーンな故に以前より難しくなっている。 待っているだけでは新鮮な才能にであう悦びに触れることも出来ないし、また、待っていても評価の声がかかるわけでもない。 こんな時代だからこそ、才能自身が、そしてその才能を同じ目線で評価できる同世代の目利きが、自ら発信することはとても重要なことなのだ。 C-DEPOTはその重要なことをこつこつ積み重ねてきた。そして今回、東京の中心、スパイラル。 多くの人が便利に立ち寄れる空間の中で、幅広く発信される才能たちの作品に浴びるようにであえるであろうことを期待している。 そして、同じく「現在(いま)らしい」気になる作家・作品に出会える場として、多くの人が来訪されることをお薦めするとともに、期待するのである。 (岡田智博・クリエイティブクラスター理事長)
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hoofpeet · 2 years
Something I need to stress abt replacement ingo world; Ingo & Emmet don't explain anything AT ALL after Ingo gets back except for maybe throwing some vague explanation to the first reporter that asks. like 'oh yes there's 4 of us now :] Ingo was replaced by a zoroark temporarily but it's good now' (leaves
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fuck-customers · 4 months
Customer on phone: “I don’t think you refunded me the tax.”
Me: “Oh, the computer does it automatically.”
C: “But it doesn’t seem to add up?”
Me: “It should?”
C: “I can see the taxes from the ones I bought, but not the one I returned.”
Me: “That’s because the computer does it automatically, so they’re grouped together.”
C: “It doesn’t seem right though…”
(I track down her receipt on my computer. We proceed to talk about the prices, as she has a membership and one of the items had an additional discount.)
C: “But it doesn’t add up. Wait, is it both taxes or just one [on books]?”
Me: “Just the one tax.”
C: “Okay so it won’t be $3.50, more like half of that…”
Me: “Yes.”
C: *still confused*
Me: “Here, let me get a scrap of paper…”
(I proceed to manually write out each price after discount and manually calculate the tax. After doing the math, I read it out loud.)
Me: “Okay, so, [price] plus [tax] equals this amount, so we negate it as a refund. Then we add [price plus tax] and also add [price plus tax]. Now we have [total owing], which is just one cent off of your receipt total because of my rounding.”
C: “…Well that’s just confusing.”
Note: this call came in literally as we opened and took ten minutes. All for $1.58 that she thought we owed her.
It gets really complicated when they bought in a county that has 7% sales tax and returns it in the next county over that has 6.5% and the customer wants the extra half a percent back. The depot of offices could give back what was paid but my supermarket doesn't. Fun times.
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joeinct · 4 months
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C and E Railroad (Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad) Depot, Princeton, Indiana, Photo by David Plowden, 1966
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bantarleton · 1 month
Trimontium Roman Fort
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A departure from the Early Modern period to do a thread about the Roman fort of Trimontium in what is now the Scottish borders. I visited the museum at the weekend, and it was great! 1/14
Trimontium, now called Newstead, was first built about around 80 AD, during the Roman General Agricola’s invasion of Caledonia. It stood for over a century in an area known as Trimontium – between three hills.
The land had been occupied by native tribes since at least the Iron Age, with multiple settlements existing on the slopes surrounding the fort.
It served as a military base in Caledonia, and seems to have primarily been a cavalry depot for long periods – there are lots of horse remains, as well as these helmets and ceremonial faceplates belonging to Roman cavalrymen.
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The XX Legion spent time there (as did the VIII, earlier on), as evidenced by the remains of this plaque.
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A Roman soldier’s service record!
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The fort’s strategic function shifted over time –it was a bulwark existing beyond Hadrian’s Wall, then after the construction of the Antonine Wall further north it became more of a logistical hub, then resumed being a frontier fort after the Antonine Wall’s abandonment.
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Small settlements sprung up around the fort’s walls, and it is likely there were regular peaceful contact with the surrounding tribes. However there is also evidence of conflict. Roman forts came under sustained attack across several periods, and it looks as though when the fort was finally abandoned, it was done so in a hurry.
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As per soldiers from the Ancient World to modern-day Iraq and Afghanistan, when the troops move out they leave a lot behind – lucky for the archaeologists and historians.
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I am amused by how miserable Roman soldiers must have been after getting assigned to northern Britain. The ends of the earth indeed! I also do scoff at the whole “I think about Rome every day” meme, but I can see the allure, and I find it extremely interesting comparing and contrasting what I know about 18th c. militaries with the Roman Army. There were definitely a fair few things that I think the Romans were better at, especially when it comes to organisation, logistics and efficiencies!
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egginfroggin · 1 month
Emmet is transported to Hisui.
He became five or six years old.
When he comes back, Ingo learns that he will now become a father.
Extremely late answer, sorry, Anon.
I feel that Arceus would get punched by a very irate Subway Boss in that scenario, I love it.
This has spawned many words in the master document, as my brain has decided to positively gnaw on this idea, and alas, nothing is finished yet, so have a bit of worldbuilding and some drawings in the meantime.
Worldbuilding and close-ups under the cut, and please click on the images for better quality.
And again, thank you so much for the ask, Anon, this was really fun! ^^
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Pencil sketches:
first doodle of the Little Guy
height comparisons to further emphasize the "Little" part of the Little Guy
a) Akari and Rei making the mistake of turning their backs on Emmet for 0.5 seconds as he notices something off-camera b) the twins continuing to talk, oblivious to Emmet's act of absconding c) the twins turning around to talk to their teeny charge d) swift baseball bat of Realization at the Emmet-shaped absence in their immediate vicinity
Pen sketches (part of a page of sketches that were otherwise unrelated, hence the numbering):
3. a very happy lil man, despite the oversized hat 4. he skrungle scribble 5. who's he looking at? who knows
Digital art:
Emmet craves violence. Akari and Rei are used to this (featuring: probably the best expressions I've ever drawn)
he's a bit older now, but still smaller than his evolved starter; Typhlosion can tell his soul is older, but he is physically small, so she abuses his lack of height to shower him in affection
an internal mess of conflicting instincts, thoughts, and emotional maturity, but Arceus's plan is set in motion, and there's nothing Emmet can do about it
Emmet got shrunk on his way to Hisui, due to the Rift's distorted power affecting him on the way out; he lands on Prelude Beach, drowning in his Depot Agent uniform now that he is teeny tiny
Arceus, panicking a little bit, communicates more directly with Emmet, urging him along on his mission
Emmet's memories are messed up, and his conduct is an odd combination of a child and an adult. By which I mean he can be disconcertingly clever and mature, but also the poutiest little guy with a habit of crying
Young age plus being overwhelmed plus stress equals one mute boi; this does not change his penchant for causing Problems
Jubilife is a lot more lenient with him because of how young he is, but Laventon, Cyllene, and Kamado suspect that he isn't supposed to be like this due to how he was found
Emmet is in an awkward position as far as finding living conditions go, being too odd for most parents to want to take in but also much too young to live on his own
Akari and Rei are assigned babysitters. Let the stressing and development of gray hairs commence
Emmet is Perfectly Behaved and causes no Problems at all, of course, why would he? Why would he?
(He bolts for the gates the moment Akari opens the door in the morning) (Ress caught him)
After sending Emmet home, Arceus shortly feels a distinct feeling of being in danger
After finding out that his brother has been shrunk and not fixed, Ingo fixes metaphorical (and perhaps literal) crosshairs on the back of Arceus's head
Arceus may be in danger
Close-ups of the digital art:
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(Program used for the digital sketches: Krita; time taken: about 90 minutes)
Thank you for reading all of this! I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day. :>
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