#Bri needs more sisters in battle
timeguardians · 3 months
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"Diana speaks highly of you." Brianna carefully starts. "Are you sure you wish to join the fight?" She asks. She does not wish to rope anyone into the Justice League who didn't want to be there.
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hubristicassholefight · 8 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 3
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
gets gifted a sword made with the rarest metal ever because she’s THAT good; she’s simply the best
Brienne is one of the top sword users alive in her day. She's descended from a man who's catchphrase was "I'm better with a sword." Better than what? You. Jaime Lannister. Loras Tyrell. Any five given guys at once. She has a fantastic sword that might be magic or cursed and is named Oathkeeper because that's what she does; I love her
Beat like 20 guys in a tournament when she was 19. Was given a magic sword. Won a sword fight against the premier swordsman in the realm. Very swordly; Very tall and strong. Holds her sword in high esteem. Accomplished with other weapons as well!
She's defeated multiple of the top knights in the series in duels. One such knight gifts her the fabergé egg of swords and she uses it to defend orphans and stuff. Got out of a bad betrothal by dueling him and beating his ass so bad she broke multiple bones. Honestly there's so much more she is the swordswoman of all time. to me; She's buff and ugly and 6' 5" and so honorable and kind that she inspires the guy who fucks his sister to yknow. stop doing that. literally gets mauled for the sake of protecting a bunch of orphans (with her sword). also she's 20 she should be at the club ‼️
One of the best sword wielders in Westeros, the author says he would pick her to defend him. Has a cool sword called Oathkeeper. Manages to go up against 7 fighters and take out most of them,. The only true knight; First off, talking about book brienne, they massacred show brienne, the show runners simply didn’t understand what she’s about.“ She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice” brienne had plenty of choice but she couldn’t leave people to die. The chivalric paradigm is rotten and corrupted, but here is Brienne, the one true knight, who isn’t even a actual knight! “knights are for killing”, but here is a knight who risks her life again and again to protect innocents! Bri IS hope, she is the light in the dark that shows that things can be better, things must be better. Fundamentally an idealist: “Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining”
She has a big magical sword for her magical destiny that gives her a magical girl transformation, I love my girl and I love her awesome sword;
Okay TECHNICALLY she is a multi-weapon user since her sword transforms but its usually a sword. Also it is magic and gives her the power to turn into an 8ft magical girl <3; Lesbian magical girl who in addition to being a literal lesbian in canon is also a parable for being queer and breaking free of religious indoctrination <3 She just kicks all the ass okay I love her I'm only on S2 I'm sure someone else who's watched the whole thing will submit her with better propaganda
FOR THE HONOR OF GRAY SKULL *cool music plays, she's got a transformation* and now she's a legendary warrior that defeats the bad guys!!!
Giant technological sword gives adora magic powers and can turn into anything she needs while being She-ra
she is a HUGE sword nerd. her introduction basically has her info-dumping on rare swords and being adorable. also a little pathetic but she’s trying her best and she deserves the world (and also a win)
Has a magical sword that gives her magic powers; Has a magical sword that gives her magic powers
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catcas22 · 10 months
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I want to ask you about THE ALBINAURIC WOMAN! She hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia. She knows the location of the medallion's counterpart, I am sure.
In all seriousness, I want your thoughts on something. A post crossed my dash today that was speculating about if Albinaurics, being originally artificial entities, are at all capable of reproducing independently. The OP concluded (and I agree) that they probably can. Despite the fact that Albinaurics are hunted for their blood and frequently tortured/imprisoned/killed for being "impure", and the fact that both generations were deemed failures in the eyes of the Academy (g1 had the bad legs, g2 came out all froggy and was too stupid to use magic) and therefore probably aren't being produced there anymore, they exist in large numbers and many appear outwardly young.
I was doing some more looking when I came across Latenna's dialogue when you take her to the Apostate Derelict.
Oh young yet towering sister of ours. Let the birthing droplet in. And create life. For us. For all the Albinaurics.
Thank you. I've finally fulfilled my purpose. Our young yet towering sister will give us hope. Now that nothing is left unfinished, I will join you in battle to the bitter end. And when the fighting is done, then you may lay me to rest.
As well as if you kill her in the Liurnia cave instead of talking to her there:
Ohh... Phillia. Take...the birthing...droplet...
So the obvious question that I've been pondering is, what in God's name is a birthing droplet??? Why does it need to be "let in?" Why does it need to be Phillia specifically? Why won't Latenna or Albus or any of the dozens of other g1 Albinaurics milling about in the Consecrated Snowfield suffice?
I'm trying to muddle through my own thoughts on the matter, but while I do that I'm curious to see if you have any ideas.
Hi Bri! Sorry this took so long, it had me stumped for awhile. The more I dug into it, the more questions I raised. Long rambling theory below the cut.
So I'll start by saying I agree with OP. Albinaurics have to be able to reproduce somehow, otherwise they would have long since died out.
Going into this, I had the vague idea that Latenna was from Liurnia, probably from Albus's village. Makes sense, right? She's looking for a path to the Haligtree, chasing tales of a safe haven in the hopes of saving her people.
A quick look at her dialogue disproves that. So there's my first assumption dead in the water.
We have reached the land of Miquella's Haligtree, where Lobo and I began our travels. It's entirely thanks to you that I'm so close to home. These great snow-laden lands stretch far to the north. And beyond the ancient bowers, and the liturgical town of Ordina, lies the place to which I must return.
So Latenna is from the Haligtree, specifically the Ordina subdivision. The Apostate's Derelict is located just a bit north of Ordina.
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I originally thought the "birthing droplet" might be something similar to a sacred tear produced by the Haligtree. But if the Droplet had its origin with the Haligtree, Latenna never would have had to leave the snowfields. I think we can safely assume that whatever the Droplet is, Latenna journeyed to Liurnia to find it.
It could have had its origin in Raya Lucaria, or in Nokstella. Both would fit, geographically speaking.
Then I realized that Albus's village is located directly beneath the Moonlight Altar.
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I'm not sure exactly what to make of this, but it feels important. It feels intentional.
The Altar, specifically the Cathedral of Manus Celes, was at some point bombarded with a shower of these bad boys.
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An ephemeral sliver that gives off a pale blue glow. What remains of a passing flash of starlight.
A prized item that was once used in the Eternal City as an ingredient in intoxicating draughts.
Put aside, for a moment, my theory that the g1 albinaurics originate from the Eternal Cities, with the g2's being modern glintstone scholars' clumsy attempt at replication.
Instead, direct your attention to the Amber Starlight Shard.
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An ephemeral sliver that gives off a pale amber glow. What remains of a passing flash of starlight.
If the stars command our fates, then amber-hued stars must command the fates of the gods.
This item is found in the alcove just outside the walls of Leyndell, at the foot of a statue of Malenia and Miquella, surrounded by land octopi (who consume human blood) and sacremental buds (believed to originate long ago from a strain of buds cultivated with youthful, sacramental blood).
I believe that this hidden alcove was the spot in which Miquella initially nurtured his stolen Erdtree sapling, hiding away from prying eyes and watering it with his own blood. I also believe that this is the spot where he and Malenia formally severed their fates from the Golden Order, with the Amber Starlight Shard being a byproduct of this act.
Via Albus's dialogue, we know that albinaurics fade away, starting with their legs, due to some imposed fate.
My legs will soon fade, and with them, my life. Alas, this is the immovable fate of all Albinaurics...
If killed by the player, he adds:
You merciless brutes. Let the curse take everything.
Assuming he's talking about the same thing, does that mean that the albinaurics' affliction is the result of a curse? He also refers to Gideon's men as "cursemongers." Not entirely sure what to do with that.
Back to the Birthing Droplet. The name itself immediately brought two things to mind: dew, and tears. We know that the Erdtree used to produce dew, and that said drops could impart blessings and good health. There's also the Celestial Dew -- another connection to the Eternal Cities.
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A hidden Tear found in the Eternal City. Also known as a Night Tear.
Allows one to carry out an Absolution at the Church of Vows, reversing all antagonizations.
Once upon a time, the stars of the night sky guided fate, and this is a recollection of those times.
"Tear?" That jogged my memory. Down a fresh rabbit trail.
The Erdtree used to produce sacred tears and crystal tears, but I'm more concerned with chasing the Eternal Cities connection. Thus, we have larval tears and silver tears.
Silver Tear Husk
A hardened husk shed by a formless life form known as the Silver Tear, found in and around the Eternal City. The Silver Tear makes mockery of life, reborn again and again into imitation. Perhaps, one day, it will be reborn a lord...
Larval Tear
Core of a creature of mimicry known as a silver tear. As much as a substance as it is a living organism.
Material required by the amber egg cradled by Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, to birth people anew.
This is where inspiration (madness?) hit me. Doesn't "Birthing Droplet" basically function as a synonym for "Larval Tear?" Sort of like how Fia refers to what everyone else calls a "Cursemark" as a "Hallowbrand," because she's seeing it in a different context?
I will now attempt to draw a definitive link between g1 albinaurics and the Eternal Cities.
Albinauric Staff
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The albinaurics harbor a secret; they cast sorcery with their innate arcaneness.
Silver Tear Mask
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Mask fashioned from the corpse of a formless Silver Tear, supported by its hardened, shed husk. Greatly increases arcane to the detriment of physical attack power.
Albinaurics and silver/mimic tears both run off of arcane energy, both bleed silver, both are considered a mockery of life, both are made by hands. If albinaurics were not developed in the Eternal Cities, surely they were developed by someone building off of the technology of the Eternal Cities. Albinaurics fit the EC brand in basically every way.
We also have a few oblique references to the origin story of the g1 albinaurics.
Silver Mirrorshield
Shield of radiant silver, festooned with amber and carried by Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree.
The shape is said to imitate that of a sacred drop of dew, which inspired the absurd rumor that Loretta herself was an Albinauric.
So albinaurics are associated with sacred dew in some way? But aren't they supposed to be anathema to the Erdtree?
Albinauric Shield
Tall oval shield made of metal carried by young Albinaurics.
The ornamentation represents the primordial drop of dew from which they are said to have been created.
Blue Silver Mail Hood
Worn by the wolf-riding Albinauric archers.
Blue silver is a metal born from the same mother as the archers themselves, and provides protection from magic and frost.
Put a pin in the "mother" thing. Here we have multiple sources saying that albinaurics originated from a sacred, primordial drop of dew. But that's the Erdtree. That's the Golden Order. The albinaurics shouldn't even be compatible.
I now have to thank two people. One, shoutout to @caelaan75 for suggesting to me that albinaurics might not be subject to the Erdtree's cycle of reincarnation -- their souls may be subject to an entirely different cycle.
Second, thank you @thistoowillpasss for asking...
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Prompting me to realize...
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Now, let me just get into character...
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Okay I'm ready.
I think I was accidentally right about Helphen and the Lampwood Tree.
At first I thought we were looking at an "as above so below" situation, with Helphen being a sort of afterlife mirror to the Erdtree. But then I recalled that albinaurics originate from a drop of "primordial" dew. Primordial. The same adjective used to refer to the Crucible, the previous form of the World Tree.
From the Crucible Tree Set:
Holds the power of the crucible of life, the primordial form of the Erdtree.
And I may be cloudspotting here, but does the primordial Erdtree carving we see in Farum Azula resemble the etching on the Albinauric shield? The shield whose description references primordial dew?
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Guys... guys I think I was accidentally right. There may have been an actual Helphen Tree, predating the Crucible just as the Crucible predated the Erdtree. And I think the Nox used the sacred dew of that tree in their development of their various brands of homunculi.
The albinauric curse may have been a deliberate handicap imposed by their creators, or it could simply be a result of the fact that the tree that gave them life no longer exists. Or it does exist, but in a form that fundamentally rejects them.
Whether it originates from the Moonlight Altar, Nokstella, or the stars themselves, I believe that the Birthing Droplet is similar in function to a mending rune, a patch inserted into the albinauric cycle of reincarnation in order to cleanse their curse.
I'm not precisely sure how Young Yet Towering Sister Phillia accomplishes this. Her name is two letters off from filia -- Latin for "daughter."
Wait, didn't the Silver Blue Mail description say something about a mother?
There's only one divine force in Elden Ring that can claim such a title.
Sacred incantation of Mohg, Lord of Blood.
Thrust arm into the body of the Formless Mother, then scatter the bloodflame to set the area ablaze.
The mother of truth craves wounds.
Briars of Punishment
The guilty, their eyes gouged by thorns, lived in eternal darkness. There, they discovered the blood star.
The Formless Mother's incantations all scale with the arcane stat. Just like albinaurics with their innate arcane energy...
Both the Nox and their Raya Lucarian successors were a highly astrologically oriented society. Could they have venerated the Formless Mother in the form of the Blood Star? Could they have petitioned her aid in the creation of the albinaurics?
Mohg seems to recruit heavily from amongst the ranks of g2 albinaurics. Could he be luring them in with a bastardized version of their own creation myth, with Miquella as their promised savior?
Which brings me back to Phillia. Given her unusual size and rather significant-seeming name, I think it's likely that she was created with the express purpose of using the Birthing Droplet to repair the albinauric "code." Obviously Miquella would be the obvious candidate for her creator. He sought to aid all those cast out by the Golden Order, and he's in the business of thwarting curses and rebuking the meddling of outer gods.
Now, I'm not a fan of the theory that Miquella was in on his own kidnapping. But I think that he and Mohg may have collaborated for a time before his half-brother's true nature became apparent -- likely in the interval between Godwyn's death and the later wars of the Shattering. Like Miquella, Mohg styles himself as the champion of those abandoned by the Order. And if Miquella had traced the albinaurics' creation back to the Blood Star, it would have seemed highly beneficial to work with someone who had a direct line to the Formless Mother.
I think that Phillia was a joint project, a clone of sorts created by Mohg and Miquella. Either Miquella overlooked a whole forest of red flags in order to keep Mohg cooperating, or he decided that the risk was worth it. Maybe he took terrible chances with his own safety in favor of just a little more research -- he was so close to breaking the albinauric curse, after all. Maybe he even made a deal, only to find himself in over his head when, by sheer dumb luck, Mohg imprisoned him directly beneath the territory of the one person who could fight Malenia to a stalemate. But I'm just speculating now. I've already far overstepped my evidence.
Thanks for the ask! This was an experience.
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flightlessribbons · 11 months
When Bridgette was 16, she was given the ladybug miraculous from Sabine. Sabine told her she herself wasn't in the condition to wear it anymore, and that it was safer with Bri. Sabine didn't explicitly tell her daughter to take up the responsibilities of Ladybug, but began to be her mentor and train her when Bridgette expressed an interest to protect the city.
Deciding against keeping it a secret from Marinette, Bridgette confided in her little sister since they shared a room and Mari would get suspicious eventually. Tikki grew fond of both girls and stayed a member of the family- hanging out with the four at meals and other home family activities.
Felix was gifted the Black Cat miraculous from his mother Amelie, and kept it secret from everyone else in his extended family while she trained him.
Felix and Bridgette were partners, going by the names of "Tuxedo" and "Scarlet Dancer". No other miraculous holders joined them in their time, but the two helped out with crimes and helped everyday civilians out in this quiet peace.
Tuxedo was a more serious Chat Noir, and served as the reasonable and pragmatic one. He did have a sense of humor, and was often laughing when around the more joking and carefree Scarlet Dancer. The two had feelings for one another, Ladybug taking a liking to Chat first soon after meeting, and Chat beginning to grow fond of her after a while. They never told each other how they felt during this time.
Around a year and a half in of the current Ladybug and Chat Noir, Emilie's health declined, and she fell into a coma. This spurs Gabriel's reluctant transformation into Hawkmoth.
Hawkmoth sets an akuma in the beginning of the day to wander around itself in search of a vulnerable enough host, so he doesn't really know when an akuma attack will begin. (It's also his way of trying to lessen the guilt of subjecting innocents in this- but the guilt still hits hard).
Using the broken brooch alongside the overwhelming power from Null drains Gabriel very easily, causing him to grow gradually weaker the more he uses the miraculous.
As akuma attacks begin, Bridgette and Felix are in unfamiliar territory that even their mentors are unsure about.
Tikki teaches Bridgette how to purify akumas, and the more enemies they fight, the more Tikki notices similarities in their powers and mannerisms to that of old fae friends that she had known in eras past. Tikki concludes that these strange akumas are not just the work of the butterfly miraculous, but Null as well- and that he's the one fusing akumas with the powers and fae he's absorbed. Purifying the akuma causes the faerie's spirit to pass on.
There is no miraculous ladybug cure, but when a faerie's spirit passes on, its energy undos any physical damages the akuma itself caused to the city.
As the attacks seem to get more dangerous, Sabine pleads with her daughter to stop, but Bridgette refuses- knowing that she needs to save the city and be there for her partner.
This routine goes on for months, until an especially dangerous akuma comes into play. This battle lasts two days until Ladybug was able to purify the akuma- but not without a cost.
Felix's legs were badly hurt in the battle, and Bridgette hoped purifying the akuma would heal his wounds but it didn't. He asks her to take him to a specific alleyway, where Scarlet cries and apologizes and Tuxedo promises her they'll be okay. But he says that she has to go or else she'll see who he is, and convinces her to leave. When she's gone, he calls Amelie to pick him up and tells her what happens when she arrives.
When Bridgette comes home, she gives Tikki the earrings and tells the fae to find a more suitable holder. Tikki objects, but Bri is adamant that she has failed and let her partner get hurt. She refuses to take the earrings back, and only begins to cry again when Tikki has flown out the window with the earrings. Marinette comes home to her crying, and listens to what happened, and sits with Bri through the night.
Tikki, unsure of where to go and reluctant to leave the only family she's known for centuries, hides in the cluttered attic and ponders what to do.
Felix is hospitalized and is told that he is paralyzed in both of his legs from the injury. Realizing he can no longer be Chat Noir, Felix gives the ring to Adrien hours later when he comes to visit and asks him if he'd take on the responsibility- or at the very least return the ring back to Amelie at a later date if Adrien chooses not to. His young cousin talks with him and finally decides to keep the ring, introducing himself to Plagg and letting Felix and the faerie say a proper goodbye before he leaves.
When Gabriel learns of Felix's injury that is too close to Chat Noir's injury, he puts the two together and falls into a bad state. Refusing to send out more akumas because of what he's done to hurt his nephew, Gabriel calls off the deal with Null, telling him to release Nooroo and find another to do his bidding. But Null refuses.
From using the broken miraculous, Null's power, and emotional grief, Gabriel is extremely vulnerable. Using this as an opportunity, Null uses the powers of multiple faeries and takes control of Gabriel's body.
Null visits Felix in the hospital, looking out for the ring but sees nothing. Felix quickly suspects something is wrong with his uncle and calls Amelie when Null leaves.
Amelie, who is with Adrien at this time since he came right to her after his visit to Felix to see Amelie as his mentor, hangs up the call and asks her nephew if Gabriel has been acting differently recently. Adrien tells her about how he's been really tired, but he's always tried to spend time with him when he could like usual so he'd just been chalking it up to work.
Amelie knows there's more they don't know, but until they know exactly what- advises Adrien to be careful. Knowing well how to hide things from her own ex kingpin father growing up, she gives him pointers on how to hide Plagg and the ring well and sneak around. With promises to visit often and do his best, Adrien goes home, leaving Amelie worried for all members of her family.
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knightprincess · 1 year
Forgive Me (Echo x Fem! Medic Reader) Part 4
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Words: 1.3K (I know short)  Warning: None
"Its not fair" commented Comet, walking through the prison like halls of the Military base. His foot steps being the only thing louder than his echoing voice. Following along behind was Sinker and Boost, Wolffe just in front, along he seemed to be listening to the conversation. "(Y/N)'s the best medic we've had, now we have to give her up to General Skywalker and the 501st. Can't we keep her?" continued the trooper, sadness in his voice. (Y/N) had become a friend to them all, she'd listened to them when they ranted after a particularly grueling battle, she'd patched them up and brought a smile to them, even been a shoulder to cry on. Never once had she judged them, instead she reminded them they were appreciated. 
:Read More: 
"501st aren't gonna know what hit them" responded Boost with a heavy voice. Like many troopers of the 104th Legion, he'd hoped another mission would come through, thrust delaying their return to Coruscant that little longer. Yet at the same time he knew it was wrong of each of them. Snap had spoken about her family, how much she missed her little sister Devika. She'd spoke of Isolde too, but pain and betrayal rang through her voice when she did. It being clear Snap was conflicted, she wanted to return home to see Devika again, to catch up on their months apart, but at the same time she dreaded having to see Isolde and Octavius, knowing there would be some drama and likely more complaints and insults. 
"Snap's one of us. if there comes a time where she needs up, all she has to do is call" voiced Sinker, hearing Wolffe ahead all but grunt in confirmation. Even the battle worn Commander had become attached to their quick witted medic. "You gonna warn Rex of what's to come?" asked the Sergeant, directing his question to Wolffe in front of the small group, receiving only a silent nod in response. "Tell them she's brave, not afraid to kick ass if she needs to" laughed Sinker, recalling the time Wolffe had needed medical attention. He'd insisted he was fine, despite his armor being cracked, and bleeding out. (Y/N) had practically dragged him to her medbay, forcing him to stay put so she could tend to his wounds. Even playfully threatening to tie the commander down if necessary. She'd all but force Wolffe to submit to her, although she'd been gentle while patching him up. 
Later that night seen many members of the famed Wolf Pack enjoying some down time at 79's. Some were dancing to the rhythm of the music on the brightly lit floor, others at the bar flirting with another patron. A few were gathered around the edge of the floor, or at tables and booths, catching up with old friends from other legions, sharing stories and jokes. Wolffe once again found himself in the normal booth, Cody, Rex, Gregor, Thorn and Howzer with him, each with their helmets placed on the table with a neon blue drink in their glass. (Y/N) had returned to her family home, if only to reassure them she was alright, despite the delay on returning and the many battles she'd been through. 
"How was you're latest medic?" asked Howzer, looking over to the three whom seemed to have a never ending flow of medical personnel. Rex merely sighed, recalling the last one seemed to be in a constant argument with Kix. The pair never agreed on anything, even when so many relied on them. Cody merely offered his famous deadpan expression, the trainee with the 212th had some how managed to lose things, never seemed to know what they were doing and had probably caused more harm than good. Even Obi-wan had noticed and questioned how the young man had even gotten as far as being assigned. 
Howzer had expected to see Wolffe roll his eyes, upon the conversation turning to the medics again. Instead the eye roll never came, merely a shadow of a smirk. Gregor and Thorn also noticing, although Thorn was the only other at the table whom had gotten to know (Y/N), even if it was only for a brief few minutes. 
"The boys don't want to give Snap up" simply commented Wolffe in response, not admitting he didn't want her to go either. She was brave and far more effective at her job that previous medics to pass through and serve with the 104th legion. (Y/N) hadn't given it a second thought before running into the thick of battle to give trooper medical aid. Despite the horrors she'd seen, she still kept up her sarcastic wit and bright cheery smile. She was brave in the face of war, which in turn made the boys even more determined to protect her. 
"Snap" questioned Cody, a combination of confusion and curiosity painting itself on his slightly reddened features. The alcohol turning his cheeks slightly more pink than usual. Gregor and Rex also looking over, never once had Wolffe nicknamed any of the medics to pass through the 104th legion in an affectionate way. Instead he'd always used insults in reference to them. Thorn soon began to grin, which in turn caught the attention of his brothers sitting around the table, Wolffe's shadow of a grin remaining in place, where as the others turned their attention to him. 
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), she was originally supposed to be assigned to 501st, but got reassigned last minute" explained Thorn, a chuckle escaping him. Even more so when Rex's eyes widened, as the realization dawned on him. "Hey, blame Cody, his original medic pulled out last second which caused the shake up" laughed the commander of the Coruscant Guard, seeing the slightly offended look to appear over Cody's features. Gregor's unmissable laugh ringing out seconds later, clearly he seen the funny side of the situation. 
"Why'd you call her Snap?" questioned Gregor, as Rex looked up, debating whether he wanted to know the answer to the question. The alcohol making his fuzzy brain concoct many scenarios, neither of which seemed particularly enticing to him. The first thing his fuzzy imagination had come up with, was an image of her breaking bones, the second of which had been of an entitled princess snapping her fingers to gain attention. The third had by far been the funniest, her being a whiz at the card game of the same name. 
"Her quick wit" simply voiced Wolffe, revealing the true reason for the name. "She's quite sarcastic as well" announced the battle worn commander, as he remembered their first encounter. Even the moment he'd began to see her as more than a medic, but as a friend. Without realizing it, Rex had began to smile. Maybe Snap would be a better addition to their ranks than their last one, plus she had the added bonus of having a good reputation with the toughest legion there was. 
"Don't tell me she managed to tame our gruffly Wolffe" teased Gregor, chuckling when Wolffe rolled his eyes and practically growled in response to the playful comment. "Well Rex, if she can tame Wolffe, then your mischievous bunch wont be much trouble" laughed the captain, Cody and Howzer joining in with the laughter moments later, as did Thorn when he was sure Wolffe wouldn't do anything in response. 
"That's it, I'm keeping Snap" responded Wolffe
"Hey" called Rex "My medic now" 
"So when she visiting the 212th?" asked Cody, chuckling as he listening to the playful banter between Wolffe and Rex. Both acting as if they were cadets again, and (Y/N) was the shinny new toy. 
"If those two are anything to go by. Then never" responded Thorn, wondering if (Y/N) knew how the pair were acting. Or if she knew how attached Wolffe had become. At the same time he suspected more than the Wolf Pack would come to see her as a valuable asset and friend. All those who got to work with her would, even the generals. 
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briggette-garabaldie · 5 months
A last prayer before battle
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The stars twinkled brightly in the clear sky above the cathedral as the paladin made her way from the keep. Her breath came in little puffs of white fluff as she pulled her coat tighter. The soft leather boots she wore made no sound on the cleared cobblestone path. One last pause to appreciate the beauty before her as the lights from the cathedral made it seem even more ethereal. 
A sense of peace radiated from the building as the paladin ascended the steps into the holy building. She was unsurprised to see the small crowd of faithful at prayer inside. Orders had gone out late and now as the midnight bells rang throughout Tyr, the major preparations for the morning’s march were complete. Many now found themselves here seeking a last blessing before the Dawn’s forces took to the field of battle. 
Bri joined those in line for a blessing, slipping the coat from her shoulders and pushing up the loose sleeve of the blouse she wore as she waited her turn. The information from the evening’s meeting rolled through her head. The horror of the reality of the Scarlet’s plans had kept her quiet for most of the Highlord’s meeting. Now she held court to the rational meaning behind such abomination, a sense of true purpose to stop the Scarlets rang in her soul. 
The knight-lord had left the meeting with orders to those Captains and Lieutenants under her. She spent an hour moving among the gathering troops, speaking quietly of what was to come and delivering words of encouragement and faith to many of them individually or in small groups. The extra warning that any youths encountered were to be given the chance to lay down their weapons with a promise of a chance to be returned to their families unharmed. The Dawn would not slay the Eastweald’s hope for the future if they could help it. The electric charge of pre-battle energy was almost tangible. With a last order mirroring the Highlords to prepare for the morning’s departure in whatever way they needed, Bri had made her way to her room. 
A quick bath and change of clothes found the paladin here. She stepped forward as the line did until she knelt before a priestess of the Dawn. The warmth of the light was strongest here next to one so drenched in the Light. The holy of holiest places in Tyr adding to that sense of righteousness.  The golden paint was applied to her arm by the priestes, words of comfort and blessing uttered over the symbol drawn. Bri uttered a quiet “Dawn bless” in response before moving to an empty row and leaning forward to pray. 
“Light bless my shield, that it may protect the weak, the innocent, and all of my fellow brothers and sisters of the Dawn against the cruelty of the Scarlets. May the Dawn strike true against the fear, terror, and dread these evil men seek to bring against those who just wish to live in peace in these lands. Light bless the suffering, like that sweet child Mary, bless the fields of all the farmers in these lands,  that they might survive to see the brighter future we fight to ensure they will have. May the grace of the Light be present in all of us and may it lead the Dawn on the just and righteous path.” 
She stayed head bent letting the feeling of comfort and peace the holy building emanated wash over her. Bri cleared her worries and fears for the coming battle from her brain. A promise to see those like the Hawthornes in a better state than they were in currently. 
The ever present libram found its way to her lap as she sat back. Pages flipped with no destination in mind until she came upon a passage. The words leapt from the page striking the paladin with their meaning.
In all things, paladins must reflect the Light, which supplements our strength. To strive to be divine for one of our kind does not mean we strive for godhood--we strive to be good in all actions.  Although called upon to smite evil in these harsh times, you must always remember that it's aiding others that will truly set you apart from the other citizens. Compassion, patience, bravery--these things mean as much to a paladin as strength in battle.
The Dawn embodied this and more and strengthened by those thoughts, Bri eased from the pew. One last look at the symbol of the Dawn hanging over the altar surrounded by the stained glass depicting heroes of these lands. We fear no evil, evil shall fear us echoed in her mind as she turned to leave. The paladin made her way to find sleep in the few hours left before dawn.
(indented part from here )
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selfshipstorm · 2 years
Howdy Bear! These are for the P!ATD ask game :)
High Hopes: What is your greatest wish for S/I? for El Tigre
Ready To Go: Where in your universe would you absolutely love to take S/I on a fun get away trip? What would you like to do/how would you like to spend that trip together? For Eddie
New Perspective: How has S/I made you see the world differently since you met? What new things do you see/notice now that they're in your life? For Jonrón
Sarah Smiles: What makes S/I happy? What cheers them up when they're feeling low? for Dustin
I hope these find you in good health and good cheer!!✨💙
Moxie @tex-treasures
Thank you for this :) I love p! and probably always will so this was… right up my alley. Anyhow, to the questions you have asked of my loves. I will go retrieve them-
High Hopes: What is your greatest wish for S/I? I just wanna see her make it out of this. As nice as it is to be able to fight for what you believe in, sometimes you need to make it past the fight. Plus, I want her to have a chance to settle down with Mercedes- We interrupt your previously scheduled question answering for a mild to moderate battle of throwing fruit seeds at each other, started by Jonron. ( I like to have them both help me save fruit seeds to plant and grow later- ) As I was saying, before someone interrupted me, it'd be nice to see Brielle see the other side of conflicts in Yara. Make a life for herself here.
Ready To Go: Where in your universe would you absolutely love to take S/I on a fun get away trip? What would you like to do/how would you like to spend that trip together? Take her on a trip? Oh wow, uh… if I could swing it, I think I'd take Dottie to the big city. Chicago, maybe! Get outta Hawkins for a while. I think we need it. As far as what we'd do, we'd have to do all the major things one does on a trip. Eat lots of food, see all the sights, stay up till the break of dawn and sleep till noon. Maybe see a show or something. I think Grateful Dead's going on tour again soon. Oh, you've just given me an idea. Thanks!
New Perspective: How has S/I made you see the world differently since you met? What new things do you see/notice now that they're in your life? For Jonrón Ah, don't let her hear a word i'm saying or Bri will never let me live it down. Okay? Okay. Now, mi princesa, she's actually taught me a lot. Sometimes you need to slow down and appreciate what you have. Before I met her, all I wanted to do was keep fighting. All my friends were by my side in La Moral. And then Brielle showed up and through her I realized that there's more to life. Appreciate the little things. Nights with friends that we all spend together, flowers growing in the countryside, stray dogs playing in the street. The little things that remind us that there's still life after this, and to give us even more to fight for.
Sarah Smiles: What makes S/I happy? What cheers them up when they're feeling low? What makes my sister happy. She'd deny it, but I can say I'm on that list, alongside my friends. Hanging out with us . Playing D&D. Or running a campaign! She ran a few and she got super into it. Spending time with Eddie always leaves her in a good mood. Same with listening to most albums released by AC/DC or Metallica. When it comes to cheering her up if she's feeling down, a lot of the time a nice long drive will get her feeling better. Or telling her a bunch of my jokes. If all else fails, i'll call Eddie. Hes kind of my secret weapon when it comes to Dot, now that i know they're together. He has some sort of magic skill for making her feel better when she's upset.
Thank you for the ask!!!!
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chazukekani · 3 years
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Summary for Code:04 is here!
Please notice that this is just a summary so not every single detail is included!
Stormbringer Summary 5
Code 04: Grantors of disgrace, you need not wake me again
Recap: N and Verlaine escaped from the laboratory.
The chapter begins with an excerpt of Rimbaud's diary. He wrote that there was once an anti-government movement 'May Revolution', and the leaders were called 'The Fauns'. They created a secret weapon which was named 'No.12 of Darkness' that can control gravity freely. Once Rimbaud acquired this weapon, he was ordered to educate him and trained this weapon to become a spy, and its name was Paul Verlaine.
-  Unbelievable. The Secret of the Gentle Forest was decoded. Here it lies the most fierce beast, and Verlaine...
Rimbaud wrote in his diary.
Verlaine and N were at the top of a tower crane. Verlaine had N here because he wanted to know why N knew the Secret. However, N claimed that the last 6 pages of the Secret was erased by Rimbaud himself so he couldn't tell much. Verlaine couldn't believe that's actually Rimbaud who altered the information.
He was strong, Verlaine referred to Rimbaud. He is the only one who was capable of battling with Verlaine in his organisation, and they were partners. Not only this, Rimbaud also called Verlaine his friend, but Verlaine just felt like he couldn't like Rimbaud.
Verlaine left N on the tower crane alone and left.
It was a night with a clear sky, a train was moving on the railway and Mori was sleeping inside. At once, a human showed up on the railway, and stopped the train. The train was derailed as a result of mass shock.  Verlaine went inside the train and searched for something, and he believed no one inside the train was able to survive after the shock.
Verlaine found the body of Mori, and he approached to confirm the breath. But that wasn't Mori. It was a man who wore the outfit of his, but was not Mori himself. Turns out it was Mori's double, Hirotsu. A tiny person also appeared afterwards, and that's Dazai.
Suddenly, there was light in the dark, and that was flame. By the mountain near the railway, there were 50 and more sniper bullets aimed and shotted Verlaine, and the target was in utter pain.
'Don't think these little rocks could kill me...' Verlaine was trying to use the woods beside him to attack the snipers who were hiding in the mountain, but he stopped
'Hoho- You really look like my subordinate when I take a closer look' said an elegant lady, Kouyou. She summoned Golden Demon and launched offense towards Verlaine.
'You can't beat me alone,' Verlaine said.
'Who said I am alone?' Verlaine then felt his whole body sinking down to the ground, and turned into multiple snakes that were about to swallow him. That was the Lieutenant's ability (reference to Dead Apple manga, former Port Mafia executive), that could manipulate the state of objects.
'Ability organisations are stronger than ability users,' Dazai observed and smiled. Various ability users from the Port Mafia were launching all kinds of attacks towards him, such as the ability of slowing the time and freezing. In fact, Dazai sent 420 Mafia members which included 28 ability users to the scene to defeat Verlaine.
'I will mourn you,' Dazai said to Verlaine, and took out Rimbaud's diary from his pocket.
The next moment, a black wave inflated and spreaded to the whole field.
'-- You hatreds, your dumb torpors, your weaknessses,
And your brutalisation suffered long ago,
You give back, O Night, like an excess,
Un-malevolent, of blood, each month or so, (extract from The Sisters of Charity, by Arthur Rimbaud)' Verlaine said the spell.
The wind calmed, the buzz on the ground vanished as if escaping from something. The invisible waves were flooded in the atmosphere.
'The door was opened,' Dazai observed. A black object appeared far far away in the forest. Right after, where Verlaine were, ejected a form of dark energy. The car that was hit by this energy was completely deformed with half of it vanished and the remains were just like a wrapped paper.
On the mountain, there was a monster who controlled a dark sphere. When people touched the sphere, they died.
No.3 Forces, annihilated; No.5 forces, all dead, No.8 forces, no response, as reported from Dazai's walkie talkie. The mountained was eliminated, and the ground was distorted. All the mafia members were screaming and suffering.
'It's all in the plan, we will win if the next attack succeeds,' said Dazai.
Up in the sky of Yokohama, Chuuya and Adam were inside a helicopter and they jumped off from it due to the attack from the monster. Adam was able to fly in the sky because his body allowed him to transform himself into a flying machine.
Similar to Chuuya, Verlaine was also intolerant to poison despite having ample physical strength, so actually it was their plan to approach Verlaine closely, so that they can inject poison into Verlaine's body. It was notable that Adam mixed this poison pill.
It was very difficult to get closer to Verlaine because he had activated his corruption, which he lost his consciousness and attacked the surroundings without rationality.
Nonetheless, Chuuya did put a toxic pill into Verlaine's mouth, which he has his conscious back. Yet Verlaine splitted out the pills right after.
'You always surprise me, Chuuya,' Verlaine spoke. He told Chuuya that once he said the spell, he would have his human personality unlocked and become a mad beast that generated ability singularity. However, that is Rimbaud who thought about adding a spell on Verlaine, which enabled him to get back to a rational form after using his corruption.
'He always thinks about what he could do for me,' said Verlaine.
'But you betrayed him,' Chuuya replied
'Because I wanted to save you,' Verlaine answered.
Suddenly, a finger touched Verlaine's face.
'What an unexpected offense. I bet no one could foresee this. What a joke,' said Chuuya
Verlaine turned back, and realised that was Adam's finger.
'Do you wanna hear an android joke?' Adam's finger was installed with a tiny syringe, and this enabled poison to be injected into Verlaine's body.
'Seems like a child's trick can defeat the king of assassins. Thanks for listening to my android joke.'
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It returns to another section of Rimbaud's diary. Rimbaud was thinking about what presents he should give to Verlaine on his birthday. He came up to a conclusion: a black hat. That was not an ordinary hat. The materials used inside the hat consists of 10% platinum, 10% titanium and the rest were made with rainbow-coloured ability metal which was installed with the ability of the Fauns inside. By wearing this hat, it enabled Verlaine to act on his own will and less interfered by external instructions and interruption. In other words, Verlaine was a step closer to a man with free will by having this hat.
Rimbaud gave the hat to Verlaine on his birthday, and he did not look surprised or happy either way.
'Just take it,' Rimbaud told Verlaine, and there was no response. They drank some wine that night and said goodnight to each other.
The battle was so called ended, but the field was left with gravity waves and the forest was completely destroyed. Verlained passed out, but still alive. Dazai told Adam and Chuuya that N was rescued from the tower crane, but disappeared during transportation.
'I can't die here...' said N. The car that he was taking bumped into a utility pole because he injected some form of medicine to the driver. He took out an old style flare gun and shooted.
'Is this some mistake made by the offense team?' Chuuya noticed the shot far away.
'Shit...' Dazai's eyes were in despair.
The shot that shooted from N's flare gun was exploded with colourful metal pieces floating in the air like snow, and even accompanied with some music. Verlaine suddenly yelled painfully. His eyes were filled with blood and the blood stream was clear on his face and grabbed his chest hardly.
'That was not the effect of my pill!' Adam shouted, 'The gravitational field was unusual here!'
The space was deformed, and Verlaine was flooded inside his own gravity wave.
'The world ends here...' Verlained whispered just like an old man who's dying 'Run, Chuuya.' Verlaine smiled sorrowfully.
The sky was divided, the thunder was coming and the atmosphere was expanding. N saw the ability form of Verlaine. It was a black beast, the opposite of god, and original demon -- Guivre the Beast. The monster annihilated all the aircrafts incoming and was about to proceed to the city center.
'See that Verlaine! That's your end!' N laughed, almost screamed. 'An unique being like you will die because of such a boring creature like me! HAHAHAHA DIE VERLAINE!'
Here comes a flashback during the night of Rimbaud and Verlaine's mission of stealing Arahabaki.
'Don't give this kid to the French,' Verlaine was holding the young Chuuya on his arm.
'What?' Rimbaud was confused.
'Don't hand him over to anyone, and don't let him go back to the lab. Grow this kid in a farm and just never let him know about his truth.'
'What are you talking about?' Rimbaud asked once again.
'Think about it Rimbaud,' Verlaine's voice was tense and hostile at the same time, 'If someone tells you you're not a human, how impactful it will be. You are not born with god's blessing but just a programme, how hurtful it is. You cannot see the moon and live in darkness forever without any hope, and no one will come save you. Even such a feeling of despair is designed by someone else!'
'We have this conversation countless times, Paul,' Rimbaud stepped forward, 'You are a human, everyone sees that. Instead of thinking how you were made, isn't it better to think what you should be as a being?'
'Paul...' 'Don't get close.'
'I am sorry. Anyways, should we go back and have a chat?' Rimbaud stepped forward again.
'No, it's too late.'
A huge fight between the spies broke out.
Adam had an idea to stop the destruction of Guivre. Almost at the end of the Great War, Britain had developed something that was currently the energy source of Adam's machines. However, the initial usage of Adam's energy source was a mass destruction weapon. Adam smiled and continued. If they used Adam's weapon inside him, they could burn and melt the Guivre.
So they put this in practise. Adam asked Chuuya to tie Adam's own arm to an electric cable. However, Adam pushed Chuuya away when he was about to trigger the weapon. He explained to Chuuya that the weapon inside him was called the Shell (55 minutes reference). It can burn down the surroundings of 22 yard radius, and the internal temperature could reach 6000 degree celsius, and that is almost the temperature of the sun surface. This was sufficient to destroy the Guivre.
'Don't do this!' Chuuya cried
'Don't you have your dream! To build an investigation organisation purely ran by machines right!'
Adam silenced for two seconds.
'My dream is to protect humans,' Adam replied, 'and my dream comes true now.'
A gigantic fireball. It burned the woods, and boiled the land, and altogether evaporated. The Guivre moaned miserably and decomposed in the air. Adam sacrificed himself and the monster was destroyed.
However, the tail of the beast in front of Chuuya and Dazai was forming into something. That piece of tail suddenly grew a face out of it, something like a reptile. It then turned into a huge form of creature. Its head was pretty much the head of the former Guivre, but the number of eyes were different, and it had red eyes.
'Don't look at it, Chuuya,' Dazai warned, 'He was sensitive to emotion, so don't let him see you.'
'I know how to defeat this ability singularity,' said Chuuya, 'I recalled from my memory.'
'Let's brief me that,' Dazai smiled.
They figured out how to open Chuuya's door. In order to activate Chuuya's corruption, he needs to say the spell 'Grantors of disgrace, you need not wake me again'. Together with the hat gifted by Rimbaud, Chuuya could control the door with his own consciousness. However, there's a problem. Once Chuuya said the spell, the log inside his programme will altogether be erased, which means Chuuya could no longer find out whether he was human or not via the programme.
Chuuya was flying in the sky. He grabbed his hat tightly and recalled his friend's word
-- I am satisfied that I can protect you.
And he said 'Grantors of disgrace, you need not wake me again.'
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The battle between the gigantic beast and a tiny Arakami (God of Arahabaki) began. Dazai was directing the forces to launch offense towards the beast. Meanwhile Chuuya's physical body could no longer tolerate the power inside his body. He was bleeding severely. Finally, Chuuya created an enormous fireball that was as if the second sun in the night. Finally, the beast disappeared and Dazai nullified corruption.
Code:04 End
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chrkrose · 3 years
Do you think Brienne’s Targaryen heritage might become important by the end of the series? I often wonder where the recent ties with House Targaryen come from and how this will impact Brienne’s arc. What do you think?
I think by the end of the books Brienne will be a very important character. The kind of character people will look back (specially reddit fuckboys) and they will be like “oooooh who would have thought she would play such an important part”. And I don’t think this is just me being a big Brienne stan. I truly think she’s going to be a major player.
Now, when it comes to how this will happen and how her Targaryen link will impact that... well, I have some ideas. My main theory is that Brienne targ blood comes together with her dunk ancestry. To read a way better written theory, check this post from @ginmo. But in short: Dunk married either Rhae or Dhaella (Egg/Aegon V sister) and had a child with them before he became a member of the Kingsguard. This child (Bri grandparent) married into a house, had Bri mom and Bri mom married into house Tarth and that’s how Bri has both dunk and Targaryen links (and that’s how Dunk’s shield went to Tarth; I don’t think that would be the case if his connection with House Tarth was through a bastard child). With that said, my often used headcanon for fics is that Bri has targ blood both coming from Dunk and Rhae/Dhaella and with her mom (in this case she would be a child of Prince Duncan the Small with Jenny of Oldstones). I just like the idea of Brienne being linked with the Prince that forsake his throne for love. And the woman who was deemed unconventional and not good enough to be Queen/accepted in court. But that’s more wishful thinking and less likely imo.
And when it comes to how this will impact her arc, I don’t think it will be important in terms of politics (I think by the end of the books, Westeros will be devastated by the war against the others and we will probably get a different type of government going on. That or the whole “I’m of Targaryen blood” will be not important, if Bran actually becomes the king). I think her importance will come in terms of the war against the others and more specifically, Brienne bonding with dragons. There are a lot of theories which characters will ride dragons, if all of three of dany’s dragons will have a rider by the time they go to battle against the others, prophecies, “the dragon has three heads” meaning maybe we’ll need three dragon riders etc etc... IF any of this pans out, unlike many of the theories surrounding reddit (of how Tyrion or even STANNIS will be a dragon rider), I think the most likely candidate is Brienne. If Targaryen blood is truly necessary for you to become a dragon rider (I have theories about that, I might write this on another post), or at least necessary specifically to bond with Dany’s dragons, then Brienne is likely to be the one to ride one of them. That coupled with the legend of Galladon of Morne and the perfect knight and how this mirrors Brienne’s own journey, and how it’s tied with her Isle etc... I think if Brienne’s targ blood come into play, and if it’s important somehow for the end game, that’s how I see it happening.
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wonder-kid-pugh · 4 years
Forgotten Date - (Mal Pugh x reader)
Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day!! I thought I would do a valentine's imagine for all my fellow single pringles out there who don't have a significant other to celebrate with. And if you aren't single.....well then what are you doing reading this on Valentine's Day 😂 hope you enjoy!!
Mal's Pov
"Y/n! I'm heading to the gym!" I shout grabbing my water and my bag. "Wait!" I hear before there's some shuffling and she comes around the corner.
"Do you really have to go to the gym today?" She asks playing with her fingers. My eyebrows furrow together, "Uh yeah. I need to stay in shape. And I already called the gym saying I was heading in today".
She bites her lip and nods, "Um okay. I'll guess I see you later yeah?" I nod and smile at her, "Of course". I lean down and give her a quick peck on the lips before heading out the door, "Bye, I love you!" "I love you too!".
I get in the car and sigh. That was weird.
"Cmon keep going! Push it! Don't stop!" Thomas encourages as I keep doing the battle ropes. My arms are sore and my muscles are aching but I push through it and continue to move my arms up and down.
"Okay and in three, two, one take a break" Thomas counts. I drop the ropes and shake out my arms trying to get feeling back in them. "Okay take a small break and I'll be setting up the next section" he tells me tidying up the ropes.
I nod taking a big gulp of my water. As he picks up the ropes he looks over my shoulder at the entrance, "Y/n is here". I whip around to see my girlfriend standing at the door and smiles when she sees me, but I just tilt my head.
"Uh just give me a minute" I tell Thomas before walking over to Y/n. "Hey" she smiles hugging me. "Hey what you doing here?" I question. I give her a once over and she isn't wearing any gym clothes so she can't be here to workout with me. She's just wearing her usual jeans and a hoodie.
More like the hoodie she stole from me but anyway
"Are you nearly finished up here?" She asks still with the big smiley grin plastered on her face. I shake my head, "No Y/n I've barely been here an hour and a half. I'm staying for a while longer".
That still doesn't seem to affect her mood, "Is there any chance you would be able to finish up early today? I don't think Thomas would mind if you cut your session short today". I sigh, "Y/n I need to stay and work out. We can hang out later okay?"
But she doesn't give up and bites the corner of her lip, "Please Mal...I need your help with something". "I'll help you with whatever you need later okay? But right now I need to get back to my workout" I tell her. "But Mal-" "Y/n! Not now! Whatever it is can wait I need to get back to work!" I snap at her.
The cheery mood she came in with is has now disappeared as she lowers her head and plays with her fingers. "O-okay" she mumbles not looking at me in the eye. Usually I would apologize and make her feel better but I'm too annoyed to do so. "I'll talk to you later Y/n" I say before stomping back to Thomas who has the next circuit ready.
"Everything okay?" I turn back to the door and see Y/n is already gone. I face Thomas, "It's fine".
"So you wanna tell me what got you in such a bad mood" Thomas asks as he watches me do RDLs. I grunt as I continue, "Its nothing". "Well it's obviously something if your like this" he points out.
I sigh, "Y/n was trying to get me to help her with something". "I don't see what's so bad about that. What did she even want help with?" he asks correcting my stance. "I don't know. I said I would help her later and I needed to finish up here first" I tell him.
"But why does that have you so upset?" He asks. I shake my head, "She needs to understand that this is part of my job. I need to stay in shape and that means going to the gym. I can't just drop everything and come and help her. This is my job".
Thomas doesn't say anything and just watches me finish my set. When I'm done I grab my water. "Can I say something?" He asks. I nod taking a drink. "Look I think it's great that your so dedicated to working hard to stay on form and and even improve. But at the end of the day, it's not always going to be apart of your life. One day your not going to be playing soccer everyday and you'll be retired. Soccer isn't going to be in your life forever, but Y/n is. She is going to stick by you for a long time. Who was the first person there for you when you found out you weren't picked for the Olympic Qualifiers?"
"Y/n" I answer. "Exactly. That girl loves you so much. And she understands that you have to do stuff for your job but one day that will all be gone and all it will be is a memory. So make sure that you make time for her as well" Thomas explains. I sigh and run the back of my neck.
He does have a good point.
"Do you even know what day it is?" He asks. I tilt my head at him obviously confused. He sighs, "Mal it's Valentine's Day". I groan and hold my hands over my face, "God I'm a terrible girlfriend". "Hey it's okay you can fix it. But right now I think the best idea is for you to get out of here and find Y/n" she reassures.
I nod, "Yeah your right". "I'm always right". I roll my eyes at the trainer before grabbing all my stuff. I head home hoping to find her there but no joy. I takes a shower to clean up after my time at the gym and then try and call her phone but she doesn't answer.
I sigh thinking of who to call. I decide to call Brianna knowing that if she was likely to know where she is. The phone rings three times before she picks up, "Hey Mal, how's the date?"
My face crinkles, "What date? What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about the date I helped Y/n set up for you. No need to thank me or anything" she answers. I groan and lean against the countertop.
I really fucked up
"Why what's up?" I explain to my sister what happened. "I can't believe you snapped at her on Valentine's Day. How did you even forget it's Valentine's Day" she scolds. "Bri not now! Do you know where Y/n could be?" I beg. "I'll send you the location".
I plug the address into my phone and hop in my car and follow the directions there. I pulled into a car park and followed the directions until I was at a cliff which over looked the city.
And right there was Y/n sitting on a blanket arms wrapped around her legs. She had the whole area done up with lights giving it the whole fairytale effect. She was laying next to a basket which I guessed had a bunch of food in it.
I didn't say anything as I walked over to her and sat beside her. The was silence for a bit before I decided to break it, "I'm so sorry Y/n". "It's okay Mal" she whispers still looking out over the city. But I shake my head, "No it's not. You had this whole date set up for me and all I did was snap at you. I was a total ass and to top it off I forgot it was Valentine's Day. It's just I've been so-". But I was interrupted by a pair of lips meeting mine.
I was quick to return the kiss as I rest one hand on her face running my thumb over her cheek while the other hand kept me upright. When we break apart she rests her forehead against mine, "It's okay Mal I promise". She pushes a strand back behind my ear, "I know you've been stressed since you weren't called up for Qualifiers and with the trade. I get it, I just wanna make sure you don't overwork yourself".
I lean into her touch as she wraps an arm around my shoulders making me lean into her, "I don't deserve you" I whisper. "You deserve a lot more than you think. You deserve the world Mal" I says pressing a kiss to the too of my head.
We was sit there in each others embrace enjoying the view as well as each others company. After a few minutes she opens the basket and pulls out a speaker. A slow song pours out of the speaker while Y/n gets up and dusts herself off before holding out a hand for me, "Care to dance?"
I smile and take her hand and she pulls me up. My arms link around her neck while hers snake around my waist holding me close. We away to the music not a care in the world. I lean my head against her chest and she starts to hum along to the song.
I look up as the song ends and kiss her. When I pull away I look I to her eyes, "I'm sorry Y/n". "Mal-" "No! I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you. You were out here setting up this amazing date and I had no right to get angry with you. Soccer is important but not as important as you. You are my future Y/n and I'm sorry that I haven't been spending a lot of time with you recently. But I promise I'll make it up to you".
She just smiles in response and gives me a quick kiss, "I love you"
"I love you too. Happy Valentine's Day".
Hope you enjoyed! Happy Valentine's Day ❤️
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None The Wiser
Pairing: Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader
Summary: The reader didn’t know that Roger was married
Requested: Yep by @kellysimagines “can you make a roger taylor one played by ben hardy where i am the sister of one of the other band mates and we are secretly dating and i don't know he's married and at the night of freddie's party in his new home i see him with his wife and he notices me and we act normal and when he leaves i have to be strong cause no one knows this and roger is planning to divorce his wife for me cause he doesnt love her anymore before he dated me and the same night he comes to my home and  tells me he divorced her and he tries to get back to me but i don't want to cause i need time to think and after a couple of days he is just as misserable as i am and when I go with my brother to the rehearsals he can't take it anymore and tells everyone we  dated and my brother fights with him cause he played me cause he is married but he tells them he divorced for me and i go home and later on he does something romantic to get me back and it works”
Warnings: Cheating, angst, tears, swearing
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this! I’m kinda quite proud of how this turned out so please remember to let me know what you think of it! Either like, reblog or leave comments to let me know what you think!
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Y/N had to fight to control the smile that tried to emerge onto her face as she made eye contact with Roger. Though she was well aware that she was fighting a losing battle, especially as he sent her a cheeky wink, spinning his drumstick in his hand.
“Y/N!” John beamed, taking note of his sisters presence in the studio and taking off his bass, carefully placing it down.
He came over and embraced Y/N in a tight hug, wary of the coffee’s balanced in the trays in her hands.
“I didn’t realise you were coming today,” John chuckled, taking one tray from her hands and passing it around the room to his bandmates. Y/N passed the other to Mary who was sat on the sofa.
“Well I was in the neighbourhood and figured I could pop in and say hello - is that okay?” She asked unsurely. The band started to laugh at her and shook their heads.
“You know you’re always welcome, love,” Roger assured her, his eyes sparkled with amusement and joy as he spoke to her and the sight of his smile caused Y/N’s heart to skip a beat and she felt heat crawling up her cheeks as she gave a small smile in return.
“Thanks,” she said, though her voice was almost just a whisper. She blinked quickly, breaking her eye contact with Roger to focus back on her brother. “Veronica told me to tell you to call her,” she passed on the information and John’s brow furrowed as he nodded.
“Alright... thanks for letting me know,” 
“Is there anything Vegetarian in here?” Brian asked, rummaging through the bag of food Y/N had brought with her to the studio.
“No... sorry Bri it completely slipped my mind,” she apologised. “I can run out and get some though,” she said straight away. 
“Would you mind? I’ve just got to work out this guitar solo is all,” 
“Did you drive here?” Roger asked but Y/N shook her head, smiling.
“It’s lovely out - I decided to walk instead,” she shrugged. Roger chuckled.
“I’ll give you a lift, come on,”
“We’re going to have to tell John at some point,” Y/N whispered against Roger’s lips, her hands curled in his hair as she rested their foreheads together. Rogers eyes fluttered closed, his mouth quirking up into a slight smile as he shook his head.
“Not right now though, love,” he murmured, softly kissing her again and Y/N melted into his touch, thoughts of John and worries over his finding out slipping away from her mind as she focused on Roger in the here and now.
She focused on him and his love. His kisses and kind words. His pretty eyes and lovely laugh.
All of him.
She wanted to drink him in, keep him with her forever and never let go, never be apart from him. She hated having to worry about her brother’s reaction - John would warn her off of dating Roger, he had a reputation, he was a member of a rock band, he was a bad influence on her.
All of those thoughts went away when she was with him - he was all that she knew, all that mattered to her.
And God Y/N loved him.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Roger whispered, his voice low as they lips parted for air but he was quick to press his to her forehead, showering her with as much love and affection as he could do in such a small, confined space - the front seat of his car.
Because this was all they had when they were together - small, meaningful moments stolen away from the public eye and the judgement of the band. They had to hide away from the world because of who Y/N’s brother was. Though, at the end of the day, Y/N knew that so long as she had Roger it would be worth it.
“We should get back - we’ve been gone ages,” Y/N told him, keeping her voice low so as not to break what felt like a magical atmosphere existing between the two of them. 
“They’re all busy - they won’t even notice we’re gone,” Roger tried to convince her, kissing her softly again. Y/N groaned loudly and shook her head.
“You’re the one who wants to keep this so secret, Rog, you know we have to go back,” she scolded him gently, her fingers running down his face to trace along his jawline.
“You make it very hard to leave you when you look at me like that, love,” his voice was a low whisper that sent chills rushing down her spine. She smiled shyly at him.
“One day maybe you won’t have to leave me,” she kissed him tenderly, neither of them wanting to part. “But today isn’t that day, Rog.”
“Y/N, darling, you made it!” Freddie beamed, opening the door to see Y/N on the other side, stood awkwardly in a fancy dress Roger had insisted upon buying her. “And you look breathtaking!” He added, hugging the younger woman tightly. Y/N smiled at him.
“You look amazing too, Fred,” she promised, stepping into his house and into the loud party scene. “Thought this was meant to be just a small get together,” she teased and Freddie laughed loudly, his arm still set around her shoulder as he steered her around his home.
“Oh, darling, this is a small get together,”
“Don’t invite me to your real parties then, Fred,” she giggled and Freddie gasped.
“It could hardly be called a party if you weren’t there,”
“Well I am pretty great,” she pretended to muse. Freddie threw back his head in delight at her words. “Where are we even going?” She asked, laughing at Freddie’s seemingly random turns as he led her through the party.
“Well I’m trying to find your brother and my bandmates,” he told her, searching the crowds of people, clearly attempting to locate Brian’s mop of curly hair - it would be the most easily distinguishable feature by far. Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the hope that Roger would be there. It had been almost three days since they had had any kind of alone time together and Y/N was craving his touch.
“Well they’re normally pretty good at finding corners to sit in to avoid dancing,” Y/N pointed out and Freddie rolled his eyes, nodding.
“Yes, even Roger will be doing that tonight,” he sighed, clearly a little disappointed. Y/N frowned at his words.
“Why ‘even Roger’?” She asked and Freddie looked at her, surprised.
“Well his wife’s here,” 
“His... wife?” Y/N repeated, blinking blankly at Freddie, her heart dropping into the pit of her stomach. Freddie frowned at her evident confusion.
“Yes, his wife’s here - Dominique,” 
“Right, his wife, Dominique,” she repeated faintly. Freddie’s frown deepened.
“Is everything alright, darling?” Y/N forced a smile onto her face and nodded at her friend.
“Yes, Fred, don’t worry everything’s perfectly fine,” she promised, though she was feeling anything but fine at that moment.
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing I just... didn’t realise he was married is all,” Y/N admitted, sighing. Freddie could clearly pick up on her disappointment and gave her a sympathetic look.
“Did you have a crush on him?” 
“Something like that,” she agreed, feeling exhaustion taking over her.
The two of them approached the group of people - John’s face lit up with joy upon seeing his sister and Veronica beamed at Y/N too, the two of them had been close ever since John introduced them and it was often jokes that the reason for Veronica sticking around for so long was because she actually loved Y/N rather than John.
Brian grinned at Y/N and Chrissie waved before being embraced by the woman.
Then Y/N came to Roger.
Roger and the beautiful woman sat next to him.
Guilt and fear was clear on his attractive features as she stared at him. She wasn’t sure if the look in his eyes was him begging for forgiveness, or begging her not to say anything. 
Her eyes drifted past him and she forced a smile onto her face.
“Hi, you must be Dominique, I’m Y/N, John’s sister,” Roger’s wife returned her smile in a much easier, more genuine way, holding out her hand.
“It’s lovely to meet you finally - I’ve heard a lot about you,”
“I could say the same,” Y/N lied, she wanted to hate her. Desperately wanted to find something dislikable to the beautiful woman, innocent to her husband’s actions.
“Don’t lie, Y/N, Rog rarely mentions me,” Dominique laughed good naturedly and Y/N joined in, her eyes sliding back to Roger’s.
“Come on, Y/N, darling, you’ll dance with me, won’t you?” Freddie grabbed her hands, not waiting for an answer before he pulled her to the dance floor, laughing.
Y/N joined in, trying desperately to laugh away the pain she was feeling.
Y/N’s eyebrows rose as there was a knock at her door. It was the evening after the party and it was safe to say she hadn’t been expecting anyone to come knocking.
Though she knew it was him.
Of course it was him.
It wasn’t enough for him that he plagued her every thought, filled her every sense, stalked her in every dream.
He had to be here now as well.
Now that she knew the truth.
“What do you want, Roger?” She asked, opening the door and looking tiredly at hi. She was aware of the mess she looked - red eyes from tears shed, messy hair from tossing and turning all night and through the day when she called in sick (she never did sleep well without him there), and old pyjamas that she hadn’t warn since getting together with Roger.
After finding out about Dominique the idea of wearing his clothes to bed made her sick.
“I didn’t know you were going to be at the party,” he said lamely. Roger shifted from side to side, uncomfortable under her unwavering stare. Y/N let out a bark of spiteful laughter.
“I didn’t know you were married,” she countered. Roger dropped his head, scuffing his feet into the ground. “She’s beautiful,” Y/N whispered finally, breaking the silence that hung between them. “And she was really sweet, Roger,” it was true, the entire of the previous evening Dominique had been nothing but kind and charming to the younger woman. The guilt ate Y/N up inside.
“I don’t love her,” Roger shrugged as though that was all that needed to be said. “Not anymore,” the words were loaded and, paired with the pleading gaze Roger send her way, he was almost irresistible.
“You’re still married, Roger, she still loves you,” Y/N let out a long sigh and began to shut the door.
“I’m going to divorce her,” Roger blurted out before it could close completely and form a barrier between them for good.
“Does she know that?” Y/N asked, leaning heavily on the door.
“I told her last night, after the party,” Roger whimpered but Y/N shook her head.
“You can’t just say that and expect everything to be okay again,”
“I love you!” Y/N’s eyes burned with tears she didn’t think she had left.
“It’s too late, Roger,”
Y/N avoided the guys as best she could after that. When her brother would invite her to the studio she would say no. When Freddie trie to invite her to another one of his parties she was quick to reject the invitation. Even Brian’s pleas for coffee went ignored.
It was about two weeks after the party that the band members found out why it was that Y/N had been ignoring them.
She got a phone call late at night from her brother.
“You had an affair with Roger?” John screeched. Y/N rubbed her eyes tiredly, bracing herself for what she was sure was to be a heart-wrenching discussion.
“In my defence, I wasn’t aware I was having an affair either,”
“But you were aware that you were sleeping with my best friend behind my back?” John questioned and even through the phone anger radiated off of him in waves.
“I’m sorry, John,” Y/N sighed. “It started before I really knew what was going on and then... I fell in love with him, John,” she was met with silence on the other end of the phone and the next time he spoke his voice was considerably softer.
“You could have told me - you should have told me,”
“I know, John, I wanted to but...” John let out a long sigh.
“Roger didn’t want you to,” Y/N let out a sharp bark of laugher and shook her head hopelessly.
“I understand why he was so against telling you now,” John allowed himself to laugh at that.
“You okay?” He asked finally.
“I’ve definitely been better,” she admitted.
“The guys are worried about you,” the words made her smile closing her eyes and shaking her head.
“They don’t have to be worried, it’s fine, John,” 
“They love you, Y/N, trust me, they’re going to worry until they see you again,” Y/N laughed quietly. “Come to the studio tomorrow, please? We’ll make sure he stays away from you,” the plea in John’s voice was too much for her to resist and she groaned loudly.
“Fine but you’re buying me lunch to make up for it.”
“Y/N, please, talk to me,” Y/N pulled her arm from Roger’s grip and raised her eyebrows at him, trying desperately to ignore the pounding of her heart in her chest.
“I don’t owe you anything, Roger. I’m here for John, not you,”
“Y/N please, I’m begging you,” she rolled her eyes and turned from the drummer, stalking her way into the recording studio.
“Leave her alone, Roger,” Brian said, cocking his eyebrow and watching the drummer as he followed her into the room.
“Stay out of this, Brian. This doesn’t involve you,” Roger sighed, shaking his head at the guitarist in the box. John stood from his seat in front of the control panel and glared at Roger.
“But it does involve me. Leave my sister alone, Roger,” John demanded.
“Actually I think it just involves me and Y/N,”
“And Dominique,” Y/N added with a pointed glare and Roger looked at her with wide eyes.
“Not even her anymore,” Y/N paused.
“You... got divorced?” A small smile graced Roger’s face and he shrugged.
“I said I would,” Y/N bit her bottom lip.
“You should have told me,” 
“I know,” he agreed. “I’m an idiot,”
“What did you tell her?” She asked. The tension in the room was almost unbearable but Y/N didn’t have it in her to care about the other three people present.
“The truth - you didn’t know, it was going to just be a one time thing-” a growl ripped from John’s throat at that but Y/N gestured for her brother to calm down, “but I fell in love with you,” Roger hesitated for a moment. “I still am so in love with you,”
“I can’t trust you, Roger,” the blond drummer nodded.
“I know, but if you’ll let me I’d like to spend the rest of my life trying to win that trust back.”
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raging-violets · 5 years
Susan’s Diplomacy // The Night Witch 09
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Tag List: @darknightfrombeyond​ @foxesandmagic​ @chuck-hansens​ @seize-the-droid​ @witchofinterest​
"You never told us Archenland was this beautiful, Bri," Lucy commented. She planted her hands on her hips, turning towards Susan's lady-in-waiting with an accusing stare, footsteps sounding loud across the bustling courtyard as her boots clacked over the cobblestone lined path. Her footsteps echoed off the castle walls around the. Though it couldn't take over the smile that seemed to be permanently on her face. "I love Narnia, but Anvard is great. Everyone here is so nice."
"They're nice because they're not sure if they want to join our alliance," Susan replied diplomatically. "They can't get past what happened when we left Narnia. And I can't say I don't disagree with it, we left them in the lurch, and they had to move on without us." She lifted her chin, noticing Brielle and Lucy staring at her as they continued to stroll along Anvard's courtyard. "I'm just saying."
"No, you're just breaking the mood," Brielle remarked. She reached out, looping her arm through Susan's and gently bumped the queen's hip with her own. "The boys will tell us what happened when they come back. And you know how persuasive they can be. Caspian, especially needs to learn it as King."
"Yes, I understand that," Susan agreed. The tiniest of smiles came to her face, making Brielle and Lucy exchange tiny glances. "I'm just trying to prepare myself for the worst. We have to think of what would happen if King Nain and Queen Aria don't take the alliance we're hoping to forge. If there's another battle, another war, our numbers will be lessened. We won't have the means to bring anyone to our side and the rest of Narnia country knows that."
Lucy tipped her head, gazing at her older sister. "You don't know that," She reminded her. "Things could've gone well. Archenland may have been excited to want to form the alliance with Narnia once more." She shook her head. "You need to stop worrying over every little thing, Su."
"I'm not worrying, I'm being…" Susan trailed off, working to find the right word.
"A stick in the mud?" Lucy supplied.
"A pain in the arse?" Brielle added.
Susan shot them both a sharp look as they broke down into giggles. "Diplomatic," Susan remarked. "I'm being diplomatic. We all need to be aware that things may not go the way they're supposed to, and we must be prepared for it. Narnia was on its own for a long time and we may still be on our own. I just want all of us to be aware that the arrangement may last longer than we'd hope."
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jessicajonesrp · 4 years
New case
Jessica could not remember the last time that she had felt like this. Hell, she couldn’t remember the last time she had thought it possible that she could feel like this. Even allowing herself to mentally label her feelings in the past few weeks seemed risky, even dangerous. How could she acknowledge to herself that she had been enjoying her life, even feeling happy about considerable portions of it? To admit even to herself that she was experiencing happiness seemed like a surefire way to bring it all to a devastating end.
 But as much as she didn’t want to even think the word, happy was a fairly accurate way to describe her, recently. It was an emotion she could hardly avoid, given how neatly and easily her life seemed to be falling into place. Kilgrave was dead, for real this time, his threat over her and everyone else ended forever. There hadn’t been an attack to NYC or the world recently that required her involvement to save from apocalypse. Trish wasn’t on drugs, had the good sense to be staying away from her mother, and was even in a relationship Jessica approved of, as much as she would approve of anyone with her sister. Trish was healthy, safe, and happy, and that was all Jessica wanted for her.
 And for Jessica…well, there was Luke. The more she got to know him, and the more time she spent with him, the more she knew that she was falling more and more deeply in love with him. And by some crazy twist of fate, Luke had decided that he loved her too.
 It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried to push him away. She had tried rudeness and bluntness, making it clear to him that there was no “better” Jessica that he might eventually shape her into. What he saw was what he was going to get. She didn’t hide her drinking or her temper, her antisocial tendencies or her cynicism. And still, he didn’t back away. Even after knowing her history, the worst of what she had done and the depth of her emotional scars, he still looked her in the eyes with nothing but respect and acceptance. Jessica still didn’t feel that she deserved this, but she loved the person that Luke was showing himself to be too much to walk away, even if she felt that was what would be the best option for him. Maybe it was selfish of her, but she wanted him, a life with him, too much to try much harder to force him away.
 And even the parts she hated most about herself, as she spent time with Luke, seemed to be getting better ever so slowly. Jessica was never going to be a person without a dark side to herself; hell, even before her family died and her life spun out of control for the next twenty years, she had been the kind of asshole teenager who dressed in black, played only metal bands, and had few facial expressions beyond scowls. She still drank heavily, she still avoided the public whenever possible, and she still shrank from any initiating any physical affection and refused to express her affection verbally. She still had nightmares, panic attacks, and hallucinations. But they were becoming less and less frequent and intense, and her sleep was getting better, overall. She even thought she wasn’t drunk quite as often.
 Luke was changing her, somehow. And damn it, Jessica didn’t even mind it.
 “We’ve got eleven new potential cases,” Malcolm greeted her, the first Monday that Jessica returned from her trip with Luke, Trish, and Danny. “Most of the same, straightforward cheating spouse kind, but there’s a few that are a little more complex. I took down all the messages for you, the ones I thought you’d be most interested in are highlighted.”
 Jessica hadn’t actually given the man permission to be taking down calls, speaking with clients, or coming into the office to work when she wasn’t also present. Hell, she was pretty sure he was supposed to be currently fired for the fifth or sixth time. But Malcolm generally ignored whatever orders she gave if he saw fit to, and she was in a decent enough mood to overlook his supposedly unemployed state. For today.
   She gifted him with only a slight scoffing noise and rolling of her eyes rather than the full-on ass chewing he might normally have received, accepting the neatly labeled folder he held out to her. Flipping through it and rolling her eyes for a second time at the typed notes he had organized, she skimmed through each, tossing them haphazardly onto her desk as she rejected them entirely or dismissed their importance.
 “Cheater, cheater, blackmail, whack job, religious nut, cheater, cheater-“
 Her hand stopped on the next note, several of the typed words jumping out at her. Missing child- Gabriel Dowling, age ten. Jessica swallowed, her throat suddenly and uncomfortably tight. Her brother Phillip had also been ten years old, the year that he died. She had spent the last sixteen years feeling very uncomfortable and vaguely agitated when anywhere near a male child under the age of fourteen; the parallels to her brother were far too obvious and raw.
 Forcing herself to shake off her discomfort the best that she could, Jessica began to read over Malcolm’s notations more thoroughly. The call in had been made by the child’s mother, Cynthia Dowling; Jessica noted that no father was listened and reminded herself to follow up on his involvement or lack of, whether he was the potential perpetrator of the disappearance. The child had allegedly been missing for several days, with no signs of being a runaway and no ransom note left. Mother claims to have gone to wake him one morning only to find his room empty and no signs of a kidnapping or intruder.
 The minimal facts raised more questions for Jessica than answers; already she was wondering whether the disappearance could be staged, if it was possible that this was all some bullshit custody battle, or if ten years old really was old enough for a kid to be a runaway or going on some extended, unapproved sleepover with one of his friends. But if neither was the case, then a little boy was missing and at risk of great harm, if he wasn’t dead already. Jessica might not think of herself as a hero, but she couldn’t in good conscience turn this down.
 “This one,” she said to Malcolm, tapping the file. “Start looking up what you can on Cynthia and Gabriel Dowling. I’m calling her up and asking her to come in.”
 There was nothing alarming about Cynthia Dowling, at first impression. She was a woman about ten years older than Jessica herself, of average height, weight, and appearance. But there was a haunted, pained look to her eyes, dark circles stained deeply beneath them, and her shoulders slumped as she took the seat across from Jessica’s desk that she was directed towards. Nevertheless, she met Jessica’s gaze firmly and with a surprising steeliness as she addressed her.
 “I know you’ll have questions for me, Ms. Jones, and I’ll answer anything and do anything you need to help me get Gabriel back. But I’m going to tell you now that most of the standard questions a person would ask about a child’s disappearance will not help you, because they’ll be going in the wrong direction.”
 Jessica arched an eyebrow, leaning back in her chair and fixing a skeptical look at the woman. “Hey, lady, you came to me for help, so why don’t you let me actually do the work I’m qualified for instead of telling me what you think is or isn’t going to help?”
 “I’m not telling you how to do your job,” Cynthia insisted, lifting both hands wearily and letting them drop down to her lap. “But I know the type of questions the police would ask, and they are wasting both of our time, and my son’s time, which he may not have much of. I-“
 “So you’ve spoken to the police?” Jessica interrupted. When the woman hesitated, then shook her head, Jessica narrowed her eyes, leaning towards her. “Your kid has been missing for days, and you didn’t report this to the police?”
 “I know how it sounds,” Cynthia said wearily, rubbing a hand over her face. “I can understand why you’re judging me for that, and if this wasn’t my son and my life, I’d judge anyone else just the same. But the police couldn’t do anything for us, Ms. Jones. That’s why I’ve come to you.”
 She paused, lifting her face up again. “My son did not run away. My son did not wonder off and get lost, and before you even ask, his father is not in the picture. I never even told him that I was pregnant, and I’ve never told Gabriel who his father is. He has nothing to do with this, it would be impossible.”
 “Lady, there’s a lot of things in this world that should be impossible, but aren’t,” Jessica muttered, exhaling. “I’m assuming you have reasons for the dad not being involved? What makes you think there’s no way a guy you didn’t even want to know you’re pregnant couldn’t do something with your son?”
 “It wasn’t like that,” Cynthia said. “It wasn’t…abuse, or that he was a bad person, or anything like that. It was a silly, casual fling that resulted in an unplanned pregnancy that I wasn’t unopposed to go through with.” She signed, shaking her head. “I didn’t know Gabriel’s father enough to know whether or not he was capable of being a good father, or if he would be interested. Maybe it was selfish of me, but I didn’t want to have to take the risk of finding out. I thought…Gabriel was going to be mine, the only person who was all mine. I thought I could be enough for a child…for my child.”
 Her voice shook slightly, and she brushed at her eyes before steadying it. “This has nothing to do with what’s happened to my child. This-“
 “There’s no way you can know that at this point,” Jessica interrupted, not bothering to hide the irritation in her tone. “You hire me to investigate and I’m investigating all possibilities. I need-“
 “I chose you because of what you are,” Cynthia Rowling blurted, and when Jessica stopped speaking, blinking at her, the woman squared her shoulders and lifted her chin, continuing. “Because…because I’ve heard about who you are. The things you can do. You’re like my son, Ms. Jones…or rather, my son is like you. If anyone is going to be able to bring my son back to me, it will be a person who is like him.”
 Jessica knew exactly what the woman was implying. Still, she had to be certain.
 “What do you mean, your son is like me?”
 “I don’t know the right word for it,” Cynthia said carefully, seeming to be trying to choose words that would be accurate without offense. “I’ve always just thought of Gabriel as….special. Not a mutant, or a superhero, or even superpowered…to me, he was just my son.”
  Jessica could feel her heartbeat speed up, and she had to make herself hold still as the woman spoke, make her face remain blank. Even so, her hands twitched, and her throat went dry with her craving to drink as she listened.
 “Gabriel can...go places. Without walking, or doing anything to get there. All he has to do is wish for it, or think about it, and he’s there. I think the word is teleporting…whatever it is, he can do it.” Cynthia shook her head, giving a short, broken-sounding laugh. “When he was a baby, I never could make him stay in his crib at night. I couldn’t keep him in the corner for time out or in the house on rainy days. I homeschool him, because when he was in preschool and would get bored, he would take himself out to the playground and send the teachers into a panic, not knowing where he went or how he got there.”
 As the implications of what Cynthia was saying began to dawn on Jessica, she looked at the woman sharply, her back straightening.
 “If your son can teleport- hold on, what are you telling me? You think your child’s been kidnapped, right? That someone is holding him? But how is that possible, if all he has to do is wish himself back home, and it would happen?”
 Cynthia nodded, a small, tight smile without joy curving her lips.
 “You understand now, Ms. Jones. You being like my son- that isn’t the only reason I chose you. You understand what it would take, what kind of person it would take, to be able to hold my son when he doesn’t want to be there. The kind of person who would and could do this. You…you had experience with that, didn’t you? The man this year on the docks-“
 “I’m not talking about that,” Jessica snapped, reeling back from her fast enough that the back of her chair smacked against the wall behind her. “That’s none of your damn business.”
 “I understand,” her client said quietly, nodding. “But please understand, this is why I’ve chosen you to help me find my son. You know what people like that can do to someone like him- to someone like you. I want my son back with me, Ms. Jones. And if…if something happened to him…if someone’s done something to him…then I want you to be able to tell me who it is that’s responsible.”
 Jessica took some time to gather words. Even as her temples pulsed and her eyes burned, she could only come up with one reply.
 Within hours, she had all the information she and Malcolm could gather on the small Dowling family. It was straightforward enough, and no different from what Cynthia had said. Single parent, no father listed or involved, homeschooled child who had several strange “incidents” in preschool. No red flags popping out about either, beyond the preschool “incidents,” which Cynthia had already explained. Pictures on Cynthia’s social media implied a child who appeared happy and close to his mother and who regularly socialized with other children.
 It was only after Jessica had begun to look into some of the children pictured with Gabriel, just at the far-fetched possibility of a lead, that a pattern began to emerge. Each of those children was also homeschooled, never enrolled in public or private elementary schools. And as Jessica began to look into them and their families, other “incidents” began to pop up, suspiciously similar in nature to Gabriel’s preschool incidents.
 As her suspicions grew, Jessica began contacting the families of the children that had been Gabriel’s friends, under the premise of needing information about Gabriel’s disappearance. It didn’t take very long for the pattern’s strength to intensify.
 Most of the children that Gabriel Dowling was friends with were also “special,” as Ms Dowling had described her son. And three of those children had also, within the past year, mysteriously vanished- children who normally should have been able to fight off or escape a would be threatening person without trouble.
 It was becoming obvious to Jessica that whoever it was that had taken the children was gifted with some sort of supernatural ability themselves. Whatever his or her intentions, this person was clearly potentially very dangerous indeed.
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wackygoofball · 5 years
Hey, I’d just like to thanks you for staying positive though these Braime angst times because almost all the other blogs I follow went cRAZY about him “leaving Bri for Cers” and your posts gave me new hope and reminded me of all the wonderful things that happened in that episode, so, thank you so much💗💕💕💗💕
Glad to hear it, anon!
People have their feelings, they are entitled to them, but so am I and I am a very happy customer right now because I am a thirsty bitch for drama. And we are getting it! JB being at the very center *all of a sudden* (*coughs* biggest romance of GoT/ASoIaF *coughs* *coughs*) of the relationship conflict front tells us so much more than having to feel the angst. It tells us to feel the HYPE.
They are finally where we all wanted to see them… I guess ever since Harrenhal??? One of the producers called it something along the lines of “the most reluctant romance in TV history” in his commentary on the Red Tent Scene back in season 6. And I think JB is still living up to that and it’s beautiful and dramatic and I friggin’ love it. They *are* reluctant, have been for so many seasons (books, respectively). Because they are so caught up in self-doubt and for Jaime in particular self-loathing, feeling unworthy of a good kind of life, the kind of life they wanted to have or grew to want to have, feeling unworthy of love and affection and fearing that it could never truly be reciprocated.
I could start crying at the sad beauty of this right now, but my tears can suck it because I am way too much in the HYPE.
Because yes, anon! We were given so much goodness. Brienne smiled so much. Jaime smiled so much! Can you remember the last time he smiled like that?! I mean, we are all hyped to finally see Brienne smile, but think about how often Jaime only ever had a smile to spare only for shit to hit the fan all over. He didn’t have a time to ever truly have a breather and just be happy and fool around with his brother, and he got that, and Brienne got that, too. And they shared that happiness. It was so heart-warming that I felt like Jaime, wanting to nibble off my shirt lol.
Their first time (albeit a wee bit shorter than I as a shipper would have loved it to be, but you know, wishful thinking is one thing, and the rest can be filled with smutty fanfic :) of which our wonderful fandom provides plenty!) was awesome-sauce. The glow, the tenderness, the hesitance, the awkwardness, there was a purity to this encounter that it still has me shooketh.
Sorry, had to get that off my chest. Back on topic:
Jaime has, ever since their roadtrip started, protected this woman. Nikolaj once commented about how Jaime sending Brienne out of King’s Landing back during the Oathkeeper episode was also fuelled by Jaime’s fear that Cersei may be on to something with Brienne after he saw her talk to Brienne and her walking off with a scared kind of expression (not knowing what truth bomb Cersei actually dropped on Brienne during the Purple Wedding aka that she loves him). The show changed the dress to an armor, a type of clothing literally meant to protect from bodily harm. He gave her Oathkeeper. And a squire to keep her company. Jaime has, at every step, tried to protect that woman to the best of his abilities within the constraints he found himself in. Do I believe that suddenly changed? Not for a fuckin’ second. This is Jaime Lannister as he lives and thrives. That guy is as hellbent on protecting the people he loves as Brienne is. Brienne is part of that circle, so of course he protects her, even if that means hurting her.
That is Jaime’s modus operandi alongside looking way too hot for me to handle. Or for him to handle, as last episode proved.
And just never forget him rubbing his thumb against her wrist. That shit still has me weak and whimpering at the beauty of it. That was just... poetic cinema!
The whole scene was a thing of beauty with the visual callbacks to Ned/Cat (arguably one of the few considerably healthy, longterm and strong relationships the entire series has ever seen, despite the fact that Ned was a douche sometimes - more often than not - and kept things from her that clearly made her feel shitty but that’s a topic for another day).
Brienne appearing in a robe that made her look lady-like and womanly and like a fuckin’ goddess rather than having thrown on breeches and a tunic or whatever! It made it all the more heartbreaking to have her feel that way while dressed that way because it just highlighted her vulnerability, but the VISUAL IS AMAZING AND THE NON-VERBAL CLUES THAT GIVES ARE OFF THE CHARTS!!!
Someone made that post and I am totally plagiarising this: this scene of her cupping his cheeks and him holding her wrist was a fuckin’ RENAISSANCE PAINTING. And JB is about to be REBORN. I am telling you!
Nik and Gwen acting the living shit out of themselves in that scene, giving us the rawest of emotions, acting out all with their facial expressions, with their FUCKIN’ EYES! Nik tells us all that we must know the way he looks at her!
So yeah, he ain’t a hateful man. He ain’t creepin’ back to his sister after having realized that Bri was not his jam. He’s doing what he’s always done, what he always does:
Protect, no matter the personal costs.
Not just Brienne, not just his family, it’s his finest act of slaying Aerys and thereby sending his reputation down the drain so half a million people could live that’s on the line! Those people are on the line! And Jaime is not part of that whole castle-swap game Daenerys and Tyrion are playing. If the guy has proven anything, then it is that he, despite of what he may have others believe or tries to make himself believe at times, is one of the few characters who actually give a damn on the smallfolk. He ended the Riverrun Siege without bloodshed (Jaime, seriously, revisit that scene, it’s in supercuts, you clearly got some things mixed up there, hon). He killed one man so half a million could live. It was not without purpose that Varys gave us that callback to how those people matter as much as any of them and how even someone Daenerys claimed to be so much more important because he is so clever, Tyrion, is in the end just as important as any other farmer going about his life. They deserve to live, and I think Jaime’s upset about Tyrion being like “just give him the Reach, what does it matter???” is all the more telling as it reaches beyond his personal conflict. The Reach is the center of food production and we are just giving it up to a sellsword who has no fuck-o to give about either politics or the people who live within the constraints of these? Fuck no.
Jaime wants to protect people. It’s been one of the driving forces in his character all along, even before we got to know him, when we were still led to the conclusion that he was just a douche that needed to be killed off because EVIL MAN!
Jaime wants to protect the people he loves in particular. For them, he goes extreme lengths. That was his family foremost, but that certainly included Brienne long before they got intimate. He’s cared about her for so very long. So I do not believe for a single second that he’d just... forget that, be able to put that aside. Jaime can’t.
And he doesn’t have to. He just has to see that. And Brienne will make him realize that.
Because as much as Jaime wants to protect everyone, factors are now changed. He just doesn’t see it yet.
Because this time, he is in for a surprise as there is someone who will protect him the same way he is committed to that person’s protection. And that will make the crucial difference, it already does. He never had that with his sister. She literally threatened to kill him, literally sent an assassin after him for having the *effrontery* not to act the way she would have liked, not falling in line when she as Queen demanded it. Jaime’s never had anyone step up for him the way Brienne did. Jaime never had anyone protect him that way.
She stood up for him during the trial when Tyrion failed.
She saved him and he saved her during the battle against the living dead.
She certainly had conversation with Sansa to ensure he was welcome at Winterfell.
She will stand up for her man and will protect him - from himself if she must.
“Nothing’s more hateful than failing to protect the one you love.” - she won’t let history repeat itself with the man who finally loves her back.
She will protect Jaime.
Jaime will protect Brienne.
And that is and has always been the very core of their relationship.
And that core is beautiful and pure and no angst gets between that.
Thanks for coming to yet another TED talk.
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seouledbysisi · 4 years
Something New
Chapter seventeen
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After dance practice was finally over the guys congregated amongst themselves.
It was almost awkward because not everyone was close. Johnny, Taeil and Jaehyun had already known one another before so of course they had a relationship. Other relationships were beginning to prosper though.
There was always a bit of tension with Jaehyun and Taeyong though. None of the other members knew why and Johnny for sure wasn’t about to open that can of worms. It wasn’t his business to tell and quite frankly it didn’t matter because Sasha had made her choice to be with Jaehyun. Taeyong’s ship had sailed a long time ago and he screwed it up. Nothing he did would bring that sail back to shore.
Johnny handed a envelope to Taeil.
Taeil smiled thinking it was some sort of gift. “What did I do to deserve this?”
Haechan ran over. “Is it money?!” He yelled as he clapped his hands. He always seemed like all of their baby. He was the youngest and he didn’t let you forget it.
Johnny chuckled. “Believe it not money, Full sun.” He winked.
Haechan pouted. “I wanted money.” He crossed his arms.
“The envelope isn’t even for you.” Johnny continued cackling.
Haechan rolled his eyes. “Wanna buy me some ice cream?” He asked Johnny. “Please Johnny-Hyung?” He added when it took Johnny a while to answer.
Johnny shook his head and handed him a few wons. “Now go away!”
Taeil stared at the invitation. “Why do you have this?”
“She didn’t know where else to send it I guess.” Johnny shrugged.
Jaehyun finally met up with them in the corner. He had been a bit off all day.
“You good?” Johnny asked.
He pushed his hair out of his face and sighed. “I got a lot of shit going on, man.”
Johnny gave him a questioning expression. “What’s up? You and Sasha okay?”
“That’s a whole other story for another day. I’m stressed out because of that too. But my dad is suing my mom for custody of Max. He wants him in the states with him.”
Taeil looked up from the invitation. “Sorry to hear that.”
He shrugged. “I mean he is his son but my mom had raised him his whole life. My dad wouldn’t know what to do if he had Max full time. I worry for Max.”
Johnny took a deep breath. “I don’t know what I would do if someone tried to take Henny away from me. Your mom is such a great mom, why is your dad doing this to her?”
“Because she really divorced him. He feels like he lost so he’s trying to hurt her any way that he can.” Jaehyun shook his head. “Enough about me though, what y’all got going on?”
“Brianne invited me to her graduation.” Taeil stated plainly. “I haven’t talked to her since graduation. I don’t understand why she would even want me there.”
Johnny patted his shoulder. “Maybe she’s trying to make things right. She invited us all and like I told Ivy, we should go.”
Jaehyun nodded. “I told Sasha the same thing. Regardless of the bullshit that has happened they were once really important in eachother’s lives. Maybe she needs them. You never know.”
Taeil took a deep breath. “Well send my congratulations to her.”
Johnny raised an eyebrow. “You’re not going?”
“No. I think our chapter has been closed for a long time and that’s how I need it to stay.”
“Dude, don’t be like that.” Jaehyun spoke. “She obviously wants all of us there. If you don’t go imagine how she will feel!”
Taeil chuckled. “The way I felt when she dumped me? Yeah I’m cool off of her.”
“She cut all of us off, man. Not just you and we’re still going.” Johnny pleaded.
Jaehyun stayed quiet. He cleared his throat. Guilt rising up his throat.
Johnny noticed his expression. “Let me guess she didn’t cut you off?”
Jae sighed. “I mean she did but not completely. I wouldn’t let her. I wrote her from time to time just to check in on her. Sasha doesn’t know any of this so let’s not mention it ever again!”
“Why would you keep that from her?” Taeil asked.
“Because I didn’t want her being mad or thinking more of it than what it was. I left Brianne stranded a long time ago and I promised her that I would be a better friend this time around and I’m not breaking that promise for anyone. Sasha is who I’m in love with but Bri is important too.”
Johnny simply nodded without saying a word.
Sasha and Jaehyun met up with Johnny, Ivy and Hendrix at the airport.
Sasha ran to Ivy as if she hadn’t just seen her the night before and hugged her tight. “I missed you, sister!” She exclaimed.
Ivy giggled.
They were inseparable but with Ivy having a baby sometimes there wasn’t enough time in the day. She sometimes wished Sasha lived with them so at least when Johnny wasn’t around she’d have help with Henny.
Sasha picked Hendrix up and placed him on her hip. “Hey baby!” She kissed his forehead.
“Hey baby!” He repeated verbatim. He was in that stage where he repeated everything.
Sasha giggled. “You make tete Sasha wanna have a baby but then I remember that I like my freedom.”
The little boy simply laid his head on her shoulder as if he knew she was lying through her teeth.
She wanted a family with Jaehyun so bad but she knew that wouldn’t be happening any time soon, if ever at that.
Jaehyun’s face was pretty stern as if something may be wrong with him but he never spoke a word.
Ivy noticed and she wondered were her favorite couple having problems. “Jae, we haven’t had a one on one in a really long time. We should catch up soon!” She rubbed his upper arm.
He smiled. His deep dimples appearing. “We do need a bestie date soon!” He pulled her into a side hug.
He grabbed Henny from Sasha and ran off with him to a candy store that was located in the airport.
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Johnny chased after them. “No candy man!” He yelled after them.
“You have to catch us first!” Jae yelled back with Henny giggling.
Sasha and Ivy looked at one another and shook their heads.
“Such kids!” Sasha spoke with laughter.
Ivy nodded. “For sure. So how do you like living with Mrs. Jung?”
Sasha shrugged. “It’s cool. It keeps me company I guess since Jae is always working and he stays at their dorm sometimes.”
“Sometimes I wish you lived with me.” Ivy spoke sadly.
Sasha giggled and pushed her a little. “Why would you wish that? You have Johnny!”
“I mean I know I have Johnny and I love my Johnny bear so much but he’s always working and I be bored and sometimes I need help-“ she cut it off as she noticed the guys walking back.
Sasha wondered why she cut the conversation short. “Are you okay?”
She nodded quietly. “Yeah I’m just in my head I guess.”
“I’m a little nervous about this graduation.” Sasha admitted.
Jaehyun laid his arm over her shoulders and brought her in close into his side. “Don’t be. It’s all love.”
Sasha looked up at him with nervous eyes. They didn’t know what was waiting for them at this graduation. She could be gathering them all together to give them a piece of her mind for al they knew.
He kissed her lips softly. “Stop it. Everything will be fine.”
Johnny smiled at their interaction. “Sure wish Taeil had’ve come.”
“Maybe he just couldn’t look backwards anymore. He just really got to a point where he wasn’t checking for her anymore.” Ivy revealed.
Jaehyun raised a brow. “What’s that mean?”
“It means she has toddler brain, so don’t mind her.” Johnny quickly changed the topic.
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Taeil and Haechan shared a room.
Haechan was on the video game with his headphones on.
Taeil simply laid on his bed deep in thought. He battled with himself whether to go or not. What was the point though?
Everything had changed for them that night after prom. She showed him her real colors. She proved that she didn’t trust him with her heart and he couldn’t understand why. He had played by the rule book. He had treated her like a princess. He cared about her more than he cared about himself and she literally took all the energy he had given to her and shitted on it. His heart was still a bit broken. He felt pathetic because it had been four fucking years and he was still slightly stuck on her when she evidently had moved on.
He had even started to send her a simple text a few times but never worked up the courage to ever send them. Life had a funny way of teaching you lessons. The only lesson he had learned was to not give his heart away too carelessly. At this rate of his healing he wouldn’t be giving it away at all.
“Taeil-hyung!?” Haechan called for the fifth time.
Taeil hadn’t heard him because he was in a daze.
Haechan shook him. “Hyung what’s wrong?”
Taeil sighed. “Nothing Haechan.”
Haechan rubbed his arm soothingly. “I know you and I know you hurt right now.” His bad English stuck out like a sore thumb but at least he was trying.
“I’m not hurting.” Taeil lied.
Haechan knew he was lying to him. It was written all over his face. “If you need me I’m here. I love you hyung.” He went back to his computer and started back playing his game.
Taeil stared at the ceiling. Sometimes he felt like a dad when Haechan was around because he was always so needy but in this moment he was actually trying to be helpful and he had completely shut him out. Now he felt even more terrible but he just didn’t want to speak these thoughts out loud.
-stay tuned
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queenslasharchive · 5 years
Fathoms Below
Features: Anderson’s Little Mermaid and Jolly Sailor Bold by Disney
Merry Christmas!!! @matcha-maru 
“Upon one summer’s morning, 
I carefully did stray
Down by the Walls of Wapping,
Where I met a sailor gay.
Conversing with a young lass
Who seemed to be in pain,
Saying, William, when you go
I fear you’ll ne'er return again.”
Brian woke up, when he felt a small hand tug sharply at the end of his curled ponytail. 
It was his one vanity, sea-foam green in color and always intricately braided back with ribbons and sea-glass or fragile shells, anything pretty and decorative that the strands could hold. Currently it was tossed over one shoulder, long and thick as a fist. 
And the next time that little hand reached for his braid, he caught it deftly without a second thought, thanks to the inborn reflexes of an apex predator, quickly recognizing the rough callouses from holding a drumstick on the pads of the fingers. Along with the gnarled little scar on the thumb web, a memento from a bad run in with some fishing-line when they were children. 
“Angel, why the hair? Why must you always go for the hair?”
He didn’t even need to look over, or even open his eyes, to see his lover pouting in bed beside him, their love-nest illuminated by the foggy window, torrential rain was falling outside, the smell of Roger and rainstorm was heavenly, better than any of the scented candles Freddie would drag in and light up in the flat. 
For the ambience, darling!
The delicate hand he still held by the wrist, twisted into a familiar vulgar gesture. 
“Yes, Roger. I love you too,” He yawned, showing all his teeth, naturally asserting dominance over the boy he’d loved for just about all of his life. 
“Brimi, you’ve been sleeping forever.” Ah, yes, the bitching to remind him that his lover was eternally five years old.
He grunted an affirmative, he had been sleeping forever.
Roger could have said a million other things and Brian would have happily agreed for five seconds more peace. The only thing that spurned his wakefulness was the heavy weight that Roger laid on his chest. A wrapped parcel. 
He blinked open his mismatched eyes to see the blonde looking at him with the most impish smile, biting at the corners of his mouth in excitement. “Happy Anniversary, Ariel.”
Inside was a book, but not just any book. 
It was a beautiful copy of Anderson’s fairytales, the kind with a fat embossed cover and words that seemed to come off of the page, pictures etched by hand, from old ink-wells and feather quills. 
“Rog, its beautiful.” He gasped, it practically took his breath away. He didn’t even mind the silly nickname. “Would you like me to read you something?”
The devilish blonde nodded into the guitarist’s narrow pigeon chest, like that was what he’d wanted all along, his ear resting just over Brian’s heart, lulled by the sound of the beat as his current pillow was so often lulled by the lapping waves of the sea.
Sometimes Brian wondered how it was possible to love someone so much. To be happy to watch your heart live outside of your body. To be resigned to the fact that you would never, ever be enough for them. That you would never ever deserve them. 
“Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it: many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above. There dwell the Sea King and his subjects…" 
Rog snored a little in his sleep, snorting like a piglet, and Brian couldn’t keep the fond smile off of his face. 
‘“When you have reached your fifteenth year,” said the grandmother, “you will have permission to rise up out of the sea, to sit on the rocks in the moonlight, while the great ships are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.”’
Bri slowly slipped his own thick red bracelet off his wrist, a small clunky chain, with one hand and squeezed it tightly until it was a thick red blanket, one that he tucked securely around the both of them. His cohuleen druith. His soul. The mark of a Merrow. One who would always belong to the sea. 
“At last she reached her fifteenth year. “Well, now, you are grown up,” said the old dowager, her grandmother; “so you must let me adorn you like your other sisters;” and she placed a wreath of white lilies in her hair, and every flower leaf was half a pearl. Then the old lady ordered eight great oysters to attach themselves to the tail of the princess to show her high rank.
“But they hurt me so,” said the little mermaid.
“Pride must suffer pain,” replied the old lady.“ 
Then as if he’d thought better of the change, the blanket melted away, until it became a sold tiny ring that nearly fell into the crevice between them.
Its base was a twisted circulatory system, redder than the most glittering garnet, deeper than the most ravishing ruby, all of the tendrils curling in towards the center, where an enormous creamy white pearl rested.
Pearls that size were only found in the deepest, darkest and most treacherous parts of the sea. No mortal bride would ever have a pearl that big. No one but his Roger, who deserved so much more than Brian could ever give him. 
He slipped it onto Roger’s hand as delicately as he could, kissing the blonde halo of hair that he had known for most of his creation. 
“Happy Anniversary, my prince.” My love. 
Freddie asked how they’d met once, as he and Deaky had sat huddled on the couch.
Brian and Roger had been wrapped around each other as always, lying on the floor in a heap, practically nose to nose. Simply existing in each other’s presence as they were wont to do. 
“You know what I’ve always wondered? How did you two meet, darlings? Was it love at first sight? Lust?”
Instead of rolling his robin-egg eyes, Roger had flashed that same wicked gremlin grin of his. 
“At the beach when we were kids. So I’m not sure I wanted into his trousers quite yet.” His voice turned wistful as his tongue peeked out of the corner of his round lips. “Although it certainly didn’t take very long.”
All joking aside, Roger had only been five years old then, running rampant in Truro, the tiny little fishing port that it was. Small, homely. 
He had known his way around the stones and rocky shoals of the local beaches like the back of his hand, even back then. And so was often left to play there alone. 
The feckless child had wandered too close one day however, just after a storm, a frightening squall, when the beach was fraught with debris and danger, the shoreline was slick and the waters dark and murky.
Hiding the remnants of ships smashed to bits, and he likely would’ve died on the jagged rocks that peppered the wide-open breaks, if a long webbed hand hadn’t stopped him in his descent.
The hand had belonged to an older boy sitting up on the aforementioned rocks, who had managed to snag the back of the untucked and oversized school uniform shirt that Roger wore, with his predatory reflexes.
Having done so, only seconds before the blonde would’ve met an untimely end in the watery depths below. 
Fathoms below.
Roger had whimpered softly at the sensation of it all, sniffling more so out of shock than fear, as the youth gently placed him into a little dip, an alcove on the rock’s side. 
“That wasn’t very smart.” Brian had sighed, clucking over the bright red blood that welled up from a small gash on the young drummer’s knee.
Running on the slopes like a little fool. 
Rather lacklusterly, he’d mopped at it with the corner of the bright and violently red hoodie he wore.
But Roger had paid no mind at all to his battle wound and was far more interested in gawking at his odd-looking savior. 
Brian, long before he had introduced himself as being so, long before his name even was so, with his long wet hair that hung in tangles around his round face and trailed far down his back, green of all things, was certainly a sight for sore eyes. 
His hair was green like the seaweed that stunk in the hot summer’s sun and washed up in clots on the sand.
His pale hands were webbed between the first-knuckle, as were the toes on his flat feet, and his shining eyes were strange.
Two completely different colors, one was the beautiful blue-green color of splashing sea-foam, of playful days spent in the surf, the other was so dark blue-violet that it was like the sea during a tempest, fierce and frightening, a warning to all who dared come close.
Rog had cried out then, not at Brian’s odd appearance, but because the salty water pressed into his aching knee stung like St. Elmo’s Fire.
He flinched away from the tsking youth, who hummed a soft apology. “It’s a natural disinfectant. But you’ll want your Mum to take a better look when you get home.” 
Roger’s Mum had always been a special kind of woman. (It was she who would adopt Brian as her own, when he finally came from the water and chased her cruel husband away). 
An inquisitive girl even as a grown woman, full of freckles playing peekaboo on her exposed shoulders and impossibly red tresses that curled up and around her like the embers of a dying flame. 
As a child she’d so eagerly swam with the seals that basked on the shoals of the beaches, near her sleepy little village home.
And would often nap on the sunbaked windswept hills near the cliffs, once the day’s play was done. 
As a little girl she’d believed in the old stories and songs that permeated everyday life there, like an invisible presence, a gentle fleeting touch of old.
At night, she listened for the banshee’s wailing cries, and tried to catch a glimpse of a dullahan on his glossy black steed. She could recite the tales of Lir’s Swan Children and the Tuatha Dé Danann who made their home in Tír na nÓg, the land without time. 
But above all else, Rachel, whose Gaelic name was Muirín ‘born of the sea’, was a child of the surf and sky. 
It was her second home and her father often joked, fluffing her red curls with his calloused hands of fishhook and twine, that she would marry a Selkie and have half-seal babies one day. 
He was wrong. 
The man she married was a cruel cold man of the earth, who treated her like silt beneath his boots and little more than a dirty maid.
Yet she bore him one son, born with his sandy locks and her face.
She would run into the crashing crystal blue surf with her baby boy perched on one hip and he would shriek and cling to her curls with joy. And eventually with the years, he grew to be big enough that they could run in and jump out together.
The man she married slowly stole the life from her body, the song in her soul. 
Eventually she simply collapsed on the beach outside their cottage in the middle of the night, crying desperately, desolately into the sand.
Screaming for something, someone, begging.
The pockets of her dress were loaded down with cowrie shells and other heavy island debris, her long red curls rocked with the waves of the ocean that swallowed her up. Swirling, twirling russet-red. 
But she didn’t drown. Her son was not left without a mother. 
She woke up with a mouthful of sand and a pair of vivid mismatched eyes just inches away from her own. 
He stayed.
So she was unafraid of leaving her child unattended in the surf.
Muirín Taylor was a woman who grew up with the spirits of Ireland dwelling safely in her heart.
She was unfairly hurt and wronged by a life that she shouldn’t have lived in the first place. The poor girl eventually gave up and forgot the old ways of her once vibrant world, but they never forgot her.
When she cried, the ocean listened. 
When her son cried, the ocean listened. 
Brian sat on his rocky perch and waited, listening. 
Then the little drummer boy noticed that the red hoodie was all that the older boy wore. 
“Where are your clothes?!" 
Brian had simply shrugged, tossing back his hair and batting those unforgettable eyes. 
“I don’t need any underneath the water.” 
Roger still hadn’t picked up on the strangeness of it all. It would be years still, before he saw the bloody red tail that could cut through the surf like butter, the scales far sharper than daggers that glittered in the moonlight, the predatory teeth and slitted eyes, made for tracing the movement of appetizing prey. The true apex predators of the deep. 
"You live in the water?" 
Brian had nodded. 
"On a boat?" 
The mismatched eyes creased slightly when he frowned, and then he’d just shaken his head to the contrary. 
"No, not on a boat.” An obliging smile graced his wind-chapped lips as he finished the makeshift bandage. “You should be heading home though, this place is not safe for your kind, especially not for one so young." 
It was far more than the suggestion that his soft tone alluded to, it was a warning. 
Now Roger may have only been a child then, but he was a child who knew the sound of angry voices and the touch of violent hands.
Perhaps even better than the gentle and soothing ones that he had always craved. His father was not a patient man, and he felt even less inclined to give favor to a son who had still shown no promise at anything of value. 
Roger had been beaten senseless many times, and for an instant, he feared that the boy on the rocks with his too-sharp teeth and strange eyes may do the same. 
As if Brian had been the same sort of monster that Roger had come to fear.
Then, just as he was standing once more, hunger pangs hit him sharply and his stomach let out a growl that just wouldn’t be stifled.
He was mortified, sick, by the loud sound and flinched away, wrapping his hands tightly around his concave middle and waiting for the angry hands and yells that would often follow such rudeness.
But none came. 
Only the gentle concerned eyes of the boy Brian was, who seemed to realize the true extent of the younger child’s plight before him, within the same breath. 
Webbed pale hands helped Roger to sit down once more. 
"Sit. Stay." 
Twin orders, that would most assuredly be followed, before Brian stood upright, balanced in a single graceful motion and dove into the frothing waters below.
Roger thought he saw a hint of something red and shiny, perhaps even a fin, but it soon left his field of vision before he could see properly.
When the older boy returned it was with four fat fish being tossed up onto the rock-face, before he climbed there as well. Green hair flying haphazard with the wind and his red hoodie sticking to his skin as if loathe to leave it. 
Three of the still-quivering fish were pushed towards Roger, while one was seized by Brian himself and a mouthful of flesh torn away, revealing shock-white bone and dripping entrails. 
He swallowed the chunk whole and even licked his lips before foisting the messy carcass into Roger’s hesitant little hands, as if expecting the child to do the same.
Abject horror was plain as day on the little one’s face. 
"Oh.” It seemed to dawn on the older boy then as well. “You cook fish." 
The blonde child nodded vehemently, and was quick to hand the masticated fish back with a grimace. 
Brian reclaimed it with another little laugh, devouring the rest with a terrifying speed and ferocity that almost brought back Roger’s original fear, or would have, if it hadn’t been belied by the funny faces the green-haired beanpole kept making to assuage them. 
He then softly instructed the younger boy on how to hold the three fish all at once, to transport them safely back to his family.
Roger and Rachel would eat well for one night at least. 
The odd youth guided the tiny boy away from the broken rocks and back onto the dry land.
And surely would’ve left right then, but Roger, as if expecting such an escape, had hastily seized a small webbed hand within two of his own. 
“What’s your name?" 
Brian had paused for a moment, before almost sighing the word, ”Muirgeilt.“ Sea-wanderer. 
"That’s a pretty name… But I can’t really say it properly. Do you have another one? I’m Roger Meddows Taylor.” So proud of it. Like he'd practiced saying it aloud with conviction. 
A small sad smile graced the elder’s lips. 
"It is very nice to meet you, Roger. You can call me whatever you’d like.”
”…If I come back tomorrow, with a name, will you be here?“ Pleading eyes.
Brian turned his head slightly, angled towards the ocean as if called by some silent siren song. One hand touching the place where Roger’s blood had seeped into his red hoodie. 
"Yes, I will be."  Forever it seems. 
And he was. 
“Yeah.” Brian smiled, years upon years later, slowly eskimo-kissing the love of his life, who still rested in his arms. What a wonderful thing, to be able to hold one’s whole world. 
“At the beach when we were kids.”
“My sailor is as smiling
As the pleasant month of May
And often we have wandered
Through Ratcliffe Highway…
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold.”
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